#and how at least 15 works dont tag it the same way
stubbornjerk · 2 years
when ppl act like ao3's robust tagging system includes people who dont tag that shit anyway
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 15 - Are there any ships you dislike?
alrighty so. there are only rlly four i ‘dislike’, and the first three… it’s more complicated than anything, it’s not entirely utter pure-n-simple disdain. it’s less about the ships themselves (in two of the cases, anyway) and more about how they seem to be perceived by the fandom + how much they dominate everything. other ships exist, guys! the other characters exist! anyway ill try not to be mean but i am gonna be petty, lol
so for starters, yeah, jack x ianto. i have a very specific view of it, that i do enjoy, but the fandom seems to be doing something else entirely and i've developed some resentment despite myself. especially bc it’s overrated as fuck. don’t get me wrong, it’s iconic, as far as being culturally significant gay rep, but if im honest idk how well they hold up in 2024? i thought their relationship in s1 and s2 of the show was lackluster at best. poorly written bread crumbs. and yeah i know it was big for 2006 but im just personally kind of offended that they could show them sucking face but not show the intricacies of why the hell ianto would fall for a guy who shot his girlfriend down?? like, their relationship is inherently dark and angsty to me and im interested in exploring that, bc the show certainly doesn’t (initially) bother to, and a lot of the fan content i see is either fluffy (??????????), or angsty in a Tragique way, or is just kind of… fetishy and whumpy? people slot them into a Specific Kind of Dynamic and it grosses me tf out. so the fandom culture rubs me wrong, and then it’s just… such a bummer to like owen and tosh and gwen in a fandom that only seems to prioritize this one ship. there are 22k fics in the torchwood ao3 tag, and 13k of them are janto. now, all that being said… they do intrigue me and endear me, just a bit. but it took the audios to make me give a fuck about them, which is sad. 
on that same note - i have the same relationship with tosh x owen, but i'm significantly less fond of it, cuz it just plain rubs me wrong. i like them in theory, so i spent months trying to figure out how to make them work and what other people are seeing that they think is so endearing and cute - i just can't find it. owen's treatment of tosh is just about the only thing i can't stand about him. he treats everyone poorly, but most of the rest of the cast defends themself (or even hit back, like ianto and gwen, and thats why i ship them with him! it’s spicy! i love balanced unhealthy dynamics in fiction hfdsjkf i can’t lie) - but tosh just lets him, creating an unhealthy power imbalance where she’s just getting hurt over and over again, and it makes me wanna fucking punch him cuz she does Not deserve that. i want him far away from her lmao. except under certain circumstances, cuz i have written fic about them, and i’ve read like three rlly good ones (and the main link between them is tosh stands up for herself and puts him in his place! i HATE how he walks all over her in canon ughhhhhhhhh). additionally, i do admittedly enjoy the angst of their canon arc. i just think fandom throwing them together and making it cutesy is lazy, uncreative, and an injustice to both characters. i think the SHOW throwing them together was an injustice to both characters, especially tosh’s. they're tragic and compelling, ill give them that, but theyre not sweet, and i don't think they'd be good for each other. 
(also worth noting on a show where everyone has tension w each other, imo barrowman & gareth and naoko & burn pull it off the least convincingly and have little to no chemistry. like every other duo just kind of sparks in some way or another, and neither of those duos do. which SUCKS bc they’re the canon ones. but it’s also heavily poor writing like they were doing the best w what they had. grr. like i still dont know what the fuck ianto likes about jack or what tosh likes about owen 😭 that’s ridiculous!)
the other ship i’m petty about is jack x john hart. i just think it’s far too popular for what it is. idek why that is, do we have a substantial amount of buffy fans in the fandom? don’t get me wrong, i liked john in the show + i liked their relationship as well, but i'll always be annoyed when a minor character gets more attention than the fascinating main ones. 
and lastly i hate john x ianto, because i respect ianto, lmao. i can’t lie, if he was my fav i’d probs ship it HJFKDSHFK i love putting my favs in awful situations. but as is it just grosses me out. get him outta there!! 
tldr: i don’t interact w the john hart side of the fandom, and if a fic is tagged 'jack/ianto tosh/owen gwen/rhys' i probably won’t read it 😷
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italiantea · 1 year
tagged by @hua-fei-hua, 15 questions for 15 mutuals
1. are you named after anyone
yes, i was named after my brother, on account of him being born earlier :p
ok no, i share the same generational name character with my brother but i wasn't named after anyone
2. when was the last time you cried?
like last week graduation day bro you know how it is
3. do you have kids?
idk what those are
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
like a decent amount ig. but I'd say my sense of humor is mostly recounting funny situations/Being Silly/puns (the sheer unbridled pun power of the chinese language... incredible)
5. what sports do you play/have played?
haha all the sports i partake in don't use the verb 'play' (im dogshit at ball games)
track and field in elementary/middle school (short distance running and long jump mostly) and parkour starting in uni. oh and i also did ballet till like age 12, to everyone's surprise ←now i literally just look like Some Dude and also have terrible coordination and absolutely no grace✌️
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
hair, if they have glasses, shirt color. I'm pretty faceblind as well but in high school I used to memorize unfamiliar people by their shoes and that worked pretty well. i could spot Neon Pink Shoes senpai coming from a mile away
7. eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
no preference as long as it's well written. also this is the strangest non-mutually exclusive way of classifying stories I've ever seen
9. any special talents?
i can hold like a really fucked up looking pose on parallel bars on account of my Freakishly Long Neck. can pull all nighters all the time and not get dark undereye circles. double jointed thumbs? Good At Jumping compared to the average person in my demographic. tentatively trilingual. Oh and i wouldnt say I'm particularly talented at drawing but i can say for sure i can draw a mean picture in powerpoint shapes with a trackpad. don't ask me why
10. where were you born?
also in a hospital in einem ✨Krankenhaus✨ yeah that seems fitting
11. what are your hobbies?
digital art, parkour, and more recently novel and lyric translation. anime and manga but i dont keep up with that many series these days tbh. dabble in guitar/piano/music composition once in a blue moon and yes I'm very bad at all of them :D
12. do you have any pets?
none of my own but there's like 15 dogs on campus and we (dog club) are constantly tripping over ourselves to keep them in check. they're very stupid <3
here, have a picture
Tumblr media
13. how tall are you?
been 166.7 cm since i was 15
14. favorite subject in school?
used to be physics in high school ig. at least the part about classical mechanics. never been a fan of electromagnetics🤢 in uni... idk, neurobiology was fun? and coding. i dont think most engineering students 'like' their core subjects haha
15. dream job?
*sweats* alrighty everyone that concludes this tag meme have a great night!
i definitely do not have 15 mutuals so anyone who wants 2 do it just go right ahead. if you're in an oversharing mood today.
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sidhewrites · 7 months
20 questions
tagged by the best bird @dreamcrow!
Tagging you !
1.) how many works do you have on ao3?
11 works, 1 series
2.) what's your total ao3 word count?
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
Trollhunters/TOA occasionally. Mostly I write original stuff off Ao3 so this may not be the most exciting thing lol
4.) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tales of Arcadia: In Search of Home
A week in the Woods
Parenting 101 BC
everything is TOA except for glimte, which is an original work you can read on Ao3 OR you can pwyw for the final edited version of it over on gumroad :3c
5.) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yeah! i try to at least thank people for commenting if I have nothing else to say
6.) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's not an ENDING per se but Parenting 101 BC has the saddest chapter that's been posted I think?
7.) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Wait probably? If only because a Week in the Woods is nothing but fluff
8.) do you get hate on fics?
nothing that I've seen so far. If there's any hate my way, it's probably a vagueblog somewhere that I haven't seen.
9.) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Meh. Like I don't go out of my way to avoid writing it, I just don't often write anything where it feels necessary personally?
10.) do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
not legit crossovers but I love imagining my various OCs in the silliest possible situations. My favorite remains a spider librarian in centaur.world as a spidertaur
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
not my fic. I had an ooooold rp group stolen twice, but beyond that I haven't seen anything reposted and claimed. If there's something out there please let me know!
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! there's a fantastic group of russian folks who liked to read In Search of Home when I was updating it. If i start it up again, it's gonna be for them <3
13.) have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in recent history nope
14.) what's your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly I don't think I have one? I like imagining various blorbos together but nothing stands out to me off the top of my head.
15.) what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I want so badly to finish In search of home, but the motivation....the muse...they are away never to be seen again...
16.) what are your writing strengths?
scene setting and character building. Action and dialogue can sometimes feel stilted, but I'm really good at giving the narration a strong voice and making strong, 3D characters :3
17.) what are your writing weaknesses?
pacing and plot. I get lost in the weeds, or I dont go into the metaphorical grass at all, and it's so hard to find that middle ground. Fortunately for fanfic you don't need to worry about pacing quite as much as you would for more traditionally-written stories with a planned beginning middle and end
18.) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love it honestly. I threw in some spanish here and there for a bilingual character, and I think it adds some authenticity when you know the language. But if you don't, there's nothing wrong with just writing it in the language you do speak and just indicating that it's in a different language.
19.) first fandom you wrote for?
When I was 9 years old I was introduced to na.ruto and made my first OC. nothing was ever the same.
Although my first FIC fic was a H.arry P.otter fic when I was 11, posted on quizilla. Anyone remember Quizilla? That shit rocked. i loved those interactive fics.
20.) favorite fic you've ever written?
Honestly In Search of Home. It's just fun and silly and feels like a good continuation of my version of the series finale.
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batsinurbelfrey · 11 months
tagged by LA's #1 Boyfriend [gn] @18minutemajor
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYBODY? Not my first name, but my middle name is my grandmother's first.
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Last night LOL, I got a Very Kind letter in the mail from someone I love very deeply, and I had just had a long and stressful day.
3. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I always go "no, im not a person that counts pets as kids so i dont" but you know what. With Dai working her way through her FIFTH medical emergency of the year right now, im gonna say Yes. One. costs abt the damn same at this point at least lol
4. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? I DO. but it really depends on the situation, I have a deep fear of hurting someone's feelings who doesn't maybe Know me well enough yet and misreads me etc etc. Basically, the more I come to trust you, the more of a bitch I am. /jjjjjj
5. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? As a kid I played Basketball, Baseball, Soccer [Defence and Goalie depending on the years] , and lacrosse. Soccer was my favorite I loved both positions and liked the coaches too, lacrosse I quit after a month because I was told the girl's team wasn't allowed to play full contact but the boys was and 12yr old me went full fucking protest mode. [which admittedly pissed the city off a bit because I was there on fully paid funding through a like "get poor kids off the streets" initiative fkladjslkgadsgl but-] My dad also tried to spend a summer teaching my brother and I to play tennis at the local rec center so he'd have someone to play with but I hated that too LOL
6. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT SOMEONE? Visually its usually just, whatever's the brightest color [be that like, hair, clothes, tattoos etc] but physically im def always watching for like, "what is their level of physical comfort right now" so i can overthink it and navigate the conversation with that in mind trying to hit all the right dialogue choices for their mood like a crazy person [*Points* GAD/ADHD] /lh
7. EYE COLOUR? Gray [but blue or green in certain lights, due to like color temperature and refraction n' stuff]
8. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings, but ONLY if theres like. a little loss or sacrifice to get there and give it value. "feel good" movies almost always just Annoy me, they feel Empty and Dull. [but its totally fine if they are your jam. we dont yuck yums here]
9. ANY SPECIAL TALENTS? UHHH--- "i dont think so" sounds BAD lol. but maybe like "good at reading people" not in a bad manipulative way. but just in the sense of like. i tend to be the friend ppl come to when upset and confused and i watch and listen and then go "this is why you feel that way" and they are like "OH--- yeah... damn thanks that helps" etc lol
10. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Washington DC! fun fact the hospital was since bulldozed for condos and a trader joes 💀
11. WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? drawing, live music, vinyl collecting, embroidery, video games, flower pressing, reading [when i can].
13. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5' 9 or 5'10 seemingly, depending on which doctor you ask for some reason LOL, probably has to do with my godawful posture
14. FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? ART CLASS FOR SURE, that was always the only place I liked being. if you held a gun to me and said "no electives" tho, id say English. [what can I say, im Queer]
15. DREAM JOB? I DO NOT FUCKING DREAM OF LABOR!!!! I just want to live in a nice little house doing my nice little hobbies and seeing all my friends and magically have money for all that. that said, I am basically currently doing a younger me's "dream job" though so, can't complain too hard.
my lunch break is ending and i gotta dash SOOO im just gonna say i tag anyone who sees this and would like to do it! this is your open invitation < 3
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marunalu · 2 years
It’s most definitely not an enemy to lover! If it was it would probably be better written. Thank you so much I have never felt such disdain before but it isn’t like me to be critical or spiteful. It’s just not in my nature but this ship and Bakugou REALLY push it. It likely it only got like this because of the fact Bakugou keeps some how reaching number 1. Not helped that I noticed many of the BakuDeku fans fell off the series wagon or are only anime. Mostly consuming media so most of their Bakugou love isn’t actually canon. The most damning thing about Bakugou is that he be better as a antagonist to Izuku not this protagonist. If they worked that angle it be so much better but also thank god during that ‘apology’ Izuku rejected being on first name basis with him. At least Horikoshi was able to keep him from actually forgiving despite the apology. Don’t know where people got the whole he forgives him he only accepted the apology. Accepting isn’t forgiving and Bakugou risking his life once is a start but doesn’t make up for everything. It’s a start of a conversation not a true redemption until Bakugou actually starts trying to be a better person! But status quo and all that ruining a good thing ugh. Like at least Endeavor dealing with consequences where Bakugou consequences!?!? (Thank you for letting me vent I really appreciate it.)
Yeah a lot of bakugou stans and bkdk shippers dont even follow the manga, or just read the chapters in which bakugou shows up, because they hope for bkdk crumps they can spam the main tag with it. There is a reason why the old bnha leaker always had to put the "no bakugou in this chapter" warning every fucking time in the leaks, so the stans wouldnt rant over what a waste of time the chapter was!
I disagree with izuku accepting bakugkus apology! He neither accepted it nor did he say one word about forgiving bakugou later after he returned to ua. Izuku still hasnt said anything regarding the apology, didnt even reacted to it, because he was simply in no right mental condition to process what bakugou said! He was tired, he was hurt and hungry, he was sad and angry he was absolutely not in the right mind! Bakugou choose the moment for his apology in which izuku was not mentally ready to react properly to it. Lost his consciousness the very next moment! The apology was not for izukus sake, it was for bakugous! If it had been for his sake, bakugou would have choosen a privat moment under 4 eyes after izuku was mentally stable enough again to react properly to it and not under the eyes and ears of their whole class, who have no idea what actually happened between the two! For gods sake they all think what bakugou did to izuku was giving him mean names, not one of them has any idea HOW BAD it was and HOW LONG the abuse lasted! A WHOLE DECADE! The same length as shotos abuse from his father! But hey only one of this things is a crime, not the other, because of bakugous age! Sorry to tell his stans that, but with 15/16 you are old enough to get the difference between right and wrong! And he needed over 10 years for an "apology" that at the end was only done out of his selfpity! Because he felt bad for HIMSELF, not for his victim! He wanted it to be done and move on and he was most likely sure izuku will think the same way, because thats how izuku always was! But fact is izuku neither accepted the "apology" nor has he forgiven bakugou yet! The question is more if hori will go deeper with it, or if he just wanted the apology to be done to please bakugou haters, but choose to do it in the most terrible and disrespectful way possible!
When it comes to endeavors arc Im more neutral. Im by no means an endeavor fan, but I can see that he is at least really trying to be a better hero and more important to be a better father. Unlike bakugou stans who will attack his haters, I would never attack endeavor haters, simply because I respect their opinion and view, even if I may not completly agree with them! What both endeavor and bakugou did is for many people very personal. Its absolutely disrespectful to say what happened to shoto was more terrible then what happened to izuku! Shoto was abused by his father, while izuku was abused by bakugou, bullied by his whole class and even the teachers and shunned out by society for being born different then the rest! Both is EQUALLY terrible! Both izuku and shoto were almost still babys when the abuse startet and both had to live a whole decade with it!
And yes at least endeavor in facing the full consequences of his actions! Some people will say its not enough, but at least there is something! We bakugou haters have to live with the possebility that bakugou will never have to face anything, simply because of his crazy fanbase!
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sobsicles · 3 years
Opening Line Tag Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @dont-offend-the-bees - thanks! ill just do my spn fics and not any ive co-written because i didn't start the first chapters for those, though they're very good (Season Z and The Bad Santa Clause, respectively, that are fics written by a group of many amazing authors!)
Dean starts falling in love with him on a slow Sunday morning under slanted sunlight that slips through the gaps in the trees. — six hundred sundays (and many more)
Why did the curtains have to be yellow? — i want to do with you (what spring does to cherry trees)
In a bar on a Tuesday morning, it's a few months out from the final shot at the world ending. But hey, Chuck's long gone, and everything has worked out for the best, and the world keeps right on turning. Funny how that goes, huh? — dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d's to the destination)
There are certain moments in one's life when things go exactly as planned. It's like the stars align and the skies open up to reveal rays of sunlight and, against all odds, everything seems to be in perfect harmony. This is a phenomenon that Dean is genuinely not accustomed to, as it doesn't really happen for him. — finding hope (and finding him)
The first time she meets him, he's nothing more than an almost-missed appointment. — break the skin (to break the barriers)
The first time Dean and Cas kiss, it's not even really a kiss at all. It is, in fact, mouth-to-mouth. — a kiss for every season (literally)
The brass chip slides back and forth in a small path across the leaning desk Bobby has had for years and still hasn't gotten around to fixing. The chip reads: To thine own self be true. Unity. Service. Recovery. — separate ways and sleeping dogs
Getting used to Heaven is something of a marvel. It ain't perfect, and Dean thinks he'd hate it if it was, which is probably why it isn't. There's just enough human-esque nuances to it that keep it feeling like life rather than death, and he's thankful for that because he's got the smallest inkling that he should have gotten to live a little longer than he did. — oh sooner or later it all comes down to faith
So, the first thing that happens is Castiel comes back. It's at a pretty inconvenient time, considering the amount of pain Dean is in and how close he is to being dead. — things happen (they do, and they do, and they do)
It's not the first time Claire has ever gone missing. It is, however, the first time Kaia panics about it. — what's missing is found (our souls can exhale now)
It's different now, no matter how much they're pretending it's not. Mostly out of self-preservation, because sometimes their sanity is hanging by a mere thread and it's so obvious that they simply have no choice but to fake it 'til they make it. They've done a lot of that through the years, practically crafted it into a fine art, but this is the best performance yet. — according to all known laws of life
Time is different here. — what they deserve (it's better this way)
The first realization he remembers having is that the stars are oddly bright from where he lies sprawled on his back. The second, of course, is that there are troubling sounds coming from some vague point to his left. He supposes that's fair—vision and auditory processes are usually the first thing people make sense of when they wake. He knows that much, at least. Not much else, though. — Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You)
Dean would think that a failsafe like this wouldn't exist. It doesn't quite add up in his head when he sits down and thinks about it, but Sam assures him over and over that it's well within the realm of possibility for the Men of Letters--supposed smart people--to come up with something as stupid as this. — home is where the heart is (and you have mine)
The blackbirds start singing a dawn. — profoundly bonded (by law)
So. So, the thing about desperation, and want, and desire, and how it controls, is that it's all bullshit, and Dean wants absolutely no part in it. — staring at ceiling in the dark, same empty feeling in your heart (love comes slow and it goes so fast)
Cas wasn't a music fanatic of any kind, Dean knew this firsthand. Sure, he listened to whatever Dean was listening to, or whatever was playing in the car on long trips. But he never went out of his way to listen to music in his spare time. — listen to the song in my soul (only you can hear)
All things considered, Castiel found solace in the fact that his life couldn't get any worse than this. — Just A Touch
There were a few things that were known about Dean Winchester, undeniable things that hadn't wavered once in his entire life. — a helping hand (let's not be friends)
Dean was merely ten years old when he discovered that bridges didn't close the gap between two worlds. — The Bridges We Built
insane to me that none of these opened up on dialogue. i don't open up with dialogue that often, as it turns out. also, most of these fics are dean pov. only three of these out of twenty are cas pov (1, 12, 18). my personal five favorites out of these: 3, 5, 10, 14, 15.
im supposed to tag people, but like, i want anyone who wants to do it to do it! if you see this and want to do it, definitely do so! tag me if you do; i'd love to see your answers!
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the-bat-collector · 3 years
No Powers or No Capes (There are some minor exceptions but I think this still applies)
Soo it’s become harder to find these fics and I kept postponing making this list just in case I found moreeeee. After some time convincing myself I decided that If I find more I’ll just make a part 3.
Here is the link to Part 1 Post
So without further ado. Here you go!
Storge by ichikonohakko @ichikonohakko
G - 3,310
Storge (storgē, Greek: στοργή) is liking someone through the fondness of familiarity, family members or people who relate in familiar ways that have otherwise found themselves bonded by chance. An example is the natural love and affection of a parent for their child.
Or the story of how Clark Kent meets the Wayne family children.
So this was in my mark for later and I read it as I was making this list and it’s very cute and adorable and highly recommend it! 
don't you know an apparition is a cheap date by knoxoursavior  @clqrkkent
E - 39,385
Clark has been able to see ghosts since he was eight, just a few days before his Pa died in his sleep. Years later, after having moved to the city with Martha to pursue writing, Clark meets Bruce Wayne, who takes an interest in his work and Clark in particular. Not long after they meet, Bruce asks Clark to marry him and Clark moves into a mansion that has more ghosts than it has people.
So I couldn’t find more AUs for this list, I was about to quit looking and yesterday I ran into this one and it gave me so much hope that there might be more out there (part 3?maybe?) I think of this as Ghost Whisperer Clark 
Stories for the Loved and Lost by MatchaMochi @renaimori 
M - 9,681
The first chapter leads Clark to another, and another. He turns the pages, eating the words up hungrily and feeling them, pored over the story as if he was reading someone’s personal diary. And the thing was, he knows it, he knows this story. He remembers flashes of memory that aren’t his, thrown in yesterday’s weird dream or last night’s nightmare.
or in which Bruce is an author and Clark is his fanboy.
I WILL read every single SOULMATE AU FIC I CAN FIND CAUSE I’D DIE FOR THIS TROPE. This is beautifully written <3 <3
Ghastly Murders in the East End by dippkip @dippkip
T - 38,227
London, 1888. A vicious killer known as Jack the Ripper has begun haunting the district of Whitechapel. In light of Scotland Yard’s inability to solve the case, intrepid reporter Clark Kent has made it his mission to track down this fiend and bring them to justice, though he may find himself more deeply involved in the affair than he bargained for.
Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne, a seemingly irresponsible and eccentric duke, remains largely unconcerned about these atrocities. The Batman, however, has taken special interest, and spends his nights relentlessly hunting the new murderer at large. The paths of these men will converge as the body count begins to rise, and their investigations and growing affections will cement their bond, intertwining their fates with that of the most notorious murderer in all of England.
OKaaaay this is one of the exceptions, Bruce is Batman but it’s a different century and Clark is powerless, I think it compensates. Usually I prefer when they’re both “capeless” but this was such a fun read. 
As You Grow by dnawhite76 & Prubbs @prubbs​ 
M - 59,946
After the death of his wife and children, Clark returns to the United States after spending years abroad to reconnect with his friends and their families. And while trying to gather what little remains of his old life and possibly move forward in his grief, he ends up falling into old habits with his first love and best friend, Bruce Wayne.
A story about grief and acceptance.
So I want to point out how good this fic is. I hate sad and this story has a lot of grief and I felt it was very grounded on its depictions of feelings. I tend to avoid this type of fics buuuuut this was so good. I couldn’t stop reading even if the grief got to me. It’s very wholesome and does have a satisfying ending. 
A good start by BlueAlmond @discretocincel​
G - 1,253  
Clark loves being an elementary school teacher, but it breaks his heart to see any of his students hurting. So, when he notices Jason waiting over forty minutes every day for someone to pick him up, he decides to have a word with his father.
Absolutely love Professor Trope!!! Sooo you could argue this is ficlet but doesn't feel like one to me so I’m not putting it in the ficlet section. 
Engraved In Our Souls by Nixie_DeAngel @nixie-deangel​
T - 9,004
It started with pain, with warm blood and bold, black letters. How was he to know it'd lead to a pair of gorgeous eyes, shimmering with the promise of life long happiness and love?
Or, after years of waiting, Bruce finds his soulmate in the least likely of places.
