#I want to give you the flexibility of using whatever music app you want
444rockstargf · 2 months
hii! omg okay so i absolutely love your works and your writing style and i wanted to know how you started up writing on here because i’ve been wanting to for a while but have no idea how to start 😣
thank you so much for this question! I'm gonna answer it in detail and feel free to dm me if ur confused abt anything!
the basics.
i'll start off really easy. to begin, find someone (preferably famous). if this person is in any films, watch a few to get a taste of a couple different characters. this will help you form a hyperfixation to a character. this will be who you write for. for me, it's rory culkin & spencer reid. from here, now we can get to the fun part.
your aesthetic.
your theme is the next thing that will draw in an audience. I'm completely aware of the trillions of different aesthetics in the world, but more popular ones tend to draw a larger audience (odd, I know.) currently trending aesthetics include 2014 grunge (shades of black, pink, and lots of soft filters), coquette (pastel pinks and soft cremes, can be followed with slightly disturbing content), and my favourite, gothic. (falls into 2014 a little. i include themes from my favourite album. music will draw in a crowd too.) but this part is extremely flexible, so choose any style that you want!
friends & your fandom.
one of the best things you can do to give your account a kick start before even starting is to make friends in a fandom. reblog fics you like, leave kind comments, "sneak" into dms and leave encouraging messages. this'll earn you some followers and supporters right off the bat. if you're comfy with it, tell your friends outside of tumblr to follow you too (but I totally understand where that can get messy, so no pressure.)
writing + visuals.
now we're getting to the good part. fanfics are categorized into 3 main parts: smut, fluff, and angst (all I'm sure you've seen on my page.) smut is sexual stuff, fluff usually has a more cozy atmosphere around it, and angst is all the gut-wrenching stuff that really tugs at your heartstrings. as you write for either one of these things, keep in mind that your visual should support whatever the theme of the fic is. idk how long you've been supporting me, but ever since the start (august 2023) I have included some sort of visual in my content. first I only used gifs and ordinary fonts, then I branched out and began putting together my own photos and making the title match. your visual will reflect the quality of your writing.
when writing for anything, second person is usually my go-to (you went to the store, you took a walk, etc). it is the most commonly used perspective and prevent any confusion for the readers. when writing smut, there are certain words and phrases that'll be good with readers, and some that won't. when referring to the vagina, "cunt" and "pussy" will do better than "coochie" or "bearded clam" (yes, I've actually seen that used in a fic). when writing angst or fluff, create a mood by using sensory words that paint a picture in the reader's mind. practice this by googling good descriptive words and weaving them into your fics. this'll boost your writing by a ton, trust me.
this was a lot to take in, I know. when I first started publishing fics on this account, my content was far from good, but I promise you will improve as you go. remember to pace yourself, don't force yourself to write if you just don't feel like it. any writer on this app will understand that feeling. leave your inbox open most of the time to receive good ideas from your supporters, but let them know if you ever need to close it because of an excessive workload. i don't know if you're in school, but finding a good balance between schoolwork and writing fics is a huge part of this whole thing too. thank you so much for the wonderful ask, and my dms are open if you have any more questions.
xoxo, olivia.
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tisorridalamor · 2 years
Did a deep dive into American apps that give you access to free stuff with a library card so:
Libby: my personal fav and go to for digital library ebooks and the one with by far the most flexibility. Catalog depends on your local library, but if you have multiple cards you can stack them and access multiple catalogs (and check out / place holds on multiple books/audio books between them)
Hoopla: More geared toward comics/manga/movies/tv shows, and also dependent on library catalog. A bit harder to browse imo and you can't swap libraries as easily as Libby but still great
CloudLibrary: Another online book/audio book catalogue. I'm new to this one but it seems to have a more limited selection of libraries in America but I can see you can pick libraries in different countries so it's possible it's more widely used outside of the states. Not sure on the functionality, but you can add multiple library cards (though I was only able to sync up one out of my 5 active cards that are on Libby)
Freading: Another online book/audio book catalogue... with a twist! Here you can download any 3 books a week and keep them for two weeks with no wait. Unfortunately this one also seems to have someone limited availability across the world. I wasn't able to connect with any of my cards but it's worth checking out!
Freegal Music: A music streaming service for library card holders. Has a limited selection but allows users to download a number of songs each week to keep. Logged in with one of my libraries I personally have unlimited streaming time and 5 personal downloads a week for songs, but according to the website this can vary between libraries. I'm new to this app as well but will be checking it out over the next few weeks!
Kanopy: A free movie (and some TV) streaming service covered through libraries and universities with an emphasis on documentaries and foreign/non-American films. I have yet to try it in depth but it seems like they have a huge catalogue with some items that shift monthly but there's LOTS to choose from. Monthly you get 10 "play credits" to watch whatever you want - note that I'm not sure if a play credit counts the same for a TV show as a movie, but that's still a good amount if you ask me. Also not sure if the number changes depending on the library, but I think the overall catalogue is independent of your library so you have access to everything with just a card
Overall Libby is the MVP when it comes to digitally accessing your library as well as being the one I'm the most familiar with, but the others are all worth a look as well! All of these listed above can be accessed on the web via computers or mobile devices but also have their own dedicated apps for tablets and phones too. Some, like Kanopy, can even be accessed on TVs/streaming devices! Don't underestimate the benefits you can get with just a local library card :)
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totori9 · 9 months
Electronics Intermittent Fasting
Y'all know what intermittent fasting is. You set a time block for when you eat, when you're not in that time block you fast.
Try the same thing with electronics!!!
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What to do?
The technique:
Allot an 8 hour time slot during which you're allowed to use electronics.
1) Work is not excluded. If you work 8 hours a day on a screen, you'll either have to set your time block for those eight hours or use the screen less.
2) Electronics like a kettle, the oven, lamps,... are obviously always allowed.
3) Adapt to your needs. You'll likely still want to use messenger apps or music (in the background, e.g. while reading a book -> what matters is spending time on the screen directly).
That was all you need to know! For whatever reason, you can skip the example and jump straight to the conclusion.
We use ipads in school, i. e. I need to use electronics by default. I can't use paper instead because that's very impractical!
So my time slot is from 8 am to 4 pm. Technically, school starts at 7:40 but for simplicity's sake I use 8. Most days, I'm not even home by 4 pm. Which means that I have zero phone/gaming time left!
I don't want that!! So what'd I do? First, let's look at my experience after roughly 3 weeks:
Checked on my phone games in school. Because I don't have much time and would rather socialize than spend time on my phone, I very quickly do what I need to do and then stop.
Stopped opening apps for no reason.
Downloaded interesting videos/articles to watch during commute.
Soooo bored!!!
Soooo much time!!!
Because of the above, I started picking up hobbies. When you're bored, you just have to do something. I read, drew, meditated, cleaned, baked, gardened, walked, jogged, worked out, thought, studied, ...
When I did get to spend time on my phone, which was like once a weekday and on the weekend, I somehow didn't want to. Even though I could've binged 8 hours straight, I spend majority of that time productively. Learned something, watched a documentary, or, when playing games, played with more awareness - no doing things just for the instant gratification, I actually thought about what I wanted to do and did just that. I didn't waste my time, I used it. Stopping also became easier.
One thing I allowed myself was one (1) YouTube video a day after having completed all tasks. BUT with a catch! I could only choose from my Watch Later (which is mostly really educational vids) and I had one minute to choose. Didn't even do this every day!
I want to say at this point: It was HARD. But I pulled through. I am so so so proud of myself!!!!! Before, I was on my phone literally the entire day, not kidding, every waking moment. Had to give my phone and laptop to my parents and hid the TV remote.
I was just super determined. I know exactly what I want in life, and I'm gonna get it, even through all my tears and fears and anxiety and problems. The thought of having had the chance of living my dream life and having thrown it away because of a stupid fucking fear scares me more than anything. I've been addicted before, I know that it's hard, and it's okay to fail. You just have to get back up and keep improving ever so slightly, always keeping in mind that you can and will get better.
Sheesh, 'twas heavy!
What would've definitely helped would've been a routine and set hobbies. BUT I'm still working on implementing those, so yeah, too bad I guess!
(Probable) Pros
More time
More mindful
More productive
More disciplined
Probably also happier
Less flexible in your usage (Not less flexible with emails/text messages)
Bored (Not really a con)
Thank you so much for reading!!! Bless you!!! Hope this helped, please try it out - what are your thoughts?
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xtruss · 2 years
Adobe—Yes, Adobe—Has One of the Best Free Video-makers Out There
Spark Video is best for beginners or those looking for something quick and easy
— By Jeremy Caplan | June 28, 2022 | Fast Company
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Source Images: iStock; Adobe
Adobe’s professional software has long struck me as unnecessarily clunky and complex. Adobe Premiere, Illustrator, Photoshop and other such apps are powerful, but daunting for beginners to learn.
So I was surprised to discover that Adobe Spark Video is one of the best free apps for making a quick slideshow-style video. It’s part of a suite of apps that Adobe recently started calling Creative Cloud Express. The company actually now refers to Spark Video as “Adobe Creative Cloud Express online video maker,” which is a clunky name.
Despite the awkward title, it’s worth a look. I’ve used a dozen or so video apps over the past few years, and this is one I keep coming back to, particularly to create short narrated slideshow videos
It lacks advanced features for complex editing, so Spark Video is best for beginners or those looking for something quick and easy. Read on for what’s most useful about it and how to get started.
Spark Video’s Brst Features
Original footage is optional. Many video apps require you to start with photos or videos from your phone. When using those apps, if you’re trying to create something not pegged to your own images, you’re stuck.
Works on desktop and mobile devices. You can start something on your phone, then finish it on your computer. That flexibility is helpful if you have some images in one place and others somewhere else. Or if you are away from your laptop and want to make a fix to your video.
Simple, clean templates. Some apps lack professional-looking, clean text styles. Or give you an overwhelming number of options. Spark Video has nine basic themes, all of which are solid. You can easily resize text or move it around.
Easy export. Share a link to your video when you’re done, post it to a social platform, or or download it to your camera roll.
Narrate to add your voice. A big narration button makes it easy to add your own voiceover after you’ve chosen images, videos or text for your slideshow.
Pricing: It’s free unless you need advanced features. For $10/month you get 100gb of storage space, and the ability to add your own logo, colors, fonts and branding. The free version works fine for me. For what it offers, the premium subscription seems overpriced.
6 STEPS to Make a Video With Spark Video
Add a text title for the start of your video, plus whatever other text cards you want.
Pick images or video clips from your phone or computer.
If you don’t have images that match your subject, search the app’s free image library.
Adjust the music or replace it with your own.
Record an optional narration to give the video a personal perspective.
Export and share.
Try the Noir, Tidal and Statement themes, but skip the Sage theme, with its amateurish cursive styling.
Try alternating text cards with images or short video clips for varied pacing.
For work-related videos use the icons offered as decorative elements sparingly, if at all, to avoid resonances of clip art.
When you share a link to your video, it shows up on a page with Adobe branding on it.
The app lacks special effects or advanced editing functions.
It’s best for short videos. If you’re working on something longer than a few minutes, you’re better off with one of the alternatives below.
