#Hair-Pulling Kink?
rosaren2498 · 1 year
Touch Me, Please - Part 1
Part 4 of my 'It's Not Abduction If You're Willing' series, now and forever more nicknamed 'Self-Indulgence' the series. I have so many of these written already, this whole thing is just... it won't stop and it's because I leaned heavily into literally writing whatever I wanted. Even if you don't enjoy it, I did! I'm on a writing high like no other.
WARNINGS/TAGS: Fem!Reader (no use of y/n), 18+ MINORS DNI!!!!!! SMUT Oral (fem!receiving) Touch-Starved!Reader, Touch-Starved!Dream, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining, Kinda Dom!Dream, Kinda Sub!Reader, Alternating POV's, Reader Daydreams About Wearing A Collar And Lead, I think that's it
You were slowly going insane.
Living in the Dreaming was like a dream come true, no pun intended. You've never felt like you belonged in the Waking, and the Dreaming was welcoming and absolutely stunning.
It helped that you'd been at the end of your rope. The only good things in your life had been Hob and Teleute, one of whom you didn't even get to see that often due to the nature of her function; still, Teleute was definitely a ray of light in an otherwise dull life, definitely the only friends you had. Everything else beyond them had sucked, including your job, though you would be forever thankful to Hob for offering it. Your flat had been small, though not too terrible, you didn't have any family after living for so long, and working at The New Inn as a bartender had been exhausting because it required you to talk to people, which you hated doing.
Adjusting to the Dreaming had been easy in comparison, but you did have one major issue. You were severely touch-starved. This itself wouldn't be an issue except, prior to living in the Dreaming, Hob had provided all of your needed physical contact, your casual intimacy, which Hob gave as easy as breathing. In the Dreaming though? You didn't want anyone to touch you... well, almost anyone. All you could think about anytime you were in his presence was how ethereal Dream was, how beautiful he looked, and how desperately you wanted to touch him. That wouldn't necessarily be an issue, except Matthew, his raven familiar, seemed to be the only one allowed to touch him; even then, Matthew only perched on his shoulder.
And oh, how you ached; it was like an itch under your skin, slowly driving you mad. You wanted to touch him, you wanted to know what his skin felt like against yours; were his hands soft and smooth, or did he have calluses like any other creator? You wanted to know if his hair was as soft as it looked. You wanted to know if his lips were as plush as they seemed. And, you wanted, desperately, to know if he tasted as inhuman as he sometimes looked. But he'd so far been very careful not to touch you, beyond the occasional brush of fingers against your chin when you wouldn't meet his eyes (a rare occurrence, really); you thought you might combust if he didn't touch you soon, properly.
Dream wasn't doing much better than you were. The way you had taken to his realm, to his dreams and nightmares, had made his heart soar. But the more time he spent around you, the stronger his desire to touch you grew. It was getting more and more difficult to not just reach out and touch, but he'd already broken his promise once or twice when you had refused to meet his gaze; he'd guided your chin up with the gentlest of touches. He had sworn not to touch you... but it was getting nearly impossible to resist.
You were just so beautiful and he wanted to show you just how beautiful he found you; he just needed your permission first. It was clear to him that you did not enjoy physical contact unless it came from Hob, who always clearly telegraphed that he was going to touch her before he actually did. According to Hob, he had once almost knocked out one of his customers who had touched you without permission because, evidently, you'd flinched rather violently. So, no, he wouldn't touch you; not unless you made it clear it was okay.
But his logic did nothing to soothe the burning under his skin, nor quell the ache steadily growing inside him, the almost desperate desire to touch every inch of your skin and worship you the way you deserved. He wanted to memorize every inch of your body, not only with his hands but with his lips and tongue as well. He wanted to kiss every part of you and leave his marks all over your skin. It didn't help that you wore his coat all the time now either; it made the possessive creature inside him simultaneously purr in satisfaction and want to properly stake his claim.
It came to a head when he had what you called his 'Kingly Duties', and he had wanted you there with him. You were his consort, his queen, his love, even if he had yet to show you just how much he loved you. You had agreed readily enough, and he'd been expecting to need to make you a throne, would've eagerly done so, but you hadn't even asked.
Instead, he was sitting on his throne, but you... oh, you were trying to drive him to his little sister's realm, surely. You sat lounged at the base of his throne, by his feet. At first, though the sight had made his mouth water, your position had been relatively easy to ignore because you weren't touching. Then, very slowly, as if he were an easily spooked animal, you brushed your arm against his leg, your shoulder brushing his thigh. He forced himself to ignore it, but over the course of several long minutes, your arm and shoulder slowly began pressing more and more firmly against his leg and thigh, a line of distracting warmth burning through his pants, until you were pressed solidly against him.
Instead of the line of contact acting like a balm against his desire to touch you, it only made it worse, and he acted without thinking. One second, his hand was on the arm of his throne, the next it was threaded through your hair; you both froze at the same time. Dream was seconds away from jerking his hand away when you suddenly shuddered, whimpered under your breath, and slumped into him, leaning your head back enticingly; his lips parted and his mouth went dry when he caught sight of how heavy-lidded your gaze had abruptly become. He slowly began petting your hair, gently running his fingers through it.
You... were in Heaven. Dream's hand was soft and unbearably gentle in your hair, his nails lightly scratched at your scalp in a way that made you want to nuzzle into him like a cat, and your eyes were drooping from pleasure. It turned out that draping yourself at his feet like a fucking concubine had been an excellent idea.
You hardly managed to pay even the tiniest bit of attention to the delegation that was led into the throne room. You could feel their gaze, could hear their whispers, but you literally couldn't have cared less; Dream's hand didn't stop caressing your head, and his voice betrayed nothing. He seemed perfectly calm, and it caused an image to pop up in your head, unbidden; an image of something very close to what was already happening, except that you were dressed more like an actual concubine. Your throat and shoulders were exposed by the then straps keeping your top on, though your bottoms were riding low, revealing a small strip of your stomach; both areas were littered with hickeys, bites, and bruises. What caused a pleasurable shudder to run down your spine was what was around your neck in your little daydream; a gleaming black collar with shining stars like the inside of his robe, a black lead attached to it that was wrapped around Dream's hand while he sat on his throne; the lead was pulled just tight enough to force your head back a little to fully expose your throat; all of them being clear signs of Dream's claim on you that you desperately wished were more than just an image in your head. Then, the hand in your hair twitched, breaking you out of your little daydream; your cheeks heated as you abruptly remembered that he could see daydreams as well as dreams and nightmares.
Dream found it quite difficult to focus with your daydream playing in his head, but he managed; he did have eons of practice. When the delegation was finally gone and you both were alone, he slowly removed his hand from your hair; it took all of his self-control not to drag you to your chambers - or his own - when a half-choked whine slipped out of your mouth. You avoided looking at him, even as he stood from his throne. The urge to touch you again was rapidly growing, and he hesitated only a moment before offering his hand to you. Despite clearly being embarrassed, and still not looking at him, you didn't hesitate to take his hand; it made something warm curl in his chest. He grasped your hand and pulled you up, using just a little extra strength than was necessary so that you stumbled forward; he used it as an excuse to place his hands on your waist, steadying you.
"Your daydreams are... interesting."
Your cheeks darkened further, but you didn't pull away from him, which he counted as a victory. In fact, you actually seemed to melt into him; it only made his desire burn hotter. One of his hands slowly began tracing invisible patterns on your waist as you continued to avoid his gaze; it made him pout.
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean.... please, forgive me."
Did you actually think he was upset? "There is nothing to apologize for." He paused for a moment before managing to ask his question. "Does it bother you when I touch you?"
You instantly shook your head, suddenly meeting his eyes; your own shined with something he could've sworn was desperation. "No, not at all. I... I really like it when you touch me."
You bit your lip as you looked into Dream's enchanting twin-star eyes, stomach twisting in arousal at the look in them. One of his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you flush against him, and you barely managed to bite back a gasp; his touch was electrifying, even through the layers of clothes. Sand abruptly swirled around you and then something impossibly soft was against your back; a brief glance around told you that he'd taken you to his chambers. He was kneeling between your legs, but barely touching you now.
"Would you allow me to continue to do so?"
You whimpered at the words, nodding rapidly; fucking hell, his voice. "Yes. I want you to touch me, please."
A sound that could only be described as a growl came from him, so deep that you felt it in your chest, causing you to shudder; a second later, his hands were everywhere. He caressed your body like you were something precious, like you were a goddess and his entire reason for existing was worshipping you; it was dizzying, but you wanted, needed, to feel skin-on-skin contact. You squirmed until he pulled back, his eyes dark except for the stars, but the look on his face made your heart hurt; he looked like if you denied him now, he would cry.
"I want... please."
He leaned down, your lips suddenly inches apart. "What do you want? Tell me."
It sounded more like a plea than a demand, and how could you possibly deny him? "I want to feel your bare skin against mine." You could feel the heat in your cheeks again, but the embarrassment was promptly washed away by the fucking groan Dream made, deep in his chest.
He pulled away from you only so he could carefully remove his jacket from you, your top turning to sand and vanishing as soon as it was gone; you sucked in a sharp breath at the first touch of his fingers on your bare skin. Instinctively, your hands shot out and you couldn't contain your whimper when they made contact with his bare shoulders; his own robe and shirt that had been underneath it had been turned to sand as well. A fine tremor ran through his body and you almost pulled your hands away, but then he moved so quickly that you didn't even see it, his hand grasping your wrist; you froze as he held one of your hands in place; his eyes were black now, supernovas shining within.
You shuddered at the desperation in his voice, the absolute plea of just one word, and everything suddenly clicked into place; he didn't actually have an aversion to touch, he was touch-starved just like you.
His hand released your wrist and you slowly began dragging your fingers along his shoulders, up and down his arms. Another tremor rolled through him and then he practically fell into you, his hands immediately back on you, exploring every inch of your bare skin that he could. You couldn't have contained your gasps and whimpers of delight that every touch of his seemed to bring out if you'd tried. You weren't embarrassed by them, however, because he seemed just as affected by your touch; every touch returned seemed to have him fighting not to groan; he didn't always win.
When his lips brushed against yours, featherlight, you whined; your lips parted for him almost automatically. Another growl tore from his throat, and then his lips were on yours and you couldn't have stopped the way your hips rolled against his if you'd tried. You moaned simultaneously, your tongues tangling together in a heated, messy kiss. You've never been kissed like this before, as if you were a feast and he was starving; it was passionate, it was dirty, and it was perfect. Warmth pooled in your gut and between your legs as Dream's tongue slid against your own; you didn't have a lot of experience with kissing, but Dream didn't seem to care, if the way he plundered your mouth was any indication.
