#I miss being able to do whatever the fuck I wanted and smoke inside or leave when I wanted and just be independent
rosicheeks · 1 year
What's wrong Princess?
#idk if I even want to talk about it#like I do but I don’t#my dad sat me down and basically said that every night that I’m out late he’s been sitting up awake cause he’s worried and can’t sleep#cause he’s scared I’m going to get pulled over and my car is going to get impounded and he won’t be able to pay for it#idk there’s so many things going through my mind#I miss my old place so fucking much…. like I had no clue it was going to be this fucking hard#I miss being able to do whatever the fuck I wanted and smoke inside or leave when I wanted and just be independent#I wish my parents understood and wasn’t completely against weed#I wish it was easier to talk to them about this and literally everything#I wish I wasn’t such a disappointment to them#I think that’s what has been getting to me the most#I just want my parents to be proud of me#right now I feel like all they think I am is an unemployed stoner who isn’t doing anything with my life#when I’m trying SO HARD#I also just loved having that time to myself#going out to the car from 9-2/3am and being able to smoke and do whatever I want#it was a chance to breathe and ya know take a second to think#but now I don’t feel like I can go out late anymore#cause I don’t want my dad to lose sleep over me and how worried he gets#I wish my life was different#I’m all over the place cause my mind is racing and I’m crying#I just want to cuddle#but since I can’t#I wanna smoke#but now I can’t#so I guess I’ll go to bed#cry myself to sleep#cause idk when the last time I went to bed before midnight#and it’s 10:30#ask
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kahvilahuhut · 1 month
we both know how it will end
a small little thing i've been thinking about related to what happens before cynosure. some mars politics and stuff. hehe, enjoy 🤍
summary: Election days tend to look greyer if what you believe in is not winning. Even more greyer if you know how bad things would be if the guy who's currenrly winning wins. characters: Nathan, Dana, Victor (mentioned) warnings: smoking
Nathan stepped out into the quiet alkey. He's been leaving through back doors more and more now, to leave unseen and to avoid all the curious people interested in small talk or too nosy about his life. Often forgetting his coats inside, too.
The cold air felt weird on his hands, and as he unrolled down his sleeves, he was debating on whether to go back inside to get it or of he should just come back tomorrow. No, it's not that important. Not like I'll get sick anyway.
Last time he was on an election event, the room was full of hopeful, happy people. They knew things were doing well. And even if they wouldn't win, everything would be fine. Mars policymaking was always made on compromises, and everything was taken into consideration no matter what.
But this was different. Since the beginning, each of the guests seemed full of dread, no hope in sight. One of those who were in the race, a new face to him, at least he thought so, walked to Nathan at some point, asking if it was like this before. If everyone was so scared. Nathan shook his head, not having the energy to try and comfort the person.
Another stopped Nathan by the bar, asking how he felt about being here, yet not being able to actually do something. Stripped of rights he once had, in the worst way possible. "I'll be fine, don't worry," was all he could say.
Victor did as he promised - built a large group of followers who believed whatever he said - and it was enough to turn things around. Turn things to worse, so that only he and his friends would benefit from it, even if it would look like everyone does. Turn people against to each other so that they would have other things to do instead of paying attention to what was happening behind the scenes of the millionaire's charismatic show.
Nathan leaned back on the wall and took out a cigarette. A weird little habit he picked from a collegue, who was now missing, who knows where, not important right now. It's not like Nathan liked smoking - it's not like it had any effect on him, either, but the little smoke breaks they used to have usually helped him calm down.
As he flicked the lighter, a slightly distorted voice asked, "Feeling nervous?".
Nathan, startled, dropped both the lighter and the cigarette, and muttered a quiet 'fuck' as he kneeled to pick them up. "Do you enjoy scaring people like that?" He asked while dusting off the lighter.
"Still not used to this, are you?" Dana chuckled.
"No." Nathan looked around to make sure he's alone, and carefully sat down on the more clean-looking part of the street and closed his eyes. Blue interface appeared in his sights, along with Dana's audio call avatar. "Ugh. Okay. Yes to both of these questions."
"Well, I wish things were different too, you know."
Nathan rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't think otherwise."
"Aren't you grumpy today. Where are you?"
"In the back alley of the club, tried to have a smoke," he muttered and put the lighter in his pocket, "The streets are awfully quiet. It's unsettling."
"Smoking android. Interesting concept," Dana's voice sounded as if she's actually thinking that it's funny. "How's the sunset there?"
"Blue, like always. What do you want?"
"To check on you. Know how you feel. Can see it in your system readings, too."
"Why even bother asking if you can read?"
"I'm bored and have no one else to talk to," she paused for a moment, "Besides, I would love to hear your thoughts. Can't read those anywhere. Have you talked to Finn yet?"
"Phineas's still on Phobos," he muttered and looked at the sky. A darkish, uneven spot on the sky was making him painfully aware of how long it has been since he saw his partner. "As for my thoughts? Woke up today and thought, how much do tickets to Earth cost, and how much paperwork would moving there require. Hell, Dana, it is not going well."
"Hey, at least you can move."
"I'm not planning it, don't worry. I'm sure we'll figure something out. It's not the end of the world."
"Keep saying that. Meanwhile that rich fucker and his little friends will turn this whole planet into worker's nightmare or something. Or, well, not the whole planet..."
"So your plan is working?"
"Early to say. I am hopeful, though. Mackie reps seem to be quite excited. Nice to see a corporation that absolutely hates Victor."
"Good for you."
"Thank you! As for this day, well. We both know how it will end, Nate. I just wish you strength to survive it. Though I'm sure you won't need it, you're naturally good at it. Go home and curl up on a couch instead of some dirty alley full of dust after yesterday's little storm. Sun will shine tomorrow again, and maybe you'll get an idea or two on how to get out of this mess."
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hes-a-rainbow · 2 years
Heaven And Hell (Part 4) ~ e.m.
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A/N: I’m not really sure if anyone is actually reading this, but if you enjoy, please share! I will be updating every Wednesday 🖤
Summary: Steve gets wasted and makes Eddie double think everything he’s ever known about Noah. The truth is finally revealed.
Warnings: 18+ for mature content, ANGST (seriously the most angsty of all the parts so far), Eddie being angry and kind of an ass, references to the Upside Down, Stevie being full on drunk baby girl, mentions of alcohol, language, (let me know if I miss anything!)
Word Count: 2.5k
(Divider by @silkholland​)
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Eddie watches her from afar as she floats around Steve’s living room. It seems as if everybody wants to see her, hug her, ask her a million questions. But Eddie keeps his distance.
He feels like a teenager again as he watches her from his position by the wall. Every now and then he catches her eye, seemingly looking out for him as much as he was for her. His heart even doing a little somersault each time she would look away quickly, embarrassed at being caught.
She looks to be having fun, and Eddie is just happy he is able to hear her laugh again. He had long ago come to accept that he may never see her again. Even though she had promised to come visit.
But there were a lot of promises she made and hadn’t kept.
The room around him suddenly feels too crowded, and the itching in the back of his throat has him clutching around his pockets for his cigarettes. Once he feels them in his shirt pocket (exactly where he left them), he maneuvers himself towards the kitchen and steps out onto the back porch for some peace and quiet.
Surprisingly, nobody has jumped into Harrington’s pool completely wasted yet, but the night was still young.
He places the bottle of beer down beside him as he grabs a cigarette and places it in his mouth. He’s able to watch the party through the glass doors which kind of makes him feel like a creep but he eventually gets over it once he spots Noah laughing at something El and Max are telling her.
He thinks briefly about what it would be like if she had never left. Would they have been married yet? Most definitely. Kids? Perhaps one or two already. Call him old fashioned but he always liked the idea of a boy and girl. But he had also watched for years as Noah was the only one able to rally the Hellfire boys and put them in their place. So maybe even two boys would be fun. Honestly, he’d just be happy with whatever they were given. As long as their child was healthy and happy.
And looked just like their mama.
His heart drops as his brain reminds him she’s already one step ahead of him. He takes a long drag of his cigarette as mind filters through different scenarios.
She didn’t necessarily tell Robin she was single, just that she wasn’t married (Eddie had Robin repeat it word for word multiple times). And just because she may not be with the father now, doesn’t mean she isn’t dating somebody else. Because if she was dating somebody else she wouldn’t have come back to Hawkins without them. Right?
Or maybe she did. And maybe she assumed dropping the bombshell of a child and a partner were too much and she was stashing them at Pop's house until she could figure out how to introduce them to everybody. Or maybe–
“Fuck, I’m totally striking out tonight man,” Steve groans as he slides the patio door close behind him. Eddie didn’t even notice him approaching and jumps a little at the intrusion. Steve gives him a weird look but telling by how glassy his eyes are and how slow he’s carrying himself as he walks over to where Eddie stands, is a clear indicator that Steve is at least three sheets to the wind already.
Eddie huffs, shaking his head as he blows out some smoke towards the sky. “You gonna finish that?” Steve all but slurs as he points to the cigarette dangling from Eddie’s hand.
“Be my guest.” The two men stand in silence, the night around them quiet as the party still rages inside. Eddie grabs for his beer next to him and takes a big gulp wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he spots Noah’s red dress again in the crowd.
“It’s crazy, innit?” Eddie looks over as Steve takes in another drag before continuing, “Just like old times right?” Steve nods his head towards the door where Noah and Robin are on the other side dancing to some new pop song Eddie doesn't know (or care to know) the name of.
Eddie just hums his response in agreement. Feeling mesmerized as he watches Robin spin Noah around. The two girls laugh as Noah accidentally knocks into someone behind, both dramatically apologizing for spilling the guys drink. Eddie thinks it’s someone Robin must know but he doesn’t recognize him. The man doesn’t look mad at all and laughs it off with the girls who suddenly bring him into a makeshift dance circle of sorts.
“I can’t believe one of us has a fucking kid.” Steve seems to be content to keep talking as Eddie just nods along with him. Scoffing Steve adds, “You wanna hear something really crazy?”
“When–” Steve burps before continuing while Eddie just rolls his eyes, “When me and Rob saw the kid in her cart,” Eddie brings the bottle up to his mouth for another swig as Steve continues, “Rob was totally convinced it was your kid.”
Eddie is lucky he isn’t drinking anything because he’s sure he would’ve choked.
His head turns to Steve so fast his neck hurts, “What?!”
Eddie hadn’t even thought that was a possibility. Robin had said the kid was a toddler but what does that mean, like one or two years old at most? He didn’t know! He had just assumed she was still a baby but if she was older than that could mean—No. No absolutely not, she wouldn’t do that to him. But his brain quickly reminds him that she had told him she would never leave and she had done just that.
“I know!” Steve laughs, taking the last drag of the cigarette before throwing it on the porch and stomping it out. “Dude, how fucking crazy would that be?” Eddie places his bottle to the side as he grabs hold of Steve’s shoulders to turn him to look at him.
“What the fuck are you talking about, Harrington?” Steve seems to be looking right through Eddie as another laugh passes through him, his voice is high pitched as he responds, “I know!”
Eddie’s heart is racing and he can hear the blood rushing in his ears. “No, no, no, no, no, I don’t think you do, Stevie. Why the fuck did Robin say that?”
Steve’s eyes go wide as he holds up his hands in defense, “Don’t get mad at me, man. I didn’t have your baby.” He’s cracking up at the word ‘baby’ and Eddie is convinced Steve snuck into the stash he had brought to the party for later. Eddie shakes Steve by the shoulders lightly, trying to get him to focus, “Steve! Why? Why did Robin say that?”
Eddie has never felt more sorry for Wayne than he has right now, trying to talk with an inebriated Steve Harrington; all the times Wayne had to put up with him in this exact state comes racing back and he makes a note to get him something really nice for Christmas this year.
“Because the kid looked just like you dude!” Steve yells back before gesturing wildly around his head, “She had this big crazy hair, just like yours!” Eddie feels like he’s about to pass out from all the blood rushing to his face. But Steve apparently wasn’t done just yet. “And those eyes! She’s got big ol’ cow eyes!” Steve sticks his fingers by his eyelids as he holds them open even bigger to prove his point. Eddie claps his hand over one of Steve’s cheeks lightly, “Hey Stevie, I need you to tell me how old the kid is.”
Steve sways a little before, “I don’t know like 2 or 3.”
Eddie clasps his other hand over Steve’s other cheek, now firmly holding him in place as his breathing gets heavier, “Which one is it, man?! 2 or 3?”
Steve stops for a second, holds up his finger in a ‘one minute’ motion as he thinks over his answer. “Okay, no, no, no. The kid was definitely 5.”
“No, six.” Eddie is convinced Steve doesn’t even know what planet he’s on right now, because of course he bought the good stuff out for Robin’s party, but fuck he really wants to punch something right now.
He looks over his shoulder towards the patio door, Steve's face still held firmly in his grasp. He can see Noah is back by the kitchen now, refilling her drink as she talks with Will and Robin.
He has to talk to her; he has to talk to her right now or he swears his brain is gonna explode.
“Whoa, are you guys about to kiss right now?” Eddie and Steve’s head turn to see Dustin standing in the doorway of the back patio.
“What?! No!” Eddie releases his grasp from Steve as he heads towards the sliding door.
Dustin holds up his hands, “I’m not judging, I’m just saying–”
“Shut up, Henderson!” Eddie shouts at him while Steve is mumbling something along the lines of ‘you wish, Munson’.
Dustin lets out an offensive squeak as Eddie pushes him to the side and stomps his way over to the kitchen.
Again, he makes a mental note to get Dustin something extra nice for Christmas too.
He hears his name being called as he races past dancing bodies. His blood is rushing too loudly in his ears for him to even figure out who it is. He can feel a pounding in his head, a sure sign of an upcoming stress headache. His heart races harder with each step he takes and he stops by the island counter in the kitchen. Standing directly behind Noah as she continues chatting with Will.
Will notices him first and lets out an excited “Eddie!” which causes Noah to turn to look at him, her smile quickly fades when she sees the look on his face. She’s only seen this look a few times before, one time being after a particularly bad beating from the football team and another after he went to go visit his father in jail.
Noah’s heart picks up in her chest as she places her hand on his shoulder out of habit, “Hey, what’s–”
“Is she mine?!” Eddie yells into the kitchen causing everyone in there to go completely silent. Robin turns around from the sink she’s standing out and lets out a furious call of his name.
Noah’s eyes grow wide but she catches herself quickly, “Are you drunk?”
“Is. She. Mine?” Eddie repeats himself, enunciating every syllable. He feels like he’s absolutely seething and can feel the warm sensation of tears behind his eyes.
Had he never known Noah at all? Had the person he knew completely changed after the Upside Down? How could she do this to him?
Eddie is so hyper focused on Noah he doesn’t even notice the small crowd that’s making their way towards the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about.
Noah looks around at the faces of her old friends and peers, her face heating up. She doesn’t even know how he can accuse her of such a thing. Especially in front of all these people.
Did he not know her at all?
Her eyes become blurry as she feels a rush of hot tears coming, she moves her hand to his forearm squeezing as she begs, “Can we please talk about this in private?” The trance Eddie is in finally breaks when he sees a tear fall from her eye. He can tell by the wobble of her lip that she’s trying her best to keep herself together. Eddie looks up at Will, whose arm is outstretched towards Noah and then he sees Robin, who looks like she’s about to jump over the counter and absolutely murder Eddie where he stands. It also doesn’t help that she was seemingly slicing up more limes and has a giant knife in her hand.
Eddie looks back towards Noah, the tears are falling from her eyes more frequently now and he takes a deep breath and collects himself. His shoulders sag downwards as he clears his throat, “I’m sorry. Let’s–Let’s find somewhere private.”
He holds his hand out to her, a physical manifestation of an olive branch, and for a split second he worries she won’t take it and honestly he wouldn’t blame her if she decided to slap him across the face and never wanted to see him again. But he lets out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding as she slips her smaller hand into his. He can hear whispers around him, people he doesn’t know or doesn’t care about as they walk away from the kitchen and towards the stairs.
He catches a glimpse of fiery red hair before Max is stepping in front of the both of them. Her arms are folded and if Robin’s looks could kill, Max’s looks could maim and torture. She doesn’t say anything as she stares down Eddie.
“Max…It’s fine.” He can barely hear Noah whisper over the still playing bubblegum pop music but Max stalls for a second before hesitantly stepping out of their way.
He lets Noah lead the way up the stairs. He relishes the way her hand feels back in his, back where it belongs, but only wishes it could be under other circumstances.
He tries and fails to ignore the frequent sniffling or the fact that she keeps wiping at her cheeks with the back of her free hand.
She leads him into the first empty room; a seemingly unused guest room. She holds the door open as Eddie shuffles in, tail between his legs. He has no idea what had just come over him. He felt like a petulant child about to be scolded, and if he was being honest, he deserved it.
She drops his hand so she can close the door with both of hers. She waits a few seconds and he hears her release a loud breath before turning around. Her hands are rubbing down the sides of her hair, more unruly now from the dancing than when he had first seen her outside. She reaches down to a small lamp on the bedlight table, switching the light on and casting a low yellow hue throughout the room.
She faces him slowly, crossing her arms over her chest as she creates a barrier, both physically and mentally, between them. When she doesn’t speak, Eddie thinks she’s waiting for him to start so he does so without hesitation, “I’m sorry. Shit, I’m so fucking sorry,” He runs his hands through his hair as he takes a step closer towards her, when she doesn’t retreat from him, he takes that as a good sign and continues, “I just–Harrington is high as fuck and he was saying talking out of his ass but–”
“Why did you ask that?” Her voice is calm but her eyes are still shiney enough that he knows she is just holding her tears at the surface.
He takes a deep breath, sitting down on the side of the bed before leaning his forearms on his knees, “Can you just tell me…” He whispers it to the carpet because he’s already fucked up so much tonight and he’s too much of a coward to face her directly.
He watches as her beaten leather boots step in front of him until she is standing within arms reach.
“She’s not yours.” He takes in a shaky breath while she continues, “I don’t know what you wanted to hear but she’s not yours.”
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Freedom - Eddie munson x Steve's sister reader smut
Warnings 😈
Swearing [eddie saying Jesus Christ]
Unprotected sex [READER IS ON THE PILL]
reader gets eaten out
Implied smoking weed 
A/n: i don't know what being high feels like so… i tried 
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You stood again in the kitchen as your mom lectures you. you sigh frustrated. "why are you not on Steve's ass" you asked, taking your mother back. "because! Steve is fine besides you're a girl and i-" the door rings cutting off your mom. you rush to it already knowing the big curly hair and brown eyes wait behind it. "EDDIE! You squeal jumping into his arms. he wraps his around you before chuckling. "starting to think it's not about the drugs with you sweetheart" eddie teases causing you to let go swallowing and pull your skirt in place.
"sorry" you say and walk to the car to hide your embarrassment. "woah! woah! i didn't say stop doll face i enjoy your hugs" eddie says getting in the driver's seat. "It's fine you're right it's not professional to hug" you said and it tugged at eddie's heart a bit that you said it like that but he nodded. It was just a quick fix, just about smoking. The ride was silent till you got into his house in his room and started your session and Eddie somehow became your therapist as you vent about life. "I mean I just want to be able to be me and not another Steve.
I love my brother but i'm not him you know" you voiced. "You're so tense just breathe and enjoy this" Eddie said and after a few minutes you finally were relaxed with no stress or care. "Eddie, sometimes I want us to be more" you lazily said and Eddie sat up at the confession. "with me why" he asked in shock and you sigh. "because you're free Eddie. you live like you want, you don't care for anything but whatever it is that makes you happy and i wanna feel that with you. I wanna be silly, I wanna play guitar, I do this because it's just no pressure.
you make me happy and free"You said. Eddie rushed to you, falling a bit Before he kissed you hard and sloppy. you kissed back the same way it was a passionate mess. "let me make you feel more free, let me fuck you" eddie said and you giggled and nodded. you couldn't deny even though he sounded stupid he still managed to make feel the heat build inside you. you both pulled the clothes off each other stumbling.
Neither one of you denied how passionate and turned on you were. everything felt like you walked on clouds. each kiss to the neck, each glide across his chest. Eddie didn't waste time once he was free of his and your clothes. he put you on his bed, spread your legs making space for himself as he grabbed your thighs ready to eat. he ran his fingers through you folds gathering the wetness. "Jesus fucking Christ your dripping sweetheart!" he said before you felt the curls of his hair brushing your inner thigh as he licked and sucked your sensitive clit.
