#Purple Kiss astrology
astroyongie · 7 months
Purple Kiss October Reading 2023
Note: please take it lightly and enjoy
Love: Something very recent happened in the relationship that left her in a heartbroken position. I have no idea if she is still with her partner but things are very shaky and very complicated at the moment. 
Career: when it comes to her career, things are rather okay. She has a very very good relationship with her sponsor which helps her get into a very good position financially. If anything she seems like the member who gets the best money out of the 6 
Self: She has been dealing with some religious issues, and her beliefs are a little bit in conflict at the moment. Goeun is also evaluating everything that she knows and everything she learned to adapt herself to her current life 
Love: I believe that she has been gaslighted by someone who made her think they had a serious relationship when they didn’t. Dosie is rather very sad about it and if anything that whole gaslighting thing has pushed her on a very bad health. The things that have happened are equally serious. 
Career: She is very disappointed with her group in general and with the people she works with. She also feels abandoned by them, not treated the same and she just feels discriminated altogether? Dosie has been thinking about leaving the group 
Self: Her physical and mental health are extremely low. She needs to be very careful not to put her life at risk. Dosie is also going through financial complications due to lack of payment 
Love: She is in a relationship but she isn’t happy about it. However, she is also unable to live it because of underlying issues and thus, feels stuck in this whole process. She is still figuring out how to leave this relationship safely. 
Career:  Her company haven’t really given her any schedule to follow and because of that she is rather bored than anything else. Ireh also feels like the group hasn’t been given their best and that there’s still much potential left to uncover 
Self: She is stuck in unhealthy habits that might be very problematic in the future. Ireh needs to eat more and have a more healthy lifestyle than the one she currently has. 
Love: This girl just started a relationship (this is all new) and honestly she is just happy and all giggly. I believe this is her first serious relationship which is why her whole energy is vibrating with love 
Career:  she has a good relationship with her sponsor as well and she is also very diplomatic. It seems like whenever there is an issue with the group she plays the diplomatic to solve the issues 
Self: she is just in love, that’s the only thing I see here. Yuji is happy, attracted to her person and just living her first love kinda of thing 
Love: She is seeing someone (probably older than her) but there are mutual feelings here, although she knows that her person won’t be the person she can be with for the rest of her life. For the moment she is learning from them and taking whatever she can from them 
Career: I don’t think she deals healthily with her money. Chaein has an unhealthy relationship with her money making her spend without conscience and do things that she shouldn’t do with it. Also, I believe that Chaein has experienced almost everything on the dark side of the industry 
Self: Currently she is rather confused, almost like she doesn’t know herself and she has almost like lost her own identity. There’s some choices here she has to make but I don’t believe she will do them. 
Love: She is also dating someone older than her and honestly this feels kinda of wrong? This person seem to be active on her career, so it could be a manager or a sponsor or anyone working inside her company. In any case, this feels really, really wrong. 
Career:  Swan is someone very materialistic and what she had received from her carer haven’t been enough and she feel suite disapanted about it too. I believe she is also using her relationship to try and get more opportunities to shine in her career
Self: she has a huge self esteem and she is very confident overall. What she has on her mind is success and she is ready to pay a lot to get it. 
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
hello! can i have a mlt compatibility ship with purple kiss? 
sun: capricorn
moon: capricorn
rising: libra
mercury: aquarius
venus: aquarius
mars: capricorn
thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨ of course I can here you go hun <33 I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 🦋💙
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ghooostbaby · 9 months
i saw season 2 of the adorable little donghua 'no doubt in us' was released and i enjoyed it so much :) the first season was about an emperor and empress who dislike each other but are forced by a spell to swap bodies and as they are forced to live as the other they fall for each other ... although that season did the great crime of ending not just after they had acknowledged they really were in love and kissed and changed back - but a scene later where they're being all awkward and then in MID CONVERSATION the episode just ends and its like "come back for season 2!" !!!!!!!! come on! laziest cliff hanger of my entire life.
but anyway season 2 they do act a bit shy at first but mostly the long misunderstanding season 1 is based on is over and its so NICE to spend some time with a romantic pair AFTER the misunderstanding has been resolved and watch them grow together rather than just have the curtains close. there is So Much interesting bits to focus on in a relationship when they're actually together WHY do so many stories seem unable to try anything but keeping them apart (as they repeatedly betray each others trust to "protect" each other) to give the narrative spice. Anyway, it was really cool to see how they gradually got to know each other and trust each other more deeply, and became more comfortable being affectionate. It felt so genuine! but ESPECIALLY because in the political plot, they are able to come out victorious because they choose to trust each other and work together, even in moments where it looks doubtful, it makes their relationship stronger, the plot more interesting, and the ending more satisfying than pointless self-sacrifice and secret keeping between lovers for no reason i can tell but to bait viewers. AHEM FAIRY AND DEVIL AHEM.
anyway there's also something about ... when the series began the emperor was this quiet, rigid, studious man, and the empress was energetic, likes being outside and doing martial arts, uncomfortable and avoids official duties and navigating social niceties bc she's kind of clumbsy. they both kind of don't get each other, thinks the other despises their way of being and so is defensive against them for that... after their body swap is over they have an appreciation for the other it's like they can become more themselves and more confident in who they are because they are loved. there's this part where the empress bursts onto the scene (pregnant) in armour and the emperor (who can barely hold a sword) is just having a major "😍!! that's my WIFE" moment. and he doesnt want to try to subdue her anymore. i mean the empress also appreciates his political cunning and intelligence blah blah, i think it's obvious who I'm here for haha.
there's some iiiiinteresting very softly gendery sexuality playfulness i think too. first of all the emperor becoming so sweet and silly after the body swap and empress becoming so fierce and grumpy ... i was like, oh. and then there's a whole part where the empress-as-emperor goes to meet with a tatar queen and they go horseback riding, heavy drinking, sparring (all the things the real emperor can't do) and they GREATLY enjoy each others company. then later when the tatar queen comes and realizes the emperor is different she finds out the secret of the body swap, and is just like cool, so the empress is actually my soulmate (implied) then she and the empress spend every day together and seem to be very close. and i just think that's neat! (can the empress have a harem? well actually she kind of ends up with one :P)
also the emperor's brother is typical frivolous, chatty, pleasure-house-going, expert fan wielder, who has a very flirty relationship with the extremely sexy and mysterious imperial astrologer purple man who has robes where the sleeves looks kind of like feathery wings in certain angles?? very good!
