#I could ramble on and on about more things
himezoro · 3 days
your roman empire with the one piece men
that small gesture or word he said that entered your mind and never left.
starring : zoro, luffy and law !!
word count : 889
author's note : again, i'm so sorry for posting so rarely, working and planning a wedding has to be the most exhausting thing ever, i promise to go through all of your requests and to be more present, tysm for your support ♡౨ৎ⋆.˚ some of these scenarios have been inspired by moments i often think about in my life, can you guess which hahaha??
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zoro was smitten with you, and longed taking a step forward in your camaraderie, and everyone with a pair of eyes could see it. so when nami told him he was on errand duty with you and only you today, the swordsman knew it was his shot to get closer to you.
gosh, you were gorgeous walking around the alleys with the wind blowing your hair and diffusing your hypnotizing scent. and there he was, walking by your side like a guard dog with his hands the pockets of his jacket, listening to your enchanting voice.
the errands were nearly coming to an end, and zoro did not dare to "make a move", which he knew he would regret. the alleys got more crowded and he was afraid to lose you, especially since his orientation is not the best, though his senses would always bring him back to you. he knew that.
as zoro listened to you and internally debated on whether he should say something about his feelings or not, his body acted on his own, finally closing the distance.
as he gently grabbed your left hand with his right one, intertwined his fingers with yours, before putting both of his hand and yours in his right pocket, acting like it was the most natural gesture on earth.
and the butterflies in your stomach never died since.
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luffy has always brought joy to your life and fed your desire for adventures and fun. he lit stars to your world and invited you to let go of pressure and have fun, not minding about third parties' opinions. a lot of people would question your couple association because of luffy's exuberance, but all them be damned. the future king of the pirates brought you back to life and no one could make you happier.
a sudden rain came down pouring on the grand line and the wind blew hard. the entire crew started running around to put back inside the furnitures that were left outside. the rain was so much that it started freezing and you started to run to your quarters. yet, as you were about to finally reach your door, a pair of elastic arms grabbed you and brought you back outside under the pouring rain, their owner sporting a huge, bright grin on his face.
"luffy!!! what the hell are you doing? it's raining and we'll catch a cold!!"
"chichichi, i wanted to dance with you, (y/n)!" he beamed, his eyes adoringly pleading yours to allow his antics as he started twirling you around under the pouring rain.
between laughters only him could exulate, you tried to bring him back to his senses.
"but luffy, honey, we can't dance under the rain! it's cold and there's no music playing!"
luffy did not mind your ramblings as he kept on twirling you around, his hand standing on your the small of your back the whole time, his thumb occasionnaly drawing circles. with a determined gaze and his signature smile on his face, he pressed his forehead on yours, the rain drops falling from his nose to your lips from the closeness.
"together, there's nothing that we can't do (y/n). after all, i'm the future king of the pirates!!"
his laughter hugged the atmosphere and made your heart race even more.
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your relationship with law was a secret on the submarine, and it was hard for you to hide your adoration for your boyfriend. after all, what wasn't there to love? law was smart, composed, mature and commited. yet, sometimes, it felt so easy for him to "ignore" your status in front of the crew or anyone for that matter, which tended to hurt your heart. did law appreciate you the way you did? was it unrequited?
little did you know, law had a hard time not paying as much attention as he would when with the others. because he had a lot of work, even when the others were not around, it did not mean the two of you could see each other. therefore, the soft gestures he wished to cover you with were quite lacking. and of course, he was the one to have asked to keep the relationship a secret, and because of his prideful persona, he would not admit it was not a good idea.
you and bepo were getting ready to work around the submarines for your chores of the day. you were busy going around the submarine with your chores tool and bepo, and failed to notice your shoe laces came undone.
and of course, this would not go unnoticed by law. the captain could not stop himself from going to you with a frown, which surprised (and scared) both of you and bepo.
is there anything you did wrong? why was he looking so pissed off?
"idiot. you could trip and injure yourself." your boyfriend sternly spoke, kneeling to the floor to tie your shoe-lace, leaving bepo dumbfounded and yourself out of breath, with a racing heartbeat.
"you know i don't want you to get hurt." he said getting up, his hot breath tickling your cheek in the process, his warm hand resting on yours, silently promising to show his adoration for you like you deserve.
and you swore you could still feel the warmth of his hand from that day again.
