#I'll bring you a snack and some water when you're done!
One thing about me is that I will stand by basically every bad deed of my favourite characters fully aware of them being bad deeds. I just don't care
#'He destroyed an entire city and tried to destroy the world *twice*!!!'#Yes and he was right to do so. The motives are good and the city is fake anyway. Drown it in the abyss‚ dear boy#'He caused the fall of Camelot!' have you considered Guinevere and him wanted each other desperately and with a heart wrenching longing?#I don't care about Camelot#'He manipulated children to get his way!' again good motives. That's actually my favourite trait of them. Cheers#'He was the cause of kids dying!!!' Yes and it was quite the rational choice both times. And he wanted to go home to his wife and kid#Quite sweet of him#The other wanted to see his most important person again and ease their loneliness. I couldn't care less about the children dying#It's the 'absolute loyalty and devotion to someone means betraying everything else' approach#They do shitty things to everyone else but don't harm what matters to them the most‚ or not on purpose?#They can go wild. I'll support them in every step#Slay Gawain even if I love him. Cut heads off. Manipulate and kill children. Destroy the world. Steal from the kid you raised. Have fun#I'll bring you a snack and some water when you're done!#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#The examples here are Heathcliff‚ Jack Vessalius‚ Lancelot and Odysseus#but I'm really okay with basically everything my faves do every time#In Ovid' Heroides it is said in one of the letters that Helen wanted to be kidnapped#I like the potential of the idea. As if trying to gain glory‚ reclaiming it as her right as daughter of a god‚#and doing so in the way she can in her condition of woman (as opposed to someone like Achilles)#What can I say. I don't care if Hector dies and Odysseus is lost for twenty years#I mean‚ I do. I love them. But also... Good for her. Go take your glory‚ girl#Medea murders the kids? Avenge yourself. Clytemnestra murders Agamemnon? Avenge your daughter. Eat him later if you want#I don't stand by this interpretation (or not entirely) but is Cathy dying 'on purpose' to hurt Heathcliff and Edgar?#Destroy their lives. I love you#I just don't care. I fully support their wrongs. They're actually rights 😔#'He is scamming and manipulating people' is particularly funny to me because that's not even all that bad?#It's always the best trait of the characters that do so#And idk maybe the scammed manipulated people could have been smarter about it
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buckys-metal-arm · 1 month
Let Me Take Care of You
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Bucky x GN!Reader
Description: you help Bucky relax after a long day 
Warnings: fluff!, Nudity kind of? I mean you give Bucky a bath but the fact he's naked isn't really brought up, Nonsexual massage, gratuitous use of pet names, mentions of anxiety
A/N: Bucky deserves all the gentle affection and soft touches and love and I plan to write him receiving them 😤😭💙💜
((18+ only below the cut please and thank you!!))
You heard the door slam, and knew that Bucky was home
Slowly, you sat up, poking your head over the couch to see your boyfriend kicking off his boots
“Hey, Sweet Boy,” you kissed his cheek when he sat down beside you, “how are you doing?”
He let out a grunt, crossing his arms over his chest and focusing on the TV with a little huff.
“Buck, talk to me,” you cupped his jaw, bringing his face to yours, “what's wrong, hm? Why are you so grumpy?”
“‘m always grumpy, according to Sam.” He mumbled.
“Not here, not with me.”
His blue eyes met yours, bright but bloodshot.
“Having a rough time right now, Doll. I'll be okay in a bit.” He took your hand and gently kissed the back of your palm, “jus’ some work stuff.”
You nodded sympathetically, wrapping your arms around him and all but forcing him to lay down with you.
Bucky needed some TLC and you were gonna give it to him, dammit.
He settled down on top of you, laying his head on your chest as your hand began to card through his hair.
Your free hand slipped under his shirt to rub his back, and that was when you felt it
His muscles were tense and taught, his entire back one big knot
That tore it for you
He needed more than some TLC
Bucky needed to be absolutely spoiled today, and you were going to make sure that he was
“Hey,” Bucky's eyes met yours, “I’m gonna go run you a bath."
“You don't have to do that, Doll,” he kissed your cheek, “don't go through all that trouble for me.”
“I wasn't giving you an option. I'm taking care of you today.”
“I'm sure you have more important things to do than fuss over me.”
“My Bucky needs some pampering, that's more important than anything.”
He smiled softly at you and kissed your lips, “thank you.”
“Of course, Baby.”
A bit later Bucky was settled in a warm bubble bath, relaxing as you massaged shampoo into his scalp.
You always took longer than you probably needed to when working the soap into his short hair, just so you could hear the content little hums he was making.
“Alright, Baby. Head back, I'm gonna rinse you,” he did as instructed and you gently ran the shower head over his hair, shielding his eyes
“I was thinking, one you're done with your bath I could work those knots out of your back for you,” you told him, kissing his forehead once you'd finished.
“You don't have to do that, Doll.”
“I know I don't have to. But I want to,” you kissed his cheek, “your back has to be hurting all tied up like that, I want to make you feel better.”
Bucky smiled warmly.
“I love you,” he whispered as you helped him lean back against the porcelain, a relaxed sigh escaping him.
“I love you too, Baby.” You lovingly scratched his stubble, “I'm gonna go get out room ready, okay? You just stay here and relax, shout if you need me.”
He nodded and closed his eyes as you left him.
You turned down the bed and dimmed the lights, pulling up the 40s music playlist on your Spotify and letting it play softly in the background.
You put Bucky's favorite throw on the bed for him and set out a pillow before placing a bottle of lilac-scented lotion on the nightstand
You knew how much he loved the scent.
When you'd first started dating he had brought you a bouquet of them, and had come to associate them with you.
Once the room was fully optimized for some Bucky pampering, you went to the kitchen, filled his water bottle, and gathered 2 snacks, one bowl with chocolate in it the other with pretzels
Bucky didn't eat or drink nearly as much as he probably should, so you were always quick to feed and water him when you were caring for him like this
When everything was set you returned to your boyfriend and found him fighting to stay awake.
You chuckled fondly as you shook him awake, “c'mon Sweet Boy, time to get out.”
You dried his body with the softest towel you could find before dressing him in a pair of shorts and leading him into the bedroom.
He gasped when he saw the cozy atmosphere you had created for him.
“Doll, you didn't have to go through all this trouble for me–” he turned bright red as you cupped his face.
“Would you stop that?” You asked, stroking his cheek, “I know I don't have to do anything. I do this because I want to. I like taking care of you, I like knowing that I can help you feel good. It's what you deserve.”
Bucky opened his mouth to protest, but you place a finger on his lips, “you've been through so much, Baby Boy. You've had to be so brave and strong. You deserve to be loved and taken care of and treated like something precious. Because you are. So please Baby, just let me take care of you.”
He crushed you in a hug, hiding his face in your hair.
“Thank you Doll,” he murmured as you wrapped your arms around his waist in turn.
“Any time, Buck.” You pulled away, leading him to the bed, “alright Baby, lay down on your stomach okay?”
He did as instructed, settling his head on the pillow, supporting his head with his arm.
“Can I get started, Sweetheart?” You asked, leaning down and kissing his shoulder.
He nodded, and you set to work.
Bucky gasped as you started to rub his back, the floral scented lotion cool against his skin.
You carefully worked out each individual knot, stopping and peppering little kisses along his spine every now and then.
You smiled at the happy little noises he was making, enjoying your soft touch.
Bucky had been with you for some time now, and he still couldn't comprehend how you could be so gentle with him
There was a pleasant fuzzy feeling creeping into his mind as you worked, blocking out every negative thought and anxiety Bucky had been carrying all day and allowing him to only focus on the here and now.
The way you massaged each taut muscle, working out each knot without causing him pain, the tender kisses you pressed to his back, it was so much more than he was used to
More than he'd ever dreamed he'd get, and far more than he thought he deserved. 
You finished his massage and pressed a kiss to his temple, “how're you feeling, Baby?”
He let out a little hum, making you smile.
“Do you need anything else?” You asked, carding a hand through his hair, “I thought we could take a nap.”
“Skin-on-skin?” he asked, looking up at you with pleading blue eyes.
“Of course, Honey,” You smiled and slipped off your shirt before climbing into bed beside him.
Bucky laid down on top of you, resting his head on your chest.
As he nestled into you, you grabbed his water bottle, “can I get you to drink something for me, Baby Boy?”
Bucky nodded and allowed you to slip the soft silicone mouthpiece between his lips, taking long, slow sips off the bottle.
“Good, Bucky,” you smiled, “are you hungry?”
He nodded, and you began to hold pieces of chocolate up to his mouth, feeding him with one hand and stroking his hair with the other
You knew that Bucky was an adult, fully capable of taking care of himself
But he'd taken care of himself for long enough, he deserved a break
And if that break came in the form of getting the skin-on-skin contact he desperately needed while being hand fed like a prince, then god dammit you’re gonna give it to him.
You’d give him the universe if he asked
Once he finished his chocolate, you noticed he was fighting to stay awake, his blue-gray eyes fluttering against your skin.
You kissed his forehead
“Take a nap, Sweetheart. I’ll be here when you wake up,” you brushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his cheek, “sleep tight, Baby. I love you.”
“Thank you for taking care of me, Doll,” he whispered as he drifted off.
You smiled softly and kissed his forehead.
“Always, Bucky.”
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catcze · 6 months
How would Wriothesley be with a severely overworked reader? How would he take care of them and get them to take a break?
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Wriothesley would be the type of guy to try and wait you out first, you know? He sits beside you, does some of his own work as he waits for you to cave in and take a break.
But then you approach the fourth hour in a row that you've been working, and he realizes that you're nowhere close to taking a break, so it's up to him to take matters into his own hands.
He doesn't coax you to take a break directly, since he doesn't want to risk pissing you off, esp. since you're overworked atp and you're tired, so you might be more on edge than usual.
What he does instead? He waits for you to come to him.
First, he has the cafeteria bring in one of your favorite dishes— fresh from the kitchen and smelling delicious. He doesn't call you to eat, since he doesn't wanna bother your workflow after all. He just rests his bubble butt on a couch, takes off the lid of the tray and really lets the smell of fresh food circle around the office to make mouth water.
If you don't give in yet, he just shrugs and helps himself. And Wriothesley makes sure that you know how good the food is, too.
"Oh, that hits the spot," he says exaggeratedly right after swallowing a mouthful, primly wiping his mouth with a handkerchief before taking another bite. He hums in contentment yet again, murmuring how he'll be sure to give his compliments to the kitchen later.
And you know what he's doing— you do. But it doesn't stop your stomach from growling, suddenly aware of how long it's been since you last ate anything. But you hold firm somehow, ignoring Wriothesley and focusing back on your work.
He huffs, frowning because okay, if that's how you wanna play, then so be it.
So with a flourish he takes the tray and the half-eaten meal in hand, heading off towards the entrance of his office, loudly announcing that: "Damn, I'm full. Look's like I can't eat anymore— Oh well, guess I'll just have to throw out this perfectly good plate of—"
and like before you just know that he's goading you, but you can't help the way that you lunge for him, swiping the tray out of his hands and plopping it in front of you. Before he can say anything else, threaten your rightful meal any further, you take a bite and stare him dead in the eyes. Then you take another. And another.
Wriothesley, smug grin on his face, hands you a glass of water, and tries not to chuckle when you finish it all.
He says nothing as you polish off the food, but just collects the tray and utensils and deposits it somewhere away from your work when you're finished. It doesn't escape his notice how tired you've suddenly become after your meal— as if the fatigue you've been pushing away for the past hours has suddenly made itself known after your quick snack.
