#I'm not tagging everyone but I'm putting some explanations here
notsogoodangel · 2 years
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I saw a chart a while ago by a user I don’t remember the name right now, but I got so mad about it I made my own chart and added almost ever single character in the DSMP.
Fighting in the comments/tags encouraged 
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phyrestartr · 15 days
Divine Favour | Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader (Pt.3)
W/C: 3.1k #SFW, mild yuuji/reader, yuuji and gang are v early 20s, heian sukuna, male reader, typical kitsune shapeshifting, canon typical violence, morally grey reader, unhealthy relationships, power imbalance, ABO elements, mentions of death, yuuji has entered the chat, gojo has entered the chat, idky this got sad tho lol
A/N: This bit made me very sad please suffer thank you!!! Also the main story will be wrapping soon (I think next part will be the last part?) and then after that, it'll probably be drabbles! There might be a 'sequel' that touches on the culling games tho because b r u h they've got some down time during that arc so hfhfhfhfhghghf imagine what I could do--
tags: @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @flowersatwork @nyanwko @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @3zae-zae3 @chibiduck @kiiyoooo @lukaijah
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A strict no-contact order had been placed on Yuuji, and, subsequently, Sukuna. Neither were to come into contact with you while you recovered, and neither were to be alone with you considering the control-slip incident. 
Still, the curse had been rampant in the young man’s mind, constantly pacing back and forth just behind his consciousness, waiting patiently as a predator should for Yuuji's guard to go down. Granted, even if Yuuji was caught by surprise, it'd still be near impossible to overtake the peppy twenty year-old. Sukuna didn't have an explanation, but it was what it was. 
He would have gladly seized control now, when you'd somehow managed to slip away from your recovery prison and get comfortable in Itadori Yuuji's bed. Sukuna would have slaughtered everyone at the academy for a second to touch you again, to breathe you in.
But the brat finally realized something was off, and woke to find your head tucked under his chin, his arms slung across your waist. Your breath fanned across his collarbone, tickling the sorcerer's touch-starved skin and feeding the fire burning in his cheeks–Sukuna, though, didn’t seem pleased his host was the one touching you. Yuuji counted that as a victory. 
Suck it, dickhead.
Hm? A stranger’s voice rippled instead of the king's. 
Yuuji jolted, his blood growing cold for a second before recognizing that voice–it came from that tidal wave of memories. But it didn't tick him off the way Sukuna's did. It was…nice.
Uh…you can hear me? Yuuji wondered. He tried to envision his voice as loud and clear as possible to help it reach you. 
Your brows twitched in your daze. Yes, I can hear you. There's no need to shout. 
Oh. Sorry. Uh, how'd you get in here? 
The door. 
Oh. Cool. Yuuji shifted a little. I'm not really supposed to, y'know, make contact with you or–
But you're warm. Your nails lightly dragged across his back, leaving trails of tingly pinpricks dancing across his skin. Yuuji swallowed a moan. God, why did the littlest touches feel so nice? 
Y-Yeah? My grandpa used to say I ran hot. Like a furnace or somethin’. 
I agree. You burn like firewood. And you smell warm. Like cedar and honey. You stretched languidly, and the younger stayed put, not strong enough to pull away from your praise and touch. Your teasing fingers raked through his hair daintily, and this time Yuuji did moan. Just the slightest bit before he snapped his mouth shut and bit his lip. 
You leave me wondering how you taste. 
“What?” Yuuji squawked. Your eyes lazily opened a crack, seemingly put off by the sudden break in room silence. It gave the sorcerer an opportunity to admire the golden glints of divinity hidden in the hue of your iris. 
But he found fear in that moment, too. Yuuji knew what most didn't–the curse sealed inside of him thought you to be his equal. You were the only beast Sukuna would bow before, the only one whose attention he craved and sought in his reign. 
You were, in a way, a king yourself.
Do you think I'll eat you, Yuuji? 
“I–uh–you–well–” Yuuji fumbled exceptionally, choking on flustered words. “I just--Sukuna ate people, right? So, uh. Maybe you did too?” 
You looked him over for a moment. Your gaze traced the cute curve of the younger's nose, the petite fangs worrying at his bottom lip, the caramel swirl of his eyes. He looked so much like Sukuna. It made you wonder. 
I've eaten humans, yes, You agreed, nonchalant. Do you want me to eat you?
“Eat me?” Yuuji deadpanned, unsure if he should feel just bothered or hot and bothered. “I, well–”
No. Sukuna’s voice cut like ice through Yuuji’s mind. For a second, it scared him. It reminded Yuuji of what exactly Sukuna was. What he’d do. 
So what would you do?
“Hey,” Yuuji started, suddenly calm, serious. “Why’re you on Sukuna’s side? You don’t seem like a bad person.”
You took a deep second to think before sitting up and hugging your knees to your chest. Your tails curled weakly around your clothless frame, swallowing up any spot a young man’s curious gaze might wander in the secrecy of night. Maybe you’d been in this situation before. 
“‘Good.’ ‘Bad.’ We all have different definitions.” Your voice rattled and scraped out your tired throat, yet you didn’t look perturbed in the slightest. “I do what pleases me: garden, sew, eat. Sometimes, I may cause harm in the process. I care sometimes, and I don’t others. Does it make me evil to choose what I care about?” 
Yuuji’s head started to ache. He wasn’t sure if he could keep up with your fancy, archaic way of speaking, but he was sure as hell gonna try. 
The younger sat up, too, and ruffled up his hair. “I mean. Don’t you wanna try to, y’know, not hurt people? Not cause harm, ‘n stuff?”
“Is fire wicked? Or does it simply exist?” You posed. “In the control of man, it is sacred. It cooks food, illuminates the dark, cloaks you with warmth. Yet it burns down trees. Swallows homes. Devours crops. Kills.” 
You looked at Yuuji, rose-wrapped eyes resentful of something the sorcerer could not know. “Man regards fire as a blessing when controlled, yet it is a curse when it runs free with nature–existence, the black and white of the world, is in the eye of the beholder.” 
Yuuji didn’t like how much that made sense to him. Objectively, Sukuna was bad. He killed. He murdered for fun. He ate people–
Yet your words, your pretty way of speaking and philosophies gave Yuuji pause. It didn’t click, despite igniting grim sparks in the cogs hidden far behind his eyes. He already made his mind up about good and evil, yes and no, white and black, and yet–
You poked him in the forehead, between his eyes, and Yuuji blinked. 
“It’s merely food for thought, Yuuji.” Why did you know his name again? “Don’t burden yourself with making decisions or anything of the sort. I suppose my answer was long-winded in regards to your question.” 
“Yeah, kinda,” he laughed, rubbing his cheek. “But, uh…it helped, I guess.” Yuuji pulled your hand down from poking him. “You don’t think Sukuna’s bad,” he concluded.
“I think he was a force of nature.” Your head tilted. Your eyes softened. “A monster to some, a god to others.” 
“‘N to you?”
Your eyes caught the morning light, iris reflecting with waking embers. 
“He was everything.”
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Gojo thought you were pretty in the same way Getou was pretty; you were handsome with fine features, you radiated with odd power, and you spoke with unmatched poise and purpose it almost made the man’s ego swoon. 
But you looked tired as Getou had, too. Skin void of blushing warmth, eyes distant and hazy, dark circles pulling your gaze away from him. He didn't like it. It made him remember that cold hand ripping his heart to pieces. 
“Look who’s awake!” Gojo cheered as he sauntered toward you, hands in his pockets and a smile adorning his face. “Hungry? I could getcha some–”
“You were listening, were you not?” You wondered, running your bony fingers through matted fur systematically. Your split nails picked and clawed through tangles and knots thoroughly, as though it’d make a difference in your beat-up appearance. 
Gojo tilted his head before settling down in the seat beside your bed. “Hm? Me? Listening? To–”
“Yuuji and I.”
“Ah! You mean the night you snuck out to do some naughty, naughty things with my student?” 
You deadpanned fiercely, looking at him the way someone else used to. “Ha. Hm. Surely you jest.”
Gojo waggled his brows as much as he could, hoping they’d peek out over the top of his blindfold. “Hah, you think I don’t know what my sweet, precious Yuuji does behind closed doors? I know everything! I’m–”
“You misunderstand,” you cut him off, looking more and more concerned with each passing second. “You are a teacher? Why? How? This does not seem ethical.”
Gojo died. Rather, his pride did. Which was essentially his lifeforce. 
“What are you–okay, I’m just gonna chalk it up to you being cranky after getting woken up, alright? I’ll give you a pass. Just once!” Gojo nodded as a benevolent creature should. “You should thank me.”
“I’d rather not.” You sighed and returned to your grooming. “If you wish to interrogate me, I require food first. Tofu, specifically”
Gojo laughed. “Man, you are one high-maintenance god. Alright, you want normie tofu, or agedashi tofu?” 
You blinked and looked at him, curious. 
“Agedashi tofu?”
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You really liked agedashi tofu. You liked the little sauce it came with, you liked the other random shit Gojo bought to try and win over your compliance–well, honestly, he also just wanted an excuse to shower someone with the food and snacks he liked. It’d been a long time since he’d had the privilege to. 
“So,” Gojo said as he popped the marble into the ramune bottle for you and handed it over, “About you and Sukuna.” 
“Mhm?” Your eyes glittered in fascination as you took the drink and examined it from all angles, carefully tilting it here and there to watch the blue bubbles rise to the top as the glass ball rolled and spun in its tiny prison. 
Gojo almost lost his train of thought watching you, but he reigned it in quickly.
“Seems like you were close.” Were was important. You'd referred to the menace in past tense when speaking with Yuuji–clearly, you didn't realize the curse resided within the young sorcerer. Best to keep it that way.
You pursed your lips in thought for a moment.
“I suppose. Why?” 
“I'm just nosy!” 
“I know that already. But there exists intelligence behind your annoying behaviour.” Your gaze slid to him, staring through the veil of fabric and straight into his eyes. “You're a monster like he was, aren't you?” 
“Hah?! Rude!” Gojo whined, but regained composure just as fast. “Seems your intuition is pretty good, huh?”
“It's simply an understanding of nature.” 
“Is that what pulled you to him? His nature?” 
“No. I was given to him. As a gift. By a clan of sorcerers.”
“Huh. A gift.”
“Yes. The harvest festival required as much. He was revered as a godly creature. Something to be feared.” 
“And so were you,” Gojo guessed, and you frowned and looked away, instead picking through the treats and snacks brought to you. 
“The people saw us very differently.”
Sukuna didn't walk through the city below often–not until you decided you liked it down there. 
Finding out that you walked through those streets alone sent a trill of something unpleasant up Sukuna's spine; knowing you were alone, vulnerable and under the eyes of so many that so often cursed Sukuna and wished him dead made him…uneasy, maybe. You could handle yourself. Sukuna simply couldn't handle the disrespect.
But things weren’t as he assumed.
You walked through town, and the people revered you as they would Amaterasu incarnate. Most didn't address you, but all saw and accepted your presence with grace and kindness, nodding or flickering small smiles as you passed by with the king trailing behind. 
Sukuna could understand; you'd become something astoundingly breathtaking. Lush, full tails dipped and swayed as you walked with the poised elegance of royalty, the feeling only enhanced by the careful, intricate way you presented yourself in your attire. Sukuna knew you felt beautiful. You were beautiful. 
“It's (Name!)” A child cried, and Sukuna fought the urge to punt the little shit into the restaurant across the road when the tiny human grabbed at your clothes. 
But you smiled. You actually smiled when you patted the girl on the head and said your sweet hellos before ushering her along after her mother. The corners of your eyes crinkled for once, showing that, yes, you'd aged and felt joy and become so perfect because of it. And when you cooed sweet farewells to passing little ones, your fangs flickered against the colour of your lips, just for a second. 
Your gilded gaze caught his carmine stare, and you tilted your head. 
“Sukuna.” You held your hand out to him, and he took it. He had no choice. He was only human, and you were God. Walking through a city of mortals.
He let you lead on, wandering to the shops where you bought thread and fabric for your stupid little projects with money he didn't even know you had. You could have just taken everything you wanted, especially with the king stood right by your side, but you eased the shopkeeper's nerves with kind words and ample pay. 
Sukuna all but picked you up and launched you both back home the second you were done meandering. He had a job to do; he had to fully commit to siring a runt.
Now, Gojo didn't need to know all that, but it didn't stop your mind from wandering to that night; it was the first time he looked at you like that. It was the first time he decided against lording his power over you, instead holding you close and taking things slow. You missed it. You yearned for the night he stopped seeing you as a toy and saw you as you. The night he finally learned your name.
“They viewed me as something divine,” you continued, digging out of the warmth of memories. “Perhaps because I walked alongside someone like him.” 
“Well, only gods can walk through a volcano and come out unscathed, no?” Gojo smiled a bit as you looked away, embarrassed. 
“That's a poor analogy.”
“How would one walk through a volcano? None would even think to get close enough to do so.”
“You would be underground, would you not? With limbs melted, oneself ablaze? And one would not walk but wade through lava.” 
“It's just a metaphor!” Gojo wailed. 
“A poor one.” And you continued to pick through snacks, unbothered that you'd just destroyed the strongest man alive as you munched on cheese-flavoured rice puffs.
Gojo laughed, though. “I can see why he liked you. Supports the theory he's not the one who put you in the coffin.” 
“It wasn't him,” you snapped. Your ears flattened against your skull as you shrunk in on yourself. “At least…not directly.” 
Oh? Gojo leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees as he laced his fingers together.
“Then who was it? What happened?” 
“I don't fully understand it myself,” you confessed. Your voice was a whisper, cold and lonely like a far North winter. 
“Maybe I can help.” 
You looked to him and back down again. 
“There was a man. A sorcerer. I don't know his name–I never cared to learn it. He was odd.” You tore up little bits of hi-chew wrappers as you spoke. “He asked me if I would sacrifice myself for Sukuna.” 
“And?” Gojo prodded. 
“I would not,” you said. “Sukuna would never need my sacrifice, he'd never need my aid. He was the strongest.” A light frown tugged at the corners of your mouth. “That creature thought otherwise. He mentioned something about additional wombs, but I don't know what that means.” 
Fuck. Gojo nodded politely. “Gotcha, gotcha. What'd this guy look like? You remember?” 
“Unremarkable, save for the odd sutures across his forehead.” 
“Oh? Interesting. Alright, last question, my cute little kitsune–”
“(Name),” you cut in. “Address me as (Name).”
Gojo sparkled. “Waaah, I think our relationship just leveled up to A-tier! One more level and I can romance–”
“Please do not make me hurt you.” 
The white witch whined and deflated against his chair. “Boooring.”
You huffed and flicked your ear. “Ask your question, goblin.” 
Gojo took a breath before he spoke. 
“Are you with child right now?” 
The world changed suddenly. Seal papers coating the walls drowned in bones and flowers as the pungent sweetness of orchids and decay curled around Gojo. Around you, a cage began to rise, jutting out from the earth and encircling you like thousands of rigid arms holding you in an embrace. And your eyes–they shone with abhorrent divinity, outshining even the nine, pristine tails breathing with blackened fire. 
But there was screaming. Two voices intertwined. Little and distant, warped and outraged at–at something. Maybe Gojo? Maybe his accusations, his questions? 
Just when the sorcerer was about to act, your clasped a hand over your stomach, and you whispered with the thrum of a thousand voices:
“Be still.” 
It all moved slowly, then. The phenomenon–the apparent domain expansion–reversed, sinking back into the floors and walls with the soft sound of chittering and cooing taking the place of wicked screeches. You, too, cooed back to the twin voices, placating them with maternal ease. 
Your divinity faded with the last shreds of the illusion. Now, your colours faded further, painting you in desaturated tones of exhaustion and worry. Gojo hated that palette. It'd been used too many times on too many he doted on. God was stupid like that, creating such sad, worrisome colours.
The sorcerer took a deep breath in the silence of the room. He didn't know what to say, or how to say it. He was never good at this kind of thing. His other half was much better at this. 
But he had to try. The look on your face told him he had to try. 
What would he have done?
Gojo’s hand reached out as he leaned forward, and he caught your scarred, bony hand in his own. You didn’t pull away, you didn't fight him, you instead curled your fingers around his and held your breath while your gaze became unseeing, your heart ceased beating just as your breathing had. For a moment, you died.
“I'm sorry,” Gojo whispered. And you nodded. Somehow, he knew it meant, ‘me too.’ 
It was then, touching you, that he could feel the negative energy thrumming beneath a shell of divinity. Two different un-lives coiled inside of you, filled with bitter hate for man and undying love for their mother. For you. It wasn't unlike the bond shared between Yuuta and Rika, but this was not as simple. 
