#I volunteer to be the person to simp over him in this fic.... not like I'm not simping over him 24/7
juchioris · 6 days
3 fanfic-ideas 📚
I don't have the time or motivation to write all of those. Maybe one at some point. If anyone feels inspired, you are free to use them.
BNHA fic: Toshinori and Inko get together while Izuku is in his early middle school era. Izuku has no idea that his mom's new boyfriend is his favourite hero and, like many kids when a parent dates some new person, he is a bit skeptical of him at first - but he comes around. Big surprise later, when he finds out that his father figure is All Might.
Star Wars fic: Anakin doesn't become a Jedi and stays on Naboo. He tries to get closer to Padme, but it is a big hindrance that she is the queen and he is just a commoner. To get his crush's attention Anakin competes in the next election for the monarch against her - with a program that is partly copied from Padme and partly right-wing populism - and gets actually on her bad side with that - and wins the election - and becomes king. Padme begrudgingly becomes his advisor, to ensure that he doesn't ruin Naboo.
Miraculous Ladybug Crossover Ship Crack fic: Instead of living in the world of Demon Slayer, Zenitsu Agatsuma exists in Ladybug's Paris. His first appearance in Marinette's life is in Ep. 1 when he overhears her ranting about wanting to marry Adrien in the park, he rushes over there and volunteers himself that she can marry him instead. Of course he gets rejected. Soon after that, Alya is on her quest to find out who the superheroes are and she suspects that Zenitsu is Chat Noir, because he looks similar enough, is never seen during Akuma attacks (because he is hiding well, he is very scared of them) and is known for sappily and tactlessly flirting with girls. While Alya tries to expose him, Marinette, who buys the theory, tags along and tries to protect his (nonexistent) secret. During this arc Zenitsu falls in love with Marinette and as she can't reject him hard enough out of fear he could get akumatized, she has to put up with his fawning from there on: inappropriate compliments, simping, begging, crying and him ecstatically screaming "MADEMOISELLE MARINETTE", because he thinks adding "Mademoiselle" is cute. But he also has better moments sometimes and grows on her. Long premise short: Marinette gets a suitor who makes her feel the high levels of cringe/exasperation/second-hand-embarassment she sometimes made me feel when I watched her show. They're sharing three braincells, but one of those is only for anxiety and another is only for yearning. The one who has currently the common sense/intelligence brain cell shakes his/her head at the other one who is struggling with one of the other two. I think that would be funny.
If you made it this far and want to read even more:
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dollwritesarchive · 1 year
BABE HIII I MISSED YOU!! I've been super busy with work/college recently AND it was my birthday (which I celebrate for like a week lol) so I've been caught up in that but now things are finally starting to calm down! Unfortunately I haven't had alot of down time recently, and any tv time I did have was taken up by watching house of the dragon and desperately trying to finish game of thrones lol so I havent been able to watch any of the animes on my list BUT I finally did finish game of thrones literally a couple days ago so I'll finally be able to start one 😁 which one I'm not sure right now its between aot, jojo's, and hxh (which I saw you started recently 👀 tbh I'm scared of the person I might become once I get introduced to chrollo) so if you have a suggestion on which one I would love to hear it!
