#Suicidal Awareness
ur-battdoll911 · 7 days
alright, time to talk everyone.
Okay, this is probably be long, but i need to tell and spread awareness. a little tthing can go a long way. my friend Izzy haas servere depression and anxiety, so shes not in a good place in liffe at this time since shes also suicidal. theres this girl named Makayla (the white blonde one, not the black one, @itzmariellecade knows who) and shes what we call a, "friend". see, Izzy loves her like always, she loves all her friends, but the thing is, Makayla has made her cry 3 times, all for bad reasons. Makayla also hated by most girls in the 6th grade, and since everyone loves and knows Izzy, ord gets spread quickly. and i'vve spoken to what we'll call the victims of Makayla and they all seem to have one thing in common. they all have a mental disorder that makes life harder. Makayla claims she has had it bad, and me and Cade are starting to question if shes lying or not. she claims to be adopted and that her mom is a drug addict, which i could see, but 8 siblings? and she procceeds to add to the story, and shes lied so much that im starting to question if this is all real. so, shes bullied a ton of people, a lot of girls have grown to hate her for how she treats people, so that means that most girls i have met seem to actually hold a grunge. and so, on wendsay, Makayla said that we were leaving her out, which we werent and you know what happened? Izzy started sobbing. i dont care if its just a few words, a little something can go far. i have attachment issues, but the one person i havents found myself defending is her. i'll probably say more soon, but you all, be careful for what you say and do, a little goes far
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pinkiewitchcraft · 9 months
To all depressed and suicidal black people:
As one myself who struggles every single day and feels like I’m always being ignored and treated like some kind of “disease” by society, I see you, I hear you, I acknowledge you.
It may seem like nobody else is listening, that nobody cares, but I want you to know that I care, and I refuse to be quiet. Nobody deserves to be neglected. NOBODY.
Your mental health matters. You matter. You are black and mentally ill and you matter. Always.
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disabledopossum · 11 months
Suicidal people deserve a safe place to talk about their suicidal feelings. Without thinking they could be put in a mental hospital. That fear is so real and so many can’t speak up due to the fear of what might happen.
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Some things that I've noticed as a suicide survivor at 6 months since I went to the grippy socks hospital:
-feeling incredibly guilty when those dark thoughts pop back up
-feeling like you 'didn't deserve' to go to the hospital because your situation wasn't as bad as others
-being terrified to drink tea again because that was how you took your old meds
-wanting to talk about your experience but not knowing how
-being angry that you didn't get the help you needed while staying there
-whenever you see the book you read while staying there, the memories flash back in your brain and you feel sick
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g00fy-g00b3r · 5 months
Har har har har harr.. *casually makes a really personal and disturbing vent post that I should probably be worrying about instead of posting it to strangers because it might make them uncomfortable*
TW! Mentions of suicide, gore, and other messed up shit
If you feel uncomfortable with any kind of venting leave now I want to ensure safety and please don’t worry about me, I love you and stay safe <3
Im so fucking done with myself I just want somebody to break into my house and gut me while I sleep I want to choke or just die in general I’m so fucking tired of this messy shit going on in my life there are so many changes going on and I can’t handle it it’s giving me so much anxiety and I can’t find my razor I’m so goddamn unhappy I need a break I want to kill somebody but I also want to die but I don’t I’m so fucking mad what’s the point of me dying everybody dies anyway I know I’ll never have a successful future just kill me already I’m so mentally drained and tired I’m treating my friends and parents like trash even though I love them am I really lesbian I’m so invalid all of my scars have faded I can’t find my razor and even though I can use pencils I won’t bleed and I won’t feel invalid oh god why am I here am I a boy am I a girl I don’t fucking know help me please
Stay safe ML
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pho3nixdawn · 8 months
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September is Suicidal Prevention Awareness Month! Help your loved ones if they go through it or a stranger. Help each other out.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
If you struggle with substance abuse but not addiction, you still deserve support. If you struggle with suicidality/self harm urges but don't act on it, you still deserve support. If you struggle with psychosis and paranoia but have insight, you still deserve support. If you struggle with anything but are "coping with it," you still deserve support.
You dont need to be in imminent crisis to get help - safety planning, harm reduction, resources, and accommodations. You're still struggling. You're still suffering, You're still at risk/in danger. You deserve better - you need better. Your health and wellbeing matters.
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hello followers, mutuals, anyone
I felt a need to make this tonight and to share it, even if it only impacts one person
This is a sign to keep moving on
To anyone who needs this, please keep going. Ya life can be horrible and I know it's hard but keep going please.
Sometimes we can be right around the corner to a new beginning.
Please keep going. If you ever want people to talk to this is a good place. Let your followers know because I'm sure lots of them care about you, even if you don't have that many.
If you want to reach out to me I have dms open so feel free even if you just need someone to talk to for a few minutes.
