#a fine line between it being cute and it being nasty
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 10 months
Getting irrationality angry over new SpongeBob again
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
just like my crush - fushiguro megumi
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word count: 3.8k warnings: swearing, reader is doped up from anesthesia summary: confessing that you have a crush on someone really isn't that hard. all it takes is anesthesia clouding your judgment. a/n: brought to you by my lovely nanami flowershop anon's beautiful brain !!!
Injuries in this line work wasn’t unusual.  Someone was always occupying Shoko’s little infirmary and keeping her busy.  Nasty gashes, sprained wrists, broken bones- it was practically a part of the job description.  No, it wasn’t pretty, but at least with a master of the Reverse Cursed Technique on site, the mishaps that came with assignments never lasted too long.
Because of this expectation, Megumi had never been put in a position where he worried over someone’s well being after an exorcism gone awry.  He’d had life threatening wounds get healed more times than he could count on both hands, hell, Yuji lost a hand and got that back! 
So why did he feel sick to his stomach when she took a bad hit during an assignment? Why did his throat close up too tight for him to explain the situation to the manager on the assignment? Or to Ieiri when he got her back to campus? Why was there a cold sweat racing down his spine, but his insides felt like they were on fire? 
Despite all of Ieiri’s insisting that (y/n) was fine, that she’d gotten here just in time, that she was healed and would wake up at any time- likely without the memory of what happened- and that she would still be fine then… Megumi didn’t tear himself out of that room in the infirmary even once.  
When she does wake up- two days and a couple hours later- he doesn’t look too good.  He’d pale and he’s been bouncing his leg for so long it’s gone numb, but the relief that washes over him brings some color back to his face.
Her eyelashes flicker about a few times before she finally opens her eyes, but his attention is drawn to the way her hand twitches above the stark white sheets.
“Hey,” He murmurs, as quiet as he can stand to speak.  He didn’t want to startle her, and he thinks that if she were to flinch back at him, he’d flinch too.  “(y/n), you awake?” He asks when she doesn’t say anything right away.
Then her eyes finally find him, and with a hazy gloss over her blown pupils, she smiles.  It’s slow, and so, so impaired, but it’s pretty nonetheless.
“Oh, wow,” 
Her voice is strained, likely from not having been used for a couple days, but the light and breezy way in which she speaks is enough for him to know that her anesthetics haven’t worn off.  The stoner-like smile also tipped him off pretty well, but Megumi’s sure now.
“You know who you look like?” 
It’s not the question Megumi’s expecting, and his confusion is obvious in the way a tiny knot forms between his brows.  He would’ve thought  ‘where am I?’ or ‘what happened?’ would be in order, but maybe the anesthesia was more on top of her than he would’ve thought, so he hums in response and waits for her explanation.  Surely she’ll have something silly to say, it wouldn’t be the first time she called him a sea urchin for his messy hair.
“You look jus’ like my crush” (y/n) half-slurs back.  She tilted her head in his direction, trying to get a better look at him from where she was laying, but the rest of her body felt too heavy to move.
Megumi’s eyes widen, and before he can stop himself a small laugh comes out.  Confusion, humor, and disbelief blend into the overwhelming relief in knowing that Ieiri hadn’t been lying to him to protect his feelings.  (y/n) would be completely fine.
Maybe a little bit high, but still, completely fine.
Her shoulders shake in the slightest when she laughs in response to his own little chuckle, delighted purely by his reaction.
“I’m serious,” She mumbles out, eyes falling heavy for a minute the longer she stares at him.  “And it’s a compliment too, b’cause he’s, like, really cute”  “I didn’t know you were crushing on anyone” Megumi hums, leaning his elbows against the edge of her cot so that he could prop his chin in his hands.  Amusement flickers in his eyes when her expression noticeably shifts.  Her eyes widen and her lips part but no words come out.  Was he actually making her nervous? Who the hell did he look like in her eyes right now that had her reacting like this? 
Megumi can’t recall a time she’d ever talked to him about crushing on anyone.�� Nothing of the sort, not even a hint.  And he’d definitely never seen the ruthless sorcerer appear so… 
Well, she looked like a girl with a crush.  A blush was forming on her cheeks the longer he held eye contact with her, and the way the corners of her mouth twitched and betrayed her as she tried to bite back a smile.
“Y-yeah, duh,” She stammers back at him with a sassy roll of her eyes.  Megumi’s quick to push his hand against his mouth to stifle his laughter.  “The point of a crush is it’s secret” 
“So you’re not gonna tell me then?” He asks curiously.
She probably didn’t know it, but (y/l/n) (y/n) was the only person in the world that got to see the playful side of him.  It was hard not to act on his intrigue, though.  It was too entertaining to see her in this state… and the rapid beating of his heart in his ribcage made him ache to know more.
But she shakes her head against her pillow, sealing her lips shut to further prove her point.  She’s still smiling, though, and she hasn’t torn her eyes off of his since she woke up.
“How’re you feeling, anyways?” Megumi decides to steer the topic back to one of more importance.  “Anything hurt? Can I get you anything-?” 
“Even your eyes are pretty like his,” She interrupts him, and then sighs as though this was a large inconvenience for her.  “You must be related,” She says matter-of-factly.
He hopes that when the drugs wear off she doesn’t remember this moment, because Megumi knows his face is as red as a tomato with how fiery his skin feels.  A nervous laugh bubbles out of him before he could choke it down, and her whole face lights up in response.
“You must not get compliments often, huh?” She teases in a slow drawl.
“I… I guess not,” He says, followed by more nervous laughter that happens against his will.  “But thank you, (y/n).  That’s very… kind” 
He’s painfully awkward, and he knows that as soon as he leaves this room he’s going to overthink this entire interaction, but for now he tries to bask in the warmth that sparks from knowing she thinks he has pretty eyes.  Or at least, she does when she’s so doped up she can’t quite focus on a conversation.
But at least she's obviously not in any pain.  Megumi’s worries begin to melt away, but that might just be the work of her flattery.
“You’re welcome,” She grins back at him, but she just as soon furrows her brows and regards him curiously.  Even after staring at him so shamelessly, she suddenly doesn’t appear to recognize him one bit.  “I thought Megumi only had a sister, though”
It comes out in a mumble, and he’s sure that she’s talking to herself in her deluded state, but the rush of heat that floods his chest and shoots up his neck is nearly too much to bear.
She actually didn’t recognize him this whole time? Was she talking about him this whole time? Was the flattery not a drug-induced misconception and actually-?
Before he can settle on a question to ask her to clear his confusion, she’s settling back into her pillow and her eyes are falling shut.  Megumi opens his mouth, ready to force out the first thing that comes to mind, but she drifts off almost immediately.  Her chest rising and falling in slow, steady movements.
It felt like a cruel prank.
Now he was left sitting and gaping at her unconscious form.  His heart is racing and his leg is bouncing again, and Megumi thinks he might be even more anxious for her to wake up this time.
He decides then and there that when she does, and when she’s of sound mind again, he’ll ask her about it.  Because if she really did have a crush on him he’d have to finally get over his ridiculous anxiety and make a move. ___
A week after making a full recovery, (y/n) comes to the decision that if she wants Megumi to talk to her, she’ll just have to corner him.
She’s not sure why he hasn’t been talking to her- hence her cornering plan- but ever since her last assignment had gone awry and she’d been put on a minor hold, he’d been dodging her.  And sure, Megumi wasn’t always the most sociable guy, but he was a friend and even if he didn’t feel like hanging out, he wouldn’t completely ghost her like this.
Of course she’d tried asking Yuji and Nobara about it, but they were a dead end.  They’d been just as surprised as she was that he’d been avoiding her.
I thought you were best friends, Yuji had frowned at the idea of a falling out between his two friends that he cared about so much.
Maybe he realized you have a crush on him and pussied out, Nobara had cackled at the scenario, not feeling an ounce of worry that this weird bump wouldn’t get resolved.
Needless to say, (y/n) was quick to steer her investigation far away from them, before the blabbermouths could do what they do best and blab around the wrong people.
She corners him while doing laundry, of all things.
And when she walks into the room while he’s tossing his freshly washed laundry into the dryer, Megumi hits his head on the lid when he swivels around in shock to see her there.
“Oh god, are you alright?” 
“I’m fine- it’s fine,” He answers all too quickly, before she’s even finished her question.  “I’m almost done with the washing machine” 
(y/n) can’t help but chuckle a little bit, seeing as she wasn’t currently holding a basket of laundry, but Megumi’s already back to filling up the dryer.  It appears every piece of clothing he tosses in is monochrome- mostly black, but a few gray pieces here and there.  This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it is a bit funny.
“I actually was looking for you,” She tells him, leaning against the doorframe.  It’s half casual, and half to block his only escape.  Megumi responds with a small hum, still putting all of his focus on moving the laundry.  “Are you upset with me?” 
The question has him swiveling again, finally giving her his undivided attention.  It’s a bit unnerving, the way he straightens up and goes rigid as he stares back at her in bewilderment.  She wants to be annoyed that he has the audacity to look confused when he was the one that had been avoiding her for days, but she gives him the benefit of the doubt 
“Upset? No.  No of course not” He answers, and his words are so certain, that she believes him straight away.  But the small bit of truth doesn’t provide much relief.
“Then how come you’ve been dodging me?” She asks, unable to help her frown.  What other reason could there be? If he’s not mad at something, why would act so flaky?
“I haven’t been dodging you” 
“That’s a lie” 
“It’s not?” 
“It is,” She crosses her arms defensively.  “You haven’t been answering your phone and you always have some excuse to not talk to me.  Did I do something?” 
“Not really” 
He winces as soon as the answer leaves his mouth.  It wasn’t like him to get so careless- but it also wasn’t like him to avoid her.  Really, he was falling apart at the seams and trying quite desperately to appear as though everything was normal.  
It wasn’t working.  (y/n) could see the panic in his eyes as clear as day.  Not to mention the way his lips twitched like he was holding back further explanation.  She narrows her eyes as she studies him carefully.
“Not really?” She repeats his lame answer.  “So sort of? So I did do something?” 
Megumi’s certain that she chose to stand in the doorway so he couldn’t make an easy escape.  Would it be immature to summon the rabbits? 
“(y/n) it’s- it’s fine.  It’s me, alright?” He’s not very convincing.
“So you did something?” Another question he doesn’t want to answer.
“No- just- not really- it was just-” He stammers, and then groans, tilting his head back and glaring at the fluorescent light hanging over him.  
He recalls the way he’d sworn to himself that he’d talk to her about her little anesthesia-induced confession, and kicks himself now for cowering out of it.  Megumi never really ran away from a challenge, even when he knew he was in over his head.  But something about standing before her now and explaining how she’d inadvertently confessed to having a crush on him makes his heart beat out of sync and his throat go dry.
“Look I just don’t want things to be weird between us,” (y/n) sighs, giving up on interrogating him so heavily.  “So just… whatever it is, can we talk about it?” 
And he swoons, actually swoons.  His knees physically feel weak and he has to resist the urge to let all of his muscles relax and sink towards the ground.  It was so sweet, so considerate of her to want to mend the nonexistent conflict between them.  Megumi didn’t think it was possible to like her more than he already did, but she had a knack for proving him wrong.
So with an anxious breath, he thinks screw it and just lets it out.
“Do you remember waking up and talking to me in the infirmary?”
Her brows furrow, giving him her answer, and then her features soften with realization.
“You visited me in the infirmary?” She asks, almost in a whisper.  No, she didn’t remember, and no one had told her she’d had any visitors during her short stay there.
Megumi nods his head.
“Yeah, I… I stayed till you woke up.  And you did, for a couple minutes anyways, but you were pretty out of it.  Anesthesia and all” He explains.
She tries to rack her memory for any hazy glimpse of talking to Megumi in Shoko’s clinic, but nothing comes to mind.  She feels a little guilty now, having forgotten so easily.
“Okay…” She trails off, waiting for the rest of his explanation.  “So… something happened then?” 
Megumi hesitates, his expression twisted in mild displeasure, like he just stubbed his toe or has to deliver an oral presentation.  (y/n) tries to be patient, she really does, but the longer he draws this out the larger the pit in her stomach grows.
“Yeah,” The word comes out through a heavy breath, and he pauses for just a moment longer before admitting the last detail.  “You… you sort of confessed that you have a crush on me” 
Relief settles into her bones, and then a spike of panic.
Her eyes are widening and her arms wrap tighter around herself, fingers digging into the sides of her ribs as if she could possibly ground herself with her anxiety reaching an all time high.
For fuck’s sake, she wasn’t this anxious when that Grade One tried to take a massive bite out of her body.
“You were really out of it, though,” Megumi says quickly.  “You were just… high.  You probably just couldn’t see or think straight-” 
“No, I wasn’t just high,” She cuts him off with surprising calmness in her voice, and a short shake of her head.  “I do.  Have a crush on you, I mean.  I didn’t… obviously I didn’t intend to tell you that, but, I guess high-me can’t keep a secret, so…” 
She trails off with a bashful giggle that would have embarrassed her if she wasn’t already filled to the brim with embarrassment.  Megumi’s lips part, but he doesn’t say anything.  The corner of his mouth twitches a few times too, and still, he’s standing in bewildered silence before her.