Also BACHIRA!!? You have such taste LOL hes my favorite too 🖤 Your blurb was literally so spot on to how I imagined bachira too it's crazy, I definitely see him as a biter lol and omg the "it gets you wet when I tell you no" STOOOPP 🤤. You know that position where the girl is on top and the guy is like fucking up into her really fast? That's what I always think of with bachira lol like sure he says you can try being on top for once but the second you sink down on him hes wrapping his arms around you anchoring you in place and fucking you up 💖
I literally stopped dead in my tracks and gasped when I saw you're considering writing for dabi like OH!!? My FAVORITE writer on here writing for my FAVORITE character might actually kill me I don't know if my heart can take it 😭 I know you havent seen mha yet but dabi just had like HIS MOMENT and yes I will be adding a bunch of tiktoks below for it lol
Also are you excited for the new season of demon slayer 👀 God himself will not be able to stop me from seeing it in theaters idc if I cant get tickets I WILL be witnessing akaza and doma on the big screen
I actually have so many tiktoks to send you it's crazy lol
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9LWW2/ HELLO?? If he looks like this I'm so excited to see kokushibo
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHnTgo/ the fact I'll also be able to see gyutaro in theaters 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHoLg6/ my fav feminist 💖
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG96dkW/ who tf allowed him to be this pretty 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9j1QN/ him falling to his knees actually makes me wanna cry
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9LTS1/ HIS VOICE 👀
Now for dabi 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHwmb3/ I volunteer
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9jw7c/ my unhinged boy 💖
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHv4Ss/ HIS LAUGH https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHWfE9/
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHWPwt/ PLEASEEE MY GOD
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG96K12/ the fact they did it on purpose too lol
I'm so sorry I sent like an absurd amount of tiktoks LMAO but I've been saving them up for you 😘 I hope you've been doing well and I'm so excited to catch up on more of your fics 🖤 jjk anon
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I haven’t even gotten to chrollo yet I’m in some DEEP SHIT
PERSONALLY I would really like to see you watch AOT first!! it’s only because it’s my number 1 and I really really really love to talk about it 🥺🥺🥺
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So gagamaru is actually my fave of the boys
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And then… there’s barou I think I just simp for anyone sukuna’s va voices honestly
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DABI YES THAT IS 1000000% YOUR INFLUENCE because I’ve still only seen the clips that you sent me, but I WILL ADMIT I am more receptive to some of the characters in mha
But I have been itching to write for dabi AND IM THINK THONKING HARD ABOUT IT
There will for sure be some dabi food on this blog very very soon
I’ve also got an au coming out once this season does, because it’s all about the demons ❤️❤️❤️
I’m also gonna send you a bunch that I’ve been saving, some are hxh some are jjk IVE JUST BEEN SAVING LIKE CRAZY
Bro his laugh… I adore it please
demon slayer ( plus dabi )
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRtNXa5v/ THE KOKU GIRLIES ( me ) STAY WINNING
HXH ( mostly feitan and hisoka )
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nessataleweaver · 1 year
fic: Oh well it’s lovely weather for anything together with you (Shadow & Bone) (modern AU)
Presenting my present in the Darklina Discord Server Secret Sankta Exchange 2022. My recipient was @aquaburst3​, I hope they like it!
Title: Oh well it’s lovely weather for anything together with you
Rating: teen
Summary:  Keramazov Children's Home's biggest fundraiser every year is the Keramazin Carols by Candlelight, one of the biggest Christmas concerts in Ravka. As one of the former beneficiaries of the Home, Alina works the concert as a volunteer nearly every year. She's usually on the sound or stage crew, but this year she's assistant to actor and part-time singer Aleksander Morozova. 
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"Mr Morozova? It's your ten minute cue."
"Aleksander, Alina.  How many times must I tell you to call me Aleksander?"
"At least once more," Alina grinned cheekily. She couldn't call a prestigious older man by his first name! No matter how many times he asked her to. Ana Kuya would climb out of the audience, never mind she'd retired five years ago, and smack Alina with her walking stick. It was only ten years, but Ana would still insist that was enough to count.
As she helped Aleksander with his microphone, helping attach the pack to the back of his waistband under his suit coat - and trying not to be distracted by how well-shaped his butt was - she asked curiously, "Are you disappointed to be singing 'Sleigh Ride' and 'Jingle Bell Rock'?"
"Why would I be?" Aleksander asked, turning to face her.  "They're both great songs."
"But didn't you want 'Holy City' to show off your range?"
Aleskander's eyes widened.  "You caught that?"
Alina nodded, abashed. Apparently she'd given away how closely she watched him.  For professional purposes, not because he was the most gorgeous man she'd ever met. And very talented. And incredibly nice.
"Well, Botkin's been performing it here for twenty years, so he has seniority." Aleskander shrugged. "It's a little disappointing, but he's an excellent singer who's always done the song beautifully.  It's not like they gave it to Pytor Lantsov or something."
Alina giggled. Lantsov had irritated everyone on the stage crew with his incessant demands, acting like the superstar he hadn't been for twenty years.  He'd irritated almost as many of the performers, acting like the sex symbol he hadn't been for twenty-five.
"You've been a wonderful assistant, Alina, but that ends in an hour or so. I was wondering... well, it is lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you."
Alina looked up at him. "I'm sorry?"
"Or maybe supper after the show?  Or lunch tomorrow before I head back to Os Alta?"
Alina blinked at him dazedly.
An explosive sigh came from behind, making her jump and turn to look at her brother, and Aleksander to look slightly murderous.
