#and boost can rescue himself
ashintheairlikesnow · 11 months
"I/You made a mess." - five line prompt for boost lol.
CW: BBU, pet whump, institutionalized whump, dehumanizing language, aftermath of dubcon
Boost's Stuff
Handler Thompson - Clint - never even takes his pants all the way off. He lays there panting afterwards with them off his hips, his black uniform shirt rucked up to show a flash of stomach paler than his arms and his face and his neck, the only bits Boost usually ever sees.
"Good boy," Clint says, breathy, leaning down to nuzzle along the angle of his jaw. Boost shivers, eyes wide, staring with his head tipped back because he can see the blue sky.
Outside smells like cut grass and rain. Smells he can't remember but knows anyway. The air is humid and hot, the pavement parking lot drying after the storm passed. The sky is so, so blue.
He hadn't realized it would be so incredibly blue. He hadn't understood that it would seem so immense, so far overhead. He hadn't known it would be frightening, like it could crash down any second, cracks in a ceiling larger than his imagination had ever been able to grasp.
Clint chuckles, warm air against his ear, and Boost shivers again. Instinctively, his arms go up. Bizarrely, Clint leans into it, shifting so Boost can hold onto him as if fighting for an anchor to keep him close to earth. "Hey. You made a mess, did you notice?"
Boost blinks, briefly confused, and then realizes what the handler means. His stomach is marked, sticky, familiar only from his own hand in the showers or those brief times he is utterly alone.
But this time...
"I've never... with someone else before," He whispers. He doesn't know if his body ever has, but he hasn't. Not from someone else's hand, someone else's moving hips, someone else's stinging pain and wavelike pleasures. His skin itches. Messes are bad, and must be cleaned.
But Clint is heavy, and the sky through the window, where he lays on his back on the backseat of Clint's beautiful shining car, is so so blue.
"Yeah, I guess we don't usually give a fuck if you have fun or not," Clint says, careless. He doesn't sound guilty or regretful. Just stating a fact. His fingers graze down Boost's side until he shivers again, tightening around the softening fullness inside him, making Clint groan and lean even more heavily on him. The closure for a seatbelt digs into his other side, down near his hip. The leather sticks to his back. The door handle jams into the top of his head, aching after the rocking rhythm they kept up for so long.
"You really like it out here," Clint says, thoughtfully. "Don't you? You like fucking me out here."
I like the sky, Boost thinks. I don't care about you. I just want more of the sky.
"Yeah," He says, trying to think of how the Romantics do this. Flirty smiles and batting eyelashes don't feel right. But he softens his voice a little, shifts his legs apart as if urging Clint to do it again, what he just did, what they do twice a week now. "I do like it. A lot. Will you bring me out here more often?"
"Sure. You're a fun time." Clint, to his surprise, kisses him. A full on kiss on the lips, and Boost stills but then, clumsily, tries to kiss back. "Next week. I have a long weekend out of town. But next week, huh? You, me, condoms, and a good time had by all."
Boost swallows, and gently kisses Clint. "Yeah, please, Handler Clint. Thank you, sir." He keeps his voice low.
A few more weeks of this and he'll ask to get fast food somewhere. French fries. He smells them sometimes when handlers bring in outside food as treats for the good pets who did well in training.
Weeks of being good, getting food and drink. Maybe things he can sneak back to the others. Then ask to see the handler's apartment. Get off of WRU property, away from those walls topped with razor wire and spotlights. Get somewhere with more grass and trees. Spend some time making Clint think they're so good together. Boost is a good maintenance worker even if he's a failed pet.
Boost can be so, so, so good.
Until Clint thinks he'd never try to run. Until he is trusted and believed and has his chance. Then, he'll have all the blue sky he wants.
But he feels bad about what he'll do to Clint to get it. Just not bad enough to stop.
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churipu · 6 months
Hiii!! I can ask for jjk men (your choice!) with a girlfriend who doesn't look like it but is like super strong! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ I have a love for those types of characters<3 thanks in advance!
I hope you are getting better ❤️‍🩹
jjk men & their "looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill" you gf
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featuring. gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, nanami kento x fem! reader
warnings. cursing
note. anonnn <33 i absolutely love this one, i have so many speculations for different characters about this request omg, thank you for requesting love, i hope this one is up to par, much love xoxo (and i am feeling so much better now, thank you for checking up on me). OH AND GUESS WHAT? u don't understand how thankful i am to reach 300+ followers in the first week??? u guys rock, ilysm
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GOJO SATORU. i feel like he'd feel so betrayed after finding out how you're very strong?? one second he's looking away and then the next second, he looks back and a curse is ready to pounce on you. he grits his teeth when he realizes that — but before he could even do anything, there you were, sending out a strong punch that leaves a gust of wind as a cherry on top.
gojo could only stare at you, jaw dropped. all he could think of was how on earth did you do that and how could someone so...cute and adorable like you send out that kind of punch. honestly, on one side he felt so betrayed to only know of your power now — but on the other side, he's so damn proud of you.
after all of that, you still managed to send him your most innocent smile as if you didn't just almost possibly created a hurricane with that punch of yours. skipping happily and then throwing yourself onto the male, "satoru!"
"you never cease to surprise me, baby." he chuckles.
and you blinked at him innocently, a little confused at what he's talking about. at first gojo thought you were just pretending not to know, but when he realized that you actually didn't know, it dawned upon him that maybe you didn't even realize how strong you actually are.
"y/n, you just obliterated a curse."
"oh. oh. yeah! i did."
yeah, you definitely weren't aware of your own strength. which surprised gojo even more.
TOJI FUSHIGURO. he's always thought that protecting you was one of his main duty, and believe me when i say that toji is always on guard for anything that could possibly send harm your way. feral animals, harmful plants, annoying babies, curses, anything he finds annoying — he just assumes you don't like them either.
despite not having a cursed energy, toji is strong. anyone would agree with that. so when he settled in with you, someone who radiates such loving and gentle aura, toji made it his job to keep you out of harm's way.
but apparently, you've got that under covered.
being in a relationship meant going out on dates occasionally, right? however, some people do not understand the meaning of "i have a boyfriend" and it annoys you. so when toji was away to fetch a few things and you were left alone, a stranger felt like it was the best time to hit on you.
"saw ya' from a couple of minutes ago, thought you're cute. we should hang out."
obviously the word "no" didn't work as he kept on bothering you, and you do know how people react when they don't get what they want sometimes? they just plain out throw words to boost up their ego and deny their own embarrassment. it's funny.
"whatever. ya' aren't that cute anyways." everything began out as an exchange of words — until anger consumes the best out of them. the male got ready to swung his hand on you.
and believe me when i say that toji was having the time of his life watching you exchange angry words with the guy, until he saw the male raise his hand. toji was about to drop everything and come to your rescue, but stopped when you smacked the stranger across his face harshly it sent him stumbling over his own feet.
toji chuckled lightly, although surprised. that day, i swore he promised himself not to get on your bad side (also, he thought it was pretty hot of you). he told you he'd been watching from afar, and was so ready to be your knight in shining armor.
apparently, you are your own knight in shining armor.
NANAMI KENTO. for the longest time, nanami has stood his ground in defending you from malices and curses. some of the people do not like the idea of you and him together, especially girls who failed to obtain his attention (obviously). and he'd always be the one to tell them to piss off and not to butt in his relationship.
you were just a normal businesswoman working normal office hours, and nanami — well, he's a pretty busy man. but he has made himself visible to your work environment a couple of times, mostly because you were clumsy enough to forget your bento box that you made for yourself before going to work.
and apparently that few times was enough to make girls swoon over your boyfriend. honestly, you could care less. you trust nanami. but things went rock bottom when this one particular girl, a co-worker who was obviously jealous of you. and she doesn't hesitate in showing that to you.
"accidentally" spilling coffee on you, "accidentally" stepping on your foot with her heels, "accidentally" bumping into you, "accidentally" elbowing your head when she walks by. just everything in an attempt to get a reaction out of you so she could possibly play the victim card.
you brushed her every attempt off, although it bothered you quite a bit. but your last straw was when she "accidentally" ruined the report you've been working on for the past week, sacrificing your rest and sweat for it — only for her to dump down a cup of iced macchiato on it the day you were supposed to hand it in to your boss.
you've just had enough of her, and this was not something you can brush off like her other "accidents" because this report would affect your position in the company (and possibly get you fired). but at this point, do you even care? no, no you don't.
"so, is this the part where i hit her?" you ask another co-worker who was there in the room when everything happened, and they nervously shook their head, "really? i feel like this is the part where i do."
so when you did send a punch to her jaw, your other co-workers were quick to run find help (your boss). and all it took was one punch to make the girl wobble weakly, her knees buckling.
oh, and your boss wasn't too happy about your resort in violence, especially in the work area.
"i don't care, i'm fired anyways." you took off the company's id card that was hanging from around your neck and tossed it onto the table before packing your bag to leave.
your boss wasn't the only unhappy one, you were too. and nanami as well.
"it isn't my fault, kento."
