#I’ve never seen so many birds in one place.
imtryingbuck · 6 months
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky and you are married- that is all.
Word count: 1,165
Warnings: fluff. that is all.
A/N: I’ve never been to a wedding before so if anything’s wrong take it up with my lawyer.
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You remember the day when Bucky proposed like it was yesterday.
The bright fluffy clouds littering the clear blue sky, birds flying freely. Your hand was in Bucky’s as he leads you further into the clearing of the field, you were about to say something when he stopped.
“Y/n I love you, I love everything about you. You save me every day, and every day of being with you is like a dream coming true. And I know we’ve only been dating for a year but when you know you know right?”
Tears welled up in your eyes at the sight of him dropping to one knee-
“Y/n L/n will you make me the happiest man in the universe by marrying me?”
You didn’t even answer. You launched yourself at him making both of you fall to the ground. Placing as many kisses as you possibly could all over his beautiful face, you nodded.
The cheers and applauses sounded from somewhere and when you looked you saw the whole team together with huge smiles on their faces.
You celebrated all throughout the night - at Tony’s expense - with your friends making speeches.
Your wedding day was perfect. Just like the day he proposed the sky was blue and the sun was shining, and just like that day, you got married on that field.
You were nervous and excited. You were marrying the man of your dreams and everything was running smoothly. Your dress fit perfectly and was gorgeous, Pepper told you that you looked like a princess and you had to admit, you kind of did.
Pepper was your maid of honour. Nat, Wanda, Maria and Carol were your bridesmaids- who all looked so beautiful in their dresses.
Steve was Bucky’s best man (obviously) Sam, Bruce, Thor and Vision were his groomsmen - all looking very handsome and dapper in their suits.
Clint was the one to give you away, it was a no brainier as he was like the father you never had.
Morgan bless her heart was the flower girl who was walked down by Peter.
And Tony was the one to marry you two. He was way to smug about that - you later found out that every time you two disagreed with him he would always say “don’t forget who married you two”.
Slowly walking down the makeshift isle, Clint clinging on to you like a lifeline your heart broke at seeing Bucky standing there with tears rolling down his cheeks. Clint hands you over to Bucky with a kiss to your cheek and whispered ‘I love you and I’m so proud of you’ in your ear, you whispered ‘I love you’ back. As Bucky was about to take both hands you wiped away the tears and smiled.
“First, I’d like to begin by welcoming everyone and thanking each and every one of you for being here on this most happy of days. We are here to celebrate the perfect couple - other than myself and Pepper- that we all know and love, James and Y/n.” Everyone laughs at Tony’s comment and how serious his voice sounds.
“Sorry you two but I’m going off script. My sweet darling Y/n I have never seen you more happier since you’ve been with Bucky, and to you Bucky I have to say thank you, you’ve shown her what true love is.” Leaning closer towards Bucky he tries to whisper “You break her heart I won’t hesitate to kill you” Of course Bucky would get threaten on his wedding day, and of course everyone hears what Tony says as he’s holding a microphone. “Anyways, Y/n you helped get Bucky out of his shell and even though we didn’t get along at first it’s been nice seeing him find his footing, a pleasure to meet the man Steve knew a trillion years ago” Again, Tony makes everyone laugh including you and Bucky. 
“Bucky you may read your vows”
“Y/n you’re my happiness, my best friend, my love. You’ve been by my side since day one, not once did you leave my side when I was in Wakanda, you help me sleep through the night just because you’re by my side. I love you more than you’ll ever know. I promise in front of everyone here today, to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us”
Tony tries and subtly wipe his tears, clearing his throat he looks to you “Y-Yn you may read your vows now”
“Bucky you’re my happiness, my best friend, my love. I admire your courage, your strength and your determination. I have never felt alone when you’re not by my side because you’re in my heart always. I love you more than you’ll ever know. I promise in front of everyone here today, to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us.”
This time Tony doesn’t bother to wipe the stream of tears away. “No one best try and object to this marriage or I’ll set the big guy on you” Nodding towards to Bruce who waves at everyone “Pepper and Steve please hand over the rings, James repeat after me- With this ring I, James, take you, Y/n, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.” Watching his lips repeat the words back your heart stills.
“Y/n repeat after me- With this ring I, Y/n, take you, James, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.”
“Do you James take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?
“I do”
“Do you Y/n take James to be your lawfully wedded husband?
“I do”
“By the authority vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss th-“ Bucky’s already pulling you in and kissing you before Tony’s even finished his sentence.
Everyone cheers and there’s not a dry eye around.
The rest of the night was beautiful, everyone taking it in turns to make speech’s. The first dance you two shared as husband and wife was to Stand By Me by Ben E. King.
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Now two years later after that magical day your sat on the bathroom floor with Bucky by your side, staring down at the white pregnancy test.
“T-that says…”
“I’m pregnant Buck”.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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satorisoup · 2 months
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ft. kento nanami
cw : fluff + sfw. neighbor! nanami. brief mentions of sickness. mentions of baby bumps. petnames ( my love, darling). mentions of children.
wc : 1.9k
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you can recall the feeling you had just a few months ago, unfamiliarity that bubbled in your gut and gushed out of the seams. moving to a new home was stressful, and the loneliness that could occur was fearsome.
the small but comfortable house that you now owned definitely needed some fixing when you had first arrived, the paint chipped and floors creaky at the time. making it your own was a job for many, but you managed to do it all by yourself. your proudest accomplishment being the beautiful garden that took up your spacious backyard, colorful and bright with the flowerets that scattered across the tall grass. every day without fail, you cared for your garden like a mother to a child, taking your time to nourish it with water and dense soil.
today was no different, as you stood outside in the beaming light. your sundress brushed to the floor beneath you, hair braided out of your face as you tended to the newest addition to your ever expanding eden. the seedlings you had were placed ever so carefully, each having their own special spot.
“ zinnia’s ? ”
you’re rather startled by the sudden voice, falling back from your squatting position with a thud, and your head whips up to the culprit of the question.
a man stands as he looks to you, golden locks neatly in place as he peers over the short wooden picket fence that seperates you two. his eyes widen ever so slightly, but you’re sure not to miss it as you stare intently.
“ im sorry. i didn’t mean to startle you, miss. ”
if it weren’t for the kind, sultry tone in his voice and the… handsome face he displayed, you probably would’ve yelled out a curse by now. but you have better judgment than that, lifting yourself off of your tailbone to sit upright.
“ it’s alright. yes, um… they’re zinnia’s ”
you notice his face soften when he realizes you weren’t too startled, relieved that he hadn’t given you a heart attack or gotten chewed out.
“ ah, those bloom nicely this time of year. ” he notes, hand now outstretched over the fence posts in greeting.
“ kento nanami. your neighbor. nice to meet you. ”
since that day, you’ve seen nanami on the other side of that fence almost every time you watered your plants. he was very kind, and seemed to have quite the interest in your garden.
it’s another spring day, and the birds seem to be enjoying the sunlight as they chirp from the trees with their tunes, and you’re of course in your garden. the metal watering can sprinkles onto the newest blooms and growing blossoms, dew drops collecting on the petals.
yet again, nanami was in his yard, half of his body standing tall over the wooden pickets as he asks you a question that you’ve never had the pleasure of answering before.
“ which one is your favorite flower ? ”
the watering can stops it’s stream as you look to him, laughing lightly at the question.
“ i don’t actually have my favorite flower in my garden. ”
nanami’s brow furrows, “ oh ? why not ? ”
“ i suppose i just don’t have a green thumb when it comes to them. i’ve tried, but i just haven’t been able to plant them right. ” you admit, setting the watering can down onto a patch of clovers as you stand to his eye level.
“ i see. well, what are they ? ” he asks again.
“ oh, tulips. they’ve always been my favorite. ”
when you had gotten the call that your grandmother was in the hospital, you wanted to leave your home right away. she had fallen a bit ill, and you always had the worst of worries. you didn’t know how long you would be gone, or what could happen if you didn’t leave soon. but what you did know was that your garden needed watering and care, and you wouldn’t be there to do it.
when you had seen nanami in his yard as usual, you rather frantically ran through the stone walkway to your side of the fence, bag swinging at your side and a fresh bouquet held tightly in your hand.
“ mister nanami ! ” was what you had yelled, coming to a stop at the wooden barrier, braid swinging to the side of your shoulder.
“ oh, hello. are you alright ? ”
you think to yourself for just a moment about the outcomes of your question, and you knew it was quite late notice, but he was your last and only resort.
“ i have an emergency… im very sorry to ask you, but would you mind watering my garden while im gone ? if you’re unable to— ”
“ — of course. that’s alright with me. ”
you’re almost stunned by the sudden agreement, not sure why you were expecting him to say no. you awkwardly nod your head, hand digging into your bag to fish out your house key.
“ thank you, thank you so much ! i can’t thank you enough. i should return soon… the watering can is by the door, and if you could water the poppies more frequently, oh ! and the roses need to be— ”
“— i know. i’ve got it covered. be safe, please. ” nanami again stops you before you’re able to continue rambling, soft smile adorning his face.
your hands briefly touch, only for a moment, as you hand him the polished key to your home. you smile and wave one more time to the man before you, eternally grateful for his immense favor to you.
nanami had watched you work in your garden more times than he could count. he was observant, and knew your routine from start to finish. he always took the time to note the amounts of water you trickled onto the petals, the soft pats you gave to the soil as if you were tucking a child into bed, the care you took when planting something as small as a seedling. he would admire you, all while you two shared simple yet meaningful conversations.
he knew exactly what to do. he knew to water your orange poppies a bit more thoroughly, and to only sprinkle the droplets on the marigolds. he made sure to pat the soil of your newest seeds, daffodils. he wouldn’t forget to splash the daisies, or pot the lilies.
but nanami knew there was something missing in your garden, and he couldn’t forsake the opportunity.
when you had arrived back home almost a week later, nanami was no where to be found. your house key laid under your doormat neatly and hidden from view. you knew you had to thank him somehow for the kind deed, but for now, you had to check on one thing first. that being your beloved, sacred garden.
the first thing you noticed as you stepped out into the clovered yard was the stepping stones, neatly hosed down and free of dirt and debris. cleaner than you had ever seen them.
the second thing you saw was the lively blooms of your precious daffodils, slowly making their way out of the soil as they protruded from the ground in little sprouts.
the third, your garden was in absolutely perfect condition, if not better than when you had left. the blossoms from all of your flowers were lively and brighter, happy and hydrated. bee’s were buzzing happily in the pollen, and monarchs had taken a liking to your butterfly bush.
the final thing you noticed was impossible to miss, and you could feel your heart leap from your chest as you looked onward to the once empty spot in awe.
tulips had made an appearance into your garden, standing tall in precious pinks along the side of your fence.
you stand in your garden years later now, prospering petals shining brighter than ever before. tulips still line the perimeter of the fence posts, pretty in bulbs of a soft pink.
nanami watches you from the door to your enchanted eden now, admiring your soft, gentle hands that fluff up the bushes and swipe droplets from petals.
you’re in your sundress that now rises a bit above your feet, flowing long and graceful. the bump under your dress doesn’t go unseen, and your skin glows under the soft light that basks down onto you.
“ kento ! ” you call for him, foot shifting from the green grass to beckon him over.
nanami walks over to you, following the same stone path that has been etched into the ground over the time that has passed.
“ my love ? ” he answers, hand traveling from the small of your back with tender touches to wrap around your bump, hand resting just above your belly button.
you both now stand together on one side of the wooden picket fence that once separated you two, vines now beginning to grow up and through the small cracks. you look to him with the small fond smile that you had given him many times before.
“ do you think we could plant white tulips next ? ”
nanami smiles at you as he ponders your question, already knowing the answer.
“ anything for you, darling. ”
“ sweetheart ! don’t run or you’ll trip… ”
nanami warns. he sits on the small gingham blanket that covers the trefoil clovers, cookies and fruit plated on the woven picnic basket.
he watched your young daughter run through your garden, giggles erupting from her mouth with each barefoot step she took. her two braids swung wildly in the wind, ruffly dress swaying by her toes.
her laughs seem to be contagious as he watches you giggle too, smile bright and eyes squinted shut as your daughter runs into your legs, arms wrapping around them in a hug.
he sees his two darling girls spin and sway in dances under the warm sun, before his daughter comes running towards him. her arms are open wide, jumping onto him as he almost falls back with a small surprised “ umph !— ”
she looks to him with her babytoothed grin, and settles as you walk over to sit on the shared blanket too.
“ daddy ? ” is what your daughter says, shy smile as her arms come up from her sides with flowers grasped in her tiny hands. “ please ? ” is what she follows up with, and he already knows what your daughter is asking.
and soon enough, your daughters messy, sunkissed braids are littered with daisies, white and yellow sprinkled into the twisted strands.
“ kento ? ” he hears you call for him from beside your daughter, watching as your hand holds the same flowers that your daughter did. “ please ? ” you repeat the same words your child had asked moments before.
now, the two of you have your braids decorated from his own hands, wild and free as he watched you two continue to dance in your beloved garden.
nanami knew since the moment he had stepped foot into his bland yard years ago and locked eyes with your flowing yellow sundress, he wouldn’t be able to deny the beauty that stood in the backyard, gentle in the spring sun.
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catsteeth · 2 months
The Caged Bird and The Leashed Dog
Sandor Clegane x reader
+:✿ Chapter - 4 ✿:+ Candle Flames
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, -, 5
Summary: You are the daughter of Jon Arryn, you and your father travel to King's Landing with the intention of arranging a marriage for you. You catch a glimpse of The Hound during your first night in Kings Landing and it creates a mutual fascination even if he won't admit it. 
CW: SMUT, MINORS DNI, afab reader, thigh fucking, slow burn, angst, emotional unavailability, emotional vulnerability, The Hound being abrasive, alcohol consumption, mention of death, mention of arranged marriage, LOTS OF VIOLENCE, blood, implied threat of non-con, 
Word Count: 4738
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After you’d spoken to Loras, you’d felt even more alone than before. The talk offered no comfort other than the fact he didn’t want you dead. Sansa was fine company but she was something you felt the strong urge to protect. You put yourself in harm's way constantly just to prevent her from facing any pain.
Specifically one incident when you and her were walking with the Royal Party after watching the Princess sail away to Dorne to be wed off. It was hard to watch the crying girl sail away, especially when you’d been in her very place. 
It was easy to keep your eyes averted to such a sight when The Hound was there to accompany Joffrey. You kept your head low but your eyes stayed on him. You’d still had so many questions about the night you both shared, but now was not the time to ask. 
Later making your way back through the capital city you were sickened by the sights you saw. The Lannisters and Baretheons were supposed to be the wealthiest and most powerful houses. And yet the people of their cities sit in filth and starve. Starving over a war they did not want nor started. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to be even the least bit angry when the crowd began to shout vile things. However you found yourself slightly confused once you heard the words ‘bastard’, ‘incest monster’, and ‘brother-fucker’ being sworn towards the royal party.
However your confusion only occupied your mind for a brief moment before someone within the crowd hurled cow manure at the King's face. You felt a brief sense of enjoyment when you saw it hit his face, but it was soon replaced by fear when the King ordered for the execution of the entire crowd,
“Find the man who did that and bring him to me! Kill them, Kill them all!” The King shouted.
Foolish it was, he’d only a few gold cloaks, some kingsguard, and even less knights. Outnumbered by the hundreds of rioting starving people.
Sandor grabbed hold of Joffrey protecting him.
“What are you doing? I want these people executed!” Joffrey whined loudly
“And they want the same for you!” He shouted back
The city watch was quickly overpowered. And the High Septon that you and the royal party was traveling with was pulled into the crowd. You were horrified to witness him being pulled limb from limb, never seen such a thing in your life.
“Move, Move!” Tyrion shouted at you
As the Kingsgaurd were able to eventually carve somewhat of a path towards the entrance of the Red Keep, Joffrey, Cersei, and Tyrion were all rushed inside quickly. 
Before you could make your way inside you noticed your cousin Sansa being derailed and separated from the rest. 
You grabbed ahold of her quickly and pushed her into a Kingsguard who brought her inside. However once she was in, without seeing you they closed the doors. 
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆
Inside the keep 
“You blind bloody fool!” Tyrion scolded Joffrey’s moronic behavior by hitting and cursing at him. “We’ve had vicious kings, we’ve had idiot kings, but I don’t know if we’ve ever had an idiot king!”
“You’re talking to a King!” Joffrey shouted back like an embarrassed child.
Tyrion raised his hand and slapped him “And now I’ve struck a King, did my hand fall from my wrist?” He shouted back, he turned around and noticed you were not there, “Where is the Arryn girl?” He shouted at the men. 
“Let them have her!” Joffrey retorted 
“If she dies her relatives in the North won't forget it! She’s cared for in the vale and might I remind you she shares blood with the Starks! You need her alive!” He shouted back before frantically calling upon all the king's men to return to save you. 
“Gather your men and find her!” He shouted to Ser Meryn 
“I only take orders from my king, imp.” Meryn responded coldy. 
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ 
Meanwhile as you attempted to hide in a dark hall, winding up in some kind of stable. You thought for a moment you’d made it there unnoticed and alone. However four men soon walked in behind you as you backed yourself against a wall. Your hand found his way around the handle of a small sharp shovel of some kind. The blade of it was sharp and flat. 
You’d not said a word, you knew if you shouted for them to get back or to fuck off it would be of no use. 
“Look at this little bird's eyes, she’s furious.” One of the men with short hair was mocked. 
“I’ve no gold, no silver, no bread.” You said in a low tone, firm voice. 
“Aye, but you’ve got something.” The taller man said with a crooked grin.
As that man began to take a step towards you, you grasped the handle of the shovel firmly and stabbed it into him. Between his neck and his collarbone. 
As the other men began to shuffle towards you, you pulled the shovel back out and pointed it at them as their friend fell to the ground holding his bleeding wound. 
The man with short hair managed to grab ahold of you whilst his other friend grabbed ahold of your wrist, yanking the shovel out of your hand. The man with short hair placed his hand over your mouth, in response you bit down onto his fingers so hard you were afraid your teeth would shatter. You could taste the blood rush into your mouth. 
In response to your bite, with his other hand he hit you creating a cut over your eyebrow. It threw you off just enough to make you fall back and into the other man's arms. 
The three men began to pin you down shouting vulgar remarks, as they did you kicking at them and scratching at them. Just as the one with short hair began to undo his pants, he was stopped. 
Picked up by the back of his neck like a puppy, practically lifted off of the ground. His guts were cut out of him. As his body fell to the ground you saw him, it wasn’t Sandor, it was The Hound. This is what everyone spoke of. 
The men who held your wrists were next. He cut with precision. His swords swung and took off the man's head. The next he grabbed before he could escape. Slamming his fist into his head, and shoving his blade deep into his stomach. Once he was done he put away his sword. He turned back towards you, and it was him again, Sandor. 
He bent his knee to you and spoke softly “You’re alright now, little bird, you're alright.” He said as he picked you up in both arms and carried you back to safety. 
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧
As the two of you entered the keep Tyrion was shocked. 
Once Sandor placed you down gently, a few ladies including Sansa rushed to your side pawing at your bloody face. 
“My Lady are you hurt?” Tyrion asked as he tried to assess whether the blood on your mouth and hands were yours or not. 
“Little birds hurt, get her back to her cage. See that cut on her head.” Sandor commanded the women as he walked away, 
as he did Tyrion shouted back to him. “Well done, Clegane.”
To which Sandor responded, 
“I didn’t do it for you.” 
Tyrion, confused by his words, went back to your side and asked again before your ladies could take you away. “My lady, are you hurt? There’s blood- your hands and-“ he said reaching his to touch your chin where the blood from your mouth dropped. 
“I bit one.” You said plainly, exhaustion in your eyes, unwilling to attempt that you’d murdered a man. 
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
As you laid in your bed that night, you looked at the one candle you had burning beside your bed. Contemplating whether or not to blow it out. Watching the flame kept your mind away from the memories you’d made today. You’d never seen such horrid things before, and much less partook in them. You’d killed a man. And yet, felt no remorse, which made you feel terrible, but maybe that alone counted for something. But soon even that left as your memories shifted to the feeling of being in Sandor's arms. 
Before you could blow it out, 
you began to hear the sounds of metal clanking up the hall. Sandor thought you’d never notice, but he often walked up and down your halls more than he was meant to. Simply to make sure you were alright. 
Every time you heard the metal clanking pass you’d smile to yourself. Only this time it stopped, in front of your door. You sat up slightly on your elbows and peered towards the door. Without knocking, he came inside your chamber. 
“What’re you doing here?” You asked in a whisper. 
He didn’t respond, but made his way to that same golden pitcher in the corner of your room. 
“It’s water, remember?” You said. He huffed and put it back down without taking a swig of it. 
“What are you-” You began before he spoke in a low deep husky voice. 
“You could’ve been killed.” He said without looking at you. 
“But I wasn’t.” You said in a sweet whisper.
He began to walk towards your bed. “The fucking cunts would ‘ave taken you bloody every which way, that pretty throat would’ve been slit open. You’d been left for the fucking rats.” 
You took his hand and pulled him onto the bed, his metal scrapping the delicate sheets as he sat on it. 
“You saved me, you’re the bravest man I’ve ever seen.” You said with a strange kind of adornment, one he’d never heard before. 
“Brave?” He dryly scoffed, “Dogs don't need courage to chase rats.” 
“You’re no dog.” You say with that same sweet whisper, it’s as if you’d realized you’d began to fall deeper into whatever emotional trap you two had created here. 
“You killed that man?” He asked in a low whisper. 
“I did.”
“How’d that feel.” 
He stared at you for a moment, not in judgment or disgust but in understanding and some other emotion you couldn’t quite understand just yet. 
“You can’t do that again.” 
