#Reader Is Desperate
rosaren2498 · 1 year
Touch Me, Please - Part 1
Part 4 of my 'It's Not Abduction If You're Willing' series, now and forever more nicknamed 'Self-Indulgence' the series. I have so many of these written already, this whole thing is just... it won't stop and it's because I leaned heavily into literally writing whatever I wanted. Even if you don't enjoy it, I did! I'm on a writing high like no other.
WARNINGS/TAGS: Fem!Reader (no use of y/n), 18+ MINORS DNI!!!!!! SMUT Oral (fem!receiving) Touch-Starved!Reader, Touch-Starved!Dream, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining, Kinda Dom!Dream, Kinda Sub!Reader, Alternating POV's, Reader Daydreams About Wearing A Collar And Lead, I think that's it
You were slowly going insane.
Living in the Dreaming was like a dream come true, no pun intended. You've never felt like you belonged in the Waking, and the Dreaming was welcoming and absolutely stunning.
It helped that you'd been at the end of your rope. The only good things in your life had been Hob and Teleute, one of whom you didn't even get to see that often due to the nature of her function; still, Teleute was definitely a ray of light in an otherwise dull life, definitely the only friends you had. Everything else beyond them had sucked, including your job, though you would be forever thankful to Hob for offering it. Your flat had been small, though not too terrible, you didn't have any family after living for so long, and working at The New Inn as a bartender had been exhausting because it required you to talk to people, which you hated doing.
Adjusting to the Dreaming had been easy in comparison, but you did have one major issue. You were severely touch-starved. This itself wouldn't be an issue except, prior to living in the Dreaming, Hob had provided all of your needed physical contact, your casual intimacy, which Hob gave as easy as breathing. In the Dreaming though? You didn't want anyone to touch you... well, almost anyone. All you could think about anytime you were in his presence was how ethereal Dream was, how beautiful he looked, and how desperately you wanted to touch him. That wouldn't necessarily be an issue, except Matthew, his raven familiar, seemed to be the only one allowed to touch him; even then, Matthew only perched on his shoulder.
And oh, how you ached; it was like an itch under your skin, slowly driving you mad. You wanted to touch him, you wanted to know what his skin felt like against yours; were his hands soft and smooth, or did he have calluses like any other creator? You wanted to know if his hair was as soft as it looked. You wanted to know if his lips were as plush as they seemed. And, you wanted, desperately, to know if he tasted as inhuman as he sometimes looked. But he'd so far been very careful not to touch you, beyond the occasional brush of fingers against your chin when you wouldn't meet his eyes (a rare occurrence, really); you thought you might combust if he didn't touch you soon, properly.
Dream wasn't doing much better than you were. The way you had taken to his realm, to his dreams and nightmares, had made his heart soar. But the more time he spent around you, the stronger his desire to touch you grew. It was getting more and more difficult to not just reach out and touch, but he'd already broken his promise once or twice when you had refused to meet his gaze; he'd guided your chin up with the gentlest of touches. He had sworn not to touch you... but it was getting nearly impossible to resist.
You were just so beautiful and he wanted to show you just how beautiful he found you; he just needed your permission first. It was clear to him that you did not enjoy physical contact unless it came from Hob, who always clearly telegraphed that he was going to touch her before he actually did. According to Hob, he had once almost knocked out one of his customers who had touched you without permission because, evidently, you'd flinched rather violently. So, no, he wouldn't touch you; not unless you made it clear it was okay.
But his logic did nothing to soothe the burning under his skin, nor quell the ache steadily growing inside him, the almost desperate desire to touch every inch of your skin and worship you the way you deserved. He wanted to memorize every inch of your body, not only with his hands but with his lips and tongue as well. He wanted to kiss every part of you and leave his marks all over your skin. It didn't help that you wore his coat all the time now either; it made the possessive creature inside him simultaneously purr in satisfaction and want to properly stake his claim.
It came to a head when he had what you called his 'Kingly Duties', and he had wanted you there with him. You were his consort, his queen, his love, even if he had yet to show you just how much he loved you. You had agreed readily enough, and he'd been expecting to need to make you a throne, would've eagerly done so, but you hadn't even asked.
Instead, he was sitting on his throne, but you... oh, you were trying to drive him to his little sister's realm, surely. You sat lounged at the base of his throne, by his feet. At first, though the sight had made his mouth water, your position had been relatively easy to ignore because you weren't touching. Then, very slowly, as if he were an easily spooked animal, you brushed your arm against his leg, your shoulder brushing his thigh. He forced himself to ignore it, but over the course of several long minutes, your arm and shoulder slowly began pressing more and more firmly against his leg and thigh, a line of distracting warmth burning through his pants, until you were pressed solidly against him.
Instead of the line of contact acting like a balm against his desire to touch you, it only made it worse, and he acted without thinking. One second, his hand was on the arm of his throne, the next it was threaded through your hair; you both froze at the same time. Dream was seconds away from jerking his hand away when you suddenly shuddered, whimpered under your breath, and slumped into him, leaning your head back enticingly; his lips parted and his mouth went dry when he caught sight of how heavy-lidded your gaze had abruptly become. He slowly began petting your hair, gently running his fingers through it.
You... were in Heaven. Dream's hand was soft and unbearably gentle in your hair, his nails lightly scratched at your scalp in a way that made you want to nuzzle into him like a cat, and your eyes were drooping from pleasure. It turned out that draping yourself at his feet like a fucking concubine had been an excellent idea.
You hardly managed to pay even the tiniest bit of attention to the delegation that was led into the throne room. You could feel their gaze, could hear their whispers, but you literally couldn't have cared less; Dream's hand didn't stop caressing your head, and his voice betrayed nothing. He seemed perfectly calm, and it caused an image to pop up in your head, unbidden; an image of something very close to what was already happening, except that you were dressed more like an actual concubine. Your throat and shoulders were exposed by the then straps keeping your top on, though your bottoms were riding low, revealing a small strip of your stomach; both areas were littered with hickeys, bites, and bruises. What caused a pleasurable shudder to run down your spine was what was around your neck in your little daydream; a gleaming black collar with shining stars like the inside of his robe, a black lead attached to it that was wrapped around Dream's hand while he sat on his throne; the lead was pulled just tight enough to force your head back a little to fully expose your throat; all of them being clear signs of Dream's claim on you that you desperately wished were more than just an image in your head. Then, the hand in your hair twitched, breaking you out of your little daydream; your cheeks heated as you abruptly remembered that he could see daydreams as well as dreams and nightmares.
Dream found it quite difficult to focus with your daydream playing in his head, but he managed; he did have eons of practice. When the delegation was finally gone and you both were alone, he slowly removed his hand from your hair; it took all of his self-control not to drag you to your chambers - or his own - when a half-choked whine slipped out of your mouth. You avoided looking at him, even as he stood from his throne. The urge to touch you again was rapidly growing, and he hesitated only a moment before offering his hand to you. Despite clearly being embarrassed, and still not looking at him, you didn't hesitate to take his hand; it made something warm curl in his chest. He grasped your hand and pulled you up, using just a little extra strength than was necessary so that you stumbled forward; he used it as an excuse to place his hands on your waist, steadying you.
"Your daydreams are... interesting."
Your cheeks darkened further, but you didn't pull away from him, which he counted as a victory. In fact, you actually seemed to melt into him; it only made his desire burn hotter. One of his hands slowly began tracing invisible patterns on your waist as you continued to avoid his gaze; it made him pout.
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean.... please, forgive me."
Did you actually think he was upset? "There is nothing to apologize for." He paused for a moment before managing to ask his question. "Does it bother you when I touch you?"
You instantly shook your head, suddenly meeting his eyes; your own shined with something he could've sworn was desperation. "No, not at all. I... I really like it when you touch me."
You bit your lip as you looked into Dream's enchanting twin-star eyes, stomach twisting in arousal at the look in them. One of his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you flush against him, and you barely managed to bite back a gasp; his touch was electrifying, even through the layers of clothes. Sand abruptly swirled around you and then something impossibly soft was against your back; a brief glance around told you that he'd taken you to his chambers. He was kneeling between your legs, but barely touching you now.
