#I guess I'm a little bit jealous but also not really? because I don't actually want a boyfriend I just like the idea of one
valewritessss · 3 days
I saw someone on TikTok say that Percabeth is one sided and all I could say is that it looks like someone didn’t read Mark of Athena. Then I did some research and I found out they’re a Pereyna shipper(I had no idea that existed).
Personally, I don't get it, Reyna literally just tried to make a move on Percy but he rejected her and neither of them thought about it again so I don’t really see it. Either way, that's not the issue because I don't really care what people ship as long as it's not weird or creepy (I'm looking at any Artemis x Percy, Luke x Percy, Annabeth x Luke, or Percy x Nico shippers).
But back to the Percabeth is one sided thing, I’m a little bit confused. Because, did they miss the Annabeth pining silently but obviously for Percy for YEARS, Annabeth being jealous of Rachel partly because she liked Percy, Annabeth telling Athena that Percy is everything to her, Annabeth driving herself crazy those months Percy was gone and searching for him without giving up. So “Percabeth is one sided” where???
Then upon further research I found that of course, turns out they are an Annabeth hater(they don’t admit it but it’s obvious for apparent reasons). Some of their reasons: Annabeth's nickname for Percy, “seaweed brain” is degrading and implies he is stupid, Annabeth is mean to Rachel, and Annabeth is scared of Percy which made him feel like he deserves to die.
1. Annabeths nickname for Percy started out as teasing but became endearing for the both of them, just like the nickname “wise girl”. Percy even gets mad at Thalia for using this nickname because he considers it something solely Annabeth can use. In no way has Percy ever said or even mentioned that he feels put down because of the nickname. Also, Percy never hesitates to call anyone, even gods, out on their shit, so if it was really bothering him, he would most likely say something.
2. Honestly, the whole deal with Rachel was never that deep. Like, it did have a deeper meaning for Annabeth than many could comprehend but the whole catty part was never that big. A few snide remarks, sure, but it's not like she was bullying Rachel. If anyone thinks otherwise, that's okay, but in my opinion it was meant to be funny and it came off as such, and even Rachel and Annabeth themselves moved on and became fiends. Moving forward, considering the context of Annabeth's jealousy, it makes total sense for her to feel resentment towards Rachel. I'm not saying it's justified, but if a boy she'd been crushing on for years and is destined to die soon spends his last summer with another girl who is closer to normal than Annabeth could ever be, in what world would she not be mad? In fact, some of it was just teenage pettiness. And that's fine, she wasn't hurting anyone. Being a teenager with a crush is hard, and it's harder when you're a demigod with a huge prophecy hanging over you and your best friends heads. So is her anger justified? Maybe. But is she valid? Absolutely.
3. This is the most ridiculous reason yet. First of all, has Percy ever told Annabeth he feels like he deserves to die? I don't think so. Especially not before he almost let himself die with Jason there. I don't know if that person was just expecting Annabeth to guess, or what. Secondly, they were in Tartarus, and Percy did something scary. So of course, Annabeth is going to be scared. If Percy feels like Annabeth being scared makes him want to die, that's not really Annabeth's fault. And to expect Annabeth to make him feel better about something she is still recovering from herself doesn't make much sense, does it. At this point it just felt like they were going to hate Annabeth regardless, and these weren't actual issues they had with her they just saw a reason to hate her and went for it.
Hey, ship whatever you want and hate whoever you want, but don't come with false interpretations(that I know was easy to comprehend) as evidence for why you are right, please.
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Sometimes I feel so left behind? My friends are in relationships or starting to date, and here I am, in love with a married man old enough to be my father. They're experiencing all kinds of firsts, and I've never even held hands with a guy.
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delululand · 7 months
hi could u pls do txts turn ons + offs in a partner ?? tysm <33
hiii and sorry for long answer, it’s here~ hope you enjoy it~
txt turn ons + offs
I wasn't sure how you wanted this to be, so it has some mentions of NSFW content, but not a lot
turn ons: i talked about this before, but I think he's really into the cute type and we all know how he likes anime (does he watch hentai? idk but guess yes) and this got me thinking about whiney girls. it's a little hard to explain it completely, but his love for anime (and a shit that's in hentai)+his love for cute types+some aegyo type in korea, which isn't considered weird like it is for people living in europe and america, it all comes together such vibrations… so i guess groaning, moaning, whining it’s really his turn ons (but not too louder? hahaha I just immediately remember how he always “shhhh🤫” beomgyu when he starts being noisy)
and also being call some pet names? he’ll really like it
turn offs: okay i really think one of the biggest turn offs for him is degradation and any form of rudeness. he mentioned so much time that he prefer cute vibe and I really think that this extends to how he is in bed. I see him as a soft guy and if someone (especially his partner) were rude to him, even if during sex, it would most likely surprise and upset
and also just dishonesty, deceit and some shit like that
turn ons: I want to write so many things but I remember one of his live where he said something like "the way you perceive me seems a little distorted. off screen, my and soobin's personalities exchange". he didn't specify what exactly he was talking about or what part of his personality it was about, but it pops into my head every time I think of him. maybe it's a bit of a distorted perception, but can I really see him in something like a partially toxic relationship? I'm not talking about abuse or anything like that and I don't mean this in a bad way, but I think he would be interested in a relationship with some game?
it's like that girl who looks like an arrogant bitch (but she's actually nice) and she gives him mixed signals, secret dates and everything seems obvious, but no one says anything out loud and all that
it’s like 밀당 (밀고 당기기) this is a very popular thing in korea and literally means “push and pull”, first a person devotes a lot of time to the person he likes and flirts, and then pretends that he is not particularly interested in order to attract attention to himself
p.s. for my personal opinion it’s a strange shit, but a lot of people really into it
turn offs: this may sound a little contradictory, but actual arrogance and bad treatment of people? it's one thing to have arrogant bitch vibes, but to be a kind person, but to actually be an arrogant bitch is something else entirely
controlling and obsessive behavior (in a bad way) like I really see that if his partner was jealous of him, he would be flattered and he would take this situation into flirtation, but if his partner tried to control him 24/7, constantly wrote and called with questions about where and with whom he is, this would greatly alienate him
turn ons: ohhh that guy… firstly it’s catching his vibe? he has a specific sense of humor and it would be important to be on the same wave with him in general, but he also makes “suggestive jokes” most often and he’s the biggest dirty minder of all members. so one of his turn ons is someone who could not only take his jokes well, but also be able to answer him in the same manner and actually i think this boy reaaaally into dirty talks
turn offs: first of all I think it has two sides: 1. not taking his jokes and being sarcastic in a bad way (like not making jokes pretending that he is annoying because he would like that, but on the contrary answering rudely or something like that) and 2. not taking him seriously. yes, he is really funny and jokes a lot, but he also has feelings and would like to be able to talk about it seriously, discuss different topics with his partner and know that he will be understood and accepted
turn ons: first, he’s really a smart guy and i think intelligent conversation and debate it’s one of his turn ons. but also an even bigger turn on is when he explains something to you? something like you ask him how this or that thing works and he tells you the story of how and why it works the way it does and the moment you nod at him with eyes full of interest his dick literally twitches in his pants.
secondly, he said he's not the type to take initiative (especially in showing affection) because of fear, so if someone had the courage to be more proactive it would touch his heart. like you know for example you're still at the just friends stage and you link arm in arm when you're crossing the road, lightly stroke his back when you hug him or put your hand and lean on his lap when you're sitting next to him and laugh. these actions are simple and innocent enough, but would literally drive him crazy
turn offs: total pessimism and whining all the time. everyone has problems at some point and it's fine if a person wants to get support and share it with someone, but I'm talking about people who literally whine 24/7 about everything and don't want to solve problems. does he really seem a little cruel about it? like he'd have no problem supporting you if something happened and helping you as long as it took, but he wouldn't coddle someone who's infantile and can't solve the slightest problem on his own
huening kai
turn ons: watching and discussing anime with him, don’t ask me why, i just feel so hahaha
paying attention to the smaller things that demonstrate true thoughtfulness and kindness and compassion towards others. he is sooo cute, kind and caring person and he'd really appreciate it if his partner showed the right attitude towards other people.
and also being able to show affection openly, giving him words of encouragement, praise and all of that
turn offs: ignorance and intolerance, too self-centeredness, i wrote about it above and I think it just goes against his values in life and what he might like
and also being closed off and emotionally unavailable like. he has a hard showing his feelings and if his partner is even more closed off, they just won't connect?
p.s. i would also be very interested to hear your opinion on this topic, maybe you have something to add?
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
It just came to me that Reader is in Hell, the same place a very unhappy (and probably jealous) Valentino is...
I am afraid of what that bald moth is capable of doing against Reader just because of Vox's attachment to them. I'm sure Valentino won't hold back to dispose of the thing that is getting in his way with Vox.
I wonder if there will be any fight scene between Vox and Valentino over Reader. Or maybe Reader versus Valentino?
Either way, things are bound to get not so pretty...
And I wonder how Reader's relationship with Velvet will go. I mean, I don't think she has anything against Reader? It's probably even better since now she has someone she can use to tame the TV stick man and his many moods.
I imagine Velvet will be a bit wary of Reader at first, but get along quite well after a while. Maybe even share fashion opinions as Velvet and Reader discuss the new trends that are going on with the living.
I guess the only one inside the Vees Reader won't get along with no matter what is Valentino.
Do you have any plans of going further inside Reader's relationship with the other two? I mean, you probably already made plans with Valentino, but what about Velvet?
Thank you for your attention, I wish you a good day/night! ☺️
Hahaha thanks for bringing this up anon! I was wondering when someone was gonna notice that Reader was a little blind to the caveat of being in hell which was Valentino. It's kind of the reason why I keep mentioning that Reader's gonna stay at the hotel(despite Vox being pissy about it because Alastor) is because the TV man figures placing Reader literally anywhere Valentino isn't would be much safer for them. After all, they're just a new sinner so their powers haven't manifested yet(and I'm not actually sure what powers to give them- someone please bomb me with ideas thank youuuu) and Vox just won't risk the moth trying to recruit dear Reader. Bonus being the fact Angel stays at the hotel and he can keep tabs on Reader since there isn't much tech there that Vox can use to check himself. It just adds another reason to why he friggin hates Alastor lmao
Velvette on the other hand would probably get along with (Y/N) similarly to how Alastor and Rosie do. Literally gossip girls who look and laugh at the latest trends or get together for brunch to spill the tea about the latest happenings in hell. I'd also think that she would use Reader as a model sometimes just to fuck with Vox because let's face it- him crashing or bluescreening is kind of hilarious- and Reader just likes messing with Vox inherently so they let Velvette doll her up if it means getting a reaction out of him.
Velvette doesn't really have anything against Reader, she was just mad in one interlude that Vox hid the fact that he could communicate with the living(which is a HUGE thing) she could care less if the old Samsung TV went and found himself a new toy/fling. So while she would be a bit wary of Reader in the sense of: "Are they after our power? Do they have an ulterior motive?" Once they show that there actually isn't anything and Vox and Reader are just good friends(Velvette wouldn't actually believe that even if it came straight from the horse's mouth) she would eventually get along with them as well.
