#I’m gonna give me everything I want and then get shot by the feds
deadbeatdadjokes · 1 year
“He would not fuckiNg say that !!!” what if I had a gun to his head what then
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sulfurz · 10 months
ೃ༄ TWENTY TWENTY T’REE (sheamus x fem!reader)
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ೃ༄ PAIRING: sheamus x fem!reader
Can I have a one shot with sheamus where he’s kinda irritated and speaking loud and fast. Just ranting to his partner and he turns to see her trying not to laugh because she loves his strong accent
ೃ༄ WARNINGS: none (unless u count laughing at his accent. reader is gonna laugh at his accent)
ೃ༄ WORD COUNT: 788
ೃ༄ NOTE: THIS IS VERY SHORT BUT as someone who is dating an irish person…. this is the story of my life don’t get me wrong my girlfriend is the loml but sometimes i do have to ask her to slow down. just read everything in an irish accent pls
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you heard sheamus arrive home before you saw him. the telltale sound of a car door slamming in the driveway gave away how your boyfriend was most likely feeling, so you resigned yourself to readying the comfort as you finished up your work.
you were lazily thrown across the couch, laptop on your thighs as you flicked through spreadsheets for your job. no day off apparently.
as the door to your home opened, you could hear telltale irish muttering that the day hadn’t quite been everything he had wanted it to be. he seemed to kick his shoes off as opposed to place them on the rack neatly, if the banging against the hallway door was a good enough sign.
“i’m home.” then came a tired shout, and you chuckled to yourself at the obvious statement.
“no way.” was your sarcastic response, turning your head just in time to see your boyfriend appear through the doorway, wasting no time in shooting you a (hopefully) playful glare. “welcome home, love.”
for a moment, he cracked a smile through the layers of frustration, walking over to where you sat and leaning down just enough to peck your lips. his hair was still slightly damp from a shower at the training centre, the feeling of it touching your forehead making you shudder momentarily.
“how was training?” you felt vaguely like your were poking the bear, seeing the way his shoulders tensed at the question.
sheamus immediately jumped into busying himself around the room, unpacking his bag and putting everything back in its place. “it was a load of shite. boss man pulled me into his office not even half way t’rough, something about a new storyline that’s entirely bullshite if you ask me.”
you raised an eyebrow, allowing him to move around you as you formatted something on your spreadsheet, noting down a total at the bottom. “in what way?”
“they’re just not even trying t’ hide their favouritism now — got the most insane match cards lined up with winners ya wouldn’t even t’ink possible. half the guys in t’ locker room don’t like it, but we’ve gotta do what the boss man wants.”
you hummed noncommittally, typing something into your laptop as he continued in the background.
“i’m fed up at this point. we cannay even have a day these days, then i got put t’rough a table wrong in training, proper botched it and could barely get up for a second. i tell yous it’s gone to shite since the hey days, could do with a whole rebrand a’ this point but i don’t t’ink even tha’ could save us.”
by now, you were barely following what sheamus was saying. he had a habit of talking fast when annoyed, and this time was no exception, but coupled with your half focus — you wouldn’t deny you had lost entire understanding of what he said half way through. it was something you had noticed in the years you had been together; no matter how used to his accent you had gotten, he always got more irish the moment he was even slightly upset. unfortunately, the thicker accent coupled with the speed usually equaled y/n losing everything he was saying.
you had to chuckle to yourself as he went off again in the background, thankful he wasn’t looking in your direction as you tried to hide your amusement behind your hand.
“i dun’ even know their reasons for this one, i t’ink they’re just t’rowing shite out there now ‘nd hoping for the best. they used to give us reasons for whatever they did, but now it’s just ‘hey sheamus my man do this entirely unreasonably t’ing just for views even though it doesn’t match your character at all’, it’s— are you alright there?”
you glanced up to see sheamus looking straight at you, clearly having seen the way you were practically folded in on yourself in amusement.
trying to calm yourself down was worse, the laughter you were suppressing coming out in snorts by now. “i’m so— i’m so sorry! you’re-“ you hicupped “you’re just very irish.”
“no shite sherlock.” your boyfriend responded, but as you looked up at him, he was cracking a smile of his own, the frustrated expression he had worn before cracking in its facade “have i ever told you i hate yous?”
you giggled again, lying full on your side by now on the sofa. opening your arms, you beckoned him to come join you with a smile that he mirrored on his own face “many times. you never fail to remind me.”
sheamus cackled loudly, practically jumping on top of you as he peppered kisses along your cheeks. “wait till you meet my father.”
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Sad Incorrect Quotes
(Cause I’m a messy angst-filled bitch and y’all are gonna feel it with me before Chapter 56 Sunday)
Incorrect Quotes 3
(When Armin is finally fed up with Megatron and stands up for himself)
Armin: What is wrong with you?! I am reaching out to you despite everything that you have done and you still can’t get out of your own way! God! I feel sorry for you!
Megatron in fury: Don’t turn your back on me!
Optimus: I will take care of you.
Eren:…it’s rotten work.
Optimus: Not to me. Not if it’s you.
Hanji: “Oh... I thought you were about to hug me haha.”
Optimus: “D...Did you want a hug?”
Hanji: “....yes please.”
(Optimus does so rather awkwardly because he's not good at giving full forms of affection).
Megatron: “I hate you, with every fiber of my being.”
Optimus: “...You’re a terrible liar.”
(When Megatron really starts to give a shit and care about others which again, way later.)
Hanji: Stop worrying. Give me your hand. I'm your friend.
Megatron: I fear to stain your clothes with blood.
Hanji: Stain them. I don't care.
Zeke: “What the hell were you thinking?! How could you make such an important decision without me?!”
Megatron: “The same way you did. Only unlike you, my decision isn’t going to kill thousands of innocent humans for the sake of my own self-deprecation and depression.”
Zeke: “You fucking bastard! This could ruin everything I’ve worked for!”
Megatron: “I know... That’s part of why I agreed to it.”
Levi: “You really have been through a lot, haven’t you?”
Optimus: “...More than you can possibly imagine.”
Levi: “Is there nothing I can do to ease the pain?”
Optimus: “...Stay with me? Please? Just for a little while longer...”
Optimus: “You should have called me, I would have come immediately if I’d known.”
Eren: “I didn’t want to bother you, I know you’ve been exhausted lately...”
Optimus: “Some things are more important Eren... And you’re one of them. Please don’t force yourself to suffer alone like this again.”
Optimus: “Nothing good can come from this...”
Megatron: “...Maybe so, but at least this way we have some measure of control over whatever calamities do befall us.”
Megatron: “Is there truly nothing I can do to earn your forgiveness?”
Hanji: “...It’s not my forgiveness that you should be concerned about.”
(Based on some dialogue I have written for these two way later. So I guess this is kind of a spoiler. Lol.)
(If Optimus has had enough and is just tired)
Magath: Yes, I'd quite like to know that, too. You set this up. Why?
Optimus: Because it's not a game, Magath! This is a scale model of war! Every war, ever fought, right there in front of you! Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning! Sit down and talk! 
Yelena: You don't understand. You will never understand.
Optimus: I don't understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean, do you call this a war? This funny little thing? This is not a war! I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know! I did worse things than you could ever imagine. And when I close my eyes! I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And do you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight till it burns your hand, and you say this. No one else will ever have to live like this. No one else will have to feel this pain. Not on my watch!
(Alluding to another scene I have written way later. Lol. I don't want Doctor Who but the Zygon Speech about War from Peter Capaldi is a top tier performance. Give it a watch.)
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rebouks · 2 years
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Joslyn: Key wasn’t due to retire for at least a few years… Do you have any reason to believe they know what you’re up to?
Ivan: I don’t think so?
Oscar: He would’ve threatened us by now, surely…
Joslyn: Spencer could have put a stop to it without saying anything, or without knowing all the details. He tends to do that, but I don’t know for sure… Are you certain you’re still intent on taking this path? I can’t guarantee your safety, and I don’t even know where to go from here. It’d be wiser to leave, if I’m honest.
Ivan: I’d leave in a heartbeat. He won’t.
Oscar: Dude-…
Ivan: I’m not gonna! Just sayin’, I’d leave if you did. I got nothin’ t’lose.
Oscar: You could leave if you wanted, I don’t want to feel guilty about you too… I won’t make you stay.
Ivan: I know, bud. Oscar: I mean, you kinda started this… What’re we supposed to do now? What’d you even do before you ended up here? Ivan: How did you know Silas? I guess if you knew him, you know about Alea too? Or, Leah. Joslyn: [sighs] You two are persistent, I’ll give you that.
Oscar: Well?
Joslyn: I used to be a Senior Special Agent; I was their superior, among others. No one else you’d know I don’t think, they’ve all moved on. We hired Leah off the streets, Silas started as an apprentice.
Ivan: What happened?
Joslyn: Neither of them followed protocol, they got in over their heads. Silas had no patience; frustrated by their lack of trust, he decided that seduction was the best way to obtain more information. A big no no… I suspect he convinced Leah to do the same, since she ended up in a similar position. She was coerced after being found out; I’ve tried reaching out to her several times, but I’ve had no luck. I don’t know what she expected; you can’t waltz right up to a hornet’s nest, poke it, and expect not to get stung. At least Silas wasn’t stupid enough to mess around with anyone at the top. Not that it did him much good in the end… Their ambition got the better of them, basically.
Oscar: I take it you got in trouble?
Joslyn: Until I spoke to you. This promotion was pure bribery, and a way to keep me away from the city. They don’t want me poking around. It’s been so long since they’ve taken on anyone new, it was worth a shot. I didn’t think they’d catch on so quick; once bitten, twice shy I suppose…
Oscar: Until you spoke to me.
Joslyn: Mmh. This promotion was pure bribery, and a way to keep me away from the City. They don’t want me poking around. It’s been so long since they’ve taken on anyone new, I had to try. I didn’t think they’d catch on so quick; once bitten, twice shy I suppose…
Ivan: So, it’s hopeless?
Oscar: Fuck that. I’ll just.. I dunno, record everything n’ take it to someone who does give a shit. Like the feds.
Joslyn: You want to take this to a federal level, without an Agent?
Oscar: Sure, why not. It’ll be like a fucked up thesis.
Joslyn: [chuckles] You’re tenacious. I like it.
Ivan: [snorts] He’s stubborn, and reckless.
Joslyn: I’m not going to stop you. I can’t get involved directly, I’m always here if you need any advice though.
Oscar: Thanks, I guess. No offence, but you’re all absolutely useless.
Joslyn: Bureaucracy at its finest.
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direwombat · 2 years
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tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton for wip wednesday and @poetikat a day or two ago to share some of a wip!
taggin: @natesofrellis​, @thomrainer​, @adelaidedrubman​, @strafethesesinners​, @strangefable​, @funkypoacher​, @harmonyowl​, @schoute​, @aceghosts​, @confidentandgood​, and anyone else wanting to share anything they have (but no pressure, as always)
i just published ch 5 of fragile creatures and i don’t really work ahead, so everything i have for ch 6 is super rough, but here’s something that’s polished enough to share. it still needs a lot of work lmao but it’s better than the skeletons and single lines of dialogue/description or notes that are my other wips...
“So,” he sniffs. “Put any thought into how you wanna die?”
Pratt doesn’t look at him, or answer.
“No? You don’t give me any input and I’ll have to decide for you. And I gotta say, Peaches, whatever I come up with, you’re not gonna like.” He slices a piece of apple and pops it in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
He watches for any reaction, but Pratt gives him nothing. Just a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. Disappointing. Jacob thought he’d be a wreck by now. “Tell you what. I’ll give you a choice,” he continues. “One of two options. Either A,” he holds his index finger up, “I crucify you. Hike you up somewhere into the mountains and nail you to some trees and leave you up there all by yourself. Someone may find and save you. Or you’ll die a slow, agonizing death.”
Still nothing, save for the bob of his Adam’s apple.
“Or,” he says, holding up his second finger. “You’re shot. Back of the head. Executioner’s style. Hell, I’ll do it myself if you want. Nice and quick. Comparatively painless. Caveat is you gotta dig your own grave first -- assuming you want one. I’m not making my men waste their time putting your body to rest. Otherwise your body’s being fed to the wolves. Might be the only useful thing you’ll ever be good for.”
And Pratt still remains a statue, huddled in his little corner of the cage. The deputy isn’t a resilient man. He bows and bends at the slightest hint of pressure. Getting him to break had been easy. But for some reason, it’s here that he’s found some resolve. If Jacob were a more charitable man, he might even find his newfound conviction admirable. Pratt has only known Deputy Rook for only a few months, yet he’s confident she’ll put her neck on the line just to save him.
But Jacob isn’t a charitable man, and he thinks Pratt is naive and a fool.
“She’ll be here,” Pratt rasps, his voice rough from pain and thirst.
Jacob gives him a look. Amused but pitying, the same kind of look one gives a child who failed entertainingly at whatever task they were attempting. “Whatever helps you get through the day, Peaches,” he says.
annnnd here’s a snippet from the charlie/paola pre-ship fic that i’ll finish someday....no paola in this particular scene, but have some fun old fashioned heist planning with charlie + the lost legacy trio
He raises his hand. Chloe nods at him. “Yes, Charlie?”
“What are we gonna do about the provenance documents?” he asks.
Sam scoffs. “Provenance documents,” he parrots. “Lookat you using big boy words.”
“Fuck off, it’s a legitimate question,” Charlie bristles. “This guy’s a scumbag, but he’s by the book, right? Technically he bought the piece legally, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Chloe says slowly, and he’s suddenly a little uncomfortable with how everyone’s eyes are on him now.
“Then there’s gonna be a paper trail. It’s not gonna matter how long we sit on it, the second we try to fence it, alarm bells are gonna go off somewhere. And if it can get traced back to us…”
“Bad news bears,” Sam finishes.
Charlie points at him. “Exactly.”