"Would you allow me to continue to do so?"
You whimpered at the words, nodding rapidly; fucking hell, his voice. "Yes. I want you to touch me, please."
A sound that could only be described as a growl came from him, so deep that you felt it in your chest, causing you to shudder; a second later, his hands were everywhere. He caressed your body like you were something precious, like you were a goddess and his entire reason for existing was worshipping you; it was dizzying, but you wanted, needed, to feel skin-on-skin contact. You squirmed until he pulled back, his eyes dark except for the stars, but the look on his face made your heart hurt; he looked like if you denied him now, he would cry.
"I want... please."
He leaned down, your lips suddenly inches apart. "What do you want? Tell me."
It sounded more like a plea than a demand, and how could you possibly deny him? "I want to feel your bare skin against mine." You could feel the heat in your cheeks again, but the embarrassment was promptly washed away by the fucking groan Dream made, deep in his chest.
He pulled away from you only so he could carefully remove his jacket from you, your top turning to sand and vanishing as soon as it was gone; you sucked in a sharp breath at the first touch of his fingers on your bare skin. Instinctively, your hands shot out and you couldn't contain your whimper when they made contact with his bare shoulders; his own robe and shirt that had been underneath it had been turned to sand as well. A fine tremor ran through his body and you almost pulled your hands away, but then he moved so quickly that you didn't even see it, his hand grasping your wrist; you froze as he held one of your hands in place; his eyes were black now, supernovas shining within.
You shuddered at the desperation in his voice, the absolute plea of just one word, and everything suddenly clicked into place; he didn't actually have an aversion to touch, he was touch-starved just like you.
His hand released your wrist and you slowly began dragging your fingers along his shoulders, up and down his arms. Another tremor rolled through him and then he practically fell into you, his hands immediately back on you, exploring every inch of your bare skin that he could. You couldn't have contained your gasps and whimpers of delight that every touch of his seemed to bring out if you'd tried. You weren't embarrassed by them, however, because he seemed just as affected by your touch; every touch returned seemed to have him fighting not to groan; he didn't always win.
When his lips brushed against yours, featherlight, you whined; your lips parted for him almost automatically. Another growl tore from his throat, and then his lips were on yours and you couldn't have stopped the way your hips rolled against his if you'd tried. You moaned simultaneously, your tongues tangling together in a heated, messy kiss. You've never been kissed like this before, as if you were a feast and he was starving; it was passionate, it was dirty, and it was perfect. Warmth pooled in your gut and between your legs as Dream's tongue slid against your own; you didn't have a lot of experience with kissing, but Dream didn't seem to care, if the way he plundered your mouth was any indication.
He slowly trailed his hands up to the straps of your bra, lightly tugging on it; the way you moaned enthusiastically into his mouth made him want to devour you entirely, but he managed to hold himself back, settling for allowing your bra to vanish.
As soon as your bra disappeared, Dream finally broke the kiss; you gasped for breath as his lips immediately met your throat, his hands sliding down to your breasts. His thumbs brushed over your nipples, causing an embarrassing whine to slip from your mouth. The sound only seemed to encourage him, his mouth sucking mark after mark onto your throat and shoulders while his hands busied themselves with making you squirm, moan, and whimper at every touch of your breasts; you had never been so turned on in your life.
He groaned at the sound of his name on your tongue, so sweet, his lips trailing down your neck to your collarbone, nipping and sucking everywhere his mouth could reach; you were writhing beneath him and it was rapidly wrecking his control. Your hips suddenly rolled against his and he growled again, rolling his hips and pressing his lower body flush against yours just as he abruptly bit down. Your back arched beautifully at the sudden mix of pleasure and pain, a high-pitched moan ripping free from your throat. He could feel your nails lightly digging into his back, dragging down a bit, and he groaned again as your hips rolled against his once more.
When Dream released his teeth from your collarbone, he ducked his head down further so his mouth enveloped your breast and you cried out his name, rutting your hips desperately against his. His hips began to steadily roll against yours and the perfect friction could've made you cry; you wanted him more than you had ever wanted anyone. Panting for breath already, you tangled a hand in his hair - fuck, it was as soft as it looked - while the other tried to continue your own exploration of his bare, silk-smooth skin. However, you could hardly focus on anything other than the pleasure he was bringing you. His mouth utterly worshipped your breasts, alternating between them while he licked and sucked at your nipples, causing them to quickly stiffen under his ministrations.
When he finally managed to pull his mouth from your breasts, he continued to trail gentle kisses and little nips down your stomach, stopping only when he reached the waistband of your bottoms. He looked up at you through his lashes with a hungry gaze, feeling you shudder beneath him; he felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. He allowed his fingers to lightly trace along the waistband, another whimper slipping out of your pretty mouth.
"Please," you gasped. "Dream, please." You couldn't form any other words, but he didn't seem to mind; you shivered when your bottoms vanished beneath his touch. A choked moan slipped out of your mouth when his fingers suddenly brushed against your thigh, featherlight.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to touch you these last several months. How much I have wanted to taste you."
You whined, high and needy and too far gone to be embarrassed anymore. You spread your thighs from him so he could settle between them, trailing even more nips and kisses, this time up and down your thighs. You were faintly trembling now - he was so close to where you wanted him to be - but he didn't touch your aching core yet; instead, he latched his mouth onto the inside of your left thigh, sucking hard enough to make you cry out again. A litany of pleas spilled from your mouth as one of his hands pinned your hips to the bed while the other kept your thigh in place.
"Patience, little dreamling. I will give you what you need."
You were bordering on mindless now; all you could think about was his mouth, his hands, his tongue. He left a multitude of bite marks and hickeys all over your left thigh and then switched to your right to do the same before finally, finally, dragging his tongue through your soaked folds; you nearly sobbed.
A deep groan rumbled through him as he finally tasted you; you were slightly sweet, slightly tangy, and he was already addicted. The sound you made when he groaned, when mixed with your taste, made it impossible for him to hold himself back any longer and he buried his face into your pussy, devouring you. He kept your hips pinned as he licked, sucked, and nipped at your folds alternating to occasionally swipe his tongue at your clit; your hands were tangled in his hair in an effort to ground yourself and he knew he'd never get enough of you now.
Your thighs were beginning to shake, you were already so fucking close. When he shoved his tongue into you, you pulled on his hair as you cried out, his pleased growl rumbling through you and nearly sending you over the edge. You were babbling, begging, though you weren't entirely sure if you were begging for more, or for him to let you cum, or if it was just an incoherent string of pleas, though you were aware of the breathless way you whined his name; his answering groan was like a shockwave of pleasure.
Though he didn't remove his mouth from you, he allowed his voice to echo in the room around you as he thrust his tongue deeper into you. "You're so close for me, aren't you, my heart?" He shuddered at your answering whine. "Be a good girl and cum for me." He pulled his tongue out just to seal his mouth around your clit, sucking hard. He watched as you immediately seized underneath him, hips trying in vain to buck against his grip as you came. He watched your face avidly, memorizing the gorgeous expression on your face as you came on his tongue.
You threw your head back with a cry as your orgasm crashed into you like a tsunami, your toes curling, your back arching, your vision nearly whiting out. Dream didn't let up, curling his tongue inside you and lapping at your juices like they were his favorite meal, each flick of his tongue sending another wave of pleasure rolling through you; he didn't pull away until you were a shaking, panting, trembling mess.
He slowly crawled back up your body, planting soft kisses as he went, before pressing his mouth to yours in a much gentler kiss than earlier; you shuddered at the taste of your juices on his lips, giving a weak moan. When your hands made an attempt for the button of his jeans, he took your wrists in hand, shaking his head as he pulled back from your mouth.
You frowned at him. "But you didn't-"
He cut you off with another gentle kiss. "I think you will find that I did."
Your eyes widened and you looked down your bodies, catching sight of the steadily darkening wet spot on the front of his jeans. Your gaze snapped up back to his. "Did you... were you rocking against the bed?"