It’s not that he didn’t believe her, he was eighty-five percent sure that she’d meant what she said while she was still under the influence of the anesthetics, but that fifteen percent of uncertainty was his paranoia getting the best of him.  But now she was of sound mind, dead sober, and dead serious as she stared at him and awaited some sort of reaction.
No real reaction came, unless you counted the drumming of his fingers against his side, slow at first, but picking up speed the longer they both stood there and waited for the other to say something.
Megumi knows he should say something, and probably something along the lines of; well that’s a relief because I’m actually crushing on you so hard I don’t know what to do with myself… but unfortunately, he really didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Do I even want to know how badly I embarrassed myself?” (y/n) breaks the silence with a nervous but curious smile.
“You said I looked just like your crush,” He explained, heat flooding to his face as he recalled the other things she said.  “It was actually the first thing you said when you woke up,” 
She has to laugh at that a little, to which Megumi feels some of the tension in his shoulders disappear.  The tension in the room also starts to thin out, much to his relief.
“Then you went on about how cute your crush was.  And when I tried to ask how you were feeling, after, you know, surgery and all that, you ignored me and said…” He rubs the back of his neck, growing shy as he realized he was rambling and the subject matter already had his heart racing.
“Oh god… what?” (y/n) gasps, eyes widening, hoping she didn’t let out some dirty thought that she worked very hard to keep in the back of her mind.
“You said I had pretty eyes, and then you sorta let it slip that I was your crush, so I guess you didn’t realize you were talking to me the whole time… and then you passed back out” 
She’s laughing again, but this time she covers her face with her hands in a pitiful attempt to hide her blush until it goes away.  A small groan dies at the back of her throat.  The second hand embarrassment from her past-inebriated-self was just too much.
After all this time she's done so well at keeping her feelings under wraps, of never letting it be known with a slip of tongue or lingering touch, only to tell him so brazenly while in a hospital cot… it was ridiculous.
“God… I’m so sorry, that’s… wow, that’s probably the most humiliating thing I’ve ever done” She starts off looking at him, but ends up muttering to herself and looks away, still overwhelmed by the mortification of it all.
A small smile graces Megumi’s face, and in a moment of being true to his word, he musters up the courage to speak up before she could walk away and pretend this didn’t happen.
“It was more cute than humiliating,” He tells her, and she peeks back up at him in soft surprise.  “Maybe just a little embarrassing, just a little… but… still cute” His voice gets softer the longer she looks at him and he starts to lose the confidence he started out so strong with, but he still holds her gaze, hoping that she’ll know he means it.
“Cute?” She repeats in quiet disbelief.  Megumi nods back at her with absolute certainty and sincerity.
He gives into another bout of a confidence boost and takes a few steps forward, closing some of the space between them.  (y/n) practically scrambles to straighten up away from the doorframe, her shoulders squaring and her eyes widening as she watches him move towards her.
“And for what it’s worth, I think you have pretty eyes, too,” 
It’s quieter than he intends, but his words are effective in replacing the nervous tension in the room with something much more palpable.  The electricity buzzing between them was so thick they were practically choking on it.
(y/n) smiles, slow at first, processing the sudden compliment, and then all once.  Every inch of her skin warmed from the sweet words, and she’s not sure she’s ever felt flattery like this before.  She’s never taken a compliment so to heart, never known that she was going to go to sleep that night playing it over and over in her head.
Megumi’s eyes flicker between hers for a moment, admiring the way she lights up with delight before him, and then he opens his mouth again.
“They look just like my crush’s” 
Her brows furrow and despite that feeling of embarrassment spiking in her chest again, the corner of her lips curl into a smirk that gives into a smile almost immediately after.  Megumi’s clearly amused by this reaction, laughing to himself like he was so proud of his own tease.
“That’s so corny” She mutters, before stepping away from the doorway and closing the last bit of distance between them.
Despite his nerves he anticipates her movements, large hands finding purchase on her hips and practically yanking her the rest of the way that it takes to have her body against his.  There’s no extra time for words before their lips crash fast.  The kiss is surprisingly tender for how rushed their movements were, but it had them both melting into the other right away.
Her hands are gentle as they smooth over his shoulders before wrapping lightly at the nape of his neck.  Her fingers poke into the dark strands of hair that hang there, and when she curls a few locks between her index and middle finger, he presses his lips against hers with a little more fervor.
Even once they part from one another, neither one goes very far.  Gasping for air with lips still brushing each other’s, noses bumping, and hands still holding on tight all in the name of not putting an inch of distance between them.
Still no words are exchanged as they share a look before both glancing at the open doorway behind them.  It doesn’t take verbal communication for Megumi to reach behind her to grab the door by the handle and swing it shut.  The only sound that fills the room is the white noise buzzing from the dryer cycle, and the soft giggle that’s immediately suppressed by warm, inviting lips pressing against hers again.
a/n: thank u again my amazing nanami flowershop anon for this really fun idea. also i just love playful megumi. he's so cute n shy <3
xoxo ~ jordie
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thesassypadawan · 3 months
Nice Little Chat (Padawan Anakin x MasterFemReader)
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Summary: You don’t know when, but somewhere along the line…Obi-Wan’s precious padawan has become the object of your desire. He’s so cute and fuckable and you just want to spoil Anakin rotten…like the sweet baby boy that his is.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Tit fucking, mommy kink, and Ani’s big dick. Padawan Ani is of age (18).
Notes: This is a little different than what I normally write for Ani! So...input for it would very much be appreciated, if I should write more fics like this for him! Thank you!
“It’s over!” Anakin boldly announced, going in for what he thought was the finishing move.
“Not quite,” Obi-Wan said with a smirk. Sidestepping at the last minute, he used a gentle nudge of the force. Which sent Ani crashing to the floor, landing right in front of you.
You tried your best to stifle a laugh, not wanting to add insult to injury. But as you watched him clamber to his feet, that cute little pout on his face; you couldn’t help yourself. “You okay, Ani?”
“Fine,” he mumbled, refusing to look you in the eye. The slightest dusting of pink on his cheeks.
You don’t know when, but somewhere along the line…Obi’s precious padawan had become the object of your desire. From those plump lips to those big eyes, even that cocky smile. Everything about him made your body grow flush and a dampness pool between your legs.
Despite it being oh so very wrong…considering you were fifteen years older and one of his master’s dearest friends…you just couldn’t help but want him all to yourself. To spoil the sweet baby like he so deserved.
And from the way Anakin had been acting around you lately, it appeared that your feelings weren’t just one-sided. Although…
“Are you sure?” You cooed up at him, placing a hand on his bicep. “That was a bit of a nasty fall. Maybe I-”
“Said I was fine!” He growled, shaking you off. Grabbing his lightsaber, he then began to storm out of the training room. But not before shooting you one last yearning look.
…at times like this, it seemed like Ani was still fighting with his own.
“I’m so sorry!” Obi-Wan immediately started apologizing, while making to follow after Anakin. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him! Let me go talk-”
Taking hold of his arm, you stopped his departure. “No, I’ll go,” you said gently. “I think Ani and I need to have a nice, little chat.”
You didn’t give Obi the chance to protest or object to your offer, you just gave him a reassuring squeeze. “It will be all right; I promise.” And proceeded to make your swift leave, heading towards the one place you knew Anakin would go…especially with the tent he was sporting.
Loosening your tunic, you shifted your breasts around a little. Making sure they were on full display, you then slipped inside Obi-Wan’s and his shared quarters.
Quietly you approached Anakin’s room. Pressing your ear to the door, you listened and waited for the right moment…that came when you heard soft, desperate whimpers and a very distinct fapping sound.
“Annni,” you called out sweetly. “Ani baby, may I come in?”
Not waiting for a reply, you quickly tinkered with the keypad. Unlocking the door and letting it slide open to reveal…
A very shocked…very red faced…VERY naked padawan sitting on his sleep couch.
“What the… Why didn’t you knock first?!” Ani shouted, his voice cracking a bit as he frantically scrambled to cover himself.
You licked your lips in anticipation. “Oh, I did,” you replied innocently. “You must not have heard over all those lovely noises you were making.”
“I… I…” His blush deepened and he began to squirm under your lust filled gaze. So cute…so fuckable.
“Baby,” you cooed. “Don’t try to deny it; I know perfectly well what you want.”
Sitting beside him, you placed your hand over his. Leaning forward just enough, so your plushy globes were practically about to spill out. “Now we both know you’re harder than a rock under this pillow. So why don’t you be a good boy and let mommy help you.”
“I’m… I mean…” There it was again, fighting with his feelings. Such a stubborn little padawan.
Using your free hand, you loosened your tunic a bit more. Letting him get a better view of your ample bust. “It’s okay. I just want to take care of you…make you feel real good.”
You watched as his eyes wandered down to your tits, they were blown so wide that you could barely see the blue in them. He swallowed hard, adam’s apple bobbing enticingly. “Please… Please, take care of me, mommy.”
His voice was barely above a whisper but hearing him call you that had your pussy absolutely dripping. “Say it again,” you muttered. “Louder this time.”
“Please,” he begged, shyly removing the pillow. “Please, take care of me…. mommy.”
“Oh, Ani.” You grinned at the sight before you. He was painfully hard, tip already leaking pre and, most importantly, he was a VERY big baby boy.
Biting your lip, you got up on your knees. Stripping off your clothes, you squeezed your breasts. Moaning softly and rubbing your legs together as you watched his cock twitch with interest.
“On your back, baby,” you purred, lips brushing across his.
“Yes, mommy,” he whimpered, obediently doing so…letting you mount him.
Taking a moment to enjoy the view, you bent down. Capturing his lips in a fiery kiss, muttering soft praises. “Good boy…such a good good good boy.”
Anakin melted into the kiss. Tongue licking shyly at your lips, asking for entrance. Not wanting to deny your sweet baby, you allowed him to do so. Surprised when he grabbed you with his big hands, pulling your hips to meet his.
You moaned softly into his lips, aching cunt rubbing against his cock. Needing more, you took his hands. Placing them on your chest, silently begging for him to touch you…to make his mommy feel good too.
Following your lead, he began to tweak your nipples. Rolling them between his lightly calloused fingers, making you whimper and shamelessly grind into him.
Breaking the kiss, Anii had let out a small whine. “More! Mommy, I need more!” He pleaded, thrusting up into you. Hoping you’d give him some kind of relief.
“More?” You teased, grinding against him harder. “You want more, baby? Tell me what you want, and I’ll happily give it to you.”
He squirmed underneath you, panting softly. “Your tits… Please let me fuck your juicy titties…”
You were surprised by his request. Your breasts, he really wanted to fuck your breasts? Well, if that’s what your sweet boy desired…
“You want to cum all over my juicy titties?” You purred, pulling away from Anakin. Your breasts nearly brushing his nose.
“Y-Yes,” he stuttered. Staring right at your chest, that adorable hint of pink on his cheeks. “P-Please let me f-fuck your tits.”
“Of course, whatever you wish,” you whispered softly.
Motioning for him to switch places with you, you lay on your back. Propped up on your elbows, beckoning him with your finger.
Ani happily crawled on top of you. Straddling your waist, he leans down to lap at your breast. His tongue running over your nipples and valley, thoroughly coating you with his saliva. All the while shivers ran up and down your spine. “Oh, baby,” you moaned.
Satisfied with his work, he sat back and stroked his dick. Lubing himself up with his own pre, he pushed your breasts together. And, with a cocky little smile on his face, he slid himself between your plushy globes. Causing you both to moan and groan.
His cock felt like heaven, so silky and warm against your skin. His thumbs, they skillfully played with your nipples as he steadily thrusted into your tits. “So good, mommy… They feel so good…”
“That’s it, baby, keep going,” you cooed lovingly up at him. “You’re doing such a great job. Making me feel sooo good.”
Your words spurred him on. His pace picked up and he began to snap his hips against you. Your tits bouncing in sync with his wild thrusts.
Looking up at Anakin, your eyes met. His face was flushed, bottom lip between his teeth. You can tell he’s trying to hold back his fast-approaching orgasm; the twitching of his cock gave it away.
“Ani,” you purred. Placing your hands over his, squeezing him tighter. “Be a good boy and cum for me. Paint my titties so prettily. Cover them with your creamy, hot cum.”
Throwing his head back, he let out a high-pitched whine. Movements becoming jerky and uncontrolled. Until finally, with one last sloppy thrust, hot globs of cum landed on your chest. Some on your neck and a bit on your chin.
You loved seeing the look of pure bliss on his face. They way his cum warmed your skin, it made pleasant shivers run up and down your spine. What a wonderful way to end your nice, little chat.
“Thank you, mommy,” Anakin muttered. Grinning proudly down at you as he admired the job he had done.
