#american werewolf in london x reader
jinxthequeergirl · 2 years
You are the Sun
David Kessler x reader
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Summary: as the Full moon approches david needs anything and everything to keep his worried mind occupied
Warning: NSFW, nightmare, horror descriptions, swearing.
He could see the sun spead out across your body giving you an angelic glow. You where still fast asleep, and he knew you'd stay that way all day if you had the option. He crossed the room and kissed your cheek.
"You're home?" You mumbled biting back a smile as he continues to kiss up and down your arm and face. "I am." He said between kisses. You rolled over giving him better access to your whole face.
"Well good morning to you too David." You giggled as he cupped your whole face in his hands each kiss getting more heated.
"Good morning, gosh you're so pretty." He eventually climbed over top of you.
"You're in a good mo-DAVID!" You gasped as he nipped at your neck and his hands traveld up your sleep shirt feeling you up.
"What?" He smirked. You gripped his chin in your hand and forced him to look at you.
"What do you think you are doing?" You could still see the lingering affects from lastnight in his yellow tinted eyes.
"Nothing dear, Just wanted to greet you, I missed you so much." He cracked a smile and attempted to go back down on you.
"Get Off!" You laugh rolling him off of you, he fell to his side of the bed with a light poof from the matress as you sat up. "I'll make breakfast." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you back earning a squeal from you. "C'mon can't I convince you to stay? Even for a little while? It's Sunday, we could stay here all day." He said wrapping his arms around you and sawying back and forth.
"I think I prefer Morning after david to regular david." You teased kissing his cheek and he pinched your side.
"Too bad it can't always be like this. Too bad this will never last." You said in a dull voice. His brows furrowed and he looked at you. "What are you talking about?"
You didn't respond just lied in his arms. "Y/n? What are you talking about?" He shook you but you showed no sign of moving.
"Y/n?" He turned your cheek so you looked at him. As he did he dropped you scrambling back on the bed. Your face was torn to shredds, blood staining the un touched parts of your face , long claw marks ripped through your body leaving you a mangled pile of blood and meat on the bed. "Its just a matter of time david...only a matter of time...matter of time...matter of-"
"No!" He covered his ears as you continued to speak shutting his eyes. When you went quiet he opened his eyes finding a giant wolf above you on the bed, sount burried in your flesh, consuming what was left both the wolf and your corpse looked up at david, blood dripping from the wolfs fangs, You pointed at the window behind him a full moon taking up most of the night sky. "Beware the moon."
David shot up in bed sweat dripping down his face, frantic breathing. You lied fast asleep beside him, the moon covering your skin in a dull glow now. He sighed in relife realising it was only a dream and you where all right. He swung his legs over the edge if the bed and looked out the window.
"Was it another Nightmare?" You mutter from behind him.
"Did I wake you?" He asked looking over his shoulder at you.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked ignoring his previous question, now pushing yourself up. He shook his head turning back to the window. you crawled across the bed drapping yourself over his back so your head rested on his shoulder.
"The full moon is in a couple of nights, they're only gonna get worse until then...you don't have to keep every bloody detail from me." You reassured him.
"I know."
"What do you want to do if not talk?" He looked you over, he hated the fact that the moon light only lit up parts of your face. Not even his favorite bits, he hated that he could only see a rough outline of you.
He also hated how much you where willing to be so understanding and helpful. Not that he didn't appreciate it he did. He hated that someone so wonderful had to put up wirh someone so cursed.
He had so much to say to you so many apology's, so many compliments. He wanted to spew it all out. But he knew you. He knew you wouldn't accept any of it. No apology was necessary in your eyes. And no complement could truly capture how he felt about you.
So he kissed you.
"I just..I just don't want to think about any of that right now."
You nodded understandingly.
"I just want to think about you." He said kissing you again, this time maneuvering so you lied flat against the bed. You didn't argue, especially as he kissed up and down your body, pushing up your shirt helping you slide it off.
You softly sighed as he kissed and touched every part of you. His hands slowly traveling town the curves of your body till his fingers hooked around the hem of your underwear. You moaned as he lifted your legs to better be able to the cloth off.
He looked up at you stopping for a second remembering how you looked only a few moments ago in his dream and he froze.
"Hey." You reached up to touch his cheek.
"I'm right here.' He blinked his thoughts shifting back to you, your bare body below him, soft and unharmed.
"You are perfect you know that? You are the sun in my eyes." You cracked a smile at his words, sitting up to kiss him.
"Then that makes us the perfect match, doesn't it?." You wispered against his lips. You pulled his own shirt off swapping positions with him so that you where in his lap.
"Let me handel this tonight." You said softly to him as you straddled his hips. He only nodded as you rocked yourself back and forth against him. His head rolled back, his hands grippinging your hips.
You raked your fingers through his hair as you continued your movments and kissed along his jaw line. "Go a little.." He dug his nails into your flesh as he moaned. "..please...Go a little faster?" You nodded picking up the pace as he requested his hands roamed you back as you leaned back moaning yourself especially as his nails dragged across your spine leaving little marks every which way.
"You are so..Fuck!" You laughed lightly as he struggled to string together a scentence "you are so perfect, and i don't just meaannnn.. Mean right this second... i don't deserve you...God!..keep going." He pulled you as close to his body as you could possibly get Now moving you up and down. You where warm just like the sun was.
You looked down at him with loving eyes as he moved you and kissed him. "You are a good person David. You deserve this and so much more." He looked up at you as you pulled away gripping his shoulder tightly as he hit just the right spot.
"Oh David...ooh fuck.." You cried out as you finished david not to far behind. He still held you close listening to your erratic heart beat. You continued to comb through his hair. "We'll get you through this...I promise you." He turned to you his chin resting on your chest.
"I love you Kessler." You kissed his nose and pushed him doen against the mattress. So you lied tangled together. You ran your finger along the scars on his chest as you began to fall asleep.
"I love you too."
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jokersphantom · 1 year
The Taste Of Death
Jack Goodman X Reader smut
WARNINGS: this has literal cannibalism in it, please do not read if you don’t yearn with your mouth. PIV sex, creampie, oral sex (reader receiving), mention of birth control.
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A cold gust of wind brushes against your bare leg. The skin ripples slowly, like your body isnt used to being put in a situation where it has to heat itself and has since forgotten basic function. However if your body had decided to ignore you, you couldn’t quite tell because your mind was beyond comparison in terms of being vacant.
You received a phone call from Jack’s mother, informing you of your friend’s death across the sea. Her voice trembled and she practically sobbed as she told you of how horrible of a condition he was in and how David was a suspect in his murder. You should’ve been sad, but all you felt was disbelief; like you expected Jack to start laughing on the other end of the line before asking if you’d like to grab dinner with him (and David, of course, always David). You wish you cried, that you joined his mother in her quivering voice and choked sobs; instead, all you could do was think of how little of this she would share if she wasn’t so deeply disturbed and upset.
You went to Jack’s funeral, and discovered early on that you’d be waiting awhile to actually see him because everyone else who hadn’t given a shit in the past years decided to make up for it today. One of his exes showed up with her new boyfriend but started sobbing violently as she began to give a loud speech about how good of a man he was. As she spoke, you imagined Jack rolling over in his grave; or at this point, coffin; at her tears. “Wasn’t good enough for you to keep your pants on when Mark showed up!” You imagined him saying.
What stood out the most was the fact his casket was closed. Which only solidified your denial in Jack’s death. How out of place you seemed, staring down at the chiseled oak with a glare like you were expecting him to pop out and scare you like he did at a Halloween party years prior. Something even more ghastly was that you didn’t even think there was a body in there.
Weeks later you still hadn’t accepted that he died. You still consoled his mother and spoke with her often, you weren’t a complete lamb. David had yet to call, he was probably suffering a lot more than you were with your apathy or he was still comatose.
Once again the wind started to blow on through again and it finally caused you to shiver and begrudgingly trod to the window. As you neared, you heard the undeniable whisper of the leaves as they rustled and gently tapped the sides of the house. The outside was hardly visible, illuminated by the full moon and it left a cascading deep blue over the rest of the world.
You stared outside for a moment longer, letting the cool air curl around you and leave gooseflesh with every kiss upon your skin. The moonlight seems to bless you every moment you sit in its presence, the soft light bears white brightness among the clouds and entrances you in a way it never has before.
“Long time no see” a voice rings out from behind you.
Now you understand why.
As you turn around, there stands Jack Goodman in (what's left of) the flesh and before you can even think of it, you’re loudly exclaiming “Jesus Christ!” Before scurrying to your bed and balling up the covers as you try to shun away whatever you’re seeing by covering your eyes. “No, Jack, remember? God have you gone completely off your rocker since you’ve last seen me?”
You don’t dare remove the covers from your eyes, and you don’t have to. The springs of your mattress ache with weight and a gentle hand pulls it back. The fright sets a warm fire deep in your stomach.
Nonetheless, there he is, Jack Goodman. One of your best friends, completely mauled and looking at you with a smile as the grotesque chunks of flesh that's covered in a deep cherry red glisten under the light. In a macabre way, it makes your mouth water.
Jack looks at you for a moment before waving his hand in front of your face and snapping his fingers in front of your eyes. “You there? Oh god, you’re in shock; David’s gonna kill me again” he snickers at his own awful joke.
As you come back to earth, Jack gives you the rundown of what’s happened so far. While he speaks, you focus on what he’s wearing. The green puffer jacket that had been doused in your scent the night before because Jack “forgot you used it as a pillow case”; that statement is another one David did not buy and consistently gave him shit for the chick repellent as they rode on the back of a shepherd's truck.
“How I ended up back here, I’m not sure, not that I’m complaining about being in these sheets again” he flirts as he smiles at you, deep and round eyes looking directly into yours with something raw behind it all the pleasantry. You and Jack had slept together, he was as sweet as a friend with benefits could be.
“I think I’m going crazy” you say aloud and he titters before propping his leg up on your bed and resting his head on it sideways; leaving the bloody, mangled, and mutilated part of his skin open and hot against the air.
Jack catches your gaze and seems unable to resist the comment that comes from his mouth. “No fucking way” he laughs. You back yourself up against the headboard and pull your comforter with you, holding it defensively to your mouth and you give a startled look that quickly turns to anger. “What?” You snap out, a lot higher pitched than you wanted to, that made you sound more like someone caught with a porno mag and less like you were genuinely confused.
The look he gives you is a recognizable one, but it feels so alien at the same time. He starts to gently crawl towards you on all fours, in a way he knows you like to see. Feigning that innocence to how you feel just to hear you say it out loud because he mocks you even in death.
“Now, you wouldn’t be feeling a little turned on about how battered I am now would you, sweetness?” He asks, as irreproachable as possible while the pet name sticks to you despite how mockingly he says it. When you’re left gawking, he only gets closer to your face. “Because” pause. He drags one hand up across your covered leg. “If this was the face you wanted all along, I would’ve requested open casket”
Jack gets scarily close. So much so you can now make out minute details. His hair is slicked stiff with blood and sweat, black tufts of hair poke out messily. He smells of grass and mud, but only faintly; what stands out the most is the pheromones reeking off of him that would typically reek, but currently have you biting the inner skin of your bottom lip as the fingers of his left hand dance curiously across your knee.
His fingers have blood crusted under the nails and you sit there entranced by the carnal beauty of it all. Jack smiles to himself and takes it as an opportunity to trace your lips with his calloused fingers. Typically, he’d be a blushing mess and if he were still completely alive he’d never be so bold with someone.
Only difference this time is that he wasn’t alive, not fully; and that it was you. The amount of times he’d been almost caught with you on him has surpassed his count, and sure as hell yours. However the word almost really means David and when it comes to David, he’s got an amateur sleuth mindset and can unfortunately piece two and two together.
Unthinking, you open your mouth and feel as Jack pushes his index and middle finger over your tongue. Your tongue swirls around the pads of his fingers, feeling every ridge, scar and delta. A gummy clot of blood that was caught in the corner of his cuticle touches your tongue and you suck even harder.
Jack’s eyes become lidded, he looks at a random spot in your direction for a few moments, feeling the work of your mouth against his hands once again and in such a grisly manner makes his stomach burn.
Softly he pulls his fingers away from your mouth. He rests his hands on either side of you and puts his mouth close to your ear. “How about you shut the light off and we try that thing you’ll deny wanting to do” he whispers before he bites and tugs on the lobe of your ear before pulling away.
You push the blanket off of you, the plush of your thighs visible to Jack as you walk towards the light switch.
When the darkness floods the room, you’re left in wait for Jack, just as you were in life. When nothing happens for a few seconds you think you’ve gone crazy and you’re too afraid to turn around and see that he’s really not there.
The beautiful blue hue of the moon sets over your shoulders and the cool air brushes against your neck. The hairs prick up as the cool feeling leaves ghosts of kisses against your skin.
“Still here” Jack says quietly against the shell of your ear. You turn around to face him and he flicks the light on again, temporarily blinding you. “ M’ sorry” he says as his kisses become full and wet mouthed against your neck “changed my mind, jus’ wanted to see you walk away”
He buries himself there and you feel him smile before his teeth graze against you. The blood gushing from his wounds starts to slick your neck. This doesn’t stop him, he kisses and nips harshly on your veins and feels the pulse thrumming beneath it.
It’s like he can’t control himself. There’s something so deeply carnal and vulnerable about how he is now; as many times you’ve put yourself on him, nothing can compare to the sweetness of his blood covered lips against yours.
His teeth are digging deeply into your neck, a small pain blossoming from his teeth nipping at your skin. Your eyes shut and a breathy exhale leaves your lips. Jack smiles, like he always has, into your skin and comes up to give you a kiss. The sweet and metallic taste of his lips on yours leaves you utterly intoxicated like the first taste of absinthe.
If you had to compare it though, he’s much sweeter. And warmer. So much warmer.
Jack’s mouth has suddenly gone away from the short and innocent kisses and have transformed into heavily pressed attacks scattered across anywhere collar up. His skin is comfortingly thermic and at this point you have no choice but to fall back into the dizzying heat as Jack touches you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do, and it may very well be.
His hands are ever moving and constant. There’s a searing palm resting between your neck and ear. The free hand wanders continuously over your waist to the back of your thigh. Your hands move without your own permission and begin to unzip the green puffer jacket that’s half shredded and half covered in blood.
You hope that if he decides to leave, you can keep the jacket. Even just a piece to remember him by. It was a group purchase around the holidays one year, when David gifted you both an identical jacket similar to his red one. Yours was an absolute eyesore, but the mundane routine of wearing it all the time made the shade entirely your own.
You gently push Jack away from you and get to look in his eyes. You get to see the humanity tucked behind them as his clouded lust quickly turns into the sheepish look of a boy scolded by a schoolmarm. Even though you’re still entranced by just seeing him again after having to say goodbye before Europe and a second time to a piece of wood. Part of you wants to remain this illusioned forever, so that you can hold onto him even if he decided long ago to let go of you; because at this point all you have is a hideous puffer jacket and dinner receipts of a meal you paid for stuffed in your otherwise empty wallet. Suddenly the doe eyes and boyish smile disappear. A misstep.
“Guess kissing a corpse wasn’t on your bucket list, huh?” He chides with an awkward laugh but you know Jack better than that, and he’s being vulnerable. Pressed against the door of your room, you wrap your arms around the back of his neck; careful to leave the wound be, and as he looks at you; you knock your foreheads together and you press a small kiss to his lips and bump noses. “Could’ve gone for that one actor you like so much” you say, another kiss. “I’ll put in a good word for you” kiss.
Jack pushes his mouth closer to you without much thought, and it leads to some of the blood on his neck smearing on your arm. Suddenly the blaze in Jack’s eyes comes back and you grin.
Jack sticks his hand in the wound like it’s as normal as scratching an itch and a small amount of the blood comes onto his fingertip. He cups your face with the same hand, mindful of his bloody thumb. Your eyes dart between the pad of his thumb, that Jack pushes ever closer to your mouth; only waiting for permission to push it through.
There would be no coming back from it and you both know it. Jack has nothing to lose, while you’re teetering on the line between sanity and lunacy. The comparison of Eve and the apple comes to mind; any other lustful sin could be forgiven, but to feast upon the flesh and to consume the marrow of a ghost? Should this be a test from whatever divine figure that hates you enough to manifest your dead fuck buddy, you were bound for damnation surely. Your lips part.
Your mouth sours with saliva before you can truly taste. Then it hits you. The succulent, metallic taste sinks onto your tastebuds and you hope that Jack’s blood remains there until the end of your days. The splotch of scarlet forever stained on your tongue like ink upon papyrus so that any lover you may take after Jack knows they can’t compare because they won’t come this close.
You flick the light out, for good this time, and guide Jack to your bed. He waits patiently as you crawl in first. He waits by the edge with bated breath and glances at the full moon for but a moment. You poke your leg out over the bed and poke him with your foot and he pounces at you. The shirt that was tucked underneath his puffer coat has minimal damage compared to the rest of him. You sit up and drag it off of him and he instead goes for ripping the fabric off like it’s burning him.
You’re doing the same to your own and Jack is immediately kissing on every inch of your skin, there's a desperation that is unlike anything you’ve ever known. After you’ve both wriggled out of every piece of clothing and left slobbering wet kisses across chests and lips you start to get to the most sinful and carnivorous part of the night.
Jack’s pumping himself and whimpering all sorts of filth at you as you kiss around the lines where skin meets meat. “Please, honey, I want you to, I do, c’mon” Just one bite. He needs it, he needs to know he’s good. “You can’t hurt me” he whispers, strained.
Your teeth graze the saccharine flesh before you sink into the hot and dewey meat. Jack’s warmed up intensely, the heat rolling off of him in the moonlight in thick clouds of white. Jack shudders and you begin to let go immediately “Fuck, no, keep going” he says, lowering his neck on you more as his fingers begin to grace around you.
When you fully sink in again, there’s a burst of an unfamiliar flavor that hits you so hard you hope it doesn’t immediately get you hooked and desperate like morphine. You pull and tear and suck upon him but it doesn’t change anything. The difference between the living and the undead is that while you’re aching and getting the relief of Jack’s feast upon your body, wether it be by biting or pumping into your core, Jack is unchanging until time wants him to. You’re glad you were blessed enough to have him presented as you remembered, just a bit more banged up. Deliciously so.
You’re happy you can be close to him again, like this. Nothing else in the world but the two of you. For however long he’s tied to this plane, you want to take advantage of it all and you will greedily keep him here until he’s forced to go. So you bite, you bite and rip and chew like it’s the last way you’ll ever love anyone ever again. You wrap your hands into his hair and dig your nails into his scalp and all he does is smile at you and whisper your name he keeps his pace thrusting inside of you. When you pull away to meet his eyes, the glint of the night rests in his irises.
You imagine you must look like something positively cryptid. His blood smothered across your mouth, a toothy smile in his direction like a fox in a henhouse. He doesn’t say anything, he merely places a kiss on your mouth and breathes heavily across your lips. “ M’ close, honey” he says, as thoughtful as ever, and that’s how you know this has to be real; previous thoughts be damned, werewolves, ghosts, lawyers? All real.
You know this Jack Goodman is yours because even after being mauled to death and abandoned, after having to tell his best friend that he has to die, and after finding himself in your bed again and being accepted with open arms, he still tells you when he’s about to cum.
“I’ll take it as a bereavement gift” you say and he simply rolls his eyes and says “you talk too much” you tug at his pulled apart skin again before falling back into the sheets. Biting your lip and wrapping your legs around his core, you hold Jack’s head as he buries it in your neck and presses his forehead in the nape of your shoulder to watch himself go in and out for a few strokes before he pulls back and kisses you hard. You don’t open your mouth quick enough and your teeth collide painfully for a second and Jack giggles an apology against your lips as he continues his thrusts.
