#you’ve got Mad Mew Mew on your side!!!
madmewmewofficial · 2 years
hi so i'm trying to figure out my gender, right? and she/her fits really well for me. but i don't know how i feel about other feminine gendered terms, "girl" might be okay but all the others feel uncomfortable and kinda wrong. do you have advice on this weird specific situation?
My advice is to keep doing what you’re doing! It’s okay if you only like some gendered terms! Remember! Gender is ABSOLUTELY NOT binary!!! You don’t gotta have ALL of the feminine terms of you don’t feel comfortable with them! Just keep trying out whichever ones you want, and if you don’t like some, that’s completely fine. Fine! FINE!!! And if you do happen to find some you like, I think that’s WONDERFUL!!! That just means that you’re figuring more about yourself, just like I did!!! And whatever your preference may be, whether it be pronouns, how people address you, or how you’re presented, just know you’re valid. Valid! VALID!!! So, go girl!!! I support you, mew~!!!
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tehkatie · 9 months
Only Friends Ep4 Live Blog:
2 years ago we’re starting off strong!!
A bestie being your emergency contact is not a bad thing.
Ray is breaking my heart. I’m already teary eyed wow.
You know what now I can understand Mew more when it comes to their friendship. I will elaborate later.
I feel so bad for Ray, I feel so bad for Mew
I can not take this omfg. I’m literally sobbing.
That’s why he’s so attached, why he hates being alone. Oooooh I cant.
Omg and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ray misconstrued that.
Awww Cheum.
Me and Cheum are the same person I will say.
He’s not a heavyweight like he’s just not.
Mew is a good friend. We just caught him at a fed up stage.
Why they got me over here shipping Ray and Mew a lil????????
Oh so Mew REALLY knows.
I can see why Boston would film it but why would he keep it for so long?
He said what about your boyfriend??
The poor boy shirt being the designated drunk shirt.
Gosh now I really see why Mew is so into the idea of Ray and Sand.
I think he’s lovely too Mew
Lying liar that lies.
Why would you say that Ray?!
Mew has a entered my top 5 officially.
He said think about what you’ve done.
I will say that first 13 minutes has poked holes in so many of my theories.
Nah you watched Top and Boston fuck.
Nick would know.
I love this friendship.
Now you know.
Top is at the top of my shit list. Like get off my screen HARLOT!! Like not you calling him your boyfriend knowing what you’ve done!! Come outside we not gone jump you!!!
Not Ray walking up like heeeeeey.
I am glad that Ray listened to Mew I will say.
Ray got his tea.
I get it Sand I truly do.
You can play the guitar but please don’t start sing.
Ooooh I love that he asked and didn’t just buy it.
Sand I am not on your side with this one. Like not at all.
It’s the communication for me. Wow.
Sand is gone.
Periodt Sand me too.
I need Boston to stop like wtf are you doing????
I really hate him.
Top is gathering him.
I would not piss off Boston to that degree though because I don’t think he has any reservations about being the one that tells Mew himself. They are barely actual friends in my opinion. Like at least at this point.
Poor Nick.
I just said poor Nick and this man gone start going through Boston’s phone. Like baby stop.
Oh he didn’t catch him. Trailers can be deceiving.
OH INTERESTING!!! Boston’s dad must be one of those ‘I don’t care if you’re gay just don’t broadcast it’ types. Interesting very interesting.
Stop playing with his emotions omfg.
Why is he torturing himself?
Wtf Nick?!
Legit asked him to do the one thing he’s been trying to do.
Shocked pikachu
This is what the fight is about? It’s not funny but I’m cackling. We really played ourselves. P’jojo and them laughing at us hard.
I can not believe how much I played myself. Wow omfg.
C’mon roommate besties!!! I love them.
God Ray is such a good apologist. That’s my favorite thing about him.
You would give him more.
Mew being honest makes my anger with Top so much worse. LIKE YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO HIM AND HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
This episode is a lot.
I’m just here mad as hell.
Move on Ray. Honey it’s time.
Listening to music with someone can be so personal.
Sand is gone I say again.
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deathproofpony · 1 year
>be a fluffy mare >you had a nice home and a daddy but you snuck out of the house one day >there was a handsome colt who was hanging around the neighborhood >you wanted him to be your special friend. >when daddy was talking to the brown uniform man, you bolted past them outside >you knew daddy would be mad but you wanted to visit your special friend >you ran all around the neighborhood and played. >daddy came looking for you and called your name but you didn’t feel like going back yet >then your special friend started to nuzzle your fluff. he rubbed his muzzle around your neck and you cooed. >then he nuzzled the fluff along your sides and then around your special place >you were a little scared but you were excited, too. you felt your tail lift up in anticipation. >then he was on top of you and you felt the good feel. it hurt a little but it also made you warm inside. >as you were feeling the good feel, daddy found you. he kicked your special friend really hard and made him cry >you tried to tell daddy you were just playing with your special friend but he yelled at you and put you in a box. >then he took his belt off and beat your special friend over and over. >your special friend was barely moving. you don’t know if he was dead or alive. >daddy took you home and yelled at you and then he whipped you with his belt, too >daddy seemed to forgive you after that and things were okay for a while but then you started getting fat >you could feel little kicks and movements inside you. babies. >daddy got mad again. he said it was your fault for purposely getting out. >he put you in a box again and took you for a ride. you were excited at first but daddy never looked at you or said a word. >the car’s stopping! where are you? >it’s very green. there’s lots of trees. but this isn’t the park. >daddy opens the door and kicks the box. you land on the ground. he pulls the door shut. >the car drives away. >daddy isn’t coming back. >you feel a kick in your belly. >your babies will be coming soon. another few days. >you start wandering around the trees. they all look alike. >you can hear calls of wild animals. some of them are familiar like birds and squirrels. >others sound scary… animals you’ve never heard before. >you spot a small stream nearby. at least you have water to drink. >there isn’t a lot of grass but you nibble the smaller, more tender pieces. your tummy feels a little better. >you try to stay near the stream but keep wandering, looking for protection. >finally you spot a tree with a small hollow in the bottom. it’s a little bigger than you. it will provide some protection from the rain. >you slowly pull pieces of loose wood from the hollow to make it a little bigger and more comfortable. >find some soft grass and moss to line the bottom, then cover with leaves. >it’s a rough nest but it will have to do. >you lay down in the nest and curl up into a ball. you cry for a while. you miss daddy. >it’s getting harder to move. your stubby legs barely reach the ground from your belly being so fat. >you stock up on food. pluck some tasty flowers and tender grass. pile it in your nest. >today you found some blackberries. you carefully pull them down and make a pile of them. >the juice will help since you won’t be able to drink water for a day or so. >finally, you have a pile of food to last you a couple of days >you squeeze into the tree hollow and wait. the babies will come soon. >you fall asleep for a while. >you wake up… it’s early in the morning. the sun is just coming out. >you feel a bad hurt in your poopie place. babies are coming. >you want to be happy but you’re scared that they’ll be okay. you miss daddy. >you feel your special place pushing. you close your eyes and squeeze your muscles. a little foal pops out! >it’s tiny and helpless. you manage to lean over and pick it up carefully with your mouth, then lick it clean >the baby mews softly and chirps. it’s hungry. >you place the baby close to your teat. it crawls towards it and latches on with its mouth, sucking hungrily. >you feel your muscles contract again. another foal comes out. like its sibling, you clean it off and gently place it at your other teat >you start to breathe a sigh of relief… and then feel your muscles contract again. >another baby. oh no… please no more. >the third foal squeezes out. you’re getting tired now. your muscles ache. your tongue is numb. >you manage to clean the baby and nuzzle aside the first foal to give the third a chance to drink >you just want to sleep again… you close your eyes and lay back down… >you feel pain again. you start sobbing to yourself. you can’t take care of all these babies. >a fourth and final foal squeezes out of you. you still diligently clean it and pull your second foal from your teat to give the fourth a chance >the first two foals start to chirp. they’re hungry. >all you can do is keep switching them out, over and over… but you’re so tired. >you managed to eat some of the grass and berries you’ve saved. that makes you feel better. >you finally fall asleep. you’re too exhausted and achy. >you wake some time later. the sun is high above. two of your foals are in the nest, crawling around and chirping >the other two suck hungrily from your sore teats. you pluck them off to give the others a chance. >eat a few flowers and some berries. you feel a little better. >tend to your foals and try to get your strength back. >the next day, you crawl out of the tree hollow to get some water from the stream >your babies cry and call for you but you must have water or they can’t have milk. >waddle back to them and lay down. you’re feeling stronger. healthier. but your teats are still sore. >the babies crawl over you. you hug one of them and coo to it. the other three foals fight over your milk. >you fall asleep with the foal in your arms. >you wake up. it’s dark but the moon and stars provide a little light. >something is wrong. >you hear a chattering sound. it’s a ring-tailed thing. you saw one once at daddy’s house. >ring-tail is approaches you, chattering. what does it want? you stand up, puff up your cheeks and stomp on the ground. >oh no! your foals were sleeping in your fluff! they fall into the nest. they start squeaking and crying. >ring-tail grabs at one of the foals. oh no! it wants your babies! >you lean back and kick with your front legs, desperately trying to keep ring-tail away. >it scratches and bites at you. fortunately your fluff protects you from getting the bad hurt. >”no touch babehs! weave awone! weave now!” >you flail desperately at ring-tail as it grabs hungrily for your foals who try to crawl behind you to hide >NO! it’s got one of them! ring-tail holds a filly in its hands and starts slinking away. >it bites hungrily into the foal’s neck and blood pours out. >”ahhhhhhhhhhh! mama! mama! mama! hewp! mama…. gurkk…” >ring-tail lopes away with the foal in its mouth, tearing flesh from its throat as it heads back its tree >you gather your other three foals in your arms and hug them. you all cry together. >you fall asleep. >in the morning, the three foals fight over your teats. they push and pull each other away from them trying to get a drink. >”babehs… babehs take tuwns. dun huwt each odder.” >you stare at them for a while, fighting back and forth. >stand up. pick up a foal by its neck. place it on the ground. >you raise one of your hooves over its tiny head >the foal looks up at you, chirping. calling your name. >”mama… mama… wan miwlk… mama…” >”mama wuv babies…” >”babeh wuv mama!” >your leg twitches and starts to shake. >three foals. you can make sure two of them survive if you do this. >you raise your hoof higher. you need to do this fast… in one shot. >”babeh wuv mama!” >it giggles and coos at you >your eyes fill with tears. you bring your hoof down. >you pick up the cooing baby and put it back in the nest. >good mama’s don’t hurt their babies. >you curl up with the three of them, making them take turns drinking milk from your sore teats >you hug your babies and coo to them. you love them. you’re they’re mama. >and you’re a good mama.
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madmars · 3 years
Girls And Interdimensional Slugs
Steve Harrington X Fem!reader
ʎɹɐɯɯns: Steve and Dustin break the news to Y/N about a missing Dart
A/N: a longerrr oneeee I get random motivation at like midnight so I mostly would post at like 2am and I always dont plan to make them short like I have so much to say to the point where I ramble on paper so I just decide to cut it short but anyways...enjoy! X
wc: 1,008
“She’s going to be mad”
“obviously dipshit, maybe if you did not bring that thing out of the trash we wouldn't be here”
“First off, don't call him a thing he is a respective individual, secondly, how was I supposed to know he was going to be a Demogorgon, you know I’m just as much as a victim as you, he ate my cat”.
Currently Steve and Dustin stood outside of Y/N’s front door contemplating on how to tell her they had to hunt another interdimensional monster yet again, they’ve second guessed everything ever since they stepped out of the Henderson household, if they did not tell her they would never her the end of it and an ass kicking, if they did tell her, well, they would never her the end of it and an ass kicking. so either way, they were in deep shit. 
Steve rolled his eyes and hesitantly knocked on the door, a few seconds later they heard a sweet ‘coming’ on the other side of the door, Dustin sent Steve a worried glance knowing the sweet demeanor was soon to be gone.
That's when the door opened to reveal Y/N and her sickly sweet smile “Hey guys, come in” she waved the two in, they both nervously chuckled and shuffled into the house, Y/N plopped on the couch and made herself comfortable, Steve awkwardly took a seat next to her and Dustin in armchair to the right of the couch.
It wasn’t unusual that the party would come over to Y/N’s, she was used to it by now, it was her average Saturday night, Y/N rested her head on Steve's shoulder and continued to watch whatever was on the TV, Dustin gestured at Steve, something along ‘TELL HER’, Steve groaned and looked down at Y/N, she laughed at the TV making her smile illuminate her face.
Steve shot Dustin a glare just before tapping Y/N’s thigh, she looked up at him with the same smile, making Steve melt, he was brought back to reality by Dustin’s excessive ‘throat clearing’  
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at the boys strange behavior “ What did you two do now?”. It was Steve's turn to clear his throat, shifting uncomfortably on the couch “You know I love you right,” 
“We both do” Dustin added, raising his hand slightly, Y/N hummed switching her gaze between the boys, Steve the decided to continue “and we would never do anything to purposely upset you” 
“nope, never” Dustin shook his head gulping a bit under the girls glare, she hummed squinting at her boyfriend “okayyyy” Steve nervously ran a hand through his hair “okayy, and before you get mad-”
Dustin cut him off, once again, “I found some pet in my trash, took him in fed him nougat he then molted that's when I did research thought he was an unknown species, took him to school to show the party, lost him, found him took him back home, came back home he broke yurtles terrarium, molted again and ate mews, shoved him the cellar,  ran in to Steve at the grocery store while finding supplies to...clean my dead cats remains, checked on him in the cellar, he molted again and tore through the walls, turns out he’s a Demogorgon and now he’s roaming around Hawkins and we don't know where he is.” Dustin instantly slapped his hand to his mouth stopping his ramble, all three pairs of eyes went wide, Steve suddenly rushed behind the armchair Dustin was frozen in.
Y/N sat still, wide eyed, jaw slacked she pushed her self off her couch, fuming, “you did what?!?!”  Steve flinched, searching for an explanation “It was an accident.. for me at least he’s the one that kidnapped me”
“Dude!” Dustin huffed, Steve shrugged in response, not really caring about saving someone's ass at this moment, except his own. 
Y/N ran her hands down her face attempting to calm herself down, “you did not think to tell me sooner, when any of this shit happened?!” The two began spitting out excuses Y/N shook her head and waved her hand at hem “y-you know what, whatever” she sighed and came closer to Dustin and Steve pointing a finger at them and giving a stern look “ You two are gonna go to bed, think about the consequences you've caused, and we’re going to figure this shit out tomorrow, got it?” 
Both of them nodded vigorously, shrinking a bit under Y/N’s point.
The next day the three walked along the train tracks planning to lure dart to the junkyard, Y/N walked in front of Steve and Dustin ignoring them and whatever they were conversating about.
“ All right, so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who... who you just met?”
“All right, that's grossly oversimp-”
Y/N quickly turned around facing the two, making them stop in there tracks, literally, she huffed and harshly threw a piece of meat on the track “seriously! were in all this shit just because you wanted to get some!” she scoffed and continued to walk, muttering something like ‘I’m going to kill them before this Demogorgon does’
Steve hurried to her side silently walking before starting “Baby, you know were really sorry and,” Y/N rolled her eyes “yeah you’re gonna be real sorry when it eats your ass” Steve awkwardly cleared his throat “Yeah so, um, how about when we get out of all this.... interdimensional  crap, I’ll buy you like the whole..7/11 snack isle, and we can watch cartoons and get fat.”  
Y/N looked up at Steve's somewhat pouty face and cracked a tiny grin, Steve let out a sound the resembled a squeal “There it is” Y/N giggled and rolled her eyes “Yeah whatever, I guess its alright because I have an excuse to see swing that bat”. They both busted into a fit of giggles not noticing Dustin appear next to them
 “Y/N? you would like if Steve gave you a  interdimensional slug, right?”
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black-bhabie-2000 · 3 years
Hii! I would like to request accidental stimulation in public by fem reader (may be she doesn't pay much attention that time about this? Or u choose ) & and then may be the Guys get flustered about this and they try to get close & get some stimulation with their S/O till they get home and then we can go all NSFW 😛 with KENNY, CHIFUYU, BAJI, MITSUYA please ♡♡ thank you for your time. Have a greattt day☆ xo
I hope I had the right idea with this.. thank you for being my first ask and sorry if it isn't right I did the ones I know and I hope you request again..
You and Mitsuya have been dating for a while and you've gotten to see every side of him. Including what he's like outside of his Toman persona but you guys were about to hit an even bigger milestone. He invited you to his house. You were brimming with excitement. You stopped at his club after school to walk with him. He spotted you " Just a sec babe, alright make sure to not hurt yourselves and anything you mews up let me know so I can help you tomorrow. " with that He grabbed his stuff and grabbed your hand pulling you alongside him. The walk to his house wasn't long. You guys walked in and changed to his slippers and he led you to his room. "Feel free to look around." He said with a smirk. You laughed " How did you know !" He smiled and closed the door. You waited to see if he was going to com back in and he didn't. So you started snooping. The first thing was dirty magazines but sadly he hide them to well but you came across something better. In his closet was a bag with your name on it. What else could you do but open it and inside was the prettiest dress you've ever seen. You immediately stripped not paying attention to the door that was slowly opening and started putting on the dress. Once on you realized it really emphasized you curves and was a little too tight in certain areas. The whole time your tugging and trying to make it fit right. Your boyfriend is on the floor watching the show your putting on. " Wow you look hot babe" you turned around flushed and embarrassed. You forgot he would eventually come in. " You look very sexy in the clothes I made for you but it looks like it needs some adjustments " he smirked and stood up slowly walking to you. Your body moving backwards till your against the wall . Mitsuya leans in his hair tickling the side of your face. He grabs your side his right hand slowly sliding down your back and he whispers in your ear. " We're going to have to rip this off and start from scratch ." Let's just say you reached more than one milestone that day and Mitsuya makes you wear the clothes he designs on dates.