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enassbraid · 2 days
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-> in which you overhear your calm and secretive boyfriend gushing over you like there’s no tomorrow (1.1k wc)
Cw) gn!reader, manga characters (no spoilers), sakura still malfunctions when it comes to romance topics
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Calling Hayato Suo an enigma would be an understatement.
Not a soul knows what lies under that eye patch. He’s calm, collected, and composed at almost all times, but it was a task of its own to grasp why. It’s impossible to catch him eating anything other than teacakes, and he often replaces his meals with a hot cup of tea. He claims to be on a diet, but every diet needs some protein incorporated into it.
Everything there is to know about Suo can be followed up with the same question: “Why?” and “What?”
However, there was an exception to his mysterious nature: You.
Of course, you didn’t know that. Hell, even Suo failed to notice his quite obvious soft spot for you until now. But as Nirei’s eye glittered with joy as he scribbled new notes onto Suo’s page in his notebook, and Sakura’s pupils shrunk with his cheeks flaunting a new shade of red, everyone knew.
Hayato Suo’s in love.
“(Name’s) a beauty, really. They may be rough around the edges at times, but I’ve never met anyone with a soul like theirs,” he babbled uncharacteristically.
He brought his teacup to his lips with closed eyes, missing the baffled expressions on everyone’s faces. But the moment he opened them, he couldn’t help but quirk a brow. “What’s with the shocked faces?”
Umemiya coughed into his hand graciously. “We’re just a little surprised, that’s all,” he began, too immersed in the conversation to notice you entering Kotoha’s cafe. “It’s not often you ramble like this.”
“I didn’t know Suo could be so open about his feelings,” Nirei exclaimed with a smile. “You must reallyyyy like (Name), huh?” he questioned, holding his pen in one hand and notebook in another as if this were an interview.
Suo’s head tilted. “Of course I do, that’s why I’m dating them.”
“You’ve been rambling on and on about (Name) for almost 10 minutes, it’s gross,” Sakura grumbled with flushed cheeks.
“But we wanna hear more! Keep going,” Nirei added.
Everyone looked at Suo attentively, including you. Somehow, the group failed to hear the bell chime when you entered the cafe. You’re clueless as to what’s going on, but it didn’t take a genius to realize it had something to do with you considering the amount of times your name was thrown around.
“My, if you insist,” Suo chuckled. “But I fear I’ve already said it all, unless I forgot to mention how cute it is when their cheeks puff up when they’re annoyed?”
Sakura held his head in his hands in fear that it’d melt off with how hot his face felt. “No, you didn’t. But we get it! You love (Name)!” he shouted.
“They’re impossible not to love,” Suo commented with his usual calm smile.
“That’s just Sakura’s romance sensor going haywire,” Kiryu teased. “Don’t mind him.”
The split-haired boy sulked in his seat, trying to dismiss the heat he felt on his face. “You’re all so…”
His voice trailed off, catching a glimpse of your frame standing behind Suo.
“Trust me, if you were in my shoes you’d be doing the same thing. (Name’s) one of a kind, not to mention beautiful. I can’t imagine a life without them, honestly.” The brunette went on, unbeknownst of your looming presence behind him. “Anyone can fall in love if their heart is stolen.”
“Someone like Suo being so head over heels in love… it must feel like a fairytale for (Name),” Umemiya chimed.
“Oh trust me, it does.”
Everyone’s heads turned to face you, except Sakura, who had noticed you seconds prior.
“I didn’t know I could be such a fun subject of conversation, Hayato.” you teased, hands resting on your boyfriend’s shoulders as you leaned down to his ear.
He gulped, hiding his flustered heart through his relaxed exterior.
“We were just talking about you!” Nirei said happily. “Is it true? That Suo never lets you hold doors open, and holds them open for you? Or that he gave you his umbrella when it was pouring rain because he’d rather get soaked than risk you getting sick?” Oh! What about-“
The boy in question sat in silence, allowing Nirei to ask his heart away to confirm that this wasn’t one of his absurd lies.
You nodded at the blonde. “Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Except he technically kept the umbrella- he just held it over me so my hands wouldn’t get cold,” you corrected, recalling the awful weather of that day.
“What a romantic~” Tsubaki swooned.
“I try my best,” Suo smiled shyly.
“Suo never talks about his life! This is the most he’s ever told us, (Name)! Does he talk to you about his personal life?” Nirei inquired politely, trying not to make you feel pressured into answering.
You thought for a moment. For one, you felt honored that Suo didn’t wanna keep your relationship a secret like the rest of his life. But the blonde’s question made you realize something yourself- you really didn’t know much about your boyfriend’s personal life.
