#Ignore that he’s literally dying in the last two images
canidance · 3 months
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my cutie patootie,,..my weed smoking boyfriend…he’s so comforting and delightful
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ANGST WARNING: How would Ace!Tav react to Astarion dying and being unable to revive him? Or vice versa -- how would Astarion react?
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A/N: There is actually a lot to this, so here is a headcanon in three parts. Apologies for the length.
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Passively Suicidal Thoughts, Major Character Death, Heavy Angst
Astarion x Ace!Tav Masterlist
How Ace!Tav Would React to Astarion Dying and Unable to be Revived
In order for this to happen, it would be sudden and unexpected
There would be no preparing for his death
They always thought Astarion would outlive them, he's an immortal vampire, but, more importantly, he's a survivor, always has been
I'm thinking he'd have to be burned up in the sun or something else like it; revivify and raise dead both require a body and the sun would turn him into ash
Maybe he gets caught by surprise, maybe Tav can’t get to him in time or maybe he pushed them out of the way of a blast; the result is the same
No final words, no last touches, there’s nothing left, not even a body
Tav wouldn’t be able to move, the rest of the world going fuzzy at the edges and silent
It would take another party to get them to move, literally dragging them away from the scene like dead weight
It’s takes them several moments to come to their senses, to fight back because he can’t just be gone
There has to be something left, something they could use to bring him back
If it’s an ally with them then they’d hold them back telling them they need to get somewhere safe
They would be in full denial, trying desperately to think of something, anything, this can’t be how it ends
But there’s nothing, not a single thing they can do
Once that realization dawns, they just go numb
They spent so much of their life just surviving; they don’t want to go back to that, not when they finally had a taste of what it was to live
They’re just so tired, maybe it would be easier to just…sleep
Even the thought of revenge is too daunting, what would be the point? Astarion would still be gone. Can’t they just rest?
It would take their friends to pull them out of it
I imagine Lae’zel and Shadowheart specifically would lay into them about just giving up. What would Astarion say if he saw them like this?
Tag can well imagine, they can all but hear his voice in their ear
“And you call me dramatic,” he tells them. “Flattering as it is to know you miss me, there's still work to be done. Now get up.”
They want to ignore the words, but they have their own survival instincts to contend with
It’s a slow process
The first several months it’s an ordeal just to eat, but they do
Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll, Karlach, Lae’zel, they all take turns checking in, making sure they’re okay
Gale maybe even has them come to stay in Waterdeep just to keep a better eye on them and keep them away from the memories associated with Baldur’s Gate
It’s a kind gesture and one that slowly starts to pay off
They're able to watch a sunrise again without the urge to weep
They sometimes come in to talk during Gale's lectures, recounting some of their exploits with a smile
They never fully recover, their music isn’t quite as lively, there seems to be a spark missing behind their eyes, but they find a way to survive
They have their friends and find solace in knowing they’re not alone
Eventually they go on the road again, taking in every sight and sound, imaging Astarion seeing it with them
They never fall in love again, they knew that they never would and don’t try to force it
Still, they live; it’s brutal work, but they can’t stop now
How Astarion Would React to Ace!Tav Dying and Unable to be Revived (Dying of Old Age Edition)
Couple different options with this one
I picture Ace!Tav as human, so Astarion outliving them was part of the deal when they got together
All the same Ace!Tav dying of old age vs. dying suddenly and horribly, are going to spark two very different reactions
If they die of old age, Astarion has a much longer time to prepare
There's no hiding getting old, even if Astarion makes jokes about them being with a man four or three times their age
Tav is there to help him through it, even as they're lying on their death bed with him beside them the entire time
They don't want him to try and bring them back; they told him as much
They want him to keep going, to keep living, to find love again after they're gone
Astarion doesn't want to hear it, he doesn't want to think about them being gone even when they both know it's coming
One human life time wasn't nearly enough, he wants more, he always wants more
But the end does come and when Tav finally slips away, all he can do is weep
He wouldn't be alone though, he has friends, strange as it might have once been to admit
Gale, Wyll, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel would all find their own way to help him as they too grieve the loss of their friend
He's not the easiest to deal with, he lashes out, he argues, he pushes, he finds himself crying at unexpected moments and mortified at himself for doing so
He wishes he could talk to Tav about all these emotions drowning him and ends up curled up on the floor all over again
But somebody is there to help him back up again
He can’t stay in their home anymore, too many memories bombard him every waking moment
Gale offers for him to come to Waterdeep for a time, but Astarion refuses
He needs to get out, go somewhere far away, someplace he’s never been before
So, one day, he packs a bag and just starts walking
The only thing of Tav’s he takes is a that damned violin, they did try so very hard to teach him how to play, but he always was a better audience
Still he can’t bring himself to leave it behind
He doesn’t know where he’s going or what he’s even doing, but he keeps going anyway
One of the nights, months into his travels, a bard plays at the inn where he's staying
He recognizes the melody, one of Tav's compositions
He had finally convinced Tav to write down some of their music, and even publish a few; this one isn't one of them
The bard plays it differently, emphasizing different words and finding a new meaning while still keeping the integrity of the song
He can all but hear Tav’s contemplative approval as they grin in that “I told you so” sort of way
The best ones live in memory after all
The bard is good, reminding him of Tav in so many different ways
He's not sure what exactly possess him to do it, but he offers them the violin, telling them that it's been a long time since he saw somebody play it properly, maybe they'd like a go
Gods do they play it,
Light and music flow from the instrument, evoking the same vivid display Tav had show him all those years ago
Astarion then leaves without a word, leaving the violin behind for the bard to take
He finally understands what Tav tried to explain to him, how much of themselves they put into their music and how even as the interpretations may change it’s still them
So, he keeps going, keeping their memory alive in what ways he can, mostly as an anonymous patron to promising young bards; he’s always been a better audience anyway
Years later he even meets that first bard, the one he gifted the violin; they turned to be a great performer and was thankful to finally track down the man who put them on that path
They form a true friendship, one that lasts years and allows Astarion to know he can form new relationships
Slowly, Tav's death doesn’t hurt the way it used to
They’ll never fully leave his heart; they were his first in so many ways
It would take him years, possibly even centuries to finally fulfill that final promise to love again, but he does
He’s a survivor by nature, but Gods does it feel good to live
How Astarion Would React to Ace!Tav Dying and Unable to be Revived (Dying Suddenly and Horribly Edition)
This can only end in blood
They're in a middle of a battle, something bigger and worse than they anticipated
Both are skilled in their own way, but they each know their strength lies in stealth and surprise, neither of which they have facing this threat
Astarion was sure they were safe, he was watching their back and vice versa as they had for years
He doesn't see exactly what happens, all he knows is one moment his love was standing in front of him and the next, they're pulp on the floor
Air leaves his lungs, the rest of the world fades as all that exist is their blood in his nose and their desecrated body and then everything goes red
He uses everything at his disposal, knives, nails, teeth; more blood fills the air, his body is covered in it to the point he can't even grip his daggers and just uses his teeth
He doesn't stop until the only thing breathing in the room is him
He then goes to Tav's body, and wraps what's left of it in any cloth he can find; he's not leaving them here, there has to be a way to fix it, to bring them back
He finds a place he can keep them, using what magic he can to preserve the remains of their body until he can find a better solution
He reaches out to any contact he has begging for help, surely their friends would come to their aid
What he gets is all but useless, no answers, no solutions, nothing but empty apologies and condolences
They even have the audacity to them him to let Tav go
They don't understand, they never could
After everything he'd been through, Tav was the first real happiness he found; 200 years of torture and just six months with them was enough to counterweight all that misery
He'd had years since then, and now they were just gone
How could anyone expect him to let that go, not when he had expected a life time with them
Their time together was already limited, he would not be cheated into giving up more; the world didn't get to do that to him
He curses his so called friends, burying himself in necromancy and tomes trying to find a solution
There may still be a way, a much darker way, one that would require sacrifice, but it would be worth it whatever the price
He knew that about himself the moment he started to fall for Tav, there was no telling what things he'd be willing to do, all for them
There is a part of him that hesitates, a little voice inside his head telling him to stop, that he can be better
It's the same voice that told him not to ascend, one he curses just as deeply as the rest of them
If he had ascended none of this would have happened; he would have been able to keep Tav safe, he could have made it so not even time could touch them
He had hesitated then, but he won't now
He'll find a way to bring them back and make sure they never leave him again
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rinbowaman · 11 months
S E 7 E N : L U C I F E R
P A R T T H R 3 E
Warnings: One image of a demon in this one, nothing related to smut or anything like the last chapter, just forewarning in case you dont like to look at scary stuff, it's CG developed image that fit the scene i placed it in (AGAIN, NO DEMON RELATED SMUT LIKE LAST TIME) however, you are going to have Heelel with antlers, just saying. if that bothers you, just skip over it. (He is the devil after all) there is smut, not too descriptive but it's in there. There are some dark altered pics of Heelel when he's mad (not like his scary smiling pic of sadistic love) literally just images i adjusted the brightness and contrast to display what I imagined he would look like when angry. Abuse of power, abuse of authority, imbalance of power in a relationship, obsession, possessiveness, aggressive and unhealthy obsession, treating a person like they're a doll or putting them on display (literally), ....curse words...mention of people burning, mentions of children dying (from bad guys). I think that's it. and this is NOT AT ALL PROOFREAD. sorry, not the tiniest bit, as i'm still trying to recover from jetlag and it's been a busy couple of days from the family event. so ignore the mistakes.
Images i found on googled and altered. One image is from account ljungwon. Please support their work.
“Will he receive us?” The master elder asks as he faces Jake.
Looking up at towards the peak view of the mountainous throne from the base, with crossed arms, he sighs out as he issues his response.
“Not sure….he hasn’t really detached himself from up there ever since he took out Jol…and brought her back with him.”
“You mean…..the Mortal Daughter? She’s here?” The elder gasped out.
“I knew that she what the purpose of her existence was…yet I wasn’t at all prepared to find out that he finally got her….after all this time…he never lost interest…he waited.”
The elder remarks his mental note as he once again, shifts his gaze and looks at the younger brother, Leviathan.
“Will you take us to him? We wish to see him.”
Shrugging as he scratches the back of his head, Jake steps aside and extends his arm, gesturing towards the three muses.
“You can go on right ahead. I’ll let him know that you’re making your way up.”
Flaring his dark gray-shadowed wings, the former archangel takes flight and heads to the peak of the tall mountain, leaving the three muses of Heaven to face the stairway extending miles long.
“We best be on our way. Should we stop for breaks, ensure that we keep a look out for the demons that may roam.” The elder bids as he leads the two younger muses along.
The stairway roughly extended passed three miles ahead before they would reach the tip, where Heeseung’s throne was stationed, overlooking the vast fields of the red poppies he planted so long ago….all for you.
A flashback from the time of your arrival in Hell, his voice and the image of his face was permanently ingrained in your mind as you set your gaze upon the red poppy floral ground that surrounded you…you couldn’t escape from them.
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“Do you like them?”  You recalled as he spoke out chuckling, all with a lip bitten grin.
“ I planted grew them hoping that they would match the color of your lips, but they don’t even come close…as red as they are…..your red lips is the prettiest….you’re just so beyond remarkable….arent you?”
With a dark giggle, you nearly blacked out upon the last bit of his words as he cradled his fingers around your chin, staring into your eyes with a deathly and terrifying smile of joy….and love….a sinister love.
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You sat atop and slightly sank into the tufted cushion of the large platform he had created right in front of his throne.
Despite having your own throne seat next to his, he expressed that he wanted you in front of him…in front of his eyes….where he could see you…stare at you…watch you…he didn’t want to miss a single sense of movement or expression.
The velvet red pillow top sat atop an enormous golden framed platform case, resembling a lavishly large box frame, where the pillow top was extremely soft, filled with angel feathers and adorned with a myriad of satin pillows.
A dainty, single, and delicate ankle chain was connected to the base of his chair. It had enough slack for you to move around freely, in great length, yet should the moment occur that you take flight or walk past the first three steps of the stairway, the slack ended, restricting you from leaving the tight perimeter of his reigning foyer.
Surrounding the platform, were four large golden pillars that extended high on each corner, hovering a sheer translucent red fabric to canvas over your frame as you remained atop the cushion.
Since your body was still developing to it’s immortal form, your strength hadn’t fully regained itself from the performance he displayed in turning you.
“It will take some time.”
His words echoed throughout your brain as he gently stroke your cheek.
Regardless of you changing, going from a mortality state to an immortal one, he had side tables on each corner of the platform, with platters of all the fruits you could imagine. There were also a wide display of nuts, cheeses, jams, and even assorted chocolate candies with pitchers of various wines.
Even noting that after you were fully changed, he expressed how much he knew you would miss the joys of tasting food, so he made a promise to have everything at your displeasure, and when the time is right, when you are trustworthy to not stray, he would take you on regular visits to the world you were born in.
But not now…not for a long time. He sensed that you were not yet fully acclimated to the adjustment, and that you missed home…you missed your family….you missed the setting of the place you initially belonged to.
From the platform, you sat kneeling and chained. Your body lacked any cover as he kept you naked with only subtle body jewelry and chains to adorn your figure.
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“I want to see you….all of you.”
“Stop covering up, don’t be shy. Leave yourself open…..I love looking at you.”
“Look at me…..pretty……smile for me…..”
“Cry as much as you like, you’re still beautiful as ever.”
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He’d have you adorn anywhere from pure gold beads with white diamonds, or black pearl strings, delicately decorating your waist, ankles, wrists, neck, and over your breasts, which he had pierced, delighting the look of the jeweled pieces that adorned each nipple.
Surprisingly, perhaps it was due to your body changing, you didn’t feel a thing when he had Sunoo come over to do the deed of puncturing a hole through each nip.
“This shouldn’t hurt…but if you feel anything, let me know.”
Sunoo gently remarks as he takes hold of you and with a golden needle, one of ancient age, he pierces through, while feeding through the selected jewels that Heeseung picked out.
The Prince of Lust was quite crafty and quick, but it shouldn’t surprise you since that was right up his alley. In fact, just before you received your piercings, Sunoo had showed you his own.
“See? Aren’t they nice?”
Removing his shirt, he shows off the dainty piercings that lay on his chest, and it was subtle, but there were also….
“I got these while I was visiting Earth, it fascinated me. They speak of lust and desire, that’s also the same time I learned about the alterations of the body such as puncturing skin and adorning jewelry. It’s very enticing…isnt’ it?” he remarked as he took notice of you viewing the faint bit of tattoos that designed his pectoral muscles.
“Now, hold still, we’re going to make this quick and you’ll be right back with Heeseung.” He softly smiles as he cups your cheek.
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Viewing the world from afar, it looked so large and graceful as it floats in the middle of the pitch black sky, all decorated by the galaxies and stars that gave it a subtle bit of illumination, yet the biggest source of light, was the massive moon over the horizon that appeared to be rising, yet was stationed in mid levitation as it gazes over the wide field of the red flowers.
It was massive, it looked as if you could walk right up to it. It shone brightly and paved the entire region with it’s light. You couldn’t deny it, the region of Hell that Heeseung had formatted, all for your arrival, was breathtaking.
It was hard though, and extremely mundane to not be able to tell how much time has passed. With the sun farther off on the opposite side of the earth, you couldn’t tell if each day had gone by, not until you noticed as the earth took movement and shifted around, the continents were the key in telling you that a full day had passed.
You constantly watched it, displaying a look of yearning as you wondered how everyone back at home were doing. Especially since the former archangel, Jol, being defeated and brutally slain by Heeseung, the world was now back to normal, no longer living in the dark ages of authoritative abuse and corruption. It was back to a time that you had longed for, yet you’re not able to enjoy even though you are the reason for it’s return.
Sitting across the platform, in close distance, he sat still and wouldn’t move….he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
He adorned a full black, princely attire with knee high boots and form fitting trousers, along with a satin black shirt with a kneel length coat. His legs crossed, elbow propped on the arm to extend the reach of his hand to his chin, which he stroked delicately as he admires the nude form of your body, the soft skin that glowed against the moonlight in the background, and the dainty pieces of jewelry, along with your wings…
“Leave your wings out, pretty. I fucking love your wings.”
