#Sinclair brothers Headcanons
loveandmurders · 11 months
Hiii 🥰 I saw ur Sinclair daughter fics and there so cute!
And I was thinking what If Lester was her fav like she is always following him when she was young and liked to wait for him to come back from ‘ work’ and stuff like that. How would the brothers react? Idk i thought it was cute man ( And if ur not writing or taking asks so feel free to ignore )
Hello love! Thank you so much for your kind words and request! <3
I hope you'll enjoy this <3
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of murders, angst & fluff.
As a baby, you always wanted to be in Lester’s arms.
If you were with one of the twins, the instant you would see Lester, you would want him more than anyone else.
No need to say it was hurting Bo and Vincent quite a lot. But they never said anything because Lester’s eyes always lit up in such a happy way whenever you were asking for him.
He had never been anyone’s favourite so the idea that he could be yours was brightening his whole existence.
When you were crying, he was the one who could appease you.
More than once, the twins found the two of you sleeping on the couch. They hated how adorable you looked together and they were always careful to not wake you up.
No matter how jealous they truly were.
As a baby, the twins could easily “kidnap” you from Lester to spend some time with you. But it started to be a lot more difficult when you learnt how to walk and hence be more independent.
You were literally glued to Lester’s side, always holding his hand or staying upward by leaning on his legs.
You were often on his lap when you were watching TV all together or when you were eating.
Lester took you with him to errands and to find road kills.
The twins weren’t too happy, but at the same time they agreed it was safer for you to be with Lester than being around when tourists were there.
They all wanted to keep you away from the mess Ambrose could be and the best way was with you staying by Lester’s side. You were of course completely oblivious to what was going on.
As you grew up, Bo wanted you at home more often so he could teach you how to be the future head of the Sinclair family.
Vincent also started to teach you how to read and to write, and to do maths, and all the basic knowledge you would need in your life.
The twins, and especially Vincent, had always been better at school than Lester so they had this advantage: they were better teachers than their kid brother.
But at the instant you would hear Lester coming back home, you would forget about anything else and ran to jump into his arms.
He always chuckled and brightly smiled at such a warm welcome. He hugged you every time and kissed your pretty face while you were giggling.
Vincent tried very hard to not show how jealous he felt. He was happy his brother was loved that much but he also wanted you to be that demonstrative with himself. 
Even if he didn’t want to admit it, he was “glad” you were acting like that with Bo too. He would have been completely heartbroken if he was the only one who wasn’t being loved by you.
Bo had a lot more difficulty not being rude to Lester because of this. He was a lot harsher to Lester and was always finding something to blame him for.
Lester wasn’t stupid and he knew why Bo was acting that way, even if he never called out his big brother on his behaviour.
No one ever said anything to you because they all wanted the best for you.
But the twins were quite worried that one day you would want to just live with Lester at his own place.
But you never asked for such a thing because Ambrose was your true home.
And more than once, you asked Lester why he wasn’t living with you all.
The twins were more than happy to use you to convince Lester he really should live back in Ambrose. In the end, he agreed for you.
The twins thought it was really the only silver lining for you being so in love with Lester.
One day, as you were a young teen, Lester sat you down. It was the only and last time he had been that serious with you.
“Y/N” he started “Can’t express how blessed I feel for all the love ya ever gave me. And I love ya too. More than absolutely anythin’ in this whole world. But ya need to give a little bit more of that love to Vincent and Bo too” he told you
You had been very surprised and you tried to deny having a favourite.
But you knew you were more easily arguing with Bo than with Lester. You were also starting to spend a lot less time with Vincent.
Lester was fully aware of how the relationship between you and the twins was slowly getting damaged. And he truly didn’t want that.
He wanted his family to be happy. He wanted things to be peaceful.
“What do ya wanna me to do?” you asked Lester
“Ya good at drawin’. ‘M sure Vinny’d be happy to create somethin’ with ya from time to time. Ya could ask him how to sculpt wax. He’d be thrilled, and ‘m sure ya’d’ve a great time too” he advised and truth be told, you thought it would be nice too. “For Bo, don’t argue that often. Hug him whenever he comes back from the garage, kiss him goodnight, call him father and sometimes ask to help fix a car with him. He’d really like that” Lester continued and you could see how it would indeed make things better with Bo.
“But I like to be with ya the best” you whined and Lester tenderly smiled at you
“Me too, baby. But we’re a family and everyone deserves your love here” he replied “ya get that?” he hummed and you quickly nodded
The next day, you actually kissed everyone good morning, which pleased the twins, as they often had to ask for it.
In the afternoon, you shyly knocked at the basement door and asked Vincent if he could show you how to sculpt wax and maybe do a little figurine together. You really didn’t expect the masked twin to be that excited about it. He instantly dropped whatever he was doing to settle everything you both needed on the kitchen table. You had to admit you enjoyed sculpting a lot more than you thought. You both lose track of time and you didn’t even hear Lester coming back home. He watched Vincent and you from the entrance of the kitchen, with a little smile, before you noticed him and jumped into his arms. But instead of asking to do something with him, you told him you really needed to finish the sculpture first. Lester sat at the kitchen table and watched Vinny and you happily bonding.
When Bo saw this, as he came back home at the end of the day, he wasn’t certain if he was feeling even more jealous or if he should be hopeful that you would also like to spend time with him soon.
Lester tucked you to bed that night and told you how proud he was and how an amazing baby girl you were. You enjoyed the praises a lot, and you had noticed how tender Vincent got with you, and you also liked that.
The next day, you knew you had to spend some time with Bo even if he was the one you found the most difficult to be with. It was quite hot that day, so you prepared him some lemonade and you brought it to the garage. You weren’t often going there so when Bo heard your little footsteps, he was quick to move from beneath the car and worriedly ask you if everything was alright. You realised at this instant how much you were cared for. You nodded and smiled “Thought ya’d be thirsty” you gestured toward the drinks. Bo smiled back and he sincerely thanked you. His smile only widened when you asked him to show you how to fix a car and to teach you the tools’ names and what they were for.
You were far from stupid so you noticed how relaxed and gentle Bo got with you at the end of the day. He even carried you on his shoulders back home.
You also noticed how the twins seemed in a better mood around Lester and you understood that showing he was your favourite was breaking your family apart. And you didn’t want that.
You slowly learnt to find a form of equity between all the men caring for you. And things were really going better.
As you grew up, Vincent helped you to enhance your art, but also to quietly kill people. Bo showed you how to drive and to fight for your life. Lester taught you how to follow tracks and to look innocent.
And even if Lester would forever be your favourite, you managed to get the three brothers completely wrapped around your little finger.
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its-monster-mash · 1 year
Sinclair Brothers Headcanons - Angst
I’m fresh off of a House of Wax rewatch and I come bearing headcanons
• Self-Appointed Eldest Brother
• Suffers migraines as a result of the separation surgery, but no one ever considered the side effects Bo may have faced since he wasn’t the twin who was left visibly scarred. This is why he had the meltdowns he did as a kid.
• Taught by his mother that the migraines are a punishment from God for being an awful child.
• Since he grew up being told how awful he was, he has a skewed moral compass because he feels like if he’s Bad no matter what he does he may as well do whatever he wants. In a strange way, he feels good when he does bad things because he feels like he’s doing what’s always been expected of him.
• Fights fights fights. His dad being a “Disgraced Doctor” and his mom going insane(and also having a strange job before that) kids made fun of his family a lot. This, of course, extended to Vincent.