Rubbing his cum all over and into your skin, you couldn’t help but grin yourself. “You’re welcome, baby… Maybe next time you can cum in mommy’s tight, little pussy… But only if you’re good…”
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fairyhaos · 10 months
how seventeen help their s/o who bumps into things
requested by anon: "I'm someone who is pretty bad with my peripheral view & I end up bumping into corners, walls, or tripping/stumbling over objects that are near me, I was wondering if you could make a svt reaction to them realizing this really bad habit & how they would react?"
notes: a 'how svt' reaction from fairyhaos after a long, long time ! i hope you guys like it <3
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in the beginning he'd get soso concerned that you were constantly bumping into corners and tripping over things on the floor. has attempted to book and drag you to an appointment at the opticians on a total of 5 different occasions only for you to insist that it's just your horrible peripheral vision and it's Fine. gets worried that you're gonna bruise yourself rlly badly, but you've convinced him to be less hovery-panicky when you accidentally walk into the latest inanimate object.
alternates wildly between acting like a concerned parent and not batting an eye. he's quick to pull you away from walls when it looks like you're getting close to bumping into it while rushing around a corner tho. makes small, conscious efforts to prevent you from hurting yourself, like holding your hand while you're out walking together or making sure that pathways through doors are as smooth as possible in his house so there are no obstacles for you to bump into. still laughs and shakes his head fondly as he remembers the one time to rammed head first into a glass door bc you didn't realize it was shut
you've bumped into his dining table and his coffee table and every piece of furniture in his house so many times that he asks you one day, half joking and half serious, if you'd like him to baby proof his house for you. finds it rlly endearing actually. gets concerned that you'll get painful bruises tho and always whips out an ice pack when you've had a particularly nasty bump with the wall, but other than that he's gonna make a surprised "oh!" sound before smiling and rushing over to you to pat your head and ask if his lovely darling is doing okay and do you want him to kiss is better for you? ^^
you're just like him fr!!!!! this little kitty keeps bumping his head on stuff bc he misjudges how short something is (or how tall he is) and so the two of you together are Walking Hazards. neither of you can walk in a straight line. you're constantly bumping shoulders, or bumping into other people, or just bumping into Stuff all the time. jeonghan jokes that you just make each other worse, and you protest every time before accidentally bumping into a table or a wall and making junhui trip over your feet bc he was standing far too close to you
acts like it's the end of the world every time. wails loudly, whips out an emergency aid kit from somewhere and asks you to "show me the injury babe, show me where the wall hurt you so i can fix it immediately!!!!!" even if it's just a light, accidental touch against the wall as you turn a corner, he's fussing over your shoulder and asking if you need any bandages. definitely carried u bridal style one time bc you just kept on bumping into things as you walked and he was like. that's it. i can't have you being hurt anymore just jump into my arms and ill carry u!!!! he ended up almost tripping over thin air but oh well. he means well. 
his eyes immediately zero in on you whenever he hears a soft "thump" and the sound of you either swearing your head off or making a small "oops" sound, depending on how hard you'd hit something this time. always assesses if you've hurt yourself badly before deciding how to respond, but these days he's learnt that your bumps often aren't incredibly life threatening and more like a little kitten bumping into their reflection in the mirror bc they didn't even know reflections existed. it's kind of cute, he thinks, even if he does wince in sympathy a little when you stub your toe against a chair leg and then start swearing like a sailor
you come running into his room to show him something before abruptly tripping over a fold in a rug, bashing into the wall and knocking his headphones off his side table all in the span of three seconds, and he doesn't know whether he should laugh or ask you if you're okay. he's kinda used to it now tho, so he does both, and you just roll your eyes before flopping onto his bed and pulling out your phone to show him the video you originally came to show. it's a normal occurrence, you're both used to it, and he's long since given up trying to protect you from your habits
yelps in surprise every time, and then sucks in his teeth and clicks his tongue, pulling you closer to him to avoid any more accidents. rubs your arm or your hip or wherever you've managed to hit yourself against something this time, telling you that your body is precious okay u can't keep hurting yourself like this >:(( still lowkey thinks you look like an adorable bumbling baby animal tho, especially when you walk wobbily and end up bumping into something before shaking your head confusedly and continuing on your path. is trying to teach you better spacial awareness. can't tell if it's actually working or not. 
he loves it. thinks it's hilarious. not the part where you might hurt yourself, but the part where you run into stuff and go "oops" so adorably. the both of you are The Clumsy™ couple with mingyu breaking things left and right and you giving yourself bruises every day when you bump into the latest innocent object that had been minding its own business. the first few times he was worried you'd hurt yourself really badly, but once he realised that you didn't get too hurt from it then he'd resorted to grinning at you adoringly (like your terrible peripheral vision was something cute???) bc he just thinks anything you do is so funny and sweet
always has an arm slung over your shoulder whenever he can while out walking on the street to protect you from dangerous corners or lamp posts or anything while you're out and about. it doesn't stop you bumping your hip against like, those mini standing cafe signs, or tripping over cracked paving slabs though, no matter how securely he's holding you into his side. you always end up making a surprised noise when you bump into something and then immediately apologise to the object, and it makes seokmin burst into laughter every time and pull you even closer to him because he just thinks that it's the funniest and cutest thing ever
soooo protective of you like actually. he would totally not be averse to the idea of wrapping you up in bubble wrap from the moment you wake up to the moment you're back in your safe and not dangerous bed at the end of the day. tsks affectionately and has lovingly dubbed you his mini walking disaster. makes startled noises every time you walk into or out of a room and accidentally trip over the uneven flooring or your own feet. tells you to pay better attention to ur surroundings, but tbh he's one to talk bc he's stubbing his toe against a table leg literally five times a month
spends like ten seconds laughing at you when you bumped shoulders with a lamp post on the street and then automatically muttered a "sorry". then he's so busy laughing that he walks smack into a lamp post himself, head first and making a concerning ringing sound as he does so and now it's your turn to laugh, even whilst you're holding his head and making sure that he hasn't given himself a concussion. you're not too bothered by your terrible peripheral vision (okay, you are, but you've kinda accepted it now) so hansol just thinks it's funny too. plus his hand-eye coordination isn't the best, so the both of u are always stumbling into stuff 24/7 anyways
pretends to square up at whatever object or obstacle you've had an altercation with this time. he's all like "oh you DARED to be in the way, huh???? you're gonna pay for that!!" until you're laughing and trying to drag him down the street again. asks if you're okay, afterwards, smiling all the same bc he loves that he was able to make you laugh bc of how he reacted. and at home the freezer is stocked with mini ice packs bc he is Afraid that one day you're gonna bruise yourself rlly badly and god forbid you have to get Hurt and god forbid that you think he won't immediately try and do everything within his power to make the hurt go away :(( 
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu @hanniehaee @sakufilms @immabecreepin
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
at your service • e. jaeger
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synopsis: after an injury, your husband is more than happy to care for you.
content warning: influencer reader, super cute fluff, eren giving (y/n) princess treatment, mentions of bodily harm and injury, slight angst, tiny mentions of sex, casual dominance
📝: just some cute fluff with our favorite rapper because I need the comfort today and I couldn’t stop thinking about domestic musician eren. 🥹 he just does sum to me.
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“Is that right? Well, that’s unfortunate but I really don’t give a damn. My wife is hurt and there’s no way I’m leaving her side. Find somebody else.”
(Y/N) could hear the intense conversation transpiring between your husband and whoever was on the other line out of earshot. As per, Eren was being his irate self. Blowing off a performance that he just wasn’t interested in doing. He had been contacted by the directors of the University of Miami in hopes of getting him to headline at their annual homecoming festival. Which always featured some of the biggest stars. Granted, he might have taken the gig if he were bored enough and had absolutely nothing else to do but he couldn’t be vexed. Especially when his precious baby was lying in bed, leg elevated on a stack of pillows and wrapped in a cast. Your arm? Bandaged up and damaged from the result of a nasty fall during a routine at a concert. Somehow, the stage crew forgot to bolt your pole to the floor correctly and as you went for your solo, it went crashing and carried you with it! An eight foot drop that was more painful than anything you had ever felt: The footage went viral, as did many things you did nowadays and everyone was terrified for you. You let everyone know you were fine but would be out of commission for a while…as you had experienced two hairline fractures and a bruised rib. Needless to say, Eren was livid and after rushing to the hospital to ensure you were okay, he rushed to the venue to find the people responsible. Raising hell that no one was ready for.
for now, you were stuck recovering at home while your girls finished out the remainder of the tour without you. It was a bummer and your spirits were a bit crushed…
“Go ahead, I’m still not coming. So you can tell the college, AMG and whoever else to kiss my ass. (Y/N) is the only person I’m leaving this house for. Ask me again and I’ll quit right now. Don’t call me for shit else. Goodbye.”
luckily, you had the most handsome nurse on the planet to care for you! EJ hadn’t even so much as thought of a studio or anyone else. Staying by your bedside, waiting on you hand and foot once you returned from the hospital. He had just finished up his call and headed straight back to check on you. “Hey princess…how are you feeling? In any pain or anything? Something I can get you?” His sweet words followed by a gentle hand caressing the side of your face, followed by a kiss to the forehead. He knelt down beside you, swiping his thumb over your hand. Even in this state, he glared at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. Currently, you were tucked into bed, surrounded by plushies, games, flowers, books and all things synonymous with a get well soon package. He had spent hundreds, if not thousands in a matter of days on beautiful bouquets and gifts to brighten your mood. He wanted to ensure that you didn’t go stir crazy or get FOMO while you were home so he ensured that your girls got to chat with you every day on FaceTime, watching them practice which made you feel better. Knowing they’d do everything in their power to make it the best show possible in your absence. Your fans poured into your DM’s and mentions, wishing you well and showing their love with edits of their favorite influencer and dancer. And you even made sure to hop on live when the pain medication wasn’t taking its toll. Even you guys’ housekeepers were working later just to ensure the lady of the estate had all she needed. A testament to your character and how well you both had treated them. Something many celebrities failed to do. It felt good to know that you were so adored. Turning your head to face your sweetheart, you’d run a hand underneath his chin and return his peck. The concern on his face was taking its toll and you had to remind him that you were just fine!
“I’m okayyyy, my love. I’m more worried about you. Have you even slept? And did you just cancel ANOTHER gig?”
a question he truly did not want to answer out of fear of you getting upset. Because truth was, he hadn’t been able to sleep much knowing that his princess was in pain. Hearing you wince from a cough that caused your rib to hurt or when your casts began to itch and couldn’t be touched. He couldn’t stand it..more so, he couldn’t stomach the thought of what could’ve been? What if you were in the midst of one of your more insane stunts? Ones where you were twenty feet in the air, dropping at insane speed to match the artist’s rhythm..only God knows how that would’ve ended. But even so, he was still going to do everything in his power to ensure your comfortability. Regardless of if it were at the cost of his own rest or reputation. All of his projects were on hold for further notice, his performances postponed and a meet and greet put on the back burner. A small sacrifice for his sweetheart he’d make any day. And he didn’t care who didn’t like it..
“Me? I’m good! I had a nap on the couch earlier so I’m straight. You though? You need to eat. When you’re done, I’ll help you get a bath and I can do your hair for you..I picked up some of that oil for your braids that you use. Your stylist told me everything to get.”
so typical of him..going above and beyond to make sure that everyone of your needs were met. Not changing word, not getting frustrated or angry once. Planning things out and thinking ahead so you didn’t have to. Almost as if he were glad to do it. He made your life so much easier and honestly, you couldn’t wait to get better so that you could pounce on him and thank your husband for all his hard work. You had heard and experienced first hand the horror stories of women getting left by their spouses when they’re sick or hurt. How calloused men could be. Your own ex would avoid you like the plague when you so much as got a common cold! So this was new to you but much more inviting. Thinking about it sometimes made you want to tear up..which was inevitable at this point.
eren would soon turn his head amid his prideful rant, feeling accomplished in doing something right to find your eyes welling up. “Wait, did I say something wrong?! I’m sorry if I—“ to which you’d halt with a laugh afterwards. “No..not at all. It’s just that..I’ve never had anyone be this nice to me before I met you. I’m thankful, ‘s all. I’m so sorry for burdening you with all of this.” To which, you’d find yourself immediately thrusted into a hug and a kiss to follow. Cupping a palm around your cheek, Eren delicately brushed away those tears and kept you in his grasp. “Stop it..that’s my job, princess. To make sure that you’re always taken care of. You’re the most precious thing in my life and the best to ever happen to me. I’d do anything to keep a smile on that pretty face of yours. I love you, (y/n) and I’d do this a million times over. So please, don’t ever apologize.” You had never seen such sincerity in his face. ‘Though sickness and health’ wasn’t just some empty vow for him. He meant every word and he was going to fulfill his promise of loving you unconditionally until hr drew his last breath. You were his entire world and nothing..not even a broken leg could change that. He didn’t love you any less because of it. “..Oh..Eren. I love you so much..” “I’m serious, princess. Don’t ever forget that. I love you more.” The two of you would seal your declaration with a deep kiss and do away with any sad thoughts. Hopping up immediately after, he’d return to his normally silly self and head off towards the bathroom. “Now that that’s settled, I’ll be right back. Don’t you go anywhere.” Having to get at least one joke off on you. Which prompted you to smack your lips and giggle. “Where are you going anyways?” “To get the nail polish and face masks. My gorgeous girl deserves to be spoiled.” That and the fact that he thoroughly enjoyed doing it too. You were certain he’d have no problem getting comfortable with tending to all of your beauty needs in absence of your normal routine. Shaking your head, you merely chuckle.
“You know, I’m starting think you’re having far too much fun with this.”
which was fine, because he was happy to be at your service.
