#Magic 2 Wifi Next
digitalesleben · 9 months
Devolo Powerline richtig einsetzen?
Powerline-Technik macht Sinn, wenn man ein Heimnetzwerk über mehrere Etagen aufbauen will. Ich habe dafür Devolo Powerline eingesetzt. Das Ergebnis ist wirklich schlecht und zeigt auf, dass diese Technik nicht leistungsfähig ist.
Nach unserem Umzug in eine neue Wohnung stand ich vor der Herausforderung, einen Kellerraum auch an mein Netzwerk über Devolo Powerline anzubinden. In diesem wollte ich mein Computermuseum aufbauen und natürlich auch mit dem Internet verbinden. Was soll daran so schwierig sein fragt der geneigte Leser? Zwischen der ersten Etage und dem Keller kann ein WLAN doch auch weit genug funken. Oder man…
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Replaced MC AU/AU - Part 3
Characters: demon brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, male! MC and crushing! male! NES (MC x NES)
How’s it gonna be , Intro – Part 0 , Part 1 , Part 2
You can read about this MC and this NES here!
CW: Solomon is mentioned, jealous and mean brothers, black cat x golden retriever behavior i think, one single kiss, a bit ambiguous at the end, not very angsty really, NES x MC centered
A/N: my favourite version of NES and MC by far, I enjoyed writing this a lot. However, my pc came out as homophobic and decided not to connect to any WiFi for this chapter, so I won't be able to update the links nor the masterlist until next week. Also, some people aren't properly tagged once again because I can't find their blogs for some reason?? So so sorry for that, but I don't know what to do about it.
NES was… someone they didn't expect. Unknowingly infuriating, always distracted and too unbothered to care about any of his surroundings. He was a disaster that enjoyed living in disaster and, if they weren't threatened by his presence, Satan and Belphegor would love his insolence.
Barbatos remembered an occasion, one moment from the second week of NES's attendance at RAD, where Lucifer gave him an earful for his ‘impropriety and insulting attitude towards the uniform’. Mammon had been there too, shirt out of his pants and jacket nowhere near closed, backing his brother up.
NES’s pristine appearance lasted only two periods before MC saw him chocking under his tie and laughed at him in sympathy. After that, he'd only wear the uniform ‘the Lucifer way’ if MC was there to eventually mess up the outfit.
And how could the eldest brother object to that?
“They need to loosen up, Lucifer”
MC always had the last word.
Solomon found the situation hilarious. Witnessing the brothers competing against each other in search of MC's attention was one thing, but adding NES to the equation? Yes, Barbatos had to somewhat agree. It was funny.
Who had been cooking for hours in the kitchen if not NES trying to make a quick snack for his fellow human? And who was the first one to leave the House of Lamentation each morning, already waiting next to MC’s seat by the time everyone else arrived?
Mammon called him a simp. Asmo liked to call them both the kettle and the pot.
And while, yes, Lucifer was the one and only Avatar of Pride, none of the brothers were able to admit just how big of a deal NES was becoming.
When would it be too late?
The Demon Prince's birthday arrived and the mandatory celebration was as grandiose as one could expect. Everything was bright and full of laughter, the streets cramped with food stalls, demons and witches alike throwing mesmerizing magic tricks for the children, acrobats, costumes, music…
At one point MC considered handcuffing himself to NES. Even Luke was easier to manage!
Fortunately, Beel ended up finding him playing darts with a succubus and her partners. Unfortunately, MC seemed to be the only one who wanted to check if he was okay.
It was becoming… draining.
Not NES, of course. Sure, he was a handful, but none of his mistakes were intentional. Everything he did came from naiveness and ignorance, being new to the Devildom, and what he lacked in common sense he made up in enthusiasm.
At least he didn't steal his valuables and he’d never threatened to kill him or eat his heart, something MC still thought about frequently. The worst thing NES ever did to him was throw them both to the ground when he tried to slide on the floor at full speed. And he still apologized for that from time to time.
Did the brothers ever apologize for all the things they did or said? The way they used to look at him? He couldn't remember.
Now they were doing the exact same thing to NES. Treating him like an unwanted guest instead of the roommate they insisted on having, turning down every single one of his ideas, including the good ones, and very passively threatening him in a condescending tone, as if they could impress MC with that.
Maybe it was a demon thing? Or rather regular jealousy brought to a dangerous level?
Whatever the reason, MC didn't waste any time sitting them in the living room and chewing the hell out of them, something that enraged Lucifer and put a strain in their relationship, still making it difficult to make small talk, but of course none of them would back down. The rest of the brothers weren't so obvious showing their annoyance, but it was still there.
The good thing was that, as long as MC was there, NES wouldn't be the receiving end of any bullshit. The bad thing was that MC didn't know what was going on behind his back. And NES, bless his soul, was never willing to tell him if any of them made him uncomfortable.
It was draining and NES gave him a sense of peace, but the brothers missed him and they wanted to monopolize his time, but MC wanted to spend time with his new friend and that made the brothers angry and jealous, which made MC anxious, which made NES worry.
Every factor made the situation worse. The brothers were too much, NES was too good for the Devildom and MC was too done with everything.
However, the time passed surprisingly fast as they sang Happy Birthday to Diavolo, eating in the midst of it all, dancing with each other and talking like they used to do before the ridiculous ordeal, albeit with a subtle tension that limited their topics of conversation.
They even ignored NES! Which was better than any other option!
So, once the voices toned down and the guests divided themselves into small groups, MC forced himself to whisk Diavolo away for a moment and have a serious talk, Barbatos following close and listening with a curious glance.
That proved to be nothing but a waste of time.
“It's too soon to take conclusions, MC. I'm sure the brothers just need time. After all, remember your first year here!”
He did remember. That's why he was so worried.
And why did Diavolo talk to him like that? He was 100% sure Lucifer insulted NES to no end anytime he had more than one horn of Demonus. What did they call NES in the privacy of their office? What did they think while they talked to him and faked respect? What were they plotting when they looked MC in the eyes and promised him they wouldn't threaten NES anymore?
Too many lies.
But then… NES smiled so easily… Like none of that bothered him. Luckily, MC didn't mind caring in his behalf. He wondered if being able to save someone from the fate he had last year was the root of all his actions.
“You look so worried, you're gonna get all wrinkly! Not like you'd look bad, but if you're going to have wrinkles, won't you rather have them in your eyes? Like, from smiling too much, you know?”
He did smile then, imitating NES’s caring expression.
“There you are, handsome! You're gonna be the envy of all in 90 years!”
“Do you really think I'm going to live that much?”
“God, I hope so”
They laughed softly, but it still sounded too loud. MC looked out for the brothers, checking their positions in the ballroom before grabbing NES’s hand and dragging him to one of the balconies. He preferred not having the moment tarnished.
“Good idea! Too hot in there…"
“Don't lie to me”
MC stared at him quite sternly, although trying not to look to much like Lucifer, but he needed an answer.
“Do they still bother you? Do they threaten you? Do they ignore you? What do they do?”
“Whoa, whoa, MC. Here comes the frown again…”
He raised his hands, caressing MC’s frown until it softened. His touch was warm and soft and it made MC lean towards him, not wanting it to end. When he opened his eyes again, unknowingly closing them before, NES stayed in that position.
There was silence for a few seconds, interrupted only by the violins, the harps, the pianos and other instruments serenading them under the moonlight. NES could only stare at MC’s lips for a fragment of a second before someone grabbed the scruff of their necks with poorly hidden aggressiveness and brought them back to the ballroom.
MC raised his gaze in fury, bending down to help NES get up again. He expected to see red eyes and black feathers, but, to his surprise, what stared back at him were purple eyes and a long bovine tail.
He wanted to scream at him, to ask what the actual fuck was wrong with him. Would he had acted the same if it was one of his brothers instead of NES? Would he had such hate in his eyes?
But people were staring, very obviously amused at the sight of two humans being put back in place.
MC would have to wait.
“NES! What happened?!”
MC watched as the boy waved at him, hanging upside down where Mammon usually spent countless hours. His arms were tied behind his back and the rope covered his body in a way that surely left no room for the blood to circulate properly. His head already looked dangerously red and MC knew he couldn't leave him there for too long unless he wanted him to have permanent damage.
“I think I failed my last test, but I don't really remember”
“What do you mean you don't remember?”
“Well, I'm very dizzy right now, but I'm sure it's okay. Lucifer will get me out of here soon enough”
Or he won't.
MC sighed, cursing in silence before studying the thick ropes and the tight knots. He knew he wouldn't be able to untie him by hand and he wouldn't be surprised if the kitchen suddenly lacked knives, no doubt the result of Lucifer's pettiness and sadism.
“Wait for me here, okay? I have to get something to cut the ropes…”
“Wait, wait! MC!”
He turned around, patiently staring at his loopy smile and cloudy eyes. He couldn't wait for too long, but maybe he could indulge a couple of minutes.
NES briefly looked away, his embarrassment gaining MC’s attention. Now that was a rare sight.
“Have you seen Spiderman?”
His heart stopped for a second and he felt his cheeks getting hot. His hand, previously grasping his hip, fell to his side and made him lose balance.
“You can say no, of course. We can forget about this and I won't get offended. A little sad maybe, but I can manage. I like you too much to stop liking you for a kiss. Does that sound weird? You get me, right?”
His rambling gave MC the opportunity to go down a couple of steps in the staircase and align his face in front of NES’s. The position was weird and staring at his chin was an experience he didn't know he would get the chance to live, but he didn't care.
It wasn't until he finally kissed him mid-sentence that he noticed a figure peeking around the corner, eyes staring without blinking and jealousy ready to made itself known.
Accepting the challenge, MC closed his eyes and grasped NES’s hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
Dinner that night would be fucking awkward.
Taglist: : @stfuchaase @k1-an @meggs-wonderland @kkeromenoo @va109 @marvelous-maniac @cruzerforce4256 @blarsh @marathedemonoverlord @junni-berry @arylleb @b-a-m-2006 @jonielunar @piercedddriver @cosmidaydreaming @bluegrey02 @anxious-chick
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you-know-honey · 8 months
The L rule
Part 1/2
Sodo/Dewdrop x f!reader
Summary: You know what they say about short boys...
Word Count: 1930
Note: bad english, the L rule is something that until now I have only heard in Latin America but if you are from other countries and have heard it, comment :).
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"Yeah!" You squealed excitedly at your phone, you were in Aurora's room where a girls' night out and Swiss was taking place. Aurora had begged to be let in and well…no one can resist that smile too much and a blackmail of candys that Swiss had brought with him.
As a fun act in your pajamas, you had been logging into internet forums about yourselves, looking at fan edits, and overacting fanfic scenes, plus of course a LOT of Reddit gossip, and now you were trying to get into a group of theories about the band by idea of Swiss. You offered to take care of searching the forums, but the WiFi signal in the ministry is terrible, especially in the ghoul area, so you were lying on the ceiling of Aurora's closet, with the ceiling of the room at few centimeters from you, while the page loaded.
"I'm sorry Rain, I can't be with you" Cumulus posed as Sodo in a fanfic about him and Rain, the performance fell into ridiculousness and that was the funny thing "I am a fire demon, you are water, we are opposites, destined to never be together." He flopped onto the pillow fort.
"Love can do everything Sodo!" Cirrus responded with the same drama. They both read the lines from their cell phones. "Let me love you" Cirrus dramatized, dropping onto Cumulus in the fort and ending his excellent play amid laughter from everyone present.
"I almost cried," Swiss exaggerated while applauding as if he had seen the pinnacle of theater drama.
"Stay still!" Aurora scolded the ghoul and pulled her left hand back in, trying to finish polishing her nails.
The night was more than perfect, even though it was a 'girls' sleepover, the idea of the masks and manicure had been Swiss's idea, he had really committed herself to making sure everyone had a good time. They had eaten popcorn, pizza and done spicy food challenges, challenges that Cumulus had won.
"Girls, enter the forum" you said as you slide out of the prison between the closet and the ceiling, Swiss made space for you next to him as he waved his hands to dry the polish.
"Let's get this started!" Cirrus said, excited to hear the fans' crazy ideas.
They avoided all theories that had to do with Papa Tenzo since it was a nostalgic topic, it was funny how many tried to guess Montain's height, he had made edits about Swiss promoting toothpastes, or about Rain being a kawaii girl.
"Wait! See" Aurora pointed out on the screen.
Test Who is your Ghost Soulmate ¡Click Here!
Without asking permission Aurora clicked, they were stupid questions like: What is your favorite food? What is your favorite instrument? What is your favorite color? Favorite Ghost song? Etc.
The results were curious to say the least.
Cumulus result was Mountain and she seemed to blush a little as she sank into the pillows. Something that you guys didn't waste and joked about.
Cirrus was paired with herself, and in an exaggerated way she went for a hand mirror from among Aurora's makeup and kissed her reflection, definitely nothing better than being your own love of your life.
Aurora and Swiss's turns were fun, they both appeared as the love of each other's lives, they looked at each other and burst into laughter. Swiss put her arm around Aurora's shoulders. "Maybe in another life, dear" she said in a diva tone as she laughed and Aurora agreed.
When it was your turn everyone was curious, you completed the questions and waited a few seconds before the pixels showed an image of Sodo on the screen with a brief description of why he would be your soulmate:
'A wild boy who will get you out of any boredom✨, his hands work magic🔥, his name says it all.🥴 All good girls die for a bad boy like Sodo. You already know the L rule 😏'
You laughed nervously as you shook your head, there was no way the gremlin was your ideal soulmate "No, never that" you said between nervous laughs but the others only gave each other knowing looks, perhaps your insistence on denying everything ended up confirming it. “Come on guys, it’s just a silly test,” you tried to ignore him.
You and Sodo weren't very close, but on the part of the ghoul who always seemed to want to be away from you, you had even felt that being close to him drained his energy and you weren't really looking for that. So if Sodo was in the room you practically became part of the furniture and in the few times they had to interact you were always too stiff to be natural while you stammered vague responses or ran away from the room, leaving the ghoul somewhat bewildered. The group had interpreted those things as 'romantic advances' and if they were like that they would be the most pathetic romantic advances in the world.
"Stop guys, seriously, it's not funny. It's fake." It was actually funny, if you weren't the victim you would joke just like they do now.
"Of course it's funny, just look at you, if it weren't real, your cheeks wouldn't be as red as tomatoes" Cumulus took the opportunity to say.
"You blushed too!" You replied, you weren't expecting that attack from Cumulus.
"At least I can admit that Mountain is cute!" Cumulus said. Low blow for you.
You wouldn't deny that Sodo was cute, it was an opinion that you and millions of others shared, even in his demonic form, you had always thought that there was no way Sodo wouldn't look attractive. But he had to stay alone in your thoughts.
"One way or the other!" You raised your arms in a sign of peace. “Also, what the hell does the L rule mean?”