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myunghology · 1 year
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XIAO , SCARAMOUCHE , KAZUHA general relationship headcanons.
!! gender neutral reader, completely sfw, fluff. tw ? ; none ( song reco )
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you guys are definitely taking it slow, he still has to adjust y'know. even if he's over 2,000 years old, i doubt he's ever been in a romantic relationship. ( is that an insult ? ; maybe )
overprotective, doesn't care who it is, he just is. the only exception is probably zhongli and ganyu. still unsure about traveler, but i'm leaning to maybe yes.
"who's that? why are you acting so close with them? do i know them? have you mentioned them before?" "....xiao that's one of my family members." "oh."
easily flustered. he can either cover it up easily, or he can't. there's no in between, or that's up to you if you want to decide.
can't express his feeling's properly. this ones a little bit toxic, but if you didn't want accurate headcanons then i think you came to the wrong blog.
but you cant really blame him, he's naturally like that. and it's probably gonna take him a long time to actually open up about his feelings, but if you're an understanding and patient person, then that's better.
he'll probably ignore you if he's jealous, but i guess that's how he copes dawg
he'd want you to come to him first more than him actually confronting you.
but put all that aside- he gives you little things that reminded him of you whenever he goes somewhere. he would sometimes give you a random cute hairpin and said that it'd suit you, which it did.
that's what makes your relationship so cute, he does these little things that make you smile, like taking you out to places where he thinks it's pretty, just like you. he thinks. he does this because he doesn't know how else to express it. ( shakespeare could never amirite )
it's ironic enough that him and xiao are similar in relationships, more so that they absolutely can't express their feelings properly.
but what's different is that he expresses it more aggressive about it. more passive-aggressive probably.
buys you stuff you want without even asking, if he sees you looking at it then he buys it for you the next day, maybe even something better, but still the same design.
you tell him to stop spending his money on you when you don't even need it, but he tells you to just be good and take it. you give in, because it'd be a waste if he bought it and he'd just give it right back after.
but if you like it that way, then he's your personal sugar daddy now congratulations
denies it whenever you call him out when he's being shy, especially when you flirt back, this guy is a hard flirt, only to you of course.
there may be tons of women or men who are into him, but he's only looking at you, if he wanted to cheat, he can. but he doesn't.
"i don't understand why you're so worried about that, you know i'll only always be with you." ( AGOI )
but then again, he also says straight forward about problems into a relationship, because he wants to avoid them in the future.
you guys fight sometimes, and i mean teasing by the way, not an actual fight. but fights aren't really rare when you're with him.
it's usually caused because of a misunderstanding.
they do say you fight with the people you love the most
probably the most normal one out of all of them here i fear. sweetest boyfriend ever
bros the whole package
he says whatever's making him uncomfortable in a relationship and he encourages you to do the same and not be ashamed, probably because you two have already been through everything together once you've even started dating.
also he's a very understanding person, and he's willing to listen to you no matter what situation it is.
his love language is probably words of affirmation, saying he loves you out of the blue is his favorite part of the day.
"i love you so much" "..h..huh..?"
10x more soft spoken to you than he is to other people, i know his voice is naturally like that, but he can't help but treat you like your fragile, especially if you're emotional. but if you don't want him to, then he won't push it. especially if you don't like feeling belittled.
closeted sadist
won't force you to do things you don't want to do, but he definitely encourages you.
never and i mean never comments anything rude or disrespectful at you, especially about your appearance. the only things he comments are compliments.
but if you truly want advice for your looks then he'll recommend a hair, clothing switch or something like that, "maybe that would look better, but you really suit anything and everything" he says.
gives you love letters whenever he's away, probably once a week so you don't go overthinking. you don't have to worry about him cheating either, beidou has promised you that she'd tell you if he cheats ( and crush his testicles ) , and obviously, kazuha isn't that type of person, you'd know for sure.
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dittaturamonegasca · 2 months
I think there should bé a fic where anyone from the grid would be third wheeling Landoscar, like, have you seen how these two interact.
So, I lack the ability and the time of f1writingbyme and LestappenForever to make this idea into a proper work like they did for "How (Not) To Third Wheel Lestappen" (check it out on Ao3 if you haven't already, definitely worth it) BUT BUT BUT, I can tell you how I think most of the grid would react in third wheeling Landoscar!
1) I feel like we should spare Checo, cause honestly this man has had enough as third wheel of Maxiel and Lestappen, I don't wanna give him extra traumas, SO –
2) Logan Sargeant: this one I really feel guilty about. Cause I like the narrative of him and Oscah being besties and still I cry over the sad edits of Logan just left behind. I think Landoscar with Logan has the most space for improvement?? I forgive Oscar even tho he definitely ghosted the poor Logan for the whole honeymoon phase with Lando (it's been almost two years, Osc, get a grip). I have a feeling Logan will speak up at some point and this would shake Oscar a little, so maybe he would be the more aware and more involved third wheel, possibly? They'll end up doing triple video-games championships with Lando and Logan mocking Oscar's gaming skills, mark my words.
3) Carlos Sainz: my man how does it feel to know you've wasted your chance (multiple chances, lets be real) for good? I have mixed ideas about this one, cause I think it would probably being more like Lando struggling to keep them both as close as possible resulting in Oscar being rightfully jealous 👀👀 so the third wheeling situation would be like Lando trying to involve a very annoyed and confused Carlos in their things (safe for work, ofc). I don't really see a way out of it.
4) Daniel Ricciardo: I mention him but I can't really explain cause honestly my idea of Daniel third-wheeling Landoscar is either him babysit them around Australia and bonding with Oscar over weird aussie habits OR OR OR something very NOT SAFE WORK so ( ... )
5) Max Verstappen: I love to think he'll remain an unbothered king, you know? Like he's well aware and a bit upset that his crepes companion invited someone else (beside from Daniel) to their dessert dates and that the two of them acts like lovebirds even without an actual physical contact. He'll probably send SOS texts to Charles and Daniel until a topic of (his) interest comes out and honestly at that point the power of maxplaining will win over pretty much everything and everyone. At the end of the day Landoscar turn out to be the real victims.
6) George Russell: poor thing was originally invited for a golf morning from Carlos (Landoscar were already supposed to attend), but Chili called off last minute so Georgie ended up with just the others two. LET ME TELL YOU he jumped off the golf cart cause he saw Lando placing a hand on Oscar's thigh and feared for his life. It took several minutes for them to notice he was aggressively walking behind. He was also hit by a golf ball because Oscar distracted Lando for a second too long, I guess you can figure out the rest.
7) Special mention to the PR and the McLaren team in general who's main job rn is having them to SIMPLY F O C U S outside the pit for like interviews and debriefings. I can picture Lando losing it after hearing a single compliment like "SO YOU THINK I'M PRETTY", cause ✨babygirl✨ energy hitting here and there, even tho he has tried to be somehow a model for Oscar, at least for what concerns work. Indeed I pity trainers and strategists bc ofc Oscar listens at them, but image them trying to explain a concept to him just for Lando to get there and rephrase it in the dumbest way possible and Oscar going like OHHHHH NOW I GOT IT, COULDN'T YOU EXPLAIN IT THAT WAY?
8) This is mostly a guilty pleasure but do we all agree they torture the entire f1 group chat with their subtle flirting?
IDK if this was what you had in mind but I really REALLY had fun writing it.
So let me know what you think in the comments down below, if you agree or if you want me to make it longer and/or more detailed or just to focus on a specific one in particular?
Again, my dms and box section are open to discussions, requests and any sort of (respectful) thing!
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jongbross · 9 months
hey, she's mine! (park chanyeol x reader) [requested]
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pairing: park chanyeol x reader (x kim jongin, kind of) word count: 3039 genre: fluffy with a tiny bit of angst i guess? warnings: swearing, mentions of sex. baekhyung being a goofy, jongin being a gentleman, chanyeol being way too jealous, jongdae being, well, me (i'm the one who always mentions the booze). a/n: thank you anon for requesting! it turned way longer than i thought it would lol hope you like it 🥺
you felt life being drained from you as you saw him in front of you. it's been so long - actually it's only been two years, but how many lifetimes can be fitted in two years? -, and he has changed so much.
his hair was shorter now, his arms slightly bigger; maybe he was working out like he always said he would do, who knows. there was something more mature about his eyes now too, something you couldn't quite explain.
"i brought my friend with me, i hope you don't mind", baekhyun said, pointing back at said friend. "this is..."
"hey, y/n", he said, interrupting baekhyun.
"hi!", you tried your best to smile. "oh my god, it's been so long, jongin."
at the mention of his name, chanyeol looked up from the couch with narrowed eyes and a confused expression. what do you mean jongin was there?
as your roommate, and now probably your best friend, chanyeol knew all about jongin. he knew everything about how close the two of you were back in college, how everyone thought jongin was such a cocky guy but, deep down, he was just a shy boy with a pretty face. chanyeol knew how the friendship between you two evolved to something more, to the point where you took jongin's virginity, being his first; he also knew how you two became friends with benefits after that, and how badly it all ended when, at the end of college, jongin told you he was in love with you. chanyeol knew all about how you broke the poor dude's heart, and how bad you felt all of these years because of that.
and also, chanyeol knew very well how you always claimed jongin was the best sex you ever had, which kind of messed with chanyeol's ego because, you know... he was your friend with benefits now.
"oh, you two know each other?", baekhyun asked as jongin walked into your place.
"we... we attended college together", you explained. "jongin is a friend of mine."
"wow", jongdae said, getting his coat off. "i didn't know that!"
"yeah, we haven't talked in a long time, i think", jongin replied.
the awkward conversation was replaced by baekhyun screaming chanyeol's name before entering the living room and throwing himself on top of his friend.
jongdae followed his steps, and you only mentioned for jongin to do the same. as you got to the living room, you saw chanyeol pushing baekhyun off him and onto the ground.
"get off me, you brat", the taller one said with angry eyes even though his lips were slightly curled into a smile.
"ouch! what did i do?", baekhyun got up from the ground. "you know what? no cuddles for you tonight!"
"it's okay, he has y/n for that", jongdae mumbled, throwing himself at a chair and pulling his phone out of his pocket. "what do you guys want to drink?"
your cheeks burned with that comment, and you made a mental note to kick jongdae's ass after - especially when you heard jongin chuckling behind you.
with a little puppy's attention span, baekhyun turned to jongdae to help him pick some beverages. as he did that, chanyeol got up from the couch and walked to jongin, a passive expression on his face.
"hey, how are you doing?", he offered his hand to jongin. "i'm chanyeol."
"hey, man", jongin smiled politely, shaking chanyeol's hand. "i'm jongin, it's really nice to meet you. baekhyun talks a lot about you!"
"he's an idiot", the older one said, rolling his eyes.
jongin laughed. "he sure is. sorry i tagged along without a warning, baekhyun said it would be okay and that his friends wouldn't mind..."
chanyeol only shrugged, eyes fixed on you. you kept staring at him, watching his body language as he interacted with jongin.