"it's so sweet. have you ever tried yourself sweetheart" Eddie teased before he dipped back down again licking and tasting every place his tongue could go as you gripped his hair whining for him. you couldn't be sure if it was to stop him or to ask for more. his tongue curiously entered your pussy licking his tongue going deep causing you to lean forward. "Eddie please" you moaned. you were high off the intoxicating feeling and you wanted more, you want him, all of him.
"what's up sweetheart, tell me what you need" he asked coming from between your thighs. "you Eddie, i need you" you begged and Eddie was more than happy to give you what you asked for.  he sat up from between your legs and you already missed him being there. he positioned himself between your legs tapping at your wet sobbing cunt before he pushed in slow as if he was remembering entering you.
"Jesus! fuck, fuck, fuck" you knew Eddie damned you to hell with his chanting. "your tight doll, so tight loosen up for me yeah?" he said as he moved, setting his hips in a gliding motion pulling back thrusting in. his body shuddering as you moaned and yelped. it was painfully slow but you were high and it cause you to feel like electricity went though you. "Eddie i yes! right there! please there!" you yelped almost sounding not human as Eddie brushed your g spot with his slow deep thrust.
"fuck yes! oh god" he groaned as he fell to your chest. his lips met yours as he kissed you, tongue slipping through your lips. he pulled apart leaving a string of saliva. he place his head in your neck and you wrapped your legs around his back as an attempt to bring him closer. your hands on his back, fingers in his skin. "this is the Best high sex ever doll you feel so good" he praised kissing your neck.
"Eddie fuck I'm Cumming" you cried. he continued working his hips as you road out your high feeling light and weightless as your body shook going limp. Eddie followed suite as you squeezed him. he pulled out after a few thrust rolling to the side of you. "i like you too y/n and I'll be happy to fuck you to freedom again sweetheart" eddie said and you chuckled. 
Request open 💙
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smutson · 2 years
The Bet (Part 2)
PART ONE LISTED ABOVE :) Summary: After making a bet with your best friend Robin to finally tell your crushes you like them, a party at Steve's seemingly a great time to do it, the night ends with more than you were expecting. This is part 2. Warnings: Underage drinking, smoking, cursing, drug dealing, kissing, a little smutty. Word Count: 5.6k
The party beyond Steve’s door roars as you approach it. Yells and cheers of someone finishing a shot can be heard echoing around the house, as you grip your jacket, one hand in Eddie’s, the other on the hem of your coat. There’s no way that really happened. Absolutely not. On no plane, would Eddie making out with you be feasible, not even in your wildest fantasies, but yet here you were. And it happened in Steve’s bedroom? Years of imagining this moment and yet it happened in the Hair’s bed? What the hell. Lips slightly bruised from the deep wanting of the kisses, and legs on fire, you leave Steve’s bedroom.
He liked you. He liked you back and you had kissed. What realm did you slip into and how drunk were you for this to actually be real. As you both approach the stairwell leading the the vivacious shouts from below, you glance at Eddie. His hair messy and slightly sweaty from the possible fantasy exchange between you two blows past his shoulders as he walks. He turns around to face you and nervously grins, still unable to believe what had just happened as much as you are and what Steve had regrettably walked in on. “Well…shall we?” He asks and gestures towards the party below. You nod and smile back, face still heat rushed and red. You both walk down the stairs together, Eddie in the lead, when you catch a shouting match to your right in the living room.
“I bet you 20$ that you can’t finish that drink before I do Buckley!” “Well, enjoy being broke Joe. I’ll take this drink in your honor.” You can hear Robin’s voice from the stairwell, sloppy and slurring. Uh oh. You approach the entry way of the living room and find a crowd of sweaty intoxicated people in your wake. Robin is holding up a cup alongside a fellow senior named Joe Raskins. They both clink their plastic cups clumsily together and begin chugging whatever liquor is inside down quickly. Chants from the crowd with each painful looking sip. Brown liquid starts dripping down Robin’s face as she continues gulping. She never drinks this much unless she’s upset. Oh fuck. Vickie. Caught up in the drunk haziness of your own portion of the bet, you had completely forgotten about Robin’s half. Did they talk? Was she okay? She didn’t look okay, that was for sure.
You walk over to Robin as she finishes chugging and holds the cup up triumphantly, resulting in a bellow of cheers from the crowd around you. Joe finally finishes his drink and looks disappointedly at Robin, with her big grin and all, and fishes a 20$ bill out of his pocket to give to her. She takes it and hangs it over Joe's defeated face with a grin and slurs out a thank you when she bumps into you. “Y/N! Oh I missed you! I just won 20$ here from Joe in a drinking competition!” She belts out and embraces you upon arrival. You giggle back, feeling your own intoxication start to bubble your mind and body. “Wow. Truly an impressive feat Robin.” You say with a smile, before continuing. “Hey, are you okay?” You ask in a slightly softer tone. Robin looks down at the empty cup in her hands and pushes out a breathy laugh. “Of course I’m okay. I mentally prepared in the car, remember.” She chuckles softly, no remaining tint of humor in her voice.
Oh Robin. Sweet and lovable Robin, standing before you drunk and filled with a sadness you could try your best to fill but would never fully be able to. Vickie had turned her down. And there was nothing you could say that would make the situation okay. Only just being there for you best friend, whether a shoulder to cry on or a person to scream to. Your face scrunches up and you pull your drunken friend into a soft hug. She squeezes back hard and you hear a chuckle followed by a sniffle in your ear. “I walked in on them Y/N. In the bathroom. They were kissing. I feel…so stupid.” Robin mumbles into your shoulder and you squeeze back, a deepening crease in your eyebrows. “Robin…I am so sorry I wasn’t there. I am so sorry.” You stutter out, a deepening guilt building on your stomach. While you had been kissing Eddie upstairs, your best friend was drinking herself dry alone and embarrassed. Fuck, were you pissed at yourself. No matter how much you had yearned and dreamed for this, your best friend needed you and you were being selfish. Robin lifts her head from you and looks at Eddie standing behind you, his face worried and still a touch pink flushed and a childish grin sweeps her face, slightly darkened by the events of the night.
“I see one of us may have succeeded.” She says, genuinely smiling at you. The feeling of selfishness fills you again but the giddy, almost child like excitement is present as well. You scrunch your face in worry at your best friend, but a slight smile creeps onto your face as she wiggles her eyebrows at you, expecting an answer “Um…yeah. Kind of.” You say, speaking more towards the ground, and Robin, despite her level of drunkenness, grabs you in a bear hug and lifts you off the ground, spinning. “I TOLD YOU! I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!” She chants while swirling around with you, almost body slamming you into innocent party-goers in the process. A hearty laugh escapes you and you do a small shimmy in her arms. “I will tell you everything once we’re alone. But…it was amazing.” You whisper in her ear, resulting in a huge face splitting grin from Robin and a little head bang. You continue, “But dude are you okay? What’s the plan? Are we staying here tonight or do you want to come over to mine?” Your voice is slightly slurred, a sound you didn’t notice until just now. Maybe driving was off the list of possibilities. Robin shrugs dramatically and releases you from her super human drunken grip. “I don’t know and don’t care tonight Y/N. Let’s just stay here and get blasted.” She says, trying to shrug off the disappointment of the evening with a couple rolls of her shoulders.
(Author's note: What I imagine playing during the dancing scene.)
“Okay we can do that” You slur out, laughing at Robin’s nonchalant and rather drunken flirty glances at a pretty girl in the corner of the room. Eddie grabs you by the shoulder, and looks down at both of you. “Hey, I can drive you guys home if you need. Strong tolerance and all. Be more than happy to do it.” “That actually sounds awesome Eddie. Thank you. But honestly I don’t think either of us are ready to leave quite yet.” Robin drones out and grabs you and starts dancing to the song that had been subtle background music a few seconds earlier.
Robin drunkenly unleashes into dancing and swaying her head back and forth. You follow her lead, a bit more awkwardly but enough to get the job done. Dancing was never something you were good at, but it hasn’t stopped your love for doing it at parties once the tipsiness sets in. The crowd around you creating a thick warmth in the living room. Eddie laughs, looking down at his shoes, then jumps into the dancing with you both. He dramatically throws his arm to one side and the other, more energetic than the whole crowd combined and it is hilarious to behold. He shimmies his shoulders in Robin's direction throwing his hair back and forth. She catches sight of his swaying and laughs so hard she drops to the ground, crouching and holding one hand to her mouth, trying to stifle the drunken and vicious laughter. He starts head banging towards Robin on the ground and her face turns red from the laughing. "Eddie stop dude! I can_ can't breath!" She tries to push out from behind the endless stream of giggles. You stumble into him and he turns his attention and over excited head banging to you, grabbing both your hands and swinging them to the beat. Attempting to follow his lead, your clumsy feet try and match the beat while your head sways back and forth, probably consistently off beat. You flash him a giant grin, resulting in the pause of his over exaggerated movements and he slings his arms around your shoulders and down your back.
A hug. Something you both had shared on a countless number of occasions. When Eddie got held back the first time. A hug. When you broke your arm, screaming into the woods you had fallen into. A hug. But now? A hug, intimate and tight and swallowing you and your heart whole in a beautiful array of goosebumps dotting your flesh from his warmth. A hug, yes. But something so deeply intimate the tingles erupting throughout your body at the simple touch of his familiar arms around you? That was new. “Whatdoya say sweetheart? Have my dancing skills impressed you yet?” Eddie laughs out, unevenly breathing against your face in warm waves. The stillness of you both holding each other amongst the crowd of intoxicated classmates jumping and dancing to some new upbeat pop song somehow makes the encounter more intimate. Like you both are alone in your bedroom. Quiet and tranquil. The party doesn’t bat one look in your directions, too riled up or drunk to care, but for you, it feels like time has stopped and all there is in this world his him. “I must say, the level of enthusiasm itself was the best performance I've seen.” You giggle lamely at him as he smiles down at you, his dimples dotting his face. Nervous summersaults penetrate your stomach, the contents of which are too much alcohol and a dizzying nervous excitement of the possibilities of what is to come next. Robin slides her hand onto your shoulder and time starts moving again, and you’re back in the sweaty living room.
“Okay Y/N. I think it’s time to leave. That dancing is stirring up the breakfast burrito I had before we left…and I don’t think I wanna see it ever again.” Robin slurs into your ear. You nod and glance at Eddie who already has his keys in one hand. You all push your way past the party and it’s ridiculous amount of guests to the front door, which has what looks like a cracked egg sliming down it. “Oh shit, Stevie-boy has a lot of cleaning to do.” Eddie says, his tone sympathetic as he opens the front door. Guiltiness fills your head again at the thought of him having to deal with the crazy mess this stampede will leave in it’s wake and you make a mental note to come by and help clean tomorrow. The least you can do, considering how you and Eddie had invaded his bed and little bathroom sanctuary of hair products. You hold Robin up as she stumbles down the front steps, humming a Bowie song loudly in your ear. Following Eddie down the street, Robin falls twice, seemingly tripping over nothing but her own beaten up green converse. Both of you attempt to lift her as delicately as possible but by the end of the chilly walk, she is slung over both of your shoulders giggling, seemingly getting more drunk by the footfall.
“I don’t need heeeer.” Robin sluggishly blurts out as Eddie’s van comes into view. “No you do not kiddo.” Eddie retorts, handing you the car keys while he holds her up. “You’re too cool to be heartbroken by some girl. And way too fun for some band geek.” This results in Robin lifting her head towards him, trying to form words with a scowl. “Y/N and me are both band geeks you jerkhead.” She musters and Eddie and you both chuckle and get the sliding door of his van open. 
"Yeah jerkhead!" You agree. “Fair point, sorry ladies.” He says and helps you delicately load Robin into the back seat of the van, grabbing the random red blanket Eddie always keeps in his backseat and throwing it over her. “Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?” You ask after tucking her into the chair and pulling the seatbelt over her slouching shoulder. She shakes her head quickly, eyes shut tight. “I don’t think so Y/N. I gotta sad mix to listen to and a kitchen pantry to raid.”
“Okay Robin.” You tell her and hop in the passenger seat up front. You really didn’t want to leave her alone tonight if she was this upset, but your best friend had the adamant tendency to crave alone time when she needed it. And you couldn’t blame her. You would have wanted the exact same thing if the roles were switched. Eddie jumps into the van and turns his stereo down before sliding the key in the ignition. A small and thoughtful gesture to Robin that made you smile at your shoes. Eddie’s music was usually always max volume the second the van roared to life and it looked like Robin was already sliding into sleep against the seat belt on her cheek. He pulls off of the curb and drives down the street to Robin’s small 2 bedroom house off of Morgan road. You see your black hearse further down the street and put your hand to the window dramatically. “Stay safe out here tonight Anthony” “Anthony? You named that badass car…Anthony?” Eddie laughs as he pulls to a stop at the first intersection out of Steve's neighborhood. “Hey look. I was excited and picked the first name that came to mind when I got it. And it just…kinda stuck!” “Mmm. Damn shame. That thing needs something crazy, like The Crusader or The WidowMaker!” he says, deepening and crunching up his voice at the names. The laugh escaping your mouth a little louder than necessary, causing Robin to stir in the back. Okay. You were for sure drunk. But at least it was a manageable level? Well…maybe, because an image of the stairs leading to your bedroom at your house seemed a little daunting and like a huge fall and bust your ass risk.
The rest of the drive is peaceful. Both Eddie and you had rolled down the windows and let the cool October breeze wash into the car. The curls of your hair graze you face as you rest your head on the window, taking in the street lights and trees of sleepy Hawkins. You catch Eddie glancing over at you a few times out of the corner of your eye and blush, focusing on the dazey scenery out the window. You close your eyes and remember all the details of what happened in Steve’s room. The yearning and deep wanting of his kisses. His hips against yours. The way he moaned into your mouth. Eddie takes the turn onto Morgan road and you peacefully sway along with the movement of the van and the wind on your skin. The thoughts and replays couldn’t stop and before you knew it, the van was stopping. “Well…we’re here!” Eddie quips and gestures to Robin’s house to his left with a grin. You open your eyes, and glance to Robin completely unconscious and softly snoring in the backseat. Eddie chuckles at the scene and opens his car door. You follow his lead and gently wake Robin, who grins dreamily at her house once she spots it. She is slung over both of your shoulders once again as you struggle up to her yard and front door.
You grab her house keys secured to her belt loop and hold a finger up to your mouth as you slide the key into the lock. The house is dark and silent. Eddie looks nervous as the unknown landscape of Robin’s living room is cast in shadows. “It’s okay, it’s not far.” You whisper to him and slowly sneak through the door. You direct him around the furniture you’ve seen countless times, muscle memory of their placements aiding the pitch black journey. Turning left into the narrow hallway you finally reach her bedroom. Stealthily as you can manage in your intoxicated state, you creak the bedroom door open and Eddie sighs in relief. Her room is just as you had left it a few hours earlier and the lights are on. You both walk her to her bed and gently plop her down. She giggles, eyes still closed as you start taking her shoes and jacket off. Eddie glances around the room and spots the wall of polaroids taped to the wall above the bed.
The polaroid camera, a gift from her mother last Christmas, had been in full use over the summer. Goofy pictures of Robin and Steve eating Ice cream in their Scoops A-hoy costumes, undoubtedly taken by you on your lunch break. A photo of you with a thumbs up and wink while sitting behind the steering wheel the day you had gotten Anthony the hearse with the lame name. Images of Robin and her mom, you, Steve and a couple other people Eddie didn’t recognize are everywhere to be seen. It warmed his heart seeing the last picture. You were dressed in your green and gold marching band uniform, playing the trombone amongst a crowd of other band kids on the football field. Marching band wasn’t his thing. He always found it lame until he met you and saw you play. He only went to the football game that night because one of his regular customers was throwing a party afterwards and needed a good sized order of weed. Eddie had sat down on the bleachers closest to the field and waited for his friend to return from the concession stand, eager as hell to get out of there. During half-time, the band had waltzed onto the field and started playing a rendition Rock you like a Hurricane. He spotted you off the corner, the new kid, already swarmed by friends from within your own little social circle at lunches and swept up with after school practices. He paused and really watched from afar. Passion in your face, a mirror image reflection of his own when he picked up his guitar. Just enveloped in the music. Nothing lame at all could come to his mind when he thought of it now or anytime after that night. But boy did he love to tease you about it.
“Goodnight Robin. Call me when you wakeup okay?” You whisper and give her a quick hug. She nods drunkenly, almost a 100% chance she will not remember this conversation and you and Eddie turn to leave. “Night you little party animal.” He whispers as he opens her bedroom door, turning off the lights in the process. You creep back through the dark living room and close the front door behind you. Eddie dramatically breathes a sigh of relief and gives you a look as if he just escaped a warzone by the skin of his teeth. You shove his shoulder and walk to the van. Once inside together, you realize how much you don’t want the night to end yet. To see him leaving your driveway into the night and be left alone in your bedroom. You wanted to be with him as long as possible. As if reading your mind, he breaks the silence. “Do you wanna stay the night?” Eddie blurts out and nervously glances at his rings. You had stayed the night at Eddie's trailer before but only with other friends accompanying you. Steve, Robin and occasionally Nancy, always made it a comfortable and PG-13 rated sleep over. But alone by yourself? That was a strange and foreign territory, but it seemed to be turning into a night of many firsts. So why not? Your mom thought you were staying over at Robin's anyway. The idea sounds exciting and stirs your insides a bit. You nod at him happily and he repeats the movement.
“Okay. Hell yeah, shit let’s do it!” He says, a slight nervous grin on his cheeks. He turns up the stereo and bounds down the street to the trailer park a good 10 minute drive away. A few seconds later he lowers the music and adds “Is your mom okay with that? Because as long as I don’t get eaten alive by your family that would be great” You laugh and stare at his anxious features. “Don’t worry. My family doesn’t like eating metal head. Says they’re too angsty.”
This calms Eddie’s features as he laughs with you, the thickness of want in the air tangible. It had been 3 years of endless laughs, music ramblings and wildly fun Corroded Coffin performances and your heart had lurched for him. Each interaction, a new trait and hand gesture noted and adored. The kiss was burning in your head, like a dream you hadn’t yet woken from.
"Y/N…I have been waiting to hear those words leave your mouth since we met.”
The excitement was evident on your face at the remembrance of it all and the utter disbelief that it had even happened. The rest of the drive, Eddie lurches into a mindless chatter about his upcoming D&D campaign, something you knew everything about from hearing endless stories from him, yet had never played yourself, despite the many efforts and pleas from him.
"I swear, those lil shits won't know what hit them!" He loudly exclaims and thumps his steering wheel excitedly.
"Yeah the curveball of making the Dead Priest actually behind the scenes and pulling the strings of everything is good shit Eds. Since that's been the plot of the whole campaign that he's been dead, it'll make them lose their minds."
"Exactly!" Eddie shouts, grinning at you, the entrance to the trailer park pulling into view. You both bump down the gravelly road to his home and he puts the van in park and cranks his window up. He unbuckles his seat belt and holds a finger up to you, remembering something. Pulling down the sun visor, a perfectly rolled joint falls out onto his lap. As much as you want to smoke with him like you always do, you decide against it with a shy shake of the head. The level of intoxication within you was currently manageable, sure, but adding weed on top of it all and that's a recipe for disaster and several bruises from inevitable falling. He smirks and puts the joint up to his lips and flicks open his favorite black Zippo lighter, burning and crisping the end. A couple of deep inhales later, Eddie relaxes back into his seat, deciding to open the conversation to the very obvious elephant in the room. An unspoken understanding settled between you two until now but it was time to address it.
"So...interesting night." He chuckles out awkwardly and takes another puff. You push out a breathy laugh and place your feet on his dashboard before agreeing with him. The fact that Eddie already knows your feelings for him and desire built up over the years sends goosebumps down your legs. The alcohol in your system coming to the rescue and quickly pushing the nerves away with a level of drunken confidence that both you and Robin had discussed earlier on the drive to Steve's.
"Eddie...did you mean what you said? Because if not, we can talk once we're both sober. But...have you really felt the same way towards me this whole time." You softly throw out there, a pit building in your stomach at the question. You take a deep breath and the words start to flow out more smoothly. "Because if you do, that for sure changes things. The whole dynamic...well...everything really. And I want to make sure to give you an out of you want it."
He glances at you, eyes softening and so deeply brown and red tinged from the weed. Reaching across you and flicking the end of the joint out your still open window, he places a hand over yours. Softly grazing the freckled skin of your hand with his thickly callused fingers.