Quik is another superfast video creation app. It stitches together a video with no manual edits required if you want to create something automatically out of footage on your phone. It’s best if you have your own footage and prefer music video-style cuts over Spark Video’s more traditional slideshow style. It’s free for iOS and Android.
Apple’s Clips is an underappreciated app that comes with the iPhone. It has an unusual editing interface but has some unique special features, like adding caption text automatically while you narrate, and allowing you to add backgrounds to your video without having a green screen.
Videoshop is a great full-featured video editor for iOS or Android that includes advanced features Spark Video lacks, like color correction, filters, slow motion, gifs, stickers and animated titles. Despite having lots of features, it’s easy to use. For intermediate and advanced video editors, this works well.
Adobe competitors like Figma and Sketch have gained popularity in recent years partly because they’ve emphasized ease of use and collaboration. And they’re less corporate. Adobe has responded by creating new products like Spark Video that are great for novices.
— This article is republished with permission from “Wonder Tools,” a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps.
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dandaelions · 2 years
hyperspace 🎆
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a kpop playlist for plugging into the mainframe
cøde - shinee
the moment - yukika & pat lok
gravity - exo
heartbreak - minho
invu - taeyeon
noir - sunmi
poison love - dreamcatcher
all for love - wayv
dope lovers - dpr ian
2fast - superm
exclusive - taemin
punk right now - hyo & 3lau
nothing on me - kai
lucid dreams - aespa
check out my other playlists!
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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every single student in the world has likely procrastinated at some point - i know i definitely have! sometimes i think it can be quite helpful because means that you don't spend every minute of every day studying... but on the other hand, it can become very hard to beat. there are so many advice posts in the community on this topic but i thought that i would share my own tips! 
disclaimer: everyone studies differently and these are my personal tips. they may not work for you but they can be a good starting point 
What is Procrastination?
i found this little summary of procrastinating on the internet and thought it completely covered everything that i wanted to say on this point:
Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act.
Procrastination can restrict your potential and undermine your career. It can also disrupt teamwork, reduce morale, and even lead to depression and job loss. So, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent it.
The first step to overcoming procrastination is to recognize that you're doing it. Then, identify the reasons behind your behavior and use appropriate strategies to manage and overcome it.
- How to Stop Procrastinating by Mindtools
so what is learnt from this is that:
procrastination is not being lazy 
it is avoiding tasks by doing other easier tasks
it can have negative effects
you need to proactively take steps to avoid it 
first, recognise the procrastinating then use strategies to break the cycle
Conventional Tips
these are the basic tips that are some of the most well-known strategies for ending procrastination and can be some of the most important steps!
1. get organised. tidy up your desk to study space because there is nothing worse than having to work in a place that is chaotic and mess. collect the information you need for the task, for example, notes you've made or a textbook. 
2. to-do lists are your friend. a lot of people (including me) really struggle with timetables for studying because it can seem really structured and there is no flexibility or real allowance for things that may crop up during the day (your food takes longer to cook, you have to unexpectedly do a task around the house, you get a really bad headache and need to take a break). in my opinion, to-do lists help solve this problem! you can clearly see the tasks that you want to get done for the day but you don't have stressful time constraints. personally, i always use todoist to keep track of everything. to-do lists also make it easier to break tasks down
3. break the task down. one of the biggest cause of procrastination is having a huge task or project ahead of you because it seems really daunting and where on earth are you even going to start? so break it down *completely*. in your to-do list, don't just write ‘german homework’, write down even task that you need to do within it and be specific: for example ‘pg. 11 ex 4a, 4b and 4c’, ‘textbook listening task on pg. 47′ and ‘250-word essay on social media in Germany’. breaking it down makes the tasks seem more attainable and when you’ve done one and you can cross it off your list, it gives you a boost to keep going
4. eliminate distractions. this is a big one. even if you do all of the above, if you are constantly being distracted by things, you aren't going to get much done. try to find a place that is quiet enough that you can focus and you feel comfortable studying in. as well as this you need to think about what to do with your phone as the likelihood is that this will be the most distracting thing. you can simply turn it off, put on do not disturb, leave it in another room or use and app like forest (that last one is what i use and i don't know where i would be without it!)
5. use incentives. finishing a task is an achievement so treat it like one! before you study, decide on something that you will give yourself as a reward for doing it. this may be watching that new episode of your favourite programme or a tasty snack! 
6. set timers. don't just launch yourself into a task, because that again can make it seem daunting and feel unending. rather, set a timer for a specific time because you’ll know that you just need to focus for that specific length of time and then you can go take a break and do something nice. for timing your study sessions, you could use the Pomodoro technique 
7. allow for breaks (but try to avoid long ones). you are not a machine and as much as it would be great to be able to, you cant study for hours on end without giving your mind a break from focusing. so schedule in break time for yourself, particularly for times that you know your motivation dips, and do something nice. but be very careful that you don't accidentally slip back into procrastinating habits and keep breaks short. unless you are very disciplined it is unlikely that an hour-long break will stay just an hour.
8. know how you study but don’t be afraid to mix it up. everyone studies differently and so there are going to be some study methods that work better for some than others. so try to make sure that you are studying smart and that you aren't wasting your own time cause that can be incredibly unmotivating. HOWEVER, if there is anything that I’ve learnt from online school its that doing the same task all the time, every day is mind-numbingly boring and you just want to do anything else. so try to switch up what you are doing. if you usually just type notes from the textbook, maybe try doing it in a mindmap one week, or on flashcards, maybe do some practise questions to keep your mind engaged. 
9. play music. now this one really depends on the person and how you study. some people need absolute silence and that is fine, but others need something to fill the silence or maybe cover up background noise (for example if you live in a busy household). try to pick music however that is not going to distract you - the key tips for this is to pick music without lyrics. this can be classical music, video game music, or general ‘chill’ music (there are so many playlists out there for chill studying music). i personally listen to Francesco Parrino religiously while studying because he does piano covers of pop songs, so i know the songs and enjoy them but there are no lyrics that can distract me 
10. stay hydrated, well-rested and not hungry. this is part of eliminating distractions because if you are thirsty, you are going to be thinking about how you want a drink; if you are tired, you are going to be thinking about how tired you are; if you are hungry, you are going to be thinking about what you want for lunch or whatever. make sure you are hydrated, well-rested and not hungry so you can focus solely on your task or work.
Unconventional Tips
these are some slightly more unusual tips that you might not have seen before but that I've nevertheless found very useful!
1. video yourself or do a timelapse. this is something that I’ve only recently done because i saw a tip on this from someone during my quarantine challenge and thought that it would be cool to do. and it really works! i did it twice once when i was typing notes and a second time when i was handwriting notes and it really made me focus on what is as doing because the video put some pressure on me to look like i was properly studying - i could take a 5-minute break in the middle of my work to mess around with my pen, I just had to keep going so it really forces you to do the work. also watching the video when i was done made me really proud cause i had visual proof of how much i completed!
2. accept that some days you are going to get very little done. this may seem a little bit odd to put on a post that is meant to avoid getting nothing done but it’s actually a very important thing to remember. sometimes you need to take days off because otherwise you are going to burnout and some days you are just not going to be in the right mindset for studying because maybe you are exhausted after a big exam, or you have a headache or you feel unwell. you just need to accept it, draw a line under it, take time for yourself, and resolve yourself to work tomorrow once you feel a bit better. there is no shame in taking time to make sure you stay healthy. if you can, try to get your quickest, easiest task done so you have some sense of accomplishment.
3. ‘churn it out and f**k off’. this was my mum’s motto when she was studying and working in academia. and she recently told it to me when i was getting stressed about all the big tasks during online school. i am a perfectionist and i always want to hand in my very best work, put 100% into everything, but honestly that is impossible. some days you just need to get stuff done and if that isn't your very best then it doesn't matter too much because at least you got it done. and once you get it done you can just forget about it.
4. ask a friend or parent to check up on you. when you are studying by yourself it can be hard to motivate yourself because you know that no ones actually going to check whether you made those votes or did the reading, so ask a friend or someone you live with to check whether you've done the work or get them to read essays. you then get an external reason to study or do your tasks because you need to show them something.
5. rephrase how you think of tasks. when you think that ‘you need to do this task’ or ‘you have to get this done’, a lot of the time this causes unneeded stress and anxiety that is not going to help you at all. also it makes it seem like you are being forced to do something and human beings generally don't act great when they are forced to do something. so try to change your language when thinking about task into one that is more forgiving such as ‘i choose to do this project so that i can go meet my friends tomorrow’ and ‘i choose to read this book now because it will help me in the lecture next week’. this is probably the most difficult strategy on this list and it will take a lot of practice (i am certainly still practising it) but in the long term, it can help you change the way in which you view studying for the better. 
i hope this was helpful and that these tips will be useful, and perhaps you've discovered some new ones! if anyone has anything to add please feel free to reply or reblog with the advice <3
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
May I be the first to ask for a reaction of the dorm leaders to a fem!reader dancing erotically/sexy?
I am very excited to start having the first orders for TW. This is the one that caught my attention the most and  wanted to write ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Off with the spiciness!!
Vice Dorm Leaders reaction
Cater/Jack/Floyd/Epel/Sebek/silver reaction
King’s and Queen’s - Ava Max (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj--hAP_Zo0&list=RDRj--hAP_Zo0&start_radio=1)
The tea party was being a total disaster. Dorm members breaking the rules left to right, incompletely painted white roses, lack of control at the tables, a total madness.
Riddle was getting redder and redder, until he reached the same shade as his hair color.
Time to intervene.
“Cater go get your speakers and connect them to your phone with the music I am going to tell you, on my sign you press play. Trey distracts Riddle for a few minutes, lead him to the loung room if necessary. Ace, Deuce, Grimm, get away everything on the main table. NOW NOW NOW”
You ran into the bushes behind the main table and started to peel off your top, leaving you in a red lingerie bra. You ripped the bottom to fit some modern shorts and waited for everyone to be in position.
Show time, press play
With the beginning of the music, everyone fell silent, looking for the origin of it, but only finding you positioning yourself on the table.
Riddle shot out into the gardens, about to go "OF WITH YOUR HEAD" who deigned to put that kind of music. But ... like everyone else, he only found you....starting to dance.
People were crazy to see you dance with fluidity and speed ... a good crazyness. They were deconcentrated.
Ace and Deuce cheering as gay friends
Riddle was bewildered, he wanted to speak but the words didn’t come out of his mouth.
You broke this boy right then. His eyes followed the movement of your hips and hands, unable to avoid thinking of...
Cheers were raised when you stopped at "of with your head" Your eyes locked at Riddle’s and you gave him a...lewd smile.
Ace and Deuce came up to the table to dance with you and all the members of Heartslabyul began to dance in their places.
Cater had filmed everything and had a mischievous smile drawn on his face, just like Trey. May or may not will send it to Riddle late at night
One thing for sure. That day, you broke Riddle in the most erotic way there is.
Theeth - Lady Gaga (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnwLh6CWdUY)
That fucking bet. That damn Ruggie.
He convince you that if you managed to do the challenge without Leona being intimidated, he would do your homework for a whole month.
