#This is maybe overdramatized but I'm serious
Sometimes... when it's late and Tumblr stops updating... nobody's posting anything... it's a ghost town and nobody's online... all rational, sane people are asleep... even the mentally unwell ones are asleep... regardless of timezone. It's the Tumblr witching hour. There's nothing on my dash except the last post of the day. Nothing more might come for hours. Tumblr is dead as a graveyard and I'm a ghost, haunting the abandoned ruins. And I'm relieved that there aren't any more posts on Tumblr. Because the soul-sucking web of faceless, nameless strangers has finally stopped demanding my time, stealing my sleep, hijacking my creativity, leeching the time I have with my family, draining my energy, and enslaving my soul. This ghost can rest, now. There are no more posts.
But all I can do is helplessly refresh. I want more. I want more and it's killing me. I'm not a ghost, I'm a zombie, I crave the meaningless drivel of social media over the meat of awareness and real life and creativity and my relationships and my family and touching grass and looking at stars and LIVING. I return to the webbed hellsite, an undead spider reeling me in while cackling at how quickly I return to her snare, abandoning all I hold dear. I'm zombified, puppeted, commandeered by the long reel of posts, each a fading, worthless thought in the depths of the online ecosystem that is Tumblr. It's abandoned, silent, dark - left for dead even by its regular inhabitants - and this ghost still lurks, this zombie can't walk away.
Its the tweet where someone says (paraphrased) "Sometimes I laugh at fantasy characters who are suffering adverse effects from a cursed amulet. Like just put it down, idiot. -and then there's me, taking psychic damage from my phone hours a day; ouyuhhfhfhfggghh. Ooooouuuuugggghhhhh. AAaaaaaaarrrrggghhhh."
It was meant to be a funny post but sometimes, in these late nights, when I realize all I want is more, it's all too real. And it's scary. It's haunting. It's killing me and I just want more.
...is this what addiction is like?
I'm relieved there are no more posts. Yet I zombie-slouch in the direction of more. I refresh, lifelessly, slowly, inexorably tapping the button again... and again... waiting for smth new. There is nothing. There is nothing. I am desperate. There is nothing. (Maybe I should sleep?) I can sleep! I am free!
Well... once I write this post about it. Once I write this post that never ends, bc I can't bear the thought of actually leaving. Once I write this post I'll go to bed.
... once I edit it.
... once I add to it.
Once I contribute to the web of faceless, nameless strangers drawing in everyone else.
God, help me. I want to LIVE.
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thatiwouldbe · 2 years
u guys do i really need college? especially if i just want to go into making art my career anyway?
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mochidolls · 2 months
n : the colder seasons make me disgustingly soft so here we are :)
click for palestine / please read (important!!) / how you can help palestine
your girlfriend abby knew you inside and out, down to the tiniest detail. she knew your coffee order like the back of her hand, your favorite foods, the ones you weren't too keen on, and even the ones that left you feeling just 'meh.' she knew which clothes made you feel like yourself and which ones made you squirm.
she was well-versed in your allergies, how to ease your period woes, and how to nurse you back to health when illness had you bedridden. in short, she knew you like the lyrics to her favorite song, especially when it came to comforting you when you were upset.
on one particular quiet thursday evening, you found yourself in a bit of a funk. it wasn't entirely your fault; deadlines were looming, assignments were piling up, and your group for a certain project seemed about as motivated as a sloth on a sunday afternoon.
add to that the part-time babysitting gig you'd taken on a whim (thanks to a bout of baby fever), which now felt like more trouble than it was worth. life felt like a swirling storm of stress, and abby's failure to recognize your frazzled state earlier that morning, dismissing it as 'overdramatic,' only added to your emotional exhaustion. so, when you returned home to find her somewhat dismissive, even her peace offering of your favorite meal and the suggestion of snuggling up to watch old seasons of love island fell short. it was time for some serious groveling.
"cold?" abby inquired, noticing your arms wrapped around yourself, the blanket now stubbornly tucked on her side of the couch.
“i'm okay," you mumbled in response.
"you're freezing, come here," abby insisted, slipping her arm around you in an attempt to draw you closer. "i said i'm fine," you huffed, scooting away, but abby knew better.
"aabe," abby called, receiving no response.
"babeee, my love, my future wife, the mother of our future kids," she tried, and finally, a tiny crack in your stoic facade.
"i love you so much, you know that?" abby began peppering you with kisses, determined to break through your grumpy front.
"stop." you protested weakly, trying to maintain your grumpy exterior, but the corners of your mouth betrayed you.
"prettiest girl in the world, my girl," abby persisted, planting one final kiss on the tip of your nose, melting away any remaining sulkiness and revealing the smile she adored.
"oh, was that a smile?" abby teased, grinning ear to ear.
"i did not smile," you mumbled, attempting to reclaim your grumpiness.
"pretty sure i saw one."
"well, i didn't."
"you sure?" abby teased, before she launched herself at you, tickling you mercilessly, and soon the room was filled with your laughter, a sound that melted abby's heart.
"oh my god, stop!" you pleaded between giggles, swatting at her hands.
"magic word, babe," abby hummed, continuing her assault until you were both collapsed on the couch, giggling uncontrollably.
"please, please stop!" you begged, breathless.
"better," abby replied, finally relenting and placing a few loving kisses on your lips until you calmed down, the both of you grinning like kids.
"am i forgiven?" abby asked, pulling away slightly.
"maybe," you pretended to consider with a shrug, though the smile on your face gives you away.
"mhm," was all abby hummed before lifting you up with a slight yelp from you, her hands under your butt, giving them a pat as your legs wrap around her waist and your arms find their place around her neck. a gentle, affectionate kiss to seal the moment.
"let me make it up to you then?"
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percyluvr · 3 months
Hii can i request a pecry jackson x child of asclepius!reader with percy being the sunshine and reader being the grumpy one... totes a little sucker for a grumpy x sunshine thing
percy jackson x child of asclepius!reader summary: percy is a pain in the ass, but he's your pain in the ass wc: 551
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Days in the infirmary tended to be very long and seemed to never end, but today was taking it to a new level. There had been maybe 2 campers in the last 5 hours, and you still weren't allowed to leave, so you just had to sit there and stare at a wall because you were the only healer working today.
You were sitting in a chair, looking out the window and humming when you hear the door open. You turn around and are met with Percy Jackson with a wide smirk on his face. You let out an overdramatic sigh and walk over to him.
"Yes, Percy? What can I help you with today?" You ask, hands on your hips.
"What, can't I just come see my girl every now and then?" He says, putting his hands on your waist and pulling you close to him.
You roll your eyes. "Yes, you can, but not while I'm working," you say, painfully aware of how dumb that sounds with the empty infirmary behind you that you know he's going to point out.
"My deepest apologies, you seem oh-so busy right now, should I come back at a different time?" He jokes, that stupid grin that you love so much coming back to his face.
"Whatever, are you really just here to see me?" You ask.
He presses a kiss to your lips. "While I would love to say yes, I can't because then I'd be lying," he says as he lifts up his shirt to reveal a large cut right under his ribs.
"And you waited to show me this after all of your theatrics?" You ask, shaking your head exasperatedly.
You walk over to the bed, motioning for him to sit down, to which he obliges.
As you're getting supplies out of the drawer, you hear Percy singing the song that you were humming earlier, and without you noticing, a smile appears on your face. Of course, Percy notices, and you'll never hear the end of it.
"Babe, whatcha smilin' about? You like my singing?" He teases.
"Shut up, Percy. I could just leave you there to bleed out and die."
"But you wouldn't, 'cause you love me so much," he says, and unfortunately, you know he's right.
"I knew it! You love me!" He cheers loudly.
You roll your eyes and bring the gauze and ambrosia to the bed.
"So, care to tell me how this happened?" You asked him.
"Well, m'lady. I was fighting another one of your suitors, so I could win your eternal love," he jokes.
"Yeah yeah, I'm serious. What happened?"
"Who says I'm not being serious?"
"Percy, please. We are not in medieval Europe."
"But maybe we are. Who's to say for sure?"
"We live in America."
"Maybe America is a code word for Europe. Conspiracy," he whispers, wide-eyed.
"What the hell are you even talking about?"
Percy bursts out laughing. "I don't even know."
"Thought so," you say, finishing wrapping his cut. "There, you're all good now. Be more careful," you tell him.
"Awww, you're so sweet. You care about my wellbeing," he coos.
"We're literally dating."
"You're right, that's why I get to do this," he says right before kissing you.
You smile into the kiss. Percy really was something else.
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #52
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 15.1k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"Ah, I don't know!"
Frustratedly sighing and rubbing your forehead, you give your friend a pleading look as if you weren't whining and sighing for the past ten minutes which eventually brought him to this door. Leaning against the door frame with arms crossed over his big chest, he shoots you an amused grin your way.
"Just pack whatever. I don't see how this is a big deal."
"It's not a big deal," you correct him. "Stop making it look as if I'm overdramatic." you scold him and it's this time that you hear a sigh coming from Jungkook, though his one is more subtle.
Still, you hear it and you narrow your eyes at him.
"Do you even know where we are going? I can't just pack comfortable clothes and then your mom is like 'Boom, we're going to the restaurant' or something. I can't come to Busan, to your parents house in a bag full of sweats and leggings."
"Why not?" Jungkook shoots amusingly, cackling when he sees your annoyed expression.
You hate when you're serious and he's just there making fun of you.
It's Thursday and you're supposed to go to Busan, visit Jungkook's parents as planned. To not sleep there for one night only, Jungkook wants to go on Friday (not that he has much choice considering his mother told him to come Friday before she hung up, not giving him any chance to protest). You don't think he would protest though. After the scolding he got for hanging up on her, she got back right at him and you're not going to lie – you had the time of your life when Jungkook told you about it after you came back from work.
Jungkook himself confessed that if he is going to his hometown, he wants to stay there the whole weekend, including the Friday – or as much as it's left of it since he's working on that day too. Either way, it wouldn't pay off to stay there for one night only.
"Stop it," you whine, "I don't want to overpack."
"Just bring something comfortable and then something nice, in case we go out. I don't know what my mom's got planned, it's hard to tell with her. Maybe we will be staying home or going to one restaurant but I don't think it's gonna be anything fancy." Jungkook finally offers you a good response, walking closer to you as he rubs your tensed shoulders.
It's not like you're frustrated by the simple packing. You're tired, luckily fresh out of shower and today hasn't been a good day. On top of it all you have to pack it now since right after you clock out of work, Jungkook is going to pick you up so you both can go to Busan. It sounds complicated, and though it isn't, you proposed not going to Busan with him.
You'd love to. You love Jungkook's family and well, his mom sort of invited you and it would be rude not to turn up after the call you had with her. Though you know she'd be understanding, you still don't want to risk it. You're sort of people's pleaser – just when it comes to some people and it's mostly people close to you or someone you care about at some point. Plus, it's not like you have anything important to do over the weekend and it sounds fun to get out of Seoul.
In the end, Jungkook refused your proposition and wouldn't want to hear about it.
"You're tense," Jungkook comments behind you, rubbing the place between your neck and shoulders as you sigh in delight. "What's wrong?"
"Just a long day," you explain easily. "Don't worry."
"Good," he chuckles softly, "Then finally pack something for god's sake."
You elbow him into his stomach, his laugh resounding behind you as you quickly fold the clothes that have been spread on your bed, putting it into the travel bag which Jungkook will take with him once he's about to come get you from work. He's going to be home earlier, so he'll get your stuff and make sure the apartment is all good.
"You're so fucking annoying," you mutter, trying to sound as annoyed as possible. "I don't know why I am voluntarily about to spend a whole weekend with you. I could've just stayed here and enjoyed the peace."
"Oh, come on," Jungkook snorts, "You'd miss me the moment I'd step out of this place."
This time it's your turn to snort as you toss the travel back into the corner. Turning around to face him, you cross your arms over your chest and lift your brow at him. "Get over yourself."
"Come on now, don't be like this." he says with a grin, slowly getting closer to you while you try to keep your posture and not let him see you falling apart.
But the moment the tip of his toes almost brush against your own and you're met with the clearest sight of his brown dark eyes, your posture breaks a little and your arms slide along your sides. Jungkook's lip twitches as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, the intimate touch causing your breath to hitch as he watches your entire face.
He is the epitome of how dangerous some men can be. You've been around men for a few years now. With having good-looking friends, let's say it's been a challenge. With knowing them and not crossing any boundaries, you can look back and see things differently now. However, that cannot be exactly said about Jungkook. He is special, between three of your friends, you've grown the closest to him. And sometimes you wonder how the hell you got into this mess. A mess you so shamelessly want to be in, if it makes you enjoy your time together. Whether as best friends only or as fuck-buddies who love to fuck each other's brains out.
Will you be able to go back to how things were? 
He is still your best friend and whenever you don't have sex, it's like nothing has changed. He is still the same Jungkook and you're still the same Y/N. Maybe that's the only thing that calms down your nerves whenever you spend your time overthinking or looking back at your friendship.
And now that he is standing right in front of you, all of it is brushed off easily.
"Horny again?" You press your lips together when you see his eyes snapping to yours.
"What do you mean again? We haven't had sex for a long time." he frowns, causing your lips to twitch and you do an awful job to hide the amused grin.
"Over a week isn't a long time." you point out, trying to sound unphased as if you haven't been thinking about his dick during the day.
"According to who? You?" he chuckles, cupping your face as he brushes his nose against yours.
You hate how weak you're already feeling, your heart in your throat, beating loudly.
"According to studies of Harvard–"
Jungkook snorts, lips curling into a satisfied smirk. "You're full of shits,"
He's so close and you wish you could hate yourself for how fast you hypnotize his lips with your lingering gaze. Once he notices his smirk deepens even more, innocently cocking his head to the side in a false act.
"But very well then. I will let you pack." he shrugs, stepping away from you as you stare at him with an indescribable look.
Jungkook presses his lips together to stop himself from laughing at your face, bringing two fingers to his temple as he salutes you. He walks away freely while you stand there with an open mouth and disappointment burning in your chest.
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The only chances you had to visit Busan have been with Jungkook. Not that there's anything to mind about that because the road is familiar and your brain automatically connects the scenery with him. Even the familiar buildings you've seen from the window of his car, or the stores you never visited in person – all of it reminds you of the times he brought you here.
Now, there haven't been many times you've visited this beautiful city with its own spark and uniqueness. This is your second time to spend the night here – all those times before were where you visited and came back home the same day.
Straight out of the work, you're embarrassed that you preferred to rest your eyes and listen to the muffled music of Jungkook's playlist, rather than admiring the scenery the entire ride. The Jeon family house looks just the same, bringing you back the memories you created here the last time you visited. It hasn't been that long ago but a wave of nostalgia hits you.
And the warmth of Mrs. Jeon's big smile as she opens the front door and spots her son makes you oddly emotional. The petite woman rushes towards her youngest son and crushes him in a big hug. The sight is both touching and funny, considering their size difference as Jungkook looks totally scrunched up in the hug, despite his mother being nowhere as tall.
When she pulls away and gives the loving and warm look to her son, she suddenly pokes him in the chest as she starts her set of scolding which makes you snicker while you take out your bag from the truck.
"Y/N, dear!" Mrs. Jeon turns her attention to you, giving you a warm and definitely less crushing hug, but it feels nothing but nice and welcoming. "Look at you! Beautiful as always."
"Mrs. Jeon," you greet her, feeling your cheeks getting hot at her straight-forward (and very kind) compliment. "You're the one who's beautiful here."
"Oh come on, I might be getting old but I'm not stupid." she comments with an attitude, waving you off as she sends you a grin you've seen somewhere before.
The 'somewhere' is the person who wraps his arm around Mrs. Jeon's shoulders, pulling her closer to his side as he gives a soft kiss into her black hair. "You're beautiful, mom."
"My son," she almost cries out as she hugs him again and you feel your heart clench, fighting back the tears. You don't even know why you're suddenly so emotional. "Don't think I'm gonna get easy on you though. Do you hang up on your mother? The woman who carried you for nine months? Yah!"
She's back to scolding him, Jungkook scrunching his nose in shame as he gives her an exhausted sigh. "Mom, we went over this. I love you and I'm here. Can you please let us come inside so the whole neighborhood doesn't witness you scolding an adult man?"
Snickering, you and Jungkook share an amused look as he takes your travel back from you, holding yours and his as well while you close the truck.
"Who cares about the neighbors," she mutters but still looks around to see if there are any prying eyes and ears which are common in a neighborhood full of houses. "You might be an adult but you're still my son."
"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, "Can we go? We're tired from the drive."
She shoots Jungkook a look before she looks at you and suddenly her face completely relaxes. She gives you the same warm smile, leading you inside the house where Mr. Jeon waits in the living room. The hug between a dad and a son is a great thing to witness once again and as soon as Jungkook's dad makes sure he greets you just as warmly, a sense of happiness and security washes over you. You would say it's the house you're in that makes you feel this way, but it's the people in it who do.
After the nice welcome and catching up while eating the delicious dinner Mrs. Jeon has prepared, the exhaustion from the whole day and the drive here catches up to you. You do your best not to start yawning and you slip a few times, sheepishly trying to hide the natural reaction of your body with your palm. But there's not a single thing Jungkook misses and he easily tells openly you're tired, ignoring the stare you give him. You feel bad.
Jungkook's parents have been so excited to see him, and they've been so kind that they always tried to include you in their conversation. Not even for a second you felt like an outcast while they caught up with their son. They asked Jungkook something and then averted their attention toward you, which is very kind of them.
"Oh, of course! You both were working today," Mrs. Jeon says as she cleans up the plates, Mr. Jeon helps her right away and you mentally coo at how compatible they seem to look. "The room is all ready for you dear."
You stand up to help her, thanking her as she sweetly shoos you away and tells you her husband will help her.
"Jungkook, you should take some fresh sheets for yourself. I prepared them for you in our bedroom."
You look at Jungkook, noticing how sour his face turns and you clasp your hand over your mouth to hide the snort, immediately reminded of the last time you were here and you were discussing the bed situation.
"You said my room is all ready." Jungkook comments, even though he knows what's going to follow right after but he's shameless, not hiding his displeasure of having to sleep on the couch for the whole weekend.
"Yah!" Mrs. Jeon tosses the kitchen towel, glaring at her son from across the room.
Jungkook's little teasing grin is not hard to miss at all, not even for his own mother who's ready to scold him all over again. A major deja vú.
"I was talking to Y/N. The room is ready for her, not for you. I hope you don't expect her to sleep on the couch."
"Mom, we had this conversation the last time," Jungkook whines like a little kid while Mr. Jeon presses a soft kiss to his wife's temple before he scurries away as soon as possible.
You watch the sight amusingly, silently admiring Jungkook's courage and non-existent shame – not even when it comes to his mother.
"Me and Y/N can share the bed."
"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!" She grabs the kitchen towel and is ready to smack the hell out of Jungkook while he starts laughing. "That is completely inappropriate and you know it!"
"Mom, it's just a bed. Have you never shared a bed with your friend?" Jungkook tries again, hiding the amused smirk as she huffs and tries to adjust her black hair a little.
"What do you think of your mother, huh?!" she exclaims, this time ready to pinch his cheeks but thanks to their height difference, Jungkook dodges her hands easily and hugs her instead. "You guys are a different generation, but under my roof–"
"Alright, alright," Jungkook laughs, pecking the top of her head. "I can respect that."
"How can you even suggest that? What about poor Y/N? Do you think she wants to share a bed with a mountain man taking up most of the space?" she asks, still with a scolding tone into his chest as her voice comes out muffled.
Jungkook looks at you, cocking his brow at you just as his mother pulls away slightly and waits for your reaction.
"You're right, Mrs. Jeon. I'm gonna enjoy his bed all to myself." you tell proudly, teasingly grinning at Jungkook who narrows his eyes.
"Our couch is comfortable, Jungkook. I don't know why you are so difficult about this."
