#The Wardship of Others
inky-duchess · 10 months
Fantasy Guide to Wards and Fostering
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I get a lot of asks about wards and recently it's been a FAQ. So here's a quick guide to warding.
What is Warding?
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Warding was a tradition in which a noble it royal family would take in a child from another family to their home for the purpose of educating them and preparing them for adulthood or to protect their interests. Warding was seen as a big compliment to the family of the foster child, especially if the family that fosters their child is much higher ranking. However, warding could also be in response to the family's misbehavior and insubordination or in some cases their death. Warding isn't adoption. Warding does not entitle the child to inherit anything. They cannot inherit a place in the succession, they cannot inherit lands or money or titles.
The Ward
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The ward was usually a child of a lower ranking family, between the ages of seven to maturity at 16 or so. Wards usually had parents in which case the foster family was charged with the child's physical and educational welfare. The ward could return to their parents at any time either at their insistence or with the blessing of their foster family. Wards were raised alongside the host family's children as well as other wards. They were fed, clothed and educated by their foster family as essentially treated as part of the family. However, wards that come from unfriendly or rebellious families were essentially used as chips for good behaviour. If their parents or kin act up, they could be killed. Wards could also be orphaned. In this case, their foster father would have control their lands and money which is why an overlord would seek to claim warship over a vassal heir to ensure peace. Wards could also be adopted by family.
The Foster Family
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The family were nearly always higher ranking and usually had another motive other than charity for taking in the ward. Sometimes the child could be used as collateral against an untrustworthy family or sometimes they were prospective spouses for the family's heirs. It was the responsibility of the foster family to discipline, educate and protect the ward. They would be charged with teaching the ward all the trappings of their position from warfare to statecraft to etiquette.
Wards to Royal families
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In some cases, a ward might strike gold and be warded at court by the monarch. Wards would live at court but would be unlikely to be taught the skills by the monarch or Consort personally but would be provided with the best tutors. Wards could be brought in to be companions to the Royal children or in order to ensure their inheritances were not subjected to disputes if they were orphans or again, if their family were likely to commit trouble. Royal wards were always nobility but in some rare and extreme cases they could also be total themselves, usually of displaced and exiled families or as prospective matches to royal children.
Wardship & Women
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In some cases, an unmarried woman or a widow could be placed in the protection of an overlord or male relative in order to protective her interests. If a woman was the heir to a grand title or vast fortune and had no father or brother, the monarch or overlord would insist that a male relative or her overlord would take her in lest her claim put her in danger. Usually, it would be up to their host to arrange a match or aid her in brokering one herself.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 25 days
As promised: emduo-centric royalty AU with sad little child hostage ward Techno I can't stop thinking about.
Techno is the second son of a tiny kingdom. The kingdom is feared far and wide for its military prowess and the production of high-quality weapons. However, a lot of this reputation is hot air. Their numbers are actually small enough that a bigger nation could come and overpower them relatively easily if it really wanted to, and they do not hold any significant trade routes or harbors. It's solely their fearsome reputation that scares people off.
Or it used to scare them off.
Another (much bigger) nation led by King Dante came and took over, using overwhelming forces to their advantage despite their weapons and strategies being subpar. When they were done, Dante allowed the king and queen to keep ruling, but on the unspoken condition that it was actually Dante pulling the strings behind the scenes and every decision goes through him
Dante leaves some of his trusted generals in the higher ranks to ensure an eye is kept on everything, and as an extra insurance, he takes one of the princes with him. Obviously not the heir, that would be a scandal! But the second-born son would do just fine
Dante takes Techno in and to much of the outside world, they presume this is a wardship, as is common between allies.
When in reality, it's more like a semi-polite hostage situation.
Dante uses the military powers he has gained from Techno's country to quickly overthrow a few other surrounding smaller nations by aggressive, militaristic means. His reputation suffers for it, but that doesn't really matter when within a blink of an eye, Dante is ruling over the 'United Nations of Hypixel', one of the biggest countries in the world and thus a significant player on the political stage.
The other countries that remain are of similar huge size and a lot stronger than any of the smaller countries Dante trampled thus far though. And while Dante is greedy, he's not a moron. So he knows that going to war with any of them heedlessly would be a bad idea.
So he changes tactics. He sends delegations, he invites nobles and other royals, and tries to make diplomatic treaties. Maybe there's a little bit of assassination and blackmailing and information laundering and stuff going on too but shhhhh. No need to worry about that, Dante is proving he can play nice.
Techno, eight when he was taken from his home, remains at the court all the while.
To the outside world, he's living a cushy life as a prince. They only see a spoiled little boy who has everything he could ever wish for, lavish clothes and fancy food and servants helping him with whatever he wants. Little do people know that's only the image Dante wants to project, now that he's trying to play nice with other countries. The fine silk and heavy velvet hide the scars and bruises Techno gets from Dante and his generals behind closed doors.
Hell, even from the servants. Dante has made it clear he doesn't care how Techno gets treated by them, as long as they don't inflict permanent damage.
Others wouldn't know that those fancy public appearances are the only times Techno gets to eat proper food, and even then Dante will punish him if he eats too much during them. He can't appear greedy, after all. But Techno has been taught politeness. And how to decline courteously. He's been taught manners.
He's been taught how to obey Dante perfectly, and be a sign to others for Dante's goodwill.
Of course, anybody who would actually bother to investigate this with more than a passing glance could see that Techno is being horribly abused.
The problem is that they don't give it more than a passing glance.
The truth of the matter is that Dante has skewed the narrative enough to make Techno's nation seem like even more of a bloodthirsty, war-mongering one many people already believed it was. And Dante is merely the man who has leashed the feral beast.
They're allies now, and people don't like Dante, but they don't like Techno's family and the nation he came from even more. So even most outsiders coming to the court will avoid Techno when possible, or even regard him with disdain and mistreat him.