He slowly trailed his hands up to the straps of your bra, lightly tugging on it; the way you moaned enthusiastically into his mouth made him want to devour you entirely, but he managed to hold himself back, settling for allowing your bra to vanish.
As soon as your bra disappeared, Dream finally broke the kiss; you gasped for breath as his lips immediately met your throat, his hands sliding down to your breasts. His thumbs brushed over your nipples, causing an embarrassing whine to slip from your mouth. The sound only seemed to encourage him, his mouth sucking mark after mark onto your throat and shoulders while his hands busied themselves with making you squirm, moan, and whimper at every touch of your breasts; you had never been so turned on in your life.
He groaned at the sound of his name on your tongue, so sweet, his lips trailing down your neck to your collarbone, nipping and sucking everywhere his mouth could reach; you were writhing beneath him and it was rapidly wrecking his control. Your hips suddenly rolled against his and he growled again, rolling his hips and pressing his lower body flush against yours just as he abruptly bit down. Your back arched beautifully at the sudden mix of pleasure and pain, a high-pitched moan ripping free from your throat. He could feel your nails lightly digging into his back, dragging down a bit, and he groaned again as your hips rolled against his once more.
When Dream released his teeth from your collarbone, he ducked his head down further so his mouth enveloped your breast and you cried out his name, rutting your hips desperately against his. His hips began to steadily roll against yours and the perfect friction could've made you cry; you wanted him more than you had ever wanted anyone. Panting for breath already, you tangled a hand in his hair - fuck, it was as soft as it looked - while the other tried to continue your own exploration of his bare, silk-smooth skin. However, you could hardly focus on anything other than the pleasure he was bringing you. His mouth utterly worshipped your breasts, alternating between them while he licked and sucked at your nipples, causing them to quickly stiffen under his ministrations.
When he finally managed to pull his mouth from your breasts, he continued to trail gentle kisses and little nips down your stomach, stopping only when he reached the waistband of your bottoms. He looked up at you through his lashes with a hungry gaze, feeling you shudder beneath him; he felt his lips twitch up into a smirk. He allowed his fingers to lightly trace along the waistband, another whimper slipping out of your pretty mouth.
"Please," you gasped. "Dream, please." You couldn't form any other words, but he didn't seem to mind; you shivered when your bottoms vanished beneath his touch. A choked moan slipped out of your mouth when his fingers suddenly brushed against your thigh, featherlight.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to touch you these last several months. How much I have wanted to taste you."
You whined, high and needy and too far gone to be embarrassed anymore. You spread your thighs from him so he could settle between them, trailing even more nips and kisses, this time up and down your thighs. You were faintly trembling now - he was so close to where you wanted him to be - but he didn't touch your aching core yet; instead, he latched his mouth onto the inside of your left thigh, sucking hard enough to make you cry out again. A litany of pleas spilled from your mouth as one of his hands pinned your hips to the bed while the other kept your thigh in place.
"Patience, little dreamling. I will give you what you need."
You were bordering on mindless now; all you could think about was his mouth, his hands, his tongue. He left a multitude of bite marks and hickeys all over your left thigh and then switched to your right to do the same before finally, finally, dragging his tongue through your soaked folds; you nearly sobbed.
A deep groan rumbled through him as he finally tasted you; you were slightly sweet, slightly tangy, and he was already addicted. The sound you made when he groaned, when mixed with your taste, made it impossible for him to hold himself back any longer and he buried his face into your pussy, devouring you. He kept your hips pinned as he licked, sucked, and nipped at your folds alternating to occasionally swipe his tongue at your clit; your hands were tangled in his hair in an effort to ground yourself and he knew he'd never get enough of you now.
Your thighs were beginning to shake, you were already so fucking close. When he shoved his tongue into you, you pulled on his hair as you cried out, his pleased growl rumbling through you and nearly sending you over the edge. You were babbling, begging, though you weren't entirely sure if you were begging for more, or for him to let you cum, or if it was just an incoherent string of pleas, though you were aware of the breathless way you whined his name; his answering groan was like a shockwave of pleasure.
Though he didn't remove his mouth from you, he allowed his voice to echo in the room around you as he thrust his tongue deeper into you. "You're so close for me, aren't you, my heart?" He shuddered at your answering whine. "Be a good girl and cum for me." He pulled his tongue out just to seal his mouth around your clit, sucking hard. He watched as you immediately seized underneath him, hips trying in vain to buck against his grip as you came. He watched your face avidly, memorizing the gorgeous expression on your face as you came on his tongue.
You threw your head back with a cry as your orgasm crashed into you like a tsunami, your toes curling, your back arching, your vision nearly whiting out. Dream didn't let up, curling his tongue inside you and lapping at your juices like they were his favorite meal, each flick of his tongue sending another wave of pleasure rolling through you; he didn't pull away until you were a shaking, panting, trembling mess.
He slowly crawled back up your body, planting soft kisses as he went, before pressing his mouth to yours in a much gentler kiss than earlier; you shuddered at the taste of your juices on his lips, giving a weak moan. When your hands made an attempt for the button of his jeans, he took your wrists in hand, shaking his head as he pulled back from your mouth.
You frowned at him. "But you didn't-"
He cut you off with another gentle kiss. "I think you will find that I did."
Your eyes widened and you looked down your bodies, catching sight of the steadily darkening wet spot on the front of his jeans. Your gaze snapped up back to his. "Did you... were you rocking against the bed?"
He seemed almost embarrassed, if the light flush spreading on his cheeks was any indication.
"You have no idea how good you taste."
He smirked when you flushed in response, opening your mouth to counter, but you were cut off before you even began when you yawned. He couldn't help but allow his smirk to soften into a smile at how disgruntled you looked by your yawn; yes you were gorgeous, but you were also adorable. He shifted you around until you were draped over him, his arms curling tight around you, holding you as close as possible; his lips brushed your forehead as he stroked your back.
"Sleep little dreamling. I will be here when you wake."
You allowed your eyes to close before speaking. "I'd hope so. I still need to explore you, too." You thought you might have heard a strangled noise leave him, but you dropped into sleep's waiting embrace before he could respond.
Hope you enjoyed! I've never liked how I write smut and would very much welcome some constructive criticism on it so that I may improve.
I already have Part 2 of this story, and 2 others written and ready to be posted, while I'm working on a 3rd (technically, I have 4 written pieces, but I'm not sure where 2 of them fit into the timeline so...) This will be added to my Masterlist and posted on my Ao3 soon. In fact, part 2 will likely be on Ao3 before here.
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bunny-lovez · 2 months
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Need to hold you still
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gay-flyboys · 10 months
“He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” is maybe my favorite addition to firstprince canon
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 months
Yandere Bully x F! Reader
Forgot to post this to Tumblr, but this was requested by ElinaHiganbana on Wattpad.
Wanna buy me a kofi?: ☕
TW: Noncon, dubcon, eating disorder, vomit, fatphobia, disturbing body descriptions, hair pulling, impregnation, degradation.
Today will be a good day. You won't feel like a piece of shit again. You can get through the day.
That's what you say to get through the day. It usually doesn't prove true, but you somehow manage to stay alive.
"Hey, Shamu! When is your fatass going to skip the gym again?" Kory, the boy responsible for your misery, yells, making his friends laugh.
You've been wearing your old clothes that are extremely baggy to cover up the sad state of your body. It feels weird having so much space between the clothing and your skin. Unfortunately, they don't help cover up the feeling of nausea. You run to the nearest bathroom and throw up stomach bile.
You can make it through the day. There are only eight more hours left.
You get up and walk to your first class, Calculus. By the time it's over, you barely remember what you learned. After moving through the rest of the day like a zombie, throwing up your lunch, you shuffle into the girl's changing room for the gym. You ignore the concerned and scared looks the other girls give you as you take off your shirt and pants. Admittedly, you know your body is a wreck. You can even see the veins that are supposed to be hidden by the skin on your arm. Unfortunately, your ass and chest have a bit more to go, but thankfully your boobs went from Gs to Cs. But it makes you feel good knowing Kory would have to create a new insult when you're nothing but skin and bone.
When you walk out of the changing room and go into the gym, your body bubbles with anticipation for Kory to see your body and think of something to say. You're perfect now. All of that fat has been shed to your liking. The gym is silent, and everyone is staring at you. You imagine spotlights pointing at you, and something deep inside you makes you walk with pride you shouldn't be feeling. Well, that is until you bump into your bully Kory. Your eyes meet his, and you swear you could see amazement flash between his brown eyes.
"Y/N, what happened to you?" Kory asks, his brown eyes looking all over your body.
"I don't know, but I don't feel hungry anymore," You reply, your cracked lips bleeding from just you smiling.
"Get away from me, you disgusting freak," Kory says, shoving you to the ground.
You fall and swear you could hear your heart shatter.
Why didn't he call you something else?
He didn't call you something else because you're so big and disgusting.
You're so disgusting, you attention whore.
Your eyes shift to the white ceiling, and suddenly, your vision gets enveloped in white. If this is what death feels like, it feels so warm and nice, like you're swaddled in the first blanket you ever touched as a baby.
When you wake up, you're underneath the covers of someone's bed sheets. They smell like men's body spray, B.O., and sex. You wanna throw up, but someone puts a hand over your mouth, stopping you.
"If you throw up on my bed, I swear I'm going to ruin your ass," Kory growls, glaring at you. "How long has it been since you ate a meal?"
You stay silent and look away, not wanting to spill your guts.
"Since you wanna try and play games with me, I'll just punish you until you answer me," Kory says, aggressively pulling your hair and forcing your head to go up. "How long has it been since you ate a meal?"
"Two weeks," You croak, earning a kiss on the neck from Kory.
"Good girl," Kory replies, letting go of your hair and pulling down his sweatpants. "I know it'll take time for you to eat full meals again, so why don't we start slow."
Before you even have a chance to say anything, his hand is grabbing your hair again and shoving his cock into your mouth. You choke on his length as he forces you to take all of it.
"Did you really think I was going to help your pathetic ass without me getting some pleasure from it?" Kory groans, thrusting his hips as you choke on his cock. "Jesus, you useless piece of bones, breathe through your nose."