Chloe chews thoughtfully on the inside of her cheek. “Okay, so we steal the provenance documents too. Easy.”
Charlie shakes his head. “Won’t be enough. We’ll need to get the digital files too.”
Chloe pulls a face, puffing her cheeks out and exhaling heavily. It’s so much easier to steal from other criminals. Nadine frowns, working her jaw as the cogs turn in her head, and Sam drums his fingers against the counter. Then he says, “I can do it.”
“Are you sure?” Chloe asks.
Sam nods. “You’re sending me in through the front door anyways. We’ll pick up a USB or something at the airport and I’ll figure out a way to get into his office. Easy peasy.”
They all know it’s anything but, but there’s no way to hash out a more concrete plan without actually getting eyes inside this guy’s mansion.
“What do we do once we have the documents, then?” Nadine asks.
Charlie shrugs. “Find someone who can forge them?"
“Do we know any forgers in Italy?” she asks the table. Both Chloe and Sam shake their heads.
Charlie awkwardly clears his throat. “Well, there’s Miss Orsini, right?”
The silence that follows his question drags on for an eternity.
Then Sam bursts into laughter. “You’re joking, right?” he says, wiping a fake tear from his eye. “After last time, I don’t think she’ll be too keen on the idea of working with us again.”
“Naw, mate, she just doesn’t want to work with you again,” Charlie responds. He doesn’t know much about the history between Sam and Miss Orsini, but he does know that the events of the previous job working with her put him squarely on her shit-list. But she seemed to still be on professionally amicable terms with both Nadine and Chloe last he heard.
“She’s a civilian, Charlie,” Nadine says dismissively.
“One who specializes in the preservation of both digital and paper records.”
“I have seen her literally pull ink off of paper,” Sam says quietly.
Nadine sighs. “Alright, I’ll talk to her. But I won’t make any promises.”
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backstabbersblog · 2 years
Was Loving Him My Punishment? Part 3.
Hey guys! I know that I haven’t really anything these past couple of months but I feel like this series deserves a happy ending.
Besides I missed writing for Fezco so enjoy!
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Hey guys”. Sharise groaned while getting up from the bed.
“Hey bitch, how you feeling?” Maddie walked over to Sharise giving her a hug.
“I missed you guys”.
“We missed you too” Lexi said wiping her tears away.
“Lex please don’t cry, no tears okay, guys I’m okay this isn’t a big deal”.
“Yeah bitch stop being a little bitch right now”. Maddie said giving Lex a dirty glare.
“I know I’m sorry it’s just I was so worried about you and Fez and you didn’t see my play”.
“Yeah about that, I’m really sorry girl. I hope it was amazing, I mean you fucking wrote it so I'm sure it was amazing”.
“Yeah I beat Cassies bitch ass”.
“You did what! And I fucking missed it!”
“Yeah but it’s fine her and Nate broke up anyways”.
“Yeah well fuck them, she’s a snake”.
We all looked over at Lexi.
“Sorry”. I mouthed.
“Eh its okay, I don't give a shit” Lexi said laughing.
“I mean how are you, you have a scar, is it painful, are you gonna get a tattoo?” Maddie said rambling on.
“Yes it is fucking painful to get shot, and I probably won’t get a tattoo to cover it up”.
“Bitch, why the hell not-”. Maddie suddenly being interrupted by Lexi.
“Okay I think the better question to ask is how are you and Fezco dealing with this I mean you did move into a new house after and he was almost in jail”.
“We’re okay, you know we are dealing with it”. 
Now Sharise couldn’t lie to save her own life, but she couldn’t tell her closest friends the truth, I mean how would they react to the pregnancy, to Ash killing Mouse and Custer? Fez taught her how to lie, he had too if she wanted to survive in his world, she needed to learn and learn fast.
“Where’s Rue?”
“She’s with Fezco, I don’t know she said it was urgent”.
“Is she back on drugs?”
“She claims she's clean but you know how it is” Lexi said sadly.
“Yeah unfortunately I do”.
On the other side of the hall you can almost hear what Fez and I were talking about but Reese didn’t want to snoop but she was also curious about what we were saying, she hadn’t talked to Fezco since that night at the hospital.
“Hey dude you look like shit by the way”.
“Yo Rue I ain’t in the mood today, if you want something go to Ash”.
“Who the fuck said I want anything right now, I’m clean bro, I just came to see one my good friends”.
“Well she's in the room down the hall”.
“Well maybe I came to see you”.
Fezco just stared blankly ahead, smoking the blunt that laid gently in between in his fingers.
“What the fucks going on man? I mean I haven’t fucking seen you since the Feds blew up your house, you haven’t been coming by the store so I figured your ass was here”.
Fez scoffed.
“Rue I ain’t doing too good and Reese, well Reese she's been in that room for a whole fucking week, she ain’t say shit to me, it’s like we strangers you know, all the love we had it's gone”.
“Well she did get shot Fez, it’s not like you get over that quickly”.
“Yeah well we was abouta have a baby, when those motherfuckers shot her”.
“Wait, Reese was pregnant?”
“Yeah she was carryin’ it and everything’ and she didn’t even tell me”.
“Dude that’s some crazy, fucked up shit right there”. 
“Yeah bruh, I mean how the fuck we supposed to move on from that?”
“I mean I don't know dude, maybe like go in and talk to her”.
“How? She locks the door on me, she don’t even want me near her”.
“Look dude she's been in love with you since she was 13, I mean I was shitty towards her too and she never gave up on me, she ain’t gonna give up on you”.
Fezco continued smoking his blunt. I did believe what I said that Reese doesn’t give up easily on the ones she loves. She loved Fezco, Fezco was everything to her. I mean she once told me, she’d kill for Fezco and Fezco would do the same for her. I think that’s what dangerous about love, it’s always a game until someone gets hurt. 
Sharise Maxwell grew up never knowing who she really was. She was kind, shy, quiet, sensitive and emotional. Those were qualities that drew Fez to her. Fezco needed someone who was the opposite of the drug world. All his life he was surrounded by assholes. Until he met Reese. Reese was someone who he needed. He wanted to have someone who was kind towards him, who accepted him for who he was. All the ugliness he felt, Reese took that away and made it okay for Fezco to do what he did. It was like she gave him the okay that it’s okay to deal drugs. Of course deep down inside it bothered Reese, but she wanted make Fezco happy. She put Fezco and Ash first, they were her family now.
They both had a lot in common mainly the fact that they didn’t have parents and their grandmas raised them. Sharise didn’t know who her parents were, as far the stories she heard her mom got in with the bad crowd and didn’t come home after she got into a fight with her grandma. As far as her dad, she didn’t know who he was, could’ve been the guy at the post office, truth was Sharise’s mom didn’t know either. Until Sharise’s grandma Lucy got a call one night, she couldn’t exactly understand what was going on because she hadn’t heard or seen her daughter in months but that night, she discovered that her own daughter overdosed and she left a 6 month year old behind. Lucy couldn’t let social services take the baby away, so she took the baby in. 
“Your mom was trouble ever since she was a baby” Lucy would say to Sharise growing up.
“She never knew what she wanted, all she ever caused was trouble”.
Sharise didn’t know what to say, I mean who says that to a 5 year old. Growing up she was angry at her mom for leaving her behind, for leaving her with nothing not even a note to explain who she was, and why she did what she did. But as Sharise got older, the anger went away because she found Fezco.
Fezco never judged Sharise, he knew she had issues deep down inside but he didn’t care, he loved Reese, his grandma used to say “don’t ever fall in love, it’s the one instinct you can’t trust”. But he didn’t listen and did it anyway.
After Sharise came home from the hospital her and Fezco were never the same. They fought all the time, they couldn’t be in the same house anymore. They didn’t even sleep in the same bed. Sharise wanted to be alone and Fezco, well Fezco wanted to be there for her. He wanted to make sure she was okay. They were inseparable, people were jealous of their love. People took one look and wished that they had that kinda love that they had for each other. Sharise would do anything for Fez, and Fez would do the same for Reese. But that all changed. Sharise became angry and moody all the time. Fezco hid behind a bottle, and smoked all day. Fezco barely came by the store, Ash took over. He could tell Ash felt guilty too, he couldn’t even go in and talk to Reese. Neither of them knew how to handle it.
“Yo Reese, ima be at the store today, you want me to getchu anythin?” Fez said walking into their bedroom.
“Nope” Reese said coldly as she was also packing her things.
“Yo the fuck you doin’” Fezco said as he was walking over.
“What does it look like I’m doing Fezco”.
“Well I know your ass ain’t leavin the fuck Reese can you just talk to me god damnit!”
“You wanna talk Fezco?! We’ll fucking talk, I’m so beyond angry with you! no fuck that, I’m just fucking done with this, with all of this”.
“So all of a sudden you just want throw away everythin we ever had?”
“Fezco I think you decided that a long time ago”.
“The fuck does that mean, Yo Reese I ain’t fuckin playin witchu, drop that fucking bag cuz we gonna talk like adults around here”.
“Oh look at you acting like an adult get outta my way Fezco”. Sharise said while shoving Fezco.
“Oh hell nah”. Fezco said grabbing Sharise arm.
“Let me go Fezco!”
“You wanna act like a fucking brat, I’ll treat you like one!” Fezco said locking the bedroom door.
“Fezco you can’t just lock me in here!”
“Yes I fucking can, cuz we gonna talk aight, I can’t do this all this ignoring and shit”.
Sharise scoffed.
“How the fuck did we get here like this? I mean I thought this shit would be easy”. Sharise said crying.
“You don’t think it kills me, watching you take the bullet and not me? You think it was fuckin easy waiting for your ass to get out of surgery only fucking finding out you was having a baby and not fucking telling me”.
“I wanted to tell you after Lexi’s play, I wanted to surprise you I just didn’t expect the fuckin cops to raid our place again”.
“What? Did you think I did?”
“Fez if you hadn’t gotten involved with Rues bullshit and fucking Mouse and fucking Faye none of this would’ve happened!”
“Did you think I wanted this Reese? This is my fucking life! Okay you knew that before you could involved with me!”
“Okay well I wish I wouldn’t have gotten involved.”
Sharise stood there for a minute it was like she had punched Fezco in the face for what she said. They had their fights but she was never this mean to him.
Fezco went over and punched the wall. Sharise jumped. Sharises heart was pounding she had seen fezcos ugly side when he was dealing or when he kicked Rue out of his house, but this time she couldn’t recognise him.
“Fez” Sharise said almost as a whisper.
Fezco just kept breathing it was like all the air had sucked right outta him. He didn’t even know what to say.
“I thought I could handle this but I can’t. I uh I wanna live with Lexi at least for a little while”.
“So that’s it we just done?”.
“I don’t want us to be over Fez but if I stay here I’ll just end up hating you and I can’t hate the person that I love”.
“You wanna think about Ash before you go cuz he won’t ever forgive you if you just leave”.
“Don’t guilt trip me into staying okay I love you and I love Ash okay I helped raise him too Fezco”.
“How the fuck did we get like this?” Fez said sitting on the bed.
“I mean how the fuck did we go from loving and talking about our future to this?”
Sharise stayed quiet. She couldn’t find the right words to say because she didn’t wanna leave Fezco but she knew deep inside she was proving a point to Fezco the point that she was hurt and he needed to see that.
“You don’t think it’s killing me fuck I can’t focus because all I fucking think about is you. You’re all I think about everyday Reese”.
“Fezco I think we need some time apart, at least for a little while, we both know that this isn’t working out and if I end up staying here I’ll end up hating you and I don’t wanna hate you”. Sharise said wiping her tears away.
“I love you fezco and I wish the best for you”. Sharise said kissing fezcos forehead.
“Tell Ash that I love him and I’m sorry”.
Some people say that depression comes and goes but not for Sharise, she felt so drained so lifeless that not even Lexi knew how to help, she wanted to talk to Reese about what happened but she didn’t have the courage to. Sharise sat there for days and days waiting for Fezco to come but he didn’t. Suddenly it was the guilt that drove her insane, the only man who truly loved her for real, she let go. Sharise never experienced real love until it came from Fezco. Now it wasn’t about the sex or the obsession she had with Fezco but it was the fact that she knew no matter what she would never love anybody like she loved Fezco.
“So are you and Fezco done, are you guys broken up?” Lexi asked while coming out of the bathroom. I looked up from message I saw from Rue it read, “Yo I need to fucking see you ASAP”. I ignored it. To be honest I didn’t want to see Rue, I know why she’s been blowing up my phone for the past week, she wants to convince me to get back together with Fez because I complete him and we love each other and blah blah-
“Reese, I asked you a question”. Lexi suddenly interrupting my thoughts.
“Uh I guess, I mean I did leave and pack my things to live with you so”. Lexi seemed hurt by the sarcastic comment that I made, fuck I shouldn’t be so mean to her, she is letting me practically live with her.
“I’m sorry that was a stupid question I don’t now why I do that, I get nervous so I start to ask a lot of questions and I-”.
“Lex it’s okay I’m sorry I'm just having a hard time without Fez and Ash so I have to get used to the whole new norm, it’s really hard to be away from them so”.
“You guys have been together for so long I mean you guys are the first normal relationship he doesn’t abuse you, he’s not mean to you, so I don’t get it”.
“There’s nothing to get Lex, this shit happens it’s not everyday your boyfriend is a drug dealer and your fucking house gets raided, and forgot to mention you did get shot so what don’t you get Lexi”.
“Hey bitches I bought snacks and fucking liquor okay we need to get fucked up tonight”. Maddie and the rest of the girls came rushing through Lexi’s room.
Thank god. I don’t know Lexi is being up my ass with the whole raid and Fez and I, it’s like deep down inside it’s like she knew the real reason, shit I guess I should be scared of Lexi I mean she did expose Cassie and fucking Nate. 
“Wait hey hoes did you forget about me?”.
