#I mean I do love academia
otaku553 · 2 years
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Trying to make sense of tighnari’s outfit
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g4rdensofb4bylon · 3 months
still cannot fathom how Oliver said like the most romantic thing ever to Meredith and then went to jail for James 5 minutes later
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super-paper · 1 month
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afotaro is the elephant's foot of toxic old man yaoi but that's not gonna stop me from memeing on it, y'know, as a coping mechanism.
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lauriemarch · 5 months
you romanticize the theatre rehearsal– you love the idea of bloodied shakespeare traded from desperate palm to desperate palm, you dream of the sweat dripping from a dancer's brow like the sun glinting off the sea, but in between all of this imaginary want, you miss the whole point.
you miss the clutter of foldable tables holding laptops and open scripts and the rind of an orange, four empty water bottles and six uncapped pens. two rings of keys and one folded up piece of my notebook paper that represents a letter prop. you miss our running document of silly things people have said in the heat of the moment and you miss the hundred clarifying questions that are asked. you miss the hunger in everyone's eyes, the want, the need, the lust. the unspoken something between my eyes and the boy i love to make laugh– you miss the way he's like that with everyone who has the pleasure to come him across, and i can't bring myself to particularly mind.
and you know what? you do miss the bone-chilling scream of a man who's eyes are ripp'd from his traitor skull (the vocal-conscious yell of a grad actor with voice and speech tomorrow morning), the sharp lines drawn between two bodies moving against the grain of a tango. you miss the magic that settles in-between the creased brow of a determined designer and you miss the silent cheering folded behind a heavy black curtain when the tricky scene change goes exactly as we put it to paper. you miss it. you miss everything, when you aren't here.
but tonight, i'm here, and i'll explain exactly what it all means. i hike my skirt up above my calves and i swiftly collect the rehearsal props littered around the room; someone yells "I'm not a fucking liar!" and we're supposed to be running King Lear. the animosity from blind father to vengeful son never bleeds into our equity 10-minute breaks. we all tune in, for just a moment, and we all feel the same damn thing run through our bones. it's the same, it's the same, we're the same. we to you to me to us to them to zip to zap to zop.
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riddle-me-grits · 1 year
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Movies I Wish Existed | The Secret History (1993)
“I suppose at one time in my life I might have had any number of stories, but now there is no other. This is the only story I will ever be able to tell.”
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fluffalpenguin · 1 year
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the mean girls of duel academia
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yikes077 · 3 months
The day that there are zero fans of Bakugo Katsuki, is the day I die.
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thinking abt how not a lot of ppl talk abt (or maybe they do and it’s me!! im the issue here i haven’t met them so if ur seeing this hmu!!) how tiring and downright cruel being in love can be for a person. maybe cruel is a strong word but it can be so very disturbing having to think abt a person all the time and I am by no means trying to say that being in love with someone is a- full time commitment and a job and it requires you to put in the hours and shi- but js the feeling part of it.
I canNOT be the only one thinking it’s not all that perfect and that when we go high we go high but when we go low we go so fucking low that im abt two millimetres from touching the ground after falling from a 80feet roller coaster drop.
And by lows i don’t mean the ups and downs however subjective this may be from person to person- i mean LOW like there’s nothing the other persons doing to make you feel this way but it’s js the act of being left in ur own company and being so sickeningly preoccupied w thoughts of them that it’s physically making you sick.
Not disgustingly sick just- sick. Like this is affecting me both mentally and physically. I’m not irked out by them im not disgusted but im just on edge??
I feel nauseous and distracted and disturbed bcs I cant stop thinking abt them and it’s leaving me restless and incapacitated to carry on w my day?? and suddenly I don’t feel like eating anymore im subconsciously skipping meals and consistently depending on what they have to say which is robbing me off my will to js be by myself??
Again they’ve done NOTHING wrong to cause this. I have never not felt deeply abt a situation. love doesn’t sound overwhelming to me love sounds dangerous. it’s taking “butterflies in my stomach” to another level and idk how I feel abt that
Being sexually fluid and shifting from being cupioromantic to being in a relationship with someone can be so frightening bcs now im supposed to do everything I’ve never done before
I have genuinely (in the least self pity way possible) been so devoid of romantic intimacy that I’ve never found myself in the position to experience it. And it’s not the inexperience that’s driving me mad it’s the fact that I’ve subconsciously rejected affection and the idea of being the object of attraction so much that it’s physically uncomfortable to be unknowingly doing things that I’d never do before.
