#I've had him blocked on everything for the past two years because I was one of the women he terrorizes even when I was still a girl
agnesandhilda · 27 days
my father is an olympic gold medalist in the sport of emotionally tormenting women
#bolo speaks#I've had him blocked on everything for the past two years because I was one of the women he terrorizes even when I was still a girl#but I'm only able to do that because *other* women in my family are on the frontlines dealing with him. which I am keenly aware of.#anyway I got a message from my grandma asking if I was mad at her because he'd been saying that I hated her (untrue and bizarre to boot#like just factually a man I haven't been on speaking terms with since I was seventeen has no leg to stand on whatsoever wrt to what I have#going on emotionally or in my relationships. but he's nothing if not adept at digging into people's worst insecurities so I get why she'd#be bothered)#and he has a new girlfriend now who I haven't met but who he treats the way he treated my mother before they separated#going into drunk rages breaking her things degrading her etc. and *her* family encourages her to ignore it because he's got money#and I don't know. I don't know my dad's girlfriend I've never met her but I am intimately aware of just how horribly#he treats every woman in his life. anyway [NAME] if you're reading this GET OUT ‼️#and the worst part is that he is like. a genuine shameless misogynist like he'd go on these crazy rants about#how women are just vaginas and we're all stupid and hysterical anyway so it doesn't matter if me and mom are scared of him#because we're just dumb women. which has naturally torched his bridges with me and every other woman in our family right.#and his takeaway from that is that he's *right* and being put-upon by all these irrational harpies for no valid reason.#my dad voice: are women scared of me because I'm violent and unpredictable? no. it's those stupid bitches that are wrong.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
What Did You Do
pairing: tom riddle x female reader, voldemort x female reader
warnings: angst, tiny bit of fluff
summary: throughout your years at hogwarts, you and tom were inseparable, now as a professor you see what happened to him at the battle of hogwarts - requested by anon
a/n: i'm going to age down voldemort and the reader (meaning because mcgonagall is a little younger than voldemort, the reader would be so old lmao. so i'm just imagining the reader is like remus' age, it wont affect the time line, idk if that makes sense sorry)
song: the night we met - lord huron
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Tom was brilliant, so were you. You were both the top of your classes since your first year at Hogwarts.
That's how you two started talking. You would be partnered with each other in most of your classes, you made an excellent pair.
Throughout the years there, you two had grown a bond. Eventually, you both had feelings for each other.
You knew of your affections towards him, you didn't tell him because you didn't want to ruin your close friendship. But Tom had been in a sort of denial, seeing as how he was conceived under a love potion, he didn't think it was possible.
Around your sixth year, he had come to terms with how he felt. You two had confessed to each other after one of Slughorns dinner parties, he had attended as your date.
It came as a shock to most students when the news of you getting together spread.
They had know he had a soft spot for you, but he had never shown any romantic feelings towards anyone before.
It was seventh year and Tom had confessed to you of his plans and becoming Lord Voldemort.
He asked you to join him and be his partner but you couldn't. It was wrong and you knew it, he knew it deep down too.
You figured this was caused by his horrible childhood at the orphanage, he told you all about how he was treated.
He asked you one final time to join or he would have to continue without you.
You stood there in front of him with tears streaming down your face as you shook your head.
He wanted to wipe the tears from your beautiful face, but he knew it would make him tempted to give up the plans he worked so hard for.
So he turned his back on you and left you behind while you cried and begged him to stop what he was doing.
After that night, you hadn't seen him again.
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"Harry!" you call your student, a student who was like a son to you.
You knew of how he got his scar, as did everyone else. It broke your heart each time you thought of what had caused it.
"Harry, be safe, I'll be right behind you," you kiss his head. He goes and runs off to find Voldemort as students and staff start to fill the courtyard and go into a circle.
You quickly walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, making sure there were no student that needed help.
You finally went outside and saw Harry and Voldemort in a duel.
You gasp at how he looks, this wasn't your Tom. You hadn't seen how he looked since that night so long ago.
You rush over ignoring the calls of people to stop.
"Tom! Stop this!" you yell with angry tears forming in your eyes.
Voldemort blocks Harry's spell and sends one to knock him out for a little while he drops his arm to look at you.
People watching were frozen in their places as they took in the scene in front of them. There were very few people who were aware of your past relationship with Tom.
"What did you do," you cry. He almost winces at the pain in your voice.
He slowly walks over to you and stops about three feet from you.
"I got the power I've always desired," he explains in a monotone voice.
"Tom... we could have had a future together, look what you've become," you whisper.
"You didn't wish to join me, you didn't expect me to drop everything I've worked for, did you?"
"Yes, I did, because you could have and I would have done the same for you," you try your best to keep your voice from cracking.
He knows you're right. He couldn't look you in your eyes. He looks around at the faces watching as he tries to not think about how beautiful you still are.
You had grown into a stunning woman, and well, he felt embarrassed by what he had come to.
"Stop!" Voldemort shouts, annoyed at his now conflicted emotions.
He feels tempted to stop and apparate you and him somewhere to stay, like how you always dreamed of.
He couldn't, not now. He decided an apology was the only thing he could do, as he went to apologize to you, he suddenly felt pain all over.
He turned his head to see Harry with his wand pointed at him. It was then you both realized he was truly gone.
As he starts to turn to stone, he uses all the energy left in him to look at you, in the eyes this time.
He watches as so many emotions flash through your eyes. He memorized your features in the few seconds he has.
You look at Voldemort on his knees, almost all stone. You see him mouth something, it looks like 'I'm sorry', but you can't be sure.
You watch as he looks you dead in the eye, finally turning completely to stone and dissolving into nothing.
People around you start cheering and hugging as they all celebrate.
Harry turns to you and sees the devastated look on your face.
"I'm sorry that you lost him," Harry says as he hugs you, "not Voldemort, but Tom," he continues.
"I'm sorry too, but you're safe, along with everyone else," you sigh, "that's all that matters," you kiss his forehead and hug him back.
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It took you a while to finally accept that Tom- Voldemort, was gone.
Things slowly got back to normal. Hogwarts was rebuilt and repaired. You continued your teaching career there.
You were sat in your room, in a cottage where you and Tom were supposed to be living.
You decided that if he couldn't be there to live life, you would do it for the both of you.
You pick up some letters he would send you when you were dating, you had saved them all. You look at the box and see one that hasn't been opened. Your eyebrows furrow as you open it. Then, a tear slides down your face as you read it.
My y/n,
If you are reading this, that means I have become Lord Voldemort, and am likely dead now.
I need you to understand that I am not the Tom you once knew. I also need you to understand that I have regretted walking away from you each and every day since I did so.
You were my family, my love, my everything.
I'm sorry I threw that away for power. I know now that it is far too late to go back.
I wish I could though, and spend life with you in that place you always use to tell me about. Unfortunately, it isn't possible. But know that if it was, I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.
Stay true to yourself, don't turn your back on the people you love, I regrettably made that mistake.
You are a beautiful person, my love, I hope you accomplish all of the things you use to rant to me about.
Please forgive me.
Yours always,
Tom Riddle
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caramelberzatto · 21 days
and there was somethin' bout you // c. berzatto
good evening, my fellow tumblr users. it's been forever. since i've last been active, my whole life has shifted. drastically. the cafe i worked at for the past two years, where i met my two best friends, and where i felt most at home, closed down permanently. i booked a trip halfway across the world, that's coming up in september. i worked on healing myself after a heartbreak that left me untethered and scared and lonely. but it's been a while, and i've found my way back to light and warmth and appreciation of the person that i am. and the urge to write, to create, has sparked within me again. i hope you're still with me. i've missed you all. - clarke xx
a soft carmy ramble below the cut <3
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Carmen Berzatto had never been able to forget you, despite the many years it had been since he’d last seen you, heard your voice, felt the warmth of your hand in his. And he’d cursed himself for it sometimes, for living would’ve been so much easier if he didn’t feel so lost, always reaching for someone he knew wasn’t there. But at the same time, there was a certain torturous comfort in falling back on the traces of you when he was spiralling. 
You were just kids; stupid teenagers with big feelings that you felt too young to carry for each other. And the stumble and stutter of words meant everything got lost in translation anyway. It was growing into your bodies and leaning into one another, without ever admitting to the closeness. 
You’d never really had friends, too exhausted by the thought of interacting with others, of putting on a face and playing pretend for the sake of being a part of a crowd. And Carmen’s friends were just extensions of his brother, Michael; the high-and-mighty, infectiously exuberant Michael. But you… you were something new; something he held close to his heart. For him, you’d propped open a door. You’d let him in without really meaning to. But when being in his company felt like floating, what else were you supposed to do? When someone came along and showed you what it was like to breathe without fearing everyone else would notice the rise and fall of your chest, it’s not like you were going to let that go. 
And so began the most meaningful connection you’d ever had. When you spent a summer at camp, he was the one you sent the most letters home to. When he got stuck on an assignment, he’d call you up, and you’d be halfway to the local library with cookies before he could finish what he was saying. And when you’d been each other's firsts, nervous hands fumbling for each other on a cold, autumn afternoon in senior year… Neither of you had spoken of it again, but it had meant everything. To the both of you. But things went on, and that spark, that flare, was never explored; the curse of being a teenager, awkward and not-quite you yet, and unsure of how to communicate.
And, as most things do, high school came to an end. Chances were missed. Threads of connection slipped through fumbling fingers. Carmy landed himself in New York, and you landed yourself in a shitty apartment four blocks from your childhood home. 
Though the memories of the two of you lingered all around. They must’ve lingered because the world knew you’d find your way back to each other.
And you had. Two years ago, at a market by the water. You’d been on the phone to your sister at the time, tugged along by your rambunctious niece while you were trying to pick a good watermelon, and he’d just… been there. Over by a stand selling fresh berries and mangoes, the same stall your niece was headed for.
Wearing a faded navy shirt, the logo for his brother’s sandwich joint on the front, his hair unruly and soft, he’d looked exactly as you’d remembered. But a little older now, grown. Every memory had come rushing back, glueing you to the spot, and you’d muttered an apology as you hung up on your sister, promising to have her daughter home in time for her afternoon nap. 
He turned, then, spotting you, and it was a bit like the movies you’d roped him into watching with you in high school, late at night, after you’d been studying all afternoon. It felt like everything stopped, his breath caught in his throat, and nothing could’ve stopped the smile that bloomed on your face.
And now, two years later, perched on the kitchen counter in your shared apartment, your hands tangled in his hair, he was smiling at you in a very similar way. 
“Okay, okay,” you murmured between gentle kisses that tasted of coffee and maple syrup and love. “Carm, we’ve gotta go or we’ll be late.”
“Don’t want to,” he grumbled, kissing you again, his hand cradling the back of your head. The warmth of him as he stood between your knees radiated through you, and you wanted to curl up in bed with him and never leave. But there was a very excitable eight year-old waiting on you.
“If I’m late to my niece’s birthday, you know my sister will probably murder me, right?”
Carmen huffed out a laugh, finally pulling away, and despite every instinct in your body screaming at you to hold onto him, to keep kissing him, you let him go. He held up his hands in mock retreat, turning away to grab his jacket off the back of one of the dining chairs. “Come on, then.”
He patted your ass as you passed him, grabbing the keys from the dish on the counter. Then his hand was on your wrist, tugging you close, and his lips found yours again. And you were instantly drunk on the sweet, honeyed words of ‘I love you’ that drifted from his mouth. 
Such an easy thing for him to say now, even if only to you, for it had taken almost a decade of wanting to confess it.
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phthalomushroom · 3 months
The Family (3)
last next
pairings: modern!mafia!aemondxreader
summary: You had left Kings Landing and the Targaryen family four years ago. Now back and living with your old roommate you realize that the life you had thought you escaped had seemingly been waiting for you. But will the family really let you go? Will the people you left behind forgive you? Can you forget the past and look to the future?
word count: 3.3k
warnings: language, mentions of trauma, mentions of shooting, alys rivers, Italians, drunk aemond??
notes: this felt rushed but it is also long - sorry about that, idk what happened I've been super busy!!!
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You hadn’t spoken to Baela the entire way home.
To say you were more than pissed was an understatement. You couldn’t tell if you were more mad at the situation or at your best friend for keeping such monumental information from you. You stormed into your apartment with a plan to shut yourself in your room for the night when Baela stopped you.
“I was told not to tell you.”
You whipped around. “What?”
“Aemond… wanted to be the one to tell you.”
“And how would he have told me?” You had blocked his number and his social media when you left the city, fully shutting him out of your life. She gave a weak smile.“He didn’t say.”
You crossed your arms. 
Baela let out a long breath. “Listen, even if Aemond didn’t ask me not to say anything, I wouldn’t have brought it up.”
“You're my best friend Baela, I should have been told. What kind of friend are you?”
“One that remembers how fucking destroyed you were when you two broke up. One that remembers you leaving the city, fleeing from everyone all because of a fucking guy.”
“Which is why I should have known!”
“Why!” Her voice rose. “So you can run again?”
“I wasn’t running!”
“Then what the fuck were you doing?”
But you couldn’t say that. You couldn’t say that because it would make everything that happened that night too real. It would make everything and everyone you had shut out all these years pointless.
“I couldn’t deal with another 10 hour train ride,” Baela said after a minute of your silence. “Clearly there is still something you have towards Aemond.”
“Whether it’s feelings or unresolved shit, I don’t know. Just… maybe seeing him, talking to him, will help you.”
She moved past you to go towards her room. She stopped with her hand on the door. “I’m sorry for the part I played in this, but Aemond asked and-”
“You couldn’t say no.”
She frowned, opening the door to step into her room. “He’s the head of the family now since Otto is in jail. You know whatever is asked goes.”
Your heart dropped. 
Aemond was head of the family?
You had an awful night's sleep. You tossed and turned, thinking about what Baela had said. 
Aemond was head of the house, he now ran the family which meant he called all the shots. He finally achieved what he had wanted all those years ago, but how he got there is what plagued you.
Your clock was nearing eight in the morning when your phone chimed. You looked at it seeing a message from an unsaved number, your heart sank as you read the screen.
Heard you're back in town, we need to catch up. - A
The fucking bastard. 
You had half a mind to tell him how caught up you were when you decided against it. You threw your phone on your bed and began getting ready for the day, making your way to the kitchen. You saw a note on the table from Baela, apologizing for last night and how she wanted to talk it over more when she got back from the dinner tonight.
You crumbled the note throwing it in the trash. You had already forgiven her in all honesty, you couldn’t be mad at her for long. Besides you were being too harsh on Baela, after all you hadn’t told her anything from that night. She only knew that you and Aemond weren’t together anymore and that you needed to leave right away. In the end you were taking a lot of your frustrations out on her rather than the real person causing it. But to redirect those feelings meant that you would need to talk to Aemond and that wasn’t going to happen.
Not anytime soon anyway.
You sent Baela a quick text telling her all is forgiven and that you would see her when she got back from the celebration dinner. 
You rummaged through the cabinets trying to find anything to eat but it seems like you’d need to do a grocery run. Thankfully you didn’t start full time at work till next week, your employer understood that you needed to settle into your “new” home. 
At least that's what you had hinted at when they asked when you could start.
You put your shoes on and headed out of the apartment, going to the cafe that was a block away from where you lived. From what you remembered this place had the best chocolate croissants and made the best drinks you’ve ever had.
You had just put in your order, sitting at one of the corner tables, scrolling through your phone as you waited for your name to be called, when the chair across from you screeched.
You looked up meeting the delightful green eyes of Alicent Hightower. 
You nearly choked on your spit.
She smiled cheerily at you. “I heard you were in town.”
You smiled back, putting your phone in your bag. “I just got in yesterday, I was gonna call but-” 
She held her hand up. “Best not to, there are prying eyes and listening ears all around that house I swear.”
You laughed. Alicent Hightower had been like a mother to you when your own mother left. When you had come crying to Aemond freshman year when your family was falling apart, Alicent was the one who wrapped her arms around you and let you stay in the house until you were ready to go back.
You still remember her rage when you had told her about the note your mother left.
She truly was one of the things you missed about the Targaryen family. 
“What are you doing on this side of the city?” Alicent, along with most of her family lived in an estate on the East side of the city that overlooked the canal.
“You know this side makes the best pastries.” She gestured to the boxes by her feet. 
“Georginos is pretty stellar.”
She grinned, reaching across the table to give your hands a squeeze. “And how are you doing?”
You put on a convincing smile. “Great, no problems yet.”
She nodded. “Good to hear. After what Aemond told me, I’m surprised you decided to stick around here.”
Your heart dropped. “What?”
“The rats, dear. I don’t know how you and Baela are able to live in an apartment with rats in it.”
You swallowed your confusion. “A lot of traps.”
“Aemond said he’s heading over later to talk with the exterminator, I’m confident he’ll take care of you.”
You nodded along. “Yup!”
She squeezed your hands again. “I’m so happy that you and him could remain friends all these years, I mean I had half a mind to drag him to Winterfell and make nice.”
You nodded along, hoping your face didn’t show the confusion and anger you felt.
“Anyway, what is your number? I've missed our chats.”
You hastily reached into your bag, wanting the uncomfortableness of this conversation to end. You pulled your phone out and along with it, the invite from Alys.
Alicent’s eyes widened, upon seeing the crumpled invitation. She looked up at you smiling. “I was hoping Aemond would take my advice on inviting you.”