Your wings on full display, he admired the white base of the coloration, protruding a silver Nacre hue that was exactly like the Mother of Pearl.
“So pretty…..”
On the left wing, a small group lying beneath the undercarriage of the structure, partially hidden underneath the white Nacre coloration, was the pungent black group of feathers that represented the darkened ingredients to your soul.
Though he was born with dark shadowed gray wings, the same as all angels in Heaven, his had slowly turned black, eluding a dark purple and red hue as he resided in his own kingdom of Hell, the moment he expelled himself from Heaven’s gates. How lovely of a feature was it, to see his darkness reflected in the lightness of your soul….of his soul.
“Heeseung!” Jakes voice comes from above as he swoops in and lands effortlessly to the side of Heeseung’s throne.
Without taking his gaze off you, Heeseung doesn’t move an inch, he merely issues a “Mmhmm..” towards his younger brother.
“The muses are on their way up.” Jake alerts.
Not at all responding, he takes notice of how Heeseung remains staring at you, with a slight smirk on his face.
Chuckling to himself, Jake shakes his head with a smile on his face.
“Do you want me to tell them to leave?” he asks.
Maintaining his gaze on the love of his life, Heeseung softly shakes his head and raises a brow as he watches you swoop your hair over your shoulder, keeping it at bay from having it draping all over your body as you continued to admire the Earth from where you knelt.
Jake chuckles once more. Stepping aside, he looks at you with a tilted head and a soft smile.
“Hi y/n. Feeling better?” he asks.
You merely look at him with a seldom expression and gave just a slight, gentle nod.
“That’s good. Get lots of rest, it’s going to be a while before your body full adjusts. Keep big brother happy, okay?” he chuckles teasingly.
Turning his head back to Heeseung, he speaks out before departing.
“Send for me if you change your mind about the muses.” With his last note, he propels himself off the peak and into the air as he takes flight.
You hardly got to see them, as they relished in their own regions, yet when you did, you at least appreciated and felt comforted by Heeseung’s siblings as they all issued a warm greeting and asked if you had needed anything. Though, regardless of your history with them before you were brought to Hell, they never dared take things any further than that, because now, you belong to Heeseung…..Heeseung only.
Watching Jake’s form disappearing as he flies off, you shift your gaze back to the rotating Earth. Heeseung continued to stare at you, as you both remained silent. It wasn’t anything new.
You couldn’t be sure exactly how long it had been since you arrived in Hell, yet you assumed it had been roughly about three weeks, and each day that passed, it was always the same. You were propped as if you were high valued art, and he sat on his throne, continuously appreciating you as he stared.
The muses arrived sometime after Jake issued his note of their arrival. Staring at you, the elder of the three muses gasped as he placed a hand over his chest at the sight of you.
The other two muses, the younger ones, followed suit as they looked at you with a wide eyed stare, as if you were some kind of miracle.
But that was because…you were….you were his miracle….
“…Heeseung…is she?....”
Heeseung doesn’t budge, he merely stays in his seat and continues to stare at you. A faint smile of satisfaction permanently stationed on his face the longer he looked at you.
“He sent us here….he wanted to express the meaning of his love for you….and for what you did….to save humanity.” The elder notes as Heeseung still remained unresponsive and maintained his gaze on you.
“The arch angel Jol, upon realizing that his only chance to erase humanity was to use the aid of humans, he made a deal, after narrowing down the weakest and most corrupt of souls.”
The elder muse studies Heeseung for a moment, looks back at you, and then shifts his gaze back at the Devil before him. Taking note of how the Prince of Darkness was entirely too enamored by you, the elder saw no point in furthering the conversation.
Turning back and dismissing himself as well as the younger two muses, he pauses his steps as he looks at you for the last time, knowing that his meeting with you would not happen for a second time.
Looking up to return the gaze, you looked slightly confused as you wondered why the elder man was just looking at you. It wasn’t until he spoke out softly, with the utmost pity you had ever received.
“My heart be still…..for I nor any muse, angel, or demon will ever witness something so miraculous….the flesh and blood of God. Be brave and strong….it is not your fault…nor was it his…..you are destined to teach and tame…..so please….do your best….o’ mortal child of my master.”
Your face trails behind them as they took their leave. Tilting your head as you watched them walk down the stairs, you were processing the man’s words, not even hearing Heeseung scoffing a smirk as he removes his hand from his chin, gets up from his throne, and walks over to you as you remained focus on the three muses, your head turned away in the opposite direction from where he stood aside from you.
Grabbing onto your wing, he gently pulls you to face him, delicately pushing you down on your back as he began to cover your entire body with ravishing kisses. He took aim at your womanhood like a spotlight and displayed sensual love as his tongue made love to your clit, punctured through your slit, and massaged the inside of your walls.
He fondled with your breasts, dragged his tongue from left to right and in circles over the regions of your stomach, your chest, and your thighs.
He displayed such brute strength, always taking you in various positions, to include suspending you in the air and supporting your entire weight as he cradled you with his arms. His hands remained firmly latched on your derriere as he gripped on each cheek and bounced you vigorously on his length. Succumbing to the highest essence of pleasure, your hands grips his shoulders, or his chest, yet you felt the need to grab on to something else…something that you could wrap your fingers around as you found yourself curling them from the intense pleasure. That and your toes.
Noting the gasping state of your orgasms, yet always wanting to keep going, he issued you ‘some’ relief as he would extend his antlers from his head, while still remaining in his mortal form.
“You can grab on to them….pretty.” he told you as he kept fucking you.
Reaching up as his hands tightened their grip around your waist, you found some of the pressure taken away from the intense pain and pleasure of his member thrusting inside you, rendering you to cum multiple times. Coiling your fingers around the magnificent display of the rack that sat atop his thatch of black hair, holding on for dear life, he’d find the basis of a new momentum as you latch on, furthering stabling yourself to him. Taking advantage, he’d increase the pace, the ferocity, and the rhythm as he would thrust harder, deeper, and faster.
He appeared as a hybrid of some sort, with his antlers out yet looking like the dashing mortal man that he appeared to be. His eyes lacked all luster as they became matte black.
As the muses finally reached the base of the mountain, your screams filled the air, coating the entire regions of Hell with lusts of pain, pleasure, and euphoria in your tone.
Noting that your tone, through all the pleasurable moans that were encased with each scream, there was a cry for help within your voice as you echoed out his name and your pleas.
The elder knew, though he felt nothing but sympathy for the one that was destined to live this life…with the Devil.
In the sporadic of the time that would pass, there were also times that he would approach you, and display his physical affection in various manners, not just through intercourse, though it happened nearly all the time, as he caved into engage in the heat of passion since he couldn’t take any more of the aching that punched inside him. Could anyone blame him? The Devil? You were too glorious for him not to touch you….the fact that you were all his…that you belonged to him…made it even harder for him to restrain himself.
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“Come here….come to me.”
“Yeah? You fucking like that?”
“You feel so good….fuck I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re mine.”
“Now repeat after me, ‘Daddy I want your seed.’ Just like that, okay pretty?”
“Scream out my name with that sweet voice of yours.”
“Open your mouth and moan for me. Just like that…..fucking say my name, pretty.”
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You’re not sure of how many times he’s already lost control and submitted you to his raging passion and love, but it had to have been in the high numbers already, despite it being only a few weeks since you’ve been here with him.
At first, you found yourself afraid and disgusted with the way he had issued you those pet names, coated your body with his lips, devoured you, pelted you, and thrusted every inch of his love in you. Yet….
It was strange and frustrating, the feeling of pleasure overrides your better judgement and you mentally caught yourself wanting more, though you tried to remain strong in avoiding speaking it out. But you felt yourself breaking, inch by inch, as you not only craved it, but you stopped putting up a fight. You started to accept it begrudgingly, though it would transition to you embracing his touch….returning his kisses…..moaning out the pleasures as he licked you down from head to toe.
He was brutal, you knew of that, you’ve seen it.
For even though his region was nothing but blissful beauty, a sight to behold, the vast regions of Hell is so large, it was entirely a different world of its own. Frightening demons roamed the lands, aimlessly wandering. You had learned through Niki, that the demons were born out of the souls of the dead, of those who committed high, atrocious crimes against humanity. Rapists, murderers, criminals of all serious types that committed the harshest of offenses towards mankind, all fall into the abyss of the River Styx, where they are forever tormented. On occasion, however, when the soul yearns for more damage, craving for the pain and screams of others, they ravage the lands seeking out one another, only to fight to their deaths.
“It helps cleanse the lands if we let them roam and kill each other off.” Niki stated.
Yet, the moment you stepped foot in Heeseung’s region, you as well as the siblings, and the Prince of Darkness himself, all learned that due to the essence that you were made of, out of God himself, you drew the attention of these ravaging demons as they yearned to tear you apart, ravaging your body and splitting you open.
The first you witnessed it, was shortly, nearly a day after you were brought ���home’. Everything had been just as it was now, with you on the platform, adjusting to the new sights as you lay naked on the bedding, where Heeseung had a full view as he sat on his throne just as he is doing right now.
It was distant, yet it grew nearer as you heard the clamping sound of something harshly approaching up the stairway. With a loud and beastly growl, he ran with a murderous eye as it extended its hand, reaching upwards in your direction. You shook at the sight of the massive demon, who looked as if it stood eight or nine feet in height, with a large and muscular form as it rushes up with the intent in tear you to pieces.
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You froze as the thing was nine or ten steps away from making it’s way over to you, when suddenly Heeseung, in a flash, migrated from the seat of his throne and appeared before you, standing in the way of the flesh craved demon, never allowing the creature to get passed the last step of the stairway.
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His transition was so quick, it was as if he teleported, just as his brothers had done. Snapping his hand out, harshly grabbing the demon by the neck, his fingers pinch in and digs into the skin, puncturing into dark flesh.
The demon growled and roared in pain as it attempts to reach for Heeseung, yet the Devil remained untouchable. Raising his arm, Heeseung’s eyes grew murderous, dark, and sadistically twisted with a rage like you had never seen as he aimed his sights directly to the demon’s face. Without saying a word, Heeseung reaches up with his other hand, and while maintain the hold he had, he tears off each limb, before tossing aside off the mountain top that you both were perched on.
Limb by limb, the dying cries of the monster before him, you shunned your sight away from the gruesome display as your ‘husband’ took out the demon and finished him off by slowly tearing his neck from its body. The ripping of flesh and the gurgitation of the demon choking on its blood before the finishing move sent waves of panic, fear, and anxiety throughout your body.
Tossing what was left, Heeseung turns to find you in a kneeling state, slight hunched as you cradled your breasts, trying to cover as much of your nudity as you possibly could.
You may have been fearful and going through some sort of psychological trauma at that very moment, but to him, you were mesmerizing. The way your hair draped over your shoulder, with the few slick pieces that remained on your cheek, your soft skin, your womanly frame, your wings, and the dainty jewelry pieces that complimented your complexion. All of it. Everything was putting him in a trance.
With his sinister glare all but disappeared, it remained faintly as he smirks at the sight of you. Walking up to the platform that you were perched on, he grabs a small brunch of grapes from one of the platters on the side tables from the nearby bed corner, swinging around the pillar and plopping himself on the bed, he lies on his back right next to your kneeling frame. With one hand resting behind his head, his ankles crossed, he was in a relaxed state as he starts to bite off from the cluster he had in his hand, munching on the dark purple grapes.
Extending his hand with the cluster of the sparkling purple fruit, he presents it next to your face, to which you shook your head and faced away.
But that didn’t sit well with him. You needed to eat, your body hasn’t fully transitioned, not to mention he prefers that you be obedient, since everything he outlined and had you do was all for your own sake and health.
He doesn’t say anything, instead, he shifts to lay on his side, reaching over with this other hand, he gently places it on the back of your head, and pulls you in towards his face where he had the clustered fruit next to his lips.
The moment he brought your face inches away, all he stated was, “eat.”
Opening your mouth, he brings the grapes closer, the moment your lips touched one, you bite it off ever so gently and chew on it. He smirks before moving his hand away from your head and leans back down in his relaxed position, munching on the fruit as he watches you.
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Days and weeks have gone by. The routines of Heeseung watching you, admiring you, and taking you was like clockwork, it happened every single waking second, which was nearly all the time for him since he didn’t require sleep. Since you were still adjusting, you found yourself dozing off here and there, yet initially the feeling of tiredness was a lot stronger. As time went on, you found yourself not feeling the need to sleep, hunger was beginning to be a thing of the past as you were starting to rarely find yourself hungry, at this point, eating food just became a thing to do all for the sake of taste, not so much for sustenance.
There were other things, such as your vision. You developed a magnified sense as you would gaze at the stars, with the speckles appearing as sprinkles against the matte black canvas of the sky, you surprised yourself the moment you were able to zoom in and gaze on the fine details of every star and planet in the sky.
Unless prescribed by him, you hardly felt any pain. You couldn’t confirm…not yet at least, but you felt your strength coming back, yet it felt as if you had the strength that of an entire army as you tested the waters and grabbed the nearby fruit bowl made of pure gold. It was large, and heavy as you remembered, yet you now can balance the bowl in full just with the tip of your pinky.
Your senses have become more acute and enhanced, you started to gain the powers of telekinesis. Everything about you was changing…
To include your feelings and emotions about being in Hell and being with him….
At first you were scared, you had regretted your decision, though you were convinced that you never had one to begin with, you were doomed for Hell. You found out, that it was what you were created and destined for.
Yet as time went by, despite his cruel and terrifying, sadistic nature, with you, he was always soft and gentle. Other than the manner of how he expressed his performance sexually, when he wasn’t engaged in intercourse, he was delicate in handling you.
Throughout the days, as he watches you from his relaxed seated position, he would get up and walk over, just to brush his fingertips along your arms, your hair, or against your cheek, normally startling you while you gazed at the Earth.
He would come up and sit you on his lap, gaze at the world of humans with you, interlocking your fingers together where he would tell you of the ancient worlds, and how humanity developed from the history of culture, mythology, religion, and evolution. You never would have realized how wrong historians and experts were as he corrected the details of timelines, events, and the truths of how humans gained independence and a means for survival.
He would raise your hand along with his own, cupping yours, he’d physically show you all the hidden celestial spheres of each planetary moon as he moved your hand to point in the correct direction of each notable star and planet.
He made stars, created new ones and formed them into new constellations, which he dedicated to you. One was of your favorite flower, another was of your favorite animal, while the other were the initials of your name.
He’d stroke his fingertips and graze them over your nude body as you slept, not yet fully transitioned. He would whisper the sweetest words in your ears as he cuddled you against his frame. He never left your side, never leaving you alone. Wherever he would go, you were taken with him.
Noticing that you were starting to feel a bit bored as you gained immortality, and that time had no meaning, you found yourself constantly laying on your stomach, with your knees bent as you swung your feet high and gazed at the earth in a mundane state. He had both Sunghoon and Jake watch over you as he disappeared for just a moment, returning with a pair of fortune spheres from the ancient world. Plopping them gently in front of you, he smiled each time he watched you play with them as he sat on his throne.
Eventually, as more time had passed, you felt more comfortable around him. You knew of the lines and boundaries that you could not cross, and never thought about doing so, all the ensure that you didn’t bring out the anger or dark side of his endearing nature that he displayed towards you. He would never do anything that would threaten your life, but you just knew that the punishment he would have in store for you in the case you broke any of the rules he set forth, would have been just as harsh.
But despite all that, he would still love you….he loves you to the ends of every planet, star, and galactic cluster in the sky.
So why not let him keep loving you? Why not accept him? Why not serve him, since he’s willing to serve you?
You felt entirely comfortable being in the nude in front of him, it didn’t bug you any longer, yet the moment you asked for something as you didn’t like it when others would see you on display bare naked, he not only honored your request, but he also got you the finest silk, jewels, and thread you could imagine. He had lascivious dresses made, yet no matter how much skin showed, the format of each attire was beautiful. He expressed how much you resembled the Greek goddesses, so he made you look the part by fashioning you with wreaths of gold, risqué togas, and dangling jewels. He even gathered jeweled chains that he had adorned your wings with.