"I don't know" Aurora answered, looking at the others for answers but both Cumulus and Cirrus raised and dropped their shoulders.
"No idea girls" Cirrus said.
A small, almost imperceptible laugh escaped Swiss's lips and like owls they all turned towards him, smiling maliciously at each other.
"You know what it is, right Swiss?" Cumulus approached him with a tender puppy look.
"I won't tell them," he replied, but there was a small crack of weakness in his voice. If they pressed harder he would speak.
"But we invited you to our girls' night" Cirrus pouted and crossed her arms childishly, something very cute and she knew it.
"It's a boy thing" He responded, crossing his legs looking at the ceiling to avoid falling into the manipulative tenderness of the ghoulette.
"But you said you were one of us. We girls tell each other everything" you said in the sweetest tone you had, one that worked very well with Rain or Phantom. You leaned on her shoulder like a cat to be closer to her ear.
If an outsider saw the scene they would think it was some kind of satanic harem and not a group of girls trying to convince their dear friend to betray their gender and tell them the secret.
"If it's not the good way, it's the bad way." Aurora pretended to roll up the sleeves of her pajamas. "Girls, hold it down."
With evil smiles they all understood the plan, Cumulus and Cirrus held the legs and you held their wrists. Swiss writhed like a snake but it was impossible for him to get free.
"It's not okay! It's cheating!" he screamed as he tried to get away, laughter escaping him.
"Come on Y/N, you wouldn't do this to your good friend" he begged you with his cute smile.
"Sorry Swiss, curiosity first. Give it Aurora!" Swiss opened her mouth to say something but Aurora rushed over her stomach, beginning the torture.
Aurora's hands ran over the most sensitive areas of Swiss's body, causing him to tickle and laugh loudly and uncontrollably, as well as broken pleas for them to stop. The scene made the girls laugh.
"Confess!" You yelled at him between laughs.
"No," he replied. "It's a boy thing," Swiss gasped as he tried to take a breath, his chest rising and falling violently, tears beginning to escape from his eyes and roll down to his neck.
"We can do this all night!" Aurora hummed and she wasn't lying.
"I…" I gasp "Fuck it…Fine!" He gasped again but louder, "I will confess!" the tickling stopped abruptly letting him breathe properly after some endless minutes.
"Okay" Aurora stayed on him for a few seconds waiting for some sign of a lie but it wasn't like that. She raised her hands in peace and moved away from her stomach. You and the girls let it out too. Swiss wiped away his tears and took some time to get back to normal.
He stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from Aurora's nightstand before sitting back down on the cushions and scribbling a few things down. She ended up showing them an L on the paper, next to the vertical line she had written the letter 'B' and under the small horizontal line the letter 'D'.
"Any idea?" Swiss asked and the four shook their heads, Swiss sighed.
"What does 'D' mean?" you asked innocently.
Swiss smiled mischievously "This" he pointed to his own crotch.
You looked at his crotch for a few seconds before understanding, the blood went to your cheeks at a fantastic speed and you covered your face embarrassed to let your gaze go to the area of Swiss's body and everyone's eyes widened in surprise when they understood. They didn't need to look to understand.
"So if I have the page vertically and the B refers to the boy and the D refers to his… 'little friend', it means that the taller the boy, the smaller his 'D' will be, do you understand?" I explain Swiss as if it were a university class.
"But Sodo isn't that tall, the rule doesn't make sense then" Cumulus was the least uncomfortable of all, Aurora had a nervous smile, you and Cirrus covered half of your faces with a cushion each, absolutely embarrassed.
''Quite the opposite, my dear Cirrus." Swiss turned the page horizontally and changed the place of the 'B' and the 'D'. "As you see, everything changes, now the boy is small so his 'D' will be bigger."
If it could still be possible, your cheeks took on an even redder color. The girls let out a group "Ohhhh…" as Swiss threw the piece of paper against the door.
"Happy with the answer?" Swiss asked, crossing his arms, proud of his explanation. "I hope this betrayal of my gender merits some reward." She looked at her nails with feigned disinterest, before Aurora handed her a handful of candy.
"I was expecting something funnier, but it's okay," you said as you looked out the window, hoping that your blush would stop and that no one would notice.
"Forget it, let's do something interesting now" Swiss said, returning to the fun of a sleepover.
Swiss had finished singing 'London Boy' by Taylor Swift and had even tied the sheet of Aurora's bed around her waist as an elegant dress. You regretted not being able to record that moment. Now it was your turn. You spun the little spinner on the screen of Swiss's phone, it spun for a few seconds and stopped on 'I Love It' by Icona Pop. Your eyes sparkled with excitement.
A long night of talented divas was coming.
I hope you like it, I plan to write some "short" stories to cover my obsession with the band while I continue writing the fanfic.
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Solomon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Solomon is older than the Celestial War
2. Solomon has claimed after a few hundred years you forget your age
3. Solomon’s cooking has even frightened Michael who seems almost annoyed by it
4. Solomon has been to the Celestial Realm multiple times before the start of the game
5. Solomon wears the Ring of Wisdom, gifted to him by Michael
6. Solomon is based off the biblical figure King Solomon the Wise, and refers to himself as such
7. Solomon often refers to himself as “The Witty Sorcerer”
8. Solomon is season 2 tried to convince MC to kill Lucifer
9. Solomon has assumed the role as protector of the human world
10. Solomon started the Sorcerer Association but was banned from it after making food for everyone
11. The Sorcerer Association is so upset by Solomon’s food incident they once sicked a dragon on him
12. Solomon nearly died summoning Barbatos for the first time
13. The first time Solomon commanded multiple demons at once his body ached for many days
14. Solomon fears the ocean but the game has yet to reveal why
15. Solomon and Asmodeus formed a pack after getting drunk and don’t recall the details
16. Solomon can use his magic to fly
17. Solomon is a huge fan of The Seven Lords
18. Solomon lost a pop quiz of TSL to Leviathan but asserts he will win the next time
19. Solomon has written and published TSL fan fiction
20. Solomon has stated to be intimidated by Diavolo and nervous when it’s just the two of them
21. In Solomon’s UR+ video he is seen crying and laying flowers on a grave but no details are given
22. Solomon consorts with witches
23. in season 2 Solomon decided not to kill Lucifer only because he knew MC would probably not forgive him
24. Solomon is MC‘s official mentor
25. Solomon is stated to not want a pact with Mammon but in season 2 offers to give Mammon the Midas Crest in exchange for a pact
26. Solomon loves making food for everyone and it makes him genuinely happy to see people eat his food
27. Thirteen stopped being friends with Solomon after eating his food. She now makes many attempts to attack him
28. Solomon doesn’t seem to understand when people dislike him.
29. Solomon often gambles his life with Thirteen but he never loses
30. Simeon tried hard to make Solomon cry but only cutting onions succeeded
31. Solomon’s cooking never turns out right for multiple reason: 1. He thinks the ingredients/measurements/time are just a suggestion 2. He unknowingly infuses some of his magic with the food
32. Solomon states that MC’s face puts him at ease
33. Solomon states many different times that he’s feeling his age— his body aching, not being able to pull all-nighters, etc
34. Solomon once fed Lucifer opposite cookies to try and ask Lucifer for a pact so Lucifer refused to talk
35. Solomon finds it hard to believe that Diavolo is a demon
36. Solomon says Levi is on his second goldfish named Henry, it’s not stated how he knows, if Levi knows, or if he’s responsible
37. When having a sweat interaction with Solomon he states that if you think he’s not scary when mad just because he’s not a demon that you are very wrong
38. When Solomon has nothing to do he’ll sometimes call Asmo over
39. Solomon always starts his showers by washing his face
40. Solomon let’s Asmodeus do his nails
41. Solomon is inconvenienced by his cape on windy days and there are pictures to probe it
42. After making a pact with Asmodeus, Asmodeus gifted him a giant painted portrait of himself
43. Solomon asks MC not to ask his age on his birthday
44. Solomon has been “friends” with Thirteen for thousands of years
45. Satan once made a cursed scarf for Satan but suspects he gave it to Lucifer
46. Solomon invented a magical homing pigeon when they are without WiFi
47. Solomon states he’s no good at the beach
48. Solomon tried growing human flowers in the Devildom but states they’d quickly die without him casting magic on them to seal them in time
49. Barbatos warns MC to watch out for Solomon
50. Solomon isn’t sure if he can knit
51. When touching Solomon in surprise guest where he doesn’t like, he asks if Asmodeus taught you to act like that
52. Simeon and Luke constantly trick Solomon out of cooking duty
53. In the Pirate AU, Solomon is the navigator
54. Raphael is the only one to enjoy and easily survive Solomon’s cooking
55. Solomon finds Venus fly traps to be cute
56. Solomon is stated by multiple demons to be more of a demon than an angel
57. Solomon joins Luke and Simeon for puzzle days of purgatory hall
58. Solomon can talk to animals
59. Solomon says if the world ended tomorrow he’d want a pact with all demons in exchange for his help
60. Solomon has stated that he hates summer
61. Solomon has had implied sex with MC in the RAD classroom before school began
62. Solomon is the most powerful sorcerer to ever exist though he states that with training MC will surpass him
63. Solomon once messed up a potion that caused everyone to speak very differently for many days and nothing could be done
64. Solomon and Satan often exchange and discuss books
65. Solomon has claimed he can stop time for objects and other things
66. Luke worries about Solomon because Solomon gets intensely focused on work and forgets to eat
67. Solomon says when he gets busy he usually only eats instant ramen
68. When discussing Gingerbread men solomon says some places call them Gingerbread Boys and that it reminds him of Luke but asks MC to never tell him
69. Solomon gifted Lucifer a bath bomb infused with magic that’d make him want to make a pact but Lucifer crushed it on the spot
70. Mammon believe Solomon could give Lucifer a run for his money in terms of deviousness
71. Asmodeus caught Solomon buying many ghost balloons to bring to the human world as souvenirs
72. Solomon joins Luke in doing morning stretches and exercises
73. Solomon loves Barbatos’s cherry pie
74. When asked who he can rely on, Solomon says PROBABLY Barbatos and Asmodeus
75. Barbatos worries about Solomon in the summer because “Solomon hates the heat more than most people.”
76. Lucifer states he feels uncomfortable that when facing off against Solomon he feels the need to go all out
77. Solomon, while typically a composed person loves to tease Luke
78. Solomon is shown to not mine if someone cheats in a game unless they brag about it
79. Solomon dislikes the taste of Hellfire mushrooms
80. Solomon’s motto is “No need to worry about tomorrow.”
81. Solomon admits to feeling jealous when it comes to pursuers of MC (he was once jealous of a plant)
82. Solomon has a pact with seventy two demons
83. Solomon is the kind of person to easily forget important relationship anniversaries
84. Solomon has asked Belphegor for a pact but the demon immediately refused
85. Solomon learned how to make anklets from Leviathan
86. Solomon stays cooped up in his room with the AC blasting on hot days
87. Solomon has trouble saying no to Asmodeus and has even lied to Lucifer for his sake
88. Solomon was strung up from the ceiling by Lucifer after plotting his murder
89. Solomon once had a snow globe that contained an important memory to him—looking at the aurora and remembering it with his birthday
90. Solomon has no preferences when it comes to part time jobs other than it have a good atmosphere
91. Solomon loves to play Dungeons and Dragons and other TRPGs
92. Solomon was too embarrassed to woke at a roller skate diner and make hearts for anyone other than MC
93. Levi is the only brother that doesn’t warn MC about Solomon
94. Solomon created a potion in attempt to see the red string of fate but ended up revealing all connections instead
95. Solomon once accidentally trapped himself and MC in a box where you could not leave until you told the truth
96. Solomon is said to be the active one when it comes to love and does not wish to be bound by his lover nor bind them himself
97. Solomon took MC on a date in the stars but leviathan interrupted them with a drone
98. Solomon is in a chat with MC and Satan called (Cats) where they mainly talk about cats
99. During the bunny boy event Solomon was a good pole dancer
100. Solomon is the first side character to deepen his relation with MC and is also the side character with the most kiss interactions on par with Diavolo
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Sorry, was just musing on something & skimming a season 1 episode list and like, OK now I get why you have Princess Perfuma so late in the game XD But two main things:
1: While many Akuma are laid at Chloe's feet (& some were like Reflekta, Perfuma and Kung Food) some really feel more like a group effort, circumstances or her being targeted unfairly, IE:
Ivan/Stoneheart was initially just straight up Kim and then nearly everyone in class being on his back about Stoneheart. Mylene was the situation, most of the class was getting irritated and Chloe just seemed to be the last straw. (Also Nino inviting someone he described as a brat to be in his movie. Again, Chloe may not have been beloved but she wasn't reviled at first) Then there's Nathanial where it really feels like he should have gone after the teacher unless he was trying to nice guy Marinette by murdering Chloe which... Well either way its off putting XD
2: I do think the season 1 sequence of events struggles to make some sense, given you'd think Rose would know Chloe's not liable to be particularly nice after what happened with Juleka.
Unless Chloe hands out apology gifts/baskets in-between some episodes XD
"Sorry for locking you in the bathroom so I could be next to Adrien in the picture. Dad always said anything to win & well, you becoming an Akuma certainly gave you a win, so even? No... OK, how about if I give you this obsidian dagger ne- OK we're cool then!"
"Sorry for ripping up your letter to Prince Ali, I mean I'm not sure why you were so upset, Mama throws away, destroys or rejects all my gifts, but I guess if you got AKumatized over it that it was serious or whatever. So, here's like, a pile of plushies?"
Yeah like.
Okay first off I love the name 'Princess Perfuma' better than 'Princess Fragrance' like damn the English dub was robbed there.
But also yeah its.
I go over this a chunk in LL but there's a lot that either Chloé's actions were only exacerbating a situation that was already happening, or she was entirely in the right.
Stoneheart? She actually didn't cause that one! Yes she did upset Ivan at one point which. Yeah given they don't know what's happening/why he went monster I can understand her skepticism. But Mari calms him down. The first Stoneheart was Kim's bullshit, and the second Stoneheart was the confession going wrong.
Lady Wifi? Alya was 100% in the wrong here. She was breaking into, rifling through, and taking pictures of Chloé's locker. All Chloé did was demand that she be given the proper consequences for doing so. If the tables were turned and it had been Chloé who was caught going through Alya's locker but the principal had said 'eh no harm done go back to class' you can bet everyone would be pissed about it.
Timebreaker? None of these idiots figured out how to put a pocket watch in a pocket. Yes Chloé yoinked the watch to look at it, but breaking it was a genuine accident.
Rogercop? Chloé reported a crime to a cop, the cop was like 'the fuck do you want me to do about it?' and got fired for not doing his job.
Horrificator? Mylene was scared and getting overwhelmed and everyone on the production was getting frustrated at her. Chloé might've been the first to snap, but someone would've eventually and with the same result.
Dark Cupid? While her rejection was harsh, any kind of rejection could have set Kim off in that moment. She is not obligated to return his feelings nor is she responsible for his emotions.
