#Or have the drugs interrupted your reading abilities as well?
Get yourself under control, first adopting some idiot child and now dating or whatever the hell that is? Seriously? You are not a criminal mastermind anymore. Seems you really blew your brains out because it seems to be missing with how you're behaving. Maybe you've been replaced by some common idiot.
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I recognize that speech pattern and those misspellings anywhere.
Ran out of speedballs, came to, only to find daddy has a new toy~?
You'll always have a special place in my heart, my dear. But as I've said before, I have other matters to attend to than just you.
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staytinyville · 8 months
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Stay Alive (11)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N NOT BETA READ (I did try the best to my ability). We're heading into the chapters where I tell you guys about their creatures. I want to hear your thoughts for each one! Shoutout to @laymegentlytorest and @kingarthurscat for your reblogs and comments. I love you guys lol. Keep them coming!
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That day you had walked into work, you had thought it was going to be like any other. You had grown accustomed to the normal notes you would take on a daily. There had been nothing new to write about so you had no idea on how to deal with one of your patients withering in pain on the floor. 
You hadn’t been able to find the boy in his room until you walked further in and heard his distressed breathing on the other side of the bed. You rushed over to find him curled up in a fetal position, breathing harshly.
“Kook?” You gasped, falling to the floor as you hesitated touching him. “What hurts?” You asked, trying to look him over and find the problem.
“Get away.” He gritted out, hands slapping onto the floor as he tried pulling himself up. 
“No, you have to tell me.” You moved your hands to help him, tightening up your body as his hands gripped tightly onto your scrubs. “I have to take care of you.” You told him, helping him onto the bed. 
“(Y/N). Please.” The boy whispered, panting. “It's not a good day.” He curled back up on his bed, groaning as his body seemed to twitch in pain. 
From what you could see, he wasn’t physically hurt. Not to the naked eye at least. Whatever it was that was causing him pain was on the inside of his body. You figured it must have to do with his condition. 
“Let me get you something.” You told him, moving to find the first aid kit. As you found some pain meds, you quickly filled a cup with water and moved back towards him. “Here take these.” You told him, handing him the pills. 
Jungkook looked at your hand, smiling stiffly at your way of helping him. “They won't help, Tokki.”
He almost broke down when he saw tears well in your eyes. “Please, Kook.” You whispered. “I don't like seeing you in pain.” You sniffled. 
He tried his best to get up to take the medicine, but someone shoving the door open stopped him from moving more. You both turned to the intruder, frowning at the nurse who had interrupted. 
“(Y/N).” She said, looking between you and Jungkook. “ Doctor Hanseol would like to see you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched Jungkosk shiver from pain, clenching his muscles to soothe them. “I can't leave Jungkook.” You spoke up, shaking your head. 
“He's in the lab.” The lady told you, not caring about Jungkook’s stability. You frowned deeply, looking at the man in worry. 
“Will you be alright?” You softly asked him.
“Nothing I'm not used to.” He gave you a grin, wincing as his body shuddered again. You hesitated in getting up to leave, however seeing the stare the other nurse gave you made you rush outside. 
You walked out into the main lobby to get access into the lab. While your badge had access to most rooms in the facility, the lab was not one of them. It seemed much more secure that not even the lab workers could get in. They needed someone to buzz them in. You understood all the security, however it was a bit excessive. 
“Sir.” You bowed when you noticed your boss looking through a window. 
As you grew closer you noticed it was to show the lab where the medicines were produced. They didn’t have large machines doing the work. Rather it was a variety of researchers hand making the drugs. There were a total of 5 each, being careful with whatever it was they were mixing. 
You knew the company wasn’t large, even after 10 years. They had spent a good while with research from what you saw. They had barely started to give out their drugs for trials a few years ago which meant that they weren’t out to the public yet. It takes a long while to create the right medicine. And by the looks of it HYBE was heading in the right direction. 
“Hello, (Y/N).” Hanseol kept his eyes on the window. “How are you?”
You tried not to frown at the small talk. “I'm fine. It's a very nice day today.” You spoke up.
“Yes.” Hanseol said. “Indeed it is.”
You hummed, turning to him as your anxiety flowed over. “Is there anything you need, sir?” You asked, trying to be polite. “Jungkook is not feeling well and I need to check up on him.”
“Is he now?” Hanseol squinted his eyes. “I think I know why.” He turned to you finally. “Not to worry, he goes through those episodes monthly.” He explained to you. 
“He does?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Such a terrible thing for him really.” Hanseol hummed, turning back to the lab.
Just as you were about to ask for more of Jungkook’s information, an alarm started beeping from the lobby. Both you and your superior rushed out to the lobby following after the security that ran into the facility. 
A large gathering had formed towards the bedroom sections, which made you have to push through the crowd. Your eyes went wide as you realized the security were all in Jungkook’s room. Without thinking you ran forward to enter. However, you were held back by someone.
“Jungkook!” You yelled. You watched as the man wildly thrashed around in the arms of some larger men. He had his teeth pulled back as growls seemed to ripple from his chest. He was hunched over, trying to throw off the people holding him down. 
“Hey!” You tried to punch at the arm that was tightly holding you back. “What's wrong with him?” You cried out.
“Miss you need to step back.” The security man spoke. 
“No, he's my patient!” You screamed. “I need to check on him.” You wriggled more, feeling tears well in your eyes as you felt frustrated with the security. When a whimper left Jungkook’s mouth, your head shot up, wide eyes on the man. 
“Jungkook!” You cried, grunting as you started kicking and thrashing. 
The man quickly looked up hearing your voice. When he saw the tears in your eyes and the man holding you back, the loudest of growls ripped from his throat, scaring those in the hallway. He grew angry seeing you be held in such a horrendous manner. He pulled a security guard off his arm, throwing him to the side. 
“Let her go!” He screamed, throwing the guards off him. They were quick to hold him back once more, Jungkook going back to fighting them off. 
Outside in the hallway, all of Jungkook’s brothers were trying their best to rush in and calm him down, however they too were being held back. Hanseol had a scowl on his face as he watched the boy beat the best security his kind had. He guessed even ogres couldn’t hold down an angry dog. 
“Hoseok sedate him.” Hanseol told the boy. 
Hobi quickly looked up to Hanseol, a worried expression on his face. “But he's not in the right state of mind.” He told the man. 
There were consequences to doing things wrong. With how fragile Jungkook was at the moment, hypnotizing him would put him into a deep sleep that almost resembled a coma. Hobi would need more energy to wake the boy up. 
“Do it.” Hanseol sneered. 
Hobi glanced at Namjoon, getting a deep sigh from the taller man. He nodded his head once, glancing back into the room where Jungkook started to break furniture by throwing bodies over them. 
Hobi moved past all the guards, making quick work to enter Jungkook’s room. He had been turned around which allowed Hobi to place his hands on the boy’s head. “I’m sorry.” Hobi whispers as purple mist flowed out of his fingers and into Jungkook’s eyes. 
Jungkook didn’t do any else other than fall over onto the ground in a heep. “No!” You cried, tears falling down your cheeks. “Stop! Let him go!”
“Hey.” Namjoon spoke up, taking you out of the guards arms. As the guard tried to take you away from Namjoon, the dimpled man only gave him a death stare causing him to back off. 
“(Y/N), he's going to be okay.” Namjoon soothed your, wiping your cheeks. “It'll pass.”
“What happened?” You began to hiccup, soflty rubbing your face into Namjoon’s clothing. The other boys gathered around you, trying their best to calm you down. 
“It's what he's here for.” Jin told you, rubbing your back lightly. “He'll be fine.”
Hanseol sighed deeply as he rubbed at his nose bridge, turning aorund to head out his god forsaken facility. When he turned up at the lobby, he found his co-founder watching from the securtity cameras. The man turned to his friend, hands in his pockets.
“He's never acted out in that way before.” He spoke up nochalanty. “He's protective of the girl.” He added looking down at the computers that showed the hallway camera. 
“She's not the first one.” Hanseol rolled his eyes. “However, you are right.” 
The man turned to his friend, a deep frown on his lips as he suddenly felt annoyed. “Where have you been? You know we have three patients who are affected by the full moon. I only need you two days out of the month and you weren't even here.” He glared. 
“Stop calling them patients.” Kyong rolled his eyes. “You harvest from them.”
“No. That is inhumane.” Hanseol shook his head, looking appaled. “What I do is simply extract certain things at a certain time to get the DNA I need. It’s to help those who need it most.” Hanseol smiled to himself, thinking about all the sick people he was helping.
“I don't see the difference.” Kyong deadpanned.
“Of course you don't, you big idiot.” Hanseol returned to glaring. “Now come on. You got two patients to sedate.”
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I'm a bitch for people using the nickname Tokki when it comes to Jungkook.
Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkud, @rln-byg ,
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irkimatsu · 3 months
I love your Husk works! Could you please write one where fem!reader gets along with everyone and Husk doesn't even realize that he's catching feelings, but maybe on a night out with everyone, someone comes up and starts heavily flirting with her. Ends with confessions and sugary sweet tooth rotting fluff please. 😍
God damn, anon, do you have any idea how hard it is to wring a confession out of this man? I was going along at a steady pace and then I got stuck for hours! I genuinely hope you like slowburn, because Husk doesn't go from zero-to-love easily. I think he's gotten a nice start here, though. It's definitely fluffy!
Husk/Fem!Reader starting a relationship. Mentions of drinking and attempted sexual assault that Husk interrupts before things get too heavy. SFW, 2.8k words. Enjoy! I hope this is what you had in mind, anon! Thank you so much for reading my works!
Your first few months staying at the Hazbin Hotel have gone quite smoothly; as smoothly as anything there can ever go, anyway. Charlie took an instant liking to you - she takes an instant liking to everyone, so it’s nothing special, but still. She can be a bit overbearing, but you know she means well, and she’s grateful to have someone who doesn’t immediately write off her trust exercises from the start.
Still, after all the sharing circles and art therapy, you occasionally find yourself craving more “adult” fun, and that’s where Angel and Cherri come in. It’s not that you don’t want to be redeemed, but what could be so sinful about enjoying yourself a little? You’re not doing anything dangerous or drastic, no drugs and no getting involved with the wrong people; you’re just having fun drinking, dancing, maybe smashing up some abandoned property if the opportunity strikes. Charlie can’t get mad at destruction if no one cares about the thing you just blew up, right?
The bartender, Husk, isn’t nearly as keen on those nights on the town, but you’ve still managed to bond with him on nights where you prefer to stay in. He’s a surprisingly good listener underneath his gruff exterior. (Perhaps too good of a listener; you hope he keeps ignoring whatever bullshit you might have spouted off after one too many of his cocktails.) He also has plenty of stories of his own, mostly from the time he spent alive. When you could get him talking, he’d weave incredible tales of nightlife, both from his home city in Las Vegas and all the other places he’d visited in his life. He seemed especially wistful when talking about a woman he knew back then. He could talk for hours about all the famous sites he was able to take her to, all the songs he would sing for her, and all the starry skies he’d dance with her under.
“It’s not like I blame her for leaving. I’m the one who screwed it up. But being in love… it was nice while it lasted.”
You try to encourage him with the hope that he could fall in love again, but he shakes his head with a bitter smile.
“I lost the ability to love years ago.”
Your friendship with Angel and Cherri is so different compared to your friendship with Husk, so it took a few months before you could have a night out with all three of them. Charlie is once again less enthused about the idea of you four going out to party, but you promise to be relatively well behaved.
You promise, anyway. You can’t make promises for Angel’s sake, and as much as you love her, you know better than to have any faith in Cherri.
You’re surprised Husk agreed to come to a sex club at all. He never seemed like the type to be into that sort of thing. You’re less surprised to see that he has no intention of flirting with anyone and is instead perfectly happy to sit by the wall and knock back shots as quickly as the bartender can pour them.
Couldn’t he drink himself stupid back at the hotel, though? Why did he even come?
Is it just you, or has he been watching you the whole night?
The hours tick by, and you, Angel, and Cherri become progressively more wasted. Angel is currently hanging off of a muscular bull demon - damn, good for him - while Cherri tells you about another resident who used to stay at the hotel before he tragically lost his life during the last extermination.
“He was such a fucking idiot that it was charming, ya know? God damn I should have gotten to know him better when he was still around! I heard this rumor about him and never even got to find out if it was true!”
As she speaks, Cherri catches sight of a cobra demon who is currently chatting up a cluster of punk girls.
“Well, damn… maybe I’ll get to find out tonight. Don’t wait around for me, I’ll find my way back!”
With that announcement, Cherri is gone, leaving only you and Husk with about a dozen bar stools between you. He’s definitely keeping an eye on you; there’s still liquid in his glass, and  he’s watching you instead of guzzling it.
What’s his deal? If he wants to spend the night with you, why doesn’t he just come over here? You decide not to go over there yourself; no sense in rewarding him if he’s playing mind games.
You instead turn your attention to a handsome wolf demon who has taken Cherri’s seat. “Drinking all alone, love?” he says, his deep voice smooth as butter. Right away this man gives you the air of a natural-born charmer who can win anyone’s trust within seconds, only to break their hearts within hours.
He’s hot, and you’re drunk. You’ll let him break your heart a little.
Your conversation starts normally enough, with low stakes topics like the music and the drink selection in the bar. You’re in no hurry to tell this man anything personal or leave this spot with him, but you’re enjoying looking at him and hearing him enough that you don’t mind being a bit of entertainment.
He bumps your knee with his at one point, but you pull your own knee away. At first he seems to take the hint, and time passes without any more advances.
Soon, however, he grows more bold.
“Why don’t we go somewhere else, baby?” he asks as he lightly squeezes your thigh. “Somewhere more private?”
“No thanks,” you say as you jerk your leg away, though the motion doesn’t make him let go. “I’m fine talking here.”
“You know this is a sex club, don’t you?” he says. His smile and voice haven’t changed, but somehow he seems much slimier than he did five minutes ago, and the strong paw gripping your leg that seemed so enticing in your head feels suffocating in reality.
“I’m not here for that, I’m just hanging out with friends-” You try to leave the stool, but the man throws his arm around your shoulders and pulls you in.
“Come on, babe! What did you think I was after by chatting you up like this? You’re not gonna leave me hanging, are you?” He’s holding you closely enough that his hot breath is hitting your face, and the stench of his cologne is making you gag. “C’mon, baby, I’ll show you a good time. You won’t regret this-”
“She said no.” Husk had somehow snuck his way to your side without you noticing, and was now glaring daggers at your pursuer. “Back off.”
“Who are you, her grandpa?” the wolf laughs, refusing to unhand you. “Or just a nasty old man who likes ‘em young?”
Your captor’s laughter is quickly interrupted by a high-pitched howl. His face is now adorned with four jagged, bleeding lines.
“What the fuck, old man?” he yells as he unhands you. Just as quickly as you’re unhanded, you’re grabbed again, this time by Husk grabbing your waist and pulling you away.
“I knew I fucking hated this place,” he growls. “Where are Cherri and Angel?”
You have no idea, but your first guess has you looking toward the sex rooms in the back of the club.
“Jesus Christ… they’ll find their own way home. Come on, we’re going back to the hotel.”
You don’t appreciate being dragged out of the club like a misbehaving child, but as the alcohol clouds your thinking, you can’t quite formulate a protest.
Considering how pissed off your admirer must be right now, maybe it’s for the best that you don’t stay.
The walk back to the hotel is blurry; if Husk had anything to say to you besides pissed off obscenities muttered beneath his breath, you don’t remember it. Your next memory finds you laying on the couch in the lobby, your head aching from a combination of a hangover and the time spent laying on the couch’s arm with your neck at a weird angle.
“What time is it…?” you murmur as your eyes try to adjust.
“About noon,” answers Husk from the bar. 
As you continue to look around the lobby, he appears to be the only one here. “Where is everyone?” you ask through a yawn.
“Angel and Cherri still aren’t back, but I’m sure they’re fine. Charlie and Vaggie left to give you some quiet. Alastor and Niffty…” Husk shrugs after their names, then falls silent.
You groan as you push yourself into a sitting position, one that has you facing Husk. He doesn’t appear to have anything to do, and is instead standing with his chin resting on his crossed arms atop the bar. An awkward silence falls between the two of you, giving you plenty of time to observe Husk’s body language, particularly the way his tail is lashing behind him while his ear gives the occasional twitch.
He is not in a good mood.
“Are you okay?” you ask. Your well-meaning question only seems to piss him off further; he answers not with a word, but with a growl. “Is this about last night?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he insists.
“I’m sorry I caused you trouble…”
“Wasn’t your fault.” His tail lashes even harder. “Just don’t worry about it, all right?”
You’re going to keep worrying about it until he stops looking so on edge.
“Thanks for getting me away from that guy last night,” you say, just in case you didn’t thank him in your drunken haze.
“Hey, it’s what a good bartender does. When you see someone starting shit with another patron, even if it’s not your bar, you take care of the problem. That fucker had no right to put his hands on you after you told him to cut it out.”
He may be gruff, but at least he has standards.
“Can’t believe Cherri and Angel left you alone in there… those two better not take you to anymore fucking sex clubs, you don’t need to be around shit like that��”
“I’m a grown adult,” you protest. “I didn’t want to sleep with that guy, but if I did want to get with someone at that club, that’s my business.”
Husk’s eyes widen for a moment, before he returns to his original dour expression. “Yeah… guess you’re right.”
“And what about you? You didn’t look interested in picking up anyone last night. Why’d you even come?”
“How do you know I wasn’t interested?” he shoots back. “Maybe I was interested in someone! Maybe I just… didn’t have the balls to go for it.” He stands up straight and shakes his head. “Look, can we drop this? Hang out in sex clubs if you want, I don’t fuckin’ care.”
He’s speaking with the tone of voice of someone who very much cares.
“I’m done with ‘em, though. You’re right, you’re an adult, you don’t need me hanging around like some fuckin’ guardian angel.” He pours a glass of clear liquid, and you expect him to down it himself, but he instead steps out from behind the bar still holding the full glass. “I overreacted last night. Shouldn’t have made it your fuckin’ problem.” He approaches the couch, takes a seat, and offers you the glass. “Here, one last favor. Drink this and I’ll get off your ass.”
You take the cup, wondering if for some ungodly reason he’s trying to get you to down straight vodka.
“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s water. That headache’s only gonna get worse if you’re dehydrated.”
You take a sip of the water, and after only a few swallows you’re already regaining a bit of your desire to live. “Thanks,” you say before taking another large gulp.
“No problem,” he responds. You expect him to return to the bar, but he remains next to you on the couch. His body language has gotten no less agitated. What is going on with him?
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you doting on Angel or Cherri like this,” you observe before finishing the glass.
“They’re used to it, and they’ve got each other,” he says as he takes the glass from you. “You want some more?”
You shake your head, and he remains seated with the glass.
“You, though… I don’t know, something about that guy just pissed me off,” he says. “Even before he started touching you I didn’t like him. Bartender’s intuition, maybe? I’m still not over the awful feeling he gave me.” He sighs heavily. “I just… hate the idea of seeing you get hurt in a place like that. I know Angel and Cherri can take care of themselves, but you’ve never seemed as wild as they do, so I wasn’t sure…”
“Is that why you were watching me the whole night?” you asked.
Husk’s body jolts. “Shit, you noticed?”
“I kept looking over there wondering if you’d ever move from that spot, and if you weren’t actively drinking you were staring at me,” you said. “You weren’t subtle.”
Husk groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Sorry. I know you’re capable. I was just…”
“You weren’t there because you were interested in someone at all, were you?”
“I never said I wasn’t. I mean it when I said I just didn’t have the balls to say anything to ‘em. Instead, I just wondered… what I’d do if someone else asked ‘em. Knowing it’d be my own damn fault for not speaking up sooner. Trying to tell myself it wasn’t that big a deal if they went with someone else… until someone started flirting with ‘em, and touchin’ ‘em, and-” His body tenses as he growls, but relaxes after a moment. “Damn it, I haven’t had to do this in years...”
“Done what?”
“You know what I said about losing my ability to love years ago?” He turns his head and looks directly at you for the first time since he sat down. “...I think I’m remembering how to do it again.”
Things are starting to fall into place. “And the person who helped you remember is…?”
The slightest of smiles crosses his face. “Who do you think?”
You wouldn’t have guessed it before today, but it all seems so obvious in retrospect. He’d spent so many nights with you when he could have been in bed, just chatting with you or comforting you after a bad day. You’d really grown so fond of his smile, and Angel had told you before that he used to never smile.
But surely, you thought, he couldn’t have been smiling because of you…
“What am I even saying?” he asks as he turns away from you. “You died in the prime of your life, and down here you can have that prime forever. You could do so much better than a washed up old drunk.”
“You’re not washed up,” you assure him as you place your hand over his. “I think it’s great that you got to live such a full life! You have so many stories to tell, and so many talents… I bet there’s so much you haven’t told me yet.” You try to reassure him with a smile and a light squeeze to his hand. “So much you haven’t shown me, either. You talk a lot about when you were in a band, but I’ve never gotten to hear you play…”
“I haven’t touched an instrument in years,” he says. “I bet I don’t even remember how to play anymore.”
“Well, you don’t know if you don’t try, right?”
You don’t think you’re just saying that about instruments.
“It’s been such a long time… what if I screw up?”
You don’t think he’s just talking about instruments either.
“It can’t hurt to try. Maybe… maybe you’ll enjoy it even more than you remember.”
“Hmm…” He doesn’t seem fully at ease, but he hasn’t taken his hand back yet. “If I can get my hands on a saxophone, and I really haven’t forgotten how… sure. I’ll play for you.
…you just have to give me some time, okay? I’m not used to it anymore… especially with another person…”
“Take all the time you need,” you assure him.
He turns his hand around so he can hold yours back, and his smile seems to grow slightly. “Just gotta start slow… get used to things again…”
“You’ll be fine, I know you will,” you assure him. He seems content to leave the conversation there, but there’s one more thing you need to say. “Husk?”
“I don’t think I’ll be going back to that club. No point when I’m not interested in picking up dates anymore.”
He squeezes your hand. “Glad to hear it.”
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Temporary Relocation Ch. 2
Read the previous chapter here Basic premise: Reader has arrived on TF 141's base after a transfer due to a special experimental surgery and is now receiving the initial medical checkup. If you cannot handle reading about needles, blood, and/or medical procedures, I recommend you do not read this. Bold text where the medical section ends.
You flinched a little as you felt a needle being pressed into your skin, followed by a nurse murmuring, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine," you grumble to the best of your ability, "just wasn't expecting bloodwork." The woman's lips pursed in silent understanding as she watched the tube fill with the crimson liquid.
"Would it offend you if I said I admire you?" Her inquiry came as the seconds ticked by.
"Why?" You almost scoffed. It felt as though she was patronizing you just because you were a fresh face. Noting your irritation, she hesitated a moment.
"You're a soldier. Despite that, you took a surgery that could've ripped it away from you. It still could."
The nurse's words served to soften your expression, but they weren't what you found to be echoing in your head. In one ear and out the other, while your mind was ashamed of the fact that you'd prioritized the financial gain.
"Yeah, well," you grunted as she dislodged the needle once the tube was full, "we've all got our reasons for things, don't we?" Her focus on the tube left you without a verbal response to your question.
Next, your ears and tail were tested. What you could currently hear, sounds you'd probably be able to hear once everything was healed, the range of motion your tail currently had and how much it hurt when touched or moved in certain ways. That was how you found just how sensitive your tail actually was. Each foreign sensation shot sensations from the base of your spine up to the top. What the hell did they do with it? No other parts of your body ever had that kind of sensitivity.
The nurse hummed as she took all of the information down on your chart, you had zero doubt it would be confidential to anyone who didn't 'need-to-know.' As she read back over her notes, her expression only changed slightly. Enough you could tell she was thinking, but not for you to tell what was good and what was bad.
"They seem to have really intertwined your tail with your spinal nerves. I'll get this back to the main lab and send it off for data collection. In the meantime, take these," she handed you a bottle that contained the smallest pills you'd ever seen, "the dosage and when to take them is on the label. It should help dull the sensations from your tail. Pharmacy only signed off on this one bottle before you arrive. There's not much, but it should get you used to how the drugs work."
You nodded as you took the bottle, settling it into your pocket.
"If you don't have any other questions or concerns, you're free to go," she stated before writing some last minute notes.
"Actually, one question," you scrunched your face as you gently poked one of your ears, "is there an estimate on how long it'll take before the soreness goes away?" Not knowing how much longer you would be off-duty was driving you insane.
A moment of silence passed before the nurse found a conclusive answer in the notes, "you should get used to how things are in a few weeks. The soreness should be completely gone about two months from now. I can't say how long it'll take for you to learn how to use your new senses, that depends on you."
You nodded curtly, "thank you," before standing up and heading for the door. "And thanks for the meds, doc," you concluded before leaving.
Absent-mindedly wandering around base afterwards sent you to the canteen. You couldn't consciously remember the last time you ate anyway. You approached the main counter, discovering the remains of the lunch platters. Your selection turned out to be an amalgamation of sorts. Not that you could complain given the limitations. However, your last minute considerations were interrupted by a gruff Scottish voice from behind.