He pushes you back into the pillows with his weight and he moans into your shoulder. The perfect cadence of sound in your ears and after he stills for a moment you can feel the pulse of his cock inside you as he cums.
Ever the overachiever, he pulls out quickly and places his bloodied mouth in between your legs. The blood of his neck laceration rubs slick and loud against your thigh coating every pore and marking.
He puts his mouth on your clit, just like you taught him. He twirls his tongue around and even tries murmuring out something to dirty talk you, but he gets so pussy drunk it’s nearly impossible to hear what he’s saying.
He takes care not to get a mouthful of his own cum, his fingers going at a pace that you can hear even buried in the pillows.
Once again your hands find his hair and you push him deeper into your clit and Jack, always the good boy, obliges and tongue fucks you even harder.
Your legs lock around his head as you cum and he lets out a hum as you do. Your hips snap forward and he rides it out. Once you’ve come down a bit, he presses a few kisses to your thighs before going up to join you.
“Hope birth control covers that”
“Be more surprised if it did, I think”
Jack snickers and lays next to you, fingers trailing up your figure with blankets gathered unevenly around the waist down.
He’s still a human furnace and you eagerly curl up next to him. “Will you be gone tomorrow?” You ask. You expect a melancholy response. “Might go tell David to kill himself, but I’ll be back. Can’t guarantee I’ll be this pretty though” he says.
You just kiss him and close your eyes.
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friday-the-400th · 11 months
I'm doing inside job and american werewolf in london ficsss
Hcs or one-shot BUT PREFERABLY HCS
No rules
Go hard.
I'm back and ready to work myself tired
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beachylupin · 8 months
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Werewolves of London || Remus Lupin x American!Fem!Reader
i've crawled out of writing slump hell to publish this. i really hope you all enjoy. feedback is always appreciated :-) let me know if you'd like to see more! <3 pt. 2 here word count: 3.6k warnings: talking about children being turned, mentions of a weapon, maybe a few swear words, i literally can't think of anything else
“You’re looking for the Leaky Cauldron in London,” the gruff-sounding man said over the phone. “Where are you calling from?”
“Heathrow?” You said, sounding confused. Where else would you be calling from? “Am I supposed to be somewhere else?”
“Right…” he muttered into the phone, shushing the person who was talking behind him. “You didn’t apparate to King’s Cross from there?”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to,” you mumbled as he said, “Could’ve just apparated instead of just taking a plane.”
“Have you apparated across an ocean?” You quipped, and he stopped grumbling. “Listen, I’ll figure it out, okay? Should I catch the tram to King’s Cross and call you when I get there? Or would you like me to apparate to somewhere I’ve never been?”
“Just take the bloody tram. We’ll send someone to meet you,” he grumbled, half-talking to the person behind him before hanging up abruptly.
You stood confused for a beat before hanging up the phone, quietly apologizing to the person behind you for taking so long.
Following the signs, you made it to the tram, boarding just before the doors closed.
You sat, keeping your luggage on your lap and you looked around at the other passengers. You were sure they could tell you weren’t from here.
You had on a long, leather duster jacket, hiding a dark green top and a pair of black bell bottoms. Tapping your heels to the song playing on your walkman, you ignored them, staring out the window at the underground darkness.
It wasn’t strange being called somewhere else. As someone who worked as an herbalist and potioneer who specialized in harvesting monkshood and brewing the difficult potion invented a few years prior, this was your job.
You were a board member of the Lycanthropy Regulation and Control Committee at the Magical Congress of the United States of America. It was your duty to try and prevent them from coming into towns and completely ravaging them by giving them wolfsbane when they were caught.
Wolfsbane, monkshood, or aconite was deadly. If it was harvested by someone inexperienced, they could simply die. For a lycanthrope, this was their saving grace. This miracle plant is what kept them human.
You were here to help develop a type of werewolf resolution, Project Blue, for what a leader of sorts, Mr. Moody, had called “The Order.” You thought of this group as the resistance to whatever race war had been started here.
This resolution would be developed in secret by both you and the maker of the wolfsbane potion, Damocles Belby, and it had to remain a secret. You had received a list of names that could know exactly what you were doing attached to a different letter from Mr. Dumbledore, and you assumed the rest were to be left in the dark.
Mr. Dumbledore also gave you a protector, who was called Moony. You were given specific instructions to board with this Mr. Moony and tell nobody only if they told you the code word: blue. To anyone unsuspecting, blue is just a color, but to someone who knew about the project, it meant the color of the solution: wolfsbane.
The war really must have been in full swing, and considering that you were an American half-blood, you were stepping into dangerous territory.
Sure, the United States had its fair share of war, but it was the mixing pot of the world. Pure blood, half blood, or no-maj born: a wizard was a wizard. You had always been treated just the same.
Werewolves, however? They were something else completely. The United States werewolf was one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Having endless room to roam, they often lived outside of civilization, only coming in when they needed someone new to join their tribe.
This meant taking the children in quiet towns and turning them into werewolves so that by the time that they were fully grown and strong, they had no memories of being a human. 
These were the werewolves that you typically saw: mangy, feral, and insisting that they didn’t need wolfsbane. Nearly all of them had never taken it before, spending their whole werewolf existence in the wild, losing themselves completely, even when they weren’t in their wolf form.
It was devastating, not only for the families of these children, but for the werewolves that were doing their part to prevent anyone else from getting this terrible disease.
The werewolves of London and the surrounding area were almost always docile. Having taken wolfsbane from the moment they turned, they’d given up the desire to live a feral life.
However, there was a pack that was a danger to The Order. A pack that led the American lifestyle and stayed away unless they needed a new member. One led by Fenrir Greyback. A name that put shivers down anyone’s spine.
The tram screeched to a stop at King’s Cross, and you got off, immediately finding a phone. You dialed the number again.
“Who am I looking for?” You asked as a now different louder man coughed.
“Uhhh-” He cupped the receiver, his shouting muffled. “Aye! Who’d we send again?” Someone answered him and he loudly removed his hand. “A blonde girl! My age! Pretty.”
“How am I supposed to know your age?” You asked, looking around for a blonde girl. “I can’t see you.”
“Oh… Um, right,” he mumbled, covering the receiver again. “Hey! How would you describe Marlene?!” His shouting was muffled again, but this time, the phone was forcibly taken from him, a girlish huff breathing into the receiver.
“Right, you’re looking for a girl named Marlene McKinnon.” This girl sounded exasperated, shushing the laughter behind her. “She left here wearing leather trousers and a feather duster coat. ‘M sure she’s wearing a beret,” she said as you looked around King’s Cross.
You found who fit the bill immediately, dressed in exactly what the girl described.
“I found her! Thank you!” You breathed. “I’ll probably see you in a little bit.”
“Most likely!” She sounded like she was smiling. “Goodbye, and safe travels!”
Hanging up the phone, you picked your luggage up again, weaving through the small crowd to where the pretty blonde was standing.
She looked to be about in her late teens. Her makeup was sparkly and dark, and she had on about a million necklaces. The feather duster coat was gaudy. Nearly everything about her was gaudy.
“Marlene?” You asked as soon as you approached her. You introduced yourself, taking her ringed hand into your gloved one.
“You must be our gal!” She said, pulling you into a tight hug. “How was your flight?”
You shrugged. “Long.”
“Bloody hell, I can only imagine,” she said, her hand still in yours as she pulled you through the station. “Leaky is just a few blocks down!”
Marlene finally let go of your hand as soon as you were out of the busy station and in the rainy September air. “Have you been to London before?”
You shook your head. “I’ve never been over the ocean.”
“Ooh, first time?” She asked, her eyebrows raised. “We’ll have to show you a good one then.”
“Well, I’m here on business,” you said, desperately trying to keep up with her. “I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to have fun.”
“How long are you here for?” She asked.
You shrugged, genuinely not knowing. “However long it takes for it to get developed.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “What’s it?”
“I’m not supposed to disclose that information,” you said quietly, looking at your feet. At least to you.
Marlene glanced at you, her expression unreadable. “Well, I’m sure you’ll still have time.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, but not wanting to argue, you continued on after her, your luggage clattering on behind you.
The Leaky Cauldron was a hole-in-the-wall type of pub. It was no wonder they were allowed to be in downtown London without worrying about no-majs coming in.
It was fairly busy, and Marlene quickly bee-lined to the back where there was a secluded table full of people. She mumbled something before sitting down, and they all turned to look at you as you excused yourself past a group of open-mouthed witches.
“Hi everyone,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ears once you set your luggage down. You scanned their surprisingly young faces. “Who was the first person I talked to on the phone? Um.. Mr. Alastor M-” Moony? Moody?
“Moody?” The raven-haired boy said. You nodded, eyebrows raised hopefully. “He left.”
“He left?” You asked, scoffing when everyone at the table nodded. “Why?”
“You took too long,” he replied as if it was an easy answer. “He’ll be ‘round tomorrow morning with everyone else.”
“I told you that you’d have time,” Marlene said, smiling tightly. “Things don’t get done around here unless you stick us to it. The rest of ‘em are old.”
“They’re busy,” another boy corrected her.
“Great,” you sighed. “Well, in that case-” You pinched off your leather gloves and stuck your hand out to the raven-haired boy, introducing yourself.
“Sirius Black,” he said, shaking your hand enthusiastically. “It’s nice to meet you!”
You nodded then looked at the bespeckled boy. “Tell me your name is something easy to remember,” you teased, smiling at the other boy.
“I’m James,” he said, and you sighed a breath of faux relief.
“I’ll remember that one,” you said, smiling at the rest of the group.
James then pointed to the blonde boy. “That’s Peter. Next to him is Lily, and this-”
You could tell immediately who he was. Mr. Dumbledore, who you still hadn’t met yet, had told you that there was indeed a werewolf in “The Order,” and up until this point, you couldn’t discern who. 
But he looked the part, down to the claw-like scars that riddled his face. He didn’t look dangerous. He looked the least dangerous of them all, dressed like an old man in a funky blue and brown sweater and dingy jeans. You couldn’t tell if he was a teen or fifty from the way he held himself, but considering his friends, you decided he was on the younger side of the spectrum.
“Remus,” he said, smiling slightly.
“Remus,” you repeated. You held his gaze for a beat longer before clearing your throat. “Well, it’s nice to meet all of you.” You glanced at your luggage then back at the table.
He glanced at your luggage as well, meeting your eyes with a look that said, “Leave it.” You furrowed your eyebrows.
Sirius pulled out a chair for you, patting it so you’d sit.
You obliged, looking around the table.
“I was hoping Moo-” Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to remember his name. Not Moony. “Um, Alastor?”
“Moody,” Sirius finished for you, exchanging a look with James.
“Yeah, Moody was going to be here to set me up with the right person, but I see that might not happen tonight,” you said, settling into your seat.
“Well, who exactly are you looking for?” James asked, looking around the group. “We might be able to set you up with…” He baited you, waiting for the name.
“I’m not supposed to disclose that information with you,” you mumbled, looking down. “It’s… It’s all very secretive, I know, but I got very detailed instructions about what I’m supposed to do and who I’m supposed to discuss and do it with.” You threw a pained smile at the group. “Your names aren’t on that list…” You glanced at Remus, then sent your gaze at the table. “Only a few can know right now.”
“So we can know nothing?” Sirius asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m sure you’ll know eventually,” you suggested and sighed when he rolled his eyes. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could tell you.”
“What can we know?” Marlene asked, causing you to shrug.
“What do you want to know?” You countered, glancing at the small group.
Lily stared at you with narrowed eyes. “What do you do in America?”
“I work for the Magical Congress of the United States,” you answered simply. “I’m a herbalist and potioneer.”
The girls cocked their heads.
“How old are you?” Peter asked, resting his cheeks on his hands.
“And you work for them at nineteen?” Peter acted shocked, his eyebrows furrowed.
Peter humphed, sitting back in his chair. “Carry on.”
“Have you always lived in America?” James asked, and you nodded.
“Where do you live in America?” Sirius asked.
“I kind of move from place to place depending upon the need for me,” you replied. A few of them furrowed their eyebrows. “Home base is New York City, though.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Marlene asked. “They needed you for something?”
You paused, shrugging slightly. “Yes?”
“For herbalism and potions,” Lily clarified, and you sighed, shrugging.
“I suppose,” you said. “I’m not going to tell you why I’m here.”
Lily pursed her lips. “I’ll figure it out. Just give me a moment.”
“I really don’t think you will,” you said, your eyebrows pinched together. “I haven’t given you anything to work off of.”
But Lily ignored you, her eyes closed as she thought. Marlene was next to her, trying to piece it together.
“Remus,” Sirius said, leaning to look at him. “You’re awfully quiet over there. Do you have any dying questions for the girl at the stand?”
Remus, who had been all but paying attention, hummed, looking at you.
“What’s your favorite color?” He asked.
Sirius and James let out a laugh.
“Really?” Peter asked, hands hitting the table. “We’re in a Sherlock type mystery and you ask what her favorite color is?”
“It’s an important question,” Remus replied, shrugging. He looked back at you, hopeful.
“Blue,” you said, and he narrowed his eyes.
“Blue?” He repeated, and you nodded. A knowing smile grew on Remus’ face. “Interesting.”
“How is that bloody interesting?” Sirius asked. “It’s blue. Everything is bloody blue.”
Remus simply shrugged, glancing at you again. “Just… fitting.”
You narrowed your eyes. He must’ve been the one that Mr. Dumbledore called Moony.
“What’s yours?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Green,” he said, smiling. Sirius looked between the two of you.
You nodded, looking around. “Any other questions?”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “What does he know?”
You glanced at Remus. “Probably as much as you.”
Remus confirmed your suspicion with a nod.
“Well, we’ll figure you out,” Lily said, leaning her head on Sirius’ arm. “Before you tell us.”
“Where are you staying?” James asked, glancing at Lily and Sirius. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you stayed with us.”
“I actually have a room booked here,” you lied, pushing yourself up from the chair. “I should probably see if it’s ready for me.”
“Right,” James said, smiling slightly as he stood. “We should be off, shouldn’t we?” He asked, reaching for Lily’s hand. She took it, allowing herself to be pulled up, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“We have an early morning,” Sirius said, glancing at Marlene. “You ready?”
Marlene nodded, getting up. “It was nice meeting you,” she said curtly.
“Yeah, it was nice meeting all of you,” you replied, watching Remus stand, nose crinkled as his knee popped.
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Sirius said, looking at Lily. “We’ll have you figured out by then.”
You sighed. “Please don’t try to figure me out.”
“Too late,” Lily said sweetly, her hand in James’ as she started pulling him out of the pub.
James waved a goodbye to you and Marlene tailed the two of them out with Sirius following slightly behind. He turned around.
“You coming, Moony?” He asked, and Remus shook his head.
“I need a night cap,” he said, waving Sirius away. “Don’t worry about me.”
Sirius took this dismissal with a raised eyebrow, slightly shrugging before walking away.
“Moony?” You said quietly, crossing your arms over your chest. “That isn’t a very clever nickname.”
“Neither is Bane, but I didn’t say anything,” he quipped, reaching to take your luggage but you beat him to it.
“Bane?” You said, your nose crinkled. “That’s what your leader is calling me?”
“Better than Monk like he originally wanted,” he said, offering you his arm. You looked at it, sighing. “We’re going to have to apparate.”
“I know,” you grumbled, taking his arm. “I just hate doing it.”
“It’s not my favorite thing either,” he said, leading you outside the pub.
The wet sidewalk was clear, allowing Remus to quickly lead you into the alleyway, looking around again.
“Take a breath,” he said, and you did so, the breath leaving you as soon as there was a familiar tug on your navel.
The Eldritch Manor lay before you, half destroyed. It was supposed to be your place to sleep and work. A place to be safe. This didn’t look like a place where you could do any of those things.
Half of the manor was missing, rubble and stones lying in a place where a wing might’ve been. A house fire was possible, but it looked as though something hit the house.
“‘S not much,” Remus said quietly, allowing you to drop his arm. He immediately reached into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
He could tell you weren’t impressed by the way you straightened, your owlish eyes staring at the half of the house that was still standing.
It was also made of stone, but it was covered in dying ivy, a plant that would’ve flourished in the summer. A gnarled branch weaved its way up the front of the house.
“I wasn’t impressed either,” he said through a puff of his cigarette. “But it’s what we’ve got.”
He stamped out the other half of his cigarette and headed inside, leaving you to follow behind him.
You looked around Remus’ house. It wasn’t huge but it wasn’t tiny. Books and blankets lay on almost every surface, and there was a chill running through the house that you couldn’t quite place. You set your luggage down and toed off your shoes, watching as Remus knelt down in front of the fireplace, busying himself with stacking logs.
“This isn’t where I normally live,” he said, his knees cracking as he stood up from the fireplace. “This is temporary.” He took his wand out, lighting the fire wordlessly.
“Like a safe-house?” You asked, sitting down in a leathery chair, covering yourself with the throw blanket.
“Exactly like that,” he said, sitting down across from you. “Got here a few days ago to make it homey.”
You looked around the small living room. There was an endless supply of books around, as if that’s all he did in his spare time. You leaned, peeking at the kitchenette, where a stove and a fridge sat, looking as if they’d never been used.
“It’s nice,” you said quietly, looking into the fire.
A lull fell over the two of you. Maybe Remus figured that you were tired from your journey, or maybe he didn’t know what to say.
You didn’t have much to say either. This was the first time that you were meeting him, and you only knew a few things about him. First, his name was Remus, and he went by Moony. Second, his favorite color was actually most likely green considering all of the blankets in this house were either green or brown, and third, he was a werewolf who hated being a werewolf.
You didn’t have to ask him to know that. The way he tried to act normal was a telltale sign.
Remus cleared his throat, causing you to turn your attention to him. “So Moody said what you’re working on is… dangerous? And that you needed my help?”
“Sort of,” you sighed, and he continued staring, urging you to go on. “You haven’t been debriefed yet, have you?” you asked, sitting up straighter. He shook his head causing you to sigh again.
“You need to talk with me?” Remus asked.
“I’m actually here to consult with Damocles Belby, the inventor of-”
“Wolfsbane, yeah,” he interjected. 
“Alastor was supposed to set that up tonight, but he left, as you know,” You said, your tone clipped. “Him and I… We’re trying to fashion a type of… explosive to use in case of-”
“A werewolf?” Remus asked, and you reluctantly nodded.
“A feral werewolf,” you corrected him, your mouth tight.
“Ah,” Remus tutted. “So you’re saying someone whose a monster-”
“That’s not at all what I’m saying,” you said quietly as his gaze dropped from yours. “I’m not saying they’re monsters. Werewolves aren’t monsters, but I don’t think you understand the real problem-“
“Moony is… I am the problem,” he quipped, getting up. “I think I understand it quite well. Now, if you’re thinking you’re going to use a bomb on me-”
“I never said it was going to be you-”
“-you’re daft, alright?” He finished over you, pulling the sleeves of his sweater down as he strode across the room.
You scrambled after him. “You’re not part of the problem, Remus!” You called, following him down the hall. “You do your part to prevent the spread! I can tell!”
He snorted, looking at you over his shoulder. “If that’s your way of telling me that you think I’m a virgin, you’re dead wrong.”
Your eyebrows instantly furrowed, taken aback. “Lycanthropy isn’t spread that way,” you muttered more to yourself than to him. You huffed, catching his hand as he rounded the kitchen doorway. He stopped, glaring at you. “You’re not understanding me. You haven’t turned anyone. You’re not biting anyone on full moons, right?”
“Okay, good,” you huffed, letting him pull his hand away from yours. “The explosive is for the ones who try their hardest to turn as many innocents as possible. The ones who flock into defenseless villages and towns to kill and turn anyone they see.” You swallowed, your tone quiet, “The ones who turn children.”