"Want to take a nap, sweetheart?" He asks. When you wordlessly raise your arms, he picks you up with ease, depositing you beside him on the couch. There, he hands you another glass of water while he procures a throw blanket from a little nook in the coffee table.
And when you're all done with your water, he lets you settle down against his chest, lets you doze and regain your energy while he pulls the blanket over your shoulders and wraps his arms snugly around your form. He doesn't comment on how quickly you knock out, not does he bother to ask you when you want him to wake you up. Archons know that he has absolutely no intention of rousing your sleep— not when he knows how much you need the rest.
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angelcent · 9 months
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from an old ask: how do we feel about tattoist!gojo?! and your first tattoo being done by him. contains. tattoo artist gojo, tattoo virgin reader, grungepunk!gojo, fluff
lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı — about a girl / nirvana
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✧˚ · . tattoist!gojo is constantly recommended by people because he's known for several things: his pure attention to detail, his versatility in tattoo styles, how light his hand is, and how comfortable he makes his clients feel. he can be a little overwhelming and intimidating, though.
✧˚ · . unlike suguru who can be a bit pretentious and internally judgmental about his clients choices, tattoist!gojo really doesn't care as long as it's not something too offensive.
✧˚ · . his studio is decorated with an assortment of movie & concert prints, as well as pictures he's taken with suguru and shoko or their other friends. at the front desk is his ugly clay coffee mug that megumi made for him as a child that he now uses to store pens. it has a lot of personality and makes you feel at ease when you walk through the doors and fill out your paper work.
✧˚ · . when you first meet satoru, he doesn't take much notice of you because he doesn't want you to feel leered at; it's a common occurance for male tattooists to make others uncomfortable; and you're trusting him with such a vulnerable process, so satoru keeps his distance. keeps it professional.
✧˚ · . as it's your first time, he gives you a rundown of the entire process and is honest—blunt—about the pain you'll experience, but also reassures you that you'll be okay. "anyway, don't give that much though," he grins, absently twirling his pen. as if he hadn't just almost frightened you out of the door. "I'll take good care of you, hm? leave it to me." and he says it with such self assured confidence, that it completely eases your nerves.
✧˚ · . tattoist!gojo texts you a checklist in order to prepare for your appointment—what clothing is best, possible snacks to bring (water is provided), an on-call friend in case you want to be picked up, and oddly, what music you like?
✧˚ · . whatever is your music type is, you walk into his space on the day of your first session with it softly playing inside the shop. tattoist!gojo is talkative; walking you through his entire sanitation process and the tools he'll be using. unbeknownst to you, satoru is observant in his daily life and in his profession. he quickly caught the way your shoulders were drawn up with nerves, how you wiped the palm of your hand over your thigh. and the more you hear him talk, the more relaxed your body language becomes. it's why he does it.
✧˚ · . tattoist!gojo in an old washed out band shirt again. it's what he always wears, and most belong to suguru. his best friend has given up on his clothes being stolen after so many years.
✧˚ · . tattoist!gojo just as talkative when he's finally putting ink on your skin, and it surprisingly keeps your mind off the pain. sometimes you tune him out, but the rumble of his attractive voice keeps you grounded. satoru will talk about anything and everything. he tells you about his first tattoo—three eyes behind his ears on each side. six in total. and how he got them done at this small punk show when he was sixteen and egged on by his best friend.
✧˚ · . tattoist!gojo has ink all over his visible skin— arms, neck, you even catch a peek of more inked skin below the collar of his t-shirt when he leans down. what's cute is all the small doodles in the empty spaces between the bigger pieces, and he tells you how he did most of them himself whenever he's bored. some are done by friends, like a small happy face near his knuckle from haibara.
✧˚ · . as much as he tries to keep this professional though, satoru slowly becomes attracted to you over the course of your session. he rarely hits it off with someone so well, and he finds himself listening intently to every piece of information you give him about yourself.
✧˚ · . he can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but you either call him out on it or bite back. he loves that.
✧˚ · . tattoist!gojo is great at calling to check up on your healing, giving you reminders on how to maintain it until the next session. he can't help but want to hear your voice, so he calls instead of texting or emailing like he usually does. you don't know any better, though. works in his favor.
✧˚ · . on your last session, tattoist!gojo is filled with the pride that never gets old at seeing the piece almost finished. what was once a mere idea is now brought to life and forever inked on your pretty skin. and you seem excited about it as well.
"see, not so bad now, was it?" he hums, wiping at the final touches. he doesn't bother to fight back the smirk. "told you I'm the best." "hm, you're alright. I guess." you tease, chuckling when he immediately looks up at you looking like a kicked puppy. "I'm kidding. thank you, satoru. really. I'm already thinking of what to get next, actually." if he were a dog, his ears would be perked up. tail wagging. he almost wants to barf.
"yeah? you sure you're not just saying that cause you'll miss seeing me?" he jokes, but deep down he's hoping you'll want him to remain as your future artist. even if that's the only way he'll keep seeing you, he'll take it. he's enjoyed far too much the way you make him feel wanted. "maybe I am." you murmur. swallowing your pride, you let the words spill out of your mouth. "but what if I wanted to see you sooner? you said I should go to your friends show this weekend. it'll be my first time, so it'd help to have you there." as soon as the words come out of your mouth, you're already regretting being so bold. satoru is just a friendly guy, he obviously just wanted his friend to get support and probably says that to everyone. so you backtrack immediately. "b-but if you can't or don't want to it's okay! sorry I just—" "'course I want to, buttercup. heh, I said I'll take good care of you, remember?" he laughs a little too loudly, quickly looking down at your finished piece. he wipes at the clean skin, pretending like he's working but he's just hiding his reddened cheeks. he hopes the crack in his voice was only audible to him. doesn't want you to see what a loser he is and how much you affect him.
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educatedsimps · 27 days
— inarizaki 4 x f!reader on her period (hcs)
≪ back to fics masterlist
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ft. miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, suna rintarō x f!reader
a/n: only writing for these four (so far) 'cause i don't think i have a very good grasp of the other inarizaki characters but perhaps in the future! anyway this one's short and sweet but i hope you enjoy~~
cw: timeskip spoilers for osamu but that’s it
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is a dumbass
this man would only know what to buy for a period care pack because kita got him a care pack when he was sick
“i picked up a few things from kita-san ya know, WHADDAYA TAKE ME FOR?!"
he gets anxious and worried that he'll forget stuff when he's at the store
like he had to ask kita to make him a checklist for when he gets supplies for u
would go on a day trip around the neighbourhood to find the store that has everything on that checklist
keeps that checklist pinned in his notes app (right below a little note where he writes down everything he loves about you - he's a simp)
he's always worried he missed something so he will not shut up
"are you sure the pads are in there? did i get the right ones? the big ones with the wings right? the extra absorbent kind? I SWEAR I TOOK THE RIGHT ONES BUT IF THEY'RE NOT IN THE BAG I'LL RUN BACK TO GET IT FOR YA RIGHT NOW" (he took the bus there btw)
"oh and they ran out of the usual snacks you like so i got three other brands for you to try, if you don't like any of 'em i'll get some more!"
asks osamu to make your fav onigiri too but he only asks nicely cuz it’s for you :)
would make SO MUCH food for you like you’ll never go hungry if you’re with him
he also does not care if you bloat during your period he WILL keep you fed even if it's against your will
would also find a bunch of different recipes that will reduce your bloating
he's an onigiri guy but he'd go to his mom and ask her to teach him her healing soup recipes
he'll start making so much soup you'll just be drinking soup the whole day (with onigiris and anything else you'd like, of course)
would NOT let you within a 10 foot radius of a cold drink when you're on your period
like you'd go to the fridge in the middle of a hot day to grab some chocolate and you'll just hear "STEP AWAY FROM THE FRIDGE WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR"
you turn around and he’s pointing at you with his spatula in hand
he knows how warm you might feel on your period though so he'll make the kind of hot soup that cools the body (he learnt it from his mom)
kita is kita
kita is the best one out of everybody
he KNOWS what he’s doing like i don’t even need to explain
but yes you can trust that he’s got everything you need and has everything before you even know you need it
fav snacks, fav drinks, heating pad, painkillers, a gallon of water, hot soup, fresh food, weighted blanket if you like those, your fav movie or show already set up for you and a shit ton of cuddles and naps throughout the day
also he’d write in or call your boss to tell him or her that you’re staying home
“kita, i NEED to go to work today-“ “no. you need to rest.” “but-“ “i already called your boss.” BRO IT’S 6AM
will physically force you back in bed if you try to get up or out
also asks osamu to make ur fav onigiri
of course, his grandma loves u SO much that every month she’ll ask kita if you’re on your period and she'll make herbal or like the healing kind of soup and packs it so nicely for kita to bring it to you
sometimes she adds a little note in the carrier and your heart melts every single time
king of cuddling and doomscrolling tiktok in bed
he knows you don’t really like lying down in bed and all during your period, especially if it’s really heavy so he’ll lay out extra towels and stuff in case anything happens
also would 100% clean up for you if your period gets too heavy and leaks onto the bed or something
“go get yourself cleaned up in the washroom and wait here for me once you’re done. don’t touch anything, i’ll take care of the sheets.”
keeps painkillers and water on his nightstand and a ton of heating pads in his drawer
ENDLESS CUDDLES like he gets so clingy it’s almost embarrassing but he’s cute so-
uses tiktoks to distract you from your period
“my period hurts-“ “babe look look look it’s a cat” “AWWWWW ITS SO FLUFFY”
tbh i don’t think you’d even use heating pads much if you were with him cuz you cannot look at suna and tell me that he’s not a heater in human form
his warm hands on your lower belly is the BEST feeling when you’re on your period
*places hands on tummy* “does it still hurt?” “no i think it’s going away…” “it better be. or i’m dragging your cramps to the depths of hell myself.”
osamu probably makes extra batches of onigiri every week just to give it out to his brother’s and friends’ girlfriends and honestly God bless him for that
would give atsumu’s girlfriend atsumu’s share of onigiri tho
the first time you got your period after you got together with kita, he probably asked you a whole list of questions he prepared and noted down all your answers like your fav stuff and the types of pads or tampons you use etc. it was honestly pretty shocking but sweet nonetheless
suna def has the period tracker app on his phone but he remembers your cycle so he uses the app to remind you
atsumu also has the app but he sets it to send him reminders and notifications when your period is coming up
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a/n: THANK YOU FOR READINGG hoped u enjoyed it ~~ stay tuned for more original and requested works coming soon!! -lyssa
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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11rosebunny · 1 month
How they get your attention (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
He'd rather drown in a lake than to admit he's feeling needy, so how does he tell you?
He doesn't.
The best he will do is it to sit right next to you and follow you like a puppy. If you're still not getting the hint or when he's telepathically speaking to you through his mind (it never works) he stares you down until you notice him and ask him what's wrong.
Hajime Umemiya
He will start to get more physical and touchy. Placing his hands on your shoulders, even giving it a small massage, moving a little too close to your waist and brush it off by saying he just needed to get through, subtle things like that will do the trick for him.
If it still does not work, he starts bringing up topics that interest you like a slick little bastard.
Toma Hiragi
It's hard for him to even admit that he wants to see you, so what does he do? He starts to invite you to accompany him to the most random places.
"Wanna come with me to the convenience store for a drink? I'll pay."
"...You always pay..."
Either it being to go grab a snack at the vending machine, pick up a package with him, running errands, even one time he asked you to go refill his water bottle with him until he realized what he had just said.
He never asked that again.
Ren Kaji
This little bundle of joy will do the most subtle things ever known to man, nobody even knew he was dropping hints.
To start off, he won't eat any lollipops, indicating he's willing to speak. He'll stare at other people to make it seem like he wasn't busy, and the most he's done, is he's full on taken off his headphones and rested them against his shoulders waiting on to see if you'd speak to him.