“Well… what can I say? He’s a mystery to everyone, including me.” you replied unsurely, glancing at Suo from the corner of your eye.
Nirei wrote something down in his notebook, and you didn’t bother looking. Instead, you held eye contact with Suo. He didn’t have to speak for you to know what he was thinking.
He wasn’t hiding anything from you. He just didn’t like talking about his past, and you understood.
“My love, you know more about me than anyone else in this room,” he stood after finishing the contents of his teacup. “After all, you were the one who told me to take baby steps, correct?”
You vaguely recalled those words. It was weeks ago, but he felt guilty for not telling you or anyone else about his history. In response, you told him to take as long as he needed, and baby steps were always the first steps.
“I did,” you affirmed. Your voice was soft, but it didn’t hide your intentions of making his heart pound a little harder. “But I didn’t think I'd catch you gushing over me like you’ve lost your composure~”
Suo almost broke, and you laughed.
“Woah, is Suo blushing?”
“Who could blame the guy? It’s the most open he’s been with us,” Hiragi commented with truth.
Kotoha giggled from behind the counter. “Not to mention how close (Name) is to him right now, it might be too much for the poor boy to handle.”
The red in Suo’s cheeks slowly faded, and he let out a small sigh. “I’ll see you all later, we’re gonna get going now,” he waved.
The two of you walked out hand in hand, and everyone else was left either baffled, confused, or unphased. Unless it was Sakura, who was somehow all three.
Little did you know, Nirei left a small comment on the corner of Suo’s page in his notebook.
‘Quite the loverboy.’
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© enassbraid 2024. i do not permit plagiarism, translations, or reposts of my work on any platform.
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wayfinderships · 20 hours
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💙 Love is stored in the Library 💙
Ramblings + Zoom ins under read more
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YAYYY YIPPEEE I FINALLY FINISHEd THIS!! Many hours and lots of love were poured into this drawing and I'm so happy with how it came out!!
For Context to those that aren't familiar with my Fe3h s/i, they're a librarian at the Monastery! During the pre-timeskip they were just an assistant but you can almost always see them there, they were the same age as all the other students but they weren't a noble or anything like that so they couldn't join even if they wanted to (they didn't want to bc they needed the money that got from being a librarian). It's also at this point in time when Dimitri develops a crush on Panchi.
During the timeskip, Panchi goes back to their old life before the monastery. Aka doing everything and anything they could to survive. It was rough but it was enough to keep them alive for all those years and eventually they reunite with Dimitri and Byleth and the others and start working at the Library again (They may be a librarian but they're still a unit you can recruit and use in battle!)
Honestly it's pretty rough for both Dimitri and Panchi early on in the Post-Timeskip, Dimitri isn't acting like how he used to and it results in Panchi speaking up when they think he's crossed a line. Some people during this time are afraid of Dimitri but despite the many disagreements they got into, Panchi never once feared him.
All this to say that after Dimitri goes through his Character Development, he goes to the library to apologize to Panchi and the two begin to grow close once more. Dimitri's feelings for Panchi start to resurface again, perhaps those feelings are stronger than they were in the past. Panchi was just happy to be friends with Dimitri again but one night while he helps them out at the library, they realize that they caught feelings for their dearest friend Dimitri. And that's kinda what I wanted to portray in that drawing!!! :D Hope you all enjoyed the brief summary of my s/i!
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000-pawz · 1 day
tied to you (bnd legal line) ˚ · .
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bnd as submissives , bnd x fem!reader , nsfw (mdni!!!), headcanons/ramble
warnings: dom/sub dynamics, restraints, collars, some degradation, slight masochism (nothing too crazy), hand stuff, oral (giving and receiving)
a/n: i think this is my first official nsfw post omg <3 this was supposed to just be a small ask answer but i think i indulged a litttllleee too much >3< also, a lot of this was influenced by their charts (once again) so yeah! thank u for ur request anon :0
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sungho ˚ ⋆。˚
as someone who likes to control almost every aspect of his life, it'd take a little coaxing to get sungho to submit to you. he'll only submit when he feels fully safe and thinks he can be completely vulnerable around you and sungho is most likely to submit when he's really stressed out or tense. he can get really self-conscious about relinquishing control, so he might come to you casually and try to subtly hint that he wants you to dom him. it might be when you're laying in bed scrolling as he gets home, and he just drops everything at the door and curls up to you. he melts when you stroke his hair, and you'll notice him getting riled up, nuzzling into your neck like a kitten. <3
when sungho submits, the only thing on his mind is pleasing you. i think he's more of a service top and his only goal would be to cater to your needs. he'll eat you out for as long as you'd like, trying his best not to cum in his pants because you told him not to! he likes it when you ride him, using his body as a toy for yourself, and all he can do is let you take whatever you want from him <3
sungho would like to submit to you nonsexually as well. he feels most at ease when he feels as if you are at ease, so he will be at your every beck and call. if you are hungry, he's going straight to the kitchen to make you something. he'll wash all of the dishes, do all of the laundry, and rub your back and feet if you've had a long day. he'll like it when he's able to take control outside of the house, but as soon as you guys get home, everything goes by your word.
