#MHM MHM i cannot wait for this to happen !!!! i have a feeling it's been happenin for a while now already
itoshi-s · 1 year
I confess that I was indifferent to Rin, until he stuck his tongue out in the arc of the sub20. Something about him being so pissed off he doesn't even realize he's drooling seems kind of hot to me (and cute since Sae hinted that Rin did this as a child too). It's like Isagi who is usually cute, but inside the field curses his own teammates, but better since Rin went from stoic to beast
AAAAA PLEASE !! rin going absolutely feral in the final minutes of the u20 game was truly a cultural reset </3 truly a rin fucker awakening to all of us !!!!! i keep thinking abt this on the daily.... like.. he truly had no business going so crazy @_@
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corroded-hellfire · 5 months
Red Hot - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
Collaboration with the woman who makes this series possible @munson-blurbs 💚
Summary: It’s been one year since you and Eddie discovered your feelings for one another—and so much more. Now, it’s your anniversary and a romantic evening is planned. Unfortunately, life with two little boys around tends to throw some wrenches in your life—even on special nights like this.
Note: I cannot believe it’s been a year since I posted the first part of As You Wish. It was only intended to be this spicy one shot but so many people asked for a part 2 and…here we are! I can’t thank all of you enough for reading. It means more to me than you know 💜
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), breeding kink, oral, m and f receiving, vomit, implied medical issues, age gap, older!eddie
Words: 5.3k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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One whole year has passed of you being with Eddie. One year since the night he’d come home sullen after what was supposed to be a nice evening out, only to find that his deepest desire was right there waiting for him on the worn blue couch in his living room. 
Honestly, it was the night both of your wishes came true. Such dark secrets you each harbored, never thinking that the other could possibly return the feelings.  You, thinking he wouldn’t see you as anything more than a babysitter for his two kids. Him, thinking you’d never be interested in a man over a decade older than you. The spark finally lit the flame though, leading to the best year of your lives. The best year of the boys’ lives as well. Neither you nor Eddie had ever seen the kids in all around better moods than this past year—and that’s even with the divorce and custody proceedings. 
A romantic date night was planned for the one year anniversary, a date that came with some discussion at first. You had brought up that you weren’t a fan of having your anniversary with Eddie on the same day that was his wedding anniversary with Brittany. Eddie was quick to assure you that this had just been the night he and Brittany were able to get out and celebrate their anniversary—not the actual day itself. 
“Pretty sure the fun you and I had that night went past midnight, into the next day anyway,” Eddie added with a smirk.
So, the evening was planned. An intimate dinner out together while Ryan has a sleepover at his friend Charlie’s house and Luke spends the night with Wayne. 
Even though you didn’t officially live with the Munson men yet, you did spend more time than not at their apartment. A drawer in Eddie’s dresser contained a stash of your clothes, a toothbrush sat right next to Eddie’s by the sink, and if you weren’t spending the night, the boys would call up at bedtime to say goodnight to you anyway. So, it made perfect sense for you to get ready at the apartment so you and Eddie could just go together to drop Luke off and Wayne’s and then be on your way to the restaurant. 
You’re in Eddie’s room, leaning over his dresser to get a better look at your face in the mirror as you apply eyeliner. Eddie is wearing black dress pants with a gray shirt that make you want to rip them right off. He’s currently securing his hair in a low bun as you do your best not to stab yourself in the eye with the stubby little black pencil. 
Just as you finish applying mascara, you hear the soft pitter-patter of Luke’s feet headed towards the master bedroom. 
“I frew up.”
“Oh, Christ,” Eddie mumbles under his breath, swiveling on one heel. “What happened?”
Luke shrugs. “My tummy hurt and then I frew up. But I got most of it in the toilet; wanna see?”
Eddie just looks at you, twisting the mascara wand back into the tube, then back at his son. 
“Most of it?” Eddie asks.
“Mhm.” Luke scampers back to the bathroom, and you and Eddie follow reluctantly. 
Both you and your boyfriend were expecting the smell to be worse as you step into the bathroom. Your eyes are on the ground, making sure not to step in anything Luke wasn’t able to get in the toilet. 
The sick mess in the toilet—and around it—is bright red. 
“Shit.” Eddie scoops up Luke, not caring that there’s now vomit on his dress shirt. “Luke, did you have any fruit snacks today at lunch? Gushers or Fruit Roll-Ups or something like that?”
The little boy shakes his head. “Just a chocolate chip cookie.”
Eddie looks at you, horrified. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen true fear in Eddie’s eyes, and it curdles your own stomach. 
“We have to get him to the hospital,” Eddie says. His tone is urgent, but not panicked. The last thing you need is for Luke to start freaking out. 
You nod in reply, already heading out into the hall, grabbing all three of your coats from the closet and tucking them under your arm. 
Luke is clearly confused. He keeps looking back and forth between you and his father, his little brow pinching together. 
“Why are we going to the hopsital?” he asks. “I feel good!”
Famous last words, Eddie thinks. He needs both hands and feet to count the number of times his kids have claimed that they weren’t sick just moments before they inevitably crashed. 
Neither you nor your boyfriend know how to respond to Luke, so you silently help him into his coat while Eddie shrugs on his own. The keys clang as Eddie takes them off a peg by the front door and tosses them your way. Then he picks up a still-confused Luke and heads out the door.
You drive while Eddie sits in the backseat with Luke. It’s quite obvious you two adults are more stressed out than the six-year-old is. Both of you keep checking in on him but there’s no deviation from the usual Luke-ness that you know and love. 
“How do you feel?” you ask, glancing at Luke in the rear view mirror.
“I’m hungry; can we get McDonalds?”
When you arrive at the emergency room, you pick up Luke to carry so Eddie can go ahead and alert the employees at the intake desk of what’s going on. 
The biting February wind stings your nose and cheeks as you cross the parking lot, but Luke keeps chatting away as though it’s just a regular evening.
“Did you know that birds feed their babies by frowing up in their beaks?”
“Wow, you know so many things,” you manage, trying to tamper your nausea and nerves.
“That’s like if you chewed up my chicken nuggets and spit them into my mouth.”
“Yup, I’ve got the visual.”
Secretly, your insides warm up, flattered that he considers you the “mommy bird.”
“My teacher got pooped on by a bird today, but she didn’t even notice.”
He continues talking through the whole process: waiting, triage, until he’s assigned a room and asked to wear a hospital gown. The moment you step out of the room to give him some privacy, it feels as if the world outside the small room has gone silent, save for the occasional beep from medical instruments. Now it’s too quiet without Luke’s chattering. Needing to do something besides just standing there, full of nervous energy, you walk down the hall to find a payphone and call Wayne to let him know what’s going on. 
Back in the room, Eddie is trying to get his nerves under control. Nothing’s wrong, he tries to assure himself. And even if there was—which there isn’t—he’s in the best possible place he could be and surrounded by professionals who probably see all sorts of things far worse than whatever this might be. 
“Where are the pants?” Luke asks, looking like a dog chasing its tail as he tries to get a look at the back of the gown. 
“No pants,” Eddie tells him as he ties the strings together in the back for him. There’s a soft knock on the door and Eddie tugs it open. 
You step back into the room and Luke grins and holds his arms out at his sides.
“Look! I’m wearing a dress just like you!”
Despite the seriousness of the visit, you can’t help but smile. Though your purple A-line dress looks nothing like the white gown covered in blue dots that he’s wearing. 
“Now you’re my twin instead of Daddy’s,” you tease.
That makes Luke giggle, and he sits down on the bed, dangling his short legs over the side. It isn’t long before Luke is taken back for tests, most of which Eddie is allowed to accompany him for. You know that’s probably bringing far more comfort to Eddie than Luke at the moment. 
You wait back in the room, anxious thoughts getting the better of you now that you’re alone and have time for your brain to wander. There are a bunch of brochures spread out on a table, so you decide to flip through some of them, keep your mind busy. None of them seem relevant to any medical issue you’ll ever have; then again, you never pictured yourself rushing a kid to the hospital for bloody puke, so you plunk down with a booklet on goiters. It mentions scurvy, which reminds you of Luke, and you have to stifle your amusement before you become known as the Woman Who Laughs at Goiters. 
The nurse brings Luke and Eddie back to the room, along with an old coloring book and some crayons. Artist that he is, Luke is already eyeing the different colors to see which one he’ll want to use first.
“It’ll be another hour until we have all the results,” the nurse announces somewhat apologetically. 
Eddie manages a weak smile as he plops into his chair. You reach over and slide your hand into his. A gentle squeeze greets your touch, and you give him one back in reassurance. 
Finally making his decision, Luke plucks a red crayon out of the box. 
“Did you know that these don’t taste like cherry?”
Everyone—including this poor nurse—stares at him.
“Luke,” Eddie starts, “why would you think it tastes like cherry?”
“Evan Holloway said it did,” Luke replies absentmindedly as he starts to color a fire truck, “but I think he was just kidding, because it tasted gross.”
Eddie bites back a comment about how the kid didn’t stand a chance at being nice with parents like Heather Holloway and Billy Hargrove. It’s not the time or place though.
“When did you eat the crayon?” You investigate further.
“Today during arts and crafts,” he says, tongue poking out of his lips as he concentrates on the drawing at hand. 
You and Eddie both look at the nurse apologetically.
“When I asked you about what you ate today that was red, why didn’t you mention the crayon?” Eddie’s teeth are gritted as he tries to maintain his composure. 
“You asked about fruit snacks, not crayons.” He pauses and looks up from his coloring book. “But don’t worry; I took the paper off first.”
“Oh, good.” Eddie rolls his eyes, and you put your hand on his shoulder. 
Luke’s confession—and subsequent perfect test results—allow him to be discharged. He falls asleep in the car almost as soon as Eddie puts it in drive and leaves the parking lot. 
The ride home is draped in comfortable, relaxing silence. After hours of machines incessantly beeping, doctors checking in, and Luke whining about his boredom, the quiet is certainly welcome. At least now there’s a massive weight off of your and Eddie’s shoulders.
The little boy doesn’t even stir when you arrive at home, so Eddie carries him into the apartment and to his room, gently tucking him into bed. 
“G’night, crazy kid,” he says with a soft laugh. He kisses his forehead, and you do the same before you both head to your own bedroom. 
“Baby, I’m so tired—” Eddie starts, the two of you practically collapsing onto the queen-sized mattress. 
You muster up a nod. “Me, too, Eds.” 
“Raincheck on me rocking your world?” he smirks, leaning in and kissing your nose. 
“Sounds like a plan.”
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“I’m home!”
Ryan’s excited voice jolts you awake; when you glance at the clock, it’s only a bit after 7 AM. Charlie’s mom must’ve been eager to end the sleepover. 
Eddie pushes himself up on an elbow and cracks one eye open. “Wait, Ry; how did you get in the house?” He didn’t have a spare key, and Eddie always made sure the doors were locked at night. 
Ryan shrugs. “I rang the buzzer and Luke let me in.”
Eddie groans and lets out a yawn. He’ll have to remind his youngest son about making sure an adult knows someone’s coming into the house, but he doesn’t have the energy now. Instead, he focuses on Ryan. “Ya have fun at Charlie’s?”
“Yeah!” he chirps. “We had—” 
You slowly sit up, trying to keep your temper at being woken up. “Can we hear this story over breakfast, Ry?”
He agrees and bounds into the kitchen, you and Eddie sleepily trailing behind. 
Luke is already halfway through a bowl of Frosted Flakes when the three of you walk out to the kitchen. 
“Ryan!” he shouts, way too loud for this early in the morning. Cereal sprays everywhere, and he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “I went to the hospital last night!” 
Ryan’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. “What?!”
“Yeah! I just told Grandpa about it.”