You do as he says through the tears, hoping he takes mercy on you. He bobs your head more and more until your whimpers are taken over by the sounds of you sucking his cock.
"I'm going to cum in your mouth, and you're going to swallow it. Don't even attempt to make a run for the toilet to throw up, or else I'll fill up all of you with cum," Kory says, riding through his high as he presses your head harder to make sure you don't lift your head until he's done.
Kory cums into your mouth, and you feel it go straight to the back of your throat and to your stomach.
"Haha, great, now there's some calories in your stomach," Kory laughs, pushing you onto your back as he takes off your pants. "Now I get to eat you out."
You try to close your legs, but Kory forces them open.
"Just for that, I'm going to finger you instead," Kory says, getting up and holding one of your legs open.
With his other hand, he puts three fingers in and immediately fingers you with speed. You try not to let out any moans, but the minute Kory sticks his whole entire fist in, you lose it.
"Ah, fuck, Kory, faster!" You moan, making Kory laugh at you.
"Aw, is my Little Bunny not in control of her body? You wanted my attention so bad, didn't you?" Kory mocks, laughing at your hands, unbuttoning your shirt to get to your boobs.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You scream, making Kory laugh at you more. "Please, make me cum!"
Kory laughs and kisses you on the lips.
"Tell me when you're cumming, Bunny," Kory whispers in your ear, licking your neck.
"I'm going to cum, Kory! I'm going to cum right now!" You moan, wrapping your arms around Kory's bare back.
Kory takes his hand out of your pussy and flips you over.
"No!" You whine, missing the high you were feeling.
"Don't worry, Bunny. I told you I was going to help you," Kory says, grabbing your hair while his other hand is on your ass. "You're going to get big and pretty again just for me."
Kory starts thrusting into you while pulling your hair, and you eventually lose yourself.
"Harder! Harder, Kory!" You moan, making him chuckle.
Both of your bodies become sweaty, and the sound of skin slapping together becomes more frequent. Even the bed is shaking like there's an Earthquake happening.
"I'm about to cum, baby!" Kory yells, tightening his grip on your hair.
"AUGH! Me too!" You scream, a knot forming in your stomach.
Kory yanks your hair hard as he cums into your pussy. You cum onto his dick and scream as an orgasm ravages you. Kory lays on top of your chest and leaves a hickey on your neck.
"If you ever think about starving yourself or throwing up any food you eat ever again, I'll shove food down your throat myself. Only I get to degrade you, Bunny," Kory threatens, keeping a tight grip on your arm. "Now, relax, and I'll get you breakfast."
"How did I even get here?" You ask, rubbing Kory's head of straight black hair.
"You passed out, and I took you to my house since I wanted to talk with you privately," Kory answers, leaving a trail of kisses. "Any other questions, Bunny."
"Are you going to make me drop out of college?"
"Temporarily. You're too sick to be going in this state. Don't worry, I'll take care of you, Bunny."
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vintagexherry · 10 months
"Think you can handle the both of us ¿señorita?"
part 2 of this
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Punk! Miguel x Fem!Reader x Miguel
//Smut,Threesome,double pene one hole, degradation, Oral, Squirting, Hair pulling, Praise kink, Marking, Dacryphilia, Tit sucking,Stomach bulge, Overstimuation, Punk!Miguel will be nicknamed Miggy here.
"Let her choose?.....What are you implying" Miggy chuckled and walked towards you putting his hands on your waist, dangerously close to your ass and if you weren't panicking before then you sure as hell you're panicking now. "Oh you know hell what I'm implying"
How did it turn into this?
At one point you met another version of Miguel who seemed to be more free-spirited and had the same fashion sense as Hobie.
Next Miguel and Miggy started bickering at where you should belong.
Next, was after what Miggy told him about implying something Miguel opened a portal Miggy pushed you through it and you saw what seemed to be Miguel's bedroom, a bit messy from the tech cluttered around the area but before you could look around even more, you were pushed onto the bed, and there you know your gonna call in sick for tomorrow.
Now you're here.
Miguel thrusting in you mouth as you gagged at his length, almost choking at how big he is.
Miggy on the other hand thrusting in your pussy as if his life depends on it, the push of his hips drive your mouth more into Miguel's dick and making you gagged even more to the point of tears but that doesn't seem to stop them if so, it drives them even crazier for you.
"That's it...come on that's it mm argh." Miguel said in hushed voice only meant for you to hear.
"This is- ugh... More fun than- shit- than I thought" Miggy stuttured as he push his hips even deeper to you the wet slaps and loud grunts of the two men above you seemed to push you closer and closer to your climax, but before you could reach it, Miguel and Miggy seemed to have different plans.
Miguel didn't even reach his climax when he removed himself from your drooling mouth, even Miggy stopped himself and grabbed your forearms to pull you into an upright position.
Both men didn't say anything to each other but they seem to have some sort of telepathic understanding what to do.
"Think you can handle the both of us ¿señorita?" Miggy asked you gently, caressing your hips that seemed to have bruises from his grip earlier.
"I-uh...mhm" You couldn't trust your own voice from how rough it sounded, so you nodded eagerly and gulp from their smirks as him they won the lottery,which in this case they probably did.
"That's my girl" Miguel praised as he starter grinding his dick to your slit to gather extra wetness and you moan everytime he slides agaist your clit, with that he takes it a sign to enter a little bit while Miggy was thrusting slightly into you.
"Oh-oh urhhhh" Your mind couldn't make up either to moan in pleasure or hiss in pain.
Miguel noticed your rising hesitation and eagerly kissed your lips while he fully thrusts his length into you, both your moans muffled from the kiss.
Miguel let go of your lips and grunted from the tight feeling "F-fuck cariño".
You moaned at the feeling of being filled to the brim, So much you felt your stomach distened in size.
Suddenly your felt your head pulled back by your hair and before you could moan the pain, you lips were sealed around Miggy's, who seemed desperate to one up Miguel's kiss who clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Since you were distracted both men thrust up and down into you, and you couldn't help but let go of Miggy's lips moaning loudly.
They start moving slowly but the more they felt you loosen up the more rougher and harder their thrusts began, you couldn't control the drool,the tears, and the moan your letting out.
"I- Ah! Mig-Mig-" You couldn't form a coherent sentence especially since Miggy started sucking your neck and Miguel sucking your tits.
The feeling of both men touching you sends your head into overdrive and your legs starts shaking from their thrusts as you were nearing climax, the wet slaps twice the louder now, your slick starts dripping, until finally, you came and you couldn't hold back a loud moan as your squirt starts making the bed beneath you stained.
"F-fuck- SHIT"
"Come on neña give us m-more fffuc."
You swear on your life that these men are gonna be the death of you.
"I-I please I- ca-can't" you tried stammering it out but that doesn't seem to please them for you felt your head being pulled back again by Miggy
"You can and you will you fucking slut"
"Don't tell us your giving up already"
You tried telling them again but no proper sentence would come out to the way they thrust again and again,harder and harder to you, Miguel rubbing your clit, Miggy sucking on your neck leaving mark anywhere he could reach and your eyes barely can see anything to the amount of tears blocking it's way.
"Pleesh- AH!-foo mu-uch" but your pleads go on one ear to the other as you climaxed again and thanks to that this made them thrust faster, focusing on nothing but their pleasure now.
You don't how much seconds,minutes, or hours has passed but their thrusts started to become desperate and knew they were reaching climax,the bed started creaking, sheets stained even more with mixed fluids and all you could hear was your own moans mixed with their grunts.
"Come on you whore come on come on comeon comeocomeon-"
"Yes th-ats it neña tha-thats it- almost there,do-doing so so go-FFUCK!"
Before you know it,warmth fills you up, endless cum filling in again and again and your body shakes from the number of orgasms you endured.
The three of you started gathering your breaths, Miggy and Miguel spreading kisses to your body,rubbing your sore spots and laying you down gently on the bed while they lay each side of you.
"You did amazing neña, so good for us." Miggy praised as he put a strand of hair behind your ear,wiping away any stray tear.
"Mhmm, that's my girl" Miguel said it with a kiss in a forehead.
As for you, you were busy gathering oxygen back at your lungs and with how much your legs feel tired you come to a conclusion.
Yeah your call in sick tomorrow.
"Hey Y/N you good? I didn't know you were sick,Miguel told me everything so I already got a spider to cover up your tasks" You heard Jess's voice over your watch.
"th-thank you Jess" Your hoarse voice said in gratitude, with that you bid your goodbyes to each other.
But now you gotta focus on two men trying to cut each other's throat, fighting who gets to prepare your bath or massage your sore body.
As of right now you don't really care with the tiredness seeping though body plus with the sudden day off you decided to sleep through their shenanigans.
And just like that you just chose to see tomorrow morning what's in store for you.
The End
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ryuusea · 10 months
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sherliam husband privileges
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limehaspassed · 1 year
(Leon Kennedy x Chubby F!Reader)
In which Leon Kennedy shows you everything he loves about you. <3
Inspired by my pookie bear, I love you and thank you for feeding into my obsession. Love you @illaxeem
CW: NSFW ,, Voyeurism ,, Cunnilingus ,, Mirror Sex ,, Hair Pulling ,, Praise Kink (briefly mentioned) ,, Light Mention of Body Dysmorphia ,, Body Praise
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It was later on in the night when you finally got the chance to sit down, your day spent cleaning and rearranging things to your liking. You had been unhappy with the state of the house for a while so you decided to change it up. Now, after twelve hours of moving things around, you were finally done. You were beyond sure that you pulled a few muscles in the process.
For a while, you sat on the couch and rested your eyes, that was until you heard a key in the door. Immediately you jumped up, excited to show your boyfriend what you had done while he was at work. When he left earlier that morning, he had noticed you cleaning, he hadn’t noticed your plans of moving everything this way and that.
“Welcome home, dear.” You greeted as Leon walked through the entryway, the door closing behind him.
He gave a sluggish smile, he was also in the same state as you, exhausted. You gave him a soft smile and helped him slip his jacket off, hanging it on the coat rack. He was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close, nestling his head in the crook of your neck. You chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.
“You alright?” You asked quietly, a slight hum to your voice.
Leon nodded against you. “Yeah. How was your day without me?” He asked in return, a slight tease to his voice. He knew that you didn’t like to be separated from him.
“Actually, it was rather pleasant, I got so much done. Do you want to see?” You replied to Leon’s surprise. You were always quick to complain about him working too much and not spending enough time with you during the day, yet now you aren’t complaining, in fact you almost seem thankful.