Vanisher? That one kinda is her fault but also friends fight! Sabrina did something that upset her, no matter how small it was, and she had a right to be upset. Just as Sabrina had a right to be upset in turn when Chloé started ignoring her. While technically in the wrong on this particular argument, the kids shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around each other and pretend things don't hurt them just because some butterfly bastard might give them magic powers.
Evillustrator? The teacher was far harsher than Chloé had been. Hell Chloé's comments were actually /complimentary/ and just outing an obvious crush. While the teacher had screamed at Nath in front of the class, told him his art was worthless and ugly, and that he was failing his classes.
And yeah Reflekta, Kung Food, and Princess Fragrance are more her purposely being a dick. And I'm not pretending that Chloé is 'nice' at any of these points. But things aren't black and white.
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bodybeyondstories · 10 months
Just ignore it - 1
David is teaching a course on identifying and managing magical anomalies, and begins to suspect there may be a reality-warper in class. Largely because everyone's butt looks too good to believe.
2 (Next)
(btw this is inspired by one of my favorite TF stories)
“Now the point of these journals is to start recognizing energetic and temporal anomalies, better attuning yourselves to…”
I paused mid-sentence, feeling that something was off, taking a beat before I continued with the lecture. I was hoping to have some time to settle into the Fall semester before having to deal with an inevitable minor metaphysical crisis, but a reality warper a few weeks in was not what I saw coming.
Having a job that includes resolving paranormal wrinkles in spacetime seems exciting until you realize that somehow they’ve found a way to turn it into yet another 9 to 5. People often expect some sort of imposing mansion or gothic structure whenever they hear “Center of Supernatural Sciences,” but it’s actually a squat concrete block cobbled together by a regional college in the 70s. The scariest thing for visitors is figuring out how to connect to the WiFi, though if you’re rude to Seema at the front desk, she will put a hex on you and that’s just your own fault. It’s been a mainstay on this campus for decades, but for how much longer was unclear, as administration has been defunding us relentlessly for as long as I’ve been here. The university doesn’t see our value in light of its own investments in mass surveillance technology and a more ‘hard science’ study of spookiness, but the work we do is still important. Supernatural phenomena are much more common than a lot of people realize–it’s just a matter of actually paying attention–and our work is split between teaching, research, and service, addressing issues locally and regionally as they arise.
And no, we’re not magic cops. We’re not out to punish or control, fist bumping each other as we shoot silver bullets first and ask questions later. That’s archaic. We investigate, mitigate, and remediate, stepping in whenever the fabric of reality gets a little too bunched or frayed and mending as best we can.
I teach a class called “Investigating Supernatural Threats” almost every semester, which is a title that I absolutely despise–I think it’s an insult to our more than human neighbors–but the department is worried that if we change it we’ll end up losing funding to the criminal justice program, and it’s a hill I’m only willing to get bruised on. But it’s a survey of identifying and responding to paranormal, metaphysical, and magical shenanigans, so it tends to get all kinds. It’s usually a relatively small group, a smattering of grad students from occult history to crypto-zoology, museum curators and archivists needing a refresher on what to be cautious of, and often–which I’m personally delighted by–new forest rangers sent by the state’s Department of Natural Resources who are doing overnights for the first time.
But back to the issue at hand. It’s my job to stay observant across multiple temporal and dimensional planes, so I’m known for picking up on minor phenomena and patterns that at first glance may not seem significant. So around week 3, I couldn’t help but notice that most, if not all, of the men in the class had near perfect, juicy butts, yet all unique in their own ways. I was used to commanding attention with a round booty sitting pretty on my 6’1” frame, looking downright disproportionate against my lean swimmer’s build–a blessing and a curse, really–but some of them were giving me a run for my money. Which isn’t really an issue, squats are en vogue and there are plenty of male leg day enthusiasts thanks to social media trends, not that I’m complaining, but in week 4, I picked up on the fact that all of their pants fit so well. Too well. Like not just fitted but custom made for each of their unique and sizeable proportions, as if carefully crafted to emphasize and display their bubble butts. A telltale sign.
During class, I kept my extrasensory eyes and ears open, seeing if I could pick up on any novel energetic shifts. And I felt something odd. Something deep and subsonic, pressing tentatively against the borders of our reality, like a sperm whale floating up to a kayak without making a sound. I could feel an energy seeping into local space, something building to some sort of threshold, before, with a submerged *pop* that I could ‘hear’ elsewhere, it was gone. It was like nothing had happened. In fact, nothing had happened. I turned to the board to continue writing something that I had forgotten, only realizing after class had ended that I had been writing about two inches above where I had left off. I did a somatic check, quickly scanning my body from toes to head to fingertips. I felt fine, had all ten fingers, only two eyes, an ass that could stop traffic, still a strapping 6’3”. But had that been true an hour ago? Doubt was setting in.
As someone who teaches the detection and mitigation of magical fuckery, this isn’t the first time I’ve had to deal with a potential situation like this. You’d be surprised how often some horny gay warlock has a little too much fun and needs to be reined in, or someone’s chaos magic manifests without them realizing–even worse, with them fully realizing. If you’ve ever had to neutralize an entire college dorm (and a frat house to boot) you would understand why we need more funding and support in magical education, but this isn’t the time for my soap box. A mystery’s afoot.
My most important piece of advice: Just ignore it. The thing is, a reality warper is a serious matter. If you call someone out, you better come correct and prepared for anything. Even just them knowing that you know–or that you’re on the hunt–can get real messy real fast. So you have to act casual. Don’t let them know you’re on to them, and don’t let them know that you know that something is seriously off. This is why I always introduce an extended project around tracking anomalies in the fabric of spacetime, having my students keep journals of anything weird, unusual, or metaphysically wobbly. Don’t react in real time, just on paper and in private, keeping a record of things as they happen. But it seemed like whoever this was was influencing the passage of time in very subtle ways and everyone’s memories, for the most part, were adjusting accordingly. Which is why no one in class has batted an eye at the fact that the asses in this room look like they were expertly morphed to near-comical proportions. After all, what else is new? So I took a different strategy and laid a trap.
The donk on my 6’4” frame (Hmm…) was a sight to behold. All muscle with a healthy layer of padding ballooning out from my otherwise lithe form. It was leaps and bounds my best feature, had been for as long as I could remember. I was used to men staring dumbfounded in public as my cheeks swished back and forth, including my own students whenever I turned to the blackboard, pushing it out ever so slightly as I leaned forward to write, the globes of my ass encased in one of many perfectly tailored pairs of tweed slacks. I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, seeing as any pants off the rack would either be way to loose in the waist or way too tight in the glutes, risking catastrophic failure. So I got my pants carefully fitted, but the thing was, so did everyone else. All the men in the class, from muscle butts to perky, round ones, to jiggly booties and wide hips, always had expertly fitted pants without fail. So we know what the focus of the shifts was, but it seemed like it was an expert reworking of time, and with that, memory. The phenomenon of unusually juicy asses in class pinged on my paranormal radar, but mine had always been this way. Right?
The thing is, the fit of everyone’s pants wasn’t just good, it was too good. Perfect, even. Yes, I had memories of having all my slacks tailored but they fit like they had been hand sewn on a lifelike model of my bulbous glutes with millimeter scale precision, not too little and not too much. So I found a pair that I didn’t much care for and took a razor to the back seam to weaken it just so. I squeezed into my form fitting pants and made my way to campus, careful not to stress the stitches too much and too fast, waddling into the room early and looking forward to this ordeal being over. Before anyone showed up, I cast a spell of detection around the space. Not detection of magical activities, which would’ve risked tripping any alarms that my possible warper may have already had in place, not to mention the possibility of interfering chaotically with their own spell whose function I was still unsure of. It was more of an emotional and energetic heat map, tipping me off to any sudden shifts in people’s auras.
Class began like normal as I offered some further thoughts inspired by the previous week’s discussion of AI programs as a potential tool of revealing and visualizing temporal anomalies. The discipline, in order to stay relevant, had been getting into the implications of digital technologies and new media for magical phenomena, so I figured we should spend a little more time on the topic. Also I was genuinely interested in hearing people’s thoughts, albeit distracted by the ticking time bomb of my basketball buns putting catastrophic pressure on my pants as I sometimes too excitedly paced across the front of the room. 
Per usual, I could feel the crescendo of strange, unfamiliar power rubbing almost playfully along the barrier between worlds, but everyone’s auras seemed fine. There was no corresponding wave of connected energy from any one person, beyond the general simmer of erotic activation (i.e. horniness) that spiked every time I turned my back to the class. I had become familiar with the exact threshold that this power would hit before it seemingly reset everything to a new, slightly more enhanced normal, and I was counting on the regularity of that threshold with the timing of this next move.
The previous, and now continuing discussion of new media had led me to realize that the enhanced asses in the room really did look like expertly done morphs and the perfect fit of every pair of pants, no matter the material, was simply improbable. Whoever this was, whatever this was, was operating along the edges of possibility, letting fantasy seep into what we generally regard as the real (or what we think is the real). So I figured, why not use one of my favorite tropes and see what happens.
My tweed slacks were impeccable but not indestructible and as the energetic threshold was reached I just happened to drop my chalk, quickly bending down to retrieve it. The spike in erotic attention from the view of my ballooning backside paled in comparison to what followed, as the seam of my pants finally gave way, my cheeks spilling into view along with a pair of pink and purple polka dotted bikini briefs that did nothing to cover the shelf of my ass.
I played it off with my expert acting skills (this wasn’t the first time I had to feign surprise from some magical mishap), performing a practiced mixture of embarrassment and humor that I assumed the reality-shifter would expect. From the men in class was a mix of nodding in understanding and whispers of It’s even bigger than I thought and How did those pants even fit. I felt a wave of erotic energy move through the room, but there was a spike of something else in the back corner. Something sharper, a tendril of fantastical power peeking into our dimension, concentrated around Logan, who I found staring directly at me with a look of surprise and mild confusion.
I knew of Logan, he was an archivist based in the college’s paranormal artifacts collection, and I think he had signed up for my class as a refresher for methods and safety when investigating and collecting potentially powerful and chaotic objects. He was skinny all around, topping out at no more than 5’7”, his thick, hexagonal rimmed glasses sitting below a mop of bouncy curls with an undercut. He usually came in wearing a pair of loose, flowy drop crotch pants, a surprisingly bohemian look with his otherwise reserved demeanor and sensible button downs. He was demur and unassuming, not seeming like the kind of person to cause this kind of trouble. But at this point he was the only dude in class that didn’t have an absolute dump truck.
The following week, I wondered why I had even hatched that plan in the first place, seeing as I always wear a skirt over tasteful leggings. I had given up on wearing pants years ago because it was just too much of a hassle, opting instead to let the globes of my ass bounce back and forth with more freeform bottomwear. Slacks were constricting enough in the back, but I was also tired of my donkey dick being suffocated in the crotch. A blessing and a curse. It looked like a couple of the guys in class had followed suit, perched on their round glutes as they let some thick bulges snake down leggings or compression shorts.
No wonder those pants ripped, I thought. I probably haven’t worn those in–
Ah ha. Another bread crumb. And an added wrinkle. Time hadn’t been totally rewritten and my memory hadn’t been totally wiped, just altered in the most efficient way in that moment. In fact, I was still mentally very much on the case and making progress. It wasn’t the sort of loose thread that a reality warper this competent would leave, and by now they must realize that I of all people would be on to them. I began to surmise that Logan wasn’t the one pulling the strings, but was actually some sort of conduit. Maybe for a bored trickster god playing an erotic prank–which, frankly, happens much more often than you’d think.
That week, through irony or serendipity, we actually were discussing strategies for navigating the psychological and emotional games that tricksters love to play, but as the supernatural energy began building on schedule, that previous playfulness had hints of… irritation? The power was a little discordant and I could feel it somatically in a way that I hadn’t before; it seemed everyone else could too. We continued on like normal as my leggings felt fuller and tighter in the glutes, my shoes feeling uncomfortably snug as more of my ankles revealed themselves, my dick inexorably snaking its way towards my hip while staying totally soft.
This was new.  And potentially a game changer. But I, along with my students, followed the central mantra of my profession: Note it. Track it. But until you have a plan in place, just ignore it.
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My father ain't getting his Christmas present today. Everyone in the house will get presents, multiple. But he won't get a damn thing from me now or probably ever again for that matter. He doesn't even love me. Why should I spend anything on him?
When my brothers and I went to go get my wheelchair I bought, my father pulled me aside and didn't even look at me as he said, "You can become magically able bodied if you just exercise and lose some weight. If you buy that thing, it has to go into storage and you have to pay for storage. You're making a big mistake." I told him then and there I don't appreciate him and he does nothing for me. Then I left.
On our way home, my father tried to physically blockade my brothers from pulling into the driveway, and said we have to take the wheelchair directly to storage. We... don't have a storage unit anywhere, and it's New Year's Eve, so none are open. Additionally, we have a double garage which you can park 2 vans inside of. We've done it before. And here was father, yelling at us that we can't fit a wheelchair inside...
A few months ago, my father tried to obtain legally confidential information from my therapist which I legally signed documents to make sure he could never get. And he sent lawyers after her and her staff, angry phone calls, and it got to the point the staff texted me and asked for assistance. Twice.
What's more is, I've gotten dozens of blood tests from half a dozen different doctors over the years. All of them confirmed I have high numbers for lupus and arthritis. There's no denying it. And yet, my father said they're wrong. My doctors are wrong, my therapist is wrong, and science is wrong. There is nothing wrong with me. He asked me, "How did you get around Universal Studios?" I told him I limped and complained about my leg pain the entire time. He said, "I don't remember that." But considering he gaslights me on a daily basis, I can promise he remembers and is lying.
And then, I remembered something else. My father has a cousin who was born with a deformed spine. She cannot walk, never has been able to, and yet, whenever my family visits her or she visits us, my father will make offhand comments when she's not looking or isn't in earshot, that she doesn't need to be in a wheelchair and she could walk if she just tried hard enough and that it would straighten out her spine if she did. She... has a shifted spinal column that's missing discs. I uhh... I don't see how you can fix that by walking.
Anyway, yeah. I'm not going to give anything to my father today, tomorrow, next year, ever. He takes my money each month just to turn off my electronic contact with the outside world whenever he's angry (he disables my phone, wifi, TV, data, etc. on all devices). You know, I learned to hack so I could hack his account to gain that access back. He somehow found out, and set up 2FA which I don't know how to get around (my guess is he was tracking when the account was logged into, from which IP, and checking the trace logs).
There's a reason I send all my messages to friends through encrypted apps, or untracked accounts, and hide all my social media posts from my father. I've learned the sounds of everyone's footsteps in the house, so I know when to be silent if my father comes around. I know to lock my door if he does. I fear him and everything he says. Nobody should have to live this way. But I do.
