#Whatever you choose to do will be AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL
wexhappyxfew · 3 days
SHANNON!! You know how much I love the Silver Bullets girls, so I freaked when I saw you posted this!! You also know I love angst (who doesn't, right?). So, could I possibly get Bucky x Kennedy with the prompt, "Hands off!" OR "You'll back off if you know what's good for you."
I couldn't choose which one I liked more lol!! Protective Bucky is my absolute FAV! I know it is going to be amazing!! Thank youuuu!💕🫶
MADS!!!!! HELLO MY FRIEND!!!! so lovely to see you both in the inbox and sending in this duo and prompt! :D i saw it and was immediately like - mads you are a GEM - because protective bucky IS the absolute best!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE SILVER BULLETS LOVE!!! they're my girls and are a joy to write so truly thank you :) your love and support has meant so so much!! i DO know you are an angst lover too hehe, so i decided to take a look at the earlier days of kennedy x bucky knowing one another (with extended cameos from judy and paulina - paulina who i wanted to work with more since i have written a lot of her yet), and dealing with...a rather precarious moment in which bucky is VERY MUCH being protective over the SB girls (with hints of kennedy x bucky of course because that's what makes the world go 'round). i went with the second prompt because i just couldn't help myself with that prompt - it's just too good!!! so please enjoy!!! <333333
far less losses
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(a/n): you remember when judy mentioned that john egan has an 'awful soft spot for the Silver Bullets crew'? well....here we are, with bucky showing off that soft spot (which also equates to his soft spot for a certain kennedy farley) all on display. SO -- please enjoy kennedy, judy and paulina, with a bit of bucky being well....bucky haha! please enjoy and thank you again! <3
"I think it's cute!" Judy exclaimed with a smile from beside Kennedy in the mirror in the bunk room the Silver Bullets girls were camped out in, "Truly, Kenny, just even taking those few extra minutes to pull a few pieces of hair away from your beautiful face always makes you feel better."
Judy was right - and she usually was.
After a rather depleting mission that morning, Kennedy had been feeling like laying down and staring at the ceiling for the rest of the evening was her ultimate goal, but Judy Rybinski had found her and convinced her to pull on her Class-A's and take an hour or two to destress in the local pub.
Kennedy shifted herself side to side in the mirror, her thick ginger hair that was usually pulled back from her face in a poor-looking ponytail or hastily put-together braids, appreciating the extra minute Judy had taken in telling her to leave her hair down and clip up some stray pieces behind the lower part of the crown of her head.
"This looks nice." Kennedy said, her voice sounding strange at the sight of seeing herself actually looking quite pretty. Usually covered in grease, dirt and other substances that she didn't even want to know of, seeing her face so bright and clean, her brown eyes light and alive, made her smile a bit.
"You look so pretty, Kenny," Judy said from beside her in the mirror, glancing up at her with the most genuine look on her face, "seriously, you could walk in any pub in England and they'd think that it's Rita Hayworth." Kennedy couldn't help but grin at Judy's words as she took in all angles she could.
"Oh, c'mon, Judy," Kennedy said, glancing down at the ball gunner, "you could do much of the same and they'd think it's Ingrid Bergman."
"That's mighty kind of you Kenny," Judy said with a chuckle, her face glowing, "Ingrid is quite the star, isn't she? Top compliments from Kenny Farley herself."
"What can I say? I'm a miracle worker at the best of times." Kennedy said and Judy laughed again, before looking up to Kennedy softly.
"Let's go get some drinks." Judy said, "Forget about whatever the hell today was, right?"
The walk across base with the sun nearly set was quite peaceful, especially in the summer months - it almost felt like home in some weird way.
Growing up with both older and younger siblings - all brothers - she'd spent enough of her summer days outside from dawn to dusk, drinking her mother's fresh-made lemonade, peeling oranges and eating cheese sandwiches, catching frogs, playing in the streets, making a fair attempt at a ball game where she was usually one of the only girls (having brothers made you automatically a part of the line-up, even if you struck out 90% of the time, she got better though).
She'd come inside, sweating, covered in dirt and grass, with her freckles on full display and her mother would tell her to go and get herself cleaned up for dinner. And everything would smell like fresh lavender soap and soft linen, and dinner would be roasted chicken, carrots, potatoes, asparagus, all the fixings, more lemonade, cookies for desert. Her mother would have to make multiple batches just to feed all her hungry kids.
And her dad would come back from work and be cracking jokes, telling them stories from work, what he had done that day. Something about summer, at home, in Boston.
My how the times had changed from then to now.
The local town pub was a place she'd been a few times, but each time it was much of the same when she got in. It was in fact like entering a whole different world that was separated from both summer and Thorpe Abbotts.
Everything smelled like beer and smoke, there was also music playing, people dancing and without a doubt, every corner you turned, you were shaking hands with someone, introducing yourself and saying your hellos. A home away from home. And it was quite the eclectic mix - USAAF and RAF pilots and crew members all together, local town people, Land Girls. Enough of a comfort though so you could enjoy your drink and meet a new face or two.
"Pretty crowded." Judy said from beside her as they stepped inside and took their ganders around, "Never seen so many people shoved in one place."
"One too many bad missions seems to send everybody here, I won't lie, Judy." Kennedy said, reaching up to tuck some hair back over her shoulder, and letting her eyes glance around again.
"Look who decided to show up." Judy and Kennedy looked up to see Paulina, resident radio op, coming towards them, her long, dark hair elegantly curled, her red lipstick making an appearance again that reminded Kennedy starkly of their training days where Paulina was always going on about the importance of always carrying a tube of lipstick where she went. She always said that you'd never know who'd you see - Christ, Cary Grant could show up and you'll be thanking yourself for that damn tube of lipstick!
"Thought you were staying in?" Kennedy shrugged.
"Judy dragged me out. Promised to pay for a drink."
"Hey!" Judy said looking to Kennedy and teasingly shoving at her shoulder, "I didn't say a thing about paying! I told ya that you needed to get out. Destress. Ya know?" Paulina snickered and glanced to Kennedy who smirked.
"And…I didn't drag you out. I was just convincing enough to get you outta that bunk room." Judy said, "It's a good trait to have, isn't it, Pauli?"
"That's right," Paulina said, stepping forward to wrap an arm around Judy's shoulders, "let's get you two some drinks, alright? And….just so you know, Lieutenant Bradshaw offered to open a tab, so….go crazy, I don't know….I guess she could see plenty of the looks on our faces."
"She's a sweetheart." Judy said with a smile.
"She always knows," Kennedy said quietly as they moved towards the bar, "she's good like that. Reminds me of Birdie."
"She always reminds me of Birdie." Paulina said with a sad smile, "Maybe it's a sign from Birdie up above. Letting us get ourselves Annie Bradshaw as our pilot. You know?"
"I take any sorta stuff like that as a sign," Judy said as they approached the bar and called for three beers, "there's no one like Birdie, but there sure as hell isn't a soul like Annie Bradshaw."
"You ever think about what might've happened if Birdie hadn't gotten hit?" Paulina asked as the tender brought their beers and gave them a smile - Paulina took a long, hard sip before sighing, "Just….things would be so different, but we woulda never met Annie. I don't fucking know, it's weird to think about sometimes."
Kennedy and Judy exchanged quiet glances, but it wasn't like Paulina was lying. Sometimes it was weird to ponder a thing like that - if Birdie had never died and they had never met Annie. And then in moments like this, Kennedy always though that life worked to do things in ways that were always meant to be and clearly what had happened was meant to be, despite the circumstances.
And Annie Bradshaw was always meant to be Silver Bullets' command pilot in place of Birdie Faulkner.
That was one thing for sure.
"Good evening." All three of their heads turned to find one of the RAF pilots they'd seen hanging around in the weeks previous coming towards them, his eyes catching Kennedy's in a way that made her slowly shift her gaze away and sip at her drink again. She sighed. Paulina rolled her eyes.
"Evening." Paulina said slowly, lifting her mug of beer towards him before sipping it and growing quiet. Judy glanced at Kennedy, who gave her a quiet look.
Many of the men that were outside the 100th were usually nice and cordial to them. There'd been some off-handed, unneeded comments before about women in aviation, but they'd heard enough of it to ignore any sort of comment like that. They'd heard it all. For months. Some for years. Ignorance was bliss.
"You three wouldn't happen to be part of the lady crew in the 100th would you?" he asked them, sipping his beer slowly and meeting all their gazes, "I've just had quite the conversation with your Annie Bradshaw if you are. Sweet girl."
"It's Lieutenant." Kennedy offered his way, meeting his gaze again, "She's our pilot."
"Ah," the RAF - Kennedy thought he was a pilot it seemed - pilot said, with a nod, "very sweet girl." Paulina shifted beside Kennedy and sighed.
"Command pilot." Paulina muttered under her breath.
"Anything else?" Judy asked, almost sweetly, but slightly like she were undercutting his words in a way where she wanted to try and disperse the interaction as quickly as possible, "We've had a long day." The RAF pilot glanced at her and smiled, before glancing at Kennedy and Paulina.
"Long day? What ever was the matter?" he asked them and then chuckled slightly and sipped his beer again, "Right - you fly during the day, am I correct?"
"Here we fucking go," Paulina said, pushing back from the bar table, looking ready to start swinging, but Kennedy held her arm and looked to the RAF pilot again, "I swear to God, Kenny."
"We do." Kennedy said, "Why? Is there a problem with that?" The RAF pilot chuckled.
"No, no, not at all. Just curious." Kennedy leaned forward and raised a brow.
"Curious. Curious, curious, curious - what are we curious about it. We've been doing it ever since we came across the fucking pond-"
"What we're trying to say," Judy said interrupting her and giving both Kennedy and Paulina a look, "that's just what we do. We do days, you do nights. Either way, we're pounding the Germans day and night and you should be really thankful for that. You do what you all do, and we do what we do. And it works."
"You'd have far less losses." he offered, in a way that sounded condescending - it made Kennedy's skin crawl.
Far less losses.
Birdie invaded her mind like she always did.
"Listen, we just finished a really crappy mission," Kennedy said, leaning forward and gently wrapping an arm over Judy's shoulders and pulling her closer back from the RAF pilot, "we can pick up this conversation another time."
"Apologies, apologies," the RAF pilot said, holding up his hands in a pitiful, mock-defense, "I'm only commenting on such happenings. Nothing more."
"Commenting-" Kennedy started, but another voice entered her ears.
"Major." the RAF pilot said, suddenly straightening up, sticking out his hand to shake, and his eyes turning glossy, that earlier determination and confidence dwindling.