Taiga Tsugeura
He just asks if you're free and wants to hang out. Thankfully he doesn't really get nervous to ask you, and what's even better he'll most likely just join you on whatever you were doing. You were outside walking? He'll be there in 10 minutes. Playing a game? Don't worry he'll hop on. Studying? Well he sucks at math but that means you get to teach him, so it's a win win.
He keeps it nice and respectful.
Mitsuki Kiryu
He'll start poking fun at you if you're doing something distracting you from him. He will start asking you the most random questions ever, while at the same time watching you.
"Have you ever seen a manatee?"
It's not as bad as you'd think because some questions he has are genuinely interesting which lead you to drop down whatever you were doing and think about what he said.
Hayato Suo
He will start giving you things. To put it simple, he'll shove in small snacks if you're doing something like writing, pour you hot tea, give you a massage on your shoulders, or even try helping you.
It doesn't seem like he's trying to distract which is why you never get mad, he's smart about it when it comes to getting your attention.
Jo Togame
This man will just go on a rampage about whatever. If you're trying to focus have fun with his voice filling your ears within every second.
Even if you tell him to stop, he will for a bit, just for him to go back and continue on his topic.
But sometimes, he will leave you alone but just to be petty, he starts humming loudly just loud enough to make sure you're aware he is.
Tomiyama Choji
Don't expect to be doing what you're doing because this boy will drag to wherever he wants.
Because he has no sense of mind of reading the room sometimes, he doesn't find it awkward or annoying to just drag you places without your permission. Sorry.
"[Name], let's see the alleyway cats!"
"Not right now Choji."
"...Okay, let's go!"
You have no say into saying no, he will bring you anywhere with him and you will enjoy it.
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etherealyoungk · 9 months
comfort and love - hoshi
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pairing: hoshi x fem!reader
warnings: reader has their period, fluff
word count: 1.1k
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when you wake up feeling icky and your stomach lightly paining, you internally groan because you know your period started. you change and go back to sleep, only to wake up a few hours later to your doorbell ringing and you wake up sleepy and dazed. when you open the door to a smiling hoshi. your heart sinks because you forget to tell him you couldn't make it to the date he had planned. and here he was at your doorstep.
"shit, hoshi im sorry", you mumble out as you make way for him to enter. he looks at you confused. "why are you saying sorry baby", he asks and then he realizes you're still in your pyjamas and you look tired. "i got my period so i don't think out date can still happen", you tell softly. his gaze softens with understanding. "that's okay. i can still be here and spend time with you. i'll take care of you", he says with a newfound passion and before you know it, he's guiding you back to the bedroom and making you lie down.
periods are a little bit of uncharted territory for hoshi, but it's nothing a little research can't fix. so after quickly searching for what to do when someone is on their period he's coming to your room but you're curled up in a ball and he's running to your side.
"baby? are you okay?", he asks worried. "i'll make you a hot water bottle wait", he says and he rushes off to the kitchen. a few minutes later he's bringing you the hot water bottle and gently placing it on your stomach. you gladly take it and mumble out a small thank you to hoshi who's sitting on the edge of the bed. "have you eaten?', he says, looking at the time. you shake your head weakly. "not hungry", you tell and he's now even more worried. should he get you some chocolate? icecream? some snacks?. he decides to at least bring you a glass of water for you to sip on.
"you don't have to stay, i can manage", you tell him but he denies, telling you he's gonna take care of you. you try to lie down and rest, but the cramps only get worse. you open your eyes and don't see hoshi in the room. you weakly call out for him and he comes running, skidding across the floor in the process. "what's wrong?", he asks, concern flashing across his face but the tears brimming in your eyes are all the answers he needs. he wastes no time in coming by your side and gently engulfing you in his arms. you lean into his warmth and snuggle into his arms as you rest your head on his chest. he lightly rubs your back in hopes it will somewhat help ease the pain. but the way you were occasionally gripping his shirt told him you were still in pain and he hated in so much. he wished he could take your pain instead.
when you finally fall asleep, he gently tucks you in bed and decides to make a quick run to the convenience store to get you some snacks. you stir awake from your sleep and realize hoshi isn't next to you. you hear noises coming from outside and the smell of something in sweet in the air. you get up and waddle out of the room to the kitchen to find hoshi in front of the stove. "babe?", you call out and he turns around, smiling when he sees you. "you're awake?", he asks and he removes something from the pan and puts it on a plate.
"i made you some french toast, i know you like it so i tried following a recipe", he says in one breath, grinning as he presents the plate to you, guiding you to sit down and take a seat at the dining table. the other half of the table is covered in snacks of all kinds. you look at hoshi. "i thought you might want to snack or eat something sweet? i read up about period cravings but i didn't know what you'd like so i got some of your favorite stuff and things i thought you might like", he explains. you look at him and pout. you could cry right now. '"hoshi", you tell and he thinks maybe he's done something wrong. "what's wrong? did i not bring the right snack? did i forget something?", he asks, a lopsided pout forming on his face. you shake your head.
"you're so sweet, this is all so sweet", you finally tell and the tension disappears from his shoulders. he watches as you eat the french toast he made, happy.
if you told him you were feeling cold, he's drowning you in blankets. hungry? ready to order food or make you something again. thirsty? aksing you if you wanted water or an other drink, the phone in his hand ready to order whatever you wanted. want ice cream? he's ready to buy all the flavors.
but then later when it's afternoon he can tell your mood is a bit off and he's confused. (he's a little clueless about how the mood swings work sjjgg) so when he comes over to cuddle you when you are watching something you move away telling him you don't want to cuddle right now. he's shocked. how could you not want his cuddles? poor boy will be next to you and just be all pouty and glance over at you.
after a while, you feel find yourself scooting closer to hoshi and linking your arm around his as you lean your head on his arm. he's over the moon from this small action and pecks the top of your head, happy.
he'd sit on the counter as you watched him make ramen for you for dinner, even though you said you were feeling a little better now and could do it yourself. he'll order ice cream and watch as you eat, happy to indulge you in whatever you want.
he'll stay over that night, mostly he didn't want to leave you in pain and because you asked him to stay. if the cramps bothered you in the middle of the night, and you woke up in pain, he'd take care of you and do his best to help alleviate the pain. you're grateful he stayed as you slowly fall back asleep in his arms, his presence comforting and warm.
taglist: @idubiluv @icyminghao @kyeomyun @joshuaahong @daisycheols @fallingforshua29
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starsomens · 3 months
OK so I know I’m always talking about absolute filth here with Noah but let’s talk about after the filth is done with.
Noah definitely has your aftercare routine down to every single detail. He is definitely the person to make you go and pee right after you’re done especially if he finishes inside. if you guys aren’t out yet definitely has a pill handy. Aside from the whole medical parts of this, he runs a warm shower for you both. Part of his aftercare I feel is just washing and caring for your body afterwards. Since I do detail that he has to be a little rough at times he also wants to show Your body and your mind that he appreciates and love every inch of you.
Even though he would use a sponge to wash you, he prefers to use his hands and some body soap so that he’s able to massage your skin and really feel you in a loving and intimate way. He definitely holds you under the water and he just tucked your head under his chin, giving you kisses your forehead every now and then just whispering the sweetest things to you.
“I love you very much princess…”
“I know,”
“Look at me” and he cups your face. He doesn’t think where he kind of cranks his neck down to be closer to you to make sure that you understand that he truly means it on such a deeper level than just the words. “I love you….so fucking much….”
No, what I think Noah does is he gets out first he goes to the dryer, warms up your towel comes back and hold the towel open for you to just step into a nice fuzzy warm towel after a shower. he definitely helps you to get some clothes to get into and while you’re getting dressed he goes and he grab some snacks for you both once he’s back grabs some of your favorite lotion or your body oil and you guys just talk over things while he lotions up his body and your body. Meanwhile you’re feeding him some snacks and giving him kisses every now and then. And yes, you purposely kiss him with chip crumbs on your lips, in which you say
“ it adds more flavor to the kiss”
This is definitely the time he likes to bring up any kind of problems or issues or discussions. You guys have had that have to do with relationship. Seeing as you guys are now in a more calm, relaxed, and intimate space and atmosphere he brings up issues so that you guys can talk through it without getting into any kind of arguments. Of course, just like any other couple you guys have your hiccups and having disagreements will happen, even when discussing those disagreements.
“ Y/N, I know how you feel on this topic and about scheduling and time but there are a lot of things that I can’t really change and there are some things I can alter"
"I know, I know…. I just….. sometimes I feel kind of ignored. And I know you're not, but I think I might be overthinking it or I might exaggerate a little."
"No baby, you're not. if it's how you feel, then you're not exaggerating, but if you do feel like I'm ignoring you then I'll try to open up a day or two so we can spend more time together. Does that sound better?"
"mhm…. Thank you for understanding."
"thank you for telling me"
And of course, Noah isn't all innocent. He can be guilty of withholding a lot of his emotions and his opinion on things but he is working with you on it and the more and more you guys have time like this together the more he is especially with you on his emotions. And of course, afterwards after you’re all lotion up, and your bellies are full of snacks, he turns on some random show or movie where you guys can just cuddle and fall asleep together.
And yes, you do end up falling asleep beforehand because he relaxed you so much and he tells you things that he’s not ready to say to you while you’re awake. These are his most deep and sincere thoughts and perhaps he has already told you in your sleep when he was going to propose. Where he would do it, when and how, but you don’t need to know that right now 
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lizzieislife94x · 4 months
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She Doesn't Deserve You (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizzieG!PxFem Reader
Requests are open babes
Y/ns POV:
I throw a few outfits onto my bed biting my nails gently looking over them before finally calling for my roommate to come in and help "lizzie please help me" I say with a fake cry as she comes in and laughs "dude you're so dramatic relax, go with blue jumpsuit it brings out your eyes" she says I pick it up thinking nothing of it and smile "thank you lizzie you're a life saver" I quickly run into the bathroom to brush my teeth as lizzie goes back to what she was doing once I finish I head to my vanity table and start to do my make up going for a natural look it takes a little over 30 minutes till I'll done as I blow myself a kiss, I'm so excited for this date I haven't been on a date in months and this girl seems really sweet, I fix my hair before pulling on my jumpsuit and checking myself out, damn lizzie nice choice this hugs me perfectly I quickly put on some heels and perfume before heading to lizzies room "hey do I look ok" I say walking in running my hands down my stomach nervously "wow..uh I mean yeah you look beautiful y/n I knew the jumpsuit would be perfect, your date Is one lucky lady" I smile and blush a little "thank you liz hey wanna have a few glasses of wine when I get home?" She smiles and nods but something about her smile seems sad before I have a chance to say anything my phone dings a message from my mom. 
Mom❤️: Hey honey hope your date goes well can't wait to hear all about it have a ball honey text me when you're home so I know you're safe.
Me: Hey mom thank you haha and I will, I love you. 
I put my phone into my bag smiling at my mom's concern "I'll see you when I get home liz" I say walking out to my car before jumping in and driving to the restaurant the drive is nice and relaxing music playing as I sing along it takes 25 minutes to arrive due to traffic once I arrive I jumpout and hand my keys to the valet "thank you so much" I say as I walk into the restaurant "hey I have a reservation at 8 under l/n" I say with a smile as I'm led over to our table "hey can I get you a drink while you wait" the waiter asks as I quickly skim over the menu "yeah..can I have a white wine please and thank you" I say as I hand the menu over and he disappears I wait a few minutes before my drink is brought out and I thank him before sipping my wine.