God I know that voice, fucking Rue. I looked over my shoulder, she stood there with that stupid smirk on her face, just staring at me watching my every move.
“You wanna tell me why the fuck you’ve been ignoring my calls?”
“You wanna tell me why the fuck you’re here?” I got up in Rue’s face.
“Woah guys let’s separate okay let's all get a fucking drink and just chill”. Kat said passing us drinks.
“Yes bitch okay this energy is too negative for me”. Maddie said smoking a blunt.
Hours had passed and everyone had seemed to be high or drunk or maybe both but there was me, my glass still full and untouched. I didn’t want to drink tonight in fact I didn’t want to see anyone, I wanted to be alone I craved to be alone, I stood up and walked out the door.
“I’m gonna go and get some fresh air”. I said putting on my sweater.
“I’m coming too”. Rue said jogging after me.
“No Rue stay here, I don’t really wanna be around you”.
“Well that’s too bad because I wanna know what the fuck I did to you that made you so angry at me that you don’t wanna talk to me”. 
I scoffed. “Jesus are you really that blind? I mean I know being a crackhead and all has fucked with that tiny little brain of yours but you’re fucking selfish”.
“Hey I didn’t cause the fucking raid okay I don’t know why you’re being a bitch, but Fez hasn’t been doing good okay and he’s my fucking family and you hurt him”.
“It’s none of your fucking business Rue! okay what happened between Fez and I it’s between us okay I don’t need anyone of you or you to give me advice on relationships”.
“What the fuck is going on?” Maddie and the rest of the crew ran outside.
“Oh nothing we’re just having a normal fucking conversation with little Ms.Fucking Perfect why don’t you tell everyone the real reason about what really happened at the raid, why are you being so secretive about it”.
My eyes are blinded by the tears coming, I felt this huge thump in my throat to the point where I felt my throat was on fire. I looked over at my friends they all stared at me waiting so eagerly so impatiently to reveal the big secret. I looked over Rue, who I hated at the moment, my once best friend who I shared drinks with who introduced me to Fezco, who sat with her at the hospital when she first overdosed, and everyday after that. 
“Why are you keeping it a fucking secret Sharise?”.
I laughed. “You, you standing out here questioning me? you’re a drug addict Rue and you destroy everything you come into contact with, so don’t you dare judge me”.
“What happened at the raid Reese?” Kat asked walking towards me. 
“I was pregnant, okay I was pregnant”. I said crying.
Now I did feel guilty for exposing Reese like that but for some reason I wanted to get back at her one I guess for leaving Fez like that and two because she needed to come clean about everything.
“Holy shit”. Maddie said walking up to me. 
“That’s the big fucking secret, happy now Rue”.
“How long?”.
“Like a couple of weeks, okay I wanted to tell you guys but I wanted to wait and then the fucking raid happened and I got shot and I lost the baby, that’s why I left Fez okay I couldn’t handle it I can’t handle it”. I said in between cries.
“Has he like tried to talk to you?” Maddie said wrapping her arms around me.
“No I blocked him I don’t wanna see him right now or talk to him, I can’t even look at him right now, I just wanna be alone”. I said in between cries.
They all nodded.
“Lets go back inside”. Lexi opening the door.
For the rest of the night we all listened and cried with Reese, I don’t know why I do the things that I do but hopefully she’ll understand, I just wanted her to tell the truth maybe because she's been lied to her entire life, it’s easier to live with a lie then get burned with the truth. 
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
GGC, When They Were Young, Steve & Cami
Word Count:  585
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“Baby…come on…” Steve chuckled, picking up his wife who was currently hunched over the countertop while she waited for her coffee to brew. Her face had been pressed to the cool marble to ease her nausea, and for a while, Steve had let it go, but she’d been eyeing the coffee maker like it was gold, and he knew he needed to let her rest.
“No, I need my coffee,” she whimpered, wrapping her arms around the super soldier’s neck.  Steve chuckled as he walked towards their bedroom and her actions betrayed her; her nose burying into Steve’s neck and inhaling deeply, “Steve…I’m not gonna make it, if-“
“I’ll bring you your cup of coffee baby,” he chuckled gently, kissing her temple, “I told you that you didn’t have to get up…I told you I’d make it.  You should be resting.  You haven’t slept in nearly three days.  You were nodding off when you fed Jamie this afternoon.”
“But what if the girls wake up again,” she said tiredly, “I-I’m not getting out of bed again…we’ve gotten up four times tonight…”
“Five.  But that’s okay.  I can always bring them to you in bed.  The doctor said you’ve been pushing yourself.  Let me help more,” he replied, stopping short of their bedroom.  He sighed, knowing while she was exhausted, she was right.  If she laid down, chances were that she would convince him to get into bed with her, and then neither of them would want to get up when the girl’s next round of crying fits took over, “you really want me to put you down baby?”
“No,” she laughed, nuzzling her husband’s jaw.  Steve groaned as she began nipping along nis neck, while her hands fisted his shirt, “I can think of a way we can try to stay awake though.”
“Don’t put me down,” she giggled, shaking her head, “never put me down, Steve…”
“Never, bunny,” he gasped, shifting her until her legs wrapped around his waist.  She giggled against his neck while her fingers moved his sleep pants over his hips, and her legs helped push them down, “Cami…”
“Make love to me, Steve…”
He groaned as she rolled her hips, her cloth covered core turning the groan into a growl, “baby…what if the girls wake up…”
“Make love to me, daddy,” she purred into his ear.  Steve’s hand shot out as he went to balance himself against the wall as she nibbled on his lobe, “I wanna feel you, Steve…I know that will keep us both awake.”
“Give mommy what she wants,” she giggled against his lips.  Steve growled at her, and she lightly bit his bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth.  His nails made indentations on the drywall as his eyes fluttered shut, “Steve…”
“Bunny…the doctor said you weren’t ready to have sex yet,” he mumbled, fighting his own carnal desires, “y-you’re exhausted…I-“
“I want you, Steve,” she purred gently, returning to kissing up his jaw until she reached his lobe again.  Steve gasped, “you told me you’d always give me everything, daddy…well mommy wants you.”
“Whatever you want!” he promised, his hips gently rocking upwards while she slid down onto his shaft.  Steve’s eyes rolled back into his skull as she clenched around him.  They hadn’t made love since before the girls were born.  He instantly felt his stomach tensing as he was quickly reaching his high, “Fuck…I’m not gonna last long, Cami…”
“I love you, Steve…’ she moaned, biting down hard on his neck.
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undinegeist · 2 years
This isn’t really more content, I’m working on the edges of the next best thing - hopefully - but in the meantime I thought I’d suggest reading material for anyone who’s interested?
I just finished Bobbie Brown’s book - not makeup artist Bobbie Brown, devil help us, though until I read it I thought it was her - and it’s really great, Cherry on Top is its name…that’s for the Mötley Camp, she used to date Tommy Lee.
For the Pistols Camp, even though everyone seem to love to hate Nancy - I don’t, fyi - I’d really recommend her mom’s book, And I Don’t Want to Live This Life…it shows her as more than she’s portrayed to be, shows her as a real person, which is so important…that’s how I got into the Pistols thing, thanks to this book…and Machine Gun Kelly’s Sid and Nancy - twisted paths. I don’t really like Nancy’s mom - her family’s too straight for me - but she’s a damn good writer. As for Sid, books about him are so fucking hard to find digital - conspiracy? - but one that if you can get your hands on I’d recommend is by Alan Parker, Sid Vicious: No One Is Innocent…it helped inspire a few of the stories I’ve posted here. There’s also England’s Dreaming which is more about the band and the punk movement but I haven’t finished that, so I really can’t recommend it yet.
Hope you guys give some of these books a shot alongside the usual ones…which if you want in a vague list, though I imagine you already know them…I can only recommend the Motley stuff officially, I’m still making my way through the Pistols stuff, but:
- The Heroin Diaries (have read, it’s great, pretty fucking dark though hopeful at the end if you’re feeling good)
- Tommyland (have also read, not entirely sure how I feel about it, though worth a read for perspective’s sake, it is also kind of fun in a dirty way - which is cool sometimes)
- Tattoos & Tequilla (have also read, could have been edited better, I do love the input from all the people in Vince’s life outside the Motley guys though, worth a read)
- The *Infamous* Dirt (can’t decide which I love more, this or THD *affectionate name for The Heroin Diaries* though I’d say this is required reading, especially if you intend to write Mötley stuff, it’ll give you tons of material)
- There’s also a timeline type thing written by Paul Miles (can’t remember what they call it now, but the books are separated by ten year spaces, 80s, 90s and so on), which I’d really only recommend if you’re gonna write stuff about them, it’s really unnecessary otherwise (there are like six of them, I think, I’ve read them all, they’re good for - again - writing material). You can get these through Kindle Unlimited for free, unless you’ve used up your trial. Not that I’m advocating pirates but you can also run it through Calibre and a little drm thing, super easy to Google and do so you don’t have to worry about running out of time.
- This Is Gonna Hurt/The First 21 (these are good, but have a different vibe from The Heroin Diaries, overlap - especially The First 21 - with Nikki’s part in The Dirt).
- Living Like a Runaway (this one’s okay, not strictly necessary, it’s by Lita Ford, who mentions Nikki a couple of times, given the fact that they dated)
For the Pistols Camp, I’m planning to read these:
- Reckless by Chrissie Hynde
- Lonely Boy by Steve Jones
- Rotten by John Lydon
- England’s Dreaming by Jon Savage
Anyway. Not sure this is helpful to anyone. But for anybody wanting to start writing and needing inspiration, something that helps sometimes is figuring out when the person you’re writing about is born (with time too if you can get it) doing the astrology chart thing, reading everything there, then using it in your writing somehow…it feeds the muse. The muse must be fed. Never stop reading.
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
safe and sound [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x reader
requested by anon: Hi! I love your Criminal Minds fics and was wondering if I could make a request? Where JJ and reader are dating and it’s set during the season 7 finale where reader is the one who shot the robber and is the one who was taken instead of Will. JJ and reader reunite with a fluffy ending. 
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*not my gif*
Kings and Queens. Jacks and Jokers. 
Sound familiar, right? When you hear that you think of the playing cards, not some bank robbers who have been robbing internationally. 
It was a bank robbery. Something that you have been reported to at least five times throughout your career, but this time it was different. The robbers known as the “Face Cards” have been robbing banks all over the DC area, only this time were you called onto the scene.
You and your partner Will were driving around on patrol when your police radio went off, “All units in the vicinity of Penn and Southeast, robbery in progress at Colonial Liberty Bank. Shots fired. Repeat, shots fired at the Colonial Liberty Bank. All units.”
Will and you looked at each other as you grabbed the radio, turning the steering wheel to make a U-turn, “426 responding,” 
Will flicked on the sirens as you started to pick up speed. The two of you finally parked on the side of the bank to prevent them from escaping through the side doors, “Better pull back and see if they respond-” Will was about to go on went a shot rang out and a bullet narrowly missed his head. 
“Shit! Cover!” you yelled. 
The two of you took behind the car as you fired at the man who tried shooting Will. The bullet ripping through the man’s shirt and through his shoulder. You watched as the other man began pulling him away from the door and back inside. 
You called for backup and not too long after JJ came running towards you, embracing you in a tight hug, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, Will over here got pretty lucky,” you said with a smile on your face, patting his back. 
JJ scanned your face, her hands never leaving your cheeks. You grabbed a hold of her hands, pressing a kiss to the palm of them, “I’m okay, let’s just try catching these guys okay?” you whispered and she nodded letting out a sigh. 
Most of the day was spent talking to Chris as you all watched Oliver die. The only goal was to get the hostages out of there without anyone getting hurt, “No more feds. I want the cop who killed my brother,” you let out a sigh, placing your head in your hands.
You, Morgan, JJ, and Hotch all stood there in the van, “Well, I gotta go out there, don’t I?”
“No, absolutely not!” JJ exclaimed.
You looked at your girlfriend with a sad smile, “What other choice do we have?”
“Something! Anything else! They will shoot you the second you walk in, is that not running through your brain?!” she basically yelled.
Hotch and Morgan met your eyes and they took your face to give the two of you some space. Once they left, you looked at JJ and placed your hands on her waist.
She finally leaned in to your touch and placed her hands softly along your neck. You placed your forehead on hers as she sighed. You pressed your lips on hers, kissing her intensely. You wanted to show her how much you love her and care for her even if you’re about to run into a bank full of robbers who probably want you dead.
Once you pulled away, she noticed the determined look in your eyes, “No, no, no! You can’t do this! What about us? What about Henry?” 
“Four people are dead because I killed his brother,” I whispered. 
You pulled away from your short embrace, walking backwards towards the door of the van, “No please! Please don’t leave me!” she exclaimed, tears running down her face as she slid her back against the wall.
You wanted nothing more than to run up and hold her, but you knew that this needed to be done. So no one else could die for your mistakes. “I don’t have a choice baby,” you whispered again, “I love you and I love Henry. Remember that, always,” 
Hotch already knew what you were gonna choose, SWAT members hid behind the cop cars, already pointing their guns inside. You took a deep breath as you started to walk towards the bank. 
You could hear JJ’s screams as you slowly walked towards the bank, “Morgan! Let go of me! Y/N! Y/N stop!” 
You raised your hands up immediately, walking into the bank, “C’mon Chris, you got what you wanted. I’m here. Now please, let them go,” 
“You go,” Chris said, forcing a mom and her children out of there, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you told him. 
There was no response from him as he just shot you twice. The bullets firing echoing throughout the entire building and outside. JJ scrambled in Morgan’s arms, her bright blue eyes widening, “No!” 
The team sat there in the van with JJ. All eyeing her like she was about to just explode. One wrong word would just cause her to go crazy, “Where were they shot?” she asked. Garcia just stared at her unsure of what to say, “Where were they shot?!” 
“I don’t know,” Garcia muttered. 