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Sugar Sugar 7
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Hellllo my lovelies. Long time no see. I’ve been slow w updated for them but here we are! Part 7 to Sugar Sugar!
Check out our Patreon!
Warnings: mention of witchcraft, tarot, metaphysical, etc
H: I’m on my wayyyy. I’ve got a box of donuts for you and Delilah.
Sugar: you’re a godsend. Get here quicker xo
Harry felt a bit guilty about the fact he hadn’t been to her shop yet.
His girlfriend’s shop.
Motherfucking girlfriend.
The pep in his step increased as he approached the door to his damn girlfriend's store. His lover. They had made it official two days ago, and he had called his mother like a damn little boy. Telling her that the girl he was seeing had agreed and that she would ABSOLUTELY love her. Ever since the divorce, his mother had flourished and was very into yoga and stuff like that- so he figured she would get a kick out of Y/N Whenever she came down to visit.
It was a purple painted door. A window in the front with ‘Canyon Moon’ in a cool font with a neon crescent moon right next to it. It was adorable. There was a painting in the display window showcasing what he now knew to be amethyst and a full moon skillfully painted on the glass. There were crystals laid out on the bottom and some products showcased along with wind chimes and sun catchers gently swaying in the natural air. The chime of a bell sounded as he ironed up the door, and Harry was a bit lost.
It was magical, pun absolutely intended.
The smell of incense he couldn’t place hit him first, making his nose tickle just a little bit as he wandered inside of the shop. It was clean and quirky, the shelves lined with thousands of beautiful shiny crystals that he truly couldn’t even begin to name. All colors of the rainbow, sorted by color and tiny little handwritten signs giving ‘properties’ and names with the pronunciation. That would definitely save him some embarrassment.
He heard soft music playing, it had to be Stevie Nicks. Her raspy voice floated through the air as he heard the slight freak of the wood floor while his feet carried him further inside.
To the left was a room with velvet curtains acting as a door. Sparkling velvet, to be precise. Crystal mobiles hung from the curling every so often along with faux vines- or what he believed to be faux. The plants in the windows were absolutely real and thriving. Green and vibrant, large leaves and impressive height. The wall opposite had packets and jars of dried herbs and flowers. Why? Harry didn’t know, but he found them to be interesting. What did people use them for? He’d have to ask Y/N.
In the back corner were books and incense. He could see the burning one going and showing smoke coming out of a little ceramic ‘mushroom house’, making him smile as he approached it. Multiple books on spells and types of witchcraft, along with astrology and crystals lined the shelves. To Harry, it felt like something out of a fantasy novel. Coming to the healer's domain, all of that. He was 99% sure he had seen a shop like this while he played.
His gazing and awe was interrupted by arms wrapping around his waist from behind, a soft kiss pressed to his shoulder blade covered by the fabric of the Harley Davidson tee shirt covering his torso. Chills littered his skin as he felt lips ghost him, the warmth of her presence making him relax into its hold. It was almost immediately that his heart began to thunder, his stomach a mess of sparkles that only Y/N was able to conjure up.
“What do you think, Handsome?” She rested her hand on his tummy, making it jump slightly. He never got tired of her touch, especially like this. Intimate. Allowing him to feel desired. He was thriving in this moment, a stupid grin on his face as he placed his larger hand over top of hers.
“S’unreal.” He muttered. “Like something from a video game. Or movie. I’m in awe.” Truly he couldn’t believe he hadn’t been here before. He felt a bit sad that he hadn’t. She had spent quite a bit of time at the bakery and this was only the first time he had stepped into her own place. There was a comfort in the place that H found to be….a little odd in a good way. He partially attributed it to the fact the shop was so entirely Y/N. Everything reminded him of her as he looked around. The colors, the scent, even the tone of wood. It screamed Y/N and he wanted to stay in here and soak up whatever feeling he got in it.
Y/N smiled with her face smushed against his back, nuzzling betweeen the shoulder blades. There hadn’t been an expected reaction to the shop, but this was better than she had hoped. The actual awe in his voice and watching him from the shadows as he had looked around, picking up things and putting them down. It wasn’t fake, or to please her. He really did find it cool. It helped a part of her that had been a little bit embarrassed from the past where she had been ridiculed and degraded for liking the things she did. To anyone else, they were just pretty rocks. Hell, even to her they could be. That didn’t mean she liked people making fun of them.
“I’m glad you like it.”
His hand rubbed over the back of hers, yet again unable to keep his own hands away when she was in close proximity to him. “I do. It’s sick.” She was too far away, though. Grabbing her hand, he tugged slightly and pulled her away from behind him, making her slide around the front.
There was no wasting time. Now that Harry had his permission to kiss her, his large hands cupped her hot cheeks and tilted them upwards, pressing his lips to hers in an affectionate greeting. It was a chaste kiss, but he elongated the peck because he simply didn’t want to pull away. Giving a few tiny kisses to the bottom lip and one single to the top, tearing his forehead against hers. “Hi, beautiful girl.” Thumbs stroked her cheekbones, a dopey smile on his face as he pulled back slightly to get a look at her.
Her beauty caught him off guard every time. Making his heart stutter in his chest, his stomach twist in those flocks of butterflies. This woman was his girlfriend, the twinkle in her eye was for him and the breathtaking grin was caused by his own actions. Pride swelled in his chest, even more grateful that she had allowed him to be in her life like this. “Missed you.”
It hadn’t even been that long. She had seen him at the bakery yesterday, but he had been swamped with orders for cupcakes for a birthday party. Y/N had spent her lunch break helping him ice the cupcakes, but ultimately she seemed to be a distraction rather than help. He had a hard time being in the same room as her and not having his hand on her.
“Dork.” She teased, reaching up to tweak his nose lightly. “Missed you too, though. I’m glad you’ve come over. The space could use some good energy.” Her ringed fingers brushed over his chest, straightening out his tee shirt. “I have some readings booked with both me and Delilah. She’s behind the curtain with a client now.” She nodded her head in the direction of the velvet curtains.
“Readings?” He had seen the advertisement for readings on her shop instagram, but didn’t know exactly how it worked. “How do they work, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Y/N beamed at the question. For once, a man she was dating actually seemed interested. Genuinely curious. To her, it didn’t matter if he got it nor if he believed in it, but it would be really nice if he did. It was just nice to see him take interest in things she did.