Commoners hate him for being royalty and being a symbol of the nation that caused so much war, royals/nobles from other countries hate him for his heritage, Dante and his men just hate him, period.
Techno can't catch a break.
His only hope is to wait until this is over. He's turning twelve in a few weeks. He misses home.
[Dante tells Techno that his parents don't want him back
Dante says that since he has secured his position enough and the game has changed, he doesn't really need a hostage anymore. But he asked Techno's parents, and they said they didn't care to have him back.
They were always rather cold to Techno, would always tell him he was an accident and the only son they needed was Billiam, Techno's older brother. The heir. It saves them the trouble of having to stage an 'accidental death' for Techno down the line, when his existence becomes a threat to the succession rights.
But maybe part of Techno had still been wishing they loved him.
Sometimes, Dante wonders out loud if publicly executing Techno would be a good move for his reputation; especially since people hate Techno's family so much.
If Techno shows fear at the prospect of death, Dante punishes him. So very quickly Techno becomes numb to that too.]
Techno doesn't really have anybody in his corner at this point. Until Phil comes to court.
Phil is the emperor of the Antarctic Empire, a nation far up in the north. The country is harshly cold and rather mountainous. It's also almost entirely self-sufficient, despite the strange climate it manages to completely feed its populace and provide its own resources. It barely trades with the outside world and since the borders are lined by a mountain pass on the south and oceans on all other sides, it doesn't see a lot of travelers. It is, for all intents and purposes, an enigma. Some people rumor it doesn't exist.
The country also manages to stay out of any foreign politics 90% of the time because of its solitude, so having the emperor come out himself for a summons is quite something.
[Dante send the invite not expecting a response. It was more of a formality, honestly. Because not at least addressing the Antarctic Empire would have been worse, in terms of what's polite. And he can't risk catching their ire.
Little does Dante (or anybody else) know, but the Antarctic Empire is very aware of what's going on past their borders, because of a spy network all official documents simply refer to as 'the crows'. So Phil and Kristin have been keeping informed on the fact that somebody was making The Next Big Nation (tm) and that it could spell trouble later. Phil came down to see what's up.]
Phil knows about Techno's nation/family too, through the crows. But Phil also has a very strict policy that boils down to "the crows are little shits and they lie". Or more accurately, Phil knows how to treat secondhand information and always takes it with a grain of salt. That's why when something truly matters, he goes down there himself instead of sending somebody to speak for him like most other royals do.
And thus, Phil is the first one who tries to scrutinize Techno's situation and ends up going "Hey what the fuck! this is not how you treat a child."
He knows the Blade family does not make allies, and that Techno is a hostage. Slowly he starts to befriend the boy, who is extremely reluctant to extend any trust, while also not pissing off Dante or starting a war. It's a work in progress, but Phil is a stubborn bastard.
His original intention is to get Techno back home to his family. Until he finds out the truth of how Techno is treated there too - the proverb 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' comes to mind, perhaps.
That's when Phil goes "free sonboy" and takes Techno home instead.
Slow bonding and healing ensues, naturally <3 (also I'll post a link to my drabble in the replies)
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
Rereading the Cleo and Bdubs fic in TTSBC and am curious about the line of being "in a somehow successful resistance".
I mean, someone had to have fixed Cleo's leg, and it sure as hell wasn't Bdubs. I wonder if there happen to be two other gutter rats who were hurt by the wardship program, one of whom has incredinly extensive knowledge of biotech augmentations, running around? 🤔
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
wdyt abt posts going around that say bruce is dick’s peer/friend/brother/best friend/etc similar words like that basically not “only” his son? asking bcs u said smth abt him being his dad in ur tags
id agree! i think how their relationship changes and develops is suuuuper interesting. keep in mind how young they were when they met — dick was eight, and bruce was in his early twenties. bruce was objectively not ready to be a parent. he should’ve been at the club
the same with tim, dick wasn’t adopted until later, and he also wasn’t looking for a replacement father figure. that happened later! what he really wanted was an adult he could trust wasn’t going to leave him, whether by death or other means, and obviously we all know how that turned out 🌝
while bruce was essentially his parent through his years as robin, id say neither of them ever consciously acknowledged it until much later. would bruce being a father betray john grayson? would that make others question how dick had been treated while living at the manor? bruce loving and wanting to protect this kid, then trying to protect himself from being hurt by kicking out said kid the moment things got hard… that’s rough.
i also don’t subscribe to the idea that like…. dick was bruce’s soldier but jason was bruce’s son. like that’s horseshit imo. if we’re going by the technicalities of wardship in the 1940s then sure, but in every other way dick is bruce’s first kid, while also being his friend/brother/emotional support eight year old. u can fit so much parentification in pre-teen dick grayson.
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP HC - Possessiveness in Ghost Psychology
While ghosts can have a similar psychological structure to humans, that doesn't make them the same.
For instance, possessiveness in humans is typically considered a bad thing.
For ghosts, it's natural & even healthy depending on the situation.
What I mean is, it's natural for a ghost to be possessive of someone & it isn't considered reducing them to that of an object or a pet. In fact, doing so declares that person as being important to the ghost, especially if the ghost formally stakes their claim. That is the ghost elevating them to a higher standard because the ghost felt the need to address it.
Now, if the focus of the ghost's possessiveness accepts & declares that they belong to the ghost, that is consensual. However, if the target rejects the claim, then it isn't. If the ghost continues to assert their claim against their target's will, then that is not healthy.
On the other hand, if the target not only affirms the claim, but then turns it around & stakes a claim of their own on the ghost, then it's not only consensual, it's reciprocal which is very healthy.
Though, affirmation & reciprication looks different depending on the specific relationship between the 2.
Now, there are some ghosts who would react badly to their claim being reciprocated & those ghosts usually are mentally disturbed. They are typically a product of the ancient world or old Ghost Zone monarch. For them, it was either possess or be possessed & the possessed were generally considered weaker.
More modern studies say that it's actually of great emotional & mental benefit to have a claim reciprocated.
