#also i REALLY love the detail of his clothes being burnt
cldflsh · 8 months
okay but what if being hit by lightning would have left a scar on barry. and i'm not just talking physically, but mentally as well.
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like come on. you can't tell me it wouldn't have been good angst when barry found out that he would have a large scar going down his upper body for the rest of his life. there was probably some more on his back. but if coldflash was canon along with this idea, len would have found it hot and very much so badass, and it would have made barry feel so much better about himself.
but emotionally? come on. i've read the statements of some people who were struck by lightning, and it's not something that you can just brush off. barry, he almost died, and yeah, he got some cool powers out of it, but it should have made him extremely anxious because his entire body had changed, the way it functions, and they knew nothing about it at the beginning, minus eobard. i just feel like it would have been a nice, realistic touch to have him shift around in bed uncomfortably when there's a storm outside, to regularly check the weather before going out. idk.
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jorrated · 4 months
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Redid my Maya Knux gijinka! Now with notes and sources on how I did the design (It's kinda long, around 2k words jsyk):
The hairstyle:
Knux has pretty long spikes, so I knew I wanted to give him long hair! Braids or dreadlocks look pretty fitting, so I tried looking for references of hairstyles to see if any fit what I was looking for:
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Source: Mayavase.com (Photograph by Justin Kerr)
While all the vases show a variety of interesting hairstyles, I particularly loved the look of the braids in K694 (the third picture). Being tied upwards wouldn’t really fit Knux however, so something like the man in K1340 (fourth pic) with his hair fully down, or the 5th man from left to right in K1092 (first pic) with a cloth holding the hair would be really nice!
I didn’t want to give him a headpiece, if only to not clutter his head, but also I didn’t think it’d fit Knux as a warrior. The ruler’s headpiece in K1453 (second pic) however allows the hair to come off it, and seems to have some dangly adornments on the end of the strands/braids/locks, which I found super pretty. Plus:
“Elite Mayan men and women styled their hair to show off their pointed heads, crafted through the careful head flattening they experienced as children. Women gathered their long hair on top of their heads in flowing ponytails. For special occasions they braided their ponytails and decorated them with ornaments and ribbons. Mayan men grew their hair long but burnt the hair off their foreheads to accentuate their elongated profiles. They would bind their hair into one or many ponytails or tie it in a bundle on top of their head. Mayan slaves had their hair cut short as one visible mark of their inferior status.” p.399
Source: Fashion, costume, and culture: clothing, headwear, body decorations, and footwear through the ages (Sarah Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, Sarah Hermsen as Project Editor), 2003.
Taking all of that! I settled on tight braids with a few adornments made of jade and wood, with a red cloth to keep his hair from his eyes. Almost all of the braids are pulled together into a ponytails, but there are some smaller braids loose.
It’s somewhat of a mixture of styles, combining ornaments of special occasions, with the long hair of elites on a character like Knux. But I kept these ‘contradictory’ aspects of the design to remember that Knux kinda learns about his ancestors on the go, through murals, writings and technology, so I doubt he’d have a great grasp on what he should and shouldn’t wear. I think it adds character as someone who’s trying to figure out himself, his history and his place in the world.
Shoes and Accessories:
For footwear I kept it simple, just turned Knux’s existing shoes into sandals:
“Ancient Aztecs and Mayans of Central America adopted a thick-soled sandal with a protective legging attached at the heel, while the top of the foot and shin remained exposed.” p.135
Source: Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion (Valerie Steele), 2005
Although my gut instinct was to cover Knuckles from head to toe in accessories, I also tried to keep it simple like the shoes. He’s a very mobile fellow so he can’t have too much weight or annoying bits flying everywhere and getting in his face. So I kept his moon necklace, like in Fleetway, just adjusted the shape to have a bit more of details:
“The jewelry worn by the Mayan, Aztec and Inca people was rich in variety and quite beautiful. Without metalworking skills, Mayans made jewelry from many materials. Mayan men wore nose ornaments, earplugs and lip plugs made from bone, wood, shells and stones, including jade, topaz, and obsidian. Necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headgear were made with jaguar and crocodile teeth, jaguar claws and feathers.” p.402
Source: Fashion, costume, and culture: clothing, headwear, body decorations, and footwear through the ages (Sarah Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, Sarah Hermsen as Project Editor), 2003.
As stated here, Mayans didn’t have metalwork, so I imagine this is an artifact that his ancestors got from another group of people.
Just a page before they also mention how the Maya people used to file points into their teeth, to make their mouths more appealing. This includes shaping them into pointy teeth, (like the classic shark teeth), but they could also file them into other shapes, like in this picture:
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Source: https://www.archaeologynow.org/blog-3/blog-post-title-two-txwxl (I’m pretty sure this isn’t the source of the image, but I couldn’t find an actual source that wasn’t an uncredited blog)
The Maya people are also notorious for their good dentistry, as seen the stone ornaments in the teeth above. I think the filling is something Knux could do on his own, but anything that would involve actual dentistry would be too much. But it’s still interesting to read about!
(Here’s an article named “Mayan Esthetic Dentistry: Using Modern Techniques and Digital Imaging Technologies to Link the Past to the Present” by Yassine Harichane if you want to learn more!)
While a non-permanent version of stones on teeth seemed cool, like Jade incisor-coverings, at the end of the day I don’t think Knuckles is too vain, so I didn’t add that to the design. Although I think he’d definitely try out a bunch of things like this, just to try to understand them.
For additional outfits I gave him a red layered cape and a green huipil! The red cape is just to bring back more red into the design, since I gave him a lot of green. And the huipil is a nod to his poncho in the comics! (Although huipiles are commonly associated with women and girls, I still wanted to give him one, not only to bring up his partial detachment to his ancestors, but also because Knux probably wouldn’t think much about gender in general let’s be honest)
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Source: Mayavase.com (Photograph by Justin Kerr)
Somewhat based the red cape on the 4th man in this picture, from left to right, but I kept it simple, as maybe just some fabric Knux found around the island, nothing too fancy.
For the huipil I wanted to do something more detailed but was having a really hard time coming up with designs. And I didn’t want to straight up plagiarize someone’s else work, so I kept it vague, maybe some day I’ll sit down and give it a more detailed version. I did come across a very nice store/ catalog that sells traditional Maya textiles, and this one was very gorgeous! Highly recommend give this and the other textiles a look!
In the end I made the huipil look vaguely like the ones shown in page 128 of the following book:
“In the Museum collection, costumes that looked very much alike usually turned out to be from villages that shared a language. Among Cakchiquel villages, dialect differences were usually mirrored by costume differences. Working on this principle we were surprised by the striking similarity of style in the huipils of San Antonio Aguas Calientes (fig. 195) and San Martín Jilotepeque (fig. 196). These villages, while both Cakchiquel, spoke very different dialects and were separated geographically (map, below). The similarity of their huipil was so remarkable we felt the need to investigate these two villages more thoroughly and found that a multi-cultural history probably accounted for these unexpected similarities of style. Huipils from these villages may well illustrate the earliest examples of pan-Maya acculturation after the Conquest.”p. 127
Source: Threads of identity: Maya costume of the 1960s in highland Guatemala (Patricia B. Altman, Caroline D.West), 1992.
Lastly on accessories, which I don’t know if it counts as an accessory but I didn’t know where to put it: the body paint. Last time I gave Knux a human design I couldn't find a good resource on Maya people painting their bodies. Every source mentioned and was in consensus that some of the people did paint their bodies, but that was the extent of the info. I wasn’t able to find any patterns or meanings of the body paintings, or even good visual reference for it. But! This time I was able to get a bit more:
“Body painting was a common Maya practice. Classic Period murals and polychrome vases depict warriors covered with red or black paint; sometimes their bodies were striped with red paint. Paint was also used around the eyes and nose to give a fierce expression. In the 16th century, these practices continued. Women also applied red paint to their faces and bodies, but presumably to make themselves look beautiful, not fierce. Small paint jars of red hematite mixed with mica were found in the houses at Cerén, and these may have been for cosmetic use. Unmarried young men painted their bodies black, and so did those who were undergoing periods of ritual purification and fasting. Priests often wore blue body paint. “p. 338
Source: Handbook To Life In The Ancient Maya World Lynn (V. Foster), 2002.
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Source: Mayavase.com (Photograph by Justin Kerr)
I of course wanted to give him red paint, and I really liked this design of the red lining the cheeks on the face down to the neckline. However in most of these depictions the red on the body is accompanied by the white face, which I can’t actually tell if the face has white paint, or the body has black paint, like described in the quote before. Either way I chose to only use the red, to keep in line with Knux’s original design.
(It’s worth mentioning that these vases shown depict rulers, as you can see the intricate thrones and altars, which isn’t really fitting with Knux. But again, I want to keep some mismatched aspects into his design, not only warrior-related things.)
The main outfit:
Last but not least, the main outfit. Don’t have much notes on this I’m going to be honest, I just tried to keep in line with descriptions of warriors clothing:
“While some warriors may have been resplendent on the battlefield, the common Maya soldier fought with little clothing other than loincloth and body paint, based on battle scenes in the few Maya murals that remain (see figure 2.9, page 54).” p.147
Source: Handbook To Life In The Ancient Maya World Lynn (V. Foster), 2002.
I considered putting him in a loincloth for accuracy, but tbh I was scared people were going to be weird about it, and so I gave him a skirt with some fabric that emulates the look of a loincloth and some scrap fabric around his waist and limbs! He actually ended pulling up a lot from the dude I mentioned in vase K1092 (the very first ref pic in this post) lol!
And that´s all, hope y’all liked it :P
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ithebookhoarder · 1 year
Javier Peña req (and Steve as bestie). Y/n is their partner and is feeling extremely burnt out; running on empty, coffee, cigarettes and not much else. She’s barely sleeping or eating and constantly has a tight chest and racing heart. They both know something is up with her but she just shrugs it off until one day, Javi is out on a raid and she reaches her breaking point. Steve manages to get her home but can’t reach Javi until he gets back to the embassy etc. Also, please could you throw in a little Carrillo cause😍
Burned Out (Javier Peña x F!Reader)
A/N: I’ve missed Narcos and my DEA boys, so thank you for this prompt, whoever sent this in. I really appreciate it. I’ve been in a bit of a slump recently with writing for this blog, so it’s great to have something to focus on and pour myself in to - hope you enjoy it!
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Warnings: Swearing, smoking, alcohol, reference to depressive / self destructive behaviour, description of a panic attack, mild smut, canon-typical violence, death, reference to drugs / overdosing. 
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You knew exactly when it started. When you began to feel yourself beginning to sink downwards into the quicksand that was your life. 
It was a bad day… well, a worse day, if you were being honest, given that life in general in Bogota was hard and full of bad days that left you feeling numb inside. Whereas you were normally able to banish the darkness by spending time with the friends you had collected since your arrival to the city, not even Javi’s gentle kisses or Steve’s dirty jokes or Connie’s homemade deserts could do the trick. 