And sometimes, I ask myself if it's worth it to live at all when these are the conditions I'm forced into.
Here's to 2024. Maybe, somehow, it'll lead me to freedom...
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P1
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Music plays as the camera pans on a purple book with a bright red apple pictured on the cover, swirling gold vines and a gold capital D are placed on and around the apple.
The book opens to reveal a tablet, and a purple painted finger swipes up on the tablet to ‘flip the page’-revealing the title of the ‘book’; Descendants.
‘once upon a time-long long ago~’
Naaaah well get to that in a moment, right now! We have some backstory to get into! Meet (y/n)! 16 years old, a Disney fan since she was a baby(sleeping beauty was the shit when she was old enough to remember movies), and now-a huge descendants fan. It’s July 31st, 2017, it’s been 10 days since Descendants 2 had released-and now (y/n) is hunkering down on her couch to watch the first movie again, and then watch D2 again-just for funsies~.
Harry Hook had quickly and easily stolen her heart as soon as he appeared on screen, and she couldn’t wait to start up D2 again. But as the opening credits began to play on her screen-it started to…glitch out, Mal’s voice overpowered by a ‘new’ one, deeper, male-and Scottish.
Before (y/n) could react to it properly-her TV turned to blinding white, the light overwhelming her eyes and living room; something grabbing at her body and tugging her into the screen, the teen was just barely able to grab her phone and bag before she was dragged in screaming to the Descendants world.
What adventures await her there? Only time will tell, for now~ let’s get back to those opening credits-shall we?
Mal; “once upon a time, long long ago-well, more like twenty-” Mal gets shoved over, a crashing noise indicating she hit something hard as someone scrambles to sit on the chair Mal was sitting on, a soft snicker coming from the intruder. Mal; ”Harry?! I was in the middle-“
Harry Hook; “oh shut it pixie-it’s my turn ta narrate! Now go be a bitch somewhere else-anyways~!” Mal storms off in a huff-most likely to complain about Harry to Evie or anyone that would listen. “Twenty years ago, king beasty and his Belle married front’ of all six-thousand of their mates-that’s a big cake hells bells. Anyway! Beasty united all tha’ kingdoms and declared hi’mself king of tha’ united states of boreadon~
He rounded up all tha’ villains, sidekicks, petty thieves, drug dealers, anyone he could think of that was even slightly bad-and booted em’ off ta’ the isle of the lost; with a magic barrier ta’ keep ‘em there.
This is where I live. No magic, no WIFI, no fresh food, and no.way.out….or so we thought~ hol’ up hol’ up, yer about ta’ see me pretty face~ but first-this happened, and ain’t she pretty~ no not belle-the one sitting in the chair behind prince beasty.
Prince Ben stares out to the isle of the lost from his room at Beast castle, so much to do in so little time, and his coronation was in just a month-hardly any time to do all he wanted before he was crowned king. Ben let out a small sigh, catching the eye of his newest and now closest friend, who sat on a comfy chair behind him-doodling away as Ben’s tailor got to work fitting his coronation suit.
“Are you sure this’ll work (y/n)?” Ben asked the girl, who nodded absentmindedly, getting the last details of a certain pirate down before closing her book, and sitting up to give Ben her proper attention. “I’m sure of it, it’s your first royal proclamation, it’s Auradon law for it to pass with no barriers, be it from your parents or the council-we’ve been over this beasty boy, just stand your ground and those kids will be here sooner than you can say codfish.”
Ben let out a small mutter of ‘codfish’ with a teasing smile, laughing as (y/n) took a balled-up sheet of paper and chucked it at him, grinning as it bounced off his head and hit the tailor on the shoulder. He just shook his head at the two teens, standing up to bow as King Beast/Adam and Belle walked into the room-both looking ever so proud of their son.
“How is it you’re going to be crowned king next month!” King Adam exclaimed, looking almost star-struck as Belle, who was walking by her husband's side with her hand tucked into his arm. “You’re just a baby!” Adam insisted, chuckling as Belle stepped away and grabbed some of Ben’s discarded clothes, tossing the shorts in Ben’s hamper and folding the tourney jersey. “He’s turning sixteen dear!” Belle reminded, rolling her eyes fondly as Adam went on.
“That’s far too young to be crowned king!” (y/n) looked up from her sketchpad, looking as if she wanted to say something but shook her head, going back to her doodles. “I didn’t make a good decision till I was at least-forty-two.” Belle looked a bit offended at Adam’s words, narrowing her eyes up at him as Ben smiled in amusement-knowing his mom had a few choice words about his father’s choice of words.
“uh, You decided to marry me, at twenty-eight.” Belle reminded, shaking her head as she made eye contact with Ben as Adam sent a teasing grin down to his wife of 20 years. “it was either you or a teapot.” Belle just glared at him, two seconds away from smacking his shoulder. “kidding.” Adam looked back at Ben with wide eyes and Ben just laughed-knowing his mom still had his dad wrapped around her finger, even after all these years.
Ben glanced back at (y/n), who gave Ben an encouraging smile and he took a deep breath, stepping towards his parents-“mom, dad?” his tailor stopped him, making Ben step back and face his parents on the pedestal. “I’ve chosen my first official proclamation.”
Adam and Belle looked very interested, Adam nodding for Ben to go on. “I’ve decided that the children of the isle of the lost, be given a chance-to live here in Auradon.” Belle’s jaw dropped along with Ben’s shirt-and Adam’s jaw clicked. (y/n) sat up slightly, while she knew Adam wouldn’t hurt Ben, he still had some anger issues and would not let anything happen to her friend who had so graciously let her into his life two months ago.
Ben kept rolling forward, now that he finally got those words out-he wouldn’t stop until he had his first set of VK’s in Auradon. “every time I look out to the island, I feel like they’ve been abandoned.” (y/n) snorted slightly from her spot, thinking that was the understatement of the year. Ben just glanced back at her, making her go silent, knowing it was not the time for jokes.
“The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?” Adam asked, almost like he was trying to convince his son that his proclamation was a stupid idea-a dangerous one. But Ben stood strong, he would not let those kids be punished any longer, not for their parent's crimes. “we start with a few at first, the ones that need our help the most.”
Belle nodded, truly listening to Ben’s idea-he caught that nod and pushed forward-knowing he had his mom’s support-and (y/n)’s. he just needed his dad's. “I’ve already chosen them, I have Auradon guardians signed up to claim them in case anything happens and I’ve already spoken to FG about them being enrolled at Auradon prep.” Adam nodded, it seemed his son already had everything planned out.
“You’ve done all that eh?” Adam muttered, looking down at his son. “And why should we give these-villain kids-a chance?” Belle took Adam ‘s arm, turning him towards her. “I gave you a second chance” Belle reminded Adam that he, was once seen as a villain, a monster-only to be redeemed by the woman before him. she turned to Ben when Adam calmed down. “Who are their parents, and how many?”
“Six,” Ben answered immediately, wringing his hands together slightly. “Two girls and four boys. Cruella De’vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, Captain Hook-“ Ben paused, knowing the last two villains were two his dad would not react well too-especially the latter. “-and Maleficent and Gaston.” Ben rushed out, taking a step back as Adam stepped forward-his voice rising and scaring the tailor who quickly bowed out.
(y/n) planted her feet on the floor.
“Maleficent?! Gaston!? They are the worst villains known to us!” Ben held his hands up, trying to get his father to calm down “Dad-just hear me out here-“ Ben pleaded, closing his eyes for a moment as Adam lifted his hand to point at the isle through the window. “I won't hear of it! They are guilty of unspeakable crimes-Gaston tried to murder me and take your mother! You really want to invite his-spawn-to our kingdom?!”
“They have done nothing wrong!” Ben insisted, finding his voice and overpowering his fathers “They have done nothing to us to condemn them to the isle! Gaston yes-he deserves to be there-but his kids? The other kids? They’ve done nothing wrong! Nothing except being born to those who have wronged us-they’re innocent in the eyes of the law and to me.” Ben straightened out, lifting his chin as he stared his father down. “This is my proclamation dad. And as future king, it is my duty to do what I think is right for my people-that includes the people of the isle. And it’s right to give those kids a chance.”
Adam and Ben held each other's stares for a moment, then Adam stepped away-nodding. “I suppose the children are innocent,” he admitted-he simply didn’t want to admit he had condemned children to a life of imprisonment-but his son would right his wrongs even if Adam never did. Adam turned and walked away, straightening his suit as Belle took Ben’s collar and fixed it-giving him a proud grin. “well done.” She whispered, turning to her husband and leading him out of the room “shall we?”
Ben let out the biggest sigh of relief as he stumbled back, holding his chest as (y/n) clapped from her chair, setting her sketchbook aside as she joined Ben at the window; clapping her hand on his shoulder. “Well done beasty boy, well done. You sure we can't get one more kid? From Yensid’s notes-Hook, Gaston, and Ursula’s kids are all quite close-It’d be a shame to pull them apart?”  (y/n) asked, not wanting to separate the three pirates, but Ben shook his head sadly. “you heard the council, even numbers, No more-no less. besides-I only got six guardians to sign up, one for each kid.” (y/n) let out a raspberry, crossing her ankles as Ben gazed out towards the isle, playing with his class ring as he remembered the purple haired girl with emerald green eyes from his dreams.
“Well, what are we waitin’ for?” (y/n) asked, pushing Ben towards his closet. “get changed! We gotta get those letters to the isle!” Ben grinned with a nod, taking his fitting jacket off and tossing the stack of letters to (y/n), who slipped out of his room to wait for him to get changed.
It was time to invite the villain kids to Auradon.
Two days later: the isle of the lost-the wharf.  A rough punk-like dubstep beat echoes as the camera flies through the isle of the lost-through the wharf marketplace place-through tattered sails and broken lamps-to find Ursula’s chip shop.
It zooms in to show a petite black girl with long teal and aqua braids, a nasty grin on her lips as she tosses a tray onto the table-which was the wrong order for the customer she delivered it to-as they complained, the girl ignored them, instead throwing the tray up in their face and pointing at the sign that said ‘you take it how we make it’ with a rough cackle.
Uma; They say I’m trouble-they say I’m bad-they say I’m evil~ and that makes me glad!”
Uma, the daughter of Ursula, grabs an empty tray and throws it into the kitchen, disrupting the work and making a crashing noise as Uma laughs and throws her apron away-leaving the chip shop after retrieving her sword. Her mother yelled after her-a set of tentacles snapping after Uma-curling away as Uma disappeared down the wharf.
Gil; A dirty no good-down the bone.
 Gil, the son of Gaston, leaped between building gaps, a small group of teens chasing after him-yelling for him to give back their loot. Gil just grinned, making sure his bag of new loot was secure before disappearing behind the wharf fence-leaving the group behind-who had thought Gil was helping them steal from the market place.
Gil; Your worst nightmare-can’t take me home!”
Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook, strut through the wharf marketplace-pirates and others alike backing away in fear of the young pirate-fear for the glint in his eye and the sharpness in his grin. He snatched jewelry and whatever he could see as he walked through-a giggle escaping him as he pocketed several rings.
Harry; So I’ve got some mischief~ in me blood-can ya blame me? I never got no love~”
Harry blew a kiss to a younger girl with dark red hair-who giggled and hid her flushing face behind her bangs. It was no secret that many girls, and boys-of the isle had a crush on Harry-but he had yet to find a spark with anyone-other than with his friend Uma-who he would defy the gods for. Harry laughed to himself, dipping beneath a rail and grinning as he saw Uma; greeting her with his hook as they always did.
Gonzo-a member of the wharf rats-Harry’s crew of misfits-bolted through the wharf-a bedazzled jacked in hand as Bonnie-another crew member-laughed as she ran behind him, holding several handfuls of good loot.
Gonzo; They say im callous.” Bonnie; a lowlife hood~ I feel so useless”
Bonnie stole a half-eaten week stale donut from a younger pirate as she bolted by them, cackling as she and Gonzo disappeared into the wharf, meeting up with Gil, Uma, and Harry as they ran about causing chaos.  
Gonzo/Bonnie; Misunderstood!”
Uma and Harry grinned at each other as they walked on the highest set of the wharf, laughing as they watched their wharf rats cause chaos and steal all they wanted.
Uma/Harry; Mirror mirror, on the wall-who’s the baddest-of them all? Welcome to my wicked world-wicked world!
The pirates burst into a pillow factory and ripped it apart, feathers, fluff, and fur flying everywhere as the pirates cackled and jumped about-enraging the workers as they had fun. They made all the noise they could as they ran out of the factory-Harry scraping his hook along the metal pipes as they ran.
Pirates; I’m rotten to the core, Rotten to the core-I’m rotten to the core! Who could ask for more-I’m nothing like the kid next-like the kid next door! I’m rotten to the core-rotten to the-I’m rotten to the core!
The camera pans away from the laughing pirates, focusing on Harry and Gil before zooming towards the main isle market-revealing a girl with shoulder-length purple hair and a snarky grin-holding a spray paint can. The daughter of Maleficent.
Mal; Call me a schemer-call me a freak-how can you say that?! Im just-unique!”
Mal spray painted a large purple M on a shower sheet-pushing it aside and giving a falsely sweet grin to a passing isle inhabitant who ran away in fear. Mal laughed, spotting her ‘friend’ Evie and running over to meet her-who was pushing through the clothing section of the marketplace-pocketing things she liked.
Jay; What, me a traitor? Ain’t got your back? Are we not friends?! What's up with that!?”
Jay, son of Jafar, dropped into the marketplace from the panels above, hanging from the support beams as he flipped over to the floor and landed in front of two people enjoying some tea. He took the bronze teapot and politely poured them their tea, they smiled and thanked him-yelping as he leaped over the table with the pot and ran off, cackling as he did.
Evie; So I’m a misfit~ so I’m a flirt~ I broke your heart? I made you hurt?
Evie, daughter of the evil queen, strut through the fabric of the clothing section of the marketplace-Mal close behind as Evie grinned and stole a scarf from one of the shoppers, winking as he stared after her-in awe of the young princess as she disappeared within the fabrics, Mal laughing as she followed the blue-haired princess away from the market.
Carlos; The past is past~ forgive forget! The truth is, you ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Carlos, son of Cruella De’vil, casually strolled on top of the tables on the outskirts of the marketplace, knocking over baskets of apples and other goods as shop keeps and customers alike yelled at him to get down. He just laughed, knocking over another basket of apples and dropping a smaller basket on a woman's head-tossing some hay at her as he hitched a ride on a cart.
Mal/Evie; mirror mirror, on the wall-who’s the baddest-of them all? Welcome to my wicked world-wicked world!
Mal and Evie smiled down at Carlos and Jay as the boys caused some havoc in the market's bakery, laughing as Jay knocked over a near-empty bucket of flour and Carlos began to pull at a crane-like mechanic-Jay leaping on for the ride and laughing as Carlos pulled him along.