“Your ilk did not approve of Sukuna siring children,” you murmured. Your grip on his hand turned poisonous. “If you try to take them from me–”
“What'll you do?” He asked, knowing they'd never be born. 
“--I will turn everything to ash. Set fire to the skies. Just as I have once already.”
“Good.” Gojo smiled. “You'd be a good mother.” 
“I hope I one day can be.”
The masked menaced nodded again as he idly soothed his thumb across your knuckles. “Never say never, yenno? We'll figure something out for you. If you can do something to help the school–”
“I can give gifts. Once I have the energy.” You didn't sound like you did. Gojo wasn't sure if you ever would.
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked anyway. 
You looked at him, weak and defeated, yet still clinging to life. 
“My divine favour.”
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night-dazai · 3 months
Hi !! i got this idea while looking at a picture of dazai, i suggest you a pm dazai x reader x ada dazai smut 👀👀 i'm hungry for dazai 😭 please can you write me one? 🙏🙏🙏
Hey all I am sorry that I have not been posting for a week, college is too rough on me I have nothing done I am sorry😭😭😭 I will update all requests soon and the box is always open for more spice!
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Tags: threesome, ass and pussy fucking, female reader, slapping, nipple play, rough sex, creampies .not proofread
SLAP! Your ass throbbed with pain and pleasure as both of them riled into your cunt and mouth “Bella ~~” one moaned out while the other grabbed your breasts harshly while calling you a whore. It has been hours you were sure but not one of them had any intentions of stopping “pls.. I cannot “ you whined when one took his dick out of your mouth only to get another harsh slap across your ass and a mean hard thrust “ shut it “ one said while the other kissed your passionately “ one more love ~”. His smooth voice wanted you to do more for him but the other made sure you did more for him little did you know they were opposites but one thing they had in common was that not one of them was stopping anytime soon “ Dazai ~~” your moan was horse and rough due to your overused vocals “ yes love/slut” both answers moving their hair from their face. 
“This is a fucking time travel machine !!!” you shouted to your boyfriend, you both were supposed to find the criminal who stole the machine, arrest him and destroy the machine. “Not use it to go to the past !” you shouted while your lover was too excited looking at his surroundings “It sure is the past !” he exclaimed clapping his hands together like a happy kid. You wanted to punch the life out of this man but you could not plus just 24 hours after that you guys will automatically go back to the future or your present. 
For one hour both of you walked the streets of Yokohama seeing your past “That shop “ you said pointing at a candy shop. Dazai giggled “Yeah, after each mission, I would go there right ? Why not get some candy now ?” he asked. Both of you entered the tiny box-like shop but stopped dead in your tracks seeing a brown-haired in a black coat biting his nails instead of the food . “thaa…” you stammered while Dazai smiled but it was a sad one, before any one of you could act you already made eye contact with him “Port mafia executive Osamu Dazai “ you mumbled holding your lover's hands tightly. 
You did not know if it was excitement or what “Hi!” your lover said walking towards the confused-looking younger Dazai. He looked at Dazai for one second turned his head towards you and kept staring “That's rude “ you said smiling. “Marry me “ was all the younger Dazai said making your lover laugh “Yeah only after a few years, still I am yet to go there but we can get there, “ he said. 
Everyone in the shop was curious as to the twin-looking people but the executive seemed to be a bit too calm “Explanation? Ability?” he asked calmly. Dazai explained the whole situation but left out important parts like how he no longer was a pm member. You thought he would think you guys were lying but for some reason, the Dazai and Dazai had some weird way of communicating.
After listening to your lover he rubbed his chin processing the information going through his head “So, you are the future me, this girl is our lover and she is an ordinary citizen (which is a lie your lover told him for safety “). And now you are stuck here for 24 hours ?” “More like 22 or 21 hours “ you corrected putting your tea cup down “Wanna spend time together ?” you asked. 
You knew Dazai from his mafia days, you were following him ( you were a detective in ADA ) but little did you expect to fall for him and seeing his younger self made you want to know him as a person and not some living person you read from a file. 
The Executive gave you one more weird look “ wanna go to my house ?” he asked. Dazai went quiet for one moment and then agreed, you had just decided to follow them both for the day and that's how you ended up in his house, stuck between both of them as you guys watched “TV “.
Both of them squeezed you as you sat with tense muscles when you felt a hand on each of your thighs, confused you looked at both trying to remove it but they didn't budge “ Dazai …???” “Why not have some fun with me ?” the executive asked smirk plastered on his face “Well you can never be as good as me, “ Dazai said squeezing you and making you shut and open your eyes “Then Why not find out “ the younger Dazai felt challenged and you could feel the cold air but you seemed to have no say plus both are your lover right ?? (you were confused ).
That's how you ended up on the large queen size bed of the mafia executive while your lover lay on it calling you to lie on his chest “I am removing them “ the executive said pulling your jeans in one pull and dragging your panties halfway done while the other kissed you making you look at him. 
“This is something new for you right ..so wet “ he said licking your juices. That's when reality hit you “What were you doing ?!!! Your lover is okay with this ??” but you could not think or talk as a whimper escaped your mouth feeling the executive move his tongue in your cunt while your lover had your top naked making you completely naked. 
“Bella~~~” he moaned pinching and twisting your nipples leaving hot wet kisses down your neck and back. Shivering you held the hair of the executive “Slow” you said as his to slow his mean pace of tongue. 
Not did you unknowingly encourage him to go faster he had you cumming 4 mins after you said that and it was a strong orgasm. Your lover laid you down on the bed and switched positions with his past self, positing at your wet throbbing cunt “In love “ voice dripping with lust he moved his entire length in. 
Breathing hard and whimpering you moved to his thrust when you felt a hand on your jaw “Put this to use love “ the mafia said shoving it and making you choke. It was hard and rough the way both of them handled you but also felt similar and … good….
Your jaw hurts and you have cum 3 or 4 times your hazy did not know “Come on the move “ your lover hissed slapping your thighs as you stopped shaking your hips to match his rough, up shots “Can… can't” you thought crying tears which mixed with your drool and cum dripping from your jaw as the mafia executive kept abusing your poor mouth. 
“ You can and will “ the executive said one last time holding your jaw tighter and shooting in your mouth for the nth time. As he pulled out your lover pulled out of your cunt, both holes leaked white cum of his and yours mixed cum and drool and juices. 
It was nasty and wet but satisfying “Switch?” the mafia Dazai asked as your lover agreed and then again you were on all fours as they did the same after cleaning their cum from both holes. Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head when you suddenly noticed the mirror next to you. You could see yourself getting fucked at both ends, embarrassment flooded your mind and your body reacted “Don't tighten suddenly you slut “The mafia Dazai slapped your ass making you jerk from the reaction. 
The look in his eyes is animal-looking and soo predatorial, unlike your sweet lover. Noticing the path of your eyes was not to the liking of your lover who pulled his dick out of your mouth “Eyes on me Bella “ his voice was firm and stern but still warm unlike the person fucking your cunt. 
He suddenly kissed you, it was rougher than before and more harsh grip on your chin. ADA Dazai stared at PM Dazai “Oh… I see “ the executive said giving more mean thrusts making you jerk up and fall off your hands landing on your lover's lap crying and holding his thighs “ suck me off “ he ordered eyes not on you but the man fucking you. 
It felt hot, your sweet lover who had a rough fucking style was always still warm to you but suddenly became 100 times hotter as you got fucked by his past self. You eagerly sucked his tip massaging his balls while he put his head back “Yeah deeper “ he ordered pushing you a little deeper. 
Time flew like a second and you had cum thrice on both their cocks while they still seemed to have enough energy to ravishingly enjoy you two more times “Please…..no more” you begged but they were having none of that. Both were focused on giving you pleasure more than the other when suddenly one of them would make you look into the mirror and spread your pussy opening it with his fingers as his cock was in “See… see how this slutty hole is sucking me in “.
As you turned your head to stop looking from the view your lover would have your mouth used again and again as he played with your nipples like they were a toy. 
Suddenly your lover pulled you up your back in his chest as he positioned his dick at your asshole while the other Dazai got in front of your cunt “I heard this feels too good” he said and both entered you at the same time forcing you to see your fucked out messy face in the mirror asking you “ who is better ?” 
Kunikada sat with the most worried expression on his face you sat down panting while your lover just sat next to you smiling “Are you alright ?” he asked rubbing your back you would flinch making the blonde look at you more worried but he removed his hand. 
Yosano smiled and patted your head “ wanna rest in the office “ she offered as you nodded weakly and walked up with her help. “ Get lost “You slapped your lover's hand when he offered but he smiled and just watched you walk limping “What happened “ the blonde asked again “Nothing…..she just met me again for the very first time “ he said smiling a bit weird. 
“Dazai have you gotten a bit shorter ?” Kunida asked suddenly asking him to look at him for the first time after getting back from the past “No..why ?” Dazai asked but the blonde was gone when his phone rang “How is she ?” the caller asked “A little better but I think we should go easy on her “ the smile still plastered on his face “You should have gone easy on her “You lover shouted hanging up “ well maybe …next time “ 
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emmettworld · 2 months
hello, my beloved whump community. this is Emmett. but you probably know me better as this blog:
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or you may remember the blog before that:
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you may have even been here since this blog:
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...i'm not taking you farther than that. xD
my account was terminated without any warning today. March 25, 2024. all of my blogs are gone and i have lost everything i have on them. you won't even be able to see any comments or reblogs for me on any of your posts.
if you have commissioned me over Tumblr DMs and not Discord, please contact me here. i did not have a copy of my commission list saved. i do not know who hasn't paid and who already has. i do not remember who was on the list. i do not want anyone to be cheated out of their money.
i have no idea why this happened. i was not doing anything that could justify my account being terminated with no warning or explanation. i'm so paranoid about it that i won't even type the blog names; that's why they're images instead.
but at this point, most of you know the type of whump creator i am. one who creates whatever he wants, no matter how disturbing or explicit it may be. one who loves creating whump and content in general of the Not Safe For This Website kind.
getting one of my blogs flagged, and now losing everything, is not going to stop me. i'm not going anywhere. but i am going to be changing my approach to posting content.
this is my Language Key. i will be using a system of emojis for tagging instead of words, so please read this before you go on my blog and know which tags you need to block.
if you need to block my blog for any reason, go ahead. i don't want to disturb anyone by showing up in the tags.
all of my artwork that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked to an external storage website, MEGA. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no cropped previews unless they are 100% Safe For This Website.
all of my writing that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked directly to where i post it on my AO3. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no writing put under a read more unless it is 100% Safe For This Website.
trust me, i'll have a better pinned post up at some point explaining who i am and my multiverse of AUs, series, and OCs, and links to my commission page, and my Ko-Fi...and i'll do my best to finish the masterlists and, once again, build myself up from the ground up...
but i'm exhausted. i never saw this coming, and it's made me realize just how unsafe i am. i lost so much content that was only posted on Tumblr and not saved anywhere else.
believe me when i say that i am fucking devastated.
but i'm not going anywhere. i will die with this site when it eventually goes down, and not because it tried to kill me.
that being said, you can find me here on Cohost, which is where i'll migrate to when this place dies or where i'll communicate if i happen to get IP address banned (probably without warning) or something that prevents me from coming back.
if you don't want to refollow me here, i totally understand. i can't say how grateful i am to everyone who does, but like...i get it. it's tedious having to refollow me all the time, never knowing when a blog (or full ass account) is going to suddenly disappear. if you want to get off this crazy, unpredictable ride now, i don't blame you.
and if you decide to stick around, for however long, thank you. this day has been one of my worst nightmares and i don't think i would be handling this with nearly as much grace if it were not for my friends and everyone on my Discord server (which, by the way, is the only safe place where i share everything uncensored).
they were my first line of communication. they helped me get the word out. they rallied for me and kept me from having one massive breakdown over this, so my heartfelt thanks go out to them.
i'm using the whump community tags in hopes that more people will see this. i had hundreds of followers on my last blog, more than a thousand on the blog before that...i know this isn't going to reach everyone, but i hope it will reach some people.
thank you so much for reblogging this to help spread the word if you do. and thank you for reading. ❤️
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ioniansunsets · 7 months
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Birthday Special ✖
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Birthday Special ✖
✖ Word Count: 836
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I think of this as a 10pm-2am party on the 30th so Kayn can quietly pretend its a party for his real 31st Birthday.
It was irritating, he'd have to admit. A full day of media and paparazzi chasing him. All he wanted was to by your side, to celebrate with you, to not have to phase through walls just to hide from the crowd. The crowd that was even worse than usual because it was Halloween night. He clicks his tongue as he pulls his facemask up to hide away from the crowd.
" Gods help me."
He whispers angrily under his breath. Almost like an answer to his prayers, Ezreal pops up and drags him down an alley, helping him to slip away from some fans and find his way to the club that you told him to meet you at. It was the usual spot, Heartsteel's favorite bar, the bouncers already waving to let Kayn and Ezreal in.
" Everyone's waiting LMAO! You're so late." " You're late too loser. The fuck you on about!"
Ezreal laughs as he flings the doors open. You, with the help of some others in Heartsteel booked out the entire club for Kayn this night. A hustle and bustle as K/DA and some other friends of Kayn's hang out, laughing and drinking. Cheers from everyone as he walks in, everyone wishing Happy Birthday on what he personally thinks is the wrong day. But attention is attention and he can't say no to a little fun at night. Everyone in little Halloween costumes, high fives, loud laughs, awkward hugs he talks to everyone, socializing and thanking them for the wishes. Yone graciously DJ-ing for the party, Akali pointing him a middle finger as they make eye contact but showing up to the party anyway, Sett and Aphelios trying a hand behind the bar to make drinks for the party. K'Sante sitting by a table talking to Alune and the rest of K/DA. But still, something was wrong, he sees all his friends but where the hell were you? The you who was arguably the most important person to him. The you were the one who invited him here anyway.
" Happy Birthday Kayn!"
At the sound of your voice he perks up, immediately putting his drink down to turn and find you. As he spots you a little away he basically runs over to throw his arms around you, lifting you up and giving you a little spin as you hug him back.
" My favorite person! Where the hell were you! I'm only here because you told me to come by the way."
He sticks out his tongue in mock irritation, arms still around you the whole time. All the attention and well wishes from everyone could never compare to your love. Ah how he loved your smell, your cute laugh, your stupid teasing smug face as it stared at him. He leans down giving you a quick kiss before letting go. Resting his arms across his chest waiting for a good explanation from you.
" Took a while because I had to get this finished for you."
You defend yourself, you hold up a present for him. It was small, suspiciously small for a gift for someone as amazing as him, but it was from you so like hell he won't complain. Picking up the box for your hands he holds it up, shaking it a little, no noise. Curious now he opens it, face immediately lighting up. He puts the wrapping down behind him as he holds up the gift.
" Oh fuck is this...?"
You nod as he examines it, a custom guitar strap. Designed like his recently solidified aesthetic from the Paranoia MV, bright colors, a yellow base, pink, purple and green accents with an imitation of his signature down the strap. Little handmade patches of him and Rhaast on the corner, hearts the colors of all the boys around the middle, and finally your initials sneakily sewn in the underside next to Kayn's right where the strap would meet the guitar, there, yet hidden from view so he could still use this on stage. A beautifully thought out way to have something of you near him all the time, even when he was on tour, on stage or in his studio. How personal... Kayn laughs, a hand returning to pull you into him, he leans down close to your ears as he growls out softly,
" Damn babe...you're going to make me emotional."
A blush rising up your face, Kayn turns to give your cheek a quick kiss. A hand sneakily rising up to wipe something away under his eyepatch. You take note to tease him about it later.
" All custom made and details hand sewn by the way, I got K'sante and Sett to help me."
" Thank you. Amazing gifts from you as always."
After a quick kiss on your forehead, he pulls away from the hug, hand wrapping around yours as he drags you to the bar, the brightest smile on his face as he gives Aphelios a nod to make drinks for you two.
" Now let's properly celebrate together."
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
Spoiling Belphie rotten (then Beel joins in because he can) Belphie x reader
Hiii I'm back and here are the warnings (?): Degradation, praise, mommy kink, breast sucking, mention of lactation, breeding kink, yandere belphie, threesome, bj
Sorry if I forgot something, I'm still not used to tumblr's "smut culture" ajfhzhufude putting on those warnings feels more like I'm just tagging my smut. (But I guess that's ultimately the point?) Reader/MC is cisfemale in this one.
I still have no idea what I'm doing, in case you hadn't noticed. Hopefully I'm not making a fool of myself too bad aaaaaaa. Here goes.
You were the only one who had the ability to wake Belphie up with ease. As soon as he heard your voice, his consciousness would spring back up. When you touched him, gently shaking him, his eyes would open on the spot. Although there was no magical or scientific explanation behind this, Belphie's brothers and even Belphie himself had now given you the task of waking him up everyday. Since you were the only one capable of such a feat.
