#ableism sucks
jemineye · 8 months
a lot of people are ableist without knowing they are, and that's okay, we're here to learn and grow. but if i, or any other disabled person who experience ableism daily, tell you you're being ableist, you have absolutely no authority to say you aren't or that you can't be because a family member or friend is disabled. you don't know ableism until you've experienced it yourself. having someone in your life who does, doesn't exempt you from it.
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defleftist · 11 months
Shout out to all the people out there who think I’m rude for not responding to them when in reality I’m just deaf and didn’t hear them.
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nonbinarymoon · 2 years
So let me get this straight. When some 16yo light academia cis white neurotypical girl in a 15 second tiktok says "dont say you're so ocd for being a perfectionist, ocd is worse than that" people agree that stigmatizing and misusing mental disorders is wrong but when I say to an empath "narcissism does not mean egotistical or abusive, it means npd" or anything regarding a cluster b personality disorder, suddenly it's controversial and I'm overreacting??? Neurotypicals need to start making some sense 🩲 /srs
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schattenhonig · 2 months
I feel like yelling, raging and destroying random things. I'm so unbelievably angry, but at the same time I'm so tired and frustrated. I know this won't reach more than the gorgeous 10 people that are always there, but I have to post it anyway.
You know how on longer hikes, the fastest people sometimes walk ahead and get lots of breaks until the slower ones catch up, and after five minutes of a break it's decided to move on? And the fast people had maybe 10 to 15 minutes of a break and the slow ones 5?
That's what disability feels like for me. I'm invisibly disabled, so people expect me to walk at their pace, figuratively speaking. I'm expected to achieve as much as neurotypical people. They rush ahead and won't believe me if I tell them I can't keep up, not on hikes and not in normal day-to-day job situations. I get left behind and end up alone. I'm used to have to solve my problems on my own because people either don't believe me or don't care.
Sometimes I'm so angry I wish all people would have to experience ableism to the extend the disabled community does. I wish there was a "thoughtful citizen internship" where people would have to experience different disabilities and how society treats them because of that, so they finally understood what it's like. I don't feel like words, posts are enough to reach people anymore.
Yes, I am bitter, and no one likes a bitter, unthankful cripple. Well, guess what? No one likes to be ostracised, excluded, judged, insulted, gaslighted, manipulated, forced to apply for some kind of minimal support at the risk of being again and again rejected, kept in dependent relationships (whether romantic or other doesn't matter), and so on. No one would like to be treated how disabled people are treated right now. And you expect me to not be bitter about you telling me it can't be that bad and I just need to look at the bright side? There is no bright side to this! Not for me, and not for so many other disabled people.
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bionicbabe0101 · 11 months
CW: ableism discussion
I just finished a work meeting with a group of healthcare administrators and medical providers. They ended with a casual conversation about how they would all rather die at a ‘young’ age (which according to them is around 70) then experience a loss in quality of life due to chronic illnesses or aging in general. Lots of agreement around how devastating it would be to be a burden on others because of chronic illness. One administrator literally described a life that was short but free of serious health problems as ‘a good life.’
My chronically ill ass promptly left the meeting to crawl under my desk and weep tears of rage and despair.
I was diagnosed with my first chronic condition when I was 25. I guess I should’ve just died, because now I’m such a burden and can’t have a good life.
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blackplaaague · 8 months
Everybody's all about calling me disabled and useless until I ask for basic accommodations and then it's "ahahha you're so quirky of COURSE you don't have debilitating cognitive processing issues and we shall continue to disrespect your most basic needs"
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mortaljortlebortles · 11 months
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Georgia de Gidlow’s look to camera,  though somewhat terrifying in terms of having to maintain eye contact for a second very directly, and you don’t expect to feel physically watched by a character, makes me very emotional.
It actually connects the audience to the scene and given the confession to come is hugely beneficial in grounding the audience during the flashbacks. 
I don’t hate the flashbacks but she is supposed to be two years younger ish so 13 or 14 and though Lola Blue pulls off 11 at 18 very well, I know some people found Georgia in pigtails a bit off putting, most likely because Keedie has been established as 16 and the gap is significant when you are of a similar age yourself. Therefore it works to ease some of that tension to.
Her eyes tell a story- of her trauma, her mental health in that moment, but I feel it also tells the audience who have been through similar I see you. Watch and see me be honest, connect that to your own experience.
The look in all likelihood may not have been intended for the camera but either way it is more towards us and that shot made it in.  The emotion in her eyes is beyond amazing and her bracing herself to speak really added to the scene.