The vks flooded the streets and wharf, bouncing and weaving between pirates and villagers-laughing as they disrupted the peace. The pirates danced with their swords as Mal and her gang banged their heads and stomped their feet.
VK’s ; I’m rotten to the core-core, Rotten to the core-I’m rotten to the core-core, Who could ask for more? I’m nothing like the kid next-like the kid next door! I’m rotten to the-I’m rotten to the-I’m rotten to the core~”
Harry fixed his hat as he and the wharf rats showed off their stolen loot, Harry eyeing the cracked ruby necklace he had snatched from the market-it looked expensive and still in good condition, he could resell it for a high price-or get that Tremaine brat to repurpose it for him-maybe make himself a new ring.
Harry’s grin widened as he noticed a passing kid with a candy apple-he snatched it up and pushed the kid away as they cried, holding up the apple in victory as his crew laughed with him. Uma rolled her eyes, mostly out of fondness as she took a seat on a nearby barrel, playing with her teal and red beaded bracelet as Harry tried to eat his new prize. But isle candy apples were more like actual rocks instead of candy. “a candy apple, stolen from a kid, truly you are the embodiment of evil Harry.” Uma teased, grinning sharply as he pointed his hook at her, a glint in her eye that always made her giddy.
“Ah~ Uma~ ye know this is only tha’ beginning of me evil plans, first-a candy apple-then!” Gil interrupted Harry, a habit Gil had that he had never been able to kick-he interrupted a lot of people actually, and got in himself in trouble quite a bit for saying before thinking. “the candy store?” Gil asked, looking giddy at the thought of stealing from a whole candy store.
Harry just stared at Gil blankly as the crew snickered softly, Uma rolling her eyes again. “I was goin’ ta say the world, Gil.” Harry said, his shoulders slumping in disappointment in Gil’s lack of want for world domination-he’d rather eat all the eggs in the world than take it over.
As Harry talked to his friends, the crew all froze and stared down the wharf-two men walking towards them. Harry noticed his crew’s frozen expressions and went to ask them what the fuck they were doing-when he realized why they froze. Harry swallowed, dropping his shoulders and head as his father, captain Hook-came strutting towards him-his scarlet red coat flowing behind him and his icy blue eyes shaded by his large captain's hat.
Harry glanced at Uma-who held his stare-worry deep in her eyes. Visits from his father were never good news, and never ended well for Harry.
“Stealing apple’s boy? How-juvenile.” James sneered, hooking the apple and taking it from Harry’s hand. Harry winced, shuffling on his feet. “It was from a lost boy?” Harry said meekly, his loud personality always seemed to disappear around his father. James just rose his brow, tossing away the candy apple, landing in the dirt; ants quickly covering the hard caramel.
“not a real lost boy, they’re all on neverland” James sneered again, reaching out with his right hand and taking Harry’s shoulder-the teen flinching at the action-his father’s eyes were glinting oddly again-flashes of red circling within the ocean blue. Harry stayed quiet-knowing if he talked it wouldn’t end well. “ah! Speaking of-“ Harry was turned in his father’s hold, James’ hook pointed out towards Auradon that lay across the sea.
Harry blinked-wondering what the hell was going on-seeing Gaston talking to Gil-Gil looking…very confused as always. His father continued speaking-demanding Harry’s attention. “-Neverland, will soon be ours!” Harry furrowed his brows, looking at his father. “what do ye mean?” Harry asked, leaning back as his father got into his face.
“A chance to freedom boy, a chance to reclaim what is ours-you-along with-“ James gestured to Gil, who still seemed to struggle with what Gaston was explain. “what's his face-have been invited to attend a new school-in Auradon!”
Harry ripped away from his father's grasp-hearing Uma and his crew’s gasps of surprise as Harry shook his head wildly. “What?! hell no!” Harry snapped, crossing his arms stubbornly, anger overpowering his fear for a moment. “I ain't going ta’ no boarding school with-pathetic spoiled princes and snooty pink princesses!? What would tha’ point be? Learn how ta sip tea?” Harry huffed, tensing as his father used his hook to grab his collar-bringing him closer to James’ face.
“The wand. Boy.” James hissed, his eyes flashing red. “the wand. With it you-will free me, us. And then-we retake neverland-then-we claim the world and all its riches-That. Is the point. Understand?”
Harry just nodded, then he frowned-turning back towards Uma-was it just going to be him and Gil? what about Uma?  “what about Um-“ Harry nearly asked if his oldest friend was coming along, but was quickly silenced with his chin being grabbed. Harry swallowed harshly-losing his voice as he stared into his father's eyes.
“You get the wand, you not only free me and your sisters-but your little sea witch friend as well. Is that not good enough?” Harry nodded, squeaking a little as he spoke. “Yes sir,” Harry rubbed his jaw as it was realized-his father walking back towards his ship as Gil finally arrived at the station.
“Pack your things, boys, you leave for Auradon in two hours.” Gil and Harry’s jaw dropped, staring wide-eyed at their fathers as they walked away as if they hadn’t just dropped the biggest life-changing news in their lives. “what?!” Harry yelped, feeling Uma’s hands on his arm as his father gave no further information, instead just turning and glaring at him.
“Boy!” Harry pressed his lips together, sharing a look with Uma before slowly following after his father, his head dropping between his shoulders as Gil went to follow Gaston to their house.
At least his father hadn’t come to tell Harry to get to ‘work’, he’d take randomly going to Auradon over ‘working’ any day.
“So you’re both leaving without me, eh?” Uma asked quietly as she sat on Harry’s bed-watching as he packed his things-he was going to only pack maybe a week's worth of clothes-but James told him to practically move out-as they wouldn’t be coming back to the isle after Harry got the wand.
“Not forever, we’ll be back fer ye.” Harry said with a smile, one only reserved for his best friend. “I promise Uma, I would never leave ye behind-as soon as I get tha’ wand, I’ll get ye and me sisters off-with our own ship-and we’ll rule the seas-like we planned.” Harry reached out, taking Uma’s clenched hand, smiling down at her as she looked up at him from behind her lashes.
She smiled, standing and hugging him, a moment just between them-friends since they could remember. They stayed like that for a moment, before they heard James stomping around on the deck-yelling at his crew. They pulled apart, holding each other's stare before Uma took out a gold bracelet made of hardened seashells she had collected from the isle shores. “here, something for you two, for good luck.” Uma mumbled; Harry held out his left hand to let her slip it on.
“I have one for Gil as well,” She handed him the 2nd bracelet for him to give to Gil, showing off her matching set that sat on her right wrist. Harry had to hide his smile, knowing Uma would get flustered if she knew how much he loved them, she always did when he complimented her crafts. Such as her pirate hat-or any of her outfits.
“Boy! Hurry it up!” Harry and Uma jumped at the sound of James' voice, and Harry hurried to pack up the rest of his things-throwing on his red leather jacket and grabbing his hook-zipping up his bags and making his way out of his room-Harriet, his older sister, taking his duffle bag from him. “I can carry it myself,” Harry muttered, but let her carry it. Then he, Uma, Harriet-and their little sister-Cj, all followed his dad off the jolly roger and towards the center of the isle.
“uuuh da?” Harry asked, his brows furrowing as Bargain castle, the home of Maleficent herself, came closer as they walked. “Why are we goin’ ta Bargain castle?” his father didn’t bother to glance at him-only clicking his tongue. “I suppose I forgot to mention it-it’s not just you and Gaston’s boy going to Auradon-Maleficent’s spawn and her crew will be going as well.”
Harry stopped in his tracks, a look and feeling of disgust and anger bubbling up. “oh fuck no,” Harry cursed, shaking his head and pointing at the castle, Uma sharing his same look of disgust at the thought of Mal. “I’m not going anywhere-or working with tha’ dragon bitch or her goons-not in a million years!”
His father sighed, one that meant danger, and turned-curling his lip as he spoke “I didn’t say you had to work with her-nor get along. The six of you are simply all going to the same place-I wouldn’t expect you to work with anyone but Gaston’s boy anyway-why let that brat get all the credit? This is a job for pirates after all.” With that-his father continued into the castle, passing up the lower floor clothing shop and ascending the stairs-Harriet, CJ, and Uma were forced to stay below as Maleficent’s knuckleheads stopped them.
“Guess we’ll see ye before ya go off,” Harriet muttered, handing him his back and patting his shoulder. “Don’t blow this, got it?” Harry nodded, pushing CJ away as she faked a sob and tried to hug him, cackling as he pushed her away. “Stop tryin’ ta steal me shit.” Harry grumbled as CJ continued to try to grab his wallet.
“But I must have something to remember you by!” CJ cried dramatically, reaching for his new gold shell bracelet now. “how else will I get by while you’re gone?!” Harry just rolled his eyes, pushing her off him for the last time.
“you’ll live ye lil shit-n stop talkin’ like da’, ye sound like a nut.” With that, Harry made his way into the castle-Gil and Gaston right behind him. Harry slipped Gil his bracelet-showing off his own when Gil looked a bit confused at it. “From Uma, just wait ta’ put it on after we leave-so yer dad doesn’t blow his shit.” Harry muttered, knowing how Gaston felt about jewelry-even if it was painted with gold. Gil nodded, pocketing his new bracelet in his thigh bag and setting his two large bags at the door as the two teens and Gaston entered the main room.
Mal looked absolutely thrilled to see them, turning to her mother with seething eyes. “what are they-” she pointed at them, almost baring her teeth at them as Harry glared back, his hooked hand twitching with the want to pin her to the Jolly Rodger. “-doing here!? you said-“
“I said you for and two others Malsy, now put your listening ears on my nasty girl.” Maleficent tapped Mal’s nose-causing Mal to screech and continue to complain about Harry and Gil. Harry snatched a vile of black nail polish while the two dark fairies bitched at each other.
Harry and Gil were forced to stand with Mal and her ‘friends’ as Maleficent finally silenced Mal’s screeching and sat down on her ‘throne’, filing her nails as she went through the details of her evil plot for the six teens. “You will go, you will find the fairy godmother, and you will bring me back her magic wand!” she blew her nails, winking at her daughter with a nasty smirk. “easy peasy!”
“what's in it for us?” Mal asked, and Harry was actually surprised to hear that-us? As in more than just Mal? That was surprising. Mal never cared about anybody other than herself. “Matching thrones? Hers-and-hers crowns?” Maleficent cooed-assuming Mal meant her in Mal’s ‘us’ talk. “I think she means us?” Carlos said, gesturing between him and Mal, and Mal nodded-gesturing between the four of them, completely ignoring Harry and Gil.
Maleficent just tossed her nail fire and beckoned Mal closer-who obeyed like always. Harry rolled his eyes, inviting Gil to sit at the back of the room near the balcony, plopping down on the ratty old black couch stained with purple and green.
As Maleficent chattered off to her daughter, Harry and Gil practically zoned out, not caring for what was going around them at the moment-well, Harry zoned out, Gil was bouncing his legs and looking everywhere he could-remembering everything to the last detail.
“And with that wand and my scepter-I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!” Maleficent exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air in a dramatic gesture. EQ quickly shot down Maleficent’s solo act with a sneer and quick words. “Our will.” Cruella pointed at EQ, nodding as Jafar looked up at those words-giving Maleficent a look of disappointment for the fae already forgetting their deal.
“Our will, our will,” Maleficent waved the notion off-snapping to regain Mal’s attention. Harry went back to ignoring them, letting his head fall back and his eyes close-knowing Gil would nudge him if anything happened.
The villains all started to chatter away, EQ giving Evie a small lesson on princes and mirrors(no smiling, wrinkles!), Cruella forbidding Carlos from leaving, giving the pup hope that his mom would actually miss him for loving reasons(she just needed someone to scrape her feet-gross), and Jafar needing Jay to stay to stock his shop’s shelves(half of which Harry stole from only to sell back, but that was Jafar’s whole business).
Harry peeked as Jay started to take the loot he had scored that day, ending with a bronze lap that Jafar dropped everything for and started to rub-only for Jay to mutter that he already tried. The lamp now boring, Jafar scoffed and threw the object back at Jay, which nearly hit him in the face if he hadn't leaned back to catch it.
“Well, Evie’s not going anywhere till we get rid of this unibrow,” EQ muttered, taking a pair of tweezers and plucking the offending hair from Evie’s forehead-to which Harry wasn’t even sure there was a hair there-Evie’s brows were practically perfect.
“what is wrong with you all?! people used to cower at the mention of our names!!!” Maleficent screeched, taking Mal and throwing her from the stairs to the table, Mal slammed her hands on the surface to regain her balance as she stared wide-eyed at Carlos, who shared her expression as the grown villains all stared at Maleficent.
Hook and Gaston looked offended, as they hadn’t been against Maleficent’s plan nor had they plans to keep their boys here. “For twenty years, I have searched for a way off this island-for twenty years, they have robbed us from our revenge!” she turned to EQ, and began to list off the revenge the villains’ felt they deserved. “Revenge on snow white and her horrible little men.” EQ just grimaced as Evie plucked a hair, looking a bit offended for her mother as Maleficent continued on.
“Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated Genie!” Jafar puffed up, going to attack Maleficent with his spoon in anger as she spoke of his worst enemies-only for Jay to stop him. “Revenge on those sneaky dalmatians-who escaped your clutches!” Cruella cackled, shaking her head as she pet the stuffed dalmatian puppy that sat on her shoulder-Carlos hiding behind her to protect himself from Maleficent.
“Oh but they didn’t get the baby~ but-but they didn’t get the baby!“ she laughed manically-causing Maleficent to back away in concern as Cruella continued to cackle about her stuffed toy. Maleficent turned to Gaston- “Revenge on Beast and his belle.” Gil shivered at the look of darkness on his father's face-knowing what he intended to do if he got revenge-and it wasn’t pretty for Belle. “Revenge on Pan and his lost boys!”
Hook’s eyes turned red and Harry shuffled towards Gil, glancing away as he crossed his arms. He hated when that happened-it always hurt when his father's eyes went red-he had the scars to prove it. “and I! Maleficent! The evilest of them all~” Maleficent purred, sitting on EQ’s lap and stealing her mirror, admiring herself in it. “will finally get revenge, on sleeping beauty…and her relentless little prince.” Maleficent hissed, turning back to the villains.
“Villains!” they all snapped to attention, Jafar swallowing the food he had been making in the small kitchen of Maleficent’s flat. “yes?” Maleficent smiled, one that made all the teens shiver-they hated that smile-even Mal. “Our day has come~ EQ?” the old queen hummed, taking the small mirror as Maleficent handed it back to her, looking towards Evie as she got off EQ’s lap “give her the magic mirror.”
Evie was handed a handheld mirror-cracked at the edges and missing some pieces. Evie looked disappointed. “This is your magic mirror?” Evie asked, admiring herself in the broken glass. EQ just hummed, nodding. “Well, it ain't what it used to be, then again- neither are we?” EQ joked, laughing with Maleficent. “But it will help you find things,” Evie’s eyes lit up and she interrupted her mother in her excitement. “Like a prince~!” EQ chuckled, glancing up at Maleficent “Like my waist line-“ she joked, laughing still as Maleficent groaned and rolled her eyes-wanting to get to the point already. “like the magic wand-hello?”