But when it came to matters Belphegor wasn't interested in… he would give a hard time to you as well.
"Hnngh don't wannaa. If it's not for school what's the use?"
"Are you serious? Diavolo invited us for dinner, that's not something we get everyday. Also, we warned you not to sleep during the day today in order to avoid this exact scenario..."
Even YOU were at a loss on what to do now. Maybe you should really go without him… No. Lucifer had tasked you with this and you didn't want to disappoint.
"Come on, make just a little effort. If you do, I'll give you a reward after we come back."
Although you couldn't see it because Belphie was facing the wall, at that moment his eyes shot wide open. He took a moment to recollect his thoughts.
"Hmm… what kind of reward?"
Not really having anything particular in mind, you give him a standard answer. The kind that will inevitably become a big mistake later.
"Anything you want. You can decide- Oh but something that is in my power obviously aha."
You said that while sitting on the side of his bed. Belphie would always wonder how you could so casually just invade his space like this and not expect any retribution. A small smirk appeared on his face before he shifted sides and turned towards you, facing you.
"You're really oblivious and reckless, how cute."
He says with his cute little head laying on the pillow. Does he realize how painful it is for you to wake him up everyday when he looks so peaceful? So comfy in his bed that you sometimes get the urge to join him and go back to sleep.
"Wow, rude. Come on sleeping beauty, Lucifer will get mad if you don't hurry it up."
As expected, from there things go fairly smoothly. As soon as you all arrive at the castle, Barbatos takes you to the dining hall where Diavolo was waiting. He then shares some of the future projects he has in mind for the devildom hoping for the brothers' help as well as your own. You weren't really worried about what Belphie would ask you after you made it back home but the question did stay in the back of your mind throughout the entirety of the evening. Looking back, you really should've asked instead of brushing him off.
Well, wherever. Making your way back to the house of lamentation, all of you were carrying "leftovers" from the dinner but really, it was mostly just a gift for Beel. Diavolo knew how big of an eater he is and there's no way even a royal dinner would satiate this monster of a stomach he has. As you all left the food in the kitchen and let Beel devour it all, everyone started making their way back to their rooms. Everyone except Belphie.
"You're coming with me, right?"
"The reward. Don't tell me you forgot?"
"Ah well, sure? I mean- I just didn't think that we necessarily needed to be in your room for you to ask something from me."
Belphie chuckles. Somehow it kind of gets on your nerves as you feel like he's mocking you. Well, no matter. Making your way up there, Belphie invites you to sit on his bed. Your back against the headboard.
"Um. Thank you?"
You feel your cheeks heating up. You always feel like you have to keep an "attitude" with him just as he does with you, but seeing how he has quite literally invited you into his bed, you're starting to have some *thoughts* you wish you weren't having right now. It wasn't like doing dirty things to him never crossed your mind but you weren't 100% sure if he ever had ideas like these as well. Unsure, you would never lay your hands on him more than necessary, worried that it might be too much too soon. Well, you were about to find out that this was never a concern of his.
He joins you, laying his back on your thighs.
"Could you cradle me Y/N?"
You blink.
"Uh, like, a baby?"
"Hmm not exactly. But I'll call you mommy if that's what you want."
You almost choke on your own spit.
"W-wha?? Did you really just say that?"
Annoyed, Belphie himself places your left hand over his shoulders while he's still laying down on you. He then places his head on your chest, rubbing against your breasts like a spoiled little brat.
"It's truly so cute how you're still trying to stay guarded and dignified in a moment like this. Do you really think I would invite just anyone into my bed?"
Your heart rate picks up at the insinuation and you're pretty sure Belphie can hear it.
"Ooohh~ So you do get it. Can you take your top off?"
This was the twins' room. Beel might be busy right now but once he's back… How would he react if he saw what the two of you were doing?
Ahhgh. Fuck it.
You take your top off and your bra, Belphie's face lights up with a shit-eating grin. The really thrilled kind that pisses you off for some reason.
"We've got a real pervert here. I only asked you to take your top off yet you went all the way. Oh nooo~, I unknowingly invited an indecent person into my bed, whatever shall I dooo~"
You flick his forehead.
"Shut it, you're the one who's… A-anyway, why am I the only one taking layers off? Shouldn't you do the same?"
Belphie snuggles against your bare chest, hugging you. Then he leaves a kiss on one of your pink tips.
"Well I'd like to unbuckle my pants but my hands are too busy holding you~ Please do it for me?"
Frustrated by how he's obviously babying himself up for you, and yet he still manages to look cute while being obvious, you follow his "suggestion" and unbuckle his pants. Revealing that he's already quite hard. Well at least that part of him isn't lying…
As you wrap your soft fingers around his length with your right hand, your left arm is still cradling him against your chest as he starts to kiss, lick and pull on your sweet spots. He smiles as he sees how pleased his touch makes you feel.
"Mommy~ why is your chest not dripping with milk? Is it broken?"
"G-God shut the fuck up…"
You try to keep your focus on your right hand, the one that is stroking and pumping him, desperately trying to make him feel as good as you feel right now. You don't want to be mocked for not being able to perform as well as he can. In fact, isn't this already what he's doing?
Noticing your worry, Belphie makes an effort to reach for your lips, kissing them lovingly.
"Calm down honey, you're too tense. I'll show you what makes me feel good."
Unwrapping one of his arms from you, he reaches out for your right hand, putting his hand around yours. As he does, you notice how much bigger his hand is compared to your small, soft hand. Yet he's supposed to be the youngest of his brothers.
Belphie still suckles on you, but in between his devious tongue doing god's work, he's also mumbling a bit as he guides your hand.
"No need to be hasty… I like it slow and gentle at the beginning… Just grip it more forcefully when I'll be close to cumming, I'll take care of the pace."
You keep doing this for a couple more minutes, from time to time you kiss him on the head or on the forehead to which he responds with a soft "mommy" against your breasts. You're starting to like being called like this. To return the favor you also call him baby a couple of times to which he responds with a long suckle on your breasts.
He's just so cute… The only problem is that you're starting to get unbearably wet.
"Um, c-can we hurry it up? Sorry but I- ugh. I-I need some help down there unless you want me to stain your bed…"
Suddenly, Belphie's dick leaks with precum.
His hand's grip on yours tightens up and you understand just how strong he really is, he quickens the pace but it's not enough. The air around him darkens as he unconsciously changes to his demon form.
"Agghh this won't do."
He makes you let go of him and he stands up on the bed, pushing his dick in front of your face with a scarily tense expression. He's extremely turned on, looking down on you. That's when you know this baby-mommy nonsense is over. Belphie places his right hand on your head while pumping his dick with the other. You can tell it's taking him an immeasurable amount of self-restraint to not yank your head and shove his cock down your throat, humping it until he releases himself in you.
"Y/N, say ahh~"
Obediently, you grab into his thighs and open up your pretty mouth for him. He cums all over your face and tongue. When he's done, he closely watches you tasting him and wiping your face off with your hands that are now covered in his seed. Funnily enough, his tastes like condensed milk… it really fits him.
Calming himself down a bit, he sits back down in front of you then grabs you.
You have no idea how he does it so quickly, but before you have even realized what's about to happen, you were on your hands and knees with your skirt and underwear down. Your ass facing him as he's already brushing the tip of his cock on your wet cunt. He whistles.
"You weren't kidding. It's a mess down there."
"Ah- H-Hold on, what if Beel comes in?"
He gently places his big hand on your back, pushing you down slowly onto the bed, as if he's taming you. Your face is now on his pillow while your ass is prettily in the air, giving him a good view of your privates.
"Ssshhh. Don't think about that. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing baby."
As if your roles were switched, he was the one calling you baby now.
Not that it mattered anymore to you. You let go of all of your worries to be in the moment. The moment in which Belphie is about to enter you and make an even bigger mess of your insides. With one hand firmly on your waist, he uses his other hand to slowly open you, pushing his dick inside as gently and slowly as he can.
As you feel his length entering you, you realize just how hot a demon's dick is. You thought your insides were warm but his might be even warmer. You squirm under him, calling his name. Almost unknowingly, you reach out for his hand on your waist, placing yours on top of his as he had done earlier to guide you. Except in your case it wasn't for guidance, you just wanted to caress his hand that was so satisfyingly wrapped on your body.
"Belphie… Y-You're so good… Ungh."
Belphie chuckles.
Then you sense some sort of unfamiliar danger emanating from him. The kind that strangely excites you. As you notice that "danger", Belphie leans in over you, wrapping your entire body under his, then he whispers.
"You dumb little bitch♡ You still don't get that I'm about to breed you, huh? I'll fill every nook and cranny of your tight cunt while you'll be helplessly whimpering and calling my name. How cute is that?"
You've always tried really hard to keep up with Belphie. His sloth aside, he always had a nasty attitude, not in a "violent" way but it was like he would look down on you from a place of infatuation. You knew he found you cute and adorable but you never truly understood what it would mean for the long run. Thus you would also keep your guard up with him, trying to "not be looked down on" from his sadistic love for you. Well, now it was clear that you had failed and honestly? Being defiled like this felt embarrassingly good.
He started pounding into you from behind, his weight all over your back as you let yourself lose. Even going as far as drooling all over his pillow.
"That's it! That's the face I've wanted to see all this time! Isn't it annoying to always pretend to be responsible? To always try to meet everyone's shitty expectations of you? This is it. Let yourself sink. Aaahh you're so slutty and adorable, IloveyouIloveyou-"
As you felt like you were about to completely lose yourself to pleasure, the door of the room flung open.
"Belphie, do you know where Y/N… is…"
Beel was done with the leftovers. And now you two were done for too. You were about to panic but Belphie caressed your head, calming you down.
"Sssshhh I got this."
With a calm smile, Belphie turned over to face Beel.
"Ah Beel, yeah sorry. Could you close the door and come here for a sec? Oh- And keep this a secret from the others please."
Beel silently does as he's told, then in disbelief, he sits on his bed across from Belphie's.
"Uh. So. Isn't it better for me to leave?"
Belphie laughs, all carefree. As if he wasn't just calling you a slut and pounding into you like a dog in heat a second ago.
"Leave? We're just starting. In fact we were waiting for you!"
You manage to fight off the embarrassment and lift your face up from the pillow. Shooting daggers at Belphie.
"You see, Y/N here reaaaally wants us to fuck her raw but since she's too shy and reserved to admit that, I took matters into my own hands. Would you care to help us?"
"Help with…"
Beel looks at you and the state you're in, then looks away in embarrassment. He's fidgeting with his hands, a bit lost.
"O-Only if Y/N is fine with it. If she tells me I can, I'll do it."
You should've seen this coming. Belphie shares absolutely everything with Beel and vice-versa. So even going as far as sharing a "partner"... well it was always in the realm of possibility.
The twins look at you, you can tell they're begging you to say yes through their eyes. Their gazes full of hope. You sigh. Well… If you're going to whore yourself out… You are going all the way.
"You can join us Beel. But please show at least a little bit of restraint when needed. I don't want it to hurt…"
Beel smiles gently and nods. Belphie smiles deviously and hugs you.
"That's our Y/N! ♡"
Well at the very least, you feel like you can trust Beel to monitor Belphie's behavior in bed… Nervously, Beel gets up from his bed, making his way towards you.
"Uh so, how can I help?"
Belphie looks over at his pillow still covered with a bit of your drool and he chuckles.
"Hmm. Well you see… Y/N has trouble keeping her mouth closed when I fuck her. She needs something to fill her mouth with or else she'll make a mess on my pillow. Not that I mind but I suppose Y/N is quite embarrassed about it…"
The little shit was right. You can't even look back at the pillow, too scared to see just how much you've left behind. Before you can even understand what's happening, Beel was already standing in front of the bed, his waist lining up perfectly with you. He starts to unbuckle his belt before Belphie stops him.
"Ah, wait Beel. Y/N likes doing this part, let her unbuckle it."
This fucker was right again. How does he understand your secret wishes so well? Scary. Without complaining, you gently move Beel's hands away from his front. He blushes at the sight of you unbuckling then unzipping his pants. So much so that his length is already half ready to make his way into your mouth.
You stare at it a bit, observing its size and shape then looking up at Beel who's too shy to look at you directly for longer than 2 seconds. How is he genuinely so cute while Belphie is so not?
But nothing gets past Belphie.
"Y/N~ You just thought something quite rude right now, didn't you?"
Placing his hand behind your head, he pushes you towards Beel's dick.
"Come on. Since you like Beel so much better than me, why aren't you sucking him off yet?"
You hit Belphie's arm as Beel also tells him off, warning him not to be too pushy with you. Well, no matter. You start off by gently kissing Beel's tip, making him grit his teeth at how cute and kind you are to start off so politely. Then you take him in slowly, a bit clumsily. Not sure on how to keep your teeth from touching his shaft, hoping that you're not doing a lousy job… Especially since Belphie is looking at you doing it so closely. Probably regretting that moment from earlier, when he decided against shoving his dick into your throat.
A bit frustrated. He goes back to where he stopped before Beel walked in. He enters you as slowly as the first time, making sure you get used to him being inside you again… Yet you just can't, feeling him fucking you from behind while having to pay attention to how you're taking care of Beel is quite difficult. Belphie and Beel notice your discomfort right away. Beel tells you not to worry about getting everything right while Belphie comments on how cute it is that you're trying so hard to please them, that in on itself is already pleasing.
As the three of you pick up the pace and get lost into the act, the twins' true colors resurface. Or rather, the way they express their love for you becomes very clear. Whenever Belphie spanks you or thrusts into you too hard, Beel warns him to be careful and to make sure he's not hurting you. Belphie retorts that you actually like it when it hurts a little bit which ticks you off because his observation is right.
As you carefully suck him off, Beel keeps petting you and caressing your cheek, praising you. Telling you how good of a job you're doing and how adorable you look. To contrast that, Belphie takes any excuse possible to mock you. Telling you how perverted your mind and body are. Degrading you satisfyingly.
"Everytime Beel calls you a good girl I can feel you tighten up. So you're the kind of whore who likes to be praised for being filthy, hm?"
Beel takes over and reassures you.
"He's just teasing you Y/N. You're so cute and pretty right now that it's hard for him not to pick on you. Please forgive him."
This constant cycle of mockery then praise and praise then mockery makes you shudder from pleasure. Being called a dirty slut from behind, treated roughly. Meanwhile your mouth and head are being treated so kindly, Beel caressing you and calling you cute, smart and pretty. It didn't take long for you to break. You could feel them getting close to release as well and as soon as they called out to you at the same time, it was over.
"Good girl."
"Pervy bitch."
As expected of twins, they managed to sync their climax not only between each other but with you as well. Belphie's load was even hotter than his cock, filling you entirely, you could feel the juices leak embarrassingly from your hole once he pulled out. As for Beel, his seed tasted like thick honey. You drank it as best as you could, making sure that Beel knew how delicious he tastes.
Utterly exhausted, you collapsed on your back, facing the ceiling. Completely fucked out. They joined you, hugging you from each side. Belphie was back to acting like a spoiled little fucker, rubbing his cheek on your breasts.
"Beel~ Join in, it's so soft."
Beel shoots a glance at your chest, then at you.
"Can I?"
You nod, your mind so blank that you don't even take the trouble of uttering a simple "yes." And so Beel follows Belphie's lead, softly laying his cheek on your other breast."
"Beel~ Once Y/N is pregnant her breasts will lactate and we'll be able to drink her milk. Imagine how good it'll taste."
Beel's eyes light up. Oh no.
"Y/N's… milk…"
He lifts his head up, looking at your nipples, then starts sucking on them. You worriedly call out to him.
"Beel! Nothing will come out y-you know?!"
"But still, just imagining it feels good."
"Doesn't it?"
Belphie agrees then joins in on the licking and sucking. You're done for. Two cute boys are treating you like their mommy and chances are, they'll have a second go at you in a few minutes once they notice how wet you've gotten from feeling their tongues all over your chest…
Wegh that was a long one. As always don't hesitate to leave a comment, even a keyboardsmash is greatly appreciated!! Share how you've lost your mind 🫰
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xxsycamore · 9 months
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Welcome to the fourth annual installment of Visions of Temptation - the multifandom kinktober content creation challenge hosted at my blog.
►under the cut you will find both lists written down in blank format. You’ll also find a short explanation of some lesser-known kinks you might encounter above.
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███  RULES
▍This challenge features kinktober dialogue & kink prompt lists for everyone over the age of 18.
▍It’s absolutely free to use across all fandoms, with a main focus on otome. If you’re a writer, artist, visual graphic creator, etc., you can use these lists to create your kinktober works.
▍You can share this with your followers and open requests using these lists.
▍There are a total of 62 kinks, two for each day of the month of October, and additionally 31 dialogue prompts. It’s up to you whether you choose to use prompts from one of the lists or both, and to combine them or not. You don't have to follow just one list - mix and match them if you'd like!