“Come.” She took his hand and crossed to the back where she had her own reading space free. Pulling back the curtains, she exposed a cozy space. The velvet curtains covered each wall except for the one with the window, which was cracked open just a little bit. A plethora of crystals lined the windowsill and herb bundles were drying above the top, hanging from the ceiling. She could see his confusion, a little laugh coming from her.. “They’re protection bundles. The properties of the herbs help with keeping the space clear from any negative energies and things like that.” She squeezed his hand, motioning for him to take a seat on the black velvet armchair in front of the table.
“It’s really like a movie.” He mumbled, looking around the room with another feeling. Almost like he was in a dream or something along those lines. “It’s so pretty. I hope. that isn’t weird to say or anythin.” Harry was tredding lightly as he commenting, hyper aware that he wanted her to be happy and comfortable with his words. This was her thing, her business, and he wanted to say the right things.
“Not weird at all. Don’t worry, love.” Her hands grabbed two different embroidered pouches, placing them on the tablecloth in front of him. “I’m going to do a one card pull for you. You can choose to take what resonates with you. I’ll just have the deck call to you and you can choose which one you want.” The punches were adjusted for him to look at. One was a soft looking leather pouch with an image of a wolf howling at the moon in black thread embroidered on the front. The other, the one he felt more drawn to, was a royal purple cotton pouch. It had the moon and sun along with flowers scattered across the fabric. Something about it just felt comfortable.
“This one.” His finger pointed to it, feeling a little nervous but excited all at the same time. He had never imagined getting a reading. In all honesty, things like this had always been a bit scary to him. The idea of the future, knowing about it, and if it said something bad to him, that was something that unnerved him. With Y/N however, he felt more comfortable than ever. Of course the nerves from his past feelings had lingered, but it was mostly something along the lines of excitement now.
“Okay. Let me light some incense for it.” She leaned back, standing to grab her chosen Sandalwood and lighting it on the tray that rested on the windowsill. “I tend to do it because it helps clear the space and the energy around us. Makes it less dense. I like a clear space for reading. It’s easier for me to focus and not feel so heavy.” Y/N knew Harry was naturally curious and she could feel his eyes on her back.
He was curious, Yes, but he was also admiring the midnight blue dress she wore today. It clung to her a bit tighter than normal, nipping at her waist and letting him see her curves in a way that made his mind wander. It was… a new favorite of his for sure. The man was trying to focus only on her actions, though. This was a new one for him, and he already knew Y/N was probably the best reader.
She sat in front of him with a smile, placing the leather pouch back on what he knew was some sort of crystal plate. “Okay.” She took the cards out, tapping them three times on the table. “Hello, cards. Thank you for giving us guidance today. Been a while since I’ve used you, I’m sorry.” She murmured quietly. “Makes sense that the prettiest boy chose my prettiest deck.”
Harry flushed at her words. The prettiest boy chose the prettiest deck? Oh, she was too good. “They’re hand drawn, have gold foiled accents. One of my favorites, actually. Most people and the cards don't choose each other but I had a feeling you’d want this one.” Intuition came in strong yet again. “I always tell people that the card you choose in a drawing like this means what makes sense. The cards are tools for us. Because you’re my boyfriend, I’ll tell you that I do believe in the cards. I think they’re important, but every deck has a personality of their own. This one is classy, romantic, sweet. You didn’t choose my sassier deck, but I think that’s good for a first time.”
Harry was trying to keep up. It was intimidating, but his mind did go a bit fuzzy. She called him her boyfriend again, and it made him abso-fucking-lutely giddy. Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend. God. He would never ever get tired of hearing it come from Y/N’s mouth. “Okay. I think i got it…” he muttered, watching her spread the deck out on the table like a fan. Her shuffling skills were insane, and it made him side note to always have her do that for him if he was playing poker dealer. “So…” he looked at the cards, all face down and then at her. “Do I just pick?”
“Yes.” Y/N had to giggle, looking at his face. Harry was obviously a bit intimidated but it was adorable. “There’s no pressure. Go with your gut. Close your eyes, let your hand hover over until you want to stop. Then pull the card out.”
It sounded simple enough.
Doing as instructed, his eyes fluttered shut and he cleared his throat, letting his hand hover over the cards. Back and forth, he went, until. He felt a tiny buzz in his fingers. It caught him off guard slightly, a nervous chuckle leaving him as he placed his hand down and slowly pulled the card out.
Y/N watched him in interest as he opened his eyes, looking down at the card before he turned it over.
“Two of… cups?”
Y/N could have choked.
Two of cups.
“The two of cups… Well, it usually comes about when you’re in a new state of heart. New relationships.” She could feel her cheeks burning. The excited nerves returning to her tummy, looking as Harry observed the card and the image of two golden challises pouring into one another. “It’s… it’s encouragement card. It means a pairing is right, balanced.. That you can give and take evenly, building each other up and making each other happy. People refer to it as the love card. There’s another card called the lover, which is self explanatory but…” She paused, taking a little breath as the smile she couldn’t help repressing grew.
“I’m getting the feeling that it’s something you’ve maybe needed confirmation on? Maybe not the relationship itself, but your contributions to it. It’s a confirmation that you are the other half, an equal. It’s a good thing.” Y/N had never given a partner a reading before so it was all brand new to her, and thr fact that that particular card was chosen felt like the spirits teasing her. Yes, it was Harry’s reading, but it involved her. “Maybe in past relationships you’ve felt like you were pouring too much into it, and the other person wasn’t giving you their all back.” She muttered, looking down as she observed the card. “Something about half empty cups. That seems to bug you. You give and give and give until you’re empty and it shouldn’t be that way. Perhaps it’s been because you’d been wanting something different from the other people you attempted to build connections with. But this card signifies some equality. Level ground. A good opportunity.”
There was a shyness that overcame her as he let out a breath.
It was weirdly spot on. Harry had always been the type to overgive in relationships. He poured all of himself into it, expecting the other person to match his energy- but it never happened the way he had wanted it to. With Y/N, all of it felt so incredibly authentic. He never felt like, at least this far, he was the only one putting effort in. She texted him frequently, she had opened up, and even now. Giving him this reading.
“I mean- yeah.” He murmured. “I hope this isn’t offensive, but it’s a little freaky. Sometimes people say that I give off an air of like… disinterest. But when I care, I care a lot. And it feels like in the past when they see that, they take and don’t give. So I’d say that’s accurate. However…” he gently took her hand into his own, rubbing his thumb over the back of her own. “I feel different with you. Like you said- level ground. Give and take. Especially with all the things you’re teaching me. Been my girlfriend for only a short while, but I enjoy every moment. I hope you know that.”