30 minutes later I nervously check my phone and see its half 8 she was supposed to be here for 8 "hey can it get you anything else another drink maybe" I look up to see the waiter from before and just nod as he goes and comes back with another white wine I play around on my phone for a bit as I noticed another 40 minutes have passed its now 9.10pm I sigh and stand up walking over to the bar "hey can I just settle my bill for the drinks please" he nods and hands the bill I pay for my drink and leave a $50 tip before heading out to get my car its quickly brought to me as I thank them and get in driving home I'm so fucking stupid I feel my eyes water but keep it under control while I drive "are you fucking kidding me the light is green go you idiot" I yell eventually I arrive home and unlock the door heading inside "hey you're home early" I hear lizzies sweet voice making me turn to look at her as soon as my eyes meet hers I loose all control and the tears fall "what happened y/n oh my gosh are you ok what did she do" lizzie says running over to me throwing her arms around me concern in her voice "she she..didn't..show up she stood me up" I sob into her neck as she rubs my back just holding me tight "hey hey its ok you're ok she doesn't deserve you y/n tell you what how about I pour us a glass of wine, grab some snacks and we watch your favourite movie and once you feel a little better we can talk about it" she says holding me at arms length looking into my eyes before bringing her thumb to my face gently rubbing my tears away I sniff and nod "please but I need to get out of this jumpsuit I'm going to get changed" I say with a sad smile before heading upstairs and taking off my jumpsuit I walk into the bathroom and unclip my bra letting it fall to the floor before washing the make up and tears off my face, I walk back into my room and put on a baggy tee and short shorts making it look like I have nothing on due to the tee, I make my way downstairs and smile when I see lizzie setting everything up perfectly walk up behind her gently holding her waist as I slide past her to sit on the couch she looks at me and smiles before turning the lights off and sitting beside me, "ok I have it all set up, she's the man is still your favourite movie right?" I smile and nod wow she remembered my favourite movie.
Halfway through the movie it feels like lizzie is closer I decided to lean my head on her shoulder as she smiles we continue to watch as her hand wraps around me and she moves closer "hey y/n" she whispers gaining my attention making me sit up and look at her "yeah what's up" I say looking at her amazing eyes even in the dark they're gorgeous "she doesn't deserve you I hope you know that, you deserve the world you deserve to be treating like a queen you deserve to be loved unconditionally" she says making me laugh "I just got stood up that says a lot no one would ever love me there must be something wrong with me" I say looking down she uses her fingers to lift my chin and the next thing i know her soft lips are pressed firmly onto mine taking me by surprise after a few seconds I close my eyes and kiss her back as she holds my waist the kiss is full of passion and love making me feel things I've never felt before after air becomes an issue we slowly pull away resting our foreheads together "wow" I breath out as words fail me she smiles and pulls me ontop of her making me yelp in surprise followed by a giggle "hey" I whisper leaning my head against hers again "so I think I should tell you I'm madly inlove with you" I bite my lip "you could have told me this a year ago why do you think I've not been on many dates I've had feelings for you since you moved in but I didn't think you felt the same so I thought I'd try and date again" I say in a whisper looking down to her lips as she kisses me again this time full of lust and desire I quickly open my mouth for her tounge to explore my mouth as I explore hers the kiss quickly becoming heating I let out a moan as I feel her bulge hard under me "I..i.im sorry i cant control it.." she whispers against my lips I smirk and bite her lip gently "oh you definitely don't have to apologise" I take her lips on mine as I start to grind on her solid member we quickly start discarding eachothers clothes in between kisses her gaze fixes on my chest when she pulls my tee off and notices I have no bra on "oh sweet lord fuck" she groans leaning forward leaving gentle kisses on my tits a moan slips past my lips as I put my hand down to palm her through her sweat pants making her moan as she sucks on my right nipple "oh god lizzie" I cry out as she licks sucks and bites my nipple sending throbs to my core "take the panties off"
I moan out loud as she let's go of my nipple I climb off and lay back pulling my shorts and panties off as she stands up to take off her sweats and boxers I lay back with my legs spread running my finger through my wet folds soft moans leaving my lips as my eyes widen at her size and girth her dick standing proud "oh fuck" we both moan before she towers over me her dick gently brushing against my clit "fuck" I whimper as she starts to suck and bite my neck no doubt leaving marks but I don't care I just need her all of her I run my hands over her body until I find her perfect tits her nipples already hard, I roll them between my fingers earning a moan from the beauty ontop of me "are you ready" she breaths into my ear as she lines her dick to my entrance "yes oh god yes" I moan out as she starts to sink inside me slowly letting me adjust to her size "fuuuu..ck ive wanted to do this for a year after we first met all i wanted was to rip your pretty little dress off and bend you over this couch and fuck you dumb baby make you mine"  i moan and gasp at her confesion my hands grabbing at her hips "fuck i wanted you to so fucking badly" i start to thrust my hips letting her know I'm ready and needy, she looks into my eyes as she starts to thrust both of us moaning, fuck the eye contact is sexy "faster baby i want you to destroy me ruin me for anyone else" I moan as she smirks and sits up on her knees eyes never leaving mine she puts my legs over her shoulders as she starts thrusting faster "fuck y/n you're taking me so well baby so fucking tight and wet i wish you could see how my cock is streching your tight little pussy so fuck...in..g beautiful" I only moan as a response encouraging her to thrust faster and harder I quickly feel my orgasm approach it feels like its gonna be a big one "oh my god!!! I'm gonna cum" I scream as her thrusts continue "cum for me baby don't hold back" she groans as I feel the orgasm snapping screams leaving my mouth as I squirt all over her she pulls her dick out and rubs my clit as I continue to squirt making a huge mess words long forgotten only moans and screams escape my mouth "so fucking sexy " she moans as I start to calm down she quickly makes me bend over the couch legs spread before slamming back inside me harder and faster this time causing a silent scream to leave my lips she kisses my neck and ear whispering "you want me to fill your tight little cunt babygirl this is how i wanted to take you when we first met ive came to this thought so fucking many times princess" her words driving me wild no sense left in my mind all I know is I want her all of her "yes yes yes..." I scream gripping the back of the couch as she pounds me brutally my second orgasm ripping through me but she doesn't stop she continues to slam inside me "I.. i ca..can't to much" I cry out pleasure from the second orgasm still coursing through my body "you can do it baby one more just one more wanna fill your tight little pussy make you mine princess"
I nod and whimper as her thrusts get somehow faster "ok baby" I whimper giving in completely to her I feel my third orgasm approach as tears threaten to spill from my eyes "so good baby youre doing so fucking good" she moans as she gently pulls my hair after a few more thrusts I feel her stopping deep inside me followed by her warm seed filling me making me moan she wraps her arms around me holding me close as she continues to shoot her load "fuck fuck fuck y/n you're fucking amazing baby I can't wait to make you mine forever" I smile as her naked body presses into me a feeling of comfort and being content washes over me "mmh I wanna be yours lizzie no one elses" I feel her leaving kisses over my jaw after a few minutes she slides out causing me to whimper "lay down baby let me get you cleaned up then ill get you to bed" I smile and nod as she runs to the bathroom getting a damp cloth she must have cleaned herself and put fresh boxers on because she has some on now she gently cleans my sensitive core before picking me up and taking me to my bedroom and putting me into bed "sleep tight beautiful" she whispers about to leave the room "stay please" I say with puppy eyes making her smile "only if youre sure y/n" I smirk and bite my lip "I plan on having you in my bed every night" she leans down pecking my lips with a smile "good there's no place id rather be" she grins "the only rule is these need to go" I smirk running my hand over her dick indicating I'm talking about the boxers I see her getting hard and bite my lip and she takes off the boxers getting into bed behind me pulling me close "I can feel your dick against my ass I don't think its fair for you to try and sleep with that baby" I say seductively as I hear a soft moan leave her lips I back my ass into her purposely and grind a little "fuck baby don't youre making it harder i think you just want me to keep streching and filling that needy cunt " she pants her hands playing with my nipples "well you might be right but im only needy for you and your dick i think you just need to fuck me dumb baby and fill me all night long " I moan out as i feel her lift my leg and grab her dick teasing my once again dripping entrance "fuck" i cry out,  We spent most of the night fucking talking and cuddling , she came alot so did i and I loved every bit of it I lost count of the orgasms she gave me.
AN: hope you guys enjoy 😉 stay hydrated babes and I hope everyone has a great day/night word count is almost 2.4k 
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yourlocalsmutwriter · 7 months
Redbull gives you orgasms - Mike Schmidt x reader
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Moving in with your boyfriend was a no-brainer. Abby loved you, Mike loved you, and well it was easier to split the rent two ways. The only problem was with the sleep schedule. Your partner was an absolute early bird. Even with his sleep experiments, he still managed to wake up at 6 AM sharp to get his sister ready. And 99.9 of those days you'd murmur a ''Goodbye Mike, love you'' into the pillow and fall asleep. If it wasn't for your job, you would be a total night owl. There were instances where you'd wake up at 3 just to jolt down a good idea you had. Thankfully, once Mike was asleep, there was no waking him. Him falling asleep was a completely different matter. And you were gonna find that out soon through the magic of ... public holidays.
That's right public holidays. You were gonna take a break, finally, and spend some quality time with Abby, maybe even get to help Mike find some better job options. But before that, you had to work extra hard and prepare posts for the time you'd be gone. You were stressed, and overloaded on free coffee and sugary snacks. By the end of the day, all was good. You handed over some tasks to your more senior colleagues and headed home. Grabbing groceries on the way, you were even given a sample of a new redbull flavor. You grabbed a few of those for your boyfriend and were finally ready to relax.
But Mike had other plans. He looked dejected, so you figured that the meeting with Jane didn't go well. "I'll take the night shift job tomorrow."
"If you're sure. Well, let's have an early dinner then.". After you all ate and the two of you made sure Abby was in bed, it was finally time to sleep as well. You had a bit of chit chat with Mike, nothing too heavy. He was just about to drift off, putting you through the usual routine when he noticed how restless you were. You were tossing and turning, bouncing your leg under the covers. Then came the pillow adjusting, cover moving. Afterwards you went to the bathroom. Then grabbed water. Then the bathroom again.
"Sweetheart, please. " Mike said, his voice groggy. "Did I wake you, shit. I'm sorry, thought you already dozed off." you replied.
"I can go on the couch?" You suggested.
"No, just come here. I'm so used to you that I can't fall asleep without you here anyway. Your work trips fuck me up." he replied. "I'll fix you right up, I'm a sleep expert after all."
You laid down and let him "fix you". First he moved you to the side, then he wrapped his arms around your waist. Then he began to kiss your neck.
"Mike." you moaned.
"Shhh. I need you to not turn off your brain. Just focus on what I'm doing to you and think only about that. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?"You just nodded. He continued kissing you, but now he was also touching your chest. Squeezing your breasts, gently pulling on your nipples. You were getting wet and he knew it. He slipped his hand in your panties, and started rubbing on your clit.
"You're so needy for me. Can't wait to see you let go for me.". You moved your hips to bring him closer to you. But instead of giving in, he slipped a finger in you, then a second.
"Feels so good, so so good.". You felt him get hard against your ass. You reached out a hand to help him out, but he gently moved it away.
"Shh, I have it all planned out. But since you wanna spoil your surprise." His fingers were still inside you. He first undid the buttons on his boxers, letting his cock spring free. Then he moved your panties to the side and removed his fingers. You whined at the loss of contact. But then gasped when you felt his dick in-between your thigs, rubbing against your wet folds. Not only that, but his fingers were back on your clit. You were done for.
"I know you wanna cum for me, but can you hold it for just a little bit. I want us to do it together. Don't worry, I won't last long with your perfect pussy all wet for me like this."
"Please, just a bit more, just the tip. Need you inside me again."