Mal rolled his eyes and told Aleksander, "Sorry, excuse us a second." Then he put his hands on Alina's shoulders. "Alina, I know you have trouble seeing this stuff, so let me make it clear for you. This man looks at you like you're the Christmas star, and you're apparently the only person on the crew who hasn't noticed he's been simping over you like a shepherd over a baby lamb. He is asking you out on a date."
"Oh!" Alina exclaimed. Why would he do that? Well, if Mal said Aleksander was interested then he probably was. Mal was very good at detecting that sort of thing.
"Do you want to go out with him?"
"Oh yes, absolutely," Alina immediately replied.
Mal turned her around by the shoulders to face Aleskander again. "So tell him."
"I'd love to. All of those!" Alina answered, giving Aleksander the smile that she genuinely didn't realise turned her into the human equivalent of a sunbeam.
Aleskander smiled back, and Alina would swear afterwards that she heard angels singing - only to be reminded that it was the Kermazin Children's Choir finishing their set. His smile was so dazzling that Mal took two steps backward from the impact, and remained in deep denial about it for years to come.
A frantic voice came on over Alina's headphones, and she gasped. "Aleksander, you're on stage in sixty seconds!"
Aleksander said something un-Christmassy and dashed off to the wings, though not before pausing to blow Alina a kiss.
All the reviews said later that Aleksander was the most joyful performer of the night, radiating a happiness that infected nearly all the audience.
When the whole cast came out at the end to sing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' and throw streamers at the audience, Aleksander pulled Alina on-stage with him, hidden behind Tamar and Tolya and Nataschka, and took a selfie with her with the fireworks above their heads.
A week later, Alina watched the New Year's Eve fireworks from the balcony of Aleksander's penthouse, after an absolutely wonderful ride in Aleksander's sleigh bed.
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guardianofrivendell · 3 years
Uh, so I'mma request something because I really like your writing and want more of your wonderful Aragorn fics in my life. So, I was thinking some headcannons about what it would be like to date/be in a relationship with Aragorn before, during and/or after the fellowship? Thanks man, and take as long as you need!💕
A/N: I am STRUGGLING with sleepover requests, my own series (PS and DAKT) and some new stuff so I turned to my stack of ‘normal’ requests to try and write something different. Et voilà!
@katethewriter I took a lot longer than I should have with these and I’m so sorry! I’m leaning more towards the Hobbit era lately (I’m really turning into a Dwarf simp here), and I’m neglecting the fellowship members. Unforgivable! 
I interpreted this as how your relationship would develop while on the quest to destroy the ring and you’re not actually together at the start of it. Also maybe slightly OOC Aragorn. 
A/N 2: It has some nsfw hints (not much), I couldn’t help myself and it’s very unlike Aragorn I think but I’m not sorry. Also this turned out really long, I am sorry for that. 
A/N 3: Just like my other headcanons, this doesn’t make much sense so best to simply ignore this. I really don’t know what this is... :) 
Being In a Relationship With Aragorn On The Quest Would Go Like This:
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Aragorn had met you in some seedy pub 
Not his first choice to take shelter from the weather but after days and days of endless rain and trudging through mud it was almost nice to be there
at least he was able to dry his clothes and have a warm meal 
he was surprised to see someone like you there 
surprised but concerned too 
for your wellbeing that is 
every single person in that bar had his eyes on you the minute you moved
Aragorn had too but for entirely different reasons
at least that’s what he told himself
so the minute one of those drunk lads laid a hand on you he was on his feet
knight in shining armor ranger clothes
before he got to you, you had floored and knocked out your assailant, threatening the others they would suffer the same fate if they tried something similar
Aragorn stood frozen in place, completely mesmerized by you
and maybe a tad bit aroused too
the life of a ranger is very lonely after all
you winked at him and left the bar shortly after
Aragorn couldn’t get you out of his head 
but what were the odds he would ever run into you again
he even returned to that godawful place a few times
a guy can hope right
you can imagine his surprise when he saw you in Rivendell
attending the secret council
he was jaw on the floor surprised
he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you
on the outside he was the cool ranger of the north, bringer of Hobbits, inventor of the Sexy But Still Rough Around The Edges Stare™
while on the inside he was  f r e a k i n g  o u t 
because there you were, finally within reach 
but then Frodo had to sacrifice himself 
and Aragorn could not not go with him 
he absolutely lost it when you volunteered as well
there was no way you were going to put your life on the line like that
you scoffed at his remark
wait did he said that out loud?
“I can handle myself just fine.”