• Beat other kids bloody for picking on Vincent—when he finally got caught, it was the first time he was ever treated like he did something GOOD by his parents; so he learned that being violent was A Good Thing™️ as long as it was to protect the family.
• Didn’t like Vincent going anywhere without him because how could he protect him if he wasn’t there?
• Especially after their parents died and the town started falling apart, Bo felt like it was HIS job to protect his brothers.
• Hurt that Lester doesn’t want to live with them full time; he feels like it’s something personal against him.
• He doesn’t mention Lester when he gives his speeches about ‘The Sinclair Family’ not because he’s got anything against him, but because deep down he knows that someday they’re going to get caught. He knows there’ll be no getting out of it for him and Vincent, but he hopes that the less he implicates Lester the more likely his baby brother is to be spared The Chair.
• Always used to feel like it would be any day that they’d get caught, and he used to want it. Years ago he used to feel like getting caught and having Ambrose make Headlines would be the culmination of their mother’s dream. Now, he’s just tired of it all—it’s a chore—it’s Vincent’s whole life’s work. Bo no longer wants to be caught, he just wants to hold on to what he’s got left.
• Bo is Autistic, but he’s had to do so much masking because nobody cared about his needs. He’s got a lot of rituals he does every day, involving counting all the Wax Sculptures in town, and making sure all the air conditioning is running several times a day for fear that the wax will melt. He thinks he doesn’t have a talent like Vincent does, but he’s actually an incredibly skilled mechanic who can fix just about anything with the barest of supplies. He just never got any praise for it, so it felt like it didn’t count.
• He attends his mother’s Funeral Service every Sunday.
• So much religious trauma. Fervently believes that God is real and he hates him personally for some crime of his birth. This man believes everything his mother ever said. Christian in the “I will fistfight God in the Parking Lot” sense, the “When I die I hope I get the chance to scream at God for being a shitty Father before he sends me to Hell” sense.
• “Why would you make me this way?” Religious Trauma.
• “A Pleasure to Have in Class”
• He actually CAN talk, he just doesn’t prefer to because he’s self-conscious about the way he sounds due to his deformity, and also as a result of the childhood trauma of watching Bo be abused—it was safer to be the Quiet Son.
• He’s Autistic, but flew under the radar because most people assume he’s non-verbal due to his deformity. He’s EXTREMELY specific about the kind of material he puts on his body, and he actually prefers the way his clothes feel if they’ve got a film of wax on them.
• Wax is as much a special interest for him as it is a lifeline. His art made his mother “love” him, so he poured his all into it. She made him feel like that was all there was to life for him—now it’s just about all he knows.
• He’s EXTREMELY pretentious about his art and his process—it has to be absolutely PERFECT or he hates it. If he’s interrupted during a bought of creative mania he will sulk for a week. If he’s not good at a new skill IMMEDIATELY he hates it—which is why he cannot cook.
• Very much a “You Wouldn’t Understand” artist. “Nobody gets me.”
• The reason he doesn’t put as much care into HIS mask as he does his sculptures, is because his body heat coupled with the heat from his workshop makes the wax too malleable to hold the fine details well, so he’d just rather not bother. He made a detailed mask based on Bo’s face exactly ONCE, and it pissed him off so badly when he kept losing detail that he destroyed it himself just to have a little peace.
• The detailed mask actually hurt his feelings more than seeing his bare face, because when he first made it it looked “Like he should have”, but it was never perfect because of the way his body heat would soften it.
• Absolutely furious whenever anything happens to his art—doesn’t check as often as Bo does because he once saw a rat crawl out of a hole it chewed in the eye of one of the sculptures, and the resultant smell of the open rot made him vomit on the spot.
• Enjoys killing more than Bo does. He doesn’t really care about hurting people—that part isn’t a thrill for him, but he does prefer strangers to be dead. He’s so used to working with dead bodies that it’s much more peaceful for him if people who AREN’T family just die. Sculpting on a living body is a special Hell reserved for “tourists” who vandalize his art.
• He is well aware of how over-protective Bo is of him. Sometimes it annoys him, but he also knows it’s one of the few ways Bo knows how to show that he cares. Since Bo has always protected him, and survived everything their parents did to him, Vincent sort of sees Bo as indestructible, untouchable, so it’s alarming to see him injured.
• Vincent is genuinely afraid of what would happen if Bo weren’t around—he doesn’t know how to take care of any of the myriad of technical things Bo does, and Vincent knows that without the air conditioning, every creation he’s ever made will melt in the Louisiana heat.
• Vincent is an atheist. He tolerates Bo’s God Talk because he’s aware that God was a weapon used against Bo as a child for being the “Bad Son”. He knows Bo is trying to be comforting when he quotes their mother, so he doesn’t throw it in his face. Can’t believe in a God who would allow them to do the things they do to people. “The only God in Ambrose is Me”.
• The Forgotten Youngest Child.
• Being the brother who isn’t a twin—having no deformity and lacking Bo’s behavioral issues, Lester was forgotten and neglected a lot as a child—to the point where he’d just go wander off into the woods alone so at least he wouldn’t have to watch his parents ignore him. With the added benefit of not having to hear Bo’s outbursts.
• Really good at building traps, and ate a lot of squirrels when he was growing up, because Trudy and Vincent would sometimes forget to feed him. Really kind of raised himself.
• Came to terms with the abuse and neglect he and his brothers suffered much more fully after their parents passed—he never really felt very attached to his parents, so he didn’t feel the need to carry out Trudy’s dream.
• The most Aware™️ that the killing his family does is wrong, hence his speech about how easy it is to “Get Used To” all kinds of things. It’s just the life Trudy raised them into. He thinks it’s sad that his brothers are still perpetuating her goals, but what can ya do? They’re his brothers.
• He doesn’t spend a lot of time in the Sinclair home—preferring his little place in the woods—because there’s a lot of bad memories in that house and he doesn’t believe in letting himself fester in the past.
• Still visits every couple of weeks when he does his laundry—usually Bo gets takeout when he knows Lester’s coming up so they can have a family meal. Lester actually prefers his own hunted/foraged cooking, but he enjoys getting to actually have some family time with his brothers, so he chokes down what’s usually fast food, because he knows Bo’s trying.
• He doesn’t actually participate in the killings, but he is the one that rigged the animatronics in Ambrose—he’s actually a hell of an engineer, though he’s never been to school for it.
• The animatronic puppies are his favorite, and he modeled them after Jonesy.
• He’s actually pretty well adjusted, all things considered. He’s just happily living his life in the woods—he does wish things were different for his brothers, but he knows they’re in too deep now, so he just looks out for them as best he can.
• He guts the cellphones of his brothers’ victims both to disable any tracking functions and to use the parts for his animatronics.
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early20sfailingplenty · 10 months
ok ok question
do you think Trudy ever got a proper funeral (before the whole church set up) or was that her funeral? do you think the brothers do anything on her death or funeral anniversary?
You know... I'm torn about this one.
On the one hand, I can kind of see Bo wanting to plan a proper funeral so he and Lester ransack all the houses in Ambrose to pool together resources they'll need, with Vincent carrying out typical mortician and/or funeral home work on Trudy. I can kind of see them giving her everything they can, which isn't much, but at least they didn't leave her to rot where she died.