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5eraphim · 9 months
Helloo can I request RED scout and maybe some other of your choice,, fucking confused placeholder BLU medic who just doesnt know what to do? nsfw afab please :pray:

I don't know why this request was weirdly hard for me to interoperate- not trying to sound rude or like I'm judging you at all (I thought the prompt was cute, and very fun to write!) but for some reason I had to keep referring to the ask to make sure I was following alright, so- I read this request as "Reader is a new medic to the enemy team stopped by Scout who threatens/coerces into providing him a different kind of healing." I hope that's close enough to what you were going for! Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy how this one turned out!
Title: The Bunny Under the Bridge
Character: Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Dark! Characterization (nothing too heavy, but still, definitely there), dubcon, light humiliation, coercion, hazing, AFAB reader, bargaining, reader is naïve, oral (male recieving)
Word Count: 4.2k
“There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.” Oscar Levant
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The first day on the job was never easy; Everyone knew that. Though as a Medic, you couldn't help but feel particularly brutalized as you fought through your first match. You tried your hardest to study up to become a Medic, though unfortunately, due to the "learn on your feet" nature of the role, you were left struggling to keep up with the rest of the team. Foolishly, you thought merely knowing this going into the trial would be to any kind of advantage, but now, just over halfway through the match, you were ready to cry. 
No matter how hard you sprinted to keep up with the others, how cautiously you tried to time your charges, or how you tried to keep track of everyone on your team- you were simply fighting a losing battle. While you were already self-conscious about being new, your lackluster performance made you feel downright mortified. Not to mention accidentally healing the enemy Spy while he was cloaked, only to be backstabbed the next second, twice. 
It would take a miracle to turn around now, and you didn't like your chances. You had a bad feeling your performance would cost Blue a victory, and everyone would know it. The distressing thought only intensified your anxiety, making you fight even sloppier. But no matter how you tried, you couldn't get out of your own head, and you couldn't stop thinking about the nasty looks you'd get at the end of the match; everyone would treat you like an idiot, and worst of all, you knew you deserved it. 
The longer you struggled to keep up, the further behind you fell. The further you feel, the worse your mental state, and after almost breaking down in tears after you failed to reach your team's Heavy fast enough, losing him to a backstabbing Spy neither of you managed to detect, you knew if you didn't take a minute to calm down, you'd only make things worse. 
Keeping an eye out for a hidden Sniper or Spy, you slipped around the corner, away from the heat of battle, ducking under an overhead into the shadows. Miraculously managing to keep your emotions under control, though you were acutely aware of the prickling feeling in the back of your throat from trying too hard to hold back tears. "Don't think about everything going wrong, the match isn't over yet, just…. Just keep pushing- just a little longer, I can do it!" You thought as you tried to slow your breathing and mitigate the rising panic. But nothing could distract you from the overwhelming shame of losing control, the guilt of letting everyone down, and the anxiety of what would come next.
Slipping a touch further into the shadows, you sighed, burying your head in your hands, rubbing your temples, feeling the nerves make your hands tremble. Screwing your eyes shut, you kept your head bowed forward slightly, fingertips to temples as you breathed slowly through your nose to combat the stress as best you could. 
"Hey you, Doc- c'mere a sec!" You heard a voice call to you, though for a moment, you couldn't tell where it was coming from. It was a Scout for sure, but where? After scanning the scene before you a moment longer, it registered- he was calling to you from beneath the bridge, several paces ahead, slightly to your left.  
Scout must've been hidden there for some time with an uncharacteristic degree of stealth. Watching him silently tread from his dark corner into the light was a little bizarre. "Ova here!" 
"You!" With a shamefully noticeable delay, you managed to brandish your vita-saw, pulling the needle-sharp tip up defensively, waiting for him to try and dart closer at any second. He appeared empty-handed, though you didn't doubt the Scout had some trick up his sleeve. 
He rolled his eyes at your non-threatening display of aggression, "Relax, relax- I just wanna talk."
Skeptically, you didn't move, refusing to trust the Red Scout not to knock you upside the head the minute you let your guard down. Frustrated, He grumbled, "You can put that horse tranquilizer away now. I ain't gonna shoot ya."
You tighten your grip, hissing, "And why not?"
"I told ya I just wanted to talk- Listen if I wanted to, your brains would be all over that wall ova there, now, will you put that thing down already?"
He wasn't wrong. You didn't know what was on his mind, but you were at least curious enough to hear him out. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you put your weapon away. "Alright, what do you want to say?"
"Look, buddy, I've seen the way you've been strugglin' out there, and it ain't pretty. Didn't get much combat training in doctor school, did ya?" He took a few steps closer, making you instinctively draw back a little. If he was trying to convince you to hear him out, he was doing a lousy job.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you were too proud to admit he was right. "What are you on about?" 
Scout couldn't help but laugh out loud at this, "You ain't stepped foot on a battlefield before today, I can tell- everyone on RED can tell, pal. Not gonna lie, you suck-"
"You're so kind…" You were about to walk away when he bounded forward, catching your shoulder with his hand. 
"Lemme finish- you suck, but if ya want, I can cut you a deal." You were about to try and pull away, but his words caught your attention. While you never knew Scout to be the brightest nor the most strategic, he did have an awful lot of experience over you. That was undeniable.
Turning slightly to look him in the eye, you responded incredulously, "A deal? Is that allowed?"
"Sure it is! Anything's allowed so long as no one finds out!" At least he sounded sure of himself.
"I'm listening." You detached him from your shoulder but didn't move any further away. 
Leaning just a little closer, you could see Scout's eyes leave your face momentarily, scanning for enemies lurking around or charging from afar. "Just for today, I'll go easy on you and the rest of the blue bastards. I can slow down, give ya some catch-up time."
Biting your low lip, you asked, "But won't someone notice? Do you really think you can get away with that?"
"Buddy, I don't know if you've noticed, but you're losin'. Big time. If you wanna pull through, I'm your best bet." You'd heard him boasting so many times before, so why was it so chilling to hear him sound so severe?
"You'd do that? For me?"
Scout slung an arm over your shoulder like he'd known you for years rather than days. "Sure I would! You've got a lot to learn, but you've got some real potential! I know it feels to be the little guy, fightin' a buncha maniacs ain't easy, 'specially not on day one. But ya gotta keep goin'! Hey- maybe one day you'll even fight as good as me!" And there was the Scout you knew.
Pulling back a little, you shrugged his arm off your shoulder. "Alright, but what's the catch?"
He gave you an odd look, sending a shiver down your spine, "Nothin' much, I just wanna lil 'healin' time with ya." He leaned his face closer to yours, speaking in a voice a bit lower than usual.
You raised a hand to push his face away from yours, leaning back a little, "Scout, you know I can't heal you-" 
"Nah, but you can do something, even betta." Taking your hand with his, Scout directed it downward, keeping it locked in his hold until your fingers were brought to brush up against his pants's fabric, the spot just below his navel.
You tried to snatch your hand away, but he was stronger than he looked and got an excellent grip on your rubber glove. "You can not be serious."
"C'mon, babe! I ain't asking for much, just you and me alone, won't take more than 15 minutes tops! All you gotta do is get on your knees and let your mouth do all the work!"
You huffed, "That doesn't sound like not asking for much to me!" 
Scout raised an eyebrow, "Don't tell me you ain't done it before?"
"Of course I have! And that is not the issue here!" You hated being talked down to at the best of times, least of all from people like him. 
"Clock's tickin' pal, it's all up to you. Take all the time you need. I'm sure your team will understand."
"And if I say no?"
He shrugged, "Well, guess I gotta cave ya head in. Your call."
"It's not like I have anything to lose anyway." You thought to yourself before forcing yourself to look him in the eye, to appear steadfast, "I'll do it."
"Aw, sweet!" Without waiting for another moment, Scout's hands were on his pants, working on unbuckling his belt.
Somehow, his audacity continued to surprise you. Putting your hands over his, you forced Scout to stop, "Not here, you idiot! Just hang on. Let me find us a better spot."
Taking him by the hand, you led the both of you into an alcove with a little bench hidden between two buildings. Scout giggled at your determination. "Hey, I'm not complaining'!" 
Once you were closer to the bench, you directed him to sit, "Alright, sit there. I'll take care of the rest."
Scout happily complied, sliding into place while you hesitantly got down on your knees before him, taking his half-undone buckle with your hands and working his pants down. At the same time, he shifted slightly in his seat to help you slide his bottoms down to his ankles, where they pooled around his bony ankles and dirt-crusted sneakers. "Whatever you say, hot stuff."
You couldn't tell if he was trying to fluster you or if he was always this annoying during intimacy. "Will you just keep your mouth shut-"
He ruffled a hand through your hair, "What? I'm not lyin'! You're real good lookin', how come I ain't seen you around before?"
"Scout, I said shut up!"
You clutched the waistband of his boxers with white knuckles, your grip far harsher than you meant to, partially on account of nervousness and partially out of annoyance. And you couldn't help but feel a trace of sympathy as Scout yelped in pain as you accidentally scratched his belly with your fingernails in your rush to get his boxers off. It was almost scary, seeing his half-hard cock slightly tenting against the red fabric, knowing what you were about to do. Or rather, what you had no choice but to do. 
As you pulled the boxers down far enough to slip past his waist, you tried to work up a bit of saliva in your mouth, slightly thankful to know he was already semi-hard. There was something not precisely erotic but endearing about how needy Scout could get. He was kind of cute like that, and after spending so long feeling like the most hated person on the battlefield, it felt nice to feel wanted.
"Better go slow; can't risk over-exciting him. There's no way he'll keep quiet," you thought. With a soft fist, you closed one hand around the base of his shaft, only slightly moving your thumb and fingers to stimulate the blood already rushing south. Sure enough, you felt his body going rigid from the light provocation, but thankfully, other than a sharp inhale through clenched teeth, Scout kept quiet. Using your other hand, you got a good grip on the side of his thin hip; you had a feeling he would be a bit of a squirmer, and you didn't want to make things any harder than they had to be.
"Relax, try to loosen up a little, Scout. I've got you." He didn't say anything but made a noise of affirmation. Using your fingertips, you lightly massaged the side of his thigh, silently ushering him to spread his thighs out a little wider to help get your head get a little closer. His tip was noticeably redder now, and you could feel him throbbing against the palm of your hand. Detaching from his hip for a second, you pushed the fabric of his shirt up a little as you took a deep breath before planting a sweet kiss just over his navel, feeling a touch of pride as he took in a shuddering breath, cursing under his breath as you suckled and lapped softly against the sensitive skin of his underbelly.
Trailing your kisses lower while keeping your hands moving, you could feel Scout getting more and more impatient the closer your mouth got to his shaft. You were slightly impressed, as Scout appeared to be genuinely trying to keep quiet as you worked. You were proud of him and decided he'd been good enough to deserve a bit more attention where he needed it most.
Scout whined and deflated a little when your mouth left his lower belly but stiffened right back up when your tongue lapped against his head, making contact for just a split second to collect some of his pre-come in your mouth, allowing yourself a moment to acclimate to his taste before fully latching on. While you hated listening to his endless gloating and voicing every meaningless thought that passed through his head, something about his cute little whimpers had quite the effect on you, and you needed more.
It was hard not to smile, opening your mouth wide enough to take his head into your mouth, lulling your tongue down lower, feeling the sensitive, overheated skin. Overhead, you heard Scout whining, "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon- more!" But he was too happy to let you take the lead. Once again, his hand found your hair, fisting it, trying to urge your head lower, wanting to feel your mouth bobbing against his entire length. 
As you continued to tease at his head, you eventually let go of the base of his shaft, now gripping both his thighs with more force than you realized, mindlessly pinning him into place as you took more of him into your mouth. 
He began to thrust against your mouth with a bit more intensity, or rather with as much force as he could, given how you kept him pinned against the bench, pulling and pushing against your head, mostly in sync with your own rhythm, rather than forcing you to go faster. Hollowing out your cheeks, you began sucking down against him in earnest. Feeling a deep twinge of pleasure in the shamefulness of face-fucking your enemy during combat, knowing how anyone could walk in and see the morbid display. If anyone on the Blue team were to see you like this, your career would be over. You'd never be a Medic again. Hell, you'd never be anything more than a desperate little whore, unfit to ever set foot on the battlefield again. Thinking about how disgusted they'd all be to see you now felt confusingly arousing.
But what if they weren't all horrified? What if it turned them on, too? You moaned against Scout's dick as you thought of one of your teammates seeing you like this and forcing you to service them, too- since you were obviously so needy, you couldn't wait. Without realizing it, you'd started pushing your own thighs together, bucking into nothing, trying your hardest to work up some kind of stimulation as you imagined someone like Soldier or Heavy, one of the guys who always gave 110% on the battlefield plowing into you without mercy while still in uniform. Calling you a traitor and a disgrace while fucking you like an animal.
The erotic fantasy, the humiliation of servicing an enemy on the battlefield, and Scout's pleasure-fueled moans made you feel lost in the moment. It wasn't until you felt Scout emptying his load directly into your mouth you were brought back down to earth. And just as soon as it started, it was over, and you were left with nothing but a tingling feeling below the belt and a mouth full of spunk.
"You're- Oh my God, you're, hah! Fuck, you're amazin'!"