He seemed almost embarrassed, if the light flush spreading on his cheeks was any indication.
"You have no idea how good you taste."
He smirked when you flushed in response, opening your mouth to counter, but you were cut off before you even began when you yawned. He couldn't help but allow his smirk to soften into a smile at how disgruntled you looked by your yawn; yes you were gorgeous, but you were also adorable. He shifted you around until you were draped over him, his arms curling tight around you, holding you as close as possible; his lips brushed your forehead as he stroked your back.
"Sleep little dreamling. I will be here when you wake."
You allowed your eyes to close before speaking. "I'd hope so. I still need to explore you, too." You thought you might have heard a strangled noise leave him, but you dropped into sleep's waiting embrace before he could respond.
Hope you enjoyed! I've never liked how I write smut and would very much welcome some constructive criticism on it so that I may improve.
I already have Part 2 of this story, and 2 others written and ready to be posted, while I'm working on a 3rd (technically, I have 4 written pieces, but I'm not sure where 2 of them fit into the timeline so...) This will be added to my Masterlist and posted on my Ao3 soon. In fact, part 2 will likely be on Ao3 before here.
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lxnarphase · 5 months
choso fucking you so roughly that he breaks the condom and he can see the holes forming in it but he just keeps fucking you, even after he cries as he whines ‘’m cumminggg’, watching the way his cum leaked out of the holes and slowly gave his cock a milky sheen. he just sobs as he overstimulates himself, just sooo addicted to that sweet feeling of your pussy massaging his dick as he just keeps cumming and cumming—
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frogchiro · 5 months
Maybe an unpopular opinion but a domesticity kink + dry humping is one of the best combos out there EVER
Like imagine this big, strong, burly man like Price or Simon or Graves being absolutely wild and soft for you, the pretty housewife that drives a man crazy♡ All soft curves, nice ample breasts and soft, broad hips with a pretty floral apron tied around your waist as you cook a nice hearty mean for your tired man and greet him with that beautiful smile of yours :((
It honestly would make them soft, desperate, hating the idea of being even a second longer away from you, all pent up and horny so they just cling with their big, rough hands to your hips and they can't helo themselves but thrust their quiclly hardening cocks against you, effectively humping you like an animal in heat but even your soft whines that you need to finish their dinner doesn't stop the man; he needs to fuck, needs to be close to his girl♡
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karoochui · 5 months
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Been thinking a lot about. My au and Sun especially. Hes so swagless
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m3ikyu · 5 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ older&grumpy!toji
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ content: light angst, fluff, nsfw MDNI, swearing, age gap, nipple play, fingering, daddy kink
older&grumpy!toji unexpectedly falls in love with a soft and sensitive woman who barely knows how to live independently having only graduated a few months ago. she grew up being pampered by those around her and isn’t used to not having constant attention from her loved ones.
she gets upset when older&grumpy!toji won’t entertain her neediness and is dismissed in a rather rude manner because he has more important matters to tend to. despite this, she’s obedient to him and does her best to understand him but ends up sulking in their king-sized bed under her fluffy blankets :<
older&grumpy!toji swears he feels annoyed once he sees her but the pang in his heart says otherwise. he sighs, pulling off the heavy weight on her body only to find his baby asleep with dried tears on her red cheeks.
he lets out a grunt before getting on top of her and peppering soft kisses on her neck as an apology. everyone knows that older&grumpy!toji doesn’t do lovey-dovey shit but he finds himself being so gentle with her, contradicting his usual self.
older&grumpy!toji has his drowsy baby on his lap with her back pressed against his chest as he coos in her ear, “daddy’s sorry for bein’ so mean to his princess, let me make it up to you hm?” with a hand underneath her shirt, he toys with her puffy nipples in between the rough pads of his fingertips. his other hand is busy caressing her soft wet slit and pinching her clit, eliciting quiet whimpers from her.
“t-toji… why are you—” she’s cut off by older&grumpy!toji shoving a finger inside her tight cunt all of a sudden, choking on her words because of the intrusion. “relax and take it f’me, baby… it’s gon’ feel s’good, trust me.”
that’s all thank you ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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naivegh0ul · 5 months
Boyfriends!Ghost and Soap eating you out but their tongues keep bumping into each other and they end up making out in front of your pussy, causing you to squirm and kick and cry out at having to watch your two hot boyfriends kiss when they could so easily turn their heads and kiss between your legs instead... :)
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allurilove · 20 days
Yandere Boyfriend x you
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Rated 18 + — mature short content !
Includes: He cries, begging, use him!, gender neutral reader, he slips you some viagra, he becomes your maid—trying to get on your good graces, tie him up and blindfold him, doggystyle, he eats you out.
*Incase yall were wondering.. this is lol what I imagine yandere classmate/boyfriend looks like in his little uniform. This is the third post! And check out the first and second when you can! He is referred to as “your boyfriend” and this is purely fictional writing!*
Synopsis: He comes clean about his yandere tendencies, and how he lied about pretty much everything. Your boyfriend will do anything for you to take him back again.
He always dreaded this moment. The moment when he had to tell you the truth, and he hoped you wouldn’t look at him any differently.
He told you about how much of a sexual deviant he is, and how he never got accepted into the university, and how he got you to live with him.
You kicked out your boyfriend when he came clean. You wanted space from him, but he took it as a break up and he started to panic as a jerk reaction. He came by to your door everyday, and you only gave him five minutes to explain himself, and then you shut the door in his face. And like clockwork, he came again. Over time, you were slowly getting the full picture.
He liked you since highschool, followed you around, sniffed your locker when he missed you, befriended your siblings to see your room, and he often jerked himself off when he thought about you.
He showed up with flowers, chocolates, chips, your favorite food from the nicest restaurants, and even stuffed animals that could sing. He then slid letters underneath your door, and then he slid pictures of him incase you werent understanding how much he needed you. He would send his nudes through the phone, but you blocked him.
He did not get what a break meant. He hated that you wanted zero contact, and that you did not want to meet with him until you were ready to talk again. So, one last time he approached your door again. He knocked on the door, you peeked through the peephole, and saw he wasn’t holding anything this time. He was just wearing a dark hoodie, sweats, and his airpods shoved into his ears.
You opened the door just enough to get a good look at him. He…looked embarrassed? His face pink and he nervously fiddled with his hair.
“Can I come in..?” Your boyfriend asked. You slowly let him inside and your eyes widens as he pulled off his clothes. “Just hear me out-“
When he got his joggers pulled off, he revealed a little maid outfit. He wore this black and white skirt or dress, some white sheer tights, and had some bows in his hair.
“I’ll become your maid! I’ll clean, cook, and… sleep with you heh, if t-that’s just what you want!” He stuttered in the end to cover up the fact that he’s been so pent up. He didn’t want you to think that he’s still a sexual deviant (you so nicely called him).
So, over the next couple of weeks he would come over and clean your apartment. He would whistle some sweet tunes, vacuum the place, and he would occasionally flash a bit more leg at you. You found it humorous that he was trying to seduce you. The skirt of his dress would accidentally would be a bit too high up, and you caught sight of his erection. And he would try to be too helpful. If you were stressed out, he told you that you could hop on his cock.
He was becoming desperate for attention, and paranoid that you would find someone else during this “break.” He came around more often to clean your house, and he would sneak into your bedroom to snoop in your drawers. When you two were still dating, you had some scandalous intimates, and he audibly sighed when he saw none of those.
So, you weren’t seeing anyone new. He smiled as he chopped up some carrots for the stew he was cooking, he wanted to feed you well and make you happy. He snuck some viagra into your drink, and he handed it to you.
If you were being honest… you didn’t think that your boyfriend was capable of all of those things he was confessing to. You weren’t going to say that he’s dumb… but he definitely tended to act like he needed your attention and help 24/7. So, it was a surprise to hear that he was actually a massive pervert and manipulator. You continue to sit there with an impassive look on your face, your arms crossed, and you watch as he cried and sobbed. The viagra hasn’t kicked in yet, and he was cursing at himself for not giving you more. He tried to plead his case and get you to change your mind about him.