"i know, darling. i'm not saying it's your fault, i'm just surprised...that's all."
well, that was the first time you've ever threw a punch to someone. and the first time you've ever been fired, so yes. it is a surprise to nanami, but to you? you were expecting it sooner or later with the pace of how that co-worker was going in with her shenanigans.
"she was pushing it."
nanami was silently proud of you for being able to defend yourself though, "well, at the end of the day, you won the fight. right?"
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bonefall · 3 months
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Cat? Gray. Eyes? Blue. Hotel? Trevago.
Design babble stuff below
Good god it's been over a year since I last drew her. I can do so much better now
I give her a wolf motif for BB, because in my mind it's about the myth of the lone wolf. Lone wolves aren't normal, they're pack animals. At first, Firestar sees her as this ideal, strong leader who stands independently of everything... but he's wrong!
She's NEVER acted fully alone! She's always been devoted to her family, even as it dwindled. Her ruling style is to protect other Clans, unlike any leader who's come before her. In BB, she even had a mixed-Clan friendgroup called the Forget-Me-Nots.
She helped to depose ShadowClan's tyrant. She sent Firestar to fetch WindClan, even against the wishes of the other two. She even fought Nightstar and Crookedstar when they tried to drive them out again.
She even takes the code SO seriously that she refused to kill Brokentail, extending a mercy that ended up backfiring.
And Firestar learns everything about leadership from her. Grace, diplomacy, fairness... and she was fair to a fault.
Both her and her apprentice would eventually face down Tigerkin, Bluestar during the coup and Firestar even lost a life after defending Hawkfrost for several books.
The only time Bluestar ever became a "lone wolf" was in her cruelty arc, when she was dragging everything she ever stood for down with her.
Her wolf motif shows up in her entire family, to connect them. It's in her nephew Whitestorm, her uncle Goosefeather, her daughter Mistystar, even all the way down into Curlfeather and Frostpaw who are descended from Reedwhisker in BB.
The scar comes from her fighting a badger to rescue Darkstripe and his sister, Cricketclaw, when they wandered off as kittens.
He's a mix of spiky and swirly, as a cross between his dad Deadfoot and his mother Ashfoot.
He's older in BB to change that he was an apprentice on the Great Journey, and also to fix an inconsistency where his dad would be dead when he was conceived.
I think it was a huge missed opportunity that Crowfeather's bond to his mentor, Mudclaw, is barely mentioned in-canon. In BB they were VERY close and Mudclaw was incredibly influential to his personality.
Deadfoot is dead-- Mudclaw was like a father to him.
Crowfeather is torn between the influence of his mother, who was a Forget-Me-Not in her youth, and the hard ideology of his mentor. All the while, the ego boost he got from being selected to go on the Great Journey massively affected him, in a bad way.
He ended up taking Mudclaw's side in the rebellion-- not because he believed that ThunderClan had told a lie (in fact he defends his friend's honor) but because he believed Mudclaw would be a better leader.
But eventually, he found himself surrounded by cats he didn't want anywhere near WindClan. Good intentions or not, Mudclaw was willing to work with cats like Blackclaw and Hawkfrost-- people who want a second TigerClan.
Crowfeather betrayed the rebellion, running to fetch Brambleclaw and ThunderClan reinforcements. In the fight, his nose was scratched in a chevron, the shape of Mudclaw's stripes.
I like the idea that he carries it with him, but always tries to put it off his mind. He mistreats and misuses other people, ignoring the reminder that he is a fallible person that's carved onto his nose.
died of infection. Sad!
All of his kits resemble him in some way. Lionblaze inherited his tail, Hollyleaf has the spikes, Breezepelt has the build, Jayfeather is a miserable git has the ear swirls
He was head of Kitchen Patrol until BB!OotS, but I'm actually planning for him to NOT be deputy in BB. His character growth feels a lot more satisfying in realizing he really doesn't handle power very well, and should stay away from it.
He has old relationships and burned bridges to mend, and staying part of Kitchen Patrol seems like the way he should plan to do that.
I talked about him a lot in Nightcloud's summary and he's going to be coming up in the outline of Nightcloud's Pannage a lot. Much as I love taking potshots at him, he's got a very kind arc laid out.
She is the daughter of LIONHEART whY don't you people give her A MANEEEE
let her be THICK
In BB, the Frostfour are actually from two different litters. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were in the older one.
Frostfur was head of Kitchen Patrol at the time, and very overworked lmao
So Cinder and Bracken both have an "older sibling" energy. Their mom was usually involving them in every little activity to get some help. Brackenfur is over-responsible, and Cinderpelt was always trying to help out other people and prove herself.
Of course, it also lead to her running right into Tigerclaw's trap which was set for Bluestar-- she wanted to be helpful.
The injury didn't heal right and she has chronic pain. She has severe mobility issues in the hip, and usually keeps the leg bound to her body so it doesn't drag or hurt.
She could have still been a warrior if she wanted to, but discovered while healing that she loved working with Yellowfang. I also interpret it this way in canon, to be fair, but TNP decided to remember it completely differently.
After saving Littlecloud's life they became absolute best friends. They worked on a mobility device for Wildfur together.
They style their manes in a similar way, pushing it up into that "spike" on their heads and out of their faces.
Moonkitti's blonde Ashfur remains iconic, I fear
I draw him like a cheetah so he has the funky cheetah cub hair
I'm a HUGE fan of what the Erins did with the direction of Ashfur's story, with him being an obsessive spurned lover, but that's not really the sort of story I tell in BB!
So I approach his obsession on Squirrelflight as being very... Judge Frollo-esque.
Frollo's ultimate goal isn't to possess Esmerelda. He wants her, but it's a wrench in his plans to commit ethnic cleansing using his religious justifications. Hellfire is about how he finds a way to shift the blame for his own lust onto her, and offers an ultimatum; "She will be mine or she will burn (along with everyone else I plan to slaughter)"
In Frollo's mind, he "forgives" her for what she's "done to him." For what she is. He sees what he's doing as giving her an "escape."
It's not for her benefit. It's for HIS. By giving her this "escape," if she takes it, he gets to think of her as redeeming herself (and thus being worthy of him).
If she does not... then it's no skin off his back. He's Done His Part. Everything was always her fault. He is blameless.
Either way he gets to walk away feeling justified.
All that to say-- that's how I approach BB!Ashfur.
He wants to punish codebreakers. He wants the Clans to suffer for how far they've fallen from where they should be. They've become vulgar, ungrateful, unworthy of StarClan's grace.
He tried to kill The Three because he'd learned of the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and was only trying to protect the Clan. If Squirrelflight had CHOSEN HIM, then none of this would have happened.
He was righting a wrong, you see, and StarClan understood, in his eyes.
When Hollyleaf slaughtered him, violating the Code, it only confirmed he had been right all along.
And again and again and again, he offers Squirrelflight what she needs to redeem herself. He wants her. He wants her to "be better."
When she lets him down... then it's not his fault. She's forced his paw.
SO the blonde hair isn't totally just a fun reference, I also find it fitting because aside from the cheetah motif, he sees himself as angelic.
It's also why I don't portray him as "grubby" like some folks do, BB!Ashfur is much more vain than Canon!Ashfur, caring immensely about his appearance. Thinking about it, he probably won't even let his Bramblefake vessel fall into disrepair, he'd feel more grossed out than usual.
He also gets a very cool boss fight form at the end of BB!TBC which I still need to design lmao.
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vroomvroomwee · 10 months
Do ya'll think Aziraphale would have gone to Heaven if Crowley had come back to the bookshop and didn't go with Muriel.
Because they have this thing, where Aziraphale gets into trouble and Crowley rescues him, time and time again. It's a game, it's a theme that they are both aware of. And they've grown accustomed to this pattern, just one of those things you don't have to voice to know they're true.
And Aziraphale probably thought Crowley was coming back for him. He even tells Nina he didn't think of a plan farther than the candles, because he didn't think he needed it, because he thought Crowley was coming back for him. He was only stalling for time.
But Crowley didn't come back for him, and Aziraphale had no idea where he went. For all he knew he could have gotten hurt. "I'll come back for you" Aziraphale knows Crowley wouldn't lie about this. Not about serious matters.
So he eventually realises he has to fend for himself, that he's alone and he has to rescue himself this time. Also being under the pressure to protect Maggie and Nina as well as finding Crowley as fast as possible. For all he knows Crowley is in trouble himself.
And he does it. He does it all by himself. And imagine the sheer power and confidence boost that probably gave him.
Going to Heaven, he was probably thinking if I can fend for himself, fend off a dozen demons, and save Maggie and Nina without anyone's help, then maybe I could do this as well.
If only Crowley had told him the truth about Gabriel and what Heaven is capable of doing...
Aziraphale is brave... but he's in very serious danger now.
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outtoshatter · 6 months
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Inspired by @christinesficrecs, I'm going to do a few author spotlights! No one can stop me. I am going to shower love upon my pals and boost other writers in this fandom.
Up first we have @halevetica! She has so many options for readers!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Leave Me in Ruins | 66K+ | 48 chapters tags: friends with benefits, slow burn, miscommunication
Summary: Derek finds himself in a difficult spot when he mistakenly sleeps with Stiles. The two agree to forget it but Derek can't. Before long, its becoming a regular thing, now Derek has to deal with the issue of falling even more for Stiles or losing him all together.
