can-we-die-now · 1 year
(bee randomly in physics class)
*gasp* *dives for post it note* *scribbles furiously*
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slices-of-naranja · 5 months
I desperately need to organize my thoughts but if I don’t get this out now I will forget it, so take some vague circular incoherent ramblings about Jason motherfucking Grace.
Jason Grace has this weird kind bluntness about him that I desperately need to study. He’s so normal in a fucked up way. Almost regular. Almost an Average Kid. Brutally honest and kind and pragmatic. He wakes up on a bus with no memory, holding hands with a girl, and he’s immediately like “What the fuck. Who are you people. Where am I. Who am I?” Doesn’t even try to play along to figure out what’s happening.
One of the first things he says to Leo is “You’re weird.” Just “You’re weird.”
Jason is judgy as fuck!! Like!! Such a judgmental motherfucker!!! “If Leo is his best friend, then his life is seriously messed up.” Like!!! What the fuck!!! Be nicer to the man you fall madly in love with!!!
He sees Mean Kid (monster) Dylan and immediately goes “fuck that dude.” (“Jason hated him instantly.”) He even mentally makes fun of the guy’s outfit!!! And he roasts the shit out of Dylan’s fucking shiny ass teeth!! He sees two girls being mean to Piper and he literally, despite not knowing where he is or why he’s there, tries to fight them!! And Leo is the only thing holding him back from immediately throwing hands!!
Mr. “I can’t even take Leo out for burgers bc he’ll set the restaurant on fire.” After the 1 (one) time Leo gets too excited and bursts into flame. (Leo not being able to control his powers as a consequence of finally starting to use them after years of repression is something i WILL be talking about another time)
Jason is a judgy, brutally honest bitch. Like, he’s kind and good natured and strong. But years of being raised by wolves, strict deadly Romans, and being praetor have made him a little bit harsh. Rough around the edges. Just a bit off. This is the dude who was like “hm. Yeah I know Nico’s ur boy but… world is ending. So.” He’s been raised to be pragmatic. Make snap judgements. Be harsh. Be deadly. Like, reading his PoV is so different from the fandom characterization.
Jason is wittier, snappier, and wayyy more regular teenage boyish than I thought. He just has that Roman Demigod Edge to him… the part of him that was trained to scream “MONSTERS! MIST! MAGIC! DANGER!!!” even when he had no memory. I need to study this boy so badly. He’s fucking fascinating.
Bc for all his judgement, he grows so quickly attached to people. Like, it doesn’t take long for him to be fiercely loyal to Piper and Leo and Camp Halfblood. I think that’s because they accepted and loved an imperfect him, and while Expectations were still there, expectations he’s been haunted by his whole life, they’re lesser. Bc Piper and Leo don’t know shit fuck about the mythical world. And the rest of the seven are just as strong and capable as Jason, so he has no need to lead. I don’t know. Jason Grace drives me crazy. Marching to his destiny like a good little soldier. No other options for a son of Jupiter. Have to be strongest, have to be praetor, have to lead a legion-
He loves Nico like a best friend. He adores and admires Leo’s wit and talent and smarts, something that is mentioned a lot in his POV. (While also pointing out Leo’s bullshit.) He envies and admires Percy’s strength. He loves Piper’s brashness and heart. He loves them all. I don’t know. He’s quick to judge but he’s even quicker to change his mind. I forgot where I was going with this. Jason Grace has always been a hero at heart and a soldier since age 4 and I think that’s why some people think he’s boring. He’s trained to be serious and stuff. We don’t get to see him goof around very much, except for with Leo, and Leo does most of the goofs. And I would love to know who Jason Grace, judgmental pragmatic kindhearted bitch, would be if he just got to be a regular teenager.
And I think that’s why he loved camp Halfblood. It gave him half a chance at being half normal. What’s one more big three kid? There’s no strict orders or rules to follow or shape him there. But unfortunately, Jason, hero at heart, soldier since age 4, trained to be selfless, trained to give everything up for the greater good, was never going to get a happy ending. Never get a chance at what Percy Jackson found. Being a demigod kills people. And Jason was one from birth, to his very core.
I think part of him would be relieved, at that. Knowing that Percy Jackson, hero with a happy ending, is someone he will never be. Never overcome or surpass. Yeah, it’s the exact reason they’re rivals, too similar to not be compared, yeah it hurts his pride and goes against everything he was raised to be, and yeah he’s had a few silent breakdowns over it, but there’s relief in knowing he’d never win. Being in Percy’s shadow at Camp Halfblood means he can be out of the spotlight. Die a hero’s death while knowing there is no other option. There’s peace in that.
Anyway New Rome represents heteronormativity and Camp Halfblood is Jason figuring out he’s gay. I will not take criticism.
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bern-the-bridge · 4 months
Why the TV Show Version of Luke is a Better Person Than the Book Version
(Percy Jackson and the Olympians Spoilers)
While I will not argue about which version of Luke is a better character or better written, I can confidently say that the show version is a better person than the book version, and we see this mostly in the finale.
But before that, let’s go over what the book version of Luke did that the show version didn’t do.
1) Go unnecessarily hard on Percy during training, especially after he found out that he was the son of Poseidon.
2) When asked about who might have stolen the master bolt, imply that Annabeth could have in an attempt to plant seeds of distrust between them.
3) Immediately try to kill Percy after he got back to camp.
The show version of Luke is blatantly more sympathetic to Percy than the book version. He doesn’t antagonize Percy for succeeding on his quest or for gaining his father’s approval. In fact, he actually tries to recruit Percy at first. He doesn’t want to fight him.
However, the extent of the show version of Luke’s compassion can be seen with what he did for Clarisse. Or rather, what he didn’t do.
Percy, Annabeth, and Grover were the ones who came up with the idea that Clarisse stole the master bolt. Luke just went along with it. They even asked Luke to warn Chiron and the rest of the camp about her. It would have been trivially easy. Whether Chiron believed him or not would have been irrelevant. Either way, it would have helped his plan immensely, since he would still be sowing discord into the camp.
But Luke didn’t do that. And by not telling Chiron, they were able to figure his plan out. So why didn’t he do it?
Simple. Because he sympathizes with Clarisse.
I haven’t gotten a good look at how many beads Clarisse has, but it’s clearly around the same number as Luke and Annabeth, so it can be assumed that she’s been at camp for about the same amount of time as them, which is longer than most of the other campers. In fact, it’s not improbable that they were all in the Hermes cabin at one point while they were still unclaimed. And she’s one of the handful of campers confirmed to stay at camp all year round.
And Luke understands Clarisse. He understands her desperate obsession for glory. He understands her longing for her father’s affection. He understands her frustration when she is repeatedly ignored. He understands her contempt when her father finally does pay attention to her but it doesn’t go the way she wants. He understands her resentment towards heroes like Percy who seem to do the impossible without any training, with a seemingly perfect home life, getting both a mommy and daddy who love him.
It wouldn’t have been right to frame Clarisse. Actually, it would have gone against everything Luke was actively fighting for. All of the misdeeds Luke commits, it’s for the sake of his fellow demigods. And no matter what your opinions are about the show, this version of Luke reminds us of that.
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pjo episode four parts that made me scream
Them starting with sally trying teach percy how to swim and percy being scared is fantastic for two reasons: number one, its a normal kid thing and number two it ties into later in the books when we find out percy has a fear of drowning. Its like hoe thalia has a fear of heights and kind of ties into the idea that forbidden children are often afraid of some part of their parents element. I love that theyre bringing in elements of that idea so early!!!
percy’s “can i ask a stupid question” and annabeths “are you trying to make me make fun of you” akdbdkbaaksbdkjsbakks shes so funny
percy and annabeths little banter, percys stupid accent and then him collapsing on her. That and the scene where theyre talking on the train is the percabeth we deserve!!!!!! God i love them so much
ALSO going back to the scene where theyre talking in bed on the train i love how annabeth knows that grovers grumpy in the morning and percy doesnt. Grover was her protector once too!! (Like they said last episode) and theyve traveled together before!! He was annabeths friend before he was percys
ok everyones already said this but the parallels between annabeth and medusa?!!??? With medusa saying “i was you” last episode and now annabeth getting punished for something percy did ghe same was medusa was punished for something Poseidon did????? Absolutely insane i love it
also the fact that it hurt athenas pride specifically, much like how medusa mentioned the “pride of athena” in reference to annabeth last episode, which all ties back to the fact that hubris is annabeths fatal flaw and she gets it from her mother
Percy just looks like a wet rag this episode and its so well done you can even tell the makeup on his face was done to make him appear paler and sicklier and it works so well
ok PERCY PULLING ANNABETH INTO THE STAIRWELL AND SHUTTING THE DOOR???? Because hes loyal to a fault!!!! And theyre becoming friends!!!!!!!!! And he cares about her more in like a week than athena ever has and its shown to us so clearly in this episode!!!!!!
