nomadicism · 23 days
That previous ask got me thinking. What else do you think would change about VLD if it was written now compared to back then? What are some of the major changes would you make to it? (Know I have plenty of my own, but I'm too much in the TWST fandom to do a fic rewrite of that series.)
Hi there, thank you for the Ask!
I got caught up in overthinking this one, and had to scale back my answer quite a bit. It's a great question and I can easily go off into so many tangents.
For the first part, this might be a cop out, but I think that almost everything about VLD would change if it were written now compared to 2015-2018. Looking back, it really seems like VLD is such a product of its time that it would be very different if written and produced now, even if same writers, producers, show runners, DreamWorks, Studio Mir, etc. There would be a few big changes that have a snowball effect on everything else, and it comes down to target demographics.
Animation for older audiences must be doing well, so I could see that if VLD were made today, it would be written for an older audience (I dunno, like young adults and people who watch “The Boys” or whatever), possibly with slightly older main characters and the story begins with that darker concept—I forget if this was rumor or confirmed—of the Earth already starting off ruined from war with the Galra and Keith, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, etc already fighting as soldiers before becoming the paladins. I’m probably getting that confused, but I remember reading something like that as part of the initial concepts for the show.
Or, because it’s DreamWorks, then the audience would be younger, so that the main characters are tweens and young teens (like 11 - 14). I only say that, because that’s closer to what almost everything else DreamWorks makes that isn’t for toddlers, or spinoffs of their movies for children. It’d be something with a more youthful vibe. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t tackle slightly mature themes, such as in Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts, Trollhunters, or The Dragon Prince. In that case, the story would almost entirely revolve around Keith (like way more than it already did).
Now, if there were things that I could change (not that I know anything about getting a show made, but whatever), it would be:
Pick a tone (or genre, or theme) and stick with it;
The main characters are robot pilots, not GI Joe Special Forces in Space (this also means no Blade of Marmora unless they are also piloting robots);
No magic. No caste of sacred Alteans. No space vampires. No space zombies. No fantasy window dressing. Psionic abilities can slot in for magic, and advanced science will often look like magic to those with far less advanced science. If cloning exists, then it can co-exist with psionics to give Zarkon et al immortality;
No shape-shifting Alteans. With psionic abilities they don’t need it;
Pollux exists, and “The Colony” concept remains in the trash where it belongs;
Zarkon and the Galra should not have already conquered the entire universe (which is always expanding and is so impossibly huge that not even 10,000 years would get an entire galaxy conquered, even with "magic");
If I'm going to crib something from Robotech, and that something is protoculture (e.g. quintessence), then I'm going all in and not stopping at the front door
Specific character related stuff is a very long essay, as there is much (perhaps most) things that I wouldn't change, but what I would change requires a lot of thought
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devintrinidad · 5 months
Reply to something you made in that post talking about wondering if I should've made my Yuu befriend others beside Ace and Deuce:
You mentioned in the comments about fics like that tend to follow the story to the letter. Honestly, I agree. I noticed that too. Granted, there are exceptions. I bookmarked a few on my own account. But, yeah. I find that a lot of them follow the plot beat for beat, rarely changing the canon drastically.
I try to make the events of the story differ from the canon. But, I think that's partly due to both wanting Addie's actions have an impact on the plot like any protagonist should and it being a fix-it for the game, so I scrap and change elements of the game that just don't work. Hell, I even came up with my own worldbuilding, since the canon one is so terrible.
While I think I'm too late down the rabbithole to change that, it's something I wonder about if I had a complete do-over that I would change. Because it would be nice to try something different. But, at the same time, I'm satisfied with her befriending those two along with others like Vil and Jack.
Still need to read your fic, though. I never gotta around to it yet. 😅
Yeah, while I do love twst and what people can do with it, it’s very taxing to read, over and over again, about the events of Heartslabyul, followed by Savanalcaw, and so on.
Like, what if someone scrapped the Overblots altogether? Or wrote them out of order? Or approached the Overblots from a different angle than just beating them with magic? What if the mc was like an actual licensed therapist who helps in the aftermath? What if the mc never enrolled as a student at NRC and instead made a living in the town below and watched form afar as the town begins the rumor mill of supposed Overblots?
Like, there’s so much potential!
That’s why I normally don’t read rewrites of twst because I already know the formula. Even if the mc is interesting, it doesn’t hold my attention for too long. That, and I risk contaminating my own story with someone else’s ideas by accident.