Ghosts by ren_makoto 
T -3,067
Wayne Manor is haunted. Clark doesn't mind.
Here is another of the exceptions, this is neither No Powers/No Capes, but they’re not relevant to the plot or we don’t see them using them (I don’t think they are mentioned but its implied). The Fic’s whole focus is on the ghosts! and absolutely loved it I LOVE REN MAKOTO FICS
There is Little Danger by ren_makoto
T - 5,327
"It's tradition," he said, one inch from Clark's mouth. "Yes," Clark said. "Tradition."
Or, where Bruce and Clark are trapped in an elevator
another Ren Makoto cause I can’t help myself
Semi-Permanent Couplings by ren_makoto
E - 10,463
"So, Bruce, how do you feel about one-night stands?"
Ren Makoto <3 <3 <3 This fic contains Adultery soo Read the Author’s Notes
Hubris by ren_makoto
M - 20,197
"This is turning into a routine," Bruce said breathlessly. "What can I do for you, Clark?" "Please," Clark said hoarsely. "I just want to get some sleep."
I really like the writing on this fic, this is a 100% NO CAPES, Clark does have powers and he’s starting to process them. Ren Makoto stole my heart with this one.
Not so Perfect Afterall by tekowrites
E - 6,966
AU: High school, Senior year. Clark thinks his life is nearly, if not already perfect. Then he overhears a conversation that changes absolutely everything. Bruce is there to pick up the pieces.
Red, White and Blue by melmel_79
E - 3,639
He works for the Secret Service, and it's best that no one knows he is in a relationship with the president. At least he hoped no one would know...
He grips the envelope tighter and knocks on the door to the Oval Office.
This was a mistake.
Late Night Feelings by the_butler @the-butler-fanstuff
M - 9,283
It was a little past one in the morning, the phone the only light in his room. He glared at it, then threw it to his side on the bed, not caring to see where it landed. A few seconds after, he patted all along the side to find it and looked at it again. He pulled up the messaging app, scrolled down, and then sighed. He exited the app and threw the phone on the bed again. He repeated this several times until some minutes later the phone chimed and he hurriedly sat up and felt for it on his bed. He opened the messaging app again and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he read the reply he’d been waiting for the whole night.
“Be there in 30 mins.”
I LOVE CLARK HERE, GOOD FOR YOU. He’s such a good adult looking out for himself! self-loving and self-respecting Clark here everybody.
it took me by surprise (I know you felt it, too) by jessequicksters @jessequicksters​
G - 1,124​
In which Clark and Bruce fall in love in between study sessions, track races, grocery shopping at Whole Foods and romantic student dinner dates, burnt lasagna and all.  
FLUFF, could argue this is a ficlet buuuuut dont care, it goes here.
Towards You by tekowrites
E - 22,607
AU where Clark is a new transfer student at an elite high school, and he encounters Bruce Wayne. Clark doesn't fit in, not anywhere it seems, and his crush on the star of the football team? Only serves to shows how much. Jealous girlfriends, misunderstandings, hormones and lurking trouble are just some of the challenges he's going to face.
I LOVE THIS , basically this fic made want to make a PART 2, just had to find 15+ other fics to add to the list. 
Read the tags, this does contain some heavy topics towards the end
The Game (of Love) by KaizokuHime @kaizokunohime
E -12,288
In WayneTech VR Augmented Gaming, a guild of superheroes has arisen who volunteer to help police that reality. One of these superheroes, Superman, has had a crush on his fellow member, Batman, for many years, but thus far has had little success on asking him out, even as fellow guildmembers. How will their relationship progress? And how intimate can they truly become without knowing the other's identity offline?
A Game You Can't Win gave me hunger for gaming fics, then I found this one and I WANT MORE GAMING FICS
Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang by ShowMeAHero @andillwriteyouatragedy
E - 8,354
Clark Kent is a professor at the same university as Bruce Wayne. Not that it matters, because Bruce doesn't really speak with his co-workers - they're there to work with, not befriend. That is, until Clark and Bruce are assigned to teach a class together in the fall, and start spending more and more time together, and Bruce starts to realize, maybe, he just might need a friend - and maybe, he just might need something else, something Clark-specific.
YES YES PROFESSOR TROPE. They are the best together!
The Gift by tmelange
E - 5,564
University student Clark Kent is on a field trip to Gotham City where he meets a creature of the night.
VAMPIRE AU, soooo Clark has powers but he is not superman so NO CAPES on his part. Bruce is a Vampire and I’m not really sure if he’s Batman but he’s some sort of vigilante. This felt very AU and sorta? fit the category, so I decided to add it anyways but it’s worth to mention this is an outlier on this list.
Spoils of War by littlechinesedoll @cumdumpsterbrucie
“If I go with you as a spoil of this pointless war, will you leave?” Bruce stands his ground, terrified and shaking, but he keeps eye contact with the warlord.
“Excuse me?” Kal must be hearing things.
“If I go with you, if I serve you, will you let my people live? Will you let my brother live?”
This is not finished buuuut it’s a Medieval AU. I just need to get myself in the right mindset to read an unfinished fic but will get to it! love what llittlechinesedoll writes.
This section was accidental. I like my fics long and rarely read ficlets but here are a few that came across my way when I forgot to set word count filters.
Snapping the Chats by littlechinesedoll @cumdumpsterbrucie
G - 2,278
Clark tries to use the Snapchat filters on Bruce.
General Check-up by littlechinesedoll @cumdumpsterbrucie
T - 906
One where Brucie is getting a check-up from Thomas Elliot and he touches Bruce more cause Clark is obviously jealous
Subway Providence by the butler @the-butler-fanstuff
G - 400
A short drabble about art I did of Clark and Bruce waiting for the train on a subway platform.
Tumblr media
So my first list was me coming across and realizing I love this kind of AUs and this second list is me carefully looking for them! Even tho my 1st list has some of my favorites, I hold this one closer to my heart. Hope you Enjoy it. 
Also if you know of any that I haven’t included on these lists, please I beg you send them my way <3 
105 notes · View notes
finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
Bravo's Banned List
With the help of @bravo-four-seal-team, @@jayhalsteadfan-2417 and @rebelwrites, we made a list.
A list, posted on various walls throughout the Naval base, the plane and the cage room. About 1/3 of it is typed up, the rest is in hastily written pen. Made by Blackburn to try and corral Bravo. It's doing its best.
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Just so you're all aware, this is a 6.5-page document.
0: On the days of Adam and Swanny’s Death, leave the group be to remember them. I will not protect you.
1: Brock Is Not Allowed Coffee. No exceptions.
1.1: Do not leave Metal alone with Brock when Coffee is around.
2: Dick jokes are not required in briefings
3: If a single one of you bastards get between me and my coffee, we will be having issues
5: You made the dog sad; you die.
10: Dirt bikes (don’t ask)
13: Fire. That is all
16.1: Scratch that, they stab people with the metal cutlery. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. They can eat with their hands.
19: BOY BANDS (not allowed to be played on the plane)
19.1: GIRL BANDS (for the love of god, they will try and imitate them)
19.2 RAP MUSIC (they think they are the next Eminem and will make your ears bleed)
20: Do not tell Jason he is not allowed to do something. He finds a way to do it
20.1: Apparently Ray will do the exact same without question
21: Do not leave any members of the team with upper brass. (How did you make an Admiral with years of combat CRY!)
22: Clay is under Jason’s protection don’t go after him they will not find your body
22.1: If Clay calls Jason dad just leave it ok
22.2: Actually, check on Jason, he’s been standing staring for the past hour now
24: Only Trent is allowed to call Metal by his legal first name. Ensign Williams learnt that one the hard way.
25: Paintball is banned from the base the last time it was extreme and got violent
26: The transformers movies because clay tried to do a stunt it ended badly
27: Thumbtacks apparently
28: Any Marvel movie (Jason you’re not Captain America)
28.1: DC movies are out as well
28.2: Disney Princess movies as well (don’t ask)
30: Do not leave phone unlocked around Sonny, he will not hesitate to change everything
38: Grenade launchers are not required for every mission Trent
42: Yes, Clay does know an Admiral by name. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
45: If Clay starts angrily ranting in a foreign language, don't worry. He's thinking out loud, not plotting to destroy the base
45.1: If Clay is calmly talking in a foreign language just back away slowly
48: SpongeBob is a Bad Idea because they are way too Annoying and make References (I’m looking at you, Clay)
52: Sharpies. When I find whoever gave me this sharpie tattoo sleeve, there will be hell to pay
57: Red paint. I went to check something at 3 am and Clay was painting a satanic ritual on the floor
58: 3 am checks are a bad idea. (I have seen things, people!)
62: Explosives are to be locked away when not on mission Sonny and Clay will try and play catch with a live homewrecker
62.1: I expected Metal as a Master Chief to know better - he falls under the same rule as Clay and Sonny.
63: Don't wake Clay when he is sleeping back away slowly and leave the room
64: If I'm sleeping, back away and leave the room. Interrupt me if they've broken a rule, or if the base is actively being bombed. If not, I don't care.
65: Have multiple phone chargers or they will disappear and you’re not getting them back
68: If you call Clay anything other than a nickname expect to get punched or stabbed or sniped in the ass when least expected
68.1: Metal will stab you. Please remember he has a shovel and lye in his truck (WHY DO YOU HAVE IT)
68.2: Don't try to take the shovel and lye off of Metal
69: NEVER say the number 69 around them they are all immature children and expect tongue in cheek comments
70: NEVER interrupt Sonny when he is eating breakfast, he is grumpy in the morning
72: If they are all asleep make no sound - YOU WAKE THEM THEY ARE YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE
73: For the love of god, stop giving Clay earth mineral nicknames. This is the third time this week I've watched Sonny empty limestone dust from his pack
75: Do not give them hammers! What is wrong with you people?
79: Do Not talk to Trent unless it’s after 2 coffees
83: For the love of god, don't ask Metal if he ever did nude modelling in art school. He will begin stripping, literally anywhere
91: Cerberus is a good boy and you hurt Brock you die
98: Super Glue (never again)
100: Do not give in to their peer pressure while they are drunk, I will not be doing it again
100.2: Sweet Caroline won't work twice
103: Don't tell Sonny he looks good in pink because you better believe he will keep wearing it (and probably some girl clothes too) to keep getting compliments
115: HAIR DYE (Why did you dye Metal and Trent’s hair pink?!)
115.1: Face paint (Sonny, their faces did not need to match their hair)
116: Do NOT touch Clay, Charlie team learnt that, and someone ended up nearly losing a finger. (And it wasn’t because of the dog)
117: If they offer you a drink whilst smirking DO NOT take it
118: Sea shanties – if I hear one more SEA SHANTY while we are FLYING
119: If you hear someone shout incoming, run, it’s not an attack, it is Bravo, someone has done something and they’re coming to tell me
120: Vegemite is not allowed in the base after Jason let Clay eat it
122: Hawaii 5-0, if I hear one more thing about how we should hang people of the rook of buildings I am going to shoot someone
124: Mortal Kombat (Clay was acting like Scorpion for a month)
130: Itching Powder (looking at you Brock)
131: DO NOT TOUCH JASONS TOMATOES - you will get a bamboo cane jammed into your thigh
138: Laser Tag is fun until someone gets hurt (Sonny and Clay you know what happened)
138.1: Laser Tag! (Ray needed to go to the hospital guys, come on)
143: Basketball. My nose will never be straight again.
144: Bravo and Ice skates don’t mix (the only person good on them is Jason but no other member of Bravo is allowed on the ice again)
144.1: Same goes for rollerblades
145: Ash Spencer is not allowed to be alone with Clay (Jason punched him last time he was on base)
145.1: Do not leave Jason, Metal or Sonny alone with Ash Spenser, it’s going to end up with a murder charge.
146: Clay is Jason’s adopted kid and needs to be supervised when Jason is away
153: SCISSORS - Jase cut a chunk of Clay’s hair in the night now the base is a war zone
153.1: DONT FUCK WITH COVERBOY'S HAIR see point 68 for consequences
154: NAIR (why do you even have it?)