Harry made her flustered a lot, but moments like this especially. He spoke to her with an ease that had her nervous, intimidated at how good he was with wording things.
“It’s just weird how you got all of that from the card. I like it.” He released her hand, snapping a photo of the card and placing his phone back into his pocket. “Wanted to remember and capture that for when we’re a while down the line.”
Maybe they’d end up married one day. Who knows? That was always the hope in a relationship. Right?
“I came to check out the shop and see my gorgeous girlfriend. Steal some kisses. I left some sweets on your checkout desk… but I missed you.” He stood up from his spot, gently urging her up and coaxing her back into his arms. There was little resistance when he tilted her chin back up, lips pressing against hers chastely. The tiny sparks shot up his back as he hummed contently. Harry would be stealing these as often as possible. “Need to take some design advice from you. Looks incredible everywhere you turn. My place is still a bit bare bones.”
Y/N lifted her hand to stroke his cheek, feeling the stubble brush her fingertips while he spoke. Admiring him while she listened, struck with an idea. He could see it on her face as she lit up, brows rising at the mention of design advice. “Really? You’d want my advice?”
Her design style was more on the eclectic side but she had a weakness for Pinterest, HGTV, and home Reno and deco tv shows. The shop had its set theme but it was still very much her own personal style.
“Of course. You did amazing here.” He teasingly squeezed her chin before dripping his hand to her shoulder, lightly massaging it as they stood in each other’s arms. The curtain was drawn, sure, but Harry had a hard time keeping hands off as it was. “You said something about it being thrifted the other day, right? Some of it?” He looked at the candelabra on the table, half melted candles adding to the mystical ambiance.
“Yes! I love it. Finding things secondhand is my speciality. I’m like… really good at it.” She whispered conspiratorially.
“She is.”
A new voice popped up and the curtain opened revealing Y/N’s best friend and coworker. Delilah was a beautiful woman with golden skin, a halo of dark curly hair and the most defined lips she had ever seen. Bangles clanged on her wrist and her long nails tapped against the curtain as she gave Y/N an impressed look, obviously approving of Harry’s energy.
“He’s good so far.” She narrowed her eyes, the cat-like gaze dropping to his hand on her back and back up to his face. It was intimidating. Harry wasn’t usually one to feel the need to look away, but the energy the woman had was strong. Different from Y/N’s, but similar in strength. It made him feel shy. “I’m watching you. But I haven’t had any bad visions from you. So…” she tossed her hand up. “it’s nice to meet you. The donuts are very good, by the way.” Harry went to reply but she continued talking, Y/N squeezing his cheek as a way to reassure him. It happened a lot. “She has the most incredible luck thrifting. I do think I’m good at manifesting what I want, but the two of us can look on the same shelf and she will find the most incredible item that I’ve not even seen. Unreal.”
Harry beamed in pride. It was a weird thing to be proud of her over, but anything he learned about Y/N was amazing to him. A thrifting extraordinaire, a skilled tarot reader, an excellent kisser, he was adding to her talents daily. “Oh really?” He mumbled.
“I do have good luck.” She said with a bashful giggle. “If you want, we can… I can help you with your place? We can make a mood board of what you’d want and maybe we can go thrifting together to find the stuff?” She asked softly, watching Delilah excuse herself from the corner of her eye. She was good at reading the room, her best friend. “We don’t have to, if you want to do it yourself. But I figure it could be a nice thing to do… an excuse to see you.” She dragged her foot on the ground, making him want to coo. The slight shyness at bringing up these ideas was endearing to him.
“Are you kidding me? I’d love that.” He expressed it as if it was obvious. “I’m shit with interior design for my own spaces. I knew what to do for the bakery because it’s been in my head for ages but my own space? I don’t know how to do all that.” Truthfully it was a bit pathetic. “I don’t have much at all.”
“It can’t be that bad, Harry.” She laughed, pulling away from him. “Come. Let’s make a plan.”
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Strange Starry Sky
Synopsis: You and John Doe have a picnic at night and stargaze
Warning(s): Not beta read
Paring(s): GN Reader x John Doe, Can also be read as “You” x John Doe
Perspective: 2nd person past tense
A warm breeze softly rustled the tall grass and purple lilac flowers of the hill. The grass still slightly damp from the drizzling of rain that had happened earlier in the day. The stars quietly twinkled overhead.
You and your love John Doe were slowly walking up a hill that led to a cliff near the outskirts of the Valley, away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.
“Doe, how tall is this hill? It feels like we’ve been walking for ages,” you teased. You had one of your arms draped over your eyes, and your other softly holding your love’s hand as he guided you up the hill.
“Soon my love, soon,” he smiled, speeding up just a tad.
He had promised for your 1 year anniversary he would do something extra special. He had been gone all day and at 6 pm he started walking you to his surprise. It took much longer than you expected and it was now completely dark out.
As you walked up the hill you felt the soft ground squish under your shoes, the grass part as you climbed, and the smell of saltwater and something familiar slowly start to fill your nostrils.
Finally you felt the ground level out and Doe
let go of your hand. You heard him back up a few steps.
“Surprise my love!”
You let your arm fall and you let out a small gasp in surprise.
A red and white checkerboard blanket was sitting underneath a singular large Sakura tree that sat at the top of the hill. There were two picnics baskets, candles in your favorite scent, and some pillows. The cliff was overlooking the ocean and was framed with rocks. Fireflies slowly dances around the scene.
He was standing with his hands clasped together at his chest, pupils dilated and smile wide, bouncing up and down on his heels.
“So?” He cocked his head slightly to the side.
“Oh I love it!” You walked forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a warm kiss. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist and let his hands settle on the small of your back.
You both simply stood there, feeling each other’s love. He pulled away after a couple seconds and led you to sit down. The blanket was soft and warm. You looked up to see the night sky filled with thousands of shining and twinkling stars.
He took one of the baskets and took out one of your favorite bakes treats and handed it to you. It was still warm. You slowly ate the confectionery as you looked up at the cloudless sky.
Doe was looking through the other basket and pulled out a strange looking muffin. It appeared as if it was AI generated. It seemed like he had packed some snacks for him and some for you, since you didn’t exactly like the same foods.
The warm glow of the candles contrasted the darkness of the night. You laid next to each other as you both ate your food, resting your heads on the pillows.
Doe pointed up to the sky, pointing at a cluster of stars.