Remus’ face turned from sullen to serious as he blinked, eyebrows furrowing. “Why do you need my help?”
“I think you might know where they’re hiding.”
314 notes · View notes
loveshotzz · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Summary: Your first day at Family Video goes better then expected and when Eddie invites you on a late night drive you can’t say no.
Series Masterlist
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Still pretty SFW. Two idiots being vulnerable and flirting. TW : mentions of sexual assault in the past (no details just alluded to).
I won’t need a community label just yet for this series but I will soon so if you haven’t changed your settings please make sure you do. I had one of my fics flagged today.
Authors Note: This is the biggest story concept I’ve ever tried doing so thank you to everyone who’s been reading so far. I’ve never taken on a story with so many characters and moving parts so comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are all greatly appreciated. A special thank you to my wife @myobmaya and @sweetsweetjellybean for reading my rough drafts and helping me get out of my head.
Tag list: @emotionaldreamer @eddiesprincess86 @bimbobaggins69 @rach5ive @luckyysstarr @h-ness1944 @stolen-in-moonlight @bohemianrhapsody86 @maximizedrhythms @ms1oftheboys @b-irock @amethyst1258 @princesseddie @munsonology
Despite Eddie promising that the two of you would be inseparable you didn’t see him again after that. Even going as far as peaking out your window hoping to catch a glimpse of that wild mane of his shamelessly trying to orchestrate an ‘accidental’ run in. Convincing yourself it was because you were bored not because you wanted to see his dimples again. His van never seemed to be there between normal working hours, of course he must’ve had a full time job he was 20.
So when Friday rolled around and your Chevy Nova pulled into the parking lot of your new job with a loud squeal, you were ready for some solid human interaction. Reaching over to pop open your glovebox, your eyes lock with the rolled joint courtesy of Eddie’s Munson’s free weed. After work joints were a favorite past time of yours deciding tonight would be a good time to continue the tradition.
Your driver door opens with it’s usual loud creak, the cringe on your face never going away no matter how many times it happens. Wiping your sweaty nervous palms on the dark denim of your jeans, the converse on your feet bring you to the entrance.
Bells chime loudly when you walk in, standing in the front you glance around the store thats filled wall to wall with any kind of movie any one in this small town could ever want. There’s a faint smell of popcorn which you find odd considering it wasn’t an actual movie theater, with American Werewolf in London playing quietly in the background you don’t think you’ll hate it here. Racking your brain you desperately try to remember the name of the guy you were suppose to be asking for. The magic of being surrounded by movies finally fading with reality kicking in. You knew it started with an ‘S’ was it Stan? Stu?
“Is there some kind of beauty pageant in Hawkins I wasn’t aware of Robin?” The smooth voice of the boy resting on the counter in front of you catches your attention. He’s got the kind of hair a model would kill for and a smile that’s worth a million bucks. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, your smart enough to catch the green family video vest wrapped around his broad shoulders.
The striped polo underneath it definitely does the boy favors, with pants so tight they are almost enough to make your cheeks turn hot. Eye’s flickering down you catch the ‘Steve’ on his name tag. Holding back an internal groan you remember exactly who you were suppose to ask for.
“Steve Harrington?”
The smile on his face only widens with a flirtatious twinkle in his eyes as he pushes himself off the counter “And she knows my name already, this must be my lucky day.”
The girl he referred to as Robin catches on before he does, with a loud laugh her honey colored waves bounce as she throws her head back.
“Way to hit on the new girl dingus.”
Steve’s cheeks flush deep red when he realizes his mistake, hazel eyes going wide when they meet yours drowning with embarrassment.
“Oh man, this is awkward. Look that was super inappropriate. I’m so sorry, please don’t quit.” The confident demeanor he was putting on suddenly gone, leaving nothing but a nervous rambling boy in his place.
“Do you always hit on the customers?” Cocking a brow you cross your arms over your chest, the corner of your lips turning up. Just like Eddie you were enjoying watching him squirm. Something about humiliating boys bringing you joy, especially cocky boys like Steve Harrington.
“Absolutely he does, you’ll get used to it.” The girl behind the counter cuts him off before making her way around. Her tuxedo top, rolled up to her elbows makes her look like an 80’s dream. With a black tie wrapped tightly around the neck of her button up tucked into her high waisted slacks she’s the epitome of cool even with the green vest.
“I’m Robin by the way.” Extending her hand she gives you a sweet smile showing her perfect white teeth.
“I’m y/n.” Wrapping your hand around hers, you glance back at Steve. “I’ll forgive you just this once, but only because it clearly hasn’t been working for you.”
Robin’s laugh echos again when she drops your hand, pinching the bridge of his nose Steve makes his way passed both of you going back behind the counter mumbling under his breath about grabbing you a vest.
“Look, if this is going to be a new dynamic here. The kind where you two gang up on me, I’m not going to be okay with that.” He doesn’t look at either one of you while he’s talking, rummaging through the drawers underneath the registers until he finds a slightly used looking vest.
“Aww calm down Stevie, we’re just having fun. It’s not like I haven’t made fun of your poor attempts at picking up unsuspecting women at work before.” Robin grins eating up Steve’s irritation.
The day is spent watching cheesy training videos in the small back room that looks like it hadn’t been cleaned in years, both of them taking turns checking in on you. When you make it on the sales floor after a few hours of mindless torture you realize Robin was right. Not only did you get used to Steve’s over the top pick up lines, but against your better judgment you couldn’t help but find yourself entertained by the relentless-ness of his determination. Watching Steve get turned down more times then you could count you were shocked at how fast your first day went. Laughing and falling into easy banter with the two of them, there was a small part of you that wasn’t ready for your shift to end.
The night air has a sharp chill to it when the three of you close up, looking up at the clear sky you still couldn’t get over how many stars you could see out here. Losing yourself for a second it’s only when Robin grabs the back of your arm you remember where you are.
“Everything good?” Her eyes are soft on you.
“Oh- um yeah. We just didn’t have stars like this in the city. It’s beautiful out here.” Giving her a reassuring smile Steve snorts at your words.
“Hawkins? Beautiful? You absolutely just moved here.” Shrugging on his grey jacket he tosses his keys in the air before catching them with a wink.
“You love to show off don’t you?” Teasing Steve was becoming one of your favorite things. You couldn’t help but feel excited about the prospect of making friends with the two of them. Your new mysterious one missing in action.
“No need to show off sweetheart, I’m just that good.” Steve’s cockiness makes Robin give him a hard shove as the three of you make your way to your cars.
“A Chevy Nova? Niiiiice.” Steve heckles with a grin when he sees your car parked adjacent to his. Yours rusted and old, his shiny and new.
“Not all of us can drive BMW’s Steve.” Rolling your eyes, your fingers dig through your purse for your keys.
“Last I checked she actually has her own place. Aren’t you two the same age?” Robin smirks opening the passenger side door of Steve’s car.
Of course he was taking Robin home, the closeness of the two obvious best friends makes your heart swell with a mixture of admiration and jealousy.
“Yeah, yeah keep it up or you’re walking home.” Opening the driver side Steve leans forward arms resting over the door and the roof. “All jokes aside I’m glad Keith didn’t hire someone lame. Remember Tammy Thompson?” Looking towards his friend she makes an exaggerated show of rolling her eyes nodding her head.
“You did great!” Robin gives you a double thumbs up enthusiastically. The gesture making a small smile spread over your face.
You mimic Steve’s stance on your own car “Yeah, I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I was going too. Even if Steve did hit on me when I first walked in.”
Robin throws her head back loving having someone else who’s not charmed by his slick tongue and pseudo confidence.
“Look can we just forget that happened okay?” Pinching the bridge of his nose for the millionth time that day, you were figuring out this was a signature stance.
“Never, I’m never going to let you forget it Harrington.” Throwing him a wink you give Robin a small wave before getting into your car. Eager hands already reaching for what you’d been looking forward to all day.
Steve’s headlights flood the inside of your dark car, when he doesn’t make any moves to pull out it takes you a minute to realize that he’s waiting for you to leave first. He was making sure you were safe.
Maybe the city had hardened your heart but you weren’t used to strangers having your best interests in mind like this. The simple gesture is enough to make your chest tighten.
With the windows rolled down the bitter night air feels good running through your hair. Inhaling deeply you blow the smoke out into the darkness of the back roads, Bat Out of Hell playing so loud it makes your speakers shake. Your mind can’t help but wander to Eddie, the nickname Wayne gave him few nights prior seemed nothing short of fitting. The thought of the two men makes your lips twitch up despite your best efforts. The fleeting beginnings of happiness settling deep in your chest as your tires speed down the pavement, doing the unthinkable you let yourself feel it.
The hope you had felt after you met your new neighbors grows ten fold when you think about your first day with Steve and Robin. The new feeling of excitement radiates through your finger tips as they tap against the steering wheel. Singing loudly and off tune, you finally let yourself take the breath you had been holding onto for the past few years. You finally made the right choice, the first time in your whole life.
Hitting the entrance of the trailer park, you turn the music down not wanting to be on the receiving end of Wayne’s annoyance. When your headlights hit their trailer the boy you’d been trying to catch a glimpse of the past few days is right in front of you. A group of kids who couldn’t be any older then 15 surround him, with arms flailing animatedly all of them seemed to be getting into some kind of heated argument. Brows furrowing, you notice all of their matching baseball tee’s. Hellfire Club.
By the time you pull into your drive way you’ve caught Eddie’s attention. Chocolate eyes on you, the dimples you definitely weren’t thinking about show themselves when his lips pull up into a smile. Ignoring the arguing boys in front of him, he shoves passed them making long strides towards your car as you start getting out.
“There’s my new best friend!” Arms spread wide his smile only grows bigger showing his teeth.
His loud outburst makes the kids stop fighting, one with particularly curly hair covered in a baseball cap quirks his head at you.
“Who’s that?” His voice has a slight lisp to it and you can’t help but think it’s cute. The one he spoke to had long black hair that looked eerily similar to the metal head’s that was walking towards you.
“I didn’t know he knew any girls.” The only one without a Hellfire shirt speaks up, wearing the same letterman jacket as the guys from the other night piecing together that they must be in high school. The three boys watch both of you with curious eyes.
“Well, well if it isn’t Mr. disturb the peace himself.” A teasing smirk pulls at the corner of your lips. Crossing your arms over your chest you lean back against your car, the heat of the drive keeping the metal and your body warm.
“I’ll have you know, I don’t resent that title at all.” The wink he gives you makes your stomach flutter and you do your best to ignore it.
The smile on Eddie’s face only widens when he reaches you, standing in front of him makes you realize just how tall he actually is. Craning your neck up to meet his doe eyes, you can’t help but match his excited energy. Your own cheeks hurting from how hard he was making you grin.
“Care to tell me why your hanging out with children on a Friday night? And also why you’re all in matching shirts?”
“Why? You jealous? You want one?” Rocking back on his heels he clasps his hands behind his head making his shirt ride up, your proud of the self control you maintain when your eyes don’t flicker down.
“As metal looking as they are, I have no idea what Hellfire club is. Is it that satanic cult you were trying to get me to join the other night?” Arching your brow with a teasing smirk it was far too easy to slip in your usual banter with him.
Glancing over his shoulder you see the kids are watching you with baited breath.
“That’s a hefty invite to get, I don’t think we’re there yet. It’s the DND club I run.” You can’t help but take notice in the prideful look in his eyes when he says it.
“Don’t tell me that the Eddie Munson is a Dungeon Master. ” Batting your eyelashes at him you play into his ego just a little bit.
When his cheeks flush pink your own ego grows slightly.
“Yes M’lady you are in the presence greatness. I’m not just any Dungeon Master, I’m the Dungeon Master sweetheart. Just ask those destroyed little sheep over there.” Turning around he points at the three boys who quickly try to act like they weren’t opening staring at whatever was unfolding right in front of them.
Giving them a little wave you chuckle to yourself at how awkward they get before clambering into Eddie’s van arguing in hushed voices.
“Are you their baby sitter or something?” Eddie’s eyes widen at your question when he turns back to you.
“Uhh not exactly.” Fidgeting with his rings he stops making eye contact, the ground suddenly becoming interesting.
“What do you-“
“What are you doing right now?” Eddie cuts you off before you can press further bringing his attention back to you, excitement dancing in his brown pools like he just got a brilliant idea.
“Like right now, right now?” Pushing yourself off the car you look down at your watch. Red numbers reading 9:45pm flash back at you.
“Well not right this second but like 40 minutes from now? I just got to take these little idiots home but after that I gotta make some runs. I could use a co pilot...” Raising his eyebrows at you he watches the wheels in your head turn. “Besides I know my Uncle offered up my tour guide services free of charge to you.”
“You’re gonna give me a tour in the middle of the night?” Giving him a hard time, you already know you’re going to say yes.
“That’s the perfect time, all the assholes are inside.” Flashing you a toothy grin he starts backwards towards his van. “Be outside in 30.”
“You just said 40!” The butterflies can’t be ignored this time at the thought of spending the entire evening with him.
“I drive fast, bring whatever music you want. I’ll even let you set the mood that’s how nice I am.” Throwing a wink your way he turns around jogging the rest of the way to his van. The curly haired boy’s head sticks out the driver side window, a knowing smirk spread wide over his face.
“Oh okay buddy, I see you.” His eyes squint when his cheeks push up, a look of pure joy.
“Can it Henderson, get in your seat.” You can’t help but laugh at Eddie’s sharp tone with the kid, the sweet sound makes him turn his head one last time flashing you a quick smile before jumping in.
Starting his van with a loud rumble, you watch him peel out with Metallica back at the volume that got him flicked between the eyes. Completely ignoring his Uncle’s warning, something tells you it won’t be the last time you see that argument happen.
“Are you seriously going to make me listen to Meatloaf?” Eddie scoffs grabbing the cassette from your hand.
“First of all you said I could pick the music, and I told you the other night that I loved him. Specifically mentioned Meatloaf while addressing your question about Metallica.” Crossing your arms your staring up at him again only this time next to the passenger door of his van.
Rolling his eyes his wiggles the tape in his hand “Yeah, yeah, yeah I guess I did say that.”
“I could just go have the relaxing night alone I had planned if you’d rather not listen to my music choice.” Arching your brow you pretend not to be hyper aware of his reaction.
“Whoa, whoa whoa sweetheart, lets not get crazy here.” Opening the door for you it creaks loudly just like yours. Eddie’s face turning into your familiar cringe.
The warmth of his calloused hand makes you jump when it comes in contact with your skin. Fingers wrapping gently around yours he helps you take the giant step into his van. Heat prickling at your cheeks too shy to meet his eyes you climb into the passenger seat. When he lets go and shuts the door you pretend like you don’t miss the feeling of his touch.
The smell of cigarettes and weed hit your nose first, there’s an underlining hint of drug store cologne that lingers faintly behind it. It was Eddie’s smell trapped and encapsulated inside the metal confines of his van. Inhaling deeply it’s oddly comforting to you, closing your eyes you let yourself enjoy it before he’s opening the drivers side door. Still not ready to meet his gaze you begin snooping around. Turning around in your seat you can’t stop grin that spreads over your face. With the back seats removed the empty space was filled with giant blankets and fluffy pillows. Warn in and well loved you could already picture him lounged out with a joint dangling from his lips lost in his music thats always being played too loud.
“Admiring my office?” You don’t realize how close his face is to yours till you turn around ready to respond.
Eddie Munson’s giant brown eyes are only inches from yours and it’s almost enough to make you forget how to breath for a second. The self control you were so proud to have doesn’t exist in the close quarters of his van, eyes dropping down to his lips it’s hard for you to look away. When his tongue licks over his bottom lip, you realize he’s doing the same thing.
“You call this an office?” Snorting your the one that breaks the tension. The breath he’d been holding fans hot across your cheeks. “This looks like Cheech and Chongs hang out spot.”
“I am a pot dealer if you don’t remember?” Shaking his head with grin he finally pulls out of your personal space. “Besides it weirdly makes the first time buyers comfortable, gotta keep them coming back sweetheart.”
Turning the key in the ignition the van shakes with the start of the engine, settling into your seat you reach over clicking your seat belt into place ignoring the feeling of Eddie’s burning stare.
“Yes?” Meeting his eyes you try to read the expression on his face.
“I’m just going to give you the agenda for the evening, you know as a good tour guide should.”Raising his eye brows he waits for you to nod encouraging him to continue.
“First, we’re gonna drive to my buddy Rick’s house so I can pick up some new supply. Then there’s just a few people I gotta drop off too, it’ll be super quick.” He waves his hand as he continues like the boring stuff was done. “But after that, I thought I could show you some of my favorite smoking spots. Places I like to go to clear my head.”
“I don’t know Munson, sounds like you’re trying to get me high in the back of your van.” corners of your eyes wrinkling you can’t seem to get enough of giving him a hard time. Others would call it flirting, but that’s not what you’re telling yourself this is.
“What? Me? You’re the perv that suggested it. I never said anything about going to the back of the van.” Eyes lighting up he nudges your shoulder with his own before putting the van in drive. “Put on your dad rock and light this joint, so far you’re a lousy co-pilot I have to say.”
You can’t stop that laugh from bubbling out of your chest, throwing your head back you haven’t felt this carefree around a person in awhile. There’s a part of you that wants to fight it but just like in your car on the way home, you’re going to let yourself feel it even if just for tonight.
The ride to Rick’s house was shorter then you thought it would be, but still long enough for you and Eddie to kill your first joint. With finger tips grazing each time you passed it back and fourth, your touches become more and more prominent as your inhibitions lower. Stolen glances lingering longer then they should, laughing probably a little too hard at each other’s bad jokes. The pure bliss of it all consuming you. So when you pulled up to the house that sat right at the edge of the lake, you were embarrassed of how much of you didn’t want him to leave even if it was just going to be for a few minutes.
“He’s super weird about people he doesn’t know, I’ll just be like five minutes I swear.” Leaving his keys in the ignition he gives your knee a reassuring squeeze. Rings hitting the lights on the dashboard the glint catching your eye when he pulls away.
“Putting a lot of trust in me not to steal you van.” You tease desperate to get him to stay even just for a few moments longer.
“Look, I know where you live okay? You wouldn’t get very far.” Eddie’s grinning from ear to ear when he hops out.
The smile never leaves your face when the wild haired boy runs up to the front door of the house. Taking advantage of being alone you start to really look around the inside of his van, empty packs of Marlboro Reds are littered all over the floors, there’s a half drank big gulp sitting in his cup holder, some kind of red liquid mixed with old ash from a mixture of cigarettes and joints. A guitar pick that’s similar to the one that hangs around his neck dangles from the rearview mirror. His dashboard is covered in band stickers, ranging from Iron Maiden to Wasp it was collage of all of his favorites. Running your fingers over the edges of each one you can tell they were strategically placed with the utmost care. This was Eddie’s safe space, and here he was inviting you to join him in it.
True to his word, he’s only gone for a few minutes before the loud creak of his door brings you out of your thoughts, clambering in with his toothy grin still intact.
“One stop down, two more to go.” Reaching over he puts the brown paper sack at your feet fingers brushing against your leg when he sits back up. Cheeks tingling when they linger for just a second.
There’s a brief moment of comfortable silence that falls between the two of you on your drive to his next destination. Eyeing his pack of cigarettes that sit on top of his radio you decide to be bold and help yourself. Besides, it was his fault you smoked your last one anyway.
Without missing a beat Eddie starts digging through his jean pockets for a lighter. Handing it over to you with a wink clearly not caring about your sticky fingers.
