#and somehow it turned out a little bit better
pin-k-ink · 2 days
kind of a weird request but can you write something about kageyama having a nursing kink ? kinda like an oral fixation but not really.
like, him having the need to just have his mouth on the reader’s boob in a non sexual way, you know ??
feel free to ignore this if it’s too weird 😭🙏
quintessence // kageyama tobio
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tw ⇢ clingy and needy!kageyama, mentions of anxiety, it’s fucking fluffy, biting/marking, non sexual intimacy, nursing kink, implied lactation but it’s not explicitly stated
wc ⇢ 2k
a/n: i hope i did it right 💀
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You stirred awake to the now-familiar sensation of Kageyama nuzzling into your cleavage, his strong arms banded around your waist as he pulled you flush against his muscular frame. Blinking blearily, you glanced at the clock. 3:14 AM. Right on schedule.
Over the past week, your boyfriend had developed a new nighttime ritual - one that involved using your breasts as his own personal pillows. He refused to settle down to sleep unless his face was firmly planted in your chest, nose nestled snugly between the soft mounds.
Not that you were complaining. There was something undeniably cute about the way he sought comfort in your embrace, his usually stern features relaxing ever so slightly as he burrowed into your warmth.
But even as Kageyama's breath fanned across your skin in deep, even puffs, you couldn't help but notice the furrow between his brows, the downward pull of his lips. He looked like a petulant child who'd been denied his favorite toy, even as he motorboated your chest in his sleep.
Stifling a fond snort, you gently combed your fingers through his dark hair, nails lightly scratching at his scalp in the way you knew he secretly loved.
"What's going on in that head of yours, Tobio?" you murmured softly. "You've been extra grumpy lately, even with the deluxe boob pillow treatment."
Kageyama grumbled something unintelligible into your cleavage, his arms tightening fractionally around your waist. Tilting his head, he shot you a bleary-eyed scowl.
"'M not grumpy," he mumbled petulantly. As if to illustrate his point, he promptly shoved his face back into your chest, rubbing his cheek against the soft swell of your breast in a move that was somehow both adorable and bratty.
You bit back a smile, knowing better than to push the issue when he got like this. Kageyama had never been one for talking about his feelings - getting him to open up was like trying to pry open a particularly stubborn clam.
"Alright, Mr. Not Grumpy," you teased lightly. "But you know you can always talk to me if something's bothering you, right? I'm here for you, no matter what."
Kageyama's only response was a muffled "Mmpf" as he burrowed impossibly deeper into your cleavage. Within moments, his breathing had evened out once more, the tension slowly leaching from his muscles as sleep reclaimed him.
You sighed softly, continuing your gentle ministrations through his hair as you let your own eyes drift shut. Kageyama might be a prickly, emotionally constipated handful at times, but he was your handful. And if motorboating your tits was what he needed to navigate whatever was bothering him, well...
There were certainly worse ways to spend your nights.
With that thought, you let yourself slip back into slumber, content to be your grumpy boyfriend's oversized teddy bear for the foreseeable future. He'd talk to you when he was ready.
Over the next few nights, Kageyama's restlessness seemed to intensify. He tossed and turned in his sleep, his brow furrowed and jaw clenched even as he clung to you like a lifeline. And his nightly nuzzling sessions were becoming increasingly...aggressive.
It started with little nips along the swell of your breasts - barely-there grazes of teeth that could almost be mistaken for accidental. But then you'd woken one morning to find a smattering of faint red marks blooming across your chest, telltale evidence of Kageyama's midnight mouthing.
At first, you'd written it off as an unconscious quirk, a manifestation of whatever stress was plaguing him. But as the love bites grew darker and more frequent, you couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to his fixation.
"Tobio," you murmured one night, hissing softly as he latched onto a particularly sensitive spot just above your left nipple. "Easy, baby. That's gonna leave a mark."
Kageyama merely grunted, his arms tightening possessively around your waist as he continued his ministrations. A muffled groan rumbled through his chest as he suckled at your skin, teeth scraping against the tender flesh.
"Hey," you tried again, gently tugging at his hair to get his attention. "Not that I'm not enjoying the enthusiasm, but what's gotten into you lately? You've been extra...bitey."
Kageyama stilled, his face still buried in your cleavage. For a moment, you thought he might have fallen back to sleep. But then he sighed, his breath hot against your dampened skin.
"I just..." he mumbled, his voice muffled and slightly hesitant. "I need...I can't..."
He trailed off, his brow furrowing as he struggled to find the words. You waited patiently, one hand absently stroking his hair while the other rubbed soothing circles between his shoulder blades.
"I don't know," Kageyama finally bit out, frustration evident in his tone. "I just...need you. Need this." As if to punctuate his point, he nuzzled deeper into your chest, his nose nudging the underside of your breast.
Your heart clenched at the vulnerability in his voice, the uncharacteristic openness. It wasn't like Kageyama to admit to needing anyone or anything. For him to confess his desire for closeness, for comfort...it spoke volumes.
"Oh, Tobio," you murmured, pressing a tender kiss to his hair. "I'm right here, baby. I'm not going anywhere."
You felt him shudder against you, his arms tightening fractionally around your waist. "Promise?" he mumbled, the single word laced with a fragility that made your throat tighten.
"I promise," you whispered fiercely. "You've got me, Tobio. Always."
Kageyama made a noise of contentment, the tension slowly draining from his frame as he melted into your embrace. His face tucked back into your cleavage, nose nestled snugly between your breasts as he inhaled deeply.
You held him close, your heartbeat gradually syncing with his as you let the quiet of the night envelop you both. Maybe you didn't have all the answers yet, maybe Kageyama still had some emotional unpacking to do...
But for now, this was enough. You were enough. And you'd happily be his human stress ball for as long as he needed, bite marks and all.
Just as you were drifting off, you felt Kageyama press a soft, almost reverent kiss to the center of your chest - right above your heart.
"Love you," he mumbled sleepily, the words slightly slurred but unmistakable.
A smile tugged at your lips, your own heart swelling with affection for your adorably grumpy boyfriend.
"Love you too, Tobio," you whispered back. "Even when you're using my boobs as a teething ring."
A muffled snort was his only reply, but you could've sworn you felt him smile against your skin.
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You were pulled from a dreamless sleep by the sensation of Kageyama shifting restlessly beside you, his nose nudging insistently at the swell of your breast. Blinking blearily, you glanced down at him, taking in the pinched expression on his face even as he nuzzled deeper into your cleavage.
"Tobio?" you murmured, your voice rough with sleep. "What's wrong, baby?"
Kageyama stilled, his face still tucked firmly against your chest. For a long moment, he said nothing, the only sound in the room his slightly uneven breathing. Then, so quietly you almost missed it:
"Can I...can I suck on you?"
Your breath hitched, your sleep-addled brain struggling to process his request. "You...what?"
Kageyama made a small, frustrated noise, his arms tightening around your waist as he pulled back just enough to meet your gaze. Even in the darkness, you could make out the dusting of pink across his cheekbones, the bashful set of his mouth.
"I want to...your boobs," he mumbled, his eyes skittering away from yours as he spoke. "Can I..." He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Please?"
Oh. Oh.
Suddenly, everything clicked into place - the restlessness, the clinginess, the constant nuzzling and nipping at your breasts. Kageyama had been trying to communicate his needs the only way he knew how, through touch and subtle cues.
Your heart melted, a rush of tenderness and understanding washing over you. Reaching out, you cupped his cheek, gently guiding his gaze back to yours.
"Of course, Tobio," you murmured, your thumb stroking his cheekbone. "Whatever you need, baby."
Kageyama's eyes widened fractionally, a mix of relief and gratitude flashing across his face. Ducking his head, he pressed a chaste, almost reverent kiss to the center of your chest before slowly trailing his lips down to the swell of your breast.
With a shaky exhale, you arched into his touch, one hand coming up to cradle the back of his head as he mouthed at your nipple through the thin fabric of your sleep shirt. Kageyama groaned softly, his tongue laving over the sensitive bud as it pebbled beneath his ministrations.
Shifting slightly, you tugged your shirt up and over your head, tossing it aside carelessly. Kageyama made a small, needy noise at the reveal of your bare chest, his hands coming up to cup the soft mounds reverently.
"Go ahead, baby," you encouraged gently, guiding his head back to your breast. "I've got you."
With a shuddering sigh, Kageyama latched onto your nipple, his lips sealing around the sensitive peak as he began to suckle. His eyes fluttered shut, his brow smoothing and shoulders loosening as he lost himself in the soothing, rhythmic pulls.
You cradled him close, your fingers gently carding through his hair as he sucked. There was something profoundly intimate about the moment, a vulnerability and trust that went beyond mere physical pleasure. This was about comfort, connection, a primal need for closeness and reassurance.
As Kageyama continued to suckle, soft, contented sounds rumbling from his chest, you felt your own eyes grow heavy. The steady draw of his mouth, the weight of him in your arms...it was soothing in a way you couldn't quite describe.
From that night forward, nursing became a regular part of your bedtime routine. As soon as the lights went out, Kageyama would curl into you, his head finding its way to your chest like a moth drawn to a flame. He'd nuzzle and mouth at your breasts, his touches soft and reverent, until you guided him to your nipple with a murmured encouragement.
Each night, as he suckled, you'd feel the tension drain from his body, the furrow between his brows smoothing out as he lost himself in the soothing, rhythmic pulls. It was a moment of pure, uncomplicated comfort - a respite from the pressures and expectations of the outside world.
For Kageyama, nursing wasn't about sex or arousal. It was about connection, about grounding himself in the solid reassurance of your presence. It was a way to quiet the noise in his head, to ease the constant thrum of anxiety that came with being a competitive athlete.
And for you...it was a privilege, a sign of the unshakable trust and intimacy you shared. There was something profoundly moving about being able to provide that comfort, that safe space for your partner to simply be.
Of course, it wasn't always easy. There were nights when Kageyama was restless, when the stress of the day clung to him like a second skin. Nights when he'd suckle for hours, his brow pinched and jaw tight even as he clung to your breast like a lifeline.
But you never wavered, never pushed him away. You held him close, your fingers stroking his hair and your heartbeat steady beneath his ear.
Gradually, as the weeks passed, you began to notice a change in Kageyama. His smiles came a little easier, his shoulders sat a little lighter. He laughed more freely, the sound rich and warm in a way that made your heart flutter.
And when he looked at you...god, when he looked at you, it was like staring into the sun. His gaze held a softness, a depth of affection and gratitude that stole your breath and ignited your soul.
You knew that nursing wasn't a magic fix, that Kageyama still had plenty of battles to fight and demons to face. But now...now he had an anchor, a touchstone to come home to at the end of each day.
And that? That made all the difference.
So every night, when Kageyama curled into you, his breath hot against your chest and his lips seeking out your nipple...you simply held him close and let him take what he needed.
Because in the end, that's what love was all about. Giving, receiving, and finding solace in the spaces between.
Even if those spaces happened to be in your cleavage.
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 days
What if?
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Genre: fluff
Word count: 3,229 words
Featuring: matt rempe x female reader
Warnings: drunk guy being an asshole at the bar, aggressive/protective Matt
Note: okay, this is the first thing I’ve written in years, please be kind 😅 I just got a thing for this man now idk…feel free to send in some requests or let me know if you want more to this story? Not sure if it will be a one off or a little series
“Okay, how do I look?” You walk down the hall of your apartment, stopping to pose for Matt so he can give you his stamp of approval. He eyes you up and down, as if he is going to deliver some harsh critique. Your outfit is nothing crazy; jeans, a gray long sleeved bodysuit, black heeled boots, and a small cross body bag. With the New York City weather still chilly out, you figured it would keep you warm along with the alcohol you’d be consuming.
“Beautiful as always. But let’s try and keep the collecting of guys' phone numbers to a minimum tonight huh?” You laughed as you playfully smacked Matt’s arm. Making your way to the fridge to grab your High Noon you’d started sipping on before getting dressed. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous Matthew Rempe.” He shot you a cocky smirk as he leaned on the kitchen island next to you. “Me? Jealous? Never. Because I’m the one in your apartment and not them.” You rolled your eyes as you swallowed down the last bit of seltzer before unplugging your phone from the charger nearby. “Okay Mr. Chauffeur, let’s hit the road.”
You loved having Matt in NYC playing with the Rangers. The two of you had been best friends since you were teenagers, though you’d lost touch a bit once you moved to New York. Matt’s stint in Hartford allowed the chance to slowly reconnect, but having him now with the Rangers was even better. The two of you often spent nights at each other's apartments, going out to dinner, and of course you attended every home game you could to see Matt play.
You’d always had a soft spot for Matt. Sure he was a bit intimidating being practically 7 feet tall, his knuckles cut up or bruised half the time, and a black eye never seeming to catch you off guard anymore. But you’d gotten close enough to see the side of him most people don’t experience. Though you never imagined your relationship being anything more than what it was. Friends, and nothing more than that. But you couldn’t deny the way you had paid attention to how he’d grown into a man. He had outgrown his awkward phase, and you now looked at him and saw him as handsome, not cute or adorable like he was when you were growing up.
You constantly find yourself thinking, what if you weren’t just imagining things? When he spends the night and walks into your room wearing just a towel after a shower. The way he hugs you and lingers longer than just a friend would. The way he takes care of you when you’re drunk. Or nights like tonight, where he’s willing to stay up late to be your designated driver when he’s got an early morning skate and a big game tomorrow night.
Just one day, one day you’d love to kiss him and see what happens. Or flirt a little extra and see if he takes the bait. But you also don’t want to lose your best friend in the process, or be turned down and embarrassed for thinking he’d ever feel that way about you.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Matt asks as he puts a hand on the back of your seat as he looks over his shoulder, backing out of his parking space. It’s such a cliche action, but boy does he look good doing it, and your heart certainly skipped a beat.
“The typical routine. Start at Tucker’s. Then move on to 1989. Then finish-“ “At Coop’s?” Matt smirked as he looked out at the road. One hand on the wheel with the other resting on his thigh. He was literally in jeans and a hoodie yet somehow he looked just as good as he does in a suit on game day. “Either that means I go out too much, or you’re finally starting to pay attention when I tell you things.” “Definitely not paying attention, it’s you going out too much.” He laughed as you playfully punched his arm, pulling out your phone to text your friends that you were a few minutes away.
“So Cooper’s closes at 2:30, but I honestly don’t think I’ll last that long. Especially because someone has a big game tomorrow! And I wanna be well rested. So let’s plan for like 12:30/1? Is that okay?” You looked at Matt a bit apologetic, knowing he’d have to be up early for morning skate. But he was always adamant about driving you, no matter what time it was.
“Of course, you know I’ll be here no matter the time. I’ll plan to be at Coop’s around 12:45. I’ll come in to get you too, it’s gonna be cold and dark out. I don’t want you walking to find me.” You put a hand to his cheek as you make a joking pouty expression. “Aww, such a gentleman Matty.” He smiled at your touch, almost leaning into your hand as he looked back at you, “Anything for you. Now go on, I know the girls are waiting. Text me if you need anything, and I mean anything y/n. I’m not that far of a drive.” You let out a sigh as you undid your seatbelt, “Honestly Matt, nothing to worry about, I’ll be fine.” You blew him an air kiss as you exited the car, heading into the first bar of the night. Matt sat and watched you show your ID to the man at the door, waiting until he saw you get inside safely to drive away.
As promised, Matt arrived at Cooper's around 12:45. He was thankful that you and your friends chose to end your nights at a bar that wasn’t too crazy, but also not too crowded that he might be recognized. Just to be safe he threw on a hat to shield his face as much as he could, though the bar was so dark he doubted anyone would be able to make out his face in the crowd.
He handed his ID to the bouncer before making his way inside. He texted you a simple “I’m here”, you would know his typical meeting place and where to go. You were in the restroom when Matt texted, quickly replying “bathroom, be right out” before you sighed as you stared blankly at the wall. The line in the girls restroom always 100 times longer than it was for the guys.
Matt didn’t mind waiting, he checked some scores on his phone. Assuming that the line was long since girls love to use the buddy system when going to the bathroom. He scanned the crowd and enjoyed people watching, nodding his head and smiling softly as your friends gave him a wave from across the bar. He checked the time again, before glancing over towards the hallway to find you pushing past a crowd of girls to exit the restrooms. He chuckled to himself as he saw the frustration on your face, knowing you probably waited 20 minutes just to pee. He started to walk towards you but fell back as he noticed a guy stop you in your tracks.
“Can I help you?” You looked at the man a bit confused, you’d recognized him from the crowd of people, but hadn’t interacted with him much. He was out with a group of guys for someone’s birthday. You only knew that because they mentioned it to you and your friends at least 30 times. Definitely trying to help the birthday boy get laid. “I noticed you’d left your friends, I thought maybe my shot at getting to buy you a drink was gone.” You chuckled to yourself, why does this have to happen in front of Matthew?
“Oh, yeah, I’m actually on my way out. So, maybe another time. Sorry.” You try to excuse yourself but he moves with you, cutting you off. “Oh come on, one more drink isn’t gonna hurt anyone. Or if you want we could go somewhere else, just the two of us and get a drink.” He had a cocky grin on his face as you looked at him in disgust. He was clearly drunk, and wasn’t keen on taking no for an answer. You looked at Matt standing just a few feet away, a concerned look on his face as he wasn’t sure what was going on.
“Look, I’m not interested, okay?” He scoffed as he seemed to be a bit insulted by your comment. “Not interested, you and your friends were dancing right up against our group all night. I saw the way you were eyeing all of us guys, I’d say you were interested sweet heart.” You gagged at the smell of alcohol on his breath as he got closer to you. “Yeah news flash buddy, it’s a small fucking bar. My option was dancing right next to people or on the bar.”
As you tried walking past him to get to Matt, you felt a tight grip on your wrist pull you back, “That sounds hot, can you put on a show just for me?” His hands attempted to grab more than just your wrists but before you could react Matt was already stepping in, pulling the guy away from you and pinning him to the wall by the collar of his shirt. “Don’t you dare fucking touch her like that.”
You were a bit taken aback at the way Matt stepped in. Sure he’d protected you from dumb drunk guys before, but never like this. His jaw clenched as his grip tightened on the collar of the man’s shirt. “And what the fuck are you gonna do about it huh? What are you her little brother or something? Ain’t no way you’re banging a bitch like that.” Matt’s grip tightened on his collar as he pushed him harder into the wall, “what did you just call her?!” His voice louder, drawing a bit of attention, thankfully none yet from the bouncer.
“A bitch, and what are you gonna do about it?” The drunk dumbass laughed in Matt’s face and you knew this wouldn’t end well.
Before you could step in, Matt’s fist connected with the guy's jaw, causing him to stumble to the floor. Before pulling himself together and running off to the restroom.
Matt shook his hand as he winced, immediately realizing he fucked up but his anger got the best of him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” You grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the door. Thank god no one seemed to really notice the altercation that just took place.
The walk to the car was quiet as Matt was still fuming, you simply climbed into the passenger in silence. He gripped the steering wheel tight with his good hand as he peeled out of the parking lot. You sat next to him, studying his face to see when it might be a good time to say something. Blue and purple started to appear across the knuckles on the hand that threw the punch as he let out a large sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
You let out a soft laugh as you rested a hand on his thigh, softly holding his bruised hand, careful not to hurt him. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong? You stepped in as I would’ve hoped you would the second that guy put his hands on me. Don’t be sorry for that!” He seemed to relax at your touch, so you kept your hand on his, slowly brushing your thumb over his skin to attempt to calm him down.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, the two of you heading back to Matt’s apartment since he had to be up early for practice. You kept your eyes on him, studying the look on his face, wishing you were in his head to know what the heck he was thinking. He took your hand in his as you two walked through the quiet parking garage, then headed up the elevator.
You knew your way around his place, first going to his room to grab an oversized t-shirt to throw on before heading to the bathroom to take off your makeup. Matt was sweet enough to go out and buy you your own toiletries to keep at his place. Including your makeup remover and even your 4 step skincare routine.
Matt came to join you in the bathroom as you brushed your teeth. He smiled at the sight of you as he leaned against the wall: your hair in a messy bun, his oversized Seattle Thunderbirds t shirt covering you up enough while still giving him a good view of your legs. “What?” You chuckled as you tried not to choke on the tooth paste threatening to fall from your lips. He just shook his head, “Just glad nothing bad happened to you tonight. I’m glad I was there.” He took your hand, his fingers fiddling with yours, “I just kept thinking what if i wasn’t there, I couldn’t handle it if anything would’ve happened.”
You looked at him in the mirror, relief and exhaustion covered his face. “I’m really glad you were there too, but I really hope we don’t end up with a possible scandal on our hands.” You started laughing as you exited the bathroom, Matthew following suit. “New York Rangers rookie Matthew Rempe gets in a bar fight over a girl.” You spoke in a sarcastic newscaster voice as you made your way to the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas to tend to Matt’s fist bearing the proof of his heroic actions at the bar.