"They hurt?" He nodded towards your ears. You smiled softly as you turned to face him, plate in hand.
You shook your head as you responded, "not as bad as they did. Get an earful from that lieutenant earlier?"
"You could say that," he muttered. The irritation in his voice was evident, and the glaring look in his eyes made it even more so.
"Sounds bad, I won't push. Guy seems to have a real hothead."
"Only if ya know how to piss him off," he chuckled, "which doesn't take much. Nice to meet you, I'm Soap. Soap MacTavish," and he held out his hand for you to shake. So you did.
"Y/n L/n," you began, "might make my field name Whiskers when the time comes." Soap laughed a little.
"L.t'll definitely have fun with that one. Ghost isn't usually a jokes guy," he told you.
"He'll absolutely hate me, then," you concluded. "Wanna go sit? My mouth is watering knowing food is a foot away from it."
MacTavish promptly turned and marched towards a table, where Gaz was already sitting. Soap settled in front of a previously lonely plate, amalgamated similarly to yours with significantly less organization. Food instantly found its way to your mouth when your bum found the table bench.
"How'd the checkup go? All good?" Gaz asked. You nodded and partnered it with a thumbs up. He gave a solid nod in response. "Can you still hear out of your human ears?" You watched his eyes flicking up to your cat ears, then back to where your human ears were. Another shake of your head, this time you swallowed your food to talk.
"Nah, they rerouted my hearing network. My sense of balance is supposed to be enhanced by my tail, too, but right now it's too sore for me to find use in that," both Soap and Gaz were just staring at your ears while you explained. You felt yourself internally shrinking under the scrutiny, your body temperature rising in a way you prayed wouldn't be visible.
"What can you hear now, then?" Soap chimes in. Your saliva felt heavy as it went down your throat the next time you swallowed, then passively rested a smile on your face in hopes of concealing the sudden jitters.
"A lot more than I could," you admitted. Your tone sounded more cautious than you wanted it to. Willing your vocal cords to steady, you continued, "the helicopter was hell before I put the headphones on. Like I could hear the electricity signals coming from all of the buttons and wires."
"Bloody loud bastards, helicopters," he scoffs, but in agreement with your own distaste. "Can't imagine what it's like to hear everything comin' from 'em, I'd cross Scotland on foot to avoid that special little hell."
"Thanks," you ensured your tone was flat and void.
"Real reassuring there, sergeant," Gaz added. Simultaneously, the three of you let out some laughs, albeit small ones. "Did they tell you how long you'd be staying here before you could go on missions?"
Memories of the nurse's words had you groaning miserably, "a few months, at least. There's still a lot of variables with this." You felt like directly mentioning the nurse's comment about how intertwined your tail was would've been a bad move. Experiments have their kinks, after all. "At least I've got company," you shrugged off your previous frustration before sending a smile to Soap, "pretty entertaining company too, it seems."
"Always gettin' into trouble doesn't mean I'm entertainment," he playfully spat back.
"I don't know MacTavish, the lieutenant seems to have it out for you. You pick his nerves too often for anyone to get bored watching it," Gaz throws in.
"See? It's two against one! For someone with soap as a field name, you sure are bad at slipping out of situations," you sent a shit-eating grin to the mohawk-donning sergeant. He scoffed but sent a smirk of his own back at you.
"Not all of 'em, you'll see when you're finally on the field with me and the team."
"I'm sure I will," you responded as you moved to throw out your empty plate. "This was a good meal and a great chat, but I need rest. It's been hours." You don't wait for approval before turning and heading for where Gaz had gestured to personal quarters earlier, but you made sure to wave and call a "catch up with you boys later," over your shoulder.
Defeated and harsh sighs pushed their way up your throat as you closed the door to your personal quarters. This was your room, yet it looked just as plain as the rest of the halls of the base. At least your stuff had been very kindly dropped off for you already. You made quick work of adjusting the space to be as close to your own as possible. Personal trinkets, photographs, posters, and other small decorations littered the walls and desks alike when you finished. It was nothing too much- certainly not close to what you had on your own room at home- but it was nice at the same time.
Finishing making the bed was what had you deciding to take a shower. The switches were easy enough to figure out once you entered the bathroom, and before long you were under a stream of comfortably warm water. It had been awhile since you got to properly bathe, since you were in too much pain directly after the surgery to do anything other than sponge clean. You hadn't been allowed to do that yourself, either. Your tail couldn't be disturbed nearly at all for the first two weeks, back when you were still being held at the hospital. Memories flooded you as you washed yourself up.
You hissed in pain as the nurse gently adjusted your tail here and there. Even the slightest movements shot harsh jolts up your spine, but you were sure it'd be worse if you looked over your shoulder and watched all of it happen. You did your absolute best to stay still, contrary to your body's screaming urges.
"That concludes this set of testing," she stated. Her pen scribbles were the only thing that filled the room for a moment before she continued, "I'll send the next batch of staff in now."
You snapped yourself out of it, quickly disabling the faucet and stepping out of the shower before you could remember anything else. Fatigue blanketed itself around you and burrowed into the warmth of the clothes you changed into. A yawn pried your mouth open as you settled into your bed and carefully pulled your blanket over your body. It didn't take you long to fall asleep after that.
Read the next chapter here
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dapetty · 13 days
Like A Virgin
“John. I brought you some tea.” Sherlock said, sitting a cup of tea next to John’s already existing cup of tea - which was still somewhat hot. John folded his paper and placed it on his lap.
“Clearly I already have tea. Have you drugged another cup especially for me?
“Why would I do that?” Sherlock said innocently.
“I dunno. Why did you do it the other times.”
“That was different and I’ve already apologized for those one or two…possibly three, times.”
“Three times?! Wait?! When was the third time?” John asked, getting angry all over again.
“I’ll just dump this tea out since I didn’t realize that you already had tea,” Sherlock said, grabbing the teacup and backing up.
“Oh no you don’t. What’s in it this time? And for the love of god, why? You promise you won’t poison me and here we are - again.”
“I was thinking that we could role-play,” Sherlock said, backing into the kitchen with the tea. 
“What does drugged tea have to do with role-play?”
“I uh, thought you’d be thirsty while we talked about it,” Sherlock said, quickly dumping the tea down the drain.
“You making me anything is suspicious and you know it,” John said, placing the paper on the table and standing up.
“Out with it. What are you up to?”
“Iwanttobeavirginagain,” Sherlock said, smashing all the words together in a hurry to get them out.
“You what?” John wasn’t sure that he heard what he thought he heard.
“I miss being a virgin. Being innocent and everything’s new. We’ve been together for a while now and…not that I’m complaining, mind you…,”
“Oh no, you’d never,” John interrupted.
“But I’ve been reading about ways to spice up our sex life and one of the suggestions was role-play,” Sherlock said, nervously playing with a dish towel. 
“You’re bored?” John asked, a little hurt.
“I never said that I was bored. I’ve just been reading about ‘spicing up your love life’ and role-play was mentioned and I found it intriguing. That’s all.” Sherlock said, picking at a non-existent loose thread on the dish towel.
“And when would this role-play take place? And is a candlelight dinner involved because that’s fine if it is.” John smiled.
“You know I don’t care about eating.” Sherlock said, exasperated. John was being willfully obtuse. This was never going to happen at this rate.
“Tea. Tell me what was in the tea.” John asked again.
“Oh, fine.” Sherlock threw himself down on the couch with a put upon huff.
“An aphrodisiac. Yohimbe. It’s an herb. Many doctors prescribe it for their patients who take drugs that interfere with their ability to become…interested in, umm…What?” Taking in the look of astonishment on John’s face.
“You think that I need an aphrodisiac in order to have sex with you? Have I become inadequate somehow? Why is this the first time I’m hearing of it? And why the trickery? I’m pretty sure…yeah, I’m offended.” John asked, standing up.
“It was just in case you weren’t interested in the role-play. I wanted to make sure that I was irresistible.”
“So you thought you’d drug me? Again? And you wonder why I don’t trust you.”
“Well, this is just an herbal supplement,” Sherlock said in his most reasonable voice.
“I know what it is and I’m not taking it. Since when have I turned down a chance to fuck you?” John asked bluntly. He walked over to where Sherlock sat, looking anxious.
“Perhaps if you didn’t talk so much during…”
“I have questions and instructions!” Sherlock exclaimed, now becoming insulted. 
“Yes. I know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just, forget about it. So when is this romantic moment supposed to take place?” 
John was starting to get into the idea. He didn’t want to let Sherlock know yet. No one crowed as loudly as the man that he loved when he was confirmed to be right.
“You love hearing me talk.”
“It’s true. I do. Why don’t we talk now?” John said, sitting down next to Sherlock close enough to touch.
“Is this it? Are we doing it now?” Sherlock asked eagerly. 
“Yes. We’re doing it now.” John said and sighed. This could be fun or a disaster. Only one way to find out…
“So,” John asked, “Come here often?”
“What? I live here. That doesn’t make sense…”
“You’re a virgin who lives with me? Maybe you’d better tell me the plan so that we can continue uninterrupted.” John wasn’t too hopeful about this. Sherlock couldn’t turn off that big brain of his for and John knew that the plan was going to go off the rails fairly quickly. He was game, though so he waited to hear what Sherlock had in mind.
“Well, I hadn’t gotten that far. I didn’t think you’d say yes.” Sherlock admitted somewhat shyly.
“So you were going to drug me without a plan? Typical.” 
“I would have figured something out and it’s just an herbal remedy…”
“So is Nightshade.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, John. I’m not trying to kill you.”
“Couldn’t prove that by me. So, where were we…you have lovely hair.” John said, running his fingers through Sherlock’s hair and watching as the curls wrapped around his fingers.
“Are we doing it now? Have we started?”
“Yes. We’ve started. Your turn.”
“Thank you for mentioning that. I wanted to look nice for you tonight.” Sherlock said with a timid smile.
“I like what you’re wearing. It’s very becoming.”
“Why thank you. I was hoping you’d like it.” Sherlock said, running the satiny hem of his dressing gown through his fingers.
“I wasn’t sure whether or not you’d think it too forward of me.” Sherlock look up through his dark lashes at John. 
“You’re adorable. You could never be too forward.” John said, barely controlling the roll of his eyes.
“Do you really think so?”
“Of course I do.” John slid closer to Sherlock on the couch until you couldn’t see where one man began and the other one ended.
“Do you mind if I kiss you? It’s all I’ve been thinking about since I first saw your gorgeous lips.” John continued.
“I’d like that.” Sherlock said, leaning forward.
John’s lips met Sherlock’s plush lips with the lightest caress. Barely a meeting of the lips but they both felt a thrill of electricity go through them. John deepened the kiss and before either of them knew what had happened, they had their arms wrapped around each other, John raising a hand to run his fingers through Sherlock’s curls watching as they seemed to wrap around his fingers of their own accord. 
Sherlock sat back and took a shuddering breath.
“I’ve never been kissed like that before.”
“Never? You deserve to be kissed and often. Your lips are irresistible. So soft and supple. How is it possible that you’ve never been kissed properly?” John asked, placing quick, lite kisses on Sherlock’s face and lips.
“I haven’t wanted anyone to kiss me before.” Sherlock said, looking at John’s lips. 
“I never knew that it could feel like this.”
“Is this ok?” John asked, running a hand down Sherlock’s arm.
John reached the sharp curve of Sherlock’s hip and stopped.
“Is this ok?” John asked, looking for permission to continue. He wasn’t sure how serious this game was. He didn’t want to move too fast for whatever Sherlock had in mind. It could be anything. One touch that would normally be fine, could be out of bounds in this scenario. John didn’t know and he didn’t want to set Sherlock off. This seemed like a harmless enough idea - if he stayed within the parameters that were as yet unspecified. That meant asking questions to make sure that he wasn’t too fast. John was actually beginning to stress himself out. Ridiculous. It was just a game. Right?
“I think it’s ok.” Sherlock said hesitantly.
“I don’t want to move too fast for you. If I do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, let me know and I’ll stop right away.” John said sincerely.
“I’m sure that you wouldn’t do anything untoward, John. I’m just a little nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before.” Sherlock said, looking down at his hands.
“There’s no hurry. We have all the time in the world.”
“That’s impossible, John.” Sherlock said, coming out of the role-play briefly. 
“I’m just saying that there’s no rush. We can move as fast or slow as you’re comfortable with. Make sense?” John asked.
“Oh. I see. Alright. Carry on.”
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Of course.”
“You said that you’ve never done anything like this before. Are you saying that you’re a virgin?” John had to admit to himself that the thought gave him a little tingle and his cock was definitely becoming interested in the game. 
“That’s what I meant by saying that I’d never done anything like this before, John. Are you being purposely obtuse?”
“No. No. I’m just trying to understand how to proceed. I don’t want to alarm you.” John looked at Sherlock, hopeful that he’d get what John was trying to say.
“Sex doesn’t alarm me, John. If anything you do bothers me, I’ll will let you know immediately.”
“Ok.” John said, leaning over to kiss Sherlock again and was relieved when he just melted into him. Maybe this would be fun. It certainly wasn’t going to be work.
TBC on AO3
@ohwhataniight @bs2sjh @totallysilvergirl @calaisreno @msladysmith @malevolent-muse
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A Dead Man & his Raven
Chapter 2
Note: happy spooky season! this fic is inspired by The Crow, Sihtric being based on Eric Draven. Follow up to Chapter 1. Several quotes from the movie and comic are used in the following chapters, they are marked bold, as they are not my own. I was often interrupted while proof reading this chapter, so ignore any errors :)
Warning for entire series: 18+! angst/fluff. this story deals with death, losing a loved one, depression, suicidal thoughts/attempts (no details), murder (described), violence. There is also a lot of fluff, but you have been warned.
Warnings for this chapter: angst/fluff. mention of death, murder, fright, drugs, blood.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You were reminded of your first kiss with Sihtric.
wordcount: 4,3k
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'I promise you're safe with me.'
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The dead don't carry keys, Sihtric thought as he searched his pockets, but they fucking should.
He snickered at his own thoughts after he had finally stumbled his way home, where he realised he couldn't get in. He looked down at his hands, finding them completely healed again. No more blood, no more cuts. And he scoffed, then looked up at the sky.
You gave me the ability to heal from my wounds but you forgot to give me a key to my home? Nice one, Odin. Now what?
He looked around the empty street, the only movement being water that ran down into the sewer, and then he looked back at the front door.
I could ring the bell, Sihtric thought, and a grin appeared. Ding-dong! Hello, angel, your murdered fiancé is home again! Did you miss me? His grin fell off his face slowly, for hurt and despair to take over. Because I have missed you, my love. He closed his eyes, clenched his jaw and inhaled deeply as he recalled your face. I have missed you with every fibre of my entire being. If I wasn't already dead, I would have killed myself single-handedly over and over again, because living without you is unbearable. He angrily kicked at the door. Don't worry, love, I can't die twice I've been told. But I swear I will kill every single fucking bastard who did this to us. He kicked the door again. I will kill every last man who broke us up, before we could even vow to not let death do us part. They're dead, my love. They're all dead. They just don't know it yet. He kicked the door again, harder this time, as his tears fell down with the rain.
'They're all fucking dead!' Sihtric growled, and kicked the door open with force.
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The neverending nightmare.
More or less recovered from your breakdown after work, you managed to continue your drive home. You ran up to your front door, through the pouring rain, and when you wanted to stick your key in the door, you saw it had been breached open. You looked around you, but there was not a sight of anyone nearby. The street may be empty, you thought, but it was still Devil's Night. The night on which people commit petty crimes as well as serious crimes, such as murdering your fiancé last year, because the cops can't be everywhere at once. Therefore, you also knew that calling the police would not be of any help right now. A simple house robbery was not of importance on a night like this.
With trembling hands you pushed the door further open and you quietly stepped inside. You waited in the dark hallway for a minute, but didn't hear a single sound, apart from the violent rain outside. You walked down the hallway and, before reaching the door to the living room, you carefully took an umbrella from underneath the coat rack. Armed with your pathetic weapon of choice, you then kicked the second door completely open with force.
'If anyone is here I swear I will bash your fucking head in!' you shouted, holding the umbrella tightly in your shaky hands.
While breathing heavily, you once again waited for any kind of sound or movement as you looked around the pitch black room. And again, apart from the rain, it was quiet and there was no movement. Until a sudden voice scared you half to death.
'You would bash my fucking head in with that umbrella, my angel?' the voice said, and a soft chuckle followed, 'an angel of death you would truly be.'
Your heart skipped numerous beats at the familiar voice; your favourite voice, which sound you had missed so desperately. The umbrella fell out of your hands and you immediately turned to switch on the lights, only to stare into a cold, empty room.
'What the fuck!' you breathed, eyes wide.
You exhaled sharply after a few long secons and let out a laugh, which turned into a sob as you realised you had imagined Sihtric's voice. You already were afraid you would start imagining and hearing things around the first anniversary date of his death, but this had seemed so real. It truly scared you and made you even more upset than you already had been. You kicked at the umbrella in front of you and, when you turned back to the hallway, suddenly one cold hand grabbed your chin as the other covered your mouth to silence you.
And you stared up into Sihtric's mismatched eyes.
'Please do not be frightened of me, angel,' Sihtric said fast, but calm, hoping you weren't going to scream. Or punch him in the face.
Your eyes grew even wider, and Sihtric removed his hands after a moment, taking a step back.
'N-no,' you whispered, fear and near insanity laced your voice, and you stumbled backwards into the hallway, landing hard on your behind with a soft cry.
'No,' you then chuckled, 'this isn't real,' you said while crawling backwards. 
Your nails scratched at the wooden floor, and your wet shoes squeaked while desperately trying to get away from whatever your imagination was projecting right now.
'Darling,' Sihtric said, and he crouched down, reaching out with his pale, trembling hand.
'No!' you screamed and covered your face with your hands, crying as you shook your head, 'leave me alone! This isn't real! This isn't real!' you shouted, pulling your own hair as you kept your eyes closed, rocking back and forth in the corner of your hallway.
'Shh, shh,' Sihtric hushed you, and cupped your cold, trembling hands with his own, stopping you from trying to tear your hair out. 
'Listen to me-'
'No!' you cried out, terrified, backing yourself up further into the corner, but there was no escape from this nightmare blended dream.
'Listen to me!' Sihtric said again, compassionate but firm, 'it's real. I am real,' he slowly pulled your hands away from your face and cupped your cheeks. 'Look at me,' he whispered, 'look at me, please,' and at last, his voice broke under the pressure of his own emotions, 'I need you to look at me, angel,' he said with a sob.
Your body trembled as you slowly opened your eyes, teardrops stuck to your eyelashes, blurring your vision when you finally dared to look at Sihtric, who then sat back, giving you space as you rubbed your eyes free of tears as much as possible. 
Sihtric, who was not a figment of your imagination, was actually truly there. Your dead fiancé. He was there. Kneeled down right in front of you, staring at you with his big, teared up eyes as he took in every inch of your face.
'I… I… don't… unders-s-stand,' you nearly panicked.
'I will explain,' Sihtric said, 'but, please… just,' he inhaled sharply as tears started to roll down his cheeks, 'p-please just hold me, please,' his trembling hands reached out to you again, 'I'm so… so cold. I've been so cold without you. I need to- to feel you, please?'
And then, without thinking or having any doubt in your mind, you wrapped your arms around him. You tightly held the man who had your undying love. You breathed in the familiar scent of the man you thought you would never see again. And you both cried as you held each other, down on the floor, hiding in the corner of your hallway, while the wind outside howled and the rain came crashing down.
'Sihtric?' you said with a soft sob.
'Please,' Sihtric whispered, and his cold hands took your face again, 'please, kiss me,' he breathed.
And your lips found those of the man who had taken your heart with him to his grave, after his own heart had stopped beating, exactly one year ago, at the corner of the street you still lived on. And you suddenly remembered your first kiss.
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Love at first sight.
Many, many moons ago, you met Sihtric for the first time at your local concert venue. His band, Hangman's Joke, had finished their set about half an hour ago and they already packed up all their gear, which one of their members had loaded in a van before taking off. 
It was your first time hearing and seeing the band, but you enjoyed it, and you couldn't deny that the guy who was the lead guitarist as well as the lead singer, was as cute as he was hot. He was dressed in black leather boots, black leather jeans and a black shirt which had tears and holes in it. He was very muscular, and you had to stop yourself from staring the entire time. He was almost ghostly pale, truly nailing the whole gothic look, without even seeming to try. His dark, shoulder length hair was wild, but not in a neglected kind of way. He had a well kept goatee, which told you this guy clearly took care of himself, unlike most so-called underground rockstars you knew of. You definitely enjoyed the amount of eye contact you had with him during his performance, and to your pleasant surprise, you suddenly found him standing next to you. When you looked up, he was already gazing at you, leaning on the bar while he smiled.
'Hey,' he said, with a faint hint of shyness, 'may I buy you a drink?'
You tried to suppress your smile and rolled your eyes as you looked away for a second. Was this going to be a cheap pick up attempt? You weren't easy like that, but he was to die for, really. So you decided to test him.
'That depends. Do you always pick up girls after a show?' you asked, desperately trying to not be intimidated yet intrigued by his strong appearance.
'Oh, all the time,' Sihtric scoffed, clearly pretending to be offended, 'it's a hobby of mine to see how many I can get in my bed in one night.'
'I see,' you feigned being impressed, 'and how many are you expecting to land in your bed tonight?'
'Tonight? Just one,' Sihtric said with a cheeky half smile as he leaned in, 'just you,' he winked.
You couldn't help but laugh and blush at his words. He was obviously unserious about his "hobby", but there was truth in his last answer, you could tell.
'Very smooth,' you chuckled.
'Yeah?' he laughed, 'did I impress you by giving you merely a vague hint about my wild sex adventures after shows?'
'Almost,' you snorted, and couldn't get yourself to look away from his eyes as he smiled so sweetly at you.
There was something so sincere about him, so honest. There was again that hint of shyness in his smile, as the dimly lit venue couldn't quite hide his slightly flushed cheeks, which had reddened after you had smiled at him. He fidgeted with his rings, which told you he was a little nervous, or maybe high on drugs, you thought, but you noticed his pupils were rather normal. You also noticed his eyes were two different colours, and you felt you could easily get lost in those for hours. 
'I, eh, I'm Sihtric by the way,' he shyly smiled again and held his hand out to you.
'Hi,' you returned the shy smile as you took his hand and introduced yourself.
His tattooed fingers brushed over yours as he slowly let go, after holding on for just a second too long for it to be meaningless.
'So,' he smacked his lips, 'can I buy you that drink?'
'Perhaps,' you grinned, 'what's the catch?'
Sihtric furrowed his brow and puckered his lips.
'Hm,' he hummed softly as he went over his thoughts, 'the catch is that you'll have to tell me one thing you love about yourself, and one thing you hate about yourself.'
'Oh?' you chuckled, truly impressed this time that a guy for once didn't ask for a kiss or something like that, and you agreed to the deal.
Sihtric bought you a drink and followed you as you found an empty table in the busy venue bar.
'Well then,' Sihtric smiled and took a quick sip from his drink, 'tell me.'
'Okay,' you put your glass on the table and looked at Sihtric, 'I like-'
'No, no,' Sihtric interrupted you, 'I said love, not like. Tell me what you love about yourself.'
You chuckled and sighed softly as Sihtric rested his chin in the palm of his hand, leaning on the table while he sat across from you. The place was packed, but he looked at you as if you were the only person in the room.
'Fine,' you gave him a fake, mean glare, 'what I love about myself is… how loyal I am. Doesn't matter if it's friendships or relationships,' you said, 'I think it's a good trait.'
'It is a great trait,' Sihtric smiled while gazing at you again, 'hard to come by these days.'
'I guess,' you said shyly.
'But now the big question,' Sihtric said as he leaned back, raking his fingers through his hair, 'what do you hate about yourself?'
'Can I only mention one thing?' you grimaced, 'because I got quite the list-'
'Lady,' Sihtric hushed you and chuckled, 'one thing only.'
'Fine,' you huffed and crossed your arms, 'I hate my smile.'
'Your smile?' Sihtric nearly choked on his drink and punched his chest twice as he coughed, 'what are you talking about?'
'I just don't like my smile,' you shrugged, 'for no specific reason.'
'Well, look,' he held his hands up, 'I have to strongly disagree with you here, lady.'
'Okay,' you frowned, 'is this the moment you'll start the heavy flirting, praising me with compliments to lure me into your bed?'
'Actually,' Sihtric said with a grin, leaning in closer over the table, 'my place is a bit of a mess right now. So I kinda hoped I could lure myself into your bed.'
'And what's the catch if I were to agree to that?' you teased, leaning in too.
'The catch being,' Sihtric smiled softly, and he held your chin with his fingertips, 'that you have to promise me you will never believe those negative thoughts about yourself ever again. Because you notice how the thing you love about yourself has nothing to do with your appearance? And the one thing you hate…'
You stared at Sihtric, your cheeks flushed at his touch and his intense eyes locked on you. Then he sat back again, quickly finished his drink and jumped up.