“There…pretty….you’re so perfect….you could never know just how much I adore you.”
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“Here they are.” Niki and the other brothers all brought forth the faces of those you thought you’d never see again.
Chained up and dragged like cattle, was the prior Senator, Forras, and his wide group of cult posse, some of which you had crossed paths before with each brother as they regulated the streets for the established curfew.
“Fucking kneel down.” Jungwon issued harshly as he lightly kicked the Senator and his group all into a kneeled state.
There they were….kneeling in a row before you as you sat atop your glorious platformed bedding. Your wings shined against the moonlight, and your jewels glistened like dew drops in the morning sun.
Standing from his throne, Heeseung walks over and sits next to you on the bedding, his feet lifted from the ground as the platformed stood at least four feet off the ground. Shifting over with his arms crossed, he leans in towards you as he grabs hold of your neck, gently, and pulls you in.
He lays you in a cradling manner in his arm, similar to that of a mother and a newborn. Licking the pad of his thumb, he reaches over and brushes it against your lips, coating it with his saliva to make the cherry stain color shine.
Rocking you as he cradled you in his arm, he takes his free hand and interlocks his fingers with your own.
“Tell me…..pretty….what do you want me to do with them? Hmm? I’ll end them in any way you want, just tell me. I can rip their heads off? Or I can torture them slowly until they beg for death. Just tell me. What do you wanna see?”
You look him in the eyes as he continues to rock your frame gently, moving the pieces of your hair from your face as he tucks them behind each ear.
Shifting your gaze momentarily towards the row of offenders who not only attempted to do harm to you, but had indeed taken the lives of others….women, children, and men who were all serving a purpose in life as mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons.
You’ll never forget, before you found out the truth on how the corrupt figures kneeling before you had coordinated and gained influence by making a deal with the archangel Jol, not even knowing that he had his own hidden agenda, by erasing mankind clean off the earth.
The image of the children that were torched alive, ripped open, cut into dozens of pieces as their time of execution arrived….the screams of each one, varied in age, yet desired the nurture and comfort of their mothers as they died brutally from the angels that were sent forth.
“…..this man….and his people…..they did that…they are responsible.”
For a moment, as you mentally remarked your voice in your head, a sprout of anger grew within you. You’ll never forget those screams…the bloodshed and the pain they had to endure….even though the angels were the ones committing the deed, it was this man who allowed corrupt heart to cause it all to happen. Not only that, but he had no sympathy in his eyes…just fear of losing his life. All of them did. There was not a single ounce of repentance for the lives lost, they were responsible for.
“What do you want me to do?” Heeseung whispers, taking notice of the inflamed spark in your eye as you glared over to the grown men and women that looked back at you, some were with pleading looks for you to spare them, others were with discontent as they burned with a hatred for you, like the one that Michael Forras was giving you right now.
“…..I’m not sure….I just….what I do know is that….” You stuttered out softly.
“What is it pretty? Do you want them to burn? I can do that….you them to burn?” He asks you, placing your hand over his heart as he cups it with his own.
Looking back up at him, you slightly nod as you issued your words.
“For the others…I don’t have a preference….but him….” You glared over to Forras, who returns it right back. “He……needs to get it the worst out of all of them…..whatever you can think of….just make him pay…..” you shift your eyes on the ground as you erase the image of the children that died, all the while Micahel Forras would sit atop his lavish building, located at the top floor, partaking in his fine dining and adorning himself with such expensive clothing.
Snarling a wide grin, Heeseung chuckles out aloud as he grabs your chin, and kisses you with such harsh passion.
“Oh my fucking girl! I’d do anything for you…you know that?”
Standing up from the bedding, he issues the command to his brothers for them to take the cult members and do away with them, to which they found their pleasures in doing so.
Leaving Forras behind, Heeseung walks up and using his own telekinetic powers, he levitates Forras’s body over towards his intolerable grip.
Grabbing the man by his hair, he drags him effortlessly over towards you.
“Stick out your feet, pretty.”
Throwing the man at your feet as you leave them dangling off the edge of the platform, Heeseung sits next to you once more. Shifting a thigh with a bent knee to lay flat on the bedding, he leaves one leg hanging off as he sits with crossed arms.
Glaring down at the man, he speaks firmly as he admires his fingertips, before taking your hand in his and admiring yours.
“Kiss her feet….it will be the last thing you’re going to taste before I kill you.”
Forras’s body shook from immense fear, all from the look in Heeseung’s eye. Doing as he bids, Forras begins to kiss each foot.
While admiring your fingertips, Heeseung speaks without even so much as glancing over to the grown man.
“….Now tell me….is it true?....from what I heard….you tried to force your filthy body on to my wife…..is that right?” Heeseung issues, all the while taking note of some fuzz underneat the very tip of your fingernail. Examining it closely, he reaches over and digs it out.
“I also heard that….when she fought you off….you had that piece of shit, Jol, assign those useless things to kill her off….riiiiiight?” Heeseung continued. You felt Forras gasping into sobs as he continued to kiss your feet.
“So?...” Heeseung re-crosses his arms, raising a brow as he glares down at the pitiful man. “Apologize.”
Forras looks up with wide eyes and a slightly confused look.
“I didn’t say stop either….kiss her feet and apologize to my fucking queen.”
Forras continues as Heeseung commanded, all the while he apologizes relentlessy, completely ridden with fear and panic.
“good….” Heeseung states calmly as he gets off the platform, and picks Forras back up by the hair once more.
“Now…..for all the things you did to her….and for pissing her off….BURN for it.”  With his grasp held tightly on Forras’s grape, the man’s body slowly engulfed in flames as Heeseung continued to hold him in mid air, not at all bothered by the flames that coated his arm and hand, having absolutely no effect on him.
Despite feeling that he deserved it, you still couldn’t find it in your heart to watch as you shunned your face away and winced your eyes shut, covering your hears to filter out the screams.
Turning back around, Heeseung looks over at you with the most sadistically loving smile, it was so dark and twisted, it would have been more than enough to make a serial killer’s skin crawl off their own body.
Walking over to you, looping his hands underneath your kneecaps as they remained hanging off the platform, he spreads them open as he situates himself in between your thighs. Grabbing hold of your neck, he lowers his body as he lays you down, hovering over you.
Placing his lips on your forehead, he takes a deep inhale before he pulls slightly back and gazes into your eyes. Taking your hand in his own, he places it on the back of his head, and curls your fingers inward, gesturing for you to grab onto his hair.
“Its okay if you want to pull…its not going to hurt me…..with what I’m about to do to you, you’re going to need some leverage…..” he smirks as his eyes grew wide upon staring deep into your peepers.
Sighing out a long and deep exhale through an open mouth, he speaks out once more.
“Oh…..my wife…..tell me....what is the name I blessed you with? I want to hear you say it.....tell me.....recite it, just like I showed you......"
The name....the name and title that he gave to you......
“You watch as the birds soar through the open skies. 
Only to fall in mid-flight, should they look into my my eyes. 
Observe the koi, as they grace the water with their beauty, and their color.
Watch them drown to the depths below, when they witness the glory of my wonder. 
Take pity on the moon, as it peers in the night with its glow, luster, and essence.
For it hides in shame once it notes my enchanting presence. 
At long last after its winter slumber, the flower takes full bloom, gleaming in pride.
Shutting away, noting thy face and heart, it propels to hide. 
Gaze upon my wings of black and white, 
Reflecting the darkness in my eyes, yet my heart remains light. 
I am as soft as the feather of an angels wing, yet sharp as the demon’s horn. 
I am the cause and reason, that our two worlds are left un-torn.
You stand happy and free, saved from the Devils wrath, hold those tears of relief from your cries. 
For it was I, who was left without a choice, devoured by his love, I paid the ultimate sacrifice. 
For the moment he knew I would eventually wake, 
My body and soul, was claimed and all for him to take. 
I am his love, his reason, and his obsession, 
All of which saved you, from the angels possession. 
Call me what the scriptures entail, as Lucina, the Queen of Hell, or Y/N, the mortal bride of the first archangel. 
No matter the title, I will forever be wrapped by the chains of his love, for which I am entangled. 
His gaze allows my soul to remain pure, but his touch devours my beauty, and leaves me tainted. 
He corrupts me with his kisses, a poison that I am eternally to receive as fated. 
I am both, the pitch darkness and the fair light of bliss. 
Beg of me, Helena, Wife of Helel, the Two-Toned Winged Goddess, will make you immortal with a kiss.”
Authors note: On to the next chapter! A F T E R M A T H It's in the works, stay tuned!
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07 @raishaii @@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
"You too, huh?": An Unhinged Ten/Jack/Martha Meta
Alright, so, Ten/Martha/Jack's dynamic has been rotating rent free in my brain all week. You have two people- Jack and Martha- who both admit to fancying a man who could never love them back, a man who is so embroiled in grief over a woman that Jack clearly once loved as much as he loved the Doctor, a man who showed them the stars and showed them the horrors of the universe. A man who directly leads to them both becoming greater and worse than they ever were before, a man who took their lives and twisted himself inside of every strand of them forever, a man who offered them a hand and kissed them and became the best and the worst thing to ever happen to them.
And it's not just the Year That Never Was- it's more than that. It's Jack dying for the Doctor and then being cursed with eternity and yet despite a century of being tortured by Torchwood/waiting for the Doctor, he never lost hope in the Doctor being able to fix him. It's Martha going through some of the worst shit any companion has had to in a single season (the racism/hopelessness she had to face in Human Nature/Family of Blood, being stuck in the 1960s for months and having to get a job with no guarantee that she'd ever make it out, having to walk the dystopian earth for a year with the weight of the literal world on her shoulders, nearly burning to death due to a living sun, taking on the psychological weight of keeping the Doctor steady- hell, the Doctor's purposeful ignorance of her feelings isn't even at the top of the list and yet it still did damage) and yet managing to find the strength to respect herself and leave.
It's the way that both of them have their images of the Doctor irreversibly cracked at the end of the Year That Never Was. They still believe in the Doctor, would still go to the ends of the earth for the planet, as we see in Journey's End, but they don't quite fancy him anymore. They can't. Jack was tortured and killed over and over again by the Master for a year straight and Martha was forced to walk the burning earth for a year straight while her family was tortured and yet at the end of it all, the Doctor didn't comfort them. He cradled the Master in his arms and begged him to regenerate and sobbed when he didn't.
It's the way that Martha and Jack are the ones to make the initial threats to Davros in Journey's End. (Yes, Sarah Jane helped with the warp star, and made threats of her own, but Martha and Jack opened up the comms. They looked the creator of the Daleks in the eyes and said do you hear me?) Martha and Jack walk off at the end of Journey's End holding hands, because they're so similar, at the end of the day, because they understand each other, because "you too, huh?"
But it's also the Doctor looking at them both and seeing Jack and seeing something wrong with the man he once loved (don't tell me that Nine didn't reciprocate his feelings, I've got a whole post on the Rose/Jack/Nine dynamic) that he can't ignore, because he's the last one of his species and he's the only one left to pay attention to the laws of time. It's the Doctor needing a doctor of his own, someone with a better grasp on themselves than he does, and completely ignoring the damage that it does to her to keep him steady.
It's the Doctor being unable to love Jack while Jack over and over again coming to his call. It's the Doctor coming the second that Martha calls him in the Sontaran Stratagem and maybe, just maybe, realizing that he got something wrong. It's about Martha being a doctor being a soldier and the Doctor being a soldier who never wanted to be a soldier but won't admit that he's a soldier and Jack being a con-man who was fixed and broken by a doctor and so became a soldier to find his Doctor.
(It's about the fact that after Journey's End happened and the Doctor lost Donna and Rose, he really should have realized what he could have had waiting for him. Maybe gone back and groveled and maybe gotten slapped and then gotten hugged. Or kissed. Or they slept together, if that's your jam.)
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gloriousmonsters · 3 months
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@whittertwitter the key to happy relationships is to find two people roughly as morally bankrupt and mentally ill as you (and, most importantly, as hot as you) and enable/check each other's issues to the extent where you all function remarkably well, considering how all your other relationships went! Agreed on the rough timeline thing, her dying in the 00s sounds right for sure (assuming that the show starts around where the pilot was released, that gives her a bit of time in Hell but still makes her obnoxiously new on the scene compared to other Overlords).
That said, a summation of Vox and Val's daddy issues (cw for abuse, suicide mentioned)
I still need to flesh out details/timeline of Vox's childhood, but I know that his dad was distant to the point of seeming to forget about his existence, sarcastic and emotionally cruel--primarily to Vox's mother, but the kid would occasionally come in for some--when he did remember he lived with other people, and was overall just an. intensely negative person, like sucks-all-the-energy-out-of-a-room vibes. (vox's mom was also emotionally neglectful and uncaring, but not ''''abusive-abusive''', if you get my point). He then proceeded to have an 'accident while cleaning a gun' when Vox was a young teenager, which Vox overheard his mother talking about the truth of--that it was suicide--with a friend. probably with a side helping of 'i can't believe he would be so weak/do something that shameful'.
I think his mother probably remarried very quickly, and Vox developed some auxiliary issues around not being able to become Man of the House when he was like, fourteen (although he would have hated it, he and his mom just did not like each other lol). But his relationship with the new guy was more just teeth-gritted tolerance, helping Vox build up his fake-ass geniality--his dad left him with some of the deep shit. Always be on guard, always control what you can. Power is cruel--and it might make people hate you, so hide it behind a smile, but even so it's better to be hated than weak. Being ignored is starvation, being judged and found wanting is a gut wound.
this mainly manifests in the intense desire to be needed and appreciated and affirmed in image whilst having behavioral patterns that mean only people who don't know you will like you
also there's just like, the bigotry and sexism he soaked up, but that's on his surrounding environment as much as his dad
Valentino (his mom is also heavily involved in Issues, so this is partly about her)
extremely physically and verbally abusive father, solely focused on his mother when Val was very young, but turning to include Val the moment he got old enough you could look at him and go 'something vaguely queer about this kid' + he could be judged as not being sufficiently cowed and respectful, which only got worse over time bc Val could not avoid making him angry and so usually gave up on even trying
his mother only managed to get away when Val was around 13, partly spurred to desperation by his father injuring him badly enough she was terrified Val might actually get killed if she stayed any longer (said event caused a concussion that left Val with vision/memory problems and headaches his entire life)
due to things getting that bad and the health issues that were clearly left over from it, his mom was intensely guilty for not being able to protect him/get out sooner, and compensated by investing herself completely in him; babying him physically and emotionally, never setting proper boundaries, taking his side in literally everything, etc etc. this lasted until she finally hit a limit and tried to point out he had anger issues (Kind Of Like Someone We Knew) when he was in his mid-20s
output: mother is cruel? mother is unyielding? i must leave for California i can no longer thrive in this environment
but seriously, anger issues + downplaying of said issues because he's not like his dad, he gets angry for legitimate reasons, and he can be so nice! all he wants is unconditional love, loyalty and commitment that doesn't waver or END like SOME PEOPLE who are apparently just waiting to ABANDON YOU
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aurevell · 2 years
My Most Brilliant Specimen
Steter | 2.6k | T AU-gust Prompt 25: Mad Scientist
Summary: If Stiles’s boss could just pretend to be a normal person in a normal workplace, that’d be great. Especially when there are prospective donors in the lab. Is that too much to ask?
It takes seven and a half minutes for someone to ask about the screaming. Stiles knows this because he set a timer on his phone when he started the tour.
Dr. Hale swore up and down that the whole torture thing would be “tasteful and discreet” and above all, quiet. Stiles argued that it didn’t exactly go that way the last time, but he was overruled.
Won’t be able to hear it, my ass, Stiles thinks, swallowing his long-suffering sigh.
“Eerie, isn’t it?” he says aloud, injecting false cheer into his tone. He’s a fucking professional, and at this point, he has a cover story for virtually everything. “Dr. Hale has been running an experiment to study the psychological effects of human voice mimicry on various test subjects.”