The day had been bad for many reasons.
One, you’d lost a contact with direct links to Escobar, that you’d spent weeks working on. 
Two, you had lost them in a drive-by shooting that had killed not only them but countless civilians too. 
Three, some of your asshole colleagues decided to spill coffee all over your files meaning you were forced to work late to re-type them up for a briefing the following morning. Even though you had got it done, you knew you had likely missed some details, the ink far too smudge to even begin to try and understand what had previously been written. 
However, that day had only been the start of it. The start of the downwards spiral you found yourself tumbling into. 
Sure, the others had noticed there was a change about you. Yet, it wasn’t as if they knew what was causing it or how to fix it. 
Javi especially knew what you were like - you were like him after all. Spilling your guts wasn’t your natural reaction to handling things. You kept your emotions bottled up inside of you, cramming more and more in, forcing that lid to remain firmly screwed in place even as the pressure began to build. 
And if the lid did threaten to pop off? Well then, you lost yourself in him. In the love that existed between you, and the intimate knowledge you shared of one another. After all, Javi had said it himself, “who needed therapy when you had sex and good whiskey?” 
A night of passionate fucking was all it took to take the edge off… to let a little pressure escape, delaying your inevitable eruption… But that was just it; you would erupt. It was inevitable. There was no way on earth you could sustain the relentless routine of long hours spent at work, with coffee doing its best to act as a replacement for your bed. 
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Hell, you could feel the toll it was taking on you both mentally and physically, from the way your hands shook slightly, to the way your chest felt too tight to breathe sometimes. Then there was the fact your clothes were starting to get baggy, whereas they’d once clung to your frame like they’d been tailored for you. 
“Here,” Javi had smiled one afternoon. You could smell the sandwich in his hand before he even set it down on the desk in front of you, accompanied by a packet of chips and a can of your favourite soda. “Grabbed that for you on our way back. Figured you’d forget lunch - again.” 
A weak smile tugged at the corner of your lips at the kind gesture. “Thanks, Javi.” 
“Anytime, hermosa.” He said it so calmly and easily that you felt your heart skip a beat as you realised how lucky you were to have someone who cared about you so deeply. It was why you made sure to tear a corner off of the sandwich and pop it in your mouth. 
The relieved nod Javi granted you told you it was the reaction he’d been waiting for, as he took a step back to let you finish eating and working in peace. 
You knew he’d be back to check you’d finished it in a matter of minutes. So, you were quick to chuck the rest of his lunch in the waste paper bin behind you, burying it further under a pile of discarded documents you’d already finished looking through. 
It was fine. You’d eat later. Maybe you’d even try and cook dinner for you and Javi… an apology for being so distant lately… 
Somehow, despite lacking the gift of prophecy, you knew deep down that that was unlikely to happen. Just as you knew it was unlikely Javi would even make it home tonight. For the last week straight, both he and Steve had been called out on some last minute, late night errands by Carillo - not that you minded all that much. 
Not having Javi’s arms to fall into meant you felt less guilty about working late yourself. About only making it back to your empty apartment long enough for a quick shower and a power nap each night. 
It was ironic to think of Carillo, though, given that your brief conversations with the Colonel in question had been the closest you’d come to finally releasing some of the hurt and the pain inside of you. 
You didn't know what it was about him, but somehow, the Colonel had an ability to draw you out. To make you open up and share things you would never otherwise dream of. 
Maybe it was his candour? You’d noticed that about him since you'd started working together; he had a blunt demeanour, saying what he thought regardless of the affect it could have on another person. 
Now, it wasn't done with malice, per say, but rather as the result of a man who had the weight of an entire army on his shoulders and an impossible task. He just didn't have the time to bullshit anyone - especially when you both lived in a city full of people all too willing to lie and cheat. 
It also came from a weird sense of respect, of seeing people as equals, deserving of the truth just as he expected the same in return. No matter how painful it may be.
Needless to say, it was one of the reasons you'd grown to respect the man - and dare you even say, like. 
Still, when he decided to loiter on the other side of your desk, late one night, you felt yourself stiffen, as if suddenly all too aware of every little gesture your body made and what it gave away.
The Colonel missed nothing.  
“You look like shit.”
Wow. Don’t beat around the bush. 
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“Jeez, your wife married a charmer, Colonel,” you scoffed, dragging on your cigarette, sparing him a fleeting glance. “Speaking of, doesn’t she want you back home? Or do you prefer my company that much that you’d rather stand at my desk at 11 o’clock at night?” 
“She’s out of the city, visiting her parents,” he rebuffed, clearly not taking the bait as he dropped into the empty seat opposite. In fact, he decided to reach across and steal one of the cigarettes from the packet on your desk, lighting it for himself in a gesture that made it clear he wasn’t going anywhere for now.  
“Good for her.”
“Yes, it is. I think time away from this place is good for everyone.” 
You could feel the accusation lacing his words, as well as the heat from his continuous stare. “Then why didn’t you go with her? Not enough vacation days?” 
He scoffed, a bitter smirk twisting his lips upwards. “You’re funny; I can see why Peña likes you so much. Like calls to like, as they say, even if you try and hide it behind that smile of yours.” 
You bit back a laugh. “What can I say? I lucked out in that department and got my Mom’s smile. My sister was not so fortunate. She always had my dad’s features - meaning she looked more often than not like she was sucking on a lemon.” 
“This is the sister that died from an overdose, correct?”
“The anniversary is this week, is it not?” 
He asked it so calmly and casually that anyone would have thought he’d asked you what the weather was like outside, or what your favourite record to listen to was. 
At least his concern now made sense. It was the kind of detail he would remember, and you were honestly more surprised by the fact it had taken until now for him to bring it up. 
He’d probably been itching to ask you about it all day, aware of the date even if your two partners were not. Well, they might have been, but neither had said anything which was your preference if you were being honest. Hence your rapidly cooling demeanour towards your colleague. 
“I’m fine, if that’s what you're trying to fish about for, Colonel,” you sighed, staring back down at your desk again in an attempt to dismiss him. “You don't have to worry about me. I’m good. Thanks. So can I get back to work in peace? Or did you have some other question for me?” 
Carillo sighed, simply choosing to smoke his cigarette, letting the tension linger along with the steadily growing haze around you both. 
He didn't need to say the words aloud; his actions did all the talking for him as he reached over and helped himself to a file off of you desk. 
He didn't buy this ‘calm, cool, and collected’ act you were pedalling. Not for a second - something his stare alone gave away, even if he refused to say it. Instead, he chose to read, and work, and smoke along side you so that you would not be alone. 
He had his eyes on you... watching and waiting for the moment that your carefully constructed walls came crashing down... the only question was would they crush you in the process?
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It was about a month later that the inevitable happened; that you finally hit rock bottom. 
It had just been a causal remark that did it, of all things. A casual remark that sent you tipping over the edge. 
You had just returned from lunch and hadn’t even sat back down at your desk yet when you noticed that someone was missing.  
“Yo, Steve?” you queried, quickly glancing up at the empty seat next to you. “Where did Javi go?” 
Now, you couldn't be a hundred percent certain what Steve said next but you knew he’d said something about Carillo, a lead, and a raid ... 
“I said, Javier went with him,” Steve repeated, staring at you with growing concern. You realised he must have already repeated himself. “What? Why? What is it?” 
“Javi went too? He… he’s there? On that raid?” 
“Yes, y/n, that’s what I just said - hey! Where you going?” 
You didn’t even realise your feet had started moving, not until you heard Steve’s confusion as he yelled after you. 
But you didn't stop.
You couldn’t stop, not until you were outside - not until you were far enough from that place that you could actually stop and fucking breathe. 
When did it become so hard to breathe? 
When had the room become so small? 
Why did your mind suddenly feel the need to go to the darkest place possible? 
It was just a raid... one of hundreds Javi had gone on since arriving here in the country, just as you had also gone on your fair share. So why was your head suddenly picturing him... lying there... injured, or worse... dead. 
The number of bodies you’d stared at, lying in the streets in a macabre tableau that had become all too familiar by now - all part of this fucking job. A job you signed up for, hoping to vanquish the bastards who had taken so much from you and those you loved… yet, every day, it seemed you had failed as more and more innocent people suffered… and to think, that Javi - the man you loved more than anything - who you had neglected terribly to the point you couldn't actually remember the last time you’d woken up next to each other - could be amongst them… 
It brought you to your knees. 
“Whoah, y/n. Easy. What’s wrong?” 
Steve’s voice sounded distant, as if you have been submerged beneath water. Yet, you could tell he was beside you, dropping down onto the kerb before hauling you close. The warmth of his touch was enough to tether you to him, to reality, as everything around you seemed to spin in dizzying circles.
You could feel it as his hands rose, cupping your cheeks, turning your head and trying to get you to look at him. 
When you finally did, he could see immediately that your eyes were glassy, like you weren’t really seeing or hearing him. 
He knew that look. 
“Y/N,” Steve murmured in a soothing voice. “Y/N, look at me. Look at me.” 
He paused, waiting until your eyes trained themselves on his face, some of the cloudiness starting to dissipate. 
“Good, that’s good. Now breathe. Just breathe,” he instructed, taking a few deep breaths himself to show you how.
It took you a moment or two, but you eventually became fully aware of your surroundings and what your friend was telling you to do. 
Following his lead, you took a few shuddering breaths, then a few more. You kept breathing until you could feel the racing of your heart slow and the fear that had felt crippling just moments before begin to ease.
You were exhausted.
Wiping at your face, you tried to banish the tears that had left a salty trail burning down your cheek.
Steve doesn't say anything for a long minute, instead choosing to pull you into his side and light up a cigarette, which he was quick to offer you.
“T... thank you.”
You sat like that for a while... just watching people and cars passing by, smoking like two people on a perfectly ordinary break.
No one bothered to stop and ask you two questions. Hell, no one even shot a glance in your direction, everyone too busy with their own business to stop and give a shit about yours.
So you sat. 
And smoked. 
And said nothing... not until the cigarette was nothing more than a stub.
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Steve was quick to take it from you, before it could burn your fingers. Tossing it aside, it had clearly served its purpose. 
He stood and offered you a hand. 
His face left no room for debate as he stated calmly, “Come on, I’m taking you home. Now.” 
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“Come on. A couple more steps, Y/N,” Steve urged, guiding you up the stairs to your apartment. 
His hand was warm, firm even, as it pressed against your lower back. 
He’d been like this since the moment you’d left the embassy, steering you and hovering over you like he expected you to simply topple over at the slightest breeze. 
It was touching, yet irritating all at once - a sentiment you were too busy trying to put one foot in front of the other to even attempt to unpack. You were also just too goddamn tired. 
“Here we are.” Steve’s words startled you. “Home sweet home.” 
You didn’t remember giving him the keys, but you must have as he opened the door a second later and herded you inside. 
There was emotion in your throat - threatening to spill from you. You were holding on by a thread and he knew it. Just as Carillo knew it, and possibly Connie too - 
Wait, Connie?
