#Linda brown
lavastories · 6 months
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Remember the time where the guy you like ask you out on a date? Well, I can relate. Some things never change in the dating scene neither does it in a great story!❤️😂🤧
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Learning what Linda Brown, the girl who inspired her father to fight against segregated schooling, did with her life makes me so emotional. Like this was a black child who had a disadvantage due to her race and then her father fought for her to get a better education and she ended up becoming a Head Start teacher, a public speaker, and an educational consultant. Her father fought for her rights and not only did she carry on his legacy, but she did so much with her life. It makes me so happy that it proves that if we give children the chance they will do something worthwhile and this is why I want to be a teacher so I can give children that chance to succeed in life.
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toypretend · 9 months
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twitter really liked this, so i’ll post it here too :))
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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Batgirl by Artgerm
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A Bird and his Flock have migrated from Metropolis to Gotham.
What could possibly go wrong?
Part 1 | Part 2
Social Media AU Masterlist
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kara-zor-els · 2 months
There needs to be a protection squad for women in DC comics that are getting disrespected for daring to get in the way of a gay crackship.
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cosmicretreat · 2 months
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Random stupid headcanon:
Every person who has Dick Grayson’s phone number has a time or two, sent him that Vine of the guy going, “What the fuck, Richard?”
Steph was the first to do it. Tim had the idea first, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. But Stephanie opened the floodgates and Tim and Babs began working.
They started finding every video they could find of Nightwing doing dumb shit or missing a mark (I’m remembering him almost falling off a train when Tim told him Steph was pregnant) and putting it to that sound and sending it to the whole family’s group chat. And that’s how it starts.
Dick is not one to be easily embarrassed (man wore the Discowing costume, he has no shame) but his siblings find a way. And it gets public.
They start taking videos of not Nightwing, but Dick Grayson doing weird or dumb shit and start making TikToks or Instagram or Twitter vids (or all of the above) and putting it to that sound.
Babs records Dick seemingly attempting to teach Haley to do tricks that involve a lot of jumping and balancing while Dick is also balancing at odd angles. Very circus vibes.
Tim gets him passed out on Tim’s couch with a cereal box open next to him that Tim didn’t even fucking buy??? Why is it in his apartment??? Why is Dick in his apartment??????
(Tim also one time privately sent him a video of him watching the video that tipped him off that Dick was Robin and looked flatly at the camera. Because that somersault was totally necessary.)
Stephanie takes video of him eating distinctly pineapple pizza (I like it but, y’know, it’s apparently an atrocity). She also gets Tim in that video because he also likes pineapple pizza, but he just gives her this flat look that clearly displays that if he didn’t love her he’d flip her off.
Jason sees him dogear a book ONE TIME and now it’s all over the internet that he is a book murderer, how fucking dare he
Cass, sneaky little ninja she is, manages to get him sneaking into the manor’s kitchen at night and stealing cherries off a cheesecake Alfred had prepared for the next day.
Damian manages to set up a camera in a gym outside the cave where he trains with Dick and he does some ridiculously needless flourishy flip.
Duke gets him too, though it’s something tame and innocuous like him missing getting trash in the trash can or something.
Kory doesn’t fully understand the trend and just posts a video of Dick being cute and captions it with something like “Humanity is so beautiful <3″ or something like that. How dare Dick be so gorgeous?
Linda Park-West gets him and Wally doing some dumb shit like balancing spoons on their noses.
Even Bruce joins in, posting an old video of him swinging from the goddamn chandelier like the acrobatic heathen he is.
Dick is used to receiving at least one video a week.
But he, and everyone else, is entirely unprepared when one day he does something dumb in the manor and they all hear Alfred say, “As I’ve heard it said, what the fuck, Master Richard?”
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telffiin · 8 days
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some blondes
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bearforceone3 · 9 months
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blonde trinity doodle…ish (dumb idea i had)
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fastestmanalive333 · 1 month
Rundown on my AU Earth-1987
Heavily based around New Earth.. a continuation in a sense accept for a few changes
-Bart Allen is the big resurrection instead of Barry, Conners resurrection in Legion of 3 Worlds stays intact Bart continues as the flash and gets the title but keeps his impulse and old personality unlike fastest man alive, Wally gives him a made up oath and goes goes to retire to be a dad and raise the twins, Bart is unsure of his New position.. he reconnects with Carol Bucklen..