"I just want my old bed," Jungkook pouts as she scolds him with one look but he doesn't budge. "Sue me for wanting to sleep in there and relive my old life."
"Then you should come more often." Mrs. Jeon's response is quicker than any of you can blink, leaving Jungkook with an open mouth as he frowns unpleasantly.
"That's not fair..." he murmurs with an attitude.
"You're not five, Jungkook-ah." His mother reminds him as you snort, Jungkook sulking as he rolls his eyes.
"I don't know how you women can be cold sometimes."
"You men wouldn't be able to live without us in your lives."
Her response is sassy, showing you a new side of her as you gape with open mouth before you start laughing. Jungkook's lips twitch as his gaze stays on his mother as he shakes his head in amusement.
Well, she wasn't exactly wrong.
As soon as Jungkook glances at you, you cock your brow at him in a silent "She's right". He eyes you up and down with a cocky glint in his eyes, tonguing his cheek as he remains silent. It's better to excuse yourself to go take a shower, quickly avoiding his gaze. But you still hear the silent but deep chuckle rumbling out of his chest.
He leans against the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he stares at you as you retrieve yourself upstairs – his mother no longer engaging herself in the conversation as she starts casual conversation instead.
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Jungkook waits a good moment or a few after the house quiets down, killing his time by browsing through his social media and watching random youtube videos. He checks the time, it's almost midnight. Though everyone went to bed a little later than usual, he knows it's caused by his and yours late arrival. His parents obviously wanted to catch up in person, enjoy him while he stays in his hometown.
His mother misses the fuck out of him but still makes him sleep on the couch.
Unbelievable. He scoffs silently.
He understands why. He wouldn't let you sleep on the couch anyway. He just loves to tease his mom and she knows it. She still gives him a reaction every time which makes the whole thing even funnier.
Jungkook is completely fine with you staying in his room. He might joke around a lot on the outside, but he believes he is a gentleman in these kinds of things. There's no need to blame her for not approving for you and him to sleep in the same bed. He knows she says one thing but he's not sure if she would totally mind. She's aware of your close friendship and that you're comfortable with each other. Nobody sees inside her head but he guesses she thinks of your friendship as a sibling kind of relationship. What she isn't aware of is that Jungkook gets to fuck the shit out of you and you're way past the sibling relationship.
Well, it's not something for her to know anyway.
You've been in Jungkook's life long enough for them to know you. Whether it's personally or from Jungkook's mentioning you whenever he talked to them about the most casual stuff. Obviously, they were aware of you becoming his best friend from the beginning.
Jungkook isn't too subtle by opening the door from his old bedroom, walking into the darkness and space so casually that it could be comical if there were any lights turned on. You could be asleep for all he knows but that proves to be not true when your deadpanned voice resounds in the silence.
"You can't be serious."
Jungkook grins, a breathy and evil chuckle leaving his lips as he practically forces his way inside his bed as you start protesting. "You thought you'd have my bed to yourself?"
"I can't believe we have to deal with this again."
"We don't," he says simply, annoyingly cuddling to one of the pillows. "Just shut up."
"I'm gonna tell your mom and she's gonna whip your ass."
"Do it and I'm gonna whip yours." he says casually and your mouth hangs open, a loud gasp leaving it shortly after.
Disappointed how excited those words made you, you shift on your spot as you try to find the right position. It's not like Jungkook's old bed is too small but you feel like with two people, not mentioning Jungkook's actual body size, it's not big enough.
You're not going to lie. You were kind of expecting him to come. His look back in the kitchen told you everything you had to know. His presence is comforting as always, even in this small ass – not big enough – bed. And you hate how much you enjoy just sleeping next to him. You're the person to move a lot, or more like stretch around in your sleep, so naturally you like your space. But with Jungkook, you don't mind even though he often used to scold you for elbowing him in your sleep or almost pushing him off the bed.
Though, your stubborn self won't let him have the satisfaction of you being speechless. Even though you've been for a moment now.
"You sound confident. You think I'd let you do that?"
"You've let me do it every time." he says right away, sounding pleasant by his answer as you roll your eyes, ready to pinch him in the stomach as he chuckles and cages your wrist with his fingers wrapped around it.
"Stop being so cocky. There is a first time for everything."
He lowers his tone and you're about to question him, until he suddenly reaches and pinches gently your nipple. But the shock leaves you yelping though, slapping your hand against your mouth.
"What the fuck." you gasp.
"That's what you were about to do, huh?" he asks cockily, "Pinch me, right?"
"So?" you gulp, cupping your breasts with a frown which you're not sure Jungkook can see clearly, but the chuckle makes you think he probably knows about it.
And then he's hovering over you before you can blink, your mind going blank for a good moment when you realize the son of a bitch (no offense to Mrs. Jeon of course, it's just a phrase) is shirtless. You shamelessly want to rank your hands down his chest to his freaking abs because you know they are there. His weird interest in working out at any given chance is paying off for sure.
He doesn't look like a bodybuilder and his muscles aren't massive, he's perfect in all the right places as cliché as it might sound. He's fit and buff, just the thought of what he's usually hiding beneath the layers of his clothing makes you salivate. If you weren't nearly as attracted toward him, you're not sure if you would be able to go all this trouble for a couple of amazing rounds of sex. Amazing is not enough of a strong word.
Jungkook decides not to respond verbally and you have to clasp your mouth shut because he doesn't give you any choice. He latches his moisturized and soft lips on your neck and starts kissing you there, bringing new waves of pleasure and want. Only he can do that with a single touch. Just minutes ago, you were ready to fall asleep. Not anymore.
At the beginning of his never ending kissing and sucking, you think he's just teasing you because he has done a lot. You know he enjoys seeing you struggle and squirm. But you're also stubborn enough and you won't let him show how desperate you can get for him. Not always at least. You can be pretty needy and desperate – shameless. The man is satisfied to see you show your neediness toward him. Even though you're not a stan of women not showing her wants or making the first move, you secretly love when Jungkook takes the first move. You love to see him want you. You love to see him taking control.
But Jungkook doesn't stop.
His hand gets under your shirt, palming your skin there as you gasp into the darkness and silence. He plays with the hem of your panties, smiling in satisfaction at the realization that you're not wearing anything else besides them and the shirt.
"Look at you," Jungkook hums, nose brushing against your jaw as he gently bites you there.
You can't help it, you're already gripping his sides as you dig your nails into them.
"Wearing this at my parents house." he chuckles and hooks a finger behind your panties, just teasingly moving it right to left.
You don't bother to explain that you simply forgot, because you did bring pajama shorts and pants, in case it would be chilly at the house during the night. Who would believe you? Who forgets to put on proper pajama pants instead of panties? Either way, it would just cause more teasing from Jungkook and to be quite honest, you're already on the edge because Jungkook's parents are right down the hall.
Surely, he doesn't want his mom to find out he sneaked out into the room you're staying in. Or maybe not even that but the fact you're actually sleeping with her son and you're not just a casual and usual best friend. God, just thinking about his parents knowing makes you embarrassed. It's different when parents are involved. The Jeons think of you as this polite girl Jungkook is friends with. You are polite, but that's not even enough information about you.
"I might be wearing my panties but you're the one hovering over me." you remind him calmly, keeping your tone confident.
He brings his face closer to yours after your words. It would just take you slightly leaning in his direction to kiss him. And that thought is tempting.
"Don't act like you don't like it." he says confidently, not even thinking that there might be a small percentage of you not liking this. And he is right.
"That's not important," you gulp, "Just what you are about to do, Jungkook?" you ask straight away.
"Whatever you want me to do." he answers cheekily, putting some distance between you as he leans on his hands some more, not touching you this way but that changes.
He lowers down, the sudden chilly air hitting your exposed skin while he hikes up your shirt. He kisses your stomach. It's so soft that it suddenly makes you flinch and giggle, the tickling feeling causing you to scold him by muttering his name. He only chuckles silently, diving back in as he makes sure he puts more pressure with his lips.
You hate how your entire body accommodates to Jungkook's body, making sure both of you are comfortable in this position while he's between your stretched legs. You're so fucking weak when it comes to him, that much has been established a long time ago but still. You should be able to push him away and remind him there should be no funny business when you're at his parents house. But is it really that much of a big deal? The little devil on your shoulder asks.
"You really want to do this here? Out of all places?" you clarify silently, too close to whimpering when he pecks your skin just above your panties hem.
"Let me just make you feel good." he mumbles from between your thighs, your whole body heating up. It's becoming hard to keep your shirt on.
He clasps his hands around your knees and pushes them upward. Understanding what he wants, you bend your knees and in a second, he presses another kiss to your clothed core. This makes you audibly gasp, not expecting him to be so fast. You're aware of having to stay silent and there's still a part of you who wonders if this is the right time to have this kind of fun.
"Hm, what are you saying?" Jungkook mumbles, poking his tongue at your center as you whimper again, leaning yourself on your elbows as you glare at Jungkook. Not that he can see much but the sudden movement from you causes him to look up.
"You're gonna get us caught."
"Me?" he asks cluelessly, "You're the one making sounds." he adds cheekily and you almost fume, ready to argue.
"You're the one making me make them!" you exclaim in a hushed whisper-scream, causing him to laugh a little.
Chuckling, you feel him lifting his head while the warmth of his body makes your skin rise with goosebumps. You can't see his face clearly but you two would burst into laughter if you could see each other's faces. The want to laugh disappears in seconds when Jungkook sneakily finds his way between your thighs. The moment the pads of his fingers make contact with your clothed heat, you clear your throat shakily to mask the moans that want to rip out of your throat.
The single touch is enough to make you a mess. He traces your underwear with his fingers, the touch soft and teasing, before he starts rubbing you.
"Tell me to stop." he offers simply.
A silent scoff makes it out of your mouth as soon as he says it.
"Isn't it too late?" you ask, hinting at the wet mess between your thighs.
Jungkook chuckles though, pressing his fingers harder which makes you gasp. "It's never too late to stop."
This teasing shit... 
You swear, if he wasn't doing such a great job at delivering pleasure, you would smack the life out of him. You hate when people tease you in the most annoying way but Jungkook is on another level. The man knows you like no one else and he uses it to his advantage. Still, you find yourself salivating at your current position and his hand on your clothed heat.
"Did you bring condoms?"
You ignore the satisfied and deep chuckle that vibrates in his chest, pursing your lips in the darkness.
"Fuck, I didn't." Jungkook whines a little.
As disappointed as you are, you try to mask it by giving his naked back a few slow taps. "No sex then tonight, mister."
Jungkook rolls his eyes and cockily like always, pushes your panties to the side as he teases your entrance with his digit. You gasp, clasping your hands around his biceps.
"There are other ways, y'know."
"I know." you whisper, hating how weak you always get when something like this happens.
The pleasure shoots straight through you and you can no longer think, wanting to chase the pleasure instead. This always happens with him and it's a huge problem. Only because of how dangerous it is.
"Mhm, you do?" he hums, "Besides, we've got some new things to try as far as I can remember."
His tone is suggestive, a layer of implication which makes you almost choke on your unexpected spit because... is he talking about what you think he is?
As if Jungkook could tell the look of shock on your face, he chuckles deeply.
"Soon." Is all he says, enough to make you shiver.
"You–wait, you mean like–"
"Shhh, you're gonna get us caught." he hums teasingly, hinting at your previous words and you want to groan in frustration.
He's playing with you. He's lucky you have to be quiet or else you wouldn't get him off the hook so easily.
And then he goes back between your thighs, giving you a few teasing rubs with just two of his fingers. He manages to get out of you a silenced whimper that you couldn't swallow down.
"Behave." he says playfully, a little groan escaping your mouth before he retrieves his fingers.
You prop on your elbows as soon as he plops next to you, lying on his back while you stare confusingly. You're about to question his intentions, very much hoping this is not some sort of teasing or punishment, but you're stopped by the rustling sounds of him getting out of his boxers. He's lucky.
"Take off your shirt, wanna feel you."
Oh, no problem for you.
You pull the shirt over your head, your panties following right after as you sit back on your knees, staring at Jungkook with big curious eyes. You see the faintest glimpse of his naked form, kind of bummed out that you don't see him clearly. But your imagination does wonders, finding the scene in front of you hot. Both of you. Naked. In the darkness. It has its own spark, doesn't it?
"Come on, get on my lap." he spurs you, making himself comfortably between the sheets.
You stay frozen and confused, not really understanding what he is trying to do. But you trust him. He has to have some kind of plan.
You get on his lap, still balancing yourself on your knees as you allow yourself to feel up his abs and chest. He is warm and soft, something you've known but always feels nice to have his skin under your curious hands.
Jungkook pulls you in, catching you by your hips while his mouth clashes with yours. You hold yourself back from moaning, his tongue already touching your bottom lip before he shoves his tongue into your mouth in a heated kiss. It's consuming and hungry, yet sweet and you return every bit of it.
Jungkook's hard length pokes you in your belly button, wanting some attention and you would happily give it to it. You feel Jungkook taking his cock into his fist, giving himself a few pumps while his knuckles brush against your stomach. He's driving you crazy.
Bodies heating up, Jungkook orders you to sit on his thighs and you do. Is he making you ride his thighs?
And then he pulls you down onto him, your body moving forward while your bare cunt makes contact with his balls. You whimper into his mouth, your entire body shuddering at the contact.
"Sit down on it. Don't put it inside though." he encourages you, your eyes widening while you're trying to process his request.
You let out a shuddered breath, sitting upward as you carefully sit down onto his length. It keeps lying on his stomach, reaching his belly button while you carefully place your bare cunt at the base.
You both curse at the same time, your hands crashing Jungkook's shoulders while you literally tremble.
Your wetness starts spreading over Jungkook's length, the bareness causing both of you to breathe heavily as if you were in the midst of this act. However you're only at the beginning.
Jungkook's hands made contact with your ass cheeks, hands gripping your ass a little before he's pushing you up his length. You rub against him, whimpering as Jungkook quickly chases your mouth to swallow down any sounds coming from you. Following his hands while they guide for the right movement, you're trying too hard not to come already. Fuck. Who would've said this could feel so good?
You actually feel him bare, the difference is that you don't feel him inside of you but that thought doesn't even cross your mind. You can't grasp the fact that you feel him, really feel him. The hard and warm skin. Even the prominent vein. His thick length separates your folds, clit brushing over every part of his cock.
As the pace grows and gets more stable, you're sliding along his cock, your wetness making slick sounds that are hard to ignore. Although, you can't miss the sounds the bed starts to make under your moving bodies. It creaks a little, your hips halting.
"It's okay." Jungkook breathes out.
"Won't they wake up?"
"No, just keep this pace. We should be fine."
Who are you to disobey?
You continue, putting a little bit more pressure and fuck... this reminds you of that time when you and Jungkook were having sex and you accidentally brushing against his bare cock. But this time, you actually get to feel it and there is no apology behind it.
Biting your lips harshly, it seems like you're going to break the skin's thin barrier soon if you keep this up. But you can't help it. Chasing the pleasure and Jungkook's hard cock that spreads your folds seems like the only priority right now. You're a mess, whimpering and breathing heavily while you keep digging your nails into poor Jungkook's shoulders. He doesn't hiss, nor makes other sounds that could indicate he's in pain. He must be enjoying this just as much as you do.
"You like that?" Jungkook asks silently and raspily. "Hm? You like feeling my cock?"
You both know there's not much freedom and time when it comes to words, but he just couldn't help himself.
He feels you getting tired, skin burning up while the mess between your thighs leaks down his length and balls. He knows you're close and fuck, you really are because a few seconds later and your whole body shudders, finally letting go off the knot in your lower stomach as it snaps and allows you to feel the real and much intense pleasure. You both cum at the same time, the familiar knot doing the same to Jungkook as the ribbons of white paints his stomach and chest. He bites his lips to hold back a groan, throwing his head back while his hands loosen on your hips.
You both breathe heavily, your thighs and legs aching while you take a moment to calm down.
"Have you ever done this before?" you ask, voice breathy as you slowly lift yourself up. God, you both made such a mess.
Jungkook sits down, scrunching his nose at his cum all over his stomach and chest. "No."
"You haven't?" you ask surprisingly, whispering as you stand up and reach for the napkins on the nightstand.
"Why do you sound so surprised?" he chuckles, "I never had to find a way around raw sex before."
That makes sense...
"Did you like it?" you ask, handing him the napkins before he thanks you and starts cleaning himself while you do the same.
Jungkook snorts in response and you frown in confusion. "Would I cum if I didn't like it?"
"Touché." you mutter and he laughs silently.
He stands up, grabbing the wet and messy napkins from your hands. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to your temple which you find oddly comforting and surprising at the same time.
You look at him in the darkness, but you can't really see his features. "I will take care of this." he says and holds the napkin in the air for a second.
You realize he must've put his boxers on while you were cleaning yourself as you watch him retrieve his way out of the room. You take the time to dress up, nervously making your way to the bathroom right after to properly clean the mess between your thighs and empty your suddenly full bladder. You could really use a shower but there's no way you could do that without waking everyone up. You can't risk it.
So you go back to the bed once you're done, smelling Jungkook on the sheets while the scent is more intense than it was yesterday.
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Last night feels like a dream, at least for a moment after you open your eyes to be met with sunshine peeking through the curtains. Bed all for you, you find yourself touching the space between you to be met with cold sheets. Jungkook must've stayed in the living room which is for the better anyway.
The memories of last night make your lips stretch automatically. You can't believe you did that! It feels like a major thing that has happened. In reality, it might not be a big deal and there's no reason to go crazy over it, but you can't help but feel excited because you tried something new and you freaking loved it. Everything about it.
The whole thing was so hot. From having to stay silent to having one of the best orgasms and feeling Jungkook like that. You've also never done that before with anyone else, so it's ten times more exciting and new. But now that it's morning and you should go downstairs to join the rest of the family, you suddenly feel... nervous you would say. There's a lot of what if's but you don't beat yourself over it. You just hope they slept well during the night.
As usual, you're the last one to come downstairs and join the others, finding them all perfectly synchronized with each other. The sight of them as a family preparing breakfast looks pretty casual, just like you usually see in the movies, but it's endearing nonetheless. They're all working together to prepare the breakfast. Mrs. Jeon cutting some more fruit while Mr. Jeon sets the table and Jungkook... still wearing his – what should be considered as – pajamas (even though you know that's not really what he wears to bed), is helping his father as he brings more bowls and plates to the table.
"Ah, good morning! Hope you slept well!" Mrs. Jeon notices you when she hands Jungkook the bowl of – oh my god, are those fresh strawberries? 
You greet all of them, smiling sheepishly as you offer to help but Mrs. Jeon tells you to sit down.
"I did, thank you," you smile, rubbing the back of your neck. "I'm sorry for sleeping till now. Hope I didn't wake up too late."
Mr. Jeon smiles at you which puts you a little more at ease while his wife just laughs humorously. "Oh, please, dear. Nonsense! We're happy that you slept so well. Sleep however long you want." she tells you politely and sweetly which makes you mentally coo at her sweetness.
You do not tell her that her son is the cause of your late awakening – he did a number on you.
You don't sit though and while Mr. Jeon disappears somewhere in the living room, Mrs. Jeon calls out to him to ask him something and soon, she joins him as well. You start helping Jungkook with dirty knives and cut boards, placing them into the sink. Aware of his eyes on you, you can't hide the little grin which finally makes him crack as a deep chuckle resounds beside you.
"Slept well?" he asks, standing behind you as he puts clean and dry forks back into the drawer cabinet.
"Cocky since morning?" you offer teasingly, suddenly feeling soft lips touching your neck while his hands squeeze your hips.
"Jungkook!" you scold him silently, trying to glance behind him in panic.
He cackles, pulling away. Once you truly look at him, you notice his eyes and face being still a little swollen as he looks sleepy. Besides looking cute, you find him hot with his shit eating grin he offers you and the slight cockiness hidden behind it doesn't go unnoticed too.