You blinked as you realised that at some point the woman had also entered your home, most likely having been summoned by Steve on the drive home. 
You wanted to feel guilty at the thought of her being dragged into your mess, but you were honestly too tired to feel anything other than grateful as she hurried over to you, offering you a cup of what you assumed was tea, as well as two pills. 
To help take the edge off, she explained, urging you to take them. Doctor’s orders. 
It was impossible to miss the way that they were both staring at each other - sharing anxious glances as you swallowed the tablets and dutifully sipped the tea. 
They were worried about you. Hell, you were worried about you, and Javi, and Steve, and everyone else you loved and cared about - that was what had got you in this mess in the first place. 
Damn it.
You heard them say as much as you marched yourself to your bedroom, claiming you were going to try and get some rest whilst you waited for news. 
If they bought it, you couldn’t tell, but neither protested as you left them. 
They simply let you go, allowing you the space and privacy to crawl into your bedroom, bury yourself in the unmade sheets, and lie down for a while. The medication had clearly started to work as you felt heavy... tired... 
Lying there, you could hear their voices... faint murmurs drifting down the hall. 
You caught only snippets as they tried and failed to keep their voices down, just as your parents had once done when you were just a kid. Still, despite their efforts, you caught enough to know that there was still no word from Javi, or about the raid he went on. 
“-called Javi- no reply.”
“Carillo - try again -”
“-worried about her - stressed.” 
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Eventually, the words began to fade away, replaced instead by your body's sudden need to sleep. It was pointless to fight the drugs now in your system, or the comfort of being wrapped in the bed sheets that still smelled of Javi... not even you were strong enough to fight it as you felt yourself drifting off into sweet oblivion.
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You must have still been dreaming - that was the thought that crossed your mind as you swore you heard Javi's voice.
"Javi?" you moaned, fighting against the grogginess that greeted you as you tried to open your eyes.
Despite the fact it was clearly now dark out, you could easily make out the face in front of you, illuminated from behind by the bedside lamp. The sight was almost angelic - as if some divine being had deigned to answer your prayers and return the love of your life back in to your arms.
“It's ok, I'm here, sweetheart,” Javi purred again, brushing your hair back behind your ear and pulling you close. “I’m right here, ok? In one piece - promise. The raid went off without a hitch. Even snagged ourselves a new asset for you to take a crack at.”
Your eyes shimmered with tears as you quickly burrowed into his chest. You didn't really hear what he was saying, too busy focusing on the fact that he was here to say it at all - here - alive - in your arms. 
The reality hit you as you began to let it pour out of you: how relieved you were, how much you loved him. You also grumbled something about fucking telling you when he next decided to run off on a raid without so much as 'goodbye' - else you’d shoot him yourself. 
“I’m sorry, carino. I am.”
And you believed him. 
"I love you, Javi. So much."
"I love you too," he purred, "and I'm so sorry, I knew you were struggling, but when Steve told me-"
He didn't get to finish whatever the hell he'd been about to say. You didn't let him.
Instead, your lips surged hungrily towards his and as only Javi could, he kissed you back, soft and slow... as if desperate to reassure you through actions alone.
You felt him chuckle into your mouth as you grew impatient, grinding your hips against him in a silent plea for him to fill you. To join you. To bury himself, and the day you'd both had, in a moment of bliss.  
It was a special kind of neediness, reserved for just him, and one that was only sated once he had fully joined with you, as one being. Safe. Whole.
Yes, in an ideal world he would have waited until after talking to you to lose himself in such a way. After all, Steve and Connie had filled him in on the troubling turn of events that his absence today had triggered - and he'd be lying if he said the idea didn't scare him shitless, that you had broken down so completely...
He could only thank God that Steve had been there for you - especially when he couldn't be himself.
But he was here now... and you had time to start trying to make sense of this mess. Together. Carillo had assured him of that, informing him in no uncertain terms that you both had the next few days off from work. He didn't want to see either one of you back in the office until you'd begun to sort through the mountain of shit you were buried under.
So, yes. If you wanted to lose yourself for tonight, to use him to forget the world outside for a perfect moment, then he was only too happy to oblige.
He’d wait until the morning to have a proper conversation. 
He’d go down and whip you up some breakfast before trying to get you to open up to him about everything that had happened today… about the worries and concerns you’d been keeping locked away inside of you. 
Then, after you’d fallen in to pieces in his arms, he could try and start to put you back together again. As a team.
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anxiteyandsleep · 1 month
I'm so sorry if I made you flustered about the smut question- didn't mean to! 🫢🫣😆
Okay so I'm gonna try and request this: 🙏
Could I please request Thranduil x Male reader who's this tall and buffed tiefling (big horns, long strong tail) who looks scary asf but is actually a total sweetheart? He only looks intimidating bc he's always wearing his armor, covers his face with a cloth/a mask, has dark makeup around his eyes and basically looks like a fricking demon?
He wears a cloth/a mask around his mouth bc he has a big open scar on his cheek (naaah nothing too graphic he just can do this trick with food where when you're facing his healthy side he sticks a carrot into the opening (scar) on the other side and chews without even opening his lips- totally normal- he did it in front of Legolas once and that poor child didn't sleep for a week). He's not ashamed of it, he just doesn't like the stares.
Even tho I'm as old as the first LOTR movie I only just now became a fan and I saw that Thranduil has an injury on his face as well (but hidden) so that got me thinking...
Maybe reader and Thranduil are a couple (reader was treated badly for being a barbarian tiefling -> not by Thranduil <- but proved himself when he saved him) and he then made reader his personal guard, became friends and then lovers.
Thranduil is curious about reader hiding his face but never pushes him to uncover himself (Like why are you hidding yourself from me hmm? Why don't you kiss me? Your other facial features are gorgeous asf, for a tiefling barbarian who rips goblins in half with his bare hands you could even compete with some elves I know-).
One day Thranduil has some issues with his own injury which reader sees and comes to his aid, Thranduil is embarrassed and nearly breaks down, tears fill his eyes bc his love saw his hideous face and is afraid he will leave him (god I'm so bad at romance bro) but reader just chuckles, takes the cloth/mask from his face and shows Thranduil his own injury.
Now they both have scars! They know each other struggles! And they love each other like never before! Happy ending- No but really, angst with fluffy comfort for our two boys and mainly for the elf himself, he needs the love.
Maybe even emotional way back to their shared bedroom by sunset all lovely dovely bc why dafuq not- just Thranduil giggling kicking his feet and twirling his hair as he's princess carried-
Jesus...I got way too into this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sorry for it being so long, I honestly don't know how to write short requests...also sorry for any mistakes, english is my second language.
Add something, remove something, it's up to you. You don't even have to write it if you hate it or you're not comfy with it. 😘😘
This is adorable ahhh and dw you didn't make me embarrassed or anything! I may have missed some details, this was written over the course of multiple days with very little sleep😭
I included my head canon that Thranduil is blind in his one eye from the dragon fire, as well as that when low on energy he can't keep the disguise up.
Slight TW for blood, scars and such???
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It has been almost a year since you and Thranduil had started dating, you were his personal guard and beloved boyfriend, he adored you so much. He never knew why you hid your face but he didn't pry, especially considering he hides his face in a way too.
Thranduil had always been impressed by you, a strong tiefling with a kind soul, much like a gentle giant. Sure you were rather... Gruesome in battle, using your bare hands to fight and always returning covered in blood and gore. It was truly terrifying but Thranduil loved it, especially after you had saved him from a spider attack.
Today, however, Thranduil was hiding away from his beloved barbarian, tucked away in his room with nothing but a small candle dimly lighting the room. He had overworked himself again, his head was aching and he had no energy left to maintain his disguise, the burnt skin and muscle visible, a sight he despised.
When you heard that Thranduil was taking the day off and locked himself in his room, you grew worried. He's never done that before, usually on his days off he spends them with you, taking a walk through the garden or getting some much needed sleep. So of course you immediately went to check on him, making your way to your shared bedroom.
"Thranduil? Are you alright? I heard the guards say you weren't feeling well and I-" you fell silent as you entered the bedroom, squinting as you adjusted to the dim light but you knew exactly what you saw. You never knew Thranduil had such a scar, it covered the left half of his face and his eye was completely white.
Thranduil had to turn his head completely to actually see you, quickly attempting to cover up the scar but alas, he couldn't manage to use his magic in such a state. He never wanted you to see this side or him, he wanted to keep this horrid scar hidden from you.
"(Name)... What... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on patrol?" He managed to get out, clearing his throat and doing his best to speak in his usual tone but his voice still sounded shaky. Perhaps if he didn't bring attention to the scar, you would just ignore it as well
"I just got back, my love..." You replied, slowly walking closer to Thranduil, head tilted slightly in curiosity as you examined the scar. When you reached the edge of the bed, you knelt down before him, resting your chin on his legs. "is that from the dragon you faced?"
Thranduil sighed softly, closing his eyes as he couldn't bare to look at you, afraid he'd see disgust in your eyes. "yes...I managed to survive but..." He vaguely gestured to the scar, shaking his head slightly. Thranduil finally opened his eyes again when he felt your strong hands holding his, the touch was so gentle and caring, he just had to see you.
The way you were looking at him surprised him, your eyes were full so of love and admiration, it made his heart swell.
"We kinda match" you hum in a soft whisper, reaching up to remove the mask you always wore and revealing your own scar. You weren't ashamed of it, you mostly hid it for everyone's comfort as the sight of your open cheek often made people uneasy and you hated the looks they'd give you.
it was now Thranduil's turn to stare in awe, one of his delicate hands reaching up to gently trace around the scar, his fingers soft and gentle as always. "hm I suppose we do, my love" he replied softly his hand trailing up to gently trace over your horns, following the pattern and ridges of them.
"forgive me for keeping this from you... I... I do not like people seeing me in such a state but I should've told you" Thranduil apologized, moving his hands back to gently cup your face, being careful to not disturb the scar
You couldn't help but chuckle a little, leaning into his touch while your tail wagged slightly. "there's no need to apologize, I kept a secret from you too"
Thranduil felt as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, the stress slowly melting away as he held you in his hands. "Well now that we both have told the truth, how about we rest?" He whispered sweetly, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss, one you eagerly returned.
Without breaking the kiss, you got off your knees, cradling the back of Thranduils neck with one of your hands. You kicked off your boots, accidentally sending one flying across the room but you didn't care. "a nap sounds good, yeah" you muttered against his lips as you carefully push him back onto the bed, climbing on top of him to continue the kiss.
Thranduil couldn't help but chuckle, pulling back from your lips just enough to talk. "My love, this is not napping ~" he didn't really mind as you continued to pamper him with kisses, his delicate hands reaching up to gently tangle themselves in your hair.