“No.” His eyebrows furrowed, he couldn’t give less of a shit who you killed or why, “You risked your life for that Stark girl.” 
“You saw that?” 
“She kept yapping about it.” His tone husky 
“I needed her safe first.”
“Too bad.” He said not giving you any room to argue as his thumb ran over the cut on your eyebrow, you winced slightly. “I’d kill those cock sucking rats a million times again if I could. Died too quickly. I should have cut their arms off, their hands, taken their eyes for even looking at you.” 
Your hand came to his jaw, pulling yourself to his lips but he pulled away. with a sigh he came close again. He rested his forehead on yours. 
“I don’t know how to- do this- gently.” He let out a small rumble, “fuck” he hissed “i want to do this gently. I want to be gentle with you.”
He was like a dog given a bone that he so badly wanted to preserve. 
His hand came to your lap, and fisted the fabric of your nightgown. You placed your hands on top of his, you smoothed out his hand to lay flat on your lap. 
“Like this..” you whispered as you guided his hand up, making the fabric ride up. As your thighs became more and more visible he stopped and backed away, 
“No, no this isn’t right.” He grumbled as he walked over towards a large chair in the corner of your room. His face was illuminated by that single candle light. You could see his frustration and desperation in a battle with one another. 
You stood, and walked towards him. He slumped forwards. Resting his forearms against his strong thighs. 
“I can’t be what you wan- what you need.” He corrected. His voice was low and deep. 
You pushed him back by his shoulders, making him lean against the back of the chair. His deep scowl was ever present but it didn’t stop you from running your fingers through his coarse hair. 
“I shouldn’t have come back here. Should’ve stayed the fuck away. Left you be,” 
“I don’t think either of us have much a choice.” You said as you moved yourself between his large thighs. Standing in front of him still running your hands through his hair. “Do you think of that night?” You asked in a whisper. 
“Fuck do you think-“ He barked back before you stopped him, 
“Gentle.” You corrected him 
“Aye.” He conceded painfully, his hands coming to your sides holding you by your waist. His large hands engulfed your ribs. 
“What part of it do you think of?” You whispered sweetly as you began to move on top of him. Your thighs spread across his as you straddled him. His eyes never leave yours. 
He grumbled something low, you couldn’t make it out, but it sounded like “Your eyes.” 
You didn’t want to push him, to make him repeat it. 
Your hand cupped his chin, as you slowly pressed your lips against his. You pecked at his lips for a moment. Then pulling away, looking into his eyes waiting for his response. His eyes filled with shame, he looked away. 
You pressed a kiss into the scarred tissue on his cheek, he flinched at the feelings and his eyes darted back to you, 
“My face, why did you-“ He rasped suddenly 
“Don’t you want me?” 
“Course’ I do but I-“ he cut himself off as his lips hit yours once again, he sucked on your lips as hardly audible groans escaped his throat. 
You pressed your thinly clothed cunt against his hardening bulge. However as soon as he felt it he grabbed you by your hips and lifted you up. You whined, and his forehead slumped forward and rested on your chest. “Fuck-“ he said breathlessly, “Can’t do that shit to me.” he panted. 
“Why?” you whined a little too loudly, his grip on you tightened. 
“Told you, stubborn fucking girl.” He finally caught his breathe, “Ye poke at me too much and i’ll fuck you bloody.” His eyes leaving yours in what looked like guilt.
“That’s what I want-“ 
“Don’t matter.” He snipped back quickly, his eyes snapping back to yours. “Once you're wed that imp will stick his cock in ya’ and know you’re not his.” He said, his words harsh, sharp and cold 
“I’m not.” you said, his eyes went a little wide, with what? adornment? 
You slowly lowered your hips onto his once again. Waiting for his push back but were met with none. You let out a small gasp as the bulge separated your lips through the thin fabric that covered your cunt. Another moan left your lips once you felt the hardened mound poke at your entrance. You grinded against it, your cunt began to clench around nothing. 
“At’s it” He groaned into your neck, “Grin’ yerself on my cock.” He grumbled low and deep. 
His face contorted, his muscles tensed, and his groans became more and more primal. His grip on your hips began to sting a little how tightly he held you. Your cheeks began to heat up, and that knot in your stomach tightened. 
He picked you up abruptly, kissing your neck. 
“On your back, now.” He commanded as he placed you onto the fur rug on your bed chambers floor. 
He untied his breeches that clearly had a wet spot on it, unclear if it was your doing or his. He was still fully covered in his armor, as he pulled out his cock. Harder than you’d seen it before. 
You rode up your night gown to your hips and slipped out of the thin underclothes you’d had on. 
He was on his knees before you, you on your back, legs bent and spread, ready and inviting. 
He stared at you, admiring you. 
He placed his heavy aching member between your folds. Rubbing up and down, his tip hitting your clit in the most perfect way. 
He pressed your thighs together, and he let out a long drawn out groan. 
“Fuck!” He hissed as he began to buck himself against your cunt. “So fuckin’ wet” He growled as his bucking continued in a more erratic pace. 
You arched your back and squeezed your thighs together as his fat tip kept hitting your clit
“Don’t- Don’t stop.” You whimpered looking up at his hair falling into his face, his eyes trailing all over you, from your wet thighs to your breasts that bounced with every thrust to your pouting lips all the way back to your eyes. 
“Not fuckin’ stopping.” He said through gritted teeth. “But,” He was stopped by a deep guttural moan, “Don’t look at me like that.” He said panting, “You’ll make me finish too quickly.” He said once more through gritted teeth. 
You took it as a challenge, stubborn as you were. You gave him a smile, and a giggle. 
“Fuckin' stubborn girl.” He said through gritted teeth, then picking you up and turning you around. Your back flesh with his armored chest. 
He pressed your thighs together again, and pushed his cock back in between them, but slightly missing and catching your entrance. Even though he graced it only slightly you moaned so beautifully it almost made him cum right then. That's when you realized how truly lovely it would feel to have him inside of you. 
“I want it inside” You moaned as one of your arms reached over and behind you to wrap around his broad shoulders. While your other hand held his large forearm that draped over your stomach holding you in place. 
“Can’t do that to you.” He said breathlessly, as his other hand removed the straps of your gown. As it fell to your waist, he cupped your breasts, his large hand completely engulfing it. 
You whined again. You didn’t care if you were ruined, you wanted to be. But you couldn’t force him. 
His tongue and teeth danced along your neck, you begged in your mind that he’d bite down or suck on your skin but no, never. Never to burden you with evidence that this ever happened. 
You felt that heat rise and the knot in your belly begin to snap. He could feel you clenching and it produced a vulgar moan from him, 
“That’s alright, you can cum,” He grunted, as he said that you moved your head back and faced him. “MH-” He gave you a sloppy and passionate kiss to mute your moan as you came over his cock. As your high was ridden out, he continued to thrust, he separated the kiss and looked deeply into your now exhausted and satisfied eyes, “Sandor” You whispered, sweetly, “Sandor,” 
He didn’t break your eye contact, his teeth gritted as he tried to hold back his moans as he began to spill out and over your thighs, “(Y/N)” He growled with a final deep and long thrust. 
As you laid there, on the fur rug of your room catching your breath. He laid with you. 
You peered over to him, “I meant what I said.” He peered over to you, raising one eyebrow. “I’m not his.” You said softly. 
“Aye.” He looked away, “But for your sake he’d better think you are.” He said in a low husky voice. 
You raised your hand to his scarred cheek, you began to run your fingers over it when he pulled away. 
“I don’t mind it, really,” You whispered. 
“Every one fucking minds it.” He hissed 
“I don’t.” You said back defiantly 
He huffed, and laid there in silence, he looked over at you, feelings somewhat bad he’d snapped at you. ‘Gentle’ he remembered. 
“When I was a boy, my brother caught me with one of his toys. Thought I stole it. I didn’t, just playing with it. Pressed my head to the fire. All like Baelish told you.” He let out another sigh, “But the worst part was that it was my brother who did it. And my father who protected him. Told everyone my bedding caught fire.” 
You moved closer to him and rested your head on his chest. You tried to listen to his heart beating through the armor, only making out a few muffled thumps. Your eyes heavy, closed soon enough. 
When you woke in the middle of the night you were in your alone bed, your legs were cleaned and you were dressed. 
Your candle was out.
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Every Morning since the riots you were awoken by a handmaiden, sometimes two. They’d dress you in red or gold. Braiding your hair, being sure to put lots of intricate, and no doubt expensive hair pins in it. You were beginning to feel more like the ornate decor that was scattered around kings landing than you felt like an actual woman anymore. 
As you walked the halls your handmaidens were like guards, guards of a prisoner. 
You passed a mirror as you walked and caught a glimpse of yourself, hardly recognizable. “As high as honour” what a joke you thought. Look at you now, looking more and more like a Lannister with each passing day. The red and gold you were forced to wear was a stark contrast from the blues and silvers you’d grown to love. But now you’d really had no home. You didn’t align yourself with the rest of your house anymore either. Lysa and Robin felt like intruders in your home, and they treated you the same. And now, Baelish was a true intruder in it. Being allowed in by your stepmother who’d no right to allow him entrance. Entrance to your home and now your titles. Rightfully yours. 
To gain your titles the Lannister's were your only hope now, so for now you’d be Cersei’s doll and Tyrion's wife. For now, you’d play along. 
But where did that leave Sandor?
You knew that first night he was angry, not at you. He was angry you were the one thing he couldn’t protect. You were his master's thing and couldn’t stop them from toying with you. He was angry you were the only thing he’d ever wanted, and just like everything he couldn’t have. He was angry he couldn’t tell you how much he wanted you. 
And the second night, he was scared, and vulnerable. 
You’d stopped eating since the riot. Normally, that would have gone unnoticed. However your now doting husband has made sure to keep eyes on you at all times. Your handmaidens are unwilling to engage in an argument with you knowing you aren’t the person to pick a fight with, told Tyrion. 
As your ladies ceaselessly brought you trays of food whilst you attempted to lounge on your balcony while you read you simply waved your hand at each tray, now not even bothering with a “No, thank you.” As it didn’t seem to stop them. 
Tyrion stepped onto the balcony, your eyes went towards him but snapped back onto your book as soon as you knew who was joining your handmaidens in disturbing your peace. 
“Lord Tyrion.” You said in greeting, hardly exerting any energy into it. You would have felt badly about discarding your virtue once more for another man if he’d hadn’t made you feel even more like a prisoner. 
“Lady (Y/N)” He said back, sitting across from you, “What are you reading?”
“Something of little consequence,” You said, closing the book and looking over your shoulder at the women who surrounded you “May we be left alone?” You asked, the women didn’t budge but looked to Tyrion who nodded at them, once at his command they left. 
“They don’t listen to me.” You said with harsh eyes. 
“I told them not to.” He said with a huff as he repositioned himself in his seat and putting on a half hearted smile. 
“Did you tell them to dress me like this too?” You said tossing the closed book to the side table next to you. 
“I asked them to help you fit in,” He said, leaning closer to you, his eyes filled with some kind of concern. “Joffrey has a tendency to single you out I wanted to see if I could correct that... Aesthetically.. Cersei had some dresses made for you and-”
“If you wish for me to continue to view you favorably, you are failing.” You said stoically, "Was I inadequate before?"
"No- no I-" He stopped himself, “I just want to do all I can to ensure your safety.” He conceded. You did appreciate it, but your need for freedom overweighed that appreciation heavily.
You sighed and looked away, off towards the near distant ocean of blue. You fidgeted with your new golden rings on your fingers. “And, you’re not eating.” He said in a lower tone, 
“And, you’re spying on me?” You said now focusing back on him. 
“Your ladies told me-” 
“Your ladies.” You corrected. 
“I am concerned. Ever since the riots you’ve not eaten a meal.” He huffed, “You need to eat. Name any food you want and I wish to have it made.” 
“I don’t want to eat.” You responded bluntly.  
“I am your husband to be, It is my duty-”
“Your duty? Your duty to imprison me in this place, in this engagement?” Your angry scowl dropped soon as you realized how cutting your words were. To him he was keeping you from further harm, and you knew that. You sighed and looked back to the sea, “It is hard for me to eat, it is hard for me to sleep.”
“Tell me how to help and I will.” He said almost pleading as he leaned forward and held his hands out palms up. "I’d do anything for my lady wife.” The words ‘lady wife’ made you want to vomit, especially after the previous night. 
“I want to go home. I want to claim my titles.” 
“You and I both.” He said with a dry chuckle. “I have wanted to claim my own birthrights long enough to know the feeling.”
“Were they stolen from under your grieving feet by Petyr Baelish?” 
“Mine were. And I am powerless to stop it, because I sit here in this castle in these red gowns and Lannister gold. I am presenting myself as indifferent to my own birthright being stolen from me.” You sighed, “I understand what you are trying to do. I do, I may be angry but I do understand. But you need to understand this, in doing what you feel is protecting me, whether it is or is not, you have taken whatever independence I had left.”
“I understand.” He said sitting back into his seat, “And I will do all I can to help you proclaim your titles. But, it would seem Stannis aims to attack this city.” 
“Stannis Baretheon?” You asked in some confusion, no one ever told you anything.
“It seems we are not the only ones who wish to claim titles.” He said in an attempt to jest, “So we're not the men to fight for you yet, however we aim to win this war. Once it is, I will see to it that your titles are restored.” 
You smiled, “Thank you, Tyrion.” Although not in the slightest comforted by the idea of war approaching your doorstep
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆
As you walked down the halls of the castle you were hit with a brick wall, Sandor. 
“you’re not eating.” Sandor said in a hushed but deep and husky tone
“How’d you-” You began before he interrupted you. 
“All those fucking handmaidens tell the royals.” He said in annoyance
“I eat when I'm hungry. haven’t been in a while.” 
“you don’t eat, you’ll starve.” His voice was like he was warning you.
“unlikely. That takes time. Stannis aims to attack the city. I'm sure I'll be dead then.” You responded stoically.
“You won’t die.” He said as if it were fact,
“How can you be certain?” You retorted defiantly 
“Cause I fucking said so.” He said stomping off, his cape flowing behind him.
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NOTE: Hey all you cool cats and kittens I hope you like this one!!! The next two are going to be a wittle cwazy just a warning... ALSO yall I wrote the smut part during jury duty LMAO... anyways
Also the last few chapters have gotten so much love and I am so very grateful thank you!!! <3
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daze4all · 3 months
Preserve the Deal - NSFW Yandere!Masochist!Aventurine x  Debtor! Reader
You don’t get to walk out this deal unscathed…he has you in chokehold which you deliver right back.  Reader!Debter and Creditor! Aventurine. Hate sex.  Asphyxiation, Masochist! (Sadist!) Aventurine.
Warning: Yandere! Aventurine, Powerplay, Crediter x debtor Reader, Thigh riding, Pain Masochist! Aventurine.  , Suffocation, He has you in chokehold… he is annoying so could see why ppl want to strangle him a bit…hate sex. Biting kisses, tie bondage. Dubcon/noncon.. safewords so unwilling but consensual? Prostitution  dirty talk. Bets. Swearing. Humiliation. Swearing.
Yandere!Masochist!Aventurine! X Reader
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Spread out on billboard along with the many chips you simply were a prize to be won in this bet and aventurine was never one to lose…
Yandere! Aventurine eyed you across the desk in his hotel room. A proud symbol of great nation fallen to debt but shining with rich history culture.
Miss perfect. He mocked a glint in his eye as he panted at her ministrations gentle and steady but not enough when the fires of jealousy still raged.
 He was fixated particularly on you so you had been served per his request as the representative to deal with him on most occasions.
“You mean to say you like to build it back the way you like” bitter as you mind calculated dteh losing deal your planet need resources the ipc provided. Aventurine struck gard deal and was a headaches his hypnotic eyes always searching for more.
“ Most of citizen made to be ipc worker from the planet you take over” you pointed out
Gazing at the ipc emblem on the wall and remembering strict communal way were run down to identical uniforms. You grimaced as aventurine looked amused.
“I like preserve civilizations not ruin them.” Tactfully he retorted.
We will exist and survive as brand are quite powerful, preserving longer than past civilization I say. Aventurine countered
And if I do remember friend, you own quite the debt Yandere Aventurine hummed
“I won’t let the culture and heritage be erased colonized and dominated by the ipc brand as one of their projects.” You proudly retorted without the strength. You reminded him of cute cornered mouse putting on brave face before the amused smiling cat.
Oh, then what will you give up instead? We run an enterprise not a charity after all. He already had a deal forming in his mind.
“Our land rich with trade there is benefit to get rare materials seen nowhere else and we have lasted centuries as has our trade union. Name it do you want “you ventured confident in your planet resources but not excepting his request.
“Rare treasure indeed…as you are rarest of all. Give yourself to me, let me preserve your beauty.” He smoothly said as you blinked perplexed as his words sank in.
“Is that even allowed?” you spat out shocked and appalled nervous eyes seeking a way out. If you had a  drink you’d have thrown it in his face, He wasn’t serious was he ?
but your planet needed this deal. …
“Sometimes rules need to be broken~ he whispered in your ear.
The way I do business is different …. but a once in lifetime deal just for you dear. I’ve taken a liking to you assured aventurine sweetly as he draped his coat over you covering you with his scent.
I’ll give you the business dinner to think about it her genouslry offed as he helped you put on not your own but His coat . An obvousis sign and symbol marking you and a chain kept you frozen in place by his side the rest of the night at the business dinner.
Your mind whired at the implications and insinuation.  The benift and obcous disadavtage the fallout this would bring as you relize dyouw ere trapped.
At the end of the night found youselr again alone with Yandere! Aventurine  in his office as he reached out to tuck hair behind ear and his hand strays to brush your to neck where the pulse beats as fast as a trapped bird .
Why you asked?
“I am the ipc so all that fleeing and ethereal I deal with…” He hums as he pulls from your ear a coin like a magic trick.
“So just a taste of eternity tonight is all I ask.” Aventurine smoothly says the sentence heavy with expectations as he flips the coin smoothly from head to tail across his knuckles.
“As if I’ll get any pleasure from this deal” she spat out vitriolic in embarrassment.  Squashing shamefully the part of her that it so easy to say yes and fear she might fall for his hypnotic charms. The snake in the grass and the devil in the details of the deal.
To give him what he truly wanted all along when he had fixed his hypnotic eyes on her when first visiting their planet,
“Glad to see you are agreeable to the deal now you want to bet on it?” Aventurine smiled serenely extending a hand to seal the devils deal. Eyes flashing hypnotic and melodic a sharp flash of teeth.
Compelled conflicted and trapped you took the devil deal and shook his hand.
Yandere! Aventurine would prove to her a night with him was pleasure not easily escaped.
----- 18+ Smut begins---
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Yandere! Aventurine took her hand pulling into his arms before hoisting her up on his desk Spreading his hand apart on either side of her observing her next reaction so fascinating to his hypnotic eyes. Observing and calculating his next move to her nervous stare.
“Get on top, after all that all you ever wanted right? The everything will be right” he crooned cruelly in amusement. With a sly smile he sat back in his plush rolling chair as he admired her perched on his desk above him.
“Alright “she mustered with what pride she had left. She shook with anger frustration as she stepped down from above and gave in settling herself on his lap with an icy stare.  Goaded by the bet.
“I love to ruin perfect things and you my dear are perfection.” Yandere Aventurine purred.
After months of bargaining with him over deals and bartering on behalf of her planet whilst putting as much space she could through communication with talking helms and sky crane.
Finally, she was forced to meet him face to face as he wanted. On his lap no less. bending o his whims like the whore, he wanted her to be.  
She thought ashamed, disgusted, and a bit turned on despite her deep feelings of anger she felt for this man.
“Ahh miss judge not wanting to break the rules. Miss perfect” he goaded. Humming idly as he rutted up into her to get her to move. 
Annoyed she ground down hard enough on him she thought it would hurt but only got a please groan.
“You scoundrel” she breathed annoyed to be caught in his web. He was handing over the reins for the illusion of control.
All she could do was ride him with her anger at her predicament. Undulating hips sharp and hard twists intending to make it hurt putting pressure on his groin but only receiving please moans in retuen. Was this guy a masochist ?
“Move dear or is that all you got”. Yandere!Aventurine mocked a glint in his eye as he panted at her ministrations gentle steady but not enough when the fires of jealousy still raged.
She set her lip in grim determined line and properly straddling him moved purposefully receiving unwanted pleasure from the action. Her grip also tightened at the nape of his neck provoked by his taunt.
It was fight for control over the planet as much as over each other. One neither wanted to lose. how many times did she want him writhing beneath her like this helpless so many times like she was while her land lay wrecked and ruined. It was the best revenger she could get bittersweet as she knew just falling in to his hands. Afterall how could she hurt a masochist?
“The treasure of the planet all for me.” He crooned admiring he view of her
As she bounced on his cock, he took a nipple into his mouth with mischievous grin rolling the bud in his mouth and scraping his teeth against it.
“Don’t you dare” she hissed tightening her grip and pulling as his hair at the nape of neck in warning in response he only hovered and delivered a love bite and sucked making a hickey as he moved back to survey his work.
A mixture of pain and pleasure shot through her in revenge her hands went from his shoulders to his neck reflexively and squeezed in warning.
Yandere! Aventurine groaned in response, breathless from the lack air sweet relief and high rushing from sudden adrenaline rush of fear, pain and pleasure. A risky bet he had made one he would win.
Sometimes rules need to be broken~ Aventurine taunted before turning the tables on her and hoisting her up and pushing her swiftly onto her back so she was bottom and he atop
Yandere! Aventurine pushed aside cumbersome clothing and thrust suddenly to her surprise and into her to wet wall gasping panting from exertion seeing stars.