Matt chuckled along with you before wincing at the feeling of the cold bag on his hand, “If it happens, so be it, I was ready to knock that son of a bitch out after what he said to you.” You shot him a glare, “Matthew Rempe. Absolutely not, I am not worth you getting in trouble with the team because of a dumb bar fight.” He walked over to you, now the one shooting you a glare. His arms rested on either side of your waist as he gripped the edge of the counter. “Y/n, yes you fucking are.” You shot him a look as he swiftly picked you up and sat you on the island in front of him. A cocky grin coming across his face at how caught off guard you were, gripping his biceps tight as his hands now moved to rest on your thighs. “I’d fight 20 guys at the bar if they put their hands on you and said shit like that guy tonight.” His tone now more serious, his smirk fading as you two stared at one another for what seemed like an hour. The voice in your head screaming at you, this is your what if moment. Take it or leave it, but it may never come again. What if he’s trying to confess his feelings, what if he’s trying to make a move but he’s too scared. What if you just beat him to the punch. What if-
Before your brain could even rationalize a thought or an action, you felt Matt’s lips crash into yours. His hands cupping your face as yours snaked up his neck to grab a handful of his hair. The kiss like fireworks and a weight being lifted off your shoulders all at once. He began to smile into the kiss, before pulling away with a slight laugh.
“Oh yeah, that’s exactly what every girl wants. The guys she’s been dreaming of kissing to pull away laughing!” You rolled your eyes and frowned at him as a look of shock washed over his face. “Been dreaming of kissing huh??? I knew it!” You immediately turned red, covering your face with your hands, though Matt found it extremely cute.
His hands gripping your thighs before lifting you off the counter, “It’s okay, i get it. I’m sure there’s lots of girls out there who dream of kissing me.” “Matt! Shut up!” You laughed as he carried you down the hall into his room, tossing you on the bed while he finally changed out of his jeans and sweatshirt. “Hey, listen…if you’re interested, maybe we could work something out so that you can be the only girl who gets to kiss me from now on. How does that sound?”
You barely heard him, too busy staring as he stood in just his underwear in front of you. Your eyes tracing every detail of him before his laugh interrupted your thoughts. “Damn, one kiss and all of sudden you’re just head over heels huh?” You pull a pillow over your face out of embarrassment as you feel the bed sink beneath his weight. Matthew now hovering above you as he pulls the pillow away from your face.
He brushed some hair from your face as your fingers play with his chain hanging from his neck, “you really want to kiss me and only me from now on?” You blushed as he shook his head laughing at you, “of course you goof! That’s all I’ve wanted for like the last 5 years, probably even longer!” You felt yourself trying to fight a smile, though you were sure your cheeks were bright red, letting Matt know you liked his response.
He laid next to you as you continued to play with his chain, now resting on his chest. His thumb tracing circles on your thigh as you smiled like a dork to yourself, your heart bursting with excitement that all your what ifs had come true.
“So if I agree to this-“ you say up, trying to pull a serious face as you looked down at him. His hands still glued to your thighs, as if he couldn’t get enough of touching you now. “Do I get a cute custom Rempe jean jacket or something to wear to your games? Like I wanna be decked out and I want people to know that I'm the only girl you’re kissing from now on.” Matt rolled his eyes and laughed at your change of tone, as you babbled on and on about your ‘conditions’ should you agree to this. But he loved the thought of you in a Rempe jacket at his games, getting to see afterwards and kiss you like crazy after a big win, to have you be his biggest fan cheering him on every night. Even though you already were, now it would be more special.
Matt cut you off as he pulled you into his lap, his hand pulling your face to his as he kissed you. This time the kiss was soft, as he took his time to really take in the feeling of finally getting to kiss you and be this close to you. “If you be my girlfriend, I’ll get you whatever jacket you want, I’ll get you the best seats at the Garden for my games, you name it. Just make me the happiest guy ever and be my girlfriend!” You laughed at how he begged like a little kid who couldn’t contain their excitement.
“Yes-“ you peppered his face with a hundred kisses, “Matthew Rempe, I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend.”
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majinbangus · 2 days
"Got crumbs on your face."
"Huh?" Cheeks puffed up and round much like a chipmunks, you do a small doubletake, a little too distracted with stuffing your face full of ube pandesal, consequently not even bothering with manners and struggle to speak through your full mouth. "Wah?"
"Fuckin'... Swallow your food before you choke, Tweety."
Holding up a finger to indicate a moment to do just that, you force the half chewed chunks of bread to go down your throat. It's actually impressive you didn't choke like last time you attempted swallowing chunks of barely bitten food.
You turn to him again, looking at the man next to you, but sideeye the half-eaten food on his plate. Usually he's finished by now. Hm. Maybe he'll let you have some.
You clear your throat. "What?"
"Crumbs." He taps his cheek to mirror where it's on yours. "Right 'ere."
Oh. Is that all?
Your tongue darts out to lick it off the way you usually take care of stray food particles on your face. Stretching your tongue as much as you can, you think you get it, tasting a ghost of the ube. Giving yourself a few more licks in that same area, you hold in a hum at the lingering taste and bring your tongue back in your mouth. Yummy.
His fist clenches, but you don't take note of the way his pupils dilate or the clink of his teeth gnashing together, nor do you notice how he sits up so straight he could only be described as rigid, and neither do you see his eyes following the tease of your tongue. You should have. Alas, you're a bit of an oblivious fool.
You raise your eyebrows expectantly at him. "That all of it?"
He heaves, and you're not sure why he sounds so exasperated.
"Bloody hell, Tweety..."
"What? Did I not get it?"
"No, fuck, lemme just- "
He trails off, taking the liberty to pinch your chin between his index finger and thumb, tilting your head to the side so he has a better angle. You don't flinch away, though, letting him puppet you this way and that.
It happens at a normal speed, yet somehow time feels slow. Or maybe that's just your reaction time. Perhaps both.
Instead of picking up a napkin like you expect, he closes in on you as if you're the prey that just gave him an opening to strike. In fact, you almost expect to feel a bite encapsulate your throat, for teeth to sink into tender skin, so you close your eyes in preparation for- something.
Really, you should have seen it coming.
Your eyes shoot open at the wet glide of his tongue laving over your cheek. It's not a small kitten lick either, it's a messy one, similar to a dog with no sense of boundaries. You try to pull away for a brief moment- more out of shock and less out of disgust- but he doesn't let you go, pinching your chin harder and jerking you closer. You're barely able to stifle the whine that claws up your throat but concede to letting him leave a trail of slobber over your cheek and dangerously close to the corner of your mouth.
You're tempted to lick back with each swipe to the edge of your lips, but you hold yourself back. Unlike him, you have some decency. Well. You like to think so, even if you're nearly panting like a dog in heat in the middle of the mess hall. At least no one is here. You think. Hope. You really, really hope no one's here to call out the public indecency you're both displaying.
Shakily, you reach up to tap his wrist, the one that's attached to the hand that's going to bruise your chin if he doesn't let go. Not that you'd mind. But still. You try to pull away.
"Uh, I think you got it-"
You're cut off with a yelp and a jerk, whole body nearly toppling over his from how hard he yanks you back. He glares at you when you steady yourself, hand on his knee and eyes blown wide from the intense look he gives you.
Chest rumbling, he growls- an honest to God, literal growl that shouldn't make your stomach flutter like it does- and shakes your head a little as if to admonish you.
"Wasn't done tasting yet."
"But you-"
He stands from the table and forcefully manhandles you up with him, leaving your trays on the table as he pulls you along by the wrist, long strides almost bordering as a jog. Fuck, it's like he's impatient or something.
"Wait-" you look back at the unfinished food, free hand half-heartedly groping back at it as you stumble along. "What about our food? We haven't- I'm still- who's gonna clean it?"
Shooting you an irritated look over his shoulder as if to say shut up, he tightens his grip and yanks you along in the direction of his room.
"Not my problem. There's something else I'd rather eat instead."
Wanted it to be Soap, but was picturing Ghost, could be any of the 141, though. I like to think Tweety's shared by all of them. Not quite in a barrack's bunny kinda way, but yeah, also in that way, although I picture Tweety to be oblivious and encounters like this frequently sometimes borders on dubcon.
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songsofadelaide · 2 days
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All of your colleagues in the office knew of Satoru's long-standing crush on you. Who would have known that behind his sharp wit and debonair aura, he was actually an absolute sap of a man?
They didn't know he looked up to you so much because you bailed him out of an error-riddled document he made when he was just starting the job. It was only normal for you to do so since he was your junior, and you didn't want to get chewed out by your Department Chief.
But after that night of overtime, you were his saviour, and the last thing he wanted to do was saddle you with any more grunt work, so he worked doubly hard to submit perfect reports to you.
Even you had to admit that Satoru was a good-looking kid. He was always dressed impeccably well and smelled amazing, too. He's two years your junior but an incredibly quick learner— so much so that the Department Chief started taking notice of him, too. You wouldn't be surprised if he got promoted to team leader soon.
And though you've seen how dependable he is when it comes to work, he still can't help but act a little spoiled and babyish around you. He'd ask you to fix his tie for him, or maybe straighten out his collar. It's always your opinion he seeks out first whenever there are team discussions, as though he was showing off and asking you to back up his ideas. He had a good head on his shoulders, but he tends to forget whenever you're around.
Satoru's crush on you has been a long-time open secret at the office. You've been asked how you felt about the whole thing and you didn't really have much of a thought about it. Though it made you wonder... If he liked you that much, why hasn't he ever made a move on you for real? Then again, how would you react if that were to happen?
And that made you think. A lot.
And drink.
A lot.
After closing yet another deal at work, your Department Chief called for a night of celebration— their treat, too, and somehow your glass of beer became a bottomless well that was only pulled away from you by none other than Satoru, who saw you had way too much to drink that night because—
You didn't want to think.
But, oh, how could you not? Your adorable junior held you to his chest as he gently wrestled the half-empty beer glass out of your hands— wait, adorable? Satoru was six feet of coolness, for the lack of a better word. Surely you aren't talking about that Satoru—
"Senpai, you're drunk."
His voice echoed in your ear, but you couldn't hear anything from the sound of his heartbeat against your cheek. He sounded far too calm for someone whose heart was in hysterics. The sound soothed you so much that you were already half-asleep in his arms while the rest of your team noisily and happily drank their fill in the brightly lit izakaya.
You were awoken by the sound of your Department Chief's farewell spiel for the week. It was a Friday night and tomorrow was a day-off so everyone had the luxury of nursing their hangovers for as long as they could the morning after. You could only faintly hear their words of thanks, followed by "it's about time we wrapped up" and "we'll leave the team leader to you, Gojo-kun".
You felt Satoru's chest tremble, closely followed by a soft chuckle. "Senpai, stop grumbling. Bucho-san said thanks for your efforts. We're going home now."
How you got home was a mystery, because you remember walking half-asleep in your junior's arms and falling into an even deeper sleep on the cab ride home. He nearly carried you to your bed, but not without laying you down with the gentleness of a mother setting her child to sleep. Somehow your bed smelled just like him...
He was about to turn away from you when you pulled him by his necktie. Surely you can reward him a bit... "Gojo-kun, you like me, don't you?"
Oh, who am I kidding? At this point, you already overthought and confirmed that you liked him back. "I like you, too, so..."
"...Senpai? You're drunk, s-so don't—" He was back to his babyish way again, but he was obviously just taken aback by your sudden boldness. You pulled him down until you were caged in his arms, his rigid torso looming over you, his kind yet confused blue eyes drinking in your features like he hadn't had enough earlier that night.
"I'll sleep with you, but only if you consider this a dream."
"You mean to say...?"
Satoru sounded like he was considering things.
"Forget about everything when you wake up."
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Imagine your embarrassment the following morning when you discovered you weren't at your place but at Satoru's apartment instead. You were confident he'd leave quietly after last night but that wasn't the case since it was you who stayed over. Forget about everything when you wake up. Tough luck. And stupid of me to even—
You were still fully clothed. And Satoru was nowhere to be found on his bed.
"Are you awake, senpai? I laid out a change of clothes for you and made breakfast for us, so come out when you're ready!"
For all your big talk last night, you were incredibly ashamed by the whole ordeal. It was embarrassing enough that he had to witness such an uncool side of you, but even more so now that you were imposing on the young man's kindness. Still, you decided to change into a fresh shirt that smelled just like him and face the music.
There he was, setting his dinner table with an elated smile that grew even wider when he saw you in his shirt. "Good morning, senpai! I hope you don't mind sandwiches for breakfast. I don't usually eat rice in the morning..."
He sat you down across from him and laid a plate of what looked like a club sandwich, the bread lightly toasted and the greens still moist from washing.
"Before anything else, there's something I have to tell you... About last night, senpai... You said you liked me too. And all night I felt terrible because I never even got around to confessing to you and you beat me to it," Satoru stated, but not before concluding with a small sigh of defeat. "Then again, you were drunk last night, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was just your alcohol-fueled—"
"Don't say that, Gojo-kun! I-I meant what I said, s-so please don't just dismiss them as drunk ramblings," you said in surprise, raising your hands in defence as you reasoned with him. He reached out for your hands from across the table, and you could have sworn you felt him slightly trembling. In... In nervousness? If that were the case, he really does a good job of not showing it at all.
"I like you, senpai," he said with his normal, straightforward coolness that seemed to have everyone at work hooked onto him. Though his gaze seemed to soften as he looked away from you sheepishly, his babyish side rearing its head this time. "And if... if that offer of yours from last night still stands... At least don't tell me to forget about it."
I suppose I like both of them. Both his cool and his cute side, you thought to yourself. You won't be forgetting that Saturday morning anytime soon. And neither would he.
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nan0ka · 1 day
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summary. he promises to take good care of your flower, because you remind him of a rose.
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. ~2.81k
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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 “YOU'RE back.”
As you heard steps coming you closer, your gaze went to the side and you saw the boy you met weeks ago. This time he looked a lot healthier. A lot better. A lot prettier. You stared at him dead into the eye before observing him little by little while laying your watering to the side. Now you stood upright, your body turned to his direction. He looked happier. And you looked somehow emptier.
"Of course!" his voice seemed to be full of enthusiasm. "I'm here to pick up my rose."
His blue eyes shone brighter than any stars in the nightsky. His calm smile resembled the quiet moon. And yet his demeanor was similar to the sun. His presence felt alive. You did say if he looked healthier the next time you met, you'd give him one of your precious pink roses as a gift. Your flowers are important to you, you were pretty greedy about giving them away. You mean, you didn't promised it.
But you still wanted to at least keep your word.
"You remembered."
"Like I'd forget."
Whenever he smiled, it seemed like the sun was blessing him itself. Was it because the sun liked his silly smile? If it did, you would fully understand. His smile was beautiful. Really beautiful. Your eyes went back to the flowers and searched for the roses. And suddenly you remembered something. You can't give a rose away. Right. There was a reason why you planted them at first place.
"Right." you mumbled. "They're not available right now."
"What." his smile was replaced with a confused face. "Why?"
"I only planted six buds." you started. "For my sister's sixth birthday. Because she said she wanted roses to her sixth birthday. She's going to be a big girl now."
Your eyes darted back to him. He looked disappointed. Really disappointed. You almost felt guilty. For saying something and not keeping your word. But your little sister was still your priority number one. "Sorry." you apologized briefly. And suddenly, a smile formed on his face. Why was he smiling? He was weird. For what did he smile so happily after getting disappointed that bad?
"It's fine." was his response.
"Aren't you disappointed?" you didn't understand.
"Yes, I am. But it's for your younger sister, isn't it? Tell her I said happy birthday." he smiled. "But I still want a rose. Can you plant new ones?"
"Sure." you nodded slowly. "And I'll tell her."
"How long does it take for a rose to bloom?" he asked.
"Maybe three years. If you're unlucky then four—"
"Three years?!"
You winced at his loud voice. He looked surprised, and a bit shocked. "Yeah. Didn't you know? I think I have some buds in my backpack." you reached out for your red backpack and rummaged through it. "Found them." with that you took out some buds and placed your backpack on the ground again. "However, they need to be set in water for a while." you studied the buds before looking at him again.
"Let me help you!"
"Uhm... Sure I guess."
The smell of freshly-brewed coffee reached your nose as you snapped out of your thoughts. You stared at Kotoha's attentive hand movements while she served the elderly lady her afternoon coffee. "Kotoha-chan's coffee is the best in the town. Thank you, sweetie." the lady gave your friend the calmest smile before turning back to mind her own business to read her newspaper.
"You're exaggerating." a chuckle, which sounded pleasant in your ears, left her lips.
She quickly made her way back behind the counter to continue her work. The silence was nice. Enjoyable. The thing you like the most in this dine-in restaurant. Pothos was your second favorite place of all time after all. You sat there all day if you had some thoughts lingering in your mind. You looked down. The warm cup of cacao in your hands left a trail of savory smoke in the air.
"You seem distracted."
"And you always notice."
"It's not difficult to notice, [name]." she chuckled again while drying the glass. "What's wrong? Wanna talk?"
You watched her as she placed the glass on the table, moving forward to the next one while also having an open ear for you. "Don't know actually..." you started. "Actually. I really seem to... be quiet. I always listen to people's stories and keep my mouth shut the whole time. I don't know what to say. But if I stay quiet all the time, I'll fade into the background and feel forgotten. What if—"
"You're wondering what if the people, I hold dear to my heart, forget about me, right?" she finished your sentence.
"You're overthinking, you know?" a smile found itself on her lips, lightening up the gloomy mood.
" 'think so?" you looked up to her.
"Sure you are. I mean, it does depends on the person honestly. But the most of them really love people who listen to them. And sometimes they also feel annoying, because they think they get on your nerves too." her round amber eyes met [e/c] ones. "Maybe you should just leave few comments to make sure they know you're listening." her smile reminded you of his smile.
And her words calmed your thoughts down. "Thank you, Kotoha-san. Your advices are really helpful." you showed your gratitude with a small smile on your lips. It's a rare sight. You smiling. Your mouth-ends moving up. You showing some positive emotions. A shame that her brother missed it. "You think Hajime would forget someone like me?"
"Nah." she shrugged her shoulders slightly, the smile drops at the mention of her 'brother'. "If it would happen... He probably would be insane to."
This time the answer didn't satisfied you. You did trust her. Of course you did. But something in your head denies it. Your eyes went to your cup of cacao again. It's getting cold. Your drink is getting cold. The feeling of warmth left your hands, letting them feel a bit cold even though it's spring. "—How about you ask him yourself?" this suggestion lets you flinch a little as you looked up to her.
"I'd never—"
"Mhm. Sure, yeah." she rolled her eyes with a grin.
Out of nowhere the door was slammed open, letting the little bell ring. Your head immediately turned to side, shocked at the sudden intrusion. But you calmed down again, as you saw an overly excited man stepped a foot into the restaurant. "Speak of the devil." the owner sighed at the very familiar person who finally looked up from the door. "And stop slamming the door, Ume."
His excitment could be seen kilometers away. You shook your head and you stared at the man who opened his arms. "I missed—" the moment his eyes were set on you, he froze mid sentence. There you sat comfortably, on the stool right infront of the counter. "[name]-chan." he called out your name as he began to literally sparkle. "[name]-chan!" he screamed happier than ever and ran forward.
How could he not?
"No hugs." you furrowed your eyebrows slightly and placed your palm against his chest to stop him from wrapping his arms around you.
"Oh, how I missed the both of you! How jealous I am! I also want to laugh and giggle with you two." he beamed.
"We literally saw us each other yesterday." Kotoha and you answered simultaneously.
"Ah Kotoha, you look as cute as ever! I think all types of hairstyles suit you! Don't get me started about you [name]-chan!—" he started to ramble, only for you to shut his voice out of your
You only sighed again as your eyes landed on his companion, standing behind him. Short grey hair which was straightened back. Piercing green eyes. And the furin uniform. Compared to Umemiya's uniform, the jacket was rather short. "Nice to see you again, [lastname]-san." the annoyed and tired face was replaced with a polite smile.
"I only can say the same, Hiragi-san." you nodded. "We didn't see each other for while."
He only chuckled and began to tell you how tiring the leader can be while you listened quietly. Hiragi Toma, one of the few 'delinquents' you accepted. Sure you despise violence and most delinquents, but you learned that violence isn't always bad. And furin uses it for good reasons for the last two years. Can they even be called delinquents? Umemiya Hajime, the man who changed the perspective of a whole damn town.
Umemiya Hajime, the man who showed you another world.
