#Johnny's headcanons
johnnyreincarnated · 1 year
Do you have any Whiskers headcanons? Also I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions.
also don't worry about "too many questions" I LOVE getting stuff in my inbox
i. Would've responded sooner but I've been in a bit of a mental pit so I haven't had energy to respond.
OK so main thing. Whisker looks very different from his Canon counterpart. mainly with having feline and height aspects bumped up like hell. I actually have refs
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kinda wanna redraw them someday idk.
His personality and traits are vastly different too. instead of portrayed as bumbling, dim and someone who isn't really taken seriously, my whisker is intelligent and caring and is absolutely someone you should take seriously. Especially in battle.
Whisker is very very strong. ABNORMALLY STRONG. like we're talking can lift a car with ONE HAND STRONG. being a cat, he also has a tendency to bite and scratch in fights. His teeth are all sharp, with the front canines being almost saber like, also coming with an unfathomable bite force. Big hands comes with big claws, which can also cause a shit ton of damage if you're not careful.
Whisker doesn't use his internal flamethrower for battle as much as you'd think, due to him relying on his other aspects + being a highly skilled combatant. Instead it has a secondary use as a heating system. In turn, whisker is always warm and cannot feel much cold in most areas (exceptions being nose, paw pads and ears). He can also manipulate how hot his body gets, meaning he can get so hot, a small area around him is afflicted with an uncomfortable heat. This also means he's highly heat resistant so it doesnt just contradict with himself.
The skulls on his wrists are more like cosmetic clips ons and doesn't wear them much. His waistcoat is also removable, as its separate and not attached like it is (PRESUMABLY) to the canon counterpart. His back is covered in fur from neck to back, where the tail also blends in. (Tail is not directly attached to the back fur but due to layering and how thick it is it seemingly looks like it)
Whisker is actually fully waterproof and doesn't mind water and does enjoy swimming. (He shakes it off like a dog and it's really funny lol water gets everywhere)
Of course being a cat, he possesses many traits of one. Behaviours such as meowing and chirruping, constantly moving the ears when paying attention to sound, also being somewhat curious. Puffing up fur when threatened or angry, and, here's the kicker the peak part, being able to purr and enjoys the affection of being pet. (And probably more) He also possesses enhanced eyesight, hearing and sense of smell as well. Whisker also does act differently depending on where a person is on the likeability scale is. Absolutely hate them? Acts very human like and makes his hatred known. Deep trust bond and friendship? He's a lot more relaxed and in the most deeply trusted people, will curl up next or on them.
Despite being literally 15 feet tall (however his height actually does not include a certain part of his head and ears) whisker is a master at stealth and ambush and enjoys to playfully sneak up on friends, and also uses this to his advantage in battle, if he can.
whisker is a very kind man, he's patient and understanding. He's gentle and soft spoken when needs to be. he's laid back (when not provoked to aggression) and he's basically like the cool uncle. Hes cautiously curious of things that catch his attention and will inspect them at a distance, then get closer of its safe or appropriate to.
This actually does contrast to how he is at the beginning of my portrayal of sra. During the story of my version of sra, before the end, whisker is a lot more quiet and doesn't show himself to the heroes at all. They get a few glimpses from time to time but he never stuck around. Mainly because he was new to the world, feared his creators and was conflicted between self developing ai that very quickly caused him to become highly aware. By the pirates Island "boss fight" he actually just explains to the heroes he and Johnny really didn't want to do what they were forced to do and tries to express it with as much honesty as he could portray. He outright admits he returned the jeweled sceptre to its original belonging and and can prove it by taking them there. Blaze is a little cautious of him, but sonics like "no let's give him a chance" and whisker was telling the truth about returning it and that was enough for blaze to trust him a little more. And stuff happens from there. Whisker begins to open up a lot and his true personality does shine through eventually. (this kinda turned into a little background ramble but I can't help myself)
you've heard it before but I will mention it again, he practically Johnny's dad, very early on taking a protective and fatherly role to him. Especially as whisker is outright ageless but designed with being an adult in mind, whereas Johnny is a teenager. Johnny is a number one priority for whisker and if it came to a life or death scenario, whisker would be willing to sacrifice himself. He cares very deeply for Johnny's wellbeing and can virtually read him like an open book.
Whisker and blaze do get on very well. Both being cats and whisker often helping her with work when he can, often taking the bulk of it. Blaze also being forever appreciative of him returning the jeweled sceptre during their first encounters. Also the two enjoy drinking tea, whisker prefers his catnip infused (forget to mention he is strangely affected by catnip somehow). He has to hold the cup with two fingers because his hands are so large.
Don't have much planned for marine either.
I don't really have much to say for tails other than they do get along well and whisker is somewhat versed in mechanics and repair, so there is something they have in common.
Same goes with sonic, i actually haven't had anything planned out for how they interact with eachother. So, nothing here.
Whisker hates his creators, he hates eggman less than nega though. Nega is a special case of absolute seething hatred whisker has for him.
whisker is very work driven and will not stop until he is done, this tends to leave to burnout when he is finished. Robots need to take care of themselves too.