▍Make sure to put content warnings where needed.
▍This challenge won't have a masterlist featuring the works created for it, meaning that it won't have a deadline either - feel free to complete it at your own pace.
▍About credit: Make sure to mention the challenge itself and its creator, me. I’d be happy to see your works, so please tag me when using my list here on tumblr! Posting to other sites is fine, as long as you credit me properly :)  
▍In order for us to find each other's works and appreciate them, please make sure to use the tag " #visions of temptation 2023 " !
▍Don't hesitate to reach out if you have a question! My askbox is always open!
▍Remember to have fun and not stress over this long challenge!
targeted fandoms: Ikeseries (Ikemen Prince; Ikemen Vampire; Ikemen Revolution; Ikemen Sengoku; Ikemen Genjiden; Ikemen Villains + other cybird games); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr. Love: Queen's Choice; Count of Darkness; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger; Light and Night + all other mobile/console otome you can think of. Remember, this is just the focus of the challenge - you can write for any fandom at all!
Depending on how much free time i've got on my hands, I'll also be checking out your works and reblogging them on my main blog, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly - under the tag "#vot 23 reblogs" :)
If you're wondering if I'm taking requests for my challenge, make sure to check my blog beforehand. At the moment of posting this, requests are closed - but that might change in the future.
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both lists in blank format + handy explanation of some of the kinks under the cut.
Happy creating, everyone and may you have a great October! ❤
Kink list:
Day 1 - Oct 1st - Cowgirl Position | Doggy Style
Day 2 - Oct 2nd - Biting/Marking | Dacryphilia
Day 3 - Oct 3rd - Angry Sex | Vanilla Sex
Day 4 - Oct 4th - Jealousy/Possessiveness | Voyeurism
Day 5 - Oct 5th - Spit-roasting | Double Penetration
Day 6 - Oct 6th - Sex Toys/Object Insertion | Glove Kink/Uniform Kink
Day 7 - Oct 7th - Public Sex/Outdoor Sex | Sex in a vehicle
Day 8 - Oct 8th - Facesitting | Deep-throating
Day 9 - Oct 9th - Praise Kink | Degradation
Day 10 - Oct 10th - Somnophilia | Cockwarming
Day 11 - Oct 11th - Frottage | Accidental Stimulation
Day 12 - Oct 12th - Bondage | S&M
Day 13 - Oct 13th - Hypnosis/Aphrodisiacs | Begging
Day 14 - Oct 14th - First Times | Guided Touching
Day 15 - Oct 15th - Shower Sex/Bathtub Sex | Scent Kink
Day 16 - Oct 16th - Pegging | Choking
Day 17 - Oct 17th - Anonymous sex/One night stand | FWB
Day 18 - Oct 18th - Omegaverse/Breeding | Size Difference Kink
Day 19 - Oct 19th - Phone Sex | Wet Dreams
Day 20 - Oct 20th - Oral Sex | Anal Sex
Day 21 - Oct 21st - Not Wearing Underwear | Sexy lingerie
Day 22 - Oct 22nd - Mirror Sex | Striptease
Day 23 - Oct 23rd - Coming Untouched | Overstimulation
Day 24 - Oct 24th - Against the Wall | Bent Over a Table/Desk
Day 25 - Oct 25th - Morning Sex | Edging/Orgasm Denial
Day 26 - Oct 26th - Body Worship | Aftercare
Day 27 - Oct 27th - Temperature Play | Knife Play/Gun Play
Day 28 - Oct 28th - Impact Play | Food Play
Day 29 - Oct 29th - Nipple Play | Body Part Fetish
Day 30 - Oct 30th - Dirty Talk/Voice Kink | Come Fetish/Creampie
Day 31 - Oct 31st - Monsterfucking/Non-human Characters | Sexual Roleplay
Dialogue list:
"Sorry, I was just thinking of all the ways I can ravage you."
"Open wide and let me see."
"It can wait. I must have you now."
"Don't play innocent now. I know you want this."
"Lie down and let me love your body."
"You let out such beautiful sounds when I touch you here."
"I can keep you right where you are all day."
"Does it excite you that we can get caught any second?"
"Time for revenge."
"I'll take good care of you. I'll be gentle."
"You're not the one giving orders here."
"You've got a pretty mouth. It'll look even better pleasing me."
"Feel it. You did this to me."
"Where else do you want me to touch you?"
"Oh, but it's so fun to make you beg."
"You poor thing, you're shaking with pleasure."
"Should I bend you over this table? Is this what you want?"
"I need you to be quiet." "Make me."
"Mark me so everyone knows I belong to you."
"You're shameless, seducing me at such a time."
"Touch yourself for me. Look at me while you do it."
"Oh, that's a new reaction. I like it."
"I'll spoil you rotten until you can't take it anymore."
"That's a dangerous game you're playing."
"How does it feel when we both please you at the same time?"
"All this and you still want more?"
"Maybe if you try asking nicely, I'll fuck you."
"I can't stand you sometimes. And I want you so bad."
"I love that dirty brain of yours."
"If only you could see yourself now."
"I already want to fuck you again."
some prompts explained...
Voyeurism - secretly watching someone participate in sexual activities or do something private and intimate like taking off their clothes. An idea is person A catching person B masturbate accidentally but lingering by the door just a little longer...
Frottage - Rubbing against another person's body/part of the body.
Mirror sex - Sex in front of a mirror.
Dacryphilia - Crying during sex.
S/M - Sadism and masochism.
Spitroasting - A three-way sex act in which a person is penetrated orally and either anally or vaginally.
Omegaverse - taken from fanlore. org: A kink trope wherein some people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system. 
Somnophilia - Intercourse while a sexual partner is asleep.
Anonymous sex - Here is an idea: masquerade balls.
FWB - Friends with benefits, no feelings attached.
Impact play - Slapping a sexual partner, could be across the face or spanking for instance.
Sexual roleplay - doctor/patient play, boss/employee play, all kinds of play pretend.
Hope these could be of help! Remember, you can always come ask if something's unclear. Once again, happy creating! ❤
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wasongo · 11 months
Tumblr media
I think I got a lot of new followers recently because twitter keeps going to shit. However, as you probably know I can't and don't post nsfw art here.
You can find my NSFW socials on my pinned post. I think a lot of people are hesitant to join platforms which aren't fully available to the public yet but if you'd like to keep up with my nsfw art I'd like to:
Urge you to visit my website and subscribe to my RSS feed for gallery updates!
Suggest you follow me on either Pillowfort or Cohost (18+).
In the last year I have started using PF and Cohost more than Mastodon, as they've implemented new features and their posting system is more in line with what I enjoy: robust tagging and filtering, ability to post MANY images, and readmores for long posts.
If you've been hesitant to join either of those platforms since you don't know what to expect here's a small-ish review of both purely from my experience as someone who: a) enjoys profile customization b) likes to have an organized art gallery that is filterable by tags.
This review is aimed at artists looking for NSFW spaces to post! UI screenshots might have suggestive terms and images. Proceed with caution.
Edit: Good grief tunglr, if you open this on the web dash the images aren't shown in the neat galleries I put them in to make the post shorter. Head on over to the permalink if you'd like a better looking post!
Let me just say that if you're looking for a review on more technical aspects of these platforms, like security and moderation policies. I'm not your guy. You'll have to look elsewhere for that. I'm focusing on QoL UI and community aspects.
Though both these platforms allow nsfw, please make sure to read their ToS/Community Guidelines for rules on what is and isn't allowed. Though as far as I'm aware they have pretty similar rules.
Pillowfort has more years under its belt being available to users than Cohost does, as such I THINK the artist/fandom userbase atm is larger, which means you might see more activity there. UI as of right now is very comfortable and the site runs pretty smoothly. Loading times are very decent. Posting is easy, though the image uploader is a little wonky (they are working on fixing this). You are able to create and manage communities based on interests or themes, which people can follow or join and all post in the same space. You can personalize your profile by adding images, links, and formatted text to your sidebar, as well as customize your own profile colors. Tag searches in my experience yield results of both art and aesthetic irl porn and gifs. If that's something you miss from ye olden tumblr days it might be worth a look.
Posts have privacy options (everyone, logged in, followers, mutuals, only me)
Has a DM system
Posts have Commentable, Rebloggable, NSFW toggle
Can post MANY images on a single post
Readmore feature for long posts
Robust tagging system
Robust filtering system: hide or click-through warning (by installing Tassel userscript only)
Customizable profile colors, Light/Dark mode for whole website
Communities you can follow/join for shared interests
You can filter posts on profile by tag
You can filter posts on profile by "original poster" or "reblog"
wonky image uploader, cannot upload multiple images at once
Cannot search for multiple tags at once
Search for terms with periods in them is currently broken (ex. "D.Gray-man" will not yield any search results)
Communities have few moderation features atm
Without Tassel installed the filtering system is pretty garbage atm (you can either show or hide nsfw or filtered tags completely, with no click-through warnings)
No multiple account/side blog feature yet
Some inline image formatting options are broken atm
Default endless scrolling
No progressive web app for mobile atm
For a more in depth explanation of PF's UI and features you can check out this official post.
Here are some images of the UI.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Cohost feels like it has a small artist/fandom userbase at the moment. However, to make up for that it has a pretty slick UI, it works great as a progressive web app on mobile, and it recently implemented an ASK system similar to tumblr's! Everything loads pretty quickly, and you can switch between your "latest posts" feed and your "bookmarked tags" feed. You can access your likes as a bookmark system, but as a whole "notes" and engagement numbers except for comments are not visible anywhere (this is wonderful for my personal mental health). It has a simple post editor and though the image uploader only allows 4 images that will load with lightbox, there's a workaround to upload MANY inline images if you want. The catch is you'll need to use a bit of markdown or html to do that. (more on that below) Though you can't personalize your profile colors, you can add personality to your page by making very cool pinned posts and adding images to your sidebar.
Animated avatars! (listen i like having my animated komui icon)
You can make multiple "pages" (blogs) which function independently for comments/asks. switching between pages is effortless
Ask system, with anon toggle (you cannot reply privately atm tho)
2 Factor Authentication
Progressive web app for mobile works like a charm
You can preview your post before you post it
Posts have a NSFW toggle and you can save drafts
Can post MANY images in a single post (bit of a workaround as you'll need to upload your images to a draft first and then add them to a new post with some markdown or html code)
Readmore feature for long posts
Robust tagging AND filtering system (show, click-through, hide completely), plus CW system to give your posts additional click through warnings you deem necessary
You can do incredibly cool things with HTML and inline CSS on your posts
You can filter posts on profile by tag, and you can have pinned tags
Toggles for hiding reblogs, replies, and asks on profiles
Paginated browsing instead of endless scrolling (things load faster)
No engagement numbers visible ANYWHERE
Image uploader does not let you upload multiple images at once. Limit to 4 images (can upload more as inline images with code)
Advanced post formatting (ex. bold, italics, bullet list, inline images etc.) has to be done through markdown or html + css which is not the friendliest for those who don't know any code (there's a button for a markdown cheatsheet when you post tho!)
No dark mode, or customizing profile colors atm (however there are workarounds to changing site colors with Stylus extension)
Cannot search for multiple tags at once
Cool things you can do with CSS on your posts might look very bad on mobile
Since you can do some crazy things with CSS on posts, you might come across eye straining visuals and movement on some posts. There are settings to tone this down, and people are pretty good about tagging things, so with some good filtering you should be able to avoid this however.
A little quieter on the artist/fandom front (but we can change that)
Here are some images of the UI.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
If you made it to the end of this review thanks for giving it a look! If there's something vital you might want to know that I missed in regards to UI and posting features let me know and I will try to answer. But again, this is not a technical/security issues/bugs review so don't ask me about that.
Lastly, I've been seeing a handful of NSFW artists I follow on twitter hopping on bluesky. I REALLY suggest you do a little research on the owners and platform to see if you think joining is worthwhile, since I have a feeling many artists might not want their alternative to be a site owned by crypto advocates (and also a billionaire). Some basic research will get you there. Just take heed and use your best judgement. On that note Cohost is strictly against crypto (I'm guessing PF might be too but I don't have a link that I can point you to confirming this atm).
I believe community driven and supported platforms are the way to go. If you end up thinking either of these two places are worth your time, do consider getting your friends and favorite artists on board or supporting them! You'll get added perks on both platforms if you become a supporter. PF recently added the ability to have MULTIPLE AVATARS (PFPs I think they're called nowadays) which I think is super cool (i really miss that from LJ days).
Again, thanks for reading and I hope to see some of you there!
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 4 months
hiiii hiiii!!! was curious :3 how's it gooinnnng?? uh, feeling booooooorooooooored got any fun headcanons you have floating around the space station?? :3
It's going well enough, Anon! I finally got around to this! Sorry it took me so long, I've been having a hard time doing things. But never mind that! Here's a mixed bag of headcanons!
Medic can make a killer hot chocolate. The only issue being, he will NOT elaborate on why he's so happy and eager to make you one.. He'll hand you the most beautifully decorated hot chocolate, but he stares at you with the most terrifying smile, staring through your soul. You should drink it, though, what's the worst that can happen.
Speaking of Medic. This man would be a menace at Diner Dash. I can not explain. He'd just be so good at it. Put him in endless mode, and he'd play it for hours, you could not get him to put it down.
Speaking of video games, Scout is insane at Mario Kart. He will kill you on Rainbow Road, you will not win against him, he's a maniac. He mains Peach. Also, funny enough, even though he has so many siblings, none of them would play Mario Kart with him. He may have teared up because Pyro asked to play with him.
You know what, I'll just drop everyone's Mario Kart mains and their second option with no explanations!
Demo would main Yoshi, Dry Bones being his second
Engie would pick Daisy, dying on this kill. Um, as a second pick I get Lakitu vibes.
Heavy would choose Bowser, Luigi being his second
Medic switches between the princesses, but mainly Rosalina, King Boo being his second.
Scout is a Peach main ONLY, if he is alone! (One time, he messed up and picked Peach before anyone else could and was very embarrassed.) If he's playing with others, he picks Mario, Larry being his second.
Sniper doesn't care. He'd probably let someone else pick for him. He normally gets a princess character, but he doesn't mind.
Spy is always picking rose gold Peach, regardless of Scout's mocking. He doesn't need a second pick because he'll get pissy about it.
Soldier doesn't have a set main, but I feel like he'd pick any of Bowser's kids.
Pyro is a Shy Guy main, and I am so normal about it, Bowser Jr. Is its second pick.
None of them really fight over mains though, the all normally get the character they want.
Totally away from all of that. I think Spy listens to classical music, and Scout also likes classical music so one time, Scout heard it from Spy's room and just came in, starting to make fun of him, but ended up just... sitting with Spy. I think a lot of their bonding is nonverbal.
Hey, I'm doing another speaking of bit, Spy has a habit of showing up at the exact moment someone needs something, with the item. Medic needs a coffee? Oh well, Spy just happened to be there with one. Scout's looking for something? Spy just found it! How strange. He always acts like its such an inconvenience, this is the only way he can show love.
Scout, Sniper, Medic, and Soldier all have sensory and texture issues.
Scout will gag at the thought of eating puddings and jellos and can't stand flashing lights. Sniper hates bright lights and hates the texture of anything slimy. Medic is overwhelmed by noises in crowds and can't stand sticky foods. Soldier has issues with fabrics and tags and can't stand soft/smooth.
Back to Spy again, I think he really likes the smell of lilacs and vanilla, I don't know why.
Scout once ran out of Bonk, Medic offered him a tea. Medic and Scout drink tea together when one of them has a bad day.
Engie collects rocks. He's just always been a fan. Sometimes, he'll sit outside the base, looking at the ground just searching for pretty rocks. He's given some to Pyro before, and now Pyro goes and sits with him sometimes.
Sniper's happiest moments in life are genuinely sitting in a dark room, not talking, just sitting with someone he cares about. He finds the presence of someone more comforting than words.
You know those gimmick blogs that can identify something from one picture? Heavy can tell you exactly what book any quote is from.
Pyro, Demo, and Soldier collect fireflies together sometimes.
Anyways! That's all I have for now. Sorry, they aren't anything major or great. But writing them made me smile, so thank you for that, anon!
I'm hoping I'm finally back to writing because this reminded me how fun it is.
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vetinarivimesy · 2 years
Kenobi-centric fic recs
Everything here will heavily feature Obi-Wan Kenobi in some fashion, and will vary wildly by ship, tone, and fic-type though I'll do my best to give little blurbs/not-too-spoilery summaries.
The fics range from gen to explicit, in some cases pre-date tagging ettiquette, and, no, no I have not re-read them all (ye gods have you seen the word counts).