Eddie frowns in confusion. “When did you talk to Grandpa?” He grabs a bowl from the pantry and pours himself some cereal. Nothing sugary like the boys eat; those days are behind him. 
“I just called him before when I woke up,” Luke says with a shrug.
You throw some Eggos in the toaster for Ryan while the boys both regale you with their respective tales. Luke manages to make it sound much more fun than it actually was last night, tapping into his father’s knack for storytelling. Part of you is surprised there’s no supernatural elements to this tale. 
A little later in the day there’s a knock on the door. Eddie turns the knob and is surprised to see Wayne on the other side. He raises his eyebrows as he regards the older man. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks before realizing how that sounded. “I mean, hi.”
“I told Luke I was coming over,” Wayne says, nodding to the younger boy coming up behind his father. 
Eddie looks at the boy as he closes the door behind Wayne. 
“Luke, you never told me that.”
“You didn’t ask.”
Even though he already told him on the phone, Luke once again laments the events of last night to his grandfather. Once he’s done, Ryan tells Wayne all about his sleepover at Charlie’s last night. 
When he finally gets a moment to talk to you and Eddie without the rugrats around, Wayne offers to take the boys for the rest of the day and overnight so the two of you can have a do over on your anniversary date.
“You sure, Old Man?” Eddie asks.
“Positive. I’ll just keep ‘em away from crayons.”
The moment the three of them leave, Eddie locks the door behind them and grabs your hand to drag you into the bedroom.
“Oh, right; where are my manners?” Eddie admonishes himself. “I should take you out to eat first.” He heads into the kitchen and fishes the brochure for your go-to Chinese restaurant. Not even needing to ask you, he orders your favorites before hanging up and turning back to you. “Now, time for my meal.” There’s a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. “If you don’t cum in thirty minutes, your next orgasm is free.”
The moment your back lands on the bed, he tugs off your pants and panties and buries himself between your legs. There’s time for slow and romantic later, you both need each other now.
“This pussy is perfect, goddamn.”
Any response is futile as words have left your brain the second Eddie’s tongue flicks over your clit. He does it over and over again, causing your abdomen muscles to tighten and your fists grip the blanket below you. 
You let your eyes fall closed and lose yourself in the feeling of Eddie sucking on your clit. He knows the exact speeds and pressures to get you where he wants you, changing it up in the most pleasurable of ways. As your back arches off the bed at a particularly harsh suck, Eddie slips two fingers into your waiting hole, meeting no resistance. Being stretched by and filled with Eddie just has you that much closer to hitting your high. 
Eddie pumps his fingers in time with his licks and it isn’t long before you feel that familiar heat building up in your body. Your boyfriend must be able to sense this as well, because he curls his fingers up against your walls as his tongue continues to flick over your sensitive bundle of nerves. It’s enough to have you seeing stars. Part of you wants it to last longer, but you know Eddie will do this again and again for you if you ask. The thought of him wanting to make you feel good and wanting your body so much is the push you need into oblivion.
“Fuck! Oh shit, Eddie,” you whine, a hand going down to grip his hair. “I’m—I’m coming.”
Eddie knows how to extract every last wave of pleasure from you as he works you through the orgasm. This he’ll take his time with, after being in such a haste to get you off. You feel boneless as you lay on the bed, utterly wrecked from your boyfriend’s thick fingers and sinful mouth. 
You whine as Eddie slips his fingers from your pussy, but the whine turns into a moan when he pops them into his mouth. It’s suddenly given you a burst of energy.
“My turn,” you say, giving him a salacious grin. 
Eddie flings his shirt into an abyss of laundry and rolls onto his back so you can trail kisses down his torso. He giggles when your fingers brush against his stomach as you unbuckle his belt and tug his pants off. His erection springs free, already leaking pre-cum from getting you off. 
“Such a pretty cock, Eds,” you muse, your lips tenderly touching the head. “And it’s all mine, huh?”
“Y-Yup,” his breath hitches. “All yours; please, please suck it for me.”
You happily oblige—as if there was any doubt that you would—licking from base to tip with a flattened tongue. His thighs twitch at the contact, the movement punctuated with a low groan. You never knew how much you appreciated a vocal man until you’d slept with Eddie. Now it’s a goal of yours to get him to make as much noise as possible.
“Oh, princess,” he growls, fingers twisting in the sheets. “Baby girl.”
Your hand grasps the part of him that doesn’t fit in your mouth, leaving no square inch of his cock untouched in some way. You want—no, you need—to make him feel good. Thinking back to that first time together, fueled by lust, but also a desire for one another. A longing that had burned steady in both of you. Eddie could have waited up for Brittany and had lackluster sex; you could have hooked up with that guy from your anthropology class who’s always checking you out. But that wouldn’t have been satisfying; you craved Eddie and Eddie craved you. It was impossible to satisfy that urge any other way.
He bucks his hips gently now, his signal that he’s close. You pump him faster, grip him tighter, until he’s spilling into your mouth and down your chin. 
Once you’re satisfied that you’ve milked everything you can from him, you pull off and swallow his load. Eddie manages just enough strength to lift his head up as he attempts to catch his breath. His eyes darken as he watches you lick your lips and wipe off the cum that drooled out onto your chin and pop it in your mouth. 
“God damn,” Eddie breathes out. 
You share in that sentiment. This fast and rough sex is exactly what the two of you needed after such a scary and stressful evening last night.
The doorbell rings and your boyfriend flops his head back down, his curls spilling around his pillow like a halo. 
“Want me to get it?” you offer, pushing yourself off the bed.
“Uh uh,” Eddie tuts. He haphazardly reaches over the side of the bed to search for his boxers. “Only I get to see you looking this wrecked.” A playful wink is thrown your way as Eddie sits up. He hops off the bed and slips on his boxers, sweats, and an old Deep Purple t-shirt. “You get dressed, baby.” 
“Don’t wanna,” you say with a pout. 
It makes Eddie chuckle, and he presses a kiss to the side of your head before reaching for the knob on the bedroom door.
“Don’t worry, we can take them off again later.”
Eddie strolls out of the room, and you raid your drawer in his dresser. There’s an old pair of jeans shoved in the back that you pull out and hop into those while you scoop one of Eddie’s old Hellfire shirts that he let you cut and customize to your liking—a true sign of love right there—laying over the arm of a chair. 
When you meet Eddie in the living room, he’s unpacking your food into the coffee table. There’s a pile of VHS tapes in the corner of the room, and though most of them are the kids’, you manage to find Benny & Joon and pop that into the player. 
The moment you plop down on the couch next to Eddie, he wraps his arm around your hips and tugs your body up against his. 
“It’s difficult to eat with one hand, you know,” you tell him when he doesn’t move his arm.
“I’ll deal.”
Somehow, he does—even if it causes a bit of a mess on the couch and coffee table.
Eddie swallows a mouth full of rice and turns to look at you. His eyes take in your profile, the expression on his face turning to adoring almost instantly.
“I’m really grateful that you were there with me last night,” he admits, voice softer and more serious than usual. “I don’t know if I would’ve been able to handle that without you.”
The way that you look at him from beneath your eyelashes takes his breath away. He gets just as stunned by your beauty now as he did when he opened the front door that first time he met you.
“Yes, you could’ve,” you assure him. “You’re stronger than you think, Eddie. But I’m glad you didn’t have to do it alone. There’s nowhere I’d rather have been at the moment than with you. Well…I’d have liked not to have had to go to the hospital at all, but you know.”
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head. “Turns out we didn’t need to anyway.” Your boyfriend sighs and runs a hand over his face. “God, Luke’s gonna kill me someday.”
“Kill you with his cuteness, you mean.”
“You mean because he looks just like me?” Eddie asks, a cocky smirk dancing on his lips.
“Of course,” you say with a chuckle. You lean in and press your lips to Eddie’s, resting your hand on his chest.
“You mean the world to me,” Eddie whispers against your lips. He knows he’s told you that many times, in many different ways. But it’s because he needs you to know how true it is. Having a partner who he can count on and trust with his life—with his son’s lives. It’s new to him, and even after a year, it surprises him every day how much you do for him and the boys. Your kindness and your heart are bottomless, he’s decided. And though he has no clue how he got so lucky, he’s not about to question it.
“I feel the same way about you,” you reply, also in a soft tone. Eddie always tells you the way that you make his life better, but he tends to brush you off when you try to do the same. He believes you deserve more than him, but he doesn’t realize there isn’t any more than him. He is everything.
“I can’t believe we’ve been together a year,” Eddie says. Sometimes it feels like it went by in the blink of an eye, but when he thinks about all the shit the two of you have had to overcome, he thinks that a year feels about right.
“Best year ever,” you say. “Even dealing with a certain psycho couldn’t ruin it.” You don’t want to mention Brittany by name, but you need to let him know that you’d do it all over time and time again despite her and all the bullshit.
“Aw, come on. Ryan’s not that bad,” Eddie jokes. You giggle and bury your face in his neck. Electricity sparks where your skin rests against his and Eddie wraps you up in his arms. “Happy anniversary, baby. I love you much.”
“I love you too,” you murmur against his skin. You go to wish him a happy anniversary as well, but Eddie’s loud growling stomach steals your thunder and sends you into another round of giggles. “Would you like some of my food?”
“God, you’re perfect.”
Not five minutes after the two of you finish your food, Eddie has you on your back, his body resting comfortably on top of yours as you makeout. The kisses are slow and passionate, taking your time to explore one another’s mouths. Hands roam each other’s bodies, some soft touches and some rough grabs—all of it possessive.
Needing air, Eddie pulls his mouth from yours and begins to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses down your neck. Strong fingers dig into your hips as you lift your own hands to tangle in his soft curls.
“Bedroom?” Eddie growls against your skin.
“No,” you say, wrapping your legs around the man’s hips to keep him where he is. “Want you here.”
“Mm, whatever my princess wants,” Eddie mutters, punctuating it by grazing your jaw with his teeth. Slowly, he sits up, bringing you with him until you’re seated comfortably in his lap.
You shiver, his tongue warm against your neck and hands strong on your back and sides. It’s as though you can’t be close enough to him, your hips rolling to create a friction that has both of you aroused. 
Eddie unbuttons your jeans disapprovingly. “Don’t know why you even bothered to put these back on,” he tuts, apparently forgetting that he was the one who told you to. “Now I gotta rip ‘em off again. Making this harder than it needs to be.”
“Tell me more about making things harder,” you tease, grinding against his stiff length with the intent of feeling him through your panties. 
“You’re trouble,” he murmurs into your mouth, a smile twitching on his lips. “I fuckin’ love it.”
Your pants get shrugged down your legs, not even making it all the way off, and your lace thong gets pushed over slightly to expose your pussy. Eddie pulls himself out of his boxers and runs his cock along your soaked core before aligning himself with your entrance. 
“Tha’s it,” he moans as you sink onto him, taking every inch within your walls. “Fuck, you know exactly what I want.”
You bite your lip and nod. It’s as though your brain clicks off when he first enters you, your head filled only with thoughts of Eddie Eddie Eddie. 
Once you regain some semblance of sanity, you hold onto his biceps and bounce on his cock, the tip hitting your sweet spot over and over. “So big—so full,” you manage, eyes rolling back as he thrust up into you. 
“That’s right; you’re fuckin’ full of me,” he grits out, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass. “And I’m gonna pump you full of my cum, too.”
You nod before gently biting down on his shoulder. “Please. Want your cum.”
“I know you do, princess. Because I’ve gotta fill you with my cum to knock you up, don’t I?”
You can only whimper in response, but that isn’t satisfactory for your boyfriend. 
“Words, princess.”
“Want you to knock me up!” It comes out in one pathetic breath. 
His thrusts become more frantic, needier. “Oh, I don’t think you want it,” he goads. “I think you need it. I think you need me to get you pregnant, so you can show off that you fuckin’ belong to me—and only me.”