OR, and this is the one I prefer -
Vincent, Bo and Lester banded together, set up the funeral in the church like it is how we see it in the film, Vincent set Trudy up like one of his models, and then their funeral was nothing more than lighting the candles, putting up some of the religious stuff within the church (none of them are men of god, it's just performative and to make it look believable; I think they were already killing by the time Trudy died), and then they just...
Left her there.
She never cared about any of them so why the fuck should any of them care about her, you know?
Bo stands over her open coffin sometimes and lets all his words, all his grief and pain and agony over the way she raised him and his brothers, he lets it all pour out. He's a bit drunk (read: a lot drunk, because Lester and Vincent have to work together to scoop Bo up off the altar and he doesn't make it easy for them), he's swearing and kicking her coffin and pacing the pews like a caged animal, he's shouting and crying and he's pissed. It's catharsis, it's reliving trauma, it hurts so fucking good because daddy can't hit him now, daddy can't carry him away and punish him for telling the truth, punish him for existing. Bo doesn't grieve so much as he celebrates.
Lester is the only one of the Sinclairs who does grieve.
Vincent celebrates the fact that now, no one is hurting him and his brothers, he can do what he wants with his craft, he can carry on his momma's legacy. I think he's the mastermind behind the whole thing, honestly. He doesn't care that his momma's dead, he just cares that now, he and his brothers are free.
Except, they're not. A gilded cage is still a cage.
On the death anniversary, the brothers sit and drink and spend time with each other - hours more than they already do. They only have each other. On the funeral anniversary, Vincent spots a few more kick marks around Trudy's coffin. Bo never up-ends the coffin; his momma don't deserve that kind of energy being spent on her, and he doesn't wanna ruin Vincent's work.
Victor never got a funeral. His body was never disposed of. His death anniversary is not acknowledged. Even speaking his name is too good a thing to do for a monster like that.
Trudy was barely better than Victor. Barely. But she was momma, and she taught Vincent what he knows, she made sure that Bo never forgot he was a monster, she made sure that Lester knew how to come into his own because no one cared except his twin brothers. So she gets the barest amount of respect possible.
Not love. Respect. And that's it.
Victor? He don't get anything. No respect, no love, no acknowledgment. It's too fuckin' good for him.
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gigglinggoddess · 2 months
What kind of beauty do the Sinclair brothers like? GN READER.
This a headcanon, not meant to insult or make anyone insecure! Everyone is beautiful in their own way!
I'm so sorry if the writing is terrible, on mobile AND WRITERS BLOCK!!
Vincent Sinclair
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Classic beauty.
- Growing up, Vincent loved movies. He was starstruck by the people on the television.
-He used to draw old movie stars, and his fashion taste for his wax figures is old-timey. (If he chooses to dress them)
- He loves plaid dresses and dress shirts. He loves slicked-back hair and big curls (either natural or from hair rollers.)
- If he had a S/O that had a classic beauty, a timeless thing, he’d used them as a muse for everything. (Regardless, he'd use his S/O as a muse no matter what.)
- He loves radio voices, smooth-sounding voices, and sweet. He’d adore a S/O with a voice like that and would want to lay his head on their lap as they talked.
Bo Sinclair
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Modern Beauty.
- This man loves SLUTS!!!(jk) He is a traditional man, but when he sees victims wearing skimpy stuff and modern fashion, he's lovin’ it.
-He likes the breath of youthfulness, which makes it more interesting for him.
-Loves tight clothing, dyed hair, and all that. He's intrigued by it; it's unique to him even though, in the real world, it's normal.
-Will watch you do your makeup, in confusion.
-He likes modern people, because he's not and he (secretly) wishes he was.
Lester Sinclair
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Natural beauty.
-This man loves the forest, he loves nature a lot. So when he looks at you, raw beauty, it reminds him on nature.
-He would never want you to wear makeup; he thinks you're so beautiful how you are (he would still shower you with compliments if you put it on, though.)
-Loves flaws: wonky teeth? Loves them. Spilt ends? Loves them. Acne? Loves it. Scars? Loves them. STRECH MARKS?? IS OBSESSED!! You'll never have to be embarrassed about your body, face, or any of it with him because he wants you just how you are.
-He knows he ain't the best-looking so it truly shocked him when someone like you, naturally perfect (to him), loves him! He also knows you appreciate his natural beauty too, or so he hopes.
-Will compare you to plants and animals, in A LOVING WAY!!!
A/N: Lester, my love. If anyone has any fanfics of Lester, I am begging, SEND THEM MY WAY PLEASE!!
Anyway, please tell me what you think. I KNOW THE WRITING IS BAD; I write fanfics much better ong. Which is your favorite Sinclair brother? I'm a huge Lester fan (obviously); he's my husband.
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kerokreature · 1 year
Some Sinclair Headcannons because I have brain rot
These are Sinclair Brothers and Reader who cooks for them a lot
Absolutely lost his shit when he found out you know how to cook and cook well because of his little domestic fantasy
Begs you too cook for him and the family like. “Please Darlin’ can you make another pot roast.” “Please sweetheart can you just fix me something and bring it down into town?”
He’s a southern boy, which means you will absolutely absolutely be making him shit like okra? But especially since this Louisiana he’s going to lose it when you make things like Jambalaya, Crayfish, Étouffée etc
If you bake on top of it he’s gonna lose his shit.
Like I think he kinda subtly has a sweet tooth and especially likes snacks
So if you like bake cookies or something he can just munch on during the day? Game fucking over.
He’s going to be such a flirt when you’re cooking or baking
He’s going to be downright dirty bab out it
Regardless of gender he’s going to call his little house wife, emphasis on his.
He’s the most likely to gift you his mom’s old recipe cards
Coming in with the excited “Shit you can cook too!?”
Loves anything you make
Prepare to work with some road kill, boy straight up said it’s a waste of meat
But road venison is good as hell, you’re gonna be making deer steaks 10/10
He’ll be so gentle about his requests. “My possum do you think it’d be too much trouble to make some soup”
When you make it he’ll shower you in praise and gentle kisses, he’d be so excited, he would eat every bite
He’d be over excited if you ever packed him a lunch like
He’d just give you that big lop sided grin, turn those soft eyes on you and kiss your forehead. He’d be so so touched
He’s a good respectful southern boy so he wouldn’t go in your kitchen while you’re cooking.
If you also bake boy would he be excited, I picture him losing his mind for cakes especially
Like a rich chocolate cake that’s really spongy and some coffee?? Oh yeah that’s the life
He would think it’s beautiful that you cook
He would love to watch you cook, he’d likely sketch you doing so
I feel like he’d bring you cookbooks and recipe cards
He’d be so delicate if you let him help, carefully handing you herbs and spices and watching the perfect mixture you’re creating
Even if you’re a chaotic ass cook (see: author) he’d think you’re perfect, that it’s even more of an art form that you can be so messy and make perfect food
He wouldn’t ever allow you to say something didn’t turn out right. You are not allowed to doubt your cooking, your art . He won’t have it.
He’d be gentle in shushing you, sighing at you that it’s perfect, and he’d make sure you saw him eat every last bite.
I don’t think he’d request things per se unless you asked him what he wanted and then he’d probably sign his response after some thought.
He’s shower you in affection over what you make him, and likely make you something as a gift in return
He doesn’t have as much of a sweet tooth as the other two but he’d still love if you bake
I think his favorite would be Beignets.