You accepted without measuring the consequences and without even thinking clearly about the challenge.
Leona, Ruggie and Jack were going to be training magift after class with their teams in their arena. Time to attack.
The game was about to start, each player in his position, when suddenly ... a few blows began to sound.
Music came from the speakers. Everyone was baffled, including Leona, he was going to teach the herbivore who dared to interrupt his training a good lesson.
Before he even raised his voice angrily, he caught sight of Ruggie who was pointing him, with a wicked smile, toward the stands.
You were standing there, slowly going down and positioning yourself on your stomach. It’s when you started moving your hips that Leona clicked.
You’re dancing, erotically.
No dorm member could swear to have seen Leona so expressive before. His eyes wide open, his mouth almost reaching the floor, and ... if they dared to go lower, they could sight a tent in his pants.
In the middle of the choreography, you turned around, and Leona was nope and went to you, grabbed your hips and placed you on his shoulders.
“the show is over, go back to training”
From your escort, you could see Ruggie laughing and waving at you with an evil grin. You lost the bet.
“You want to move your hips? I'll give you a reason to move them”
He spanked you and took you to his room.
Moans and grolws could be heard at the arena.
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tkfX2phlfE)
It was a disaster.
The person hired to give an entertainment canceled at the last minute. Azul’s throat vein was about to explode.
Customers in Mostro Lounge were getting hysterical, demanding music, dancing, singing, whatever, something.
In desperation he turned to you.
"You need someone for a show, I can help with pleasure"
"Do you know someone who dances, sings, plays an instrument, or tells jokes?"
you gave him a look. Is he serious? You asked him to give you about ten minutes to get ready.
When the lights went down, leaving a dim light directed at you, Azul immediately regretted his choice.
positioned in the middle of the stage, wearing a black top, leaving little to the imagination and tights squeezing your butt, you began to dance a song that he did not know.
“Oh Carp”
The clients, now hypnotized by your dance, began to scream with happiness. Finally the show they were promised.
"The little shrimp sure know how to move" Damn Floyd, don’t make it worse than already is.
Azul felt very uncomfortable from the waist down and felt that at any moment he was going to get ink wink wonk
He asked you to go to the vip room when you’re done to ... discuss your little show in private.
He’ll have to get a few customers to sign a contract to avoid putting their dirty hands on you.
But for now, he's pleased to put his own hands all over your body, and inside you.
O Saki Saki - Nora Fatehi (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohRFMg9OxfU)
I know, I know, it is too cliché to put a hindu song for Kalim, but this choreo was around all over tiktok and I couldn't get it out of my head.
Kalim was fascinated when you told him about your old hobby back at your world. Belly dance
He organized a party at his dorm only and exclusively for you and that you could teach not only him but also everyone your fantastic steps.
He even left you a change of clothes in his room and asked you to tell him when you were ready.
Show time, press play
At first he was delighted, you had directed him to cloud nine and had no intention of going down. But...when your movements started to go down, his happy gaze started to fade away.
He settled into his seat and put his hand on his mouth, trying to hide his obvious redness. Jamil realized don't worry. It was hard not to realize that Kalim’s mood had changed and that he needed to solve a...thing.
When you got to the famous part of the dance, he was controlling himself not to go up to you and take you to his room in front of everyone.
Whe you were done, he excused himself from his dorm members and Jamil, grabbed your hand, and the two of you didn't leave his room until the next morning.
Let's say that Jamil didn’t sleep well that night ... or nothing at all.
Earned It - The Weeknd (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji-l0n6GcnA)
You went to his dorm asking if you could use his ballroom. You've been wanting to dance again for a long time and your own dorm wasn't going to give you the space you needed.
He said yes without problem and left you alone while you practiced.
After a while and intrigued to see your practice, Vil returned to the ballroom hoping to surprise you, but it was he who was surprised.
"Oh ... my, what a view"
His gaze was on your butt, for it round and apple-shaped.
He was intrigued by your dance, impressed by your flexibility and how in those lewd movements, he could find pure beauty.
You were completely immersed in your choreography that you didn't notice Vil standing at the door.
Reaching the end of the dance, you noticed Vil smiling from ear to ear. "Oh no potato, don't stop for me"
You smiled at him and positioned yourself in the middle of the room, turning your back on Vil and looking at him through the huge mirror.
He stood behind you, his hands on your hips. You both waited for the start of a new song.
The two danced together an erotic moves with it’s ending was between the bars and the mirror.
God is a Woman - Ariana Grande (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evlwPF6g-c8)
Idia was playing on his computer when a movement on his camera caught his attention.
You two used to make video calls constantly because of his fear of interact to other people.
When he opened his app, he noticed that you had left the camera and the computer audio on. He was to say something when music started playing.
You appeared in his field of vision wearing only shorts and a transparent black shirt, which left your nipples visible.
“Oh my Aphrodite. What is this? An unlocked Ero scene?”
Seeing you move so smoothly, he couldn't help but imagine his blue lips on your nipples, watch them harden and turn violet when sucked by him.
Ortho had to enter his room with a fire extinguisher when he started to see smoke coming out of his door.
Idia was completely red, from feet to hair and with a serious problem in his pants.
You may or may not have known he was watching from the beginning.
You will have to pay a visit to Ignihyde dorm leader that night.
Buttons - The Pussycat Dolls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3CgGyPSr4)
Malleus was taking his night walk when he heard music come out of your dorm. Interested on that unrecognizable music, he went to your door.
He was about to knock when it slammed wide, apparently you had forgotten to close it. It wasn't in his plans to interrupt you, but he was completely curious about what was happening here.
His gaze met with your body dancing something he deciphered as erotic.
"my, my"
He was delighted with your movements to the point of bringing out a genuine smile, which disappeared when your top disappeared, leaving you alone in black and green lingerie.
His eyes widened. His hands began to sweat and he had a strange need to get close to you.
At the end of your dance, you had the scare of your life when you saw the tall and horned figure of Malleus on the doorway of the lounge room.
"Sorry if I scared you, it was not my intention to interrupt you while you’re enjoying yourself"
"How long have you been standing there?" "Since the beginning"
He approched you. He put his thumb on your lips and his piercing gaze met yours. You weren't sure if your legs were shaking from the exercise or how hot and wet Malleus could make you with just his gaze.
"Could you dance for me again?"
You nodded, unable to speak.
He kissed you, lifting you up from your hips and heading to your room.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
If you like what you read, I would appreciate if you could support me on: https://ko-fi.com/abrightsunshine
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kategrainger · 4 years
Suggested Solutions for Those Who Struggle with Self-Love
Happiness can be a fleeting thing, especially if you’re tired or over stressed. Today in this busy world it is ever more important to take the time for self care.
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Neglecting and ignoring your needs is not noble. It’s not a badge that you should wear proudly. Putting everything and everyone else above your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health is a sign of martyrdom, low self-esteem, and workaholism. It is not selflessness or a good work ethic.
We need to teach ourselves how to care for our needs. Why? Because no one else is going to do it for us!
Self-care means taking steps to look after yourself and your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.
Self-care starts with the acknowledgment that you are responsible for your wellbeing.
Self-care is an integral part of self-love which is the practice of being kind and compassionate towards yourself.
Here are signs to identify warning signs that you are neglecting self-care:
• Constant tiredness and fatigue • Irritability (little things annoy you) • Poor sleep quality • Muscle tension • Chronic illnesses (e.g. colds, flu, infections) • Anxiety and worry • Paranoia • Neglecting family or friend time • Obsessive rumination (mind won’t shut off) • Constant low-grade depression • More dread than excitement • Disconnection from your body • No time to do what makes you happy • All work and no play • Feelings of emptiness • Negative and self-sabotaging thoughts • Low self-worth and insecurity
There can be many other signs, but determining if you experience any of the above is a good place to start.
Why are we resistant to self-care?
You’ve probably heard it before. “I’m too busy to do that,” “I have too much on my plate right now,” “I’m inundated with work.” I’ve been guilty of using these banal excuses more than once, let me assure you!
Self-care, to many people, is also unfortunately associated with selfishness. There is an old and outdated perception that taking care of your needs first equals being self-centred. How are we able to take care of others if we cannot take care of ourselves?
Poor self-esteem is another reason why some people are resistant to self-care. The belief that “I’m not worth it” is so pervasive in our society that it’s an epidemic. Inevitably, poor self-worth results in self-neglect, sometimes even as a form of self-punishment. So I encourage you to practise the self-care ideas below. The more you incorporate them into your life, the better you will feel about who you are - at a core level.
Self-care suggestions for those struggling with self-love
If you struggle with stress, feelings of being overwhelmed, a mind that just won’t turn off, grapple with low motivation, negative mindsets, self-defeating habits, tend to be cynical, neurotic or highly-strung … this list is for you.
The best advice I can give you is to take it one step at a time. Don’t rush. The advice presented below is the work of a lifetime – not the work of a week. So be realistic and do the best you can.
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Self-Care Ideas for the Body
1. Sit somewhere in nature. Feel relaxed by the scenery, the fresh air, and the birds singing.
2. Have a soothing bath. Put some essential oil in the bath to unwind and let go.
3. Take a deep mindful breath. Oxygenate your body, reduce the tension, and refresh your energy.
4. Have a nap. Find a comfy place and drift off into dream time. Set a timer if you’re worried about sleeping too much.
5. Make yourself some delicious food. Eat a tasty salad. Cook some comfort food. Make something just for you.
6. Dance to your favourite song. Get in touch with your playful side and enjoy a good workout while you’re at it!
7. Drink some herbal tea. Make yourself a soothing brew with whatever tea you have lying around. If you like experimenting, try holy basil, damiana, chamomile, and lavender.
8. Give yourself a massage. There are many self-massage techniques which you can easily find online that require nothing but your hands. For a deep tissue massage, you can use an old tennis ball and roll out the kinks in your muscles.
9. Eat your leafy greens every day. Nourish your body with the vitamins and minerals found in leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, and kale. If you don’t like the taste, add them to your smoothie or soup.
10. Take a walk in the sun. Get some vitamin D. Clear your mind. You’ll be exercising while you’re at it.
11. Create a physical space that nurtures your wellbeing. Get rid of the clutter, dirt, and dust around you. Create order in your environment as this will create more order in your mind.
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Self-Care Ideas for the Heart
12. Give yourself a big hug. Stand somewhere quiet and hug yourself. Feel held and comforted.
13. Have a good laugh. Watch or read something entertaining even if that means a silly video of baby goats in pyjamas on YouTube.
14. Have a good cry. Let out all your feelings. Watch a sad movie. Have a tissue box and a blanket to snuggle in handy.
15. Show gratitude. Find something to be thankful for in your life.
16. Look at yourself through the eyes of a loving parent. Be the best mother or father to yourself that you could possibly be. Treat your inner child with love, gentleness, and respect.
17. Say kind words to yourself. When you’re angry, sad or scared, gently tell yourself, “It’s OK,” “I understand,” “I forgive you,” “You can do this,” “I believe in you.”
