#Writing tips and tricks
septembercfawkes · 23 hours
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Putting together a class for beginning writers. Are you more of a pantser or a plotter? Here are some highlights I put together after asking more experienced writers what the process is like for them. I’m definitely more of a plotter. I’m hoping my beginners can use this to help identify which direction they lean. 😊
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writers-potion · 3 days
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Inventing Magical Connections
Most magic system use the energetic links between objects and concepts - these are called correspondences.
Using Charts
Create a cheat sheet for your magicians to refer to.
This can be a list of astronomical signs and the kind of power/energy it amplifies, list of herbs and corresonding elements, etc.
The chart can be handed down from generations
Invent correspondences by altering existing systems
Correspondence Topics
You can mix and match these topics to create interesting magical correspondences
crystals, minerals, gemstones
flowers, herbs, fruit, trees
moon phases
Zodiac signs
deities and daints
mythological creatures
body parts
tarot cards
the four elements
days of the week
geometric shapes
Color Correspondences
Red: passion, power, courage, willpower, fire, the root chakra, sexual relationships, sexual potency, speed, strength business success, legal mattes, ambition, personal creativity
Orange: energy, joy, the Sacral chakra, sexuality, the abdomen, prosperity, celebrations, luck, fortune, business success, legal matters, ambition, personal creativity
Pink: romantic love, relationships, health, the Crown chakra, spirituality bliss, nurturing, friendships, forgiveness, emotional healing, easing inner pain
Blue: spirituality,learning, the element Air, the element Water, the Throat chakra, truth, loyalty, serenity, tranquility, sleep, creativity, poetry
Purple: psychic matters, clairvoyance, spiritual mattes, justice, roylaty, the Borw chakra, fertility, rejuvenation, faerie
Green: wealth, abundance, growth, healing, the elemnt Water, the chest, the Heart chakra, fertility rejuvenation, faerie
Turquoise: wealth, investments the element Water, inventions, intellectual matters
Black: protection, neutralising harmful influences, the element Earth, calm
White: purity, the element Air, truth, enlightenment new beginnings, clairvoyance, angels, forgiveness
Yellow: trade, communication, writing, knowledge, learning, the element Earth, the element Air, joy, mental clarity, alertness, travel, chane, Solar Plexus chakra, telepathy, exams
Brown: the element Earth, crafts, buildings, home-making, common sense
Silver: wealth, spiritual matters, female
Gold wealth, power, masculine, fame, overcoming addictions
Bronze: love, friendship, positive relationships, career success
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byoldervine · 2 days
Writing Tips - Strengths And Weaknesses
Every character needs strengths and weaknesses, but every personality trait your character has can also be a strength or a weakness based on the situation
• Charismatic characters may constantly seek the approval they’re so used to
• Selfish characters won’t feel guilty about turning down unreasonable requests or setting clear boundaries
• Patient characters can wait too long to make a call until it’s too late
Try putting characters in situations where their greatest strengths and their greatest weaknesses are switched and seeing how they adapt to this new challenge
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hayatheauthor · 3 days
Ghouls, Ghosts & Poltergeists: What's The Difference?
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When it comes to the supernatural, the terms ghouls, ghosts, and poltergeists often get thrown around interchangeably. However, each of these entities has distinct characteristics that set them apart. Whether you're a paranormal enthusiast, a horror writer, or simply curious, understanding the differences can enhance your appreciation of the spectral world.
Ghouls: The Graveyard Dwellers
Origin and Mythology Ghouls are creatures rooted in ancient Arabian folklore, often depicted as demonic beings that dwell in graveyards and consume human flesh. The term "ghoul" comes from the Arabic word "ghūl," meaning "to seize" or "to take." They are often seen as monstrous beings that prey on the dead and sometimes the living.
Appearance and Behavior Traditionally, ghouls are depicted as decaying, grotesque figures with a penchant for haunting cemeteries. They are known for their ability to shapeshift, sometimes taking the form of animals to lure their prey. Unlike ghosts and poltergeists, ghouls are corporeal, meaning they have a physical presence that can interact with the material world in a gruesome and tangible way.