Tears form along your lash line; your orgasm is so close, but you know he can withhold your pleasure if you don’t answer him. “Need your baby,” you whisper. “Need everyone to know I’m yours.”
“God fuckin’ damn.” The thought of you swollen with pregnancy has him unhinged, his thumb circling your clit as his own release nears. “Gonna fuck you so full.”
You clench around him, chanting his name while you cum. He follows, holding down your hips so he can slam into you and give you every last drop. 
A string of breathy whines leaves your lips as you lower your head down to Eddie’s shoulder. His grip on you softens and slowly glides up your body until one hand trails up and down your back and the other cups the back of your head. 
“How was that?” he murmurs.
“Fucking amazing and you know it,” you mumble against his shoulder. 
Eddie chuckles and you pick your head up to press your lips against his. 
“Don’t wanna move,” you say with a sigh.
“I know, sweetheart,” Eddie coos. “Just want to keep me inside of you forever, don’t you?”
As hard as he just made you cum, you shouldn’t get so instantly turned on by his words and teasing tone. And though he may be teasing, he is also absolutely correct. 
You push against his chest playfully and reluctantly move yourself off of his lap. As gracefully as you can manage—which isn’t very—you lay back down on the couch. A trickle down the inside of your thigh tells you that Eddie’s cum is escaping. Your boyfriend seems to notice this just as you do.
“Absolutely not,” he says as uses two fingers to shove it back into you. 
The feeling has your eyes fluttering closed as you let your muscles relax into the cushions. 
“Ah, shit,” Eddie says.
“What?” you ask, forcing your eyes open. Eddie’s looking down and you follow his line of sight to see that some of his cum got away from both of you and landed on your jeans. “Oh, it’s okay. They’re—huh.”
A giggle begins to bubble up out of you and Eddie raises an eyebrow in question.
“Eds, these are the same jeans I was wearing that night,” you tell him.
“Our first night?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I couldn’t find them when I went to get dressed. Someone else did though and threw them in my face.” You chuckle at the memory. “I didn’t even remember I had these jeans stashed here at your place.” 
“And as nice as they are,” Eddie drawls, crawling on top of your body, “I think you look far better without them on. Or any pants. Or any clothes.”
You smirk up at him and drape your arms around his neck. “What do you say we make some new stains, then?”
“As you wish, sweetheart.”
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ateezlovely · 10 months
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smiling because of you
pairing: choi san x reader (gender-neutral)
genre: fluff, friends to lovers
description: soccer is a great sport, it helped you meet the boy who you want to always be with and two years later he’s finally yours
a/n: sorry i dont know anything about soccer :c was rewatching ateez logbooks and the soccer one inspired me to write this
There was only one boy who could make your cheeks red and smile so hard that it hurt, Choi San. Ever since you met him two years ago in the most embarrassing way, you have had the hugest crush growing on him. It was unfortunate timing as you and Kazuha were walking past the soccer field that a ball was accidentally kicked right in your direction. After ending up on the ground with a bleeding nose, Choi San had come running your way apologizing and asking if you were okay.
Even though you had forgiven San and understood it was an accident he still felt guilty and kept trying to make it up to you. This is what led to your friendship and two years later you are both still stuck together.
Once a week or sometimes more after soccer practice you will meet San to study or hangout. Right now you are waiting for him to text you that he is finished with practice and is all cleaned up. It has only been a day since you last saw him but you still miss him and cannot wait to see him again. Before he texts, you decide to head over to your meeting spot and wait for him there.
you: im waiting at our spot
sannie: eager are we?
sannie: ill be out in ten :)
you: shush
The meeting spot is the same place where you got hit in the face and where you and San first met. When San first suggested this be the meeting spot you did not find it amusing but agreed because it was a meaningful spot to you both.
Distracted by your phone you are startled by a loud yell a few feet from you. Mingi and Yunho are giggling as they get closer to you.
“Hey that wasn’t funny! I could’ve had a heart attack from that” you scold them, feeling glad it was just them and San wasn’t with them.
“The most that would’ve happened is you peeing your pants” Mingi teases you and Yunho giggles agreeing with him.
“Yeah whatever, wheres San?”
“Pretty boy is still getting dolled up for you” Yunho winks and you flush but before you could make a comment back, a familiar voice yells out to the three of you.
San comes jogging over with dripping wet hair and wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank that makes your heart flutter. He drapes his arm over your shoulder saying a small hey before accusing Mingi and Yunho of harassing you.
Yunho instantly defends themselves, “they were waiting all by themselves and asked us where you were thats it!”
“Maybe you should spend less time on looking good to impress them!” Mingi snickers and starts walking away with Yunho, leaving San annoyed and you flustered.
“Well how was practice tonight?” you ask to break the tension and slight awkwardness from the comments made by the two boys.
“It was alright, coach is training us hard because we made finals”, a big sigh escapes him and you put your hand on his back to softly rub, “but its okay cause now i get to hangout with you”
You light up and smile at him, “can we please go to the night market, i am so craving that one stands food!”
San playfully disagrees and you plead him all the way to his car when he eventually says that you guys can go only if you buy.
“Yes, of course i’ll buy you anything you want” you agree with no hesitation. This makes San laugh at how determined you are to go to the night market.
An hour later the both of you are sitting by the river with full tummies. You were laying down on the grass staring up at the pink and orange sky while San was sitting next to you. The satisfaction of good food and peaceful atmosphere was almost enough to make you fall asleep.
The silence was broken by San softly speaking your name.
“I was wondering…if you would want to or if you would like to…” he nervously breathed out, making you prop yourself up on your elbows to look at him, “come to my finals game this weekend?”
You were confused by his nervous demeanor, “of course i will–”
He cut you off, “I mean coming to the game as my date”
This made you stop and look at him wide eyed as you comprehend fully what he jus asked you. For two years you have been waiting for this moment and now that it is here you don’t know what to do. In the romance books the girl always knows what to say so why are the words stuck in your throat right now?
“Obviously you don’t have to it’s up to you and like if you said no, our friendship wouldn’t change at all i promise” San starts to ramble as you continue to sit there staring at him.
“San” you whisper so lightly that he doesn’t even hear you, you speak louder saying “San i’ll go to your game”
This makes him stop rambling and look at you, “really? are you sure?”
Sitting all the way up now you say, “I would really like to go… as your date” feeling shy and not able to look at him your fingers nervously play with the grass by your legs.
“Okay great! That’s really great…” there’s a bashful smile on his face that makes you smile and feel very excited for this weekend.
On Saturday the entire day is spent getting ready and making sure you look perfect for the game later. Since all of San’s friends that you know are also on the team and playing, Kazuha is going with you so you aren’t alone. You are happy to have her by your side to calm you down because you have been a nervous mess since San asked you.
The bleachers are almost full when you arrive but still manage to find seats in the front row. When the game starts and the teams come out you make eye contact with San and he smiles big at you. Feeling embarrassed you wave shyly at him and are thankful that his coach calls for the teams attention. It was Kazuhas idea to write San’s name on one cheek and his number on the other. It was embarrassing but did it because you know he would like it and a part of you likes it too.
The entire game you were on the edge of your seat in anticipation, with the other team leading by only a couple points. It was within the last 15 minutes that they were able to score and get ahead of the other team. On the field you could see San and his friends sweaty and breathing hard from how hard they are working. It made you feel worried knowing how exhausted San was going to be after this.
Both you and Kazuha were bouncing from nervous as the game was coming to an end and the team was still in the lead. The entire team and everyone watching cheered as the game ended and San’s team had won. Including you and Kazuha as you were standing up cheering and giggling at eachother excitedly.
The moment had you distracted that you did not notice a sweaty boy running towards you. It was not until he was right in front of you with the brightest smile and his chest moving fast from his breathing that you saw him.
“I like you, a lot, and I am so happy that you are here and I want to kiss you so bad” he blurted coming so close to you there was barely a breath of air between you, “please can i kiss you?”
This time you knew exactly what to say and there was no pause to stare at him, “kiss me San”
His hands grabbed your face and his lips were instantly on yours, bringing you into the softest but passionate kiss. There were tingles and shivers all over your body and you never wanted the kiss to end. It seems San never wanted it to end either because he didn’t pull away until both of you were almost going to pass out from not breathing.
He rested his forehead on yours and you started giggling at how happy you were.
“What are you giggling about hm?”
You pulled away to give another kiss before telling him, “I just like you so much”
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ooffies · 1 year
Hi!! Could I request g/n reader accidentally confessing to Floyd? (I don't request a lot so this might be kind of janked up lol)
Hi nonnie, thank you for the request! I had so much fun writing this and I'm sorry for the wait, school as been taking up a lot of my time :,). I decided to add a few more characters and divided the audio into sections for each of the characters. I hope you're okay with that! Anyways I hope y'all enjoy ~
Surprise Confession!
❥─➤ Characters: Riddle, Floyd, Rook, and Malleus x gn! reader (separate)
❥─➤ warnings: none!
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Riddle Rosehearts:
“I’m going to confess to you on valentines”
He’s shocked, absolutely flabbergasted. How can someone have so much confidence? Are you pulling a prank?? But he sees how serious you look. Oh god you’re not joking. He’s burning bright red, not exactly sure if he’s flustered or embarrassed. How could you be so bold? He wants to scold you for your bold statement but he can’t even get words to form because of how hard his heart hammered in his chest. 
You just ruined your own surprise due to your scattered brain prefect, goodness you are such a klutz. How silly. But I wouldn’t want you to be any other way. Wh-What? I said nothing of the sort I- I AM NOT BLUSHING!!
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Floyd Leech:
“You’ll be available right?”
He’s one happy little eel man. His shrimpy was so silly. You’re now locked in the cage of his embrace, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of his happiness. His chin rested on your head. His mouth wide open with a big smile, it was only proper of him to do so at this moment. Afterall his mother had taught him that if he ever liked someone he needed to show them by opening his mouth as wide as possible (fun eel fact). Forget the romantic valentines day confession your his now and he isn’t planning on letting you go. Best to change the plan to take him on a date now for Valentines.
Shrimpy look at you going and messin’ up your confession to me. But good for ya to know I don’t care that ya messed up. I’m much happier knowing how ya feel about me now rather than later yeah? So forget me being available I’m already all yours and now you're all mine~
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Rook Hunt:
“You’ll be prepared?
He’s been ready for this moment since he first fell in love with you. He is absolutely overjoyed by your accidental confession. You were just the most magnificent, loveliest thing in the whole wide world. His belle rose, la prunelle de ses yeux, son véritable amour!! Scratch you being prepared to confess to him, this man was a thousand times more prepared than you. He could shower you with all the love and affection he had at this very moment, but he’ll wait to do that till your valentines day confession. He wouldn’t want to ruin the lovely surprise you had planned so intricately for him.
Oh my little trickster you are just the cutest!  You’re planning all this for me? Merveilleux!! You are like a star lighting up that night sky that is my heart, you burn so brightly I cannot get enough of your light. But ma précieuse étoile, I'll show you more love than you could ever imagine mi amor, I hope you’re prepared for it~
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Malleus Draconia:
“Why is your face so red?”
“Cause you already confessed”
“AH!! I forget I said anything…”
Both of you are blushing red idiots. He’s having so much trouble processing what just happened and you’re beating yourself up for letting your plan slip. You were planning to confess to him? He never expected it. All these new feelings coming over him were overwhelming. His face was hot, his heart felt like it was about to burst and his stomach was tying itself in an array of knots. Was he sick? Coming down with something? But the most overwhelming thing of all was that he could not get you out of his head. Thoughts and images of you plagued his now lovesick brain. He wanted to take you in his arms and show you how much he loved you. He wanted to whisk you away and keep you all to himself.