"Of course I meant it. I know that this really changes things, but I just love how it feels to be with you. It's...really fucking easy." He chuckles out the last part quietly to himself. "I can just be myself and to know that you like this lanky metalhead, despite everything...of course I meant it."
Ease smooths and relaxes your muscles at his words.
"Okay good...let's go inside." You tell him, cranking up your window and smiling heavily. He opens his door and quickly runs to your side of the car, opening the door for you and displaying a small bow towards his trailer. You make a comment about chivalry not being dead after all and walk with him side by side to the small stairs leading to the trailer. His shoulder sliding up against your arm, the sensation and smell of Eddie filling your heart and lungs. He opens the thin and sun dried door to the small home and leads you inside to the hallway and to his bedroom.
"Sorry for the mess. Told the maid to take the week off." Eddie giggles and places a hand on the back of his head once you enter his small and overstuffed room. Eddie's bedroom had always been a cluttered but comfortable space. Every inch of the walls, floor and desk toped to the brim with all of his things, made it more lovable each time you discovered some new item within the deep clutter. Dirty clothes were hap hazardously strewn on top of his amp. Drawings, posters, and the occasional assignment with a large angry red F stamped on it were on every square inch of his walls. Some of the assignments had doodles of little characters fighting on top of the red grade, battling for dominance, and others had Fuck You! traced next to the F in his small and sloppy handwriting.
He walks over to his bed, arms extended and falls face first into the pillows. He grumbles something and you walk closer to hear what it was he muffled into the bed. "What was that?" you giggle and inch even closer to him when his arm snatches up and he slams you down into the cushions with him in a surprise ambush. A laugh is forced out of you upon impact while he mutters a "Gotcha!" misheviously. You turn to face him next to you, his hazy brown eyes glinting under a lock of his wavy hair. The yearning is building again in the pit of your legs. Warm and furious at the lack of touch. Eddie spits the strands of hair out of his face giving you a clear and beautiful view of him. He reaches out and places a hand over your cheek, turning your attention to how cold the skin there is. The thumb of his hand tracing lazy circles under your eye.
You had never been known as someone who takes huge leaps of faith or big risks. Sure, the occasional party thrown at your house while your mother worked nights in the hospital. Smoking a bit of weed here and there. And maybe a couple of small and hidden tattoos you had gotten from Eddie's neighbor Eunice on a whim. But romantically, you were quite obviously inexperienced and more subtle. Eddie had been your first and only real prominent crush since moving to Hawkins 3 years ago, with the occasional fling to get your mind off of him. But nobody compared. Not even close. And now, here you were, laying in bed with Eddie, his hand holding your face protectively and the urge to take those big risks took hold of your body with a force of a thousand suns. The change presented on your face must have been very obvious because Eddie pulls you into him and closes the gap between you two for the second time tonight.
His lips press against yours softly as you curl into his side and place a hand to the back of his head. The warmth of his mouth spreads through your body like wildfire. Your hands clumsily reach for his body, grabbing any available surface, pulling him over you. The kiss deepens as Eddie lays over you, supporting himself on his elbows to not crush you, but still close enough to feel his chest and heartbeat. Racing. Just like yours probably was. A soft grunt from Eddie pushes into your mouth as he moves to plant kisses up your neck. His hair dragging over your cheeks and chin as he starts to suck. Marking your skin. You bruise easily and the trait normally pisses you off beyond belief, taking an average of 2 weeks for the smallest mark to heal. Right now? You wanted his love bites to last a lifetime. Your hips buck into his, legs naturally wrapping around his pelvis pulling him closer. Heat rising from your core, begging to be touched by him. His face lifts from your neck and he smiles at you. “I think this was the part Harrington walked in on.” Eddie whispers, his hand sliding down your left side to your leg. A soft moan escapes your throat as he wraps his fingers one by one under your knee. Between your legs, you can feel him, gently pushing into your center. His brown eyes gaze every inch of your face and then down to your neck, admiring the hickey he marked you with. Your hands run down his back and start pulling his favored and trademark jacket off his shoulders. He shimmies out of it quickly and tosses it into the abyss of his dirty clothes. Underneath, he is wearing a faded black tee shirt, the band logo barely visible from all the uses and washes. Your fingertips graze the hem of his shirt and you slip your fingers underneath it. His back erupts into goosebumps as you graze his lean figure. Starting at his tailbone leading up to his shoulder blades. Eddie closes his eyes at the sensation, having never felt you touch the bare skin of his back before and regretting every moment you never did. His hips dig in and he can feel his jeans tightening to a severely uncomfortable level. He is hard, stirring you to dig deeper with your fingertips and palms against his back. “Y/N” he grumbles, slamming his lips into yours once again, lust and desire over taking any other thought. You weren’t a virgin. On a whim, and desperate to get it over with, you had hooked up with a guy from your drama class last year. Never thinking twice about it or looking back. Now? Regret was riding your high as you wished it could have been Eddie instead. Who had touched you for the first time and explored your body. But as far as you knew, Eddie was a virgin still. The thought excited you and warmed your thighs. You weren’t experienced by any means, but feeling him for the first time and letting him feel you was adamant in your head as your hands pulled off his tee shirt. Lost in the heat, you realized you had been moaning into his mouth and god was it riling Eddie up. “Can I?” His husky breath asks as he grabs the hem of your shirt. You nod adamantly and let him pull the fabric over your head in a quick motion. His eyes scan your chest with a deep exhale and hungry eyes. This man was turning you into a fucking rabid animal. Christ. You sit up and pull him with you, now in a seated position on his lap. The back of Eddie’s neck was warm to the touch under his hair as you sweep your hand across it, beginning to grind into his boner. The friction relieving some of the pressure building in your core. His hands rake your back and to your hips, following your movements. Abruptly, there’s a rapping at the front door.
“Eddie!! Mike and I repainted our miniatures, they look beyond cool!” A young voice shouts out from the front yard. A familiar voice you know to be none other than Dustin Henderson from Hellfire. “I swear to God…” Eddie grumbles into your chest. “Those little shits.” “Interrupted twice in one night. I think the universe is trying to tell us to slow down a little bit.” You laugh and brush his hair from his eyes. “Eddie come on man! I know you’re in there! I can smell the weed from down the block!” Dustin belts and knocks again. “I’m thinking you’re right Y/L/N. To be continued?” He asks, his hands grazing your back slowly. “To be continued.” You smile and kiss his lips once again, lost within them in seconds. The door to Eddie’s room opens and Mike and Dustin stand dumbfounded in the doorway. Twice in one fucking night?! The cosmic cruelty of today is giving you fucking whiplash. Of course he left the front door unlocked. Eddie peaks out from behind you and grumbles with his eyebrows raised. “Your miniatures better be kick ass or I’m kicking yours.”
Thanks for reading :) Requests and DMs always open!
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gion-division · 9 months
With the COVID numbers slowly rising again (unfortunately), that's got me thinking of a question I wanted to ask...
If COVID took place in the HypMic universe, how would your OC's handle it? Would they slowly go insane from being trapped indoors? Would they develop an unhealthy drinking/smoking habit? Or would they be perfectly fine?
Koyumi herself is fine. She considers herself someone who can adapt to things pretty well, even if she is rather shaky at first. She’ll follow the regulations done to a T, will watch over Moriko and Honoka as usual, etc. She’ll be the one to go shopping for whatever the team needs to too. As expected of the Division leader, she’s got it all held together!
But what she is worried about is her profession. Her entire job centers around people; engaging in conversations, pouring tea and performing for them, etc. If she can’t do any of that, then what happens to her? Geishas are already becoming pretty scarce in the modern day because of a lack of interest, this is just making it worse…Sure she can take on some other jobs in the meantime to make income, but she definitely won’t enjoy it as much…
Honoka wouldn’t care that much to be honest. In fact, she’s the most unaffected about the pandemic. Yes, concepts such as ‘wear a mask when going outside’ and ‘social distancing’ are new and confusing to her when Koyumi first tells her about it, but considering the fact that she never went outside that much anyway, does she really need to worry?? All of Honoka’s hobbies are indoors too, so she’ll just be chilling honestly. Hana No Joō all live in the same home as well, so all of the important people in her life is right next to her. It’s not that bad!
Knowing this terminally ill child though, she’s probably gonna get COVID anyway despite all of this. Someone help her. When will she be free of this curse?
Moriko would’ve definitely had a harder time adjusting to the pandemic if she was still an actress, but now? Considering how many hours she needs to spend on drawing panels, she can’t really complain! At least she might be able to actually complete things before the deadline now since she can’t go outside much anymore; she keeps finishing her manga at the last minute because of how much she spends her time doing things outdoors. Besides, it’s not like she’ll be completely bored and only working! She can do some video game streams too whenever she’s on break, and her teammates can join in!
I guess the only thing she’s gonna miss is the in-person interactions between her and her fans…Seriously, those are so fun! She’s quite an affectionate person too, so the ‘social distancing’ thing is dreadful for her.
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Yudai is DYING. Seriously, this is the most terrible situation he could imagine! He understands why these rules are established but he will continue to complain endlessly about it until his teammates distract him with something else—like gaming. He’s unintentionally the worst one out of everyone here due to his natural extroverted-ness; he gets all touchy/affectionate when greeting aka he doesn’t do social distancing, sometimes he pulls the mask below the nose, he sneaks outside anyway, etc. Get Fumio to whack him.
And you know what’s worse? You know what he hates the most? He can’t go to the fucking beaches. That’s literally what made him famous, his love for water and being a swimmer—And you’re telling me he can’t do it anymore?! Yeah his house in Enoshima has a pool that he can swim in but it’s not enough! Not enough at all!! Even the backyard lake he has back in Hokkaido is not enough for him and that’s significantly bigger! Fuck you Coronavirus! …….Maybe he should actually go into that pool to cool his head for now. Time to get mopey again.
…Well shit. Asuka is slightly distraught at the fact that he needs to stay inside. Being outside is literally his job, the whole point of archaeology is to discover ancient things, so this…sucks. It really does. He’s fine with the whole ‘online’ thing, he can definitely still teach people who are training to become archaeologists or just wants to learn history/culture in general, and he can still do part-time jobs online too but…He just doesn’t get the same energy.
…I mean, he was never a complete stickler for the rules anyway. As long as you stay away from people and wear your mask then you can be outside, right? Sooooo he can definitely go explore as long as he’s not near anybody, yeah? Yeeaahhh? :)
Fumio is hands-down the only sane person in the entire Solar Siren team when it comes this pandemic, he’s perfectly fine just being inside the household with his plants. Peace and quiet, his beloved. However, he’s looking at his teammates with the most scared look because of their feral ‘I-need-to-be-out-in-the-world’ aura. Unfortunately for his ass, he is still gonna get dragged around by Yudai whenever the olympic swimmer wants to leave anyway so someone pray for him please—Fumio doesn’t get as easily sick as Honoka does but he’s still the physically weakest out of the team so!
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babygirl-riley · 1 year
The Betrayal
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Makarov has been located Task Force 141 is able to have the jump on him. So they thought, little did they know that there was a small detail that they have missed.
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Swearing, Angst, and Mentions of Pregnancy
Yuri was correct, whatever he got out of Shepard led us to where the next meeting spot where be Makarov is going to be at. It was at Prague, Czech Republic, his convoy would be meeting inside a large building. Ghost and Price would be on the East side of the building, inside one across the street. Gaz and Soap would be outside, blending into the crowd. Yuri and I will be perched inside a constructed church, being the eye in the sky. My sister and Nikolai on stand by for emergency pick up.
It was cold outside, snowing just a small bit, I kept watching the smoke leaving my lips from the tempature. “I'll never forget my granddad's last words to me just before he died: "Are you still holding the ladder?"”
It was quiet for a moment before I snorted. “Really Sargent?” Price asked over the comms.
It has been 2 hours since we have been waiting. “Thought we could use a joke sir.”
“That wasn’t too bad.” Ghost added, I could see him shaking his head.
“You want another one?” Soap asked waiting for a responds.
“Do we have a choice?” Gaz asked sounding a bit annoyed.
I chuckled looking through my scope. “I don’t think so.” I mumbled looking over at Yuri who was dead set looking outside.
I took note when we arrived how Yuri wasn’t as talkative let alone looking anywhere but that building. He was tense, angry even. “You alright?” I asked looking over at him.
Yuri didn’t budge. “Just tired is all, wanting him dead.”
Him. He didn't have to explain who he was talking about. I have been wanting Makarov dead as well. “Same here,” I said quietly. “He has been torturing all of us enough.”
“Yeah.” He whispered, I looked at him, I could tell that he was truly upset about something. He looked down at me quickly getting it together.
I was about to say something before I could say anything Price interrupted us. “All Bravo the convoy is here, do you have eyes on Makarov.” I looked through the scope watching as 4 black SUVs pulled into the roads.
It was quiet for a moment until the second car, it looked like him, the black hair all messed up his beard. Got him. “I have eyes.” I said through the comm Yuri shuffling.
A bullet went flying pass my head. “Fuck!” I yelled glancing to see a shining spot. Sniper.
“What happened?” Ghost asked before shots were being fired.
“Ambush!” Soap yelled grunting.
I shot the sniper before he could pull the trigger and kept shooting through the windows of the building. They were everywhere, I heard as people were screaming below, running away from the fight. When I looked back at the SUV Makarov wasn’t there.
“All Bravo, Makarov is out of sight, does anyone have a visual?” I yelled shooting some men that were looking through windows that were shoot down at Gaz and Soap.
“Negative! Howev…” Ghost started to say before Yuri froze.
I glanced over at him for a moment. “Did you hear that?” He asked, I tuned everything out to hear it. Ticking.
My heart froze. My comm wasn’t picking up the others. There was a static then…“Yuri, you shouldn’t have come here my friend.” Makarov came through our comms.
I snapped my head, standing up quickly. “Yuri?” I asked before hearing the ticking stopped. I grabbed Yuri’s vest and threw him out the window. “Go!” I yelled as I jumped with him, however when the explosion went off, I wasn’t clear.
I felt the heat come on my back, I squeezed my eyes shut but opened them quickly. I saw myself falling onto wooden boards, feeling the wood break beneath me. I went through one panel and smashed my head into a pole. Everything turned black.
My ears were ringing and faintly heard screaming. I tried opening my eyes but couldn’t, it was cold. “Fox,” I faintly heard. “Fox wake up!” Yuri.
My eyes slowly opened and I moaned feeling faint pain. When I moved my head everything started to hurt, I tried to move my leg but it didn’t move. “You’re going to be fine.” Yuri said frantically looking everywhere.
I coughed tasting some iron, when I noticed it was blood, I looked around me. Horror is what I saw. My leg was beneath by some debris, blood stained my uniform, dust, dirt, the one thing that made me feel absolute panic was the bar in my side. It looked small, skinny, little tall, it looks like it broke off somewhere. Once I registered what was happening, I felt the most extreme pain. I screamed. “Soap!” Yuri yelled I looked over on the other side and Soap was running towards me. Tears streaming my face.
Panic was all over his face. “Steaming bloody jesus,” He whispered before kneeling next to me. I need to tell him about Yuri, he knows Makarov. I tried to grab onto him but he shook his head placing my hand down. “Not now Lass.” My hand was covered in black ash and blood.
His voice was faint, sure he was yelling but I groaned in response. “We gotta lift up this rubble.” Gaz.
I looked around but looked back up at Soap. “Soap,” I whispered but he stood up and helped Yuri and Gaz lift up the rubble. I screamed in pain as I felt something being pulled out of my leg. “Stop!” I yelled it hurt too bad.
“Fuck,” Gaz said as I felt someone put pressure on my thigh. “She is losing too much blood we got to get her out!”
“Ghost Price this is Soap we need to get out of here now!” Soap yelled, I still had the comms on.
“Where is Fox? Yuri?” Ghost asked panting, I heard gun fire in the background.
Soap knelt next to me looking at me. He was white, he didn’t look normal. “Fox is down, she is losing too much blood!”
“We have a van be ready!” Price yelled.
The pain was too much, it was cold, and now feeling tired. “Lass hey,” I felt light taps on my cheek. “Stay with me.” Gunfire came above us. “Yuri cover fire!” He looked up then back down at me.
I just mumbled, I need to tell him. “Soap. Yuri.” I whispered.
“He is right here,” Soap said before snapping his head up. “We got to get her up. Be careful of the bar, do not have it move in any way Yuri!”
Before I knew it I was lifted up, I moaned as I felt being bounced back and forth. The gunfire? What happened to the gunfire? The world around me going by quickly. I felt sick, I coughed feeling saliva leaving my mouth. “Soap,” He looked down leaning me closer asking to say it again. “Yuri knows Makarov.”
Before Soap could say anything I heard doors open. “Ghost.”
Hell broke loose way too fast, Fox acknowledged on seeing Makarov and then boom he was gone. The church she was in exploded and he watched as she flew out of the window and Yuri. Simon was panicking he wanted to run that way but was stuck, bullets flying past Price and his head.
“Do you have eyes on Fox and Yuri?” Price yelled through the comms.
“Not yet Cap, people are losing their min…” Soap said before grunting.
It was quiet for a moment. God please have her be okay, he was trying to stay focused. “Ghost,” He snapped his head over at Price. “See that van?”
“On it!” He yelled as he sprinted over to the van, hearing Price behind him.
“Passenger Lieutenant!” Price yelled as Ghost covered him to get into the driver seat. Once the enemies where down he ran behind the van and opened the doors.
“Where is Fox? Yuri?” He asked, truly all he cared about was Allison, is she alive.
It was a moment before Soap came through. “Fox is down,” His heart dropped. She is fine. “Losing a lot of blood.”
Before he could say anything Price started the van and slammed the gas. “We have a van be ready!”
He watched through the window, all of the debris and the bodies on the ground. It was a surprise. They knew they were here, how? Simon didn’t fucking know. They had the jump, maybe Shepard knew that they knew. “Ghost open those doors, we got to get them in here!” Price yelled, he nodded and turned to open the doors.
When he did, he felt like the world stopped. No. Allison was being carried by Soap, she was leaned into his chest blood coming out of her mouth, her forehead, but most of all a fucking bar through her side. She was covered in debris and dirt. He backed up as Yuri went around to the passenger seat and Soap and Gaz coming in. Simon moved over helping them place Allison down.
She was more pale than she usually was. “She is conscious still but we have to stop the blood!” Gaz yelled gripping her thigh.
He looked over her, her thigh had a gash it was up from her knee to the middle of her thigh, the fucking bar with blood staining around it, rips through her uniform was everywhere, black charcoal stains, dust, dirt, the gash on her head. When he reached her eyes were half lidded, she was looking at him, a bruise already forming on her cheek up to her eye, she slowly lifting her hand up.
“Simon.” she whispered, her voice strained, he grabbed her hand.
“Not now,” He grumbled placing it on her chest before looking over at Soap who was staring at him. “Make sure there aren’t anymore injuries,” He stood up looking for a rag anything. He saw a shirt folded on a seat behind the passenger seat. He pulled out his knife and ripped it handing it to Gaz. “Tie her thigh!”
“Simon,” He heard her voice. He couldn’t look at her, his heart breaking every fucking time he stared at her eyes, the skin fading her color. Bringing the god awful memories of his family. Everything he thought of a future with her was fading like her heart rate. Right now he has to keep her breathing. Keep her with him. Alive. Warm. “Simon,” He felt a small grip, he looked down to see her bloody hand gripping his arm. He saw that her hand was also forming a burn. He grabbed her hand and looked down. “I love you.”
Soap snapped his head up, Gaz glancing slightly before wrapping quickly, Price looking through the rear view mirror, Yuri didn’t move looking straight, but Simon, he stopped breathing. His world stopped. No she can not fucking say this now. Allison was smiling at him. “I love you.” She repeated reaching up to cup his balaclava, he felt the blood on her hand sticking to his mask.
“No,” He whispered shaking his head. “Allison, don’t say that.” He knew once those words left her mouth, she had to be saying it for a reason. The reason for not being able to say it later. The reason that she can feel herself dying. The reason to tell him she cared deeply for him.
Her eyes were starting to close. No. No. No. Panic was running through his veins. “Hey! Hey!” He yelled down at her, gripping her hand.
She smiled at him again, trying to open those eyes. “I lov…” Her hand falling from his grip.
Simon couldn’t process that her hand dropped out of his, no he cupped her face. “Baby,” He whispered leaning down close. “Hey open your eyes, come on.”