'You want to get out of here?' he asked, smiling, and went to grab his skateboard.
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Sihtric held your hand as you walked out of the venue, back to your place. It was pleasantly quiet out, the streets being empty as it was a sunday night. You had the day off tomorrow and the day after, so you had no plans of finding sleep early. The silence between you and Sihtric was a comfortable one, but you were curious about him, and even more curious about the skateboard he held in his other hand.
'You skateboard everywhere?'
'Most of the time, yeah,' he smiled.
'Yes, lady,' Sihtric chuckled, 'why? Do you?'
'No,' you snorted, 'never done it.'
Sihtric stopped walking and stared at you with a puzzled look.
'You never tried it?'
'No,' you shrugged, 'my balance is shit anyway-'
'Wanna try?'
'Come,' Sihtric smiled, holding his hand out as he put his board on the ground, 'try it.'
'Oh, absolutely not,' you laughed and looked at the street ahead of you, 'I'll break my neck.'
'No you won't,' Sihtric laughed, 'come,' he beckoned you over.
With heavy feet you stepped closer to the pale, dark clothed man, and you took his hand. Sihtric chuckled when he helped you on the board, holding it in place by setting his leather boot in front of the wheels.
'No, no,' you giggled as you squeezed his hand, already feeling off balance, 'I'm scared to go off this hill.'
'Hill? You can't call this a hill. Don't be scared,' Sihtric smiled and circled his arm around your waist.
Then, he placed one foot on the board and pulled you closer against his body.
'Wait, what are you-'
'Shh,' he smiled, 'I got you.'
'No. What-'
'I promise I got you,' he chuckled at your surprised face, 'trust me. I won't let anything happen to you.'
Before you could say another word, Sihtric placed his other foot next to yours, and the skateboard slowly started to roll forwards, down the really not that steep street, but steep enough to make you cling onto him. And when you realised you truly weren't going to break your neck, you started to laugh at the quite exhilarating feeling. And Sihtric smiled at you whenever he wasn't looking down the road, and he swore he had never seen a more beautiful smile than yours.
'See,' Sihtric said when the skateboard came to a halt at the end of the street, 'told you nothing would happen to you.'
He helped you step off the board, back onto the concrete ground, where he immediately circled his arms around you again and pulled you in.
'I guess you were right,' you chuckled and looked up at him.
'I promise you're safe with me,' Sihtric whispered, 'always.'
He briefly brushed his lips lightly over yours, before he captured you in a soft, sweet kiss.
Sihtric hummed softly before he pulled away, lightheaded while his heart was beating out of his chest. And when he saw you smiled at him, he brought his lips back to yours again.
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When you woke up in your own bed the next morning, a little sore, you felt yourself pout in silence when you noticed Sihtric was gone. It's not like you hadn't expected him to be anything more than a one night stand, so you weren't really surprised, but you had to admit you were a little disappointed. His flirting had been very effective, and he truly seemed different from any other guy you ever met, so you had some unfair expectation that he wouldn't just run off in the morning. But you also blamed yourself for it being a one night thing. You had not discussed your own intentions before you took him home. Or after you had moaned his name in the middle of the night, when he had his hand wrapped around your throat and his other cupping your cheek, while his forehead rested against yours and his low, heavy growl spilled down over your lips as your fingers were tangled in his messy hair. 
You sat up and searched for your underwear in your bed, when suddenly your bathroom door, which was across from your bed, flung open and Sihtric walked out, shirtless, only dressed in those tight, leather jeans while his damp hair was raked back with his fingers.
'Jesus fucking christ!' you yelled and pulled the blankets up to cover your breasts.
Not that he hadn't seen those before. He had actually done way more than just seeing those, you thought, and you felt your face heat up.
'Fuck!' Sihtric hissed and grabbed his chest, looking equally as startled as you.
'You scared me!' you half yelled.
'Shit. Sorry, angel,' he chuckled, 'I hope you didn't mind I took a shower,' he said a little shyly.
'What? No, no,' you shook your head, 'that's fine. I just… I didn't expect you were still here.'
'Oh,' Sihtric said, and his confidence left his body in an instant, 'I- I'm sorry,' you could see the sudden hurt in his eyes before he looked down at his feet, 'I didn't realise that... I-I should've known this was just a one night stand,' he mumbled and walked over to grab his shirt from the floor, which you had taken off of him the night before, and he put it back on, 'I'm really sorry if I overstayed my welcome. I- I should head home now anyway, I have a meeting soon. So-'
'No,' you interrupted him, 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant… I… I thought it was just a, you know, a quick and random fuck for you,' you said with flushed cheeks.
'Ah,' he clicked his tongue, and anxiously rubbed his hand over his chin, 'I'm sorry if I made it come off that way. That was truly never my intention,' he cleared his throat, 'but, eh, yeah, you know, I better get going anyway. Gotta change my clothes and get some quick food…'
'Let me make you breakfast,' you blurted out as Sihtric picked up his leather boots, and he stared at you.
'What?' he chuckled, then smirked, 'you want to make me breakfast?'
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'What's your favourite flower?' Sihtric asked, his mouth stuffed with cereal as he ate like a wild boar, not having much time.
'What? Oh, uh,' you chuckled, 'uh, roses. Cliché, I know,' you rolled your eyes.
'I like roses. Roses are pretty,' he said and swallowed his food, 'pretty like you,' he smiled before he hovered the rest of his cereal, then jumped up.
'You had enough to eat?' you asked, watching him grab his short, leather jacket.
'Not quite,' Sihtric chuckled, 'but I really gotta go, sweetheart. I can't be late,' he picked up his skateboard and hopped back over to you to kiss your cheek, 'thank you though.'
'You're welcome,' you smiled, and just when Sihtric turned away, you pulled him back in for a kiss on his lips.
Sihtric froze for a second and dropped his skateboard. He smiled against your lips and gently cupped your cheeks, kissing you back, soft and slow. After a moment, which was way too short, you broke the kiss, knowing he had to run. You smiled at him when he suddenly got all shy.
'So, eh,' Sihtric blushed, 'c-call me?' he asked, cautiously, 'will you call me later?'
'Y-yeah,' you felt yourself becoming shy too, 'what time suits you? After your meeting?'
'I should be back home after five,' he said and picked up his skateboard again.
You nodded with a smile and promised to call him as you walked him to your door. He gave you a sweet, slightly awkward peck to your lips and then you watched him skateboard smoothly down the road. And only when you closed the door, and Sihtric left your street in a hurry, you both realised you didn't have his number.
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You hoped that, since Sihtric knew where you lived now, he would come find you after his meeting. But you also couldn't help worrying that maybe he would have forgotten about you by the end of the day. The thoughts drove you mad, and it was only four in the afternoon when suddenly your doorbell rang and you jumped up. Half wanting it to be Sihtric, half trying to ignore that hope, so you wouldn't get your silly little heart broken over a guy you only just met.
You opened the door and, to your confusion, you were greeted by a large package.
'Will you please sign?' a young lady asked, holding a clipboard out to you.
'Ehh, but I didn't order anything?' you more or less asked.
'Is this your name?' she asked, and you took a closer look at the label.
'It is, but-'
'Then please sign.'
You raised an eyebrow in offence, but you were curious now and wanted to know what was in the box, so you signed. The box wasn't that heavy, but it was annoyingly shaped, so you could barely pick it up. After your struggle to get back into your living room, you quickly opened the package, and you smiled a little confused.
Roses. The box held a mixed bouquet of one dozen red roses, and one dozen black roses. Then, your eyes spotted a little note hidden in the bouquet, and you folded it open.
My angel, sorry I had to rush this morning. In my haste I forgot to give you my number.
Here's a small thanks for the breakfast… and the great sex last night.
Call me? x  
You couldn't fight your smile anymore and squealed when you found Sihtric's number on the back of the handwritten note. His flower delivery arrangement had caused him to be late to his meeting, but he couldn't let you slip out of his hands like that.
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'I'm sorry I slipped out of your hands like that,' Sihtric sniffled as he held you tight, after he had scared you out of your mind by coming back from the dead.
After the first shock, he had carried you to bed, where he cuddled up with you, just like he used to before he died.
'I'm so sorry I left you just like that,' he whispered.
'I just don't understand,' you cried, 'how am I supposed to understand any of this? How… how are you here? How do I know I haven't gone completely fucking mental?'
'You haven't,' he said as he took your face, 'you haven't gone insane, I promise.'
'I just don't understand,' you barely whispered.
'I am here because my soul hasn't been able to rest since I died. Odin sent me back to make things right, so I can find my peace.'
'So… are you like… are you an angel?' you sniffled.
'No, love,' Sihtric chuckled and kissed your lips, 'I am too angry to be an angel.'
'I've missed you so much,' you sobbed and fell in his arms.
'I've missed you too,' Sihtric sighed, 'it's been so lonely without you, my love. But at least I could always see you.'
'What?' you leaned back and looked up at him, 'w-what do you mean?'
'The raven… at the window,' he whispered, 'he's my eyes and ears. And I… I see you cry every night, baby,' his voice broke, 'here, in our bed.' 
He moved his hand slowly over the soft sheets you were both under.
'Please,' Sihtric whispered, leaning his forehead against yours, 'don't. Don't cry for me, angel. You have to stop that, please. It's tearing me apart to see you hurt like that, when I can't hold you in my arms or kiss your tears away.'
'But I don't know how to live without you,' you teared up again, 'I don't want to live without you.'
'Shh,' he hushed you and pecked your lips, while you both cried and trembled in each other's arms again, 'I'm here now, okay?'
'Please… you... you can't,' your breath hitched,' please, never leave me again, Siht.'
'You have to understand, my sweetest love,' Sihtric whispered and softly caressed your cheek, 'that all of this is temporary.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
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lance-space-mommy · 19 days
It's Not My Fault I'm Perfect
Confidence was one hell of a drug. Izuku Midoriya was used to helplessly hoping for a brighter future even though he never had the confidence to back up his desire. Suddenly he had the body he had always dreamed of having, met his idol, gained a quirk, got into his dream school, and had more friends than he could count with his fingers.
It was safe to say Midoriya gained confidence. Where he’d usually stay on the sidelines and try to make himself as small as possible, he was now running face-first into the limelight. There was something exhilarating about showing off his abilities as a hero and how he was the best at what he did.
His ex-bully, Katsuki Bakugo, tried to break down Midoriya’s confidence in the beginning. It was only a matter of time until he realized just how much he liked seeing Midoriya all confident and empowered. It took some time to get used to, but Bakugo was quick to learn from his mistakes and atone for them.
For the young heroes in training, their third year came around before class 3-A could comprehend how fast time was passing. Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki were the notorious big three. It only made sense after they fought the most dangerous villains in the war.
Midoriya didn’t realize how great it could feel to be on top. He was already a villain magnet before they figured out his quirk, so not much was going to change.
Imagine Midoriya’s shock when some random, first year, hero-in-training nobody tried starting a feud with him. Of course, it was all one-sided.
Uraraka, Midoriya, and Bakugo were having their weekly spa day when Mina rushed in holding her phone. “Oh my god! Guys, you gotta read this!”
Midoriya sat up, removing his head from Uraraka’s lap. Midoriya’s face was only half-done and Uraraka was holding a container of clay face mask.
Bakugo was already finished, his spiky bangs held back with an Edge Shot-themed headband. Bakugo rolled his eyes, not thrilled that their quiet time was interrupted.
“What’s up, Mina?” questioned Midoriya, slightly worried by Mina’s tone.
“Some random first-year at Ketsubutsu Academy was attacking you online!” revealed Mina in anger, not appreciating some random person trying to defame Midoriya.
Bakugo and Uraraka’s attention was captured, heads snapping to watch Midoriya’s reaction to see if they needed to attack this fool. Midoriya was frozen momentarily, considering how he wanted to respond to this news. Knowing this first-year was already going to be reprimanded by a majority of Japan, he didn’t worry too much. He did defeat Shigaraki on live television after all. Picking a fight with the person who saved the world is a stupid move.
Throwing an apple slice into his mouth, Midoriya shrugged. “Eagles don’t fly with chickens.”
Uraraka and Bakugo’s heads snapped away from Midoriya to each other. While they knew Midoriya could get sassy, they didn’t realize he was capable of throwing out insults that would put a chronically-online jerk to shame.
“You are so right about that Midoriya. They said that your quirk wasn’t even that good because of your scars. They said something about them making you look old,” groaned Mina, not bothering to read the post out loud to Midoriya.
“What? I’m so timeless and sexy though!” gasped Midoriya, well aware he was anything but sexy at the moment. He had on an AllMight headband, a hot-sauce-stained tee shirt, and a pair of Bakugo’s old baggy sweatpants.
Bakugo smirked, looking at Midoriya. “Damn right Izuku!”
Uraraka laughed to herself, happy to be surrounded by people who would never let something so childish get to them. It gave her the courage to take every insult or unsolicited comment and return it with nothing but the brutal truth. She felt a sense of ease around them and knew that they felt the same way with her.
“When did you get so sassy Deku?” questioned Uraraka, amused by this sudden wave of iconic clap-backs.
“After dealing with the past users of One for All for so long, you learn to return their energy,” revealed Midoriya, remaining vague about the reason why he’s sassy with them.
Bakugo didn’t say anything as he got up from his seat and joined Uraraka and Midoriya on the carpet. “This little shit had been acting all innocent around you and the rest of our class, but he’s a brat as soon as he’s alone with me.”
Midoriya feigned hurt, not enjoying this personal attack. “How dare you make these accusations about me Kacchan?”
“Accuse? No, I’m exposing you,” corrected Bakugo, his smirk wide and threatening.
“Sorry Deku, but I’m with Bakugo on this one,” chuckled Uraraka, more than happy to fluster Midoriya for no specific reason.
In response Midoriya huffed and began messing with his hair. Mina was holding back laughter, secretly recording the entire exchange. “What are you doing?” 
Midoriya looked over to Mina with an oddly calm expression, “Huh? Oh, I’m just pulling out the grey hairs this experience has given me.”
Mina could no longer contain her laughter, loving how witty Midoriya truly was. It seemed the Uraraka was on the same boat and fell into laughter as well. Bakugo smiled, looking at Midoriya before sneak attacking him and giving him a noogie.
After the four calmed down, Mina seemed to remember her whole point of coming in. “Are you going to do anything about it?”
Bakugo cracked his knuckles. “Well, I’m going to blast that extra into outer space for taking shit about Izuku like that. The idiot wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for him saving the fucking world.”
Midoriya smiled, letting his hand rest on Bakugo’s back to feel his heartbeat. “No need. I’m not going to do anything. Me ignoring him is letting him know that he is irrelevant to me. Giving him attention would only give him power.”
“Yeah, and I don’t think we have to worry about teaching him a lesson. Midoriya is too popular for his fans to not attack this guy,” reminded Uraraka, aware of how crazy some of Midoriya’s fans could be.
Midoriya grinned, looking at his hands in thought before looking over to the three. “I want to see if I can convince Nezu to bring his class over to train. That way I can make an appearance. I know the moment he spots me he’ll start to panic.”
Bakugo nodded, meeting Midoriya’s gaze. “All bark, no bite.”
“Just like you,” commented Midoriya with sly wit.
In an instant, Bakugo was after Midoriya. Explosions filling the room. Spa day was ruined.
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
It's all I wish to hear tonight, and you're all I wish to be, and this is how we all fall - Chapter Two
Summary: the garvar fic has turned garvarioli! We've done a bit of a time skip because I didn't want to write the dating and the blushing and the getting to know each other blah blah blah. So now they're just in a relationship and the fact I didn't feel the need to slowburn it is astonishing to me. Anyway Garwin's gonna be joining the Neverseen officially. Yeah that's pretty much the whole plot.
Word count: 3011
TW: drug mention, murder mention, implied sex, swearing. This is the farthest into pg-13 territory I've gone but these idiots demand it.
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @faggot-friday @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @remember-me-in-another-time @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @arson-anarchy-death @dizzeners @thefoxysnake
The people who aren't on my taglist and I'm sorry for bothering you but you lost your minds on the last chapter so uh you did this to yourself (?): @camelspit @tw-5
On Ao3 (users only because, you know, AI) or below the cut
Previous chapter in case you missed it, but you don't really need it to read this :)
    “You know, if you ignore all the work camps, Sadlitzagvadtka is a lovely place,” Alvar remarks. 
    Ruy’s laugh drags Garwin’s attention from the bubbling Eventide River, bright green as it crashes against the rocks. 
    “I mean, you could say the same thing about the USSR,” Garwin muses. 
    “Yes, but we ignore those parallels, love. I don’t want to have to send you to the gulag.” Alvar replies, crossing one leg over the other as he takes a sip of his choyi. 
    Much like most of the foods of the non-Forbidden Cities, choyi looks nothing like how it tastes. The sludgy green slime is in a direct contrast to its strawberry lemonade milkshake flavor. Although how it doesn’t curdle is apparently “beyond human comprehension.”
    That’s just code for “we don’t know and we don’t want to admit it.” It was annoying at first, but it’s kind of become a running joke. 
    What the rest of the Neverseen doesn’t seem to grasp is that he does the same thing to them whenever he doesn’t feel like telling them about some cursed human shit. 
    They absolutely lost their shit when he told them about Twinkies. If they can’t handle apocalypse-proof snack cakes, there’s a hundred other food crimes several points higher on a logarithmic scale they won’t be able to conceptualize without their pathetic little elvin brains shattering. 
     Like pineapple on pizza. 
    Garwin can’t physically have less of an opinion, but the idea of having to explain the concept to elves makes him want to jump off a cliff. And not in the Sophie-teleportation way. 
    Hey--don’t think about that bitch. First she’s accepted into Yale with a full scholarship and now she has four abilities. Apparently she’s some sort of science experiment. I hope they transposed a decimal place. 
    “What am I in for tomorrow?” Garwin asks after a moment of silence. 
    Alvar opens his mouth, but Ruy interrupts him before he gets the chance. “Cállate, mi vida. Sharing any details would be a violation of the Neverseen code article seven, section three, ‘the council is always watching so don’t discuss confidential shit in public.’”
    “I call bullshit. You people are nowhere near organized enough to have an official code.”
    “Well, yes,” Alvar concedes. “But it’s more fun if you don’t know what’s going to happen. Besides, I’m sure Fintan has cooked up some interesting changes from when we swore fealty, so anything we tell you could be completely wrong by now.”
    “Yes, but I’m sure at least one of you have been involved in the planning,” Garwin argues. 
    “We can neither confirm nor deny that,” Ruy says, admitting his guilt. 
    Garwin rolls his eyes. I picked these dumbasses over going to a nice, normal, human, non-ivy league school ? I mean--at least there’s no finals. I guess. 
    He takes a sip of his choyi.
    “I promise it won’t be that painful,” Alvar says in an effort to remedy the situation, earning himself a glare from Ruy. 
    Garwin leans forward, head resting in his cupped hands. “And when did you become such a goody little two shoes rule follower, Exilium boy?”
    Ruy rolls his eyes behind his addler, because of course he has it on. We’re in public--well, sort of, as there literally aren’t any ogres in a hundred foot radius--and that means we’ve gotta wear the addler. 
    It’s like how Garwin also conditioned himself to wear the same sweatshirt almost every single day one school year like it’s his own personal security blanket but we don’t talk about that. 
    But now the elves have stupid capes, so that solves that problem. Even if he doesn’t have an officially licensed Neverseen cape until probably tomorrow. Unless there’s some elaborate scheme being planned. Which of course there will be. This is what happens when you take three or more gay idiots and tell them to plan something. 
    If it ain’t absolute batshit, what’s the fucking point? 
    Alvar’s smile falls as he pulls out his Imparter. He must be getting harassed once again. This is why Garwin doesn’t have one. Well, that, and the fact that he’s not a legal resident of the Lost Cities. Same thing. 
    “Y’all can see that I’m busy right now so I can’t answer a hail, right?” he says tiredly. 
    “Yes, indeed.” Garwin throws back the last of his choyi, smiling. 
    “The Fork Man wants me for some shit and I’m having a good day, so he will be getting ignored for a while. Are we really sure I can’t come out to the Bullshit?” 
    “Bullshit” is Garwin’s nickname for the Black Swan because it both represents their ideology and, at least in English, they can be abbreviated the same way. At least his pathetic short human life will be worth something, even if it is just an inside joke that’s more explanation than it’s worth. 
    “You know what Fintan’s orders are, and if you don’t wanna get burnt to a crisp, I’d recommend following them. Now, that doesn’t mean he knows what he’s doing. It’s just a matter of self preservation. I don’t make the rules around here. If I did, we’d have to replace more Councillors than just the one.”
    Alvar rolls his eyes at his Imparter. “The Fork Man is being very insistent. I have a feeling I’m gonna have to drop you two off at home and talk to him. Be prepared for some shit to be going down soon, regardless of whether or not I have a chance to share details.” He turns to his imparter, inventing new swear words just to curse at the Fork. 
    Like he said, Alvar drops Ruy and Garwin off at “home”--their assigned room at a Neverseen facility Garwin’s not allowed to know any details about--to much argument. He shan’t be allowed to have all the fun without them but alas, ‘tis the way the world works sometimes. 
    The next morning, Garwin sleepily blinks himself back to the land of the living, snuggled into the crook of Ruy’s neck, but there’s no Alvar to be found. 
    He better fucking be okay. 
    Ruy’s hand absently twirls Garwin’s hair, and when he notices that Garwin is slightly less dead to the world than usual, he smiles. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.”
    “It’s still morning? Damn. Guess I gotta go back to sleep. Need my beauty rest.”
    “Bitch, no amount of sleep is gonna help.”
    Garwin huffs, turning away from Ruy. “Fuck you.”
    “So soon after last night, mi amor?”
    Garwin leans back to look at him. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”     
    “Yeah.” Ruy presses a soft kiss to his lips. God damn. If you weren’t so fucking hot, J wouldn’t put up with you. Love you, Rue. 
    Garwin kisses him again, pulling him close. 
    Ruy gently pushes him back. “Finny’s gonna be pissed if we miss the prescheduled time.”
    “Fuck Finny.”
    “Look, I get that you’re polyam. I know, no shit, Sherlock. But there is no way I’m going anywhere near him or near you again if you do. Man’s got his own harem.”
    “Ooh, please do elaborate.” 
    “Let’s see…I’ve heard rumors that he and Bronte are or were a thing. Not sure if they’re still a thing though, considering the war crimes, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were. And then have you ever wondered about the alliance with the Ogres? Dimitar. Fintan. Yeah. Then there’s Fallon, one of the original three Councillors. And I’m not completely sure on this one but there’s a prisoner in Lumenaria and I’ve got mixed evidence but I don’t doubt it. Uh, then there’s J.R.R. Tolkien. You might’ve heard of him because he’s a human. And how could we forget Shakespeare. He’s…also a human. If I remember correctly. I’m sure there’s more that I’m missing because I have actively tried to ignore everything, but yeah.”
    With each name, Garwin regrets his life choices more and more. And more. “What the fuck do you mean Shakespeare? Like, the one of the William variety? The playwright?” 
    “Yeah. Sometimes Finny drops into iambic pentameter just to make us suffer. Are you really sure you want to be exposed to all of the Neverseen drama?”
    “Might gouge my eyes out but, eh, whatever. Sounds fun. If Yale doesn’t want me I guess I’ll have to cause large amounts of havoc instead.”
    Ruy smiles. “I’m going to go foraging for some semblance of a breakfast that doesn’t taste like dogshit. Don’t cause too much havoc while I’m gone.”
    “No promises.”
    Ruy shakes his head as he gets up, joints singing the song of his people--the Rice Crispy elves. 
    Garwin throws on some clothes and inhales breakfast before he’s led to a hideout he’s never seen before. 
    This one is really fucking bleak and really fucking disappointing. There’s probably tetanus on every surface of the grimy, ragged brick walls. It’s the exact kind of place where you should expect to have your body never found, but honestly if they’ve waited this long to kill him, that’s kind of their own poor planning. 
    A set of stairs leads into the even more murder-y looking abyss below. 
    Having no better options, Garwin slowly begins to make his way down without slipping on the mossy, uneven stairs and falling and bonking his head and dying. 
    At the bottom, he finds a room, larger than it seems like it should be, lit entirely by flickering, yellow candlelight. It catches on bottles of what appears to be wine set into racks every few feet or so. 
    He will never admit that this reminds him of a short story he was forced to read--and perhaps even enjoyed reading--in ninth grade English. 
    As Garwin steps closer to the middle of the room where a space has haphazardly cleared, he notices the first of many cloaked figures, white eyed lapels glowing in the dim light.
    In total, around a dozen figures surround him, and he searches for Ruy in the crowd. Well, it’s not exactly a crowd, per se, but it feels like one in the cramped space. 
    It doesn’t take much effort to find him, with his long, dark hair curling out and escaping the hood. 
    That being said, Garwin can tell who most of the figures are without trying. From Umber’s absolutely sunny disposition to Fintan’s concave ass, it’s not exactly difficult. It’s just a little dissatisfying that Alvar isn’t there.