In a way, it puts the 2 involved on more equal footing.
Staking a formal claim back to a ghost who'd previously staked a claim on you is actually considered a very sweet gesture. Like, it gives the warm fuzzies. Fluff. Many would trill happily at having their claim returned if the relationship between them is a positive one.
Keep in mind that these relationships don't even necessarily need to be romantic in nature. It can be totally platonic, philial, or familial, even rivalries & adversarial relationships can bring about a certain level of possession depending on their relationship itself. It just represents a deeper form of relationship. Many of these classifications are actually inspired by the Greco-Roman concepts of love. Such as Philia, Storge, Pragma, Eros, Agape, ect.
At the same time, there does exist a level of toxic possession that goes beyond what most civil & even uncivil ghosts are comfortable with. When it happens, it's sort of a mix of the Greco-Roman concept of Mania & the Japanese trope of Yandere. This sort of thing sometimes happens when either a person or love itself becomes a ghost's Obsession & they are unable or unwilling to regulate that Obsession. This Mania can be applied to any sort of relationship, whether it be romantic, platonic, or filial in nature. Though, it's usually romantic. This is somewhat what happened to Vlad.
At the same time, Mania can be treated, but only if the ghost recognizes that there's something wrong with their extreme levels of possession & chooses to seek help.
However, there is also a hierarchy of claiming pertaining to the sort of possessiveness it is. Adversaries get the least amount of possessiveness, while familial can range depending on the sort of familial relationship it is. For instance, filial relationships can sometimes elicit almost, if not as much, possessiveness as one's claim on a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/mate depending on the situation & the needfulness of such possession, though it's obviously a different kind of possessiveness. Immediate family & frightmates always require more protective energy than other types of claims.
I suppose that claiming someone is similar to declaring them part of your... family?? Or unofficial frightmates?? It's similar, but not quite the right translation for it. Adopting is also close. So is wardship, but neither really fit. I'm not even sure there is a true right word for it in the English language.
I suppose that it's like being a kept man or woman, but without the sexual or monetary implications. Replace that with general protection &... a certain degree of authority when pertaining to the individual's safety.
So... a little bit like frightmates, but not quite.
Like, Skulker & Ember are dating but they don't belong to each other, that isn't the sort of relationship they have, but Ember considers her band members hers. On the other hand, Kitty & Johnny are dating & do belong to each other through reciprocation, but Shadow just belongs to Johnny & has accepted the possession, but not reciprocated.
However, that's only on an individual level. It also stretches to monarchs & other leaders via right of rule & you can usually figure out what kind of ruler a ghost is by what kind of possession they have over their people.
It doesn't really have much of a logical reason by human standards, but it seems to be somewhat compulsory & even instinctive on some level.
Regardless of the form the relationship takes, possessiveness translates directly to protectiveness. When it doesn't then that's considered a form of abuse amongst the more civilized ghostly societies.
For instance, as far as rulers go, Pariah, Aragon, Dorathea, Frostbite, & Pandora all possess or possessed everyone under their domain. At the same time, Pariah's possession became unreciprocated & didn't equate to protection, Aragon's was accepted, but also didn't include protection. On the other hand, Dorathea's rule is first accepted, then reciprocated & always included protection. While Frostbite & Pandora's rules are both reciprocated & include protection.
Also, having your claim rejected can hurt a lot! Like, in your core. But, I suppose to ghosts, it's similar to the feeling of getting your heart broken as a human.
To belong to a ghost, especially amongst the higher possessions such as family & spouses, involves a lot of possessive language both when referring to you & directly addressing you. Like, there's a lot of them referring to you as 'theirs' & using words like 'my' something or other.
As for Danny specifically, my hc is that Danny is a tutelary, which is a protective spirit. Specifically, a Lar Praestite, which is a Greco-Roman hero spirit that protects an entire town or community. Thus making that town/community their haunt.
Now, before the ghosts connect the fact that Danny is a tutelary, then yeah, @dannyphantom-justiceleauge is right, they would see him claiming an entire town of people as greedy. After that, however? They’d be more like, “Ooooh… Yeah, that tracks.”
As far as his relationship with Vlad goes… It’s complicated… Vlad has staked a Storge-type claim upon Danny, which ya'll are correct, he didn’t reciprocate. However, unknowingly, Danny has instead staked an adversarial claim upon Vlad, who doesn’t reciprocate specifically because that isn’t the sort of relationship that he wants with the boy. So, their relationship sort of falls into a bit of a gray area as far as claims go. Like, it’s very apparent that they want some sort of relationship with each other; the disconnect is with what sort of relationship the other wants. So, the relationship is still pretty toxic, but it’s seen as this weird reciprocal toxicity that fits into a gray area as far as possessiveness goes.
Interesting thing, had Vlad not been a dumbass in the first episode & revealed his plan, Danny would’ve eventually staked a Xenia-type claim with Vlad as mentor & Danny as the mentee. Xenia being the guiding love of mentorship which is sort of a combination between Epithumia, Storge, & Philia. Which, Epithumia is a mutual liking of a skill or subject, but I think that it’s close enough to qualify in this situation.
As for him staking claims upon all the ghosts; I feel like Danny would stop if he knew & would become both embarrassed & uncomfortable, because having been born human, he'd initially see it more from the human perspective mentally (which says possessiveness = bad) even though as a halfa, he'd instinctively feel similar to other ghosts about it.
It'd cause some mental dissonance in him for sure until someone fully explained the whole thing to him in a way he could understand which could actually prompt Jazz to study halfa psychology, how precisely ghost & human psychology differs & how they work together in halfas. If for nothing else than Danny's own sake.
Hell, the final draft of this post could be Jazz's notes on the subject that she lets Danny look at.
DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
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fideidefenswhore · 11 months
So Anne Boleyn didn't want her nephew Henry Carey at court cause he was supposedly disabled? Just like Gregory, Borman turned a good thing Anne did for her sister into a nasty thing? What evidence does she shows for Henry being disabled, or Anne not wanting him around? And for goodness' sake, isn't it strange that some historians and fiction writers seem to hate Anne (like Borman or Weir) but can't help to end up writing about her, because, let's face it, ANNE BOLEYN SELLS! They must feel so bad for always having to return return to this woman they are so eager to portray as the Worst Human Being Ever.
Literally none, and I'm not even joking. There's no citation, no additional information or details, she doesn't even name this nephew so I don't even know if it's Henry Carey to whom she's referring, or one of the Stafford children (whose existence/survival remains disputed), or even the later Elizabethan priest, George Boleyn, dean of Lichfield, who has been erroneously labeled as the son of Viscount Rochford, George Boleyn(illegitimate at times, by marriage other times), Julia Fox has argued for the likelihood he was some distant Boleyn cousin, and I'm inclined to agree. The claim is dropped into a paragraph about the perils of childbirth to contextualize Anne's own potential fears as if from the sky:
Worse still, Anne's closest female relations had suffered an unfortunate history in this respect. Her mother had lost several babies in infancy and her sister, Mary, had borne a son with mental disabilities whom Anne would not suffer to be at court. But in her favour was the fact that her health was generally considered good, and as one observer remarked, she seemed 'likely enough to bear children.' --Elizabeth's Women, Tracy Borman
So...yeah, if who she meant here was Henry Carey, I have no idea what she's talking about, A, and B, this is the sole* "factoid" she chose to mention about their relationship? Not that she had wardship of him, not that she arranged for him to receive his education from the scholar she patronized, Nicholas Bourbon, alongside Henry Norris (the younger), Henry Dudley, and the son of Nicholas Harvey, her 'strong partisan' and the husband of her great friend, Bridget Wingfield...all signs which point to Carey being in Anne's favour. I have no idea if he was ever at court, but if there's no record of him at court while Anne was queen, does it not seem more plausible to attribute this to A) how brief that time was and/or B) that his mother was banished from court due to the marriage she had made without royal permission?
I just don't...know, with Borman, really? It'd be interesting to have the unedited interview footage from BSR because I was surprised how overall sympathetic she was towards the subject, honestly. And I can't speak to the new book, I haven't read it, but the PR push for it has centered around praise of AB as an individual, as to her character.
For Weir, I mean, she received the deal to do that fictionalized serial on the six Queens of Henry VIII, of course AB had to be included. If I'm being perfectly honest, I feel like everything she has done since Lady in the Tower has had this weird self-animus pushing behind it, guilt over having further popularized a figure she hates so implacably. Her original view ("a total bitch...she alienated so many people that that must be true") has been evident in all her subsequent works and interviews; from claiming in one in 2017 that there exists a letter extant in AB's own handwriting where she orders Lady Shelton to beat her stepdaughter (there isn't), to depicting AB in her latest novel as having been so ugly and "painfully thin" naked that it was an instant boner-killer for her poorest little meow-meow.
*I believe other sections of this book are dedicated to the Careys so hopefully she expands later...I can't remember if she does. So far in my current read she has not mentioned the wardship and it was in 1528 and the book is now in 1533, so....
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backjustforberena · 3 months
Rhaenys hoping that she will, at least, have Baela when she goes home with Vaemond's body, to possibly greet Corlys's dead one as well. A vain hope, given the betrothals, that the wardship will continue for a brief moment. For just enough time.
But Baela coming to her in the late evening, to tell her that Daemon has asked she go to Dragonstone and stay with them. That she's not even leaving in the morning; they're all going now. For how long? Neither of them know. Daemon hasn't said. Rhaenys knowing it's permanent, that the wardship is over. That everything is changed. That Baela is not longer hers, and that she never was - because just a word and she had been claimed back.
But not letting Baela know that. Agreeing with Daemon that it is for the best. More time to get to know Jace, more time with her sister, Moondancer will enjoy the company of other dragons, not simply Meleys. It is good. It is correct. Putting on a brave face, and saying she will see her soon. How soon? When? And in what state?
Rhaenys being left alone in her bedroom. A whole castle around her. But no family. No comfort. No certainty.
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whenireadyougettosee · 3 months
The Way of Kings Review
Hi! I'm Liz and I review fantasy books!
The Way of Kings can be incredibly daunting, especially for people who don't read much high fantasy, 1200 pages is a LOT. However, for fans of the genre, I think it's a must-read.
I'm sure fans of Brandon Sanderson know about the Stormlight archives along with the rest of The Cosmere. Personally, my favorite is his standalone Warbreaker, the magic system alone was enough to blow my mind and leave me thinking for months.
Now, to The Way of Kings.
The size of the book can leave to-be readers wondering if all 1200 pages were necessary. I believe it was. I was hooked on the plot from the first pages. Every point of view and plotline was interesting and immersive. The characters had so much agency and personality it's hard to pick a favorite.
From Kaladin's strong will and leadership to Shallan's creativity and cunning and the mystery of Dalinar's visions that expanded the world and lore of Roshar. The character-driven story was packed with action, trials, successes, and failures.
There were some moments in the story I found myself skimming. Notably: Kaladin's flashbacks. I usually find that I react this way to flashbacks in books. Though, I do believe that were integral to understanding his character and I'm glad they were included. It showed how he developed the loyalty he carries throughout the book, as well as the pressure he puts on himself to help others.
Kaladin's character is strong. He seeks to make up for past failures and naturally finds himself the "captain" of the bridge crew 4. He sees the other members of the bridge crew, enslaved and half-dead, and gives them honor and purpose. His natural loyalty is infectious. His crew is full of personality (though it may take a bit to show) and while reading their interactions I truly felt they were a family, determined to keep each other alive in hostile conditions and in spite of the light-eyed leaders trying to control them.