You and Baji have been in the same class for 2 years and yes yall both dumber than a bag of rocks. Only thing is you were more popular because of how cute your actions were. While baji was just weird. You asked Baji out and much to your surprise he said yes. You didn't know about Toman or that he looked like out of school until he asked you on a date to an amusement park. He told you his gang was going to be there and you excited about going on your first date pulled all the stops. Im talking about cute thigh highs, brand new skirt with a baby doll top that showed off your rack quite nicely 😏. Your makeup was beat in and you snuck into your older sisters makeup for the spray that would make sure your face wouldn't melt. Your accessories showed off you curvy and cute form. You hadn't seen Baji after-school and neither had he seen you. So you arrive at your meeting spot and couldn't see him. So you waited. You hadn't noticed the group of boys next to the fountain you walked past or kept circling. Draken called attention to you first with a nod in your direction "she's cute '
Takemitchy gasped "don't say that what about Emily " Draken laughed "like Mikey would let me date his sister " Mikey silently smiled to himself ready to go into the amusement park cause he was hungry. "Baji how long is your girlfriend gonna take, we've been out here for 20 minutes " Mikey whined. I don't know man she said she was here maybe I should call her ?" Baji responded. "You should've called her in the first place" chifuyu replied. Baji typed in your number and flipped chifuyu off with lead int the guys chuckling. You had hit the roundabout and stopped in your tracks a few feet in front of the boys. You picked up your phone in a hurry and answered it . You were kinda irritated " if you weren't going to be here , you shouldn't have wasted my time dumbass and hung up on him. Baji ofc looking at you and also stunned that you cussed at didn't say a word. Better yet all the boys were looking at you because one there was no way Baji pulled a baddy like you and two did you just cuss him out. You were Bout to storm off . When Baji caught your arm and spun you around, pulling you into him. You were shocked cause one wo to was this hot ass stranger and why was he so close. You went to yell at him and " hey babe if I knew you were going to get all filled up. I wouldn't have invited the gang and 'he leans I a little too close ' we could've went to my place for a study Date. He said gazing deep in your eyes and you knew exactly what he meant and it was for sure not studying. You pulled back half in shock cause you recognized his voice anywhere and damn you got lucky. You slapped Bajis chest ' hmph show me your friends dummy and walked away. Baji chuckling behind you , slyly gripping your hand. " Hey Draken the hot babes mine "
DRAKEN (kenny)
It was a comfy afternoon , the sky was gray and it was raining true peace. Well as peaceful as it gets in the red light district. You followed Draken all the way to his house and then hid when he got out. You walked around till you met the front desk clerksman and he recognized you. Though you didn't know how . He offered you some tea and led you to Drakens room. " I don't know when he'll be back and I'm not calling him so stay comfortable " he shut the door and left . You were in Drakens room your excitement trumping your guilt because you followed your boyfriend outta jealously. " It's so neat in here" you announce to yourself in a slight mischievous tone. Looking around cautiously you start to what any girl in her boyfriend would do . Look for evidence, not bad evidence but evidence. You had been strategically Looking and putting everything back in its place just in case he might get upset with you for Looking through his stuff. You did find a porn Magazine that showed you why he was dating you. You fit the body type of the page with white residue on it to a T . I mean her ass was a bit bigger but hey what's a girl to do. You had now moved on to store i.e. his closet . You opened and marveled at how many of those damn black and white jackets he has like damn Boi buy another color shit. You now completely forgotten you are trespassing cause your boyfriend doesn't know you are there. You start to strip and try on his clothes. Draken was making his way home it was still light outside and plus he needed to Chang into his toman uniform because Mikey wanted to meet up tonight. He was in the building heading up the elevators. Wondering why he hasn't heard from you all day. TF were you doing 😒, were you mad at him. He doesn't really know or care . He's just pissed you hadn't texted him all day. "I'm going to punish that brat next time I see her 😏" the elevator door opened and he stepped off with a pep in his step to change a little faster and head to your house and mess with you before the meeting. He walked up to the desk .
You had lost track of all time and now was getting ballsy. You half naked was about to put on his toman uniform. All your sanity is apparently out the Window cause you are giggle Loud as fuck. Your couldn't fit the pants but his jacket and boots fit nice and the way your ass looked hanging out the bottom of the jacket oof girl, you left it open revealing your bust just enough and you had your hair in a pony tail trying to mimick your boyfriends hair. ' I'm Draken and Mikey is my leader and son and if you wanna hurt him you gotta fight mee grrr"... you had your fist up and a very sad attempt of a bad ass face. You currently fake fighting and giggling like an idiot had no idea Draken had been watching you since you put your hair in the pony tail. (Stealthy bitch) you turn around doing a bad ass kick and scream and dive to his bed and cover yourself up. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. YOU DIDN'T CALL OR TELL ME YOU WERE COMING " Draken laughed " Sweetcheeks this is my room' he approached the bed and ripped the covers off of you. You squirmed away from him till your head hit the wall. Giving Draken enough Time to place himself over you." Well hey there babe , you look pretty sexy in my uniform " his hand trailing up the side of your thigh. " I have 1 and 45 before the Toman meeting that's enough time to show you my bad ass skills huh sweetcheeks" you gasped .......... Draken was very late to the meeting that day and your brother was pissed when you went home the next day but shit that was the best sleep you ever had 😏😏😏😉🤷🏿‍♀️
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
Im always imagine how chenya Will be as a yandere Now im can know chenya x reader hc im really want tô know please
Hope you don’t mind them being in 2nd person POV (using you/yours)
Let’s get going!
Needless to say...   tw // yandere
-- -- --
A very “normal” yandere, you may even pass your whole life not knowing it was all his doing
The most you may notice is a bracelet, ring or accessory of yours hanging from his person (and even then, he will say he just found it lost somewhere)
He acts so endearing and affectionate, you WILL end up falling for him
Doesn’t get violent easily, that isn’t his way to do things. He would rather work hard to isolate you, make your friends and family leave you alone, rather than get his hands dirty with blood
But in case a persistent soul wants to warn you about things... well, exceptions can always be made
That invisibility of his comes in very handy
Definitely one to plant the idea in your mind to move with him to a very remote part of town, almost so it feels like it was you who came up with the proposal
Ah, but that obsessive beast comes out when the slightest protest to his love comes out your mouth
Utter a single word about leaving him and you’re done for
Goodbye to that freedom of yours for the rest of your life
~°~  ~°~
Within the first meeting, Che’nya is just himself, his very fun and riddle/pun-speaking self
An encounter that was an accidental, but remained in the RSA student’s mind for a long time
He wants to see you a 2nd time, there’s just something alluring about you and your whole persona
Little random meetings like this become something common, having one each week
You don’t notice it, but small and fairly insignificant things of yours start disappearing. A forgotten chapstick, hair ties or accessories, maybe a bracelet or ring, a pair of worn out gloves, the one lone sock you could never found the pair of
Che’nya’s obsession and fascination with you breaches normality when he outright neglects his own studies and sleep to sneak into your room and analyze every little thing you own
He himself is surprised by this turn of events. He thought this thing he felt for you was only a crush, something that would eventually banish or turn into a friendship, but this…
He’s sneaking into your room, while you sleep, for goodness sake! Invading your privacy in such a disturbing way! All so he can be surrounded by your scent and presence
I’m sure he’d be: “This is sick...but I don’t wish to stop anytime soon…”
Of course it escalates. He’ll begin to lay down next to you in bed, relishing your warmth. You bet there’s kissing going on while you’re sleeping, but never on your lips. He wants you awake and willing to give him that
The cat may even outright steal a blanket or jacket that you use frequently just to have something of yours, a part of you, in his possession
More than eliminating his “competition”, Alchemi uses his ability to turn invisible to collect dirt on them and threaten with blackmail if they don’t leave you alone ASAP
Seriously, the invisibility helps a lot in not getting caught, no one suspects it’s him bc… c’mon it’s Che’nya! He’s just a silly catboy that bothers no one!
His goal is to isolate you, having only him to run to for comfort and validation
Slowly, any friends you had will run at the sight of you
But the one that remains is Che’nya, the mysterious catboy
It could not have gone better~! You’re right in his arms, lamenting how you’re all alone now, soaking up every single show of affection coming from him
“But you’re not alone, nya~! You’ve got your beloved Che’nya here with you!”
You find out what he did? Overheard your friends talking about the strange things that led them to leave you behind?
Someone is gonna get a gruesome lesson taught to them
And you… well, you’re already dependent on him for all your emotional needs, surely you don’t believe the words spouted by those traitors that left you in your loneliness
Will do his sweettalk to get himself back on your good side. He’s got you right on his palm to manipulate, after all
Oh, what’s that? You want him to go away ‘cus he’s a creep?
Well, good thing your friends and family no longer interact with you~ Say hello to the remote, isolated, abandoned room Che’nya has found for you to live in from now on!
“Be a good kitten and refrain from screaming, yes~?” That big, toothy grin held lunatic fantasies within, “Wouldn’t like the cat to steal your tongue, would mew?” Alchemi laughed, “I certainly would miss your kisses, so do be a good one meow. Promise a reward will await you at the end of the day~!”
What did you get yourself into?
-- -- --
In this Twisted Wonderland, there’s no wholehearted virtue
There will always be darkness lurking within people’s hearts
Thank you for the request!! this was my first time delving into writing more fleshed out yandere stuff!
Strangely, Che’nya wouldn’t surprise me much to turn out yandere 🤔
I mean, with all the Alice in Wonderland madness that goes on with him, it wouldn’t be much of a plot twist, I suppose
Hope it was to your liking~! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚𓇼
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thebestworstidea · 3 years
The Green Knight’s Lady (5)
Sequel fic to “The Witch and the Green Knight” (on Ao3)
Warnings: undeserved redemption arc, graphic imagery and bad behavior.
Chapter 1: In which Rowan has Unexpected House Guests
Chapter 2: In Which They Try to Figure Out What the Hell is Going On
Chapter 3: In Which Remus and Rowan’s Stupidity Escalates to Treason (sort of)
Chapter 4: In Which Life is Difficult
>-<>-< ——————-<>——————- >-<>-<
In Which Remus has an Argument with A Cat and Rowan makes some Charms
>-<>-< ——————-<>——————- >-<>-<
The day had been fairly calm, a lovely warm day in spring; so naturally, that couldn’t last. 
“You!” Remus said, and pounced. There was a general clattering, and Rowan turned around to see that Remus had grabbed a hold of a large gray cat, who to his credit, was trying to twist and get a hold of  Remus’s wrist, in spite of being mostly scruffed. 
“Hey!” Rowan yelped. “Leave Mouse alone.”
“I will leave this little bugger alone as soon as he calms the fuck down and listens to me.” Remus retorted, shifting his hands as they got scratched. He yelped as Mouse sunk his teeth into a finger. 
“Mouse!” Rowan said in a scolding voice, and the large cat subsided into a deep grating growl. 
“Okay, Little Tree, bear with me a second okay?” he shifted his hands again, so he was supporting the cat under his forelegs. The cat mostly put up with it. “This little asshole-” Mouse gave another growl. “Is a cait sidhe. I don’t know how you missed it.’
“... no.” Rowan said, staring at the bright green eyes of her favorite cat. It was true she’d found him in the woods when he was a kitten. And it was true that he was half-feral, wandering off for weeks and sometimes months when it suited him. And that he was much bigger than the other cats, but she figured Mouse had some forest cat in him or something. 
Something was apparently it. 
“Mouse…” she said, exasperated, and she’d never seen a cat avoid her gaze quite like that. 
“He’s been giving me shit since I started visiting.” Remus continued. “I can mostly understand him; better than normal animals, even. But… Danger Noodle.” 
“Ah.” Rowan reached out and grabbed the back of Mouse’s neck, taking him from Remus and cradling him in her arms. He shifted about and put both paws on her shoulder as if he was about to jump. She tightened her hand around his neck. “Hold up, Mouse.” she murmured. “I’m not mad, honest.” Her thumb made little strokes against his dense short fur.  He looked at her soulfully, giving an earnest ‘pathetic mew’.  “Has that ever worked on me?” she demanded, and was surprised when he nodded. “Shit, you would remember wouldn’t you?” 
Remus laughed, and Mouse’s tail lashed as she rolled him onto his back in her arms.  
“Since you’ve been bothering the compost heap since we became friends, you know I trust him right?” 
The cat hissed. 
“Don’t take that tone with me, mister.” She said disapprovingly. “I need you to keep a secret.” The cat’s tail lashed back and forth a bit.  Rowan kissed his nose, and he headbutted her affectionately, a purr starting. Remus watched this exchange in wonderment.  
“I’m sure you can tell I’ve got another fae visitor right now. I bet you like his smell just as much as you like my green brother’s.” Mouse rubbed pointedly against her head, and grabbed a hold of the end of her braid. “But he’s kind of a refugee, so I need you to not tell anyone he’s here, okay? You’ve charmed enough butter and cream out of me to know I’ll reward you for it.” 
Mouse thoughtfully groomed the end of her braid.  Remus just stared at them both. Finally the cat shifted and head butted her again. This time Rowan let him hop down and he gave a big stretch to show how unimpressed he was, flicking his eyes up at Remus, who met them. Mouse strolled over- and peed on Remus’s boot before dashing off into the woods.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!” Remus yelled after him, and Rowan burst into laughter.
       The world was an explosion of green, somewhere out underneath the rain that promised to continue right over May Day. Remus was off in the woods somewhere, and Rowan was working in her sunroom, Danger Noodle having hooked a small hammock from the ceiling and was glaring down at her with the air of a cranky king.  She suspected it had more to do with the broad spectrum heat lamps than her presence. 
“At least this is keeping the daisies down. This town is such an unnecessary hassle. They could have just accepted their inhuman overlords.” 
“Yeah, humans aren’t good at that.” the witch said agreeably.  “But we only grow daisies in the front yard. I don’t like the way they smell, and Mother’s always been sad you can’t really grow ‘crazy daisies’. They’re an ok ward, though I’ve been doing some experiments with resin jewelry with them.” she had a batch waiting to be strung actually, waiting for the spring markets. She wasn’t sure how well they’d work at warding fae, but they were pretty. She had another batch of flowers  pressing. She’d gotten a few perfect blooms before the rain started, and any that broke could go in tea. 
“So the entire back of your house is exposed to the forest?” 
“Well if you ignore the wrought iron trellis and the rowan tree.” She countered. “Which you don’t.” 
D.N. made a face at her. The copper kettle on the hotplate whistled, and she put aside her work to make tea. Rather than try to hand Danger Noodle a cup she ‘abandoned’ one near his perch with several lumps of sugar in it.  Ignoring it, she hooked the heels of her boots into the rung on the stool and checked the pattern she was following once more, shifting threads back and forth, the soft clicking of bobbins almost as rhythmic as the rain. From time to time she’d mumble under her breath. 
Finally she picked up small gold-plated scissors, and snipped it loose from the braiding tower, braiding the trailing ends together in a much simpler pattern. 
“I haven’t made one of these since high-school.” She mumbled sucking on the ends to thread them through beads taken from small wooden boxes laid out on her worktable, before knotting them again, and offering it over to Danger Noodle. “Tie this around your wrist, looping three times. People looking to do you harm will look past you.” Rowan frowned. “Well, that’s what the charm is for. If you wear them too much, people will start looking past you no matter what.” 
“Why would I need that?” he held it like it smelled bad. 
“Because it’s witch magic, not fae magic. So people looking for fae magic won’t automatically notice it.” She shrugged. “Might make it safer for you to go with Remus.”
“Trying to get rid of me?”
“That’ll happen in it’s own time, I’m sure.” 
The door to the outside opened, and Remus tromped in, soaking wet and covered in mud. 
“Hello darlings!” he crowed. 
“No don’t-” Rowan started, and D.N. just rolled into his canvas cocoon as Remus shook violently, watering the plants that grew along the sides of the sunroom. 
And Rowan.
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tllthesundies · 3 years
Anonymous said:
hi! i love the entertainment fic :) can you please write the part when they are celebrating louis’ birthday together, from harry’s pov?
Harry hears the front door open, then close.
He remains indifferent as he stirs the small pot with pesto sauce in it to keep it from burning. He, also, keeps his eye on the boiling noodles in the bigger pot. But he’s listening to Louis’s footsteps and the jingling of keys in his pocket.
“Okay, rockstar,” he hears Louis’s voice, becoming louder the closer he approaches. “I know I take care of everything, and I recognise that you live in the middle of no man’s land, but I didn't actually think I'd have to include a lesson plan on keeping your doors locked. Things happen, even out here.” He pauses, and although Harry keeps his vision on the food, he sees Louis in his peripheral lean against the counter beside him. He’s wearing his jean jacket, some grey band t-shirt on underneath, and pairing it with boyfriend jeans. “I mean, it's California.” Harry can’t help sparing him a brief look, anyhow, quirking an eyebrow as he stirs the pesto. He doesn't respond to Louis. Louis watches for a moment before pushing himself away from the counter to instead lean his hip against it. He sighs. “What are you doing?”
“Making dinner,” quietly and casually replies Harry. He turns the heat for the spaghetti off. “I thought we could eat while we plan. Are you hungry?”
Louis nods.
“Haven't had anything since lunch.”
Harry glances back at a cabinet somewhere behind Louis and points to it. “Do you mind grabbing plates for us and setting the table? They're in that cabinet.”
“Yeah, sure.” When Louis disappears, Harry takes the pot to drain the noodles. “Do you want a specific colour?” he decides to ask Harry.
“Um,” hums Harry over the sound of pouring hot water and wet noodles being dumped into a strainer. “Honestly? I'm feeling teal.”
As Harry finishes draining the noodles, pours pesto sauce on them and mixes them, and finishes the vegetables, he glances repeatedly, briefly, at Louis. He sees him with teal and olive green plates and sets them up on Harry’s table. He, also, tries offering help, but Harry shuts him down immediately, each time, and sends him to just sit at the table. His hands shake just a little bit when he puts each food back into their respective pots–the ends of his nerves are on burning ice and he can’t make himself look at Louis for very long, if at all. He’s just on edge for the truth he hasn’t told him, but he takes a silent breath to clear his head.
“Most of everything,” Harry says, after he’s set everything on the table and gently plops into the seat beside Louis.
Louis blinks up at him.
Spooning noodles onto his plate carefully, Harry repeats, “Most. You take care of most things.” He offers the spoon to Louis with a small smirk ghosting his lips.
Louis breathes out a soft chuckle, taking the utensil from Harry.
He shakes his head in reply.
He waits until everything is on their plates to take off his jean jacket. Harry watches him remove paper from inside a pocket, then hangs it on the back of his chair. Louis unfolds it, glancing up at him. “I don't know what you've got planned,” he begins, “or anything, but I made a list, anyway, to help jumpstart ideas. You know Calista, so, I kind of presume you know what she likes. But—just in case.”
Tentatively, Harry takes the list Louis gives him. He swallows as invisible as possible, and his eyes roam over all of the ideas Louis’s written down: Frozen themed - extremely popular concept still; Pink strawberry theme; Typical animal zoo theme; the birthday party concepts keep going on and on, and the longer Harry continues reading the list, the more those icy ends of his nerves burn more. It becomes overwhelming for his chest, and–he has to tell the truth. There’s too much devotion and dedication in this list to keep his façade going. Leaning back into his chair, he finally gathers the courage to look at Louis, and says, “This list isn’t going to be useful. Don't be mad at me.” Eyebrows narrowing, a puzzled look comes across Louis’s face. “I lied to you.”
The fork in Louis’ hand halts.
He blinks slowly at Harry.
“What are you talking about?” he asks. “Why am I here, then?”
For a split second, Harry’s confidence wavers. There’s a hesitancy he can’t help having, and one he’s not used to controlling – and as observant as Louis is, he probably sees the moment he wavers. And the controlling side of Harry hates that possibility. But he looks Louis directly in the eye, runs a hand through his hair, and speaks in a quiet voice. “It’s your birthday in just a few days. I—I wanted to . . . give you some kind of celebration to show my”–the words continue getting stuck in his throat; he has to spit them out, to warm them up–“. . . appreciation for everything you’ve done.” He pauses, to gauge Louis’s reaction. He looks–unsure; wondering; still confused, albeit a little more understanding. “Look, I’m not the best at, uh—expressing my feelings for people. Not that I have feelings. But”—he rubs an eye with his knuckle, becoming frustrated with himself—“you know what I mean.”
He took Rachel’s advice, but maybe he went too far this time. He lied to get Louis to agree to this. He lied because he didn’t know any other way to go about this. He doesn’t know how to just–outright ask someone such a simple thing like hey, I want to celebrate your birthday, would you like to come over? And it’s far more awkward because he purposely hasn’t been the most pleasant to the exact person he wants to celebrate.
He’s trying.
Probably in his own twisted way, but he’s trying.
And the silence from Louis stretches for far too long – to the point Harry gets uncomfortable. But he doesn’t show it.
“I don’t know what to say,” Louis says, after some time, words just above a whisper.