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groovinrightalong · 9 months
Baby Transmasc Mike headcanons (because I can)
-His mom always put his hair in braids to make it more manageable. Additional headcanon that he takes after his mom when it comes to hair and her hair (prior to coloring and product) is really curly and hard to tame
-When kids made fun of Will, Mike would take his jacket and fill the pockets with rocks so he could hit them
-He was called a lesbian a lot as a kid because he only hung around boys and was “too rough and mean for a little girl.” They got the gay part right, just in the wrong direction
-Lucas had a lil puppy crush on him when they first met. He would go and find cool rocks outside and give them to him (classic gay/bi experience)
-Dustin is actually the only one to have never had a crush on him (token straight behavior)
-He cut his hair super short with the Party’s help in that bathroom in his basement during one of their first DnD sessions. Didn’t grow it out again until he met Eddie
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chubbyreaderchan · 1 year
Tears | Bo Sinclair x GN! Reader
A/n: Bo's life makes me sad and I wanna hold him.
Warning: vague reference to the Sinclair's abuse and lack of care from the overall community in Ambrose.
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Bo walks into the house and is surprised to see you sobbing on the couch.
"Baby, what's wrong? Why're you cryin'?"
He was harsher than he intended.
You look up and attempt to put away what you were looking at quickly. Rubbing the salty tears from your eyes. Bo furrows his brows and rounds the couch to your side.
He grabs your hands before you could put away the photographs you were looking at.
They were photos of him and his brothers. Some with very fresh wounds on his wrists still.
"Why didn't anyone say anything?" You said.
Fresh tears fell down your cheeks.
"They had to know something was wrong"
You coughed and took a deep breath. Bo's chest tightened but he didn't want to feel weak. You were crying for him.
"I don't need you to feel bad for me," Bo's harshness came back to push out his own dark memories.
"I'm not... I'm angry for you. I wish I was there... I... Could have helped you. And Les and Vince..."
His rough fingers brushed a tear off your cheek.
"Babydoll, you weren't meant to be here until now,"
Bo wasn't one for flowery words but they just felt right.
"But you're helping us now. You're saving me now, sweet pea,"
His walls were crumbling for you. Your arms were thrown around his neck and he stayed stiff for a moment. Slowly he snaked his arms around you and kissed the crown of your head.
No one cared about him like you did.
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toescratches · 11 months
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The Sinclair brothers have work to do. A couple of tourists adventure into town. But unfortunately after they've been hunted down and cleaned up, the brothers come across more work and more problems. That being the now abandoned baby in the car.
Tw: Bo is Bo, they're slashers what do you expect, they won't kill the baby obv, the baby is a girl or AFAB, Vincent is here 😱, Lester mentioned, they're conflicted, sorry this is short
tags for ppl who asked for pt2: @peyton-peyton @alicesinclair29 @wheresmyson @wildaces @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987 @blurrymango @sketchy-rosewitch @small-sinclair @hidingfromtex @kitty11sstuffig
Bo grunts in annoyance as he continues to drag the heavy carrier, along with him up the hill. He takes heavy breaths at the heat and at the extra weight he is carrying with him.
As Bo finally arrives at the steps of the House of Wax, he puts down the carrier, in the shade, and pants as he tries to catch his breath.
Fucking finally he thinks. Bo opens the door for the musem and picks up the carrier. He looks down at the baby. She looks up at him with curiosity and confusion. Bo scoffs and averts his gaze back to the entrance.
Finally he walks inside the museum. "Vincent!! Come out!" Bo yells and groans in annoyance. He sets the carrier on the floor and walks to the other side of the house, to Vincent's cave.
Bo is taken by surprise when his brother emerges up the stairs. "Took you long enough..." He groans under his breath.
Vincent looks up at Bo with a buzzled look in his eye and gesture for an explanation for his yelling.
Bo groans in annoyance, turns and walks back to the carrier in the hall. Vincent tilts his head in confusion but follows his brother.
As soon as Vincent sees what Bo had dragged into the museum, he freezes. What the hell?!
Bo looks down at the baby in the carrier, with his back to Vincent, waiting for his reaction.
Vincent walks around, trying to gather himself and his thoughts. This can't be real. Is all he can think.
The older twin puts his hands into his pockets and sways on his feet. Bo's face is no longer filled with confusion and panic. It's not only frustration, annoyance and curiosity. The baby keeps making quiet noises of coo's and weakly reaches it's hands up to the man above her.
Bo tilts his head as he stares at the child. In the background, behind him, he hears the sounds of Vincent's shuffling feet and his groans of distress.
Bo fights something inside him as he looks down at the child. Eventually he seems to lose this fight as he crouches down and begins to take the baby out of the carrier.
Vincent turns his head at the sound of unbuckling and looks at Bo with confusion. He quickly realizes what his brother is doing, and walks up to his brother to protest.
Vincent desperately grabs onto his brothers shirt and tries to pull him up, and away from the carrier with the baby girl. Bo groans in annoyance and pulls away from his brother's grip. He turns back to look at the child and finally picks it up. Bo holds her in against his chest with a causios and nervous hold, no wonder since he has no idea what he is doing.
Vincent circles his brother and tries to make non-verbal signs to his older brother, to please put the child down and walk away. Bo keep ignoring him as he tries to get a comfortable and a firm, but gentle, grip on the girl.
Vincent whines in distress and desperation as he looks at his brother and turns around with a groan of frustration. Why?! God damnit! Vincent hold his head in his hands as he wanders around.
Bo seems to be unmoved by this as he keeps his attention on the baby girl in his arms.
"Hey, baby... What's your name...?" He whispers with a awkward tone. He is clearly slightly uncomfortable, but tries his best.
The baby only responds with cooing and stares. Bo chuckles at this and lightly bounces the baby in his hold.
Bo keeps the slight smirk on his face as he hears Vincent approaching from behind. His brother walks next to him, and quietly stares.
The black haired(emo) man taps his brothers shoulder, trying to get his attention. Bo turns his head and looks at Vincent with a questioning expression, waiting for him to act.
Vincent begins to sign to his brother. What the hell are you planning?!
Bo chuckles. "C'mon what's up your ass? It's not that big of a deal."
Not that big of a deal?!! It's a baby!! He quickly and dramatically answers.
"Yeah I know that, you shithead!" Bo groans. "I won't make her your problem, okay?! We won't kill a baby... And she's quite quiet, no?" He chuckles.
Vincent groans and lets out a big sigh of frustration. You're acting impulsively! Stop being dumb! We can't take care of a baby!!
Bo rolls his eyes and turns to look back at the baby. "I or Lester will go to the city and buy some shit! It's not that difficult! And think about it, we won't have anyone looking after the town, Mama's town, after we die or get killed!" He tries to reason with his brother.
Vincent sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. I still can't believe this is happening... He sighs with one hand to his brother.
"Let it be already. We'll handle it, and if not us them I will!" Bo grunts and gently bounces the baby around in his arms while looking down at her.—————————————————————————
Sorry this is so short, I'm such a lazy and slow writer and I felt like I had to upload today!
Critism is appreciated!
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avintmich · 5 months
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Matching Christmas Pajamas With The Sinclairs
mentioned: bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair
a/n: thank you so much anon for this request. this was so much fun to write! :) and i'm sorry it's so late, i've had really bad writer's block lately aha
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Bo Sinclair
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Bo would be having none of it.
When you first propose the idea, he doesn't even hesitate before telling you no.
But after arguing with him about it for a while, he finally agrees to it, but only if you give him something in return.
You're not allowed to pick out anything too cheesy though, so you end up settling for some red, snowflake patterned pajamas.