Simon searched for her eyes, to see if they would flutter open. Or move a least a inch but nothing. “Allison,” he whispered, he shook her a little. “Sweetheart, come on.” Panic was starting to set in.
She isn’t waking up. She isn’t waking up. Simon felt his heart breaking more and more. He can’t lose her not now. Please. Please. “Please.” He didnt noticed he was begging out loud but he snapped his head up. “Price!” He yelled.
Price looked behind him. “We are 5 minutes to the hospital!”
Anger boiled over. “Make that faster!” He demanded looking back down at Allison then at Soap. “What are you fucking looking at?! Look to see if she has more injuries Sargent!”
Soap snapped out of his trance, working on Allison’s arm. Simon looked back down and brushed a strand of her hair back. Her pulse you donkey. He placed his fingers on her neck, he was shaking. His heart stopped no. “Allison please.” He begged, he felt a small pulse, he sighed with relief, starting to rip more of the shirt handing it to Soap.
Soap looked up at him. “Lt, I don’t know if she will make it.” His voice was soft and low.
Not going to make it…Like death. Simon kept pushing in the back of his head of his family once again. He is failing her like he did with his own fucking blood. Yesterday, he wanted to say I love you to her, while he helped her shower after having her against the wall. The soap smell hitting his nose and his hands roaming her body. Her body close to him, he never had felt safe in his life before. He was content, he was…happy.
Now it was being taken away, all of it. He stroked her face with one of his fingers. He couldn’t lose her. She had to fight. He thought of that fucking Hallmark cabin. They could settle somewhere in the UK or hell even in the US. They would be sleeping in bed together, holding each other, giving small kisses, saying…His heart stopped. He didn’t even get to say how he loves her.
Price slammed the brakes as Yuri got out of the van. He could hear yelling and running. When he shot his head up the back of the van opened with nurses and a gurnee. Ghost got up and helped Soap pass her to them, they rushed in Ghost following close behind before one of them put a hand on his chest and shook their head, speaking Russian.
“They said you can’t go to stay.” He turned around to face Yuri.
Rage rolled over, Simon walked up to Yuri grabbing a handful of his uniform and slamming him up against the wall. “How are you fucking fine?” He yelled in Yuri’s face. He felt someone touch his shoulder, he elbowed off whoever it was before slamming Yuri into the wall again. “Answer me!”
“Simon,” Price yelled walking into the doors. Simon snapped his head over to see security was next to Price but he placed his hand out. “Stand down.”
Simon wanted to throw Yuri to the ground and fucking kill him. He wasn’t being passed onto the hospital staff. No he was fucking standing, not dying. Simon didn’t even notice that Yuri was off the ground until he let go of him. When he turned around to see Soap on the floor holding his nose before standing up, he felt guilt. More anger at himself.
Soap didn’t look angry more, upset? Sad? Mercy? Simon couldn’t point it out, he didn’t know what he was thinking all Simon could think about was Allison. The security guard asked a question and Yuri answered, they walked away leaving them alone. “I am going to find a private room yeah?” Yuri asked looking over at Price.
Price nodded before walking to Simon. “Take a walk.” He ordered before following Yuri. Soap placed his free hand on Simon’s shoulder as Gaz walked to follow Price.
“I will be here mate.” He said muffled from holding his nose.
Simon nodded before changing the channels to where Nikolai and Kat were on. “I’ll call Kat.” Before walking outside, he heard sirens going off, and the smoke in the distance where they were at.
Simon took a deep breath. He didn’t even know what to say to her. Come say goodbye? Come wait until we are told that she is gone? Your family is dead? You failed? He failed? A knot formed in his throat. He cleared his throat before pressing the button. “Bravo 0-7 to Hawk how copy?”
“This is Hawk copy.” She said through the comms.
“It’s Allison.” Simon said, trying not to make it longer than it needed to be.
Simon sent her the location of the hospital and Hawk was here before even an hour of Simon telling her. She walked in with pure panic, Yuri was able to get us a private room to discuss updates with Laswell. Simon was in the back of the room watching everything but not acknowledging anything happening. It was too long that Allison has been in surgery, 6 hours.
There could be problems that have hit, the deep cut in her thigh, could of hit an artery. Bleed out. The bar in her side spleen rupture. Bleed out. Her falling from that height she could have ruptured her kidneys. Kidney failure. Everything that could have happened or happened, could be the thing to have her dead. That’s all Simon could think about, is all the outcomes.
Hawk snapped her head over at Price. “How did this fucking happen?” She snarled, slamming the door behind her.
Price sighed before rubbing his hand over his face. “We wanted to wait until you got here to figure out exactly what happened.”
Hawk looked over at Yuri. “You were there, what happened?” She asked.
Yuri was about to speak before Soap mumbled something. No one heard what he said. “What was that Sargent?” Price asked, looking over at him.
Soap chuckled. “I think the question we should be askin is how do ya know Makarov?”
Simon snapped his head over leaning off the wall. “What?” He growled out.
Yuri looked over at Simon with panic. “I…”
Simon started to walk over to him but Price stood in between them. Price turned to face Yuri. “You better explain fast before I let Ghost kill ya.”
Yuri watched as Simon was ready for the word, oh how he wanted to fucking pounce, rip his throat out, gut him, anything. Simon has lost everything in his past, when Allison came into his life…He remembered back in Mexico when she asked what the sex meant.
“No strings attached yeah?”
He could tell that she didn’t want that but she agreed. Simon wanted more but he couldn’t give more. He didn’t deserve her. She was malicious when fighting their foes but towards them, the team, him…she was kind. Then time skip to the cabin. It was the first time in a very very long time he took all his clothes off while fucking someone.
Simon watched her eyes softened and looked at him with such love. Love…that is what she showed. He never had felt more comfortable around someone. Love towards someone.
That is what Simon has thought about the no string attached, if she asked now it would be something more. Wishing he did. However, it could change, she could be taken away and Simon…Well Simon would just be Ghost again. Right before Yuri could begin a doctor came in. “Captain Price?” He asked his accent deep.
Price looked over at Simon. “Come on.” He whispered then turned to Hawk. “You too, watch him Soap Gaz, if he moves you have permission to knock his ass out.”
“Aye.” Soap said watching Simon leave the room with the doctor, Hawk, and Price.
The door shut and Simon prepared himself. She is dead. She is dead. She is dead. She is…
“Stable.” Simon was snapped out of his trance as he looked over at Price.
The doctor waited for a response, Hawk sighing with relief. “However, she has a lot of recovery. Lots of fractures but no bones broken. The blood lose was extreme, since you are related to the patient and if your blood is…”
“We have the same blood type.” Hawk said interrupting.
“Good,” He said smiling. “Is she married?”
Price looked over at Hawk and she shook her head. “No.” Hawk responded.
“Boyfriend?” Hawk made a quick glance at Simon and shook her head. His heart dropped. “Well,” The doctor sighed. “Then this might become a surprise to you all.”
Simon mentally shook his head. He knew, why else would he mention the husband or boyfriend? “The patient is pregnant.”
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Royalty - The Love of My Life PT 8
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Rating: Mature Warnings: no warnings Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington Tags: fluff, angst, boys kissing Words: 2675 which is too much to tumblr - this part is fully available only on AO3!
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Summary: Billy and Steve finally get some unlimited quality time together
::::: Snippet below :::::
After opening his window ajar, Steve snuggled back under Billy's arm, taking the smoke from his lips and taking a drag.
“Guess what,” he said excitedly.
“My parents have a trip coming. They’re going to be away for a week. That means…”
“It means…what?” Billy asked when he got his smoke back.
“That I have the house all to myself.”
“You’re shitting me, aren’t you?”
“No. You and me, here, alone, for one week,” Steve said and trailed his hand on Billy’s stomach.
“So, we’re able to fuck all night long and not be on the fucking clock on it?” Billy smirked and licked his lower lip.
Steve smiled and kissed Billy's neck, biting it lightly, making Billy let out a sigh. “If that’s what you want, babe.”
“When?” Billy asked as he stubbed the smoke to the ashtray on Steve's nightstand.
“Three weeks from now.”
Billy sighed. “It’s going to be three long weeks,” he said.
“Yeah, it is,” Steve whispered.
Billy glanced at Steve’s alarm clock. ”I should go,” he groaned and got up.
“OK,” Steve said. He watched Billy bending purposely down, his back to Steve, to pick up his jeans from the floor so that Steve couldn't miss his well-toned buttocks.
”I don’t know if I can make whole week work. Neil…” Billy's voice trailed off. “But I think I can make at least one or two full nights work, if I say about it to him early enough,” he said as he put his shirt on. ”And if I promise to drive Max around as usual.”
Steve smiled a sad smile. "I wish we could see each other like normal people even without something special like this."
"I know," Billy replied and came back to the bed and sat next to Steve. "It’s so fucked up. I want to go out with you and do things. Just go to the movies, it wouldn't have to be anything special. Do things with you people do when they're dating."
"So we're dating?" Steve asked.
They hadn't talked about it before. About whatever the thing they had was. It had been four months, but usually they were more and less quick meetings max few times a week, in the night, they required planning, sneaking around and trying to avoid their cars being seen in wrong places. It hardly could be described as dating, not at least in any conventional way.
"I thought we were. Right?"
"Oh, yeah," Steve said and looked at his hands. "I just…you're right. This isn't any dating I've done before either. It bugs me too."
"Steve? You better not say…"
"Hey, I'm not saying anything like that," Steve took Billy's hand and kissed it, knowing how fast Billy’s abandonment issues surfaced. "I'm serious about us, babe. I want you to come here and stay with me here as many days and nights as you can without getting into trouble. OK? Even though we can't go anywhere, we can be together, order pizza, watch films, right? I just want to be with you," Steve said, pulling Billy into a kiss. "Babe, you're beautiful. And you're mine," he whispered, making Billy smile.
Three weeks later Steve's parents had stocked up the fridge and freezer with food so that Steve practically didn't have to leave the house for days unless he wanted to. Which was perfect. They even took their own car to the airport, which meant that the garage was empty and ready to have the Camaro parked there, hiding it from prying eyes.
When Billy finally drove to the driveway on Friday evening, Steve opened the garage door from inside.
“Hey babe,” Steve said as he opened the driver's door when Billy had turned the car off.
As Billy got out, he smiled his most gorgeous smile, and made Steve feel weak in the knees.
“Hey,” Billy said and leaned to kiss Steve over the door. “Let me get my bag.”
When Billy closed the trunk and walked to Steve, Steve handed him a small box.
“This is for you, babe,” Steve said smiling.
Billy looked at Steve curiously for a while. Then he put his bag on the floor and took the box. “Can I open it?”
Billy examined the box from outside first. It didn’t have any markings on it, it had a separate lid and it fit right into his palm. He looked at Steve again. Then he opened the lid. Something in the box was covered with dark red wrapping tissue. A lump started to gather into his throat as he removed the tissue. It revealed a pair of long silver earrings with very stylish wing-like hanging decorations. His mouth opened agape, and butterflies flew in his stomach like never before.
“If it's too much…" Steve started when he saw the surprised expression on Billy's face.
"No, it's OK," Billy said, biting his lower lip nervously and raising his gaze back to Steve. He was surprised for sure, but not in a negative way. “They’re beautiful.”
“Hey, Billy, babe,” Steve said worried when Billy pursed his lips and looked away, blinking fast. By now Steve knew the action meant an emotion overpowering Billy’s ability to hold it inside. “Don't cry,” he said hugging Billy tight.
After a while of sniffling against Steve’s shoulder, Billy managed to form words again. “I love them.”
“I got them for you because I love you.”
Billy's head went blank. There they were, the three small words that he'd been waiting to hear for months now. He'd known almost from the very start how he felt, but in the bright fluorescent light of the garage, his beloved Camaro as their sole witness, hearing them from Steve was perfect.
“I was wondering if you'd ever say that.”
“Of course I would,” Steve replied and kissed Billy.
"I love you too," Billy whispered. “You light my darkness like nothing has ever done before."
“Oh babe,” Steve said and hugged Billy a bit tighter.
After hugging for a long while more, they got inside. Billy was about to take his jacket off in the hall when Steve stopped him, and took it off for him. He put it in a hanger and put it in the closet. Then he took Billy's hand and kissed his knuckles. ”I'm your humble servant while you're here, my love.”
Billy smiled, but gave Steve a punch on his shoulder, because fuck it adding to the earrings this wasn’t what he wanted to like even though it was exactly that. He still felt like it was wrong for him to not at least try to keep the manly man act up with Steve - despite melting inside each time Steve said something nice to him.
“Ouch!” Steve said but smiled. “OK, just…feel free to punch me every time I get too mushy for your taste.”
Billy felt his cheeks burning, revealing how he really felt. “Fuck you Harrington,” he said smiling. He’d wanted to be so close to Steve for so long, and now, finally, they were able to be together more freely than ever before. Everything felt so good now that he thought he was going to burst.
”I made us dinner,” Steve said and took Billy's hand.
Read the full chapter on AO3 (too many words for tumblr 🙄)
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undeadgoathead · 10 months
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Don't get me wrong, I am still super proud of myself for finding such a cute, affordable flat in such a short amount of time, especially considering the mental/emotional hell I was struggling with from a messy breakup(and the aftermath of which continues to haunt me). And I also take great pride in all the organization, renovations, installations, and interior design that I put into it.
But...I mean... it's still just an apartment. In Albuquerque, no less. I can fluff it up with all the fancy French furniture, expensive appliances, and girly decorations I want. But it will always be kind of hood, just a little bit ghetto, no matter how much I fuss and fawn over the interior. It's what's outside that I'm worried about. Location, location, location!
I mean, in my first week here, I already lost a Louis Vuitton purse (!), as well as brand new rose gold hair straightener and matching curling iron, still in their boxes. Someone probably stole them, so I already mistrust my neighbors. And management acted all buddy-buddy right until the moment I signed the contract and they handed over the key, and then their true colors immediately started to show. When I reported the missing purse and salon products, and asked whether they were covered by my renter's insurance, they never answered the phone, nor returned my many messages, so I guess I just have to take yet another L.
On my first week, a crackhead also followed me up three flights of stairs while my hands were full carrying heavy boxes of stuff, and I barely made it inside in time to lock the door behind me, before he started banging on my nextdoor neighbors' window and begging for a lighter. As annoying and creepy as he was, I can't judge him too harshly for his pathetic addiction, as I also have several of my own. In fact, right before I chucked a used BIC in the crackhead's general direction, just to bribe him to shut the hell up, leave me alone, and go away, I had just googled "how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew", and tried the so-called "Switchblade Method", with dubious amounts of success. In many ways, he and I are in the same boat. Desperation sucks. Depending on the kindness of strangers sucks. Needing a smoke or a drink as a crutch sucks. Like I get it bro. It could have been me knocking on doors at 10:00 pm asking for a corkscrew. It's whatever, man.
Even though I'm trying to see the best of this place, the property management sure as hell doesn't make it easy! This morning I saw a lease violation notice on my door, for supposedly violating the drape policy... Yeah yeah, I already know, no posters in the windows, no colorful drapes, just plain white curtains or nothing at all, to make the exterior as bland and boring and uninteresting as possible... It's an asinine rule, but one I follow regardless. Homie, I just left the plain white blinds that were already pre installed. Do I really seem like the kind of chick who would install a fluffy set of gawdy floral granny curtains?! Unless... They can't possibly be telling me to take down my drapes I installed on the bedroom doorway, for some kind of privacy, because there was no actual door?! Or maybe even the shower curtain that I had to install by myself and paid out of pocket for, because the landlord never even delivered on his promise to at least give me a freaking tension rod?! Either way, fucking yikes...
Landlords be wilding. Why am I paying nearly $1000 a month just to feel like an unwanted guest in my own home? And homeowners associations are even worse! Like imagine finally breaking out of the paycheck-to-paycheck monthly rent payment poverty cycle, finally being able to afford to buy your own house, the pride of truly being a home owner, of possessing your own personal property at long last, just for your grouchy old neighbors to still be able to tell you what you can and cannot do in your own house...
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transparentheart69 · 1 year
My jacket still smells like you 😅 I didnt smoke a single cigarette on the way home because I knew the stench would ruin it. When I said "be careful" at the light the second time before I took off, I really hope you heard the hidden meaning, why my voice suddenly went from soft to slightly edged. I hope you could still read my eyes the way you use to before you would kiss me so passionately it would feel as if the world stopped the entire time your lips were against mine. When you threw your arms around me in that parking lot and giggled like you did when I tightened my grip all I wanted to say was how much I've missed you and how fucking sorry I am for being such an absolute moron. I want so badly to get you the fuck out of there, you dont understand how easy it would be. All I would need to do is add your name to my lease along with whatever furry babies you'll be bringing. I have the space, I have the money to support us both. Hell I would even get a new lease somewhere else so you're able to smoke inside anywhere you're comfortable I'll be happy to do it. I just want you safe. And you're not safe there. I know that neighborhood I grew up there babe....please..
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 years
Late Night Favor (Shadow Monster x Reader)
Genre: Fluff, Urban Fantasy
Warnings: Explicit content up ahead (18+ ONLY), Oral, Fingering
Word Count: 4000 Words
Summary: A couple of small good deeds leaves you with a late night visitor, looking to repay a debt.
Request: "You unknowingly rescue a shadow monster and bring it home with you, after a couple days of lurking in the shadows of your home and recuperating it shows you just how thankful it is." I had this idea forever ago but was never able to execute it. My opening idea was that a few kids are shining flashlights at something, tormenting it, and you swoop in to save it and chase the kids away. You thought they were hurting a cat or something, but find nothing and head home.
What do you think? Would you like to take it on? I'd be honored if you would 😊
A/N: *Throws this into the street to appease for the fact I haven’t updated Out of the Woods in THREE MONTHS IM SORRY*
It was the perfect weather for a lazy day inside. The pitter patter of the rain on your window had almost lulled you back to sleep during breakfast, and the thunder had provided great ambiance for reading. You hadn’t bothered changing out of your pajamas and we’re enjoying a soap opera binge on the coach when the peace was disturbed.
At first it was just the sound of clattering trash cans, not uncommon from the alley outside your window. But then it was followed by the raucous laughter of teenagers, rocks being thrown against the concrete, and a sharp hissing.
You hoist yourself up and off the couch, meandering toward the balcony, expecting to see a bunch of kids fucking around; Maybe using the cover of the fire escape to hide from the rain and smoke some weed.
Ah, memories.
But instead, you see a huddled group of boys pointing a flashlight into the pile of garbage right by the dumpster. One of them picks up a pebble and throws it into the light beam, causing another hiss and a jerk of movement. The boys laugh even louder, the one on the right nudging the one with the flashlight.
“Dude, do it again!”
Flashlight agrees, quickly moving the light into another corner as the one on the left throws a rock in the opposite direction. A shape of pitch black hisses again, deterred by the rock and scared by the brightness. Your brow furrows.
The boys jump, looking in all directions.
“What are you three doing down there?” They finally look up at you, messy-haired and bleary-eyed. They shrug and ignore you, one even throwing another rock, bigger than before. There’s a sad yelp as it collides with the blackness.
You grit your teeth, grabbing your jacket off a nearby shelf and yell again.
“Fuck off! Leave the poor thing alone!”
They all laugh insufferably, the way most stuck up teenagers do.
“Or what?”
You shrug on your raincoat, picking up the baseball bat you keep strategically placed by your couch.
“Or I’ll come down and make you, jackass!”
You kick open your  fire escape, slippers already damp, and start marching down the staircases. The boys get the message and run away, still jeering and laughing. Seems you weren’t as intimidating as you’d like.
You shuffle down the fire escape, slowing down as you approach the poor creature. You lower your back and peak under the dumpster.
“It's okay, little guy, I won’t hurt ya.” You set down your bat and crouch, kissing your lips as you hold out your free hand. All you see is a hint of glowing eyes, nervously peering out, before the dark shape disappears completely, hidden by the shadow of the dumpster. You’re tempted to sit down and wait for it, hoping to check if the poor stray was injured, but the wet concrete looks unappealing. The bottom of your sweats are already drenched.
You stand up, sigh, and go back up the fire escape. You unlatch the dusty pet door on your sliding glass balcony and make sure to leave a hot thing of milk and some water just outside. You ponder going out to get cat food, but the well-timed weather report tells you to stay off the streets. Slumping back down on the couch, you keep on eye on your fire escape, hoping that whatever it was, it’s okay.