Actually, at this point in the day, it’s pretty likely those are the dying screams of Dr. Hale’s two former research assistants, now that his latest regenerated monstrosity in lab 3F has stopped toying with them. The price of attempted research theft is pretty steep around here.
Stiles makes a mental note to have the maintenance droids re-insulate that entire chamber.
Jill Lestner, the prospective donor from Quandary Research, narrows her eyes. “Is that ethical? Is there no possibility of a traumatic response?”
“Oh, I can promise you it’s regulation,” Stiles replies, without specifying whose.
He nimbly changes the subject to bring their attention to the recent terminal upgrades they’ve added, but he sees her scribbling into her notepad out of the corner of his eye.
Everyone gets forewarned that Dr. Hale doesn’t allow digital devices anywhere in the lab. In his emails, Stiles always cites typical concerns over information theft. In truth, he implemented the policy just in case someone sees something they shouldn’t (again) and tries to get photo evidence of it (again) to send it to the press (again). Ms. Lestner put up the most fuss about the rule by far, and thus far after their meeting in person, she’s living up to Stiles’s impression that she has zero chill.
As they step out of the main hall, Stiles leads them into one of the safer areas of the lab. Most of the room is centered around the array of screens on the far wall, each presenting images, graphs, and data from Dr. Hale’s most recent experiments. Or at least the ones Stiles hand-selected for their political correctness.
“This is where Dr. Hale compiles and analyzes most of his data. As you probably know, most of his latest work involves mapping out the cognitive responses of wolf packs in comparison with human social dynamics.” (Stiles is going to be pointing to this one analysis a lot, because it’s one of the few fully ethical ones they have on offer.)
“Will we meet Dr. Hale after the tour?” one of the donors interrupts.
“No,” Stiles says, though he’s literally crossing his fingers behind his clipboard. “He’s very busy today.”
Dr. Hale sees, but usually ignores, all of his memos about the daily agenda, so Stiles fervently hopes the man is still wrapped up in whatever display of lunacy his boredom has deigned to inflict on humanity. Last Stiles saw, he was coaxing one of his created monstrosities to start the morning’s mauling nice and slow, with “maybe just a few fingers” and trading insults with one of his cocky ex-research assistants. (Stiles never liked Brad, and he’s got no qualms about saying the dude doesn’t know when to shut up.)
“Never too busy to welcome guests,” a pleasant voice says over Stiles’s shoulder, and Stiles bites back a tired sigh.
Wearing his usual charming smile and the thick-framed glasses that accentuate his sharp face, Dr. Hale slips out from the hall to join them.
His lab coat isn't covered in viscera at the moment—thank god—but he is holding a beaker full of a smoking black liquid. Stiles knows it’s just coffee with a harmless reagent to make it smoke, but no one in the tour group will know that, so he feigns being a dutiful assistant by prying it from Dr. Hale’s hands before the man can terrify anyone by drinking from it.
“Dr. Hale! It’s an honor to meet you,” one of the donors says. “We’ve heard such good things about your work.”
“Your laboratory is lovely,” Ms. Lestner adds, smiling.
They move in to shake hands with him, each donor adding their own layer of appreciation to the pile.
Okay. Okay. Maybe this will be fine, Stiles reassures himself, setting the steaming beaker on the nearest table as he watches Dr. Hale take compliments with grace like a totally reasonable human being.
After all, the scientist can be charming when he wants to be. When it works to his advantage. And when he makes an effort, he has a natural charisma that puts people at ease. Stiles used to fall for it all the time, and he remembers how good it felt.
They’ll just…exchange pleasantries, and we’ll send these people on their way, completely unmutilated by reanimated creatures or sentient robots, and we’ll get all the funding I’ve been lining up.
Of course, the key thing to remember about Dr. Hale is that he’s charming when he wants to be.
“If I may say so, your recent work seems so…clean. Modern,” one of the donors ventures. “We were just—”
Someone coughs pointedly, and the man trails off.
“You were just…?” Dr. Hale asks, his casual smile growing sharper.
The donors glance amongst themselves, like they’re voting for someone to take charge of an awkward situation, and Stiles braces himself.
“We were half-expecting…well, incomprehensible horrors,” Ms. Lestner finishes, and the others chuckle.
“Oh, no, they’re quite comprehensible once you see them coming for you,” Dr. Hale reassures him.
Several members of the group let out weak, uncomfortable laughs.
Stiles clears his throat. “Why don’t we move on to the—?”
“So what is your most current project?” Ms. Lestner asks, pen poised over her notebook.
Stiles would be a terrible assistant if he didn’t have a PC answer ready to go for that lowball inquiry.
“As a matter of fact,” he begins, glancing at Dr. Hale in a way that he hopes communicates warning and also a threat that Stiles will stop reordering that stupid artisanal foie gras he likes for the kitchens, “his latest efforts include studying cranial electro-stimulation in—”
“Using cranio electro-stimulation to prevent or alter certain behaviors in subjects.”
Stiles is going to murder him, whether the man has constructed a death ray or no. “That’s not—”
“That would be a clear breach of ethics,” Ms. Lestner says slowly.
“Like aggression in wolves?” one of the other donors asks, rather diplomatically. His eyes dart to the displays on the screens behind them and then back to Stiles. “You mentioned—”
Before Stiles can answer, Dr. Hale offers a winning smile. “It’s a fancy way of saying ‘mind control research,’” he clarifies.
Stiles rubs at his temples. Yep, they’re done here. Two full weeks of effort down the drain.
To their credit (or maybe discredit), there’s a moment of silence like the donors are debating the answer, or maybe even willing to give Dr. Hale the benefit of the doubt. The same man begins, “But I thought…”
Dr. Hale looks sly enough to stab in the face. He sidles closer to Stiles, putting a hand over his shoulders, and the only reason Stiles doesn’t throw it off is because he thinks any movement might make it impossible to control his homicidal impulses.
“Oh, you’ll have to take my secretary’s words with a grain of salt. He’s just a biohazard that escaped the test chambers a while back. Serious delusions of grandeur.”
The donors actually glance at Stiles in alarm, like maybe it’s true.
Stiles scowls. “Oh my god. He’s joking. All of that is just a joke—”
“Alright, this has been interesting,” Dr. Hale says, sliding his hand to the small of Stiles’s back, which does not make Stiles shiver, and stepping away. “But as my secretary said—”
“I am an assistant,” Stiles hisses.
“—I’m terribly busy. If you’ll excuse me, I must attend to my work.”
He turns on his heel in a way Stiles knows he’s practiced, making his lab coat flare out dramatically behind him, and disappears back into the hall.
The donors stare at Stiles dubiously, gazes drifting up and down as if to catalog any features that might identify him as a biological monstrosity.
“Tour’s over,” he sighs. “Just get out.”
Stiles’s happy place isn’t so much an emotional state of mind as it is the darkroom of lab 2C, where most of the wall is cluttered with bubbling flasks and condensers that are currently distilling…something.
Dr. Hale explained it to him once. Or rather lectured, and not without extreme condescension. But all Stiles knows is whatever’s running through the tubes along that wall glows in a cosmic bloom of pinks and purples, and the movements of the toxic fluid are weirdly soothing. So he sits on the lab table, legs crossed like he’s desperately trying meditation again (no, it didn’t work the first hundred times), and reminds himself that if Dr. Hale suddenly dies in a mysterious but tragic accident, he probably won’t get paid. And also that there’s never a good time to tell your boss to get fucked.
When he’s ready to be an adult—because one of them has to be, and as the paid party in this relationship he guesses it’ll have to be him—he wanders the lab until he finds Dr. Hale in his office on subfloor three.
He has a lot of polite, professional statements rehearsed, but when he sees the anticipatory smirk on Dr. Hale’s face, what comes out is: “So, do you have to behave like a child every time I try to get actual people from the science community in here?”
Bertie, the maintenance droid that always chirps hello at Stiles when it starts work in the morning, is reversing an acid stain in the carpet, but other than that, it’s just the two of them in the open room. Dr. Hale, smirk intact, swivels in his chair to face Stiles head-on.
“I’d like to think I can do whatever I like in my own lab.”
“You know how angry you get when we lose potential grant money for quote no apparent reason end quote.”
Dr. Hale scoffs. “I told you not to invite them here, didn’t I? The science community. I miss the days when everyone knew and accepted that science was full of explosions that might level a building or two. Now it’s just a bunch of fucking applications.”
Stiles takes a deep breath. Holds it. Lets it go. “Applications that help us keep this place funded.”
Dr. Hale waves a hand dismissively. “It’s fine. I know the board members, and Deucalion is in my corner.”
“Yeah, but only because he’s almost as mad as you are. And he’s only one person on your side. So—”
They’re treading back into a recurring argument that neither of them wants to have, so Stiles isn’t surprised when Dr. Hale says curtly, “Just drop it.”
Stiles runs a hand through his hair, half annoyed and half relieved. And then he drops it. Dr. Hale glares at him suspiciously, but Stiles doesn’t actually need his blessing. He’ll just try again next month, when Dr. Hale’s in Canada for the International Disruptive Science Convention, and Stiles can pretend the whole lab is a normal workplace with no accidents in the last year let alone the past twenty-four hours.
He realizes Dr. Hale looks maybe a bit more pissed than the situation deserves. His notes are scattered across the desk, and there seems to have been an avalanche of crumpled papers near the trash can.
Planning gone wrong? A failed experiment? If so, it would explain why he engaged in his favorite self-care activities: disposing of his enemies and fucking with ‘plebians.’
Stiles is a little loath to do it right now, but validating Dr. Hale’s self-worth is technically in his job description. (He should know, he’s picked through the thing with a fine-toothed comb to check for loopholes after being stupid enough to sign). He sighs, folding his arms and coming to sit on the corner of Dr. Hale’s desk, ignoring the glare over his choice of seating.
“Look,” he tries. “Dr. Hale—”
“Peter. I’ve told you to call me—”
“Dr. Hale,” Stiles insists, desperately clinging to the thin veil of formality keeping him from gouging the man’s eyes out with a pen, “whatever you’re upset about, it doesn’t matter anyway. Whatever you come up with, I’m sure it’ll…blow everyone away. Probably literally, whether or not that’s what you’re going for. (And especially the writers of that paper that disagreed with your findings in the last Journal of Abnormalities),” he adds in a low voice, unable to help himself.
“Don’t be patronizing,” Dr. Hale scowls. “I have three doctoral degrees and a master’s.”
“Yeah, but it’s a master’s in enology,” Stiles retorts petulantly, though he does so under his breath.
“More importantly,” Dr. Hale adds, swiveling back to face the desk, “I’ve decided we should make Ms. Lestner the next test subject for use in lab 3F.”
Stiles blinks at the change of subject. “What? For your little monster pet?”
“Be a darling and make sure it happens by end of day.”
“Are you shitting me? I can’t—”
Dr. Hale rolls his eyes. “I thought we’d moved past your annoying morals.”
“Yeah, no, I couldn’t give a fuck about her. She sidetracked the tour right off the bat with all her questions about the civil codes for this place. But we should have kidnapped her before she left. I’m not doing it now. And neither is anyone else,” he adds, when Dr. Hale glances pensively at Bertie.
“I am paying you to take orders,” Dr. Hale says, taking off his reading glasses.
It’s incredibly unfortunate, Stiles thinks, that Peter—that Dr. Hale looks so fucking good in a lab coat. And both in and out of those glasses, and with those eyes. He hates that it does something to him. And though he wishes he really believed the asshole slipped some kind of mind-altering agent into his lunch one day, he’s pretty sure it’s just his luck. It’s unfair on cosmic levels that he's contracted an ill-advised little obsession with his boss when the guy’s a total prick.
So he takes no small amount of joy in patting Dr. Hale condescendingly on the shoulder. “Not nearly enough.”
He can’t spin around quite as dramatically as Dr. Hale does, but he turns on his heel and strides out anyway.
“Close, but not quite,” Dr. Hale calls after him. “I’ll teach you, but you’ll need a coat.”
Stiles grumbles under his breath all the way upstairs. His office is on the main floor, not only because he’s a normal person who enjoys looking out of sunlit windows instead of fumbling around in basements, but also because it’s almost as far as he can possibly get from Dr. Hale’s office.
Booking Dr. Hale’s flight to the conference next month calms him down, though he’s not sure if there’ll be any way to clean out the bloodstains on 3F by the time he sets up the next tour. And then he stares through the window, wondering how far the donors possibly could have gotten in the last twenty minutes.
He emails Ms. Lestner on the pretense of apologizing for the display earlier, asking her to meet him back here for a one-on-one tour and a personal Q&A session with Dr. Hale. Then he pulls up Bertie’s task list for the day, typing in a command to fetch her when she arrives.
This asshole does not deserve me, he thinks mournfully, and hits Enter.
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sinful-huntress · 1 year
Klaus x witch that’s smaller/younger than him but in actuality older.
Everyone's confused now... Dynamic Duo
Laying next to Klaus in bed, both of you having spent yourselves in battle. Maybe you'd gone a little too far, but it wasn't like that demon beast was going to roll over for belly rubs. And neither of you could just let the beast get past you. As the last line of defense, it was between you, Klaus, and Steven to put things down.
But the adrenaline wasn't dying down anytime soon. Not even a shower had helped in that regard. Though Klaus was hesitant to make a move on you, worried about pushing your limits more so than his own. Not that it would stop you from making a move on Klaus, not when you had the best view on the battlefield today.
Blankly staring at him as he read his little novel. Quite literally, the book looked absolutely minuscule in his massive hands. Your mind racing with the image of how his shirt ripped wide open, along with his vest and tank top. Just how sexy he looked as he yanked the collar away from his neck to avoid it getting snagged.
It was all you could do to avoid drooling over him then and there. Especially the way he tackled you out of the way of danger, being so close to him that way... practically buried in his chest, able to hear his heart pounding. It was not the time nor place to let yourself think that way then. But now was the perfect moment.
But Klaus couldn't ignore your dreamy-eyed stare forever. His face was starting to resemble a tomato, a tomato with matching sideburns. Yet the idea of asking, of disturbing your thought process had his stomach doing backflips. Especially when he found this expression so very adorable, as adorable as he found you in general.
"Liebling?" Klaus couldn't take it any longer, "Is everything okay? You- you're staring."
Blinking yourself back to reality, you shook your head, "Sorry, I was... uh... I was just thinking about earlier today, during the battle."
"Please, don't beat yourself up over the things that could have been..."
You cut Klaus off with a soft laugh, making him question his own attempts to comfort you. Reaching out to keep you from falling off the bed, not that you were in danger of doing so.
"That- that wasn't what I was thinking about." You coughed a little, "It was... a little more uh..."
Klaus couldn't help but shiver as your hand slid up his arm. Despite the lack of words, he understood what you meant. Suddenly becoming hyper-aware of how he must have looked during the course of battle. Hiding his face even as he scooted a little closer, he couldn't deny your silent request.
Leaning into a soft kiss, Klaus subconsciously pulled you closer. His own adrenaline revving back up as he adjusted the two of you into a comfortable position. Klaus couldn't ignore his own mind racing between how you'd looked earlier today and how badly he wanted you right now.
A soft, firm hand slid around your body, gently moving the fabrics of your night clothes as you let yourself mindlessly caress Klaus's arms. Lips pressed tightly against one another while your tongues fought for dominance, fighting against the soft moans and growls easing out of your throats. Barely pulling away for air, Klaus's eyes wandered your nearly naked form both of you blushing fiercely even as hands kept going along their paths across each other's bodies.
"You're beautiful mein Liebling," Klaus whispered, leaning down to whisper against your neck, "Meine kleine Hexe."
The slight shiver that ran up your spine was spurred on by how Klaus cradled you. So gently, yet respectfully as his fangs grazed the soft edge of your neck. You were very aware of how small you were compared to Klaus, but he wasn't giving you much time to think about it. Kissing along your neck and shoulder, trailing down the front of your body.