How brave you are, child of man, confessing to someone like me. You are truly fascinating. Although I’m sure you can see how happy I am to hear that, can you tell by the red on my face.? I hate to make such a greedy request but can we perhaps not wait until valentine's day? I don’t think I can wait that long to officially become yours.
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© ooffies 
Please do not repost or translate my work without permission and credit. Thank you!
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irndad · 1 year
what about spider flower or zinnia with spencer?
astrid for you of course!!!
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zinnia- confessing how much they miss you // flower prompts
For most of Spencer’s life, the notion of home was something that he had always considered something in between a myth and an impossibility. The idea of returning to where you are meant to belong, a place where the pieces that are too heavy to carry for all your life may be laid to rest- it had always sounded like a sentimental feeling that was afforded to people who were more charming, more deserving than himself. 
These days, home had looked different. His life was never regular, and he’d never much minded sleeping in hotel rooms in far off places- he had nothing to miss, anyway. Nowadays, he finds himself with an ache that cannot be mended the longer he spends away from a bed without the weight of her next to him in it. 
She is probably the greatest thing to ever happen to him. Every positive in his life usually comes with a negative. His genius comes with his aloofness, his job comes with the weight of sleepless nights. She is the first honest to god blessing of his life.
When she calls, her voice is low and sweet like the rest of her, and it’s a blessing. 
“Hey sweetheart,” her warm voice crackles over a telephone line, and there’s an ache in Spencer’s chest. It’s one he’s lucky to have, honestly. He’s someone she calls. 
It’s new, the thing they have. He’s not really sure how to operate in romantic spaces, and he’d sort of stumbled into it. She’d been reading at his favorite bookstore, all gathered up adorably in what was usually his favorite spot, and he somehow hadn’t minded. And debating fiction over coffee had turned into hours long phone calls, into nights spent at her apartment that keep him warm even when he leaves. 
“How was your day?” He enquires, shutting his eyes and finally relaxing against the cheap hotel mattress they’d be staying at. She tells him, of course, her sweet voice dripping with affection as she details the course of her day, and he thinks to himself, this is my solace. 
“Are you okay, Spence?” She says warmly, clearly concerned. 
“Mhm,” he muses back. It hurts, actually. To hear her voice and know that he could be with her. In a couple of days he will. He’ll run off the jet and meet her at her place, scooping her up in his arms in a way he’d never pictured himself doing before her. 
“Rough case?”
“No. Well, yes, but it’s not that-“ he sighs inwardly, “I just miss you a lot, I think. I keep thinking about coming home, seeing you. All I can think about, really..”
It’s the first time he’s been clear about it, his affection. She calls him sweetheart, babe sometimes, he meets her with love, honey, things he thinks might make her happy. 
But I miss you is clear.  
So he waits with bated breath to hear her response from miles away. The affection carries through the distance when she speaks. 
“Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.”
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spinnysocks · 2 months
incorrect lion guard as snapcube quotes
if you haven't watched snapcube then i'm sorry if this is really out of context LMAO but that's kinda the point :)
Makucha: See ya, cheetah!
Fuli: Huh? He's faster than Fuli. He's faster than Fuli. What?
Janja, annoyed: What is it this time Ushari?
Ushari: Janja, you found my You're A Bitch Degree!
Janja, after one of Scar's meetings: ...Something just happened.
Nduli: When was the last time you washed your paws? I haven't washed mine in four days. I've also been eating rocks-
Tamka: Rocks?! Nuh uh uh, that's not food!
Nduli: What about grass-
*Butterfly lands on Tamka's nose* Tamka: This is food Nduli!
Nduli: It's beautiful, I love your new hat! I'm gonna name him.. Mwamba!
*Butterfly starts flying away*
Tamka: You scared it away! :(
Nduli: Bye Mwamba! :)
Tamka: Bye Mwamba..
Janja: Hey, you know what this place looks like? Looks like the Pridelands! *starts singing Tonight We Strike*
Janja, to the skinks: Are you in on this conspiracy to?!
Shupavu: Everything is a conspiracy, haven't you ever seen the Circle of Life?
Janja: Wh-What?!
*waiting for Scar's meeting*
Reirei: Are we just doing this now? A bunch of assholes standing in a line? Congratulations!
Janja: Ah fuck, she got us there guys. Well.............
Ushari, while Janja's Clan are hysterically laughing: Alright, I think we need to figure out what we're going to do about this-
Kenge: It's not important that we lost! Look at who's responsible! *points at Janja*
Janja, pointing up: I'll point at you also.
Kenge: I'm not the sky, hyena.
Janja: We're doing Nne's plan? We're all agreeing that Nne came up with this right?
Cheezi: Yeah... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Here we go! :D
Janja to Reirei: Sorry that sounded like I wanted to kill you, I didn't mean that. *whispering to everyone else* I do wanna kill her don't fucking tell- I don't wanna kill you, don't worry! I wanna kill her so fucking bad! I didn't say anything to them just now. You know what I said! I-I gotta go, uh, think about some stuff!-
*Battle for the Pridelands in a nutshell*
Scar: Heyyyyy~ What's uppppp?~ It's meeeeeeeee~
Kion: STOP! >:(
Scar: I don't know how to impress upon you that you cannot defeat me.
The Guard: Kion!
Scar: Oh, your friends are here!
The Guard: We're here to help you!
Scar: It's really cute that you're going to defeat me with the power of friendship and all, but then again I am Scar from the Lion King, so-
Kion: You didn't let me finish, Scar!
Scar: Mhm, go ahead.
Kion: I have-
Scar: Yes, yes, yes, yes. I don't care. I do not care! You don't understand. I came back here to destroy the Pridelands. This means nothing to me! Alright? You mean nothing to me! You and your little friends are fucking annoying! This is why I stayed down in lion hell. This is why I punish Pridelanders. I'm the good guy! Do you not realise? I am the good guy here! I am the true King of the Pridelands! Mufasa goes up and he plays with all his little friends like "Oh look, are you watching over the Pridelands?" Yeah, whatever. Fuck everybody.
Kion: Ah!
Scar: I get to kill people! I get to command my army all day! It's great, give me the Pridelands! You don't get it. You watch your stupid little privileges. Fuck you. Idiot.
*The Guard yells*
Scar: Go to hell! *makes the volcano erupt* Look, I can do this! Anytime I want! This is nothing to me! You are nothing to me! I hate you! I HATE YOU! THIS IS MY BIG FUCKING VOLCANO!
Bunga: Oh my god, he's fucking losing it entirely!
Chungu & Cheezi: All around me are familiar faces, work out places, worn out places- IS THAT WHAT A HOUSE LOOKS LIKE? Oh my stars! This place is amazing! Where am I, the Pridelands?...... Worn out places~ (thanks to @devilsrecreation for that one 😭)
feel free to reblog with additions, there's too many quotes to put in here </3
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britishassistant · 8 months
You know that classic “person gets roped into a modeling session with their friend/crush” trope? What if yuu gets pulled into a photoshoot with vil and somehow their picture ends up on the cover of whatever magazine they’re modeling for? Cue jealous villains, minions, possibly the heroes, and a surprised uncle
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
You’re rudely disturbed from sleep by your cellphone going off.
You grope for it in a weird, groggy daze, pulling it blindly towards your ear and answering.
“Puppy, I cannot tell you how disappointed I am.”
You frown at the voice. “‘Ncle Divvy? Wha’s going on?”
“I mean, did you even consider any of the outfits that unruly whelp made you wear?!” Your uncle demands. “I mean, they’ve put you in colors from—!”
You pull the phone away from your ear. The time blares out at you. 3:16AM.
You return the phone to your ear. “—when you’re clearly more of a—!”
You check the time again.
You put the phone back as your dazed brain attempts to comprehend your uncle’s continued ranting. “If nothing else, you should’ve called me before going on set, so I could set those puppies straight on what really brightens you up instead of just making you a, an, an accessory!!”
“Wait.” You mumble, rubbing at your eyes. “‘S, is this about th’ photoshoot? Wit’ Mr. Schoenheit?”
There’s a huff from the other end of the phone. “Yes, puppy. Why else would I be calling at this ungodly hour?”
You feel a small curl of shame in your gut. “Were they that bad?”
A moment.
Then a heavy sigh. “No, puppy, they were not bad. It’s that they were hardly as good as they could’ve been, as they should have been.”
You prop the phone between your cheek and your pillow as Uncle Divvy continues. “If I had been brought in to advise, they could have been so much better, is all. Playing to your natural strengths rather than making you just a compliment to Schoenheit’s. It hardly did you justice.”
“M sorry, Uncle Divvy. Wanted to call you.” You murmur. “S just, it was so paste minute, ‘n White Neige couldn’t make it an’ Vil looked so sad when they said it might be called off…”
Your uncle huffs. “You’re too soft-hearted puppy. You need to toughen up. Otherwise people will be taking you out on a leash like this.”
“Mhm.” You nod, forgetting in your sleepy haze that he can’t see you.
At least his sigh sounds more fond than exasperated now. “…Just don’t let it happen again, all right?”
“Mmkay.” You mutter, halfway to dreamland already. “Love you, uncle Divvy.”
You barely hear the tinny “…love you too,” as you drift back off to sleep…
Just in time to be rudely reawakened by a hand seizing your shoulder and shaking you back to consciousness.
“Eeh~ Don’t go to sleep yet, shrimpy~! The fun hasn’t even started!” Cackles a voice you wish you didn’t recognize.
“I thought those photos were rather nice, reporter.” Its twin says as a bag is shoved over your head.
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k-dokja · 1 year
Summary: You've managed to convince your parents to be with Daniel this Lunar New Year, now what? [Chapter 432 - New Years arc]
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Daniel knows under no certain terms should he be worried about bringing you back to his hometown. For once, it's nothing you haven't seen and for another, his mother likes you. He shouldn't be worried. There's nothing to worry about.
...Except for all the plans he has in mind about his investigation, none of which he finds fitting to share with you. Not when the holidays are coming up and you'd probably tear him a new one for working again. And you'd always understand, at the end of the day, you're more sympathetic than your complaining lets on.
That's probably the worst of it. Every time it happens, he cannot help the feeling that he's taking your kindness for granted.
Especially when you go out of your way to do things like this... "Isn't this too much? You really didn't have to..."
"What? Didn't you mention you have a lot of relatives, too? I think it's enough," you cross your arms and level your eyes with his, challenging him to contradict you. It's a losing battle, he knows, and he's not in the habit of picking fights he can't win. Not after a month of getting beaten back and forth, anyway.
Daniel chews down on his lower lips while watching the stack of boxes and crates you prepared for the trip home with him. His brows furrow further while he works out the logistic of bringing this back. Supposedly, he can carry them...
"What's with the dumbfounded look?" You ask before a grin breaks out on your lips. "Wait, do you think we will carry all of this back? Honestly, you're too simple sometimes..."
Your words don't sound chiding, but he cannot help feeling silly when the delivery service arrives moments later to take the packages away. You have a triumphant look on your face afterwards that uplifts the weight in his heart, still, another matter remains. "You didn't have to splurge that much on my family, you know."
"Nonsense," you wave his concern away like it's an afterthought, "this is from both of us, we're a team, remember?"
"Right, of course," he puts on what he believes is an honest smile and does his best to mask the strain in his voice. Fortunately, you're too happy about the occasion to notice something was amiss, but he doesn't think he can deal with the guilt of keeping things from you any longer.
The car ride back home is blessed with relative peace in the short duration of it. Your giddiness with being at his side has elevated much of your mood, and Daniel knows he'd feel the same had he been transparent with you. After the recent development in his life, he cannot say he has been altogether a good boyfriend, but he'd be damned before he makes it any worse.