He also puts himself as last priority, he will sacrifice his entire wellbeing and mental health just for other people that he cares about.
He doesn't like to talk about any of his negative emotions and will bottle it up and let them eat him from the inside until he completely breaks.
Hell also refuse to talk about his early life. You'd need persuasion skills of a god to get him to open up.
Whisker can speak Russian and German.
His IQ is almost on a similar level to that of his own creators.
He also only goes by Whisker and will correct you if you call him whiskers or captain.
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penguinbuttcheeks · 1 month
- johnny ‘soap’ mactavish is absolutely livid when he sees a picture of you being shared around base - tears in your eyes and clothes drenched in water, making the fabric stick to your body uncomfortably, your arms tightly wrapped around your torso in humiliation.
- the cherry on top? the dog collar around your neck with your dog tags hanging on display, dangling between your collarbones.
- you’ve only just finished your first week on base as the newest recruit, but that excited spark in your eyes was quickly diminished
- he doesn’t even know your name, but what he does know is he won’t stand for the blatant disrespect towards the new recruits he’s going to be training and fighting alongside
- hazing is a strictly prohibited practice, but with no way to trace down who the original photographer was, none of the higher ups are able to enforce any form of punishment
- it makes him see red
- soap will go out of his way to beat the ever loving shit out of any soldier that has the picture saved to their phones, forcing them to delete it right before his eyes before spitting on them and walking away
- word on base is quickly spread and soldiers scramble to make sure there is no trace of the photo on their phones. you have a death wish if you’re willing to anger the 141 sergeant
- you’re quick to notice the sudden change in attitude towards you, no longer being called demeaning nicknames or tormented by the soldiers around you
- what you fail to notice however, is the sharp glare johnny sends their way as he trails behind you several metres back as you navigate through the halls, soldiers quickly averting their gaze or ducking their heads
- you shrug it off, ruling it down to your initiation finally being complete once the photo was snapped
- such a clueless little hen, completely unaware of the constant presence that lingers just out of your line of sight
- it’s a blessing that soap took an interest in you. he might just have to finally introduce himself once all the commotion has died down
- he can’t wait
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
when the batboys get broken bones or other things that can't be fixed in the batcave, and have to go to an actual hospital, they make up the most outlandish sounding excuses for their injuries:
dick (with a broken leg): "well you see, i was actually trying to jump over a river on a pair of rollerskates"
jason (with broken ribs): "i was volunteering at the zoo... feeding the alligators. i fell backwards with the meat in my hands, and one pounced on me. funny how much damage they can do."
tim (with the worst concussion man has ever seen): "oh that? i was walking outside.. and my brothers were playing basketball on the top floor of the house, and one of them accidentally threw the ball out the window, and it landed on my head"
(bruce hears that one and has to reconsider whether or not the version of the story tim told him (getting hit by condiment king's mustard launcher) was the truth or not)
damian (with fingers twisted in every direction): "i play the piano... very violently"
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witchthewriter · 3 months
Gaz: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Soap: Weak. I sleep with a gun.
Y/N: You’re both pathetic
Soap: What do YOU sleep with?
Y/N: Simon.
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shmalk · 3 months
ghost has no idea what to make of you. you show up out of nowhere, barely a day after price announces that they have an extra addition on their team for the next mission, and then you show up.
you're nothing like them - you probably haven't seen a man get shot, never felt your bones break and have to set them yourself in a fight. he has this sick fantasy of breaking you, wiping that stupid smile off your face and watching you crumple as he breaks your spine with one hand.
soap loves having you on base, you're good with a gun and you'll joke with him about almost anything - sure, you never come out to the pub with them, but whenever they come back to base you've cooked something and that's better than any pint of beer johnny's ever had.
he's worried, he thinks you wont make it out there - beside them. you're small, and not in the sense that you're short, in the sense that there's barely anything to you, nothing to grab if you trip in the middle of active fire.
gaz is just finally glad to have someone else to talk to, to complain about soap and ghost to, rant about how price pissed him off. you're always willing to talk, which is probably a good thing.
he always turns down his radio whenever you're on a mission together, he doesn't want to hear you die, or hear your voice trail off as you get caught. he has to bite his knuckle whenever you speak out of fear.
price is sick of it, sick of watching the boys play with you like a doll and then sit you delicately back on the shelf, so he takes matters into his own hands and shoots you between the eyes.
you sit up four minutes later.
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i just rlly like the idea of immortal!reader but the guys have no idea and suspect nothing until they get shot in the head and then just,,, get back up !
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moongreenlight · 4 months
Johnny is the kind of guy that you hook up with when you’re on a girls trip and fully expect to never see him again.
But it turns out he was on deployment so when you go home and start seeing him at the grocery store you think there’s no way it could be him. Has to be a trick of the light.
It’s not. When he sees you in the frozen aisle he’ll come straight up behind you and grope your ass like he has the right.
“Knew it was ye. Know you better from this angle than the front, anyhow.”