Oh he knew that
Flashes of the bar fight filled his mind
it filled something else too 😏
so Aragorn had set himself a second goal  
besides getting Frodo and the ring to Mordor he now vowed to keep you safe as well
and to make you his by the time you would arrive at Mordor
but we all know how smooth that will go do we 
the first few days and weeks it went reasonably well 
you have to read that as ‘he didn’t embarass himself in front of you’
because there was no progress at all on any other front
you seemed to prefer the company of the Hobbits over him or any other member of the fellowship
he tried to make conversation with you every time you walked near him 
A+ for effort
when the Crebain flew over his instinct was to make sure Frodo (and Sam because those two were attached at the hip) was out of sight
after that he searched for you, but Legolas had already pulled you under the bushes with him
surely the feeling in his stomach was the fault of the Lembas bread
because Aragorn doesn’t get jealous
but then the same thing happened in Moria
you weren’t a fan of the dark and claustrophobic mines so he let you walk up front with Gandalf and Frodo near the light of Gandalf’s staff 
with him right behind you of course 
when the Orcs and Troll attacked, he tried to stay near you 
keep an extra eye out for you, driving the Orcs away who were trying to get to you
it was you together with Legolas who defeated the troll, high fiving each other over a job well done
okay fine maybe Aragorn did get jealous this time
like he had done his best to protect you but did you notice?
then when Gandalf fell you surprisingly turned to him for comfort
leaving Legolas, Gimli and Boromir to comfort the Hobbits
take that Leaf Boi
even though it felt really good to hold you, he knew you couldn’t stay there
so he ordered everyone to get going, taking the lead
and then Lothlorien happened
a forest that was both magical and romantic
perfect setting for a love confession right
when he finally got you alone he chickened out at the last moment
because OF cOUrsE
luckily for him you did not
you almost knocked him over in your attempt to kiss him  
he eagerly reciprocated the kiss though
no complaints there
but he also explained that even though he wanted this, the quest and Frodo had to come first
which you respected and understood, but you were also willing to test his resolve 👀
you didn’t tell the others 
but they didn’t need an explanation, it’s not like you two were subtle
he held your hand whenever he could 
Gimli couldn’t help but commenting on it, Aragorn explaining it was to prevent you from falling or tripping
“Lad, you’re sitting down in a boat...”
cue roaring laughter and flushed cheeks on Aragorn
although the fellowship supported your relationship they couldn’t help but tease Aragorn relentlessly
lots of sneaky forehead kisses
during the rest of the quest Aragorn did his best to keep you out of harm’s way 
to your own frustration of course, you weren’t helpless or as fragile as he made you seem
you fought alongside Boromir when Uglúk shot him 
they took Merry and Pippin and dragged you away from Boromir’s body
the one time Aragorn wasn’t at your side and you got kidnapped
you weren’t going to hear the end of this 
needless to say Aragorn was indeed beside himself with worry 
he couldn’t get a break 
first Frodo gone, then Boromir shot and now it seemed he failed his promise to himself
enter brooding Aragorn
but he knew you were brave and could take care of yourself - you had repeated that countless times - so he was sure he was going to find you 
after three days of running with a dartling Elf and a wheezing Dwarf they bumped into Éomer and his horse gang
before he could ask Éomer if he saw you or the Hobbits, one of his riders jumped off their horse and made a beeline for him 
Legolas notched an arrow and Gimli raised his axe but you simply shoved them aside and threw your arms around Aragorn
relieved kisses 
the hug lasted several minutes until Legolas cleared his throat
oh right... audience
you shared a horse with Aragorn on the way to Edoras
while with King Théoden Aragorn kept an arm around your waist or a hand on the small of your back the entire time
as if he had to make sure you were still there
Éowyn who?
The Battle of Helm’s Deep was torture for Aragorn
he wanted to stay with you but you both knew you would be too distracted by each other 
it took him a while to find you after the battle was won 
few years of his life were lost in panic
but of course you were alright, already helping with the wounded
now it was his turn to sweep you off your feet
quite literally too 
as the quest progressed, it became clear to Aragorn that he had to take up his rightful place as the King of Gondor when the time came 
so during the victory feast after Helm’s Deep he took you outside for a walk
cue comments and whistling from Gimli 
but Aragorn only wanted to talk to you 
to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into if you stayed with him 
were you ready to be the spouse of a King?
of course he made it seem as if he was going to ditch you 
because that man is angst embodied 
everything to keep you safe right?
luckily as soon as it was clear that no, he wasn’t going to ditch you and yes, this was kind of a hastily thrown together proposal in a way, you kissed him saying that as long as you were at his side you were ready for anything
as long as you were together
Aragorn taglist: @katethewriter @lovemusic26alwaysblog @sokkasdarling @snailcoveredcottage
Permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @myrin1234 @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm @sokkasdarling @katethewriter @aredhel-of-gondolin @leethology @elvish-sky @moony-artnstuff @emmapotato8 @kirenia15 @vicmackeybullshxt @moarfandomtrash
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 15/?