"it's okay, don't worry", chanyeol looked at the younger one then, finally smiling at him. "you're welcome here."
as the three of you also took a seat, the night finally began.
it was weird to see your ex best friend and your closest friends interacting. baekhyun seemed - and actually was - the only bond between all of you now, but thankfully everything went just fine. he would crack some jokes and cry of laughter with jongdae, then telling a story about some of his co-workers, to which jongin would comment eventually.
apparently, jongin had been working with baekhyun for a few months now. you found out that baekhyun had told you about him, but he never used the name jongin, only kai - which you also found out was now jongin's nickname, something he earned after leaving college.
jongin (or kai, whatever) was still as sweet as you could remember. funny too, as he made everyone laugh a few times throughout your gathering. at some point you caught yourself staring at him, smiling at how he'd tell a story or laugh at something.
but then, your attention got caught by chanyeol, who were also staring at jongin, but not with kind eyes like you. his jaw was clenched, and even though he'd reply to jongdae and baekhyun whenever they talked to him, it was so clear that something was bothering him. he didn't say a word to jongin, nor mistreated him, but still... something wasn't right.
"hey, the drinks are almost here", jongdae said, looking at his phone.
"what did you order?", you asked.
"soju and beer, because that's what i can afford."
"it's okay", you laughed. "i'll get some snacks for us too."
you got up from your spot, shooting a smile at chanyeol - to which he smiled back - before walking out of the room.
you quickly began to work at the kitchen, grabbing some chips and leftovers from the fridge, deciding what to do with all of that. as your hands worked, your mind traveled back to two important moments of your life.
firstly, you relived the moment you told jongin you didn't love him back. you saw his sad eyes in front of you again, pouting at the way he tried his best not to look at you and how he kept repeating it was okay, even though it wasn't.
secondly, you relived the moment you met chanyeol. both of you were starting a new job at the same company, and as you were the same age you instantly clicked. chanyeol was a tall, goofy guy with big round eyes and deep dimples; something about him just felt so comfortable, so cozy. you felt like he was meant to be your friend, and it was only a matter of time before the two of you got really close and, eventually, decided to live together.
you didn't regret taking a step further, though. back at the pandemic, when both of you were in quarantine in your place, things got hard... quite literally. neither of you was dating, but both of you had needs; neither of you could interact with people outside your doors, but both of you could interact.
"it's just this once", chanyeol had said, before fucking you on the couch. but it started to happen again, and again, and again...
when you realized, you didn't need to be in a relationship anymore, because everything you needed physically you could find in chanyeol.
"do you need some help?", you heard someone saying from behind you, and you jumped in surprise. "shit, i'm sorry! i forgot how much of a scaredy cat you are."
when you turned around, you met jongin laughing. "it's not funny."
"it kind of is", he said, walking up to you. "what are you doing?"
"um... there's some meat from yesterday's dinner, i'm gonna heat it up. we also have some chips..."
"can i make some sauce to dip these chips in?", jongin asked, eyes fixed on you.
"sure", you shrugged. "feel at home."
with a chuckle, jongin started to work too. you watched as he walked from side to side in the kitchen, grabbing what he needed, sometimes asking you where he could find something. he was humming a song the whole time, a song you couldn't quite recognize but that it sounded good on his honey-like voice.
"how's it going, uh?", he suddenly asked. "it's been years since i last saw you."
you licked your lips, getting back to work too as if you haven't just stopped everything to watch him.
"i-i'm fine", you said. "i got into a company after i left college, i'm still there. got a promotion last month, actually."
"oh, congrats! i'm sure you deserved it", jongin smiled sincerely at you, pulling up his sleeves to mix a few ingredients; at this point, you didn't know what was inside that bowl. "are you happy there?"
"yeah, definitely. i feel like there's a lot to learn yet, but i can see myself growing even more. maybe i'll become the boss someday, who knows?"
"that's the spirit!"
you and jongin started to run your mouths. he told you about his life after college - he went back to his hometown when the pandemic hit, so he could be with mom and sisters. he was working at a small company at the time, but it was shut down due to bankruptcy. he told you that, when things started to get better, he came back to seoul to start a new job, which it also didn't work. jongin felt like nothing good was gonna come his way, but then he met a guy named junmyeon who got him into where he was working right now - and that's how he met baekhyun.
"oh, you know junmyeon!", you smiled. "i met him a few months ago at baekhyun's birthday party. he's your boss too?"
"yeah, boss and friend. i owe junmyeon hyung a lot, to be honest."
"he's a great guy, he offered chanyeol a job too when he decided to leave our company."
"oh, you and chanyeol worked together?"
"yeah, that's how we met. it didn't work that well for him, so he left two months ago", you explained. "he's happier now, that's what matters."
"oh, that's great", jongin said with such kindness. "you two look cute together, by the way. i ship it."
"what? oh, no!", your eyes were about to pop off your skull. "we're not together, no!"
he laughed, looking back at you. something in jongin's expression clearly told you he didn't believe you.
"y/n, come on... it's okay if you're dating, don't lie to me. we were best friends."
"i'm not lying to you! we're not together, i swear."
jongin stared at you, and you felt like he was reading your soul. he narrowed his eyes at you, lips pressed into a thin line.
"have you two fucked?", he whispered at you.
"jonginnie!", you almost screamed.
"what?!", the bastard started to laugh at you. "i'm just asking, because you know..."
jongin went back to his task, like nothing had happened. but no, you didn't know.
"know what?"
"ah, you know... the way he looks at you... the way he looked at me when i got here...", he mentioned, dragging his words. when you didn't reply, jongin looked back at you. "come on! it's so clear that he likes you."
you frowned at that. gosh, not again...
"chanyeol doesn't like me."
"he does. he looks at you exactly how... how i did when i was in love with you."
you groaned at his words, resting against the counter and bringing your hands to your face, pressing the palms on your eyes. you could only hear jongin chuckling.
"which, by the way, it's okay!", you felt jongin grabbing your wrists and pulling your hands off your face. "don't worry about it."
"i owe you a lifetime of apologies."
"no, you don't", he shook his head. "you didn't love me back and it was okay, i couldn't force you to do it. i was really heartbroken, but i never blamed it on you. you never, ever gave me any signals that you felt the same, i just... i don't know, i took a leap of faith to see what would happen."
"still...", you groaned again. "i fucked up our friendship."
jongin sighed at your words, caressing the inside of your wrist.
"that's on us both, then. i didn't look for you after everything happened, i felt like if i did, all of my feelings would come back. i should have told you that, i'm sorry."
"i thought you hated me..."
"well, i did, but not because you didn't want me, but because you didn't look for me either", he laughed. "my mom asked me about you every single day, did you know that?"
you laughed too, picturing his sweet mom, who cooked so well and welcomed you into the family with an open heart, worrying about you and missing you.
"i miss her."
"she does too. you should come visit her with me anytime, she's gonna love it", he smiled. "i'll go next weekend with kyungsoo, you're welcome to tag along."
"next weekend i hav- wait, kyungsoo?"
jongin dropped your wrists, smiling brightly at you. he took his phone from his pocket, showing you his lockscreen - which had a photo of him and a bald guy. jongin was laughing, pressing his cheek to the kyungsoo guy's face, who had an annoyed expression on.
"this is kyungsoo, my boyfriend", jongin announced proudly. "he's childhood friends with junmyeon hyung, we met some time ago and, you know... i tend to fall in love easily."
you just knew you had heart eyes at that moment. looking at jongin, you saw how happy he was, how much love was overflowing from his own eyes just at the mention of this kyungsoo dude.
jongin had always been open about his bisexuality to you, but it was something you never felt like he got to explore back at college; so it was really great to see him so happy just for being himself.
"oh my gosh, jongin! i'm so happy for you!", you said, throwing yourself in his arms and hugging him.
honestly, you've missed your best friend.
jongin was laughing with you inside his arms when he suddenly stopped, at the same time you heard someone clearing their throat behind you. you turned around to meet chanyeol, arms crossed on his chest and brows knitted together.
"sorry to interrupt", he said bitterly. "the drinks are here, i'll go get them with baekhyun."
"i'll go, don't worry", jongin shrugged, letting go of you. "just help y/n with the food, please."
as he walked past chanyeol, he patted the taller one's shoulder. chanyeol rolled his eyes, walking towards you and staring at the sink.
"what do i have to do?"
by the tone of his voice, you could tell he was pissed. so you held back a chuckle, standing beside him and caressing his arm.
"nothing, don't worry. i'm on it."
"oh, so you need his help but don't need mine?"
"yeollie...", you looked at him. "come on, don't be like that."
"he's the intruder here, not me."
"you said he was welcome here!"
"and he is", chanyeol stamped his foot like a little kid. "just not... beside you, i guess..."
you laughed, pushing chanyeol. "get out of here."
"no, i'm serious", he said, pouting. "why did he come to the kitchen with you? why were you two hugging? did you two... made up?"
scoffing, you turned to chanyeol again. he had his arms crossed on his chest one more time, and his usually soft, pretty face was now one big frown.
"are you jealous, park chanyeol?"
"well, kind of! this dude has been gone for what, two, three years now? and suddenly baekhyun hyung brings him here out of nowhere, and then he's all over you, helping you cook and then hugging you? what's up with that? next thing i know i'm gonna catch you two banging on your room..."
"hey!" you raised a finger at him, making him press his lips into a line. "stop that."
"i'm sorry", he mumbled, like a spoiled little boy.
"jongin just helped me here because that's what he does, he's just like that."
chanyeol shrugged, pouting. "i can help you too."
you tilted your head to the side, taking a good look at chanyeol. you could almost literally see the little green monster called jealousy on his shoulder, pulling his big ear and telling him lies.
"yeah. yes, you can", you nodded, taking a step closer to him. "you could help me out by coming to my room tonight, what do you think?"
"wouldn’t you rather have jongin on your bed tonight?"
"um... i don't think his boyfriend will like that", you said, and laughed at how chanyeol looked at you when he heard the word 'boyfriend'. "besides, you know me way better than him now. i'm sure you're the only one who can help me with what i need."
chanyeol hummed, relaxing his features. he reached for you, holding your waist and pulling you close.
"keep talking..."
"and maybe, if you do it right, i can take you out on a date tomorrow... test jongin's theory..."
"what theory?"
you sighed, resting your hands on his chest. "he thinks you like me, and that you're jealous of him. he said that you look at me like he used to do, when he was in love with me."
"theory comproved, no need to test", chanyeol said, making you laugh.
"really? just by fucking?", you scrunched your nose. "i mean, you wouldn't be the first..."
"i live with you, y/n, so i know you, through and through. only someone crazy wouldn't fall in love with you", he said, looking into your eyes. "and not everyone can be as heartless as you are when it comes to sex..."
chanyeol laughed, leaning down to kiss your lips. you allowed him, missing the say jongin passed by the door, smiling at the two of you.
"and besides...", chanyeol whispered against your lips. "your sex is amazing, there's no way on earth i wouldn't fall in love with you when you fuck me like that..."