“Say nothing,” Harry chooses for him. “Consider this a . . . I recognise your hard work, Louis. You’re always on time, prepared, and organised. I’ve never had to tell you how to do your job, and that takes a lot of pressure off of me. So, thank you.” That last part stings his throat when it comes out. But not in the wrong way. “Again, consider this a congratulatory party for two. Nothing more.”
Louis stares at him.
“How did you know?”
“Résumé,” Harry simply answers.
A small beat of silence.
Louis narrows his eyes at him. “I never put my age or date of birth on any résumé.”
“Résumé,” Harry repeats, intentionally curt.
Harry’s not going to tell him from which source he acquired the information from. He wouldn’t blow Niall’s cover like that. Niall had questioned him plenty enough when he had called him. Why do you want to know? Niall asked, even though he had already given the information to Harry. I just want to be nice, is all Harry answered with.
He wasn’t lying.
“Fine,” Louis replies cooly. “Creep.”
Harry puts on an unimpressed look, staring directly into Louis’s eyes as he chews his food. After swallowing, he says, “That’s a big accusation coming from someone I could fire.”
Louis smiles, smug.
“See, that’s the beautiful thing . . . you can’t fire me,” he retorts.
Harry shakes his head, and he fights the muscles in his face that are around his mouth that desperately are trying to lift his lips at Louis’s reply. He can’t let that happen. His mind races with other topics to bring; with other distractions.
“Listen,” Harry says, “I have a cake for you.”
Harry shakes his head again.
“We have to make it,” he tells him.
Louis looks cautious. “What flavour?”
A pleasantly surprised look crosses his features. “That’s my favourite,” he says. “Lucky guess?”
“You could say that.”
Dinner continues quietly. The ends of Harry’s nerves have started to warm up, evaporating the icy burn and replacing it with a normal temperature. His heart stops beating inconsistently and begins functioning like a normal human being. However, the same icy feeling starts to show itself in Harry’s mouth; words flow uncontrollably out of his mouth. Harry’s not a talker. He knows how to talk. He knows how to respond to people, and how to maintain conversation, but he doesn’t generally start the conversations unless he has no choice. Louis looks a little amused by him, but he does his best to ignore it. He, also, tries to get Louis to talk about himself, so, that he has some semblance of control over his mouth, but it doesn’t work.
Harry notices Dolly sauntering into the kitchen in his peripheral as he loads the dishwasher. She has her mustard yellow turtleneck on still that Harry had put on her this morning, her collar matching impeccably. She comes right over to Harry and peers into the dishwasher, but Harry scratches behind her ear as a warning before gently swatting her away.
She mews loudly at him, offended, she wanders over Louis.
Harry rolls his eyes at her.
“Look what you've done,” Louis speaks up.
Harry looks over his shoulder at Louis as he messes with the controls on the top of the dishwasher.
Snorting, Harry opens a drawer and slings a clean dish cloth over his shoulder before making his way over to Louis. “She's just mad I wanted to keep her from hurting herself,” he tells Louis. “She'll come around in ten minutes and act like it never happened.” He lifts a hand and gently caresses Dolly’s neck. But Dolly tries to hide from him by burying her face into Louis's armpit.
Louis laughs, surprised.
“Oh, no.”
Harry just puckers his lips and gives her an air kiss, and chuckles, smiling. “She always comes back.”
Louis bends his head and drops his gaze to Dolly. Harry watches the gentle way he rubs the top of her head and the rest of her body. He’s so much more familiar with her than when he had first met Dolly. He had been jumpy, a little scared. Now, they’re friends. Harry turns his head away and walks to the pantry.
“So, I've got,” Harry begins, and stops. He grabs the chocolate cake box he sees hiding on the top shelf, and stretches his arm up to get it. The matching frosting container is nearby, and he grabs it, too. He reads the back of it before continuing speaking. “Chocolate frosting. And”—he draws out the word until Louis rolls his eyes, telling him to get on with it; Harry's composure breaks, a grin breaking across his face as he stammers out his words because of his breathy laugh—“could you get the eggs out, please?”
Louis probably thinks he’s annoying.
It’s all on purpose.
Louis squats down to release Dolly from his arms. She jumps out of his grip, but remains by his feet. He washes his hands, first, then puts the eggs he retrieved from the fridge on the island.
Harry comes up beside Louis who’s reading the instructions on the back very carefully, and just dumps the oil, cake mix box, and frosting next to the eggs
Harry finds his measuring cup, and gives it to Louis to use for the oil and water. Louis asks him senseless questions; if he wants to do the eggs, et cetera. Louis has him sniff the inside of the cake mix bake to see if it smells good. It’s very chocolatey. And while he lets Louis do whatever he wants with the cake, he searches through his playlist to find music to fill the silence, so, he doesn’t have to talk too much. He finds Louis a bowl, a pan to fit the mixture into, and preheats the oven.
Harry sticks his finger in the bowl last minute, making a pop sound upon releasing his finger from between his lips.
“That’s really tasty,” he says.
Louis’s unimpressed.
“Tell me that when you get salmonella.”
“Can't wait.”
Louis shakes his head.
As they wait for the cake to fully bake, they work together cleaning all of the dirty utensils and bowls. They clean the island. Dolly stays silently crowding their feet. Harry can feel Dolly rubbing her head against his ankles, then attempts to climb onto his feet to lay down on them. Harry internally sighs.
“Look,” murmurs Louis.
Harry hears a smile reflecting in his voice.
He doesn't remove his gaze from the whisk he's washing.
“I know she's there. I'm ignoring her.”
Then it happens very fast:
Harry feels a small puddle gather on his feet and the bottom of his pants that cling to his skin. He hears Louis’s shocked laughter, but he doesn’t look at him as he breathes in a sharp breath to calm himself. Every fucking time.
Harry's eyes close in pain. “I know. I wish I could say this hasn't happened before.”
While Louis’s still giggling and picks Dolly up from his feet, Harry excuses himself to go change his pants, then reemerges to find Louis feeding Dolly from the palm of his hand.
Louis looks over his shoulder at Harry, a single eyebrow raised.
“Better?” he asks.
“No,” Harry answers immediately. He pulls out the chair beside Louis, turns it around to sit backwards in it. He crosses his arms on the back of it, and gives Dolly an annoyed look that she ignores entirely in favour of the food she nibbles on in Louis's outstretched hand.
Still highly amused, Louis smiles, looking at Harry. “She's fine. Why'd she do that?”
“She does it when I'm absent too much” Harry explains. “In her cat mind, she thinks if she vomits on me, I'll be forced to clean up after her and take care of her. I don't know. Cats are—they have strange minds. I just think it’s only my cat because she has anxiety problems.”
Closing his parted lips, Louis shifts his gaze over to Dolly. She's trying to bite down on a hard piece she got. Harry watches them both. “Did you want to, like, watch something?” Louis asks, glancing briefly at Harry. “While the cake bakes?”
Harry nods.
“What do you have in mind?”
Shrugging, once, feebly, Louis says, “I don't know. Maybe a movie? Comedies are nice.”
Harry stands from his chair, and pushes it back in normally. “It’s your birthday; you get all the privileges of picking and holding the remote.” He walks past behind Louis and into the front room, and sits down in the left corner of his settee.
After letting Dolly tackle the last couple of pieces of her cat food into her mouth, Louis picks her up and takes her with. He tucks his left leg underneath his right one when he sits down on the settee. There's a space between their bodies that isn’t too enclosed to make Harry uncomfortable; and he averts his gaze to the television, so, that he won’t continuously stare at Louis in his peripheral vision. He can’t keep doing that. He can’t keep–looking at him more than he needs to.
It’s dangerous.
Harry places the remote in Louis's outstretched palm.
Louis shifts through channels for too long; and when he enters Netflix, he spends too much time reading each and every description.
“By this rate,” says Harry, breaking their long held silence, “the cake will be ready before you settle on something.”
Louis turns his head, tilting his head in a look. “Well, I'm not much of a TV person, to be honest,” Louis admits. “What do you recommend?”
“I told you,” says Harry, staring straight at the television still, “your birthday, your choice. . . . But . . . if you really want a recommendation . . . There's Something About Mary is a very good romantic comedy.”
Louis blinks. “What's it about?”
“This guy Ted — Ben Stiller plays him — wants to reconnect with his old prom date back from high school he had a massive crush on, so, he hires somebody to track her down and . . . it's, like, really messy, but what rom-com isn’t? It's a hundred times better than it sounds,” Harry promises him.
Louis seems to consider it.
Then he nods.
“Sure. Let's watch that.”
Harry looks over his shoulder at Louis as he stands from the settee. “You sure?” he asks.
Harry kneels in front of his small but wide bookcase full of DVDs. He quickly looks over every case until he finds the one he’s looking for. Turning the player on and popping in the disc, he returns to his spot on the sofa. Harry’s seen this romcom a thousand times, so, though he keeps his eye on the television, he doesn’t try to catch up with everything that plays out. Instead, he listens to Louis’s laughter, and distracts himself by dragging his forefinger across his lips for something to do. When the stove timer goes off, he jumps up to get it, and Dolly follows behind him.
“It's done,” Harry calls out. After he puts the cake on the counter on top of a dish cloth, he tests the idle with a toothpick. When he looks up to see where Louis is, he finds him by Harry’s walls of picture frames, cradling Dolly in his arms as his gaze roams. Harry decides to act indifferent and let a hard feeling pass through his stomach, and raids through his pantry to find the frosting. “Louis. Where's the frosting?” Harry feels Louis come up beside him a moment later. “I gave it to you. Where could it have disappeared to?”
Taking a step back, Louis stretches an arm out to open the freezer door. He reaches in, and then he closes it to hold the small container of frosting towards Harry, in the air. “Right here,” he says, wiggling it when Harry looks at him, gaze falling on the container. “I put it in the freezer.”
Harry pauses, lips parting. “Why did you put it in the freezer?”
Louis raises both brows at him in a way that the answer should be obvious. “Because room temperature frosting is disgusting? It's only good when it's cold.”
Gently, he tosses it on the island.
Harry's eyebrows pull together as he steps back and pulls the pantry door closed. “Uh—I hate to inform you, but frosting is good no matter what temperature it is,” he says in a vaguely defensive voice.
“Now you're just being gross,” comments Louis, looking briefly at Harry when he situates himself in front the cake, his lightheartedness subtle. Harry chooses to just busy himself with removing the cake from the pan, turning his back to Louis. “Oh, no.”
Harry turns around.
“What?” Harry asks.
He sets the plate full of cake beside Louis on the island and peeks at what Louis has in his hand.
Louis turns his body in an angle, towards Harry, and demonstrates the issue. Holding a knife in his hand to scope some of the chocolate frosting out, he goes at it — but he's stopped, and it's impossible to get any, because the knife is met with nothing but brick. “It's frozen,” Louis says.
Harry blinks a few times.
“Shut up,” he retorts. He glances around before walking over to a cabinet to retrieve a bowl. “Couldn't we use a microwave? Unless you're willing to wait an hour for it to thaw. I know I rather not.” Setting the bowl down, next to the frosting, Louis takes it in his hands and attempts to shake it out into the bowl first. Harry just watches him – and he pauses for a second, because he notices a small freckle on the upper part of the side of his neck. He’s lost count, now, how many freckles Louis has.
“I thought you hated warm frosting.”
“I do, but if we put it in for just a few seconds it won't matter,” Louis reasons.
Harry watches him shake it and realise that method doesn’t work. He proceeds to lay it upside down on the lid and hits it hard. Then he tries squeezing it before attempting to pry the container from the edges of the frosting.
The corners of his mouth tilt downwards in a frown.
“It's going to take more than a few seconds,” Harry comments, and takes the frosting from Louis. He bangs it against the edge of the island, the sound visibly startling Louis. The solid block of frosting falls right into the bowl Louis had gotten. Harry gives him a smile as he walks past Louis to the microwave that sits on the counter to the left of the refrigerator and slides it in. Harry doesn't take it out until it looks like it's thawed entirely, then pulls it out with a hot pad. Coming up beside Louis, he pokes his index finger in the frosting and sucks it into his mouth. “Not that warm.”
He pokes another finger in it.
Louis waves his fingers away from the frosting, and he uses the knife from before to taste it. The temperature appears to be okay with him, judging by the pleased look on his face.
“It's really good,” he confesses quietly to Harry. He puts his knife in the dishwasher full of other dirty utensils and grabs clean knives and forks to use and separate plates for Harry and him. “I don't want to put any frosting on it, by the way,” he adds.
Harry pauses.
“What? Why?” He pulls his eyebrows together in confusion, and looks at Louis instead of the cake. What kind of person doesn’t want frosting on their cake?
“I prefer to have it on the side and dip the cake in the frosting,” Louis explains. “It tastes better to me that way.”
For a few moments, Harry stares at him, and Louis stares back, a little challenge in his face. His assistant is weird. But he can work around it. So, he nods, saying, “We can do that, no problem.” Then he remembers: “Wait.” He walks over to a drawer a few feet from them and rummages through it until he pulls out two things: a large pack of single candle sticks, and candle numbers 2 and 7. “Can't forget these.” Harry sticks the numbers right in the centre, then surrounds it with twenty-seven of the fifty count of blue candles. It's a very crowded cake, and crumbly and has new cracks added into the old ones because of the force of all the candles. It’s ugly, in Harry’s opinion; the cake, the stereotypical candles, how bare and destroyed it all is – but when he lifts his head to look at Louis, into his blue eyes that have specks of green and grey, his chest eases. Stops. Momentarily. This . . . isn’t so ugly.
Quickly, he lights all of the candles. “Okay,” he says upon lighting the last one, and sets down the lighter. “Make a wish.”
Louis ends up staring at his face instead of blowing out the candles right away. He searches Harry’s face. And Harry doesn’t know what to do besides stare right back. Finally, Louis tears his eyes away and leans down, blowing out the candles. They leave a trail of smoke in the air and a very distinct candle stench that Harry hates. But Harry pretends, and chooses to clap him for and whistle. Louis laughs at him, something soft and something high that pulls at Harry’s chest. He starts picking the candles out of the cake, and Harry notices a soft tinge of pink colouring the apples of his cheeks.
Harry doesn’t know why, so, he ignores it.
Louis cuts the cake and gives the first slice to Harry, then gives one to himself. Harry suffocates his slice in frosting very carelessly. Dolly retreats back to them and tries to rub her face in the bowl of chocolate and what's on their plates, but Harry grabs her with both of his hands and tucks her underneath his arm. She struggles to free herself the entire time; Harry ignores it. Even when they sit back down on the sofa to continue watching their movie. Harry doesn’t see it coming when Dolly whips her paw around and slashes at his skin, causing a long and bright red scratch down his forearm. He lets her go immediately, pissed off.
He sees Dolly strut right into Louis's lap, and walks in circles before settling down to rest on his thighs. Her relaxed exterior pisses him off more.
“Are you okay?” Louis asks, concerned, eyes full of concern.
Harry’s jaw tenses. “It burns,” he answers truthfully, “but I’m fine. She's just in a mood today.” He rolls his eyes.
There’s a frown on Louis’s face when he glances down at Dolly, but he doesn’t say anything further. Harry chooses to suck it up and finish eating his cake while ignoring Dolly. The scratch thankfully never bleeds, as they finish the rest of their movie, eating the entire cake by themselves. Louis doesn’t finish the next slice he eats, but Harry has no problem eating the rest of it for the both of them.
Harry's licking the icing off his fork when he looks at Louis. The half piece of pure cake is still there on Louis’s plate. “What did you think?”
Louis's eyes flicker up at him, meeting his gaze. Breathing in a soft breath, he nods his head.
“It was good; I liked it. I love Cameron Diaz.”
“Me, too,” Harry admits. “She's very nice.”
“Have you met her?”
Humming, Harry nods once. “Met her on the red carpet at some award show. I think I have a picture.” Louis huffs out a chuckle. “Do you want to watch another movie?”
Louis stays silent for a moment, then shrugs and rests a hand on Dolly, whom lays sleeping in his lap. “Sure. But you pick this time.”
“It's still your choice,” Harry reminds him.
Breathing out a purposely heavy annoyed sigh, he says, “I choose you to pick the next thing we watch.”
“That's not how it works.”
“Sure, it is. It's my birthday.”
Harry stares at Louis, pressing his lips together. It becomes a staring contest between them. It goes on for several moments until Harry blinks and looks away. “I can't argue that,” he says, finally.
“Exactly,” quips Louis, as he gently drops the remote in Harry's outstretched hand, palm turned up.
They watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s, then when Harry turns on Meet the Parents, he notices Louis’s eyes start closing. He repetitively glances out of the corner of his eyes at Louis, watching him nod off until he’s sound asleep. Harry’s chest grows soft as he stares at Louis’s tired, pale face. His thin lips are slightly parted, like he should be snoring. Him and Dolly both sound asleep on each other is a rather humourous sight. He decides to leave Louis be and turns his attention to the television to watch the movie. There’s something . . . oddly comforting about the silence; Louis sleeping beside him, the hum of the telly, the filling sensation that encompasses the silence. It’s not so lonely–not so what Harry’s used to. By the end of the movie, he grabs his own plate and stands up, then does his best to grab Louis’s without disturbing him. But Louis’s eyes flutter open at the accidental brush of contact that Harry internally curses himself for. Louis straightens out his very tilted sleeping position, and looks up at him through squinted eyes.
Harry gives Louis a genuine apologetic look, and quietly says, “Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.”
Louis delicately rubs his eye with the back of his right hand, and stretches his legs, breathing out a tired sigh. He blinks his eyes a few times to adjust. “It's fine,” he rasps. “Sorry I'm falling asleep.”
“Don't apologise,” Harry gently tells him.
He continues off to the kitchen. After scraping off pieces into the rubbish and rinsing off their plates, he lays them on the counter, then hesitates. The image of the gift bag still in the other room floats to the forefront of his mind. He looks over his shoulder at Louis, and finds him distracted by Dolly, and makes a quick decision. Harry speed walks to the other room on silent heels and grabs Louis’ gift bag, then makes his way back into the front room. Louis looks up the exact moment Harry approaches him, and the movements of his hand combing Dolly’s fur stop when his eyes fall down and spot a white bag in Harry's left hand.
“What ‘ave you got there?” His tone is careful.
Harry sets the shopping bag right in his spot, close enough for Louis to reach into. Harry sits on the edge of the settee on the other side of Louis, at an angle facing Louis, and he looks him directly in the eyes. “I thought I'd give this to you, before you completely black out on me,” he says. “It's not really a celebration without gifts, too.”
Louis pushes himself up to sit straighter. “Harry . . .” He looks at a loss for words – lips parted on nothing; uncertainty scaling his face and eyes; touching the bag’s thin, black handles like it’ll burn him. “You didn't have to get me anything. Dinner, movies, the cake, I'm perfectly content just with that.”
Harry presses his lips together lightly and nods. “I know,” he says, forcing his gaze to not leave Louis's. “But I want to do this for you. Don’t make me repeat myself; I’m not good with complimenting people. Just accept it.”
“Fucking accept it,” he says.
Glancing between Harry's face and the bag, Louis touches it again.
He leans forward and peeks inside. It’s covered by black, decorative tissue paper, and Harry watches him use both hands to remove all the tissue paper.