156: Call Of Duty (Clay must be supervised when playing it)
157: Do Not leave Clay unattended with Metal (They are both recovering from the ONE CHIP/DEATH CHIP Challenge)
158: Marshmallows (don’t ask)
163: The Hunger Games (are not a good training exercise)
164: The Olympus Has Fallen movies are not allowed to be mentioned in any given time)
173: If you mention the word ice-cream just run, run for your life
176: If I am sleeping STOP THROWING PAPER AT ME
177: Yelling FOR NARNIA is not an appropriate battle cry
178: The Fast And Furious movies (Clay you are not Brian so stop)
182: Nap time is important if their asleep do something else but if you wake them run like hell
190: Any movies about WAR are BANNED (I need a drink to talk about that one)
200 (From Bravo): Blackburn isn't allowed any more paper
200.1 (From Bravo): or pens
200.2: (Blackburn) Handcuffs. They handcuffed me to my desk and wrote that
200.3 (Blackburn): Bravo will not be allowed to tell their Commanding Officer what to do
202: Who keeps giving them superglue? This is the 8th time we are having to unglue Sonny and Clay’s hands
203: Do not let any of them take point on Briefing EVER
205: Are you serious? Paperclips! Do not give them PAPERCLIPS
206: Leaving anyone unattended with fire is a bad idea - I can still smell burning
210: This is Sparta (Jason don't kick people off the roof)
213: Ash Spenser is not allowed on base. DEVGRU heard about what kind of dad he is, and now its kill-on-sight
214: Puppy dog eyes because Clay has been using them on anyone to get out of doing paperwork
218: DO NOT PUT LION KING ON - they will cry like babies and there’s no consoling them over Mufasa
220: If I have to explain why BRAVO will not be joining teaching GREEN TEAM please see rule 1 and understand from that then ask the Green Team Instructor. (Brock terrified them by running the O Course in 30 minutes, all because someone gave him coffee)
220.1: And yes, that is the on the 50-minute-record O course. The time hasn’t been counted since it involved performance-enhancing substances
222: Gray’s anatomy (That is all)
228: HATS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN BRIEFINGS (Sonny you know what you did)
229: MAGIC MIKE AND MAGIC MIKE XXL (still haunts my dreams)
233: I am begging you can you please BE NICE TO THE FLEET ADMIRAL (it's the 3rd time he's left in tears)
234: Chocolate - just run ok
235: Please stop re-enacting the screen from titanic when we are on a boat (I’m looking at you Brock)
237: Monopoly got violent last time and Jason got punched
237.1: In fact, any board games turn violent even snakes and ladders
237.2: Board games. Just please stop playing board games
240: Why am I revisiting the nerf guns people? IT WAS A FAMILY BARBECUE! (You lot need to learn to let your kids win!)
241: Brock is banned from Cooking - I do not want food poisoning again
246: If they pass out around the fire pit for the love of god move them Clay and Sonny tend to like melting the sole of their boots on the flames even when passed out
251: Plastic cups only (this rule is to stop sonny from smashing them)
254: Why am I needing to revisit Sharpies? They aren’t allowed them, give them Crayola's or crayons
254.1: Scrap that YOU CAN’T EAT THE CRAYONS
256: Clay you are not Spiderman get off the walls
258: Don't mention Hawaii five 0 just don't
258.1: They will attempt the intro to it, it’s just painful
259: Don't mention Harry Potter because they will all cry over different characters deaths
287: Soup is now banned (Ray. I honestly thought you were the normal one of the team. I am disappointed)
321: If you see Clay and Sonny cuddling just walk away, pretend you didn’t see anything, one of them had a bad day and the other is the only one they will confine in
322: Don't mention the Philippines or India just don't
330: If Metal and Trent are talking, just leave them be. (No one wants to know if Metal is yelling about something stupid Trent did)
331: Popcorn is not allowed on base it ended up in everyone's gear
342: Non-Aerosol Deodorant. (Two of them tried to eat it before realising it wasn't edible)
344: Aerosol Deodorant. (Metal and Sonny used it with lighters. to create a flamethrower)
344.1: Side note LIGHTERS ARE BAD
345: Headphones. DO NOT ASK
346: Rubber bands are not slingshots
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klugpuuo · 3 years
almost every puyo~tet single-character headcanon wie have
every character we've put more than three minutes of thought into are gonna be in this post. this *does* leave out a lot of characters, but still includes so many that hopefully that'll make up for it. ^also i forgot about this entirely while writing and tried to add a few characters i literally never think about everat all so you get extra funny commentary i guess
welp! enjoy the ride. and dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe (/lh)
warnings: mentions food, implied self-harm, delusions (not inherently triggering but still), general violence, some madou-era content, death. (more to be added + ask to tag) none of the things mentioned are in much detail.
Madou Monogatari / OG Puyo~Puyo characters:
Arle – 16 (chronologically 20 due to the Madou time stop but doesn’t realize it), has PTSD and ADHD + nonbinary transfem + sex-repulsed and questioning (she/he/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-Her armor was made into a sort of magical puberty blocker by her grandmother, who knew Arle was trans and wanted her to live her life to the fullest. -Although she has never been in an (official) romantic relationship, she’s usually the first person her friends go to for relationship advice. -She stims a lot, usually by twirling her hair around or jumping.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: She’s in a vaguely romantic relationship with Serilly. “Vaguely” as in they go on dates frequently, kiss a lot, and would live together if they could, but neither is sure if they are actually dating. Friends: She adores Ringo and Amitie and wants to protect both of them – not in the super creepy and sorta patronizing way, but in the “she really cares about them and their well-being” way. Despite thinking that Schezo is an absolute fool at times, she still cares about him quite a bit. She’s come to regret what she did all those years ago, and is determined to make sure that Schezo never remembers it.
Schezo – ~200, has ADHD and PTSD + transmasc + homosexual (he/it/gore)
Assorted headcanons:
-Although he can be away from his sword, it’s bonded to his body so strongly that if he is too far away from it for too long he becomes incredibly weak. -He borrowed a thesaurus from Aya and Klug and is not planning on ever giving it back. -He doesn’t remember a single thing that happened before Puyo~7, and can hardly remember anything from then until Puyo~Tetris 2. -After learning about tone indicators, he begins to put “/nx” at the end of *all* of his messages online. Although a few people make fun of him for it, many people find it either endearing or some form of cool, and he’s affectionately known as “the /nx anon” in a few social circles. -His main special interests are forging and dark magic (good for him <3)
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes: He has a slight crush on Lemres, and thinks that Incubus is.. interesting. He also thinks Witch is cute but can’t tell if that’s a crush or what. (Good) friends: He considers Arle to be his best friend, and she’s usually the first person he’d go to for anything. The two actually lived together for a while. Although he thinks Rulue is a fool at times, he still cares about her and thinks she’s pretty impressive. Enemies...?: He once was always looking to pick a fight with Satan, but after (rather awkwardly) remembering that he once saw the prince as a father, he mostly stopped doing that.
Rulue – ~40-ish?, experiences delusions + cis lass + questioning (she/her and a few neopronouns)
Assorted headcanons:
-She’s not sure why there are so many people who are like her and at this point she’s wondering if it really is just a coincidence. -She secretly wishes that she could join Arle, Schezo and Witch’s arm-wrestling sessions, but as they’ve been going on for so long without her she feels almost awkward asking. -Although she still experiences delusions sometimes, she’s gotten a lot better at telling what’s true and what’s false.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner… sorta?: She’s sort of in a QPR with Raffina, and they go on platonic dates a lot. (Good) friends: She’s quite good friends with Arle, especially since she’s no longer chasing after Satan. Speaking of Satan, as she’s no longer absolutely obsessed with him she’s actually beginning to get along well with him, and the two regularly have friendly battles.
Witch – >16, might be NT + cis lass + omni (she/it)
Assorted headcanons:
-The only thing she can transform people or things into without help of a potion is mushrooms. -She’s surprisingly strong and quite good at arm wrestling. -She’s not sure if she had any sort of neurodiversities, but she doesn’t really care either way.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes…?: She might have feelings for Arle, but even she doesn’t have any clue. She’s also.. interested in Feli, as she sees Feli as quite the interesting person. Family: She’s an orphan, although she doesn’t mind it. (Good) friends: She’s okay-ish friends with Schezo, and the two usually do arm wrestling matches with Arle in their free time.
Satan – ~3000<, only god knows + cis trans man (somehow less than a joke) + pansexual (he/it)
Assorted headcanons:
-As he’s so old and has changed his physical appearance so many times, he’s completely forgotten his original sex, if he even had one. -After getting very literally schooled by Raffina, he realized that his plans to acquire Arle were just never going to work, and after a while of self-reflection he decided that he’d rather spend the rest of eternity doing other things he liked than chasing around an underage lass. -Due to having completely remade the world himself, he feels almost completely disconnected from it. All the people he used to know.. aren’t the same, and it’s destroying him.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: Misses his dead wife a lot, but is now happily dating (nd half-joke married to) Ex (Chosen) family: After Satan had a good long think about everything, he realized that he did actually care about Lidelle a lot, and now properly sees her as a little sister. Friends: He’s on good terms with Rulue and actually properly hangs out with her sometimes. -
Serilly – >16, has anxiety and experiences delusions + trans lass + questioning (she/her)
Assorted headcanons:
-hgnggng operea
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: She may or may not be dating Arle. (Chosen) family: Although she’s presumably an orphan, she has Suketoudara, who she sees as an older brother figure. Best friend: She platonically loves Harpy a lot, and the two of them spend a lot of time together. - Suketoudara – ~30, NT + about as cis guy as a fish can get + polysexual (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-I literally do not think about this guy
Relationship headcanons:
Sibling serilly
Puyo Fever (2) characters:
Amitie – 14 and a half, autistic + binary transfem + fem-leaning panromantic (she/fae/flare)
Assorted headcanons:
-She found out that she was trans when she was 7 years old, and managed to convince her parents to let her transition when she was 12. -She taught herself how to bake, and Arle taught her how to cook more salty things. She regularly makes lunches for her friends, even if they already have their own. -She cares a lot about Sig’s ladybug friend and usually “babysits” them when Sig has to leave to wherever. -Raffina and her are the only two with two parents who haven’t divorced and/or died, but as Amitie's parents are almost always at work she doesn't get to talk to them very much. -She stims by twirling her hair when it’s long, or squishing a puyo-shaped stress ball when it’s short.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: She’s in a QPR with Sig and Klug, and says she wouldn’t give it up for the world. Crushes: She has a huge crush on Ringo, and a squish on Ess, but she doesn’t think either of them feel the same way. (Chosen) family: She feels rather lucky having contact with both her mother and father, as most of her friends don’t have contact with their own parents. Also, she looks up to Arle a lot, and sees them as an older sibling. Friends(?): Nobody can tell what exactly her relationship with Raffina is, but the most common theory is that they’ve kissed at least twice. Even during Lidelle’s fight with Sig, Amitie supported her, knowing she truly did regret her actions and it was mostly just a big misunderstanding.
Klug – 14 and three quarts, autistic and has ADHD + transmasc nonbinary + ace/aroflux (he/they/wir)
Assorted headcanons:
-Although he had initially asked to be called by neopronouns just as a joke, he found he actually liked the wir/worm set a lot, and now tends to go by that exclusively on some days. -On one night he doesn’t remember, all of his cosmetic glasses were mysteriously destroyed, along with all his contact lenses. After that, he stuck to just one pair of functional glasses -He was gifted an “EiPod” by Ringo and Amitie, although only the latter took credit for it. -He stims by humming, writing, and aggressively cleaning his glasses.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: He’s in a QPR with Sig and Amitie, and secretly wants to leave Primp and travel the world with them both. Chosen family: He sees Feli as both a rival and a sister, and now has come to see Lemres as an older-sibling figure of sorts. Friend: He’s on good terms with Lidelle, and she’s one of the only people who’s younger than he is that he still treats with respect. Rivals(?): He thinks Raffina is pretty rude, and he never lets her go without remembering that he’s better friends with Amitie than she is for more than a month.
Sig – 15, autistic and has ADHD + transmasc demilad + biromantic (he/bug/they/it)
Assorted headcanons:
-Doesn’t consider any sort of bug to be his “favorite”, but has a soft spot for ladybeetles, stag beetles and fireflies. -After a failed attempt at acquiring Sig’s power, Aya accidentally gave Sig half of its own power, causing Sig to become slightly more than just a half-demon. -After he scratched himself one too many times, Amitie and Lidelle worked together to make a glove for Sig’s claw hand. -His main special interests are both bugs and history, and he usually stims by repeating words he likes.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: He’s mostly queerplatonic, partially romantic partners with both Amitie and Klug. During the first half week of their relationship, he was the only one the two felt comfortable cuddling with, which he was completely fine with. Family: Although initially Sig and Aya were almost enemies, they managed to reach an agreement after being left alone together and now see each other as both family and friends. Friends: He’s pretty good friends with Lidelle, and he helps her with bug-related problems whenever she has any. He’s also pretty good friends with Raffina even if they don’t hang out much and he still has trouble with her name. Enemies: Schezo.