You gave a half hearted laugh, shoving the invite back into your bag.
Could this get any worse? 
“So I take it I'll be seeing you tonight then.” She stooped to pick up the pastry boxes. 
Come fucking on.
“I actually wasn’t planning on attending.”
She frowned. “Why not?”
You stumbled over your words. “I’m Aemond’s ex.”
“But you're part of the family.”
“It wouldn’t look good if I came.”
“And why not? You and Aemond are still best friends, it would be absurd for you not to be there.”
“I just don’t think Alys-”
Alicent snorted. “Screw what Alys thinks, I’m the one paying for the whole damn charade. I might as well get a say in who gets to come.”
Just then your order got called. She grinned pushing in her chair. “Till tonight, dear.” 
You watched her walk out, at a loss for words frozen in your seat.
What the fuck just happened?
You had managed to fill Baela in on the phone of what happened in the cafe. Telling her about Aemond’s lies to his mother and the insistence of Alicent that you attended the dinner. Baela was able to stop by after work so that you two could walk in together.
You had just managed to find a dress in the back of your closet that would work for the formal occasion, your boxes from Winterfell still hadn’t come yet, to your dismay. The dress was slick black that had a perfect neckline that accentuated your boobs and yet didn’t do too much to make it seem like you were trying. Baela had described it as ‘tasteful sexy.’When you were looking in the mirror you couldn’t remember for the life of you where you had gotten it but didn’t care as you quickly left for the event.
You were already late and you didn’t want to have to spend anymore than an hour at the dinner. Luckily it was at Federicos, the whole place having been shut down for the special event. 
The restaurant came into view as you walked up the street, you could see Jace, Luce, and Rhaena all standing outside waiting. 
“You ready?” Baela asked. “We can bail out now, Luce can vomit on cue.”
“Tempting but gross,” You responded. You let out a long breath fidgeting with your handbag. “If I don’t show up Alys will be smug, and Alicent will hunt me down.”
“You don’t say no to the family.” She squeezed your hand.
You approached your friends, plastering on a smile that you knew you’d have on all night.
Rhaena hugged you first. “Finally, I’ve been trying to get Baela to let me come over to see you.”
“Yeah, it's been a crazy first day back.”
“Are you ready to go in?” Jace asked.
 “Of course, I’ve been wanting those garlic knots since we left last night.”
You hated faking it for them. You’d rather leave, you’d rather not be here. But maybe this was a fateful way of telling you to face your shit head on. So you took a deep breath as everyone filed inside, squared your shoulders and knew that you would get drunk as shit after this.
For now you picked up a cocktail from the bar with the others and sipped carefully, you needed a clear head for the night. You already spotted Alys making her rounds around the room, but hadn’t noticed Aemond among the crowd. You looked around again seeing Alicent sitting at the corner booth, nursing a glass of wine.
“I’m gonna go make an appearance with Alicent,” you told Baela.
You snaked your way through the crowd, all mostly being people from Alys’s side with a few Targaryens and Hightowers mixed in. A part of you wondered why more of the family hadn’t come but those thoughts were put on the back burner when you took the seat across from Alicent. 
She smiled. “Glad you could make it, love.”
“Glad to have been invited.
She waved you off. “Of course.”
“This place looks amazing, Alys really outdid herself.” You looked around at the black and white monochrome decorations that were dispersed around the restaurant. 
“It’s tacky,” she frowned. “And dull.” 
You chuckled. “You are just as blunt as I remember you.”
She lifted her glass. “Always.”
Her eyes drifted over your shoulder just as you heard a voice say your name. You turned to see a wide eyed Aemond Targaryen standing in all black with an empty whisky glass in his hand and a beer in the other. His hair that was cut short the last time you saw him had grown out and was now tied in a bun at the nape of his neck. He was as handsome as ever and the skip your heart did told you everything you needed to know.
You needed to be strong and you needed to be cold. 
You swallowed the panic that rose and instead raised your glass to him. “I guess congratulations are in order.”
That seemed to knock him out of his stupor as he gave you an easy smile. 
You heard Alicent get up from her seat, rounding to her son. “I can take this to the bar, you two should catch up.”
Aemond let her move past him, taking the empty glass from his hand before he slid into the seat opposite of you. He leaned back like he didn’t have a care in the world, his eyes glazed. “You never answered my text.”
“What text?” You took a sip of your drink.
He smirked, taking a sip of his beer. “You never were a good liar.”
“I blocked your number.”
“I got another number.”
You shook your head, he was still insufferable it seemed. “Seems like a lot of trouble to contact an ex.”
“You’re worth it.”
“You're engaged.” You weren’t going to let him win this. 
He leaned forward putting his forearms on the table as he set the beer down. The veins of his forearms strained slightly. “I was going to tell you when we met up.”
“And how would we have done that?”
“Well if you were going to continue ignoring me it was going to be more of an “accidental” meeting. I think that would have been charming.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re insane.”
“And you are still as beautiful as the day I first saw you.”
“I wonder how Alys would feel about that comment.”
“Alys isn’t here,” he slurred. 
Now that pissed you off. Yes, you hated Alys Rivers but like hell were you going to be treated like some mistress. “You're an asshole, you know that?”
He shrugged, leaning back as he took a swig of his beet. “I don’t understand how I can be the asshole when you're the one wearing a dress that I bought you. That is just insulting to my soon to be bride.”
Your stomach turned. That’s where you knew the dress from. Aemond had gotten it for you on your last anniversary. But if he was going to be an asshole about it, so could you. Strong and cold, that’s what you needed to be. 
You shrugged like he did. “A lot of men have bought me a lot of things over the years, I must have just forgotten.”
Something flickered in his eyes at that, like a fire had suddenly been lit. “You’re lying.”  
“Kinda like how you're lying to your mom about us.”
His face blanched, clearly taken aback. “What are you talking about?”
“We’re best friends? You’re helping with the rats in my apartment?”
He regained his composure quicker than you thought. “We are best friends and I did help with the rats.”
“That was the first week we moved in and it was one.”
He waved his hand. “Semantics.”
“We haven’t talked in years and from what your mother tells me it’s like we talk everyday.”
He leaned on the table again“What are you doing here, (y/n).”
“I was invited by your beautiful fiancee and your mother.”
“No, what are you really doing here?”
You ground your teeth. “Your mother invited me. You don’t say no to the family.”
“Except you.”
“Everyone else can’t say no but you.”
You frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“You were always the exception, (y/n). Then, now, always.”
“You know that’s not true.”
“I know that if you really didn’t want to come here you wouldn’t have, rules be damned. So why did you really show up here in a dress I bought you for our anniversary?”
You hadn’t realized it but during your exchanging of words his hands and yours had moved closer, your fingertips just touching.
Just then Alys came around the table sitting on Aemond’s lap, he pulled his hands away snaking them around her waist. “We’re doing toasts soon, honey.”
His eye drifted to you, before he looked at Alys. “I’ll be there in a minute, just need to finish this conversation.”
Alys suddenly looked at you, her eyebrows shooting up as she tried to look surprised. “Oh, you came! I gotta say I didn’t think you’d show.”
You looked at Aemond then. “I’m just here for the celebration.”
She smirked. “Well I hope your gift is nice, gods know enough of these people only gave us cash.”
She stood up then, leaning down and giving Aemond a long kiss. You looked at your now empty glass. 
He pulled away first, giving her a weak smile before she darted off back in the crowd. He folded his arms over his chest. “Celebrating Alys and I’s engagement? Seems very mature of you.”
You scoffed. “And how would you like me to react Aemond? Smash all the glasses, destroy the present table, burn the whole place to the ground?
It was his turn to scoff. “Well at least it would be a reaction, instead of this cold whatever.”
“I have been nothing but polite since we started talking.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it.”
“Then what are you talking about, Aemond?”
He leaned forward. “You’re shutting me out, putting walls up, being cold.”
“And what’s the problem with that? You were the one who told me to leave, Aemond. Then I come back and you’re trying to act like we’re friends. I don’t know you.”
“You’ll always know me, just like I will always know you.”
“Then how come I look at you and I don’t recognize you.”
“Maybe you don’t want to recognize me.”
“Don’t do that.”
He smirked. “Do what?”
You gestured to him. “Those stupid fucking games - answering my questions with questions, giving stupid fucking philosophical answers.”
He crossed his arms. “And why is that?”
You huffed. “You’re a prick.”
He shrugged. “At least I got some reaction out of you instead of that ice princess bullshit.” His voice went high pitched as he mocked you- “congratulations are in order, beautiful fiancee.”
“Is being nice a crime now in your family?
“No but being a liar and a coward is.”
You rolled your eyes. “Get a grip, Aemond.”
“What’s the real reason you came tonight?”
“I was invited by Alys and your mother, you know how they both can be.”
“Bullshit,” he spat. “I think you came here because you were curious, you couldn’t stay away.”
You wanted to laugh. This was such bullshit, what even was happening right now. Was he mad at you cause you weren’t mad? 
“Admit it.” He scooted closer.“I think you wanted to be here tonight to see for yourself if you could get me back.” He was leaning across the table now, his eyes flitting between yours. His voice dropped. “The ring was always yours, she’s just keeping it warm for ya darling.” 
You could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was clearly drunk and now he was being cruel. When you knew him he would never have let himself get to this level of intoxicated and he certainly would never have been so mean to you.
What the fuck happened when you left?
You shook your head, looking away from him.“I’m not here for you, Aemond.”
He arched his brow. “Then why’d you come?”
“To see for myself that everything we had was a lie.”
He leaned back, shaking his head. “What are you talking about?”
“Seeing you tonight like this, with her, I understand now that it wasn’t love we had but convenience.” You started getting up. “I hope you two are very happy together.”
He stared wide eyed, watching as you began pushing through the crowd. “Wait.”
“Goodbye, Aemond. Have a good wedding.” You waved over your shoulder as you walked away from Aemond Targaryen.
Tag List: @dixie-elocin @liannafae @toodlesxcuddles @watercolorskyy @zenka69 @bellaisasleep
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whorekneecentral · 6 months
A New Tradition
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George Russell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cheesy christmas traditions, first christmas as a married couple, matching pjs, handsy george, penetrative sex (p in v), oral (m!receiving), cream pie.
Word Count: 1,148
Author's Note: this is a short one and it's late lol, my apologize to the george girlies
merry smutmas series
You and George spend your first Christmas together and you mash together the traditions from both of your families. 
Your first Christmas as a married couple was a special one.
When the two of you were dating, you bounced from place to place. Your family or his depending on the year and the holiday. Now that you were married, George suggested that the two of you spend the holidays at home, just you and him.
You agreed with his suggestion, the two of you calling your families and letting them know that from now until new years, you'd be unavailable as you'd be spending time together.
Most of the racing season, you don't get to see George. You're stuck at work and there are very few weekends that you're able to hop on a plane and go see him. When he's home from racing, he's exhausted so you don't get to go many places or do much.
It wasn't the ideal way to spend your first year as a married couple but that's life I suppose.
The holidays were a much needed break from reality; you and your husband cuddled up with nothing to do and nnwhere to be.
As a married couple does, you had old traditions and new ones.
George suggested stockings be your new tradition, seeing that neither you nor him had one in years. You got customs ones made, all your favourite places and things on there, your names stitched into the top and hung on your fireplace.
As for old traditions, your family always ordered Christmas breakfast opposed to making it. So you ordered from your favourite spot, a few minutes from the flat in London.
After breakfast, you two opened your gifts, FaceTiming your families to wish them a Merry Christmas.
The rest of the afternoon was spent lazing, you two went for a walk around the block, getting some fresh air before George started on Christmas dinner - his family tradition. He made sure to get everything done for 7pm on the dot, of course his mum on FaceTime so the two of them could cook together. That was mostly because George had no idea what he was doing. You popped in and out to help when you could but George shooed you away, assuring you he knew what he was doing.
For a first attempt, things came together quite well. He did burn the potatoes but if you look past that, it was just as good as his mum's.
A new tradition, a Christmas movie marathon topped with matching pjs.
Your lives were so hectic, you barely saw each other, let alone had time to watch a movie together without the other falling asleep.
The two of you had debated quite a bit before you settled on a pair. You wanted something fun like the Grinch and George wanted the classic flannel.
As any married couple would do, you compromised; flannel pants for George, flannel shorts for you and you both had these cheesy custom shirts that Lewis had made for you two as a joke - George's race car with the Roscoe sitting in it.
The two of you were sprawled on the couch, the tv playing quietly in the background. You tried to focus on the movie but all you could feel was George's fingers on your legs. Your husband traced patterns into your skin, his fingers wandering higher with each passing second.
"George," you mumble, his hand wiggling away from your grip as it continues its hike up your legs.
"What?" He looks over at you.
"Are you even watching the movie?"
"I've seen it a million times babe."
You roll your eyes, "yeah? So what's happening?"
George looks up at the screen, trying to make up something but he shrugs. "I don't know." He admits, making you laugh.
The man pulls you to sit up, his hands on your hips as he helps you up and over onto his lap. "How am I meant to watch the movie if I'm facing you?" You asked him, arms over his shoulder.
"I'm much better than the movie," he says, a smile on his face.
You roll your eyes yet again, playfully of course. George pulls you flush against him, his hands under your shirt. "This isn't very family friendly, George."
He pulls the shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere behind you. "Good thing there's no family here."
You lean into your husband, kissing him softly before moving to his cheek and down his jaw.
The kisses trail down his neck to his collarbone before you scoot back on his lap and begin kissing down his chest, his shirt joining yours on the floor. You follow the pattern of his freckles all the way down to his hips.
Sliding off his lap, you settle onto your knees in front of George. Your husband smiles, his knuckles rubbing along your jaw.
“You’re so pretty,” he hums, leaning down to kiss you.
Your hands slide between the two of you, undoing the knot on his pants, George lifts his hips and helps you slide them off. His eyes fixed on you as your lips wrap around his cock, his chest dropping and raising with each breath.
He can’t help but watch the way your head bobs up and down. His hand pulls your hair away from your face, letting you set the pace.
His head falls back against the couch, breathing out a string of explicits as you hollow your cheeks. “C’mere, sweetheart.” George whispers, pulls you off him slowly, savouring the feeling of your tongue sliding up the underside of his cock.
You're back on his lap now, George's hands reach under you to pull your shorts to the side. You're kissing him again, he was about to pull your panties to the side only to realize you don’t have any on. He smiles against your lips.
George lets you sink down onto his cock. Both of you letting out a satisfied sigh, your nails dig into his pale skin. The red marks on his shoulders match the nail polish on your fingers.
It’s hot, heated, and heavy.
He bucks his hips and your nails drop down from his shoulders to the scratches along his back. He lets out a groan, his face buried in the crook of his neck.
Your hand tangles in his hair, pulling his head back so you can kiss him. You kiss all over his face, his cheeks red from the blush forming on his cheeks.
He loves when you love on him like that.  
“You’re so good to me,” you mumble against his cheek, rocking your hips back and forth. “Mmm there,” you breathe, chest pressed to his. Charles’s lips find your shoulder, he bites down softly when he cums, feeling you clench around him.
You're lying against your husband, his giant hand on your back. "I think your movie is over," he whispers in your ear.
You giggle, shaking your head. "That's okay.
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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merthur fic recs: sof's masterlist
(inspired and encouraged by the ever-lovely @romanticeulogizingelegies <33 ilysm babes)
hello, there! these are fifteen fics that i've collected over the years as my favorite merthur fics of all time. they come in all sorts of genres and lengths and vibes, so buckle up!!
Sorcerers & Knights, and their long-lost Prince by DracoWillHearAboutThis [30k, 9/9]
"Can't you watch where you're going?!" Arthur snapped. 
"You ran into me!" the other man exclaimed, incredulous, and Arthur stilled because he knew that voice. And that accent.
He looked up and found himself face to face with a flushed, indignant Merlin Emrys, tour shirt drenched with coffee. Bloody hell.
"That shirt is Dior," was all that came out of Arthur's mouth, without his permission, and the singer's face hardened.
"Well, bugger for you," Merlin snapped. "Might have to wear off the rack, for a change, like the rest of us. Maybe the money you saved with that could go to your precious charity."
Arthur blinked, the blow of the other man's words not even hitting him before he heard Gwen Smith shriek from down the corridor.
"Merlin! You can't say that to the Prince of Wales, oh my God!"
Merlin is the lead singer of the popular British band called Sorcerers & Knights. Arthur is the Prince of Wales. Their paths cross and destiny unfolds.
fellow merthur/rwrb fans rejoice, this is practically a rwrb AU! except Merlin is the lead singer of a rock band, Sorcerers & Knights, and Arthur is the prince of Wales. the romance between the two of them is so insanely sweet, and i love all the outside commentary from the rest of the cast:)) i also recommend literally anything else by DracoWillHearAboutThis !!
Caesura by StormDancer [52k, 1/1]
Merlin is a writing prodigy with the world's most angsty case of writer's block; Arthur is an overachieving Econ major struggling to escape his father's shadow. Together, they fight crime!
Well, no, they don't. But they do fall in love.