"mm we'll nap after, then"
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onmyyan · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to make a request to ask if you could make a Drabble to ask if you could make a gabe x reader as you when you talked about caspians family you mentioned how gabe is compared to his brother caspian or possibly someone else I would like to know more about him in general and about what would he do with a clay maker s/o who secretly knows about the family business and is an insomniac and also likes to sleep a lot but tries to do the most that they can and won’t fall for the manipulation tactics he uses and just says “ you know if you wanted me to stay home you could’ve just said so?🤨
sorry if your burnt out also have as much fun as you can as a 22 year old !!! You don’t have an obligation to answer this but thank you.
A/N: Ello bby i am soooo happy you asked about Gabe omfg im kicking my feet rn!!! I tried to check all the boxes of the request i apologize if i missed any, Also I'm not burnt out thank you for your sweet words i wanna give u a forehead kith anyway!!!! Heres Gabe! NOT EDITED
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Gabrielllll Mi Amor omg where do I even begin?!
Standing at a proud 6'4 this mf is big. He's the strongest of his brothers physically, and has always used it to his advantage.
Early on in his life he was being compared to Caspian. They looked so alike it wasn't hard to see why people brought it up the way they did but it still bugged him.
Subconsciously he began to act anyway his brother wasn't. Be it avoiding the kitchen like the plague or gluing himself to the workshop downstairs.
Has a voice like warm butter and can sing stupidly well.
Sings/hums little tunes whenever he's working.
Love languages are acts of service and gift giving, he just wants to take care of you.
Terrified of spiders, he will call you crying to come get it.
Loves tinkering with things, surprisingly delicate hands for such a rough guy.
He laughs with his whole body, the kinda loud boisterous one that made other people start.
Snorts when he finds something especially funny.
He has a hard time reading social cues so he's constantly making dumb jokes, especially when he's not supposed to but he's so funny it's hard to stay mad at him.
Charm up the wazoo, the kinda guy where no matter where he goes, someone's coming up to say hello to him.
He's really good at pattern recognition and it makes him come off a bit psychic at times
Like how he'd clock someone's bad mood the second he seen them, notices details most people wouldn't.
The kinda guy where if you accidentally burn yourself he'll do it too just so you could be in equal amounts of pain, is it dumb as hell? Yeah. Is it also the sweetest thing ever? Absolutely.
Wants the kind of love Mortica and Gomez have, unfiltered raw passion.
Morbid sense of humor.
He's always warm no matter the temperature, comes in mad handy during the colder months and means he wears the smallest amount of clothing when it's hot out which is just a win for everyone.
Scorpio male I repeat Scorpio male. Do with that what you will.
Believes in love at first sight, he's such a big softie.
Had his tongue pierced in his friend's dingy kitchen when he was 18, a secret to this day his mom doesn't know about it.
His canines are a little longer than most and he absolutely had a vampire phase.
Likes to bite. A lot. It's a love language.
He confides in Caspian for everything, expect his envy of him. For that he talks to Ricky.
He can knock someone out with his right hook and has many times before.
He grew up working for his dad's approval and that meant getting his hands dirty.
At first his was a bit weary of using his strength to hurt people but that all changed when his Father put things in perspective for him.
"Everything we do- it's to keep food on our table, to keep us safe- your mother safe." And it all clicked.
Violence for the sake of violence wasn't okay. But violence for the sake of love? That shit was poetic.
He's essentially the family's guard dog. If anyone fucked with them? You told Gabe and suddenly the problem was gone.
He loves the color red, specifically the shade of red that came outta' the first guy his Father sent him after.
He was just supposed to rough him up a little but had too much fun caving in the dude's face.
Thinks killing in the name of love is the most caring thing you can do for someone.
Lil bit of a masochist streak. Likes when he gets to fight someone who can actually keep up with him cuz that little jolt he gets down his spine when he gets hit is addicting.
Animals love him, like you got a cat that hates everyone? Loves him.
Likes preening himself, takes about an hour in the shower everyday, since he dyes his hair so often he takes extra special care of it.
He has a beauty routine and he never skips it, definitely sets up self care spa days with the two of you once you're together.
Really good at videogames, like don't let him goad you into any sort of bet around gaming bec you will lose.
He's the second oldest but carries a lot of the weight of the older brother title since Cas wants nothing to do with the family business
Loves taking things apart to see how they work then putting them back together. He's done this to his PC a lot.
Really such a sweetheart but he has a dark side that feels a lot like a caged animal.
He's not afraid to show you this side because he's proud of it, it's kept him and his kin safe time and time again, why wouldn't he want you to know he'd do anything for you?
Does not like large public spaces, he needs to have a clear way in and out of any area.
Has mad anxiety, takes meds for it.
Works out every day, his favorite way to do so is jogging, he loves being able to just turn off his brain and go.
He meets you on one of those jogs!! Runs right past your art studio but stops when he sees you about to drop this heavy ass box you're attempting to move in a truck.
"Woah- I got you don't worry." He said in an attempt not to scare you as he was some random man running at you from across the street.
You'd peak your head out with the sweetest smile he's ever seen. The honest gratefulness in your eyes warmed him to his core.
"Oh thank you!- I appreciate it." Sure the words were simple but paired with that sheepish little laugh brought heat to his cheeks, he had the sudden to urge to fix his hair, make sure he looked presentable because holy shit were you gorgeous.
You're in a dust covered pair of overalls, your hair is windswept, and you still knocked the breath from his lungs.
"Whatcha' got in there?-god sorry if it's personal you don't need to, I'm sorry." He was very obviously flustered but he was so cute it only added to the charm.
"It's some clay my friend asked for- I had some extra from this project I'm working on- anyway thank you so much.." She trailed off waiting for his name. "Gabriel, you can call me Gabe." His voice was deep and warm like molasses on a hot cookie.
He asks for your number then and there and your fate is sealed.
He runs home faster than he's ever run before, like straight to his apartment, straight to the laptop, doesn't even close the front door kinda rushing.
You only gave him your first name but since he knew you most likely worked at the pottery studio he met you outside of he could find what he needed easily.
He wasn't the most technology savvy man out there but he managed to find a few of your socials and made a quick call to a friend, he has a lot of connections and it was nothing to get the info he needed.
He's a straight shooter and texts you asking for a coffee date that night.
You accept, and despite not usually entertaining men you'd only met that day, he had this captivating energy that had you accepting before you could talk yourself out of it.
The date would be dummy cute, he shows up with flowers and what was supposed to be a quick cup of coffee turns into an all day adventure where you just talked and talked about everything and nothing.
He has you laughing the entire date, blushing from the sheer intensity of his gaze. He was blunt in the way where he said whatever was on his mind.
"I'm sorry- Ima be real I didn't catch a word you just said- the sun hit your face and I had to take a second. Holy shit- you're stunning." His genuine disbelief along with the way he shyly inched his hand to interlock your fingers had your heart skipping a few beats.
He's so into love and the idea of being entirely wrapped up in it.
Before you know it it's getting dark and if he's not walking you to your door he's politely demanding you let him know when you're safe and sound.
The kinda person who makes sure your seatbelt is on or if you're walking on the sidewalk he'll always take the street side just in case.
Would jump out of his coat if you gave the slightest inclination you were cold.
He once balled up his hoodie and threw it at you from across the room like a basketball, like he jumped and dunked.
If you wear fake lashes first time you take em off he the type of dude to be terrified thinking you're just yanking out your real one's.
If he has stuff in his hands and you jump at him he will launch the items if it means catching you better.
Definitely the type to randomly come up to you and silently demand affection.
He wants you to go with him to the gym just to see him be hot. N like maybe give him a reward kiss every time he completes a set.
Surprisingly graceful for such a big dude.
He's an all or nothing type, makes that abundantly clear on the phone one night as he'd gotten in the habit of falling asleep to your voice.
"I want you. Entirely. And I've never been good at denying myself." He'd sound so sure, so certain in his words it made your brain go a bit fuzzy.
Possessive in a hot way not an icky controlling way.
Like if someone hits on you in front of him he has to physically distract himself so he doesn't commit a crime in broad daylight.
Instead whenever his jealously is triggered he becomes a koala, latches himself to your back like a demon, his massive form hovering behind you whenever you went.
"My girl can dress however she wants. I can fight."
Does not tolerate any disrespect towards you or your relationship.
Some girl tried to grind on him at the club and he threw his drink at her.
Petty as HELL when mad, he has a shit list and you do not want to be on it.
Protective as hell, if you indulge his little tendencies (putting sunblock on you if it's warm out, always bringing extra snacks incase you get hungry when you're working) he will start talking about marriage lmao
Speaking of he loves to linger around your studio whenever he can, be warned he will distract you by being adorable so working will be hard but it's totally worth it.
Nicknames for you are : Baby girl, Ma', WIFEY,(almost always followed by a kiss) Darlin', Mi Amor.
He's struggled with insomnia before so he knows a thing or two.
Once you start sleeping over more he notices your nocturnal habits and quickly adjusts.
If you ever get up because you just can't sleep and need to get some energy out he always wakes up.
He can't sleep without you so if you're gone longer than a minute sirens go off in his mind and he's wide awake.
If you wanna watch TV until you can finally rest you know he's right there with you, likes to have you resting in his lap so he can wrap himself around you entirely.
If you simply want to exist in silence he can do that to, so long as he's with you he knows peace.
It wouldn't take long for you to realize his family's secret.
Gabe can keep a secret from anyone.
Except you.
Sometimes his Father would call for him at odd hours of the night, and he'd have to shoot out of bed with little explanation.
You'd wake up to the lightest pressure on your forehead as he kissed you goodbye.
"Shit- go back to sleep Baby, somethin' going down at the shop, they need me." He'd say this cradling your still half asleep face, gently thumbing over your cheeks before stealing another kiss.
He'd come back hours later, the sky still dark and he always showered and put his clothes in the washer before he came to lay back down.
After a while these constant exits would have you a little worried, while yes he was the single most loyal man you'd met and the idea of him cheating seemed laughable, especially considering how seriously he took you, you knew he was hiding something.
Eventually our boy slips up and leaves some blood on his shirt, it was splattered on like paint and yeah at first you were a bit terrified at the concept of your boyfriend being violent then you really started to think about it.
The way he talked about people he didn't like, that look in his eye whenever you told him someone had upset you, how he seemed almost eager to fight at any time.
It made sense.
Then there's the way he talks about his family's shop.
"It's kinda' fun working down there- yeah it can get messy but that's my favorite part."
"I mean Jimmy knew what kinda' businessman pops is- no wonder he die- retired. No wonder he uh, retired. 👀"
It's embarrassing how slick he thinks he is.
It all comes to its boiling point when one day you two are out and bump into a smaller, who at the sight of your loving boyfriend, goes pale as a sheet, nearly dropping the bags in his arm.
"H-Hey Gabe! Boy it's been a minute huh? Listen tell your pops I ain't ducking him or nothing I swear!-" The man said practically vibrating in place, sweat pooling down his flustered face. He was petrified.
Gabe cut him off with a look, his eyes glancing between you and the vermin across him.