A smile formed on Umemiya's lips, while he was watching the two of you. "I'm glad they understand each other." he turned to Kotoha with the biggest smile. "[name] doesn't need many people by her side. She'd even do fine with only you. But I enjoy seeing her be comfortable around my friends!" he sat down on the stool next to you while staring at his sister doing an omurice for him to eat. "One day I'll show her the world I live in—"
"—By the way. [name]-san wondered if you would ever forget her. Silly question if you ask me. But she wasn't entirely sure if it was true." the burgundy-haired girl broke through your thoughts once again. "How about you answer her?"
Not only hiragi stopped talking, you also stopped in your tracks. You slowly turned to the mature girl with hurt in your eyes which was hard to recognize. Only people you know long enough would notice the change on your face. "Huh?" Umemiya slowed down with his rant as soon as his sister interrupted him. "[name] asked?" he turned to you, confusion visible to your eye.
But the confusion turned turned to a sad puppy face. "[name] after all these years you spent with me. You ask me such a question?" he looked betrayed. You sweatdropped at first, before nodding your head slowly. A sob escapes his lips which made you deadpann. "You really..." the playfulness wasn't present anymore in just seconds, while he was looking at you with a serious gaze, yet he smiled.
"Do you doubt me?"
"What if I do."
"I don't know, but you must to trust me if I say I'd never forget. Because I honestly would never forget you."
On the inside you were dying because of heat and you're really lucky they couldn't see it on the outside as you heard his every word. How could you even have distrust if the person you're talking about is Umemiya Hajime? You felt a bit ashamed. Your eyes wandered around his face to see his features. "I'd be crazy otherwise." he chuckled and watched how red your ears got.
"And you make me go crazy..." you avoided his gaze at all costs with an embarrassed sigh and stood up to take your leave. "I'm leaving."
With that you took out your purse and left the money for your half-drunken chocolate milk on the table next to the now cold cup. You quickly turned around and wanted to step out of Pothos, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist. "Please wait until I'm down with my omurice. I want to accompany you home." as soon as your head went to Umemiya again, you could see how he grinned.
"Promise I'll finish it fast." he tried to convince you. "And you can drink up your chocolate milk without wasting your money!"
At the end you stayed. To make your money worth it. For the drink. Not him.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 "Bye bye, Koto'-chan, Hiragi-san." you waved your goodbye.
"Get home safely, yeah?" Kotoha smiles at you.
"Take care of her." Hiragi looked at his leader who nodded with a grin.
"I will! But you both also need to take care, okay?"
With that he turned his back to him, just like you and walked by your side. Every time he feels your presence beside him, it excites him so much. The bubbly feeling in his chest is killing him. Every time your hand brushes against his, it makes him going crazy. He can't possibly smile any seconds longer, because it's hurting his cheeks. Even if those are only accidental touches.
Umemiya Hajime can't keep himself from staring at you. You look like a woman out of a gorgeous oil painting. Everytime you set a foot into the same room as him, his eyes are glued on you. And if you catch his staring, you get easily embarrassed. Your ears always turn red. Or sometimes even your cheeks. It's like you're wearing the most expensive blush. And the way you bat your eyelashes at him.
He is close to touch you, wrap his arms around you and shower you with all of his affection, but of course he'll try to hold himself back. He doesn't want to make you feel comfortable. He knows that physical touch isn't your thing. But why are you making this so hard? The only thing he can do right now, is staring at you. And even if he'd bump into a street lamp, it doesn't matter.
"We're there." you said. He can hear jow you're taking out your keys. Your eyes wandered to him as soon as you opened your apartment door.
"Quit gawking at me."
Now you're hesitating to continue. "Why?" it felt dry in your mouth. You're preparing for the worst.
"Too pretty."
Your wide eyes, full of confusion, shot up to see if he's just joking. Oh. Umemiya is not joking. He's smiling, yet you can see a slight desire. You can only see it if you look closely, because he's always so good in hiding things. He's actually a bit of a sly man if you're gonna be honest. "Snap out of it already." you sighed and got into your apartment, while turning to face his direction, but your gaze was on the floor.
"Get home... safely."
Is it possible for his smile to widen at your rather shy behaviour? The silence is getting louder and louder with every second passing, making you quite uncomfortable. Umemiya looks at your ears that were turning red in the moment. His finger twitched at that. His hand moved up and reached out for you. Only for you to look up because of the silent awkwardness.
The first thing you saw how his hand stopped, centimeters away from your cheek. You blinked. One time. Two times, three times, four times, five— Your cheeks fired up immediately as you grabbed his wrist. He was also observing your features as he kept his mouth shut. Since when was he so quiet? Since when was it this awkward for the both of you? Or was it only unpleasant for you?
"...May I.. touch your face?" his question makes you go redder.
"...Mhm." you nodded slowly, your hand stayed around his wrist but the grip was loose.
He smiles again. This time, the smile was softer than the usual ones. It was different from what ever you've gotten before. This smile reminds you of the one from yesterday. Has he ever gifted someone this kind of smile? You watched him as he tucked your [h/c] hair strands behind your ear before his hand brushed against your cheek softly. The warmth of his calloused palm was really nice.
Until he pulled back.
"...Wait." you stopped him.
And with that you ran into your room, leaving him to let him stand there like some idiot. Not a minute after, rushed steps were heard as he watched how you stopped infront of him while panting a little. In your hand was a pink rose. "Take this." you pushed the rose gently into his hand. "It's my favorite. And it's only three days old... If you take care of it really well, it'll live eleven days more."
"Promise, I'll take good care of the rose."
"That makes me happy... See you, Hajime."
His eyes widened as you gave him a smile and closed the door. It was a small one, almost unseen by him. Such lovely lips you have. Oh how Umemiya wished for you to smile more. You're alluring. If you would give him a brighter smile, he would definitely freak out. If only you knew that you're pretty like the rose. You leaned your head against the door with a completely red face. You couldn't hold it in anymore.
"How... embarrassing." you muttered and closed your eyes.
"She's divine like you, you know?" he whispered to the rose you gave him just minutes ago. "Sorry buddy, but..." he smiled happily and looked at the door.
"She's prettier than you."
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- NAN0KA [ may 31st, 2024 ]
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bodyelectr1c · 1 day
hiii i have a request can u do austin teasing reader during events pls?
reader has enough of austin’s relentless teasing
a little bit of plot, but majority is just filthy
warnings: smut, teasing, semi public, sort of sub austin? oral (m+f receiving), bathroom ‘sex,’ whiny austin, overstim. probably more but idk
thank you SO much for the request!! i hope i did it justice, but if i didn’t, feel free to ask again, and delve into the idea more, or any other requests y’all have, i’ll try to fulfill them. anyways, enjoy!
you’d been used to austin testing the limits at events; finding a darker corner to quickly paw at your boobs, or subtly brush past you and angle his hips forward in the slightest, pressing his clothed length against whatever you’d been dressed in that night; it was his way of telling you how pretty you looked, and how desperate he was to fuck you into the mattress as soon you you both got home.
the idea of being caught turned him on, without a doubt- but he knew better than to take any of his teasing to another level. his career was unimaginably important to him; it wasn’t up for compromise, and he took pride in the work he accomplished, always feeling a ripple of unabashed confidence whenever complimented by someone- especially you, on his efforts and devotion to the characters he plays,
little did you know how much the praise made him want to fuck you dumb, bury himself deep in you and beg you to tell him how good he was at it. you only took notice of this after he came almost instantly after you somehow thought to bring up a recent award show nomination of his during sex, whining about how you were so proud to have a “famous boyfriend who fucks me so good,” squirming as he drilled your pussy into the mattress.
this made you extra sure to praise him as often as you could in the days leading up to the award show. it boosted his ego in a filthy way, and you relished in the fact that your words had such an impact on him
when the day of the award show finally arrived, and you’d both made your way through a myriad of cameras and interviewers on the red carpet showering austin with compliments of the work on his nominated role. these visibly improved austin’s already ‘over the moon’ mood for the night, and they accompanied the dirty remarks you’d been purposefully making in the last few days, most recently whilst bouncing on his dick babbling about how you were “taking the cock of a hollywood star,” as his eyes rolled back in his head.
you both found yourselves sat in a relatively close proximity to the stage, the table in front of you laden with a dark cloth, which austin immediately took advantage of, putting his hand to work tracing abstract patterns on your thighs through the slit in your sleek dress. you were used to this, and he never took it farther than this, but he was relentlessly needy with all the commendation that had been thrown his way thus far in the night.
in an attempt at subtlety, he brought his hand up from its prior position, and interlocked his fingers with yours, giving you a pleading look before squeezing your hand gently to communicate his sexual desperation to you:
“please baby- please, i need it so bad,”
he whispered against the shell of your ear. you’d decided to leave him almost writhing, not because it turned you on (which it did,) but because you knew how loud he could be, and at this point, after the array of compliments he’d gotten, even touching his cock over his clothes would exude whines and groans too loud to not draw attention to you two.
after sensing that you were not going to comply, he let out a barely audible whine, before resuming his previous task, this time with more vigour, his fingers hastily made their way up your leg and circled your inner thigh. you gave him a disapproving look, but didn’t have the self control to stop him. somehow, nobody had noticed yet, but you were sure your dress looked bunched at the mid riff as he lifted it higher tasking himself with pleasing you, maybe as a reward for complying and feeding into to his recently anointed cockiness.
his fingers pushed past your already scarce underwear, moving it to the side before working his fingers around in painfully slow circles, pushing deeper into your folds progressively.
“austin, stop- fuck, we’re gonna get caught,” you feigned confidence, failing and whimpering slightly as you leaned in his direction.
he only leaned in closer, breath hot against your skin: “can’t help it baby, you’re driving me crazy.”
as he continued his pursuit, it became clear that you were finding it harder and harder to control yourself, letting out occasional hums of pleasure and bringing your hand up to your mouth in a somewhat swift motion to stifle any escaping moans.
to allow himself to get deeper inside you, austin shuffled his chair closer to yours before planting a soft kiss to the corner of your lips, which, to anyone around you, would look like a quick act of endearment. frankly- having a ‘dirty little secret’ turned you on more than you’d like to admit.
his fingers stilled when another person you were too occupied to identify walked up to the your table, commending austin for his hard work, reaching out to shake his left hand all while his right hand remained still on your thigh, glossy with your slick
“thank you,” austin replied with a laugh, voice steady despite the situation unfolding below the tablecloth. “i really appreciate it.”
after they’d walked away, you’d decided you’d had enough teasing and abruptly got up, leaving austin’s hand slapping softly against his clothed leg as he looked up at you, big blue eyes laced with confusion and clouded with lust. he didn’t bother questioning as you mindlessly dragged him to the closest bathroom, figuring you both had enough time before anyone noticed you were gone
“baby, you look so divine i can’t keep my hands off you,” -austin practically melted against your body as he closed the door behind you both, locking it swiftly. he raked your dress up, making sure your skin was always touching in one way or another, hands desperately stroking up and down your thighs. he felt breathless without your touch, and you couldn’t bear to see him upset, drifting your hands up to messily tangle in his hair (his stylist would be sure to write you a personal death threat later)
he panted as he placed sloppy, open mouthed kisses all over your exposed neck. you finally gave him some friction.”i need you so bad baby, please touch me- please.”
untangling one of your hands from his hair, you outlined his prominent bulge through his pants. he stilled.
“fuck- fuck, please baby i need your mouth so bad- fuck!” austin whined, writhing for your touch, your warm mouth, your approval. he was too fucking far gone to narrow it down to one, he just knew he needed every single part of you.
you’d die before denying him, and you slid your hands down his now tight pants as you lowered yourself to the cold tile floor on your knees, before palming him, eliciting a string of praise from a very desperate austin, who, on a whim, grabbed your hand and pushed it harder onto his cock, throbbing with need.
“baby, i know you need it bad, but you gotta be patient,” you reassured him, coaxing him through the incessant yearning his hardness had left him with by finally undoing his dress pants and sliding them down enough to pull out his leaking cock. austin brought his hand to your cheek and cupped your face gently, looking at you with a filthy mix of adoration and lustful desire, eyebrows quirking up softly as your hand brushed against his length.
“i need you now, please pretty girl,”
you wasted no more time, taking his tip, red and leaking with anticipation, into your mouth. you gave him flat tongued licks from the thick shaft to the head as he groaned deeply, eyes screwed shut and mouth hanging open in pleasure. it was fucking lewd honestly, and you knew you didn’t have much time before someone came knocking at the door of the small bathroom.
“fuck baby, you’re s’ good, ‘s like you were made for me, your mouth feels s’ good” he was drunk on arousal, words slurring as he babbled barely coherent praises. his fingers tangled in your hair, guiding your head as you took him deeper into your mouth, your tongue swirling around his length, the tip red and weeping with precum. the sensation was fucking overwhelming to him, and he bucked his hips forward slightly, unable to control himself.
“god- fuck, yes,” austin let out a breathy groan, his voice a low rumble. “just like that, baby. you’re so perfect, s’ good for me.”
you hollowed your cheeks, sucking him harder, feeling his cock twitch against your tongue. the obscenity exuded from the mix of his desperate whines and groans mixed with the gagging and wet noises coming from you bobbing on his thick cock only brought him closer. you could tell, and you wanted nothing more than to push him over the edge, to make him come undone right there, right then. you moved faster, taking him as deep as you could, your efforts accompanied by austin pushing your head farther on his cock until he hit the back of your throat, your nose nestled in the patch of hair above his shaft.
"please, don't stop," austin whined, his voice high-pitched and desperate. “i need it so bad. pleasepleaseplease.”
you didn't let up, your pace relentless as you took him deeper, faster. his moans turned into almost pitiful whimpers, each sound making you more determined to make him cum. you could feel his cock throbbing against your tongue, the tension building in his body. austin’s breathing grew ragged, his grip on your hair tightening. “i’m gonna cum, baby. fuck, i’m gonna cum.” with a final, deep thrust and a particularly breathy groan, he spilled into your mouth, his moans filling the small bathroom. you swallowed every drop, savoring the taste of him, before pulling back and looking up at him with a satisfied smile.
before you could process, austin grabbed you by your wrists and gently pulled you up to your feet with a gentle kiss, pupils dilated and eyes dark with lust and genuine adoration for you. “need to make you feel good, please, you’ve been driving me crazy all night, baby” he whispered against your lips, his hands caressing your body. “wanna make you cum,” he panted against you, hot breath fanning across your skin making you shiver in anticipation.
after lifting your dress with one of his hands, he dropped to his knees wordlessly, warm breath ghosting over your already dripping core, sending shivers up your spine. your panties were fucking soaked, and he audibly groaned at the sight before him, basking in the glory of making you so wet without even touching you. he mouthed sweet kisses on your thighs, sucking and biting marks onto your skin as he used his other hand to tug at the sheer waistband of your underwear bringing it down, prompting you to step out of it. he effortlessly tucked your panties into the pocket of his dress pants after you’d stepped out them, making you moan out of just how dirty this whole situation was.
“austin, please, i need you baby, please touch me.” you whined, desperate to chase your release after seeing how good you’d made him feel.
without hesitation he latched onto you, his tongue moving with loving precision. you gasped, your hands flying to his already tousled hair, trying to keep yourself upright as waves of pleasure washed over you. his tongue worked it’s filthy magic, alternating between gentle flicks at your clit and slow, deep movements inside you. you were a babbling mess, your knees weak as you practically rode his face, his stubble brushing against your thighs as you clamped your legs around his head as much as the position allowed you. he relished in your moans, drinking up everything you were giving him- metaphorically and physically. the obscene noises coming from you, and his tongue swirling around your soaked clit were enough to make him insanely hard again. his hands help your hips gently but firmly to keep you steady, determined to make you cum.
“austin, fuck- i’m gonna cum” you tried to warn him, but the words dissolved into a cry of pleasure as your orgasm swept through you, your body shuddering with the intensity of it. every muscle in your body was tense, hands anchoring themselves in his hair in an attempt at staying upright. your breathing became progressively laboured, and loud- ragged, each inhale and exhale a struggle as you tried to maintain some semblance of control. he made it impossible. his fingers dug into the fat of your thighs occasionally, attempting to ground you the way he held you was almost reverent, as if he was worshipping you, savouring the way your body responded to him. as he continued, he hummed softly against you, vibrations adding another layer to the already intense sensation. his eyes would occasionally flick up to meet yours, displaying a filthy mix of arousal and adoration. something about seeing you like this, completely undone because of him drove him fucking insane; the way your back arched, the way your head fell back, the way your breath hitched with every movement he made—it drove him wild.
your legs began to tremble uncontrollably, your body on the verge of giving out. the sensation was too much, too intense, and you could feel the edges of your orgasm building, threatening to crash over you. you tried to tell austin how close you were, but all that came out was a string of broken moans and gasps. he seemed to understand, though, tongue moving impossibly faster around your swollen bud, more insistent, as if he wanted to draw every bit of pleasure from you.
just as your body decided you couldn’t take it anymore, giving into the stimulation, he changed his technique, skilled tongue pressing flat against your clit and moving in slow, firm circles. the change in pressure and speed was your undoing. your body tensed, every nerve ending on fire, as you finally tipped over the edge. your orgasm hit you in relentless waves, crashing over you, pulling you under. you cried out against austin as your legs gave out, hands clamping around his shoulders. your whole body shuddered, convulsing with the force of it.
austin didn’t stop, didn’t let up, drawing out your pleasure, making sure you felt every second of your release. his tongue continued its assault, gentler now, easing you through the aftershocks, lapping at your clit to catch anything your body would give him. he murmured praises against your skin, voice soothing, grounding. you could feel his hands still holding you, steadying you, as your body slowly came down from its high.
as the waves of pleasure subsided, you were left trembling, weak, your body boneless and sated. austin gently kissed his way up your body, his touch tender, loving. he looked up at you, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and adoration, his lips glistening with your arousal.
“you taste so good baby, like fucking candy” he whispered, his voice husky, filled with affection. he kissed you hungrily, letting you taste yourself on his tongue, the intimacy and sheer dirtiness of the moment almost overwhelming to you.
with a final, lingering kiss, he helped you back up to your feet, your legs still shaky from the intensity of your orgasm. “we should get back," he murmured, his voice a mix of laugher and satisfaction, a smirk lingering on his face as he chuckled at your fucked out state. “before anyone notices we're gone."
you nodded, still in the process of catching your breath, and began to straighten your dress, smoothing out the wrinkles left by austins desperate touches, and making sure you looked presentable. austin followed suit, his fingers running through his hair, fixing it as best as he could. his eyes never left you, a soft, lingering smile playing on his lips as he watched you.
“you look stunning baby,” he professed softly, his voice filled with awe. “even prettier now; fucking perfect, all for me.”
he opened the bathroom door slightly, peeking out to make sure the coast was clear. satisfied that no one was nearby, he took your hand languidly and led you back towards your table. the sounds of the beginning of the ceremony began to fill your ears, a stark contrast to the obscenities of the bathroom.
as you approached your table, you could see that no one had noticed your absence, the guests engrossed in the ongoing ceremony. you slipped back into your seats, austin's hand never leaving yours. he’d lost all his nerves about winning the award at this point, satisfied that no matter the outcome of the night, he’d fuck you into oblivion as soon as you both got home.
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strawberrymochin · 1 day
(in which you enter the demon slayer realm)
Sanemi eyed you for a while, his hands gripping tight on his sword, as blood slowly trickled down to its tip, dripping on the mud, tainting it red.
Well, the lower rank 6 demon, he was supposed to slay, laid dead on the ground, a little far from you, growling on anger as his body disintegrated into ashes, blown by the slow breezes, dispersing into thin air.
Killed by you. Barehanded.
The moon glowed big and bright, over your heads. "Who are you?" Sanemi shinazugawa said in a horrifying tone, "Or shall I rephrase my question....what are you?".
You mentally smack yourself for acting like that infront of him, well that's totally not your fault though, you didn't knew, sanemi was going to make his appearance, moreover it's a background plot, not mentioned once in the manga. You open your mouth but close it again, not sure what to answer.
"Definately not a human."
"I am." You can't help but defend yourself, feeling triggered at his question. Having a mere charecter question your existence is quite disrespectful.
"Is it? I haven't seen a 'human' girl ripping off a demon head barehanded." He comes a bit closer, placing the tip of his sword on your neck, pressing it lightly. "Quiet a sight huh!.......you know I hate lies and surprisingly your aura doesn't resemble humans. What shall I do with that pretty girl?"
Wait. Sanemi shinazugawa called you pretty.
"Pretty....? You think I'm pretty? Oh my god, sanemi shinazugawa called me pretty...." You keep on mumbling to yourself, not being able to contain the excitement. Even though you liked the ever sadistic giyu tomioka more, sanemi was still hot. I repeat fucking hot and feral.