Also the chimeras design looks so cool i love it so much
AND WE FINALLY GET AN ANSWER AS TO HOW PERCY GOT IN THE RIVER FROM THE TOP OF THE ARCH!! (At least in the tv world, in the book world the arch might very well just be in a different spot lol)
Poseidon saves him!! Hes a better parent than athena is apparently
god the episode ending with percy breathing underwater is so good i was on the edge of my seat until the very end
OK LAST THING is that they are continuing the theme sally brings up about monsters not always looking like monsters and heroes not always looking like heroes so well!!! Echidna bringing it up and saying that to her, demigods are more dangerous was fantastic i love how dedicated they are to this
OK ACTUALLY THE LAST THING i love the dichotomy of different mothers in this episode. We start with sally and percy and immediately see how much they love each other and care about each other!!!! Then we get to echidna who cares about her children too by teaching them to hunt!!! And then we get athena who ducking punishes annabeth for something she didnt even do. And its like. That was a little monstrous athena. Im understanding why someone might want to kill their godly parent
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tanoraqui · 4 months
Having just read/reread 2/3 of the serieses, the most interesting side character in the assorted Percy Jackson books is definitely Chiron. Explicitly or very clearly implicitly canonical facts about PJO!Chiron:
Obviously, Chiron is the metaphorical heart of Camp Half Blood, and the one actually in charge of it regardless of whoever the gods appoint as Camp Director. He’s the best parent a lot of these kids ever have. If Chiron isn’t at Camp, something is wrong, either at Camp or something is so wrong elsewhere that he’s off dealing with it. If Chiron goes down in a fight, it is quite literally time to Panic.
He was blessed/cursed by the gods with immortal life “so long as there are heroes to train.”
Because demigod lives are the way they are, this has trapped him in an endless grieving cycle of training young people just enough to survive for a little longer before they’re killed. Enough to die heroically at age 15 rather than desperately at age 12, like.
His unhappiness with this mostly comes out in vague allusions to the fact that you will probably die on this quest, which he refuses to elaborate on, instead forcing a smile back into his face and handing you a first aid kit for the road.
Because of this? he never goes to Olympus unless explicitly summoned. This isn’t something that’s been barred to him, it’s a matter of principle.
Because of all this? the gods immediately scapegoat him for tree!Thalia’s poisoning, despite the fact that literally half of them are also Kronos’s children.
Despite all this, there is absolutely no indication that any villain ever attempts to suborn Chiron by offering him, and/or the youths under his care, a better deal. Presumably because they know he’d tell them (politely) to fuck right off.
Grieve though he does, care deeply for every child who comes under his care though he does, he is never (outright) cynical nor does he hesitate to embrace the mythological genre and role he’s in. He trains, guides, and guards where he can…and he encourages them to be heroes, risky though that is. The second it might be safe, he helps Rachel attempt to become the new Oracle, even though the last person to try went mad. He takes a dozen kids who came to Camp Half-Blood for the first time 2 weeks ago into potentially deadly battle to save NYC, as a “field trip.”
Chiron is as good at archery as Apollo at his best (Apollo admits this, privately). I don’t think we ever see him shoot an arrow that’s not a successful kill shot.
In about 36 hours, Chiron can raise a small army of wild centaurs from any or all herds throughout North America. There is no indication that centaurs will regularly listen to anyone else.
He’s an honorary member of the ruling council of satyrs.
Chiron periodically coordinates with hero-trainers from other mythologies to avert truly world-shattering disasters. He does not seem to regard this as the gods’ business.
He likes Dean Martin.
Truly the epitome of that one good teacher who genuinely understands and supports you as best they can while dealing with an unhelpful and often unfriendly school administration, whom you eventually realize is somehow even cooler in their non-school life!
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A Jason Grace Analysis 
While my Jason fics relies on mainly interpretation and headcanons, this one’s mostly going on the limited list of Jason’s life from the books. YOU’RE ALLOWED TO DISAGREE WITH ME,JUST DO IT RESPECTFULLY IN THE COMMENTS. be nice pls.
Spoiler alert 🚨 (for PJO, HOO and TOA)
Jason Grace is a character who was, in a way, screwed over by Rick during his writing of Heroes of Olympus and eiDzgventually Trials of Apollo. His story was very sad, but never explored to its fullest potential and in some cases didn’t make sense. He’s a character who is seen as ‘boring’ by the fandom, which , in a way, makes sense. Uncle Rick didn’t do him justice, so I’m here for a Jason Grace analysis.
Firstly, Jason’s incredibly depressing life. Because I do not know what vendetta that Rick had against my boy, but I would argue his story is the most tragic of everyone in the books. Yes. Even Nico. 
Jason’s mother was an unhinged alcoholic who was obsessed with fame. For the first 2 years of his life, he was basically looked after by his sister, who was also a young child. As hard as Thalia tried, she probably wasn’t the best caregiver on account of her age. His mother was unstable, which has got to leave some scars, even if you’re a young kid, because you still know what’s going on to some extent. And Jupiter seemed to leave the family to their own devices after a while, not even staying for a kid. So Jason has been basically abandoned, keep track of how often that happens. 
Then Jason was abandoned again, this time by his mother, left as a sacrifice for Hera. And he wasn’t sacrificed just anywhere, he was left at the Wolf House, where Lupa tested him to see if he was ‘pup or food’. So Jason, at two years old, was tested by a Wolf Goddess, a ruthless one at that, who threatened to kill him if he didn’t live up to expectations. Just a great environment for a toddler to live in. And while the time he spends in the Wolf House is unspecified, the general consensus is that it was for a year or two. This is more of a headcanon, but the implications of ‘pup or food’ could show that he stayed with her longer than the average Roman demigod. In SoN, it’s shown that most demigods do their Wolf House training for like, a week. And the training sounds harsh when Percy, age 16 does it. So imagine a 2 year old, going through that, constantly. Then he is off to New Rome. 
In HoO, it’s pointed out that Jason has 12 lines of his forearm for his years of service in New Rome. 12 lines representing 12 years of service.
Jason has been serving 12 years of military service since he was around 3. So that means that this literal infant is just… in the military. How does that work? Was baby Jason just running around in little armour? Was he doing the same drills as other kids when he was much, much younger? Also the fact that in Camp Jupiter, you train for 10 years, then go to live in New Rome. But Jason has been serving for longer than that, with 2 extra years. It seemed like he wasn’t going to retire anytime soon in the books, so that also adds some mystique to his character that was never explored.
Then we move into the other things at Camp Jupiter, which is that Jason was treated like a statue or a star, instead of a person. Hazel says that he is ‘more legend than boy’ which is so sad! This kid, this 15 year old is seen by those around him as a hero, a legend to look up to. Did Jason have any other friends? While Reyna seems to be close, Reyna had a crush on him, and while he didn’t know that, it must have made the friendship a bit… different. Jason isn’t specified to have any other friends in the books, probably because everyone was to in awe of his status as a Son of Jupiter. And while Jason may care about the rules, in Roman terms he was a very radical person. He was just trying to live a calm life, to not be known only as the Son of Jupiter. He joins the least respected cohort. He tries to take less important quests. But it doesn’t work, because he does get assigned big quests and while he is in the 5th cohort, people still treat him like a legendary hero instead of just a guy. And while the phrase ‘victim of nepotism’ is quite controversial, I think that Jason actually fits that bill.
Then we come to SoN. You know that tweet that’s like: hey we’re calling off the search party. we found a different guy out there we like more. That’s what Camp Jupiter did to Jason. Again, he was abandoned, this time by his own Camp. Like I know 8 months is a while, but oh my gosh, do we have to elect a new praetor? There’s also a contradiction. Percy is a Greek demigod, which isn’t a thing the Roman’s really like. Yet after a couple weeks at Camp, he’s already a PRAETOR? While Jason was put down for being ‘unrecognisable as a Roman’, they elected a very Greek person as a praetor? He was immediately accepted into the highest position of power? Also the fact that Jason wasn’t looked for. At all. While CHB was scrambling to find their boy (as they should), no one in CJ cared? Like, aren’t they the ones with the giant searching eagles? It seemed like everyone forgot about him, with him being missing not being a huge thing for most people (except Hazel and Reyna to my memory, fill me in if anyone else gave two frogs) and that’s gotta sting. The knowledge that your entire camp not only replaced you, but didn’t bother to look. 
Jason also had amnesia and never regained huge chunks of his memory. That must be horrible, to have parts of your life gone, to not remember much. While Percy got everything back, Jason got so much less!
Jason goes on the quest, then comes back. He goes to CHB, goes to school. He starts having a normal life. And he gets broken up with, making him genuinely sad. And while I know that Piper had no ill intentions whatsoever when she broke up with him, that also could count as an abandonment. Because they don’t really keep in touch in the book, they seem to go their separate ways. So kinda half of an abandonment, even though both parties weren’t in blame.
Finally we have his death. While Thalia got turned into a tree by Zeus, a slightly caring act for a god, Jason died. This could be because Jupiter is crueller than Zeus or it could be because of the cycle of patricide, with Jupiter killing his father, who did the same to his father. Maybe it’s because of his paranoia. Maybe it’s because Jason called Jupiter unwise, but it still counts as an abandonment. The god saved Thalia (she could be seen as non threatening, not a killer. Not someone who could carry on the tradition of son killing father) and abandoned Jason, left him to die the ‘heroes death’. 
Jason’s life has been one big struggle and rejection. 4.5 times, he was abandoned, left somewhere by someone. Left to die in the end. He was a child soldier, meaning that he was a kid that never got to be a kid, just a tool for the gods, for years and years. And he struggled with making friends, making new rules, trying to push the camp into the future. Seen as unroman, even Reyna says it. That’s an awful life, one that Rick Riordan never explored and one that’s contradicted at times.
Jason was a character that Rick dropped the ball on so hard.
Because, while his life is incredibly difficult, it has so much potential for storytelling, that Rick  dashes on the rocks, leaving the fandom with a character who people acknowledge as weak and boring.