Stiles never dreamed of waking up next to Derek, but it's now a regular thing. However, he has to keep his emotions in check so Derek doesn't realize how he truly feels all while keeping their 'relationship' a secret from the pack and fighting the new big bad in town.
Like it or Not | 80k+ | 56 chapters tags: fake dating, enemies to lovers, mutual pining!
Summary: Stiles works as the editorial assistant at Vogue. He loves everything about his job except for his boss, Derek Hale. Derek Hale is the worst and Stiles hates him. But when Derek drags him to the yearly awards dinner within the company, he is forced to play boyfriend for the night to make Derek's ex jealous. Things couldn't get much worse…or so Stiles thought.
Same Old Song and Dance | Rated: E | 125k | 91 chapters tags: Alpha Derek, hunter Stiles, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers
Summary: Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
One shots:
Cute Together | 4k Summary: When Stiles gets stuck on a ski lift he meets Derek, who is scared of heights. He helps keep Derek calm until they can get rescued which leads to Derek teaching Stiles to ice skate. Along the way he helps Derek's two friends get together.
Promise | 3k Summary: Derek is stuck in the airport after his flight gets cancelled on Christmas eve when he meets Stiles Stilinski. Stiles is a friendly stranger that convinces Derek to have a little fun while stuck in the airport. His night with Stiles has more of an effect that Derek thought it would.
Feels Like Home | 4k Summary: Derek has spent years trying to quell the storm in his chest. The one that makes him feel lonely, like he doesn't belong. When searching for that feeling of home in New York where, he lived with Laura, he runs into Stiles Stilinski, who insists on Derek staying with him while in town. Derek shouldn't be shocked to find that Stiles feels like home.
Things to look forward to (aka works in progress!)
Shatter my Reality | 32k so far | 23 chapters to feast on! tags: mutual pining, jealous Stiles, ~magic~ Stiles, Stilinski twins! Summary: Months after the nogitsune, Stiles starts to see his own face around town. He dismisses it as PTSD. That is, until Lydia starts having a feeling that Stiles is going to die. As the pack scramble to find out what is going on, Stiles is forced to face a ghost from a past he didn't know he had and a future that seems to threaten his place in the pack.
Tangled Crowns | 23k so far~ | 14 terrific chapters to enjoy! tags: royal au, prince Stiles, prince Derek, magic Stiles! Summary: Flattery. Derek's life is full of it. Fake smiles, fake compliments, fake people. It's exhausting.
Desperate for a night away from the high expectations and rigid life of royalty, Derek escapes to a small tavern where he meets a sweet, attractive, genuine man who only gives him the name "Mischief". He has Derek swooning by the end of the night, and Derek doesn't swoon. Their night together, the first and only real connection Derek has had in years, if not his whole life, ends too soon, and he must return to his responsibilities.
Stiles isn't ready to give up on the mysterious, handsome "Samuel" that he met in the tavern, convinced they have a connection. He finds himself risking family secrets and even the peace of his own kingdom just to keep that connection even when it seems impossible. As circumstances force them together despite betrayal and aching hearts on both sides, Derek must fight both his heart and Stiles while Stiles struggles to prove to Derek that everything between them is real.
Go check out Halevetica's AO3 page and enjoy! Don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos, maybe even drop a comment!
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sinfulsalutations · 3 months
hello!! for the kids prompt, can i please ask for ‘kisses scattered along hardened jaw to try and soothe’ with hunter 🤭 i think he would love those 🫶🏻 — @crosshairlovebot
⋆ ★ ᴏᴋ ɴᴏᴡ ɪᴍ ʟᴏᴡᴋᴇʏ ꜱᴏᴏᴏᴏ ɢʟᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴍᴇ ꜱᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ 3 ʜᴀꜱ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴍᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ɪɴꜱᴘᴏ, ᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟʟʏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ᴅɪꜱᴛʀᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ. ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ!! <3
➼ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ☆ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ ꜱᴄᴀᴛᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ʜᴀʀᴅᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴊᴀᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛʀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴏᴏᴛʜᴇ
➼ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ☆ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➼ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ☆ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ꜱᴛʀᴇꜱꜱꜰᴜʟ ꜱɪᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ, ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴜ ɪᴛ, ʜᴜʀᴛ/ᴄᴏᴍꜰᴏʀᴛ, ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ ᴋɪꜱꜱɪɴɢ, ᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ 2 ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ɴᴇᴄᴇꜱꜱᴀʀɪʟʏ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ/ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ 3 ʙᴇɢɪɴꜱ.
➼ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ☆ 1ᴋ
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You hear the constant sound of clicking as you awake– fumbling as someone unsheaths a nice and grinds it into a wall, grimacing lowly. You stir gently, wincing at the feeling of blue light glaring onto your eyelids, and you grunt slightly when you push yourself up and rub your eyes. 
You can still hear the gentle humming of hyperspace. Surely you couldn’t be at your destination already?
“Kriff, these damn shortcuts…”
Hunter’s voice flows through the thin air like a delicate feather, and your eyes open fully as you realize what’s going on. You almost coo aloud. He sounds so distressed. So tired.
Instantly your gaze darts to Hunter’s hunched figure at the console, still avidly tapping away with one hand while the other carves incoherent markings into the machinery–it seems to be his only method of funneling out the nerves. His entire stature exudes pure tension, strung up wires about to snap and collapse at any moment without proper care. 
He’s been this determined and restless since Omega was taken, no doubt, but you’ve noticed how it’s gotten worse as time passes. Despite his attempts to remain strong to boost the morale between you and Wrecker, it’s not enough to disguise how he��s truly grasping for any sense of hope or rescue, lest his desperation rings useless and he’s unable to save at least one of his kin. First Crosshair, then Tech. He can’t lose Omega. Even if it means lessening his wellbeing.
It’s hard to watch. Seeing him stress every night trying to read through Tech’s logs, reacquainting himself with the ship and taking on all the responsibilities, decoding old navigation paths. Every conversation rings the same few notes, and there’s never any space for you to tell him that he isn’t alone. You and Wrecker are here and can help him. 
If only he could understand that he hasn’t lost everything.
“Hunter?” You call out, gentle and longing.
The clattering of keys stops as he lifts his hands and turns to your voice. His demeanor doesn’t change. He seems to grow more upset seeing you awake.
“What are you doing up?” He asks, unintentionally disheartening. You don’t want to burden him for being the reason you’re awake, so you shrug instead. Hunter sighs then turns back to the console. In the illumination of the holo light, you can see the heavy bags under his eyes and the scruff on his chin. 
“Go back to sleep,” Hunter demands, voice waning. 
You shake your head, muttering a ‘mm-mm’ with it.
“You need to sleep as well.”
Immediately as you finish your sentence, he grunts and presses an elbow to the console, rubbing his temple with a tense jaw.
“I can’t,” he rations. You frown, and as though he can see it in his peripheral vision he shakes his head with a tight suck of breath. “I need to figure this out.”
You tilt your head, eyebrows furrowed.
“Figure what out?”
“These kriffing controls–” He snaps, his straight tone turning sour. Despite his aggression, his volume never rises. “I need to figure them out. I thought I knew them, but with Tech around, I never had to–” He pauses, gulping slowly and sighing as his eyes flutter close. Your heart skips a note on the staff watching him stumble over his words. 
He finishes his sentence with a strained voice. 
“–I need to do this.”
Many things compel you at that moment to push yourself up and walk toward him. The sorrow in his eyes begs to be comforted and understood, his obligation to take on all these responsibilities to the point of burnout. You’d seldom find time to express any sort of affection these past cycles, and you see him grow more and more distressed. And something deep inside of you, albeit slightly delusional, hopes you could ease just a little bit of his pain. 
So you push yourself up and reach out for him with open arms.
Hunter swivels in his chair to face you, and you bring your hands to each of his cheeks, tenderly holding his face and angling his gaze to your eyes.
“I know,” you mutter, stare deeply compassionate. “But you can’t neglect everything else for it.”
Hunter shakes his head, hands reaching up to hold your wrists. You keep them in their place.
“Omega’s been waiting far too long,” He stands up to his full height, and you stumble slightly with the imbalance. His voice is too firm, his stature too stubborn. “We can’t waste any time–”
“A few hours of sleep isn’t wasting time,” You interrupt him to gain back your footing, and Hunter stammers, lips parted stagnated. “It’s taking care of yourself.”
He hums as if he’s almost agreeing, but that isn’t enough for you. Your thumbs reach up and trail over his eyebags, whining softly in disapproval.
“I can’t bear to see you like this,” you confide. 
Finally, do you see his resolve begin to crumble. Hunter sighs forlornly, shoulders slumping. But his hands remain wrapped around your wrists until you bring them down to interlock your fingers behind his neck. He follows suit in inching closer to you.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, suddenly distraught. His hands descend, holding onto your waist like you’re his life source. 