“Sure, show me what you did.” He let go of you, standing up straight. He wore a soft smile, his eyes warm and sleepy.
You grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. “Look.” You said, motioning to a completely rearranged living room, nothing was left untouched, even the small plants that were arranged on the coffee table.
“Do you not like it?” Your face fell a bit.
“No, no. I like it, I just wasn’t expecting that. How’d you move all of that? I know for sure that the couch is heavy, I was the one that had to bring it in here.” He was confused on how you did this all on your own. You weren’t weak, he knew that, but you certainly weren’t as strong as him, you didn’t have the same training he did.
You chuckled again and punched his shoulder lightly. “I’ve been working out.”
“What? Do you want to work out with me? I’m sure you would love to see that.” You ask teasingly.
“If you’re offering.” He replied bluntly.
You give a quick laugh and walk towards the kitchen and dining room, expecting him to follow. He did.
“Now, what would my big, strong cop like for dinner?” You asked, turning to look at him with a wink.
He chuckled at your tone and shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever you would like. I’m not in the mood for anything specific.” He explains, taking a seat at the table. He leaned back into the chair with a sigh, closing his eyes.
“Alright. How about turkey wraps?” You asked to which he hummed in response.
You started making them quietly, you didn’t want to disturb Leon. His job was oftentimes loud and all he wanted when he got home was peace and quiet. You respected this and always tried your best to remain quiet, keeping your voice soft and low. He never said anything about this but you knew he appreciated it.
It didn’t take long for dinner to be made. You plated the wraps and walked over to the table, setting one down in front of Leon and one in front of where you sat. You took your seat and waited for Leon to open his eyes before eating. When he opened them, he flashed you a gentle smile and began eating, you did the same.
“So what did you have for lunch?” He asked casually.
“Oh. I forgot to eat lunch.” You replied hesitantly.
Leon looked up at you, his eyes serious. “You have to eat lunch babe, it’s unhealthy not too.”
“I know, I was just distracted. I swear, nothing else made me not eat.” You explained to which Leon calmed down a bit.
“Just try to eat something for me tomorrow alright. I’ll be home tomorrow so I can make you up something good.” He offered.
You nodded and continued eating.
It had always been like this with the two of you, he was always watching out over you, making sure you ate. Before you met him, you would often skip meals for one reason or another, but when you got with him, he was always pushing you to eat when mealtime came around. He wouldn’t force it onto you but he would try his best to gently coerce you into eating. You appreciated the way he would look out for you but sometimes, you wished he would let it slide. Only sometimes, that was when you let your insecurities get the best of you.
Dinner came and went and soon it was time for bed. Leon had already laid down while you were in the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
You were standing in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at your stomach and thighs. You couldn’t help but think about lunch today, the lunch you didn’t eat. You felt guilty for not eating but you felt dirty for eating dinner. There was no balance. The pudge of your stomach testified to your feelings. You hated your stomach and thighs, how much bigger they were than everyone else’s, you wanted them to be smaller but you didn’t want to stop eating, you didn’t want to let Leon down.
You were trapped within a box of constant obsession, obsession with being skinny and obsession with gratifying Leon. You didn’t which to choose, you wanted both of them, you needed both of them. You felt as though without one obsession the next one wouldn’t exist. You couldn’t pick between them.
You sighed and looked away, pulling your shirt outwards a bit. You went to grab a different one, one that wasn’t as tight when you noticed Leon standing behind you, staring at you through the mirror.
“You alright?” He asks.
You nod and walk over to him, he was leaning against the doorway. “I just need to grab a different shirt.” You explain.
“Why? I like this one.” He says, placing his hands on your hips.
“Don’t say that when you don’t mean it.” You replied, removing his hands from your hips.
He smiled at you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close against him. “And how would you know what I like and don’t like?” He asks curiously.
“Because it makes my stomach look big.” You reply, looking away. You felt bad for thinking this way but it was the truth, there was no hiding it.
“Where?” He asks, tilting your head to look back up at him. He leans forward and presses his forehead agaisnt yours. “I don’t see anything wrong with you.” He whispers, his breath fanning across your face like a warm blanket.
You meet him with anxious eyes, your thoughts were getting the better of you again. “But-“
“Nope. No but’s” He interrupts you, placing a finger over your lips to silence you. He reaches down and places his hands on the sides of your stomachs. “You’re beautiful. You know that right? If I had to choose who was the most beautiful girl in the world, I would choose you. You want to know why?”
You nod slowly, not sure if you want to know or not. You were scared that he might turn this around and go the other direction with it.
He slides his hands down to you hips and pulls you even closer. “Let me show you what all I like about you. Come here.”
He pulls you over to the standing mirror in the corner of y’all’s bedroom. He places you in the center of it and has you look at yourself in the mirror. You try to look away but he grabs your chin, as gentle as he can, and holds you there. He then takes his other hand runs it over your body, his touch is featherlight, it tickles and leaves a trail of heat in its wake.
He runs his hand up your shirt, letting it rest on your stomach. He smiles lovingly at you in the mirror. “You want to know why I like your stomach so much dear?” He asks you, his voice a low whisper, it sends chills down your spine.
“Because it’s a perfect place to rest my head an it will carry our future children. You’ll be such a good mother, I hope you know that.” His voice holds a fondness you rarely hear, it causes your heart to swell and a blush to spread across your cheeks.
He chuckles at this reaction and runs his hand down to your thighs. He gently squeezes one as he speaks. “You wanna know why I like your thighs so much?” He asks, his voice takes on a more darker tone, one that’s more lustful. “It’s because they feel so nice around my head.”
“Oh.” You say breathlessly. You blush at this, wanting to look away, to hide your embarrassment, but you can’t. You can only look at him. There’s a part of you that’s enjoying this a bit too much.
He leans his head down and kisses your neck softly, using his teeth and tongue to tease the sensitive skin. You gasp at the touch and move your head as much as you can in his grip, giving him further access. His free hand slips between your thighs, reaching upward.
You squirm under his touch. He smiles at you in the mirror and moves his hand further up and rubs against you. You gasp and grab his arm. You squeeze your thighs together under his touch.
“Relax.” He whispers against your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin. He is staring at you through the mirror, his eyes are intense, focused, and filled with desire.
You swallow hard and stare back at him with timid eyes. You weren’t a stranger to this attention but something about this was different, it felt all too much. It felt so real and open, you didn’t like looking at yourself but at the same time, it turned you on in a way you couldn’t describe.
You stare at him for a minute before slowly relaxing your legs, allowing him to continue. He continues and your grip on his arm tightens.
“Let me show you how beautiful you are.” His voice is just below a whisper, barely audible.
A shiver runs down your spine at his voice and you lean against him, closing your eyes. His hand continues to run against you for a bit until he pulls it away, moving it upwards towards your neck.
“Open your eyes.” It was more of a demand than a request.
You opened them and he smiled as he looked at you. His hand delicately ran across your neck before he leaned down and placed soft kisses along the sensitive skin. She let out a breathy moan, a small, timid sound, embarrassment was flooding through her. He smiled at this and pulled away, looking up at you in the mirror.
“Do you know why I like your neck? It’s because you get so flustered when I kiss it. Like this.” He leans down and kisses your neck again, this time with more fervor than before.
Your face turns red at the mention of you being flustered, you’re embarrassed over being called out. This whole process was calling you out and you couldn’t tune him out, he was too close to you, you were enjoying far too much.
He drops his hand, keeping the one on jaw in the same position, slightly tightening his grip. He leans forward and places a kiss to the back of your jaw, just under your ear. He nibbles on the skin, causing another moan to escape your mouth.
“Oh those noises of yours are so divine, my love.” He whispers against your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
Your eyes go wide but not because he complimented you, no because of how turned on you were by his praise. It struck a chord with you, a chord you didn’t know existed until now.
Leon then readjusted his grip on your jaw, tilting your head up slightly. “You know what I like about your jaw? It’s a perfect spot to place my lips. It’s also perfect for grabbing.” He explained in a low voice, his lips so close to your ear that it almost felt like he was kissing it.
You watched him through the mirror as he trailed a hand over your hip, his eyes connecting with yours. He was smiling, always he was smiling at you. God, you wished you could marry that smile already.
He then let go of your jaw for a moment, reaching down and grabbing the hem of your shirt with both hands, he pulled it over your head, letting it fall towards the floor afterwards. He then reaches up and grabs both of your breasts.
“You know why I like your boobs?” He asks, gently massaging them. “It’s because they’re the perfect place to lay my head, plus they fit so perfectly in my hands. It's like they were made for me and only me.” A hint of possessiveness enters his voice as he says this, a glint of dominance clear in his eyes.
You lean back against him, relaxing into his touch. That is until he drops his hands, stepping away from you for a minute. He smiles at you through the mirror, a wicked and twisted smile, one sure to turn your stomach with anxiety.
“Turn to face me and lay on your back.” He demanded gently, his smile softening slightly as he noticed your anxious attitude.
You did as told, looking up at him confused as to what he had in mind. He sits on his knees at the end of your feet and leans over you. He takes his hand and tilts your head back until you could see yourself in the mirror, your view upside down now.
“Don’t look away and don’t close your eyes.” He commands, kissing your chin before moving back to an upright position.
Taking the fabric of your pants in hand, he tugs them down, pulling them all the way off and tossing them to the side. He does the same thing with your underwear, exposing the cold air to your lower regions.
You try your best not to look away as he turns to look back at you, his smile ever so present.
“You look so beautiful, my love. I hope you’ll be able to see just how beautiful you really are.” He speaks softly, his thumb caressing your inner thigh. He then spreads your thighs apart and wraps them around his neck as he leans down, pressing a warm kiss against you.
You gasp, his eyes flickering up to capture yours for a second before he runs his tongue against you, causing a low moan to escape you. He takes a moment to enjoy your moan, savoring the sound before continuing, running his tongue along your clit.
You clench your hands as he continues to run his tongue against your clit, your mouth hanging open as you moan. Your eyes stared at the top of his head, his hair falling in front of his face. You reached down and grabbed it, intertwining it between your fingers. It was soft and cool, contradicting the heat that was your body.
Leon takes his hand and presses two fingers inside of you, stroking you in tandem with his tongue. You hands tighten on his hair and you can hear him groan, something that only adds to your excitement , to your enjoyment.
