#and dc to some extent
renaissanceousia · 5 months
ok so i had to make a new acc i just ramble abt books and music and movies etc so idk follow me.. ig?? im gonna tag stuff
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umbrellacam · 1 month
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Tales of the Teen Titans #53 - Dick and Kory vs. Donna and Terry; very cute doubles match inside Titans Tower
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Batman (Vol. 1) #468 - Tim practicing against a ball machine at Wayne Manor. Bizarrely, he's shown playing both left- and right-handed in different panels (but primarily left). Artist mistake Ambidextrous Tim evidence?!
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laufire · 4 months
"batman is first and foremost about rehabilitation and the possibility of redemption for everyone-" is he. is he really, though. when he clearly believes "criminal" is some personality trait divorced from circumstances and goes around calling goons "scum" and acts as if killing once, even under extreme circumstances that are not at all their fault, taints someone forever?
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atlantic-riona · 4 months
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Batgirl #9 (2000) // the Iliad trans. Caroline Alexander // Táin Bó Cuailnge trans. Thomas Kinsella
#cassandra cain#dc#batgirl#batman#web weaving#I've wanted to make this post for years now#when I first read this scene in the comic I almost screamed!! the choice between a short life and glory or a long life and mediocrity. just#AHHHHHHHHH#anyway DC should do more with this Cassandra Cain is SUCH an interesting character with#the way she shares characteristics with classic heroes of myth and legend#I mean all superheroes do to a certain extent#but they're usually not this overt#may never do this again lol I have zero programs for this and it took forever#but also the more I focused on it the more parallels I found#Achilles and his mother#Cass and Lady Shiva#heck even to some extent Cúchulainn and Cathbad#who may or may not be his grandfather#if Cass chooses to get Shiva's help she'll have to come back in a year to fight to the death (and she expects to die)#if Achilles chooses to fight the Trojans he'll die during the war#if Cúchulainn picks up those weapons (choosing to fight for glory) his life will be short#if Cass chooses to do things Bruce's way (choosing her father) she'll can be Batgirl again#but never with the same skill level#if Achilles chooses to return to his father's land he will never achieve fame and glory but he'll live a long life#you can't really see it in these snippets but Cúchulainn's already made the choice and it can't be taken back#but you could parallel it with Conchobar's anger or with Cathbad's prediction of woe coming to that child#they're his mother's family but they are the paternal figures here#and in the end all three choose perfection and glory and fame over a long life of mediocrity#ANYWAY I find it fascinating#dc once again please hire me
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local-maenad · 1 year
I actually love comic book characters who’s morals involve killing but not in a “they were right and the characters who don’t are wrong” type way, but in more of a “what can drive someone to the point of killing, and what does that say about how much they value life?”
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strunmah-mah · 2 years
[Video transcript
Text box: Make Condiment King Scary; There’s your challenge.
Red Text: TW: Discussion of Murder
The Panda Redd: OK
The screen flashes and Panda is now dressed as Condiment king
Condiment King: You know, I always hated that name. The one that the press gave me. Condiment King. So patronizing. Like I’m trying to make some grand standing of what I do, I’m not. I’m not. Wanna know how I got that name? It’s a funny story actually. See a life time ago I was just another, another goon, another grunt on the street working for Falcone. And, uh, One day I found myself at this restaurant, some, some racket Falcone’s been running and the uh, the owner decided not to pay. So I was sent to, uh, relieve him of his station. Guy finishes up his meal, I follow him into the back, stick a gun in his face. “Hands up Fucker, Flacone sends his regards.” The bastard kicks it out of my fucking hand. So the part that nobody decided to fucking mention to me was the guy was a goddamn black belt in karate. who starts throwing me around. He slams me into the fucking walls. I’m getting stains from all the shit falling off of him all over by brand new sky blue suit that I’m wearing for this fucking occasion. That is, until I see the stove. I see they’re cooking up a special brew of uh, extra hot sauce on there. You know, that it only takes three pounds of ground up chilies, consumed in one sitting to kill a man, purely from the capsaicin. Well I’ll tell you what. He figured out what it’s like to inhale that shit. I grabbed his head and I just, I just fucking held it under, I held him there, until the fucking bubbles stopped coming up. And that was it, I thought. But you see a man kills a someone with a bowl of hot sauce, in a suit soaked in condiments, and well. Everyone in Gotham’s got a gimmick. See my problem isn’t with the name it’s self. It’s with the insult that is implied. People think that what I do is silly. But I’m going to ask you something. If the ketchup on your burger was too tangy would you stop eating it? Or, or if your hot sauce wings tingled your throat in a way you didn’t expect, would you all of a sudden stop? The thing is, apart from taking a shit, eating is when people are their most vulnerable. I ask you, do you know what poison tastes like? Are you sure?
Condiment King laughs and the video ends.]
Imma bee real honest here. My ideal sequel to The Batman would be Battinson vs. this very specific version of Condiment King. If The Panda Redd didn’t play him I wouldn’t watch it.