    Fintan lowers his hood like it’s some huge reveal, whispering ominously, “Garwin Chang. You wish to join our order?”
    Garwin nods. “That’s…kind of why I’m down here. Although these wine bottles do look like they could be some fun.”
    A low, overprotective growl echoes behind him as his fingers trace the label written in fancy Trollish. One of the many, many languages not on Duolingo that no one bothered to teach him how to read. Hell, most of the time he can barely read English but that’s an issue for a different day. 
    “I trust you know you’re the first non-member of an intelligent species to join our ranks in a long while,” Fintan says. Garwin’s hand falls to his side. 
    “I wouldn’t exactly call Ruy intelligent, but okay.”
    That got a couple of snickers out of the crowd and a death glare from Ruy despite most of his face being cast in shadow. 
    “Well, you got me there. I was prepared to make a convoluted line of reasoning like I’m hopped up on a cola before all of those pesky safety regulations were introduced, but you made it for me instead.”
    Wait, is he an old man bitching about New Coke or is referring to when the recipe had cocaine? Or just…caffeine? And sugar? Any of the above interpretations are fucking hilarious, so it doesn’t matter which is true. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t an objectively best answer. 
    “The rest of the requirements are simple: do you promise to do everything in your power to help our world?”
    “Yeah, sure. Why not?” Garwin shrugs, smirking. 
    “Convince me.” Fintan’s icy gaze stares into Garwin’s soul. A threat behind his words.
    “I’ve been seeing Alvar and Ruy for months on end now. Do you really think I would go through all of that if I wasn’t committed? I could’ve blackmailed my way into a Yale scholarship long ago, but I’ve stayed. And for what? Because I almost care about this place not being a shithole. Also because there aren’t any taxes but we don’t need to mention that.”
    “Yeah, the cost of living is real fucking low when you’re mooching off of Alvar,” Ruy mutters. 
    …Holy fuck, Ruy has infected my brain. I don’t like this. How dare he keep sprinkling Spanish into everyday conversation? It’s like he wants to prove that he’s not an idiot to this human idiot because he knows, like, four words in a human language.     
    In reality, it’s because he lived in an undisclosed Spanish-speaking country during his time at Exilium and hasn’t broken the habit. But why be reasonable when you can be petty and bitter because he knows more Spanish than you do even after taking it for three years? 
    To be completely fair, he didn’t pay attention and convinced a kid to send him pictures of the homework and cheated on the tests, but in his defense, he didn’t realize he’d need it later in life. At least Google Translate exists all of its glorious inaccuracy. 
    “I bestow upon thee thou official codename: Elay.” Fintan says, bowing his head. “Alvar came up with it so don’t ask me what it means. Normally each person gets to pick out their own, but he was insistent and it’s not important enough to me to argue with him.”
    Yeah, that sounds about right. Gonna have to ask Alvar about it later. Maybe he’s avoiding me because he doesn’t want a full interrogation in the middle of this murder chamber. Yeah--let’s go with that. It’s better than imagining him in a Black Swan murder chamber. 
    Fintan takes a metal rod and heats it until it glows a faint red, bright in the dim light, knighting Garwin. And thankfully not sizzling his ears off in the process. 
    Fintan nods at a hooded figure Garwin only knows by his codename and that he’s a guster. “Trix, if you please?”
    Trix hands Garwin a bundle of dark fabric, emblazoned with a bright white eye. 
    It unfolds like the little bitch folded things always are, causing unattached pieces of concerningly neon fabric to fall to the ground. 
    As Garwin reaches to pick them up, it becomes all too clear that they’re not only bright pink and orange but also a very, very 80s leotard and legwarmers.
    What the actual everliving fuck?
    …and also maybe Fintan did mean New Coke. 
    It’s up to the stars above to decide which is a worse revelation. 
    “You know, Ruy, if you wanted me to wear this, you could’ve just asked. No need for all of this.”
    Ruy flips him off. He’s probably glare-smiling behind the hood though. 
    Garwin drapes the cloak part of the Neverseen uniform around his shoulders. It’s wonderfully heavy, like a weighted blanket, but surprisingly breathable. It’s probably made from a gnomish fabric which is weird because the gnomes hate their guts as much as plants are capable of hate. 
    And now I’ll finally be allowed to know why that is.
     The crowd begins shifting around him, escaping slowly up the narrow steps and light leaping away to god knows where, and soon only Ruy and Garwin are left. 
    “I got an update from Alvar,” Ruy smiles mischievously. “This should be a fun first assignment for you.”
     No fewer than three light leaps later, Garwin is in the Lodestar system, standing in front of a blonde boy with ice blue eyes. He’s immediately recognizable from Alvar’s stash of pictures he keeps to pretend like he’s still connected to his family. 
    He also knows Sophie, a regrettable decision. 
    “Meet our new son: Keefe,” Alvar says, mussing his hair. 
    Keefe flinches away. “Bitch, I’m literally only, like, six years younger than you,” he complains. “Also hasn’t my dad fucked your dad?” He puts air quotes around both uses of “Dad.” Fun family dynamic and it hasn’t even been five minutes yet. 
    “I do believe I was the one who told you about that.” Alvar turns to Ruy and Garwin. “I’ll take first shift babysitting.”
    “Nonsense. I don’t trust Garwin nearly enough to be by himself and you’ve been up all night causing problems and destroying half of Ravagog--”
    “--which is a perfectly normal way to spend an evening, thank you very much.”
    “--so you will be going home and you will take a nap. I’ll make sure Blondie here doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.”
    There’s a glint on Alvar’s eye that looks like he wants to argue, but a yawn cuts him off before he gets the chance. 
    Garwin almost has to physically drag him back home, partially from him being tired and partially from him not wanting to go to bed because some days he acts like a toddler. 
    “Sorry I couldn’t be at your coronation today.”
    Garwin kisses his cheek. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure sooner or later, Ruy’s gonna end up doing a whole reenactment except I actually get walled into the wine cellar this time.”
    Alvar laughs halfheartedly. 
    “And, besides. It’s not like it’s gonna change much. Do I still hate the elvin government? Yes. Is the Bullshit still a bunch of useless dumbasses? Yes. Are you still going to tell me shit that’s way above my pay grade? Abso-fucking-lutely. It’s just now I don’t have to steal your cape when it’s cold out. But I will anyway for old times’ sake.” 
    “Unmapped stars, you’re such a little shit.”
    Well, if you can’t make your boyfriend regret being with you, what’s the fucking point? 
  “And yet you’ve repeatedly chosen to not leave me to die in the middle of the neutral territories. So who’s the real winner here?”
    Alvar sighs, shaking his head. 
    God damn, he’s cute when he’s annoyed. 
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fraink5-writes · 1 year
In the Names of Freedom - Chapter 2
I'm back again with another chapter! In this chapter, Venti excels at being annoying...
If you missed it last time, this is a Love of Kill (殺し愛) AU, so Venti and Xiao are hitmen!
Thanks again to my fantabulous editor, @leio13!
Summary: After confirming the death of his latest target, Xiao's secret mission is interrupted by an eccentric stranger in green, who claims to be Xiao's protector! But the reality is much more convoluted... What destiny could possibly link Xiao with Venti—an assassin of hitmen?
This chapter can also be found on Ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
When Xiao crept silently into the Adepti Agency, he was halted by a confident greeting from the reception desk, “Good morning, Xiao. I finally caught you.”
“Morax… Good morning.” Xiao closed the door behind him sheepishly. “I wasn't purposefully avoiding you.”
Morax smiled smally into his tea. “I know, I know. But I remember the days when you used to report all your activities to me, and I can't help but miss them. In any case, I would actually like to discuss one of your related habits. Will you join me in my office?"
Despite the neglected storefront and dubious nature of their line of work, Morax's office had the dignity of a regular workplace. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of books, covering all sorts of topics (and if you bothered to carefully read all the titles, you might spot a few photo albums). The room also housed a small museum of many expensive trinkets and precious gemstones. The desk was impeccably tidied, with every paper filed in its proper place, and was a private showcase of his most valuable collection: pictures of his late wife. Perhaps the most unusual feature was the tray of tea and snacks that was always prepared for visitors.
"Tea?" Morax asked, signaling the beginning of their perfected ritual. Without waiting for a response, Morax poured two cups of hot tea and placed one in front of Xiao along with a plate of almond tofu.
"Now." Morax sat across from Xiao at the small table. "You must already know what I want to talk about."
"Yes, I do."
Morax sighed, took a sip of his tea, and sighed again. "Why don't you consider working with a partner?"
“I prefer working alone.”
“Do you not trust your colleagues? I know that Ganyu is very helpful as a secretary, but she is also a capable field agent. Or Shenhe—though she is still training, she shows a lot of potential. Under your wing, she could be quite formidable indeed.”
“I don't doubt their abilities, but…” No matter how competent his allies may be, Xiao couldn't shake his misgivings. Xiao was only skilled at one thing: killing. He couldn't support a partner, and above all, he feared his own weapon. “Working together will only hinder us both.”
Morax's cup settled against the wooden table with a disappointed clank. “Xiao. Have you ever heard of the Mole?”
“The assassin of hitmen. It doesn't make sense for such a person to exist.”
“You're right. They are an anomaly, and I cannot confirm their existence; however, the fact remains that it has grown increasingly dangerous for people like us. Recently, a number of hitmen have been found dead. Their valuables, including money, arms, and drugs, remained untouched, but any forms of identification were missing. This most likely means two things: 1) the killer is trying to keep a low profile; the death of a person from the underground—especially an unidentifiable one—is unlikely to garner a lot of media or police attention. 2) The killer is looking for information. Their next move is going to be unpredictable. So far, our agency hasn't suffered from any attacks (probably due to the strength of our contracts), but it would be better for us to proceed cautiously.”
“Is that why you want me to take a partner?”
“Well, that, among many reasons.”
“You needn't worry about me. I can handle any threats.”
“No, Xiao.” Morax frowned slightly. “I'm worried about you, as your father. You can't keep going like this.”
Morax's words settled heavily on Xiao's shoulders. It was rare for Morax to bring up that side of their relationship during work. Outside of the Agency, Morax was an ordinary widower named Zhongli. Twelve years ago, not long after the death of his wife, Zhongli had found and rescued Xiao from the scene of a terrible accident, of which Xiao himself has no recollection. Whenever asked about the incident, Zhongli would modestly deflect the conversation—”Don't thank me; thank the lucky winds which brought you to me.” Nevertheless, despite the muddled circumstances of Xiao's adoption, one thing was perfectly clear: Zhongli was the reason Xiao was alive and the reason Xiao continued to live. 
For such reasons, Xiao could not object to Zhongli's request so easily. Staring at the shadow cast by the table, Xiao lightly clenched the fabric of his pants. “I'm sorry.”
If Zhongli wanted to reply, he was robbed of the chance by a knock on the front door. “I don't recall anyone scheduling an appointment…” Entertaining the humorous thought, Zhongli turned to the door. “I'll go get it.”
The instructions were clear: Xiao was to remain in Morax's office. But, that didn't mean he couldn't listen in.
“I'm sorry but we don't accept walk-in appointments,” Morax kindly reproved the visitor. 
“Oh, I'm sorry.” Despite her words, the young but stern voice made no indication of backing down. “I'm Keqing; I'm with the police. I was wondering what sort of business you do here. There's no indication on the door.”
“We're a detective agency. Due to the confidential and oftentimes disturbing nature of the cases we take on, we prefer to keep a low public profile.”
“Oh, I understand. Seeing as we work in the same business, we may run into each other again.”
“Yes, I look forward to a prosperous partnership in the future.”
“If it wouldn't inconvenience you, I would like a tour of your offices.”
“That would be my pleasure. If you could wait a minute, I'd like to inform my subordinate of the situation. It should only take a minute.”
“Of course. Take as much time as you need. I hate to intrude.”
Morax briefly popped his head into his office. “A policewoman is here for a tour, so, unfortunately, I must bring our meeting to an end. Of course, you're welcome to come have a chat with me whenever you'd like.”
“About my next mission…”
“Oh yes, I almost forgot. You're not currently scheduled for any other missions. Consider the next two weeks a vacation.”
“However, if you feel like joining any of your colleagues' missions, do let me know; we can definitely work something out.”
Xiao followed Morax out of his office with a suppressed grumble. Waiting by the reception desk was a well-dressed young woman with long lavender hair tied up in cat-like pigtails. Her face was unfamiliar and hopeful, not one of the usual cops who would stop by to negotiate under-the-table deals. 
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Xiao heard Morax say as he slipped out of the door as quietly as he came.
“Is that your colleague?” Keqing asked. “He can join us, of course.”
“Oh, that's all right. He doesn't work well with other people.”
White sunlight pried under Xiao's eyelids, and he turned over with a grumble, reluctantly facing the shadowy wall. Xiao wasn't one to sleep in, but it was Saturday, the first day of his two-week “vacation,” so what else was he to do? At least rolling in bed pretending to sleep under the pretext of self-care was slightly productive—or so he told himself. The truth was he hoped that the next time he opened his eyes, he would receive a message from Morax retracting his forced time-off. 
Just then, his phone buzzed, sending a brief vibration across the unadorned nightstand. Xiao squinted at the screen and the unfamiliar number written across. 
Saturday, 09:10
Good morning! ☆ I hope you're having a 
better day than this fellow~!
Do you know him?
Xiao would have ignored the strange message were it not for the strange video attached. Reluctantly, Xiao opened the file. The video was dark, and the setting, nondescript. But what was clear was the bloodied and gagged man in the focus. The captured man squirmed and grunted desperately.
He said he was going to meet you at 
Chihu Rock this morning… A friend of 
Xiao grimaced. While he had no idea about the man in the footage (probably a low-level assassin), he was certain about the sender—Venti. The two together made him sick.
Oh yeah, he had these on him.
The attached picture depicted two handguns and one dagger laid out across a flat surface. The hopeful assassin had been painfully unprepared.
So, what should I do? Are you going to 
meet him? Or should I take care of him?
The answer to that question didn't concern Xiao. He could easily take care of a pitiful threat like that if it came to it. What he wanted instead was to stop receiving messages. He turned his screen off and rolled over. Maybe he would go back to sleep after all…
Okay. Taken care of~ ☆
With a groan, Xiao picked up his cell phone for the last time that morning. Blocked. And then he powered it down.
Ignoring the strange text from earlier, Xiao meandered through empty time until he inevitably wound up at the harbor. Giving the city its name, the harbor was an epicenter of trade, trends, and rumors. And it was, accordingly, the ideal place for gathering intel. At the pier, laborers unloaded unlabeled packages and wheeled tarped carts. At the market, buyers bargained for huge discounts on unregistered goods, and solicitors shouted and waved pamphlets about nonexistent services.
But amid the rigged prices and whispered exchanges, there were also loitering school children with their own web of petty gossip and shopping families whose infants climbed all over the anchors, oblivious to their significance. Young couples waited hand in hand for their fortunes while sailors bid tearful yet optimistic goodbyes to their loved ones before their next voyage. To Xiao, this peaceful coexistence was more enigmatic than any code word and more dazzling than any black-market jade. Though it lay right before his eyes, it was a world Xiao could never enter; he could only watch the blinding sight from the deep embrace of its shadow.
Xiao's phone buzzed from another unknown number:
Saturday, 15:16
Your friend here wanted to treat you to a 
Wanmin Special. I hope you don't mind that I 
joined him for lunch first?
Attached was an image of a man planted face first in a bowl of soup. Xiao didn't need a video to know he wouldn't move again. Still, he was more bothered that Venti had reached him through another number… Blocked again.
Unfortunately, two blocked numbers were not enough to deter Venti as a third cryptic message awoke Xiao in the early hours of the next day.
Sunday, 03:17
She wanted to play hide and seek with 
you, but I found her first—whoopsies!
This time there was no image, leaving Venti's cruel games to Xiao's imagination. Blocked.
By the fourth text, Xiao was nearly ready to turn his phone off—except he was still clinging to the possibility that Morax would assign him a job. Until that message came, Xiao was stuck in limbo, haunted by Venti's persistence.
Sunday, 16:41
They were waiting for you in Chihu Rock.
Although the next messages had shrunk in length, they had also grown in frequency. Stranger still, each number's area code stemmed from entirely unrelated parts of Teyvat. But while they had expanded in origin, the location of each crime had narrowed down closer to Xiao's whereabouts.
Monday, 01:05
Wandering Feiyun Slope
While you were eating almond tofu
At the pier
Tuesday, 04:35
Outside ur office
While ur eating almond tofu
U do that a lot huh?
@the dock
Even after ten blocked phone numbers, Venti showed no sign of slowing down. With a long sigh, Xiao resigned himself to the next step… “Let's meet,” he replied.
Ok. 15h 3KO?
The time and place was indeed convenient to Xiao, but he would never confirm this with Venti. If they failed to meet on Wednesday, Xiao wouldn't be bothered.
Nevertheless, when Wednesday afternoon rolled around, Xiao found himself by the square in front of Third-Round Knockout. Not certain if he wanted to reveal himself after all, he hid himself in the unusual crowd that had gathered around the fountain. Above the gentle rush of water emanated the breezy notes of a lyre. The melody carried the whistle of a bird flying on caressing winds across the audience. And the poem began…
The first birds took flight in the land of wind,
But one crane was unlike his kin.
The bard could be only one person—Venti. And yet, the sound did not grate Xiao's ears. Though he did not sing, Venti's voice rang out clearly like a song, brushing through Xiao's hair and over his face with a sweet warmth.
Although wings he did have a pair,
Life's gift to him was unfair,
For ugly and strange were his feathers,
Which held him to the ground like a teather.
Thus, lofty horizons he did not seek,
but instead, the gentle song of another beak.
But the crane did not whistle back,
For it was courage that he lacked.
When, with Winter's breath, Mond began to freeze,
The flock turned south to a warmer breeze.
So away they flew, 'cept one little bird
Whose wings' deformities were too absurd.
Though try and try did he,
From Winter's grasp, he could not flee.
Under falling frost, he began to numb.
Then aloft, he heard a familiar hum!
"You cannot stay here," came the cry overhead,
"For Winter's snow embraces only the dead.
"If you cannot fly on your own wing,
"Then, to summer's sweet breeze, you I shall bring."
Thus under another's wing, the crane did fly
Away from his clouded nest to a fair blue sky.
When Xiao closed his eyes, he could see white cranes taking flight from a stony spire into a stormy, gray sky. The freezing sleet pelted their feathers as to push them back down. No matter what, Xiao couldn't envision the blue expanse beyond the swirling winds which blocked the horizon. 
“Did I keep you waiting long?” A cheery voice snapped Xiao from the cruel ending laid out by his imagination. 
“No—uh, I just got here.” Xiao sputtered out.
“Really?” Venti grinned widely. “Did you enjoy my poem?”
The blush on Xiao's face betrayed him, and he could not deny that he had been listening. “You're very talented… b—…” He stopped himself; it was a useless inquiry. 
“Mmm-mmm! I'm the best bard in Teyvat!” Venti's chest swelled. “But?”
“Could that poem really have a happy ending?”
“Eh?” Venti broke into a laugh. “What do you think?”
“You think there's no way a bird could carry an equal-sized bird through Mondstadt's stormy walls into Liyue?”
Xiao nodded.
“I think so too.” Venti turned his back. “But, I'm just the bard. I just provide the stories; it's up to the audience to find meaning in them. C'mon, let's eat! I'm hungry!” Without a second's pause, he pranced over to the restaurant, Third-Round Knockout, and found himself a seat. 
Xiao didn't arrange this meeting for a casual lunch date, but he found he had little control over the pacing. As soon as he sat down, Venti started chatting again. “I'm going to have the dandelion wine—what about you?”
“Just water is fine. I don't drink.”
“Eehh? How boring…” With a bewildered look, Venti eventually shrugged and moved on. “What about the main meal?”
“Almond Tofu.”
“Even here? What is it with you and almond tofu?”
Luckily, before Xiao had to justify his food preferences, the waitress arrived to take their order, which ended up being one order of wine-fermented sweet rice balls, one order of almond tofu, and two glasses of dandelion wine.
When the food and drinks arrived, Xiao seized the opportunity to take control of the conversation. “So, what do you want with me?”
“What do you mean?” Venti tilted his head.
“You must know that I can deal with those minor threats myself.”
“Of course! But is it wrong of me to help you?”
“What do you want out of it?”
“Besides your safety?” Venti downed his glass of wine with a laugh. 
Unamused, Xiao only responded with a glare. Venti seemed unaffected, however, as he slurped down his rice-ball wine with delight. “Mmm!” Taking a sip out of the other wine glass, he exclaimed, “This reminds me of home! Although I suppose it's a little dif—“
“I know about your reputation. You're the one they call 'the Mole,' aren't you?”
“'Mole?' How rude! I'd much rather be a bird…”
“Don't play ignorant.”
Shrinking under the sudden attention from other patrons, Venti nudged Xiao's plate towards him. “Here, Xiao, why don't you eat something?” Until the stares finished, Xiao had no choice but to play along. He nibbled on a bite of tofu which melted softly over his agitated nerves.
Venti sipped his wine again and shot Xiao a telling glance. “And what if I am?”
“If you want information from me, you won't get a word. And I'll never let you kill me.”
“Ooh!” Venti grinned. “I like the fighting spirit!” He flagged the waitress for two more glasses then sighed. “To be honest, you know… I do want information, but I don't need to get it from you. And don't worry, I have no intentions on killing you. As one of the best in the business, surely you must have good connections?”
“But wouldn't you want to finish me off after getting the information you wanted?”
“Ahaha, I know my limits. And besides, you're something of an exception…”
“'An exception?'”
“I can tell. You don't enjoy the hunt like other hitmen, right? You've just been trapped in the shadows for too long.” A look of genuine pity scrolled across Venti's face, but it was not pity Xiao needed.
“You're wrong about me. I chose to do this job, and that makes me no different than the others. Killing is what I'm good at; it's all I can do.”
An unsettling emotion flashed across Venti's face before he quickly covered it up with his smiling mask. Even when the waitress returned with his drinks, he hardly responded, minus a simple “thanks.”
As they sat in silence, Xiao reconsidered his response. Should he have been honest with someone as unpredictable as Venti? Still, he didn't regret his decision. It would be better if Venti lost interest in him, even if it ended in violence. 
Suddenly, Venti squirmed. “Aah~ I can't handle it when you look at me with such an intense stare~. It feels like you can see right through me~.” Despite his words, Venti's eyes watched Xiao in earnest.
“I can't help it. You're just so… eye-catching.” Venti pouted slightly, but his body posture supported Xiao's acting, so Xiao continued, running his fingers by Venti's ear. “But if I can't look at you, where should I look?”
“Ah, uh… anywhere else is fine…” Venti blushed massively, glancing bashfully to his right. 
Xiao snuck a leftward gaze while pretending to amuse himself in Venti's hair. At a nearby table, a pair in black were hastily preparing to leave. Their timing was nearly perfect. Had they left just a minute earlier, they would have been able to escape with their new intel. But unfortunately for them, Xiao wouldn't let them slip away. “Oh, but as I thought—I can't stop myself.” Xiao's hands slid down, his fingers coiling loosely around Venti's neck and jaw. “I just want to follow you home, lay you bare, and have my way with you.”
“Ooh!” Venti jumped, a smirk growing on his face. “What will you do with me?”
“That depends on you.” Letting Venti breathe again, Xiao stood up to pay the bill. Venti quickly chugged down the remaining wine before drunkenly traipsing towards Xiao, his cheeks glowing red.
The darkly dressed men disappeared into one of Chihu Rocks western side streets—perhaps looking to escape the city? Unfortunately, Liyue Harbor's usual bustle had retired back to their workplaces, and it was impossible to stalk the spies on the smaller streets. Xiao's one hope was intercepting them at the bridge out of town. 
“Well… this was an… interesting outing, but something just came up, so I'm afraid we need to part ways.” For good. Xiao less than gently pried Venti off his arm.
“No waayyy…” Venti refused to budge. “After those provocative words, you can't just leave me. I just need to see what you can do.”
“I'm sure you have the answer to that question already.”
“How cold…” Venti sighed. “But Xiao, I think you're missing something here. You think you're major hotstuff—”
“I do not.”
“Oh yes, you think all eyes are always on you, including mine. But if you took a moment to think about someone other than yourself, you'd realize that I'm also quite the tempting piece of eye candy. With or without you, there will always be people chasing after me. I don't think you should so carelessly let me slip away.”
Xiao groaned. He had no idea of the extent of Venti's involvement, so, much as he preferred to work alone, he could not just cast the 'bard' aside. “Fine.”
“Hehe.” Venti leaned cheekily. 
After striding down the busy main streets, Xiao and Venti tucked into a shop near the bridge to watch for their targets. Sure enough, the duo appeared shortly after, their shuffling feet and tunneled gazes betraying their suspicion. As the two men beelined out of the city, Xiao and Venti joined the pedestrian crowd of tourists and couples promenading over the bridge. The traffic stopper was the dazzling heights of Liyue's skyline, the towers of Feiyun Slope reaching towards the beaming sun, but Xiao and Venti's sights were set elsewhere—beyond the fountain welcoming new arrivals, where the dilapidated frames of old buildings creaked under the breeze. 