Cultural Impact Ghouls have made their way into various cultures and media, often symbolizing death and decay. They appear in literature, films, and video games, usually as menacing creatures to be feared and fought. Their depiction varies, but their essence as flesh-eating, cemetery-dwelling beings remains consistent.
Ghosts: The Restless Spirits
Origin and Mythology Ghosts are the spirits of deceased individuals who have not found peace in the afterlife. Belief in ghosts is widespread, transcending cultures and eras. They are often thought to linger due to unfinished business, unresolved emotions, or a tragic death.
Appearance and Behavior Ghosts are typically depicted as ethereal, translucent figures that may resemble their former human selves. They can appear as full-bodied apparitions or as mere shadows and mists. Ghosts are known for their ability to pass through solid objects, and they often haunt specific locations tied to their past lives, such as homes, battlefields, or places of death.
Cultural Impact Ghost stories are a staple of folklore and have been passed down through generations. They appear in a wide array of media, from classic literature like "Hamlet" to modern horror films like "The Conjuring." Ghosts often evoke a mix of fear, sadness, and curiosity, reflecting our own fears and fascinations with death and the afterlife.
Poltergeists: The Noisy Spirits
Origin and Mythology The term "poltergeist" comes from the German words "poltern" (to make noise) and "geist" (ghost or spirit). Poltergeists are believed to be mischievous or malevolent spirits that cause physical disturbances, such as loud noises and the movement of objects. Unlike traditional ghosts, poltergeists are often associated with specific individuals rather than locations.
Appearance and Behavior Poltergeists are typically invisible and manifest their presence through physical actions rather than visual apparitions. Common poltergeist activities include knocking, banging, object displacement, and even physical attacks. These disturbances often escalate over time, creating a sense of fear and chaos for those affected.
Cultural Impact Poltergeists have been a popular subject in paranormal investigations and horror media. The infamous "Enfield Poltergeist" case in the 1970s, for instance, drew significant media attention and inspired numerous books and films. Poltergeists challenge our understanding of the supernatural by interacting with the physical world in inexplicable ways.
While ghouls, ghosts, and poltergeists all belong to the realm of the supernatural, they each offer unique elements to the tapestry of paranormal lore. Ghouls, with their corporeal form and ghastly habits, bring a sense of physical horror rooted in ancient mythology. Ghosts, as the restless spirits of the deceased, embody our deepest questions and fears about the afterlife. Poltergeists, with their noisy and often violent disruptions, blur the lines between the seen and unseen worlds.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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thewatcher727 · 2 days
Writing Description Notes: Sadness/Crying/Hurt
Updated 29th May 2024 More description notes
Her last word was almost squeaked out, betraying the tears residing behind her eyes and threatening to spill.
She let herself feel everything she'd bottled up over the last few days. The mountainous emotions that she'd let fester deep within exploded through the floodgates and into her system, making it impossible for her to do anything else but feel. Guilt. Regret. Fear. Anger. Everything. Each emotion carved its own path of tears trailing down her face and each time she swept them away, new ones forged their own path.
Her eyes burned more to hold back her tears.
Her head lifted up from her hands, revealing two dark green orbs that were swimming in tears. Her teeth were gently biting into her lower lip, trying to steady her emotions, trying to forget.
Tears were in his eyes, but his face was rigid with focus. He was completely in his right mind, but his emotions were pouring out.
He tried desperately to fight the tears that were pushing against the water gates.
His cheerful countenance crumbled as he continued with his explanation.
His heart had become like melted wax in his chest, and it hurt to even breathe.
Tears obscured her vision as it tunneled greatly.
She gulped down the sandy texture that developed in her mouth and tried again.
Her eyes burned with the tears that begged to be set free.
John’s eyebrows lowered and pulled closer together.
The inner corners of John’s eyebrows angled up.