"You know I can't say no to you, sweetheart.". With that Mike slid the head of his cock inside of you. He buried himself to the hilt inside of you, allowing himself 2 thrusts. Reluctantly he pulled away continued humping you.
"Come on sweetheart, let's cum together." You didn't need a second to think about it. Using your last functional braincell, you "aimed" Mike's cock, so he came on your stomach. When you were a bit more coherent, you gathered the cum and licked it away. There was no way you were gonna leave that on the sheets. You turned to kiss Mike, but saw he was fast asleep. Guess reading that sleep book did have its benefits.
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writersdrug · 8 months
hehe hi! anon here! didn’t know what you wanted in terms of request but 😭 how about like a comfort request? i’ve just had a pretty bad academic related experience, so maybe head-canons of any character of your choosing for comfort?
Ooooh I like this a lottt.... of course I'll be using the CoD boys, but I might throw some random ones in here too, be prepared lol. Thanks for the request!!!
CoD 141 Headcannons: Comforting You through a Rough Academic Period
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Simon "Ghost" Riley:
He wasn't really the academic type, so he couldn't entirely understand why you let yourself agonize so much over your studies.
But he respected the fact that you were working so hard to achieve your goals. Something he never got to do often for himself, since most of his job was just following orders.
He would sit there and watch as you sat, neck stuck out towards your computer and your back hunched. He'd sigh, moving behind you to roll out your back, wincing as it popped.
"Christ, love - get up and walk around for a second, yeah?"
"I'm almost done with this module, just let m-"
"Up. Now." He'd order you to move, but would drag you out of your seat whether you started to move or not. "You'll get stuck if you sit like that for too long, looking like an old man."
"Like you?"
Simon would practice your flashcards with you, although he wouldn't be very helpful. He'd just shake his head when you got the answer wrong, not bothering to help you find it.
"... is it the femur?"
"... the tibia?"
"Nope. Try again."
"Can I get a hint?"
He knew to NOT distract you when you were on a roll. He can manage keeping himself busy while you studied, doing his own work or helping with chores around the apartment.
He knew, from experience, how easy it was to forget to take care of yourself - so he did it for you. He brought you water every time you emptied your cup. He would bring you snacks periodically, or he would cook a meal for the both of you. He'd sit and eat with you, not making any conversation so he doesn't distract you.
"Anything you need, love, just tell me."
If he caught you getting distracted, whether you would glaze over what you were reading, or your conversation with him would go just a bit too long, he would redirect you back to your work.
"Finish that bit and then take a break with me."
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish:
He hated the fact that all of your time was being consumed by something other than him. When he would walk out of your bedroom first thing in the morning and see you bent over the table with your laptop and notebook, he would groan internally. He'd rather you be be bent over the table for him.
But he remembered how often you waited for him while he was deployed, so he patiently waited for you.
Well, as patient as he possibly could be.
After about three hours, you'd be the one lecturing him, telling him to go watch tv or go out and do something so you could finish. Every now and then, he'd only agree to leaving you alone if you would promise to go out to dinner with him, whether it was casual or fancy. After agreeing - and several kisses for convincing - he'd let you be.
"Wear your favorite jeans, ok?" he'd say.
"You mean your favorite jeans?"
"... yeah." he'd smile ear-to-ear.
He would stand behind you, his head resting on top of yours, his hands gently massaging your shoulders as he read along to the biochemistry textbook you had on your screen.
"Shite, hen, you studying to be a fucking wizard? What is all that keech?"
He'd constantly throw passive-aggressive praises at you, saying how you're so strong for sticking with your studies, and how he would have given up after looking at the first page.
"You gonna remember me when you're up there with the brainy blokes?"
"Of course I will, you're helping me pay for this."
"For feck's sake, I forgot 'bout that."
More than once, when you dropped your head down in frustration, he would walk over and hold it back up towards the screen.
If you studied in your bed or on the couch, he would sometimes lay with his head in your lap, wrapping his arms around your thighs with a tired pout on his lips.
"Hold me when you're finished with that, yeah?"
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
He admired your determination to get your degree - he felt a sense of pride every time he saw you studying, especially on the days where it was particularly hard for you.
He was your #1 supporter, constantly encouraging you, praising you, and helping you see what your working towards. He'd be carrying you through the lows of your emotions, making sure you didn't feel hopeless.
"Of course you got this, babe, you're so fucking smart!"
While you were reading the module in the textbook, he'd be looking up videos on his phone about the subject, watching it on the lowest volume so as not to disturb you.
He'll sit on the floor with you, your notes strewn everywhere, listening to you talk about the subject you're working on. He'd do his best to engage in conversation with you about it, hoping that it helps you retain the information better.
Truth be told, he doesn't know much about the subject, but he's just happy to help. He'd let you vent about your current frustrations.
"It says that this piece is in 3-4..." you'd mumble.
"Yeah?" he'd reply, not sure where you were looking at on the page in front of you, but doing his best to follow along.
"... and that this one is in 4-4 too, but each note is made up of triplets."
"Yes! And THIS one is 2-4, ALSO with triplets!! They all sound the same!!"
"How the fuck are they different?!"
"You tell me!!"
You knew he wasn't sure what you were talking about, but that he knew what you needed - a shoulder. And he always provided you with that, no matter what kind of day he'd had.
He'd encourage you with snacks, going through your flashcards with you and tossing you a pretzel every time you got one right.
"Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake' starts off in a blank chord."
"Close, but try again. Think simpler."
"... minor?"
"There you go." he'd toss you a pretzel from across the couch.
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Captain John Price:
Mans goes full dad-mode when helping you study.
He has a week away from missions? You'd best believe he's spending it at the dinner table with you. He'd work on his own things, sitting next to you, while you study.
He had a no-phone rule at the table while you worked. At first you whined and fidgeted with your hands, itching to check your phone for any form of distraction. Eventually, you gave up, diving into your studies as Price smiled smugly.
Like Simon, he'd be bringing you snacks and water throughout the day. Lots of shoulder massages, scalp massages, and stretch breaks (he'd try to participate, until he'd strain his back too much).
If he notices you struggling, evident in the way you scowl and grip your hair near the scalp, he'd sit right beside you and try to help you understand the material.
Unless it was math. He couldn't stand math.
"What's that?"
"That's mu."
"Come again?"
"It's a Greek letter, it represents the population mean."
"English, love."
"N-no, it's Greek!"
"Never mind, John, I got it from here." You'd kiss his cheek, thankful for the moment of amusement he'd provided. He'd continue staring at the screen, grumbling about how ridiculous math had become over the years.
For at least one of your breaks, he'd insist on taking you for a walk. You'd stroll around the neighborhood, basking in the chilly Autumn air mixed with Price's warm arm around yours. As hard as it was for him to drag you out of the house, you were thankful for his stubbornness to get you moving. The pace of the walk and the sound of the atmosphere around you helped clear your head of any frustration and brain fog. You'd close your eyes and lean your head against Price's shoulder, trusting him to take the lead.
A day spent studying was rewarded with an hour or two either in front of the tv, lying in Price's embrace, or the two of you just sitting on the cough together, having a conversation free of your school subjects. Most of the time, you'd fall asleep before him, and he'd let you lie there for a minute before he'd carry you to bed.
"Try not to work yourself too hard, love. Y' need to be strong for me tomorrow."
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w3bheadz · 4 months
Heyy I've never done a request before but I hope you'd like to respond to it! ^^
I wondered what Peeta Mellark’s and Johanna Mason’s rather smutty headcanons would be. But I don’t necessarily ask for both of their headcanons of course!! If you’re comfortable with only writing about one of them it would already bring me much joy to read!!
Greetings and love💕
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Hi! Just doing some catch ups and writing out requests, I have a few hcs for each, so I'll just do a few hunger games nsfw hcs :) I also will clarify that all of these headcanons are post rebellion and all of the characters are over 18. I'm going to keep it to 5 each, but I have so many more for all of them
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Katniss Everdeen ♫↬ She's a top lean switch
♫↬ She isn't very experienced, but don't let that stop her, she's good at what she does ♫↬ If she has a rough day, she likes to destress with her head between your thighs or vise versa ♫↬ She's a jealous thing, so if someone flirts with you, she's keep her hands on you but when you two are finally alone, she'll mark you up so you'll remember that you're hers ♫↬ she's slow and soft, so she doesn't really do quickies, but it it presents itself and you're in the mood, it'll have to do, and she's okay at aftercare, not fully indepth but she will clean up and check on you with some water
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Peeta Mellark ♫↬ He's a bottom, theres no way he can top unless he has major motivation. that being said, quickies in public are a no go because he's really loud ♫↬ one of his major turn ons is seeing you wear his clothes ♫↬ he has mommy issues, of course he has a praise kink, and he also has a thing for his hair being pulled ♫↬ he has no previous experience, but he wants to learn, so you teach him. he doesn't care what position you're in, as long as he can see your face anything is good ♫↬ he's amazing with aftercare. he has snacks in the bedside table and little bottles of water, gives you a bath and washes your hair for you, all of the things
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Johanna Mason
♫↬ She's a top, she doesn't like to bottom ever. ♫↬ she's rough, she's touchy, and damn is she possessive. if someone flirts with you, she's on you like flies on honey. she isn't one for pda but this is the exception. ♫↬ she isn't good at apologies. when you're upset with her, she'll spend hours between your thighs, getting you to forget why you were even mad in the first place. ♫↬ she's a hands on learner. when you are both starting out, she takes her time to map out every inch of your body with her hands over and over again until its memorized ♫↬ her aftercare game is pretty good, she always makes sure to have some water and a couple of towels on hand just incase.
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Finnick Odair
♫↬ He's a switch, I don't think he has a preference ♫↬ Because of his trauma with sexual situations, he always wants to make sure he has your consent before he does literally anything. He's a very gentle guy. that being said, he doesn't really get jealous, because at the end of the day, he knows whos bed you'll end up in at the end of the night. ♫↬ he loves to tease. he's amazing with his tongue (i mean have you SEEN the water scene in catching fire??) and even better with his dick. he knows how to hit every spot that makes you scream ♫↬ he's got a praise kink. call him a goodboy and he is gone ♫↬ he's really sweet when it comes to aftercare. He's whisper sweet nothings into your ear while he cleans you up and then he'll cuddle you to sleep. there is not a singular time he has ever forgotten aftercare because of some sexual trauma from the capitol.
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Tag List: @jhutchissupercool @taylor9736
Requests are open :)
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the-shiftshop · 1 year
Changes Happen All The Time. You're Just Aren't Aware Of It
"Here's a long transformation story to keep up with my debt." - Uncle Lee
Finally, graduation. Ron and Paul had finally finished college and it was time for the childhood friends to come back to their home town. The two were unseparable every since childhood. Until they were college, they both went to the same university, taking the same course, living in the same dorm room.
On this day, it's was time to bring all their stuff back home. Paul is already done with his, with Ron driving him back and forth, so this time, it was Paul's time to help Ron bring all his stuff back.
"Eyes on the road, man. I swear you're going off the road" Paul tapped his buddy as he continue fidgeting with his phone.
Paul is your averarage college senior. Although wanting to build muscles, his studies get in the way, making him stay on an average build. Not too skinny, yet not that fat. Although his studies matter so much, he never backs down from adventures especially when it's with Ron.
"Yeah, well. We're basically in a deserted area. No cars, no buildings, and frankly, I don't think I'll hit something either way." Ron argued, still listening to Paul and makes sure the van is on he right lane.
Ron on the other hand can be mistaken for a stereotypical jock bro if only he's not known for being one of the top notchers in the university, and also maybe because of his rectangular glasses. He is lean with muscle and he lives showing off both his brain and brawn. He has an average amount of body hair on his face, chest, arms, and legs, which most of the time were kept trimmed.