You didn't exactly like ending up in the demon slayer realm but didn't particularly hate it. You have, somehow, the ability to enter manga realms. And, this was your second time, accidentally entering one. The first realm you ended up entering was jujutsu kaisen's, and that was pretty messed up, considering that demon slayer was a heck more peaceful. Atleast you believe so.
Meanwhile sanemi was dumbstruck, first of all, according to his point of view, a girl looking weird creature, who claims to be human but ripped down a lower moon without a nichirin sword, was just impossible. You have to be a demon. And you should fear a sword pressed firmly on your neck, however you were there being giggling flustered mess.
"Stop trying to trick me you demon! It's time for you to join your troops in hell.....and how do you even know my name?"
"Yeah yeah whatever, but you called me pretty and I just....ahhh I love you—"
"S-shut up!" And this time, it's sanemi who's getting flustered. "How the heck you know my name? Forget it, I will just finish off you right here."
"Yeah yeah, whatever, but let's first get those kids home. It's quite traumatic for them to be here."
"What you didn't know?"
The kids peeked out from the broken house, with eyes clouded in fear, tears stained cheeks, shaking. Sanemi gave a look from the side of his eye as he tilts down his swords rushing to the kids, "i won't let you harm them," shielding them from your vision.
"wouldn't it be better if you take them home rather than wasting time?" You say lazily, "you know what I take back what I said— i don't love you."
"Who wants to be in love with you anyway, filthy blood thirsty demon!" Sanemi fumed, sprinting from his position, "wind breathing: first form- dust whirling cutter."
That's it. You would be dead by now.
Sanemi turned around with a shit eating smile; which dropped in a sec. Lol. You were standing there intact. Ofcourse nothing would make you bleed after all you were a real human, unlike them.
You went to the kids, sighing, bending to their level, "hey it's fine, I know the scene over here was quite terrifying and this uncle over here is terrifying too, but it's fine. I will take you two home. Hmm? Come out."
The kids slowly came out, hesitating a bit.
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By the time you took the kids home, its dawn, sanemi followed you suspiciously, grabbing the hilt of his sword tight. 'How did she even survived that? I cut right through her neck... moreover she ain't hurting the kids?' he thought.
The sun is about to rise still you show no sign of panic. What exactly is she? He thought
A demon who could walk under the sun?
"Hey sanemi, I'm hungry, can you buy me something to eat, I promise I will pay you later."
Part 2 ?
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bts-princess7 · 3 days
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KTH X Reader
Summary: When your friend starts acting better than you, you decide to get back at her by seducing her boyfriend.
Genre: Mostly smut, angst, fluff
Warnings: unprotected sex, dom!Tae x sub!reader, rough-ish, slight choking, comparison, oral (m & f), boob play, aftercare.
A/N: lmk if y’all want a part 2 and if u have any requests feel free to send them in!
“I’m on my way, are you home?” You spoke to your friend through your phone, making your way to her apartment. Except, you knew she wasn’t home. She had classes until 5pm and it was 3:30 now.
“I still have class for more than an hour,” she sighed into the phone. “But Taehyung is home today so he can let you in. I’ll let him know.” You smiled to yourself, but of course you knew that already.
“Alright, thanks!” You wished her good luck in her class and hung up, shoving your phone into your purse.
You purposely asked your friend to come over today because you knew she didn’t end classes until 5pm and her teacher always ran classes late, you also knew that on Wednesdays her boyfriend, Taehyung, was always home at noon.
Your friend had been a total bitch lately, inviting her boyfriend out on girls nights, acting like she’s better than you because of him and putting you down constantly. It wasn’t his fault of course, he was gorgeous and always apologized when she’d tricked him into going out with the girls.
Her attitude has been really getting on your nerves recently, and you knew exactly how to get her back. You had to get to her through her boyfriend, that was her most obvious weak point. If she ever knew her precious boyfriend was buried in some other girl it would ruin her, and it’s not like this is the first thing you’ve tried. She’d never reacted to you saying it to her face or making it obvious with body language, so this was a last resort that you weren’t opposed to.
You buzzed into the apartment and made your way to the top floor where your friend’s apartment was. You knocked on the door, shifting your bag slightly so that you could hike your skirt up a bit. It only took Taehyung a few seconds to open the door.
“Hey, y/n, come on in!” He moved to the side and flashed you a friendly smile.
“Hey Tae, sorry I’m so early.” You apologized, bowing your head slightly and moving past him.
“Oh don’t worry about it, you’re always a delight to have around.” He promised, following you as you sat down on the comfy leather couch. You took your bag off and set it on the coffee table, sending a puff of your perfume in his direction. “I- um..” he stuttered, thinking about what he was going to say. “I wanted to apologize about the other night, I have to stop going along with her.”
“It’s not your fault, Tae. It’s like she only calls these girls nights to invite you,” you raise and eyebrow at him, making him blush.
“What do you mean?” He asks, leaning closer subconsciously.
“We’ll all she does is talk about you,” you rolled your eyes. “Anytime I try to talk to her our conversation somehow always leads to her talking about you.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow, looking at you with a curiosity that you couldn’t fully read. “I didn’t know she spoke about me that much, it must be tiring hearing about me all the time.” He chuckled, you smiled back at him.
“Oh it’s fine, I think it helped me get to know you better,” you shrugged. He nodded, letting out an awkward laugh. “Do you mind if I have something to drink?” You asked, batting your eyes.
“Oh, yea of course.” Taehyung got up and you followed him to the kitchen. You went over to the window and leaned a little so that you could see farther, knowing your skirt was riding up.
“Do you want-“ you heard him take a sharp inhale and you turned to look at him. “Ice.” He finished. His cheeks were rosy and he tried his best to keep his eyes on yours and away from your ass.
“Sure thing,” you smiled at him innocently, standing up straight again. He nodded, swallowing hard and turning back to the fridge. The veins in his arms on the surface of his skin as he pressed the button for the ice. “Thanks Tae,” you took the glass and brought it to your lips.
He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “So uh.. what are you girls up to today?” He was referring to you and his girlfriend, you took a step closer to him, your hands brushing together on the counter. He left his hand there, not flinching away.
“She asked to hang out and I was only free today, we might go swimming.” You shrugged, you had your bathing suit on under your clothes, which weren’t very heavy to begin with. You wore a white dress shirt your dad gave you and a small flowy black skirt.
“Oh that sounds fun,” he said, barely paying attention when your fingers started playing with his own. Your fingers tangled with his, your hand fitting perfectly into his larger one. “Your hands are soft.”
“Yours are warm,” you replied, teeth coming out to bite your bottom lip. You pulled away and you heard him sigh, you finished your water and put it in the sink. You scratched your back, purposely pulling on the string of your bikini.
You gasped, reaching around with your opposite hand. “You okay?” Taehyung cocked his head to the side, furrowing his brows.
“The back of my bikini came undone,” you pouted, starting to unbutton your shirt. “My roommate helped me tie the back, I can’t do it on my own.” His eyes widened when you pulled the front of the shirt open, your top barely covering your nipples, hanging loosely off your shoulders. “Can you help me?”
“Yea, sure.” He moved forward a little too quickly, he helped you get the shirt off your arms and he threw it on the counter behind him.
You took a step closer to him so one of his legs has between yours, his fingers gently brushed your back a few times while he was tying your top back on. His hands moved up to move your hair over your shoulder.
“Is that too tight?” He asked, running his fingers under the string.
“It’s perfect,” you turned back to face him. When you turned, you purposely stumbled over his foot and lost balance. He grabbed your hips and somehow ended up pinning you to the counter, you gripped onto his shoulders to stabalize yourself.
At that moment he lost it, the look in your eyes burning holes into his own. “You’re perfect,” he growled. Taehyung put his hands on the counter behind you, pressing his body against yours. “There’s no way you came here just to hang out with Aerra,” he licked his lips, smouldering eyes staring into your soul.
“You’re right, that’s not why I came here today.” Your eyes wandered down to his lips, then back up to his eyes. “Aerra’s just been talking about you so much that I have to see what all the hype was about,” you admitted. “And I figured that this might stamp down her huge ego.”
“Huh, so you came here, dressed all slutty just for me, is that right?” He tilted his head, smiling at you with a mischievous hint. “I bet you purposely loosened your top huh? Just so I would touch you,” he tsked.
You moved your hands down his torso, hooking your hands in the waistline of his jeans and holding his hips against yours. “That’s right,” you licked your lips, thumbs rubbing the skin that was dented in the shape of his v line. “What are you gonna do about it? Gonna tell you shadow?” You pouted, mocking the man who was practically on top of you.
“You’re so wrecked,” he smashed his lips to yours. You moved your lips passionately against your own, hands creeping around his neck and to the back of his head, keeping his face close to yours. One of his arms wrapped around your waist, his warm hands squeezing your bare skin.
Taehyung moved his hands down to your hips, moving back for a fraction of a segment. “Jump,” he instructed. You complied immediately, and he lifted you onto the counter.
You grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him back against yours, one of his hands came to rest on your thigh. One of his hands came up to grip your face, he pulled away from you and held your head at an upward angle.
“You smell so good,” he breathed, attaching his lips to your neck with a neediness you’d never experienced before.
“Uh Tae,” you moaned, his soft lips sucking on the sensitive skin of your neck. His lips wandered from under your jaw to your shoulder, leaving red blotches that would likely turn purple. “I wonder what else your mouth can do,” your breathing was shaky as he pulled back.
“Yea baby?” His hand moved farther up your thigh, thumb slipping between the fabric of your bikini and your core. His thumb rubbing against your clit expertly, making your body twitch and grab onto his arm.
“Oh my god Tae, please, please I need you.” You begged, looking up at the man in front of you.
“Come with me,” he helped you off the counter and rested his hand on your ass, leading you down the hallway and into his bedroom. “Strip for me,” he demanded, moving past you to take a seat on the edge of the bed.
You poked your lip with your nail, your hands travelled down your body, pulling at the hem of your skirt. As soon as it was loose on your hips you let it slide down to the floor, you pulled the string of your bikini and pulled it over your head. “Closer, baby,” he requested.
You complied, moving close enough Taehyung so that you stood between his legs. His hands ran up your thighs, going up to your waist and settling on your hips, he was eye level with your tits.
He brought one of his hands up and squished your breast between his fingers, cupping it in his hand and moving closer. His lips brushed against the plush skin of your breast, sucking marks into the sensitive skin.
His tongue swirled around your nipple, feeling it stiffen in his mouth. His hand moved to your other breast, twirling your nipple between his fingers until it stiffened.
As soon as he popped his mouth off, you bent down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. Compliant, he raised his arms and let you pull his shirt over his head.
You crawled on top of him, pushing him down on the mattress and straddling his lap, you leaned forward, flattening your palms on his chest and bringing your lips back to his.
This kiss was softer than the one before, his lips were gentle on yours, making your stomach flutter. The kiss was so genuine that you forgot what you were trying to do in the first place.
You rolled your hips down on his, feeling the obvious tent in his pants. “You’d better not take your time,” he threatened. “Remember, you wanted this. Coming here, dressed like the little slut you are. So desperate, aren’t you?” He teased, diving back into your lips just to take one in between his teeth.
Taehyung grabbed your hips and flipped you over, kneeling over you, he looked into your eyes. His beautiful chocolate eyes were clouded with lust, lust curated just for you. “Just for you,” you whined. “Need you Tae, so bad.”
“Fuck, y/n,” he groaned. You bit your lip as he moved down the bed, watching as he unbuttoned his jeans and discarded them on the floor. Your mouth watered at the sight of the bulge in his boxers, he leaned back on the bed, pulling the strings on the side of your bottoms, throwing them over his shoulder.
Taehyung got on his knees in front of you, grabbing your hips and pulling your folds against your face with a roughness that made you clench around nothing.
“You like that baby? Like being manhandled by me, huh?” He teased, planting a chaste kiss to your folds, licking your taste off his lips. “Pretty pussys so wet for me, all mine.”
He licked a stipe up your core, making you shiver. “Oh fuck!” You moaned, hips bucking into his mouth in search for more. “Don’t stop, don’t stop. Uh please don’t stop!” You begged, reaching down to twist your fingers in his fluffy brown locks.
“Taste so good,” he groaned against your core. You opened your mouth to ask something, when he already had. “So much sweeter than Aerra,” his tongue dipped into your hole, causing you to clench around his tongue.
You felt him smirk against you, he forced his tongue in and out of you a few times before moving back up to your clit and sucking it into his mouth. “Oh my god, I’m so close,” you whimpered, feeling weak against his tongue.
Clenching more and more often, you felt a foreign warmth build up in your stomach. No man had ever made you feel that way before, you never expected this from him, although you weren’t surprised he was as good as he was.
Just when you were about to reach your release, you felt him pull away from your core. You whined, but Taehyung stopped you with a finger to your lips, hushing you. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you something better,” he promised.
Taehyung moved back and pulled his boxers off, you crawled towards him, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes, this was a wonderful angle for him. “You want this cock, you needy slut?” He spat, taking his cock in his hand and slapping your cheek with his tip.
You nodded, opening your mouth for him. You stuck out your tongue, he rested the tip on your tongue, letting you suckle on the tip. You licked the pre cum from his tip, the bittersweet taste was addicting.
He pushed his hips forward, you took half of him before you couldn’t take anymore. You wrapped your hand around the part you couldn’t take in your mouth, you hollowed your cheeks around him, pulling a delicious moan from him. “Work that tongue, baby,” he groaned.
Taehyung wrapped his hand in your hair, pushing your head forward and making you gag on his cock. You worked your tongue along his slit, making him let out a lewd string of moans. “So good, so much better.” He held your head still and thrusted into your mouth. “That’s right, fucking cock slut.”
You moaned around his cock at the nickname, he pulled your hair down, forcing your head to look up at him. He looked into your doe eyes and felt as though he was in love, your beautiful eyes looking up at him so innocently while your mouth was filled with cock.
“Lay back,” he instructed, letting your hair fall loose as you leaned back and caught your breath. Taehyung climbed over top of you, gathering your slick and saliva and coating his cock, pumping it twice before lining the tip up with your hole. He pushed his tip in slowly, already earning a moan from you.
“So big,” you complained, wrapping your hands around his arms, which were on either side of your body.
“It’s only the tip, baby.” He cooed, fingers brushing with your own gently. “Be a good little slut and take it,” the softness in his voice disappearing almost completely.
You let out a whimper, he eased into you the rest of the way, you moaned lewdly as he bottomed out. “Holy fuck, you’re so big,” you moaned, feeling him stretch you open.
“And you’re so tight,” he groaned, pulling his hips back and thrusting back in harshly. “Such a pretty pussy, so tight, squeezes me so well, what a shame she doesn’t get taken care of.”
Dropping down to his forearms, your hands slid up to his biceps, which were clenched deliciously as he thrusted into you. “I bet she doesn’t make you feel this way,” you taunted, squeezing his biceps. “Bet her pussy doesn’t pull you in as good as mine,” you whined, staring up at him with a look of pure need.
“Fuck, you’re so innocent.” Taehyung groaned, speeding up the pace of his hips. His pelvis hit the back of your thighs and you were sure they were going to be red by the time he was done with you.
He pulled out, easily flipping you onto your stomach. “Get on your knees,” he harped, you propped yourself up on your knees. Taehyung’s hand came down and layed a smack on your ass, you let out a moan as his hand soothed the red handprint he left on your skin. “You’re kinkier than I thought, you like getting slapped huh? Want me to make sure you’re mine? Is that it?”
“Yes, yes!” You cried, feeling him push back into your core. “Dominate me, make me yours!”
A string of whimpers left your mouth as he picked up the pace, the bed rocked beneath you, but you didn’t care. Anyone working wouldn’t be home and even if they were, you didn’t care. All you wanted was him, you needed him. “You feel so good on my cock, baby. Wish I could have you on me all the time, wanna have that pussy whenever I want.”
The thought of him using you made you clench around him, making him let out a moan you were sure you wouldn’t forget. “Tae, Tae please let me.. uh please let me ride you!” You begged, looking back at him. He pulled his lip into a smirk, pulling out and sitting down on the bed. He leaned against the pillows and watched you crawl to him, he bit his lip when you straddled his lap, rubbing your lips against his length.
“Put it in, you slut. Ride me like you want it,” he instructed. You grabbed the base of his cock, lining it up with your entrance. You sunk down on his cock, you moaned, he watched as his cock disappeared inside you.
Taehyung’s hands ran up your thighs, massaging them as you lifted yourself up and dropped back down on his cock. You leaned into him, arching yourself against his chest and holding onto his shoulders. “Ride that cock, baby. How does it feel inside you?”
“Good, uh it’s so good!” You moaned, your legs shaking as you picked up your pace. His hand slipped between your bodies and found your clit, he rubbed circles around it was you bounced up and down. Your movements became sloppier, legs shaking the closer you got to your orgasm.
Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist tightly, holding you up and fucking into your hole with rough thrusts. He rolled you onto your back, wrapping his hand around your neck to pin you to the mattress. His hands squeezed the side of your neck, restricting your airflow enough that you could breathe, but just barely.
“So close, baby. So close to filling you up,” he moaned, the thought making you clench. “Look at that, look at my cock in your stomach.” You looked down, his cock creating a bulge in your stomach every time he bottomed out.
“Oh my god, Tae. Fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum!!” You cried, digging your nails into his arms, sure you left a mark.
“That’s right, you cum on my cock.” He told you, twirling his fingers around your clit, your thighs squeezed around his hips, trying to close from the pleasure.
With a tight squeeze of your walls around him, you came, moaning his name as your arousal dropped out of you. “Tae, so sensitive, fuck, Taehyung!”
You were losing your mind as his hips rutted into yours as hard as he could, chasing his own release. “Gonna cum in your pussy, gonna fill you up so much your walls are gonna be painted white.”
“Tae please, please fill me up.” You begged him, feeling so overstimulated you could barely register what was happening.
“Yes, yes, gonna cum!” He groaned, stilling his hips deep in your core and finally letting go. He moaned your name, spilling his seed in you. “Oh god you feel so fucking good, where have you been?” He took a deep breath and pulled out, laying down beside you.
Taehyung pulled you against his chest, you wrapped your legs around his, taking in a deep breath of his delicious cinnamon scent. “So, am I better?” You asked him, running your finger under his jaw.
“Fuck yes, best pussy I’ve ever had.” He pressed his lips to yours, kissing you with a softness you weren’t expecting.
The two of you lay together for a minute or two, before he sat up and stretched. “What are you doing?” You asked, grabbing his shoulders and using them to pull yourself up, your legs burning. “Whoof,” you rubbed your legs, trying to ease the pain.
“I figured that we should get cleaned up before Aerra gets home,” he gave you a smirk. “You might have actually convinced me to make a few decisions,” he stood up, scooping under your legs and waist to lift you into his arms.
His cum dropped out of you slightly, landing on his leg as he walked to the bathroom. Your arms were around his neck, snuggling close to his nape as he held you in his strong arms.
“You’re her whole personality, I’d love to see how she’d survive without you.” You joked, he chuckled and set you down on the counter.
Both of you got cleaned and back into your clothes just in time for Aerra to come through the door. She smiled and takes to you both, blissfully unaware.
At least for now.
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tigergirltail · 2 days
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Everything hurts.
I started noticing it about two weeks after my first dose. It felt like a dull headache at first, but over the next month it spread to pretty much my entire body.
I had to start working from home, and eventually it got bad enough that I could only put in a few hours of work each day. My boss is a reasonable enough guy, but he wasn't going to pay a full time salary for part time hours, so I had to take a salary cut.
Luckily, my partner is around to take care of daily errands, not to mention being there to reassure and comfort me when the pain gets bad. They've been thinking about seeing if Lindwurm HRT is a thing, but they don't want to get the process started until I'm in the clear and can take care of myself again.
Gods I love them.
The reason the pain is happening, as best I can tell, is that my skeletal structure is already changing. I've gotten at least an inch taller, and my face has been reshaping into a feline muzzle. My teeth are getting sharper, and I'm developing proper fangs. I also noticed a little while ago that my fingernails and toenails had receded into their respective digits, which sucks for two reasons - I can't paint fingernails I don't have, and they are sore as HELL when I put any amount of pressure on them. I have to be REALLY careful with how I type to not inflict agony on myself. I'm also feeling my tail growing in, and even if it hurts, it's euphoric as HELL. A tail was always the part I wanted most out of this.
It's weird, the skeletal changes weren't supposed to happen this early. I've been trying to reach Dr. Erian about it, but he's constantly busy, probably because of the sudden surge of people looking for Humanity Removal Therapy.
Other than that, I've been getting areas of white and black fur coming in - mostly on my arms and legs, but a little bit on my face and ears - ears that are gradually reshaping and migrating. Nothing to report on hearing sensitivity, but I think my night vision is getting better.