The corners of John’s mouth were drawn downwards.
John’s lips pouted outwards.
Tears pooled in her eyes before they streaked down her cheeks.
Tears distorted her vision.
His throat tightened.
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coffeebeanwriting · 1 year
Some Quick Character Tips
Here are a handful of quick tips to help you write believable characters! 
1. A character’s arc doesn’t need to grow linearly. Your protagonist doesn’t have to go from being weak to strong, shy to confident, or novice to professional in one straight line. It’s more realistic if they mess up their progress on the way and even decline a bit before reaching their goal.
2. Their past affects their present. Make their backstory matter by having their past events shape them into who they are. Growing up with strict parents might lead to a sneaky character, and a bad car accident might leave them fearful of driving.
3. Give reoccurring side characters something that makes them easily recognizable. This could be a scar, a unique hairstyle, an accent, or a location they’re always found at, etc.
4. Make sure their dialogue matches their personality. To make your characters more believable in conversation, give them speech patterns. Does the shy character mumble too low for anyone to ever hear, does the nervous one pace around and make everyone else on edge? 
5. Make your characters unpredictable. Real people do unexpected things all the time, and this can make life more exciting. The strict, straight-A student who decides to drink at a party. The pristine princess who likes to visit the muddy farm animals. When character’s decide to do things spontaneously or in the heat of the moment, it can create amazing twists and turns.
6. Give even your minor character's a motive. This isn’t to say that all your characters need deep, intricate motives. However, every character should need or want something, and their actions should reflect that. What’s the motive behind a side character who follows your protagonist on their adventure? Perhaps they’ve always had dreams of leaving their small village or they want to protect your protagonist because of secret feelings.
Instagram: coffeebeanwriting  
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unboundprompts · 3 months
How to write about someone’s appearance? Their physique, styles, face , clothes,?
How to Describe a Character's Appearance
-> dabblewriter.com
-> link to Character Description Prompts
Avoid Over-Describing
Overloading readers with too much information can be overwhelming and make your characters feel flat and one-dimensional. Focus on the details that are the most important to the story and the characters themselves.
If the character's appearance is not central to the story, then you may only need to give a basic description. If it plays a significant role, you may want to go into more detail. Always keep the purpose of your physical descriptions in mind.
Show Don't Tell
Don't blatantly state every little thing about your character's appearance, but rather show it through their actions and behaviors.
example: If they are tall, show that through their actions. They have to duck to get under a doorway, they help someone reach the top shelf, etc.
Include Personality Traits
A character's personality is what makes them memorable. Consider their motivations, values, beliefs, and quirks and give them a well-defined personality.
Avoid Stereotypes
Create characters that are more than just their cultural, racial, ethnic, or gender identity. Give them unique interests, hobbies, and personalities. Allow them to have flaws, contradictions, and diverse perspectives.
External Features
External features include a character's height, weight, body type, and general appearance. You can describe their skin color, hair color, eye color, and any distinctive features like freckles or scars. This type of description gives the reader a basic understanding of what the character looks like, which is helpful in creating a mental image.
Describing the type of clothing they wear, including the colors, patterns, and how they fit, can reveal a lot about a character’s personality and social status.
For example, a character who wears tailored suits and expensive shoes might be a little snobby and concerned with their image, while a character who wears ripped jeans and t-shirts might be casual and relaxed.
Facial Features
Facial features can be used to give the reader a more in-depth understanding of a character's personality and emotions. You can describe their smile, the way they frown, their cheekbones, and their jawline. You can also describe their eyebrows, the shape of their nose, and the size and shape of their eyes, which can give the reader insight into their emotions.
Body Language
Body language can be used to give the reader an understanding of a character's emotions and personality without the need for dialogue. Describing the way a character stands, walks, or gestures can reveal a lot about their confidence level, mood, and attitude.
For example, a character who slouches and avoids eye contact is likely to be shy, while a character who stands up straight and makes direct eye contact is likely to be confident.