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teamblck · 4 months
okay but being a bookworm and your strong military boyfriend takes you shopping at a bookstore and follows you around carrying all your books and every time you start rambling about a book you’ve picked up they get a small loving smile on their face
characters in mind while writing- könig, john mactavish, simon riley, kyle garrick, john price
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empresskylo · 7 months
can you make a fix of cod guys reaction to you getting into an argument with them, which causes us to flinch and cover our face from any impact because we had an abusive ex.
featuring Ghost, Price, Soap, Gaz, Konig, & Alejandro
⊹ cod men x gn!reader
[ warnings ] domestic violence implications
cod masterlist
He’d run his hand through his hair if he didn’t have this bloody mask on. Ghost looked down at you, his eyes narrowing in and scrutinizing your every minute detail. You tried to glare back, but you were feeling rather small with the weight of his disappointed glower. 
“You’ve got t’be more careful,” his voice boomed, though he was trying to keep it at a normal level. 
“I know, I’m sorry—”
“Sorry isn’t gonna cut it when you get someone killed,” he growled, taking a step in, closing the space between the two of you. 
You stepped back on instinct and bumped into the wall—trapped. You suddenly felt trapped. You knew that logically he wouldn’t hurt you, but something about his pissed-off demeanor and towering frame triggered something in you. Your breathing increased exponentially and Ghost watched helplessly as your chest rose and fell in rapid beats.
A bit taken aback by your response, Ghost raised a hand to grab your shoulder and you turned your head and shied away. You let out a small gasp as if waiting for him to land a blow on you. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, the entire moment passing by excruciatingly slow. That’s when you knew you fucked up. Ghost dropped his hand and his fist clenched, putting everything together all at once. Something inside him broke seeing you look at him like that—with fear in your eyes. It fucking hurt.
“M’not gonna hurt you,” he said in a much softer tone than earlier. He’d never lay a hand on you, even out of love, if you didn’t want it.
You blinked rapidly, forcing yourself to look up at him, your face inflamed. “I-I know. I didn’t… I don’t know why…” The words got lost in your throat. You were so embarrassed. 
“Who?” He asked sharply.
You tilted your head, your hands squeezing at your sides. Ghost took a step back to give you room, though he wanted nothing more than to step into you closer, to pull you against him. He didn’t care how annoyed he was with you, all that drifted away, unimportant nonsense he’d come back to later.
“ Who… ?” You repeated.
“Who. Hurt. You?” He bent over slightly, aligning his face with yours as he talked, making sure you couldn’t turn your face away from him. 
“J-Just an ex-boyfriend. It’s not a big deal. I don’t know why I responded like that. I-I know you wouldn’t hurt me.”
Ghost sighed, his eyes dancing between yours. “No. I wouldn’t.” His voice was dark and deep again. “But I have nothin’ against hurtin’ that bastard.”
“Ghost, please.”
He straightened and rolled his shoulders, trying to suppress the bubbling anger. He looked down at you at last. “Can I touch you?” He asked softly.
You nodded, tears falling down your cheeks now. He tentatively took a step towards you and pulled you into his arms. He wrapped them securely around you and you nuzzled your face into his jacket. If he wasn’t so shocked over the way you responded to him, he’d be yelling at you to tell you who it was that hurt you so he could hunt them down. 
Instead, he clutched you close to him, trying not to think about the fear that crossed your eyes, even if it was momentarily. Even if it wasn’t because of him. He never wanted you to look at him like that again. Something rotten tugged at his heart as he felt you try to stifle your cries. Oh, he was definitely going to kill that bastard. And he was going to make it slow and painful.  
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You chased after Price as he made his way down the hall. “I swear I didn’t mean to—!”
He cut you off, spinning on his heels, making you bump into his chest and slam to a halt. “It doesn’t matter what you meant !” He yelled, losing his composure briefly. 
You flinched at his loud words, stepping away from him. It was a quick movement, a subtle tick of your face, your eyes squinted as you pulled your head away. You acted like this was something you were all too familiar with. 
Immediately Price’s anger shifted away from you and onto whatever bastard trained you to cower. 
His widened eyes traced your face and you slowly read his expression as he came to the realization of why you would flinch away from him when he shouted. You watched as several emotions crossed Price’s countenance. 
His voice was hushed as he edged closer to you, the deep baritone sending a shiver up your spine. “Y’don’t have t’tell me now,” his voice was so low as he spoke. “But you will tell me who, eventually.”
“John, I–”
He was always so gentle with you. But right now, the intense hatred for whoever this bastard was that harmed you, took over. He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Don’t wanna hear it, doll. You will tell me who did this to you if it’s the last thing I get out of you.”
A wave of heat crossed your cheeks, his eyes boring into yours. You nodded meekly and his face softened. “Com’ere,” he cooed, opening his arms. You stepped into them and were immediately surrounded in the warm comfort Price brought you, one hand rubbing circles on your back and the other sliding up into your hair, tucking your head under his chin. 
“S’your not mad at me, anymore?” Your words muffled by his body. 