In a few cases I'm basing my summaries on very hazy memory and I have a noted bad habit of skimming straight past explicit porn when I don't want to read it, then forgetting its there entirely - so caveat lector!
These are mostly fics that I currently mentally catalogue as Wonderful Obvious Obi-Wan Kenobi Goodness fics rather than expecting to dig up any obscure hidden gems. The list would probably look very different on a different day. It's far from comprehensive, and the categories are loose at best. But here it is!
I've been contemplating putting something like this together for a while but been a bit nervous of sticking my head up above the metaphorical parapet. As, follows my fave character around without caring overmuch about the ship trash, I've got quite a list of Star Wars fics inhaled/rediscovered.
(Wee bit too used to coming into very dead fandoms long after everyone's left, put the chairs up on the tables, the metaphorical lights have been turned off... and the not so metaphorical bills have stopped being paid. More than once I've stumbled into a wonderful old fandom fic archive only for it to vanish into, Only What Was Saved on the Internet Archive Remains status. Even when the archive isn't actually an ex-archive, many don't actually allow for interaction. Apologies to the authors I've never worked up the courage to comment on, this is an explanation not an excuse!)
Obi-Wan's apprenticeship fics:
Commander Kenobi - norcumi (complete, 9646 words)
Obi-Wan gets de-aged in the midst of battle. Cody gets to find out what teenaged Obi-Wan was like. Given Obi-Wan thinks he's fresh out of Melida-Daan, nothing like whatever Cody might have been expecting.
A Town Called Stagnation - deniigiq (complete, 33,000 words)
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan take a trip to Stewjon, to let Obi-Wan get in touch with his roots post the horrorshow of his early apprenticeship. Smalltown thinking and the trauma of recent events clash horribly for everyone involved.
Another brilliant author who's whole fic-output is well worth checking out. Their wry utterly charming character voices never fail to amuse, even when the POV character is one I'm currently in an... actually I wouldn't mind some bashing of this guy kinda mood. I draw amusement and sympathy for Qui-Gon's character in every single one of their immediately post-Melida Daan fics for context here, with my knowledge of that event thoroughly warped and contaminated by the current popular fanon take on the matter too.
Though more Cody-centric, and thus Clone Wars era, than anything parallelogram (Complete, 33,000 words) and they're neutral (complete, 9900 words) by the same author are also wonderful.
poisoned chalice - qigiined (Complete, 9900 words)
Another author with the wit and deftness of characterisation to make immediately-post-Melida-Daan Qui-Gon's POV both amusing and sympathetic. They've also got quite a few other gems!
Qui-Gon's very wry POV as he tries to navigate raising a very traumatised child, and appeasing his various lineage members.
through hardships to the stars - kivaember (WIP, 148,000 words)
Canon divergence where Obi-Wan's apprenticeship snafu on Melida-Daan went just that much worse than those Legends-were-never-technically-canon novels would have it.
As a result Obi-Wan and a very young Jango Fett end up on the run from a terrifying darksider, whilst Jaster Mereel and Feemor despearately try to catch up with the pair.
Little Lights Stories - ms_nawilla (WIP, 628,000 words)
Qui-Gon neglected too much of Obi-Wan's training, so Obi-Wan isn't immediately knighted post-Naboo despite saving Qui-Gon's life and defeating the Sith.
Anakin goes to the creche, Qui-Gon's in utter denial, and Obi-Wan begins the rocky process of finding his own feet post-Naboo, getting through the thorny process of working out who you are as your own person after living under someone else's oppressive shadow for far too long.
Super detailed epic detailing all sorts of wonderful possible jedi-culture headcanons, illuminated manuscripts! beer! force-manipulation games! communal caring! crystallography! sex ed! old-people's homes! the engineers! clerical branch! outreach via art! dance instruction! reincarnation! politics! spies! terrible james bond esque spy films to hide that the spies were really real! lightsaber classes! non-jedi temple residents! U and L leaning prejudice! Alderaan!
Just what would happen if Qui-Gon Jinn were exactly the sort of irresponsible unpleasant adult who should never ever be given a child a lot of fandom suspects he is. His implied treatment of Obi-Wan here can be fairly harrowing, for all that its emotional neglect rather than anything graphic.
The jedi are never depicted as anything less than trying their best, unfortunately no matter how thorough the system tries to be, sometimes people do just fall through the cracks. As was v.nearly the case for Obi-Wan in this verse.
Mostly character driven, though the hints of the greater plot bubbling away underneath all of this glorious worldbuilding and character growth are both ominous and intriguing. The pairing is a hell of a spoiler, but also one that could potentially be a bit of a squick, I don't want to spoil the slowburn of this thing but I do want to give fair warning. Does tumblr offer spoiler tags?
Preventing Order 66 fics:
When Duty is Done - thosenearandfarwars (WIP, 257,000 words)
Wonderful long-form piece - technically a WIP but all installments so far are complete - a what happens next post-Palp's getting his comeuppance, messily. Features Codywan, grief, internalised ableism, jedi order reforming in a very nuanced 'we were this close to the brink' and lost so many people to the war sense *not* the sneaky 'jedi-positive but actually bashing' sense.
Hell I wholeheartedly reccie just about everything this author's ever done tbh!
(This Too Was a Gift (Complete, 69,000 words) is also utterly wonderfully done, and a complete fic in a similar vein, albeit much more focused on the ramifications for individual characters than the ensemble cast of thousands that is Star Wars.)
I Got My Head Checked - frostbitebakery (Complete, 79,000 words)
Codywan Sith!Obi-Wan AU. Cody falls for the hot Sith in the next cell...
Light of the Mists- Snowy Egret Chimes of Kyber, Songs of Kyber, and Anthem of Kyber (Complete, 166,000 words)
This one technically also fits the Obi-Wan's apprenticeship category too. Bit of an epic of, what would happen if Obi-Wan never made it to Bandomeer, and instead trained under a force sect with rather different ideas about how things worked than the modern jedi order?
Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi - stonefreeak (WIP, 113,000 words)
Wonderful crackfic premise done mostly seriously. (WIP)
By an extremely obscure bit of Senate Legalise, Obi-Wan finds himself thrust into the role of Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine is furious.
How A Romance Novel Saved The Galaxy - Ariana Deralte (WIP, 184,000 words)
The galaxy takes a left turn when a popular novel takes the world by storm, and the Jedi and Mandalorians mutually discover their two cultures aren't so different after all...
sanguine - glimmerglanger (complete, 158,000 words)
In which Obi-Wan being a vampire, with all the nasty prejudices that come with being a non-human in the GFFA, somehow saves the galaxy.
Just Go Kill Palpatine - nevertheless_turtle (WIP, 6662 words though this is likely an underestimate due to formatting of a wonderful epistolary/OutsiderPOV social-media-centric chapter)
Just as the title says. Obi-Wan goes and attempts to do just that. Wonderful and hilarious.
The More I Live the More I See this Life is Not About Me - K_R_Closson
Another de-aged Obi-Wan fic. In which post-Melida-Daan suspicious of everyone and everything Kenobi somehow fixes things. Everyone around Obi-Wan is suitably horrified by the news of just what his apprenticeship under Qui-Gon entailed.
Not Quite Sure How to Catergorise these...
This category is the equivalent of the draw marked 'misc.' sorry! Mostly a mix of action/adventure stuff and fics I suspect will turn into, and they prevented order 66 fix-its, but maybe not, with some other truly misc. things thrown in.
backdrop - esama (Complete, 2300 words)
Short and sweet self-contained little tale. Very succinct, but what the author does with those words...
Gunslinger's Paean - Idiot's Array + Homeworld Elegy - Ashcroft_Writes (WIP, 299,000 words)
Epic, what if Obi-Wan post-Rako Hardeen paired up with Cad Bane action adventure tale. Mistrust. Violence. Gunslinging. Espionage. Murder attempts galore!
We Brothers, We Sisters, We Vod'e Few - infinitecompositions(WIP, 322,000 words)
Hell of a fic. WIP. What if canon were to take just a step to the left... Post-Naboo Obi-Wan finds himself recruited for the Shadows branch of the jedi order...
Another epic, cough, can you tell what style I like yet? Uh, starts off as a bit of a dark action adventure romp, rapidly morphs into a detailed dissection of spy-craft, espionage, and galactic politics - but becomes no less tense for it.
Kneading - Threebea O (WIP, 79,000 words)
Manages the miraculous trick of being canon, whilst seeming to be a fluffy bakery AU for a significant chunk of the first few chapters.
Jango/Obi - Jango falls for a local baker whilst hanging out in small town with Boba. Increasingly important to the fate of the galaxy shenanigans inevitably ensue when aforementioned baker turns out to be Obi-Wan Kenobi undercover.
Be Your Love - glimmerglanger (complete, explicit, 9000 words)
I tend not to go for 'real world' AUs but this author's work is so very excellent that I'm reccieing this one - hell I think most of their work is well worth a look through, and every fic-genre they've attempted has proven very fun indeed.
Heed the tags. Explicit Codywan BDSM stuff contained within.
Wizard of the Jundland Wastes - phoenixyfriend (complete, 3200 words)
Obi-Wan on Tatooine, outsiderPOV.
One of many wonderful Star Wars fics this author has written. If this one doesn't catch your fancy, one of their many delightful utterly bizarre premise taken to logical conclusion fics probably will.
Father of the Year (Not) - phoenixyfriend (complete, 2430 words)
Obi-Wan and Jango find out they're each other's soulmates. Mostly they're furious.
Wonderful very pointed skewering of all the usual soulmate and Jango is actually a decent dude tendencies in fic-writing.
Time Travel fics:
I thought I fought this war alone - stonefreeak (Complete, 3783 words)
Wonderful short and sweet Obi-Wan time travelling to his padawan days fix-it.
this is unexpected - MarbleGlove (Complete, 4461 words)
Very succinct and perfect with it time travel what if. Old Ben Kenobi goes back in time and immediately ruins Palpatine's day.
This author tends to be delightful no matter the fandom.
The Sun Swings East - kj_feybarn (Complete, 33,000 words)
Brilliantly done timeloop story of woe and hope. As much about recovery as the initial plot-driven despair. Mind the tags, Obi-Wan is understandably severely depressed throughout much of this fic.
The Making of Mavericks - AppoApples (complete, 146,000 words)
It was extremely difficult to choose just the one time travel fic from this author. Their output is wonderfully varied, don't like their particular take on the Jedi Order and/or the Mandalorians in this fic? Pick another, and odds are they'll have explored the concept from precisely the opposite angle.
This author has a wonderful exploratory sense of, okay okay, so how do we fix this thing/how do we make it worse?
In this case, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Cody, and Rex time travel to the past. This creates broad sweeping changes to the timeline, not always for the better.
The Desert Storm (complete, 1,144,599 words) & Rise and Fall series (WIP, 396,000 words) - Blue_Sunshine (WIP)
Wonderful epic-length time-travel fic. Highly recommended. Technically a WIP, but what there is already is well worth the time.
Ben Kenobi, now Nasaade, in utter furious despair finds himself back in time, pre, well, everything. He decides to take matters into his own hands and change things.
Gorgeous character-work, where by the end of the piece the characters are all in very different places than where they started out. And you utterly believe the growth (positive and negative) that got them there.
Draws from both legends and canon in a bit of a hodgepodge approach - despite drawing from a few of the more leaning towards the jedi were the bad guys sources in legends, impressively manages to tread a nuanced stance on, okay so what if the jedi and mandalorians did decide to start reforming in the face of this grave existential threat that's been brought to their attention?
Wonderful utterly enviable pacing - I know this one's extremely long. But at no point do you ever feel/notice the length when reading this thing.
It Was Another Time and I Another Man - Pell_Binterhol (WIP, 196,000 words)
Multiple Kenobis time travelling. Absolute chaos for absolutely everyone else; fellow time travellers, fellow Kenobis, and plotting Sith alike.
the massive machinery of hope - Killbothtwins (Complete, 150,000 words)
Obi-Wan travels back to his padawan days and annoys everyone else into helping him save the day. Wonderful sense of wry humour throughout this fic.
Living Memory - elsa3beth (WIP, 363,000 words)
Epic very detailed wonderful fic detailing just what General Kenobi would do if he had to fight the war again.
Deals with just what could happen if Anakin had ever had to face his fellow jedi with even a few of his flaws laid bare, and the fallout.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan, just barely managing to hold himself together, fresh out of the middle of his exile to Tatooine, is desperately playing four-dimensional chess against Palpatine and trying to use the awful structure of the Republic's Army to save both the Jedi and the Clones.
The 212th Attack Battalion's Guide to Saving the Galaxy by Accident - antigrav_vector & quarra (WIP, 783,000 words)
Long, character driven fic that's an incredibly fun take on just what might happen if Obi-Wan and a bunch of Ghost Company stumbled into Jaster Mereel's True Mandalorians and get themselves adopted. Heed the tags wrt pairings!
All the complications that come from being an adult stuck as an apparent child ensue. From being squicked out about being a kid again, to having other people being concerned that a kid is behaving like an adult, to just... time travel complications, kidnapping, force esoterica, and fighting a small war.
Plenty of Jedi thoughtfully staring at this strange miniature jedi master, lots of Mandalorians being both stunned and horrified by these tiny soldiers, and Dooku/Sifo-Dyas being a surprisingly lovely central pairing.
Not Qui-Gon friendly in the least, and in this verse you can't help but feel he very much deserves it.
Suicidal Misunderstandings - nevertheless_turtle (WIP, 67,000 words)
Obi-Wan spends much of this fic convinced he's hallucinating and on a bad spice-trip. The trigger warning is very much in the name here.
That said, wonderful, often hilarious time travelling Obi-Wan fic, as the jedi desperately try to work out 1) what's wrong with Obi-Wan, and 2) how to stop Palpatine.
Re-Entry (Complete, 568,000 words) and Re-Entry Journey of the Whills (WIP, 889,000 words) - flamethrower
Fair warning, might turn into a deadlink fairly soon. The author's stuff is in the process of being transferred to another archive. Not a big deal (though fandom being a collective arse is, ffs), as with many older fics this one has moved home fairly often! (Squidgeworld.)
Wonderful absolute epic time travelling Obi-Wan Kenobi fic. Even if you're not a fan of the central Qui/Obi pairing it's written from a very believable perspective, of you can see precisely how these two adults got there, and an extremely enjoyable read with it.
Starts off as a fairly character-driven piece, as the plot slowly builds into something extremely ominous indeed, though once the plot momentum gets going ye gods it gets going.
Another case of technically a series that's a WIP, but every individual story that's up is complete and a satisfying individual whole.
Filled with all the things I love in a Star Wars fic, Obi-Wan getting to be awesome, force esoterica, Obi-Wan getting to be a little shit, plotty plot, the jedi getting to be nuanced and awesome, canon and fanon star wars lore all over the place, and plenty of action adventure and gorgeous character work.
I don't want to go into too much spoilery detail here, but suffice it to say this one is a classic in the fandom for a reason, and deservedly so.
Warning that the dark stuff in this fic can get dark, the level of whump Obi-Wan endures goes all the way up to extremely creepy Palpatine-torture on par with the Ventress/Sith-mask/Alpha-17 situation. It's never gratuitous with it, but in places this fic is explicit, at turns in both the fun porny way and the whump sense.
Star Wars crossovers and fusions:
Alas this section will be shorter than I'd like it to be - unlike a lot of other sci-fi fandoms Star Wars fandom seems to shy away from crossover fic by and large. There's both less of it, and what there is seems to get a hell of a lot less interaction than it would in a different fandom. Not guilt-tripping, again, I am very very guilty of failing to interact myself, just a weird, 'huh, where are all the crossovers?' thing I've noticed.
Rouge Handed - nevertheless_turtle (complete, 2190 words)
As the name hopefully implies this one's kinda sorta a Moulin Rouge crossover. Ish. In that it's firmly set wholly in the GFFA.
Delightful little crackfic.
The weeping stone - Gabriel4Sam (complete, 6965 words)
A wonderful crossover with The Mummy that somehow manages to thread the needle, hitting the humorous tone of those films perfectly whilst simultaneously making you feel very sad indeed for Obi-Wan.
A Star to Steer By - dogmatix, norcumi (first fic in the series is complete, second a WIP, 109,000 words)
Absolutely wonderful Stargate crossover/fusion - it somehow manages to be both a crossover and a fusion at once.
Largely told from Jack's POV, the Jedi are symbionts, with all the misunderstandings that would imply, given the SGC are much more used to dealing with malevolent parasitic Goa'uld than benevolent symbiosis.
Lost Jedi - Augusta Pembroke (complete)
A Velvet Goldmine crossover fic. Curt Wild meets Qui-Gon Jinn, and things get complicated. Qui/Curt with implied unfulfilled Qui/Obi feelings.