Xiao was not unfamiliar with the suburbs—a few of his colleagues hailed from the small villages that lay west of the harbor—and he knew the types that lurked there. They were usually the poor that couldn't make it through honest living in the city and had no choice but to scour for valuables to take and sell. But they typically steered clear of more dangerous criminals…
"How unsightly." Venti grimaced. "What a terrible shame they let their suburbs get like this…"
"It can't be helped." 
Venti shot Xiao a quizzical look. "I get it! You—" Venti's mouth and feet came to a halt. "Look who it is…"
The men in black had rendezvoused with a group of three dressed in khaki. 
"Treasure Hoarders."
The Treasure Hoarders were a loose cross-continental organization of thieves. As their name and corny uniform suggested, they began as a group who dug up treasures to sell for a fortune. But as the number of Treasure Hoarders kept growing even as the number of undiscovered relics diminished, they expanded their hunt to include already claimed valuables.
"Never imagined them to be the stalking type."
"No, those are moles."
"Hmph." Venti pouted, turning away for dramatic flair.
While Venti was moping, the odd group had slipped into one of the run-down buildings by the road. Xiao crept up to the flimsy wall, and after a moment's peace, Venti joined him.
“So what's the deal with the other one?” One of the interior voices asked.
“Don't know.” The answer came with a sigh. “Boyfriend?'
There were a few stifled chuckles—even a grin from Venti, which Xiao quickly tore down with a glare.
“That's cute… But he wasn't part of the info. What should we do with him?”
"Should we—you know…"
"Don't get ahead of yourself." 
"We don't know what he can do."
"Wanna find out?" Venti had casually slipped through a nearby window. 
Xiao slipped in a sigh under the cacophony of startled footsteps. Unlike Venti, however, he was not yet eager to show his face. 
"How did you—?!"
"You were followed?!"
"Of course." Xiao could hear the amusement on Venti's lips. "A bird pursuing a worm must still be wary of snakes."
"Oh? Then what business does a bird have in a snake den?" The scrape of knives accented the Treasure Hoarder's threat, drawing Xiao closer to the window.
Venti twirled a gun around his finger. "Even a chicken eats snakes."
The soft thud of the gun against Venti's palm signaled the three Treasure Hoarders' pounce. For the two others in black, however, it was time to escape; they sprinted to the door. Xiao needed not stop them as before they found the exit, Venti had already shot them down—one in the knee, the other in the spine. As they writhed on the floor, Xiao towered over, brandishing his spear. He hesitated. He was an assassin; what did he know of interrogation?
Meanwhile, Venti was making quick work of the Treasure Hoarders. First, he shot a pistol out of the shaky fingers of a man lurking in the back. The mouthy leader leapt forward with a knife. Venti grabbed the assailant's arm, twisted it, and propelled himself into the air. He landed in front of a flabbergasted man with a shovel. Snatching the shovel, Venti twirled around to parry another knife attack. After entertaining a few rounds back and forth, Venti slammed the barrel of his gun into his opponent's jaw, putting a bullet through his skull. Without sparing him a glance, he smacked the man behind him with the shovel. Then, he plucked the knife from the cadaver and strutted to the man nursing his bloodied hand. He drove the knife into his chest. The last of the Treasure Hoarders lunged with a guttural scream, but Venti callously knocked him off balance. 
“Aw man… I usually prefer to exchange information before killing…” Venti sighed and pleaded with the remaining Treasure Hoarder with murderous eyes. “Won't you tell me what you know?” He held his gun up to the guy's throat.
“I…! Uh—I don't know anything! I-I swea—“
“Who are you targeting?”
“The… Ya… Yaksha…!”
“Who sent you?”
“I don't know…!”
Venti cocked the gun. “Who sent you?”
“The boss at Qingce Village!”
“What business does he have with the Yaksha?”
“I-I don't know! We're just Treasure Hoarders—I swear!”
“Final question—“ Venti pointed his gun to the two men at Xiao's feet—“Who are they?”
“N-no idea! The boss told us to work with them! They're not Treasure Hoarders…”
“Thanks.” Venti smiled before shooting the man in the chest. Then he turned to Xiao, who finally snapped out of his daze.
He needed to question the men lying at his mercy.
“Please…” rasped the now paralyzed man between coughs of blood. “…Spare my partner…”
Xiao glanced at the other man who had been pinned down with his spear then back to the first man. “What about you?”
“I… won't—“ With a loud bang, the man's head exploded.
“Hey!” Xiao snapped. 
“He wouldn't have been a good bargaining chip, anyway. Would've just died before we got any answers.” Venti shrugged as he stepped over. “I just put him out of his misery.”
“I'm doing the interrogation here.” Xiao snarled.
“Are you?”
Ignoring Venti's provocation, Xiao stared at the still living man in black. “Who are you?”
“You can't scare me!” He spat venomously. “We're prepared for death in our field.”
Xiao picked up his spear and brought it to the defiant man's forehead. “What organization are you part of?”
“I'm not scared. The boss will take care of me.”
“Your boss? They'll never find you. But tell me who they are, and you may live to see them again.”
“No matter what you do, in the end, I will meet them.”
“I'm telling you—you won't—not unless you cooperate. Tell me what you're after.”
“Boss—“ The man pulled a knife from his pocket. Xiao's grip tensed, and blood trickled from the point of his spear poking into the man's forehead. “I'm going home early.” The man drove his blade through his own trachea.
 Xiao slammed the point of his spear into the growing puddle of blood. “Why!?”
“It's over, Xiao.” A gentle hand touched his shoulder. “Things can't always end as we want.”
“Leave me alone.” Xiao shook off Venti's hand with little resistance. He stormed from the now lifeless building. He wandered mindlessly through the neighborhood until he stopped in front of a familiar crane statue. Oh, it's you. Xiao sighed and sat down. Maybe you'd understand.
For his part, Xiao couldn't make heads or tails of his frustration. Normally, on a job, he was able to separate his feelings entirely. This shouldn't have been different. He was a hitman —so why did five deaths bother him so much? Venti was right: they were going to be killed regardless. There was no way Xiao could let them escape with information on him. Still, they were just petty criminals, who should've had nothing to do with the world of killers. But then again, Xiao could not judge who deserved to live. He was a tool only for killing. What right did he have to condemn the deaths of others?
“A bird?” A soft voice popped up above Xiao's head.
Xiao didn't have the energy to shoo Venti away. “A grave marker.”
“Oh. A friend of yours?”
Friend? Xiao had always considered himself alone. He had never thought of his colleague as a friend before, and to do so now, after he had died, seemed cruel. “When he was alive, he was called Pervases. If you had met him, you would've killed him.” A bitter laugh lingered on Xiao's lips.
“Why? I'm not that heartless!”
“He was a hitman, though he shouldn't have been. He wanted to make a change in this city. He should've been in the Millelith, but he was unlucky. Instead, he died here in the shadows.”
“I'm sorry.” 
Xiao didn't know why he told Venti all that. There was no way Xiao could convince Venti of Pervases' character. And even if he did, what was the point? Pervases was long gone. The silence chilled Xiao's knees, and he pulled them closer to his chest.
A light breeze tousled Xiao's hair, carrying a gentle tune to his ears.
White bird, why do you cry?
Extend your wings and fly.
White bird, your chains are no more.
Turn towards the skies and soar.
So long you have only known a cage,
Unaware of the joys of freedom.
But the Wind shall bring a new age
And carry you to Her kingdom.
White bird, your wounds shall mend.
This journey's not the end. 
White bird, now you are free.
Fly, fly, beyond the sea.”
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cupidsintern · 2 years
mythical creatures, pt. 1
// read on ao3 //
Chrissy wanted to go to beauty school. 
Eddie found this out one afternoon over ice cream. He had no idea how they went from a drug deal in the drug store parking lot to ice cream on a bench at the edge of Smithy Park. But honestly, he should have expected that by now. Every time he saw Chrissy, business would turn to pleasure in less than ten minutes, and it wasn't even his doing this time. 
She’d shoved the dime bag into her monogrammed backpack and somehow moved on to how the drug store they were behind secretly had the best ice cream in town, and how had Eddie never been before? Hadn't he lived here for a while? 
“Only like ten years.”
“Thats long enough for this to be embarrassing for you,” she teased. She’d been teasing him more lately, easing up around him. He had no idea what he had done to deserve a nice thing like that. 
So now he was demolishing a cone of rocky road that was dripping down his wrist, and she was plowing through a cup of cotton candy. 
But the plow slowed to a crawl, and eventually Eddie realized he was the only one eating, and Chrissy was sort of just stirring her now-soupy ice cream over and over. She did stuff like that sometimes; would give up eating a thing halfway. Maybe she just had a tiny ass stomach capacity. But with all the backflips and shit cheerleaders did, Eddie thought she’d have more of an appetite than the bag of trail mix (no M&Ms) he knew lived in her backpack. 
“Want me to wrap this up?” Eddie gestured to his cone. 
“Hm?” Chirssy looked up, thoughts interrupted. 
“If you’re not gonna eat anymore.” Eddie pointed to her cup of sugary sludge. 
“Oh,” Chrissy looked away, blushing like she’d been caught, but in a bad way. “Um, no take your time.”
Eddie was pretty crap with girls, usually they thought he was kind of creepy. Which to be fair, he kind of was. But creepy in a Halloween way, and not a Charles Manson way. 
Despite this, he sensed he’d said something wrong, and tried to change the subject. 
“Your ice cream matches your eyeshadow.” He said, and immediately realized how stupid that sounded. Goddamn luddite. 
But as luck would have it, Chrissy touched manicured fingertips to the corner of her eye, and smiled small. “Thanks.”
“Yeah,” Now that he started this, he might as well try to follow through. “You’re pretty good at like, makeup and stuff.”
Chrissy smiled for real now, perfect lips and crooked teeth. God, she was pretty. 
“Thank you.” Her posture relaxed. “You know, I’m planning on going to beauty school after high school.” “That's sick. Like, to open a salon?” “Actually,” She became ever so slightly bashful. “I want to be a celebrity makeup artist. Like, for musicians.”
It was Eddie's turn to light up. “Like, for rockstars and shit?”
She nodded.
“No fuckin’ way.”
“Yes fucking way.” She said, seemingly surprised that she still had the ability to curse. 
“Thats awesome, Chris.” Then, “you could always practice on me. If you wanted. I’m a bit of a rockstar myself, as you know.” 
Mostly he’d meant it to be like, self aggrandizing, but-
“Oh my god I’d love to.”
Eddie’s stomach flipped over. 
“Would you want to come to my place after school tomorrow? Normally I wouldn't offer to host cause, well, my mom,” she looked nervous just thinking about it. “But she’s got bridge Thursdays, and all my makeup stuff is at mine.”
Never in his life had Eddie been invited to a girl’s house. Not since 6th grade birthday parties, anyway. He hardly knew how to respond. 
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”
He got another glimpse of that toothy smile. 
Chrissy had her own car, so the next day she offered to drive him. At first he thought this was only because she didn't want the van parked in front of her pristine god-fearing household, but when he made a joke about it;
“Oh get over yourself,” she laughed. 
So he did. 
Her house wasn't nearly as imposing as he feared, but still he felt that no matter how many times he wiped his boots on the welcome mat, they'd never be clean enough to touch the cream-colored carpet. 
Chrissy excused herself to get changed when they got to her room at the far end of the house, and Eddie was alone in her bedroom. It might have been a nice room; fancy bed frame, a large window with heavy, expensive-looking curtains, but Chrissy had to be one of the messiest people Eddie had ever known. Laundry on the floor, textbooks piled on one end of a bed so unmade that the fitted sheet had popped off one side, a skyscraper of stacked unwashed cups. 
The most unexpected thing though, was the unicorns. 
Unicorn sheets, unicorn posters, and a wide array of unicorn figures and plushies arranged precariously on a shelf above the headboard. 
Eddie had leaned over the mound of pillows to get a closer look at said shelf when Chrissy walked back in. 
One of them probably should have said something, but they just stood there staring at each other. 
Eddie had never seen Chrissy so… casual. Her hair was down, falling loosely to her shoulders. She had on an old Hawkins High Cheer sweatshirt that was a few sizes too big, and gym shorts that looked like something he would own. But her pristine makeup and dangly earrings stayed. She looked comfy. It made her breathtaking. 
“Hello again.” She said finally. Then she looked to where Eddie was leaning. “Oh, god, the unicorns.” She waved him away. “Sorry it’s like, super childish.”
“No, no I thought it was cool-”
“Okay, no need to make fun-” “No,” Eddie laughed a little. “I’m serious, man. You know I love high fantasy.”
Chrissy took a fallen plushie of a fat, blue unicorn with a gold horn, a little older looking than the others, off her bed to set back in its place on the shelf. “Yeah, well. So do I.”
“You probably died when The Last Unicorn came out,” he offered. 
She rolled her eyes. “I’ve only seen it fourteen times. Read the book even more than that.” “There's a book?” Chrissy teased him for knowing less about a fantasy subgenre than her. He said she should try having the entire lexicon of Dungeons and Dragons books memorized. 
Eventually, she dragged a chair from across the room to sit next to her vanity- which was just as disastrously messy as the rest of her room. She made him sit down, touched his shoulders. That was butterfly-inflicting. 
Then she went about explaining what all the various instruments at her table were. Eddie liked the eyelash curler best, since it looked like a torture device. “You could pry someone's fingernails off with this thing.” He wiggled the handle.
Then she said he could pick colors for him to work with. He chose black. 
“You have to pick a contrast color, too,” she admonished him. 
So he picked black and red. And she set to work. 
Eddie realized how uneven his breathing was when she touched his face. Her hands were warm and steady; clearly she knew what she was doing. And having her face that close to his- her breath was sweet. He realized it still smelled like ice cream. 
“It's nice you're cool with this kind of thing.” She said after a bit of focused silence. “I mean, Jason never let me before…”
“Well I’m not Jason.”
“Thank god for that.” She smiled. “But, you know. I just thought maybe you'd think it was too girly.”
“Why?” He made a face, then remembered she’d said not to move his face too much, and tried to look neutral. 
“You're a boy.” “I'm almost twenty.”
“Fine, you’re a man .” 
Eddie almost flinched at the word. “Gross.” He said, then immediately regretted it.
But Chrissy just giggled. “Gross?”
“Yeah, men are gross, dude.”
“I mean, I agree. But it’s funny that you would say that.”
Eddie felt like he should backtrack. “Just reminds me of my dad, the word ‘man.’” Ah yes, because emotional vulnerability was definitely backtracking. Great job, Ed. “Or like, the president. Or cavemen. King Kong.” Eddie mimicked beating his chest in a parody of masculinity.
Chrissy hummed to indicate she was listening. 
“I’d rather be like… a formless eldritch being.”
“That makes sense for you.” She pulled back. “Okay, want to look?”
Eddie turned toward the mirror, and looked. 
He almost didn't recognize himself. I mean, he did. But whatever Chrissy had done had almost erased his acne scars, made his nose look straighter, and his eyes… His eyes look so cool. Black to red making his eyelashes look longer, his pupils shine, almost glow. 
“You like it?” Chrissy chewed her bottom lip, clearly nervous. 
“Like it?” Eddie grinned. “I look like David Bowie. This is awesome.” He leaned closer to the mirror, then looked back at Chrissy. “You’ve got a real talent.”
Eddie made a show of applauding and she did a small mock-bow. 
“Thank you, thank you.” She laughed. Eddie threw an invisible rose, and she caught it. “You’re too kind.”
She kept laughing though, small and wonderful joy barely contained, and again they found themselves sitting across from each other, silent and smiling. 
Eddie’s ripped-jean-clad knees knocked into her bare, ruddy ones. Everything about her was so pretty, and so easily that way. Eddie almost couldn't pick apart the crush from… well, from the jealousy. 
Almost as if she read his thoughts, Chrissy smiled and tilted her head to say, “You know, you look really pretty. Like this.”
Eddie smiled, “Hey, not so bad yourself.”
He thought about trying to kiss her, then thought better of it. 
Then she kissed him. 
Chrissy and her nervous smile. Chrissy and her ice-cream breath. Chrissy and her unicorn obsession and messy room and dream of being a makeup artist and soft shiny hair and weird laugh kissed him on the lips. Then kissed him deeper. Then moved to sit on his lap before there came the sound of a doorbell and the two of them shot apart. Then they realized the doorbell had been for the neighbor’s house. Then they both dissolved into laughter. Easy, ugly, wonderful laughter. 
Chrissy told Eddie he should leave before her mom got back, and he washed his face in her bathroom.
The next day at school, Chrissy found a little novelty tub of cotton candy in her locker. She’d given Eddie the combination for drop offs.
She flipped it over to check the nutritional facts by force of habit, but to her surprise, they'd been scribbled out. Next to where the ‘total sugars’ used to be, was a small doodle of a unicorn.
// pt. 2 coming soon //
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missmayyday · 4 months
If you need a request here goes: Heather chandler (musical version) has died and winds up in the hazbin hotel universe. She meets the main cast and whacky hijinks ensue.
cw // alcohol, swearing, mentions of drug use, blood
note : this is after pentious, hope you don't mind please and thank you !!!
The tug of Heather's nightwear was the first thing she felt. As her eyes slowly opened to the crimson sky, her brows furrowed in an expected form. She let out a single groan and muttered a curse under her breath.
With a drop of boiled up rage, she screams loudly and aggressively rips the silk of her nightwear out from the 2 heavy rocks it was stuck under. She stands with wobbly knees and takes in the world around her with a sharp inhale. As Heather creeps down the bloody rubble she woke up on, she sees a large, bright building. "Hazbin Hotel" it read. Her face twists into confusion itself and she grimaced briefly before walking toward the attraction.
The doors were grand. Although she was very much expecting her fate here, she had inevitably been upset about it. I mean, Heather would probably end up in hell with her during some time, but Heather would go to heaven for sure, she was too pure. The thoughts of what she could do here consumed her mind. Getting involved in drugs, heavy alcohol, and crazy trouble if hell did have police.
Heather's thoughts are interrupted by the doors opening to reveal a tall lady, wearing a red suit and a smile that sat by her blonde, tied up hair. "Hi, my name is Charlie Morningstar, I'm so so so excited to meet you!! What's your name, and how did you get here?" She grabs Heather by the arm and gently pulls her into the hotel.
"Excuse me?" Heather snaps. "Well, this is the Hazbin Hotel, I'm assuming you're here for redemption?" Charlie says back. "Why would I-" She's interrupted by a shorter woman, holding a spear. "It seems like you need some help, I would accept it." Chandler rolls her eyes. "It's like- a free house, right?" Charlie winced at this remark. "Well- yes, but it's more than that!! I believe we can help you have the ability to rehabilitate you and-" "Fine. If it's a free place to stay I could make half an effort. Don't count on it."
Charlie jumps up and down and goes to hug her girlfriend, who pats her back.
Heather goes to sit on the stiff couch. "Why, hello, my dear!!" Am extremely tall man asks, with a wide smile and staff in hand. She quickly squirms away and into another resident. He's tall and pink. "Hey there, cakes, what are you up to? Names Angel Dust, most talented coke where they've got!!" He points at himself with his sets of arms. Heather doesn't say a word and stands up to walk around the lobby.
She spots a small bar and sits on one of the stools to be met by a grey cat with wings and tired eyes. He pours a drink, not even asking what she'd want, nor paying attention to the fact that she had been new. "Husk, what's your name?" He broke the silence and earned a confused glare from another resident. He was not one to initiate conversation. "Heather Chandler." She downs the drink and Husk let's out a short chuckle. "Another one." He nods and pours another glass for her. Angel comes up and sits next to her before getting a glass himself. "Cheers." She says, watching her surroundings. "Okay!!" Charlie interrupts.
The crowd turns to her. "We're gonna do some trust exercises!!!" She squeaks. "OKAY!! Everybody line up right here, we are gonna do trust falls!! Here, I'll go first." After a 2 minute long heartfelt speech, Charlie finally leans off the platform and let's the crowd sloppily catch her. Turn after turn, Heather only realized the hint of dedication these souls had in them. It wasn't motivating, it was hooking. Even to Heather fucking Chandler, I mean, that's a big feat.
Finally, it came to Heather. She was bitter, still. But she reminded herself that it was a place to stay.
"Okay, hoes. I know you admire me. You don't have to say it. I know this is a place to restart but you seem like some wicked people to get wasted with. I can tolerate you group for the being of myself." She let's herself fall and gets caught stiffly.
She raises a glass and drinks.
"Cheers to me, am I right?"
thank you for the request!! Sorry if this was out of character, but I hope it was still somewhat enjoyable ^^ stay safe and eat your vegetables!!
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vlofizu · 8 months
The Psychology of Smartphone Addiction
Researchers have found that many people are addicted to their smartphones, and some of the symptoms can be seen as similar to addictions to drugs or alcohol. A person’s ability to function may be impaired by their addiction, and the reliance on the device can cause social problems such as missing events, falling grades in school, and neglecting family or friends.
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Smartphones have become the norm in many societies, and they are used for everything from texting, e-mailing, and browsing online to listening to music or watching movies, and more. They have also become a tool to communicate with loved ones who are far away. This has led to the tech ogle development of a variety of new habits and behaviors that are harmful to our health. These include ignoring family members, failing to complete tasks, constantly checking social media, and becoming irritated if interrupted while using the device. These habits can have serious consequences and lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.
According to a study published in the journal “Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,” excessive use of smartphones is associated with psychological distress and neuroticism. The study included a sample of 150 undergraduate medical students who completed the Smartphone Addiction Scale, the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the UCLA Loneliness Scale, and the Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Five-Factor Inventory-3. Logistic regression analyses indicated that smartphone addiction was associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as neuroticism.
When people are addicted to their phones, they can’t control the urge to check their phones even when they are with other people. It is also difficult for them to focus on real-life conversations because they are distracted by the constant interruptions of texts, tweets, and Facebook posts. This distraction leads to poor communication, a lack of emotional connection, and even relationship problems. It can also lead to physical health problems such as blurred vision, carpal tunnel syndrome, pain in the wrists and back of the neck, and insomnia.
There are a few ways tech server to stop your phone addiction. One way is to limit the time you spend with it, and make sure that you are only using it when you need to, such as for emergencies. Another way is to replace your smartphone with other activities, such as reading a book, meditating, exercising, or talking to friends in person. It is also important to avoid using your smartphone while driving or at work.
Lastly, it is helpful to keep in mind that smartphones are not all bad; they can be useful tools when used appropriately. In fact, the best way to overcome a smartphone addiction is to get in touch with a professional who can help you develop healthier habits and behaviors.