Words to Describe Various Features
Head and face
Oval: rounded, elongated, balanced, symmetrical
Round: full, plump, chubby, cherubic
Square: angular, defined, strong, masculine
Heart: pointy, triangular, wider at the temples, narrow at the chin
Diamond: angular, pointed, narrow at the forehead and jaw, wide at the cheekbones
Long: elongated, narrow, oval, rectangular
Triangular: angular, wide at the jaw, narrow at the forehead, inverted heart-shape
Oblong: elongated, rectangular, similar to oval but longer
Pear-shaped: narrow at the forehead, wide at the jaw and cheekbones, downward-pointing triangle
Rectangular: angular, defined, similar to oblong but more squared
Facial features
Cheeks: rosy, plump, gaunt, sunken, dimpled, flushed, pale, chubby, hollow
Chin: pointed, cleft, rounded, prominent, dimpled, double, weak, strong, square
Ear: large, small, delicate, flapped, pointed, rounded, lobeless, pierced
Eyes: deep-set, angled, bright, piercing, hooded, wide-set, close-set, beady, slanted, round, droopy, sleepy, sparkling
Forehead: high, broad, wrinkled, smooth, furrowed, low, narrow, receding
Jaw: strong, square, defined, angular, jutting, soft, weak, chiseled
Lips: full, thin, chapped, cracked, puckered, pursed, smiling, quivering, pouty
Mouth: wide, small, downturned, upturned, smiling, frowning, pouting, grimacing
Nose: hooked, straight, aquiline, button, long, short, broad, narrow, upturned, downturned, hooked, snub
Eyebrows: arched, bushy, thin, unkempt, groomed, straight, curved, knitted, furrowed, raised
Texture: curly, straight, wavy, frizzy, lank, greasy, voluminous, luxurious, tangled, silky, coarse, kinky
Length: long, short, shoulder-length, waist-length, neck-length, chin-length, buzzed, shaven
Style: styled, unkempt, messy, wild, sleek, smoothed, braided, ponytail, bun, dreadlocks
Color: blonde, brunette, red, black, gray, silver, salt-and-pepper, auburn, chestnut, golden, caramel
Volume: thick, thin, fine, full, limp, voluminous, sparse
Parting: center-parted, side-parted, combed, brushed, gelled, slicked back
Bangs: fringed, side-swept, blunt, wispy, thick, thin
Accessories: headband, scarf, barrettes, clips, pins, extensions, braids, ribbons, beads, feathers
Build: slender, skinny, lean, athletic, toned, muscular, burly, stocky, rotund, plump, hefty, portly
Height: tall, short, petite, lanky, willowy, stocky, rotund
Posture: slouching, upright, hunched, stiff, relaxed, confident, nervous, slumped
Shape: hourglass, pear-shaped, apple-shaped, athletic, bulky, willowy, curvy
Muscles: defined, toned, prominent, ripped, flabby, soft
Fat distribution: chubby, plump, rounded, jiggly, wobbly, flabby, bloated, bloated
Body hair: hairy, smooth, shaven, beard, goatee, mustache, stubble
Weight: light, heavy, average, underweight, overweight, obese, lean, skinny
Body language: confident, nervous, aggressive, submissive, arrogant, timid, confident, relaxed
Body movements: graceful, clunky, fluid, awkward, jerky, smooth, agile, rigid
Muscular: ripped, toned, defined, well-built, buff, brawny, burly, strapping
Athletic: fit, toned, agile, flexible, energetic, muscular, athletic, sporty
Thin: skinny, slender, slim, lanky, bony, gaunt, angular, wiry
Stocky: sturdy, broad-shouldered, compact, muscular, solid, robust, heavy-set
Overweight: plump, chubby, rotund, heavy, portly, corpulent, stout, fleshy
Fat: overweight, overweight, rotund, heavy, bloated, tubby, round, fat
Lean: lanky, slender, skinny, thin, wiry, willowy, spare, underweight
Larger: large, heavy, hefty, substantial, solid, overweight, portly, rotund
Texture: smooth, soft, silky, rough, bumpy, flaky, scaly, rough
Tone: fair, light, pale, dark, tan, olive, bronze, ruddy, rosy
Complexion: clear, radiant, glowing, dull, blotchy, sallow, ruddy, weathered
Wrinkles: deep, fine, lines, crow's feet, wrinkles, age spots
Marks: freckles, age spots, birthmarks, moles, scars, blemishes, discoloration
Tone: even, uneven, patchy, discolored, mottled, sunburned, windburned