"chanyeol!, you screamed, as a warning, but it only made him laugh.
well, at least you had a date to go to.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
The Munson Twins – Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
The Munsons were always a strange pair of twins. For one thing, they were polar opposites of each other. Eddie was into weird role-playing games. Y/N was into volleyball. Eddie is in danger of repeating his senior year. Y/N graduated early. Eddie is into rock and roll. Y/N plays the classical violin and the piano. Eddie loves black leather jackets. Y/N likes flowery sun dresses. Eddie is kind of a loner. Y/N is more popular than me.
Since Y/N graduated early, we spent our senior year in some of the same classes. That being said, we barely spoke to each other. The most we ever talked was congratulating each other after one of us won a game. All through high school, Y/N and I ran in the same social circles because of our sports so we often went to the same parties. Just because we went to the same parties doesn't mean we were friends.
Not to say I didn't wish we were friends. I've gone to most of Y/N's games and she's gone to most of mine. Whenever I looked in the stands and saw her, I became more self-conscious of my playing. I even went to her orchestra concerts. I usually sat in the back and left before anyone noticed I was there.
Throughout high school, I couldn't get Y/N Munson out of my head. It seemed like everywhere I looked, she was there. Even when I was dating Nancy, my mind often wondered to Y/N when I was alone.
When Vecna started killing teens and Eddie was blamed, my thoughts focused even more on Y/N. I wanted to talk to her about all of this, to make sure she knew her brother wasn't what the town thought, but I also didn't want her involved in any of this shit.
I had to force Y/N to the back of my mind as we tried to help Eddie. When we got stuck in the UpsideDown, I allowed my mind to go back to her, hoping she was safe back in Hawkins. We were walking to Nancy's house and I kept glancing at Eddie. If he knew that my thoughts were constantly on his twin sister, he'd kill me.
"Eddie," I said, clearing my throat as I caught up to him. "Hey, man. Um, listen I just umm. . . I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there."
"Shit," he laughed. "You saved your own ass, man. I mean that was a real Ozzy move back there."
"When you took a bite out of that bat," he tried to clarify. "Ozzy Osbourne. Black Sabbath. He bit a bat's head off on stage. You really don't know who that is?"
"No," I chuckled. "Sorry."
"Well, anyway, it was very metal, what you did, is all I'm saying."
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Henderson told me you were a badass," he continued. "Insisted on the matter, in fact."
"Wait, Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah. Shit. That kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kind of annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but I guess I got a little jealous." Eddie sighed before continuing, "I guess I couldn't handle the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents. Popular. Chicks love him. And not a douche? No way. It goes against all the laws of the universe and my own personal Munson Doctrine. Then again, that's worth shit because even my sister talks highly of you."
"Y/N talks highly of me?" I tried, and failed, not to stutter.
I looked over to see Eddie smirking at me. He leaned in a little too close and whispered, "Very highly of you."
"Okay," I said awkwardly as I used my elbow to push him away from me. I cleared my throat and rolled my shoulders back.
"All jokes aside," Eddie said, "my sister does think highly of you, dude. Whenever people would start to talk shit about you, she'd instantly stand up for you. I never understood it, but she's always talked about how people should give you a chance. She believes that there is more to you than meets the eye."
"She really thinks that?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Hell yeah," he laughed.
"I guess I always thought. . . I mean, everyone else saw me as a dick. I figured she did too."
"Nope," he teased. "She always sees the good in people. It's extremely annoying."
Eddie walked away, but my mind was going a hundred miles an hour. I thought over the few, very few, interactions I've ever had with Y/N. We walked a few more miles, the others talking amongst each other while I walked behind the group.
"Alright," Eddie sighed as he joined me. "Enough of this. You've been in your head since I mentioned Y/N. What's the. . ."
He didn't finish his thought. Instead, he turned toward me with a smirk on his face.
"Ohhhhh," he elongated. "I get it now."
He playfully pushed me before continuing to walk through the woods.
"Wait," I called out as I chased after him. "You get what?"
"Come on, Harrington," Eddie sighed. "Please tell me I don't have to be the one to point this out to you."
"Point what out?"
"You have a thing for my sister."
"What?" I scoffed. "I don't. . . Why would you. . . That's so. . . No."
"No?" Eddie teased. "You sure about that?"
"I mean. . . That would be. . . Crazy."
"No, it wouldn't," he said simply. He saw the look on my face and sighed. "Look, Harrington, as much as I may not understand it, Y/N's right. You're a good guy. You'd be an even better guy if you'd grow a pair and tell my sister how you felt about her."
"What if she doesn't feel the same?" I asked before I could realize how weird it was to have this conversation with Y/N's twin brother.
"She does."
My heart jumped into my throat at those two words. Eddie didn't say anything else. He didn't need to. He sent me a wink before jogging and catching up with the others.
"She does," I repeated under my breath. "Holy shit. She feels the same."
* * * * *
Three months later, Hawkins was barely rebuilding. After Eddie's death, there were two people I was worried about; Dustin and Y/N. Dustin was doing what he normally does - pretending to be okay so no one would worry about him. I checked in on him almost every day. He was getting better, especially since Max was improving.
Y/N, on the other hand, barely leaves her uncle's trailer. Every single one of us has tried to visit her, but her uncle keeps telling us she doesn't want any visitors. Y/N won't even talk to the kids.
"Hi, Steve," Eddie and Y/N's uncle sighed when he opened the door.
"Hi, Mr. Munson," I greeted. "Is Y/N here?"
He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Look," he sighed, "I really appreciate all you kids have been trying to do for Y/N, but I think it might be best if you give her some space."
"But. . ."
"I'm sorry, Steve," he continued. "I'll let her know you stopped by."
My heart sank as he closed the door. I couldn't get myself to move as I heard Y/N's uncle saying something to her. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I forced myself to leave. I turned around and slowly started walking back to my car. As I drove home, I racked my brain trying to figure out what I could do for Y/N.
Just when I had lost all hope, I noticed someone pulled over to the side of the road. As I got closer, I recognized the driver as Y/N. She was looking at her engine.
I didn't hesitate to pull over. I got out of my car and started walking toward her.
"Need a hand?" I called out. I instantly cringed when she jumped. "It's just me, Y/N."
"Sorry," she stuttered.
"It's okay," I tried to say lightly. "So, you need any help?"
"This stupid thing won't start," she grumbled. "And I have no idea why. Eddie usually. . ."
My heart sank when she stopped talking. One look at her and I could see the tears building.
"He usually handled the car," she forced herself to continue as she cleared her throat.
"I could take a look," I shrugged. She looked up at me, her eyes softening.
"Of course."
I walked over to the front of her car and examined the engine. The longer I stared at it, the more Y/N giggled. She was laughing at me, but I didn't care. At least she was laughing.
"You don't know anything about cars, do you, Steve?" 
"That obvious?" I chuckled as I turned toward her.
"Little bit," she said, showing me how much with her fingers. She cleared her throat and wrapped her arms around herself.
"I could still help," I said quickly.
"How?" Y/N asked, her voice softening.
"I could give you a ride," I offered.
"Steve. . ."
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "I can take you home or wherever you were on your way to."
"You don't have to," she said quickly. 
"I don't mind," I tried again.
"I can call my uncle."
"Come on, Y/N. Let me help you."
She looked up at me and held my gaze. "Are you sure?" She asked, her voice soft.
"Of course," I shrugged. I held my hand out, not entirely expecting her to take it. When she did, my heart jumped into my throat. Ignoring the circus in my stomach, I led her over to my car. She smiled as I opened the door and held it for her.
"Thanks," she said as she got in. I took a shaky breath as I walked around and got in the driver's seat. I started driving to the trailer park, my nerves jumping all over the place.
"So," I cleared my throat, "how have you been doing?"
"Fine," she shrugged, looking out the window.
"Are you. . ."
"Please don't, Steve," she cut me off. She looked over at me and I could see the tears building.
I nodded before turning my attention back to the road. We went through the rest of the drive in silence. I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't sure how to start a conversation with her. Before I would've liked, we pulled in front of her uncle's trailer.
"Thanks for driving me, Steve," she said softly.
"Y/N, wait," I said as I grabbed her hand before she could get out of my car. When she looked at me, I forgot what I was going to say.
"Steve," she said softly when I didn't continue.
"I just wanted to say," I said slowly, "if you ever need anything, the group and I are here for you."
"Thanks," she said, clearing her throat. She started to get out but realized that I was still holding her hand.
"There's something else," I forced myself to say. I looked into her eyes and gathered all the courage I could before saying, "I'm sorry about Eddie."
She turned away from me but right before she did, I could see the tears building. With the hand I wasn't holding, she covered her mouth. My heart sank when I realized she was hiding her tears.
"Y/N," I whispered. I pulled on her hand and she let me bring her into my chest. As I wrapped my arms around her, she sobbed into my chest.
"I wish we could've done something," I whispered. I pulled out of our embrace and held her shoulders as I looked deeply into her eyes. "I wasn't able to keep your brother safe, but that doesn't mean I can't keep you safe."
"Steve," she said under her breath.
"I promise, Y/N, I will always be here for you," I said. "If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, all you have to do is call me. Day or night."
"Day or night?" She teased. "That's a little creepy, Steve."
"I didn't mean it like that," I stuttered. "I just meant that if you needed me, I'd. . ."
Y/N cut me off by leaning over and pressing her lips to mine. I didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. I gently grabbed her face as our lips moved against each other. When we were both out of breath, we broke the kiss and leaned our foreheads against each other.
"You know," she whispered, "there is something you could do for me."
"Anything," I said instantly.
"I'm starving," she started. I smiled when she didn't continue.
"Y/N," I said softly. "Can I take you to dinner?"
I smirked as I leaned in and kissed her again. I felt her smile as our lips moved in sync. I broke the kiss and pressed my nose to hers.
"If it's not too much trouble," she whispered.
"Not at all."
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phantomoftheorpheum · 8 months
my favorite book to show changes in Shelter
*obviously spoilers for the first season of Shelter, as well as the trilogy, though I will be putting anything that relates to plots they may do in later possible seasons below a cut.
The Friendship Group - I really, really like the way they updated the friendship dynamics for the show. This is probably my absolute favorite change. In the books, Ema & Mickey are very much besties and the center of the story, while Spoon often feels like an addition, and Rachel doesn't have much content. While they do technically end up as a group by the end, there are very few scenes with the 4 of them and the main dynamic focused on is Mickey & Ema's.
Shira Bolitar - in the books, Mickey goes to live with his uncle Myron, and Shira doesn't exist. Myron is fine in the books (and he clearly exists in the show, even though we don't meet him), but I like the added focus on Shira (and Hannah, who also isn't a character in the books). They do give Shira some of Myron's material from the books, but she also has a lot of new stuff for the show. I guess some audiences might not think her added material is necessary, but I liked her being a more fleshed out character (I mean, Myron has his own books, which I haven't read, so he's probably very fleshed out in those, but he doesn't have much going on in these books).