Kennedy slowly looked back over her shoulder and watched as Major Egan, the smell of beer and cologne wafting off of him, came to a stop beside the three of them there, looking towards the RAF pilot with a face that was the closest to stone-cold that there could be. And Major Egan was not the best at schooling his emotions and concealing what he was actually feeling, but he was doing a pretty damn good job right now.
"What are we talking about?" Major Egan asked, his voice deeper than Kennedy had heard it before, as he crossed his arms and straightened his back, looking directly at the RAF pilot, "Go on, don't mind me."
"Uh, well-"
"Just about our missions," Judy butted in sweetly, looking up at Major Egan, "sir, we were just discussing our….rather interesting differences. But that we bomb the Germans all the same."
"Really?" Major Egan said, almost sarcastically, his smile wide on his cheeks, his voice a crack higher, his tone one that he always had when he was trying to hide his annoyance, "Thank you for that Rybinski, really valuable information." Major Egan looked at the RAF pilot. "You should've just come and talked right with me. These ladies have had a long day. Up at 0300 and still making it out here. They don't wanna have to discuss anything with missions and all. You should know." The group fell quiet as the RAF pilot rather loudly and quite nervously slurped at his beer.
"I just knew they were apart of the lady crew. With Annie Bradshaw-"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw-" Major Egan offered.
"-and I just figured I'd have a chat with them. Never did do much talking about missions with a lady crew before."
"Oh and it's bound to be your last-" Major Egan commented.
"Sir-" Kennedy said looking to him and giving him a look as he met her gaze. Something in his eye told her that he was going to stop until this RAF pilot walked away and she was almost too tired to care if he did say something more or not.
"What's all this about a lady crew, too?" Major Egan said, "They're another one of our crews in the 100th. Did all the same training we did, same shit." Major Egan chuckled. "You wouldn't know that because you were here, what? Drinking warm beer and complaining about the sun-shining, huh? Upset it wasn't nighttime-"
"Major." Paulina said looking up at him, "Just ignore him, we were going to go find Lieutenant Bradshaw anyway."
"Nah, nah," Major Egan said, stepping forward, closer to the RAF pilot this time - the height difference was palpable, with the RAF pilot looking upwards and Major Egan looking downwards, like some sort of quiet conversation being exchanging between the two, "gotta name?"
"Uh, Langley, sir-"
"Langley." Major Egan said, with a funny tone to his voice that was clearly making fun of the way the RAF pilot had said it, "Where the hell you from, Langley?"
"Birmingham. Sir."
"Oh, you're gonna start calling me sir, now, huh?" Major Egan said glancing back at the group of the three of them and grinning that sarcastic, shit-eating grin and pointing over his shoulder, "He called me sir, what a fucking character." Major Egan turned back to the RAF pilot and let his face grow cold.
"The crew is Silver Bullets and they're apart of the 100th just like myself," Major Egan said, "and they've had a long day. All of us have, got it? So, you'll back off if you know what's good for you. And leave these ladies alone and run along to you and your British friends, alright? Get yourself some warm beer, too."
"It's not really super warm-"
"You drink warm fucking beer." Major Egan said with a look, hands on his hips this time, "Go on."
Slowly Kennedy glanced back at the RAF pilot and watched as his brain seemed to rewire, licking his lips quickly as he did so, before retreating like a dog with its tail between its legs. The three of them watched as Major Egan watched the RAF pilot turn to leave, ducking out of the pub with the beer in his hand. Major Egan turned to them, a grin on his face, clearly satisfied with the words that had left his lips and then met her gaze.
"What a guy," Major Egan said, as Kennedy held his gaze, her cheeks heating slightly as she looked back to her beer sat, the glass practically melting on the beer and sighed, "these RAF pilots got a set to be saying stuff like that to you all."
"He said he talked to Lieutenant Bradshaw, sir," Judy said looking up to Major Egan who leaned up the bar beside her, "called her a sweet girl and all. He couldn't even seem to fathom the idea of Annie flying planes." Judy chuckled and looked to Major Egan again. "He probably would've fainted on the spot to hear that we actually are pretty efficient as an all-female bombing crew." Major Egan chuckled at her words and raised a hand for a beer.
"Got that right, Rybinski." Major Egan said with a smile Judy's way before looking to Kennedy and Paulina, "Everyone doing okay after today?"
One thing Kennedy always appreciated with their leaders was that they recognized the toll missions like that took on people - whether if they showed it on their faces or not, their eyes always spoke in ways they couldn't. And he could see that, that much was true.
"I have a cold beer in my hand, sir," Paulina said with a smile, "that's enough to be thankful for after today I must admit." Major Egan let the corner of his lip poke upwards and glanced at Kennedy.
"Farley." Major Egan said, his voice a drip softer than it had been when he'd first come over, "You're quiet."
"And when Kenny Farley's quiet," Judy said with a small smile, "you know the mission today was beating us more than helping us, sir." Major Egan looked to Judy with a saddened smile on his face before looking back at Kennedy.
"Just thinking about something that pilot said, sir," Kennedy said, looking to Paulina and Judy before looking back to him again, lacing and unlacing her fingers over and over again in a nervous way, "reminded me of Birdie." The group of four grew quiet at her words.
"Just when he was going on, sir, about flying night missions," Kennedy said with a nod, "something like we'd have far less losses than if we flew at night. And it just….I don't know, shit like that bothers me. Because he clearly knew about our crew sir, which meant he oughta have heard about Birdie." Major Egan's eyes shifted to hers again, before he glanced back over his shoulder towards the doorway, shuddering his shoulders and letting out a disgruntled groan. He reached forward to take a long sip of his beer and then stood up from the bar and looked to them.
"Come find me if another one of these smucks has another fucking comment," Major Egan said, reaching up to run a hand through his dark curls on his head, before offering a smile, "no one makes comments about the Silver Bullets crew without me hearing about it, alright?" Then he turned and Kennedy couldn't help but step forward and wrap her hand around his upper arm and look up at him.
"Don't do anything stupid, sir," Kennedy said, looking up at him knowingly, "you can have your thoughts about Silver Bullets and our crew, but other people don't like the looks of a woman in the service, nor a whole bombing crew. Don't go getting yourself into more trouble than is needed, sir, alright?"
"Farley," Major Egan said, reaching up to rest a hand on her shoulder, "I've already made enough comments towards them, about them, for them to build a bridge to the States and back. Defending you all ain't much trouble." Kennedy stared at him and fell quiet. "Look, I just got a few choice words for him. That's all."
"Those choice words better involve, don't say that sorta shit like that again and then a firm goodbye and no more, sir," Kennedy said looking at him, "you don't need that face sporting anymore black eyes."
"You think I got a pretty face, Farley?" Major Egan said, looking sideways at her with that award-winning grin again, pearly whites shiny and bright, his eyes squinty, his gaze on her. Kennedy stared at him, the tops of her cheeks turning red as she suddenly felt herself stand quite still, "Go back and enjoy a drink with Stagliano and Rybinski without someone like him hanging over you. Don't worry about me." Kennedy watched him and then slowly nodded.
"Thanks for that back there by the way, sir," she said, quicker than she wanted, her eyes holding his, "it was a long day, with the mission and all. We just wanted a night out without thinking about it, sir, ya know?" Major Egan smiled and bumped her shoulder.
"Think of it as free entertainment." Major Egan said with a grin, before nodding towards the door, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to head out for a bit. Enjoy your beer." He quirked out a grin. "You should wear your hair like that more often." And with that, he was stepping away, running his hand through his own hair and stepping outside the pub again. Kennedy watched him go, her cheeks flaming red - the fact he had noticed her hair was enough for her to swallow it down and forget about it. She turned and slid back to the bar, in between Paulina and Judy.
"What'd he say?" Paulina asked, bumping her shoulder, "Looked pretty damn happy about telling that guy off."
"I think he's probably gonna take a punch to the face, but he's going to go send the message home it seems." Kennedy said quietly as Judy giggled, "What?"
"The look on his face when he saw you weren't the happiest camper, oh Kennedy, it was real sweet." Judy said as Kennedy sipped her beer and ignored the swirl in her stomach and crimson on her cheeks, "He's just sweet on us, you know that. They all are. They'd defend us tooth and nail any day."
"See," Paulina said, leaning towards Kennedy and dropping her voice so only Kennedy and Judy could here, "could've put on that tube of red lipstick even just for him."
"Pauli!" Kennedy admonished and Judy giggled.
"You ain't ever gonna forget it, Kenny, never!"
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madmewmewofficial · 2 years
hi so i'm trying to figure out my gender, right? and she/her fits really well for me. but i don't know how i feel about other feminine gendered terms, "girl" might be okay but all the others feel uncomfortable and kinda wrong. do you have advice on this weird specific situation?
My advice is to keep doing what you’re doing! It’s okay if you only like some gendered terms! Remember! Gender is ABSOLUTELY NOT binary!!! You don’t gotta have ALL of the feminine terms of you don’t feel comfortable with them! Just keep trying out whichever ones you want, and if you don’t like some, that’s completely fine. Fine! FINE!!! And if you do happen to find some you like, I think that’s WONDERFUL!!! That just means that you’re figuring more about yourself, just like I did!!! And whatever your preference may be, whether it be pronouns, how people address you, or how you’re presented, just know you’re valid. Valid! VALID!!! So, go girl!!! I support you, mew~!!!
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foone · 7 months
I love trans fursonas. Like, this is not a person who lived a life. They aren't AMAB or AFAB because they weren't born: they were drawn or modeled or written or whatever, and what parts of their non-life that covers are entirely up to the creators. They can't be "trans" in the traditional sense because they didn't exist prior* to being a person who is trans, you know? They aren't transitioning from anything, there's no from to transition from.
They could look cis, in their appropriate gender. But they don't. They look trans, in all the forms that can take. Wolfgirls with bulges and catboys with top surgery scars... And that's why it's amazing. They could look like anything. Infinite possibilities and they look visibly trans. It's such a celebration of the trans experience because it's saying "this isn't just an unfortunate period between looking like my AGAB and passing perfectly", this is how I look, this is a valid way to look, this is a beautiful way to look, and there's reasons why you might want to look this way. This is can be a desirable way to look, in both non-sexual and sexual ways: you can want to look like this, and you can find looking like this attractive.
It's about the wish-fulfillment. It's about how it's explicitly saying "even in my wildest dreams where I can be a wolf who is a secret agent ninja with a billion dollars and five girlfriends... I'm still trans, and that's fine."
Cause like, there's no reason why your fursona couldn't just be cis, or trans but using magic or future science to pass perfectly! You could totally do that, and it's completely valid if you do want to do that.
But the fact you had that option and didn't choose it is what gives me such hope and love. It's the explicit confirmation that this is how you wanted to be that's so great.
* technically there are some cases where this isn't true: some people had a fursona that was the same gender as their AGAB, then they realized they were trans, and they transitioned their fursona alongside themselves. Those people are awesome, btw, and probably braver than any marine.