“Gimmie one too?” His eyes are soft when they look at you. Fishing out the two smokes you plop one in your mouth before reaching over waiting for him to grab his from your palm. Lighting your cigarette you look over confused when he never takes his own. His grip never leaving the steering wheel, he leans across the console with an open mouth. It takes you a minute to realize what Eddie want you to do. Unwilling to meet his gaze, with your best poker face on you slot it between his full lips. Ignoring the way they feel when they brush across your finger tips as they close around the butt. Shaky hands light his cigarette. The flame dances across his face in the darkness of the van casting shadows along his cheek bones and jawline.
Eddie Munson was handsome.
Inhaling deeply hollowing out his cheeks his eyes flicker between the road and you. Exhaling through your nose you focus on ignoring the way he’s staring at you until it’s obvious he wants your attention.
“I’m starting to realize you have a real staring problem.” You tease deciding that the only way you’ll keep your composure is by giving him a hard time.
Ignoring your remark he takes another drag of his cigarette before rolling his window down to ash.
“So what’s your damage?” It’s a loaded question when it leaves his mouth, even he knows that.
“Well you just jump straight to the point huh?” Averting your gaze you busy yourself with another hit ignoring the way you palms start to sweat at the thought of sharing with him. Too scared that once he finds out he’ll decide it’s too much.
“Come on, you’re 21 and you live on your own. You left the city to move to Hawkins of all places, there’s a reason for that.” Inhaling the last of his cigarette he flicks it out the window before rolling it back up. “Look, you tell me yours I’ll tell you mine?”
You don’t know if it’s the weed or if it’s the boy next to you, maybe even a combination of both that lets the well crafted wall you had built crumble just a little. Taking another hard drag you let the smoke sit in your lungs, the nicotine giving your brain the fuzzy feeling you were craving.
You exhale loudly before finally sharing something you’d kept close to you for so long.
“Things happened back home - consent wasn’t something that was respected at a shitty high school party. It’s been a few years but you know, it’s almost like you can’t ever fully come back from something like that. ” Refusing to meet his eyes you suck your bottom lip between your teeth nervously, despite your better judgment you keep going. Maybe it was the way he was actually listening.
“Somehow my genetics sparred me from being an alcoholic but my parents weren’t so lucky. It was all so much that I felt like I couldn’t think. Like I couldn’t breathe. I guess I just needed to get away from it all.”
Taking the last drag of your cigarette you finally let yourself glance in his direction. His face is set in a hard line, eyes staring daggers at the road, the whites of his knuckles show with the intensity of his grip on the steering wheel. Anger radiating off of him, you could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.
Unclenching his jaw he finally responds to you. “I’m not their baby sitter.”
“What?” Voice laced with confusion you have no idea why the conversation is even taking this turn but your thankful that he doesn’t press you any further.
“The kids, I’m uhh I’m not their babysitter. I’m still in high school. You’re looking at Hawkins High’s very own super senior two years in the running.” Eddie pauses for a minute before he continues “You know with a Dad that’s in jail and a mom that died before I had the chance to really remember her what else would you expect from someone like me?” His tone is self deprecating, fingers twitching in your lap all you want to do is reach out and take his.
“Well, I didn’t stay long enough to graduate if that makes you feel any better. I dropped out, got my GED, packed whatever I could in my shitty car and drove to one of the smallest towns I could find. If anything, I’m impressed you still have the will power to go back.”
Eddie almost can’t believe the words that come out of your mouth. With not a single trace of judgment on your face, you were accepting him like he wasn’t the giant fuck up he always thought he was. Like the whole town thought he was and on occasion his Uncle. He can feel his emotions get caught in his throat. He doesn’t know why you picked Hawkins or how you even stumbled upon his shitty little trailer park, but he was thanking whatever gods brought you to him determined to get closer to you.
“Yeah?” He hates that he needs you to say it again.
“Absolutely, high school fucking sucks.” Stretching in your seat you look at him with an easy smile.
Neither one of you push each other further, having shared enough for a lifetime between the two of you in just a few short minutes. The heaviness of the secrets you both kept become a little lighter on your shoulders.
By the time you reach Eddie’s last stop you’re three joints deep when he leaves you in the van again. The sound of Paradise by the Dashboard light spills out of his speakers, turning the volume up you can’t help but get lost in it, this had always been one of your favorite songs growing up. Despite the complicated lyrics it reminded you of happier times. Trying your best to be Ellen Foley you don’t even realize Eddie’s walking back up.
“Jesus- you know it’s like 1am right? I could hear Meatloaf from Byer’s front door.” The annoyance disappears off his face when he sees you dancing like a stoned lunatic in his passenger seat.
Completely unaware of his presence, your arms flail around so uncoordinated he thinks you have to be trying to move like this, eyes pinched closed you’re belting out every line completely off key. There’s a part of him that wishes there was some way to record this to use it against you in future arguments and another part of him that wants it for himself, because the sight of you like this makes his heart skip a beat.
“STOP RIGHT THE- oh fuck!”
Eddie’s got a Cheshire smile when he watches the embarrassment of being caught sink onto your face.
“You done?” Biting his bottom lip hard enough to leave a mark, the corners of his mouth twitch up and you can tell he’s desperately trying to hold back a laugh.
“Oh my god, this is -fuck -this is embarrassing.” Reaching forward you go to lower the volume but Eddie slaps your hand away.
“No, no, please don’t stop on my or the neighborhood’s behalf. Keep going.” Nodding his head for you to continue his smile grows so much the corners of his eyes crease. With a roll of yours, you go for the knob again.
“Ha ha ha, very funny Munson that’s en- hey!” Another tap to your hand he bats you away again, sighing loudly you look up at him annoyed. “Eddie, what are you doing?”
Both of you stare at each other silently battling for dominance. Raising an eye brow at you he has no plans of backing down from this.
Let me sleep on it. (Will you love me forever?) Let me sleep on it. (Will love me forever?)
Eddie’s theatrics makes you jump and it takes you a minute to realize what he’s doing, it’s only when you hear how badly he’s singing that you realize he’s doing his best impression of Meatloaf’s voice. His dramatic flare has him jumping all around the empty street, gripping at his chest as he points at you.
“Eddie!!” Your hushed yell is broken by the cackle that bubbles from your chest, taking advantage of the fact that he wasn’t in the van anymore, you’re finally able to bring the music down to a normal volume.
“Hey! I was clearly in the middle of giving you the performance of a life time. Not. fucking. cool.” Pointing at you from the other side of the street he pretends to glare but the smile that pulls across his face ruins his performance.
“Get in the car before someone calls the cops, they might think someone was killing their cat out in the street.” Your grin is menacing when you wait for him to realize the insult hidden in your words.
“Last I checked, you’re the one who chose tonight’s music. Not my fault if I get a little carried away, if anything you should be happy.” Winking as he climbs back in, there’s a new kind of electricity in the air between you two.
A line you both crossed with out even trying tonight, it was just too easy to be yourselves around each other. So used to having to be ashamed of your short comings you both openly accepted them with out a second thought. The muscles in your face turning sore from the constant pull in his presence. You already know that you’ll wonder if tonight was a dream when you wake up in the morning.
“It was definitely a performance. A performance of a life time though? Jury’s still out on that.” The sound of Eddie’s laugh fills you with the kind of happiness that you thought you wouldn’t ever feel again. You wish there was a way you could save it.
“That’s fine, I have plenty more where that came from sweetheart.” The nickname sounds different this time. Less casual.
When your eyes dart to the clock on his dashboard your heart sinks a little. Despite not wanting the night to end the thought of having to wake up for work in the morning hangs over you like a giant rain cloud ready to ruin the birthday party. You wanted to live in this little bubble forever.
Eddie’s eyes follow yours to the clock and he knows exactly how you feel because he feels it too.
“Probably time we reel it in huh?” Chuckling awkwardly he waits for you to answer before he starts the engine. Part of him hoping you’ll just throw caution to the wind and want to keep the night going somehow.
“Yeah, unfortunately I started a job today, well I mean technically yesterday.” You knew you were rambling but the way his eyes kept darting towards your lips was making you lose your train of thought.
“She’s got bills to pay! No need to explain pretty girl, there’s always next time.” Eddie tries to keep it simple. Scared to come off too strong, he needed you to know he wanted this to happen again.
Biting your lip at the new endearment, you settle back in your seat too shy to meet his eyes. The low rumble of the engine brings you both back to reality as his van lurches forward.
“Thanks for tonight Eddie.” Your voice comes out quieter than you intend it to, clearing your throat you speak up a little louder. “This was more fun then I’ve had in awhile, so thank you.”
“What are best friends for?” Eddie wants to kick himself in the teeth when the words leave his mouth.
But when your hand reaches for his, small fingers slotting between his big ones it’s almost like you saw the internal battle written all over his face.
“Yeah, best friends.” You agree with a hum.
It’s a good place to start.
Chapter three
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mlmxreader · 7 months
An American Werewolf In London | Johnny Cage x m!reader
↳ ❝ Is it all in my head?
- Male reader with Johnny Cage ❞
: ̗̀➛ Johnny brings his boyfriend on holiday with him, but as perfect as things may begin, they soon turn sour.
: ̗̀➛ body horror, swearing, blood & gore
A holiday in London. It was just what Johnny needed, in all honesty, getting away from the spotlight for a couple of weeks to recharge after his latest film; he had no idea that playing a werewolf would be so taxing. But maybe that was just the prosthetics that they covered him in. Either way, he was tired and a holiday was needed.
Naturally, he took you along with him; his agent turned boyfriend of nearly six years. The newspapers still called you close friends, which never failed to make you laugh.
Even though Johnny wanted to see the city, you insisted on staying in a rural area outside of it; a little village called Llanfaintypridd. He could never say no to you, so he agreed. It was nice, plenty of moors around, very little people around to alert paparazzi, he could snuggle up to you at night and didn't have to ensure that the curtains were closed tightly or that the light was off.
It was so different from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood, he could see himself getting used to it, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. Of course, the locals at the pub warned you both against the moors at night; they said that something terrible lurked out there, some kind of creature that spared no man or beast.
You both figured it was just folklore, some old myth that refused to die, some old legend that was passed down from father to son. Nothing to worry about, not really.
The local pub was called the Full Moon, and although the name struck you as odd, you and Johnny still went there every day for something to eat and something to drink; the locals were… they weren't hostile, but they weren't exactly welcoming and warm, either. Mostly giving you and Johnny odd looks and stares when you first walked in.
"Don't go on the moors when you leave," the barkeep, Ameesha, would say. "Stay on the roads."
But you let Johnny talk you into it, and upon leaving the road, you found yourselves trekking across the moor; the grass was short and brown, exposing the grey rocks that were scattered around. Johnny nudged you, grinning ear to ear as he turned his gaze to the sky.
"Full moon," he hummed. "Where's that beast they all mentioned?"
You shrugged, putting your arm around his waist and leaning into him. "Probably nowhere. It's just an old myth."
Johnny scoffed, putting his arm around you as he dared to steal a quick look. "You're not scared?"
"Of a landscape where you can see for miles?" You asked with a scoff and shake of your head. "No."
A soft howl in the distance grabbed your attention, but you assumed it was just a local out with his dog and nothing else; you brought your attention back to Johnny, smiling at him as you watched the silver stars glitter in his eyes.
Your love, your darling; you loved him for such a long lonely time before he admitted he felt the same. Six years later, and you were glad that it had gone by so slowly; to still be his and to know that he was still yours meant everything.
But when he gently kissed you and hummed, breaking away from you, you immediately missed him.
"I need a whizz," he admitted. "I'll be right back, just wait here."
You breathed out a sigh of relief as you nodded, sitting down as he wandered off without you; you didn't think anything of it as he disappeared behind a large cluster of rocks. You figured he just drank too much in too short a time.
Nothing new. You turned your attention to a lonely daffodil, smiling as you traced its bright yellow petals. If you were ever going to marry him, you would want daffodils at the wedding.
Johnny was just finishing up, tugging his zipper up as he looked around for a moment, admiring the view across the moors; they were certainly beautiful, he couldn't understand why the locals were so against people walking across them at night. Odd.
He was about to turn around and head back to you, when suddenly, he was knocked to the ground; gnashing and snarling teeth met thin flesh, something like a large blade sinking into his face and his chest. Blood. So much blood.
Garbled and gargled, Johnny screamed as he thrashed around, trying to hit and kick and punch and shove whatever he could get his hands on. But it was too fast, and Johnny was losing too much blood as he became weaker and weaker, succumbing to the bites and scratches.
"Johnny!" You screamed, bounding over as quickly as you could. But it was too late. The beast, whatever it was, had disappeared, and left Johnny to die on the moors.
You screamed and yowled, howled and moaned, until the locals from the pub found you; they were kind enough, getting Johnny an ambulance and insisting that you had to go with him; the paramedics did their best to stabilise him, but he had lost so much blood.
They said they doubted he would wake up before the end of the week. You refused to leave him. The doctors had to get you a chair to sit next to his bed, but they understood; they had seen it before, how the boyfriend wouldn't leave.
The police interviewed you, but you couldn't tell them much; one minute, Johnny was going for a quick piss behind a rock, the next, he was screaming and there was something seemingly shredding him to pieces. They marked it down as an animal attack; plenty of moors had a record for it, everybody in the world knew about the Bodmin moor and the creature that lurked there.
It wasn't unheard of. Kuai Liang and Bi-Han visited you a few times, just to make sure that you were eating and drinking; Kenshi checked in as often as he could, same with Kung Lao and Raiden.
It took six weeks.
When you opened the curtains, Johnny groaned, and turned onto his side.
"It's too early, baby, five more minutes."
You smiled, sitting beside his legs and gently laying your hand on his thigh. "How you feeling, Hollywood?"
He glared at you, but then smiled sweetly. "Well, I can't complain about the view…"
"You hungry?" You asked. "Thirsty?"
Johnny shook his head, still a little bit weak.
It took another eight days before he was ready to go home, although the doctors warned against air travel for another two weeks at least, so you rented out the cottage in Llanfaintypridd and told them that you would rent it until Johnny was well enough to go back to Hollywood; they wouldn't say no to the extra cash.
But when you first brought him home, you realised that you didn't have any food in the fridge, and although it was already the evening, you knew you had to do something. With Johnny sitting on the sofa and reading a book, you smiled as you grabbed your keys.
"I'm gonna go get us some food," you told him softly. "You gonna be alright?"
Johnny nodded, grinning. "I'll be fine - don't you remember I do my own stunts?"
You rolled your eyes fondly, and scoffed as you reluctantly left him. He turned back to his book, but before he could finish the page, he suddenly dropped it; a sharp, stabbing pain in his head.
He grabbed his temples, squeezing his eyes tightly shut as he whimpered softly; but it only grew worse, making him grip his hair tightly as he stood up.
His skin was on fire.
He wasn't sure what was coming over him as he tore off his shirt, exposing his toned chest and the tattoo of his own name across it just beneath his collarbone.
He grabbed the waistband of his jogging bottoms, and hastily tore them off, leaving him naked as he dropped to his knees, cradling his head in his hands.
His bones were squirming, something licking at the underside of his skin. Something was digging through his gums.
He wanted to keel over, to give up and give into the pain and hope that it ended soon; but it didn't. No.
The flesh of the backs and palms of his hands wobbled and rippled, as if flicked from the inside, and as he stared at them, he could only whimper as he held back a sob.
Agony, white hot agony.
Johnny watched in disbelief and shock from the pain as his hands stretched. Elongated palms, his bones pulling against themselves as they tried not to snap under the tension. He could feel the bones in his fingers as they squirmed and sunk in on themselves, leaving fat and upward pointing knuckles that made him flinch when the air hit them.
Sobbing, Johnny collapsed onto his side, but when he tried to pull his knees up to his chest, he could only feel them bend and snap so that they were facing the wrong way. Johnny couldn't even make a sound, silently sobbing as he tried to take his mind from the pain; to think of you and how he had planned to propose that night on the moor.
He looked mangled.
His limbs were too long, his hips too narrow, his skull pointed near the middle of the back, his nose sunken and rounded. His mouth… oh, fuck, his mouth was on fire.
His jaw broken and shattered, itching as a new set of teeth slowly inched down and pushed out the previous ones; blood dripping from his gums thickly, sticky from saliva. He couldn't even cry anymore, the tears dry as he heaved and let bile push its way up, burning his throat before it dribbled and dripped from his mouth.
Why did it feel like he had fleas under his skin?
Why did it fucking feel like they were slowly digging and scurrying through his skin?
Johnny thought he was dying. Lying there limp and lifeless, his breath hot as it streamed from a mouth that was too long to be human. A cold, wet nose that wasn't his own sitting at the end of it.
He couldn't even speak, only garbled and gargled whimpers that sounded too eerily like human speech yet too animalistic all the same. For a moment, Johnny laid there with only one thought: Is it all in my head? Am I dreaming? I must be…
He wasn't sure how long he had been laid there, even a split second felt like a thousand hours, but when the door opened, he dared to raise his head weakly, his neck snapping loudly and making him whimper before he shuddered and put it back down again.
You paused, dropping the plastic Tesco bag before diving down at his side, your hand on his shoulder. "Johnny? Johnny, what the fuck happened?"
Johnny glared at you, wondering how you were so calm. Maybe it was all in his head.
You let out a shaky breath, hand trembling as you grabbed your phone and pulled up a number. Johnny heard two rings, then static. "Kenshi? Kenshi, can you hear me?"
"Yes. Is everything okay?"
"It's Johnny," you explained frantically, "get Liu Kang to get his arse down here now."
"What is it?" Even Kenshi sounded scared.
"Johnny isn't human," you replied, voice shaking and breaking. "He's not… I went to the shops and-"
"Liu Kang said he'll be ten minutes," Kenshi told you softly. "Hold tight."
"Tell him to hurry!" You pleaded. "Please, Kenshi! Johnny needs help!"
Gently, you pulled Johnny's mangled and canine head onto your lap, softly cradling him as you swallowed thickly. "It's alright, Hollywood, it's alright. Liu Kang is gonna get here and he'll… he'll know what to do! Yeah… he'll, he'll know what to do."
Johnny looked at you, wishing that there was some way he could reassure you; he might have been in utter fucking agony, wishing that he had died just so that he didn't have to deal with the sharp ache all over his body, but he hated seeing you panic over him, he really did.
Maybe once Liu Kang fixed him, he could try and propose again.
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For the Love of Horror
(Dieter x horror-loving female reader)
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Summary: The reader is totally me; I love horror films and I usually watch them on my own as most of my friends are scaredy cats. There aren’t that many fics where the male character is the one scared of film and Dieter seemed to be the perfect fit.
Warning: no use of y/n, mentions of scary films, Dieter being scared of said scary films, slight euphemisms, saucy suggestions, lots of adorable fluffiness
Notes: I sort of ignore the ending of the film. In fact I wrote my own here also check out the masterlist for more of these two here
Dieter Bravo loved you, but you loved horror films, and he was the biggest scaredy cat in the world.
You’d first met the strange but handsome actor as his makeup artist for an indie film. On Sap of Justice, he played a man hunting down his wife’s killer while slowly being turned into a tree. He won a SAG or something for that, he didn’t care, but it required hours in the makeup chair.
You showed up on the first day wearing a bright yellow jumper, an even brighter smile and a Tupperware full of homemade cookies. He was instantly smitten.
His latest rehab stint actually worked this time, but he ended up developing a giant sweet tooth. While the rest of the crew did not appreciate your delightful treats, Dieter ended up consuming more than he should have, usually while he was sitting in his makeup chair, making a bit of a mess.
You then came up with the idea of giving him a piece of chocolate to slowly melt on his tongue so he could sit back and let you do you work. You’d slip in another piece onto his tongue when he ran out, it was probably the most sensual thing he’d ever experience.