Glow: luminous, radiant, healthy, dull, tired, lifeless
Tautness: taut, firm, loose, saggy, wrinkles, age spots, slack
Condition: healthy, glowing, radiant, dry, oily, acne-prone, sunburned, windburned
Clothing: trendy, stylish, fashionable, outdated, classic, eclectic, casual, formal, conservative, bold, vibrant, plain, ornate
Fabric: silk, cotton, wool, leather, denim, lace, satin, velvet, suede, corduroy
Colors: bright, bold, pastel, neutral, vibrant, muted, monochrome
Accessories: jewelry, hats, glasses, belts, scarves, gloves, watches, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings
Shoes: sneakers, boots, sandals, heels, loafers, flats, pumps, oxfords, slippers
Grooming: well-groomed, unkempt, messy, clean-cut, scruffy, neat
Hair: styled, messy, curly, straight, braided, dreadlocks, afro, updo, ponytail
Makeup: natural, bold, minimal, heavy, smokey, colorful, neutral
Personal grooming: clean, fragrant, unkempt, well-groomed, grooming habits
Overall appearance: put-together, disheveled, polished, rough, messy, tidy
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alistairsprayerwarrior · 10 months
Showing versus Telling
I struggle a lot with "showing and not telling." Here's some exercises and techniques I've tried to practice this from researching different methods that I just conjured up together (please take with a grain of salt, everyone is different, lol.):
Object Observation: Choose an object in your immediate vicinity and describe it without naming what it is. Include details about its texture, color, size, shape, and any other distinctive features. Basically: have someone else to identify it based on your description.
Character Emotions: Write a list of emotions and for each one, write a short scene that shows a character experiencing that emotion without directly stating what the emotion is. i.e., Instead of saying, "Alistair was angry", you could say... "Alistair's fists clenched, his jaw tightened; his face turned red as he stared at the broken amulet on the floor."
Active Verbs: Challenge yourself to rewrite sentences using more active, specific verbs. i.e., "She walked into the room" (telling) could become, "She strutted into the room, her boot heels clicking against the marble floor" (showing).
Sensory Details: Choose a setting, real or fictional, and describe it using all five senses. What can a character see, smell, hear, taste, and touch in this environment, or moment?
Dialogue: Use dialogue to reveal information about your characters and the plot. Instead of telling the reader that a character is upset, show it through what the character says and how they say it.
In-Depth Character Description: Take a character from your story and describe them in detail. Show their personality through their actions, speech, and appearance, rather than direct statements.
Rewrite Telling Sentences: Take a piece of your own writing or a passage from a book and identify the "telling" sentences. Rewrite them in a way that "shows" instead.
Hope this helps! ✍(◔◡◔)
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nakajimeow · 1 year
Writing With Color: Helps with writing about culture, ethnicity, and religion. Overall, it gives advice on how to write about diversity.
Name Generator: As the name says, it helps you build names for your characters. Very useful if you cannot think of names for your characters!
KathySteinemann: The 'archive.pdf' section helps you with synonyms in case you struggle to find the right word for your sentences (also to avoid using redundant words).
Spwickstrom: Similar to the previous one, this one provides grammar tips. Extremely helpful when finding phrases, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives, and so on.
Servicescape: The perfect website if you're experiencing writer's block. It provides writing prompts. It helps you spark creativity when it comes to writing.
reblog to help other writers !!