“I didn’t mean too!” He wailed. “It just happened so suddenly! I-It was like my feelings for you appeared overnight!” That was technically half true.
You did wish on a shooting star for a boyfriend, and the universe provided. But it turned into an unhealthy obsession, it turned an innocent man to start stalking you, and craving to be yours.
He could not stop, the tears in his eyes kept coming and he was on his knees. He knew any sane person would leave him in a heartbeat, they would dump his ass, and maybe even get a restraining order on him.
“You’re just so amazing! I fell in love with you immediately. It was like an instant connection..!” He pouted, and he crawled over to you. “Are you going to leave me?”
You heavily debated on it. He’s insane, that was pretty clear, and you also took a note that you should probably clean your sheets… and lock your room just in case. Your head still tried to wrap around the fact that he bought a plane ticket, and up-rooted his whole life…for you.
You sighed, “I might-“
“Don’t.” He quickly said, his eyes darkening and they narrow at you briefly. All before he nervously chuckles when you didn’t like his tone, and he reached for you, “W-What I meant was—“
“You can’t tell me what to do.” You scoffed and you took a step back. His hand falling down after you rejected his touch.
His lip started to quiver, and he bends down to kiss at your feet. “What can I do, my love?”
“You know I’ll do anything.”
You don’t know why, but you started to feel your body heat up. His lips looked so kissable and soft, his cheeks pink and tear-stained. You eventually gave in. You didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of seeing your body, so you unravel the ribbons in his hair, and cover his eyes. You used the other ribbons to tie his hands back.
He had to rely on his other senses to understand what you were doing. All he hears is a rustle of your clothes falling down to the floor, and you got him to lay on his back. You instructed him to open his mouth and he does so, his tongue sticking out in anticipation. He felt a presence nearby and he immediately tried to lick at it. His tongue feeling something warm and slick. He lifted his head up and buried himself into it, his tongue slipping inside to your core, and he probed for your g-spot. He pushed himself deeper, his neck straining to force his tongue deeper.
He wanted to use his hands to spread your legs further for him. He wanted to rip the blindfold off so he could see what he was doing, and make you feel better. He felt you pull away, and he latched his lips onto your heat to convince you to stay on his face. Your boyfriend huffed when his head fell back onto the floor, he licked his lips, and he felt you pull his boxers down. His cock sprung out— so eager for you to do whatever to it. A little dribble of cum spills out of his tip, and trailing down his shaft.
“fuhhhhck!” He let out a deep groan, your hand moving up and down his length as you put the condom on him. He wiggled his hips, imaging that it would be buried deep inside you. He could get off at the thought of you riding him.
You straddled his hips, his tip poking at your heat before you finally sank down on him. He bit his lip, his brows furrowed as you bounced up and down.
He still didn’t get to have sight privileges as you change positions. There was a ring of cum around his dick, and he began to harden again at your admiration. You praised him for doing so well, and you got onto all fours. He reached out for your hips, using his hands to guide himself behind you. He gently spreads your cheeks apart, and he glides right into you again.
He’s never heard of stopping at one time.
Once just wasn’t enough.
You let your boyfriend have a taste of you after months of shunning him. You had let him come to your graduation, but he had to stand from the distance, and he held a sign saying he “loves you.”
You were finally done with college and you were taking a right step in the direction, finding your own peace, and growing as a person.
But you just had to let him in.
Your boyfriend let out one final devastatingly brutal thrust—a sadistic smile tugging at his lips—and he knew he won you over when he heard you scream out his name.
Allure: Anywaaaaay! Idk if this will be the final, there might be another one where reader and him are engaged?? IDK don’t quote me.
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koenigami · 8 months
wriothesley makes the hottest noises while fucking you.
sure, he’s feeling good thrusting in and out of you the first time you sleep together. good? no, he’s on cloud nine. feeling your pliant body beneath him, smelling your sweet scent when he buries his face in your neck, hearing your desperate whimpers when his thumb brushes over your clit and brings you closer to your third orgasm that night. but the moment his steady grunts turn into louder moans, his breathing starts getting laboured, and his voice shaky- he swears you’re tightening up around him, you’re wetter than before and … louder than before?
"ha, you're such a sweet, little whore. getting off on my moans, aren’t you, love?"
you won’t hear the end of it. he'll tease you about it in the most inappropriate places at the most inappropriate times. he'll lean into you and quietly breathe, almost groan, down your ear. your legs quiver and neck starts feeling hot until you remind yourself that you're in public and you shove him away, only for him to offer you that handsome chaffing smirk of his. yet frankly speaking, you can’t deny it. he just sounds so good.
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fqntasies · 2 months
Just a taste, baby - Feyd Rautha x Reader
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summary: You and Feyd-Rautha have been connected through dreams since childhood; a complex inner-working of the Bene Gesserit mothers to join your bloodlines. It binds the two of you in a pull you can't escape (nor do you want to). Feyd is absolutely feral for you.
words: 1,258
disclaimer: characters may be out of character, specifically feyd, considering his desperate softness here. just a forewarning.
You were trapped, breaths coming out of shallow pants as you felt the scratch of the cement structure beneath your palms. He had you against the wall in a hidden alcove; along one of the lengthy corridors of the palace in Giedi Prime. Your mouths were just breaths apart. In fact the Harkonnen before you seemed intent on matching your breaths, mingling them. Tasting your tiny pants as his own. It made your eyes heavy, made you want to tilt your head back and close your eyes, give him access to the expanse of your neck.
"sweetness." He rasped, unable to control himself. The Na-Baron wrapped an arm about your waist, a vice arching you against him as he lowered a wanting mouth to your neck, licking and sucking where the two met. You mewled at the wet heat, felt him growl desperately at the taste.
The two of you hadn't even kissed yet - but the wait; the dreams - you both knew each other to the soul.
---- flashback ----------
The sands of Arakis and Geidi Prime alike carried mysteries of prophesies of the lisan-al-gaib. But midst such tales, the Bene-Geserit mothers also had worked to connect bloodlines through dreams. The Na-Baron and the princess of Arrakis had been bound by such since birth. A well-planned move to align feuds and place power into wanting hands in preparation of war. A web of politcal conspiracy only they controlled. Their plans could not be foiled.
But Feyd couldn't care less about such witchcraft; and neither, if one were honest, could you. The two of you had known of this binding since a young age. And when you had met as children too - the connection had been strong.
"Their line is bright" The reverend mother's voice had burned into your mind, even at 10 years old.
You remembered her cloaked form; a black shadow against the haze of the horizon, a tower above you as she turned from your parents. Her voice had been void of emotion, except for a smugness you didn't understand. But when you turned to glance at the older boy before you (such a uniquely beautiful boy; broad shoulders and smooth skin, black attire across a lithe form), his eyes shone with an intensity that surprised her. Dark, watching, intrigued. He intimidated you. He made you curious.
At 15 years of age, the Na-Baron hadn't spoken in their meeting; but he had felt more than he had imagined. The girl...she had made him feel things. It confused and awakened him to something he had never known. His uncle had never spoken of such a pull. A need.
When the ship had arrived to his homeworld, and the strange foreigners parted like a sea, Feyd-Rautha found himself straightening to his full height; head lowered as he studied them beneath an angled gaze. Garbs of strange colors - hair he had never seen before in elegant styles. He would be Harkonnen predator. He would be a warrior. Strike fear in these alien people, show the Baron he was not swayed so easily by something new.
But then-
Swathed in layers of white, a girl stepped forward; dainty and gracious above all else; practically floating across the landing platform. Yet her eyes betrayed her; darting to capture the landscape, thrown off perhaps by the infrared of Giedi Prime's black sun above them.
She was drinking in the strange newness before her, and then they found him. Feyd felt his chest tighten. Fists clenched. Heat brimmed under the chestplate of his armor.