What I find sticks with me is Dalinar's development vs. the parts of his character that remain static, as well as how his visions change his actions. Near the end of the book, this development really shines and he has badass moment after badass moment. I respected his honor from the beginning, but seeing him put it to practice in such ways in the climax was great to see. It leaves me wondering how his actions will affect the state of politics and the war later on.
Shallan was a character that was constantly surprising me. She's inquisitive and funny, but throughout her point of view, there is always a deeper and maybe darker theme. Throughout her wardship I see her motives challenged as well as changed as she learns more about the world, philosophy, and the old magic.
I find myself itching to start the next book immediately. For anyone on the edge of starting the long and ongoing high fantasy series, I must recommend it highly. We'll see how the characters make due as the events of The Stormlight Archives unfold.
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Can i request some ficrecs where law comforts luffy after a nightmare/panic attack (and the other way around too)?
Hi there :D love your request! Here are some suggestions for you: Breathe by CheshireSense/ cywscross (T)
Luffy never told Ace, and he probably won't tell Sabo either, but he's never really liked fire. ~ Or, the one where even Luffy has his bad days. Law understands. -
anchors in darkness by Shishiswordsmann (G)
Luffy wakes up to a fist in his face. Written for 10 days of LawLu 2018, day 7: Light/Dark
Nodus Tollens by Camafeu (E)
After the battle of Dressrosa, Law deals with the feelings and memories Doflamingo's defeat inflicted. A journey about how a caged bird becomes free and has to remember how to fly again.
Dream a little dream of me by Ddugeun (Orphan_account) (G)
It wasn’t any secret Law had nightmares
Guardian by petiteneko (T) [Part 1 of Wardship]
Somebody had to protect their protector after all. (Zoro Perspective)
Dissentient by petiteneko (T) [Part 2 of Wardship]
Trafalgar Law wasn’t a lot of things. But the one thing he most definitely was, was a man in denial. But you’d never hear him say that. Instead, he’d just blame that damned Strawhat.
Trust by Orphan Account (T)
Definition: The StrawHeart Alliance.
-Mod Raiya
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tumbledrylowwest · 1 year
Queen Lucerra Targaryen’s children
The seventeen children of Queen Lucerra Targaryen part 1.
Corlys Targaryen Stark:
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(132 ac. 12th moon, 18th day- 219 ac. 4th moon, 30th day) 
Husband to: Ellaria Martell
Titles (in order of receival):
Prince of the Seven Kingdoms 
Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
Heir to the Iron Throne
Prince of Dragonstone
Advisor to Queen Lucerra
Prince Consort of Dorne
King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm
‘The Old King’
‘Four-years King’
‘Corlys the Steadfast’
Eldest son of Lucerra and Cregan, Corlys was named after his great-grandsire, he was the husband of Ellaria Martell, and fathered three children with her.
King of the realm from 215 ac to 219 ac, he has one of the briefest reigns in Targaryen history due to his mother having the longest reign in the history of the Seven Kingdoms.
Rickon Stark:
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(132 ac. 12th moon, 18th day- 216 ac. 6th moon, 21st day) 
Husband to: Jeyne Manderly
Titles (in order of receival):
Prince of the Seven Kingdoms 
Advisor of Queen Lucerra and King Corlys 
Warden of the North
Lord of Winterfell
Hand of King Corlys Targaryen Martell
‘Rickon the Stern’
‘The winter dragon’
Second born son of Queen Lucerra and twin of King Corlys, Rickon Stark was warden of the north following his father's death, he married one of his father's bannermen's daughters Jeyne Manderly, the pair had four children.
Always a mature leader, Rickon was an advisor to his family and the Stark holding Winterfell after his mother's accession to the throne under the wardship of his aunt Sara.
Sara Targaryen:
(133 Ac. 12th moon, 25th day.)
Stillborn dragon-babe daughter of Lucerra Targaryen and Cregan Stark, she was lost in a miscarriage caused by the stress of her family's return to the capital and the death of Aegon II.
Aegon Targaryen:
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(134 Ac. 11th moon, 15th day- 218 ac. 3rd moon, 12th day)
Husband to: Aemma Arryn
Titles (in order of receival):
Prince of the Seven Kingdoms 
Advisor to Queen Lucerra and King Corlys
‘Aegon the Keen”
Third-born, Aegon, was named after his late stepfather to appease any remaining green supporters, a charming child known for his wit and humour, Aegon was seen by many as the image of a prince.
He later married his cousin Aemma Arryn, daughter of his uncle Joffrey, moving to vale to support his wife and cousin in leading the eyrie after their mother's passing.
Cregan Targaryen:
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(135 Ac. 12th moon,  30th day- 215 ac 9th Moon, 12th day)
Husband to: Celia Tully
Titles (in order of receival):
Prince of the Seven Kingdoms 
Commander of the City Watch
Lord Consort of the Riverlands
Sworn sword to Corlys Targaryen Martell
'Cregan the daring'
Fourth son, Cregan stood to face no greatness as a boy, all three elder brothers' hale and healthy Cregan formed his own path as his brothers' protector, swearing his life to his brother.
Cregan led his family through small battles and civil wars, becoming head of the city watch at six and ten, ending his cousin Daeron's war in Essos in his mother's name, he married his wife lady Paramount of the Riverlands after returning.
Alyssa Targaryen:
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(138 Ac. 3rd moon, 26th day- 217 ac 8th Moon, 28th day)
Wife to: Aemon Targaryen
Titles (in order of receival):
Princess of the Seven Kingdoms
Crown Princess of the Seven Kingdoms 
Realm’s Delight
Advisor to Queen Lucerra
Master of Coin
Queen of Love and Beauty
Hand of Queen Lucerra and King Corlys
‘The Dragon bride’
‘Alyssa the Cherished’
Alyssa was the first daughter born to Lucerra and Cregan, long wished for by her mother, adored by the realm for her sweet soul and beauty, she spent all of her childhood at her mother's side, serving as her cupbearer in council meetings.