The next day is sunny, the rain clearing away any air pollution and leaving blue skies to shine down through your window, waking you up extra early. As you sit down with a cup of coffee, switching on the news before starting work, you notice the empty bowls on your balcony.
You set down the mug, walking over to the door and checking the bowls. Seems that little stray had needed the refreshment, as both were licked clean.
You refill them, making sure to add  cat food to your grocery list.
After a long day of work, you’re feeling particularly domestic and decide to bake some cookies. Your brain is sore after staring at a screen for eight hours straight, a simple task like this is the perfect thing to keep it from melting completely.
You open up your window, letting the cool night air into your kitchen as you check  on your baking cookies. Wiping flour off your pants, you turn on the radio and throw a glance to your living room.
You had set up a tiny blanket pallet right next to your pet door, the weatherman’s warning of another thunderstorm tonight having you worried for your stray. Hopefully a full belly of milk will convince them that your house is safe enough to find shelter in.
But the afternoon is beautiful, not too cold and not too hot, only the slight tang of metal in the air hinting to rain. With a ding from the oven, you take out the cookies and set them on a cooling tray on your window. The smell of cinnamon and sugar wafts over you as you take a sip of your tea, staring out into the city streets. Small puddles still speckle the pavement, catching the headlights of nearby cars and flashy billboards.
A quick sound, something hitting your balcony door, that jerks you out of your reverie. You set down your mug and slowly peek out from your kitchen, wondering if you should’ve grabbed  a kitchen knife. But it’s just your pet door, flapping back and forth in front of two, now empty, bowls. Aww, seems your stray took a step inside. Too bad you missed it.
The gurgle of your stomach convinces you to take a crack at the cookies. If they were too hot, you could just wash them down with a nice glass of milk anyway. Maybe even put on a sitcom while you snack.
You lightly tap the top cookie; Warm, but not unbearable. Steam rises as you break it open, blowing in the middle and taking a tiny bite.
Fuck, good job _____.
They’re perfectly done, just soft enough to melt in your mouth. You grab two more, holding them in between your fingers as you hold the other half in your mouth. Maybe you could bring the batch into work tomorrow, give your coworkers a nice surprise. That is if you didn't have 10 tonight. But 20 should be just enough-
Huh, that’s weird. There's only 19, including the one still dangling out of your mouth.
You could’ve sworn you baked 20.
Well whatever. Your coworkers can handle not coming back for seconds tomorrow.
“Ow! Fuck!”
You bite your lip, trying not to yell out more curse words as you rub your stubbed toe. You limp to your kitchen, fumbling for the light switch to avoid another incident. All you had wanted was a midnight sweet snack, was that so difficult? You’d thought you could navigate your apartment pretty easily in the dark, but the pain in your foot says otherwise.
The light flickers as you finally find the switch, reminding you that you’re going to need to change the bulb sometime soon. But that's a problem for another day; Right now, it’s cookie time.
You don’t bother pouring yourself a glass or getting a plate, devouring the treat in three bites and throwing back a quick swig of milk. It’s almost midnight, not like anyone’s watching-
Oh, wait.
You slowly close the fridge door, trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake the little stray curled up, asleep. The little ball of black was snuggled into the pallet, tossing and turning. A flash of lightning cracks outside your apartment, washing your living room with light. The ball jerks in shock, the thunder afterwards only frightening it more, forcing it to curl up even tighter.  
You take small and light steps towards the tiny bed, not wanting to approach the scared beast too quickly. The room is lit up again by another lightning strike and the little stray forces it’s body backwards and away from the window. You crouch down real low, the small bits of light helping your eyes adjust to the layout.
“How are you doing, little guy?” You whisper, mostly to yourself, tapping your fingers against your carpet. Part of you wants to pet it, but think it might be better not to. No need to startle it. “Is the lightning scary? You can come to my room if you want, I’ll protect ya.”
Midst the black, you see two little eyes, little blips of light that open with another flash of lightning. But they aren’t yellow, nor are they slitted, nor are they anything remotely animal.
They're like the headlights of a car, blinding white with no definition at all. Not even pupils. You're startled, eye’s widening as the creature lifts it’s head. A long smile runs across their face, full of razor sharp teeth.
“Oh my, that sounds delightful.” They purr, and you find yourself losing your footing and falling back on your ass. Your fingers dig into the carpet as their body slowly begins to unfurl out of a ball and stretch into a massive form, as if their whole size had been hidden away somewhere else; Like it had been literally in the shadows.
You scramble backwards, breath picking up as the creature stretches it’s long limbs, colorless eyes still locked onto you as it stands up and up. It rolls back its shoulders as it sits on its haunches, its form still towering over you even when crouched. You notice the shades of huge antlers sticking out from the side of their head, only adding to their intimidating height.
The creature still has that terrifying smile, all canines and no molars, it’s unblinking eyes still staring deep into your soul.
You’ve heard people do weird things in times of high stress, of strong emotions, good and bad. Like the wires in your brains get crossed when trying to find the right response.
“Uh, do you want a cookie?”
You think you get that now.
The creature chuckles, a soft timbre that echoes unnaturally.
“No, dearie, I have already indulged in your confections. You see,” They creature leans forward, falling to its knees to crawl towards you. If it weren’t for the overwhelming fear constricting your heart, you’d almost think it was seductive, “You’ve done so much for me these past days, I think it’d be only fair if I helped you indulge in a far-” The creature’s face looms over yours, their arms caging your sides as they lick their lips, “-sweeter treat, yes?”
Your eyes search their face, trying to find signs of trickery or malice, maybe even some demonic sense of humor.
As if I’d even know what that looks like.
“Are you-” You catch a breath, now noticing the fine musculature of their shoulders, and the definition of their arms, “Are you propositioning me, like, for sex?”
The creature laughs again, their eyes crinkling up as they throw their head back. But when they look back down at you, you can almost feel the lust radiating off their gaze, details be damned.
“Yes, lovely, I am.”
You take your eyes off their face, a little too overwhelmed to stare directly into their blistering expression. Not to mention the blinding light which has begun to put red spots into your vision.
Instead, your eyes fall upon their thick thighs, the small tail waving behind them, and how unnervingly sexy you find the way their claws are digging up your rug.
You slowly move your head, catching the creature’s eyes.
“I-uh-I guess? Yeah, yeah I guess that sounds good. Um, what was your name?”
The creature smirks, a single claw tipped finger tilting up your chin, as they whisper,
Well, this is definitely the weirdest way I’ve gotten someone into bed.
Nocter’s antlers brush against your stucco-ceiling as it pushes you down on the bed, their shining white eyes staring deep into yours. Their lack of pupils is almost unsettling, but when they run their claws down your chest and pinch your nipples, you find it hard to care. You bite your lip, fighting back an embarrassing whimper as they trace one finger around the bud, pebbling the skin.
“Aww, has it been a while, sweetling?” You roll your eyes, but let out another squeak as they flick their thumb across your other nipple, the palm of their hand pressing against your ribcage.
“M-maybe.” You mutter, digging your finger into your bed sheets as their hands dance across your skin. One pulls up the bottom of your pajama shirt as it nudges one of their legs in between your thighs, pushing their knee up against your crotch.
“Don’t worry,” They push the fabric up to your neck, laying a kiss on the center of your stomach, then your chest, and then your jugular. When they plant one on your jaw, they lean in real close, “I’ll make sure to treat you right.”
Nocter’s long tongue splays against your jaw, licking a stripe up your cheek as one of their hands moves from your chest to the waistband of your shorts. They slip a couple fingers underneath, lightly petting the area right above your crotch. They’re such a tease, and you love it.
Nocter pecks the side of your face, over and over, while their hand moves further and further down your body at an agonizing pace. Their hot breath sends goosebumps down your neck, washing over your face as they exhale with every kiss. You catch them off guard when you turn your head toward them, catching their lips-mid peck and eagerly sticking your tongue outward. They purr with delight, their thin almost-lips quickly devouring you.
A long string of saliva connects the two of you as you detach, taking the time to shimmy out of your shirt. You pull them closer, your hands digging into their shoulder muscles and fingers just brushing over the long ridges on their back. They chuckle once again, pulling their fingers out your shorts and merely digging their palm into the fabric of your crotch.
“Eager, huh?”
“Shut up,” You mumble in between kisses, “This is for me, isn’t it?”
“Ohoho,” kiss, “Someone’s showing their feisty side a little early.” kiss, “What happened to my benevolent, saintly saviour?” kiss.
You pull away from their lips, quickly latching onto the crux of their neck and taking a nip. “S’not fair.” You say, taking a deep whiff of their skin as you suck and bite. They smell like brimstone and a bonfire, not quite what you 're expecting, but not unpleasant. “You can’t tease me like that and not-” Your cut off as the pad of one Nocters fingers presses up against your entrance, the fabric only amplifying the sensation as they begin to tease it.
“Deliver?” Nocter finishes, sinfully smug. You throw them a glare. “I’m a good guest, scout’s honor.”
You roll your eyes right before they lock you into another kiss, rubbing the pads of their fingers up and down your crotch. They use their hand to push you backwards, sinking deeper into the mattress as they situate their knees under your thighs. One they pull back from the kiss, your face and lips thoroughly debauched, your legs are splayed up on their pelvis and they easily slip off your bottoms. Nocter takes a whiff of your underwear, the crotch now slightly damp, giving you a wink before they throw it over their shoulder.
You jerk your hips slightly upward, and Nocter tuts.
“Patience, sweetling.” They roll a hand down your abdomen, fingers splaying onto your stomach, nails just teasing the skin. With a kiss to your inside calf, Nocters hand ghosts across your entrance. You can’t help biting your lip, the heat and their touch sending your mind into a frenzy.
They continue a path of kisses down your leg, now pressing their finger right up against your hole. They only pause to suck on their index and middle fingers, coating them with a heavy and blue-tinted saliva. Once they’ve reached the middle of your thigh, nipping at the apex, they sink into you.
Nocter’s fingers are long, articulated and move with sure movements. They start off slow, scissoring you open, simpering as you dig your nails into your bed sheets. The pads of their fingers push against your walls, just grazing sensitive spots as they make a slow ‘come hither’ motion. Your hips jerk forward, humping into their palm. They smirk against your skin, nipping another love bite as they retract their fingers until only the tip remains. You catch your breath, holding it until they sink back into you, shoving their fingers forward with far more force.
You whimper as their fingers pull back, only to follow with quicker thrusts. Nocter’s aim is pin-point in finding the most pleasurable spots inside you, the feeling only amplified by the pinpricks of their teeth into the fat of your thigh. The tip of their tongue licks hot trails of spit tantalizingly close to your hole, which clenches around their bony fingers. The slick sound of your juices, the skin of their palm slapping against yours, is downright pornographic.
Your legs try to clamp around their shoulders, the overwhelming stimuli triggering an instant reaction, but Nocter pins your right leg down to your bed easily, never losing focus on fingering you. The tips of their claws trace the inside of your leg, the hard edge of their wrist digging into fat.  Your fingers reach to grip around something, anything to keep you grounded as the knot in your stomach grows tighter and tighter. They find their way around Nocter’s left wrist; You’re almost afraid you’ll leave bruises, before remembering how sturdy every part of their body seems to be.
You let out a whimper as the crests of an orgasm seem to overwhelm you, nearly gasping as Nocter quickly removes their fingers. In any other state of mind you might have made a comment, look down and wonder why they’ve stopped. But the heat in your belly compels you to grip their wrist tight and to throw your hips upwards. With a desperate breath, you plead,
“P-please! Please, don’t stop.”
Nocter doesn’t chuckle, doesn’t make a sly remark about your neediness or your lewd movements. They lean forward, giving another kiss right below your navel, and pet your wrist.
“Of course, dearie.”
With a wink, they lean down a lick a long stripe up your hole, giving one last kiss to your leg before plunging their tongue inside.
You didn’t think it was possible for them to reach even deeper inside you with their tongue than their fingers, but the sparks which fly in your core say otherwise. The ridges of Nocters tongue brush against your walls as they flick the appendage back and forth, the tip pressing forward with controlled motions. It doesn’t thrash back and forward haphazardly, but reaches for those sensitive spots and plays with them.
“Oh, f-fuck!” You yelp, feeling an icy-cold liquid run down your ass. From the sound of smacking lips and muffled moans, it must be Nocter’s saliva. They let out a groan, pushing their jaw forward as their eyes clenched shut. The hand on your leg pinches skin as it tightens up, the other pressing your hips down, but the pressure they apply is phantom at best. Nocter seems to revel in your pleading humps for more, meeting each movement with a thrust of their jaw, the base of their tongue stretching you open.
The two of you keep that rhythm for what feels like an eternity, but is probably only a couple of minutes. Sweat drips down your chest and off of your belly, your legs muscles on fire as you continue to push upward and into Nocter’s face. You start feeling that impending wave begin to crest again, with your limbs shaking and your throat hoarse.
“Nocter, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna-I’m so close!”
This time, Nocter doesn’t let up on their pace, reaching one hand down to deliver a hard slap on your ass and forcing a yelp out of you. Your speech devolves into slurred curses and your hands move to touch them, to find some grasp in reality. Nocter continues to suck and tongue-fuck your hole as your thighs clench around their head. Your humps are tiny and weak, your lower half barely holding itself up.
The knot gets tighter, a firecracker fuse about to blow in your abdomen. In the heat of the moment, your hands find their way to Nocter’s scalp and grab onto the base of their antlers. Their moan rumbles through you, right before you yank their head forward, their tongue hitting the deepest part of you as you shutter and-
“I’m cumming!”
Another moan vibrates against your hole as your body shudders and jolts, your hips still pressed firmly against Nocter’s face. But in the next moment, a heavy weight falls over your body, slumping you down onto the bed. Your chest heaves, eye’s fuzzy as Nocter’s tongue ‘pop’s out of you.
Your gaze wanders over your stucco ceiling, droplets of sweat rolling down your neck as you try and catch your breath. You can feel Nocter’s large hands rolling a massage into your thighs, their own heavy breathing brushing over your crotch.
A fuzzy shape of pure black comes into your vision as Nocter hovers over you, their body hovering just an inch above yours. They give you a small peck on the cheek.
“Feel good?” They whisper.
All you can do is nod, your shaky hands wandering over their back. There’s no sign of sweat on their skin, but you can feel the heat running off of it as they nuzzle into your neck.
As your fingers dance over the ride of their back, you can hear the rumble of a low purr coming from their chest, but they stay hovering over your body. You press your hands into their back, applying weak pressure to encourage them to relax.
“It seems I’ve repaid my debt.” Nocter murmurs into your ear, pushing themselves up onto their hands, pulling even farther from you as their eye’s look around your room. You keep your hands wrapped around their waist, stopping them from fully getting up. They look back to you, white eyes slightly widening.
“Would you-” You take another deep breath, “Want to stay? For the night?”
Nocter stares at you, the black void of their face almost unreadable. But when they run a claw down the side of your face, it burns with affection and longing.
“Would you want that?”
Your room is nearly pitch black, only the lights of the street peeking in between your curtains. Nocter’s body seems to absorb all light near it, their hot body like a heating pad. But their eyes are so bright, so full, so mesmerizing; Like a full moon on the dark city sky.
“Yes, I would.”
Nocter’s nods, their expression barely changing, but you think you can see a hint of a smile amidst all the black. They let their body relax, pressing their chest against yours as they sink into the sheets and nuzzle back into your neck.
You can smell the sweat coating your body and feel the way you stick to the sheets. Frankly, the both of you kind of smell.
But it doesn’t stop you from snuggling into Nocter’s body, eye’s heavy as you peacefully fall into sleep.
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dasy002 · 2 years
Main masterlist| Actor masterlist
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Past Scarlett Johansson x fem!reader
Present Elizabeth Olsen x fem!reader
Warnings: angst (?), some bad words, I pretended reader wrote some famous songs but all the rights go to the real authors!!
Songs: "Happier than ever" Billie Eilish | "Cherophobia" Martina Antilli | "Lost cause" Billie Eilish
This is a part two of the previous story. The idea was given to me by an amazing girl on wattpad!
Love ya all
Daisy 💜
It’s been years since the day Scarlett left your house stepping on your heart. And you haven’t been doing well.
If earlier going out drinking and fucking random girls in bars was a once a week thing, now it became a routine. Going to clubs, getting drunk as fuck, having sex with some chicks, sleeping till noon and then starting over again. 
That’s when the press started to notice, and that’s why you hate being a famous singer. Everyone always finds out what you’re doing, no secrets. The first pics started to appear on the cover pages of the magazines, they pictured you smoking weed, drinking and making out with strangers. They started calling you whore, slut, drug addict and more. At that point you had hit rock bottom, you weren’t even able to do music anymore. 
That’s when your mother suggested you go away for a while. “Knowing she’s far away from you, will make you feel better (y/n/n).” she said as you walked past the airport’s gate. 
Everyone says new home, new life. Well that didn’t apply to you, at least not in the first few months. Your routine didn’t change at all, until one day walking down Sunset Boulevard you saw a young boy sitting on a paper box while playing the guitar. At this point, while the music flies in the hot hair of Los Angeles,you feel a void start growing inside of you. You missed singing, the hard wood of the guitar under your fingers, the vibrations of the strings as you pinch them. 
That’s when you decided you wanted to change and you were ready to ask for help. You wanted your life back 
In the meantime Scarlett went on with her life, or at least that’s what she told herself. For how much she tried she couldn’t take you out of her mind. The pain in your eyes, the tears and your outburst still hunted her dreams after years. How did she end up hurting you so much when avoiding it was all she cared about and the reason why she ended things between you two? She couldn’t find an answer.
When your not so healthy lifestyle appeared all over the internet and magazines things started getting worse, cause she knew it was all her fault. She wanted to go visit you and try to help you move on, but then she would find herself wondering ‘Is it really a good idea or will I make her suffer more?’ 
Well by the time she decided you had already flown all the way to sunny California. 
Then there was Rose. Gosh this little girl missed you like crazy, but her mom had not the guts to tell her you were gone forever. So her answers were always the same “(y/n) is really busy little bean. I’m sorry.” or “She’s not in town right now Rosie.”
Anyway, whatever excuses Scarlett puts up for her daughter she couldn’t bear the sadness in the kids eyes. It broke her heart day after day, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell her the truth , cause Rose would have ended up hating her for sending her ‘mama’ away.
In the end it was her fault.
Therapy isn’t as stupid as you’ve thought, it’s actually bringing you somewhere. It’s still too early to say you’re as good as new and ready to start again, but you’re working on it.
You’ve started understanding that you live for no one, but for yourself. That’s what you and Scarlett had was amazing, yeah, but you can’t go on remaining clinging to the past cause you’re afraid of what will happen in the future
And with that said you’ve started writing songs again. Addison (not me in love with Addison Montgomery in grey’s), your therapist, told you that expressing everything you’ve felt and are still feeling, in the form of music, helps to metabolize everything. 
And she was right. The more songs you write the more you can look back at things in an objective way and let them go.
“When I’m away from you
I’m happier than ever
Wish I could explain it better.”
It took you time to admit it, and probably this is the hardest song you ever wrote, but as soon as you said it out loud for the first time you felt like a huge weight had been lifted from your chest. 
You’re better without her, You’re happy away from her. And you don’t know why it took you so long to admit it. 
So everything was going good, you were writing music again, you were clean both from alcohol and from weed. You even met a cute redhead (I’m obsessed with red haired girls) on the beach and went on a few dates with her.
So yeah, everything was going good until it wasn’t.
You don’t even know when it started to go south again. It happened so quickly that you didn’t even have time to realize it. One day you were happy, the next one you were afraid of this happiness.
“Come te la spiego la paura di essere felici
Quando non l’hanno capita nemmeno i miei amici”
(How do I explain you the fear of being happy
When not even my friends have understood it)
“It's hard to explain!” That's what you say to Addison when she asks you what’s wrong. And you’re not lying. You don’t know how to explain it , cause it doesn’t even make sense to you. It’s like a voice inside of your brain, everytime you almost reach happiness, whisper “You don’t deserve it.” and you believe it.
“Come te la spiego la spiego tutta la pazienza 
Che ci metto ma non riesco a vivere senza
Qualcosa che mi opprime 
Che mi indichi la fine
Perchè ho un cervello che è strafatto di spine."