He leans against the kitchen counter, facing you with his arms crossed over his chest. You see the glint in his eyes that tells you to prepare yourself for whatever he's about to say. And your intuition proves to be right.
"Should I buy condoms today?" he asks, leaning even closer to you as his voice remains subtle and low.
You almost choke, "I can't believe you!" you laugh, punching him in his bicep teasingly as he laughs before straightening himself.
And then he wiggles his eyebrows at you, still grinning from ear to ear. "That wasn't no." he points out and you start laughing even more.
The approaching voices of his parents break the moment, both of you silently grinning to yourselves as Mrs. Jeon informs you of today's plan, beaming with happiness of finally having her younger son home again.
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You can't remember when was the last time you attended a similar family gathering with your own family. Sure, living far away from them has complicated it and made it practically impossible for you to experience these things. You can't say you miss it too much. Family gatherings often equals family drama, which you're happy you're away from.
Of course, you do miss your family but you wouldn't change anything about deciding to leave your home country.
Your friends have definitely helped in the aspect of missing home, or like the familiarity of one. Everything would feel lonelier if you didn't have them and you often think about it.
You can tell how happy Jungkook's parents are to be hosting a little barbeque party. With Jungwon and his family coming soon, you're assigned to help Mrs. Jeon in the kitchen. She has a radio playing in the background, humming a soft tune to herself as she engages you in a casual conversation. She's marinating meat, a few packs of pork belly to Jungkook's loud wishes already sitting on the kitchen counter while Jungkook is with his father, trying to set the grill.
In the background, through the terrace door, you can see how serious they're being about their job and it makes you smile in amusement.
Mrs. Jeon takes this time to interrogate you about her son, which you find highly amusing as well. Is he sleeping well? Does he eat well?
"I know he's working out like crazy. He tends to get very serious about it, so I'm worried."
You giggle a little, not meaning to come out as rude but Mrs. Jeon simply glances at you with worried eyes.
"Don't worry, Mrs. Jeon. He does have a diet from time to time, but he can't live without this." you assure her, picking one of the packs of sliced pork belly as she looks at the item in your hand before her shoulders relax and she lets out a laugh.
"I know he's an adult, has been for quite some time," she says with a slight laugh, "But I can't help but be worried. He's not living in Busan and I know he's doing great–"
"Mrs. Jeon," you tell her softly with the same soft smile, "You're his mom. Of course you're worried. And it doesn't matter how old he is. Jungkook is happy to have you as his mom."
Mrs. Jeon smiles at you with so much fondness that it makes your heart warm. "You have to miss your parents too. I can't imagine if Jungkook lived in another country, it must've been tough for you and them."
She turns back to cutting the vegetable while you prepare a lemonade, squeezing lemons. "The beginning was," you admit.
You're a definition of a homesick person. You don't like changes and you don't deal well with being away from people close to you.
But you knew moving to Seoul is something you dreamed about for a long time. It was the biggest step you had to take in your life so far and you don't regret it. It's cheesy to say this, but everything comes with price. And your price is not seeing them as often as you would if you still lived back at home.
"But I'm happy here. And I've got amazing friends and people around me, that makes it a ton easier." you tell her while you share another smile.
"That's funny," she says after a moment, realizing something. "Jungkook told me something very similar when he first moved out."
"Really?" you laugh.
"Yes," she giggles, finishing preparing the meat. "He's very independent. Has been since he was little. Jungwon not so much, of course he's successful and independent now too. But we're always butting in whenever he needs help, whether it's babysitting our sweet Haru or something else. We just always remind him we are here, you know? Me and my husband enjoy our kids needing us. But with Jungkook.... He seems to do a lot of stuff on his own which isn't a bad thing. I'm proud of him. But sometimes that makes me worried, right?"
Your features soften as you throw the squeezed lemons into the bin. You wash your hands and almost pout when you see Mrs. Jeon warm gaze. She's full of love for her sons, it makes you emotional all over again.
Jungkook really is lucky to have her as his mother.
"That he must be going through some stuff alone. He would never burden us with his own burdens and that is the worst for a parent. When you don't know what he's going through,"
You gulp, trying to look casual. Especially when you know far more than his own mother, it does make you feel a little guilty.
"Anyways," she shakes her head as if not wanting to think about such thoughts. "He seems to be content... happy. I'm just overly worried about him."
You feel so bad for her. She has her doubts, it's like she knows he must've been through something. But you know Jungkook hasn't told her. Jungkook often told you his mother tends to get worried a lot, that's how she shows her love and god, she's a mother. Of course she is worried about her kids – no matter the age. It might seem like she's overreacting but that's not it. She loves them deeply.
"I can't talk for Jungkook," you start slowly, "But he's doing great. Don't worry. Me, Jimin and Taehyung look after him. We all do that with each other." you assure her, trying to make your voice come out light and happy.
That seems to make her relax and she lets out a humorous giggle as she shakes her head at herself. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I get so emotional sometimes."
"We women do that a lot." you joke and she joins with a laugh.
"Seems like they figured it out," she says, looking across your shoulder as you follow her gaze.
Jungkook and his dad look proud as they high-five, both laughing right after.
"We have a little time before Jungwon arrives with Haru and Sona. It's too soon to grill. Do you want to see some baby photos of Jungkook?"
One thing you love to do is look at old pictures. And baby Jungkook pictures? That sounds great.
"Sure." you smile, knowing Jungkook doesn't like to look at his old pictures.
"Oh my god!" you exclaim with a hand covering your mouth as soon as Mrs. Jeon pulls out a brown box, a worn-out album with the name 'Jungkookie' written on it, and opens it to show you the first pictures of newborn Jungkook.
She smiles widely at the pictures, probably has seen them million times before as she hands you the album for you to browse through it. In the meantime, she picks up another, smaller album while she flips through the pages.
"He was so cute," you comment, smiling at baby Jungkook who seems to be older in this picture, sitting in his toddler chair with a banana in his hand. "I can't believe he never wants us to see these pictures."
One time, you don't even remember who started it, but someone posted a baby picture in your friends group and that's how the train of sharing baby pictures happened. Jungkook was the only one who wouldn't want to post any pictures, whining how stupid that is. Really, you don't understand why because he was the cutest baby.
"He can be annoying at times." His mother waves you off and a snort leaves your mouth.
Your browsing is soon interrupted by the sound of the door opening, almost every picture causing you to let out a soft 'Aw', but you don't really give it much attention.
"What are you guys doing?"
Jungkook asks as soon as he finds you in the living room, taking a look at the both of you until realization hits him and he immediately starts whining with a pout.
And there is the frown.
"What?" His mother shrugs, pushing another and a single picture of what seems like eight year old Jungkook your way.
Gasping, you completely ignore Jungkook while he plops on the spot next to you and groans loudly when he sees the photo.
"Oh my god, look at you!"
You know your reaction, a fit of giggles, isn't up to his liking because he clicks his tongue and looks uninterested at the photo in your hands. Jungkook looks like an emo kid, surely the haircut's fault and you coo at the most evident feature on his face.
"Look at your nose!" you coo, Jungkook throwing his arm behind you onto the backrest as he rolls his eyes. You start giggling all over again, hand pressing against his cheek as you bring him closer to your face.
Jungkook tongues his cheek while you give him a teasing smile. "This is embarrassing, put it away."
You and his mother share a look, while Mr. Jeon comes in and out as he starts preparing the food outside.
"You were cute, don't be like this." you nudge him in the shoulder as he rolls his eyes again at you.
"Yeah, my big nose and acne were really cute."
"Hey now." you scold him.
"You were the cutest baby and the most beautiful boy." His mother scolds him too, actually sounding offended by Jungkook's perception of his younger self.
"You're my mom, of course you would say that."
"And I agree," you butt in, "And I'm not your mom."
"You certainly aren't." he mutters while you narrow your eyes at him.
"Come on. You've seen my childhood photos. I was a chubby baby."
"And so was I." he scoffs before pursing his lips. Most babies are chubby to be honest.
"I had the most awful haircut, not even this," You hold the picture in the air to show it off again, "is that bad."
"Get that photo out of my face." Jungkook says with a frown and you snort again.
"We all have embarrassing pictures, Kook. Come on, you saw the photo where my head was extra large."
"Toddlers have bigger heads, Y/N." Jungkook reminds you.
Rolling your eyes, you purse your lips. "Well, mine was even bigger."
"You were cute. What are you saying?" Jungkook shakes his head. "Mom, do you always have to show my baby photos to everyone?" he whines now like a little baby as Mrs. Jeon waves him off.
You bite back a laugh as Jungkook huffs, annoyed.
The doorbell rings, interrupting Jungkook's annoyance and Mrs. Jeon ignores it, as she informs excitedly it has to be Jungwon with the rest of his family. She stands up, placing the other albums back into the box as she leaves to get to the front door.
You glance at Jungkook, finding him sulking which makes you giggle. Poking him in the cheek, you place the photo back into the box.
"You really were the cutest baby." you tell him and he hums, staring at his nails instead as you roll your eyes and kick him in the shin.
"Don't lie."
"I'm not lying," you laugh as you already hear Haru's excited little voice while she greets her grandmother. "Why would I lie? You were so cute, even with your big nose. I love it."
"You're annoying." Jungkook comments, narrowing his eyes at you once again as you try not to burst into laughter.
"And you were the cutest."
"Yeah?" he asks, his lips curling as he starts playing with the ends of your hair.
"Yeah," you shrug, almost shivering when the pads of his fingers touch the back of your neck. "I should probably look at this later."
"Like the hell you will," Jungkook clicks his tongue, "I will burn them before you can take another glance."
"Don't be so rude." you tease him, inching closer to him as he searches your face before his eyes drop to your lips.
"And if I want to be?" He arches his brow.
"You little–"
"Kookie!" Haru's cheerful and rushed tiny footsteps resound around the house, the sound approaching the two of you.
Jungkook gives you a little smirk one last time before he hoists up to his feet, already crouching down to welcome Haru's big hug and fit of excited giggles.
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The sun is warming up your skin as a nice breeze winds through your hair. Mr. Jeon is grilling the meat, the delicious smell of barbeque filling the air along with Mrs. Jeon's blooming flowers. It reminds you of all those times where you used to have barbeque parties when you were a little kid. It brings you a nostalgic feeling but it doesn't make you sad at all. You're enjoying your time here to the fullest.
After Mrs. Jeon has proudly shown you her garden, her and Sona have started helping to Mr. Jeon and chat with him for a while. Jungkook is too busy fooling around with Haru, laying on the grass as he plays on an airplane with her laying on shins with outstretched arms and legs. Her giggles fill up the garden and it's easy to smile at the cute sound.
"Having fun?"
Jungwon joins you on the garden swing that you've been sitting on for a few minutes, enjoying the sun and lemonade in your hand. You tried to help but Mrs. Jeon shooed you away, telling you that you're their guest and you already helped enough. Knowing there's no point in arguing with her, you decided to just let everything sink in as you enjoy Busan's air.
"Doesn't it look like it?" you smile, his lips stretching to a smile as he laughs.
"Just asking," he shrugs, a can of beer in his hand as he takes a sip. "My family can be too much sometimes."
You look at him with raised brow, showing you your disbelief. "You haven't met mine."
He gives you both an amused and questionable look which makes you shrug.
"There's always drama." you explain with a laugh.
He snorts, "Isn't there always a drama in every family?"
"I guess," you nod, "But mine's on another level." you joke, making him laugh again.
You're trying not to stare too much, obviously knowing about his good looks. He looks good just like you remember. Although you're not some crazy woman who has a crush on him, you have to admit, Jungkook was right when he called you out on your previous crush. Well, it was never that serious as he made it look like. Jungwon holds a certain energy and is charismatic. And he smells nice which is always a big plus in your book.
You could say he got dressed up nicely, even though he's wearing a casual white shirt and shorts. Good looks definitely run in the family.
You two know each other, you could say you're friendly but you never really had any serious conversations with him. Actually, you're surprised he came up to talk to you, even though it shouldn't be such a surprise. He's probably acting nice because he saw you sitting here alone. Which you both appreciate and find a little uncomfortable. You hate when people pity you for any reason.
"How's Jungkook doing?" he asks after a beat of silence, meeting your surprised look as you can't help but blink a few times at him.
"Um, good?" you ask unsurely, "Why don't you ask him? He's right there."
Jungwon snorts, glancing away while his eyes scrunch because of the wide smile. "I do ask him but Jungkook tends to get private. I know you two are close, so you have to know more than we do."
You try to remain calm, not trying to overthink his words because there's no way he knows anything about you and Jungkook. Other than you're his best friend. Jungkook wouldn't tell him that, right? But as you force yourself to look into Jungwon's calm and warm eyes, you don't find anything shady or worth being cautious about.
"He's doing good," you answer, "I talked to your mom about it today. She's worried about him." you chuckle at the memory of their mom and her distressed face. She is cute.
"Ah, yeah. She is worried about everyone," he laughs and then leans closer to you as he whispers; "She's going a little overboard sometimes."
You giggle, glancing at your hand sitting on your lap as you play with the button of your long purple dress.
"I," he starts slowly, glancing at Jungkook as he plays with his daughter, a soft smile spreading on his lips while they still fool around. "I know he must've been through something. I mean, he broke up with his girlfriend. That shit hurts no matter what. He's not gonna fool me with 'I'm fine hyung', you know." he says while trying to imitate Jungkook's voice which makes you crack a grin.
"Jungwon, I'm not sure if I'm the right person to talk to you about this." you tell him unsurely, his eyes searching yours for a while before he gives you another smile.
"I don't mean to pry. If Jungkook wants to tell us, he knows he can. Whenever he wants to. I just know there must be something more to it since they were back together. They seemed happy, he seemed to be happy."
"Does he not look happy now?" you question, tilting your head in Jungkook's direction while his laugh reaches your ears. He's chasing after Haru who keeps giggling so hard that she almost stumbles. Jungkook scolds her and so does her mom, but Haru is having too much fun to even listen to them.
"No, I know he is. But you know... when it happened, he kind of distanced from us. I know it happened a while ago but he never said anything about it. I understand it must be a touchy topic to him. We all thought she's the one, I mean... he was so whipped for her. We could've genuinely seen them, you know..." he trails off, motioning with his hands.
"Yeah, yeah..." you murmur, trying not to roll your eyes at the topic of her.
It's not Jungwon's fault. He doesn't know the rest of it. He genuinely shares his perception as Jungkook's brother and what he knows.
"So it's weird they suddenly broke up the second time. Sometimes people are not meant to be together, I get it... but Jungkook acted weird, so we all were a little worried about him. Like I said, I don't want you to tell him or share something he wouldn't want to... I don't know, I guess I just needed someone to assure me my little brother is doing fine. Other than Jungkook himself."
Your features soften and you offer him an understanding nod. You squeeze his shoulder, wondering if you're not crossing any boundaries but he looks like he has needed it because he offers you another smile.
"He is much better now. Like you said, every heartbreak hurts. He distanced from us too for a while but we wouldn't let him get too far," you laugh heartily at the memories of you and your friends trying to get him to get his shit together. "I would say he's pretty much happy now."
"Good," he nods, "I'm glad he has friends like you. He doesn't share his struggles, never really has so that's why I was wondering. But I'm glad to know he's doing fine."
"He is, don't worry." you assure him and he smiles in gratitude.
"Yah, don't you have a wife to entertain?" Jungkook asks in a distance, the front of his hair almost falling into his eyes as he breathes heavily thanks to the chasing session he had with his niece. He's walking towards you and Jungwon, tossing him Haru's soft ball.
Jungwon snorts and catches it at the last minute, "Just catching up, Kook. I'm a married man, I wouldn't be flirting."
"Yah, who said anything about flirting?" Jungkook says, using his Busan accent as you hide your grin behind the rim of your glass. Slowly sipping on your lemonade, Jungwon gives him a look of disbelief.
The older brother stands up and pats Jungkook on the shoulder. "She is all yours, brother."
He walks away, Jungkook frowning at Jungwon's back before he sighs and joins you on the swing.
"What did he want?"
You snicker, "Just asked about you."
"About me?" he points at himself in confusion.
"Yeah, they're worried about you. Apparently you distanced yourself from them." you tell him carefully while his brows pinch together.
"I mean... I tried to fix that."
"I know, Kook," you assure him, "I think they know there's something you're not telling them. But they didn't want me to tell them or anything. They just wanted to know if you're okay and happy."
"That's annoying." he mutters as you laugh.
"Stop it!" you scold him with a laugh, nudging him in his shoulder as he offers you a grin. "They love you and care about you."
"I know, I know," he assures you, "I'm glad they gave me space and didn't question me about it. Maybe I should talk to mom."
"Only if you want to." you remind him and he glances at you. He smiles and nods in appreciation.
You sit there in silence for a moment, Haru wanting her dad's attention now as he tugs on his shorts while he's in the middle of conversation with her grandfather. Soon your own attention is directed to Jungkook, admiring the tattooed skin he's showing off today. You wonder if he's planning to get more.
His mother almost jumped out of her skin in surprise when she first spotted Jungkook wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
"Jungkook! How many of those have you got?!" She exclaimed once he shrugged off his sweatshirt.
"Don't look at me like that." Jungkook warns you, eyes already locked on you as you bring the glass closer to your lips.
"Why not?" you ask before you take a proud sip of the lemonade.
"Or I will drag you upstairs and fuck you properly this time."
The moment he says that, you're sure the lemonade goes through your nose as well as you start coughing. The rest of the family members turn in your direction and send you both worried and confused looks, as Jungkook shows them a thumbs-up with a bunny grin.
You pat your lips a little as you glare at Jungkook. He's lucky you're too far for them to hear. But most importantly, why the hell would he tell you something like that in the middle of a family barbecue party? It's not like you can act up on your actions right now. He's purely and purposely torturing you, living for catching you off guard once again. And judging by his proud and cocky face, he's happy about your reaction.
You straighten yourself, drinking the rest of the lemonade as you place the glass down onto the soft grass.
"You don't have condoms." you inform him, silently of course.
Jungkook snorts, "Who says we need them?"
Once again, he catches you off guard for the second time in a span of two minutes, and you clear your throat.
"You want it raw anyway."
You gasp, slapping his arm repeatedly as he cackles.
"Oh my god, look at your face!" he laughs, trying to catch your furious hands. "You really want it that bad, huh?"
"Shut up, you idiot." you sneer at him, pouting a little as he coos at you. Idiot. "I don't want it anymore. Not with you."
You sulk, crossing your arms over your chest as Jungkook reaches for your chin with his stupidly trying-to-act-cute act. You slap his hand away with a frown.
"You look beautiful today. Did I tell you?"
Fuck off.
"No, you didn't." you snap.
"I'm sorry," he whines, rubbing his head against your shoulder like a little cat. "I want it too, okay?"
He leans closer, too close for him to be acting like this in front of his family but luckily, they seem to be too busy chatting with each other. Plus, they're turned to you with their backs.
"I'm gonna fuck you raw soon, baby. But it's not gonna be at my parents house. I wanna hear you when I do it."
He wants what–
You gulp, trying to act nonchalant as you scoff and shrug. He is serious, you know it judging by the look in his eyes but you can't stare for too long because you're going to crack.
"This is very inappropriate, Jungkook." you remind him.
"So were you rubbing your pussy against my cock not that long ago." he says with a low and silent tone.
You gasp, "That was your idea!"
"And you loved it," he points out, "Don't worry, I did too. Made me want to really feel you even more."
"Alright, I'm leaving." you tell him, standing up abruptly to hide your burning cheeks.
Jungkook cockily rests his arm over the edge of the swing, man spreads himself there like the finest piece of meal. Well, he is. But you would never give him the satisfaction to admit it at this moment. You take the empty glass off the grass, shooting a look at Jungkook.
"Don't look at me like that baby."
You roll your eyes, "Fuck off." you tell him silently so again, only he can hear.