He knows the second Louis sees it. He pauses, gaze unblinking and widening just enough for Harry to catch. He sees the backpack from Givenchy Harry had gotten him. That was . . . another thing he managed to get out of Niall. Louis’s allegedly been so back and forth about buying it for himself that Harry decided to choose for him. It was extremely easy to find, and even easier to buy. It was probably the easiest gift Harry’s ever had to shop for. But–he didn’t think it was enough; he had bought a bag of Reese’s, as well as wrote a check out for Louis and put that in the backpack for him. Maybe it would make up for everything, Harry’s hoping–maybe it’ll . . . Harry shouldn’t be hoping for anything, really. But after Rachel had a talk with him and made him feel like a shitty person, he’s hoping this’ll convey Harry’s guilt. Or apology. Louis might not recognise it as that, but that’s okay.
“Open it,” Harry instructs softly.
Louis quits just staring at the bag and unzips it. Suddenly, he looks up at Harry and smiles at him, face glowing in happiness. Harry can’t help the smile he gives him in return. Louis backs down and–a little laugh is pulled out of him. Harry’s eyebrow furrow, a little, in wonder.
“What's so funny?” Harry asks.
Louis pulls the bag of candy out to show Harry, without speaking.
Harry's gaze shifts from Louis to the treat, a confused but amused smile splitting across his lips. He . . . doesn’t understand. It’s candy. Harry shrugs like what about it? and Louis shakes his head in response and mumbles never mind. Setting the candy down beside Dolly, he grabs the check.
Louis scoffs, shaking his head as he begins to read it, and asks, “How much is this?”
But he abruptly stops, face falling.
“Five thousand dollars,” Harry casually answers, despite his heart picking up pace again. Louis lifts his head to look at him, but he doesn't say anything. Is it too much? Is it too forward? Did Harry cross a line? Maybe he was wrong for buying Louis his dream backpack and a check. But if he just stuck with the candy, then Harry would look like he put in the least amount of effort in. And this is the line he struggles with: either going too far, or not doing enough. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing,” Louis answers immediately. Then he releases a breath, knowing he’s full of it.  “This is too much, Harry.”
Harry blinks, then stamps on his racing heart and pulls out his detached face. “Louis,” he begins, stern, “don’t even start. That?”—he points to the check—“That is pocket change to me. We’ve gone over this. I have more money than I’ll ever know what to do with. I don’t see better use for it than for charity and for using it to buy whatever you want. Don’t feel bad about me using my own money. Eat the rich, or whatever they say.”
“Do you even know what that means?” Louis asks.
Harry pauses.
“Yes and no. But that’s a different conversation for another day.”
Louis blinks, breaking his gaze from Harry. Harry watches him closely, and waits for something. Louis’s face is concentrated; furrowed eyebrows, a far away look in his crystal clear eyes. He’s thinking something, and as much as Harry would love to get inside that pretty little head of his, he merely settles for waiting. Dolly comes poking through, however, weaving herself effortlessly and expertly through Louis's arms. She throws her arms up to cling to the opened backpack, and stands on her hind legs to peer inside. She stuffs her entire head in it, and it breaks Louis out of whatever it was, making him chuckle.
Harry just shakes his head.
Louis wraps his fingers around her legs to pull her back out of his backpack, but she clings hard. Harry  finds himself laughing softly at the image before him, and he intervenes quickly. He softly scratches behind Dolly's head, then transitions into wrapping his hands around her bottom. He picks her up upside down, successfully having Dolly let go.
Harry pulls her to his chest.
Louis's small chuckle turns into a giggle, and he shakes his head. He reaches for his phone on the coffee table, and Harry watches his face change to realisation.
“I have to go,” he announces.
Dolly falls out of Harry’s grip and runs away.
He looks at Harry.
Harry puts on an unreadable face. “You have to go?” he repeats.
“Yeah,” Louis responds as he stands up. “I have a flight in the morning. Remember? I have to get up really early, and triple check all my belongings. It’s a long flight, so, I’ll need some proper rest.”
“All right,” Harry agrees. He walks first to the door, with Louis following suit, after placing his backpack back into the bag, along with the check. “When's your flight?”
“Hm,” Louis hums. “I think 7.45 in the morning.”
“Harsh,” Harry comments lightly. He lifts his hand to rub at his neck a moment. “I hope it's good. Tell your mum I said hello.”
Louis nods. “I will. And I hope it is, too.” There's a slightly awkward pause, on Louis's end. But it doesn’t last. “Listen . . . I want to thank you for—”
Harry interrupts him.
“No problem.”
“You didn't have to,” Louis points out. He's clearly not going to let Harry wave it off. “You didn't have to do anything at all, but you did. I just want you to know that it's one of the nicest things someone's ever done for me, and that I really, really appreciate it.”
Louis looks at with the most serene face, conviction in his tone. It causes Harry to be temporarily weak.
“You're welcome,” he says in response, hands clasped behind his back for something to hold on to.
Harry doesn’t see it coming – Louis steps forward with confidence, coming into Harry’s personal space, and raises himself onto his toes to wrap his arms around Harry’s shoulders. Those icy nerves return alight and burn him. He’s paralysed for several moments; all he registers is the faint scent of floral notes reaching into his nostrils and brushing against his nose hairs. It’s not overwhelming; it’s the perfect aroma of flowers and fruitiness. Based on his own colognes he’s sampled and bought before, this one could be YSL – or maybe it’s ones he’s seen, such as Lancome. They carry a lot of floral perfumes. Either way, it’s very pleasing. And before he can think, he sneaks his arms around Louis’s small waist–it’s much smaller and slimmer than it looks–and spreads his fingers across the bottom of his spine and the middle of his back.
It’s only a moment later Louis pulls back.
Even though Louis doesn’t look at him, he can’t stop staring at Louis, completely dumbfounded.
“I'll see you in a couple weeks,” says Louis, smiling, when he looks up at Harry. “I'm a text and phone call away if you need anything, okay?” Louis raises a pointed eyebrow at him, giving Harry a look. “Don't hesitate, okay? I won't mind.”
Harry nods.
He’s not going to, but he’ll pretend for Louis.
“Got it,” he says, pressing his lips together.
The pointed look remains on Louis's face.
“I mean it,” he presses, to ensure his message is across.
Harry rolls his eyes and straightens out his posture. “I know,” he sighs. “I’ve survived nearly a decade without you, so, I don't think anything I can't handle is going to happen in the time you'll be gone.”
Louis throws his hands up in surrender.
“Hey, I didn't say you couldn't handle any one thing. I implied quite the opposite, actually,” he corrects.
Harry plays along.
“No need to rub my already swollen ego.”
Louis smiles, huffing out a small laugh. It’s the softest expression he’s ever seen on a face. It’s so caring. Harry doesn’t–understand how he can be so gentle. “Never happy with anything, are you?” he teases.
Harry smiles. “Nope,” he says. “Comes with being a perfectionist. And just being me, in general.”
“I see.” There's silence that falls over them like a blanket. Harry’s hoping Louis will take the cue and leave, but he stays. “What do you plan to do for Christmas?”
Harry blinks.
“I don't know,” he answers. “I don't do much for Christmas, really. I don't celebrate it.”
Louis raises an inquiring brow. “Because of religious reasons, or . . . ?”
Harry shrugs. He doesn’t talk about it with anyone. He’s certainly not going to discuss it with Louis. “Nah. Just don't celebrate it, that's all,” he answers, giving Louis a small smile that he knows doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Not even with your parents?” Harry shakes his head, choosing not to say anything more. With that, Louis drops the subject. “Don't forget to—”
“I'm kicking you out,” Harry says, tone flat, and a finger pointed to the door behind Louis.
He walks around him and opens it.
“You're kicking me out?” Louis repeats,, smiling and now standing so close to the door frame, as he keeps his gaze on Harry, whom now leans against the side of the red door, arms crossed and one foot hooked around the other.
Harry nods vigorously, eyebrows risen.
“Get out. Right now.”
“Fine, I'll leave,” says Louis, raising his hands as he walks out onto the stone walkway, “but not because you're threatening me; but because I want to.” He keeps on walking down the small set of stone steps and across the path leading to the driveway.
“Louis,” Harry calls out without thinking, just going on the feeling of restricted air in his chest. Louis looks over his shoulder, as his hand pulls his car keys out of his pants pocket, and his strides slow. He stares at Harry with patience, and it’s the last thing Harry wants to see in his face, because he won’t be seeing him for a while. “Merry Christmas. Happy birthday. Have a safe flight.”
Louis’s mouth curves up in a gentle, genuine smile.
“Thank you. Happy New Year,” he calls back.
Harry closes the door two-thirds of the way, not willing to let go of the sight of Louis quite yet. He needs to see him get safely in his car and drive away – he can’t let that feeling go. The restriction in his chest worsens when he watches Louis open his car door, but it eases slowly when Louis looks back. In fear of coming off creepy, he closes the door. But he stays behind it to listen to the engine start – to see the red lights reflect against the windows and the distant sound of his car fade until Harry can’t hear anything anymore. Then he turns around, inhaling a deep breath when his vision lands on Dolly sitting on her bum patiently by the stairs, watching him.
“Dolly,” he says – she tilts her head – “Am I too much?”
Dolly mews and walks off.
He’s always changing himself, changing his style, his image. He’s either always too much or not enough; there’s no healthy balance. Maybe he’ll try working on it in Louis’s absence, so, he doesn’t have to fret over it every time he says or does something he’s not familiar with. He doesn’t want to scare Louis off.
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From The Ashes AU - Sparkstar's Nine Lives Ceremony - Writing Drabble
I've been stuck on this AU a lot so I decided to share some of my writings. For those new I wrote down the plot on how it started and then wrote allegiances
this is from the nine lives ceremony I mentioned in the former for Sparkstar, who now leads a Clan she named in honor of her grandfather's memory.
The air was still that night, two shapes walking along the tree-line with their bodies low and ears pinned down, fearing confrontation. The ground on this warm night felt like ice under Sparkpelt's paws as every little scuttling mouse or curious owl's call made her worry that she and Leafpool were going to get caught.
It had been some time since they had left ThunderClan and being back did not bring any comfort to the bright ginger she-cat.
Mom would've died for this place.. She did die for this place.. Her heart twisted as a sickening wave of grief had her pause for a brief moment as she looked up at the glittering sea of stars above her head. Which one of those are you, Squirrelflight?
She kept moving, glancing up every now and then to find the three brightest stars. One for her mother, one for her late mate Larksong, and one for her son who never got to grow up, Flickerkit.
"We're getting close," Leafpool hushed mew snapped Sparkpelt out of her thoughts as she glanced at the medicine cat. A medicine cat for a Clan that didn't even have a name yet. The thought was almost amusing. "Stick close. We can still be found by a patrol."
She bit her tongue as a smart remark almost left her maw. She was going to ask if her father, Bramblestar, would really drag them back to ThunderClan from the Moonpool, but seeing as Ivypool and Fernsong literally had to fight their way out to leave, she wouldn't be surprised.
The ice that tugged her paws down, trying to stick her in place, grew heavier as she caught a glimpse at the Moonpool for the first time in her life. The way the stars danced in the clear water made it look like the pool itself sparkled with the pelts of StarClan cats.
With a small motion of her head, Leafpool invited Sparkpelt to lap at the water, the brown tabby even taking the first drink to prove it was safe. Leaning down and lapping at the water, it felt so cool and fresh that her body relaxed, causing the molly to realize that her body had been tense with fear.
With a small blink, she found herself surrounded by a forest of shimmering trees, a breeze pulling at her fur unlike the stiffness of the forest she had experienced on her way here.
Before she could continue to register the awe-inspiring sight around her, she was greeted by a dark ginger shape rushing over and the feeling of rough, but loving licks to her head. A deep purr rumbled in her throat as she took in the familiar warm feeling and the achingly painful scent of her mother.
"Squirrelflight," Her voice cracked as she realized just how much she had missed her. The bittersweet feeling rose from her chest and to her throat, blocking her words as she struggled to speak. "I-"
"I'm happy to see you, too," The small she-cat, nuzzling her with such warmth. It felt like lifetimes ago that she was expecting kits and Squirrelflight had been right there beside her, comforting her and assuring her that she was going to be okay, even while the older molly had been fighting with Bramblestar. "How I wish I could be there for you and your kits and-"
She glanced at Leafpool, who stood there with a saddened smile.
"You did so much for us already," The brown tabby molly said, reaching one of her white paws out and resting it on Squirrelflight's. "You've done so much for me already. You deserve the rest."
Sparkpelt watched as a wordless conversation followed, their expressions changing ever so slightly as the only noise was the faintness of their breaths. After a long moment, Leafpool stepped back, dipping her head and glancing towards the bright ginger she-cat.
It's my turn to talk. She realized quickly, looking back at her mother.
"What you did for us - for ThunderClan and the Sisters - no one will ever forget," Sparkpelt promised. She refused to let herself forget that sacrifice made to save kits that wasn't even hers or her Clan's. "And I know it's a lot more to ask, but there's something we need - or at least need to know. You see, after you.. After you were gone, Leafpool and I left, followed by-"
"I know."
Sparkpelt blinked at the interruption.
She knows?
"I've been watching every moment," She assured, nudging her daughter's shoulder with her nose. "I know how you and Stormcloud have been working hard to make a safe and caring home for you and the other ThunderClan refugees. I know that Bramblestar is fighting tooth and claw to bring everyone back home because he's become blind with grief and rage."
She blinked more slowly this time, her green eyes shining even brighter than usual for a brief moment.
"And I know you're here for your nine lives."
Shock rippled through Sparkpelt.
"StarClan is ready to gift you your lives. We talked for so long after you left, trying to determine if this was the right path. In the end, we are sure of it."
Behind the StarClan warrior, the queen saw the forest come to life with many shining cats, all of them holding their heads high with pride.
Squirrelflight stepped close, the warmth of her glittering body overwhelming Sparkpelt for a moment, like an inferno under the smaller she-cat's pelt. The younger she-cat felt that energy rush through her, burning at her paws like she was standing in flames, the crackling ringing in her ears as she could hear the distant shouts of her mother.
"With this life I grant you compassion," She murmured, eyes full of love and burning determination. "I don't regret how I ended up here. Bramblestar may have thought it was foolish for me to help cats I barely knew, but I was able to ensure the chance that three kits would be able to live and see the world."
Sparkpelt pulled Squirrelflight in for one last goodbye nuzzle before letting her mother step back.
Her lonely heart twisted more as another cat came forward, his dark pelt alight with many stars that danced in his eyes.
"Larksong.." His name fell from her maw before she could stop it and she longed to lay in a nest with him, to talk about everything and nothing all at once.
"Sparkpelt," He purred her name with such love and warmth that for a moment she felt secure and safe. He rested his chin on her head and she pressed against him, breathing in his scent for a long while. "I wish I could've stayed. I miss being with you with every breath I breathe.."
"I miss you, too," She felt herself about to weep. "I miss you so bad that it hurts. It feels so lonely without you."
He pulled away and her heart yearned for this to not be over.
"But you're not alone," He reminded her. "You've built your own family, one of many cats who can be there for you. And, even if you can't see me, I'm standing by your side forever and always."
She leaned forward again, wanting to feel his fur against his, but he lowered his head to where their foreheads were touching, their noses close.
"With this life I give you confidence. I believe in everything you do and I know you'll lead these cats well. You just need to be able to see it, too."
Their noses touched and Sparkpelt felt a shocking mix of being as light as a fallen feather and being as sturdy as stone. Like she could do anything and take on any foe. The feeling started to taper after Larksong pulled his head away.
"I'll be with you always." He meowed, stepping away to allow room for a much smaller shape to toddle over. The grief became overwhelming as little Flickerkit approached, his eyes bright and joyful at the sight of his mother.
"Mama!" He chirped, pressing his head to her leg. She leaned down to give him a lick, but was met with his nose touching hers, as if he had been expecting her to move to make it easier for him. "With this life I give you forgiveness. It's not your fault, okay? I'm not mad that I had to leave, so please don't be mad at you either."
Sorrowful sand coated Sparkpelt's tongue and the stone of loss made her throat ache.
"My beautiful kit," She whispered out. "I love you."
"I love you, too, Mama."
She managed to get a couple licks on his head before he ran over to Larksong, standing next to his father with such light in his eyes. Losing them so close to each other was still so hard for her to bare.
It took her a moment to notice that a new cat had approached - a white and speckled brown she-cat, whose eyes narrowed in such a sharp look that it felt like it stung the grieving she-cat.
"I'm Pebbleshine of SkyClan," She stated bluntly, her intense gaze fixed on Sparkpelt's eyes. "And if it were up to me, you wouldn't be the one getting these lives." Sparkpelt winced. "But I was outvoted, so instead I'm going to give you the life of acceptance."
She pressed her nose firmly against the ginger molly's, causing a small shock of pain with just how quickly she pressed her nose. A bright intensity filled her, followed by a warm flood, as if someone was letting out the first feeling.
"May you accept all cats, not just your own."
As Pebbleshine turned to walk away, it clicked suddenly to Sparkpelt on why something had been bothering her. This molly was Twigbranch's mother. They didn't look a lot alike, but they had the same general body shape.
After her approached another she-cat - a cat whose solid black fur shifted ever so slightly in a mix of emotions as she looked past Sparkpelt and to the she-cat next to her. There was another silent conversation, one of forgiveness and kindness, before the black she-cat turned to her.
"I'm Hollyleaf," The name shot many stories through Sparkpelt's head as she recalled it quickly. "I'm-"
"Lionblaze and Jayfeather's sister. I remember.. My mother and father raised you.."
She nodded before stepping forward.
"I died for my Clan, much like she did, but I made some grave mistakes along the way that I still wish I could take back, but I never gave up," She blinked slowly, her gaze becoming intense. "And I don't want you to give up, either. So with this life, I give you endurance. Use it to carry you and your Clan."
Sparkpelt wasn't ready for the burning, aching, tired feeling to erupt through her body. Her heart pounded in echoes through her ears and her legs quivered helplessly, but she found she could still stand, despite the soreness that clawed through every part of her.
As she was recovering, someone else stepped forward. A large golden cat, whose pelt somehow still had the soft cling of milk to it. Confusion settled over the fading pain as she noticed a look of love and affection in the molly's eyes.
"Who are you?" She asked quietly.
"I'm Goldenflower," Came the reply. "I'm Bramblestar's mother - your grandmother - and it's such an honor to finally meet you. I may have passed away so many moons ago, but to know my son had such a wonderful family kept me from letting myself wander too far."
"With this life I give you protection. May you fight for every life as if they were the lives of your kits."
A new feeling surged through, like fire and electricity, dragging out her claws in order to defend those around her from the shadows looming in the corners of her mind.
Blinking her eyes open, Goldenflower dipped her head and whispered a soft goodbye before stepping away.
Two more kits replaced the one queen - a dark brown tabby tom and a pale ginger she-cat. It took only one look at the tom for it to register just who these two were, even if she didn't have any actual memories of them.
"Juniperkit, Dandelionkit," She felt a faint sadness for never getting to know them, but she found it wasn't as intense as her sorrow for anyone else. It made her wish she had more time to get to know them, to give them the proper respect they deserved as her littermates. "You're so much bigger than I remember."
It wasn't the truth, but it was enough for the two kits to become giddy.
"I told you! She remembers us!" Dandelionkit boasted, holding her head high. Juniperkit stuck his tongue out before shoving his sister. She was about to shove back when Squirrelflight let out a cough, catching the kits' attention. "Oh! Yeah!"