“Don’t apologize to me,” You mutter, reaching up and pressing a kiss on his cheek, then another to the crook where his jaw and neck meet, trailing gentle pecks down to his chin. Hunter sighs blissfully as if coming up for air. Your countenance relaxes knowing you’re soothing him. “Just promise me you won’t lose yourself. That you’ll take care of yourself.” You slowly trail kisses on the other side of his jaw, muttering into his skin. “We’ll find her, I promise.”
A gentle hand comes up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, and you tell him quietly, as though a sworn secret, “I’m here for you, you know. Wrecker’s here for you. You’re not doing this alone.”
Hunter stammers again, a breath caught lodged in his throat. You don’t dare to look in his eyes, because you fear that you might break down just as quickly.
“I know it’s hard,” you continue, stroking the side of his face. You place another kiss to his jaw, slow and loving, before pulling away to continue. “I know you feel responsible. And I know I can’t take away all your pain with just one conversation–” You take a deep breath and finally turn to look into his eyes. “But let me help you. Let Wrecker help you. Let us in. You don’t have to do this all alone.”
Hunter doesn’t say a thing, only sighs and melts into you further. You tuck your head under his chin and wrap your arms around his waist, holding him firm to you as you mutter one last thing.
“Please… for everyone.”
A pause rushes through the two of you, and you feel as though you might collapse. All he wishes is for all of your safety. All he wants is to ensure Omega’s safety. He’s your leader, your sergeant, his brother’s sergeant. But they’re a squad for a reason. He has to let you in. How else will you be able to help him keep his head above water?
Long moments fester in the little space between your bodies until Hunter finally exhales, rumbling low into your body, and nods above you.
You pull your face back to look into his eyes and finally see for yourself if your words have gotten across to him. With the gentle parting of his lips and a mild sense of ease seeping into his eyes, you can already see just a slimmer of a difference. It brings the gentlest grin to your lips. 
He leans down and presses your lips to his in the gentlest of touches, featherlight to seal the promise.
“I’ll try. For you, mesh’la.”
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ragu list: @starstofillmydream @pb-jellybeans @corrieguards @badbatchbabe @ladytano420 @jediknightjana @sleepycreativewriter @shinyshayminflower @thebahdbitch @secondaryrealm @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @kimiheartblade @followthepurrgil @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @aconstructofamind @padawancat97 @littlemissmanga @starqueensthings @anxiouspineapple99 @freesia-writes @wings-and-beskar @clio3kantarella @secretthegriffin @523rdrebel @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @andrakass2 @jesjestraverse @crosshairlovebot @wizardofrozz @dangraccoon @lickylickylicky @urmomsmattress @jedi-hawkins @who-would-want-a-broken-heart @cw80831 @ladyzirkonia @multi-fan-dom-madness @moonlightwarriorqueen @eyeluvmusic21 @mythical-illustrator @a-single-tulip
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krashlite · 2 months
Opinions on secret Soulmates? (Saw you made the millie animatic so im curious) /light hearted
(Bass boosted sigh)
Short answer, I love this duo and they’re one of my favorite toxic yaois in this fandom however comma during DL they’re definitely unethical and I’ve already gone through all the the intricacies of how DL went badly
Long answer
I think they’re fascinating because they both tend to idolize the other while both using the other as an excuse to avoid their problems and dooming the both of them in the process. When they’re around each other they’re usually only Positive and any Negativity is very jarring (especially from Grian’s perspective, who sees B as a safe person). Introducing negativity there is like being tagged when you’re on base- it shouldn’t be allowed they don’t know what to do with it
Except it’s somewhat unbalanced
BigB keeps finding himself in situations where he’s the failsafe for Grian’s poor decisions. In 3L the Blue Sword Boys were all but planning a rescue mission for Grian midway through the war. In DL obviously Grian ran away to BigB when Scar was his soulmate, then again in LimL Grian ran to him when the other two Bad Boys died
In all three of these seasons, you can argue having this connection got BigB killed! In 3L BigB was still reaching out to Grian as Scar and Bdubs cornered him (then he turned on Grian but shhh), in DL Grian killed Ren, BigB’s soulmate, and in LimL Grian got the Nosey Neighbors into SEVERAL scenarios that cost them time
Again, they idolize each other but BigB has the understanding that Grian brings danger into his life. Yet he still ultimately views Him as a positive thing. In fact, I’d even argue that the added danger is what BigB idolizes him FOR
And that’s because BigB is scared of getting into dangerous scenarios. He usually bases alone, he develops an alter ego to run from the consequences of killing Cleo, he has to psyche himself up for Any type of physical attack on someone and when he does strike he’s screaming “AAAAAAA” the whole time!
Grian doesn’t need to do that, it comes naturally to him
Then on Grian’s side of things- he’s a coward too! Except he’s constantly masking it with his thrill seeking, trying to be the scariest thing in the room not just to feel strong but so that everyone else Leaves Him Alone. In fact, Grian ALSO tends to base alone! Or at least he tries to, until some group comes along and tosses him over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He makes secret alliances to save his own skin (yes, alliances plural, there were Several), and is usually the first to run when trouble comes his way
And all that running is Tiring.. it’s so, so tiring
So him idolizing BigB is him idolizing that “safety” he sees BigB having. Grian has never had a direct interaction with one of BigB’s risks, nor does he have any reason to see BigB as a threat in the same way other people are “threats.” He runs off to BigB over and over again because he sees BigB as someone that can save him, maybe even the Only person that can save him
Except again, what ends up happening is Grian gets BigB killed
Also couldn’t find a way to fit it in here but iirc BigB is the first person Grian actually built a grave for and I’m so normal about that
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master-jarrus · 29 days
Ninjago Star Wars Au species list
I will not debate anyone over these
Starting up:
Jay, half human, half twi'lek, his mother is the twi'lek. When he was born he was shipped to the Huts on Tatooine but his little carriage pod dropped and was picked up by Jawas. He has mechanical wings he made himself and specializes in marketing for the Jawas because he's adorable
Force sensitive
Ed and Edna: Jawas who find Jay are the main ones who raise him but I'm fairly certain jawas take the whole village approach.
Cole: Togurta. Togurta's are very strong and agile but people always seem surprised when they actually show case their strength. This seemed very fitting for Cole.
Force sensitive
Kai and Nya: human nautolan hybrids but it has been so long since the nautolan was introduced they don't have many traits other than large dark eyes and Nya is able to breathe under water. (They don't know its nautolan, which is kit fistos species for those who don't know)
Force sensitive
Nya is stronger in the force but she uses chants to help her focus (like the og dathomirian witches)
Zane: zane is a kyber crystal powering a droid. He more specifically the crystal then the body because kyber crystals are sentient
Force sensitive
Pixal: same deal as zane but her crystal faced torture (from the mining process) zane heals her later but she still struggles (fun fact ahsoka's kyber crystals were corrupted and tortured but she rescued and healed them and that is why they are white)
Force sensitive can only manipulate it through the dark side
Garmadon and Wu: Diathim (also referred to as angels) and part zabrak (i went back and forth on that because beskalisks have four arms but then I drew it and just fit well for them) angels are considered the most beautiful creatures while zebraks tend to be considered evil. Both are capable of good and evil.
Very force sensitive
Garmadon isn't strictly a sith. More of just acts as he sees is needed. He does tend to use the dark side a lot though
Garmadon is missing his lower wings and has mutated arms with cyber supports
Misako: Chiss, intellectual tend to try to logic their emotions away (think a blue spock) the Diathim have prophecies. She wanted to study them. She and Garmadon fall in love
Lloyd: Diathim, zabrak and chiss. Very tall. Blue skin, red eyes, has all of his wings but also has a set of lower arms that do not have cyber supports.
Force sensitive, just dripping midiclorians to the point he boosts the sensitivity of those he is around
Struggles with acting in anger and will accidentally hurt his lightsabers original kyber crystals that he will wear on a necklace and pours into whenever he meditates
Rei: human, mandalorian black smith
Force sensitive
Maya: human nautolan hybrid also unaware of the nautolan she just thinks it's the force she is trained like the og dathomirian witches
Force sensitive
Lily: Togruta
Force sensitive
Lou: Togruta dancer and singer, gets paid for it
Harumi: human, not force sensitive but will later inject midiclorians to try be able to use the force and will become dependent on them
Cyrus: human, tries to create kyber crystal droids like zane but the mining process corrupted all of them including the prosthetics he tried to make that were powered by crystals. He chooses to be wheel chair bound after the incident but he is ambulatory with regular prosthetics he just finds it exhausting
Morro: zabrak, becomes a malevolent ghost but will later settle down into a regular force ghost who follows wu around
Force sensitive
Serpentine: sub species of hutt. Made them native to dathomir and the moons
Let me know who else you want to know
You will for sure get art of Garmadon. We will see about the others
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
Hello! I just want ya to know that u are my favorite writer for tdi in all honesty. I love how thought out your work is and how detailed it is. I saw that you wrote for Cody If so, could you possibly write a thing about how they would act if the reader was Chris’s favorite intern, and would sneak free gifts to help them in challenges (not that big just little small things) like a sweater for when they are somewhere cold, or a cookie if chefs cooking was bad. Could they also be confident and funny? (Strong reader supremacy).