She looked like some newborn animal, caught in his gaze. But they both felt it. The familiarity. The warm hum between them. It made you want to slip from the safety of your parents and stand beside him, as though his shadow was more protection than the whole parade your own family brought with them. You wondered if he'd felt the same.
Three nights later, you had dreamed of him. A bit older, hand in his as he raised it to his lips. His eyes had never left yours. As a young girl it made you blush. Now...
You made a breathy sound as his tongue lathed the mark he had made, moving with a lazy carelessness across your pulse, hungry above all else, uncaring for decorum. He wanted to devour you entirely. He wanted you to see you helpless and delirious against him, just as you were now. As you were in all his dreams.
He knew you'd had them all too. His eyes on you at their wedding. His tongue against yours, moans and tastes and hunger. You watching from the arena as he slaughtered man after man, coated and heaving. He felt like a beast.
"Feyd-" His name barely formed, like a prayer from your lips.
His eyes nearly lolled in his head at the way you sounded, and he dragged his wanting mouth up to meet yours. Wet and wanting. Feyd's free hand shifted to engulf your slender neck, moving your head against his mouth to deepen the kiss, taste all of you. Consume.
The Na-Baron was all muscle and prowess, a looming figure that practically dwarfed you. The spanse of his shoulders alone were sinful, and deep down you loved how it felt to be completely in his grasp. Guiding you in your movements.
Feyd's tongue sought yours as much as he could, controlling and demanding - but you were a needy little thing too, weren't you? In the haze of passion you were pressing into him - leaning just as much towards his heat as he was pushing you both together. You sucked his plush bottom lip into your mouth - unable to help yourself. After all, why was he made so beautiful, if not to kiss? He was quick to follow, biting your own with a growl that made your knees practically give, and following with his greedy tongue.
"You're going to be my wife." the words are a promise, his eyes glittering under the low light; shadows flashign with the coming storm. You part your mouth as though to taste him again, a helpless 'please' slipping past as you arch in his grasp.
Feyd practically took you then and there. Enter the nearest room... make all his dreams a reality. His patience was nearly worn thin. Years of waiting, of hunger. And now it was here. You were in his reach, that tempting little waist; those hips. It made him absolutely insane.
He wets his lips, gaze feverish.
"tomorrow. tomorrow sweetness, hmm? Can wait that long?" He intends to tease you, but he knows he speaks to himself, his jaw locking as he adjusts his arms to press you against him.
You're so fucking soft. It makes him groan. Of all the things he's known in his life, softness was not one of them, save for the flashes of you in his dreams. He craved you like a creature starved. Thoughts of you made him fight better. Made him kill easier.
There's a rumble suddenly of a drone; Harkonnen orders breaking the silence in distorted code. The words don't make sense to your ears. Not yet anyway. You hope to make progress in the language, but it was a challenge; more than others. The variety of tones were a feat for any foreigner to take on; but this was to be your home. A lady of harkonnen would learn her husband's native tongue.
You know he has to leave.
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ivysoul · 10 months
i just… i just think that simon, who came home being the neediest he’s ever been, wouldn’t be able to stop himself from bullying his hard and aching cock into your sweet cunt. you could feel how much he’s been craving you during his time away with every thrust, every sloppy kiss to your shoulder or neck.
he couldn’t have been bothered to fully strip either of you, yet he needed to feel every inch of your skin. his hands dipped under your shirt and travelled to your tits, giving them a firm squeeze a couple of times before pinching and tugging at your sensitive nipples.
he hadn’t even realized how overstimulated you were after cumming a dozen times. the tears streamed down your cheeks freely, your nails dug into his back, creating lines of red along the length of it. the pain of being used mixing with the pleasure of being fucked so good had you dancing across the line of satisfaction.
simon was too far gone to stop now. he was a babbling mess on top of you. “f-fuck, lovie—‘m so close, please—pleaseplease let me cum in you. need it s’bad. y’feel so good—oh my g-god…”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
purest honey
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words: 1.1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, SOMNOPHILIA!!!, female receiving oral, p in v sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, established relationship, cockwarming <3
“rafe, stop.” you whine out. you should have known better than to get into bed naked, but you were too exhausted to even throw pajamas on.
“come on baby.” rafe coos, pulling at your hip until you're on your back, instead of turned away from him on your side, waiting for him to slot behind you and cuddle to sleep.
“im so sleepy.” you tell rafe, barely able to keep your eyes open after rafe kept you up all last night with his cock lodged deep inside you.
“i just wanna taste you, come on.” rafe groans.
“no, im exhausted.” you argue as rafe separates your thighs, revealing your pussy.
“sleep then.” he grunts, laying between your thighs. he presses soft kisses to your inner thighs that lull you even further towards slumber.
“fine.” you mumble out, stopping all resistance, letting sleep take you while rafes kisses move closer to your center, his tongue darting out to taste the bit of wetness that is permanently between your thighs whenever you are around rafe.
he licks softly, keeping his strokes light and eyes on your face, making sure you don't wake as your chest rises and falls deeply, clearly already completely out.
rafe spreads your pussy with his fingers so he can see your tiny stretched hole, swiping his tongue in circles before pressing inside. you move slightly, hips adjusting from side to side as you feel the intrusion in your sleep, but you settle as rafe begins to move again. in, then out, in, then out again. 
he loves feeling how tight you are around him even in your sleep, moving back up to swirl around your clit. until you’ve thoroughly covered his tongue, only able to taste your slick.
rafe presses a few more kisses to your folds before licking his lips, moving to lay next to you. rafe knows how deep you sleep, so he doesn’t fear waking you as he moves your body around, slinging one of your legs over his hips.
rafe swipes his cock through your folds, rubbing against you, feeling your warmth, before sinking into your pussy with a low groan. your cunt tightens around his cock, your body briefly stiffening up before relaxing again when rafe presses all the way inside, able to fall asleep himself now that your taste is in his mouth and your body is wrapped around him in every way.
“fuck.” rafe groans, the morning light shining in from the sunrise. he told himself to wait longer, to let you sleep, but his cock has been soft inside you most of the night, and he’s so painfully hard now that he can’t hold himself back any longer.
rafe thrusts his hips forward, rocking into you, forcing himself deeper as his hands grip your hips. you’re not asleep for long as your eyes squish together before blinking open, sleep still heavy on your body. 
“mmm.” you moan out, realizing you had drooled a little bit in your sleep onto rafes bare chest as you pick your head up, quickly realizing that rafe is picking your hips up and down, his cock pushing inside of you.
“sorry baby, couldn’t wait.” rafe grunts out, eyes glossed over with long sought pleasure. you move so you’re fully straddling rafe instead of just your leg stretched over his body.
you don’t even worry about your weight pressing down on him as you bounce your hips with rafes help, bare tits rubbing against his chest.
“slept all night inside of you.” rafe says, even though you could probably tell already. you smile and press soft kisses to his neck, burrowing further into his warmth since the blanket had long slipped off the bed.
“want your cum inside me too.” you coo out. usually rafe wouldn’t let you sleep until you were stuffed, filled and dripping, but last night was an exception, simply too tired to even allow him that much.
“gonna give it to you baby.” rafe moans as you tighten around him, clenching your muscles, wanting rafe to get there even faster, anything you can do to increase his pleasure.
“fuck!” rafe shouts out, hips pressing up, holding you tight down on his cock as his orgasm rips through his body, cum spurting inside of you, filling you with a familiar warmth.
you giggle as rafe flips you over onto your back, giving a few more thrusts to really push his cum deep before settling down into you.
“your pussy is so perfect.” rafe kisses you, not caring about morning breath. “wanna taste you again.”
rafe slides his cock out, fingers quickly coming to plug your hole and not allow anything to escape as he sinks down the bed until he’s laid between your legs.
“you’ve been needy lately.” you giggle, looking down at rafe, swiping his hair over his forehead as his tongue darts out, rubbing over your clit.
“can’t help you taste so good.” rafe moans into your pussy, the vibrations spreading between your thighs. rafe isn’t sure what he would compare to how you taste on his tongue. it’s better than the purest honey, the freshest vanilla.