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the-ellia-west · 5 months
How to make your readers Feel emotions for Dummies
(Characters crying edition!)
So... You can't write characters crying? (Or you just want to read this for some reason) Well, neither do I so let's get right into it! I should be packing for a trip but oh well who cares? Not me!
Yeah. Your character is crying and you want to know...
How to not make it cringe af
How to make the Readers relate to it
How to make the readers not only relate to it, but feel DEPRESSED
Step 1 - Do NOT over describe it I've tried to write this so many times and failed that I've realized it's just like good horror. If anything, don't describe the tears, describe their impact, describe the horror of why they're happening, what they're doing to your character. (Example at the end)
Step 2 - Make it at a time when we've had time to connect to the character Put it in the middle of the 1st or only book at the earliest. Other than that, put it later. The more time you spend with the characters, the more their breaking down will emotionally scar you. And that's what we want
Step 3 - Describe other actions for the character Deep breaths, falling to their knees, screaming, choking, cradling the body of a loved one, sad dialogue, other concerned characters, ect. Actions speak louder than words and that is sooooo true in writing. This one of those rare cases where show don't tell is a must.
Ex. (I'm using A and B for the character names cause I'm lazy)
The world seemed to slow as everything came crashing down around her as his body hit the ground, a soft thud the only sound she heard as the grass slowly turned from the light lively emerald of life, to the deep crimson red of death. He was gone. She ran over to him, his quickly fading labored breaths and her crunching footsteps the only sound as the sun shone into her eyes, blinding her. She dropped to her knees beside him, the tears already beginning to fall as she began to choke on her own words, unable to speak as she grabbed his hand. It felt warm in her palm as she clutched his hand close to her chest as the world came crashing back. The burning light of the sun in her eyes, the heat of it and the adrenaline on her skin, her brother's cooling hand, his raspy breaths, her sobbing gasps, the clash of metal against metal, the falling bodies, the raining blood. Then the screams. "A! A! What are you doing?! We're in the middle of a fight! Don't you remember what I taught you?" B nearly screamed at her, causing A to cry out in a mix of anguish and agony, panic finally reaching her as the impact of what had just happened finally hit her.
(Side note: If you liked the example, it will be part of my Fantasy Book series Coming out soon! More in my profile if you're at all interested)
That wasn't as sad as it could of been because you didn't know the characters, but it's definitely better than just an extended description of crying.
Anyway, thank you lovelies and I hope this helps you even a little bit! Love you, continue being awesome!
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novlr · 11 months
How do I describe a character when they’re angry and just “so done”? How would they act?
A Quick Guide to Writing Anger
It’s the hot-blooded, ever-challenging, angry character that often steals a scene and captivates readers’ hearts. From the brooding protagonist to the volatile villain, anger introduces a heightened element of emotive dynamism. Anger is a powerful emotion that can define a character's behaviour, interactions, body language, and attitude.
How Do They Behave?
Make impulsive decisions
Have a short fuse and react explosively
Hold grudges
Be physically aggressive
Be motivated by revenge
Exhibit self-destructive tendencies
Speak at an increased volume
Speak unexpectedly fast or slow
How Do They Interact?
Have issues with authority
Struggle to follow orders or instructions
Confrontational or verbally abusive
Overuse of swear words or insults
Struggle to focus or listen to others
Dominate conversations and interrupt often
Become isolationist
Short-tempered and accusatory
Describe Their Body Language
Clenched fists and tight jaw
Rigid and defensive posture
Maintained eye contact
Pacing or fidgeting
Aggressive movements
Increased muscle tension
Point and jab when speaking
Invade others’ personal space
Describe Their Attitude
A sense of dissatisfaction and frustration
Overly sceptical and distrustful of others
Impatient and easily annoyed
Confrontational and arrogant
Feelings of powerlessness
Motivated by vengeance or justice
Hostile and irritable
Blunt, direct, and stubborn
A lack of empathy
Positive Outcomes
Be a motivator for change
Inspire others with their passion for justice
Can be a motivator for personal growth
Learn to articulate their needs and set boundaries
Develop resilience and strength by managing their anger
Increased assertiveness
Experience catharsis and emotional release
Improved problem-solving skills
Negative Outcomes
Damaging to their relationship with others
Can lead to chronic stress or health issues
Become isolated, leading to loneliness and depression
Develop a reputation for being difficult or aggressive
Can cause legal troubles or social rejection
Lower self-esteem and sense of self-worth
Become violent or cause physical harm
Exhibit impaired judgement or decision-making
Useful synonyms
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septembercfawkes · 4 months
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writers-potion · 2 months
Words to Use Instead Of...