How he managed to be this flexible was still a mystery to you. Just not one you could think about too often, nor one you wanted to think about. Not when you could just enjoy the facts and slightly ignore how he was tugging you up on the pillows as well as moving down the side of your body. Slow, tender kisses that hovered in the nebulous area of feeling like kisses and feeling like Klaus was trying desperately to massage you with his lips.
Wrapping a leg around his hip, hooking onto his side as best you could, it was all you could do to reciprocate his advances. Making sure he knew you enjoyed this, that you wanted him to be bold. You might be a witch, but Klaus had a whole different kind of magic over you. And you loved it.
The feeling of him sliding one large finger into your entrance had you arched flush against his body. One deep moan as Klaus slowly fingered you, not wanting to hurt you no matter how badly you both wanted to go further. The gentle twisting and slow thrusting as his hand carefully wedged his finger in knuckle deep before adding another.
It left you breathless. On the verge of seeing stars and rainbows, all the while clinging to those broad shoulders. You almost couldn't take a third finger, whimpering softly as you were being stretched to your limit.
Klaus eased his hand away slowly, though you only fully registered it when he gripped your thighs. The slight pain of having him sheathed inside you felt so good. The soft rocking making the bed creak underneath you, grunting and groaning louder as Klaus thrust into you.
This had to be some kind of magic you just couldn't learn...
Every motion of your bodies messed up the bed further, even if it was slower than most would even go. You couldn't help but reach for something to grip as the pressure mounted steadily, unwilling to claw at Klaus. Not that he would have minded, he was already partially bandaged for other things. It would be easy enough to play off a few more little scratches.
"Ah~ Ah~." You panted, "Klaus! AH~~"
He normally would pull out, but there wasn't enough time for that. Not this time, Klaus had truly lost himself tonight. Even so, he lingered, enjoying the soft pulse of your bodies still flush against one another.
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About my fic "Frozen"...
One of the posts of the series "no one asked", but I just need to release my thoughts into the void. Beware, spoilers incoming. If you still want to read it, don't bother with this post. Here's the fic if you're interested.
I'm not going to explain why I chose that song as a theme (you can read it in my fic comments if you're interested), because when I talk about something personal I don't like repeating myself (I wasn't in a good emotional state when I wrote it, either... for reasons I won't explain).
The topic I want to talk about is the tarot card I used there, it was three tarot cards in particular. The Fool, The Devil, and Death. The first two are very nice cards, but I'm going to talk about the last one here, because I find its symbolic and the topic it's related to very fascinating (I think it might be my favorite card in general, because I'm the local edgelady lmao).
First, I'll share the image of the card from my deck:
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It's of course the death itself above the grave with the remains in it. There's a cat person (because the whole deck is cats) walking away from it.
The meaning of the card is transformation. Something dies, so something else has to start. The cycle of death and revival. NOT the actual death, so if you get that in your reading it rarely means something like that, usually it's the end of something. It has to die for something else to grow. It might be an intense, but beneficial change.
The zodiac sign associated with this card is Scorpio (which I have a huge mental boner for, like everyone knows already, I can never shut up about my Mars in Scorpio 😂) and its number is XIII, so it's pretty cool.
Now, on topic of my fic. The whole transformation into a vampire is literally dying and being revived as something else, something better, right? Your old, human shell has to die in order for a better being to grow out of it. First, Joel dies and Samy gets Taz (who's already a vampire) to revive him as one of his kind. He joins them, because he doesn't want to leave them (or be left alone), he's attached to his friends this much. That's one of the ways Death manifests itself in this fic.
Another one is Joel's suicide. He kills himself because of his broken heart and when he turns into a vampire, he's no more that sweet and sensitive man. He gets cold, humans are just food and sexual toys to him, he cuts himself off his emotional side. It's beneficial to him in a way, because he isn't in emotional pain anymore. Even Samy wants to keep Aleksi away from Joel, because his presence messes with his head. He wants to protect his friend from getting hurt again (especially after Aleksi says mean things about Joel... of course he has good reasons, but Samy knows Joel's past and he's protective over his friend's feelings).
One more meaning of Death is how it changes Aleksi. He's a very carefree, enthusiastic intern at a newspaper, wants to get a promotion and write something amazing that would get him the actual journalist job, so he risks a lot. He's The Fool, who plays with The Devil (Joel), which ends up in his own metaphorical Death when Joel almost kills him after biting him for the second time and drinking too much of his blood. When he wakes up, it's in his warm bed, with Joel being suddenly very soft with him and opening up about the trauma that caused him to become that emotionally "frozen" person.
In the end he promises to try to be nicer. It doesn't end with great love confessions, but with them agreeing to work on their issues together and treating each other with respect. It's a subtle, but very positive ending, because difficult relationships require work, not grand emotional displays and ignoring the issues.
So, that's basically it. I really like this fic and even if it's not popular (idk why tbh 😅), it's one of my favorites. If someone read all of my babbling until this point, thank you 💖
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percontaion-points · 1 year
TOWB chapters 53-56
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 53
The betrayal rippling off her threatened to cleave Ranka in two. 
“You lied to me,” Aramis whispered. “About all of it.”
Your grandfather reduced an entire race of people to being less than human. You encroached on their lands to starve them out, and made them reliant upon your aid. Furthermore, you forced a literal CHILD from her home to come help you keep the rest of her people (people that I’d like to remind you, that they still treat along the same way as monkeys) in line for another generation. 
“Did they ever try to change the public outrage directed at you?” Ongrum asked coldly. “Did they order you extra guards or do anything to ensure the violence increasing against witches didn’t blow back on you?”
Once again, I find myself siding with the people who are supposed to be the antagonists. Cause she’s right. The twins treated Ranka like shit. They dismissed and ignored her, and then chastised her when she tried to do literally anything. 
She wasn’t smart enough for any of this. Wasn’t strong enough. That’s why she needed people like the twins, like Ongrum. People with answers and clear minds.
This girl’s spine is so soft, she’d willingly follow anybody who offered her a cornchip crumb. Girl would follow Hitler if he somehow showed up in this world. 
“But people will die,” Ranka protested weakly. “If winalin spreads, so many will get sick, and—” 
“People always die,” Ongrum said. “But they’ll be dying for a better world. A new world.”
And this is where she lost me. It’s literally not up to her if people live or die. She’s simply a sociopath with not an ounce of empathy. 
Ranka loosened her grip on the axe. In a wide, great arc, she sent the blade flying into the cabinet, and even Aramis’s scream couldn’t drown out the sound of the vials of the vaccine shattering against salt.
Chapter 53 summary: So Ongrum has shown up. She calls Ranka out on her bullshit, and is like “Wake up, girl! They aren’t your friends! They’ve been manipulating you. The same way that Viv manipulated you.” *Not mentioned is how Ongrum herself manipulated Ranka to her own gains*
She also mentions that if the wonder twins had any interest in actually ensuring that relations between the witches and humans was good, at literally any time, the twins could have done something about The Hand’s growing numbers, or about the anti-witch propaganda that they put out. Once again, she’s not wrong. Ranka was kind of fucking stupid about the entire thing. 
However, Ongrum is like “THERE IS NO CURE!” Ranka hates that she’s now being forced to decide between her family and this girl that she made out with once. And she obviously picks her family, and destroys the vials in the cabinet. 
Chapter 54
Nothing like the book spoiling itself. 
And now the prince wasn’t just a prince. He had a name. He was a boy who’d stood by her when a witch turned to kill them, and when he’d thought they were facing their last moments, he’d held her hand.
Okay. And? He’d still fed into the system that kept all of the witches as second-class citizens. 
Don’t give me any of that bullshit about “he wasn’t crowned yet”, either. As Ongrum pointed out, at literally any point, he could have stopped The Hand. He could have started offering aid to the witch covens. But he didn’t, and was willing to get caught up in a shitty, loveless marriage to Ranka simply because it’s what his grandfather and father did. 
“I thought you were better than this, Ranka. I thought you were braver.”
Literally not one single thing about Ranka’s behavior THIS ENTIRE FUCKING BOOK has indicated that she is in any way remotely brave. She blindly follows whomever is walking in front of her, no matter who it is. 
So why, after everything she’d fought for—after everything she’d sacrificed— did it feel like she’d failed?
Chapter 54 summary: After that, the witches grabbed Aramis and threw her into a cell. The book glossed over what happened next, but they basically finished taking over the palace and started to get really shit-faced. Ongrum stands up and begins to monologue, but I’m beyond caring at this point. The book is too, and most of this part can be summed up with “Ranka mopes about how shitty and unfair life is”. 
Some of the witches come back with Percy, and said that he escaped, and killed 2 witches before they could recapture him. Ranka tells the others that he’s from the place that created the plague, so Ongrum decides that they should keep him around. This makes no sense except that the author clearly didn’t want to kill one of her main characters. Percy is livid over Ranka’s “betrayal”, but I feel like his opinions of Ranka have never really mattered. 
Chapter 55
“But we can’t stay here. Who cares who rules Seaswept? It’s not our home.” 
I’m sorry, but unless you want to end up being actually slaughtered this time, you’d better stay and fill that power vacuum. 
Ranka has one IQ point and she doesn’t even know how to use it. 
Ongrum smiled. “Why don’t I show you?”
Chapter 55 summary: Ranka continues to mope around, only now she does so while she roams the palace halls. She runs into Tafa, who tells her that they’re all staying here so that they can fill the power vacuum. After all, if the witches were to withdraw, then one of those anti-witch cultists would take over. And then they would be back in square one. (I’d also like to remind everybody that those anti-witch cultists egged on the witches, so I’m waiting for that shoe to drop.) 
Ranka continues to mope around until Ongrum shows up. Ranka begs to go home, that her job here is done. Ongrum says that she has something to show Ranka that’s the reason why she can’t send Ranka home quite yet. 
Chapter 56
“We won. We can go back to the north and have this all be done with!”
 “It’ll never be done with.” Ongrum’s eyes flashed. “Don’t you see, child? We’re vulnerable. If some far-off island nation could make something so dangerous, who’s to say something else won’t land on our shores in a few years?” 
Again, it’s really fucking hard to side with the main character when she’s intentionally being this fucking stupid!
“A country is not a coven,” Ranka said slowly. “This is not a group of sixty witches in the woods. There are millions of people in Isodal, Ongrum. Entire districts, each led by their own Council member. Covens don’t pass laws. We don’t govern. We don’t even know how to govern.”
She’s not exactly making her case.
She’s literally saying that they’re a bunch of country hicks who don’t fucking do anything. GIRL, THIS IS WHY YOU WERE OPPRESSED AND SLAUGHTERED. 
Filling the room, secured in makeshift cages, chained to the walls and tied to the infirmary beds, were dozens upon dozens of winalin witches.
Chapter 56 summary: Ongrum takes Ranka through the castle. Ongrum stops to talk to somebody, to ask where so-and-so is. The other witch says that so-and-so died, which is surprising to Ranka, because the lady was alive a few hours ago. 
Ongrum then turns back to Ranka and they continue to have a tedious back and forth about the following: we can’t go home because pretending like we’re dumb country hicks who don’t have an opinion about what’s going on in the city is how we ended up like this to begin with! I’ve said what I’ve said about it, and I’m getting tired of repeating myself. Ranka is stupid, borderline “too stupid to live”. 
Ongrum finally opens up a door to the infirmary, showing Ranka that the room is full of witches, each of them with the plague. I can’t wait for that to come back and bite them in the ass. 
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rrandomtthings · 3 years
Why Bkdk is NOT toxic:
A look through their relationship throughout the series
Cw// MAJOR bnha manga spoilers
As bakudekus, we experience that “bkdk is toxic!1!” argument on a daily. It’s something that we have all just.. let sit next to us knowing that it’s always going to be there. Of course, and understandably, it bothers most of us. What many see, especially non-manga readers, isn’t what we see.
Let’s start off with what they see. In the first episode/chapter, we start off with Bakugous infamous “Swan dive off the roof” line.
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Of course, no matter how you look at it, this was a terrible thing that Bakugou said to Izuku. There is no excuse. Telling someones to kts, no matter how you may disagree and not see eye to eye, is always inexcusable (this applies to real life too!!)
Later in the chapter, Bakugou carries around a can that says “Lip Service,” which, pretty much means being all talk and not meaning actions behind the words that are being said (usually said with a negative connotation.)
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Once again, does this excuse what he said to Izuku? Absolutely not. However, this does give us insight on the future and when we find out about how Bakugou feels for Deku.
Note: As for the bullying prior to this scene, there is no proof that Bakugou continuously bullied Deku as of when this has been written.
Then, the sludge incident happened. At first glance, Deku looked horrified at the attack. However, he didn’t make any moves as he assumed that the heroes will come in and save the person. Once it was revealed to him that it was Bakugou, Izuku had his “My body moved on its own” moment and did not even hesitate to save Kacchan.
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After the sludge villain attack, it was explicitly stated that Bakugou had not bullied Deku since then.
Now, the two are in UA and it is revealed that Deku has a quirk to Bakugou. A quirk that he was told to keep its origins of a secret. However, Deku told Bkg about OFA, ignoring All Mights warnings because he felt like he could not lie to Kacchan. Despite them still having a very rocky relationship at this point in the series, Deku still felt the need to tell Kacchan about OFA. He could not lie to him. He could lie to his mom, all of UA, everyone in the world, but not to Kacchan.
Fast forward to DVK2 and they are fighting out their emotions. Here, Deku talks about how, although he hated those small parts of Bakugou that bullied him, he never let the bad outshine the good. He always looked up to Bakugou and wanted to be just like him.
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Deku compares how he sees Kacchan to All Might. His literal hero. The man who he idolizes like crazy. He felt closer and more inspired by Kacchan than All Might. Because Kacchan was always there next to him. In Dekus eyes, despite the bullying and all, he saw Kacchan as more than All Might.
Izuku expresses how he is the only one who can accept Bakugous feelings. Not because it is explicitly about the two of them, rather it’s because he is the only one willing to listen and understand where he is coming from. And Bakugou knows this too. He could have easily asked anyone else, but instead he chose Izuku. He trusted Deku enough to be vulnerable around him.
During this fight, Bakugou expresses how he always thought that Deku continuously looked down on him. And it’s because he has never seen such genuine kindness from anyone. He was always expected to get up on his own. All because of his quirk and how he was praised for being gifted with such. He always thought that Izuku had an “attitude” that he was so unfamiliar with.
Deku, during their fight, although he does not say it out loud because he thinks that it “sounds stupid,” talks about how he sees Kacchan and his image of victory. To him, when he thinks of victory, Kacchan is who comes to mind.
After this fight, they are able to start to see eye to eye and start to understand each other’s perspectives. Now that Bakugou knows about OFA, they start to work and grow together. Win to save and Save to win.
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In the JT arc there are very fun moments between the two as they start becoming more and more friendly with each other. They continue to try and one up each other, but it is much different than before. There is a lighter undertone to their words and actions. They start hanging out in the meeting room with All Might as there is also a lot of banter between the two—this is when their relationship has started to mend. Not to mention, during this arc Deku unlocks black whip all because Monoma insulted Kacchan.
Now, after the two spend so much time together with the JT and Endeavor agency arcs, the two has become much closer than they were at the beginning of the series. The two have started to mend their bond and continue to do so.
Then, the war arc.
After realizing that Shigaraki is after OFA, Deku makes the decision to follow after him. Throughout these panels, he looks absolutely terrified. Of course, why wouldn’t he be? He is about to run into a battle field all on his own, without any support and with no one knowing what he plans to do.
However, Kacchan does.
Kacchan follows Deku to Shigaraki. He claims that it’s because he has “unfinished business” with him, but, while that may be partly true, that’s not the full truth (I.e. he wants to protect Deku.)
Now, the two have reached Shigaraki and Deku is fighting against him. Bakugou tells Deku to get away from him and that he should be the last person near him. The response Bakugou gets is that no one else can defeat Shigaraki as Kacchan watches Deku in absolute fear that he will end up being terribly hurt.