College AU where Merlin is an undiagnosed unmedicated ADHD anonymous prodigy author who takes a course on his own work, meets Arthur, a fan, and they fall in love?? omg. on another note, Merlin's characterization in this fic is INSANE! he's giving deranged thought daughter and im obsessed
all ye faithful by schweet_heart [26k, 1/1]
After an eight and a half year absence, Arthur returns to his father’s house for Christmas, determined to find some closure and finally let go of the past. Merlin, as ever, gives him a reason to hold on.
wow. this fic. there's just so many good things to say about it, but i'll start with the beautiful depiction of parental abuse. Uther isn't physical, and he never does anything too obviously harmful, but it's the little things he says and the overall toxicity of his presence. and then the way he acts with Mordred, Morgana's son, while Arthur watches and wonders why his father never treated him like that?? it's brilliant. absolutely brilliant. the whole fic is a small town AU where Merlin and Arthur were together in secret and broke up as teenagers, and meet again when Arthur comes home. everything about this fic, from the breaking-up-and-making-up to the beautiful depiction of abuse, is so amazing.
Of Lemon Drops and Lizard-Cats by supercalvin [26k, 2/2]
When Inspector Arthur Pendragon went into work that morning he didn’t expect to get on the bad side of an attractive paramedic whose dessert-related insults were surprisingly scathing. Then the same man turned up at the police station, with a clever glint in his eye and his daughter in his arms.
When Merlin Emrys became a single father he made one simple rule: he wouldn’t date until Aithusa was old enough to understand. Merlin had always had his hands full with his daughter and never had a problem with this rule until Arthur stepped into his life. Then everyone he knew started conspiring against him.
single dad paramedic Merlin?? smitten detective Arthur?? mutual pining but self-forbidden romance?? it's amazing. and the domesticity of this fic... let's just say i finished it and couldn't stop thinking about families for the next week. the outside commentary from the rest of the cast in the department is top tier, and Aithusa as Merlin's daughter is the absolute cutest thing
wanna be your end game (my youth is yours) by ladililn [63k, series]
Merlin grows up in Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, so does Arthur.
this fic is actually a series, and it's genuinely so adorable i have no words. them?? growing up together?? badgering and arguing and teasing?? but truly being there for one another, always, when it came down to it?? elite. the absolute greatest. and their completely oblivious mutual pining never fails to make me giggle <3
after the storm (are you leaving) by Imagined, Scarlet_Ribbons [60k, 6/6]
“Gorwin is my King,” Merlin says, golden eyes fixed flatly on Arthur. “And I work for him. That’s what it says.”
“That’s what what says?” Arthur all but roars, wishing he had a sword just so that he could swing it at something. He needs to let all of this anger at something, anything, he’s just not sure at what and he doesn’t really care anymore.
“The treaty you signed."
Arthur lends Merlin's aid as a sorcerer to an allied kingdom. He doesn't expect to find Merlin, two years later, in shackles, and only a mere echo of the person he used to be.
this fic is beyond devastating. a warning that it is extremely dark, with a lot of addiction and (non-sexual) slavery. overall, though, it's so beautiful. the way that Arthur forces himself to allow Merlin to leave, and then finds him absolutely destroyed?? then stands by his side through all of it and never gives up on him?? such a beautiful fic, as well as everything else written by these two authors
secrets i have held in my heart by arthur_pendragon [20k, 8/8]
Merlin carves himself into Arthur’s soul while the song of summer trails behind them in the sultry air; while the trees haggle with the sun over the price of autumn — separation. Arthur will forever remember this week in which he obtained his heart’s desire and had it ripped away from him.
wow ok so i'm really not exaggerating when i say this is the best fic i've ever read in my life—it's so heart-stoppingly beautiful and painful and the writing is gorgeous and genuinely i don't even know how to communicate how good this fic is. it's friends-with-benefits but also secret-mutual-pining and angsty and hurtful and ahhhh. so so so good.
Next to You (It's the Rule) by LunaMyLove [62k, 8/8]
Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur.
Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others.
Also, or
Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
this is one of the funniest fics i've ever read! if you're familiar, it's very reminiscent of CaffeinatedFlumadiddle's writing. Merlin and Arthur's relationship is hilarious, very mischievous-cat and cat-owner. i also adore Mordred in this fic—he's so squishy and adorable idkidk
since we're alone, you can show me your heart by isolationqueen [7k, 1/1]
Going on a month long road trip though Europe with Arthur is probably a terrible idea. Only, Merlin has never been able to say no to Arthur.
modern road trip AU my beloved!! ughh i love the bitchy pining in this fic, and how protective and jealous Arthur gets. just them going from club to club in all these different places.... so good!! always recommend <3
More than I bargained for by follow_your_fire [27k, 3/3]
Arthur's had enough of hearing about Merlin's unsurpassed bedroom skills from his friends.
There's no way Merlin is better than him, is there?
Well, only one way to find out.
this one is for my porn-with-plot girlies!! Arthur being gay for Merlin is the funniest thing ever, and watching him be so bewildered and confused the entire fic but covering it up so that Merlin doesn't suspect a thing is top tier. and then Merlin being soft?? and loving?? and fluffy?? and then Arthur just doesn't know what to do..... SO GOOD!!
A Collapsing Star With Tunnel Vision by objectlesson [8k, 1/1]
“Perhaps we are doing her a favor then,” he says, pausing to chew the inside of his cheek before adding in a measured, careful voice. “I wouldn’t want to live without my love, either.”
Arthur whips around in the saddle to stare at him, eyes hard and dark, like the storm clouds building on the distant horizon. “What love? You haven’t got a love,” he snaps, like he’s the sole keeper of all Merlin’s secrets.
'Arthur acting different with Merlin alone than he does with the knights' my beloved!! this fic is so poetic and beautiful, with Arthur being ugly and mean but so in love and Merlin is equally so ahhhhh. so insanely good. lots of monster hunting and metaphorical discussions. im obsessed with this fic you don't even understand
Nicest Thing by idlestories [19k, 1/1]
Arthur has been best friends with Merlin since they were eleven, and in love with him since they were sixteen and he realised what that was. Too afraid to risk the friendship, he's resigned himself to never telling him how he feels.
Now, high school has just ended, it's their last summer together before university, and Arthur? Arthur is just trying not to think about it.
Featuring: loneliness, pining, drunk Merlin, driving lessons, and more than a few poorly-executed teen movie clichés. Covers June-December the year they start university.
this fic is so criminally underrated it makes me homicidal. one of my top three favorite fics of all time, do you understand me? it's so. it's so good. the pining?? the yearning?? the split as they go to different unis?? the summery poeticism of the writing?? i'll never get over this fic. i think about it every day. amazing.
time, mystical time by andiwriteordie [17k, 1/1]
Finally, the man tears his gaze away and meets Arthur’s eyes once more. “I seek the aid of your Camelot,” he says, but his voice sounds more hesitant now, as if he’s had to change his response for some strange reason.
Merlin can’t help but believe that reason is him.
“As for who I am,” the man says with a bit of a chuckle, and he glances around the room again at familiar faces, at his friends. “I am Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot.”
When a mysterious stranger shows up to Camelot claiming to be Arthur from the future and seeking help for his sick consort, Merlin learns some things about himself, about Arthur, and about a future he never dreamed was possible.
Arthur from the future time travels back in time to find Merlin, the only person powerful enough to save his cursed consort, an older Merlin?? i physically cannot. this fic is so good. shows two sides of the same coin (ha): Merlin and Arthur, established with Merlin's magic out and proud, and then Merlin and Arthur, unestablished and Merlin's magic still a careful secret. and Morgana in this fic is elite!! she's absolutely hilarious and completely done with merthur's bullshit
For Want of a Nail by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf [235k, 44/44]
Fleeing from Essetir in the bloody beginnings of the Purge, Hunith finds herself on the doorstep of old friends. That's all it takes to untangle the skeins of destiny and weave a new tapestry.
long fic alert!! but oh my god i love this fic. Leon being Merlin's older brother?? elite. Arthur and Merlin going through angsty mutual pining?? top tier. and then later on, this fic features probably my favorite OC of all time: Bellegere, Arthur's cousin and Agravaine's daughter. i love her so much and you can pry her out of my cold dead fingers. just such a good fic!!
what is this feeling by redkay [13k, 1/1]
“Get out of my sight, and don’t come back until you can prove to me why I should allow you to remain in my service.”
Merlin stares at Arthur, confused. His tone was ominous, and it certainly sounded like a threat, but Merlin can’t quite work out what part is supposed to have him shaking in his boots. He’s halfway back to Gauis’ chambers when it dawns on him: Arthur actually thinks this stupid, degrading job is something he would be willing to fight for - as though Merlin’s life wouldn’t be complete without the honor of scrubbing the sheets Arthur manages to soil on a disturbingly regular basis.
In which it takes Merlin a bit longer to warm up to Arthur than it does in canon, but he gets there in the end.
we deserve more of Merlin being genuinely bitchy and pissy at Arthur!! the show really did make him Arthur's #1 fangirl wayyy too quickly, but this fic fixes that right up. it's so funny, but so heart-touching at the same time. a classic <3
wow, this list is so long overdue it's insane, but i think this was the right time to finally put it out there. i hope you like these fics!!
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getvalentined · 4 months
FF7 Fandom PSA
This is not a callout post, this is a warning about a genuinely dangerous abuser who uses fandom spaces to acquire victims.
Apparently my abusive ex is ingratiating himself into fandom spaces again, so if you're in the FF7 fandom please keep an eye out for someone calling himself Pix or Pixeled.
The details of what he did to me specifically are available in a post from almost exactly two years ago, readable here. Other people have shared their own stories, but I don't have the energy to dig up all of them. Trigger warnings for gaslighting, emotional abuse, violent threats, forced isolation, manipulation, and more that I'm definitely missing.
Known usernames:
Instagram: midgardsomrnights, pixeledartsy, okgoosefus, pixeledpalace
AO3: pixeled, pixeledxxx
tiktok: pixrexpen, gaywrathlet
FFXIV: sarielperedhil (on Brynhildr)
ko-fi: pixrexpalace
Other: pix pendragon, pixeled pendragon, pixrexpendragon
Some of these are current, most of them are not; he's no longer active here or on Twitter that I'm aware of, so I'm not referring to his usernames there, but he uses some combination of parts from these for his usernames everywhere so they followed the same theme.
This is not "fandom drama," this is a sincere warning to anyone in his orbit to be careful and be safe. Please love yourself more than he wants you to.
With that in mind, there are more personal details under the cut, discussing the fallout of going public with his abuse and more of his behavior; no screenshots on these because it's years in the past, not all of the related accounts and spaces still exist, and back when I was first gathering evidence I had to stop before it lapsed into the territory of emotional self-harm.
Same trigger warnings as above, plus racism, (implied) sexual exploitation, sexual manipulation, and discussion of Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
I want to be very clear that I was not the first person to go through this, I was just the first to go public afterward. I have lost relationships with people I thought were friends by doing so, and actually been referred to as abusive in response to my initial thread on Twitter letting people know what he'd done. I've had people who used his treatment of me as an excuse to join in with hurting me go on to co-opt my abuse to make themselves look like victims, claiming that we were best friends until he drove us apart—or worse, to use him as a complete stand-in for their own behavior, implying or outright stating that he forced them to isolate me from friends and fandom activities and treat me like shit, all while these people have me blocked on every possible platform where I could reconnect with them.
Pix was the Bad Guy of early 2022 on FF7 Twitter, and while he deserved the title, not everything everyone said about him was true. Not everything everyone said about me was true, either, but people tend to take anything connected to fandom as "drama," even when it involves literal abuse.
One thing I never told anyone except my closest friends is that Pix drove me to the verge of suicide multiple times. He put up videos insulting me to be "funny" and got friends laughing along, when I asked him to stop teasing me all the time he exploded and said that he was allowed to express himself however he wanted and if I had a problem then I should break up with him so he could finally kill himself guilt-free, he told me that he wasn't going to placate me anymore by saying "I love you," he told me in public spaces to shut up because I didn't know anything. He used racist slurs against Asian people behind my back and told everyone who called him on it that I'd told him it was all right, leading to a continuing belief among some circles that I have some deep internalized racism toward my own fucking ethnicity.
He told me that his mother saw me as a whore and a homewrecker, because I'd seduced him away from his boyfriend of eight years—in spite of the fact that I told him outright I did not want a romantic relationship with him because he was already in one, and I wouldn't be party to cheating. When I went public with what he did, he claimed that I pressured him into a romantic relationship, neglecting to mention that he'd been pushing for one almost since we met and that I'd shot him down because he was already with someone else. He said that I'd forced him to break up with his boyfriend, and seemed to be implying that I'd somehow sexually exploited him because I'm a cisgender lesbian and he identified as an aro/ace trans man at the time we broke up. When we got together, he identified as a bisexual nonbinary person.
To be completely honest, though, his orientation and gender identity doesn't even fucking matter with regards to the implication that I exploited him because we never had any form of sexual contact—unless you want to count RP, which I don't, and if I did I would be calling him a cheater because I was not his only RP partner.
To be completely clear, we were in a long distance relationship, thousands of miles apart, and we had no sexual contact. We never sexted, we never had phone sex, we never even exchanged dirty pictures. Our relationship had no sexual element whatsoever. He eventually told me in no uncertain terms that if/when we got married, he wasn't going to sleep with me because he didn't have a sex drive anymore due to trauma, and that since I loved him so much I'd have to be happy with that.
He would remind me of this when my Body Dysmorphic Disorder began to relapse constantly from the amount of stress he had me under, because my experience with the condition is rooted on my lack of physical femininity and leads me to see myself as completely sexually repulsive. When I was triggered and trying to untie the knot in my chest that made me want to throw up at the thought of my own body, he would remind me that I didn't have to worry about being too ugly for sex with him, because he was never going to fuck me anyway. That it didn't matter if I was disgusting, because he found all bodies disgusting, so really I was lucky to have him. He didn't even care that I was disabled and that my arms and legs are too long, that my joints slip out of place all the time, that the way I have to move sometimes to keep from hurting makes me look "weird and stupid." I was so lucky to have him, because even though he was very aware of all those things, he didn't actually care. He wasn't going to fuck me anyway.
The last Christmas card he sent me literally had the words "You deserve a high-five!" printed on the front, and on the reverse he'd written something along the lines of "okay but you know I'd be sure to miss and slap you in the face, sorry not sorry."
He made my life hell in every possible way, and people said it was drama because we met through fandom—and that I deserved it, honestly, since I was so fucked up and he was such a good person for even caring about me in the first place. I deserved it, people said, since I turned around and stabbed him in the back after he'd done so much for me for the years we were together. It was just fandom drama, they said, and I was just thriving off the social capital it allegedly earned me.
And now he's back and making new friends, but it's fine because this all happened years ago, and everyone with a brain should be able to see that it's just fandom drama. But it's not. It never was. Don't let him convince you otherwise.
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spidybaby · 1 year
Could you do one where they date and they had a very bad breakup and years later they reunite and he asks her to marry him
She | part 1
Summary: You can't put the pieces of a broken plate back together and expect it to be alright.
Warnings: cursing.
I chose to separate this in parts because I think one only part will be a little too long. 😭🥺
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"You know you can go and talk to her, right?" Sergio tells me, noticing how my eyes are glued to her. "And say what?... sorry for broking up to you when you needed me the most? ... or, sorry for broking up with you and having my assistant delivered the message?"
Sergio looked at me with lifted eyebrows, not knowing that part of the story. "You told your assistant to break up with your girlfriend for you?" His head is shaking with disappointment, "you'll be lucky if she even acknowledges you. I'll punch you in the balls if I was her."
Two years ago, Kylian and you broke up. He was away for a big match. You fought the night before over the phone because he asked you not to take a big job opportunity, not wanting you to leave Paris and move to London.
He told his family, friends, and even his close teammates that you broke up because of "different lifestyles". Knowing damn well that was not the case.
He blames it on being scared of the distance, being scared of you finding someone better. Stalking your instagram from his brothers own profile. You blocked him as soon as you stepped out of his apartment. But he couldn't blame you.
You were different, your hair was lighter, your posture was more secure, and your smile was bigger even tho your eyes weren't shining as they used to.
That London job was the start of all the big things you were now doing, being a CEO of a successful company was not easy, but you made it look like it. You weren't the ex of Kylian Mbappé anymore. You were a successful businesswoman.
Your return to Paris was a secret for all your past friends, not wanting him to find out. Not having the energy to deal with him, after what he did to you.
You knew he was looking at you. You can see his reflection on the glass in front of where you and your friend were standing. Was the cold shoulder enough of a reaction? Yes and no. You wanted to slap him. Maybe make him feel a minimum of physical pain as a payment of all the tears, all the bad days you had, all the problems he caused you.
But you would never, and he knew that. You weren't the one to fight, being the calm one between the two of you, always choosing words over anything else. He was the opposite. Football leaves that rage and anger he uses in the field, and sometimes a match not being enough, he would pick small fights. The ones you didn't engage with.
"You want to go?" Lisa, your friend asks you, noticing your body language. "No" is all you can say. Not wanting to hide from him, you learned to live with the thought of him wanting you away was hard, especially when all he used to do was tell you to never leave him, to stick by his side, he was the one doing just that.
After two hours, you announced you were going home. Leaving Lisa and your other friends at the party you made your way out.
"Y/n, hi," you turn to the voice, Tchaga and old friend say, walking towards you. "Oh hi!" You wave excited. "I've missed you so much, " he says and hugs you hard. "Are you back or just on vacation?" You smiled at him."I'm on vacation, but I'll be staying." You say excited, happy to finally announce to one of your friends your plans. "That's amazing Chérie, I can't wait to hear everything about London, but that's for later. I'll dm you on Instagram so you can give me your number".