Anywhoozles, you don’t have to read my fic if you don’t want to! If you do, though, feel free to drop a comment here on tumblr or on ao3! It’s always a joy to read what others think.
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valiantroyalty · 1 month
Can I see more Jasmine and Jamil?
Jasmine peered over Jamil’s shoulder to get a better look at what he’s doing. The two of them were alone in the Scarabia kitchen, and vice housewarden was making food for Kalim. She hadn’t been taught how to cook, for various reasons, but she had picked up a thing or two just by watching him.
“If you are going to look over my shoulder, at least help,” Jamil spoke up after he finished chopping up some green onions. He glanced over at the princess, who smiled.
“What can I help with? Or better yet, why don’t you teach me something?” Jasmine prompted. Theres been little talk between them in the subject and now was a good a time as any to learn. Right?
Jamil mulled it over before a firm nod was given. Normally he would object when it came to Kalim’s food, but the duo trusted Jasmine and if Jamil supervised intently as he normally did, the food would pass. No chance of poison or terrible end product. “Have you cooked before?”
The ravenette shook her head. “No. I snuck into the kitchens to watch the chefs prepare food before, and I’ve seen you make things plenty of times before. Aside from that.. no. But, I’m a fast learner,” she answered smugly. It’s been proven time and time before. Jasmine learned best by watching others and it’s how she managed most of her skills.
Before Jamil could step aside to make room for her, Jasmine wiggled her way between boyfriend and countertop. A soft blush colored the boys cheeks and he adjusted his position accordingly. He handed her the knife with one hand, the other brought a vegetable by. “If you’ve seen me work then show me how to cut this up.”
A smirk was in her lips by how flustered he was and she demonstrated her chopping skills. Not the best but it was decent. Jamil confirmed as such. He brought over the remaining ingredients, and gave tips and pointers on how to properly cut before the duo put the ingredients into the pot.
“Seems there’s more to you than cooking,” she commented a few moments after stirring. Jasmine looked up at the other, a smile now on her face. “Why not become a teacher? You’re good at it.”
“You know I can’t do that.” Jamil shook his head. Much as he wanted to, he couldn’t. Just like he couldn’t - shouldn’t - be with her. And yet.. “Not do I have the patience to teach others.”
“You’re teaching me,” Jasmine pointed out before turning around to face him. They’re inches apart. “You can’t be connected to Kalim forever, Jamil. You can’t.”
“No. You know I’m right. He needs to learn how to be without you, for whatever reason. You’re only one man, but he -“
“Jasmine! Pay attention!”
Jasmine turned around again. The pot was bubbling! Oops. She quickly stirred. “You aren’t going to ever agree, are you?”
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silyabeeodess · 2 years
About the Pomefiore arc as well...Something I never got about TWST? Why aren't Neige and Vil stepbrothers? It seems like an extremely obvious writing choice that would've fixed at least some of the writing issues with Pomefiore. I mean…
Align Vil more with the Evil Queen.
Make Vil's rivalry a lot more personal and give it more weight.
Help to explain why Vil's so frustrated with Neige outside of him getting the parts that he wants. If that was the case, then Vil might be still bitter about his father marrying another woman with a son that he doesn't like. Vil might still try to give out the olive branch to Neige for his father's sake, but even then he still feels frustrated since Neige still irritates him due to everyone seeming to always adore him while his efforts are ignored. Deep down, Vil might feel like Neige is stealing his father's love and affection, even if he feels childish for even thinking that.
It would make Vil poisoning Neige have a lot more impact. Vil poisoning Neige is wrong either way. Let's face it. Poisoning family is a lot more shocking than doing the same to a guy you used to be coworkers with.
It's still something that baffles me. While it might've been to try something different, the game struggled to make the Japanese audience sympathetic towards Neige even after that half assed explanation in the next arc (been here long before the ENG version came out, and witnessed that happen), so it's not like trying to remake the wheel worked out anyways. Sometimes the most obvious option is the best one.
I can see that being an interesting decision by the writers that would've taken their characters in another direction, but I can also see two reasons why they weren't written that way: Neige's relationship with the dwarves and how it would affect both of Vil and Neige's upbringing by placing them in the same family. I'll continue below the cut since this does have small spoilers for the Japanese version.