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byoldervine · 4 months
Foreshadowing Ideas
• Character themes/motifs. I’ve heard of one writer who tries to give each character their own theme for similes, metaphors, descriptions, etc so there’s like a theme to the way they’re portrayed. You could use that to foreshadow notable secrets about the character that will later be revealed, or if at any point they’re disguised then you can use that to tip off the reader that they have the same motifs and so might be related/the same person
• Tiny details hidden in lists. Say the MC was trying to work out the identity of a bad guy, who we know was wearing a red shirt on the day of a big bad event. A few chapters later, MC is checking around their best friend’s room to find them, with the place its usual mess with discarded takeaway boxes, the bed unmade, a red shirt left on the floor that could use a good sweep. The red shirt might not click with all the readers, but those who register it upon their first read will eat it up
• Inconsistent behavioural patterns. Once we have a good idea of what a character is like, having them act out of character can set off alarm bells and make us question what’s occurred to make them act this way. Let the other characters register it too, if it’s reasonable that they would, but let them ultimately brush it off quite quickly to keep it subtle. Or just call it right out, whichever you prefer
• Unreliable narrators. Let one character say one thing and a second character say another, even if they both ultimately agree on the same thing but get one or two small details wrong. Ideally do this two or three times in order for the reader to know it’s not just a mistake in the plot but an intentional inconsistency, but even if it’s only done once and it’s taken as a mistake it’ll still slot together like puzzle pieces in the end and they’ll be kicking themself for dismissing it
• In-universe red herrings. If you’re going to add red herrings as foreshadowing, it’s helpful if the red herring aligns with the intentions of someone person aware of the upcoming plot twist who’s trying to control the narrative. Say the plot twist was the reveal of a mysterious character’s identity to be the best friend of the MC, the best friend might have deliberately thrown the MC off their scent by planting suspicions in the MC’s mind that a different character was the mysterious character’s identity all along. This is less about foreshadowing the actual reveal, of course, but rereads will be a punch to the gut when everyone realises that all this misinformation and red herring business came from someone trying to cover their own ass rather than coming from misunderstandings or multiple other random sources
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hayatheauthor · 2 months
Writing Rage: How To Make Your Characters Seem Angry
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Anger is a powerful emotion that can add depth and intensity to your character's personality. If you're facing issues realistically expressing your characters' rage, here are some quick tips to help you get the ball rolling. Whether your character is seething with quiet rage or exploding in a fit of fury, these tips will help you convey their emotions vividly to your readers.
This is blog one in my writing different emotions series. Go check it out to explore more emotions!
Facial Expressions
Furrowed Brows: Describe the deep lines between their eyebrows, signaling frustration or intensity.
Tightened Jaw: Mention their clenched jaw, indicating suppressed anger or tension.
Narrowed Eyes: Highlight how their eyes narrow, showing suspicion, irritation, or anger.
Raised Upper Lip: Note the slight curl of the lip, suggesting disdain or contempt.
Flared Nostrils: Describe how their nostrils flare, indicating heightened emotions like anger or aggression.
Body Language and Gestures
Crossed Arms: Show their defensive stance, portraying resistance or defiance.
Pointing Finger: Describe them pointing accusatively, conveying aggression or assertion.
Fist Clenching: Mention their clenched fists, symbolizing anger or readiness for confrontation.