sungho is incredibly sensitive! he loves when you worship his body, placing little kisses on his stomach, complimenting all of his hard work in the gym. he could cum untouched by you simply running your fingers over his pecs and thighs. he's a huge lover of foreplay too. when you're kissing up and down his neck, touching him everywhere except the place he needs you most <3 he'll try his best to keep his hands to himself if you tell him to, but sometimes he just can't resist. when he doesn't listen, he likes it when you push him into the bed, holding his hands above his head. he knows that he's stronger than you and can take back control if he wants to, but something about that turns him on even more.
his favorite names to be called in bed are kitty, doll, and pretty. if you whisper, "look at you, doll. you're so pretty like this. just a bit longer and i'll let you cum, okay?", he'll be sinking deep into subspace, just wanting to please you and make you happy.
he can get pretty shy when it comes to making noise in bed, so i see him biting his lip and covering his mouth a lot to stay quiet, turning his head to hide his face and stuff <3 he starts to get loud when he's close to cumming, muttering out "please please please" as he grips the sheets, his body racking with shivers.
for aftercare, he'd like bathing together with you as the big spoon, helping him wash up. he might even fall asleep as you massage shampoo into his hair, leaning in to press tiny kisses to his cheek and the back of his neck. he needs lots of reassurance as well. tell him that he did so good for you, that he made you feel good, and that you love him. he needs to hear it or else he might get really insecure and start to overthink. when it's time for bed, let him be the big spoon so he can burrow himself in the back of your neck and hold you close to him <3
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
i see riwoo as a natural submissive. he loves you so deeply and he's willing to do anything you ask of him. riwoo definitely slips into subspace the fastest and deepest. you guys could be watching a movie when you start to rub him through his pants nonchalantly. he'll look at you with wide eyes and you'll just say, "keep watching the movie." he'll try so hard not to buck up into your hand or make any noises, but he ultimately fails because you always make him feel so good. he can't help it </3
he would get so embarrassed when you tease him in public, muttering "we shouldn't do this here" when you pull him into a bathroom to quickly suck him off because he looks so good in that outfit. in less than a few seconds of being inside of your mouth though, he's a whining mess, head tipping back against the wall, biting his fingers to keep quiet <3
riwoo likes when things are really intimate and really personal. he'd enjoy it when you hold him from behind, speaking directly into his ear as you stroke his cock. his head will be buried in your neck, soft whimpers leaving his mouth <3 he won't know what to do with his hands, so they'll be on your thigh, fisting the sheets, resting on his stomach, holding your arm... anywhere they can reach! he gets really squirmy too, so you'll have to hold him still sometimes.
he has a hard time asking for what he wants, but you know him well enough to read when he needs to be taken care of. you notice when he starts to get a little more clingy, following you around the house, kissing your neck and shoulders when your back is turned to him. if you're sitting on his lap, he'll start to subtly grind up into you, wrapping his arms around your middle, asking quietly for you to help him.
riwoo would love to be called angel and baby boy. sue me, but he definitely has a slight (not-so-slight) mommy kink, even if his partner isn't older than him. he likes nurturing partners who can take care of him, so when you say "shh, i've got you, angel. my pretty baby boy, doing so well for me", he's a goner. as i said, he slips really deep into subspace and he may just stop talking, communicating only with single words and noises. you'll need to find other ways to go about safe words like him tapping you a certain amount of times because he'll be too floaty to respond verbally.