Anyway I edited it into the above hope the writing isn’t too bad.
image description : a yellow filter over Keddie Darrow lying on the grass  flat with her head alone moving to be looking directly at the camera with a look of what i have decided is sympathy maybe or sadness, like melancholy connection, Addie lying directly next to her facing the sky and closer to the camera and both heads are pointing to the north east. Addie is  smiling and squinting at the sky looking I will say contented at a guess. they are holding hands in between them and Addie’s hand is rest on her stomach under the key hung from her neck 
in dark and bright pink is the word “in”, then a yellow translucent “you” which is bigger and next to it, y and o are touching keedie’s hair with is blonde and wavy and framing her face. Addie had dark hair and it is in loose curls. in you is in the middle of the image at the top
then in orange curly writing at the bottom is the word believe with the b’s stick touching addie’s chin with is tilted up because she is looking at the sky 
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ohnoitsagayboy · 1 year
I was just forced to witness an autism speaks ad in front of my ableist family my rage i want to throw my diet coke and tomatoes at the tv and go apeshit aaaaaaaaaa
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jemineye · 1 year
just an fyi to all the assholes out there; if you notice someone in a wheelchair or any other mobility aid trying to get by you and you refuse to get out of the way, its not our fault when you get ran over. stop being a dick and just move.
also goes for the people who see us coming but expect us to move around them. no. im not readjusting myself/my aid to make you more comfortable or whatever. either you acknowledge us and fucking move or get trampled.
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comradekatara · 5 months
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1 like = 1 slap to his bald head
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bionicbabe0101 · 1 year
Ugh it’s totally one of those days when I feel (physically) so awful that I wish it was more acceptable to call out of work ‘chronically ill’ - like am I sick today? No more than every day I guess…but do I feel worse than usual today? You bet. But how are you, the worker, supposed to be honest about that and take care of yourself? The employer only hears, ‘this person can’t be relied upon all the time because they can’t guarantee this won’t happen again since they will never be cured of their chronic illnesses…so, why should we keep employing them?’ Chronically ill folks try to navigate this all the time - if we are even lucky enough to be able to work! I am so fortunate that I can…but it means I am constantly stuck trying not to seem too sick, but also not too well because being believed will never not be an issue 😑😭
(Sorry for the rant. Hang in there everyone!)
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asharestupid · 9 months
I don't think people understand how bad cfs actually is. Like whenever I tell ppl a lot of them are like "oh haha yah me too" and just... No??? A few hours ago I was so tired I couldn't even move (not an exaggeration, I was literally stuck in bed, laying down without being able to even turn over) cfs is an actual thing and I hate that ppl do this with things they don't understand. Disabilities aren't adjectives.
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transmascissues · 7 months
i’m going to be starting a job soon where it looks like almost all of my coworkers/bosses are going to be cis women and i am…terrified. especially since this is the job i’m going to have to get time off from for top surgery.
if there’s one thing i’ve learned over the almost ten years of my transition, it’s that a situation where i’m the only guy there is one where my gender is guaranteed to not be respected. it really feels like far too many cis women realize they’re alone with a trans man and just see it as an opportunity to act out some sort of power fantasy where they get to stick it to the big bad evil men by taking out their anger on the first man they see without the power to fight back. that or they decide you’re “just one of the girls” and will not hear otherwise, but honestly, given where i’m at in my physical transition, i have a feeling the former is more likely.
there was a time when i felt safer around cis women than around cis men, but now it’s just a different kind of threat.
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rjalker · 9 months
Let your characters be disabled without giving them a super power to "make up for it".
Your blind character does not have to have empathic powers or super hearing, so that you claim they "aren't really blind".
Your autistic character does not need to magically know how to read ancient rotting books that no one else can decipher through the power of....guessing? Inferring from context? And then pretending like this is magical and amazing.
Your characters with dyslexia do not need to be Super Duper Smart and so much better at memorizing music than other people and have people constantly tell them how Super Intelligent they are.
Your disabled characters do not need to be better at things than all of their abled peers to "make up for" the fact that they're disabled. And yes. These are all real examples of this obnoxious shit from the same author. [Facepalm].
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I'm still thinking about how ashamed I was (and am) with being open about my pain because I am so young. It's so hard to feel worthy of having your pain taken seriously when the people around you insist that young bodies are always in pristine, untouched condition and that you must earn your pain through aging. Never is it considered that young people aren't lying or being a hypochondriac for expressing their pain.
Young people can be in life-altering pain. Young people can have debilitating pain. It doesn't matter what age it happens because pain doesn't discriminate. Complaining about pain and doing things to prevent needless pain aren't something you have to "earn" through aging.
If you want young people to be in less or lesser pain, then encourage them to do whatever they can to minimize it. Don't downplay what they're experiencing. Not everything is a lie, not every experience that is different than yours is exaggeration or deceit.
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butterflyinthewell · 1 year
Please stop associating incontinence with a lack of control in other areas of life.
Stop using incontinence to say someone is a bad person.
Incontinence is the inability to properly control the bladder and/or bowels. It has no bearing on somebody’s intelligence or whether or not they’re a bigot.
Stop being ableist to people dealing with incontinence to dunk on somebody else.
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