Bo lasts probably about an hour before he's changing his shirt to a plain black t-shirt. He keeps the pajama pants on though, which is something you suppose.
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Vincent Sinclair
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He would be unsure about the idea at first, worried that Bo would tease him about it.
But after seeing how much it means to you, he would eventually agree to it.
He's never had any Christmas traditions, considering what his family were like, so he's excited to start this one with you.
Although he doesn't fully understand how wearing matching reindeer pajamas is supposed to be fun.
He tends to work on his sculptures sometimes at night though so the pajamas will eventually become slightly covered in wax.
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Lester Sinclair
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He loves the idea.
And he's not as much of a grinch as Bo, so when you present matching elf pajamas to him, he's ecstatic.
He insists on wearing them every night.
He's also happy to finally be able to be involved in a Christmas tradition, considering his parents barely paid him any attention as a child.
He tells you all the time how cool he thinks you both look because he's genuinely happy to be matching with you.
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[Main Masterlist] [Bo Masterlist] [Vincent Masterlist] [Lester Masterlist] [12 Days Of Christmas Blurbs]
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spinning-stars · 11 months
Horror characters favorite color 🩷
I just wanted to head cannon some horror characters and their favorite color and make mini stories.
Warnings- Petty Lester.
Vincent Sinclair-
Green, but not just any green, a muddy dark green. He owns at least 30 green pens either in that color or close to that color.
Lester Sinclair- Deep red, when he was a kid his favorite color was dark blue but then Bo told him that he couldn't have that color because it was his favorite color and that Lester needed to be more Original. He's still petty about Bo taking his favorite color as a kid.
Bo Sinclair- Dark blue, he says it's a manly color. He once got a red hat and came back to it scribbled on in black sharpie 'Get your own color bitch.' written in Lester's handwriting.
Thomas Hewitt- an orangy yellow, he says it reminds him of the sun and sunflowers. (He really likes sunflowers)
Bubba Sawyer- yellow, chop top calls him "little piss boy" bc of it.
Chop top- the entire rainbow, he just likes colors he does lean a bit more towards purple and green tho.
Asa Emory- purple, he eats, sleeps and snorts the color purple.
Michael Myers (both the Rob zombie version and the regular Micheal)- pink, not even trying to be funny I genuinely think these two just fuck with the color pink.
Jason Voorhees- brown, bc "it's the color of a tree"
Billy lenz- sage green, bc green.
Authors note- Hiii 👋 u just wanted to make a silly little post bc I just got a shirt that was my favorite color (sage green) have a lovely day, and for my bone lovers check out my other Sfw x reader post! <3
Bonus question!- What's y'all's favorite color?
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loveandmurders · 11 months
I love your Sinclair daughter AU sm. I loved the second one on the list as a teen she's just like me fr🤭. With that in mind can we get the Sinclair brothers finding out their daughter reads fanfiction about the slashers. Omg it would be so cute. They'd find her giggling and squealing because of some fluff. Her screaming because her request got filled, and them rushing to the room to see if she got hurt. And her having to explain why she's always smiling at her phone (God forbay they thought she was texting a bf/gf) Omg it would be so cute!
Hello darling, thank you so much for your kind words and this request! It was really fun to write for, so I hope you'll enjoy reading it <3
Warnings: no proof reading, reader wants to kill people, mentions of violence and murders, a few strong words, confused parents.
As a teen, thanks to Bo, you discovered the universe of the slashers and of horror movies. And because it looked a lot like your own life, you instantly loved it.
You preferred when slashers won at the end though, and it was rare, which was annoying you quite a lot.
Your dads always found it quite endearing to see you supporting the worst of slashers on screen. It really made the twins happy to realise that you weren’t afraid (of them) and that you actually enjoyed this.
Bo and Vincent were indeed worried that one day you would realise how awful the situation was and that you would run away from them and never come back.
Vincent was also really concerned you wouldn’t want to keep the family business going.
They never told you anything about it. 
Truth to be told, you just wanted to kill people.
For now, you could only fulfil your bloodlust through horror movies.
And then you discovered that on Tumblr, there was a great community of slasher fuckers.
Even better, some people were drawing, writing and creating stories for your favourite characters!
You discovered this as you were on the couch by Bo’s side and you quickly exclaimed out in excitement. When Bo sent you a quizzical glance, you shook your head to your father “Ya can’t understand” you said before going upstairs, back into your room where you could enjoy this on your own.
Bo wasn’t too sure what was going on and he had to resist the urge to chase after you to know what just happened.
Your obsession only grew now you had found people able to fuel it.
You were so happy.
At first, you were mostly reading fluff.
You were happily humming, and giggling and kicking your feet when your favourite slasher was telling you how much they loved you.
More than once, Lester found you sitting somewhere outside squealing in excitement. 
And each time he smiled at you, before asking you why you were so happy.
You didn’t want to answer at first because it was your secret, but also because you thought your parents would find this very stupid.
At some point, you answered Lester, because you trusted him to not judge you. And you asked him to not tell anything to the twins because you really thought they wouldn’t understand. 
Lester was a little bit surprised that you were obsessed over bad people, but it made sense in a way and he tenderly kissed the top of your head.
“One day, ya’ll be your own slasher” he murmured to you and you looked up at him with stars in your eyes. 
You really hoped he was saying the truth, because you would love that very much. And you would be the head of the Sinclair family, with someone by your side. And you would kill people and keep running Ambrose. 
It sounded so perfect to you.
After fluff, you discovered angst/comfort fics, and you realised you also really enjoyed that. You loved the drama, you loved when the reader had to kill someone to protect the people they loved, you loved to have tears in your eyes.
But Bo found you the face glued to your screen, quite concerned about what was going on.
Lester had refused answering him, and now he was certain you had met someone and you were chatting with them. Gosh, he was already thinking of finding that fucker and to kill them for flirting with his precious baby daughter.
When he started to ask you questions, you gently pushed him out of your room.
But he couldn’t let the subject go. Especially when you started to scream while looking at your computer, and then happily dance.
You were certain your parents couldn’t understand the joy to have a request being fulfilled by your favourite artists.
Lester tried to appease Bo by telling him it was very innocent of you.
Vincent was watching you without commenting.
He noticed that something new happened in your life and he really didn’t know what it was. He was curious like Bo, but he didn’t want to scare you off by asking you non stop what it was.
You sometimes stumbled onto spicy fics and you mastered the art of reading them with a poker face in the same room as your family. They really didn’t notice anything, thankfully for everyone.
You grew so obsessed that Bo started to threaten you with screen time and the twins really had to fight with you for you to come to the dinner table without your phone or computer or tablet.
“Alright, what’s the big secret? With whom are ya textin’ all the damn time?” Bo was fed up
“No one” you shrugged, which was the truth, which Vincent could see. And it was making him wonder even more about it.
“Y/N” Bo groaned and you rolled your eyes
“Ok, ok. I’m readin’ fanfics. Happy?” you grumbled
You had to explain to the three men what “fanfics” were. The twins still didn’t get it, so you had to add that it was about slashers and horror movies.
Bo was relieved you weren’t talking with anyone.
But he was also a little bit confused on why you would enjoy reading about those characters. Or characters in general. But it seemed innocent enough for him to drop the subject.
Lester still found it very endearing and he thought that it was an harmless obsession for the moment.