In Book 6, Vil confesses that Neige and the Dwarves have lived together since they were children and hints that was likely a hard and humble life. The first thing this backstory does for Neige is give him a reason to know the dwarves personally, mimicking Snow White's seven as a found family rather than as just the friends they're described as in Book 5. Moreover, the reveal that Neige has had a hard childhood does give him a bit more sympathy, granted, later than we as an audience would've wanted in order to care about him. It also gives more to Neige's personality as a Snow White parallel besides being a chipper lookalike: He's someone who has started from humble beginnings. While Snow White was born as a princess, due to the queen's actions, she wasn't treated as one and had to work hard from a young age. It's implied that Neige had to do something similar, but for the sake of his own family and survival rather than being it forced by someone else. He's an actor not just because it's what he's good at, but it's what supports the people he cares for most.
Meanwhile, Vil's upbringing was the complete opposite: His father was also a famous actor and his family was well-off. If anything, having Neige start out this way would make him even harder to sympathize with because it would remove all struggle from Neige as we presumed in Book 5: Not only would he have been the darling actor loved by everyone, getting all of the best roles and taking the spotlight, it would've also given him a silver spoon to suck on from childhood.
It's possible that they could've had Neige's mother also be someone of humble means and have them both work hard to survive prior to the marriage, but it would still pale things since Neige would be living a charmed childhood from then on. The only way I see that it wouldn't would be by also giving either Vil or his family members a more villainous role in the past, making them Neige's oppressors just as the queen was Snow White's. Again, it would be an interesting dynamic with them as step-siblings, with one possibly not truly being truly accepted by the family: However, it would also make Vil harder to sympathize with as a protagonist, since he'd have started out as a petty bully with his actions just getting worse rather than someone becoming frustrated and losing patience, then doing something awful in response to those negative emotions.
I think the thing that affects Neige's acceptance by the audience the most, as you also mentioned being frustrated by, is the timing of the reveal of Neige's backstory. It's explained all too late and quickly becomes barely a footnote as we players are soon swept away by the attack on NRC by S.T.Y.X. We needed a bit more of an expansion on his and Vil's long-term relationship and (one-sided) rivalry. We needed at least hints in Book 5 that Neige too has struggled to get where he is, and anything as small as overhearing him get excited at the fact that he can cover a bill or buy nice things for his family would've helped. The writers could've done something similar with Neige that they did with Ruggie or Deuce when explaining that their families weren't in the best financial situation and each therefore had to come up with their own ways of getting by. (This also would've allowed Deuce to act as a middle-man between Vil and Neige, as someone who wants NRC to win, but has sympathy for where Neige began.)
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nessataleweaver · 1 year
fic: Oh well it’s lovely weather for anything together with you (Shadow & Bone) (modern AU)
Presenting my present in the Darklina Discord Server Secret Sankta Exchange 2022. My recipient was @aquaburst3​, I hope they like it!
Title: Oh well it’s lovely weather for anything together with you
Rating: teen
Summary:  Keramazov Children's Home's biggest fundraiser every year is the Keramazin Carols by Candlelight, one of the biggest Christmas concerts in Ravka. As one of the former beneficiaries of the Home, Alina works the concert as a volunteer nearly every year. She's usually on the sound or stage crew, but this year she's assistant to actor and part-time singer Aleksander Morozova. 
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"Mr Morozova? It's your ten minute cue."
"Aleksander, Alina.  How many times must I tell you to call me Aleksander?"
"At least once more," Alina grinned cheekily. She couldn't call a prestigious older man by his first name! No matter how many times he asked her to. Ana Kuya would climb out of the audience, never mind she'd retired five years ago, and smack Alina with her walking stick. It was only ten years, but Ana would still insist that was enough to count.
As she helped Aleksander with his microphone, helping attach the pack to the back of his waistband under his suit coat - and trying not to be distracted by how well-shaped his butt was - she asked curiously, "Are you disappointed to be singing 'Sleigh Ride' and 'Jingle Bell Rock'?"
"Why would I be?" Aleksander asked, turning to face her.  "They're both great songs."
"But didn't you want 'Holy City' to show off your range?"
Aleskander's eyes widened.  "You caught that?"
Alina nodded, abashed. Apparently she'd given away how closely she watched him.  For professional purposes, not because he was the most gorgeous man she'd ever met. And very talented. And incredibly nice.
"Well, Botkin's been performing it here for twenty years, so he has seniority." Aleskander shrugged. "It's a little disappointing, but he's an excellent singer who's always done the song beautifully.  It's not like they gave it to Pytor Lantsov or something."