With how happy you are at this very moment, he'd be committing a heinous crime if he ruined your good moods by unravelling the truth.
A forlorn sigh skips past his lips at the thought. Immediately, he regrets it. Daniel turns to check if you noticed, only to see you smiling at him, your eyes narrow at his little slip-up.
"If you have anything to confess, better say it before you create collateral damage~" Your tone is playful but the gleam in your eyes is anything but.
Daniel sighs again. He knows better than to argue with you. "Uhm, well," he swallows, suddenly nervous, "you know about the whole business with the Park Jinyong, yes?"
He takes your hand into his own, fingers threaded together in the hope of assuaging whatever coming next.
"Well... I haven't gotten the chance to tell you yet," Daniel rubs his thumb on the back of your hand, exhaling a long breath before facing you, "but DG recently informed me that my mother has known him since I was very young, so..."
He doesn't have to finish the sentence for you to understand. The familiar recognition in your eyes is enough for Daniel to see that you've comprehended the gravity of the situation. He watches you carefully, waiting for any infinitesimal change in your expression. And yet, he's caught completely unaware when you flicker his forehead.
"What have I told you about transparency?"
Daniel pouts, "That I should be honest with you no matter the bad and the good?" He quickly adds. "Sorry, I just, I know this is the holiday after all and I shouldn't be caught up with work but—"
You flicker his forehead again, "Seriously, you, don't fret," you smile indulgently. "It's fine, okay? Things like these come up, as long as you're honest about it, there's no problem."
"I'm not happy, don't get me wrong?" You keep your voice even, but he can hear your displeasure in the matter-of-fact tone you put on. "But no matter, it's not like I'll be wanting for things to do. Lunar New Year tends to be busy, after all."
"I'm sorry..." He apologizes anyway, despite your reassurance. The words come out of him on instinct.
You huff, face upturned, "Yeah, you'll be sorry when I become your mom's favourite. Get ready to lose your spot once you're done with your silly investigation."
"Hey, now—"
Once again, you catch him by surprise with your attack. This time, it's gentler, a kiss on the nose that leaves him gobsmacked and stuns him into silence. "So don't worry about me, worry about yourself first please."
"Hmph," he smiles with pressed lips, "honestly, you're too good to me."
Once again, the triumphant grin returns to your face and pride surges in his chest at the sight. "Yeah? If you know that then you better do your best to cherish me."
"But I already do~"
"Not enough, you don't!"
And despite your protest, seeing the cheer remaining on your face even after he has come forth with the truth relieves him somewhat.
Although he cannot say all will be well in his further investigation, he knows that he has to do his best when your support means the world to him. You're his most precious, whether you know it or not, and the world would end before he intentionally gives you cause to think otherwise.
He just hopes that all of this will blow over soon, for you as much as it is for him.
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tgrailwar-zero · 5 months
can we ask the Valkyrie if she knows if any of the War Monitors have been around while we've been unconscious?
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The Valkyrie dutifully responded from the other side of the door.
VALKYRIE: "…War Monitor, Father Kotomine, visited upon the request of Lord Sigurd to provide healing. Your full recovery would have most likely taken several more days otherwise."
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Honestly, using 'Endless Whispers' as a telepathy magecraft wasn't the hardest thing to do. It worked more like a 'joint call', where you still had to speak out loud, as well as everyone else. Maybe you could find a way to upgrade it for further efficiency?
It wasn't perfect, but it was effective for communication like this, especially as it looped in every one of your currently contracted Servants. Made apparent when their voices rang in through your mind, loud and clear.
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KUKULKAN: "Good morning! I don't think a ton has happened… we've mostly been waiting. Did you sleep comfortably?"
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MUSASHI: "Mhm. Nothing happened with us outside of Kuku eating Lord Sigurd out of house and home. Don't be surprised when the Nameless City foots you a bill for dinner, Masters."
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KUKULKAN: "Ay! That's not true! Don't say things like that! I was… I was just refueling my 'emotional engine'!"
You heard the sound of ruffled fabric on KUKULKAN's end, and slight stumbling on MUSASHI's. It seems like the latter got pushed.
...They seemed like they were doing well. Energetic, at the least.
In the mental rush from MUSASHI and KUKULKAN, CONSTANTINE's calm voice slipped in.
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CONSTANTINE: "Morning. I'm surprised you could even get up, with how tightly you were swaddled in those blankets. I'm sure you rested well, though. However…"
He paused, as if processing something.
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CONSTANTINE: "...A contract… Ah, well that explains it…"
There was a gentle tiredness in Rider's mental voice, one that was swiftly overwhelmed.
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LUCIUS(?): "A sandwich? Your choice of apology was a sandwich? What are you, an ensemble of fools? Do you not know how to treat a lady- no, an Emperor?!"
A (new) voice pierced through your mental communications.
It was LUCIUS' voice, but it was a bit more imperious. Less terse and intimidating than DRACO, holding a brassy, bombastic tone that demanded attention.
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LUCIUS(?): "What solatium is expected from cheap comestibles? Do you water your roses with mustard, too? Yes, for all your sakes, you're lucky that I have your choice of proper recompense in mind. Such is my generosity."
Well, that explained what happened to Lucius' Origin. At least partially.
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KUKULKAN: "It seems like our 'Party' has increased, yes!"
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MUSASHI: "Mhm! Honestly, I'm more used to traveling alone, but I don't mind this much. I also wouldn't mind if they grabbed up that tall, dark Avenger too…"
…It's stunning how well these Servants could just go with the flow.
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MUSASHI: "Oh, speaking of, should we bring some tissues up to the room? We heard from one of the Valkyrie that you were crying."
...It's also stunning how quickly information travels around here.
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LUCIUS(?): "Mm, yes. The matters of the heart are fickle. Of course, I would never cry so openly, but I suppose one cannot be asked to forever hide their feelings."
Oh, she was part of this too.
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KUKULKAN: "Ah, I see... the human heart really is a difficult thing..."
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LUCIUS(?): "It is, but remember, you cannot blame the heart for wailing for what it desires, for love is a stronger force than one may think."
...It's also, also stunning how quickly 'LUCIUS' has fit herself into the causal banter between your Servants. Though you're just wondering what exactly was relayed from the VALKYRIE to your Servants.
You heard CONSTANTINE clear his throat, nudging things back on track. Some topics were best meant for more private settings, after all.
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CONSTANTINE: "Just… come down when you're ready, okay? It's best to catch everyone up in person."
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...Right. Well, with one mystery partially solved, and the room thoroughly inspected, it didn't seem like there was much else to do. So...
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sichore · 3 months
41, 19, or 30 for magjam? 👀
I am once again combining prompts (and adding 7 as requested!) because I cannot be stopped and this idea would not leave me!!
[A kiss... 7. to shut them up 19. for luck 30. as comfort 41. because the world is saved.]
The guitar tech took his Les Paul a while ago and Magnus still flexes his fingers in uncertainty. He could only tune it so many times, and it's going to get checked again before he goes on stage.
On stage.
The crowd is electric, not the frenzy of years past, judging by the footage he's seen countless times. It's more like a machine running again after years of disuse. The startup had some stutters, but soon it purred, and now it roars, steady as a united pride of beasts.
Pickles has still got it, two decades, several crises, and an apocalypse later. Once more, Magnus hears the music fade to a gentle pulse, Shayla's velvet voice murmuring something in reply to Pickles’ quip as the crowd gently laughs.
And soon, the frontman-drummer-god-frontman will call Magnus from the shadows to join him in the spotlight, and Magnus is “sweating like a sinner in church”, as Jimi would say. Or maybe not, as she's assured him time and again that he's forgiven, all is forgiven, and that despite his role, he need not worry about anything the Church might say.
At least not right now.
It's really not the time to have another spiritual and identity crisis. He's only got a few minutes, and he's drenched, and it doesn't really matter that he doesn't do that open-jacket-no-shirt thing anymore (can't, really, because the scars are still hard to look at, let alone be perceived) because he still feels like a pig at the Fourth of July barbecue–
He feels her before she reaches him; a glow at his back, the sliver of the brightening sky before dawn. Magnus turns, and there's Jimi, radiant in the dark of the backstage, walking up to him with concern and question in her dark eyes.
“Jimi, hey.” Magnus stops flexing his hands, folding into fists instead. “I–”
“Mhm.” She doesn't wait, reaching out to take his hand. As always, she finds a way into those closed spaces, her fingers easing his fist open, her hand closing around his damp palm. “Come on.”
She pulls him back into the dressing room and closes the door behind them.
Magnus releases the breath he's been holding and lifts his arms obediently when Jimi tugs on his shirt. “Where are–?”
“With the others,” Jimi answers as she pulls off his shirt and presses soft kisses to the perimeter of his scars before he can think to cover them. “Chevy's still running in circles, Slayer is napping. Nairi was gonna come in here, but I told her I've got it.”
“Ah.” He feels just the smallest pang of regret when Jimi steps away to face the clothes rack and loosely crosses his arms in front of his chest. It's a bit chilly back here, that's all. “I'm–I'm good, Jimi. Really.”
“I know you are,” she says sweetly, turning back to him with a deep, plum colored button-up. “And you're gonna do great.”
“No buts!” There's laughter in her voice, and she's totally at ease, grinning in her gap-toothed way up at him, holding up the shirt as Magnus turns and slides his arms through the sleeves. “You've all worked hard these past few months, and you were gorgeous during the soundcheck. You'll do great.”
“I just…” 
Her fingertips brush against his skin as she buttons up his shirt, leaving the top two undone, and then the bottom three, giving a peek of his bellybutton. 
Magnus wants to smile, chuffs out something that could have been a laugh as Jimi experiments in different ways of tucking in his shirt.
“It's just…” He swallows, but it doesn't do much to ease the rasp in his throat. “I missed some notes during practice, what if it happens here? And no one's expecting me, I mean, who even wants me here? They could start to walk out and Pickles will start to fucking panic and–”
Soft hands circle the sides of his neck and pull his face down to meet her lips, and the surge of panic starts to fade. Calloused hands find soft hips. Her lips part.
Magnus closes his eyes and sinks in. Soon, he is back among the tide, and Jimi holds him through the flow and ebb. Here, where the dark meets the light and chaos once laid with cosmos, as did gloom with night. Here, they are eternal and alive and the sky no longer bleeds red.
They are safe. All is well. And they will persevere.
They pull back with a sigh, and if it weren't for Jimi's hands on him, Magnus would melt into the floor. He rests his forehead against hers and lets the tension slip from his weary back and shoulders. Breathes with her. Resists the urge to let go and meld with her because there will be time enough for that after this.
He opens his eyes and Jimi looks back at him with the sparkling infinite reflected in hers.
“You don't need it,” she says softly. “But good luck out there.”
Magnus can only nod.
He shrugs into his jacket before exiting the room, Jimi leaving with another kiss pressed to his cheek before she hurries back to where the others wait to watch his performance. His rebirth.
The crowd swells with excitement as Magnus approaches, retrieving his guitar from the tech waiting on standby. He slips the strap over his shoulder with all the practiced ease of a veteran, a master of his craft. The Les Paul feels weightless. He takes a deep breath, stands tall. Wipes his palms on his pants one last time as he waits just off stage.
“Now, fer my next guest… Well, he's more like my partner in crime. Another one, anyway. Heh.” A laugh from the crowd, a playful riff from Pickles’ rhythm guitarist. “These days, he's a partner in other ways, too.”
“Another one?” Shayla asks in that smokey, unbothered tone of hers.
Pickles laughs. “I know, right? I'm a real collector over here!”
Magnus gives a wry grin at that. That's right – he and Pickles are a great team. And once they stand there together and let their music ring out across creation, the surrounding land will flourish. The crowd will know his name and thrive.