Vincent was the only one to fully understand what all of this meant. He got that you loved violence and blood, as much as he did. He understood that he and his brothers couldn’t prevent you from killing for so much longer. He understood that you loved the way of life they gave you and that one day, you would continue the family business.
It really reassured him.
Bo started to tease you about reading such things. You knew he would and that was also why you didn’t want to tell him about it at first.
But one day he realised that it could be talking about sexuality. And it worried him. 
He sat you down one evening to remind you of all the “rules” you had to always have in mind before having sex with anyone.
The 3 rules were: “I don’t have sex if I don’t want to / I don’t have sex with someone who isn’t nice to me / I don’t have sex with someone my father wouldn’t approve of”
“Ya won’t approve of anyone” you said
“That’s the point, love.”
Lester was eager to talk about anything with you, and he liked to share fun facts with you about your favourite characters. He knew a lot more about you than Bo in a way, because you always felt like you could speak about anything to him.
He was also the one able to find you merch about your favourite movies. He always had the best birthday gifts, which was driving both the twins completely insane.
Lester never tried to stop you from doing anything. He was just following your mood.
Vincent thought it could be a good opportunity to have you creating, even digital art or through writing.
As an artist, it was really important for his daughter to be one too. It was your legacy in a way. And so far, you have been “lazy” about it.
He asked you if you didn’t want to also be part of the people producing for the fandom (You taught him all the right words and he learnt very fast because he saw an opportunity with this new obsession of yours).
Of course you did, and that was how you also started to post.
You were drawing quite a lot now, which Vincent enjoyed.
Even better, you often went to ask him how to improve your creations. You started to spend a lot more time in the basement, by Vincent'side.
And one day, the masked twin hoped you would fully take his seat.
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its-monster-mash · 1 year
Sinclair Brothers Headcanons - Food
• Bo CAN feed himself, but dear god he cannot do it well.
• It’s pretty much all junk food/extremely basic processed foods, and they aren’t made particularly well.
• He has a “Treat Yourself” streak ever since his parents died, in which he does things like add Too Much of what he THINKS is a good ingredient to something (extremely sloppy sandwiches with too much Mayo, gritty boxed Mac N Cheese because he used too much butter). The food would undoubtably be better if he just prepared it as directed, but he’s intent on having it his way.
• Will do WEIRD things with food. Sometimes he likes to do things like take the cheese powder packet out of the Mac n cheese and put it on popcorn(he uses Ranch on the noodles he takes the cheese from. This is actually better than when he tries to make the Mac n cheese). Sometimes, he takes the flavor packet out of ramen just to eat it—Vincent gets SO mad every time he finds a ramen packet with no flavor in it. Bo insists he’s going to eat it later(also with ranch) but he never does.
• This man will eat six snack-pack puddings in one sitting. Not good at mixing his own instant pudding because he insists on adding extra sugar and it throws off the chemical reaction. (When he does that and inevitably refuses to eat it because the texture is nasty, Vincent freezes it and has it like fudgesicles)
• King of sitting on the couch with his shirt half-tucked, only one sock on, and eating cold ravioli straight out of the can.
• Can’t eat cheerios, it reminds him too much of childhood. For him to eat cereal at ALL it has to be the most absolutely sugar and dye laden Breakfast Candy you’ve ever seen. He will add more sugar.
• Utterly obsessed with Halloween Candy—if he feels lonely and Vincent hasn’t come up to hang out with him in a while he will find him or Lester and pelt them with Candy. This is preferable to admitting he needs some attention.
• Will eat an entire grocery store rotisserie chicken in one sitting like it’s nothing with his bare hands.
• When he wants to get his brothers together for a family dinner, he comes home with an ungodly amount of takeout(paid for with cash taken from the wallets of victims)
• He tried to cook exactly one(1) time, and he ended up burning it completely to the pan—Bo just threw the entire pan away. Vincent was so embarrassed that he never tried cooking again.
• Has an ungodly love for cereal—keeps no less than five different boxes of sugary cereals in his workshop at any given time.
• When he goes on a major creative binge, he rarely comes upstairs, so all he eats is dry cereal by the fist fulls.
• Very big tea lover, but VERY picky about it. Bo just gets him whatever random tea he sees at the store when he makes a supply run, so Vincent has boxes and boxes of tea that he wouldn’t drink if his life depended on it. Lester is more consistent about getting exactly what Vincent likes.
• Despite being unable to cook himself, Vincent is surprisingly judgy about it when Bo makes something gross. He’ll stand near him just STARING at him until Bo eventually just offers him half. Vincent takes it anyway, but he complains about the ridiculous amount of Mayo and will make a show of dabbing at it with a paper towel.
• When Bo fucks something up so bad he won’t eat it(like the instant pudding) Vincent is surprisingly good at salvaging it, for someone who can’t actually cook himself.
• Shredded cheese out of the bag at 3AM
• Bo leaves pizza rolls in the fridge for him in a microwave safe bowl sometimes so he can get a snack easily if he comes up at night.
• Very picky about fast food—a lot of it makes him sick to his stomach.
• Can ACTUALLY cook, and loves to.
• Sets a few small traps in the woods for small game, but actually takes a lot of his meat from the fresher roadkill.
• Makes a HELL of a gumbo, and knows his way around a stew. Has a garden dedicated entirely to different varieties of hot pepper.
• Bo absolutely will not even TRY his food, knowing that at least half the meat comes off of the road. Lester got him to try it one(1) time and it gave him the shits—in reality, it only fucked with Bo’s stomach because Bo is so used to eating garbage that the vegetables were hard on his stomach.
• Extremely annoyed every time a fast food restaurant comes out with something it claims is “Mega Hot”. Whenever something new comes out, he ALWAYS buys three of it and makes his brothers try it with him, just so he has someone to rant to about how weak the flavor profile is.
• This man LOVES hot chocolate. He WILL make it in a crockpot with a couple peppers thrown in for depth of flavor. This is a Sinclair family favorite, and the ONLY thing Lester makes that Bo will consistently consume. Vincent likes to have it iced—Bo swears it’s “just chocolate milk” if you have it cold, but he just doesn’t get it.
• Not TOO much of a cereal lover, but he likes to get Lucky Charms just so he can set the marshmallows aside to have in his hot chocolate—he thinks the shapes are fun, and he’s averse to the texture of normal mini-marshmallows.
• On the rare occasion that he DOES pick up fast food(usually to be pretentious about spice) he is the DEFINITION of that meme with the terrified Wendy’s employee working the drive through when someone says the absolute most unhinged bullshit to them.
• This man reads cookbooks for fun and for inspiration—if he used the Internet, he’s the one person on the planet who actually enjoys reading the entire blog entry above recipes.
• Made his own Kimchi once.
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quits-writing · 2 years
stranger things x older brother figure! rich! reader
a/n: to celebrate stranger things s4 vol 2 coming out today in a few hours, i’ve decided to give us all masc aligned people a treat before shit goes down, enjoy.
cw: contains some scenes from the series (not enough to spoil), mentioned homophobia & fragile masculinity, bullying scenario, messy cuz i just put whatever random shit pops up to my mind and im also writing this at 1:30 am, NOT PROOFREAD!!