You felt his chest rumble as he spoke. “Could never stay mad at you.”
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“Blood hell,” Soap whined, annoyed with you for hiding the arm wound you got the other day. 
“It’s not as serious as it looks,” you tried to convince him, your lips quirking into a weak smile. 
He closed his eyes to collect his last remaining patience. “Not serious—” he repeated, his words rising in several octaves as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’ve got twenty stitches in your arm! How the fuck is that not serious?!” 
He reached for your arm and you pulled it away, shuddering briefly from the brief touch of his fingertips. The two of you froze, his eyes darting to meet yours the second he saw the shift in your composure. 
“Gonna tell me why y’just did that?” He sat still in his seat, trying to steady his voice. 
“Did what?” You asked, attempting to play dumb, but the tears were already misting in your eyes. 
Soap sighed, his face dropping as he studied you. “Fuckin’ hell,” he said with displeasure. “You shoulda told me. I wouldn’t have—I woulda been more—” He lost his words, watching as a few stray tears fell down your cheeks. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said softly. His thumb came up to wipe the tears away, his hand then cupping the side of your cheek. “S’okay. M’not mad.” You leaned into his hand.. “Jus’ wish ya woulda told me.” You nodded and he gave you a weak smile. 
“Com’on, let’s get that bandage changed.” His voice was gentle as he coaxed you up, wrapping an arm protectively around you as he led you down to the infirmary. You would discuss this later. Right now, all he wanted was to make sure you felt safe in his arms.
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Gaz wouldn’t say he had anger issues… he just got passionate about the people he cared about, and sometimes that would come out in spurts of angry shouts. What he didn’t expect, was the way you reacted the first time he ever lost his cool in front of you. 
“I cannot fuckin’ believe Shepherd,” he growled. 
“Maybe we should just focus on the positive,” you said meekly, trying to help calm Gaz down.  
“Yeah? And what fuckin’ positive is that?!” He shouted as he paced back and forth. He regretted it the moment it left his lips. 
You squeezed your eyes shut at his words and brought your hands up for the briefest of seconds to cover your face. 
Gaz whispered your name and you instantly tried to compose yourself. You straightened and gave an awkward smile.
“That wasn’t at you,” he corrected, his eyes deflating as he watched you. “I-I’m sorry. I’d never hurt you,” he said wistfully, running his hand over his hair and cursing. He looked at you completely differently than he had just moments earlier. His entire demeanor shifted. He was suddenly staring at you with such intensity it made something well in your eyes. 
“No, Gaz. It’s not you.” That was the last sentence you could get out before the tears escaped. You quickly wiped them away and Gaz stepped towards you, resting both hands on either one of your shoulders. 
“Hey,” he said calmly. 
You gave him a sideways smile. “It’s just…” you tried to get the words out but they slipped away.
“S’alright. You don’t have to tell me.” His hands slid down your arms, giving you a squeeze before releasing you. “You know I’d never hurt you, right?”
You gave a small laugh. “I know that, Gaz.”
“Good.” He pulled you into his chest without asking, all his anger from earlier transforming into gentleness. “You can tell me when you’re ready,” he said into your hair. 
You nodded. “Thank you.” He held you a bit tighter and you closed your eyes in peace. You never wanted him to let go. 
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He was frustrated with the way you were angry at him for insisting he do this mission alone. “You’re gonna get yourself killed!” You argued.
He had enough. He didn’t lose his temper often, but there was no way Konig was allowing you to come on a mission quite this dangerous. He pushed up from his chair, the table in front of him shaking as he did. 
He was a big guy, and you knew that, but the way he quickly took up the space of the room amazed you. “Verfickte Hurerei!” Fucking hell! he shouted. “Why are you pressing this so hard?!” He gestured towards you, his fists clenched and you winced. You cowered away, surprising even yourself with your actions. 
Konig watched you through his rapid blinking, dumbfounded by what just happened. It took him a second to process.
“Liebling?” He asked his voice back to its usual tone. “I wasn’t going to— fuck . I’m sorry.” A pang of guilt coursed through him. You thought he was going to hit you? Jesus Christ. He wanted to reach out to you but he refrained, knowing that might make things worse. 
“Konig,” you whispered and his eyes snapped to yours. He tilted his head, studying you as you regained your composure. “S’not you.” Your words were so faint it hurt his heart a little. 
He watched as you wiped away a stray tear. Your body had shifted back to how things used to be. Before Konig. 
Your lip quivered and you felt so small and embarrassed. Konig mouthed your name breathlessly and you blinked away tears before closing the distance between the two of you. You practically fell into his arms and he tightened them on you instinctively. 
“You okay, liebling?” He cooed, his hand stroking your hair. 
You nodded. “M’sorry.”
He pulled back so you had to tilt your chin and look up at him. “Don’t apologize.” His hand came up and stroked your cheek. 
“It’s not you,” you tried to reassure again, worried Konig was going to eat himself alive thinking you were afraid of him. 
“I know.” Your lips pinched together and Konig pulled you back into him. “You’re safe. You’ll always be safe with me.”