He smiles tightly, suddenly leaning with his elbows against his knees. "You're lucky they're watching." he tells you, causing your breath to hitch as you quickly turn around.
He's right. You turn around and see everyone watching your interaction. Though, they remain unbothered as Mrs. Jeon gives you the honor to take the first portion of the meal.
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The sun is settling down when Jungkook approaches you. You're inside, in the kitchen precisely, after Jungkook's mother said something about needing more ice. You offered before she could complain.
You've been chatting with Sona for an hour which ultimately got you to know her better a little bit. She's older than you, not by much and it's not like it's a problem, but you have a little respect and you're not usually the first one who approaches someone first. She's been nothing but friendly to you, even when you first met her and you know she's a nice woman and a wonderful mother judging from how she interacts with her daughter. Jungkook's and Jungwon's parents seem to adore her, and they all have a very close relationship.
What you mean to say – is that it felt nice to be able to properly talk to her and get to know her more, and not from Jungkook's words.
Which reminds you...
"Are you mad at me?"
You flinch as soon as Jungkook places his big hands on your hips, nose nudging you in your hair as he's practically glued on your back with his chest. Your body wants to give in right away, lean back onto his masculine body and make yourself sink into it comfortably.
Jungkook's got it wrong though.
You're not mad at him. Annoyed? You were but you're not really.
"Jungkook, somebody's gonna see." you murmur, scolding him with a hushed tone as you keep removing the ice cubes from the silicone mold into a glass bowl.
"Let them see." he says carelessly, causing you to leave the ice for now as you turn around with a scowl.
"Are you being serious right now?"
You're met with his eyes already on you, no sign of teasing or the usual cockiness. "I'm trying to talk to you. I don't care who's going to see at the moment."
"You're being careless." you inform him of his stupidity, though he remains unbothered while he offers you a single shrug.
"Are you mad at me?"
You roll your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from smiling at the seriousness he's holding. He does seem worried and it's not like that's laughable, but you tend to laugh or smile at the most inconvenient times. Even if sometimes you are mad and yet, you still crack for some reason – even if you don't feel like laughing or smiling.
"I was just teasing you. Fuck," he sighs, "I didn't want to make you embarrassed or make fun of you–"
"Kook," you interrupt him, suddenly feeling awkward and embarrassed. "I'm not mad. You annoy the shit out of me sometimes but–you know I kinda feel awkward about that specific topic."
He frowns, "But there's nothing to feel awkward about. I told you–"
"Yes, I know," You lift your palm up to stop him. "It's a me problem. But I'm fine, really." you chuckle at the end, his posture relaxing slightly.
He lets his eyes wander on your face for a moment, searching for any hint of a lie but all he finds are your genuine eyes shining under the kitchen's lights. "But you haven't talked to me ever since we talked about it. So I thought..." he trails off, suddenly looking embarrassed as you laugh.
"Sona was talking to me and I didn't have the time to spend some time with you. Besides, you were having fun with your brother and parents."
"You're right," He scratches the back of his neck, "I'm an idiot, I don't know why I thought you're mad, I just wanted to make sure."
You giggle, "You're attentive, Kook. Thanks for that. But stop teasing me you little shit." you tell him sternly, poking him in his abs as he chuckles amusingly at your effort.
"Now that's over... wanna join me?"
You give him a look how quickly he brushes it off, both of you snorting at it before you ask;
"Join you where?"
"Mom doesn't have enough beer, so she asked if I could go grab some for dad and Jungwon. She thought a six pack is going to be enough, apparently not."
"Oh, do I have to come?" you ask, trying to keep your face stoic as Jungkook glares at you and tickles your side.
You laugh, flinching at the ticklish feeling.
"Of course, you have to. You are attached to my hip."
"Hm, I don't remember that being a thing."
"Well, it is now," Jungkook says jokingly, features turning more serious now. "But you don't have to. I'm gonna just stop at the nearest shop, it's like a ten minute drive."
Jungkook gives you a smile and pulls something out of his pocket. It's his car keys, you realize he was most likely on his way but decided to ask you if you want to join. He salutes you and makes his way to the front door, but he barely makes a step as you call out his name.
"Okay, I'm going." you grumble, informing him you're just going to bring the ice outside.
Jungkook's father asks you if you could also buy the mini kids sausages for Haru. The poor little girl looked way more calm and a little bit sleepy. Though, it's not her bedtime or that late, her family members seem to take most of her energy. But not enough clearly, considering she's been asking for the sausages ever since you stepped outside to bring the ice and inform Jungkook's mom you're going with him.
"Got it." you assure Mr. Jeon, the older man crouching down to his granddaughter's level as he assures her he's going to grill her the best sausages. Her exciting voice fills the garden that starts to slip into darkness while Mrs. Jeon and Jungwon work on the lights.
When you see Jungkook waiting for you in the entrance room fully dressed, you don't fail to notice the satisfied smirk he has on his lips as you simply grumble;
"Don't say anything."
He doesn't.
But still delivers a loud slap to your ass as he opens the front door for you. His bubbly laugh resounds behind you causing your lips to twitch before they fully stretch into an amused grin.
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By the time you reach the grocery store, you're too lazy to get out and in the end, Jungkook is forced to grab the items alone. He doesn't look like he minds at all, leaving you his phone as you go through his music library, listening to various songs.
You're barely on the third song when you see him leaving the store, items in his hands and you guess he didn't bother to take any bag. He looks very amused when you blast Candy Shop once he reaches the car, opening the door on the driver's seat.
You turn down the volume just as he tosses something on your lap, the rest of the items end up on the backseats. Looking down, you almost choke when you see a brand new box of condoms. Glancing at him, he barely gives you any attention as he drives out of the parking lot like he didn't just toss condoms into your lap.
"Seriously?" you deadpan, taking the box into your hands as you scan the new package.
One word catches your attention and you tilt the box in Jungkook's direction.
"Intense? What does it do?"
"Suppose to make sex better or something, I don't know." he shrugs effortlessly as you press your lips together.
"Are you planning to have sex in your parents house? I thought we went over this, last night–"
"Who said it has to be at their house?" he questions you, lifting one brow challenge at you as you open your mouth and close it shortly after. What is he initiating?
"What?" you deadpan.
"One word and I'm gonna pull over." he simply offers, the serious and casual tone he sets could make you confuse and actually make you consider if he's talking about sex at all.
But you're paying enough attention – too closely actually – that the rush of excitement this idea brings you is hard to ignore. How can you ignore it? You've never experienced as far as you can remember. No, you would surely remember if you experienced it. You can't lie – you've always wanted to try it and the thought of doing it with Jungkook is disturbingly tempting and exciting.
And as you watch him closely, driving with one hand while the other sits on his lap, his legs spreaded making his lap look even more inviting. The last night was perfect, something you've never tried before and never thought it could feel so good. It could easily even out with a proper sex. However, nothing's better than feeling him inside you and the small box in your hand is like the biggest treasure, reminding you of what could happen.
Jungkook glances at you, brow raised as he catches you biting on your lower lip in thought, his lips slightly twitching. You ignore it, sharing a look with him.
"The ride is ten minutes. You better think fast."
The proposition is already enough tempting and the way he says it, you know you're once again utterly fucked. The tingling between your thighs and how embarrassingly fast you got wet is no joke. It makes your decision faster and simpler.
"Fuck, okay, pull over."
Jungkook chuckles, satisfied with your answer as he takes a random turn. You've no idea where he's taking you, though he seems to be familiar with Busan streets even after all those years of not living here. The spot he finds is between two buildings, leading you to the dead end while you see a tall brick wall. Jungkook turns off the lights and engine, hiding the car in a dark and abandoned spot. You don't know why but everything increases the lust you're already feeling.
"Get in the back."
You don't hesitate to listen to him, though you slide your underwear down your legs before you do that, your slides abandoned on the car's floor. You toss underwear on the seat as soon as you lift your butt, shooting a cheeky smirk to Jungkook who grins. You're not surprised when he delivers a subtle slap to your ass while you're trying to get to the backseat through the console.
Jungkook joins you but he actually gets out of the car and walks to the back. He places the six pack of beer on the floor while tossing the stupid sausages onto the front door. You snicker, both of you laughing as he shuts the door with a soft thud. He doesn't waste any time cupping your face, connecting your lips together in a needy heated kiss.
Though it feels heated, it's not totally rushed and the pace is smooth and comfortable. With your hands on the hem of his sweatpants, he places one last kiss to your lips before he fully sits down and leans his back. Pulling them down to his ankles along with his boxers, you're already on your knees, ready for his sign so you can sit down on his lap.
You lift your long dress to your waist, gripping them in one hand in a messy knot before you toss a leg over his body. You grip his shoulders as he grabs you gently by your waist. His eyes admire your bare pussy for a moment, flickering to your face shortly after.
"You sure you're good to go?" he asks.
If you weren't so wet and eager, your heart would actually quiver at his thoughtfulness. It's a bare minimum and men shouldn't be praised for it, but with Jungkook you can't help but melt.
"I hope so." you joke, looking down to see him stroking his cock.
"No, no, no. No hoping, sit back down. I'm gonna eat you out."
"There's no time," you whine, gripping his shoulder tighter when he tries to gently pull you away.
He sighs, leaning his head back as he looks handsome as ever.
"Come on. Just fuck me so we can go back."
To enforce your want, you grind against his bare cock and fuck, you almost lose it all. The contact is very minimal but it leaves you moaning shamelessly, causing you to deliver a rough kiss to Jungkook's opened mouth. He closes it just in time, welcoming your kiss in a surprised manner.
"Fuck, baby," Jungkook groans, leaning his head back again. "You're making it hard for me not to fuck you senseless."
"Do it," you offer lightly, giggling at the look on his face. "Come on. You fucked me senseless many times before."
"You woman, you amaze me." Jungkook says, smirking at you when you raise your brows at him.
"Me? How?"
He reaches for your cheek and you think he's about to stroke it, at least the gentle look in his eyes indicates that much. However, he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, lifting the right corner of his lips.
"You can get so dirty sometimes."
"And that's what amazes you?" you laugh gently.
"Yes, because one second you're this innocent and shy Y/N and the next you're so blunt, ready to drool all over my cock."
You snort, "Don't get cocky, Jeon. I'm not drooling over your cock." You both know that's not true.
And Jungkook's smile tells you he knows it too.
"Yeah? You sure about that?"
He reaches for his cock, grabbing it by its base before he slaps his bare tip against your clit. You almost fall like a house of cards, legs completely quivering. Oh god, he loves torturing you. 
He chuckles, deeply and raspily, and you swear if he won't stop, all your rational thoughts will be gone and you'll sit down on his bare cock.
"Wait–what is this?" He suddenly asks, sounding concerned as you open your eyes, not realizing you even closed them as soon as he touched you. And then he swipes his thumb at the corner of your lips. "I think you just drooled."
Your surprise drops as you glare at him, punching him in the shoulder as he laughs devilishly. "Fuck you, I didn't."
"You know, sometimes I want to ruin you. Like really ruin you." he confesses, though he says it with a smile and it's hard to differ whether he's being absolutely serious or he's just joking around.
"What's stopping you?"
"You're not ready." he answers simply and you snort.
"Please," you scoff, "Stop with this dominant shit."
"Huh?" he chuckles, "You're lucky we don't have time for this. Hand me the condom."
"Please." you clarify, crossing your arms over your chest with your bare core still hovering over his hard length.
He rolls his eyes, "Please." he mutters.
With a satisfied grin, you reach for the box of condoms and pull out one. After the silver package is in Jungkook's long fingers, he tears the foil and you watch him putting the latex down his thick and hard cock. You've watched him do that many times before, in fact you almost never miss it but it never gets boring. It adds just the right amount of lust and pleasure to the moment every time. Plus, Jungkook is incredibly hot putting it on so skilfully, with brows pinched in concentration with his jaw set tight.
He motions for you to get closer, sneaking his hand between your thighs as he rubs your bare sex. The slick wetness there is no surprise to him, neither you feel embarrassed at how quickly he can get you wet. He doesn't comment on it, rather pulls you by your waist closer to him. He gets a hold of his cock, slowly easing you down on it while you lower yourself.
As soon as the head stretches your hole, you gasp in delight while Jungkook keeps a concentrated look between your bodies, watching how he slowly disappears inside of you. The turquoise lights in his car just add to the moment, your head soon thrown in the back in full ecstasy as he stretches your wet and tight walls.
Jungkook grunts, leaving you two just sitting there getting accustomed to the feeling.
"Fuck, that feels so good." you moan, your clit pressed against his pubes.
"You alright? Doesn't it hurt?" He still finds himself asking.
You're not entirely stretched, at least you weren't before Jungkook entered you. But the slight burn and tightness just brought more waves of pleasure to your body.
"No, it feels perfect." you answer, chuckling as Jungkook joins you.
It feels awfully good to just sit on his cock, no need to move yet as you would love for the feeling to last longer. But you're reminded of your citation and you don't have exactly the time to prolong this any more than it's necessary. Though Jungkook doesn't seem bothered and gives you all the time in the world to get used to his thickness, you both know what the two of you are doing is irresponsible in more ways than one. But it's about time now and nothing else.
At first, you begin with rolling your hips to get accustomed to the feeling more. With hands still gripping Jungkook's shoulders, the dress seemingly pressed between your bodies, you love how his palms feel on your ass cheeks. He grips the soft flesh, urging you to roll your hips with more pressure as you both take a sharp breath.
When you gradually need to feel more, and you know Jungkook does too based on the way he's trying to control himself, you lean more against Jungkook's form and use his body as a leverage. You start setting a pace as you start bouncing on his cock, Jungkook's head still tilted back against the seat as he watches your expression twist into a pure pleasure. Mouth agape, brows pinched and the sweetest littlest moans escaping your lips – it's his favorite view when it comes to this.
In a way, it could be considered as luck to see you like this. To experience what you look like when he's deep balls inside you and your whole face is twisted in pleasure. He would never have guessed he would see you like this one day. Both of you would never have guessed you would be in this position at any stage of your lives.
Your ass and the back of your thighs meet top of Jungkook's thighs, the sinful sounds of skin slapping skin surround the car's walls.
"Oh, fuck!" you moan, pressing your forehead against Jungkook's.
He's let you have your fun but he needs more. Moving his hands off your ass cheeks, he moves them to your hips as he holds them tightly before he starts pounding into you. The whole moment is so freaking erotic. Even with you being on top, Jungkook is in full control and you can't help yourself, but stop your movements as you fully welcome his thrusts and control. You wish to help him badly but it feels so fucking good. You can't move.
"Jungkook, fuck!"
Jungkook enjoys your whimpers, focusing on his thrusts as his bottom lip is tucked between his teeth.
He feels you tightening around him and almost like with a snap of fingers, your body tenses as the orgasm comes crashing down on you before it fully relaxes. You keep clenching around him, knees digging into the leather seats as Jungkook's thrusts never halt until he snaps his cock forward into you. He cums with a low grunt, filling condom with his seed as he rides himself off the orgasm until he fully relaxes.
You get off his lap with a little help from him, collecting the dress at your stomach so you don't get it messy. Maybe it already is, fuck.
Jungkook breathes heavily, the tip of his hair clinging to his forehead as he rubs it with the back of his hand. He glances at you, chuckling as his throat bobs at the sound and movement.
"Fuck, that was awesome," he breathes out, glowing from the orgasm. "Let me grab you some tissues, they should be in the glove box. At least I hope so."
He's about to sit upward but you press against his chest, gripping his cheek as you confidently kiss him on his soft lips. He's speechless, looking confused and amazed like hell when you pull away.
"What was that for?"
You let go off his cheeks, smiling at the look he's giving you. He looks hot, amazed and cute at the same time. It makes you let out a soft giggle that you almost don't recognize. And then you swipe the corner of his lips.
"You're drooling, Jeon."
He frowns before his face relaxes, realizing what you've done as amused and deep chuckle rumbles out of his mouth.
"Who wouldn't." he responds cheekily, your face completely heating up as your stomach clenches excitedly at his words.
He laughs, satisfied at your reaction. Whatever you do, somehow Jungkook always wins. Even if he's the one complimenting and ruining you at the same time.
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU clément novalak x fem!reader
side note: i'm not too familiar with clement and marcus but i am trying my best to portray them as accurately as possible. don't come for me if their characters aren't what you might've expected, i'm still new to f2 (or in marcus' case indycar) so bare with me.
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♡ liked by clementnovalak, dennis_hauger, marcusarmstrong and 5,490 others
tagged: clementnovalak, dennis_hauger, landonorris
yourusername i don't trust my decisions i make after midnight
view all 39 comments
user1 girl same. no one should be held accountable for what they do past midnight on a night out
marcusarmstrong so you're hanging out with my friends without me ⤷ yourusername sucks to be you
user2 i love how y/n just wormed herself into marcus' friend group ⤷ user3 yeah but them hanging out together without him? kind of weird... ⤷ user4 girl maybe he just wasn't available that night? start using that brain of yours
clementnovalak should i also not trust your decisions after midnight? ⤷ yourusername depends what exact decision you mean ⤷ clementnovalak i think you know what i mean...
user5 the sexual tension between y/n and clem just keeps growing ⤷ user6 they're so bad at hiding. watch one screaming meals episode with y/n and even the blind can see the longing stares they exchange
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♡ liked by clementnovalak, felipedrugovich, marcusarmstrong and 4,687 others
tagged: clementnovalak, marcusarmstrong
yourusername yk what us three together means? new episode screaming meals with special guest moi out now!
view all 31 comments
user7 i love it when y/n joins the podcast. she's such a fresh breath of air ⤷ user8 i don't understand why she's on there tho. just because she's friends with marcus? she literally has nothing to do with the motosport world except being friends with some drivers ⤷ user9 go cry me a river
clementnovalak the most special guest ⤷ yourusername obviously. i'm funny, i'm smart, i'm sexy. call me an allrounder.
user10 y/n being back on the podcast means new material on how her and clem are either dating or just painfully in love with each other (or both, probably both)
user11 james not being included in the pictures :/ ⤷ yourusername he was so kind to take the pictures :) ⤷ jamesharveyblair where are my credits?
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♡ liked by clementnovalak, jamesharveyblair, marcusarmstrong and 6,003 others
yourusername soft launch because you're apparently all detectives
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user12 why are you still hiding him as if we wouldn't know it's clem ⤷ user13 she's a little overdramatic i guess
marcusarmstrong come on you two didn't even try hiding before what's up with that now ⤷ yourusername marcus, i was a theatre kid. i speak drama fluently. you should know that by now ⤷ clementnovalak even i know that by now ⤷ marcusarmstrong look at you two ganging up on me
user14 "how obvious do you want to be?" clem and y/n: "yes"
user15 am i supposed to be surprised now?
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♡ liked by clementnovalak, juanmanuel, marcusarmstrong and 6,740 others
tagged: clementnovalak
yourusername you ruined the fun, but here are the pictures anway
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user16 y/n being salty because her soft launch was a fail is hilarious ⤷ user17 it's kind of childish ⤷ user18 dude, i don't think she's taking it as serious as she makes it look like. that's her humour
marcusarmstrong took you long enough ;) also excuse me but the last picture? i don't want to see a whole porn with my two best friends ⤷ yourusername i had a whole soft launch plan planned out with posts ⤷ marcusarmstrong it is what it is, i guess
clementnovalak ❤️️❤️️ ⤷ yourusername don't heart me, you laughed at me when i was crying over my fail
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♡ liked by yourusername, clementnovalak, marcusarmstrong and 7,920 others
tagged: yourusername, clementnovalak
screamingmeals Welcome to the renewed Clement Novalak's and Y/n Y/L/N's Wine Corner.
view all 59 comments
yourusername i feel honoured to be officially a part of the screaming meals squad ⤷ marcusarmstrong you've kinda always been there anyway ⤷ yourusername but now i have my own section! ⤷ clementnovalak shared section* ⤷ yourusername not for long
user19 they finally realised y/n's to funny to not fully include her in the podcast
user20 quadrant is getting some serious competition now that y/n has joined the screaming meals squad for real! ⤷ user21 okay but now i need a collab between the eight of them
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What are we Wanda?