Alina giggled. Lantsov had irritated everyone on the stage crew with his incessant demands, acting like the superstar he hadn't been for twenty years.  He'd irritated almost as many of the performers, acting like the sex symbol he hadn't been for twenty-five.
"You've been a wonderful assistant, Alina, but that ends in an hour or so. I was wondering... well, it is lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you."
Alina looked up at him. "I'm sorry?"
"Or maybe supper after the show?  Or lunch tomorrow before I head back to Os Alta?"
Alina blinked at him dazedly.
An explosive sigh came from behind, making her jump and turn to look at her brother, and Aleksander to look slightly murderous.
Mal rolled his eyes and told Aleksander, "Sorry, excuse us a second." Then he put his hands on Alina's shoulders. "Alina, I know you have trouble seeing this stuff, so let me make it clear for you. This man looks at you like you're the Christmas star, and you're apparently the only person on the crew who hasn't noticed he's been simping over you like a shepherd over a baby lamb. He is asking you out on a date."
"Oh!" Alina exclaimed. Why would he do that? Well, if Mal said Aleksander was interested then he probably was. Mal was very good at detecting that sort of thing.
"Do you want to go out with him?"
"Oh yes, absolutely," Alina immediately replied.
Mal turned her around by the shoulders to face Aleskander again. "So tell him."
"I'd love to. All of those!" Alina answered, giving Aleksander the smile that she genuinely didn't realise turned her into the human equivalent of a sunbeam.
Aleskander smiled back, and Alina would swear afterwards that she heard angels singing - only to be reminded that it was the Kermazin Children's Choir finishing their set. His smile was so dazzling that Mal took two steps backward from the impact, and remained in deep denial about it for years to come.
A frantic voice came on over Alina's headphones, and she gasped. "Aleksander, you're on stage in sixty seconds!"
Aleksander said something un-Christmassy and dashed off to the wings, though not before pausing to blow Alina a kiss.
All the reviews said later that Aleksander was the most joyful performer of the night, radiating a happiness that infected nearly all the audience.
When the whole cast came out at the end to sing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' and throw streamers at the audience, Aleksander pulled Alina on-stage with him, hidden behind Tamar and Tolya and Nataschka, and took a selfie with her with the fireworks above their heads.
A week later, Alina watched the New Year's Eve fireworks from the balcony of Aleksander's penthouse, after an absolutely wonderful ride in Aleksander's sleigh bed.
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darkspellmaster · 2 years
Quick question, what Disney characters or just ones in general would you compare my OC/Yuu, Adriana, too?
Tiana and Jasmine, with some Alice in there, with some Cinderella given her willingness to help others in her own way and not easy to manipulate, a person who seeks out truths, and is willing to work hard to get what she wants.
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kafkari · 4 months
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The Twisted Version of Me..
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Queen of Hearts Riddle x Alice Reader..
(10% done..)
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Ursula Azul x Ariel Reader..
(0% done..)
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Jafar Jamil x Jasmine Reader..
(0% done..)
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Hades Idia x Meg Reader..
(0% done..)
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Maleficent Malleus x Aurora Reader..
(0% done..)
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Taglist: @abadonkori, @twistedcece, @l00naverse, @shinameiwritesnothing, @aquaburst3, @atlaincorrect, @rincommittedarsin, @solarixstar, @ouraniaslyre, @calcifiedunderland, @ashmfyu, @liesatemyocean
I saw this idea from oepionie! Check them out!
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Here's my gift to @aquaburst3 . This piece took me forever. I hope you like it!!!!!
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morethanaloveinterest · 11 months
people you'd like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @coolswearypriest
last song: Smells Like Teen Spirit (cover) by Tori Amos (she's my favorite)
currently watching: 30 Rock (for the hundredth rewatch)
currently reading: The Fun Widow's Book Tour by Zoe Fishman
current obsession: romance tropes and why people seem so blind them these days
no pressure tagging some folks: @nerdgatehobbit @aquaburst3 @rosekitty414 and anyone else who wants to!