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verstappen-cult · 5 months
gonna take up on the request opening bc i love these lil blurbs you do with your moodboards! maybe "how they defend you online" esp charles and lando but if you feel like adding others its up to you !!
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lando was streaming when you came home one day. once he heard the front door being closed and then your footsteps, he excused himself with his friends and viewers and went to greet you. when he came back, there were several texts from his friends letting him know of some not-so-friendly comments about you. suddenly, lando had something else to do and ended the whole thing. he did not tell you anything, lando simply waited until his next stream for what he wanted to do. it was very simple and definitely something lando would do; and staring right into the camera lando let the world know that if they don’t support his relationship, then he just doesn’t want their support at all. from then on, lando just blocked everyone who didn’t have anything good to say. you’re the most important person in his life, how can anyone hate you? and so, lando made a promise to himself: show the world the amazing girl you are.
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even way before you started dating charles, receiving hateful comments and messages was a common occurrence. of course your boyfriend knew about it, everyone could see what was happening just by choosing a random picture on your instagram and reading the replies. it was sad, awful. but you didn’t want charles to do anything, you stopped him a lot of times because you didn’t want to bring too much attention into the whole thing. charles loves you and that is all that matters to you. it was, well, okay… until things became a little to real, a little too much, and charles couldn’t sit back and do nothing. so with a little bit of help from his team, he managed to write a very good and long statement about the whole thing. there were mixed opinions but things quiet down a little. and you weren’t happy at first, but something as simple as seeing your comment section hate-free made you forgive him sooner.
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oscar is a man of very few words and never engages in online drama or gossip. if and when he’s online, oscar just wants to see cute and funny videos. he’s a formula one driver and people should only be interested in that part of his life, but he knows that will never be the case. however, he’s still surprised to see various comments around twitter about you. they are not about how beautiful or intelligent you are or how happy you seem to make oscar with your pretty smile and sense of humor – not that they would know that. not that they deserve to know that, either. some part of him wants to reply to those people who definitely don’t know you, he’s angry, disgusted. and the rational part of him tells him to simply don’t say anything because they don’t deserve it. so, oscar just clicks to make a new tweet and begins with a simple phrase “you don’t know anything about me or my life…” and so on. maybe he sounded a little harsh, maybe things will get worse; he couldn’t care less, as long as you’re not mad with him, he can live with being the center of the drama. oscar will never let anyone disrespect you.
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max doesn’t care what people think and have to say about him, that ship has sailed a long time ago. but he can’t ignore when people say mean things about you, he just can’t, so, he doesn’t. max replies to every single tweet and comment on both his and your instagram that he sees, he goes directly to the point and if he’s mean then, who cares? maybe it’s a little bit childish but he doesn’t care, max will not allow anyone to talk shit about his girl. and if he needs to make a video or do an interview or whatever he needs to do to make people understand that you are part of his life and forever will be, then he will be more than happy to do them. max is almost never online, so when all of this happens he makes sure to make time to be online, to post a picture of you on his instagram story, to post a photo of your vacation together on his feed, to say how much he loves you via twitter, to mention you when he has the chance during an interview. he loves making you blush and seeing you trying to hide your smile when you see all those things. max also loves pissing people off.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
alex tries to be friendly. when he sees someone say something not good about his girlfriend, he doesn’t hesitate to prove them wrong and defend you. he knows you’re more than capable of doing it and has seen you doing it before; he loves it. but there’s this something inside of him trying to break free and just let everyone know the funny, pretty, amazing, kind girl he’s lucky to call his girlfriend. so, alex lets it free and goes liking, retweeting and replying to every single comment about you and how shiny and nice your hair is, how you seem to make alex so happy and how he’s always smiling around you (he makes sure to let them know why is that), how lucky alex is to have you by his side, and so on and on and on until there’s nothing more for him, until he can’t think about the mean things people said, until you are laughing next to him and calling him obsessed and kissing him like your life depends on it.
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daniel chooses a catchy song and changes some of the lyrics, then sets his phone down and sits with a big smile and his guitar. when the video starts, he simply says “this is dedicated to all of the assholes thinking that is okay to hate on someone’s girlfriend just because.” and then he starts singing. there are a lot of bad words and cursing and long pauses looking directly into the camera without losing that big and pretty smile he has. daniel then uploads the video to all his platforms with a little paragraph about why bullying is bad and why you should mind your own business because he’s not that interesting anyway and it won’t make him break up with you because some trolls are practically begging him to. he ends up getting in trouble for not consulting with his team before doing what he did, something that has him going viral, so viral that people outside of formula one and people who don’t even who he is talk about it. exactly what he wanted.
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the moment mick has to hold you in his arms as you cry because you’d read something mean about you, it’s the exact moment he decides to do something about it. he doesn’t want to cause drama or make things worse, so, it takes him a little while and some long calls with his sister to know what to do. mick puts the poetry classes you two take a few months ago to good use and writes the most beautiful and romantic poem you and everyone would ever read. it is about you, about his love for you, about what you mean to him and everything he likes about you. he posts a little phrase to his instagram stories and sets a time and day for when it will be posted it. when the day cames and you get to read it, you end up crying again but for a whole different reason. it’s not that you didn’t know mick loved you but it’s the gesture, the time he spent doing it, the fact that he wanted to do it and wanted the whole world to read his love letter to you, something that will forever be there.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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livinahey · 8 months
Random astro obs bcs y not
Warning ⚠️ mentions of abuse and trauma
scorpio luminaries & luminaries aspect to pluto (especially harsh aspect) almost be always know when something/someone is gonna do no good to you. If they warn you ab something then just follow them. Bcs what they say is scarily often end up being true
Also, if from the first meet these natives STRONGLY dislike you even though you didnt do anything then yeah.... Youre the problem lol. No matter if youre everyone crush, everyone sweetheart, or whatever is that. Again, like I said before, they seems to always know when something/someone is not good
These natives can also scared of themselves bcs of this
I think we admire ppl who have our mars sign as their sun sign
Sag sun with water moon women makes the loyal partner 🥺🤧 be it business partner, in friendship, or as a lover. Don't leave them.
When you see mars square pluto native gets bad mood or even angry.... RUN
Bcs they can be so violent at that time and you dont want to see that
Same goes to cap moon 💀
Women with moon square bml (black moon lilith) always have the best glow ups ✨✨🤧 im so proud (and bit jealous lol) of you dear
Mercury in leo degrees (5, 17, 29) being sooooo charming. They be say "hi" only and you already weak(???) lol
Leo venus 🤝 cant go a day without boasting what they love, be it their hobbies, their job, their loved ones, their pet, or even the place where they live lol. So passionate
I'm not surprised if theyre the one that have many posts on their social media account
Ppl with big 6 at 6 degrees (virgo degree) can be seen as villain
Moon conjunct jupiter synastry: when the moon person getting humiliated/disrespect, the jupiter person be defending the moon person. Also, the moon person can have soft spot for the jupiter person
Natal aspects to sun i like are sun conjunct mars and sun-pluto any major aspects. The word "sexy" is literally made for them lol.
women with cap or cancer mars plsssss check again the man you choose to date or even marry. Bcs i often see these women end up experience being abused severely by their man in their relationship. Men often being intimidated by these women yet still wanna date them. These women do dating man that seems cool and amazing or even adorable person outside BUT UNFORTUNATELY it turns out that the man are the worst person ever. At worst case, the man's family dislike these women due to jealousy towards them. No matter how bad these women get treated by the man, the man's family will still defend the man and treated these women as if theyre the problem 💔
Also, these women can dealing with fucking crazy men that cannot accept being rejected by them atleast once in their life. Scary af
Gemini moon/mars are naturally funny without even trying ✋😭
Sag/pisces rising 🤝 always have ppl crushing over them and even become worshipping them
Libra rising are so beautiful and it seems unbelievable
Cancer rising and their terrible mood swing 🤕 yet still look like the most calm and unbothered person ever
Mercury-bml aspects culture is having what they say being questioned. And if they have sun-uranus aspects too then.... Good luck trying to understand them 🥴
Mercury-bml aspects is underrated funny placements imo. They be say questionable thing but idk i find it funny tho 😩
Scorpio rising and having traumatic experience/memories when they young that seems keep haunting them even until they become old :(
Also they often get disappointed by their family :( they can give all their family members a mountain of gold, being so kind to them to the point they forgetting their own needs and this scorpio rising still getting unappreciated & bad treatment. PLS APPRECIATE SCORPIO RISING IN UR LIFE !!❤‍🩹🫂 they are one of sincere people that often attracts evil eye that doesnt wanna see them being success
Whats with earth rising and having this disgusted/judging look 🥲
They can look at you normally and you will feel that theyre judging you even if they arent
Sag rising and leo rising 🤝 having beef with eachother
Same goes to taurus sun x gemini sun
Cap sun x virgo sun friendship be the weird yet funny pair
Every leo placement always have virgo placement in their life
They can have love-hate relationship with eachother tho lol.
And the same goes to every cap placement that always have aries placement in their life
You either love the opposite sex that has the same mars sign as you OR going "mehh" of them
Earth rising 🤝 secured financially. Maybe you never catched them worry ab not having money to save their life
Hey thank you for reading this so far!! I do these obs not bcs I wanna gain followers or what but bcs I found these things give me joy hehe ✌🏻 english isnt my first language so apologize for any grammar mistakes. be safe out there!! 🫂✨
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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Madhubala (Mughal-e-Azam, Barsaat Ki Raat, Mr. & Mrs. '55)—The Venus of India; heart-throb of all who saw her; responsible for the sexual awakening of every single desi lesbian I know (including me!) And my god, she is breathtakingly beautiful. Look at the subtle grace with which she moves, and that smile - the kind of radiant smile that can make you laugh with sheer delight, or cry because of its hidden pain. Those wild curls! That Cupid's bow! The way she tilts back her head and smiles at you with mischief dancing in her eyes! She has a way of looking at the camera that makes you feel she's sharing a private joke just with you; it's something about that quizzical twist of the lips and eyebrows. As an actress, she is inimitable; she seems to effortlessly inhabit roles ranging from a heart-broken courtesan to a laughter-loving socialite. Fun fact : she's had quite the fan following in Greece! Stelios Kazantidis even wrote a song as a tribute to her.
Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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An icon of Bollywood, who was well known for her beauty and has continued to inspire performances and songs into the 21st century. She was at times described as "the number one beauty of the Indian screen" and "the biggest star in the world".