"It's Gabriel. Only my friends get to call me Gabe. Do you think we're friends Joey?" You'd never heard this tone from your boyfriend before, it was cold and dry, as if was an entirely different person speaking.
His hold on your waist would tighten when the trembling man looked to you.
"Aye don't look at her look at me, I'm the one talking to you right?." He sneered down, he didn't move and still had the stranger flinching. "Your mama never taught you manners or somethin'?"
"My apologies- really Gabriel, I didn't mean nothin' by it." And with that he'd practically run away, checking over his shoulder every few seconds as if he though Gabe would be following.
"Forgive me, Amor. Some people-" he sucked his teeth before shaking off his nasty look. His fingers began dancing against your side.
"He owe your dad some money?" You'd ask figuring the interaction far too intense to be about a late car job or something.
Gabe would respond honestly before thinking, "Yeah, little bastard has been dodging me all week now he wants to come up to us- nevermind that, let's go were gonna miss the movie!" His flustered response would break all tension, but you'd gotten all the confirmation you needed.
All in all this big bad bastard just needs someone to hold his leash and accept his particular brand of love.
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amaiguri · 2 months
OC in 15 Tag Game
Thanks to the @the-down-upside-finch for the tag! It was forever ago and I think I need to redo my Tumblr intro to warn people that I do all my replies in bursts and I still love you all...
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I will, of course, be honoring my beloved Arlasaire today with a combo of spoken dialogue and narration. That being said, I don't really write good out-of-context bangers lines lol -- everything only barely works because of the context. (I wish I was. I'm not that cool though.)
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"And it was my fault! Because I wasn’t enough!"
"You don’t care about me."
"You don’t know me."
"Nesa… I warned Zal so I’ll warn you too: I’m not very good at relationships."
"…I’m not a lady. The Aftokratoria has stripped away our titles, remember?"
"I was just House d’Magnia’s ward. They took me in after a Dragonstorm burnt down my village. Fed me. Trained me. Gave me purpose."
On that first day after they found me, — back before I was “Arlasaire”— I’d been the one to kill the spider crabs chasing Lord Einharde’s second lieutenant.
"Lord Einharde embodied the House words with all his heart. “Eshew Axiom for Ascendancy.” This made him cold, but he was good to me."
His name rotted in my memory now.
"…The Arlasaire you knew a year ago would not have slaughtered anyone, if YOU had asked."
I felt the familiar knife twist in my chest. I stifled laughter. Euphoria. What a beautiful liar…
The Burned Maiden bled from the body and it was just the girl. Just me.
"And then… I fell for this priestess lady. We kissed. And then… she also tried to kill me."
"It is too cold and dark to be kind. Spring is not like this in the North. You have to actually wear clothes."
"You… like me? Are we… a thing?"
...Guys, Arlasaire's so edgy and angsty, omg. I swear, she's actually a huge softie underneath, she's just not feeling safe in the narrative... And familiar toxicity feels safe...
So YEAH! I'd like to gently tag @maiemorrae @spideronthesun @marigold-clouds @words-after-midnight @wordswrittenbynight @nemaliwrites @cee-grice @zebee-nyx @junypr-camus and @dragonprincedawn -- and if you've done this already, feel free to just link me to the thing. Or do it again! Whatever!
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vennsworld · 3 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Eyeless Jack Headcannons
TW: gore topics like organs, murder, etc.
sypnosis: just general headcanons i have of jack and how he interacts + voice claims
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(La Mishi Mishi story ver.)
Before the incident, he was 6’3. After, he became 6’6/6’7
Upon being possessed he not only became taller but stronger as well
He is stronger in stamina than he is physically though
Highly intelligent, I cant remember if in the story it said his major in college (?) but I hc that he attended college to enter the medical field, hence his knowledge on anatomy and his weapon of choice being a scalpel
Because of his career choice, he used to be empathetic but after incident he no longer trusted people/cared for them. Still barely trusts other pastas even after working with them for years.
Even though he’s not really empathetic anymore, he still treats wounds other pastas have. He wraps them in bandages and performs surgical procedures like sewing an open wound
INTJ personality
Quiet, really spends most of his time observing others
Doesn’t like looking at himself without his mask on, it gives him PTSD seeing his eyes/the tar. Barely takes the mask off
Stalks multiple victims and what they eat for days or weeks at a time. Not picky with kidneys but curious on how they are going to taste based on the victims diet
Prefers kidneys but he will eat more if he finds it necessary
Because of his sharp teeth and long tongue, he is a messy eater especially at his killings
Handwriting is similar to a doctors: really messy, short put, and italicized
Keeps a journal to upkeep with his medical knowledge, has diagrams in it incase he ever forgets. Also keeps a log of victims
Stalks family members/friends from college. Doesn’t plan on hurting them whatsoever, just misses them and knows it wouldn’t be the same
Very clean when it comes to his killings with precise slicing , cleans his clothes/himself up afterwards
If possible, likes to keep a sense of routine to feel “normal” ex: brushing teeth every day, showering
Speaks pretty formally + has a deep voice (voice got deeper after the incident)
Very dry and sarcastic humor
He OF COURSE has elf ears I love this detail in fanart
Hot tar melted the eyebag/cheek skin underneath his eyes, and where it was burnt the black tar lines have faded but are still visible
Doesn’t like loud noises or crowds (PTSD)
Impatient with unintelligent people, talks the most with Slenderman. Jack sees him as mature and business oriented, and vice versa
Doesn’t like to sleep, often has nightmares about what happened and prefers to kill/stalk during the night anyway
Similar to what he did in college, he still takes walks or sits outside to think about things
Skin is always cold, wears layers of socks and a turtleneck underneath his hoodie
-Voice claim:
Before incident: Mr Fox (Fantastic Mr Fox… still thinkin about this one though)
After: Venom (Venom)
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Things About the Latest Event I Really Like
Spoilers for Part 2 of the Event!!!
Part 1
I notice that Rollo isn’t showing disgust just to the fae. There were a few moments where he put up his handkerchief when the previous speakers were not anyone from Diasomnia. The one scene I recall was when the others were talking about the festival in the school’s plaza, specifically the outfits. Ruggie mentions how the festival was the one time those in poverty could wear such fancy clothes, and Rollo puts up the handkerchief over that statement. See that he doesn’t just have racism against fae but that he also has his prejudices against the poor, a prejudice Frollo has also shown.
It’s pretty cute how Trein gets along with Rollo, considering the characters they’re inspired from are both around similar ages. It’s like Trein sensed a kindred spirit in him.
Malleus mistaking the gargoyle for a grotesque until Azul, Silver, and Sebek pointed out the nest in its mouth was so adorable 🥺 I also love how it’s a nod to one of the opening scenes in the movie, where the gargoyle spat out an entire nest in its mouth.
Azul noticing the gargoyle moving!! You know, that gargoyle got a sprite, that bitch better move 😩 My delusional mind also had a thought that Azul being the one to hear the gargoyle move when the others didn’t made me think, “Damn, does this show he has more sensitive hearing thanks to his past experience with music 😳??”
Speaking of the gargoyles, the indication that they’re gonna move implies that they may be the very same gargoyles from the movie itself. So in that case, does it mean that they know what truly happened with Quasimodo and Judge Frollo? How do they feel about knowing that Frollo is the one praised as the Righteous Judge?
Floyd and Jade being very upset that Azul was picked to go with him being very smug about it was so funny and wholesome 😂 I love their friendship so much.
On Jade and Floyd not being able to go, I’m honestly really really happy to get this opportunity to see Azul being his own person that’s outside of being with the twins 🥺 Like, up till now, Azul has always been with the twins. You see this in events: All of Octavinelle got Beans Day cards, Camp Azul and Camp Jade were together, Halloween Azul and Halloween Jade were in one event. Fan content especially loves depicting Azul with the twins, occasionally to the point that it feels like people think Azul is nothing without them. 😭 Which,, is not the case. He’s such a complex character with his own rich lore It’s one of the reasons why I also really love chapter 6—you get to see Azul as how he is without having the twins by his side. But even then, it was in a stressful situation. Here, we just see Azul in a more lax scene. Like, oh my God, I'll ramble about it in the part 2 section of this post. But I'm just so happy to see Azul without the twins and everything.
Putting this between part 1 and 2 because this is the entire reason why I even made this post.
One of Azul's idle lines stated that he finds Rollo to be naive. It's a pretty interesting detail because I think this is one of the few times that we really get to see Azul reading people. Take note: Most of people's first impressions of Rollo was that he was very polite and hospitable, which was observations on the way he welcomes them. However, Azul's first impression is how Rollo is naive.
Here's what makes me so attached to this bit. The way Azul judges people, he tends to use generalizations and their patterns to read their character. Most of the time, he turns out to be correct or partially so. And with Rollo, it's very likely that Azul's judgment of him is not wrong. While we still don't know Rollo well yet, we can deduce how his personality might go based on the characters of Frollo and Quasimodo. Frollo isn't naive at all—he's killed and burnt Paris down with full intent. He's more of blinded to his own pride, that he thinks that he's the one who's above everyone. Quasimodo, on the other hand, is naive—his only teacher has been Frollo, who would teach him that the world outside is cruel. And the gargoyles? Well, they have their own wisdom, but it doesn't enrich Quasimodo's experience very much.
I'm not saying that Azul's judgment of him may be entirely correct. Again, he does generalize people, so he may not obtain the full picture. But calling Rollo naive isn't wrong either. It's likely that Rollo thinks of himself as correct, but he doesn't have an enriched perspective since he doesn't keep an open mind. If that makes sense?
Part 2 (under the cut)
Hope you're ready, this part is very delicious for me.
First off, my heart is so warm over the scene in Malleus' part where Jamil teased Trein. They visited this underwater waterway (aka the Court of Miracles in the movie), and Jamil teases him that he's probably taken his wife out on a date to the area. Obviously, this gets Trein flustered, but the other students also get really curious. Like . ok, with all the magical adventures that we end up in and all the trauma that is spilled, sometimes I forget that the cast is in high school. But that moment just . reminded me that our boys are high school boys 😭 everyone's such a teenager. It's honestly so so cute, like we really don't get to see them being this casual or such teases, but like look at them 😭 Jamil,, Jamil of all people teasing his own prof about his love life, it is so cute.
The way Jamil and Riddle even tease Sebek when he accidentally drank black coffee 😭 it is so cute how they jumped in on bringing up embarrassing moments about him in front of Malleus. He's like, "DON"T DO THIS IN FRONT OF WAKASAMA" but Malleus himself is so amused and wanted to hear more. It's honestly so cute.
