#adhd character
heretherebedork · 28 days
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Moo is the most ADHD character we've had in a while. Three trips to the store for basics he forgot from him and never stopping to check what else he might be missing? Quintessential ADHD boy, right here. Chasing his dreams with no regards for the practical parts of his future because he's constantly chasing dopamine? Beloved.
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comfortablynumb · 9 months
So like, Tori Spring has autism and depression, and Michael Holden has autism, ADHD, and anger issues, right? Like, this is widely accepted in the fandom as a fact? Cuz I have no idea how else i’m supposed to interpret these characters.
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Today's disabled character of the day is Midori Asakusa from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, who is autistic and has Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a young girl with short black hair and eyes. She standing with her hands on her hips and smirking. She is wearing a Japanese school uniform consisting of a white marinero shirt, blue blazer, slightly darker blue pleated skirt, white socks, brown loafers, and cyan tie. She is also wearing a camo fisherman's hat.]
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azuremist · 2 years
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I haven’t seen anyone post these yet, so:
Writer and producer for the show, Ron Corcillo, has confirmed in a Twitter AMA that Donnie is autistic, and Mikey has ADHD!
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
what is the peter maximoff fandom if not a handful of neurodivergent people projecting our experiences onto him
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smolandweirdwriter · 1 month
I always see fanfics of Jesper‘s adhd manifesting as “can’t sit still for long periods of times, tapping & fidgeting” and while this is a genuine experience, adhd is SO MULTIFACETED and there are SO MANY different manifestations of it for different people! It’s not a one-size-fits-all, and as someone who has been told far too often that I “didn’t seem” like I had adhd just because I didn’t display the stereotypical symptoms, I’d like to propose some other ways for fic authors to show Jesper’s adhd!
Jesper not stopping or talking for HOURS while he fabrikates or practices shooting skills or something else he genuinely enjoys (seriously tho hyperfixation is a part of adhd that neurotypicals often forget about. Please include it!)
Jesper interrupting other people to say something completely unrelated that, to his mind, seems completely sensible
In a similar vein: Jesper having a genuinely good idea but failing to articulate it and being mocked for wasting time 
Kaz telling jesper the plan and jesper being too afraid of being ridiculed to ask for clarification 
Also: Jesper saying he understood something without actually realizing he didn’t internalize ANY information whatsoever 
Or: Jesper saying he gets it, then popping back in 2 minutes later to ask for clarification on the entire plan
Jesper zoning out mid-conversation, or even at the beginning of a conversation (could be good for a wesper miscommunication/disagreement fic, but it’s important to remember that Jesper isn’t doing this because he doesn’t care about what wylan is saying, he’s most likely doing it because a) he had something on his mind and didn’t even realize wylan started talking, b) wylan said something that reminded him of something that distracted him. It’s often a struggle for people with adhd to corral our thoughts to focus conversations, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care, it just might take a minute!)
Jesper not being able to focus with certain sounds or in certain environments (ie, if the table is too small or the wrong size, if there’s too much or too little noise, etc)
There’s a LOT of other ways for adhd to manifest as well! I won’t claim to be an expert; I can only speak to my own experience with it. But if you’re interested in accurately representing Jesper or other characters with adhd, PLEASE do your research first! And if you have any fic recommendations, I am so here for them! 
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dragonduckyquack · 2 months
MLP Redesign (Minuette)
So me and my bestie (you know who you are) keep dragging each other back into mlp and the two of us can draw. SO. We’ve challenge ourselves to redesign Twilight’s friends back from in the academy. So here’s my first one under the cut if you’re interested:
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Not to make ourself suffer TOO much, we decided each to do two and Minuette was my first one. So here she is. I like to headcanon in this redesign that she’s half pegasus as in one of her parents’ a unicorn and the other a pegasus. It just seems right idk.
Here’s original Minuette for anyone interested to remember and the others in the old group of Twilight’s friends.