Alyssa long wished to be wed to her cousin Aemon, discomforted by the proposal from her other cousin Aegon, but Aemon saw himself as protector swearing himself to her defence by attempting to join the Queensguard, he was denied and was given permission by his aunt the queen to wed her dear daughter.
Alyssa also served nobly on the council as a woman, serving as her mother's advisor, master of coin, and hand after her good-father and uncle's passing, serving until after her mother's death into her brother's reign.
Rhaegar Targaryen:
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(139 Ac. 12th moon, 19th day- 215 Ac. 4th Moon, 11th day)
Husband to: Daena Targaryen
Titles (in order of receival):
Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
Advisor to Queen Lucerra
Master of laws
'Rhaegar the noble'
Sixth child and fifth son Rhaegar was a twin as well, Rhaegar was always close with his cousin Daena, sharing a wild personality as children, Rhaegar was friendly to most and standoffish to those he felt unworthy.
In their older years, Rhaegar was taken with Daena to discover she had been sullied by a man she would not name, Rhaegar married her swiftly to both of their joy and raised the bastard as his own son, naming him Daemon in honour of his twin and Grandsire, he was never told the boy was born due to his cousin assaulting his wife in a drunken state.
Daemon Targaryen:
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(139 Ac. 12th moon, 19th day- 217 Ac 8th Moon 20th day)
Husband to: Laena Targaryen
Titles (in order of receival):
Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
Advisor to Queen Lucerra and King Corlys
'Prince of the Tides'
Master of ships
'Daemon the willful'
Twin to Rhaegar, Daemon was also wild in his youth, he was a natural dragon rider as were most of his siblings, the last child before a gap, Daemon spent his youth as the babe of the family.
Daemon married his cousin Laena Velaryon, spending most of his life at Driftmark with his cousins, he was a valiant warrior and excellent swordsman taking after his father.
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wonder-worker · 8 months
What is remarkable, however, is not the amount of land Alice (Perrers) received passively as gifts of the king, but that she actually acquired the majority of her estate through her own initiative. Of her total landholdings, she independently obtained forty-three manors and twenty-seven other properties compared to the twenty-five manors and twenty-five other properties she received directly from the king. In terms of cash outlay, Alice spent an impressive £3,360 purchasing just fourteen properties. Moreover, because a large number of the lands from the king were granted as part of wardships, the number of manors therefore represents a much smaller number of individual grants. In contrast to this, each of Alice’s own acquisitions generally encompassed only one or two manors and associated properties at a time. Many of these lands were not held or acquired by Alice directly. Instead, she employed the legal mechanism of enfeoffment-to-use, whereby a select group of loyal men owned and disposed of the property on Alice’s behalf, taking the profits to her use. This process could be extremely complex, and in theory meant that the landowner could avoid feudal incidents from the crown and loss of land through forfeiture. Undoubtedly aware of the vulnerable position she would find herself in following Edward III’s death, Alice used enfeoffment-to-use on no fewer than seventy-eight occasions to either acquire or transfer property. Unfortunately for her, however, the greatest testament to Alice’s use of this device is the fact that the terms of her forfeiture were specifically expanded to cover property held in this form, something which set a precedent for all future parliamentary forfeiture and attainders. Although Alice undoubtedly used her position as Edward’s mistress to her advantage in these transactions—in terms of both influence and resources—this proactive, independent, and intelligent acquisition and management of her estate is, therefore, nonetheless remarkable for any individual, male or female, of her time.
-Laura Tompkins, '"Edward III's Gold Digging Mistress": Alice Perrers, Gender, and Financial Power at the English Royal Court, 1360-1377', "Women and Economic Power in Premodern Courts" (edited by Cathleen Sarti)
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inky-duchess · 6 months
hi! i know that GENERALLY it would be an honor for a noble family to ward a royal, but in the following circumstance would it? + would the answer change any with a duke vs a count?
basically, this (fantasy) kingdom's inheritance laws are that if the reigning monarch dies before the heir turns 12ish, instead of a regent being appointed the consort will become the new monarch (unless, of course, the consort died first, in which case a regent is put in place for the heir).
so what happened was that the reigning queen died and her husband took over. if it makes the question simpler this all happened in the first place around the same time she died so i think it would be reasonable to just consider the consequences as if this were the direct family of the reigning monarch.
the queen had a cousin (for the sake of clarity theyre nonbinary in a society where thats accepted) who was AFAB and married to an AMAB nonbinary person. they cheated on their spouse with a man (definitely a member of nobility, i am unsure of the details here?) and had a bastard daughter. for various reasons it was Impossible that the daughter was the child of the actual married couple.
so, 1: assuming the death of both the mother* and father (2), and that the mother*'s spouse refused to take the daughter in, would a bastard child related to the royal family such as in this situation be considered an honor to ward? if not, what would be the general attitude?
and 2: would it be acceptable to execute the cousin & their affair partner? i have other ideas i can go with if not
for sake of clarity also: again, fantasy world, so things dont match up to the real world 1:1, but this is maybe around late medieval/early renaissanceish?
*mother as in person who gave birth but thats clunky and i felt the sentence would get too complicated
sorry for the. Super long ask. and thank you for your time !
They would not be considered royal. They would have royal blood of course and some privileges but they are not royal. It would still be a sign of favour to be trusted with their wardship.
Yes, they can get executed but imprisonment for life is always an option.
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amethystfairy1 · 3 months
Man its been so long since ive commented on a fic, but damn. At first, i mostly read the fh and scarian TTSBC fics but ive honestly gotten so damn invested in all the characters and their storylines.