Ungraciously, you leaned far to the side before spitting out the salty mess in your mouth. Scout wasn't the worst tasting, but he was far from pleasant. And you couldn't help but feel the need to get his taste out of your mouth as fast as you could, as well as all those dirty thoughts you had running through your head. 
After a few more attempts to spit the taste of Scout out of your mouth, you sloppily wiped your mouth with a part of your tailcoat before rising back to your feet. Feeling a fresh wave of self-disgust, seeing the post-orgasmic, loopy look of bliss on Scout's face and the way his eyes settled on your face with a look of pure adoration.
"Alright, you got what you wanted. Now, you better hold up your end of the deal."
"You're perfect..."
"I mean it, Scout. You go back on our deal, and you're gonna pay. Big time."
Your threat clearly had no effect on Scout, who merely looked up at you with a dumb starstruck look in his eye, "Anyone ever tell ya how pretty you look when you're pissed off?"
Groaning and rolling your eyes, you turned to leave, already sure you'd wasted too much time on this idiot. As you trudged a little ways away, you could hear Scout quickly fumbling to get himself put back together, and you had a bad feeling he intended to follow you out. 
Sure enough, just as you were about to run away, Scout caught up to you first, "Hey, hey! Hold up a sec, will ya! Got somethin' else that'll help ya with those blue bastards." Every moment longer spent with the Scout felt like agony, and you were beyond done with his "help." 
You didn't bother turning around, but you could hear him trying to sneak up behind you, "What now-"
Scout put both hands on your shoulders, forcing you to still, "Shhh, don't move." Without warning, you felt two skinny hands fisting either end of your overcoat, forcibly pulling the sides away from each other. No match for Scout's strength, the buttons keeping your coat fastened shut popped off one by one in rapid succession. You were so surprised watching the coat buttons detach, launching off into the distance. You didn't even realize he'd gripped the fabric of the coat so tightly. He'd also gotten a grip on the button-up shirt beneath, tearing off the top few buttons.
As soon as you noticed he'd torn and how much skin was now visible, you were enraged, spinning around on your heel, ready to slap him. 
"Scout!" Unfortunately, he was faster, dodging your blow and stepping away a few paces out of reach.
"What? I'm helping!" Scout appeared happy to have worked such an intense reaction from you, his all-too-proud smirk stretching all the wider as you eyed him with fury.
"Scout, what the hell was that for!" Covering the exposed skin with your hand, you felt a bit silly trying to hide after what you'd just done, but earlier, you convinced yourself you only did what you had to do, and now you felt nothing but wrath. 
"Aw, c'mon babe, there's no way those losers can't get pissed at ya now! Not with your tits out!"
"You jackass!" Just as you were about to reach out and swing at him again, he darted past you, charging right back into battle as though nothing happened.
"Sorry, I gotta run- I'll catch ya lata!" And in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving you with nothing but ruined clothes and a fowl taste lingering in your mouth. And as much as you despised him at the moment, you knew at that moment he was your only chance at making it out of this match with your reputation intact. 
Trying your hardest to force your attention back on the match, you took off from his direction. It was unlikely anyone would suspect the two of you spent all that time away together, but you didn't care. You still wanted to be as far away from that jerk as possible. Running around with your coat torn so awkwardly made it a bit trickier to work, but you needed to hold on to what little modesty you had left. At least you wouldn't have to endure it much longer; maybe you would get lucky, and your clothes would magically repair during respawn.
Ironically, your Blue Scout was the first teammate you ran into on your route back. He noticed you in the distance for just a second before turning his attention back at the enemy, shouting at you from over his shoulder, "Took ya freakin' long enough! What's the holdup?"
You winced a little at his voice, instantly guilty for all the time you spent away from your own team. But what's done was done. All you needed to do now was keep your head down and keep up with the others. "Ah! I'm sorry, I got uh- got a little cornered back there, my bad!"
Now that you were closer, Scout turned around, ready to keep yelling at you, "Ya, it is your bad-" But the words died in his throat as soon as he got a closer look at you. Cringing slightly, you could feel his eyes on your body but didn't have the strength to look him in the eye.
"Let me fix you up! Hold still." You didn't know what to do other than pretend you didn't notice anything off about your appearance. Fortunately for you, the match's second half went by much faster than the first. And although you still felt overwhelmed, keeping up was a little easier, and despite a few taunts from the other team, no one said anything about your little "wardrobe malfunction," which stubbornly refused to fix itself during respawn.
By some miracle, the Blue team won the match. While you knew it was no thanks to you, and you would never really know if Scout held true to his word, now that the game was finally over, you couldn't care less. The day was over, and you were returning to base for some much-needed rest. 
"Hey, hold up, Doc!" Scout called out.
At first, you assumed it was your teammate, but you realized the Red Scout was back upon turning around. Seeing him running over, brazenly calling out for you, made you cringe, wondering what more he could want from you.
"You did great back there!" The look of boyish enthusiasm on his face betrayed his lewd implication. Sighing through your nose, you looked over your shoulder at him, "Thanks."
Jogging close enough to rest a hand on your shoulder, "Hey y'know, if something' were to, I dunno… happen to our Medic, you gotta come ova to our side!"
"I'll, uh, yeah, sure thing, I'll think about it!"
He looked like he was about to try and say something else, but you knew if you stayed a moment longer, your team would become suspicious, and you wanted to protect what little trust they had in you while you still could. Shrugging his hand off your shoulder, you turned on your heel and nodded curtly to say "goodbye" before scurrying to catch up with the rest of the team as they filed for the exit, thankful to see most were too exhausted and too ready to leave to notice either of you. 
Most of them, anyway; just as you thought you made it out unnoticed, you heard the Red Scout shouting "Hey!" from behind, making you freeze up, looking back, feeling the tension in your body spike in annoyance, silently cursing him for drawing so much attention. When he could tell he had your attention again, he mouthed the words "Call me," pantomiming a phone with his hand before departing with a wink and a wide, toothy smile. His final sentiment is mercifully short yet still embarrassing you. You dipped your head forward to try and shrink yourself as much as you could to avoid drawing any more attention to yourself. You could feel yourself being watched but didn't dare look up to confirm your suspicions, "You're alright. You're almost back at base; just sprint to the medbay and pretend nothing happened." You thought, slinking close to the wall as you tried to slip through the crowd. 
If you were watched by the rest of your team, only one felt it necessary to say anything. Just as you were at the base's doorway, Blue Scout nudged you with his elbow, walking in step with you inside. 
"What's his problem?" He sounded more curious than suspicious, and you hoped he couldn't detect the humiliation you tried your hardest to conceal. 
You shook your head, "It's nothing, he's just weird." 
"If he's bothering' ya, lemme know. I'll kick his ass for ya." Forcing an awkward laugh, you nodded, sprinting the rest of the way to the medbay, making a mental note to speak with the real Medic later. You needed to know if all Scouts were so grabby around their Medics.
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wildelydawn · 8 months
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“I’m telling you, Chay! You gotta download this dating sim! It’s so fucking cute!” Ohm scrolls a bit and shoves his phone in Chay’s face. “Look at him!” An angry, but very hot man in a full suit and pony tail is on Ohm’s screen.
Chay bats Ohm’s phone away. “Why do you even play those games?”
“Oh, please. You would eat this shit up. Between that nasty stuff you’re writing instead of taking notes and the spank bank you have on your wall- OW!”
Chay nudges Ohm again. “Keep your voice down!” Chay leans in, whispering furiously. “Writing about WIK is private. This is a stupid social media game.”
“You used to play dating sims all the time!”
“Yeah! And then I realized real dating is nothing like a video game!”
Ohm sends him a referral code. “Come on, give it a shot. It’s fun. And it’s not like you’ve got any dates lined up.”
“Ugh, Ooohhhhm.”
“Just click on the link and make an account! So I can get the coins! Then you can delete it.”
“Fine, but not now. I’m busy.”
Later that same night, Chay receives a text from Ohm, reminding him yet again to make an account for A Ravishing Romance!, the newest and hottest dating sim on the market. 
According to the lore, the player is the protagonist who is visited by Nya, a “cat tamer” who whisks the player away to a secret island, The Meowland Marshes, where cat boys are running rampant. The protagonist has to romance each catboy, cat girl, or cat-person (depending on the settings the player chooses) and prepare them for the Adoption Party that’s happening in a week. If the protagonist fails to romance all the catboys in time, the Adoption Party doesn’t happen, and the Meowland Marshes are lost to the antagonists, the Kittjinn, evil spirits trying to take the catboys and make them their personal minions. If the player successfully dates all the catboys, brings them to the Adoption Party, gets all of them “adopted,” then the player successfully wins the game, and they get to choose the catboy they want to adopt.
The game sounds so bad that it could be good. 
There’s a free version and a very adult version for some money.
Chay is not going to spend 400 baht on a dating sim. But the coins are important to Ohm, so he downloads the free version, starts up the app, makes his gender neutral character named WIK, and begins the prologue to the game.
The game…. Is really something.
Nya, the catboy who’s going to narrate the game, is a blue-haired, pale skinned, lean looking man with a black crop top, choker, tight leather pants, and blue jewelry and accents. Anndddd he’s sporting the whole cat ears and tail and teeth thing. After explaining the prologue (Nya picked you, the protagonist, out of the other 8 billion people on earth because you wrote the most Kudos!’d catboy fanfic on Database of Our Own), Nya whisks you away to Meowland Marshes.
There, Nya basically traps Chay’s character in an apartment and tells him he has a week to romance all five catboys on the Marsh. Nya gives you a weird looking whistle that attaches to your phone; blow on it, and you can call Nya for help, access the catboys you’ve already romanced, or take yourself to the Pawwwn Shoppe, where you can buy treats, outfits, catnip, leashes, and other weird cat (and kinky) stuff to lure the boys. 
Chay clicks on one of the grasslands first because allegedly, one of the catboys is there.
Whisked away to the grassland, Chay encounters his first cat boy. He’s dark haired, wearing a white button up that is definitely not anywhere close to being buttoned up, with some maroon pants. He has his maroon blazer hanging on his shoulder, and his tail is up and ears relaxed.
“Hey there. Did you happen to find a watch here?” the cat boy asks. 
The game gives Chay two options:
“Uh, no. Sorry dude.”
“No, but I can definitely help you look for it!”
Chay sighs. He needs to find at least three catboys to reveal the rest of the map and to get Ohm his bonus coins. He clicks on the second option.
“Oh, thank you! I was being chased by some rabid dogs, but I think I dropped it somewhere. I can’t leave it behind. It’s like a collar.”
*You and the catboy look around the tall grass. He captures three mice, scratches behind his ear, meows in a pained voice before you find the watch.*
The catboy goes from sad to elated. Now Chay can see his thick forearms as he punches the air. Pink hearts erupt on the screen. “Thank you! You’re a really nice person! This watch means a lot to me. But since you were so kind, I’ll let you have it.” 
The game gives Chay two options:
“No thank you! I have a phone that tells time already. I’d love your number though! ;) ”
“Aw, that’s so sweet of you. I’ll cherish it forever, Mr…?”
Chay rolls his eyes and clicks the first option.
The catboy goes from elated to coy, his thick eyebrows raised. “Wow, you work fast. My name is Kinn, but I’m not that easy. Come back tomorrow and I’ll think about answering when you call.”
The screen lights up and Chay’s character’s phone rings. Chay clicks it, and now Kinn’s number is there. There are three options: CALL, TEXT, ASK ON DATE, and all three of them won’t be available until tomorrow.
Chay sighs. He opens the map and finds another location: a spa. Why would cats go to a spa? No idea, but this game makes so little sense to Chay, that he just clicks on it anyways. The sooner he finishes these first quests, the sooner he can delete the game.
A high pitched musical note signals that Chay’s character has landed in the spa. There, he finds another cat, but this one has a mischievous grin on his face. His ears are twisted back, like he’s ready to pounce on Chay’s little character. The only weird thing is that his legs are in the water… his fully clothed legs.
“Aren’t cats supposed to be afraid of water?” Chay muses. He clicks on the catboy.
“Ah, did you bring me my red wine?”
The game gives Chay two options:
“No, but I have these extra large condoms and some harnesses if you really wanna relax.”
“No, but you shouldn’t drink. It’s only 1PM.”
Chay clicks the second option. The catboy goes from passive to annoyed, a little vein popping out. 
“Who cares what time it is? I’m at the spa! Go find me a glass of wine and put it under my tab: Vegas.”
A sad face pops up on the screen. Apparently, Chay has met Vegas the Catboy, but hasn’t secured his number. So Chay must try again tomorrow.
“That’s irritating,” Chay sighs.
The final place that’s open to explore on the Meowland Marshes is the park. Chay clicks there and the same high pitched sound transports him there.
On a bench, surrounded by flowers and bushes, another catboy sits, with a guitar.
Chay’s jaw drops.
This catboy looks suspiciously like WIK. As in, real life singer WIK who’s currently promoting his second album on a sold out tour. The catboy is wearing a gray t-shirt and light-washed jeans, and lots of silver jewelry. His hair is longer towards the back, and his ears and tail are slightly droopy. He has a notebook next to him on the bench. 
Clearly, the game developer is keeping up with the times.