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indecentpause · 30 days
The Most Beautiful Puzzle: Chapter Fifteen
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cw: police corruption, ACAB, gun violence, aftermath of physical violence, torture mention, hospitals, IVs/needles
When your eyes open again, it’s to a screaming voice and a flash of light. People are shouting. There’s a hand on your hip. Don’t touch me there, you want to say, but your tongue is heavy and your head is spinning and you can’t think straight. You try to close your eyes but something pries one of them back open again. The light glares into your eye so close and so bright, a migraine abruptly tacks itself onto the wooziness. Shouting. You think maybe there’s someone you recognize in there, but you can’t be sure, and now the hand is shaking at your hip and the light is in your other eye and the first clear words you hear when you finally come back to yourself is, “Please be careful! His head’s not bleeding anymore but I don’t know if he hurt his neck when he fell.” You thought you’d never hear that voice again. You could start crying, if your head didn’t already hurt so much. He made it. Josselin made it to the Inspector and they found you. “Kelley—” You try to warn him, but it comes out as mush on your tongue instead of a name. “Don’t talk, don’t talk,” Josselin says gently. “Save your energy for EMS and the doctors.” “Sir, please step back.” Your stomach lurches when a hard stretcher is forced underneath you. Someone was kind enough to put a sheet over it, but it does nothing for the pain in your shoulders and head. More yelling. Somewhere far away. Somewhere over your head. The stretcher must have been moving because suddenly it jerks to a halt. More shouting. Someone shoves the stretcher into the wall. A tense body suddenly on yours. You try to push it away, but Josselin says, “No, no, I’m not letting them hurt you any more.” His voice catches. More yelling. A gunshot.
read chapter fifteen on Wattpad here
or Ao3 here!
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace @drippingmoon @athenswrites @magic-is-something-we-create @idreamonpaper @winterandwords @thelaughingstag @revenantlore
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drgrlfriend · 3 months
Chapter Fourteen!
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Chapter Fourteen of The Storm Shall Not Wake Thee, my Winterhawk Marvel Trumps Hate 2022 selkie!Bucky fic, is posted!
They walk down to where the foamy waves are lapping at the sand, their bare feet leaving deep prints that immediately pool with water.
“Alright,” James says.  “I’ll just —”
He pulls the pelt up, drawing it over his shoulders.
A moment passes, and then another.  A wave rushes in, tickling their ankles, and then trickles out again.
Another wave rushes in, and then out.  And another.
“What’s the hold up, Buck?” Steve finally says.
“Hell if I know,” James replies irritably.  “How’m I supposedta do this?”
That seems to knock Steve for a loop.  “I don’t know.  You just — you just do.  You put the pelt on, and then … you’re a seal.  I’ve seen you do it a hundred times.”
James just scowls.
“There’s nothin’ else?” Clint asks.  “No magic words, or … like turn around three times, or …”  He trails off at the openly derisive expressions on both of their faces.  “Well, I don’t know the rules of the magical shape-shifting sealskin!” he says defensively.
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cranberrycannoli · 1 year
Alya Cesaire
a very visual person
film making and ladybug are her special interests
she’s got some weird feelings about being akumatized. On one hand, that was very not okay and kind of traumatic, on the other hand… ladybug.
completely incapable of regulating her volume. she’s excited she’s yelling
time is meaningless. 10 minutes? 4 hours? meh. same thing.
it's possible alya has never turned in a single piece of homework. is she failing? not yet, but only by the grace of a higher power (aka marinette)
she doesn’t care much about textures or tastes but she keeps an eye out for stuff her friends would like
you know those sticky mochi fidgets?? yeah she’s got dozens
fidgets with the little charm on her phone so much
her phone background changes at least once a week
no impulse control ever
does not mean to make people uncomfortable but also wants to know everything completely about akumas and ladybug
echolalia out the ears – she really likes the way short sharp words feel. she keeps copying the beeps her computer makes, too
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prankprincess123 · 10 months
Finally got a switch, and consequently hyperfixated on Legend of Zelda for the first time since I was like 6yo and playing Four Swords Adventures. And now that I'm actually playing these games, the more and more I play them and learn the lore and story, the more and more I'm convinced that Zelda is ADHD. This girl's just like, "we're going on an adventure!" "Ooohhhh! Shiny!" *pushes Link off cliff and then jumps off herself* "Let's go fight that monster!" "I wonder what's this red button do?" and Link's like✋️⁉️🥰⁉️🛑‼️⁉️🙏🛑🛑🛑🛑‼️‼️‼️‼️ from the next room as he sprints to at least be there to protect her from whatever chaos she's about to unleash. And then of course he doesn't make it in time and has to find/save her, but meanwhile she keeps trying to save herself and help, and unintentionally getting (at least) herself (if not the whole world) in more and more trouble; and repeat, ad nauseam, for thousands of years. Like she cannot sit still, or wait, at all (at least so far as I've played) She talks enough to make up for Link being selectively mute. She has absolutely no impulse control, and seems to thrive on chaos and everything happening at once. She starts hearing voices, and is just like "must just be my hyperactive imagination again!" and shrugs it off. And my ADHD brain has just recognized her as same and hyperfixated on that highly relatable vibe
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The Geek and the Freak
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To say Eddie Munson was unmotivated was a bit of an understatement. All of his teachers for the past five years of high school continually reported back to Wayne that, "Eddie is an incredibly gifted student, however he doesn't seem to apply himself in class." He would absorb those words and regurgitate them at Eddie the second he had the opportunity to, and after a while, Wayne began to see an improvement in Eddie's educational performance. Of course he didn't go from being a straight D student to a getting straight A's, but he was able to bump up his scores in History, English, and art to B's with the occasional A. However, not matter how much complaining from his teachers or pushing from his uncle, Eddie couldn't get his math scores to jump above a D.