Riddle and Jamil as a duo is so good. Like, you see hints of their friendship in some stories, but you really get to see them look so chill and relaxed and huge ass teases??? Which is so interesting because they are two of the most serious guys in the cast, but look at them throwing teasing remarks at Trein and Sebek 😭 your honor, they are maturing and loosening up
I just watched the movie yesterday, so I caught nearly all the references right away. Rollo recommended the croissant to Azul's group (team A)—one of the gargoyles held up a croissant in the song A Guy Like You, and one lyric goes: "And since you've shaped like a croissant is". In the same part, Esmeralda's necklace was one of the souvenirs that Azul bought for Jade and Floyd. Even the alphabet blocks that Epel and Deuce found is a reference! When Epel and Deuce said A is for "apple" and B is for "baby", it's a reference to Quasimodo reviewing his alphabet with Frollo, except it went "A is for abomination, B is for blasphemy". In Idia's part, they see the wooden figurines of Quasimodo and Esmeralda and the little mobile made of colorful glass that hangs in Quasimodo's room. Malleus' part has them walking around the waterway where the gypsies lived aka the Court of Miracles. There was a store that Jamil and Grim walk in, and you'd find the wood shavings that one of the gargoyles used in A Guy Like You. There was even a parlor that is a reference to A Guy Like You.
Honestly, the fact they referenced A Guy Like You a whole lot, when that song also has a WHOLE PIANO THERE 🧍 Disney don't do this. Don't give me hope.
And about the wooden figurines part, Idia and Ruggie are so funny wwww like, Ruggie's like "ehhhh it's just a piece of wood" but Idia's like you SHUT UP those are WORTH A TON go Idia we love to see you defending figurines !!!!!
Idia in general getting comfortable in the group is so cute though 😭 and even cuter is Silver commenting on how glad he is to see Idia happy like ?????? damn bitch why are you so PURE
Honestly, Azul's part as a whole just 🤡🤡🤡 I said it earlier. I super appreciate this event for letting Azul be his own person that's not being with the twins. And this part really shows why I super appreciate it.
Azul was such a senpai to Deuce and Epel 🥺 like, he was teaching them about the culture of the city, he was taking on the role of being tour guide to them. He was looking after two first years, and that was so so so endearing to see, in spite of any ulterior motives 🥺
It was so funny to see them letting their guard down around Azul too! Like, a lot of the cast knows Azul's sketchiness, so it's easy to think "oh Azul's really obvious". But you see through Deuce and Epel that his kind front is actually really good. When Azul says he's gonna buy souvenirs for the students back in school, they were like "WOW FOR FREE????" Epel ends up going "you know Vil told me to watch out for Azul, but he's actually really nice!" Meanwhile, Azul's muttering to himself how he's gonna deduct the price of the souvenirs from their salaries wheeze
Also!! Azul buying pencils for Epel and Deuce! The way that both of them were so warmed by it, and Azul's just muttering "damn I'm so sorry for Riddle and Vil if I won over these two with just a pencil"
ugh I'm so full from this event, and there's going to be MORE??? We're gonna finally see some shit go down next week, and then we're gonna have so much more lore to come about Rollo. 😩
Also, someone suggested piano Azul groovy and I WILL FUCKJNG CRY IF IT HAPPESN 🧍
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wholemleko · 3 months
updates ig???
(reposted from my deviantart)
so i guess this is like. my plans for the future or at least where i feel like im at when it comes to comics and such.
tl;dr - bird of death is my main project now and everything else is in uncertain limbo
details under the cut:
first thing is just, the state of my projects. bird of death, which im posting now, has completely taken over my brain and its something i enjoy working on much more because its part of a bigger project that im working on with a group of 6 other people and ultimately i think art is a social thing for me. at this point ive also got a 115+ page buffer which ive never even come close to before, so i feel very much at ease about being able to put it out into the world without the months long hiatuses ive gone on with my other comics. plus, it has elements in it that are largely influenced by ideas from my previous projects which i guess leads me to my next point...
which is that im growing burnt out of my older comics. i had for a long time. i occasionally experience moments where i really love my old stories again and give myself the impression that im ready to get back into them, but then it always ends up being temporary and fizzling out again just a week or so later. like venturing. i spent years working on it and theres so much left of the story for me to tell, things that i am still excited to show. but at the same time, its a story i started when i was 16 and i guess this happens to a lot of creators, but my writing style is so different now and when i look back at it i cringe. theres also the factor that felix is almost like an undercooked version of my protagonist in bird of death (for reasons that have only vaguely been revealed). so when i think about writing his story it just feels like. he's the same guy but more poorly put together by a younger me.
this same thing goes for another comic project that ive never shared publicly but which ive been working on for just as long as ive been working on venturing. its actually the story im using for my final project for my degree lmao. the characters in it that im most invested in feel like early drafts for characters from bird of death... the catharsis of writing them has moved to this new story. my old projects just feel like early drafts of this new one but wearing different clothes. they are all born of the same train of thought.
then theres the matter of my fancomics. children of decay is so early on and undercooked that i barely have anything to say about it except that i still love the idea of having a warriors comic, but man i am just not invested in it the way i am with bird of death. (also the fact their titles are so similar... feels silly lol).
my moomin fancomics are a whole other matter... im not the writer for them, and theres still a ton of content that i wanted to cover. im still only in the first chapter of blackthorn tree, and i wanted to adapt 4 more fics afterwards. they are stories that i love, and which continue to be very dear to me, but the inspiration that gave me is, again, now being channeled into my newest project. i guess that makes sense, given that my protagonist was originally made to be a moomin oc. ive also felt increasingly disconnected from the moomin fandom, not because i like the series itself any less, but the fandom landscape is just very different from what it was. another factor is that i did actually have the rest of chapter 1 almost finished, but i lost all those files when my old ipad got fried and this really bummed me out, just a further discouragement.
putting all these things on the backburner feels bad. i dont like saying that i dont know when or even if i will come back to certain projects. i know lots of people enjoyed what i was making, especially venturing and the moomin comics. but i just cant find it in myself to commit to them again now that this new project has pretty much overtaken me, and i dont know if that commitment will ever come back. this isnt to say that i am putting an end to any of them or that im quitting them. just that they are not the thing i am committed to, and i am putting them into uncertain limbo. it feels smarter to concentrate my energy on a project i am much more devoted to now, which is very developed, and which i am making alongside other people who are also very devoted to the greater project.
if u got this far thanks for reading, and thanks to all those who've supported me over the years in my creative endeavors
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c-kiddo · 2 years
Caduceus clay for the 002 character ask!! <33
heck ye :-3 as if i dont talk abt him enough 🌿🍵🫖
Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: best wee guy on the planet. like him soo much. good aroace rep whomst means a whole lot to me :'-3 unfortunately got vry overlooked but thats ok bc me and the lads make up for that by thinking he's so swag. idk man! yous know! i like him so much!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: none. begone aphobes *zaps you*
My non-romantic OTP for this character: jes and cad ;_; see my jester version of this bc i already cried abt them.. i just care about them sm. also wildbrothers is fun, i like the progression from fjord being scared of cad, to cad being his mentor, to being friends, to cad being fjords horrid little sibling about to do evil pranks
My unpopular opinion about this character: i like him better than molly, and also think him being in the party works much better and balances out the story too.. i guess thats unpopular lol (sidenote i think how the story went bc molly died is vry vry good. it worked so well. like, tal passing the dreams onto cad in a way that worked and that cad mistook for guidance from the wildmother.. so great. i love it so much.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: haha.. . .. :-) yeah. someone shouldve asked him if he was ok, after he walked out after being confronted by calliope. ik they didnt know what he told them apart from vague things about eating flowers, about coping, but he was Clearly upset, so clearly upset. and i know cad doesnt let himself be helped. and i know tmn are awkward. but they comfort others. the rest of them feel like they have a specific person to talk them out of things (veth and caleb, fjord and beau, fjord and jes, yasha asking cad for advice).. it feels like cad didnt really. jes and beau checked, beau checked after the arboretum. but there were so many points someone else couldve pressed just a little more, even though he keeps avoiding it :'/ also, i know it was the finale and so lots was happening, but i sorta wish that the fact that he straight up endured trauma in that last ep was addressed.. his home, his temple, was burnt down. and we know that the wildmothers temples are extremely important to him.. and its just also where he grew up :( it sucks that that happened
my OTP: no
my cross over ship: nah
a headcanon fact: he got autism and i-adhd and psychosis . so tru. :-3 also he has hEDS, and likes scaring fjord with his hypermobile backwards elbows. he samefoods porridge and tea most of all, even when he's having a fun time cooking for others.. sometimes he jus cant manage too many Things and Textures. he has a fun time making his own clothes and likes drawing on big papers bc has dyspraxia n struggles with fine motor details like buttons and things. he's got like 3 teeth missing from when he's alone. sylvan's his family's first language. he got bad circulation. and his tummy hurts but he's being so brave about it.
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lavendcrhaze · 10 months
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( Taylor Zakha-Perez, 26,male,he/him) oh! it’s that [ GREASER ] from {THE ANGEL RIDGE DEMONS ], they live in [ HILLCREST ]. they’re called [ SECOND IN COMMAND(LION) ] but their real name is [ LEON 'LEO' HAKIM ]. they work as a [ MECHANIC AT KING'S GARAGE ]. i heard they are [ SPITEFUL ], i also heard others say they are [ HUMOROUS ]. but who knows? the gossip mill says [ HE'S STARTING TO DEAL POT ON THE SIDE FOR EXTRA MONEY ]. (brie, 28, she/her, est, suicide/self harm) 
TW: Mention of the following; Domestic Violence, Abuse, Alcoholism,Drugs(marijuana)
FULL NAME: Leon Ivan Hakim   NICKNAME(S):  Leo, Lion (only by other greasers) NAME MEANING: Lion(of Greek Origin) AGE:   26 DATE OF BIRTH: September 9th CURRENT LOCATION:  Angel Ridge, CA ETHNICITY: Middle Eastern/Mexican GENDER:  male PRONOUNS: he/him SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual RELIGION: agnostic OCCUPATION:   mechanic at King’s Garage EDUCATION LEVEL: high school diploma & Trade Certification in Automotive Repair GANG AFFILIATION: Greaser ( Angel Ridge Demons) POSITION: Second in Command SPEAKING VOICE AND ACCENT:  semi deep with a slight rasp SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English and un poco espanol
FACECLAIM:   Taylor Zakhar Perez HAIR COLOR AND STYLE:  black curly hair that is usually at some variation of mid length COMPLEXION:  Type IV - Olive skin, rarely sunburns, always tans. EYE COLOR:  dark brown EYESIGHT:  20/20 HEIGHT: 6’2” WEIGHT:  178.5 lbs BODY AND BUILD:   athletic build TATTOOS: n/a PIERCINGS:  ear CLOTHING STYLE: jeans and some sort of button up layered over a t-shirt or his work uniform.   DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS:  Tall stature, Prominent Adam’s apple, Fuller lips, Defined jawline
SIGNATURE SCENT:  either smells like grease or his knock off Acqua Di Gio Cologne. FAMILY, RELATIONSHIPS, ETC.
