#and report the blog
neproxrezi · 2 years
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suiheisen · 4 months
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“you dropped your dead bear": a love story
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serialunaliver · 7 months
I can't stop thinking about that video of cobalt miners in the congo with little to no protective gear struggling to pull other miners out of a collapsing mine
The fact that they're working to death LITERALLY for billion dollar corporations ran by CEOs who get to relax in mansions and on yachts makes my blood boil
This is violence of capitalism and colonialism
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ghostarii · 10 months
childe is a dirty bastard with a nasty obsession for you. he finds you so beautiful, so gorgeous and filled to the brim with visual blessings. he can’t help how his cock grows and hardens at the sight of your filled out frame and he can’t leave himself that way . . . so he jerks off. wraps his calloused hand around his thick cock and drags it up and down with shut eyes and a gaped mouth, imagining it was your soft hands making him feel good. he did this often, hiding in bathrooms or waiting until he gets home and releasing all over his sheets. but at some point, it’s not enough.
so, if you ever get a text from your good friend childe, reading “attachment: 1 video”, don’t be surprised when you see his cock sliding in and out of a fuck doll. the sound is lewd and nasty—squelching and wet slapping that rings off in unison with his grunts and pretty moans. he moans your name, groping the fake tits of the doll, “so fucking pretty for me . . . ngh, fuck—“ he had to let you know how he felt. what you do to him. so he raises the angle of his phone, showing the tablet that displays a selfie of you—one you sent to him when asking him which lipstick shade looked better on you. he groans louder, pounding the doll even furiously, “you’re gonna make me fuckin’ cum . . .”
he said he wanted to breed that tight cunt and make you his. you hadn’t even realized the video was three minutes long and you were nearing the end. he whimpers as he pounds tougher, snapping his hips against the doll with sniffles of your name and begs for his release. and then he cums. spills his seed deep in the doll with a guttural moan and fucked up camera angle as he doubles over. there’s a shuffling sound and then you can see clearly: see the load of cum spilling out of the doll, and he fingers the spill back in, moaning at the sight. “‘ts gonna be you next . . .” he murmurs, and the video ends.
you never saw him that way. he was your friend. but that promise he made at the end had your cunt throbbing, waiting for that treatment.
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redysetdare · 1 month
Reminder that if you are going to be reporting the bots in the asexual tag and you are on mobile: make sure to go to the bots blog and report them. reporting the post will likely only get the post removed but not the bot, allowing them to continue posting in the tag. you need to go to their blog and report the blog so that tumblr will look at the blog itself and take it down. also on mobile you have to block and report separately. reporting on mobile (at least on my device) does not seem to block the bot as well, so by going to their blog you can report them and then block them afterwards.
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subpixie420 · 9 months
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This person is impersonating direwoman a sex worker that used to be on Tumblr but has since exclusively has been on Twitter.
I was tricked into thinking they returned at first but now I have confirmation.
Go report @neetahsexy for impersonating someone else
Report them! Spread word and help get that blog removed they are posting stolen content!
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deadassjsawhitegirl · 2 months
"bpd is this" "bpd is that"
can i just say bpd is more than a favorite person? i understand that part as ive experienced it but thats not all there is
as someone who doesnt currently have a "fp" i hate that thats all bpd tumblr is. js shit about your feelings towards other people, i understand but oh my god i wish there was more. it feels like romanticism of the mental illness that people are gifted the option of assisted su!c!de for. and thats not fucking right.
im sorry if this sounds rude or anything but it just makes me feel really alone in my illness and thats a shitty feeling to have, esp as someone who has bpd.
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ambiguous-andromeda · 2 months
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my mood lately
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serrangelic · 2 years
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girls who say ZOMG!!! O_o
a 2000′s internet rave girl who is also an eldritch horror. full of love and glitter 🌈💕
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
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"For you? Anything."
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rika-mortis · 5 months
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Some Miles Upshur fanarts that I made in 2020-2021
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cyber-therian · 29 days
everyone, the anti- therian, kin, agere troll is back. this time specifically attacking the age regression community & intentionally trying to frame the community and its members as pedophilic. PLEASE do not engage, report what you can and block them.
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they have made their account look friendly and kid safe to intentionally attract age regressors and other sfw communities. their profile is NOT SFW. please be cautious, dont look through their posts if you are sensitive to the use of slurs and mentions of pedophilia and ageplay, as well as hatred towards regression communities.