Maybe it was something about the numbers, or maybe it was the lack of a creative outlet in the projects. He wasn't exactly sure, but the more he tried, the more he struggled, and the more he struggled, the more he was nagged to do better, which only perpetuated the cyclical downfall of disappointment he existed in.
"You're really a bright kid, Eddie," his math teacher reassured him. "Trust me, we all want you to succeed. You deserve to graduate this year, especially after all the hard work you've put into raising your grades, we don't want this to be the thing that keeps you from getting your diploma."
"So you're going to sweep my math grades under the rug?" he suggested with a mildly sly smirk playing on his lips. His teacher laughed at Eddie's attempt to get the school to ignore his failing grade, but spoke to clear any confusion.
"How would you feel about getting a tutor?"
"I don't think my uncle can afford a tutor, Mr. Klein," Eddie said in a somewhat defeated tone. He'd heard the richer kids at school talk about how they had either a subject specific, or college-prep tutor come to their homes a few days a week to bring up their grades or to prepare for higher education. Never did he think someone would even confuse him for the type of person who would be able to obtain such a luxury. He knew he wasn't going to college unless he had a scholarship--which by his grades and lack of involvement in athletics seemed to be an impossibility. All he wanted was his damned diploma and to flip the bird to his principal one final time.
"I have a student in one of my advanced classes who has some free-time after school. If you're interested, I can arrange for you two to meet so you can work on the materials in one-on-one setting, perform some extra-credit work, and study for the last test of the year."
That's how Eddie Munson ended up at the library after school on a Friday sitting across the table from Helen McKillop. He'd known of Helen since kindergarten, but never spoke to her in their years of attending the same school. Part of it was that they never shared any classes--he was in all on-level courses while she was enrolled in every advanced course the school offered. The other reason he'd never spoken to her before was because it seemed as if she would run the other way if he so much as looked at her.
He'd always remembered her as this timid girl who avoided getting to know anyone outside of her immediate friend group. Barbra Holland and Nancy Wheeler were two of the only people in school Eddie ever remembered Helen interacting with, and after Barb's disappearance and death, she stopped talking to Nancy altogether. Her last two years of high school were spent in the background of everyone else's story. It was as if she were a non-player character that existed simply to further the plot of everyone else's high school life.
Eddie sat across from her, his metal rings clanking loudly on the table as he anxiously tapped to the drumming of his heart. His knee bounced impatiently as he waited for her to say something in regards to the notes he'd taken and the small assignment he completed in class that his teacher wanted her to look over before Eddie officially turned it in. However, her fingers continued to turn the paper over, and her eyes continued to scan his chicken-scratched writing from behind her glasses lenses.
Helen McKillop...the geek he thought to himself in a slight tone of either disgust or dread. Of course he knew that the social hierarchy of high school was bullshit, but it still existed, and people within varying stages of that hierarchy developed opinions of people in others. He knew his place among the hierarchy as a "freak" and he knew what others thought of him. He had mostly come to accept the bullshit stigma of being labeled a freak, and he embraced making the jocks feel uncomfortable. It was nice, in a weird way, having anyone be intimidated by the kid who, in elementary school, was teased for how often he cried. In hindsight, he shouldn't have believed the stereotypes and rumors that were spread about Helen, and he shouldn't have approached their first tutoring session with those in mind, but he did.