AH! Hah—you bas- She gasped as a finger stifled her
Ah I do love it when you fight …amused as Yandere!Aventurine notices her trying to turn to face him to regain control. He pinned her down easily and he locked her arm behind her back and mount sher from behind as she gasped from the fullness of him.
“Mhh how good how wet you are for me dear what lovely cocksleeve” Yandere!Aventurine groans in pleasure the feeling of velvety walls close on him. An embrace she would never give him normally.
So, it was a sweet prize her took heightened by her annoyed and angered face. She trembled in anger and humiliation.
“So feisty and so beautiful don’t you see? This is sight I must preserve my eyes alone”
Yandere!Aventurine bites his glove off “to feel you better my dear” he crooned as with slim fingers he explore nook and cranny of wet walls fingering and flicking the nub so she was leaking for him.
Humming nonchalantly with cheeky grin. Yandere!Aventurine thruss into her to wet walls gasping, panting from exertion seeing stars with her spark of pleasure burning between them as high as the feeling from the damnble attraction between them. Each the other thorns in their side rival and enemies in the workplace.
Now he the creditor putting his debtor in place.
“Ah you are perfection, I will preserve all of you~” Yandere!Aventurine murmurs hotly into her ear savoring her warmth , her burning embarrassment, shame and humiliation at his hands.
 “Before I break it all”. Hushed whispered a dark promise as she cried out and succumbed to his ministrations as she pushed her onto her back and took her over and over again.
“And build it back up again” Yandere!Aventurine growled as she wailed as met esctay and high warmth spilling unhinder into her deiptis her struggle.
“That was the deal my dear” Yandere!Aventurine crooned in self-satisfaction at her ruined wrecked state chasing her own pleasure futilely on his cock no matter the bastard it was attached to as she had hissed in his ear turning him on even more.
“You smug bastard, I hate you” she gritted out tears squeezing out and mouth open in unwanted pleasure as she rutted against him face flushed panting.
“As long as you love this~” He purred as he wrapped his tie around her hands jerking her forward onto his lap making her bounce to his hips in smacking rhythm like before but he was in control.
“Hmm with that face, my dear it says you want this” Humming Yandere!Aventurine thrust into her to wet wall gasping panting from exertion seeing star until her and pick up speed
Yandere!Aventurineloosened then tightened his tie as he pulled her forward on his lap forcing her down to embrace his weeping cock. To kiss it with her own pussy leaking and hungry for him although her own mouth may say otherwise.
“So fiery~ ha I love it “
Do I have to ah shut you up again? She threatedn
“Try it all the more pleasure for me my dear” smirked Yandere!Aventurine
confirming he was in fact a raging masochist as much as he was sadist enjoying her humiliation at his hands.
Annoyed her hands reached out and did as he asked for the satisfaction of the deed no matter that it gave him what he wanted.
“ah Quite a good deal, I’d say my dear “he gasped and purred as his tilted up her chin to kiss her as she sexily strangled him.
She jerked her head biting down on his tongue. Trail of red blood and saliva slid  down their lips connecting them  and broke between them.
“Whores don’t kiss, is it?” Aventurine sardonically said at her hate filled gaze. 
Bastard, I’m not whore she retorted.
“That what you desire dear with your attitude.” He rretorted as he he flipped her doggy style and pounded her harder. Her grip tightened harder on his neck giving him the delicous sensation of struggling for air. Making him heady with the loss of air  panting and flushed with the sdrenaline rush to shut him up until she released him.
“Bastard pervert” she swore as she trembled from her own orgasm disgust on her face as if he were an insect or worm. The disgust on his face on serving to turning him on. As he was the disgusting pervert
“Remember dear I’m the one defiling you. What does that say of you dirty girl?” Aventurine choughed out before closing his eyes savoring her warm insides
“Not a whore” she bit back hotly.
 “True just my slut then~ he hummed satisfied as his own delusional conclusion.
“Afterall, You wouldn’t dare go back on the deal and fuck someone else would you?”
Yandere!Aventurine’s eyes dark and hypnotic with jealousy. She scowled she never made no such promise.
Better make sure, shouldn’t we dear? Dread crept up her back at the institution as she felt he hardening of him within her relizing too late his intentions.
Ahh mph You better not-hey this was not part of the deal-“ she protested futile as he pushed her down lost in pleasure.
He met her eye sand just smirked emptying himself in her to her disgust.
 I’ll pay extra he tossed out as she glared daggers at him fading into distraction by the warm rush of him and by her own pleasure as her own orgasm washed over her.
Extra Post Coitus
Cleanup will be bitch Aventurine lightly remarked as he sat on the bed observing the mess.
No more than you are she answered ambiguously wrapped in the sheet he stole from him as he grappled for them back then settled to smoke while eying her cocoon .
“I am your destructive mess” Yandere!Aventurine conceded “one you have to deal with on daily basis dear as you best customer.”
Someday he would have her in her entirety not just her body he mused as smoke curled from his cigarette and couched as she grumbled about the smell and nestled further in her covers.
By his side he wondered if she realized she was unintendedly cuddling with him but decided to bite her tongue lest she squirm away in disgust again.
“How did it feel dear?” Yandere!Aventurine asked.
At the silence he continued “I don’t take bets I don’t win so of course you loved it” smugly as he unwrapped her shaking flushed form still shaking with desire lust as she reached out for him.
“I wonder if you are not the whore” she snarked back as her only acknowledgement of his skills as last resort. Annoyed he had had enthralled her so and made her fall to temptation and pleasure of the act.
“Again dear?” Yandere!Aventurine smirked as he embraced her. Yes, this deal was a most fruitful one that he would win by the end.
Extra: Behind the scenes could read it as a roleplay and he paid her….
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“That was crazy and cumming inside was not part of deal” she tartly said as they lounged post coitus. A close bond formed from the intertwining of bodies and informality from dealing with each other for so long.
“Hmm but you never said the safe word … A bank such as the ipc always has a safe password ~” Aventurine reminded her cheekily.
“….I forgot” she sniffed turning her head in embarrassment
What No really? Aventurine mocked with a laugh.
What was it?
Not telling he teased
Imagine lol…the safe word was Ratio because nothing turns off a man like hearing another come from herlips or if you guys ship him reminder what cannot have or cheating one lol. Hmm maybe do threesome aventurine introducing his girl to ratio to make him fall lol
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The trick is technically this fic never mentioned one…but it may had been decided earlier if it was deal the two a customer and client rather that debtor and creditor but up to reader interpretation…
-Background Context for OC/Reader.
- Originally used she as reader Dawn based OC the Judge to ten commissions
- who had to pay the IPC to keep trade deal up with Xianzhou & renew deals after the abundance war fallout when quintets split up leaving the loufu in shambles like the situation with Aurum alley
-So she had to deal with Aventurine…with her body and rumor circulated she only had her beauty and no strength unlike  her high elder older brother Dan Feng to deal diplomatically with other planets
- Virgin queen Elizabeth based Reader who enticed suiters across space with promises with marriage expect Dawn is the not so virgin femme fatale with Jing Yuan as the right hand Roger Peele man she was involved with but was unable to marry.
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more smut on here
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cal-flakes · 10 months
Hey! Can you do Dealer!Rafe and “did he hurt you?”
also congrats on 1.5k!! We ❤️ you!!
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╰┈➤ prompt four/eighteen, dealer!rafe
warnings: light swearing, mentions of a gun, implied violence. authors note: killing a couple birds with one stone as SO many of you wanted 18 + 4! I loved writing this, stan protective rafe <3
y/n’s hands rubbed against her arms as she lingered on topper’s porch, awaiting her knight in shining armour. the cool kildare breeze left goosebumps in it’s wake as she shifted nervously back and forth. every minute after the phone call felt like an hour until she heard the brakes of the familiar range rover screech to a halt outside the house.
before she had a chance to get in, he was already jumping out, stalking over to her. “rafe..” she muttered in a shaky breath, snaking her arms around him. “c’mere, tell me what happened sweetheart” he whispered, resting his head on top of hers as he eyed the lingering party goers, watching as they whispered and gossiped amongst themselves about him.
“some-some guy, i’ve never seen him before, but he- he cornered me when i was getting a drink..”
“and..” rafe interjected, waiting for the final blow, the final words that would set him off on a blind rage. “and he- well, i told him i had a boyfriend, and he didn’t like that so-”
“did he hurt you?” rafe growled, suddenly pulling away from the embrace to inspect her exposed skin, his eyes landing on the expanding purple splotch decorating her shoulder. “he pushed me when i tried to get away, i fell into the wall..” y/n muttered sheepishly, swiftly placing her hands on his chest. “but please, rafe, deal with it tomorrow? i just want to go home, with you..” she plead, using her best efforts to steer him back towards the car.
“you know i can’t let him get away with that angel..” rafe huffed, eyes fixed on the open doorway of topper’s house, silently wishing for the boy to come outside, unaware of what was waiting for him.
“i know, but what would one more day hurt? please?” she asked again, watching as his eyes flitted to her pouting lips.
exhaling deeply, he ran a hand over his buzzed head as he nodded, placing a protective arm around her waist before guiding her to the passenger side of his car.
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astro-rainbow777 · 1 year
Astrology Observations
Volume I
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Disclaimer: Please take these with a grain of salt as I am not a professional. These are just some of my observations I’ve seen from studying random people in my life. I hope you enjoy💕
💐I know someone at work with a Taurus stellium and one of her Hinge posts says her love language is gifts, and said (jokingly I hope) that she would preform sexual favors for a guy if he bought her m&m’s lmao. She also was hooking up with this guy at our work, that she had no intentions on dating, and would get sooooooo possessive if she saw him talking to any other girl. She also talks about being possessive all the time with her “play” friends ;)
🍬 I have my 6th house and Taurus and work with sooooo many Taurus placements. I chart 75% of my coworkers and the ones I talk to the most have Taurus placements, kinda cool.
❤️‍🔥As a Scorpio Moon I’ve found myself really drawn to and appreciative of the Aries Moon nature. They are so direct & assertive with how they feel. I appreciate this so much because I don’t ever feel the need to worry if they are hiding anything from me. Especially when you really get to know an Aries moon, what you see is what you get. They also validate and encourage me to express my big feelings which makes me feel so safe! As a lot of you know Scorpio Moons can be very secretive with our feelings because they can be so big and scary to others. The last thing we want to feel is ashamed for how we feel things and Aries moons get that, and they genuinely don’t hold a grudge against you for anything you say whenever you’re emotional. Just having that type of energy in a connection makes healing and growing in a relationship 10 times easier for us! Thank you sm to the Aries Moons out there! Just to add the 2 Aries Moons I am close with have Scorpio in their personal placements as well….if you don’t relate maybe that’s why lol
👽Scorpio & Virgo in big 3 🤝 Being the most observant people you will ever meet in your life! They pick up on the teeniest little things ever, for ex. If you have a stain or wrinkle anywhere on your clothes that’s the first thing they will pick up on. Also this combination is usually not a fan of change from my experience. Like if you move something from the “correct” place 4 inches over they will be like “Why are touching my shiz brah?”-Never fails. They like the routines and the consistency. They will literally spot a bird 10 yards away and be like omg is that a gRey-WIngEd trUmPetER?!?!! And I’m like how??? How did you even? These people notice everything, probably a great investigator too-same with Gemini/Scorpio placements!
♟️I promise you Virgo placements care about doing something “correctly/right” more than you do- even whenever it doesn’t directly effect them. They are so funny in the way that they operate I love them 😂 If you ask a Virgo to hang up a picture on the wall- please make sure you have a leveler!!!! They will spend 15 minutes minimum making sure that it’s even, if you don’t provide the necessary tools they will rehang something until it is perfection! Once a Virgo was doing a double nose piercing on me and kept redoing the mark of where she was going over and over and over again just to make sure it was perfectly even with my other piercing. Which I appreciated but I could tell if I left the shop with a lop sided nose ring it was going to bother her more than it would me! Very Wholesome peeps- ily guys fr 💙
☮️Gemini Venus’ do tend to be pretty loyal from my experience- but if they are bored or in an unfulfilling partnership they have the tendency to mentally cheat like doing tarot readings to see if their ex still thinks about them type of shh 😭Also the type to gossip about their partner or make up rumors about their relationship. Then they go home to their boo and act like nothing is wrong? 7th house Gemini tho can be very flighty whenever it comes to intimacy (I have this placement)- I am extremely loyal but if me and my partner get into a fight I’m prepared to break up always. I have a 7th stellium tho so I’m not sure how y’all would relate or not 💗
🏖️Leo moons NEED a creative outlet in order to be emotionally fulfilled imo! They thrive having their own little show-from what I’ve seen with these guys they love having a hobby they can share with the world and regularly be the center of attention. No joke-these people are some of the most talented beings I have met in my life! They 100% have a gift or a niche they get a lot of positive attention for and desire to share with the world. Every Leo moon I have been close with loves to perform for their loved ones- it is so wholesome like they are sharing a part of their soul with you⛲️
🐟Heavy 12th house placements (mainly Mercury & Venus) read poetry regularly or relate a lot to poetry. Even if it’s like little Tik tok or instagram posts. I’ve also noticed these guys like to just have books-even if they don’t read regularly? I lived with a 12th house Mercury w/ Neptune in the 1st house and they like to read poetry but only whenever they are depressed. I think that this individual in particular also just really likes for other people to think that they are super poetic themselves. They like to talk about poetry and the arts but I’ve lived with them for almost a year and they rarely do artsy things. Venus in the 12th though genuinely loves poetry and regularly reads it. Venus in 12th is also BEAUTIFUL AF but thinks they have nothing to offer most of time? Like I don’t understand. Blind to their own beauty but so quick to see everyone else’s. Angels 😇
🦀As a Cancer stellium (Mars, Venus, Jupiter) in the 8th, I have lied to people about how I am feeling, or what I am doing as a form of emotional protection. I used to rarely let my friends and family know how I am doing-especially if I’m doing bad. I regularly feel bad for being upset with others, and it leads me to just completely abandon emotional honesty if I don’t think someone will take to my feelings/boundaries well. I AM SENSITIVE AND DELICATE and I’m also damn good at hiding it for I have thine Scorpio Moon in 12th🧚‍♀️ People only know what I want them to know- I’m in therapy guys! So please don’t worry about me 🥸
🌝P.S. happy cancer season reeeeee
I hope you enjoyed my first lil observation!!!🎉
I encourage feed back and kind constructive criticism! Please lmk how you felt and how you relate! Let’s connect! Let’s talk! Mwah 💋
Ty sm for reading 💕
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waataah · 5 months
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welcome, to my first attempt at a fanfic on tumblr.
✧ sanji vinsmoke x fem!reader ✧
。・゚゚・ (nsfw, fem!reader, 18+ only, mdni, 3rd pov) ・゚゚・。
cw: nsfw, oral (receiving), praise, slight degradation, kinda submissive, lots of sexual tension, build-up, plot-heavy, power struggle, breast play, and unprotected sex.
summary: the straw hats stop at a mysterious never-before-seen island and their crazy captain recruits a woman who can finally rival the crew's flirtatious cook.
word count: ~about 2800
・❥・The Flirtacious Two
The captain of the straw hats Monkey D. Luffy had made an immediate order to stop the ship at the closest island. The closest island was not like any other they had seen, it resembled a forest but had many houses rooted into the trees.
Beautiful birds of many colors flew around in circles greeting the newcomers to their island. The island welcomed them and so did their people. This island was secluded and very small so it was avoided by most who went by, they did not oppose the pirates and showed them kindness and respect.
“They gave us enough supplies to last at least a few months stop eating them all!” Sanji yelled and smacked their captain on the head.
“At least show some respect…geez” Zoro had muttered under his breath.
Luffy rubbed his head and sprawled himself out on the ground at the new lump that had appeared poking out of his hat and ran from the crowd in desperation to get away from his fellow crew. The girls enjoyed themselves to new fruits, new fish, and especially new people. Being around the same boys on a crowded ship meant they NEEDED to converse with regular humans once in a while.
The crew had dispersed and spread amongst the island, till later that night they agreed to meet back on the ship for Sanji’s dinner. Sanji was making a special take on spaghetti and meatballs after all there was nothing wrong with cooking a basic pasta after all the new foods they had tried for the day. 
The pot was boiling with water as the noodles simmered in the heat, and the pan of meatballs were simmering creating a beautiful aroma that could make just about any mouth water.
“Well, well, well I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen spaghetti” An unknown voice to the cook quickly made him tense but hearing a woman's voice made him instantly feel like putty at the beautiful sound.
Once he gazed at the woman his eyes practically shot out of his head, a pure beauty just at the door of the ship's kitchen.
‘This island's weather sure is hot, but this woman is hotter’ his inner voice usually wasn't filtered but she had rendered him practically speechless with her beauty.
“Why hello there pretty boy~” she made her way over to the blonde and peeked over to glance at the food.
“Luffy said you were the chef, I’ve met the others… I believe he wants me to join this little crew you have” she said as she looked up at the taller man.
Sanji cleared his throat finally gaining the courage to speak to such a beauty, and she was flirting with him. That was new.
“What is a beautiful lady like you trying to join a group of pirates for?” he reached for his cigarettes in an attempt to occupy himself without having to look away from the woman before him. But patted around and failed to find them in his pockets.
The mysterious woman brought a hand up holding his cigarettes in hand, “Looking for this? I’m not too fond of smoking”.
‘Ah, she's a thief… a very… sexy one…’ he felt joy rising up in his chest.
She placed them on the counter and decided to answer his question.
“I want adventure, the men here are… getting dull, I figure there are many fish in the sea” She giggled a bit and made her way around the cook eyeing him up and down. Her reply was obviously a joke, but she wanted her reasons to remain her own.
This was the first time Sanji felt as if he was the prey, though he was visibly a bit nervous, he didn't hate it. In fact, he liked it.
“The others warned me, you're quite the flirt? But men tend to get quite intimidated by me. My name is [y/n] a pleasure” she said putting her hand out.
“Oh, please the pleasures all mine miss [y/n]” he said as he gently grasped her hand placing a gentle kiss upon her skin.
She smiled and gently caressed her slim fingers down his arm, “Well from one flirt to another, I’m quite the jealous type Mr. Cook if you flirt with me you can’t give the same treatment to another”.
Sanji felt a chokehold on him, he had just learned of this woman's name, yet he would give up all the other women in the world in a heartbeat.
“Jealous hmm? Well, there isn't a pretty lady as beautiful as you, so I doubt I would even think about another.” He was past the point of no return her charm had hooked and reeled him in she and he both knew it.
The woman retracted her hand from his arm and turned away from the cook walking back over to the entrance.
“Though I am a flirt, if I really want something… I will have it” she smiled devilishly.
Sanji felt a pit in his stomach, this woman was doing many things to him, he wanted her but of course, he wouldn’t just force himself on a woman.
“Oh and… you might want to check those meatballs I think they may be slightly overcooked” she smiled as she walked out.
Sanji panicked as the meatballs burst into flames he quickly grabbed a cloth to fan the fire out with and sighed in relief once it was put out.
“What am I going to do with her around…”.
Later that night at the dinner table, [y/n] had sat next to Sanji. Sanji felt a blush creep upon his face, though it had only been a bit since their first encounter he really couldn't take his eyes off her. 
After some time of everyone exchanging conversations, he finally decided to strike up a conversation. 
“You really are beautiful…” was all he could say, he was practically transfixed by her.
[y/n] looked at the cook she didn't mind if others were around, better for her to show the other ladies how it’s done.
“You're not so bad yourself handsome” she winked.
Sanji felt his heart racing, no woman had given him this type of attention, it was so new to him. He loved it. His grin and ego grew from the compliment.
“Don’t go complimenting fancy brows over there it will go right to his head” Zoro said in between bites of his meal.
[y/n] laughed at the comment and turned her attention toward Zoro, it quickly made Sanji fill with worry. He knew that Zoro and [y/n] would possibly get along, who wouldn’t get along with a woman like her?
Though [y/n] had continued her chat with Zoro she had sneakily placed her hand on Sanji’s obvious that her attention was still on him though she was talking with another man.
A small smirk came back to his face when he felt her hand on his, it made him excited but relieved that she still had her sights on him.
After dinner was over [y/n] went over to the deck to gaze upon the ocean. Sanji finished up the dishes and saw the deck was empty, no one was around but her. This was his moment, to get her attention without anyone to bother. He leaned over the railing and watched the ocean with her, he reached for his cigarettes but quickly placed them back into his pocket.
“Hello, lover boy~ What do I owe the pleasure?” she said while looking over to the chef.
He smiled softly, “You don’t owe me anything, I just thought to keep the beautiful lady company”.
[y/n] did feel a little flustered by the gesture, the whole time Sanji had been flustered and wrapped around her finger but now he seemed to be ready for her comments.
He gently placed his hand on [y/n]’s hips, causing the roles to reverse, he stepped up his game he realized that if he kept letting her be in control he would lose this flirting game. 
Though she was flustered she also didn't want to back down, “And who exactly said you could touch me?” she smirked.
Sanji let out a small laugh as he could tell she was enjoying it in comparison to her words, he leaned closer to her and looked into her eyes. “Someone told me once that if they want something they will have it. So I just decided to take what I wanted”.
“Oh really now?” [y/n] smirked at the blonde and grabbed his hand pulling Sanji closer to her “I do believe everyone had fallen asleep after their meal” she said gently while looking at his lips. 
Sanji was a bit surprised by the sudden pull, his mind flooded with ideas of just the two of you alone while everyone slept. She was bold, his mind was going crazy and he wanted to do something about it.
“Since no one is around how about a little taste?~” she kept her eyes bouncing back and forth between his eyes and lips.
With the way [y/n] stared at his lips, he knew exactly what she wanted, a little taste of him. A smirk would then appear on his face, he enjoyed this new thrill of tug of war between him and her. 
“I could never deny a pretty lady like you,” he said before leaning forward and placing his lips onto hers.