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stormkitty97 · 1 year
Since people are doing character profiles for their TWST ocs, here's mine and @aquaburst3 shared one
Name: Elisabeth “Lizzie” Asuna Suzuki-James
Gender: Cisgender-girl
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birthday: October 18
Star Sign: Scorpio
Age: 19 and turns 20
Height: 5’10
Birthplace/Country of Residence: Chippenham, Wiltshire, England
Race: Japanese on her father’s side and British and Welsh on her mother’s side
Languages: mostly fluent Japanese, British English, a little bit of french from Doctor Who and as well as a tiny bit of German from Critical Role
Immediate Family: Mother, father and younger brother who is a wizard and attends Hogwarts
Best Subjects During Secondary School in Her World: English, writing, history
Dominant Writing Hand: Left
Favourite Foods: Sushi, Yakisoba, Ramen, veggie burgers, dumplings, steamed buns, spicy food, Bubble and Squeak 
Least Favourite Foods: Sweet potatoes, bangers and mash, Octopus Takiyaki, Mangos
Hobbies: Reading, riding roller coasters, playing video games, watching C-Dramas
Nicknames by other characters: Rook “Mademoiselle le Curieuse” and Floyd “Carp” 
Physical Description
Unlike canon Yuu, she is quite female presenting 
Tall and willowy with a slender figure
Tawny-beige skin
Long jet black hair that reaches down to her hips
She does not tan but will get freckles in the sun, especially during the summer
Often has it tied back in a braid or bun
Dark grey eyes 
the closest IRL representation of her face that I could find, the eyes are grey due to photo editing, though I couldn’t get them as dark grey as I imagine hers to be. They’re as close I was able to make them with my limited skills
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Closest voice claim for her would be Lila Moss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR5dVJexbvY
It isn’t a perfect one but it's as close as I could find
She has a good singing voice and is a decent dancer
This is pretty close to how I imagine her singing voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDcoYeqrwsE
She’s not the most amazing singer but can carry a tune and is decent enough
 Isn’t really one to freak out much and when she does, it's very much inside her own head, she is usually is able to pull herself together relatively quickly to focus on the task at hand
She is a bit of know it all 
Easily frustrated when she isn’t able to do something but ends up making her even more determined to succeed at the task
She is terrible at maths and science which makes classes like Alchemy quite hard. Ace and Deuce are a big help
Can be very biting with her remarks or retorts
She’s quite bookish and for the most part prefers books over people
She can get very fangirly at times especially when it comes to anything about the fae
She has a short fuse and a fiery temper to go with it
It can also burst out in fierce defence for someone if they are within her circle
She very much has the Slytherin-like trait of if you’re not in her inner circle she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you
She is really sarcastic and can come off as straight up rude when she doesn’t mean to be
She can be very vindictive when you cross her and is downright cruel in her revenge
She can be very selfish too and doesn’t always think about how her actions affect others
She’s also quite petty and can hold grudges for awhile
If you’re in in her inner circle, she’s very teasing and loves to push your buttons
She quite impulsive at times and will often blurt things out without thinking
Is actually quite observant and will remember the little things about someone
Hides the fact she knows about Disney and how much TWST resembles many aspects of it
She grew up in the modern day wizarding world but since she’s a squib, she went to regular school 
Due to this, other than her household being magical she had a relatively normal life, even able to use electronics since she didn’t have any magic for them to interfere with
Knows of the Harry Potter main characters due to them still being prominent figures or in the history books
Spent a lot of time in the library reading about the fae
Any myths, legends and stories about them she could get her hands on and so she knows a lot about them and has memorised their formal way of speaking as well as the rules
Was a bit of a social outcast in school 
Because of her bookish nature, tendency to correct people if they were wrong about something, often putting her foot in her mouth and also her inclination to isolate herself due to having to hide her knowledge of the wizarding world
Her parents are not unkind but they tend to neglect her a bit since she isn’t magical and can’t really participate in a lot of aspects of their lives
Her family is not super well off or anything, they would be considered upper middle class
She has visited Japan multiple times due to her heritage, as well as Finland, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Russia, California and New York
She was a theatre kid middle through secondary school but only tech
Acting or being up on stage is not something she’s super into though she is somewhat okay with it when it's show choir or something along those lines
Isn’t much for parties though she did go to a number of cast parties in secondary school 
But usually didn't stay long because loud music gives her a headache 
She had a couple friends in secondary school that she hung out with but wasn’t super close to them since she had to hide half of herself from them and couldn’t ever invite them over
She was a prefect at her secondary school and could have been head girl with her grades but decided not to be
Mostly spent her time reading, playing TTPRGS online, watching fantasy movies/shows, The D&D show Critical Role, C-dramas and riding rollercoasters when she could
She has a kneazle named Da Qing after the character from Guardian
She really misses him and often thinks about him
She has art prints of the Mighty Nein and Vox Machina as well as a stuffed Frumpkin and Trinket
Fun Facts
She has always been a bit envious of her brother but never got the levels of Petunia and Lily levels of antagonism
She and her brother are not close but are amicable
She likes listening to celtic or pop and hates heavy metal or screamo
Her favourite Disney movies are The Black Cauldron, The Cat From Outer Space, Treasure Planet, The Aristocats and Beauty & The Beast
If she had to pick only one, it probably would be The Black Cauldron
She loves cats but doesn’t dislike dogs
She enjoys petting them but hates how slobbery they are and always wipes her hand off when she’s done petting them
Her relationship with Grim is akin to Molly and Beau’s relationship from Critical Role. They annoy each other to death and are always picking on each other but when it comes down to it, they will have each other’s backs
Love languages are Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. She prefers herself Physical touch and Acts of Service
She doesn’t have any bedroom experience but if she did, she’d most likely be a switch once she learned a bit more than just the in theory knowledge she has
Other Things
Lizzie is somewhat similar to the game Yuu but is quite different in many aspects. 