(How do I explain to you all the patience 
That I put into it but I can’t live without
Something that oppresses me
That shows me the end
Cause my brain is stoned with thorns)
And you tried, God knows how much you tried to fight it in the beginning. But then you start growing tired and this feeling of constant fear of being happy starts to feel good. ‘If I’m not happy, I can’t get hurt again.’ that’s what you say to yourself every time a part of you try to look for an ounce of happiness.
“Questa è la mia Cherofobia
No, non è negatività
Questa è la mia Cherofobia
Fa paura la felicità 
Questa è la mia Cherofobia 
Ma tu, resta…”
(This is my Cherophobia 
No, it’s not negativity
This is my Cherophobia
Happiness scares me 
This is my Cherophobia
But you, stay…)
All of your friends, old or new, it doesn't matter, start to leave. They don’t understand you, for them you’re just being exaggerated, fake. And they don’t want a friend that would slow them or stop them from doing what they want. So one by one starts to leave you behind.
Only one sticks by your side, Elizabeth Olsen. She’s such a sweetheart, she never leaves your side and helps you fight the voices in your head. 
And the rest is history.
“You ain’t nothin’ but a lost cause
And this ain’t nothin’ like it once was”
That’s the lyric of your last song that keeps repeating in your mind, as you walk hand in hand with your girlfriend Lizzie in Central Park.
Yes, you’re back in New York, but only for a couple of weeks. You accompanied Elizabeth on her press tour for her new movie ''Doctor Strange 2” (I’m in love with villain Wanda guys).
And yes, you and Lizzie got together in the end. It took you a while to definitely get over Scarlett, Elizabeth was there by your side and in the end you find yourself being madly in love with her. 
You two are chatting about where to go for dinner tonight when you see a very familiar face sitting on a bench. You look at Lizzie strangely calm and point to her where Scarlett was sitting, she looks at you and asks “You wanna go talk to her or we run away like two crazy girls?”. You love how she always tries to make you laugh when you have to face something that freaks you out. You found it cute. You shake your head smiling and answer “I guess we can just walk away like two normal people, Liz.” “But we aren’t normal, kitten…” she adds while smirking at you, and in that moment you know something crazy has just come up to her mind. She grabs your hand and starts running round the park dragging you behind her, as she giggles so loud that all the pigeons fly away and half of the park turns to look at you. But you don’t care as you pull her arm lightly, making her almost fall over you before connecting your lips in a messy kiss.
At the hearing of loud giggles and the rustle of wings, she takes her eyes away from her book and starts looking for the source of all this mess. And that’s when she sees you, lips locked with her ex co star Elizabeth and a dumb smile on your face. She remembers that smile, it’s the one you make whenever you are truly happy, and seeing you smiling for something that it wasn’t her hurt. But she doesn’t have the right to feel betrayed, in the end it was all her fault.
“You ain’t nothin’ but a lost cause
And this ain’t notin’ like it once was.”  
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Bad Habit - Billy Hargrove
Request: Hello love! Wanted to request a Billy Hargrove x Reader imagine. One where you and Billy are friends with benefits secretly and one day you approach him but he acts oblivious and kind of humiliates you so you just play along right there to not further embarrass yourself. Lots of angst and fluff at the end. You’re why I got into reading billy imagines so yeah would love to see you write something like this! Lots of love Xx
A/N: I’m actually not a huge Billy fan but I do kinda enjoy writing him...
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Billy Hargrove was a bad habit that had turned into an addiction before you had the chance to really know what was going on. It wasn’t like you thought Billy was madly in love with you or you had any preconceived ideas about what this was. It was exactly what you’d signed up for in the beginning and you both understood that. He wanted something easy, no strings attached, and you wanted anyone who wasn’t born and raised and destined to die in Hawkins, Indiana. It seemed like the perfect fit.  
It was just that when he said “friends with benefits” you assumed the friends part to be as true as the benefits part. Maybe it was stupid, maybe you did have some preconceived idea and you hadn’t even realized it, but he didn’t say this was just a booty call or something to tide him over when he was bored. You’d been there, you’d heard the three words leave his mouth. And now, standing at the lifeguard podium with him, you felt like an idiot.  
“What are you talking about?” He repeated, bringing your attention back to the present. He was standing there staring at you like you had grown an extra head.  
“Oh...uh,” you scrambled as you tried to think of something to say. You’d asked if he was still coming over later, in perfect earshot of the girl from your biology class who had been standing there flirting with him, and he’d acted like he’d never talked to you before in his life. The confused stare as he asked you to explain yourself had sent your brain into a malfunction, words not even processing in the right way. What were you talking about? “God, I think the heat is making me a little crazy.”  
“Obviously.” The girl next Billy bit out and you glared at her, wanting nothing more than to push her straight into the pool behind you. Or better yet, tell her that she could flirt with him all she wanted, she hadn’t seen the inside of his bedroom the way you had.  
Billy was staring at you expectantly, the obvious annoyance on his face more than enough to tell you that he was waiting for you to leave, waiting for you to head for your car and maybe you could see him tonight if you hadn’t screwed everything up. You glared at him too, who did he think he was...you weren’t some groveling Hawkins girl waiting for him to turn his attention on you, if he didn’t want to acknowledge you than you wouldn’t acknowledge him right back.  
If there was anything that sleeping with Billy had taught you, it was that he operated like clockwork. That night, after you were home and had cried from the humiliation of the afternoon without having to let anyone else see you, he called.  
“I’m not home.” You yelled to your mom when she called up the stairs for you to answer the phone. The petty side of you hoped that he heard. Hoped he was sitting on the other side of the phone waiting to talk to you and then he was denied, something Billy Hargrove was definitely not used to, and you could enjoy the moment you one upped him.  
“It’s Billy Hargrove,” your mom replied, somehow able to project the ‘it’s a boy’ tone in her voice.  
You rolled your eyes, “I’m. Not. Home!” You shouted. A hurried lie about you being busy, because she couldn’t pretend that he hadn’t heard you, and your mom was yelling up the stairs that you were being rude and should apologize the next time you saw him.  
The next time you saw him was that night. The familiar roar of the engine on his car as it died in your driveway, parking your dad’s station wagon in. You saw him from your window, he knew you would. Billy didn’t even bother knocking on the door, he simply got out and leaned against the side of the car, nonchalantly smoking a cigarette as if he wasn’t completely pissed that you’d blown him off earlier in the evening. You got dressed in a pair of jeans and a shirt, going downstairs and out the front door to meet him.  
“What are you doing here Billy?” You snarked, crossing your arms over your chest.  
“It’s Tuesday night.”
He huffed, an annoyed grin gracing his features as he looked away for a moment, “and...we were supposed to meet up. I waited outside that stupid arcade for an hour.”
“Pretty humiliating.” You mused, “guess you know how it feels now, huh?”  
“Is this about earlier?” He rolled his eyes, “you made me sit around for an hour cause of earlier?”
“I didn’t make you do anything,” you replied, “not my problem you felt like waiting around for me. I don’t control what you do.”
When you turned to leave Billy grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. “Come on, don’t be like this.”
“Be like what Billy?” You yanked your arm away and turned to face him, taking a step back to put some space between the two of you, “be pissed off? You fucking acted like I was some nobody...I don’t give a shit about some other girl so don’t roll up here acting like I got my feelings hurt cause I’m being jealous. Are we friends?”
“Yeah.” He breathed out, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking away from you.
“Then treat me with some fucking respect. Or don’t have anything to do with me at all.” You replied.
“Oh come on,” Billy urged, “you would miss this babe.”
“A dicks a dick Billy, there’s nothing special about yours.” You took another step back and then started heading up the front walk to your house again. You could hear the patter of Billy’s footsteps behind you as he caught up, catching your arm one more time.  
“Hey, come on,” he said, faltering for a minute, “let’s just talk.”
“We just did.” You pointed out.  
“Somewhere quieter...why don’t we take a drive or something...” he suggested, letting go of you when you turned back to face him once again, trying to hide his hopefulness with nonchalance.  
“When has taking a drive ever meant talking?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“It can.”
“Humilate me again Hargrove, and groveling will be the least of your problems,” you replied, patting his cheek with your hand as you walked past him toward the car. When he remained in his spot you called up the walk, “come on...I’ve got a curfew.”
“I didn’t grovel!” He called back, heading down the walk after you, “I don’t grovel.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”  
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bunkerbucky · 3 years
Casual Sabotage *Bucky Barnes x Reader*
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Reader is hit with sex pollen. Except she doesn't crave her boyfriend, Steve Rogers. No, it's his best friend, Bucky Barnes, that she wants inside of her. Bucky, in the beginning, is a good bro and refuses. But due to the fact she sucks his dick so good he kinda, sorta, loses that restraint and just fucks her regardless of who she belongs to.
Rating: Explicit [+18]
Warnings: Sex pollen= Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Rough blow-job, rough oral-sex, vaginal sex, praise kink, breeding kink, size kink- Bucky has a big dick in this lmao, choking and biting kink, infidelity; Reader cheats on Steve. 
TW: Dub-con- Reader is under sex pollen, so she actually cannot give consent and also because Bucky is so resistant in the beginning. It turns consensual on Bucky's part, he gives in to the temptation. But, obviously, reader is still influenced so... the lines are blurred.
Yourself and Bucky had searched the Hydra base from tippy-top to bottom. There was nothing out of the ordinary, which infuriated you a little. With the amount of recon work you both had to do, the long nights of watching the agents coming and going, you felt like you both deserved a small win, at least.
A long sigh escaped from your lips as Bucky's fingers typed furiously on the computers keyboard, a USB stick in hand just in case he found something exciting. Your arms were crossed over your chest, eyes scanning around the bases' security room, roaming the shelves and cabinets that held nothing of importance. A week of nothing, you wanted to cry.
"Hmm," Bucky low hum attracted your attention, "It says there's a basement to this building, we haven't checked that out." His steel eyes look over the screen and at you, you respond with a shrug of your shoulders. "We've got two hours before the cavalry arrives to pick us up, let's explore and see if we can obtain something to keep from Rogers from complainin'"
You giggle slightly at Bucky's comment, nodding in agreement with him. Steve would have a lot to say if you went back empty-handed, especially since he sent you both rather than himself. But you couldn't lie and say the thought of seeing Steve after so long didn't excite you. You had missed your boyfriend dearly, you weren't allowed on missions together since finally making things official. Work ethics and all that jazz.
Instead, you and Bucky had started to partner up, Steve didn't trust anyone but himself, and Bucky, to keep an eye out for you. Who better to watch over his best girl than his best friend, plus Bucky was your friend before you got with Steve.
"What if we go down there and there's a great, big monster waiting for us?" Sliding into the small elevator beside Barnes.
Bucky looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, "Then I'll be throwing you out as a distraction, so I can press the elevator door button to leave."
You both ended up laughing at his response, although when the doors finally did open and reveal a darkened basement layer... there was a moment of silence, you both side-eyeing one another at the lack of sound and movement.
Bucky stepped off first and the automatic lighting triggered him to pull his gun from its holster, his reflexes sharp and fast. You step off and follow Bucky down the hall towards double doors, the room through those doors was abandoned and huge. Desks with old computers, all smashed and out of use. Stacks of files and paper scattered on desks and the floor. Despite the mess, it all looks really promising, there had to be something amongst the chaos.
You both separate to cover more ground, you only had a limited time before you had to leave. You looked through paper and files, shuffling through stacks of meaningless bullshit. Hydra certainly kept a record of everything, including all the worthless crap. You wondered if they actually printed this stuff to lead you guys on wild goose chases like this, to make sure you were distracted with searching for something important amongst all their bullshit.
You ended up in the far back of the room, a small desk area had random empty vials littered across it. Files labelled in Russian, that you couldn't translate very well.
"Hey, Buck," You called over your shoulder as you lifted an empty vial, a cork tightly shoved in the top; curious. "Think I might've found something."
The vial itself was black, not black liquid, the vial was just black. It didn't feel weighted, it didn't feel like anything was moving inside of it. So, curiosity got the best of you because you yanked the cork off the vial. Black smoke puffed out and into your face causing you to inhale and go into a coughing fit. Waving your arms in front of your face, coughing at the inhalation of whatever was inside that vial.
It smelt like... old leather, peppermint toothpaste and...something else, like a deep musk. Odd.
"Hey, are you okay?" Bucky suddenly appeared at your side, a hand placed on your back and eyeing you with concern. He then grabbed the vial from your hand, it was clear and no longer black. "What happened?"
Your coughing had subsided, you felt fine. "I think there was some kind of smoke or whatever in there, I don't know. The black stuff just burst out, I was stupid-"
"Damn, right." Bucky looked mad, which was a given. "Hydra is known for making gas poisons, Y/N. That was a rookie move, never open strange vials." He didn't sound too mad at you, a little more concerned and worried.
You nodded, frowning when feeling the back of your neck sweating. You felt... hot. A sweat was taking over your body, your mouth was getting dry and your mind was going fuzzy. Bucky hadn't noticed, his eyes cast down to the Russian files on the desk, his hand flipping through the old pages and taking the information in with wide eyes. You briefly wondered if whatever is written in that file had anything to do with that vial.
"Fuck," Bucky muttered.
"What?" Your throat was scratchy, your breathing was becoming laboured and your palms were sweaty.
You didn't feel hot, though. You didn't feel sick either.
"Well, I'm guessing whatever was in that vial was... to put it plainly, sex pollen. It makes the patient unable to think of anything but sex, all they want and all they feel is lust. It's basically either used to breed or on prisoners- the pain of not getting off thoroughly enough can lead to the patient taking extreme measures: death." He shakes his head, you don't notice the horrified look In his eyes at the thought of maybe it being used on him when under Hydra's control. "You're likely fine, though."
"I wouldn't be so sure," You managed to gasp out, your thighs squeezing together and eyes closed, you wanted to feel embarrassed but you couldn't. "My head is spinning and, fuck, I need to get this off. I feel too hot, I'm burnin' up." Clawing at the collar of your own tact suit, your hands were shaking and you couldn't bring yourself to look at Bucky.
You wanted to look at him though. You knew he was standing close to you because you could smell him, he smelt like the black smoke did. He smelt delicious, intoxicating in the best way. God, you wanted him so badly. You needed him.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N. I promise, we'll get you back to Steve and he can-"
You shook your head and finally pulled the zipper down of your jacket, shrugging the bulletproof material off your shoulders.
"Need you." You managed to mumble out, lifting your gaze to Bucky, who was frowning and shaking his head. "Please, Buck. I need you! I can feel my skin crawling and-I'm in so much pain, please." Your voice a mix between a whine and beg.
"I can't- you're not thinking properly. Steve will be here soon and he can help you, he's your boyfriend, remember?"
You pulled the black, tight sleeved henley from your body and let it drop to the floor, it covered in sweat. You're standing in a sports bra and tact pants, chest heaving as you try to intake gulps of oxygen from your panting. Even with half your clothes off you still felt sweat bead and drip down your skin.
"I can't wait that long," You sniffled but no tears forming. "Please, I want you-I've always wanted you. You read the file, I'm going to die!"
Bucky continued to shake his head. "I won't do that Steve. It says that it took a couple of hours till that point, Steve'll be here soon and I'll explain to him what happened."
You groaned painfully, shaking your own head now. Not understanding why he couldn't just help you now. You were in immense pain and the throbbing heat in your core wasn't letting up.
You didn't want Steve to help you. You didn't need Steve to help you, it wasn't just because he wasn't here. You wanted Bucky. The smell of him, the heat radiating off his body when it was close to yours. You craved for him to touch you, to fuck you. You were sure the moment he touched you that the pain would ease, the flames that were consuming you would simmer down.
And you were certain that he wanted you too.
Taking the initiative you moved closer to Bucky, the short hairs on the back of your neck were drenched in sweat, you could feel it drip down your back. You placed a hand softly on his metal arm, the cool vibranium instantly cooling you down. Bucky let out a shaky breath and looked at you, eyebrows furrowing together as he took in your features. You were sure you could see the fight in his eyes, he wanted to help you. To touch you.
It was frustrating that he wasn't giving in. That he wasn't falling to his desires.
"I won't tell Steve, I promise." You whispered and pressed a kiss to his collar, inhaling his scent and shuddering when it filled your senses. He wasn't pushing you away, but he also wasn't giving in to touching you back. "It can be our little secret. I know you'll make me feel really good, he won't be able to help me like you can."
Her other hand trailed down his chest and stopped at his belt, Bucky was too busy telling her everything he had already been saying. Telling you how you love Steve and Steve loves you. It would break Steve's heart if he found out about this talk from you if he knew what you were saying to Buck. You didn't care, not right now anyway. You had always found Bucky attractive and before getting with Steve you had entertained the thought of Bucky, but he was just getting back his life. A relationship seemed too much for him, well that's what you thought.
You didn't settle for Steve, that was never the case. You love Steve, you know that. But, right now, here with Bucky, you knew that he'd be able to help you with this- more than Steve could. Steve was a peaceful lover, an attentive one. You needed this illness fucked out of you- at least, that's what your hazy brain was telling you.
Your hand slipped under his belt, a wide grin taking over your face at Bucky's shock, words choking out as you wrapped a hand around his dick. A sense of pride coming over you as he began to get hard in your hand, a few quick jerks as started to undo his pants with your free hand. Bucky was stunned into silence and compliance, unable to stop you just from the fact he hadn't been touched like this in a while.
He came to his senses when you noticed you get to your knees, his pants undone and pulled down his muscular thighs. Bucky slapped your hands away and tries to pull his pants back up, but you were putting up quite the fight. You roughly pushed him back, he ended up falling to the ground due to his pants restricting his movements. In the moments he fell down and was trying to figure out what happened, you had pulled down his boxers and gulped dryly at his semi-hard length.
"You're so big," You mumbled before wrapping your lips around the tip, a loud groan echoed through the room from Bucky.
You could feel him growing inside of your mouth as you tried to take more of him down, slobbering up his dick and licking around the shaft. Pulling off to run your tongue around the veins and down to his balls, gently suckling them into your mouth as you jerked his length till it was fully standing erect. You smirked to yourself at all of the noises Bucky was making, a hand being placed on your hair- which normally you hated Steve's hand in your hair, but you'd allow Bucky this time.
"Fuck my throat," spit was around your mouth and down your chin, "fuck my throat with your big cock."
Bucky's eyes were wide and lust-filled, there was still a hesitancy from him. A dilemma going on in that head of his, so you wrapped your lips around his cock again and started to slowly take him down. He was bigger than Steve, so much bigger, but that only spurred you on. You wanted him to roughly fuck your throat, you wanted to feel him at the back of your throat even after this.
You felt both his hands on your head... he started to push your head further down, the tip hit the back of your throat and you still hadn't taken all of him. He started to ease past your limitations, your eyes filled with tears as he stuffed your mouth impossibly full. Your lips stretched wide around his girth, he could feel your throat constrict around him and the slight gag you couldn't help because of how far he was down your throat.
"Fuck, so good." Bucky groaned lowly, eyes completely black and bottom lip trapped between his teeth. You knew your panties were soaking, a slickness collecting on your thighs as you rubbed them together, the flimsy material of your underwear was sticking to you and making you rub yourself just to alleviate the friction. "I'll deal with your pussy in second, right now I'm going to fill this hole up."
It was like Bucky snapped, the trepidation he was feeling before was long gone. It was now replaced with this new Bucky, and you loved him.
He wasn't merciful when he started to thrust in and out of your mouth, his balls were slapping against your chin harshly. The grip in your hair was harsh as he pushed and pulled your head to meet his hard thrusts, your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as he basically skull fucked you. Loud gagging sounds, your throat squeezing his cock as you fought for air, he only eased up when you looked like you were going to pass out. It was seconded worth of air before he repeated his onslaught, spit and cum was dribbling down your chin and onto your chest and sportsbra. Bucky kept his eyes on you, it made you shiver how he was looking at you.
Bucky didn't warn you when he was about to cum, instead, he held your head down, almost shoving his entire cock down your throat as loads of his cum spurted out and shot straight down your throat into your tummy. You hardly tasted his cum because of how far he was down your throat. He groaned as he came, swallowing thrusting his hips into your mouth as he milked his orgasm. He pulled you off his cock, it was still hard, thankfully.
He helped pull you to your feet then undressed you, roughly pulling the sports bra off your chest and yanking your pants down your legs. He ripped your panties to shreds and let the tattered pieces fall to the floor, his hungry gaze took in your shaking, naked form. Your thighs were glistening from your arousal and it was still leaking from your pussy, hardly any attention to it made you needy and wishing to be stuffed full.
"Turn around." The authority in his voice made you shiver.