EQ pursed her lips and nodded, agreeing they had gotten off track. “My spell book, my book-I need my-that book” Maleficent turned as EQ snapped her fingers and pointed back at the fridge-which Maleficent deemed her ‘safe’. Harry blinked, watching as the mistress of all evil struggled with a damn refrigerator. Mal just looked embarrassed, her ears turning pink as her friends and shrimpy’s boys saw her mother make a fool of herself.
“Queen help me! I can never figure this thing out!” as EQ helped Maleficent, Hook grabbed Harry’s shoulder and dragged him towards the balcony, giving the two some privacy. “da?” Harry asked quietly, unsure of what he wanted, his brow’s furrowing as his father handed him a large blank piece of paper that folded over itself multiple times. “A piece of paper?” Harry flipped it over, opening it and then turning it over twice more. “A blank piece of paper?”
James rolled his eyes, tapping his hook on the paper that looked and felt very old. “Not just any piece of paper, this map-like the mirror-is magical, I’ve only used it a handful of times myself-but as I say-any good pirate knows how to read and use a map.” Harry just stared at his dad, closing the blank paper and licking his lips. Was his dad having another episode?
“This?” Harry held up the re-folded map. “is a map?” James nodded, tapping the map again with his hook. “yes, magic. It doesn’t work here, but it will in Auradon. It’ll give you a detailed map of wherever you are, nicked it from some magic school in Scotland about forty years ago.” Harry slowly nodded, pocketing the map and grabbing his backpack as a horn sounded from outside. James grabbed his neck and Harry froze, his breath stopping with him as James muttered in his ear the password and lock to the map. Along with a threat.
“if you fail me, you will never see your sisters or sea witch again. Understand?” Harry nodded, swallowing down his fear. “Good. Go.” Harry bolted off, grabbing his bags as he and Gil raced down the stairs and back out into the main square-where a long black car was waiting for them.
Harry let out a whistle, handing his bag to the driver and bumping his sisters goodbye, squeezing Uma’s hand with a hidden smile before he and Gil slid into the car. “Tell me smee’s I’ll be back before they know it.” Harry called out to Harriet-who nodded, backing up as Evie and Carlos ran out-the pup jumping into the limo to avoid his mother who was screeching at him.
Carlos tumbled to the floor, hitting Harry’s legs and grunting as Gil lifted him into the seat next to him-Evie and Jay climbing in after Carlos. Jay and Harry glared at each other, making Evie and Gil sigh as the two thieves had a small stare-off. “Oh quit it,” Mal snapped as she slid into the limo, taking her spot at the end of the seats next to Evie. “Go flirt somewhere else-I do not have the stomach to watch you two make eyes.” Harry and Jay sputtered, Jay’s cheeks going red as Harry rolled his eyes, catching Uma’s gaze as she stared at him and Gil. Harry offered what he hoped was a comforting grin-jolting as the car began to move-leaving the isle-and Uma, behind.
Uma watched as her only friends drove off without her, her fingers playing with her golden bracelet as Harriet and CJ stood with her-the three staring as the limo disappeared from view.
“Please don’t forget about me,” Uma whispered, feeling a small pit of dread in her gut as the barrier flashed gold.
-end of p1-
Here it is~! P1 of the Rewrite revise! Again-just doing D1 since im happy with D2 and 3~!
@sephiralorange @queer-cosette @lunanight2012
@musicarose @daughter-of-the-stars11 @random-thoughts-004
@anythingbutmar @dai-tsukki-desu @imtryingthisout
@rintheemolion @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
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thatwildnya · 10 months
Centaur AU centaur AU (Number 1 fav AU hehehe)
I'm kinda curious about Riddle, Trey, and Cater - what kinda centaurs are those three? ALso are any of the guys particularly cuddly - regardless of their cuddlability (so, like, even if they might have rough scales or spikes of some kind or something like that, they're still a cuddler lol)
chitters and nickers:
Wild: our first request! I’m really happy to get one so quick! I started writing it as soon as I saw it, sat on it for over half a day, was unable to continue due to wifi issues, then spent another 2 hours editing before Nya convinced me it was good. I hope you enjoy anon!
Nya: it’s going to be an uphill battle convincing this man to stop editing and adding more for every request wish me luck lovelies-
TW: Rook
Griffins are known to be very independent centaurs and it isn't uncommon for them to be hotheaded and somewhat controlling, especially towards strangers or those they see as lesser. So don't expect him to be all friendly at first, let alone cuddly. But once he's comfortable and trusts you he won't ever shy away from your touch.
I knew right away I wanted him to be a draft horse. These horses are known for their even temperament and being affectionate gentle giants. If you asked me to picture a baker or anthro draft horse I would imagine a buff man with a sweet smile. Trey has the same physique as I picture plus the same vibes so it fits perfectly.
He’s a bunny boy. A floppy ear bunny boy. That’s it.
When it comes to who’s the most cuddly in general it’s hands down Kalim, strangers or not. If Nya and I hadn’t decided to make the light magic users all foxes as a little easter egg he would have been a golden retriever. If you let him Kalim will cuddle with you every time you sit down. If he’s full animal he will try to snuggle under your shirt, in your sweatshirt pouch, or if there’s room right next to your face squished in your hoodie.
In his humanoid forms he likes to stretch across your lap or midriff. You can have him curl around you and use him as a giant pillow but neither of us would recommend it. He will wiggle a lot and you’ll most likely get a face full of tail wagging at the speed of sound.
Never go to the bathroom without locking the door. He does not knock half the time and won’t leave unless you yell at him. Personal space does not exist in Kalim world. Has so much love to give but not enough places to give it too.
If we’re talking about who’s the most cuddly with mc in story then it would be Silver (yes even more than Kalim). I touched upon this in another ask, Silver absolutely adores mc and would follow them to the end of time. He’s always near them if he can help it. Mc will sit at the table to do something and he’ll be doing a snooze at their feet. Then they decide not to do the thing there and move to the living room, Silver following behind groggily. He rarely even sleeps in his room (which is the attic) because of his desire to be close to them all the time. Nobody complains because he won’t sleep in the bed unless it’s his turn.
The big cuddle bugs to their masters (excluding the two above and Floyd cuz y’know it’s Floyd) are Ruggie, Rook, Malleus, Leona, Cheka, Che'nya, Jamil, and Azul.
Ruggie’s first few years of life were rough. He comes from the equivalent of a puppy mill in this scenario and he didn’t have anyone to rely on. The first time he felt unconditional love was when you rescued him from that awful place. He was barely alive and wouldn’t have lasted much longer if he’d been there longer. He gives back to you through acts of service and physical touch. He likes being able to curl up next to you for some scritches and the occasional rough housing in full animal form. Absolutely loves taking baths with you or getting a full pet spa treatment bath delivered specially by you. When he was little he would curl up under your shirt for a nap so please let him use your belly as a pillow while he takes a snooze under the blanket occasionally.
Azul and Jamil have similar back stories. Both were neglected in favor of other pets for being less appealing. They are both teenagers by the time you adopt them and to say your relationship started out rocky would be an understatement.
Jamil (black mamba) assumed you chose him to be your servant, as that is what he was trained and advertised as. The last thing he expected was to get his own room, the newest phone model, and a trip to the store so he could pick out his collar himself. He still keeps his distance and it takes awhile for him to let you past his walls. But I swear it’s worth it in the end. He only gets super cuddly when it’s cold out. You are a warm blooded mammal and he is a cold blooded reptile give him your body heat immediately. If allowed he will wrap as much of himself around you as possible for maximum warmth.
Puberty hit Azul like a truck. With that and him putting in the extra work to stay fit he went from being completely overlooked by anyone who walked by to being the one to make the most passersby stop for a look in the shop. And yet despite that, none decided to take him home. He tried everything, from showing off his superior intelligence to having the best voice. Nothing worked. Then in came you. You took one look, smushed your face against the glass, fogged it up whispering ‘I must have him’ when he looked at you, and ran off to find the nearest employee. It was very startling to him, especially because he was busy studying when you slammed your face into the glass right next to him. But he isn’t complaining. Now he gets to spend his days scamming making deals with customers to contribute to the household expenses. As a reward he expects all the hugs, all the snuggles, praise, kisses, etc. If you deprive him of his rightfully earned wages the crocodile tears will start so be ready.
Cheka is baby.
Leona is a lazy manticore that has decided you’re his favorite pillow. Be careful not to overheat.
Che’nya wants your attention 24/7 and will get it one way or another.
Rook’s love language is yes. You will not escape. Accept your fate.
You are Malleus’ first friend and the only one he considers worthy of being his master. He is touched starved and you are his meal. Bone apple teeth.
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
Idia x Techna!Like Reader
@stygianoir This one has Tecna's Believix spells and is part 2 of the Winx!Reader Series.
This surprised everyone except Ortho
Idia, the housewarden who'd lock himself in his room and only talk using a tablet? Dating?
Nobody could picture it
But then you came along
Talking with him constantly about different video games, gaming systems, and even better specs for Ortho
Also, using magic for gaming - keeping the system connected, fixing bugs using magic, fixing wifi issues - everything
"Defender Plate!"
Your green shield shot up, protecting you and Idia from the blow. You two were playing a new game that was just released over VR. It was the biggest thing at the moment due to the fact that it had special technology that allowed players to use their actual magic in-game.
The two of you had been playing for six hours straight and were on the final boss fight.
"Y/N, I have an idea!" Idia called out. You nodded, listening while keeping the shield strong. "I'll distract it while you sneak around and end it!"
"Sounds great, Idia!"
You counted down from three. The second you let the shield drop, you flew around quickly to hide behind a pillar. Idia fired off attack after attack. You let yourself admire him for a moment before refocusing.
You came out from your hiding place and charged up your next - and hopefully last - attack.
"MEGA-WATT!" You watched the blast close in.
The second it made contact, the monster dissipated. You jumped when the screen went black. It wasn't even a second later that a "Victory" banner came across your vision with a moving message underneath it, congratulating you on being one of the first 3 people to finish the game.
You grinned and ripped off the VR headset.
"IDIA! WE DID IT!" You yelled, tackling him to his bed in a hug. He laughed excitedly, sitting up with you in his lap to return the hug.
It was an amazing feeling, being two of the first people to beat the game that had just been released.
You two sat there laughing and grinning like idiots, losing track of time in the excitement.
Most people were surprised at the fact that the two of you would end up dating. Then again, those people didn't matter. You and Idia were happy together and loved each other, that much was undeniable and was all that mattered at the end of the day.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
Some random AU idea:
A twst x HP au
Where Riddle's mother was Petuan and Lily's older sister, but then she one day went missing. No one in the magical world know of her existence, for even though she has magic, her magic is not of the magical world, but of otherworldly magic. You could say she was like an Alice.
Anyway, years went bay and neither of their new families know about it. Why should they? Went neither Madam Roseheart nor Petunia know about each other's wellbeing, and the less said about Lily's, the better.
But it all change when Trisizard Tournament happen. I like to imagine it happen a year after the whole twst cannon, so the 2nd years are all now 3rd years and all. Anyway, the shenanigans happen and along the way Riddle became friends with Harry, somehow. So the next year happen, Riddle now is a 4th year, and he want to study law. But he is interested with the other world, and since the twst world want to mingle and now more about their otherworld brethren, they let some of their fine young mages to get their internship there to study more about that world. Riddle is one of them.
Anyway, since Riddle is a boy and he is mostly close to Harry, he choose to stay with him. Harry, after so many begging and deals with the Dursley (promising them that Riddle is 100% normal (pfft, no), and he want to study law and is really smart), he manage to secure a place for Riddle in his house (re: prison).
Now, last year, there was some fiasco that happen. Considering of Riddle's so familiar look to them. Red hair as beautiful as roses, pretty face that can make any doll and flowers weep at his beauty. A brilliant mind unlike many other. So achingly similar to a now lost woman they used to know. Even Harry was surprised at first.
Now Riddle finally meet the Dursley. Petunia, upon first meeting him, feels the same familiarity like those in the magical world. But she brushed it aside, refuse to dwell on long forgotten scar. But when Riddle introduces himself and then told them of his Mother's name, all hell break loose for Petunia's perfect little life.
For here stood right in front of her, a boy so painfully similar to a long lost little sister. A son of a famous doctor, who bare the name of a long lost older sister, never to be known where she has gone or what may happen to her.
I was finishing V3's first chapter today when I remembered to turn on my wifi on the phone and got the notification :v
I put under the cut the whole thing bc it's big :v
So then, you can have for backstory Petunia and Lily kinda falling off the good terms with Mrs Rosehearts. I guess she could be older... Maybe around 5-7 years older, therefore have a big age gap which makes their relationship a bit stranded on the early stages, because it was clear that Mrs Rosehearts would start school and have responsibilities more earlier than the 2 younger sisters, which would leave less time for bonding.
So when she went missing, the worry was obviously more prominent on the parent's side. Not to say Petunia and Lily were worried as well, but while their parents were pursuing this relentlessly, in between the sisters it will evolve like some taboo subject due to the more distant relationship.
So that would influence Petunia and Lily as well. Like it would be clear that the oldest sibling will be a role model. Mrs Rosehearts was a perfectionist and gutsy woman. Maybe Lily took the guts while Petunia the perfectionism. Miraculously, they keep on touch. That would lessen everyone's worries about the missing part, but still, only through small letters, who never mentioned anything about where she was or what she was doing.
Fast forward and Lily hits the bucket. With the death being announced, Mrs Rosehearts broke contact as well, clearly not being able to come in touch again. For Petunia to be hit to take care of Harry was like a jab in the stomach. Not only she lost now 2 sisters, but the infant of Lilly was now put into her care.
And it was clear that all was due to magic. So when Harry was basically confirmed to be a wizard, it was obvious that Petunia would want even the less ties or closure with him, KNOWING full well that the magical world only will take Harry away too. It was just a matter of time.
Fast forward with her condoning Dudely and Veron's whole foul treatment of Harry. The Hogwarts letter arrive and off is Harry to get whisked away to the magical world, just how his mother was. Him making friends and going through all sorts of adventures. It was very resemblant of Lily's past there.
Cue book 4 happening and through the power of almighty narrative (that I won't elaborate more bc I don't know how exactly for now) We have the twst cast yeeted and the goblet of fire chooses again Idia. (ok, it's for shits and giggles this one, because crack)
Harry meets Riddle and both become friends. There were many differences in between the 2 magical worlds, so Riddle, a well knowledgeable person about that, whould be like a second Hermione, except apparently way more easy to piss off and way more violent. :v
To fall better in place, I would say that the goblet of fire still happened during Riddle's 2nd year, so we can expand on book 5 by making it Riddle's 3rd year.