For a man who had flirted with many women, he couldn't deny that this was his first time feeling butterflies in the pit of his stomach. And for a woman who seemed to have all the boys wrapped around her fingers, she too had never felt quite like how she did with this man. 
He moved his hands around her hips and pressed their bodies closer together, the kiss was passionate, and long and made the two feel their bodies heat up. After their lips parted his face was simply in awe and he let out a satisfied breath gripping [y/n]’s hips with need.
“Wow… that was… great,” he said as he had his eyes fixed on the beauty before him. 
[y/n] also let out a content sigh, she felt a warm feeling stirring within her and she needed it to be extinguished.
“How about we head over to the lounge room? That is if you want to of course”.
“Lead the way…”.
He took her by the hand and started to lead [y/n] back to the kitchen/meeting/lounge room. Once in the room, [y/n] noticed that the whole place had been cleaned, Sanji was a very responsible cook. Though it was something that might go unnoticed by the rest of the crew she did take notice.
Sanji went over to the provisions and moved them aside to show a bed. It was a small bed, but the only place you could get privacy on a private ship with a group of men who shared the same room.
[y/n] didn’t mind it though, she would practically take this man anywhere in her current state. She sat on the bed and Sanji sat beside her.
“Well, are you ready?”.
“Are you?” he replied back with a playful tone.
[y/n] let out a small laugh before sitting on his lap leaning into him pressing their lips once again against one another. His fantasies were finally coming to life, her sitting in his lap making his pants tighten just at the friction from her body touching his. [y/n] gently ran her fingers through his hair, earning a moan from the cook. His body heated up at her taking the lead, he decided to put his hand in her hair pulling on it gently earning a moan from [y/n].
“You are so beautiful my dear~” he let out softly against her lips.
The two’s breaths increased, as the air between them kept thinning from the non-stop kiss.
The kiss eventually came to a halt, the two panting for air but eager for the next step.
“You taste good just like your meals chef~” she said softly under her panting breath.
The compliment sent him into heaven, his heartbeat intensifying just like the tightness in his pants.
“And you are even more tastier than my meals…” he smirked.
“Though there is something I think that might taste better than your meals…” [y/n]’s gaze fell upon the large bump in his pants.
His face reddened at the comment, “you really are too much…” he said softly not moving even a muscle. 
“That's what I’m told~” she giggled and moved off the bed to her knees unzipping his pants and pulling his boxers down to reveal his size. His cock twitched at the cold air and hardened as he felt her gaze staring down at it.
Sanji gently tilted her head upwards, “A beautiful lady like you should be on the bed getting treated, not on her knees…”.
He got up and grabbed [y/n] gently placing her onto the small bed as he stood in between her legs lowering himself to her core.
[y/n]’s breath hitched at the sudden change of position. Sanji left gentle kisses trailing up her leg towards the hem of her shorts, gently pulling them off as he did so along with her panties. She was starting to press her thighs together, she hadn’t felt shy with anyone before but he made her feel like she was a teen head over heels for a crazy boy. Sanji smirked at the sight, he continued to place kisses till he reached her sensitive spot, his digits entering inside her folds gently adding another while he continued to kiss her inner thighs and thrust his fingers inside her.
“Ah~ Shit~” [y/n] moaned out at the attention her lower half was getting, she felt her walls clench onto his two fingers, but it wasn’t enough. 
“Be patient my dear~ we have a long night ahead of us~” he said as he went back down to shower her clit with his skilled tongue.
[y/n] was going mad, she felt her body tensing as it was getting ready to release, and she pulled back Sanji's head. She panted softly and grabbed him by his tie pulling him up towards her and pushing him onto the bed. She placed herself on top of his cock and slowly placed it at her entrance letting it fill her up inside.
“[y/n] fuck…” he clenched his eyes shut at the tightness, it felt so good he almost came just from putting it inside.
She sat for a moment as she adjusted to his girth and length. She was inwardly cursing him out for being so girthy. After the two settled, [y/n] started to move her hips up and down his length letting out small moans of pleasure as Sanji thrust his hips along with her movements. The two let out moans filling the empty room with nothing but the sounds of their skin slapping together and the bed creaking beneath them. Sanji managed to snake his hand up [y/n]’s stomach under her shirt grasping onto her breast as she bounced. He couldn't even catch his breath, the whole situation was like a dream to him, her moans coming from the pleasure he gave her filled him with ecstasy. He pinched her nipples lightly while he reached under her bra. Just the sound of her moans alone could make him cum, he could feel himself getting close to his release. 
[y/n] continued her movements leaning down and gripping his shirt, “make a mess of me Sanji” she said before pressing her lips against his.
Those words flipped a switch in him, and a signal went to his brain, making him go insane. He knew what she wanted him to do and he would deliver. His whole body quaked as he felt himself ready to cum. The two continued moaning and panting, and [y/n] felt herself tighten around Sanjis cock. Sanji groaned in response to the tightness he moved his hands from her breast and gripped her hips. He began to thrust upwards into her harder, filling every inch of her inside. They could both feel themselves, Sanji was the first to give in. His cum shot inside her, dripping from out of her hole and onto his pants. The warmth that shot into [y/n]’s body made her tighten and her body twitched from its high. The two let out a long moan and grunt when they finished and [y/n] laid herself against the chef.
“Who would think the two flirts would hook up with each other” she said softly with a content sigh as she caught her breath.
“You’re crazy you know that? You showed me a whole new type of woman, you really know how to make a man weak” Sanji laughed and threw his arms around her.
[y/n] lifted her head a bit in confusion, “what’s so funny about that?” she raised a brow.
“Nothing, I just feel like the luckiest man alive…” he said as he let out a few more laughs.
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where-dreamers-go · 2 months
hi!!! I’m obsessed with your connor writings ♡ so I was thinking if its okay if I request some hurt/comfort with connor and fem!reader who has kinda low opinion (both looks and personality) on herself and always put other people first and rarely think about her own comfort and feelings :( this is very self-indulgent so I’m sorry for that and you’re absolutely free to ignore this! thank you and have an amazing day <33
“Understand” Rk800 Connor x Reader
(A/N: Thank you for your request! It’s self-indulgent for us both, then. Caring for oneself takes work sometimes, lots of practice. But Connor is here!!! Warnings: minor angst, use of (Y/N) for your name Word Count: 721 words)
Weekends were looked forward to by many. The end of the work week for some people. Also a day to visit others to a number of people.
Late into the afternoon, you had finished your visits and social obligations for the day.
Not yet home, you sat outside on a city bench. The day’s activities weighing you down. Muscles in your arms and even your face tried to relax. You hoped a bit of fresh air could help.
For the first time in over five hours, you had time for yourself. Quiet and stillness in your personal space. Nothing left for you to do for other. Hopefully, for the rest of the day if you were lucky.
In your mind, your thoughts zipped between one past conversation to another and any action weaved throughout. However loud, you knew eventually you would work through the thoughts and memories until you could return to your regular streams of thoughts. You just needed some time.
You exhaled slowly.
I really don’t want them to call me later, you thought as you watched some birds squawk at one another. They talked…the whole time.
A light breeze tickled your skin, but you didn’t mind nor move. It was nature not a family member ‘asking’ you to do something.
With a mild startle, you turned to see your friend, Connor, standing with his LED spinning yellow.
“Connor? Hi, what are yo— OH!”
I completely forgot.
“Are you all right?” Connor asked. “We were supposed to meet an hour ago.”
“I’m so sorry. I completely forgot. I was with my family and being around them,” you took a breath, “it’s hard to think straight.”
“It’s all right,” Connor said more calmly than his words a few moments ago. “How long have you been sitting here?”
“Don’t know.” You huffed.
At that, Connor joined you on the bench.
“It’s just…been a day. I’m tired.”
“You visited some family today. Was it a party?”
“No,” you stretched your neck and added, “I ended up helping with the TV, phone settings, a laundry issue, and rearranging furniture. Multiple times. It was… They just kind of decided on it since I was there too. And I helped.”
“You moved furniture? (Y/N), you had put in a full week of work.”
“I know.” You couldn’t look at your friend. “I just did it. They needed help.”
“Weren’t other people there? You didn’t have to do everything.”
You nodded.
“Did you want to do all of those tasks?”
“No, but that doesn’t really matter.”
“Why not?”
“Because they needed those things done.”
Connor placed his hand on your shoulder, offering a type of warmth you had been neglected for a while. A gesture you denied yourself and he knew. Of course Connor knew.
He needs to understand that’s just how it is, you thought. They tell you to do something or ask whatever and you do it. That’s it. Either you do it or you can’t.
“It’s not a choice, Connor. If I didn’t help them, wouldn’t that make me lazy or rude? I’d never hear the end of it. And…they needed help.”
You looked over to your friend. Brown eyes stared back at you.
“(Y/N), it’s not wrong to step aside to allow other people to help. You don’t have to do everything for others. In fact, it’s impossible for you to always help someone especially if you’re uncomfortable or are not well.”
He shook his head, a sad expression on his charming face. “No. I’ve all ready seen you overwork yourself. It isn’t healthy. You know, don’t you?”
Shoulders slumping, you leaned into your friend.
“I’m tired.”
Connor wrapped his arm around you and let you rest into his side. “You don’t have to do anything right now. We can sit here for as long as you want.”
Pressing your lips in a thin line, you suppressed the tears trying to escape. Too tired to discuss how right Connor was and too grateful to have Connor as a caring friend.
“Can you practice taking your own needs first, when appropriate, please?”
“I’ll try.”
“That’s all I ask. You can be happy too.”
Smiling, you wrapped your arms around Connor’s middle and took the first step in thinking about your own comfort.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Detroit Become Human Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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saiidahyunie · 5 months
i can't go home, anymore
kim dahyun x reader ; angst
synopsis: a final tipping point was all it took for the cards to come crashing down between you and your wife dahyun.
wc: 3.7k
a/n: not big on writing angst (i want to however) but i do have a thing with holding a tenderhearted value with songs like these.
i'm crazy with the fics recently and i'm not stopping (until the start of next week) :D
✩♬ ₊˚.
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your ears are filled with the calm sounds of the birds singing their own tuned melody, sitting on a bench facing towards a small lake, watching two ducks swim along in front of you. 
the sight makes your mind spin in turmoil—the pain in your heart already hanging heavy with the thought hitting you, burning into your cells, fighting back the tears in your eyes from the tender moments flooding back in your brain.
everything snapped out when an old lady sat on the other end of the bench, letting out a relieved sigh relaxing while taking in the view after a long walk.
“it’s quite a calming view to take in isn’t it?” the lady speaks out, turning your eyes to see a soft smile spread across her lips.
“yeah,” you mutter, “it is.” 
“i’ve been coming to this spot for at least 40 years now, and i never get tired of it.” 
the old lady nods, “this place is very special in my heart. it was right here where i met the love of my life.” 
you lean back in intrigue, scooting yourself over towards the lady interested in her short life story, listening to her sweet laugh giving you relief for a few brief moments. 
“i never got your name by the way, but i’m y/n.” 
“i’m sana.” the old lady replies back to you with the softest smile you’d ever seen in your life. 
“and you were married?” 
“i was.” sana replies, “it was the most wonderful blessing that i ever had,” holding her hand out to show the golden wedding ring on her left ring finger, the detailing clearly aged and with scratches with the diamond still radiating in the sunlight.
“who was your wife?
“her name was momo, and sadly she beat me to the finish line first.” 
in a second your gaze softens at the realization of what she meant. “i’m so sorry to hear that sana.” you say, clutching your chest, trying your hardest to not cry as sana comforts you by putting a hand up.
“it’s okay–uh..”
“right, but don’t worry y/n, i’ve done the whole sad grieving act already.” sana assures, “it’ll come to pass with whatever you have troubling your life right now.” 
all you could do was nod, it still stung with what happened, but sana was giving you probably the best piece of advice for you to hear, looking back at the pond to see the two ducks part ways from each other, going in opposite directions. 
sana sees your eyes half-lidded, quirking her head just a bit trying to piece together your stoic body language, pouting her lips as she exactly knew what was going through your mind. 
“i have a question for you y/n, have you ever been in love before?” 
you pause at her question, almost hesitant to answer, but you close your lips and grab at what point sana’s trying to make to you.
“yeah. yeah, i have.” 
sana hums at your answer, pleased that you decided to share a little bit of your love life to her. 
“it’s really beautiful. nothing more beautiful ever compares than that.” 
you and sana both look out to the pond once again, a flock of birds flying in and out of your view.
“can i tell you something y/n?” 
you turn your attention back to sana, lending your ear for her thoughts.
“i know that my wife momo has gone ahead without me, and i can feel myself fading too. it’s scary as hell, to know that nothing will ever prepare you for the inevitable. but when i sit here at this same bench like i have for so many years up till this point, i can feel her presence beside me.” 
“i know that feeling all too well,” you say, “to look at your loved one in the eyes and you just feel back at home again.” 
“do you have a lover y/n?” 
“her name was dahyun. i’ve been married to her for almost seven years now.” 
“where is she now?” 
you freeze at sana’s question, fighting your internal dilemma with a lump forming in your throat as the thought of her came flashing back to you. the sense of longing, feeling the fragments of her existence slipping through the cracks little by little each passing day. 
“she’s been away for quite some time now. i don’t know when she’s coming back.” 
sana looks down at the given answer, saddened to hear about your troubles.
“well i hope you go back to her and things work out for you, it’s always best to stand strong with the closest loves to your heart.” sana says to you standing up, well on her way to do her next activity somewhere else in the park.
“it was nice to meet you y/n, i hope we see each other here more often.” 
“likewise sana, you have a nice day.” 
the both of you exchange nice regards as sana leaves the bench you were still sitting at, staring at the lonesome duck that was now out of the lake, hanging on the edge almost waiting for its mate to return to them. 
it was a long day after work one evening.
you were driving in the cold, relenting, and harsh weather that forced most of the routes back home backed up with traffic.
becoming distracted for the past couple of days, the demands of work beat you to the ropes with piling deadlines, fellow workers calling off in protest against your boss to ease the expectations for the quarter. needless to say, it was draining and you just wanted to be home right away.
in all perfect timing, your phone suddenly rang in the cup holder of your car, the caller id of a picture with dahyun appeared on your screen. in a flash you answered it on the steering wheel to hear your wife’s calming voice to put you at ease after the hellish day you just had. 
“hi honey.” you greeted dahyun, “are you home?” 
“i’ve been here for about two and a half hours.” dahyun answered, voice stoic and in a lower tone. on the other end of the call, she sits still on the floor of the living room, back leaning against the couch with the phone on the coffee table. 
“ah okay, i’m already on the freeway so it’ll take me a bit because of this traffic.” you groaned. 
“mhm okay.” dahyun says with little to no interest. a short period of silence settled in the phone call, with both sides having no idea where to take the conversation next. you start to feel that there was something wrong with the way that dahyun is speaking to you. 
“you still there honey?” 
“aren’t you tired? you can go ahead and relax without me, i’ll get there sooner or later.” 
you only hear a long dragged out sigh, dahyun hanging her head in sadness, she was fed up with this looped scenario of not being together when one desperately needs the other. 
“y/n.” dahyun calls you through the phone again. “c-an you listen to what i’m going to say?” 
“of course, what’s on your mind?” 
dahyun looks up the bland ceiling above her with her lightless eyes, her heart aching as she takes a breath to prepare herself for what she was going to say to her wife. 
there was no surprise that her marriage with you for almost seven years was the best adventure that you and her embarked on. the stars perfectly aligned with the dream honor for you to be the one to fall in love and win this magnificent woman’s heart. 
you and dahyun’s relationship was like everyone else’s, filled with highs and lows, but if dahyun can notice what’s wrong, then surely you can catch on as well. 
but this is where everything would change from this point on. 
if you kept yourself positive about this, then dahyun would be bothered and highly cautious.
this was the last straw, where she could no longer keep staying back to avoid the eventual problem at hand. 
she had already grew tired of pretending, despite the best efforts that regardless of how much she wanted to keep trying for the two of them, she knows that in the end it will be a damaging result. 
for quite sometime, dahyun realized that it was going to be a losing situation, particularly when they share the common crisis that is dragging both of them down and thus preventing them from taking charge of their own independence—freedom one might say.
“i– i don’t think…we can go on like this anymore.” dahyun says, swallowing up the bitter taste that left in her mouth from the words she just uttered. 
“what do you mean dahyun?” you asked puzzledly, staring at the red light in the intersection. 
dahyun’s tears slowly drop in her cheeks, her face still expressionless as she looked up to the ceiling again, fighting back a sniffle as the memories you and her made together replayed in her mind. 
“y/n, can you look at the reality of what’s happening between us?” dahyun continues through the phone, “i think this isn’t working for the both of us anymore. we should end all of this tonight.” 
you leaned away from the steering wheel, the nervousness getting to you as your hands began to slightly tremble. “what d-do you mean dahyun? are you being serious about this?” 
“it’s been on my mind for a bit now, babe.” dahyun replies. “i tried to consider all possible options, but from what i've been seeing between those, it was all down to what comes to making the right choice.” 
you tense up your neck, gripping the wheel a lot more tightly as dahyun says what she’s been feeling lately, you want to be wrong but at the same time you decided to wait to hear her out to the end.
“we’ve been losing our track now. i don’t know the direction we’re heading but i think we’re just both lost in our ways. can you admit to me that you feel it too right? tell me you know what i’m talking about?” 
you rub your forehead, trying to ease the headache of everything that’s happening to you all at once, clenching your hand into a fist. “i-i know. is this because we’ve lost too much time to spend with each other, dahyun? because i can tell you this, i’ve been giving everything to try to have some time for you just like today? don’t tell me that you didn’t notice.” 
“how could you ask me if i’m also the one telling you about what this is doing to us?” dahyun confusingly asked, clenching her jaw at your stubbornness. 
“y/n, you and i have our different responsibilities, but if we’re just gonna keep up this facade, it’s just hiding the fact that we’ve both lost all means to keep trying in this marriage. we’re just trying to deny it and that’s what really bothers me.” 
you rub the back of your head and place your head on the headrest, the emotions starting to increase drastically. 
you knew about this problem that you and dahyun were going through and never danced with the idea to properly have a conversion about it. 
as friends on both dahyun and your corners started to catch wind of the situation, many were worried that something bad might happen in the end of all of this. you tried your best to keep your end of the bargain of the marriage, but you were on the short end of the stick the entire time. 
because of this, you were now at a crossroads with the fear that has successfully come to fruition because of your ignorance and mistakes. 
not all hope was lost yet. 
there would be a last saving grace on your sleeve to use that would save all of the cards crumbling.
“dahyun, i know that what we’re facing together is difficult, but there was never a time that i had trouble to make you see how much i love you. i never ‘tried’ to love you; that should never be the concern in the first place. don’t do this, please….” you begged, gripping the wheel so tightly that your knuckles started to turn white. 
“a part of me still believes that we could make it out of all of this, alright? don’t give up on me dahyun. i don’t want this to be a lingering regret for you.” 
dahyun sniffs her tears, wiping them away from her face, her breaths heavy. “why does this have to be so hard for us y/n?” 
your heart and the world around you was crumbling around it felt like when you heard the stress and tired exhausting dahyun released with just a simple question. 
“i knew the many trials that we had to face when we first got married but, all i ever wanted to ask of you was to be there for me when it matters the most. our jobs are taking both of our time together, and it’s giving me a sign that i have to sacrifice something important to lose here—like i’m cornered with no other way out.” 
“y/n, i love you, and i will never get tired of saying this to you. i feel your pain too. i just...i just can’t take it anymore with the current state that we’re in. you and i both know that we deserve to be in a better headspace than this, and i think for that to happen is when we look for that ourselves, to do this on our own this time instead of together.” 
you stayed silent as a tear fell on your cheek.
“i may regret the fact that i have to be the one to break this off, but i don’t see another way. i’m sorry if i’m not choosing you to be saved, but we still have many things that we have to prioritize, at least we’re doing this for good right now. let’s just break up here and now, y/n. thank you for being my first and last love, for everything that we’ve done together. for being my wife.” 
“dahyun, wait— don’t just….” you shake your head, face contorting as you lightly sob while driving. “don’t go, please. we can still find a way, just don’t leave me like this.” 
even while in the car you still felt like you could be on your knees, pleading your heart out as you still believe that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. 
dahyun clutches the pillow she grabbed from the couch, hearing your sob as she just closes her eyes, trying to block out the sound from her ears mentally. “it’s going to be okay y/n, we’re going to be okay.” 
“no we’re not…” you say breathily, “in all my life, i needed more than myself. i needed what i never thought that i could ever feel. you were the one to bring all the answers at my feet dahyun, how can i be ever okay when i’m losing you too?” 
dahyun nodded at your question, clearly understanding what you meant. 
you weren’t in a good place when dahyun first met you, but she brought you everything that you desperately wanted; a fallen star, the heart and soul, the calm cyclone within your storm, and so much more. 
dahyun could only hear you whisper “i'm so sorry dahyun” to herself as she silently cried in the house you and her shared, listening to your sorrowful conjecture. 
“i haven’t been mine and i’m no longer yours anymore. i’m not certain of anything now dahyun.” you wailed, “please, just let me know now, will you be the one to hear my callings? can you be the one place i will always come back to?” 
“i will, now that we’re free to do whatever we please. i will come after you, even if as a friend now but my heart will forever be yours.”
what seemed like forever in the phone call, dahyun smiled a little from the response she gave to you, assuring that nothing bad could ever happen for what comes after tonight.
she still wanted to stay connected, still closer to each other, and the memories to not be tainted with this one bad instance.
for dahyun, she couldn’t fathom with the idea of you not being in her life. she can’t imagine you being a stranger, so that’s why she gave you a rope to hang on so that you won't be a part of her memories. 
she still needed you because of how special you are. 
you had the same reaction in the car, lips curling a bit into a smile and the tears stopped coming. “i’ll hold you to that.” 