You turned around and felt Bucky place a hand on your shoulder, bending you over the desk where you found the vial. The pieces of paper clinging to your sweaty skin and making you keen into his touch more. He kicked your feet further apart, a hand tickling the insides of your thighs and collecting your sweet juices. Expecting to feel fingers prodding around your entrance, instead, you felt a firm tongue lick from clit to fluttering hole, it dipping inside and collecting the juices wanting to leak out of you.
Your mouth fell open into a silent scream, his tongue was exploring so far into your pussy, his hands gripped your cheeks apart so he could push further inside of you. Tongue fucking you so roughly and expertly, your eyes almost went crossed out from the feeling. You didn't know you could be tongue fucked this good, but Bucky just lived to prove you wrong. The slurping sounds and moans from the man behind you, he lifted and bent your knee to rest on the table; opening you up further for his trained tongue.
"You're gonna have to let me have a taste of this everyday from now on, baby." Bucky groaned against your pussy, mouth closing around your clit as he sucked harshly, your mouths drowning out his own. "Taste so good," the tip of his tongue running figure eights on your engorged clit.
Bucky must've stayed between your legs for minutes, but it felt like hours. He pulled two back-to-back orgasms from you, only using his tongue. When he was done eating your pussy, he stood up and draped himself over your back, an arm wrapping around your neck as he breathed heavily into your ear. You could feel his cock nudge up against your pussy, sliding and coating himself in your juices.
"You ready for me?" You whined your response, trying to push yourself back against him but his arm tightened around your throat- not restricting your airflow. "Think your little pussy can take my dick, dolly?" You nodded in a rush, needing it inside of you otherwise you was going to die. "I've got you," The tip nudges against your entrance and began to push inside, the stretch was painful but welcoming. "Daddy's got you."
Your pussy fluttered around his length, the more he pushed his thick length in the more you moaned. He wasn't even half-way in when you started to babble about how he was too big for you, how he wouldn't fit inside of you. That only made Bucky want to prove you wrong, want to prove that you were made to take him. He started to thrust shallowly, rocking his length in and out of you, impaling you on him more whenever he pushed forward.
Once he was fully sheathed inside of you, he stopped and remained inside of your tight, heat for a moment. Relishing in the way you were split open around his cock, your walls were spasming around him and he was having a hard time not cumming on the spot. You felt so tight, so warm and wet around him, suddenly envious that Steve got to have you all the time. But he was planning on ruining you, to make sure the next time you fucked Steve it wouldn't feel as good.
He was going to fuck you so hard, so deep that you'd be wishing Steve was this big.
"Hang on, baby." That was the only warning you got.
Bucky started to pummel inside of you, his thrusts were hard and fast, his cock was kissing your cervix. You really could only just lay there and take it, your mouth open as moans were ripped from you, eyes rolling back as he kept impaling his girth inside of you. He was hitting spots so deep you knew you'd be feeling him for days afterwards, you'd be walking with limp and sore, it was worth it.
The way he was fucking you, it was as if he had something to prove.
The sound of skin slapping skin, his grunts and groans right beside your ear. His arm around your neck, clenching and cutting your airflow off at times, had you cumming within seconds and he still didn't let up. He didn't stop and fucked you through your third orgasm.
Your mind was starting to come down from the pollen, the pain and fever you were feeling had gone. Replaced now with pleasure and pain, a mix you didn't think you were into but now couldn't get enough of. All you could think and feel was Bucky Barnes. This was no longer the effects of the pollen anymore, this was pure you and riding on the afterglow of Bucky fucking you like you needed.
"Harder." You mumbled through heavy pants, tilting your head to look at him over your shoulder.
A smirk crossed his features, metal arm holding your hip in a bruising grip. Complying with your order and snapping his hips hard into your heat, grinding his hips against yours before pulling back out and repeating. It causes your back to arch, pressing your pussy back against his thrusts with little mewls leaving your lips.
"Kiss me." You plead breathlessly.
Bucky doesn't falter with that demand either. Draping himself over your body again and pressing his plump lips against yours, the kiss is far more gentle than his thrusts, but it still has you moaning against him. He was kissing you like you was fragile, yet fucking you like you were some kind of sex toy that he was using just to jerk off into. It was making your head spin and your pussy needy for more.
"You gonna come again?" Bucky chuckled against your ear, you nodded sharply and cried in pleasure when he bit your shoulder, cumming on the spot when his teeth dug into your flesh. "Mm'good girl." He mumbled as he licked at the tender spot, you could feel his hips stuttering their pace.
"Cum in me." You grinned and he cursed lowly, eyes squeezing shut. "Want you to fill me up, daddy. Fuckin' fuck a baby into me, fill me up."
The arm around your neck was pulled away, hand splaying across your back as he started to thrust into you in tight, fast and hard thrusts. Using your body to seek his own pleasure now, you were biting your lip at the thought of him filling you up. Not even caring if he actually did knock you up, you needed his cum inside of you.
Bucky found his end after a few careful thrusts, warm ropes of his seed filling you up and then some, he filled you up so much that it started to seep out around his cock. He groaned at the mess he made inside of you, he carefully pulled out of your abused cunt to see your hole clenching, trying to keep his creamy load inside of yourself. He had to look away because if he kept staring he'd get hard again, he didn't think you could take another round or load.
You remained bent over the desk and trying to catch your breath, his human hand was rubbing comforting circles on your back. Before you or Bucky could say something a buzzing sound captured both of your attention, it was coming from Bucky's pant pocket. He left you to retrieve his phone, eyes scanning over the device for a moment before he looked at you.
"Steve is waiting at the extraction point for us," You nodded mutely and you both got dressed in mutual silence.
He helped you to look presentable, ignoring the fingerprint bruise on your hip and the obvious bite mark on your shoulder. You were unsure how to explain any of that to Steve, you were also unsure how to explain what happened to Bucky. Obviously, you had still had those feelings for him, right? Otherwise, you would have been able to wait for Steve, it was like all sense of self-control had left you and only Bucky remained in your mind.
As you both left the base in awkward silence, treking the five miles towards the extraction zone, you wondered if you would have craved for Bucky if you was with Steve. If after all this time it was Bucky and not Steve you wanted.
All you knew was that Bucky had ruined you. You could still feel the impression of him inside of you, the way he had so deliciously stretched you open and impaled you on him. The way he had roughly fucked your throat like it was nothing but a hole to get off into. He had fucked you, in more ways than one.
(Please, let me know what you think! I’m also taking requests too! Honestly, kinda wanna write a part 2 where Reader tries to have sex with Steve but fakes her orgasm just to go to Bucky... I’m a bad person, I just think Bucky would be better than Steve tbh lol~ Lilith)
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omgreally · 3 years
The Edge
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Santiago “Pope” Garcia/F!Reader E 18+ ONLY 2.1k
Sometimes, being good is exhausting. You meet Santi, and he gives you what you need, instead. 
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), protected sex, a little bit of choking and dirty talk, top!Santi, rough sex, consenting adults doing Very Naughty things, this is unproofread pure wish fulfilment I’m sorry.
You’ve never been into dangerous men.
It’s always been the soft ones - the gentle ones - the harmless ones, the ones that follow you around like wet toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your heel. And that’s been okay, it’s been good, you’ve been safe - but you’re so far inland that the edge is something distant and foreign to you. 
Until now.
Until him.
Santi, he introduces himself with dark eyes and a charming half-smile and a warm handshake, and later you learn it’s short for Santiago and that he’s military, or former military - a contractor or an advisor or whatever-the-fuck, it doesn’t matter; you would normally be running for the hills by now. You don’t mess with Army boys, or Navy boys, or anything in between or beyond. It’s too dangerous.
And Santiago is definitely dangerous. It radiates off him - an aura of tightly controlled strength - like you don’t know what he’s capable of, and that is enticingly scary. 
You’ve always been a good girl. But he makes you wonder what you’ve been missing.
He’s nice, though - gentlemanly - able to hold a conversation, make you laugh, put you at ease. The bar is winding down towards close by the time you realize you’ve been talking for hours and you’re on your third glass of wine and starting to feel it.
He offers to escort you home. Normally, you wouldn’t think of accepting an offer from a strange man you just met in a bar - but tonight, you’re feeling a little dangerous.
You get to your front door and Santiago touches your waist as you turn to him. Just the briefest of contacts - the brush of his hand so near your hip - and you think maybe, just maybe, tonight you don’t need to be good.
“I want to see you again,” he tells you, looking in your eyes - his are impossibly dark; you can’t tell where pupil ends and iris begins. He licks his lips as if he’s nervous - as if a man like him has ever been nervous in his life - and that’s what makes you kiss him.
He tastes like wood-smoke and metal, like the smell of fresh pine needles underfoot in the deep, quiet forest, like ash and that edge you’ve been craving since before you even knew what it was. He opens his mouth and widens his jaw and you can taste the whiskey he was drinking, and you’re drunk on him - on the press of his body to yours - and pretty soon you’re wrapped around him and it doesn’t occur to you that you’re making out with a stranger on your doorstep in full view of the street and all your neighbors.
Fuck it. It’s not like any of them are likely to be awake this late, anyway.
When you part you’re both breathing hard, and Santi is making eye contact again - maybe you would blush if you weren’t so tipsy, so fucking turned on already. Instead you laugh and invite him inside.
“You don’t even know me,” he protests, but there’s the white slash of his teeth as he grins, his lips flooded russet-ret and eminently re-kissable. You unlock your door, grab him by the wrist and tug him inside.
“You don’t know - “ he protests, in between the molten press of your mouth; he kicks the door shut as he presses you to the wall, “ - what kind of man I am.”
“No,” you agree, tugging at the collar of his dark shirt, his jacket, “But I hope I’m about to find out.”
His grin pins you to the fucking wall, and he takes over from your fumbling fingers, shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it. He lifts you onto the hall table, sending your keys and trinkets scattering, and you feel his biceps tense under your hands and Christ you’re so turned on it’s almost uncomfortable.
You really had no hope against this. Against him.
His beard rasps your cheek and then the points of his teeth are sharply sweet against the column of your neck. Santi sucks bruises into your skin and you card your fingers through his hair, digging your nails into his scalp; he takes it as encouragement, and the sweep of his rough palms up your thighs and under your skirt makes you shiver.
“Lucky for you,” he says, a growl against your collarbone as his mouth moves lower, “I’m a generous lover.”
“Oh?” you wonder aloud, interrupted by a gasp as he worries your hardening nipple through the thin fabric of your blouse and the lace of your bra.”Is that s- oh.” He plants his mouth and sucks, hot and insistent, until your nipple aches and the fabric is damp through and you’re panting softly, helplessly.
Finally, Santi lets up and you catch sight of that damnable grin before he drops to his knees and pries your legs apart around his head.
You’re too stunned to react as he grabs one of your calves and swings it over his shoulder, leans in. He hikes your skirt and licks a hot stripe up your inner thigh; you clench on nothing and shudder.
He doesn’t even bother to remove your underwear. He just teases the damp crotch aside and nuzzles in.
“Oh, fuck,” you utter, and Santiago rumbles deep in his throat, a low sound of approval that has your hips arching up into his face. He just teases you at first - a kiss here, a lick there - until you’re trembling, your thighs tense with the focus of keeping them spread, keeping yourself still and open for him.
Finally, just as you’re about to lose it, he widens his jaw and drags his tongue through you, deep, catching at your fluttering entrance and working in.
You resist the urge to shriek, and instead ground yourself with one hand fisted in his thick, dark hair, the other white-knuckled at the edge of the table. You rock against his face as he fucks you with his tongue and there’s already the slow, agonizing build of a world-shattering orgasm building in the depths of your pelvis - no man has ever done this to you, gotten you so far, so fast. 
You wonder how much of it is him and how much of it is the recklessness - the danger of it all. 
You decide you really don’t care either way.
Santi’s tongue leaves your hole and you whine in protest, right up until he drags the point of it up, up to worry at the seat of your clit. Your hips jerk and you garble out a curse - your chin falling forward - you catch his gaze just as he’s looking up at you, lips flushed and parted, tongue pressed to your cunt - it’s quite possibly the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
You catch the edge of a grin an instant before he seals his lips around your clitoris and sucks, and you don’t see much more after that as your lids slam shut and your back arches in sudden, unexpected bliss.
Your orgasm comes to fruition without your control, without your input - it seizes you by the cunt and wrings spasms from every core muscle in you. You cry out, heedless of how loud - how obvious - you sound; you’re too overcome to care. 
Santi works you through it, lapping up your slick as the bite of your flavor fills his mouth, caressing your legs, your thighs, your stomach. He pulls back only when you’re oversensitive and twitching and rises to his feet, needing - desperately - to do something about the straining bulge of his cock putting far too much pressure on his fly.
You surprise him, then - pulling him in for a wet and filthy kiss, before he even has a chance to wipe his beard. You swipe your taste from his tongue with your own and he groans, his need to be inside you an exponential increase that has his cock throbbing as he finally frees it from the confines of his jeans.
You’re not shy - you take the opportunity to lean back, to look down between your bodies, to gape at the beauty of the specimen on display for you. He’s thick, rippling with prominent, mouth-watering veins, the head red and weeping already. Fuck, you want it in your mouth - you want to know his taste, fill your every sense with it - but your need to be filled right the fuck now is far greater.
However, all of your senses haven’t left you. You are, at heart, a good girl. So: “Condom,” you manage to force out, breathless, worried he might not listen, might not bother -
Santiago is already fishing his wallet out of the pocket of his sagging jeans. He withdraws a foil packet from it without missing a beat.
“Way ahead of you, sweetheart,” he says with a smirk you want to kiss off him - so you do, and he rips open the wrapper without looking and rolls the condom smoothly onto his cock while you’re distracted.
You break from his mouth with a gasp when you feel the head of his cock drag through the soaked lips of your pussy - accepting him in - he notches up against the clench of your entrance and, slowly, pushes in.
Your hands lock to Santi’s shoulders, bunching the fabric of his shirt under clenching fingers, and you keep your eyes open and on his as his brow knits in concentration. He sinks inside you slowly, his girth the wonderful stretch you first imagined, filling you so utterly that by the time his pelvis is flush to yours you swear you can feel him in the back of your throat.
“This what you need, princesa?” His voice is barely more than a growl, lifting every tiny hair on your body, vibrating in your gut. You respond with a wordless moan, urging your hips in little insistent revolutions against his. “You want more?” You nod frantically, and he chuckles, answering with the slow withdrawal of his cock from your grasping, greedy pussy - he feeds it back in all at once with a thrust that punches the air from your lungs and lights your nerves afire.
“I said,” he murmurs calmly, and in your fugue state you feel his hand close around your throat - compressing slowly, wonderfully - “Do you want more?”
“Yes!” you cry out, your throat tight beneath his thumb. He looks pleased, straightening and taking you beneath the knee, leaning you back into a new angle that has him plunging to deeper, unknowable depths with the next thrust.
It rattles you. You grasp his shoulders with clawlike hands, feeling as if you’re barely holding on - in more ways than one. Santi builds a punishing, unstoppable rhythm, and you’re so wet that every spintering slide of his cock into your cunt erupts moistly between you. 
“You gonna come for me again, princesa?” he wonders, holding your gaze even as your eyelids flutter, “C’mon. Wanna feel you, baby.” He practically croons it, his voice a purr now - a gentle counterpoint to the earth-shuddering thud of his cock into you. He lets go of your neck to work his hand between you - finding the swollen nub of your clitoris - two fingers against you, drawing your orgasm as tight as a bowstring inside you before it snaps.
“Santi!” you whimper his name, cry it out into the quiet night of your empty apartment. You are filled with him, overflowing, bursting - you soak him in a rolling surge of clenching inner muscles and you hear him groan, an unintended noise other than the effort of his breath that escapes without his permission. 
“That’s it - shit.” Santiago’s rhythm stutters, fails as you come unraveled around him, and he buries his sheathed cock deep in your spasming pussy, jerking and pumping out his load in a rush of release.
He staggers a little, planting a hand on the wall behind your head - his grip on your leg is too tight, sure to leave bruises. He releases you slowly, but doesn’t step away - to your surprise, he loops an arm around your waist and pulls you close.
You rest your forehead against his neck, feeling his sweat warm against your face, yours dampening his shirt. 
That’s when you think you find out what kind of man Santiago Garcia is. Or maybe it’s later, when he tucks you into bed - or the next morning, when he makes you eggs - or later, when he bends you over the kitchen counter and fucks you within an inch of your life, right over the edge.
You resolve to keep finding out. As many times as it takes.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Cat and Mouse Game - Fred Weasley
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Title: Cat and Mouse Game Pairing: Fred x fem!reader Warnings: NSFW, mentions of masturbation, semi-public sex, fingerfucking, unprotected sex A/N: I have a lot of feelings about Fred Weasley and very few of them are innocent. This is like 95% filth with some fluff thrown in at the end because I love Fred Weasley and he’s my only source of serotonin.
Tags: @tonksichu​
They’ve been playing the same game of cat and mouse since their Hogwarts days. They’d take turns leaving flirty notes for the other to find, grabbing the other’s hand under the table at dinner, pulling the other into a dark corridor for a few minutes of stolen kisses. Not much has changed between them since then, although their games are far less innocent.
“Mail’s here!” Verity calls from somewhere in the shop.
Fred doesn’t move a muscle, his focus completely taken up by the potion he’s stirring in front of him. He and George have been working on a new product for weeks, a candy infused with truth serum that only lasts for one question – the perfect addition to any game of truth or dare. They had planned on launching it next week, but they’re still having problems getting the formula of the truth serum just right.
“For fucks sake,” he mutters to himself when a puff of black smoke rises out of the cauldron. “Too much dandelion root.” He shoves himself away from his desk, stalking over to the sink so he can start over again. He’s so focused on scrubbing that he doesn’t hear George come in.
“Not going well, eh?” George asks, chuckling when Fred drops the cauldron, clearly startled by his brother’s sudden presence.
“I’m going to make you wear a bell for Merlin’s sake. You scared the shit out of me,” Fred groans, picking the cauldron back up. He rinses it one more time before stalking back to his desk. He’s about to start working again, when he notices that George is still standing in front of him. “Did you need something? Or are you just gonna stand there to annoy me?”
George smiles at his brother. Partially because he finds his frustrated demeanor amusing, but mostly because it’ll annoy Fred further. “Oh, I just popped in to bring you your mail.”
Fred rolls his eyes, getting back to work. “Just put it in the tray, I’ll get to it later.” He gestures lazily to the incoming work tray on the corner of his desk, which has started to pile up. He’s going over his notes so he can adjust the amount of dandelion root for the fifth time, when George shoves a letter into his line of vision.
“Actually, dear brother of mine I think you’ll notice that this particular letter requires your immediate attention,” George snickers. He drops the letter on the desk, and with a waggle of his fingers he’s gone.
Fred had only gotten a glimpse of the envelope, but as soon as George has closed the door behind him he pushes his work aside to pick it up. He recognized Y/N’s delicate writing immediately, he had become quite familiar with it during their time together at school.
In fact, he’s been waiting for this letter for the past three weeks. That’s how it is with them. One of them is the aggressor while the other waits for the next letter, waits for the details of their next meeting. It had been Fred’s turn to wait, and wait he had. Most nights he found himself laying in bed, hand around his hard cock thinking about the things he and Y/N had gotten up to during their last rendezvous.
That’s the one thing he truly misses about his days back in school, how easy it was for him to force her hand when he was tired of waiting. He knew her too well, knew how to get under her skin. Whenever he missed the feeling of her hand in his, or when he had nearly forgotten what the inside of her mouth tastes like it was all too easy to get her to make her move. All it took was some innocent flirting during breakfast, usually with Angelina Johnson, and by lunch time there would be a note in Y/N’s delicate scrawl detailing their next meeting time and place on his pillow.
But now he truly has to wait for Y/N to need him. They had gone longer than three weeks before, but that had been during the war, when it was too dangerous to play their game. Fred knows that he could always break their little game, he could owl her any day and have her in his bed that night, but he enjoys the chase, it’s part of the fun.
His mind wanders as his fingers tear at the envelope, wondering which of their games Y/N had chosen for them, silently hoping she had chosen his favorite.
Sometimes their game was romantic. They’d meet at a fancy muggle restaurant, all dressed up. Fred would wine and dine her for hours before he’d take her back to his. Their sex was always slow and intimate. Fred would make sure she could feel all of him and wouldn’t stop until his name was dripping from her lips as she came. He’d kiss her slowly as he came insider her, wanting to feel as close to her as possible.