Both had been long good friend despite differences especially with preferences. A very inseparable pair.
"I'm honestly kinda thirsty. Think we can find some place to buy drinks around here?" Ron followed, eyeing for any buildings in the horizon.
"I bet not." Paul answered. "I can find you some water from the back if you want."
"Naw.. We already drank them all. Thought we only had two of our own bottles." Ron replied.
"Alright, let's see..." Paul went to his map app and scanned for any shop the map app, and sure enough one suddenly appeared.
Paul could've sworn that wasn't there before, but eh, it's probably just because we didn't zoom in enough.
"Here's one, just a few more kilometers away." Paul showed Ron.
Ron drove to the location of the said shop and lo and behold, there was one shop just along the road in the middle of nowhere.
They parked on the edge of the road in front of the shop, turned the van off and went out together. As Paul checked the condition of their van, Ron walked near the store.
"Hey, I'll go ask for some water. You can wait for me out here" Paul said.
"Yeah, sure. I'll just check if we're still good here." Ron replied, tapping on the van's hot wheels.
As Paul walked near the shop, he started to feel all tingly and weird. As if he's entering a separate dimension of some sort through a force field. A large sign is placed just above the wooden door.
"The Shift Shop" Paul read.
Without anymore hesitation, Paul proceeds and marvelled at the view of the inside.
Through he wooden door, it wasn't like anything from the outside. It felt like one of the shops you see in your favorite fantasy movies. There were areas with sparkling contraptions, a flying phoenix roaming the store, small fireworks exploding in different colors, it all looked magical.
Paul closed the door and proceeded deeper. It may seem magical, but there were shelves displaying products as if it's Walmart. Paul saw food, hygiene products, electronics, dairy, snacks, and anything you may imagine. There was even an area for clothes and accessories. Paul was too much in awe that he forgot what he came in for.
Soon, he reached the counter. A bell on top of it rang automatically to acknowledge his presence and to notify the owner that a visitor had come by, almost too automatic to look like it has a life of its own.
"Just a moment!" Paul heard a deep voice coming from behind the curtain across the other side of the counter, although he swear the voice spoke of a different language, probably Korean, yet somehow he understood it automatically.
The bell rang again, rushing the man to come out as soon as possible. "Told you, Bell, to wait for a moment! I'm... you know what nevermind." The man spoke again and Paul confirmed it was Korean, yet he understood.
The man finally walked out of the curtain, and Paul gasped at the fair skinned Asian hunk wearing a thick-framed glasses. He was topless with a messy wet hair, wearing only a long beige dress pants, buckled with a black belt.
"Apologies, but my bell is always so eager to have me come and greet my visitors. I just finished taking a bath and, yeah I guess it's evident." The man spoke, this time in English. As he finish speaking, he wears the white plain shirt he was holding, "Welcome to the Shift Shop. I'm guessing this is your first time?"
"Y-Yeah. It's honestly... amazing here." Paul managed to mutter.
"Thanks, that's centuries of good work." The man chuckled, "I'm the owner of the shop, Timotheo Lee, or you can just call me Uncle Lee."
"Uncle?" Paul chuckled. The man does not look like he's old enough to be his uncle, nor be anyone's uncle anyway. He seem to be just around 25, and those youthful muscle and smooth skin did all the talking. "Is that a pen name or something?"
"Oh, I'm not kidding about the century thing. I'm older than what you think." Uncle Lee smirked.
"Really?" Paul didn't bother lengthening the discussion about his age. The shop itself already seemed so unreal. The man could even be a older than how many centuries he guess. Instead, his eyes roamed around the room.
Uncle Lee chuckled once more and moved closer to her customer. "Seems like you're looking for something, I mean you proceeded deeper into my shop. You're thirsty for something magical, aren't you?"
Paul laughed. "I'm honestly just 'thirsty' thirsty" He replied, "But something magical doesn't seem like a bad idea."
Uncle Lee tapped on his bell "Jules!" He called out and suddenly a short nerdy suited up staff appeared from thin air.
"S-Sir!" Jules replied, stuttering.
"Guide our new visitor to some areas he might fancy" Uncle Lee winked at Jules.
Jules seemed to almost melt just by his boss's wink. He made a soft 'aww' right after the man did so. "Y-Yes, sir!" Jules gave a salute and invited Paul to some part of the shop.
Paul had roamed around longer than he expected. He tried a bunch of testers and witnessed different kinds of magic while in the store, all of which Jules let Paul try on him.
There were fruits that turn people older or younger. There were gadgets that help you fulfil your wishes. There were literally a lot to see, but soon enough Paul stopped by a certain product that catched his eyes.
"A jade necklace?" Paul asked.
"Oh, not just any jade necklace" Jules said in a deep rumbling voice. Throughout all the testing, Jules ended up with a body of a 40 year old body builder with dog ears and tails that matches his white hair. "It's the Necklace of Names."
"Necklace of Names?" Paul repeated.
"Necklace of Names" Jules repeated back. "It's supposed to make the wearer able to change whoever he calls in a different name, and the other person will never know the changes!" Jules exclaimed. "Let's have this for an example: I'm wearing the necklace and I called you by any name aside from your actual name, for instance, I called you 'gramps'. You'll turn into a grandpa version of yourself!" Jules explained. "Or if I call you by a name of a famous actor, or someone I know, that'll automatically change you to that person. It's honestly best if you an try it yourself."
Jules takes the necklace and brought it to Paul's hand.
"And the person I change won't notice a thing?" Paul asked for confirmation while looking at the green pendant the necklace has.
"They certainly wont and their mind and personality will also adapt," Jules answered. "And in most cases, reality also adjusts, but you still have to be careful".
"If it's magic, bet it has some sort of consequences once I started using this, no? I mean just like in the movies" Paul asked
Jules nodded "Exactly." He said, "But if you wanna try it on just like what you did to the other products, don't worry, we had the consequence feature turned off when it's just for testing. But for this specific bad boy..." Jules tapped on he necklace. "I honestly don't think you'll consider it a consequence. Bet you'll even like it. I can tell you what it is unless you like surprises."
"Surprises, huh." Paul looked at the necklce and back to Jules "Yeah, I'm up for surprises. I'll figure it out on my own"
"Great! So a keeper?" Jules smiled.
"A keeper."
Paul was convinced already and didn't even have to try it on Jules. They walked back to the counter and paid.
"Mhmm. The Necklace of Names." Uncle Lee sang. "You have a great taste." He looked at me and back at the necklace. "That would be a dollar."
A dollar? That's so cheap for this quality and he expected more. Paul brought his wallet from his pocket and pulled out 2 dollars and placed it on the counter.
"This shouldn't be just a dollar. It even looks expensive." Paul remarked.
"Oh, Paul. It's alright. It really is just a dollar." Uncle Lee nodded and adjusted his glasses. "This shop does not really run from profit. This exchange is merely just like signing a contract by barter." He continued. "I prefer to know you're enjoying the magic than earning money from the magic."
Paul stared at Uncle Lee and his eyes lit it.
"And you know, I choose my customers well. I know you'll do great with our items." Paul smiled.
"Thank you." Paul smiled by the compliment. He's starting to understand why Jules reacts all shy around him.
"Anyways, I'll keep the other dollar. You best be on your way to your trip, and you, Jules..." Uncle Lee trailed off, looking at the silver fox hunk Jules had turned into. "Let's come to the back. I have to do something with that thick ass of yours" He winked at Jules and then waved goodbye to Paul. "Take care, Paul."
Paul left the store with a smile. He really had paid for the necklace with just a dollar. He decided to put it on and walked back to the van.
There was Ron, now holding 2 big bottles of water he got somewhere.
"Dude, where did you go? What took you so long?" Ron has his eyebrow furrowed, all while taking a drink from his water.
"Ah! Right. I forgot to buy-"
"Already did that, man. I was looking for you inside the store and you weren't there. Where did you go?" Ron asked again.
"I was inside the sh-" Paul turned back to look at the shop, but gasped at what he saw.
The shop was different now. Gone with the big signage and the wooden door. It turned into a regular off-the-road convenience store. Paul kept his mouth shut and looked back to Ron.
"Let's get back on the road. It's getting dark." Ron commanded and they both went back in the van.
It has been a few minutes and they've finally reached a populated area, and Paul still couldn't stop thinking about what happened. It was obviously not any hallucination since the necklace he bought is still hanging on his neck. Nevertheless, he'd want to try the necklace out, but to whom?
"You're unusually quiet. What's up?" Ron snapped Paul back to reality. "We passed by a lot of interesting sights earlier and you didn't even reacted like how you would."
"Nothing. Just thinking." Paul excused.
"Whatever it is, I ain't the type to just let my buddy stay silent throughout the drive. Whatchu wanna do?" Ron asked.
"Nothing, really." Paul replied, "Don't worry about it."
"Naww. C'mon." Ron then chuckled. "You know I'm not that type to pretend like I ain't seeing you're out of your usual mood."
It's really hard for Ron to endure that, and as much as he can, he tends to joke around just to make Paul laugh. And as for Paul, those damn words. It always was what reminds him of things he can never let go.
Paul always had a big crush on his childhood friend. Although he never had trully opened up to Ron about it because of the fear of losing his friend. Because of that, he always had to push those thoughts away to preserve their friendship, yet it's really hard when your friend is all affectionate like this.
"You wanna jerk off?" Ron smirked.
"What? No! Where did that come from?" Paul jumped from his seat. His heart beating too fast.
"Come on~ My bestfriend just needs a little bit of release~" Ron teased. He was joking. Paul knows that. It always had been a joke. "I'll stroke that dick if I were you. It's just the two of us anyway."
"Oh, shut up, Ron!" Paul laughed.
"What? If you don't want to, I'll stroke it for you." Ron giggled, jokingly placing a hand on Paul's thigh, immitating some stereotypical dumb jock asking for some bro time with his buddy.
"Stop that, you horny dumb jock-" Paul eye's widened as he finish his sentence. He snapped his head back to Ron as Ron suddenly groaned.
The van started to slow down until they stopped on the side of the road. Paul's eyes widened as he realized what he had just done. Ron was changing. The necklace was doing its job.
"U-Urgh..." Ron groaned as he stretched his body, his hand still on Paul's thigh, which was now massaging it. "Fuck, bro..."
Bro. Ron was turning into a "Horny Dumb Jock" he just called him.
Ron's muscles started to morph itself, changing his build in one way or another. His body hair started to disappear to look like they're cleanly shaven away. Tattoos apeared around his body, and he can feel it. The muted pain of tattoo needles crawled around his body, but it wasn't really that painful to him. It was pleasurable. Ron started to move his other hand around his body, feeling every skin. Pinching his nipple through his t-shirt, then feeling his abs inside, then moving it to paw his growing hard on. All the while his other had was roaming around Paul's thigh. Ron's clothes started to change. His shirt darkened and shifted to a tanktop, loose enough to show his chest. His glasses disappeared, and a cap formed on his head. His eyebrows furrowed harder as his old memories gets replaced by new ones. He's a horny dumb jock. He spend all his day fucking, masturbating, and jocking out. All the knowledge of a top notcher disappeared. His memories with Paul did not disappear, though some parts like their dynamics, their hobbies together, changed. Soon enough, Ron finished changing, physically and mentally.
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"Fuck, bro. I really..." The newly jockified Ron groaned. "I really need to bust one out. I..."
Paul was left speechless. He did it. He accidentally used the necklace on Ron. He doesn't know how to feel about this, but there he stared at his childhood friend-slash-crush.
Ron moved his hand back to his crotch, pawing at his hard on that seemed to have grown than its original size. His other hand, still on Paul's thigh, squeeze it.