I got a little carried away with this request but it's finally here!
Request for @katiemcgrathsbitch1 I hope you like it 😊 I'm sorry it took so long!
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Summary: You and Wanda were friends with benefits and that’s it or is it? Wanda can’t make up her mind about how she feels about you until a party forces her to confront her feelings
Words: 3,384 (got carried away)
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, light smut, swearing, and Wanda having emotions
“Shit Wanda, that must be a record” you were breathless and yet Wanda was still going, riding you with no abandon, a strap nestled deep inside her, for what felt like hours now, actually it probably was hours for all you know “fuck Y/n! Keep going!”
You let out a strained chuckle gripping her waist “you’re doing most of the work”
She laughed and slowed herself down after her like 4th orgasm? “yo-you never do any work”
“Fuck off Wands I eat you out” a particularly hard thrust made Wanda fall on top of you and you laughed "are you okay mommy?" you feigned concern for her "fuck you Y/n" her breath was ragged trying to gain control but you laughed halting your pace and holding her still on your lap
"Y/n! Come on don't stop please! I'm sorry just keep going!" Her incoherent ramblings made you laugh, she was so cute, her nose scrunch and the way her hands gripped your shoulders and the small whimpers leaving her mouth every time she rolled her hips
"What are y-you staring at?" Wanda wasn't sure why you were staring at her but you'd been doing it a few times since you guys started sleeping together and while it seemed fine Wanda worried you were getting feelings for her, this was about sex and sex only, yeah you and her had little takeaway dates before you tore each other’s clothes off and sometimes breakfast in bed but you both agreed it was nothing serious, that's what she keeps telling herself anyway
"I'm staring at the hottest woman in the world on my lap, maybe I'll take a picture and send it to our friends, I know Vis has been eyeing you up, do you think he'd like seeing you fall apart on my lap? I bet he would the-
A slap stopped you talking "the fuck was that?" You refused to move ignoring the way her nails dug into your shoulders "you've never slapped me"
"You wouldn't shut up" she breathed out
"There's other ways to shut me up Wanda" you laughed and Wanda rolled her eyes removing herself from your lap "I'm no longer in the mood"
You tried to hold in your laughter as you watched Wanda limp to the bathroom, sighing you removed the harness throwing it to the floor and covering yourself with the blanket
When Wanda came out a few minutes later she was in one of your bathrobes glaring at you "so what do you have to say?"
You shrugged "you'd look better without the robe to be honest"
"Not me idiot, why'd you involve our friends and Vis? I don't want to think about them while I'm riding you do I?"
You thought about it and you guessed she was right but she still didn't have to be so overdramatic "sorry Wands I guess I just got a little excited"
She giggled "I like you excited but that was a bit much"
Wanda walked back to the bed getting in a cuddling up to you laying her head on her favourite part of your body, your chest, chest was definitely her favourite
"Why don't you ever let me cuddle on your chest?" You laughed always admiring how Wanda curled into you and gave a small kiss to your shoulder.
"Are you kidding me? Your chest is heaven your breasts are like pillows"
"That sounds like a teenage boy talking" you patted her on the head and if she wasn't so comfy she'd shout at you “just shut up and take the compliment for once”
Nat pressed up against Wanda kissing her neck and smiling at the moans that escaped her mouth "you're adorable Wands, such a brat too"
She pushed Nat away at that frowning at her "I'm not a brat Natalia"
The woman laughed "what's up with you? You've been distracted, have you been with Y/n again? You always get so boring after being with her-
"Don't say that!" Wanda scrambled from the wall pushing the redhead and drawing the attention of some of the other partygoers but they quickly disbanded
"Come on Wands just admit it, you like Y/n-
"Shut up!" Wanda walked away Nat storming through the drunken crowd coming to a small table and couch where she could collect her thoughts, was she really falling for you? What the hell was happening? She told herself, told herself she wouldn't get feelings and yet here she was acting like a stupid in love 16 year old
Sitting down she groaned holding her head in her hands, maybe she should call you, no! That's crazy, she called you for sex and sex only not advice.
"Fucking pathetic Wanda" she whispered to herself falling into the cushions behind her closing her eyes and sighing.
Trying to enjoy the few minutes she had alone Wanda closed her eyes but a small sniffle stopped her, turning to her left she saw a girl with her head in her hands trying to stop herself from crying
"Hey..Hey you okay?" She put her hand on her shoulder and when she looked up Wanda gasped "Y/n?! What happened?!"
Wanda pulled you into her lap squeezing you tight listening to you cry and hating every minute of your sadness, especially with how she currently felt about you "what happened Y/n?"
Your cries were finally quiet enough for Wanda to ask you the question and you lifted your head up to meeting her soft eyes that made you smile "Car-Carol's a bitch"
Carol of course it was Carol! Wanda couldn't stand her, every time she wanted something she'd go to you and you would hep her each and every time, if Wanda wasn't around one time you would've given Carol the $8,000 she asked for that one time.
"What did she do moya lyubov'?" Wanda tried containing her simmering rage and urge to go and slap Carol with a hot iron
"Does it matter? She's just a bitch, doesn't need a reason" the tears stopped falling and you sat up out of her grasp "I'm gonna go home coming here was a mistake" you went to get up but Wanda stopped you keeping you in her lap and nuzzling her face into your neck
"You'll stay right here with me and we'll show that bitch that you deserve only the best in life-
"She wanted me to go on another date with her and I said no and she said thats okay because she didn't want your sloppy seconds and everyone laughed and I didn't know what to do and it just hurt because I know it's kinda true-
Wanda kissed you hard shutting you up and rubbing her hand up and down your back soothing you, finally pulling away from you Wanda smiled wide "let me have a chat with the queen bitch herself, I'll be right back" she kissed you again quickly and left you on the couch while she stormed off into the next room
"Hey Carol! Wanda interrupted her laughing with her friends making her turn around smirking at her "oh here she comes, Westview's biggest whore-
A crack echoed through the room and then went silent as Carol held her nose blood gushing out from it, and Wanda smirked in satisfaction "what were you saying Carol? Were you trying to call me a whore? Better being a whore than a self centred bitch with anger issues and a seniority complex-"
"Wanda chill out!" Tony tried but Wanda stopped him "get fucked Tony you're just as bad! If any and I mean any of you insult, mock or even look at Y/n the wrong way I'll come back and do worse to the lot of you what I did to Carol, stay the fuck away!"
The redhead stormed out of the room ignoring the glares and whispers coming back to you and grabbing your hand to pull you out of the party and to her car "Wanda your hand, your hand's bleeding"
"Doesn't matter come on" she opened the car door getting you in and settled wincing every time she grazed her knuckles against something
"What did you do?" You tried again when Wanda got into the driver's seat driving off to your house "I took care of Carol" was all she said keeping her eyes on the road trying to hide the sting that came to her hand everyone and then
"Did you punch her?" You were impressed actually, you didn't know Wanda had it in her, it was Pietro who was the angrier twin but you guessed she had it in her
"Yeah, yeah I did" she smiled "she deserved it and I'd do it again"
"Thank you" You whispered and Wanda smiled reaching over to grab your hand squeezing your hand "you're welcome my love"
When Wanda pulled up to your house she got out and opened the door for you "now, we're going to go inside, get some snacks and watch some crappy TV shows"
"Actually can we talk?" You held Wanda's hand keeping you both in place next to the car "I need to ask you something"
Wanda sighed getting nervous but nodded letting you ask your question
"Wanda what are we?" Such a simple question, just four words and yet Wanda was struggling to find words to respond with "I-Y/n I just-
"Never mind, I'm going inside, thank's for the ride home" you let go of her hand going to the front door
"Y/n wait!" Wanda ran up to you bringing you into a hug "I love you" she whispered over and over again "I love you, I love you so much" the tears fell from Wanda's eyes hugging you close to her body refusing to let you go
"I'm sorry for messing you around I'm sorry for not saying how I feel because I'm awful with feelings and emotional shit-
You held your head up smiling at Wanda shutting her up "I love you too Wanda, thanks for being honest with me"
Wanda let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding and started laughing "you're the best, come on I could really use a drink now"
The redhead opened the door letting you in first and quickly shutting the door bringing you back into a hug wrapping her arms around your front kissing you neck "forget the drink how about we just go upstairs?"
You chuckled leaning your head back into her "actually I'm kinda hungry"
Wanda sighed closing her eyes knowing full well she wouldn't be able to get you to do anything without being fed
"What do you want to eat? I'll get you absolutely anything you want moya lyubov', maybe some oysters and chocolate covered strawberries to get you in the mood?"
You turned around in her hold kissing a slightly frustrated Wanda "let's order Chinese and while we wait we can do whatever you want"
Wanda perked up "hmm sounds good, how about you wear that lingerie set we bought a few weeks ago?"
You lowered your head "you mean the one I got for my valentines date with Carol?"
Wanda lifted your chin up kissing your nose making you giggle "she doesn't fucking deserve you Y/n you're mine now and I will never ever take you for granted now, go upstairs and put the lingerie on, I'll be up in a minute after ordering our food"
"I like it when you're bossy"
"I know, now go on before I make you watch me pleasure myself" she threatened you but all you did was shrug "I always enjoy watching you fall apart by your own hand"
It was true, the image of Wanda doing anything sexual either by herself or with you was like watching angels carve a Picasso, absolutely gorgeous
"That wouldn't be much of a punishment would it? No no you'll be forced to just watch me cum over and over again knowing you can't touch me or yourself-
"You wouldn't?!" The interruption surprised Wanda but she carried on "I would princess and you know I would"
You nodded pulling away from the woman going up the stairs without another word
"Good girl!" She shouted after you and searched through her pickets for her phone only to see multiple messages and missed calls from Nat, Tony and Vision
When she opened the phone a phone call came in
'Nat calling'
She answered speaking into the phone "what do you want-
"Did you punch Carol in the face?! Wanda you can't do that! All for Y/n? I know she's hot and good in bed but seriously? She's not worth it!"
"Nat calm down! Yeah I punched the head bitch and she deserved it no one upsets my girlfriend and gets away with it"
Wanda heard Nat gasp and she realised what she said "girlfriend?! Come on Wanda don't be ridiculous, you can't handle being in a relationship-
Wanda angrily hung up the phone and stormed upstairs, she'll show Natasha, she'll show all of them
Opening the door to the bedroom Wanda softened seeing you ready and waiting in the lingerie you had gotten and her mouth watered "fuck me Y/n this is better than seeing you naked and seeing you naked is the hottest thing in the world"
You blushed but remembered how she looked when she came into the room "were you angry when you came in?"
"Yeah, yeah Nat called me...it doesn't matter, go and get the strap" Wanda took her white shirt off and undid her bra waiting for you to do as she asked "cat got your tongue princess?"
"No, but I don't remember you ever wearing the strap, how about you get it for me malyshka?"
Wanda groaned hearing you speak a little Russian "you know what that does to me baby"
"I do, so how about you be a good girl and get the strap-
Wanda interrupted you "hold on, you're in skimpy lingerie knelt on the bed and I'm stood above you, pretty sure I'm in charge here"
She was right, you looked like the submissive in this situation it made you laugh actually "you're in charge some of the time sure but you like being my little pet"
Wanda groaned "yeah I do, can I do one thing though?"
"Like what?" You asked
"Can I take a picture of you?" The question was so innocent and you couldn't help but giggle "a picture? Do you want to frame it too?
Instead of responding Wanda crawled on top of you kissing your neck and biting the spot "I'm sending a picture to Carol, she needs to see what she's missing out on and will never get"
You thought about it and smirked "I have a better idea, get the strap and we'll take a really good picture"
Wanda was intrigued "oh? What are you thinking?"
"Do you want me to tell you or show you?" Wand was quick to get what you asked and made her way back to you laying on the bed kissing you softly "I'll take the picture when it's perfect"
"Why you?"
You pulled the redhead into your lap making her squeal "because you'll be too busy"
Wanda blushed hard "shit okay then, yeah okay-
"I can't believe that bitch broke my nose!" Carol was mad like really mad, Wanda wasn't as physically strong as Carol and she was shorter so how the fuck did she manage to break her nose?
"All for a girl who can't order her own food in a restaurant because of her stupid anxiety"
Tony chuckled taking a break form wiping Carol's nose taking away the blood "didn't you want her a bit ago and when she turned you down you called her a whore?"
"Because I heard she's great in bed not because I want to date her" the group dispersed into laughs, Carol laughed as best she could with a broken nose until her phone beeped with a text message and picture attached
'Look at what you're missing out on Carol'
A simple but effective message that made Carol throw her phone onto the couch
"God she's such a bitch!"
Tony grabbed the phone opening it and seeing the picture "woah! She's really sticking it to you Caz”
Nat and Vision peeked over Tony’s shoulder at the picture and Nat whistled “damn I thought Wanda was the top”
“But Wanda’s on top? Doesn’t that mean she is the top?” Oh vision, he was so naive
“Bless you Vis but no, Y/n has the strap on her waist and it’s inside Wanda, Y/n has all the power, she can set the pace fast or slow, thrust hard or soft, that has all the hall markings of a top”
The group stared at Nat dumbfounded “that was so in-depth I’m scared” Tony gave the phone back to Carol who quickly deleted the picture
“Let’s just drink"
"Are you okay baby?" You teased Wanda laughing when she refused to remove her head from your neck "no" she whispered
"Do you need some water?"
She gave a weak nod but when you tried to move she groaned "move again and I'll slap you"
"If you want water then you need to let me move" moving once again to sit up on the bed she kept to her promise and gave a very weak slap to your cheek "come on Wanda that was pathetic-
"After like 5 orgasms and me doing all the work that's the best you get" all the work? Okay she deserved to be like this
"Now now Wanda no need to be grumpy, come on let's get you some water" Wanda sighed but got up whimpering at the loss of you and standing on shaky legs
"I'm hungry" she said and you laughed "so you're hungry and thirsty? Do you need a bath too? I'll get some candy for you to should I?"
You undid the harness and strap and threw it in a drawer standing behind Wanda kissing her shoulder and wrapping your arms around her "go and shower and I'll order us some food then we can cuddle and watch a film"
"Okay" Wanda turned her head and kissed you back smiling so wide you giggled "you are so not a top-
"you ruined it" she pushed you away going into the bathroom and turning the shower on "so you don't want me to join you?!"
"No I want you to order the food and the cheesecake I've decided I want!"
Moving closer to the bathroom and opening the door you went to join Wanda in the shower but was immediately stopped "literally what did I just say?"
Shrugging you joined her anyway "I don't know, I think I need a reminder, an in-depth reminder"
Kissing her neck Wanda sighed knowing you weren't going to give up "you're insatiable"
*Knock Knock*
"Who the hell is knocking at the door at this time?!" Reluctantly pulling away from Wanda you put on a robe and marched downstairs opening the door
"Oh hi everyone? Did you enjoy the picture?" You smirked and Nat spoke up first "personally I loved it, Vis and Tony thought Wanda was a top but I corrected them because you were wearing the strap therefore had all the control"
"I'm weirded out and impressed all at the same time, well done" you all laughed, well apart from Carol "you did that on purpose"
You raised your eyebrow in a question "and you came all the way over here just to tell me that?"
"Well y-yeah! Why did you do that?!" Carol stuttered and you tried holding in a laugh "you're pathetic Carol and I can't believe I ever wanted to date you"
You slammed the door on her and the others faces making a mental note to apologise to Nat later, turning around you let out a sigh seeing Wanda at the top of the stairs wearing your long shirt twirling a piece of her wet hair in-between her fingers "everything okay?"
You smiled "nothing, come on let's put on a film" she skipped down the stairs into your arms and kissing you "gorgeous girl aren't you?"
Wanda blushed "hm yeahhh"
"Cant believe you're all mine"
"Believe it moya lyubov' now come on stop stalling and let's get some food, I'll be waiting on the couch" she left with a kiss to your cheek
"Yes princess Wanda"
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gepardling · 1 year
late bloomer w/ gepard.
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desc. : Am i projecting a little? Gepard's reaction to falling in love feels like something I would do... I might make a 2nd part. (wc : 1.5k)
tags / cw : sfw, afab!reader, use of she/her pronouns, just fluff, mostly Gepard's emotional state, glaring romance trope if u can spot it, tried proofreading but i'm sleepy
index : part 2
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Gepard, being a man driven by duty, has structured his entire life around fulfilling the expectations placed upon him. To be a shield. To protect the people. To fight for Belobog. This strong sense of responsibility has created a wall between his work and personal life, leading him to prioritize work above all else. The casual word for this would be a "workaholic," but Gepard vehemently denies this term if anyone were to use it against him.
He was NOT a workaholic, insisting that he had other hobbies. For instance, he enjoys cooking and tending to plants. Though he’d be too shy to really admit it, so does it even count? More often than not, he would be training if he's off duty anyways, driven by that same old galvanized stubbornness that's been bred into him by the Landau bloodline. Serval, his sister, had even called him out on it before, making repeated attempts to encourage him to relax.
"Gepard, you just can't seem to appreciate the delicate and fun things in life anymore…" Today’s topic: Women. 
It's no secret that the Silvermane Captain was… To put it lightly, woefully unskilled regarding matters of the heart. In fact, he seems to avoid romantic entanglements altogether, putting off his responsibility to marry and carry on the Landau bloodline. This hesitancy was Gepard's sole reservation, yet he couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason behind it. He just wasn’t too focused on that aspect of his life right now, or so he’d convinced himself for years.
"Is that a streak of rebellion? Oh, heavens, no! Shame on you, Gepard! What would father think of your reluctance to do what's expected of you," Serval quipped, barely finishing her dramatic display before emitting the most irritating chortle that had ever graced Gepard's cochleas. 
"What do you expect me to do? Drag some girl off the street?" He retorted, almost annoyed at his sister's amusement over his predicament. 
"NO, silly. God, you're so serious all the time. Loosen up! That's not how dating works. No girl would want to go out with you if you're so stuck up about it." 
Sure, Serval was only joking. Yet, those words made his heart clench a little, ringing painfully through his mind. Was he really just too serious? It felt as if he had abruptly become painfully conscious of his own personality, prompting a reassessment of his life up until this point. Serval observed a distant gaze in his eyes, and by now it was evident that this deeply troubled her younger brother.
"Listen, Gepard," her tone softened greatly from before, "There's nothing wrong with you. If you need any help, you know you can always count on me. Even if it is about girls." She smiled, giving him a pat on the back. 
Gepard smiled and expressed his gratitude, then stepped out of the workshop to endure yet another round of patrols. Despite the abundance of heaters scattered around, the air felt noticeably chillier. Maybe this is what it feels like when you suddenly realize the emptiness inside? No, now he's just being overdramatic. It's really not that bad…
In the weeks that followed, Gepard found himself paying closer attention to his soldiers’ banter. They often talked about their lovers, or shared tales of their nights out trying to charm attractive women. It puzzled Gepard that people could pursue courtship simply for… Enjoyment? Without the intention of marriage? However, he remained too reserved to participate in those conversations. It wasn't rare for him to overhear his name being mentioned, followed by "Nah, he wouldn't be interested in joining us." 
It stung a little. Even his own soldiers don’t see him as someone who could loosen up and have a good time. They believed he was too detached to truly enjoy their company… Damn, no friends, no lover. Gepard really is married to his own job at this point. Little did he know that his life wouldn't be so bland forever. On this particular day he would cross paths with an ordinary girl from Belobog, destined to change his perspective. 