I love them and I still want to be with them. They’re not the problem here but the aftermath of being in love is just not spoken about enough and MAYBE IM GOJNG NOWHERE W THIS
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inkykeiji · 8 days
grrrrr miss icky gross virgin incel tomura from like season 1-3ish i do not like the direction he has been taken :(( want my slutty gamer boy back
i get where ur coming from anon (。>﹏<) as much as i love beefcake shig, my favourite tomura evolution of them all is scrawny, bratty, pathetic, incompetent and entitled NEET tomura sigh :((
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ghostinurattic · 23 days
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hi hello enjoy some self indulgent self insert art bc ya boi is now a dabi simp
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dancefloors · 28 days
now that it's less than a week till taylor's album drops do you have any expectations
hard to say, don't think there's been much offered promotionally past being painfully self referential and a kind of muddy attempt of combining the ideas of academia and "English department", being the chairman of a board, artifacts and evidence, and literary references.
maybe a lana-esque sound given jack's involvement and the fact that would facilitate a good balance between the sort of faux deep tortured artist lyricism lana achieves and T's pop sensibilities. loving the heavy aaron dessner involvement but too early to judge any tidbits of lyrics since they've been lifted from context. (but it's looking better than the 5 minute mess that was YLM)
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qodlysinz · 1 month
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Shoto Todoroki X Denki Kaminari - My Hero Academia
CW: minor swearing?? Shoto isn’t much of a curser, but I feel like Denki does on occasion. Not as much as Bakugo, that’s for sure
Tags: fluff, Denki feels inferior 😖, dw Shoto helps him!!!, seems mostly platonic </3 NOT BETA READ
A/N: I’m literally so in love w this ship, out of all the mainstream ones, they’d probably be the healthiest bc they’re both an equal amount of stupid lmfao
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Denki groaned, his brain feeling buzzed after a long day of training. He envied his classmates, they all had such good handles on their Quirk, even Midoriya, who had started off the worst of them all, had climbed up the ranks of Strongest in Class 1-A in mere months.
Denki’s Quirk was powerful, no doubt about it, but good god! Being handicapped within moments for using your Quirk once?! How pathetic was that?
Not only did it risk his life, but it risked the life of others. Denki hated it. At times like this, when he felt weak, he wished he was just Quirkless, even though he knows how hard it is as a Quirkless person in today’s society. Midoriya had rambled on about his hardships about being a late bloomer who was presumed Quirkless for his entire life. Denki felt bad for him, he knows how it feels to be so vulnerable and helpless in dire situations.
Denki placed a hand on his head, feeling numb as the side effects of overworking himself settled in. He tried to shake it off, quite literally, by moving his head side to side, but he only felt nauseous afterwards. How did Todoroki and Bakugo do it? Their Quirks were just as dangerous, yet they were much more skilled.
Denki had tried going to Bakugo for help; but, as usual, his angry and violent classmate snapped at him for ‘being so goddamn useless’, which didn’t help his dilemma whatsoever.
So, he went to the next person! Shoto Todoroki.
“You want my help?” Asked the soft spoken boy. Denki nodded, sheepish. “Yeah, I tried Bakugo, but he just got mean.” He murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. He leaned against Yaoyorozu’s desk, she was currently chatting with Jirou across the room, so no harm was being done. Denki looked at the much kinder and gentler classmate expectantly. “Whaddya say?”
Todoroki hesitated, “are you sure? Midoriya’s a lot better at explaining things than I am.” He murmured, Denki smiled cooly, “yeah! Your Quirk seems really hard to manage, so learning from someone with a Quirk like mine would help more.” He replied, padding the toe of his shoes to the floor as Todoroki sat in silence, thinking it over.
Denki felt nervous, his cool demeanor faltering slightly. “If you don’t have time, it’s fine.” He dismissed, getting up to head to his desk. “No, it’s not that. I’ll help you.”
A breath of relief rushed out of Denki’s mouth, hand clutching his chest. “Thanks, Todoroki. You’re the best.” He held his fist out to Todoroki, nodding at him until Todoroki cautiously bumped it, blinking inquisitively. Maybe someone as outgoing as Kaminari would be beneficial for Shoto’s growth as a person. This exchange could help both of them in their respective issues.
The two of them stood out on the training ground, both dressed in their gym uniforms.
“Controlling my fire is where I have the most trouble, I’m still not fully used to it, so I’ll help you with how I control my ice. Does that make sense?” Todoroki looked at Denki, his heterochromatic eyes were lost and confused with this, but he was being kind enough to help Denki. He was grateful, and nodded. “Emit a low amount of electricity, and we’ll start from there.”