Spoon - I think they nailed Spoons characterization, like he feels very much like his book counterpart (aside from a couple of repeated jokes/comments in the books that I didn't love and I'm glad that they didn't use in the show), but there's so much more of him in the show. He honestly does not have enough scenes in the books. I'm glad they recognized his potential in the show.
Dylan Shakes (spelled Shaykes in the books) - This one isn't that big of a deal, but I like that they threaded that mystery into the main plot of the show. This character has a (less fleshed out) very similar plot in the books, but it's very background and his disappearance doesn't feel that important to the town.
Ema's Romantic Arc - Whitney doesn't exist in the books. Ema has other stuff going on romantically in the books, I'll go a little more into this in the more spoilery section of the post.
One thing I think the books did better than the show is that Ashley and Mickey know each other for several weeks before she goes missing, as opposed to literally one day. While I understand that the show addresses that there's some transference going on with Mickey and his desire to save Ashley when he couldn't save his father, his fixation feels weirder in the show than in the books, where he'd gotten to know her a little bit better and they were tentatively dating.
*****spoilers for some book plots that could come into play in additional seasons of the show below!!*****
Ema & Mickey - Okay, honestly, this is a big one for me. It could be because I watched the show first and had that dynamic in my head going into the books, but I was very much not a fan of Ema & Mickey's feelings for each other in the books. While they never actually get together (unless he's going to write more?), we get confirmation that they both have feelings for each other and both know it. I don't know. This just didn't work for me. Maybe, partially, because Mickey spends a lot of the books being jealous whenever Troy & Rachel are brought up, but then will flip into being jealous about Ema liking someone else and back and forth so much. It might be realistic (since Mickey is mainly just like distracted by how hot he thinks Rachel is a lot), but it kind of taints the vibe of "Ema & Mickey are so emotionally connected and their bond is so deep" that it feels like we're supposed to believe at times. IDK. I very much prefer their friendship in the show.
Rachel - Show Rachel is so superior to the book version of Rachel. And it's not that book!Rachel is bad, it's just that she really doesn't get much time on the page, despite being central to the second book mystery, which basically revolves around her family dynamics. While her season 1 plot is pretty similar to her book 1 plot, that's about all the action we really see out of her in the books, and I think that the show did a great job increasing her presence and agency.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
it is i again... strawhats/revolutionaries enjoyer (sabosan/koanami)
im just thinking about oblivious sanji and koala vs struggling sabo and nami
sanji is oblivious because well. he doesnt recognize when someone is attracted to him... and koala is oblivious because shes not 100% sure if nami likes her that way (despite being painfully obvious) (im sure koala would def know but i jsut think it's a little bit funny)
like sabo and nami writing the most romantic letters Ever to their crushes and then sanji's like "? this is from luffy's brother but for who?" (WHO ELSE DOES SABO TALK TO MOST ASIDE FROM LUFFY !!!) and koala just reads nami's letter and goes "aw this is sweet. im sure the receiver is going to appreciate this :]"
(also alternatively, oblivious nami so sabo and koala are Both struggling...) oblivious nami is her not being sure if koala even likes girls so when koala is romantic with her shes just like "??? does she mean this in a friendly way? what does she mean by this?"
Hello, my beloved Sabosan/Koanami enjoyer, may I interest you with my very very normal and not insane feelings about this idea? 🙏🏻 (I am not normal. Nor sane).
Sanji is oblivious because his self-esteem rests at the bottom of the fucking ocean and the guy can't fathom the concept of somebody liking him, even less being in love with him. He goes around the world giving love but the second somebody else returns it he's like "huh, this is nice. I wonder if this feeling has a name. I am sure they're just this nice to everybody else and it has nothing to do with their perception of me". So, yeah, trying to flirt with Sanji is... Hard. On the other hand, Koala is oblivious because, even if she accepts the possibility of Nami liking her back, she doesn't know if it's love or just a short-term crush. They're always joking about Nami having a lot of girlfriends, so for Koala, who probably has only thought about one person besides Nami romantically, it's a bit weird to guess if Nami truly has strong feelings for her.
So this makes Sabo and Nami go absolutely insane trying to find ways to make the other two realize they're in love with them. Without saying it out loud either because despite being in love and often reckless with these things... They don't want to jump to conclusions. They want to court them, or something like that. Sabo is a writer, and we all know that, so he comes up with this plan and starts writing letters to Sanji. They're the most romantic, Jane Austen, poetic letters about yearning in the whole universe. The thing is-- He doesn't personally give them to Sanji, he just leaves them in the kitchen for him to find, because he's a writer but he's also a moron. And Sanji instantly gets jealous and frustrated and "Who- Who is he talking to except me????" because Sabo isn't even that close to the rest of the crew, tbh. He's always with either Luffy or Sanji and Sanji thought they had something special going on. So it's kind of breaking his heart to find the letters, and if he needs some space between them, Sabo thinks he has fucked up by confessing and Sanji doesn't feel the same. Yay! Miscommunication! Meanwhile, Nami steals the idea like the burglar she is and starts writing letters for Koala too. Unlike Sabo, she actually does give them to her, but Koala genuinely thinks Nami is asking for her opinion?? And it makes her extremely sad, but Koala just goes "Oh! This is great, Nami. I'm sure the girl you're in love with will definitely fall for you now" and Nami wants to jump into the sea and drown.
So now you have Sanji, who's not speaking to Sabo because he feels a bit betrayed and it's hard to be next to him now that he thinks Sabo loves somebody else. And Koala, who tries hard to help Nami with the letters and wants to be next to her even if it's to support her with a crush that makes her terribly sad. And both Sabo and Nami are going through the worst time of their lives.
(And Nami being the oblivious one is also really funny because not knowing if a girl is a sapphic or not and having a "is this platonic or romantic????" crisis happens to every lesbian in the world. I raise you, btw, oblivious Sabo for the same reason because he truly thinks Sanji is girl-crazy only).
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bewareofthenewphannie · 2 months
Hey sooo could u pls share the twitter essay here👉👈
thank you for the ask, I'm honored that you want to hear my thoughts on this, and thanks char for sending your anon over to me!
okay, you see the thing is, the reason I blurred it out is a bit anticlimactic: I have no actual clue what I was talking about.
I don't actually know too much about this topic of what the dynamics between dannies and phillies looked like in the past because I've only been here since november last year and have never seen someone really discuss this in depth, I've only seen it being mentioned in passing. So everything I wrote was assumptions I made based on vague posts and my general understanding of dnp's and the phandom's history. I feel like this was enough to get the gist of this across to someone who doesn't really know dnp (apart from my previous elaborate ramblings about them) but not enough to post it on tumblr.
so if somebody has any input regarding this topic please tell me! and if I'm saying anything that's wrong (which is very likely) please correct me, I'm genuinely curious to hear thoughts on this by someone who actually knows what they're talking about :)
I will put what I wrote, along with some commentary, under the cut!
(addition: as I'm writing this commentary I'm realising how little I actually know, so please don't take this as actual information but more as...an interesting case study of how a new phannie perceives the history of the phandom)
first of all some more background info:
the original question was "[are there any people who] only like one of them and hate/don’t care about the other one?".
some shorter messages leading up to the long one seen in the screenshot:
there used to be a dannie/phillie divide but afaik all the way back in like...2013. now there are obviously people who prefer one of them but not in a way that they actively dislike the other one. and within the phandom I don't think there are really people who feel indifferent about one of them cause yk the thing is, these days it's impossible to watch one of them alone. dan doesn't use his channel, we wouldn't even see him if it wasn't for phil and even when he did a live stream thingy for his solo tour, phil was there. and phil either includes or talks about dan in every video he makes. so I guess either you like both or neither, you don't really have much of a choice also, they make it so goddamn obvious how much they love and care for and apprechiate each other and what an important role they play in each other's life, it would be kind of weird to claim to be a fan of one of them and then hate the person they like the most, yk
this was asked in the context of us talking about why there's this phenomenon that if you have a group of famous people who are strongly associated with each other (for example boybands or actors that work together on a tv show), there'll often be one person that is "hated" by the fandom. Their hypothesis was that this happens when "the one hated is either problematic, doesn’t like the other(s), or is more successful than the other(s)".
okay first the relevant part of my answer: I think overall you're right. I feel like if someone's more popular an important factor for them being disliked is that it feels like they think they're better/more important than the rest of the group. or if they all started out together that they don't apprechiate where they've come from, which both obviously hurts people who like that thing this person dismisses. but this also goes the other way, the people who like that person who is more famous often dislike the others in that group for being "jealous"/"leeching" off of the more famous person's fame.
and finally the thing you actually asked about, the long messages froom the screenshot broken up into multiple parts with the afore mentioned commentary:
now the less relevant part which is just me yapping about dnp and why this didn't happen to them I can imagine that at the very beginning some people probably didn't like dan because he was just some random dude, just another fan, who suddenly was part of youtube and attached to phil.
did...did this actually happen? it seems plausible to me, and I obviously know about charlie etc but how did people really react to dan suddenly being part of the AmazingPhil universe? I know it was an entirely different youtube culture back then and everything happened on a much smaller scale, so it's really hard to estimate how people reacted to this back then. in fact, now that I think more about it, judging from old screenshots I've seen, even at the very beginning people mostly seemed to be quite supportive of them and I think dan got an overwhelmingly positive reponse to uploading his first videos?
can't tell you exactly what went down after that but I do know 2012 was incredibly difficult (long story). things were very tense and especially dan was reallyreally defensive during that time and he had his whole "we're two seperate people" phase.
okay, so if there was any time in the phandom where there was serious tension between dannies and phillies it must've been during this time, right? because from recent discussions I know that there was a point where especially phil wasn't exactly treated the best but I don't know when that was. I feel like it would make sense here though.
anyway, at some point dan surpassed phil's subscribers and I genuinely don't know but I would assume that strengthened that dannie/phillie divide.
Again, I don't actually know when this happened (I would assume some time around 2013/14?) and I have absolutely no idea what the actual reaction people had to this was. but if I know anything about fandoms, this definitely must've stirred up...something. I don't know how obsessed the phandom was with numbers but even if it wasn't that bad, I can't imagine this happening completely without drama attached to it.
but one thing you need to know is that phil was always incredibly supportive of dan and the other way round, dan never talked shit about phil.
correct me if I'm wrong, maybe we simply don't talk about this time that much (with good reason) and I know dan said and wrote a lot of things that were very dismissive about some stuff etc. but in the clips and old posts I've seen he still emphasised that they were friends and didn't hate each other.
and thennn they started their bbc radio show, their joint channel, released a book, went on tour in 2015/16, basically they fully embraced their DanAndPhil brand. this was their peak in popularity and from what I've heard people say that joined the phandom at that time this dannie/phillie divide was basically gone by then because yeah, people liked their seperate things but what really made them blow up was the things they did together.
this is based on something I saw the other day. some people who I know joined the phandom around that time were talking about how they luckily never experienced that dan vs. phil mentality. that's why I wrote the things before this paragraph based on the assumption that the worst bit of the dannies vs phillies thing was before that era and kind of fizzled out by the time tatinof came around.
thennn the hiatus of the gaming channel, coming out (soulmates etc.), dan disappers from the internet (phil's just always there chilling btw). okay the most interesting part comes now, dan eventually writes a book and goes on tour. alone. now if we look at our hypothesis this would be the perfect reason for people to start disliking him, but not with them. phil goes behind dan's back to promote his book, before dan leaves on tour they make this video (https://youtu.be/2M2dF_21ANc) [edit: this is dilm in case you're wondering] where they keep talking about ohhh we've never apart for longer than to weeks oooh how will we cope blah, disgusting. dan makes a youtube series promoting the tour which phil is heavily involved with. and yeah, dan has this "I'm a strong independent dan" thing going on, but it's mostly part of his tour persona. (and also he did have to figure himself out for himself because he's been attached to phil since he was 18, so literally his whole adult life.)