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I did a little bit of looking around for anyone with similar pain experiences. I got my hopes up when I found a girl, Antonina, who had a painful experience with Cat HRT, but it turns out it's because she took the rumoured Fifteen Minute version. She described the pain as "like bathing in an active volcano".
It leaves me wondering whether I would have preferred a 15-minute lava bath over a months-long full-body headache.
I ended up reaching out to her anyway, just because I wanted to know what I was in for in the endgame and feline HRT is rarer than I thought it would be. Sounds like the prey drive is the real deal - she keeps feeling the urge to bite this one girl who's on mouse HRT.
We've been spending some time comparing notes and getting to know each other. It's nice to know someone else who's going through this thing, even if our experiences aren't exactly one-to-one.
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I also talked to my mother for the first time in nearly a year. I went No Contact with her a while back because she was only getting more obnoxious and combative about me being trans, but I figured changing my species is a big enough deal that I should keep her in the loop.
Besides, my savings had nearly dried up and I needed to ask her for money.
It… did not go well. She hadn't heard of therian HRT before, and once I explained it, she started panicking about how I'm "mutilating my body" with "untested treatments". I think I also heard her cry something about how her "son" is "killing himself", which is just multiple layers of insensitive.
At least she sent me some money. Hopefully it'll be enough to last until my transformation stops being agonizing and I can go back to work, and then I can go right back to pretending my family doesn't exist.
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At roughly the three-month mark, I have a check-in video call with Dr. Erian. From the moment his face appears on screen, though, I can tell something is wrong. He seems… older, somehow.
"Hello, Miss Alexis.", he offers. He sounds tired. Sorrowful, even.
"Hey, doc." I have to ask about it. "Everything okay? You seem a bit tired."
"Nothing to worry about Miss Alexis, just the ordinary stresses of daily life."
Liar. I know I'm not entitled to details of your personal life, much less your professional secrets, but I know when something is eating at someone.
"…Does the word 'crossroads' mean anything to you, Miss Alexis?"
Huh? That came a bit out of left field. "I've… heard some other therian HRT patients use the term, but I don't know much of the details. Something about a point of no return?"
"Something of the sort." He lowers his head and seems to go from sorrowful to downright grim. "There will come a time, Miss Alexis, when you will have to make a very important decision in your care, and I ask that you do so with great consideration for the consequences."
I recoil a little in my seat. "Yeah… Of course I will. Any decision I make, even reaching out to you in the first place, I don't take it lightly."
"Good… That's good." His demeanor shifts back to his stoic, clinical self. I don't know what just happened, but he went somewhere for a moment there.
"Now then, I did receive your messages, I apologize for not getting back to you. You mentioned you were experiencing persistent and debilitating whole-body soreness?"
"Yeah. I can't even leave the apartment most days, it hurts so much."
"Odd… You are taking the treatment as directed, yes?"
"Of course. One tablespoon a week, just like it says on the bottle."
I see his eyes twitch behind his glasses. Did I say something wrong?
I cock my head to the side. "Say again?"
"You mean one TEASPOON a week, yes?"
I feel my heart sink. The dark smear on the dosage information… I could have sworn it said '1 tbsp/week'.
"…Could you hold on a second please?" I mute the mic and call out to my partner to bring the bottle of tiger HRT over. When they do, I unmute and hold it up to the webcam. I hear Dr. Erian take a sharp intake of breath as he notices the obscured instructions.
I set the bottle aside and the two of us share an awkward silence.
"So…", I begin. "…How bad is it?"
"The good news", he offers slowly, "is that you have only been taking three times the prescribed dose. An increased dose imbalances the growth rate of the different parts of your body, hence your pain and persistent weakness, but it could have been much worse."
I think back to the so-called Fifteen Minute version, and Antonina's description of it - like bathing in an active volcano.
Dr. Erian continues. "Assuming you return to a CORRECT dose, your growth rates will gradually level out over the course of the next month or so. It is my medical opinion that you should maintain a low-activity lifestyle until then, but you will eventually be able to return to your typical activity level, and you will also find that the physical effects become more… consistent."
"That's… reassuring. Thank you, doctor." I pause. Something I noticed a little while ago has been weighing on my mind. "There's one thing, though - do the treatments have… I guess you'd call them restorative or regenerative effects? I've noticed some old wounds aren't there anymore."
The doctor clicks his pen and brings up his notepad. "Interesting. Do go on, Miss Alexis."
"Well… I used to get lower back pain from a car crash injury I got a little over a year ago, but I haven't noticed it at all lately. Pretty much the only part that DOESN'T hurt… There also used to be some marks on my arm from a cat biting me when I was little." I give a slight smile. "The cat's name was Tiger, go figure."
Dr. Erian is writing the whole time I'm talking. "Yes, that is to be expected. Minor persistent injuries will fade over time as your body re-forms itself to a new baseline, even severe chronic symptoms may fade. If there are no other concerns…"
"Just one… Most of the other therian HRT patients I've talked to have gotten their meds as pills, so what's with the potion bottle?"
Dr. Erian pauses, and adjusts his glasses nervously, as if he's been caught out on something he doesn't want to admit to. "Well… advances in the field are occurring rapidly, and you are one of the more recent patients, so a more… streamlined option was available to you. I took the liberty of choosing the most compatible option based on your medical records, and that bottle is it."
"Okay… But what's IN it?"
"The active ingredients are antihominidone, which is your humanity-blocker, and a specialized formula of felistrogen, infused with white tiger genetic material. The rest of the fluid is a suspension used to dilute the effects, without which you would be looking at a short, but excruciating and potentially lethal process."
The Fifteen Minute version, I think to myself. I'm taking diluted Fifteen Minute meds. There's no WAY this isn't experimental, and I'M the experiment. I despise saying it, but maybe my mother was right to worry.
"But I'm afraid I really do have to go, Miss Alexis, my next appointment is waiting."
"G-gotcha. See ya, doctor."
Special thanks to @paintedbytosia for letting me write her in, and shoutout to @megamoonerjenny for coming up with 'antihominidone'
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fanfoolishness · 3 days
Crosshair, Omega + drizzle & sleepless?
Somehow while writing this I forgot the sleepless part of this and focused on the drizzle. So there's a hint of sleeplessness but mostly it's about a little moment in the rain with Crosshair and Omega. Thank you so much for the prompt! Prompt list here.
Set shortly after Bad Territory. Crosshair continues to attempt meditation with Omega's encouragement, but it's slow going, especially when the rain interrupts. Not remotely a drabble at 1500 words!
Crosshair frowned.  His hand trembled on his knee, the tremor subtle but still perceptible.  He let out a sharp, impatient breath.
”Crosshair?” Omega asked.  He sighed, turning to the kid sitting cross-legged beside him.
It had been a week since Omega had convinced him to give meditation for his hand a try.  Dutifully he’d come down to the beach with her every day, even when he’d rather not.  He still wasn’t sleeping well after their encounter with the CX trooper on Teth, and he felt more like shutting himself away than getting out every morning and putting time into something he wasn’t sure would work.
But every day, Omega wore him down.  And overall, his average shooting accuracy was improving… very, very slowly.  
It was just that every time he thought his hand was starting to get better, every time he allowed himself to hope for his old ability again, there the tremor would be -- irritating, agitating, weak.
”You know it’s going to take time,” Omega said, as if reading his mind.  “I’m sure that even with your enhancements, it still took a lot of training for you to become a sniper.”  She smiled, reaching up to brush the bangs out of her eyes.  “Besides, I thought being a sniper required patience?”
”Don’t get smart,” Crosshair said, though without any real venom.  He bit down on his toothpick and it cracked in half.  Annoyed, he spat it out.  
He felt a drop of water hit his head.  The morning fog, instead of burning off, had only thickened.   While he and Omega had been attempting to meditate, clouds had rolled in above them.  He glanced up at them, noting the deep gray color, the billowing plumes.  It didn’t take a tracker’s skills to realize they were going to be in for a storm.
”Come on, we’d better get going,” he said, half-relieved to be done with meditating for the day.  Part of him had to admit that the stillness and the breathing reminded him of some of the more enjoyable parts of his old training — but the rest of him resented that it was needed, that there didn’t seem to be a quick fix for the tremor.  He clambered to his feet, giving Omega a hand.  She scrambled up easily.
”You think it’s going to rain?” Omega asked, even as a few more droplets of water dripped onto his head.  Of course, her head was rather better protected from the elements than his own.  
He rubbed his head with his hand, his hand coming away damp as he brushed against the barely palpable stubble growing there.  Maybe he’d grow it back out now.  He knew it’d never grow over the burn scar, but he didn’t mind that showing; it was a reminder he deserved.
”I know it.  And Hunter would kill me if I kept you out here in a downpour.  You might get a cold.”
Omega burst out laughing.  “You’re too much, little brother.”
He bristled, but not before giving her half a smile.  “I’m just looking out for you.  Kid.”
The rain began in earnest then, drops drip-dripping on the ground below them, sending up a sweet, dusty smell of damp stone and sand.  Omega shivered as the rain intensified into a steady drizzle, rubbing her arms.  She’d worn short sleeves today and looked like she was regretting it.
”See?  I can hear him now.  ‘You let Omega get caught in this weather?’” Crosshair said.  He undid the snaps on his vest and pulled it off, leaving only his undershirt, which was rapidly getting soaked.  “Here, I know it’s not sleeves, but maybe it will help.”  He wrapped it around her shoulders, where it hung off her small frame like an awkward poncho.  
She beamed up at him.  “Thanks, Crosshair.  And don’t worry about Hunter.  I know how to handle him.”
Crosshair nearly choked at the thought.  Hunter, their sergeant, their leader, stern as hell — and wrapped around the finger of this scrawny kid with the sunny smile.  On second thought, maybe he and Hunter were more alike than he wanted to admit.  “Yeah, I guess you do.”  
They made their way up the stairs back to the colonnade, taking it slower than usual with the stairs slick and slippery.  Omega’s hair was plastered to her face, but the vest he’d given her was slightly water-repellant, and her shivering had stopped.  He was the chilly one now, but he wasn’t planning on mentioning it.
Omega squinted up at the rainy sky, droplets beading down her face.  “It reminds me of Kamino,” she said, her voice going flat.  
“Mhm,” Crosshair said, unsure of what to say.  He didn’t think much about Kamino, these days; there were other things that stalked his memories and his sleep, and if he let himself linger on Kamino, he’d remember that platform, that hunger, that choice.  The wrong choice.  
He swallowed.  Looked down at the kid, whose face had gone stony.  
“What about it?” Crosshair asked at last.
”The lab I was raised in was underwater,” said Omega.  “You saw it.  Sometimes I didn’t see the sky for a year at a time, if Nala Se didn’t need me to leave the lab with her.”  She wrapped her arms around herself, skipping up a few steps ahead of him, her head down.  “And when I did get to look outside, it was always this.  Always rain.  I didn’t see a sunny day on Kamino until that day with you.”
He trudged up behind her, crossing his arms, trying not to think about it.  He couldn’t have known.  Couldn’t have realized it was the last time he’d ever see his brother.  
Could he have?
Omega stopped on the next landing, waiting for him.  He hadn’t realized he was climbing so slowly.
She gazed at him, something complicated in her eyes.  “I hated it.  But it was still my home.  I haven’t thought about it in a long time.  It’s just, the rain —“  She frowned.  “Are you okay?”
He looked down at her.  “I… don’t like thinking about it either,” he said evenly.  
At his side, his hand shook, fingers dragging against his leg.  He let out a long breath, then reached out.  
He pulled the vest down a little lower over her back where it had bunched up.  There.  That would cover her better, protect her more from the rain. He patted her back once, twice before pulling away, his hand going still.
She smiled sadly up at him.  “Thanks.”  She hunched in under the vest more securely, then wiped her hair out of her eyes.  
“For what?” 
“I don’t know.  Listening.”  She kept climbing the stairs and he followed.  “You’re pretty good at it.  When you aren’t being sarcastic.”
”I’m never sarcastic. I’m observant,” he sniffed.  She looked back at him, her eyes wide and skeptical, then she broke into a laugh when she realized he was smiling.
“You’re kind of horrible, you know.”
He shrugged, but the smile still tugged at his face.  “You’re not wrong.”
They climbed up the rest of the stairs in the rain, which thankfully kept itself to a drizzle instead of a tropical cloudburst.  Still, they were sodden by the time they reached the deserted colonnade, their feet squelching in the water pooling on the stone surface.  They made their way back to the Marauder, shivering side by side while the gangplank descended.
“Come on, come on, get out of the rain!” Wrecker said, waving them in.  They climbed aboard, the warm close air inside the ship extremely welcome.
Wrecker tossed Crosshair a blanket, then wrapped one carefully around Omega.  “I’m fine, Wrecker,” she giggled.  “Just soaked.”
“Here,” said Hunter, emerging from the cockpit with a pair of steaming mugs.  “Found some tea.  I know I’m no cook, but I swear it won’t poison you.”
”I’ll be the judge of that,” Crosshair said.  He wiped his face off with the blanket, then wrapped it around his shoulders and took a mug from Hunter.  It did smell good, something floral and faintly fruity, and most importantly, it was warm.  He held it tightly in his good hand.
Omega took a sip.  “Oh!  I remember this.”  She gave Hunter a small smile, then took another sip.  “It’s the tea Phee gave us.  Tech really liked it.”  She took a deep breath of its scent.
Crosshair took a small sip, closing his eyes.  The tea was scalding hot, but its flavors were delicate, an herbal undertone mixing with bright warm florals. 
Funny, he had never known Tech to be much of a tea person.
He’d have liked to tease him about it.
Omega sneezed, startling all of them.  Crosshair looked up guiltily, knowing before he saw it what he’d find: Hunter staring daggers at him.  
“She’s fine, Hunter.  Just a little rain,” Crosshair said.  Hunter arched an eyebrow at him in warning, but stopped short of actually making a move on his life.
Crosshair sat down at the console, gazing out the viewscreen, watching the rain sluice down.  He drank his tea, slowly warming up in the blanket, listening as Omega began talking to Hunter and Wrecker, their voices a familiar and comforting murmur.
He took another drink, and his hands stayed steady.
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jasntodds · 16 hours
Penance [1]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 7,340
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, mentions of death, mentions of injuries, a little blood, a little bit of violence
Summary: ❝Thesus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. Thesus: Stain them. I don’t care.❞
It’s been a month and a half since Crane’s reign of terror was stopped, leaving Gotham to finally return to normal. But, what is normal? After everything Jason and you have been through, it seems normal might be some unobtainable dream state. But that’s not going to stop either of you from trying and maybe, you’ll get lucky in the end. At the end of it, the two of you have suffered enough, right?
A/N: It's finally the last book!! I'm honestly so excited lol You don't have to read the previous books to read this one but if you want context, feel free to ask!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
series masterlist | masterlist | tag list
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Everything is different. Somehow, everything has changed so much over the last month and a half everything that happened before almost feels like some sort of sick fever dream. It's all very real and all of it happened but everything is different today. At least, to Jason it feels different.
Gotham itself is pretty much the same. Bruce has been back and doing his whole Batman thing. The only difference is he doesn't have a Robin now but his methods remain the same, it's the same routine for him, same big bads. It's the same for him. The businesses that were boarded up during Crane's reign are up and running, everything looking to be the same just as it was before. The air around the city is still smoggy and the rain is still cold and wet. The streets sound the same just as they always did and the gargoyle keeps Jason company just as it did before. So much is the same but he feels like everything is different.
Instead of him and Bruce butting heads over him being Robin, they're butting heads over his methods. Bruce has no issue with Red Hood but he does have a problem with the killing part of it. And Jason won't budge. He swears he's not bitter about what happened but he is firm in his belief that change needs to happen. It stops with him and Bruce can either fight him or get on board. They are trying to come to some sort of agreement which is significantly better than how it would have went before. Bruce keeps the Robin suit in the case. He won't tell Jason why.
Their relationship is different now. Jason thinks it might be for the better.
He hopes it's for the better.
His living situation is different than it was before. He has his own place, the main safe house he used while Crane ran the city. It's not anything too special yet and Jason doesn't have too many things that are his but it's coming along. And that is his. It almost feels like it did when he was on the streets but this time, it is his choice. It is his choice to be alone here. And he owns it. No one can come and kick him out, no one can come and arrest him for trespassing and breaking and entering, it is his. It might feel lonely sometimes after living with Bruce and the Titans for so long but it is his and it brings him some sort of pride in a way.
He works with Barbara mostly now. Whenever something a bit more dicey pops up or Bruce is busy, she calls Jason. It's his literal job now and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. Him and Babs get along better now. Actually, him and the Titans get along better now. There's still plenty of work to be done but his relationship with them has been on the mend, something he is eternally grateful for. He still owes them.
Then there's you.
Things are different with you.
"I will be back as soon as the threat is taken care of." Bruce states as he grabs a few things from the Batcave. "Are you sure you can handle this?" Bruce asks, not because of his lack of confidence in Jason's abilities but rather his general mental health.
"I got it, man." Jason brushes him off. "Nothing I haven't done before. You've gone with the Justice League plenty of times." Jason holds back his snippy attitude, trying his best to level with Bruce and not let his anger get the best of him.
"Before you were..." Bruce trails off in a way that makes Jason shift his weight off his bad leg. "Robin." He nods once, sternly and hard. "That was before."
"I'm fine." Jason nearly whines, desperate to not get into that. They don't talk about it. "I got it." He gestures his arms out casually.
"Okay." Bruce states with a sigh. "Do not blow anything or anyone up again." Bruce warns.
The touch of a smirk pulls at his lips. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
There may have been an explosion near Harbor last week with some gun runners inside. Jason may or may not have been in the area patrolling. And that group may or may not have been the group Jason had been tracking over the last few days. Jason does think the explosion really helped though. They got all the guns and all the people involved in one sweep. Seemed efficient.
"I know it was you." Bruce states easily.
"Nope." Jason shakes his head but the grin is tugging at his lips, knowing damn well he's guilty.
Bruce lets out a sigh, not bothering to argue with him over it. "Just...keep it down, Jason." Bruce states and he's gone out of town a hundred times but something about this being the first time since Jason died and has been brought back almost makes him nervous.
Jason can handle himself. He's been doing it. This is only his second time in the Batcave over the last month and a half and only his third time back at the manor. He's doing well on his own, all things considered, but he is Bruce's son and Bruce does worry even if he doesn't show it.
"It'll be fine, just go. I got it all handled. Pick up your job you're working, almost got the one from Babs and..." Jason pauses feeling his mouth run dry. "Molly said y/n's got a few she's working."
Bruce eyes him, knowing very little but knowing enough about the situation between the two of you. "You should call her." Bruce tries to say it casually.
"No." Jason states simply. "And you're not allowed to give me advice here. The one that got away? Seriously, man?" Jason lets out a scoff.
Of all people, Jason does not want relationship advice from Bruce. Bruce had a solid chance with Selina and apparently, he's still hung up on her and is doing nothing about it. He could have had something great with Talia, too but that didn't end well. Jason is not looking to take advice from Bruce and he's thinking he shouldn't be taking much relationship advice from anyone he knows. No one seems to be getting that department together anytime soon. The way he sees it, this is fine.
It's fine.
"How did Tim know that?" Bruce questions Jason plainly.
"He stalks us." Jason nearly chortles.
"Well, that is all my advice. Call her, Jason." Bruce nods once at him.
"I'm good." Jason shakes his head. "Now go before Clark shows up and drags you back with him."
Bruce lets out a sigh, making his way through the living room. Bruce offered to let him stay at the manor which Jason declined. He's on his own. He can't come back here. If he's even being honest, he's only thinking Bruce called him to "look out over his jurisdictions" just to check up on him, make sure he feels useful as if Jason doesn't have his own work he's doing. Somewhere in his chest he wants to be mad and fight back over it, swear it's because Bruce doesn't think he can handle it so he's setting him up to prove a point to get him back. But Jason bites it all back, deciding to tell his mind to shut up for fucking once and let this just play out.
He sees Leslie once a week and that helps. He thinks he'll just tell her about it.
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Jason finds himself back at the place he's calling home, enabling the alarms once he's safe inside. It's messy and somewhere in the back of his head, he can hear the echo of your voice telling him he should clean because he's not busy now. And he looks at the stuff on the floor, almost willing himself to listen, and then he heads upstairs anyway.
If Jason Todd is good at anything, it's being alone. He's been alone almost his whole life. Even when his dad was around, he was drunk or mean...so he was alone. Even when his mom was alive, she was usually high. She wasn't really with him very much. He adapted to what it's like to be alone. To fend for himself always and somewhere deep in his broken heart, he wishes it weren't this way but he's good at it. He has always pushed until he was alone. He is a natural disaster ripping through the hearts of people who love him so maybe being alone has always been better for him. At least the only thing left to destroy is himself.