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She's been nicknamed the Marilyn Monroe of India and was one of the highest paid actresses in the Hindi film industry (the term Bollywood did not exist yet) during the 1950s. Also an extremely talented dancer and singer
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SHE'S JUST SO STUNNING, like seeing her eyes IMMEDIATELY CAPTIVATES YOU, THE DANCING, THE BEAUTY!!!!!!!!! She worked in Bollywood for over 20 years and passed away at a sad early age of 36, BUT THE IMPACT SHE HAD WAS UNMATCHED!!!!!
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That sassy sideways glance she does always has me WEAK AT THE KNEES. And when she's making silly faces at the camera to mimic someone ahhhh my gay little heart <3
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Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is.
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I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
ion words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
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SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
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She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
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She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
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With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
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A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
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tojiphile · 10 months
you don't need other boys when you have him, your daddy’s best friend. he’s everything you’d ever need and more, better than all the boys—he’s a man. a good man. these are the words he croons into your ear every time he sneaks into your room late at night, slipping an arm around your waist and his cock in your eagerly waiting cunt.
it all started when you had a fight with your dad. even though your dad was hosting his own birthday party, you sulked all night. your dad didn’t try to hide his own snide comments, so why should you? you didn’t greet guests nor help out, instead choosing to use your phone, drink as much booze as you could and retire to your bedroom early.
as you lay in bed, you could still hear the reverberations of music and the boisterous laugh of middle aged men and women alike. you groaned and covered your head with a pillow, trying to drown out the noise. so when he knocked on your door, opened it when you didn’t answer, and walked in, you jumped when the weight shifted on your bed as he sat down.
“i didn’t mean to scare you,” he says kindly, lending you a smile, “you just seemed… off, today. i wanted to check in on you.”
you sit up. this man was your dad’s best friend of years. not having any kids of his own, he spoilt you rotten. he bought you all the toys and pretty dresses that your dad refused to, arguing that they were too expensive before throwing money at gambling or whatever new woman walked into his life. as you grew up, you couldn’t help but develop a soft spot for him. when you sat still and pretty during dinners and parties, nodding along like a good girl your father demanded you be, your eyes always fell on him. his charming disposition, the way he chided your father like no one else could, and the way he’d always put food on your plate first, giving you a wink as you said thank you wordlessly.
of course, when your friends would talk about dilfs, your mind would never go to your father, the deadbeat dad who provided nothing for you. instead, you would always think about him. his salt and pepper hair that he ran his calloused hands through, smile lines set on his face more defined than any wrinkles, his toned body that you would dream about, touch yourself to every night. you were suddenly conscious that you weren’t wearing a bra. nor shorts.
“i’m fine.” you pull your blanket up to cover your chest. maybe it was the six pack of beer or the cask strength whiskey, but your head was pounding, and your heart was racing. he put a large hand on your thigh. your blanket hid your bare skin from his, but his gentle touch already sent heat pooling in your lower body.
“i’m sorry about your dad,” he says, “he’s an idiot.” he rubs your thigh reassuringly, perhaps innocently unaware of what he’s doing to you, “he doesn’t know how to treat a woman. much less his perfect daughter.”
you flush. was he really saying this? he continues, “i’ve tried to tell him so many times, y’know? how amazing you are, so filial, better than so many other daughters this day and age. he keeps blaming it on your mum leaving but god, that shouldn’t be a fucking excuse.”
he’s working himself up, you can tell as his brow furrows, his arms tense. it feels good to be validated, especially when your father was so unmoving. you place a hand on his toned arm, “i’m fine, but thanks.”
“but you shouldn’t be fine!” he stands up, pacing. you internally bemoan the loss of contact, “if i was your dad, i’d never treat you this way,” he sits back down softly, brushing a stray hair behind your ear, “if you were mine, i’d take care of you.”
his flushed face is inches from yours, you can smell the whiskey on his breath and see the heat in his gaze, almost blazing. he cups your face gently, eyes studying your face before falling back to your eyes, “you’re perfect, so beautiful.” you hold his gaze, you don’t know where this is going but you don’t want this moment to end.
the moment ends when you both hear your father yell and a beer bottle break. he must have lost in a game of poker. before you can react, your father’s best friend shoots up, “i’m sorry,” he trudges towards your bedroom door, “i shouldn’t have come up.”
his hand is already on your door handle and your mouth acts before your brain can stop it, “no.” he turns to look at you.
your pull the blanket off, revealing your bare legs, nipples perky against your thin shirt, “stay.”
his breath hitches, and you can see his pants tightening. he can’t peel his eyes away from you but he manages to mutter, “it’s wrong.”
you turn your body to his, spreading your legs and placing your feet on the bed, exposing your core to him.
whatever self control he had left seems to have evaporated at the pleading sound of your voice as he clicks your door lock into place and races over to your bed, forcing you to lie flat as he climbs on top of you, slotting himself between your spread legs, trapping you under him.
“you’re beautiful,” he whispers, leaning down to press featherlight kisses on your neck, “so beautiful.” you gasp as a hand grips your waist, running down the side of your figure.
“but this is wrong…” he tries to pull away but you stop him. “i don’t care.” you yank him by the front of his shirt, pulling all his weight on top of you as you press your lips together, running your hands down his broad back. he takes a second to react but follows your lead, he nips at your bottom lip and as you moan, he slips his tongue into your mouth.
he breaks away from the kiss, sitting up to pull off his shirt, revealing his defined abs. you let yourself feel him, reveling in the feeling. he leans back down, gaze never leaving yours but just as your lips are are about to meet, he stops. you can’t help but whine, though the sound is replaced by a gasp as a calloused hand cups you through your panties.
“you’re already soaked,” he laughs, “good girl.”
embarrassed but so unbelievably desperate, you let out a sigh, “only for you, daddy.”
he scoffs, “i know.” he pulls your panties aside, revealing your puffy pussy, “this isn’t the first time i’ve come up to your room.” he spreads you with his fingers, and you shut your eyes in anticipation, “i tried to find you last week to say goodbye but your walls are really thin. i heard you call out my name.”
the last time he was over, he must have come from the gym as his damp hair along with the tightest compression shirt you’d ever seen was enough for you to squeak out a tiny “excuse me”, before running to your room before you creamed yourself right there at the dinner table.
he slips two fingers into your greedy cunt, snapping you back to reality. he moves slowly, but his long, slender digits worked their magic, loosening you up while hitting at that spongy spot inside you. his thumb finds your clit and moves in small circles, causing your brain to short circuit. he hadn’t done much but the pleasure is insurmountable, the whole situation overwhelms you, and you find your core tightening, close. “cum for me,” he kisses down your neck, sucking near your collarbone. at his okay, you chase your release, writhing under him as his fingers continue working.
“so good for daddy,” he kisses you as you pant softly.
he slips his fingers out of your cunt and display them to you, slick and dripping. “messy girl.” you squirm as he spreads his fingers, showing off your viscous juices. he maintains eye contact with you as he takes his own digits in his mouth, sucking them clean, tasting you.
"sweet, just like you." he proclaims, booping your nose with the same finger that was just in his mouth seconds earlier. “can you take more?”
you nod. he grins, pressing a chaste kiss onto your lips. he sits up, one hand caressing your face and the other unbuckling his belt. he pulls it off in a swift motion, but before he can begin unbuttoning his pants, you move your hand to do so. "allow me," you smile up at him, puppy eyes glinting.
"someone's excited." he laughs, moving his hand to allow you to work on his buttons. his other hand, still on your face, makes its way down slowly, before his grip finally rests on your neck.
you unbutton his jeans and are faced with his grey underwear, straining from his bulge. “keep going,” he nudges you with his free hand. you pull at his waistband, allowing his cock to spring free. it’s thick, veiny, and big, bigger than any of the other boys’ you’d ever been with. tentatively, you wrap a hand around his length, causing him to hiss softly. your thumb doesn’t meet your fingers, so as you start pumping him slowly, up and down, you have to use two hands to grip him tight.
“god, you’re amazing,” he says with a sigh, giving your neck a gentle squeeze, gazing at you like you’re the most beautiful thing that’s ever crossed his sight. when you meet his eyes you can’t help but look away. still, you manage a whisper, “i- i want you.”
“say that again?” he asks, distracted by your hands working to unravel him. you flush.
“i want you…” you meet his eyes, “…in me.”
he barks out a laugh, spurred on by your boldness, “anything for you.”
he moves to stand up, shrugging off his bottoms. he moves to your bedside table and rummages around, looking for something. “any condoms?”
you shake your head. “i must have ran out. are you clean?”
he laughs. “considering you’re the first person i’ve fucked in a few years, i’d hope so.”
“good,” you hide a cheeky smile, before giving him your best puppy dog eyes, “because i really, really want daddy to give me his babies.”
with a raise of an eyebrow, he accepts the challenge. he always loves you best when you’re confident. makes him want to ruin you. he climbs back over you, spreading your thighs apart and aligning the tip of his cock with your dripping cunt.
he looks at you for your approval, and at your nod, he pushes his tip in. you gasp at the stretch, his thick cock opening you up like a present. you wanted him, no, needed him to fill you up, to make you feel so, so full.
you rut into him and he gets the hint, pushing himself deeper into you. it starts to feel painful, and you clench around him, trying to seek some relief. your fluttering walls make him feel so good, too good. he could feel himself coming close. “don’t do that!” he warns, but it comes out more as a moan.
you disobey, of course, and squeeze tighter. wrapping your legs around his waist, you pull him in deeper, causing you both to breathe in a sharp intakes of breath. any pain had evaporated into the pooling warmth in your stomach.
both of you stay in that position for a while, eyes locked. “fuck it,” he growls under his breath, grabbing onto your waist and pulling your body away from his, before snapping it back. he’s thrusting in, and pulling you off, all while his curved cock continues to hit that sweet, sweet spot that makes you see stars. you almost fall limp, but wanting to prove yourself, you start fucking yourself on his cock, lifting your hips and trying to move yourself to ease his load.
“such a good, a good girl. my good girl. my girl. my girl. mine.” he chants it like a mantra, each syllable a beat he moved along to as he fucked you silly. “who owns you?”
“you, daddy!”
he places a hand on your bare stomach and squeezes. following the curve of your body, he finds your breast. he takes your whole boob in his big hand, squeezing it so tightly it hurt. he moves to play with your nipples, rolling it around between calloused fingers, pebbling it. you moan and arch your back, allowing him to sink deeper into you.
