#Support The Creatives
8pxl · 3 months
PSA: Tumblr/Wordpress is preparing to start selling our user data to Midjourney and OpenAI.
you have to MANUALLY opt out of it as well.
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to opt out on desktop, click your blog ➡️ blog settings ➡️ scroll til you see visibility options and it’ll be the last option to toggle.
to opt out on mobile, click your blog ➡️ scroll then click visibility ➡️ toggle opt out option.
if you’ve already opted out of showing up in google searches, it’s preselected for you. if you don’t have the option available, update your app or close your browser/refresh a few times. important to note you also have to opt out for each blog you own separately, so if you’d like to prevent AI scraping your blog i’d really recommend taking the time to opt out. (source)
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ihhfhonao3 · 8 months
Romanticizing reading fanfiction with 100 hits. Romanticizing commenting on fics from seven years ago. Romanticizing giving kudos to a fic with three hits. Romanticizing reblogging someone’s fanfiction post from two years ago, giving them the first note on that post. Romanticizing saying in the comments “I hope there’s a chapter two, this was so good!” On a fic posted in 2013
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blue-eyed-author · 7 months
Writing rule:
Every character who speaks gets their own paragraph. If two characters are talking, each time they switch you must create a new paragraph.
Do not add more than one characters’s dialogue into a single paragraph or it will be too confusing for the reader.
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greenieflor · 2 months
Hey maybe a group of creatives deciding that they want control over their content and don't want to waste time and resources begging for ad revenue is like. A good thing
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eliotbaum · 8 months
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The Hidden Isle Kickstarter is now live!
Don’t miss out on preordering a new TTRPG played with Tarot cards 🌊
The Hidden Isle is a pen and paper RPG that uses Tarot cards instead of dice, set in the 16th century on the secretive island of Dioscoria. It focuses on roleplaying and collaborative storytelling.
This is a game about swashbuckling adventures across Europe and the Middle East, stealing forbidden texts from oppressive regimes, protecting an island of outcasts using ancient magic,and toppling empires with just the right speech at just the right time.
It will run for 30 days, until October 28th 2023.
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jgmartin · 5 months
writing tip #3255: the fewer the fucks given, the better the writing. get out of your head and onto the page.
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jomeimei421 · 1 month
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Felt a bit nostalgic watching RT shut down…Here are the og faves again for old times sake 💙
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borderlinebelle · 2 months
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Cool, me too.
I’m assembling a community of like minded humans who can relate to the feeling of their own flesh+bone matter constantly contending with their sentient consciousness in a bid for power and control over their decisions and emotions… and/or humans who love other humans who continuously battle their own prefrontal cortex and endorphin creators for a bid at happiness…
come… rest here, weary traveller. find out more below ⬇️
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delivered in a clear & chaotic voice of authenticity, my content centers around conquering challenges made into marathons by, often times common, mental health symptoms.
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i didn’t explicitly reveal in the video… but I lived with a rotting tooth in my skull for months until it finally fell out of my jaw, months after my first botched root canal. 🙂
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this new editing style for the 2nd video is going to land so ✨wildly✨upon your retinas…
i wanted you to FEEL what I feel and understand what those closest to me experience when I bang their lines with a new story of hardship overcome, as friends often do 📱🧠📱
unexpectedly entertaining & a true visual representation, a reflection, of the way I often perceive and process information and life😵‍💫
EPISODE ONE… was the prototype
for a fleshy & meaty ep 2: TAX TORMENT
(because it IS and ISN’T that serious) 🫠
I also fought a bug i guess… because spring sprung all up on me…
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You can support the channel by stubbing & turning on notifications so you’ll know when my new video drops. I really really appreciate your not being a jerk about the ad, thanks.
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verkomy · 3 months
I often see people asking "is the idea I have unique and interesting?" and I think the most important thing is — is it unique to you, is it interesting to you? does it make you happy? does it bring you comfort? is it inspired by things you love and cherish? if so, that's the only thing that really matters because it doesn’t have to be good for the whole world, it has to be good for you. so create, tell stories, inspire, be grateful for other creators and respect their work and if what you do has a part of who you are in it then it will always be unique.
and just look at you! you created something with your own mind, the ideas came out of you and you put it on paper with whatever skill and experience you have at the moment and it will only become better with time and practice! you made it! cherish it!
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 month
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IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL by Kim Taehyung
for @magicshop
cr. qdeoks
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freakdoodles · 4 months
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Love, Death and Rollerskates by @spadillelicious been rotting my brain for a while now and I'm obsessed with it and Sun
The babygirl in my heart
Early valentines drawing maybe? Whatever this is I had a blast drawing it and will probably draw more in the future. The story and characters are just chefs kiss
Thank you for this unhinged sun
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digital-chance · 10 months
i wanted to send people asks about their wips and ocs more often. not only to promote them but also because everyone makes really cool stories. the sheer amount of detail and work that people put into their projects is amazing but often gets untold. and i wanted to start learning about them and trying to promote it to the best of my ability.
i sent out a bunch of asks yesterday and i want to do more. i dont want to intrude or be weird though so i wanted to get a list of people who would like asks.
reblog this if you would like to recieve asks about your wips/ocs a couple times throughout the week.
or you can comment to be put on the list.