-Roy Harper continues as Red Arrow Cry of Justice simply does not happen and Lian is still alive, he will even go on to join the Justice League
-The Justice League will be very much led by Dick Grayson the line up will consist of
-Nightwing, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Troia, Red Arrow, Jade, Obsidian, The Atom (Ryan Choi), The Flash (Bart Allen), and a New Green Lantern (Terry Berg) more on him later, Firestorm (Ronnie/Jason), Kendra Saunders(Hawkgirl) and Cyborg(Victor Stone)
-Titans will mostly consist of the YJ characters except Bart the line up will consist of Red Robin, Sentinel (Kon-El) he will now move on from the superboy moniker and become his own hero, Fury(Cassie Sandsmark) will be trained by Lyta Trevor the Fury of the newly reformed Earth Two and the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve trevor her and Conner will be dating once again, Ravager (Rose Wilson), Red Devil(Eddie Bloomberg), Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Aquawoman(Lorena Marquez)
-Gar and Raven will join JL Dark along with Zatanna and others
-Batman: Batman will run batman incorporated Duke Thomas will be in this canon and will have met batman during no man's land as opposed to Zero Year, he will be Cass' best friend and will become The Signal, Gothams day protector unlike main continuity he will not be in the Batfamily, he will be his own unique hero, Jason Todd will have his pre crisis origin and hair color.. controversial ik.. but for the sake of preference that will be so, he will be an anti-villain crime boss controlling the drug trade, him and Bruce won't be at odds with each other, he simply does not approve of the path Jay has taken and it saddens him, Jay cares about Bruce too.. but he has chosen this life he will still be with Scarlet, Stephanie Brown will still be Batgirl, Barbara will still act as Oracle, Joker will have the doll maker remove his face and the court of owls will be introduced as Justice League villains instead of batman villains, they will very much be a worldwide illuminati type organization Damian will still act as Robin the bat fam will just be smaller and have Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Steph
-Green Lantern: Hal Jordan will marry Carol and Kyle Rayner will lead the corps, the mythos will be explored more, Terry Berg will be given kyles ring after kyle becomes a white lantern, Terry is Kyle Rayners assistant in Winicks run he will become The fifth earth lantern, kyle and Terry will get more bonding moments.. Kyle and Jade will get back together and marry for real this time, Terry's character will be explored more
-Superman: Kal will lead the Supermen of America a new team, Chris will be living with Clark and Lois again, he will be attending college classes with Thara and will be best friends with Duke Thomas, their dynamic will be like a swapped version of batman and superman.. Chris being the more serious super and Duke being the lighthearted bat, Chris will be able to control shadows and darkness, Duke controls light, him and Thara will be members of the JL Dark, Thara will assume the civillian identity, Claire Connor Lang acting as Karas sister, Kara Zor El/Linda Lang will still be living with lana and be on her last year of high school she will meet and team up with Linda Danvers her predecessor and they will quickly become friends, Conner will still be in Smallville now going to school at Kansas State.. the same college Chris goes too Kon will see him as a brother/Cousin, and they will be a duo in themselves they will all deal with the repercussions of zods war on earth
-The JSA: It will very much feature mostly the children and grandchildren of the jsa.. the remaining founding members will pass on.. except Jay and Carter Jay will act as mayor of NYC quitting the team giving guidance when needed, the JSA Hawkman will continue on with the JSA
Flash: Bart Allen will now be the main flash.. he will not be so sure he can do it again.. he failed.. he died.. and failed.. he will reconnect with his old friends in Manchester now all adults, him and Carol's relationship will spark, now working for Star Labs, Bart will get a job as a reporter at Picture News with Iris and we will see their relationship more Rival will return still possessing Max's body he will be the first big bad and it will give Bart and Max the closure they deserve, him and Bart will speak in the speed force where he will call him son before passing on, we will establish his rogues, the old rogues will still be on, barts old villains will hoin in too including White Lightning, Irey will become Barts Kid Flash
Wonder Woman: Diana will be working for the government and working to rebuild themysciras connection to earth, the amazons tactics have changed no visitors are welcome, Cassie will unleash her Olympian abilities more, she will cross over to earth two and meet Hippolyta Trevor the Daughter of Earth Two Wonder Woman, she will take on the name Fury, while Donna has uncovered a prophecy.. depicting the rise of an old God long defeated known as Typhon the Enemy of the Gods
Green Arrow: Ollie will still be married to Dinah, Robert Queen II will join the arrow family, Roy will gain a bigger role, Olivia Queen will be born
Aquaman: Arthur will retire with Mera, Garth will now be the king of atlantis, but he will not be the Aquaman.. Koryak will be the new Aquaman, a more brutal aquaman, although meaning well, it will feel like a tale of two brothers, Garth and Koryak will constantly butt heads.. Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed to have not died but survived the destruction of atlantis in infinite crisis having been taken by atlan, Cerdian will have aged to 10 having been in the pocket dimension with atlan so long... the family will be reunited at last.. Cerdian will become Aqualad
Captain Marvel: Billy and Mary go on a quest to get their powers back which they do successfully, Freddy and Kit Freeman reunite the long lost freeman Brothers together at last they go on a journey through hell together
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punkeropercyjackson · 20 days
Very embarrasing this needs to be said but if you're going to write characters of color,you're going to have to learn how to not be racist first or at least along the way.This is about many bases but the main one is headcanons for canon white characters while excluding/demonizing/etc the canon poc or even just nonblack poc and canonically black characters(Yeah,this be so called afrolatino Jason truthers who take Duke out of the Batboys,Robins and Batkids when he's all three and him and JASON are eachother's Robin LMAOOOOO Jason dosen't care about yt blue eyed boys or sex,he's too busy loving Duke as his favorite brother <3)
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I looked up Linda Brown who was in third grade when her father, Oliver Brown, challenged the segregation of schools in the United States in the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education and she stayed in the education system pretty much her whole life. "Throughout her life, Brown continued her advocacy for equal access to education in Kansas. Brown worked as a Head Start teacher and a program associate in the Brown Foundation. She was a public speaker and an education consultant."
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huariqueje · 2 months
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European hare (Lepus europaeus) - Linda Bouter , 2020-21.
Dutch , b. 1950s
Oil on canvas
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rolloroberson · 1 year
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George Harrison pauses during the “Old Brown Shoe” recording session for the Abbey Road album. Photographed at Abbey Road Studios circa July 17, 1969. Linda Enterprises Ltd. © Paul McCartney (https://www.lindamccartney.com/)
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savelindsaylohan · 3 months
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Linda Kuo, Jade Brown, & Sylvie Gueguen @ Jacques Fath Fall/Winter, 1992 Ready-to-Wear
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