“goodbye y/n, now come home and sleep with me for one last night. don’t worry about me, i’ll still wait for you, that way we both can let it all out together.” 
not long after, you eventually weaved out of the slow traffic and safely arrived back home. dahyun opened the door for you, pairing your lips with hers, letting the scent of lavender and the taste of minty toothpaste fill your senses, not wanting these last opportunities to go to waste. 
dahyun combed her fingers through your hair as you collapsed to the ground at the door, like letting the weight that you’ve been holding up all this time finally fall down, apologizing to her that you failed to keep this relationship that you had. 
after a slow nighttime regimen with little to no words said, you finally embraced dahyun in the covers, consoling you as you fight the urge to sleep. 
dahyun notices your fingers grazing hers, letting them hook on each other like an instinct that’s been practiced for so many years now as she holds your hand. 
you didn’t want her to let go.
tears flow out of dahyun’s eyes as she removes her twined fingers from yours, clasping your hand after to give it a lasting squeeze. 
“i still have faith in us y/n. this won’t be the end of our story, i’ll always wait for you and maybe, we can pick up right where we left off.” 
you hummed sleepily, clutching to dahyun a little more tightly as she scratches your head. 
“i’ll never change, it will always be you that i love for the rest of my life.” 
dahyun then pressed her head against yours, hugging in her slumber for the last time, with the memories that were filled in the shared bedroom—the many sweet nothings said filled with loving touches. you and her both wanted to leave this terrible night, dreaming of being together again with no worries whatsoever. 
maybe a glimpse of the future, but all of that changed from the next day forward. 
you blinked a couple more times, looking around again to see that not much time had passed from sitting on the bench. the duck that was sitting in front of you at the edge of the lake was reunited with its mate, swimming along together, smiling at the cute interaction of mother nature’s children.
the memory of that night still lingered in your mind, until you finally decided that it was time to go to the next spot for today, standing up with a bag on your back, taking in the view for the last time of the lake as you walked to the bus. 
a quick trip to the next place as it was a big field that had rows of flowers set in front of something, you finally arrived where you wanted to be, setting your bag down with various foods and drinks. you sat yourself down to take two shot glasses, pouring them with apple soju and placed a covered beef bowl with mixed veggies in between, setting a pair of chopsticks on top of the said bowl as you pull another one out for yourself. 
“hey dahyun, i’m home.” you say staring at the clean tombstone standing from the ground that had your wife’s name on it. 
off to the side, there were a set of flowers that were probably brought by minju who was dahyun’s best friend that came earlier in the week since they still bloomed freshly. 
“i’ve brought you one of your favorites to eat! made them myself just yesterday.” you say, clapping your hands together to say grace before eating the beef bowl, looking at the picture of you and her hugging the first house party you hosted since getting married. 
after finishing most of the bowl, you set it next to the other bowl that was still full of food as you look out to the distance again. softly smiling at the view it presented since it was a nice sunny day with the clouds gliding past the sky. 
“not a day goes by where i miss you my love. it’s been difficult at times, but i still continue to move forward.” you say aloud, drinking the full shot glass of soju before putting it next to the opened bottle on the stone. 
a brief wave of regret comes over you, sniffling again with your face not shifting at the thought of dahyun not being in this world with you anymore, the empty feeling digging deep in your heart as a few tears streamed from your face, but you still smiled because it wasn’t in terrible pain—not anymore.
“i hope everything up there is what you always wanted it to be, i’ve got a lot of time left on this earth but i can't wait to see you again soon.” 
and by pure coincidence, an eagle flew above you looking directly upward. it may have been random or maybe it was a sign that dahyun was truly watching you from above, softly smiling again at what you just watched what happened.
“oh! by the way, i met a lovely old lady at the park earlier, her name was sana! she told me a story about her wife momo and well, let me just explain the rest.” 
even though it had been two years since dahyun had passed, you still made the effort to visit her every seventh day of each month, a sign of your love and devotion to her that you will continue to do as you rambled to dahyun about your busy days, but this one was a little bit special than the others. 
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Begging for some Count Vronsky x reader fluff, all I ever see is smut and it makes me slightly upset (despite that basically being all the movie and book is about,) but I need some real good fluff where the two are promised to marry eachother and when they marry they're genuinely like, happy together y'know
I agree 100%, im also working on some other non smut vronsky things atm <3 so stay tuned, love <3
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“So, where are you taking me?” You asked after a while. The long ride was making you eager for his “surprise.”
He sighed and folded his arms, looking at you now.
“You really wanna ruin the surprise?”
“I’m taking you out to a lake. Lovely house, great views.” He shrugged. “Only the best for you.”
You quirked an eyebrow “Oh? Sounds amazing.”
“Because it is amazing.” He said with a smile.
After a while, you both soon arrived at the house. It was a smaller, nice house, much different than what you and Alexei were used to.
Ever since you’d both been married, you’d been staying at his family’s place (which was huge) most of the time.
“It’s lovely.” You gasped when you entered, looking around the small house.
Perfect for you both to live in, and start a family in. No, you were just here on vacation. You thought, quickly brushing the thoughts away.
He smiled at your marveling, he was just happy that you were happy.
“It is.” He added on, and he followed you, hands behind his back as you both walked through the house.
You walked into the small room, it was painted a nice blue color, decorated with white and blue paintings and other things.
“I could live here.” You mumbled to yourself, but he heard.
“Just say the word, my love.” He said, you turned around and he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“I love you.” You mumbled, fingers trailing along his chest.
“And I love you.” He gave you a peck on your lips, making you giggle.
His hands were in your hands, and he twirled you around. You both were soon dancing around the room, a giant smile on his face present the whole time.
After you both had finished the little dance, you both stared and admired each other. Then an idea popped up in his head.
“Let me show you something.” He said, then grabbed your hand, and dragged you into another room.
This room had mirrors along the walls, a piano in the corner.
You watched him as he made his way to the piano in the corner, he sat down behind it, and opened it up. He then brushed some dust off of it.
You stood and watched him, he started to play a familiar sound.
(The song he’s playing)
Eileen Allanah, a popular sound.
After it was over, you smiled and clapped for him.
“Didn’t know you could play so well.” You said.
“I’m a man of many talents, darling.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing.
“It was beautiful.”
“Thank you.” He stood back up, and you both went outside.
Your hands were in his, and you both walked around in the wilderness, the trees blocking you both from the rest of the world.
The lake was a beautiful blue, the sun reflected off, it was clear and clean. The water was much like the color of his eyes, and it was just as beautiful. There was birds floating on the water, and some waddling around the lake.
Then you looked to the side, and hidden behind some bushes was a deer, staring at you both. You gasped and looked back at Alexei, he looked confused until he saw what you were looking at.
Not only was there one deer, but two.
“They’re beautiful.”
“That’s strange. I’ve never seen deers here before.” He said, smiling at you.
You turned back to him with a smile.
“It’s amazing here.” You said.
“I know. That’s why I wanted to take you. Beautiful place for… the most beautiful person.” He said, his hand caressing your cheek.
You smiled, kissing his hand that was against your skin.
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caramel-catss · 4 months
comma flirting
on ao3
word count: 4.4k
a collection of letters between link and ravio; ravioli falling in love
Mr. Hero,
I’m writing to inform you that your rental on the Sand Rod has expired. My assistant, Sheerow, has come to collect this item, and it will be available for re-rental at 50 rupees.
I’m in the middle of assfuck Desert Palace and writing this on your envelope. Enclosed is a purple rupee. I have the rod.
Mr. Hero,
Sheerow is coming again to pick up my Hookshot. Please don’t wrestle with him this time.
P.S. Please visit the shop for purchases you make.
I’ll be there tomorrow.
Mr. Hero,
Don’t worry when you open this letter - no rentals are due - though I’m sure you will anyway. I’ve been meaning to ask this since they’ve been in season for a while, but you haven’t been around recently. Is it alright if I harvest your apples while you’re out? You can trust me not to sell them, heh.
Go for it, I won’t be home anytime soon. Juicer’s in the basement. Sell them and I’ll kick you out.
Mr. Hero,
Since my retirement, I’ve been moving away my tables and letting the actual house part of your house take over. I’m excited for you to see the place! 
Your orchard produced beautiful apples, but there’s so many I’m not sure what to do with them. I’ve never seen so much fruit in my life! I’ve learned some baking recipes from the locals, so I’ve been trying a few of those. Let me know when you’re heading home soon so I can make pie!
Stay safe.
I’m fine; that gash from last month is just a scar now. I’m as safe as possible. I’m going home next week to pay you for that red potion even though you refuse.
Don’t pay me back for that red potion. You were unconscious from blood loss.
Do come back home though, before Sheerow gets into the pie.
I’m on my way right now. Note the purple rupee in this envelope.
Mr. Hero,
You’re insufferable. I’ll see you soon.
I’m writing this in case your stupid bird manages to find a portal before I do. Hylia knows he will. I miss your apple pie.
I hope Lorule’s doing okay. I hope your Triforce is actually back. It’s finicky. The Goddesses don’t like to fully honor wishes I wonder if you hold Courage.
I’m sorry. This is stupid. This is a stupid letter. You’re never getting this.
I changed my mind I need to keep writing before I go insane
Zelda wants me to move into the castle. I don’t want to but every time I try to bring that up I feel like there’s sand in my throat. Like that one time at the Desert Palace. I still have that letter from you. I can’t believe I always wrote on the envelopes.
She’s officially queen now and says I should retire from being Hero and reveal my princehood to the public. Fuck, I never admitted that to anyone. It’s not like you’ll see this letter. Are you Hilda’s brother too? Nevermind.
I really, really hate the castle. Is that a selfish thing to think?
My uncle died there
I’m running out of parchment so I’m throwing this away. Goodnight, Ravio.
I guess you’ve become my diary now. Writing things out helps, I think.
Zelda and I fought today. I think I pissed her off. Who am I kidding. I pissed her off. I told her I’m already figurehead enough as the Hero and being a prince is too much shit for me to handle. She got real butthurt and almost sad? I don’t know. I’m bad at this shit. She kicked me out of the castle and said we could talk about it later. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.
I never actually told you about the brother thing, did I? We found out a while ago. My first adventure, I think. Been a while.
I know Lorule needs its Triforce but please don’t rely on it to solve everything because it doesn’t.
I need to get a notebook or something. Or just suck it up and buy more parchment in Kakariko. I’m harvesting more apples tomorrow because it helps me not to think. I miss your apple pie. I miss you. I miss not being alone in that house.
Maybe I’ll just write more letters. Oh well. Goodnight.
Kakariko was out of parchment for a while so it’s been a month since I’ve written things down. Zelda and I worked out the prince thing, I guess, because we didn’t discuss it any more after that day. As it stands, I’m still the asshole who saved the country more than enough times.
I’ve been reading up on these legends about Heroes. I wonder how it was like for them.
Other than that it’s been boring. I decided to juice half the apples and sell the rest. You better show up soon so I don’t have to sell the next crop.
Zelda says there’s a disturbance by the Sacred Realm entrance. Almost like there’s a crack between worlds there. By the Goddesses, Ravio, what are you and Hilda doing? Just don’t be stupid and don’t get yourself killed.
I can only imagine your embarrassment when this letter reaches you. The thought makes me giggle, which I know will make you more embarrassed, which makes me giggle more.
Sheerow flew through the crack as soon as Hilda and I opened it. He arrived back to me a few hours later with three envelopes that I don’t think you intended to send.
I miss making pie, and baking in general. Retirement didn’t last long after I returned home to my post serving Hilda. I hold Wisdom, not Courage, and the Triforce is doing wonders for Lorule. I’m sorry it hasn’t treated you well. You deserve better than that. I’m sorry about your uncle, too.
I’m proud you stood up for yourself. No, I’m not blood related to Hilda, as far as either of us know. But you’ve been living life fine without being a prince, you’ll continue to live fine without it. Just stay safe in your Hero business. And for the other Heroes, I don’t know. Lorule has no Heroes, other than you. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for them, though.
I’m sending Sheerow back with this letter before I officially leave Lorule with Hilda. We’ll both be in the castle. I’m sure Zelda has discovered the crack, but if you may, please tell her we’ll arriving with Lorulean soldiers and nobility. I’ll visit you as soon as possible. I miss you too.
Ravio, you bastard,
I will be at Hyrule Castle at the asscrack of dawn and if you aren’t there I will fight you.
Dearest Link,
This letter hopefully won’t arrive to you via Sheerow as I’m leaving it in your pack. Inside is food, weapons, the rings you asked for, and other items that you needed. Thank Lolia your bag has an expansion charm, because even my amazing packing skills wouldn’t have cut it. For the love of the three, stay safe out there. It’s been months since you’ve last been on a journey.
As Lorule’s ambassador, I’ll be at the castle most days, but I’ll take care of the house and continue baking. Zelda has been teaching me recipes from the castle kitchens, and they’re quite lovely!
Also as Lorule’s ambassador, I request you send reports on the happenings in Hytopia so that we may bring sufficient aid. As Ravio, I need to know if you’re safe; you know how much I fret.
Please write.
Dear Ravio,
You’re the craziest worrywart I’ve met, and Queen Zelda is my sister. I’m happy to supply reports, both of Hytopia and my own health, but I promise you that I’m fine. This is either my sixth or seventh adventure. I genuinely lost count.
As the Hero of Legend, I report that Hytopia is suffering from a “fashion crisis”. The two others operating with me are sufficient in their help, and I am currently confident in our quest to save Princess Styla. I estimate six months, maximum, will be spent on this journey. I will reach out if foreign aid is needed.
As Link, I need you to know with utmost honesty that this place is fucking crazy. There are two bitches following me anywhere, and by the Goddesses are they amateurs, claiming to be the Hero of Legend. I’m so tired of them. The princess is crying and hiding around town because she’s wearing a fucking brown jumpsuit and she can’t take it off. I feel like I’m slowly losing my sanity as each day passes, but what else is new? 
The fights are fine and easy. I’ve had to wear a skirt for the past week for complicated reasons, but I’ve found that this shit is actually practical. Who would’ve thought?
Write me back so I don’t go insane.
Dearest Link,
I cannot deny that I’ve had to read your letter multiple times over to get through it without laughing. You never fail to take any boredom from my day, even when all I do is talk to nobility and worm my way through politics. 
I’m not sure what to write about. I’ve tried apple turnovers for the first time, but they haven’t come out the best. I’m spending time with the castle’s baker and pastry chef whenever I can. I’m sure you’ll be happy once you’re home. Speaking of home, Sheerow’s starting to relieve himself in the house again. I don’t think he likes the bird cage, but I haven’t had time to fix this problem yet. Please give me your blessing to let him fly free again.
Stay sane,
Dear Ravio,
Make that bird promise to stop shitting on my carpet and you have a deal. 
I’ve had to wear more green in the past month than I’ve ever had to in my life - they made me dye my hair, for Goddess sakes - and I’m ready to never see that color again. Can you burn down the forest for me so the grass is brown? Don’t do that, Zelda will have our heads.
Apple turnovers aren’t too hard, I’m sure you’ll get it soon. Send one over if Sheerow can fly fast enough.
I’ll be home before year’s end.
Dearest Link,
You’ll be pleased to hear that the forest is gone and we’ve both been banished to the Dark World. 
I’m kidding. I’ve been discussing with Zelda on the prospect of me gaining Hyruleian citizenship, and Hilda says she requests you receive Loruleian citizenship as well, seeing as you’re our Hero. The process for both is very complicated and apparently the Queens can’t just write us down for both without backlash from nobility, enough that it won’t be worth it. I’ve been looking for the easiest ways, and including the benefits on tax, marriage ironically comes up. I’ll keep searching.
I got the turnover recipe down; Sheerow should be arriving with a package of them for you and your “hero” friends. Enjoy!
I’m glad you’ll be home soon, even though it’s only summer. Stay safe out there, as always.
Dear Ravio,
I don’t know Hyrulean law well but I think you can keep citizenship after divorce. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t give a shit. We could marry for the benefits and if either of us sorry fucks finds someone, we divorce.
P.S. Those were the best turnovers I’ve had in my life. Keep making them.
Dearest Link,
It’s a decade of marriage before citizenship becomes unconditional, so if you’re fine with that, I don’t mind either. I’m glad you liked the turnovers, I’ll send more once the orchard produces more apples. Also, how are you doing in Hytopia?
Dear Ravio,
I’ll be dead within the decade, so fuck it, let’s do it. I’m leaving a ring in the envelope. For my ego, please pretend like this is the best damn proposal you could have ever dreamed of. 
Hytopia is doing well and Princess Styla is back to normal. I’m avoiding the ports and taking the scenic way home, so I’ll be back in two weeks.
Dearest Link,
Don’t joke about that, please. I’m glad you’re on your way. I’ll see you soon.
Your proposal has had me swooning and I spent three days in recovery at the castle. On a real note, Zelda and Hilda are both confused and slightly furious at us. I believe we simply found a unique situation to this problem.
I’m at Kakariko this morning to pick up bread. I didn’t want to wake you up. I should be back by noon.
Link -
Emergency call from the castle, some monster invasion. I’m sure you’ll hear about it soon.
- Ravio
My Ravio,
Killing the monsters you had a meeting about yesterday, then Zelda wants me at the castle for wedding stuff. I’ll see you tonight.
I have a dinner tonight so I’ll be gone when you get off work. Pie is in the oven for you. “My”?
- Ravio
We’re getting married, aren’t we?
Link and Ravio,
I wish you the sincerest congratulations on your marriage, though the circumstances of it are definitely exploiting a loophole that I’d have half a mind to fix. Regardless, may you both be blessed with peaceful and long lives. My brother, I am so proud of you for how far you’ve come. My brother-in-law, you are an amazing friend, and I’m excited to be family with you. 
Peace and prosperity for you both!
Ravio and Link,
I am amazed that this is happening, for multiple reasons. I suppose it is my fault for being surprised, however, knowing my advisor. Hero of Hyrule, I request you take care of Ravio; Ravio, I request you take care of Link. Perhaps your personalities are only compatible with each other after all.
Best wishes for you both,
It’s been a week with no word from you, and I’m beginning to worry. I’m sending Sheerow off with this letter but I’m unsure if it’ll reach you, so if it does, I can only beg you to write back. These new monsters, the black-blooded ones, have been retreating some. Zelda is recruiting small forces of people to make them back off from towns, and it’s worked so far. We are all worried about you. Zelda and Hilda have been asking me where you are, and I don’t know how to explain that I don’t know.
I can only assume you’ve ended up in one of those portals they’ve emerged from. Your pack is missing, as well as some of your rings, armors, and gears. You left your extra pair of boots behind, I have them for you. I have your extra weapons, too. Please come back for them. Please come back.
I miss you. I hope you’re okay. Sheerow is pissing on the carpet again.
Dearest Ravio,
Time travel is fucking weird, so I have no idea when this’ll reach you. I’m fine. I’ve been pulled into another adventure, this time with my own kin. When the portals spit us out back home, I’ll sit down and have a long talk with you. We promised not to keep secrets from each other, remember? I trust you, but I have limited parchment so I can’t write it all down right now. 
In summary, though, I’m with other Links from around history. I met my fucking descendant. It’s crazy. They call me Legend; there’s 9 of us. I’m the veteran, apparently.
I’m sorry this is short. I hope I’ll be home soon. I miss you. Tell Sheerow to stop shitting himself, and while you’re at it, tell Zelda to stop shitting herself too. I’ll be okay.
My dearest Link,
I’m relieved you’re alright. Zelda laughed when I passed on your message, and she’s in a better mood now. Hilda also seems relieved. I’m awaiting your coming home soon. 
Your descendant? I expected those portals led to different dimensions, not across time. What is he like? I would consider you a veteran in your field, Link; you’ve saved more than 5 separate nations.
I made Sheerow promise not to piss on the carpet anymore, but I don’t think a bird will hold his word well, haha. 
We all miss you. If When you and your traveling companions come by, I’ll be here to welcome you all. I’ll see you soon.
Dearest Ravio,
Stop worrying about me, damnit. The Goddess will keep me around long enough to keep running errands for her. Sheerow, you stupid bird, it’s cage for you if you don’t shit outside. I’m glad Zelda and Hilda are okay.
We call him Hyrule, the Traveler. He’s some centuries down the line, the next Link, and I’ve been to his world. It makes me worry about the future. Rav, I’m really, really worried. I don’t think I’ve done enough 
Stay safe.
My Link,
You’ve done enough. More than enough. Never forget that.
If Hyrule falls, then at the very least, you defended it with all your life. You gave it precious time to be prosperous. You’re the Hero of Legend for a reason, Link.
Zelda wanted to include her own message on this letter when she heard that you’re distraught, so I’m leaving the rest of the space to her. Stay safe.
Link -
Hyrule’s history consists of both golden and dark ages. The Heroes of past all fought hard and performed their duty, and sometimes, the Kingdom falls regardless. However. Hyrule always rises again. I understand your worry for us, for Hyrule; but even when we fall in the future, a new Hero arises, right? Hyrule will be okay. You’ve done everything asked of you, and that is more than enough.
My doors are open if you need comfort or advice. Please, if you need to, seek me out. I’m here for you, like I’ve always been, always remember that.
Your sister,
Dearest Ravio,
I’m sorry I worried you. I’ll be home soon. I’ll tell you everything then.
We’re in my Hyrule right now. I can tell from the magic, but we’re far out from the kingdom. Prepare ingredients for 9 - we have a cook, don’t worry - and expect me home within week’s end.
P.S. Zelda, we need to talk. There’s a curse. I’ll be at the castle promptly.