You say your goodbyes, and you walk to your car. You notice another car parked too close to yours, not leaving any space for you to open your door and enter. "Great," you say, turning around and asking the guard at the entrance to help you find the owner.
He asked you to walk back to your car, finding the person who owns it. You do as you're told and walk back. The night was chilly but not too much. The perfect weather for your liking.
"Hey, I'm sorry," you hear. "I wasn't the one who parked. It was my wife." He says, paying attention to his jacket, trying to find his keys.
You smile a little, noticing Sergio so busy with his jacket. "Blaiming this on Pilar, I see," you smile at him, "I don't recall seeing her inside. Is she really there?" You ask jokingly.
Sergio smiled and got closer to give you a hug. "Never miss the chance to make fun of me," he laughs while hugging you "to answer. Yes, she's inside." You laugh at his words.
"You're leaving this early? ... what happened to the girl who used to leave until six am?" You look at the distance, wondering the same. "She's tired and has to wake up super early." You didn't lie. You do have to wake up early, but not that early.
"Pilar and I missed you, we really do," he hugs you again. Sergio was that person who was the father of the group, giving advice and helping as much as he could. "When are you leaving?" He asks. "I'm not, I'm back." Sergio can't help the smile that creeps. "I'm happy for you. Let me move and you can be on your way."
You mumble a small Thank you, and as soon as he moves you enter you car. You notice his car is now properly parked and pulling down the window, "Don't worry, I'm not telling Pilar about this," he laughs and says goodbye.
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The sound of your heels was echoing through the long corridor of the building. You were walking next to Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, he asked you to help him with his own company, not having the time to direct it himself due to his president occupations on PSG.
He asks for the meeting to be help at his home, a big resident in the heart of Paris. Beautiful for sure. Totally secured, for obvious reasons.
"Bienvenue chez moi" (welcome to my home), he says happily. "Merci" you say in return. "Let's go to the balcony. The view is amazing," he says, walking you there. "How was the flight?" He says, sitting on his big couch. He didn't lie. The view was extraordinary. "It was amazing. Thank you for sending your plane."
Nasser proposed the idea of you working with him. At first, you didn't accept because your job was amazing, you loved your coworkers, and you had one of the best experiences working there. However, when he offered you most benefits and a bigger salary for a bit of less responsibility you had at your job, you really thought about it. Accepting at the end because you missed your family and it was a better labor opportunity, growth wise.
"We want to treat you with the best. Our new president deserves it. Let's have some champagne on your honor, y/n, " he says, opening a big champagne bottle. "Cheers," he says, giving you a glass and touching it with his.
The conversation was him telling you more about the job, more about what you needed to do, and even a little personal with him asking about your family. Nothing special.
"Mister Al-Khelaïfi" one of his service workers says, "You have a meeting at 10:45 and it's currently 10:40, the gentleman is waiting for you," you discreetly look at your watch, noticing that the time went super quickly. "Would you mind if I invite him to meet you, y/n? I want to introduce you to one of my team guys," Nasser asks."No sir, it's completely fine," you weren't going to say no to him.
"Please ask him to come out here," the girl nods and goes back inside. "You're going to love him. He's a special one," you only smile at his words.
Your back was facing the door, so you didn't see when this man walked into the room. "Ah, my golden boy." Nassar gets up and moves to the door. "Kylian Mbappé, the man himself honors me with his presence." When Nasser says his name, you can't help but choke with the champagne. "Oh miss, you okay?" You boss asks "yes... I'm fine, sorry."
You get up and turn to face him, his face all serious, his eyes all dull but beautifully shiny due to the sunlight, his beard was new, never seen that before. God, he looks so good.
"Bonjour, Kylian," you say, stretching his hands, "Bonjour" is all he says, taking your hands in yours. You can't help but look at the hands intertwine. You pull your hand back quickly, hating but loving the feeling. "Take a seat, Kylian, please join us." Nasser can't feel the tension, but you do. "y/n is the new president of my company," he announced.
Kylian can't keep his eyes off of you, the way the sun is making you look out of this world, "That's amazing, such a smart girl"
You can't help but smile a little. Mumbling a small "Thank you".
"Kylian is our best player at PSG. He's a star." But you already knew that. He was amazing since Monaco. He's been amazing since always.
"Actually, we have a game in a few days, be my guest and come with me," he says, all excited. For the first time, your eyes left Kylians. "Oh, thank you, Nasser, but I'll have to decline, I have so much to do with the moving and the paperwork..." but he wasn't taking a no for an answer. "Let me hire somebody to help you, it's my treat to you. But you're coming with me."
You just nod and smile. Even if you want to scream, you know better than that. "Well, Mister Al-Khelaïfi, I'll love to stay, but I have a few meetings of my own, I'll let you and Kylian talk alone." You say standing up, not wanting to be around him that much longer.
"Wait, let me bring you a small something I got for you. Kylian, please wait for me, just a second." He gets up and gently pushes you down my the shoulders. "Take you time, Nass," is all Kylian says.
The silence is uncomfortable, is thick, and it's tiring. "I like that color on you," you turn your head to his side, narrowing your eyes at his words. You only nod slowly, not engaging. "And your hair looks amazing, I like this lighter shade" you can only nod again.
He stayed quiet after that, thinking what else he could do. "So, your mom still likes mashed potatoes?" He pouted his lips out of anxiety, wanting for you to answer. After a few seconds without an answer, he gives up. He put his head down. "Does yours still have that old motorcycle?" You finally answer.
He smiled. His mom does have that motorcycle, the same one you once tried to ride, failing astronomically. "She does." You nod one more time, not knowing what to say.
But before he can ask something again, Nasser announces himself. "Here it is. It's a special little something for you." He walks with a big orange bag in hand, your eyes widen in surprise. You were expecting a bottle of wine not an hermes gift.
"You can go home and open it. If you don't like the color of shape, you tell me, and I change it." He hands you the bag and you take it smiling. "Thank you, sir. I'm sure I'm going to love it."
This time, nothing is stopping you from leaving. "I'll see you monday, sir. Thank you for your hospitality." You shake your hand with his "goodbye to you too, Kylian." Not expecting an answer, you grab your purse and with gift in hand walk out of the house.
"She's all that, don't you think?" Nasser asks Kylian. Nodding to respond, smile growing. "She is."
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"It's a fucking birkin" Lisa says looking at the bag Nassar gave you. "A BLACK ONE THAT JEAN PAUL GAULTIER DESIGNED." You look at her with a smile, not expecting her reaction to be this one. She owned a few birkins on her own. "Shhh, Lisa, people are staring. But yeah, it's beautiful." You say touching the bag.
Lisa and you were having a nice wine date at your favorite old spot, the one you used to come to as a freshman in college. "I can't believe he still remembers what my mom likes." You sip your wine. "Why?" You ask Lisa, as if she knew the answer.
You were mad at him for doing this, acting as if everything was fine when it's not. When he was the one who broke you, the one who left you, and the one who acted wrong in all of this.
"I thought he had a girlfriend, the ex-girlfriend of that ex PSG player. I mean, I saw them make out like three times. " Lisa, the queen of not thinking before speaking, let out as if it's nothing. You made a discomfort face. "I mean... that's none of my business. I had some flings on my own." You say trying to convince yourself that Lisa's words didn't matter. "Yeah you were a whore, man. Did you even remember half of the names?"
You spill your wine back into the glass. "My God, Lisa, would you like a microphone? Maybe the people at the back of this place didn't hear you clearly." And all she could do was laugh. "It's not my fault you were playing freebies after he dumped you, y/n. I know it's hard for you to admit it, but you were looking to forget about him while trying to find someone who was just like him."
She was right. You tried to find someone like him, someone who you could trust with your life, someone who would know every bit of you, every stretch mark, every curve. But you didn't find that. Not admitting it out loud, you did try but failed, 99% of those guys were out of the door the next day, ghosting them or simply blocking them after the night. The other 1% didn't even had your number.
"I'm not engaging," you say, sipping your wine. "Then why you say something to begin with?" She looks at you with a smile that you wanted to erase. "I'm disengaging." She laughs hard.
"Why don't you talk to him? I know it's not the best advice, but baby, you need that. You need the closure you are looking for. And you will see him at the game, so do it." She did have a point. The closure can work. "I... I don't think I'm ready to be in the same room as him yet." Even when you have already been alone with him, that was not by choice, so it didn't count. "His brother texted me," you say, smiling at the thought of his little brother, Ethan. "I miss that kid. He was nice." You nod.
"I never stopped talking to him." Saying that out loud felt illegal, even if you weren't doing anything wrong. "Why?".
Why? You ask yourself, maybe, because he was the only one who knew Kylian words weren't real, that he was the one who fucked up. "He knew." Is all you say, Lisa understood and didn't ask more questions.
You finish your wine and say your goodbyes, walking back to your parents' house, you were staying there till your things were complete at your new place.
Thinking about Lisa's words, you do need that closure. You do need to express everything. He didn't let you express. You needed that, but it was too soon, and he was the golden boy of the city. One wrong move and everything was going to end. You used Kylian wouldn't do anything to hurt you, but now it wasn't a certain thing.
But you needed to try. In an impulsive, though, you grab your phone and open instagram. Here he is, the only one at the blocked list.
You think about it, was it worth it? Was that really what you needed? You think nothing of it and press the unblock button. Opening his profile, you send him a dm.
@yourusername: Je peux te parler? (Can we talk?)
You put your phone inside your purse already regretting it. You look at the window of the stores, thinking if it's okay to give yourself a little something. Saying yes to yourself, you enter at the store, searching for nothing in particular.
"Y/n?" Your head turns looking at the woman standing in front of you. "Hi," you smile shyly, feeling a little uncomfortable. "It's so nice to see you. When did you come back?"
She was standing closer now, the little girl in her arms confused, looking at you. "I landed last week, haven't gone out that much." You smile at her and the little girl. "We missed you. It's good for you to be back." She touches your shoulder and leaves the store.
You see how she exits the store, going back to reality thanks to your phone notifications.
@k.mbappe: J'ai besoin de te parler (I really want to talk to you.)
@k.mbappe: chez toi ou chez moi? (your place or mine?)
You take a deep breath exhausted.
@yourusername: chez toi (your house)
@yourusername: donne moi ton adresse (give me your address)
@yourusername: Je serai là dans cinq minutes. (I'll be there in 5 minutes)
Kylian sends you his address, and you find a taxi outside the store, not sure if this is the right choice.
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rosexxi · 2 years
Quidditch Bruises 🍂
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Theo and Y/N are quidditch rivals on field, off field maybe not
fluff // t.n // x quidditch rival! reader
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You loved quidditch. There was something about the wind flying past your face that made you feel alive. You wouldn't say it was the best thing in your life, but it was definitely the one thing that you looked forward to the most. You made the Ravenclaw team in your third team as a beater. Even though you were never super strong, or largely built like others, you being hot headed and extremy competitive made being a beater second nature.
You were currently on your way to your potions class but all that was on your mind was the big game on Saturday. Against Slytherin. Now you didn't mind most Slytherins, you actually got along with quite a lot of them. But the Slytherin Quidditch team seemed to be made of people you couldn't stand. But one of them stood out amongst the rest. Theodore Nott. He seemed to be the male version of you. Sarcastic, often kept to himself, clever. A seemingly angry young man who just so happened to be incredibly attractive. There was just something about his dark, sharp features that lingered in your mind. Maybe thats why you both seemed to fight a lot, wether it be in class or on the field.
"Ready for the game?" asked Cho.
Cho had been your best friend since you were children, you did everything together and told each other everything.
You nodded in response as you took your place beside her.
"You know you looked kind of distracted in practise yesterday." she mentioned as you took your books out of your bag.
"What? I wasn't." You disappeared under the table to reach for the pen you had dropped upon hearing her thoughts.
"Are you sure it wasn't because the Slytherins were watching."
"Nosy bastards. Why would I care?" you muttered. As you were about to get up, she kicked you in the shins, as though trying to tell you something without words.
"Why'd you do that for? I can't get injured because you're kicking me." you groaned.
As you got up from behind the table you were met with the eyes of Theodore and Draco. Theodore had an eyebrow raised, his tired eyes looking rather amused.
So that's what she was trying to say, you thought, mentally rolling your eyes at her childish actions.
"Nosy bastards are we?" Draco asked. The two boys took their places at your table.
"Yeah you are." you said quietly, not wanting to engage in an argument at 8 in the morning.
"Don't kick her too hard Cho, we all know how hard she bruises. Bit ironic for a beater dont you think." Theodore asked, referring to first year flying lessons when you fell off your broom and spent the next two weeks with a bruise the size of England. Though everyone else seemed to forget, he never did and he'd make sure you knew it.
You sent him a fake smile, along with your middle finger, and opened your book, getting on with the lesson Slughorn had prepared. It was a rather boring lesson, you made Amortentia, and though you'd never admit it, you smelt grass, a woody musk and peppermint. You smelt Theodore.
You didn't speak much with Theodore and Draco during the lesson. You tried to block out them entirely as they teased you on their win last year. They eventually gave up and began talking in hushed whispers amongst themselves. Occasionally they'd glance over in your direction, but you just got on with your work, or gossip with Cho.
"He's in love with you y/n." Cho stated at dinner.
"Cho, were you present at class. He's just annoyingly arrogant and he's like that with everyone."
"He's not like that with me."
"Well yeah but you don't argue back. I do so he probably finds it amusing or something I don't know."
"I do. I've said it since fourth year and I'll continue to say it. He always seems to be exactly where we are, he teases you, pays attention to you and I swore today I overheard him tell Draco he smelt Lavender and wood. That's literally your favourite perfume scent!!"
"He did?" you asked, slightly taken aback by what she had said. Cho had always told you how Theo must have been madly in love with you, and though you wanted to believe it, you never really did.
You quickly changed the subject, but couldn't help but smile to yourself at the thought of Theodore smelling Lavender. It was your favourite.
The weekend had approached quickly meaning it was the first game of the year.
"Try not to fall off your broom this time y/n." Theo called out before the two teams disappeared into their changing rooms.
"Try not to get hit by my bat." you waved with a sweet smile.
You turned to see Cho face you with an accusing look but you just shrugged it off as you listened to your captain.
You eventually made your way out onto the field and lined opposite the Slytherins. Theodore blew a kiss at you and you rolled your eyes as you brought your hair into a bun.
"And the first game of the season has started." you heard Luna comment.
It was a good start to the game, Ravenclaw were ahead and you had managed to get a good few hits in with your bat, a few maybe directed to Theo.
You were enjoying the game until everything suddenly felt very heavy, you felt as though everything was spinning. Until it wasnt.
You slowly began to open your eyes to see Cho, your captain and Madame Hooch all staring right back at you.
"What happened?" you groaned, suddenly feeling hurt everywhere. You felt as though someone had poured water all over you, or maybe it was blood?
"You collided into Theo."
"Is he ok?" you asked, feeling very embarrassed.
"He's fine you're not. They're taking you the hospital wing ok." Cho smiled at you, as you dozed off again.
The next time you opened your eyes was at night. The hurt had began to go, but you were still lying in the hospital wing. Your eyes adjusted to the dark and you noticed a figure asleep in the chair beside your bed.
"Theo?" you whispered, squinting your eyes for a better look.
He must have been a light sleeper as he awoke as soon as you called him, "What? Are you ok?"
"I think so what happened?"
He stretched over to out on the lamp and inspected your face before replying, "We banged into each other and fell. You blind idiot."
"I'm so sorry. Are you ok." you asked. He looked fine but you couldn't help feel guilt, you looked down at your hands as you began to tear up. Upon seeing this, Theodore shook his hands, "I'm only joking, I'm fine." he said alarmed, not wanting to hurt your feelings, "I'm a lot bigger then you, besides you kind of broke my fall." he tried to joke.
You stared in response before nodding.
"Why are you here?" you said quietly. So quietly he had to lean in to hear better.
"Its kind of my fault isn't it. I kind of felt bad but shut up this doesnt mean anything." he warned.
Again, you nodded in response, fiddling with your hands.
"Look I'm sorry." he eventually said as he gave you a tissue to wipe your tears. You took it from him and the both of you sat in silence.
"Its ok." you sniffled later, "It's late Theodore you can go back to your dorm."
He shook his head, "No it's fine, I feel bad."
"Are you just going to sit there?" You asked, "And don't feel bad, it's nothing. Besides you were clearly right about me not being able to fly straight."
"That was stupid of me, I was only teasing you. You're a really good player y/n. And unless you mind, it's ok I'll stay." he smiled at you.
"I don't mind Theodore." you smiled. And for the first time in your six years of knowing Theodore, it wasn't a fake smile, but a real one.
Once the awkwardness disappeared, you both began talking even more. About quidditch and other things you had in common. He was funny, he made you laugh, and to your surprise, he must have thought you were funny too, as he laughed at your jokes.
He had a nice laugh, it made you smile.
Before you knew it two hours had passed, and the two of you were dozing off. But again you couldn't help but feel bad at Theodore's seemingly uncomfortable position.
"Theo." you whispered once again. He nodded his head in response, his eyes still closed.
"You can sleep with me if you want, you look really uncomfortable and I feel bad."
He opened his eyes, to see you with the duvet opened, making space for him. He looked at you shocked at your confidence and got up silently. He nodded as he took his position next to you.