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hetbigbang · 2 years
Summary Writing Tips
These summaries are what will help a fanworker determine if they want to work with your story! Please read through these do's and don'ts, to help sell your fic! It’s important to know that this is a summary written for a fanworker, not for a reader. You’ll want to include more visual information that will attract a fanworker, versus what you would write to attract a reader. Some of these “don’ts” are fine for attracting a reader, but aren’t as helpful for a fanworker! Please take your time when writing your summary and ask for help if you need it! Things not to do: Don't just give a quote from the story! A quote probably won't tell the fanworker enough about your story as a whole, just one specific point. It doesn't give the fanworker a clear picture about what they are claiming, so they may pass your story for another one that has more information. He woke to the sound of soft laughing, the trilling chuckle of his wife cutting through the ringing of his ears. Or: “May I?” Persephone asked and Hades shuddered, his thoughts interrupted. He was unused to anyone being here with him. It was late and he was weary, readying himself for bed and then… While a quote such as these might draw in a potential reader, it doesn’t give enough information to a fanworker for them to make a decision and know what they are working with. Don't turn in a wall of text! It's good to give potential fanworkers plenty of information, but a full, lengthy story summary is more likely to cause people to tune out. Strike a balance between giving enough information, but also keep it focused. We recommend no more than 3 reasonably sized paragraphs. Don't list every character that appears in your fic. You want to keep the focus on your main characters and/or pairings, and including all your background or minor characters/pairings could get a fanworker's hope up for that character/pairing being more prominent than they are. Things to do: Do make sure that your summary is edited! A summary that has typos and bad grammar is less likely to inspire a fanworker in your writing abilities. This goes back to taking your time with your summary and asking for help, if you need it! Do give a well-thought out summary. If you put time into your summary, it's more likely to show. Ask for help if you need to! A good summary gives a clear idea of what your story is about. If you have an outline for your story, consider working from it to develop your summary. When Lord Aizu agreed to allow Saitou and Tokio to marry, it was on the condition that a child of theirs be adopted to the Numazawa Clan. Twelve years and two children later, they still have not fulfilled their end of the bargain and Tokio is now desperate to have one last child that she can let go. A child created out of hatred and disdain… She drugs her husband monthly, when the moon is high, and tries to force him to impregnate her, before she grows too old to bear another child. However, Saitou has been through many battles in his life and questions his own fertility, having survived through fevers and fire. He could stop her from attacking him monthly, but only at the loss of one of their sons, something he, himself, cannot bear any more than Tokio can. Or: Hades has evaded marriage for eons, but he can ignore it no longer when Zeus decrees it is time for him to take a wife. Amongst Zeus’ numerous daughters, it is Persephone that has been selected to take the place of Hades’ wife. Hades and Persephone must navigate their arranged marriage, while also learning how to cope with their annual six month separation. Persephone is warm and open while Hades is closed off and cold, denying Persephone his touch as he hides his body and terrible scars of the past. Can he learn to open up to her before he pushes Persephone away for all eternity? Do give some visual information of places or time periods, if appropriate or applicable to your story! For instance, if your story involves taking a trip to Rome, a fanworker who loves the idea of drawing Roman architecture, may want to pick your story! A good way to do this is to include a second paragraph, with a few scenery notes. The story is set in Meiji Era Japan, mostly inside of a traditional Japanese house. Kimono and traditional Japanese hairstyles are featured heavily. Or: This story takes place primarily in the Underworld, from Ancient Greek Myth. Some scenes take place on Mount Olympus, as well as on Earth in a field of wildflowers. Do be clear about warnings! If your story contains things that need warnings, you can choose to take a little extra space by explaining what your fanworker might encounter. For example, if your story has dubcon in the final version, an explanation in your summary can help fanworkers decide whether or not they will be comfortable working with your story. Graphic noncon is heavily featured, with Tokio raping her husband frequently while drugging him and subduing him. Forced drug use and domestic violence against Saitou also occurs. Or: There is uncle/niece incest between Hades and Persephone. Past mentions of Hades having been tortured is featured, as well as detail scar descriptions. All sex is consensual. Put it all together and this is what your summary form should look like: Username: LuciferxDamien Title: Drowning with the Koi Word Count: Around 12k total, 8k written Genre: Drama, Angst Fandom: Rurouni Kenshin Characters/Pairings: Saitou/Tokio Warnings: Graphic noncon (spousal rape), domestic abuse, forced drug use Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Lord Aizu agreed to allow Saitou and Tokio to marry, it was on the condition that a child of theirs be adopted to the Numazawa Clan. Twelve years and two children later, they still have not fulfilled their end of the bargain and Tokio is now desperate to have one last child that she can let go. A child created out of hatred and disdain… She drugs her husband monthly, when the moon is high, and tries to force him to impregnate her, before she grows too old to bear another child. However, Saitou has been through many battles in his life and questions his own fertility, having survived through fevers and fire. He could stop her from attacking him monthly, but only at the loss of one of their sons, something he, himself, cannot bear any more than Tokio can. The story is set in Meiji Era Japan, mostly inside of a traditional Japanese house. Kimono and traditional Japanese hairstyles are featured heavily. Graphic noncon is heavily featured, with Tokio raping her husband frequently while drugging him and subduing him. Forced drug use and domestic violence against Saitou also occurs. Or: Username: LuciferxDamien Title: Untitled Word Count: 16k Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst Fandom: Ancient Greek Myth Characters/Pairings: Hades/Persephone, Zeus Warnings: Incest (uncle/niece), torture (past), graphic scarring described Rating: NC-17 Summary: Hades has evaded marriage for eons, but he can ignore it no longer when Zeus decrees it is time for him to take a wife. Amongst Zeus’ numerous daughters, it is Persephone that has been selected to take the place of Hades’ wife. Hades and Persephone must navigate their arranged marriage, while also learning how to cope with their annual six month separation. Persephone is warm and open while Hades is closed off and cold, denying Persephone his touch as he hides his body and terrible scars of the past. Can Hades learn to open up to her before he pushes Persephone away for all eternity? This story takes place primarily in the Underworld, from Ancient Greek Myth. Some scenes take place on Mount Olympus, as well as on Earth in a field of wildflowers. There is uncle/niece incest between Hades and Persephone. Past mentions of Hades having been tortured is featured, as well as detail scar descriptions. All sex is consensual. ~ ~ ~ Remember! This summary does not have to be the summary you use when posting your story. This summary should be designed to catch a fanworker’s eye! You are more than welcome to change and/or tweak things to catch a reader's eye. For example, you can remove visual information about time periods and locations, and the detailed information on warnings/triggers, if you so choose when writing your summary for a reader! from Het Big Bang https://ift.tt/EJPi9aK via IFTTT
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mviswidow · 3 years
you make a great fake girlfriend
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word count: 8k
Warnings: language, sexual situations? (no smut tho), casual drinking (i’ll add any others if necessary)
Prompt: Hello love! Can I please request a Wanda fic where her and the R have to pretend to be a couple on an undercover mission for like a week or something? Maybe they like each other but are too scared to act on it because they don’t think the other person likes them back? I hope that made sense. If you don’t want to write it I totally understand! Thank you and I hope you have a great day!
A/N: okay HI this one is super long, definitely the longest i’ve posted on tumblr. it’s a little cliche (within the fake dating trope) but i don’t think it’s a bad kind of cliche and i kinda love it whoops (this also took literally forever i’m so sorry)
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“Agent Y/l/n, Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanoff have requested your presence in the office.”
“Thank you, FRIDAY. Tell them I’ll be right there.” you said, slowing down from a jog as you turned off the treadmill you’d been using.
You grabbed your towel and wiped your face before draping it around your neck and taking a drink from your water bottle. 
Steve tended to call you for mission debriefings right when they were about to happen rather than telling you beforehand which usually messed up your morning workouts, but you’d managed to time them well just in case. It only took you a few minutes to get to the office from where you’d been and you were very grateful for the air conditioning being good enough to cool you down by the time you got there.
When you opened the door, you saw Wanda sitting in a chair opposite Steve and Natasha and a crinkle grew between your brows before you stopped in your tracks, looking around the room, “There’s a really weird vibe in here, what’s happening? Did someone get fired- am I getting fired?”
“Y/n, sit, no one is fired,” Natasha chuckled and gestured towards the empty chair beside Wanda.
Steve dropped a file down on the table and you both leaned forward to read it, but you didn’t get very far. Your heart dropped when you saw what your mission was and you looked up at Nat with pleading eyes but she just gave you a shrug and a look that said ‘there’s nothing I can do’.
“So, you want us to date?” Wanda asked, seeming a bit confused.
Steve swayed forward for a second and crossed his arms, “To pretend to date, yes. Should just be for two weeks, if things go by smoothly. We’ve rented a house for you guys already.”
“Okay... but why us? Why not you and Nat or something?” you asked before turning to Wanda. “Not that I don’t want to or anything- I mean, I’m just-”
“Curious?” Wanda interrupted with a smile to which you nodded. “You’re fine, Y/n/n.”
“You guys are the best suited for this mission,” Nat said simply.
“And why is that?” You asked with a raised brow and a playful glare present.
She rolled her eyes, “Well, you guys are both, you know-”
“Gay?” You interrupted, arms crossed.
“Yes, and the couple who runs this drug cartel is a lesbian couple, so we thought you’d fit in well.”
“Since when is it our job to infiltrate drug cartels?” Wanda frowned.
Steve sighed, “Since the drugs started giving people weird abilities- did you guys only read the first paragraph of the file?”
You rolled your eyes and spun around in your chair a few times before Steve grabbed the back of your chair to stop you, “Y/n, please.”
“When is this, anyway? And where are we going?”
Steve huffed and brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose dramatically, “If you guys would just read the file-”
“You leave for Miami tomorrow morning,” Natasha answered.
You will arrive at your destination in one minute.
You groaned at the GPS direction interrupting your music for the thousandth time, “I already feel sick of this place and we’ve just got here.”
Wanda chuckled and rolled her eyes, “Oh, don’t be dramatic, Y/n/n. We’ll be fine.. it’ll be fun.”
“You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself, Maximoff,” you teased and shifted in your seat to look over at her while she turned into a street.
“Maybe I am.. show me the photo of Vanessa and what’s-her-name again? Uh-”
“Sofia?” you asked, already looking through your phone to find the photo before she had to answer.
Wanda nodded, “Yes, her.”
The GPS spoke again, letting Wanda know that she’d arrived at her destination as you pulled up the photo and tilted your phone in her direction.
She hummed after looking at it and unbuckled her seatbelt before sighing and getting out of the car, you doing the same after shoving your phone in your pocket.
The two of you spent the next few minutes grabbing your suitcases and bringing them inside before going back out to do a short sweep of the car to make sure you had gotten everything.
Just as Wanda closed the trunk, you closed the door to the backseat and walked over to her.
“We’re all done,” She smiled and her eyes flicked to the house behind you as someone walked out.
“What is it?” you asked, tilting your head upon seeing her eyes widen slightly.
Wanda smiled warmly at you and your confusion grew when she took your hands in hers, pulling you closer to her, “I’m going to kiss you,” she said quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, which made you blush profusely as you blinked quickly in a feeble attempt to gather your thoughts.
“What, you- you’re what?” you stuttered.
Wanda huffed, but the sweet look on her face was throwing you off, “She’s watching, Y/n. Please don’t be difficult.”
“Oh,” you mumbled and bit your lip, your heart was beginning to race. “Um yeah, oka-”
Wanda cut you off with a tender kiss and - holy shit her lips are so soft. She brought one of her hands up to cup your cheek and tried calming your nerves with the other, rubbing your knuckles with her thumb. 
When she pulled away she peppered a few kisses on your face, which made you giggle, despite your face feeling like it was bright red, “You okay?” she murmured against your cheek.
You nodded in response and brought her hand to your lips to press a kiss to her knuckles before pulling her into the house, but giving her enough time to look over at your new neighbor and give her a little wave.
Both of you let out a breath once the door was closed and she looked at you with an incredulous look on her face, which made you roll your eyes.
“What was that?” She asked, and you shoved your hands into your pockets.
“Nothing, I just-”
“You talk a big game to be getting flustered like that, Y/l/n,” Wanda teased, nudging you in the arm.
You rolled your eyes again and waved her off, “You just caught me off guard is all. Let’s go see the rest of the house.”
Wanda laughed as she walked behind you, and you looked through the kitchen to see if it had everything you needed. She peered over your shoulder and hummed, “We’re going to have to pick up some stuff from the grocery store.”
“Yeah, I mean, I can go after I unpack,” you said, shutting the fridge.
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Wanda smirked with a raised eyebrow, but upon seeing your frustration she pursed her lips. “I didn’t mean to make you upset, Y/n/n, I’m sorry. She was just looking at us and I didn‘t think we’d get another chance to get her attention today.”
You sighed and shook your head before giving her a half smile, “No, I’m sorry, you’re right. You were doing your job.” And that’s all it would ever be. “I just have to get used to this is all, I guess I hadn’t really mentally prepared.”
Wanda’s face bore an indistinguishable expression for a moment, but she nodded, “It’s okay, I still need to get used to it, too. Let’s just go look around the house, yeah?”
You hummed in agreement and the two of you made your way into the living room. You looked around halfheartedly until Wanda started walking towards the bedroom and you followed behind her.
“Cute,” she said as she walked in and you stood in the doorway, eyes flicking around the room.
You both seemed to end up looking at the bed that adorned a blue comforter and white pillows that looked really soft.
“I can take the couch,” Wanda spoke, clearing her throat.
“No, what?” you frowned. “The bed is - it’s big enough for both of us. You’re not sleeping on the couch.”
She looked reluctant to agree with you so you raised your brow, urging her to say something, “I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“I’m fine, I promise. I just freaked out a little outside.. Besides, this should help, right? We could use some intimacy practice,” you bit your lip. God that sounds so stupid, you thought.
“Intimacy practice?” she snorted and you lightly hit her arm.
“Shut up, you know I’m right,” you said, and mentally praised yourself for sounding confident.
Wanda put her arms up in surrender, “Okay fine, we’ll practice our intimacy,” she teased, snickering.
“You’re the worst,” you groaned and walked out of the bedroom, but she trailed behind you, and you could hear her bubbly laugh.
“How could you say that? I’m the best girlfriend ever.”
“Sure, Maximoff,” you chuckled.
A few hours later, you’d unpacked, done groceries, and gone for lunch.
You arrived back home, and got out of the car, meeting Wanda at the door, “What the hell do Nat and Steve expect us to do for two whole weeks?” you groaned as she got close enough to hear you without you having to be too loud.
“At least two weeks,” Wanda reminded, watching you get out your keys and unlock the door. “And I’m not sure, but we can always call and bother them. They still haven’t given us our full cover... Orrr we can go out to the beach since it’s literally in our backyard.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun, we can-”
“Hi, ladies!”
Your brows furrowed and you turned around to see Vanessa walking up to you guys. You forced a smile and nudged Wanda towards her in an attempt to not have to talk to her, but Wanda pulled you forward with her before letting her arm go around your waist.
“Hi,” Wanda smiled, squeezing your side a bit, and you held up your hand to do a little wave.
“I’m Vanessa, I live right next door,” she smiled back and held her hand out for both of you to shake, which you did.
“Yeah, I think we saw you while we were heading in earlier. I’m Wanda, this is my girlfriend, Y/n.”
“Hi,” you smiled and leaned into Wanda, a bit out of nervousness. In response, she pulled you closer to her and kissed the side of your head, and you had to bite back a smile.
“Did you guys just move here?” she asked. Wanda nodded, “Yes, we got here today.”
“You guys are adorable,” she pouted, and you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. “Well, I’m sure you guys have stuff to do, but if you want a break from unpacking you can always come over for drinks sometime.”
Wanda smiled, “That sounds great, we actually don’t have much to unpack.”
“Perfect! Come over tomorrow night, then,” Vanessa smiled and started to walk back to her house. “How does seven sound?”
“Sounds great!” Wanda chirped from beside you and you rested your head on her shoulder, groaning quietly, to which she chuckled and pulled you back towards the door.
“Do you not like her or something?” she chuckled once the door was closed behind you.
Your nose scrunched and you looked over at her, confused, “Sorry, did you forget she runs a drug cartel?”
Wanda huffed, “I know, but otherwise, she seems nice, she’s not that bad.”
“I just don’t want to have to be around her any longer than I have to. She makes me nervous,” you shrugged before moving to sit on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island.
Wanda bit her lip as she looked at you, seeming to be thinking, “Is it-”
She was interrupted by your phone ringing and you gave her an apologetic look before answering, “Hey, Nat.. yeah, hold on.”
You put the phone on speaker so Natasha and Wanda could exchange hellos.
“Okay, we’re giving it to you easy. You guys are wedding planners, you’ve got your own company together, we’ve even set you up a website just in case. The link should be emailed to you within the next five minutes. You can literally make a bunch of shit up about the weddings and no one will know, alright?”
You started laughing as soon as Natasha said wedding planners, but Wanda flicked you on the arm to get you to stop. 
“Okay, thank you, Natasha,” Wanda spoke into the phone, lightheartedly glaring at you when you snickered.
“Mhm, call me if you have any questions-”
“Yeah, what the hell are we supposed to do for two weeks?” you asked, and Wanda rolled her eyes.
“You’re in Miami, Y/n. Don’t be boring, go have fun.”
And with that, Natasha hung up the phone.
“See? I was right,” Wanda smiled smugly and you feigned annoyance, poorly albeit, the smile on your face was an indication that you were anything but. “Now, come to the beach with your super hot, sexy, witch girlfriend.”
You shook your head with a chuckle and held up your hands in defeat, “Okay, okay. We’ll go to the beach.”
Once you had changed into a swimsuit, you allowed Wanda to drag you out of the house and through the sand as you carried the beach towels.
You glanced over and saw your new neighbor sitting on her balcony reading a book and you squeezed Wanda’s hand to grab her attention, “Wands, I don’t know if this is a great idea.”
Her excitement dissipated when she heard your words and you felt your heartstrings being tugged at when she looked at you with an almost hurt expression.
“I just- she’s out here,” you tilted your head towards the house and Wanda let go of your hand to fidget with the hem of her bikini top that she looked amazing in with a disappointed look on her face.
“We can head back in, it’s fine.”
You internally kicked yourself and dropped the towels on the floor before grabbing both of Wanda’s hands and pulling her towards the water, “I feel like an asshole now, c’mon.”
She bit back a smile and let you pull her through the shallow part of the ocean until you were both up to the top of your ribcages.
“I guess it is kind of nice out here,” you admitted, to which Wanda smiled smugly. “You told me, I know.”
She chuckled and got closer to you, putting her arms around your neck and wrapping her legs around your waist, “Is she looking again?” you asked, bringing your hands to the underside of her thighs to keep her up.
“Maybe, I don’t know. Can’t a girl enjoy her temporary girlfriend?” Wanda asked playfully, as she ran her delicate fingers through your hair. She was close enough for you to properly study the way her eyes looked in the sun and if she stayed still long enough you could probably count all the freckles on her face.
“You’re really milking this, aren’t you?” you giggled. 
“Of course I am, you’ll never be able to say you’ve had a better fake girlfriend than me,” she said triumphantly.
“Oh, I should step up my game then, huh?” you joked, walking a few paces into the shallower parts of the water, now enjoying the refreshing feeling of it more than you cared to admit.
“Probably,” Wanda hummed. “I don’t think you’ll be very hard to beat at the rate you’re going.”
You faked dropping Wanda, letting go of her legs and tipping her back, but you grabbed her before she fell in, laughing at her squeal.
“Drop me in the water and I’ll fake break up with you,” she smacked your arm, despite grinning wildly.
You feigned being offended but waded back into the water, letting it go up to your chest again and trying to keep your mind off Wanda’s very mesmeric way of playing with the necklace you were wearing
“How are you so good at this?” you asked, but upon seeing Wanda’s confused expression, you knew she had no idea what you were talking about. “At this, like the PDA and being touchy with me.”
Wanda shrugged and looked to your collarbone, watching water gently splash into you, “I dunno, I guess it’s just easy with you. Feels right- like, in a way, I guess. I don’t know.”
You smiled softly and nodded, “Cute, Maximoff.”
She rolled her eyes and dropped her head to your shoulder to hide her smile, “Shut up, I’m being so nice to you right now.”
“Okay, okay, sorry,” you chuckled. “That’s nice to hear, I guess.”
Wanda snickered and shook her head against you, “You’re horrible.”
You and Wanda stayed in for an hour, just messing around with each other, until you suggested that you go inside so you didn’t get sunburns, but you promised her that you’d come back out with her later to watch the sunset.
You both took turns showering and changed into comfortable clothes, you wearing a light sweater and shorts and Wanda wearing a t-shirt and sleep shorts. 
Wanda made you both something to eat for dinner and you finished just in time for the sunset outside. Wanda brought the file you’d been given at the compound with her outside to review everything with you while you sat out, and you carried a towel for you both to sit on since you’d just showered and so you didn’t bring a bunch of sand back into the house.
Wanda sat close to you, and your pinkies were intertwined on top of the towel as you watched the sun go down. Every once in a while one of you would say something, but you didn’t have a conversation until the sun was almost down and Wanda brought the file into her lap and opened it.
She read everything out to you before reviewing the things Steve had underlined, very intent on making sure you remembered everything. You thought it was adorable the way she insisted that she quiz you on a mission file.  
Just as you were about to answer one of her questions you were able to make out Vanessa walking in your direction, still far away, “Fuck, fuck.” you muttered, moving to straddle Wanda and sit on her lap.
Wanda glanced over and groaned, “Do you think if we just sit here like this she’ll go away?” she asked, pulling the file between your bodies, and you shuffled closer to cover it completely.
“Does it look like that would make her go away?” you huffed and ran your fingers through Wanda’s hair, pushing it away from her face.
“Y/n, if anything we can just talk to her-”
“Are you kidding? We’ll look like horny teenagers with me sitting on top of you like this. What if she invites us inside her house or if we have to make an excuse to go back inside and she sees it when we get up? It’s got a giant fucking Avengers logo printed on the front of it,” you shook your head.
Wanda bit her lip and let out a breath before licking her lips, looking conflicted because she knew both of you were thinking about doing the same thing.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh, c’mon Wands, you were so intent on kissing me earlier, what’s-”
Wanda tilted your chin down with her thumb and her index finger, making your lips meet hers. One of your hands went up to her neck and you traced her jawline with your thumb as you kissed while your other hand was at her waist subconsciously digging your fingers into her skin. 
You kissed eagerly and smiled into it when her tongue darted out between her lips and licked your bottom one. You parted your lips and let her into your mouth, humming when your tongues touched for the first time. 
Wanda started to kiss down your neck, angling her face so she could see Vanessa, “For fuck’s sake, she’s still coming.. Y/n, moan or something.”
“What?” you hissed, bringing your hand up to her hair. “I feel like we’re doing way more than we should be having to do for this mission.”
“Please, she’ll go away if she gets uncomfortable, just do it,” Wanda whispered urgently as she continued leaving open mouth kisses at your neck, occasionally nipping and marking the skin there.
“How am I supposed to just-” you interrupted yourself with a moan when Wanda bit down on your neck before sucking on your pulse point. Your grip on her hair tightened, making her hum into your neck.
“There we go,” Wanda mumbled. You shivered upon feeling her hot breath and you could feel her smiling against you.
She started to kiss your shoulder now, but you pulled her back with the hand that was in her hair, though not very hard, and your eyebrow raised when she let out a little whimper. Her eyes widened and you smirked before leaning forward to kiss her again, “Someone likes getting her hair pulled.” you whispered against her lips, which earned you a smack on the arm.
“Mention it to anyone and I’ll give you nightmares for three months straight, Y/n.”
You snickered and tugged at her hair a little harder this time, but your face flushed when she let out a breathy gasp. “I hate you so much,” she pinched you in the side.
“But I’m the best girlfriend ever,” you pouted and now it was your turn to kiss down her face to her neck, because to be fair, you really just wanted to leave a few hickeys, since she left them all over your neck.
Wanda’s breath hitched when you nipped at the skin underneath her ear and you felt her breathing quicken.
“Y/n/n, she’s gone,” she said breathlessly. 
You soothed the skin you’d been sucking on with your tongue and left two more kisses before moving away while biting back a smile. Her eyes went down to your neck almost immediately. You assumed was looking at the hickeys she’d left and you started laughing quietly.
Wanda was now trying to suppress a smile, but it didn’t last long, and soon, she was laughing along with you, “I can’t believe we just did that.”
“It was for the mission,” you snickered, arms going to rest on Wanda’s shoulders.
“Mhm,” she said playfully before sighing. “We should probably go back inside, huh?”
You nodded and got off her lap, grabbing the towel once she’d stepped off of it. The moment you stepped foot in the house Wanda’s phone started ringing.
Wanda’s brow furrowed and she closed the door to the backyard, walking over to the counter quickly, and her heart started to race a little when she saw the caller ID. She held up her phone to you for a moment, “There’s no way she knows..”
However, as soon as she answered the call and put it on speaker, you were both met by Natasha’s yelling, “Why the fuck did I just see the mission file on the beach while one of your targets was in the vicinity?”
“Uh, what?” you squeaked as you watched Wanda’s eyes go wide.
“There’s cameras outside, idiots. If Steve found out you guys did that you’d probably never be allowed on another mission again.”
“You watched us?” you scoffed and crossed your arms, even though Nat couldn’t see you.
“Yes, obviously,” she said, and you could hear her clearing her throat.
Wanda opened and closed her mouth a few times before she spoke, “Is there audio for the security cameras, by any chance?”
“Oh god,” Wanda groaned and covered her face with her hands.
“The file stays inside your bedroom in a sex drawer or something, do not bring it out of that room, am I understood?” Nat asked.
“Yes ma’am,” you responded.
“Don’t get cocky with me, Y/n.”
You frowned, “I’m not being cocky I’m literally just saying yes ma’am-”
And then Natasha disconnected the call.
“Well that didn’t go very well,” Wanda cleared her throat, and you both looked over at the file that was now sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Yeah, we should go put that away.”
“That was so embarrassing,” Wanda muttered a few hours later as the two of you were getting into bed.
“So what, you have a hair-pulling kink? We all have our own things-”
“I’ll make you sleep on the couch, Y/n.”
“Yeah, right. You’d be bored without me to bother you,” you quipped as you turned towards her and tugged the comforter up to cover your shoulder.
“I’ll risk being bored,” she teased and turned towards you.
You stayed looking at each other for a few seconds and your heart fluttered when you realized you were laying in bed with Wanda. Sure, you’d just made out on the beach, but this was domestic in a way that was messing with your feelings. 
You’d been pining after her for the past few months. Luckily, it didn’t seem too noticeable, but Natasha did figure it out pretty quickly. At the rate you were going, you were pretty sure you’d be head over heels for her by the end of the mission. Her touch was practically electric and everything she did drove you mad, even especially the teasing.
She looked deep in thought too, and before you could stop yourself you asked, “What are you thinking about?”
“You,” she said sleepily.
“Mhm,” she nodded against her pillow, and you watched her yawn softly.
“What about me?”
“You’re a good kisser,” Wanda murmured, and her hand reached forward to brush your hair back and away from your neck while a mischievous smile grew on her face. “And you bruise easily, too.”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, swatting her hand away playfully. 
“You’re also really nice to me. And you’re fun to be around, even if you’re a pain in the ass half of the time,” she smiled and shuffled closer to you, reaching her arms out.
You smiled back at her and pulled her into your arms, but she pushed you gently to lay on your back before wrapping an arm around your waist and settling into the crook of your neck. 