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vitrificvitriol · 8 months
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Kinklabtober Day 7: Cuckolding! Sorry (not sorry), Astrotrain! Try again when you're a reasonable size for reasonable mechs.
My lines, @oozeandgoo-art's colours.
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
astro notes- libra full moon & eclipse 🌕
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MARCH 25TH- The Libra full moon shines a light on our relationships, urging us to release doubt and uncertainty. As we transition from the Equinox into Aries season, a new cycle begins, marked by the fast-approaching total eclipse on the Aries new moon. This eclipse season acts as a powerful catalyst for change, offering us the opportunity to realign and detoxify our energy.
The Aries-Libra axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-expression and cooperation. These opposing forces challenge us to find balance within ourselves and in our connections with others. It's a time for deep introspection and transformation, as we navigate the delicate dance between independence and interdependence.
Eclipses are not to be feared but embraced as gateways to resolution and new beginnings. They offer us a chance to shed past karma and step into our higher purpose. As Carl Jung teaches, life emerges from the spark of opposites, and the Lunar Eclipse in Libra reminds us to harmonize polarities to experience a more vibrant existence.
During this eclipse cycle, observe your experiences and reflections, noting any shifts or realizations that occur. Embrace change and complexity, turning problems into powers and paradoxes into pathways to growth. As we navigate these cosmic currents, may we find balance, harmony, and a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness.
Aries Rising (Libra 7th House - Aries 1st House): This eclipse highlights the need to find balance in your relationships (7th house) while asserting your individuality (1st house). You may experience shifts in your partnerships that encourage you to take a more assertive stance in expressing your needs and desires.
Taurus Rising (Libra 6th House - Aries 12th House): The eclipse brings attention to your health and daily routines (6th house) as well as your spiritual and subconscious realms (12th house). You may feel a need to prioritize self-care and introspection, letting go of old habits that no longer serve you.
Gemini Rising (Libra 5th House - Aries 11th House): This eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression (5th house) as well as your social circles and aspirations (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or reassess your social connections to align them with your true desires.
Cancer Rising (Libra 4th House - Aries 10th House): Home, family, and emotional security (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities.
Leo Rising (Libra 3rd House - Aries 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth.
Virgo Rising (Libra 2nd House - Aries 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a more profound understanding of your own worth.
Libra Rising (Libra 1st House - Aries 7th House): This eclipse highlights your identity and self-expression (1st house) as well as your partnerships and relationships (7th house). You may experience a shift in how you perceive yourself in relation to others, leading to a greater sense of balance and harmony in your relationships.
Scorpio Rising (Aries 6th House - Libra 12th House): Health, work, and service to others (6th house) are emphasized, along with spirituality and subconscious patterns (12th house). You may feel a need to take better care of your physical and mental well-being, leading to a deeper understanding of your own inner workings.
Sagittarius Rising (Aries 5th House - Libra 11th House): The eclipse highlights creativity, romance, and children (5th house) as well as friendships and social connections (11th house). You may feel inspired to pursue creative projects or connect with like-minded individuals who share your aspirations.
Capricorn Rising (Aries 4th House - Libra 10th House): Home, family, and emotional foundations (4th house) come into focus, along with your career and public image (10th house). You may experience changes in your professional life that require you to find a balance between your personal and public responsibilities, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment in both areas.
Aquarius Rising (Aries 3rd House - Libra 9th House): Communication, learning, and short trips (3rd house) are emphasized, along with higher education and philosophical pursuits (9th house). You may feel a strong urge to expand your knowledge or share your ideas with others, leading to new opportunities for growth and understanding.
Pisces Rising (Aries 2nd House - Libra 8th House): Finances, values, and self-worth (2nd house) come into focus, along with shared resources and deep transformations (8th house). You may need to reassess your financial situation and how you share resources with others, leading to a deeper understanding of your own worth and values.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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morningcatreport · 9 months
Morning Cat Report:
Good morning, mama, it is 7 am.
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satoruhour · 5 months
writer’s works are not for you to fucking feed through an AI voice bot and then slap minecraft videos on it like it’s a fucking reddit AITA post like actually go FUCK yourself. this shit is why writers stop writing and leave tumblr because you can’t just read and reblog it and show your support but always have to do shit like this just cause it’s convenient for you
you want to do those AITA videos go to the reddit like a normal person and then maybe you’d be making bank making those videos. leave writers alone you sick fuck
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