JJ picked up the stack of papers that were lying next to her and threw them at the wall of the van. Smacking her hands down onto the cool metal. Everyone just stared in shock, unsure of whether you’re alive or dead.
Luckily, he didn’t go for the kill shot.
You laid there as you could feel your body going cold. Your shoulder was bleeding out and the hostages who were helping you started to get a little blurry. 
All you could think about was JJ and Henry. The way Henry would run up to you when you’d go over to their house and hug you tightly. 
Or the nights where both you and JJ were off, Henry would lie in the middle of you as a movie played. Eventually, Henry would fall asleep cuddled up next you. Then JJ’s lazy arm would wrap the both of you. Once you made sure they were both sleeping soundly, you’d wrap your arms around both of them safely and securely. 
“I need to cause a distraction while you guys get out of here,” you told the man, who was applying pressure to your wound, “But I need you to tell my girlfriend Jennifer and her son Henry that I love them so much and I’m sorry,” 
The rest of the time you spent at the bank was a little fuzzy. You were more focused on trying to get Chris to turn on the woman and trying not to pass out from blood loss, than anything else. 
Before you knew it there was an explosion and you were just getting pushed into a car. The whole car ride, you focused your breathing, trying your hardest to stay awake. 
The only thing keeping you going were JJ and Henry. What you would do just to hold them one last time. 
Your thoughts came to an abrupt stop when you arrived at a fire station. The fireman helped patched you up much to Izzy’s choice. You watched as she shot him multiple times before sneaking into the firehouse to grab you a change of clothes. 
“You didn’t have to kill him,” you muttered.
“He was a witness, he needed to go,” she shot back without an ounce of remorse. 
Then the next thing you know you were transported back to the car. Everything was going fine or well okay for being a hostage to two psychopaths. Until Izzy just started opening fire on Chris.
“Well Detective Y/L/N, take Chris out of the car and get in the passenger seat. We’re going on a little drive,” she told you, the gun pointed straight at you, “Stop here,” she muttered after a little bit.
The backdoor opened to reveal the Joker himself. He was the former Marine who helped keep pressure on your wound. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight before ultimately remaining your composure.
“Hey Y/N!” he patted your wounded shoulder and you tried your absolute hardest not to wince, “Sorry, forgot about that,” 
“Drive,” she said again.
“Take me to see your son,” Izzy said and you shook your head. Henry wasn’t your sign biologically, but the longer you and JJ dated the longer it felt like he was. Like your entire life he was actually yours, “I said, drive!” 
You took a deep breath in before driving towards JJ’s house. The drive was tense as your knuckled turned white from gripping the steering wheel too hard. You just hoped and prayed to whatever type of God there was that they could keep Henry safe. 
JJ would be able to get over the loss of you, but the loss of Henry. That’s a different kind of loss she’ll never be able to survive. 
You finally parked across the street. You smiled softly at the sight of Henry playing in the front with Miss Kate and her daughter. 
“He’s a cutie,” Izzy told you and your smile quickly faded, “Looks a lot like Jennifer. Where’s the hospitality Y/N? Come on introduce me!” 
You got out of the car slowly walking up to the house, “Y/N!” Henry yelled, running towards you as he wrapped his arms around your legs. 
You crouched down so his tiny arms can wrap around your neck. You held him tight and close, sucking in a deep breath. Just for a moment, you were transported back to one of your favorite parts of the week. Just for a moment, he was safe in your arms.
Until he wasn’t. 
You told Miss Kate that it was okay to go as Izzy followed you into JJ’s home. Once Henry ran off to grab some toys, you turned your head and looked straight at her, “You touch my kid and I will kill you!” you said with teeth gritted.
Izzy clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth, making a tsk noise, “Now do you remember the deal Y/N? You touch me and both you and Jennifer die. Who’s gonna take care of Henry then?” 
“Y/N! Come play with me!” he exclaimed, running back in.
You crouched down again, ruffling his blonde hair, “I would love to, but I can’t right now buddy. You see, I have to go back to fighting bad guys, okay? Izzy over here is gonna take care of you until mommy comes home,” you could feel the tears start stinging your eyes as you tried to stop them from falling.
“So you’re gonna be a good boy for Izzy, okay? Listen to everything she says, okay?” you ask him
“Okay,” he replies innocently. 
“One more thing bud,” you pull him close to you as you hug him tightly, “I know I am not your mom or dad, but I love you so much. Did you know that?” 
He nods and you smile softly, “I will never let anything hurt you. Everything is going to be okay,” 
“Everything will be okay,” he mumbled back, “I love you Y/N,” 
You sniffled, “I love you too buddy,” 
You take a deep breath and back away from him. Before you walked out of the house, you looked Izzy dead in the eye, pushing your shoulder against hers on the way out. 
You sung open the car door before slamming it shut, “What the fuck do you want?!” you asked. 
“Woah, easy tiger,” Matthew told you, “You’re going to listen to everything I say. If you as dare mutter the two lettered word, your boy is as good as gone. Or should I say Jennifer’s boy is as good as gone because he’s not yours. He will never be your own kid,” 
Matthew made you drive to the train station where he strapped a bunch of bombs to your chest and chained you up like you’re some random zoo animal. Then he ran, like the coward he is, he ran. 
You thought you were as good as gone. But that didn’t matter to you. All that mattered to you was that Henry was safe. He was stuck with the psychopath that is the quote on quote “Queen”. 
Just when all hope was lost Prentiss came running in, “I found Y/N!” 
She ripped the duct tape off your mouth, “Izzy’s got Henry. Forget about me! Make sure Henry’s safe, please!” 
“JJ’s there right now. She’s gonna keep him safe,” Emily tried calming you down, “I’m not leaving your side, I’m gonna get you out of here so you can be with your family,” 
Emily was panicking as she tried to find a way to keep you from blowing up into bits. She punched in one passcode and it beeped, showing that she only had two tries left. 
You shook your head, knowing that in a minute you’ll be gone, and Emily could not be here to be included in the damage.
“Emily, just go. Get everyone out of here,” you pleaded.
She shook her head, “No, I told you you’ll get to be with your family and that’s what’s going to happen. I’m not going to leave you,” 
When she finally unlocked the code, another box opened. 30 seconds flashing and taunting you. This is how long you have left live. 
“Emily, tell JJ that I love her and that I’m sorry,” you whispered, “Now leave please! There’s still a chance that you could save yourself so go!” you screamed. 
She sat there looking at the wires before out of nowhere without speaking she just cut one, “What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, shutting your eyes close.
After a couple seconds, nothing happened. You opened one eye and looked down at the timer. It stopped. You let out a breath and an empty laugh, leaning your head against the pole.
“Emily, I love you and I love that you’re JJ’s best friend. But let me just say, I did not think we’d get this close to where I trust you with my life...literally!” you joked and she let out a soft chuckle.
“Let’s get you to your family,” she told you.
As soon as the bomb squad came to disarm you, you wrapped your arms around Emily, pulling her into a tight hug, “Thank you,” 
“Of course,” 
You were finally discharged from the hospital after a couple hours. Rossi reassured JJ that she could stay home with Henry and that he’ll drive you to the house. She was hesitant at first, but Rossi basically forced her to stay home.
Rossi parked in front of JJ’s patting your shoulder softly, “Enjoy your time off,” he joked.
“Oh trust me, I will,” you fired back and the two of you let out a hearty laugh.
You walked into the house slowly. Henry’s little voice echoing throughout the foyer was like music to your ears, “Y/N! You’re back!” he yelled.
You kneeled down as he made a bee line towards your arms with your arm that wasn’t in a sling, you hugged him tight. Even with one arm you could tell that he was struggling to breathe at how tight you were hugging him.
“I am! Did you pick out a movie tonight?” you asked, raising your eyebrows up at him.
“Which one did you pick?” you asked and he showed you the DVD case of Shrek 2, “Nice choice bud!”
You looked up to the sound of footsteps to see JJ walking towards the two of you, “How about you brush your teeth and change into your PJ’s and me and your mom we’ll get the bed and movie all set up? How does that sound?” 
“Great!” he replied with a big smile.
“Great!” you responded, ruffling his hair, pulling him into another hug, “I love you,” you whispered to him.
“I love you too,” he told you before running off. 
You stood back up to face JJ. At first she looked angry before her anger turned to sadness. You took her into your arm as she buried her face into your neck, “It’s okay,” you whispered, “Everyone’s safe. I’m safe, Henry’s safe, you’re safe. We’re okay,” 
JJ took your face into her hands, running circles on your cheekbones, “I know Henry’s not biologically mine, but he means the world to me Jay. I wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to him,” 
“You’re just as much as a parent as I am,” she whispered.
“But he’s not mine,” you told her. 
“Then let’s change that, Y/N Y/L/N, marry me. We’ll get married in front of all of our friends and family. Henry will be your son, blood or not. And I will be your wife,” JJ whispered.
You smiled at her softly, “You know, I always wanted a wife and son,” you whispered to her.
“So is that a yes?” she asked.
“In every single language,” you murmured, pressing your lips upon hers. 
You and JJ stood there for a minute, just relishing in each other’s embrace. Your lips moving in sync. When all of a sudden you hear a little, “Ewwwww,” 
The two of you pulled apart and you saw Henry all dressed up in his Captain America pajamas, “Who are you ‘eww-ing’ Mr?” you asked him and he giggled as he ran away from you.
You immediately ran after him, JJ yelling after you, “Y/N! Be careful of your arm!” 
Henry squealed as you picked him up with your one healthy arm, spinning him around the bedroom before dropping him onto the bed. You crashed in your usual spot next to him as JJ put on the movie. 
You felt Henry’s little arm wrap around your body and once his grip loosened you knew he was asleep. Your eyes glanced over to JJ who was sleeping safe and soundly, her chin resting on top of Henry’s blonde head of hair. 
You sighed contently, as you turned on your side, wrapping your arms around the two of them. Henry’s head close to your chest as your forehead rested on top of JJ’s. 
Just for a moment, everything was right where it needed to be.
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bunniewon · 3 years
# the list — thirty one
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↳ series masterlist : next
song: drama - 9muses
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you weren’t surprised, but you thought that minako would have at least a little bit of class to not act up in such a nice place. a nice place your parents paid for her to sit and eat good food. you were beyond pissed and fed up.
firstly, the girl showed up a whole half an hour late. she didn’t give any excuses nor apologizes, she just waved it off and smacked loudly on her gum while she ignored the rest of the table.
despite her bad attitude, everyone else still wanted to have a pleasant dinner. you got to catch up with minako’s parents and brothers, everyone seemed to love yachi, even reina was pleasant to be around, and minako just wasn’t happy with that. she wasn’t happy that she was forced to sit here and listen to how good you were doing, or how many new friends you made. it all made her absolutely sick to her stomach.
so she did what she does best, play the victim and make a scene. minako could be quite a good actress when she needed to, she wasn’t afraid to get loud and cry if needed.
“and! she doesn’t even talk to me anymore–” fake sobs bubbled out of her throat as her hands covered her face. both yours and the nearby tables eyes fell onto the crying girl. there were a flood of looks and emotions, but it was clear which one overtook the others, annoyance. her attempt at gaining sympathy backfired on her, and she noticed that. she even turned up the tears and snot, still didn’t work. “all she cares about is her new friends! and they’re bad people i swear! those boys are bad news.”
her parents were embarrassed, her brothers annoyed, your parents were upset, and you were just furious. if she thought she could pull something like this without any consequences, she was dead wrong.
“yeah i don’t talk to you anymore, do you want to know why?” you turned to her, trying to keep your calm. this restaurant was too nice to get kicked out of, and you definitely wanted to return with sakusa for your date.
“no, you are gonna listen to me minako,” besides reina and yachi, the rest of the table was rightfully confused on whatever was about to go down. “we’ve known each other since preschool, do you think it was easy for me to cut you off like that? i was still making excuses for you, until i found out you tried to get my boyfriend to cheat on me! with you!” the sound of your voice was getting louder, it drew more attention to the table but you didn’t care.
telling minako off was long overdue, and you weren’t gonna beat around the bush this time. “minako, you purposely excluded me from stuff, and why? because you couldn’t stand me right? you hate me so much right? that’s what you said when i confronted you about shirabu.”
she obviously wasn’t expecting your outburst since she just sat there with a dumbfounded look on her face. she wasn’t even attempting to cry anymore.
“and reina, you’re no better than her. you aren’t stupid, i’m sure you’ve noticed everything she’s been doing,” reina opened her mouth to explain but you quickly cut her off. “and you know what, i’m not gonna willingly sit here with people that knowingly hurt me!” you stood from your seat, snatching your back up with you.
“oh please, do you think you’re some type of changed independent girl now?” not even five seconds later, minako was out of her seat and in your face. a few people from around the table called out her name, reina even attempted to pull her away from you, but she stood her ground and continued glaring at you.
“you needed me! not the other way around. so stop acting like you’re some big shot just because you made a couple friends! just a while ago you couldn’t even go shopping without nearly breaking down in tears, you’re pathetic y/n” she was practically screaming in your face now, and if it wasn’t for her finally being pulled away you might have slapped her.
minako was thrashed in the arms of her father, desperately trying to get back so that she could scream at you some more. you couldn’t understand why though. she wasn’t the one wronged in this situation, she had no reason to be mad at you. yet here she was, acting like a toddler who didn’t get her way. just sickening.
without another word, you looked to yachi before snatching up your bag. when you said you weren’t gonna sit with people who hurt you, you meant it. minako and reina didn’t deserve your time and effort. you could always just hang with your parents another day.
you didn’t even notice you started crying until you felt the breeze from outside hitting your face. yachi was quick to help you, drying your face with some tissues she got from her purse. you quietly thanked her before pulling out your phone to see a few texts from your mom pop up.