I love you all. Please, please, please, keep going
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lemainestudio · 3 days
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April is SA Awareness Month - revisiting this dress from last year and the meaning behind why I made it
link to post
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ur-battdoll911 · 1 month
tw: about suicide and self harm
I lay here tonight, tears in my eyes. emotions. would she be gone? was she a brave soul who would take their life? i wishh i could help. i dont know how. they're a person i hardly know. yet, i love them so. i can only imagine the blood tickling down them, or their cold pale face. i hate that image. i wish people saw how much it could affect someone else. i could never do it, but that dosent mean my mental state will be okay. if they do see this before they pull the trigger, i hope you know that you are amazing. i'll miss you. i'll miss talking. i dontt say this a lot but... i love you. thank you for everything. you'll never know, but you made me beam when i was mad, or sad, and you helped cope with my emotions. i hope your happy in the afterlife. if you can, will you visit my dreams? and can you tell me if heaven and hell are real? these are my last requests. goodbye....
(poem called "Suicide", in honor of @likeadeadbattery who has posted that she would take her life on Friday. although i wish she wouldn't do it, i cant and wont stop her, since she has her reasons. i wish her luck and i hope she can change her mind, but i wont ever force her. i hope she knows she plays a big part in my life, and has made me happier then ever. - Jenna Droter or @ur-battdoll911)
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pinkiewitchcraft · 9 months
A reminder to depressed and suicidal black people:
It is okay to still be positive, and to encourage positivity, even if racists try their damndest to make you feel miserable and regretful for that.
It is okay to spread kindness even when racists hate you for existing. That’s their problem. Not yours.
It is okay to still find happiness even when the world tries to take that away from you. Snatch it back and hold onto it with all your might.
It is okay to still find contentment and hope and joy in small things, such as flowers, little bugs, leaves, the soft golden rays of the morning sun, the little dew drops on flowers and leaves as they wake up to another day, and dogs walking by, even if you feel like giving up. Even if you feel like this is the last straw.
It is okay. You are allowed to feel happy and content. You are allowed to be kind. It is right. It is rebellion. It is important. Many people will still hate you for existing in the “wrong” body but don’t let them keep you from doing what you want to do.
Being black and happy is the most rebellious thing that you can do. So be a rebel.
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cherry-bomb1985 · 12 days
I feel like The Father and Hell both understand and experience love in all the worst ways.
The Father sought to create a life form that would follow and love him unconditionally. It wasn't enough that he had a great cosmic kingdom of angels who are unquestioningly loyal, no, he needed something that knew suffering and mortality and the threat of oblivion, and would still find love at the end; love for him above all else. But after numerous implied failures at that, in his desperation, he instead created the threat of eternal damnation to force them to love him in order avert that fate. Lucifer's words must have been like a splash of cold water, but by the time he realized sheer magnitude of suffering he had unintentionally set into motion, it was too late. He could not destroy Hell; he could not stop the cycle of violence.
That guilt drove him to seek a death that, from the looks of it, eluded him in spite of the hollowness consuming him. And now he is... somewhere, helpless to stop his experiments from consuming one another and themselves in a glorious show of blood and violence.
And then there's Hell itself, who seems to recognize love as an act of violence and cruelty. It is something that derives joy only from the suffering of other living creatures. God gave it so many toys to hurt and break and reform, and Mankind gave it new ones. Why would it understand love as anything but? It gave Minos a facsimile of the son he is most ashamed of, and delighted when he cast it, once more, into a labyrinth. Gabriel flattened all the souls within it's confines beneath his heel and gave those that did bend false hopes.
Now there's V1, tearing its way through the remaining layers and creating a spectacle of violence like nothing Hell has ever witnessed before. How could it not love them all for all the entertainment they've provided?
But deep within its recesses, hidden away from the eyes of Heaven, there was a Gutterman. A machine built for war, who eventually came to love that which it gave it life at the cost of their own. Enough to give the human welded within their coffin the mercy that both Heaven and Hell had denied them; enough to write a single love letter to them, even knowing that it would never be read by its intended recipient.
So, as things turn out, you /can/ teach a machine to love. And they will understand and experience it more sincerely than God or Hell ever could.
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TW sewer slide ideations/a plan/ED
People who have SI or a plan do not usually want to die. They want their pain to end and that's the only way we can think of to end the pain. Read All The Bright Places, it has so many good quotes that help explain suicidal people's thoughts. We don't think about anyone else. We truly think that our existence isn't valued by anyone so that's why we say things like "don't worry about it" or "you don't have to be nice" or why they won't even talk to someone about these dark thoughts because of how some people feel about sewer slide(which is completely valid. And we never want to put our lives in another person's hands. We never mean too. We understand that some people have severe trauma surrounding this topic)
Please be safe. I love you. I won't blame you if you feel you need to leave. But please try one more time if you can.
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moonlit-positivity · 3 months
Feeling suicidal?
Small things that can help:
Make your space safe. Remove any dangerous items & ask someone safe to hold ur meds etc.
Soothing soundscapes like rainforest, beach ambiance, etc. Even calming screensavers on YouTube like bubble aquariums and rainy moods, etc.