"You know I really wasn't planning on you making the first move. I've got to admit I'm kind of embarrassed." he sighed, as he got comfy.
"What do you mean?"
"I like you y/n. I like it when you argue with me, I like it when you smile at me even if its fake, I like everything about you. Have done for a while now." he said nonchalantly.
"Really? I liked you to." you said softly in disbelief.
"I hoped you did. I smelt your perfume in the Amortentia the other day and I knew I had to say something soon."
You turned in your bed to face him, as did he.
"My Amortentia smelt like you too. Theodore Nott likes me." you smiled at him.
"Who else would I like? You like me too?"
You nodded in response. Though he looked as though he was trying to hide his happiness, the bright smile on his face gave him away.
"Good good, so you'll be my girlfriend. Let me take you out on a date once you get better?"
You nodded in response, a large smile appearing on your face too, "I would love to."
He leaned in to kiss you gently on your forehead, "Sweet dreams then my love."
That night you slept better then you ever had done in the comfort of Theodore Nott, the annoying boy who you could now call your boyfriend.
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cosmicjoke · 2 months
Just adding this on, but this isn't an attempt on my part or an encouragement to harass these people, though I'm sure everyone reading this already knows that. Just a means of letting others know who's behind at least some of the harassment lately.
Alright, well, here comes the call-out post that I promised anon. Have fun with it, I guess. It's about to get long, folks. A group of @tsuki-no-ura followers, who's been obviously vague posting about me for months at this point, specifically targeting every topic I discuss on my blog by making counterarguments to it on their blog, even though I never directed any of my analysis posts or anything else at them, nor has anything I've ever written been in direct response to anything they've written, is certainly behind at least some of the harassment. And other than the times I've tried having conversations with tsuki in the past, when I used to follow them, and wanted to discuss their posts with them, which almost always went ignored, I haven't at all addressed them or made reference to them, either implied or specifically, in any of my analysis posts. I only made reference to them a few weeks back when I found out that they'd essentially said my defense of Levi's violence was tantamount to Nazism, which I wasn't going to let stand. That's the only time I've ever directly referenced them. And yet, every time I make an analysis post, a counterargument to it magically appears on their blog the same day or a few days later, something that was brought to my attention by a mutual of mine. I had no idea until a couple weeks ago that this was happening, because I stopped following them more than a year ago, and only just recently blocked them. But they're obviously stalking me. And, inevitably, every time they do this, a slew of anon hate messages get sent, both to me and various other blogs that I follow, or that follow me. This isn't a coincidence:
@clearavenuelover, @66honeybadgers, and I'm sure various other of their groupies, are the ones almost assuredly largely behind the anonymous attacks on Levi blogs over the last, several months. They start out with their passive-aggressive bullshit, and eventually, of course, it turns to outright hostility, because that's just who these people are. @clearavenuelover purposefully tagged me in one of tsuki's posts, and so obviously they're aware of their followers harassing other Levi fan blogs. This is the link to the post they tagged me and other Levi fan blogs in: https://www.tumblr.com/tsuki-no-ura/739123803956854784/okay-so-here-i-come-with-my-discourse-causing
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And yet more evidence that these people all congregate in the same circles and circle-jerk each other over how they think they're "winning" some non-existent contest against me and other Levi fan blogs.
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And look who liked this answer as soon as it was put up:
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And here @66honeybadgers is again, name-dropping tsuki-no-ura while they continue to harass me:
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And this is clearly the same douche-bag that asked me a few weeks back if I considered myself a "Levi expert", and has now, over the last two days, continued to harass me for daring to express my opinion about Levi on my own blog, dropping the "friendly" act and showing their outright hostility:
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This is clear harassment from a very specific corner of the fandom, mainly, surprise, surprise, eruri shippers, or even just Erwin stans who want to make everything about him, and get angry at anyone who dares to express any different view from the ones they hold, to the point of actively seeking out and stalking our blogs, hate reading our posts, going into our inboxs and sending us anonymous hate messages, trying to cram their opinions down our throats and then getting upset when we don't listen or accept their views. And then they want to go around acting like they're all the victims. What a joke these people are. Anyway, I just thought I should make this post so that actual Levi fan blogs can know to avoid and block these assholes. I can't say if they're behind ALL of the harassment, but they're certainly behind some of it, and it's good to expose them because they're cowards, and once they've been exposed, they won't have the fucking balls to continue.
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🍏 to find later
AITA for sending my friend $100 as a wedding gift
(She used to use Tumblr but deleted her blog years ago so I feel comfortable sharing this.)
My (28 NB) best friend T (26 F) got married sometime within the last year or so. We had known each other for about 8 years at this point after meeting online and sort of dated on and off for about 4 of those years. We loved each other very much, I even flew out to meet her in person, but the distance got to be too much for her and I understood that and we still stayed close friends. We helped each other through bad breakups with toxic friends and lovers, and when she told me she met someone (G, 24 M) and things were getting super serious with him I couldn't have been happier for her.
The thing is though, G has always been jealous of how close T and I were. T had been upfront with him that I was an ex and that we've been romantically and physically involved in the past, but we had both assured him that nothing was going on between us anymore and that we had both moved on. But that didn't stop G from constantly thinking I was going to try to steal T away from him despite living half way across the country (I was on the west coast and T and G live in the south).
About 2 years ago, my family started making plans to move to around the same area they live in. Not super close but a day's trip, think LA to Vegas. I wasn't thrilled about the move but it was cheaper and my grandmother lives out here and she needed our help, so I did my best not to object too much to it. Besides, I figured this way I was closer to T and that I could finally meet G face to face, hopefully to settle this bad blood he seemed to think was between us and help him realize that I wasn't going to try to steal T away from him. Especially since by this time G had already proposed. Around this time though, T had told G that she had send me some rather revealing photos showing off some new body mods she had gotten, purely out of excitement. I hadn't asked to see them, she offered and said it should be fine, and well, turns out it wasn't. G got pissed and almost called off their wedding. They stayed together though and worked through it, and then a few months later T disappeared on me. Stopped responding to my messages, blocked my phone number, everything. I was already at a low point in my life because of the move and this made me get lower. After the move I got drunk one night and realized that T hadn't blocked me on Twitter so I ended up messaging her, and she got back to me immediately and explained that G had told her that if she didn't cut contact with me then he was going to leave her because he didn't think I had ever actually gotten over her and that I was going to try to steal her from him. I was hurt but I understood, especially since T was at a point where if G left her she'd have to go back to a very toxic living situation. I told her I still considered her my best friend, she still considered me hers, and that was the last time I talked to her.
Now, here's the part where I might be the asshole. Last November I was checking my Venmo to make sure my info was up to date and I realized that I still had T on there to send money to. Not only that, but T had changed her last name to G's, meaning that they must have gotten married by now. So, I decided to send them $100 as a late wedding gift. T is still my friend and I was happy for them, and I didn't mean anything bad by it, but for the last two months I've been worried that G would be upset and that it would have opened up years old wounds.
TLDR; My friend's new husband doesn't trust me and wanted her to stop talking to me, and in response I sent them $100 and a congratulations, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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rogersideup · 10 months
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter 15
Everything will be Okay
series masterlist
Previous part: Cinnamon Roll Next Part: Crawl Home to You
Word Count: 6,979
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of medical equipment, loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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"This is the worst thing I've ever done" Steve complained, puffing out short winded breaths as he worked at the table opposite you.
He decided he wanted to learn how to bake bread after watching you do it so many times. The patiences and techniques behind the art intrigued him, and there was no one better to learn from than you, the best of the best.
You laughed as you watched him struggle to knead the dough on the floured counter facing yours. His cheeks were turning pink and his dough was still shaggy and lumpy, he was completely envious of yours already becoming smooth and bouncy. "Don't look at mine, it's unfair to you. I have experience, comparison is going to kill all your confidence."
"My arms hurt" Steve emphasized.
"Your arms pulled an in-flight helicopter into the top of a building, and single handedly ended World War II. I'm pretty sure they can handle an artisan loaf, Baby." You smiled.
"How long have we been kneading?" He puffed out.
You peaked at the clock, "mmmm, 3 minutes."
"How long do we need to do this?"
"Usually 10"
"Okay, well, you must have arms of steel because this is impossible."
"I believe in you!" You encouraged him. "Use the heels of your palms, push the dough out then pull it back. You can even go diagonally, side to side."
"You're not even out of breath?" He noted in disbelief. "I feel like I'm asthmatic again."
"Do you need an inhaler? I'm sure I can find you one" A giggle slipped past your lips.
"You're a super soldier." Steve stated, his arms coming to a stand still to take a break. "There's no way someone can just do this."
"Here, let's swap. I got a good start on this one so it'll be easier for you." You said walking over to his side of the table, and taking over his dough while he moved over to yours.
"See, much easier. Now I'm a bread master!" He exclaimed, working with your dough that was already almost completely smooth rather than his shaggy mess.
"I knew you could do it! Great job, Stevie" You smiled.
"Thank you, thank you." He accepted your compliment.
A comfortable silence fell between you two as the sound of music filled your ears, you were obviously very concentrated on fixing the monstrosity of a dough pile Steve had left you.
It was sticking to every square inch of your hands, yet also incredibly crumbly and dry. You had no idea how he even went about creating such a substance, but you sure as hell were going to make it work, and you definitely weren't going to say anything about it.
He knew it wasn't correct, it was written all over your face but that made him happy. Watching you try to work with the crumbly goo with furrowed eyebrows and a smile that you tried to hold back warmed his heart, you were always so kind and encouraging.
"So..." Steve broke the silence.
"So?" You acknowledged.
"I was thinking."
"Oh gosh, that's scary..." You joked.
"Our anniversary passed not too long ago..." He mentioned, causing you to look up at him with a fond look on your face.
"That was six months ago" You pointed out, unsure if not too long was the proper description of how much time had actually passed.
Once all of the scary bumps that came along with establishing a new relationship were smoothed out, unlike the dough beneath your hands, your relationship with Steve was so smooth it glided by effortlessly and fast.
The concept of time since the blip in general felt quite odd, it felt like five years had passed by in the blink of an eye, yet the way of living with only half the population was so normal and routine now you couldn't imagine a time in which you lived a normal life before the blip.
That's exactly how you felt about your time with Steve as well. He moved in permanently next door, then before you knew it his lease was up and he moved in to your house. The spaces that were once yours were now yours and Steve's.
Four and a half years deep into your official relationship with the man and you couldn't even remember a time in which his easel wasn't always displaying a half completed work of art in the corner of the living room and there wasn't a Captain America suit tucked away in the very back of the closet, hiding away in a garment bag.
The two of you created the simple, care free life of your dreams. One in which the biggest struggle you faced on the daily basis was keeping the bakery stocked despite the ever growing crowds, and missing Steve whenever he was away on business to the compound in New York.
"So our anniversary is coming up!"'He enthused.
You laughed at his change of words, "only six months away!"
"Can you believe that four and a half years ago I waltzed in here for a cookie, and that simple choice single handedly changed both of our lives?" He questioned.
"Wow, kneading bread makes you so philosophical." You noted. "What a great choice you made, just goes to show that cookies really are the better part of life."
"You're the better part of my life, sunflower." He purposely cheesed causing you to look back up at him once more.
"How sweet" You acknowledged. "If my hands weren't covered in dough I'd reach up and boop your nose."
He laughed while he continued kneading your loaf that he was definitely going to claim as his now. "Maybe we could spend our half-anniversary in New York?"
Steve was going through a phase in which you could've never ever predicted, he hated going up to the compound now. He dreaded work trips, he hated how cold his room in the compound always seemed to feel, he despised all the memories that came to mind when he walked around.
From what you could understand through multiple conversations about this, he just didn't like being away from you. Being away from you when the blip happened and having no control over your arrest traumatized him in a way he would never admit, but in a way you could see in his eyes every time he had to leave town.
Regardless of what it was that made him resent the compound so much, you knew that it was a whole lot easier for him when you tagged along. So now he found a lot of creative reasons to try and drag you to New York.
Each reason was more creative than the last, and you said yes every single time he asked. At this point in your relationship, you were pretty sure you've spent over four months time in New York and it was starting to feel like a second home.
"You know you don't really need a reason to get me to New York right?" You smiled. "I'd love to spend our half anniversary with you, and I'll go with you to wherever you need to go."
"But coming up with a reason is half the fun" Steve admitted.
"Is this fun?" You questioned, motioning to the dough in your hands.
"This is exhausting!" He answered honestly, earning a laugh from you.
"You know what I love about going to the compound with you?"
"That Nat is there?" He questioned.
"That I get to learn about all the cool things you do for once. It's like going to the Avengers bakery and kneading the Captain America loaf!" You explained. "But yeah, I do love seeing Nat."
Steve giggled at your analogy, loving every second of watching your skillful hands try their absolute hardest to make his faulty dough pile work. "I'm always worried that you might be bored whenever I drag you with me."
"Bored?!" You emphasized. "My love, I'm a civilian in the Avengers compound. There's absolutely nothing boring about that."
"Okay, so next week you'll come with me?" He asked just to make sure.
"Of course" you reassured.
"Woohoo!" He shook his shoulders and hips in a little happy dance, hands sill focused on the dough. "Best day ever!"
You laughed at his response, "if this is the best day ever, then I think we should get out more."
"Okay, now is your chance to be honest with me." Steve prompted. "Does that dough lump have any potential at all of becoming anything close to a loaf of bread?"
"You know I love you very, very much?" You smiled, batting your eyelashes.
"Of course I do." Steve giggled.
"We're gonna have to squish this." You told him honestly. "But the bright side is that you're doing so well kneading that loaf, it'll be the prettiest, glutinous loaf to ever come out of this kitchen!"
"You said that so nicely, I'm not even upset about it" Steve shrugged, prompting you to smile.
You walked over to him and rocked up on your tippy toes before smacking a kiss to his cheek. "You're wonderful, we'll try again soon."
Before you knew it, you were right back in New York, smack dap in the compound. Whenever you were here you completely understood that Steve was here to work, so you never expected him to keep you entertained by any means. So you always brought your laptop and took care of business from the comfort of his room or the living room depending on what him and Nat were up to that day.
And 100% of the times you stepped foot into the Avengers home, whoever was lingering around always asked for you to bake them something, and you were always happy to say yes.
This particular night, Nat requested a chocolate chip cheesecake. After going to the store to get everything you needed, making all the parts and popping it in the oven, you started to do the dishes.
Muscular forearms wrapped around your stomach from behind, and the front of Steve's body warmly pressed against your back.
"How's it going, baby?" He questioned.
"Good, almost done in here." You responded while enjoying every second of his embrace. "How are you? Sleepy?"
"So tired." He confirmed. "I have a few hours of work left to get ready for the support group tomorrow but I think Nat is wrapping up for the night. You'll be okay?"
"Of course, I still have to input payroll and enter the supply delivery invoice for the bakery so I have plenty to do." You grinned, wiping your hands off so you could turn around to face him. When you did, you couldn't help but to admire him. His hair, his cute outfit, the fond yet tired look in his eyes. Reaching up, you squeezed his shoulders to try and relax his tense posture as his hands made their way to your hips. "You're so beautiful."
His cheeks turned pink before dropping his head onto your shoulder. "You're beautiful-er."
"Why does it have to be a competition? Just accept your handsomeness and move on" You giggled at his shyness, even after four and a half years together.
"Becauseeeee" he complained. "I'm lucky to have you, and I'm so happy you're here. Then, you're always really nice to me and all the people here that I love and I just can't even process how sweet you are."
You smiled before you both mutually leaned in for a kiss. "I promise you that I feel like the lucky one."
"Impossible." He shook his head in denial with his cheeks stilly adorably rosy. "Thank you for baking for us."
"Anytime, you know I love it."
Steve nodded in agreement. "I'll see you in a few hours?"
"I'll be here." You gave his shoulders another good squeeze. "We'll get those pretty eyes of yours some good rest."
By the time Steve finished up work and made his way back to the living quarters, it was already way past the bedtime he subconsciously made for himself to keep up with living with a baker. 10 at night felt like he had pulled an all nighter, and it seems as though that's how you felt as well considering he found you and Nat asleep on the couch.
Empty plates on the coffee table with Oreo crumbs being the only evidence of the cheesecake you made hours prior, and a movie that Steve had never even heard of playing on the TV provided the only source of light in the big space.
You and Nat had obviously gotten close and comfortable with each other, the shared blanket across your laps and your head plunked over onto Nat's shoulder with her head on top of yours made Steve smile and feel endlessly happy.
As much as you loved Nat, Steve knew Nat needed every drop of love and friendship you could give her. You both knew she was struggling ever since the blip, she spent every waking moment trying to monitor the world and find a solution. Steve didn't even know she was capable of settling down enough for even just a few hours to be able to fall asleep while watching a movie in the first place. You weren't just his sunflower, but everyone's who was lucky enough to earn your love.
Though he hated to break up the adorable scene in front of him, he was just as tired as the two of you evidently were and knew he should get you to bed.
He started by waking up Nat considering you were stuck beneath her. She was a light sleeper so it didn't take more than gently shaking her arm to wake her up, and she came to her senses quickly enough to immediately recognize what Steve was about to do.
"Good morning." Nat grinned, not lifting her head from the top of yours.
"Morning." Steve smiled. "Any chance I could get my girl back so I can send you two off to bed?"
"No. She's mine now." Nat denied. "Shes so cute and cuddly like a little puppy."