Other times, their game was quick and dirty. They’d meet at a hotel room in London and from the second the door was shut behind them they were all over each other. They’d both be naked in a matter of minutes, their hands roaming each other’s bodies and Fred’s mouth leaving marks on her wherever he can. Their sex was quick and hard, both of them usually on their lunch breaks. Often they came together, and Fred’s lips wouldn’t leave her skin until they were back on the bustling streets of London and parting ways to go back to their lives.
Fred’s favorite game by far was the perfect mix of the others. They’d meet at a muggle club, just a few minutes apart from each other. Fred would arrive first and grab a drink from the bar before settling at a table. When Y/N would enter they’d lock eyes, and the game would truly begin. Y/N would spend the evening doing as she pleases: drinking, dancing, and most importantly, flirting. Fred would watch her from his spot, jealousy and arousal building up in his stomach. He’d let her push it and just as some unsuspecting muggle is trying to get her to leave with him, Fred would swoop in and remind her just who she belongs too. Their first round is quick and dirty, usually in the toilets of whatever club they happen to be at. Then he’d apperate them back to hers, and they’d spend the rest of the evening tangled in the sheets of her bed, kissing softly as he ruined her.
Fred fumbles with the envelope as he pulls the piece of parchment out, too excited to be careful. A grin spreads across his face as he eyes scan over the few words written down. She had chosen his favorite game, and he couldn’t wait to play.
Malibu. Tonight. 10:30.
Y/N stands in front of her open closet in nothing but a dressing gown, nervous butterflies in her stomach as she contemplates what to wear. Upscale muggle clubs are not her usual stomping ground and she wants to look perfect, so she’s at a loss for what to wear.
Of course, she could have picked one of their other games. She had plenty of dresses she felt confident in that would have been perfect for a night at a muggle restaurant, but it had already been three weeks since she’d seen Fred last, and she didn’t want to wait any longer for a reservation to open up. A lunch time meet up would have been perfect as well, since her and Fred managed to get naked in under 10 seconds her clothes wouldn’t matter, but she needed longer than an hour with him.
Plus, this particular game is Fred’s favorite, and she needs him nice and riled up for the night she has planned. They’ve only played out this game two other times, but both times Y/N was barely able to walk the next day.
She decides to go with something white, for a few different reasons. For one, Y/N had bought a white silk dress that hugs her curves perfectly last weekend and seeing her in something new and tight will rile Fred up even more.
But mostly, she knows that seeing her in white awakens something carnal in Fred. Y/N had once made the mistake of wearing a brand new set of matching white bra and panties to one of their meetings, and after Fred had ripped her panties off he fucked her hard, growling in her ear about how innocent she looked in white, but that they both knew what a dirty slut she was for him. He had made her cum so many times that she cried from the overstimulation, the only downside was that she had to replace her ruined panties and they had been quite expensive.
Y/N grabs the new white dress out of her closet, a shiver running down her spine at the memory. Three weeks is far too long to go without having Fred both in her bed and just in her life generally. She makes a mental note not to wait that long next time as she heads over to her dresser. She opens the top drawer, trying to decide which pair of panties would really get Fred going.
“Well, if I’m being honest with myself,” Y/N thinks out loud, quietly. With a wicked smile she slams the drawer shut. “No panties it is.”
Fred is already nursing a whiskey sour at a table when Y/N strolls into the main room of the club. Their eyes lock across the crowded room, and after sending her a sly wink his eyes trail down her body.
“Holy hell,” he groans, the grip he has on his glass tightening. He can already feel himself getting hard in his trousers just from the outfit Y/N is wearing alone. Fred can tell by the way the lights reflect off of it that the tight piece of fabric clinging to her every curve is made out of silk, his absolute favorite. The fact that it’s white drives him even crazier and he quickly downs his drink, needing to calm himself down.
From where Y/N is standing at the bar Fred has the perfect view of her bum. He absent mindedly signals for a waitress to bring him another drink, his eyes trained on Y/N. Fred has to stifle a groan when her dress rides up the back of her thighs as she leans forward to shout her order to the bartender. He’s fully hard in his trousers now as he thinks about how badly he wants to feel those thighs wrapped around his head.
Just as a waitress sets another drink down on Fred’s table a young man with tousled blonde hair comes up behind Y/N, blocking his view.
He takes a sip of his drink. “Let the games begin.”
Y/N feels someone come up behind her, and a moment later she can feel them press up against her. “You come here alone?”
She smiles to herself before turning to the stranger. There’s no doubt that he’s attractive, and Y/N knows that she had positioned herself directly in Fred’s line of sight, so she knows that he’s watching their exchange.
“I did actually,” she drawls, her hand running down the length of the glass the bartender had just set in front on her. “Was hoping to find someone that piques my interest here.”
The man’s eyes follow the languid movement of her hand on her glass for a moment, before he looks into her eyes with a smirk. “Oh really? Any luck so far?”
Y/N takes a sip of her drink, willing herself to keep her eyes on the man in front of her instead of searching for Fred’s. The alcohol burns her throat as arousal begins to build in her stomach. She knows Fred is out there, watching her intently as she flirts with someone who isn’t him. But they both know who she’ll be going home with, and that though alone has her pussy aching.
“I think so,” Y/N responds, her voice dripping with arousal. It’s not due to the man standing in front of her, but he doesn’t need to know that. She looks him up and down, taking notice of his strong hands and long legs. She nods to herself, almost saying ‘yeah, he’ll do.’ She downs the rest of her drink quickly and slaps some muggle money down on the bar. “Care to dance?”
Fred’s eyes are trained on the dance floor, his second drink abandoned on the table next to him.  He’s too focused on Y/N, watching her hips sway to the beat of whatever muggle song is playing. Her back is pressed up against the front of the bloke that approached her at the bar, and his hands are gripping her hips. They’ve been dancing like that for at least 30 minutes and Fred feels like he hasn’t even blinked, he’s too entranced by Y/N.
His cock has been aching in his trousers for what feels like hours, and his stomach is a pit full of arousal and jealousy. On one hand he finds Y/N’s actions downright dirty, and he knows he’ll be thinking of how good she looks tonight next time he’s alone in bed and desperate for her touch. On the other hand, he wants to be the one dancing behind her, gripping her hips so tightly he leaves bruises to remind her of him for days after.
Fred clenches his fist, his eyes trailing up Y/N’s body to her face to try and calm himself down. They’ve only been at it for 45 minutes and Fred already wants to storm over and claim Y/N. The first time they had played this particular game Y/N had been shy, and Fred had watched her flirt with a few different guys before she had settled on the dance floor with one. He watched her with him for the better part of two hours before he intervened, no longer able to stand the fact that it wasn’t his hands gripping her bum.
The second time Y/N was bolder. She had spent only 30 minutes at the bar talking to a bloke before they moved to the dance floor. Fred had managed to watch for over an hour that time before his hands ached to touch her and he sent the muggle man Y/N had been with away.
When he first entered the club that evening he had planned on waiting longer. Y/N had made him wait three weeks, and he planned on punishing her by making her wait for him. But now that he’s standing there, watching her move in that sinful white dress against someone who isn’t him he can barely stop himself from stomping over there and taking her right in the middle of the dance floor.
Usually he can contain himself. She’s always driven him mad, but he enjoys their little game too much to break the rules. He loves the uncertainty of the chase, it’s what had drawn him in all those years ago at Hogwarts. Not knowing what the next note would contain, not knowing how long she would make him wait, not knowing what wicked plans she had made for them. Y/N was just as unpredictable as Fred and that usually drove him crazy in a good way. But now, as Fred watches her grind up against some stranger he would give anything to know what’s going on in her mind. Fred isn’t sure if it’s because it’s been three weeks since he last saw her or because she looks absolutely ethereal tonight but he’s ready to end their game early and take his woman home.
Luckily for Fred the song Y/N and her partner had been dancing to fades into another, and the pair head back towards the bar. Fred adjusts himself in his trousers so his arousal isn’t so obvious, before he throws some money on his table.
“Time to end this game.”
A light line of sweat has begun to drip down Y/N’s back and she can feel the wetness of her pussy coating her thighs. Her and Darren, she had managed to remember to at least ask the name of the poor bloke she planned on blue balling, had been dancing right in the middle of the dance floor where Y/N knew Fred could see. She could feel his gaze on her as she moved her hips to the beat which did nothing but heighten her arousal.
“So, what are you drinking?” Darren asks as they reach the bar once again. Y/N had suggested they get another drink, needing to take a break from Fred’s stare.
Y/N can smell Fred before she feels him. He’s always smelled the same, like cinnamon, fireworks and something Y/N can only describe as home. She’s about to respond to the question when she feels someone press up against her back. Fred grabs her hips tightly and Y/N has to bite her lip to keep from moaning.
“Actually, I think she’s had enough to drink,” Fred answers for her as he pulls her even tighter against his chest. His voice sends waves of pleasure through Y/N’s body, and she tries to subtly rub her thighs together to try and get some relief on her aching pussy.
Darren glares at Fred, and if Y/N wasn’t so turned on she probably would have laughed. “Oi, mate, d’you mind? We’re having a good time together.”
Y/N can feel Fred’s chest rumble against her back as he laughs, clearly unphased by what Darren had said. She feels Fred lean down, and a shiver runs down her spine as his lips lightly caress her earlobe.
“Is that true, baby? Were you having a good time with him?” Fred whispers in Y/N’s ear before he begins to press light kisses to the side of her neck.
“I was, yes,” she admits, with a nod, her voice shaking with arousal.
Darren looks like he’s about to tell Fred off, but Fred’s lips stop their movements on her neck so he can whisper in her ear again. “But what about me, baby? Are you ready to have a good time with me?”
Y/N is barely able to nod before Fred is spinning her in his arms and kissing her deeply. She can hear Darren say something rude as he stalks off, but her mind is too full of Fred to register it. Fred trails one of his hands down to Y/N’s bum, giving it a tight squeeze, and when she parts her lips to let out a soft moan he takes the opportunity to lick into her mouth.
When Fred breaks their kiss a few moments later Y/N is breathless, her cheeks tinted pink. She chases after his lips, desperate for more but Fred grabs her chin. Her eyes flick up to meet his gaze, and a tingle of pleasure runs through her pussy at how dark Fred’s eyes are.
“You drive me so fucking crazy, Y/N,” he growls into her ear. “You show up here in this,” he pauses so his fingers can tug at the bottom hem of her dress before he continues. “Knowing that I can’t touch you.” Fred trails off for a moment, letting his lips press slow kisses up and down the column of her throat. “Such a naughty girl, aren’t you?”
Y/N lets out a whine, letting her head fall back so Fred’s lips have more skin to kiss. “Just wanted to look pretty for you is all,” she gasps. Fred’s mouth had found her sweet spot and started to slowly suck at it.
Fred hums against her neck, his hands wrapping around her waist. He pulls her body flush against his, slowly rolling his hips forward so Y/N can feel his hard cock press up against her. “You look so pretty baby. And so, fucking dirty. Grinding against some random bloke while I watch, putting on a show for me.”
Y/N is soaking wet at this point, Fred’s words and actions only turning her on further. She pulls his face away from her neck, unable to contain herself anymore. She presses their lips together messily, moaning as Fred’s soft lips move with hers. Their kiss is uncoordinated, but Y/N doesn’t care. “Need you, Freddie. Need you so bad,” she whines into his mouth.
Fred kisses her for a moment longer before he forces himself to pull away. Y/N’s mouth is intoxicating, and he could spend hours just standing there and kissing her. But his cock is aching and Y/N needs him and he can’t deny her anything.
In the blink of an eye Fred has lead them away from the bar and is pushing Y/N up against the closed door of the women’s toilets. He presses their lips together hungrily as he grabs her thigh, hitching it around his waist to give him access to her core.
Y/N moans into Fred’s mouth as they kiss, his right hand gripping her thigh tightly while the other trails up her other leg towards her pussy. A smirk forms on her lips as Fred’s hand inches closer to where she needs him most, knowing that he’s about to discover her little secret.
“You dirty little slut,” Fred growls as he breaks their kiss. He had planned on teasing Y/N by softly rubbing her clit through her panties, but when he finally reached her folds he was met with her dripping entrance. He rubs her exposed clit with his thumb, causing Y/N to let out a long whine. “Look at you. Trying to fool everyone in your little white dress. Pretending you’re so innocent while your pussy is bare, anyone able to get a glance.”
Y/N is barely able to speak, her breath coming out in hard pants as Fred toys with her clit, his index finger beginning to slowly circle her entrance, just barely letting the tip of his finger enter her heat. She opens her mouth to respond, but a moan comes out instead as Fred finally lets his index finger sink fully into her.
“Is that what you were hoping for? Hm?” Fred asks as he curls his finger, smiling when Y/N clenches around him. “Hoping someone else would get a flash of your sweet pussy? Hoping someone else would notice and get a turn with you before me?”
Y/N shakes her head wildly, her mouth running dry as Fred adds another finger. Her fingers dig into Fred’s shoulders to try and steady herself as his thumb starts to rub her clit harder. “N-no,” she manages to stutter out a few seconds later when she remembers how to speak. “Did it for you. Only for you. Only want you.”
Fred buries his face in Y/N’s neck to hide the blush that has started to tint his cheeks. Even though they’ve never defined their relationship Fred knows that Y/N doesn’t see anyone else while they’re apart and he doesn’t either. But hearing that she only wants him makes him want to say things he’s felt since he was 15 years old. So he presses kisses into the hot skin of her neck instead, because it’s not appropriate to tell someone you love them for the first time while you fingerfuck them in the bathroom of a club.
“’M close,” Y/N breaths, one of her hands leaving Fred’s shoulder to tangle in the hair at the base of his neck. She can feel her climax approaching quickly, and with one more curl of Fred’s fingers against her sweet spot she’s tumbling over the edge, Fred’s name falling from her mouth.
Fred fingers continue their movements, his touch much lighter and slower to help her through her climax. When Y/N’s breathing has somewhat returned to normal Fred slowly removes his fingers and presses one more kiss to her neck so he can look at her face. Her cheeks are flushed red and her lips are swollen.
“God you’re so beautiful,” Fred whispers, kissing her deeply once again. He pulls away a moment later, pressing their foreheads together. He’s painfully aware of how hard he is in his trousers and he grinds against Y/N’s bum, trying to get some kind of relief.
Y/N giggles at Fred’s actions, bumping their foreheads together lightly. “You gonna take me home and fuck me? Or should I go find that bloke from earlier and see if he’ll give it to me?” she teases.
Without another word Fred is gripping her tightly and apperating them away.
As soon as they land in Y/N’s flat Fred reattaches their lips, keeping it slow and intimate. Now that the rushed part of their evening is over Fred wants to take his time with her. He moves them to her bedroom slowly, Y/N’s fingers working at the buttons of his shirt.
They reach her bed just as Y/N has worked the last button of Fred’s shirt, and he breaks their kiss so he can lightly push her back onto the bed. He rids himself of his shirt before he crawls over Y/N and reattaches their lips in a heated kiss. He grabs one of her knees and pulls her legs apart, settling in between them.
“Take this off,” Fred demands, his hands tugging at the hem of her dress. “ I wanna see all of you.” As Y/N takes of her dress Fred fumbles with his belt, quickly undoing it before moving on to his trousers. He falls back onto the bed so he can kick the rest of his clothing off, his cock finally getting some relief from its tight confines.
Before Fred can crawl back on top of Y/N she’s straddling his waist. She acts as if she’s going to kiss him, but at the last second she turns her attention to his neck and starts peppering kisses along the exposed skin.
Fred’s hands come up and grip Y/N’s hips tightly. “You’re such a tease.”
Y/N laughs into Fred’s neck as she kisses it, causing Fred to chuckle as well. While there are many parts of a healthy sex life Fred loves and enjoys, kissing is certainly in his top 3; which Y/N is fully aware of. They had once spent over an hour in one of Hogwarts’ secret passageways with Y/N pressed up against the wall as their lips moved together. It was one of the first times they had met in secret, and Fred still gets butterflies in his stomach when he thinks about it. Which he does far more often than he’d like to admit.
Fred lets her kiss and suck at his neck for a few moments longer before he flips them over, causing Y/N to squeal both in delight and surprise. Fred bites at her shoulder momentarily before he starts to peck her lips several times.
“I was gonna ride you ya know,” Y/N says with a soft laugh in between kisses. Fred laughs as well, one of his hands coming up to cup Y/N’s cheek while the other starts to massage one of her breasts, his thumb teasing her nipple. “Fuck, Freddie. Feels so good,” she moans.
Fred pulls away from her slightly so he can look Y/N in the eyes. “You do look exceptionally pretty when you sit on my cock, my love.” Fred pauses, his thumb rubbing her cheek as a pink blush spreads across it. “But tonight, I want- no I need.” Fred’s sentence is cut short as Y/N grabs him by the neck and brings their lips together.
She kisses him slow, letting Fred take the lead and lick into her mouth. Y/N doesn’t need Fred to finish his sentence, she already knows what he was trying to say, because she feels the same way. After an evening full of teasing and putting on a show for each other there’s nothing either of them want more than to be close to one and other.
“Please, Freddie,” Y/N begs as Fred’s fingers begin to pinch at her other nipple.
Without another word Fred hitches Y/N’s left leg up on his hip and lines himself up with her entrance. He pushes in slowly with a roll of his hips, both of them letting out low moans. Fred doesn’t stop moving until he’s fully buried inside her, his lips coming up to suck at the skin just below her earlobe.
“Feel so good, baby. Always feel so good. Oh God-,” Fred’s words cut off with a groan as Y/N clenches around him. Fred rests his forehead against hers so he can look her in the eyes. He pulls out of Y/N halfway before he pushes back in, slowly starting to fuck her. “God I love you.”
Before Fred has a chance to regret what he’s said Y/N is kissing him hungrily, her hips moving to meet Fred’s thrusts. She breaks their kiss to let out a whine as Fred’s thumb starts to rub slow circles on her clit in time with his thrusts.
“Merlin that feels good,” she breaths, tilting her chin up to kiss Fred briefly. “Not gonna last much longer,” she moans.
Fred speeds up his thrusts as he hitches Y/N’s leg higher on his hip so that he’s hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. “Me either, love. Come for me baby.”
With a few more thrusts, Y/N is coming, her toes curling and nails scratching down Fred’s back from the pleasure as she moans his name. Her walls spasm and clench against Fred’s cock, helping him to reach his climax. Her moans are cut off by Fred kissing her deeply as he reaches his own high, emptying himself into Y/N.
Fred slows his thrusts down, helping them both come down from their highs, his mouth still moving against Y/N’s softly. After a few final thrusts he slowly pulls out, and rolls onto his back, his hands gripping Y/N’s waist so that she rolls with him and their kiss doesn’t break.
They just lay there kissing for a few minutes, Y/N’s hands tangled in Fred’s hair while his hands rub circles on her hips. Y/N pulls away first, her breathing heavy and her cheeks flushed red. Fred smiles at her and brings one of his hands up to stroke her hair.
They sit there for a few moments in silence, just looking at each other. Fred feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest as he studies Y/N’s familiar features. After tonight he’s more sure than he’s ever been, he doesn’t want to spend another moment with out her in his life.
“I meant what I said, you know,” Fred says quietly, not wanting to disturb their peaceful moment.
Y/N kisses him briefly. “That I look pretty sitting on your cock? ‘Cause I’ve known that for ages,” she teases.
“Well yes I did mean that,” Fred says with a chuckle before kissing her again. “But that’s not what I was talking about. And it’s okay if you-”
He’s about to say something else, when Y/N lurches forward to kiss him. “I love you too you idiot. Always have.”
When Y/N wakes up the next morning and turns over she’s disappointed that Fred isn’t in bed next to her. While they never usually spent the night together, last night had been different and she had fallen asleep last night dreaming of what round three would consist of in the morning.
Y/N is halfway through cursing Fred out in her head when she notices an envelope sitting on the pillow Fred’s head had been cradled against only a few hours ago. She grabs it, letting her finger trace over her name written in Fred’s messy scrawl on the outside before she tears it open.
My flat. Tonight, tomorrow, the day after that and every single day for the rest of forever. 6 pm.
Love you forever and always.
Y/N scans her eyes over the words several times, letting Fred’s message sink in. She smiles to herself as she falls back against her pillows, her hear swelling with more love than she ever thought possible. “Game over.”
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