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anais’ notes 🌸:
hiii, a chapter of the list that i finally got out!! it’s finally off hold lol. i like this chapter, i had fun doing the next of her mom since that’s how both of my parents text me.
lots of omi this chapter yes? do you guys like?
as usual, let me know what you think about the chapter! what do you think y/n’s surprise was? i hope you guys enjoy this chapter, mwah! luv you besties <3
taglist: @hyunsamour @satorinnie @nachotrash @chai-tea-isnt-real @4evahevah @thechaosoflonging @ssuna @kiyoomi-my-beloved @lilith412426 @sunflowersdaydreams13 @tojiuvr @frogekko @hoezilla22 @borpcorp @sakusasimpbot @bbangjuice @juvenillia @daphnxy @girlqrush @hxked @iyvoryxx @loveprisms @wolfdeamonghoul @kac-chowsballs @ysatrap @call-me-lulu @alpaca-fanfics @witchyniche @rollignthundere @strawbberyys @dumdumtaro @ittybittywallflower @iheartkuroorin @tdntu0 @peepeepoopoot @doctorspencereid @lucyrocks86 @yourlocalbabybird @jojowantstocry @sunarintarouscrustysock @bruhmoment23 @achillean-affection @rinwhy @moonlightmiya @darlingkuroo @bakugouswh0r3 @shionin @stranger-pennywise @itssaturdaytoday @blueowl51 @deathfreak45 @90s-belladonna
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ptergwen · 3 years
favorite crime
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w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood / death, lots n lots of angst
summary: you convince peter to go on the run after he’s framed for murdering mysterio, but he doesn’t want to drag you into his mess
a/n: this was completely based off the song by olivia lfmbsjfhs it’s so beautiful and i’ve wanted to write something for it for a while now so yee i hope y’all like ! pls lmk what you think <3
“we have to get you out of here, peter! come on!” you shout back to your boyfriend and tug his hand that’s laced with yours.
peter doesn’t budge. even when your grip on him tightens, when you pull him forward with all your might, he remains stoic.
there’s something he needs to do, and he’s been contemplating it since the day he met you.
it’s time to let you go.
“please, peter. i’m begging. i know you’re tired of running, but if we don’t leave now… they’ll find you,” you desperately choke out. peter squeezes his eyes shut, dreading what’s to come. “i can’t do this to you anymore, y/n. i… i’m sorry.”
emergency sirens and flashing lights approach the old apartment building serving as yours and peter’s latest hideout. the whole world is on the lookout for him, so you two stowed yourselves away in brooklyn for a bit.
you were hopeful the rumors would pass eventually — about how peter shot the beloved mysterio and left him to die in cold blood. they’re merely talk, of course. you’d personally seen the events of that day unfold on the tower bridge. hell, your class was right at the center of them.
quentin beck was pure evil, so rotten he defamed both peter and spider-man with a charge as cruel as murder. he’s wreaking havoc on him from beyond the grave, over a complete misunderstanding that peter had nothing to do with.
beck’s true source of anger is stark industries. yet, once again, peter ended up the collateral damage.
he was deemed a wanted murderer. posters revealing his name and face were plastered up around the city, a reward even being offered to whoever who turns him in.
you’d proposed the idea of skipping town until things settled. the way you saw it, it was peter’s only option other than prison for twenty-five to life. peter was panicking and couldn’t think straight, so he went along with your getaway plan.
a few weeks later, he’s regretting it.
you’ve been the one person he could trust through this madness. you’re right there to console him, to protect him just like he does you. through sickness and health, life and clearly death, you stick by peter’s side. you left everything behind without a second thought, for him.
peter loves you more than you’ll ever fully be able to comprehend, which is why he can’t ask you to do that. this is his battle to fight, not yours or anyone else’s. his.
you suddenly freeze in your tracks, turning around to look at peter. “what are you talking about? you’re fine, pete.”
his eyes roam everywhere except to yours as they water. blinking back tears, he fixes his gaze on your intertwined hands. you notice a stray tear fall down his cheek and use one of your thumbs to wipe it away, then press a reassuring kiss to his lips. peter lets himself reciprocate momentarily before jerking back.
“please just… stop being so nice to me. you’re making this way harder than i wanted to to be,” he rasps and squeezes your hand tighter. you’re still lost, absolutely clueless about what he’s referring to.
“look, pete. i wanna hear you out, baby. but… i think it should wait until we get to jersey.” you keep your voice as calm as possible, though you’re terrified for both of you. since the feds know your location, they’ll have the place surrounded any minute.
hopping cities isn’t cutting it anymore, so you’ll have to change states this time. new jersey is next on your list.
using his strength to his advantage to hold you in place, peter seizes both your shoulders. his bloodshot eyes lock with yours. a stern expression coats his features, one you’ve seen from him yet never been on the receiving end of.
“we’re not going to jersey, y/n/n,” he declares, the sirens starting to grow louder. you feel a pit forming in your stomach. “we have to!” you immediately protest. “it’s not gonna be easy finding our way, but it’s the last-“
peter cuts you off, voice softer now. “no, no. that’s not what i meant.” he waits a beat and inhales a deep breath, aiming to settle his nerves. it doesn’t.
“i’m going to jersey. you’re staying.”
tears cloud your vision the second those words leave his mouth. you shake your head furiously back and forth, willing him to take them back.
part of you was always afraid peter would get second thoughts. not only about running away with you, about ever being with you. you’re both so young. your entire lives are ahead of you, and peter won’t allow you to risk your own because this isn’t worth a single bit of it.
he’d warned you how dangerous it was to be associated with spider-man. it’s why he held off on telling you about his alias for the longest he could. you naturally began asking questions whenever peter bailed on dates and showed up to school covered in bruises. he hated lying to you, using his stark internship as an excuse, so he finally came out and said it.
peter sometimes wonders if you’d be better off not knowing at all. it’s too late now, though.
“wait, what? why- why can’t i go with you?” you plead, peter’s fingers coming up to cup your cheek. his fingertips lightly caress your skin. “i’m a criminal, y/n. you’d be my accessory.”
it takes everything in him not to break down and sob along with you.
you lean into his palm, already missing his touch. “i don’t care... i don’t give a fuck. i just wanna be with you, peter.” peter literally has to bite his tongue to fight the urge to cry. hands grabbing either side of his head, your fingers twist in his hair roughly. “i’ll do anything, pete. i really will, i swear. name it.”
peter threads his own fingers through yours again, bringing your hands to his chest.
“i’m so sorry, angel. i never should’ve gotten you involved,” he murmurs out and pecks your forehead. “you have nothing to prove to me, okay? you’ve done more than enough. i’m gonna return the favor.”
you let out a strangled whine, your knees buckling as you come to terms with the gravity of your situation.
this is it. this is the end of yours and peter’s story.
“hey, none of that. it’s okay,” peter coos, neither of you convinced. the tastes of salt and metal flood both your senses. he helps you back up and hugs your waist, peppering your cheeks in more kisses. you’re bawling now, arms wound around his neck, clutching at his tattered jacket.
free tears escape peter’s eyes at last. “i love you. i love you so goddamn much, y/n. never forget it,” he nearly whispers. you sniffle and push your forehead against his. “i’m not saying it back ‘cuz that feels like a goodbye, and i- i can’t say goodbye to you yet.”
“it’s not a goodbye,” peter reassures you, rubbing circles on your lower back. “it’s, uh, it’s a see you later. i’m gonna figure something out and be back to you before you know it. can’t get rid of me that easy.”
that earns a faint giggle from you, peter managing a grin. you two attempt to ignore everything happening beyond these walls, only focusing on the other.
“then, um…” you clear your throat. “i love you.” his smile dwindling slightly, peter nods and meets your gaze. “i love you too, baby. you should probably get going soon.”
affirming his advice, a booming voice that sounds from a microphone commands peter to come out with his hands up.
your worry spikes, instinctively drawing peter in closer. he forces himself to put on a brave face for you.
“i’m scared, pete. where… where am i supposed to go?” you rush to ask him. “home, y/n/n. go home,” peter decides, pressing a final kiss to the top of your head. “just don’t get caught, and you’ll be fine.” carding your fingers in his undone curls, you sigh. “easier said than done, but i’ll try not to.”
you’d never pictured that the sweet boy with a heart too big and brain even bigger, who sings you to sleep even though his voice sucks and spends his last dollar buying you flowers, would be accused of first degree murder. it isn’t true or fucking fair.
what’s worse, he has to bare this storm alone now.
you lift your heavy backpack off the cold ground, slinging it onto your shoulders. peter stares out the window and down at the assembly of swarm troops crowded together.
“are you gonna be okay?” you catch his attention. he snaps back into reality, pulling your hood up so it covers your head. you’re wearing a sweatshirt of his, after having gone through all your own clothes. “i hope so. are you?” peter repeats your question. “i hope so,” you echo.
tying your hoodie strings tight, peter offers a smile. “say hi to may for me. ned and mj, too.” it’s going to be tough to face his family and friends after this. “i will. i’ll let them know you’re alright.” you kiss his cheek, placing a hand on his chest. peter lets your touch distract him from the mess he’s about to be hit with.
“thank you, y/n. i’ll see you soon, baby. you have my word,” he promises, stepping back so you two can go your separate ways.
you watch him with fresh tears threatening to spill.
“i’m gonna hold you to it. be safe, spidey.”
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fuck-customers · 2 years
A little vent cause I’ve been stuck at work for 7 days straight and am losing my mind haha :)
For the love of everything STOP just blurting out your drink specifications before you say what size you’d like. I can’t put through the order and customisations through without first selecting the size.
“I want one skinny chai extra hot but not too hot, one latte half strength two shots of vanilla one dash caramel, cappuccino on oat milk with a dash of hazelnut and a ratio of 65% milk to 35% hot water with latte art of my first wife’s fifth dog’s face - oh and a hot chocolate. Did you get that?” 🤡💅
No because I can’t put anything through before I’ve selECTED THE SIZE. JUST TELL ME WHAT SIZE BEFORE BLURTING YOUR ORDER OUT AAAAA
And of course, the other pet peeve that all baristas understand. The dreaded blank eyed stare after askin if they’d like a ceramic cup, mug or takeaway cup. Only to be responded to with “Oh I don’t want it to take away haha :)” and then silence.
Bro that doesn’t answer my question. I don’t caaaare what you do with the drink once it leaves my counter. Sit down, leave, apply it to your skin like it’s body wash for all I care - the police aren’t gonna arrest you for sitting in with a TA cup, it’s literally just about the size. Ffs why do some people take things so literally I’m so fed up - why did you plan so far ahead that you know exactly what 10+ things you want in your drink, but not what you want to get the drink in 😭
Fr have just started cutting people off to ask what size before they give me their paragraph long ass order cause I’m that done with it
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maximons · 3 years
All Is Lost
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Summary: Zombies have taken over the world, humanity on the edge of extinction. All hope was lost. Despite that, Wanda couldn’t seem to let go of Y/n, who had fallen victim to the plague herself.
Word Count: 2,263
Genre: Angst
Requested?: No
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, cannibalism, suicide, mentions of blood. Spoilers for Ep. 5 of What If...?
A/N: I know, I know, I’m gonna get into the stuff I promised soon. But for now, the Zombies episode inspired me and this came out. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, go watch it. Its amazing and depressing. Also this is DARK guys, probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, so...Happy Reading!
The Zombie apocalypse was always something everyone joked about, but never something that anyone could actually predict.
Everything happened so quickly, Wanda could barely keep up. It’s hard to believe that everything was so normal only two weeks ago. Now, she was locked away with Vision in an abandoned military base in New Jersey. Desperate to survive for as long as possible while Vision worked on a cure.
Some of his experiments had been a success, most notably Scott Lang who he was able to revert back from his zombified state. However, the man was now only a severed head.
Despite the success, Vision was less than optimistic. For one, Scott was one of the first infected. While the cure worked on him, the android theorized that the disease has mutated greatly since then, and it was likely impossible to cure everyone. And even if he could, the technology to do so is beyond human comprehension and therefore doesn’t exist.
Vision might have all but given up hope, but Wanda didn’t. She couldn’t. She refused to give up on you.
Wanda and you have been best friends for as long as Wanda had been an Avenger. You were already a member of the team and greeted her with an open mind and open arms, despite all she had done. You had fire powers, and while your powers weren’t identical to Wanda’s, you still offered some basic tips and tricks to keep such explosive powers at bay.
It wasn’t a surprise that she fell in love with you.
But her stupid fear had to get in the way, and when you came to confess your own feelings for her, she panicked and rejected you. You were so heartbroken, Wanda didn’t need to read your mind to know that.
And it kills her everyday knowing that that was the last interaction she had with you. The last one with you as yourself anyway.
All that remained now was the flesh hungry, blood thirsty monster that wore your, now rotting, skin.
This wasn’t you, she knows that. She looked into your mind and saw no trace of the woman you once were, the one she loved with all her heart. She couldn’t feel you, you were gone.
Despite this, Wanda couldn’t let you go. She couldn’t handle losing you entirely. She already lost almost everyone.
She managed to convince Vision to keep you in the base for testing. You were locked behind a large steel door, with only a window to see you through. But you were here, and that’s all Wanda cared about.
The cure wasn’t working for you. Your powers caused it to incinerate when it entered your system, proving it to be ineffective. Still, she refused to give up.
Vision thought it best to terminate you after the failed tests, but Wanda begged him not to. Knowing he couldn’t overpower her, and sensing his friend’s distress with anything that comes to you, he agreed. As long as Wanda had it under control.
She doubted he knew that she was luring innocent survivors into the base so you could feed on them, but she did what she had to do.
Wanda spent most of her days sitting outside of your cell. The first few days, you were ravenous. Banging on the walls and trying to burn them down, growling and screeching with the inhuman noise that took over your vocal chords, but you didn’t manage to break free. After a while, it seemed you have given up, and just sat in place. Only moving when Wanda opened the cell and let some of your ‘food’ in.