Raffina – 16, has (canonical) imposter syndrome + transfem + pansexual demiromantic (she/her)
Assorted headcanons:
-As her family is very upper middle class, she was able to medically transition almost immediately after coming out. -She once tried to start a Primp Town Fight Club. It did not go well. -She’s the only person aside from Amitie that has two parents that did not abandon her and are not divorced. Unlike Amitie, however, only her mother works, so she gets to talk to her father frequently.
Relationship headcanons:
Crush: She secretly wants to kiss Lidelle really badly. (Good) friends: Although she was slightly distanced from them during the whole fight ordeal, she’s quite good friends with all the ASK trio. She’s pretty friendly with Ess.
Lidelle – 14, has social anxiety + cis lass + questioning (she/her)
Assorted headcanons:
-She feels genuinely sorry for what she did and said to Sig and those bugs, and she’s proud of herself for apologizing. -She likes playing with marbles and has made pretty big marble “race” courses in the past. -She doubts her self-worth a lot, and is worried that others don’t take her very seriously.
Relationship headcanons:
Chosen family: Despite not having any surviving biological family, she’s found a family in the form of Draco and Satan, who have been taking care of her for some time now. Best friend: Lidelle hangs out with Raffina almost constantly, and she considers Raf to be her very best friend. Good friends.. again: After a very large fight with Sig over the fact that her flesh-eating plants killed some of his bugs, she and Sig stopped being friends for a bit. After a lot of talking with Amitie and Raffina, she realized her mistake, and she apologized to Sig – and to her surprise, Sig apologized back. Even during the fight, she and Amitie stayed friends, and Ami gave her a lot of emotional support. She looks up to Klug, although Klug sees her as an equal and even spares a warm smile for her during some of his most jerk-y moments.
Lemres – 35, autistic, has SAD and PTSD + transmasc and nonbinary + aroflux/aceflux (they/them, he/him and any candy-related neopronouns)
Assorted headcanons:
-They are actually entirely blind due to personal reasons, and sewed their eyes shut as to not freak others out too much. They “see” by feeling the magic of their environment, and cannot “see” in low-magic areas (they also cannot read faces. At all.) -They have a sort of “vacation house” near Primp which they visit during the summer or any free time they have. The fact that it was built so close to Primp was a coincidence, but something they like very much. -Schezo occasionally “visits” the vacation house for a few months before running off on some random adventure for whatever reason. -Their broom was broken, presumably by Witch as they had fought with her not too long before that. -Su has a certain type of magic that allows sucre to read minds (or at least meaning). -His type of magic does not work on demons for a plethora of reasons. -They usually stim by twirling their staff around and messing with what remains of their broom.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: They’re in a weird sort-of relationship with Schezo. The relationship informally started after Schezo assisted Lemres during a restless period and it doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon. (Chosen) family: Although they want to keep their distance from their biological family, they’ve found a new family in Primp in the form of the ASK trio (Good) friends: They’re very close to Accord, having know her since Highschool (and even before she made Poipoi).
Feli – 16 and a half, experiences delusions and has disorders + transfem + bisexual (she/her evi/evil go/goth)
Assorted headcanons:
-Rather compulsory heterosexuality with her. She doesn’t actually have that much love for Lemres, mainly just lust and a feeling that she has to date or marry him. -She personally believes sharing one’s birthday with someone else is a sign of extreme trust due to Zodiac reasons. -She feels like her gender is influenced by gothic aesthetics, but can’t really describe it further.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes: She still very obviously has a crush on Lemres, although it’s starting to lessen now that Lemres is in a closed relationship. (Chosen) family: She sees Klug as an annoying little brother, although he’s marginally more mature than she is. (Good) friends: She’s pretty good friends with Lidelle and Raffina.
Accord/Poipoi – ???? + cis lass and agender respectively + god knows (she/her for accord, he/it for poipoi)
Assorted headcanons:
-Accord secretly really likes hitting things with her hammer to the point where she’d go quite far in order to get a chance to do so. However, she would never readily admit this as she finds it to be incredibly childish. -Only Accord knows what happened to Lemres’s eyes. -During Highschool, Accord enchanted a puppet and gave it its own thoughts, personality, dreams, etc. That puppet was quite obviously Poipoi.
Relationship headcanons:
(Good) friends: Accord is close friends with Lemres, having known him since Highschool (she was his upperclassman by a few years) and never passes up a chance to talk to him. Poipoi managed to make friends with Aya in a particularly independent moment where it ran away.
Ayashii – >800, has a lot of trauma + whats a gender + (it/any neos/they/he/she)
Assorted headcanons:
-It genuinely forgot what a gender was because gender is so unimportant to it. -It somehow found a way to continue being friends with the puppy it rescued, even going so far as to teaching them the difference between it and Klug. -As it has extreme claustrophobia, it tends to take very long walks whenever it’s using Klug’s body.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes???: Aya has some interest in Lemres and Schezo, but isn’t entirely sure what kind of interest. (Chosen) family: It’s beginning to see Klug as a son of sorts, and recognizes Sig as its descendent. huh what: It doesn’t trust Accord at all, especially knowing (and being friends with) Poipoi as an individual.
Yu and Rei - ??? + phasmaeic + (both use she/he/they gho/ghost spec/spectre and dar/dark)
- - -
Relationship headcanons:
Puyo~7 characters:
Ringo – 16, ??? + questioning (demigirl?) + bisexual (she/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-She’s questioning pretty much every single thing about her identity and beliefs to the point where she’s actually been having frequent migraines because of it. -She’s not at all proud to admit it, but she’s not-so-secretly envious of Maguro’s “beauty beam”. -She eats a LOT of things that you’re not meant to eat, to the point where everyone except for Sig (who does the same) is worried for her.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes: She has small crushes on both Amitie and Tee, although she likes Amitie a *bit* more. Epic friends: She’s best friends with Maguro, and he’s one of the few people she properly trusts (not for edgy reasons, just because). A lot of people assume she’s dating him, which makes her feel pretty uncomfortable, but she doesn’t feel like she can really blame them.
Maguro – 16, has ADHD and PTSD (latter from AU) + questioning + bisexual (he/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-He’s questioning the same stuff as Ringo, although he’s a lot more chill about it. -He was pretty scarred, emotionally and physically, after an unfortunate incident concerning a badly thought-out prank, a fishing net, and a timer set to one month -He remembers all of his trauma in perfect clarity, and has good memory overall.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner:He’s been in a romantic relationship with Tee for a few months, and so far it’s been really nice. Best friend: He’s best friends with Ringo, and he feels really comfortable around her. They share almost everything, and are planning on moving in together once they get the chance to have a proper house. Good friends: Although Ris moved away to study abroad a while back, they still send a lot of gifts and letters to him on a regular basis. Also, they’ve been staying in contact with Ess ever since the whole beauty pageant thing and the two go shopping when they’re both free.
Risukuma – 19, NT + trans man + male-leaning pansexual (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-He’s incredibly interested in all types of love -After graduating school, he decided to study abroad to learn more about other cultures (and of course, love). -He really likes music, even having written some of his own songs in the past. One of his favorite bands is IDKHOW.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner: Despite only having interacted a few times, he’s quite good “friends” with Ai. Good friends: After moving away from Suzuran, he’s not been able to hang out with Ringo or Maguro as much, but he still sends them letters and gifts on a regular basis. What: He does not want to know about Ecolo. Do not tell him about Ecolo.
Ecolo – ageless and has so many disorders (affectionate??) + gender + probably so (it/they/he/she/other in that order)
Assorted headcanons:
-If asked, it would describe its gender as “Once In A Lifetime” by Talking Heads. -It’s trying really really hard to respect Ringo’s boundaries nowadays, and not just because she refused to acknowledge its existence for a whole week after it accidentally hurt her. -It can change into its human form at will; however, if it wants to stay in that form for more than a few hours at a time, it has to actually sleep for several days straight. -In its humanoid form, it sports several scars. -It genuinely loves fidget spinners and has this really creepy one it carries everywhere.
Relationship headcanons:
Crush: You know it wants to kiss Ringo so bad. Friends: Ex-friends with Satan because Ringo hates him. Pretty alright friends with Ex and Marle, not entirely sure what to think about Squares. Uh…: After.. an accident it caused, Maguro started to be able to remember it.
Puyo~Tetris characters:
Tee – 16, + trans man + questioning (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-He can’t pronounce any name longer than four letters long. Somehow, the worst case of this is with Ringo and Maguro’s names. -Having transitioned at a very young age and only interacting with one lass for most of his life, he has a lot of internalized sexism. After Ringo points this out, he starts trying to work on it, but he hasn’t been doing very well so far. -He’s also trying really hard to find a balance between being too basic and too over-the-top, but..
Relationship headcanons:
Partner: He’s been in a romantic relationship with Maguro for a few months. It’s been really nice, but as this is his first relationship he tends to go all-out with everything, causing Maguro to get rather flustered. Crush: Although he’s very hesitant to admit it, he has a pretty big crush on Ringo and wants to kiss her. Chosen family: O is his parent, Ess and Ai are his siblings, and the twins are his messed up if true gay cousins. Friend: He’s pretty good friends with Sig because of their shared inability to correctly pronounce Raffina’s name.
O – infinite, ??? + ???? + probably gay? ????? (any and all pronouns)
Assorted headcanons:
-I cannot reasonably take myself seriously trying to make headcanons for this godforsaken cloud cube -Squares themself made this thing (on accident?) -Anger management issues incarnate
Relationship headcanons:
Parnter: Kissed Carbuncle once eChidle: Tee is its son
Ex – ~40, has autism, minor intrusive thoughts and (canon) depression + some form of Guy + yes (he/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-He’s not sure how he identifies gender- and sexuality-wise and feels as if he’s too old to try to figure that out (which isn’t true, but still) -He genuinely misses Ess and Ai a lot and is unendingly grateful for the chance to see them both again. -His intrusive thoughts are usually fairly easy to deal with, but can sometimes get pretty bad if he’s left alone for too long.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: I’m pretty sure he has an ex-wife somewhere and that scares me. Also he kisses Satan every day of his life (Chosen) family: He misses his children, Ess and Ai, so much. (Good) friends: He’s become reluctant friends with Ecolo, and very good friends with Marle and Squares.
Jay & Elle – 13, autistic and have separation anxiety + nonbinary + ??? (they/them)
Assorted headcanons:
-Individually they’re okay with all pronouns, but nobody can reasonably refer to them as separate entities. -After a few people asked them, they stopped bullying Ai as much, but they still “prank” him a lot. -They were separated exactly once. It was not a very good time for them.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners:They’re queerplatonic partners with Yu and Rei, since that’s just kind of what happens when you’re two sets of evil twins who like bothering others. Friends: They don’t really have many friends as their creepiness scares people off a lot, but they like hanging out with Ecolo (even if they forget about it a lot)
Ai – 20, has pretty severe anxiety + transmasc + bisexual (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-He found out that he was trans after he managed to get a sort of wi-fi thing going during a five-month-long stay in a densely-packed asteroid belt. He had actually medically transitioned before that, but nobody on the SS Tetra had the word for it. -He has exactly one large scar from a prank gone horribly wrong. Otherwise, he’s not been seriously injured by anything the twins have done. - Recently he’s started to become slightly braver in general thanks to a lot of therapy and emotional support from his boyfriend, this has allowed him to stand up to the twins a lot more. He is also more physically strong, and plans to drop kick them both someday.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner: He kisses Risukuma on the daily Chosen family: As he canonically sees Ex as a father, he headcanonically sees Ess as a sister. Pure hatred(/j): He’s no longer as afraid of the tetra twins, and sometimes even manages to prank them back on good days.