Word Count: 3k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name.
Thinking about making parts longer so that I can at least finish a semester of Jason knowing Y/N before I do fic 2 of this continuity. Give it a better name, probably. I dunno
Warnings: Eludes to sex, Takes about Injuries, Mentions of Trauma, Refusal to acknowledge pain, Swearing, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
She could find herself lost in the way Jason walked for hours. He thought she was asleep when he threw on his slightly ripped boxers so he could walk to his desk. She didn’t know what it was that drew her in, maybe it was just the way that even after he had been stabbed that he could act like he owned the room.
She thought he was really, really, attractive. Like, really.  She couldn't think of times where she wouldn’t get lost in how he looked. His personality made it a lot better, too. She really liked how he chose to carry his personality, how he chose to carry himself. 
He turned to his bed after plugging in his laptop, it would take a while to charge, when he noticed she was staring.
“Your eyes will dry out looking at something so hot, Y/N. I’d be careful,” he joked, letting a large smile slip by.
“I’ll need heat-resistant goggled to keep this relationship going, damn.”
“Bruce can buy you some.”
“I think after his freak-out bout our situation, he wouldn’t be keen on that one, darling.”
He smiled at her, “What makes you say that? He clearly likes you.”
“That doesn't mean he wants to spend that much money on me.”
“I would spend that much money on you,” he grabbed the water bottle sitting at his desk and twisted the cap off.
“You have spent that much money on me.”
“Pretty girl, gets money, gets the pretty man,” he said before seeming to chug the entire bottle.
“You would probably find a way to drown while drinking water, honestly.”
“Ha, ha, baby. Funny.”
“You don’t have to tell me I’m funny for me to know I’m funny, Jay,” she joked, “Are you coming back to bed?”
“No, I’m not.”
“What the fuck, man.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I have work to do for Wayne Enterprises,” he said.
“I just want to cuddle,” she jokingly wined at him.
“You’re a temptress, but I really have to do this.”
“Doesn’t your laptop take time to charge?” she asked.
“Yes it does, why?”
“Come here then.”
He sighed and looked at his laptop before smiling and coming over to his bed, “You’re lucky it’s charging slowly today, baby.”
He climbed into the bed beside her, she thought he forgot that she was naked but he didn’t.  He knew she was naked, he just didn’t want anything from her, he didn’t want a ‘fun night’ with his girlfriend, he just wanted the cuddling on a Thursday morning.
She had a headache, a massive one, and Jason noticed her wincing a lot and holding her head, he had seen these signs before, in Time Drake, his baby brother, who had a severe caffeine addiction.
“You alright?” he asked, nuzzling his nose into her shoulder.
“Headache,” she answered and winced again.
“Caffeine or medication?” he asked, trying to make certain that is was caffeine and not anything else.
“I can always make you some coffee, Y/N.”
“If you're willing to leave this bed, could you?” she asked.
“I could, I could. I don’t want to leave this moment, but I guess” he said, sarcastically.
“I’ll owe you indefinitely,” she said as he got up and walked over to his dresser, scavenging for a pair of pants so he didn’t walk downstairs and possibly expose himself to his siblings.
“Do you want anything else while I’m down there?” he asked while putting on his pants, “I can always make you breakfast,” he said. 
“No, no, the coffee is more than enough, I swear.”
“You just want to spend more time with me, you simp.”
“That is true, that is so true.”
“I’ll be back in bed before you know it,” he walked over to her and kissed her forehead, taking in the bedhead and the way her eyes drowsed when she was tired, “Don’t pass out on me.”
“I can’t make promises I may not keep.”
“Then just keep me positive.”
She laughed and he walked out of the room. You could feel the way he was giddy about her as he walked out, from the way his grin wouldn’t fall to the way he bothered to get dressed, even if it was just pants.
No one thought they’d see the day that Jason Todd, the Jason Todd, would walk out of a room with a girl in it with pants on.