Leon continues, lavashing you with his touches until it feels all too much, bringing you right to edge. Your core is burning, your heart beating out of your chest, and your throat slightly sore from moaning so much. God, you swear you could see constellations as his tongue only continued to pleasure you, that was until he stopped, pulling away from you completely.
A whine emitted from your mouth involuntarily, coming out as an impulse as you were denied your orgasm. He looked at you in the mirror and smiled.
“Next time, I’m recording that sweet voice of yours.” He says as he leans back over you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “Now, get on your hands and knees, facing the mirror, please.”
Your face went red at his words, you were always embarrassed with this position, far more embarrassed about than any other position the two of you have tried. However, despite your embarrassment, you did as told, sitting up and facing the mirror, supporting yourself from your hands and knees.
His smile grew as he watched you, a lustful look overtaking his eyes, desire was written all over his face.
He placed his hands on your hips and positioned himself behind you. He leaned over you again, placing kisses all along your back. You watch him, your cheeks burning hot. The mirror, the position, the constant kissing, and constant praise was all too overstimulating your brain, emotions swirling left and right. It was too much, you couldn’t handle it all.
He positioned himself behind you and slowly pushed himself in, giving you time to adjust. He starts at a slow pace, a rhythmically and constantly pleasing pace. He’s watching you, his eyes staring directly into yours. You go to look away but he grabs you by the hair and pulls your head back up, you gasp at the sudden movement.
Your eyes met his again as he quickened his pace, pushing into you at a faster pace, one that causes you to moan and whine. You were already denied an orgasm once, now everything felt all so sensitive and alive, every little movement of his was driving you crazy.
He angles himself, hitting in the exact spot that sends you flying over the edge, constellations forming in front of you. You could see Cassiopeia and Orian, all handcrafted by Leon, made perfectly for you. It isn’t long until you feel that heat flood back to your core, your body twitching and convulsing as waves of pleasure wash over you.
You could hear him groaning, his hand tightening around your hair, eliciting a moan in response. You never knew that his hands in your hair would be so hot. You never knew watching yourself being railed would be so exciting.
Second after glorious second goes by and you soon feel yourself reaching your climax, you look up at Leon, he’s already watching you. His eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration, it’s almost cute.
“Fuck, Leon, I think…” Your words are interrupted by your own moan, his thrusts reaching even deeper now. Your hands curl into fists and every muscle in your body contracts as Leon quickened his pace, his thrusts more frenzied and pleasure driven.
It isn’t long until you’re pushed over that edge, your eyes closing as your orgasm hits you hard. You can feel him cum inside you shortly after, riding you through your high. Your muscles relax and you can feel your legs about to give out.
“Leon.” You breathlessly whisper his name, opening your eyes to look back up at him.
“Yes, my love?”
“We should do that again sometime.”
He chuckles and pulls out of you, running a hand along your back. You sit down on your knees as he comes to sit behind you, his arms wrapping around you warmly. He places a kiss on your temple before leaning his nose against your hair, breathing you in.
“I love you, beautiful. I love you so much.”
You smile and lean back against him. “I love you too, dear.”
“Now would you like to head to bed or watch a movie in our freshly rearranged living room?” He asks, a slight tease to his voice.
Your smile grows and you close your eyes again, enjoying being so close to him. “Whatever works best for you.”
They ended up going for the movie, however neither of them got to watch it, they both passed out on the couch a few minutes into the film.
Thank you for reading loves 🖤
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hellsslibrary · 1 year
ahem ahem sorry, valentine is day has already passed ofc BUT the card with lucifer and the choice at the end where you could kneel in front of him... can you continue this situation? as you like, but i would add praise and maybe luci is more sensitive (after a combination of sweets and tea, as in the story) . tysm if you do!! 🥴
♡If your upper lip is morning and your lower lip is night, then I'll be somewhere in between♡
DNI: Minors.
!!Warnings: blowjob, fingering (Luci accepts), praise (both ways), hair pulling, cum inside the mouth and swallowing sperm, overstimulation, admiration for Luci's body, cheesy flirting, MC instead of [Your name], master kink.
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{ —Are you pretending to submit to me? Not that I'm complaining. }
He blushes after these words, exhaling convulsively while you rest your head on the inside of his thigh and look at him in confusion.
"Luci, you've been acting weird ever since we entered the house. Is everything okay?" - you stroke his opposite thigh.
"The combination of this tea and that chocolate, apparently, really causes strange sensations, [MC]... "
He sighs again, taking off his coat and carefully hanging it on the back of the sofa. His cheeks are burning with a bright crimson light, his breathing is absolutely knocked down, and his mouth is slightly open. His hand, slightly trembling, lies on the top of your head and strokes your hair.
"Are you excited, Lucifer?" he sighs with displeasure, but nods, leaning back on the sofa.
"Make me feel good, [MC], please..." - he jerks his hips slightly in your direction and his boner touches your nose.
"[MC]?" you say in a mocking tone, holding his hips in place.
He exhales convulsively and looks at you with the most impatient and dissatisfied expression on his face, but says:
"Please... Master, make me feel good."
"Well, that's it. You can be a good boy... When you're in the mood for it, of course,"- you whisper, moving to his crotch.
Your hands expertly unbutton his belt, and then snap the button on his trousers. Your teeth cling to the metal zipper and you feel him moaning over you in surprise, but quietly. You look up and look into his red, lust-filled eyes. His outer wrist rests on his lips, covering them. And you see how his neck twitches when he swallows, when you slowly slide the zipper of his trousers over his erection.
You pull down his trousers, and then his boxers to his feet, and then completely removing them and handing them to Lucifer, because you know perfectly well that he will be unhappy if you throw clothes somewhere. He carefully folds it and puts it on the next chair so that this stack, if anything, does not interfere with you.
You're humming, looking at his penis in front of you, a very thin trickle of precum is already flowing down it. You giggle, lovingly kissing his head, feeling him twitch from it.
"Please don't tease... I want you to suck me off, master, please. I want to be in your mouth, " - he whispers, moving his hips forward.
And you finally get to work. You lick the strip from his head to his base, slide your tongue back up, licking his head and putting it in your mouth. A groan of satisfaction is heard from above. You decide not to stop and take more, until about the moment when his cock began to rest against the back of your throat.
"Ye— yes, that's it, mgm, very good... Ah, damn, Master. Please don't stop, " - he mutters, to which you chuckle, causing a fleeting vibration along his excited penis, causing a stronger warmth in the bottom of his stomach.
You continue to suck almost all of his cock, trying to satisfy his need for release as much as possible. You choke when you feel your hair being pulled and you meet his pubis with your nose. Your bewildered gaze rises to him while he looks at you and only by one look can you tell that he is accidentally.
But a predatory grin blooms on your lips, from which he swallows. You tear yourself away from his penis, which makes him whine, but does not say anything, then spit on your fingers, move his body slightly down, which makes him squeal, and then again take his slightly salty, preculate penis into your mouth.
You trace the edge of his hole with your finger, lightly pressing on it in order to hit him. He whines and his feet rest on your shoulders and press your head closer. So are his hands clutching your hair. You giggle and stick your finger into it, it emits a deep, hoarse and surprisingly loud moan. He wasn't too vocal, but now...
"Please, master, more, f-fuck, more... I ,ah, want more, " - he whispers, while his head is lying on the back of the sofa, and rare tears are running down his cheeks.
You feel him twitching and start moving faster along his trunk, and also add two more fingers. An even stranger moan comes out of his mouth. He has never been so vocal before that it seems strange to you. You feel your cock pulling the fabric of your trousers tighter and tighter.
"I'm going to cum, please..! Don't stop, I beg you! It's so good that I'm ready to die. "
You seriously wonder if it was definitely not an aphrodisiac or something like it. He's so cute now, although he's very rarely, if ever, like that. But you try to nod as well as possible to let him cum.
A loud "Thank you!" escapes from his lips. and after a few thrusts in his ass and on his dick, he cums in your mouth with a loud moan. You also move your fingers slightly to help him survive an orgasm while you swallow his sperm, trying not to spill any drops.
And then with a loud pop you tear yourself away from his penis and take out your hand, looking at his beautiful figure. His chest heaves with each of his quick breaths and exhalations, a thread of saliva flows down his chin, as well as several streams of tears, and his hair, the ones you see, is absolutely disheveled.
"Hey, Luci..." he slowly looks down at you as you stroke his inner thigh. "If your left foot is north and your right foot is west, I'd like to go northwest. "
He blinks a few times and then chuckles, hitting you lightly on the head.
"If your upper lip is morning and your lower lip is night, then I'll be somewhere in between. " - you both laugh, but then you lower his legs from your shoulders and get to your feet.
You tower over him, and then bend down, placing one of your hands next to his head.
"Well, since we have time for a chessy flirtation, which I started, then I'll finish. " - he looks at you in confusion, but there is a flicker of interest in his eyes. - "Of course I'm not an elevator, but you can go down and up on me. "
He emits a quiet "Oh...", pulling you by the shirt, throwing you on your back on the sofa and sat on your lap, unbuckling your belt.
"Then I'll ride the elevator until morning, until I completely run out and Mr. Elevator squeezes all the juices out of me. "
You laugh, which makes him blush slightly, realizing how stupid and childish he looked right now, but not that you mind. You're going to squeeze all the juice out of him, just like he wants, right?
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saetoshis · 2 years
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[‹ WITH ›] itoshi sae!
[‹ SUMMARY ›] after sae's finally back from a long trip overseas, you decide to tease him with some new lingerie but it doesn't go as planned!
fem!reader, all chars are 18+, mean dom!sae, teasing, begging, degradation, tummy bulge, some hair pulling, fingering, pet name [princess], size kink, orgasm denial
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you couldn't describe your elation.
sae had been away for a while now at a training camp overseas, leaving you with the smell of his t-shirts that still had remnants of cologne on it to stave you over. you missed his hands roaming your body, his blunt and rasped voice, and especially the sheer pleasure that had been ripped from you the second he walked out of the door a few weeks ago.
now he was finally coming back, no doubt brawnier, more egotistic and raging with pent-up testosterone - perfect to tease, you thought about a week ago as you bought a new set of lingerie. maybe sae would fuck you the instant he walks in the door, and maybe he'd even thank you for it.
but what you expected was far from what happened.
he saunters through the door and rasps out a 'hey, i'm back' before catching sight of the dainty clothes adorning your body, and all he can say is, "right off the bat, huh?"
your face contorts in surprise, breath catching in your chest as his thumb tilts your chin up to meet his indifferent gaze. with his fingers dragging along your jaw and his parted lips hovering just inches from yours, you find the heat pooled between your legs burgeoning and spreading at just the proximity of his body after so long.