He was happy to just sit and listen to you as you babbled on about films, most of which he’d never heard of. You knew a surprising amount, more than most directors he’s worked with.
He couldn’t help but smile at your bubbly enthusiasm and he just wanted to be around you. But that tiny colourful you had a dark interior: your love of horror films.
The first time you invited him over to watch a scary movie, he thought it was a euphemism for his favourite activity and he was excited.
But no.
You put on Hereditary.
He spent the rest of the night alone in his room with the lights on, his eyes never leaving the ceiling.
The following night he had a nightmare where he was stuck in a dollhouse with naked people.
He was so relieved when you wanted to have another movie night. He suggested maybe a romantic film this time round.
So, you put on Candyman.
Dieter couldn’t look at himself in a mirror for at least a week.
The third time he suggested watching a comedy film.
So, you put on An American Werewolf in London.
This time it was less scary as he mainly spent the time looking at you while you enthusiastically explained in detail how Rick Baker achieved the first transformation scene and how horror films lead to your career choice.
That was when he fell in love completely and utterly in love with you.
And he needed to come clean about his horror film phobia.
Thankfully, you didn’t kick him to the curb like the piece of garbage he believed he was. You apologized profusely for taking over film choices with your favourites and it was definitely his turn to choose his favourite.
Dieter shyly suggested Beauty and the Beast to which you sighed and said it was your favourite non-horror film and immediately put it on. You put your head on his shoulder as you watched it.
“So why is this your favourite film Dieter?”
“Well…I like to think that if a beast can fall in love and get a happily ever after, then that gives me hope”
Your reply was a hug and kiss on the cheek,
He could certainly get used to this. It was nice.
Eventually, you both found a compromise with your film watching together. No horror film before dark and not every time you got together. You hunted around to find the least scary horror films when it was your choice. And you suggested he watch Dead Meats Kill Count which helped because Dieter could at least anticipate when the scary parts would happen beforehand. You always made sure to turn the volume down when a jump scare was going to happen.
In the meantime, Dieter worked with his therapist to uncover the reason behind his scaredness of scary films. He suspected it was that donkey scene in Pinocchio was the cause of trauma but there was still work to do.
You saved him from your guilty pleasure films such as Snakes on a Plane and the Final Destination series, so you instead only subjected him to the good ones: the really good, critically acclaimed, award-winning ones. He finally watched The Shining and Get Out which ended up not being as scary as he thought.
Dieter discovered he had missed out on a huge amount of great films. You were both sobbing wrecks at the end of Train to Busan and he absolutely loved Willem Dafoe’s crazy ass monologue in The Lighthouse and immediately had to learn it himself.
You discovered that Dieter had a huge love for animated films and would sing along to every song, every time. Of course he knew all the lyrics to Under the Sea and Be Our Guest which you couldn’t help but smile at, he was just that adorable.
And you were roped into a duet of A Whole New World. Dieter was just a big romantic at heart. It was a side of the actor no one knew or cared about.
Whenever a new horror film came out at the cinema, you were more than happy to go by yourself as you were used to that. He survived watching A Quiet Place with the volume down and praised your bravery and madness for seeing it at the cinema alone.
But when there were times when you really wanted to see a film not in the cinema and Dieter didn’t want to be alone, something to do with his love of cuddles with you or something. This would be when you’d watch it with headphones one and Dieter would be hiding his head in your lap. Most of the time you’d run your fingers through his hair, and he’d fall asleep.
He liked this.
He could get used to this.
Two years later…
“Honey cakes, I’m home!”
You practically skipped across the hallway to give your boyfriend Dieter his well-deserved welcome home hugs and kisses.
This was the best part of his day.
You were now living together in his huge house, and both couldn’t be happier. Dieter was happy to wake up next to you every day and you were happy to finally be able to watch horror films on his huge TV.
“How was the meeting with your agent?”
“Not bad. Got given this script for a TV thing to read through.”
You perked your face in interest. “Oh? Thinking of moving away from films?”
“Well, I’m told this is a pretty good script. Written by some guy named Mike Flanagan…”
You promptly screamed.
Dieter almost flew across the room; he’d never heard you scream before. And he thought he did a pretty good job in the bedroom.
“Mike Flanagan?!!!”
“Is he good?”
“Is he good?!!!”
You proceeded to grab the collar of his shirt and started shaking him in excitement.
“He makes Stephen King good, that’s how good he is!”
You’d never been rough with him before, and he liked it. A lot.
Your tiny body was bouncing around like a jellybean, you were that excited.
“You remember that film Oculus? The one with the mirror?”
“Is that the one with the hook hand guy?”
“No, that was Candyman; the second film we watched together. Oculus has that one big mirror and Karen Gillan.”
He was surprised you remembered your second date.
“Oh yeah, that one”
“And Gerald’s Game was amazing!”
“I still occasionally have nightmares about that tall man”
“Aw, I’m sorry”
You immediately hugged him, and he rubbed your back in appreciation.
“So, you think I should read the script?”
“If you get to work with Mike Flanagan, I’ll marry you!”
But you had bounced away at this point. Pouting, Dieter immediately pulled out his phone and called his agent.
“Hey, that TV thing you gave me the script for: I’ll do it, sign me up”
“You’ve already read it? That was quick”
“No, but I have it on good authority from an expert that it’ll be good, so I’ll do it”
“Alright then, but still read the script”
“Yeah, yeah of course. Hey, um…are they needing any makeup artists by the way?”
“Probably. Are you recommending your girlfriend again?”
“Well, she’s the best, and if she got to work on this job, she’d probably have my baby which sounds…nice��
Dieter was lost in this happy fantasy until his agent interrupted him.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Gotta go. Bye!”
He quickly hung as because you had returned by then and you had that look: the look that meant he was going to be subject to a new horror themed piece of media.
“Now, I’m thinking you should at least watch one of Flanagan’s series to help with your decision and we should definitely watch Midnight Mass”
“Hang on, I’ve heard of that one. That’s the one everyone on set wouldn’t shut up about”
“Because it’s good!”
“Hasn’t it got vampires in it?”
“Yes. But it also has monologues”
This piqued his interest.
“I like monologues”
“I know you do and there’s lots in this one.”
You got up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss.
“Now, get in your favourite comfy clothes. I want us to fit in a few episodes before it gets dark.”
“Yes ma’am!”
You gave his small butt a playful slap as he walked away.
He was going to have to get out that engagement ring from its hiding spot sooner than he thought.
Films referenced: Hereditary (2018), Candyman (1992), An American Werewolf in London (1981), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Snakes on a Plane (2006), Final Destination (2000), The Shining (1980), Get Out (2017), Train to Busan (2016), The Lighthouse (2019), The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), A Quiet Place (2018), Oculus (2013), Gerald's Game (2017), Midnight Mass (2021)
Lovingly tagging @cevans-is-classic
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Sympathy For Wolves: Werewolf!Blackwatch!Cole Cassidy x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Chapter 5: The Hunger
“Whereas I am a victim, of your carnivorous, lunar activities.” ~ An American Werewolf In London
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He hurried down the corridor, keeping his weight on the balls of his feet to avoid making too much noise or drawing attention to himself as he hurried past numerous closed doors of sleeping agents.
Slinking past corridors and hugging corners, all Cole could think of was getting the hell out of dodge and making as much distance between him and the range.
What was that? What did he do? How could he have done that?
He felt almost no pain coming from his hands, they no longer shook from throwing his bare fists against hard leather numerous times. His knuckles no longer bled and his fingers had stopped trembling - the rest of his body could not say the same. He shook with anxiety, his breath was hard to catch all of a sudden. He had to stop, halting in the middle of another long corridor and placing his back against the wall. The cold metal wall felt so refreshing against his back all sweaty from his sudden bouts of aggression. His Blackwatch fatigues felt so heavy all of a sudden as well, like he was wearing nothing but lead.
He was expecting someone to shout for him; Reyes, Morrison, someone over the damn intercoms, anyone for what he did, order him to go straight to someone’s office and get the ass reaming of a lifetime. He wanted to vomit from how horrible he was feeling at this point, an awful mixture of anxiety and anger that could never mix well.
And then something caught him, hooking him as though he were a fish being reeled in. It shocked him right out of his anxiety as though he had been smacked across the face.
A smell. Not a sight or a sudden sound (like Reyes or Morrison shouting his name at the top of their lungs). A smell.
It was the smell that had caught his attention suddenly, a smell that had stirred up something inside of him that made him crave. It calmed him suddenly as well, easing his tensed nerves. He felt his insides churn, his chest fluttering as his mouth moistened. It suddenly became hard to think straight.
It smelled divine; sweet and sultry like the finest of wines, salty and savory like the sweetest of candies. It clouded his mind with temptation, controlling him as a puppet, following his nose towards the scent down a familiar path.
Down a long hallway, over a short sky bridge and under the overhead of the Blackwatch symbol to their very small wing in the back of the facility, Cole had stopped at the first door on the left: His door. His door that the smell had been coming from. It was even more potent standing right before the metal door than it did just down the hall.
His heart was pounding in his ears, his blood roaring through his veins, sparks flying up his spine.
He was suddenly hungry. For what, he didn’t know. He was hungry for whatever lied behind the door.
He heard humming coming from behind the door, soft and sultry, not really following a pattern or rhythm, the sound sent tingles through him, making him feel things he never knew he could feel.
It was your voice. Your voice echoed in his room, he could hear you walking around inside but he didn’t try to enter, something was holding him back.
You were inside, so why did he hesitate on going inside?
He stared at the holo pad that sat right at the side of the door, awaiting his pin to be put in to let him inside. It was as if the world had stopped turning, like time had stopped suddenly as he slowly reached out towards the pin pad. Four repeated beeps filled the silent hallway, and yet your humming didn’t cease, he heard you still walking around in his room even as the door quickly slid open.
The smell had smacked into him like an oncoming truck, nearly running over and knocking him back.
He saw that his room had been cleaned up, clothes either put into the hamper to be cleaned or back into his closet. The bed was neatly made with a new set of sheets, black sheets with a blue flannel comforter and the pillows were neatly fluffed and laid to rest in cases of heather gray. The curtains had been drawn, the tableside lamp was left on in a dimmed mode. A candle had been lit, one of the vanilla rum candles he loved so much that was very much not up to code with Reyes.
Cole took one step into his room, just far enough to allow the door to slide closed behind him.
He peered farther into the room to see the bathroom light was on, your shadow in the doorway. Your humming was music to his ears, lulling away the anxiety that riddled his insides raw, the incoherent pattern calming his panicking mind.
“Cole? Is that you?” you called from the bathroom.
“Yeah-” he paused to gulp, “darlin’ I’m back.”
Your shadow disappeared from the doorway as you stepped into his line of sight. Cole’s heart started to pound hard in his ears to the point he could barely hear you.
You looked like an absolute sin. Your hair had been done up just right, barely pushed away from your face, gloriously messy and framing your gorgeous face just right. Your face was painted, eyelids smokey and lips a gorgeous ruby red with glassy gloss glazed over. He wanted to kiss off your lipstick, he wanted to bury his fingers in your hair. The closer you got to him, the more your scent drove him close to losing it. You had to have been wearing some sort of perfume that was made with witchcraft or something, he wanted to bury his nose into your neck and kiss it raw.
He felt himself stir as he stood there, caught like a deer in headlights as he looked you over.
His fatigues had started to grow tight down south.
You were dressed in black silks and lacey pieces, hidden just barely by a silky black robe you had on that was barely closed at the waist. He could see through the plunge of your neckline for your breasts cupped beautifully by your brasserie. It was a new one he hadn’t seen before. In this kind of life, it rarely offered you both a moment like this, especially for you to find pieces like these. He could see that pearls were sewn in between the cups to form a heart that nestled just right between your breasts. He could see your panties; Black to match the bra, they sat high on your waist it seemed, and the same pearl design was stitched in right below your navel, all tied together by the littlest of white bows he had ever seen. You were wearing black lace garters, attached on both thighs halfway up, holding up black cotton knee-high socks that him stir where he stood.
You looked like a goddess before him.
“I heard you had a rough day today, I thought you could use some cheering up,” you said in your damn perfect voice.
Your eyes fluttered at him, and your painted lips curled into a sweet smile.
“You gonna cheer up little ol’ me, puddin’?” He took a step closer to you, closing the distance even more. “And how do you plan on doin’ that?”
Without a word, you reached before you and undid the very loose knots of your robes. You shrugged it off, allowing it to bunch at your elbows before you gathered it and dropped it to the floor. Cole’s heart nearly stopped at the sight. Your little set had really left little to the imagination. He could see all of your curves and edges, see the length of your legs and your delicious hips.
Breathing through his nose as best as he could, he couldn’t help the strain in his underwear.
Something in him snapped.
He lunged at you, hands grabbing at your hips, and hoisted you up, practically throwing you onto his bed. You gasped as you bounced on the bed, eyes wide as you looked at him with wide eyes. You leaned back against the mattress, spreading your legs by the knees, your lips curling back into a smirk as Cole loomed over you.
He’s sure he must have been a sight to behold. Sweaty and out of breath, still in his messy Blackwatch fatigues, panting up a storm as he stalked towards you on the bed like a predator.
Cole snatched up one of your ankles, dragging you closer as you let out a small yelp. His other hand came down to the side of your head, caging you underneath him. Leaning in, he sniffed at your neck, getting a noseful of your perfume, driving himself even deeper into his little trench of lust.
Cole removed his hand grabbing at the sheets next to your body to snatch at the waistband of your panties, fingers curling into the elastic band and dragged them down the length of your legs and off your person. Cole had tossed them over his shoulder without a second thought.
The smell radiating off of you made it hard to think straight, Cole’s vision was swaying and he found himself panting like a wild animal over you.
He leaned down and got close to your naked sex, your ankle still in one of his hands, his other hand was fisting the sheets next to your hip, wanting so badly to grab at your waist and sink his fingertips into your flesh. With every gentle touch he made, you jumped under him. Cole’s nose barely brushed your wet core and you whimpered out, begging for him. He had knelt to the ground to get as close as he could to you.
Cole’s tongue parted your walls, splitting you open like opening petals of a rose. His tongue was met your wet heat, tongue dipping deeper into your pussy as you let out a sharp cry of pleasure. Your back curled, the back of your head dug deeper into the plush covers of the bed, you lifted your ass off of the bed to bring yourself closer to Cole’s mouth. Growling softly, Cole pressed his face closer, tongue digging deeper inside as he licked at your slick heat. You tasted more wonderful than any meal he ever had, sweeter than any pie he ever ate. You tasted like the most expensive wine in the world, and he was one lucky son of a bitch to drink from you.
You grew wetter and wetter as the seconds passed by, soft moans and mewls turned to needy groans and begging. Sweat had started to grow on your forehead, your hair was sticking to your skin, and your other leg had hitched itself over one of Cole’s broad shoulders. Cole continued to lick at your rosebud, groaning and growling into your sensitive bud to strike a cry out of you.
Your breathing had quickened, your chest fluttering, and your eyes were squeezed tight, he could practically feel it where he sat kneeled by the edge of the bed. His dick was aching at this point, begging him to just fuck you already.
But something inside of him wanted to prolong this.
You came suddenly on his face, Cole humming with pleasure as he licked at your clit for your juices. You tasted even sweeter after you came, like something straight out of a dream, like heaven itself had just poured a bit out of you.
Cole withdrew his face from your rosebud, he was sure he looked at the part too. His lips and chin are left with whatever remains of your climax, his soul patch glistening in the candlelight as he stood.
You looked so gorgeous laying down before him, out of breath and flushed, eyes looking at him all dreamy and hair sticking to your face. Your painted lips had been parted a bit as you panted, they still held that glassy shine Cole swore he could see his reflection off of. He wanted to kiss the gloss right off, he wanted you to leave lipstick marks all over his neck and his face and his chest.
Cole wanted to toy with you some more as well.
Cole stood at the end of the bed and had grabbed ahold of both of your ankles gently, fingernails biting into the soft material of your knee-high stockings. He had brought them to his waist, allowing you to lazily lock them behind his back before bringing one hand back to you while his other traveled to your thigh.
His hand carefully overlapped your nether lips. You whined softly at the touch. Cole knew what you wanted; His dick, not his damn hand. But he wanted to really work you open.
His index finger slowly dipped between your petals, slowly reopening them again. You were still wet, his finger easily gliding against your walls. You were so soft to the touch, it was unreal. He had replaced his index with his middle finger, his fingertip dipping down into your core and splitting you open even more. You were already tight around his finger, he was salivating at the pleasure his cock would receive. He could just feel it, your walls tight around his cock, plush walls squeezing against his girth in all of the right ways. It was driving him crazy not being inside of you right now.
You whimpered as he pumped his finger in and out of you, your hands grabbing at the sheets, turning your head to the side to try to breathe better. Your eyes squeezed closed, your legs tightened around Cole’s waist.
He had started out slow with you, only starting to quicken the pace with his middle finger when he would notice you would catch your breath and start to get accustomed to the feeling of his finger inside of you.
The leftover of your climax was all he needed, and soon, he had slipped in his index finger. His hand on your thigh tightened, nails biting into your soft flesh and grabbing at your skin.
You whined even louder when he had slipped in his index, your head craning back to reveal your neck. Cole stared at it with deep intent, he stared at the columns of your throat, he could help but think of how good it would look all marked up to hell and back with bruises and bite marks. He could even picture you fussing over them when you would wake up to get ready in your uniform, trying to find a way to cover them up while badgering him about it for a while.
Cole had quickened his pace again, placing his thumb on your clitoral hood to help speed up as he curled his finger inward just a bit. He gripped harder onto your thigh, you tightened your legs around him. You were letting out sharp cries and lewd little moans, arching your back upwards as he finger fucked you for god knows how long. Your hands flew to Cole’s broad shoulders, your sharp nails biting into the fatigues shoulders. You opened your eyes briefly to catch him staring down intently at you, a flush plastered across his face as well as his honey-brown eyes staring right into yours.
You were panting like a dog, whining and jerking around under his touch.
And you were only growing wetter underneath him.
Cole had managed to slip in his ring finger, pumping his fingers in and out of you like a well-oiled machine. He felt your walls tightening around his digits, you were so warm and wet inside.
“Cum for me, darlin’,” he ordered, staring directly at you. Your hands grabbed at his shoulders, fabric threatening to rip under your grasp.
“Cum around my fingers, I know you want to. Yer gonna cum and I’m gonna fuck ya into this mattress. I don’ care who the fuck hears,” he snarled down at you.
You couldn’t help but whine. He knew you were close, just barely tipping over the edge. You already were close, the coils inside of you were tightening once again until they white-hot inside of you.
You came with a sudden shout, your arms releasing Cole’s shoulders and your legs trembled under Cole’s grip.
Cole had pulled his hand away, nearly transfixed by how his fingers glistened in the candlelight from your climax. The smell you gave off was more intoxicating than any whiskey he would ever drink, he wanted to get drunk off of you.
He felt too hot and too caged all of a sudden by his clothes. He backed away, clawing at the collar and yanking on the zipper, somehow managing to loosen it just enough for him to shed and shake it off of him like a dog coming in out of the rain. His fingers had snatched at the waistband of his boxers as he quickly shed those two, tossing them to the floor and kicking them out of the way without a care in the world.
His dick sprung free, fully erect and practically throbbing to be inside of you. He was fully nude before you in a matter of seconds, panting like a dog as he looked down at you on the mattress with a primal hunger in his eyes.
Your legs were trembling against the bed, your face sweaty and strands of hair were clinging to your forehead and cheeks. You were out of breath, looking up at him with wide eyes, watching his every move.