“what a good girl you are, huh? fucking yourself on his cock. my pretty, pliant girl. ‘m gonna fill you up with my babies. wanna see your cute little stomach swell.” he lifts one of your legs, tucking it over his shoulder, allowing him to go even deeper than you thought he could. you’re squirming, trying to keep up with his relentless pounding but god it’s too much. his hand wanders your body, gripping at your tender flesh. he wants to feel you, every part of you.
just the thought makes the pooling heat in your stomach come to a boil, your toes curling, you cry out, “i’m gonna cum!” he continues fucking you, his stamina never letting up, “cum for me, my pretty girl, i’m close too.”
the pleasure is building to a climax and as he places a hand on your neck and squeezes, you feel your high washing over you, cunt convulsing over his cock. his grip doesn’t release, and black spots start to cover your vision, making you let out a shaky moan.
as he looks down at you, back arching and falling while he fucked you through your orgasm, the obscene sight of your precious body squirming under him is what takes him over the edge. he’s cumming into you, warm jets of white shooting straight into your cunt. his head empty other than his relentless thoughts, “mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.”
you both reach that peak together, gripping onto each other for dear life. when you’re all done, he presses a deep kiss on your lips and slips his softening cock out of you, rolling to lie by your side. still, greedily, he pushes his cum back into you, “take it all.”
he opens up and lets you roll into his arms. he places a gentle kiss on your forehead, and smooths out your tangled hair. you both lie there in comfortable silence, your eyes falling shut and his focused on you. soon, your breathing became even. when you fall asleep, he rolls himself out of your bed, looking down at your sleeping form, so peaceful and worry-free. he wants you to look like that always. slowly, he gets himself dressed to rejoin your dad’s party downstairs. tucking you in, he presses one final kiss on your head and whispers,
“good girl.”
GETO SUGURU, gojo satoru, zhongli, hajime iwaizumi, NANAMI KENTO, tetsuro kuroo, aki hayakawa
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prissygrlsorority · 1 year
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everything you need to make your own personal beauty binder 🎀
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disclaimer: this post is heavily inspired by @tomb-of-ligeia and @daphne-dauphinoise, and early 2010s beauty youtubers. it’s always kind to credit your inspo <3
inspired by the lookbooks and makeup charts used by makeup artists designers at high fashion runways shows and childhood bratz coloring and activity books. the law of attraction is at use heavily with this binder (writing down goals and wishlists)!
you should be keeping diy recipes you find in here.
*you don’t need a physical binder. some people function better with digital mediums. i prefer anything physical and concrete. but you can do all this in something like a notion, or your notes app, etc.
why? 🎀
a cute girly hobby (esp for type A, anal retentive, or analytical personalities/extremely creative, hands on people) to keep track of your routines, motivate you to keep yourself maintained, and figure out what works best for you. it’s nothing too serious, just a girly pastime for people that maybe buy too many products, slip up on routines, or don’t what looks best on your features. have fun!
what to record in your binder? 🎀
an intro sheet 10 different topics divided by tabbed sections: your personal features, makeup, body, fashion, skincare, hair, fragrance, nails, treatments/procedures, salons/spas/referrals/contacts 🎀
intro sheet 🎀
here, you should keep your goals, desired look, and how you want to perceive yourself.
your personal features
a chart of your color season. mine is cool winter. you can use color season for whatever, i choose to apply it to my makeup.
your natural body shape. this will help you choose the best clothes to flatter your silhouette.
a close up, unfiltered clear photo of your bare face. note your skin type, color, undertone, and any other things that stand out to you.
note what you wanna enhance and what you wanna improve. this will help throughout your binder.
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put on a light layer of every lipstick/lip gloss/etc. you have and make kiss shaped swatches in your binder. note the shade, brand, and finish. then the mood/occasion in which you’d wear it.
swatch all your lip liners, again leaving the details of the product.
swatch your foundation shades. note the finish, name and brand.
make a sheet dedicated to all your “holy grail”, essential products.
swatch your eyeshadow palettes. i have all my shimmer pigments swatches and it’s the prettiest thing to look at.
do you have any go to makeup looks? your casual look, going out look, no makeup makeup look, etc.? do these looks and take high quality pics. make personalized face charts by printing them out and noting the steps and products you used.
take c*nty pics of your lashes after trying on all your mascaras/falsies. note the effects and when you would be most likely to wear them.
print out any pics of interesting makeup looks and products you wanna try.
try on lip combos and kiss swatch them. i’m doing this because i do amazing lip combos all the time but i forget which products i used, and it’s hard to replicate the look.
take a stick figure-esque picture of yourself and print it out. any outfit you want to buy, print and clip it out first and see if it’s something you’d wear and actually like.
are you experiencing any skin issues on your body and trying any products? keep track of the issue and how the products are doing.
if you don’t already have one, brainstorm workout routines and general wellness/fitness goals.
what are your fav body products? what products did you buy, and hate? TRACK THEM!
any detoxes/diets you’re doing should be recorded in this section.
record “beauty enhancing” foods and drinks here. mine include matcha, lemon water and acv shots.
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outfit planning! take pics of pieces you already have and clip them out. (i’m doing this currently and keeping them all in a little pocket in my binder).
make a moodboard of your personal style(s). how do you want your closet to look? try to see what details, colors, additions are consistent throughout. when shopping, these are what you should keep track of.
print out your signature clothing color palette if you want to have one.
dedicate a page to accessories you have/want, and how you’d style them.
*this can be expensive but the fashion girls will prob love this* go to the fabric store and buy little swatches that you like. take note of what the fabric is and why you like it.
dedicate a page to all your signature details. all the little specific things that scream YOU and NO ONE else! that means do not write pink, girly, etc. here. that is not exclusive to you, hun.
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take a current filter free photo (make it glam! tie your hair up in a ballerina bun and put on some cute earrings) of the state of your skin. if your skin is perfect, i’m jealous and how does it feel to be god’s fav? if not what problems are you experiencing?
log your current skincare routines and how they’re working.
make a page for your skin type, how it feels when you wake up and how it feels and looks by the end of the day and research tips to deal with your personal skin type.
skincare wishlist! list any products you wanna try and what they are for. sample them from ulta or sephora if it’s possible.
dedicate a page to the skincare ingredients your skin loves the MOST! mine are retinol, bha, and vitamin c.
i have a page for all the extra cute little skincare devices i want. on it there’s a stainless steel gua sha, an ice pack, facial steamer, and pink foreo.
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what’s your hair type, density, porosity and curl pattern?
write down any hair goals you have. mine is frizz free tailbone length caramel brown hair with honey blonde highlights by the end of this year.
what’s your signature hairstyle? do you have a signature? brainstorm here.
clip out hairstyle inspo from pinterest and insta and try to recreate all the looks!
what are your fav hair products? i keep track of the best curling creams and leave in conditioners for my hair personally.
take note of any trending products you wanna try.
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make a moodboard of how you wanna smell. after this, research notes and how they work together.
now track your fav perfumes, your most complimented, etc.
note what fragrances go with what occasion and how they make you feel.
make your perfume wishlist! my fav part!
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swatch all your polishes. label them and their finish.
what’s your signature/go to nail look?
do you have any pics of your fav mani + pedis? print them out and write the details you loved the most.
write down your at home mani and pedi routine and it’s frequency.
write your fav colors and styles to wear on your nails. mine are glittery pink, pale pink, white, cream, french tip and pink frenchie. a hyper girly twist on the classics.
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take note of any surgeries or procedures you want done and what they do.
anything you leave the house to have done regularly, keep track here.
don’t limit yourself! forget your budget! what are some high maintenance treatments you wanna experience? manifest it.
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write down the sources of which you find great info for beauty and fashion
keep addresses of your fav salons and spas.
keep business contacts of your fav estheticians, stylists, nail techs, etc.
use my branding yourself guide to assist in your beauty binder! so much inspo and so many good resources! 🎀
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loveephia · 1 year
:¨ ·.· ¨: ハイキュー!! some of the HQ boys meeting a pretty fan . . .
`· . ꔫ . . . (goshiki, atsumu, kuroo, iwaizumi, bokuto.)
⚠ warning/s: none.
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goshiki loves being doted on. that's a given.
so when you commended him for his talents after a practice match, best believe he was over the moon.
"t- thank you, y/n!" goshiki said, mentally scolding himself for the stutter. usually, he'd be much more confident than this, but your cheerful attitude and cute face just chipped away at that.
"i was just telling the truth." you state with a charming wink.
"careful, y/n. you might break him!" semi joked.
now atsumu's met his handful of fans, beautiful and all, but you stood out to him the most.
"what can i do fer ya, darlin'?" atsumu asked, accidentally letting a petname slip from his lips. he mentally facepalms, hoping that his little mishap wouldn't drive you away.
"uhm.. may i have a picture, please?" you asked, pushing your glasses up awkwardly.
"of course!" atsumu accepted like an excited puppy. his teammates shared a knowing look, an unspoken statement that went, "yep. he's already fallen deep."
kuroo's first thoughts on you weren't anything out of the ordinary. just a "yeah, she's cute" is all.
you asked kuroo for a picture, and he accepted. since he was taller than you, he could smell the fragrance of your shampoo. fruity.
kuroo then wraps an arm around your waist, and you swore that your breath hitched.
the picture was finally taken, and you thanked him shyly before walking away to your own friends, who teased you endlessly about what they just saw.
"did i really just do that?" kuroo thought, in a daze.
iwaizumi doesn't have nearly as many fans as his best friend, so when he does get a fan, a beautiful one at that, he gets all shy about it.
"iwaizumi, you're an amazing player, and whether you choose to pursue volleyball or not, i'll be rooting for you." you smile warmly at him, your soft hands clasped around his calloused ones.
"t- thanks for that, y/n." he manages to let out through his heavy chest.
how could someone be so ethereal?
he lets out a little "woah" upon first meeting.
"i watched your game against nekoma a few months ago, and you were so cool! you were like.. bam! or- more like fwoosh, thwack!" you tried to mimic the noises and movements made on that court, all the while accidentally feeding bokuto's soaring pride.
now he's ten times more pumped for his game later! he hopes that you'll be watching him, and him only.
"aw, shucks. thanks, y/n!" bokuto smiled brightly.
you see akaashi behind bokuto, giving you a quiet thumbs up for whatever reason..
(akaashi was telepathically trying to tell you, "thank you for help keeping our aces' spirit high.")
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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raphaelsrightarm · 5 months
Your work is absolutely amazing and I was hoping you could do a nsfw scenario for the bayverse boys, their s/o is super needy and desperate to be loved on but the boys are on the phone with someone (anyone of your choosing), they get tired of waiting and pull their mans pant down to blow him. It would be nice to see how long the boys last on the phone call.
I chose Donnie for this one just because as I read this he immediately popped into my head let's also pretend Donnie's desk is behind a door in a secluded lab and not in their actual living room cause otherwise this would be awkward haha
Words: 1769
Warnings: Smut, 18+
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It had been two weeks since he had last fucked you. 
Two weeks of him either being glued to his desk or being dragged to his bed by one of his brothers whenever they had enough.