I know some people disliked dystopia daily (which is valid but just for the record, I will defend her with my life) and I know some people generally didn't like/were disappointed with what dan was doing during that era. however. I know that's not representative of the whole phandom and I don't think (look at me assuming things again) those people truly hated dan for it but more like wished that things were different.
and then and then! after the tour nothing...until *drumroll* the gaming channel is back! aka, phil pushed dan to start making dapg videos again and dan's actually enjoying it. and they're fully embracing their DanAndPhil brand again. tl;dr I think the reason why this divide isn't there between them is [because of] how vocally and explicitly they support each other.
if you've made it this far, congrats, you get a cat! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
I genuinely meant what I said earlier, I would love to hear more "qualified" opinions on this! feel free to add to this post, completely unravel it...or ignore it if I was too offensively wrong about things :)
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imagobin · 3 months
Hiii!:) can you do head canons for the Zoldyck Siblings that have a sibling who is about 15 so like middle child sorta who always try’s to care for each sibling they have and is still is very skilled assassin and try’s to hold everything together please 😋
Omg okay I love this idea, just a poor 15 year old trying their best fhgk Thank you for requesting this, I'm gonna have lots of fun! Dividing this in sections, with what the Reader does for each sibling and their opinions on them!
🔯Being the Zoldyck's middle child HCs🔯
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Illumi is always working hard for the family, often taking on the most jobs, no matter how far they are. He doesn't show any sign of exhaustion, but you can always tell when your brother is feeling tired.
He takes a bit more time to reply during conversations, his footsteps actually make sound, his usually perfect hair has some strands out of place... you notice it all.
Seeing your brother overworking himself is really saddening for you, so you try to do small things for Illumi whenever you can: you ask him if there's any hit job you could handle instead of him "keeping them all to himself", you get him his favorite drink or snack... when you see him looking particularly stressed, you even offer to braid or brush his hair, and he's often taken off guard by this. "You want to brush my hair...? Hm, that does sound nice..."
Illumi doesn't know why you do all this stuff for him (he still hasn't caught on that you can see his fatigue), but he's really grateful for it, especially the hair-brushing; that always manages to calm his nerves like nothing else, it even makes him sleepy!
Needless to say, he's very proud of you as well. Your talent for assassination is undeniable, which is why he often agrees to hand a couple of his jobs over to you; he knows you can handle them.
Killua will always be his favorite sibling, but you also hold a special place in his heart since you seem to care so much about him.
He does however have a small tendency to still treat you like a little kid, giving you head pats and such when you've done a good job with an assassination, or to simply thank you.
Needless to say, you rarely ever see Milluki leave his room, and nobody seems to be worried about that. You do though. You're always wondering what he might be doing in there, and if he's doing okay.
Honestly the rest of your family kind of acts as if he doesn't exist, unless they need something from him.
Milluki seems pretty used to this by now, so whenever you want to hang out with him, he just wonders why, or if you might have some ulterior motive. "W-wouldn't you rather go play with Kil? I'm busy here! ... though I guess I could make an exception-"
Of course, you just want to keep your brother company, plus, he's genuinely very fun to spend time with! You guys play games together, watch anime and eat snacks to your heart's content, nothing better than that for a chill afternoon.
He'd NEVER admit it right in front of you, but man, he loves when you visit him. He feels like you're the only person in the family he can talk about his interests to without being made fun of.
Milluki is a little bit jealous of your assassin skills, but doesn't really let that bother him, mostly because despite that, you don't act like you're better than him, you actually recognize his skills too, so there's like- mutual respect between the two of you.
He doesn't really take missions that require leaving the house anymore, but... he might give in if you were the one asking, he feels like you'd make a pretty good team with his brains and your brawn.
You and Killua are very close in age, you basically grew up together! So of course you two would be very close.
Among your brothers, he's definitely the most fun to hang out with. He's the outdoorsy type, which means that whenever you meet up, there's always adventures to be had, and sometimes... pranks to be pulled.
You're a bit more level-headed than him, since you're older, but you don't always manage to keep him out of trouble, which predictably isn't something your mother approves of. You're always getting scolded, because you should be setting an example for Killua, not encourage his rebellious side!
Killua finds the way Kikyo scolds you pretty annoying. "Who cares about what she wants? At least you're not boring like everyone else here!"
He also doesn't really understand why you still spend so much time with Illumi and Milluki, he not jealous, but would definitely love to know what pushes you to be so nice to them, especially Illumi.
You've explained your reasoning countless times: it's because you're family! You need to take care of each other, otherwise things might go wrong... he feels like you might be too nice. Not that it's a bad thing, just like Alluka, you bring him a sort of familial comfort that nobody else has there, which makes visiting home more bearable.
When Killua was still working as an assassin, he'd always be excited to go on missions with you. You two just get each other like that, and the job would always be completed flawlessly.
Your parents always advise you against visiting Alluka, but do tou listen to them? Nope. Of course you're going to visit your little sister! She's always in that room on her own, you don't want her to feel lonely!
You play pretend with her, have cute tea parties with her plushies, and of course, say yes to anything she demands, which are usually very easy things, because you never take advantage of her wish-granting ability, and basically nobody else makes wishes to her anymore, because they're all too scared of her powers.
You always ask for something simple, like a hug, and she's always happy to comply.
Both her and Nanika are very happy that you visit them, and that you accept her for who she is. "You know, whenever you visit me- it makes me soooo happy I could explode!" You are definitely her favorite along with Killua.
You interacting so often with her has also given your parents a better understanding of her power, making them less scared of her, though they still don't allow her outside on her own, for fear that someone might misuse her ability.
She still explores the world with Killua, but whenever those two visit Kukuroo mountain, she's always extremely happy to see you again.
She's also very impressed with your skills as an assassin, and always jokes around, saying if Killua doesn't want to be the heir, you could be a candidate.
Kalluto is your youngest brother, so you feel pretty protective towards him.
He's often got this sort of melancholic aura around him, because he'd really want Killua to pay attention to him, but the white haired boy never does. He's a little bit jealous of you, because of how much you two hang out, but not too much, because he sees you also making the same effort with the rest of your siblings, him included.
When you see him looking a bit gloomy, you always offer to play with him, though he doesn't really know how to play a lot of outdoors games. He'll try to convince you he's okay with playing anything you want, but that's because he doesn't want to bore you.
You insist on doing what HE wants to do though. Your determination to let him choose what he wants to do makes him really happy, even if he doesn't really show it.
His idea of fun is always something pretty relaxing; his main hobby is making origami and paper dolls, and that's usually what you two end up doing. He's really good at both those things, and gets a bit embarrassed if you compliment him on that. "I-it's just a dragon origami... nothing too complex... ... thanks though"
He looks up to you, for being young and already so skilled, you're a natural with the family business.
You're always a bit concerned whenever he goes on missions with the Phantom Troupe, but you have noticed he's become more talkative since he's joined them.
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iamnmbr3 · 14 days
HELLO! I am not sure how to phrase this ask but I will do my best so bare with me :)
I have an HP online acquaintance who joked that if Drarry shippers use how much Draco harasses Harry as a measure of his crush on him then it must be a sign of a strong Dron (Draco/Ron) romance. Because Draco harassed Ron almost or just as much as Harry.
What I find interesting about Draco's bullying of Ron is that it feels a tad more personal (similar to how Sirius' attacks on Snape felt a bit more emotionally abusive compared to James who was a normal bullying jock). Draco made badges for Ron and Harry...but he literally composed an entire song for Ron!!! Like...this is not a headcanon compared to Draco writing the valentine in book 2. That is canon. And he gets his entire house to sing along.
So I guess my question is how would you respond to my mutual's joke about harassment being a measure of love? Why would you say Drarry is a thing but not Dron?
Thanks for this question and for your patience - I wanted to have time to sit down and write a proper answer.
Before I get into this I want to say that I'm very much of a ship and let ship mindset. Just because I don't ship something or find it compelling doesn't mean I have anything against the ship or against people who like it. I also don't think that a ship needs to have any canonical "evidence" for people to ship it (and I've certainly shipped many such pairings). I happen to see a lot of canonical basis for drarry but I don't think a ship "needs" that by any means.
Ok. Now that's out of the way, onto "dron." To my mind Ron/Draco is a ship that, unlike drarry, does not have any particular canonical basis. Separately from that, I also don't find it very interesting or compelling and thus don't personally ship it.
I think the key here is context. And the context of Ron and Draco's enmity is still all about Harry. Draco and Harry's relationship is intense and personal and much more equal - it's more of a hostile rivalry than it is a bully and victim relationship. With Draco and Ron though, that's not the case. It feels much more like bullying. Draco really gets to Ron in a way he doesn't get to Harry (who's got a whole Thing TM with him) or Hermione (who just brushes it off and ignores him). Ron though is really hurt and bothered on multiple occasions and Ron doesn't give as good as he gets. He doesn't have a snappy retort when Draco comes after him usually. He's just upset/humiliated/angry.
And why does Draco bully Ron? Because of Harry. Because Harry chose Ron instead of Draco as his friend and Draco can't stand that. As Harry and Ron get closer Draco's bullying of Ron and attempts to point out to Harry how worthless and poor and pathetic Ron is escalate. In fifth year for example Draco has learned Harry spends holidays with Ron and is clearly upset (jealous?) over this fact. Also, Harry is generally pretty good at shrugging off Draco's attempts to get him to engage with him. One of the quickest ways to get a rise out of him is to go after his friends. So in addition to jealousy it's also an attention seeking behavior.
Yes Draco bullies Ron but he doesn't know every little detail of his life like he does with Harry. He doesn't deeply understand him or intuit things about him that few other people guess as he does with Harry (for example understanding Harry is actually uncomfortable with his fame or immediately knowing he would never hurt Muggleborns etc). He mostly just uses the same few insults - calling him and his family poor and unimportant and insulting his competence - because he doesn't really know or care about him. And Ron dislikes Draco but doesn't know details about his life either (unlike Harry who knows a ton about Draco) and wishes Draco wasn't in his life (unlike Harry who never wishes that). Draco also never expresses respect for Ron the way he does with Harry so it's just a very different dynamic. He also doesn't seek Ron's attention.