Cole suddenly was on top of you, pinning you to the mattress as his hands snatching at your waist, fingers digging into your hot flesh. He barely gave you any time before he started up again, the head of his cock started to slowly split your wet folds, rubbing his cock with your nectar that had made a bit of a mess under you. He teased at your entrance, barely putting the slightest bit of pressure against your womanhood to tease you open once again until he had finally driven the head of his cock in.
The whine you let out as he sank himself into you drove him mad as he plunged himself deeper inside of you. The way your walls welcomed him, fluttered around his girth, drank up the precum that had pearled out.
“Please,” you whimpered, “Cole, please.”
Your breathing was rapid the longer he took inside of you, barely moving as he enjoyed the feeling of your silk walls around him.
“Please what darlin’? What do ya want me to do?” he finally spoke up as he drank up the ecstasy in the air.
His eyes finally met your, honey-brown hues making contact with your beautiful eyes he could look at all day and night.
“Fuck me, Cole,” you ordered.
It was like a lever had been flipped. The sweet and soft Cole went flying out the door.
Something starving inside of him took over.
He ramped up his pace, he fucked you fast and hard. He slammed himself in and out of you, reveling in how your walls wrapped so perfectly around his length. Cole let out guttural moans and threw his head back a bit, his mouth hung open as he found it hard to breathe. His voice was deep, dark and heavy in his chest as he groaned and hissed as he pistoned his hips like a well-oiled machine.
You whimpered and moaned, clawing at Cole’s shoulders and back, nails biting into his skin as he fucked you without mercy. You arched your back off of the mattress, the sheets greedily drinking up the sweat from your body as they clung to your balmy skin.
Your walls fluttered around him, you were so tight and warm and wet inside, it was almost too much for him to handle. The smell of you surrounding him, the sight of you in lingerie, all of this pent up stress.
No wonder he was fucking you like an animal.
He didn’t know how long you both were at it, time melted away as Cole fucked you into the mattress, fucking you passionately. He held onto you for dear life under him, he shook as the sudden cool air drifting in from the fan pranced across his sweaty and naked back. Cole looked back down at you. You looked so perfect; all hot and bothered, your body trembling beneath his touch all shiny and warm from being aroused and fucked, your eyes heavy with lust and straining to stay open as you looked into his eyes, having climaxed twice now. He was determined to make you do it again.
He wished you both could do this forever, make passionate love without a care in the world, no war or fighting or dealing with Overwatch’s bullshit. He wanted to stay with you forever, entangled in the sheets and live in eternal bliss.
You suddenly cried out, the back of your head burying itself in the sheets that had now been tugged up and off of the mattress, your mouth hung open as you gasped for air. He felt your walls fluttering around him quickly, only spurring him to fuck you even faster, nearly smashing his hips against yours quickly. He wanted to go as deep as he could, explore everything you had to offer, and just hearing the noises you make when he hits all of the right spots is spurring him on even more. His hips were snapping back and forth quickly, the bed was rocking and the headboard - thank fuck it was a platform bed just barely pulled away from the walls - was swinging just a bit back and forth. He honestly couldn’t care if anyone bothered him about the noise. The five team members were lucky that their rooms were spaced out farther than the Overwatch agents; Which would explain why you loved to sleep in Blackwatch’s little wing rather than your room. Hell, you were stationed between Torbjorn and Reinhardt, he was shocked you got any sleep at all when you didn’t spend the night in Blackwatch’s wing.
As Cole pistoned his cock inside of you, he could only think of more ways to have a little more fun with you. He’d love to get away with fucking you somewhere a little more public, maybe the little lounge Blackwatch has or stowed away somewhere in one of the practice ranges? He would love to try the idea you brought up: Fucking in Reyes’ broom closet of an office.
Just the thought of having you bent over a desk trying to be as quiet as possible mixed with the thrill of almost getting caught by his boss of all people sent a pleasurable chill down his spine that went right to his dick.
Cole could feel it, he was going to cum. The coils inside of him grew tighter and hotter, it was burning inside of him. He hissed, gritting his teeth as he sank his fingertips deeper into your skin. He was openly moaning softly with every thrust, hissing when your walls squeeze him just right. He could feel himself stiffen up just right before he came apart inside of you.
He released himself, cumming inside of you with a shout. He rocked himself inside of you, completely drunk on the feeling of your walls milking him for everything he had until he had grown soft inside of you.
You came suddenly, walls closing in around his thick cock as you cried out below him. You sank your nails just deep enough into his skin that it barely broke open, the pain sparking something inside of Cole that had made him snap.
Not even giving you another second to think or say anything, Cole had flipped you over onto the mattress so your stomach would lie on it. You cried out in surprise, hands suddenly fisting the sheets as you tried to look back at him with wide eyes. His cock had started to prickle with sparks of life once again. Cole snatched at your hips and hoisted them up, bringing your ass in the air to just the right level. You were trembling beneath him, legs threatening to give out as they look like a branch in a storm. Cole sank his fingertips deeper into your warm flesh, anchoring you up on your knees as you pleaded beneath him. Lust and hunger took over him as he reentered you without a second thought, sliding right in as you cried out.
Cole fucked you.
The headframe started to rock dangerously fast, nearly missing the wall by a hair. The bed creaked beneath you both as you openly cried and let out the lewdest moans, biting into the bunched up sheets to try to be quiet.
Your overstimulated pussy fluttered around his hard cock, Cole didn’t care that his cum was leaking out of your poor and abused hole, he was just going to cum again. Something inside of him wanted to just keep going forever.
He was going fast, faster than he ever had before. He was grunting with every thrust, his heart was going one million miles a minute in his ears as his blood roared.
“Cole!” you whimpered as you openly cried out.
Looking back down at you face-first in the mattress, you were crying. Mascara was smeared under your eyes and your lipstick was smudged across your chin, tear streaks ran down your cheeks and soaked into the sheets that were wet with a mix of tears and sweat and cum.
Yet you still arched your back in the slightest of ways to make it even better.
“You don’t know what yer doin’ to me, darlin’,” he grunted as he dug his nails deeper into your skin. “Dressin’ up like, swayin’ those hips and thinking you’ll just be able to get away with it.”
“P-Please!” you whimpered.
“Please what? Let you cum?” Cole by this point was about to come undone himself, he could feel himself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. Cole suddenly smacked your ass, the sound cut through the air and could surely be heard from the hallway should someone be walking by. You let out a small cry, knees nearly buckling under you until Cole caught you again. He dug his hands in, using them to guide you along his cock as he rammed into you. “Yer not goin’ anywhere until you cum under me again,” he snarled.
He could feel your walls squeeze around him, the overstimulated muscles tightening the more he wound you up. He was drunk off of the feeling, head craning back as he openly groaned deep from his chest. His abdomen tightened, his chest was heaving.
When you came with another cry he nearly lost it.
The coils inside of him were burning white. His head was spinning, the room was suddenly one hundred degrees hotter, his dick was rock hard inside of you.
He came with a roar, his hot seed spilling right back inside of you. He rocked his hips lightly this time, suddenly coming down from his high as he panted, still managing to hold you up despite his arms feeling like jelly. When his seed had been spent, Cole allowed you to collapse on the bed finally, your poor cunt finally free from the terror he had caused. You shivered beneath him, breathing quickly to try to calm down after climaxing four times. Cole had rolled and collapsed beside you, bouncing a bit on the mattress. He laid there for a moment, trying to gather his breath as the carnal feelings inside of him seemed to finally have calmed down and had taken a hike. Cole swallowed, his throat feeling dry when he sat up again, looking over your trembling form.
You weren’t going to be able to get up to go to the bathroom to clean off, hell, you probably wouldn’t be able to walk right tomorrow morning.
Cole had gotten up from the bed, his knees wobbly for a moment as he trudged into the bathroom, somehow managing to not fall over in the process. Retrieving a spare washcloth and running it under some warm water, Cole quickly returned to you still on the bed, eyes fluttering and legs still open as he kept them. You smiled softly at him as he gently reach down with the cloth to clean at your sex, wiping away the mixture you both had created, gently wiping away the mess he had made. He kept eye contact with you, noting how your lips parted as his fingers brushed against your naked sex here and there, how your brows pinched with want as he dug the washcloth just a bit harder into your nether region.
When he had finished, you were practically dozing off before him, smiling all dreamily as you laid before him.
Folding the washcloth in his hand, intent on cleaning it before he join you, he looked down at you. He could still smell your perfume radiating off of your person, it tickled his nose in all of the right ways.
“I love that perfume yer wearin’ pumpkin,” he purred, standing up from the bed.
You yawned, turning over a bit in the bed to lay fully on your side, snuggling up to your side of the bed.
“I’m not wearing any perfume,” you mumbled.
Cole stopped in his tracks upon hearing that, turning a bit to look at you where you had already seemingly drifted off into sleep.
He stood there in the silence of his room for a moment, wondering on what you had just said. He chalked it up as nothing more than just you being tired from all he had done and turned back to the bathroom to finish cleaning his mess.
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ventiswampwater · 8 months
find the word wip game
rules: search your wip(s) for the words given to you and share a sentence, then assign words for the people you tag
@visceravalentines MEG TYSM FOR THIS TAG this was so SO fckn fun. what an electric concept!! I shared more than a sentence for each bc I'm a fiend
my words were mouth, fall, dirt, teeth, and open!! cracking my knuckles like wooooooooo let's GOOOO
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from sacramentum (midnight mass // father paul hill x reader)
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What happened to Mary in that cave? Alone, having stripped herself of all other pleasures—nothing but her thoughts and the one book she’d allowed herself. Wandering the seaside and building crucifixes out of sticks and roots, tied together by some stray fishing line. Had she looked down on his face, whittled crudely out of stone, and wished for steadier hands to carve his likeness? How many times had she woken with the sound of the sea in her ears? Perched by the mouth of the cave, watching the sky turn from gray to blue to gold to black?
Did she ever see ships on the horizon? What did she think of them? Had she ever thought of flagging one down? And what was the punishment she’d given herself for that?
When did you stop feeling hungry? You couldn’t survive on tears alone.
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from dancing in the moonlight (an american werewolf in london // david kessler & jack goodman x reader)
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“We could’ve gotten frostbite.” Jack mutters.
“In the worst case scenario, yes, I suppose.” David replies, helping himself to a bagel.
“We almost got trench foot.”
“We did not!” David exclaims, laughing.
“That’s why I said almost, poindexter.” Jack counters. “One more night of wet socks and my toes would’ve fallen off. One by one—” He flicks his index finger three times, making a popping noise with his lips. “And it would’ve been all your fault. Good luck explaining that to my mother when we get back in the states. Oh, sorry Mrs. Goodman, I had Jack trekking through miles upon miles of soggy moorland and now he’s toeless. Those socks you knit him, forget about it. Maybe give it ‘til next Hanukkah and he’ll regrow his toes—oh, wait…”
“You’re ridiculous.” David shakes his head.
“Oh yeah? I’ll remember that when I’m decomposing next to you. Toes gone. Rotting.” Picking up the tongs, Jack wavers above the platter of croissants. “Sure you’ll find me real funny then, you schmuck.”
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from sometime after midnight (house of wax // bojangles sinclair x reader)
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The dull blue glow from the keypad barely illuminates the ground, but you can make out the unmistakable sign of cherry red fluid leaking onto the dirt. A steady trickle of it drips from the underside of the car—and it's not stopping anytime soon.
Your transmission is fucked.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” You exclaim.
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from serotonin (house of wax // carly jones x reader)
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She pictures her tank top, bloody and tattered, stuffed into a plastic bag labeled with EVIDENCE in bold letters. The prosecutor clicks to the next projection slide and there she is, another picture.
“Who are the women in the photographs? Are they still alive? It’s difficult." The detective on the screen grimaces. "We only have remnants of them. We’ve found teeth…clothes. The trophies they kept of these women will hopefully lead us to discovering their identities. I don’t know how long it’s going to take. But they deserve to have their names given back to them.”
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from a handful of bluebonnets (tcm // thomas hewitt x reader)
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He’d been young. Young enough to still show his face, but old enough to know that it was the reason people were staring. He didn’t remember much from that day, just open-mouthed stares and the cow at the county fair with big watery eyes. Black, shining irises eclipsing the thin white sclera, framed with long lashes. She was a regal old thing, standing with her neck held high, ears twitching.
He thought he saw her again once, years later.
Her coat was duller, her head dropping. She’d traded her blue ribbons for slippery red blood, splattered along the wall and running down the grate. You use up all your usefulness on pride and this is where you’re bound to end up.
Maybe she’d been the first one. Spoiled with the heartbreak of a life that never came to be.
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tagging @possumteeths, @f1nalboys, @pretty-possum, and aaaaaaa I'm blanking on who else might have wips fdjshjhfdsjhsdf
so!! whoever else wants to do this!!! pls consider urself tagged!!
your words are blood, eyes, sleep, skin, & break 👀👀👀
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jinxthequeergirl · 2 years
What Dating David And Jack Sounds like.
For my dearest @laing-caster cause its been a while
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kimhargreeves · 2 years
Love Bites-Jack Russell x Reader (Werewolf By Night)
Summary: You've been friends with Jack for years. He's told you about his secret once but believe it's just a joke. Quickly you find out that he's been honest with you for a reason.
(I kinda got inspired by the Ice Nine Kills song 'Love Bites' since I'm an alternative/goth girl that likes to include these sort of things, also since it's inspired on An American Werewolf In London and it immediately came to my mind after watching this special. So, this will be a Jack x Reader one shot, maybe it's just me but I didnt enjoy Elsa that much since I'm afraid she's a bit too bitchy but maybe that's my opinion. Anyways enjoy.)
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Soft classic music continue to play throughout the room filled with expensive and unique paintings, ancient relics and the heads of many monsters that were once hunted.
I huffed to myself and kept on looking at the fireplace, paying attention to anything as simple as that since I didn't want to listen to the few hunters around me. My parents were known well hunters along with the Bloodstone family, though for many years they have been rivals.
My father loved hunting for any sort of monsters, the ones who are a true threat to society and will do anything to harm anyone in their path, though they were certain and had a few friends that were considered monsters but truly weren't.
Or that's the tales I've heard people tell amongst each other. My parents mysteriously disappeared when they both left to go on a mission, I still miss them though.
Speaking of monsters I began to search around the place noticing just one person was missing. To my right I noticed Verussa talking to her step-daughter, we made quick eye contact but we both looked away quick, glaring at whatever was closest to us.
Today us six hunters have gathered for Ulysses Bloodstone's funeral, and for one of us to be in possession of the red stone.
The sour expression on my face quickly faded when I noticed someone walking through the short hall. Immediately I rose up from my spot on the couch and I felt my heart betting faster and smiling lovingly at the man who had just arrived.
The tall man looked down at me and quickly took a step back when he realized how close I had gotten to him. "You're too awfully close, (Y/N)." Jack said going back to his awkward self and his accent still strong as ever.
"How've you been? It's been months since I last saw you." I've become worried after all these months he's been avoiding me.
Jack looked around room we were at so gently he took my shoulder and made me walk away so we wouldn't be heard.
"I-I know it's been long..forgive me but remaining far from you means that you'll remain safe."
"I can take care of my own, Jack. I believe it's you who needs saving." Jack's expression softened when I tell him this.
Without a warning I lean closer to him until I wrapped my arms around him. I feel Jack's body stiffen when I hugged him, I felt him pat my shoulder until he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me off of him.
I smiled up at him sadly when I felt that he didn't want me anywhere near him. "I think you're just in some deep trouble and don't want to tell me the truth." I whisper to him.
I don't think he's a werewolf. Maybe he did something bad and simply wants to hide the truth from me.
"If only you'd knew, (Y/N)." Jack looked away from me and began to walk over to where the bright red stone was glowing. "Beautiful isn't it?" He said changing the subject quick.
I decided to play along and follow him. I stared down at the stone and looked at how truly beautiful, unique and powerful it is.
"So rare and beautiful."
I glanced over to him and noticed him not looking at the stone. I fought back a smile and tried to hide my blush but failed. We were interrupted when Jovan, one of the hunters came to our side.
"Aye take it easy ya lovebirds." The taller man said chuckling to himself. "Fifty seven confirmed kills myself. Next year's my 30th season.
"I can almost smell the blood on your hands."
"Thank you. Aye I like the whole look with the makeup. It's a killer trademark."
"It's to honor my ancestors." Jack replies looking at Jovan then briefly meeting my eyes. My face also being just a bit covered in darker makeup, mostly around the eyes and with black lipstick.
The man looks at Jack and I before nodding his head. "Yeah. Not much for honoring my ancestors and feelings like that. I just know it looks brilliant on you." The taller man says in his thick accent.
"I mean. I know the importance and anonymity in our line of work, but it gets lonely. Just want to say I'm proud to be honoring old Ulysses tonight."
"Ulysses, of course! Hard to believe he's gone." Jack says turning to face Ulysses closed coffin. I remain standing close to Jack.
"Aye the mad bastard. Quite a place he built himself."
I must admit the decor and everything here is quite beautiful and I would for sure love to live in a place like this, only thing to get rid of would be Verussa and this place would be peaceful. Jovan and Jack continue to look at the decor around the room.
The heads belonging to monsters.
"So, any of these hacked beasties your handiwork?" He asks looking at Jack.
We look around until Jack's eyes land on s vampires head. "No... No, but him. Him I fought a few times." He says pointing at the head. "He's never looked so alive."
This earned a chuckle from the older man, both of them continue to joke around until Javon behind to ask me a couple of questions. "What would your parents think of this?" or "Do you have more siblings to keep the bloodline going? That way you'll continue to hunt."
The next one was if Jack and I ever encountered each other during our hunts. I answered that we would often run into each other, which was sort of of a lie, it would be me chasing after Jack and making sure he would be alright at times.
I would tease him and tell him "When are you finally going to accept on going on a date with me?" or also "It gets rather lonely without your company."
Jack would simply remain silent and slowly inching away from the conversation when Javon would listen intently and chuckle, also agreeing that he sort of met his wife the same way.
Jack was saved from his embarrassment when Verussa told us to gather around, she soon began to count on how many monsters we have hunted throughout.
The older woman rounded each of us. "Twenty Seven." with me being the shortest kill count. "Thirty seven kill. Forty three. Fifty seven quite impressive. And over One Hundred deaths give or take." She pointed looking at Jack who looked at her surprised.
"So many death dealers in one room. Oh, my dear." I furrow my eyebrows together when Verussa turns to her husband's coffin. Elsa from behind us takes her time in painfully moving a chair that loudly sounds throughout the room
"Thank you for gathering in ritual for shedding your masks tonight in honor of Ulysses Bloodstone. He was a leader, a friend, s liver without equal. Knowing his spirit would not be with us tonight to stayed his wishes for the ceremonial hunt, he orchestrated his present in other ways."
The coffin slowly started to open and I stare at the man's cadaver surprised, repulsed and sick. Doesn't anyone believe that is kinda disturbing? The rotting body begins to move like a puppet, like a sort of Frankenstein. An audio beging to play of the man's voice.
"I do hope my attendance delights you. Thank you, Verussa, for seeing it through and for shaping our cause like no other."
The rest of us exchange weird looks while we continue to stare at the corpse.
"With my passing, it is now time to choose a new leader in the crusade against monsters. This honor can only be bestowed upon  the strongest and most committed to our mission. Very soon, a monster unlike anything you faced will be released into the sacred grounds. The hunter who slays this beast will become our new leader, taking possession of my Bloodstone. Good luck. I'll be rotting for you."
I scoff at the awful humor and turn to face Jack who doesn't seem a bit surprised now at the corpse.
"The onto weapons permitted tonight have been placed in the garden. The stone will be affixed to the monsters hide. This will weaken it and also make it angry." Verussa says saving up the stone.