the quickest way to turn him on would be soft kisses to his neck and ears! he gets that fluttery feeling and becomes needy quick. he's into overstimulation where you try to coax him past his limits, telling him that he can cum again, even if he tries to deny it (and he does always end up cumming again). he also has an oral fixation, so he likes when you stuff your fingers in his mouth when he's fucking you, or sucking on your boobs when cuddling. he might mouth at your skin a lot and get drool everywhere too <3
when it comes to aftercare, the first thing he needs is cuddles. he feels most safe when wrapped up in your arms, surrounded by you. he'll doze off as you whisper praise and reassurance. with a little insistence, he'll finally get up to shower with you, his body still glued tightly to your skin. (he might even get hard again just from the gentle way you wash him off <3). as soon as his head hits the pillow, he's sleeping soundly, knowing that you're always there to take care of him. <3
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
jaehyun #1 puppy sub. he's extremely devoted to you, straightforward, and never afraid to ask for what he wants. even though he can unintentionally get pretty whiny and bratty, it's easy to put him in his place! he hates it when his dom is upset at him, and he hates punishments even more, so he listens to whatever you say really well <3
in a way, he's kind of always on go-mode. he loves it when you suddenly push him up against a wall to kiss him, your hand traveling down to palm at his cock <3 if you decide that you want to fuck against the kitchen counter, he's ready, putting down his cup of coffee in an instant to please you. he loves quickies before he has to go to work in the morning, spooning you from behind as he kisses and laps at your neck, moaning against your skin. his sex drive is pretty high, so he needs a dom that can match that.
jaehyun is really attracted to people with an authoritative aura. someone who can order him around without a second thought and who he can fully submit to. he's always willing to please and simply needs to feel safe and taken care of in return. he likes to sit at your feet while you play with his hair mindlessly, nuzzle into your belly, and cuddle you face to face so he can kiss you whenever he wants. he might even wear a collar with "property of ____" on it around the house <3 loves when you tug him by his leash to eat you out or pull him in for a kiss!
jaehyun likes slight degradation too! he gets so turned on when you call him a dumb puppy, telling him that he doesn't know how to use his cock right, and he'll be jumping up to prove you wrong because he just wants to be good for his owner. he can get pretty defiant when you're a little too mean to him, though. if you won't let him cum while he's eating you out, he'll rut against the bed and end up cumming in his pants like the needy puppy he is. or if you won't kiss him in public, telling him he needs to wait until you guys get home, he gets so pouty!
he can get pretty loud in bed. sometimes he doesn't even realize how loud he's being because he just feels too good! he'll be rutting into you, whining about how good your pussy feels, asking if he's doing good, begging for more and more. he might even start crying when he gets so overwhelmed, dropping his head onto your shoulder, his thrusts messy and uncoordinated <3 poor puppy can't control himself!
he also has a habit of biting when he feels too good!!! he'll bite your shoulder and accidentally leave teeth marks, nip at the inside of your thighs, and bite your lower lip when making out. the best way to prevent a biting jaehyun is to stuff something in his mouth like a pillow or your panties to keep him at bay <3 he'll whine and complain, but he'll quickly stop when you give him that look that always makes him behave.
aftercare with jaehyun is full of kissing, snuggling, and giggles. he'll want to just lay in your arms, slowly making out as his hands travel all over your body with loving touches. he's not trying to get you riled up again! he's just very touchy and needs that skin-to-skin contact afterward. he'd want to bathe together so he can play with the bubbles and hold you against him before heading straight to bed with your head resting on his chest <3
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
taesan submitting will take some time. he won't easily share his deeper, more vulnerable desires unless he fully trusts someone. but when he does, all focus is on him <3 all he wants is to be the center of attention, and he likes for things to go his way, whether he's domming or subbing!
when taesan submits, he's usually in need of some confidence and care. he wants to be all yours, and he wants to be the best. he will eat you out until his jaw hurts and his face is covered in your slick, panting for air with a smile on his face as you tell him he's doing amazing. he likes when you tangle your hands in his hair to push him further into your cunt, basically riding his face and using his tongue for your own pleasure. nothing gets him off more than the thought of you using him out of everyone else in the world <3
the fastest way to turn him on is to kiss and suck at his neck while your fingers play with the hair at his nape. anything to do with his neck, and he's on his knees for you, literally. he's also really sensitive around his chest! you can probably make him cum by just playing with his nipples and pecs, squeezing and pinching them as he ruts up into the air, whining and moaning for more. <3 he likes it when you tie him up too, whether it be with rope or silk. anything that leaves a temporary mark afterward!
taesan can get upset when you're not paying him a lot of attention. if you're busy doing work on your computer, he will drop down to his knees and rest his head on your thigh, pawing at your leg for attention with the biggest pout on his face. he could be fucking into you and you'll close your eyes for a few seconds before he starts whining, leaning down to kiss you before muttering, "please, please, watch me. am i making you feel good? yeah?"