She is inspired by Belle (BATB), Eilonwy (Black Cauldron), Hermione Granger (Harry Potter), A little bit of Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) 
Her darker personality traits are inspired by Queen Grimhilde
If she had been able to go to Hogwarts she would definitely be in Slytherin
Had she not fallen for Vil, her secondary love interest would be Malleus as they are both quite similar in their interest in reading, history and both deeply understand what it's like to be alone in a room full of people and being isolated
Though obviously they won’t be getting together in the story though they will be friends
Elisabeth is an alternate spelling of Queen Elizabeth’s name, used since she’s half English. She's also in universe, named after Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. Her middle name is taken from the character in Sword Art Online. It seemed appropriate since Asuna is also someone who is isekaied in a way and I wanted her to have the Japanese connection besides just her last name. Asuna also translates to Apple Tree which I liked for it's connection to Vil and Snow White’s story
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nomadicism · 28 days
I was watching a YouTube video where OP did a "Voltron Rewrite". I agree and disagree with certain aspects of it. (Which isn't a bad thing. We all have our ways of fixing that trainwreck. They have theirs, and I have mine.) But it brought up another question for me, why wasn't Pidge non-binary?
In the show, Pidge disguised herself as a boy to break into the military base that her brother and father worked at in order to find them. But that doesn't make any sense! This is the military. Wouldn't they find that out instantly when they require to do blood work or a psychical on her?
That explanation reminds me a lot of those "female Yuu has to disguise herself as a boy to attend Night Raven for no reason" fics in the Twisted Wonderland fandom in a bad way. Because, just like those fics, it's mimicking Ouran High School Host Club and Mulan without understanding why those stories work. In Mulan, she disguised herself as a boy to take her father's place, because she wouldn't be able to fight otherwise. Plus, she was able to do that since it took place thousands of years ago before the advent modern teach that would detect that instantly, and she was also caught after she was injured. Haruhi just simply didn't care about what gender people identified them as. Here, the story takes place hundreds of years in the future, so those issues are highlighted even more and make the plotline fall flat.
Having Pidge be non-binary right out of the starting gate would nix that issue. Pidge could be another person there, who wants to go up into space to find their missing family. They would be more male presenting, because that's just how they want to present themselves. No long-winded explanation needed. As a bonus, Pidge's voice actor is non-binary IRL, so it would add up in that sense as well.
One baffling choice in that series in hindsight amongst dozens of others. Though, I feel like if that show was made now instead of almost 10 years ago that would be one change the showrunners would make to the story.
Hi there, thank you for the Ask!
Those are good questions, and my own question is "why would the military have a barracks full of teens in the first place?"
The very flimsy reason for Pidge to join as a teen boy might have been fear about being recognized by anyone who knew her brother, or might have seen her in a dress one time. However, Pidge presenting as male would make her look more like her brother, so she'd be more recognizable in my opinion.
Within the VLD setting, there are no logical reasons for Pidge to present as male when joining the military, other than gender identity. It makes more sense for Pidge to be a trans man, or non-binary person, or transmasc person, or genderfluid person, etc.
One thing that I consider (and I don't mean this as a counter-argument), is how cis women still get pushed into a highly feminine presentation box, even though there are plenty of cis women who do not perceive or express their gender in traditional ways. Whether they are tomboys, butches, or women who simply have no interest in cosmetics and clothing that carries strong gender identifiers.