So, in the fandom, Jason is regarded as having no personality, or being a knock off Percy. So, Jason not really having a huge personality, as a kid who trained as a soldier from a young age, makes sense. He was spending half his childhood trying to survive so trying to figure out what MBTI type he was may have fallen low on his list of priorities. Then he got amnesia, and sent on the Seven quest. So Jason not having time to develop a sense of personality makes sense, buts here’s the catch. It’s never explored. Rick never, ever explains why that might be happening, which could make for a compelling story arc. Rick never expands on the child soldier thing at all, which sucks because instead of Jason having an identity crisis about Greek and Roman camps, he could be really weird since he’s a child soldier. (I’m aware that they’re all child soldiers, but I refer to Jason as child soldier since he was just a baby when he started)
And the seeds were there. For example, the scene with Jason being wary about Nico and not wanting to rescue him, that could have been Jason being taught that practicality is key. That some people are expendable. He could have learnt that from the ARMY THAT HE GREW UP IN. That could have been a plot point, that Jason struggles with taking breaks or knowing that’s he’s appreciated, that his childhood was abusive and not normal, that life isn’t a constant battle for survival. That could have been his arc! All of the pieces were right there! Rick, dude, you’re a great author, but you fumbled so hard on this one!
And also the fact that… unpopular opinion time….
Jason wasn’t stronger than Percy, but he should have been.
Jason has been in the army since he was a toddler, and I know that Percy’s really powerful, but come on! Jason being this really nice, really powerful kid with super strong powers and no social skills could have slayed. Maybe this is the inner Jason stan in me, but I personally think that Jason should have been stronger than Percy, simply because it makes more sense. Jason has been training for ages and ages, he single handedly fought a Titan at younger than Percy (around 14 or 15) so it seemed like his powers were muted by Rick. This could probably be because the PJO fandom is like a toxic TikTok boy mom when it comes to Percy (I can be like this too), making him centre stage and getting annoyed when he isn’t. Percy is meant to be the strongest, which isn’t bad, in some situations it just doesn’t fit. Or maybe Percy’s just wildly OP.
This is not to say that in the book Jason was weak, but people treat him like that.
And Jason’s really sad life is never explored! He should have been struggling with 1500 mental illnesses at once because that constant abandonment? The stress of everyone’s expectations? Trying not to die at like 4? He’s neither the eldest nor a girl, but he’s got so much eldest daughter syndrome and is burnt out gifted kid syndrome personified. And it’s hardly touched on! 
There’s also the fact that’s a really small nitpick, but, the fact that Jason only has 1 single lip scar? That shows that Rick wasn’t paying attention to his own character. Jason trained with the Wolf Goddess then was in the army, he should be covered in them.
In conclusion, Jason’s very sad and tragic story was hardly utilised and the very interesting parts of his character were not used in a way they could be. But don’t worry Jason. While Rick Riordan may have flopped you, you are one of my favourite characters.
Peace ☮️
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batcavescolony · 5 months
Ok we're debating a Harry Potter vs Percy Jackson battle again? Here we go.
Harry Potter:
Used Crucio successfully once.
Can use Imperio.
Killed maybe a hand full of monsters
Has Deathly Hollows
Protected by mothers love.
Went to a magic school that had no consistency in teaching staff. (He dropped out in the last year)
Maybe some advanced mental abilities because he can withstand unforgettable curses? Possibly?
Talk to snake's
Percy Jackson:
Slayed countless monsters
Fought multiple Gods/Titans and didn't die (not mortals trying to be Gods actual immortal all powerful Gods)
Various powers include: create hurricanes, earthquakes and waves. Breathe underwater. Talk to horses and sea life. Drown people in their own bodies. control water. nautical expertise (control boats, knows exact coordinates at sea, knows exact nautical miles) +more
Fought multiple battles and wars
Strategic planning ability
Master swordsman (+sword always comes back)
Has completed the quests of multiple legendary heros and succeeded where some have failed
Enhanced battle reflexes and reaction times
Trained by Chiron legendary trainer of heros in a camp designed to train demigods for battle
Curse of Achilles (if we're going peak vs peak)
Oh ummm HALF-GOD
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umbran6 · 1 year
The Roasting of the Deadbeat
I know I've posted this before, but I felt like this should be repeated since its... Father's Day. Or maybe its already past Father's Day if you're reading this post on some other part of the world. My least favorite holiday each year, second only to Columbus Day (I formally recognize Native American Day, TYVM). But I feel like I must say this, otherwise we forget that these people deserve this.
SCREW YOU HEPHAESTUS. Yes, I'm focusing on him, not Zeus.
Leo has every right to hate this bastard and if he could, spit on his throne. This hermit of a god abandoned Leo for nearly sixteen years, apparently too obsessed in either making stuff or screwing other people to even care about his son. Hephaestus isn't there to comfort Leo when his mother died, much less intervene in the actual matter when he, as god of the forge and flame, had every capability to do so.
The god doesn't even have the willingness to confess that he badly messed up with Leo, favoring his other children who get to Camp Half-Blood — his many, many children that ranged from either 18 (Charles freaking Beckendorf) to young Harley who was 8 years old. They get there young, they get there to stay for several years or months, and they get the training and knowledge to understand the world they truly live in.
Leo is extremely high up in that age range, at 16 years old when most demigods are brought to camp by age 12. Leo is apparently blessed with extremely rare fire powers not seen for several centuries, yet its a kid like Harley who is young to the point his demigod powers shouldn't even have manifested that gets the special treatment. When Medea looked into the future, she saw Leo as such a big threat to the Primordial Mother that Gaea herself made a personal visit at an attempt to psychologically break Leo when he was eight years old. Eight years old, the same age Harley is during The Lost Hero, yet Hephaestus does nothing as Leo's life falls apart around him.
HERA has a stronger relationship with Leo because she was actually there to help raise the kid. When the mother that tossed you off of Mount Olympus, the goddess that cursed each and every child of Zeus that was ever born (as far as we know of) is treating your child in a better way than you are, there is something wrong with you, you emotionally stunted goblin of a god.
ZEUS cared more about his children in his own warped way despite being an abusive bastard `and practically rival to Hephaestus in being a deadbeat. When Thalia was about to be killed by monsters Hades unleashed upon her, because, you know, Zeus broke a pact on the River Styx by sticking his dick in Beryl Grace (twice!), he at least had the decency to turn her into a tree so that she didn't die. It was severely implied in The Demigod Diaries that Zeus led her to find Luke and Annabeth. In Percy Jackson's Greek Gods its shown that he at least had an overprotective side to Athena and spoiled Artemis and satisfied several of her demands. Now I'm not excusing Zeus' own abuse towards his other children like Apollo and Ares. Zeus gave crumbs, you didn't even have the decency to give Leo anything at all.
HERMES, who screwed the pooch with Luke twice over, tried to do his best with him or by him. When Luke searched for a quest to prove his worth to the gods, Hermes offered it only unfortunately for the quest to end in failure. He left Luke in the care of his mentally unstable mother. Yet Hermes recognized the fact that he severely fucked up and tried to make amends, even apparently forgiving Luke despite the fact that he came inches to toppling Olympus. Hermes was willing to try to make amends and honored his son's wishes by helping Percy find the rest of his demigod children that were unclaimed. Hermes accepted that he had a hand for Luke's hatred towards Olympus and the he wronged Luke, Hephaestus has so far done zilch.
HADES did his best to protect Nico and Bianca when Zeus tried to kill them all, hiding them in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. When Marie Levesque was going to bring Hazel to Alaska, he tried to intervene and stop them from doing so because he knows Gaea was manipulating her and backed off at her wishes. When Nico is going through severe emotional turmoil during Blood of Olympus, he goes out of his way despite the Greco-Roman schizophrenia to help guide and comfort his son.
Hephaestus didn't even get Leo to Camp Half-Blood directly. Coach Hedge found Leo completely by accident. If it weren't for Hera literally rigging things so that Jason, Piper, and Leo were picked up at the Grand Canyon Skywalk, Leo would never have known that his life was screwed over by higher powers than him. His first direct interaction with Leo isn't even to give a sincere apology about the fact that he's been the shittiest deadbeat in millennia, its about to info-dump about the Giants. When Leo calls him out about this, Hephaestus doesn't even apologize for that and sweeps it under the rug and never speaks with Leo again.
So screw you Hephaestus. Decent fathers should be worth honoring, respecting at the very least. He deserves nothing, and should get nothing. His mother, who threw him off of Olympus, has a better relationship with his own son than he does. The rest of his fellow Olympians, even his shitbag of an adoptive father, have done better than him. He can do better, and he should be doing better. Hephaestus, the victim of abusive, neglectful parenting and parental favoritism should know the pitfalls of this and how to avoid them. Yet you're the divine equivalent of starting the cycle all over again, and it shows.
Let me finish on this note for you:
He is a god who is dedicated to forging inventions and fixing that which is broken. Yet for everything he has learned, he does not have the capability of fixing the bonds that he broke by his own hand.
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
So in comics there's definitely been and are characters that everyone just agrees that they have to die.
And stay dead.
Think of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Uncle Ben etc.
Now these have changed from what they were initially
After Death in the Family, Jason Todd was supposed to stay dead.
And he did, for 17 years before coming back as the Red Hood.
Like there was a fake out in Batman: Hush that it was Jason and it was wild.