he's definitely into praise more than degradation, but he wouldn't mind being called a slut and a whore; as long as he's your slut and your whore <3 you'll have him pushed up against the wall of the shower, pumping his cock as he whines into your ear for you to go faster. "faster? you're such a greedy slut, aren't you?" and he'll nod feverishly, his wet hair falling into his eyes as he bites his lip, fucking up into your fist.
taesan loves provoking you and talks back a lot. you could be at a restaurant with friends and you'll feel his hand trail under your skirt, his fingers rubbing against your panties as you try to have a conversation with someone across from you. you'll tightly grab his wrist to stop him, and as soon as the conversation ends, you'll whisper, "what the fuck do you think you're doing?". he'll just give you a teasing smile, cock his head to the side, and say "hm? i'm not doing anything, baby." he'll be all giddy on the inside when he sees how angry you get, knowing that he'll be punished as soon as you guys get home.
for aftercare, taesan wants to be doted on. he wants you to brush the hair out of his eyes and pepper his face with kisses! he's the softest when he's like this, so you indulge as much as you can. he'll probably get really sleep really fast, so he'll fuss when you say you have to shower. he presses lazy kisses to your shoulder with his arms around your middle as you wash him up, mumbling about how you "sucked the life out of him" and you can't help but laugh at his dramatics. in bed, he'll relax once you're fully situated in his arms, massaging his scalp until he falls asleep. <3
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
leehan usually likes to be in control in my opinion, but when he is really in love with someone, he can be the biggest giver sub ever. and by "giver" in this context, he is literally giving himself to you. his main goal is to keep you happy and he'll have a one-track mind of his dom and only his dom. he'll let you pick out his outfits, what hairstyle he'll wear for the day, and where you guys are going for a date; everything will be up to you.
he's the type to say yes to everything. if you tell him you want to ride his face, he's already taking his shirt off and laying down, making grabby hands toward you. if you suddenly push him into a chair to suck his cock, he's folding his hands behind his back and letting you do whatever you want to him. what you say goes, always, and he rarely ever talks back.
leehan likes things to be a little more on the rough side, he would probably try to seduce you/rile you up to get you to snap on him. if you're scrolling on your phone in bed and he gets needy, he'll move down to trail open-mouth kisses up your exposed leg until you roughly grab his hair and tug him up to meet your eyes. he'll have the biggest (cutest) smile on his face as you push him onto his back before straddling him, wrapping your hand around his throat as you lean down to kiss him and give him what he truly wants <3
i see him as the type to want to take a lot of pictures of your intimate moments (for his and your eyes only). he'll like pictures of your hand around his neck, him on his knees at your feet, your hand gripping his jaw as you kiss him, and stuff like that <3 he'll have a private folder of them all to look through when he misses you. and please mark him up! he likes when you give him marks in places only he sees, like his hips, his thighs, or his chest. he thinks they're so pretty and he gets sad when they start to fade, so he'll shyly ask you for new ones!
leehan loves orgasm denial. you'll have him on his back with his hands above his head, tied to the headboard as you jerk him off. when you notice that his breathing is starting to pick up, you quickly pull your hand away, watching as he ruts into the air, his cock red and dripping precum. he'll whine quietly, giving you puppy dog eyes as your fingers trail down his thigh. "can i cum, please? i—i can't..." he'll trail off, throwing his head back when you grab ahold of his dick again. "you can take a little more, can't you?" and he'll nod pathetically, unshed tears brimming in his eyes.
aftercare with leehan would be pretty relaxing. a quiet bath together with the lights dimmed low and soft music playing as you clean him up, your back to his chest. he'll want to help wash you off too, his movements extremely gentle and intentional. when he pouts his lips for a kiss, you can't help but to give in, immediately taking the lead as you drag your tongue over his bottom lip. he softly moans into your mouth, holding you closer to him, just needing to know that you're real and there. in bed is when he quietly asks if he did okay, and you're quick to reassure him that he was lovely <3 he always is.
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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justleaveatnine · 1 day
pink in the night - matty healy. part five.
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you join the 1975 on tour as an actress starring in the narrative portion of at their very best alongside the lead singer, matty healy. he’s got big ideas and wants to redefine what a concert is, blurring the lines between fiction and reality. on stage together each night, it starts to feel less and less like acting. but is it the same for him?
cw: drug use, smoking, panic attacks, a little more blood stuff (sorry)
wc: 5.4k
San Diego
“Please don’t kill me.” 