CLOSED AS OF 8/16 8:30AM. any more requests/reblogs will be appreciated but ignored.
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kathaynesart · 6 months
in the time of the holiday special, do the boys all still have their ninpo?
They do! In fact this is pretty much the height of their Ninpo strength. Remember this?? This is where they're at right now!
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We'll get to see some of this soon. I'm really excited to dive into more of their abilities. Got some ideas on how their powers have evolved that I've yet to see utilized within the fandom. Like... what ELSE could Mikey do other than just use chains to throw things? How else could Leo use portals both defensively and offensively? It's a fun puzzle to ponder. I just hope I can do the upcoming action sequences justice because I really... really... don't do them ever. Pray for me.
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bklily · 1 year
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Harveston was a very fun event (that I really wanted to post about before lmao life got in the way)
I never expected this wacky group of individuals to have such a fun dynamic but then again, such is the nature of TWST innit
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pharawee · 3 months
Yoon Phusanu my beloved never disappoints and has indeed hired a gaggle of lawyers to go up against Y.Entertainment.
You can watch his whole press conference (with English subs) here.
It includes highlights such as:
Yoon would like to be fairly compensated because he has to provide for his family. His family are seven cats. He's brought pictures.
He's now officially gone freelance and Y.Ent are no longer allowed to use his name.
Yoon hasn't been paid in a very long time, even though he's tried to negotiate and reach an agreement. He's tired of having to run after his money.
He's "only" owed about 100.000 baht (~2.555€ / 2772$ / £2,192) but Yoon's lawyer states that this is a systematic problem and lots of actors in Series Y (Thai BL) aren't fairly compensated. Several actors have reached out to him personally. He also says that he doesn't put blame on the companies because Series Y is a very competitive field. Still, young actors should be careful about who they work with and stand up for themselves if they aren't treated fairly.
They're showing pictures of Yoon's cats again. Yoon has to provide for them, after all:
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Yoon doesn't have acting work lined up right now but he's actively looking for new projects and is in talks to join a new agency.
I'm not sure if this only affects Yoon or the other actors who are owed money by Y.Ent as well but apparently the cut-off date for payment was 11 March. He was offered money after that date but didn't take it because he already knew that he wanted to terminate the contract. Apparently, he had been with Y.Ent for over 4 years and the contract was supposed to be a six year contract (I'm not too sure about this one since the subs are terrible and so is my Thai lmao). Because he's been with them for so long, the whole thing pretty much blindsided him.
Yoon's mother is supportive of him acting in Y Series.
Many other Thai BL actors have talked to Yoon about being treated unfairly and he wants to spread awareness about that.
Apparently, Y.Ent never stated a reason for not paying him. They only told him that he'd be paid at a later date.
Yoon's lawyer says that he has every right to sue but for now he only wants to negotiate. He again urges young actors to thoroughly check who they're working with.
Yoon is asked if this disagreement will cause him problems with other companies down the line but he says that he doesn't believe it will negatively affect him as he's trying to solve the issue peacefully.
Yoon's lawyer again says that actors should read their contracts very carefully. Some contracts don't give the actors any rights but only duties. They might then have to hire a laywer to be able to break contract.
Yoon then says that sometimes he wasn't sent the script before filming and when arrived on set all he'd be given was an old brief that he'd already read. He was then asked (by other crew etc) if he'd practiced his lines which of course he couldn't. This embarrassed him.
The lawyer also adds that there is often a discrepancy between the number of episodes in a series and queues for a shoot. I'm guessing that he means that the actors won't realise that they actually have to work more hours for less money (since compensation seems to be based on episodes rather than hours worked?). This is very difficult to renegotiate and almost no actor in their 20s can afford to settle this in court.
This isn't the first time Yoon has spoken up against the mistreatment of himself and other Thai BL actors in the industry and I'm so glad he has the means to stand up for himself when so many other actors obviously can't.
Fans are so quick to blame bad shows and weird behind-the-scenes stuff on the actors themselves when in reality it's so often due to mismanagement and mistreatment. Imagine not even having a script on shooting day (yes, I'm aware this is common practice in soap entertainment but these are rookie actors without the experience and support that seasoned soap actors have - also in this case it seems to have surprised even the crew on set). No wonder things were awkward in Unforgotten Night. Do you really think actors who don't have a script get to practice and negotiate their intimate scenes together?
And judging by what Tor Atagorn has spoken up about recently (and many other actors have alluded to in the past) this is only the very tip of the iceberg, with young and inexperienced actors deliberately trapped in contracts that they have no way of getting out of on their own.
Yoon's lawyer urged young actors to be more aware of who they're working for in order to better protect themselves. In a similar vein, BL watchers should ideally be more aware of whose shows they're watching and what companies have a shady track record.
If nothing else, do it for the cats! These actors have children they need to provide for, after all!
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