He had taken on new responsibilities with the NYPD, mostly in an attempt to ease the collective anxiety most of them had felt ever since their fight with Krang. He had been looking for ways to prepare themselves for a return, if there ever was one. Finally, he found a way. He’d spent never ending days creating devices that could pick up on any ripple that could allude to his reappearance. 
They were beautiful, and with each one he created your pride for him swelled more and more. There was another desk chair in his lab he had just for you, which is where you’ve been for nearly every day since he began working on his newest endeavor. 
You didn’t mind it. It was nice to watch him work. He always seemed to know what to do and how to complete it. You were sure that there wouldn’t ever be a day when he didn’t impress you. 
But you couldn’t deny that you missed him. Most days he would be at his desk, but still being able to leave it for a little while. Then there were times when he would get so swept up in his work that he would fixate on his project until he was completely sure he was happy with it. 
That’s what led to him being glued here for days. 
That’s what led to the need that’s been left to engulf you. 
“You’re quiet today.”
Donnie proved to have a certain talent to be vigilant of what was happening around him even while immersed in his screens. There had been days when you would be telling him stories as his fingers flew across the keys and he would hear every single word. 
“Sorry,” you watched as he pulled away from his notes and drawings and flexed his fingers. “Just distracted.”
“Do you want to watch a movie tonight?” You knew the answer by the way his eyes guiltily flicked quickly to his work then back to you. He was trying to figure out how much time these machines would take. He had finished ten, and wanted to create more so that there was enough to cover the city. 
He hated the way your face fell, hated even more that it was because of him. “I’m sorry, dove. It won’t be long before I finish all of this, then we can do whatever you want. I promise.”
“You don’t want to take a break?”
“I took a break the other day.” He said defensively. 
“You mean when Raph forced you to go to bed?”
He feigned offense. “I lost a lot of valuable time, then.” He was trying to make you smile, and the gesture alone brought a small one to your face. 
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes staying focused on you. 
“Come here,” He placed his elbows on the arm rests of his chair, opening his arms. Part of you wanted to be spiteful, to stay planted in your seat. But that part was much smaller than the temptation of being close to him. 
You curled up in his lap the way you had so many times before. His arms felt so familiar to you as they encased you. You laid your chin on his shoulder as his hands moved around your back. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispered as his fingers combed through your hair. “I know I can get caught up.” 
The guilt you felt washed away the rest of your anger, which flooded out with a sigh against his skin. “It’s ok. I know it isn’t your fault.”
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before pulling you up so he could look at you. “How about we watch a movie in here? I could pull it up on one of my monitors.” 
You felt yourself fill with warmth at how much he wanted to see you happy. The effort he always made to make sure you didn’t feel neglected. 
“That would be nice.” His heart swelled at the sight of you smiling. He pressed a kiss to your lips, one that was supposed to be quick, innocent. Then he did it again. And again. Then his hand cupped the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair. 
It was almost embarrassing how much desire rolled through you from something so simple. You knew he could tell as he inhaled deeply through his nose, inviting your scent in eagerly. 
His hands slid to your hips as he savored the feeling of your lips on his, basking in the heat of your body. You felt him harden underneath you as his grip tightened. 
Slowly, you rolled your hips against his bulge. His whole body stiffened as he took in a sharp breath. He began guiding your hips to move at the speed he wanted, which unfortunately, was slow.
Even then, the friction was making your limbs numb, the only important part of you being the one touching him. His small moans would fold against your lips as he moved you faster. His hand slid up the back of your shirt, moving up your skin until he found the clasps of your bra, and you felt your heart race.
It was then his phone started ringing. And your heart dropped to the floor. 
Part of you hoped he would ignore it completely, and you deflated even more when he pulled away to check who was calling. He looked at you apologetically.
“It’s Vincent.” You pressed your forehead to his shoulder in defeat. His sigh had a hint of amusement in it. “Give me just one second. Just to make sure everything’s okay.”
You nodded as you climbed off his lap, returning to your seat. 
He answered and began speaking, you could tell he was trying to rush. He listened to her concern, then shut his eyes and let out a breath, once again looking guilty.
“She wants to ask about the placements of the devices.” He explained. After a moment, you realized he was asking you if you were alright with him answering her. You felt the sting of annoyance about the timing, but you nodded, waving him on with a flick of your hand. 
He reached out and squeezed your knee before turning his eyes to the monitor that had a map of New York, littered with purple dots indicating where he wanted to install his systems. He began listing off street names to her as you watched his lips move. 
Your eyes slid down his chest, guided by the strain of his straps, coming to a stop of his hard cock still pressing against his pants. Slowly, you rolled your chair toward him. He spared a brief glance to you before listing off more places on his map. He paused in between each one, making you think she must be writing them down.
Your hands slowly reached for him, your palms flattening on his knees. He looked at you, confused, until he saw the smirk on your face and your body moving to the edge of your chair. He pieced it together quickly after that.
He watched with a look that was a mix of disbelief and challenge as you slid to your knees in front of him. You didn’t look away from his eyes throughout any of your movements. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know the look meant, Don’t you dare. 
He then seemed to remember he was supposed to be responding, jolting a little. “What’s that?” He cleared his throat to try and mask that his voice had gotten high. “Yes, I’m planning on placing them the same distance from one another.” His hand squeezed his phone while the other was gripping the arm rest. You reached for the hem of his pants, undoing his belt and zipper before he became exposed to you. 
You slowly wrapped your hand around him, not yet moving, only applying the pressure. It was enough to have him breathing heavily, taking the lower half of the phone further away from his face to muffle it. 
His ability to divide his focus suddenly disappeared as he asked Vincent to repeat her question, giving her an answer you weren’t paying attention to. Your hand began a steady pace, his hips twitching slightly toward you.
There was a new fire lit in his eyes. He watched as you leaned forward to press kisses along the base. You ran your tongue up his shaft, stopping to swirl it around the head.
He bit his fist keeping his noise down as he glared at you. The spark in his eyes never dimmed though, he had been missing this just as much as you have. He missed the feeling of your hands on him. He missed the way your warm mouth felt wrapped around him. He missed being able to watch your eyes tear up as you took him as far back in your throat as you could manage. 
You took the head of his cock in your mouth, sucking gently on it before releasing. You kept your eyes on him, knowing that by now you’re on the way to driving him insane. 
You took him in again, pushing down further this time, as far as you could go. Your hand stroked the rest of him as your head began bobbing along his length. 
His head pressed the back of his chair as he began answering anything with one word sentences or with simple ‘mhm’s. 
Heat was traveling through you at the sight, spreading through every vessel in your body. His eyes clenched shut for a moment as he concentrated on staying silent. 
Finally, they began saying their goodbyes. 
“I’ll be able to finish them up soon,” His eyes full of lust as he looked at you, “I have something I need to deal with first.” His voice flowed against you like water as a new surge of excitement ran through you. 
You released him with a pop as he hung the phone up, still stroking him with a small grin on your face. He dropped his phone on his desk and ran his fingers through your hair. 
“That needy, huh? Do you need it that badly?” His hand moved to cup your chin. You began to stand, but he placed a hand on your shoulder. “Finish me off, then I’ll give you what you want.”
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microcosmicheart · 4 months
A Message from Your Secret Admirer
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*rubs hands together evilly because I'm nosy*
1 2 3 4
Pile 1
- It’s taking Forever to get your cards! - This person could be methodical in their thought or way of speaking - They want this shit to stay a secret 😭 - I feel like once I get the message some of you may know exactly who it is.
Hey. I feel like some rest would do you good. Get enough and a lot of it. Need to see your pretty face again soon, happy and healthy. How’s that thing going? The one you didn't tell me about, but I heard second hand? I know you'll do great. Also, a bit of personal info: I’ve been a bit stunted when it comes to relationships, something I’m workin’ on. But I’m making a comeback, all thanks to you. I'll be asking you out sometime soon, I’ve just gotta talk to you first 😭. See ya later,
- This person thinks you are SO attractive literally all of you. The way you think, how you dress, your smile! They got it for you BAD
Pile 2
- Just turned on Candy Pop by TWICE 😭 Read the lyrics! - Keep hearing bubblegum? Like the word. Like they’re “gummy” or “chewy” - This is my LGBTQ+ pile - They are not shy at ALL
Hey! So you remember how you came to our group asking for advice on something? I say go against the grain! You’ve played it safe your whole life and quite frankly so have the people in our group. There’s nothing a little looking and leaping won't fix! I'm getting the sense that one of the things you admire about me is my courage to be me? Guess what, I see the same thing in you! I understand that this'll be a big step for you, and I’d like to tell you to take your sweet time! Also, if you ask me, I'll say yes ☺️. Love you,
- TWICE and ITZY (kpop groups) may be very important to this person  - They also may love bunnies/rabbits - You also could actually be interested in this person
Pile 3
- Lowkey by NIKI - This person drinks - This person WILL be asking you out soon 😭 - They aren’t even gonna ask for much but they’re willing to give you their all (be kind!)
You want it? I got it. You need me? I’m THERE. Honest to god I’m tryna love you the way you deserve. You know I can make it happen, whatever it is. I’m bein so forreal. You ma ONE. Like dis is it. I gotchu forreal just let me show you.
- They are ON IT. - Honestly I’m not even seeing this as a secret, but I don't think you're understanding the extent of this person's love, hence the message. - Y'all's cards are amazing 😭 Like they are real life in love with you I hear them going “I’m sayin corny shit like I feel COMPLETE 😭” - Your heart is safe with them fr, have fun 💕
Pile 4
Literally getting not a damn thing outta this person they probably don’t speak often let alone to you 😭
Hey Love. I see you're still doing your best recovering from that *curseword in another language*. I still find you quite beautiful. This isn't what I’ve come to say though. I ask simply that each day you grow more and more selfish. I’d love to see you obsessed with yourself. A compact in your hand and gloss on your lips, ignoring those you don't wish to speak to. I wish to see you shine authentically, should you choose to, of course. I know you’ve got it in you. Love,
- Awwww - Their energy is so gentle and calm  - You guys could work in healthcare - They’ve got a fatass crush on you and are 100% certain you aren't going to ever find out.
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 3 months
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"To All of the Girls I've Loved Before" III Hazel Callahan x Reader
“You’re such a loser Callahan, why would we need rules for a fake relationship? Or any relationship for that matter?”
Tags: Cheerleader!Reader, fem!reader, no use of y/n, lightly proofread, fake dating
Hazel totally wasn’t daydreaming about kissing you
For like the fourth time that day
It was stupid and she thought nothing of it until you decided to pull her away from her usual lunch table to sit outside where you both could talk privately.
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Hazel takes out a notebook and starts to write as she speaks, mainly so she doesn’t get distracted by staring at your pretty eyes, “I’ve started to write up a list of rules for us both to have so we can continue this…whatever you call it” she says while drumming the pencil against the table.