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Side note: look at the terror in his eyes.. I’m gonna sob
Within this specific fight with Shigaraki, there are many heroes with the two. Some of which are Endeavor, Shouto, Rock Lock, Aizawa (injured), etc. Despite knowing that this is a child up in the air fighting Shigaraki, some (not Rock Lock, he had the right idea with questioning why children are on the battle field) look in amazement as Deku continuously breaks himself so he can try and get Shigaraki down.
However, Kacchan sees past this as he yells at the other heroes about how this is not helping Deku in the slightest and that he is going to get himself killed at the rate that he was going.
Bakugou devises a plan to try and help Deku and to get Shigaraki down as the heroes look in awe at Deku. He uses Shouto and Endeavor as they try and get up to where the two were and have Endeavor use his Prominence Burn on Shigaraki in hopes that would bring him down.
While Bakugou is flying them up to Deku, he has a flashback to a conversation with All Might.
They were training Deku with black whip. They were playing a game called “Catch a Kacchan” (I will never get over how cute this name is 😭) and they called in others to help Deku practice with quirks similar to the ones that he will eventually or has either unlocked (Uraraka for Float, Tsu for black whip, etc.)
As All Might and Bakugou watch on as Deku trains, they have a conversation.
Bakugou asks All Might why he is hiding information about the fourth user from Deku. No, he doesn’t ask, he confronts him. He confronts his childhood hero for the sake of Deku. He straight up tells All Might to stop keeping information from, knowing that this could potentially harm him.
Bakugou is upset at that point. He wishes for All Might to stop keeping secrets from them, more specifically Deku.
Then, as the two continue to talk, All Might brings up the fact that he is worried for Izuku. And Bakugou is too, to which he does not deny in any sort of way.
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Note: once again, even when they’re not on the battle field, Bakugou looks so worried for Deku. Many have speculated that him looking tired throughout this chapter (ch. 284) has to do with him continuously worrying about Izuku and thinking about their past together.
Bakugou continues the conversation as he talks about how Deku does not understand how special he is. All Might brings up the idea of atonement and questions Bakugou as to whether that is what he is doing with Deku as a way to make up for their past, to which Bakugou does not disagree upon. The conversation then ends with All Might talking about how the two will eventually get to talk this out together and allow for Bakugou to express his worries for Deku to him.
Then, the scene changes back to the battle field as Endeavor uses his Prominence Burn onto Shigaraki, only for it to fail as he got right back up due to his regeneration.
The battle continues between Deku and Shigaraki (who at this point is AFO) as he releases Quirk Activation spikes in Izukus direction.
Kacchan, seeing as Deku is about to get hurt, rushes to him in an instant.
Throughout this scene, we see Bakugous inner monologue. Here, we are shown all his regrets with his and Dekus relationship. How he completely regrets bullying him in the past. Deku are his final thoughts in a moment where he thinks he is about to die.
Kacchan had his “my body moved on its own” moment as he rushed in to save Deku.
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After Bakugou was hit, his first words to Deku were to try and calm him down and to tell him to not win this on his own.
Upon seeing Kacchan hurt, to even say that Deku went bat shit crazy would be an understatement. He was absolutely livid as we see him fight like never before.
As Deku continues to fight against Shigaraki, Shouto flies up with his fire quirk to catch Bakugou as he is falling, to which he eventually grabs Deku after him and Shigaraki separate and Izuku starts to fall.
After putting them on the ground, Shouto goes back and fight with Nejire.
As Iida had arrived at the battle field by this point, he tries to help an injured Bakugou get out of the battle field. However, Bakugou refuses as he continues to fight.
Here, it is revealed that Bakugou, just by seeing Deku almost die, has never felt so close to death in his lifetime. Not when Bakugou got kidnapped. Not when class 1A was attack at the USJ, not after he was stabbed. It was the thought of Deku dying that made him feel like he was about to die.
The need to get to Deku caused for a quirk evolution as he had to advance his quirk in that moment to be able to reach Deku.
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After the battle is done, Bakugou falls into a 2 day coma. When he wakes up, the first thing he asks is how Deku, Todoroki, Aizawa, etc. are doing.
Upon hearing that Deku is still asleep, Kacchan rushes out of bed to get to his room despite still being heavily injured. At this moment, Bakugou knew that he would not be able to talk to Deku. He just wanted to know if he was okay. He just wanted to see him.
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After having to tie him up with Tsuyus tongue, knowing that that if they tie him up with anything else he would explode it, Bakugou yells “Why am I awake while you’re still asleep?” towards Dekus room as he is being dragged away by the class.
Many have taken that line as a way of showing that Bakugou fully expected to die for Deku at that moment. And he was willing to. Seeing that his effort to protect him failed and led to Deku being in a coma only greatly upset Kacchan.
At the moment that this has been written, Deku still hasn’t woken up and Kacchan was forced back to his room.
If after reading this post you still think that bkdk is toxic because of their past, I do want you to understand that people change. We all have a past, a present, and a future. You are not who you were in your past. You are who you are in the present, and you will be someone different in the future.
Bakugou clearly regrets how he treated Deku. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. He is trying to change and mend their relationship. They are living in the present right now, not the past.
Izuku does not hold any grudge against him and even admits that he feels blessed to be able to have conversations with Kacchan.
When it comes to Bakudeku, so many only look at the first episode. Even if you’re just an anime-only, the anime has DVK2. The episode where a lot of their progression comes from.
At this point, if you still think that their relationship is toxic, then im really not sure what to tell you. If your argument is still “in the first episode...” The no. Stop. We are 300+ chapters in. These two are the main protagonists and the show literally revolves around them. They are obviously going to grow. You can’t completely ignore this growth because of what happened in the first episode. You can’t only look at the things you want to and ignore the big picture.
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weirdlittlecorner · 2 years
Precious Seconds
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Part one of the A Matter of Time series.
Plot: The Cyber Regime is in full force and it’s only a matter of time until Kuai Liang becomes part of it
Notes: angst, major character death (future chapters)
A golden sunbeam filtered through the tiny window, casting a mystical glow on the creaky, barely-big-enough-for-two-people bed. The warmth penetrated your s/c eyelids, setting your world ablaze in a fiery red color.
Such was your cue to start the day.
You opened your e/c eyes reluctantly as you tried to cling onto the remnants of your slumber. As if, by ignoring the world around you, you could find the characteristic peace that only came with sleep once more. But, unfortunately, time continued to move and the sun continued to climb up the horizon. So once you felt mentally prepared enough, you sat up, resting your back against the worn bed frame as you tried to gather your strength for the day ahead. The sudden shift in weight caused your husband to stir next to you.
“Darling,” Kuai Liang sighed as he looked up at you. His soft eyes shined with an immeasurable amount of admiration, and you felt yourself melting under his gaze, “Good morning,” You whispered, reaching forward and pushing some loose strands of hair out of his eyes. The action rewarded you with a faint smile from your love. After taking in the beauty before him, he eventually sat up to join you.
“I love you,” He whispered as he took you into his strong arms and placed a kiss on the crown of your head, “And I love you,” You murmured back, leaning into his cool embrace.
How you wished this moment could last forever. For it to just be the two of you, full of love and hope, basking in this small piece of your forever. But fate had a habit of being cruel. See, the blissful fantasy you imagined was just that. An image. An escape from your reality that was shrouded in darkness. What you should have been the two of you building a home for yourselves turned out to be seeking refuge on your family’s ranch. What should have been the blissful newlywed period turned out to be fraught with peril as you awaited your inevitable downfall.
You, F/n L/n, were a fugitive. An accomplice in your husband’s defiance against the cyber initiative. Such treason was punishable by death, which you knew of course. But you weren’t going to allow your Liang to become a monster. You weren’t going to allow Sektor and his army to rob him of what little happiness he had left after the loss of his brother, “I worry that we are running out of time. They will find us sooner or later.” Your husband mumbled, his face tightening into a stoic mask as he broke the peaceful silence. While he sounded indifferent, he was dying on the inside. His mind had been doing frantic somersaults since you had arrived at your parents’ homestead, trying to think of anything and everything he could do to protect you. He knew he was going to die; whether that be figuratively or literally. All he wanted now was for you to go on to live the life you deserved. Even if you had insisted that such an idea was preposterous.
And it was. Live without him? Never in a million years. Standing by helplessly as Kuai Liang was bludgeoned and stuffed inside a metal exoskeleton was not going to be your last memory of him. You had zero say in how your life was playing out now. But there was one thing you could, and would, make sure of, “Then we shall greet them together.” You answered firmly, fire burning behind your e/c irises.
No, you couldn’t stop them from slaughtering you… but you could pretend. Ignore the heavy sense of impending doom and pretend that all was right in the world. You could love and cherish your husband as much as possible today and leave the bleak reality of your destiny for tomorrow. That would be the best way to go, wouldn’t it? Knowing that your last memories were ones of happiness rather than fear?
You certainly thought so. And Kuai knew there was no swaying you. What was the point? It would be best to enjoy your numbered days as much as possible. So that’s what you would do. With a sigh, you detached from your lover in favor of rising from the bed and ambling toward the old oak dresser. There, you removed your lace nightdress and swapped it for your signature f/c tunic before moving to the washroom to prepare for what very well might be the last day of your life.
“Good morning, lovebirds.” Your mother greeted, looking up from the mahogany dining table she had been setting, “Good morning, mother. Father.” Liang answered as the middle-aged woman beckoned the two of you into a hug.
Mr. and Mrs. L/n were truly wonderful. They had welcomed the two of you with open arms and were so supportive, even if that put them in insurmountable danger. But they didn’t care; didn’t worry about what the future held when their lives were so full right now. They served as a beacon of hope, an example of how life could be. The love and warmth that engulfed the home they had built, that multiplied exponentially every single day, had been what you aspired to have with Kuai Liang. Of course you wouldn’t get that, but it was a nice thought nonetheless. A great distraction and a reminder of your decision. To live your best life- no matter how short it might be.
“Well, come on. I’m not getting any younger,” Your father interjected, causing you to giggle softly. You shimmied out of your mother’s grip in favor of your father’s. He eagerly took hold of you and kissed your forehead. The two of you stood silently, enjoying each other’s company and telling each other what needn’t be spoken aloud. How much you loved each other. How nothing could separate you. It was easy to force back the darkness when you were in your father’s protective arms. Nothing could reach you when you were in your safe place.
Well, almost. The sound of your stomach churning startled you enough to break the hold, “Guess it’s time to eat.” Your dad chuckled and removed his arms from your back in favor of squeezing your shoulders, “Come on, then. F/n, help me bring the food in.” Mrs. L/n ordered softly, turning toward the kitchen. You followed obediently, excited for whatever your mother had prepared this time. She always made the best food. You remembered all of the times she tried to teach you to cook fondly, even though you never really took to it, “I made your favorites.” She announced happily, motioning to the various cookware cluttering the small countertop. Cinnamon rolls, breakfast casserole, and a delightful mixture of your favorite fruits.
“Show off.” You mumbled, reaching to take the ceramic baking dish that held the delicious sticky buns, “Shush. You’re not too old to be sent to the stables without breakfast.” Your mother teased, grabbing the casserole dish to take to the dining room. Meanwhile, your father set glass pitchers of orange juice and water in the middle of the table, accompanied by a bucket of ice from your favorite cooler. You set your dish down and went back for the other while your mother got the serving set. Once everyone was seated, the elder Mrs. L/n began filling your plate with the wonderful food. She offered you a sizable portion before preparing the men’s plates.
“Thank you, mother.” Kuai Liang spoke, eyes widening as he was handing a heaping pile of what was meant to be his breakfast. You glanced at him, taking in his slightly uncomfortable expression before turning to your mother, knowing that he was too polite to say anything, “Mom, that’s a lot-,” You began, only to be met with a shake of her head, “Hush. He’s a growing boy, he needs the calories.” She insisted, not entertaining any objections. You sighed, stifling a laugh. Classic mom. Once everyone was served, your father recited a short blessing, thanking the Elder Gods for bringing his family together. Everyone exhaled and lifted their heads in sync, the attention now directed toward the spread.
“Pass the juice, please.” You requested politely, being rewarded with the cold pitcher of golden liquid. You filled your cup before offering some to Liang, topping off his glass as well before returning it to the middle of the table. Your parents followed your lead, filling their glasses before turning toward their food. A comfortable silence followed as you began eating. The normalcy was wonderful, and you found yourself escaping back into your daydream.
Everything was fine. You were safe. Surrounded by your loved ones. The cool air to the right of you reminded you of your husband’s close proximity. You were loved. And you were going to use what precious time you had left to return the favor.
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Day 41: Embrace
"Potter," Malfoy greeted with a nod, walking past him as though Harry wasn't the host of the baby shower and going straight over to Hermione. Harry watched as he greeted her with a warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek before taking a step back and putting his hands on her swollen belly. "I still think that you should name her after a constellation."
"We don't even know that it's a her," Hermione laughed.
Ron wandered over and Malfoy rested his hand on his shoulder for a moment as he said, "It's a her. I have a sixth sense about this sort of thing," he added with a wink.
"We're still not naming her after a constellation," Ron said. "How pretentious do you think we-"
Luna coming through the door interrupted him watching Malfoy cozying up to his two best friends. "Oh, hello, Harry," she said, before tilting her head in that peculiar way of hers, "I see you're being plagued by the jimmiricks."
"Sorry, the what?" he asked politely.
"Jimmiricks," she repeated, "They've pronounced all of those feelings of longing and rejection," he said, patting his arm conciliatorily and flouncing away before giving him a chance to respond.
"I haven't got feelings of longing and rejection!" he called after her, ignoring the weird look that one of the women who worked in the justice department with Hermione sent his way.
It was a lie. He knew it and Luna probably did, too, thanks to whatever wacky little creature she could see. He'd be way more inclined to believe that she was nuts if she wasn't always right.
He turned, his eyes immediately seeking out that shock of blond hair, frowning as he watched as Malfoy laughed at something Ginny said, resting his hand lightly on her forearm. Luna slipped up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist and he smiled, clasping his hand over her arms and looking over his shoulder at her.
And it wasn't that Harry felt like Malfoy rejected him outright, it was just that he was the only person Malfoy wouldn't touch.
(Read more below the cut)
They'd all been friends for five years and the most willing contact that Harry had ever received was a stiff handshake toward the beginning when Malfoy and Ron had become auror partners and then friends.
He hadn't really noticed at first but Harry had watched him, as he was wont to do, and the fact of the matter was that Malfoy was always touching someone but that someone was never Harry.
"Thanks so much for this, Harry," Hermione said, distracting him from his increasingly circular thoughts.
"Of course!" he replied, shoving his thoughts back into the dark corner they'd emerged from. "I'm happy to," he added. "Ready to start the shower games?"
Shower games went as well as shower games can go, really, until they got to the diaper derby.
"So, let's partner up," Harry called, "Then when I say go, one partner uses the roll of toilet paper to make a diaper on the other. Ron and Hermione are obviously the judges." He waved his arms, "go find a partner."
It took a few minutes but eventually it became clear that there was an odd number of people. Malfoy was left standing somewhat awkwardly without a partner.
"Errm," Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you want to, um, you know?"
Malfoy smirked at him, "I would like to um, you know."
"Shut up," Harry replied without any heat, feeling embarrassed and awkward and why had he thought this game was a good idea? "Umm," he said, "you have two minutes, begin."
"Right," Malfoy said when Harry turned to face him, "I have a better fashion sense than you, so you are wearing the diaper."
Before Harry could protest, Malfoy was holding the roll of toilet paper to Harry's waist and Harry froze.
Malfoy was touching him. Willingly. And sure, it was for the purpose of a game, but still, he could have just insisted on sitting out.
"Relax," Malfoy huffed, "I won't bite."
"Right," Harry said, not relaxing one bit. Malfoy was touching him rather intimately, all things considered, it was better to keep himself still and focused lest he embarrass himself any further.
"Right," Malfoy repeated, sounding resigned and disappointed, and Harry didn't quite know what to do with that.