Helen had always been quiet, and she could tell her silence was beginning to drive Eddie Munson up a wall. She'd only known of Eddie in passing, but there was something about him that always made her feel uneasy in a good way. She couldn't describe it, but whenever she noticed him being his authentic self among his friends, she could pinpoint this desire and urge within herself to break out of her shell and participate in whatever shenanigans and tomfoolery he was getting into. To be honest, that urge scared her, and given the choice between fight and flight, her body would choose flight ten out of ten times. Helen McKillop didn't step out of her comfort zone. She kept her head down, didn't make a fuss, and avoided the whims of adolescence.
With a swift flick of her wrist, Helen pushed the paper back to Eddie after erasing every last pencil mark on the page.
"What was that for?" he asked abruptly as she handed him a blank page.
"I think it's better to start over with a clean slate," she admitted as a piece of her conscious mind recognized the sub-conscious decision to get over her, for lack of a better combination of words, enamored fear of the boy before her.
"Did you have to erase my name?" he grumbled under his breath as he printed E-d-d-i-e M-u-n-s-o-n back in the top right corner of the page.
With a great sense of apprehension, Helen opened Eddie's textbook to the section Mr. Klein told her Eddie's class was in. While Helen was in Pre-Calculus, Eddie was still in Algebra, so his homework was a breath of fresh air to her; however, within seconds of watching the boy before her shove his pencil into his hair and begin twirling it around a coiled lock, she quickly realized the difficulty Eddie was experiencing.
"Is it that you don't know how to do it, or is it that it seems like a lot to do and it's overwhelming to look at?" Helen asked as she studied the boy across from her.
Eddie's bottom lip was pinched between his teeth, his narrowed eyes peered vengefully down at the paper before him, and his nose was ever so lightly scrunched that it would have been impossible to make out had she not been searching for it. She recognized the look on his face--hell, she'd worn that look a number of times herself--and immediately knew the answer to her question.
"I can do it!" Eddie retorted a little too loudly and ended up being shushed by some nearby middle schoolers.
"I didn't say you couldn't," Helen quickly responded in a shy and reserved tone. She took a deep breath and found herself letting it out abruptly in frustration at Eddie's defiance. "You're a musician, right?" she pressed in hopes he'd stop being so closed off and defensive around her. He nodded in response as he continued to absentmindedly stare at the numbers and letters on the page before him. "What do you play?" her voice was what he'd expected based on the type of girl he thought Helen to be--soft and light, like a feather drifting in the wind.
"Guitar mostly."
"I take it the guitar didn't just come to you super easily, right?"
"No, things don't come easily to me," Eddie nearly hissed in frustration. Here was this girl--this nerdy, goody-two-shoes, teacher's pet girl--who probably has never had to struggle for a descent grade in her whole life, trying to talk to him about what comes easy?
"All I'm saying is, like with music and learning an instrument, things take practice. It's okay to not know where to start."
"The thing is, I know what to do, I just don't know how to make it through these damn questions without wanting to fall asleep. Learning guitar was easy because it was something that was interesting to me. I'm just taking this class because I have to."
Understanding the root of the problem, Helen silently began digging around in her bag until she found a d20. The di certainly caught Eddie's attention since Helen McKillop was the last person he'd expect to play Dungeons and Dragons.
"The good thing is, we don't have to start at the beginning and work our way to the end," she said as she rolled the di and noticed the number 12 appear right side up. "Sometimes I don't know where to start with things either, so I leave it up to chance. Chance says we start at question number twelve," she said and turned his homework over. "Focusing is hard for me, so I have to make little games of things to hold my attention."
"And so you use DND dice to decide how to do your homework?" Eddie asked with a slight laugh as he began to work through the problem.
"My parents took me to be evaluated for ADD in middle school. I've had a few years to find things that work for me. DND dice keeps school a bit more interesting, however I've found them to be more effective to add a few incentives though."
"You had problems in school?" The shock in his voice was evident as Helen anxiously bit at her lower lip.
"I never had to try on assignments," she admitted, only to have the looming judgement of Eddie Munson's words 'things don't come easily for me' echo in her ears. "When I did struggle with something I took it out on myself and thought I was just too stupid or lazy to grasp it. Knowing how to motivate myself to do the things I don't want to do helped me with my boring subjects, but also made me even stronger in the ones I liked."
"So you also just didn't try to do things you thought were too complicated to just start doing?" Eddie's voice was now gentle as he realized he couldn't have been more wrong about Helen.