Bucky Barnes, also meant to stay dead and did so for 37 years.
... 37?!
Before becoming the Winter Soilder.
And these aren't in universe years, this is real world time.
Now it's hard to imagine them not wandering about.
So I'm trying to think what 3 characters I think should stay dead.
At least for the forcible future.
And who's dead that should be bought back.
Staying dead: Jason Grace (Percy Jackson: Heroes of Olympus.)
Yeah... I know.
I love him I'm still holding out hope he will return but I don't think it's coming.
I say think because... Leo.
Jason Grace is the perfect example of, I followed the rules, I did everything I was supposed to and I still lost everything.
He's the perfect soilder, the paragon of heroism and he fell sacrificing himself to save his friends.
I think it's best if Jason stays dead because his death is used to show the fragility of human life.
Of the harrowing lives demigods lead.
His final words are punctuated by him staring at Lester, Apollo in his eyes as he's stabbed.
And telling him to remember.
Remember what you saw, remember the way my life drained from eyes.
Remember this day, and know I'm not the first nor the last.
It's such a powerful moment.
Especially because Apollo gets to know Jason and is hit throughout the book that Jason is so young.
That he's just a kid.... that they all are.
Demigods aren't promised happy endings.
Most don't live to be adults, and it's perfectly and tragically shown perfectly through Jason's death.
He just got the life he wanted, found out Leo's alive... And than in a moment it was all gone.
Also, for Jason who's served 14 years at 16, he deserves to rest a while.
Coming back to life: Summer Rose (RWBY)
Didnt see that coming, I was very much on the "Oh my gosh can we not... Can she just stay dead" train.
Now look at me.
To be fair we know more than we did than and I am really interested to know what happened to Summer.
What happened to STRQ in general to be honest.The tragic death that no one speaks of.
Who's events seem to be only known by Summer herself.
And with the rise of Grimm like the Hound, a beast made of both grimm and silver eyed warriors.
With the note from Ruby and Yang that Summer could have been the turning point.
From Salem killing silver eyed warriors to capturing them.
Given Salem was trying to kill Maria when she was young, now am old lady.And has only ever tried to capture Ruby.
That and Grimm Summer is just the concept ever, I wanna see Summer Rose the paragon of being a huntress be an underling for Salem.
Especially if she's not as reluctant of a follower as we may believe.
Staying dead: Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Junko is that werid one of I want her to stay dead but like keep her memory alive.
Because it makes sense too, woman caused the apocalypse.
And if we're still operating in that universe it makes sense she'd be bought up, especially after the fact.
But I don't think Junko herself should be bought back.
I get why they did it in Danganronpa 2 because it made sense.
But after, I don't think Junko needs to keep being our main bad guy.
I think exploring the word, her followers and hell people have nothing to do with her would be a lot of fun.
If they do bring her back I'm not gonna be mad, just think hey if we can have multiple protags it'd be fun to have multiple villians too.
She can't carry all of this on her own.
If they do bring her back, kinda defeats the purpose of her death.
Of why it meant so much to her, why she had to lose to Makoto the ultimate hope and her own class.
She lost but she also won.
It's such a huge thing and to bring her back and than kill her later it really deminishes the impact her death had.
... That and...She'd need a whole new body because who knows what happened to her corpse.
Coming back to life: Matsuda Yasuke (Danganronpa)
Speaking of followers of Junko I'd like to see.
We know little about Matsuda, given he's only appeared in Danganronpa Zero.
I think him being around would be really interesting especially in a world where Junko stays dead.
Because Matsuda is that complex thing of being someone infatuated and in love with Junko.
He was her childhood friend and boyfriend after all.
But also someone who wants her to change.
He created a version of her devoid of despair and he'd be happy to keep her that way.
Which is a unique perspective because most Junko followers think she's the most perfect thing ever.
And I think having that perspective would make for an interesting story.
Because no one really sees Junko as a fully realised person, not even Mukuro her own sister.
Also even aside from Junko, Matsuda also plays a huge role in the killing game's.
He's the one responsible for the memory wipes.
Being the Ultimate Neurologist.
I personally would love to see the memory stuff explored given it was always second to the killing games.
I get why but it's so cool and not something we talk enough about. Wonder if he was scouted by Hope's Peak not just for having a talent but for it's usages.
Say... The Kamakura project 👀.
I dunno but I think Junko's boy toy deserves some time in the spotlight.
Staying dead: The Grabber (The Black Phone)
His death was not only deserved.
It was fucking satisfying.
Watching Finney use everything the other boys gave him to beat that fucker.
That has kept him hostage, killed several others and is now getting his just deserts.
Was glorious.
... And I'm well aware that there's a sequel coming.
And I'm just hoping he stays dead.
Because not only do the ghost boys, Finney and Gwenny deserve to rest.
The Grabbers death was just perfectly set up and delivered so brutally.
That him being alive and returning to die later kinda ruins the ending.
Because it's Finney's fight to freedom.
I mean if that's the way they go with it, I can't say I'm not intrigued but yeah... Not in a rush to see him again.
Would much rather see someone else wear that mask.
Coming back to life: Sammy Emily (Five nights at Freddy’s)
The fact everyone dies and comes back to life in this series.
But not Sammy is a crime.
I'm sorry but the story about the mysterious twin brother of the girl who becomes the puppet.
Is something I wanna see.
I know he's only been mentioned vaguely in the Silver Eyes books.
But that's only more reason.
Just Sammy who's thought be dead for years raised by his mother and having an unexplainable connection to Freddys.
I mean tons of kids in the Fazbear Frights books have been drawn or compelled to go to Freddys.
His would make the most sense.
Maybe Williams after him?
Maybe it's Charlie in the Pizzaplex recognising and calling out to him.
Maybe he's the new night guard at the place trying to figure out what happened here... And why it feels familiar.
Maybe he knows about Freddy’s but he knows Charlie was taken and killed.
A parallel to Charlie thinking it was him in the original books.
Maybe he's out for revenge or just trying to find his missing sister.
There's so many possibilities.
I'm just saying if we can get a book about Sea Bonnie's we can get a Sammy Emily story.
Well that's my list.
Feel free to add your own, I'm curious.
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imaginechb · 10 months
Haunted by Taylor for Leo please. (I want to hurt) 🤭🤭
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You and I walk a fragile line / I had known it all this time but I never thought I'd live to see it break / it's getting dark and it's all so quiet and I can't trust anything now / and it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake
You and Leo had known each other for months now, training together, eventually going on quests together, saving each other countless times. There were bound to be some feelings eventually, right? You didn't know what to call it, but you knew it was right.
Oh, holding my breath / won't lose you again / something's made your eyes go cold
You had no idea what he was planning. The war was raging on, all around you were demigods and gods alike, fighting Gaea's forces, fighting each other. You were at an all-time high for stress and panic, but at least you had Leo, right?
He found you on the battlefield and took your hand, pulling you away from it all. He looked you in the eyes. "I love you," he said, before breaking eye contact. "I needed you to know that. No matter what happens, I need you to know that it's not your fault and I love you." He kissed you for the first and last time.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out / something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted / come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out / can't breathe whenever you're gone, can't turn back now, I'm haunted
You didn't know what he meant until it was over. Until you saw him, saw the fiery supernova, and suddenly it was all over.
Stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had but I still mean every word I said to you / he will try and take away my pain, and he just might make me smile but the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead
You had asked Nico—begged him, really— to do something, anything, but deep down you knew there was nothing he could do. "I'm sorry, y/n, but he's gone," Nico said, a genuine look of sympathy on his face. "I felt him pass on."
Oh, holding my breath / won't see you again / something keeps me holding onto nothing
You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry. You felt like throwing up. But you did none of that, simply fell to your knees in the middle of bunker nine. Numb. That's what you were.
A small part of you was angry with the son of Hephaestus. How dare he? How dare he kiss you and then sacrifice himself? How dare he make you fall for him and then plan his own death, leaving you in the dark?
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out / something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted / come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out / can't breathe whenever you're gone, can't turn back now, I'm haunted
But the majority of you was just devastated. You knew he did what needed to be done, and that was the worst part. You knew he was a hero, and he was forced to do it to save everyone else. You were only alive because he wasn't.
I know, I know, I just know you're not gone, you can't be gone, no
After that thought came to you, you stood up. You looked around for a second at Leo's work benches and tools and projects that would never be finished and you cried. For the first time since it happened, you cried. Then you threw a hammer. Then another.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out / something's gone terribly wrong, won't finish what you started / come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out / can't breathe whenever you're gone, can't go back now, I'm haunted
Pretty soon you were crying, screaming up at the heavens, throwing shit left and right, begging the gods to bring him back. Bring Leo back, please just bring the boy you loved back. You smashed wooden planks and glass jars and destroyed his workshop. But what did it matter? He wouldn't be using it anymore. What did anything matter, really?
You and I walk a fragile line / I have known it all this time / never ever thought I'd see it break / never thought I'd see it
The war was won, but you took the biggest loss.
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Luke was always the hero of the prophecy.
Every time I wander into the Luke tag and see people who really firmly believe that his actions were inexcusable, or I (as I am doing rn) reread TLO and see Thalia saying that everything that’s happening is due to Luke’s poor choices, I have to sit there and remind myself that "poor choices” is a really reductive view to take on a very complex issue. Luke was born with a destiny, and nothing that he did along the way could have changed it. 