Hand Gestures: Detail specific hand movements like chopping motions, indicating frustration or emphasis.
Aggressive Posturing: Describe them leaning forward, invading personal space to intimidate or assert dominance.
Tense Shoulders: Highlight their raised or tense shoulders, indicating stress or readiness for conflict.
Upright Stance: Describe their rigid posture, showing control or a desire to appear strong.
Stiff Movements: Mention their jerky or abrupt movements, reflecting agitation or impatience.
Eye Contact
Intense Stares: Describe their intense or prolonged gaze, signaling confrontation or challenge.
Avoiding Eye Contact: Note how they avoid eye contact, suggesting discomfort or a desire to disengage.
Glaring: Mention how they glare at others, conveying hostility or disapproval.
Raised or strained tone with variations in pitch reflects heightened emotions.
Short, clipped sentences or abrupt pauses convey controlled anger.
Use of profanity or harsh language intensifies verbal expressions of anger.
Volume increase, from whispers to shouts, mirrors escalating anger levels.
Monotonous or sarcastic tone adds layers to angry dialogue.
Interruptions or talking over others signify impatience and frustration.
Aggressive verbal cues like "I can't believe..." or "How dare you..." express anger explicitly.
Physical Reactions: Detail physical responses like increased heart rate, sweating, or trembling, showing emotional arousal.
Defensive Maneuvers: Describe how they react defensively if someone tries to touch or talk to them, such as stepping back or raising a hand to ward off contact.
Object Interaction
Aggressive Handling: Show them slamming objects, throwing things, or gripping items tightly, reflecting anger or aggression.
Use of Props: Mention how they use objects to emphasize their emotions, like slamming a door or clenching a pen.
Descriptive Words:
Roared with fury, expressing unbridled anger.
Snapped in frustration, indicating sudden irritation.
Shouted angrily, releasing pent-up emotions.
Glared fiercely, showing intense displeasure.
Slammed objects in rage, symbolizing anger's physical manifestation.
Grunted in annoyance, displaying impatience.
Raged vehemently, portraying uncontrolled anger.
Furious and incensed, conveying intense anger.
Seething with rage, bubbling beneath the surface.
Livid and fuming, exhibiting visible anger.
Agitated and irritated, showing growing impatience.
Enraged and wrathful, expressing extreme anger.
Vexed and irate, indicating annoyance.
Infuriated and incandescent, highlighting explosive anger.
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thewatcher727 · 1 day
Writing Description Notes: Fear/Terrified
Updated 30th May 2024 More description notes
By all means mask your fear from others, but be honest to yourself.
He did his best to keep it hidden from the others, but alas, such phobias always had a way of brimming to the surface.
The knight’s unsettled countenance stroked the tyrant's ego and his words further drew out like a blade.
John’s heart trembled at the recognition of the sound.
Her shell was cracking, but Jane shook her head.
A malicious voice they all knew too well drew the simple sound out with dark relish.
Jane’s heart sank through her feet.
Though the princess was visibly fine, she was disciplining a shiver in her spine.
John froze, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
His breathing accelerated, pure terror clawing at his throat.
John tried to force his body to move, but his limbs were unresponsive.
His mouth hung open in silent screams.
His bones felt like jelly, feeling his legs about to give out.
John’s eyes threw open, a terrified yell reverberated throughout the room.
His eyes took in more light than expected, every part of him frozen as his thoughts desperately tried to catch up.
Rooted in place, John felt his stomach twist, his hands flying to clutch his chest.
All life drained from his face, looking as white as a ghost.
His skin tingled, heart rapidly beating within his chest as his breathing grew tighter.
The lights were on, yet nobody was home.
All the blood drained from John’s face.
To her surprise, her arms slowly trembled, a sinking feeling beginning to take hold.
She clenched her hands tightly in a futile attempt to quell her agitation, but her arms continued to shake uncontrollably.
She swallowed her own fear to expand the safe zone for her friends, to become the stoic leader they deserved.
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