Ron and Draco aren't equals and opposites, aren't parallels, aren't drawn to each other, don't orbit around each other or complement each other's skills or express unwilling admiration for each other, don't deeply and intuitively understand each other or constantly watch about each other or instinctively help and save each other or spend 7 years learning every detail of the other's life because they can't look away.
They just don't like each other and have a bad relationship. So I see no canonical basis for shipping them. I also see nothing particularly interesting about a ship between them and thus don't like the pairing even setting aside canon.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
I’m the anon that asked for teen!Mc trying to dye her hair like thirteen
maybe Lucifer, Levi, belphie and Thirteen (If you write for her ofc-)
Hello! Thank you for coming back and yes, I do write for Thirteen ^^ This actually was pretty fun to write (because I'm OBSESSED with colorful hair) I wrote 2 reactions for every character aaand I'm rambling again so let's just go into it and I hope you enjoy <3
Teen!MC dyes her hair to match with Thirteen
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⊱ Lucifer knew you really liked girl with pink-purple hair, and he often used it saying that you can't meet with her untill you to your homework and stuff like that
⊱ you didn't got hurt while meeting with her yet so he didn't ban you from meeting with her, although it hurt his pride that you look up more to her than him...
You ask him to dye your hair:
⊱ when you asked him to dye your hair, he immediately disagreed saying that you're still too young and you can just ruin your hair
⊱ it's really impossible that he'll help you do it because as he says "you're too young" and it also hurts his pride a little as well
"No, no and again no. Don't ask me that again because my answer will stay the same."
You surprise him with new hair color:
⊱ if you surprise him with your new hair, then you better run fast and hope that he's tired today
⊱ of course she quickly realizes that this hair color is based on Thirteen and let's just say he's not a big fan of it and you're just going to be grounded for some months or untill the dye comes off
"I think I was clear about you dyeing your hair and you didn't listened to me. And now you're grounded for at very least 3 months."
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⊱ Levi knew you would prefer to stoned time with Thirteen than him, after all he's just a gross otaku!
⊱ so it wasn't a surprise to him that whenever he passed the two of you, you were absolutely amazed by her, sure he didn't knew what exactly you saw in her but he knew she still was better than him!
You ask him to dye your hair:
⊱ when you asked him to help you paint your hair, he agreed as long as Lucifer won't kill him for that, so as long as you have his approval or you can lie well, he'll help you
⊱ he quickly understands why did you picked pink and purple and not any other color and let's just say he's tiny bit jealous... although he promised to paint your hair, so he'll do that
"Done... are you sure you want that tho? You can get bored of it and Lucifer will surely kill me if I help you again."
You surprise him with new hair color:
⊱ he was waiting for you to come to his room to play some video games, and when you first entered his room, he only saw pink-purple hair so he was surprised that Thirteen somehow got into his room
⊱ but he quickly realizes that it's you and he's absolutely jealous, he knows he's gross but if so then why are you even coming here to play?!!
"Thirteen? How did you- YN? You dyed your hair to match her...? Why her tho?!"
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⊱ Belphie saw how much you like Thirteen and let's just say that he wasn't necessary a fan of it... but he usually was sleeping through all your interactions with her so he didn't noticed anything off
You ask him to dye your hair:
⊱ when you asked him to dye your hair, he was a little shocked that you asked HIM! I mean... he wouldn't be even surprised if he would fall asleep midway
⊱ but if he somehow doesn't fall asleep and you convince him to do it, he doesn't noticed the meaning behind those colors
"Alright I think I'm done. It was really tiring so I'm gonna take a nap now, goodnight."
You surprise him with new hair color:
⊱ he's too sleepy to notice the colors but once he finally does catch on that you just wanted to match with Thirteen
⊱ he honestly didn't get it... why did you choose her?! But he's just too tired to tell you anything about it so he just says it's alright when you ask him for his opinion
"It's alright, I guess... Zzz..."
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⊱ Thirteen always saw how excited and how you looked up to her which she was really proud of! She absolutely adored this little part of you
⊱ once you asked if you can just study her hair a little bit and of course she agreed as long as you won't tangle it
You ask her to dye your hair:
⊱ when you randomly asked her for help with dying your hair, she immediately agreed and asked you what color do you want to dye it
⊱ when you told her you want the same hair color as she has, she immediately agreed to dye your hair and she did a very good job doing it
"Don't worry, I'll make your hair look as good as mine does"
You surprise her with new hair color:
⊱ she thought that you just enjoy playing with someones hair but how shocked she was when on the next day you came with pink-purple hair
⊱ and when she saw you she immediately went to give you a little head pat, saying she's proud of you
"I see you're following the best style! That's my little human!"
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scenetocause · 2 months
hiii i was just wondering if it was you that wrote the max/ lando/ luisa fic where they changed genders? and max like stays a girl? i’ve been back reading nortrell and absolutely loved reading this one the first time. i can’t find the fic anymore and if it was you that wrote it, did you delete it?
it was me! it is here. also your other ask led to me looking at it and being like on what planet did i rate this mature it's got like, several dp scenes haha what.
for something that was pure whimsy cus someone on a discord server was like lol there should be mandinha sex swap fic it's one of my favourites. in retrospect it probably should have been clearer to me that i am not at all cis earlier on lol.
here's a little drabble to make up for making my own fic completely fucking unsearchable with my bizarro rating assessments. ("nsfw i guess" there)
It's not exactly news that Lando likes tits. Especially Max's. So she could've thought through wearing a bikini a bit more thoroughly but Lando's been away for weeks and Luisa's been on Strictly or whatever and there frankly hasn't been nearly enough attention on her from either of them.
And it's the first sunny day in London for ages. She'd definitely have her top off if she was a boy right now, so she can lie on the sofa in a sunbeam soaking up the warmth if she wants.
Until Lando's blocking the light, anyway, eyes crinkled with glee. "Maxy, oh my god."
"What? Get out of the sunbeam, mate, you're in the way."
Lando ignores her but does at least crouch down so he can trail his hand up Max's waist, cup his stupidly massive palm over her tit. "You're so hot."
"I'm fucking freezing actually, it was nice in the sun but some bloke's fucked that up."
Lando just rolls his eyes, picks Max up off the sofa with an ease she's still not sure if she's jealous of or can't help enjoying. It takes her breath away a little bit, sometimes, that the guy so tiny he had to be velcro-ed into a fucking kart could throw her around, now.
Even if the way her body changed was different (sudden, all at once, no years of carving muscle in the gym) it's crazy to think how much they've grown, still with each other. Makes her a bit soppy about it, maybe, so she has to hide her face in Lando's hoodie while he's putting her down on the bed and then tucking her in.
"Warm now?" He's a fucking weapon, this guy. Lying on top of the duvet, on Max, so she's basically pinned down.
"Be warmer if you got in, Bob." She's missed him. Got to into her own head while he was off driving laps of Bahrain and making heart-eyes at a more successful ex-Renault junior.
Lando relents easily because she's going to let him fuck her. Might even be up for anal, if he wants that. Sometimes they like it, as a throwback to how they used to fuck and Lando's dick feels pretty good anywhere.
Under the duvet his hands get everywhere, undoing the ties on Max's (well, Luisa's) bikini and slipping it off her, down into the foot of the bed somewhere.
"God. Your tits are so great." Lando's doing something with his mouth, between them, that's really not very far off motorboating and Max would object but it's the weird attention she's been craving. All Lando shit, unfocussed and a bit mental.
"D'you think you could do F1 Academy?" Obviously that's the kind of mad thing Lando asks when they're about to fuck.
"Bob, no. I don't know? Maybe." Callum could probably ask. She might, just to race again. Maybe. Maybe she could actually take a fight to Doriane. Or, mortifyingly, find herself massively off the pace. It's a big gamble.
"Could be the Silverstone wildcard. Be all sexy, we can both win." Alright, Mr confidence.
"Don't think they're racing there." Max kisses him, tries to get Lando's brain back on the job at hand by stroking his dick through his joggers. "C'mon, make me come and then I'll show you what Connor's done to his hair."
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Not So Unrequited Love
Plot: Eliot seems to be happy with his new relationship with U.S. Marshall Maria Shipp. All the while, Y/n, who has had feelings for Eliot for years, watches. After an overheard conversation, Eliot learns just how stupid he has been.
Requests: Reader is jealous of Maria + “You said you wouldn't fall in love with me." "I lied."
Requested By: Two Anons. Prompt is one half of a request. I will use the other prompt in a separate fic I have planned.
Warnings: Tame themes of jealousy and unrequited love.
Words: ~3k
A/N: This is also a re-write of how Maria and Eliot's relationship ends.
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"I think I got someone I can call to help us out with that part of the con." Eliot spoke up from beside you as he grabbed his phone and got up to leave.
You felt your chest tighten at his words, knowing exactly who he was referring too. Your fist tightened around your pen.
Parker smirked "Tell Maria hello for me."
Eliot glared at her "You don't know that was who I was gonna call, Parker!"
As Parker rose to follow him she continued to smile "Then who is it, huh? You got another girlfriend I should know about?"
"Parker, don't antagonize him!" Sophie sighed before she turned to you and Breanna. "I'm going to go find our Mr Wilson, you two get ready."
You and Breanna both nodded, watching Sophie leave. Your eyes locked on Eliot outside as he spoke on the phone. He had a smile on his face as he disappeared around the corner.
Breanna looked over at you, noting the way your face had fallen from moments before. She noticed it every time Maria came up in conversation.
"Sooo..." She began slowly as she eyed you.
You looked at her, noting the look on her face. "Are you about to ask for a favor?"
She shook her head "No, not a favor."
"Then what?"
"I was just wondering why it is you seem so effected every time Eliot and Maria are brought up."
You straightened up a bit at this, which she did not fail to notice.
She continued with a hint of caution in her tone "I mean, you're the only one who doesn't make jokes. Who doesn't ask Eliot how he and Maria are. And anytime she gets brought up, you tend to go quiet, or find and excuse to leave."
You smiled softly "You're better at noticing things than I gave you credit for."
She shrugged her head "So what is it?"
You shook your head lightly, uncertain if you should tell her.
She leaned a little closer, her face expressing a small pout. "Come on, please? 'Cause I gotta be honest. When I first showed up here, I really thought you and Eliot were a couple. I mean you two are perfect for each other."
You let out a soft breath "Yeah, I've heard that before."
"So?" She gave you a hard look.
You rolled your eyes lightly before you looked past her to make sure everyone was gone. You took a breath before you began.
"When the team first got together, me and Eliot got along a lot faster than we did with the others. I'm not really sure why, we just...clicked. He would often insist that he didn't like working with a team, that he was better alone, blah blah. One day when we were talking about it again, once the team was a bit more settled. I joked that it was because he wasn't only afraid of finding a family, but falling in love."
Hearing a noise outside, you paused for a moment. Seeing Eliot leaving, you figured he was going to meet Maria. You sighed softly before you continued.
"And honestly, by that point, I...had developed feelings for him. So the joke was kind of a test I guess, to see if he showed any interest"
Breanna leaned a little closer. "Did he?"
You let out a soft dry laugh "Actually, he just retaliated with some dry sarcasm. Saying things like 'Men like me don't fall in love'"
You mimicked his deeper voice and Breanna chuckled.