Dandelionkit pressed her nose against Sparkpelt with such speed that it hurt much worse than when Pebbleshine had done it. She got a quick apologetic glance from her late sister before the kit spoke again;
"With this life I give you enthusiasm! You gotta enjoy every day you can!"
Kit-like energy spread through her body as she remembered playing with Alderkit in the nursery and chasing Bramblestar's tail as he tried to get things done around camp.
The buzzing feeling made her paws tingle, even after Juniperkit walked up for his turn.
"With this life I give you faith!" He declared loudly, shooting a smug look at Dandelionkit before turning back to Sparkpelt. "Even if things are looking bad, you gotta hang in there and know that there are cats there for you! So never ever give up!"
Emotions swirled through Sparkpelt's chest as bubbling feelings of fear and despair were suddenly washed out with new feelings of hope and confidence. Not the same soaring confidence that Larksong had given her, but enough to make the world just a bit brighter.
They all stepped away as a shape emerged from the crowd and Sparkpelt's eyes widened as a tom came forward. His flame-like pelt was the same stunning color as hers and she didn't even need to think about who this was. She had heard enough stories to fill the heads of many cats for moons to come.
"You're Firestar." She blurted out. He smiled and she realized just where her mother's warm and loving gaze came from.
"I am," He confirmed as he stood only a whisker or two away. "It's good to finally see my granddaughter. I would've loved to dote on you while I was alive, but I'm still so happy to get to see you."
It felt overwhelming in the moment. This was Firestar. She was a part of his legacy and suddenly the shame of how she had been acting before made her feel like an embarrassed little kit.
"With this, I proudly give you the life of love. From the kits born inside the nursery to cats who choose to wander, all your Clanmates are worthy of love."
When he pressed his nose to her, she felt as if she was floating, her heart swelling so much that it almost hurt. She could see everyone's faces as she closed her eyes as well - Stormcloud standing by her side as he watched Cherryfall, Ivypool and Ferncloud helping their kits build dens for everyone to sleep in, Daisy helping watch Finchkit and Flamekit, and even Finleap and Twigbranch returning home with prey in their jaws.
To love these cats like family.. She could feel herself able to do that, even if she hadn't always been the best cat in their lives.
"Congratulations, Sparkstar." Firestar bowed his head to her as she could hear her name being called by many cats, both those she knew and voices she had never heard.
"Sparkstar! Sparkstar! Sparkstar!"
Waking up, Sparkstar's ears were still ringing as she slowly stood, her legs shaking lightly as she took in what happened. She could hear movement beside her as Leafpool was soon awake, looking at her with warm amber eyes.
"How do you feel?" She asked softly, aware that what just happened was a lot. There was a moment of silence as the newly named leader took in a long, deep breath.
"I feel great," She assured, smiling at the medicine cat. "Let's get back home. To FireClan."
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kurokoros · 4 years
fever | dabi
Rated: M
Words: 4.2K
Pairing: dabi x fem!reader
Summary: What should be a normal closing shift at the bar ends as anything but when Dabi decides to tease you.
Requested by @southsidewrites
Warnings: smut, semi-public sex, anal play, begging, spanking, overstimulation, dirty talk, edging, double penetration, mild choking, orgasm delay, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks)
The brush of hot fingertips against the back of your thigh has you freezing in place, a barely audible gasp lodging in your throat. At the minor distraction, the glass you were washing slips from your hands, landing in the soapy water filling the sink. Dabi’s chest presses against your back, his lips finding the back of your neck. Slowly, his fingers creep higher on your thigh, flirting with the hem of your tight skirt. Your breathing hitches as he smiles against you, teeth nipping at your flushed skin.
“Dabi.” His name comes out breathless, and you swallow down a whimper, trying to lean away from his wandering hands, but he has you firmly trapped between him and the counter. Not that you’re really trying to get away.
He’s been teasing you all night, the bastard. Whispering filthy things in your ear as you helped Kurogiri behind the bar, telling you exactly what he planned to do to you tonight. The cheeky gropes and swats at your ass throughout the night kept you on edge, his fingers sneaking beneath your skirt whenever he was sure no one was looking. It’s been driving you mad.
The cold metal of his staples slide against your skin as his lips wander down the side of your neck. When you shiver at the icy sensation, he chuckles. Heat blazes across your back as he warms his hands, rubbing slow, teasing circles into your thighs. “What’s wrong, babydoll?” he asks. His lips find a sensitive spot beneath your jaw that has your eyes fluttering shut, and you barely have enough sense to shut off the sink. His grin only grows as you take up a white-knuckled grip on the counter.
You exhale shakily as his hips roll against your ass, his cock already half-hard and hot against you. One of his hands slides around to your front, slipping between your thighs before you can even think to stop him. A high-pitched, needy sound slips past your lips as two of his fingers drag over the crotch of your panties and prod at your clit roughly.
A hum vibrates against the side of your throat as he continues to rub tight circles over your sensitive nerves. “You’re so fucking wet for me already,” he tells you, smugness just dripping from his tongue. A breathy mew escapes you as he ruts against your ass. “What a dirty little girl.”
Huffing, you try not to shudder as his teeth bite down on your neck, nipping and sucking in a way that you just know is going to leave a bruise in the morning. “You’re such an—” A moan cuts you off as two of his fingers slip beneath your underwear and thrust into your dripping slit. “Oh, god,” you choke out as his fingers curl, easily finding that special spot that practically has you sobbing.
You shouldn’t be letting him do this here, in the bar where any member of the League could catch you, but your weak protests die on your lips as his thumb rolls over your clit. Whimpering, your head drops back against his shoulder, your hips rocking forward against the fingers picking up a steady rhythm between your legs. A slick, lewd sound accompanies each thrust, and you’d be embarrassed if it didn’t feel so good.
Dabi nudges your chin, tilting your head to expose more of your soft skin to his wandering mouth. The hand groping your ass travels up your skirt, hiking the fabric upwards until your cheeks are exposed. A particularly hard thrust of his fingers has you keening, your hips jerking, and Dabi groans as your ass rubs against his covered cock. “It turn you on knowing one of those bastards could walk down here and see me fucking you over the bar?” he asks, voice rough and dangerously low. “See how wet that pretty little pussy gets for me?” 
White, hot arousal coils tight in your stomach, Dabi’s voice only feeding the liquid fire shooting through your veins. Your walls clench around his fingers at his question, your breath catching in your throat. His thumb won’t stop rolling over your clit like that, and your thighs are already starting to shake.
When you don’t answer fast enough, Dabi’s grip on you shifts, and his hand slaps your bare ass cheek. “Answer me, doll.”
The sharp sting makes you gasp, and your hips buck forward against the fingers playing with your pussy. Your thighs clench around his hand. “Shit, Dabi, yes.”
Heat flares in his hand as his calloused palm rubs against the reddening skin of your ass, soothing you. “Good,” he murmurs, tilting his chin to press a sweet kiss to your cheek. “That’s a good girl.” Dark arousal flickers in those piercing blue eyes of his as he rubs his fingers against a spot that has you gasping.
Your back arches into him. Each touch sends little shocks of electricity coursing through you, and the knot in your stomach winds tighter as your arms and legs start to shake. Dabi’s hips pinning yours against the bar are the only thing holding you up, and the wicked look in his eyes means he knows it too—means he knows just how easily he can make you come apart with only his hands.
Prying one hand from the counter, you reach back to grab a fistfull of his hair, pulling on the inky strands harsher than you mean to as his thumb starts to rub harsh circles over your puffy clit. He groans against the side of your neck. The grip he has on your ass grows tighter, bruising, and you pant his name as his fingers slam against that sweet spot inside you.
Another pitiful whine of his name slips out before you bite down on your lip to silence the needy sounds. Your attempts to stay quiet only amuse the man pressed up against your back. Dabi’s fingers twist inside you, stroking against your tight walls deliciously. Sweat beads along your hairline as your hips rock forward, matching the pace of him fucking you with his hand.
“You wanna come, baby?” he asks, thumb stroking your clit. A devilish smile forms on the lips pressed against your neck, and your breath catches as the knot in your stomach threatens to snap, the pleasure too much. “Too fucking bad.”
Dabi’s fingers pull out of you with a slick, wet sound, and you whine as your orgasm fades as quickly as it was there.
“Asshole,” you pant, the ache between your legs stronger than before. Dabi is quick to grip your thigh, keeping you from rubbing them together for some kind of friction.
He chuckles. “You like it.” Warm, wet fingers drag across your damn panties, and you squeal when he gives your clit a harsh pinch. Your hand falls from his hair back to the counter top, and Dabi takes a step back. “Fuck, look at you,” he says, eyes on the curve of your ass. Dabi pulls your skirt higher until it’s bunched around your waist. A sharp exhale hisses through his teeth as Dabi freezes behind you.
Suddenly, you’re being grabbed from behind and yanked away from the sink. Your legs almost buckle beneath you as he shoves you forward, and you’re hyper-aware of his hands on you as he pushes you facedown against the nearest surface. The counter digs into your hips and your legs burn from the stretch of being forced onto your toes, but the stinging pain only makes you moan.
A low command of “don’t move” is breathed against your ear before Dabi leans back again. Your breath catches at the tone, and your fingers scrape against the bartop.
Dabi’s palm drags against your ass cheek, groping at the soft flesh before slapping you again. The quiet whimper that escapes you is smothered by the wood beneath you. Heart in your throat, you’re practically holding your breath as he stands over you silently. The wait is excruciating. With your clit throbbing and your ass stinging where he hit you.
When Dabi laughs again, there’s not a trace of humor in his voice. “Fuck,” he murmurs, “you’ve got such a perfect little ass.” He squeezes your cheek, eyeing the smooth skin that spills between his fingers. “So fucking pretty.” He spanks you again, and you moan, the twinge of pain hitting you right between the legs. One long finger slips beneath the edge of your panties and pulls, and the slick sound the damp fabric makes as it pulls away from your dripping pussy has you blushing despite yourself.
The soaked cloth drops to the floor around your ankles.
You cry out suddenly as his fingers wrap around the base of the plug in your ass, giving it a little tug. Dabi only hums as you whine, pulling the plug out just enough for you to feel the stretch of the thickest part all over again. It’s blunt, tapered at the end, with enough weight to it that you could feel it all night as you worked. It’s newer and bigger than anything you’ve tried before, and the stretch has a shiver of delight curling up your spine. 
When he dared you to wear it through your shift today, it was a challenge you couldn’t pass up. You knew it would drive him just as crazy as it did you, knowing there was a plug stretching out your cute little ass, knowing that anyone could find out if you weren’t careful. It was a thrill your entire shift, but you weren’t expecting him to jump you as soon as everyone was gone. Not that you’re complaining.
Dabi teases you with the plug, pushing it in a little only to drag it back out, and you’re choking on moans before you realize it. Your toes are curling, your legs shaking, and all you can do is cry out his name as his other hand reaches around to rub against your clit again.
There’s a grating, smug tone to his voice when he says, “You better be quiet, baby.” Dabi’s covered cock grinds against the back of your thigh. “Everyone’s gonna know what a naughty little slut you are if you keep moaning like that.” A pleased hum escapes him as you clench around the plug stuffing your tight hole.
He lets go of the plug and ruts against you, driving it deeper into your ass.
“Fuck, Dabi,” you whimper, head dropping to the countertop as you shiver.
His hands press against the counter on either side of your hips, caging you in like before. “You like that plug stretching out your tight hole?” Dabi leans down so that his mouth is against your ear, his breath hot and his words teasing. “I’m gonna have so much fun playing with your slutty little ass while I make you whine around my cock. And you’re gonna beg for it, too.”
Your stomach flips at his words, arousal licking up your spine, and Dabi nips at the back of your neck. You look small beneath him, and his cock twitches just thinking about fucking you with that plug still in your ass. And he will. But not yet.
Roughly, Dabi shoves two fingers back into your dripping pussy. Your back arches with a squeal, and your legs automatically widen for him as Dabi shoves his thigh between both of yours, keeping you spread open for him as he fucks you with his hand again. You aren’t given a moment to breathe as his skilled fingers move inside of you, leaving you painfully turned on and desperate. Dabi’s fingers curl, long and thick digits stretching you out beautifully.
It’s too hot. Sweat slides down your back. Dabi’s free hand grips your hip as his hips rock against yours. Dirty words keep falling from his lips; your head is spinning. With his fingers thrusting into you like this, it won’t be long until he has you cumming for him.
“You like that?” he teases you, curling his fingers against the top of your walls. You’re so tight and wet inside, and you clench down on his fingers and the toy in your ass as his thumb rolls over your clit in lazy circles. It’s just enough to have you on edge, your face contorting with pleasure. “Gonna cum for me like a good little slut?” His fingers move faster inside you, fucking you harder.
A choked moan is your only response.
The coil is wound tight in your stomach. A familiar heat licks through you as your hands scramble for anything to hold onto. Your hips roll back against his desperately as your thighs quiver around his hand. The hand on your hip slides around to play with the toy still filling you, and Dabi laughs darkly as your muscles clench down around him. 
Dabi pulls his fingers from between your legs, and you almost sob. He’s quick to grab your legs, holding you in place as you go boneless beneath him, chest heaving. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as the pleasure dulls into an ache again.
Groaning, you turn just enough to glare at him over your shoulder. “Fuck you,” you spit at him.
The bastard just gives you a crooked grin. Wet fingertips drag against your inner thigh. “Not yet.” Dabi’s hands leave you just long enough for him to shrug off his coat and yank his baggy shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. The shirt you’re wearing slides up your stomach until Dabi has it bunched above your breasts. His hand is hot when it slips beneath the flimsy cup to grab you, rolling and pinching your nipple.
You’ve barely come down from the edge he put you on before his fingers are sliding inside of you again. Immediately, your walls clench around his digits like he might disappear again, but this time Dabi doesn’t move. Instead, he nips at the side of your neck and lets your pussy throb expectantly around him.
“Please,” you breathe out as his fingers curl teasingly. His fingers are sticky with your fluids as they pull out and rub against your clit instead.
Dabi runs his hands along the curves of your ass, spreading you from behind to get another good look at the plug stretching you out. Humming to himself, he gives your ass a sharp slap before soothing the skin with a gentle rub. “Please what?” And then, quieter so you almost don’t hear, “Fuck, you’re gonna look so pretty on my cock.” The statement is punctuated by a slow grind of his hips against yours. The plug is pressed deeper inside you, making you moan quietly.
“Dabi,” you whine, knowing he likes it when you get vocal. Each gasp and coo has him rutting against you a little harder. It has you aching for him, just on that painfully thin edge of pleasure before it tips, right where he wants you.
He pinches your nipple harshly. “Tell me what I wanna hear, baby. We can do this all night.”
You wiggle back against him, but he has you pinned in place. “Fuck me,” you demand.
This time he pinches your clit, and you nearly cum with a scream. “That doesn’t sound like begging.”
Huffing, you glare at him as best you can. He might have you ass up and bent over a bar, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of making you cave so easily. “Fuck you,” you snap at him again, but there’s no real fire in your voice and your words are offset by the moan he pulls from you a second later.
“Dabi!” You gasp as his thumb rolls over your clit agonizingly slow. If he keeps teasing you like this, you’re going to wake up the whole damn bar. And right now, your need to get fucked by the asshole behind you is a hell of a lot louder than your pride. “Dabi, shit, please. Fuck, I need you,” you tell him, giving him what he wants. 
You can practically hear the smile in his voice. “That’s a good girl.” The smooth sound of metal on metal makes your breath catch, and you freeze beneath him as Dabi unbuckles his belt. The clasp clanks as he lets it fall loose, and a shiver of anticipation rips through you. 
He grunts as he shoves down his pants and underwear, allowing his painfully hard cock to finally bob free. Stroking himself slowly, Dabi eyes you, taking in the sight of you all spread open and dripping for him, begging for his cock.
Hands grab you hips and pull you backwards, your hips meeting his with a muffled slap, and you can’t help but moan when his cock slips between your thighs. The curved head drags through your slit to massage your clit, and you whimper as the cold metal ball of a piercing rubs against your sensitive button. Dabi grinds against you slowly, jostling the plug in your ass, and you bite your lip to keep from crying out.
“Dabi,” you say, his name the only thing you can think.
He lets go of your breast in favor of grabbing your hips again, his grip tight enough to bruise. A low groan slips from him as his thick cock presses against your pussy. He shoves inside of you easily you’re so wet, and you almost cum from that alone. It’s like a shot of pure ecstasy after how he’s been teasing you, and your inner walls clench around him tight enough to have you both gasping. The feeling of fullness just borders on too much. With the plug stuffing you from behind, his cock is a deliciously tight fit, and you can feel each piercing lining his shaft rub against you as he rocks his hips.
“So fucking tight,” he groans behind you, long and low, and you can feel it rumble through you.
You’re barely given a second to adjust before he starts fucking you roughly. There’s nothing gentle about the way he drags against your walls only to shove back inside almost painfully fast. And his cock is perfect inside of you, hard and hot and thick enough to rub against your sweet spot with every thrust. The wet sound of his cock filling you has you moaning, and each roll of your hips against his manages to jostle the plug inside you. You’re shaking beneath him as he fucks you from behind, unable to do anything but stand there as pleasure wraps around you like a vice. All of his earlier teasing has you so close already.
Behind you, Dabi shifts, dragging your hips from the counter just enough to get his arm around you again. Two fingers rub against your swollen clit roughly, this time intent on getting you off.
Pleasure rips through you like electricity. Your hips jerk against his wildly; your limbs tremble with the effort of holding yourself up. The sensations are too much. Dabi fucks you through it, slamming into you harder as your pussy clamps down on his cock with each rough thrust. A broken version of his name falls from your lips as the piercing through the head of his cock brushes against your sweet spot.
Calloused fingers roll over your clit in tight, fast circles. You nearly scream as they begin to heat up, the temperature of his hands rising until the coil in your gut snaps. Your muscles clench around him tighter as your orgasm hits. It rips straight through you, white-hot and fast, and you whimper pathetically as your toes curl and your pussy spasms around his cock.
He’s still thrusting against you even as you go boneless beneath him. His fingers don’t stop swirling over your clit, and as the pleasure starts to ebb away the stimulation becomes almost painful. Whimpering, you squirm beneath him, trying to shift away from his hand, but you have nowhere to go.
“Dabi,” you gasp as he moves even faster. Each rough thrust jostles the plug, and you clench around it weakly. “Oh god, Dabi!” you cry out. Your back arches off the counter and this time you do sob, squirming beneath him as he pinches and rolls your clit between his fingers. Unable to breathe, you pry one hand from the counter and make a weak grab for the arm he has locked between your thighs.
Hot air puffs against the back of your neck as Dabi huffs a laugh. “I thought you wanted to cum, babydoll,” he teases you.
“I can’t—” you try to protest, but choke on another quiet moan, tears in your eyes.
He lets go of your hip and you yelp as he yanks you back by your hair until you’re upright, his chest pressed flush against your sweaty back. “Yes, you can,” he tells you, low and dangerous.  His teeth press against your shoulder, your neck, anywhere he can bite down and leave another mark on your skin for everyone to see. Once your hands fist around the edge of the bar, Dabi releases you, grabbing your breast again and squeezing. The fingers toying with your clit finally disappear, and your head lolls back against his shoulder as he mouths at your neck. “Look at you taking my cock like a good little slut.” 
The praise hits you between the legs.
“Dabi,” you call out shakily. The knot in your stomach is coming back full force, each slap of his hips against your ass feeding the growing heat between your thighs.