The two minutes seemed to somehow last for an eternity and end in the blink of an eye. Harry could scarcely pay attention to the judging. They didn't win but they didn't lose either, and as Harry was about to turn and congratulate Malfoy, Luna floated over to them and said, "oh, Draco, I see that Harry's jimmiricks have infested you as well."
Harry's head whipped to look over at the other man.
"Jimmiricks?" he asked.
"They amplify feelings of longing and rejection," Harry murmured.
Malfoy's mouth popped open and he looked like he might have replied but Ron interrupted, clapping them both on the back and congratulating them.
"Excuse me for a minute," Malfoy muttered before disappearing.
"What did you do?" Ron asked.
"Me?!" Harry asked incredulously.
Ron rolled his eyes, "Spill."
"It's not me!" Harry protested. "Malfoy's the one with the problem with touching me."
Ron's eyes widened, and if it's weren't for the nature of this conversation, Harry would have found it comical. "That is a lot of information-"
"Not like that!" He ran his hands through his hair, "He just is always casually touching everyone except me."
"And why do you think that is, mate?" he asked.
He shook his head, "Because he hates me. Because I spent too long antagonizing him and now-"
"That's not it," Ron interrupted him. "Just go and talk to him," he said, nudging Harry toward the balcony window that Malfoy had escaped through.
Steeling himself, Harry made his way out onto the balcony. "Hey," he said awkwardly as he stepped outside.
"Don't," Malfoy said without looking at him, "just leave it. Luna's just-"
"Yeah," Harry said, stepping up and leaning on the railing next to the other man. "It would be easy to think that she's just a little bit unhinged except that-"
"She's always right," Malfoy finished with a sigh.
"You touch everyone except me," Harry said, the words rushing out without his permission. "All the time, you are like a super tactile individual. Except when it's me. That's what my jimmricks are about."
He scoffed, "Well, I wouldn't want to soil your perfect, savior image."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," Malfoy said, "Just that you've made it quite clear that you don't want me to touch you."
"What? How?"
Malfoy turned and glared at him, his silver eyes flashing, "What is this, Potter? You know damn well that you stiffen up every time I am near you. I see you with your friends, with literally everyone else, but whenever I am around you're quiet and you're always watching me. And then there was whatever the hell that was in there. Your body language is anything but inviting."
"Wait," Harry said, "you've got this all wrong-"
"Then explain it to me!" Draco hissed, "because it's exhausting being attracted to someone who hates you and spending every second that you are in their presence wishing that the earth would just swallow you whole so that you don't have to see their disdain for you."
"It's not disdain," Harry murmured, reaching out and touching Draco's hand, his fingers brushing lightly against Draco's. "It is literally anything but disdain for you. I spend every moment of the time we spend in close proximity to one another wishing that I was anyone but me."
Harry shook his head, "Draco I am dying for you to touch me. Not in like a creepy way," he hastened to add. Then, "Not that I'd be opposed to like-" he broke off, rubbing a hand over his mouth. "Suffice it to say, I am attracted to you, too. And very unopposed to you touching me."
The corner of Draco's lips twitched, "So, you don't hate me?"
"Godric, no," Harry said, huffing a laugh. "I thought you hated me."
Draco bit his lower lip and shook his head slowly.
"So, would you maybe like to go out sometime?" Harry asked.
"Yes, he would," Ron said from the doorway to the balcony, startling them both. "Sorry to interrupt, but 'Mione couldn't find the spinner for the next game."
"Right," Harry said, just remembering that they were in the middle of a baby shower for his future god child. "Right, sorry," he said, "I'll be right in."
Ron nodded and disappeared back inside.
"Sorry," Harry said.
Draco shook his head, "Don't be." He leaned forward and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to the corner of Harry's mouth. "Yes, I would like to go out sometime."
"How's tonight?" Harry breathed.
Draco smiled at him, "The works for me," he said, then he added, eyes twinkling with mischief, "Maybe I can show you just how much I have been wanting to touch you, too."
Day 40: Hesitant | Day 42: Sensitive
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Can i get a oneshot where Azul finds out about reader's secret "pics of Azul Ashengrotto when he's not looking" magicame account lol
oh yes, the only magicam account that got more followers than Vil and Cater
wait for “Oh Azul, your radiant beauty is an art” discourse under the cut.
alternative title: Koebi-chan turns into sneaky snake to immortalise the beauty of local octopus who for once doesn’t know how to turn this situation into a contract feat.  neighbourhood-friendly eels dying from laughter
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“Azul, I think you should see this”
Jade passed his phone to Azul who was engrossed in his paperwork. With a heavy sigh, he shifted his attention from recent golden contract and looked at the screen. His eyes widen at the sight of pictures.
Pictures of him.
Lot of photos on one blog titled: “Pictures of Azul Ashengrotto taken when he’s not looking”
,,It’s surprisingly quite popular account”
Jade remarked not sparing a single glance at Azul who was going through an existential crisis. He was anxiously scrolling through countless picture taken, as the description of magicam account stated, when he was not looking.
Him doing some homework, him preparing a special golden contract, him burning his fingers on boiling hot tea or even him looking at the star-studded sky.
When someone could have taken those pictures? Why? Does he have a stalker? Wasn’t he the one who occasionally stalked people?
Multiple questions run through Azul’s head as his hand run through his hair. He let out a heavy sigh, not even bothering to listen to Floyd who was having a time of his life. Eel sat comfortably in his chair and was dying from laughter.
Azul’s secret admirer and stalker? That octopus having a secret fan-blog? How amusing~~ What unfortunate soul could be so engrossed in that fishy businessman?
“Who runs it? Names, Jade, I need names.”
Oh, so octopus entered the “feral disposure mode”, remarked Floyd who licked his lips in anticipation. Oh how he couldn’t wait to squeeze some poor, unfortunate souls.
“Ohhh, yess, we could squeeze that little admirer of yours”
,,I doubt Azul will let you after I reveal who it is”
Jade cut in, making everyone confused. Floyd’s wide grin slightly faltered and Azul raised an eyebrow.
“Ne, ne Jade, don’t keep us in suspension~~”
“It’s Y/N.”
The sound of your name entailed various reactions. Jade only chuckled seeing Azul going through another crisis, as his eyes widen and he was left utterly speechless, while Floyd was (once again) dying from laughter.
“Koebi-chan? THAT Koebi-chan??! It couldn’t get funnier!”
Exclaimed Floyd while Azul was still engrossed in his thoughts.
It suddenly made sense.
The way you would observe him, constantly on your phone when he was taking care of contracts or paperwork. Stealing secret glances and giggling and always dismissing his questions when he asked what made you laugh.
Given that you were dating Azul and he was a busy businessman, you were a rather special guest at Mostro Lounge and recently you’ve been spending there more time than in your own dorm.
“I mean it’s kind of fair. I send you to spy on her and she spies on me in return”
Remarked Azul with a heavy sigh, quickly pushing up his glasses and standing up. He was determined to leave his cabinet before Leech twins tease him or make fun of that blog any further. He caught a glimpse of Floyd opening his lips to throw some nasty and vicious remarks at him and Jade’s eyes were glowing with mischief.
It was high time to evacuate and excuse himself of the room.
Azul had a bigger fish to take care of than Leech twins.
It seemed that his angelfish gone a little bit too far.
,,Y/N dear, could you perhaps explain this?”
,,Right, Shrimpyy~~!! Why would you take so many pictures of Azul when you could just admire me!”
Azul’s deadly calm and cold voice as well as two pairs of arms wrapping up around you, successfully pulled you out from redoing mock papers for alchemy. You let out a loud shriek and jumped at the sudden contact.
Ignoring Floyd and his tightening with each passing second grip, you focused on the screen which Azul was practically showing in your face.
“Oh, you found that?”
You were stunned. You knew the day of your doom will come sooner or later, so you were prepared for every possible scenario. Yet, that didn’t stop you from screaming internally as multiple thoughts run through your brain.
Oh shit. I knew that was a bad idea. What were I thinking? That guppy brain of mine! Please sir, don’t let those eels squeeze me. If that’s how I shall go down, at least I’ve left a worthy legacy.
Azul quickly remarked your flushed face as you fiddled with your thumbs nervously. You tried to wriggle out of the twins’ grip, but your attempts were quickly proved to be futile. Much to Floyd’s dismay you soon stopped struggling and instead you decided to fake your confidence.
Baffle them with your bullshit, usually seemed to be a good strategy.
The other choice would be to seduce Azul, but you weren’t sure if you were able to put on the show right in front of twins.
“I took excellent pictures, didn’t I? I even made sure the light was perfect on each of them. Oh, look at this one! You looked suuuuuper handsome that day, didn’t you? You’re rarely that cheerful and your smile causes flowers to bloom in a 50 meter radius. So it’s only natural that I felt the need to make that look last forever~”
You ignored Floyd’s laughter, subtle chuckles from Jade and Azul who was not only confused and wasn’t sure whether he should scold you or ask you to continue rabbiting on. His face flushed and he tried his best to still appear “collected and calm”, but you could see through his façade.
Azul was actually flattered that you found him worthy of not even a single picture but a whole blog dedicated to his beauty, as you phrased it.
“Y’know, you’re a walking art and I couldn’t help myself but to immortalise it!”
You exclaimed with a bright smile and you lower your head slightly, so hair could do you a favour and hide your embarrassment which was written all over your hair.
“Awwww, Jade, aren’t they such cuties~~~”
,,I think we should leave them alone Floyd”
And with that Jade excused them, leaving you with frustrated Azul who kind of wanted to scold you for taking pictures without his permission and kind of wanted you to shower him with even more praises.
He was greedy, insatiable and desired more.
You giggled seeing his flushed face. You hesitantly came closer, standing right before him. You quickly cut the remaining distance and your forehead touched his, resting in that place. Azul sighed deeply and his gloved hand reached to run through your hair.
“What should I do with you, angelfish, hmm?”
,,Well, you could perhaps kiss me?”
You suggested with a sly smile, making Azul let out a barely audible chuckle. He slightly shook his head and you felt the tension leaving his body.
“You know there’s price for that.”
“Dang, you want me to delete that blog, don’t you?”
,,Y/N you should delete that blog, so my image could appear more professional”
You pouted dramatically, pulling away from him. Before Azul could clarify himself, you cut him.
“Well, that’s a shame depriving all those people from your radiating beauty!”
Well, maybe you were going a bit overboard with the amount of praises and dramatic power it entailed.
Either way, Azul lost it.
Instead of collected and meticulous octopus you saw a determined and frustrated man who was more than eager to protest.
,,No, no, Y/N. I should be THE ONE who should be complementing you and worshipping you, but about that price”
He exclaimed and you only giggled in response as Azul took you in his arms. He began leaving delicate, butterfly kisses on your neck in breaks incoherently mumbling praises.
Your lips soon got captured by chapped lips which tasted like water and salt into a delicate, gentle kiss. It almost made you forget about the slight sadness you had felt when Azul asked you to delete your blog. Instead his next words between nibbling on your skin, made you stunned and worried.
“Instead I should make a blog full of pictures of you, my angelfish, to return the favour”
“But could you perhaps continue with your whole “Oh Azul, your radiant beauty is an art” discourse. I would love to hear more”
“How did I not find out about this earlier? I’m literally tagged in every picture”
“I blocked you”
“YoU wHaT”
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the-descolada · 3 years
Penny and Winter as Symbolic Human Machines
So honestly, I’m really impressed by how well done the ending of RWBY Volume 8 was with regard to character arcs being fulfilled, especially for Penny and Winter. I’ve seen a lot of takes, some that I somewhat agree with, and some that I just don’t, that Penny’s death was “bad writing,” and I think that, subjectivity of what constitutes bad writing aside, this is ignoring a lot of aspects of V7/V8 that made for a very compelling narrative, and feels heavily based in just people wanting Penny to not have died.
And I get this! Penny is one of my favorite characters and I’m very sad that she died; however, I really actually loved how fitting her death was for her story and the broader story of RWBY as a whole, so I wanted to do a write-up of my whole rant on this so that people could read it and see my thought process for why this only made me love Penny’s writing more. I’m not necessarily going to ascribe value to the writing itself in this analysis, as that is highly subjective, but I am biased so that’ll shine through some.
V7 through V8 had a lot of moments that frankly I hadn’t picked up on right up until the end that worked to build a dynamic interplay between Penny and Winter’s characters. Specifically, Penny's role is of a literal robot becoming less of a machine in the thematic sense and more of a person throughout, contrasting with Winter, who, while she is helping Penny realize herself as more of a person and less of a tool, is going through the opposite experience herself. This is essentially textual - it’s explicitly said by Winter herself in less words during the Maiden power transfer scene in V8E14.
When we as the audience reconnect with Winter at the start of V7, she is firmly entrenched as Ironwood’s confidante and second-in-command, serving as a face of the Atlas military as it squeezes Mantle. It’s safe to say that not many Mantle citizens like her very much, but she is insulated from this and continues to follow orders without regard for the welfare of the people. Ironwood at this point is already extremely authoritarian, even though he hasn’t graduated to full on dictatorship and declared martial law yet, and his will is also imposed on her through bringing her into the fold with the chief purpose of grooming (god this word feels grossly fitting given their dynamic) her to become the next Winter Maiden.
Winter, despite holding a a significant level of power and authority due to her military rank, has very little agency in this decision. She insists that her choice to take up the duty as Ironwood ordered is something she’s grown into and chosen, but it’s alarmingly clear that this is not the case; nearly every action she takes in V7 is still fully in the purview of Atlas (read: Ironwood)’s goals. I would go so far as to suggest that Ironwood giving her this position within the military after she escapes her father’s influence is intentionally conditioning her to view him as the sole way out of an abusive situation, and to disguise the fact that this new situation is just as abusive as the first below the surface.
Penny’s role in V7 is completely in opposition to this; while she is still theoretically under the control of the Atlas military, she is presented as the Protector of Mantle and seems to be beloved by the people. Our immediate image of her in Atlas is one of emotion and caring; she is overjoyed to see her friends from Beacon again, and this continues throughout the volume as she talks about what it means to be a person with them, Ruby and Winter especially. When things start going wrong and she is accused of killing people through the doctored footage from the rally, she is horrified at the prospect of being seen as a monster and continues to make every decision with the aim of protecting everyone around her, even at the expense of what her “duty” to Atlas might be. It’s clear that she is growing into her own agency, rather than being beholden to what Ironwood wants for her, and this helps prove to herself that she is her own person, not simply a tool of the military, not a machine.
The climactic scene of V7 takes these two character arcs running in strained parallel and drives a wedge between them, even as they battle a common enemy side by side. Winter’s devotion to Atlas (read: Ironwood) results in self-destructive tendencies, uncaring for her personal survival if it would further a goal that she ultimately and ironically does not truly believe in. Penny, however, begins to entirely shake this duty, risking even the Maiden power going to Cinder if it means saving Winter from dying. To her, personal feelings (ding ding ding!) and personal friendships mean more than duty to a state, or even (as we see later) her own well-being. Self destructive tendencies aside, this loyalty to people she earnestly cares about, who earnestly care about her, is loaded with symbolism that separates her from the metaphor of machine.
The result of the V7 finale reinforces the track the two of them are on; Winter, having been molded into a machine of the military, fails in her duty, while Penny, who has begun to recognize herself more and more as a person, succeeds at keeping the power from Cinder. She still has a massive amount of self-doubt and deep-seated fear that she doesn’t count as a person, but the Maiden power, being the perfect thematic symbol of “maidenhood”, goes to her, proving her to be a “real girl” and reinforcing the ongoing narrative. Winter, battling her own mixed feelings over being chosen for the power, never questions this; it’s clear that she, too, recognizes that Penny “was always the real Maiden, while [she] was the machine.” This also reinforces Penny’s narrative being heavily trans-coded, but I think that’s pretty obvious and doesn’t need to be reiterated. The two of them part sides here, one remaining with the Atlas military and one actively rebelling against it.