That would flesh even better the bond the 2 would build. Adding to it that most likely Riddle would use his UM on the pink toad, discovering that, despite the magic differences, the collars can still block magic from being casted even to this other type of wizards. Which makes it a veritable weapon against Voldy. This also can be highlighted better if Riddle and let's say Deuce and Azul would join in the ministry busting. It would bring the news to the death eaters and realise 'oh shit, we can't get collared or we'll be done for'. :3
And realising the actual magnitude of the situation, it makes even the more reason for Riddle to stay the summer with Harry. They had a trump card.(also Malleus being salty af for his buddy, Cedric, hitting the bucket) so if voldy tries some funny shit, just collar him then beat the shit out of him! Problem solved! :3
Cue Harry making the begging to the Dursleys and getting a pass.
And at first, everything seems OK. Riddle was a polite lil boy. Now the fact that Dudely was a lil shit to him was a negligeectable thing.
But he brings an air of familiarity and some of his reaction and responses are hitting close to home for Petunia.
Cue her investigating and figuring out why Riddle has such a familiar resemblance. Being clueless about it, when asked about his parents, Riddle just says the usual. His mom was a doctor as well as his father and currently both were at his home country. Simple as that.
And that hits even harder for Petunia, which realises that her oldest sister, the only sister remaining alive, was in fact well on her own, having a separate life from her. She raised a son and managed to cut and erase any ties with her roots.
So Petunia might come to realise that maybe, the magical world wasn't really the one to blame entirely. And she sees that when he sees Riddle acting just like a normal magicless boy. He had that aura of possessing magical powers, but he didn't talk about it, show it or even perk in at the mention of it.
Maybe out of all the unresolved grief and loss, Petunia starts to realise her wrongs and consider that maybe, it is still time to mend things better :v.
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daemonmatthias · 11 months
despite my best efforts at a schedule and socializing... it’s been one of the hardest summers I’ve had in a while.
some of it is big things, like struggling to stick to any kind of schedule I set for myself due to this being the first year my husband’s work schedule is hybrid (he is home every other week, then I am home alone every other week; if it were just one or the other, I’d be fine), and not being able to go on walks due to the heat.
some of it is nebulous things, like needing to save money but then Sales keep happening on things we kinda need/weird things pop up, and my husband is bored af all day at work and then his mood affects mine because i just am sensitive to other people’s moods, and the fact that we need to formally decide if we are moving out of state soon (husband knows his answer, but I am scared/overwhelmed and will have to quit teaching), and that all this weirdness is making it So Hard to Concentrate on Reading, which is usually my solace in the summer.
but honestly, a lot of it is stupid little things and I don’t understand why so many of them are happening all at once. Just since yesterday morning:
the new avocado I needed to quarter for my usual breakfast smoothies refused to yield the pit, which ended up breaking, and I spent a solid 5 min scraping and slicing to be sure there were no remnants
immediately after I finally got that situated, I grabbed the new carton of almond milk, and it was... somehow sealed wrong?? idk how, but it would NOT open. so I tried opening the side to make a spout (like the little milk cartons from school), but that also would not open cleanly. I ended up needing a knife to slice into it. And then I had to go digging for a pitcher we never use to keep it in since the carton was destroyed.
then my nook crapped out on me. [backstory first: 2 months ago, my nook started randomly resetting itself, which deletes all of your side-loaded content. I ended up having to call customer service. They wanted me to hard reset. It took like 1.5 hours on the phone with them because it SAID it was connected to the wifi but then it wouldn’t do the next step of the set up process because it couldn’t find a wifi connection. Finally the set up process actually went through and they were like “ok all good now!” (right. ok. magically fixed the resetting issue by resetting it. yeah.)] Yesterday, while I was in the middle of reading a library book (considered side-loaded content), it reset itself again, which, of course, deleted the book I was reading.
We agreed last time that if it kept happening, I could get a new nook. Unfortunately, the new model doesn’t come out until september and I’m wary of buying another of the same model in case it has the same problem 2 years in (which is past the warranty period, of course). I did decide to pre-order the new one and pray that hard resetting would again “magically fix” the problem for another 2 months.
This morning, I finally made myself start cleaning the porch. This is terrifying because our porch gathers leaf litter like a mofo and I haven’t cleaned it in ages. There are all sorts of spiders and bugs out there. 
AND of course my gardening gloves have been in an unsealed cart out there. they are shot. i will have to do all this bare handed...
I successfully get the pots of dead plants thrown away. I begin to gather the open bags of dirt to throw them away, having to be extra careful of spiders with my bare hands. A wasp starts flying around me. I try but fail miserably to remain calm and run inside. That chore will not get done today, and today was the last day of below 100F/some cloud cover for who knows how long.
Since I can’t do that chore, I check my amazon cart to see if anything we need got put on prime sale. basically... no. I buy it anyway. or try to; the shipping page keeps crapping out on mobile. I move to my computer and finish the purchase on desktop.
now time to pre-order that nook. except it won’t let me sign in. b&n’s website has so many trackers and shit that it breaks firefox sometimes. (is2g i use nook only because others don’t let you completely turn the backlight off, and as soon as my free year of premium membership is up, I’m going back to using bookshop.org for everything.) I switch to chrome (blech) and sign in.
i press “pay with paypal” and then “complete purchase”. It never pulled up my paypal to let me choose which card to pay with. I have to get into paypal to even figure out which card it payed with. It paid with not the credit card I wanted, not even my default card as selected in paypal, but with our shared checking account. (annoying but no damage done.)
time now to hard reset my nook... oh look, it’s doing the same connected/not connected to the wifi thing. goody...
all this in only the last 30ish hours. and it feels like the whole summer has been like this!
I can’t pretend good things haven’t happened. I visited my family, my bestie visited me and we did a fun craft together, I joined a new public library and love it more than my old one, I hung out with a friend to eat good food and visit a thrift/record store, we FINALLY framed/hung some art and it looks GREAT, I reorganized most of our music so its easier to access, husband made an htpc (home theater computer) so we no longer get youtube ads and he set up plex on it so I can watch the shakespeare plays I have downloaded, I finally made our new 9 delights tracker and it’s almost perfect, I joined my coworker-friend’s book club (bingo card system- good-, but the group read is an author I hate), I crocheted a dog sweater that actually worked (but idk yet if it fits cuz it’s for my parents’ dog), I began the process of switching away from google drive/gmail to something more secure (proton, which I got for almost 50% off).
And there are SO MANY good things coming up: we leave in a couple days to visit the city we might move to, we have tickets to barbie & oppenheimer, we’ll go to a friend’s daughter’s 1st bday party, my besties are coming to visit (museum, escape room, and musical all purchased and lined up!), we’re spending labor day weekend in a luxury cabin in the mountains with friends (owned by one friend’s rich aunt who is not charging/excited to host us), we have tickets to see my fav studio ghibli in theaters in sept., I have tickets to see To Kill a Mockingbird with a coworker-friend, we have ballet tickets for the season...
and yet, I’m struggling daily to complete basic tasks and maintain a positive attitude due to the onslaught of Stupid Little Grievances. :/
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So that happened. By that i mean the first episode of our skyy 2.
Can't say I'm disappointed. Which is nice.
Sorry, I'm just still processing.
So, due to a mix of magic of the fortune teller and the sun bracelet they are currently in the past. Okay. So far so good.
And there is some role reversal here (master/bodyguard; lord/slave), and i saw that in some of the other our skyy too, so guess that's the theme?
To be very honest, i think it's a bit too fast-paced, but I'm happy with the plot so far.
I really like how they are both trying to help each other go through the conflicts and hardships in their love life. I don't usually like conflicts or angst (seriously, i had to skip a lot of the original NLMG) but here it is portrayed very nicely; it does not stand out and is well woven into the plot. And i already liked their (Pond and Phuwin) chemistry so win-win (or Pond-Win lol).
I also like that there's (at least) a second episode; the first Our Skyy was just one and done.
Also, if we go by the intro theme, the next series we're getting is Star in My Mind.
I'm really sorry i couldn't make clips today, my wifi is being a traitor (T~T), but here are my favourite scenes in order of appearance:
Palm's (as the lord) first interaction with Phum/Petch. You can't tell me that wasn't simply hilarious.
When Neung reveals that yes, he does remember; and that "accidental" kiss hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
During the meal when Palm was insisting Neung eat with him**
Couldn't make clips but here, have some screencaps (also, I'm not Talay and thus know shit all about colours in a movie but i tried my best to bring out what i wanted to show)
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[Click for better quality. You know the drill, do NOT repost]
When i saw this scene (the third one in my list), what ran through my head was: you are so dead Palm. So, so dead.
fun fact: i wrote this on my window sill swimming in my own sweat because the weather dial here has been permanently set to HIGH.
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october-lady · 2 years
I’ll make you beg for it, chapter 18
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Chapter rating: G
Word Count: 1761
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 || Chapter 17
Read on AO3
Note: Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay but life is taking over! I've spent the last two weeks going to work and then straight to our new house to paint which with the heat wave we've just had left me absolutely exhausted :D Anyway, furniture is moved and I'm not sure when we'll have Wifi so before I move my laptop, I thought I'd post the next chapter.
Wanda’s floating on a cloud nine was interrupted with Natasha going away just a few days after the party. It wasn’t unusual, the Russian often went away for a couple of days. It was the timing that made Wanda a bit pouty, she wanted to spend as much time with Natasha as possible, preferably in bed but sadly, that was going to have to wait.
Instead she decided to make the most out of the time and spend as much of it training as possible. She was tired of being sidelined and staying at the compound. They have started including her in meetings, she was free to join whenever she wanted to and most of the time she did.
It was an easy way to find out what the Avengers were really doing and seeing them help people and rid the world of some evil motivated her to better herself and gain better control and understanding of her powers.
She eventually started training with everyone, practising different skills and goals. Natasha and Steve were training her in hand to hand combat and general workouts and strengthening exercises. As much as she enjoyed being around the former assassin, she preferred to just watch her. Steve was a much nicer and patient coach, going over each move as many times as she needed, whereas Natasha had more of a practical approach, resulting in Wanda being more on the ground than anything else.
Using her magic was a bit more tricky. She usually did that alone, sometimes with Tony but that was very rare. The only reason he would get involved in any training was to better his suit and kind of test it on Wanda.
Clint was the one she was training with today. They did what he called target practice. After a few accidents in the gym, Tony decided that all magic training had to be done outside, no matter the weather. Despite the unpleasantness, it was actually useful because they would go out there in rain or wind.
Clint would shoot out all kinds of his arrows, some were harmless but some contained small explosives and Wanda’s goal was to stop them and not let them fall on the ground. Nothing really difficult until Clint shot out five different arrows and she had to make sure she got the bombs first.
To make it more difficult, he would try to distract her. That usually involved him blabbering about whatever happened to him in the last few days, often involving his family and the kids. Being at the compound was like a holiday to him, no changing diapers, no screaming or fighting over toys.
Sometimes they talked about American culture, movies and books and if Wanda was in a good place, she would share some of her happy memories. She wouldn’t do that often, just occasionally and it would be just a very short one but Clint was happy she was finally opening up.
“I’m glad you’re feeling more at home here and joining us,” he suddenly said as he shot a few arrows in different directions.
“I just needed time I guess,” Wanda shrugged as she easily made the arrows disappear. Clint hated when she did that. She would often just misplace them to make him frustrated but she didn’t have the heart to actually get rid of them.
“Or someone to pull you out of your shell,” he suggested, focussing on what he was doing.
“Yeah, maybe,” she smiled.
“I must say I was quite surprised to find out that you and Natasha are… a couple.” Clint continued.
“Why was that a surprise?” Wanda asked innocently. 
“Well, for starters, you didn’t exactly get off the right foot. And to top it off, Nat is… not someone who lets people in, I suppose. There were rumours, of course, for a long time, about you and her sneaking around, giving each other looks and stuff and I guess most of us just thought it was mostly a friends with benefits situation. But the other night you walked in holding hands and being together together.”
“Interesting,” Wanda smirked, focusing on making fireballs.
“Is that how it started?” He questioned, slightly red in the face.
“A lady doesn’t tell,” the witch winked at him and destroyed his arrow before it even left the bow.
“Hey, what was that for?” He turned around to her, hurt in his eyes.
“That’s for your silly bets,” she grinned.
“How did you- Never mind,” he rolled his eyes when he remembered who he was talking to. “Just for the record, I didn’t want to ask. They made me. Tony is too scared to ask Natasha because apparently last time, she threw a butterknife at him.”
“That does sound like her,” Wanda laughed.
“But seriously, I think Nat really cares about you, you know. I hope she doesn’t mess it up.”
“I won’t let her,” Wanda said and sent out a fireball, turning it into rain before it hit the nearby tree.
“That was…interesting,” Clint nodded approvingly. “Can you do more of those tricks?”
“I can do a lot of things. Just not always exactly when I want to,” she sighed, staring at the ground.
“What are you doing?” The man asked cautiously, taking a step back when he saw the grass moving.
“Oh relax, it’s harmless. If it works that is,” she chuckled. In a few seconds a couple of dandelions found their way out of the ground.
“Tony is going to kill you for growing weeds on his property! But that is impressive!” Clint was shaking his head in disbelief. This was definitely new to him. “Does Nat know you can do this?”
“I don’t really use magic around her,” Wanda admitted, pushing the flowers back into the ground.
“Does she not like it?” Clint frowned.
“She says she doesn’t mind but I don’t want to test it…” Wanda let her magic dance around her hands, watching it.
“Ah, yeah. I get where you’re coming from. But if she says she doesn’t mind, then she doesn’t mind. She is not the type of person to pretend just to make others feel comfortable. I’m not saying you should use magic all the time but every now and then, you know, to make her feel more used to it. Plus, if you show her tricks like this, I’m sure she’d be impressed,” Clint offered.
“Does she ever talk about it? The Red Room?” The witch asked quietly.
“No. I would suggest you don’t ask her about it though. I don’t know what exact memories you pulled out but judging by her reaction, that should give you an idea about how bad it was. I’m sure you could google some more information about it, now that all the documents are leaked.”
“I don’t really need to know, I just wish I could help her.”
“You are helping her even if you don’t know it, trust me. I’ve never seen her this happy, knowing it’s not all just a show.”
Wanda smiled, blushing. It meant a lot to her that someone else noticed how Natasha perked up.
She didn’t say anything, she wasn’t really used to receiving compliments. Instead, she quickly made a fireball and threw it at a tree.
“Pepper is going to kill us,” Clint just sighed as they watched it go up in flames.
“Are you scared of her?” Wanda teased.
“More than Tony,” he nodded, unable to take his eyes off of the tree.
“Oh relax,” Wanda rolled her eyes and waved her hand. The fire disappeared, revealing a perfectly untouched tree.