Denki exerted electricity from his body, making Todoroki flinch slightly, marveling at the sight. “Try focusing on aiming it over there, like this.” Todoroki, with one swift flick of the wrist, motioned forward, a spike of ice peaking outward in a controlled fashion.
Distracted by the sight, Denki faltered slightly and accidentally aimed for Todoroki. Catching on, the boy swerved out of the way, Denki’s stream of electricity hurdling towards the ice, causing chunks to fall and shatter.
Todoroki hummed, walking over to Denki. Being used to Bakugo’s outbursts and Jirou’s harsh teasing, Denki instinctively averted his gaze in embarrassment. Todoroki, without warning, moved Denki’s position, folding his arms neatly in front of him and adjusting his legs. “Try it again.”
“What if I hit you?” Fretted the blonde, Todoroki gave him a small smile. “You won’t. Even if you do, I know you don’t mean anything harmful.” He shook his head. Denki relaxed, emitting his Quirk once more and shooting out a small stream, bursting apart once it hit a certain distance. “Very good.” Todoroki commended.
Denki smiled, looking relieved to hear such praise from someone he respected. “You’re a fast learner, Kaminari.” Added the boy, nodding his head. “I’m not used to positive feedback.” Denki admitted awkwardly.
Todoroki rose his brows, “that probably explains why you’re struggling more often, then. The others fail to encourage you to do better.”
“Especially Bakugo.” Denki muttered, face scrunched up with annoyance. “Bakugo yells at anyone who will listen, it’s best to just tune him out and focus on yourself.” Todoroki stated, placing a hand on Denki’s shoulder. Denki nodded along, brightening up. “You’re right, thanks.”
Todoroki was stunned, face flushing slightly. “Let’s go about it again.” He murmured, Denki, none the wiser, didn’t question him and tried it again.
The following weeks, Denki would sprint up to Todoroki, asking for advice or questions on numerous things evading from Quirk training. Things like, what TV show he should start, if he should start playing a new Pokémon game, if he did the homework Aizawa assigned, or if Todoroki can help him study.
“Hey!” Denki ran over to Todoroki and Midoriya. Midoriya was used to it, but the way Todoroki’s expression changed to a much softer and relaxed was confusing, his friend had rarely showed any emotion, so seeing this was off-putting. In a good way, or course!
“Should I start using my Quirk throughout the night? Like charging my phone myself, or no because I might overwork myself?” Denki didn’t notice Midoriya’s presence, beelining straight to his new mentor. “Maybe at two hour intervals so you don’t risk harming yourself. Constantly exerting your Quirk could be detrimental.” He answered.
Denki hesitated, thinking back to their study session before nodding. “Detrimental means… dangerous, right?” He asked, Todoroki nodded with a soft smile. “Yes. It does. Nice memory.”
The blonde smiled, turning to walk away until he realized Midoriya was beside him. “Oh… hey, Midoriya.” He murmured, brows furrowed as if the male had suddenly appeared. “Hey, Kaminari.” Waved the other, watching as he walked away before making eye contact with his friend. Todoroki, as usual, didn’t understand the look in Midoriya’s eyes.
“Is something wrong?” He asked with concern. “No, no, it’s just. You and Kaminari have gotten… awfully close.” Midoriya mentioned with a swift dismissal. Todoroki nodded, “he’s improving a lot.” He said, former blank expression now shifting to the one he used when in direct contact with Denki.
Midoriya nodded skeptically. “And it’s all thanks to you? I thought he’d go to Kacchan?” He tilted his head inquisitively, Todoroki hummed, staring after the bustling blonde. “If Kirishima’s tolerance for Bakugo is any indication, he’s not a good fit for Kaminari. He’s too impatient. Bakugo, that is.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I know how Kacchan is.” Midoriya sheepishly replied, awkwardly laughing. “Do you… like him?” He slowly questioned.
Todoroki rose a brow, “yeah? We’re friends.”
Midoriya internally face-palmed. He should’ve worded it differently, but that would risk making him uncomfortable, so he just merely laughed in response with a nod. “Yeah, I guess you are.”
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enigmasandepiphanies · 7 months
I just need someone to hold my hand and waist when the metro brakes too hard
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mossflower · 6 months
okay not dropping out 👍
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blessyouhawkeye · 5 months
saltburn is a film that spends so much time trying to upset you that it entirely forgets to say anything or have any substance at all
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I really feel for Bertrand Russell, being Wittgenstein’s teacher must have been traumatizing
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