“Fuck,” he snaps, almost growling against your neck. “I wanna see your pretty face when I make you cum again.” 
His cock pulls from you with a filthy, wet sound, leaving you achingly empty inside. Dabi doesn’t leave you for long though. The hands that grasp your hips jerk you around to face him, and his hands grab your thighs and yank you off the ground. Your bare ass slaps against the counter, and you moan as the new angle forces the plug deeper into your tight ass. Dabi drags you to the edge of the counter, and your legs wrap around his waist as his cock slips back inside you, resuming his brutal pace from earlier.
Your eyes flutter shut as his hand wraps around your neck, squeezing just hard enough for you to feel it. The restriction of air and the feeling of his fingers around your throat are enough to have mewling and grinding your hips against his. It’s intoxicating, having him fucking you like this, and you know you’re going to cum again if his cock keeps rubbing against you like that.
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat, doll,” he groans. His grip tightens around your neck. Your hands are in his hair, grabbing his shoulder, searching for anything to hold onto as you pant his name.
With a squeal, your legs tighten around him as those clever fingers sneak back between your thighs and find your clit again, desperate to make you cum again before he spills himself deep inside you. And you clench down on him beautifully. You’re nothing but a shivering mess against his front as the coil winds tight and snaps for a second time. It’s enough to knock the breath out of you, and dark spots float across your vision as you cum on his cock for the second time tonight.
Dabi is close behind you. The grip he has on your throat tightens further, and the combination of his own prolonged orgasm and your hot and wet walls squeezing around him like a tight fist has his shoving his cock inside you as deep as he can get. He moans your name, and your pussy throbs as he cums inside you. Hot, thick fluid fills you up. Some of it drips down your thighs as he continues to rock against you for a moment longer.
The hand around your throat lets you go, moving to cradle your cheek as Dabi leans down to press a surprisingly soft kiss to your waiting lips. “That’s it,” he whispers against you. “That’s a good girl. You did such a good job.” You sigh against his mouth, thighs still quivering around him as his cock shifts inside you, softening, and his piercings rub against your over sensitive walls unintentionally. Dabi quiets you with another kiss, and your entire body feels loose and warm as he wraps himself around you, nothing but gentle with you now.
Eventually, he pulls out of you with a slick sound, and you wince as his cum starts to slide down your leg as you slide off the counter. Dabi is quick to slide your ruined panties back up your shaking legs, fixing your skirt as you watch, too exhausted to move. And then his lips are pressed against your temple, his hands stroking your back as he nuzzles against you.
“Come on, babydoll,” he murmurs against your ear. “Let's get you home and clean up.”
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twilights-800-cats · 3 years
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Chapter 6
Dawn was brightening the sky by the time Russetstar led the way through the fern-and-rush tunnel into ShadowClan camp. Stoneheart’s shoulders did not feel lighter by the rays of the sun – he only felt sapped of energy, tired and hopeless as the Twoleg monsters roared to life in the distance. How could the meeting have gone so badly?
Russetstar wasted little time. She trotted across the camp - ignoring the curious mews from ShadowClan cats who clearly had a hard time sleeping – leaped up onto the Clanrock and raised her voice:
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey come beneath the Clanrock for a Clan meeting!”
Instantly, Stoneheart felt the mood in the camp shift from sleepy curiosity to alert worry. He made his way into the swiftly-forming crowd as his Clanmates took up their positions, shuffling and shivering together in the leaf-fall morning.
“How do you think it went?” wondered Pinewhisker to Nightwing, who was settling on her haunches beside him.
Nightwing’s whiskers twitched. “Not well, from the look on Russetstar’s face!”
Stoneheart swallowed. He felt Finchsong squeeze in beside him, pressing her pelt against his in the throng. “What happened?” the queen asked, her voice hushed in Stoneheart’s ear.
“You’ll hear about it,” Stoneheart murmured back. He felt drained, and wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep through this meeting. He didn’t know if he could take hearing of Leopardstar’s belligerent defiance again.
Russetstar certainly spared her Clan no preamble: “Last night, Blackfoot, Littlecloud, and I met with the leaders of the other three Clans to discuss how we ought to proceed. Unfortunately, only three of us were in agreement on the necessity of leaving the forest – Leopardstar was insistent that the Twolegs posed no threat to RiverClan, and refused to consider leaving.”
“Typical fish-head,” muttered Orre. “She’s always been difficult.” Many of the older warriors, cats who had known Leopardstar longest, nodded in agreement around the golden tom.
“Where does that leave us?” Oakfur wondered, raising his muzzle. “RiverClan might be closing their eyes to the issue, but the rest of us haven’t. Whether it’s to the lake or not, we cannot stay.”
Tallpoppy bristled, and she wasn’t the only one. Cedarheart raised his voice: “I still say that we needn’t leave forever – the Twolegs will find whatever it is they want and then be on their way.”
Stoneheart glowered at his Clanmate, who avoided his eye – or, perhaps, Cedarheart was avoiding his mate, who had already thrown in her lot to go to the lake. Finchsong made no move to counter Cedarheart, but she certainly didn’t move away from Stoneheart to go to his side.
“Either way,” Oakfur pointed out, “we need a plan for the meantime.”
“Agreed,” Russetstar meowed. “I plan to take the senior warriors to counsel in the training area. Oakfur, Cedarheart, Wolftooth, Blackfoot – all of you meet me there, and bring your ideas. We need a plan, and we need it before sunhigh.”
From within the crowd, Littlecloud rose up on his hind legs. “You intend to ignore StarClan?” he asked. “They chose Stoneheart and the others for a reason, that much has been made clear!”
Ripples of worried mews followed the medicine cat’s statement. Having him state outright that he believed that Stoneheart’s message came from StarClan made Stoneheart feel a little better, at least – it would certainly make the doubters and dissenters like Cedarheart and Tallpoppy look more unreasonable.
Russetstar herself, though, frowned. “I do not intend to ignore their message,” she replied, “but I cannot put aside that it was given to all four Clans – if we are not all in agreement, it may be possible that our destination, this lake, would not be open to us. Right now, I need to explore our options in what little time we have.”
Littlecloud sank, his brow furrowing. “I suppose,” he mumbled.
“Tallstar has already given up on his territory and moved in with ThunderClan,” Russetstar went on, turning to the rest of ShadowClan. “The uplands, he says, are barren of prey, and cannot support his Clan. ThunderClan has moved camp near the river. ShadowClan might be next – we need a plan for the now.”
Stoneheart sighed, looking up at his leader. She's assuming that we’re on our own, he thought grimly, as we always are.
Perhaps she’s right.
Russetstar raised her tail and ended the meeting. She leaped down into the crowd, while Blackfoot gathered the senior warriors she had called out around him. Swiftly, they made their way to the training area, dodging curious questions from their Clanmates.
“Incoming,” Finchsong warned.
Stoneheart blinked, confused, before he realized that Russetstar was approaching. The dark ginger she-cat stopped before him and jerked her head, indicating that he should follow.
Surprised, Stoneheart got to his paws. “What’s going on?” he wondered. “Aren’t you going to meet with the senior warriors?”
“I am,” Russetstar meowed, leading the way around the Clanrock. “We are.”
Stoneheart was shocked. “Me? What use am I? I already know where we’re meant to be.”
“I know.” Russetstar paused at the tree branch that bridged the stream between the camp and the training area. She nodded her head to the cats already clustered in the open space beyond. “You’ve far more experience than most with the world beyond our borders, though, and we need that.”
Stoneheart swallowed. She was right about that, at least. Russetstar padded over the branch, and Stoneheart followed. On the other side, he meowed, “Russetstar, there’s one more thing – about the cats that were taken...”
“Oh?” Russetstar turned to him, one paw still raised in a half-step.
“One of them was Tawnypelt,” Stoneheart reminded her.
“I know that.” Her tone was thin, impatient. Her tail twitched, and she glanced at the cats she had summoned. They were looking towards Russetstar and Stoneheart, eyes flickering with confusion at a conversation they couldn’t hear. “They’re all waiting, Stoneheart; get to the point.”
“Feathertail mentioned that if we somehow got Tawnypelt back, Leopardstar might reconsider,” Stoneheart explained. “If we can--”
Russetstar lifted her tail to interrupt him. “That's a big if, Stoneheart – we have no idea where our own missing cat is, or have you forgotten?”
“I haven’t.” Stoneheart felt his fur lift. How dare she think I’ve forgotten my own mate! “But Tawnypelt was taken by Twolegs, too – maybe she and Rowanclaw are together, wherever they, and the others, are?”
That idea seemed to give Russetstar pause, and she frowned. Then, she decided, “It’s worth considering; but we still don’t know where they might be, and it’s looking like we might not have the time to search. I agree that Tawnypelt might have been able to sway Leopardstar, but I still think we need to face what’s before us right now.”
Stoneheart opened his jaws to protest – Rowanclaw! The prophecy! - but he knew Russetstar would not hear of it right now.
Russetstar’s gaze on him softened. Stoneheart realized he must have been pulling a rebellious face, because she touched her nose to his ear and meowed, “If ever you are leader of this Clan, Stoneheart, you will come to learn just how difficult a job it is. You cannot please everyone and, sometimes, regrettably... you cannot save everyone.”
Stoneheart felt a lump in his throat, and he struggled to swallow around it. He hated that what she said made sense – putting himself in her paws was an overwhelming thought, though perhaps not as overwhelming as it had been before his journey to the lake.
Russetstar moved away, crossing the empty training clearing and settling down on her haunches beside Blackfoot. Glumly, Stoneheart followed, trying to keep his paws from dragging in the soft earth.
“Where are we, then?” Russetstar asked, curling her tail around her paws. Stoneheart settled down a pace away, ears forward to listen. “I want ideas.”
“There’s always Twolegplace,” Blackfoot pointed out. “We have plenty of cats who know the terrain, and it might be the best bet we have for a place to stay... or a place to wait out this madness.”
Wolftooth curled his lip, clearly offended by the notion. “It’s a worse idea than you think, Blackfoot – Twolegplace is where organization goes to die.”
Russetstar frowned at her warriors. “It is an option, though. And the only one we’ve got, unless someone else wants to chime in?” She looked to the rest of her small council, eyes flickering with interest.
“I say we just go to this lake without the other Clans,” Wolftooth grunted. The gray tom nodded at Stoneheart. “I believe him, and we’re likely to spend a long time searching for another suitable place.”
Stoneheart might have been warmed by Wolftooth’s approval, but Cedarheart was not a fan. He bristled, glaring at Stoneheart: “I still think this lake business is ridiculous! Why would StarClan send him, above all other cats they could have chosen?”
“It’s not like it was up to me,” Stoneheart grunted back, glaring across the group at Cedarheart. “I dreamed what I dreamed, saw what I saw, and did what I did – it was all for ShadowClan, whether you believe me or not. The lake is where we’re meant to be.”
“Where the four Clans are meant to be,” Russetstar reminded gently. “We aren’t all exactly in agreement on that, and who knows what that might mean for the prophecy?”
Oakfur put in, “Perhaps we could make our way to the lake on our own and try to find someplace else along the way? The lake might be made for the four Clans, but we likely won’t be four Clans when we leave.”
Stoneheart reeled. The idea of the four Clans that had stood together for as far back as anyone could recall splitting apart was unreal – but even Fourtrees clearly could not withstand the Twolegs. Perhaps that meant the four Clans weren’t meant to, either?
Then why send us at all? I cannot believe that the four Clans aren’t meant to be together, Stoneheart told himself. Even if it seems like they’re falling apart.
“It would be a risky journey,” Russetstar meowed, frowning. “We’ve got young, and old as well – but it may be necessary.”
“And Twolegplace?” Blackfoot wondered, raising his brow. He ignored Wolftooth’s snort of derision. “I think that, too, is still an option.”
“As do I,” Russetstar admitted.
“You can’t be serious!” Wolftooth hissed. His tail puffed. “I’m telling you, Russetstar – there's nothing there for us!”
“Agreed,” Stoneheart meowed. He got to his paws, shifting over to Wolftooth to stare squarely at his leader. Part of him felt a little foolish, taking a stand as the youngest warrior in the group, but he’d been invited here, same as them. “Russetstar, Twolegplace is the last place we should settle – especially after what the Twolegs are doing to us now!”
Russetstar blinked at him. “I don’t agree fully with the idea, but it is an option, and one we can explore right now – it may even bear some helpful fruit, Stoneheart. For all the Clans.”
The way she was staring at him made Stoneheart pause. Before he could ask what she meant, Russetstar got to her paws and announced: “Wolftooth, I want you and Stoneheart to explore the Twolegplace. Take another warrior with you – Pinewhisker has experience with Twoleg spaces as well.”
Wolftooth was bristling. “Do you have cotton in your ears, Russetstar? Haven’t you been listening?!”
“I’m wondering if you are listening to me,” Russetstar retorted coolly. “We have little time, and few options – ShadowClan is going to do what we can to explore what lies before us, preferably without uprooting our entire Clan before we must. So, Wolftooth, when can I expect your patrol to return?”
Wolftooth’s tail lashed, bristling as Oakfur, Cedarheart, and Blackfoot looked on with some measure of amusement in their eyes. Stoneheart would have purred, if he weren’t being sent with him – Russetstar certainly had a way of brooking no argument from her warriors.
“Before the half-moon.” Wolftooth deflated, still looking cross but clearly accepting Russetstar’s judgment.
“Good,” Russetstar decided. “Set out immediately. May StarClan watch over you.”
Wolftooth did not respond, stalking back towards camp with a lashing tail. Stoneheart gave Russetstar one more hopeful look, wondering if she intended to elaborate on what she thought was so useful about the Twolegplace – but her head was already bent down, talking quietly with her deputy and their remaining council about prey rationing.
“Stoneheart!” Wolftooth yowled, “Come on!”
Stoneheart jumped to his paws and hurried after Wolftooth, forgoing the tree-bridge entirely and splashing through the stream to meet him beside the Clanrock. He already had Pinewhisker beside him, attended by a worried-looking Nightwing.
“Be careful,” the black she-cat was saying. “The monsters... What if the Twolegs take you, too?”
That’s it! Stoneheart felt like a mouse-brain. Twolegs had taken Rowanclaw and Tawnypelt and the other Clan’s missing cats – Russetstar thinks we might find them in Twolegplace! Hope filled his chest, driving away his uncertainty and worries for the first time since he’d returned to the forest. Russetstar hadn’t dismissed his idea! The missing cats had to be there! Where else could they be – and if they weren’t there, there ought to be some clue as to their whereabouts.
“We can handle it,” Pinewhisker insisted. He looked as if he were still processing this mission, which he’d been suddenly chosen for.
Wolftooth grunted, “We’ll get some traveling herbs from Littlecloud and be off.” The big gray tom was already stalking off towards the medicine cat’s den, tail-tip twitching with annoyance. Pinewhisker followed, but Nightwing hung back with Stoneheart.
“Why can’t I come?” Nightwing wondered, staring after Pinewhisker.
“Russetstar wants us three,” Stoneheart told her sympathetically. Clearly, she had some fondness for Pinewhisker. “The fewer cats running around a Twolegplace, the better; trust me.”
Nightwing didn’t look entirely satisfied, but she turned away, heading for Tallpoppy and   Skipnose. Stoneheart split away, heading for Littlecloud’s den after Wolftooth. He thought of Rowanclaw, and it gave his steps purpose.
I’m coming, my heart, he thought. For you, and for all the Clans!
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rena-rain · 5 years
A Reveal where Marinette doesn’t have identity issues
Also called ‘I’ve Got Him Now’ on Ao3 linked here
“Marinette? Marinette, please talk to me. You haven’t moved for ten minutes and I’m getting worried.” Tikki hovered around Marinette’s head. She tapped her on the cheek.
That apparently snapped her out of whatever funk she was in. Marinette leapt out of her desk chair. “Tikki! Chat Noir is Adrien! Adrien is Chat Noir!”
Tikki giggled. “I know. I was there.”
“He detransformed in front of my eyes! That stupid boy should’ve looked around first! What if somebody else saw him?”
“You two have similar taste in hiding spots.” The kwami munched on her cookie unhelpfully.
“Do you know what this means?”
“That the love of your life is secretly a major dork?” Tikki teased.
A dangerous light flared in Marinette’s blue eyes. “You’re right. He is a major dork. A dork who’s in love with Ladybug.”
“You’re Ladybug.”
“Exactly, Tikki.” Marinette gently bopped her kwami on the nose. “That means Adrien is in love with me! He just doesn’t know it yet. And moreover, he’s a dork! Adrien Agreste is a pun-loving, leather-wearing, shameless flirt who runs around wearing cat ears and flies face-first into brick walls. I can’t believe I’ve been so nervous around this goofball!”
“A goofball who likes confident women.” Tikki seemed to be catching on. She gave Marinette a coy look. “So I take it you won’t be stammering around Adrien anymore.”
“Oh, Tikki. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel.”
The locker door snapped shut. “Hi, Adrien.”
To his credit, Adrien didn’t leap into the air with a yelp like Marinette did when he’d snuck up behind her locker door. He definitely jolted, though, and his eyes went wide for a second. Ah, revenge was sweet.
“Are you free any time this week?” Marinette easily felt herself slip into her Ladybug persona. The one she wore confidently like a second skin around most people. Those big green eyes and sweet smile still sent her heart galloping and made her cheeks feel hot, but her voice remained blessedly steady.
Adrien looked startled, but covered it up quickly. “I don’t think I have anything on Thursday afternoon or Saturday. Why do you ask?”
“How do you feel about getting crushed at DDR this weekend? You didn’t get to play with us last time. And we haven’t hung out in a while, just the four of us.”
Adrien smiled. “That sounds awesome! I’ll do my best to get my father’s permission.”
Marinette leaned against his locker. She planted a hand on her hip. “If you need help with that, give me a call. I can be very convincing.”
“I might just do that. He seems to like you,” he chuckled. Marinette’s face heated. She forcefully pictured Adrien somersaulting off a roof and hanging upside down from her yo-yo. The visual made her laugh a little. 
“See you in class.” Marinette glanced back as she walked away. Adrien was staring at her.
“Marinette, did you really just invite Adrien over to my apartment?” Alya demanded, leaning forward on their desk with her arms crossed.
Marinette jumped. “You heard that?”
“Yeah, I heard that. Two things: one, when the hell did you get so smooth? And two, when were you going to tell me we had plans at my house?”
“You beat me to it by twenty seconds. Come on,” Marinette pleaded. She gave her the patented big blue eyes. “I know you’re not busy this weekend! We haven’t hung out with Nino and Adrien in weeks.”
“Sometimes you’re like an actual puppy,” Alya relented. She couldn’t stay mad and Marinette knew it. “Are you trying to turn this into a double date?”
“Yes and no. This time I know exactly how to get him to fall in love with me.”
Her eyebrow quirked up. “Another plan? Gonna let me in on it?”
“Let’s just say I’ve figured out how to stop getting so anxious around him.”
Alya laughed. “You’re so sneaky, you know that, right?”
Marinette giggled. “I’m taking that as a compliment.”
Step 1 was to invite him to Alya’s place.
Step 2 was to flirt lightly with him.
Tuesday through Friday, Marinette kept up a steady stream of jokes, casual touches, and playful teasing with Adrien. Just to torture him she liked to throw in a random pun. Sometimes she’d catch him responding flirtatiously like Chat Noir. When he realized what he was doing, he’d turn pink and clear his throat, snapping back into perfectly-behaved-model-student mode.