There were times where Wanda thought that maybe, just maybe, the cure was working more than they thought. You seemed to have recognized her, your facial expressions formed into ones that she had recognized and missed dearly. But that hope quickly died when she would peek into your head and still sense nothing.
“Hey, Y/n.” Wanda walked up to outside your cell and sat cross-legged like she did everyday. Your head rose, staring at her with your now glowing yellow eyes. “Still no progress on the cure, but don’t worry, I’m not giving up yet.” You offered no response, not that she expected one. “It’s hard. It’s only getting worse out there...” She sighed as she trailed off. She raised her hand to the glass, like she always did. “I’m going to figure it out...we’re gonna get you back to normal, and I’m going to tell you every day how much I love you. I miss you so much, but...we’re almost there. I can feel it...” Wanda’s voice started choking up, as tears ran down her face. “We deserve our happy ending.”
Her hand was still pressed against the glass as she finished her speech. She was about to lower it, but then something unexpected happened. You stared at her hand curiously, beginning to raise your own. Wanda watched, smile forming on her face as your arm made it’s way to the glass. 
“Wanda! Please come here, we have a situation.” You had almost pressed your hand against Wanda’s, when Vision’s voice interrupted. Your attention turned to the direction it came from and you let out a growl, clearly angry at the interruption. Wanda sighed in disappointment, but she tried not to let it take over. You still showed massive improvement, something worth reporting back to Vision. “It’s okay.” She soothed you. “I’m going to go see what he wants then I’ll be right back, okay? I know you’re hungry, I’ll get you some food too.” You didn’t offer a response as she walked off.
“Vis! I have to tell you-” Wanda began as she walked into the main room, but cut herself off at the new faces. She didn’t recognize the bald woman with the spear or the wimpy looking man in a workers uniform, but she was familiar with Peter. What surprised her most though, was Bruce Banner. A man she hasn’t seen in over three years. “What is going on?”
“I ran into them outside the premises. Apparently word has gotten out about the cure.” Vision answered before turning his attention back to the guests. “As I told you, I am afraid we cannot help you. The cure seems to be a moot point.”
“Well, what about-” Peter began, but he was interrupted by a new voice.
“For something you have no hope for, you sure don’t have a problem bringing in new test subjects.” Wanda recognized Bucky Barnes’ voice. She turned around, and her eyes widened as she saw King T’challa on his arm, struggling to stand on his one remaining leg.
“My king! We thought you dead.” The bald woman exclaimed in relief and surprise.
“Your highness. I was not aware you were in the base.” Vision said, confused on how that got by him. It didn’t take him long to figure out why. “Wanda...”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered, knowing she was caught. “The cure wasn’t working on Y/n, and in order to keep her at bay, I had to feed her.”
“So you fed her our King?” A spear was raised to her throat, threateningly.
“It was nothing personal, I promise. I have her under control and the cure is starting to work, I know it. We just need a little more time!”
“Why not just kill her? You lured innocent people to their deaths just for her when there a couple million more Zombies out there that you could use for testing. Ones that have a chance of being cured.” The whole room went quiet after Bucky said that.
“Uh oh. Shouldn’t have said that.” Wanda heard Scott say, but she was too busy glaring at Bucky. Her eyes started to go red, but before she could do anything, she noticed the spear held to her throat begin to glow red and melt. The woman dropped the spear as it began to burn her hands.
“Did it just suddenly get like, super hot?” Peter asked as he began to fan himself.
“Oh no...” Wanda trailed off. She looked up to notice the steal walls that led to your cell begin to melt. “You’ve done it now...she hasn’t eaten in days.” Before anyone could respond, the steel doors melted completely. The man in the uniform was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it, as a strong burst of flame shot out and incinerated him on the spot. Only a second later, you flew out the door, covered in flames as you hovered above everyone.
Wanda watched in horror as you began to fight everyone. They weren’t holding up very well, and that’s when Wanda finally realized what she had done. This wasn’t you, and if you were still here, you would hate to see your body be used to attack and kill others.
“Vision! Get us out of here!” She heard Bruce yell, and Vision shot a blast towards the wall, blowing it up and letting everyone out. Wanda turned her focus back to you, you watched them starting to escape and you began to fly after them, but a red mist surrounded you before you could. You turned your head, starting to growl, but stopped when you saw it was Wanda.
“Y/n. Stop...” You tilted your head, still struggling to move as Wanda came closer. She took a chance and reached up, gently placing a hand on your face. “I am so sorry...you never deserved this...” Your face softened at the touch, beginning to show the signs of emotion that Wanda desperately held onto. However, it was clear now that it was too late.
You snapped out of it, as you managed to break free from Wanda’s hold. You opened your mouth wide, intent on biting and feeding on her, but something stopped you. You hesitated, and Wanda noticed. You settled for pushing her aside to the ground as you reignited yourself and flew out of the base.
Wanda picked herself up after a moment, intent on stopping you. She ran past Okoye’s body, charred and eaten, but she was sure there was little time until she turned. She ran faster to where you were, now facing off against Bucky. She sprinted further, about to take off and fly when she paused.
Vision was face down on the ground. She kneeled next to him, glowing red hand turning over his body, afraid of what she’ll see. Once he was turned, Wanda gasped at the sight. The mind stone was torn out of his head.
“Oh no...no, no, no...” She held his body, tears slowly building as she mourned the loss of her best friend. She had officially lost everything. “I am so sorry Vis...I’m going to make this right, I promise.”
She heard Bucky scream. She looked over to see you start to feed on him. She saw Bruce, Peter, Scott and T’challa in the distance, making their way to the jet. They were your next target.
No. Wanda wasn’t going to let that happen. It ends now.
She used her powers to propel herself forward, landing directly in your path. You growled at her yet again as she used her powers to hold you. “Y/n...please, stop.” You struggled to get out of the hold, but Wanda held on. “This isn’t you...you wouldn’t want this...I love you more than anything, and I’m so sorry...I hope one day, you’ll forgive me.” 
Wanda used her powers to grab the gun laying by Bucky’s side. She held in to your head, ready to pull the trigger...but she couldn’t. She let out a scream of frustration and dropped her hold on both you and the gun. The gun fell to the ground, but you haven’t moved.
“I can’t do it...I...I’m not strong enough...” Wanda began crying, shutting her eyes and waited for you to finish her off. She failed everyone, no one deserved death more than her. She opened her eyes when nothing came. You stood, staring at her with a tilt of your head. The yellow of your eyes dimming as you stared.
“W....Wan...” You struggled to let out, but it was enough for Wanda to hear. She cried even harder. She was right, you were almost there...but it was too late now.
You took in your surroundings as best you could, you didn’t have a lot of awareness, but you knew enough to piece everything together. You saw the influx of zombies starting to enter to base.  Everyone needed to get away. You turned back to Wanda, and you knew what you had to do. You felt the little control you had start to slip away.
You bent down and picked up the discarded gun. You shakily pointed it to your temple, the control slipping away faster and faster. “Love....you....I...sorry...” You managed to croak out. Before you could lose control completely, you pulled the trigger.
Wanda watched in horror as you shot yourself in the head. Pieces of your brain landing on her, your blood drenching her. She looked down to see your body, half your face still together, but you were gone. Truly gone.
She knelt down sobbing, as she held your body. After a moment she looked up to see the Hulk appear as the zombies began to overwhelm the base. She saw the jet take off, and she gave a weak smile. They got away. Wanda’s job was done. This is where her story ends. All was lost for her.
So when the zombies finally reached her, she didn’t fight back. Accepting her death with open arms.
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volturiwolf · 3 years
Soulmates - A Demetri Volturi x Reader Imagine
A/N: This is the first imagine I finished and uploaded, and it came quite unexpectedly while talking with @volturidoll13 who suggested a Demetri Volturi one-shot where the reader would follow Bella and Alice to Italy and would accidentally say “wish he’d choke ME” out loud (see my post for reference). So, here it is. Also, I’m sorry if something doesn’t make sense. English is not my first langage. Enjoy :)
No of Words: 5749
Mentions of: Swear Language, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Dying/Death, Killings, Self-doubt, Self-consciousness, Kinky Choking, Sexual Arousal
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I think I had enough of Bella. No, I know I've had enough of her. She may be my best friend, the one who truly understood me the moment I stepped foot in Forks High School, beginning of last year, but this was just too much.
I have spent countless hours trying to support her when Edward Cullen left her, 5 months ago. I was there to be her emotional support, and even spent time with Jacob Black, an old friend of Bella's, who stayed at the Quileute reservation.
Jacob seemed kind of polite, although his attempts to flirt with Bella whenever he could were cringy, to say the least. But I supported her then too, trying to be sort of the third wheel / the one who tried to show Jacob she wasn't really interested in him that way.
His friends, Embry and Quil, were as nice and polite as they were beautiful. When Embry abandoned Jacob and Quil, Bella and I were there to support him. When Jacob abandoned Bella, I was there to support her. 
Even when Bella was sad, angry and desperate to know what happened to Jacob, I was there to calm her down. I was there when she went to see him and he turned her away. I was there when she slapped Paul in the face. I was there when he turned into a huge wolf, and I couldn't help but scream.
Jacob explained everything about the wolves to both Bella and I. He told us how it's part of their DNA; how they are meant to protect the tribe from dangerous outsiders; how the metamorphosis from human to wolf can be somehow controlled over time, with practice and persistence. THAT I could understand.
What I couldn't understand was how vampires existed in this world! It wasn't Bella the one to reveal that secret to me, rather Alice, Edward's sister. Apparently, she saw Bella dying, the day she supposedly went cliff-diving, which I told her not to, having a severe fear of heights myself.
Bella took the risk, and if it weren't for Jacob, she would most likely be dead by now. That's what Alice said she "saw" - she explained to my incapable self that, as a vampire, she had a gift, the gift of predicting the future, based on others' decisions. 
All this information was overwhelming me. I could swallow the harsh reality of wolves existing, but vampires, too? It seemed too much for me in such a short period of time.
Alice quickly explained some basics to me, like the fact that the Cullens were vegetarians, but the majority of their kind fed on human blood, as well as the fact that they even had a sort-of-government of vampires, residing in Italy, the Volturi.
She then turned to Bella to scold her about her recklessness and how she was prone to "life-threatening idiocy". I couldn't agree more with the short brunette right now. Bella has been nothing but reckless the last few weeks, and she was putting her life in danger for no reason.
They were talking about Edward or whatever, but I wasn't paying any particular attention until Jacob showed up. I decided to give them some space to talk, and Alice followed behind me, stepping out of the house.
Her face was a mix of disgust and worry, not paying any particular attention to me, probably trying to hear Bella and Jacob's conversation from the kitchen. After a minute or two, I heard her taking a sharp breath, her eyes fixating on nothing in particular; they were just staring ahead of her.
She took a sharp breath, as she regained consciousness, stepping quickly into the house. She walked in quite wide and quick strides, considering her miniature figure, and, though taller than her, I had some trouble following behind her.
She ran directly to the kitchen. "Bella. Bella, it's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here."
They both looked at Jacob; Bella practically screaming to his face, accusing him of not giving her the telephone to speak with Edward herself.
"Bella, he's going to the Volturi. He wants to die, too." The small brunette continued.
Within a minute, Bella made her decision: she was going to Italy to save her ex-lover. She promised us that she would just make sure he lived, and then, she would go back to her "boring" life.
Alice ran outside, starting her car immediately, as Bella was followed closely by Jacob, who tried to convince her not to go, pleading with her, all in vain. Bella was as stubborn as she could get, and nobody could change her mind. 
I turned to Jacob, without really thinking about my next words. "Don't worry. I'll go with her. I'll make sure she's back safe, okay?"
All Jacob could do is nod at me, though his face was full of concern, frustration, and he was clearly distraught by Bella's decision to leave him and save Edward. As if all this time she, Jacob and, sometimes, I spent time together meant nothing to her.
I jumped in the back seat of the car, not waiting for either Bella's, or Alice's approval. I knew it would be a huge risk for me to go to the vampires' lair, but I also knew that Bella could use all the emotional support she could get. 
As much as I hated Edward for what he did and said to her, I knew that he was everything to her, like her own little haven. Her own little oasis, which I guess felt more like a tundra, compared to Jacob's flaming hot desert. I rolled my eyes at my embarrassing thoughts, but I assumed that's how she thought of them.
The drive to the airport felt like a ton of weight crushing my shoulders. I had no place to follow them to Italy, as it was truly none of my business. But I promised Jacob, and though Bella could make me so frustrated with her lack of self-confidence and self-respect, I liked her company a lot, and I needed to make sure she was alive and safe.
In the couple of months that she came out of her apathetic state, we reconnected again, reminiscing about our unorthodox friendship, both of us being new to the town, shy and not particularly sociable.
However, Bella was the ideal friend to keep you grounded and connected with reality, which I, sometimes, had trouble with; my mind was running wild and free most of the time, while my mouth was staying shut. 
So, I was willing to go across the ocean for her, to an unknown place, in a castle full of bloodsucking vampires. I wasn't pleased, but I was willing. Willing to help her save her stupid ex-boyfriend, and hopefully not get killed in the process.
During the flights, Alice tried, more or less, to explain the dynamics of the vampire world; the Volturi, being this sort of government-slash-royalty of the vampire kind, were tasked with imposing their laws over the other vampires. Their most important law? Don't expose your existence to humans, unless you want to die. Well, there goes that! 
Alice had already talked to me about their kind; Bella knew through her association with both Edward and the rest of the Cullen family. The chances of any of us making out of there alive seemed slim to none. I was literally flying towards my death. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. 
I was trying to calm down my nerves, which did not work at all, when all I could think about were those Italian vampires. Alice told me that the vampire Kings, especially Aro, who seemed to be their leader, were interested in collecting talented vampires. 