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depending on your personality, it’s either the group would see you as the “cool” brother like in the movies or the “annoying” brother in real life
as kids, you’d have to defend them against bullies, seniority scares majority of the kids.
but if they don’t want you to interfere, they’d just ask you on how to defend theirselves
tell them some witty comebacks
yeah i don’t think they can do it without it leading into a physical fight so you’d have to watch their back before it becomes one
spoil them! buy them action figures, comics, new set of dnd miniatures. they’d worship you…for 5 mins before hyper-focusing on that same item you bought for them
you’d be such a big help to joyce and jonathan if you decide to fund and help them with the will situation in s1
jonathan actually talked to you, also joyce’ll treat you as her other son
imagine having a platonic relationship with max, your relationship is the relationship she wishes she has with billy
billy would probably spite you for it (he’s jealous and doesn’t want to admit it lol)
oh, and the group would probably jokingly make you compete with steve for the “best mom older brother” award (dustin would also make eddie compete too if you’ve met each other already)
somehow, they’ll find a way to turn your words against you
okay. imagine s3, the vent scene with erica
m/n: alright. how much do you want, kid? hundred? thousand? a million bucks?
robin: you’re gonna offer, a child, a million? do you even have a million on-hand?
m/n, a rich teen: uh yeah??? 🧍
robin: okay, what the actual fu–!
if you’re part of the LGBTQIA+, and openly into men or in touch with your femininity. mike’s dad would try and tell mike to not be associated with you again (sorry but he reeks of homophobia and fragile masculinity)
remember that one scene in s4 (ep 5, 1:00:52) where he’s so salty at dustin and the gang for hanging out in their house? that but insert m/n there
mr. wheeler: –why not? take us for all we’re worth
dustin: oka–
m/n: if you care so much about your money, then here’s a fucking stack. thank you so much for your hospitality”
mr. wheeler: *is baffled by the amount of cash a teen could have* how’d you get this money??
m/n: oh i’m actually am a stripper and i have a sugar daddy– of course, i worked for it, obviously. i have a job.
dustin: *whispering* holy fucking shit, you’re so cool
if you have “old rich” money than “hard earned” money, it’s the same thing but probably less “cooler” in their eyes
if not all of them, at least one would keep bugging you on what job you have to earn a lot of money
some would say, they’re still bugging what you do for a living ‘til today
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vikkirosko · 7 months
Can I request the sinclair brothers with a child wooden string puppet reader?
Reader is a wooden string puppet without strings, and able to levitate like she was pulled by stings, representing a little girl in a theater costume. Reader was just a normal puppet before, but after her and the theater she performed in was abandoned for a long time, she came to life.
The brothers came across the old theater that is quite well preserved for a building which was abandoned way before they were born. When they enter, they are welcomed by reader who says that she has waiting for humans to come for sooooo long. She wanted to show her her stage play, a musical, but since she doesn't have actors beside old and half broken puppets, it's not like she wanted it to be.
Reader has a quite hot temperament, and love to be praised and being the center of the attention.
What the brothers do and their reaction is up to you.
Sinclair Brothers x child fem!Reader Platonic headcanons Puppet
The Sinclair brothers rarely had free days, but they also had such days. It was during one of the boring days that they decided to go on a little exploration of the territory. They rarely left the city, so they were surprised when they found an old, abandoned theater outside the city. According to the sign, the theater was opened a long time ago and closed for a long time, but this theater looked good, for a building that was already more than fifty years old
Bo wanted to go back to Ambrose, but Vincent and Lester convinced him to look around inside. Inside, too, it wasn't so bad, despite the old age of the building. However, a much bigger surprise for them was you, literally flying out of the corridor. You were a wooden puppet in the form of a little girl in a theatrical costume without strings, but you soared as if you were held by strings. You greeted them joyfully, chirping that there had been no audience in your theater for a long time and that you were sincerely glad to see them
You took them to the theater hall, pushing them in the back. The Sinclair brothers were too surprised to see the puppet come to life, and you told them about how the theater used to be, about how you tried to keep it in good condition from the day you, abandoned here, came to life. However, in the theater hall, you began to wail that you would like to show them the best performance, but the other puppets were broken and this clearly caused you strong emotions. For you, this theater was your life and somehow you reminded the brothers of their mother, for whom her wax museum was more important than anything in the world
Vincent decided to help you since he had free time, even though Bo didn't see the point in it. Lester helped you fix things you couldn't fix yourself, and Vincent helped you fix puppets. You were delighted with it, levitating next to them, but even more emotions caused you that they praised you, even the fact that Vincent used small notes for this could not spoil your joy. You loved being praised and being paid attention to. They decided that the reason for this was that you had been completely alone for a very long time
For a long time they were just the three of them, but now they could communicate with you. You were a puppet, but when Lester told you about the wax museum, you were thrilled and wanted to see everything for yourself. For you, it was art, just like your native theater, and you loved art, catching fire with the idea that when new people come to the city, you will be able to show them your performances. They didn't tell you that they were killing people, but they doubted that it would be a big problem for you
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lussiane333 · 2 years
Unspoken Desire
Bo Sinclair x female reader (he's an ass)
Vincent Sinclair x female reader
Vinny boy not so innocent (and he talks)
Angst, smut, cheating :P
You lived with the Sinclair brothers for some time now.
You knew Bo was interested in you from the very first second you two spent together. He was never ashamed to tell you or show you.. You two never really got official at first. It was just messing around, some kissing when he pushed you against a wall, grinding on him when he sat you on his lap leading into nights of passion.. Eventually, you got close together and long midnight talks revealed the complicated character of Bo. While there was fondness between you two, most of the time your days together ended one way, arguing. You loved him, yes he wasn't the best man, but you cared for him deeply. There was something that couldn't tear you apart, always pulling you into him more and more.
Bo was handsome that's for sure, his charming aura brightened the day. He could be nice and funny when he wanted, but usually he was blunt and rude. Not only to you.
You weren't in close relationship with his twin. Atleast not the first weeks. But then and now, you found yourself by Vincent's side whenever Bo was in one of his moods, when Bo was out of town because of something, and when you just wanted to talk. You told Vincent many, many things. He listened, sometimes he answered, gave you his opinion. He cared about you, he trusted you and even showed you his face, you were part of the family now. He cared a lot.. Something you didn't feel that much from Bo. He always called you nicknames, told you how sexy you are, but it's been almost a year and you never heard those three words out of his mouth. Whenever you told Bo you love him, he smiled to himself but never told anything back. It seemed like he was thinking about, if he actually feels the same. You two had many deep and personal convesations together, but you always felt like Bo isn't fully honest with you. And it bothered you..
Today wasn't very different. It started with Bo coming home late, little drunk.
You had cooked dinner, set up the table nicely, poured some wine. You just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend.. Because when was the last time that the two of you had sat in such peace together? You can't remember. You heard Bo coming home and just from the noise he was making, you knew it will be one of those nights. Bo had many unresolved problems and issues, and alcohol seemed to be his therapist and best friend in one. Whenever you brought up his behavior, and asked him if he wants to talk about what he feels, he snapped and got all defensive.
"What the fuck are ya playin at" "No i don't fuckin' wanna talk" "I don't know what you're talkin bout just shut up" "Take that stupid advice of yours and go bother someone else i ain't got time for this"
"Where the hell have you been?!" You yelled at him.
He could hear the disappointment in your voice, but he decided to add more gasoline into the fire instead of trying to make things right.
"You haven’t seen me for the whole day and the first thing you're gonna do is yell at me?" Bo stumbled backwards, leaning against the front door.
"I told you this morning! Don't be late, i want to spend some time together!"
He just rolled his eyes at you.
"Why the fuck are you drunk again?"