“Look my love, it’s Orion’s Belt!”
You had been talking about your interest in astrology and it seemed like he had been researching constellations.
Back in the city you could barely see the night sky, with light pollution blocking out the sky. Along with the constant sound of cars and other city sounds, it was hard to appreciate the beauty of the night.
But now, everything was silent except for the sounds of crickets, owl calls, and the rustle of the grass in the wind. The sky was now on full display, the warping blues and purples framing the dancing stars.
You finished your food and sat up, putting your weight on your hands. You sighed. Doe shifted up into a similar position and stared at you.
“Is something wrong my love?” He whispered.
“No, this is perfect,” you softly smiled, your eyelids drooping and your whole body relaxing.
You scooted to be closer to him and wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him even closer. You rested your head on his shoulder, loving the warmth of his body. He wrapped his arm around your waist, the other holding a half-eaten muffin on his lap.
You closed your eyes and focused on the heat of his body, nuzzling your nose into his neck. You could feel yourself slowly drift off into sleep, focusing on your lover’s breathing and the sounds of nature.
Everything was perfect.
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archangeldyke-all · 3 days
fav color—anything gem tone; but specifically ruby & amethyst
astrology—i’ve always perceived her as a scorpio with a capricorn moon (just bc scorpios are the most secretive sign and Sev’s a damn mysterious anomaly in the arcane world & i think both signs explain why she’s so headstrong in her “role” she has with silco)
& favorite food—honestly i think anything hearty. i think she would mostly prefer something like stews, soups, curries, etc. but honestly, i think she’s the type where as long as her stomach is full with something warm & savory (and maybe spicy) she has no complaints.
ooooh i love this! i definetly agree i think she loves gem tones like deep reds and blues and greens and purples... those are definetly her colors.
i could TOTALLY see sevika as a capricorn, she has to have an earth sign somewhere in there with how hard she works. the only reason i picked taurus over capricorn is because sevika plays just as hard as she works, like she's always indulging in smokeing or drinking or fucking or gambling.
god now i wanna make her some nice, filling, warm meals in the middle of winter. beef stroganoff, shepard's pie, chicken curry... she'd lick the bowl clean, i can tell u that. imagine her naps after eating your food, when she's full with a home-cooked meal. she swears she's just resting her eyes, but like four minutes after saying that you hear little snores coming from the couch where she was sitting. you just pull a blanket over her shoulders and kiss her head.
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Ace Trappola’s Flower Bouquet Meaning
aka Hana rambles about flowers lolol
Twst Bdays Flower Language Masterlist
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HE HAS ROSES in his bouquets!!! YESSSSS 🙌🙌🌺🌺💕💕💕
so so so I am loving all shades of pinks and purples and I just adore it.
if you think about it, shades of pink plays a role in Heartslabyul. Heartslabyul rules has students painting white flowers red. Now, if you mix those colors, it becomes pink.
In a way, this shows a blend of Ace. He respects the queen of hearts only for those expectations to be shattered because of Riddle, but then he grows and he gains that respect back after seeing how hard his dorm leader works. 
Plus if you think about all those theories about Ace becoming dorm head? it’s likely will be a mix of how Ace will uphold there queen’s law but at the same time maybe he’ll add his own twist to it?
his sun, moon, and wave side changed opposite from jamil’s....I wonder if that's just design choice of has some astrology meaning. Ace also has a mage hat too which we couldn't see before because it was blocked.
Ace doesn’t really show his emotions...well, well he does, but we all know how much of a little shit he can be. 
but, boy do his flowers give a bit of insight 
as always, flowers have different meanings in different countries and regions and it depends on colors too. I’m just going to list some flowers that I think they are, but I could be wrong lolol
Pink Roses: (different shades of pink all have different meanings) 
Dark Pink: thank you, I am grateful, gratitude, appreciation, I agree with you, I want to be with you.
Pale Pink: I am sorry, get well, healing, grace
Pink: Friendship, Chaste Love
Purple Rose: Achievement, success, high honor 
Number of roses is can contribute to meaning too:  [giving meaning of 10-15 since I counted at least 10]
10 Roses: You are perfection, you are pretty 
11 Roses: you are my treasured one, to assure someone they are truly loved, 
12 Roses: be my steady, asking them to be yours, love and admiration 
13 Roses: forever friends, eternal friends, secret admirer (ace you little shit lol 😂)
14 Roses: I’m proud of you.
15 Roses: I’m really sorry, asking for forgiveness, wish for forgiveness (ace betrayal theory anyone??) 
Carnation: Gratitude, never forgetting someone, you are unforgettable, thank you,
Dahlia: strength, perseverance to overcome, encouragement, You can do this, (dark colored dahlias also mean betrayal, sadness, insecurity...so betrayal theo- *ducks*)
Aster: loyalty, wisdom, faith, valor 
Gerbera: cheerfulness, celebration,  protected heart, emotional strength 
Azalea: abundance, hope for good things to come their way, love and passion, stay true (in some countries they even mean beauty and death -cough-)
Hypericum Berries: symbol of peace, protection, rebirth 
Zinnias: Absence, missing you, lasting affection, friendship. 
Chrysanthemums: friendship, happiness, well-being
Awww Ace you’re so cute! 🌺🌻💕 He shows gratitude, strength, and so much more in his bouquet, essentially expressing himself in way we would never get to see usually.  
Please please let all the Heartslabyul boys have roses too. And maybe, just maybe, Riddle can have one from each of his friends? That would be so cute!!
Random Facts:  Flowers can be assigned to days too. So since the 23rd is on a Friday, the flowers are: Forget-me-nots (Meaning: speak up, I will not forget you, don’t forget me, true love), Carnations, Love-in-a-Mist (such pretty flowers, meaning: Kiss me, you puzzle me, opens to love), and Pink Rose. Given what's in his bouquet, I think they probably considered the day too 👏💕
Anniversaries could also be considered, since its the 3rd bdays for all the boys, their flower will be Sunflower: strength  be well, strength, happiness, male healing, confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness.