So, it was pretty obvious that he would, most likely, get rid of Bella and myself, and would gladly keep Alice and Edward, who, as Alice told me, has the gift of reading people’s minds. So, we were actually doing that Aro guy a favor there; bring him the “talents” and get rid of the “intruders”, the humans. Great. Just, great.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We were currently on our way to Volterra. Alice had stolen a yellow Porsche from the airport’s parking lot, which neither Bella, nor I opposed to, for now. It was a fast way to get to Volterra, plus I’ve never actually been in a Porsche, and I felt pretty amazing. Alice seemed like a skillful driver, and drove pretty fast, which I liked, especially if I was the one driving. Bella and Alice’s conversation interrupted my thoughts.
“What? What do you see?”
“They refused him.” That was good, right?
“So..?” Bella knew there was something else behind Alice’s vision.
“He’s gonna make a scene. Show himself to the humans.” Why the hell, Edward?!
“No! When?”
“He’s gonna wait until noon, when the sun’s at its highest.” Bella seemed more and more worried and anxious, and I heard her heavy breath, which seemed like she was starting to go on panic mode. I stroked her shoulders lightly, trying to calm her down. As much as she deserved to get worried, given the events that led us here, this was not the time to panic.
“There’s Volterra.” Alice pointed to her left, at a beautiful, picturesque town that looked as if it had jumped out of the Renaissance era. The scenery of Tuscany was beautiful, and it had always been part of my bucket list to travel across Tuscany in a small rental car. That was not how I pictured that trip, or how I pictured my last day on Earth.
Alice was running through the city’s narrow streets by now, never stopping to honk at people passing by, who moved left and right, trying to avoid the “crazy driver who decided it was a good idea to drive a sports car through such a city’s small, narrow, occupied streets”; at least, that’s how I saw it.
Alice did not back down, and continued driving skillfully through the city’s small arteries. It was odd though, the fact that everyone around us was wearing red capes, red clothes, everything was red. Bella questioned it out loud and Alice informed us that today was the celebration of Saint Marcus’ Day, the day that the Saint expelled all vampires from the town. The irony.
Bella was experiencing a full on panic attack, as we were only 5 minutes away from Edward’s shenanigans. Theoretically, everything was in order, until the moment we were stopped by the local police who refused to let us go any farther. Bella opened her door. She would go on foot, to find Edward before he exposed himself. Alice would park the car somewhere outside of the town’s walls, and we’d then go and find them.
I turned around my seat, to watch Bella running through the streets, to the plaza where the clock tower, which Edward was going to expose himself from, was located. Alice left the car outside of the walls, but still, close enough to have easy access. 
For me, it was quite easy to walk around now, as my skin was not sparkling like Alice’s was. Alice had to wrap herself around a coat, a long, thick scarf and gloves, and wear sunglasses to protect her identity even more. I was walking in the middle of the streets, watching around carefully, as good as my human eyes could see, trying to help Alice go unnoticed, as she pushed herself more towards the buildings’ walls, trying to avoid the sunlight. 
That went on for a while, until we were close enough to the clock tower, where Alice took my hand on hers and, with long strides, walked towards the main entrance, which was, thankfully, shaded enough for her to walk through. 
She must have heard the conversation inside the building, as the moment we stepped in - Alice breaking the lock that kept the door momentarily closed, she started talking to the others, who I mistook as being Bella and Edward. As another sign of my unluckiness in life, she was actually addressing two other vampires, a tall brunette and a shorter blond.
They both looked gorgeous, but they could probably kill me as easily as it was for me to blink. I instantly became stiff, and Alice must have felt it, but she kept on holding my hand, trying to play it cool in front of the others, while trying to get rid of her disguise with her free hand at the same time.
“Come on, guys. It’s a festival. You wouldn’t want to make a scene.” She tried to play it nice and cool, though I knew she was just as worried being here as the rest of us.
“We wouldn’t.” The brunette vampire responded, now looking at me, who, by now, I have lost all my confidence in coming to Italy to help Bella.
I caught the blond vampire looking me up and down my body, and felt rather self-conscious. I didn’t have the best relationship with my own body and my own self; I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, most of the time. So, I made up for what I lacked in self-confidence with sarcasm, bad humor, honesty and snarky remarks. I would be really going off of him right now, if I wasn’t shaking.
Though beautiful, the blond vampire also scared me, just as much as his brunette partner. I stared back at him, looking at his confident stance, one hand behind his back, and a smirk across his face. 
When my (Y/E/C) eyes met with his red ones, I started shivering even more, holding on Alice tighter than before. I felt my heart beating faster, my breath became both sharper and deeper, and I felt as if I would cry, right then and there, in front of everyone. I saw the blond becoming a bit stiff, his jaw clenching, swallowing deeply, but he still wouldn’t take his eyes off of me.
Alice and Edward exchanged some looks, as if they knew what was happening, but chose to not tell anyone else. The scene in front of me was interrupted by the clicks of heeled shoes, and a blonde girl came into our view. 
“Enough.” Her voice was stern, and her stance was stoic as she came closer to us.
“Jane.” Edward recognised her and lowered his head towards the ground. He didn’t seem scared before, when it was just the two vampires in front of us, but the small woman now seemed to have him terrified.
“Aro sent me to see what was taking so long.” She looked between the two vampires of her coven, as if she was criticizing them for their incompetence to bring us all before Aro. Then, she turned to us, looking us straight in our eyes, or rather our souls, probably to warn and scare us at the same time, before walking back to where she came from. 
Alice turned towards Bella and I, the only humans there, who clearly looked more terrified than she and Edward did. “Just do as she says.” She simply said and we followed behind the girl, with the other two vampires closely behind us. 
The blond one was so close to me, I could feel the coldness radiating off his body, making me shiver. The brunette gave Edward the red robe I didn’t notice he was holding before, probably to cover himself in front of the Kings. The blonde girl moved between Bella and Edward, and Alice and I. Edward was trying to comfort Bella but I couldn’t exactly make out what they were saying, my mind making all shorts of scenarios about how the vampires would kill me and the others. The more I thought about it, the more I was shriveling on Alice’s side. 
We reached an elevator - I never thought vampires used elevators, but maybe it was for the humans around? The brunette and the blond entered first, as the blond turned around to stare at us, turning his gaze at me afterwards, before fully stepping in. Then, it was time for Edward and Bella to get in, followed by Alice and I. The blonde girl stepped in last, before the elevator’s doors closed shut.
The elevator music, an operetta, was supposed to calm peoples’ nerves. Yet, in this tight box, it had the opposite effect. Surrounded by vampires, vegetarian and non, the music was just creeping me out. 
The fact that the blond vampire was merely two inches away from me was making my knees weak and my heart pounding, though I, myself, didn’t even know if my own body was reacting out of fear or attraction towards the blond vampire. I felt him leaning closer to me and barely heard him sniff around, but I clearly saw Alice turning her head around and giving him death stares, to which he retrieved back to his original position.
The elevator stopped and we all stepped out. We walked past a receptionist’s desk, the woman standing up, smiling and wishing us a good afternoon - based on the few Italian that I knew. From what Bella and Edward said, the receptionist was a human, wishing to become a vampire, like the others.
“And so she will be.” Demetri smirked, looking at me, who I still haven't abandoned Alice’s hand.
“Or dessert.” Jane interrupted, and I felt myself losing consciousness for a split second, before I felt the blond vampire grabbing my arm to stabilize me. His hand was cold and his grip tight on me, not leaving me even after I looked at him with wide eyes. He just smiled and continued walking ahead.
Jane opened the doors in front of her, leading us to a massive room, made out of marble, and decorated with Roman columns and scriptures on the walls. Surprisingly, it was well-lit and bright, compared to the dark halls that we passed through just a minute ago.
“Sister. Send you out to get one and you bring back two. And two halves. Such a clever girl.” A brunette boy, a bit taller than Jane, called towards her, as she walked by his side.
The blond vampire let me go and walk farther into the room, still holding Alice’s hand like I was holding on her for dear life. The blond vampire now stood a few feet behind us, next to the tall brunette one.
A black-haired vampire, who seemed a bit too excited, started walking towards us. “What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn’t that wonderful. I love a happy ending. They are so rare.” He was talking with fake happiness in his face, as if he was reading from a script, grabbing Edward’s hand in the process.
“La tua cantante.” Your singer. The vampire seemed to know how much Edward craved Bella’s blood, and questioned how Edward could do so easily. 
“Aro can read every thought I’ve ever had with one touch.” Well, that explained a lot. And now I placed who Aro was within the Volturi.
I now learned more about Edward’s gift, which was more similar to Aro’s than anyone else’s, but he couldn’t actually read Bella’s thoughts. Aro requested if he could test his own gift on Bella, probably hoping that he could read her thoughts and brag about it. But when Bella offered her hand, which he took too willingly, his face was unreadable and then, disappointed and angry, not being able to read her either.
Then, he turned towards me, still by Alice’s side. His red eyes were cold and hostile, and his face uninviting. I felt small and vulnerable, exposed, in front of his critical gaze.
“Dear (Y/N), excuse me for the waiting. Edward has presented me a very..intriguing image of you. Could you offer me your hand? I would like to get to know you, as well.”
My lips were trembling, not being able to say a word, and my eyes were glistening. Please, don’t cry. Please, don’t cry. I knew that whatever Edward had shown him I couldn’t avoid. So, I took a step forward, leaving Alice’s hand and extending the other one towards Aro. I felt a breeze behind me, as Demetri came to stand on my right side, looking closely between Aro and I.
The mind reader took my hand between his hands, and I felt my thoughts being examined and tossed around my head, like a small whisper trying to cast a spell on me. The vampire looked at me, deep in the eyes, and his face was filled with fascination for whatever he saw inside my head.
“Fascinating, indeed, dear. Your mind is just filled with thoughts and images, though they are not very distinct. You are not an easy book to read. I still haven’t figured out who you really are. Although…”. He looked at the vampire standing beside me, motioning for him to give him his hand.
The blond obeyed his master. Did he have any other choice? Probably not. Aro took the blond’s hand, and his wicked, sick smile came back.
“Oh, this suddenly became even better than I would have expected.” He turned towards the vampire sitting on the throne, looking sad. Marcus? The vampire in question nodded, and Aro turned around in an almost theatrical move, with open arms, for everyone to see. 
“It seems that our dear Demetri has finally found his mate in (Y/N). I’m so happy for the two of you!” His face was smiling, but his voice sounded as fake as ever. 
I didn’t know what “mates” meant. Alice didn’t have enough time to explain every “vampire term” to me, so I was clueless regarding this part. The blond, who I now knew as Demetri, must have seen the confusion in my face, as he leaned slightly towards me and whispered “Soulmates” in my ear. My eyes widened and he giggled lightly.
Whether it was how close he came near me, or his giggle, or the fact that we were “soulmates”, my heart responded immediately, thumbing faster in my chest, and I felt my cheeks burn - I was clearly blushing in front of everyone, as if I couldn’t be any more awkward than I was before.
Aro interrupted my embarrassment, as he turned once again towards Bella, wanting to test if she was immune to the others’ gifts as well. He turned towards the blonde girl, Jane, asking her basically to show off her own gift. Edward ran forward to stop whatever it was going to happen, only to end up in pain, writhing in an inaudible pain, as Bella was practically screaming to stop.
I honestly didn’t mind Edward suffering, even if it was for a few seconds, considering that Bella had it worse for over 5 months. He finally dropped to the floor, as Alice ran to his side, and the blonde girl’s brother ran to grab Bella, to stop her from going by her lover’s side.
I had no idea what was happening. I was just looking around, shocked and scared, as all these unfamiliar things were taking place in front of my untrained eyes. I felt a hand stroking my arm up and down. I turned around to see Demetri smiling slightly at me, trying to calm me down. I sighed a bit and felt my heart slightly at ease.
That was until the Kings decided that Bella was a liability - I wasn’t? - and Aro called out for Felix. I turned around and saw the tall brunette smiling evilly, while the shorter brunette turned Bella around and left her there, exposed, in front of the giant. Edward seemed to know what it would be happening, as he immediately stood up and ran by Bella’s side to protect her.
He immediately ran forward, attacking the tall brunette, and knocking him down. Alice ran towards Edward to help him out, but she was immediately stopped by Demetri, who I didn’t notice had left my side, grabbing her by her neck and immobilizing her, dragging her away from ever reaching her brother. 
“Alec!” Demetri shouted towards the brunette boy, who had just left Bella at Felix’s mercy, pointing towards me with his eyes. The boy, Alec, came by my side, and practically dragged me farther from the scene that took place in front of me. His grip was a bit too much as he squeezed my arm, making me slightly cry in pain. Demetri growled at him, and Alec’s grip loosened significantly, but he still kept his hand on my arm.
Felix was pissed by now, as he immediately started fighting Edward, pushing and slamming him around the room. However, I couldn’t focus my gaze on them; not because they were fast, but because I was focused on watching Demetri, and how he was still holding on Alice’s neck tightly, never letting her go.
Watching Demetri’s hand around Alice’s neck should have made me feel appalled and sorry for the small brunette girl, but it didn’t. On the contrary, I felt rather aroused, watching his strong hand wrapped around the brunette’s neck. 
Honestly, I felt a wave of jealousy and annoyance hitting me. That should have been me! Only I was worthy to be touched by this sort of demon who masked his true identity with the facade of an angel. It should be me! I couldn’t help myself, my jealousy building up inside me. 
“Wish he’d choke ME!” I told myself, getting more frustrated by the minute.
“Patience, cara mia. All in due time.” Demetri smirked at me. I did not realise I said that out loud, until Alec started snorting beside me, clearly laughing cheekily, and Felix started bursting in laughter, his grip tight on Edward’s jaw by now.
I had embarrassed myself in a room full of vampires once again, the majority of them being part of the Volturi coven. If the Earth opened in half and swallowed me, I would pretty much welcome it at that point.