"But then he said, that I had to promise to never fall in love with him. It was a joke at the time, and I agreed not too. Not that long later I figured it was for the best. I mean, we have a dangerous life, it's dangerous to fall in love in our line of work. But the longer I spent with him and the others, the more I felt at home.
Breanna spoke softly "And...the more you fell for him?"
You nodded softly as you tapped your fingers on the table. "Me and Eliot are close, but not that kind of close. He's never shown any interest in me, not like that. So I just- I stay with him in the ways that I can. While he falls in love with attractive marshals." You smiled, but it did not meet your eyes.
She shook her head as she stared at you with a mix of pity and surprise "You gotta tell him!"
"No, I don't Breanna. He's got Maria, and as far as I can tell, he's happy with her. I'm not the type to try and bust that kind of thing up. Eliot deserves someone, and it took him a long time to get over the not falling in love thing. It may not be me, but, at least it's someone. Besides! What if-" a fearful thought you had many times washed over you. You let out a soft breath. "What if I do tell him, and..."
"And he doesn't feel the same." She said with dejection.
"That would kill me Breanna, and the team would never be the same again." You shrugged, the sadness on your face evident "I can't risk that, I wont."
"So you're just gonna watch the man you love, love someone else?"
You nodded "The things we do for love Breanna, especially unrequited love, often hurt."
Hearing your phone buzz, you looked down to see a text from Sophie. "It's time" You knocked on the table before you began to leave, stopping you spun back around and pointed at her "This stays between us."
She nodded, before she watched you go. A newfound pity, and respect for you heavy on her chest.
--- --- --- ---
Sitting in the food truck with Breanna, you listened to the various conversations over the comms. While Harry schmoozed up to an old evil lawyer, and Sophie made her way back to the truck, you heard the tail-end of Eliot and Maria's conversation.
Your's and Breanna's comms weren't on, so though you could hear them, they could not hear you.
"You owe me for this one Eliot." Maria said.
"Yeah yeah I know." He said with an obvious smile.
"Maybe dinner? When you're done...working, or whatever this is."
"Yeah, dinner sounds good."
"Good. Call me later then."
Breanna made a sound akin to a sick cat "She is really good at" she mimicked a fishing rod "Reeling him in isn't she?"
"Breanna!" You said softly.
"What? I'm on your side."
"On Y/n's side of what?" Sophie's voice came from behind you as she entered the food truck. You looked at Breanna with a mild warning look.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." You said coolly, as you rose. Grabbing your ear comm, you began putting on your coat.
"Mark primed and ready for me?" You asked Sophie.
"Yes." She said while watching you closely, unconvinced of your dismissing comment.
Once you let the truck, Sophie looked over at Breanna, who quickly looked away and began typing.
Sophie sat beside her "Breanna, if something is going on between Eliot and Y/n I need to know. Are they fighting? What is it?"
Breanna looked nervously from her screen to Sophie. "I'm not supposed to talk about it."
Sophie narrowed her eyes "But you clearly very much want to." Her eyes widened a it "Is it a secret? I love secrets! Y/n has a secret from me?"
Breanna shrugged, weighing the consequences. "Okay-" she began as she muted Sophie's the comms so you would not be able to over hear once you turned yours on, "First tell me this. Have you ever thought that Y/n and Eliot should be together?"
Sophie rose her brow "Oh I always thought they should, but I never understood why they haven't." Sophie gasped "What is it, now you have to tell me!"
"Alright Sophie, Maria is gonna help." Eliot frowned when he heard no response "Sophie? Breanna? Y/n what's going on?"
"What?" You whispered.
"Sophie and Breanna aren't responding to me."
"They're in the truck, I just left them. I gotta go, I'm approaching the mark."
Eliot sighed as he walked up to the food truck. Seeing the door slightly ajar, he opened it slowly, fearing someone else may be inside. He paused though, when he heard Sophie and Breanna.
"What is it, now you have to tell me!"
Eliot was about to call out to them, but stopped when he heard Breanna.
"Have you ever noticed Y/n withdrawing and getting weird whenever Maria comes up in conversation?"
"Oh yeah definitely."
Eliot frowned, he never noticed that. He would have noticed that. He felt a small jolt of realization, as he recalled that you tended to avoid any conversation about her. He thought you were doing it for his sake, but maybe not?
"Right?! So, it's because Y/n has been in love with Eliot for years!"
Eliot felt his heart drop as he felt his breath catch.
"Eliot made a joke years back when Nate first got you guys together, that Y/n had to promise to never fall in love with him. They said they wouldn't, but Y/n already had feelings for him then too."
"Oh my God."
Eliot's hands tightened on the handle of the truck as he continued to hold his breath. Everything from years ago rushing back into his head.
"Y/n said that Eliot never showed any signs of being interested in them so they never acted on it. And Eliot would say things like he doesn't fall in love, ya know, typical Eliot stuff. But now, years later he's with Maria and not Y/n, and now they just have to watch, while their heart is being ripped apart watching the man they love, be with someone else."
"Oh dear, poor Y/n." Sophie said with a dejected tone.
"And Y/n refuses to tell Eliot because they don't want to jeopardize ruining the team."
Eliot stepped away and leaned against the truck, finally taking in a staggered breath.
All this time, you had loved him? The years that he spent convincing himself to never feel anything for you. Because it would be dangerous, because you deserved better? The whole time, you were doing the same, for him.
As much as it broke his heart never being with you the way he dreamed, he convinced himself it was for the better. So when people like Maria came into his life, he jumped in. Now he knew that every time he did that, he was hurting you.
All this time, you had never gotten into a serious relationship. Was this why? What it because of him?
"Eliot? Hello!?"
Breaking from his thoughts as Sophie's voice rang in his ears, he shook himself from his thoughts.
"Are you coming back to the truck? We have to go."
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." He replied, waiting for a few moments before he went into the truck.
Right now he needed to focus on the con, but once it was over. He would fix this. He would set it all right.
--- --- ---
You grinned at the client as she shook Sophie's hand, before turning to the rest of you "Thank you all so much."
"I hope you're able to get back on your feet quickly, let us know if there is anything else we can do." You said softly.
As she thanked you all again and walked off, you looked around at the others. You paused momentarily as you saw Eliot staring intensely at you. His face a mix of emotion you weren't sure you could identify.
Seemingly pulling himself from his thoughts, he pulled his eyes from you as he turned to follow the others inside.
Letting out a sigh as you looked around, you smiled, glad the con went well.
Looking at the time, you felt a small tug at your heart as you recalled Eliot's promise to Maria of dinner. You sighed as you tried to shake the thought from your mind, as you had many times before.
Taking a short break with everyone before they left, you were left alone, sitting at the tables outside the restaurant. You slowly spun the glass in your hand as you stared into the bubbles of the drink.
You were so lost in thought, you didn't see Eliot come around the corner. You didn't see him stand there for a while as he watched you.
He felt guilt pull at him as he watched you sit alone. After most cons, you and him would sit outside somewhere, talk, laugh, eat, watch the stars. It was your thing.
But recently, he would leave after cons to go see Maria. Just another thing he took from you.
Finally walking up to you, you heard his steps and looked up. You smiled at him with mild surprise. He smiled in return, feeling a warmer tug at his heart than before.
"Everyone leave?"
"Yeah" You nodded before you frowned slightly "I thought you were getting dinner with Maria?"
Eliot let out a sigh as he sat in the chair next to you. "Yeah, about that. I did see Maria, but it wasn't to get dinner."
You furrowed your brow "Something happen?"
He nodded "Yeah. Uh, me and Maria aren't going to be seeing each other again."
You sat up a bit straighter, both pain for Eliot, and a small amount of relief washed over you. "What happened?"
"I did." He said softly.
You turned in your chair to face him "I don't get it."
"I ended it, because...I overheard a conversation between Breanna and Sophie earlier."
"About...Maria?" Your heart was beginning to pick up pace as you swallowed hard. What exactly did Breanna and Sophie talk about when you left?
He shook his head "No, about you."
You stared at him with a blank face as you processed what he said. When you left Sophie and Breanna in the truck, she had just walked in after Breanna made a comment about being on your side.
"Oh God." You muttered before you leaned down, setting your head on the table a bit harder than you intended "What did the say?" You asked with a dejected tone.
Eliot smiled a bit as he sat forward, putting his arms on the table and leaning forward. He spoke softly "About how your in love with me. And that you have been for years."
Your heart was pounding in your chest, as your neck burned hot. You were afraid to look up, afraid Eliot would have a look on his face that told you he didn't feel the same.
But then you remembered what started this conversation. He ended it with Maria because of what he overheard. Did that mean-
Looking up, you saw Eliot with a soft smile staring down at you. No judgement, no repulsion, no rejection.
"You said you wouldn't fall in love with me." He said softly with a smile.
You let out a soft breath "Yeah, well. I lied."
His smile grew a bit "So did I."
You squinted a bit in confusion and he replied "About when I said men like me don't fall in love. Because I did. With you, years ago. And every single day since I, regretted telling you not to fall for me. I never really thought you would, but I wanted it."
"Is that why you never told me?"
He nodded softly "And I'm sorry. If I had, if I had shown any of the things I was feeling...things would've been different"
You shrugged lightly but smiled "Not so different."
He smiled "Maybe not. But they would have been better. I would have gotten what I wanted the most."
"Which is?"
"To be with you in all the way's we never had."
"I anted that too. But you aren't the only one who hid it. I was so convinced you never would that I never showed how I felt either."
He shook his head "I guess we both got that guilt in common then. But at least now we can amend that, and make up for the time we lost."
You smiled, but your face fell. "But what about Maria? I never intended f-"
He shook his head as he leaned forward, setting his hand on top of yours.
"It never would have lasted with Maria. She's a Marshal, and I'm- well, you know. It would have ended sooner or later. And I would rather be with the one person who has always been there for me, seen the best and worst parts of me and never left my side. I'd rather be with you than anyone else."
You gazed softly at each other for a few moments as he gently caressed your hand.
"Since I've been going to see Maria after all of our cons recently, I neglected our routine of getting dinner together. Have you eaten?"
"I have not."
He motioned his head towards the restaurant "Let me make you something to make up for it."
You smiled as you both began to rise "I would never say no to that."
He smiled as you both move to go inside. Suddenly stopping, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest. Staring into his eyes, he smiled at you before his eyes flicked to your lips. Meeting your eyes again his lips quirked into a bigger smile.
Smiling in return as you both inched loser, your lips met in a soft kiss. Placing your hands on his chest, he moved his hands to your waist as he deepened the kiss.
As much as you were going to chastise Breanna for telling Sophie the one thing you told her not too. You'd be forever secretly grateful that she did.
xx End xx
Hope you enjoyed it! If you did please consider reblogging, it helps out a lot and is always a great motivator and makes my day! <3
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Leverage/Eliot Taglist: @groovy-lady, @aaannabbanana, @peoniarose, @fablesrose, @spuffyfan394, @malindacath, @winnifredburkleismyhero, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet,
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