My dearest Link,
Please note the package attached to this letter. There’s two apple pies for you all, rupees for the Smith’s payment, and the Captain’s scarf which he couldn’t grab before you were all whisked away. Zelda has also left rings with protective charms for the others with none.
One more thing. The hibiscus plant is flowering, but I forgot to pick one for you earlier. I placed a stasis charm on it, so I hope it’ll be okay when it reaches you. I tried to pick the best color from your description; I hope I did her justice.
Best wishes for you all!
Dearest Ravio,
The hibiscus is perfect. Thank you.
The Captain thanks you for his scarf (he was whining like a toddler without it), and the Smithy sends you back your change. Pass on my thanks to Zelda for the rings. Your pies are delicious, as always.
Nothing much has happened lately, nothing worth writing about. We’re in the Champion’s Hyrule, and it’s so large that I feel grateful for the distance between our Kingdoms now. I never want to walk again.
My dearest Link,
I, once again, am entirely unsure if this will reach you. I’m writing from my bunk. It’s been an interesting past week.
I’ve been thrust through a portal of my own, thankfully able to prepare first. I met the Captain again; I can see why he recognized me now! I’m doing okay, and I’m fine and safe. I’ve run into Wind, too, and a boy who almost looks like Time. 
Link, I think I met her too. She matches everything you described, hibiscus and all. I don’t know how she’s here, either. She’s kind.
I’ll write as much as I can - it should be more exciting, now! - and I hope we’ll both be home safe soon.
My dearest Ravio,
Excuse me, you’re fighting in the fucking War of Eras!? Tell Warriors if he puts you on the front lines I’ll kill him. Slowly. By the Three, you better not get killed or hurt or ANYTHING along those lines. And you need to get home safe as soon as possible so the chance to is gone.
I don’t know what to say about her. I don’t know how she’s there, either, but be kind to her. And tell her I say hi, I guess, if she remembers me. Don’t let her go ba
Don’t open any time paradoxes, I know I’ll be the sorry fuck who saves you. Stay safe, damnit.
My dearest Link,
You never fail to make me laugh. And you call me a worrywart! I’m fine, don’t worry. Everyone is sweet and they take extra care to keep the ones from other times alive. Unfortunately, I think informing Mr. Captain Hero Sir of your threats would create a time paradox, as he doesn’t know you yet. Feel free to threaten him after-the-fact in your group, though!
Marin remembers you. She tells you to stop being a grump, and that’s only after my few descriptions of you! She also congratulated us on our marriage, though it’s been a year since. She appreciates the hibiscus plant and your pursuit of music when you’re home. She also says you should retire.
I understand why you care for her, Link. Really, you are a sweet person.
My dearest Ravio,
The Captain laughed in my face, because he’s an asshole. I would bet on my life that he’ll keep you safe, though; he’s captain for a reason. And maybe I do worry too much, but I have good reason to.
I’m glad she’s alive. This is selfish, but ask her if Koholint is doing okay, please. Tell her I’ll retire when the ladies upstairs let me.
I don’t know how to reply to your last line, Rav. But thank you, I guess. It’s hard to be kind in this world.
My dearest, Link,
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write for a while. Sheerow went missing, and with no time traveling postbird, I haven’t been able to send letters. The war has also kept me busy and the paper has been scarce. I miss you so, so much.
I’m home. I don’t know how long it’s been for you, but it was around a year and a half for me. Sheerow is safe; he’s been at home this whole time. I’ll be waiting for you here again.
I like to think I discovered a bit of courage for myself while out there. Maybe the amount you rubbed off on me finally paid off, yeah? I’m really tired, I’m going to stay here for a while and rest. This is all over the place. I’m sorry.
Marin went back to Koholint. I don’t know if she’s alive there, but I’d like to hope she is. I’m sorry you two didn’t get to meet again. I’m apologizing a lot.
Have you been around? Our house looks the same as ever. I hope you did get to visit, at least for a little, in the time I’ve been gone.
I pray for your safety. I miss you, Link.
My dearest, Ravio,
I can’t put my relief into words. I’m still out, but nearing the end of this adventure. I can feel it coming to a close soon, and this one feels final. Maybe I’ll actually be able to retire.
I’ve missed you so much. I thought you were dead, or hurt, or Sheerow was dead or hurt, and I swear I couldn’t sleep for months. I’ll never let that damn bird out of our sights again. Please rest, Rav. I understand how you’re feeling right now. I’ll be home to help as soon as I can - you can’t recover from something like that alone.
Marin being alive or dead is more of a discussion if she is real or not real. I find that thinking over those kind of questions too much will only lead to feeling worse. It’s better to just accept that she’s gone. I’ll be there for you.
I’ve visited some, not as much as I wish I could. There’s never much time to relax, and our house feels wrong without you there.
Never apologize again, that’s a threat. I’m so glad you’re okay.
P.S. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you flirting with me? “My dearest, Link,”?
My dearest, Link,
Thank you. I’m harvesting apples from the orchard again, and I made pie for the first time in a while. Sheerow is carrying it over for you. 
It’s been hard, this past week, but I think I’ll be okay. I just need time to re-adjust. Don’t rush your adventure for me, okay? I’m glad you’ll be home soon, though.
I’m looking forward to see you again.
P.S. I can’t help but notice that you also placed a comma after “dearest”. Besides, aren’t we married?
My dearest, Ravio,
The portals have begun to place us in our own times, and we’re having our final goodbyes. You’ll be happy to hear that I’ll be home within a fortnight. I’m excited to see you again, finally. I love your pie; it’s amazing, as always.
I’ll see you soon.
P.S. We are married, and we’ve signed off as “yours” for over a year. Are you surprised that you’re my beloved?
My dearest, Link,
Hurry up and get home, you flirt. First you propose over letters, now you confess?
My Ravio,
I’m in Hyrule, three days out from home. Don’t you forget that you initiated everything. 
I can’t wait to see your face again. I love you.
Your husband,
My Link,
I won’t bother to send you this letter, because I’ll tell you in person, but you can go ahead and find it on our counter when you arrive tomorrow.
You said “my Ravio” again, like you wrote on a note before our marriage. Don’t think you’re not as much to blame for this as I am.
I’m waiting for you, dear. I love you, too.
Your husband,
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Stars and the Slapping Thereof
If the last spaceport had been a flat parking lot kind of place, this one reminded me of a hollow skyscraper made for birds. I don’t know how the whole thing stayed up, honestly; the walls were more open air than anything else. Spaceships parked at every level. Elevators and gravity tubes zipped around vertically, while moving sidewalks spun in opposite directions.
From where our ship sat, I had a fine view of a mixed-species group in teal uniforms all trying to crowd onto the inner sidewalk ring at the same time. They moved off to the right with only minor awkwardness. Behind the ship, I heard the unmistakable sound of a human falling over and swearing about it, most likely after stepping on the other ring accidentally.
Not that I’ve ever done that, mind you. Nooooo, not a bit of personal experience with undignified pratfalls.
“Is that— No, that isn’t them,” Paint said, paying attention to something completely different. “I hope there will still be a spot near us when they get here.” She rubbed her knuckles together in agitation, orange scales clicking.
Zhee flicked an antenna. “Kamm is always punctual,” he said. “It will be fine.”
I leaned out of the ship’s shadow to count the empty spots. “We can always go stand in one to reserve it for her.” I reconsidered. “Right? Or do the pilots land too quickly here?”
Zhee was saying something disparaging about the general population’s safety awareness when a hoverchair separated from the crowd and whirred up to us. The driver was a pale human with glittery star crystals in his dark hair, thin legs that clearly didn’t get much use, and bare feet. The toenail polish was even more galaxy-patterned than his hair. Stylish. He called out as soon as he was within polite speaking range.
“Is this the Unflattenable?” he asked, pointing at our ship.
I looked up and back. “Oh! No, but it’ll be here soon. We’re waiting for it too.”
“Ah,” he said. “Sorry. Your ship looks a lot like it.”
Zhee didn’t move, looking in both directions with his big bug eyes. “Same manufacturers,” he said.
Paint was more enthusiastic. “We haven’t seen them in forever!” she told the man. “They’re going to help us deliver a bunch of stuff in one trip.”
The man nodded. “They’re bringing cargo for me. I hoped they’d be here by now.”
“Should be soon,” I said, peering around at the many directions a ship could approach from. No sign of another lemon-looking craft with solar sails.
He nodded again. Everyone was awkwardly silent for a moment. A distant ship landed with a thump of faulty thrusters. Pedestrians on both sidewalks held loud conversations as they slid past.
“So what’s your ship called?” the man asked.
Zhee straightened up. “This is the good ship—”
Paint beat him to it. “Slap the Stars! Isn’t that a great name?”
The man burst into laughter, then apologized at the angry tilt to Zhee’s antennae. “Sorry. I love it. I’m not much of a spacer, and I keep being surprised by some of the names that ships have around here.”
“That is a perfectly normal name,” Zhee told him with an abrupt motion of one pincher. “Strongarm manufacturers. It is human ships that have the truly absurd titles.”
I grinned at him. “You’re still not over the droid jousting ship Hold My Beer, are you?”
Zhee’s tone was extremely dry. “I will never be over that.”
“I saw some great ones earlier!” Paint said, unfolding a screen and connecting to the port’s public information hub. “Let’s see, there’s the Glorious.”
“A fine Mesmer name,” Zhee put in.
“The Deep Thrum; I like that. Might be Frillian? Oh, and there’s the human warship Funwrecker.”
I laughed. “Yup, definitely human.”
“And the Better Than You.”
“That could really be either human or Mesmer,” I said with a look at Zhee.
Zhee flexed his pinchers, looking haughty. “It all depends on whether it is true.”
Paint kept reading. “What about the Solar Flare? That could be anybody.”
“Heatseeker,” Zhee said. “Solar flares are hot.”
Paint, a Heatseeker herself, scoffed quietly. “Not everything is about heat.”
“Don’t most Heatseeker ships have food names?” I asked with a glance at the other human, who was following all this with open curiosity. “Pretty sure Captain Sunlight has family with a ship called the Worm Jerky.”
“I guess they do,” Paint said thoughtfully. “It’s a good luck thing. I didn’t realize it was that common.” She looked back at the screen. “Oh, and that might explain this other ship called the Raw Flesh.”
The human spoke up at that. “The what?”
I held up both hands. “It’s got to be a translation issue. A food thing. Some specific uncooked dish. Like sushi?”
The human just shook his head and made a face like he’d tasted something unpleasant.
“There’s also the Conqueror of the Next Ocean,” Paint offered. “That one’s probably Strongarm.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” I said. “They’re so proud of crawling out of their first ocean.”
“Strongarms are the ones with tentacles, right?” the human asked.
“Right,” I told him. “They look kind of like an octopus or a squid.”
“You said your ship was designed by Strongarms? What was it called again?”
“Slap the Stars,” I said. “Strongarms do slap a number of things with those tentacles. It’s a fun bit of sass in a ship name.”
“It’s not sass,” Zhee said scornfully. “It’s an intent to master all things, whether the things want to be mastered or not. Very admirable confidence.”
Paint looked up in distress. “I thought it was a game!” she said. “Something with pebbles on a table, right? Isn’t that a thing?”
The door to our ship opened to admit the scaly yellow form of Captain Sunlight. I turned to her for answers. “Hello, Captain! Can you tell us what the name of our ship actually means?”
Unflappable as ever, the good captain barely quirked a browridge as she walked over to join us. “Something about slapping stars, I imagine,” she said. “I always thought of it as a nod to the way damp tentacles can put out sparks of flame without getting burned.”
I threw my hands skyward in mock exasperation.
Captain Sunlight kept talking. “But then, I’m not a Strongarm. Let me ask one.” She spoke into her communicator, addressing the pilot on duty. “Wio, what is the Strongarm association with slapping stars?”
Faint and tinny, Wio’s voice said, “Pretty sure it’s something about gathering food. Spiky ones. I don’t know; I’m from a different planet.”
The human was chuckling quietly to himself at this point, while Zhee looked grumpy and Paint scrolled through more names for clues. Captain Sunlight glanced at me.
“Looks like we’ll just have to ask someone who was actually there when the ship was named,” she said, nodding toward the next dock. “Here she is.”
A bright yellow ship with folded solar sails came in to rest beside ours, remarkably stealthy when I wasn’t paying attention. The other human said a quick goodbye to us before scooting over to wait for the hatch to open.
As eager as we were to see the crew again after long last, we kept a professional distance while they did business. A pair of Heatseekers brought out the human’s crate — a fancy model with its own hover engine — and a Strongarm tactfully proffered the payment tablet.
Then Captain Kamm herself appeared, in all her deep green glory, with a polite greeting for the human and an enthusiastic wave of several tentacles toward us. “Hello over there! It’s been too long!”
“It has!” Captain Sunlight said, strolling over while the human handed back the tablet and hitched the crate to the back of his chair. I followed, with Zhee and Paint right behind. Captain Sunlight continued. “We’ve got a burning question for you. What was the original meaning behind our ship name? We seem to have come up with several. I’d ask Pockap, but…”
“But he’s far away, and also an idiot,” Captain Kamm finished, speaking about her cousin with complete honesty. He’d only been in charge for the very beginning of my time on the ship, and “idiot” was generous.
“As you say,” Captain Sunlight agreed.
“Well, if I recall correctly, it was actually inspired by a human thing,” said Captain Kamm.
“What?” I blurted. In my peripheral vision, the other human paused before going on his way.
“That thing you do,” Captain Kamm said, waving a tentacle. “Slapping each other in camaraderie.”
“We what?” I repeated, sharing a baffled look with the other guy.
Captain Kamm waved the one tentacle again, then flopped two against each other, making a wet sound. “You know,” she said. “You slap hands. Very friendly. The idea was to bring that kind of cheerful energy to the stars.”
I held my hands apart, thinking of applause, then it hit me. “Oh! Do you mean a high five?” I turned and demonstrated; the other human matched it perfectly.
“Yes!” Captain Kamm said. “That! That’s what your ship is named for!”
I laughed; I couldn’t help it. Zhee made an opinionated hiss while Paint exclaimed that that was much better than the game explanation.
“Glad I could be a part of this,” said the human. “See you around! May you slap many stars.”
“The same to you!” I said, waving as he steered onto the walkway. “Hooray for solving a mystery that we didn’t realize needed solving.”
“Those are the best kind,” said Paint, and I had to agree.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
A Special Visit
Pairing(s): Rooster x Future Wife!Reader, mentions of Goose x Carole
Author’s Note: I’ve been meaning to write this story for a while! It’s about the first time Bradley ever took the future Mrs. Bradshaw to visit the cemetery where Goose and Carole are buried.
Warnings: Some mild angst and mentions of grief/loss, but mostly lots of fluff.
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You could feel your body slowly starting to rouse itself with those hints of early morning consciousness, hanging in that strange limbo between slumber and wakefulness, but you were determined not to open your eyes just yet. Instead, you tucked your chin inside your sweatshirt—or rather, your boyfriend’s sweatshirt—and burrowed yourself deeper underneath the covers, feeling your thigh brush against the solid, muscular form lying beside you. You couldn’t help but smile as you felt the warmth emanating from him, immediately chasing away any chill that had managed to cling to your skin in the early light of dawn.
Eyes still closed, your other senses were heightened as the stirrings of a new day began invading the small bedroom where you and Bradley were currently ensconced. You could hear the sounds of birds calling to one another and squirrels chattering as they scampered around the tree just beyond the back porch. You could feel the cool breeze wafting in through the window you’d left open just a smidge before going to sleep last night, and smell the crisp, fresh scent of autumn as it swirled over your cozy little hideaway. Snuggling closer to your boyfriend’s side, you could even still taste his kiss from the night before, sweeter than honey and more delicious than any five-star dinner.
At the sensation of Bradley’s breath on your cheek, your eyes finally started to flutter open and your heart immediately came stuttering to a halt at the sight you were met with.
Bradley Bradshaw really was the most breathtaking man you had ever known.
Even in the throes of a deep sleep, you had never seen a man more handsome or more capable of turning your brain to mush. His sandy brown hair was mussed and knotted, sticking up at wild angles that almost made you giggle except for the fact that you didn’t want to wake him. His dark eyelashes were kissing ruddy cheeks that looked flushed and warm from a night spent huddling under two blankets in a worn hoodie and sweatpants. And his lips, those lips that were so soft and tender when they brushed against yours or whispered sweet words of love in your ear, were parted slightly, the sounds of his heavy breathing a sign to you that he was still very much asleep.
God, you loved him so much.
Reaching out with a gentle hand, you brushed your fingertips delicately across his cheek, absorbing the heat that seemed to flow from him in waves. You knew he was exhausted. These past couple days had been meaningful for the both of you, but you also knew that they had been emotionally draining for him as well. And today would be the toughest day of all.
You and Bradley had arrived in Virginia just two days earlier, though it felt longer for all you had already managed to accomplish during your short trip here. After over eight months of dating, it was the first time you were getting to see Bradley’s hometown, the place where he had grown up and been shaped into the man he was today.
He didn’t have much family left in the area, he had explained to you before you arrived. Just a few aunts and uncles and a couple cousins. He had never had a very large extended family to begin with, and many of them had since moved out of state. But this was where he had been born, where his parents had tried to put down roots and where his mother had raised him. It was the place where his parents were buried. And so it would always be home.
The two of you were staying at the home of Bradley’s Aunt Betty, Carole’s older sister who didn’t share much in common with her vivacious younger sister except for her eyes and her smile. She was a kind woman who had graciously opened up her home to you and made you feel quickly at ease. As a nurse, she worked long shifts at the local hospital, but it had been nice getting to spend time with her and to hear stories about Bradley’s mother when she was a little girl. You knew it meant a lot to Bradley, too.
Besides meeting Bradley’s family members, he also took you on a full tour of the town, showing you all his favorite places, including the baseball field where he’d played all the way through high school and the diner where he and his mom used to go get breakfast every Sunday. Seeing the joy on his face as he’d shared stories from his childhood, eyes sparking with memories as he gazed upon the sites that had been the center of his world while he was growing up, filled your heart with such love for him that you thought it might overflow or actually stop beating altogether. It didn’t seem possible that a heart could contain so much feeling without simply ceasing to function.
There was one place Bradley hadn’t yet taken you though.
The cemetery.
You knew he wanted to. It was the main reason you were here in Virginia.
“I want you to meet my parents,” he’d told you seriously, when he first proposed the trip. “You know, if that’s not weird for you,” he’d quickly amended, the tips of his ears turning pink as he averted his gaze in shy embarrassment.
“Of course not,” you’d assured him, lacing your fingers through his and squeezing his arm comfortingly. The truth was, you’d never been so touched by an invitation. “I want to meet your parents, too.”
Today was your last day here, so you knew it had to be today. But you had a feeling that Bradley was anxious about it, so you wanted him to get as much rest as he needed. Leaning over in bed, you pressed a tender kiss to his forehead before silently slipping out from underneath the covers, tucking them around his still body and carefully tiptoeing out of the bedroom.
Aunt Betty had mentioned the evening before that she was working an early shift at the hospital today, so you knew she was already gone as you made your way to the bathroom for a quick shower. You dressed with care, choosing a pair of jeans and a flattering sweater that you knew would keep you warm in the chill November air. Once your hair and make-up were done, you took a step back to critically examine yourself in the mirror. You’d met boyfriends’ parents in the past, but nothing felt as momentous as this. Even though you knew you wouldn’t actually be getting to “meet” Goose and Carole, the need to make a good impression hung urgently in the air all the same. As anxious as you knew Bradley was feeling, you were feeling rather nervous yourself.
Walking into the kitchen, you scribbled a quick note to Bradley, letting him know that you were going to run a couple errands and that you would be back soon, just in case he awoke before you returned.
Just as you were walking out to the car you and Bradley had rented, your phone suddenly buzzed with an incoming text message.
How’s it going?
It was Maverick. You smiled, grateful for what a dear friend Bradley’s godfather had become to you in the months that you had known him.
Really well! I think Bradley’s happy to be here.
Has he taken you to Rosewood yet?
Maverick knew better than anyone the main reason why you and Bradley were here. He and Bradley both tried to visit Goose and Carole as often as possible, and it had been a while since either of them had been able to get here.
We’re going today. Bradley’s still sleeping. I think both of us are a little nervous.
They would love you.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes at Mav’s message, knowing how heartfelt it was and how much it meant coming from him.
Thank you, Mav ❤️
Talk to you soon, kid.
Putting your phone away, you jumped in the car, wanting to get through these errands as quickly as possible so that you could get back to Bradley.
When you returned back to the house a half an hour later, dropping the car keys on the kitchen counter, you could hear movement in the bedroom.
“Honey? Is that you?” Bradley called out, the sound of a door opening down the hallway followed by the patter of footsteps on the carpeted floor.
“Mhm,” you called back, setting the tray you were holding down on the table. “I went to grab coffee from the diner,” you explained, smiling when you suddenly felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist. “Good morning,” you greeted him, your cheeks flushing pleasantly when he pressed soft kisses to your neck.
“Good morning,” Bradley murmured, his voice still thick with sleepiness despite the fact that he had clearly showered and gotten himself dressed for the day. “Thank you for the coffee,” he added, nuzzling your cheek affectionately as he reached to grab the cup that was marked Black.
Stepping back for a moment, he looked you up and down appreciatively, his free hand resting on your waist. “You look beautiful, honey,” he told you, his eyes warm as he took a sip of his coffee.
You flushed happily at the compliment, glancing down at the outfit you had carefully selected. “You think it’s alright?” you asked self-consciously. “I have another sweater I could—”
Bradley cut you off with a kiss, his lips tasting strongly of dark roast coffee. “It’s perfect,” he assured you, brushing a loose lock of hair behind your ear. “You’re perfect.”