Ive never been interested in treebark as a ship before, and honestly this fic (and the others in this series) truly made me reconsider. i still dont think ill go out looking for more treebark fics, but the ones you post are an exception. honest to god, yours is the only series that has gotten me really invested in naturewives, soupgroup, treebark, zedango, papa pix' & his lil fam, and doc/etho. if that doesnt say something about the writing quality of your work, i dont know what does.
i love your writing and your series. youre doing super great my guy, and i hope you remember that next time you feel down about your work<3
and a question, aside from ren and lizzie (and the birb trio and bdubs lol), do any of the other people in the "undercity hooligans" friend circle actually have parents/family? or are most of them orphans too? is there an undercity orphanage where all the funky lil creatures go? if not, maybe doc n etho should get on that ;) sounds like a... "fun" retirement job for the compulsive adopters to have when they find people to take their places(*ehem* tango and fwhip *ehem*) in a few more decades or so, of course haha
Thank you thank you!!! 💖
I'm so glad I've gotten you invested into all the other little ships and family units running around! I am so honored you think my writing is worthy of such high praise!
The rest of the 'undercity hooligan' friend group, huh? They're a mixed bag, a lot of them do have parents/families, some of them are raised within a clan system that's unique to the under-city or their subspecies, we will get into their individual upbringings as we get to know them all better and worldbuild out the undercity!
As far as the orphanage thing, there is still the wardship program through the undercity lab! Except now that it's under Doc's leadership, it's actually doing what it should've always been doing, which is taking in/supporting/educating abandoned/orphaned kids...that doesn't mean there aren't still a lot of gutter rats, and the labs can't support them all or even manage to round all of them up...it's still pretty rough. As we keep saying, the undercity has claws, and just because the labs are under better leadership doesn't mean everything has changed. 😓
I think Tango is little too busy spontaneously combusting over his new texting buddy Zedaph to consider adaption at this point. Fwhip is still a loose cannon working for the mafia so who knows what he's thinking 😆
Thanks so much for your kind words and for coming by!
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The King's Wives (II)
Summary: After the fall of Robert’s rebellion, Rhaegar’s surviving son would be raised in secret as a bastard for the first fourteen years of his life. Six years after finding out the truth, Sansa travels down south to join him and complete his group of seven wives - representing each Region of his Kingdom. Slowly, they become a very happy family. A.K.A.: Jon may get seven wives, but Sansa gets six sisters. Main Pairing: Jonsa Minor Pairings: Jon x Arianne Martell, Jon x Margaery Tyrell, Jon x Mya Stone, Jon x Alys Arryn (OC), Jon x Asha Greyjoy (platonic), Jon x Myrcella Baratheon (Platonic) WC: 1.9k words Warnings: Fluff. Canon divergence.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Jeyne crossed the room with her sewing box, placing it on the top of her chest of fabrics, knowing too well Sansa would be using her free time at the trip to continue with making her new clothes.
It was the day right after her 18th nameday, and she was already leaving home.
For six years, she had prepared herself for this, for the day she was going to leave her home and marry Jon, and become his wife.
Maybe even his Queen.
Her parents didn’t want her to leave so soon, but father had already delayed her marriage for far too long. Jon was already married to all six of his wives now, and they were all waiting for her to arrive.
Yes, six wives.
It still turned her stomach, thinking about having to share him with so many women. She wished Jon had waited for her - she wanted to be the first one! - but by the time he was 15, he had already wedded Arianne Martell.
The other wives came through the years, she heard about the weddings from letters he sent Robb.
His wedding to Arianne had a lot of dancing and display of power from both the Martells and the Targaryens. The one to Margaery Tyrell was the second and still the biggest, with three days of partying, and so much luxury she had almost wanted to be invited.
She couldn’t, though. It would be an insult to show off one wife to the families of his other wives and brides. It made father really sad, though, because she knew he wanted to be there for Jon. No one knew how much he would be missed until he was gone. He was an important part of the family.
His third wife had been Mya Baratheon, Lord Robert’s bastard daughter who King Rhaegar had legitimised, as Lord Stannis’ daughter - the only legitimate Baratheon child in existence - was even younger than Rickon, no more than a little girl. Their oldest son would be marrying Shireen, to unite the families. Their wedding was very traditional and small compared to the previous two, but apparently, it was something the bride had wanted. Her uncles were present and were seemingly happy with everything.
Jon married Alys Arryn just half a year after Mya. It was the only wedding that happened in the bride’s home. She was the Lady of the Vale since her father - Lord Jon Arryn, the one who had fostered her father - died, as she was his only child. King Rhaegar had agreed to let him go there, to have a wedding with the local traditions. When he came back with her, a council was elected to assist Lady Alys rule from afar, until their oldest son was old enough to go back to the Vale and rule it.
When she heard about his wedding to Lady Asha, the year after he married Alys, it was not through letters but through Theon's rage. It had happened on one of the beaches of the Capital, which had been cleaned spotless just for that. He wasn’t invited, even though he was her only brother, and was overly frustrated that Jon had shown his respects to their god - the drowned god - by having the ceremony in its traditions. Father had explained that Theon couldn’t go because of his wardship, but Sansa imagined it still hurt.
Apparently, it had taken so long because his bride wasn’t very enthusiastic about it.
His last marriage so far was half a year ago, and it was what worried Sansa. Jon’s sixth wife was Lady Myrcella Lannister, the only living child of Lady Cersei Lannister - Lord Jaime Lannister’s sister and a widow - and just turned fifteen, when he was nineteen. According to Robb, Jon would have waited for it for much longer, but when it was arranged by her uncle, Lord Tyrion, he had insisted it happened already, as the girl had recently flowered.
She could only imagine how much it had hurt Myrcella to leave home at such a young age.
Sansa wondered if Jon had bedded her. She hoped he hadn’t though, that the South hadn’t corrupted him to the point of taking the innocence of such a young girl.
She hoped he remembered she was just as young as Arya…
The thought of her sister was interrupted by the sound of her door slamming open and revealing her, looking very annoyed.
“I can’t believe I can’t go with you!” Arya nearly screeched.
“Arya…” she sighed.
“Jon is our family too!” she argued loudly. “We should all be able to go!”
Sansa was going South alone, with just her father and Jeyne as her company.