You scoff and roll your eyes, “You’re such a loser Callahan, why would we need rules for a fake relationship? Or any relationship for that matter?”
Hazel sighs and scoots closer to you so you can both see the notebook clearly, “I mean it’s just important to me that we understand each other’s boundaries” she says before looking up at you, getting a little too focused on how soft and kissable your lips look right now, she clears her throat and brings her attention back to the book in front of her
“For example, we shouldn’t kiss each other anymore,” Hazel says quickly
You look at her for a minute to see if she is kidding or not, and when you come to terms that she is serious, you can’t help but laugh a little
“You’re serious?” you say between your laughter, “Hazel you can’t be in a relationship and just not kiss” You grab the notebook and start writing 
“How about this? We save all of the heavy stuff for when either Josh or PJ are around. I mean those are the main people we’re trying to convince right?” you say as Hazel nods quietly
You smile and nod along as you write it down, “Alright then…rule one, no kissing unless PJ or Josh are around”
Hazel brings the notebook back over to herself and grabs the pen, “You can choose a few of my sweaters and hoodies to wear…that’s a couples thing, right?” she asks tentatively and you laugh softly while nodding
“Alright, rule two, you have full access to my awesome hoodie collection, and you can give me one of your millions of scrunchies to wear or something,” Hazel says and smirks slightly when she sees you shake your head and laugh
She quickly writes another rule down, “You also have to come to my fight club meetings” she says to which you groan and try to grab the book from her
“Hazel, those meetings are just about you guys punching each other, and sorry but I don’t feel like getting blood stains on my favorite skirt,” you say rolling your eyes
Hazel scoffs and yanks the book back, “First of all, you would just be watching as I show off my amazing fighting skills, secondly, we don’t fight all the time” she says before writing the rule down, “And we can’t tell anyone that this was fake so that means when we end it, it’ll have to look real” she says while continuing to write
“Anything else?” Hazel asks as she looks back up at you
You fiddle with the bracelets on your wrist and look up, “I could write you notes? Every day,” you say with a soft smile on your face. 
Hazel looks up, your eyes meeting for a split moment and she swears that there was a hint of something else behind those beautiful eyes of yours, “Really? You’d do that?” she asks softly
Clearing your throat, you look away as you feel your cheeks heat up slightly, “That was a thing me and Josh did…it would piss him off for sure if he saw me doing it with someone else” you say while taking the notebook and writing it down
“Also if I’m going to be at your fight club meetings then you’ll go to every game I cheer at and you’ll come with me to parties,” you say looking back up at Hazel who shakes off her previous thoughts and nods, “Sounds fair enough” she says while regaining her composure.
“And you have to come with me on the ski trip,” you say while writing everything down and putting SKI TRIP!! in big bold letters
Hazel freezes, the senior ski trip was infamous for being the place where more students lost their virginity than senior week and prom combined
Hazel had never been…obviously
“That’s still three months away, do you think we’re still going to be doing this by the time it comes?” Hazel asks, trying to ignore the blush that is creeping up her neck and burning the tips of her ears.
You smirk and slide the notebook back to her, “We’ll call it a contingency, no one in their right mind would ever let their partner go on that trip without them, so if we are still doing this by then, you have to go with me” you say while holding the pen out to Hazel
“Okay…deal,” Hazel says before grabbing the pen and signing her name, and you follow suit soon after before shaking her hand
There is no way that you two will still be doing this once the ski trip rolls around…
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a/n: I'm back! It's been a while since college apps and all of the new FAFSA changes happening so I might not be posting on a regular schedule until all of that is cleared up. Anywho, I love you, now go drink some water you girl kissers!
Premium Girl Kisser Taglist: @littlelittlebear
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ackermai07 · 1 month
𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬
a/n: a quick one shot to stay active, I dreamt about this so have fun!
Don't repost!!
𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader
𝗪𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: kisses, fluff, and just Shoto being a hot man.
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Both of you were sitting on the bed, each leaning on a the bedboard engrossed in something.
Shoto was shirtless, holding a book in his hand, reading intently, while you were in a silky blue nightgown, browsing your phone, enjoying each other's silent presence.
But it didn't last long. You put down your phone and turned to face Shoto.
"Sho, can I ask for something ?"
"Hmm," he replied, equally engrossed, signaling for you to continue speaking.
"Can I put lipstick marks on your face?" you asked hesitantly.
"Lipstick marks?" he raised his eyebrows in surprise, closing his book to fully focus his attention on you. "What's the sudden reason for that?"
"I can't decide, to be honest, but I suddenly have this urge to do it," you explain, fidgeting with your fingers nervously. "You can refuse if you want-"
Before you could finish your sentence, you felt a light nip on your bottom lip. Shoto did it and smiled lightly at you.
"I love your random ideas, and there's no way I'm refusing this,"
He said simply, then got up from the bed and headed towards your makeup drawer, pondering which lipstick to choose. But he noticed one that he remembered buying for you last time, a dark red shade, and hurriedly took it before returning to you.
"Here... do whatever you like," he said in his husky voice, extending the lipstick to you before lying down beside you.
Meanwhile, you smiled shyly and took it gladly, quickly starting to apply it to your lips carefully and precisely, using your phone's camera to ensure no mess.
As you did, Shoto was already admiring you, mesmerized by your perfection from all angles, and the way your lips sparkled alone managed to drive him crazy and took away much of his self-awareness so as not to suddenly pounce on you.
And it was worth it as he leaned in for a kiss already.
After a minute, you were already done and put the lipstick aside.
"So, Shoto... ready for me to paint your handsome face?" you ask as you lean towards his face.
He chuckled lightly and nodded affirmatively. "Always ready for you, my lady."
Your smile widened, then you cupped his cheeks and planted wet, slow kisses all over his face, his soft cheeks, sharp nose, forehead and his scar, sharp jawline, and neck. You kissed everywhere, and with each kiss there's a mwah sound ,which was dear to him.
Shoto was completely lost, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the softness of your lips against his skin, but he noticed that you never came close to kissing his lips, so he surrounded your waist with his arm and pulled you above him to meet your face with his, whispering in a seductive tone.
"Are you teasing me, beautiful?"
"Me? I don't understand what you're talking about, Sho," you try not to smile and already realize that he noticed your teasing.
In return, he smiled sideways and pressed his hand against your waist before bringing his face closer to yours until your breaths mixed together.
"If you intend to kiss me, give my lips their share too," he whispered before you could reply, feeling your lips push towards yours in a strong kiss. So you closed your eyes, enjoying his warmth, and hugged his neck in an attempt to deepen the kiss.
And there, your lips danced in harmony, hitting your lips with hunger as if he were trying to devour them, in an attempt to steal your breath while you tried to keep up with his intense pace, contenting yourself only with issuing satisfied hums.
And the situation continued like this for minutes until both of you felt a strong desire for air, and you both moved away from each other with rapid breathing.
You slowly opened your eyes to meet Shoto's handsome and kissed face, full of scattered kiss marks all over his face and neck.
"A work of art," you said in amazement as you ran your finger over his lips.
"Hmm," Shoto smiled at your words and opened his eyes to gaze at your shining eyes. "All yours."
Your cheeks turned red, and you smiled happily. After a couple of minutes of admiring each other's faces, you hurried to grab your phone and point the camera towards his face.
Shoto looked at you with a raised eyebrow in surprise, asking, "What are you doing?"
"Taking a picture, this beauty needs to be saved in my phone," you replied, already taking your picture, and staring at it with overflowing emotions in your eyes.
And Shoto there stared at you before flipping you under him with a quick move and taking the phone from you.
"You'll be the death of me, definitely."
"Shoto! Give me back my phone-"
Again, he interrupted you, but this time he tickled you, his fingers moving quickly on your sides, and the sound of your laughter echoing in the room.
"S-sho.. Shoto!! Please.. stop it!"
"I love you," he said with a smile, leaning in to kiss you again.
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"Y/n! I washed it 15 times and it ain't removing!"
"Oh.. I forgot to tell you it stays for 24 hours."
"You-... Come over here."
"Wait Shoto noo-!!"
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.
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i4oba · 2 months
nct dream as… !%# types of dates .. 🥣⋆☄︎. *. ⋆
[non-idol ver.! just so you know eheh]
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✰ MARK — drive-in theater
it honestly came to mind pretty randomly, as you two got back from your last exam of the semester, driving mindlessly for about two hours — not because you didn’t know what you want to do, but because you two simply just enjoyed doing nothing??? but so many things at the same???
just listening to the mixtape you made for mark, singing so loud everyone could hear since the windows were rolled down too… you felt a sense of freedom? some kind of… relief from the burdens??? it was a pretty hectic exam season you two had to endure and since it was finally over.. you couldn’t keep your excitement low
looking at each other with love and adoration, exhaustion vanishing in the company of the other one — it honestly should be studied? how easy it is for you two to affect the other???
you stumbled upon the drive-in theater by accident, it wasn’t planned or anything, you just wanted to simply spend your night at mark’s place and call it a day, watch a movie on his laptop while cuddling and stuff
but when you spotted the sign you couldn’t help but exclaim, getting all excited over it, even slapping mark’s upper arm… poor boy winced and just said “hey, no need to kill the driver”
you didn’t even need to convince him honestly, he immediately agreed and there you were… not knowing what was actually screening, blindly finding a good spot you two can park and enjoy the movie
it would’ve slapped if it was some kind of slasher horror from the 80s… but it was casablanca
WHICH IS SO CLICHÉ I KNOW BUT it makes So much sense and honestly, it’s such a big game changer to see it like that. it’s like an opportunity you shouldn’t miss
mark got some popcorn and something to drink, to make the whole atmosphere even more “vibey”, as he said, and you two just.. turned off your minds and watched the movie
discussing it and everything, like FELLAS, that’s the right experience! that’s how you watch a movie!!! YOU GOTTA ANALYZE THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!!!!! ahah
in the end, when almost everyone drove away from the theater, leaving you two here with like.. only 3 other cars, mark gave a kiss on your lips, as a way of celebrating it all. it was for a fleeting moment only, yet it was so sweet and full of emotions
it was a reward, of some sort.