"missed me touching you that much? you can't even wait twenty minutes after i get back? my flight was long and i'm tired," sae mutters lowly, the softness of his breath tantalizing as it hits your face and you find yourself keening for him even more. "you even dressed up this time, didn't you? wanted to get a rise out of me?"
"mm, yeah i did," you tease out softly, lips grazing his as your hands drag up his chest to wrap around his brawny shoulders. "just for you, sae."
"guess i have to rein you in a little more," sae murmurs in a rasp, fingers gripping your jaw as his free hand snakes up into your hair. "seems like you forgot who's in charge here."
with a tug on the roots of your hair, your head tilts back and he's finally connecting his lips with yours in slow kisses. he's always controlling the pace, and he won't give in no matter how hard you try to force it your way.
sae's tongue slips and drags languidly against yours, a free hand's fingers snaking your panties to the side as he backs you up onto the kitchen counter. he 'tsk's at the feel of the amount of slick adorning your folds, both his rough hands coming to push your thighs open further.
"that horny, huh? gonna teach this greedy pussy a good lesson," sae mutters as he pulls away, two fingers delving into your cunt and curling forwards against your walls. you know it's supposed to be a punishment, but fuck if it doesn't feel so good to finally have him touching you like this again.
"s-shit, sae... feels so good," you whine out between shallow hitched breaths, hips grinding against his palm in a desperate attempt for more friction. his eyes are sharp and piercing, forearm flexing harshly with each rapid curl of his fingers. "want- hah, want your cock too..."
"that so? then beg for me some more," sae rasps out the words, pressing his fingers deeper into your cunt just to hear your voice shake as you whimper out his name. he's satisfied after a while, slipping his digits from your pussy and straight into your mouth with a muttered, "c'mon, suck them clean."
your tongue drags along the slick adorning his fingers, moans escaping onto his knuckles as he rips his belt from the loops of his pants and lets his cock spring out from his briefs. you practically whimper at the sight, precum already pooling at the head as he prods it against your folds.
"fuck, it always makes me hard when you beg, princess," sae sighs out softly as he delves his cock between your walls, every inch drawing moans from your lips as you shudder on the countertop. his first languid drags slowly turn into quick ruts, hips smacking wetly against yours as his abs flex and his cock twitches inside of you.
"f-fuck, so big," you murmur between whined gasps, hands digging into his shoulders at the euphoric pleasure of each unrelenting thrust. a bulge appears with every rock of his hips as his cock hits the hilt of your pussy, one of his hands cupping your cheek as the other holds your thigh open wider for him. "shit, so close already..."
"so needy for me, aren't you? gonna cum off just a few strokes?" sae grunts out lowly, hips rutting faster with lewd slaps as his own climax twitches in his cock - but he definitely isn't about to admit the fact that he missed your pussy, too. "that's too bad, isn't it?"
you don't understand what he means until he's pulling out, heavy cock in his fist as he jerks himself off with only the head prodding at your cunt. your whimpers and heavy sighs of dissent fall on deaf ears, his eyes glued to the way your pussy tightens around nothing while you're wishing it was his cock again instead.
"shh, shh," sae shushes you with a thumb slipping between your lips, the tip swirling along your tongue as he chases his high alone. "i told you before, princess, only good girls get to cum. looks like i have to teach you again..."
sae shudders as his abs flex and his cock twitches in his hand, a rasped grunt falling from his lips with his head craning back as ribbons of cum smother your folds and drip onto the counter. after a few final fists of his cock and shallow pants, he's muttering out, "show me you can be good for me and i'll let you cum nice and hard next time to make up for it."
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tagging my bllk people !! : @tinybarou @divilyn @b-achiras @garoujo @haruchiyos
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darnell-la · 2 months
Stepdad - Eddie Munson
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pairing: stepdad!eddie munson x badgirl!reader
warning: step-family sex, age gap, stuffed animal holding (I swear, it's not what you think!), hair pulling, choking, spanking during sex, orgasms, creampie, gripping, begging, loud sex, rough sex, etc.
3rd person pov
Y/n and Eddie didn’t get off great when they first met. They always had arguments and said backhanded things about each other. Their mother couldn’t fix it, but the more it happened, the more y/n realized her mother didn’t care.
Her mother has never been nice to her. She took custody knowing y/n would get along better with her father than her mother, yet she doesn’t care about that either.
After y/n’s father died, the relationship died completely between her and her mother. Her mom knew that and went out to find someone she could finally care about.
Eddie Munson is the lucky man she found, and well, he feels like he isn’t so lucky. Yes, he loved y/n’s mom at first, but after he noticed the way she treated and talked about y/n, he fell out of it.
The only reason why he’s in the very house right now, sitting on the couch and watching a movie while his wife gets dressed, is because he felt like he couldn’t leave y/n.
Her first thought was that his feelings towards y/n were feelings he’d have if he had his own kids, but the older she got, the more he noticed.
The dating. Her clothes. Her phone contacts. Her friends. The parties. How she spoke. How she matured. Everything hit him at once it seemed.
“Hey, babe! I’m almost done getting ready. Are you sure you don’t want to come along!?” Y/n’s mom yelled downstairs from upstairs.
As she and Eddie yelled back and forth at each other, y/n got herself ready. Whenever her mom goes out, y/n sneaks out. I mean. She’s almost a full adult and the drinking age will be legal soon. She refuses to sit back and wait.
“Y/n, I’m leaving!” Her mom yelled outside the door then walked off to go downstairs. “Make sure she doesn’t annoy you all night,” Y/n’s mom told Eddie before giving him a peck.
“Oh, she won’t. She’s always in her room anyways,” Eddie said before talking about a few things with Y/n’s mother until she finally left.
“Aye, y/n!? You hungry!?” Eddie asked, standing in front of the stairs. “No!” Y/n yelled back, still touching up her makeup. She’s always overdramatic when she walks out of the house.
“Oh, well, okay,” Eddie slightly felt hurt by the way she always answered him. She doesn’t mean to, after years of living in this household, she feels like everyone’s against her.
Y/n quickly got finished before sneaking out of her second-story window. It’s always a hassle, but she got it and she knows she can sneak through the back window when she comes back because Eddie will be asleep by then as always.
“Hey, y/n! Why don’t you come down and watch a movie! I know it’s a bit late, but I think we should, I don’t know, hang out more!” Eddie suggested at the bottom of the stairs, hoping she’d say yes but she never answered.
“C’mon, y/n, we should really get along more! Your mom’s gone. Maybe I’ll let you have a sip of my beer or something,” Eddie suggested anything at this point, but she still didn’t answer.
Eddie slowly made his way upstairs with a sigh, talking to himself to rehearse what he what to say to her. She’s basically her daughter, and they never talk. He hates not seeing her.
“Sweetheart, c’mon. Don’t leave ya old man hanging,” Eddie said outside of her door. “Y/n, seriously,” Eddie knocked before placing his hand on the handle to open the door but it was locked.
“Hey, what did I and your mother discuss? No more locked doors,” Eddie said which he didn’t totally agree with, but she was not answering him, making him panicked.
Eddie wasted no time to push the door open with his strength and then grow a shocked look across his face. “Y/n!?” Eddie shouted out, hoping she was hiding in the room until he saw that her window was open.
“Son of a bitch,” Eddie cussed as he pulled his cheap phone out of his pocket. It took him a while, but he got to the tracking app he downloaded his phone and secretly hid on hers with her mother’s permission.
“Who the fuck-“ Eddie cut himself off, noticing she was in a familiar rich neighborhood. He hasn’t stepped foot in that neighborhood since Steve moved. He’s not welcomed there by certain people.
“And who are you?” An older voice said behind y/n, making her jump a bit. “Oh, hey. I’m, uh, my name's y/n,” she stuttered as she placed her 4th cup of the night down.
“Aren’t supposed to be drinkin’, hm?” The man asked, making her blush in slight fear and embarrassment. She hated it when people noticed her age. She only has a year to go.
“Aw, don’t worry. This is my party anyway. I’d go to jail if I called the cops to come get you,” he said. Yn sighed in relief before picking her back up and holding a small conversation with him.
He seemed nice, but she knows older people’s intentions when they hold conversations with kids they’ve never seen or talked to before.
“Where’s your boyfriend tonight?” Jason asked. He gave him her name a few minutes ago when he started bragging about his golden days in high school. “I don’t have one,” she awkwardly smiled.
“Well, isn’t that something,” he smirked down at her as he took a sip of his beer. “Why is that? Daddy won’t let ya?” He asked. “Stepdad, and no, that’s not why. I just- I don’t like immature boys,” she said, making Jason chuckle.
“Hm, really? Want someone older?” He asked. “Kinda, yeah,” she admitted. “That’s called daddy issues, princess,” Jason said as he leaned toward her. She didn’t notice because she was giggling to herself. After all, he knows he isn’t wrong.
“I can help you with that, you know?” He said, not inches from her face. “Oh,” she said, growing shy. She hasn’t been hit on a man this close before. This is different than the other times.
Y/n went to speak, but she focused on a man at the front door. It’s her stepdad. “H-Hey, I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Y/n said before quickly speeding off towards the stairs.
As soon as she took her eyes off of Eddie, it was like his eyes quickly connected to her figure walking upstairs. He knew she had seen him. She looked in a rush to get up.
As Eddie looked around, he heard a familiar voice call out y/n’s name. At first, he’d thought it was one of y/n’s friends maybe, but when he noticed who it was, his blood boiled.
Jason Carver was talking to his stepdaughter. What a creep. He’s always gotten what he wanted back then. He’s always gotten what Eddie wanted…
Eddie quickly stormed upstairs, wasting no time barging into every room there was until he saw y/n trying to climb out a window in this kid's room.
He knew this house was familiar. Jason had kids with Chrissy, but they’ve recently divorced, so their kids moved from one house to the other.
“Nah uh,” Eddie said as he got ahold of y/n and pulled her in. Y/n sighed in anger, angry that she’d finally been caught. “What the hell are you thinking!?” Eddie shouted.
“Was just having fun,” y/n rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. “Having fun? At a grown man’s house!?” Eddie yelled at her as she continued to give attitude-like looks.