The meeting was awfully unceremonious. Gepard, carrying out his usual patrol duties, was stationed in the town. Just as he had reached the bottom of the steps of Qlipoth Fort, the sound of rapid footsteps grew nearer. Everything happened so fast that he barely had time to process it. Suddenly, a girl sprinted around the corner, clutching a stack of papers and a brown bag tightly to her chest. Before she even noticed Gepard’s presence, it was already too late…
The air filled with the fluttering of scattered papers, accompanied by the sound of vegetables hitting the cold stone ground. In the chaos, her head collided with Gepard’s armored chest piece (this was a very dangerous garment, in hindsight), emitting a resounding clang. A startled shriek escaped her lips. Reacting swiftly, Gepard managed to catch her before she could tumble to the ground. However, her belongings were lost, whisked away by the wind.
"Ooowwww…" she groaned, her hand tenderly rubbing the fresh red bruise on her forehead. "Watch where you're g…" Her words trailed off as her gaze traveled upward, meeting his face. Oh no. She found herself instantly recoiling, attempting to distance herself from the imposing figure of the tall Captain.
"I-I'm so sorry, Captain! I didn't see you, I... uhm… I mean, I didn't mean to!" Her apologies poured forth like a frantic stream, falling from her mouth like a waterfall. The Captain’s silence only made her panic more, and the firm grip on her arm indicated that the situation might not bode well.
But he wasn't upset, no not at all! In fact, he was so captivated by her beauty that he barely registered what was going on around him. Her words entered one ear, and exited the other. His gaze remained fixed on her eyes, marveling at how they shone like pure geomarrow crystals. The sun reflected off the snow in her hair like tiny diamonds, framing her face in a heavenly glow. But then his eyes landed on the red bruise on her forehead, shattering the idyllic dream he had momentarily found himself caught in.
"M-My apologies," he stuttered, his typically unwavering demeanor momentarily shaken, "You're injured. Please allow me to escort you to the clinic." 
"Huh? What?" She reached up to touch her head and felt warmth bloom under her fingertips, accompanied by a slight stinging sensation. Her hand came away with a faint crimson stain.
"It's just a graze, no need to worry about me," she insisted, stepping back from the Captain's hold. But it wasn't just a graze, it really hurt! And the longer she spent out of his support, the more wobbly she felt on her own feet. Sensing her instability, Gepard swiftly wrapped an arm around her shoulder, preventing her from stumbling again. His sturdy hold on her stood in stark contrast to the mushy feeling swelling within his chest.
"We should really get you to a doctor," he began, tone tinged with a hint of worry. She no longer had the strength to protest, the pounding headache alone was overwhelming enough.
They were both silent for the remainder of the walk, neither having something constructive to say to the other. When Gepard handed her over to the doctor, he disappeared without a trace. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of rudeness in his sudden departure. He didn’t even give her a chance to express her gratitude for his understanding, fearing she might have been reprimanded for lack of civility. Well, he was probably a busy man. She couldn’t expect someone of his stature to care about someone as insignificant as her, right? 
But right now, Gepard was desperate to quiet the racing of his heart. His knees felt weak, as if they were made of jelly, while he struggled to look normal and composed as he exited the clinic. But who was he kidding? The sweat on his brow and his burning ears were a dead giveaway to his current emotional state. He could only beg the Aeons that no one took notice of his stupor. What was he supposed to do again? Patrols? Yes, patrols. He needed to get back to work.
Throughout the remainder of the day, Gepard found it increasingly difficult to maintain focus on his duties. The telltale signs of his distraction did not go unnoticed by his soldiers. They observed the annoyed bounce of his leg as he hurriedly completed his paperwork, his mind clearly preoccupied. No one dared speak to the Captain, silently acknowledging the departure from his usual composed demeanor.
The soldiers, witnessing his uncharacteristic behavior and urgency behind his actions, couldn't help but speculate and gossip amongst themselves. Some would interpret his distraction as a sign of work-related stress or pressing family matters. Others would suspect something entirely different, an infatuation that had captivated their usually composed Captain. 
Without lingering a moment longer than necessary, Gepard promptly left his post and made his way to Serval’s workshop. Each step he took amplified the beating of butterfly wings in his chest, the sensation bordering on discomfort. It seemed to knock the air from his lungs whenever he tried to articulate his thoughts.
"It happened," he tells her bluntly. 
"What? What happened?" Serval shook him by the shoulders, her voice filled with urgency. "Gepard, you're gonna have to give me more than that!"
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this was meant 2 be sum quick filler but i got rlly invested in it... my style feels more formal but mby tht's bc i jus finished studying. am a lil braindead, had to take a break from the hardy-weinberg equation and do smth productive. no more broad sense heritability, only geppie ♥︎
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Jiraiya x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Kakashi x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Synopsis: Jiraiya was arrogant, something you had forgotten in the two years of his absence. But now he was back, and he couldn't help but try and make your life a living hell once more. It was a good thing another shinobi was nearby to stop the torment before it was too late.
A/N: I don't know why, but I want to argue with him. And the song Lemons is PERFECT for this. :) BTW - I do not condone this type of dynamic at ALL. And they do NOT get back together. I just liked the idea of the song and the scenario!
Song: Lemons by Brye & Cavetown (Link: https://youtu.be/t6v2P0ZQD2c)
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A quiet sigh flew from your throat, eyes drooping a bit in annoyance. Naruto stood before you, excitement written all over his face as he threw himself into your arms. He didn't take in your annoyance, he didn't need to. It wasn't directed at him.
It was directed at the white-haired man behind him.
"Jiraiya" you muttered as you ran your fingers soothingly through Naruto's hair. Naruto was up to your shoulder now, something you noted as he pulled you deeper into his steel-like hug.
"Y/n" Jiraiya snapped back, he didn't know what it was or what had gotten into him, but seeing you okay after the breakup angered him. His lip curled up in disgust, but he was simply hiding his pain.
"Naruto, why don't you go unpack? Then I can take you to get ramen" The blonde nodded before bounding past you into the apartment, leaving you alone with the Sannin. You were thankful Naruto was clueless or acted so at least, that made this a lot easier. Jiraiya opened his mouth to start spewing out hurtful words, but you leaning against the door frame stopped him.
He blinked as you crossed your arms, eyes hardened as you looked him up and down. "There's a billion people on this planet that you could bother but for some reason, you chose me" Jiraiya once more opened his mouth to interject but you cut him off again "I wish I could give you the attention that you ordered but I just don't have the energy"
"I think you're being a little-"
"Overdramatic? Maybe I'm the one that's being overdramatic, but I don't think so..."
Silence filled the space, and all of the cruel words he had wanted to throw in your face fizzled away into nothingness. Instead, need and desire filled his veins. He made a serious mistake, how could he have been so stupid as to hide behind anger to cope with heartache "Y/n"
"I do know for a fact, though, that you're a definite coward-"
"Y/n wait-"
"And I think it might be time for you to go" You could feel tears welling up along your waterline as you grabbed for the door in your haste. It didn't close far though as Jiraiya caught it with his hand. "Baby please-"
"You're toxic, Jiraiya." you hissed out, fear taking over you as he tugged the door back open. He stepped closer, towering over you in a way that you knew was meant to be a fear tactic. You averted your gaze as you tried to hide the slight fear taking over you, "I'm toxic? Have you looked at yourself lately?"
Your e/c eyes were glued to his sandals, fighting down the dread bubbling up in your chest. This was something you didn't expect. 'You have to fake it, Y/n' Kakashi's words echoed through your head as you willed yourself to look up at him once more.
He flinched when you made eye contact, your gaze steely and cold. "Are you trying to scare me? Because it's not working" He scoffed at your shaky words, you looked so pathetic. How did you even manage to survive the two years he was gone? He opened his mouth to voice that question, but another presence silenced him.
Your brows furrowed and you craned your neck to look behind the giant in front of you. Kakashi stood leaning against the railing in front of the door with his hands in his pockets. Jiraiya turned to look at him, the grim look on his face quickly flicking to one of joy. You knew what he was doing, he was trying to play it off as just a casual meeting, but Kakashi knew better.
"Yo," Kakashi called out.
He seemed calm and collected, but you knew he was slowly losing his patience with the Sannin. "Hey! Do you mind giving us some privacy-"
"Yes, I do mind, actually. We have a dinner reservation to get to"
"I thought you were taking Naruto out to Ramen?" Jiraiya sent the question your way, but Kakashi beat you to it.
"Ya. There's a fancy Ramen shop that just opened up, I'm taking them there" He pushed off from the railing and walked past Jiraiya to move you slyly away from the other man. Jiraiya let out a hum as he took in the way Kakashi slowly pulled you closer and closer to him.
His heart shattered more as he watched you melt into Kakashi's side, a feeling of peace taking control of your senses. No words he could say would hurt you, because he didn't matter to you anymore. You had moved on and while that thought angered him more than he would like to admit, what pissed him off more was that nothing he could do or say would bring you back. He couldn't sweet talk you or force you back into submission with cruel words. He had no power over you anymore.
Jiraiya felt Kakashi's eyes bore holes into him, daring him to open his mouth and say whatever he thought. The words wouldn't hurt you but would only unleash the beast standing beside you. "I'll be going now" Jiraiya finally breathed out, deciding that picking a fight wasn't the best move. You said nothing, but Kakashi grabbed the door, practically shoving the older man out of the apartment.
The sound of the door closing caused you to let out a breath of relief. "You okay?" Kakashi grabbed your arm and gently pulled you into his embrace, it was safe and calm, something that Jiraiya never made you feel. "Ya... Thanks for coming by. I thought I could stand up to him alone" you muttered shamefully. You would have been able to do it, but you didn't expect him to use force to get into your space. Kakashi shook his head at your shame, anyone that knew Jiraiya knew not to mess with him.
"You did just fine" Kakashi whispered quietly. He let his hand run up and down your spine, something he knew always calmed you down. Your eyes began drooping, the letdown of adrenaline and the feeling of zen surrounding you made you grow tired. "Mmmm" you hummed as you tried to push out of his embrace. He smiled as you rubbed away the tiredness from your eyes - "I have to take Naruto to dinner"
"We have to go take Naruto out to dinner" he corrected as he moved his hand to caress your hair. You let out a sharp yawn, swatting him away as you once more fought the urge to just go curl up with him and take a nap. "Will you stay the night?"
"Haven't I been staying the night since we were 11?"
"You know what I mean" Your bashfulness caused his brows to furrow in confusion. Silence filled the space around you and you looked everywhere but at him. "What do you mean exactly..."
Your face heated up as you realized the way he was taking it. Your wide eyes snapped to his, head shaking in panic as you tried to frantically explain that you simply wanted him to stay and hold you close. He let you continue rambling, finding it adorable that he caused you to be so flustered. "I'm just teasing you, I knew what you meant" His chuckle caused relief to flood your body, but you wondered when you two would just move in together. You two had been best friends since you were both 11, sleepovers always happened. On top of that, you had been dating for a year now. Between the years of just being friends and dating, he spent more time in your room than anywhere else, so why couldn't you two just make it official? Why the awkward "Do you want to stay the night?" question-
Warm lips pressing against your forehead caused you to jump out of your thoughts, "I know what you're thinking, I agree"
"You have no idea what I'm thinking" you breathed out shakily, worried that voicing your wishes would ruin your chances of getting what you wanted.
"Do you still have to stay in this apartment? Or are you allowed to move to another one?"
You moved to look up at him, cheeks burning up as you realized he was indeed on the same page as you. "Uh... Tsunade hasn't told us that we need to stay specifically here like Hiruzen did-"
"Perfect, then we should look for a house soon-"
"Wait, wait hold on. I-"
"Maybe one close by? You did always love this area-"
"Kakashi wait-"
"How many bathrooms do you want? I know sharing with Naruto is a pain-"
"Hold on!! You're talking about moving but Naruto just got home... And he doesn't even know we are dating"
Kakashi pondered this as he pulled his mask back up, "Naruto hasn't figured out that I've been in love with you for the past 15 years?" You sighed at his bluntness, knowing that he was trying to show you that it didn't matter and that Naruto wouldn't be surprised anyway. "Besides, if he didn't know before, he does now"
Your eyes widened, completely forgetting that he was in the apartment as well. Kakashi's gaze was set on something behind you, but you didn't need to look to know who it was. "Shit" you hissed out as you slowly turned to face the strangely calm teen. "You're dating Kakashi Sensei?"
You nodded and opened your mouth to explain but Naruto nodded back at you, "Makes sense. Do I get my own bathroom when we move?"
Your mouth dropped slightly in shock at just how calm he was... Was this the same Naruto? The same 13-year-old boy that you sent off for training? "You aren't mad?" It was a dumb question, it didn't matter how Naruto felt but in a way, being his caretaker meant that it did matter in some way. "Why would I be mad? Are you happy?"
"Then that's all that matters to me... But also that extra bathroom... That would make the deal a lot sweeter" You let out a light laugh at his straightforward answer, life really was so simple when you were a teenager. "How about we talk about it over Ramen?" Kakashi called out as Naruto's stomach growled loudly in the entryway. The boy's eyes lit up and he patted his stomach "You're speaking my language Kakashi Sensei!"
You shook your head but let Kakashi guide you two out of the apartment and into the heart of Konoha below. As the three of you walked towards the Ramen shop, Naruto was talking Kakashi's ear off about the training he went through. You tried to pay attention, but you were lost in thought on everything that had happened to you in the last 2 years. At first, you weren't sure if you were going to make it through the breakup with Jiraiya, but slowly -
You gazed up at Kakashi as he nodded at Naruto's story, he was focused heavily on the words coming out of the young boy's mouth and paid no mind to your loving gaze on him.
- slowly Kakashi put you back together again. He noticed your heavy gaze on him and blindly reached for your hand, never once breaking away from his conversation with Naruto. Your fingers laced together and he gave a tight squeeze in return. You didn't know what the next two years would bring you.
But you were excited to find out.
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ninasdrafts · 10 months
We knew we wouldn't change the world together. Hell, I'm certain both of us knew we wouldn't last. Maybe that was our secret. Maybe that's why we worked. We didn't take things too serious. We were something, but never enough to tell our parents about. Never enough to make future plans. But now that I'm sitting here alone, overdramatic laughter from the TV the only sound I've heard in a while, I'm imagining myself sprawled on your hunter green sofa, book in hands, yours tangled in my hair. We could've been great. We could've been a catastrophe. Who knows? Do you ever look out at the city and feel the urge to call me? Do you ever wonder what could've been if we'd made different decisions, if we'd started crossing lines instead of drawing them? In the end the greatest things are those which leave us wondering. Which keep us coming back for more. And somehow, I always end up going back. Whether it takes me a month, a year, or ten years. I will always go back.
we were something, don't you think so? / n.j.
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softxsuki · 11 months
i wanted to know for the urgent request if it could be for the obey me! boys, mammon, levi, satan, asmo, and barbatos when reader has been really down and depressed and even told them they thought about committing so they comfort them for it? i haven't gotten any comforting recently and i love your writing so i was hoping you could do this :( <3
Obey Me Boys Comforting Reader With Depression
Pairing: Mammon x Gn!Reader, Levi(OM) x Gn!reader, Satan x Gn!reader, Asmo x Gn!Reader, Barbatos x Gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of self-harming and old/new scars, depression, and mentions of reader wanting/thinking of taking their own life
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: In which the boys find out that MC is feeling depressed and thought of taking their own life, and that they also self-harm, so they provide MC with comfort in their own way :)
[A/N: Kya!!! Thank you so much for trusting me with your urgent request! I hope I did an okay job with it. It's been a little while since I last played Obey me, so I cam very much behind with it (and I'm stuck on the regular game bc I can't level up mu cards fast enough. rip) but I really hope this brings you some kind of comfort. I'm here if you ever need anyone to talk to if if you just need someone to listen to you. Feel better soon <333]
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Mammon notices the sudden change in your mood straight away since he’s always around you
He does his best to try and cheer you up without directly confronting you about it
So he’d invite you out with him and might even spoil you with pretty things in hopes that using his money on you helps distract you from whatever you’re feeling
But that all changes when he sees your self-harm scars
Fear fills him and he knows he can’t just avoid the topic anymore, he doesn’t want to see you in pain or have you harm yourself anymore
So one day when you’re out with him in town, he softly takes your hand and leads you to a bench away from the hustle and bustle of the town
He’s a little cautious, he’s not really good with being direct about his feelings, especially not with you because he gets so nervous and this was serious…he was scared to mess up
“Y’know MC…I may not be the best person to go to about troubling things in your life, but I want ya to know that I’m here for you. I…don’t want to lose you. Actually, I can’t lose you–never. So maybe things are hard for ya right now, but you’re one of the most important people in my life. Your problems are The Great Mammon’s problems as well, so let me in, won’t ya?”
He’s awkwardly rubbing his neck now as he feels his face heating up, but at least he got everything he wanted to say out
So when you do open up to him about your depression, self-harm, and thoughts of taking your own life, he feels relieved that you are finally speaking about it with someone, but he’s also scared that you’ve been feeling that way and he had been trying to ignore it for so long
He’s scared to let you out of his sight after that, so if he shows up to your room at 3am with a spare pillow, you know why
Mammon’s always inviting you to his room as well so you can watch stuff together until you fall asleep
Extra clingy Mammon who’ll probably bug you about how you’re feelings every few minutes, but at least you know someone cares
You’d find all your issues slowly dissolving as he covers you with love and attention, just don’t block him out
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Oh boy, Levi is very overdramatic when he finds out what’s been going on with you
He’s beyond scared to lose you–you’re his only best friend after all, the one who truly understands him and cares for him unconditionally
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t realize MC. I’m such a good-for-nothing. I can’t even tell when the person I care about the most is going through a tough time. Y-you’re amazing MC! You’re one of the best people I know, unlike all these other normies out there. You’re always so kind to me and I just hate that I couldn’t be there for you when you needed me…”
Yeah, he’s definitely beating himself up about it because how could he not realize???
“You’re always here for me, that’s why you’re the only one I felt comfortable telling this to. Please don’t blame yourself…I kinda didn’t want anyone to know at first; I thought I could deal with it on my own…” You’d explain to him
He’s a little relieved to hear it, but it still won’t make him feel any better
Levi is always throwing himself in the ground, so not being there for you at a time when you really needed him AND when he could have potentially lost you, scares him to death
Like Mammon, he keeps you by his side, but in your room since he sleeps in his tub and that’s not very comfortable for you LOL
He’d move all his games and game stations into your room and make a little base there to stay by your side until you’re feeling better
He probably goes to one of his older brothers who are more responsible like Lucifer or Satan and asks for their advice (without giving you away ofc. He’d make it sound like one of his online friends are dealing with this issue since you only trusted him with this info)
He’s very awkward and shy at times, but he’s glad that you trusted him to let him in on the pain you were feeling internally. He makes it his mission (literally, like he’s playing a game, but knowing that it’s far more serious) to get you back on your feet and in a better mental state
And we all know Levi is good at games, so this is one he won’t fail either :)
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Satan reads a lot, books of all genres, so he picked up on your sudden change in behavior very quickly and he’s actually the one who goes to you first to talk about it
“What’s going on?” He bluntly asks one day when you’re in his room reading with him in a peaceful silence
That catches you off guard…did he know? You could see the serious look on his face so you decide to just open up to him about everything; the depression, the self-harm, and even the thoughts that flash through your mind of taking your own life
Satan listens silently as you speak, taking in all your words and you see his eyes soften the more you reveal to him
“I see…” he’s lost in thought for a moment, but then stands up and walks over to you, taking your hands in his as he leaves a gentle kiss to the back of your hand. “I knew something was up, but I wanted to hear it from you before I assumed too much. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling this way. I’m here though, and now that I know what’s going on, I’ll do anything and everything I can to ensure you feel better.”