I know you have a lot on your plate, it’s ok to deny or take as long as you need. Feel free to use this idea for other charecters :)
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I love this gif
☣ Aw that's so sweet to hear, tysm!! I never thought anyone would enjoy my writing so much so that's really lovely to hear 🫶 I try my best to write well thought out stuff bc I honestly enjoy thinking about it lol
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Summary: Reader gives Cody their jacket at Yukon + general headcanons. ☢︎ | Total Drama | ~1k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Cody ⚠ | haven't rewatched the episode so I'm only writing the episode as I remembered it with the help of the wiki lol
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⚠︎ | setting: Total Drama: World Tour
Cody really likes being around you.
You emit energy that just gives him that daily boost.
Whether it's your confidence and lightheartedness or a good joke, he usually has a smile while hanging around you.
He also likes to join in on playing the comedian with you if he feels creative, so you're a fun duo!
He's curious why Chris likes you so much.
I mean, he can see why, you're like, the best person ever to be around, (in his opinion) but still.
And you're kind enough to share anything extra with him!
You got him by a surprise when it first happened, as at the time you were friendly, but only briefly spoke to each other.
Next on the trip list was "Yukon". You knew it was gonna be cold. But being the TV host's favorite intern wasn't that bad, you knew you were probably gonna get decent clothing. As you expected, the temperature was freezing. But of course, Chris couldn't be cold, so he got himself a cozy and stylish jacket. You and Chef also got the blessing of getting something warm to wear, unlike the rest of the campers. You felt some hope after Chris announced that he ordered the jackets for the others, but it quickly washed away when you heard his response to Heather that "they should arrive in six to eight weeks". You sighed, but ultimately you were helpless to do anything. You took a liking to Cody, he was fun to be around and you thought his "tough man" was both entertaining and kinda sweet. I mean, at least he tried, right? You started talking in the short moments when you both had a break and a chance to interact with someone in between the challenges. You never went out of your way to help anyone as it was technically cheating, but you felt like you had to do something when you saw Cody freezing after he fell into the cold water and Sierra had to rescue him. You saw her throw him on the land from the floating ice block, thinking he's somewhat safe now, until you heard the abrupt sound of him hitting the nearby mountains which made you cringe from the secondhand pain. Once the camera focused on the other contestants trying to make it through the challenge, you sneakily approached Cody, who was visibly shaking while laying on his back and processing what just happened. "Oof- Dude, you alright?" You hovered above him with a concerned look on your face. "Y-Y/N?" He managed to stutter out while the cold tried to shut up him up. You offered him a hand so he could get up, to which he accepted with a shaking grip. Without a word, you gave him the only thing you had on you, your jacket. "T-That's for me?" He asked, a bit in disbelief for your kind act. "Of course, I can't let you freeze to death." You quickly explained with a smile on your face. "But what about you?" He questioned once more, seeing as you had nothing else to put on. "Hey, I haven't fallen into the freezing water, did I?" You pointed out, although you appreciated him worrying about you as well. "R-Right." He flashed a shaky smile and extended his hand as you passed him the clothing item. "T-Thank you." He tried to keep his teeth from grinding, which stopped as soon as he put it on. The cold was still biting your ass, but at least you felt good knowing he wasn't about to die anymore. Cody started to feel a bit awkward seeing you start to shake, though. "Hey- now that you're the one being cold, I feel kinda selfish here." He admitted, halfly-joking. You took a second before responding. "Well- There's always an option with huddling for warmth" You responded, also halfly-serious. You didn't mind close contact and free warmth, so you hoped Cody wouldn't either. "Unless you got cold feet." You heard a slight chuckle come out of his lips after your words. "Okay. But only to break the ice." He put on a grin which showed his goofy tooth gap. He was pleasantly surprised with the amount of casualness from you, but also a bit lost on how to act, so he resorted to lightning up the mood as well. You reciprocated the giggle and stepped closer, feeling his body against yours. He hesitated a little, but finally embraced you into his arms. "Don't let Sierra see you though, you might make some enemies with her after that." He warned you only slightly serious about it.
Cody was far more casual and friendly with you after that one kind gesture.
And with time, he began to see you as legit one of the closest people he got to meet on the show.
But the thing that made him enamored in you was when you got to his heart through his stomach.
You knew that the teams had to endure Chef's horrible cooking each time they lost, and you were glad when you didn't have to worry about the food being a probable cause of your death when Chris gave you your share of the meals. So, naturally you also wanted to grant that opportunity to your close acquaintance as well. Per usual, you approached Cody after you had a moment to yourself. "Hey Codemeister, what's up?" He turned his head towards you as he heard the familiar tone of your voice. "Y/N, hey!" His face lighted up and he straightened his back to properly look at you while sitting on the crappy, wooden seat, "Had your dinner already?" You asked casually, sitting next to him. "If that's what you call it- yeah." He cringed at the economy class food. "Why?" "Well, I just had this cookie that i conveniently kept for you, so..." You slightly teased as your hand slowly got the packaged, delicious goods out of your pocket. "What, dude, no way!" He gasped slightly as he saw the cookie in it's glory. "It's mine?" "Yeah." You nodded with a smile, already happy about his excited reaction. "You're amazing!" He attacked you with a hug without thinking twice. You felt Sierra staring daggers at you.
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Finally! I get to share my headcanons about this loveable piece-of-work, my boy Sinker.
Like Boost, he didn't choose his name; their batchmates came up with it because of his pessimism, a quirk that stress exacerbated (more on that below).
He was a reluctant “older” brother—not naturally responsible or nurturing but arbitrarily chosen to be in charge of his batchmates by their superiors. Although it felt unfair at the time, it’s the reason he’s a sergeant at the start of the war.
One of their trainers didn't get on with him (personality clash) and took every opportunity to beat him down. He put on a front of insolent indifference, but the harsh words (on top of Kaminoan indoctrination) eroded his spirit, leading him to develop that famously bleak estimation of himself and all clones.
For an engineered soldier, stress had an unusually adverse effect on him. It didn’t just sway his mood; by young adulthood, his hair started to thin and show gray roots. He couldn't stomach shaving it off, nor admit his shame by dyeing it black, so his solution was to dye it entirely gray and pretend to own it.
Needless to say, he isn’t in the healthiest frame of mind as we meet him in “Rising Malevolence.” He has a callousness about him that strikes me as a defense mechanism. Sadly, he doesn't take General Plo's words to heart that day. In fact, he isn't sure what to make of the General for some time.
If he had met Wolffe under any other circumstances, they wouldn't have become friends; they're too different, and Sinker is nothing if not realistic. Suffering the massacre together, and later rebuilding the 104th, bonds them like nothing else could. Even though rank and duties often keep them apart now, they hold fast to that bond.
He tries to move past the loss of his old squad by falling back on cadethood excuses ("I didn't want this job!") and cold memorized truths ("that's the reality of war"), but the horror and guilt get to him on occasion. For a while, he's at turns distant and aggressively protective toward his new squad.
He takes an immediate disliking to Comet, regarding him as a liability at best and a threat to the squad's safety at worst. Truthfully, he sees a bit of himself in the rookie (that defensive apathy), and he hates it. The tension between them erupts one day into physical violence, which he immaturely instigates. The brawl puts a bad mark on his record (and is my explanation for why he doesn't seem to climb any higher in rank). However, by coming to blows, the two of them are able to confront their issues with each other. Gradually, they work toward a more amiable relationship.
His personal beliefs and his mixed feelings about General Plo come to a head during a dangerous search-and-rescue operation. When half his squad (including Boost) become trapped in a damaged building, he fully expects he'll have to leave them to prioritize civilians, a prospect he suddenly finds chilling. To his shock, Wolffe and the General converge at once, the former taking over evacuations while the latter goes after the troopers. In the end, not a single one is lost.
Because of this harrowing event, he realizes first how much he cares about his men, what their lives are worth to him (not expendable!), and second that he's not alone in feeling that way—General Plo meant what he said. He still has some qualms about the General (e.g. the health considerations are a source of stress), but his love language is acts of service, and the General's tremendous act of saving his squad wins him over.
From this point onward, he's able to shoulder his responsibilities with less fear, and that confidence does wonders for him. He really evolves as a character—just look at how different he is in "Mercy Mission"! (I've got a separate post about this in the works: contrasting his arc with Wolffe's.) He doesn't lose all of his rough edges, of course (he can still get nasty when stressed, and be rather angsty at times), but overall he rounds out to be a tough, conscientious, steadfast individual.
His sense of humor, however, does not improve.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
Can I have a Request about Monkey King Reborn Wukong x Tall Female Demon reader, she's gentle, soft-spoken and kind demon. She met the crew during a heavy rain, she invited them in but of course because she's a demon they can't trust her. But she explained she's not interested eating the monk so they accepted the invitation but the disciples keeping eye on her just to make sure. Sooner or later they'll get her trust, especially the monkey king himself 😏
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Female
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Sun Wukong
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You happened to hear them yelling about the sudden change in weather and seeing them trying to find shelter. So, being the kind demon you were, you called out to them and offered them a place in your home. They decide to take it, but are very wary of you, other than Tang Sanzang, who's thankful. You allow them to stay however long they need to, since your home has plenty of room along with the rain seeking to stay for a while. The monk accepts, much to the displeasure of Sun Wukong.