Even if being lonely is some of the worst kind of hurt. But this is his penance.
One day, he swears, it won't be like this. That's the point of talking to Leslie and getting along with Bruce and being himself today. One day it won't be like this. A day will come when he won't have to punish himself for all the hurt he's caused. He won't have to punish himself for all the scars he bears at the hands of others and himself. One day he won't have to punish himself for the person he could have been. It just has to be like this today. So, Jason goes up to his room where he keeps his training equipment and monitors and he starts to work on the cipher until it's time for patrol.
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The city is warm tonight. Cars are crowding the streets while people walk home from their Saturday night out and a smile pulls at your lips from under your mask as you watch the people below you. Patrol has just started and you're mostly waiting and listening, knowing something is going to happen because it always does on Saturday nights. But, you'd be lying if you said you don't like the view from where you are. Something about Gotham always being pretty at night.
The smog isn't visible, it doesn't look dreary as it usually does during the day. It's just street lights and busy people walking about. A part of you can't believe just a few months ago you were terrified of heights and now you actually enjoy the view.
Things have changed a lot since then.
You live with Molly now, probably how it always should have been. You share a small apartment, this one has better locks on the doors and windows. And every night you teach Molly some self-defense, just in case. If you've learned one thing, it's that you cannot save everyone but you can help them. At least if Molly is somewhat prepared, she has a chance though you could tell by how she moved and certain things she already knew that Jason had taught her a few things before San Francisco. Living with her is nice though. She understands you and there is no judgment. You aren't alone.
Gar and Tim talk to you every single day, updating you with whatever is going on. At first, it was fun stuff on the road trip like sightseeing and museums and bowling. Now, it's the hell Metropolis is currently under. You've never been so happy you stayed behind. You do not want to fight a demon. You'll never admit it, but you wouldn't stand a single chance against Rachel let alone Mother Mayhem and Brother Blood. Though, you are disappointed you missed the whole zombie situation. You're just glad the boys keep you up to date with everything and you talk to Dick and Kory all the time, too. That doesn't feel too different. It feels almost like it did when you first came back to Gotham and you like it this way.
And then there's Jason.
Things are different with Jason.
"Robbery in progress in the East End, convenience store." Molly says through the comms.
"Got it, send the address." You grin wildly behind your mask before you use your grappling hook to lower yourself down the backside of the building.
Molly helping out has been new. You aren't too happy about that part but...Molly was insistent and to tell her no would make you a hypocrite. Molly stays back and is youe eyes in the skies kind of deal which has been very helpful when it comes to patrol. At least that's nice.
You take the bike and head to the address Molly sent you. Patrolling is different now, too. You've always patrolled with Bruce or Jason or the Titans. Even when Jason died, you weren't patrolling. You had set targets and that's who you went out to grab. This is patrol. This is different. You're alone with Molly in your ear. You thought maybe you wouldn't like it, Iike maybe you'd actually be really bad at it being alone. But, if you were being honest, you're really enjoying it this way. You're good at it. And it's fun and you don't have to worry about anyone else. It's just you. Your life. That's it. And you like the thrill a little bit.
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Jason shoves the last of four men to the ground, his hands zip-tied behind his back and the man lets out a groan. He glares up at Jason with blood streaming down his nose, his friends all a bit battered but have learned to keep quiet. This one is annoying.
"You broke my fucking nose!" He screams up at Jason.
Jason never quite understood why people committing crimes who get caught, like in this instance for example, are confused by their injuries. They showed up to rob a local small business and expected to get away with it. They're here to possibly ruin something that someone has earned and worked very hard for just because they can. A broken nose seems to be a pretty good deal.
He's not even a stranger to robbery but these guys walked in there armed and prepared to shoot anyone who wanted to get in the way. Jason was also a teenager and desperate. These four men don't seem to be in the same boat and the way Jason sees it, there was no reason to hold a gun to someone's face for a hundred dollars in a cash register. These are not master criminals.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood or your nose would be the last of your worries." Jason says casually through the modulator.
"Good mood?!" The man yells back as if he's the real victim in this situation.
"Yeah, good mood." Jason echoes back about to make another smart comment until he hears the sound of a motorcycle pulling up.
Jason turns around just in time to see it stop and he'd recognize the bike anywhere because it's the same one as his. He'd recognize the blue and black suit anywhere because it's yours.
You pop the helmet off and Jason swears his very heart just burst into flames into his chest and it might just burn through his ribcage. The corner of his lips starts to tug into a shielded smile at the sight of you and his only thought is that he misses you. He asks about you to your friends, not too often but...often enough for them to know. All of them say the same things, you're doing okay but they're worried. You're working with Barbara, too, running different jobs for the PD and you check in on Tim's parents every single day.
Molly always says the least about you.
Every single bone in his body feels hollowed seeing you. But when you lock eyes with him and you don't look happy, the guilt comes back baring its teeth and digging them right into his jugular.
It has been a month and a half and he is trying his best. It hasn't been easy and some days he doesn't try but generally, he's trying. It's hard whenever every breath he takes is haunted by the day he took his last. It's hard trying to figure out his footing. Jason Todd is Red Hood. He knows that. He is Red Hood. Red Hood protects innocent people and uses any means necessary to make sure they stay safe. But he is not a hero. He is doing what must be done and that is all. Jason Todd is Red Hood but outside of that, he doesn't know yet. Instead, he wraps himself in a straightjacket of guilt and remorse and agony and hopes that'll be enough to repay his debts to misery and happiness.
You eye him and it's like you're being exposed to the entire city in an instant. It's as if your suit and mask have been ripped from your body and every scar and insecurity and vulnerability is being displayed in some sort of sick museum as you see him. You have separate sections of the city. You, him, and Bruce. This is Bruce's section but he's out of town with the Justice League. It would have been Jason's to pick up but you didn't even question it when Molly mentioned it.
You wish you would have questioned it.
It is almost a relief he wears a full-face helmet because you aren't entirely sure what you would do if you saw his face, saw his expression. Would he be happy to see you? Disappointed? Mad? Would there be anything left at all or would he just look at you like he would any other vigilante showing up a little too late to help? You aren't sure which of those would be easier to swallow.
Something builds in the space between you, something hard and damaged, sucking the air out from between you. It snarls back at you both almost daring you to go ahead and try to move. Try to make the space less and see just how badly the teeth of grief will hurt this time. Go ahead and tempt death for old time's sake and guilt. Go ahead and try to mend this and pretend it's some sort of coincidence, as if fate has any hand in this. It bites and gnaws at you both as water brims in your eyes, every emotion bubbling over to the surface and grief screams out to you both.
Go ahead and try again, see just how badly this will all end again. It will only end in bloody hands and shredded agony. Guilt laughs in your faces, a devious crackle as if you are not worth the other. The both of you do not deserve forgiveness for the torture you've caused the other. Walk away. You both can hear it over and over again, guilt and grief and resentment and loneliness, walk away.
So, you do.
You pop the helmet back on your head just as Jason turns back to the robbers.
"Where are you going?" Molly asks through the comms as she watches the tracker on her screen start moving.
"You can see him here." You seethe. "I know you can see him, too."
Molly has all of your locations. She shares them with Bruce. It was part of an agreement with her doing this eyes in the skies thing and you being able to keep patrolling. It's how you all keep your sections of the city. Molly knows Jason is here.
"He wasn't when I sent you, I swear." Molly defends softly. It's not a lie, she just didn't mention when Jason happened to be moving towards the robbery. "He showed up but you were already on your way—"
"So you didn't tell me?!" You yell. "Seriously?"
Somewhere in the last month and a half, grief has metastasized into something resembling resentment. It's not him. You know that. But, seeing him just now brings back too many feelings you've yet to deal with properly, you're trying but you haven't gotten that far yet.
Grief bubbles back and transforms into something like resentment because you should be together. You should fucking happy and you aren't. You are, generally, but there is this void echoing in your chest. A burning pain right on your heart where his name was stitched. It sucks to be blind-sided into seeing him even if the resentment is towards yourself. You just would have liked some fucking warning about it.
You need to be prepared if you're going to see him and you aren't entirely sure you're ready. There's still a lot of shame even if missing him makes you feel like Atlas. Half the damn time it takes everything in you not to call him. Something will happen and he is still the first person you want to tell. But, you're not talking. Instead, you get updates about him through Molly and Gar and Tim. All of them have said he seems okay while sounding worried about him. It's hard not to worry about him. He's Jason. You think that's your only relief, knowing he's at least doing okay.
You just wish you had it in yourself to check in but he said space and you said space. You agreed and guilt and shame suck the very air out of your lungs to the point where you think this is your way of punishing yourself for everything you've done to him. Forcing yourself to not contact him first and check-in. You're punishing yourself but keeping to what you know and staying away from him. Maybe it was him who was always better off.
Molly sighs. "You have to talk to him eventually." Molly rolls her eyes on the other end and decides to drop it. She can hear the engine of the bike roaring louder than usual. This conversation is not one to have at the moment. "Mugging two blocks from you, take a right."
She is thankful the two of you have not put her in the middle. The most that happens is you both asking about each other. Other than that, you don't ask. You don't mention each other. It's as if you only know of each other through your mutual friends. Molly thinks that might actually be worse sometimes.
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Jason gets back to his safe house and strips from the Red Hood gear. He heads right for the shower. Seeing you tonight, it feels like a lot. He never tried to kill you but somehow, you're the person he betrayed the most and dealing with that has been a lot harder than most of the rest of it. Your dedication and loyalty to him he thinks has made it so hard. To have someone so loyal and love him the way you did, sends his head fuzzy with regret knowing the pain he caused you.
At first, Jason thought it'd be a week or two. You'd both cave and talk again and then one thing would lead to another. Maybe it wouldn't be the healthiest way to deal with your shit, but you'd be together and you'd figure it out. But then a week or two turned into three and then four and then six. The more time that passes, the harder it gets to pick up the phone. Maybe that's why he asks Gar and Tim and Molly about you. They all say you're good but they're worried about you. They're always worried about you. But at least you've been good and Jason is grateful for that. He just wishes he had it in himself to suck it up and just call you. But, he doesn't so he showers away the thoughts of you and drowns himself in his guilt and regret.
By the time he's out of the shower, his phone is ringing and he's drying his hair with a towel, the white streak staring back at him in the mirror and he's still mad Dick didn't get the same thing he did.
"Yeah?" Jason answers the phone.
"I need your help." Dick states on the other end.
Jason pulls the phone from his head, looking at the caller ID before he puts the phone back to his ear. "With?"
"Training Tim." Dick states.
Jason almost laughs at the very statement. It's not that Dick is asking for help in the training department, he has before. That's fine. It's that Tim is supposed to be Robin out there and Jason knows they are actively fighting demons and zombies. Tim should absolutely be getting trained in between all of that.
"You haven't trained him yet?" Jason scoffs in surprise before he walks out of the en suite and into his bedroom.
"We've been busy." Dick scoffs back knowing damn well Jason knows what's been happening. Dick has mentioned it and Gar gives Dick updates about Jason meaning Gar talks to him plenty. "Between everything that's been going on since we got to Metropolis, we haven't had time."
Jason chuckles softly on the other end. "Yeah, uh, Gar was telling about me about the zombie shit. Fucking Deathstroke? Glad I wasn't there." Jason laughs softly and he can't see it but there might even be a faint smile on Dick's lips. He sounds good.
"Yeah," Dick huffs, running a hand through his hair. "You gonna be able to help?" Dick asks.
"Yeah, I owe you anyway." Jason agrees. "Not gonna go easy on him though. I'm gonna make sure he's ready when he comes back."
It doesn't take Jason long to have his decision. There's something...weird with someone replacing him in a way, as Robin. But, if someone is going to be Robin, they have to be prepared, more prepared than he was. Jason doesn't want someone else to end up like him and he knows Tim, kind of. He owes Dick for everything Jason has put him through and Jason did always like helping with the training. It's not a difficult decision.
"Good, that's what I expect." Dick nearly chuckles. "If he's going to be Robin, he needs a good teacher."
"Wouldn't go that far, man." Jason shakes his head, still getting used to Dick being nice.
"You trained y/n and look at what she can do. That is mostly on you. Do the same for Tim. I'll have him in Gotham tomorrow."
"You just gonna send him to me?" Jason's brows pull together as he puts a hand on his hip.
"No, I'm going to send him on a mission that is all just a ruse to get him there. You'll find him and go from there. Don't tell him." Dick explains simply as if Jason should have known Dick would have a...ruse?
"So, you're gonna send him here on a fake mission with no training as Robin?" Jason lets out a laugh. That's ridiculous and somehow Jason finds himself not entirely surprised. "Why not just fucking tell him, man?"
"I want to instill confidence in him." Dick states, almost defensively. He's trying his best and he also knows that Tim is very confident and maybe he needs to see he needs the help. "Should have done it with you guys. Not making the mistake again."
Jason clears his through. "Yeah, okay, deserved that." Jason shakes his head. "Alright, just let me know when he's on his way and where I need to be. I'll get him ready to actually be Robin."
"Thanks, Jason." Dick's voice is sincere.
"Yeah, don't mention it." Jason lets out a sigh before he hangs up.
He plops onto his bed, his eyes falling onto the helmet resting on the dresser on the opposite side of the room. Right after leaving the manor from talking to Bruce, this is not where he saw Red Hood being. Being a vigilante is now something Jason feels like he has to do, he likes it but he is trained to do it. He's trained to help people and if no one else is going to help them, Jason might as well. It's taken a little getting used to, rebranding Red Hood in a way. Red Hood is not a murderer. He kills really horrible people for the greater good. He targets people like Black Mask and Penguin by working his own circle to steal their business. He sabotages their work and steals their shipments. That part is always a bit fun. Red Hood patrols Crime Alley. He helps them. He is not a murderer.
He's still getting used to it but it's better than it was. Even if the blood on his hands burns from time to time.
This is kind of nice though, the ability to train Tim. He does miss that part a bit, training with someone. Training alone only does so much sometimes. Jason liked helping train the other younger Titans. It made him feel important and now he gets to train Tim. He'll never tell Dick, but it means a lot for him to ask for help here even if it's just because the Titans have been busy.
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This is the last one for the night. You've been tracking this group of people who work for a pretty bad pimp in the city. You've gotten a couple of the women to turn and Barbara has put them into protective custody, immunity from any and all charges. It's not them they want anyway. It's the pimp and his right hand but when women stopped showing up, he got wind and went into hiding. So, did most of his men and women. Until tonight when Molly grabbed one of them on a camera in Gotham Heights. You wasted no time in trailing him.
The second this guy sees you, he takes off like a bat out of hell and the only thing you can do is roll your eyes and go after him. They always run. It's like they really think running is going to work for them. Between the cardio and the grappling hook and the bike, why do they think they'll actually get away? They always run.
The guy thinks he's smarter and quicker. Well, maybe he's quicker but he is not smarter. Molly is tracking him through every traffic camera he hits while you stay a good distance behind him until the opportunity comes for you to get onto a rooftop and continue the chase that way. He's heading somwhere, it won't be toward his boss. There's no way he's that stupid but he is heading into the perfect spot for you to grab him.
You turn off and then jump a few more buildings before ducking down into an alley. You walk to the very end and then wait a few seconds for the running footsteps to come closer. You grab a knife from your belt and then just as he goes to run past, you grab him, spinning him and pinning him against the alley wall.
You hold the knife to his neck and press it into his skin, not enough to cause serious damage, just enough to let him bleed. Blood gets people talking quicker and you're tired and hungry.
"Where is he?" You demand.
The man gulps and the blade presses into his neck further, his breathing heavy and shallow. "I don't know who you're—"
"Your boss. Yes, you do. You're all in hiding but you came out and for what? Where he is?" You question again, not in the mood to even let him think for a second he's smarter than you.
He looks at you with terror. Somehow, he wishes it were The Bat that grabbed him and yet he finds himself thankful it's not The Red Hood. The Bat won't kill him but Red Hood would make sure his death was painful if he really wanted to. You're not one to be messed with either. But his boss? That's just signing his death certificate.
You pull the knife away, kneeing him in the stomach before you land a punch to his face. You don't want to kill him. You read his record. Wrong crowd at sixteen. He was probably manipulated into this, too. He's a victim, too. But, he needs to give up his boss.
The man groans, sliding down the wall as he holds his jaw. "Fuck!"
"Tell me." You grit your teeth.
"He'll fucking kill me! I'd rather you just send me to Arkham or Blackgate! I'm not a fuckin' rat." The guy seethes but there's a quiver in his voice.
You roll your eyes. "Yes, I'm aware he'll kill you."
"What the fu—"
"So tell me and give me a reason to make sure he doesn't." You offer. "You think I'm here to kill you? If I wanted you dead, I'd kill you myself. Tell me and we'll protect you." The offer is genuine even if it comes out snippy.
"I don't believe a damn thing you say." The man gives you a weak scoff and diverts his eyes to the street.
"That's a you problem then. I'm trying to help you while you help me." You offer. "It's a real offer."
"Immunity then." The man fires back without even thinking.
You scoff. Does he not realize that the whole vigilante thing is still a crime? You can't promise that. "No. And I don't have the ability to promise that anyway. Work out with the DA. I can get you into protective custody though if you give him up."
Barbara has you working this case involving some sort of ring with sex workers. It's definitely more than just some guy calling the shots and dividing up money. Missing women, bodies turning up, drugs, it all seems to lead back to him. Your argument was that half the people working under this guy are victims, too. Some of those people are given the opportunity to flip and if they do, they're given protection. Barbara said the DA isn't too happy about it and some of the civilians will probably be pissed but you don't care. Not all of them have to go down with the ship.
"Look, he's going to find out you were with me and he's going to think you flipped or you're thinking about it. You're a dead man the second you walk out of this alley if you don't help me and we both know it."
The man lets out a sigh. "Crime Alley." He finally caves. "I don't know exactly where. I heard there are only a few women who know and then his right hand, that's it."
You nod accepting the response. It's way better than nothing. "Thank you."
"You're really gonna help?"
"Yeah, of course." You get to your feet.
You shrug. "You're not the big problem here." You answer casually. "My advice though, take whatever punishment is dealt to you and serve it and then get out. There's a program. The commissioner will give you information about it if they decide to try you."
"Thank you." The guy nods.
"Mhm." You hum, pulling out your own zip ties before you zip tie his hands together but before you get Molly to call Barbara, Molly comes in through the comms.
"Hey, I've got Dick on the other line, you wanna take it?" Molly asks.
"Yeah, actually, I'm done here. Let the commissioner know he flipped and I got info on him so he's good." You answer.
"Got it." Molly answers before she patches Dick in.
"I need your help with something." Dick starts without wasting a single second.
Your brows pull together. "Uh, hello to you, too?" You question as you get back to your feet. "The fuck do you need my help with? I do not want to go to Metropolis." You let out a chuckle before you look out onto the street and then back back into the alley.
"Superman?!" The guy on the ground yells.
"No, Nightwing." You scoff. "Shut up. You're done talking."
"Are you on a job right now?" Dick almost yells and at this point, he expects nothing less.
"Oh, yeah, just wrapping up." Your voice is almost cheery on the other end.
"Okay..." Dick holds the bridge of his nose, not even wanting to unpack that. "I need you to help train Tim."
You cackle on the other end. "Okay, hold on, let me wrap this up. This shit needs my attention." You laugh looking back to the guy. "Alright they'll be here in a few to arrest you but I gotta head out so...sorry about this." You pull your fist back, punching the guy and knocking him unconscious. "Anyway," You start before you shoot your grappling hook at the roof and start your jumping and walking to your bike. "You need me to do what now?"
"I need you to help train Tim to be Robin." Dick repeats.
"Is that not your job?" You quip back with a laugh.
Dick sighs, seeing as he is clearly going to have the same conversation twice. "We've been busy."
"Yeah, Gar and Tim said something about Zombie Deathstroke. Sounds fucking insane. Glad I'm not there." You laugh before jumping onto a neighboring rooftop. "Wait, okay hold on." You shake your head. "You're gonna send Tim here?"
"Yes. On a fake mission to build confidence." Since he's already had this conversation, Dick knows exactly what to cut out and include in his response to get this conversation over quickly.
"Uh-huh." You nod, getting the feeling there's a bit more to this than Dick is leading on. "Right, yeah, got it. Fair enough, I guess. And why are you asking me?" You ask knowing Jason is right there in Gotham City as well.
"You're good at this, you're the newest member besides Conner but well..."
"Superboy." You finish. "Unfair fight."
"Exactly. You also have your combat clairvoyance. Jason always said you were a good sparring partner because you fit." Dick's voice is casual and simple, you know there's something he is not telling you. He's nicer than he was before. The stick is no longer up his ass, but he's being too nice.