Bella brought me back to reality, as she was practically screaming, begging the vampires to let go of Edward, as she looked clearly distraught and upset. She even offered herself instead of Edward! Why, Bella? Just why? I have understood by now that they were mates and they’d do anything for each other, but she would sacrifice her own life for Edward?! That didn’t make sense to me.
Aro seemed to agree with me, but he thought more of the “soulless monster” perspective, while I thought more of Edward’s character, and how much his absence had scarred Bella. Alice told me, on our way here, that he thought he was doing everything to keep her away just to protect her, that being close to him put her in danger. But, from my own experience with Bella, she was suffering more away from him than he thought she would.
Aro looked disappointed between Edward and Bella, wishing he would give her immortality, which he did not seem willing to do. Aro moved menacingly towards the terrified girl, prepared to end her life. I fell forwards, attempting to reach her, to move in between them, but Alec’s grip tightened, keeping me back, both of his hands on my arms now. Aro was basically licking his lips, when, suddenly, Alice stopped him. 
The small brunette confirmed that Bella would become a vampire like them, and that she would even be the one to change her, as she saw in her vision. Aro called her forward, and Demetri let her walk towards his Master. 
He then moved towards Alec and I, replacing the brunette boy, but, instead of grabbing my arms like Alec did, he embraced me tightly, not letting me move away from my position. His cold embrace sent shivers down my spine, but, surprisingly, I let myself relax in his arms, feeling safe, and like that was where I belonged. I felt him smiling and relaxing, as well.
Aro seemed pleased with whatever Alice had shown him, and intrigued by her own gift of predicting the future. Alice had told me that her gift was subjected to the decisions people made, and the future could just change at any point. However, if Aro believed that her vision would eventually come true, we had no reason to tell him otherwise. 
Aro turned to Bella. “Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal.” He whispered as he touched her face, Bella clearly feeling uncomfortable under his touch. I would, too - Aro seemed creepy in his own way, his behavior and movements just as unpredictable.
He then told us to leave, and prepare for Bella’s transformation, and Felix let go of Edward. Marcus told everyone that a woman named Heidi would be coming soon and thanked us “for the visit”, as Aro said his goodbyes. Demetri walked towards the exit, me still in his arms. Edward grabbed Bella by her hand and Alice followed them behind.
As we were walking through the corridor, a beautiful woman walked past us, many people - they looked like tourists - following behind her. She had long, wavy brown hair and purple eyes, which could only mean that she was most likely wearing blue contacts over her red eyes. Her aura was full of confidence and power; she knew what she was doing and she took her job seriously.
“Nice fishing, Heidi.” I heard Demetri addressing the woman from behind me. So, that was the Heidi Marcus was referring to. Wait.. Nice..what?
“Yes, they do look rather juicy.” The beautiful woman replied, eyeing between Bella and I, as she continued leading the tourists down the hallway.
Demetri must have seen her reaction, as he brought me closer to him. I was in shock, and started trembling more than before. These people, these poor people would be the vampires’ snacks in a few seconds. Like Bella and I could have been just minutes ago. I tried to not think about it, but the screams that echoed through the hall would probably haunt me for the rest of my life.
Demetri opened another door as we approached the end of the corridor, and we found ourselves back in the reception area. The Italian woman greeted us once again, but I didn’t listen to what she said, still in shock, just waiting to leave this horrible place as soon as I could.
“Just wait here. You will be able to leave in a few hours, when it’s dark outside.” Demetri instructed Edward and Alice, and took his arms away from my body, turning to look at me. “Wait here, cara mia. I’ll be back soon.” I nodded, not being able to say a word.
Demetri turned and ran towards the throne room. I knew he left to feed, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of him killing innocent humans. I couldn’t keep myself from crying, as I started trembling and losing balance. 
Alice came by my side, trying to stabilize and calm me down, while Edward tried calming down a hyperventilating Bella. We were both losing our sanity, not being able to keep up with the Volturi’s lifestyle, as it seemed. I was craving Demetri’s touch but, at the same time, I couldn’t stop the human in me, the logic, the sense that said that I should stay away from the vampires who killed people. 
I heard Alice and Edward talking with the receptionist, but I couldn’t make out exactly what they were talking about. Alice, slowly and carefully, with her hands still on my arms, led me to a nearby bench, as the receptionist walked away. I was rocking back and forth, trying to calm down, realizing that we are still alive. I saw the receptionist coming towards us, offering a glass of water to both Bella and I.
“Grazie mille.” I thanked her, my voice barely audible.
“Prego.” She smiled at me, and walked back towards her desk.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I didn’t realise how much time passed, until I heard footsteps coming towards us. I was way more calm by now. Lifting my head towards the direction of the footsteps, I saw Demetri and Felix. I shyly smiled at Demetri, and he smiled back, with a smile wider than mine, a smile that warmed my heart.
“Hello, again, amore mio.” I felt as if my heart stopped for a split second upon hearing the words he used to address me. I would still be weak to my knees, if I didn't already sit down.
Felix was the one to inform us that we were allowed to go now, being way past nighttime. I stood up, and attempted to walk forward, towards Bella and the two Cullen siblings. I intended to leave with them, but I was stopped by Demetri’s hand on my wrist.
“Where are you going, cara?” He looked at me, knowing why I was attempting to walk away.
“I.. I thought we’d.. be leaving? That I’d be leaving? With the others?” At least, I was hoping I would be leaving with them. 
“I’m sorry, amore. I can’t let you go, not now that I found you. You’ll be staying here, with me.” Demetri sounded so natural and serious, and I could only stare at him, my mouth agape.
“But.. I thought it was okay for me to leave. I have a life behind, you know. I have a school to finish, I have my family, I have things to do.” I still looked at him dumbfounded, waiting for him to allow me to go, just for now, just for a few months at least.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). But I cannot risk anything happening to you. I will make sure you are safe and protected here. We will arrange everything with your school and your family, and whatever else is needed. Please, stay.” Demetri’s eyes were pleading, and a shiver passed through my body, just by looking at him and hearing him talk.
It took me a few minutes to respond; nobody said a word all this time. “Okay.” I said faintly. “I will stay.. here.. with you.”
Demetri’s face lit up, and he leaned closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. He was careful to not hurt me, and I knew, at the moment, with my heart full of love and affection for that man, that that was where I was supposed to be. With Demetri. For as long as it lasted.  
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ofgalaxiesandstars · 2 years
Disclaimer: The following post contains personal opinions of the OP, and OP understands these opinions are not universal.
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So I’m super new to Descendants, new being I’ve literally only just watched the first and second movies earlier this week and haven’t seen/read anything else, but I do know the bulk of Carlos and Cruella’s family relationship (in that... There’s pretty much nothing family about it other than blood), and I just wanna talk about this scene cause I haven’t seen anyone talk about it
So Cruella finally notices that Carlos is holding Dude, and the fact that it took her so long in itself is of note because Carlos seems to kinda hide behind both Mal and Jay during most of the call, so it’s likely that Cruella didn’t even see Dude at first because of that
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After Cruella questions Carlos about Dude, each of the VKs has a brief but distinct reaction to this
Mal, believe it or not, actually looks confused for a split second before immediately looking concerned. She looks back, first at Dude, and then up to Carlos, and while it’s not really possible to get a read on her expression at that point, it’s almost as if she’s questioning if he’d gonna be okay with the confrontation.
Evie looks... Honestly super pissed off. She too turns to look at Carlos, but her expression is almost... Expectant. It’s like she’s encouraging Carlos to step forward and shut his mother up. I haven’t read any of them yet, but I’ve heard that Evie and Carlos have a fairly close relationship in the books, e.g. Evie gave Carlos his first pillow, so I can only assume she’s gotten fed up with Cruella’s treatment of her friend.
Jay closes his eyes in that way when you were expecting something to happen, but were desperately hoping it wouldn’t happen. That “goddammit, why would you do that” sigh. Looking at him in this scene, he looks like he’s actively standing in front of Carlos almost protectively. Looking at him in this scene, he actually almost looks a little afraid.
And then of course Carlos. Carlos looks both ready to shut Cruella down, while at the same time looking terrified. Hesitant. He isn’t sure just yet if he wants to speak up to his mother, but it’s like he’s waiting for the moment Cruella gives him that last nudge to tell her off.
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And she certainly doesn’t waste time doing that.
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So now let’s talk about this scene. 
Carlos was already halfway to the front by the time Cruella finished her statement, but both Mal and Jay look like they’re holding him back. Moreso Jay, once Carlos pushes his way forward Mal appears more than willing to let him take the stage, though not without a warning “be careful” look. Meanwhile Jay, who appeared to have been glaring at Cruella just before Carlos stepped up, actually flinches. He looks kinda shocked, and maybe it’s just me but it’s almost like he’s giving Carlos that nervous “wtf are you doing” look. We don’t see a whole lot of Evie in this shot, but what we do see of her appears just as furious as Carlos and unfazed by his outburst.
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Carlos starts just tearing into Cruella, it’s almost like once he starts he just can’t stop himself from saying what he’s probably wanted to say for years. The girls look smug as hell, though the longer it goes on they appear to slowly grow less and less smug and more “maybe we should stop him”. Jay is just... Staring at Carlos, and maybe it’s just me but he looks somewhere between fearful and sympathetic. Although, when Carlos brings up “baby” being just a stuffed toy, he looks like he does that “what are you doing” sigh again, closed eyes and everything.
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By that time Carlos is actually shouting at his mother, the other VKs start looking like “okay we need to stop him now”, though Jay is the one who ends up finally reaching out to grab Carlos and pull him back.
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Carlos gets pulled back, but honestly it looks like he’s still seething-- Not even looking at the video call anymore --and he even looked like he actually glared at Jay when the older boy glanced back at him. Though, watching a bit closer, Carlos actually looks a little terrified, in a “oh god what did I just do” way. It’s also noteable that it’s only after Carlos gives Jay that look that Jay cuts off the call.
Mal in this shot honestly seems to give Carlos this proud “hell yeah” grin. Though, after she notices the looks on both Jay and Evie’s faces that grin immediately drops and she looks... Apologetic? Upset, definitely, likely due to that argument that breaks out after Carlos stands up for himself.
Evie is looking at the boys with a fair amount of concern before Mal gives her the grin. Then of course she rolls her eyes at the parents’ squabbling before just looking... Completely exasperated.
Jay is being protective again. He’s not only standing slightly in front of Carlos again, he’s got an arm around him, almost like he’s reassuring the youngest VK that he’s okay-- maybe more specifically that Cruella can’t reach him in Auradon. He’s also the one who finally cuts off the video call, likely both out of a protective nature for his friends, and his own discomfort at his father instigating an argument with Cruella.
I know that Fairy Godmother had good intentions and only wanted the VKs to feel included and not homesick for the upcoming family day, but she and the people of Auradon really seem to forget that these kids did not have good parents. I don’t think it’s until after this specific scene that Fairy Godmother really understands that these kids were just as much victims of their parent’s as the people of Auradon.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 3 years
Authority Figure (Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader)
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A/N: So I was going to queue this but I got too excited lol and decided that I had to post it today aha. So yeah, enjoy this. I don’t know if this is any good lol I just really liked the concept and got excited.
Warnings: Murder mentions, Reader swears quite a bit and is a bit of a flirt (also kinky stuff is briefly mentioned lol), I think that’s everything.
Word Count: 532
“Who the fuck are you?” You asked, your arms were folded. You were already fed up with this bullshit. You were slumped against the chair with your feet up on the metal table. You had been arrested for god knows what - you weren’t really paying attention. The door opened and shut with force, you looked up. A man in a pressed suit and a red tie, he was tall - around six foot. The badge he wore said ‘SSA A. Hotchner’, you rose your eyebrows. 
“Get your feet off the table,” 
“Ooh, an authority figure, I like it,” You quipped. “What you gonna do if I don’t? Cuff and punish me?” The man pushed your feet off the table, laying down a file. “Dang,” You said, “Not much of a talker, I get it. Keep me talking, I see how it is,”
“Do you recognise this woman?”
“Oh yeah, that’s Janet from Friends,” You said, nodding at the picture, you looked up, locking eyes with the man. “No? Oh come on, at least admit they’re similar,”
“Nothing? Alright Oh Man Of Few Words,” You mock, “If she isn’t Janet, who is she?”
“Kaitlyn Watson,” He answered. “Do you know what you’re here?”
“No,” You answered with a shrug, “I wasn’t paying attention when they were going on about whatever it was they were going on about,”
“Your here as a suspect in a murder investigation,”
“Wow, that’s a whole nine words,” You gasp, “I think you might be warming up to me,”
“Do you know this woman?”
“If she isn’t Janice from friends, I don’t have a clue, sorry,” You answered with a shrug, shifting in your chair slightly, “How exactly am I a suspect?”
“You were found at the crime scene minutes before the murder,”
“Well duh, I live in the apartment building,” You answer. “Honestly - I bet I’m only a suspect because I punched Deputy Thomas once for shoving me! And the fucker deserved it because all I was doing was standing minding my own business,”
Hotch sighed, “You’re not actually going to give us any new information, are you?”
“Well I would, but I don’t know anything that will help you,” You said, you wink at him, “I might if you give us a kiss though,” Aaron sighed, yet again, somehow managing to look even more fed up.
“Or not jeez,” You huffed, “Look am I free to go or do those perverts on the other side of that mirror want to look at me for a bit longer?”
“I think you’re good to go,” Aaron said, you nodded, standing up. You made sure to pat his shoulder as you passed.
“Feel free to call me sweetcheeks,” You said before exiting the room. He rolled his eyes before following you out.
Dave approached him with a smirk, “Oh, I know that look,” 
“Oh don’t even go there,” Aaron mumbled, already flushing a light pink.
“Someone’s got a crush,” He sang quietly. Aaron shot him a glare before walking off, Dave chuckled to himself before turning back to the profile. Aaron paused when he reached the map on the board. Maybe he would give you a call after this case afterall...
144 notes · View notes