It wasn’t a malicious decision. Everyone knew Jon still saw the Starks as his family, and that it annoyed King Rhaegar very much, so father had made that decision to keep any jealousy or rumours of them being favourites at bay
Yes, it hurt a little. Sansa was the one who wouldn’t have her mother and siblings to see her wedding date, when every other wife had the chance of having their family members at their wedding.
“We have to trust father and his decisions,” she affirmed, though a little gloomy. “You know that.”
Arya tilted her head, interested, and stepped closer to her.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
She sighed.
Over the last six years, Jon had written letters to almost everyone. He wrote to father, told Robb about his marriages through letters, and wrote to him almost every month. He wrote regularly to Arya, Bran and even sent a gift to Rickon once.
But he never wrote to Sansa, never sent her anything to show her he remembered her.
“Jon never wrote to me,” she confessed. “Have you ever noticed that?”
Arya shrugged, and Sansa crossed her hands on her lap, watching Jeyne just glancing at the two of them before continuing her packing.
“When I learnt I was going to marry him, I was so excited to marry a prince and be like the princesses in the songs,” her lips curled in a sad smile. “I don’t even know if my prince even wants to marry me.”
The agreement regarding Sansa’s wedding to Jon was that she would be representing both houses Stark and Tully and their lands as she married Jon. She was going to be his last wife, he wasn’t marrying anyone after her.
Honestly, she doubted she was really going to be his Queen like he had promised to Robb, in secret, that time. He had been married to his first three wives for over four years now, they were probably his favourites already. Sansa had heard about Princess Arianne’s wit and Lady Margaery’s beauty for a long time, she wasn’t going to be the dumb girl thinking he was going to be impressed by her, out of all people.
“Why wouldn’t he?” Arya asked. “You are you!”
“He has six other wives, Arya!” she reminded her. “Have you ever heard of Arianne Martell? People literally say she is the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms!”
Her sister rolled her eyes.
“No stuck up princess holds a candle to you!” she affirmed, firmly.
Sansa scoffed.
As if.
Her sister looked down when Lady nosed her hand, looking for pets, and Sansa smiled a bit.
“At least you have Lady going with you,” she scratched behind her wolf’s ear.
There was a knock on their door, and Sansa stood as it opened slowly, revealing her father.
“Everything is ready,” he told her. “It’s time to go.”
Sansa nodded, and before she could say anything, Arya wrapped her arms around her, silently squeezing her, so tight Sansa could feel the words she couldn’t quite say.
“I’ll miss you too,” she whispered, kissing her cheek and caressing her hair gently.
Her goodbyes were relatively quick. There wasn’t a lot she could say to her siblings, and just a little bit of time until everyone would be crying and too emotional, she didn’t want that.  So, she kissed their cheeks and promised to write to them, and boarded her carriage before she could start crying herself, sitting with Jeyne, with Lady on her foot.
She didn’t look back until Winterfell was just a dark blur.
. . .
"The King's Wives" was posted on my Patreon back on June! To read the full story before anyone else and have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month!
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une-sanz-pluis · 8 days
Despite the strength of his claim, the anti-Lancastrian groundwork laid by his uncle and namesake in Wales, and his close family ties to the rebellious Percys, Edmund remained oddly inconspicious in the broils of the first quarter of the century. To be sure, his name does surface from time to time, as in the treason case of 1402 involving the Welshman John Sperhawk, who had the misfortune to repeat a rumor he had heard from a certain tailor's wife of Baldock to the effect that the present king was not the true son of Duke John but rather was born to a butcher of Ghent and that the earl of March was in fact king by right. That is the year in which Mortimer's uncle and namesake joined in coalition with Owain Glyndwr, explaining to his tenants his support of Richard if he were alive and otherwise of his nephew as "droit heir." In 1405 Edmund and his brother figured in a bizarre kidnapping attempt in which they were to be abducted from Windsor Castle, apparently to become rallying points for anti-Lancastrian activity, probably with their uncle Edmund in Wales. As late as 1415 one of the options supposedly entertained by the Southampton conspirators against Henry V was (according to Richard, earl of Cambridge's undoubtedly coerced confession) to have had the earl of March "into the lond of Walys … . takyng upon hym the sovereynte of thys lond. " Nevertheless, Edmund's uncle and Richard, earl of Cambridge, and most of the other high-echelon conspirators who mentioned his name, tended to treat Edmund, not as a first conspiratorial resort, but at best as a fallback should Richard really turn out to be dead and no good impersonator present himself. This effective neutralization of Edmund's claim was accomplished in part by the brilliant machinations of the Lancastrians. In a move that conveyed multifold practical and psychological advantages, the newly crowned Henry IV promptly took the young Edmund and his brother Roger into his personal custody. Practically speaking, Henry controlled their extensive lands and rents, and the patent rolls for 1399-1413 abound in his awards of sergeanties, stewardships, custodies, and wardships to Henry's loyal followers. At the same time Henry gained psychological advantage by treating Edmund less as a prisoner than as a child de- pendent; Henry was generous in his annuities (ranging from three hundred to five hundred pounds yearly) and, in the years prior to the attempted abduction of 1405, even boarded the two brothers with his own younger children.
Paul Strohm, "The Trouble with Richard: The Reburial of Richard II and Lancastrian Symbolic Strategy", Speculum, Vol. 71, No. 1 (1996)
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fideidefenswhore · 3 months
This King's predecessor had a revenue of some 400,000 ducats, and whilst I was in England, the present King, what with new taxes, and these wardships, and by other means, may have increased this sum to 700,000 ducats, of which Secretary Cromwell was and is in great part the author; and now lately by these annats, and by the church benefices which he has absorbed, that sum will have been doubled; so at this present his annual revenue amounts well nigh to a million and a half. This Cromwell was a person of low origin and condition; he is now Secretary of State, the King's prime minister, and has supreme authority.
'Venice: June 1535', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 5, 1534-1554, (London, 1873) pp. 23-28. British History Online.
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