“You tired?” you asked.
“Yeah,” she mumbled.
You could feel her soft lips and warm breath against your skin, and you swore there was no way she couldn’t read your mind because it was screaming a whole bunch of very loud thoughts and they were all about the girl laying in your arms.
You took a breath to calm yourself and threaded your fingers through her hair, “You tired yourself out trying to be a better girlfriend than me, huh?”
She didn’t respond for a few moments until she let out a little ‘mhm’, and you took that as your cue to let her sleep.
“Goodnight, Wands.”
“‘Night, Y/n/n.”
The next day passed fairly quickly. You and Wanda slept in since you didn’t have anything to do. She made breakfast and you watched two movies before going out for a late lunch and coming back home to shower and get ready to go over to Vanessa’s house.
When you came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around you, you saw Wanda had put on a little red dress that went up to her mid-thighs. It wasn’t too fancy or anything, but the material hugged her body perfectly and it made her look like she modeled dresses like that for a living. You tore your eyes away from her before you were caught staring, “You look pretty.” you said, letting your hair down.
Wanda looked at you from the mirror where she was fixing her own hair and smiled softly, “Thanks, Y/n/n. Go get changed, c’mon, I wanna see your dress.”
You took your dress from the bed and brought it back into the bathroom with you. You sighed when you looked at yourself in the mirror after it was on. It was black, much more flowy than Wanda’s. A little longer than hers too. You shook your head and let your hair fall where it wanted before stepping out, “What do you think?”
“I think you look great,” Wanda smiled again, this time biting her lip. “Come, sit,” she said, waving you over.
She pulled you to straddle the bench on the vanity next to her and mirrored the way you were sitting.
“What are you doing?” you chuckled, watching her grab the bag that had your makeup in it from the counter and rifle through it.
“Covering up your hickeys, genius. I’m sure you like them a lot, but you can look at them again later tonight,” she teased and pulled out your concealer and her color corrector that was already sitting on the counter.
Wanda moved closer to you before tilting your head to the side to start at the one under your jaw. You watched her cover them one by one through the mirror, a Taylor Swift song playing quietly from Wanda’s phone to keep you both entertained, though you were content just looking at her.
She finished up and leaned back with a smile, “Looks like they were never there.”
“Doesn’t feel like it,” you chaffed and she rolled her eyes. “But thank you.”
At the end of the hour, you were walking through Vanessa’s driveway hand in hand. You could feel Wanda’s nervousness. She’d been more quiet in the past few minutes than she had been all day.
“You feel okay?” You asked as you reached the door, gently squeezing her hand.
She squeezed yours back and put on a little smile, “Just a little anxious is all.”
Before you could say anything else, the door swung open and Vanessa stood behind it. A blonde woman who you recognized as Sofia was walking up to greet you and Wanda.
You let Wanda introduce you as her girlfriend and Vanessa introduced Sofia as her wife.
Their house seemed very expensive. As they led you through it, you kept getting distracted from what Vanessa was rambling about by the sleek furniture, the large paintings that hung from the crisp-looking white walls, and the little white dog who’d been groomed to make her head shaped like a cotton ball.
The dog, Chloe, followed the four of you out to the patio.
They had a fully stocked bar around a dozen feet away from two couches across from each other with a low table in between them, where you sat next to Wanda and Vanessa sat next to Sofia.
Wanda put her arm around your waist and you took the opportunity to lean into her and put your hand on her lap.
Your attention was drawn to your hand when she covered it with her own and laced your fingers together, and your brain short-circuited for a second. Sure, you’d held hands before, but the way she was rubbing your thumb with hers was distracting and you ended up staring at her long fingers for probably far too long because when you looked back up, Vanessa was handing you a drink and there was a plate of nachos sitting in the middle of the table.
Vanessa and Sofia both downed a shot of tequila each, while you took a small sip of champagne, knowing you had to pace yourself. You’d assumed that Wanda told them neither of you wanted tequila because a glass of champagne was sitting on the table in front of her, too.
“V tells me you guys just moved here, where’d you come from?” Sofia asked, and the look on her face gave you an uneasy feeling.
Wanda answered quickly, and you knew now was the time to let her speak so you didn’t step on each other’s toes and screw up the mission, “We came from New York.”
“Ah, once a city girl, always a city girl,” she smiled, and your eyes flicked over to Vanessa who was eyeing Wanda as she took a sip from her margarita. “You come for the warmer weather?”
Wanda squeezed your hand a little at the question and tried to give an acceptable answer that didn’t sound too suspicious, “Eh, I mean, I don’t -”
“She doesn’t mind the cold. I don’t think either of us does, to be honest,” you shook your head and put on a little smile before squeezing her hand back. “I think we both just needed a fresh start to be on our own, away from our families and all that. And we figured Miami was a good place for us since it’s a big city, so our business should do well here.”
“What do you guys do?” Vanessa chirped, tilting her head curiously.
“We have a wedding planning company.”
“And you’re not married?” she asked, now chuckling.
“Uh, no,” you shook your head again, this time blushing a little. You glanced over to Wanda, who was blushing too, and when your eyes met her laugh started to bubble up.
“You guys have to get on that soon if you’re making it happen for everyone else,” Vanessa hummed, now taking another sip of her drink. 
“I’m sure it’ll happen eventually,” Wanda smiled softly, and you looked down at your hands again, this time to take her hand into your lap and play with the rings on her fingers. “We just have to wait for when we’re ready, especially with moving and everything, I don’t think it’s the right time for an engagement.”
The conversation transitioned to restaurants in Miami fairly easily, thanks to Sofia, who you noticed seemed like she was used to taking charge of things, and that, plus the fact that you and Wanda had seen Vanessa home a lot, gave you the impression that Sofia was more involved in the cartel than her wife was.
They recommended a few different restaurants before bringing up the fact that they owned a club, which was something you and Wanda knew, of course. Wanda asked a few questions about it as naturally as she could. It didn’t take long for them to invite you to swing by and sit in the VIP section later in the week, and to be honest, you couldn’t tell if they were being so nice because they thought you were sweet or because they wanted a foursome.
Half an hour later, Vanessa was a little past tipsy, you and Wanda had both gotten through your champagnes, and Sofia somehow didn’t seem to be affected by her margarita at all.
“I have to ask,” Vanessa smirked after taking a sip of her drink. “Who’s the top?”
Wanda choked on the new champagne that had been given to her and your eyes went wide, but you rubbed her back while she coughed a few times before clearing her throat.
“Baby, don’t embarrass them,” Sofia scolded, but Vanessa waved her off and rested her chin on her hands, looking between the two of you.
Wanda still seemed shocked, and she blinked a few times before speaking, “Sorry, you mean like-”
“Well, duh, what else could I mean?”
Your mouth opened and closed as you looked over at Wanda, but she spoke before you managed to get anything out, “I mean, I guess I am.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “Please, Wands, there’s no way-”
“What do you mean, there’s no way? You’re the one who gets flustered all the time,” she frowned, now looking straight at you.
“Barely- and how would that mean I can’t top-”
“You’re switches then?” Vanessa interrupted and Sofia nudged her in the side. You and Wanda both stared at each other for a couple of seconds before chuckling.
“Yeah, I suppose so,” Wanda said with a little smile.
Suddenly, Vanessa squealed again, and you could see that she’d come up with another thing to ask you and Wanda, which worried you after hearing what she’d just asked, “How did the two of you get together? I forgot to ask.”
“Oh, we met through a mutual friend, at a thing for her work- it was a party, I guess. I’d always thought Y/n was beautiful, though. Whenever our friend would show me photos of the two of them together I’d fawn over her- it was a whole thing, I got teased for it relentlessly,” Wanda giggled, and you were stuck with a blush on your cheeks. She was telling the story so naturally it was making you hope for things you knew you couldn’t have with her. 
Wanda’s phone started buzzing, which caught your attention, and you huffed when you saw Steve’s name on the screen, “Uh, I’ll be right back- I’ve gotta take this, it’s for work.”
You squeezed Wanda’s hand instinctively, not wanting her to leave, but she got up, squeezing your hand back and giving you a sympathetic smile before walking away, her heels clicking on the floor.
“I didn’t realize wedding planners were on call after work hours,” Sofia took a sip from her drink, but the way she made her comment was making you feel a little uneasy.
“Yeah, we aren’t normally but we’ve been having issues with our flower vendor lately.”
Sofia hummed in acknowledgment and turned to Vanessa to talk to her. You rubbed the back of your neck, looking in Wanda’s direction, to watch her speak with Steve on the phone. Your breath was caught in your throat as she ran her fingers through her long hair, which showed off her strong jaw and long neck for a few moments before her hair fell back over her shoulder.
The two of you made eye contact when she turned in your direction and sighed, looking frustrated. You shot her a small smile that she returned with a small smile before frowning at whatever was just said to her and going back to talking.
Wanda rolled her eyes and nodded a few times, saying something else that you still couldn’t hear before making her way back.
“What did the uh, flower vendor say?” You asked carefully when she got to the couch.
You promptly felt a warm feeling in your head, and you knew Wanda was reading your mind, trying to figure out what you’d told them. The feeling dissipated almost as fast as it crept up, and she cleared her throat before speaking, “We lost them, but it’s alright, we can always call Carol.”
You smiled at the use of your friend’s name and nodded.
The rest of the night went perfectly. You exchanged phone numbers with Vanessa and Sofia and they promised to confirm a day later in the week for you and Wanda to come by the club before you and Wanda walked home, hand in hand. 
Once inside, the two of you wound down and didn’t talk much. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, you both just wanted to get ready for bed. You settled down under the comforter, half propped up by some pillows after eating a snack and washing all of the makeup that had covered your face and neck off, and put on some random tv show, leaving the volume down because you were a little too tired to force yourself to pay attention.
After getting out of the bathroom, Wanda trudged over, now in sweats, and huffed before laying on top of you, with her head on your chest. Your hand went up to thread your fingers through her hair instinctively, and you switched between doing that and scratching her head.
“You know, I was wrong. You’re a pretty decent fake girlfriend,” she admitted, which made you chuckle.
“You aren’t too bad yourself, but I know I’m a little better at this than you,” you teased.
“As if,” Wanda scoffed and nuzzled further into you, her arms tightening around your torso.
“You’re going to have to ste- step up your game more, Wands,” you said, yawning in the middle of your sentence.
Wanda giggled and nodded, “Sure, baby.”
Your face burned at the nickname, but you just hummed in acknowledgment. 
“Did you make the air colder while I was in the bathroom or something?” she mumbled quietly.
“Yeah, sorry, I know it’s chilly.”
Wanda shook her head against you, “It’s okay, you feel cold, so I figured. I can get us another blanket though,” she offered.
“It’s fine, I don’t want to make you get up.”
“Y/n/n, I have magic,” she snickered, shooting down your protest. With that, she twirled her fingers around and they glowed red for a second before a blanket in the wire basket across the room moved up, spread out, and covered both you and Wanda. It was tucked around you snugly, and you pulled her closer, enjoying her warmth. 
Neither of you said much else, and you fell asleep like that.
By the end of the next week, you and Wanda had made considerable progress in the mission. All you had left to do was keep your cover for the night at the club while Natasha snuck into the backroom to get Sofia, Vanessa, and the rest of the people they worked with into the Avenger’s custody.
The two of you were on comms so Natasha could check in every so often to talk to you about what she was doing while you sat in your usual place in the VIP section near Vanessa’s friends who you’d become acquainted with. Apparently, there were a lot of lesbians in Miami and most of them seemed to have hooked up with each other before.
You were now turned away from Wanda while she sat behind you with her left arm draped over one shoulder and her chin resting on your other shoulder. You were half listening to a story this girl Ana was telling you about her family’s boat.
You could tell she was bored, which was fair because you were both used to doing much more interesting things than gossiping with people who do nothing all day, and she wasn’t hiding it very well. In an effort to keep herself entertained, she was fucking with you in every way possible. Her right hand rested on your thigh, and every so often she would press kisses to your shoulder or the back of your neck before nipping at the skin there.
Just now, she’d tried to suck a hickey at your shoulder, but you nudged her off of you, making her scoff. She then groaned quietly and rested her head on you in defeat while you suppressed a chuckle.
It wasn’t long before Vanessa’s friends left for the bathroom in a group, and they insisted that you both should stay at the table because Wanda had said her feet were hurting from dancing earlier. You immediately turned towards her once they were gone and glared playfully, “What are you trying to accomplish, Wands?”
“Nothing, darling, can’t I just have a nice time with my girlfriend?” she asked, a smirk playing at her lips as she twirled the ends of your hair with her fingers.
“Of course you can, my love, but I’m sure there are other ways to have a nice time that don’t involve making out with my neck,” you teased.
Wanda rolled her eyes, “If you want to complain about me making out with you, I’ll give you a reason to complain.” she said pointedly, pulling you towards her so she could kiss you.
Your lips moved together naturally now, as you’d both gotten used to kissing each other, but it wasn’t very long before you were interrupted by Natasha groaning over comms, “I can hear you and hate you. If I see you two sticking your tongues down each other’s throats on the quinjet because you can’t wait until you get to the compound I will strap parachutes to your backs and throw you out. You horny fuckers can’t go two seconds-”
You pulled away from Wanda to curse under your breath, “You must be getting old because all you like to do anymore is complain.”
“I hope you remember calling me old next time we train together Y/l/n,” Natasha retorted, which made you chuckle in ignorant bliss, ignoring the fact that you knew she would hand your ass to you.
You brushed off her comment and moved further down to kiss Wanda’s jaw, “Besides, we’re just doing this for the mission.” you said, reminding yourself more than anyone.
You felt Wanda’s breath hitch and you eased away from her, kissing back up to her lips and pecking her nose twice before sitting back and taking a sip of your drink.
Nat gave a ‘yeah, right’ over comms which made you roll your eyes.
Wanda did her best to suppress a smile but broke out into giggles, which made your heart flutter in the cheesiest way possible. 
A minute or two later, your eyes scanned over the club and your brows furrowed, “They should be back already, right?”
“Well, one of Vanessa’s friends wouldn’t happen to be blonde in a tacky-ass hot pink dress would she?” Natasha asked in a hushed voice.
“Fuck,” you groaned. “Nat, do you need help?”
After hearing a loud crash over comms before the devices started to emit a high pitch ringing, you and Wanda both ripped them out before getting to the backroom as quickly as possible. 
When you arrived, you watched Natasha push herself off a (now broken) metal shelf that was on the ground. You and Wanda had to work efficiently since Natasha was occupied with Sofia, who wasn’t too bad at fighting, but Natasha was way better.
What caught you off guard was the fact that their friends had powers, but you probably should have seen it coming. It wasn’t very hard to contain the girls with you, Wanda, and Natasha there, and a short fifteen minutes later, they were being loaded into a SHIELD van that would take them to a base for questioning. 
After talking to Steve on the phone, the three of you made your way to the beach house, where you were staying for the night before leaving in the morning. Natasha borrowed clothes from you and got comfortable on the couch while you and Wanda retreated to your room.
You’d taken a bit longer than Wanda to get ready for bed. You were really tired, and you were moving slowly, now brushing your teeth. You heard the bed creak, and you assumed it was Wanda moving around in it, but you soon saw her come over and wrap her arms around your waist from behind before dropping her chin down to your shoulder, reminding you of how she’d been doing the same thing earlier in the evening.
“Hi,” she hummed, closing her eyes.
You mumbled a ‘hi’ in return the best you could with your toothbrush in your mouth which made her giggle, and you smiled at feeling her laugh behind you and her warm breath on your skin.
“Tonight’s our last night,” her arms around you tightened a bit as she said that, and you nodded before you spit your toothpaste in the sink and rinsed your mouth.
Both of you had settled too far into this fake relationship and you knew it was going to either cause weird tension or make you feel like shit when you got back to the compound, and you didn’t want either of those things to happen. 
You expected Wanda to let you go, but her arms stayed where they were at your hips. Your eyes flicked up to hers in the mirror and your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you maintained eye contact.
Your pulse drummed in your ears when her hands gripped your hips and turned you around to face her. 
All the questions you’d been wanting to ask her were now swirling around in your mind and you were sure, once again, she could hear your thoughts, or at least the chaos going on up in your head. She was standing so close to you. She hadn’t moved back and neither had you - but this time it was different. You couldn’t say you were just doing it to get more comfortable around her. You no longer had the excuse of pretending to be dating. All your bullshit reasons to be close to her were useless now.
“Y/n/n,” she said quietly before licking her lips, which momentarily drew your attention to them until you willed yourself to meet her eyes again. “You make a great fake girlfriend.”
You forced the right side of your mouth up in a lazy attempt at faking a smile and Wanda rolled her eyes, seeing right through it, “I bet you’d make an even better real one though… Go on a date with me?”
Your eyebrows shot up and you stayed at a loss for words for a few seconds before starting to chuckle, “That was.. really smooth.”
Wanda smacked your arm lightly which was becoming a very common occurrence and whined your name, “I’m sorry, sorry.” you laughed, holding up your hands in defense, “Yes, I’d love to go on a date with you- like so much Wands.”
A grin broke out on her face and your heart swelled, feeling a bit prideful because she liked you and you were the reason she was smiling like that.
“I don’t really know how you want to go about this,” she started. “Since we’ve already made out and all, but technically we haven’t even had a first date or anything, so if you don’t want to we don’t have to k- mph”
You cut Wanda off with a hungry kiss and her lips moved against yours almost immediately.
When she moaned into your mouth after your hand went down to her ass, you pulled away, not missing the blush on her face.
“Does that answer your question?”
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tedesquire · 3 years
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
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A/N: So I’ve recently become obsessed with Egon and Ray, (hello new hyperfixation) and am hopping on the Ghostbusters fanfiction train. I’m a little rusty writing but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Warnings: Smoking
Contains: fluff, established Janine x Egon relationship, mentions of Ray’s delicious ass.
Description: You were moon-faced, doe-eyed, head over heels for Ray Stantz. But you can’t confess your feelings to him. You’re far too busy “working”.
You were supposed to be alphabetizing the files of previous clients. Or prioritizing recent client calls. Or finishing typing up client statements. You could have even been reading a magazine like Janine was, or… or anything.
“You realize you’re staring?” Janine sings softly, noisy flipping a glossy page.
“Yeah…” You sigh, leaning your cheek on your hand.
“You realize he could turn around and catch you?”
“You realize that Peter’s standing behind you?” You jolted in your office chair, quickly turning around with a prepared excuse on your tongue only to be met with empty air. Your head snaps to face Janine, her nimble fingers removing her glasses as she held in a snicker.
“That wasn’t funny!” You hiss, “If Peter ever saw this I know he’s never let me forget it.” Your eyes frantically dart around.
“Forget what?” Egon’s deep voice came from behind, startling you once more. 
“Jesus, Egon, wear a damn bell!” Your heartbeat pounded in your ears, taking a few calming breaths. The lanky man approached Janine, giving her a small peck on her cheek.
“Don’t listen to her, she’s just mad that I was teasing her about Ray.” 
“Zip it!” You whisper harshly, sparing a glance to the aforementioned man, blissfully ignorant of your staring and of the current conversation as he was fixing the Ecto-1, plump ass in full view. It was just so perfectly cradled by his khakis, and the soft groans he emitted echoed throughout the floor. You absentmindedly bite your lip, noticing a sliver of his soft stomach exposed as his black tee rides up. 
God, you love it when he wears that shirt. Not only did it ride up every so often but sometimes you could see the start of his chest hair. You could only imagine what Dr. Ray Stantz would look like shirtless, how warm his skin would be as you ran your hands over his stomach and pecks, you wondered if he had any unseen freckles or moles, what you wouldn’t give to kiss them as you make your way down-
It takes you a second to recognize that Janine has hit you with her magazine, rolled up in her palm, the other hand held onto by Egon in what you can assume was a failed attempt to stop her. She snickers, setting the magazine down on your desk to cradle your cheek affectionately.
“Oh honey, you’ve got to tell him. I can’t sit here and watch this every day, we’ve got work we have to do. Besides, I’ve got a feeling he likes you back, and you know with my psychic abilities I’m hardly ever wrong.”
“Didn’t you think your boyfriend was going to die at the hands of the Keymaster?” You tried to dismiss her, cheeks burning in embarrassment.
“He almost did!” She opened her mouth to continue, only to be interrupted by Egon.
“I’m sorry, were you under the assumption that your infatuation with Ray is a secret? We all know about it, except Ray, I believe.”
“What?!” You cried softly. “Janine!-”
“You’re often mimicking his breathing and body posture, your pupils are always dilated when you’re around him, and I’ve noticed an increase in you wiping your palms, which indicates that you’re sweating excessively. You’re either attracted to Ray, or you’ve started taking drugs.”
“I will say this slowly. I do not ‘like’ Ray and I’m not on drugs.” You sighed irritably. 
“Well then the only other conclusionI have is that you’re ovulating.”
“Egon!” You and Janine both gasped, finally drawing the attention of the other parapsychologist in the room. 
“Everything okay?” Ray asked, wiping his hands before making his way over.
“Oh yeah,” Janine smiled, leaning against her boyfriend. “Egon and I were just about to leave for the day. Y/n’s still working though, should you need anything.” You could have wiped the smug look on her face, but appreciated her quick recovery.
“Oh, well then, enjoy your night!” Ray’s lips spread into that oh-so-infectious grin you loved. 
The couple said their goodbyes, making their way to the door. You saw Janine turn around and mouth, “tell him!” before the pair left for the day. You manage to suppress another eye roll, turning your attention back to Ray.
“How is she? The car.” His large hand reaches behind his neck to scratch at the skin there, a soft sigh escaping his lips as his hip leans into the side of your desk.
“Well, the muffler’s so loud I’m not sure if anyone can hear the sirens over it, but I guess I’d rather listen to the muffler than Venkman trying to sing Hall & Oates.” You laugh softly, ripping your eyes away from his to try and appear more casual.
“Hall & Oates? I never pictured him the type. Poor Dr. Stantz.” You tease. “If anyone can fix Ecto, It’s gotta be you.” You compliment, busying your hands as you try to organize the unorganized pile of files on your desk. “Would you uh, like a glass of water or anything?” You look back up at him only to meet that damn smile again. 
“No, no, that’s alright, don’t trouble yourself.” You stand anyway, waving off his comment. Another reason you admired him so much. He was constantly thinking of other people. On every call he always made sure to ask the client how they’re feeling and believed them without a second thought. He knew everyone’s takeout order from all the regular places off the top of his head for long nights. He always asked how your weekend went, and always denied your help, even though it was your job.
With a glass of water in hand, you make your way back to your desk, stopping once you catch Ray lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag. He notices your return and flushes, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth to exhale.
“I hope you don’t mind. I know you, Janine, and Egon don’t smoke.”
“No, that’s okay!” Normally, with other men, you couldn’t stand the sight, smell, or even the thought of smoking, but if it meant spending more time with Ray, you’d gladly risk secondhand smoking. He takes the glass from you softly, rough fingers brushing against yours. Ray was a man who knew the meaning of hard work. 
After taking a sip, he catches you still staring, suddenly a little self conscious. Thinking it’s the cigarette, he decides to speak again instead of taking another drag. 
“I know, Egon tells me it’s an awful, filthy habit. It’s the leading cause of death, I’m wasting thousands each year, not to mention it’s unattractive.” He recalls various things his friend has said in attempts to stop. “I’ll… I’ll put it out.”
On the contrary, something about the way Ray smiles to himself as he balances a cigarette between his teeth drives you nuts. Not to mention the pleased expression on his lips when he takes a particularly long drag, or the lingering of the smoke against his delightfully plump lips when he exhaled. God, you could almost kiss the smoke out of him.
You're pulled out of your thoughts by Ray choking on the cigarette, instantly patting his back softly with a concerned gaze. 
“Jesus, Ray, you alright?” You cry, lifting the cup of water back up to his lips.
“Kiss the smoke out of me?” He squeaks, voice strained thickly. “Now I’m definitely putting this out.” He weakly fumbles for the ashtray he had brought over when you had left. Before you can even process that you’ve just spilled your guts to your crush, his strong hands are already gripping your arms, and his lips smack against yours.
You were right. You noted, Ray’s lips are wonderfully soft. Did he use chapstick? He tastes of cigarettes, and your eyes flutter shut as you lean into the kiss, your heart racing. A hand of his comes to cradle your cheek and you practically melt into his embrace. Kissing Ray immediately felt natural, like speaking or breathing. 
He was so… warm, and you could bet he was blushing. 
Too soon your lips pull apart for air as you pant against each other, foreheads connected.
“You’re amazing…” He mumbled, pressing chaste kisses against your cheek. “You’re so beautiful and kind and I can’t believe you like me back.”
Your shock slowly returns to you and you’re suddenly shy, blushing as you clear your throat. “Ray, you… you like me?” He pauses, leaning back to meet your eyes.
“You didn’t know?”
“No!” You exclaim.
“I thought it was obvious! Egon said everyone knew about it! He said I was mimicking your breathing and body posture, my pupils dilated around you, and I’ve been excessively wiping my palms.” You scoff, an incredulous laugh escaping you. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, Doctor, just kiss me again.” You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in close, reminding yourself to reward Egon with the next mold sample you could get your hands on.