"Correct," she said as her gaze lifted from where she'd been staring at where his ring clad fingers rested upon the paper in order to meet his eyes. "I promise that if you find ways to keep your brain engaged in what you're doing, you'll find it easier to get things you don't want to do done."
"You promise?" Eddie repeated her words hesitantly as he playfully yet skeptically raised an eyebrow at the girl before him.
"I do," she assured him with what had to be the sweetest, most wholesome smiles he'd seen grace another person's face.
"Well then, I guess I'll keep at it," he said with a joyful grin landing on his lips until it faltered into a coy smirk. "After all, I want to know more about those incentives you were talking about." With a curt wink, he could see her cheeks begin to flush and could feel the heat rising into his own ears. And so the freak began to fall for the geek.
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
When the autistic Wangji idea came, I wasn't trying to make Wangji neurodivergent, but after doing a character study I concluded that there's nothing neurotypical about Wangji. It's not the introvertedness or the social awkwardness, everyone knows someone like that. It's his actions and reactions to other people and situations.
The first thing that gave it away was his reaction to death. It's not a thing that was unique to the WWX incident.
When he was six years old his mother died and there could have been a funeral, anyway, everyone knew his mother was dead. It was no secret. But Wangji would still sit in front of her house and wait for her to come back. He was not in denial. He truly believed that if he sat and waited long enough, she would open the door. He did that every month for a really long time. He could not process her death and the same thing happened with Wei Ying. There was no promise that he was coming back, Lan Zhan just up and did the same thing, refusing to believe that he was dead when a whole crowd had watched him die.
There's the way he communicates with people. People argue that Lan Zhan speaks very formally so people can't understand him. Lan Zhan doesn't speak at all. He doesn't like people. He's still an introvert. But when he IS trying to communicate he says very little. Five words or less. Full sentences are only for official meetings, or Wei Ying, or family. And when he does things, he fully expects people to understand him and is shocked when they don't. His brother communicates with him perfectly and Lan Zhan has never had to use words with Xichen, so he doesn't understand why others don't understand him. He thought he was making his feelings clear.
There's other times. When Wei Ying is talking to him. If he says like five sentences at once Lan Zhan will listen but not reply. So Wei Ying has to break it down to yes or no questions. Then ask them one by one. Only then does he get a reply and the replies are "Mn" for yes or just "No." Lan Wangji is so cute. And it makes his brother relationship with Xichen even cuter when he's neurodivergent because Xichen's just been raising this special kid all by himself. (I've been meaning to rant about autistic Wangji for a long time).
So compiling every thing together, the conclusion I reached was that he's likely autistic and doesn't know.
There's also the headcanon that Wei Wuxian is ADHD and I love that too.
Neurodivergent partners. ✨
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Today's disabled character of the day is Gwendolyn Poole (Gwenpool) from the Marvel universe, who has Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Requested by @nocticola
[Image Description: Drawing of a girl with short blond hair with pink ends. She has blue eyes. She is wearing a zip up pink body suit with a white center. She is also wearing white gloves.]
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stark-alchemy · 9 months
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Meet Gayla Giggles
Gayla <they/he> is a kind and friendly neighbor who runs the Toy Store in Welcome Home. They are a silly jester who adores a good goof and gag, selling everything from simple wooden toys to complex rube Goldberg machines. They are a bit of a giggle monster, as the name implies, and they find themselves in hysterics and any and all jokes thrown their way, even Wally's misspoken or slightly off jokes. They also have a slight crush on the cardigan wearing puppet but perfers to keep it on the quiet side. Overall they are, like Howdy, not often featured but when Julie needs a specific toy item, Gayla is the person to visit. Howdy and Gayla have a friendly rivalry, and because the two can enjoy a good joke when Gayla's shoppe isn't open, they can be found at the Bodaega where Gayla is normally ordering Sweets of all kinds but loves milkshakes and icecream sundaes.
[Sometimes Gayla has moments of remembering behind a veil to see the puppeteers of their fate. He hates these moments, becoming paranoid and anxious of the too colorful world around him. But then he hates even more when his memory falters, and he instead he forgets looking... and becomes the puppet all over again.]
He is ADHD and autism coded, asexual, and genderfluid.
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xmcu-fietro · 2 years
october is adhd awareness month so special shoutout to adhd icon peter maximoff!!
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