18. Learn how to self-soothe. Feeling anxious or upset is normal. Find little rituals or practices that make you feel calm such as drinking a cup of cocoa, heating up a hot pack, listening to music, colouring-in, or cuddling a soft toy.
19. Go on a date with yourself. Go somewhere special and spend a day with yourself. Spend time thinking about the qualities you most love and appreciate in yourself.
20. Check in with your heart. Regularly explore how you’re feeling on an emotional level. Does something feel uncomfortable or wrong? What emotions are currently dominating your inner landscape? By gently acknowledging these emotions you’ll be able to practice self-care.
21. Spend time around people that support you. Find people who believe in and uplift you. Keep away from those who seek to drag you down and infect your life with negativity.
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Self-Care Ideas for the Mind
22. Feed and expand your mind. Learn something new. Read up on different topics and open your mind to new perspectives. Enrich your understanding of the world.
23. Journal and self-reflect. Record your journey with self-care and write down your key discoveries. Reflect on your progress and feel proud.
24. Still your mind. Find a way to calm your mind each day. Meditation or mindfulness are two excellent practices. Pay attention to the present moment and get out of your thoughts.
25. Take a break from social media. Clear the stream of your mind for a few days. Give yourself a break from the comparison, egotism, and drama that stems from social media. Delete social media apps from your phone and spend time doing something else.
26. Create a routine for your day. The mind thrives with structure. Create clarity and order by setting in place clear habits and routines. Just ensure that you are flexible and allow these structures to shift and evolve through time as need be.
27. Create an achievements folder. Whether on your computer or in a physical folder, set aside a place where you can record all of your proudest moments. What obstacles have you overcome? What projects have you completed? What struggles have you managed to learn from? Record all of your successes to reflect on when you’re in a funk or feeling like a failure.
28. Simplify your to-do list. Ask yourself, “What is actually necessary?” Identify the things on your mental (or physical) to do list that are wasting space. Not everything is vital or important to do. Minimising what you have to get done can reduce a tremendous amount of stress. Use a technique such as the Eisenhower Matrix to assess what is vital vs. unimportant.
29. Put your phone on airplane mode. Airplane mode stops all calls, texts, and annoying distractions from interfering with your life. Free yourself temporarily each day from the mental slavery of perpetually checking your phone. For example, after 6 pm take a ‘mini holiday’ from your phone until the next morning.
30. Set yourself small, manageable goals. Set yourself one or two major things you want to accomplish each day that will bring you a sense of success or fulfilment. This could be as simple as cooking a nice meal to as big as writing a chapter in your book. Simply feeling like you’ve achieved one of your goals is a wonderful feeling that you can experience daily!
31. Do something outside of your comfort zone. Even if that means going a new route to work or walking your dog along a new street! Enjoy the sense of self-confidence and empowerment that comes from knowing you can do something a bit uncomfortable and different.
32. Set clear boundaries. Stand up for yourself and say “no” even if your voice shakes. Set clear limits on your time and energy. Safeguarding your energy is a form of self-care and self-respect. Give energy only to that which you consciously agree to invite into your life.
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Self-Care Ideas for the Soul
33. Light a candle and watch the shifting light. Indulge in some relaxation with a scented candle. Watch the flickering of the light against the wall and connect with your inner self.
34. Ask for help and guidance.If you’re feeling confused, lost, sad, stressed or depressed, reach out to someone. Asking for help is a sign of courage and intelligence. Find a trusted friend, advisor or professional to help you out.
35. Connect with your soul’s guidance. There are countless ways to interact with your soul essence. Prayer, meditation, visualisation, oracle reading, and dream work are all fairly simple ways to get back in touch with your core.
36. Be receptive to beauty. Beauty opens and expands the soul. Beauty can intoxicate and fill you with awe. Find at least one beautiful thing every day to enchant you. Nature is an easy and nourishing place to find all things beautiful and wild.
37. Connect with another person. Find someone to have a heart-to-heart conversation with, even if that person is online. Express your deepest thoughts and feelings and reciprocate that with another who is on the same wavelength as you. Human connection, when it is authentic and raw, is uplifting to the soul.
38. Be your own best friend and soulmate. Treat yourself as you wish to be treated. Enjoy spending time with yourself and fall in love with who you are. Celebrate your messy humanity and divinity and the strange paradox of who you are.
39. Creatively express your deepest feelings. Write, draw, sculpt, scrapbook, paint, sing or dance your rawest feelings. Creatively express yourself in whatever way feels most appealing and natural. You don’t have to be an artist to do this! Self-expression and creativity are universal balms for the soul and have tremendous healing energy.
 How to Use the Suggestions Above
Some final thoughts on the self-care suggestions I’ve just shared: pay attention to any that jump out at you. When reading through this list, which ideas tug at your attention? Focus on those first. Remember, there’s no need to rush! That would be contrary to the point of this article. So go at your own pace. Do as much or as little as feels comfortable to you. Most importantly, be consistent. Self-care is a habit and with a little stubbornness, it can become a wonderful way of life.
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© Kate Grainger 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Casey Carlisle with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Different Names For the Same Thing, Chapter Four (Trixya) - Pilandok
Getting drunk on ten cocktails is Trixie’s idea of facing the problem head on.
AN: Hi, thank you for reading! Katya is using female pronouns this chapter since she’s in drag.
Read in AO3 (also, for extra notes.) Read from Chapter One.
            Trixie is here because he wants a drink and what other place in the world would never leave her with an empty glass other than a gay bar on a drag night? In fact, as soon as he steps through the back door, one of the local queens screams his name and hands him her own drink. Trixie graciously accepts it, fully enveloping this queen he didn’t know into an embrace. Who’s acting grand now?
He sits on the battered sofa that seems to be in the back of every bar he’s ever performed at, complete with a ripped out corner and a slight incline because of its uneven footing— he knows exactly how to make himself comfortable in it. The queen that greeted him sits beside him, talking animatedly. She has a million pounds  of make-up on and a name that references something he doesn’t understand. Trixie can’t imagine how a would look like as a boy. He’s not the one to talk though, so he leans in closer than she probably expected him to and when he smiles like she’s the most entertaining person he’s ever met, he shows off his veneered teeth.
            The music from the stage echoes as a faded bass line on the walls of the room. He recognizes it, a Top 40 song from about two decades ago but he knows he won’t understand the words— Katya once told him that with his abysmal French, he has zero chance of learning Russian. (Sweet gesture, though, Katya said. Trixie was obviously joking.)
            Trixie is here because she can be— because in almost every gig, they tell the promoter that the other Brian might show up. Even when it was physically impossible for them to be. Still, there’s always that proverbial seat saved for the other. As soon as she walks in, give Katya a cigarette, Trixie would tell them. For him, a drink. This bar came through and now Trixie’s on his third glass of a random alcohol mix (his ninth if you count what he drank in the other bar before he mustered up the courage to go here, and his tenth if you count the one he had in the hotel.)
            Trixie is here because Katya expected him to be, two weeks ago. Trixie said he could watch her, he’s playing the venue three days later. He should be able to make it before her set and that she would expect him here. But judging from Katya’s reaction when she spots him on the couch with the other queen’s legs resting on his lap, it looks like neither of those things are true anymore.
            Trixie is here not because Katya has decided to stop making out with him nine days ago.
            “Trixie,” Katya calls, a full mouth smile as if she’s excited to see him but he can see the confusion in her eyes, the slight tilt of her head. “You’re here.”
            “We gave her drinks just like you told us to,” says the older drag queen that entered with Katya, probably the host of the show, “but it looked like she already had a few before us…”
            The tone of her voice, Trixie imagines, is trying to suggest something. He recognizes a tongue that’s looking for drama and with his relationship with Katya so publicly ambiguous, he all but expects this to happen. He doesn’t give a shit anymore, honestly. They’re praying for my downfall, he thinks, then laughs to himself.
            Katya’s smile barely falters but Trixie sees it. He watches her turn to the older queen and they converse in low voices that is easily drowned out by the music. He wants to tell them that he knows they’re talking about him. Instead, he focuses on the drag queen sitting on the other side of the couch whose legs are sprawled in his lap, he leans in as if he’s going to tell her something but he just flashes a lazy smile at him which she returns, equally buzzed. She’s about five years younger than him, easily excitable and eager to please.
            “Trix, honey. Hi.” Katya kneels on the rug in front of him, ignoring the pair of legs strewn over Trixie. “I have to do my second set. Wait for me, okay? I’ll take you back to the hotel. ”
            He expected as much, that his thinly-veiled attempt at making Katya jealous wouldn’t phase her so he moves his head into what he perceives to be a nod. Katya stares at him for a second and he could see that she needs to retouch her make-up. It’s kind of a hot, sweaty mess at the moment but in the way that everyone likes, with her hair sticking to her face and her lips slightly smudged. It takes a few numbers for Katya to be in her most flexible and sensual self. That’s when a strong, complicated, feminine energy exudes itself from Katya. None of these things he would have noticed before— before Katya made a mission out of making out with him every chance she got (or was it Trixie letting him?)— now the sight of it brings a stirring between his legs. Is he even gay anymore?
            “Cut her off,” Katya orders the young drag queen.
            A few moments after she leaves, they hear the explosion from the crowd.
            Trixie lifts his drink to take a sip and the young queen makes a halfhearted motion to stop him. Trixie laughs, he knows that preventing people from drinking goes against the hard-wiring of a drag queen. When he raises his glass at her, giving her a mischievous wink, she can’t help but toast hers.
            “Jesus Christ, you’re heavy,” Katya tells him.
            “It’s muscle mass,” Trixie slurred “I’ve been working out, bitch.” He tries to flex his bicep but his arm is slung around Katya’s neck who was keeping him stable on the curb as they wait for the Uber.
            “Sure, hon,” Katya mumbles distractedly, preoccupied with tracking the car on the app.
            It’s not lost on him that Katya didn’t take her things from the club, that she’s standing empty handed beside him. He realizes that “bringing you home” meant sending him off in an Uber and leaving him to the hotel staff. It seems that Katya fully intends to continue her cold streak, barely acknowledging Trixie since that day in her apartment. What did Trixie do wrong this time? Why does she get to act this way? Before it was because he cared too much and didn’t let her kiss him. Now is it because he lets her kiss him and he doesn’t care enough? Damned if I do—
“Katya, you— Kat,” Trixie starts, because what’s the point of getting wasted if you’re not going to let the words vomit out of your mouth? Katya looks at him like he’s expecting a train-wreck. “You don’t have to remember, Brian. It’s fine, you dont have to tell me— You don’t have to be anyone. You don’t have to be him. I don’t care.” Katya looks at him, exasperated, like he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Whatever, Trixie knows he’s not a fun drunk. “I know you know what I’m talking about.”
            At this, Katya purses her lips into a hard line.
            “But you do care,” Katya says in a whisper.
            “Fine, if I do, then I do. But just because I care doesn’t mean it matters, Kat. It hasn’t mattered in fifteen years. No matter how much I wanted it to. It still doesn’t matter now. Nothing has to change.” Trixie has an idea of what he looks like to Katya, he’s always been a pathetic drunk, Kim would never let him forget that. Even sober, his mouth is always faster than his brain— all the fucking trouble that caused for him. “Katya— Brian just— don’t disappear on me again.”