Ess – ~15, only ex knows. Has serious abandonment issues, apparently canon(?!?!) PTSD, and so many things + cis demilass + lesbiab (she/they/ze)
Assorted headcanons:
-She actually has a job, and on the last weekend of every month she goes shopping with Maguro (or Amitie if he’s busy) on Saturday and Raffina on Sunday with the money she gets. -She kinda wishes that she were more physically strong for a multitude of minor reasons. -Ess doesn’t actually know how to say Ringo’s name and tries really hard to hide that fact.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes:She’s absolutely in love with Amitie, although she’s in very deep denial about it. Chosen family: She sees Ai as a brother, and the two bond over the fact that Ex totally ditched them to go patch up dimensions or whatever. Speaking of Ex, she’s very recently found it in her heart to maybe forgive him for leaving her when she was young, although she still is a long ways away from seeing him as a father again. Friends: She and Raffina hang out and talk about their insecurities a lot.
Zed – uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-uhhhhhhhhhh -I genuinely don’t think of this guy He reminds me too much of my ex-chosen-father -…to be added.
Relationship headcanons:
Ess is his belovt daughter that’s all you need to know.
Additional headcanons:
-Most of the Madou Monogatari gang feel entirely disconnected from what’s left of their humanity, so they identify with it/its along with whichever other pronouns they use. -Sig, Dark Sig, and the evil Sig from Sig’s Secret are all different entities. -Speaking of Dark Sig, they can actually purr, although Sig himself cannot. Klug thinks this is incredibly interesting and actually conducted several half-serious experiments to try to figure out why. -All of the SS Tetra crew see each other as family, although some have more clearly defined views of that. None of them have any romantic or sexual interest in any other member.
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impala-dreamer · 3 years
Hi there! Since you’re going through a tough time (which is totally normal and not something you should apologize for), and smut isn’t on your mind atm (obviously), I was wondering if you could answer some writing questions?
For example, when did you start your patreon/when did you feel like you could make money off of your writing? (Talking specifically about fanfiction)
If you take commissions (which would be so cool!) how do you decide the pricing of that?
I’m so curious about this as I just started writing again after a very long break and it feels like a dream job to me! (I hope that those questions don’t make you uncomfortable, and if they do feel free to ignore them)
hi! oh, you dont understand how much i enjoy asks like these. I kinda just want people to send me writing questions constantly lol
so... Patreon:
I've been writing on here for 5 years, and I do seem to have a very loyal fanbase of readers, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've had my Patreon for about 2 years now, and while it has never been huge, there are other writers with way bigger numbers as far as patrons go, but my Patreons are super awesome and loyal and understanding and I think they do it to really support me, not just for like a- ya know- sneak peek at some porn, or whatever. Anyway, I was super nervous to do it, but I just decided to give it a try. It's very hard to make that leap and say, "I want to make money on my writing. let's see if I can" but if you don't try, you never will. I'm shocked and grateful every day that people believe in me and love my work enough to hand me money every month.
I do take commissions - sometimes. Honestly, it's very hard for me to do commissions simply because I try to put as much feeling and care into every story I write as possible, and sometimes, the requested story just isn't in my emotional bubble. I know that sounds insane. "But Beka, I want to pay you to write this for me." And my response is simply: I do not want to charge you money for something that I dont think would be 100% up to my personal standards. Some stories I just cannot get inside, and therefore, would not take on when someone else could do it better. I am always open to talk about commissions, but I only take maybe... 25% of the requests. As far as cost goes, that's entirely based on the idea, but I start at $15. Just sounded good. No real basis for that. I've seen people post long things like "I start at $2 per word..." or whatever, but I can't work like that. I don't go by word count, I go by story. So, if it takes me 500 words to complete your story, it's 500 words. If that story takes 20k words... it's 20k. I did a commission last year that ended up a 3 part mini series. I still charged them the agree upon $20, but they got an entire novella instead of just a one shot. Sometimes, it be that way.
It's truly hard to put a price tag on your work, at least for me. There are moments of - "It's not worth that much." "I'm not good enough for someone to want to pay for my story" and here's the thing: It's all up to you. Nothing in this world is worth Anything but what someone will pay for it. The coffee mug I use every morning cost probably $5, but if some stalker crazy person out there wanted to buy it on ebay because I've used it- they may pay $100. Ya dig? Also, keep in mind that writing IS WORK and it IS HARD. Quality writing isn't just slapping the keys until words come out. It takes practice and time and heart. My husband is an artist and he's always undercutting what he should charge for his art, and I tell him: You're not just looking at materials, you're charging for your time and talent as well. Same goes here.
If you want to start a patreon, or taking commissions, go for it! The worst that happens is that no one bites. Charge what you think your time and talent is worth and then stand by it. If people love your work, they'll support you. <3
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big-meows · 3 years
AO3 Tag Game Tagged by @skypied
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 15
2. What is your total AO3 word count?  154,962 - 68360 from TiHWG (which I did not write) = 86,602. Short fic king.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 
Ducktales primarily, Infinity Train, Luca, Outer Wilds and Trolls World Tour
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
God Only Knows (luca) (1015)
something to do with my hands (infinity train) (692)
Stand By Me (ducktales) (420)
Room to Grow (ducktales) (395)
Albireo (infinity train) (382)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to if someone's left a long or insightful one or asked questions, but if I respond to every comment it feels like comment count padding.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Apex of a Bad Decision, obviously. It's an Outer Wilds fic and its its relatively canon compliant so *looks into the camera* EDIT: Oh but blue on blue!!! Apex still wins I just think BoB deserves a shout out
7. Do you write crossovers? Nah. I've always liked the idea of a Yokai Watch/Natsume Yuujinchou crossover and once upon a time I could have infodumped the whole imagined lore of it on an unsuspecting fool, but it was never something i was going to write. (it just makes Sense when you think about it)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not directly, I dont think, but I had made some enemies in the ducktales fandom by virtue of existing so I'm sure people were saying unkind things behind my back.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, but not religiously. I wrote a Rymin smutfic I quite liked at the time, it was goofy and friendly and full of feelings and music metaphors. I dont think I've revisited it since, so I don't know if I still like it. I may or not be working on a Luberto thing. There's some pretty cringe stuff way back in my livejournal history that no one needs to know about lol. If you know, you know. Idk. I like it with feelings and at least a small amount of plot. If it could be like, a smut mad-lib, where you could punch any old names in and get the same result, I'm probably not vibing super hard with it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I doubt it lol
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. I brainstorm, beta and mass produce OCs for @partly-cloudyskies but I've never cowritten. I think I would probably rather die than either a) relinquish control or b) set myself up for that kind of imposter syndrome crisis. If I wrote with people I considered worse than me it wouldn't be fun and if I wrote with people better than me I'd want to walk into the lake.
12. What’s your all time favorite ship? I move on from stuff pretty regularly I think, my brain is a sponge that can only hold so much water before it needs to be wrung out, I have only two hands and know not how to juggle. But Weblena is probably like....the one. Why else would I have stayed in that fandom for so long enduring the bullshit I did? I have a lot of other lifelong otps I still hold a flame for, but in terms of the ships I made stuff for and really put my heart into, its them.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Meet the Robinsons. Champion of Wilbur Robinson time traveling self-cest circa 2007. Thanks, DayQuil!
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I mean, I guess it has to be God Only Knows, but I think Apex of a Bad Decision is one I'll always be particularly proud of for the world building, pulling a ship out of my ass, and a gut-punch ending.
tagging people? uh idk. @partly-cloudyskies, @neopuff, @the-resurrection-3d @darthvaporwave....if they want!
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Pink Chains pt Five
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
W! Brief Violence
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Before you and Kyo could go to the zoo he had to drive everyone back to the beach so they could drive home. Yahaba was hiding in the back seat by the window , still red in the face. Oikawa was next to him and constantly teasing Yahaba over you , Iwaizumi was on the right by the window in the back, Mattsun was in the passenger seat and Kyotani was driving,,, with you on his lap.
“Its fine” he told you. I mean hes not gonna let one of his friends hold you so .. And besides, this was funner. You held onto his neck giggling while you peppered kisses on his neck the whole way to the beach. Mattsun was the last to leave Kyotanis car, he wanted to check on his red panda tattoo on you and you happily showed him it. The red was finally all healed up and the whole tattoo looked very nice to him. He pat your head and said goodbye to his friend as he exited the car closing the door. Kyotani took off and plugged the directions into his cars touch screen.
“Kyo? Should I move to the seat?” you asked him, wiggling on his lap as he drove.
“Your fine right here on me sweetie.” he told you, nuzzling his cheek into yours.
So you sat there the whole time, giggling each time someone did a double take as they passed. You told Kyo about your day and what the girls said to you too. It still pissed him off but it was taken care of now.
“Kyo?” you were rubbing at his chest.
“Are you okay after this morning?”
He thought on it for a few minutes, the only sound was the music coming from his car. He groaned heavily and placed a hand on your thigh pulling you closer to him. “Yeah, im okay sweetie”
“Promise” he gave you a gentle kiss as he pulled into the zoo's parking area.”before we go in i have to tell you one thing though”
“What is it?” you were about to open the door but he had stopped you, causing you to get all pouty and puffy in the face with him. Kyotani smiled and kissed your cheek laughing lightly.
“So i know one of the employees and i need to see if hes working today”
“Okay!!” you opened the door wiggling off Kyos lap getting out and Kyo was quick to follow you and pull you back to him locking his arms around your hips as he hip bumped his car door shut.
“Hm?” he kissed along your neck holding your wiggling body with a smile on his face.
“The pandas!!” you whined with a big smile on your face til you felt his fingers start to move over your tummy .” KYO!! Tickles!!!”
“Okay okay, but please stay close to me okay?”
You whipped around to grab his ring hand squeezing it tight. “You stay close!! Dont want anyone stealing you away”
He laughed walking you up to the entrance to pay and buy a ticket. “Ive already been stolen by the best person sweetie.im not goin anywhere”
Miyagi Zoo was a small zoo, basically a big circle with some attractions down separate walk ways that lead to birds, a petting zoo and the gift shop. But it all looped back around to the entrance.
The first animals were the lions; you were so excited but the display glass was occupied by some people and you could not see. Kyo pulled you close while he waited for the people to move, he could see them but that was because he was 5 ‘ 11, he did not want to wait too long since he still had to find his friend and see the rest of the zoo so he moved himself behind you , wrapped his arms around your hips and lifted you up into the air so you could see the lions who were asleep on the rocks enjoying the sun. you had grabbed onto Kyotanis shoulders to steady yourself and people looked back to see you and the look on Kyos face, they quickly moved and he smugly walked closer with you still in the air. The glass was cold against your hands when you touched it to steady yourself to look in. it was two males and three females all asleep enjoying the sun. Kyotani had never seen a lion before so he was equally as excited but seeing that excited grin on your face just made it 10x better. He set you down and you gave him a big kiss on the lips , you also grabbed his hand running off to the next animals.
The second animals were the timber wolves and that was .. an interesting experience; no one was looking at the animals so you and Kyo were free to get right up to the glass to look for them. They appeared to be hiding and you did not want to leave without seeing at least one so Kyo crouched down next to you to look into the enclosure. A pile of leaves was moving up and down and he could see a couple paws sticking out. “Sweetie, down here. ones asleep” he told you. You folded your dress behind you to crouch down next to him and you gasped a little loudly once you saw it. He was asleep, the sign said this enclosure had 6 timber wolves in it but they all must be asleep somewhere.
Kyotani liked wolves, they reminded him of his friends and they were very misunderstood creatures , like him. You leaned into his side placing your hand on his wolf sleeve and Kyo laid his head on yours as you both watched the wolf sleep. The other animals could wait a little longer to be seen.
After a few more minutes Kyo was about to get up with you when a grey wolf came out from under the leaves and right over to the glass. Kyotani expected you to latch on to him and be a little scared but instead he watched you wave and say hello to the wolf. He pulled you to him giving your cheek a kiss, you were perfect.. So so perfect.. The wolf stared at you both for a little while till new people started to come over and dashed off to hide. Kyotani helped you up and you both made your way to the petting zoo holding hands.
The little goats refused to interact with Kyotani.. It was kinda funny. They loved you and loved to eat at your dress while all they did with Kyo was scream at him. People were staring because you were giggling trying to feed the baby sheeps with a brown goat eating your dress and a black goat screaming its head off at Kyotani. A pig came over as well to use Kyo as a rubbing post for an itch and he was not very happy but what the hell, hes lucky hes a cute pig. The screaming was starting to get to him though and you had to get some food for Kyo to get on the goats good side. He held the food out and instantly the goat stopped his screaming to munch on the food. The quiet was a relief for everyone…
The last animals were the red pandas but Kyo was preventing you from getting close to the enclosure, he had his arm hooked around your waist and seemed to be looking around with his phone out.