“Huh?” You whip your head around to find Matty standing in front of you, somewhat anxiously for a reason you can't yet determine. You're lounging on the settee on the stage, watching the crew set up as you wait for your call time to begin prep. Matty comes to sit down beside you, and you sit back up from your supine position. 
"Here," he says, practically shoving a paper in your hand. It's been ripped out of a notebook, jagged edges against your fingertips. You begin to read over the words scribbled on the page in dark black ink.
I glow pink in the night in my room I've been blossoming alone over you And I hear my heart breaking tonight I hear my heart breaking tonight Do you hear it too? It's like a summer shower With every drop of rain singing "I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, I love you" I could stare at your back all day I could stare at your back all day And I know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right Can I try again, try again, try again Try again, and again, and again And again, and again, and again
You touch your finger to the words, softly brushing against the page. You turn your head to him sat beside you.
"Is this my poem?" you ask, bewildered.
Now he looks even more nervous. This is odd. He scratches the back of his neck and takes a deep breath. You aren't sure what to say, but he fills the silence before you have the chance to.
"Erm, when I read it, I couldn't stop thinking about how it basically perfectly connected to the fragments of this song I had started writing. That's why I took a picture of it," he gestures towards it with his hand, "so I could see if it fit." 
He takes another deep breath, somewhat strained. "If I overstepped, or if you hate it-"
The words come out a hundred miles a minute. "Matty, this is amazing. I can't believe you did this. I-I-do you have any of it written to music yet? Or just this? Not just this, god, I mean-
He thankfully cuts of your overwhelmed rambling. He fishes out his phone from his pocket, opening up his voice memos. "Here, uh, I recorded the first bit with a guitar earlier." 
He presses play. The sound of him singing over a simple guitar part rings through the empty stage. It's stunning. His voice singing your words conjures a feeling within you that is nearly indescribable, an electrifying somatic response. He's given the song an eerie but almost comforting feeling. One that almost compliments the show, you think to yourself. His fingers pluck the simple but beautiful backing on the guitar, and as he repeats the words of the chorus that you dream of him saying to you, you look into his eyes. His voice drones on, repeating the phrase over and over until it feels as if he invented the words himself. The whole thing, really. Not just those fatal three words that ring in your ears. It feels like what you wrote was simply words on a page, but the feelings running through your body and mind are all because of him. He took your haphazard notes on a score and turned them into a symphony. 
You hold his gaze until the voice memo finishes with his voice clearing, the noise of him fumbling with the phone filtering through the speaker. 
You let out a small laugh in shock. "That's so beautiful, Matty. I don't even know what to say, I'm a little overwhelmed."
"In a good way?" he asks, nerves seemingly returning.
You touch your hand to his, warmth tangling with electricity. "The best way. I never thought my poems would be anything more than just words on my pages, I didn't even plan on ever showing people."
"Well, that would be a damn shame, love. That poem is amazing, this was just as much you as it was me, don't get it twisted." His smile brings you so much comfort it almost makes you nauseous. You'd write a million books, hundreds of thousands of pages until your fingers bleed if it meant you had that smile directed to you forever.
You look back down at the phone. "I've never written a song before, this is kind of exciting," you let out a soft laugh. 
"And it sure has hell won't be the last. You're letting me see more of that work of yours, darling. I'd love to try and write with you and not just parallel to you next time," he says assuredly. 
How do you tell him that he's the subject of all of your prose, all the of lines filing up the pages of your notebook tucked safely under your pillow?
"Do you ever worry about more casual fans' reactions to the show?" You're sat in the booth of the bus as it sits through the inevitable evil that is Los Angeles traffic. You've got your knees pulled up to your chest as you read a novel, and he's flipping through a magazine across from you.
He exhales out his nose, and flips a page of the magazine "Nah, I usually am just thinking about the people who care the most about the band in everything we do. I think as an artist, you kind of have to, you know? Otherwise it feels like they are taking your devotion for granted. What brings this on?"
"Nothing, I just, uh, I saw a video on TikTok of someone asking if you were really as drunk as you appear up there and it just got me thinking."
He takes a moment to think. "It's hard, I won't lie. Seeing the opinions of people who don't know a thing about me, or the band, or what I'm trying to say, and go on and say that kind of stuff. But I've been exposed to it for years, and the concept of being famous far longer."