Chay clicks on the catboy.
“Oh. Hello. Am I making too much noise?”
The game gives Chay two options:
“No, you sound great!”
“No, but you sound stuck. Want some help?”
Imagine helping WIK with writing a song? Chay thinks. Only in his dreams. He clicks on the second option.
The cat boy’s tail perks up immediately. “You write music too? That’s great. Can you tell me how this sounds?”
Suddenly, a really slow guitar starts to play. The tune is melancholy and sweet at the same time.
Sort of like WIK’s music.
When the tune plays, the catboy says: “What do you think?”
The game gives Chay two options:
“It’s perfect! Don’t change anything!”
“It’s really good, but maybe change…” *give basic music advice.*
Chay laughs. He clicks the second option.
The catboy’s face changes to a soft smile. Pink hearts fill up the screen, which didn’t happen for the other two catboys.  “Wow, that’s good advice. I should get lessons from you. Do you come to the park often?”
The game gives Chay two options:
“Yeah, I love smelling the flowers. How about you?”
“Yeah, I love birdwatching. How about you?”
Chay clicks the first option.
More pink hearts fill the screen. The catboy’s smile gets even bigger and the guitar goes from his lap onto the bench. “Me too. I hate being at home, so I stroll through the park a lot. And flowers feel good when I touch the petals. I wish I could rub my face in them.” The cat boy goes from smiling to shy. “My name is Kim, by the way. What’s your favorite kind of flower?”
The game gives Chay two options:
“Uh, I don’t know the names, but the pink ones?”
*take a pink flower from the bush and put it in Kim’s hair.* “You.”
For shits and giggles, Chay hits the second option.
Red hearts appear on the screen while Kim the Cat boy blushes and touches the pink flower in his hair. “That…” There’s nothing else on the screen before the game gives Chay another two options:
“You look pretty like this.”
“I want to spend my life with you.”
Chay clicks the second option.
Suddenly, Chay’s phone becomes warm. Then hot. The app goes black and his phone shuts down, but now it’s burning in his hands. With a yelp, Chay drops his phone, and a silvery white beam erupts from it, blinding him. A strange breeze sweeps up the papers off his desk, and it picks up speed as Chay covers his eyes and feels his shirt billow against the gusts of wind. 
There’s a loud thud, a soft groan.
Chay uncovers his eyes as the light dims.
A man in a gray shirt and light wash jeans is heaped onto the floor. With a flower in his hair.
Not a man.
A cat boy.
Chay feels faint as the man-cat-boy hybrid stands up and dusts off his pants. “Your life… with me?” as if Kim is continuing the same conversation from the game. 
Chay can hardly breathe. “What the fuck is going on?” he whispers.
Still looking shy, Kim the man-cat-boy hybrid repositions the flower carefully. “I think it’s too soon to move in with each other. Maybe we can…” He looks up towards Chay. “I’m hungry. Do you… do you want to go get some noodles?”
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collar-shocked · 26 days
I wanna hear about those strade hc’s (if you haven’t done a post already)
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//STRADE TIME?!?! YIPPEEEEEE!!! (obviously, some warnings for this one. gets kinda nasty at the end, kinda fine-line near the midway, etc. normal strade stuff.)
Strade is a monster hidden among the public. The keyword is hidden. He's a totally normal man outside of his home. While he's ending peoples lives, he's simultaneously saving peoples days, whether it be taking on a neighbors flickering porch light just for the challenge, or stopping on a grocery trip to get something off the top shelf for a shortie- he does what he wants. And sometimes, he wants to feel like a good person, too. It brings him a sense of power, knowing to some, he'll simply be a kind man who helped out once- and to others, he will be an unspeakable creature.
Strade is a very educated, calculated, smart man. But he isn't very intelligent. Keeping people in loose binds around mountains of sharp, dangerous tools isn't the smartest idea, but he's too proud to see anything wrong with it. His air alone usually keeps his victims in check, and therefor, he hasn't given himself an opportunity to see how this could be... Not very smart? It's worked so far, so he never changed his routine. Shouldn't have left the screwdriver down there, bud.
He never excuses his behavior. He knows exactly what he is and accepts it. Loves it, even. He never denies the animal he is. And though he never feels self-conscious about it, or carries regret and or remorse, or would ever, ever apologize- it still messes with his head sometimes, in other ways. Reminds him of his own mortality. Reinforces his ego. Oh, poor poor Strade, woe is he, why do these thoughts have to plague him?
Strade does what he wants, when he wants. This means he falls into the very rare phase of wanting to be better. Specifically, towards Ren. He's a good sport. Makes him happy. Sometimes Strade likes making him happy, too. There's no better praise to be had than from the one person who depends on you entirely. To hear he's good, to hear he's so generous, so kind, so beloved- the validation is always unmatched. Every good dog deserves a treat once in a while. His dog just so happens to enjoy those and'knee-may figurines. All the soft pets, warm cuddles, nice words, and vanilla sex only lasts for so long, however. He falls out of these phases quick- though, poor Ren has no idea when it'll happen. He is easily coaxed into traps because of this.
Strade would like to be a content creator someday. NO, not one wrapped up in his unusual hobby, he's already pretty popular in those spaces. But sometimes he wishes he could turn on that stream and just talk. Just have some normal company made up of people who get it to hangout with while getting some household chores done. He does sometimes feel used, the way his audience only wants him to get on with the gutting. Strade is just a man at the end of the day, and all men get lonely.
He doesn't see people any differently than they are. He's aware they're people. Not livestock, not an art project, not a soul to release, not something to dabble with- just people. He sees no spiritual potential in a specific person when he selects his next victim, it's just.. Whoever seems easiest. Whoever seems cute enough for an audience. Whoever looks most lost. With this veiled experience under his belt, he can easily spot a predator in public. And believe it or not- he does his best to come in between a potential danger and their victim of choice. He's protective of his work, but aside from that, he also likes being an asshole. He can read those intentions. He knows how delicious those kinds of evil games are. He loves being able to take that away. Loves being a beacon for a helpless little lamb, all because they're not his first choice.
Strade is considered a good, friendly neighbor! He gets along well with the people he lives next to, does a lot of favors, is nice to the kids running up and down the block- Offers to fix shit for free, offers rides if the distance is short enough, stops to chat when seeing a familiar face- the usual good-guy routine. But he never lets them close enough to know him. He's just a guy with a nice smile and good attitude. In a lot of his deeds, however, small hints and red flags are laced through his behavior, and venom can be found in his words. Putting your hand on a neighbors knee while they're in your car, at your mercy, is kind of a weird thing to do. He loves the way people are always slightly off-put, but since he's so nice, they'd rather be polite and take it.
Strade will often play up his accent in public as a minor safety net, had anyone ever call him out on something weird he said. Can always excuse it as just a slip of foreign tongue.
He makes up a different story for each time he's asked about the scar on his face.
His first few incidents occurred when he was still pretty young. He really did try desperately, at the time, to stray from these acts- but at some point he just accepted the fact that he's kind of weird, and he will keep hurting people. There's no point in beating himself up over it every single time. So now, his low moments are restricted to ending people he became particularly attached to. Note, he isn't sad their life was cut short, he's sad they're not around to play with anymore.
Only Ren could tell you how Strade sounds while singing. He has a lovely humming voice. A very silky, low tone with a bit of gruff as he occupies himself. Anything that's not humming is.. Well, he's having fun!
Strade has his morals in order, funnily enough. Again, he knows the monster he is- doesn't mean he can't be a decent person when being a person. He would absolutely punch a terf. He would also not hesitate to become one if he knew it bothered or distressed a victim, but that doesn't mean he means it. This rule applies for literally anything.
Strade's ego and pride is such a big part of him. However, despite it being rarer than rare, he can, and sometimes does feel shame. Shocker, I know. But had anyone, anyone, even his fox find out about his interest in Sounding, it would be over. He penetrates. He does not get penetrated. Makes him feel weak, and small. But he likes it, and lord knows he can't stop doing anything he likes. (Bonus: Ren knows. He's just afraid of what may happen if Strade knows he knows. He "cleans" the toy for him in his absence as a filter, instead of taking it up with him.)
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astxrwar · 3 months
Ngl, your physical therapy Bucky had me giggling and kicking my feet, blushing in the club rn.
I'm a SUCKER for touch starved - forced proximity - nice older guy and holy shit how are you even alive RCs. Lololol, you live like this vibes. Totally not for personal reasons...👀
Ugh. That gave me life. I'm not encouraging that story in the future but man... I am encouraging that story in the future lololol
AUGH YOU’RE ENCOURAGING MY BRAINROT i was walking to lab today and my brain came up with More Stuff for this because of course it did
imagining everything sort of comes to a head when you run into him while Out bar hopping or at a club or something with friends. and he’d be there with steve and sam and nat and your friends are Drunk and upon meeting him are like “omg you’re right he IS really hot!1!!” which is just like. AUGH PLEASE SHUT UP!!!! DO NOT SAY THAT IN FRONT OF HIM! anyway both groups end up leaving at the same time and you end up on the same subway line and then getting off at the same stop because you apparently live near each other. imagining almost tripping catastrophically on that little gap between the train and the platform and he’s like. jesus christ okay I understand how you keep injuring yourself you’re hopeless. making jokes about how he feels like it'd be irresponsible to let you walk the rest of the way home alone (his apartment is closer to the station than yours) and you're just like. laughing it off. he's just generally a flirty guy, teases everyone, yeah it makes you feel all warm and good-nervous but it's not like he's serious. except it's summer and rainy season and when you guys get to his apartment it starts to POUR!! and in NYC especially lately (thanks climate change!) the rain can get INSANE so im imagining him being like. ah geez do you want to just come in for a bit until the rain stops there's no way you're walking in this. and he’s Drunk and you’re also Drunk but it’ll be fine! your phone weather app thing says it'll be over in twenty minutes and yeah you definitely don't want to walk in it, you'd get home soaked and city rain is nasty.
you nearly trip taking off your shoes (i do this all the time. augh) and cue more playful teasing about how absolutely Hopeless you are. puttering around in the kitchen like ‘do you want… i dunno, like, a tea, or something?” (sure) (why not) meanwhile it’s still POURING. you guys start talking about just like. whatever. random stuff. and eventually he mentions how you're a lot more comfortable rn than during PT, to which you reply (because you're drunk) that it's because he's not, like. touching you. Bucky's some combination of flattered/pleased/endeared by that, cocky little grin and "oh, yeah?" and all, and you're just like. whatever, man, at this point it's not like it's a secret, and he'd said that people are like this with him a lot, so. Except-- he says this as he's crossing the kitchen, maybe you're not looking at him, watching the rain, but you can hear his voice getting closer behind you-- what he'd actually said is that a lot of people find him attractive. not that a lot of people REACT to him the way you do.
when you turn back from the window he's standing pretty close, leaned against the same stretch of kitchen counter, and he reaches out for the little ceramic mug of tea you have clutched in your hands, but doesn't take it from you. you manage to stumble through asking him what he's doing; minimizing collateral damage, he says, his mouth twitching up at the corners; you immediately drop the mug as soon as his fingers brush the curve of your cheek, and that little almost-smile breaks into a a full-blown grin as he sets it safely on the countertop.
you're real fuckin' cute, you know that? he says.
oh-- c'mon, that's no fair, you mumble in protest, now you're--
he tips your chin up with his fingers and you lose track of whatever you'd been saying like somebody'd reached in your head and grabbed hold of your train of thought, pulled it until it snapped right in two.
--you're doing it on purpose, you finish feebly.
yeah, he agrees. yeah, I am.
(the rain is long over by the time you actually end up leaving. oop.)
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hyuckswonderland · 1 year
Hello~ May I ask you a ler!Jay and lee!Sunoo with the prompts 8 and 10? 🥰
Hello! Thank you so much for requesting <3 and I hope you enjoy!
8. “Well, someone’s grouchy.”
10. “I can’t be held responsible for what I’m about to do to you.”
It was safe to say sometimes Sunoo could be a bit of a brat. Though he rarely ever took it far enough for anyone to ever get upset with it. He definitely had a princess attitude that for the most part everyone was fine with feeding into.
However sometimes that attitude got to his head a little. Sunoo would be a little grumpy and that was when he would sometimes cross that line between ok and too far.
Today he crossed that line. He had been snappy all day, grumbling to himself and being cold towards the members. Now he wasn't being extremely rude but it was definitely enough for Jay to notice his behavior.
So, doing the mature thing he approached Sunoo to try and see what was going on with the younger. It was better to try and talk things out first anyways.
"Sunoo?" He knocked on Sunoo's door before entering to find the younger boy laying down in bed scrolling on his phone. "What?" He snapped, clearly not happy about Jay coming into his room.
Jay sighed and sat down at the end of Sunoo's bed, looking at the younger. "What's going on Sun? You've been a little cold today and snapped at Niki and Sunghoon."
Sunoo glanced away from his phone briefly looking at Jay before everting his attention back to the square object. "Nothing's going on they were just being annoying." He huffed.
"There has to be something going on Sunoo, you don't normally snap so easily." Jay tried to be gentle with the younger boy despite his nasty behavior at the moment.
"I said they were just being annoying, can't you just drop it and leave me alone?" He sneered, glaring at Jay.