And he really will
Whenever you come over to his room to do your daily reading together in each others presence, he spends his time reading books on mental health that give him plenty of advice on how to best help you
He isn’t overbearing though, he gives you your space and allows you to reach out to him whenever you need him, only checking up on you when it seems appropriate so you don’t feel suffocated, but deep down he is worried and scared to lose you
So he offers you his own help, but also asks if you’d like to go to the human world to see or speak to a professional who might be more helpful to you than he could be
He even volunteers to go along with you if you don’t want to go alone–he just wants you to be happy again to not feel so claustrophobic in your own skin
Whatever you decide to do, just know that you have his 10000000% support
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This man is very dramatic as well, but in a different way than Levi…
He throws tons of compliments your way in hopes that they help lift you up, but really, he’s better at giving physical acts of care
SO, your self-harm scars? He goes out of his way to wash them up and lotion them up, pressing small kisses the the older scars and newer ones as well
“Even with these marks, your skin is still as soft and beautiful as ever, darling. My lovely MC, I’ll do everything I can to take care of you from now on. I’ll pamper you everyday and remind you how much you mean to me, so please don’t harm yourself any longer…”
Asmo isn’t one to be very serious at times, but he knows now isn’t the time to joke around with you, so he’s uncharacteristically very serious, yet still as charming as ever
He’ll treat you to extra tight hugs and kisses, a little scared to let go in fear that he’d never be able to hold you again, so bear with him a little…he can be a bit suffocating
He isn’t the best listener or remarkably great at giving advice that doesn’t have anything to do with fashion or beauty, so he’d probably go to Lucifer for help, or maybe even Solomon, who’s more familiar with human emotions like depression
Anything you need or want, Asmo will get it for you
Get ready to feel more loved than you’ve ever felt before in your life
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He knows…of course he knows, Barbatos knows everything 😀
The first time you attempted to self-harm, he was there to stop you, so you never even got the chance
What he didn’t know about though was your thoughts of attempting to take your life, since you never actually made the move to do it, you only really thought about it
So when he sits down with you to hear you out about attempting to self-harm and you open up about your other darker secrets as well, he’s shocked
Momentarily, it’ll show on his face, but he’ll catch himself and gently smile to you as you continue to speak your mind
He doesn't want you to feel embarrassed by any of this or to beat yourself up for getting caught or for feeling what you feel–you were human and humans experienced moments of intense emotions that they can’t control sometimes, he understood this very well
“Oh dear MC, I am relieved that I was able to stop you this time. Though, I must admit I do feel particularly regretful that I am not able to read minds so I could put your own mind to rest from your dark thoughts. Now that I am aware of everything, I shall do my best to assist you in recovering mentally”
He’s not the most emotional guy out there, but you know he cares for you and when Barbatos dedicates his time and attention to something, he WILL get it done
Barbatos takes your hand in his and presses a delicate kiss onto each of your fingers, and leans his head onto the back of your hand, in almost a way that he’s ready and willing to serve you (not that he didn’t already, but it’s more of like his own way of physically showing his dedication to you??? Does that make sense? KINDA like when a knight is knighted and vows to protect whoever he’s assigned to??? Am I making sense? hopefully…)
He doesn’t need to keep an eye on you because he’d be able to stop you anyway if you ever decided to do anything drastic, but he does free up time in his busy schedule to be with you, he’s dedicated to serving Diavolo, but you very quickly become his number one priority (you already were, but he was never aware of it himself lol)
I don’t know, but I just feel like Barbatos is such a soothing person to be with, his voice is like silk, it wraps you up like a warm blanket and feels like a big tight hug when you need it the most
SO I imagine you’d feel better pretty quickly with all the attention he’s giving you, and the warm tea he makes you????! You’re set for life, get ready to feel brand new
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Posted: 7/11/2023
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luveline · 2 years
rockstar!eddie x rockstar!reader scenario maybe??<3
why have I never done this b4. tysm for ur request! this is all consensual they're just messing around!!! ♡ fem!reader
"You can't go out there tonight like that," Eddie says.
You stare at him.
"You realise you're wearing less clothing than I am, right?" you ask.
"It's not about how much. Just... fuck. Fuck, how am I supposed to go out there and act like you're not the hottest girl on earth?"
You snort at your bandmates overdramatics and pull down the ends of your skirt to cover more of your thigh than before. Not a lot, but some.
Eddie takes a step toward you and his wild curls jolt with the movement. You take a step back, already giggling at his desperate look. "Stay the fuck away from me," you say.
You take another step back and almost trip over a low table covered in mini sandwiches. "I'm serious, Munson," you say, not serious at all.
"You're a fucking sicko. Dressing like that 'n I'm supposed to ignore it? Get over here, now."
"Brrr," you say, pretending to rub your naked upper arms. "Chills, seriously."
He narrows his eyes at you and rounds the table in one quick step, all long legs and arms as he grabs you and presses you down into the couch. You kick the table as you go and a plate of cucumber and carrot sticks goes flying.
"Nice going," you say. You look up into Eddie's eyes unflinchingly. They're darker now, stage make-up lining under his long lashes so that they appear impossibly larger.
Eddie squeezes your waist, too rough by a fraction. Your breath hitches in your throat as he feels up the length of you, ring-heavy fingers curling in the end of your shirt and tugging.
He looks like a kid in a candy store.
"We don't have time for this."
"It's this or we fuck on stage," he says seriously.
You laugh and drop your head against your shoulder, peeking up at him from under your lashes. Demure, you murmur, "Oh, well we can't have that."
He raises his eyebrows. "Maybe-"
You slap his chest lightly and find it quickly crushed between you, his face ducked down to catch yours in a kiss equal parts rough and adoring. He smiles as your teeth click, as you gasp, as you turn your face into his searchingly.
"Ouch," you mumble, faux-annoyed at his roughness.
He mouths messily over your cheek, quick and nipping kisses. "Shut up, you like it," he says at your ear.
You're inclined to agree.
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weirdmorefics · 2 years
Hello! How are you?😊 May I please request? I think a Bridgertons x male reader would be super cute!
The Male Reader is the 5th oldest (just above Eloise). He’s a very intelectual man, very studious (knows multiple linguagens for example) and he is kinda Violet’s favourite😜
He’s very kind, very well and soft spoken and just so kind, always helping his sibling in every way he can. Especially helping Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth with their studies. They jokingly call him a walking encyclopaedia XD
Unbeknownst to him, he is the favourite of every sibling. He’s the one who can calm Anthony down. He’s one of Benedict’s inspirations, Daphne likes to hear him sing while se plays, and Eloise like to gossip with him, but also just hearing his knowledge. You could say he is the Angel who keeps the family.
He is, however very shy, sort of fragile and sickly, which leads him to be protected (specially by Anthony) and to not be so known to the people of the Ton.
One day, the family actually convince to go out. And he makes a very good impression.
I just wanted something fluffy! Give the boy the appreciation he needs😍
Thank you for your time!
A Nice Promenade
x Brother!Reader
Warnings- None
Pronouns- He/Him
Word Count- 713
Summary- The hidden Bridgerton sibling joins the Bridgertons in a Promenade for the first time in years.
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The carriage ride from the hospital back to our home was excruciatingly long. I am just glad to finally be home! This stay at the hospital was too long for my liking. It was apparently too long for my siblings too because the moment I stepped out of the carriage I was bombarded by them.
Eloise is immediately dragging me inside "You were gone far too long I have so much to catch you up on! Do not worry though I saved you all the old Lady Whistledowns."
I laugh as Anthony chastises her and tells her to be more careful with me.
"It's fine Anthony I am not as fragile as I look," I smile.
Anthony shakes his head and Daphne butts in "You must join us for our promenade! It is my first season so you HAVE to go! No excuses."
Eloise sighs, "Don't make him do boring things as soon as he comes back. He will just want to leave again."
"I can assure Eloise the hospital stay was not my choice. I do not plan on going back to the hospital anytime soon." I try to soothe Eloise and turn to Daphne, "A promenade does not sound that bad."
Eloise makes a face that I can tell instantly means are you serious. Even Anthony and Benedict seem shocked I have chosen to join.
"Are you sure you are up for it?" Anthony asks very concernedly as usual.
I pat Anthony on the shoulder " You worry too much! I will be fine I just have to put my bags in my room."
Anthony quickly snatches my bags and points to me and Daphne, "Fine! But let me carry your bags up while you get washed up. And don't you two dare try to leave without me."
I get cleaned up from the journey then join Daphne in the carriage. She practically begs me to help distract Anthony because he has been making this season impossible. I laugh because this is not shocking news at all, Anthony is still his overprotective self.
Benedict climbs into the carriage, "What are you two laughing about?"
"Y/N is laughing I am not! I am grieving my chances of ever having a suitor due to Anthony's constant meddling." Daphne sighs.
Benedict laughs as I call Daphne overdramatic and Anthony joins us soon after. The carriage ride was very short which I much appreciated. Daphne drags me out of the carriage as fast as she can as soon as it stops. (Much to Anthony's dismay.)
Once my brothers catch up to us I turn around and ask, "Is it just me or is every staring at us?"
"It could be because Daphne is the diamond?" Benedict suggests.
"Yeah, but they are whispering too. Shouldn't they be over it by now.. no offense Daphne?" I say slowly realizing how it could offend Daphne.
"Actually I think they are staring at you," Daphne says.
I suddenly feel very uncomfortable like I'm being judged. Maybe I shouldn't have come. I can't remember the last time I went out during the season. My doubts are cut short when a girl Daphne's age approaches me.
She nervously asks me if I am participating in the season and keeps glancing back to a group of girls her age.
Anthony quickly butts in "Sorry he is not participating this year he is too young."
I look back at him with a scowl on my face but then the girl smiles "Well you will have to let us know when you plan to participate." She quickly runs away to her group of friends and they all start giggling.
Daphne and Benedict laugh as Anthony looks extremely worried. Benedict squishes my cheeks as I give him the dirtiest look known to man.
"Look at our little boy growing all up", Benedict says.
"Don't even say that," Anthony groans.
"I am not even that young!" I lowly shout at them.
"Don't worry Y/N they are just jealous you are Mom's favorite," Daphne says trying to soothe my anger.
"You know it!" I smile which just causes another bickering match but this time between Benedict and Anthony. They are both sure they are Mom's favorite but I'm sure they know deep down I'm the favorite.
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softguarnere · 11 months
hi dove! i can't believe i've never requested anything on your blog! could you possibly write a enemies to lovers - lewis nixon x reader? maybe where feelings are discovered after one of them gets hurt/captured/something like that! you know i'm a sucker for angst with tons of fluff! thanks for being awesome!
mads <3
Coming Clean
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Lewis Nixon x reader
A/N: omg hi Mads! Thank you so much for the request 🤗 I love your work (especially the way you write Nix) so I really hope you enjoy this! I edited and wrote the last half of this fic while sick, so if this is totally incoherent, that's why - and I'll just have to do my best to fix it when I'm better😆 (As always this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️ Warnings: language, mentions of war
“I am not being overdramatic,” Nixon insists in what can only fairly be described as a rather theatrical tone. 
Dick only glances up from across the table, an eyebrow quirked as he studies his friend. He nods slightly. Thank you for proving my point, the gesture seems to say.
“Nix,” he says, his tone serious, even though he opts for his friend’s nickname instead of a more reprimanding Lewis. “I don’t think comparing anyone to Sobel is fair.”
Nixon drops his fork and holds his hands up in surrender. “Whoa, okay. All I said was that if she wanted to, (Y/N) could give him a run for his money. That’s all.”
“They’re nothing alike,” Dick deadpans.
Nothing alike? A bit nondramatic, in Nixon’s opinion. An understatement for sure. He starts to protest, but Dick cuts him off.
“I think the two of you just got off on the wrong foot.”
Scoffing, Nixon leans back in his chair. “Well, I wouldn’t call overhearing someone explicitly talking about how they think you’re unqualified for your job getting off on the wrong foot. But close enough, I guess.”
“That’s not what I said.”
The voice is enough to startle both Nixon and Winters – although the ginger presses his lips together in a way that suggests he’s only just managing to repress a smile as he takes in your arrival on the scene. Nixon, on the other hand, has to forcibly close his mouth to stop from gaping at your sudden presence.
“What I said,” you continue. “was that I wasn’t sure how well a Yale man would hold his ground amongst the other officers.”
A frown tugs at the corners of Nixon’s mouth. For once, he’s grateful that part of his upbringing included lessons in how to conceal one’s true emotions lest someone gain the upper hand by using them against him. He presses his lips into a thin line and steels himself.
“Remind me where you studied again, Lieutenant?”
Your face pales. Bingo! You may have had him there for a second, but he’s struck a nerve.
“It was just a joke,” you say, your voice quiet.
Nixon only shrugs before turning back to Dick. There are footsteps as you walk away, but he doesn’t turn to see you go. Instead, he tries to concentrate on his tray of food. Tries being the operative word, since Dick seems intent on staring at him with that look of utter disappointment on his face that could make a saint feel guilty.
“What?” He stabs some broccoli with his fork, not looking up.
Dick sighs. “It was a joke, Nix.”
The potatoes on the corner of his tray are his next victim. Unseasoned and questionably cooked as they are, Nixon still puts all his focus into getting them firmly on his fork.
“Why does it bother you so much?”
Now he looks up. “Huh?”
“The joke,” Dick clarifies. “Why did it bother you so much?”
It’s not so much that the jab at his alma mater bothers him. It’s just . . . Huh. Why does it bother him? The way it’s said, perhaps, or the people it was said in front of. After all, it was one of the first things that you said upon Nixon’s arrival after his promotion. Not a good look for a newcomer in such a prestigious position. If he wanted people to poke fun at him despite his achievements, he could have just stayed home.
Sure, that’s probably it, he tells himself. You’ve just hit a nerve. No need to psychoanalyze this whole thing.
To Dick’s question, he only shrugs.
His friend, thankfully, does not press the issue.
. . .
Lewis Nixon, you’re beginning to realize, does not forgive and forget.
Well, that’s too bad, because all the other officers seem to think that he’s funny and charming. And they’re right. But clearly those qualities are not on display whenever you’re around. And you’re not about to ingratiate yourself to him by groveling for forgiveness over some stupid offhanded joke.
Too bad. Because you’re a big enough person to admit that despite his flaws, Lewis Nixon has his good qualities – not to mention that he’s handsome.
“Why are you staring at me?”
The sudden question draws you out of your thoughts. You blink, back in the present moment.
“You’re staring at me,” Nixon says. He doesn’t look up from the stack of mail that he’s censoring, intent on his work.
You avert your gaze, trying to ignore the heat you feel rushing to your cheeks. The words on the letter in front of you turn to nonsense the more you try to focus on them. If you work hard enough, you won’t be tempted to let your thoughts wander to the man sitting across the table from you.
“Here.” A letter lands on top of the one you’re reading as Nixon, once again, interrupts your thoughts. Startled, you look up to find him looking at you rather expectantly.
The letter he’s tossed to you looks familiar. It takes you a moment to realize that it’s written in your handwriting – a letter that you wrote to your family back in the states. When you glance up at him, he turns back to his own work.
“You spelled accommodate wrong. Thought you might want to fix it before sending it off to your family.”
Oh of course he would point out your mistake like that! Anyone else would have let it go. Your family will be so thrilled by the letter that they wouldn’t even give the misspelling a second thought.
The sigh that you push through your nose comes out louder than you expect it to. Nixon, however, doesn’t look up. Swallowing your pride, you aim for a tone that’s halfway pleasant.
“Thank you, Nixon.”
Is it your imagination, or does the corner of his mouth twitch slightly? A smirk, perhaps.
“You’re welcome, (Y/L/N).”
. . .
Though the world no longer trembles with the barrage of artillery fire, you keep your hands pressed firmly over your ears, staying low in the foxhole. Is it the cold causing you to shake, or the adrenaline that still courses through your veins?
You had been out making rounds when the shelling began, just trying to make sure that the rest of Easy Company was okay. The shellings are always unexpected, but this one caught you out in the open, exposed. You had had to dive into the nearest foxhole, hoping for the best as you hid from the explosions just outside.
Someone had grunted when you fell into the foxhole, your elbow connecting with their stomach. There had been no chance to apologize over the loud, cracking booms that filled the air.
After a shelling, there always seems to be a moment – a split second, really – of silence before it all goes to hell again. Then the calls for a medic will break out and everyone will jump into action, throwing around orders amid the screams and groans of the injured.
Now, as you wait for the few seconds of silence, you feel the person beneath you shift.
“Sorry,” you mutter, your arms shaking as you attempt to push yourself off of them.
“Christ,” a familiar voice grumbles. “My fucking ribs.”
Nixon’s voice is all the motivation that you need to push yourself the rest of the way off of him. Still full of adrenaline, you push yourself back on your heels, staying low in the foxhole, but ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
The Princeton man rubs his ribs. “You came out of nowhere. That really – “ He pauses, his expression shifting into one that you’ve never seen on him before as his brows furrow. Gently, he leans towards you. “Hey, (Y/N). Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine.”
“You look – “
The air splits in two as the second round starts. The shell must hit somewhere very near your foxhole, because the reverberations its impact sends through the ground cause you to topple forward, straight into Nixon.
Before you can even think about pushing yourself away from him again, something strange happens: you feel his arms wrap around you, drawing you in, close and tight, as the barrage continues. You bury your face in his shoulder.
When the second round ends, you both remain still, breathing heavily as you wait for whatever comes next. Only when it’s clear that the Germans are no longer firing do you pull away from each other. Neither of you looks the other in the eye.
“Sorry about your ribs.”
“Huh? Oh. They’re fine.”
Neither of you leaves the foxhole until absolutely necessary. And the next time that the Germans begin firing, when you somehow find yourself back in the same foxhole, neither of you seem to question how easily you wrap your arms around each other, bracing for the impacts and explosions.
The fog of war is a hell of a thing.
. . .
“Medic! We need a medic!”
The call is so unexpected that Nixon actually stops midsentence and turns his attention towards the panicked voice. Several others follow suit. After all, in the middle of Berchtesgaden, who would need a medic? It’s not like they’re in combat. And there’s nothing and no one around that should be putting anyone in danger.
Dick jumps into action immediately. Of course he does; he cares so deeply for his men – anyone can see that. It’s especially evident in this moment as he steps forward to intercept the panicked looking Talbert.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
“(Y/L/N) needs a medic.”
Despite his wishes, Nixon feels his heart skip a beat at the mention of your name. It’s because of the startling and unusual news that Tab is delivering, he tells himself.
“For what?” he asks at the same time that Dick takes charge of the situation, charging down the street they’ve been standing on, yelling out that he needs to find Doc Roe.
As soldiers snap to attention trying to find the trusted medic, Nixon moves closer to Talbert.
“What happened to (Y/L/N)?”
Talbert takes a step back, his eyes wide, like he’s being confronted by a madman. Sure, Nixon’s tone was a little demanding – a little worried – but there’s really no need for the other man to look so shocked.
“A couple of us were out exploring the woods,” Tab explains. “She caught her ankle on a root and tripped. Might be just a sprain, but it looks pretty nasty.”
“Where is she now?”
“We got her back to the house that she was quartering in – Hey! Nix, where are you going?”
Talbert’s voice fades behind him as Nixon rushes down the street. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he’s vaguely aware of people stopping to stare at him as he passes, his pace a barely restrained run.
Several shocked faces look up at him when he bursts into the house. He stops in the doorway of the living room, staring into where you are.
You sit on the couch, one leg propped up beside you. Other than the swelling in your ankle, you look okay – if not a little surprised, that is, to see Nixon gaping at you like this. For what it’s worth, the few Easy men who are scattered throughout the living room look just as stunned.  
“(Y/N),” Nixon breathes. Coming back to himself, he clears his throat, willing his heart rate to slow down to normal levels.
“Um . . . I think we should – we should maybe clear out, yeah guys? Give (Y/N) some room to breathe,” Babe suggests.
Casting glances between you and Nixon, the other men squeeze past him in the doorway as they make their way out of the house. Behind him, the door closes, but Nixon doesn’t move. Somewhere within the house, through all the silence between the two of you, a clock chimes to signal the top of the hour.
“Can I help you?” You finally ask.