“Master Todd,” Alfred said as Jason walked into the kitchen, “One of these days, I ask of you, you and Miss Y/N should eat breakfast with the rest of us. And, it’s nearly 10:00, sir. You should be up sooner.”
“I can always count on you to parent me, Alfred,” Jason joked, “One of these days she and I will come down for breakfast, I swear,” he turned on the coffee machine.
“You don’t drink coffee, Master Todd.”
“No, I don’t. But she does.”
“My god, you’re whipped!” Tim exclaimed at his big brother.
“You’ll understand one day when someone you like this much is in your bed, Tim.”
“You didn’t even call me on my shit, who are you and what did you do with my brother?” Tim joked.
“I sold him to the devil in exchange for his rocking body and a beautiful girlfriend, moron.”
“How is your stab wound, Master Todd?” Alfred asked.
“Painful,” he said before looking in his foresight for Alfred’s reaction, when Alfred frowned, it broke Jason’s heart, he loved Alfred, “It’s gotten better, I swear. But it’s not ideal, either.”
“Master Richard says he should have watched you closer.”
“I don’t think he could have stopped it.”
“I could have tried,” Dick chimed in.
“Have you been listening in?” Tim asked when he turned to Dick.
“Are you that surprised? But Jase, you could have died, I could have done better, I could have stopped it if I just-”
“How many times do I have to say it isn’t your fault, Dickie?” Jason cut him off.
“I just promised to always protect you, and I failed my job.”
“You’re starting to sound like Dad, Dick,” Jason joked, trying to liven up the mood and stop his brother from crying. He needed to just distract them all from it, he didn’t want to deal with it, to talk about it all.
“Jase,” Dick paused.
“Dick, c’mon. I’m not dead. No one died. We’re all okay.”
“Jay, he has a point, no one is ready to lose you again, man,” Tim jumped in.
“To say the least,” Alfred finished.
“I love you guys, I do,” he said as he poured Y/N’s coffee, “And I get you’re scared that I’m going to die again,” he paused and sighed, “I don’t really know what to say, really.”
“You said really twice,” Tim joked.
“Listen here you little, literally, shit,” Jason retorted, holding his hand above Tim’s head like he was comparing heights, “I’ve enjoyed this, really. I can’t give up family bonding for anything, but you guys understand-”
“Are you ditching us for the pretty woman?” Dick asked.
“You would do the same, Dick.”
“Because I’m serious about Barbara.”
“And?” he joked as he walked off and back to his room.
Opening his door, he saw her, half-awake, laying in his bed. She had gotten up at some point to put on one of his shirts, it was cute. He liked the fact that she was wearing his shirt. He stared for a bit.
“Whatcha doing, Romeo?” she joked.
“Is that my shirt?” he asked as he walked towards his nightstand and put down the coffee before looking at her.
“Yeah, it is. If you mind, frankly, I don’t care.”
“Ha, ha. I don’t mind,” he said as he crawled back into bed with her while she sat up to drink the coffee, “Hope that makes it a little nicer to be here.”
“It’s already nice to be here.”
“I’m sure the headache made it suck a little, though.”
“Well yes but no.”
“Yes but no is my personal motto.”
“Is it now?”
“Well, ‘Should you do this, Jason? Dad will be mad.’ followed by yes but no is literally everything I do, ever.”
“Is this how telling your dad that we’re dating went?” she joked.
“Oh yeah, he just hates you,” he said with heavy sarcasm.
“If your partner’s parents don’t hate you then are you even their partner?” she retorted.
He laughed and buried his face into her chest. She laughed between sips of her coffee and she stroked his hair. She thought he liked it when she did this, and he did, she was right. He could feel each of her fingers running through his hair, massaging his head. If love languages are a thing, she could speak his fluently.
She was scared, scared that the attacks against her were related, scared that her friends weren’t going to get out of jail, scared that her escapade of drinking had brought her back to alcoholism, there was a taste she could never get off her tongue, the cravings she couldn’t quench. And it scared her. She hadn’t been this far down in a while, mentally. 
It never seemed like the moment that she could bring that up to Jason, her fears. She wanted to open up about it but she just couldn’t.
Jason wanted to bring up the nightmares to her, but it was never the moment, He wanted to open up to her about it but he too, just couldn’t.
When she finished her coffee, it was unfortunately the time that Jason had to work, she audibly groaned and sighed when he left her side. He laughed and kissed her before he left the bed, and she, jokingly, tried to pull him back onto the bed.