"Hold up. The stones finally up for grabs and we all earned the right to hunt, but she gets to crash this thing like it's a backyard wedding?" One of the hunters say looking back at Elsa who's been giving everyone awful looks.
"He brings up a good point. Where's the lovely lady's medallion?"
"Have you check up your own arse?"
"Elsa is welcome to join!" Verussa loudly says. Great now she's going to continue glaring and praying for my death.
"Let's get this shit over then." I tell myself and stood up following Verussa to know in which order we will be entering the gardens.
We each looked down and quickly saw our hands. Jack would be the first to open with me in second place to follow after him. My family has been fighting for years to earn that Bloodstone. I'll make sure to be the one to have it.
I continue to walk through the gardens and looked carefully at the few footprints I saw on the ground. Carefully I jumped up and grabbed onto the wall above me, I hoisted myself up and remained quiet when I was above the wall and I remained still seeing someone walking to their right far away.  I held onto a dagger I had quickly found when I entered, I won't hesitate to harm the rest if it means that I'll have the stone
My eyes widened when I noticed Jack straight ahead, quickly and quite as ever I continued to follow him until I had scared him.
"What are you doing stranger?" I tease making him jump back in fear and curse in Spanish to himself.
"You're gonna get yourself killed if you continue doing that."
"I'm going to get you killed if you continue to let me scare you." I correct him. "So, are you truly going after this as well?" I ask when I begin to now wally alongside him.
"What sane person wouldn't?" He laughs it off.
"Not if I beat your ass first." I smile and saw him smirk just a little. We both stopped talking when someone stopped in front of us, we looked and saw Elsa.
Bur before anything could happen Javon appeared quickly attacking her making Jack and I split up from each other. "This feels like something only the Scooby Doo characters would do." I hiss at myself as I continued to run and slide into a hiding place when someone got closer and ran past me when they heard Elsa and Javon fighting.
A monster roared throughout the place making me shiver a bit since it sounded a lot louder from any creature I have fought. I need to see if Jack is alright?!
But where the hell is he?!
"Jack?!" I hiss his name and tried to not be loud while I continue to run through the place. "We need to get-" I stopped when I saw him being held to a bush. My mouth fell open when I saw a giant hand holding him.
Before I had the chance to scream, Jack leapt over to me and covered my mouth with his hands. "Don't scream! (Y/N), this is my friend. His name is Ted."
I stared at him confused, slowly he uncovered my mouth while I stared at him then at the giant odd creature. It looks like something straight from those cheesy 1930's film, the creature from the Black Lagoon.
"Please don't tell me his full name is Teddy." I whisper and continue to stare at the creature a bit afraid of it still. I'm surprised it didn't want to harm Jack.
"Don't worry. She's a friend... Don't say that!..Well, of course I was gonna come find you." I stare between them wondering how exactly he understands the swamp looking thing. He oddly looks cute talking to this thing.
"He sort of looks adorable." I mutter looking at the creature now in awe. I've never seen anything like Ted.
Ted's red eyes turn to me and grunt something only Jack could understand.
"Are you okay?" Jack let's go of me and gets closer to Ted. The monster snarls. "You can't keep counting on me to save you. This is the last time. I know, does it hurt?"
The monster grunts. "Yeah, they said that the stone would do that. Don't worry, I have a plan. Look, so apparently these little things explode. So, we're gonna explode our way out of here. All you have to do is don't die."
We heard something from behind us. Jack reached down for my hand and held it tight, now making me run after him until we entered a mausoleum.
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?!" He asked turning to look at me first and looking down at me to check if I wasn't hurt.
"I'm completely fine." I tell him.
We look back and shut our mouths when we saw Elsa in here as well. Ah great. Jack noticed the dark haired woman with a small limp on her leg.
"You hurt? Can I help you?"
"No." The woman strongly disagreed with him helping her in anyway. It angered me the way she speaks to him.
"He was only trying to be nice." I bitterly told her as well now standing my ground as well.
Jack remained silent since he doesn't like confrontations. He began to pace back and forth now trying to find an exit since we were locked in.
I remained still by the door and I felt a pang of jealousy when Elsa accepted Jack's offer and he knelt down by her side and helped her with the injury. I hugged myself and kept on staring at them and glaring at her a bit before I decided to look away. Maybe the reason why he keeps rejecting my feelings is because he doesn't like me in a romantic way.
"Why don't you two get along?" Jack asked making Elsa and I look surprised at each other.
"Their family stole something that belonged to us." We both said at the same time and looked away from each other.
The monsters outside continued to roar, Ted continue to. I glanced over and saw the many tombs of Elsa's relatives on top of others. She began to climb onto some of them and breaking the small window of one.
I closed my eyes wanting to get a bit of rest but it was interrupted when the door to the mausoleum was now open, I stood back straight and followed both Jack and Elsa out. A plan was being brainstormed until Jack accidentally hit the small bomb switch on.
"Oh, shit." We better run.
I began to run ahead of Jack making sure we wouldn't get attacked by someone first. Jack clumsily threw the bomb onto the wall but it hit further than he wanted it to.
"Jack will you please just set it on the small open piece?!" I asked running away from him when I heard quick footsteps approaching us and I dodged a weapon that was thrown to me.
I looked back ready to fight until the bright Bloodstone turned red and Jack was thrown away from it. Everyone curiously looked down at him and so did I.
"The Bloodstone did this to you?"
"He grabbed it and it threw him back."
Verussa grinned at this. "Oh my. A monster masquerading as one of our own. Desecrating a sacred night." She hissed at ordered someone to hold me back when they began to torture Jack.
I felt a hard hit behind head and my vision e came blurry when I blacked out.
I had blacked out from the massive hit I had received, I held onto my head still feeling an intense pain. I glanced to my left and saw Elsa staring up ahead with a blank expression on her face. I noticed we were replaced inside a huge cage.
A small painful groan was heard next to me along with a few curse words I understood in Spanish. I crawled over to Jack's side and carefully helped him sit himself up.
"Jack! I'm so sorry I didn't believe what you said about you being a monster. I guess..I never wanted to believe that someone like you could harm me..us.."
Jack held his head as well and slowly nodded. "I tried telling you many times. That's why I continued to push you away. I don't want to harm the one person I truly care about."
Jack and I looked at each other and smiled sadly, until he looked away from me and turned to Elsa. He began to explain himself to her, about his other half, the half he has no control of. How he locks himself up every month when there's a full moon.
"We have plenty of time to figure things out!" He said sounding optimistic that we can do something about this.
"And why do you think they've placed us in here with you?" Elsa coldly asked Jack. Realization soon hit me, he'll tear us up if he were to become a werewolf.
"The Bloodstone's capable of transforming you in five seconds. Thanks in advance for making it quick."
"Jack do you really have no control when this happens to you?" I ask afraid of what he'll become soon. I held onto his hands tight when I began to shiver.
Jack refused to meet my eyes, that's until I caught him staring at the many monster heads decorating the room, he stood up looking around until footsteps we heard footsteps approaching. I shrieked when Jack pinned me against the bars and began to breathe against my neck and down to my wrist. I blushed deep red and felt like pushing him away but felt too embarrassed when Elsa looked at him weirdly.
He did the same to her only being a bit more respectful? Should I say.
"I need to remember your scents."
Jack raced over to the bars and stared at the masked hunters hopeful that they'll let us out and kill only him. "Please kill me as I am, or there will be no mercy."
Verussa removed lowered her cloak and removed her mask. "Mercy? This may surprise you but our whole mission is built on mercy for you, and those like you as well as all the innocent lives you take."
The older woman began to talk awful at Elsa and to me as well. Saying how she hoped that I would die soon and that no one else in my family would be alive.
Verussa began to chant in Latin soon. I stared at Jack afraid for him when he began to hold onto his stomach and shiver. Verussa held the Bloodstone to his direction. I fell back on my knees and crawled back in fear holding onto the bars when I heard Jack's limbs crushing and deep growls from him.
I opened my eyes and took a peek and screamed when I saw him yank Verussa by the arm and holding her in place. The top of the cage was now torn and open. I shakily stood up on my feet and saw a guard being ripped apart when Elsa and I took a good look at Jack transformed in his werewolf form.
"We need to get out." Elsa said looking up at the cage. She easily jumped up and hoisted herself up on the cage. "Grab on." She offered me her hand, now without hesitation I took it and made it outside of the cage with her.
Each of us went our separate ways and grabbed whatever weapon we could fight with. Elsa was fighting the rest of the hunters while I began to take most guards down.
I held onto a sword tightly and cut clean one of the guards arms off with blood splattering my clothes and face, easily I decapitated one of them when they grabbed my head and hit me against the wall. "Motherfucker!" I hissed glaring at one of them threw a dagger right next to the side of my face, drawing even more blood down my forehead.
"Jack!" I shouted when I saw more guards trying to kill him. Verussa gripped the back of my head and held a dagger against my neck and the Bloodstone in her other one.
Verussa fell back when Elsa caught her and pulled her so I could get rid from her right grip. I fell forward onto the ground and I saw Jack laying on the ground defeated.
I turned to look back at Elsa then back at Jack. I didn't hesitate so I crawled faster over to him and remained still when I was close enough to him.
"Jack? Are you still in there?" I softly spoke not wanting for anything bad to happen to me or him. All this time I thought he was just joking when he said we had a secret, I feel selfish now for not taking him so seriously.
I carefully reached closer to him until I shrieked and felt my head hit the floor hard when he punched onto me and held me down with his long claws.
I panted and tried to not feel scared. This my Jack Russell not some monster anymore. I stared back up at him, looking into his dark almost unrecognizable eyes. Carefully I placed both my hands against his face and saw him staring at me intently.
"It's over Jack..." I whisper looking at him lovingly. Now fully understanding him.
Jack's werewolf form quickly got away from me and disappeared. "Need help?" Before I had the chance to speak I was hoisted up by Elsa and saw a faint blush across her face.
"We..make a good team." She muttered looking away and now with us both looking at Ted. "Will you be alright?" She asked after a moment of silence.
I nodded my head also feeling embarrassed at her sudden niceness. She smiled just a bit and rested herself on a couch. "Go after him then."
I smiled over at her figure and looked up at Ted. Now taking a full view at how he truly is, red piercing eyes staring into my tired ones. "Can you lead me the way over to him, Ted?"
The creature lightly growled and started to slowly walk ahead, I hurried to his side and followed him until we reached outside of the building and I noticed the bright full moon outside now being covered by the cloudy dark skies.
Though I was extremely tired and got no chance to rest, I continued to follow Ted until we reached a wooded area, probably in the middle of the woods. Ted who was now far ahead from me began to run and I felt the ground shake a bit before me.
Strangely enough everything seems more lighter and colorful out here. A peaceful sensation like any other.
I squinted my eyes when I noticed a few things up ahead at where Ted went running off. The only sounds from the forest were of Ted's growls and the sound of a river nearby.
My eyes became watery when I saw Jack back to his human form being sat on the ground looking up at Ted. I began to run across the grass and dead branches until I found myself getting closer to the unusual pair.
"Is (Y/N) safe?"
Ted lightly grunted making Jack stare up at him confused. "What do you mean by they are here-" Jack fell backwards on the ground when I jumped over and threw my arms around his neck.
"Jack you're safe!"
Jack continued to cover himself up with a coat while he held my up so I wouldn't fall with him. He sat himself back up with me being seated right by his side almost on his lap. I hold onto his face and examine his tired eyes as I run my hand through his short dark and grey hair.
"I'm sorry that I ignored your warnings, but I don't regret them since in a way I saved you by being reckless."
I stared into his dark eyes and noticed him looking at me concerned, one of his hands carefully landing on my forehead tracing the dried up blood and small cut.
"Did I do this to you?!" His voiced cracked when he asked me this.
I lightly chuckled at him since he continues to be so concerned over everyone but himself. I shook my head and took his hand now staring down at him lovingly then before.
"You didn't."
"Did I scare you?" He then asks.
"I won't lie and say that you didn't when you first transformed. I soon knew you weren't a threat when you tried to protect me and Elsa. I knew you wouldn't harm me when I looked into your eyes. Into the eyes of the man I've always loved." I admit.
Without permission from Jack I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. I quickly pulled back regretting not asking for his permission.
"I-I'm sorry Jack! I should've asked first." I started to move away from him but felt his grip tight on my hip.
"(Y/N). You shouldn't apologize, mi amor."
I blushed again now my entire red face being displayed to him. Jack's hand landed behind my neck now slowly pulling me back to him to resume our kiss. I closed my eyes and enjoyed our longer kiss until we slowly pulled away, embarrassed I looked away when Ted gave Jack a look only he could easily read.
"No, no! Quit saying such things, we don't need alone time." He scolded at the creature.
I now sat by Jack's side and heard him exchanging conversations with Ted. Jack now smiling to himself turned to look at me, "I still can't believe this is real...But are you sure in wanting to stay with a man like me, (Y/N)?"
I blushed again when his dark eyes landed on mine. I reached my side to kiss his cheek took hold of his hand.
"I'll forever remain by your side, Jack."
Jack smiled to himself and continued to hold me close to him. "I'm so happy then, my love. Though I wanted to make sure since..in a way werewolves do imprint when they find the love of their lives."
I can feel my entire face burning red when he mentions that. That's means I'm truly his soulmate then.
Ted who was seated a few inches away from Ted happily growled. "I know you're happy I am as well, but are you seriously asking for food right now?"
I happily sigh and rested my head on Jack's shoulder while continuing to hold his hand. I hear Jack chuckle lightly and feel his hand wrap itself around my shoulder keeping me close to him.
"What do you say, mi amor? Does sushi sound nice to you?"
I tiredly open my eyes and nodded my head. "It's settled down. We'll be having sushi and after that we'll be getting a proper rest."
Jack stood up and helped me on my feet. "I know the perfect place for take out. That way I'll make sure to clean your wounds." I reminded Jack and ran my hands through Jack's messy hair.
Jack eagerly nods his head and continues to insist on holding my hand. I continue to hold his tightly while we continue to make our way outside of the woods with Ted by our side.
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maggiiiiiiiiiebones · 8 months
hey maggie, i was wondering if you were planning on ever posting your american werewolf in london stories back on ao3? you're jack x reader stories were honestly the best i've ever read and i used to have so much fun re-reading them. i'd love to see them again.
Haha that’s so sweet of you!
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And yeah, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, I probably will at some point repost all of my old writing (also including the heaps of old marvel fanfics that people in my inbox are asking me about), but only after I edit them because I’ve been reading some of them and good lord was my spelling atrocious.
If (and when) I do, I’ll make a post on here with a link to my ao3.
0 notes
sadlyjustexisting · 4 years
Fandoms i'm in/would write about
They can be: x reader 
Little Hope
Gta 5
Detroit Become Human
Death Stranding
The Last Of Us
Until Dawn
Sally Face
Destiny 2
Star Wars
An american werewolf in London
Scream 1 and 2
Evil Dead
The Boy
Black Christmas(1974)
The Karate Kid
The Suicide Squad 
The Batman
Speed Racer(2008)
Parks and Recreation
The Good Place
BBC Ghosts
The Boys
The X-Files
CSI:New York
Santa Clarita Diet
Ash Vs Evil Dead
Silicon Valley
The IT Crowd
Mythic Quest 
Santa Clarita Diet
Ted Lasso
Midnight Mass
Los Simuladores
Im in the band
Full House
Real Persons:
Matt Stone
Trey Parker
Youtubers(their egos)
Things i'm not comfortable writing:
Pedo ships
mlm relationships(i won't write smut,the rest is fine)
I will update this from time to time,so please feel free to ask/request anything!
Thank you for reading this! :)
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mlmdarkfiction · 5 years
Ghost Voyeur -David KesslerxReaderxJack Goodman
An Idea for a Fic I've had since watching the movie for the first time; Ghost Jack watches you and David fuck and kind of just thinks "hey guys what the fuck"
Tw: Reader is specified with he/him and being refered to as “Mr” and as their “boyfriend” but no genital specifications
Read on AO3
Read Below:
“Jack Goodman is dead.”
The news hits David like a freight train. You see him begin to struggle with it, not just mentally but physically. You get up from your chair at his bedside, running your fingers through his hair.
“David-David it’s going to be alright!”
It’s a promise you know isn’t true. The whole time David’s been unconscious you’ve been left to deal with the fact that Jack is dead, and David had almost joined him in that fate. You were lucky in a sense, lucky that you had passed out at the mere sight of the thing that attacked the three of you. That was enough to save your life, and save you from getting mauled at all.
You’ve yet to come to terms with his death, especially when you were informed his funeral had already taken place. It felt unreal. Like there was no way Jack was really gone.
The nurses who you spoke to while waiting on David to wake up informed you they were concerned you may have survivor's guilt.
Your poor panicking boyfriend is quickly given a sedative, forcing him to relax and rest. “Mr.Kessler, Mr.____, I appreciate the reaction but-” It’s your intense glare that causes the man from the American Embassy to shut his mouth. “R-Right. Well then, I’ll return once Mr. Kessler is feeling better, how about that?”
With David calm, and asleep, the doctor and nurses follow suit, leaving you alone in the hospital room with your unconscious boyfriend.
A gentle sigh leaves your lips as you look over his sleeping form. At least he seems to be sleeping calmly.  
Unaware of the watching eyes you brush David’s hair away from his face, admiring the scars on his face. They’re...not as bad as they could be.
You’re both lucky to be alive.
The ghostly visitor watches the way you interact with David slightly jealous. After all, it wasn’t as if you were going to be brushing his hair from his face anytime soon. He was a corpse now! A disfigured one at that. Even as a ghost life continued to mock him. How unfair was that.
But he lingers by watching you, watching David sleep. He’s worried about you both, you so more than David.
Although not David’s fault he is the last remaining werewolf, and you’re simply an innocent human being caught up in all of it.
And people thought the three of you were an odd couple before back when you were just three dudes, and now you’re three dudes two of which are supernatural freaks.
Jack had already begun to learn that time passes differently when you’re dead. He was reminded of this when his thoughts on how to handle the ‘lycanthropy situation’ are interrupted by a moan. Your moan to be exact.
Coming back to the world of the living (hah!) he finds that the early morning sunbeams have lit up the once darkened hospital room, and more importantly, or at the very least far more interesting to him, David has managed to coax you into sitting in his lap in the hospital bed.
Really David?
Jack is speechless, but somehow not surprised. He’s curious to see how far, in the light of everything, you and David are going to go in a hospital.
Unaware of the fact you’re being watched you squirm softly in David’s lap, his erection is already pressing to your back, and his hands are inside your jeans.
“Are you sure this is a good idea David?”
In response he presses himself further against your back, pressing a kiss to your neck, moaning eagerly into your ear. “Come on,” He’s already working on getting your pants down, and you let him, despite your weak protests.
“David it’s a hospital!”
“That’s what makes it fun!”
“Come on-” He grunts softly as your pants are pulled away, his hard dick closer to being sheathed inside your warmth.
Unlike you, he’s dressed in only a hospital gown.
“Come on, we both need a distraction. What a better- What a better distraction than a quickie. Just a quickie?”
“Okay...Just a quickie.”
Jack groans softly. Well, that’s another thing he’s learned about being a spirit. Ghost boners? Totally a thing. God being dead just gets worse and worse!
He should stop this. It’s weird being a cuck to his own boyfriends, especially since neither of you know he’s there, as you know, he’s supposed to be dead.
As much as he knows he should reveal himself, and stop watching this intimate moment...There’s something incredibly hot about watching you bounce up and down on David’s cock.
It’s rare he’s seen the scene from an outside perspective, after all when the three of you went at it he was usually in the fray himself.
And after all you only die once. Who knows how many times he’ll have left to watch you and David go at it?