It occurred to Marinette that he probably acted so ridiculous behind the mask because he was under a lot of pressure from his job and perfectionist dad. Chat Noir’s anonymity afforded him to let loose completely. She’d probably be similar in his shoes.
Step 3 was to team up with him against Alya and Nino.
Step 4 was to flirt shamelessly while they danced.
“Nice work, hot shot.” Marinette smirked up at him.
Adrien lifted her from the dip and spun her out. “We sure make a good team, m’lady.”
He froze, eyes bulging and face flushing. Marinette laughed at his bright pink cheeks and winked at him. If Adrien looked like a deer in the headlights before, he was beyond flustered now, his face ladybug-red. He realized he’d lost the beat of the game and misstepped, and trying to spin her in too fast. They tripped over each other’s feet and collapsed in a pile of sprawling limbs on the floor. Marinette landed mostly on top of Adrien with her forehead resting against his collarbone. She untwisted herself and moved so her face was level with his, propped up by her hands on either side of his head.
Adrien’s chest heaved. God, he’s gorgeous like this.
“Whoops.” Giggling more, Marinette pushed herself to her feet and held out her hand to help him up, the gesture both familiar and strange without their masks. “Looks like we lost the game.”
Adrien took her hand and stood up. After a moment of stunned silence he gave her a look. “You totally did that on purpose.”
She gasped. “What, you think I tried to make you fall? It’s a cooperative game, why would I do that?”
He shrugged. “Throw me off my rhythm. Leave me guessing.” He leaned a bit closer to scrutinize her face. His expression was half-confused, half-devious, and Marinette was 100% satisfied with her plan. She planted her index finger on the bridge of his nose and playfully pushed him back.
“I’m surprised you didn’t just land on your feet. I’d think a mew-cision like yourself would have purr-fect timing.”
Adrien gulped, looking down at her. “Next time you’ll just have to cat-ch me.”
Marinette grinned at him and went to sit on the couch. Nino and Alya kept glancing between her and Adrien, clearly trying to figure out what just happened. Adrien’s face was red, but he took a seat next to her anyway.
Who knew torturing her crush like this would be so much fun.
Alya and Nino stood up to take their turn. “You two are going down,” Nino declared.
“With that fall, it’ll be a cakewalk,” Alya chimed in.
Marinette became so absorbed watching them that she gasped when she felt something warm brush against her ear. Adrien was leaning close, tracing the shell of her ear, the back of his hand just barely brushing against her neck. “Those are beautiful earrings,” he murmured. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without them.”
“Th-thanks. They were a gift.”
“Is that so?”
“They’re very special to me, so I don’t like taking them off.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “I can’t tell if they’re black or red.”
Marinette looked him straight in the eyes. “Both.”
Adrien stared at her with a challenge in his eyes. She blinked at him innocently. The tension built between them, a dangerous game of chicken and Marinette was determined not to break first.
Finally, he said, “You’ve been driving me insane these last few days, Bugaboo.”
She smirked and lightly brushed their lips together. Her heart felt ready to explode. “Silly kitty.”
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avionvadion · 3 years
I’m making progress you guys I swear 😭 Here’s some little snippets.
Inuyasha: Forest Deep: Chapter 24 Preview (WIP)
“I’m not sure.” Shippō stated, furrowing his brows. He pat Kirara on the neck. “Do you smell ‘em anywhere?”
She opened her mouth and let out a tiny roar of what I could only assume was confirmation, because she eventually made her way to the front of the hut and then pushed her way passed the hanging door. I instantly flinched at the sunlight that invaded my eyelids, having been locked up for so long, and I hissed- bringing a hand over my eyes. “Eugh, I hate it…”
Shippō made a face. “You have been inside all week…”
“Oi, kid!” Huh? Oh, that voice… I recognize it. Blinking a few times and squinting as my eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight, I turned to see Kōga wandering over with a wave of his hand. Kirara walked over to meet him halfway and then came to a stop, and I stared in confusion when he leaned over with his hands on his hips, a scowl on his face. “Why didn’t you say Maria was your sister? I could have brought you two together sooner!”
Ah… I mean…
“I… tried… I think?” When was that conversation? We were both on Kirara at that point of time, weren’t we? Oh! “It was when Inuyasha had turned… y-you know…”
Kōga scrunched his nose up. He straightened his back and folded his arms across his chest. “Really? I don’t remember you doing that.”
Yeah, I know. You stopped listening midway through my sentence because we were chasing Kagura. I hung my head to the side and yawned, sleepy.
“That’s fair. So, um…” I looked up at him, a little awkward and a tiny bit grateful. “You’ve been looking after her… all this time?”
“Hm? Yeah.” He nodded, flashing a grin. A couple wolves started to make their way over and I tensed, but did my best not to be too scared. Kirara and Shippō weren’t reacting in fear, so why should I? It’s fine. I’m fine. “According to two of my men, she fed some of the wolves when she first met them. They brought her back to the mountain since she was injured.”
Kōga then scratched the back of his head, thinking about everything that’s happened and appearing a little sheepish.
“We… also thought she might have done something to Kagome at the time because of her strange clothes. We didn’t hurt her, though, so don’t bother getting mad at me.” He scowled. “She’s a proper member of the Wolf Demon Tribe now. She’s even taught my men a thing or two about swords.”
Wait, really? My heart simultaneously warmed and ached at the thought, and I gave a small laugh- breathy and pained and weak. I was so glad. She’s had people looking out for her. Heck, she was even whipping them into shape. Maria truly was a force of her own. “That sounds like her.”
“Yeah. Oh, hey- here comes the others.”
I followed the direction he was staring and saw Maria making her way over with Inuyasha, Sango, Kagome, Miroku, Maria, and… Tōran? I guess they were discussing what the panther demons plans were now that they had been defeated. Or maybe not. I had no idea. The half-demon’s ear twitched and I held up a hand, waving lazily at them with a grin.
“You’re so loud.” Inuyasha scowled.
“You say that like it’s new.” I countered. He hmph’d, folding his hands into his sleeves in the way he always does, and then glared when he saw Kōga standing there. “You again.”
“Hey there, mutt.” Kōga greeted, smirking, giving a sarcastic wave. “How’s it going? Wash out those fleas of yours yet?”
“Funny you should ask.” He snarked. “I was just wondering the same thing about you.”
“Okay, kids!” Kagome exclaimed, clapping her hands in front of her and stepping between the boys. Inuyasha and Kōga jumped, startled by her intervention. “Let’s not have this escalate any farther! Irene still isn’t feeling well, and it’s time we all discussed our plans for moving forward. Got it? Good.”
“Hmph.” Inuyasha was not happy at all with this. His face had twisted into a begrudging pout, head turned to the side to avoid looking at her. “He started it.”
“And I’m ending it.” Kagome stated, hands on her hips as she leaned over and glared up at him. “No fighting!”
“Whatever you say, Kagome.” Kōga said, voice taking on a much softer tone than before. He held his chin up, as if priding himself on something. “Unlike him, I actually listen to the woman I’m in love with.”
That lit another fire under Inuyasha, because his amber gaze snapped up with a rage. “You little-!”
“Sit, boy!”
I flinched when the beads around the half-demon’s neck lit up, and he screeched as his face was violently forced to meet the ground. Maria let out a whistle- strangely enough not surprised by what just happened. I guess Kagome used the incantation against Inuyasha sometime while I was asleep. Him and Kōga together was a recipe for disaster, after all, though I didn’t really approve of the beads of subjugation.
Miroku shook his head with a sigh, staff held to his side. “You’d think he’d learn by now.”
Sango raised her brows. “Bold of you to assume he knows how.”
“Agreed.” Shippō stated bluntly. I made a face.
“You’re not… wrong…”
Kagome let out a huff, then turned to me with a bright smile. “So, now that that’s settled! Let’s get down to business.”
Twisted Wonderland: Once Upon A Dream Chapter 35 Preview (WIP)
“Fufu~ you’re most welcome, dear.” Lilia chuckled, sitting up and leaning over, bringing his fingers to my hair and playing with my bangs again. “How are you feeling? I wasn’t expecting to find both you and Silver passed out on the furniture when I returned.”
Frick! Silver! Oh my gods!
Lilia quickly retracted his hand when I hurriedly sat up, the man watching as I looked around in a panic. Locating the sleepy teen within seconds, I caught the jacket as it fell off my lap and stumbled off the sofa, pain momentarily shooting through my wounded knee before I grabbed onto the sofa’s armrest.
“A-Are you okay!?” Aurora-colored eyes met mine and slowly blinked, observing the way I was acting and tilting his head just slightly. “You- earlier- you just…! I-I found you on the ground and you wouldn’t wake up, and-!”
I whirled around to face Lilia, all the worse-case scenarios rushing to mind.
“Poma! You should take him to Poma! The nurse! Nurse Salvador.” Crap. A wave of dizziness washes over me and I pressed a hand to my head, jacket draped over my arm. “He can… help…”
“I’m alright, Lady Eleanora.” Silver spoke quietly, pressing a hand to his chest and bowing his head. “I… apologize for troubling you.”
“What? No, no-“ Gods, my head is spinning. “-that's fine, I’m fine; are you fine!? You were literally collapsed and-“
“I’m afraid that’s normal for Silver.” Lilia quickly informed, floating up off the sofa and plopping on the armrest instead.
Pokémon: Time Lapse: Reluctant Hero Chapter 16 Preview (WIP)
This was such a ridiculous situation. Was Brock done cooking yet? I really want to talk to him. Basil and Belladonna waddled over to Blue, unable to join the group cuddle because of the room Umbreon took up, and the former pōkemon trainer raised a brow in amusement.
He gladly welcomed them over, petting them and gently scratching the side of Belladona’s face. “Compared to you, they’re pretty well behaved. I guess that’s because Brock is helping you train them.”
“Hey, now!” Brock suddenly said, entering the room with two bowls of soup in his hands. A light-hearted grin was on his face. “I’ll have you know she’s an excellent trainer! She beat me first try.”
“I think that says more about you than her.” Blue joked, and yelped when Basil headbutted his leg. “Whoa! Okay. Someone’s a little protective.”
Brock laughed. The boy’s smile only grew when he saw the way I was bombarded with pōkemon, and he calmly walked over- handing a bowl over to me. Umbreon took that as her queue to leave my lap and hop onto the floor, brushing her trainer’s legs.
“Here.” Brock said, watching as I set the bowl down in my lap. “Eat this. We’ll leave once you’ve both finished breakfast, seeing as everyone is in such a good mood.”
“What about Nugget Bridge?” Blue inquired, frowning. He set the bowl on the armrest of the couch, blowing on it before picking up the spoon. “Team Rocket has tons of their goons there.”
“Not anymore.” Brock smirked, placing his hands on his hips with a proud air about him. “I took care of them. I had Basil and Belladonna knock em out and drag ‘em to the police center. After that, I told them about the underground hideout- so they’re pretty much emptying the place out. Team Rocket isn’t going to be camping out in this city any longer.”
Taking note of my silence, both boys turned to look at me. Sensing both the negative and conflicted emotions within me, Ansem let out a small mew and Basil and Belladonna moved off of Blue’s lap and closer to Machamp and me.
I lowered my head, eyebrows furrowed as I tried to decipher what it was I was feeling and how I was supposed to react. I was pleased, I guess, to hear that the underground base was being removed and the goons inside and out of it were arrested. I was also bothered by it.
Not because I cared about Team Rocket, but… because Brock took care of it all on his own. He didn’t take me along. He could have gotten severely hurt, captured and beaten the same way Blue had been. I don’t like that. I don’t like him being in danger.
“Hey…” The older, brown-skinned teen in question spoke up softly, stepping forward and kneeling down on the floor to look up and catch my gaze. I blinked, seeing his face in front of mine. Brock was frowning. “Are you mad at me?”
“I know… you like to do things on your own. I also know that you don’t want to put me in harm's way. But…”
Brock reached forward, resting his hands on my arms gently- careful not to disturb any of my wounds or burns. He looked so sad, so heartbroken and concerned, and something inside me ached at seeing that. I wanted him to go back to how he was before- smiling the way he had been when he was cooking.
“I don’t like you getting hurt either.”
“You need to start relying on me more. We’re not helpless or weak. We’re just as strong as you are. We can help you. There’s no reason for you to go tackling so many problems alone, especially if it’s just going to break you in the end. Grunt, I-“
Brock cringed, realizing his mistake the second he saw my flinch.
“I’m sorry. I just… want you to realize we’re here. I went out on my own with Basil and Belladonna because I wanted you to know this. We’re your friends, and we want to help you. But you have to let us.”
I blinked a few times, feeling a familiar sting in my eyes, and suddenly Machamp’s grip loosened. My pokémon huddled around us, worried. I tried to speak, to get the words out and defend myself, to protest against him doing something like this again, only to find that I couldn’t.
He had made a good point.
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Music Brings (Chapter One)
Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader
Summary: Nearly 3 months after the divide in Y/N’s friendship, she is faced with new hardships with her little brother and her surroundings in life. 
warnings: cursing, angst, follows the plot of S1, little plot tinkering
catch up here
word count: 1.9k
Y/N Henderson’s junior year had already been a doozy. Trying to balance her schoolwork and her job at the station had found to be a little bit more troubling than she had first thought. But now that the circumstances of the summer had past, she now had a lot more time to spend with her Mom and Brother.  Dustin was really special to her now that he was at an age where they were developing similarities, and in just a short time he was now her best friend. She had been working on a paper for her English class when he finally got back from his latest Dungeons and Dragons campaign with his friends.
“Hey Dusty! How was it?”
“It was fun, Mike did a good job with this one, but the Demogorgon got Will at the end.” Although she had no idea what any of those words had meant, she just went along with it.
“How are the Wheelers doing?”
“The same as usual, except Nancy.”
“What happened to Nancy?”
“She’s been a real bitch since she started dating that douche bag Steve Harrington.” At the mention of his name, Y/N’s heart dropped to her stomach. Although she hears about him all day at school, she never expected his name to fall from Dustin’s mouth in that context. The story of what when down was never brought up to him after Claudia told Y/N it might be too much to tell him about.
“Steve isn’t a douche bag Dusty. He’s just a stupid teenage boy who is trying too hard to impress people.”
“Why don’t you act like Steve or Nancy then? Do you not want to impress people?” He asked that sarcastically, knowing it would push her buttons.
“Dusty. I am just far more mature than the dumbasses in my grade. Now go get ready for bed, we have school tomorrow, remember?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m going. Goodnight mini mom.”
“Goodnight Dusty.” She smiled watching her brother go off to bed. He could annoy her to no end, but she had no idea what she would do without his sarcasm, his compassion or his brotherly love in her life. The time became overly apparent to her, realizing that maybe she should listen to what she had just told Dustin.
The next morning, just as she was serving Dustin his breakfast, the phone started ringing, causing her to jump a little. Immediately, she assumed it was her mom calling from work to make sure Dustin was up since he had a campaign last night. However her assumption soon fell when she heard Joyce Byer’s voice from the other end of the phone.
“Hi Y/N, I was just wondering if Will had stayed at your house with Dustin last night?”
“No, sorry Joyce he didn’t. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m sure Will just went to school early or something. Thank you Y/N.”
“No problem Joyce, have a good one.” The phone was placed back on the receiver. Y/N’s gut started to twist thinking about how nervous Joyce had sounded, and the severity of Will not going home last night.
“Hey Dusty?”
“Did you and Will bike home together last night?”
“Yeah, we always do. Why?”
“That was Joyce, she asked if he stayed here last night. I don’t think he went home.”
The boy brushed it off the same way Joyce tried to, by saying he probably just left early for school. Something still didn’t sit quite right to her, but she let it go. Dustin told her he was going to bike to school today, so she didn’t have to worry about taking him. The girl got ready on her own time and found her way into school a little late. She had two free periods at the beginning of the day where she usually went to the station, but crime in Hawkins was the same as usual: slow. So, she found herself going in for her classes whenever she wanted. When she got to school, she immediately went to the bathroom to check her appearance, knowing she had a presentation in her first class.
“Oh, sorry Y/N.” said Nancy Wheeler as she was walking out of the bathroom.
She looked a little flustered, but Y/N thought nothing of it at first. That swiftly changed when she saw him. There he was in all his glory, tall hair and all. She stalled for a second, not really knowing what to do. She hadn’t talked to him in almost 3 months. The tension in the room was so thick; it felt like she was walking through molasses to get to the mirror.
“Hey Y/N.”
“Hi Steve.”  The first words she had spoken to the boy who had previously known everything about her.
“How have you been recently?”
“I’ve been alright, been spending a lot of time with my brother or at the station. Same thing every day.” She smiled towards him.
“So you’ve been spending a lot of time with your crush then huh?” He joked towards her, it was a little relieving that he wasn’t being weird.
“Ha-Ha very funny Steve. And trust me; he’s now more like my dad than anything else. That man would kill anyone who hurts me. What about you? What have you been up to?”
“Nothing really, letting life take its course. I’ve been seeing Nancy Wheeler. I think it might work out.”
At this point, the girl felt her breath fall short, and she knew she needed to get out of this bathroom soon. So she did what she always did, found an excuse to leave.
“That’s really good to hear Steve, but I really got to head out, I have a presentation next period. Nice talking to you.” She left before she could hear what he had to say.
               After school, she went to the station, just to check in before going home and the entire station was bustled up over the news of Will Byers going missing. She was called onto the search committee for him by Hopper.
She liked spending time helping her community, and she knew Hopper did too, but that didn’t mean he liked opening up to the people in the community. Mr. Clarke was a sweet man, who Y/N had met multiple times because of Dustin being in AV club with him. Which is why she felt comfortable in informing him that Hopper had lied to him about Sara.
“She died a few years back. “ Mr. Clarke jumped a bit by the sudden presence beside him.
“Who did?”
“Hopper’s kid. He doesn’t like talking about it.” She gave him a faint smile and ran ahead to catch up with Hopper.
“Hey Chief.”
“Hey kid, how are you doing with all this?”
“I’m doing alright. Will was kinda quiet, so I don’t know him that well. But I know that he was really close with my brother. They always ride home together. Dustin is holding in there. But I gotta be honest Hop, I’m really worried about Joyce.”
“You have nothing to worry about Y/N. Joyce is an incredibly strong woman, I know that she’ll make it through this no matter what. Save your worries for your brother and yourself, alright?”
“Alright.”  She gave him a side hug, relishing in the moment of being wrapped in his stronger arms. It was moments spent with Hopper that she remembered what it was like to have a fatherly figure in your life.  As the night progressed, Hopper had sent her home to make sure Dustin was alright.
               When she got home, the only company she had was Mews. Her mom had picked up another shift at work for the night. She sat at the kitchen table, doing her homework and eating soup that she had warmed up. Worries were filling her head wondering where Dustin could be.
“Y/N! Dusty! I’m home!”
“Hi mom! In the kitchen!” Claudia walked in and gave her daughter a huge smile before leaning down and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Y/N honey, where’s Dustin?”
“Oh, he had a rough day after the news broke, so he’s over at Mike’s.” She felt horrible lying to her mother, she always did.
“Oh, alright. I was hoping I’d get to see him before I headed to bed, but I guess not. Tell him I love him, alright?” Y/N shook her head yes. “Goodnight my dearest, I love you. Trees, Leaves and Needles.” Ever since Y/N was a little girl, Claudia always said those 10 words before she would go to bed. ‘Trees, Leaves and Needles’ was her way of saying she loved her more than the amount of trees, the amount of leaves and the amount of tree needles in the world.