You smiled, resting your hand over his. “I know how important today is for you,” you said softly, gazing up at him. “I want you to know it’s important for me, too.”
Setting down his coffee cup, Bradley swallowed deeply, suddenly looking a bit overcome. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close and not saying anything for several minutes. You just wrapped your arms around him and let him sway gently, rocking back and forth.
“I’ve never wanted to bring anyone with me to see my parents,” Bradley admitted hoarsely, reaching up to stroke your cheeks with his calloused thumbs. “I’ve always gone to see them by myself. You’re the first person I’ve ever wanted to take with me. I’m so glad you’re here with me,” he whispered, burying his face in your hair and pulling you close to his chest.
“I’m glad I’m here, too,” you whispered in return, stroking his back soothingly.
The two of you stood like that, locked in each other’s arms, for a while before Bradley finally took a step back, clearing his throat. “I have a couple things to put in the car and then I’ll be ready to go, okay?” he asked, squeezing your hand in his.
You nodded, smiling. “Oh, baby? I picked something else up while I was getting the coffee,” you told him, walking over to the bag you’d left by the door when you’d returned to the house. “I hope it’s okay. I know you mentioned they were your mom’s favorite, and I wanted to have something to bring for her,” you explained, suddenly feeling a little nervous as you pulled out the small bouquet of red roses you had purchased at a florist’s shop on your way back to the house.
Bradley was quiet as he stared at the flowers in your hand, and for a moment you worried that you had overstepped. Maybe he’d already picked something up for his mom. Maybe the bouquet wasn’t big enough and he wanted to leave something nicer for his mother, but now he was going to feel forced to leave it because you had gone and picked it up without talking to him about it first. Maybe…
Your mind was in such turmoil that you didn’t even realize Bradley had moved until he was suddenly pulling the flowers out of your hands, laying them on the kitchen counter and wrapping his arms around you once more. He was silent, but you could sense the slight shudder running down his spine as you held him close, and feel the tears that were leaking onto your shoulder.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Bradley rasped, his mouth close to your ear as his face remained hidden by your hair. “I love you. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, honey,” you murmured, gently pulling his head back so that you could look him in the eye. The emotion was written plainly across his face as you leaned up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
“The flowers are beautiful, baby,” Bradley told you, glancing over at the bouquet once again. “My mom would love them.”
“I’m glad,” you smiled warmly, feeling proud that you had picked out something Carole would have liked.
“Let me pack up the car, and then we’ll be good to go,” Bradley said, dropping a kiss to your forehead before hurrying out of the room to go grab the things he needed.
Ten minutes later, you and Bradley were making your way towards Rosewood Cemetery, Bradley holding your hand tightly in his as he maneuvered the steering wheel down the small, winding roads. You knew he was nervous. You could feel it in the way he was gripping your hand, his thumb brushing absent-mindedly across your skin. You were nervous, too, your heart pounding in your chest the closer you came to the cemetery.
The car was quiet as you pulled through the gates a few minutes later. Bradley had turned the radio off not long after you got into the car, and neither of you had said anything since. You kept your eyes fixed on the grassy hills in front of you, lined with the tombs of all those who had been loved and lost over the course of generations.
After taking a few sharp turns on the tight, curving paths, Bradley finally stopped the car and put it in park. But he didn’t move. His one hand was still gripping yours, the other clenching the steering wheel tightly.
“Bradley?” you asked gently, not wanting to push him, but also wanting to make sure he was okay.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Bradley murmured, as if suddenly realizing what a mental fog he’d been in. He loosened his grip on your hand immediately, lightly massaging your knuckles with his fingers. “I just…”
“Is everything okay?” you asked, resting a comforting hand on his arm.
He swallowed nervously, seeming almost unable to turn and fully meet your gaze. “It’s just—when I come to visit my parents, I usually stay for a while. A few hours. I sit and I talk with them, you know? Like they’re still here. Like we’re having a conversation.” He swallowed again, suddenly fidgeting in the driver’s seat. “And well—I realize now that that might seem a little weird. And if it makes you uncomfortable, we don’t have to stay that long. It’s just something I’ve always done, but like I said, I always come by myself and so…”
Bradley’s sentence trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, still not looking you in the eye.
It dawned on you in that moment that Bradley was nervous not because he didn’t want to bring you here, but because he was feeling self-conscious about what you would think, watching him interact with his deceased parents. You couldn’t blame him for that. What he was doing today, what he was inviting you to be a part of, was probably the most intimate and vulnerable thing he had done in the nearly nine months you’d known him. He was opening his heart to you in a way he had admitted he’d never done with any other person. And you felt privileged to be a part of that.
“Bradley,” you murmured softly, reaching over and cupping his face in your hands. “Baby, look at me,” you urged gently, waiting until he had lifted his brown eyes to meet your gaze. “Honey, I think it’s beautiful, the relationship you have with your parents. I think it’s beautiful that you spend this time with them. You don’t ever have to feel embarrassed or ashamed about that. This is your time to be with them, and I’m just so grateful that you want me here for that. We will stay here as long as you want to.”
Nodding his head slowly, Bradley grasped one of your hands in both of his and lifted it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Thank you, baby. Thank you.”
Taking a breath, Bradley opened his door and stepped out of the car, hurrying around to your side so that he could open your door as well. Grasping your hand, he helped you step out, then moved to the trunk of the car.
While you grabbed the bouquet of flowers for Carole, Bradley grabbed the large throw blanket and thermos he’d packed earlier, slamming the trunk door down with his elbow.
“Don’t want you getting grass stains or freezing out here,” he grinned, holding up the items with a soft chuckle.
That was your Bradley. Thoughtful and selfless beyond all measure. Goose and Carole would be so proud of the man their son had grown up to be.
“Ready?” Bradley asked as he came to stand beside you, juggling the blanket and thermos in one arm so that he could wrap his other around your waist.
“Ready,” you nodded, allowing him to lead you up the footpath.
The two of you walked for a couple minutes until Bradley stopped at a particular row, then took a right and led you to a spot beneath the shade of a stunningly beautiful red maple tree. November really had been a perfect time to visit.
Bradley’s hand slipped inside yours as he brought you before a large tombstone, BRADSHAW etched in bold letters across the stone face.
“Hi, Mom and Dad,” he breathed out, squeezing your hand gently as he smiled down at their gravestone.
Your heart skipped several beats as you gazed at the names carved into the stone—Lieutenant Nicholas Anthony Bradshaw and Carole Marie Bradshaw. What struck you even more deeply were the dates underneath Bradley’s father’s name—July 19, 1962-July 29th, 1986. Goose Bradshaw had died just ten days after his 24th birthday. So young. So much left to live for. So much that he never got to see.
Including the man who was standing beside you.
“I know it’s been a little while since I last visited. I can just imagine what you’re saying, Mom,” Bradley grinned ruefully. “But I had good reasons, I swear. And I’m hoping today’s visit will make up for it. I brought someone that I wanted you both to meet,” he said softly, turning his head to gaze over at you tenderly. “And she’s pretty amazing.”
You blushed slightly at that, a soft breeze rustling through the red maple and lifting your hair off your shoulders as you smiled down at Bradley’s parents’ grave. “Hi,” you greeted them softly, feeling a little shy at first, but bolstered by the feel of Bradley’s strong hand on your lower back. You introduced yourself by name, grinning warmly. “Bradley’s told me so much about you both that I feel like I know you already,” you added, suddenly remembering the bouquet you held in your hand. “Carole—oh, I mean, Mrs. Bradshaw—”
“She’d want you to call her Carole, trust me,” Bradley laughed, rubbing your back in slow circles.
“Carole,” you said again, smiling. “Bradley told me how much you love red roses, so I brought you some,” you explained, carefully settling the flowers into the small vase that was resting at the base of the tombstone. As you straightened up, you turned to look at Bradley. “Oh, I should have brought something for your dad. I feel terrible.”
Bradley smiled, shaking his head. “Knowing him, he’d say it was all about Mom anyway,” he told you with a wink. “I’m sure he’s happy with the roses.”
Chucking you under the chin affectionately, Bradley laid the large throw blanket out on the grass, the two of you working together to stretch it out flat on the ground before taking a seat upon it.
“There’s so much that’s happened since I was last here,” Bradley murmured, running a hand through his hair. “I feel like I don’t even know where to start.”
“I’m sure they want to hear it all,” you assured him, pressing a tender kiss to his shoulder. “Just start from the beginning of wherever you last left off,” you encouraged him.
So he did.
You rested comfortably against your boyfriend’s side as he regaled his parents with tales of getting recalled to TOPGUN, of the uranium mission, of his reconciliation with Maverick, and all the new friends he’d made along the way, friends who had become like family. He told them about getting to be part of a special squadron stationed at North Island, how he now got to remain in San Diego, which was why it had been so long since he’d been able to travel back home.
And then he told them about how he met you.
“You were right, Mom. I know you love hearing that,” Bradley grinned, resting an arm around your shoulders. “You were always right. It happened just like you told me it would. I saw her in the middle of The Hard Deck, and it felt like the whole world stopped turning.”
“You’d be very proud of him, Goose,” you chimed in, laughing brightly. “He caught my attention with a very rousing performance of Great Balls of Fire.”
The next couple hours flew happily by, you and Bradley laughing until your sides hurt as you recalled the various antics of your friends and all the adventures—and misadventures—the two of you had gotten into since your lives had intersected. You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear as Bradley shared with you stories of his parents, and the shenanigans they had been known for, especially whenever they were with Maverick.
As the late fall sun began making its slow descent across the sky, Bradley sobered slightly and took a deep breath as he turned his focus once more to his parents’ tombstone.
“Alright, Mom and Dad. It’s getting late and I think we talked your ears off enough,” he said, slowly rising from his spot on the ground. Letting out a soft groan as he stretched his back, he reached his hands down and helped you rise up as well. “I promise I’m going to get back here soon to visit you guys again.”
“It was wonderful getting to spend the day with you,” you added, holding the thermos in your hands as Bradley folded up the throw blanket. You paused for a moment, before continuing. “Thank you for the gift of your son. He’s an amazing man, and I know that’s because of the two of you.”
Bradley’s head shot up, and he looked a bit startled by your words. “Honey,” he murmured softly, the tips of his ears turning pink in a way that had nothing to do with the autumn chill.
“What? You complimented me enough in front of them,” you teased, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.
He chuckled at that, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Goodbye, Mom and Dad. I love you,” he said quietly, pressing a kiss to his fingers before laying them atop their gravestone.
“Goodbye, Goose and Carole,” you murmured, mimicking Bradley’s farewell kiss.
The two of you were quiet as Bradley took your hand and led you back to the car, quickly dropping the blanket and thermos back into the trunk before opening the passenger door for you. As soon as you were both in the car, he turned and took you into his arms, cradling the back of your head in his hand.
“Today meant so much to me, honey. More than you can even know. Thank you,” he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Thank you for trusting me, baby. Thank you for bringing me here,” you replied, stroking his cheek delicately. “This was so special.”
“You’re so special, baby. And I just know my parents would have adored you. I know they’re looking down and that they’re so happy that I found you,” he told you, kissing you softly.
Pressing one last kiss to the back of your hand, Bradley put the car in drive and began to pull away, a light breeze picking up once more as you began the drive out of the cemetery.
And as the two of you drove away, a few delicate red rose petals floated on the breeze behind you, a little goodbye kiss from two people whose love would always be stronger than separation and death.
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kirislovelygf · 5 months
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cove of lovers (kiri x fem! metkayina reader)
contents: flirting, meeting for the first time, kiri being shy in the beginning, love at first sight, friends to lovers, wlw fluff <33
wrd count: 2.5k
the sound of the horn took y/n’s attention from my sister, tsireya. we were relaxed on the rocks of the edge of the reef, gossiping like always.
and these flying giant bird creatures had approached the island. she saw them circle around, looking for a place to land before finally landing on the beach.
“i’ve never seen those animals before.” tsireya said.
“me neither. let’s go see who they are.” y/n replied to her. the girls dove into the water and clicked, calling their ilu over before mounting them.
they swam to the beach where many more villagers had gathered around to see the new people.
tsireya started walking ahead of her sister once they reached the shallow water before the beach.
y/n found a couple of her friends and started asking them about the newcomers, but they had just as little idea as she did.
they circled around the blue-skinned family wearing leaves and string and crystals and flowers, items you’d find in the forest.
“look at how strong the father is..” one chuckled.
“aw the little one is so cute!”
“the boys are even cuter..” another continued.
they giggled amongst themselves, and y/n stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes landed on kiri. she made her friends bump into her, all complaining.
kiri was putting on a brave face when really she was nervous. especially when she glanced and saw y/n staring dead at her.
her friends noticed and started giggling even more.
“someone caught your eye?” one of them laughed. y/n shushed them and shoved them away.
“you’ll scare her away!” she hissed.
“no you will. if you keep staring.” one of them chuckled. the friends dispersed and left y/n alone.
she went and found her sister and brother to stand by but y/n never stopped looking at kiri.
no na’vi has ever caught her attention like this before. y/n didn’t believe in love at first sight but this might be where she changes her mind.
she zoned out until she saw her mother hissing at the other woman, neytiri, and got overwhelmingly embarrassed. she zoned out again until her father said her name.
“my daughter, tsireya, y/n, and my son, ao’nung will show your children what to do.” he said.
“huh?” she mumbled.
he looked at his daughter confused before he argued with ao’nung.
“oh- come! we’ll show you our village.” y/n said eagerly.
jake sully’s family went to take their things from the ikran they flew in on and y/n immediately went to greet her new crush.
“here, let me help you with this.” she said, catching a bag that kiri almost dropped.
kiri smiled. “thank you.” she nodded.
“of course.” she shrugged. y/n carried the bag while kiri picked up another.
“what is your name?” she asked her.
“oh, my name is kiri. it’s nice to meet you.” she nodded.
“you too. this shawl..” she picked up the net that cling to kiri’s shoulders. “it’s very pretty.”
“aw, thank you. i made it myself.” kiri smiled.
“well, i’d love it if you could show me how to make one.” y/n said.
“yeah, of course.” she nodded. the girls walked across the beach, following kiri’s family to their empty marui.
“we will be together tomorrow but for now, you all can relax and get settled into your new home.” she said to kiri as they were about to enter.
“okay.” kiri nodded. y/n’s smile faded when she saw kiri was frowning.
“i know the new environment must be intimidating.” she said softly.
kiri looked at the girl. “it’s very different from the forest.”
“i can imagine. but i’m here to help you. the sea and the reef is a wonderful place to live, i think you’ll fall in love with it quickly.” she smiled.
kiri looked around the maruis that hung above the clear blue water. then she looked up at y/n.
“yeah.. i hope so. thank you for your kindness, y/n.” she said. she put her hand on her shoulder and rubbed it for a moment before walking inside.
“bye.” y/n smiled. she waved to the rest of the family and walked away with her sister.
“someone has a crush.” tsireya teased.
“make fun of me all you want, i don’t care.” y/n laughed.
the next day comes around and kiri’s and y/n meet up with the rest of the kids and they dove into the water to explore the reef.
y/n and kiri mostly swam together and she was patient with the forest girl. she’d follow her every time she needed to come up for air and would dove back in constantly.
“i’m sorry if i’m getting annoying.” kiri laughed after gasping for a moment.
“don’t worry. i wouldn’t expect you to be able to hold your breath for a long time right as you arrive.” y/n laughed.
“i don’t know how you do it. can you breathe underwater?” she asked.
“no, i’m not a fish.” y/n chuckled. kiri laughs along.
“i’ll teach you later how to hold your breath. it takes some practice.” y/n nodded.
kiri nodded and the girls dove back in to explore the shallow reefs where the coral sprouted out from the soft ocean floors.
fish and creatures of all kinds of colors and shapes swam gracefully in front of them.
y/n encouraged kiri to touch the fish gently and watched as kiri’s fingers hesitantly went to touch the scales of a fish.
she jolted back when the fish suddenly swam away. they both laughed at the occurrence.
y/n watched kiri with admiration as she watched the sea life around her.
her eyes were filled with curiosity and love for the life in front of her.
the girls went back up for air and they waited on the shore for the others to come back.
“after this, i’ll teach you to ride ilu.” she said to kiri as she picked up seashells.
“is that like riding an ikran?” kiri asked.
“uhm, no. ilu can’t fly. but they’re very fast, so you have to hold on tight and have good form.” she said to her.
“oh.. seems easy enough.” kiri shrugged.
the other kids found them on the shore and led them to the ilu pen. it was a large shallow pool guarded by boulders so they couldn’t get out and leave the reef.
y/n and her siblings called them out, enough for the teenagers to ride on.
tuk was old enough to ride her own but she still enjoyed petting them.
“okay, kiri. this is xilana. she’s calm but can get excited.” y/n said, letting the head of a dark green ilu with crystal blue stripes.
“okay..” kids said, her voice wavering a bit.
y/n laughed slightly. “here, jump on.” she patted the saddle and kiri jumps on, pulling her braid over her shoulder.
“okay.. now make the bond.” i held up the ilu’s kuru, where she would attach her queue.
“when we ride ilu..” i watched as he started breathing heavily in fear as the ilu started thrashing around slightly.
“..and make the bond with them, they share their breath with us. so we can hold our breath for longer underwater.” she explained.
“okay.. okay.” kiri said, trying to take deep breaths.
“relax.. feel her breath. match it. then tell her to go.” y/n said. she stepped back as kiri nodded.
“oh! also, she is really fast, so hold on very tight.” y/n said.
“okay.. go?” she said hesitantly. the ilu squealed and dove into the water.
kiri took a quick deep breath and they dove into the water, hailing speed the farther they went.
“hold on, kiri!” y/n called out, forgetting she can’t hear under the water.
she ducked her head under the water and watched as kiri held on tight. she got xilana to turn around and swim back toward the.
y/n smiled and rose back up, cheeeing for kiri.
“you did it!! on the first try, kiri!” she yelled out as kiri popped up from the water.
she laughed out and was still trying to catch her breath.
tsireya and kiri’s siblings were cheering for her too while ao’nung and his friends just watched.
they didn’t master ilu riding on the first try.
kiri jumped off, gently took her queue and went to y/n.
“you weren’t joking about how fast she was.” she laughed while wringing the water from her hair.
“but you did so well! xilana trusts you now.” y/n told her, as the ilu swam over.
she squealed in excitement, flapping one of her fins and splashing water on them.
as everyone else practiced riding the ilu, which took multiple attempts, y/n and kiri went to practice ilu riding in the deeper areas of the reef where they could dove freely.
y/n jumped on her ilu while kiri nervouldy mounted xilana.
“you still nervous, forest girl?” y/n teased.
“nervous? i’m excited. excited to beat you.” kiri chuckled.
“oh sure. ready?” y/n nodded.
kiri took hold of the saddle and got into position. y/n chuckled slightly.
“3… 2,1, go!” y/n rushed to count down and dove sooner than kiri.
“hey, you cheater!” kiri dove in quickly after her and the two raced together in the deep reef past animals and coral, around rocks, all while smiling widely.
the two girls swam in circles together until finally reaching their finishing line, entrance of the cove of ancestors.
y/n breathed out as she broke the surface, looking around for kiri.
the girl caught up to her a moment later, laughing while wiping the water from her face.
“you cheated! you have yourself a head start!” kiri yelled out.
“uh- no! you lost fairly.” y/n shrugged like she didn’t absolutely cheat.
kiri nods. “fine. don’t expect to win when we race home.”
y/n giggled with her as the two floated together. kiri’s gaze fell to the giant cove.
“what’s this place you said? cove of what?” kiri asked.
“the cove of ancestors. we hold many ceremonies here, it’s our most sacred place.” y/n said.
“wow.. it’s so beautiful. are we allowed in?” she asked.
“no, my mother would kill me if she found out i was messing around here.” y/n said to her.
“well.. we don’t have to tell her.” kiri said in a song-song tone. she smiled at y/n trying to convince her.
“come on. just for a little bit.” kiri continued.
y/n looks at her and couldn’t deny. the way kiri pleaded with her eyes made y/n fall head over heels.
“fine. okay, but don’t tell your siblings!” y/n grumbled.
“i promise i won’t say a thing.” kiri said. they swam into the cove and swam toward the shore where they could walk around.
“what kind of ceremonies do you guys do here?” kirk asked as they walked together on the sand.
“weddings… first communions.. funerals.. uhm, coronations. my parents’ coronations were here when they became olo’eyktan and tsahík.” y/n told her.
“oouu, cool. so when you become tsahík, you’ll have the ceremony here.” kiri asked.
“well, no. my brother will be the olo’eyktan and then my sister will be tsahík. unless he marries a woman and she takes the position.” y/n said.
kiri turned to face her and started walking slowly backwards to talk to y/n.
“why wouldn’t you be next in line?”
y/n shrugs. “it’s not something i would be fit to do. my sister is much more prepared for that than i ever could be.”
“hm.. well, i don’t know you that well, but i think you could do an amazing job.” kiri smiled.
y/n blushed and smiled, looking down to avoid eye contact.
“thank you. uhm..”
“don’t tell me i make you nervous.” kiri teased again.
“i’m not- you don’t- wh- okay, wait-“ she starts to stutter and stumble over words and kiri just giggled, making it harder.
“stop making me stutter. it’s not funny, it’s embarrassing!” y/n laughed out.
“it’s not just funny..” kiri takes. a strand of y/n’s hair and gently brushes it away from her face.
“it’s cute.” she smiled. kiri walked ahead, leaving y/n in shock.
the girls walked around a while longer until they realized it was time to get home before they started sending out search parties.
kiri was rambling on about her home in the forest. her friends, her home, her favorite things to do, everything.
y/n just sat and listened to her talk about everything she loved.
“can i ask you something?” y/n spoke as the girls floated together.
they were just then entering the reef together after swimming and talking for a bit.