            It’s too much for Katya, he knows that, he can see the wheels turning in hehr head. He wants to do something about it but freshly digested alcohol is clouding his brain, probably the ones from the queen.
            “Trixie,” she starts, her arm faltering on his waist. Katya doesn’t sound like she was going to say anything more, just saying his name for the sake of it, to test it out on her tongue. But it’s the most sure she’s ever sounded in weeks. Trixie can’t help but feel his heart climb up his chest, he can hear his pulse in his ears and the dizzying spell of the beat. He wants to swallow it down, the feeling rising in his throat, but it’s impossible. “Brian I—“
            He stops Katya with a retching noise. He lurches forward, slipping his arm off of her neck, and heaves. He empties out the content of his stomach, the sound of him throwing up echoing on the empty street.
            He’s always been a terrible interrupter.
             Those are my feelings, he thinks, watching the sickly colored liquid flow into the gutter.
             It’s the last thing he remembers from that night.
            Trixie dreams of the world in Katya’s head.
            The artist’s kisses drive him crazy— verrückt. That must be it, why else would he be watching him right now? He’s never met a man so… obscene. He kisses all his models, especially after they’ve opened their legs for him. Not for sex, no, but maybe something more intimate. He watches him kneel in front of the bed, staring intently at the genetalia that has been spread before him. He sees the furious sketches on his pad.
            “Nicht fickstück,” the artist had told him, Russian accent heavy, and he blushed at the vulgarity.
            It’s only his turn when it’s late at night and everyone has left. The name he gave was Byron and the artist had laughed at this. It doesn’t suit him at all and he can’t quite pronounce it right, but the artist never asked for the truth. He only replied, “dann bin ich Katya.”
            Byron doesn’t take off his clothes, he is never asked to, only his jacket so he can roll up his sleeves. He sits on the piano waiting at the other side of the room. It’s damaged but it’s still better than anything he’s ever owned. The fact that he can play this late at night without anyone coming up to complain tells him the character of the place and the kind of residents there are in this building.
            For Katya, he plays the pieces he learned in the academy— he doesn’t let him listen to any of his compositions. In turn, Katya never shows him what he’s painting while he watches him play.
            But he does love Katya’s self portraits.
            “Ich habe so etwas noch nie gesehen,” Byron tells him, and then in his best english, “beautiful.”
            Katya beams and points to the canvas he hasn’t been able to see.
            “I will make you walk in the most beautiful.”
            In the morning, Trixie wakes up with a hang over so bad that he swears he’s lost feeling in his limbs. He was a mess last night, he knew. Katya knew, the queens in the club knew, and the night shift staff of the hotel knew. Hell, Kim probably knew, somehow. It’s fine, he can bounce back from it. He has the emotional and mental fortitude. But physically, he’s a goner. He’s thirty years old and a hangover can kill him now.
            An hour later, he peels himself off the bed to trudge up the bathroom. The sound of the water hitting the sink helps him gather his thoughts and the water is refreshing to touch. But he catches himself before he washes his face. He leans forward to observe his face in the mirror, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. He touches his forehead like he can’t believe it. A red stain in the shape of a kiss. He knows what shade that is— hes’ making a lipstick in that exact color.
            “This is so not fair,” Trixie says out loud. He wants to hate her, really. The gesture is stupidly tender. It’s the exact opposite of what Katya has been trying to prove to him for weeks.
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gamesunow217 · 3 years
How to add additonal hdd for inspiron 7000 gaming laptiop
Of Wolf's Gaming Blog
It is time to recognize the ideal gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I employed to watch the Feedback video over at G4 every week, but it really is gone down hill the last couple of times I watched it and now that Adam Sessler is not on it and they have that girl from IGN that everybody hates in each episode I just cannot be bothered to watch it any extra. Nonetheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones even though. Klepic employed to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the greatest. Back when they basically talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect rather of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
Green Man Gaming , a international e-commerce technologies company in the video games market, right now announced that gaming market veteran, Paul Eibeler, has joined the corporation as Board Advisor. Paul brings a wealth of understanding to Green Man Gaming via his experience of working at top game publishers, distributors and platforms in the interactive games market.
IGN (Visualize Games Network) has emerged as the hot preferred game website on a international level. Launched 21 years ago, IGN is mostly focused on video game & entertainment enthusiast markets. The game website is 1 stop on the web location for gaming, motion pictures, Tv Shows, Comics and almost everything https://www.guao.site/ you can believe of. You can come across not too long ago launched video game news, testimonials, videos, gaming details, recommendations, and so substantially much more.
Today is the day! I will be steadily releasing the names of the prime ten gaming blogs of 2014. Hunting over this list, I am positively blown away. So quite a few awesome posts this year! If you were disappointed by the Ennies… if you consider that the true deep thinkers in gaming commentary never get the attention they deserve… properly, folks, we are going to fix that.
Green Man Gaming is a international pure play e-commerce and technologies enterprise in the video games market fuelled by an unhealthy obsession with bringing the magic of games to everybody. The company's geeky understanding, data and IP sit at the core of the small business and is what drives it to turn into a technology leader in the video games ecosystem.
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It is worthwhile possessing a niche which will bring folks back time and again. This is how you become an authority in the gaming neighborhood. Your branding and domain ought to all point to what it is you do, producing you quick to locate. Be creative. Put your own character into your writing, and your editing. Play to your strengths. If you are a whizz on the Xbox, run with that.
Microsoft — with our almost 40 years of gaming practical experience beginning with Pc, as effectively as our breadth and depth of capabilities from computer software to hardware and deep encounter of becoming a platform company — is well equipped to address the complex challenge of cloud game-streaming. With datacenters in 54 Azure regions and solutions readily available in 140 nations, Azure has the scale to provide a great gaming encounter for players worldwide, regardless of their location.
Augmented reality games are becoming a front-runners of gaming business. Presently, this is not just the fantastical idea. AR games let you to fight aliens, capture fantastical creatures, defend kingdoms in the real planet. And all of this is attainable without the need of super costly headsets - just an AR-enabled smartphone or console is required. Wolf's Gaming Blog is on a run to give you the most precise and truthful evaluations on the major games in Xbox 1, Personal Laptop or computer games and Board games. With this web site in your bookmarks tab, the weather is always good to get your hands on some on line games.
Will this dominance lead to intense mobile gaming vs pc gaming competitors? Or will Pc and mobile games handle to hold their niches without crossing each and every other's boundaries? Beneath we have shared some of our latest findings and thoughts. Gummicube is the gummy bear of all gaming blogs. The web-site provides terrific App store optimization and spotlight. Never neglect to read through their gaming neighborhood weblog to obtain out gaming reports on distinct genres every single month.
It is February! In 2017 that suggests that we get six additional weeks of winter AND your yearly dose of video game statistics and trends. We're taking a appear at major events and shifts in the gaming sector and thinking about the current state of gaming. Take a peak, or keep for a week! All statistics are thoroughly researched. See sources at the bottom of the web page for additional info.
Gaming content material on YouTube is some of the stickiest. Additional than 20 of the prime 100 YouTube channels with the most subscribers worldwide are gaming associated. Who's the most subscribed? That would be Let's Play creator PewDiePie , with over 32M subscribers. His loyal following now outnumbers the population of Canada. To give you some point of view, Google Trends shows that searches for PewDiePie on YouTube are on par with stars such as Eminem and Katy Perry. He's even made a cameo on South Park.
Alia Lia” Shelesh, much better recognized as Sssniperwolf is the 1st female gaming influencer on our list. She began her YouTube profession by playing initial-individual shooter games like Get in touch with of Duty, Halo, and Far Cry. Her account now consists of vlogs and unique video games that she plays and has a lot more than 7 million subscriptions.
The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the ideal sub-$50 Pc gaming headset you can present. It has a lot of features, but probably most crucial is the top quality audio and a mic that has a really fantastic audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an effortless-to-adjust volume controls situated on the bottom of the ideal ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
The future of gaming is a globe where you are empowered to play the games you want, with the individuals you want, whenever you want, wherever you are, and on any device of your picking. Our vision for the evolution of gaming is comparable to music and movies — entertainment need to be readily available on demand and accessible from any screen. Right now, I am excited to share with you 1 of our key projects that will take us on an accelerated journey to that future world: Project xCloud.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
Game Review — Best Friend Forever
Ever since playing (and enjoying) Mystic Messenger, I’ve had a casual interest in dating sims, and particularly those that allow for queer relationships. And as someone who has had and loved dogs my entire life, I have a marked interest in dog raising and training. So of course, a game that is at once a queer dating sim and a dog raising sim should be right up my alley. What could possibly go wrong with this?
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Overall Score: 3/10
A lot. A lot can go wrong with this. I can’t remember a game that has disappointed me this badly in recent memory, one that feels almost like a betrayal because it sounded like it was tailor made for me and I’d been looking forward to it since the initial announcement, only to be met with what honestly feels like an incomplete mess. If given more time, it’s possible this game could have been good. As it stands now, it is absolutely not. More details under the cut, and as always, view it on my blog for better looking formatting.
The Pros:
Obviously, first and foremost, that it’s a queer dating sim. You don’t have to be in a queer relationship if you play, of course, but the option is absolutely there with every single one of the romance options being available to you regardless of gender (similar to Stardew Valley in that regard, though Stardew Valley isn’t a dating sim, but rather just has a romance element). There is other queer representation as well, with at least one of the romantic options being a trans guy (who is actually the one I dated, though I can’t remember his name off-hand), and another two characters being bi considering they once dated each other and will date you regardless of your pronouns. You can choose gender-neutral pronouns, and as far as other representation goes, at least one of the characters is blind as well. So representation-wise, this game does well, and I will give it credit for that.
The art is very cute. The dogs are cute, the characters stand out from one another and have clear differences, the colors are nice and everything is drawn very well. Since the entire concept of the game is cute (move to an idyllic dog loving town and fall in love while raising a dog!) it stands to reason that the art would be as well.
The Neutrals:
The dialogue is okay. At times it felt like they were trying to hard to make the characters sound like Today’s Youth, which would absolutely age the game in just a couple years if the game had any lasting power at all (which I highly doubt it does). There were times when I enjoyed it, but other times where I cringed a little.
The music is also okay. Nothing memorable, but it fit the setting well enough.
The dog events during play did a decent job of making the dog feel involved, but at times were a bit distracting and not always intuitive (for instance, having to hold A to pet rather than pressing it repeatedly like I thought at first, which can lead to your dog being depressed).
The Cons:
There is so little character customization there might as well not be any at all. You can pick between three designs which cannot have their features changed at all. Three. You can’t even do simple things like change hair color, skin tone, or clothing options. This is a $20+ game and it has less customization than a free picrew. I could understand if your character had to be very involved, action-wise, but they’re not! They just stand off to the left side constantly and have very small changes in facial expression. The severe lack of customization was extremely disappointing.