Paul was turned on and don't know why. He noticed his cock also hard in his pants, and Ron, squeezing his thigh, is making it more arousing.
"I need to... urgh.... jerk off." Ron grunted, like it is very urgent for him to release. "C-Can I?" Ron looked at Paul.
They stared at each other. Paul felt his heart beat faster than ever. At some point Paul wants to join Ron, but he's trying all his best not to.
"R-Ron...nnie" Paul tried to call on Ron, but for some reason, he called him Ronnie. He never called him that, but it seems automatic.
It was the necklace's work. Each change also gives the other person a new name. This is to have it easy for the owner to turn the other person back to their original body. And for this instance, Ron had just turned into a horny jock named Ronnie.
"Y-Yeah, go on. I-I don't mind, R-Ronnie." Paul stuttered.
"Yeah... No homo, bro, alright?" Ronnie said while pulling down on his shorts, revealing his hard cock. "Fuck..."
Paul stared at Ronnie as he jerked off. Ronnie still carressing Paul's thigh as he do so. "Yeah... No homo..." Paul repeated, staring at Ronnie's cock.
It was his first time seeing Ronnie's cock after years. Although it seems like this version of Ron has a bigger dick than the original.
The van was filled with loud sensual moans. Paul watched Ronnie's pecs bounce as he stroke his cock. Ronnie looks so hot when his face contort everytime he finds his own pleasure spots. Soon enough, Ronnie was near.
"F-Fuck, bro. I'm gonna-" Ronnie stroke faster, and he gripped harder on Paul's thigh. "I'm gonna cum!"
Ronnie came loads of cum all over his shirt, some of them landing on his cap, almost making a big mess on his van.
"O-Oh... Shit.... That feels sooo good." Ronnie limps down, taking deep breaths as he chuckle and looked back to Paul. Ronnie removed his shirt and used it to wipe all his cum off his body and his cap, and Paul had a good look on his hunky body. Ronnie noticed and smirked.
"You seem like you're hard too, bro." Ronnie eyed Paul's cock, which Paul hid on cue. "Naw, bro. You know we can be this comfortable to each other." Ronnie smiled at him. "Want me to help you out?" He asked, moving one hand back to his knee, moving up to his thigh
Paul's eyes widened. "N-No. I'm alright, Ronnie."
"You sure? You can always say No Homo anyway?" Ronnie's face gave a mild frown. "I told you if anything to make my bro happy, I'll do it."
"I-It's fine."
"Aight, suit yourself."
And they continued their drive with Ronnie, shirtless, and Paul's cock, hard.
The rest of the drive gave Paul the opportunity to experiment on his friend. In the last 30 minutes, Paul decided to experiment more. Ron had turned into a dad, a freshman, a foreigner, and other stuff Paul managed to trigger as they converse. Satisfied and almost near their destination, Paul reverted Ron back to his original body just by calling him again in his real nickname "Ron".
Upon arriving at Ron's house, Paul could've sworn Ron had been stealing glances from him more than usual. While they we're fixing stuff, it's often for Paul to find out Ron is lost in deep thoughts. He had caught Ron staring at him, sometimes adjusting the collar of his shirt, and even his underwear.
By sunset, they are almost finished putting everything in place in Ron's room. Both Paul and Ron were left sweaty due to carrying a bunch of stuff from the van to the house.
"I gotta take a quick break." Ron said as he took his shirt off and dropped them on the side. "Could you bring the last box in?" Ron asked Paul as he sat on the chair.
"Yes, sir" Paul answered.
"Damn, that could be another trigger. " He tought to himself.
What he called him as a little vague. Ron could turn either a very well respected dad, or his professor, or someone that can dominate him in bed. As he looked back to where Ron was sitting, there he saw the new man.
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Before the new Ron could speak, Paul's eyes widened and hurried himself out the room and grabbed the last remaining box. His friend, his crush, turned into one heck of a dreamboat.
Reaching the living room, Paul came to he box. It was a big box that should be carried by two people, but Paul managed to carry it himself. Although struggling, he carried it to the room.
It was hard for Paul to carry the box in while walking forward, so Paul had to turn his back and walk backwards into the door frame.
"Excuse me, this thing's heav-" Paul exclaimed as he struggled.
"Wait, lemme take care of-"
The new Ron said in a soft deep voice as he rushed to Paul's aid, but before he managed to do so, Paul tripped.
"Hey!" Ron exclaimed and ran to catch Paul, only to fall too and both of them and the box on the floor, Paul lying on top of Ron.
"You okay, kid?" Ron asked, holding onto Paul.
"Sorry, sir." Paul replied.
Paul felt something on his back, growing hard. He heard Ron clear his throat, and so he looked up to see Paul, blushing.
"S-Sir, I can feel your..."
"S-Sorry!" Ron pushed Paul off his body and slid up to sit. "I-I..."
Paul sat down to face Ron. He can see Ron's huge cock straining against his gray shorts, just enough for Paul to get hard himself too. They stared at each other's cocks then to each other's eyes. Then in one quick movement, they were kissing.
Paul broke the kiss, shying away from his indirect confession. "F-Fuck. I'm sorry." He said. "That was very impulsive."
"It's alright." Ron said, still looking at Paul's eyes. He smiled and grabbed Paul's hand and guided it to his chest.
"S-Sir..." Paul's eyes widened.
"It's fine, Paul. I want this too."
Paul melted as Ron spoke in his deep sensual voice. It was a very reassuring but sexy baritone voice coming out from the mouth of this sexy hunk his friend had turned into
"Can I?" Ron motioned to move closer.
Paul nodded and welcomed Ron. Ron slided closer to Paul and started feeling his body s he kiss him on the neck. Paul shivered as Ron finds every pleasure spots in his body. Ron took Paul's shirt off and kissed his chest, coming to a nipple. All the effort of hiding how he liked his bestfriend broke down. It was just he and him enjoying the moment.
"A-Ah!" Paul moaned. "That feels so good."
"You like that?" Ron's eyes gleamed as he ask.
"Yes, sir." Paul nodded, putting both of his hands on Ron's face.
"Call me, Russel. Paul." He requested. "I'm not your teacher anymore"
Russel. That's Ron's name in this body of a hunk. So happened that he is his professor. Former, actually. Russel was doing a great job in making Paul feel good. Both of their cocks are basically stone hard and Paul had been wanting release even before they arrived to Russel's home. Russel pulled Paul's shorts off and marveled at the cock in front of his face.
"Wow, you have a big cock..." Russel said which made Paul chuckle.
"You think? Yours is even bigger." Paul stroked Russel's cock through his shorts and made him groan.
Russel took his shorts off too, finally letting Paul see this thick hairy cock. Paul grabbed on Russel's balls and played with it before stroking his cock again.
Russel moved closer to Paul's cock. "Can I...?" Russel asked.
"Please." Paul pulled Russel's head to his cock.
Russel went straight in, sucking Paul with all his might. The room once again was filled with mostly Paul's moans. His former childhood friend, now a hunky former professor is sucking his cock so eagerly. He's almost near and he's practically begging for release.
"Sir... Russel, I'm gonna."
"Not yet." Russel stood up and carried Paul onto the bed, sitting.
Paul expected that they'll fuck. He stared at Russel's thick hard cock and shivered at the thought of how painful can it be to have that in his ass.
"W-Wait. I can't take you. You're too big!" Paul pushed on Russel.
"Who said you're the one who's gonna be fucked? Russel grinned.
Paul's eyes once again widened as Russel climed onto his cock and sat on it. Without any hesitation, Russel pushed his ass down to Paul's cock.
"A...urgh!" Both of then groaning in pleasure
"You feel so good..." Russel whimpered.
"Y-You're so tight!" Paul moaned.
Russel groaned louder as Paul pushed and hat hit his prostate. "A-Ah! Sh..." Russel then moved, riding on Paul's cock.
It was too much to handle for Paul. The hunky professor is riding his cock. He's fucking a hunk. He then motioned to kiss Russel once more as they move. Paul holds onto Russel's cock as he strokes him. Paul lied down and Russel followed. He brought his feet onto he bed and started humping Russel himself.
"I-I'm close!" Russel exclaimed.
"Y-Yeah?" Paul smirked.
"Ah... Ah! I'm gonna cum!" Russel moaned hard.
"Cum for me, Russel!"
Soon, Russel came all his load onto Paul. Some hitting his face. Paul didn't stop thrusting his cock in Russel. He went faster and soon...
"I... I'm gonna cum too..." Paul said.
Russel moved and licked Paul's nipple, driving Paul insane.
"Y-Yeah! More! I'm gonna cum!"
Paul moaned and finally, he released into Russel's ass. They moved for one more kiss, and once they broke, they chuckled at each other.
Paul pulled out. Both panting and grasping for air.
"So..." Paul trailed off
"So...?" Russel followed
Paul paused or a moment. The power he got from the Necklace of Names was great. It seemed like he almost live in every fantasy he can think of, but then again, what about his friend Ron?
He looked at Russel. This was Russel, his former professor in this new reality. He may have been his friend a moment ago, but it was all Russel who made a move on him.
It was Ron who he liked, not the dumb horny jock, Ronnie, and most certainly despite being a fantasy-brought-to-life, not this hunky professor, Russel. Paul got lost in that thought. What could even happen if he revert Ron back?
"Uhm... Wanna take a shower with me?" Russel asked, bringing his hand to Paul.
"Yeah, sure."
They proceeded to the shower. Russel went in first, testing the temperature, then offering his hand to Paul to guide him in. Russel washed off the cum on of their bodies, then he opened up for a big warm bear hug.
Paul stuck his face in between Russel's chests, still thinking about earlier. Trying to muster up his courage, he asked.
"Do you like me?"
Russel cleared his throat. "Well... I hope it wouldn't be weird to tell you I like you since I am your professor, no? Well... Former."
"No, I meant..." Paul stopped for a moment, then looked up to Russel's eyes, trying all his best to look for Ron in this deep brown eyes. "Do you like me, Ron?"
Russel began to shrink back down. His muscles lessening and his age going back to 22. He's back to Ron, just the regular old Ron.
"I.... I like you, Paul. I really do." Ron's cheeks flushed red, still hugging his friend. "I mean... I always had this feelings for so long... I just didn't think..."
"I like you back?" Paul continued. "I also had this for a very long time too..."
They smiled.
"Ron." Paul called out once again. "I don't know how to phrase this properly, but..."
In his mind, he had kissed Russel, but that was not trully Ron, it was just right to ask one more time, right?
"Can I kiss you?" Paul reached up to Ron's cheeks.
Ron didn't hesitate. He smiled and brought Paul into his lips.
Yet another round for Paul, but it's real this time.