We start the series with The Fates cutting his life line. The moment that Percy is found by monsters and inducted into the world of myths, Luke’s fate is sealed. Any questions of what would happen end in that moment. Not that there were many questions before - both May and Hermes are well aware of who Luke would become. It’s why Hermes had to stay away, and why May was terrorized with these visions.
Now, this primes Luke for his frustration with the gods. He’s already hurt and scared of his future, and he knows the gods are well aware and don’t seem to give a fuck regardless. He knows that, on top of his dad being shitty, Thalia and Annabeth have been abandoned, too, and that’s his family. That’s inexcusable. 
And then Thalia dies, killed by a god, with her father unwilling to intervene until she’s already gone.
And then he, at 14, is left to run the Hermes cabin, presumably after whoever was previously leading it dies. The cabin where every unwanted demigod is left, where they don’t even have enough room for everyone to have a bed anymore. Eventually, he’s not just running that cabin, he’s basically running the camp. Training demigods because the immortals who are supposed to be doing so have gotten so burnt out on heroes over the years that they are barely involved. So he has to be the one to try and train them well enough that they don’t die when they inevitably leave on quests that aren’t important, they’re just re-hashings of quests from the past. More of the gods jacking themselves off over memories of the “golden age.” 
When Luke finally gets his own quest, it’s one of these rehashing of the glory days quests. One that he’s literally been told by his father is of no importance - it’s only so he has the chance to do something great and prove himself before he dies. And so, when he is faced with the drakon and has the chance to complete it or die trying, he leaves. Glory and fame isn’t worth his life. But now he’s a failure, and a failure is worse than dead, so suddenly there are no more quests. The rigged game is broken now that there’s the option to just not do it, so it’s banned. 
So, you get an (at the time) 17-year-old kid who has watched kids dying to the gods’ games since he was 14, who is considered a failure for refusing to play, and who is acutely aware that this has been happening for two thousand years. And will continue long after he’s gone. He’s the failed hero because he refused to die. And then someone offers him a deal - bring down the Olympians, and you get to decide the fate of the heroes. Someone clever and manipulative enough to convince Olympians to turn against Olympians and powerful enough to follow through on their promise.
If there’s one “poor choice” that Luke makes, it’s here, but how many others made the same one? With less reason to?
By the time we get to TTC, he sees where he fucked up. Thalia helps him realize - this isn’t going to save demigods, this is just going to place them under a new system that’s just as controlling as the first. He won’t live to see it happen, which means there’s no insurance. 
So, he tries to go back on it. Kronos says himself that he has to threaten Luke and Luke’s “family” with terrible things in order to get him to agree to swim in the Styx. Luke tries to run away with Annabeth, seeing her as the last person left who might be willing to trust him, as a last ditch effort to escape, not just for himself. He tells Annabeth, “Kronos will use me as a stepping stone.” He’s trying to remove himself from the equation, slowing Kronos down before it even begins. 
He tries to stop Kronos from killing Beckendorf.
He tries to interfere when Kronos is close to figuring out Percy’s Achilles point. 
And he makes the choice to kill Kronos in the end, even if it means killing himself, because this was never what Luke’s war was about.
He wanted demigods to stop being pawns in a greater game, and accidentally became one himself. He wanted kids to stop dying in order to prove themselves to parents who often didn’t even know their names. 
And no matter what choices he made, he was trying to move towards a better future. The Fates had other ideas. No matter where he tried to back out or leave, he was always going to end up in that throne room with Percy and Annabeth. 
He’s not a perfect person - he makes an excellent antagonist and foil to Percy. But I’d love for the narrative to shift away from him as selfish or entitled, because it was never just about him. It was about all of the other demigods he had to send off to die.
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shakingcryingwriting · 11 months
Who would a reader a pjo×obeyme! Crossover fic? Cuz I'm writing it
It's completely plausible, especially with the theatrics of the pjo mulitverse i.e., kane chronicles and magnus chase
SUMMARY: MC is an unclaimed demigod at Camp Half-Blood, a long-term resident of Cabin 11, and a former member of Krono's army. One night, they go to bed and see Camp Half-Blood for the last time
Notes: you/yours/they/them; you are Mc, ofc; takes place somewhere between Last Olympian and Lost Hero (closer to Last Olympian); kinda went headcanon-y with the brothers but pfft who cares
Warnings: Spoilers for both obey me and Pjo; cussing I suppose
Camp Half-Blood hadn't felt this foreign since your first year.
Then, everything was fresh and shiny, new and exciting. Each cabin felt like a grand temple; each camper a hero of legend. You hadn't been able to hold back your ogling eyes and wide-ranging curiosities.
You could remember the jolt of excitement from the first time you hopped on a pegasus or the first time a faceless peer had dropped a broad sword in your hands. You could remember the terror-fueled adrenaline from your first time playing capture the flag, being ambushed by a few Athena kids while you were guarding the flag, or your first time facing a slobbering, snarling hellhound on the one quest you'd been allowed.
Now, tension flooded every crowded room and dripped from every uttered word.
The war was long since over, the shrouds long since burned. Dinner was held in the same pavilion; songs were sung around the same campfire. And yet, as fall neared ever closer, shadows still lingered:
In the eyes of war's witnesses.
In the silence between words.
In the empty spaces left behind by loved ones.
It was ever prevalent sitting on the porch of Herms's Cabin with no company but the cricket chirping at your feet and the consistent rocking of the chair in which you sat.
The last breaths of summer tickled your cheeks and tousled your hair. The setting sun was a dim echo beneath your closed eyelids. Training had turned your muscles into putty. The day had been hot and sticky and sweat still clung to all your nooks and crannies. You would have to head down to the showers sooner or later, but for now, on the cusp of slumber with the night's chill setting in around you, you could relax.
Of course, you appreciated the rest; who wouldn't?
But it would never be possible if Camp Half-Blood was at its peak.
Only a few campers could be seen on the green: A boy on his knees in the dirt outside the Demeter Cabin; Two girls holding hands as they headed off toward the volleyball court; A young girl tending to the central hearth, and you, of course. In the distance, the Stoll brothers were trying to push each other off the rock wall, and even farther away was the distinct sound of Clarisse La Rue giving someone a piece of her mind.
There were others, of course, there were others, but in a moment like that, you couldn't help but feel emptiness.
You nearly jumped out of her skin. You turned to find a familiar blonde girl with grey eyes at the corner of the cabin smiling at you.
"Spoke ya?" she asked.
"Yes!" you exclaimed, then quickly added, "Of course not!"
Annabeth Chase laughed, a sound you'd quite missed during your time in... Nevermind.
Annabeth hoisted herself up on the edge of the porch, not bothering with the stairs. "So," she started, "Percy and I are thinking of sneaking out and heading to the beach tonight."
"Uh-huh," you drawled, watching her trace the wood patterns of the porch with her finger.
"We plan to get some swimming in before the summer ends," she glanced up for your reaction, and when you said nothing she continued with "Do you want to come swimming?"
"And third wheel for you and your boyfriend?" you scoffed. "No thanks."
Annabeth's face reddened ever so. "He's not-Well ... You wouldn't be third-wheeling," she said.
You gnawed at your bottom lip for a moment, thinking. You'd missed Annabeth the past year, you really had. Before the war, you'd been the closest of friends... Then you picked Luke over her...
You both wanted things back to normal. And normal was getting up to no good that Annabeth would otherwise frown upon. So sure, what the hell?
"Great," Annabeth's smile was brighter than the sun at noon. "I'll see you then. Around 12 ish?"
"Sure," you smiled back, though your tired body hated the idea.
Annabeth rose from her spot just as the dinner horn blew in the distance.
She glanced over her shoulder at you.
You heaved a dramatic sigh before attempting to stand from your chair. A long groan came out instead as your back ached, locking you in a hunch for a moment too long.
Annabeth laughed again, "Need a hand, old man / lady?"
"Shut up," something in your knee cracked as you made your way down the few stairs the porch had to offer.
Annabeth looped her arm through yours, either for comradery's sake or because she was fully giving into the elderly bit, you'll never really know. Together, you headed off for the dining pavilion.
Dinner was the same as any dinner, at least from the past couple of weeks. Quieter than it should have been, but still bustling with excitement for the upcoming capture the flag game that Connor Stoll was quick to remind you of the moment you sat down.
"Hear Athena's got a new magic item up their sleeve," he said before your ass had even hit the seat. Travis slid into place on the other side of you.
"Yeah, right," he scoffed before leaning in so only you and Connor could hear, "If you ask me, it's a loada shit. They probably just started that rumor to get us on our toes."
"Yeah, say that when they hand us our asses Friday," Connor rolled his eyes.
This conversation continued all the way up to the sacrifice hearth. You'd never been quite sure who to sacrifice to, and seeing as it was weeks after the war and you were still unclaimed, you doubted you ever would, but you dropped in a nice buttery roll anyway.
Dinner went by quickly, filled with endless chatter and argument. Soon, campers were draining out of the dining pavilion and flooding into the amphitheater.
A campfire was already going and Apollo's kids were already roasting marshmallows. Everyone filed into their respective section, sitting under the banner of their cabin. Some went straight for the smores first, though.
Quite full from dinner, you took your seat far from the center of the Hermes section. On one side, there was the slightly more crowded Hephaestus Cabin, and on the other was the solo Hades camper.
You'd seen Nico before the war, but you hadn't known him to be a child of the death god. It was nice to see he'd been claimed. When your eyes met, you flashed him a friendly smile. He quickly glanced away, his cheeks almost flushed in the firelight, and gave you a tentative wave back.