“rafey.” you yawn, glancing at the clock. “its so early.” 
“i know, i’ll let you go back to sleep in a minute.” rafe promises. he never says anything about stopping eating you out as he licks and sucks at your clit until it’s puffy and pink.
“cum for me then you can sleep.” rafe commands, fingers starting to pump in and out, the squelching of his cum still inside of you filling the room.
“rafe!” you squeal out as his teeth graze against your clit, feeling your soft flesh as he gently bites down before lathering over your bud with his tongue.
rafe increases the speed of his fingers, moving his mouth faster to meet the rhythm as he sucks your clit into his mouth, not bothering to keep the movement soft as he sucks harshly on your most sensitive part until your orgasm explodes from your body, your hips pressing up into rafes face as you cum hard, having been teased and on edge since last night.
“fuck, so delicious.” rafe buries his entire mouth and chin between your thighs, unashamed in rubbing through your folds, soaking his entire face in your juices before smiling up at you.
“now come back up here and cuddle.” you coo out, hoping rafe will agree and let you fall back asleep as your eyes become droopy again.
“mmm, couple more.” rafe returns to your pussy, despite you hissing out from how overstimulated you are.
rafe wants more than a couple more, eating you out through four more orgasms before you completely lose count, at some point passing out and falling back to sleep as he stays between your thighs.
you wake up for the second time, the sun now high in the sky, again with rafes cock buried inside of you. he smiles when you wake up, ready to fuck more cum into you.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut
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wonryllis · 3 months
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. . ──𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗈𝗈 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍.
﹙ 𝒘𝐞𝐛 ⭑ 𝒅𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝓁𝓈. ﹚ enhypen enamoured with their girlfriend. fem!r. fluff, fluff and lots of fluff. requested. wordcount` 1180. アーカイブ ARCHIVE?
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𝗟𝗘𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗚 you are both dating and everyone knows it so why can't he, your lovely boyfriend kiss you infront of your parents? "lee heeseung! i swear—" "i swear it'll be quick she won't notice, promise!" heeseung immediately whispers back, standing close, his arms around you helping you peel oranges while your mother stands by the stove a few steps away, "no, hee baby later please?" you whine, embarrassed to your bones at the possibility of being caught with yours lips locked to a guy even if he's your man. "but like bubs, your parents kissed infront of us earlier?" he's genuinely conflicted. "they pecked and knowing you, it would definitely not be just a quick kiss," you complain and heeseung immediately comes up with his ass solution, dragging you to the bathroom for a kiss session. "h-heeseung th—" you try pulling away for a breath but he just pulls you back in, "shh just kiss me,"
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗝𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗦𝗘𝗢𝗡𝗚 it was the hardest battle of his life, but it was important. how can he let you take advantage of him when he's drunk, he has a girlfriend he loves too much to ever do this? and who is that girlfriend? "jay, believe me baby, i am the girlfriend you are talking about," you reassure him again, helping him sit on the bed after breaking your back trying to get him in his own house because apparently you were kidnapping him. "no! stop taking advantage of me! i love my girlfriend!" he wriggles against your hold, defensive and wary. "and i love you too baby, it's just a small kiss, we do this everyday," your hands soothe across his shoulder blades trying to calm him down and clear his fogged brain. "no only my girlfriend can kiss me, get away!" "then who do you think i am?" he looks at you for a few seconds,"oh babyyy? when did you get—" "perfect!" and you pull him in for a short sloppy kiss.
𝗦𝗜𝗠 𝗝𝗔𝗘𝗬𝗨𝗡 he is utterly devastated at your behaviour. like what do you mean "don't kiss me!" you're his pretty baby, of course he gotta give you a kiss. "jake! baby please," you whine for the umpteenth time, "exactly baby please," jake whines back for the umpteenth time. it's an amusing sight for the others around the dinner table, watching jake lean into you again and again only to be pushed away every single time. "it's just a kiss," he reasons, giving you his puppy eyes, "my lipgloss will be ruined honey," your answer just makes him groan, a tragic pout on his lips. it's obvious how much he's dying to kiss you and how strong his will to is, because he sure ain't looking like giving up anytime soon. "you know what—" this time he grabs your face in a haste, slams his lips onto yours for a quick, yet messy kiss, "you look the prettiest with your lipgloss smudged and ruined," grinning wicked.
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗡 so distressed so impatient, he can't wait to be home to give you all the kisses he wants to, for as long as he wants. "just one at the red light?" he begs, desperate for the feel of your lips against his after being deprived of it for the entire day spent with both of your families. "no love, you'll get distracted and we're just five minutes away," you look out the window, avoiding the pitiful looks he gives you every two seconds. "but angel, i'm already so distracted, i can't think of anything but kissing you," his voice comes out frenzied, trying his best to focus on the mirrors and the road, but you are like sitting right beside him how can he ignore that?? "i'll give you a peck at the next traffic okay," you attempt to appease your boyfriend but suddenly he's swerving the car to the side and immediately grabbing you by the jaw, "let's just kiss now and go home," his lips moving on yours hard and restless.
𝗞𝗜𝗠 𝗦𝗘𝗢𝗡𝗪𝗢𝗢 he has to be strong, strong, strong, strong sunoo keeps repeating it over and over again in his head everytime he sees your sullen face over refused kisses. "baby please, please, please," you plead, giving your best pout to him as you wait in the line together. he doesn't say anything, watching you order his favorite drink and bring it to the table by the window. "can i please kiss you now? i even got you your favorite boba," you ask, dragging your chair closer to his. "no i'm still mad," he sips away at his drink, gazing out to avoid his control breaking away at your doe eyes staring at him apologetically. however when a few minutes pass by and there's not another word from you, sunoo feels way too guilty, "how's your flavor?" he asks, and when you offer your drink he leans to peck your lips leaving you stunned, "you wanna try mine?" you nod gleeful, "then kiss me,"
𝗬𝗔𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗪𝗢𝗡 he understands, he swears he does, but his heart is just longing for your kiss what can he do. and with you more often than not he listens to his heart over his mind. "jungwon, behave," you warn, adjusting his tie in a hurry while his hands loop around your lower waist, trying to sneak in a kiss. "but baby there's like twenty more floors," he whines pointing at the digital screen of the elevator,"and we are running late baby, it's my sister's wedding, i'm the maid of honor. i can't have my make up messing up, there's no time for fixing it," but the more you speak the more tempting your lips look to him. "just one kiss," he begs and before you can answer he's sucking onto your lips in desperation, pulling away for air for a split second and latching back for a second kiss,"here i brought tissue and your lipstick," he reveals bashfully at last, helping you just as the doors slide open.
𝗡𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗨𝗥𝗔 𝗥𝗜𝗞𝗜 he is bold and you are not. he is shameless and you are not. he is desperate and you are too what? first of all it's unruly and so not moral to be kissing in the corridors, anyone could catch you anytime. "don't worry princess, no one cares. it's college not school, people don't give a damn," riki tries convincing you, cornering you against the hallway wall again only for you to push him away by his chest. "no it's— i don't wanna be seen like that," you explain, looking either way a little too long. "i'm not yet used to kissing in public like this," looking down at your feet you wait for riki to say something but instead he pulls you by the wrist, rushing into an empty lecture hall nearby. "are you okay now?" he asks cornering you into a desk this time,"the cameras," you point teasingly and riki grins when he realizes that, capturing your lips in a soft kiss, giggling and smiling each time you pull away.