But you know what’s even more disappointing? Having a game where a key component is raising a dog and then only having FOUR DOGS to choose between. FOUR. Three very specific breeds, and then a “mutt” (come on, you can’t even call it a mixed-breed?). Dogs are a huge part of this game; if we can’t customize because the idea is to adopt a dog, why can’t we at least have a bigger selection to choose from? The reason in-game is that you get to the adoption shelter late, but that’s a narrative excuse created to cover for a lack of development. It doesn’t excuse it, and it was disappointing.
Despite each dog having quirky little story cards you can read when you’re adopting, as far as I can tell the dog’s stated personality has absolutely no bearing on what the experience raising them is like. For instance, I adopted the mixed-breed, who I believe was said to have been abandoned and therefore very mistrustful of humans. But I had no trouble raising the Trust stat at all; I had the dog trusting me completely in less than a day. If you’re going to bother adding things in like “this dog was abandoned” and “this dog was rescued from an abused home,” then you should at least put in the effort to make that affect the dog’s stats so that, again, players can experience something a bit different depending on the choice they make.
Speaking of the choice they make, at the beginning of the game your character signs up for a dating app and they have to answer all these questions about themselves. Near as I can tell, these questions also have no bearing on anything whatsoever because you meet and can date any of the love interests you choose. So while it’s a cutesy idea, it’s ultimately a complete waste of time that could have instead been put into developing other aspects of the game.
Back to the dog aspect: part of the “story” (if it can be called that) is that the shelter requires every adopter to go through mandatory dog training and check-ins before they let you keep the dog. (Which . . . is not at all true to life, but whatever.) As a result, during the week you train your dog in various activities to raise their stats. Multiple issues with this:
You don’t actually train your dog. Like there aren’t minigames or anything. Instead, you select which activity you’d like to do each day, and then the week automatically runs through them and you get little blurbs on how the dog did (which always say the same thing for every activity) and which stats were raised. That’s it. You don’t actually get to do these things with the dog at all.
Near as I can tell, there is no way to get a good score on the check-ins. Even though I would raise my dog’s stats by several levels every time, I got bronze medals in every category at every check-in and a ribbon for “barely trying” even though I WAS trying, and even did all the extra activities each week as well. I looked online and others had this same problem, so it seems to me that the entire dog training aspect is rigged, and you fail no matter what you do, which again, really isn’t good game design. (That said, you get to keep the dog regardless, so it really is just an entirely pointless and time wasting aspect of the game.)
There really isn’t a story. Or well, there kind of is, but it’s a very bare bones one. Here’s the story: Your character used to work for a mega corporation but decided to quit because said corporation was Evil. You move to this dog town because you like dogs and you’re an aspiring photographer. During your time there you adopt a dog, get a love interest, hold a photography exhibit after doing one (1) sort-of job, and that’s it. There are a few events that trigger depending on which love interest route you’re going for, but there are never stakes at any point (because you’re never actually in danger of losing your dog, and even when your camera is stolen the lady who hired you for the exhibit just gives you a free replacement right away immediately), and I would argue there’s not a climax, either. It’s pretty much boring from start to finish, but that said . . .
Start to finish is a grand total of two hours! For a game that was $20+!! As I’ve expressed in other reviews, my basic rule of thumb is that I should get one hour of gameplay for every dollar spent. I am somewhat flexible on this—I can give leeway depending on the game and how much I enjoyed it—but charging twenty dollars and up for a game that lasts only two hours is an absolute rip-off in my eyes. To be fair, I didn’t play any of the other romantic routes to see those cutscenes, but the overall story would be the exact same no matter which you chose (unlike in Mystic Messenger, where it changes pretty significantly depending on which route you choose), so I honestly don’t see a point to it. It doesn’t feel worth it to me, at all.
Speaking of the different routes, while the characters have unique designs and seem interesting enough on their own, I don’t think their stories have any real depth. For instance, with the one I played (and again, can’t remember his name, sorry—though I do remember that his dog is an Italian greyhound named Marshmallow), he has a small story about how his family kicked him out when he came out as trans, he traveled around, met his roommates and formed a found family with them. One roommate, who is also this guy’s ex-boyfriend, is moving away soon and is annoyed that the love interest character is spending so much time with the cute neighbor (they live in the same apartment building), as well as the fact that the love interest is allowing his parents to contact him bit by bit. Now, this could be interesting . . . but it’s never resolved. Ever. They fight and that’s the last we see of the roommate, or hear about the situation at all. I haven’t played the other routes, but given the length of the game I assume it would be the same way; they would talk about past conflict but that’s it, you don’t get any real resolution or get to see how that story plays out. It contributes to the game feeling very unfinished, like there were ideas here but the developers lost steam halfway through and decided to just end it.
And speaking of not caring about finishing or polishing things, this game is absolutely riddled with typos. Now, I don’t want to be too mean, and I know this isn’t a AAA game. But if you’re going to release a game on the Nintendo eShop, and if you’re going to charge over $20 for it, then I feel like you should at least do the bare minimum of quality control and check for spelling and grammar. But that wasn’t done, to an extent that was noticeable. Additionally, there wasn’t quality control done to make sure that dialogue fit the route you were on. After the camera is stolen, the love interest I chose is there to comfort the main character and tell them he’ll help out. Then the next day he’s like, “I heard what happened, that sucks” as if he . . . wasn’t there. That dialogue was clearly meant for if he wasn’t the love interest, but it still played on the route where he was. This is something quality control should have caught, but since this game appears to not have any quality control whatsoever, it wasn’t.
I probably should have mentioned this above, but I just remembered—during the character creation process, there doesn’t seem to be an option to go back if you change your mind about which avatar you want, what you named your character, etc. Or at least, if there was, I couldn’t find it even by pressing the standard buttons such as B or Y. Instead, I had to restart the game about three times. Again, a simple design feature that should have been included, but wasn’t for some odd reason.
They hired voice actors, but the only real voice acting is the very annoying (and somewhat cringy) radio broadcast at the very beginning of the game. Voice actors can be expensive, so I can understand not having the whole game be voiced . . . but why hire them at all, in that case? Not all games need voice acting. This game doesn’t, but it’s odd to open the game as if you’re going to have everything be voiced when it ends up very clearly not. Not a huge deal, but on top of everything else, it bugged me.
Honestly, there’s probably more that irritated me, but it’s been a week and some change since I played, so this is all I remember right now. Suffice it to say that this game, which should have been right up my alley as a gender non-conforming queer woman who loves dogs, is one of the biggest disappointments I’ve experienced in gaming in a while. There were some good ideas here, but the execution was absolutely abysmal and I don’t recommend this game to anyone, especially not for the current price. There are much better games out there. Go play those instead.
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siamesegames671 · 3 years
How to sell a gaming desktop
Unforgettable Moments In Gaming Component 3
It's time to recognize the greatest gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I used to watch the Feedback video more than at G4 every week, but it really is gone down hill the final couple of instances I watched it and now that Adam Sessler is not on it and they have that girl from IGN that absolutely everyone hates in every episode I just can not be bothered to watch it any additional. Nevertheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones although. Klepic utilized to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the very best. Back when they basically talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect instead of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
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The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the most effective sub-$50 Pc gaming headset you can gift. It has a lot of functions, but perhaps most vital is the excellent audio and a mic that has a seriously excellent audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an uncomplicated-to-adjust volume controls positioned on the bottom of the suitable ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and flexible 90-degree rotating ear cups.
The future of gaming is a world exactly where you are empowered to play the games you want, with the individuals you want, whenever you want, wherever you are, and on any device of your choosing. Our vision for the evolution of gaming is similar to music and movies — entertainment need to be readily available on demand and accessible from any screen. Nowadays, I'm excited to share with you a single of our essential projects that will take us on an accelerated journey to that future world: Project xCloud.
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elegantmakerartisan · 4 years
the Arlo Pro 3
Hi, folks. This is Gabe at Security Baron, and Arlo isback at again bringing you some 2K action. Today, we’re checking out the Arlo Pro 3. [background music] Gabe: In today’s review of the Arlo Pro 3,we’re going to go over some pros and cons, its design, its feature set, the installation,and mobile app experience before answering some common questions and letting you knowwho we think this device is for. If you want to see the full details on theArlo Pro 3 and check out some smart home integrations, head over to securitybaron.com. Let’s kick off our review of the Arlo Pro3 going over some pros and cons, beginning with the pros, beginning with that video quality. It can record it up to 2K but even the 1080looks solid on whatever device you happen to be using.best home outdoor wireless security camera 
That 2K is gorgeous, really clear and youalso get 160-degree field of view HDR. It’s just really bring in the heat. Now that extends to its night vision whereit ups the ante with having a surprisingly solid vision with just two infrared LEDs. If you add on that spotlight it gets evenbetter where you have this color night vision that makes it seem almost as if the middleof the night is as clear as day. We’re really impressed with the video qualityelement in that way. Beyond that, you have the wireless elementof the Arlo Pro 3 and the durability. That means you can place it both indoors andoutdoors. It’s weather resistant and you can handlesun, snow, sleet, rain, you name it and still work really well to make sure you’re capturingeverything that’s taking place in your home or outside of it. When it comes to cons to Arlo Pro 3, I thinkthe issue of 2K is really representative of the overall experience. We had issues getting the 2K to work initiallyand we never essentially got the 2K to work when it comes to manual recording. That was an issue that to do with the faultyhub and a mobile application that is not always the most intuitive. Overall, yes, I think that Arlo has a lotof depth, a lot of robust features that you can really dive deeply into, but it’s justnot effortless in terms of getting to them like we’ve seen with some of the other camerason the market. [music] Gabe: Now that we’ve gone over the pros andcons, let’s talk about the design on the Arlo Pro 3 in which I’m actually a really big fan. The Arlo Pro 3 is the first one that we’vegotten in the nice black, but it isn’t really glossy black. You’re definitely going to get your fingerprintson it, but just a really solid looking device, really sleek, really elegant. When it comes to mounting, it has a lot ofoptions. You can, of course, thread as in mount intothe back of the device itself, but we like this nice little magnetic mount that givesyou a lot of flexibility. You can put it in a lot of different ways,it’s just going to work for you. It’s really strong and if you don’t want tohave that on for a moment, you can take it off, you can place it simply down, somethinglike this. You’re wondering, “How do I charge this device?” Really easy to put that initial battery in,but actually once you have your battery inside and have this thing set up, you can closethis and really never open it again, because there is a magnetic mount on the bottom ofthe device. You’re thinking, “I hope I don’t have to unscreweverything each time that I want to charge it.” You don’t. Take it off the magnet, take your magneticcharger, and voila, you’re ready to go. That’s it, you charge it, give it a few hours,and you’re good for another few months. Note that you also have the Smart Hub. The Smart Hub itself has gotten a bit of anupgrade since the Arlo Pro 2. It’s also nice and sleek, it’s thinner, ithas a good look to it. It will basically blend into anyone’s homedecor, it’s in that nice white with your Arlo insignia, and you get this nice little LEDlight to know when it’s on and off. The final element I’ll talk about with yourArlo Pro 3 itself is the fact that it’s almost completely flush. You have your lens, you’ve got microphone,speaker, and you have your spotlight. This is a pretty thin spotlight that’s bringinga lot of light. It’s going to be really bright with just thislittle bit here. Overall, big fan of not only the design onthe Arlo Pro 3, but the Arlo Smart Hub. [music] Gabe: Hold on. I hope you’re enjoying today’s review of theArlo Pro 3. If you want to be kept up to date on the newestin smart home security cameras, smart home security in general, cybersecurity, bluetoothtrackers, and more, subscribe to our channel, Security Baron. We’re dropping new content weekly. Let’s get back to the video. [music] Gabe: Now that we’ve gone over the pros andcons and the design of the Arlo Pro 3, let’s talk about its feature set, beginning withthat video quality. It can capture motion events in 2K and itjust looks amazing. It’s capturing things in 2K with a 160-degreefield of view, HDR, and it’s just got a really lovely crisp and clear video quality to it. It even means that it can do that in nightvision, where we have a solid infrared LED perspective that can be enhanced by colornight vision with the spotlight that comes equipped on your Arlo Pro 3, allowing youto see things in the middle of the night in that nice vivid color perspective. This clarity with the Arlo Pro 3 extends tothe audio experience.best home outdoor wireless security camera 