All the unhealthy messy relationship stuff the Velvet Goldmine tag and the age of the fic implies is probably present and correct here.
Qui-Gon ends trapped on the wrong side of the galaxy, he finds Curt who's force sensitive, and trains him to help him get back home to Obi-Wan... Things get messy.
Snow and Cinder - MrsHamill (explicit, complete, 16,000 words)
The pre-requisite wonderfully done Highlander/Methos crossover fic. Obi-Wan hangs out with the ROG for a while post-Naboo in a bid to get over a falling out with Qui-Gon Jinn and work through his own messy feelings on the matter. The main pairing is Qui/Obi as many older Master&Apprentice archive era fics are.
All you really need to know about Methos is he's very old, and very cynical. He's literally seen and done it all.
This one doesn't fall into the all too easy to fall into trap of having Methos, understandably an extremely old and cunning immortal being so much better at anything and everything than everyone else around him that it stops being fun and starts bashing the other-verse in the crossover, for which I'm extremely grateful. It's a difficult balance to tread and this author manages it wonderfully. (I say this from first-hand, I have tried and failed to airdrop this character into other sci-fi fandoms you'd think he'd work well in, fic-author perspective rather than as a crit of anyone else's work!)
Look at the publishing dates please.
A few of these fics pre-date Attack of the Clones. They were written in the 90s.
If I find out someone's been bashing an author for outdated terminology or characterisation or for not using the current 2022 language, or a character the fic pre-dates in a fic they've not looked at for over twenty years, or how they wrote the central pairing in the era when the punchline to every single joke in Hollywood was 'haha they're gay!' I... Well... I won't be writing another one of these rec lists. Which isn't much of a threat I realise, but please, be civil.
I could probably easily fill a couple more of these lists tbh, and get more specific with it genre-wise... But as a general, here's a few fics I remember fondly often. I can feel myself getting neurotically 'this has to be perfect' at this thing, so, this'll do for now.
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non-stop-imagines · 1 year
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Part Two: Everyone Knows
One Part Two Three Four
Pairing: Mick Schumacher x Freelance Journalist Black Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k (w/ some social media au)
Warnings: My own terrible example of Twitter environment, everybody basically feeling physical pain watching Mick and Y/n, hopefully thinking for the rest of the season
A/N: Part 2! We've got a part 2! This was so fun to write, you guys have no idea. The social media stuff took quite a bit of brain power (now have even more respect to writers that do smau a lot) but I think I got it, kinda. Be kind to me there, okay, it's my first time doing something like that. But I'm proud of the job I've done with this and I hope you all like it too!! Love you all!!💖💛💖💛
Tagged: @thisismeracing @omgsuperstarg
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   Mick let out a sigh of relief as he saw you strolling toward him, a bounce in your step that causes your hair, which was down today, to sway with your movements. The smile and little wave that you gave him once you spotted him made his chest tighten and the act of breathing more difficult. He waved back, then lowered his hand slightly when you were stopped by the same woman who you were thanking last night while coming out of the press room. She hands you what looks like a pass and then a business card before briskly walking to the next place she needs to be. You finally reach Mick and give him an exaggerated wide smile.
   “You’re not wearing your glasses.” He now had an unobstructed view of your alluring brown eyes as they looked at him innocently.
   “Yeah, when I know I have more writing and note taking to do, it's just nicer to be wearing my glasses.” You stopped your words and rolled your eyes at your own bluff before looking back to Mick, who sported adorably scrunched eyebrows. “And...I also actually gave myself time to get ready this morning so I was able to put in my contacts. This was also partially because I realized, like, half way back to my hotel that I had no idea what time we were meeting and that I wasn’t able to ask you because I didn’t have your number.” Your hand movements got more vigorous as your explanation went on, which was highly amusing to Mick who wished you would keep talking just so he could keep watching you. “So, that was my night and morning. Plus getting my article done and sent to the website I am writing for this weekend.”
   “Wow, busy night…and morning.” Mick got lost for a moment, tracing the ends of the silk wrap that you had tied like a headband and how it draped with your locs that reach midway past your shoulder blades. He shook himself back to the present. “Uh, here’s your pass.”
   “Oh, thank you. I also got one to get into media pit after the practice sessions, qualifying and the race, I think, from Julie...the girl I was just talking to. She was so sweet and let me stay in the press room to get all of my notes and stuff together after everything was done and she gave this to me just because I helped her straighten the room up.” Watching you gush about this encounter makes Mick’s heart warm, glad that his new friend has had a positive experience at her first race so far. That’s right. You're his new friend. That’s why his pulse starts to race at even the thought of you. Why looking into your eyes is just as good as getting a hug. Why he can’t help but smile when you smile, and wants to be the reason for it. This is what happens when you make a new friend, right?
   “That’s awesome! I’m glad your day started on the right foot.” Mick’s smile was bright and genuine. “Um, let’s exchange numbers real quick so you won’t have to worry about when to get ready next time.” Next time. Something in you reacts at the thought of being able to spend another race weekend with Mick looking after you. He has been very friendly over the past day. You hope that there will be a next time, because you want nothing more than to be closer friends with Mick. To be able to spend more time with him.
   After exchanging phones to input phone numbers, you and Mick enter the Mercedes motorhome, saying hello to people who pass and being introduced to anyone that stays long enough to talk. That’s all that Mick wanted to do. Introduce you to anybody and everybody you two come across, but this feeling conflicts with a flint of selfishness from wanting to keep you to himself and stay in the intimate cocoon you guys were the previous night. Still, he introduces you and eventually things calm down for a while and you guys get some time to talk. It was just comfy small talk sprinkled with important details about yourselves. After the 45 minute lull in Friday festivities you knew more about Mick’s sister and her competitive horse riding and what he does when he goes home to Switzerland, and he knew about your recent move to LA and a bit about your journey to becoming a freelance journalist. There were also an ungodly number of dog pictures shown between the two of you. The commotion picked up a bit suddenly which caused you both to automatically look towards the door to see Lewis enter. Through the automatic glass door you can see George and Carmen, exchanging a few more words before giving each other a kiss goodbye and going their separate ways. George inside the motorhome and Carmen off to some other area of the paddock, waving in through the window before leaving.
   You and Mick stand from your seats to head over to the two Mercedes drivers, but you trailed behind Mick, nervous to be so up close and personal. You listen and them exchange brief hellos and bro hugs, and give a polite grin when Lewis looks towards you, his face instantly letting you know that he recognized you. “I remember you from yesterday, uh, gosh I’m sorry I don’t think I remember your name.” From the face Lewis had, you could tell that he was racking his brain to remember, but you just reach out your hand to introduce yourself.
   “Y/n Y/l/n. It’s nice to see you again.” As you were introducing yourself, Mick guided you just in front of him, standing slightly off to his left but close enough to feel his body heat radiating, warming your legs which were exposed since you were wearing shorts. You could feel his eyes on you as you shook Lewis' and George’s hands.
   “Yes, that’s it. Geez, I’m sorry. The question you asked yesterday was good though.” A large smile popped on your face at the compliment. You adjusted the cream colored tote bag on your shoulder to occupy your hands that wanted to find Mick’s that you knew were somewhere close.
   “Woah, your shoes! Those are quite cool!” George’s comment sends everyone's attention, including your own, to the custom Air Force 1’s you wore that had a sunflower design on the toebox and along the swoosh. Your most recent splurge, sans the British Grand Prix trip.
   “Your entire fit is rocking actually! Yesterday’s too.” As you partially shy away from the compliments that were being thrown your way, Mick takes the moment to get a good look at you. He saw how you had your hair when you got to the paddock this morning, but his focus on your face kept his eyes away from the black cropped halter top you wore underneath a cream colored linen button up that remained unbuttoned and your jean cutoffs that worked wonders for your legs. You swapped the larger hoop earrings you wore yesterday for smaller ones, still gold to match the layered necklaces you wore. You shift your tote bag further up your shoulder.
   “Yeah, you look amazing today.” Even though all three Mercedes drivers were complimenting you simultaneously, your attention immediately went to Mick upon the sound of his voice.
   “Thank you.” You voice was soft and accidentally went up an octave, but neither of you noticed as sappy grins grew on both of your faces. With you two in your own realm for the moment, Lewis and George were both left to watch the longing between you two then, after looking at each other with the same knowing look, Lewis cleared his throat to bring you guys back to Earth.
   “You gonna be in the garage all weekend, Y/n?” You couldn’t help but smile with Lewis’ gapped smile, but look towards Mick briefly, telepathically asking if what he gave you was a multiday pass.
   “Oh, yeah. The pass is for the rest of the weekend.” Mick stuffs his hands in his pockets, which seems to be the only thing he can ever think of to stop himself from wanting to touch you.
“I guess I am.” You laugh, shrugging then grabbing onto your bag handle with both hands.
“Alright! I guess I’ll see you later then.” Lewis shakes your hand and turns to go further back into the motorhome, waiting for George.
“It was very nice to meet you Y/n.” George 
   Once they were out of earshot, George lightly elbowed Lewis to get his attention. “You saw what I saw, right?”
   “Yeah, I did.” Was all Lewis could muster. He knew that this was going to be excruciating to watch.
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Liked by mickschumacher and 2,673 others
ynthewriter An exciting race and new friends are what the British grand prix is about 🏁
Also my article for @motorsportcom is up now!!! "Should Red Bull be Worried about Mercedes' Hastened Improvement?"
view 124 comments
chels2001 Came for the black F1 fan representation, stayed for Mick being your "new friend"
schumimick Us Merc fans gotta stay delusional together
mickschumacher It was lovely meeting you yn! Hope we can hang out again soon! 😊
↳ ynthewriter Thank you for the navigational help! And I've already started to plan our next hang out 🖊️📒
tanirose98 I was so glad to see @kymillman add a black girl to his Women of the Paddock post!!! Her fit was so cute 🥺
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   You leaned your head onto Mick’s shoulder while laughing at the joke bouncing between the two of you, Esteban watching the interaction from across the table. Esteban took a bite of his food before interjecting sarcastically. “No, no. That’s fine. Laugh at my misfortune.”
   “How can we not laugh at a video of your kart just drifting out of frame…” You couldn’t finish your explanation as you began hysterically laughing, Mick and Esteban joining into the angelic, contagious sound. Mick saw tears starting to fall from your eyes due to your laughter and swiftly grabbed a napkin for you, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by Esteban.
   “It was wet! They're lucky that I didn’t take everybody behind me out too.” You chuckle at his hilariously disgruntled rebuttal and take a drink from the wine glass in front you.
   “That’s true. But to be fair, that would have made it ten times funnier.” Mick jokes with his friend then reaches around the back of your chair, moving one of your locs off of your shoulder before ultimately resting his hand on the chair. You all take the well needed lull in the moment to eat some more of the food in front of you guys, look around at the quaint Belgian restaurant you guys decided to have dinner at Wednesday night before the race weekend began.
   “That motorsport article was good. A lot of good insight on how not just Mercedes, but most of the grid is starting to catch up to Red Bull.” You smile at the acclaim given to you by Esteban, briefly turning your head toward Mick when you feel his hand rubbing your shoulder for a moment. 
   “Thank you. So many comments are saying that I’m delusional, but they’ll see. Motorsport obviously published it for a reason.” You start to dab at your eye when it starts to feel like something was in it and excuse yourself to the bathroom after politely turning down Mick’s offer to look for the offending object himself, leaving just Esteban and Mick at the table.
   “She’s nice. But, I feel like I’m sensing something between you two.” Esteban flicks a finger from Mick to the direction that you went.
   “We’re just friends.” Mick flashes an innocent, unknowing smile. “She’s nice to have around and talk to, and I hope she thinks the same about me.”
   Esteban’s eyes widened in shock at the genuine comment from his friend, surprised at the naivety. “Okay.” He gives an exaggerated nod, deciding not to say anything else as a means to keep his own sanity, grinning at you when you return and sit back down, Mick’s attention completely on you.
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   “You what!?” You walk out of the bathroom of your hotel room, face still lathered with face wash as you stare at Mick sitting on your bed.
   “I’m racing this weekend.” You gave him no reaction at first, going back to rinse your face off, put your glasses on and stand in front of him, staring at him, analyzing his facial features. His eyes that you have recently noticed look at you with a certain sense of longing, smile lines next to the mouth grinning up at you, hair flopped back due to his head positioning and messy due to his participation in the second practice session that day. You get back to the matter at hand.
   “One more time. In my good ear, please.” You exaggeratedly flip your locs away from your ear leaning closer to Mick, making him chuckle. Your close proximity allows him to get a whiff of your sweet smelling hair.
   “I’m racing this weekend. George is pretty sick and so they decided that it would be best for me to drive tomorrow. And since I would be driving in qualifying, they decided I should just drive through the rest of the weekend.”
   “Wow. I mean, I’m sorry to hear about George, I’ll need to text him.” You sidebar, looking around from your stationary position for your phone, quickly giving up. “But that’s awesome! What!” You instinctively wrap your arms around Mick’s neck in a hug, having to bend down for a moment as he was still seated on the bed in front of you, but he gently stands up, slowly changing the angle of the hug.
   “I know. I feel like I should be nervous, but I’m really just excited, you know?” The way he looked at you displayed the pure joy that he was feeling, and you couldn’t help but share that joy, wanting to make sure he keeps this joy. About 30 seconds into the quiet moment of you two, you realize simultaneously you were still embraced, your arms draped over Mick’s shoulders and Mick’s arms wrapped around your waist. You guys break apart, pausing for a beat before Mick continues. “I, uh, also was wondering if you wanted to head to the circuit with me tomorrow?”
   You were about to agree, but then Mick’s unsure smile to the request reminded you that he has been riding his motorcycle to the track the past two days, hence the reason you haven’t arrived with him. “On that death machine? No.” You shake your head, your locs shaking side to side.
   “Please? I would think if I were to have a good luck charm, it would show up with me.” His smile was now more convincing, boyish, like he’s trying to convince you to give him some ice cream.
   “Good luck charm, huh?” You try to keep a straight, skeptical face as Mick comically nods his head. On the inside, though, you were mush at the thought of Mick saying you were his good luck charm. You sigh. “I guess flattery gets you some places, Schumacher. Fine, I’ll do it.”
   “Thank you, really. I promise I’ll be careful, but you’ll be surprised at how fun it is.” He brings you into a hug as he speaks, cradling your head briefly before pulling away. “And if tomorrow comes and you really don’t want to get on the bike, that is okay.” You guys exchange mundane comments and goodbyes before Mick leaves your room to head back to his own, leaving you with a feeling in your heart that you shake off before finishing your night routine.
__Friday, Autodromo Nazionale di Monza___
   Mick stops his bike near the paddock with you still clutching his waist, before your ears registers the lack of sound from the bike. Though the ride itself was adrenaline riddled, you were comforted by Mick’s scent surrounding you, not only from hugging him close as he steered, but also from having to wear his backpack during the ride. You climb off and remove your helmet, regaining your composure as you wait for Mick to remove his helmet to hand him his bag and rearrange your tote on your shoulder that hand to be sandwiched between you two. You guys then begin to head toward the paddock entrance, stopping to say hello to fans standing nearby, then entering, which happened to be at the same time as Toto and Susie Wolff. They’re attention was initially on someone explaining a piece of business that you didn’t pay attention to, but then Toto called Mick over, leaving you and Susie to greet each other.
   “You must be Y/n. I have heard a lot about you.” You shake the hand of the lady in front of you, starstruck.
   “Mrs. Wolff, it’s so nice to meet you. I hope it’s all good things you’ve heard.” You give her a spritely smile, and though she returns the gesture, your nerves still get to you.
   “Trust me dear, it’s all been great. And call me Susie, please.” You see that her attention moved to just behind you which prompts you to turn and look, seeing Julie hesitantly approach as to not rudely interrupt the conversation.
   “Hi, sorry. I just wanted to give you these. Just a little thank you for helping me out with set up and clean up and honestly with basically everything else.” She hands you two 4-day press passes that you smile at, confused. “For Vegas and Abu Dhabi.” You go to thank her, but with a wink, she swiftly leaves to her next task.
   “Oh, those are a hot commodity.” Susie’s voice inflection makes you feel even more special than Julie’s gesture as you wrap up straps around the passes and place them in your tote.
   “I know. What she was talking about, you know helping her, it's just...it's easy to get bored hanging around the track all day so I usually find her and  help with whatever she’s doing. I didn't expect this, just wanted to help. I’ll need to find her and thank her later. ” You look in the direction she sped off to then look back to Susie, eyes briefly crossing the path of Mick who also took that moment to look at you. You guys grin at each other, which causes onlooker Susie to smile in amusement.
   “Your recent article about Ferrari’s unexpected win in Zandvoort, was good.” The accent laced in her flattery was like music.