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
It's Better When The Sun Goes Down — Nanami x Reader
This is a piece for the Anilysium Server NSFW Collab! Make sure to check the masterlist to see other writer's works! This month's prompt was: "I can't hold back anymore"
I'd like to dedicate this fanfic to one of my dearest and closest friends. I'm not a Nanami simp myself, but they are. And I have fun writing for Nanami, and also I love writing angsty things and flawed characters. Reg, I hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoy my more casual writing.
(it's pink bcs youre Chancho)
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: Mentions of breakup and heartbreak, alcohol and drug consuption, public sex, ghosting, lots and lots of angst. This does not have a happy ending. This is also non proof read bcs I kinda left it to the last minute I'm sorry, I'll go back and edit it when I am not in a rush dcj nd
Summary: Nanami’s return to the Sorcerer life wasn’t so bad. It could be better if Gojo wasn’t determined to get him back with his ex. As Nanami tries to get on good terms with them, things get out of control, only to end up where it all began.
I made this playlist while writing, in case you wanna listen to it while reading. Preferably listen to it without the shuffle, but you can hear it on shuffle, no biggie.
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Nanami had forgotten how painfully unbearable Gojo could be. His return as a Sorcerer had been nothing out of the ordinary for a Sorcerer's standards. Missions here and there, or watching over some of Gojo's students. But God, he had surely stepped out of the line this time.
He couldn't even begin to explain how much he hated his current situation. Fighting by your side for the first time in years felt like rubbing hot oil on an open wound. The uncomfortable ignoring the elephant in the room between you two, as you two tracked and fought what felt like a million Curses.
When the adrenaline was at its peak, it felt almost nostalgic; though he'd then remembered everything else and immediately made his own reality bitter and awkward. Overshadowed by the advantage of years of experience ahead of him made him resent you even more. He knew it was childish and pointless to keep remembering everything that happened between you two, but that bittersweet memory would most likely keep him at bay.
You were still strong, witty, fearless, reckless and quick to act and defend yourself. The way you moved looked more swiftly and coordinated than you did back in your student days. Almost as if you were a professional dancer. He hated every bit of it. He couldn’t stop looking at you, thinking about you, and the possibilities of what you two would have become.
After the mission was over, no words were exchanged between you two. Aside from the: "Are you alright?" He told you as you simply gave him a thumbs up as you caught your breath drenched in sweat. An entire ride in an uncomfortable silence, until he reached the school and you got out of the car.
"Thanks. You did a great job. Keep it up" You said. Cold, and straight to the point. Closing his car door before he could reply. And soon, you were gone.
As Nanami tried to get his mind off the mission, Gojo made it difficult. He called him to ask for the details of the mission. He seemed amused and intrigued, as clearly you hadn't told him shit. And honestly, he could understand why. Gojo was meddling on things that weren’t his business, and things that had died a long time ago.
"Why are you interrogating me, Gojo?" He asked as he pressed hisnfingers on the bridge of his nose. "Ask your underling…"
"Because that jerk left for the bar as soon as they arrived" He explained. "And I know better than to annoy a drunk [Name], It took me a while but...I finally learned my lesson" He chuckled. “I knew they could hit hard, but damn, I had a big ass bruise…” Nanami could almost hear his stupid grin.
"You make it sound like it's a recurrent event" Nanami pointed out, slightly surprised as he didn't know you were a drinker.
"Oh, Nanami-kun, you really know nothing huh?" Gojo said, smiling widely as he had managed to manipulate Nanami into asking.
"Know what?" Nanami hissed as he now swore he could hear Nanami creepily grinning at his phone.
"No, nothing!” Gojo said as if it were nothing; trying and succeeding at peeking at Nanami’s curiosity “I'm not gonna talk over depressing things on the phone. Gotta go, bye! Kith kith, Kento-kun" Gojo sang and hung up, as he smirked, proud of his little mischief. He sighed deeply as he stretched in his bed. "Soon, those two will be back together" he smirked to himself.
Nanami hissed a curse under his breath as he locked his phone and threw it on his bed and went to the kitchen. If he had understood well, Gojo had just hinted at a possible drinking problem. He tried shaking his mind off of it. You couldn't, could you? You weren’t a drinker...You weren’t the last time he saw you. You were able to party and have fun without having to intoxicate yourself.
You were wild, cheerful, unpredictable. Everything he was not. And that’s what had made him fall in love with you back in your school days. You were so laid back, he could feel it permeating into him when you two hung out. The few times he’d broken rules was because you’d been the bad influence, however, you somehow managed to get away with it, and leave him with some distant memory in which he felt actually glad to be alive. He usually felt like he was walking on a cloud stuck in time, being present and enjoying the little things that made his everyday memories.
He’d really screwed up after breaking up with you...if he could call that a breakup... His life took a dramatic turn. And then, he turned his back to this world, and got immersed in the gray life the average man in Japan had. Away from what he's familiar with, away from his friends, away from you.
And now, apparently, you had a drinking habit. He wondered if he had caused it, or if he was one of the reasons behind it. The guilt started creeping in. The same guilt and regret he felt after ghosting on you. Not being able to bring himself to properly end things with you.
The guilt he’d managed to swipe under the rug for so many years creeped back out, and followed him around as the afternoon went by. After having a shower, changing into more comfortable clothes and in a lame attempt to cook dinner, he decided to test his luck. He put on a dark button down shirt and decided to go to the bar closest to the School. He felt the naive hope to find you there. However, if you had an actual problem, then his chances to see you there were higher.
Such was his surprise to find you there, trying to get rid of some insistent guy who kept talking to you despite your very obvious lack of interest. Before you could spot him, he watched you aggressively turn to the guy and talk to him in a rather rude tone. Sounding almost like a moody sailor as the guy’s face soon was washed with horror and disgust and walked away. As you turned your face back to your drink, your eyes scanned the bar, finally spotting him.
“Oh god” You whined as you pulled the glass to your lips. “It’s too early to be this drunk…” You hissed.
“Mind if I sit here?” He asked, pointing at the chair in front of you.
“Tell Gojo to go fuck himself…” You snapped at him as you stood up and stumbled your way to the bar asking for a refill. Nanami looked at you, feeling slightly sorry for your tipsy state, as he’d never seen you like that. And he knew being mad and drunk was never a good combination. As you turned around with your glass and made your way back to your table, you gave him a slightly repulsed smile. “You’re still here…”
“Gojo didn’t send me here, if that’s what you’re thinking” He replied.
“He might as well have manipulated you into doing so, has that crossed your mind?” You said with a sassy tone as you sat back down. “Why are you still standin’?”
Nanami took that as an invitation as he ignored your last comment, trying to refuse the idea that Gojo had manipulated him.
“Rough day, huh?” He said as you nodded and stared at your drink.
“Look, Kento. I’m glad that you’re back. I really am. You’re strong, and you’re smart…” You began. “But I’m gonna cut the chase, I’m kinda annoyed too. Ever since you got back, Gojo has been sticking his snobby nose into my business” You explained. “Many of the missions he sends you in, I’m supposed to be there as well, but manage to get busy by then and not go”
“So you’re actively avoiding me?”
“Yes” You replied bluntly. “Mostly because Gojo is trying very hard to bring us back together. But no, I learned my lesson the first time” You said taking a sip to your scotch, feeling it smoothly sliding down your throat, no longer feeling the burn from the alcohol.
“I haven’t apologized for that…” Nanami began.
“Don’t” You interrupted him. “It’s better this way”
“Are you sure? Because you still seem to have an issue with it…” Nanami said, managing to read you like an open book like he always did. He still had that ability.
You glared at him, angrily as you opened your mouth to snap back at him, but your mind was foggy and a big portion of your brain was focused on the little details surrounding him. His black shirt, the first buttons undone. His thick wrists, one of them hiding underneath a fancy looking watch, his blond hair pushed back, his sharp features...And god, his smell. The smell of his cologne luring you in like a fly to honey. Since any words made it to your mouth, your next step was to take another sip.
“You’re drinking too fast” He pointed out.
“None of your business” You said standing up and taking your wallet out and leaving a few bills on the tale. “I’m out” You said coldly and walked out of the bar.
Nanami sighed, frustrated that he hadn’t managed to get anything out of interaction. Aside from the pretty clear fact that you disliked him. However, he didn’t think of the possibility of you resenting him so much because you still had feelings for him.
As you walked out of the bar, the chilly wind hit the back of your neck, making you shiver. You cursed, knowing it was going to make you feel drunker faster. You made your way to the school with long steps, trying to make it to your dorm before your last drink made it to your head. Despite the cold wind, the hot tears in your eyes in a way kept your face warm. As you tried to keep yourself from crying, you heard steps behind you.
“Wait” You heard Nanami’s voice calling behind you as you stopped on command, against your own will. You swallowed the lump on your throat and managed to keep the tears still in your eyes, as you refused to look at
him. “At least let me walk you home. You can’t walk on your own like this…”
“Oh, so now you care?” You said turning around and looking at him, giving him a smug smile. “You’ve changed” You scoffed bitterly.
“Please” He said, knowing better than trying to argue with you.
Your stare on him softened, as something within you urged you to say yes. To have more time with Nanami and maybe cling to the bittersweet memories you were constantly reliving since his return.
“Fine” You said, very much to his surprise. He smiled and walked closer to you with the gentle smile that had been haunting your dreams as of lately.
“C’mon. My car is not far from here…”
You stopped coldly as he mentioned a car. Taking a second look at him, you wondered how much he’d changed. He’d become an adult through and through, hadn’t he? While you were still a mess...Or so you thought. To Nanami’s eyes, you were a far better sorcerer and warrior than him. And he envied you for it.
“Are you actually going to take me to the school?” You asked, suddenly growing suspicious of him, as you’d had plenty of experiences with strangers on the street and knew better than going into someone’s car in a drunken state.
Not that you didn’t trust Nanami. You didn���t trust yourself drunk.
“I was actually thinking of taking you somewhere for dinner and then to the school” He said.
“Not hungry”
“No, but you’re drunk. It’ll sober you up, and tomorrow morning you’ll thank me when you wake up without a hangover” He said as he walked towards his car.
“I don’t have any more money on me” You lied, looking for an excuse to avoid spending any more than necessary with him.
“I didn’t ask you if you have money” He said boldly as he managed to make you smirk for the first time since his return.
“Smooth, Nanami. You’ve grown” You said as you followed him.
The walk to his car felt like your chest burnt far more than the alcohol ever did. It felt bitter, it hurt and was nauseating. Was it really it, or was it the alcohol finally catching up with you? Like flashes of instant memories being erased from your memory, the drive to a restaurant felt like a poorly edited foreign film. The car felt like some intense themed park ride as you felt dizzy with the alcohol whispering everything you missed about him. It was gross and it was sickening.
The Ramen sign on the outside on itself managed to sober you up a little by taking your mind off Nanami. As you followed him, clumsily standing on your feet, you sat on one of the tables and tried to make sense of the dancing letters in the menu. More flashes of memories were taken off your head, as you wondered what was happening and how drunk were you for you to start blacking out.
“Not good…” you muttered under your breath.
“Did you say something?” Nanami asked.
“No. Nothing”
“How are you holding up?”
“I’m not”
“You’ll feel better in a bit. Don’t worry…” He said softly as he sipped from a soda you didn’t know he had. When had he ordered it? You looked in front of you to the nice surprise that you had one too despite not knowing how or when. “I ordered some ramen for you. Something spicy...It’ll sober you up faster”
You chuckled as you looked at him.
“And how do you know that?” You asked with a cheeky tone as he smiled softly.
“Went drinking a lot with friends from work” He said. “I learned a few things here and there”
More brief black outs kept lazily painting a rather miserable painting in your memory. As you ate your ramen, you found yourself relaxing more and more. Was it the hot spicy broth? In the beginning, the balck outs weren’t getting any less frequent, however, as the night went by, you found yourself sobering up like he said. Soon, the black outs were gone, however you were still somehow locked in a haze. Although it made sense. The amount of booze as well as the short time, it was going to take a lot more than just one hot bowl of spicy ramen to get you back to a sober state.
The conversation kept flowing comfortably as both of you ate. It was reminiscent of the old days, nostalgic and somehow morbid. As the both of you tried to grasp at the old days when your worries were limited to school work. Catching up like old friends who hadn't seen each other, as if you didn’t have hard feelings for each other.
After having finished your food, Nanami paid for both of your meals and went back out into the cold night. The sky black, stars hidden by the streetlights as you made it to his car and finally noticed the silver color in it.
As he drove back to the school, you noticed he took a small detour, instantly setting alarms in your head.
“Where are we going?” You asked, your voice considerably serious as he noticed the change in tone from the pleasant talk they were having in the restaurant.
“There’s somewhere I’d like to go…” He said as he briefly looked at you and gave you a tender smile.
That smile made your heart uncomfortably skip a beat as you hated the effect he still had on you. You didn’t dare to ask any further as you slowly recognized the route he was taking. As he slowly took one of the roads towards the edge of the city close to the coast line. He stopped in a rather deserted place, as he got off the road and stopped the car.
Despite the lack of light, aside from the few streetlights, you knew exactly where you were. A whole in your chest opened dramatically as you felt your eyes tear up and happy memories attached to the location flooded your mind.
“Kento…” You said chuckling bitterly.
“When I said I wanted to apologize, I meant it…” He said as you clenched your jaw and looked out your window, avoiding his stare.
“And I told you I didn’t want to talk about it…”
“You’re still upset about it, I get it. And I don’t blame you” He began as he felt his heart beating hard in his chest. “Look at me, please”
You wanted to say something to him. But you knew you would break down crying as soon as you opened your mouth. You took a deep breath and without saying anything you looked at him. His dark brown eyes gazing into yours, as he was looking at you with a rather pained stare.
“You remember this place, don’t you?” He asked.
A bitter laugh escaped your lips as you clicked your seatbelt, getting it off.
“I’m done” You said dryly as you opened the door and got out of the car.
“No, [Name]. Please, wait” He said as he mirrored your movements and excited the car walking around it.
“Of fuckign course I know where I am, Kento” You barked as you walked away approaching the door. “I know where I lost my fucking virginity, okay?” You barked as you stopped coldly and looked at him, tears finally streaming off your face. “Look, I’ll make us a favour and summarize this conversation. Yes, you’re a fucking asshole for just taking off one day and completely disappearing. Yes, I’m still mad about it. No, I won’t take your apology. No, I don’t care about whatever shitty excuse you have for me to listen to you. You bringing me here out of all places isn’t going to change shit…” You spat all in one breath as you stopped and took a deep breath.
“I loved you, Kento. I really did. And it hurt to have you just dissipate like you were a hallucination or something...You were my first kiss, my first love, my first everything! And one day I lost all of that. You ruined sex for me!” You yelled angrily. “I could never hold, kiss or sleep with anyone, because at some point I’d see your stupid face, and then be incredibly underwhelmed because I would not enjoy sex. I can’t feel anything anymore, Kento...The only way I can actually enjoy those things is by getting drunk or high” You admitted. “I can’t walk into bookstores, nor eat sandwiches or diet coke, nor drink tea because all those things remind me of you. And yes, it’s lame that all these years later I still care about those things. And this is why I can’t forgive you” You cried, as your voice shook.
Nanami’s heart broke little by little at each one of your words. He knew he’d screwed up and had hurt you deeply. But he wasn’t aware of the actual impact. He clenched his jaw as he felt his chest tight and a lump on his throat. Now the drinking problem made sense. Gojo had painted it like you were an alcoholic, but it wasn’t exactly the case. So you’d gone to the bar to get it off with some stranger, probably pretending it was him.
The dizzying pain and weight of his mistakes blinded him for a second as he walked towards you as you kept bitterly complaining. As you tried to walk away, you made a very poor effort as he caught up with you and cupped your face in his hands, bringing you closer to him and shutting you up by pressing his lips against you.
The sudden surprise made your heart stop. Your mind turning numb and blank at once as you struggled to bring yourself to push him away. However, truth be told, you didn't want to push him away. The poor attempt to push him away was more than obvious. The strong fighter you were, barely making any physical effort. Nanami's hands wrapped around your back and pulled you close, squeezing you against him as he sighed into the kiss.
Finally kissing him back, you locked your lips against his desperately, eager to taste the lips you've been dreading in your dreams. Clinging to him like he was going to disappear again, a soft whimper escaped your mouth. Your chest pressing against him as he felt his own world getting blurry.
He broke the kiss pulling away as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“You have no idea how much I missed you” He whispered as you clung to him.
“I-I…” You stuttered, the words tasting bitter before they even made it to your mouth. “Fuck, I want you, Kento” You growled as he pulled you in, kissing you hungrily again.
His hands posessively clinging to you as he slowly guided you back to the car. One step at the time as you both melted in a hungry sour kiss. As you ran out of breath, you pulled away, gasping for air as you gripped his collar in your hands.
“I can’t hold back anymore” You said as you pulled away and grabbed his hand, walking back to his car.
Your words unleashed a shiver down his spine as his heart skipped a beat and raced like crazy, as his pants started feeling tighter on his crotch. He chuckled softly as he realized his own judgement seemed to have disappeared with that first kiss. And before you could even make it to his car, he gripped your hips and spun you around as he bumped his forehead against yours.
“I can’t either” He admitted as he guided you to the car’s hood and pulled you over it. Ass you sat on the warm hood, he got between your legs and you wasted no time wrapping them around his waist. He grunted softly feeling your crotch against his as you pulled him closer to seal your lips together.
As you soon were absorbed by the dizziness of your rising heat, his hand went to your bare thighs as he slowly caressed your skin, going up and lifting your skirt up in the process. A soft moan slid into his mouth as he gripped your ass softly and squeezed it. The way your skin got covered in goosebumps and how you jerked your hips made him moan in response.
It felt good, and intoxicating. The driving desire burning his insides. The feeling of desiring to taste you all over and have you shaking underneath him. God, he’d missed that particular rush of adrenaline. His body reacting to the deeply buried memories now loose. He felt like he was in the best high he’d experienced. Lightheadedness and presence in the moment, he hadn’t felt this alive in so long.
Your hands were slowly undoing his buttoned shirt and were quick to explore his warm skin. He pulled away from the kiss, gasping as he looked at you. Your devilish smile matching your hungry stare. You leaned forward kissing his neck, nibbling on his skin every now and then. His hand gripped your hair tightly, pulling it lightly, making you look up at him as he stared at you.
He leaned forward, kissing you once more, this time a lot more slow and a lot more tender. It was sweet and it was slow and it took you by surprise. You felt his sweet kiss begging you, still holding on to the feelings you both decided to drown unsuccessfully. It almost hurt. It was the kind of kiss that told you how much you missed and needed each other. How much you regretted the mistakes you’ve done.
As you melted against his lips, his hands slowly slid your panties off. You helped him lifting your hips a little but as you giggled against his lips.
“Eager?” You said with a playful smirk.
“You have no idea” He replied as he took off your panties and shoved them in his back pocket.
His hand made it back to your thigh, slowly going up until he palmed your hot sex. Stealing a gasp out of your mouth, he teasingly ran one of his fingers through your dripping slit, making him smile satisfied.
“I’m not the only one, huh?” He said as you looked at him with lustful eyes.
You took his glasses off and set them aside. You were about to go back to kissing his neck when he slid one finger inside of you effortlessly. A rather loud moan escaped your lips as you shut your eyes closed feeling your entire body tingle in a way you hadn’t felt in years. You smiled satisfied as you continued kissing his neck. Slowly, he got another finger inside. The delicious stretch of his second finger prompting you to bite his neck softly making him growl your name softly. His fingers explored the whole he knew so well, as he found your sweet spot almost by muscle memory. More moans came out of your throat sounding like music to his ears.
“Fuck, Kento” You hissed as you took off your top, not caring that you were outdoors and by the road. Up to this point, you were so pent up, you simply craved him like you’d never craved anything before.
Nanami wasted no time and kissed your neck, going down to your neck, gently biting your skin every now and then. Sucking delicately on your skin, leaving marks that wouldn’t last long. He pulle dhis fingers out of you, clinging to your body desperately. As you laid on the car’s hood, you devoured him with your lustful eyes, begging him to get on top of you. Wearing just your skirt by this point, Nanami groaned at the plain sight of you.
He undid his belt and his pants. Your hands playfully teasing your own body in an attempt to drive him crazier and crazier. He cursed under his breath as he couldn’t take it any longer. He pulled his painfully hard erection out of his pants. You watched hi, intrigued, stretching your hands towards him, gently gripping his dick. His breath hitched and you smiled proudly.
Nanami leaned over the car hood, slowly getting on top of you, his shaft resting on your belly as he looked at how much deep could he go inside of you. His tip almost reaching you belly button, as the idea alone made a shiver run down his spine.
"Please, Kento" you gasped, need dripping from your voice as you caressed his dick
He growled softly as he pulled away softly, aligning against your entrance and slowly going in. You gasped, pushing your head back and pressing your hips against his making him go deeper.
Hissing your name, he jerked his hips, his tip.kissing your cervix as sudden rush of pain jolted through your body, followed by pleasure. You dug your nails in his shoulders as he thrusted back and forth, hitting all the right spots. The sound of his gasps and grunts hypnotizing as you got wetter by the second. His length coated in your juices, echoing in lewd wet noises.
He was rough. He usually was. Back in student days, he was particularly rough. As quiet and collected as he seemed, he sure got his stress out if his body through wild sex.
Relentlessly pushing against you, stretching you in such a delicious way only he knew how. Strong and aggressive movements as your walls swallowed him whole every time, breathless moans escaping your lips with every push. The cool wind kissing your skin, only enhancing his warmth.
As you felt your orgasm progressively approaching, the realization of how addicted you were to him hit you. He was everything you desired. And it was wrong. Before the feeling of uneasiness started to sink in, a sudden electric rush ran through your body. Painfully and soothing, as you tightly clenched around himbsoon numbed your mind.
As you came around him, your walls sucked him in tightly, as he was right over the brink, your velvet flesh pushed him off the edge. He didn't have time to pull out. And honestly, he didn't want to pull out. The way your walls milked him felt delicious. As he rode you through your orgasm, filling you up as his head felt dizzy and the world was spinning faster than usual. His hot seed coating your insides, as you shut your eyes closed, feeling the very last of your orgasm fading away.
He pressed his forehead against yours. Loud pants echoing.
However, the world didn't quite return to its regular focus.
The rest of the night went by in a fuzzy hot mess of events. You returned to his apartment and kept feasting on each other, making up for the lost time. Both of you incredibly starved and needy, you desperately went at it over and over again. It was a rather long night. As you feared, no one made you feel as he did. All of him was addicting. His smell, his voice, his warmth, his skin...It didn’t matter how many strangers you fucked, or how drunk or high you were, he felt just right. He made you cum so easily, it seemed ridiculous everyone else couldn’t.
But you knew it was far more than that.
You were still deeply in love with him. No wonder why he had that effect on you. Just hearing his breathlessly gasp was enough to have you soaking wet and under his mercy. Between sweet kisses, fake promises and sweaty sex, he quite literally fucked you to oblivion. Until either of you could take it any longer and you two fell asleep in each other’s arms. It had been a long tiring night, as you knew many of your muscles were gonna be sore the next day. Your chest painted in red and blue bruises.
It was possibly one of the best night sleeps he’d had. In such a long time. The uncomfortable hole in his chest didn’t feel so wide now. Just like you, he didn’t know how much he actually needed you until now. His regrets, his guilt, the thoughts haunting him on how much of a jerk he’d been when he simply took off...All those feelings went away for a night. As he tasted the wonders of the universe under your skin. Feeling ecstatic and euphoric for the first time in years. However, nothing could’ve prepared Nanami for what he was about to experience when he woke up.
“What the hell is this?” Gojo asked as he waved around the folder you’d left a few hours earlier in the Headmaster’s office.
“Why the fuck do you care?” You said as you grabbed it, ripping it off his hands.
“You’re seriously leaving for Kyoto?” He whined.
“So my transfer was accepted? Great!” You said sarcastically as you opened the folder and saw the Headmaster’s seal at the bottom.
“What about Nanami-kun?” Gojo replied as the very last string of your patience snapped.
“Oh, fuck you, Gojo! You tried to force us back together, but it’s not going to happen” You snapped. “I’m done. I’m done with him, and I’m done with you sticking your nose in my business”
“Do you really think that running away will solve anything? You’ll still be depressed as hell”
“The less I know about him, the better” You said as you turned around, hot tears blurring your sight as you headed with long steps towards your room. “I don’t trust myself around him…” You whispered. “He’s my weakness Gojo, I can’t let that happen…” You said coldly.
You’d left that morning very early, before Nanami woke up. And you left leaving no trace of you ever being there. Unintentionally doing the same he did. It was unintentional because you hadn’t done it out of spite. Your thought process had been simply. You preferred to not have that conversation and simply leave without him noticing. You had had the exact same thought process Nanami had had all those years ago.
You didn’t waste time and soon started packing your things to leave for Kyoto right away.
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