“Goodnight Mom, I love you. Trees, Leaves and Needles.”
               The equations on the paper looked like a foreign language to her. The paper wasn’t going to do itself, but then again the stress of where Dustin actually was had begun to weigh inside her gut. The sound of the door opening snapped her attention from the homework idly sitting on the table.
“Dustin! Where the hell have you been?”
“Y/N, please calm down.” His voice was hushed and relaxed.
“No! I’m not gonna calm down! You’re best friend just went missing while being out at night! I was literally on a search party for him tonight! Hopper told me he told you guys to stay out of things. You’re lucky I was able to lie to mom and tell her you had a bad day, but you’re not getting off that easy from me. Where were you?”
“You’re gonna get mad.”
“I’m already mad.” Dustin sighed and ran a hand over his face.
“We went out tonight to look for Will-“
“-But, we didn’t find him. We did find something else though.” At this point, she thinks that her stomach will now permanently be in the shape of a knot, this whole situation isn’t going to get any easier.
“What did you find?”
“You have to promise not to tell.” She glared at him, and he took the message.
“We found a girl out in the woods…”
“A girl?! What do you mean a girl? Did you take her to the cops? Someone is probably looking for her.”
“There was a girl standing in the woods. We didn’t take her yet, because we don’t want to get in trouble for being out. We’re gonna get help from Mrs. Wheeler tomorrow, she’s staying in their basement tonight. Y/N, you can’t tell anyone, please.”
               The party had found a random girl in the woods and decided to keep her in Mike’s basement. This didn’t make Y/N’s life any easier.
“Fine, but I am going with you the next time you go out searching or go to Mike’s about anything that has to do with Will, alright?”
“Alright mini mom, I’m gonna go to bed. Goodnight, love you.”
“Night Dusty, I love you too. “
The phone rang just as Y/N cleaned up her work from the table and organized herself for the time being.
“Hi Y/N, I was wondering if you would mind helping me hang up posters for Will tomorrow?” Jonathan Byers voice carried over through the phone. The two weren’t super close, but they had certainly gotten closer over the past few months. With the boys hanging out all the time, and the two being able to drive led to a lot of communication. He was a sweet guy, and it hurt her to see him constantly sitting on the sidelines. He might be the strongest person she knows.
“Absolutely, do you want to meet somewhere in the morning?”
“I was thinking for starting at Melvalds.”
“Okie dokie, I’ll meet you there at like 7:30?”
“Sounds good. Thanks Y/N. Goodnight.”
“Night Jonathan.”
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shari-berri · 4 years
TR James x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend James is gone again to "work". I am curious to what he does for a living. I guess I can't be suspicious of him, I never told him my last name or anything about my family.
My name is Y/N Ketchum, older sister of Ash Ketchum who wants to be a Pokémon master.
While he got his Pikachu as a partner who didn't like him at first, my partner liked me immediately, becoming overprotective. My starter Pokémon that I first received was a male Riolu. Along the way, Riolu evolved into Lucario. We ended up bumping into Korrina, a gym leader and we became friends. She was about to give me another Lucario with Lucarionite but she saw my Lucario and just gave me the mega stone. Of course, I had to get one for myself and then something to put them in. I ended up getting Lucario a bracelet like Korrina's Lucario, and I got a ring. Anyways, today I am going to investigate, okay spy on my boyfriend to see what he does. My Lucario is coming along also, like he always does. Like my little bro's Pikachu, Lucario also doesn't like his pokeball.
Time skip
I see James getting together with Jessie and Meowth. I never liked Jessie simply because she is always around my boyfriend. Meowth was alright but he has an attitude. Seeing them grabbing a net, I pull Lucario and myself closer into the bushes. They start to creep up behind a group of trainers and then they threw the net on top of their Pokémon, trapping them and stealing them. Gasping, I look closer at the trainers. Spotting a familiar hat, I narrow my eyes.
Squeezing Lucario's wrist, I point to the boy who I found out to be my brother, Ash. Coming to a realization that I should help, I step out of the bushes, Lucario at my side, ready to protect me if necessary. “James! What on earth do you think you're doing?!" I screech, running to my brother's side and pulling him into a hug, glaring at my boyfriend. Looking at James, I see him shocked. Ash seems surprised that I am here and that I know who James is, and this ugly blonde girl is glaring at me for hugging Ash. “Ash are you okay?! Do you need help getting Pikachu back?" I ask, gripping my brother closer. Blondie just glares at me harder and I glare back. It seems James has recovered in the amount of time it took me to reassure Ash. “Y/N! What are you doing here?! And why are you defending that twerp!" He screams. I rest my chin on Ash's shoulder and sigh, waiting for Ash to say for me. “She's my sister." He says plainly. James falls to the floor along with Jessie and Meowth in shock.
Blondie is no longer glaring at me so that's good, I still hate her though. “James! Leave him alone! All of you stop doing this. I understand now that this is your job that you've been leaving to, but stop." I calmly stare. James and his friends just look back, grab the net, and release the Pokémon, feeling ashamed. “James, I still love you, but leave. I need to talk and catch up with Ash." I command. They nod and James runs up to me, kisses me, and runs off.
“You have some explaining to do." Ash says, half glaring at me. “Sooooo hekindasortamightbemyboyfriendthatihabebeentalkingabout." I rush. Ash's eyes harden and he reaches for his pokeball. “Alright bro, battle me to release tension. Oh and make it a double battle with Blondie on your side. You two against me." I confidently state. Ash just nods and Blondie glares at me. “You know, we're going to beat you. Ash is really strong and will defeat you." She whines. I just glare. “Who do you think taught him?" I counter. Ash's other friend, I believe Clemont is his name, took his stance and began reffing. “You are each allowed 3 Pokémon!" Clemont announces. I nod and wait to see what Pokémon my opponents send. Ash sends out a Talonflame and Blondie, or Serena sends out a Braixen. I sigh and look at my pokeballs. Grabbing one, I kiss it before I throw it onto the field. The red and white capsule bursts open and a Pokémon appears. Feraligatr lands on the ground with a thud, dust flying up. When the dust clears, Ash and Serena look at my giant crocodilian Pokémon. Both of their jaws drop and their Pokémon shake in fear. I forgot to tell Ash that I have more Pokémon than just Lucario. Feraligatr smirks and looks at me, nodding. “Feraligatr! Quickly use surf to get both of them!" I scream. He nods and a giant wave floods the field. It hits the opposing Pokémon and with a super effective type advantage, they are barely standing. “This is just sad!" I snicker. Feraligatr snorts and grunts in agreement. That seems to have triggered Ash since be called out an attack. “Talonflame don't be intimidated! We can still win this. It's two against one. Use double team and then steel wing!" He commands. Talonflame then becomes many and they all dive at Feraligatr, wings shining. “Focus! Find the real one and grab it in your jaws. Don't let go!" I say. Ash and Serena just laugh. “There's too many, your pokemon won't be able to tell." They say sneakily. “Just watch." I growl. Feraligatr looks around before settling his eyes on one Talonflame. As it gets closer, he jumps up and grabs it in his mouth, locking his jaw. Serena panics and commands Braixen to use ember. “Feraligatr, just ignore the stupid fox and use hydro pump." I yawn.
I smile as I see Serena get mad. Feraligatr nods and releases a giant stream of water onto Talonflame who is still in his jaws. Feraligatr then releases the bird and it falls to the floor, swirls in its eyes. Feraligatr looks at me for another command.
I just point my finger at Braixen. Feraligatr nods and knocks it out with another hydro pump.
Ash and Serena call back their Pokémon.
Ash sends out Pikachu and Serena sends out a Pancham.
Despite the disadvantage, I keep Feraligatr in.
“Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!" Ash screams.
“Dodge it!" I try to call out but I am too late. Feraligatr got hit. He struggles to get up but manages to, only to be hit with electro ball and faint.
Returning Feraligatr, I grab a pokeball with a cat sticker. Kissing it, I throw it out. Out pops a pink flying cat, shocking everybody. “T-that's a Mew!" Serena stutters. “Yeah, obviously. What, are you blind or what? Have you never seen a legendary before? Oh wait, I forgot you have trash Pokémon." I retort. Serena turns red with anger and pouts. “Mew we have to make this quick, I want to bring out the big guns soon. Use rock slide on Pikachu!" I scream.
Mew unleashed a landslide of rocks onto Pikachu, type disadvantage hurting him and making him trapped under the rocks. “Alright! Good work! Now use dazzling gleam on the panda!" I command. Mew unleashed a beam of pink at Pancham, causing it to stagger back. “Again." I say, flicking my wrist. Mew complied and hits Pancham again. Pancham falls to the ground, fainted. Turning my attention back to Pikachu, I think. “Use confusion." I say. Pikachu gets hit and becomes confused. “Pikachu! Snap out of it and use thunderbolt!" Ash strains. Pikachu only hits himself with the thunderbolt, hurting it further. “Mew, lets finish this with brick break." I nod. Mew hits Pikachu and he faints as well. Ash sends out a Hawlucha and Serena sends out a Sylveon. I call back Mew and both of them look confused. Nodding to Lucario, he steps up to the field. “Lucario, lets start with using flash cannon on that Sylveon." I state. Lucario puts his paws out and a flash of light launches at the eeveelution. Sylveon cries out in pain and falls. “We need to wait longer, use psychic on Hawlucha." I say. Hawlucha is hit but isn't hurt that much. “Hawlucha! Use high jump kick!" Ash calls out. Hawlucha launches into the air and kicks Lucario in the face. Lucario growls and gets into his stance once more. Sylveon uses fairy wind but it doesn't do much. Karate chop!" Ash says. Lucario is hit once more in the head. He turns to me with that certain glint in his eyes. Holding my hand out, Lucario grabs his bracelet. “Lucario! Connect our souls and hearts. Make our bond greater together and mega evolve!" I scream out. Ash and Serena look shocked but excited to see Mega Lucario. “Lucario! Car!" He cries as he comes out in mega form. “Okay buddy, use psychic on Hawlucha and then throw him into Sylveon. Then use flash cannon!" I command, sweat dripping down my forehead. Lucario lifts Hawlucha into the air before yeeting him into Sylveon. He then holds out his palms as they both get hit with a enhanced flash cannon. Ash and Serena cry out for their Pokémon. When the light clears, they both have swirly eyes. Lucario returns back to normal and walks over to my side. “Thanks for that. But I have to go see my boo." I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I am suddenly pushed to the ground. I hear Lucario grunt. Looking up, I see Serena in Lucario's arms trapped. It seems that she was the one who pushed me. Her intense glare in her eyes makes it even more evident. “You know, I always wanted to know what happens if a human is hit by a Pokémon move. I wanted to test it but didn't have the right circumstances. However, you just volunteered. Lucario, hit this bimbo with a full power power-up punch." I screech. Lucario's paw glows orange before he punches Serena, causing her to fly a few yards away before hitting the ground and not getting up. I hear Ash sprint towards her as I just walk away. “Thanks bro for not caring about me!" I call. Time skip cuz idk what else to do. As the sun goes down, I am content cuddling in bed with my James, even if he is a thief, Ash and his friends deserve it. James is playing with my hair, calming me before sleep overtook my vision, my last image being my lovely boyfriend.
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pinballwitxh · 5 years
normal - request - spencer reid x oc
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request: “Ok this is super duper self indulgent, but could you write a fic where Spencer’s doing that thing where he’s all self conscious about his looks/personality/general being and reader is just NOT having it. I need the Boy to be showered in praise and reassurance that hes the best (and if it ends a lil smutty, huzzah, praise the sun!!)”
warnings: self-image issues from Spencer, gets a lil steamy towards the end but not full on smut (rip I wanted to write this super smutty but it didnt really fit into the mood of the story)
a/n: I hope y’all like this!  whippin it up during work at the moment and I have had some ideas flowing since I got @spencers-sweater-vest​‘s request this morning.  hope you enjoy this, lovely!
also I named their cat FRODO cause I love lord of the rings and I think frodo is a great name for a cat or dog anyways ENJOY
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She had arrived home late from work, which was rare but not unexpected.  Spencer had curled up underneath one of his warmest blankets and binge-watched Doctor Who all evening.  The team had returned home earlier that Sunday morning from a particularly grueling case and to say he needed a break was an understatement.
His head eventually lulled over the back of the couch, mouth open with small snores to accompany his steady breathing.  She made sure to close the door quietly and keep the lights turned off so as not to disturb him and made a mental note to not ask about the case until he was well-rested.
The meow of their young kitten, Frodo, startled her slightly and she stumbled into the kitchen table.  She cringed when the legs of the table skidded across the tile floor in a not-so-quiet manner.  Spencer’s head shot up immediately and he whipped around, disoriented.
“It’s just me!” she said with her hands up, “I didn’t mean to wake you up I’m so sorry-”
“You’re home late, what kept you?” he said as he stood up, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
She leaned down to pick their small cat up, running her fingers behind his ears, “One of our longtime clients decided to back out of an advertising deal and we tried so hard to change their mind, but television was the route they want to go.  So there was that and the fact that we had to go through every single advertisement file we had on them and transfer all the necessary paperwork, I may or may not have fallen asleep at my desk, too. . .” she chuckled before sighing, “But I’m glad you’re back home, how did it go?”
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, a telltale sign that something was bothering him.  They each took seats next to each other at the kitchen table as he began to explain the case.  Frodo roamed between each of them on the table, mewing for scratches and rubbing underneath their chins.  
“I just feel like it could have gone better, if I had just kept my mouth shut-”
“Whoa, what does that mean?”
He sighed, “Well the boy’s parents were there and I just couldn’t stop myself from spewing out all of the statistics and possibilities and it upset them so much,”
She cocked her head, “You were just giving them information they needed to know, Spence.”
“I wasn’t thinking about them, I was so insensitive to their situation and the husband didn’t exactly appreciate that I made his wife cry,” he paused, “Sometimes I just can’t stop the words before they come out and I nearly ruined any cooperation they were willing to give.”
“You can’t blame yourself, you know with the way your brain is wired that you can’t always control it,” she reached out to him and stroked his cheek, “Some people just don’t understand and you can’t expect them to.  I doubt you nearly ruined the investigation,”
He pulled away from her hand and looked away, “I could have, if I had just kept my damn mouth shut. . .”
The way he trailed off so quietly concerned her and she furrowed her brows.  Spencer never got down on himself, hardly ever, and when he did she knew there were other problems he wasn’t telling her about.  
Spencer was really good at hiding things from her, especially his feelings.  He tended to bottle things up until something triggered a massive explosion.  This was usually followed by an angered shouting match with himself, or anyone else near him, but she knew he never meant to hurt anyone when that happened.
Usually it came from him being mad at himself.  If Spencer was mad at someone, he let them know In the kindest way possible.
“What are you really thinking about, baby?” she whispered, leaning close to him.
He blushed and avoided her eyes, keeping his head low, “I just wish I could be a little bit more. . .normal.”
“Normal?  Why would you ever want to be just normal?” she scooted closer to him so that their knees were touching and she laid a gentle hand over his thigh, “You know that’s what people love most about you, right?  You are so far from normal, Doctor Reid.  It’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with you,”
He scoffed, “I’m sure you could find someone better than me,”
He was stunned when she pushed herself away and stood up from the chair.  She glared at him, hands on her hips and jaw clenched.  Spencer met her glare and settled back into his chair, sinking lower under her gaze.
“Don’t you ever say anything like that again, got it?” she all but yelled, “No, you’re not normal, you are far from it, actually.  That doesn’t make you any less of a person, though, and it doesn’t make me love you any less.  How could you even think I would want someone else?”
He held her eyes to his and said nothing, unsure of how to even respond to her sudden outburst.
“In fact, your quirks and intelligence make me love you even more,” she took a step forward, “I love the way you frown when you’re thinking really hard about things or recalling the oddest bit of trivia,”
She took his face into her hands and tilted it up so he was looking straight at her.  Her thumbs rubbed small strokes across his cheekbone, something he loved to feel.  
“I also love the way you pout your lips when you come across something that actually stumps you,” she ran a thumb over his own chapped lips before leaning down slowly to kiss him.
“I love the way your nose crinkles when you’re embarrassed,” she placed a small kiss to the tip of his nose, then.
Spencer’s eyes went wide as she straddled him over the rickety kitchen chair, sitting in his lap as she continued to study his face.
“And I know you’ve been working extremely hard when those dark circles appear on your eyelids,” she slowly ran her thumb right under his eye, “And it makes me happy when they disappear cause I know that means you’ve had a good amount of uninterrupted sleep,” she leaned forward and placed sweet kisses over each of his eyes.
“I love when you grow your hair out, like it is now,” he let out a small yelp as she tugged his head back forcefully, gripping his curls tightly.  Slowly, she trailed her lips down his neck and smiled at the goosebumps that scattered across his skin.
“Periorbital ecchymosis isn’t that common but I don’t think it’s the root cause of a bigger issue-”
“Spence, shut up for a minute,” she said against his skin, “But I do find it incredibly sexy when you talk all smart to me,” he sucked in a sharp breath at the feeling of her tongue skimming across his throat.
She pulled away from his neck and reached for one of his hands, intertwining their fingers, “I love that you aren’t normal and I love that you don’t know when to stop talking, most of the time,” she winked at him, causing a very obvious and deep blush to cross his features.
“I know you may not love you completely but I hope it’s enough to know that I love you and your ‘imperfections,’ and that so many others feel the same way that I do about them,” she kissed his knuckles and pulled herself tighter to him, “They’re what make you, you.”
He finally met her eyes and smiled at her, causing her grin to intensify.  He placed a strong, calloused hand on her cheek and pulled her forehead to meet his own.  His lips met hers so gently she wasn’t even sure he was kissing her.  Slowly his arms coiled around her back and pulled her flush against him.
The kiss deepened and a sigh escaped Spencer’s throat, his hands tangled themselves in her tresses and he could smell her perfume that lingered on her neck.  Her tongue slid across his bottom lip, begging for access to the inside of his mouth.
His lips parted and her tongue explored the insides of his cheeks and battled for dominance against his own.  The kisses became more frantic and needy and she slipped her hands underneath his sweater, causing him to shiver.  Quickly she pulled it up and over his head, discarding it somewhere behind him.  Frodo let out a frightened screech when the sweater landed on top of him, causing the couple to laugh loudly at the skittish animal.
“You are so beautiful,” she whispered as he turned back to look at her.  Her hands roamed over his chest and the little hair that was spread across it.  She ran her thumb over each, small freckle that dotted his skin, smiling to herself.
“I love you,” he said as he placed his hands on her hips, “I’m sorry for making you mad earlier.”
She kissed his forehead, “You just need to learn to love yourself better, Spence, I wish you could see yourself through everyone else’s eyes.”
He smiled up at her, “I don’t know what I would do without you, honestly.”
“Well you certainly would miss this,” she smirked as she pulled her shirt up slowly, teasing him.  His eyes were wide in hunger as she tossed the garment to the side, his hands sliding up her sides.  Even in just a camisole it did not fail to turn him on and get him hard.
She leaned forward and tilted his chin up as she pulled herself closer to him, legs dangling over the back of the chair.  Her smile was devilish, full of mischief and lust, something Spencer could feel himself beginning to reciprocate.
“Come to bed with me, Spencer.”
He reached around her body and placed a very firm squeeze to her ass, causing her to squeal in surprise and blush a deep red, “I have no objections to that demand,”
She leaned forward and kissed his lips once more, “Don’t ever forget how much I love you, too.”
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