“You’re not my real dad, so you have no say in my life,” Y/n said with full confidence. Eddie completely stopped talking, surprised at her words at first. He knew she always felt like that, but he wasn’t ready for it to come out of her mouth.
“You’re right. I'm not, but I’m still trying to protect you, and this is not safe. We’re leaving,” Eddie demanded as he went to grab y/n’s wrist, but she pulled back and slapped his hand away.
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me. I’m staying here whether you like it or not,” y/n said, staying her ground against her stepfather. “Oh, is that so?” He asked, making her nod her head.
“If you stay and drink more than you already have. I can spell the damn liquor. Then whatever happens to you, is not my fault. I warned you,” he said, hoping she’d get scared about a possible situation, but she’s not a kid anymore.
“Okay? Not like you cared anyways,” Y/n said. “What are you even talking about!? I’ve always cared for you but you make it so fucking hard to! You always bitch around and leave after a minor agreement that you started!” Eddie yelled in her face.
Y/n’s face instantly changed, as well as her attitude. Hearing that come from Eddie is making her feel bad because it’s true. She pushes away.
“Whatever,” y/n said as her eyes teared up a bit. “No, there’s no whatever! There’s never a whatever! I’m trying to fix us, and you’re just letting it die! Stop letting shit die with people who care for your y/n!” Eddie grew angry.
He’s been wanting to say things for years, but he felt that it was inappropriate because she’s not his daughter.
“Eddie, just leave me alone,” Y/n said as she turned her body to leave, but Eddie got in her face before backing her up to a bed in the room as he kept going.
“You’re always leaving. Always avoiding arguments. You’re stuck up and a fuckin’ brat. You’re an adult but a little fucking brat,” Eddie said as y/n leaned her upper body back as Eddie’s got closer.
“I just-“ y/n tried saying but Eddie shut her up by grabbing her face with a hand. “Shut the fuck up!” Eddie yelled loudly. So loud, it made her ears ring and the room echo.
“I’m done with your shit. Your mom never does anything about this fucking attitude,” Eddie spoke after a few seconds of silence. “Well, I am,” Eddie added before pushing Y/n’s body hard, making her fall on the bed behind her.
“Hey, what the fuck,” Y/n said as she tried leaning back up, angry that he put his hands in her. “What did I say!?” Eddie yelled again, making y/n look up at him. The view she saw, widened her eyes.
“Eddie,” Y/n said low as she watched him continue what he was doing. He quickly pulled his belt off of the straps and then threw them right next to y/n on the bed before messing around with his jeans.
“Eddie?” Y/n asked, hoping he’d answer and maybe calm down at her low and calm voice. “No speaking,” Eddie said as he pulled his pants and boxers down, just enough for his cock to fall out.
Usually when y/n has sex with a boy, their cocks jump and slap against their lower stomach. Eddie’s fell out from his big and heavy he is.
“Eddie, what the fuck are you doing? What- What are you thinking!?” Y/n panicked at the sudden feeling of being trapped in mixed emotions and in a room with her stepdad.
“Spread,” Eddie demanded as he looked down at his stepdaughter. “What!? Hell no,” y/n said as she got up but he pushed her right back down with a sigh and eye roll.
“Spears your fucking legs. Now!” He seemed more serious this time, but y/n couldn’t just give herself up to him. Her stepdad.
Y/n quickly turned around to crawl off the bed, but he quickly grabbed her ankles and pulled her back. She tried grabbing things to hold on to, but the big stuffed animal didn’t help her.
“Told you. Avoidance,” Eddie said under his breath as he forced y/n to her knees on the bed then pushed her back down, making sure her ass was nice and spread in the air as her face was smudged against the teddy bear.
“How come you don’t dress like this around me?” Eddie chuckled before ripping y/n’s fishnets right where her panties stuck out. Now he has a clear view of her cunt barely firing in her tight panties.
“Does your mom know about this? Because I don’t think she’ll take too lightly of her daughter being a little whore,” Eddie’s words should bruh y/n, but they didn’t. She was taking it all in.
“I bet you’ll start crying like you always do,” y/n could hear the smirk on Eddie’s mouth as his top rubbed up and down her clothes lips until he finally decided to rip them apart.
“Jessie Christ,” Eddie groaned under his breath as he reached out to wipe his fingers along her folds. “So wet,” he spoke before putting his fingers in his mouth and sucking. “And sweet,” he added.
“Eddie, I don’t think we should be-“ y/n tried speaking until a hard slap came down on her ass, making her cry out loud. “What the fuck did I say? Shut. The fuck. Up,” Eddie grabbed y/n’s hair to pull her back and whisper those words in her ear.
“Don’t make me hurt you,” he said then pushed her back down. Y/n whined low, knowing she couldn’t say anything right now, or he’d definitely hurt her, but she knew he would make sure she got some fun out of it.
“Let’s see if my cock fits in this pretty pussy,” Eddie spread y/n’s right cheek wide until her hole opened a little for him to see and scan how he should enter her.
Before she knew it, his top finally pushed at her entrance. “Mhm,” y/n moaned as she jerked at the feeling of being stretched so slowly. “P-Please,” y/n begged, not knowing if she’d be able to take him all.
“Y/n,” Eddie spoke her name to warn her, she she quickly got the sign before he forced his way all the way inside of her. “Fuuuck!” Eddie groaned loudly as he threw his head back.
“So tight,” Eddie grunted as he pulled back slowly, watching his stepdaughter's cunt wrap tightly around him, trying not to let him go. “Fuckin’ suckin’ me back in,” Eddie groaned before pushing back into her.
“Agh!” Y/n moaned loudly into the teddy bear. “Take it, baby,” Eddie said before thrusting his hips at a good paste, letting his little girl get used to him so he could finally ruin her.
“I knew this was what you wanted, baby. Always saw it in those slutty eyes,” Eddie spoke as he gripped y/n’s ass to pull her into him. The slapping and wet noises didn’t take long to fill the room.
“C-Can’t,” y/n whined as her legs began to shake. “What the fuck did I-“ Eddie cut himself if quickly, noticing he’s been giving her too many chances. He’s done with that.
Eddie quickly leaned to the side and grabbed the belt he had thrown to the side of her earlier. He wasted no time wrapping the leather and metal part around his hands before extending the belt and then bringing it down onto her ass.
“Ow!” Y/n cried out loud. She’s never been whooped before. “Shut it!” Eddie kept fucking into her as he slapped her ass with the cheap belt he’s always thought about using on her.
“You’ll never be too old to get spankin’,” Eddie said, bringing another slap down to her ass as she beg for him to stop. At first, she couldn’t handle it and wanted it all to stop, but after awhile few more spanks, she noticed how much the knot in her stomach got hard to hold.
“F-Fuck, Eddie, fuck!” She moaned loudly as she gripped the stuffed animal tightly and came all around his cock. “That’s it, baby, that’s it. Keep cumin’. Keep it comin’,” Eddie threw the belt away before gripping y/n’s waist to speed up his fuck.
Y/n’s stepdad threw his head back, breathing and huffing like an animal as his stepdaughter's ass clapped back onto his pelvis and lowers stomach, repeatedly.
“Oh god, Eddie,” y/n moaned as her cunt throbbed around his thick cock. “Call me daddy, y/n,” Eddie said, knowing it sounded wrong, but he had to. “Huh?” Y/n asked softly, still dizzy from the orgasm and also a bit shy to do such a thing to her actual stepdad.
“Call me daddy, sweetheart. Fuck, I need it. I fuckin’ need it, baby,” Eddie’s voice cracked and a few moans slipped from his mouth. He could feel himself right around the corner, and he needed to hear her before he came.
“D-Daddy,” y/n shyly moaned, making Eddie groan and grip her sides harder than before. “Fuck, y/n, more. I n-need more,” Eddie begged his own stepdaughter to call him daddy.
“Daddy, please,” y/n finally moaned loud enough for him to be satisfied. He was going to leave it at that before she kept going. “P-Please, Daddy, please,” she kept moaning. “Agh, fuck, y/n,” Eddie leaned over to grab the moaning girl's hair and arch her back enough for him to watch her ass clap back at him and see her facial expressions.
“Daddy, fuck!” Y/n shook again as her clit began throbbing out of control. “Fuck, y/n, fuck,” Eddie cussed before slamming deep into her throbbing pussy to fill her until there was nothing left.
“Ah, shit,” Eddie’s voice cracked as he fell slumped onto y/n’a back, slightly crushing her, but she had no problem with it. Feeling him still leak inside her as her pussy throbbed around his cock was one of the best things that’s happened to her tonight.
“Divorcing her, we move out, and we get together. I knew what kind of person she was years ago, but I couldn’t leave you. You’ve always been drown to me whether it was a little girl who needed help or a 20-year-old who needed a man to take care of her,” Eddie spoke before he lit y/n’s blunt that he rolled up for her in his car.
They decided to take a ride around the neighborhood until they came to a stop at this park to talk and smoke.
“I’m fine with that. I don’t like her anyways,” y/n admitted as Eddie chuckled and placed a hand on y/n’s lap. “You know, this is all daddy issues, right? There’s no way in hell I’d take you if it weren’t for that,” y/n joked, making Eddie laugh.
“Oh, yes you would have. You’d have no choice,” Eddie leaned into y/n with a smile before she leaned in herself to kiss him. The kiss felt like no other before to the both of them.
“You know how pretty you are?” Eddie asked in between their kiss. “How about you show me?” Y/n asked as she grabbed his joint and placed her and his down before quickly moving on top of him.
“Out here, princess? What if we get caught? I’m not gonna stop fuckin’ you,” Eddie warned. That already made her pussy throb. Again. “Then do it,” she challenged as she quickly pulled his heavy cock out and slid down onto him.
“Fuck,” she moaned low as Eddie threw his head back. “Gotta love or you’ll get stuck,” Eddie joked as he grabbed a hand full of y/n’s ass to pull her up and then push her back down.
“What if I wanna get stuck, Daddy?” She teased, as he shackled with a groan. “Don’t,” he said as he knee-bucked into her at the thought of her calling him that. He knows he shouldn’t like it, but he loves it so fucking much.
“Why not, Daddy?” She asked as she slowly leaned into his neck and began kissing and leaving bite marks. “Y-You’re mom, sweetheart,” Eddie made sure she knew the consequences.
“Fuck me in front of her. Who gives a shit,” y/n moved inches from Eddie’s lips with a smile as he smiled. “You’re such a bad girl,” Eddie pushed up into y/n, making her throw her head back with an eye roll.