One of Apollo's sons scooped up a guitar down by the fire and spit out a few experimental notes before jumping into the fan-favorite song I Am My Own Great-Great-Great-Great Grandpa.
The music had not gotten better while you were away.
But you sang along anyway, specifically when Connor Stoll, singing his lungs out right next to you, nudged you repeatedly with his shoulder and nodded encouragingly. By the third song, you were giggling and singing just as bad as he was.
Eventually, the day's activities got the better of you. You shouted to Connor over the ruckus that you were going to bed, he called you a prude, and you headed off.
Camp was much less welcoming in the dark. Sometimes, past the light of the periodically placed torches, you wondered if you'd see a hideous face or a pair of glowing eyes peering out at you. Of course, something like that was ridiculous. Camp Half-Blood was safe. The only safe place for you. You shook your paranoia off as you approached Cabin 11 once more.
Sometimes, it was jarring seeing the inside of Cabin 11. You'd done so so many times, but nearly two summers ago you'd accepted the fact that you would never see it again before you ran off into the night, hellbent on getting revenge on a parent you didn't know. Even now, it felt like stepping into the past rather than another room.
You made it over to your little spot on the floor. After the war, demigods had been claimed much more often, but before that, Travis had joked that you were a traitor and should keep the floor. You'd taken it a little too seriously and by the time a bed was free, more Hermes campers had been claimed. So, the floor it was.
You knelt down on your bedroll, contemplating that much-needed shower. Was it worth it if you were going to swim later anyway? You decided against it and against putting actual pajamas on, too. The shorts and tee shirt you wore would be fine. You were more or less taking a nap, not really sleeping.
You flopped down on the bedroll and melted the moment your body was wrapped in a blanket. You were going to set an alarm for yourself and put on a sleep mask (let's face it, those Hermes kids would barge in and turn the light on whether you were sleeping or not).
Instead, your eyes closed and sleep took you.
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sonofsallyjackson · 5 months
I got to watch episode 4! Very happy with this episode as a whole even if not a huge fan of certain choices. Kept track of my reactions as I went in notes app and they’re below the cut.
I love baby Percy. However not a big fan of Sally in this scene. I get that she’s allowed to be frustrated but I don’t think she would hold the fact they paid for the lesson over Percy’s head.
Every time I hear forbidden kid all I can think of is CaffeinatedFlumadiddle’s Son of Sea Foam.
“I gotta earn it with you too” Damn I love them so much.
“It isn’t supposed to work that way.” I love baby Percy’s radicalization. You’re right you don’t deserve to be treated like that. “Pay your Child support” Percy has been here since the beginning.
“It’s everybody.“ oh poor baby Annabeth. I knew the backstory but framing it as her not being a gift hurt a lot.
HELL YEAH!!! PAN MENTION!!! I have been waiting for this since the season started. I’m an unproportionately excited about this.
The police officer scenes made me way too apprehensive. I’m so much more worried about them now given casting.
I am so confused by Echidnas earlier entrance. It feels less cinematic to meet her on the train versus the arch. There’s no element of surprise either. What was a cute moment of character growth as they visited somewhere Annabeth always wanted to go as they waited. It would be stupid to retreat to the Arch now.
“This has always been a family story” I want this overlaid on all the gifsets.
They’re really playing into the later themes where the demigods are monsters. Like I thought Percy really only starting to feel that way in Tartarus when faced with Bob. He might have felt bad about being a hero and trying to prove he was nothing like Hercules in TTC but it wasn’t an overarching demigods are the monsters mindset.
Really glad the Chimera didn’t appear as a service dog. Cute little puppy wandering down the corridor is perfect.
Oh so the Arch is a temple. I’m glad they have a reason to go there. I was worried they would go there despite being hunted.
Ugh I’m not a fan of how Athena blames Annabeth for the head.
Fuck Percy’s going to jump into the river thinking that he’s going to die. Sure he might pray but he won’t believe it.
Annabeth was going to sacrifice herself like Thalia. She wasn’t going to let a forbidden kid die for her again (and you know she was the one in best fighting shape)
The water grabbing him was so cool. I loved being able to see the concrete below him and then the water reached out for him. “He’s here and he’s so very proud” God I’m going to cry.
This tv show is very pro Poseidon. Like yeah it’s largely anti-gods but the comparison between Athena and Poseidon this episode had him way on top. Athena was essentially going to let her daughter be killed (which actually lines up with her treatment of Annabeth in MOA, just sending countless of her children to die on an impossible quest and treating it like an honor). Percy talks about not even wanting to pray to his dad and his dad saves him anyway. (Yes I realize last episode had the Medusa stuff but feel like that was less impactful after she tried to kill them.)
Really wish we had the reunion this episode but oh well guess I have to wait for next week.
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muiltifandomnerd · 7 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 12: Mother vs Daughter
Reyna PoV
As the sky becomes dark, close to evening and the birds flocking together, I notice tree logs being cut in pieces around me. I look to see a tall woman who is around 6 ft, with arms and legs full of muscles, and a scar across her nose. The woman is wearing a red shirt with blue jeans, and she wears a menacing smirk.
"I suppose you must be Reyna, my daughter from my Roman form, Bellona. Nice to officially meet you, I don't have many demigod children." The woman, who must be Enyo, says while she looks at me like I'm her prey and she is a lioness.
"Even if I come from Bellona, you are still my mother. When I was younger, I wanted to thank you for being my mother because I wouldn't have met my comrades for life at Camp Jupiter." I say with gratitude in my voice. Enyo looks shocked at my revelation.
“How the hell are you my kid? Don’t you hate me for not being a part of your life? You carried destruction in your veins child." She sighs while she analyzes me while she sits on a log and looks on at the sky.
“I don’t want to waste my life, cursing you, Enyo, or else I will become bitter like many demigods. If I defeat you, will you change to Bellona? My real mother" Enyo looked on in a proud look as if she was saying that's my girl and chuckled at my question.
"We gods can't just change into our Roman forms whenever we want, but maybe Bellona can meet her kid. I can only recall certain things from my Roman form. Like how Bellona has been close to your family for many generations, till she falls for your father. I remember your father being burdened with his actions on a battlefield and so traumatized to the point he thinks he's on the battlefield even at his own home. Perhaps you were right to kill him, you spare him from suffering. Am I correct? Just guessing here" Enyo looked at me as if she expected me to become angry and impulsive enough to punch her and forget my training.
"Maybe I did spare my father from his madness by killing him, but you or should I say Bellona didn’t try to help him. It doesn’t matter regardless, I must move forward for Camp Jupiter’s sake and be their Praetor.” I say with determination and I look on to my mother in her Greek for determination to beat her.
"For Camp Jupiter's sake huh? I believe that you are a coward, it seems you want to be miserable and lonely forever. It's ok to want for yourself, it's pretty obvious that you want love, but you are too chicken shit to go after it. I guess my twin brother's girlfriend did scare you off from romance. She is right though, a demigod can't heal your heart, only you can heal your heart. You have been neglecting yourself for so many years now my Roman child, the same sin your father is guilty of. Your father became insane because he neglected his mental health for the sake of duty. How long will you neglect yourself for the sake of your precious camp?" Enyo says in a loud voice and I look in cold fury.
She is wrong, I'm not neglecting myself, I'm just being what a leader is supposed to be. I have to be strong for my people, I can't afford to lose myself to the quest of love. Is Enyo right? Only I can heal my heart? Am I making the same mistakes as my father did? All these thoughts kept swarming my head while Enyo looked on in amusement while I was in mental anguish. Suddenly she got out her blood-covered celestial bronze sword and charged at me. I told my thoughts to be silent and I got out my sword to block her strike. She kept on trying to stab me while I blocked her blows.
“Impressive, you can use a sword. I am willing to wager that if you can strike my body at least once then I will leave and stop causing any commotions towards the world. however, if you can't strike me, then I won't stop my rampage. So do you accept?" Enyo asks me when I am holding my blade with sweat coming on my forehead and I steady myself.
"Bring it," I say in full confidence while Enyo smirks and continues her attacks with her sword. I block her frontal attacks as she tries to impale me. As I kept blocking, I felt her strikes becoming faster and I felt my energy drained from each blow. She did a roundhouse kick on my torso but I persisted through the pain. I tried to impale her chest she grabbed my sword and threw it to a tree, but she unexpectedly threw her sword into the ground.
"I'm not going to fight you while you are unarmed, so I become unarmed to make things more fun. Show me what you got daughter." She laughs maniacally as mother and daughter fight fist-to-fist. She throws jabs while I  block and dodge to the best of my abilities. She threw an uppercut at my stomach and I spilled a little blood from my mouth. I had to land a hit at her, or else it would all be for nothing. She tried to do an axe kick while I was on the ground, but I moved out away. I jumped in the air and did a jumping sidekick but she caught my leg and threw me to the ground. It was like my back is shattered but I still can fight.
“You can’t even land one strike yet, well I guess I'm too much for you then." Enyo taunted and just yawned. I think I may have to play dirty to even have a chance against Enyo. I observed how Hyun manipulates the mist; it will not be perfect but hopefully, this could distract Enyo. I gathered the Mist around me while Enyo was not looking and I made sure the Mist messed with Enyo's perception and made me think the right tree was me.