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taglist ( open. ) @kangseulgithegreat @s00buwu @luvyev @pockyyasii @nctislifue @ashtxrie @miniature-tragedy @jayujus @brachives @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @eeunoia @nxzz-skz @shawnyle @enhaswirlds @enhasnuggles @potato0579
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ghostlyfleur · 7 months
whining and crying while steve fucks you into the mattress that you’re gonna make a mess and he’s like “fuck- it’s okay, daddy will clean it up, don’t worry” in between grunts. so then you stop caring that your cunt is a sopping mess and your dripping all over yourself and the bed. so then he cleans you up and the bed afterwards because he’s daddy 🥰
f u c k
steve harrington is such a daddy.
he makes you feel so fucking good and i always headcannon steve and his gf to have dacryphilia involved in their sex life, so it’s perfect that stevie’s angel is such a crybaby!
steve loves how teary eyed you get when he’s fucking you into the mattress, how whiny and pouty and subby you get for him, so dumb on his cock at times that the only thing you can moan and mumble is “daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy” and it drives steve crazy …….
especially once he figures out just how much you love to be smothered, completely crushed, absolutely smushed under his weight— you’ll wrap your legs around his waist and pull him on top of you with little “no, no, no”’s if he pulls the slightest bit of his weight off of you, starting to cry and grabbing at his shoulders and arms desperately to pull him back, begging him to pin you down, to press closer *drools*
but one thing about steve is that he likes it messy — spit, drool, cum, def lots of cum play, all of it — loves it when he’s fucking you so deep and so hard you go quiet and limp and start drooling… loves leaving bite marks and hickeys all over you, marking you up everywhere he can no matter how visible it is afterwards because he knows you wear his marks with such obvious pride just like he does yours… loves to lick you all over, especially on your neck and tits just to see the full body shivers going down your spine… loves it when your cunt is messy with a mix of both yours and his cum that he keeps fucking deeper into you, pretty much fucking overflowing your pussy so much it starts to spill out of you and all over the bed, all over his thighs, down your ass, making the most lewd wet noises… *sighs*
and at first you get so. fucking. embarrassed. you’re making such a mess and you can’t stop it, your eyes go teary and wide with humiliation and “‘m sorry, stevie, sorry, it just feels s’good” and you try to move away from him in a haste, all upset at being a bad girl and making a mess when your perfect daddy is just trying to make you feel good, to spoil you, and you immediately think of getting up to clean up the bed for him so maybe he won’t be upset and you can be his good girl again but as if he was reading your mind he stops you, won’t let you pull away, stays inside you, and grips your chin to make you look at him
“you’re okay, angel, it’s okay. make a mess, show me how good it feels, daddy will clean it up later, you’re still my good girl”
so you get all flustered and pouty and you furrow your brows that cute way you do that steve loves when you’re trying to be all serious and whisper a little “promise?” because you can’t handle not being his good girl and steve is losing his mind, there’s no way he didn’t dream you up “promise, my angel, you’re daddy’s perfect girl, love it when you’re messy for me” i- 😵‍💫
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ipetite69 · 4 months
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·̩͙ ₊ ᨦ ♡ ᨩ ໋₊ ·̩͙
can't stop thinking about greasy curtain bangs!rafe and buzz cut!rafe actually being twins. both are used to sharing everything, and you're not the exception. i mean, why have only one when you can have both of them just to yourself?
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crystallizsch · 11 days
okay hi so listen hear me out
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sea snake is a bit too obvious (and too boring)
so i made him based on some kind of lionfish??? (bc something something venomous marine animal) also with a LOT of creative liberties i made with how the fish looks like
let’s also give his fins some rips and tears here and there bc what are the implications of that??? that’s for you 🫵 to decide
anyways chat i lowkey dont know what i was doing
i had no other thoughts but haha funny snake man i turn into fish
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kentopedia · 10 months
dating port mafia boss dazai
contents: f!reader, implied violence, mostly dazai spoiling you so much, dazai is very soft in this, one litte nsfw scene !!
note: this reeks of self indulgence :,) my current obsession is pmboss!dazai being so sweet & gentle to his s/o
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it goes without saying that if you're in the port mafia when you start dating dazai, he’ll probably want you to take less work in the field.
bc his main goal is keeping you safe, and he constantly worries about you when you're going on dangerous missions !!
though, sometimes you miss being in all the action. so, dazai will send you on missions with chuuya or akutagawa from time to time
he still worries, but he has no doubt they can keep you safe!!
he hates being nervous about whether or not you’ll come back to him, but he never wants you to feel like you're a prisoner in your own home.
if you want to go with him, anywhere or anytime, to any meeting, you just have to ask!
bc he trusts you completely <3 and he also knows you can take care of yourself.
if you want to work in other parts of the mafia, whether that be in training, intelligence, or behind the scenes work, dazai doesn’t care
he pretends to be uncompromising on some issues, but you can convince him of anything with a pretty smile.
but, if you're not in the port mafia, he (unfortunately) will make sure you have a bodyguard with you almost everywhere.
you insist its not necessary, but he knows he's made a lot of enemies that would love to use him against you. :(
though dazai has his moments of insanity (lol), he doesn't want to drive you away from him.
if you say its too much, he'll figure out something else. another way to keep you safe.
eventually, you come live with him, so that takes care of that.
dazai spoils you senseless !!
if he's ever late for a mission, he always comes back with something for you.
sometimes its flowers, sometimes its something even more elaborate
loves loves loves giving you jewelry
but everything he buys is very thoughtful!
he doesn't buy you expensive gifts just to flaunt money
its more that there isn't a price tag on things to him. if he sees something he thinks you'll like, it'll be yours, no matter the cost <3
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"i'm home!" you said cheerfully, dropping your bag off by the door as you shouted to dazai through the penthouse.
the sound echoed back, and dazai didn't respond.
with a yawn, you headed towards your bedroom, stretching your muscles as you walked. the weather had been miserable that week, and between the heat and the rain, you were feeling more tired than ever.
what you longed for was a nice hot shower and a night in dazai's arms.
"osamu?" you said again, but the apartment remained quiet. there was no one in your bedroom when you opened the door.
you sighed, disappointed that he wasn't home to lay with you as you took a nap. though, your attention was quickly diverted by the newest addition to your bed.
a soft brown teddy bear, the same color as dazai's eyes, held a card, and a dark velvet box, paired with a bouquet of fresh flowers on your nightstand.
the note was short, but it was enough, and you couldn't help but smile as you read it.
i have to go out of the city for tonight. i'll be back in the morning. sorry i can't be with you, my darling. here's a little apology gift. i love you. - osamu
as usual, the gift was anything but small.
you flipped open the delicate box to reveal a gold necklace, a deep ruby dangling from the chain in the shape of a heart.
for a moment, you did nothing more than stare at the glittering gem that was edged by smaller diamonds, and you swelled with more love than your chest could handle.
carefully, you set the box down, wondering what you ever did to deserve something so beautiful. as much as you wanted to wear it immediately, you'd wait until osamu was back so he could help you put it on.
instead, you placed the card and the necklace by the flowers, and climbed into bed with the stuffed animal. as you nestled deeper into the comforter, curling your arms around the bear, you realized dazai had sprayed it with his cologne before he left.
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dazai isn't the best about telling you how he feels. he is so much better at showing it.
if it isn't obvious, he loves buying you gifts! he has so much money as the port mafia boss, and he has no idea what to do with it. why not spend it on you!!
if you see an outfit in the store window that you like, dazai will have it tailored to your precise measurements. (which he has memorized, of course).
he loves shopping for you.
when he buys you pretty dresses, lingerie, and so on, all the other women in the store are swooning over him.
he knows exactly what you like and don't.
even if he thinks you'd look so beautiful in something, he knows your sense of style.
dazai doesn't want you to ever feel obligated to wear something just bc he picked it out for you.
of course, dazai always gives you his card to go shopping
and to get your nails done! he's obsessed with how pretty your hands look after getting a fresh set <3
he's loves them whatever color/design you think looks best. but i'd be lying if i said he wasn't obsessed with red nails.
dazai really loves the way they looked wrapped around his-
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you rested your head on dazai's shoulder, letting your hands gently splay across his knee, your fingertips moving in a listless, delicate pattern.
though a film played before you, it was forgotten quickly, dazai's breath catching as he exhaled a laugh. "what are you doing?" he asked, and you smiled innocently, drifting your hand further up his thigh.
he blinked at you with wide brown eyes and swallowed, his throat bobbing as you reached his hip. you wrapped a delicate finger around his zipper, pulling it down slowly.