"Yeah, he did." You roll your shoulders before jumping to the next rooftop. "And uh, why are you not asking Jason?" You ask before it goes completely silent. And you know immediately. "Oh, you did." You state.
"I did." Dick answers simply.
Of course, Dick asked Jason first. You aren't offended or hurt by it. Asking Jason to train Tim is smart. But, not immediately telling you means one of two things. Either Jason said yes and Dick is setting you both up which makes you want to jump off this rooftop or Jason said no and Dick just wasn't going to tell you. Unfortunately, you're betting on the first option just because you know Jason wouldn't send Tim to the wolves.
"And he said yes, didn't he?" Your voice is a little snippy this time.
"He did." Dick keeps his voice level, unsure if you're going to start yelling or not.
"Okay so you're asking me to help Jason train Tim but Jason doesn't know you're asking me and you weren't going to tell me but because I asked you were obligated not to lie to me in fear I'd be pissed off enough to walk out and so would Jason?"
"When you put it that way." Dick states. "Look, I know it's complicated right now." Dick tries to reason with you.
"We're not fucking talking, Dick like..." You let out a breath. "He probably doesn't want to see me, ya know?" You nearly whine at the thought because you really believe it.
You hurt him.
"I know but this is for Tim." Dick urges.
You might be giving Dick a hard time but you both know you'll agree. Not only is Dick asking for a favor but it's also Tim. You would never not help Tim especially with everything that's happened. You owe Dick and Tim for everything. But, that doesn't make the situation any easier for you.
"Jason is gonna be pissed if he finds out, ya know?" You ask.
"Yeah." Dick answers. "Tim will get the best training from the both of you though."
"Yeah." You roll your eyes. "Fine. Yeah, I'll help and I won't tell Jason. Just when and where?"
"Tomorrow, I'll text you the rest." Dick answers. "Thank you."
"Mhm." You hum.
Dick feels bad for you and Jason. You've both been through a lot individually and together. It's two of the things that brought you together in the first place. You two always seemed to make each other happy and you actually seemed really good for each other. Dick knows first hand it's not easy and it is always complicated. It's always going to be painful trying to work out the romance department while being a vigilante. It's why it didn't work with him and Barbara. It's why it didn't work with him and Dawn. It's not easy. But, he feels bad for you both. It feels like you weren't given a chance.
"Talk to him." Dick states carefully.
You groan as you look to the sky. "You're not giving me a fucking choice are you, Dickolas?"
"You know what I mean." Dick says right back.
While you appreciate the sentiment, you are not taking dating advice from Dick Grayson. As far as you know, Dick's been in love with Kory for almost a year, at least and he has not said a single word to her about it. At least you told Jason. The way you see it, Dick should be taking dating advice from you.
"You tell Kory how you feel about her and I'll have a conversation with Jason." You offer in a higher-pitched voice, offering a bit of bite in your words.
"Okay no—"
"Yes." You quip back. "Don't give me advice if you're not going to take the same advice." You jump to the last rooftop. "She feels the same way anyway." You mutter softly.
"Alright, thank you." Dick cuts you off. "Talk to him. Tim won't know you're helping him."
"Gathered. Just let me know. I know to keep my mouth shut. I got it." You assure him.
"Thank you."
"You owe me." You laugh softly on the other end before ending the call.
After the run-in earlier tonight, you weren't sure when you'd want to see Jason again. At first, you thought about it all the time. Maybe you'd run into each other just as you did earlier and he'd make some quip about you being in his territory and you'd make fun of him for needing your help. Something would click and you'd be back to normal and it would feel good. The void in your chest will fill again and it would be normal. But that's not what happened because more time passed and you think about how maybe he's mad at you. He should be mad at you still. The more time that passed, the more you convinced yourself it was what you deserved. So, you keep your distance on purpose from him. Maybe that's your penance.
But now, you have to face him.
So, you head back to the apartment to mentally prepare. Jason Todd is still the Jason you always loved and you have to act like you're fine. You have to act like it is not eating you away inside to think about him. Everything has been going okay and you're finding yourself in this city. You think your feet are starting to land on solid ground for once. But, the thought of seeing Jason makes you feel like the earth is being pulled from under your feet. It's the one thing you have deliberately not dealt with. So, you know you have to act like it's all normal. If you're going to be able to do this with him, it has to feel normal. You have to feel normal otherwise it'll be sad and awkward and painful. Maybe he won't want your help anyway.
In no way did you expect your first time speaking to Jason again would be because Dick asked for help. But, it looks like that's exactly what's going to happen. And maybe your bones are starting to vibrate with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You might feel guilty and you might be worried but you miss seeing him. You miss the way his voice sounds. You miss him more than words could ever describe.
Maybe you hope he misses you, too even if you don't deserve it.
Maybe as the night goes on and you get ready for bed and tell Molly about it, maybe you can't wait to see him.
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cleminthewriter · 2 days
Angel Au By Wyverns
Hi Clemin here, this is an au of the Sitcom Au where everything is the same but Alex is an Angel by @wyvnspng, but they were unable to post it to tumblr so they asked me if i could.
Notes from Wyverns:
"This is an AU of the Sitcom AU! Very vague and brief mention of domestic violence at the start. Clyde just thinks about it in a paragraph. Skip the second paragraph if that makes you uncomfortable.
I quickly skimmed through it so sorry if there’s spelling or grammatical errors!"
Humans are a really odd species. Clyde knows this quite well. They’re weak, and tasty, and they like to live in big groups. You’d think that they’d all go extinct by now, but they’re thriving.
Despite their weakness, humans are cruel. They’re mean, even to their own kind. Sometimes they’re mean to their own partners, which confuses Clyde. It could never be cruel to its partner, so it doesn’t understand. Maybe it never will.
Clyde has been around humans for a long time. It has seen many different humans in its lifetime, many of which it has eaten. It has spent many hours of its life watching the short-lived creatures live lives of their own.
The humans it’s watching right now are very busy. There’s lots of them, all hanging out in one of their buildings. Despite the late time, the building is loud and bright, and the humans within are filled with energy. Clyde knows that humans are diurnal, so this is just another oddity to add to the ever growing list.
Every now and then, a few humans trail out of the gathering, where they will return to their cars and leave. Clyde would hunt these ones, but it is not faster than a car, so there is little point. Boredly, it continues to wait. Hopefully soon one would decide to leave on foot…
Clyde is really bored. And a little hungry. Maybe it should find something else to eat. Mind made up, it climbs onto the fence of the house it was perched upon, being careful to prevent the humans gathered in the house across the street from spotting it.
It makes its way across fences, moving in random directions, just going wherever it feels like going. It avoids the buildings with humans in them, careful to remain hidden.
It continues like this for a little bit, before making its way onto a wetter fence, where it promptly slips off and lands onto the floor with a crash. It landed on its tail, and the spikes dig uncomfortably into its back.
Clyde reorients itself and sits up, flicking its tail out of its back. It’s not injured, but the onesie it stole now features holes in the back, which, excluding the ones that are supposed to be there, is unfortunate.
What is less unfortunate is that nobody was around to witness its slip up (a distant part of Clyde freaks out, but it’s far too distant to notice). It’d have to pay more attention to what it’s doing.
Clyde manoeuvres itself so that it’s standing upright, when it turns around to face the house, only it wasn’t a house that it ended up facing. Clyde almost flinched, briefly panicking thanks to the jumpscare, before a warm calmness swept over it.
Somehow a human had managed to sneak up to it, and was standing in front of it. Clyde stood there for a second, motionless, as it looked the ‘human’ up and down. Clyde had seen and eaten many humans, and it could tell that this definitely wasn’t one. They looked like one, and if Clyde didn’t know any better, it definitely would have been fooled. But there’s something off about this thing. Clyde can’t exactly pinpoint what is off about them, but it knows it’s something.
“Hello? Is everything alright?” Clyde twitched slightly as the thing talked. They seemed unsure of their words, but didn’t add anything else. Clyde wanted to open up, and let this old friend of its know what was troubling it. It wanted to ask them for help recovering its partner, because it knows that they are trustworthy, and that they can help.
Clyde feels a little freaked out, but it’s struggling to focus on that over the intense calm that seems to have swept over it. It has no idea what this thing is doing to it, let alone how they are doing whatever it is.
Clyde refuses to answer their question.
Their faces (face. They only have one. It doesn’t know why that feels wrong.) twitched, and Clyde has no idea what that means, but they offer it a hand. “Would you like to come inside? I just made a sandwich, you can have it if you’d like,” Clyde is compelled to take their hand, which it does without hesitation. It’s a little disappointed when nothing happens.
The thing leads it into the house, and Clyde follows easily, almost in a daze. It’s quickly sat down on a couch and a sandwich is placed in its claws. It takes a bite. The thing sits next to it. “You tore your outfit a little. Would it be okay if I patched it up for you?” Clyde doesn’t really care what this thing does so long as they let it go. (It feels guilty for accusing its friend of something like that.)
Clyde rotated its body slightly, continuing to just eat the sandwich. The overwhelming calmness had receded somewhat, which is significantly more comforting than when it was there. The thing behind it shuffled around a little before patching up the holes that had been torn open when it fell.
“Why are you doing this?” Clyde asked, referring to the whole situation. Why did they kidnap it? Why did they make it calm? Why did they give it a sandwich? It is so confused, and it has no answers for its questions.
“Why? Well, i’m pretty sure She wanted us to meet, but i’m not sure what She wants me to do with you? She is pretty cryptic with this stuff,” Clyde has no idea what any of that is supposed to mean. Who is She? How does She know about it? All Clyde got was more questions.
The thing moved away, and Clyde looked back at them. “All done, sorry about the falling thing,” The thing apologised, which made little sense. Was this a trap? But how could they have known that Clyde would have come that way?
“Who are you?” It shifted to that it was facing the thing, which was putting away a small box that likely contained the stuff they used to sew up Clyde's onesie.
“Oh, yeah, my name’s Alex,” They replied, sitting back onto the couch. “What about you?”
“..Clyde,” It said, moving its head to look forward again.
“Nice to meet you, Clyde,” Alex stated, “I look forward to our continued friendship.”
Clyde was convinced that this was a nightmare.
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bookwormlover10 · 15 hours
So remember that au/ fanfic idea I had were the Wayne family adventures Bruce Wayne adopted old Dcau Bruce and I mention that I had a similar idea of wfa Damien Wayne adopting thba/Dcau Tim Drake ( a.ka Timmy todd).....
You with me on this.... Yea... Maybe.....so here my idea of how it would go..
It is also worth noting that for Damien characterization I'm going for wfa Damien and from Dcamu ( the two I've seen at least) I also really tiny bit of the super sons comic. so if I get his characterization you can correct me .
So the super sons somehow some way get teleported in to the Dcau ( sometime around tnba and justice league.) The boys are obviously freaking out and confused. They eventually did fine out that there were in an other dimension. They were wondering the street of metropolis until they were found Dcau version on Lois Lane. When seeing a boy that looks like Superman and just so happen to have similar powers as him and a one dress as Robin she logically took the boys with her and fead them. Once the boys explain her what happened, Lois tells the boys that she'll bring them to one of her ex's to help. Turned out that the ex's she was taking about was Bruce Wayne AKA Batman. ( Yes the boys were quite Shell shock at the news. Jon is surprised this version on his mom known batman identity before his dad's.)
While there in the bat cave Damien gets to meet Dcau version dick and Tim. Damien gets to see Dick's glorious mullet. Tim took there being a potential Robin after him why better then Damian had thought. When asked about this Tim said " well I figured I'll change my hero name when I'm older. Like dick said ' you can't be boy wonder forever '." While Damien is there tim teaches Damien some Robin tricks and shows him around Gotham. Even though this version of tim Drake isn't quite like his Tim Drake has, Damien starts to like this Tim...And he reminds Damien of Jason for some reason.....
Speaking of Jason. When Damien asks were the second Robin was Tim gave him a confused smile and said " um I am the second Robin." Damien was like " what..." Then tim then went to explain his backstory and how he became Robin. Which was sounding huntedly similar to Damien...Damien mind then went to panic mode. Damien is now thinking what ever the joker did to Jason is going to do something similar to this.. Jason like Tim Drake
When it is time for the boys to go home. ( Through a portal or something You can figure out how they go home.) Tim gives Damien a hug and smile at him. Damien this thinks ' so joyful..was Jason like this before the joker got him ?' Damien then decides that he doesn't want, Tim to end up like Jason so he then grabs Tim by the arm and dragged him with him. What Damien didn't count on is Dcau dick Grayson to grab his brothers others arm and end up getting Bird-napped. (I mean.. surprise adoption ) With them
( this is the point were I started calling tnba Tim Drake Timmy and tnba dick Grayson...... idk Dcau dick... I'm also calling them Bird brothers when referring to both. To not be confused with the other bats )
When they get to the wfa universe the bird brothers are more than mad, they are royally pissed ! They then proceeded to Chase Damien ( with the help of Jon) around the place, yelling" Why the fuck did you do that ?!" And other stuff. The bird brothers chase Damien for a good hour until wfa batman ask Damien why decide to kidnap a Robin from an other dimension. ( Now let's cut to the image of Timmy todd having Damien in a choke hold.) " he's a Todd !!!" He chokes out leaving everyone in the room confused
After explain stuff like explaining Jason's and Tim's backstorys and vice versa ( except maybe Dick. His backstory is universal consistency.) " how do you know that the joker is gonna get to him. I mean the little guy stole the Robin suit like I did." Tim argues and Jason added " yea and just because he's a punk from crime Ally and the second Robin likes me don't been he's going to get killed by the joker !" " He may not die but he could get a fate worst then death!" Damien yells ( " yea and how do you know that ?" Tim asked " cause kid w.b !" ) so they take a DNA test to see who Timmy is a variant of and the test results are.......
Bruce: well congrats. He's both
Tim and Jason: what !
Bruce: well if were going technical he's both of yours half brother
Tim, and Jason: huh!
Turned out Timmy half of Tim's dads DNA ( or the universe were his name is Steve cause Timmy mentioned that his dads name was Steve instead of jack) and the other half Jason's bio mom's DNA. Making Timmy biology both Tim and Jason half brother. Tim and Jason are distraught by the news that Timmy's from the universe that both their parents fucked. They then made a pact that they'll both make sure that nothing bad is going to happen to their new little brother. ( To translate they both now agree with Damien to the surprise adoption)
Dcau dick couldn't really Care if Timmy had to two new half brothers from an other dimension at the end of the day Timmy was dicks brother not theirs ( it's not like he was jealous or anything) That did bring up that Dcau dick didn't know what happened to Timmy's mother when he asked him this Timmy response " she left pops and me when I was a baby. " He said like it was no big deal ( this bit is my personal headCanon that might make its own post about it. You can just skip this part if you don't like it.)
the bird brothers are surprised when they meet the rest of the wfa Batfamily. For one it's God damn huge. They never thought it was possible that Bruce might have a cousin. (Which is something they need to ask their Bruce if they ever see him again.) let alone having other people to help protect Gotham. This batman has an entire army and the bird brothers are wondering why he hasn't retire. That's what their Bruce would of done. ( Or at least they hoped their stubborn bat does.) they are very disturbed with wfa Bruce Wayne with how much he smiles.
Alfred is a conciict in every universe so they chill with him
As some Time goes by the wfa Batfamily notice that the bird brothers are literally from the 90s or 40s they can't really tell..that is to say that the bird brothers amazed by the technology. Like the TV's is flat and that now a phone can conveniently fit in your pocket and no longer attached to a Cord. Heck Dcau dick can still remember when color TVs weren't widely available, back in his Robin days. Timmy is amazed that not only the Internet in widely available it has also gone better too! They are also amazed with the advancements of video games
When the wfa Batfamily get to know Dcau dick Grayson they notice that he is quite different than their Dick. For one their shocked to learned that he quit being Robin and not only that he punched his Bruce while doing it and that he became Robin when he was around Tommy's age ( around 13) much older then their dick became Robin at 8 ( I also have a fun headCanon about that if you want to hear it) Dcau dick was pissed when he heard about this. His Bruce is a lot of things but at least he wasn't allowing an 8 year old fight crime! ( Except when he snuck out as a kid. But that's neither here or nor there)
he has no problem taking about his Robin days in quite detail. That or he mentioned something about doesn't e elaborate At ALL.
Dcau dick: this is worse than the time the poison ivy was going to feed me and and Bruce to carnivorous plants
The rest of the wfa Batfamily: huh !
Timmy on the other hand is not getting use to having more then one eleder brother... expechly ones that like to fight over him ... hes also geting really sick with every one tretting him like glass..... They even got his brother worried that something is going to happen to him. The worst part every time he makes a quip or dumb joke or even when he says or do something that any person who grew up in crime Ally would do. Wfa Bruce,dick and Alfred would give him a sad smile like their look at a memory from the past.
One night he sneaks out in his Robin costume ( yes the bird brothers are still fighting crimes. I just think that it would be really funny if everyone in Gotham just think that Robin and Nightwing are just constantly switching costumes... Or that their androids. ) anyways Timmy is just chilling on a roof thinking about home and stuff then out of nowhere Jason finds him. They started talking. Then Jason bring up how he was killed by the joker ( and other Jason angst stuff. ) worning the little dude about his potential future. then Timmy( who is starting to get tired of this joker bull shit. To be honest) gives Jason a very serious look and asked him "if you could would you do it all over again?" " What?" A confuse Jason response " I'm asking if you could go back in time would you die a hero or live." Timmy gradually raise his voice" it's not a hard question ! Would you do it all over again?!" Timmy gets so frustrated and leave. Leaving a very puzzled Jason.
That is all I can think up at this time or more likely putting my ideas into words. That makes sense cause there's much. Heck I might add more on and make it into an au if enough people like it or people are free to use it as a fanfic prompt I don't mind. I just really wanted to get this idea out into the world.
Also let me know if I mischaracterize someone cause my experience with Batfamily characters are mostly from animation and the webtoon ( duh) and have read little of Batman comics.( To be honest I read more flash comics then batman) Thought I have read some Dcau tie in comics
*Here so drawing that I did*
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oftenwantedafton · 2 days
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begin again | springtrap x female reader
words | 2.6k
cw | mature rating, body horror
ao3 link
You enter the barn with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.
The owner of the property you’re invited to leads you through the clouds of dust stirred up as you enter the building, the disturbed particles flickering like chips of mica in the slanting rays of the afternoon sun filtering through the doorway of the rotting structure. The entire farm has the same feeling of neglect, of demands that can no longer be met, as wilted as the elderly man that lumbers along in an arthritic kind of manner, joints undoubtedly aching as badly as the support beams of the building you’re now standing inside. He’s weathered, his body clearly failing, but his eyes are sharp and his voice is still strong and resonant as he gestures to something large covered with a tarp just ahead of you. To a casual onlooker their guess might have been an automobile or a piece of farm equipment tucked beneath that material, but you’re no casual onlooker. You know exactly what you’re looking for, and you think maybe, just maybe, this man has somehow stumbled upon it through some random happenstance, some chance encounter.
“It’s there. Go on, have a look, missy.”
You stiffen at this term of address but choose to ignore it, stepping forward and letting your fingers grasp the edge of the blue covering. It’s as battered and filthy as everything else around here, and you wonder if the item it’s shielding can really be in much better condition.
You hold your breath and pull. Pull and pull and pull, because there is a lot to expose, thrusting the tarp aside and finally exhaling when you catch sight of the seven foot long object. Yes, it is what you’ve been seeking and yes, it is in terrible condition. But it can be fixed. You know how.
“Uglier than sin, that,” the man mutters, pacing around a little to ease up his stiffening joints. “Grandson was proud as anything lugging that here. Tried to tell him it wasn’t worth—” He abruptly clamps his mouth shut. He’s not about to admit what he has in storage has little monetary value.
“It’s an original. One of the actual originals,” you murmur appreciatively, taking in the sight of it from all angles. A lot of damage on the left side. It will take months to repair. Your favorite type of project.
“‘Told ya. Came from that accursed restaurant, just like I said on the phone.”
You finish surveying the object and turn to face the farmer. “How much are you asking?”
The elderly man’s bushy white eyebrows lower as his eyes narrow shrewdly, trying to estimate how much he can price gouge. His gaze flicks down to your shoes, then over to your handbag. Designer originals, or knockoffs? He’s looking into your eyes now, sucking in a whistling rasp of air. “It’s going to cost a bit, missy. Being so rare and all. An original, like you said.”
Perhaps you should have omitted voicing that information out loud. Too late now, though, isn’t it? You’re about to find out just how much that slip up will cost you. “How much?” You repeat again.
“Ten grand.”
You bark a laugh. “Extortion. No deal.”
“Eight,” he counters.