You felt tears fall; not out of terrible memories, but out of the love you felt radiating off of Konig. 
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“Jesus, would you just listen to me?” You shouted. 
“Listen to you?! You haven’t heard a fucking thing I’ve been saying!” He yelled back. His accent was always heavier on his words when he was mad. 
He took a big step towards you, his knife still in his hand, covered in blood. You flinched when he approached so suddenly. His dark words and his fast movements made you duck in fear. 
Alejandro paused all his movements, startled by your reaction. “Jesus,” he mumbled, sheathing his knife and holding his hands up. “I wouldn’t hurt you, mi amor.” He shook his head in frustration with himself. His jaw clenched as he watched you look back up at him. How awful he felt seeing your beautiful features shrouded in fear. 
“I…” you swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. The yelling… I don’t know. It just made me think back to…”
Something inside Alejandro shifted at your faint words. “Mataré a ese bastardo,” I’ll kill that bastard , he growled. “Who was it? Who fuckin’ touched you?” 
You shook your head. “Alejandro, please. It was so long ago.”
He clenched his fist, his other hand coming up to the scruff on his jaw. He closed his eyes to try and contain himself. When he opened them, you could still see the darkness lingering behind them. “I don’t care how long ago it was, mi amor. I need you to tell me who it was.”
You frowned and he closed his eyes again before walking up to you and pulling you into his arms. “God. I swear I’ll fuckin’ kill him.”
You let out the softest of giggles at how dramatic he could be. But still, you felt so safe knowing he would go to the ends of the world to protect you. You felt him kiss the top of your head, mumbling something about being sorry for yelling. 
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luxeslore · 7 months
why do you hate me?
tf141 men reacting to their spoiled gf saying “why do you hate me?” when she isn’t getting enough attention.
warnings -> 18+, f!reader, dom + sub dynamics, brat taming, allusions of impact play [spanking], petnames.
“excuse me?”
john’s eyebrows raise almost comically high. if it wasn’t for the stern glare taking over his features, you’d be giggling by now. instead you stay standing in front of him, shuffling on your feet with the same big pout you murmured your dumb question through. you despise making him upset with you—
at the same time, though… you feel those little sparks in your tummy when he pushes himself back from his desk and pats his lap. beckoning you to come sit on those strong thighs so he can sweet talk some sense to you. your feet can’t move fast enough, shuffling in your soft socks against the carpet. the rough denim of his jeans rubs against your own uncovered thighs as you shuffle in his lap.
“don’t ya think you’re being a silly girl?” it’s a simple question, but one you’re not exactly prepared for nonetheless.
your eyes meet his and there’s no way you can possibly shy away from his gaze. so you nod dumbly, and john’s chest rumbles with an approving hum. a strong hand cradles the back of your head, coaxing you to relax against his chest so he can put an end to this bratty streak you have in you rearing it’s ugly head.
“what the fuck are y’on about?”
“just forget it, simon.” you bite back, turning on your heel to march away from him.
you hear his heavy sigh and it’s only a matter of seconds before the pair of big hands he has squeezes your waist, pulling you back into him until he’s able to growl right over the shell of your ear. you turn your head, tilting it upwards and meeting his fury filled eyes. it takes everything in you not to grin wildly and piss him off more than you already have— especially when you can practically feel the soreness his fingers will leave behind in your sides already.
“dumb pet,” he grits out, “could never hate you, not even when you act like this…”
at those words, you press a gentle kiss to his masked lips. and you know for a fact he’s rolling his eyes, tired of your theatrical tendencies and outbursts, but that doesn’t stop him from nudging your nose with his own. from pulling you closer and snorting out a breathy laugh.
“you’re still gonna fuckin’ get it later, y’know that right?”
“how dare ye?”
you know— you just know— that you’ve really fucked up this time. why would you say such a thing? why would you be such a nasty girl to the man who does everything for you? sure, he didn’t have his eyes on you for a bit— bless him, he just wanted to decompress after some training. and here you come, stomping over to him like a proper fusspot.
in a second, you’re tugged into his lap by your wrist. you clumsily fall on top of him but johnny is quick to readjust you, to make sure you’re getting a good look at his disappointed face.
“do ye even know what you’re saying?” he speaks lowly, doesn’t care how much your bottom lip wobbles under his harsh tone, “because i really don’t think ye do.”
“johnny, i’m sorry— i really—” you attempt blubbering out. however he presses his thick index finger against your pout, shushing you in an instant.
“fucked up again, bonnie.” he tsks.
maybe he’s right. you don’t know what you’re saying. you know better; you know what he likes to be called when you two find yourselves in situations just like this one, when you need to be put in your place. that’s why you don’t resist when he guides you to lay over his lap tummy down…
“princess, come on…”
kyle begins, treading carefully around your huffing form. strong arms loop around you from behind, humming softly when you melt right into him despite your bratty demeanor. you can feel him smile against the side of your warm face, while his scent and warmth invades your senses, calming you down immediately.