   “Thank you! I’m glad you liked it. You have no idea the number of comments there's been about me being impractical about the course of the season.” You tend to reach a certain level of passion when discussing your writing, rightfully so, and the familiar tone in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by Mick who turns his head slightly to see you, this time peaking Toto’s interest.
   “It’s because you have the balls to challenge Red Bull’s dominance.” Her words briefly shock you, but once you realize who you were talking to, you both laugh at the comment that was undeniably true. 
   “And considering everything, I definitely need to find Julie to thank her because I only see both championships being decided in either Las Vegas or Abu Dhabi.” At this point, Toto and Mick had came and stood behind their respective lady, Toto wrapping his arm around Susie and Mick standing extremely close, messing with your hair a bit before stuffing his hands in his pockets.
   “You need to spread that optimism around the paddock.” Chuckles echo around the group at Toto’s comment.
   “I’ll try, but I think I need to get past everyone thinking I’m crazy.” You giggle, making everyone smile. Mick shifts his stance and crosses his arms, not in a way that signifies annoyance, but more in an attempt to physically keep himself together as he stares at your hair, locs up in a high ponytail.
   “Trust me, no one thinks that. You’re like a vigilante.” Toto’s oddly worded compliment makes you feel warm and fuzzy, and when he takes a peek at his watch you also check the time on your phone.
   “Oh, I guess we better get going. I’m sure we all have somewhere to be.” You comment, everyone agreeing as scattered final remarks are said.
   “It was very nice meeting you Y/n.” She pauses for a moment, eyes flashing at Mick and then back to you. “I’m gonna figure out a way for us to work together in the future, okay?”
   At first you just look at her in shock, having to tell yourself to reach out and shake her handat first. “Okay, that would be amazing! Thank you! And it was great meeting you, too, Mrs- Susie. Susie." You correct yourself, then wave and say bye to Toto before heading further down the  paddock with Mick, leaving the two Wolff’s to debrief on the undertones of the conversation.
   “She’s a sweetheart. And a lion with a pen.” Susie comments, Toto’s arm now removed from her shoulders as she turns to fiddle with her husband’s appearance.
   “Oh, very nice girl, strong minded. But besides that, you saw them, right? I know I don’t usually concern myself with this stuff, but-” They begin to walk toward the Mercedes motorhome, waving at people as they heard they’re names.
   “Oh yeah. They’re in love.” She didn’t even look back at Toto when she spoke, sure of her observations as she stepped into the motorhome.
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madeofcc · 6 months
2023 Top ♥
Tagged by @someone-elsa and @shesthespinstersimmer ♥ Thanks a lot !
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I didn't remember doing all that this year !
Thanks a lot to everyone who's been following me through this journey. 2023 was one of the worst year of my life but also one of the best weirdly so let's hope 2024 will be better for everyone ♥
below the cut I'll put the link and explanations for each edit
1/ The Moonlight/Moonwood Tales concept : Based on the lore that came with the werewolves pack, I imagined a story that would explain everything between the werewolves, vampires and spellcasters. I actually prepared a plan for season 1 ... Maybe I'll post it next year ?
2/ The stories I planned for this year but so far, only Melodia is still going. DH3 will start next year sadly and Another Side has been cancelled because of lack of time and a bad computer.
3/ Aïssa in the city : a special photoshoot/lookbook with some items I love and also a small interview including infos about DH2 and 3. It's also a way for me to show more about Aïssa's modeling life. The title is also a reference to the upcoming spin-off about her ...
4/ The DH3 women and the DH3 gang because I want you to love them when the story will start !
5/ The EDGEWAVE fest organised by @aniraklova ♥ It surely was my favourite event this year ! What an awesome idea it was and a lot of people did amazing stuff during 2 weeks ! You saved our summer for sure ! I used Candy Bher as a reference to Another Side and MOON who's a character in DH3 ...
6/ Toxic Don ! A potential new Another Side story I've been thinking about years now ... It would be fun !
7/ The Ghostface DH3 edits : It's a reference to DH3 and Scream of course; the plot will be a tribute to Wes Craven actually !
8/ The Melodia musical video part : it actually was awesome and fun to create but it took me an entire month just for this little video. I decided to stick to a more boring regular way to post this story. I also don't have a lot of readers so far so I guess they will forgive me. I still see it as one of my biggest achievement here though so check it if you can ^^ I love how the episode turns into a musical movie
9/ @windbrook's Slashed Challenge : it was one of my favourite CAS challenge of all time ^^ I'm a huge slasher fan ! It was perfect for simblreen and people created awesome characters and stories !
10/ A makeover of the Three Sages that comes with Realm of Magic : Ana Mae is actually an original OCs, they all should appear in DH4 and 5 ... Morgyn should be very important in DH4 actually ...
11/ URBZ Mag DH3 edition ! Get the girls part here and the boys part there ♥ I love doing fake interviews and mag covers ! Sorry not sorry
12/ Valentines day ♥ My favourite is the one with the Destiny, Leïla and Aïssa because it's funny and feminist, what this trio is together ! They surely had a great night that day, it's also supposed to happen after Melodia so ...
13 / Franck and Madame Sophie : the first drag sims I create ! I wanted one for the Aïssa spin-off so I guess it will be them :)
14/ Recent edits I like : Maria Perron for @birdietrait's coven (I love her and I'd love to make a little story about her) / An other Another Side new idea focused on Venessa Jeong / Destiny's last portrait for the ocs associations
15/ My favourite gif coming from Another Side Episode 1 : I think it's the best ending for this episode as it shows all the plots and times together. Everytime I see it I want to get back to the story ...
Tagging @trippisimmies @badwoohoo @bobnewbie @uwutrait @frzr-bunny @windbrook @eslanes @budgie2budgie @nefarrilou @kashisun @birdietrait @castawavy @agena87 @fangs-trait @peonypyxels @barbieaiden @void-imp @ladybugsimblr @xldkx @nilonne @bakersimmer @whyhellosims @mangosimoothie @djservo @sea-cross @surely-sims @hufflepuff-sim @aniraklova @therichantsim @wolfavens @cinamun @alelelesimz @moontaart @pralinesims @cyberth0t @squea @helloavocadooo @cross-design @rebouks @crazy-lazy-elder-sims and anyone else who'd like to join ♥ feel free to tag me or ignore this as well ^^ (Also, check out these blogs, they're all great !)
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I'm probably gonna regret attaching my name to this but I slept on it and I'm still really upset but now more coherent (so please delete this if it's unwelcome).
First of all I'm really sorry you're dealing w this shit. I hope you're taking care of yourself rn.
Second of all.... holy fuck Inneskeeper has handled this horribly. I'm trying to extend the benefit of the doubt and say he just needs time, we all do, but it's very hard when he's been acting as though a day is enough time for everyone to get over the fear he spread.
It's really upsetting to see him bring up both his schizophrenia and his career as reasons why he was upset without ever actually uttering the words "I'm sorry, I was wrong." without needing to read between the lines.
It's a really concerning trend I've noticed reappearing now that actual celebrities and just plain old popular users are becoming more open with their mental health, that "I was having a psychotic break/I was having a manic episode/I was blah-de-blah" somehow taking the place of an actual apology. As if explaining it means you no longer have to take action or responsibility.
Especially given he was bringing up his profession during all this. As a professional especially he has a responsibility. I know "this is tumblr" but this is TUMBLR. People don't fact-check. You have sway. Especially as a professional.
He could've made the post unrebloggable, but if he did I haven't seen it. He could've pinned a post that actually contained information/a retraction/a quick apology and explanation, instead we got "I'm taking a break". He edited the post, but given part of his defense was that reblog chains are uncontrollable an edit you would not see unless you clicked back to his blog is...
I'm really hoping that once he comes back he'll say something. Because I know parasocial relationship and all that but I really did respect him, as someone transgender and with some of my specific mental illnesses in a field I'm deeply interested in.
But now I'm just... tired. He spread that same cycle of panic and delusion to everyone who read that post. Here I was thinking that I just got my dog back from the vet and now she and everyone else I love was going to die, that the apocalypse was coming.
Until I did the googling he as an actual ecologist did not do. As if me taking a tumblr post and freaking is less acceptable than him taking a twitter post and freaking.
I don't want to cancel him or bully him. I don't doubt that he's gotten some ableist nonsense, because the internet sucks. But he really hurt a lot of people and did a lot of damage. All I want is him to plainly say "I'm sorry, I did it because [x/y/z] but it was still wrong and I hurt people. Here is some actual information. I'm going to log off." Without a billion asterisks.
And honestly maybe apologize for siccing people on you but frankly given how hard my opinion of him has tanked I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I'm fine. The block button is a wonderful thing.
My feelings are mixed. Yes, I see that it would be terrifying to have your mental illness warp your perception of an event, but...you're not the only mentally ill person on Earth, and it's no less terrifying to be triggered into an episode by false information.
I have been asked by several followers to trigger tag #unreality because that kind of thing really messes with them. And the post was framed in a particularly triggering way—encouraging conspiratorial thinking by saying that there's a "media blackout" and that the official sources are downplaying the severity.
The post is still circulating as of this morning, and the misleading version is still hitting people's dashes and suckering people in. Why would you not just make it unrebloggable?
I don't know. I really don't know what to think of the whole thing.
The Twitter OP makes me honestly furious, claiming that "the cops" "blew it up" when it was first responders putting their lives in danger to stop the burning train cars from exploding. It's so frustrating to see people acting like they're calling it a "controlled burn" to cover up idiotic mismanagement. The crews that responded to this accident at great potential risk to their lives don't deserve to be called cops and slandered for making the best decision they could have possibly made.
In general it's worrying how folks on social media are responding—by encouraging paranoia and mistrust by attributing malice or idiocy to the people trying to manage the accident.
Folks say "fuck cops" but they can't distinguish cops from firefighters and hazardous materials crews working to save lives. That's scary to me.
I don't think we know enough yet to ascertain the causes of the accident, but I want to caution against looking for a specific party to blame as being at fault, because...these things can happen even when we do everything right. As long as we use these hazardous chemicals to make things, this is always a possibility.
And it's not necessarily a "preventable" failure of society that we make and use PVC, either. One of the causes of how widespread plastics are is that they are genuinely useful materials with properties that no other materials have. PVC pipe is what probably makes the plumbing in your house. Before PVC, there was copper, which is incredibly expensive, has a tendency to burst with temperature changes, and corrodes and reacts with various chemicals.
And the sad fact is, environmental disasters like this happen a lot. Many of them worse than this.
Not too far from where I live, there was a case where tons of radioactive waste were dumped into a municipal landfill. This radioactive waste was being handled by workers who didn't know what it was and had no protection. This was a case of malicious dodging of regulations. Mining coal creates radioactive and toxic waste that is constantly mismanaged. I was doing reports on local environmental news for my geology class a while back and many of the coal mines in Eastern Kentucky have a hundredfold violations of environmental and safety regulations, and companies usually dodge responsibility.
I hope this incident inspires people to think and talk about environmental regulations and rights of workers in the rail industry. What with the railroad strikes going on, I think it's worth considering that this is why we need to look out for the welfare of rail workers—you want the people handling the shipment of hazardous chemicals to be well rested and well protected.
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porcupine-girl · 2 years
Tumblr: Myth vs Fact
People have been talking a lot about Tumblr on Twitter lately (for no reason whatsoever), but that also means a lot of misinformation is going around. So if you're coming from Twitter, I would like to clear up a few misconceptions, starting with:
Myth: Tumblr is dead. It died with the Dec 2017 porn ban and now it's a ghost town.
Well, okay, yes, it did die with the Dec 2017 porn ban. Mostly. But it got better! On November 5, 2020, Destielpocalypse happened and Tumblr rose from the grave. Since then it hasn't been as busy as in, say, 2015, but it's gotten over its death and has had a steady stream of traffic ever since.
See the rest below the cut!
Myth: Tumblr is where all the drama and discourse starts.
Again, this hasn't been true in quite a while. When Tumblr died in 2017, most of the people responsible for the discourse moved to Twitter. Since then, it's been pretty chill, even after Destielpocalypse resurrected it. People like to say that Twitter is just Tumblr five years ago, and... it's pretty true right now, at least in the drama department. We'd appreciate it if you didn't try to change that.
Myth: Porn is allowed again on Tumblr!
Sadly, this is not true. However, nudity is allowed now. Just no visual depictions of explicit sex acts. Here is a pretty detailed explanation from the CEO of Automattic (the company that owns Tumblr) on why they can't bring porn back right now, even though he would like to.
Note that this only applies to visual depictions. Explicit text (yes, that means smutty fanfic) has always been allowed.
Myth: You should never add anything to a post you reblog.
Actually, one of the really cool things about Tumblr is how a post can grow and develop with every new addition! Simple Tumblr posts have turned into repositories of useful information or complex scifi world-building thanks to users collectively adding cool stuff with each reblog, or sometimes just asking relevant questions for others to answer in their reblogs.
But you don't have to add anything in order to reblog! Most people don't! And if you have something to say that doesn't really add to the post (like "Cute!") or is just for your followers, it can go in the tags.
Which brings us to a related myth:
Myth: There is a complicated system of etiquette around reblogging and tagging and if you don't follow it everyone will point and laugh.
Okay, there are some general etiquette guidelines that have developed that most people follow. Like the above, about only adding onto a post if you have something substantive to say and putting other comments in the tags. I'm sure you've seen rules like this around.
But these are flexible and nobody is going to hate you for violating them now and then. If you reblog something and forget and add "Cute!" to the post instead of in a tag, nobody is going to dogpile you. Worst case, people will click back to the reblog before yours and reblog it from there instead of reblogging yours. Or they might just reblog yours because tbh it doesn't really detract from the post. Just don't be rude, and remember that the OP and everyone who sees the post can see your tags very easily now.
The main thing is please do reblog stuff! That is the #1 way posts get new viewers (see below, most people turn the algorithm off). You don't have to add anything or even tag it; reblogging it is just a way to say "hey followers, look at this neat thing I found!"
Don't let the idea that you're not reblogging "correctly" prevent you from reblogging at all.
Myth: It's cringe to reblog old stuff, or to go through and reblog/like lots of things from someone's blog.
Posts are made for reblogging. We are all here for the reblogging. We want you to reblog. There are posts from 2012 or even older still making the rounds. If someone stumbles on my blog and reblogs a bunch of old stuff in a row, I'm just happy that they enjoyed my blog.
If OP doesn't want a post to be reblogged anymore, they now have the ability to turn reblogging off. Otherwise, reblog away.
Myth: Tumblr is the golden land of no algorithms!
Tumblr is the golden land of allowing you to avoid the algorithm if you so choose.
Most Tumblr users changed these settings years ago and have been living algorithm-free for so long they forget that when you first sign up, it does have an algorithm unless you turn it off.
Here is how to customize your viewing experience (on the app):
Tumblr media
From your blog (the little people in the bottom right corner), hit the Settings wheel in the top right corner.
Go to General settings
Go to Dashboard preferences
The first four are all various algorithms. Best stuff first reorders your dash by algorithm - if you turn it off, it's all chronological all the time. 2-4 add extra stuff to your dash that the algorithm thinks you'll like. If you turn them off, you will ONLY see what's on the blogs you follow. (Note: if you turn off "Include followed tag posts" you can still view the tags you follow in the "Your Tags" tab at the top of your dash.)
4b - If you want to view mature stuff (nudes but also violence or anything drug/alcohol related) go to Content You See and turn it on. It's off by default. This is also where you can set tags or keywords you want hidden.
(These settings can all be found in similar places on desktop.)
Even after you do all this, if you really want to see what the algorithm has to say, just go to the For You tab. It will... probably convince you that you made the right choice in turning all of this off. Tumblr's algorithm really isn't that great, and we're fine with that.
Myth: Neil Gaiman is an active Tumblr user.
@neil-gaiman has no social media.
Myth: Supernatural is a television show that went off the air two years ago and is no longer relevant.
Welcome, you are now on the Supernatural website, where even if there wasn't a prequel series currently at this very moment airing, Supernatural will never die. Or will die and be resurrected repeatedly. It will probably creep into something on your dash eventually. Mute a few keywords if you don't want it, but brace for the occasional gif anyhow.
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detailtilted · 5 months
Index of Enhanced Edition Con Videos
I'll maintain this index in a pinned post for easy reference. Click the links to go to the YouTube videos, or click here for a more readable Google Docs table which includes these links plus a tab noting which events I skipped, temporarily or permanently, and why.
2007-11-11, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:23:42)
2007-11-11, Chicago - Jensen Solo (00:21:55)
2007-11-11, Chicago - Jared Solo (00:29:44)
2007-11-11, Chicago - J2 Main (00:38:24)
2008-07-27, San Diego Comic Con - SPN Panel (00:50:52)
2008-11-16, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:26:16)
2008-11-16, Chicago - Jared Solo (00:26:20)
2008-11-16, Chicago - J2 Panel (00:35:04)
2008-11-16, Chicago - Jensen Solo (00:34:36)
I've started working on the VANCON 2009 videos.
Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in these videos. The reblogs and likes all made me very happy, and I especially appreciated the kind comments some of you left in your reblog text and tags. I'm unsure of the proper Tumblr way to respond directly to that in a way that won't annoy people, but I've definitely noticed and appreciated it!
An explanation of this project and my tentative plans for it are listed below the break. A lot of it will be familiar if you've read my earlier posts, but it's more detailed -- and excessively long! There's also some info on how you can help, especially if you have any old videos or audio files that you'd be willing to contribute.
Why Do You Call These "Enhanced Editions"?
The videos I'm using are not my own, but I've spent many hours adding enhancements to them. Credit and links to the original videos are in the video descriptions. These are the typical enhancements you'll see:
I'm upscaling the videos as best I can. It isn't remotely perfect, but it's a little more watchable than the originals. I'm not experienced with this and the videos I'm working with are very low quality by today's standards. They were also recorded under difficult circumstances. Video taking wasn't permitted at most of the earlier cons, so the people who took them did so at the risk of getting kicked out. They couldn't exactly come waltzing in with a tripod, so the videos are shaky, they don't always have a clear view of the stage, and sometimes they cut off at unfortunate moments. They can be frustrating to watch, but we owe these people a debt of gratitude for capturing this footage because otherwise it would have been lost altogether.
The original videos are usually in multiple parts, but I'm editing them together into a single video as cohesively as possible. I may use videos from multiple sources to provide the most complete video possible, and I'll select the ones with the highest video quality available. Sometimes there just aren't a lot out there, though.
I'm adding extra content to help clarify references people make during the panels. The videos I've worked with so far don't take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I've taken advantage of that extra space to display the extra content to the side where it's less obtrusive. There are explanations for obscure references that are way funnier when you understand what they mean, plus episode references to help jog the memory for those of us who haven't rewatched the show a million times. In rare cases where I think it will enhance understanding, I'll insert brief episode clips that highlight what they're talking about.
I'm putting a LOT of time into adding good, color-coded English subtitles that can be turned on and off with YouTube's CC button. These videos can be frustrating to understand because the audience often drowns them out and Jared and Jensen tend to talk at the same time when they're together. I can't always figure everything out, but it's far better than the crazy, auto-generated nonsense that many videos have. The color-coding helps with telling who's saying what: red for Jared, blue for Jensen, green for the general audience, yellow for the current fan at the microphone, and white for other people such as staff.
If there's missing footage that I can't find anywhere, then if I can find a source that seems to have reliable details about what was discussed, I'll add still images with a brief summary and a link to my source in the video description.
What Conventions Do You Plan to Enhance?
I don't want to make grand promises that I'll enhance videos for every old convention, although I definitely love the idea of doing so. How far I go with this will depend on how much sustained interest there is from other people and how much spare time I have myself. My output speed will probably be erratic depending on what's going on in my life at the time.
My general plan was to start with the oldest conventions and work my way forward. For now, I only plan to enhance the panels with Jared and/or Jensen since they're my main interest. I may temporarily skip over conventions that they didn't both attend, but with the intent to go back and fill those in later.
One big constraint will be whether I can find enough videos to work with for a convention, and just how bad the quality is. I've found that some videos are too poor of a quality to upscale, at least with my limited skill. Since these videos are painful to watch in their raw form, I suspect people will be less interested in watching "enhanced" videos that don't include at least some noticeable improvement in visual quality, but please do let me know if I'm wrong. For that reason, I'll probably skip past cons if I can't upscale the videos, at least for now.
As I work through the old conventions, I'll make a good attempt to upscale the available videos. If I don't have much success, then I'll skip over that convention with the hope that someday either the technology or my skills will improve, or maybe a more skilled fan will be able to accomplish more with it. If I make it through all the low-hanging fruit, I might come back to those problematic conventions and just create a cohesive edit with special content and subtitles even if I can't substantially improve the video quality.
These are just my general thoughts right now but the project is young, so my strategy may change.
Can I Help?
If you have any old convention videos or audio files that you're willing to contribute, please message me! For now, let's limit it to content from 2010 or older. Maybe I can use them, maybe I can't, but the more I have to work with, the better chance I have of creating something more complete. If I do use your material, I'll credit you in whatever manner you prefer.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I've found that the original files may upscale much better than videos pulled off YouTube. I think the videos were degraded when they were uploaded to YouTube, at least back then. If you send me videos that I'm able to upscale, I'll happily send the upscaled versions back to you for your collection regardless of whether or not I use them. (If you have any videos you don't want me to use for this project, let me know and I'll respect your wishes.)
Even if your video looks terrible, you might just have a missing piece of footage that I couldn't find anywhere else, or your video might upscale more easily than another. If nothing else, I might be able to hear something in the audio that will help me fill in a subtitle I couldn't figure out.
Likewise, audio files can be helpful even without video. If nothing else, they may help me fill in some subtitles. If the audio file is consistently easier to understand than the audio on the videos I'm using, I can also substitute the audio from your file in place of the video's audio. If you have audio of sections of the panels for which no known videos exist, that could also help me fill in those gaps.
If you're watching my enhanced videos with the subtitles turned on, please do let me know if you catch any errors or if you can clearly understand something I marked as [inaudible]. I can't change the videos themselves on YouTube, not without breaking the links and causing confusion, but it's pretty easy to update the subtitles because they're a separate file. It's important to me to try not to put words in their mouths that they might not have said, so I'm trying not to guess based on context. However, there were times when I felt like I should have been able to understand what they said but I just couldn't manage it, and I'm sure someone with different ears may be able to figure out some of the parts I couldn't.
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beyondspaceandstars · 10 months
Relationship: Steve Rogers x Reader Warnings: Cheating/implied cheating, slight angst Summary: Although you're already happily married, you and your apartment neighbor Steve have started a bit of an affair. And it's growing. Rapidly. (Inspired by: "Ivy" by Taylor Swift) A/N: oh hello everyone :) this is an older fic I wrote right after evermore dropped (hence the title and lyrics) but I'm going through and publishing some of my old writing I've been holding onto (I think I published this one under a different account but I spruced it up a bit). Hopefully newer stuff will come soon :)
"Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you"
It happened fast. It happened so fast that you didn’t know where the breaks were until it was too late. He was just… there. Always there. Standing in the hallway, walking on the sidewalk, shopping at the freaking grocery store. It was a kaleidoscope of instances with him from the bumping into and the lingering gazes to the knowing smiles. It was fast and… spreading.
It was spreading, yes.
He was spreading, from your heart to your brain. Every second of every dream was filled with the what ifs. What if you held his hand when he asked to walk with you to the store? What if he happened to fall asleep in your bed after you asked him for his help with something? What if, in the end, your marital hand was his to take instead? The scenarios played out time and time through the night, forcing you to wake up with a fluttering heart and a guilty conscience.
Your husband—the man you were actually involved with and supposed to be dedicated to—kindly made you coffee every morning, having no idea about your infidelity-filled dreamland. He could barely even remember Steve’s name while his entire being lived in your soul, day in and day out. It felt like a cruel punishment.
"Good morning," your husband greeted you as you padded into the living room. As expected, two mugs in hand, one outstretched towards your sleepy form. You hugged the coffee carefully, giving a smile back in greeting, but the action twisted your stomach. You couldn’t recall last night’s dream yet the feeling of it all lingered.
"I know today was supposed to be my day off but I gotta run to the office real quick," your husband explained as he sipped his coffee and collected his files. "You’ll be okay here, right?"
Your heart skipped. Nodding, you said, "Yeah, I think I’ll go to the coffee shop and catch up on reports."
"You have coffee right there, silly," your husband chuckled, motioning his mug towards yours. You looked down at the steaming, dark beverage. You could just make yourself out in the reflection, coming face-to-face with your tired eyes and frowning lips.
"Yeah," you shrugged. "I want one of those fancy blended drinks. They’re practically milkshakes."
Steve liked those drinks, you subconsciously noted, even though he pretended he didn’t. He was carrying one when you bumped into him on the street a few weeks after moving into the apartment building. When you asked what it was, he acted like he had no clue and claimed he was just holding it for a friend. You remember giggling at his frantic explanation but eventually, he confessed his deep, dark coffee secret. You were sworn to secrecy on the manner.
Maybe Steve would like to tag along with you today. The idea hit you like a train. You didn’t know where it came from. Well, you did but… Oh.
"Honey?" Your husband’s voice shook you out of your thoughts. "Are you okay?"
You coughed, "Yeah, I’m alright. Just a little sleepy."
"Hmm, okay," he nodded, still eyeing you suspiciously. "I’m gonna get ready and head out."
You nodded in acknowledgment as he gave you a quick peck and departed for your bedroom. Suddenly feeling sick, you dumped the mug’s contents in the sink and slammed the cup on the counter.
Running your hands through your hair, you stood in the kitchen. Mind screaming, heart-burning.
Your head was fuzzy as you got dressed for the day. You waited until your husband had left for the office as you had plans with your appearance. It came easily, you found, to put in a little effort. After getting married, both you and your husband found comfort in the natural and casual but now there was something shiny and new. There was maybe someone who appreciated you trying and it filled you with that schoolgirl anxiousness. It was wrong, though, so wildly wrong.
You could suppress it all, though. So easy, you thought. Nothing wrong with a married woman getting herself together to feel good. It was about you, of course. At least that was what you managed to convince your head to recite as you applied the lipgloss and curled your hair. It was partially true—you did like how you looked—but that background voice, that voice you heard in your dreamlands, reminded you of where your heart was.
Sighing, you forced yourself to step away from the mirror and collect your work. You actually did have plans to work on reports for your job but you wouldn’t mind a certain next-door soldier keeping you company.
You hadn’t exactly done this before, you realized as you stood at Steve’s apartment door. Your time spent with one another was always just…coincidental. At least, that’s what you perceived it as. You two happened to go to the grocery at the same time or walked up the stairs after work at similar hours. Fate was laying it out and you were stupidly taking the dive.
Swallowing your doubts, you knocked on the door.
For a few seconds, you thought about turning away and running. Purse gripped tightly, that felt like the only move, and just when your feet started inching towards the stairs, the door swung open.
He appeared in the doorway like a golden dream come true. Eyes bright and smile as big as the sky, Steve looked pleased to see who was on the other side of his door. He was fully dressed for the day. Shoes on and everything as if he was almost on his way out. You felt even more stupid now realizing of course the most important man in the city had somewhere to be.
"Good morning," Steve greeted you. "What a surprise."
"H-Hello," You let out a humorless laugh with your stupid response and looked down at your nail polished nails, picking away at the nude paint. Anxiety was bubbling up, forcing your words out straight to the point. "I was just… I don’t know. This is probably so stupid or whatever but I was gonna go to the coffee shop down the street to do some work. Do you want…some coffee?"
Gosh, your face must have been beet red as you felt the temperature in the hallway rise drastically. Steve, however, didn’t even flinch at your suggestion. He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame, his smile turning into a hinting smirk. He eyed your nervous stance carefully and you could feel it. Your feet started itching to flee, again.
Steve shrugged, "Are you asking me to come with you to the coffee shop?"
"Well, I mean-,"
"A coffee date, perhaps?"
You gasped, your heart plummeted. This wasn’t— You couldn’t— He was getting in your brain, putting thoughts there now. Everything felt so suggestive suddenly. You were insane for this. Your husband and the rings you still adored… What was becoming of you? No, what was becoming of him? It was his work, wasn’t it? But you were here? Brain on fire, you wanted to scream.
He chuckled, nearly completely unaware of the races in your mind. "I’m just joking. I think I would enjoy some coffee right now."
You gulped and reeled yourself back in. "Wonderful."
Steve was right by your side the entire walk. Your elbows brushed so casually yet flamingly. Your skin ignited with every step and God forbid if someone was coming up the sidewalk from the opposite direction. The way Steve pushed into you to make room felt like at any second he was going to pin you against one of the brick buildings lining the sidewalk.
There was the issue with his hand, too. His pockets were free to use yet he let his hands stay at his sides, brushing over yours ever so gingerly. Every time it did, his fingers hit your wedding band, operating as your not-so-subtle reminder.
It felt like a bad game. A bad, teasing game. The tension was rising and what originally started as light banter or silly laughs here and threatened to turn into stiff beats around the elephant in the room. But gosh, he was so kind and funny and just glowed throughout, so you would deal with it and let today go where it goes.
When you arrived at the coffee shop, Steve held the door open for you, motioning for you to enter. He gave a cheesy bow as if you were some kind of royal. You gave a silly curtsy in response which he lit up at.
See, you told yourself, go with the flow. There was still banter and fun with him.
At the cashier, Steve ordered for both of you and allowed himself to pay as well. While you tried to object, he was already done with the transaction and pushing you into the nearest booth. You frowned at his generosity but he chose to ignore your antics.
He went to retrieve your drinks as you set up your laptop and papers. Steve returned now with a faux frown on his lips as he noted your collection of items.
"So," he said, clearing his throat and sitting across from you. "I get to sit here while you do work?"
You shrugged, "I only asked if you wanted coffee. You invited yourself along."
Chuckling, he responded, "As if I would miss a chance for a day out with you."
Your heart plummeted for what felt like the umpteenth time today. Placing your pen down, you looked up at the smirking Steve. His eyes were staring you down, shamelessly roaming all over you. You could and couldn’t believe his boldness.
"Don’t you have work to do?" He pointed his cup at the papers. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. God, it was all starting to get confusing again. He knew where the line was, right? Why was he pushing it? Why were you even allowing it? Because it fed some fantasies? Aided with some brief passings of loneliness? There was just always something in his words to you. A twinkle or so behind those looks and smirks. You don’t even remember feeling this way on dates with your husband. Oh, your husband…
"What are we doing?" You sighed.
"Hmm?" Steve sipped his drink. "I’m drinking coffee and you are supposed to be working. I think that’s what we’re doing."
"You know what I fucking mean."
Steve’s eyes widened at your outburst. You never swore around anyone, not even in your own home, so to do it here and out… Well, there was a new tone approaching the table.
Silently, he moved your drinks out of the way and leaned his elbows on the table. Shifting probably as close as the table would allow, he looked you dead in the eyes and asked, "Why did you knock on my door?"
"I… Well, I’m—,"
Words were tumbling in your brain like crazy as if that was any sort of shock. You couldn’t keep yourself together today. You could feel him all over you yet again.
"You feel it," Steve whispered.
"It’s exciting and you like it,"
"Steve, really—,"
"I like it, too,"
God, make his words stop. You wanted to scream. Everything was burning on you. From the words in your ears to his eyes on your figure. You felt the roots from his glances digging deeper and deeper and any hope of hiding it was flying out the window.
You took a deep breath and raised your hands in defeat. "Please."
What? What were you even asking—begging—for? A release? Someone to take your words away? Steve to ask you to run away or keep this in a secret rush?
"You do," He whispered and there was nothing that could confirm it like your hesitant silence. "But your husband—,"
"He can’t know," you shot back. If he ever caught wind there was no telling what could happen. He was a soft soul on the surface but it takes one spark to start a fire and fires can burn down a home.
Steve sighed and leaned back in his seat. "Calm down, we haven’t even done anything."
"But the feelings," you whispered. It was your turn to leave him bewildered. "The feels and falling consume everything. Don’t you think that’s worse than something physical? It’s soul and bones deep."
"I mean that much to you?"
"You’re everywhere."
You could tell that hit him. Heck, the admission even took you by surprise—and it was your admission.
Everything suddenly felt so much dirtier than one-night stands. This man hadn’t even properly touched you and yet, at the same time, he had touched so much.
"You mean this?"
"I wish I didn’t."
Steve scoffed, playing with the rim of his coffee cup. "You don’t know what you’re doing."
Sighing, you closed your laptop and said to hell with these reports. Your day was flowing and you promised to go with it.
Throwing everything back together in your bag, you looked back at him. "But I do, Steve."
At his name falling off your lips, his eyes abruptly met yours. After a beat, his hand reached for yours and you felt the weighted pain slowly drift away. It was as peaceful and forbidden as you had expected. You didn’t think you wanted to be anywhere else.
"You’re everywhere for me, too." You could cry at those words but he continued. "Like ivy growing everywhere, darling. I go out on limbs to see you."
"Ivy," you repeated. "Just like ivy."
Steve gripped your hand tighter, "And, baby, I’m covered in you."
Your jaw dropped. Pulling your hand away, you mumbled, "He’ll burn us to the ground if he ever finds out."
Steve shrugged, a suggestive smirk working on his lips—a wild yet dreamy contrast to the man you saw a few seconds ago. "I’ve been known to keep a few secrets."
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