I was able to have really clear conversationswith people on the other side. It has a microphone and a speaker embeddedinside of it. In terms of the conversation capacity or capability,it’s really high with the Arlo Pro 3. Automated Voice: I can hear you. Sounds good. Sounds good. Gabe: When it comes to saving these audio/videoclips, you have a few different options with your Arlo Pro 3, including local storage withyour Arlo Smart Hub. You can install a SD card, up to 128 GB, whichwill allow for you to save those directly to your Smart Hub itself. Additionally, you can get the cloud storagewith your Arlo Pro 3 in an Arlo Smart Plan. Fortunately, you do get three months of theArlo Smart Plan for free whenever you buy your Arlo Pro 3. One thing to note about the Arlo Pro 3 andArlo Smart Plan is that it’s going to give you 30 days’ video history, basically anysmart plan. The real key here is you get a number of advancedfeatures as well. There are multiple offerings that can geta bit complicated. For full details, go check it out at securitybaron.com. Let’s talk about some of those advanced features,like activity zones. In addition to motion sensitivity that canbe adjusted within the app, you can also set up activity zones that will only give youa motion alert when it detects motion in those particular spaces that you’re looking for. I can build my own in the app, multiple, multipleactivity zones. What types of motion can it distinguish between? This is where that artificial intelligencecomes into play. The Arlo Pro 3 is capable of distinguishingbetween people and animals and vehicles. It even has some degree of package detection,which is pretty impressive. The Arlo Pro 3 also integrates with the twomajor smart platforms out there — Amazon and Google. I can use my voice and the linking of my Arloand Google and Amazon Virtual Assistant to watch my footage wherever I want. I can send a live stream to something likemy Google Chromecast just using my voice. Overall, the Arlo Pro 3 is really great, anice, robust and deep feature set to the home security camera game. [music] Gabe: Now that we’ve covered the feature setwith the Arlo Pro 3, let’s talk about the installation process. Here, I’ve got somewhat mixed feelings. When it comes to installing the device,
best home outdoor wireless security camera it’spretty straightforward. You’re going to have your Smart Hub done first. Plug in your Ethernet cable, plug in yourpower adapter. Once that’s up and set, you’re going to gothrough the process with your Arlo Pro 3. You’re going to be navigating it using themobile application. Make sure your battery is charged here atthe bottom. Boom. You’re done. You can probably be finished in a matter ofminutes, with adding any extra time deciding if you want to mount your magnetic mount outdoors,indoors, wherever you decide to put it. Overall, that part of the process is prettystraightforward. Where we ran into issues is when it comesto making sure you get the full capacity of your Arlo Pro 3. Remember, this is a 2K device. In order to get that 2K, you have to makesure, for one, you’re on the most recent version of the Arlo Smart Hub. We had one of those because we had the ArloUltra. However, we found out that our version wasfaulty. It took a long conversation with Arlo to finallycome to that conclusion, and then we had to get a replacement. Of course, to get the 2K recording, you haveto ensure that you have an SD card installed here at the bottom. Overall, that entire process took a littlebit longer than we think it needed to. It is a really important part of getting thefull capability out of your Arlo Pro 3. Otherwise, very straightforward, easy setupwith your Arlo Pro 3. [music] Gabe: Now that we’ve got our Arlo Pro 3 installed,let’s check out its mobile application, the Arlo app Generally speaking, people seem to have agood experience with it. It has a 4.5 in the Apple App Store and a3.8 in the Google Play Store. Let’s go ahead and check it out on my iPhone7 Plus. Here I am, checking out the Arlo Pro 3  inthe Arlo mobile application. Let’s go ahead and jump directly into thatlive stream. You note that it takes a minute to jump intothe live stream. It’s not immediate. Even now that we’re in the live stream, theredoes seem to be a delay. There’s a lag on what happens that’s a littlebit longer, I’d say about four to five seconds at times, than many of the competitors. You also note that we’re not actually streamingin 2K. This is not a 2K-enabled device, but evensometimes when I’m on 2K-capable devices, we noted that it did not actually give usthat live stream in 2K. You’ll see there are a number of icons atthe bottom. I have the speaker on the bottom left. I’ve got the microphone for two-way talk. I’ve got the ability to take a snapshot, turnon that spotlight in the far right-hand bottom corner, and then I can just record. You see here, I’m recording now, and thisis a pretty useful element. You can record that live stream. One thing we want to note as we’re recordingthis live stream, is that we have had issues with it actually recording live stream, somanual recording in 2K. It does do motion detection, things of thatnature in 2K, but in our personal experience, it would not actually do live recordings in2K no matter which device we happen to be using. Let’s go ahead and look at our event history,and just look at our history in our library. Go down to the bottom and you see here, nowwe have our manual recording that we just did. We’ve got various motion recordings in 2Kthat it was capable of doing. If you look at the top, we have a history,so I can go to the 15th, go to the 14th. I got package options. I got 18th, 19th. You can just look at a host of different thingsgoing on here. If you look at the filter in the top, youcan actually filter by the type of notification — people, vehicle, animal, package, smokealarms, motion alarms, audio — which is really useful. If we were to go to today, let’s just sayI wanted to download this 2K motion detection. I can watch it here. You can see me blowing out. [laughs] I can download the video directlyto this device. I can share it. I can send this video off to someone I’d liketo through message, or email, or shared album. It is great that you do have the ability tocontrol your recordings pretty quickly and easily. Now we can jump back out of that. Let’s go ahead and check out some of theseother elements of the Arlo Pro 3, beginning by just looking at the video settings. Of course, when you’re in the device settings,you’ll note that it has the ability to tell you how much battery life you have. It tells you which Smart Hub you’re connectedto. If you go into your motion detection setting,this actually allows you to decide how sensitive you want your cameras to be. This is one element that typically is notunder something called “device utilities” in a mobile application, so it did take usa little while, initially, to find out exactly where to find these elements of controllingour Arlo Pro 3. Low, medium, and high are your options. Let’s go check out some of our video settings. Now we have the ability to change our brightness. It’s currently at 50 percent. We could take it up to 75 percent, 100 percent. to know more   best home outdoor wireless security camera 
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As a veteran homeschooling family, we have gotten a lot of questions from potential homeschoolers due to COVID (or virtual schoolers). Here’s a few thoughts we’d like to share with y’all. We hope you find it encouraging. 🤸🏼‍♀️BE FLEXIBLE. Don’t expect your child to sit from 9am-3pm and work on worksheets, pamphlets, or reading books. The school day AT school is structured around teaching 20+ kids at one time, breaks, interruptions, lunch, recess, etc. There’s a lot of time spent waiting for everyone to pull out their pencils, or having everyone line up, or switching class rooms. In middle and high school, almost an entire 45-60 minutes is spent walking in the hallways. We have never done more than 4 hours of school work in one day. (And that’s for our 7th grader) School at home does not look like school at school.
💝 GIVE GRACE. To your kiddos AND to yourself. This will be new, uncharted territory for both of you. Change is stressful. This is a scary time out in the world, we are all stressed. Perfection is not the target here. This time in our lives be a monumental time in history, for you and for your children. Allow both of you Grace through this time and make it the least stressful you can.
🥉With that said, LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS. No, don’t encourage a lower quality of work, but remember that 3rd place still stands on the podium next to 1st place. Stop scrolling Pinterest and comparing yourselves to the internet moms. Done is better than perfect. Children learn through mistakes and so will you. Day 2 of your journey doesn’t have to be stellar, heck it doesn’t even have to be mediocre. The point is that you are there. You are showing up and your child sees that example.
🎨🎭🎼 HAVE FUN!! Art, theater, and music are all part of schooling and are FUN!! Take a break from worksheets and frustration and do some projects. Have a dance party. Play charades. These are all curricular. Are they perfect? Nope, but that’s OK. Take some pressure off yourself and your kiddos.
🎂 GET CREATIVE. Having a hard time with math? Science not clicking? Kids (and you) getting frustrated and need a break? Put down the books and get creative. There’s ALL kinds of lessons to be learned in the kitchen, for example. Fractions, chemical reactions, addition, multiplication, nutrition, and the list goes on. Plus, there’s the added bonus of learning an essential life skill. Board and card games, field trips, nature hikes, projects, and watching documentaries are also amazing educational opportunities that can break the tension of worksheets. **It’s also important to note that MANY homeschoolers recommend going through a time of “de-schooling” when transitioning from in-person school to homeschool.  It’s a time of “unlearning” the habits and expectations of in-person schooling.  Homeschooling is different than attending a school building and, in order to have a successful transition, I find this step essential.  Take a few weeks to learn through games, play, cooking, videos, field trips, etc before diving into worksheets, books, and your new school structure.
🍷TAKE A BREAK. Seriously. Pop open that beverage you’ve been chilling for that special occasion, eat those cookies stashed in the back of the pantry, take a bubble bath with that fancy bath bomb. Whatever it is, give everyone in your house time to decompress and recharge, INCLUDING YOU!! I cannot stress this enough. When I started our homeschool journey, I felt like I needed to be “on” all the time. I burnt out quickly. This COVID schooling situation could last a while, so train for a marathon. If it’s only a 5K, then you’ll make it to the finish line a lot more refreshed.
😇 DONT BE AFRAID. You’ve got this!! Is it what you wanted? Maybe not. Is it what you planned? I bet not. But you have been teaching your child their whole life. You may not be a teacher, you may not be an expert in quadratic equations or Pythagorean’s theory, but you KNOW your child. Don’t underestimate yourself.  Also, kids are resilient little sponges. They WILL get through this educational detour…and maybe they’ll even learn more than you expected.
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Last but not least, REACH OUT!!! It does, indeed, take a village. Even if it’s a virtual one. It will not always be rainbows and roses. Homeschooling is HARD! But there’s lots of help out there. There’s SO many online resources available for free or for little cost. Use them. Give the kids a screen on an educational app and go take a time out for yourself (you can even call it a staff meeting!). Plus, many of your teacher friends will be happy to answer questions. And of course, I am always willing to brainstorm ideas, listen to vents, or just chat with another adult. We are in this together. This may not be easy, but you CAN do it.