“you know that’s the farthest from the truth,” he whispers, kissing your cheek with an obnoxious smooching sound tacked on to each one. it prompts you to giggle and kyle laughs right along with you when he sees how much your nose scrunches up with happiness.
“there’s my sweet girl!”
he squeezes his arms around you, ignoring you when you shamefully apologize for being so ridiculous… because he knows deep down in his heart he’d let you get away with murder. so he shushes you with more kisses and murmurs about just how much he loves you, and plans on doing the same thing between your pretty thighs later on.
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johnnyreincarnated · 1 year
What is Johnny’s personality like? Does his personality change depending on the au? What’s his relationship with Whiskers and Eggman Nega? Do the relationships vary depending on the au?
his personality can have between minor to major changes depending on the au.
in the main headcanon au, johnny is generally friendly, not to the point where he's right in the face of everyone he meets, but friendly enough where as someone's good in his books, he's chill. Johnny is good intentioned, but can struggle sometimes when provoked, due to being easily prone to violent aggression. He's prone to becoming highly energetic and reckless on occasion and feels his emotions very strongly, to the point he does have a hard time dealing with himself. He can be a little sassy, but the majority is playful banter.
Johnny tends to hold very strong grudges against those who have wronged him and those he cares for.
The relationship between johnny and whisker is very strong, to the point where they're both outright family members, whisker being johnnys dad. (whisker also faces a lot of changes compared to canon do not be afraid to ask me about whisker too PLEA) both care deeply for eachother and their bond is unbreakable.
Johnny also has a sibling relationship with marine, both having their usual sibling banter, but also caring well for eachother. (marine is also a lot more mature, but isn't completely unlike her canon counterpart)
The relationship between Johnny and Eggman Nega is something Johnny does not want to and refuses to talk about.
relationships don't vary as much in the aus but there are a few select ones where the differences are drastic
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hereisrachel · 7 months
Sitting on their lap, 141 x reader headcanons ! (Realistic)
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- They get hard.
I hope you enjoyed this!!
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y13evie · 10 months
141 + konig, Alejandro, and Rudy with an S/O that has thick thighs
141 + koni, alejandro, n rudy with a s/o that’s got thickkk thighs
a/n: im so sorry for the delay in posts but i trust have sm to post yall don’t even worry
mainly cutesy stuff with some suggestive moments
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john price loves how your thighs hug any pants you wear. he loves to keep a spare hand on them whenever he’s next to you, whether that is in a meeting or just relaxing on the couch. he believes that your thighs make your body just that much more perfect.
simon riley is obsessed with the shape of your thighs. he believes that they’re plush pillows that were made specifically for him to lay on. not even in a sexual way, he loves kissing up and down your thighs. the soft skin makes it a luxury experience for him.
johnny mactavish thinks your thighs are the best part of your body. of course he adores your face, but the way your thighs get bigger when you sit down, almost welcoming him to use them as pillows. he loves the way they grip around him when you’re on top.
kyle garrick believes being between your thighs is heaven on earth. in a sexual and non sexual manner. he loves sitting between your thighs and letting you stroke through his hair. he listens to you talk about your day but tends to get distracted by thinking about what your reaction would be if he flipped his head over.
könig LUUVSSSS how your thighs look in shorts. good lord omg. like you’ll just be walking around base and it takes everything in that tank of a man to not put you on the countertops and. i mean what omg lol. but he’ll also love up on you if you ever get self conscious about stretch marks, reassuring you it just adds to your perfections.
alejandro vargas is a slut for your thighs, sorry. the way they’re like the foundation of your body’s shape drives him insane. especially if you’re going out to an event and decide to wear a risqué dress, exposing the plush skin to everybody there. when you get home he’ll make sure to teach you a lesson.
rudy parra loves massaging your thighs. you’re not sure how it started. whenever he gets home from a particularly rough mission or if he just needs intimate time with you, he’ll make you lay down and allow him to massage them. it’s stress relieving for both you and him. rudy can’t help himself, not his fault your build is perfect.
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witchthewriter · 4 months
Gaz: Soap and Y/N are missing, can you find them?
Simon: What, do you think I have them microchipped or something?
Price: Well, do you?
Simon: Yeah, hang on.
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url-is-url · 3 months
So, the headcanon that ghosts fight to socialize, and also to teach baby ghosts how to use their powers, right?
Johnny 13 is in Gotham. No particular reason, he's just hanging out. He manages to goad the day shift bat kid into a motorcycle race! Fuck yeah, what's better than harassing high school aged superheroes?! Anyway, he and this kid are tearing up the streets and the kid whips out some crazy fucking shadow powers. Um? What happened to Batman doesn't like metas??? (Obviously Batman isn't actually prejudiced against metas, he just logically doesn't want to deal with superpowers + fear toxin and shit, but... his PR could use some work on this front...) Well then, Johnny has crazy fucking shadow powers too, so OBVIOUSLY he needs to compare notes with the yellow kid. By escalating.