Credit: Thank you to Lala (@/mobagehellocal) and Chris (@/jaberwockk) for talking flowers with me 🌺💚💕 Please, go talk flowers with them too. They are such nice people. 💚💜💕
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voicesandthoughts · 2 months
"It hurts more than a little, looking at your eyes"
"you don't actually seem fine with it"
I lose sleep & defend you to my therapist
You're my personal eclipse,
Where sun's harsh warmth meets moon's soft kiss
the synthesis of brilliance and gentle sorrow
a presence I adore, I fall asleep better in the afterglow of our calls and
you, a haven, until it reassembles
the shadow of a turned back and my confidence trembles
imagined or not, my faith threatens to wane
In a friendship that love will never wade
It's a ship I can't manage to push out of the harbor
not away nor into your hands
sails that refuse to be torn apart
collecting dust in misguided hope
waiting for rejection or affection
instead of finding any real sense of direction
they wish to be the fruit in your palms and taken by teeth into your heart
Melted like the summer sun sky's desire
and the winter's need for comfort in fire
where in you
I meet the purple pearl hues of the moon in
beside every warmth you anew the world in
daylight dreams fighting to remain behind the spread of stars
but maybe you'd just be a good man
If I could put down whatever makes me see nothing more than art
I wonder if there's a world in which I can
An eclipse I wouldn't lose sleep to be with
aching eyes and lying to myself
maybe there's a world I put the idea of anything more on a far off shelf
.. but in this one, there was a real eclipse today
I loved it, I loved that you did too
we shared pictures and
I wish I could stare down the sun embraced by the moon
more often, or on the ground by you
you know I wouldn't look at the sky for very long
with you there
I wonder if we touched, would it be like the sky today
phenomenal and.. short lasting
astrology meant to be apart
but nothing could happen at all so I'll just say there was an eclipse today
it was beautiful wasn't it?
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acey-wacey · 2 years
riddle with a reader that likes going to stargazing i just think it's cute
This is so cute! Thanks for requesting!
Show Me The Stars
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"Hey, wake up."
Riddle groaned softly as he was pulled from his sleep by a whisper. When he blinked open his eyes, a face was only inches from his.
You pulled away before he could swat you, giggling as he became tangled in his bedsheets.
"Hi, love," you whispered, leaning your head on the side of his bed.
Riddle squinted his eyes at you before rolling over to check his clock. He groaned when he saw that the clock read "1:40 am".
"Why the Seven are you up so late?"
"Well technically, it's morning so I'm up early."
"My point still stands, rosebud," Riddle sighed, propping his head up on his hand. "Why are we awake in the middle of the night?"
You smiled deviously and took his hands in yours.
"I have something to show you."
Riddle raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by your declaration. You rolled your eyes at his indifference and practically dragged him out of bed. He mumbled protests but went along, curious to see where this was going.
You tugged open his window and dragged a chair open to reach it.
"What are you doing?!" Riddle whisper-yelled. You smiled and hopped up onto the window sill, beckoning for him to come closer. He humphed and turned away with his arms crossed.
"Come on, darling! You don't even know what I'm gonna show you yet!"
"No but it's probably against the rules."
You smirked at Riddle's resignations and leaned down from the window to put your hand on his shoulder. When he turned to look at you, you cupped his face in your hands and smiled. He was suddenly grateful that it was so dark or you would have seen the splotchy blush on his face.
"I've already read the student handbook and all the Queen's rules back to back and there's nothing in there about sneaking out if you stay in your own dorm."
"You're not in your own dorm."
"That's different. I'm special," you sighed lovingly and kissed Riddle's nose. He relaxed into your hands before your voice snapped him to attention. "Now let's go."
You stood up in the window sill and grabbed hold of the roof above you. Riddle watch in horror and adoration as you pulled yourself up to the roof.
He was about to peek out the window to see you, when your head popped back down.
"Are you coming?"
"Not that I don't trust you, rosebud, but this seems a little dangerous." You just giggled and winked at him.
"I've done this loads of times," you assured with a determined look on your upside down face. "This reward is worth the risk. And don't worry! I'll help pull you up."
You disappeared back into the roof and Riddle gulped. He climbed up to the window sill, closing his eyes to avoid seeing the 3 story drop. When he turned around, you were sitting there above him, reaching your hand down to him like some kind of angel. He took your hand and pulled himself up onto the roof.
Once you got far enough to be stable, you giggled and plopped down on the shingles, laying down on your back. Riddle looked confused but had resigned to the fact that arguing wasn't going to get him anywhere. He laid down next to you and gasped.
Above you, the sky was so clear that you could see millions of brightly shining stars. Many of them twinkled in faint colors against the pitch black of the night. With Night Raven being so far from any cities, the purples and blues of the galaxy painted the sky like watercolors, dotted with tiny white speckles.
While Riddle stared in awe at the gorgeous scene, you were scanning the sky for the familiar constellations of your astrology books.
"Look, there's Orion!" you exclaimed as quietly as you could, not wanting to wake anyone in the Heartslabyul dorm. When Riddle looked at you with a puzzled furrow in his brow, you huffed and scooted close to him so your cheeks were almost touching. You pointed to the three stars that aligned to create Orion's Belt. "There it is! Isn't it beautiful?"
You looked at Riddle expectantly, the grin on your face dropping in surprise when you saw him smiling at you with an adoring twinkle on his eye. He sighed and pressed his forehead to yours, never breaking eye contact.
"Yes, it is," he whispered, sending a pleasant shiver through your body. "It's positively gorgeous."
You chuckled through your nose and brushed your lips against Riddle's. You heard his breath hitch and you giggled, quite entertained with teasing him. He looked at you with what was supposed to be a stern glare but turned out to be a blushing pout. You pressed a kiss to his lips, thoroughly shocked when he placed a hand on your shoulder to keep your from pulling away.
Eventually, he pulled away to lay back on the roof. He laid his head on your shoulder and sighed in contentment.
"Thank you, Y/N," he breathed, closing his eyes. You smiled and kissed his forehead, taking in the stars one more time before you drifted off to sleep.
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luvrgirlfanfics · 1 year
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𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎! — hello and welcome to my tumblr page! i'm happy you chose to come to this account. under this info you will find my request status ( always feel free to request when open) , and the things i write, plus everyone/everything i write for. and feel free to stay here and read if you want to learn a bit about me!
𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄 — hello my name is jillian, i am bisexual, my pronouns are she/they. my favorite colors are green and purple. my favorite shows are viva la bam, hellavator, puppet history, and wildboyz. my favorite movies are empire records, stand by me, peter pan ( 2003 ) , scream, any jackass movie, and the lost boys. my favorite books are maybe someday – colleen hoover, woman, eating – claire khoda, percy jackson, and harry potter. my favorite streamers/youtubers are billzo, ranboo, catibugzz, sneeg, garret watts, and coreyxkenshin. ( i’m also open to making some new friends maybe make some mutuals )
— if you ever need to talk to some and don't want to go to someone you know, feel free to send a message! we will send nothing but support, unles it's something homophobic, racist, political, and just all around rude.