It's like, why are non-fitted cargo pants and comfortable shoes often assumed to be masculine (or for middle-aged women who are not portrayed as sexually available)? Because at some level, men are assumed to get things done, and women are assumed to have things done for them. That means that there is a space for representing cis women who do not represent their femininity in ways that are traditionally seen as feminine. Thankfully, those attitudes aren't as strong as they used to be, but on some level they are still there.
Within that context, Pidge as tomboy works, but Pidge as tomboy using masculine pronouns to present as male seems a bit odd. Like, it almost feels like a marketing decision so that boys in the target demographic could watch the first episode and not be like "ewww why is there a girl in my robot show" (princess-rescue doesn't count). I don't know that boys actually care about that anymore, but once upon a time that was a Thing they were socialized to react against.
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devintrinidad · 1 year
Your one reply to my one post got me thinking. If you could ship any of the TWST boys with a Disney Princess/Hero, who would they be and why?
Hey, Devin here!
Oooooffff, that's a good question! I think you mentioned one of the more popular ones like Azul/Tiana, Alice/Riddle, etc., so I'll go with one that is pretty cracky (???) but could work if written/executed properly.
Don't laugh, hehehe.
But what about Floyd/Moana?
Like, Floyd is all about freedom and independence. He does what he wants to do whenever he feels like it. He's like the ocean in that way. One minute as calm as a sleeping baby and the next, as temperamental as a hurricane.
On the other hand, Moana (whose name means ocean!!!), she also likes independence and freedom, but she still adheres to the rules and restrictions of tradition and what's best for her people. Of course, she does go out of her way to leave her island so she can rescue her people, but again, that's because of tradition--that little bit of rebellion was just a bonus.
So, they're kind of like opposites in a way? Floyd is inhibited, while Moana is more restrictive. Both crave freedom and independence in their own ways and regard consequences quite differently. I suppose if they were ever paired together (romantically or otherwise), Floyd would teach Moana to not put so much emphasis on her people's needs over her own while Moana would teach Floyd about thinking before doing.
Plus, I think it would be fun if Floyd were trying to flirt with her, but the ocean decides to interfere if it thinks Floyd is getting too rowdy (like sending a tidal wave his way and splashing him). Also, can you imagine a "kiss the girl" sort of situation where Moana is on her small boat and Floyd is in his merform and he's leaning up to meet her halfway as she leans down? Peak romance, hehehe. Or Moana swimming with Floyd as both humans or when he's in his merform?
I bet Floyd would also have fun with Maui while Moana would try not to get on Jade's hit list.
Both of the Tweels would definitely be after Hei Hei if only just for the bit and to bother Moana.
Thanks for the ask and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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valiantroyalty · 1 year
Have you ever thought about creating an all girls school with twst versions of the disney heroines?
Actually no, I haven’t! I know there’s like 2 other schools but I’m not entirely into creating a whole school. It’s too much effort and creativity on my part.
I’m just struggling enough as is putting the princesses and heroines in to twst as is. I know others have created schools like that! But not me.
Plus rather than twist versions it’s more fun throwing the actual girls into twst. It’s more.. intimate? Bc half or a majority of the girls are already directly tied to the great seven or some of the staff, one way or another.
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silyabeeodess · 2 years
I also think that Jamil has a lot of traits that line up with Jasmine as well. They both feel trapped in their circumstances and want to see the world. They have similar sounding names.
True, I remember that being a big part of the main film with the relationship between Aladdin and Jasmine as well:
The song from the musical, "A Million Miles Away," also illustrates this really well.
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What was Kris reaction to Leona's reason for asking everyone to come. Also are you also surprised that this event references the Lion Guard?
Listen... Kris knows who she's dating. There is ALWAYS a motive if Leona is actually wanting to spend more time with his classmates. While she doesn't necessarily agree with how much he avoids extra work, she can also agree that etiquette classes sound annoying and she wouldn't want to teach them either.
Also yes I was. While there had been some lion guard speculations @aquaburst3 and I had thrown around at some point I never thought the game would all but say LEONA of all people was the lion guard. It made me giggle a lot thinking about it.
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dearestones · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Kalim al-Asim
Warnings: Fluff. 
@aquaburst3 Request: Hi there, can I get a Twisted Wonderland romantic matchup for my OC?