"nothing, hm?" he countered.
you turned to face him, sweeter now, as you tugged at his waistband. though dazai feigned disinterest for a moment, you felt him twitch beneath the thin layer of clothing.
his focus drifted down to your much softer hand, perfectly manicured and smaller than his own. he seemed fascinated, for a moment, by the way your fingers were moving. "your nails look pretty, love."
"i know.” you grinned. dazai's hips shifted, and you lowered his waistband, pressing a line of kisses up his neck slowly, teasing him.
you freed his cock, aching and hard, from his pants, and wrapped your hand around him. dazai let out a small gasp, though he watched as you lazily stroked him, the action perfected from experience.
"you're so pretty, 'samu." you watched his face turn red as he tried hard not to fall apart under your touch.
it was reassuring, really, to know that the most powerful man in the city was wrapped around your finger.
"not as pretty as you, baby," he said, but the word came out strained, raspy as you tightened your fist, running your teeth across the taut vein in his neck.
you laughed and moved onto his lap, kicking the remote off the couch before straddling him. his eyes melted into hearts as he stared up at you, begging for a kiss.
"you’ve been so busy this week,” you frowned. “i wanna make you feel good."
dazai jerked into you, breathing stifled as you brush your thumb over the tip. "you always do." his smile was affectionate, but his touch was desperate, digging into your sides. he was already searching for some sort of release.
"so impatient," you said, but you indulged him with a kiss anyway, his hands fisting in your hair as your tongue met his.
he breathed into you mouth, hot and heavy. "fuck," dazai hissed, lifting your hips to slip off your pajama shorts. "it's hard not to be when you're so fucking perfect, sweetheart. i need to be inside you."
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dazai loves loves loves taking you out to expensive restaurants <3
he's not a big fan of crowds, though, so he'll rent out the entire place instead, just to get a private room for the two of you.
and if you don't feel like going out, but you want a nice meal, he'll hire a chef for the evening. one that specializes in whatever type of food you want
dazai's not the best cook, but he’ll do often, just because it makes you happy
he gets so much better over time, though.
whatever you want, he'll make it for you! and if he can't, he'll definitely find someone who can.
but! back to dazai letting you use his account to buy anything.
when you go to any shop associated with the mafia, everything is on the house
bc if the boss is going to funnel money into their pockets, the least they could do is give his girl some gifts !!
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"is this... going to be all for you today, miss?" the cashier said, looking at the stack of clothing skeptically. he rang up price tag after price tag, watching as the numbers grew exponentially on the screen.
you nodded, smiling politely as he read off the total, a number that no average person would be able to spend reasonably in one go.
but dazai said you could get whatever you wanted for your birthday, and you hadn't let yourself indulge in a shopping spree for a while. so you'd picked up anything that suited you nicely and decided not to worry.
"how will you be paying today?"
you handed over the card, and the cashier read the name, glancing up at you with skeptical eyes.
"dazai osamu?"
you smiled sweetly. "it's my boyfriend's card."
though, the name had caught the attention of an older salesman across the room, and he was to the cashier in two swift steps, knocking him on the back of the head.
"dumbass," the older man swiped the card from the cashier before he could swipe the payment. "don't you know who she is?"
it took the man three more times of reading dazai's name across the plastic for it to click.
"i'm so sorry," he said, wide eyes suddenly anxious. "i had no idea you were—"
"it's okay. don't worry." you smiled, shrugging. "i won't tell him."
you meant it as a joke, but that only seemed to make the younger cashier more nervous.
"we'll take care of everything for you." the elderly salesman said, holding out the card to return it. "it's on us."
"really?" you pinched your eyebrows together, concerned. the bill was steep. it seemed unfair to let them take such a hit to profits. "at least let me pay for some of it.”
"no, don't worry about it. the boss said it was your birthday, so whatever you want, its yours."
for a moment, you weren't sure what to say. though, realizing that this store was just one of the many in yokohama that partnerned with dazai, you finally succumbed to a smile, and accepted their kindness.
you took dazai's card back and slipped it into your purse. "thank you so much.” you said sincerely, turning to leave with a small wave as you gathered up the bags and bags of clothes. "it was nice to meet you. i'll come back soon!"
though they said nothing, they both stared back at you with wide eyes, as most people did when they found out you were the one that had captured dazai's heart.
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when dazai finds out how much you love to read, he clears out an entire floor of the port mafia headquarters to make you a library
its done far too elaborately, with classical decorations, a very intricate chandelier, and a view that looks over the entire city
there are special editions, original copies of your favorite books, books in languages you can't even read and so on
he went a little overboard, but he was just so excited to show you :(
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"osamu." you stare, blinking at the vast room, not really sure what to say other than his name.
"what?" he's pouting instantly, wondering if he made a mistake, and you didn't like to read as much as he thought. "do you not like it?"
you don't think your heart has ever felt so full before, and you manage a shaky smile, wondering how it didn't split your face in two. "this is too much. you did all this for me?"
and he seems surprised you would even ask such a silly question, because why wouldn't he give you something you've always wanted? "if it makes you feel better, i'll tell you i did it for myself."
you laugh, and then you're launching yourself at him, throwing your arms around his neck in a warm embrace. you nearly cry, because even though he spoils you far too much, this is the most thoughtful gift you've ever received.
"thank you." you whisper, kissing him all over his face, and he smiles, his cheeks warm from your affection.
dazai leads you to a shelf after that, pointing out a few novels that have his name scribbled in the front cover, all with varying states of penmanship.
he's collected all his favorite books there for you, hopeful you'll read them first.
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dazai places you next to him in every mafia meeting
if you're going to be his partner, you're also going to be his equal <3
and he knows that you can keep everyone in the mafia in line. he trusts you to be in charge when he's not there
bc everyone in the mafia likes you more than dazai anyway! (except maybe akutagawa)
and yes, dazai is the sweetest to you <3 but certainly not to everyone else
he disposes of people that bother you... far too quickly
the man at the store made you uncomfortable? he doesn't live in the city anymore. someone was too handsy? they'll lose a few fingers.
but if someone in the mafia says even one unkind word to you, you'll never see them again.
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"sweetheart, what's wrong?"
you sniffed, wiping the tears from your eyes as his hands snuck around your waist. he pulled you closer towards him, sliding next to you on the bed.
"it's nothing." you swallowed, but your eyes were still glassy no matter how hard you tried to stop crying. "i shouldn't get so worked up about things people say."
"hey," he coaxed your hands away from your face, tilting your chin up. "if it's upsetting you, it's a big deal to me, my love."
you said nothing for a moment, but dazai remained patient, smiling softly at you as he stroked your cheek.
never able to resist the gentleness that he showered only you in, you sighed. "some people just said…” you trailed off, almost not wanting to tell him. it seemed embarrassing, in some way, to say something lewd about yourself, even if you were merely repeating the words.
“said what?”
you chewed the inside of your lip before sighing, knowing dazai wouldn’t let the issue rest until you told him.
“they just said that you only kept me around to fuck me.” you dropped your gaze to your hands for a moment, letting them rest limply in your lap. “that i was just some stupid bitch you’d leave behind soon.”
you watched the smile slowly fall from his lips, his eyes hardening with a fury that wasn't directed at you.
"you know that's not true." he held your hands tightly, forcing you to meet his intense gaze. "tell me that you know that."
you managed something of a smile. "i know. i really do know how much you love me. doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt my feelings.”
he nodded, somewhat satisfied as the cloudiness began to clear from your face. "who was it? if you don't know they're name, just describe them." his expression was icy, dangerous, even if his hands were soft.
"osamu, i told you it doesn't matter—" you frowned, looking away before he interrupted.
“it does fucking matter." his words came out sharp. "those men work for me, and i'm not going to let them treat you like that. they've got no business being here if they can't respect you."
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at the end of the day, dazai's reputation remains very much intact. he will always be feared in the city, despite exposing himself as a man who's so so in love
but everyone in the mafia is secretly pleased to see him a little happier, even if its just around you.
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