...Nevermind. Strike that idea.
The concept of being stuck as a ghostly voyeur of his own lovers for the rest of eternity is far from a pleasant one.
A soft groan falls from Jack’s own lips at the sound of your moaning. He can’t help it, reaching for his clothed erection palming himself through his pants (and why exactly do ghost pants function like regular pants?)
Either way he frees his cock from it’s confines, gently smearing the already accumulating precum across the tip as he watches David pounding up into you.
Honestly, Jack’s a little disappointed in you. Usually you’re a much more enthusiastic rider of cock. He supposes it’s the emotional fatigue keeping you down.
It doesn’t seem like David minds though. Happy to rut into you like an animal (hah!) all while pressing kisses into the back of your neck.
He knows it’s not the case, but it almost seems as if the two of you are putting on a show for him. Your legs spread the goods on display for him.
Jack doesn’t last very long, not unlike when he was alive, the added almost taboo pleasure of knowing neither you nor David are aware he’s watching helping to push him over the edge.
He rides down the ecstasy of his own orgasm, watching as you cum, and then David quickly after.
Jack snickers to himself, as he thinks about how hard it’s going to be to explain the stains to the poor son of a bitch who’s stuck cleaning up the hospital beds sheets.
He’s interrupted enough for one day, if only in spirit (hah!), so he decides he’ll come back tomorrow with the whole “kill yourself David” spiel. You could use some rest.
Still...He thinks to himself, the two of you really couldn’t have waited a day to fuck after finding out he’d died?
Where was this fun horny attitude when he was still kickin’ ?
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
This Is The Way We Go
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Day Thirty-One: Roleplay | 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
Toji Fushiguro x f!reader Genre: Smut Notes: Had to finish off kinktober with my daddy 💕 thank u to everyone who read my kinktober fics I can't believe it's all over!! It's been a blast I'm so so proud of myself and thankful to u all <3 Warnings: 18+, dubcon, virginity loss, alcohol consumption, daddy kink, oral sex (m receiving), slight face fucking, fingering, clit kiss, vaginal sex, snowballing, cum play, smoking. Words: 3.8k
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“Bit of a borin’ Halloween costume, don’tcha think?”
Megumi’s father has always been upfront with you. You’ve known him for years, he’s practically a second father to you. He didn’t feel the need to hold back with his opinions, although at times you wish he did. But you understood the tone of his statement tonight. With your hair in pigtails and a nurses cap on top of your head, you gave him a twirl to show him how cute the entire ensemble was. It was a cliché, tacky, nurses dress. One that was a little on the revealing side, he might say. The reason he claimed it to be boring, is that you were training to become a nurse. You could have been anything in the whole world. And you instead, you were practically donning a uniform for your regular job.
“Leave her alone, dad.” Megumi stated, finally coming downstairs in his costume. Toji kissed his teeth as he observed his sons ‘pathetic’ attempt of a costume. He’d decided to be a vampire. Neither you nor Megumi saw a problem with it. It’s a costume after all, isn’t it?
“The lack of effort people put into Halloween costumes makes me sick,” Toji tuts and shakes his head. “Halloween is a time to go all out, y’know?”
“Interesting, Toji,” you nod along with his statement. He seems pleased with himself that you agree with his sentiment. “so I presume that’s why you’re staying home, alone, with no costume at all?”
You and Megumi are already practically out of the door before Toji could get a word in. He likes you, and that sharp tongue of yours. He’s sure it’ll get you in a lot of trouble one of these days.
Megumi clumsily put the keys into his front door while you stood on staggering legs with the obscene amount of greasy food you’d ordered to eat when you got back to his place. The smell of doughy, artery clogging pizza filled your senses and you were desperate for a taste.
It was impossible for you both to keep the noise down, noisily stomping around the front room with heavy shoes. Your laughs filled the room, as did Megumi’s feeble attempts of shushing you both. The pair of you got comfortable on the couch. Unfortunately for Megumi the TV instantly came on full blast and scared the life out of you both.
Toji thought you were both very lucky he was already wide awake.
You both froze as you saw him descend the stairs, greeting you with a scowl followed by a friendly smile. He liked to think of himself as a ‘cool’ dad. You suppose he is, he doesn’t try to hard to be cool and he’s generally enjoyable to be around. Megumi however thinks he’s a nuisance.
He situates himself on the couch between you both. Each of you instinctively kicking your legs out and resting them over his lap. Toji reaches over to your pizza box and steals a slice, which you don’t mind at all. Megumi offers him some chicken nuggets too, and you all watch the movie that’s already halfway through playing on the TV.
“What the hell is this shit?” Megumi wonders.
“Who fuckin’ raised you? Little idiot, An American Werewolf in London. It’s a classic, right?” he speaks, nudging you with his elbow prompting you to agree with him. His disappointment can’t be measured as all you can offer in response is a shrug of your shoulders. “Is this… shame? I think it might be. I’m ashamed to know the pair of you.”
“Shut the fuck up dad,” Megumi laughed into his food which coaxed a short laugh from you as well. “it’s not our fault the films fuckin’ ancient and we weren’t born in the 18th century like you.”
“The film came out in the 80s you little bastard, ‘m not that old.”
“Sure, you fucking fossil.” you chime in. You regret it instantly when Toji prods at your sides, tickling you endlessly. Megumi kicks you as you unintentionally kick him in your fits of laughter. Toji only ceases his assault on your body when you begin to choke on a slice of your pizza.
“Sorry, sorry darlin’.” he apologises, leaning down to pick up the three-litre bottle of Pepsi you’d ordered from the pizza shop. “Here.” he laughs, handing it to you. You drink it greedily, almost draining the entire contents of the plastic container. Once you’re satisfied you exhale a sigh of relief. He shakes his head as he notes the water welling in your eyes.
Maybe it wasn’t his finest idea to tickle you while you were eating.
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Megumi had blacked out before the film had finished, and you weren’t far behind him. Toji was eager to return to his own bed, but thought he best leave Megumi to sleep off the alcohol in his system on the couch. He gets up, searching for a blanket to cover his son with. He raises an eyebrow, wondering if you’re planning on sharing the couch with him, but you shake your head. Although, you’re fighting a losing battle against sleep.
He picks you up in his arms with ease, carrying you bridal style up to Megumi’s room. You’re grateful, really, that he’s so muscular and strong. You don’t believe you would have made it all of the way to bed on your own with the way your head was spinning.
Toji helps you into bed, tucking you in nicely and wishing you a goodnight. You’re freezing. You can’t help how you’re shivering all alone under the covers. It’s common that when you sleep over, you curl up with Megumi. And Toji isn’t stupid, he doesn’t doubt that you do a little more than sleep next to his son whenever you stay the night. He doesn’t buy the whole ‘best friends’ thing for a minute. But, he isn’t going to press the issue if neither of you are willing to be honest.
The room is spinning, you feel like you’re in a tornado about to wake up in Oz. You can’t sleep like this. You’re lonely, you’re cold, you’re drunk.
You find yourself getting out of bed, searching for company. You’re sure Megumi won’t mind if you wake him up to spoon on the couch with him, right? Except that isn’t the direction you’re walking at all. You should be heading down the stairs right now, but you just avoided them completely.
Toji stirs awake, and he sees little ol' you standing at his open door. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes, forgetting what day it was and where you had been the night before. Your already naughty nurse outfit had rucked up while you were sleeping. The little cap was gone, probably left downstairs with Megumi. The moonlight shone down on you through his bedroom window. He smiles, you don’t look sleepy at all. He recognises that look anywhere. He’s seen it on many women before, and now he’s seeing it on you. He’s no fool, you’re lonely, huh?
“Can I sleep with you?” you ask him.
He turns on the light on his bedside table and beckons you inside. You do as your told, shutting the door behind you and shuffling closer. He opens the duvet to you, inviting you to join him underneath. You smile, practically running to him. Toji pulls your body close to him. God, you are freezing. But he’s boiling hot. Even with his chest bare, he’s warmer than you could have ever hoped to be sleeping alone. You begin backing yourself closer against him. He knows what you’re doing, and he thinks it’s a very bad idea.
“Stop it, princess.” he commands. And he can already see the pout forming on your face as you stop your squirming.
“’m so cold,” you complain, “just wanna be warm, daddy.” you tell him, he sighs. Totally at a loss of what to do with you.
“Don’t call me that, behave yourself.” he demands, your squirming continues and you feel a huff of exasperated breath tickle the nape of your neck. “I know you’re still a virgin, y’think I don’t hear you ‘n Megumi talkin’?” he speaks, directly into your ear.
“I don’t wanna be, not anymore.” you confess, hoping your continued rutting will incite a different response from him.
“Aren’t you and Megumi a thing—?” you shake your head at his question. You really are nothing more than best friends. He’s like your brother. Of course it’s a little sick that you want to fuck his father, especially after knowing him for so many years. But you can’t help yourself. You’re right here, and he’s right here with you. And you want him. And truthfully, the only thing that’s stopping Toji – is Megumi.
“Be my first, daddy. I want you.” you request, your continued grinding finally getting a response out of the man behind you. “You’ll take care of me, won’t you?”
His lips find the crook of your neck, tongue laving over your pulse point as he sucks on your skin. Sloppily kissing you until you throw your head back against him. You can feel him nodding into you.
“Yeah baby, I’ll take care of you.”
He pulls you on top of him, your knees on either side of his hips. You’re so damn cute, look at that confused little face of yours. He can see you’re overwhelmed, and he coos. You feel your face go hot, this is so embarrassing. He’s so much more experienced than you are, he’s so mature and so hot. But he likes you. He likes sweet and innocent. And you fit that profile to a T.
“It’s okay princess, take your time.”
You shuffle backwards, giving yourself more room and more freedom to explore his body. Although you know exactly what you want first. You know he’s big. Even without feeling it against your ass mere minutes ago you’ve never had a doubt in your mind that he’s large in size. Deft fingers grasp the waistband of his boxers.
“I’ll need to start by checking your reflexes,” you tease, playing into the role of the costume you’re wearing. It steals a grin from him. You pull down slowly, almost afraid of what you’ll see. His big fat cock springs free, hitting off his abdomen. He grunts with a sigh, his tip drooling pre onto his stomach.
It’s glorious, and weird, to see a cock for the first time with your own two eyes. Especially one that big. You have smart eyes, even in your drunken state. He’s easily 9 inches long and awfully thick. His member is decorated in thick pulsing veins. Toji wraps one of his hands around his length and begins tugging himself slowly. It’s almost threatening. The base is adorned with black curly hairs, similar to the shade of the hair on his head. His tip is large and prominent, and your tongue salivates at the sight of his pearly precum gathering at his weeping slit.
“Think you need somethin’ in your mouth gorgeous, open wide ‘n I’ll take your temperature.” he jokes, wanting to continue the theme of the evening.
“Aren’t I supposed to be the nurse?”
“Suck. It.”
You shrug your shoulders, sinking your mouth onto his length. It’s intimidating, so intimidating you can’t seem to bring yourself to get anymore of him down your throat than his mushroom tip. He laughs, having such a big cock is a blessing and a curse.
“Relax your throat, easier said than done, I know. But if you don’t move, I’m gonna fuck your face instead.” he threatens. So much for taking care of you.
But you were right, you are the nurse. And as such, you should be doing your best to take care of him. It is easier said than done to relax your throat, instantly groaning and gagging around Toji’s aching desire. He revels in the way your adorable pigtails look as he stares down at you sucking him off. Your hot little mouth around him is making him drippy. He’s too much to handle. He wants to be gentle with you, but can you really blame him for allowing his hips to rock into your willing mouth? Especially the way you’re gagging like that. You’re making him feel real good about himself.
“God, your mouth is so fucking good.” he tells you.
All restraint is lost, and he turns into the head pusher he told himself he wouldn’t be with you. Take your time. He said. Yeah, right. He wants to use your wet cavern to edge himself to the final moment. It wouldn’t be a problem if you just sucked him off tonight. But you are the one who said you wanted him to take your virginity. Who is he to deny you? He holds your head at the base of his cock for a little while, your nose lightly tickled by his unruly pubic hairs. You slap lightly at his thigh, indicating that you can’t breathe. He needs to remember himself, remember you. He isn’t a monster; he just likes to fuck hard. And he’s mean, but he can’t be too mean with you.
He frees you from choking on his length, you cough and sputter, holding your throat to relive any discomfort. Though you aren’t granted much recovery time, he sits upright and pulls you towards him. Your noses inches apart. His eyes alternate between yours and your lips, and yours do the same.
“C-Can I,” you gulp. “kiss? Please.”
“Please what?”
“Daddy, please daddy. Can I have a kiss?”
His lips press against yours, the grooves of your mouths slotting together perfectly. Toji’s hands explore your body, one settling in the small of your back and the other resting on the crown of your head preventing you from pulling away. It starts off slow, sweet. You’ve kissed before. You’ve kissed Megumi before – drunkenly, of course. But this somehow feels different. It’s like he’s offering everything he has to you.
It becomes more erratic. His tongue prods at the seam of your lips, desperate for you to open your mouth. You do. It’s an unusual sensation. A delicious cocktail of soft and hard licks against your own tongue as he explores your mouth. The mouth that just housed his awfully large cock, not caring that his taste is still on your tongue. He rolls you over so that you’re flat on your back.
He observes your form as he gently pushes your thighs apart. They hadn’t been getting to him before, but those white stockings you’re wearing are driving him wild while you’re spread open like this. You’ll have to keep those on while he fucks you, he thinks.
He’d been too focused on your luscious legs, when he finally looks back at your face he feels his cock jump. Big, trusting doe eyes giving him his full attention. There really is no other way to describe it. You’re trusting him. Wholly and completely. He’s the worst person you could have chosen to take your virginity – though it isn’t going to stop him.
Your panties are moved aside as he dips into your tacky folds. He wonders if you’ve already creamed yourself since you’re so drenched and gushy for him. He silences your hitching breath with another tongue tangling kiss as he slides a finger into your heat.
“It’s okay, it’s only one.” he coos, admiring the way your arms wrap around his body for stabilization.
He’s slow at first, doing his best to get your virgin walls used to his thick finger. It’s odd, it’s a lot. He isn’t going particularly deep yet, but he kisses you through it more. It’s really setting in for him how much you’re relying on him to be gentle with you, to ease you into this. His pace picks up when the intensity of your kiss increases. You’re moaning into his mouth so sweetly, pretty pretty moans as you register the foreign feeling of being fingered.
“One more baby, you can handle one more finger f’me cant’cha?” he questions.
You nod, you aren’t sure if it’s the truth, but you want too. His pace doesn’t let up and you feel just how deep he’s trying to get. It feels like his finger tips are in your lungs. He’s shushing you now, you’re getting a little too loud for him when he knows his son is sleeping soundly downstairs. But the shushing is just as fruitless as it had been when Megumi tried to quieten you down as you entered the house together.
“Y’like it sweetheart? Does it feel good?” he asks you, already knowing the answer by the eyes rolled in the back of your head.
“Y-Yes, daddy, s’good. Too much! Too much f’me!” you wail.
“Sh sh sh,” he commands. You nod, not wanting to disappoint him. “think you can handle my cock?”
“Want it, please, please fuck me.” you whisper, body jolting with each intense curl of his fingers inside your sensitive walls.
He balances on his knees, shuffling around and moving your legs until he is between them. Toji’s thumbs rub softly, comfortingly over your inner thighs. He’s really going to do this. Your heart is racing, as is his. He crooks his fingers into your panties, you push your legs together and lift them up straight so he can remove them with ease. You open your legs for him again, and he takes a particular long stare at your folds. It’s making you self-conscious. Is there something wrong with you? He notices your panicked eyes, leaning his head down to plant a soft, tender kiss on your clit.
His body shifts and soon he’s caging you in beneath him. He delivers you one more kiss, it’s chaste and hurried before he pulls away and licks his lips. His cock rests gently between your pussy lips, his cockhead nudging your sensitive bead ever so slightly. Toji rests his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes.
“Are ya sure about this, princess?” he asks.
“Please, Toji. I want you.”
And with that, it’s all the confirmation he needs. He aligns his shaft with your little hole, you hiss instantly as his mushroom tip stretches your spasming walls.
“Ah, ah—!”
“I know, I know. It’s just the tip baby, doin’ so well f’me.” he croons, attempting to silence you with a kiss one more time. You hum into his mouth; it almost feels like you’re smiling. He pulls away, thinking you might have something to tell him.
“Y’should have been in this uniform T-Toji,” you stutter, still coming to terms with his impressive size delving into your virgin slot.
“Yeah? How come?”
“G-Givin’ me an injection, ah—!” you kid, gasping a little when you feel him bottom out inside of you. He’s too much to take, now you’re sure you can definitely feel him in puncturing your lungs. No, you can feel him filling your throat. You can’t breathe. It doesn’t get any better as he gently ruts his hips inside of you. He covers your mouth with the palm of his hand.
“Shut. Up.” he responds, unimpressed by your silly joke. He punctuates his words with light grinds against your cervix. And although his words say otherwise, you can see an ever so slight curve of his lips. He’s at least a little amused.
He doesn’t thrust for a good while. Taking his time letting you accommodate his heavy, throbbing desire. It’s like you can’t bear to be separated for a single second while he’s inside of you. He kisses you through it all. The grinding. His thumb that traverses down to toy with your pulsing clit. The eventual shallow thrusting. And the inevitable deep intense ones. The ones where you have to pull away to moan. He doesn’t let you part your lips for long, though. Ethereal moans escape your lungs that he must swallow for himself. Stay on his lips, give him what he’s earnt. He deserves them, he is making those sounds. He wants to drown in the depths of your breathy pants.
He can feel you clenching.
“Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” he asks.
You nod. You are, God, you are. It isn’t lost on you how lucky you are you be losing your virginity to someone who has a particularly high level of competence when it comes to women. He knew exactly how close you were to a powerful end. And he let you moan as loudly as you wanted when you finally spasmed around him, your cunt offering more juice to his needy cock for all of it’s hard work. He kissed your neck through your high, continuing to fuck you through the bliss of your orgasm. You felt another one coming along, about to roll right after the first.
He pressed your left leg further open while he moved your right one over his shoulder. The deeper angle brought exactly what you both wanted. Your chest swelled as you came for a second time in a few seconds, and Toji grunted as he forcefully thrust into you and emptied himself inside of you. He kept fucking you for a while after, a creamy ring forming around the base of his cock. Toji pulled out, admiring the way his kids seeped out of your quivering entrance.
“Open your mouth.” he ordered.
You did as you were told. An obscene moan fell from your lips, still feeling tingly and sensitive. His mouth connected with your leaking cunt, he sucked his cream out of your tight hole and held it in his mouth. He leaned up, kissing you, shoving it all into your mouth. He didn’t need to ask, you already knew he wanted you to swallow.
“That’s a good girl.”
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You curled up to his side as he lit up a post-fuck cigarette. It was an addiction for him. The two things go hand in hand in his eyes. It’s the perfect way to recover, to consider the things he’s just done. He raises an eyebrow as you reach up with two fingers, desperate for a drag yourself.
He didn’t even know you smoked.
You don’t.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him. He looks down at you as you suck in the tobacco eagerly. You can’t even be mad when he laughs as you choke on it. You don’t need to try so hard to impress him, he thinks. He already likes you. He’s always thought you were a sweetheart, he just likes you a little more now. “I was tryna do the roleplay thing, I didn’t do a very good job.” you confess, attempting one more time to smoke properly. He snatches the cigarette back from you, sick of you darkening your lungs for the sake of making him think you’re cool.
“It’s alright, just keep the costume,” he smiles, puffing the cigarette effortlessly, “we can try it again next time.”
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© 2021 fuwushiguro
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A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
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