“Oh for God’s sake, Wanda, don’t do this to me!” The man turned to her and smacked her on her arm playfully. “I think that’s enough training for today. At least for me.”
“I’m going too, it’s a bit chilly,” she agreed as she pulled her sleeves down.
They walked over the grounds while chatting. Clint headed to the gym for some work out and Wanda went to grab a snack from the kitchen.
Laziness took over her and she got herself a bowl of cereal, not feeling like spending time preparing anything.
She sat at the kitchen counter and opened a nearby tablet that was just always in the kitchen, kind of like normal people have newspapers. Which is what she intended to do.
She didn’t get very far when the door opened.
“Oh there you are!” Natasha poked her head in, still in her suit.
“Nat” Wanda smiled brightly. She pushed her cereal away and hopped off the stool, meeting the redhead half way. “I’m glad you’re back,” she grinned at her and gave her a shy kiss on the lips. 
This was the first time Natasha was on a mission since they were officially dating and she was a bit unsure what she could do. Because what she actually wanted to do was push her against a wall and peel that suit off her.
“Likewise,” Natasha chuckled and returned the kiss. “Your cereal is getting soggy,” she pointed out, her observing skills still on high alert.
“I don’t care. How was the mission? Are you hurt?” Wanda asked, checking her over.
“Not this time,” she laughed. 
“Can I make you something to eat? When did you eat, you must be hungry,” Wanda was ready to start cooking. Because it was different when it wasn’t just for herself.
“Hey, calm down, woman,” Natasha laughed as she grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “I’m not hungry, we got a takeaway on the way back so I actually ate this time.”
“Well in that case,” Wanda smirked, “can I help  you get out of the suit?” She winked as she started pulling the zipper down.
“Someone is impatient,” Natasha let her get about half way through before she stopped her. “I have to shower first. And no, you can’t join me because that would not achieve anything,” Natasha continued when she saw Wanda taking a breath. “Actually, I was thinking, would you like to grab dinner later and maybe go to a bar or something?”
“Are you asking me on a date?” Wanda asked, still playing with the zipper.
“Don’t turn this into a big thing,” Natasha rolled her eyes. “You can fuck me after,” she leaned in to whisper into Wanda’s ear.
“Okay,” Wanda shivered as the hot breath hit her ear.
“I’ll see you later then,” Natasha laughed and licked her earlobe, sending more shivers down her back, before she turned around and left the kitchen, leaving Wanda standing in the middle.
Chapter 19
Thank you for all your comments, I appreciate them all! <3
Taglist: @raqelacevedo @tati3001 @theblackdalialived
Please leave a comment or send me a message if you want to be on the tag list for this fic or all of my WandaNat fics.
Oh and, if anyone cares, I have a Wandanat playlist on Spotify that I constantly add songs to if you're in for some heartbreak!
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richincolor · 2 years
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New Releases
It's another week, which means more books launching on Tuesday! Exciting stuff. Here's what's coming up next:
Three Kisses, One Midnight: A Novel by Roshani Chokshi, Sandhya Menon, and Evelyn Skye
The town of Moon Ridge was founded 400 years ago and everyone born and raised there knows the legend of the young woman who perished at the stroke of twelve that very same night, losing the life she was set to embark on with her dearest love. Every century since, one day a year, the Lady of Moon Ridge descends from the stars to walk among the townsfolk, conjuring an aura upon those willing to follow their hearts’ desires.
“To summon joy and love in another’s soul For a connection that makes two people whole For laughter and a smile that one can never miss Sealed before midnight with a truehearted kiss.”
This year at Moon Ridge High, a group of friends known as The Coven will weave art, science, and magic during a masquerade ball unlike any other. Onny, True, and Ash believe everything is in alignment to bring them the affection, acceptance, and healing that can only come from romance—with a little help from Onny’s grandmother’s love potion. But nothing is as simple as it first seems. And as midnight approaches, The Coven learn that it will take more than a spell to recognize those who offer their love and to embrace all the magic that follows.
Lord of the Fly Fest by Goldy Moldavsky One of Us Is Lying meets Lord of the Flies meets Fyre Fest in this wickedly addictive and funny YA thriller.
Rafi Francisco needs something really special to put her true crime podcast on the map. She sets her sights on River Stone, the hearthrob musician who rose to stardom after the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend. Rafi lands herself a ticket to the exclusive Fly Fest, where River will be the headliner.
But when Rafi arrives on the Caribbean island location of Fly Fest with hundreds of other influencers and (very minor) celebrities, they quickly discover that the dream trip is more of a nightmare. And it’s not just confronting beauty gurus-gone-wild and spotty WiFi. Soon, Rafi goes from fighting for an interview to fighting for her life. And, as she gets closer to River, she discovers that he might be hiding even darker secrets than she suspected . . .
Holiday Heroine (Heroine Complex #6) by Sarah Kuhn
The sixth book in the smart, snarky, and action-packed Heroine series continues the adventures of Asian-American superheroine Bea Tanaka as she takes on demons in Hawaii.
Nobody loves Christmas like Bea Tanaka—so when her family visits her for a special holiday celebration, she’s beside herself with joy.
After years of chaos, questionable decisions, and flirtations with the supervillain path, Bea is finally thriving. She’s got a sweet, new gig hunting demons in Maui, she’s working hard to hone her powers, and her big sister Evie is proud of her at last. In fact, everyone is so proud of her that she can’t tell them the truth: she’s feeling lost and adrift. She and her boyfriend Sam Fujikawa are struggling to make their long-distance love work, and her powers are displaying some intriguing new elements—elements that could lead her down an evil, mind-controlling path once more.
When her family’s holiday visit is disrupted by otherworldly monsters rising out of the Maui ocean, Bea throws herself into the battle—until she’s suddenly and mysteriously transported to the perfect Christmas back in San Francisco, surrounded by her family and an excess of merrymaking. As she finds herself trapped in the bizarre holiday rom-com of her nightmares, Bea must unravel a treacherous demon plot, save the world from unspeakable evil, and resist the siren song of a supervillain destiny. And hey, maybe she’ll find time for a little holiday cheer after all….
The Dragon’s Promise (Six Crimson Cranes #2) by Elizabeth Lim
Princess Shiori made a deathbed promise to return the dragon’s pearl to its rightful owner, but keeping that promise is more dangerous than she ever imagined.
She must journey to the kingdom of dragons, navigate political intrigue among humans and dragons alike, fend off thieves who covet the pearl for themselves and will go to any lengths to get it, all while cultivating the appearance of a perfect princess to dissuade those who would see her burned at the stake for the magic that runs in her blood.
The pearl itself is no ordinary cargo; it thrums with malevolent power, jumping to Shiori’s aid one minute, and betraying her the next—threatening to shatter her family and sever the thread of fate that binds her to her true love, Takkan. It will take every ounce of strength Shiori can muster to defend the life and the love she’s fought so hard to win.
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toa-kirhan · 2 years
First time watching ToH S1E19 (Young Blood, Old Souls). Thoughts below:
Detailed thoughts:
A fantastic finale to wrap up the first season of ToH! The team have already set a high benchmark for themselves, I wonder how they’ll surpass it in the next 2(-ish, I heard season 3 is made up of 3 specials).
These two episodes have been great for demonstrating Eda and Luz’s relationship. Although they’re only known each other for so long, Eda and Luz truly love and care for each other, willing to sacrifice their own health and well-being to protect each other. Luz puts it best herself, “But we’re a family! Us weirdos have to stick together, remember?” That heartbreaking callback to the first episode from Luz really gets at the core of what makes their relationship work.
Luz’s only friends or family that we know of is her mother. Before coming to the Boiling Isles, Luz had no one else, and now that she seems to be stuck there indefinitely (w/ no reception, wifi, or way to charge her phone), she doesn’t even have that. At this point, Eda and everyone else really are the only family that Luz has left.
The same is true for Eda before Luz arrived. Back then, Eda only had King, Hooty, and Owlbert. Her parents are out of the picture, and her only sister pledged herself to a group dedicated to hunting her down and capturing her. Eda made her living scrounging junk that she got from the human world and beached trash slugs, struggling w/ a lifelong curse.
Over the course of the series, Luz’s overwhelming optimism has soothed Eda’s innate pessimism and allowing her to see the joy in things that she’s long dismissed like Moonlight Conjurings, coventions, and attending magic schools by looking at them through the eyes of someone who never had these opportunities to begin with.
Meanwhile, Eda’s pessimism has tempered Luz’s optimism, teaching her to be ready and weary of worldly dangers like Adegast, as well as teaching her patience and resourcefulness (key skills for Luz’s understanding and mastery of glyphs). In a way, Luz and Eda are both students and mentors to each other, especially now that Eda can no longer do magic herself either.
After showing us Lilith at her worst, this episode counters that by revealing the rest of Lilith’s backstory with the thoughts and feelings that drove her actions. Lilith cursed her sister out of jealousy, and due to her refusal to be proven wrong by her sister, she never admitted the truth to her, no matter how much she regretted it, assuring herself that she could solve everything herself by just capturing Eda and having her join the EC w/ her.
I will admit, even though I know the episode wants me to sympathize here w/ Lilith, even if just a little, I still find it hard to forgive her. I can’t believe the fact that Lilith cursed her own sister to become part of the EC, even if she did think it was temporary. Lilith couldn’t just accept Eda beating her and be proud of her sister’s accomplishments? She couldn’t have just waited to apply to the EC later when another spot opened up?
Although similar in setup and premise, I don’t have any issues w/ Amity when she revealed why she stopped being friends w/ Willow for one main reason: Amity was forced to stop seeing Willow. If she didn’t, her parents would have done everything in their power to destroy Willow’s future as a witch. Amity sacrificed her friendship for the sake of Willow. Lilith voluntarily sacrificed her sister’s future for the sake of her own.
While Lilith’s decision to share Eda’s curse at the end of the episode has helped rehabilitate her character, it doesn’t change the years of suffering that Eda went through because of her. Though, ultimately, whether Lilith deserves forgiveness is up to Eda. If she is able to forgive her sister for what she’s done to her, then it’s best to accept her decision.
Edit: With that said, and after some discussion, Amity isn’t without faults either. Although the initial reason why Amity let go of Willow as a friend is understandable, that doesn’t justify Amity’s patronizing behavior towards Willow or her passiveness in letting Boscha and her gang bully Willow for years afterwards, even if she did so to avoid “showing weakness.” Like w/ Lilith and Eda this episode, it was ultimately up to Willow whether to accept her apology or not.
Moving on to Emperor Belos, we’ve gotten a little bit more information about him this episode. As established, Belos instituted the Coven system to limit people’s ability to use magic to 9 basic types based on his claims that doing so goes against the Titan’s wishes. The truth of whether or not Belos himself believes that has yet to be seen. If he doesn’t, he didn’t drop the act in front of Luz.
It isn’t clear what Belos’ plan is, but I suspect it’s to unite the Boiling Isles/the Demon Realms w/ the Human Realm on the Day of Unity given his obsession w/ the portal and his assurance to Luz that he won’t simply invade it. The one question I have is Belos’ motivation for this, but as established above, unless we find out more about Belos and his powers, I can only guess as to the reasons why.
As with any good finale, this episode has completely changed the series’ status quo. Both Eda and Lilith are outlaws now and have to deal w/ a weakened curse. Similarly, Lilith’s magic is weakened while Eda can no longer do magic at all, like Luz. Whether Luz, Willow, and Gus will be allowed to continue studying at Hexside is unclear, as is Amity’s aspirations of joining the EC (considering her idol, Lilith, almost got petrified by them along w/ her crush’s mentor).
Plot threads that still need to be resolved: Amity’s crush on Luz, who is writing letters impersonating Luz to her mother, finding a cure for the curse (if there is one), the truth about Belos, the Day of Unity, and how to return Luz to the Human Realm (if she ever does).
General thoughts:
History book! We’re getting lore! Who’s the author?!
The giant skeletons are Titans! Also, the Boiling Isles are part of the Demon Realms, or at least connected to them.
So all magical species evolved on the Boiling Isles? Then where did the Titans get their magic? Is it because they’re demons?
Of course only the supreme leader and their cadre of most loyal enforcers have full control over magic. Why would it be any way else?
Wait, are wild witches turned into stone? I thought they were just bound to a coven. Is that what’s going to happen to Lilith when Eda escapes?
Oh, we’re not even getting the OP! We’re just going straight into the story!
Eda has quite the armory! I don’t rate keeping a loaded crossbow on the wall tho, that’s a lot of unnecessary tension on the bow limbs, not to mention how dangerous that is in general.
King sees Eda as his family ;v;
Belos’ eyes are blue now. Did he just drain the magic from someone else’s palisman? Oh, they change w/ what magic he uses?
I don’t see how Lilith honestly expects Eda to just roll over and submit to the Emperor, especially after admitting that she cursed her. If Lilith promised that to the Emperor, then I can only wonder what he’ll do when Eda’s inevitably rejects his offer.
The Wild Witch of Bonesborough is an amazing title.
Does Belos want to take over the human world?
Unsurprisingly, Belos refuses to cure Eda. I shouldn’t be surprised that a blindly loyal ideologue accepts every word that their leader tells them, but I am still disappointed in Lilith. Also, Lilith cursed her sister but can’t even undo it herself? Or is it just because she was in front of the Emperor and still processing his betrayal?
Perry Porter? Per Reporter?
First Petrification in 30 years? So that’s this world’s version of capital punishment.
The Conformatorium? We’re returning there again? Will we get to see-
Warden Wrath! Oh, he’s way less scary when Luz has magic. Either that, or Luz is way more scary when she has magic. I’m leaning towards both.
“Draw me a map!”
It seems like the Emperor’s grasp on power isn’t as tight as he thinks if the common people have doubts on whether Eda should be petrified in the first place.
Piniet, Bump, and Snaggleback crowd cameo!
So the regular guards can’t use magic?
Eda ;-;
“But we’re a family!” ;_;
“I love you, Eda.”
“I love you too, kiddo.” ;_; o7
Lilith used to have curly hair. I wonder what causes all the hair color changes on the Boiling Isles (first the Cawthornes, then the Blights).
Are those the Blights in the background?
Eda turns into an owl demon and the EC just throws stones at her until she leaves? I’m doubting the EC’s competency more and more each episode.
Lilith’s magic still works? I guess that’s because the human world isn’t as innately magical as the Boiling Isles w/ the Titan, so glyphs fizzle out, but a witch’s magic is a innate part of their biology.
EC military band uniform!
Lilith wants Luz to rescue Eda on her own? I mean, sure, her glyph magic has gotten better (look how much she can do w/ those small sheets of paper), but just Luz on her own?
Augustus Porter! That’s his full name!
Eyeball eater! Potion seller! Principal Bump!
OH! That’s a disaster for the Emperor! His regime has to cover up the live footage of a chanting crowd demanding for Eda’s release, the most wanted witch on the Boiling Isles!
What’s his scheme! He doesn’t want to invade the human world?
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