"Like i'm gonna confess to ya" Bo scoffed to himself. "You know what, end this interrogation and let's just go fuckin eat"
"What happend to us Bo? Why do you have to be like this nearly every damn day?!"
He looked you up and down before spatting "More like what happend to you"
"I mean look at ya" "Think that my biggest desire is to sit and smile like an idiot every fuckin evening? Well it isn't!"
"What the fuck Bo?!" "We are barely together! And when we are it's only about one thing!"
"You can be fuckin happy that i didn't replace you yet"
You felt tear stream down your face as he finished the sentence.
"I am very curious who would stick to your drunk ass and tolerate your bullshit everyday" Your voice cracked and you looked away for only a moment as you took a deep breath.
"It’s time to change the scenery, I'm fucking tired of you!" He yelled as he shut the door and left the house leaving you all alone again..
You were truly hurt. It's not like you haven't heard worse from him, but you didn't know if you want to keep hearing more. You knew he's gonna come home in few hours totally devastated either still pissed, or like usual, promising that everything is going to change. And in the morning there would be the „sober“ apologising part. Walking to the kitchen slamming your fists at the table, spilling over the wine glasses, breaking everything that came into contact with your hands that just wanted to hold and caress.. You sat down and cried, the table not so neat anymore.. You didn't want it to be like this. None of this was your fault, you knew that. And there is one person who understands you and your feelings.
You opened the door and walked downstairs, knocking before opening, you saw Vincent, maskless laying on his bed, reading.
"Y/N? What happened?" He tossed the book aside, sitting up. His voice was soft and almost apologetic while you simply stared back at him, face swollen because of how hard you cried.
"I-.. Bo he-.." You shook your head, couldn't bring yourself to talk about it.
"Shhh come here" Vincent opened his arms and you ran to him instantly.
But he knew exactly what happend. Vincent heard everything, he heard the fight and your breakdown afterwards. He was waiting for you, he knew you'll come downstairs. To him, like you always do. He smiled softly at that thought. Vincent stroked your back and whispered how it will be all good but deep down he knew that HE will make it all good.
You rolled to your side, clinging onto his sweater you said "Vince, don't leave me alone tonight"
That sentence made him feel all warm and proud inside.
He smirked. Vincent always got what he wanted, it was like that when he was a kid and it was like that now. Remembering how easy it was to make his parents think that he's truly just a damaged, soft little boy, and his twin is the evil one, as they liked to call him. Of course when Bo would go and tell his parents how bad Vinny is, they would be angry. At Bo. How dare he is to talk that way about the precious little artist? When Bo is the one who doesn't listen and always cause trouble! That was his trick. But Vincent didn't want to trick you. He honestly cared about you. Loved you.. But his twin was more slick, he had to give him that. Vincent just didn't understand and couldn't help but think how truly pathetic his brother is for not treasuring you and always ending up hurting you.
The woman who he wished to hold and kiss every night, the woman who always made him feel better with her presence, who talked and listened to his ideas, the woman who would help him when he got injured, sometimes it didn't even hurt that much, but who is he to say no to you? You. The perfect person for him. You two were laying on Vincent's bed for some time, no one saying a word. You had calmed down, your breathing was steady and your tears dried a long time ago. Vincent was now hugging you from behind. Feeling his breath on your neck, finding it calming, you closed your eyes, trying to forget about every little thing that troubled you.
But Vincent wasn't so calm inside. He had you like this and his mind wandered off to many places. The pressure in his pants not helping at all. He buried his face in your hair, taking in a deep breath, he lost all the remaining self-control and rolled his hips aganist your ass and your eyes widened. At first you thought it was because he moved closer, but then you felt it again and again, along with soft kisses on your neck.
You turned to face him right away, which he took as an invitation and slammed his lips on yours. Vincent groaned in pleasure as he devoured your mouth. You didn't know what was happening. That was Vincent.. Your boyfriend's brother..
This was wrong.. So wrong.. You pushed him away, both of you looking confused.
"Vincent what are you-" You didn't have time to finish because he got on top of you, pinning you down with his weight. Your arms were free though, you could have slapped him or something, at least try to push him off, but you didn't. You were looking at him, you couldn't believe that Vincent would ever.. That YOU would ever.. He kissed your neck hungrily again, and your breath hitched as you felt tingles rush from your neck to a different part of your body.
"You have no idea.." Vincent started, his voice deep and rough "How long i've been waiting for this moment." He kissed you again, grabbing your hip with one hand and grinding his hips aganist yours.
"We.. we shouldn't.." You stuttered. "Vincent.. please stop, oh god stop.."
"Mhm, don’t think I can stop.. don't really want to" Vincent whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He bit your lip gently and tilted his head to the side.
"Vince, this is wrong.." You moaned.
"Then why are you pulling me so hard to you?" He asked, the forced innocence in his voice almost funny, considering what he was doing to you.
You didn't even register that your arms weren't next to your body anymore, but one on his back and the other on his waist.
"But Vincent.." You didn’t want him to stop, but it had to. It wouldn’t be right..
"Change of scenery, i'm fucking tired of you!" You replayed the scene from earlier in your head. 'Change of scenery indeed' You thought.
You took your hand and placed it on his cheek, leaning in to kiss him. He looked at you, making sure you're really okay with this. You nodded, pulling him back down for another kiss. That's when Vincent's patience ran out as he ripped your t-shirt, sliding off your bra. Fingers now trailing your nipples. He lowered himself as he took one breast in his mouth, playing with the other one. You wrapped your legs around his waist, squeezing him in, feeling the butterflies when he kissed and played with both of your breasts together.
"Vinny" You moaned out. He was now in your panties with his hand, circling your clit, playing with your wetness. Vincent undid your pants, throwing them aside, his own were next. He lowered himself again, kissed and licked your pussy before shoving his fingers in. He pumped them in and out, licking your clit again, recieving sounds from you that were 10 times better than he imagined.
He felt his hard cock beg for attention, his pink tip feeling the texture of the sheets, making him moan into your pussy.
"More" Was the only thing he needed to hear.
He took out his fingers and shoved himself into you roughly, shutting his eye tight, trying to hold himself. Vincent grabbed your hips tightly and began to fuck you violently. Everything he was feeling needed to be let out. That goes for you too. He made an internal promise that he is going to fuck thoughts of Bo out of you. He will do anything, anything you ask him to do. Anything it takes to make you cry out his name. He kind of wishes for his brother to hear you too. But now his main priority is to make you feel good. Your pussy was hugging him so good that he thought he's gonna cum any minute. You played with your clit, the other hand holding onto him. You were moaning non-existing things, feeling the pleasure knot in your stomach, you arched your back and whimpered.
"Oh Vin.. Don't fucking stop!"
With that, Vincent took your legs and threw them over his shoulders, fucking you hard and fast. He could feel that he won't last long. And he also felt that he was hitting your sweet spot when your mouth hanged open, legs trembling while he held them. Your hands were trying to find something to hold onto. You gripped his thighs slightly, and dug your nails in them. Getting another groan from him. That was it. Your hips were shaking as your orgasm took over you. You whined as you felt Vincent pounding your now sensitive pussy.
"Oh f-fuck" Vincent moaned, shook your legs off his shoulders and kissed you deeply. You pulsed around him and with that, he came hard. Fucking out his orgasm, hugging you as he filled you with everything he got.
"My brother has chosen well, too bad i'll never let him touch ya again" He said as he kissed you and booped your nose mockingly.
These upcoming days will be interesting..
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