Duke Thomas is having a No Good Very Bad Week. This crazy blond dude on a bike is TESTING HIS PATIENCE. And is a total bad luck magnet, the ONLY reason nobody's gotten killed by their chases is that Duke can see when something terrible is about to happen just in time to prevent the crazy coincidence of the moment. Also he can drive through walls? Duke learned that he can take his bike through shadows, that's pretty cool, but this whole situation is still very frustrating. HE IS TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A NEMESIS!!! He asks Babs to run some facial recognition magic and the only match is some guy who died in a motorcycle wreck like twenty years ago??? Duke compiles a file to present to the Batfam, fully expecting them to call him crazy when he explains his theory that his nemesis is a ghost.
Batman: That tracks actually. I've dealt with a dead highwayman who calls himself Gentleman Ghost, and there's a ghost on call with the League. Here, have some nth metal gear, it's ghost proof, good investigating :)
Duke: *TheSignal.exe has stopped working*
Duke finally manages to catch his ghost guy! He goes to question him about why he feels a need to be such a nuisance.
Johnny 13, grinning, not answering shit: Hey, you guys are detectives or whatever right? Have you ever tried hiding in the shadows under someone's clothes to stalk them?
Duke: ***TheSignal.exe has stopped working***
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moongreenlight · 2 months
Soap (who you’ve never met before ever in your life) being your server during an anniversary dinner with your long-time boyfriend except he took one look at you by the host stand and decided he had to have you. 
Calls you “sweet thing” while he unwraps a straw and puts it in your water glass for you. 
Asks if you’re out with your brother (without making eye contact with your boyfriend) and even after you told him no, he still ‘makes the mistake’ a few other times during the meal. 
Stops over way more than is necessary. Probably has the kitchen intentionally screw up your appetizer so that when you bring it up he can make you feed him off of your fork. For quality control, of course. “Cannae have a sweet thing like you wasting the talents of a pretty mouth like that on something below par.”
Your boyfriend is pissed. Sends back his food twice and makes such a scene that the manager comes over. When he throws accusations of an “overly fucking friendly waiter,” you try to smooth the situation over by saying that everything was fine. Your boyfriend gets so riled that he throws a fistful of cash on the table and tells you it should cover his meal and your ride home. 
Soap swoops in while you’re sobbing at the table. Slides in your side of the booth carrying a scoop of vanilla ice cream topped with an obscene amount of whipped cream and a cherry. Squashes you up against the wall while he coos kind things in your ear. Like he’s reading off a script meticulously chosen to include all of the right things that make you let down your guard enough to agree to let him drive you home. 
“Wouldnae hear of you driving yourself home in this state, kitty.”
And once he finally gets you back to his, he goes in for the kill. Keeps saying the right things, keeps wrapping his arm around you and pulling you right into his side, keeps pushing his face close to yours. So much so that it almost feels like it’s your idea when you- still hiccuping and sniffling softly- lean forward and close the centimeters wide gap between you.
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yanderestarangel · 9 months
TW: smut, anal sex, vaginal sex, blowjob, thigh fetish, mutual masturbation, degradation, pet names, bdsm, blindfold sex, overstimulation, oral F!receives, afab anatomy, no pronouns used other than 'you'.
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Bi Han makes a standard sound when he's close to cumming, it's loud, hoarse moans and he'll curse as fuck off while he feels the familiar tightness in his balls - that is, you can tell when he's going to cum, mainly by the deep grouch sounds that come out of the ropes his vocals of him-as well as liking to cum on your belly or cum on your face, using his fingers of him to spread his essence all over everything. "-Fucking beautiful, dirty like a fucking stupid whore, look at this angelic face and dirty with my cum." -Bi Han said satisfied, looking at the mess he made on you. "-Our night isn't over (Y/N) I'm going to fuck your throat until you can't talk anymore."
Liu Kang likes to have you between his legs, sitting on his dick while he solves some things about the hourglass of time, he takes more pleasure in seeing you having fun, sleepy and drunk with pleasure, fitting your pussy on his fat dick while you I drooled on his muscular chest, leaving a wet trail - he would just say: "-Shhh my beautiful treasure, enjoy, feel stronger on my dick and melt into the pleasure I can give you." -while one of his hands were on your back, massaging lightly.
You were the first person to fuck Raiden, it was slow and loving sex, he was an extremely affectionate man asking you if you were enjoying it enough, where he was supposed to touch that caused you the most pleasure, if you were enjoying it enough to keep fucking him. You fucked on a cool night with a full moon, while the young Shaolin smiled at you, bringing one of your hands to his face. "-I love you (Y/N) and I will never forget this day."
Kuai Liang is a lover of sucking pussy, exclusively your pussy - he would stay 24 hours between your thighs if you let him and he could, stimulating your clitoris with his tongue and sticking his fingers inside your tight hole, licking the sensitive and smooth bundles of nerves while moaning softly against the flesh of your cunt. He loves teasing your clitoris by sucking, licking and rubbing - Liang loves sucking your pussy while looking deep into your eyes, absorbing every moan, reaction and sigh from your lips. "-What a sweet pussy (Y/N), so beautiful, tight and needy, just wanting my mouth, isn't it?" -Kuai Liang removed his mouth from your pussy, his tongue leaving a trail of saliva between your pussy and him. He soon turned you on top, making you ride his mouth. "-Sit on my fucking face, you naughty slut, let me feel that beautiful pussy cumming and squeezing my tongue."