“That’s what I need,” Eddie spoke as he grabbed one of the joints to take a few hits before passing it on to y/n. “I fuck a lot, so I need you to keep up,” y/n said, slightly triggering Eddie’s head.
“Oh, I will, but may I ask, who have you been fucking?” Eddie grabbed the joint from y/n’s hand so he could take his hits. He still doesn’t want his girl getting too high. She’s not at the legal age yet.
“Doesn’t matter now,” y/n said as Eddie kept the joint in his mouth and slowly snacked his hands up her body until he gripped her neck tightly. “You should have never told me,” Eddie said before using his free hand to lean his seat back.
Eddie moved y/n around and he got in a good position to fuck into y/n as she tried keeping her body up. “G-God,” y/n tried laughing it off, but the way his cock abused her inside made it hard.
“S-Slow down, fuck!” Y/n placed her hands on his chest but slipped and fell against him. Eddie gripped her and pulled her face to the side so he could keep the blunt in his mouth as he pounded up into her like he’d never done before.
“Think I can’t keep up now?” Eddie asked before laughing as y/n moaned in the crook of his neck. “Fuck, Daddy,” y/n tried teasing, but she’s in no position for that right now.
Eddie placed the joint down as he took a complete halt to his movements. Y/n’s stepdad roughly turned Y/n around and pushed her back onto the seat.
“Are you mad?” Y/n slightly giggled as Eddie came in between her legs and then slammed into her, causing her to scream loudly. He quickly covered his mouth because his car windows were down.
“Shut the fuck up,” he spoke, back in angry mode as he gripped y/n’s hair with his free hand and pulled her head back. “Agh!” Y/n moaned loudly as her eyes rolled back and her legs began to shake.
“Yeah,” Eddie growled as he licked y/n’s cheek and down to her neck before sucking and leaving bite marks. Eddie groaned on her neck as y/n groaned into his palm and came around him again tonight.
The both of them couldn’t get enough of each other. Who knew something like this could happen to people who once couldn’t have a simple and normal conversation with each other.
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thesetwoidiots · 3 months
Tony: Baby, did you grow your hair out?
Stephen, with shoulder length hair: I have no idea what you're talking about. My hair's always been this length.
What If!Stephen, drinking Stephen’s abandoned cup of tea: Mhm, and I'm not possessed by multiple demons.
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unholymanwife · 2 years
Today I went to a friend's house and forgot he was really enthusiastic about guns, so he showed me his collection of toy ones upon request. I picked up a smaller, realistic one and grabbed him by his ponytail, playfully hitting it's slide on his cheek. I was just trying to take a reaction out if him since he had been telling me for ages about how he was definetly not gay, much less a masochist, but things got... odd.
I rubbed the gun's muzzle against his lips with a grin, trying to sweet talk him into taking it while he forced himself to not say a thing.
In the end, I thrusted it in his mouth a few times and he finally got brave enough to deepthroat it, gagging, coughing and tearing up. I patted his head and told him what a good boy he was for me and how he did such a good job. He was impossibly embarassed but I swore I saw his dick twitching under his shorts.
We laughed it off and nothing else really happened, but I still haven't stopped thinking about it. Fuck.
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bulkhummus · 1 year
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uses carlos to convey the woes of unanticipated touch verses familiar and wanted touch
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lenaluvbot · 6 months
Snow lands on top
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When the games ended you were more the saddened to leave coriolanus. The connection you both had grew to eachother after the games was something so intense you’d be sure to never forget him….
Fast forward two weeks later and you were already back in your district, back with your now ‘boyfriend’ after you two had broken up for the reaping. He clung back onto you the moment you stepped foot off the train and practically threw his actual girlfriend aside.
It didn’t make it any better when you knew you both were using eachother for something. Even though it wasn’t the same thing. Him using you for popularity and You using him for leverage to fill the whole that was left after coriolanus. You lay awake at night staring at your bedroom ceiling wondering if he did the same. Think of you.
And your thoughts were answered when he popped up one day. With his beautiful locks shaved down to the buzz and his formal red suit reduced to a blue miner outfit. He explained to you that he’d been sent to repay his debt to the capital for cheating abd how he begged to be sent to your district just to see you again.
Just to see you again.
It lingered in your mind as you took a shot of whiskey. Just for your now boyfriend to ruin the moment and go up to you.
Making some kind of joke you pretended to not know him, You are far to distracted by corio and how you wondered if it was possible you’d ever see him again. Just when you felt the cold eyes of someone staring at you.
It was him. He just happened to actually be…here? You wanted to go up to him but felt your body be dragged away to the dance floor where you saw his cold eyes turn into a glare.
You sloppy danced before feeling someone grab you by your waist and pull you out of the crowd.
“What’re you doing with him?”. Strange he cared wasn’t it?
“Coriolanus what’re you doing here? I though you were staying in the-“
“What’re you doing here, with him.” He didn’t care for reintroductions. He wanted to know what you were up too.
“I’m here having a good time with my boyfriend..” He eyes lit up as you rambled about how it wasn’t anything serious but accidentally let one tiny thing slip.
“Yea we planned on getting married and settling down so i don’t get selected again in the games next year.”
“Your engaged?” He got closer and looked you up and down “Really?”
“Wel not engaged- engaged we’re just discussing it.”
“Sure.” A scoff was followed after “I have to go, but meet here tomorrow.”
“For what?”
“Just do it, please.”
You silently agreed as you departed and returned home.
Now you fell asleep staring at the celing thinking of how the man you once thought would never see you again was now seeing you again tomorrow.
You returned to the spot the next day, shivering at the spot as you waited for him. Until you saw him in his blue attire and you noticed. His curls. They’d been shaved.
“It’s so good to see you again.”
“I was going to say the same thing.”
You embraced eachother and felt him run his hand in your hair, he smelt of sweat and some expensive cologne he must’ve brought with him from the capital.
He let go as he looked over you. “Hey, what’s that?”
He point at the now ring on your finger.
“Oh it’s nothing.”
“Sure seems like something.”
“Nosey aren’t ya? It’s just a promise ring.”
He knew very well it was most definitely an engagement ring. “Are you?..Engaged?”
“What? No no it’s just a promise ring no where near time for the wedding”
“So there will be a wedding?”
“No no i didn’t mean to say that”
He obviously was taken aback as he looked a little angry now “So how long have you and your ‘fiancé’ been together.”
“He’s not my fiancée.”
“Mhm well it sure seems like it.”
“After i came back from the games i waited..And we just got close again and we’re going to take things slow, we’re not really gonna get married just saying that so it looks good in the paper.”
It was bullshit and you both knew it.
You only had to get married so you wouldn’t have to work as much and because you couldn’t own what you won by yourself.
“So are you two..Serious?”
“What does that mean? Or why do you wanna know?”
“Because i want too know what my ‘friend’ is up too.”
Friend. You guys were friends now? After all of what you went through?
“Enough about me corio you nosey boy, What’re you doing here?”
“The capital sent me to work. But in so glad to see you again.” He hugged you again, taking in your scent. You smelt so sweet he didn’t want to pull away.
“Can you come with me? It’s a place in the woods. Only a few people know about it. Don’t worry.” I tried pleading with him
“Only for a few moments.”
“Great, come on.”
Taking his hand you dragged him along through the meadows and the trees, he couldn’t stand the outdoors. The capital really did a number on him.
You both finally made it and he looked..to say the least disappointed as if he were expecting more. Must’ve forgotten this wasn’t district 13.
He followed behind you, and for a moment you swore you felt his hands on your waist. Actually. You knew you felt his hands on your wait. Then he turned you around and looked at you.
“Please. Don’t do this to us.” He was begging now but for why?
“It’s not up to me. I have to marry him! If I don’t I’ll be sent off.”
Suddenly a look of anger went across his face, he grabbed you by your face and kissed you so hard. “Can he do that? Hmm? Can he kiss you like that?” Shaking you practically “Does he do that for you? I fucking doubt it!” The walls seemed to shake as you just stared.
“Answer me!! Can he??”
“No he can’t..”
“That’s what I thought.”
You knew the answer so clearly yet you couldn’t wait for the opportunity to kiss him again, so why wait?.
You dug your hand into his face as you kissed him with such passion you couldn’t practically moaned out ‘I love you’
Pulling him to you the tension between you both getting cut by your clothes dropping to the floor, you ran your hand down his cold back and felt something, almost velvety. His scar. From the bombing of the games.
It only distracted you for a moment as the next second you felt him kissing your stomach while repeating your name over and over as if he was in a trance.
Time wasn’t up for waste as he dropped his pants the moment he stopped kissing you and thrusted into you so hard you could feel the bed shake. His movements were hard yet pleasurable as you moaned out his name. Yet it was over powered by his preaching.
“Tell me..Tell me could he fuck you like this? Make you scream his name like this?” He wasn’t one for disrespect as he used his hand and gripped your jaw forcing you to look at him.
“You and I both know he couldn’t. He could never- do this for you like I can..You wanna know why? Because I love you!-“ his breath was heavy yet his words rang clear in your mind.
He loved you.
He loved how you felt ,how you spoke, fuck even how you cried moans of pleasure. It brought a smile to his face.
“Who can fuck you like this hmm?”
“No on-ne but you Coriolanus…No one but you”
“That’s right, who’s making you feel so fucking good right now hmm?” Thrusting on the last word before giving you even a second to think. God he was cunning.
“You. Coriolanus. You it’s always been you.”
“That’s right, that’s fucking right.”
His thrusts grew shorter as you clawed at his back, if only he wasn’t so narcissistic you wouldn’t have this problem of eye contact.
Yet here you were avoiding his gaze, you couldn’t let him see you like this. You knew he’d have something smart to add.
Until you felt a sensation growing in your abdomen that made you want to moan so loud even the mocking jays could recite it.
“Look at me. Look at me when I make you come.” He spat at you grabbing your jaw.
“Fuck- I can’t I can’t..” you hesitated til you felt him give you last thrust making you open your eyes coming face to face with the man responsible.
Your hearing and vision blurred as it felt like you were in the most beautiful place on earth.
The low gutteral moan of snow made you look back up and see him smirk
“It’s beautiful isn’t it? The feeling. I wouldn’t want it to be with anyone else besides you.”
You knew this couldn’t happen again. You were getting married in two weeks.
But who was counting anyways?
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