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getotheoffer · 4 years
This post about the best tech you can find under 50 bucks. ladies, valentine's Day is coming up maybe some gift ideas for your man's who knows you say anything you like.            More Helpful Posts on Our Site: Everyone is Trying to Copy Apple Air Pods Intentionally This Smart Digital Photo Frame is the Best Gift for Your Family This Best Mini Photo Printer For Your Smartphone Gallery Charging Dock/Qi Bank Everyone's familiar with a wireless charger. By now you know obviously, when they charging dock like this, you set it up against it, and it'll charge for you. But what about one that can actually come apart and act as a separate wireless battery bank for when you're on the go.  So, for the first use case you know on your desktop, on your nightstand drop your phone against it. it's gonna charge it wirelessly but, The battery bank itself can next to the dock review these pogo pins on the bottom, then once you take it off at this own separate charger. it's 5,000 milliamp hours and up top is that USB port plus.  A USB C port so you can use it wired but again the beauty of a wireless Qi charger like this is the fact that you don't need wires. it's a wireless battery bank So, you know put them together in your pocket, have a charge that way set it down somewhere, you get the idea. again an interesting kind of take on a traditional charger thought it was pretty cool. this one up for Somewhere $30. Checkout This On Amazon - Steel Series Rival Mouse Via @manufacture This is a brand new Mouse from the steel series. This is a rival 3 a $30 lightweight gaming mouse. it comes in at 77 grams So, it's really cool to see if they can accomplish something like this for a very affordable price. it doesn't have holes in the shell So, for those looking to pick up a new gaming mouse on a budget, this is definitely a good option. I'm really impressed with it it's an all matte black body it's got three zones of RGB lighting.  Their true move sensor goes from 100 to 8500 CPI and has onboard storage. you could save those levels on the mouse So, for a more in-depth look to check This Video review but for what it is at this price it is phenomenal for anybody looking to save some money on a gaming mouse. it's really remarkable at SteelSeries did here for just $30. next up is definitely gonna be a popular item. That's a dive on pics:")  Checkout This on Amazon - Divoom Pixoo This is a bigger 16 by 16-pixel version So, it's pretty much this multi-use smart display. you could either choose to hang it up like a picture if you want to prop it down on your desktop it has a little stain on the back as well. but you could display a ton of things on the actual display, here you can do things like show obviously the time acting like a clock, it could simulate the Weather outside, it could be a calendar for you, Once you download the App there are probably over thousands and thousands of different animations. And little visual things you can add to this ton of different effects from music visualizers. you can make your own effects, you can use this to show text countdown, check stopwatch, check the alarm, check you can even have it show your notifications from like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter text messages all that stuff. But The gallery in the app is extremely expansive, people are constantly making you know, new effects and new visuals every single day and uploading them.  There's even a little like minigames you could choose to play on here if you want but, the fact that there are so many different use cases and integrations with the app that you could choose to display on here is a reason why I think it's a really cool pick up. I feel like these LED desk gadgets also do really really well in the series. this will probably be a fan favorite. So Divoom Pixoo comes in at 50 dollars or Lower That 50$.  Checkout This on Amazon - Peak Design Capture Camera Clip portable travel tech that is catered to cameras the peak design capture clip v3 is kind of amazing. first off it looks like something Adam West would whip out of his utility belts. what it is though is this tiny little belt that's designed to secure onto your backpack strap or even your belt and give you quick-release access to your camera.  I get it not a lot of people want to be the strapped guy So, this is actually not only a cool-looking alternative with a practical one as well you can technically support up to 200 pounds. so yeah if mkbhd won the throw was right on this he could. I wouldn't recommend it because that would just be ridiculous but it's nice that you have that flexibility build quality is fantastic as well.  it's all metals so that is not gonna be an issue and again the fact that this is under 50 bucks if you shoot video or photos this is kind of a must-have. Checkout This on Amazon - Helpfull Back Buttons for ps4 This is a brand new gadget from Sony for your ps4 controller and that's this back button attachment for using you know back buttons on your games as well as PC.  This is something really cool and I'm happy if they actually put something official out like this because, for only $30 this taps into the market of you know scuff controllers third-party add-on attachments, those kinds of things so little module itself is pretty compact.  it snaps right on to the actual bottom of your controller locks into place there and you have two tactile buttons acting like those two back paddles now and you can configure them. to me whatever you want the OLED screen there is also a third button and that's how you pretty much configure everything tapping on it you can go through the four different profiles that are saved onto here.  and then you can just remap whatever you want those two back buttons to be it's very very simple very easy to use for FPS game.  I like using one for reloading my weapon and the other for like sliding or jumping depending on what the game is. so, I don't take my thumbs off the thumbsticks and for racing games, you can use this for a life-shifting or your handbrake it's a great way to now remap them. So, they're just right there for you very easy to press their nice and tactile buttons too. And for those who use a headset you don't lose out functionality at all because there's actually a built-in headphone jack on the bottom of the device so definitely happy they thought of that this might be giving us a little sneak peek at what the PS 5 controller might be like you know having like a screen. and these side buttons integrated naturally but all together.  it is still very small and compact it doesn't take up much space in the bulk here just on the bottom and now you have the ease of use of remapping buttons to this and having the OLED screen there. so you can see or profiler on and what buttons you're on as well so it comes in at 30 dollars it might be out of stock right now because. it's brand new and it's a very hot commodity but keep it in mind. Checkout This on Amazon - Minipresso GR Espresso maker For Travel  This one's definitely pretty unique this is a mini handheld espresso maker. "it's called the Minipresso GR So, for you coffee lovers out there I got you back now. this isn't made to like replace your espresso maker or your coffee pot and stuff like that. But, travel or an espresso maker on the go if you're camping this will be clutch if you're going on you know trips this will be clutch everything you need actually comes in the capsule itself from the actual scooper to an integrated Cup.  which just comes off on the top the instructions might be pretty intimidating at first but once you do it a few times you get the hang of it. it is very very simple, the piston just pops out so you hand pump it a few times to get the water going and then it'll go through obviously it makes it inside for you.  all you have to do is just pour in hot water and you're good to go pump this thing, and now you got some espresso so I understand this is not gonna be for everybody. but I thought it was really cool as well. and I'm sure some people out there could appreciate it.  This Espresso maker comes with different models for like different prices, and stuff bigger sizes different colors. and all that but again I feel like camping this would be really cool for if your boyfriend or you're going in a long car ride you'd want to bring coffee with you put water in this when you get to work when you get to class pump your coffee and you're good to go. This model comes in that just around 50$ and I believe that is a nice price for this really helpful Gadget. Checkout This on Amazon- Our Website Provide Sometimes Affiliate Links For Support This Website
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Free MP3 Cutter Joiner 4.
Obtain Audio Joiner Mp3 Cutter & Merger is a instrument for enhancing Mp3 files in your Android machine, and the app focus is on creating ringtones, notification tones, alarms and so forth. I recommend TunesKit MP3 Cutter which might losslessly cut any of your MP3 music file to small clips without losing any high quality. Apart from, it allows you to extract a number of sections from the same source audio and merge them into a totally new audio observe. Load MP3 information into Audacity. Nonetheless, it is best to take note of the file measurement limit of each audio observe, not exceeding 50M. With more obtainable choices, Filesmerge has functionality to allow you to set output file in custom-made means. You possibly can change quality, encoder, pattern rate and channel on your vacation spot audio as you please. It has the flexibility to hitch almost all audio codecs resembling MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, AC3, AIFF, MP2, M4A, CDA, VOX, RA, RAM, TTA and many more to MP3, WMA, WAV and OGG. On the similar time, altering the bitrates of audio recordsdata for higher performance in your mobile phone, MP3 participant, or different media gadgets is a piece of cake. Fast MP3 Cutter Joiner cuts and trims a large MP3 file (up to 10 GB) into multiple smaller pieces, and joins a number of MP3 recordsdata into a single MP3 as nicely. An excellent ringtone maker and mp3 cutter android app that has received the highest rating on Google Play. It supports standard audio codecs that embody MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR, 3GPP, 3GP, M4A. You may cut an audio using this app and make your own ringtone, notification tone or alarm tone. It's a free MP3 Cutter and MP3 Merger app that is used to chop mp3 and join or merge totally different mp3 files in a single mp3. Pretty nice music cutter and audio joiner android app that's value a try. When joining the smaller information together, you have an option to add configurable intervals of silence between the tracks. That is just like how Audio CDs play. Musolist has been around since 2003, making it (one of many) longest operating musicians classifieds websites on the net. They have a big worldwide group of over 250,000 users, which is strongest in Australia, UK and the USA. This free MP3 joiner enables you to input over 50 audio formats including MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG and far more as source formats. Any audio information can be joined and transformed to the most well-liked audio formats usable on all gadgets. The app's three predominant components are Mp3 Cutter, which either trims or splices Mp3s; Mp3 Fusion Maker, which may consolidate two or more Mp3s; and MP3 player, which is an integrated player you need to use to preview modifications and take heed to results. Cut MP3s are routinely saved to a folder for easy merging with another file, or you may forego saving and simply assign it as a ringtone. To merge two music files that you've got added to Audacity do the following: Choose one of the tracks with a left-click and press Ctrl-A afterwards to select all of it. You can alternatively select only a part of the track. I counsel you employ the play button to pinpoint the beginning and end places of the track. You possibly can be part of: Junior Strings, Senior Strings, Junior Band, Funk Band, Junior Rock Band, Senior Rock Band, Junior Brass, Senior Brass, Musicianship (Idea and Aural Coaching), Senior Concept (Grades 5+), Junior Woodwind, Senior Woodwind, Junior Percussion, Coaching Orchestra, Coaching Band, 2nd Orchestra, Ukulele Orchestra and Jazz Band. Mp3splt gives a set of an?open-supply?digital audio splitter?to separate mp3, ogg vorbis and FLAC recordsdata with out decoding or recompressing. It runs on?Linux, Mac OS X, and?Microsoft Windows?working techniques. With mp3splt you may cut up single MP3 and OGG files into smaller parts in a very easy means. Simply open up the file after which choose the splitting technique you'd like to use: set the cut up factors manually, tell this system to divide the file based on silence breaks between tracks, use a cue file or search an online CD database for information about the album. MP3 Splitter & Joiner is a helpful software which is meant in modifying audio recordsdata. It's a multi-operate instrument as it contains MP3 Splitter and MP3 Joiner in a single package. Customers could split, trim MP3 file into parts, join, and even merge a number of recordsdata into large recordsdata. Deciding on Part of Tune - If you want to select a specific a part of tune from a mp3 track then these mp3 cutter or audio cutter tools prove very useful in attaining this job. Free Merge MP3 clearly supports the format you need however additionally it helps WAV, OGG and WMA codecs. It's also possible to convert your audio files to any of those codecs as and when you want. It is quite attainable that some gamers is probably not compatible with sure formats after which there is the compulsion of a sure size of the whole file and high quality. Whatever is your requirement or the specifics of your project; you can convert the recordsdata in accordance with your needs after which have one appropriate format, measurement and output high quality. You do not get these options in every MP3 joiner for Mac.
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