Tomas Vrbada is the type of man who whines and gets overstimulated very quickly, especially eating your pussy, with you riding him, he will whimper and moan as he thrusts his hips hard, using the friction of your creamy, bulging walls for his cock, while he holds your hips tightly, he will cum inside you, but his dick will still be hard and dirty with cum, begging for more. "-Please (Y/N)... Fuuuck... I want to cum again, I need to make you scream, cum for me, squirt with your little pussy on my dick."
Syzoth has a fetish for having his head pressed between your thighs, he loves the feeling of your soft flesh slightly suffocating him, staying between his legs and just masturbating, feeling your dominance with him is the way to make Syzoth cum faster, going and coming with his hand on his own dick while feeling his soft skin. "-Yeesss~ Fuuuck (Y/N), this feels so good, I swear I'm going to fuck you so hard later." -he said salivating, while masturbating between the delicious tightness that you offered him.
Kenshi uses blindfolds on you too, it's a bit of an unfair game, since he can still see because of Sento, but he likes to see you completely at his mercy, seeing your lips twitch in surprise, after all the target can be anyone one, your pussy, ass, mouth and in various ways, from simple penetration to delicious oral, with his tongue and fingers moving in harmony to give you pleasure. You felt him play with your nipples, using an ice cube, removing it and placing his hot tongue later, alternating between the two poles of cold and heat. "-This time I surprised you, didn't I, my love? Totally at my mercy, a beautiful and good little slut." -Kenshi soon returned to playing with your nipples, sucking and nibbling the cold area, going with his fingers to your pussy, it was going to be a long night.
Johnny Cage is a man who loves blowjobs, regardless of the time or day, he loves having your lips wrapped around his dick, he loves sex with you in general, but blowjobs are his weak point, it's a vision of paradise for him. see with your eyes full of tears, looking at him beautifully, totally submissive, he guides your head to the base of his dick, you could feel the heat of his balls on your chin, and Cage's thick, pulsing length teasing your throat. Johnny likes to see you swallow everything, every drop he can he will give you - Your knees hurt as you sucked him, seeing Johnny look at you as he slowly sipped a martini, the taste of the drink and the sight of you there, submissive to him , it was enough for Johnny to cum. "-Yes my good boy/girl, swallow my cock like the beautiful and hungry little thing you are" -Johnny spoke between moans, moving his hips even more, seeking fiction with your mouth. "-Look at the mess you're making on my floor with that pussy, so wet, such a fucking beautiful little boy/girl, I'm going to fuck you until you're a stupid and beautiful mess, just as you should be."
Shang Tsung loves to fuck, your breasts always put him in a good mood after a busy day as a royal wizard. He always gives you a dominant look, calling you a "good pet" when he sees you kneel and show him your breasts, while he used your mouth to drool and lubricate his dick first, pulling out roughly and with a loud sound, inserting his cock between your breasts, holding each of them as he smiled and moaned at you, forcing you to lick the head of his cock in the process. "-Holy shit (Y/N) what wonderful breasts, they are perfection, and all of them are just for me, you are mine, and you will please me like the good little pet you are."
Kung lao likes to do quickies, whether it's mutual masturbation, with you masturbating his dick with your hands and him using his fingers to fuck your pussy while you both moan loudly and needily, or fucking you doggy style in some bathroom at the restaurant. Lady Bo before his work or training - he needs to cum to relieve it, while moving in and out of your pussy, massaging your breasts while covering your mouth with one of his hands. "-Shut your little mouth my love, we don't want to be heard, do we? Just a beautiful little slut desperate for my cock." -Kung Lao pushed even further, taking you to the limit as you trembled against his cock, while he took one of his hands from the soft flesh of your pussy to your ass, slapping his skin.
Reiko likes to have sex toys, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, all to use with you. He likes to fuck your pussy using his dick + the vibrator on your clitoris, increasing your pleasure and even a little pain, due to the intensity - he turns the intensity to maximum - watching you writhe beneath him, or, making you use anal plugs, especially heart-shaped ones, fuck you while moving the plug in your ass back and forth, giving you double pleasure. "-You really are so sensitive, aren't you (Y/N)? Walking around with a plug in that pretty ass, a wet pussy like yours... A perfect slut for me." -Reiko removed your anal plug, making a wet sound, taking the dick out of your pussy and sticking it in your ass and cumming inside.
Shao Khan is not going to fuck you right away, he is a huge man, that is, if you are content with just rubbing your pussy on his dick or his muscular thighs, he will be content with just watching you cum for now, seeing your little body and pussy, on top of his thighs, while encouraging you to continue, as it was pleasurable for him too. "-You are such a needy human (Y/N) just enjoy the pleasure this great General can give you."
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