As Ironwood starts going off the deep end at the end of V7 and throughout V8 and starts sacrificing everyone around him to fuel his own narrow and tyrannical view of how to save Atlas, Winter simply...falls in line. She is continually forced to follow harsher and harsher orders, and any choices she makes as part of that, with only two exceptions, still are entirely in service to Ironwood. She has become, in essence, a machine locked into a set path, a path she, conflicted as she may be, follows all the way up to a choice she cannot abide - mass murder. Even orders that would result in her sister’s closest friends’ deaths she follows unquestioningly - it’s unclear whether she would have actually gone through with it, since the option is taken off the table by forces outside her control, but she certainly says as much in her conversation with Marrow. Only the prospect of annihilating the entire city of Mantle finally snaps her off the track Ironwood has set her on, making her recognize that all of this has never been for Atlas at all, but for Ironwood’s own ego. Fittingly, finally seeing Ironwood as her enemy and not a savior, she is tasked with taking him down herself.
Contrasting this, Penny’s role in V8 is entirely one of rebellion. The entire volume is her building her agency more and more, making decisions based on what she thinks is right and what she values. She rarely listens to any one person telling her what to do; even her father, who she loves dearly, isn’t able to make her do something when her sense of justice is on the line. Ironwood no longer has his hold on her for the most part; any attempt at manipulating her into doing something against her own morals is met with defiance, supported by her friends’ love for her. She has to be outright hacked to be forced into doing his bidding, and she fights this all the way down, her own inherent personhood pushing back against this attempt to dehumanize her. In this sense, even her becoming organic symbolizes this; she and the people she cares about defy this dehumanization of her, finding a way to free her from the last remaining vestiges of Atlesian influence and further reclaiming her own agency.
And what does she do with that agency when she is faced with oblivion? She simultaneously affirms it by making her final choice in a desperate situation, defying Cinder’s attempt to rip her power away, and also gifts it in the form of the Maiden power to the woman who she is watching attempting to also shake the shackles of Atlas, symbolically showing Winter her own inherent humanity. This decision, though dire, is in recognition of what is most important to her: her friends. Even believing half of them are dead, she gives up her life to ensure the rest survive. In the final moment she has with Winter, she reassures her that she won’t be really gone: the memory of her choice and who she is as a person will live on through Winter’s continued choices, through her agency.
In the end, neither of them were machines; just two hurt people fighting back against a brutal world that sought to strip their agency away. The tragedy in this conclusion, that that brutal world took one of their lives away, is fought just as defiantly. Penny knows that gifting the power in her soul to Winter means that her death won’t be meaningless, that her agency will last beyond her mortality and might result in the world finally being freed from the threat of destruction. It’s because of hope, not despair, that she makes her final choice.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Hurting their best friend/crush w/ Oikawa and Terushima
Request: Oikawa and Terushima the playboy squad y’know, hurting their female best friend and manager with whom they have been in love with for the longest time but are too afraid to make a move. It ends in fluff of course but like maybe their friends are like you messed up man and its a really big fight. thank you. - anonymous 
Playboy squad indeed. I feel like all three of them but mostly Oikawa got their hearts obliterated and that’s why they have adopted that fuckboy persona. These boys just need some real love even though one of them is a rat. Love ya.💖💖💖
warnings: angst to fluff, some cursing
Oikawa Tooru
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-It had  been a hard week. 
-Actually a hard year. 
-Oikawa was focused almost solely on volleyball, over doing it many times while you were studying like a maniac.
-Being their manager helped you loosen up.
-Plus it gave you the chance to be with your friend group.
-You had noticed how Oikawa seemed to brush off many of your attempts to hang out, sometimes giving you an excuse to why he couldn’t make while other times ditching you. 
-He hadn’t ditched you many times but it still hurt.
-Knowing that your best friend forgot almost completely of your existence. 
-You had drifted apart the last few months and the only one who noticed apart from you was Iwaizumi. 
-He had seen how he wouldn’t find Oikawa beside you when he came to your lunch table or how you weren’t Oikawa’s first call anymore after a game. 
-It bothered him too. 
-Seeing his two best friends separate like that.
-And Iwa knew you tried to prevent it, he gave you advice on the matter as well.
 -But Oikawa seemed oblivious to the gap that was forming and kept on ignoring you, more and more as time went on. 
-The final straw came when he wouldn’t answer your calls one Saturday evening. 
-It was one of those rare occasions when he had agreed to spend some one on one time with you and you were really excited. 
-You hadn’t seen your best friend for weeks, apart from some small conversations during practice.
-You had been waiting for an hour, the movie you had picked already had started and was now in the second act. 
-If this had happened a few months ago you would have let it slide, made a comment in your group chat and leave it at that but not this time. 
-He had ditched you one too many times and you were sick of it. 
-Making your way to the gym, you were taken aback by the lack of sound coming from inside. 
-You expected to be met with the sound of balls slamming on the opposite wall but nothing, the slamming was replaced by female giggles and a really familiar voice.
-Opening the door slightly you found your best friend being pinned to the court’s floor by one of his fans, her giggles bouncing off the walls as she kissed him. 
-Without a word you left, letting the door slam shut behind you as you walked out of school grounds and straight home. 
-It hurt like hell and you weren’t able to get that image of him pinned to the floor out of your head for the rest of the weekend. 
-He had texted you apologizing for missing your movie night, saying he was practicing late and he got carried away. 
-You answered with a simple okay and didn’t speak to him after that.
-You kept your distance at school, simultaneously avoiding Iwa who knew that Oikawa had done something.
-Volleyball practice was your neutral ground, the only place where you chatted with everyone but still gave him small curt answers. 
-Iwa had had enough of all this so he cornered Oikawa after practice as they were walking home alone, without your normal bubbly presence with them. 
“What the hell did you do to Y/N, Shittykawa?”
“What do you mean? I’m completely innocent.”
“She has been avoiding you like the plague all week and you haven’t even noticed? What the hell happened last Saturday?”
“I didn’t see her...”
“You missed it? Again?”
“It wasn’t my fault! Yui-chan found me at the gym and she kinda jumped on me.”
“You know what’s funny Oikawa? The fact that you claim you love her.”
-That’s why he’s now trying to coax you to open your bedroom door.
- “I’m studying Oikawa leave me alone.”
-His last name leaving your lips hurt, a lot. 
-He had always been Tooru to you or even Shittykawa. 
- “Y/N please, I’m sorry for Saturday I’ll make it up to you!”
-You opened that door then, rage burning in your eyes as you met Oikawa’s pleading face.
 - “Now you care? You have some fucking nerve coming here and giving me some half-assed apology after you ditched me for some chick last Saturday. I don’t need your apologies as much as you don’t need me. So do me the favor and get out of my house.”
-Tooru just stared at you, your words twisting the dagger in his heart. 
-He messed up, he messed up big time. 
- “You saw me with Yui...”
-You were fighting back tears as you looked at him, the sight of your underclassman hovering over him flashing behind your eyelids as you closed your eyes. 
- “Y/N she means nothing I swear, it was nothing, she came at me I-”
- “Why w-would I care what she meant? W-why would I-I care with w-who you make out with?”
- “I care what you think of me!”
-You were full on crying at this point, Tooru shedding his own tears as his fears started clawing their way up his throat. 
-He was losing you.
- “I care what you think of me because I love you. I care what image I create in your pretty mind because I hope that maybe at some point you will look at me in a different light. What I did last Saturday was fucked up and there are no excuses but I’m sorry, I truly am. Please Y/N. I can’t- I can’t lose you. Please....” 
-You wanted to hold onto your anger longer, wanted to truly stay mad at him for more because at the end of the day he deserved it but you couldn’t. 
-You launched yourself into his arms, burying your face in his chest as your sobs became louder. 
-He held you there until your tears ran dry, his arms tight around you as if he was afraid you would slip through his fingers at any moment. 
Terushima Yuuji
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-You knew him from middle school. 
-Before the piercings. 
-Before the dyed hair. 
-Before the douchebag attitude. 
-And before the ocean of girls coming and going in his life. 
-It affected your friendship but you managed to survive it. 
-Some girls were just too crazy and possessive, harassing you to leave him alone and that he was theirs.
-Terushima always gave them a glare and a cold “we’re done” before proceeding to hang out with you non stop for a week straight. 
-It was your bro code that no matter what, a relationship would not change who you were to each other. 
-That no one would get in between your friendship. 
-Lucky for you, your love for Yuuji pushed away any potential boyfriends that came waltzing into your life. 
-You are attractive, smart and cute plus you’re funny so many boys tried to go out with you, but you being in love with your best friend prevented you from reciprocating their feelings. 
-Yuuji however changed girlfriends every two days and you were there to witness everything. 
-He came barging in your room every Tuesday and Friday to talk about the new girl that threw herself at him or about the hook up he had during the weekend.
-It hurt you seeing him with others but his short relationships gave you hope that he hadn’t fallen in love yet and that you still had a chance. 
-Then she came. 
-She was a year younger than the two of you and she was the only one that lasted for longer than a week. 
-She knew you two were close and whenever you tagged along with them she was seething with anger. 
-She became territorial to the point that Yuuji should tell her to calm down.
-But he wouldn’t and that let to multiple fights and in the end you two stopped talking to each other. 
-The last straw was during one of his games. 
-You are the manager so you are down at the court with them. 
-Terushima hit the ground really hard after he tried to save the ball and he hurt his shoulder.
 -He was escorted to the bench where you put some ice on his slightly swollen shoulder and wiped away some sweat from his forehead.
-He may have acted like a douche to you but he was still your best friend and you loved him so you couldn’t be cold to him for too long.  
-His girl lost her shit. 
-After the game she started yelling at you and calling you a ‘home-wrecker’ and ‘man-stealer’ along with some really offensive stuff. 
-You were putting her in her place when Yuuji came out and saw the whole scene. 
-She immediately ran to him spewing nonsense and lies about how you came at her for no reason. 
-The face of pure shock and disbelief on your face was enough for Terushima to understand that she was lying. 
-All those other times his ‘girl’ said or acted like a bitch to you came crashing down he was hit by a train of realization. 
-He suddenly was aware of your fight and the possibility of losing you, so he finally acted. 
- “I don’t know what happened but don’t talk about Y/N like that.” 
-She looked so offended for a second before snapping....literally. 
- “You defend her over me? Your girlfriend? She is nothing but a sad little girl who wants to steal you away from me! And you’re encouraging her! She’ll start believing she has a chance with you!!!”
-He just let out a growl and pushed past her wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you into a hug. 
- “Maybe she does.”
-The both of you left the gym and went to blow off some steam at the water fountains.
-After your exchanged apologies you started to mess around throwing playful jabs.
- “Did you mean it? What you said to her.”
- “You mean about us? If you want it to be true than yeah if you don’t then just ignore it.”
-You leaped into his arms squeezing the life out of him as your voice came out in a muffled jumble of words “I want it to be true.”
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​
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nicoforlifetrue · 3 years
He doesn't stay in the world for long, at first jumping from these worlds of left-behind not-yet watchers. Then, finally, he reaches out and draws out a world of his own, hiding it in magic so thoroughly it's overkill.
Then he builds.
He builds and he builds, from cityscapes to cottage towns, ignoring the phantom hands and feathers on his back.
He learns and he plays, crafting structures ..and at times turning over his shoulder to ask if they're proud, to find no one.
Just empty space. 
Endless, flat, empty space with no movement other than his creations.
He's alone.
And so instead he spends his time building and flying, once even revisiting his almost forgotten engineering skills to maybe just manufacture a friend, hell even a chat bot would work… And then realizing maybe they should have stayed forgotten— as, for a few weeks, he spent hours frantically fixing the code of a robot he had locked in his closet after it had deleted the laws of robotics out of its own files. Sure a fully functioning AI was groundbreaking and all, but it being convinced it was literally a demon that wanted to seemingly kill him and/or work him to death was one weird bug to come out of the whole thing. 
He elected to not tell it that he was incapable of dying. Last thing it needed was even more reason to make him build more rustic houses.
He then of course didn't learn his lesson and made a second one, someone to entertain his first when he just didn't have the energy to.
Npg, he named the first one, Robo he named the second.
They lived to annoy each other and make his life a nightmare. Because unfortunately now that there were two of them, they now had someone on the outside to edit their code.
Robo seemed set on turning Npg’s builds into a completely different style when the other turned its back, which led to Grian having to reattach Robo’s arm and yet again re-code Npg out of a rage loop that Grian couldn't figure out how to just remove without a complete and total system failure.
His only real confusion is why they stopped targeting him in their fits of rage.
And why they went into the closet when they had a virus, that was weird too. Learned habits maybe? He did tend to lock them in there when he was fixing the homicidal tendencies, and it is where he kept a mass majority of his more fine tuned engineering instruments. So maybe the learning AI had put the closet as the bug fixing space, and then also learned that it was faster to be repaired when in that area? Grian did tend to notice something was wrong faster now that they had picked up the habit. It seemed a bit too advanced considering the simple learning program he had installed, but then again it had also learned how to delete something grian had hard wired into its code so, at this rate, anything was possible.
He still can't believe he had managed to code it considering most of his knowledge was self taught. Not that he'd claim to have done much, Npg and Robo had made most of the more impressive edits to their own code.
He learned his lesson and stopped at Robo, deciding to focus on his current bots instead of stress over making new ones. The bots had enough issues where it didn't matter either way. Not to mention Robo seemed to be developing a praise seeking personality, as well as a jealousy streak. He couldn't be sure any new bots would survive it. Also considering he's pretty sure the only reason Robo isn't trying to get rid of Npg is because of how Grian would scold both of them when they hurt the other. It seemed like his scolding triggered a “bad” tick in the code, thankfully, so they should learn out of harming things soon. 
He hopes.
He quietly thanks whatever higher power is controlling the two’s code that even touching the rewards and punishments system causes a complete system failure. A thing he learned when Robo had tried to get rid of said bad tick and Grian had found it face down on its build.
…He also spent a lot of time thinking— thinking about what happened, what he doesn't like, what he adores, often about himself.
And he finds things he didn't quite like.
He notes first how the ‘they’ he so adored growing up has dropped from his inner monologue, the pronoun a bit spoiled by the connection to them, although there still a cherry sweetness to the letters when he thinks of them— a flash of straw blond hair and a hidden smile— but with some good news he feels pleased when running over third person phrases; he finds himself using words like person instead of boy, or partner instead of boyfriend, or child instead of son, the only exception being the same as before with brother instead of sibling.
A discovery he made when one time his mentor was feeling particularly talkative and had murmured plans for children, about how Grian would be a great sibling.
He always loved how all it took was “brother” from him and the immediate shift in his mentor's words.
But his pronouns had changed, not much else.
With this revelation he trailed after it, noted with no small pleasure that they did not change who he was— he was still a demiboy, that hadn't changed, and he found no small joy in thinking it never would, the image of him telling his mentor and the soft wings that had pulled him just a bit closer lighting up in his mind as he thought of it; their silent “ok” when they couldn't bring themselves to whisper the word.
Then he chases after what he hates now, things to tiptoe around.
He finds the end revolting; not enough to never go, but enough to avoid, blacks and purples send shivers up his spine and he finds cloaks quite pleasant to burn, whittling himself a staff fills him with confidence instead of disdain, and with a couple testing jabs he finds the weapon a comfort instead of a nuisance.
He finds quite quickly that his diet has changed.
Outside of their realm he finds himself growing hungry, and thus discovers the variety of things he can no longer consume, which just so happens to be near everything; meats are off the table, too many fruits give him a stomach ache, bread is kind of okay but too much and he gets a headache— the only thing he doesn't have much problems with seems to be seeds which, oddly enough, keep him feeling fairly full.
He ends up finding himself mixing together meal bags, comprised mostly of seed with the max amount of other things before he gets sick. As far as he can tell he hasn't been malnourished, at least according to the bots and how he himself feels, so he calls it good and moves on to other issues.
Like the loneliness, how it surrounded him, made haunting whispers echo at the edge of his hearing, gunshots now mixed with snapping wings.
He was alone, painfully alone. Other than his two homicidal robot sons who he loves dearly yet still, they don't make much for conversation. Or much anything to socialize with. They were… hollow, unable to chase away his thoughts for more than a few seconds at most.
He wanted people— real honest people… But he was alone.
But things change.
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