He's here, he's alive, and while that may not be enough for him just yet, one day, it will be. Since it's not just about him. His role is so much bigger than himself and today, and for the rest of his days, infinite as they may be, he'll play to the best of his ability. 
For the Earth. For their progeny. For the love he found distilled once he purged himself of liquid hatred.
A spotlight clicks to life before him.
“Ladies ‘n’ gentleman ‘n’ all the rest – Magnus Hammersmith!”
He steps out into it.
[Send me a number and a ship and I will write a kiss]
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railingsofsorrow · 2 years
We Sort Of Complete Each Other
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: [request] I hope this is ok to ask for! you are waiting for spencer to get home from work and has an anxiety attack, which are ongoing but nobody knows. you'd rather deal with things on your own, except this time you can't control it.
pairing: s.r x fem!reader
w.c: 1K
warnings/content: tw!anxiety attack; hurt/comfort; one curse word.
A/N: I cannot find this request on my tumblr for the life of me so I'll post again just to be sure. if the anon didn't receive it, I'm sorry, my tumblr likes to mock me sometimes and erases shit out of nowhere. still hope you enjoy it though <3
As soon as Spencer locks the door, he hears faint sounds of ragged breath a little further from the entrance.
Spencer calls out your name, leaving his satchel on the couch as he searched for your silhouette in the little space left of the open door of your bedroom.
When the sounds became sobs he quickly moved around the living room, finding you below the window of your living room with your head resting against the wall and your eyes closed as your body trembled visibily.
“Hey, hey.” He crouched down to your height, his face shifting to a concerned expression, “Baby? Put your hand on your chest and feel your heartbeat, remember what we do?”
You squeezed his hand when he offered it, but your breath was still too fast for your liking. You couldn't calm down. Why couldn't you calm down? Why was this happening?
There was like a hand tightening your neck, suffocating every bit of strength you had in your body.
Spencer touched your leg comfortingly, bringing you back to reality and away from your thoughts. You could feel a heartbeat, slightly slower than before. It wasn't yours. It was his. The drumming against your fingertips made you relax your shoulders.
“Hold your breath a bit for me.” Spencer requested, the free hand that wasn't holding yours to his chest was caressing your leg. You did what he asked and felt a tiny leaf of peace enter your chest. “That's it. Can you do it again?”
You nodded, taking a long inhale and holding it in for three seconds. Then let it out.
There was something in your cheeks. You were beginning to feel your feet this time.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He said when you flutter your eyes open, leaning closer and caressing her cheek lovingly.
You felt something slip out of your eyelashes. Tears. Have you been crying? You were still pretty much out of it.
Your still blurred vision found your boyfriend's amber eyes studying you patiently. You whispered a faint 'Hi' and attempted to smile.
“How are you feeling?” Spencer asked, sitting properly on the floor instead of using his knees for support, in front of you.
You played with his fingers, inhaling and breathing out slowly. Not meeting his gaze, you reply with “Good. I'm good. That was a... tough one.”
“Are they an ongoing thing?”
When you looked up you didn't notice anger or frustration on his features, so you felt self to admit what you've been hiding for a while.
You nodded, swallowing hard, “Mhm. Anxiety has been with me my whole life. I guess I just mastered hiding it from everyone around me. This time, uh, I— it was too much.”
He mentioned the spot beside you and once you said it was okay, he moved there, still with both of your hands intertwined.
“Can I ask what happened?” His fingers drawning circles in your palms.
You smiled sadly, watching your hands. “Some things way out of my control at work and a family issue. Basically, too fucking much in one day. And there were so many people close to me today, I just...”
He sighed, resting his head on the wall as you did, “Right. I understand.” Both of you turned your necks to look at each other at the same time, sharing soft smiles.
You knew he did understand— that wasn't something he said to make you feel better. He felt that on his body every day of the week; Spencer was always fighting back anxiety. Especially at his line of work.
You put your legs above his that were laid on the floor, proceeding to rest your cheek on his shoulder.
Spencer gave a kiss on the top of your head, “I'm not fond of full days, too.”
A grin makes your lips widen, lifting your chin to peck his lips in a quick kiss. He chuckled awkwardly, not expecting it. “I know. We have that in common.” You affirmed, bopping your nose with his.
“We have a lot in common, if you think about it.” Spencer commented with a fond smile because of your action, wiggling your feet together. “Did you know that the sociologist Robert Francis Winch, back in 1950, made a study about opposite people being attracted to each other, proving that what people really look for in a partner are complementary traits. So, the idea of “opposite attracts” is actually overrated.”
“I did not know that.” You confessed, “This means that that saying of opposite attracts' it's practically bullshit?”
Spencer chuckled, “Yeah, kinda.”
“Well, if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense to be with someone in whom you have common interests with. I've never been with someone that was the complete opposite of me, for example.”
Pursuing his lips in thought, Spencer hums distractedly. “I believe we sort of complete each other, you know?”
You raised your eyebrows in interest, “You do?”
“Mhm. You make me feel safe in a lot of different environments. Just the fact of you being there makes everything alright. And we have the same taste in books, too.” He frowned, turning to her. “I'm- I'm rambling, aren't I?” Just as the question leaves his mouth you notice the self-consciousness slipping with it.
Your hands raise to cup his cheeks with a fond grin on your features, and you close the space between your lips slowly. “No.” You said afterwards, brushing a finger against the crease between his eyebrows to make it disappear. Resting your forehead against his, you let out “I love it when you talk. I told you.”
Feeling his cheeks burn didn't make him separate from you.
“I'm glad we're out of the rule of opposites attracting, then.” You let the joke slip past your lips playfully, boping your nose with his again. Spencer grinned, eyes skimming over your slightly better demeanor with satisfaction and warmth inside his chest. “I love you just the way you are.” You whisper.
“I love you just the way you are, too, sweetheart.” His big hands cupped your cheek, mimicking what you did before. He kisses you deeply, leaving you breathless when splitting away. “So much, you've got no idea.”
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Day 3- Pets
Asami x Korra
A/N: I wrote this while watching season 1 of Korra which is so ironic to me
You can also read it here on archive of our own
“No Korra, as much as I love Naga we cannot have her live in the house with us.” Asami sighed,
“Come on, Asami! You have an entire mansion, surely Naga can live in a small part of it.” Korra assured, smiling crookedly at her and Asami cursed her sad bi heart.
“Fine, she can stay in the house with us.” Korra whopped, and Asami prayed that she wouldn’t regret this.
“Korra, why is Naga in the kitchen?” Asami asked, trying to get past the wall of white fur that blocked her from her girlfriend.
“Asami! Er- what are you doing up so early?” She heard Korra call out from somewhere behind Naga.
“Well I woke up for a meeting, and was miffed to see that my lovely girlfriend wasn’t in bed with me, and so I went out to go search for her.” Asami replied, “That still doesn’t explain why Naga is in our kitchen.”
“Well- she’s helping me.”
“Helping with what?” Asami was slowly getting more and more concerned, “Korra what are you doing?”
“Nothing! Uh- can you just wait for me out in the living room?”
“Um… ok I will. But you’re not in any danger, are you Korra? You know I’m always here for you.”
“Mhm! Perfectly fine!” and reluctantly Asami backed out of the kitchens. Korra ran out of the kitchen a few seconds later, her hair smoking slightly.
“Asami! Good morning beautiful- I didn’t set the stove on fire.”
“You set the stove on fire?” Asami shrieked, for as much as she loved her girlfriend, it seemed that technology didn’t. If technology was sentient it would most likely try to waterboard Korra.
“Korra, what were you doing in the kitchen?” Asami asked one last time,
“Well I was trying to make breakfast, you know, to thank you for letting Naga stay in the house, because I knew you were on the fence about it. Well the stove didn’t agree with me and-“
“Caught on fire.” Asami finished. Korra nodded guiltily.
“Well I appreciate the gesture anyway Korra.” she says, kissing her girlfriend’s forehead gently, “How about instead we go to the restaurant you love so much, and have breakfast there?”
“I can get us there in record time.” Korra agreed with a snap of her fingers.
“That’s sweet of you Korra, but maybe I should drive the Sato-mobile. I would love it if I could get to the restaurant with my stomach still in my body.”
“Sato-mobile? Who said we were going to use the Sato-mobile?” Korra flashed her crooked grin again, and Asami had a feeling whatever was going to happen next would definitely rearrange her organs. And not in a good way.
She was right. She was tragically right. Naga hadn't been out of the house in q while, and she was making up for it now. Shops and people passed by in a blur, and Asami had to hold onto Korra for dear life. Every two seconds a pedestrian would yell in outrage, or a sato-mobile would honk indignantly.
Korra and Naga were having the time of their lives however. Korra was whopping, even going as far to let go of the reins to try and touch a low hanging string of lights. Asami almost screamed herself hoarse when Naga leaped clean over an oncoming mobile.
Finally after what seemed like an eternity but was most likely only 15 minutes. Naga stopped suddenly, and if Asami didn’t have a death grip on Korra she would have been launched into oncoming traffic.
“Wasn’t that exhilarating Asami? A hundred times better than a Sato-mobile, no offense of course.” Korra exclaimed, but there was no response, “Asami?”
Korra looked over Naga to see Asami had splat on the ground and was just lying there, looking slightly disheveled,
“Are you ok?” Korra slipped off of Naga’s back to check up on her,
“Korra, I love you but I might just lose my non-existent lunch if I do that again.” She moaned,
“It wasn’t that bad.” Naga agreed by licking Asami’s hair, trying to get her to stand up. Korra hooks her arms under Asami and picks her up, bridal style.
“How about on the way back, I carry you all the way, just like this.”  Korra said, punctuating her sentence with a kiss pressed to her forehead,
“That would be much preferred.” Asami agreed. Naga wanted to join in the hug and so she set her head on Korra’s head slobbering all over them.
“Sorry girl, you’re out of the business.” Asami laughed, and kissed Korra.
A/N: Sorry this is late, I was busy the last two days, and honestly really lazy
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
What Happens on the Tour Bus, Stays on the Tour Bus PART 2
Summary: Harry and y/n continue sneaking around with texts, calls and FaceTimes until some nosey fans unleash the secret that Harry has a new girlfriend
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, dirty talk/sexual innuendos, unprotected sex, oral (f), fluffy and dirty filth
Click here for part 1
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“It’s hot out, so I’m sure the guys will find something to do with the water, so west something you don’t mind getting wet in.” Harry says as he smiles at you through the phone.
You sigh and shake your head with a laugh, “Great.”
He chuckles and watches you pack your suitcase. It’s been two weeks since you seen Harry last, but you two have put so much effort into making it work, there’s not a bone in your body that’s anxious about it.
The only thing you’re anxious about is when the fandom finds out that Harry’s no longer available, but you guys have already talked about that you seem well enough prepared for it.
“What time does your flight leave?”
You check your watch, “In two hours.”
“I can’t wait to see you.” He smirks, “get my hands on you.”
Your eyebrow twitches, “Mm. Do tell.” You plop down in front of the phone and bite your lip, “What are you going to do with those hands, babe?”
He smirks and shakes his head, “Can’t I just show you when you get here?”
“Come on, baby. Gotta give me something to occupy my mind on the flight.” You wink, “How about.. I tell you what I plan on doing to you.”
Your eyes move up to meet his through the screen and he nods once, “Hold on. Let me make sure-“ he gets up and you see him walk to the door, “Okay.”
You lay down on your stomach, resting your chin on your hand, “I’m going to kiss all over your body.”
“Mhm.” He smiles as he watches you speak, “What else?”
“I’m going to kiss down to right where you liked to be kissed and then I’m going to let you fuck my throat.”
His breathe hitches at your words and he shifts around, “Oh fuck. Okay.”