Mundane life, day-to-day life was stuff like this, partners leaving because they had jobs, school, volunteering, extra-curricular activities, anything. It was the sad reality that they both would have to accept, especially if Y/N was going to reenroll in her dance lessons, which she had been thinking about. She hadn’t been deciding anything, she was scared.
Was it the distance that scared her? Probably. Was it the fact that she could fall from grace? Yes. She didn’t want to fall, she wanted to climb and climb harder and progress. She was a high-achiever. She had already fell, too. She fell hard.
She remembered waking up in a hospital in grade 10, after a night of partying, on the verge of death from alcohol poisoning. She was sent to rehab but relapsed hard. She had already fell, she had fallen so hard but tried to rebuild herself so hard as well. No one, but her parents, knew about the hospital visit, she had hidden it.
He was working away, typing on his laptop when she noticed that he was wincing.
“Baby?” she asked.
“Yes?” he said, through pain.
“Are you alright?”
“Just a little bit of pain, don’t worry.”
She got up and draped her arms behind him on the chair, “Doesn’t seem like a little bit, Jay.”
He grabbed her arm and rested his hand there while the other worked still, “Really, it’s nothing.”
“Do you have pain medication?” she whispered in his ear, trying to prove that she wasn’t going to let it go.
“I do, in the cabinet in the bathroom, why? Are you in pain?”
“If I asked you to take some so I don’t have to see you wince, will you?” she said while she walked towards the bathroom and dug through his cabinet.
“Baby, c’mon, please,”
“Shhhh,” she said as she found the pain meds and walked back, “Take some?”
“C’mon now,” he said.
“No, don’t humor me, say yes or no,” she said.
He grabbed the pill bottle and read the dosage instructions as she  crawled behind him in the chair and rested her head on his back. He laughed slightly when she did and she could feel him laugh. The way his muscles contorted as he laughed. It was something she loved. He took the recommended dosage when she glanced at his stitches. They looked to be healing, but she wasn’t a doctor, she didn’t know if they were.
She placed her hand on top of his stitches, hoping she could just trace the outline of the scar, but she was watching his face, hoping that he wouldn’t wince if she tried. He smiled though,  something about her even trying to comfort him brought him joy.
He didn’t feel worthy of her worry, her love, her kindness, but he enjoyed every minute of it because he still didn’t know if the pressure of it all, his life, if it would break her. He didn’t want it all to come crashing down, ever. He wanted this to last at least long enough that he could consider saying ‘I love you’  to her.
Every other girl would have run at the moment he was stabbed though, maybe because they had sense, maybe because she didn’t think through it all. He didn’t think she was ‘Not like other girls’ just because he knew that mindset is fucking trash, thank to his sisters just rambling about it at family game night after Tim said it, on accident. Boy, that kid got his ass handed to him by the girls.
He was sure that Y/N probably thought the same about it, in spite of the pick-me songs she’d end up playing when she was bored. They were just good songs, he was sure she didn’t really think that bringing other women, even men, down was a good thing. if she did, who knows how his sisters and brothers would feel about her when they found out.
But there he sat, and Y/N hadn't run. She had embraced the tragedy with open arms and expected it to slow down. His life was face-paced, a tale of a boy running too far and into the sky, and she sat through it with him. He would tap and type on his laptop, trying to not move and disturb her as she relaxed. 
Doing work was not exactly the activity a new couple would want to do when neither of them had anything else to do, but it needed to be done or Bruce would hand Jason his ass in an argument about work ethic. Jason had work ethic, and Bruce had let him rest but when Jason was showing signs of recovery, he started telling Jason to ease back into work. So, Jason wrote essays defending projects Bruce wanted to do to the board. 
Bruce didn’t need Jason to defend him, but if Jason could get the words out, normally no board members would fight Bruce on the decision anymore. And Bruce paid Jason handsomely for these essays, because Bruce did not like the fighting and arguing he’d get from the board.
But the Batman-Patented Stare would follow if someone continued to hate Bruce’s plans. It was a watered-down version of it, but it was still probably the most intimidating thing that his kids and teammates have ever experienced.
Jason hope that the relationship between him and Y/N would continued even if Bruce gave her the Batman Stare. She seemed like the type of girl who would end up laughing in Bruce’s face if he did it to her.
She was probably going to receive it after that fight Jason and him had about protection, because she was also partly to blame about that.
The hours ticked by as Jason wrote to defend his dad from the board, and before he and Y/N knew it, it was dinner time at the Wayne Manor, and Y/N was invited. Great, Jason thought, I guess we’re going to find out how she’s going to deal with the stare.