“You seriously have no plan to strike me down. Come on Reyna, don't just stand there and be mute. Unless you are planning something but even then it is like you are just rigid like a tree and not breathing at all. Ummm…….wait" As Enyo was busy speaking to the tree thinking that it was me, I sneaked up behind her and struck at the back of the head. I learned from the way that Hyun fights that sometimes sneakiness can be a key to winning.
“Uhhh…. What the Zeus? You used the mist to mess with my perception. My children are not most users, that's usually a child of Hecate thing. A deal is a deal, I will stop my rampage since you have finally landed a blow on me." She grasped her head and did a small warm smile. Why is Enyo smiling like she's proud of me? I don't need her approval. Suddenly Enyo appearance changed into a braided woman with glasses, wearing a dress shirt and a pencil skirt, and she stared at me stoically but with having small smile. She touched my shoulder and suddenly all the pain that she inflicted on me left and I felt my body being healed from Enyo's blows. This is not Enyo, this could be Bellona, my real mother. She is too different from her Greek counterpart, so much more mature and composed.
“I didn’t want you to meet my Greek counterpart's daughter. She is too juvenile and chaotic for my taste. I’m so sorry for Enyo’s troubles.” Bellona held my hand to her chest and gave me a crushing hug.
"It's ok Mother that was not you. I just hope I don't have to fight Enyo again. Othe, why are you hugging me?” I asked as I patted her back.
"Sorry, I got carried away, daughter. It's just that I don’t have many children compared to my twin, Mars. I’m kinda new to this mother thing and Venus sort of encourages me to show physical affection. I'm very proud of the woman you become, and I hope you will find the right one eventually." Bellona let go of the hug and it felt like she lent me strength again like the time when I fought Orion.
"Thank you, Mother, but I do believe that your Greek counterpart is right about not neglecting myself for now, maybe it is time to seek happiness for myself" Bellona only cast a small smile and kissed my forehead.
“You will my daughter. It seems we Roman deities need to do better for our children’s sake and not inspect loyalty when we haven't earned it. Daughter, you have brought honor to my house and you will be remembered as one of the best Roman demigods to have ever lived. The legionnaire owes you a debt. You should hurry daughter; it seems your friend is fighting the Earth Mother” Bellona vanishes out of thin air, and I ran back to where I left Chick and Hyun to deal with Eris. Not again, Chika doesn't deserve to have Gaia possessing her body. Gaia has been a thorn in our sides, it is up to me to stop Gaia’s rampage. I see birds flocking away from the commotion and I feel the air becoming cool like the winter and I see many leaves decaying.  I look at a green aura shooting up at the evening sky and I hear a roar, this is bad.
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hippielittlemetalhead · 11 months
I should be working on my Punk!Steve thingy and I will but first I am running on enough caffeine to stop an elephant's heart and 3 hours of sleep and I had a ✨thought✨.
Son of Hades Steve but more Bianca di Angelo than Nico. He's charming and charismatic but even if people like him there's still that sense of Other and people fear what he's capable of (King Steve) and the stereotype that he's bad luck and not like other demigods and almost less human than them (relationship with Nancy and the bullshit scene). His parents know and his stepdad refuses to acknowledge him more than he needs to and his mom resents him for ruining her marriage even though she's the one who revenge cheated in retaliation for her husband sleeping with another secretary. So they send him to Camp Half Blood as soon as possible and he is there the majority of the year.
Son of Artemis Eddie. BECAUSE in many ancient civilizations the words/phrases we translate to virgin would be closer to unwed young woman rather than never slept with someone. Because Artemis has a lover, Orion but upon his death vows to never wed and declares herself a maiden/virgin goddess. So either like copying Athena in PJO or via the occasional ONS she has a handful of kids. We'll say for easiness sake she 99.9999% of the time has girls that she keeps as part of her hunters. The occasional .0001% that's a boy she sends to the father or the camp. Eddie was left on his father's doorstep in a soft grey woven bassinet and swaddled in silver cloth that seemed to glow with the light of the full moon. His dad isn't the best but once he was delivered Artemis didn't really check in with him and only finds out he'd been sent to his Uncle Wayne (who can see through the Mist) when one of her hunters who was working with CHB sees and recognizes him as a child of her Lady and reports back to Artemis. She claims him at the campfire the next full moon and he immediately starts calling only the Apollo kids cousins and they sort of adopt him as one of their own right back when he proves to be terrible at anything related to either his mother or uncle except taking care of kids (he is great at helping with little ones who are new to the camp or have to visit the infirmary) and/or animals, being the type to take little lost campers under his wing and a talent for music that would rival the most gifted of Apollo's cabin.
A la PJO style we meet our heroes around the ages 11-12, Steve had been in and out of the camp routinely since he was literally a toddler. He was found at daycare by a kind nymph who went by Claudia and her satyr toddler (Dustin 😏) and told the Harringtons about the camp. She did not expect them to basically send their 3 year old to boarding school most of the summer.
Dustin later found Eddie on his own since he was now technically 9 to Eddie's 12 but still physically pretty toddler looking it took some effort and Claudia had to intervene when she finally found her son and explain to the nice mortal man and his demigod nephew about Eddie being of Greek god descent and that with the rise of monsters trying to get at him already he should go to the camp for a bit to train. Dustin would stay at the camp with Eddie partially as punishment for running off and partially to help him acclimate and make sure Eddie was on time for when Claudia helped Wayne Iris message Eddie. Eddie is maybe 13 and been at camp for about a year when he gets claimed.
That's all I've got really besides Steve and Eddie try being friends cause they're both odd kids out w/who their parents are but it's a little out of nowhere after a year knowing of each other rather than knowing each other but also Steve has powers and charisma and that makes him worth hanging out with to majority of campers where Eddie can get kids to stop crying and is a Disney princess with how much animals like him. There's some animosity cause Steve is jealous Dustin is spending so much time with Eddie, especially when they and some of the other campers and younger satyrs discover DND and Eddie feels rejected cause they didn't click at all and his emotionally traumatized little ass made that Steve's fault. Till they're 16 and 17 and assigned a quest with Dustin as their satyr and third and they have to learn to get along and realize how much they have in common like the fear of what comes next when they age out of being campers and yeah Steddie happens and Dustin is smug.
Also Eddie learns completely by accident he can basically use music as a weapon DND bard style and he is way too happy about it and so pissed he didn't think of that sooner.
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‘Til Death
Chapter 1: The Flower
Chapter 2: Welcome to the Underworld AO3 Link
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We all know the story of Hercules, right? A god turned demigod (thanks to his evil uncle) raised on Earth by mortals only to find out in his late teens that his real parents were the most powerful and important gods in the entire cosmos: Zeus and Hera. He then trained with a satyr to become a hero, so he could return to Olympus and be with his family again. He later met the love of his life who nearly betrayed him until she sacrificed her life to save his. In return, Hercules risked his own life to save his love and saved the entire cosmos from his power hungry uncle, Hades as well. Hercules then chose to stay on Earth with his beloved Megara and they all lived happily ever after.
Well…except for one god. Hades: the villain of the story. You see, after Hercules saved Megara’s life, Hades tried to schmooze his way out of punishment. This made Hercules furious, so he punched Hades right into the River Styx where he was dragged to the very depths of the river by the angry souls he tormented. Hades had been stuck in the river for quite some time (for a week or two to be exact) and he eventually managed to get himself out (no thanks to his “loyal” minions). 
After escaping the depths of the River Styx, Hades was put on trial and was ultimately banned from stepping foot on Olympus until further notice. Now, Hades was practically under house arrest. So, the only thing he could do was continue work as normal until he could come up with a new plan to finally get rid of his pretentious older brothers as well as his “Wonderboy” nephew and his precious “Nut-Meg”.
This is where our story begins.
“Boys! Progress report! On the double! Let’s go, c’mon! I don’t have all day!” Hades, God of the Underworld and Lord of the Dead demanded as he walked along the dreary halls of the Underworld, snapping his fingers for emphasis of his demands.
Pain and Panic, his (somewhat) loyal minions quickly trailed behind him, trying to catch up to their nefarious boss. “Another one of your Lethe pool cleaners forgot who he was and where he is…and, well…everything again.” Panic informed his boss after finally catching up with him.
“Great. That’s the 10th one this week. At this point I’m debating on making you two clean the pool.“ Hades sighed with frustration. “Anyways, I don’t care about the menial stuff right now. Let’s talk business. What’s our soul index for this month?”
Pain and Panic stopped walking with Hades and looked at each other nervously then looked back at Hades. “Helloooo, I said: what’s the soul index?” he asked again with annoyance as he too stopped walking, peeking around his shoulder at his minions.
“Errrhh, we, uh….we don’t have the soul index for this month.” Pain admitted. “It sorta slipped our minds. Eheh… just like your pool cleaner. Funny coincidence, isn’t it?” Panic added, trying to ease the tension with a little joke. 
Hades’ hair started to burn red in anger as he turned fully around to face the now cowering minions. “It slipped your minds, huh?” he asked, seething with anger as he walked toward his terrified minions.
“Y’know, it is a funny coincidence, actually because it seems to have slipped my mind that I SHOULD MAIM YOU!” Hades shouted as his hair started to flare up a little bit. He then attempted to burn Pain and Panic with his fire powers, but the flames from his hands were only inches away from them. The two minions held each other and closed their eyes, preparing for the flames to hit them, but were surprised to find they were perfectly okay. 