Vent, talk it out, cry it out, sleep it out
Angry yelling, into a pillow if you're concerned about noise
Allow yourself to feel bad. Nothing good comes from keeping it bottled up inside.
Music, art, dance, hobbies, distract with coping skills that engage ur body too
Soft blankets, teddy bears, comfort items
Allow your body to express it's pain. Cry, shake, shake ur shoulders, flail your arms, punch the air, stomp ur legs, scrunch up ur face in pain. It is okay to move! It is okay to make noise! It is okay to stomp around and pretend to be in a tantrum! This actually helps your body release pent up emotions! If ur worried about looking silly then find a private space to try some of these out.
Allow yourself to be destructive in other ways, like ripping up some old clothes or tearing pages out of a magazine
Normalize your feelings. You're not a bad person, but if you feel like you are then that's okay too.
Go outside, or look out the window
Remember that all emotions pass. This moment feels so big, and that's okay. It's gonna pass.
Simulate touch to your nervous system. Butterfly hugs (place a hand over your heart and lightly tap), self hugs, weighted blankets, hold comfort items to your chest. Something to signal to ur body that ur safe.
Leave sticky notes of encouragement around ur house. Ur favorite affirmations, words you really wish someone would say to you, and maybe some reminders that you are safe & strong & capable & you're gonna be okay
Moodboards, vent art, visualize and express your pain (can be gory & explicit. It's your pain, express it however you need to)
Think of yourself as being sick with a cold. You need a blanket and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. What kinds of things can help soothe you while you're feeling this way?
Big things that can help:
Make space for what you're going through
Learn how to say "no" to other people's bullshit more often
Talk about the bullshit that's dragging you down more often
Learn how to notice things that make you explode inside
Make the effort to commit to a hard change even if it's gonna be hard & ruffle some feathers
Even if those feathers "support you", even if you love them, even if they're your family or a close friend, if they're causing you more harm than good then it's time to let em go
Accept your current position. This means to stop denying & pretending that you're not feeling pain. There is no need for you to keep "sucking it up" until you're fucking dead. Accept that this is where you are so you can start to move towards a safer space.
Adapt a policy of genuine honesty with yourself and everyone else around you
Make an effort to complain a lot more than you do now, preferably in safer spaces that can support & hold space for you. That's actually gonna help you figure it out for yourself.
Be more selective with who gets access to your time and energy
Cut the dead weight & loose ends
Allow yourself to grieve and mourn a helluva lot more than you do now
Allow yourself to express your anger and disappointment at the world & the bullshit you've had to endure
Find ways to give back to yourself
Find ways to restore your faith in yourself & in humanity
Cultivate yourself a safe space
Prioritize safety, healthy communication, mutual respect, consent, boundaries, and self compassion
Dig in deeper with yourself, your thoughts, feelings, & emotions and start validating & finding ways to be more tolerable of yourself
Learn how to take a break when you need it
Find ways and inspiration to keep you going through the darkest moments
You are worth the effort. You are worth the effort to prioritize yourself, you are worth the effort to prioritize your health, stability, & peace of mind. Things aren't gonna change overnight, and these feelings of hopelessness may be too largely overwhelming to move by yourself. You've gotta start somewhere though. Baby steps. One foot in front of the other. You will get there.
Hope this helps 🌸
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strangleetomz · 7 months
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poorlittleyaoyao · 29 days
Taking screencaps of the Unexpected Meng Yao Mention was going to take too long, so here's the scene in full! It encapsulates several changes that the drama makes to the chronology and the character dynamics! NMJ is the active force behind his and MY's separation in CQL; rather than MY incapacitating NMJ and fleeing to escape punishment for the captain's murder, NMJ straight-up exiles him with no trickery from MY involved whatsoever. While NMJ is upset about this, it was his choice/moral obligation, so he doesn't appear to bear MY any ill will over it.
Given that lack of ill will, it makes sense for him to inquire how MY is getting on with the Jin clan even at this juncture... EXCEPT! Except. He didn't send MY to the Jin with a nice recommendation letter here. He fired him and sent him packing with an actively bleeding stab wound! Drama NMJ really thought--or really told himself--that not only would an injured MY make it to Lanling in the first place, but that the man who personally kicked him down the stairs for existing would hire him even after he was banished from another sect. He really wants him to be alive and thriving!
JZX's bewildered reaction to his questions drives home just how ridiculous that prospect is, and you can see NMJ go through it. No, his father was never going to accept him; even his awkward half-brother who doesn't even know him can tell you that. Yeah, stab wounds kill people, like JC pointed out on the day of the exile! Drama NMJ is confronting the fact that MY might in fact be dead, and this hurts him.
Once JZX exits, the scene cuts to JC sadly holding Suibian as he and JYL cry about missing WWX. That transition seems deliberate!
And then in the scene after that opens with WLJ, frightened of the WWX in her nightmares, overhearing WC complain:
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Don't worry, da-ge, he's fine. :)
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