"You can have her back in the morning, but if she doesn't get some real sleep she gets a little grumpy." Steve bargained.
"Fine, but she's mine tomorrow. We're gonna go run some errands and grab lunch together."
"That sounds great, you could use a few hours away from this place." Steve encouraged.
"Just for that comment, I'm staying home." Nat joked.
"I will literally pay for both of you to go get your nails done if that means you'll get some fresh, non recirculated air." Steve sassed.
"A manicure and I get to take your girl out? Sign me up." She continued joking.
"The only conditions are that you go get some sleep and let me have nighttime custody of her so that she can get some sleep too."
"You're such a dad." She stated while carefully nudging your head off of her shoulder, then slowly standing up when she had successfully moved you off of her.
"Can I get you anything before you head off to bed?" Steve checked in.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you." She approached him and squeezed his shoulder before he just pulled her in for a hug anyways. "Goodnight, Rogers."
"Night, Romanoff." He reciprocated before letting go and she walked off into her room.
Now, he had you. His precious little lump on the couch. The dishes on the coffee table could be taken care of in the morning, and the TV would auto shut off in an hour or two. So he picked you up and held you tightly in his arms, and you immediately snuggled into neck.
He could tell you woke up at some point considering you started leaving little kisses to his exposed skin before he made it to his room. You were already in your pajamas ready to go, so he gently laid your down on the bed before he changed into some pajama shorts and brushed his teeth before laying down next to you.
Surprisingly, you were still awake and quick to pull the blankets over the two of you as you settled into each other. Appreciating the warmth of his soft bare skin, you laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arm tightly around his stomach, hand resting on the side of his rib cage.
You placed a little kiss to his collar bone before propping yourself up a bit on your arm to spark up a conversation you needed to get off your mind before you could truly get some restful sleep.
"How was the rest of your day, honey?" You questioned as one of his hands slipped up the back of your crewneck, the other drew little circles onto your hip.
"It was okay, pretty routine." He responded softly. "How's Nat doing?"
"That poor girl needs to get a life away from all of this." You sighed.
"I know" Steve nodded in agreement. "It's really hard to take a step back when you feel directly responsible, but it's not healthy. I've been encouraging her to get out more but she doesn't listen."
"I invited her to stay with us in Greenwood in a few weeks, hopefully she takes me up on that." You moved your hand up to his chest.
"That would be really fun." Steve grinned. "Did you have fun tonight?"
"Mhm, I mostly worked the whole time though." You admitted. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something before we sleep."
"What's going on?" He asked, you could tell he was paying a little closer attention now.
"So I ran some numbers on profit and what not, and just for shits and giggles I reached out to my lender and contractor to see if this was even a possibility when I had the idea but now that it's looking very possible, I wanted to see how you felt about this..."
"About what?" He raised an eyebrow in anticipation.
"What would you think about me opening a second location of the bakery?" You asked.
His face immediately lit up in a big smile. "Darling, that's incredible! You should absolutely do it if you feel comfortable enough."
"I do feel really good about it." You confirmed. His happy response made your heart soar. When you first opened Nice to be Kneaded, your last partner ridiculed you every single day. He thought the idea of owning a business would simply be too much of a challenge for you. He told you that you'd never succeed, that it would go under and cause debts for the rest of your life. Though you were at a point in your relationship with Steve where you never doubted his ability to be a kind person, his kindness still made you happy every single day. "The reason I really wanted to ask you is because I was advised the best location to break ground in would be New York."
His big smile grew even wider, and the corners of his eyes crinkled with adorable smile lines. "Are you for real?"
"Yeah" you giggled at his response.
"That makes me so happy!" He pouted his lip and furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm so proud of you."
"So I take it that you think this is a good idea?" The smile never left your face.
"I think it's the best idea you've ever had." He exaggerated.
"Then I guess I'll give it the green light first thing tomorrow morning." You settled the issue then settled back into his body.
The two of you talked for a little while about what life would look like with another bakery in New York. Both of you traveled back and forth so often now that dividing your time between two places was already second nature. He even pitched getting the two of you an apartment somewhere between the city and the compound so you both felt more at home when away from Greenwood. Though you loved the idea, you encouraged him to let all these thoughts settle for a day or two until you had a better idea on the logistics of this new endeavor. Besides, it was already late and you were both tired, there was nothing you could even arrange until the morning.
Though you felt settled and completely relaxed snuggled up to him, you played with his hair and tried to get him to relax too. You could feel his tension, but it was normal. No matter how exhausted he was, if he was at the compound his mind was busy and never quite turned off. His thoughts shifted from the happy thoughts of a future where the two of you hopped from bakery to bakery, big city Avenging to a small town simple life to something that had nothing to do with the sweet girl in bed giving him the most delightful cuddles he could've ever wanted.
You knew he was enjoying spending time with you even if his mind was up in the clouds, his hand that never stopped drawing shapes into your back told you that loud and clear.
"What are you thinking about, love?" You asked.
He let out a sigh and his eyes never left the ceiling, then his lips pressed into a straight line, then a forced grin and he finally looked at you. "What do we do if we can't find a way to undo what Thanos did?"
"What do we do," You motioned to the two of you "or what do the Avengers do?"
"Both. Either." He said, desperate to hear the right answer he couldn't find.
"Well I think both have the same answer." You shrugged. "Acceptance, then moving on."
He gave you the most adorable stink eye you've ever seen, so cute you had to hold back a giggle. "Why does everyone say that?"
"You preach it every time you hold a support group, no?" You questioned.
"That's different."
"How so?"
"Civilians aren't responsible for what happened, they deserve to live their lives exactly how they would if this never happened." He explained.
Whenever he spoke about the situation, you could feel a genuine pain in your chest. His feelings about the snap were like a rollercoaster. Some days, he could see the benefits, he could almost understand why Thanos did what he did. He could go about his day with acceptance, go to sleep with the intention of continuing to rebuild tomorrow. Then sometimes he'd wake up that next morning feeling the weight of every blipped person on his shoulders. As if he was the one who decided this needed to happen. That weight seemed to double every time he was in New York.
So with an ache in your heart, you tried to put a bandage over his. "Right now are you looking for the truth, or are you looking for reassurance?"
He groaned at your level-headedness, before shoving his face into your neck. "I'm looking for anything or anyone to just tell me it's going to be okay."
Understanding now that he needed reassurance instead of actual logical advice, you caressed the back of his head with your hand and used your other arm to hold him safe and sound against you. "Of course it's going to be okay, sweet boy.
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be so... grim, I just- I have to be strong all day every day for everyone else and sometimes you're the only one who can be strong for me." He admitted.
You kissed the top of his head a few times before providing the words he probably really needed to hear. "Life was okay yesterday, and the day before that, and it'll continue being okay tomorrow, and every day after that just like it has been for the past five years. Nobody blames you for what happened, and all of you guys deserve to move on too, not just civilians. The ground is still under your feet, the sky is still above your head and I'll never leave your side. The sun and moon are still taking turns, so I'm pretty confident when I say that everything is fine."
"That was great" Steve mumbled into your neck.
"Yeah? You feel any better?" You questioned with a smile.
"Mhm, I'm gonna use that in the support group tomorrow."
You smiled, though he couldn't see it before squeezing the back of his neck. "I love you, you're not going to bring back half the population from bed."
"I love you too, should I get up?"
"Go to sleep" You whispered directly into his ear, earning his sweet laugh that you loved so much.
"You first, traitor." Steve said playfully.
"Traitor?! Why am I a traitor?" You asked, feigning offense.
"You we're cuddling Natasha and not me." Steve fake cried.
You laughed before stating "Excuse me?! You've kissed Nat before, so I don't want to hear anything about my cuddles, sir!"
"Ugh?!" Steve was immediately taken back. "She kissed me and it was for a mission! Don't even start with that!"
You couldn't help but continue laughing at how flustered that statement made him. "Poor, Stevie! Your cheeks are so pink."
"I miss 10 seconds ago when you didn't bring that up." He pouted, a smile prevailing past his attempts to pretend like this conversation wasn't funny. "It was a life or death escape situation and we've never done anything romantic since then, okay?"
"I'm not bothered, baby" You continued smiling while prying his hands away from covering his face. "Were your bothered by our cuddles?"
"No, not at all." He denied. "I actually thought it was really adorable, I was just joking."
"And I think it's really cute that you and Nat shared a smooch" You pinched his cheek between two fingers.
"She implied that I was a bad kisser, by the way." Steve giggled. "So, neither of us enjoyed that experience."
You laughed at the confession before cooing, "awww poor, Stevie. Did that hurt your pride?"
"It wasn't a fair assessment, I wasn't ready for it." He defended himself.
"Exactly, you're a great kisser." You smoothed over the review that obviously stuck around with him for a while. "I know from experience!"
"Thanks, Baby. I appreciate your input on the matter." He gave your hip a nice squeeze.
"I'll be sure to talk to Nat about it in the morning to try and sway her opinions on it ." You joked.
"Absolutely do not do that" His eyebrows raised in horror.
You laughed once more before cupping his face and laying a long one on him. "I would never."
"Good, cause I think the sleepiness has taken over the both of our brains and made us a little crazy." He smiled.
You rested your head back onto its rightful spot on his shoulder, your hand rested over his heart and his free hand that wasn't on your back lovingly wrapped around your wrist. "Are you going to be able to shut your brain off long enough to fall asleep?"
"Of course" He appeased your worries about him. "I always sleep well when you're with me. You're like a little sleeping pill, the second you fall asleep on me, you put me to sleep too."
"Cheese ball" You poked fun at him with a content smile as you closed your eyes and wrapped the blankets tighter around the both of you.
"I might be cheesy, but I always will be. And I'm proud of it!" He agreed.
"I love it so much." You admitted. "And I love you so much."
"I love you too." He kissed the top of your head. "Goodnight, Sunflower."
"Sweet dreams, Stevie."
Not even two whole minutes of silence and attempts at sleeping went by before Steve gasped.
"Wait... are you asleep?" He asked, using his hands to dramatically shake you. "Wake up! This is important!"
"I'm awake, I'm awake!" You alerted his urgency. "Jeez dude, you're scrambling my brain."
"Oh good! You're awake!" He said. You didn't have to see his face to know he was wearing a big sarcastic smile. Steve's favorite hobby was definitely being a little shit.
"What a blessing." You mumbled.
"I forgot to ask you out on a date tomorrow night!" He enthused.
"Sorry dude, I think we're better just as friends." You carried on the tradition of your favorite inside joke.
"Sooooooo... should I cancel the engagement ring?" He quipped.
Recently the two of you were talking about getting married a lot, and if there was two things you both agreed on it's that a marriage was definitely in the books for the two of you soon, and that being engaged should never be truly be a surprise. Sure, time and place of the proposal as a surprise was the fun part, but both of you setting clear intentions and a well timed future that flowed at a comfortable pace for the two of you was important.
"A date sounds great!" You overly enthused.
"Great! I made dinner reservations without asking first so I'm glad you said yes."
"Risky business, Rogers." You smiled.
"Okay now go to sleep." He giggled.
"You first..." You poked his chest with very low effort.
When the morning came, you were up and out way before Steve was to start your morning with Nat. She wanted to get back to the compound before a planned call with affiliates of the Avengers, so the two of you snuck out before most of the compound was awake. Much like most mornings when you woke up before Steve, you covered him up with the blankets nice and snug, kissed him goodbye, and wished him a great day.
A nice long walk and chat followed by coffee, breakfast, and a nice relaxing manicure had Nat feeling brand new.
You dropped her off at the compound then left again to meet up with a friend of yours that lived pretty close by. While catching up on each others lives for a few hours, Steve called you.
Figuring he didn't realize you were busy, you denied the call to clue him in to text you instead. You often times did this if he needed to get through to you at work. But this time, your sunflower necklace lit up four times, a number that didn't have a code attached, then your phone rang again.
Figuring it was probably important, you excused yourself and quickly picked up the call.
"Hi, baby." You spoke timidly into the phone.
"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt I know you're busy." He sighed. You could tell by his tone that his brain was fried.
"No worries, is everything okay?" You questioned.
"Remember Scott Lang? Ant-Man?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah I do." You nodded though he couldn't see you. "He was blipped right?"
"You see, that's the weird part." Steve puffed out a confused chuckle. "He's at the compound. He just... showed up."
"What?!" You said louder than you probably should, earning weird looks from strangers around you.
"Yeah, he was stuck in the quantum realm and now he's here, and we think-" He started but cut himself off to think about how he was going to phrase this without worrying you.
But the pause was deafening. "You think what?"
"I think you should make your way back here whenever you're done with your friend so we can talk about it more."
"That sounds so scary" You admitted.
"No, everything is fine. I promise." He reassured you.
"Should I come home right now?"
"No, baby, it's okay" He tried to calm you down once again. "Nothing to be anxious about. I just think we need to visit Tony and get a few other ducks in a line and I want to make sure I can get you someplace safe before we start looking into this more."
"So you guys found some good hope?" You asked, this time with a smile knowing that's exactly what Steve needed.
"A lot of hope and possibly the craziest pipe dream of all time, but we can get into that when you get here, okay?"
"Okay" You sighed. "Everyone's okay?"
"Everyone is fine." Steve smiled. "I want you to keep having fun with your friend. I'll see you later."
"See you soon. Love you"
"Love you too."
Though he tried his hardest to reassure you that everything was fine, you couldn't clear your head of the endless possibilities of what this could mean for the future of the whole universe. Those thoughts didn't even allow you to fully appreciate or give your undivided attention to your friend, so you called it a day as soon as you could. And when you arrived back at the compound, you immediately spotted Steve sitting outside on a bench.
You could tell his mind was occupied by a billion racing thoughts, his breathing was steady and there was a pinch in his brows.
Approaching slowly and sitting next to him, he wrapped you up in a side hug before kissing your temple and letting you go. "What's going on, Honey?"
He sighed in appreciation as your hand found its way to his back, rubbing long, firm strips up and down to comfort him. "We think we can time travel."
"What?" Your hand stopped in place.
"Go back in time before Thanos, get the stones from a bunch of different points in time, snap again." Steve explained like it was the most simple idea in the world.
"But..... how?" You we're blown away by the possibility, but the biggest part of you was terrified of what that meant for him, the world, and the entire future.
"Something to do with pym particles and a quantum tunnel, I don't really understand it." Steve explained, his mind was wandering miles away from him. "We have Bruce en route to work on that, but we're going to get Tony. Try to assemble the whole team again."
You didn't quite have the words at the moment, nor the time to even process this as a possibility. Whenever you couldn't quite grasp a concept that was much larger than you, but whenever you felt so tiny in the vastness of the universe, Steve was always there to put you on his shoulders and make you feel big again. "How do you feel about this?"
"I feel ready to just get it done." He explained.
"Are you scared?" You plopped your head down onto his shoulder, he nestled his cheek into the crown of your head.
"No" He denied softly. "Are you?"
"If you're not then I'm not" You smiled. That was a lie, but you always tried to not burden him with your own fears.
Though letting him out of your grasp and straight into battles often appeared in your own nightmares, you reeled in your feelings as to not disrupt his own peace. As often as you wanted to tell him to be careful, beg him not to do risky things like go to space in a ship being piloted by a raccoon to kill a titan that killed half the universe, you trusted him. His entire life was rich with risk assessment that only made him more and more successful the more he lived.
So if he wasn't scared, you'd try not to be either.
"Well, maybe that's a lie. Maybe I am a little scared." Steve retracted his statement.
"Well shit" You joked, earning a laugh from the sweet man.
"I'm scared it's not going to work, and I'm scared of putting anything on the line when my only goal for the future is a life with you." He admitted. "Everything else, I'm not scared of."
This time, your arms wrapped him up and didn't let him go. He was letting his Steve Rogers shine through in a place you typically only saw Captain America. Though he would argue that those two people were the same, you thought he was so very wrong.
Steve was still the little guy he once was. Sensitive and gentle, he'd cry over videos of cute animals doing cute things, decorate cookies with you and asked to be cuddled for as long as he could get you to stay still. But Cap... Cap was strong. Nothing could tear him down. When the uniform was on or public and teammates eyes were on him, he had to be the leader. He stood tall, refused to shed a tear regardless of any circumstance thrown his way. Everyone looked at him to guide them through.
You loved both versions of him, and both were truthful of his character, but it was also true that Steve was a version of himself he was only comfortable showing to the people he loved the most.
So you gave Cap the space he needed to be firm and strong, and gave Steve the space he needed to be vulnerable. Sometimes that looked like a little snuggle on a bench outside of the Avengers compound.
Very surface level and as deep down as could be, he knew that Cap couldn't be the fighter he was without you nurturing Steve. He was strong because you were compassionate, and everyday he amounted his power to you.
"I love you so very much," you started.
"But?" He raised an eyebrow, already anticipating the kicker.
"But doing this is exactly what you need in order for you to live the life you want." You explained. "You and I both know you'd live the entire rest of your life with guilt if the Avengers don't find a way to fix this. And though I don't agree that any of this is your fault, I know you feel that burden every single day. So in a certain way, I think for once, this is a great fight for yourself."
He sat and considered it for a second. "I don't have it in me to fight for myself, so I'm going to consider this a fight for you."
"A happy, relaxing future with you is all I want." You kindled his fire. Though you wished he could fight for himself, any incentive to get him through would work in this moment. "And i'd love to see Sam again and meet Bucky."