MOTHER: Angelica Hakim (nee Perez) FATHER:  Hugo Hakim SIGNIFICANT OTHER: n/a BEST FRIEND:  tba EXES: Samantha Clinton (secretly) SIBLING(S):  n/a PET(S): cat named odin
Plot points: TW: Mention of the following; Domestic Violence, Abuse, Alcoholism,Drugs(marijuana)
Pre Leon his father was one of the best men the Greasers had in their ranks. He was second in command of the Angel Ridge Demons. His father's reputation began to slip as Hugo began drinking more and more heavily.
The drinking turned to yelling which ultimately lead to his father beating Leon’s mother; Angelica. This carried on for years, and his mother became very good at hiding bruises. It wasn't until Leon was about 10 years old that Leo stood up for his mother. From there the lashing was directed at Leon anytime his mother set his father off. After an altercation which landed both the men in some hot water during Leon's early teenage years the abuse tapered off, his father now knowing Leon could hold his own.
He spent most of his childhood anywhere that wasn’t his parent’s trailer in Hillcrest. Most of the time you could find him loitering around the junkyard which is what sparked the beginning of his automotive career. 
Leon had always loved the 'Greaser' lifestyle and emersed himself in their world pretty early on in life. As he got older and with a little bit of help from his nepo-baby privilege he rose in the ranks. When his father's drinking got to the point it was affecting his ability to do his job Leo often found himself stepping in for him. Leon finally burnt the bridge of any sort of relationship with Hugo when he usurped his position from the unfit man.
Through working odd end jobs Leo rebuilt his first passion project when he was 16. His bike is his baby.
Flirtatious by fault not by nature
Growing up he took pride in the ‘Menace to Society’ title he had received from the local PD. By the time he was 14, he had a rap sheet that was as long as he was tall.
Has really only had one serious relationship. His ex-girlfriend being the ‘Soc Princess’ herself. He was deeply wounded by her when she flipped on him to save herself once they were caught sneaking around. He didn’t care that she lied and had gotten him locked up because of it he more cared that he let someone in and they double-crossed him. He’s still pretty pissed she narced on him when the only thing ‘wrong’ he did was let his guard down and let her get to close.
He can be a bit of a douche but to his friends and fellow Greasers, he’s loyal to the end and would take a bullet for them.
Currently working at King’s Garage as a mechanic. 
Has recently started to sell weed out of his trailer on the low as a way to bring in extra money.
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mleelunsford · 2 years
Darkstalkers Redesign Thoughts Part 4 & 5
The final rounds! I was really getting worn and burnt out, so I don’t think a lot of these last ones were my best. Here are my thoughts anyway.
Part 4
Q. Bee: Q. Bee is the scariest Darkstalker for me. I hate insects to start off, if not a genuine phobia then very close. Secondly just the idea that the “humanoid” part of her is all a façade formed to lure people in creeps me out. I tried to make her body look more like it was formed organically rather than she’s wearing clothes, gave her some  extra limbs to be a bit more bug like. My favorite part is the pose though, the hand could either be seen as for her lower face searching, or for her “true” face, covering her mouth while she laughs.
 Lilith: Another difficult one! All of Lillith’s backstory is about her being Morrigan’s sealed off energy trying to return to her. Which is why she has matching outfits with Morrigan in the original. I wanted to reflect this by having her form an outfit that resembles the Morrigan redesign I did in shapes, but doesn’t quite get it right, and doesn’t look like real clothing someone would buy. With floating bits showing the whole thing as being formed mystically.
Huitzil: Originally Huitzil was based on Japanese  dogū figurines. My only idea was to bring back more of the detail and designs of those figurines to add a bit more flare. Also I read that the designs on some of them showed signs of being painted in vermillion, so I  added some of that coloring.
Bishamon: Two big things I changed here: I wanted to make him less like a solid blue man and more ghostly. Secondly I wanted to make the chest piece of the armor more of a face to pull him away from being another stomach mouthed monster like Lord Raptor. I referenced Samurai masked and Oni depictions. I saw some Samurai masks had mustaches and thought hat would be a way to make him stand out more. I also shadowed his “human” face a bit to pull focus from it. Making the armor’s face the one you are drawn to.
Part 5 
Demitri: I just wanted to give the boy some decent clothes. Who told him a skin tight body suit and a frilly jabot was suitable for every day life? Just gave him a fun layered suit and a Dracula trophy.
Jedah Domah: I’ve never liked how Jedah looks. Striking to be sure, and works great as a sprite, but in drawings I always thought he looked a little lackluster and a bit confusing. I tried to keep some basic shapes from his original look while making him a bit more intimidating (at least to me) and grim-reaper-like.
Pyron: Not much to do there with the battle-loving fire alien, but I suppose I realized I never liked his horns. I made some horn-like shapes formed by fire instead, and mostly kept him the same otherwise. There’s something charming about his original simplicity and I didn’t want to mess with it too much.
Marionette: Never a full character, just a mirror match style mode (like Shadow, who I neglected to redesign as he’s kind of just some sludge). I just tried to give her a more interesting cosutme, and made her look more like she is the puppet master than being a puppet herself. Also, not important, but a little behind the scenes thing: I have a big 20 inch Spider-Man action figure from the Toby McGuire movies, I used it as reference for how to draw the joints on Marionette here.
And that’s all! hope you enjoyed these. I thought about doing some Midnight Bliss versions down the line, but I need some rest from these now. Thanks for reading!
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knowltonsrangers · 2 years
Nathan Hale Alphabet Prompt
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I can picture Nathan to be extremely affectionate and loving. He can show it in many ways, hugs, kisses, even the squeeze of his hand while yours are interlocked. He’s always making sure that he’s not being overbearing, but you shoo him off with the ease that being affectionate is never a bad thing.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Nathan Hale is the definition of a friend I’ve always wanted. Trusting, loyal, caring, kind-every book I’ve ever read about him tells his story, but never leaves these details out. Anyone to which he was a friend, was lucky.
I’d say between Nathan and y/n? Friendship may have started through a mutual class, maybe a mutual friend? Possibly his brother, Enoch? Endless possibilities.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Y’all call it snuggling and yes absolutely. Nathan is the big spoon, almost always, because he likes to press his nose into your hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nathan would be an excellent father. Of course he’d settle down, after he was sure of what your future held together. He’s a fair cook, nothing spectacular, but has never burnt anything. Cleaning, he’s guilty of leaving some clothes on the floor here or there, but is ultimately a tidy person.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to, it’d be formal and completely face-to-face. Something really would have to be blown up if it’s come to this, but he’d never want to put you out or make you feel bad. Sometimes, it’s right person, wrong time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment, yes. Marriage is something that comes with time, not a ton of it, but he’s not about to dive headfirst. You’ll know it, mundane chores start to become the most fun. It’s hard to do things without your other half.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
One thing that I cannot get over is Nathan was actually 6 feet tall. Historically, American’s at this time were around 5’6, to 5’8, save for outliers that we know. Such as George Washington being 6’2, as well as Colonel Thomas Knowlton and Thomas Jefferson.
Why am I bringing this up. Because Nathan was also a wrestler in college, and this makes him a great hugger. He’s extremely gentle, he knows how to be soft.
Emotionally, he’s a sweetheart. He has a kind heart.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Back to exhibit A, Nathan loves hugs, giving and receiving. It’s an immediate mechanism, sees you sad, equals must give hug. Nathan does do it a lot. And it’s never gotten annoying, because he holds you tight and with purpose, full of emotion and never quite ready to let go.
Hugs are always where your cheek is to his chest, and his arms are wound around your shoulders, one hand gently cradling your head.
Your arms sit around his waist, holding him snuggly to you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
In a moment of insecurity. This can go either way, a moment where maybe you feel as if you aren’t good enough, (which Nathan shuts down quicker than you can flip a light switch). Or maybe when he’s not really sure of himself, feeling a little angry that maybe you can do better than him (to which you feel a ping of anger too, telling him as fast as your mouth would move that there’s no one better than him). The ‘I love you’. Flies out at some point.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I’ve headcanoned this before, but Nathan doesn’t do jealousy. He claims it never looks good on anyone, so he’s just trying to cover for when he does feel that tiny twinge of envy. But if it ever comes, he always just talks it out with you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
BEST. THE ABSOLUTE. Nathan gives me “any kind of kisses, anywhere” vibe. Cheek, nose, lips, forehead. His favorite spot for you would be right in between your eyes, because he likes to see them so up close.
He’ll never admit it, but he loves it when you kiss his forehead, because it just brushes past his scar and as many times as he’s been insecure about it, you always push that feeling away.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mans was a school teacher, he very clearly has an admiration for children. He’s the one on the ground with them, kneeling to their level, or playing ball with them outside.
He loves kids.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
When he has to get up during the week, mornings are typically a quick kiss goodbye as the both of you head out to work. Weekends are more lovely, waking up without alarms and rolling over to pepper your face in kisses. Breakfast is usually made together, and y’all watch tv or go to the grocery store.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nathan is likely to get home first from work, so he’s the one that usually starts dinner. Tired as always, the both of you sometimes turn it into tv & dinner, side by side. Bedtime is typically 10:30/11:00, just because if y’all have to get up the next day.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Nathan has 9 siblings. So it’s not often that you learn things about him through him, his siblings are often there to beat him to the punch. Enoch always tells of his college years with his brother, and it always gets Nathan to turn a bit pink at his drunken actions.
Nathan does reveal some things about himself that not many people know, or things his brothers and sisters would never tell. They’re also typically in moments of emotional pain or sadness, where he is honest.
Here, when this happens, you can know that you have his full trust.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It takes a lot to anger Nathan. He has the patience of a Saint, able to let a lot roll off his shoulders. He was jested a lot about the mole on his neck, because it was a symbol that he was “born to be hanged” :( In all his beauty, he definitely has enough patience to let things go. It would take a lot to get him riled up.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He doesn’t have an all-star memory, but he does write things down. It starts with your favorite meal at a regular spot. I think it’s cute that modernly, he’d probably be the guy with the note on his phone with a list of all your favorite things. Birthdays, anniversaries, and favorite colors and stuff are things he always remembers.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He always reminisces in the moments where he catches you smiling at him. He could be at the stove stirring pasta, and he turns around to find you at the table with a soft smile on your face. You smile at him lots of times, but he really enjoys the moments where he catches you, an inescapable smile finding its way to his face.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Protective, but that’s just his nature. He’d shield you from whatever, whenever, and that includes just covering your eyes with his own hands.
Nathan feels his heart pang when you defend him, even in a joking scenario. When Enoch or Samuel comes over, and they pick on Nathan, teasingly, all in good fun, you always turn it into something that you truly admire about him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Lots. Cards, flowers, food-whatever your fancy. He gives it 110%, because you always match it in return.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He often leaves small messes about, his clothes on the floor or shoes in a great tripping spot. It’s nothing to get extremely worked up over, he usually picks up after himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I would assume that over time, he’d eventually grow out of the insecurity of his forehead scar, but when he’d met you, the feeling did creep back a bit. It’s the only thing he’s insecure about, not because he’s vain. He doesn’t care how he looks, but the scar was something he had control over, at some point, albeit a complete accident.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. 100000%.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Nathan definitely looks best in the color green. Matches well with his blue eyes and flaxen hair.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He needs someone who can match his sense of humor, but also have a serious side. Nathan can laugh and joke all day long, but he needs someone to talk to, too.
