diorlx 9 months
how to avoid binging/food 101
1. out of sight, out of mind
keeping food out of your sight is a very important tip. if its not there, theres nothing to binge馃巰
2. being calm is key
if you have a very stressful, emotional, or hectic life you鈥檙e naturally more likely to binge or overeat. if you can learn how to be more calm and handle stress, you will be able to manage your eating habits馃嵉 meditating, reading, breathing exercises, & hot baths are things i do to stay calm.
3. hobbies and interests!!!
this is probably my number one tip: keeping yourself distracted with things you like(thats not food!). you have to find out what you鈥檙e interested in, and keep yourself distracted with it everyday馃┌
examples: sports, music,movies,topics,instruments,fashion,art,books, being creative, (lmk if you guys want a list of hobbies/interests/things to do)
pro tip: having a pet! having a pet is a lot of work and its perfect for keeping yourself busy and active
4. sleep
if your sleeping habits are out of balance, so are your eating habits. make sure to get 8-10+ hours of sleep everyday. if you struggle with sleeping id recommend magnesium before bed!!, melatonin, meditating, & reading before sleeping馃挙
5. don鈥檛 isolate yourself
i know you might think staying home will help you stay away from food but, it won't.
by allowing yourself to stay home and isolate yourself, you鈥檙e actually trapping yourself in a house with easy access to food. food that you dont even have to pay for. but when you鈥檙e out, you have to pay to get access to food. therefore, harder to access.馃巰
examples: you could go for a walk or run, read in a park, go to an activity, a museum/art gallery, go shopping, hangout with friends, go to a cinema, volunteer, go to an event.
remember there are many things you can do with your friends/family that doesn't involve food. 馃Ц
6. stay hydrated
make sure you鈥檙e drinking enough water throughout the day 馃巰
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marvaxq 2 months
Jest tu jakis zaawansowany motylek kt贸ry chcia艂by mnie w to mocniej wci膮gn膮膰 i doda膰 motywacji?
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shazmine 9 months
Muriendo de hambre, para estar linda en el verano.
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lillyamia13 1 month
Um so is there anyone that's like around 20 ish, has a high sw/cw, occasionally fasts, who wants to get to know eachother. It gets kinda lonely in all this and I figured maybe we could motivate eachother, fast together and also try to become friends beyond that <3
I do weightlifting, I've been a Bulimic for as long as I can remember, and I'm a student 馃槓
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stxrvings0da 9 months
Seeing ppl who have the same height as me have their ugw as the weigh I am now stuns me??? Like girl I still look so fat how are you comfortable at this weight???
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sweetbirdwonderland 1 year
I'm at a point where I don't just want to starve myself to loose weight, but also as a form of self harm. Just so I can feel something.
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k1llcut3 1 year
dica: pode parecer bobo, mas fingir que est谩 numa hist贸ria de fantasia pode te ajudar muito. se voc锚 for um cavaleiro, vai precisar se exercitar muito e ter um f铆sico atl茅tico para lutar e proteger o reino ou sua amada. se for um bardo, n茫o vai comer direito pois a maior parte do seu tempo 茅 viajando e tocando suas m煤sicas pelas locais onde passa, al茅m disso voc锚 n茫o ganha dinheiro quase nenhum, ent茫o: no food. se for uma princesa, voc锚 l锚 muito, tem aulas de etiqueta e simplesmente sabe que comer muito n茫o 茅 nada feminino. voc锚 tem um corpo magro e delicado e muitos mo莽os e mo莽as s茫o apaixonados por voc锚 em seu reino. essas s茫o apenas algumas das muitas hist贸rias que voc锚 pode criar.
viu como pode ajudar? ache inspira莽茫o naquilo que gosta e siga focada.
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supercanonfille 6 months
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what i want back is what i was
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iwannabethinner13 4 months
My Two Week Diet Plan
I currently weigh 53.1kg (117lbs) my goal is to weigh 50kg (110lbs) by the 29th of Jan. According to my calculations if I follow this diet plan exactly I should reach my goal. I will be updating at the end of every day. Feel free to follow along with me.
馃巰 Burn at least 2100 calories per day.
馃巰 Eat mindfully and chew each bite 10 times
馃巰 Look at thinspo for 15mins before eating
馃巰 Must track all food, even binges
馃巰 Try to eat healthy food, no junk
馃巰 Run 5 miles once a week
馃巰 10,000 steps per day
馃巰 If I feel the urge to binge I must write down everything I want to eat and then search for gross images of it before I decide to eat it.