"I miss them so much" Steve stated, you could hear the sadness in his voice.
You lifted your head to give him a kiss. Your soft lips mingled for a little while before pulling away and resting your forehead against his. "Everything is going to be okay."
"I think so too" He agreed.
"And if it doesn't pan out the way you all hope, then I hope you know that everything will be okay that way too."
"Well that's not an option." He gently shook his head.
"Hard headed!" You pulled away and raised your hand to gently poke him right in the center of his forehead. He laughed, knowing his words would irritate you. "You drive me crazy!"
"I love driving you crazy" His smile prevailed.
"Really? I couldn't tell." You said sarcastically, feeling the effects of his contagious smile.
"And I'd love it even more if I can keep annoying you on our date tonight." He brought up.
"Stevie" Your face softened. "We can reschedule that if you need to, you know I understand."
"No, I definitely don't want to cancel that." He denied firmly. "Not to bring up the past or anything, but the last time I rescheduled a date it didn't turn out too well for me."
"Awwwww" You cooed. "Classic Cap history"
"Yeah, and we're rewriting it because I'm not doing that again" he said with a chuckle.
"I'm more than happy to help you out with that" You agreed, giving his leg a little squeeze. "How's Scott doing? I'm sure this is a lot to process."
"He seems to be doing alright, but that leads me to something Nat and I talked about that I wanted to present to you."
"What's up?"
"It's no secret that you're kind've one of the most amazing and comforting humans alive, and we were supposed to go home in 2 days but..." He took a moment to find the right words. "I'm my best when you're around, and whether you've noticed or not, everyone is happier when you're here. So we were wondering if you could stay a little longer just to kinda help keep spirits up. I know you have the bakery at home but it could be a pretty crucial part in saving half the world."
"I can't imagine I'd have any crucial part in any of that, but I'll stay for you alone." You giggled.
"Obviously I'll bring you home before the time travel happens because it's such unknown territory, I'd want you far away from the compound. But we're going to bring everyone we've got here, including Thor who we heard is going through a rough patch. I think your love would go a far way."
"And cookies" You grinned.
"Cookies would definitely help."
"Can Rocket eat chocolate chips?" You pondered.
"He's a raccoon, not a dog." Steve reminded you.
"That doesn't answer my question." You eyebrow raised. "What about Nebula? Do cyborgs eat food? Ooh! I know Bruce likes chocolate, and Tony likes hazelnut because they had those Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors so maybe I'll make Nutella cookies so it's the best of both worlds. Do you know what Rhodey likes? I have Nat covered. Thor probably li-"
"Baby, Baby" Steve cut you off with a giggle. "Don't stress yourself out now. You're not here to take care of us, just keep being you"
"This is me." You laughed. "Have you ever seen me not like this?"
"You know what? That's fair." He agreed.
"Ooh! And I bet Nat knows exactly what Clint would want!" You chirped. "...I should call the bakery..."
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Next Part: Crawl Home to You
Tag List: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash @crazyunsexycool @openup-yourmind @selella @kattreffic @benedict-squirtle @magnificentsaladllama @theroyalmanatee @calwitch @avengersinitiative2012 @rogersbarber @daddywattpad4945
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winchesterdreamgirl88 · 7 months
The Other Brother
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader also Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, angst, fluff, BAD WRITING
Summary: You and Dean used to have a small thing together, but you guys drifted apart and Dean left for a little while. After he left you and Sam became very close and eventually it turned into more. You were finally happy and content in life. But what happens when Dean shows up again after a year?
Word Count:2235
A/n: I want to do multiple different versions of this story eventually so keep an eye out for those:) Also I've had serious writers block so I'm sorry if this isn't the greatest. I'm going to try and get better at updating more consistently.
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1 Year ago
"Fuck, I can't do this anymore Dean. Sometimes you act like I'm the best thing that's happened to you but recently you've been treating me like some random girl you picked up in a bar."
Things have been rocky with you and Dean for a while now. You got badly injured on a hunt fighting vampires and because Dean was so focused on trying to make sure you were okay 3 of the vampires got away, ever since then you guys have been non stop arguing.
"Oh please, Y/n, obviously you're important to me, why are you acting so crazy?" You and Dean had been together for about 6 months and things were going so well in the beginning. He was so protective, would defend you against anyone who even looked at you the wrong way, but recently you guys have been fighting a lot and it seems like he's done with you.
"Me?? I'm not acting crazy. You used to love me and protect me but now you never come home, we fight all time, hell you barely even kiss me anymore." You said tears started to form in your eyes because he couldn't tell how much he was hurting you.
"You know what I don't need this." Suddenly he turned around and started to walk towards the door. He walked out the door, walked out of your life, and never came back.
It had been a year since Dean had walked out on you, and Sam. You and Sam had gotten really close over the past year. Sam and you began hunting together, you would take over on the research most of the time and Sam was more on the killing side. You two were close before Dean had left but once he was gone something shifted. One night about three months after Dean left you and Sam were doing research together in a library in Nebraska trying to hunt a Wendigo.
Sam had always had feelings for you but stepped aside once he realized you and Dean had. But on that night seeing you in the library with your face buried in a book with your glasses on and hair falling into your face he couldn't help himself. He leaned in closer and tucked your hair behind your ear causing you to look up at him and smile.
"Y/n there's something I've wanted to say to you for awhile now. I've liked you since the day me and Dean met you. You have the kindest heart, the most beautiful smile, your eyes can make me melt by just looking at them. I love you Y/n." Sam said with a sigh of relief that he finally said it.
"I love you too Sam." You said and leaned up to kiss him.
Time Skip 9 Months
You and Sam had been together for 6 months now and you've never felt happier. He was the best boyfriend you could ask for. He was loving, caring, attentive and the two of you rarely ever fought. One night you guys were cuddling on the couch watching tv in the bunker when suddenly someone bursts through the door. Sam and you both got nervous because neither of you was expecting anybody and nobody else you knew had a key. Well except for one person, but it couldn't be him right?
"Stay here, don't move, I'll be back." Sam said as he got up to investigate what was happening. After silence for a while you suddenly heard yelling between Sam and a voice you hadn't heard in a year.
"WHAT THE HELL DEAN! You can't just show up here after a year and expect things to be the same. You really hurt her, she was devastated when you left. You don't just get to come back and think everything's going to be okay. She's mine now! We've both moved on from you. I think you need to leave." Sam finally finished yelling at Dean, neither brother had noticed you standing there.
"Oh please Sam. I had to leave, I had to do what's best for everybody."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You know where I've been the last damn year Sam? I've been hunting those assholes that hurt Y/n. I've been tracking them down and I finally found them in Ohio and killed every last one of them. They hurt her and I wasn't going to let them get away with it. I also had to leave because I needed time away from you." You were so confused by what you just heard you didn't know what to do. What did he just say? He left because he wanted to keep me safe? A million thoughts started running through your head.
"Me? What the hell did I do Dean?"
"YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH HER! You think I didn't notice, the whole time we were together I could see you always watching her. Always longing for her, always wishing that she was yours. I'm not an idiot. But you are my brother and she is the woman I love, I wasn't going to stand in way of you two being happy. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you."
"It looks like I was right, you two are together now and happy and made a better life for yourselves. I'll leave the both of you alone and figure out something else."
When the yelling finally stopped and both brothers finally calmed down they finally noticed your presence in the room. You looked like you had seen a ghost. You ran upstairs past yours and Sam's now shared bedroom and ran into the bathroom and started crying. You were so confused and overwhelmed. When you finally felt strong enough you walked downstairs to see both men just sitting in the living room staring at each other. When they noticed you Sam stood up and ran over to you and gave you a hug.
You accepted his hug but something felt wrong now that Dean was here, you couldn't help but look over at him and see sadness and regret in his eyes. "Sam, could you maybe leave us alone for a minute?" You asked hoping that you could just have some one on one time with Dean to figure things out.
"Yeah of course." Sam said with a sigh, pressed a kiss to your temple and went upstairs to his room. Even though you were nervous and hurt you went and sat down next to Dean on the couch and coughed nervously. He grabbed your hand surprised that you didn't pull away and took a deep breath before beginning to talk.
"I'm sorry Y/n, I just got so angry at the fact that I let those vampires hurt you I couldn't stand the thought of them being alive. I had to leave to make sure that they paid. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I just wanted you safe, then once I realized that Sam had feelings for you it made me go crazy and scared. I know he's a better man than me. He can treat you better than I can. he's better for you. When I realized this I decided to leave so the both of you could be happy and finally start a normal life together. I'm so sorry I hurt you Y/n but I guess it's what I'm best at. You and Sam deserve to be happy. I'll be gone in the morning." And with that he dropped your hand, got up and went to the garage.
You sat there stunned and shocked. Everything you thought was wrong. The fact that Dean spent this past year trying to find the vampires that hurt you and kill them, the fact that he wanted you and Sam to be happy even if he wasn't, you weren't sure what to do. Sam suddenly comes down the stairs after hearing Dean leave.
He comes and sits next to you before taking your hand in his. "Look Y/n, Dean coming back here doesn't change anything. I still love you and I still want to be with you. All he's gonna do is cause you pain and suffering and I don't want to see that happen. But I can't tell you what to do, so it's your decision. If you decide to go back to Dean I'll understand. I won't make it awkward, or be mad. We can go back to how it was before no guilt, I promise." With that Sam left you alone with your thoughts.
As if a miracle happened suddenly you knew exactly what you wanted to do and who you wanted to be with. You got up off the couch and started walking.
If you choose Sam
You went into the garage to find Dean working on baby. He hears you come in and stops whatever he's doing to look at you.
"Look, I forgive you. I understand what you did and I will always be grateful for it. But things are different now Dean, I'm in love with Sam. He's the one that makes me happy. But I want you to stay, stay and hunt with us and it'll be like before." You said avoiding eye contact.
"Okay." He said with no hesitation. "I'll stay and we'll try to make this work. You guys deserve each other and I can see how happy you guys are. I'm glad you two found each other. Now go tell Sam before he decides to freak out on both of us." He says now talking with a small hint of a smile. You give him a really quick hug and then run upstairs to go find Sam. You start walking towards your guy's shared room and take a deep breath before walking in. Sam is just lying on the bed but immediately sits up when you walk in.
Suddenly you run over to him and give him a big hug and you feel him relax under your touch. "It's you Sam, you're the one that I want." You said with a big smile on your face. He returns your smile and leans down and gives you a quick kiss.
"I love you so much Y/n, it's always been you."
After a crazy day you both lay down in bed and fall fast asleep. You felt good knowing everything would be okay. You had both boys back in your life and you couldn't be happier.
If you choose Dean
You went upstairs to find Sam, even though you guys shared a bedroom suddenly you felt like you couldn't just walk in so you knocked on the door. "Come in" said a voice that sounded tired and exhausted.
"Hey, can we talk." You said entering the room and then shutting the door. "Yeah of course, come sit down." Sam said making room on the bed for you. This was going to be so hard, you didn't want to hurt Sam. He was one of most kind hearted people you knew, but your heart knew what it wanted. You took a deep breath before talking.
"Sam, these past few months have been great. You've been the best thing in my life, you've made me smile and laugh so much I can't even begin to describe it. But my heart belongs to Dean. I know it's risky and he might hurt me but it's what I want. I don't want you to be angry. Honestly I just wish everything could go back to the way it was before."
"Then it will." He said which made you slightly confused. "All I've wanted is for you to be happy Y/n. So if Dean makes you happy then you need to be with him. Don't worry about me, the three of us will go back to how it was before. Now go find Dean before he leaves." He said and gave you a hug. You got up and started walking towards the door. "Just know if he hurts you again I'm going to kick his ass." Sam said with a smile on his face. "Good to know." You said returning the smile and then running down the stairs into the garage to find Dean.
He had headphones in so he didn't hear you come in. You walked up behind him and placed your hand on his shoulder causing him to jump. He took his headphones out and turned to face you.
"Look, I understand why you did what you did, and I'm so grateful for it. I still want to be with you, my heart still belongs to you, I still love you. But from now on you have to communicate better. If something is bothering you tell me and we'll figure it out together. No more secrets okay."
After a little bit of silence you see Deans face form a big smile and then suddenly he picks you up and spins you around. This causes a big smile to appear on your face, a smile you haven't had in over a year. He decided to take you on a short drive to look up at the stars and talk about everything that happened since he had been away. You looked up at the stars knowing your heart was happy.
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Could you do meeting stepdad! Pedro for the first time? Please and thank you!😭💗
To Build a Home (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
A/N: I feel like this one was too short but I've been having writers block and this is the best I could do! I hope you enjoy it!! <3
Word Count: 2,880
Summary: Your mother decides it is time for you to meet her boyfriend of six months, you are defensive at first, but you think you could get used to the idea of having this one around more often.
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This is fine. 
Everything about this situation is okay. 
No need to panic. You thought to yourself. Watching your mother frantically cook in the kitchen as if her life depended on it. You have never seen your mother this frantic since the day your grandmother decided to do a surprise visit. 
“Mom?” you quietly said, walking around the counter. 
“Honey, can you grab me some garlic, it should be next to the bananas… bananas… shit! I forgot to make dessert!” She groaned to herself as she handled the hot pan in front of her. 
You sighed, grabbing the garlic and setting it down on the counter beside her, “Mom,” you said a little louder. 
“What, honey?” She quickly gave you a glance before taking notice of the garlic you had placed on the counter. She grabbed it, taking it over to the cutting board. 
“Can you look at me for a moment?” You asked desperately. 
She sighed, putting down everything before turning to give you her full attention. “Si, Cariño?” 
“I don’t know if I want to do this anymore.” You regretted the words as soon as they had left your mother, seeing the reaction on your mother's face. How her eyes watered and her mouth frowned. 
“But, Cariño, you told me you were ready. We had a whole discussion– I don’t understand.” 
You sighed, “I know, I–I think I’m nervous ‘s all.” 
“Nervous? Sweetie, how do you think we feel?” You shrugged, “Pedro has been messaging me all week about how he wants to cancel because he’s nervous.” She sighed, “Honey, you’re not the only one that is feeling this way.” 
“So, we should cancel?” 
She shook her head, “It’s time for you to meet Pedro.” You feared that she would say that. It only meant one thing. One thing you truly feared, she was deeply in love with him. That what they had was something serious and it could lead to them becoming more than just boyfriend and girlfriend. It meant that you would now have to share your mother with someone and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. 
Especially with how the last time ended. You still had nightmares from when your father was around, images in your head that never left. What if Pedro turned out to be just like your father? 
“Okay,” you felt defeated. Your mother was a person who didn’t budge. Once she had made a decision it was final. 
“Now you either help me cook or you get out of my kitchen,” she stated, turning her body to face the counter once more to busy herself with the garlic in front of her. 
For the longest, it had always been you and your mother. Your father had no visitation rights since you were eight, so for the past five years, you and your mother picked up the pieces and started a new life. A better life. 
Your mother focused mainly on work in the filming industry and eventually, she was able to afford a nice house for the two of you. That’s what it was, just the two of you. You never imagined that one day, it could potentially be three of you. That your mother would one day want to find love again. 
“Do you love him?” You hesitantly asked. 
Your mother stopped everything, letting out a deep sigh, “I’m afraid to answer that question,” she admitted. 
You were afraid she would dodge that question, but also you were sad that she had. You had hoped that your mother wouldn’t tip-toe around the subject with you. Maybe she could be honest with you about a topic that wasn’t common in this household. 
“Be honest with me,” you reassured. “Do you love him?” 
“Love is a strong word,” she whispered. 
“And your daughter meeting him is a big step.” 
“Yes,” she admitted. “I do love him.” 
You gave her a small nod, “Then that’s enough for me.” 
She gave you a smile before walking around the counter to pull you in for a hug, “Thank you.” 
“But this doesn’t mean that I’m not going to give him a hard time, I still don’t trust the man.” You grabbed one of the potatoes that were on the counter, grabbed the peeler, and made your way over to the trash can. “Don’t expect me to call him dad,” you said jokingly, referencing to the movie Stepbrothers. 
Your mother giggled, “I don’t expect that at all from you, amor,” she smiled. 
The hour quickly passed, and you anxiously sat on the couch, your eyes not peeling away from the clock on the wall. Your foot bounced against the wooden floors, creating a gentle but persistent thud. The sound echoed throughout the room and for a moment you were glad your mother was busy in the kitchen, distracting herself with the neatness of the dining room and kitchen and if she had enough time to whip up something quick for dessert. You could hear her muttering to herself about whether Pedro would enjoy a bar of chocolate for dessert or if that was stupid. 
It was any second that Pedro would walk through those doors and your life would change for either the worst or the best. You didn’t know which and you were afraid to find out. 
“Sweetie, are you going to wear that?” Your mom asked as she walked into the living room.
You looked down to see what you were wearing, it was what you had worn to school, a plain tee, flannel, and some jeans. It was casual wear for you, “Um, yes?” She raised her eyebrows, “would you like for me to change?” 
She sighed, “Would it be fucked up for me to say yes?” 
“Kind of, I mean, if he really liked me he wouldn’t care what I wore right? But, on the other hand, I can change to make you feel less anxious.” 
Your mother stood there for a second, thinking about what you had just said. Giving you a small nod, “Don’t change,” she stated. 
You smiled, knowing you had won, “Alright.” 