Jay sighed standing up “Well, someone’s grouchy.” He chuckled lowly, though he wasn't laughing. He took Sunoo's phone out of the younger's hands and threw it somewhere else on the bed.
"What the hell!" Sunoo protested trying to grab his phone but in a swift motion Jay pinned down Sunoo's hands "No can do Sunu."
Sunoo squirmed trying to free his hands "Let me go, prick!"
Jay rolled his eyes, he knew he had to still be careful not to hurt Sunoo though “I can’t be held responsible for what I’m about to do to you.” He grinned and with his free hand he started scribbling at Sunoo's stomach.
A loud squeal left Sunoo as his squirming increased, for a different reason now. "WAhaAHAIT!" Giggles bubbled from the grumpy boy, lips wobbling as a big smile formed on his face. "HYUHuhung!"
"There's my cute Sunoo! All it takes is a little bit of this," Jay scribbled his fingers all over the sensitive spot, "and your back to your cute little giggly self!"
"NOHOHo COhohoME OHOHOn!" Sunoo squealed, kicking his legs out on instinct. "IHihiHITS SOhOho BAhAD!"
Jay smiled, his heart already warming up at Sunoo's cute self now. He hated seeing the younger all grumpy and upset so he knew this was an easy solution. Plus Sunoo liked it anyways. "Really that's bad? How about this?" He dipped his finger into Sunoo's belly button and wiggled his finger around.
"NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!" Sunoo bursted into full blown laughter trying to get away from the tickly feeling.
It was safe to say Sunoo was no longer grouchey after that. Jay had done his job.
I hope you enjoyed! Thank you again for requesting <3 Sorry for any inaccuracies I'm still getting to know Enha better!
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I could've sworn you did the Litwick line for the Pokémon review, but when I went to check, I couldn't find it? If you really have and it's just Tumblr being Tumblr, could you review the Haxorus line?
I did indeed do the Litwick line here, but as for Axew:
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Axew itself is pretty cute. The body itself isn't that distinct, but the airplane wing-esq tusks are unique enough to make it stand out. I particularly like the way the darker green on the head flows backwards into the horn, and how the darker color around the eye helps to make it pop.
My only real issue is the colors. The two main shades of green are fine, but the lighter green area around the neck could've been dark green or red, to match the eye. In fact, the shiny does this:
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This one matters less, but the light green of the tusks is also weird. Why not just use white for extra contrast instead of bringing in a forth shade of green? None of these ruin the design of course, and Axew's still a good pre-evo, but strange color choices are a problem for the entire line.
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On the plus side, Fraxure has a unique design with its own unique elements. On the minus side, it looks extremely awkward. An interview with Ken Sugimori confirmed that Haxorus came first and the other evos were built off of it, and I feel like that's evident in the design, which lacks a clear direction.
Like, why does it have those red spots on the underbelly? They're unique, but they don't add anything whatsoever. The arms look super stubby and the part around the neck serves no purpose except to transition into Haxorus.
And, once again, some strange color choices here. The upper body is mostly green, but there's no reason for the sudden divide between colors; instead of having the arms be grey and the green starting on the neck, it instead has an arbitrary division that makes it look a bit like it's wearing a shirt that's too small for it.
Side note: the 'dex talks about Axew regenerating broken tusks within days, but Fraxure's entries talk about how its tusks don't grow back. Huh? Why change that? Was there a disagreement in the writer's room or something?
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Also, seriously, what the hell is this:
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One interesting thing about Haxorus is that not only was it made first in the line, but it also was made by a new artist, and was almost rejected for not feeling Pokemon-y enough before it was decided that's why it should stay in. In a way, I do see what they mean; the proportions in particular are more realistic. I feel like a more "normal" Pokemon design would make the axe-tusks bigger, and it would be much stockier than it is overall (due to sprites needing to fit in a square back in the day), especially around the neck. However, it also reminds me a lot of the early plated "kaiju" mons like Nidoking and Rhydon, so there's some basis for it.
Anyway, as a whole, I do like the design. The axe-tusks are cool-looking, and I love the heavy plated look; the neck looks particularly neat, as does the beak. Ironically, despite looking badass, it's actually established to be a friendly herbivore in the 'dex. Frankly, I love this; it's not only more interesting, but it also makes logical sense; those tusks are too high up to be able to attack many opponents with them, but they're perfect for cutting plant material while grazing.
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My only complaints are, once again, the colors. First, there's a bit too much yellow in the design; it feels like the underside of the tail and the inside of the haunch could've both stayed grey.
Secondly, this might just be a me thing, but that nasty yellow-green color isn't doing it any favors. It's too bright and competes too much with the red accents, which should be where the focus is because that's the color of the tusks. It's also just a very dirty color that makes it look desaturated and sad. The shiny is honestly 10x better:
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First, this fixes the contrast problem and makes the red pop right out. And secondly, this makes more sense with the rest of the line. The yellow in Haxorus' design comes out of nowhere when the rest of the line is green, but with the shiny, you'd have progressively less green and more grey with each stage.
I actually popped the entire line into Photoshop and just tweaked the colors really quick to keep them more consistent. I feel like this helps make the line feel like a cohesive whole:
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For the most part, though, I do like the line quite a bit. It's really just the colors and the awkward middle stage that don't quite do it for me. Otherwise, these are some good scary vegetarian dragons.
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jechristine · 11 months
Why do you think it’s fun to speculate future milestones. Pregnancy ?!?! When Z has made it pretty clear she did not like that when the pregnancy rumors were swirling around when she was filming challengers and actually addressed it herself on IG when she’s never done that. Lmao even with speculating about engagement and marriage it is weird because allow them to move at their own pace. Imagine being young and successful and seeing people online speculating acting like they know for a fact and or pressuring you to take the next step in your relationship when you are fine and content where you are at. I hope you reply cause I’ve been wanting a Tomdaya to address and answer this and I don’t mean this in a nasty or rude way but I just think it’s weird cause it puts pressure on them when they get enough of that with their careers. Stans speculating posting Z singing single ladies claiming she’s looking at him tryna give him a hint and @ Tom on social media saying to take notes. I get you guys think it’s cute and fun and I love their relationship too but you realize that’s their real life this ain’t Wattpad or a03. And like Tom said in an interview their relationship is not for their careers or for fan consumption. I just think y’all should chill again I hope I can get a response I mean no malice and sorry for this long ass anon.
[this is from a day or two ago, but now’s the first chance I’ve had to take a minute to answer.]
Hey Anon. I’ll speak for myself only.
First of all, I said it’s fun to speculate about children, not pregnancy. I meant the future possibility of little rugrats, hypothetically (the way Tom did in a print interview), not Zendaya’s body.
But that’s neither here nor there.
Broadly, I think that a large part of what celebrities sell, besides tickets to their movies, is the opportunity to participate in the story-telling about their lives. That’s the main different between them and merely famous people who aren’t celebrities. That’s also what gossip is, and that’s a large part of what celebrities, Tom and Zendaya included, monetize into brand deals, ticket sales, and new career opportunities. We see a little bit and then spin that out into stories that generate serious and trivial discussions, and everything in between, about their lives, yes, and about our lives, too. The drive to spin out stories is very human! Celebrity culture is more like Wattpad and AO3 than many of us would like to admit, tbh.
I’m not without sympathy for the real people behind the celebrities whom we see, but I also don’t think chit chat here has as huge of an impact on them as you’re implying. If it does, then they need strategies like logging off or checking out altogether that ought to be between them and their teams (and maybe their therapists). Because, again, it’s what they’ve chosen to put forth for public consumption even if they’re not conscious of having done so.
I’m not into the fan police, i.e. fans telling others what they can and can’t discuss. It’s fine for people to have their own lines (like mine with pregnancy gossip), but I think it’s unfair (and half-baked tbh) to set up what are ultimately arbitrary boundaries for others. The only way to be truly respectful, if that’s the right word, is to opt out of celebrity gossip culture altogether, and that’s not what Tom and Zendaya truly want us to do either since interest in them as celebrities is their bread and butter. I think fan-policing can be parasocial, too, and particularly so in a way that, yes, Tom and Zendaya themselves have cultivated. I’m just not a supporter of that.
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deannagrey · 1 year
Sunny Disposition: Deleted Scene
In the first draft, there was more back and forth between Finn and Naomi after he finally confessed to being her mod. They had a little fight but eventually made up and talked through the night which resulted in the accidental sleep over you’ll see below. This scene also mentions Picard who was Finn’s dog before I cut him from the story (which I kinda regret tbh because the dog’s interactions with Finn was pretty cute lol)
I’d been dreading this day all year, so I never expected I wake up with a smile.
Finn’s arms were still around me from when we first drifted off to sleep. His head rested in the crook of my neck. My arm was numb under his weight. I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time.
“Morning,” he murmured when I tried to slightly adjust myself without disturbing him.
“Morning,” I whispered back. “Did I wake you?”
Finn pulled away, flipping onto his back as he said, “No. I’ve been up for a few minutes.”
And he’d still been cuddling me? I covered my smile with the back of my hand, not wanting him to get too self-conscious over the matter.
Finn ran his fingers through his hair. His thick, dark locks stood wild in each direction. I propped myself up on my elbow to watch.
He looked up at me. “What?”
“Nothing.” I shook my head. “I just never thought I’d be in your bed.”
When I wiggled my brows, Finn chuckled. He reached for my hand and I froze under his warm touch. He pressed the back of it to his lips.
“You’re not in my bed,” he said between kisses. I gulped at how deep his voice sounded when it was muffled.
“Then what is this?” I whispered, gesturing to the tangled bedsheets.
“Well…my bed.” His cheeks burned when I laughed. “But you made it sound like we did something… eventful.”
I touched my chest, exaggerating my tone as I said, “You don’t think having a heart-to-heart eventful? Bore my soul to you, Finn Howard.”
“No, no, of course.” Finn pushed himself up on his elbow too. He looked so saddened by my pretend hurt feelings that I decided to give up the ruse in an instant.
“It was a joke,” I promised. “A bad one, I guess. I think we’re going to have to work together on finding a middle ground of humor. Something that doesn’t leave you panicked with the fear you've offended me."
“I wasn’t panicked,” Finn said even though the tension in his jaw visibly relaxed.
I laughed. “If you say so.”
“What are you doing today?” Finn still held onto my hand, holding it close to his chest now.
I studied how my fingers entwined with his. Like long legs, we had long fingers. We could line our hands perfectly. It was a tiny detail that sent butterflies through my stomach. I loved that we were the same size. Loved that I still felt safe in his arms while also keeping him safe in mine.
“Today is my mom’s birthday,” I murmured. “I usually go visit her.”
Finn’s expression softened. “I see…You haven’t brought her up in a while.”
I took a breath. It was going to take a minute for me to get used to the fact that Finn was MidQuest. He knew more of my secrets than anyone who walked the planet. When he looked at me, I felt like I might as well be naked. He’d seen so much of me and I was just now getting used to being next to him in the flesh.
Finn’s confession, still fresh in my brain, now felt so much more real. Some part of me wished it was him because if it hadn’t been, I would have had to choose between the two.
“I would like to go with you,” he said. “If you feel like having company, that is.”
“You’d voluntarily go to a cemetery?”
His fingers squeezed mine. “For you. Yes.”
“I might be emotional,” I warned.
“That’s fine.”
“This is kind of heavy. Especially this early in our…” Our what? Relationship? Friendship?
“I don’t care,” he said. “I like being around you, no matter the day.”
My heart swelled. I couldn’t say anything more than, “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” He shook his head. “Just tell me what time you need me to be ready.”
I wanted to wait until the sun got higher in the sky. The weather felt nasty cold as of late, so I’d wait for the maximum level of warmth.
We spent the majority of time waiting in his room with Picard. Finn left only once to get breakfast. When he did, I hurried to the bathroom to splash water on my face and gargle mouthwash.
My complexion looked warmer than usual. I pressed my hands to my cheeks, taking in the sight of me in Finn’s oversized t-shirt. It fit me nicely. I turned around, admiring how round my butt looked in his clothes, and then, felt a little sheepish for wondering if he thought the same.
The fantasy of us being together wasn’t so much of a fantasy anymore. A small part of me urged myself to not get too excited. He’d left me once, so I had to stay prepared in case that happened again.
That wasn’t entirely his fault, though, I willed myself to believe.
Finn’s accident and his memory changed things. I wanted to be there for him just like he seemed determined to support me. Hope burrowed in my chest, making my cheeks burn. I would let myself enjoy it. Even for a moment. A day. Because this feeling was comforting. I wasn’t alone anymore.
By the time I made it out of the bathroom, the house was coming back to life. I heard something sizzling in the frying pan downstairs and soft voices conversating in the kitchen. Henrik almost bumped into me in the hallway when he slipped out of his room.
“Sorry.” He smiled and pulled out one of his earbuds. His black hair was covered with a beanie. He wore a black athletic turtleneck and baggy sweats. He respectfully kept his eyes locked on mine as he said, “Good morning.”
“Morning.” I smiled, trying to not look like I was embarrassed about being pant-less.
“All good?” he asked, though his smile told me he knew the answer.
“Yeah, you?”
“Can't complain.” He winked and started down the hall. “Take care of our boy. He’s hard on the outside but all soft mush on the inside.”