✰ RENJUN — museum date
there was this new exhibition at the local fine arts museum so… it wasn’t even a question that you two would literally RUN (and get a good use of the student discount ahah, it’s a lifesaver!)
casually choosing some elegant clothes which, of course, had to be matching to a certain extent – people HAVE TO see that you guys are together, plus it would look so good on the pictures
you expected lot more of people since it was the first week of the grand opening but it wasn’t that crowded. Which is a good thing honestly, you hate it when it’s sooo full you cannot even move properly
it was an exhibition of some impressionist works by some of the most renowed painters, it was a must to not only look the best, but to prepare yourself for a long day of strolling around
you usually spend tons of time in museums anyways, but this also as part of a date??? the security would have to kick you out asap.. ahah
renjun immediately reached for your hands to hold, while walking around, looking at the beautiful paintings, talking about whatever came to mind – not just about art itself, topics changed so fast you couldn’t even realize it by the time it did
being in art school meant that renjun can sometimes tell you little fun facts and tips&tricks he had learnt in uni
sometimes it amazes how well informed he is and how he knows so many know-hows.. not like you weren’t aware, you absolutely knew he’s smart AND TALENTED, but still ahah
after a good… 3 hours or so? you two decided to end the date with a quick stop at the museum shop :DDD it’s a must honestly, you gotta buy every magnet and postcard you can… especially of such beautiful paintings???!!! you would be stupid if you left without Anything
so you two bought tons of stuff… even some things you can exchange, as if they were gifts for one another :,) ahhh…
you just have to print out that picture of you two, taken in front of that big painting of mesmerizing flowers: renjun kissing you softly, hands on your waist, eyes closed
✰ JENO — stargazing
you had been planning this for literal days before… you know, getting everything together, like those cool ass lamps in a jar bottle with the led stuff, blankets you bought from a nearby art shop?? which sold basically everything??? ahah
drinks and snacks too… you were honestly So Ready to go stargazing! :D
you were supposed to go to that rather tiny park of the town which is mostly empty. that’s why you decided on going there, avoid people and stuff, just the two of you, looking at the constellations >:( honestly it’s so romantic it makes me Cringe (i crave it)
but in the end, you two decided to stay at yours instead, since your parents left for the weekend anyways, which is just a bonus: it’s the two of you in the backyard with the vast sky full of stars
idyllic??? romantic??? adorable and unforgettable??????
All of the above
at first, you two just sat down on the swing bed your father recently bought at a random flea market he religiously visited every weekend :,)
but then, to use the blanket you brought outside (what a tiresome task ahah), you two laid down on the ground instead
the first constellation you spotted was the big dipper, exclaiming when you noticed it on the sky, gently shoving jeno’s shoulder, who was rather nonchalant at first
he then, of course matched your energy, and got super super excited, especially after noticing the ursa major :D he felt like he accomplished his life goal or something ahah (hes so stupid but in a cute way)
what the cherry on top was is his hands, reaching for yours, fingers intertwining, as your heart warmed up – you looked at him, his beautiful face, and noticed that adorable eyesmile of his
life felt good. you felt at home
✰ HAECHAN — restaurant hop
he fucking hates cooking lmfao he’s all like “yo girl i don’t think we should let Me get near that oven… we might burn up the whole house IJBOL” (he would definitely use ijbol irl)
so you were like…
hyuck, you literally don’t even have to come to the kitchen bro, i will cook… which happens most of the times when you decide to stay at home for dates
but this day!!! to spare you from the tiring task of cooking!!!!!!!! he said that you guys should try out restaurant hopping
you were confused as hell honestly, like wdym you want that, aren’t you a picky mf lmfao
but he said that he’s feeling adventurous and is pretty much lazy to go hiking or anything that a sane person would go for
and he felt hungry so it was like the best choice in his eyes – you were sick of spending most of your nights at his (shared…) apartment so you agreed after like… 5 secs of persuading
you wanted to plan out where you should go and maybe book a table at some restaurant but he was all like “honey, we should be spontaneous, go with the flow…”, so you did???? Ahah
the first restaurant was not even a restaurant, it was just the first street food stall you two stumbled upon, getting something for the both of you
you didn’t want to feel full so early so you chose something light (unlike hyuck who was sure he was “alright” but after like the second stop, he was dying because his stomach was hurting “So Badly”)
you ended the restaurant hop with a donut at one of the bakeries you usually go to – you know, to finish it off with something familiar??? now lemme just say, it was chaotic, because haechan could BARELY finish it and made it your problem, whining like a little girl after every bite
like you told him not to get the biggest, sweetest and greasiest one but he was sooo sure in himself, he said he’s got an extra stomach for desserts
well… was he wrong…….
you spent 1.5 hours there!!!!!! he took so much time LMFAOXJAJX they were closing already and he still hadn’t finished
so you tried to rush him and stuff but he turned his princess mode on ahah
but at least, on the way back to his place, he bought you tulips :) it was such a sweet gesture <3
not as sweet as his donut was…… (he almost threw up the next day cause he was feeling nauseous from the food)
✰ JAEMIN — picnic date
jaemin was so excited :( he literally couldn’t stop talking about it like.. that’s right dude!!!!!! we’re going on a date!!!!!! A PICNIC DATE!!!!!
he would literally live in the kitchen before the occasion so that he can cook&bake tons of things for you to eat :) he’s so… he’s so malewife
all you’re left to deal with is bringing the basket and checkered blanket, every other things are settled! they are in his hands, under his control :D
you two went to the park which is right next to the lake – you wanted to see swans while talking about anything and everything that came to mind (he literally compared your beauty to that of a swan… which made you almost tear up like BOY YOU DID NOT… argghhh)
it was a must to start it off with the most basic and cliché thing of everything: the chocolate covered strawberries, feeding each other all lovey-dovey, tooth rottingly sweet and stuff
everyone was possibly like “okay lemme just kms” when they spotted you two, all up on each other, legs all tangled together, stealing kisses from the other, while giggling so loudly
it was SOO so idyllic, almost like you two escaped from a romance movie, or a painting. it felt… perfect, in a way?
birds singing, the sun shining gently on your skin, while you could hear the laughter of the children running around, clouds in animal shapes
then the sun slowly setting, pinkish hues taking up the sky above, everything becoming quiet as time passes by
he hugs you tightly. tighter than ever, perhaps
✰ CHENLE — karaoke
if two weeks pass by without you and chenle going to a karaoke… Most probably it’s because you broke up or something
like girl ain’t no way you WON’T go to karaoke dates… nuh huh, impossible to even think of that ??? CHENLE, out of all people
that’s the least believable thing like i promise you!
like saturday night are for the gir- KARAOKE!!!!! :P that’s how it always goes, getting ready, putting on some casual clothes, maybe eating something quick before that, and then spending the entire time singing your lungs out
you don’t even have energy by the end of it, like it… seems impossible to even crawl back home :,)
but honestly it’s all worth it, comparing your score and stuff, seeing which one of you sings better
sometimes you just open instagram and do lives too, so that your followers can pick who they liked more
(it’s always chenle’s acc though like SO MANY people follows him, he’s like a celebrity… ahah!)
haechan always comes to watch and roasts the both of you, especially when it can be seen that chenle kisses you here and there
he types “EWWWW GET A ROOM FREAKS” and thinks he’s hilarious lmfao
you always start the date with a quick and energetic song, one that boost your energy up easily and then… honestly it depends on your mood
sometimes you gotta be in your moods and sing romantic ballads to each other, as if it’s a serenade
but then again, moods swing so quickly and you can end up in a rap battle too
you would totally eat him up tbh… and he knows it so well
he finishes the date off with the most cheesiest, lovely romantic song ever… like a confession said yet again, for the hundreth time
✰ JISUNG — amusement park
it wasn’t his idea honestly
it was all you coming up with it, because there was that one roller coaster you’d always been scared to go on
and since you haven’t visited ever since you had jisung… you thought MAYBEEEE (just maybe) it would be better with him
you can at least hold onto him and stuff
he wanted to eat before the ride though… you did not let him, of course, since you didn’t want him to throw up on you AHAH
but like, why did he came there RAVENOUS? duh … you’re gonna say goodbye to your guts on the ride girl what did you expect
but you know, the ride wasn’t even the part you enjoyed the most – it was good, of course, just not that… outstanding? i guess? it was alright… especially because you could hold jisung’s hand so tightly :,) it was honestly so adorable
they should’ve taken pictures of you like you’re sure you would’ve put it on the fridge or something
but after that, you went to the gift shop, to get those silly headbands!!!!! you got one that resembled a cat, and jisung got one with a hamster >:( it was adorbs
you two looked like those IT couples that you can always see in instagram, you know, holding hands, taking silly candid pictures and then eating sooo much food
FINALLY!!! thought jisung probably ahah you got so many sweets it was like you could feel your tooth decaying lmfao
at the end of the day, you two decided to try out the freshly opened photo booth which had been going viral for weeks
it was… an experience to say the least :,) but the pictures came out prettier than ever!!!! except for the one where jisung sneezed and you got all scared because he was Loud loud ahah
but the compensation was a fleeting kiss on your cheek! which was also captured on one of the pictures :)
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anasolor · 2 months
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Choso Kamo Headcanons
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a/n: i might as well make a lil sum for my beautiful amazing husband 💜
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he's so sweet w you... big hands running up and down your back while you sleep, getting you a treat from the store, helping you choose what clothes to wear when you go out. he likes doing the little things for you, mostly.
whenever he has the choice of doing something with his friends or doing something with you, he mostly does something with you. he likes sitting with you, playing games with you, cuddling you, or just being in the same room and not even doing anything together. he's also a great listener, if youre the kind of person who talks a lot, but be warned- he may or may not zone out while staring at you with the most lovesick eyes.
often, he does his best to make you feel loved and safe. he doesn't want anyone making you feel nervous, since it's likely that he may be able to protect you from them, and most of the people who are stronger than him could protect you too, just because they're close with choso and want to see him happy.
if you're not feeling loved, on the other hand, it's the end of the world. he feels terrible, and he does everything possible to make you feel better. he has to prevent himself from crying a little if he hears you're sad. he does anything he can- buying flowers, cooking for you, cuddling you, kissing your head, and getting you a little present (such as a keychain or teddy bear) and hopes that you'd feel better soon.
at first, he was pretty awkward with dating you- what if he messed something up???- so you'd have to help him become okay with it all. he especially likes just sitting in the same room as you, while you read or play video games, and he can pretend- badly, might i add- to do whatever while he really watches you. he loves watching you do stuff that makes you happy, not in a creepy way, he just wants to see you smile.
whenever you can get him to sleep, this boy SLEEPS. he might be a curse, but he is tired. please cuddle him to sleep, to make sure he'll get enough rest. he feels safest with you, his arms around you, nose either buried in the nape of your neck or his chin on your head.
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i know this one's shorter than usual, but i really wanted to get it out asap! i hope you enjoy!
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Frances Dee (Becky Sharpe, Little Women)—no propaganda submitted
Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Frances Dee:
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Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is. [editor's note: I've seen all of these movies and I think they're fine, but it's been a minute, so I can't thoroughly tag for trigger warnings or officially "recommend"—as always, go forth with caution when a movie is mentioned in a propaganda submission, and don't take a mention as an official recommendation of this blog.]
I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
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With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
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