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eileennatural · 10 months
really enjoying my adventures with superman i think dc needs to stop trying to make blockbusters to compete with marvel and reinvest all of their watchable media funds into cute little cartoons
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dykedalecooper · 10 months
>looking for a new queer female comic book character >ask the writer if their character is a queer woman or a girlboss >they don't understand (pull out an illustrated diagram explaining what a queer female character is and what a girlboss is) >they laugh and say "it's a good character" >read the comic >it's a girlboss
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pinkypastal · 2 years
I hate how the fandom clings on to the titans tower incident
It was a random "itll be cool if these characters fought!" Thing in a random teen titans issue written when jason was pretty much being written by writers that hated him and/or didn't give two shits about him
It's literally never brought up again and was wildly ooc and bizarre (I mean jason wore a robin costume under his red hood one come on)
Please let it die
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raaorqtpbpdy · 5 months
I hate when people make what they claim are “headcanon” posts that say things like “hey what if instead of [reasonable, fairly canon-supported popular fanon] it was actually [the complete opposite, possibly intriguing but in practice complete nonsense that has absolutely no basis in canon at all]. Not sure how or why that would happen because it straight up does not make any sense but I just think it would be cool :3”
Like I understand the desire for turning tropes on their head and subverting expectations, but you’re creating fanon based in fanon based on fanon like a game of telephone. And after a certain point you can’t call them headcanon or theory posts anymore. Call it an au or apply the idea to some original creation at that point. But don’t pretend it is in any way related to actual canon.
This is how fanon ends up warped and self-referential to such a degree that people who actually like the source material become alienated from the fandom.
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twotailednekomata · 1 year
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Rex Luthor: Cygnus--We're closing in on its troposphere! Damian(Robin): How do we have all the same words for everything?
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Rex Luthor: Cygnusians have spent decades learning everything from you. Damian: Except how to repair a busted navigation system obviously. Where's the manual override?!
Get'em, Damian! (˃ᆺ˂✿)
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space-specs · 1 year
Dick Grayson 🤝 Roy Harper
Sidekicks successfully able to move beyond their mentor and more well-known for their own individual vigilante identity now.
Stephanie Brown 🤝 Bart Allen
Original heroes that carried a couple legacy names before going back to their own unique hero names.
Tim Drake 🤝 Conner Kent
Stuck in the same name retelling the same stories and unable to fully grow as a character because DC can't seem to give them their own unique identities that would allow them to move on past this narrow idea of their characters.
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for all my eldest-daughter-syndrome-havers out there
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ufonaut · 1 year
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The aggressive content of comic books is so conspicuous that most observers fail to notice that this aggression is rigidly channelized, that the willingness of any reader to accept a fantasy escape from his frustrations presupposes a willingness to achieve less than total and actual escape. Like all other forms of dreaming, literature operates under a censorship. And this censorship -- in both its legal and internalized expression -- does not allow any direct, total attack on the frustration that elicits the dream. It offers a choice.
- Love and Death: A Study in Censorship (1949), Gershon Legman
Five years before Fredric Wertham’s infamous Seduction of the Innocent essay and the subsequent spark of anti-comic sentiment that nearly killed the industry along with the introduction of the Comics Code Authority and the Senate Subcommittee Hearing into Juvenile Delinquency, Gershon Legman had explored similarly sentiments in Love and Death: A Study in Censorship (1949).
The belief that the violence of pre-code comics was harmful to children and the approach of the ‘Superman model’ as inherently fascist explored in Legman’s work would form much of the basis for Wertham’s later criticism and the crusade against comics. Interestingly enough, Gershon Legman is widely believe to have been gay himself.
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lingeringscars · 1 year
Callie did not say yes ❤️
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
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The Question #5 (1987)
#book club#the question#vic sage#aww is someone never going to be able to escape the guilt of the human condition? ❤️#has someone decided to bear the weight of all the mistakes of everyone around them? ❤️#is there someone here that hasn't quite realized that they cant change everything no matter how much they try? ❤️#screams.#dc comics#comics#ok so this. its like TDOVS. except TDOVS didnt get the fact that vic is a little self sacrificing freak!#beyond just death.#what TDOVS got wrong is that they assumed Vic would want to be some kind of leader or something#no. he wants to change everything. by himself. with no help. he NEEDS to do it. but he's painfully human.#and he knows that but he feels like he shouldnt be. no amount of punishment and self sacrifice will make him strong enough to fix everything#the question is commentary on the fact that its so easy to get caught up on change at the individual level that we forget about the system#and ultimately get stuck in cycles of making ourselves suffer because we think we can change it with enough of our blood and sweat and tears#but we forget that we can work together and form communities that work with more than that. and are stronger than even the superman of us.#but Vic gets stuck in that zone. and we've all been there. its universal.#i think thats what makes him such an important hero to me. like. think about the current cycle of learning about current events.#obviously to a lesser extent than what hes doing but isnt doomscrolling and succumbing to depression sort of like this?#i think about that post thats like. 'people who have sparked real change pick one thing and care about it a lot'#but i think we. like vic. cant just pick one thing. theres so much all around us.#like in this story with the multiple characters and their horrible lives. theyre all suffering independently.#and their stories effect each other (like all peoples do) but one person can't change every single one of these stories#no matter how long they stay up#no matter how hard they push themselves#no matter how mucht they punish themselves.#Vic sage is a timeless and human hero.#anyway sorry for rambling i probably could have made this it's own post#but this is how i roll. reaching the tag limit. didn't know there was one....
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