You smile and sit up, propping your phone up so he can see you better. You slowly take off your sweater, “Pretty soon you’ll be the one taking this off for me.”
“Not soon enough, but your hands will suffice for now.” He smirks and watches as you slowly lift your shirt up over your head, “Gotta make this quick, I have to leave for my flight here soon.”
“Yeah, yeah now take it off, please.” He gives you a cheeky smile and you roll your eyes as you reach behind you to take off your bra.
Just as you unhook it, you hear screaming on the phone.
“No, no. No.” Harry yells and the screen goes black, “Niall. Get out. Louis. Stop it.”
“Is that y/n? Is she coming?”
You cover yourself up and push your phone down before Niall and Louis appear on the screen, “Hey y/n.” Niall says.
“Hello, Niall.” You quickly put your shirt on and pick up the phone, “Way to kill the mood.” You laugh, “And yes, I’m coming today. My flight leaves here soon.”
“Wait. We’re you guys abo- oh god. Really?” Louis groans and laughs, “Sorry to interrupt. But we’re needed anyway, Styles. Meeting time.”
“Yeah.” Harry says taking the phone back, “Duty calls. I’ll see you when you get here.”
“Can’t wait.”
Harry smiles and the phone call ends. You toss your phone down and shake your head laughing as you finish packing your suitcase.
In the car now. On our way to the venue, you text Harry and you see those little bubbles pop up instantly, Cannot wait to get my hands on you.
You bite your lip at Harry’s text, watching as the bubbles keep blinking, I’m going to make you cum so many times, you’ll be forgetting your name.
You press your thighs together, resting your phone in your lap as you try to contain your excitement.
Can’t wait to feel that tongue work it’s magic, you smile and look out the window, praying that the car moves faster because you can’t stand being away from Harry any longer.
“We’re here.”
Your heart skips a beat as you hear those words. You take a deep breathe and prepare yourself as you move to exit the car, “Right this way, y/n.”
You nod and follow the three security guards around back and they take you to the bus, “You can hang out here until they’re done. You know how they are.” The one laughs and shakes his head, “Good seeing you, y/n.”
“I’ll be around.” You smile and sit down on the couch, scrolling on your phone to keep yourself occupied.
Where are you?
You smirk, Come and find me.
You quickly make your way into Harry’s bunk and pull the curtain shut. A few moments later, you hear the door whip open and you can tell that Harry skipped the steps.
The curtain of his bunk is ripped back and his beautiful smile fills your vision, “Found ya.”
“That you did. Come here.” You pull him to you and he crashes his lips on yours. You let out a moan, the feeling of him touching you again feels so good.
“I missed you.” He mumbles against your lips, “missed you so much.”
You wrap your arm around his neck and lay a hand on his cheek, “I missed you more.”
He leans back and smiles, “Not possible.”
He kisses you a few times before crawling in and pulling the curtain shut, “Quickie?”
You nod, “Please.”
There isn’t much room in the bunks to begin with, but you and Harry have mastered the tour bus bunk positions.
You kick your shorts down as he gets his down. He pulls you over to him and you lay a leg over his waist. He hooks his arm under your knee and lifts it up more. You lay your hand on his chest as you feel his cock rub against your cunt.
You let out a moan and move your hips, “Harry, please. No teasing. Not right now.”
He smirks and nods, “Right, right.” He bites his lip and his eyes close as he pushes his cock inside of you. You whimper and let out a moan.
“Gotta be quiet baby. Bus isn’t sound proof.” Harry whispers lowly. You nod and tilt your head forward, resting it against his forehead.
“Fuck, I missed this.” Harry moans as he starts thrusting. You nod and dig your nails into his shoulder, “Fuck, Harry. Me too.”
He kisses you roughly as he holds your body to his, feeling every inch of the body he missed so much.
You two are so in the moment, you didn’t realize that Niall had come onto the bus.
You both freeze and look at each other, “What do we do?” You whisper as quiet as possible. Harry shrugs, keeping your leg over him, “I don’t kn-“
“I’m gonna pull the curtain back.”
“Niall don’t pull the curtain back.” Harry looks over his shoulder.
“I’m gonna do it.”
“You’re not going to like what you see.”
“You’re not doing what I think you’re doing are you?” Niall laughs, “Nah, you guys aren’t-“
Harry grabs the blanket to cover you up as Niall pulls the curtain back and let’s out a scream.
He has been greeted with Harry’s bare ass.
“I told you not to do it.” Harry starts laughing as he pulls the curtain closed again.
You cover your face in embarrassment and laugh, “Oh my god. You warned him.”
“Sick.” Niall says, “You guys are sick.” He gags as he walks off the tour bus. Once the door shuts with a slam, Harry gets back to work.
You can’t help but giggle against his lips as he kisses you, “I guess we have to finish.”
Harry slips his cock out of you and shakes his head, “No. you have to finish.”
You bite your lip and smirk as he shimmies his shorts back up his legs, “Try and move up as far as you can.” You nod and scoot up, pressing your back against the wall, “Okay. This is as fa- yeah.”
He moves down, half his body hanging out of the curtain as he slides his hands up your legs, “that’s fine. I only need a few minutes.” He winks and you roll your eyes with a smirk, “Yeah, yeah.”
He pulls you to him slightly and he grips your thighs as he leans in. His lips lock onto your clit and you gasp. Your eyes instantly roll back and you cover your mouth to cover up your moans.
He moans against you as he slides his tongue down between your folds. His tongue works in and out, in and out.
And he was right, he only needed a few minutes because you felt that knot in you belly snap and you hugged his head with your thighs.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” You move your hips and grip the pillow below your ass, “Harry. Baby. Fuck.”
He eats you out through your high and leans back, wiping his chin as he licks his lips, “See.”
You smile and shake your head, “Okay, you were right.”
He motions for you to come down to him. You move down and he kisses you. His tongue pushes against yours and you taste yourself, already ready for round 2.
“We’re not done yet.” He smirks and pecks your lips, “But. The boys probably want to see you too.”
“Niall probably does not.” You laugh as you pull your shorts up and Harry helps you out of the bunk.
You guys clean up before exiting the bus and as soon as you step off, you hear the word “fire!” And you’re pelted with water balloons.
“What the fuck!?” You gasp as the cold water soaks into your clothes, “Fucking hell.”
“Niall!” Harry yells while looking around laughing, “I warned you! You didn’t listen!”
Niall laughs and throws another balloon, “Not good enough.”
“Fire in the hole!” Louis screams and throws four balloons at once. You move against Harry and try to duck and cover but it doesn’t work because Liam and Zayn come running around the bus, pelting you from either side.
“Shit shit shit that’s cold!” You squeal and Harry wraps his arms around you, laughing at everything.
“Get a room that we don’t all share next time.” Zayn says with a slight laugh, “Poor Niall, he’s scarred for life.”
Harry rolls his eyes, “Please.”
“You guys are going to pay for this!” You yell pointing to them all, “I’m serious!”
They all laugh and Niall throws one at you, luckily you catch it and it doesn’t pop. You run towards him, heaving it at his back and it bursts. He lets out a yell, “Not fair!”
“All’s fair in love and war, and right now.” You pick up a balloon from the bucket, “This is war!” You launch them at Niall and Louis.
Soon everyone is in on it.
“Alright, alright. Truce. Truce.” You hold your dripping wet hand out to Niall and he shakes it, “Fine.”
You turn your back and Niall tosses the last one at you and it splatters all over your back, “Ha.”
You turn and shake your head, “I’ll get you back.”
“Sure you will.” He laughs as he runs away and you walk back over to Harry, “You we’re also right about the water stuff.”
He shrugs and takes you into his arms, your wet clothes squishing against his bare chest, “I know. But you look so cute when you’re all wet.” He winks when you look up at him and you can’t help but smile.
“I like hanging out with you guys.”
“We like having you.” He smiles and leans down, connecting his lips to yours.
“Is that Harry?”
“What the fuck is happening?”
“Oh my god! Oh my god!”
“Is that Harry’s girlfriend?”
You both snap your heads towards the fence and move out of sight, “Fucking shit.” You lay a hand on your face, “We’re busted.”
Harry shakes his head, “I think we’ll be okay.”
Later on that night, after rehearsals, Louis walks in and tosses his phone onto your lap, “Congratulations on being the top trending thing on twitter.”
“What?” You drop Harry’s hand and grab Louis’ phone, “Jesus Christ.”
He laughs and snatches his phone back, “This is my favorite.”
He scrolls down to the video of you and Harry kissing while standing outside of the tour bus, “Young love. Gotta love it.”
You look over at Harry and smirk, “Guess the secret really is out.”
Hi, hello. I hope you liked this!
If you have any requests you can send them to me! I will write them after I get a few part 2’s out! send them here
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
Machina - Epilogue 1
Author: Kino Seitaro (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Shu, Sora, Makoto
Translator: Mika Enstars
"We’ve had a painful experience due to equipment troubles before… Oshi-san didn’t say anything, but he seemed to be worried."
Season: Winter
Location: ES Live Stage Backstage
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A couple weeks later, backstage at the venue for Valkyrie’s live…
Sora: HaHa~, HiHi~, HuHu~!
There’s so many things backstars, it’s exciting looking at them~!
Makoto: It’s dangerous if you move around too much, Harukawa-kun!
There’s a lot of video equipment in the area, even the slightest touch can shift their positions. It might be best to sit tight for a while.
Sora: Ah, Sora didn’t mean to get so excited!
Sora never expected to be called to work backstage with everyone! It’s way different than the backstages for Switch, so it’s really interesting~! ♪
Makoto: Ahaha, I also thought “there’s no way” when I first heard, too! The theme for Valkyrie’s live here is the fusion of digital technology and art.
The game company had apologized for what happened in the Test World.
That led to a strange sequence of events that ended up with them requesting the game company to be in charge of the live video.
Sora: But thanks to it, now Sora and the others can also work with the latest technology! It’s a win-win!
There’s a lot of expensive equipment being lent that most people normally cannot get their hands on, so Sora’s looking forward to seeing what kind of live this will be~! ♪
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Mika: Nnah, Sora-kun, Mako-kun, thanks for yer hard work! So the both of ya are backstage, huh? I thought ya had already returned to the reserved guest’s seats!
Thank ya fer helpin’ bring in all that equipment. The staff said that they couldn’t have done it without ya~!
Sora: Nah, Sora also feels bad for the trouble Sora caused Mika-chan-san. So it’s an apology~!
At the start it helped Mika-chan-san get out of his slump, but in the end it turned into something amazing!
Makoto: That seriously was a super-mega raid battle, wasn’t it~?
It was fun in it’s own way, but it’s undeniable your efforts haven’t been rewarded. So the least I can do is to help out a little.
…What can I say, I’m just an equipment geek interested in live performances that utilize the latest technology. So I’m sorry for mixing up my public and private life, I guess?
Mika: Nah, no worries, no worries. We’re a household of two, so any help we can get is greatly appreciated!
Besides, it’s all thanks to the Test World I got to become savvy with the digital. I’m glad I was able t’experience both the good and the bad! ♪
Sora: HeHe~, then Sora’s glad too~!
And it looks like Mika-chan-san’s all changed into his outfit for the performance too, everything’s all ready to go~! ♪
Mika: Mhm, and Oshi-san gave me perfect maintenance, so I’m all good to go!
If anythin’, I’m more worried ‘bout the equipment. We’ve had a painful experience due to equipment troubles before… Oshi-san didn’t say anything, but he seemed to be worried.
So I thought to do a final check before all preparations are finished. You can never be too sure ‘bout things like this, can ya?
Makoto: That’s right. It’s easy to get carried away with something new and not think about the risks involved.
…Wait, why am I saying that? I’m the guy in Trickstar who always feels like he’s gotta come up with new things!