While Zhu Bajie's already fawning over you and Sha Wujing trusts the monk judgement, this grumpy monkey is the only one with common sense to be wary. He's shown to be the most cautious, so of course, he's gonna keep a close eye on you. While picking rooms and clothes for them, he's checking for anything dangerous, but finds nothing so far.
During lunch, he notices that you've got plenty of food that specifically pertains to them and Tang Sanzang, so he questions you. You explain that there's been a lot of monks and non-meat eaters heading your way, so you had other food in advance. Wukong not so subtly asks about the Golden Cicada, but you tell them that you're not into fighting or immortality, but instead, wished to live a nice, tranquil life.
Of course, Monkey King SLOWLY warms up to you. He's had demons go so far just to be able to trick them and kidnap their master, so he'll be extra guarded! Until he sees that...not once have you taken the time to get Tang Sanzang alone or spin a 'woe is me' tale to make them feel bad for you. You're just vibing and doing your own thing, tending to your little fruit and veggie garden, doing your own hobbies, helping the others out when they need it.
Your "disgustingly" as Monkey King would put it kind personality helps your case. Not once has he seen you blow up at anyone, and you always speak in such a calm and soft manner. Always willing to lend a hand and help someone out. Even to him, the being who didn't trust you- It was a weird feeling to him. Your kindness being directed towards him made him feel...warm.
And it isn't until after his initial weariness that he notices how tall you are. Like, yeah, demons are usually taller than humans, but you're...really tall. No wonder the roof seemed higher than usual. And because of the house structure, people usually ask you to get something from a higher shelf, which you're happy to help with. Zhu Bajie does it the most, and it urks the monkey more than he'd like it to.
Seeing that, Wukong finally accepts that, okay, you're not a bad demon, and watching you take care of him and the others has you falling in his good graces. You complimenting his skills also boosts his ego, much to the chagrin to Zhu Bajie, and then they're both showing off. Off course, Tang Sanzang apologizes, but you're happy to have them around.
Let's say that another demon ends up staying at your home, and finds out about Tang Sanzang. They're quick to devise a plan and ambush the monk, but you're there to rescue him, and boy do you look pissed. You've got your hand around their neck, staring them down before telling them to "Get out of my house." And Wukong's just kinda like- 👁👄👁 That was kinda hot-
You're apologizing over and over to the monk, becoming soft spoken and shy once again, but he's quick to accept your apology. Sha Wujing is quick to ask about your switch, and you simply state that "I said I didn't WANT to fight, but I never said I didn't know HOW to. I just don't like using violence, especially when it unnecessary." You've officially won the monk over. Finally! Someone who understands that violence isn't everything!
Wukong, on the other hand, wants to see more. He's prodding for you to train with him, and after a little while, you give in. It's a daily thing becomes something he looks forward to. Sometimes it turns into rants on how annoying Zhu Bajie can be and how he has to carry the whole team, with you giving him pieces of advice.
He'll start following you around-Heck! He'll even help you out, but it's mainly so you can compliment him. Of course, Zhu Bajie notices and teases the poor monkey about how soft he's gone. He's going to deny it each and everytime, making excuses that you we're bored without him or that you NEEDED his help. It causes so many fights between the two.
He'll start to wonder how you'll react when they leave. Will you be sad? Will you cry? Will you be sad for everyone leaving? Or will those tears be just for him? He's not really sure how you feel about him, but he's sure you're smitten with him. What, with the way you look at him and blush in his presence-
And he's absolutely right! A lot of people would be mad at him for interrogating them, but you knew he was just trying to protect the monk. And he started becoming nicer to you, helping you out, even talking to you for long periods of time! His attractive voice and quick touches has you melting each and every time.
You become upset, knowing that he'll have to leave as soon as the rain let's up. You wished that you could go and run off with him, but you had to stay take care of your home. Of course, the others were nice company too! But Wukong was different... You both spent the most time together, getting to know one another... Even so, you had to send them off with a smile! No tears when they leave!
So when the rain stops and allows them the chance to continue their journey, you expect a simple goodbye. But Wukong comes up to you and states that he's gonna come back for you, so you'll have to be here when he arrives. You're shocked, but welcome his words with happy tears. "Just be sure to come back safe and sound. That's all I ask." And with that promise, he goes off, hoping to finish the journey quicker so he can come back and see you.
Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!
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kaseyskat · 1 year
hi guys so I relistened to the lark and sparrow scene at the dance three times and I am having some Thoughts re: motivation and love between the twins because like. I know. I know we all focus on sparrow telling normal he's not proud of him I know. but also I feel like we tend to gloss over some of the other moments in this scene: bits like, sparrow repeating I love you I love you I love you so much like a mantra: because I think it is a mantra? another example of sparrow self-iding as loving so hard it comes off almost forced?
and another thing: there's such a stark difference between the twins motivation and it's so in your face and yet I don't see it discussed much so I'm adding it here too: sparrow is familial. he tells normal he wants normal to rescue him explicitly because he wants to see him again. he only confesses his disapproval in normal because he thinks if they can meet in the middle, it'll boost their daddy magic: ie, sparrows willing to hurt normal a little to help him a lot later, which is definitely a parenting style he inherited from henry ahskfkkdlflg
but lark's motivation is alllll self-sacrificial. "don't come save us we can either handle ourselves or die for our sins and it'll be fine either way" he says. coupled with the reveal of lark sleeping with rebecca and the amount of times he tries to talk over sparrow when sparrow is actually the more helpful one really hammers in the concept of how lark views himself and his relationship with sparrow vs how sparrow sees it: lark tends to view sparrow as an extension of himself, and sparrow never corrects him (and probably made this worse in the process) while sparrow views lark as someone in his family who he will love and forgive even if he's not proud of him, and I just think that is such a neat thing to explore!
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I understand if you don’t want to to do this ask but what if skeleton was out with their S/O and their baby.S/O eventually has to feed the baby and she breastfeeds.How would the skeletons react if someone started harassing their S/O for breastfeeding in public
(Love your writing btw, I can not stop reading your imagines/headcanons <3)
Undertale Sans - He slowly puts himself between S/O, the baby and the random person and asks them very coldly if they don't have anything better to do. He keeps the attention on him and tries to lead the guy away to let you feed the baby in peace.
Undertale Papyrus - "Don't you have no shame?!" "ACTUALLY... NO, BUT THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN RANDOM HUMAN." Papyrus waves them goodbye, a protective hand on your shoulder in case this guy tries something. Papyrus is big enough to scare people and if he doesn't like to use his size to scare people, it's for sure an advantage sometimes. Undyne taught him that.
Underswap Sans - He calmly takes out his police plate and starts to clean it, eyes in eyes with the guy harassing them. They apologize, pale, then leave as fast as they can, as they should. Blue is quite proud of himself.
Underswap Papyrus - He's usually not the brave type, but you're threatening his baby, and Honey is quite protective the first few months. He goes to hug his S/O protectively and asks the man to mind their own business if they don't want him to call the police. The guy resists a few seconds, but Honey's stare can be very convincing. Welp, that was scary, but he's quite proud of himself.
Underfell Sans - He clings to S/O and growls menacingly at the guy. Go on, try to assault his S/O again now. He has the power of dad hormones on his size and he's not sure he can control his need to protect right now, so if the guy is clever enough, they will : leave.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge coughs behind the guy, who turns around, surprised. Edge then asks very calmly with a cavernous voice if they really want to say that to his S/O again. The guy squeaks a "noooo" and then leaves in fear as Edge brings back a drink to his S/O and kisses their cheek.
Horrortale Sans - He locks his S/O and the baby in his hoodie. Now what you're going to do. Want to say that to his face to see how well he's going to keep his cool? Oak smiles creepily at the man and stares at him for long minutes, even when they finally leave them alone.
Horrortale Papyrus - "IF YOU CAN'T KEEP HAVING OBCENE THOUGHTS STARING AT MY PARTNER, YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE GOING TO SEEK FOR HELP PERVERT!" Willow is already stressed enough with parenthood, he has no patient for random idiots. If the guy insists, he won't hesitate to slam a huge bone at their feet to prevent them from getting close. Don't you dare go near his child.
Swapfell Sans - He starts to read out loud the possible sentences for harassment in a public place in court. The guy becomes paler and paler, then leaves without saying a word. Nox waves them goodbye, his ego boosted for the week.
Swapfell Papyrus - He grows himself ecto boobs and shows them off. He then stands up and T-poses closer and closer to the random person who is screaming he's a freak and that they will call the police. Go on, do it. Rus wants to have more fun and explain to the police how you harassed his S/O for two hours.
Fellswap Gold Sans - The hell did you just say to his S/O? He stands up menacingly and asks them to repeat. If they dare, Wine jumps at their face and stabs them in the shoulder to defend S/O's honor. That guy probably didn't realize how fast and good he was at fighting.