I also headcanon that he does not like carrots.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
If no one was in bed with him, he sleeps starfished. This all changes when you both start to share the space, and he genuinely can’t fall asleep without you on his arms.
[a/n: I love this man. in love.]
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beckmessering · 2 years
not too brief thoughts on the zurich rheingold (2022)
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in short: this was entertaining af.
in long:
- zurich is a very smol opera house! the decor is adorable.
- acoustics are something to get used to. they’re quite...dry? as in, you can keep apart the different orchestral melodic lines with relative ease. but the sounds does punch you in the face if desired by gianandrea noseda.
- speaking of: noseda’s conducting is very good. pretty snappy and fast, absolutely no dragging here, but he’s also not rushing the singers. 
- the production is Very Zurich. stage: minimalist, acting: maximalist. i elaborate:
- zurich’s stage is relatively small and they use is wisely. the whole set is a rotating circus of three white rooms in which characters are occasionally left along to have private conversations. that’s very convenient for these often slightly unwieldy dialogue scenes in rheingold where three characters are talking and the rest is just...sitting there, listening to them talk?!? nope, the talking people wander into another room to chat. adds a nice element of privacy. 
- IT LOOKS LIKE THE CENTENARY RING. it’s been said before and i can confirm. it’s like someone threw centenary rheingold and centenary walküre into a pot and gave it a good stir. it’s very obvious with wotan’s suit, the dark furniture, the general vibe of the gods being upper-class capitalists that aspire to even more and make other people of slightly lower social standing (the giants, wearing neat but simpler clothes and feathered hats) work for them. 
- the resemblance is purely aesthetic, though. it doesn’t have that same specific thought behind it. the closest i can get to deciphering where this will go is that it might be like an epic saga about the rise and decline of a family, which is...pretty close to what a Ring is. not very specific and not that modern, but not really traditional either.
- the acting is MAXIMALIST in that there is not a single fcking second of boredom onstage. everyone is in character, doing something, all the time. we love it
- this might be a Ring i’ve been waiting for for a long time: i’ve always wanted one that gives the difficult and multifaceted relationship in the Ring a very thorough look, and i don’t care how Regie it is otherwise, but i want a 21st-century ring that looks at the relationships in very thorough depth. 
- they do use a few stage tricks to great effect. loge burns things and people. a large closet/wardrobe apparently has magical properties. much smoke in nibelheim
- (nibelheim is a nightmare version of the villa the gods live in: creepy lighting, burnt-looking furniture, a wardrobe with the potential to transform people (alberich) into a dragon, and alberich himself with a whip that he is quite fond of using.)
- about that wardrobe in the third scene: the dragon is OUT OF the closet, i repeat the dragon is OUT OF the closet, but the toad is IN THE CLOSET (and then they drag alberich out of the closet)
- overall fantastical vibe is there. i like it. kind of like a dark, old-fashioned fairytale book that’s both fantastic and a little gruesome and spills right into the ‘real world’. 
- the singers! the singers!!!
- christopher purves is a classic howling-and-spitting alberich, but to great effect. he initially comes through the window dressed like a chimney sweep to clumsily flirt with bourgeois-looking rhinemaidens in satin pyjamas and gets worse from there. his phrasing is SO detailed! makes me think he understands every single word of what he’s singing, and he has zero accent when he sings, and that is a BIG achievement because alberich is tricky shit and purves is english and you absolutely can’t tell. (i hope this doesn’t sound weird. i’ve just noticed that with many native-english singers, german is particularly hard and tiny lapses in diction can happen even for the best. but no. this man does not lapse. 10/10)
- matthias klink’s loge is a decently drunk jack sparrow variant. i don’t find his voice very pretty and that’s a compliment because he’s a charaktertenor af, and he’s very lively in his drunk mannerisms and occasionally sings straight to the audience (the lights turn on whenever he does??!?)
- the ladies don’t have that much to do but do well. fricka (patricia barton, debut, i think) tries to reign in her husband, to...modest success. freia is pissed as FUCK at her family and doesn’t want to go back to them. “Dünkt euch Holda wirklich der Lösung wert?” was some sarcastic shit. we stan
- tomasz konieczny is fantastic. i feel a new favourite wotan incoming...first of all, he can be LOUD if he wishes, and his phrasing <3 detailed, thoughtful, varied, very fun to listen for the next sentence. (tbh i’m not surprised by that bc i knew of that before - his farewell in walküre is the only one to make me cry on the regular bc its so emotional :,) ) he has a bit of a weird voice for wotan, very much a matter of taste because it has this strong dark undertone but i looooove it. he also has exactly what you need for a character who is essentially a scheming liar 24/7: an apparent jovial manner that absolutely hates when people talk back to him, but more than that, a very cold, menacing streak beneath that just wants people to fucking do as i say or else. koniezcny definitely knows he’s singing a villain. tl;dr abt this guy: i CANNOT WAIT for walküre, i think he’ll rip my heart out
- overall, 9.5/10. had to get used to the acoustics a lil bit, a few people forgot their text (fafner and alberich). WILDLY entertaining, musically first-class, character portrayals were very clever and promising! tangible absolute dedication from everyone!! i stan this
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reverecurrent · 2 years
river !! hello !! how was the first year of uni? <33 what are you looking forward to for the rest of your stay there? any interesting things happen lately?
wishing u well!!!!!! and good health and a prosperous harvest :)
Hi beloved!!!
My first year in uni was in france (I’m no longer there!) and honestly it was… challenging to say the least. I’m a physics major & the french system is really diff from the one I had back home for high school so I unknowingly skipped the first year in uni and went straight into my second year. Naturally I had a whole bunch of things and info missing from what I had to study, and adding on to that the fact that we had 12 obligatory courses each semester with classes being from 8am to 6pm it was honestly… a lot. My mental health was also not in a very good place so that didn’t help me either. I didn’t pass my entire year there (because that’s how the system works you don’t just pass courses you pass the year.) but I do have some credits that I’ve validated and trying to get transferred here which is another pain in the ass😭
Honestly, however since I moved, even though it did come with its challenges I do realise that being in a Canadian school system is best for me specifically, the pace, the environment, the ideology of just how studying & learning should be approached in the first place. I’d like to go into research and academia later on in life and this is the kind of mindset I want to cultivate instead of the one where I was completely burnt out by the end of the year & ready to die lmao. I feel like a lot of this, though necessary was negative so some good things; I’ve met some pretty cool people since coming here! I really really like my campus!!! Today I left 3 hours after I was done w classes because I like hanging out there so much! I got some new clothes lately & and Apple Pencil which will be very useful for note taking!! And I just had my first day of classes today which was awesome <333 I really liked my profs, they were very detailed and engaging so I’m very happy.
Thank you so much for your ask beloved, I hope you’re doing well yourself. Sending you so much love & sweet rainy summer nights🤎🫂🕰🌱🧿
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leeus-writing · 2 years
Please Talk to me
Anon asked for: Reno, Cloud and Rufus? Where reader leaves after an argument and ends up getting injured.
This one is:
“Cloud why don’t you talk to me! You just… don’t talk to me!” You snapped slapping your hand down on the bar.
Cloud jumped a little and nodded, rubbing his hands together. He felt awkward, he’d never really spoken about how he felt and now here in front of him was you asking him to be open. He shook his head and turned away, “I… I can’t, I don’t know,” He replied.
You bit your lip feeling tears sting your eyes, Cloud was always so open to Tifa and you felt maybe, you were just extras and he was actually with Tifa. It was jealousy and you couldn’t help it. The jealousy made you feel crazy but the situation you were in also made you feel crazy. You LOVED Cloud with all your heart and had been with him for month now. So far all you knew about him was he was Merc, Ex SOLDIER from Nibelheim. He’d said that was all the information you’d really need.
Yet you felt as if details were missing. You didn’t know anything about his childhood, his mother and his life from Nibelheim to being a SOLDIER. You’d often hear Tifa and Cloud laughing or talking and would leave. Cloud would eventually follow after, and this argument would start again. You’d argue that he’d never open up, he’d say he wasn’t ready. You’d mention Tifa and how he’s probably having a relationship with her. He’d deny and call you jealous. A vicious circle.
“I can’t keep doing this Cloud. I’m sorry I’m done,” you said standing and heading for the door.
“Wait!” Cloud stood confused.
“No Cloud this is it. Goodbye, enjoy your life with Tifa,” you sobbed heading out the door and walking quickly away from Stargazer hights.
“Y/N!” Cloud shouted out his door.
You ignored him, rubbing tears from your face as you headed home which was on the edge of Sector Seven.
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Cloud woke, blinking to shouting and the smell of smoke. He scrambled out of his bed and dragging clothes onto himself and headed out the door. Tifa ran into him looking a little panicked. She pointed to the end of the district.
“Isn’t that where…”
“Y/N!” Cloud shouted eyes wide and ran down the stairs and towards the area that was on fire. People were coughing and crying. An alarm started to go off and people, including Cloud, looked up. Water started pouring from the top plate acting like a heavy rain. Cloud shook his head, water falling off of his face as he ran towards where your home was. The fire in the area was dying to a low smoulder. As Cloud walked through the small shanti estate he was shocked by the amount of damage. He was scared to find your home.
Your home was only partly destroyed when he found it. The front half completely collapsed and the back half still intact. Cloud was surprised by how well intact your home was.
Slowly he walked over the ruins of your front door calling out your name. The door to your bathroom opened and slowly you stepped out. Your arm was clearly burnt but you looked alright apart from some coughing.
“Cloud…” You Croaked.
“Y/N!” Cloud ran to you and scooped you up, carrying you to safety.
He held you close as you shivered in his arms, drenched from the downpour from the top plate and uncomfortable from your burns which still throbbed.
“Cloud… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run off or forced you to talk about stuff you didn’t want to.” You sobbed into his chest.
“No, I’m sorry. I’ll talk, not about everything. The thing is Y/N… I don’t remember a lot,” he said glancing down at you. You sniffed sobbing again.
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That evening, once you’d been treated and were now comfortable in a hospital on the top plate, you sat listening to Cloud talk about his past. He smiled about somethings but sometimes he looked confused. You gently rested your hand on his.
“So… Tifa was just trying to help you remember?”
“Yeah. The think is Y/N, she is a lifelong friend. I’m not going to drop her. She’s family,” Cloud’s face was a little hard.
You nodded and smiled a little, “I’m sorry, I need to remember that Jealousy is not attractive. I need to get over it. Tifa is family, she’s always been there for you.”
Cloud frown a little before pulling you into a hug, “you’re family too, Y/N. Tifa is very fond of you and me more so. I love you.”
“I love you too Cloud. I’m sure we can help you fill in the gaps of your memories.”
Cloud nodded.
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