“Kyo!!!! Im gonna tell Iwaizumi!!!”
“Pft oh yeah Sweetie?” he leaned down to nibble your neck. “Whats Iwaizumi gonna do?”
“Something!!!” you struggled against his grip but you were not getting free. You could see the big tree that was the main part of the exhibit and a bunch of tall glass with smaller trees and climbing toys spread out all around .. just a little.. Closer..!
“Mad Dog ! over here!”
“There he is. Okay sweetie this way” he led you to the side of the exhibit over to an employee who had a big smile on his face . his name tag said Takahiro on it.
Kyotani bumped his shoulder against the man and Taka did the same saying hello to his friend.”this her?” he asked, giving you a big smile.
“Yep, Sweetie this is my friend Takahiro, he was on the team too”
“Nice to meet you!!!” you beamed .
“Aww. shes adorable, you ready ?”
“ready? “ you turned to Kyo and he pulled you with him gently.”but Kyo the pandas…”
“Cmon sweetie.” he locked his arm around yours as Taka led you both past the Employees Only area next to the exhibit.
Taka opened a door and Kyo snuck you in with Taka closing the door behind him. “Okay,” Taka said. “15 minutes max Kyotani”
“Sure sure” he moved you closer to what looked like the inside of the exhibit. “Stand right here” he told you.
You hold his hand tight unsure of what was happening and heard Taka whistle a tune. Soon enough you realized and got the biggest smile on your face.
Four little red pandas ran over flopping all over each other and right into your legs to rub on them . “KYO!!!” you instantly crouched down to pet them and give each one a hug, you were also a crying mess.
Kyotani nudged his friend after snapping a picture of you with the pandas. “Thanks Takahiro”
“Mmm sure, i dont just let anyone back here ya know”
“Yeah yeah, trust me i appreciate it “ he looked over to see you holding a red panda and trying to pet each one at the same time.
“Hows the store? The guys?”
“All good, i made up with Yahaba too.”
“Really? Thats great Mad Dog, proud of you. You look like your doing good.”
“Im doing amazing now,” he gestured to you. “Never been better Takahiro”
Taka nudged his friend teasing him over how sappy he was being and you made sure you pet every panda at least 10 times before it was time to leave. You thanked Takahiro and he waved his hand saying it was not a problem.
After Taka escorted you both out Kyo took you to the Gift Shop where he bought you a red panda plush and a red panda bag that had a fake tail hanging off it. The gift shop also had a cheetah display that said they save a cheetah with each purchase. He bought 6 of them. It was time to leave after the gift shop and you were just so happy with your day, everything was perfect. Kyotani opening up to you, saving you from the girls at school, the surprise at the zoo. You were falling deeper and deeper for him.
It was a good day for him too, after a rocky morning everything turned out great. Making up with Yahaba helped a lot and he was happy to have his friend back. He took care of those dumb girls that were bothering you and got to take you too the zoo . seeing your smile all day was the icing on the cake for him. Things were going so good with you and he never wanted it to change, he never wanted to mess it up and wanted to hold onto you forever.
When you got to the car you asked Kyo if you could go for ice cream before heading home and he agreed, one was close by so you both could walk to it. It was dark now and Kyo wanted to invite you too sleep at his place tonight. You were almost at the ice cream shop now but something stopped you.
“Kyo? Did you hear that?”
“It sounded like a kitten?” he said looking around.
“I think over by the bench there, i gotta go see, it might by by itself..”
Kyotani was unsure about letting you go by yourself but he was close enough to the bench if you needed him. “Okay sweetie, come right back please.” he held your hand a little longer before letting go , he watched you hurry off and he leaned on the ice cream shop to wait, browsing his phone.
“Kyotani…?” it was a … familiar voice.
Kyo looked up and his heart nearly stopped.
“Kitty...kitty,,,” you crouched down looking under the bench to see a scared little kitten hiding under it. “Hey there.. Im not gonna hurt you.. Cmere baby” you held your arm out and the kitten sniffed it.
“It is you.” the voice got closer and Kyotani was frozen.”Bastard what was your deal back then huh?”
“...i..” he squeezed his phone trying to come up with words. No , no, this cant be happening now. Stay calm Mad Dog..
“Thats it.. Cmere..” you cooed the kitten out to you and picked it up hugging its shivering body. “There there.. Your safe now, ill take care of you, wait till you meet Kyo, hes a great-”
You looked up to see something… something you thought you would never see. Kyotani hit the brick wall hard . he wiped the blood from his chin and grabbed a spikey haired man punching him directly in the jaw.
“Did you hear me?? Fuck was your problem huh?” he stepped closer. Kyotani put his phone away and stepped away trying to focus on this guy and see where you were. “Can we do this another time?” he asked putting his hands up, he was shaking,
“I dont want any trouble” he told him.
“Oh you dont? But giving me a black eye that was swollen shut for two weeks is fine? “ he grabbed Kyotani by the shirt and Kyotani was slammed into the wall.
“Fuck you Kyotani if you thi-” he punched him, right in the jaw. “Get the FUCK off me Bokuto!!!” he grabbed Bokuto by the shirt slamming him to the ground.
“Kyo….?” you were frozen in place and your heart nearly jumped up your throat when you saw him punch Bokuto in the mouth.
@galagcica @kozushiki @zopzoop
@haikyuu-but-low-iq @milkbreadcat
@derpeedoo @squeaky-ducky
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: New York
(The following review contains spoilers, and if you would like to not be spoiled, I would recommend watching the episode before reading)
(I had to pause a LOT to get through this special)
-Oh s*** Cosmo bug and Astro Noir. That is so cool.
-Okay maybe its my audio, but their voices seem a bit deeper. No big, just something I noticed.
-Okay the yellow flower was cute. Good on you kitty.
- Also, side note. This is very nice animation. Very crisp.
- Marinette is moving on... kinda. Well, she is trying. Its not easy getting over someone you have a thing for. I guess that means Miracle Queen did happen and I will need to suck it up. But.... I am not moving on yet either.
- The puppet show was perfection. And honestly on par with what you would expect from middle school projects. (I almost thought it was the adults showing them and was like WTF)
-BACK THE F***. Madame Bustier is PREGNANT! PREGNANT?! I am so lost? What is the story!? Who is the father! Is she married? Is it artificial insemination! Is it the principal?
-Adrien so moved by Marinette’s outburst of Friendship. Marinette ‘Just a friend’ Dupain-Cheng is going the Tia Gardner method of friendship. Lol
-Marinette ready to fight and Gabriel just like ‘Yea sure whatever’ (Gabriel’s smile murders puppies)
- Kagami trying to cheer adrien up. If you love adrigami, get that juice. (That looked like a kiss kiss, but the angle seemed off, so I am not counting it that way.)
- Kitty Clicker is wonderful. This entire scene is gold.
-  Gorrilla doesnt like planes, poor baby
- Plagg, you are a devious little s***. I love you so much. As a writer, his dialogue on how to convince adrien is so devilish its amazing. Using technicalities to tempt adrien.
-Lukanette shippers get your juice... even if it was still tainted a bit by Adrien inclusion. You still get a kiss.
- Okay, can we appreciate that Adrien is also having the same amount of trouble as Marinette moving on, but also include Guilt into the equation? I love this because you KNOW Chat noir is going to get an ear full later.
-Marinette has totally moved on from Adrien.... Oh my poor sweet little girl. You havent. You havent even a little. This ride is litterally the reverse of Startrain and its amazing. Alya is NOT helping. Also, give the person that drew Marinette’s Daydreams a f***ing raise. They earned it
-Marinette pulling herself OUT of the situation. Now adrien is slightly bummed out. Well i am sure that this is the last awkward experience with Adrien she will have. It isnt like the two of them will get lost in NY together... thats whats gonna happen isnt it?
-Marinette walking past all the couples sleeping together. JULROSE GET YOUR JUICE!!!
-Ah yes, nothing like watching the sunset with your good friend. Yes, you good pal, Adrien. Who is Just a friend. Wow, the realization that Marinette used the word friend in this movie more times then Adrien did in the entire series so far. (Or at the very least close)
- Adrien, STOP! Marinette is trying to move on from you! Stop making it so damn difficult for her. (I am not serious, i am eating this s*** up like Sushi)
-Nino confirms he loves Adrien. ADRINO COME GET YOUR JUICE! But yea, I feel alya and Nino’s pain. So they are going to help them both.
-Adrienette hugs. Yes, good.
-And thank goodness for Techno Pirate! Saving everyone from awkwardness by trying to bring down a plane... thats heading for NY...
-OH SWEET! BATMAN RIP OFF AND Captain Marvel rip off! And their sidekicks, Robin rip off and... Medusa girl? Okay Neat.
-Jokes aside, Majestia and Night Owl are boss as hell.
-Wow, I know that Ladybug and Chat noir got powerups now. But these United Heroes make their powers look so bland in comparison.
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-Get rekt France!
-ADRIEN! DONT USE YOUR PHONE ON AN AIRPLANE! Well, unless he is using the in flight wifi, then he good.
-How come New York has a f*** ton of superheroes in this universe? America really gets all the cool stuff regardless of what fictional universe your in.
- Why are the superheroes so keen on watching over Marinette’s class? Do they know? Do they know Marinette and Adrien are there? Or is it like they just want to prevent an international incident. PLEASE LET IT BE THE LATER.
- I have only had Aeon for 15 seconds and I would violently murder anyone who harms her.
-Oh my Sabrina! GET YOURSELF AN AMERICAN BOY! ... And Chloé is going to ruin the fun. Oof tough break roomies.
-The entire class! I cant even! Not even a second after the door closes they out to party on the roof!
-Aeon, “See? They are made for eachother!”
- Damn, now that’s some guitar playing! Plus Her design is boss as heck. America really just has better versions of EVERYTHING.
-American boy basically snuck in to see Sabrina! GET IT GIRL!
-Nino and Alya be tag teaming this!
-Wow Zag, you stuffing me full of Adrinette goodness. Gorilla is a beautiful sunflower.
- Marinette and Adrien havent been in the US 24 hours and they already have two shippers of them. Also, what do doors have against them?
-Jess is Shipping it too hard. “Lets put them in danger!”
-Jess is having way too much fun with this.
-Hawkmoth akumatizing an actual Super villain. FINALLY!
- “Wouldn’t you rather have an Atomic Bomb?” I love Techno pirate.
-”Super Heroes should never use their powers for personal gain.”  Hmmm I wonder how this will back fire on everyone involved.
-Okay, I take back what I said, these heroes need some Miraculous asap.
- Ladybug is 100% justified in being angry with Chat Noir. It is his fault.
-AEON!!!! NO!!!!!!! Okay, guess i have to kill that techno pirate, and Chat noir
- Seems they really hammering it in that Chat noir f***ed up. They right though, but at least Ladybug isnt angry enough to agree that Chat noir should give up his miraculous to some rando. FLEEING FROM THE LAW!
-So lucky charm can only fix damage due to specific villains. It cant fix things when the villain is gone or they are out of range. I always knew it had limitations, but damn. Chat noir REALLY screwed the pooch on this one.
-Adrien no! Oh s***! He cant just... I mean.... He can but...
-Gabriel stole the Eagle! The Kwami of Freedom. The irony is so delicious here.
- So night Owl and Sparrow are both chick with Masculine superhero appearances. Thats actually pretty damn smart, great way to keep people off their identity.
-Welp, i am depressed. Adrien doesnt have Plagg.
- So an akumatized person can USE A MIRACULOUS WHILE AKUMATIZED! WHAT THE F*** THATS AWESOME. Also why didnt catalyst do that?
-Gabriel actually getting adrien out of there while before s*** hits the fan. That is actually kind of a decent parenting move. Granted he is going to cause it, but appreciate it.
-Marinette the bike thief is back! And she is an international criminal!
- She tried so hard. Welp I am glad that Marinette is clearly over... actually no. This trip made that clear.
-Liberation, Wow. That is the most American power I have ever seen. I LOVE IT.
- Okay, so I never thought i would say this. maybe there is such a thing as too much freedom? Or at least Freedom that lets you impede on Other people’s freedoms.
- I know what Zag is up to, and it is working. I want a tv series Of Jess and Aeon. They are wonderful.
-So Majestia can casually move the moon. Yea, thats amazing and terrifying! I love her.