Fellswap Papyrus - He hugs his S/O closer and both of them try to ignore the random person. Eventually, people start to stare and some people come to rescue them to scream at the person. Coffee is quite overwhelmed by the nice people and gives them all a hug before they go back home.
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absynthe--minded · 1 year
I absolutely believe that during/after Aragorn’s coronation there were some gondorian nobles who were convinced Denethor was framed m bc by Gandalf.
My immediate answer to this is “why would they think that when Imrahil is out there actively campaigning to be the most popular man in Minas Tirith”, honestly? I know it’s sort of a popular theory in the more Gondor-centric parts of the fandom to hold that Gandalf at the very least really looks like he’s planning a coup, but I think that the evidence is significantly more in favor of Denethor’s brother-in-law as the brain behind that particular goal.
More or less off the top of my head:
Imrahil is of a royal line that’s at least equal to the House of the Stewards, with a stronger claim to leadership depending on how you look at it (specifically, Gondor will never accept a Steward becoming King, but Imrahil is a Prince in his own right and holds a hereditary office that has as much history and pedigree as the currently-absent throne would require)
Imrahil tells Aragorn during “The Last Debate” that he has several thousand men, including foot soldiers, waiting at home; he did not bring these people when his lord called the banners. You can argue that there are legitimate reasons for it, sure, but it’s also awfully convenient that he has an army waiting in the wings to be summoned north to Minas Tirith
When Faramir is rescued by the swan knights, watchers presume that Denethor ordered a sortie, but this is never explicitly confirmed in-text. What we see is Imrahil on the front lines saving his nephew and the men who went with him, and whether or not he’s actually the one who gave the command is up in the air.
Unlike Denethor, he’s actively trying to befriend the ordinary people in the army. He and his men are out on the battlements singing and working to boost the spirits of the soldiers, and are making sure they’re seen doing these things. That looks an awful lot like an attempt to garner goodwill and create camaraderie with the common folk.
He’s popular, he’s rich, he’s royal, and Denethor is the reason his sister died. People have started coups for less.
What I mean is - yes, absolutely, I’m certain that people think Gandalf did something to get Denethor out of the way, but I think they assume he did it in cooperation with Imrahil (who, in this conspiracy theory, knew Aragorn was coming - he sailed up the Anduin, Dol Amroth had to know!) instead of what “really” happened, which is that Imrahil had a full revolution he was planning and then his brother-in-law set himself on fire and made all the plans moot.
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b4tracha · 9 months
Getting Closer to SKZ
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(Sorry I disappeared,, I have been busy with uni..)
Bang Chan: Because he is a very busy person, he honestly forgot that he gave you his number until randomly he got a message asking if you wanted to hang out. He was clueless until he realized you were the hot guy from that group hangout. He almost immediately said yes, but calmed down once he realized how insane he would probably look to him. Instead, he calmly said yes, and the very next day after a recording session, he was going to go eat with you.
Getting closer was easier than he thought it would be honestly. Chan can be very shy when it comes to very attractive men, so the fact you wanted to interact with him was mindblowing. You could make the stupidest joke in the world and Chan would giggle like a child, ears hot and red. Your smile, charm, demeanor and just attitude had the man hooked. 
Now you guys were hanging out at least multiple times a week. Because Chan was a very busy guy, that usually meant you were in the JYPE building in his mini studio watching him work in awe and giving comments while he got bashful and tried to hide. He tried to keep you away from the other members, but the other members of 3racha were bound to meet you. Now you were the subject of Chan teasing. He couldn’t go outside the dorm without Jisung or Changbin going, “Going out with Y/N again~?” He hated to admit that they were actually right most of the time.
Lee Know: The second he was home with Dori after the check, he took a selfie with each individual of his cats. He talked about them alot to you while at the vet and he wanted to show them off to you(while also showing his visuals off as well.) He giggled when you fawned over Soonie and Doongi as you haven’t met them. That was then the start of the “play dates.”
The kitten you had rescued and then decided adopt and take care of was obviously too young and small for her to be around the other three, but that didn’t stop Minho from begging you to come over with her, so he could cuddle her while watching you play with his babies. He was very persuasive when he was whiney, but you didn’t mind all that much.
He kept you hidden from the members and wouldn’t mention you to the other members, not for any particular reason. He just wanted you to himself, much like a cat. Once he was on break, he would beg for you to come to his house in Gimpo to bring his baby (you or the kitten, didn’t matter the answer.)
Changbin: You weren’t exactly a regular there as he found out when he went the next day and you both ended up talking. You just had a bad muscle strain and required weeks of physical therapy to build it back up properly. He didn’t mind honestly. He actually enjoyed helping you in your workouts and even gave tips so it wouldn’t happen again.
After workouts, you guys eventually started to eat together afterwards and exchanged contacts. You could rip the loudest laugh out of him honestly. Every couple minutes, the restaurant would be a decent volume and then you’d hear Changbin’s laugh rip from the corner of the room. At some point the owners even threatened to kick you guys out before you guys just left and walked for a bit until it was time to part ways. If Stay saw a workout video or two from a new angle, it was probably from you. Not that they would need to know..
Hyunjin: Hyunjin is an artist. That meant sometimes he had try new things. Meeting you gave him just the right amount of motivation to keep doing down the art shop and buying new things. You must think he was going broke with the way he kept going in and out and at a chance of getting a glance of seeing you. 
Eventually, he got the courage to ask to draw you. It came out of nowhere for you, because he doesn’t say that much to you, but he does tend to stare but it did start to make sense now. Nonetheless, you did agree and went to a local coffee chop and he started to sketch you doing random things like a boost of sudden energy to make anything under the sun. Once he was done, you both started to talk about art and your favorite styles and mediums and artists and anything you could find. 
Hyunjin felt like it was easy to talk to you. He felt like it was easy to look at you. He would find himself doodling you. He didn’t mind that much as sometimes he would just change a few things and post it on Instagram or Bubble for Stay. Maybe you were easy to write about too..
Han: When you offered him ice cream, at first he thought a little small cone or something. No, you asked him what flavor he wanted and got him the biggest cup you can get for it. When Jisung went to say something, you just admitted wanted to talk to him more. Que brain circuit. No, that’s okay.
Han enjoys talking to you alot. You both ended up going to the park together more often, which was kind of a shock for the home body that his dorm mates usually knew. You guys would walk the trail, or lay in the grass and talk, or even feed the fish or ducks in the pond whenever you guys could. It was relaxing being with you and letting go for once. 
 One day, he brought you back to the dorm to show you a song he made and he never felt more nervous in his life. At first, your face was unreadable but once it was done there was a big goofy smile on your face that just made his heart hammer twice as much. 
Felix: Before his manager could pull him away, you ended up slipping your number in his pocket. He didn’t realize at first, so he was bummed that he could never talk to the hot guy that was flirting with him again. That was until the wind blew a little too hard and he dug his hands in his pockets, finding the paper. He was shocked, yet impressed. As soon as he got privacy, he added you in his contacts and spammed you. 
Neither lived in the country that the event was being hosted at and you didn’t live in South Korea, so it would be hard to meet in person. However, that didn’t mean anything to him. He loved texting you. If you thought his messages on bubble were excessive, his messages with you were even more extreme. Anything he did in his day would be accompanied with a selfie and a message. And like you were when you first met, you called him pretty and told him about your own busy day. It wasn’t perfect like he wanted it, but he enjoyed talking to you. If someone asked who his last contact was? Well, he would have to plead the fifth.
Seungmin: Because of you, the company put a restriction on how much coffee Seungmin could drink. He would come in every day before any lessons or practices starts and if your shift hasn’t ended, would come back. He enjoyed going to that little shop so much that he even had your work scheduled memorized so he didn’t come when you weren’t there.
Eventually, the conversations started outside the coffee shop (because of the restriction.) He wasn’t that big of a texter, but he did love checking up on you during dance practice or vocal lessons breaks. Even at work, you answered him quick. If a member asked who had him smiling so big, he snap with some stupid snarky comment everyone knows he doesn’t mean. He wanted to keep you his little secret just for a little longer. Even Jeongin, who goes with him everywhere, doesn’t know about you just yet. 
I.N: The next time he saw you he wasn’t having a shopping spree. He honestly almost forgot about you. Being an idol, it was hard to constantly keep up with people. You tapped him on the shoulder and spoke to him casually like that was something normal to do. He was worried it was a fan, but it was just you. The store was having a slow day, so he just decided to stay there. You talked about fashion, aesthetics, and even the tips you said you wanted.
But after a while, your boss told you off about talking to customers while on the job, so you had to stop. Jeongin got annoyed about it, but you didn’t care that much. As much as you hated your boss, he wasn’t around that often and you liked working there and people-watching and seeing all the visions people had with clothes. You both decided to exchange numbers and send different things like clothes and shoes or even stupid posts you found funny. If you wanted to complain about your bosses, you’d go to each other and give each other advice as best as possible. The two of you were definitely two peas in a pod. 