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Like in Silas and Chase's new dynamic I think instead of meeting when Silas stops a monster hunter from killing Chase and gets shot in the fight,
they meet on Silas's first or second day working at the fun complex because Chase has eaten every night shift worker hired for a few years now but only after he has fun messing with them as much as possible. So chase is being a shit and trying to get Silas riled up for a laugh and it just, Doesn't work.
Silas Barely acknowledges him after confirming he has permission to be in the building after closing. and that's Frustrating for a guy who Always needs to be the center of attention.
Chase will make a mess in an area Silas just cleaned, and Silas will clean it again without flinching. Laying down in the way of his cart does nothing but get dirt swept at him or Silas will step over him like he isn't even there. Attempts to be spooky are met with no reaction. He even tried sitting on Silas's cart to stop him being able to use it and Silas just picked him up and sat him aside.
It's infuriating and Fascinating and Novel enough for Chase to make it his Goal to make Silas Flinch or tell him to screw off or stop whatever bullshit he's getting up to. and None of it works.
And it all sorta culminates in Chase screaming bloody murder because an actual monster hunter is trying to gank him in the pizzeria of Uncle Jim Jim's Fun Complex, and Seriously regrettimg every time he's tried screaming as a way to bother Silas because now Silas Isn't going to care and chase is going to fucking die-
And then the monster hunter is being tackled off him and this stupid annoyingly calm human is holding his own in this fight. Silas shouts for him to go call 911 and almost gets the monster hunter under control. Chase books it and does as he's told and he hears the gun go off while he's cowering in the kitchen and still on the phone with the dispatcher,
He tells them what's happening but despite being a vamp, the man's a fucking Coward and it takes Silas Calling for him to get him to come back out. And there's just so much blood, he's starved and hasn't eaten in weeks, and there's So Much Blood. He has to fake being sick at the sight of it to give himself an excuse to keep hiding because he Needs to stop himself turning a flesh wound into a lethal one.
Silas just fuckin took a bullet for him, he's not eating him. Not today at least.
When Silas comes back to work a few months later with a nasty limp and a doctor's note to stay off that leg as much as possible, Chase near about Cries when he sees him and hugs him. and like, Chase thought Silas would Immediately shove him away for getting so hands on, but Silas let's it happen and Chase feels like the absolute worst person in the entire world for messing with him so much. To the point he actually Helps with cleaning instead of hindering.
Like Silas is fine with it for a while, but eventually he starts goading Chase a bit to push him into some of his old habits. It's fun, it's a game they play. Chase's antics were mostly just entertaining and sorta cute, he doesn't want (most of them) to stop. and they end up in a more even back and forth. that ends up picking up a lot of bits that Look like flirting but are definitely not flirting if you asked either of them if it was flirting.
No Silas pinning Chase between him and the bar while he wipes it down isn't flirting, chase was just in the way and this would at least keep him in line for a bit. No Chase stealing cigarettes out of Silas's mouth to take a few puffs off them isn't flirting, he just wanted a smoke and to agrivate Silas. the amount of times they've pinched eachothers butts is also Perfectly normal if you ask them.
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namimikan · 20 days
okay, i’ve mulled about my knb nitpicks, how to word them. think i’ve got it.
-i prolly rated s3 lower in part bc i initially found it underwhelming with how the show resolve kagakuro’s childhood friends that helped them with basketball?
for kagami, in general, i’m sorry i just didn’t find himuro all that likeable until the kuroko birthday episode tbh, and i wished you could have had glimpses of that sooner — in part, you can’t bc himuro has his inferiority complex with kagami, but. that leads to another issue.
i kinda wanted more with ogiwara originally? bc he turns up, and they have a phone conversation about him getting back into basketball so they’ll hopefully play against each other sincerely the next year (in a way that a was flat out impossible when it was with teikou). but i thought about while it rewatching and… ogiwara never really had the fallout like kagahimu did? his issues wasn’t with kuroko, exactly, but he wanted to play against a kuroko who enjoyed basketball—something that kuroko himself was trying to find, and would probably only get after he had succeeded in finding a way for the gom to enjoy playing basketball again too, which is something ogiwara also wanted! bc kuroko had confided in him and kept in touch with him during the teikou days, ogiwara knew how important his team meant to him. so for him to sit out the current&next year… it was fine. bc he was trying to motivate kuroko, somewhat, and kuroko found a way to succeed. and with that achieved, ogiwara can now look forward to playing against kuroko. so the conflict between them was different, and while i would have liked a smidge more of ogiwara, i don’t know if much more was actually needed?
-this is me being petty but i think i may have docked s3 for the eyecatches/team line up. i actually liked them at the midway point of the episode, but i was annoyed that it was only in s3 and not in s1&2. the fact it only happened in s3 made them grate a little even if they’re a cute idea but like… either have them in all seasons or not at all??? don’t introduce them in the last season!!!
-kagami’s side of the story is really weak. idk if it’s an adaptation choice or if it’s the case of the manga but… not an awful lot of time is spent that much with alex or himuro, so i care much less about them. but. alex, generally pretty gross, as a fan service object. i don’t know how old she is either but it doesn’t help. also himuro’s team only get one match so it’s harder to gauge growth tbh? but i enjoyed his interactions with takao, and i liked seeing kagami get on with himuro, so maybe had the flashback dragged their friendship out more, before himuro’s insecurity and bullshit promise happen, i could have rooted for it more. or shown more angst and conflict on kagami’s side, idk. but it was kinda glossed over for me.
-so yeah for me, s2 is both best (hanamiya & murasakibara) and worst (alex & himuro) season out of the three (momoi being used for fan service also not great btw)
-i think the anime would have benefited from spending a little more time not playing basketball and seeing them off court shenanigans tbh. i might have cared more for various characters (seirin & himuro) if that had been the case. you do get snippets often, but… it wasn’t enough beyond barely being serviceable. they’re cute and funny, but my investment levels are neutral tbh. like the moe couplets don’t mean much to me, bc it’s sometimes just feels as if the gom need a minder, and supposing that something similar to kurokaga is happening to the gom in their separate teams. imahana are my special guys, tho, since i got a penchant for nasty personalities and creeping people out, and the fact that these two have history, commenting on each other’s matches.
despite that. yeah, this show is a 10/10. why? bc kuroko succeeds in his goals. from the start to finish, it’s about kuroko trying to enjoy basketball again, and help his teikou teammates to enjoy basketball again. and he succeeds. and i fucking care about the gom!!! while i am ambivalent to seirin (sans kagami), i absolutely see how seirin is the team kuroko needed, so it works for kuroko, which in turn works for me. this whole thing was started by kuroko and ogiwara, even tho it’s peripheral, but it ended with them hoping to play next year, so it does feel full circle to me.
i love the gom & kagami friendships. i love the superhero sport matches. the soundtrack is awesome. i am consistently entertained.
so yeah, it was really worthwhile to rewatch and see how my feelings had changed or stayed the same.
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xansmenagerie · 2 years
The League
This is another one needing context. Same LARP, different characters; I was challenged to write them outside of the normal fantasy setting and this happened.
It was fair to say that the Federated Nations had a problem. To put it succinctly, they had a military force that was excellent at dealing with the military forces of other nations but was somewhat lacking when it came to dealing with, for example, small groups of raiders and pirates. The DEFEND-R Guard-class mechs were top of the line, but slow to deploy and heavy to manoeuvre, while the smaller and lighter Pathfinder-class units had speed but also tended to buckle at the first ion-cannon pointed their way.
And then someone had a wonderful, terrible idea. Recruit the Murderball players.
To be fair, Murderball wasn't its actual name, just the one that stuck with the fans. Superbly trained athletes tricked out with low-profile power armour, bioengineering and cybernetics deploying any weapons and tactics necessary to propel a small nigh-indestructible ball from one end of the arena to the other - what could go wrong? Of course nothing the players carried would hold charge longer than a 90 minute match (and only then if used in short bursts) but that only meant being strategic, right?
Weirdly, it worked.
In theory, Wu Chunfeng (the player partly known as Mistral because the one idiot who'd tried to name her Dragon based on her ethnicity had flown a good five metres from the punch) was having a day off. It was always a nice theory, and very rarely worked out, which was why she was...discretely tooled up. A connoisseur would be able to spot, for example, that the rather nice arm, leg, and neck cuffs in silver with the cute cherry-blossom inspired carvings were the housings for power shielding. Likewise, a fabrics expert might note that the silk of her cheongsam and matching trousers was really very fine anti-ballistics armour. A fan would be too busy squeeing over her signature weapon - a shock lance with a nasty bite that she had so many permits to be allowed to carry in public - to spot the retractable sword disguised as a hair ornament.
When the call came through, Chunfeng only paused long enough to kick off her shoes and tuck them into her handbag; her fellow players had laughed originally at the idea of pierce-proof augments built into the soles of her feet, and then they'd found out just how well she could manoeuvre and climb now. The rumble of an engine stopped her just as she was reaching for a drainpipe to get up to roof level - she'd know the sound of her coach's barely road-legal car anywhere. Brend floored it almost before Chunfeng had shut the door, the turbos screaming as they belted to the meet-up point.
A couple of hours later, a motley crew stalked out of the dropship. Not one of them looked like a soldier - if anything, they looked like a group of particularly buff models who had got lost on the way to a photoshoot. But, in many ways, that was the point; being a pro-league athlete meant being able to afford augments and equipment right on the cutting edge. Literally, in some cases; take Queensbury's rather stylish velvet capelet. Once activated properly it became both a shield and a slashing edge that could, as he would insist on demonstrating at parties, cut a watermelon in half with no effort. Others, like Brend, were dressed more simply, but that was mostly so that when their bionics kicked in fully they wouldn't destroy an expensive suit in the process. It was an ongoing joke between Chunfeng and her coach that at least some of his bionics had been designed specifically to rip his shirt off in the most eye-catching way possible.
The forward scouts had been accurate in both their reports and their estimates of movement speeds. The raiders' overnight camp was too close to Carlin Howham to wait for the military units to be in position, but was too large a force for the League players to take on their own. The plan was, for once, straightforward: carry out some light sabotage, then slow the raiders down long enough for the DEFEND-R mechas to be deployed. Simple. Those who wouldn't be in the sabotage group - mostly the ones who couldn't be stealthy even asleep due to excessive 'clang' - set up a secured resting spot.
Chunfeng activated her sub-dermal implants and adjusted the patterns on her clothes; it wasn't true invisibility, but it was enough camouflage to make her as hard to see as the winds that gave her her League name. Only her eyes were visible as two pure black spots in the air; Katrin, the love of her life and dawn of her day, had been put out when Chunfeng had chosen to go artificial instead of having her eyes regrown after a particularly vicious accident during a game, but being able to see most of the electromagnetic spectrum and in the dark more than made up for marital displeasure. Besides, the designer had done an excellent job of copying her original iris pattern for 'casual' mode. Katrin wasn't entirely happy about how well Chunfeng had taken to sabotage and assassination, but she couldn't complain about effectiveness there either...
Morning rolled around. From strategic viewpoints the Murderball players watched as the raiders discovered the extent of the night's work; there was the usual banter and points-scoring over the comms channels as particular items caused more or less dismay. It might surprise an outsider that some of the chat was dedicated to hoping that enough mischief had been caused to persuade the raiders just to give up and go away - it happened just often enough that most players hoped for it even if they didn't expect it. On this occasion it didn't look like the raiders were going to oblige, so game plans were quickly thrown together based around favourite plays (the 'Heusenberg 98' was vetoed on principle).
The raiders didn't know what hit them. It's hard to know how to fight back when a socialite suddenly slices significant parts off your portable ion cannon, or when a gentleman in a neat suit suddenly rips off both his jacket and the front of your tank in one movement, or when the clearing in front of you flickers and there's now a woman with a shock lance laying out your mates with fluid super-human grace. The surprise always bought the League players time; get in, stomp, get out, find a new target, repeat until the enemy gave up or the augments ran out.
Chunfeng had the horrible feeling that this fight was going to go the second way; the raiders were refusing to be baited away from town, which left her and her teammates with far fewer options and recharge stops than anyone liked. She felt it when a shot took out the last juice from her power-armour; some of the plasma from the blast curled through and burned her shoulder, giving her the double disadvantage of pain and a more obvious point to target. The handful of raiders still standing around her apparently took heart at this and pressed the attack; Chunfeng grimly considered hitting up the last trick in her arsenal, the cocktail of drugs that would significantly enhance her physical abilities and pain tolerance but even the League tended to frown on as it preferred its players to survive.
Then a large, metal foot stomped on the nearest raider.
From the cockpit of the mech, Katrin blew Chunfeng a kiss before settling down to the serious business of Crushing All Those Who Dared Hurt Chunfeng. It didn't take very long, and while Chunfeng went through the play-acting of pretending to be annoyed at her targets being taken away both of them knew it was purely for appearances. The words "Wnt lft?" appeared on the inside of Chunfeng's eyes; she gratefully swung herself up via the maintenance ledges onto the mech's back and clung on with her good arm. There would be the usual good-natured ribbing from her teammates but what was the point of having a gorgeous partner with a giant death-robot if you couldn't occasionally blag a ride?
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