-Quantum masking! So there is a glamor effect! I knew it! So Aeon knows who ladybug and Chat noir are.
-aeon will never see Tikki or plagg. Thats so sad.
-At least Adrien learned an important lesson.
-The was clever, using the keychain
- Eagle jess is epic.
-and Majestia can catch missles. Considering she can move the moon. Not surprising.
-OH DAMN, Night owl and Sparrow are LEGACY HEROES! Thats like the Phantom, Or like Jojo.
-That was sweet of Marinette and the class.
-Oh so the guardian of those miraculous came back to claim it.
-But now sounds like the set up for a new series.
Overall, I did greatly enjoy this movie. Though there were times i wanted to know more, and times I wanted to know less. I know this takes place sometime during season 4, but the exact time is vague. It did tell a really cool story. It felt like a three episode saga combined into one. It was kind of interesting. And damn the drama was higher.
I give it a 7.5/10.
I would rate it up there with my favorite ML episodes.
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justlightlysedated · 3 years
20 Questions
20 questions, writer's edition, I was tagged by @lambourngb 😊❤❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
71! 70 for roswell and one for vagrant queen
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
468, 583!!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
not entirely sure tbh, but let's count now:
timkon, bandom, glee, specifically pukurt, but some other ships too, merlin, doctor who, torchwood, teen wolf, agents of shield, runaways, the old guard, vagrant queen, and obviously, roswell new mexico
i think there might be more, but i don’t remember rn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the cost of greatness, which i cowrote with marlo
a cure i know that soothes the soul (does so impossibly), the first pwp i wrote for this fandom lol
the person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger, which i wrote for marlo
for better or for worse (til death do us part), which i also cowrote with marlo lol
it might be your wound but they’re my sutures, which i also wrote for marlo
so the pattern im sensing here is that my most popular fics were written with/for marlo which sounds about right lol
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i am not sure tbh, i write some pretty angsty one shots and longer fics, but i TRY to at least give a slightly hopeful ending, tho now that i’m thinking about it, i think the angstiest thing i’ve written was that prompt fill based on the song, for island fires and family, i remember SOBBING the entire time that i wrote it (there is miluca in that one), but ALSO there is the fic i wrote in reaction to the season one finale, which also made me cry, which was called, we both know how this story ends
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
once again i’m not sure, like i said before, i try to give my fics hopeful endings if they’re really angsty, and i love me some hurt/comfort, but i’m not entirely known for writing happy, fluffy fics, tho i do TRY sometimes for certain people
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
yes!! i do love me some crossovers, and i guess i would have to say the malex, sort of doctor who au, i’m technically still writing for tove
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes??? but i’m not sure if i could classify it, like i’ll write pretty much anything within reason and if it doesn’t squick me out
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
okay, so like don’t hate me, but no, i rarely, if ever respond to comments, i just don’t know what to say at all, like i’m the type of person that really wants every single message to be unique and special, but there are only so many ways to thank someone for reading your fic, so i just tend to post things and then thank everyone for reading afterwards, if there is someone that shows up often on my notifications, or if someone asks me a specific question pertaining to the story, then i will answer, i also answer back if i wrote the fic for someone and they left a comment, and if i’m sent an ask on here about something that i wrote, but i am simultaneously the world's most shy and confident person ever, when it comes to my writing, so i’m so sorry
this doesnt mean that i dont appreciate every comment that i get because i really do, im just super shy and awkward and i may write good-ish, but i do NOT have the same way with words in person
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not really?? if i have i don’t remember it, usually i’m the one who talks the worse about my own writing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, the only kurtbastian fic i’ve ever written was translated into russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep!! as y’all probably saw from my top five fics up there somewhere, marlo @bestillmyslashyheart is basically my fic writing soulmate, we just really click when it comes to writing
14. What's your all time favourite ship? to write for?
atm it’s malex, which is more than obvious, BUT before they hijacked my brain and made their home within my neurons, it was skimmons!!! i wrote fic for them for YEARS, even after i stopped watching aos
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i’m just gonna talk about fics that i’ve posted and haven’t updated and not any of the hundreds of wips that have never seen the light of day, my original witch au tbh, i just, roswell made maria and isobel somehow related, and just made me really uncomfortable with the ship, which is the main reason that i’m not gonna finish the fic if i’m being perfectly honest, there is ALSO that au i had where michael’s daughter from the future comes back to the past and she had been raised by alex, because of reasons that are petty, probably my space opera au as well, and only because i just want to write other things MORE
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i’m good at describing things, especially kisses, i LOVE writing kisses, it’s one of my favorite things, that and my fight scenes are two of the things i pride myself the most on
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, sometimes i feel the characters are ridiculously out of character, but then i don’t care because sometimes in canon characters are also ridiculously out of characters, also describing things, because sometimes i just feel like scenes don’t flow right, i am definitely a comma whore, and use dashes and hyphens in places they definitely shouldn’t be used, run-on sentences are my best friends, also english isn't my first language, so, sometimes the way i phrase things just come out wrong
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
tbh completely honest, i follow the nora sakavic method where you just write the dialogue in english like, “hey there love,” they said in perfect french, and i only break this rule if i actually know the language because just translating straight from english always makes things sound stilted and weird
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
dc comics, i wrote several timkon fics which i posted on livejournal
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
oh, i know that love is all about the wind, how it can hold me up and kill me in the end (still i loved it), no specific reason why, i just love it with my entire heart!!
and that's it!! im not gonna tag anyone cause I saw that most ppl were already tagged, but if you want to do this just say that I tagged you!!
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
So heard you want Haikyuu request! So when I get mad at someone (VERY rare) I just look at them like 😠. And just kinda shun them like “dont talk to me 😠. That was rude 😠” so i just scoot away from them. I wont walk away from them, ill just go to the other side of the couch or whatever and if they try to console me im like “no! You spoiled my show 😠” and only kinda yell at them if they keep pursuing like “im mad at you” and if they touch me im like “NO! IM MAD AT YOU” is all lmao UHHH PART 2
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hc: how Kageyama and Nishinoya react when their S/O gets angry
tw: none (i think?)
tags: angry!reader, haikyuu, eventual comfort/fluff, slight nsfw with noya
notes: ahsgshahajsh i’m the same way when i get angry but i CRY so much, so i kinda felt this one? but i did hc’s for this because i wanted to do it NOW. i love my boys, especially noya. ty for the request, i love you, and my inbox is still open for asks ❥
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» i feel like kageyama is just permanently unaware of everything going on around him, like all this boy has on his mind is fuckin’ volleyball and you, ofc
» i also feel like this is a big reason why doesn’t have a filter sometimes... which gets him in trouble.
» you two are just chilling on the couch, all cuddled up together, watching a show you’ve been trying to catch up to him on (because he’s impatient and apparently can’t wait for you to come home smh)
» you’re halfway through a super suspenseful episode, and there’s a huge lead up to a plot twist but it’s just dragging on forEVER
» “ugh, why can’t they just show who dies, already?” you grumble under your breath, beyond irritated, huffing for good measure
» kageyama just
» nonchalantly fuckin’ spoils it
» “oh F/C/N dies, happens next episode.”
» the speed in which your head turns his way is inhuman LMAO
» you’re so angry you can’t even form words, your blood boils as it rushes to your face and your brow is furrowed so deep
» not only did your boyfriend ruin the rest of the episode but YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER DIES??
» of course kageyama doesn’t notice your death glare until a couple seconds later, looking at you with the most dumbfounded expression
» “...what?”
» you don’t even say anything, just get up, take a deep breath, and walk as calm as possible to the bedroom, slamming the door behind you
» meanwhile kags is still just ?? nani ??
» he leaps into action and tries talking to you through the door but once he hears the tub’s faucet running from your bathroom, he knows it’s your me time and he shouldn’t interfere
» so while you’re soaking up in a hot bath with your favorite scented candle burning at the edge of the tub, listening to your favorite playlist at a comfortable volume,
» kageyama literally sits on the couch and thinks SO HARD about what he could have possibly done wrong ahsgsgshaja this boy
» you were fine before you started watching the show, even after the show started you were quite literally all over him, so where did he go wrong?
» it finally dawns on him that your sudden mood change happened after he spilled the beans on your favorite character’s death
» insert kageyama slamming a palm to his face
» he waits at least another 15-20 mins before creeping into the master bath to check up on you, a warm mug of your favorite tea in hand and the sweetest look on his face
» how could you still be mad at him when he’s literally doing the 🥺 face ???
» he crouches at the edge of the tub and leans forward to press a gentle kiss into your temple before setting the mug on the ledge, situating himself so his chin is laying over his folded arms, facing you
» “I’m sorry I’m an idiot... and about F/C/N. I know you liked them a lot.”
» you can’t help but giggle at how precious the moment (or the look on his face) is and you raise a hand to his cheek, rubbing the soft skin over his cheekbone with your damp thumb
» “It’s okay, Tobio, at least I didn’t have to see it. But next time... try not to spoil anything, okay?”
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» nishinoya might seem like an air headed tornado to most, but he’s actually pretty perceptive !!
» so he’s always aware of when you’re angry, very in tune with your emotions, constantly tries his best to avoid hurting you or your feelings in anyway
» but uh... he fucks up sometimes.
» you were at your shared home, waiting for him wearing nothing but his old volleyball jersey and his favorite pair of your panties (y’know the ones, with a cute lil’ bow on the front and less fabric in the back ;0)
» there wasn’t really any special occasion but you both made it very clear during a suggestive text conversation earlier in the day that you were going to jump each other’s bones as soon as you got home
» he did let you know he needed to stop by tanaka’s after work to pick something up, but you figured that wouldn’t take long at all, right?
» wrong
» you’ve been nestled in the same spot on the couch for hours, the sun no longer shining into the living room, and you were absolutely steaming from the ears in wait for your boyfriend
» you honestly weren’t even in the mood anymore the longer time dragged on, the show you put on doing nothing to distract you from your aggravation
» eventually you hear the familiar jiggle of your front door and the clanking of keys being hung on the rack before footsteps head your way
» you keep the blanket in your lap wrapped around your waist and sit up, arms crossed, bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly with narrowed eyes
» “Hey, baby! I missed you all da-“
» he tried leaning down for a kiss but you pressed your hand against his lips before they got close enough
» noya is confused for a split second before he notices you’re wearing the one piece of clothing you know will get you laid when you wear it
» “...fuck.”
» “Actually, no, not anymore.”
» you get up from the couch and side step around him, ignoring the way his fingertips brush against your wrist in a failed attempt to grab it
» once you make it to your bedroom you lock yourself in the bathroom to change clothes, wash your face, let your hair down, etc.
» the running water lets noya know you’re starting your nightly routine, and there’s no way you’re doing anything after that
» he’s very aware that you just need to cool off, you got your point across and all that remained was the recovery process
» so he decides to use this time to get himself in his sleep clothes as well and situate the bed in the most comfortable set up possible, the way he knows you like it
» also grabs a snack or two from the kitchen and sets it on your nightstand in case you do decide to talk it out instead of going straight to bed
» he patiently waits for you to emerge from the bathroom as he holds onto the stuffed koala he won for you at some fair years ago HE’S SO CUTE I CAN’T ALDJSHSJAK
» when you finally do come out, donning an old pair of his sweats and an oversized t-shirt, hair brushed and face clean, his face instantly softens
» bc he can’t help but admire how beautiful you look in moments like this 🥺
» once you see the look in his eyes and the stuffed toy in his arms, it’s all over, my guy - you don’t even remember why you were upset in the first place
» you climb on the bed and settle on top of him, head tucked under his chin and arms wrapped underneath his shoulders while he runs his hands up and down your spine, koala bear long forgotten
» “I’m sorry I was out so late, babygirl, I lost track of time... I’ll make it up to you whenever you want, okay? and I’ll hold you like this if you just wanna go to bed.” He finally says after a comfortable silence, kissing the top of your head as he finishes.
» your heart practically melts and suddenly you want to be the one comforting him
» “It’s okay, Yuu. I love you so much.” you lift your head from his chest to give him a sweet kiss as he reciprocates the phrase against your lips
» the kiss lasts much longer than intended and grows in intensity - next thing you know, he’s got you flipped over with his hands sneaking under your shirt to explore your soft skin, mouth latched onto your neck
» his hands wander to the waistband of the sweats resting over your hips and when his fingertips brush over the familiar texture of lace, he looks up at you with the MOST excited look
» “You kept them on?? FOR ME??”
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