Your mother's head whipped towards the door at the sound of the doorbell, “Oh my god, that’s him.” She let out a deep breath before looking over at you, “is it too late to cancel?” 
“Hey, I tried earlier but you said it was too late.” 
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, “What the fuck am I doing? I mean, are we even ready for something like this?” 
You sighed, getting up from the couch, “Ama, I think you’ve been ready for a while, you’ve just been scared, but I’m no longer a little girl, Mom. You deserve happiness.” 
She gave you a soft smile, placing a hand on your cheek, “Cuando creciste?” (When did you grow up)
“Cuando no estabas mirando,” you smiled. (When you weren’t looking) 
“Alright, let’s do this,” she whispered. You trailed behind her as she walked towards the door. You stood back, watching as your mother opened the door. She deserved happiness, no matter what. Even at the cost of yours. She deserved it. 
After everything she had been through to protect you, it was the least you could give her. You saw the way she had been these past few months, the after-dates smile, and how she grinned from ear to ear the day after. He made her happy and it scared you, but you couldn’t tell your mother that. You couldn’t ruin it because somehow seeing her so happy made you happy, even if you were weary about the man who was causing it. 
Your mother's voice was muffled as she greeted Pedro on the other side of the door. Meeting him meant a lot of things, it meant that it was no longer the two of you on adventures, that he would more than likely tag along. It meant that eventually, you would have to get used to your mom always being with him. He could be here for breakfast some days and you know what that meant. He could be here for dinners on other days and it also meant expressing boundaries. 
She deserved this happiness. 
“Y/N,” your mother called for you as she stepped aside to let Pedro in. There he was, with a nervous smile playing on his lips and a bouquet of flowers in his hands that you knew was for your mother. “I’d like for you to meet my daughter, Pedro.” 
He let out a nervous laugh, “It’s so nice to finally meet you, your mother speaks so much about you.” He held out his free hand for you to shake, and you gently shook his hand. 
“Nice to meet you too,” you gave him a hesitant smile. 
“Oh! I got you these, your mother said you loved sunflowers and well,” he nervously chuckled, “I hope you like ‘em.” 
You gave him a surprised look, glancing at your mom who grinned from ear to ear, “For me?” He gave you a nod, “T–thank you, I–I don’t know what to say!” Pedro handed you the bouquet that was beautifully displayed sunflowers with a few purple flowers here and there and baby’s breath surrounding them. “They’re beautiful, thank you, Pedro!” 
Pedro grinned from ear to ear, he relaxed a little. He had been nervous all day about handing you the flowers, afraid that you’d reject them. Maybe this dinner wouldn’t be so bad and maybe he could bond with you after all. He knew some things about you from what your mother had said, but it was only some things. He did know the struggles you and your mother had gone through, knowing very well that this transition wasn’t going to be easy for you. Pedro is determined to try his best to get you to trust him because all he wants is to be a positive influence in your life, it was the way he was. His heart broke to hear what you had been through at such a young age and he wished there was something he could do. Something he could do for you and your mother. 
“Well, dinner is ready,” your mother states, “let me show you to the dining room.” 
“I-I’m gonna put these away,” you say as you walk towards the kitchen. You set the flowers on the counter, staring at them for a second. This was the first time anyone had gotten you flowers. Your first time getting flowers were supposed to be meaningful. A moment you’d remember forever and for a second you were afraid he had just ruined that. For just a second and it was gone, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the bouquet. “Don’t,” you whispered to yourself. The sound of your mother's laughter coming from the other room. This all felt too good, it would all soon come tumbling down and you knew that, but you did not know if you could handle it. 
You took in a deep breath before joining your mother and Pedro in the dining room. You sat across from Pedro at the table, “smells good,” you commented as you began piling food on your plate. 
“Thanks, mija,” your mom smiled. 
“So, Y/N, your mother tells me you are in the drama club at school?” You gave him a nod. 
“She’s thinking about starting auditions for actual films soon, right, mija?” 
You shrugged, “It’s still a big maybe.” 
“For film? I mean, it doesn’t hurt to try.” 
“Maybe Pedro could give you some pointers,” your mother suggested. 
You cleared your throat, “So, how many siblings do you have?” 
“Y/N,” your mother warned. 
Pedro chuckled, “It’s okay, Yesenia.” For a moment you forgot your mother had a first name, you were so used to just calling her mom. “I have three siblings.” 
“Pedro, you don’t have to answer her questions, she does thi-” 
“How many sisters and how many brothers?” You asked. 
“Two sisters, one brother.” 
You nod, “Please stop interrogating him,” your mother pleaded. 
You gave her a small glare before looking over at Pedro, “Where are you from?” 
“Chile,” Pedro smiled. He found this amusing and cute. You were protective over your mother and he loved that you were. “Next question?” 
“When did you move here?” 
“That’s a long story.” 
“I have all night, it’s a weekend.” 
“Y/N,” your mother warned. 
Pedro chuckled, “It’s okay.” He looked back over at you, “Long story short, my family moved here when I was very little but we had to go back when I was a little older when I was old enough I moved back on my own to pursue acting.” He gave you the cliff notes of his life, leaving out the personal details that were still hard for him to talk about, but enough to keep you satisfied. Your mother gave Pedro a sincere smile and he smiled back. She knew the longer version of the story and she was grateful he was answering your questions to his best ability. “Next question?” he asked. 
“Do you want more kids?” 
Your mother rolled her eyes, “No,” he chuckled.
“Yes, he said no and I don’t want more kids either, Y/N,” your mother stated.
“Why not?” you directed the question towards Pedro.
“Because of my schedule mostly, but I also never saw myself having kids. I’m already almost fifty and I don’t think it’s fair on the kid to have a parent that old, you know?” 
“Plus, your mother can’t have any more kids and if she could she wouldn’t because childbirth is no joke.” 
You rolled your eyes this time, “Alright, last question.” 
“Hit me with it,” Pedro stated. 
“What are your intentions with my mother?” 
“Y/N!” your mother warned.
Pedro chuckled, “I love your mother and I love spending time with her and right now I would like to get to know you because I know you mean the world to her. I know you both have…” Pedro hesitated, “I don’t intend on hurting your mother in any way. I see myself spending a lot more time with her and hopefully, one day, growing old with her.” 
You watched as his eyes never left your mother, the way they idolized her as if she were the only thing that mattered. He really loved her and you could see it in him, but could you trust him? You didn’t know. It was hard to know. You barely had any trust, to begin with. 
You remained quiet the rest of the dinner, listening to the two of them laugh as they joked around and told stories about some of their dates or their time together on set. He was an actor, he’d be on the road a lot and your mother knew that yet she was okay with it. She was okay with everything about him. 
Your mother got up to answer a phone call, leaving the two of you alone. 
You pushed your food around with your fork, “You okay?” 
You glanced up at Pedro, his eyes showing concern, how you hated that they did that. “Yeah.” 
He sighed, placing his fork down, “You don’t have to like me.” 
“You got me flowers,” you whispered. 
“Your mother kept mentioning how you loved sunflowers, and it felt like the right thing to do.” 
“No one has ever gotten me flowers,” you stated. 
Pedro sighed, “I’m sorry if I stepped over the line or–” 
“No, you didn’t… just taken back ‘s all.” 
He gave you a small nod, “Do you like them?” 
“Love them,” you corrected. Giving him a small smile, he smiled back. “I just… I always kind of dreamt that my dad would be the first person to get me flowers, you know?” 
He nodded, “I’m sorry, I probably should’ve–” 
“It’s okay,” you reassured. 
He sighed, “I’m not him, you know.” You stayed quiet. “I know, you don’t trust me because of him, but I am not him and I’m willing to give you all the time you need in order for you to allow me in your life. I love your mother, Y/N and I hope that if you get to know me and I get to know you… we could develop a sort of bond… would that be okay?” 
There was a little voice inside your head that was screaming yes, she was shouting it so loud that it gave you a headache. Yet, your mouth never moved, seconds passed and you sat there wondering if it would be okay. The little voice argued with the bigger one. One was more naive than the other and one was more hurt than the other. 
Your mother stepped back into the dining room, “I was thinking while on the call, maybe the two of you should hang out together sometime soon? Without me there, get to know each other you know?” 
Pedro smiled, “Sounds good to me, what do you think, Y/N?”
You shrugged before giving your mother a nod. 
She clapped in excitement, “I’ll plan it out for you guys! It’ll be great!” Would that be okay? His voice trailed inside yours for the remainder of the dinner. You wanted it to be okay, but you couldn’t give him an answer, not just yet anyway.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato @scrappybear89 @dlwrish @what-ever-man213 @boiohboii @drowning-in-paragraphs @stoneredsworld @xmurph7 @sleepylunarwolf @glossy01 @aot-task141-lover @uwiuwi
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
solo [sequel shot]
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》 alright so I know it's starts off rough but this is for those who needed a happy end for my fic "solo"
Enjoy my babiesss :3 ♡
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"Come on. Please tell me what I did wrong and I'll fix it."
"I'm wrong, James! I was wrong and that isn't your fault. I just don't wanna hang out anymore." A few tears slipped past your eyelids. You were devastated and you knew this day would come. You knew one day he'll find someone that's better than you. Not as broken as you. More useful as a partner in a relationship and not someone who ruins fucking everything.
You were truly heartbroken. But you tried to be happy for him and you were actually. It stung nonetheless, seeing him with another girl that seems to be so put together, so emotionally available. Complete opposite of you and you guess that's why it hurt even more. Him picking someone who is the exact opposite personality type of yours, not to mention someone who looks completely different from what you looked like. It underlined your deepest fear, him actually prefering everything that doesn't represent you.
The thought that had held you together for the past years had suddenly lost its meaning, the thought that he loved you more than anyone else, his promise to be always available for you, vanished, broken. You tried to understand, but it was more than just hard to comprehend.
"But why won't you tell me the reason!?" Bucky was crushed when he heard from you that you can't see each other anymore privately, that he had to forget about you and your close friendship. Because what you didn't know, was that he still loved you, he never stopped. He had never found someone better than you because for him someone like that doesn't even exist. Bucky only ever wanted you to be his, the person he's been in love with for the past two years, the one that he can't help but feel the need to take care of.
"I can't just say 'yeah okay, I won't bother you anymore' to my best friend of so many years I've lost count! You're not just a friend to me, y/n. You're everything I have. You're the only person that truly knows me." James wiped his mouth in desperation. He couldn't loose you. He'd stop breathing.
"Yeah, clearly not." You mumbled under your breath.
"What was that?" He didn't quite catch that.
"James, you know how I am. I'm selfish, manipulative and stubborn. I can't look at your face anymore. Not while knowing you're thinking of someone else while looking a me."
Buckys eyes widened. Only now realising what was going on.
"Why would I do that? I only ever think of you. My brain doesn't even know what to think of otherwise. Would you mind to explain what or who got you thinking this way?" He k ow demanded further explanation.
"I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I'm gonna head home." Was the only answer you gave him, taking your bag, ready to leave him the fuck alone with his new girl.
"I think the fuck not." Bucky walked in front of you, blocking your way.
Now it was your turn to be surprised. He never talked to you like this. He barely cursed.
"I really should though, I don't wanna take away your quality time with someone else." It may have sounded childish but you meant it. You didn't wanna take away his chance to find and enjoy love. You've done that enough the past years.
"What are you even talking about? I don't have anyone else to spend my time with, are you kidding me?" He was endlessly confused.
This was the last straw, now you were getting angry. He should stop acting like he wasn't meeting up with this girl that he met at a party. You were fucking there when they introduced each other. And you were convinced he had already slept with her. Though you wouldn't blame him, as she really was gorgeous, not only that, but she seemed genuine, too. A real catch.
"Are you kidding me?! James, stop acting like there's nothing between Anna and you! I know there is, I have eyes, you know. Besides, Steve always tells me how much you talk, not only with her but also about her. And knowing that makes me sick! I want you to be happy, and if that happiness doesn't require me, I'm fine with that, but I don't wanna watch you fall in love with her! I just can't, okay? So my decision is to avoid you two so I don't have to look at it any fucking longer, or else I'll go insane!" That's it. That's all you had to say. It was more than you intended to but at least you've got it out.
Bucky just stood there, completely baffled, speechless. He couldn't believe it.
You've tried to shove him out of your way, but he didn't budge.
"If you aren't gonna say anything, can I leave?" You groaned, feeling vulnerable now that he knew your heart.
"So you are telling me, you're jealous of Anna? Of someone who'll always be more interested in you than me?" Your heart began to race.
"Are you implying that she isn't into guys?" You wanted to make sure, not quite getting his point.
Bucky nodded calmly.
"Yeah, she's into you though." He replied.
"Oh my God!" You scoffed, embarrassed by yourself, looking anywhere except his eyes.
"I really thought you liked her. I thought you two were hooking up. I'm so sorry for misinterpreting this, James."
"Quit with the 'James'. You were jealous, weren't you?" He nudged you.
"I guess I was." You nodded shyly.
"Does that mean that- that you like me?" His cheeks getting rosy, you looked up at him.
"Of course I like you, dork!" You laughed, but he sighed.
"No I mean; really like me. As in you're in love me?" Bucky was unsure and scared asking this, but it was time to make this confession.
You looked away, your smile turning into something more vulnerable.
"I don't know? I just want you to myself. I want you to only take care of me, no one else. You're only boy I would let sleep in my bed next to me. And over all I guess I wouldn't mind being more than just a friend to you."
Bucky gently stroked your tear stained cheek, looking lovingly into your eyes.
"You've always been more than a friend to me Y/n. If you let me, I would like to call you my girlfriend and not just my best friend. Because hell, I fucking am in love with you!" He leaned in and let his lips softly touch yours for the first time. It was even better than he imagined it to be.
You two kissed for the following ten minutes without having to take a break. When he carefully let go of your lips to breath, he leaned his forehead against you and sighed once again, this time in utter happiness.
"So what do you say? Will you finally be mine?" His voice sweet and so full of love, just like the kiss you had shared.
"I don't know, what did you say? Anna likes me, yeah?" You joked, giggling into his chest.
He laughed along with you.
"Don't you dare." Bucky smiled, giving you another kiss.
He knew he wouldn't ever be able to get enough of the girl he was now finally allowed to call his.
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wisp-enclosure · 8 months
I've realized that the catrats have gone through a few changes plus I have some new followers so, just so I can hear myself talk have everything in one convenient place:
Who are the catrats?
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^These guys. Okay thanks for reading bye.
Lucasta and Kudo are the eponymous catmander and ratmander for which this shitpost blog is named. And I [shakes them very aggressively].
Lucasta (Lu for short) is a Flame Legion charr that escaped when she was a cub and then raised by Professor Gorr in Rata Sum. She's easily excitable, has no attention span to speak of, and is your new best friend. She's a highly skilled artificer, in part due to her weird fucky-wucky magic, and uses those skills to make just...the funkiest runes and enchantments possible. Seeing as she's a giant cat and therefore does not super fit in with the tiny rats she's surrounded by, she tends to use a tonic to blend in with the rest of Rata Sum.
Kudo is (unfortunately for him) Kudu's son and (in catrat canon because it's funny and I'd do anything for the bit) Snaff's grandson. Any other Asura would never shut up if they had that pedigree, but Kudo is made of 90% anxiety and just sort of sees it as a burden. He's the bearer of two conflicting legacies and he doesn't seem to be able to live up to either of them. As a teenager his father forced him into the Inquest, where he tinkered with dragon energy and tried really REALLY hard to block the screams out.
Longtime catrat fans will know that Lu is perhaps one of the most emotionally repressed creatures to ever grace Tyria. Outwardly she is chipper and optimistic, but inside she's a complex tangle of emotions that she would rather die than acknowledge. Lu was born to serve. To be useful. And being emotionally vulnerable, putting that burden on someone else, is unthinkable. She's totally cool and fine don't worry about it. Are YOU okay?? That's all she cares about.
But great news! Kudo has his own fun emotional baggage! His years in the Inquest and subsequent hand in the suffering his father's experiments caused have majorly fucked with him. Kudo thinks he's irredeemable. He's got years of blood on his hands. That he's only 17 when the personal story starts, and that he was largely unaware of the atrocities his father was commiting are irrelevant. He was there. He should have known. His past haunts him, taints everything he does. Is he doing the right thing for the sake of it, or for attornment? Does he even deserve that?
The newest catrat lore updates!! Now they BOTH have identity issues!! Neither of those bitches know who they REALLY are! Lu only sees herself in terms of how "useful" she can be (an inherently impossible standard to attempt to reach). Kudo doggedly tries to follow his grandfather's legacy because Snaff was a good person and worth emulating (at the expense of his own wants and talents). Becoming commanders at such a young age is both a blessing and a curse: they've been given an identity, but it makes it difficult to forge their own.
They don't know who they are. Maybe they're no one outside of being the commanders. But when they're together, they each start to feel like someone.
Tiny rat hand in giant cat pawb, they begin to help each other figure out who they are.
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(and it's all very cool and super platonic!)
New catrat lore 2!! Kudo and Lu have known each other for years before the personal story, as academic rivals (with Lu tonic'd into an asura). It's...shockingly healthy for them. Suddenly they have someone they can be themselves around (even if they're constantly trying to one up each other, that's Rata Sum babey!) They weren't friends but there was a sort of unspoken understanding between them. Once again, rat stuff. This rivalry never stops by the way, if either of them thinks they can get a scholarly one up on the other you can bet your ass they're going for it.
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