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prompt list
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒 𝐈 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 — The Lost Boys: Sam, Micheal, Star, Marko, Dwayne I Weird Science: Wyatt | Harry Potter : Dean, Seamus, Neville, Hermione, George, Regulus, Sirius, James | Dream a Little Dream: Dinger | Dazed and Confused : Mitch | The Black Phone: Vance, Finney, Robin, Bruce | The Last of Us : Joel, Ellie | Criminal Minds : Spencer, Derek, Penelope | Skins : Cook, Maxxie ( plantonic only!) | Ghost Files/Buzzfeed Unsolved: Shane, Ryan | Magic Mike: Mike | Heathers: Jason, Veronica | Brainscan : Micheal | Stand By Me : Chris, Gordie | Scream: Sydney, Stu, Tara, Sam | Halloween Ends : Corey | Tokio Hotel : Bill, Tom, Gustav, Georg | Teen Wolf : Issac, Stiles, Liam, Lydia
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james potter — ( sacrifices pt.1 )
ellie williams — ( i’m sorry ellie… )
regulus black — ( smile! )
vance hopper — ( insecurities )
mitch kramer — ( cheap beer and weed )
dinger holfield — ( the first i love you ) , ( polar opposites ), ( astrology dates )
george weasley — ( just a bet pt.1 )
dean thomas — ( teases and kisses ) , ( why do you hate me? ) , ( smiles and dimples )
carl gallagher — ( cornrows and curls pt.1 )
jack harlow — ( never heard of him )
bam margera — ( quiet night )
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wardenred · 8 months
Sapphic September 25: Dreamscape
Is this just a sapphic novelization of a world building/magic system idea? Yes, yes it is.
Dreamscapes are so much trickier to navigate than regular mindscapes.
Sure, a mindscape can also be hazy and convoluted, full of shortcuts that lead nowhere and ever-shifting spaces. Sure, you’re in more danger of getting spotted when you investigate one, since its owner typically remains alert and awake as you carry out the job. But at least they’re self-contained. A mindscape is a labyrinth, perilous and uncanny, but it can be mapped out. Once you crack the laws of its inner logic, you know you can plant or steal whatever you need, then make your way back to your own head.
A dreamscape, on the other hand, is endless. It has some of the characteristics of the mindscape it’s connected to, but it’s also endlessly getting lost in that collective unconsciousness shit. There are all those familiar symbols constantly adopting new meanings. Roads leading straight into other people’s dreams. Earthquakes and hurricanes that happen undetected, carrying you out to a whole different reality in the blink of an eye.
Right now, Jinna is walking through a field of daisies and dandelions, red grass under her feet and redder skies up above, but who knows how long it is going to last. The space is already getting frayed and blurry around the edges. What’s casting that shadow over there? Are those dragon wings flapping behind the line of ship masts, or a single-minded hive of tentacled bats? Where do all the doors lead? 
The doors are what she’s here to concentrate on. There all kinds of them scattered around the field, some made of ice and others of gold. Blue doors, green doors, translucent rainbow doors. A lot of them have intricate shapes etched into the surface, runes and sigils, astrological signs, mathematical symbols. Doors are always important.
Most of them, no doubt, lead out of the dreamscape and into other layers of the half-reality that surrounds it. One or two, however, may take her deeper, and she needs to go as deep as she can. What she’s here to replace must be at the very core.She doesn’t have the time—one never does in the dreaming—but she’s still meticulous and slow about inspecting the doorways. She recalls every instance of seeing their materials and markings before, in other dreamscapes, and in the real world, and in books. She thinks about similar things from her target’s mind. She reaches out with her magic to get a feel for each door without entering.
Then she chooses one on a whim, and down the spiraling stairs she goes, down and up and down up, until everything is covered in thin purple mist and the air is cold enough to cover her dream-skin in frost.
Jinna begins to worry she’s made a mistake. Then, the mist clears, and she’s exactly where she hoped to be. A small room full of muted grays, a faded version of her target’s bedchamber. 
What she doesn’t expect to see is herself. A dreamscape version with longer, fairer hair and a tear-stained face. She is curled up on the settee between two lamps that burn bright and cast no light whatsoever, and her head is resting on the target’s shoulder.
“You don’t understand,” the non-Jinna whispers. “You don’t know what I am, what I’m capable of…”
“Shh.” The dreaming girl plants a soft kiss on her temple, treads her long pianist’s fingers through non-Jinna’s hair. “Of course I do. You are human. And you are capable of all the normal human things: love, friendship, belonging.”
For a moment, the real Jinna stumbles. She envies this version of her that doesn’t exist. She loathes her reasons for coming, and that she’s intruding at all.But there’s work to be done, and she isn’t a normal human.
“I’m so glad,” the target continues, “that you’re letting me help you, finally. I’m so happy you’ve come to me.”
She looks up as she says those last words, her eyes locking right on Jinna’s with a surprising degree of awareness. 
She is dreaming, Jinna has to remind herself. She is literally asleep. I should just carry on.
The next thing she knows, she’s on the settee, shaking and disoriented, her feet tucked under her, her hair too long and getting in the way. There are warm lips pressed against her temple. She looks up.
The target smiles at her the way Jinna has only dreamed she might.
“There you are. Don’t you worry about a thing. Now that I’ve got you, we’ll sort this out.”