“What the?” Hades remarked in confusion as he suddenly cooled down at the realization that his flames weren’t hitting his minions like usual. Hades tried burning the minions again with no luck. It seemed each time he tried the flames got shorter and shorter. Pain and Panic looked at each other in confusion as Hades turned away from them and looked at his hands.
“What in my name is going on? This has never happened before. Am I-? Nah, nah, I can’t be! I’m a god! I can’t lose my powers! That’s ridiculous!” Hades quietly reassured himself.
“Um, boss. Are you okay?” Pain asked curiously with a hint of concern. 
Hades turned back around to face his minions once more. “I will be as soon as you get me that stinkin’ soul index. Now!” Hades demanded as he pointed towards the opposite end of the halls.
“Right away, your maliciousness!” Pain replied anxiously as he started to skitter off. “We’ll get right on it, sir!” Panic replied as well as he followed after Pain. 
Hades rolled his eyes and looked at his hands again. His once annoyed and frustrated expression now turning to one of concern and anxiety. 
“This isn’t good. Looks like I’m gonna have to beseech some old friends for this one.”
“Ladies! How wonderful to see you again! So glad you could make it on such short notice, really!” Hades schmoozed as he entered his throne room to meet the ever-knowing (and ever-frustrating) Fates.
“Enough of the small talk, Hades.” Lachesis asked bluntly as she crossed her arms.
“Yes, we’re very busy you know!” Atropos said as she snipped her large scissors.
“Trust me, this won’t take long. Y’see recently I’ve noticed that my powers aren’t exactly…as strong as they used to be, y’know? And that’s not exactly good . I mean, if I don’t have my powers-“
“You can’t rule the Underworld.” The Fates interjected in unison.
“Right and if I can’t rule the Underworld then I can’t hold my status as a god. Well, a good one anyways. Look, the point is: I just can’t have that, okay? So, I need to know-“
“Why you’re losing your powers and how you can get them back. We know!” The Fates interjected once again.
Hades sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Yeah, I know. You know everything. I got that. Can you just do the little eyeball thing already?”
“Very well. I suppose we can make an exception in your case.” One of the fates replied as she snatched the eye away from one of her sisters’ faces. The Fates then proceeded to prophesies to Hades in verse how to regain his full godly powers, but before they could even get through the first sentence Hades spoke up.
“Seriously, verse? Oy, can’t you just explain this normally for once?” he asked as he rolled his eyes. “Do you want to know how to get your powers back or not?” One of the Fates asked in annoyance. “Alright, alright. Fair enough. Carry on.” Hades said as he gestured for them to continue their prophecy.
The Fates then explained that the reason Hades’ powers were fading was because Hades had been stuck in the River Styx for so long. The River cannot only drain life from mortals, but drain power from gods as well. If Hades didn’t find a way to get his powers fully restored then he’d lose them forever. However, there is only one way for Hades to restore his powers for good: marry a goddess just as powerful as he is.
“Woah, okay, let me get this straight: You’re telling me that unless I get hitched, I’m gonna lose my powers forever and become a useless lump of nothin’?!”
“Precisely.” answered Clotho.
“No, no, no, no. I don’t do marriage, okay? I’m a lone wolf. I’m not gonna tie myself down to some prissy little goddess. It’s just not how I roll. There’s gotta be another way.”
“This is your only choice, Hades. Either marry a goddess or lose your powers along with the Underworld. You have 1 year, exactly, to find a bride before your powers fade away forever.” Lachesis declared with caution. 
“Good luck, Hades.” said Atropos.
“You’re gonna need it!” cackled Clotho.
The other two sisters cackled along with her until their eye drew them all together in a ghost-like swirl until they were gone in a blink, their cackles echoing throughout the cavernous throne room.
Hades slowly walked over to his throne and flopped himself onto it, a look of disbelief plastered on his grey-blue face. “Ugh, I cannot believe this is happening.” he muttered to himself tiredly as he rubbed his temples. “A year. Thanks for the short notice. Sheesh, didn’t even give me the chance to ask who I’m supposed to be looking for. As if those know-it-alls would even tell me.”
Pain and Panic then appeared by his side. “What’s the matter, your most malevolent?“ Pain asked with an enthusiastic grin. “Di-Did the Fates tell you how to fix your uh, little power problem?” Panic asked nervously, hoping that bringing up his boss’ newfound problem wouldn’t send him into a rage. “Unfortunately, yes. I guess I have no other choice do I? Well, it’s now or never. Time to find me a wife.” Hades declared as he stood up from his throne.
“A Wife!?” The imps exclaimed in unison.
“Yes! A wife! Now, shut your faces so I can focus! I gotta pick the right one.” Hades snapped before manifesting a cloud of smoke that showed him whatever he wanted to see in real time. He called it “Tartarus Vision” (or “TV” for short.) Hades then proceeded to flip through the “channels” with the flick of his wrist.
“Alright, let’s see here. Who’s our next eligible bachelorette, huh? Oh, well definitely not her. She’s taken.“
“Nope, way too clingy.”
“She’s too annoying.”
 “That one’s a total chatterbox.”
“Ugh! Why is this so blippin’ difficult! I just need to find someone decent enough to marry! Is that too much to ask!?” Hades yelled, starting to lose his temper and patience. 
Hades then heard humming from his Tartarus vision and looked up to see a beautiful goddess kneeling in a meadow, carefully using her powers to plant flowers into the green grass below. She had light pink skin, long, hot pink hair, and beautiful violet eyes. She was chubby and curvier than most goddesses out there, but Hades didn’t really mind. After all, he liked a girl with a little meat on her bones. The goddess wore a flowing, pastel violet chiton with a golden rose clasp on her shoulder. Her crown was just as dainty as she was, a simple row of small, pastel colored roses and other small flowers sat atop her head.
“Hashi babba! Who. Is. that !?” he asked in awe as he stared at the goddess shown before him, his hair flaring up a little bit. This mysterious goddess had to be the most beautiful deity Hades had ever seen in all his eons of being a god. He thought she was prettier than Aphrodite herself. He just had to make her his wife.
Pain and Panic scurried up to Hades’ side to look at the magical smoke cloud displaying the goddess. “Oh, her? That’s Persephone, Goddess of Spring. Y’know? Demeter’s oldest daughter?” replied Pain.
“Demeter’s oldest daughter, huh? Ah, now I recognize her! She’s the little wall flower! She always tucks herself away during those Olympus shindigs.“ Hades recalled.
“In that case, she’ll be easy to convince! Uh…I mean seduce, heh!” Panic exclaimed. “Yeah! She’ll be too scared to even refuse and from what I’ve heard, she practically does what everyone tells her to do! She’s perfect for ya, boss!” Pain added with confidence.
“Y’know what, boys? For the first time ever, I think you’re right. Now I just gotta figure out a way to lure the little wall flower down here.”
Back on Earth, Persephone, goddess of spring, was busy bringing the spring season to Greece. At the moment, she was on a hillside planting flowers and melting any leftover snow from the winter. Poor Persephone had been working so hard over the past month. Her younger sister, Despoina, the goddess of winter, did not hold back from bringing tons and tons of snow and sleet to Greece last winter and, of course, it was Persephone’s job to clean it all up so the warmer seasons could begin.
Once she completed her task, she wandered up a hill to an apricot tree and proceeded to sprout fresh, ripe apricots on its branches as well as bright green leaves as the snow atop the tree began to melt. She picked one off of a low hanging branch and sat underneath the tree as she snacked on the sweet, delicious fruit. Persephone took a deep breath as she overlooked the beautiful flower field she had just created below the hill.
Dozens and dozens of colorful flowers covered the area from roses to tulips to sweet peas. However, one flower in particular stood out from the rest: a yellow daffodil. Persephone didn’t remember planting any daffodils in that area, especially not a bright yellow one amongst the pinks and reds and lavenders. She put her half eaten apricot on the ground and went down the hill to investigate.
As she approached the flower, she noticed how brightly colored it was. Now giving it a closer look, the flower appeared to be more of a golden color rather than a yellow color. It was practically glowing, though she wasn’t sure if it was from the afternoon sun or because it just stood out so much amongst the other flowers. Persephone then sat on her knees in front of the daffodil and observed it closely.
“This doesn’t look like my work. It doesn’t look like mother’s either. Did I somehow miss this while planting the other flowers in the field? Maybe this was from last spring and it somehow survived through the winter…okay, that’s a stretch, but it could maybe happen…right?” Persephone pondered as she looked at the golden daffodil before her.
Thinking nothing of it, Persephone plucked the yellow daffodil from the ground and held it gently in her hand. She then brought it up to her face and smelled it, wondering if this was some sort of special flower with a unique aroma.
“Smells like a normal daffodil. I don’t understand. Planting the spring flowers is my job. How did this get here?” Persephone wondered as she stared at the flower in her hand, twirling it around between her fingers.
All of the sudden, a loud rumbling noise came from beneath the ground. The earth practically vibrated and the rumbling noise became louder and louder as the vibrations grew stronger. The flowers in the field began to shake and sway from the commotion. Persephone became worried and tried to stand, but the vibrations from below were becoming so strong she could hardly keep her balance. 
The earth beneath Persephone split wide open into a dark abyss and the spring goddess was being swallowed in. She tried grabbing onto the grassy ends of the earth, but the continuous vibrations kept her from keeping a firm grip. Her hands slipped from the edge and Persephone fell through the dark pit as she screamed at the top of her lungs.
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