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luvh4nji · 1 year
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warnings: none!! that i can think of. good luck for everyone doing exams this week!! <3
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mark ; honestly, he's the type to end up doing whatever you have to do for you. he doesn't like you seeing doing everything on your own and he wants to help you whenever and wherever he can, so he'd sit next to you, watching you write down your notes and complete study guides before asking you if you want him to do anything. and if you say yes, he just ends up doing everything. he'd take your computer and end up doing all your homework for you, completing every problem and paper for you to look over and turn in.
renjun ; very much the type to sit with you and actually try to help. and succeeds. renjun's the type to sit with you and read out flashcards for you, leaning in to give a kiss every time you get one right. he's the type to talk you through a math problem and ruffle your hair lovingly when you get one right without his help. he's the type to run out and get you coffee and a sweet treat from the nearest cafe. truly the best boyfriend <3
jeno ; only lets you get any work done if you're doing it in his arms. okay, so you need to study, who said you couldn't do that while cuddling? he'd have his arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you flush against his chest while you sit between his legs, notebooks and computer laid out in front of you. definitely the type to look over your shoulder and ask genuine questions about what you're doing and studying, humming in acknowledgment to your answers. and he doesn't know it, but the questions help you memorize the information because you have to explain it thoroughly to another person. truly the best study buddy 10/10 <3
donghyuck ; very much a severe distraction. and it's definitely on purpose. he's the type to lay all over you, his hands on your thighs, shoulders, anything he can reach, trying to pull you away from your work. "c'mon, babe, you've been studying for hours. jus' come cuddle for a few minutes. i'll order some takeout and we can watch a movie, huh? doesn't that sound nice? and then you can come back with a clear head." and, honestly, his voice is just so sweet and deep and reassuring that you can't help but agree, letting him wrap you up in his arms and carry you to bed <3
jaemin ; sweetest boy in the world just wants to take care of you, but he knows you need to do this and actually absorb the information, so he resigns to just sitting next to you and does his own work that he needs to get done <3 however, if you ever ask for help or need him to get something, he is on it immediately. he just absolutely loves taking care of you :( he'll go get you snacks from the convenience store down the street to surprise you when you're finished, he'll do flashcards with you, giving you a sweet kiss every time you get one right :( and he looks so proud when you do, his eyes all soft like he's thinking that's my brainy baby.
chenle ; really does not seem like the type to actively help you. rather, he'll just sit in the same room as you and play games on his phone while you work. lele really seems like the type to let you get your work done without intervening because he doesn't want to come off as annoying or trying to distract you. but he will get a little worried if you've been working non-stop for a few hours :( he's the type to bring you some fruit and water and pet your hair, leaning over your shoulder to look at your notes. "you're doing a great job, honey. i'm proud of you." but he can't go without teasing you a little bit, so he presses a sloppy kiss to your cheek, giggling when you groan and go to wipe it off.
jisung ; poor boy tries his best. seems like the type to really try his best to help you through your studies and make sure you get the best grade possible, but he ends up distracting you more than anything else. the type to keep offering for you to take breaks and get something to eat or take a bath so you can mentally recharge, but he doesn't realize that's he asking to do these things every 10 minutes. eventually he'd just sit next to you keep his hand on your thigh so you know he's there to help whenever you need it.
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shuchu · 11 months
Hi hi!!
If your requests are open may I please request period comfort with ikey?
If your not comfy with this please just ignore!!
Hope your doing well~
hi anon!! thank you for sending this request in, my apologies for my tardiness ╥﹏╥ writer's block is really hitting me, but i hope you enjoy these headcanons for ikey ♡
note: afab! reader
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you knew that your period was coming so you prepared in advance — putting on a pad/tampon before heading to bed.
the next morning, you were woken up by the familiar yet annoying feeling of your period cramps in your lower abdomen.
yep, it's here. right on time. and it hurts just as much as the last time if not more.
you sigh inwardly and turn to look at your boyfriend sleeping peacefully beside you. you were immobilised from the pain and you didn't want to wake him up, so you had no choice but to just stare at the ceiling, wishing that the pain would magically go away.
after what seemed like an hour, you hear ike start to rouse. he does a little stretch and his eyes slowly flutter open.
"good morning my love."
"good morning ikey." you muster a smile, trying not to let your face twist in pain from the intense cramps.
ike sees through your facade and moves closer to rub your back.
"it's that time of the month again huh?" ike's eyes are full of concern as he looks at you.
"yeah...i can't really move because it hurts so much." you respond with a strained voice, your face twisting in pain.
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ike would know when your period is coming because he would note it down on his calendar in his phone
beforehand, he would prepare a bag full of things that you would need, like pads, tampons, snacks and a hot water bottle
he would then bring in that bag and set it on the bed, he calls it "the y/n care package"
if you wanted to go change your pad/tampon, he'd princess carry you to the bathroom and carry you back to the bed
seeing you in so much pain makes him feel sad
"i'm so sorry that you have to go through this every month. i wish you didn't have to."
he would then run off to go put hot water in the hot water bottle for you and also bring some painkillers if you wanted to take them
if you wanted any other snack or had any cravings for a particular food, he'd run to the store to go get it
you'd feel bad that he's spending all this time taking care of you when you know how much work he has waiting for him
but he always assures you that he would take care of you first, make sure you're okay before going off to do his work
if he really needed to get work done, he'd bring his laptop into the bedroom to work on the side while one of his hands is rubbing your back/lower abdomen
if you hadn't prepared beforehand and stained the bed ...
he would assure you that he's not bothered by it at all
"sweetheart, every person that has a uterus goes through this every month, it's normal. don't worry okay? i'm not grossed out by it at all."
he'd then run you a hot bath and princess carry you to the bathroom
while you're in the bath, he'd go put the sheets in the washing machine and put on some new ones
he'd then get some painkillers and place them on the bathroom counter if you wanted to take it
after you're done with your bath, he'd carry you back to bed and ask if you need him to go get anything from the store
after you give him a list of things to get, he'd run off to the store to grab everything
when he's back he'd lay everything out on the bed, putting some on the bedside table as well
then he'd grab his laptop and hop back into bed to cuddle you
"i'm so sorry my love, i hope you don't mind me doing some work on the side, i just have a lot i need to get done."
if he notices that you're getting sleepy, he'd read you a poem or sing to you till you fall asleep
he'd then kiss your forehead and continue doing his work, making sure to always be by your side
ike is 100% husband material, i don't make the rules the rest of the luxiem boys will be posted sometime soon, i'll put the link to that on here once i've posted it ♡
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seokmattchuus · 1 year
Seok Mattew as a Dom
A/n: I love this man with my whole being. It's only fair he's the first zb1 thing I post. P.S I don't wanna hear s h i t about the gif. There's only so much to work with right now 😭
P.P.S I did not proofread because I have copious amounts of caffiene in my system and cannot read properly. If there's typos, let me know and I'll fix them when I'm normal again <3
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Soft dom.
Softest of doms.
He's up first most of the time so he makes breakfast to make sure you eat.
Smoothie person? He's got it made.
Cereal person? Prepped with your favorite spoon.
Full fledged meal? He's working on it but the eggs are done.
If he isn't up before you, he's blowing up your phone all day.
"Did you eat?"
"You forgot your water thingy. I'll bring it by later :)"
"Make sure you eat enough for lunch! Snacks and energy drinks don't count >.<"
Even if you pinky promise to eat a proper lunch, he doesn't trust you.
"Oh yeah? Show me what you're eating."
Turns into a whole video call during your lunch that you barely even get to eat anyways.
He's clingy what can I say
Okay back to soft dom matthew.
Doesn't like raising his voice because it definitely hurts him more than it hurts you.
Because you're his lil baby.
How can he yell at his lil baby and be okay after that?
Raising his voice is the last resort or reserved for major fuck ups.
Usually says your name in that tone.
You know.
The soft dom tone.
Timbers? Shivered.
It usually does the trick because you don't really want to make him mad.
Unless you want to.
But we'll get to that. Put a pin in it.
He's up first most of the time so he makes breakfast to make sure you eat.
Smoothie person? He's got it made.
Cereal person? Prepped with your favorite spoon.
Full fledged meal? He's working on it but the eggs are done.
If he isn't up before you, he's blowing up your phone all day.
"Did you eat?"
"You forgot your water thingy. I'll bring it by later :)"
"Make sure you eat enough for lunch! Snacks and energy drinks don't count >.&lt;"
Even if you pinky promise to eat a proper lunch, he doesn't trust you.
"Oh yeah? Show me what you're eating."
Turns into a whole video call during your lunch that you barely even get to eat anyways.
He's a giver. For sure.
I'd bet my life on it.
L o v e s foreplay.
He drags that shit out.
Kisses. Kisses everywhere.
Loves hickies.
Will trail them down your body.
And leave the biggest ones where only he can see :))
Bc he thinks they make you look pretty :))))
All in all just really wants to make your private time last. It's not like he's got other things to do.
Gives you head before sex.
Doesn't like restraints because he loves feeling you tug on his hair.
Gives him motivation, y'know?
He knows what you want.
And how you want it.
Say 'please' and he'll give it to you until you're begging him to stop
Because he totally does it for him more than for you.
Like, say he's had a rough practice.
Maybe a petty argument.
He'll text you some shit like.
"Can you get all pretty for me?"
"Remember that set we bought, can you put it on for me?"
You know what's coming and it just gets you worked up.
You know by now to just wait on the bed.
He wastes no time burying himself between your legs.
He's not moving anytime soon.
And with the hold he'd have on your legs, neither are you.
You're stuck there until he's done.
And that's not until you're crying and shaking because he needs you to be absolutely spent before he considers letting up.
Speaking of-
He might dabble in overstimulation, but not maliciously?
If that makes sense??
Like, his stamina is insane and after he's done eating you out, he's already getting ready move on.
And for the most part, you're not opposed but like,
Damn, not even a snack break, y'know?
He's just going.
Def likes missionary because eye contact.
And he can kiss you whenever he wants.
"Look at me, baby."
"So pretty like this."
"Such a good girl."
Likes to hold your hips.
Maybe leaves bruises.
(And totally apologizes afterwards)
I can see him liking doggy.
I said nothing.
Maybe holds your arms behind you.
Or grab your hair.
You'd have to ask though.
Because he doesn't want to hurt you.
And even if he complies, he's constantly asking if you're okay.
He needs the reassurance.
He'll give you what you want but you have to tell him that he's not hurting you.
You're his precious baby bean and the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
Yeah, we're back to pushing his buttons. Take that pin out.
Let's say the tone encouraged the brat in you and you wanted to test how far he'd go.
He's not gonna say anything while you're out.
Oh, no.
And of course, you're gonna take that as 'he's not gonna do anything', and you keep going.
But he's keeping track.
And it'll definitely come back to bite you.
"You really thought you'd get away with that?"
"Did my baby forget who's in charge?"
"What kind of punishment do you think you deserve?"
It's a trap, don't answer.
Because whatever you say will be wrong.
If you're thinking you got a one-way ticket to rough sex you are also wrong.
He will hold a grudge.
And he will fuck you over when you aren't expecting it.
Let's say you wanna cook dinner.
He offers to help.
You're there, minding your business, chopping up some veggies.
He comes up behind you, all sweet and innocent.
His arms loosely around your waist.
Until he pushes forward and you're trapped between him and the counter.
You wonder why he's like this but then you remember.
You're trying to focus because you know he wants you to give up.
But he's got a plan.
His arms tighten around your waist and he leans down to press kisses on your neck.
He's still eyeing the hand holding the knife.
"Think you can do something for me?"
"If you can finish prepping those, you have permission to cum whenever you want."
Another funishment I think he'd be into is making you wear a vibrator that he can control.
But you have to be super busy.
Errands to run, homework to do, studying for a test.
You have to be doomed from the start, essentially.
Because then he has a reason to talk shit.
"C'mon, baby, we're just walking around the store."
"Focus, baby, you can do it."
"See? You're doing so well."
"If you can finish this assignment on a higher setting, I might let you cum."
You get princess treatment afterwards, lemme tell you.
He has pajamas set up but you have to bathe first.
But you don't have to do anything.
He bathes the both of you so can just relax in the water.
The bath is completely PG. No dirty thoughts bc he knows you're tired.
Shampoos and conditions your hair.
Gently washes your body, being extra careful where he knows you're sensitive.
Dries you off :((
And does the hair wrap thing :((((
Puts the pjs on you and goes to get some water.
He lets you pick a movie.
Not that you'll be awake for it, he just knows you like background noise.
He just puts on pajama bottoms so you can fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat :(( <3
That one's for me bc I love that shit
The second you wake up, best believe you'll have all the food you can think of in front of you.
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