Name: Adriana “Addie/Ria” Jasmine Strano-García Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Long and thick curly hair. Dark umber hair colour. Light brown skin (like the Scarabia Dou). Brown eyes. Hourglass figure. 5'2. Personality: She is a sassy, witty and bold former popular mean girl, who became humbled after her ex cheated on her with another girl, but still has a lot to learn in order to become a better and more balanced person. She’s also quite ambitious, analytical and a quick planner. On the flipside, she’s secretive, cut throat, manipulative, in her own head a lot, over thinks things, super guarded, even to the point of hiding shit from loved ones, and has some huge himedere tendencies due to coming from a wealthy family. Hobbies: Drawing, painting, improv, photography, playing video games, streaming series, snowboarding, running and hiking What she wants in a partner: I think she ultimately wants a partner who is loyal, understanding and truly cares about her, especailly after being cheated on. She also responds to acts of service and words of affirmation the best.
Extra Facts:
Aspects of her personality are heavily inspired by the animated versions of Alice, Tiana and Princess Jasmine.
She is also inspired by Sokka (ATLA), Poppy (Wild Child) and Naofumi (ROTSH)
If she identified as male and was a mage, she would’ve been sorted into Pomefiore or Octanivelle.
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After going through the information given, I believe that you best pair well with Kalim al-Asim!
By the Sevens, you’re so beautiful! The instant he meets you for the first time, Kalim is instantly taken by your beauty. He’s not one to fully judge based on appearance, but he absolutely loves your hair! It’s so thick and curly… It even bounces when you move! Your voluminous hair makes him want to run his hands through it. 
When Kalim gets to know you better, and if you have the courage to tell him about your past, he’ll be somewhat wary, but grateful for your change of heart. Even if you don’t divulge your past to him, he’s a perceptive person even if most other people don’t think so. He’s a person who has learned to be wary of assassination attempts and suspicious persons, so he can hazard a guess that you have a past that you’re not too fond of, but you are trying to do better. In the end, he focuses more on the positive side of things: that you have improved somewhat!
As a member of Scarabia Dorm, he understands what it’s like to be ambitious and to plan things well in advance. Although he isn’t the shining example like the other Housewardens, he can clearly see how well you could fit in Scarabia… Ah, but you would rather prefer Pomefiore or Octavinelle? That’s more than fine by him, you’re so refined and intelligent!
While Kalim appreciates your quick wit and intelligence, he can be a little put off by the fact that you house a lot of traits that remind him of people who could easily put him out of commission if they truly wanted to. Everyone has their secrets, Kalim included, but the more you withhold certain aspects of yourself, the more he gets reminded of Jamil’s Overblot and the circumstances leading up to it. Please, if you need someone to talk to, know that you have a confidant in Kalim. Even if you don’t want to talk to him, you should surely find someone else. 
Although Kalim is also from a wealthy family, he isn’t as arrogant or snobbish as most others who were born into a life of privilege. Because of this, however, he knows your type really well. He knows that you have been humbled and are striving to do better for yourself, but your antics can hurt people more often than not. Kalim had to learn the hard way that his actions have consequences and that led to Jamil betraying him in the process. If you’re not too careful, he tells you with concern in his eyes, someone could do the same. 
As you can see, Kalim takes you very seriously. Not as a threat, but as another person born from wealth. Out of anyone else, he can empathize what it’s like to be in a place where you were surrounded by much fortune for most of your life, only to have drawbacks in the process: for him, assassination attempts, relative isolation, and ignorance of the outside world; for you, your cutthroat personality. 
Oh my, you’re such an active person! Kalim may not share most of your interests with you, but he appreciates how well-rounded you are. If you ever ask for it, he’ll gladly provide the necessary materials for your hobbies. If you complain about your art supplies, he’ll buy you new ones from a renowned art supplier. If you don’t like your camera, he’ll get you a new one! Maybe this new camera has magic in it, too! And if you need more practice with your chosen sports, he can easily reserve a resort for just the two of you so you can go snowboarding. 
As for what she desires in a partner, Kalim hopes that he can match your expectations. He’ll admit, he was wary of you at first, but the more time he spends with you, the more he realizes just how much you wish to share your love with another person. Kalim knows he’s not perfect; his recent conversations with Jamil have revealed just how ignorant he was, but for you he’ll try because you’re also working on bettering yourself as well! Besides, he’s many things, but a cheater is not one of them. You can count on him!
Overall, you cannot deny that there is a tension, maybe even a rivalry, between you and Kalim during your first few interactions. However, in order for this relationship to flourish, you need to lower your guard and reveal weakness. For the both of you, this could easily be akin as asking for an assassination on both your persons. However, this is the price you pay for trust and if you pay it forward, you will surely reap bountiful rewards. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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