“sure.” kiri shrugs.
“why did your family come here? from how you talk about the forest, it sounds like there wasn’t any reason to leave.” y/n shrugged.
“oh.. yeah. my dad, well.. it’s a long story. but these sky people, dreamwalkers, they tried to hurt me and my siblings. and my friend, spider.” kiri explained.
“and my parents said it wasn’t safe, so we left to someplace far away where they couldn’t hurt us.” kiri shrugged.
“were you hurt?” y/n asked. “not extremely, no.” kiri replied.
“wow.. i heard stories about dreamwalkers. sky people that lived as na’vi. but they can’t all be bad.” y/n shrugged.
“you’re right. they’re not.” kiri said.
“cause you’re one… right?”
“what? no, no. my dad was an avatar, but he gave up his human form to live as a na’vi. same with my mom, but she passed away.” kiri said.
y/n’s face was… well beyond confused.
“but.. your mother’s... over there.” y/n pointed to neytiri and ronal on ilu doing their own training session.
“ohh.. no, i meant my biological mother. i’m adopted” kiri
“see? that makes much more sense.”
“yeah, sorry.” kiri laughs.
they paused for a moment and y/n watched kiri’s smile fade.
“i miss home. nobody there treated me like i was different.” kiri spoke softly.
y/n swam a bit closer, close enough to touch her.
she then looks up at her. “except you. you’ve been nothing but kind.” kiri sighed.
“why would i treat you any differently than anyone else?” y/n shrugged.
kiri watched her expression. had her skin always glowed up like that?
“y/n! kiri! we’re gonna go eat, come on!” lo’ak yelled out from afar.
“okay!” kiri yelled back.
she looked back at y/n. “race you?”
“great, let’s go.” kiri dove in without even counting down, which was worse than what y/n did.
“hey!” y/n laughed before driving in after her.
the girls raced back to the village and ate with their friends for an hour or two before heading home.
kiri and y/n couldn’t wait to hang out together again.
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haleyrude · 10 months
Hey! Idk if you still take requests but I was wondering if you’d do a Zak bagans x reader on her period fluff?
Title: Sunshine
Pairing: Zak Bagans x fem!reader
Disclaimer: This doesn’t include the highschool from the clown motel episode. Everything isn’t the same because I don’t like reading exact replicas of the shows. Also mention of blood.
Words: 3.6k
This was way too long of a build up but I had fun writing it so enjoy it!
You can’t help the heavy breath that leaves your lips as you stare down at the overnight bag on your bed. Everything was perfectly folded and packed away, but you knew, you knew that your time of month was right around the corner. You packed and double packed pads, tampons and extra underwear. By no means were you ever going to let your boyfriend know that it was your time of month. Zak and your relationship was new, fresh, so the topic never came up in conversation but compared to your last boyfriend… Cringing you zipped your bag up and put  it over your shoulder. Walking around the hardwood floor you make sure to shut off all the lights before walking out of your quaint little apartment and locking the door. 
The sun still had a few hours to set and the wind was crisp against your face as you made it to your car. Putting your bag on the passenger seat while getting in the driver seat buckling and starting your car. You had so many nerves as this would be the first time staying over Zak’s place. This happened because he had invited you to an investigation with the boys. You had reassured him from the start that what he did as a profession would never get in the way of how you feel about him. He’s had too many failed relationships in the past due to his line of work but you loved the passion in his eyes as he told you about different experiences and things he’s seen throughout the years of being in the ghost adventures. 
******* FLASHBACK **********
“I promise, it’ll be fine. It’s going to be so much fun, I can hardly wait!” you popped a chip in your mouth as you looked up to your boyfriend. Those gorgeous bluish/green eyes looking you over to make sure your body language didn’t say different. “It’s just so soon and’ he looked out at the pond. You two were at a park sitting on a blanket by the pond enjoying the sounds of the birds chirping, the tiny waves in the water and the kids playing at the park a distance away. The both of you loved to spend quality time together outdoors, you could only imagine the future camping trips that could take place. ‘I’m not ready to lose you so fast” he didn’t look back at you, but you sat up and leaned toward him to lovingly run your hand down his muscled arm. “I wouldn’t want to go with you if I wasn’t ready. Since we met I’ve started watching your show. Oh and by the way you were still hot as ever during season 1’ he let out a chuckle and you couldn’t help but smile, ‘ and you are so passionate it inspires me to want to join you with what makes you so happy” He turned so he was facing you better and with his other hand took the one that was rubbing his arm to hold it and play with your fingers while you both talk.
“I would love doing the thing that I love with someone who makes me the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I won’t let anything harm you and if you feel uncomfortable at any time we can leave. I’ll never force you to do anything to that degree not feeling your best” You both locked eyes and you gave him a little smirk. “Well..” he looked at you with a brow raised so you continued. “I’ve watched some horror movies in my time and since this would be alot more intense than a horror movie going back to my apartment alone might be a little nerve wracking” he gave you a smile with his perfectly white teeth knowing exactly what you were hinting, “Sunshine, would you like to stay at mine after the investigation?” You nodded enthusiastically as goosebumps rose on your arm from the nickname which caused Zak to chuckle once more.
*********** END OF FLASHBACK ***********
That’s how you found yourself in Zak's driveway. The escalade they drove to their investigations in if local, looked like it was packed up as the back doors were open and seemed to be filled with equipment. You took another deep breath before shutting off your car and undoing your seatbelt. Opening the door you heard that familiar voice, “Sunshine!” you looked up at your handsome man, “Hey lovely” once fully out of the car he embraced you and squeezed, you loved how protective and safe his hugs felt. He kissed the top of your head before letting go. “I like the outfit” he said looking you up and down making a blush spread across your cheeks. You noted the way he dressed from watching the shows, mostly in black, so you threw on a black pair of jeans with a black tank top and had a black jacket over that. “Do you have anything?” you nodded your head in the direction of the passenger seat, “just the bag.” He nodded, walking towards the other side of the car. “Are you ready to meet the boys?” You smiled as your heart raced just a bit. From what Zak has told you they seem to be a funny bunch and after what you’ve watched you felt like they were a nice group.
Walking inside you were breathless with Zak’s house. It was very pretty, modern looking and tidy. You were too busy looking around to notice the boys sitting around the island in the kitchen, hearing a low whistle you turned your head noticing all 3 of them looking at you. Smiling and waving you looked toward Zak feeling a bit shy not wanting his best friends to not like you. “This is Y/N, my girlfriend” he motioned toward you and then to his friends, “This is Aaron, Billy and Jay” you nodded knowing who they were from the show. “Nice to meet you three, are you excited for tonight?” They all smiled, “The adrenaline is already there believe me” Billy chuckled. “The night is fun even though it can be alot at times, we have eyes on each other as soon as we step through the doors” Jay put a hand through his hair as he leaned his back against the counter giving me a reassuring smile. 
Aaron walked toward Zak and you with a big smile on his face. Putting a hand on Zak’s shoulder and looking to you, “After all we heard about you, I’m excited you’re joining us” You couldn’t help but blush, “I’m happy to be here” Zak clapped his hands together, “We ready to go?” There were murmurs of agreement as the boys made their way to the escalade. Zak put your bag down on the couch and held his hand out towards you to grab. “I’ll give you a tour later on” he then led you to the escalade and you sat shotgun. Before leaving your apartment you had put a pad on knowing that your period would be here either tonight or tomorrow but you felt the warnings of oncoming cramps. Some months are harder than others but usually some ibuprofen and a heating pad was enough to bear the cramps. 
“Sunshine, you okay?” Bringing you out of your daze you look over at Zak who keeps glancing at you worriedly, a hand on your thigh and one on the steering wheel. “I’m okay” you gave a small smile before looking out the window and listening to the talk between the boys engaging every so often.
You were so excited and nervous, You wanted to do this for yourself and for Zak. Even though your relationship was still new, it was important to test the waters so if it was rough at the start it’d be nothing but smooth sailing after that. If you didn’t like ghost hunting you don’t think Zak would mind if you didn’t tag along anymore but by no means would that make you have Zak stop doing what he loves most, you’d just be his number 1 fan. This was important to him and it would be just as important to you. 
Your train of thought ended when Zak was quieting everyone down. “I’m going to start recording as we’re pulling up. '' He leaned to press the record button on the camera that was stationed on the dashboard as he started talking. You looked up and noticed the location of the night. The Clown Motel. Driving up to it, it looked creepy as it was, clowns never made you feel safe. You shivered as Zak parked up front. He shut the camera off and turned to face you. “We have two rooms here, we can set up, nerve center in one and the other just in case we need more space.” you nodded as you took a breath and stepped out of the car with everyone else. “I got nerve center setup with Jay if you and Aaron want to start recording” Billy was already in the back of the truck grabbing things. “Yeah I gotcha, Y/N want to be in the intro?” Aaron looked over and smiled, “Uh I might stand by you and watch, I don’t know how the fans will react.” he rolled his eyes playfully.
You did just as you said you were and stood by Aaron as Zak walked around talking about the motel and the cemetery close by. Going around and talking to the owner and interviewing other people that have experienced different things in this motel. Listening to everyone and seeing their body language really made you feel uneasy. You were never a skeptic, you believed in the afterlife and spirits being trapped in limbo and what not, so you took what everyone was saying to heart. You noticed Zak kept glancing at you during each interview as if he thought you were going to run off any second. 
Standing in the lobby filled with clowns was nerve wracking and it didn’t get better when you three went to the cemetery. During the interview you didn’t feel right, “I’m going to just take a walk around the motel” you interrupted. Both Zak and the young woman he was interviewing glanced toward you. “Need me to go with you?” Zak was ready to drop the interview but you shook your head no, “It’s okay baby, keep recording” he nodded but still seemed unsure. As soon as you left the cemetery some of the weight you felt seemed to lighten. You put your hand on your lower stomach and squinted your eyes as some cramps started hitting a bit harder. You sighed hating how pain pills never really helped during your time of month. 
As you neared the motel you felt something staring at you. Looking around you saw nothing but that feeling didn’t go away, so you quickly made your way to the room where Jay and Billy were. You made your way up the stairs, the echo of your feet through the quiet halls of the motel as you made it to the door and started knocking. “Hey Y/N! Thought you were with Zak?” Jay stepped aside to let you in before shutting the door. “I felt kinda uneasy so I needed to take a breath” you sat on the firm bed looking at the computers and tables they had set up. “You don’t have to do this if it’s too much” Billy looked at you with concern in his eyes. “No I’m fine really, if it’s too much I’ll say something don’t worry.” You laid back on the bed letting them continue with setting up cameras and doing what they needed to do as Zak and Aaron finished up all the recording they needed to before the sun started setting. 
Before the investigation truly started, you changed your pad cursing that your period had started, hoping day 1 wouldn’t be heavy. The boys split up, you, Zak and Billy went to the cemetery to start the investigation. You couldn’t help but adore the way Zak explained every little piece of equipment they had and what it did. Even letting you hold the SLS camera. Having him make you be a part of it makes your heart swell. You three sat doing some spirit box sessions. Asking questions and getting answers, the adrenaline filled you and you got a sudden sadness wash over yourself. “Sunshine?” You looked up at Zak as he put a hand on your cheek. “You’re crying” You wiped your cheek not even realizing you were. “I..just, I feel sad and I can’t explain it” He put an arm around you and pulled you closer, “It’s okay, you’re okay” 
Zak called it an end to the cemetery after that and made it back to the motel. As soon as your group got there both Zak and you noticed a door swing open. You gasped as Zak took the camera from Billy to explain what you two just witnessed. “Bill you got nerve center while Y/N and I go to the lobby?” “Yep I’ll be watching, holler if you need me” he started making his way up the stairs. Zak grabbed your hand as the other went to your stomach, “It’s okay, I’ll be with you the whole time.” “I’m more worried for you” You tried to make his attention leave your stomach, it worked when he raised a brow, “You have an actual fear of clowns” You both chuckled but when getting to the front door it became tense real quick. 
The nerves, adrenaline, plus the cramps getting worse were definitely taking its toll on you. You just wanted to be home curled in a fetus position with your heating pad. Zak and you were walking around the clowns as he recorded them. You whimpered when a strong cramp hit and Zak immediately turned to you. Your heart was racing, “I feel nauseous, can I please go to the second room?” he just looked at you as if making sure you weren’t hurt. “I’m okay I promise” He sighed and took the key card out of his pocket. “If you need anything, anything at all, use this” he handed you a spare walkie talkie and you nodded, leaning up and giving him a sweet kiss on his lips. He smiled and rubbed your back as you made your way to the second room. 
As you walked to the room you felt that staring sensation once again and quickened your steps to the room. You decided on the second room so you wouldn’t bother Billy not wanting him to find out about your period and him telling Zak. You shook your head as you made it to the room, closing the door and curling up in the stiff bed keeping the lights on and the walkie talkie right next to you. You closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.
You awoke not knowing how much later but you felt Zak rubbing your back and you couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t until you felt cold that you turned around and saw that no one was there. You scrambled up against the headboard fumbling for the walkie talkie you left next to yourself. You were breathing heavy on the verge of tears, “Zak, Zak can you hear me” the tears left your eyes. You were so scared. After a second you heard Zak and relief washed over you, “Sunshine I’m coming” not even 5 minutes later you heard the key card unlock the door and Zak was rushing to your side. You flung yourself in Zak's arms and he held tight, rubbing the back of your head, “Shhh shhh, you’re okay I’m here what happened?” he let you cry. You leaned back and you both sat on the bed. “I fell asleep, I don’t know how long’ you were shaking your head but Zak put a hand on your thigh rubbing his thumb up and down trying to soothe you. ‘I thought you were rubbing my back. You weren’t here no one was” he brought you into him again. “Let me look at your back” you turned and he pulled your shirt up, goosebumps rose on your skin when he trailed his fingers down your back. “Nothing’s there, nothing hurt you”
“Billy and I were just finished up and then we were going to head out.” You nodded standing up as did Zak. “What’s wet?” You looked at him and your heart dropped when he touched his pant leg and there was a light sheen of red on his hand. Then did you feel everything you didn’t because you were frightened and all your senses earlier were non-existent. “Zak” you said cautiously and he looked at you as you cringed ready for him to yell. “You weren’t supposed to know, I’m so, so sorry. This is all my fault, I’ll buy you new pants and replace the motel bed, please I didn’t know..” “Sunshine” Zak grabbed your attention. You kept your gaze down, getting ready for the consequences now that he knew you were on your period. “Sunshine, look at me” he said softly, taking a finger on his clean hand and lifting your head by your chin. “You’re okay, it’s part of life. I’m not mad at you” you looked at him in disbelief, “y..you’re not mad?” he shook his head. “You must be so uncomfortable, do you have more stuff? Change of pants?” You looked down and that was enough to tell him all your stuff was at his house. He took off his jacket, “Wrap this around you. I’ll call the motel in the morning about the sheets. Let's get you back to mine and get you in a bath” He walked away to go wash his hands. You were completely speechless putting his jacket around your waist. 
More tears left your eyes, “Crying again sunshine?” he came back pulling you in for a hug. “We’ll talk about this more when we get home” 
You waited in the car as the boys gathered all their equipment, scolding yourself for not bringing more product with you. The car ride home was quiet as everyone was exhausted. When getting back to Zak’s everyone bid their farewells and gave hugs as Zak put an arm around you after and brought you into the house. Gracie greeted you both as you walked in the door, you wondered where she was when you first got to the house. “I’m going to start a warm bath for you” You followed him into what you assumed was his room, very spacious, most of his decor was black and gray, simple but elegant. His bathroom was a gorgeous light gray marble. Shower and bath separate. You stood there as he started the water. “Why did you think I was going to get mad earlier?” You fidgeted with your fingers, “In the past I would always get scolded when he knew I was on my period” Zak’s mouth dropped a bit, “Scolded?” You nodded, “It’s disgusting, messy, I complain too much, I had to take off work some days..’ ‘please stop’ you looked up as he stood up and started walking toward you, you could’ve sworn his eyes were glistening. He cupped both of your cheeks in his hands, “Never and I mean never think that I would ever get mad over your period. All girls go through this, you should be treated as a princess everyday nonetheless when you're dealing with all the pain that comes from what you have to go through monthly.” You looked to the side to kiss his hand. 
He dropped his hands to shut the water off. “I put bubble bath in it, I’ll go get you fresh clothes and products from your bag. I’ll put those clothes in the wash.” He walked out leaving you to strip and step into the bath. You could’ve moaned with how good the water felt. You sank in and shut your eyes. About 10 minutes later you heard the door open and Zak walked in, changed himself, in pajama pants and a skin tight tank that defined his muscles. He put clothes and your bathroom bag on the counter and then went to pick up the dirty clothes pile. “I’ll put this in the wash and come back if that’s okay?” “Of course baby” As much as you wanted to stay in this bath you were exhausted and you could tell Zak was too. 
You pulled the drain and got up taking the towel and wrapping it around yourself. He walked in as you did so. “Done already?” You chuckled, “I just want to cuddle” He clasped his hands together, “I second that, I’ll be in the bed if you don’t need anything else.” “I’m good thank you” He walked out and you finished up, putting fresh product on and changing into shorts and an oversized T. You walked out seeing him under the covers and he patted the spot next to him. You laughed jumping into bed and snuggling up next to him. “You smell nice and clean sunshine” You looked up at him and pecked his lips, “Why do you call me sunshine?” He took a breath and looked up at the ceiling, “Ever since I met you, you brought this light into my life as if you were my own personal sunshine. I know we’re still new but I couldn’t imagine my sunshine leaving” he turned back to you and sweetly kissed your lips. “How’s your stomach?” your heart swelled once more, “It’s okay for now” His eyes started closing as yours felt heavy as well, “let me know if you need a heating pad” he said softer and you couldn’t help but cuddle into him further.
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torakan · 2 months
part one
i decided to write it down because why not
also, english isn’t my native language, so if there’re some mistakes, please tell me in the comments
the art
Okay, so you probably wonder why I even started talking, right? Why begin telling my story? Well, simply because I find it quite interesting and very unusual for our kind. So, if you’d like, I’ll probably start…
So, when I was about 18 years old, I’ve been already living all by myself since I was accidentally taken away from my family when humans with whom we were living moved away. I had to adapt a lot since I didn’t really want to die haha… but I survived and now I’m all healthy and wealthy so there’s no need to worry.
After a year they changed home again because they were having a baby or something. I didn’t care all that much to remember. However, this time I remained at that building since nobody had seen me yet and I had already had kind of a home in the walls. It would’ve been such a pain in the ass to adapt again, you know?
Living in an apartment was nice and it was a lot easier to walk around than in countryside houses for an obvious reason - distance. When I had been living in a huge residence, borrowing a bit of food could’ve taken ages to accomplish, but in smaller one it took just a few hours while the human was outside or asleep.
The bean I lived with was a guy around my age, maybe a little older since, as I heard, it’s a common practise for humans to separate themselves from their parents at the age of 21. I didn’t know his name, but from the glimpses I caught of him, he was quite a pretty one, though a bit dark, he has always been wearing black clothes. I mean, me too, but mine were just old and dirty, I didn’t really have a choice. He was quiet, didn’t invite too many people and stuck to his schedule most of the time, so I was lucky to be there. Until that day came…
That day the last bits of food I had were over, so I had to find something to not die of starvation. I was stupid enough to go borrowing during the day, but before you say something, I need you to give me some credit! I knew for sure that he would’ve not been at home till late hours, so I had plenty of time to do that and I was hungry, so it wasn’t completely my fault, right?
My way to the kitchen counter, where the most accessible food was kept, lay through the bookshelf where some books, plants and other strange stuff stood. I liked it there, it was the darkest spot in the room, a nice place for hiding and the guy has never looked there. So, I took my standard borrowing gear – the rope with a hook in it, old ass boots with double-sided tape on them and a bag to put food in there – and was already all set to go, when I heard a click. That could’ve meant only one thing – the human was back. Why did that even happen in the first place, I didn’t know, but it remained a solid fact and I had to run away and hide despite everything. I hid in that dark spot just in time when that guy entered the kitchen. My heart was jumping in my chest as fast as a captured bird, it was so scary, you guys can’t even imagine… I was carefully watching a human moving around – he was preparing food and some tea as quickly as possible while talking on the phone with someone. But because my heart was thumping so loudly in my chest, all his words sounded muffled as if I was under water and I didn’t catch what he was saying. What I knew for sure - he must’ve been in a huge hurry.
And suddenly, I stopped breathing – the bean disappeared from my view, and I didn’t know whether he left the room or just sat down or wasn’t in the house anymore in general. All I could do was pray for my own safety, but apparently, I was too small for whoever rules this world to hear my prayers. I swear to god, I almost lost my shit there when a huge eye appeared in my sight covering everything I could see before. I was spotted by a human and not only that, but I was also alone and with no place to run away to. All I could do, apart from jut die then and there, was to hide behind a book and silently cry from hopelessness of this situation.
“Oh!” I heard human saying. No wonder he was surprised, I would’ve been too if I saw something I only heard about from tales, like a fairy or something.
But that voice was finally a trigger for me to start moving at least, because before all I could do was to stare back and hope him to think I was a doll or at least a figment of his imagination. I picked all my things and ran away with a speed of a fucking sound, or at least I tried my best to.
“No, wait!” the guy spoke again. “Please, don’t be scared… I mean no harm…”
Yeah, sure, and I’m a princess Cinderella.
When I finally had a chance to go out of that spot, it was already nighttime, and the human was asleep. My body was weak from all those hours it trembled in fear and didn’t have any food or water. It was also kind of a good thing since I wouldn’t have had access to the toilet, you know what I mean?
By the time I got to the place where I live, I was no better than a walking zombie, so all I did was plop down on the bed and pray it was just a nightmare.
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