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knightprincess · 3 months
Scars (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader) Part 2
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Warning: Reference/Implied Injuries - Bit of backstory for the Reader Words: 1.8k (Ye bit of a short one) Pronouns Used: She/Her - Use of Y/N
A/N - Sorry for the delay. 
The rescue seemed to be taking forever, or so Wolffe thought. The seemingly endless darkness made time slow down or even come to a stop completely. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes like hours, and hours felt like days. Although Wolffe was certain it had been days, the quietness certainly wasn't helping his haunted mind keep hold of the sanity he had left nor keep his persistently yelling thoughts at bay. The only reassurance he had was (Y/N). Although she had since lost consciousness again, the call of sleep gripped her longer as she fought to keep her energy. 
"Cat'ra," called Wolffe, attempting to be soft when he heard her pained gasps. However, his attempt resulted in a pained growl of his own. "Help is coming; just hold on a little longer," spoke the Commander, reaching out to pull the Jedi a little closer; he wanted to help, needed to help her. Despite the terrible start to their journey together, he found himself unable to bear losing her or anyone else for that matter. "Don't give up on me, Cat'ra," he added, attempting to will her awake or at least make her a little more comfortable than she was before. 
"Commander Wolffe," Plo said in a fuzzy voice just as the dim light far above shone down on the pair. The LAAT was so far above it almost seemed like a star in the darkened sky, the high beams being the course of the dim light shining down. "Are you and (Y/N) able to use the cables?" asked Plo, his normally calm voice filled with a mixture of urgency and concern. 
"(Y/N)'s barely conscious, General. I'm pretty banged up too," replied Wolffe, once again reaching over to (Y/N), this time without the previous hesitation. Gently, he pulled her closer, holding on to her as if she were the temporary gravity replacement. Trying to stem the bleeding long enough for help to reach them. Mentally, the commander scolded himself; why hadn't he done this sooner, just pushed aside his conflicted feelings and her distrust? A sudden wave of determination washed over Wolffe. He wasn't going to lose someone else. He'd lost all his brothers in the Abregado system and failed so many when the Grevious showed the power of his super weapon, the Malevolence. 
"Commander," whispered (Y/N), shortly before a sharp pain rippled through Wolffe's arm, followed by the sensation as the pain wracking his body numbed and became obsolete. Quickly, Wolffe grabbed her hand as it fell, only now noticing she'd had hold of something this entire time. Stem cell injections. They were empty now, although it soon dawned on the commander why. 
"No, no, no," grumbled Wolffe, examining the three vials with haste, hoping to find one with something in, "Why did you do that, Cat'ra?" almost yelled the commander, urgency flooding his voice and his actions as he attempted to keep (Y/N) awake. She seemed to enjoy defying him, making him think and wonder. 
"Commander," called Comet from above, Boost and Sinker following behind on the cables. No doubt, Warthog was keeping the ship steady, and General Plo was waiting for their return. Wolffe reluctantly shifted his gaze to the three descending through the long chasm he and (Y/N) had fallen down. Once the trio had reached them, they quickly got to work. Sinker connected Wolffe to the spare line before signaling for Plo to pull him up, much to the commander's protest. 
"How bad is she, Comet?" asked Sinker, suspecting it was worse than any of them liked to think, especially if Wolffe's reaction was anything to go by. 
"She has internal bleeding. I can cut the pain, but we need to get her to a medical facility," answered Comet, quickly administering the painkillers before carefully maneuvering (Y/N) into the harness. Upon completing the task, Boost wasted little time attaching her to his own line before being hoisted up. Comet and Sinker retrieved (Y/N)'s lightsabers and what remained of Wolffe's smashed armor before returning to the ship themselves. 
"She ... She saved me," muttered Wolffe when the ship began to make its way towards the base. His mismatched eyes locked on (Y/N) lying on a stretcher across from him. Plo was between them, with Comet, Boost, and Sinker holding onto the overhead rings. "How can I repay her?" he whispered, finally settling to sort through his muddled and complicated mixture of feelings. Of all things he felt almost afraid, his mind had settled enough to tell him he owed her a debt and one that couldn't easily be repaid. 
"(Y/N) has always been defiant, Commander, even to the Council," worded Plo with fondness as he remembered the years spent training her. She was stubborn but also empathic and warm-hearted. At times, she didn't care to hold back her thoughts; instead, she voiced them regardless of such consequences. Many times, had traits from her life before the Jedi shone through—traits from her time as a Sith. 
"How so?" asked Comet, allowing his curiosity to get the better of him. Even more so when Plo spoke so fondly, as a father would for their daughter, rather than how a Jedi Master would speak of their former Padawan. 
"She has a way of wording things. Direct and normally sarcastic, it is not unusual for her to disguise cleverly worded insults. Nor is it out of the ordinary for her to disregard orders," replied Plo, recalling some of the times she'd completely ignored orders. She did so during her final assignment as his Padawan. The council had called her back after deeming the assignment a lost course. (Y/N) However, refused to leave the people of Lothal to fend for themselves when they clearly needed help. So she stayed and completed her original assignment, although it had come at a cost. 
"What was her specialty?" voiced Wolffe, lying back on his own stretcher once he was certain (Y/N) wouldn't be going anywhere. The question gained the attention of both Plo and his brothers. 
"I'm not sure one would call it a specialty," replied Plo, trying to find the best words to answer the question. There were many things his former Padawan was skilled at, from combining lightsaber forms in combat to her vast knowledge. There were many times when she fiddled with something as a padawan. "But, (Y/N) does have an unequaled knowledge of the underworld, a web of connections few others could hope for. There is little that happens there without her knowing of it." 
"And she isn't in command of the Commandoes?" Boost unintentionally voiced, a combination of shock and surprise lacing his voice. The trooper was thankful for his helmet as it concealed the horror painted on his features, even more so when he hadn't intended for his thoughts to be heard. 
"I thought she already was," commented Wolffe, vaguely remembering Gregor mentioning a Dathomirian Jedi leading Foxtrot's unit through a particularly grueling battle. Of course, Gregor made some jokes about it, although he didn't mention the Jedi's name. Nor did the Commando give any details about them outside of being Dathomirian. 
"She took over command of the 916th Batallion after the death of Master Cove Kenari," stated Plo, recalling the sudden loss of the great Jedi Master. He'd given his life in an attempt to deliver relief aid to one of the many planets suffering from the war, and the small number of troopers with him had also fallen. All of them had perished as heroes. 
"Wait, are you saying she didn't have her own battalion before?" Comet asked, putting the pieces together and finding only confusion and more questions. Plo, on the other hand, gave nothing away, instead placing a taloned hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, gifting her with comfort and calming her racing mind—numbing her pain and suffering for a little while. 
"(Y/N)'s journey has been different from that of a regular Jedi. Because of this, many within the Order distrust her; many have found it difficult to look past her heritage or her ties to the Sith. Fear often clouds the minds of those who brand her the enemy," said Plo, sadness seeming to echo through his voice, even more so as he remembered the pain and all the suffering she'd been through over the years. On several occasions, he'd found himself wondering if (Y/N)'s affliction with the underworld was by her own choice or forced upon her by those who had so heartlessly judged and claimed her the enemy. 
"Where will she go from here?" asked Sinker, failing to hold back the bugging question. Although he suspect Plo would want her to stay a little longer, if the council collectively decided otherwise or the senate declared differently, then (Y/N) would be sent somewhere else entirely. Perhaps she would command the 916th again if they hadn't been assigned a more permanent Jedi General, or maybe she'd be tasked with an undercover operation more suited to her skill set, at least after she recovered. 
"Shaak Ti requested her assistance on Kamino" replied Plo, recalling the orders coming through. (Y/N) had been there assisting Shaak Ti before being called to replace Cove Kenari as general of the 916th. "Rest assured, she'll be with another who cares for her. The assignment will work to her skill set," reassured Plo. Soon after he voiced his words, the LAAT landed in the shipyard. In a whirlwind of minutes blending together, the group aboard went separate ways. Comet and Boost took (Y/N) to the medbay, followed by Sinker and Warthog with Wolffe. Sinker cracks a few jokes to try to lighten the mood. 
Plo, on the other hand, found himself in the communication center. He listened to the latest war effort updates from other generals and Jedi commanders scattered across the torn galaxy. He delivered his own at the same time, reporting the incident with Wolffe and (Y/N) and the known injuries, at least alerting Shaak Ti, who quickly requested regular updates as if she were a mother concerned for her child. 
"If you are to remove (Y/N) from the 916th," started Plo, remaining calm despite his growing frustration and agreement with Anakin regarding the pointless move the council had collectively made. I recommend assigning her to the Commandoes; they already respect her, perhaps more than they do others," he added, recalling the Commandos' obvious dislike, almost hatred, for Mace Windu and their habit of ignoring the majority of the order and senate. 
"I agree," declared Obi-Wan shortly after, followed by Anakin and Shaak Ti. After a few moments of thinking, Yoda nodded in agreement before wording the latest orders for (Y/N). Once she was ready to return to the battlefield and complete her assignment on Kamino, she was to take command of the Commando units and work closely with the other Jedi spread so thinly across the war-torn galaxy. 
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