Week 1
馃 Monday 15th - 300 cals
馃 Tuesday 16th - 450 cals
馃 Wednesday 17th - 750 cals
馃 Thursday 18th - 400 cals
馃 Friday 19th - 250 cals + 24hr fast
馃 Saturday 20th - 300 cals
馃 Sunday the 21st - 300 cals
Week 2
馃尭 Monday 22nd - 300 cals
馃尭 Tuesday 23rd - 450 cals
馃尭 Wednesday 24 - 300 cals
馃尭 Thursday 25 - 750 cals
馃尭 Friday 26 - 400 cals
馃尭 Saturday 27th - 330 cals
馃尭 Sunday 28th - 250 cals + 24hr fast
If I follow this diet plan exactly then by the end of the two weeks I should鈥檝e:
馃┌ Consumed a total of 5530 calories
馃┌ Burnt a total of 29,400 calories
馃┌ And lost a total of 3.1 kilograms (117 pounds)
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deepestkingdomangel 2 months
Seeing how much I weigh makes me wanna vomit
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starvi-boi 21 days
yall asked me how i did it so here we go:
first of all, if you dont struggle with an ed or are in recovery than dont interact or read this. i am pro recovery for everyone except myself. stay safe everyone!!
my situation:
im 167 cm tall
i started at 67.7kgs and now im 43kgs, (bmi 24.3 -> 15.4)
i live with my parents and they after two months noticed and now they watch what i eat
it took me around 5 months but during 2 of them i was just maintaining because of miscalculations and binges
1) meals:
i do omads, its really effective, keep it around 350 - 900 cals a day, i used to fast for few days every now and then but omads work wonders
heres how my week looks:
mon: 400-700
tue: 400-800
wen: 400-600
thu: 350-650
fri: 400-800
sat: 900-1200
sun: 850-1250
omading dinner works quite well and so does omading breakfast, but i prefer dinners, i can keep my morning skinny all day and i dont have to walk outside being bloated af
2) exercise:
i do around 5 hours climbing a week, after 3 months i added a 20 minute workout every day that i dont climb, also sometimes i spent whole days climbing on rocks outside
i also have 2 hours of pe a week
i try to get at least 5k steps, mostly i get around 6k a day
im not a try hard in exercise, sometimes i go inline skating but its for fun
i dont distract burnt cals from the days total. i dont.
3) p眉rging:
i used to p眉rge anything that was over 500 cals, but it was useless, dont do it, its not helping, i did this only the first 2 months because of guilt
4) binging:
before i began eating less, i used to binge like 4 times a week (around 4k cals), it used to be my coping mechanism
at first i didnt binge at all, i didnt eat because of guilt, i hated food
lately ive been binging on low-cal stuff which is bad, but at least its not as high cal (i actually crave low-cal things), but now i tell myself this: 'enjoy the emptiness, nothing can fill in the void inside, especially not food' and it has helped a lot
but im not rlly sure what to do about it- it just sometimes happens
5) weight ins:
i do them everyday in the evening before dinner, i dont drink water during the day (dont do this, i forget to drink and am used to that, stay hydrated), which makes me not want to eat because id gain the food and water weight, if i knew i was having two meals id weight in in the morning
6) metab days:
since i live with my parents who now check on me, i do them on weekends - both days, i mostly binge on those days (sometimes even 3k cals) lol
i aim for 900-1100 cals on them because on other days i try to restrict as much as possible and my bmr is around 1200
even though they seem scary, theyre very much needed!!
7) rituals:
i dont snack, only gum - it works amazing (i go through like 30 a day :'))
i always plan my cals for the day in the morning and always add in the food before eating it
i spend a lot of time on edblr and edtwt and edtt, motivating
i always have an emergency snack on me and water, im allowed to eat it if im too dizzy or too weak
8) my tips:
never eat alone. never.
eat only at the table - it makes it really annoying to sit there while eating which makes me not wanna eat
romanticize hunger (not the best but ykyk), be a good ana, be pure, be pretty
wear layers, youre gonna be freezing all the time
vaping/smoking can help if youre already into it, dont start with it just because i said it might work
be patient.
skip any meal you can, fake eating, empty packages, hiding food in clothes, taking in to your room, dirty plates, sitting and staring at an empty cup licking the clean spoon over and over as if the cup was full so you seem like youre eating... anything
dont obsess over food, obsess over being skinny and over fasting!!
dont eat more than 2 meals a day
prepare your own food so you can calculate it right
high volume low cal stuff and high protein stuff are your new best friends (lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, pickles, rice cakes, tomatoes, melons, coldfish, chicken breasts, cottage cheese)
warm water fills you up, so does coffee and tea
be nice to yourself, reward yourself when you do good, make it a game - points for being good -> rewards you can buy with your points, when you mess up you have to extract few points
take it slow, one day at a time or one week at a time, you have plenty of time, messing up is okay (one binge doesnt make you fat just as one fast doesnt make you skinny, but doing it repeatedly will)
if youre getting weak -> increase your cals, its better to get your energy back but maintain for few weeks than it is to be weak and passing out
9) do what works for you
i cant do longer fasts because of my family, just because this worked for me doesnt mean its gonna work for you, find what you can do and stick with it
i really suck at portion control so i omad, its way easier for me to not eat than to eat small amounts through out the day
thats it for now!! thanks for reading, if i think of something more ill write it down!!
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marvaxq 10 months
Hej kochane, otwieram nitk臋 na wasze motylkowe motywacje, tzn ile uda艂o wam si臋 schudn膮膰, w jakim czasie i z jakim limitem kalorycznym!
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shazmine 8 months
las costillas marcadas,
los hombros huesudos,
los brazos finos,
los muslos delgados.. el espacio entre ellos
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lillyamia13 1 month
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stxrvings0da 10 months
Cannot wait to look so tiny in my fall sweaters <3 <3
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sweetbirdwonderland 2 years
Sw: 120kg
Cw: 110kg
Gw: 45kg
I can do this, even if it takes time.
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