Sora: Rest assured! Switch is always enthusiastic about new ventures!
As long as Sora and Yuuki-sense~ are here, all equipment troubles will be prevented from happening~! ☆
Mika: Ahaha, yer right, yer very reliable.
You’ve been a real help, no kiddin’. It’s thanks to the help of all sort’sa people that we Valkyrie are able to further our own pursuit in art.
If ya could watch our live to the very end, I’d be real happy. ♪
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Shu: Kagehira, it’s about time to begin. Don’t go and relax, you must keep a sense of tenseness.
This live, Machina… Will be a live with a new song based on our experience of the virtual world.
The stage production involves a number of monitors, so this live will require more control than usual.
Mika: Ahaha, I’ll do my best, do dont’cha worry, Oshi-san!
Shu: Hmph. You’ll lose your footing if you’re able to talk lightheartedly like that.
Well, I shall trust your autonomy here. You are no longer someone who is constantly chasing me.
With autonomy comes responsibility. So you must work harder than ever.
Mika: Nnah~… That’s different than what ya usually say, Oshi-san.
Well, that makes it easier fer me too. With yer eyes shining, Oshi-san, I can stand up straight, y’know?
Let’s create a performance of wonderful art, Oshi-san! ♪
Shu: Yes, and I’ll be living up to the theme this time too.
To control, to direct, and to express all—Not even a god upon a machine shall be able to get in the way.
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Twenty Two
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You’re a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn’t expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven’t even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I’m feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: Smut, Phone Sex, consent discussions
Phone Sex (1.5k)
It had been an emergency flight.
Javi had apologized profusely about interrupting but there had been some issues with the olive business back in Spain and the vendors were refusing to budge if Javi didn’t make an appearance, likely tied to Paulina and her brother but you had no clue since even Javi had been in the dark about any problems happening.
He left yesterday, after you two fucked like rabbits in his study, and you’d been writing notes and blurbs and tidbits of ideas for new fics or even new concepts for your novel series. The inspiration of this place, of this month, was unreal and you were glad you had prioritized time with Javi over everything.
Even notes in your phone had been unimportant compared to just being here with him.
But now that you’d had him at your side for so long, you lived with him and woke up with him, you missed him more. Which was stupid, you had him to yourself -basically- for three weeks and you couldn’t realistically be by his side every waking second of the day.
“I really am sorry-“
“Gabi, hey, I get it. You’re not to blame because the workers won’t talk to anyone except him, and I wouldn’t want you dealing with their continued attitude by refusing to contact him just so we could finish our trip out.”
“A vacation is meant to be a vacation, that is all, I wanted you both to have this.”
“I can speak for Javi when I say, we do appreciate it, truly. You have been a great friend, to both of us, and we know you only called because you had no other choice.”
“As soon as we are done I will get him back to you.”
“I know you will, and thank you for helping me with this. I hope he likes it.”
“Javi will love it, I promise you, I cannot wait to see his face.”
Your phone beeped and you glanced at the screen, your boyfriend’s cheeky grin captured on a picture taking up your screen.
“He’s calling now, thanks again.”
“Ah, anytime.”
Hearing Gabi’s excitement only amplified yours and you swapped over the call after carefully closing the drawer beside you, not wanting any chances for you to slip up that surprise before you were ready. Javi’s face was close to the screen when the video call connected and you couldn’t fight the giggle that left you.
“Cariño, you can’t teleport through the phone like that.”
“I wish I could, I should have brought you here, Solecita.”
“Javi we can’t be attached at the hips 24/7 no matter how much we want to be.”
“I miss you always but it is worse now that I’ve had you for so long without work obligations in our way.”
“I, uh, was looking over my contract with the publishing company. Gabi sent it to your employment lawyer to read over too… I can buy the rights to self-publish my existing novels and pay myself out of a legal obligation to stay where I am.”
“You mean… to move in with me?”
“Mhm, but only if you’re okay with that, I haven’t made a move yet because I wasn’t going to without consulting you first.”
“I was going to ask you what the legalities were with where you lived. I want you to live with me, even if you wanted me to downsize-“
“No, no, I had hang-ups in the past over the wealth imbalance but that was a me thing. You never once made me feel lesser because of it, that was my own mental block, trust me when I say that I won’t ask you to change a thing about who you are or what you have.”
“I love you, so much. I wish you were here, so I could show you everything. I want to see your face when I take you out on the boat the first time, when you see the pool and the cliffs… to sleep with you in my bed knowing that you won’t be across an ocean the next time I want to see you.”
His voice went soft and you set your laptop aside, watching his face as he looked away from you, and you couldn’t help but smile softly at him.
“Javi, I will need to handle the legal of things on my end but I’m- I am ready to move in with you. I took some time to just think and reflect, to talk with my therapist and my friends, and they reminded me that long distance or not there isn’t a set timeline for any relationship. That it’s okay for me to want everything even though it feels early.”
His eyes were round in disbelief for maybe half a second before he was crying, joyful tears with a smile that made you want to kiss him, and your own eyes welled over in response.
“I’ll let the staff know, do you want your own office for writing?”
“I would appreciate that, but you’re never barred from coming in okay?”
“That is- the same for you as well, even if I’m on a call, you’re welcome any time.”
Javi refused a phone tour, wanting to do one in person, and then he grinned in a way that was far from innocent.
“I am alone and have some time before I meet with the lead of staff, Solecita, if you were here I would encourage you to come sit in my lap.”
You couldn’t fight the thrill of excitement if you tried, adjusting how you were sitting in the bed, and it was a small blessing that the television stand at the end of the bed was there since you could prop your phone very easily into the groove and have both hands.
“Oh really, just to sit in your lap, or would you want me to be bare?”
He set his phone down with it propped up and you watched him lean back too, you couldn’t see much below the desk but you did know his hand was out of sight.
“Bare, of course, maybe with a flowy skirt so that I could fuck you and anyone who might walk in would be unable to tell exactly what we’re up to.”
“They would know, we aren’t exactly subtle, especially when I get so wet because of how good you make me feel.”
“Are you wet now, mi amor?”
“Just thinking of your cock inside me makes me want you, cariño.”
“Show me.”
It was easy to slide your hands down into your shorts, gathering the wetness before it could soak into your underwear, and Javi moaned at the shiny gleam on your hand.
“Play with that pretty clit for me, Solecita. You know how I touch you, close your eyes and imagine its me.”
“Fuck, Javi-“
You did as he said, closing your eyes and letting him croon through the phone as you circled your clit with two fingers, and Javi was panting into the speaker as he watched your face.
“Are you nice and wet for me, are you going to cum for me?”
His praise about how pretty you looked, how good he knew you felt, all of it made your body propel toward an orgasm that had you seeing stars and you knew he’d cum based on how hard he was breathing and the flush of his skin on your camera.
“I’m taking a red-eye, I will be home as early as I can, and I will be waking you up if you’re asleep.”
Javi’s voice was rough and you knew he wanted to take care of you, to cuddle with you and stroke your hair and whisper words of love into your skin, he was an aftercare king. But the door was wide open for a conversation that you hadn’t been sure how to have with him.
“You don’t have to wake me up, Javi. You have my consent to do what you want to me while I’m asleep.”
“Solecita… you truly consent to me being physical with you while you’re sleeping?”
“Yes, Javi, I do consent to it. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up before but the idea of CNC is something I am interested in.”
“Only if you are sure, Solecita, I do not like the idea of violating your trust-“
“Which is why I trust you, Javi, you’ve been nothing but respectful and open with me.”
“If you wake up and don’t want me to continue you must safeword, do you understand?”
“I promise you if I don’t like something I will safeword, Javi.”
He nodded and a knock on the door on his side of the call made him apologize, likely shoving his cock back in his pants and trying to not look like he’d just cum, so you let him go and smiled at the small screen for just a second.
Surer than ever with what you had planned.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @MSWarriorBabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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olympianroyals · 2 years
- April 13th, Wednesday Afternoon -
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-Callista phone rings-
Callista answers her phone: Hello... Hey Alyssa.
Callista: …. Wait, what do you mean?
Callista: What?...…Your joking! Where?
Callista: Send it to me!
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-Callista phone pings loudly-
Callista looks down at her phone: Are you fucking kidding me?!
Assistant staff: Your highness, please were in public..
Callista ignores her and speaks on the phone: Alyssa I have to go!
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Callista: I honestly cannot believe this is happening right now! Look! -She points at her phone screen- Donnie look at what Alyssa sent me a screenshot of! Its already all over the blogs.
Adonis: Mhm,
Callista: She's barely been back less than 3 days and she’s already on the cover of US Weekly.
Adonis starts reading over her shoulder: To be fair, its not a good cover though.
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Callista: So? Good cover or not, she’s fu- freaking on the front page.
Adonis: You know how the people are with Pandora, they gobble up anything and everything that's out there about her. 
Callista: Yeah but they never put her on the front page before.
Adonis: Well they never had a picture of her before so I think that paid a huge part.
Callista side eyes Adonis: Who side are you on?
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Adonis mumbles: The side that makes the most sense,
Callista typing rapidly, phone pinging constantly: Donnie!
Adonis: Look, maybe speak to auntie Dimi and see if she can set something up to get you your own magazine cover or even your own magazine spread or something.
-Callista hums, distracted-
Adonis: See, there you go. World ending disaster prevented.
Callista: I feel like your still missing the point.
Adonis: Was there one?
Callista: She leaves us for years and then takes one step back in Olympia and now she’s on the front cover of a magazine? I'm gonna see if Alyssa can get me a physically copy of it, I wanna know what it says exactly.
Adonis: Yeah but one glance at that cover and I already know the magazine is problematic as hell and its not like she chose to be away for so long. We shouldn't put that on her.
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Callista mumbles loudly: The magazine being problematic is probably cause she’s problematic as hell.
Adonis: Wow, and that's coming from you?
Callista: Oh come on. You saw how she acted the day before! Oh that right, you ditched us first the chance you got.
Adonis: I had enough of you and Pandora’s arguments as a child. It was only a matter of time before you brought me into it. I refuse to suffer more than I already am. 
Callista: She damn near almost bit my head off from me telling her, she was wearing the wrong clothes. When I tried to tell her how disrespectful she was being to her dead mother for not wearing the proper mourning attire, she wouldn't hear a thing of it.
Adonis: Yeah I don't... I don't know why she's wearing regular clothes either during this time. 
Callista: At least she’s wearing black today although 85% of her skin is showing but still that's progress I guess.
Adonis: Well maybe she doesn't know although its more than likely she doesn't even have the proper clothing at all. Remember she grew up without all of this. We should bring this to mother’s attention and have her speak to Dorry about it.
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Callista: Then why is Grandfather letting her walk around ignorant and risk her embarrassing the family?
Adonis: That's one fight I don't even want to be in the country for.
Callista: She always has been disrespectful, i don't understand why Grandfather keeps letting it slide. What she did to him last night, how she stormed off-
Adonis cuts her off: She didn't storm off Callie. Don't twist it into something its not. You know what their relationship is like.
Callista sneers: Of course, It was only a matter of time before Pandora’s Defender is here to her rescue.
Adonis: Will you stop being childish. We shouldn't even be talking about family matters in public anyway, so chill the hell out.
-Callista rolls her eyes hard-
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Pandora slowly wonders over: Hey,
Adonis: Hey, How your feeling?
Pandora: Ehh, im alright. Sorry for making you two wait so long.
Adonis: Its no problem.
Pandora: I'm about to head to the cafeteria, you two wanna come along? I'm getting hungry.
Adonis: Sure, I can eat.
Callista: Ew, cafeteria food?
Adonis: That's Callista for ‘I would love to!’
Pandora: You know, I got that exact impression as well.
-Callista huffs-
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Book 1: Chapter 1, Episode 11
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