“Just a fair warning, baby, my dad’s probably going to attempt to lecture you if you join us for dinner,” Jason said as he got dressed.
“He can try his best, I’ll give him that,” she laughed as she threw on the same clothes she had from the day before.
“You need to start bringing an over-night bag here, damn,” he joked.
“Remind me next time I come over and I’ll at least bring a second change of clothes in my schoolbag.”
They all sat down for dinner, and Bruce started his parenting attempt, “Jason, Y/N,” he said and both of them stared at him, “You both know what you did was irresponsible-”
“Everything I do is irresponsible, Bruce, no offense,” Y/N joked.
“Look, I’m not going to have you two having sex-”
“They’re having sex?!” Damien and Tim exclaimed with fake disgust, YN laughed.
“Could any of you take this seriously?”
“Sorry, sorry, playboy billionaire, I’ll pretend you’re my dad for a second,” YN joked.
“You’re going to be a pain in my ass, huh?”
“Yeah, probably. Sorry about that, genuinely, but its not my fault your son picked me.”
“I just need you two to be safe if  you’re going to continue to have sex in my house,” Bruce said, exasperated.
“We’ll just have sex at my house then,” Y/N joked again.
Bruce gave her The Stare at this moment, and she got startled a little bit. Everyone paused because she literally jumped a bit at The Stare.
“Dad, I think you genuinely scared her a bit,” Dick said.
“Did I jump? Oh my god,” she laughed, “I’m sorry,” she laughed harder, “I wasn’t expecting it!”
“Dad, c’mon, she’s a guest,” Jason said.
“No, no don’t worry about me, seriously. He can discipline me all he wants, honestly. If he’s nice about it, I’ll listen, even if I throw 69 jokes his way.”
“Nice,” Tim retorted.
“Really, a sex joke? Right after I tried to parent you?” Bruce questioned, “You really are the perfect match for Jason, my god.”
“You didn’t already realize that from the flipping off the press and her head-butting incident?” Stephanie added in, mocking Bruce.
“I, in no way, feel remorse or shame about either of those events.”
“You flipped off the press?” Cass asked.
“I did, I did. They can’t stop me, no one can.”
“I can,” Jason joked.
“You can keep thinking that.”
Everyone laughed. Whether or not Bruce wanted to admit it, he liked Y/N and hoped that Jason and her were going to last a while.
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Horror scares me
I promise nothing except my most valitent attempt, the true change must be done by you, though I shall try to influence it best I can.
So horror. My dude. Mr Crackhead himself. I’m not gonna lie he’s a scary dude. However! He’s still the Sans Undertale we all know and-for some reason- adore! My man just wants to protect his brother and do what it takes to survive! In fact, and please correct me if I’m wrong I can’t read the comics so I’m not sure, I think I read somewhere that he himself doesn’t eat people? Or at least he avoids it best he can? So as a species of people who have eaten humans for reasons far less intense than the underground’s situation can we really blame horror and his world for the twisted life they live? No.
So I explained Why he’s not scary, let’s talk about why he’s cute and deserves to be simped over. I’d like to direct your attention to @imjustalazycat who draws horror in an absolutely adorable way without taking away some of the more,,,,horror-esque parts of him. I’d also recommend reading a story on A03 called “Fur a good time call” which is a reader insert fic where he volunteers at an animal rescue! Horror is an absolute bean who would be very careful around human beings, probably because old habits die hard and he’s going to need a lot of therapy to even be near humans without going off, but also because Sans is the kind of guy who does best when everyone around him is at ease and laughing. So knowing he looks scary to peoole is going to make him try more to be a chill friendly type person so people can see him and his bro ain’t a threat! And please for the love of god imagine: a timy(come on classic sans is fucking short a few years of starvation won’t exactly make horror taller) TIMY Horror who takes a while to respond, kinda dazed all the time, but also If he sees someone important to him his whole face just,,,,,lights up,,,,,and he’s got this goofy grin on his face,,,,,maybe he’ll give you a little pun or two if he’s having a good memory day,,,, and he’s just so fascinated by everything and adores flowers T^T
As for the more,,,,shitposty headcannons of horror. Imagine the inside of his skull is like a pocket demension and he fucking, keeps shit stored in his skull. Like you see this terrifying monster walking down the street when all of a sudden he reaches into his skull and pulls out a fucking soda, and has a worm on a string sticking out his socket,,,, just god I love this garbage man
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