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softdykellie · 1 year
hiiii this is for the tlou description thingy!!
ok so i have purple-blue hair and blue eyes. i’m 5‘3 and kinda pale so i get sunburned quickly but also love summer! i have bpd and that’s obviously an important part of my life lmao. i’m kinda artsy, obsessed with astrology, space, radiohead, lana del rey, gravity falls and bojack horseman. i also regularly smoke lol. my aesthetic is kinda grunge and whimsy goth and i absolutely adore cats!! i’m a very emotional and sensitive but also sarcastic and creative person and i NEED a person that can handle my emotional side.
idk what else to say about me so i hope it’s enough!!
uhh plot twist i ship you with me?? bpd girlfriends?? please message me??? please?? you met ellie at the back porch of a party you regretted attending, escaping the loud noise and petting a stray cat while waiting to sober up before you were fully able to return home. she had started therapy a couple months following her breakup with long term girlfriend dina, whom you were acquainted with, and finally went out on her own for fun without the weight of her own feelings falling down on her, or so she thought, before she felt the need to escape and smoke a blunt to ease the newfound anxiety she has been struggling with. when your eyes met hers, troubled by the sound of steps coming up behind her, and asked for a hit of whatever she was inhaling she thought you were beautiful, in fact breathtaking seemed more accurate, but fuck was it not the time to get involved in anything romantic. you talked the entire night and forgot your plans to go home so quickly in between the seamless banter and effortlessly deep existential conversations, staring at eachother’s lips and pretending it was all eagerness for your turn to smoke and not an installed hunger for a kiss. you didn’t exchange numbers at the end of the night and both of you woke up the next morning bitterly regretting it, unsure of when you’d see eachother again. you meet again a month later, randomly walking into eachother on the street and a joke about destiny had you both flustered before a spontaneous date. she was so quickly in love with the way you described all of your feelings so deeply and she so intensely related it scared the living hell out of her, you spent weeks getting lost in eachother’s lips and thoughts and learning every detail of eachother as though you’ve known eachother forever, anticipating every action and reaction of one another, instinctively memorizing all your quirks, hobbies and expressions. you never fully established your relationship status but you two were deeply enthralled in eachother and this girl would write whole fifty pages about the damn sparkle in your eye on her diary nearly every week like it’s brand new information.
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lucerysxestermont · 9 months
♛ THE STORMLANDS → present(s) LUCERYS DAEGON ESTERMONT , the LORD OF GREENSTONE / GUILDMASTER OF TRADE. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the GREENS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the TWENTY-NINE year old MALE who was INTELLIGENT & INQUISITIVE before they saw the first of the flames, is now HESITANT & JUDGING after seeing the last. through the ash, now they struggle to find salt-crusted books filled with the lore of distant shores, sun-kissed parchment and ink-stained fingers, the unwanted whispers of families talking instead of the remnants of the war of succession. ( justice smith )
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-lucerys has been a man stuck between two worlds his entire life. the world of being a stormlander and the world of being a valyrian kin. his mother having more valyrian ancestry has added more to his families standing as a proper valyrian family. while they may not have the white hair of others many, including luc share the purple flecked eyes of their ancestors. while being names with two great valyrian names, lucerys has always found that he introduces himself as luc. -within the island of estermont luc grew up amongst a horde of brothers and sisters. his father and mother having 7 children all together. and luc was the third born son amongst them all. which meant he never knew what his place was. he was not the heir, not even the spare. but something else. he himself never quite fit in amongst the soldiering type but instead found himself to be more and more the scholarly type. -when he finally became of age luc left to join the maesters. wanting to have a life of research and travel and discovery. he wanted to travel to braavos more, see his mother’s family more, learn new and exciting things. and for a long time he was happy to just do that. he couldn’t swing a sword but he could become a knight of the mind -he studied for a few years quickly moving from novice to an acolyte, earning his chains. each one he got felt like he was finally making a name for himself. proving to his father and family his worth. and with each chain he earned another letter was sent from his father letting him know how proud he was. -luc studied very hard to gain his chains in astrology, star navigation, history, trade, coin, and many others. however one subject he had reall focused on was valyrian mysteries. he wanted to know more about his ancestry and what it all meant. the coveted valyrian steel link was one of the last links to be earned -however before luc could take his final vows life seemed to have another plan for him. news first reached him of the death of his father and eldest brother. theywas killed during the battles of the stepstones, fighting on the front lines for their kingdom. it was said their ship alone took down dozens of his enemies before going down. he came home for the funeral and to help his brother with anything he might need to suddenly become a ruling lord. -he was preparing to head back to his studies when he was summoned by his new king. jae informed him that he was now needed at home in greenstone and that he could not complete his vows. he could not give up his house’s name, his lordship, his land. not at a time like this. not when they needed the valyrian’s together. he knew there was little choice to refuse his king and so he returned home and was given a new position by the king to oversea the building of trade in his kingdom. -luc now feels even more out of place suddenly back in the courts. he assumed he would get to spend his life studying his books not having to play nice with lords and ladies again. he feels very much out of practice and out of luck.
-luc has the purple eyes of the valyrians, of his mother, but often they are missed due to the fact he wears glasses most of the time. -luc has known he is pansexual for a long long time. however there was never much of chance to explore that side of him on his home island, seeing that word spread like wildfire there. it wasn’t until he was able to travel on his own that he was able to explore that side of him. however he still seems to strike out with women and men alike. he is not what anyone would describe as suave -while he does not appear to be, luc is incredibly strong. his father wanted to ensure all of his sons and daughters knew how to properly sail a ship. he spent a lot of his youth on ships helping to rig sails and such. since then he has kept up his strength, however his baggier shirts tends to hide any proof of his work -luc has been putting a lot of money towards trying to find his sister who is missing. there is a large reward for her safe return home as well as anyone who can find her. he believes in his heart she is still alive
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sortilegum · 10 months
word association.
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animal: viper. colors: crimson. purple. white month: May. song(s): serpent's kiss - the mission day or night: night. plant: sacred lotus. belladonna scent: musk. dragon's blood. gemstone: onyx. lapis. ruby season: autumn food: honeyed fig. turkish delight. roast lamb. kofta astrological sign: Taurus element: water. drink: whiskey. red wine.
tagged by: @longdeadblonde (thank you!) tagging: ---
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starfoam · 11 months
character associations
animal. Irish Wolfhound
color(s). Deep purple, white, silver
month. May
song. Kiss the Rain - Billie Myers
number. 3
day or night. Night
plant. Hibiscus flower
smell. Spices
season. Summer
place. Island
food. Pulled Pork
astrological sign. Taurus
element. Water
drink. Iced fruit drinks
Tagged by: @averise
Tagging: YOU
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icaroid · 2 years
purple: what’s your astrological sign? what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? when’s the last time you followed your instincts? what’s your favorite food? what’s your secret dream?
Taurus teeheehee
mmm. I think all my mother's advice about sitting with your thoughts & feelings & anger especially and treating them as parts of you who but also. things that change & pass and end. i think about that a lot.
eye dont remember the last thyme i didnt!
dude i love food soooo much. i cant decide. i love eating. see #1
oh oh oh. well. i would like for the sun to kiss me like a girl. because i think eventually i might forget how to kiss like a girl, and know only the ways that the other greengrowing things kiss me--they do, they all do. but. i want her hands to hold, her arms to come around me. to look her in her human eyes.
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