“We’re at the end of the war.” Nixon’s voice, once again, is louder than he intended it to be. He clears his throat again before pushing on. “We’re at the end of the war, and you somehow got hurt.”
“I tripped in the woods. So what?”
“So what? I was worried about you!” The words are out of his mouth before they have his permission to be spoken. They’ve escaped before he truly grasps the gravity of what he’s just said.
You quirk an eyebrow – a rather sarcastic expression that he’s come to know on you, but your voice is quiet when you ask, “You were worried about me?”
He was worried about you, he realizes suddenly. And he’s been worried about you for some time now, though he can’t place when his feelings towards you softened, when he started to care.
“Yeah,” he admits. “I want you to get home safely.”
“Why is that?”
His head spins. Maybe you should have been put in intelligence, the way that you’re pressuring him for answers while keeping a collected tone. It’s exasperating, honestly, how you’ve somehow gained the upper hand.
But part of him . . . likes the feeling it gives him when the two of you spar like this.
Something tugs at the corners of your mouth. It might be a smile you’re trying to suppress, or one of the smirks that he’s come to know so well.
“Nixon, I think you’re very bad at expressing your emotions.”
He blinks. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” With your propped leg taking up the space beside you on the couch, you instead gesture to the chair that sits nearby. Without knowing why, Nixon takes a seat. It’s a bit like waiting outside the principal’s office, the anticipation of it all. “But,” you continue. “it’s kind of cute to see you so flustered.”   
You’re messing with him, surely. Yet he can’t find any sort of witty comeback.
After a moment of staring at each other, you nod with the assurance of someone who has finally made up their mind and is resigned to their fate. “I think it’s time I finally came clean.”
“I think you know. But just to watch you squirm, I’m going to start at the beginning.”
He’s heard you tell stories before. The two of you could be here for a long time.
But, he thinks as you start your narrative, he’s starting to realize that he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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pidgemotoiii · 1 year
Hot for Shuri pt 2
An: HEY THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE, (Why did some of my fav shuri writers like my story!! yall had me freaking out) it's really nice thank you so much. Sorry for being gone for so long I hope this makes up for it. Requests are open please send some in. If you want to send them that is.
Enjoy the fic!
Summary: It's shuri she's hot what else.
Warnings: Badly written smut.
Word count: 3.1k again
Oop forgot Translations: Used yandex translation
Bast, ndandingazi ukuba ungandincumela-I didn't know you could smile at me.
Ewe-angelo-yes my angel
Previously on ‘Hot for Shuri’
“wai-Wait how about you two have lessons here.” Is she serious? “I could buy some chairs and smaller desks and have them shipped by your second session.” She is serious. Riri considered for a bit, Shuri rocked on her heels waiting for her response. 
“Look, see you get two geniuses for the price of one.” If she only knew. Shuri couldn’t contain her excitement murmuring to herself that she'll place the order right now. You couldn’t feel any worse than how you did now.
A week has passed and it is now Wednesday. One day before you, Riri, and Shuri’s first tutoring session.
“Shuri- we have to talk.” Riri barges into Shuri’s office. It was four in the afternoon. Her walk is commanding and her fists are clenched. 
“Not now Riri.” Shuri’s face is in her papers, she is clutching a red pen. Her face is stone cold.
 A portable whiteboard with objectives for tomorrow stood opposite her bookshelves. Flash cards also sit neatly, there are a lot of flash cards. Two swivel chairs are positioned at Shuri’s desk and Riri took a seat. 
“Shuri, are you really mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you-” 
“Yes you are, you haven’t given me anything to do in the lab for the past week” 
“Aneka is also very capable of filing and using a screwdriver.”
“Shuri.” Riri pleads.  
“What now?” Shuri was becoming more agitated by the second.
“Shuri! I know you.” Riri tries to grab Shuri's hand.
 Shuri yanks hers back and slams them down on the desk. “Well if you knew me, you would have known I was helping her.” 
“Helping her?” 
“Yes, her. She's been sitting there and not doing anything, asking no question, I don’t want to fail her. If you were trying to help you could’ve redirected her to me.” 
“Why are you trying to stop me from getting my money?” Riri questions and takes an immense sigh as she rolls her head. Shuri chooses not to respond and continues marking her papers, head down.
“Well too bad. I'm sorry you’re so hung up on my client but I can't do nun' bout it, she’s paying me, and if you don't like me helping.” Riri paused, “Why’d you let us use your office, huh?” Riri’s face screwed up. 
Shuri finally looked up, and flicked her eyes up and then down. "Because.” She smirks.
Today is the day.
“Lia I'm sure it’s not that bad.” You drew out your voice. Your normal routine of picking Lia up from her two pm Basic Chemistry class is always a joy but today you have another engagement.
“Yes it is. I think she might have it out for me.” 
“I think you’re being slightly overdramatic.”
“No- I’m not. I know when someone is looking at me sideways.” When Lia got in one of her moods there was no dissuading her. You should go along with her for now. This time it was about her basic chem professor, allegedly; she's been making her answer questions when her hand isn't raised, taking half points off of her lab reports, and telling her to get off her phone more.
“So like a professor?” You had to remind her some time or later.
“I'm being serious- shut up, there she is.” The woman is really pretty, maybe twenty-six, her hair is in a high puff that’s slicked down, and her attire is suitable for working in a lab, with nothing flowing or too tight. 
Lia walked over to her and handed over a green folder. “Miss Pratt, here is my final draft for the different types of foodborne diseases.” 
“Thank you Miss Hamilton, I expect this is in a three prong folder and without your name on the lab report.”
“Yes ma’am,” Lia answered respectfully. Professor Pratt collected the report from her hands. As she turned back, Lia did a silent fist pump, and you quietly laughed behind your hand. “You are too much work, Miss Hamilton, I’m not your counselor but don’t let your friends drag you down.” Damn, you’re starting to see what Lia’s been telling you. Professor Pratt just nonchalantly flipped through her lab report. Lia gave her a very stink cut-eye, clenched her teeth, and pursed her lips. ‘Lia don’t do this please’ your eyes implored her. 
“Well, I don’t think you don’t have to worry about that, in fact- my friend has something to get to for a professor and you’re holding us up.” Lia was furious, her brow furrowed, her eyes were starting to water, and the metaphorical steam was rolling off her in waves.‘Subtly and Lia never go together?’  You thought to yourself. 
“Lia, Lia calm down, let's go, we spent thirty minutes here already. ” You whispered to her while rubbing her back in circles; Hoping to calm her down.
“Thanks, angel, it’s fine. You’re right let’s go.” You 'hmmed'. Professor Pratt glanced up from the lab report, she caught your eye with hers, though there was a feeling you couldn't place. You decided to give a curt ‘good afternoon’, Lia and you packed your bags and left. In the hallway, far enough from the lab, Lia said something.
“Told you, she was an ass.” Lia mumbled while sniffling.
“Hey-hey you could always make a complaint to the Dean.” 
“It’s not that serious, I'll be fine.” You gave her a hug sensing that she needed one.
“Riri!” Your fist knocked on her door rapidly. You started to twitch a little bit, shuffling from one foot to the next and sweat was gathering on your brow. 
Lia leaned over to you. “I mean you could come with me back to my dorm-”
“Why would she do that when she just got here?” You knew the accent anywhere. First day of class and you’re already talking about ditching. You hung your head low with shame, but it wasn’t too low to miss the shit-eating grin Shuri had on her face; Lia was no better than her. 
“Riri’s coming in a minute but I could get you started on something.” A faint ‘she gonna get you started on something aye.’  You decided to end this interaction here. 
“Bye- I have to do real work now.” You told her sarcastically. 
“Work, alright then” Lia rolled her eyes and strutted away.
“Real work?” Shuri giggled above you. You seemed to have forgotten why you were there in the first place. She’s just so wow, looking up at her is something that you should do often. For a moment Shuri’s eyes were glossed over but reanimated once again.
“There’s a test on the desk for you.” you gaped at her. 
“A test, already?” 
“Yes, a test that you need to do. It’s just a general quiz, see where you are and what areas we need to focus on with you.” You flipped through the booklet; it’s ten pages. Do all the multiple choices make it better? Slightly. You shuffle over to your seat and rest your bag down. Shuri glided over to you and set the timer to one hour, she also handed you a pen; you told her 'thank you'.
Fifteen minutes later and you could still feel Shuri’s eyes focusing on you. You felt really good about it, even clenching your legs together. She was posted up by the door, leaning against it with her hands in her pockets. A loud knocking startled her and interrupted your train of thought, which didn't pertain to the test at all. 
“Hey! Hey sorry i'm late! That differential equations class, she loves group projects.” Riri stormed into the room, commanding all the attention. 
“Sh!” She put her finger to her lips and grabbed Riri’s wrist, tugging her towards her. 
“What?” Riri whispered.
“She’s taking the pre-test-”
“When did we decide on that?”
“When you came late” Wow that ended the conversation quickly. Shuri accentuated her words by poking Riri in the chest at ‘you’ and ‘late’. You turned around to see what was going around for yourself. Shuri looked over Riri’s shoulder and mouthed to you ‘It’s fine’ and smiled; You returned a smile to her.
An hour and ten minutes have officially passed. Shuri and Riri are looking over your paper with rapt attention. Shuri puts your paper down and they take a heavy sigh. ‘This cannot be good.’ you say to yourself. Shuri decides to speak first. 
“Ok, we have a lot to do” she walked over to where you were sitting. “Circuits, thermodynamics and quantum physics, the rest I don’t expect you to know yet. Luckily, I caught you early so I could help before the class gets into more strenuous topics.” Riri rolls her eyes at Shuri’s boasting.
“I could get you started on the basics of circuits right now.”
“Alright that's fine.” You answered Riri. 
You take a labored sigh, ‘This is too much work’. Riri’s words morphed into one very long blurb. Something about a series, parallels, inhibitors, and switches. The absolute sight that is Shuri just blended into the background by the forty-five-minute mark. ‘Maybe I shouldn't have taken this class’, you can hear Lia’s smug 'I told you'. Regardless, Riri notices your lack of energy, and she decides that stopping for the day is the best plan of action. 
“So.. how was the class?" Riri asked.
“It was good, you didn’t rush or anything, just a lot of information.” You answered.
“That's good, I’m sending you some practice questions and diagrams.” Your phone made a familiar ‘bzzt!’ You told her 'thank you'. 
“Alright, imma bounce, don’t forget my money on Monday-” Riri took her bag and gave a short wave to you and Shuri. The door clicked shut, and that feeling came back. The warmth in your lower abdomen disperses throughout your whole body but loves to make a special home between your thighs. You close your eyes and take a breath to cool yourself down. Shuri looks at you inquisitively.
“You do know nobody get’s things right the first time around, yeah?” She looks at you from behind her computer. 
“Huh?! Oh-oh, the class.” She lets out a light giggle at your flustered-ness. Awe how sweet, she thinks you're worried about your performance (you are- but not at the moment). Her giggle grew into a boisterous cackle, and you were unsure whether you should join in. 
“I'm sorry-I'm sorry it’s just your face when I reminded-” She had to catch herself because of her laughing cutting up every word in her sentence. “When I reminded you of the lesson, your face just-” she made a downward motion with her hands. You were delighted to the fact that she found you funny but to the cost of your hornyness was an issue. 
“I promise, I won’t talk about the lessons after we’re done with them.” You gave her a ‘really’ look.
“I swear-” She was so close to you, you wondered if she somehow developed teleportation. Shuri was sitting on her desk, her cashmere pant leg almost rubbing against your arm. You decided to pull your head up so it doesn't look like you were staring at her crotch. Terrible mistake, the peak of her collarbone winked at you through the two unbuttoned buttons on her shirt.  
"So, what are we going to talk about?" a weak grin accompanied your question. 
"How about your friend? You guys seem cute." She gave an exaggerated nonchalant shrug. 
"Who? Lia? What, no, she's a friend, a good friend. Why ask though?"
"I'm sorry, Riri's just been-"
"Ah! I knew it!" You shot up out of your chair knocking Shuri off her balance. She fell with a thud against her desk, your hand on her wrist doing nothing to aid her fall. All you could do was laugh-her eyes widened. 
"Bast, ndandingazi ukuba ungandincumela." Shuri expressed sweetly while looking up at you while both of your arms caged her in. You immediately stopped laughing and jumped back realizing the compromising position you two were in. You checked your phone and it was six thirty!? Oh no, you snatched your bag off the floor mumbling a skittish 'I have to go bye!' The tension dissipated Shuri let out a weighty sigh as she got up and picked up her paperweights and pens off the floor. She buttons her shirt and shakes her head. 
As you sprinted down the hallway in the corner of your vision you saw Professor Pratt. You didn't know what the look was then but one thing you knew is that it was cold. 
"Good evening, Director Udaku."
You slammed your door shut, threw your bag in the corner of the room, and marched yourself to shower. In which none of your thoughts were consumed by Shuri at all. You ultimately flopped down on your bed after that exhausting day. Your eyes are heavy as lead, your pillow calling you to sleep.
You knock on the door, “Come, in..”, her voice groggy. She obviously didn't get enough sleep last night. The blinds were drawn slightly shut over the windows, minuscule fragments of light escaping. 
She’s at her desk, hunched over again, her head diving forward for the coolness of her desk. 
“Shuri..” you cooed, voice lilting on the last syllable, “Please at least close the computer”. Your heels clacked against the hardwood flooring like a metronome. Adding to the soothing haze you were unknowingly putting her under.  
You reached her, placed your hands on the desk, and bent over peeking at Shuri’s drowsy form underneath your eyelashes. Shuri's upper body sloped over, head now fully smooshed on the desk, her eyes closed and her hands trying to capture you with as much effort as she can. You being sneaky, you moved back, Shuri sensing your presence is not in immediate reaching distance; she pouts, pushes herself off of the desk, and flops dramatically against her chair. 
“Who knew Professor Udaku was just a child in disguise?” Your voice was coy, almost flirtatious. Her face scrunched, then morphed into a warm smile. You let out a sigh and began walking over to her briskly. When you got close to her, she spread her legs, and you ‘hmphed’ as you walked past her. She’s starting to pout again-
“Now Shuri stop that'', your sentence trails into a light whisper. Shuri’s chest feels heavy, she cracked her eyes to see you draped over her. Your hands rubbed her chest and your face nuzzled in her neck. 
“You have to stop doing this to yourself, at least for me please”, goosebumps littered her skin as you spoke. Your lips trailed up and down her neck, tenderly kissing her skin. Your hands now grazing the buttons of her white button-collared shirt. Shuri moaned softly, her right arm tugged at your left, and she tilted her head back allowing more area for you to kiss. Your right hand trailed down her shirt slowly unbuttoning, you could feel her abs, they clenched as you touched. Your hand grazes the belt buckle before stopping your ministrations altogether. Her knee jerked and her eyes shot wide as you giggled on the side of her chair. 
Her hair was a little roughed up and you could see the perspiration growing in between her brows. She tilted her head, “You think this is funny come here-” You’re trying to back away from her but your heels proved to be your downfall. It only took her two steps to pick you up and throw you over her shoulder. Those abs did not clench for nothing- She plopped down her seat and brought you down on her leg gently.
 “Let me kiss you properly.”, she was so demanding but who were you to deny her. She chased your lips with hers but every time she missed and you pulled away. Shuri was fed up now, she grabbed the back of your head and smashed your lips together. You moaned into her mouth 
“Shuri..”, she took that opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth. One of your hands that was around her neck slipped into the back of her shirt to unclip her bra. She ground her thigh along your clothed pussy, your slick seeped through your underwear and onto her pants. She trailed sloppy kisses down your neck to return the favor and unhook your bra but she barely managed to suck on your nipple before you interrupted her. 
"Wait-wait" you were breathless but you wanted to do something for her. She paused, she looked frightened for a second but she began to understand when you slid down her body. She's moaning unabashedly, the guttural sound she makes. It makes you want to kiss her and leave her breathless as she did you. Unfortunately, you have to focus on your job at the moment. 
You come face to face with her clothed mound, and you give her a kiss. You unbuckled her belt, she was more impatient than you, she nearly kicked a hole trying to get her pants off. Oh, you could see why she was so excited now-
"How long did you have that on?" You give her a coquettish grin from between her legs.
"Is it bad if I don't remember?" She peered down at you and gently thrust her hip into your face. You got the message but you bit her thigh as payback. "Unh-" She thrusts again, so you decided that holding down her hips was the best option.
You pull down her boxers with your teeth and watched them drop out your mouth and down her thigh. She's so wet, you plunge your tongue in her pussy. Licking her folds, swaying your head from left to right eventually moving to suckle on her clit for more stimulation.
"Agh- you're so filthy, I'm gonna cum, usana- usana- please."
You tilted your head back, your eyes crossed, and your chin glistened. As you caught your breath, Shuri stared at you-
"You want a picture?"
"Is it bad if I say yes?" you chose to ignore that as you mounted her again to kiss and let her taste herself. 
"Keep your eyes closed." she told you. 
"Ah" you moaned lightly in her mouth as you felt the buzzing of the vibrator against your underwear. 
Although when you opened them back to look at Shuri's glistening face, you were met with the ceiling of your dorm. You chose to scream into your pillow thanking every holy being imaginable that you didn't have a roommate. You decided to look for your phone and of course, it was between your legs. You put in the passcode.
Professor Shuri 
Hey I know I said nothing after ten but is this yours?
12: 46pm 
If it is you can come for it tomorrow after class.
Sorry to disturb you, good night. x
You left your wallet?! What would your mother think of you? Wait no 'x'?
An: Im back yall and I'm black yall (sorry not sorry youre lucky i didnt type the whole thing). I really hope you enjoyed the fic again. Hopefully yall will get that Riri valentines day fic in the week, might be short tho. :3 Imma figure out the masterlist soon and tell me if the 'keep reading' thing helps oke byebye
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theflyindutchwoman · 5 months
You know what I really wanna see in S6…
Exasperated Husband Tim Bradford.
Like that scene in season 4 when he’s like “how much coffee did you have this morning” and then Lucy rambles and he looks so done with life 😂
I want a redo of that now that they’re dating. And for Lucy to just be like “you love me, remember.” And he’s like “sometimes I don’t know why” but in a none serious jokey way
See, I'm a bit on the fence with that one. I'm all for Exasperated Husband Tim making its return… as long as it's written properly. Like when Lucy ran up to him to warn him she had signed him up for Make A Wish and forgot about it… That whole exchange Hi, don't hate me - What did you do? - No, you're supposed to say, "I could never hate you." was absolutely golden… So I could absolutely picture your scenario in that same vibe.
The reason why I'm a tad weary is that, sometimes, I feel like it comes across as a bit too harsh or to the detriment of Lucy's character. Case in point, the scene you mentioned - and this is, of course, merely my opinion! I don't mean to ruin this scene for you or anybody who liked it. And truthfully I can't say that I hate it either… Just that it made me uncomfortable. Lucy was arguing with Chris, trying to convince him to charge a 16 year-old boy as a minor, something that is important… Only to be dismissed as being overdramatic for the sake of having a comedic moment. Sure, she was amped up on coffee… But considering that she had spent the night doing research to help Tyler and that she was getting frustrated by Chris' lack of empathy, downplaying her efforts to make her the butt of the joke kind left a bitter taste in my mouth. Maybe because I have been in the same shoes one too many times, dealing with ADAs like Sandford… To be clear, it's not Tim's comment itself that bothered me as much as the context. It just felt too dismissive - and that was never brought back later. As a matter of fact, Lucy seemed particularly normal after that. And considering that Chris was introduced as an antagonist (at that point), having Tim side with him, even if indirectly, was quite the choice. In a way, it reminds me of Tim's comment about Lucy trying to make him do relaxation after his shooting and laughing with Isabel about it. It wasn't offensive per se… Just insensitive, I guess. If that makes any sense.
And I can't believe I answered you this seriously 🙈 So let me end this with : give me all the jokey Exasperated Tim/Fond Eyeroll Lucy!
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