“Seven and a half. Cash. Final offer.”
The man scowls but nods.
“How did you get it in here, anyway?”
“Grandson and his buddies used the tractor.”
“I’ll tip them an extra five hundred if they help load it onto the truck. I can call for help, but it will save me some time.”
“I’m sure he’ll oblige. He’s up at the house.” The man begins to turn away, then pauses, glancing back at you. “I went to that place, you know. The pizzeria. Years ago, back when it was open. Met the owner. Had that same look in his eye as you. That raw hunger. He didn’t come to a good end, as I understand. You might want to take caution before you end up the same as him.”
“Noted,” you say, digging a paper envelope out of your purse and counting out the bills. There are still plenty leftover. $10k wouldn’t have been a bad amount to pay in all honesty. But why not barter? The repairs will be costly.
The man scowls and then turns away again, beginning the painful journey back to the farmhouse.
You think you’ve gotten the better end of the deal.
Thirty years have passed.
He doesn’t know this number, precisely, because that stretch of years has altered his composition. He is neither dead nor alive, neither human nor machine. There is no name for what he has evolved into because nothing like him has ever existed before. He is new, yet old. Eternal.
Over time the joints have become locked in place, rusted and frozen. The stagnant air of the abandoned pizzeria permeates the holes in the ripped costume, but cannot inflate the withered lungs within. Back when he had been closer to human, there had still been a sense of taste, a bitter metallic mixture of his own blood and the internal components of the suit combining where they had pierced his jaw. He cannot speak; has not made a sound for a long time. Punctured airways, slipping past his trachea and dipping between ribs, have made this feat impossible. His imprisoned body has been folded in on itself in the most unnatural of ways, shoved inside a vent, trapping him in what could be considered part of the building’s circulatory system, if such a thing could exist, not unlike a clot trapped inside a blood vessel, comprised not of clotting particles and protein threads but steel and plastic, wiring and circuitry, fur and felt and the unsavory desicated corpse of the establishment’s owner deep within, entombed, mummy-like.
This is how he is when he is found, pored over like an old, broken toy rediscovered, temporarily reigniting a sense of wonder that had once existed. For a moment, the yellow rabbit has meaning again. He is extracted and shipped to a barn, then covered with a tarpaulin, waiting for the highest bidder, for someone to make use of him again.
Waiting, perhaps, for you.
The giant rabbit has no way of knowing that he’s been purchased by someone who is expert on animatronic engineering, someone intent on keeping him, allowing him to narrowly avoid the fate of being put on display in a gruesome sort of museum commemorating not the memories of a place meant to bring happiness, but the secret terror that has instead endured. That place will still undoubtedly become a reality but he will never be a part of it, thanks to your intervention.
He does not feel the first sets of hands that manipulate him, roughly dragging him from his confinement; has no conscious awareness he has even shifted locations immediately. It is not until weeks later when he begins to return to himself, slowly drip feeding alertness into whatever this new creature he has become is. These hands on him now—your hands—are gentle and careful. They card carefully though the rotting fur and dance softly over the gaping holes, cautious about touching the exposed alloys and electronics within.
His restoration begins with a passive range of motion performed on his still locked up joints not so unlike the farmer who had sold him. You test each extremity, deciding what can be salvaged and what rusted parts must be replaced. You have apparently decided to work from the bottom up, beginning with the overly large, almost comical feet before reaching his legs.
You speak to him as you perform each task, your voice soothing like water moving over pebbles in a brook, a gentle murmuring sort of sound. He finds himself missing that noise when you are not present, forced to wait on the work table until you return each day.
Once you’ve finished with his lower extremities, your path diverts from his torso to manage his arms, repeating the same process as before. He is curious who you are; how you come to be so intimately acquainted with the workings of an animatronic suit. Grudgingly impressed with how brave you are when encountering the bits of decayed flesh plastered on bone during the excavation process, leaving these parts as intact and unscathed as possible, carefully continuing to focus on the synthetic pieces of the mascot.
Now that all four of his limbs are accounted for, it is time to shift attention to the large chest piece. This process alone takes a great deal of time. The bulk of the suit, and the failed springlocks that had doomed the human within, lie in this cavity. It is a tricky business to move those unrelenting claws that resemble human ribs, extracting damaged components and replacing them with new technology. The safety devices that should have protected his comparatively fragile body had not kept it from injury, but instead done quite the opposite, the dangerous internal workings of the mascot lodging in and merging with their victim.
When this job is finally completed, days or weeks or months later—he still cannot accurately say, his sense of time still distorted in this odd sort of half reality he occupies now—it is time for the work on the headpiece to begin.
His own eyes have been destroyed, but the animatronic’s have not, and it is on these you devote yourself to next. It is a startling thing for you both when they flare to life again, a dull silver glow that becomes brighter and brighter, like the headlights of an oncoming vehicle approaching on a lonely stretch of road at night. He can see your face, peering at him as you lean over, pupils following the surprised flutter of lashes as if they are a penlight being shown during a physical exam in a physician’s office. He tracks your movements and they become smoother beats, the delays imperceptible now. You smile and he feels something in that gesture. He’s pleased you, the science project you’ve been working on proving to be a success.
A memory stirs. His eldest with a school project for the science fair. Seventh or eighth grade. Struggling for a topic. He’s inherited none of his father’s penchance for engineering. Harbors no passion for the sciences. Perhaps this has evolved from his father’s growing lack of time and interest invested in his own family, his attention increasingly focused on the business he manages, the mechanical creations taking precedent over his own flesh and blood ones. It would have, perhaps, been a chance for him to bond more with the boy, but instead he’d been ignored, the rift between them widening further still. It would be much, much worse later, when he’d inadvertently caused the death of his baby brother.
But that was all in the past now. All of his children are gone, and he is gone, too, but not quite in the same manner. He shuts the memories away again, sliding the drawer of that mental filing cabinet closed and locking it tight.
You do not return the next day, or the one after that. You are gone for a long while, and it is alarming. He is still immobile, still unable to move at will, save for his eyes, which cannot see much more than the ceiling tiles above him. He rages internally against his body, but it is futile. He has no control, until he is given it; until you restore it to him. There is renewed anger, an emotion he’d felt so often as a human.
There are new visitors to the room he dwells in, and they are not kind like you.
They do not handle him with care like you do. There is no reverence, no respect. He is manipulated to the point of being broken, both the remains of his human body and the recently repaired animatronic one. There is pain, when limbs are twisted backwards and he’s heaved onto the floor, and this sensation, while unpleasant, means that he is, in some manner, becoming more alive. He holds onto that feeling, mentally envisioning gritting teeth, fingers tightening. He will not let go.
You finally return, discovering him like this, a crumpled, broken mess on the floor. Your delicate surgeries undone, your progress trampled. You do not speak, remaining silent, like he is. You have to find others to help you move him back into position, lying supine on the work surface. He hears mutters about time wasted, mockery over your dedication, comparing you to Frankenstein with his freakish creation. The anger flares anew and he is glad when they are gone.
Tears begin dropping between the rabbit’s teeth, sliding past his own. It is likely only his imagination that he can taste that salted liquid, but he savors that moisture, the first he’s known in so long. Finally you speak, asking forgiveness for being away. He has never been one to forgive or forget, but he finds it in himself to grant you mercy.
You begin again.
You work long hours. So long that eventually one evening you fall asleep right there beside him, head pillowed on one arm, the circuit board you’d finished soldering waiting to be placed resting on his torso. He listens to the sound of your breathing, the steady in and out, and he wonders if you are dreaming.
Your attention is now directed to his throat, to the severed vocal chords and collapsed cartilage. Even after the voice box is installed, there is still the matter of his jaw to be addressed. This is where the man trapped within is most visible, through the gaps of the teeth in the headpiece, to the human set fixed inside, gaping in some silent eternal torment.
“How do I…” you wonder aloud, and indeed, how do you solve this problem? You cannot remove the headpiece because of the way it is attached, mascot welded to skeleton. Yet you cannot access the interior through such a narrow gap in the character’s mouth. Elsewhere you had been able to work around such fusions. But here, you have no such space. Your fingers rest along the rabbit’s jaw. So close. You’re so close to completing the restoration process.
You have no way of knowing how it feels, to have your fingers rake across the new golden fur you’ve gifted. He shouldn’t be able to feel that, and yet he is, and it shocks him how vibrantly pleasurable it is. As adoring as a lover’s caress. Pride in what you’ve achieved, affection for what you’ve salvaged. He’s baffled by it, unable to fathom why you would ever find something as wretched as himself deserving of such feelings, and yet here you are, lavishing it upon him. He feels your hand resting somewhere above where his human heart resides, cold, unfeeling thing though it had been, and he wills that dried husk of an organ to beat once again. When you rest your face against it, he imagines his lungs inflating once more, lifting your head gently. He longs to settle one steel encased hand in your hair, but he still cannot move of his own free will. There is something lacking. Some final, missing piece of the puzzle that eludes you both.
“I tried. I’m sorry. I don’t know how,” you whisper. Your nose touches his. Your breath creeps in through the rabbit’s mouth, easing past the trapped man’s stretched maw. There is no blue fairy to make the artificial creature come to life. There is just you, this woman, working so diligently, so desperately.
Who are you? The yellow rabbit wonders, again, and again.
Your lips brush the corner of the mascot’s mouth before you straighten. A spark of heat. The sluggish flutter of dried valves. The creature gasps and a fresh burst of air fills it. A series of taps as the fingers of one hand move against the metal work surface. Your eyes, wide and full of wonder, as he reaches for you.
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pbnmj · 11 months
Genuinely curious, what’s up with Noir’s age? And what does it have to do with his 08/09 run? ((You may ignore if you wish :D))
i no longer have to do an extremely long explaination about comics noir because it has already been done here, by foolsocracy!!!!!!! really great breakdown of his very vague age, which is never said outright in the 08-09 run, only implied!! my own personal take on this is that he's 17-turning-18 in the first one, just about graduated high school but not able to afford college (see the panel below LOL)
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this also got a little longer than i thought it would, so under the cut for the rest of it! the tl:dr is "itsv!noir is not the same as comics!noir, and people saying that he's 19 isn't strictly true. to me, he's around 30!"
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eyes without a face (the 09 run!!) only takes place 8 months after, in september 1933, which makes peter 18-turning-19. this is more of a headcanon though!! (see the noir birthday poll, which made me a noir-is-a-december-baby truther)
(peter being a libra is mentioned once in the first issue of amazing spider-man (2015), mostly as a punchline, and a specific date of october 10th was given in another issue that i have lost. other media, like with the mcu, has his birthday on august 10th. but to me noir is a sagittarius and you cannot pry that from me)
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the 2020 run of noir begins establishing the year as 1939, making peter around his mid-20s, and 25 if you believe me on the 'peter was 17 in noir 2008' LOL.... i won't lie though i haven't read this one properly i very quickly skimmed so pinch of salt regarding my takes on the 2020 run
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noir being in his teens during the first original runs is why "itsv!noir is 17-19" goes around so often! i've seen that on tumblr, twitter AND on tiktok and i don't mind what people hc, but it has become a pet peeve when people say it like its canon even though it's never been mentioned by the writers or the art book. itsv!noir is similar to his comic counterpart, but his differences in his origin story make me interpret him as a different noir (like how peter b.'s dimension is 616B, making him... 90214B?)
again, we are straying from itsv canon/etc here because i'm deranged, but i personally hc noir as being 32! some of my friends think he's in his mid-20s, others think he's older, but really the only reason is that 32 is the midpoint between the other two peter parkers: ripeter was 26 and peter b is 38. he's also voiced by nic cage, which makes me think older in the first place!
i just like the idea that he's more experienced that ripeter, but hasn't gone through as much as peter b. he spends most of the movie being broody ("moral ambiguity of your actions!", "matches burn down to my fingertips", etc etc), or snarkier than you'd expect ("it's that easy" "who are you again?" "you gonna fight or are you just bumping gums" etc etc). he also very sweetly tells everyone that he loves them before he leaves !!! i feel like it can in fact be in character for a peter parker in his late 20-early 30s, distanced from his tragedies in his own world by time (he doesn't forget them, that's different !) being able to look out for the spiders around him.
okay now we are VERY deep into hc territory, but it makes him able to balance out the rest of the itsv spider-gang as an older-brother figure who's able to guide peni, miles and gwen but also be able to act as a voice of reason for peter b. and ham if the sitauation calls for it. that being said noir is still peter parker and is therefore capable of spider-esque tomfoolery, which can lead to him misjudging the need for a snarky one liner ("this is a pretty hard core origin story"). my characterisation of him is also very inspired by heyitsspiderman, the itsv fic that changed me for the better, and noir isn't even in it that much LOL
veering back into itsv!noir's age and your actual question though: he's always read older in the movies, and not at all 17-19. noir is always going to be around 30 (32 if i have to give a number) to me!! if anything, he did go through the same kind of 'canon events' as comics noir did, but is an older and more experienced version of him, with tweaks to the backstory (like a radioactive spider instead of a spider-god, and webshooters instead of organic webbing). there are reasons ofc to see him being younger (egg creams are non-alcoholic, and that if it's 1933, his comicsverse self would be 18-19 too) . however you must consider that sony didn't expand on this and therefore it's up to fan interpretation and also that
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sant-riley · 7 months
[Touchy feely] [tf141 headcanons]
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(Romantic impied Task force 141 boys x gender neutral!reader headcanons :))
Summary: Being the sweetheart of the task force means the boys are not shy about the fact that they're all simps and always want some sort of contact with you at all times.
Consists of romantic/suggestive headcanons for each of the guys and little things they do with you <3
Words: about 1.5k (this was supposed to be short, whoops)
Warnings/Info: Can be read separately but it is intended that they all harbor feelings for you at the same time, possibly out of character for everyone, some swearing, the guys manhandle you, as always, let me know if I miss something!
Thinking about how each of the boys is so touchy with you, it doesn't matter where you are or who you're with, they're shameless.
Other units and teams who will sometimes share the base with 141 know better than to ask questions or directly say anything to one of the guys or you for that matter. Not that they could anyway, seeing as you always have at least one of them attached to your hip.
Anyone who walks into Price's office late at night to turn something in is used to seeing you next to the Captain on the little dingy loveseat he has in there.
John is usually smoking a cigar, taking care to not blow smoke your way while your head is resting on his shoulder. Your eyes closed as you hum at his words. It's terribly domestic for a military base.
John likes to gently play with your hair while he speaks about missions he's been on, always somehow trying to braid despite not knowing how to for jack shit, whether it because it's you or just the mindless motion, he's not willing to say.
John will usually walk you back to your room after dinner or time in his office unless he's swamped with work.
A small hand on the small of your back while he leads you. It's always a respectable touch, though he tucks you into his side, nodding at everyone you may pass.
If you're comfortable with it, he likes to press a kiss to your head, smiling that goofy ass smile, and tells you to get a good night's rest.
He lets you help him trim up his beard, he won't let you do all of it but he likes the closeness of it, him sitting down while you gently shape it up, tilting his head up and he tries his best to not stare directly at your chest.
The fact that he's letting you this close to his neck with a razor is a sign of trust, maybe small for others but for a man that doesn't drop his guard and doesn't truly trust others, it speaks volumes.
The first time he let you, you were barely putting any pressure and he grabbed your hand in his and showed you. "You're not gonna hurt me, put more force into it, yeah?"
Don't get me started on going out on walks in London with Price, he wraps you up in his beanie and some big leather jacket he has that dwarves you, helping you move through crowds by once again holding the small of your back, or taking your smaller hand in his. (He doesn't correct anyone if they mistake you as married)
He likes to kiss the back of your hand and laughs when it makes you blush and sputter out that his beard is scratchy.
Ghost is a subtle one, he won't actively reach for you or your hand but he does have some part of him against you most times.
Whether it be his leg, arm, or thigh, anything works. A normal place yall will be seen together is in the dining hall, you've both learned to ignore the stares from everyone else.
Simon never eats there, just sits with you until you're finished and then you both move on to either his quarters or somewhere else so he can peel his mask up to eat a bit.
However, while you're eating and telling him about anything under the sun, he'll lean over and wipe some crumbs off of your mouth with his thumb softly, which again, you're used to so okay whatever but Recruits always are taken aback in their seats.
Ghost's reflexes kick into overdrive with you. His hand going to cover a corner of a table 9/10 times before you completely wreck your shit, but when he does miss (sometimes on purpose).
He'll bring a hand up to rub at your head for you, chuckling under his breath before cooing down at you "That hurt pretty? Sure look like it did."
Whenever you two specifically are paired onto a mission, doesn't matter if any of the guys complain, he will share a cot/tent with you. He claims he runs the hottest (he doesn't, it's Johnny but he will not lose on this) and can keep your body the warmest.
He pretty much lugs you on top of him and wraps his arms around your waist, he'll press a hand against your head if you keep fidgeting, rasping at you to go to sleep. He takes great pride in the fact that you're usually out like a light very shortly.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Ghost likes to hook a finger into your body straps and pull it really hard and let it smack you to get your attention if you're not actively paying attention to him, he'll soothe the area but he's smirking behind that fucking mask.
On that note, he definitely does the "You got something right here." And points at your chest and immediately pull up to flick your nose hard as fuck, he KNOWS his own strength but sometimes your eyes water and he immediately feels bad.
Ghost rests his head on your chest a lot, he finds your heartbeat to be soothing and reassuring, also grunts if you don't wrap your arms around him in return, bro literally shoves his head into you and groans
This is a grown man but it's cute so you let it slide bc he'll never ask for it outright, he just assumes you'll cradle his head.
Johnny is the most shameless motherfucker here, I'm talking about draping himself over you, grabbing at your cheeks, ruffling your hair, kissing you dangerously close to your lips (it drives the others mad), he's the most unapologetic about it and will gloat to the others.
Manhandler #1, isn't above grabbing you by your hips and picking you up to move you somewhere, he's literally gone and grabbed you from some rookies side to come stand next to him with a smile and you're just so used to it that you just shrug and go along with it. (He gets slightly jealous, why would you stand next to some random ass dude and not him??)
Throws you over his shoulder, or likes you to cling to his front or his back and just carries you, he says it's a comfortable weight. If you ever dare say you're too heavy, he's gonna go to the gym and work out even more to PROVE to you that he simply doesn't care, he will carry you.
Extremely bad habit of sneaking into your room to fall asleep with you, Price has come into your room many times to see Soap sprawled on top of you, he's drooling and snoring and you're knocked the fuck out (he's like a glorified weighted blanket).
I've touched on this before but he only wants you to cut his hair for him, yeah he can go to the barber on base but he much prefers you and loves it when you scratch at his scalp. He also likes to just have his head in between your thighs but that's something else for another time-
Soap specifically slings you over his shoulder a lot, especially off base where he truly doesn't have any fucks to give.
You're not going to bed because you have other work?? Too bad, shoulder time you go. You're not willing to get up and make yourself food? Good thing he's here, either pick what you want from the kitchen or throw some clothes on bc he IS dragging you out of the house.
Johnny likes to draw on you a lot, it ranges from scribbles, to sometimes his name if he's feeling cheeky (he's drawn it on your thigh before and you didn't notice until Gaz shot you a look), to intricate drawings of whatever he can think whether it be a landscape or an animal.
He always holds you steady and it isn't uncommon for your limbs to fall asleep but it's worth it, if only to see him smile.
Gaz is probably the most secretly clingy person out of the four, he CAN function without your touch but does he PREFER to? No.
His first instinct in any situation is to grab you and shield you, he's the fastest of the four so his body moves without thinking and it's saved you more times than any of you would like to count.
The one mission where you both fell out of a moving truck, he tucked your body into his despite it costing him his shoulder popping out of the socket, you couldn't help but freak out while Ghost moved to pop it back into place.
"Why the fuck would you do that? Look at your arm!" "It's nothing." "Garrick what the fuck-"
When you're out anywhere off base, he's holding your hand, good luck trying to pull away bc he is not letting go. Too bad so sad, resign to your fate.
I think Gaz is definitely good at dancing, at least with you and when the right music is on, you cannot tell me this man wouldn't twirl you around and shit-fight me on it. He'll even lift you off your feet, laughing when you scramble to grab at his shoulders.
He goes stark still if you rest your head on his shoulder, not because he's nervous but because he's worried about waking you up when he knows you deserve a rest.
He'll usually wrap his arm around your shoulder to hold you in place so the heli ride doesn't jostle you so much, gentleness rubbing his knuckles along your arm to soothe you.
Gaz is the one who holds you when you have nightmares, on rare occasions when Soap isn't in your room and you just need to be held with no talking, you always without thinking find yourself in Kyle's room, his arms wrapped around your waist as he tucks your head under his chin, no questions asked.
He'll maybe hum a tune to help you relax but other than that, he lets you lead the way.
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