"Is there any part of you that worries about alienating people? I don't think you will, I mean, I'm just curious as to what you think."
He runs a hand through his hair before speaking. "Yeah, I do sometimes. But that is usually far removed from when I actually am performing, where I usually am so in my own head I don't give a fuck about what some random person who only knows one song thinks. And I don't mean that as an insult to them, not at all. I just mean in regards to performing, I'm only ever thinking of the message I want to say, and what the people who care most about us will think."
"I don't think there's many other artists who care about and think so highly of their fans as you do," you smile at him. He meets it before turning back to the magazine, and you return to the book leant up against your legs.
San Francisco
Your bare feet pad along the tour bus floor as you slip out of bed. The digital clock fixed to the wall near the front reads 3:24, and you rub your eye with your fist as you approach the kitchenette. 
You open the fridge, the fluorescent light illuminating the empty living area. You take out what you need to make a sandwich, a late snack that will hopefully cure the hunger preventing you from sleeping.
As you make the sandwich, you find yourself humming In My Life, the song somewhat of an earworm to you in the past few days. You mumble the melody peacefully, enjoying the quiet moment in this newfound life of yours that never seems to rest. A noise from the sleeping area startles you, and you turn your head to see a squinting Matty walking towards you.
"Shit, I'm sorry if I woke you," you tell him sheepishly, setting the knife down with a small clatter.
"Nah, don't worry. I haven't been able to sleep all night." He yawns and goes to lie on the couch, phone illuminating his face. You turn your back to him to continue making the sandwich, resuming humming quietly to yourself. You return the ingredients to the fridge, almost forgetting he is sat behind you as you work your way through the song.
Suddenly, Matty begins to impersonate the sped-up piano in a high-pitched voice. The shock of it all and the silly voice he is putting on causes you to laugh, pausing slicing the sandwich. You turn your head to look at him behind you, and he's chuckling to himself while scrolling. You shake your head with far too fond exasperation and return to assembling the sandwich.
It's about to be Robbers, so that means you're knelt in front of Matty as he stands on the side table, leant down towards you.
His eyes catch something on your forehead and he drags his thumb across it, slightly scraping. There’s blood on his finger now, some your makeup artist must have missed in the hasty clean up you endure each night after Inside Your Mind. 
He raises his thumb and takes it in his mouth, a cocky grin on his face as he sucks it clean. You’re stomach churns as you watch him, entranced. Does he know exactly how much power he has over you? The reaction each of these intrepid moves causes within you?
Your choreography is about to start, usually punctuated with Matty taking a drag from the cigarette before placing it in your mouth to stub out afterwards. He takes a drag slowly and begins to leans in towards you, startling you slightly out of the rhythm you usually fall into. The brazen grin on his face tells you what he wants. You were surprised it took him this long after finding out you actually smoke, really. You meet him half-way, and inhale as he breathes out the smoke into your mouth, covetous and desperate. 
The audience is cheering, as they always seem to be whenever the two of you are doing something that you know will make the rounds on Twitter later. He hands you the cigarette, presumably to stub out as you do. Instead, you breathe in, reach your hand up to grab his hair, and shotgun him right back. His eyes are sparkling as the smoke tangles between the two of you, mouths grinning and lips touching. 
You stub the cigarette out on the table leg, and the choreography begins.
You’ve been writing more poems than ever, your book overflowing with ideas and lyrics. No matter what you try to write about, it always ends up being about him.
It’s even worse when he takes them and completes them. He takes your words about him and gives them far more grace, more talent than you ever could, and turns them into things of beauty. Will he ever realize all that beauty is just silhouettes of him?
He's sat across from you in the green room, plucking a melody on the guitar. You're rifling through your journal, trying to find another half-finished poem that isn't completely glaringly obvious about its subject matter.
"Here, uh, how's this one?" He looks up at you, and takes the book out of your hands.
Last night I broke from old  and told a friend the truth that I've got one foot out I've called it bad and I colored it blue
But it's a beautiful life to be in your hands one step out of the light under your command
I'm in my modern world  tribute living man  I've got my one foot out  when I do my modern dance I am in your hands I am in your hands I am in your hands
He smiles down at the page, laughing softly to himself. 
"What?" you ask, slightly alarmed.
"Nothing," he says, shaking his head. "This is fuckin' amazing. And I've already got a few ideas and stuff that might work saved, come here."
He pulls out his phone and opens voice memos, playing one called lead vocal idea 3. 
"Gonna have to change this for the syllables and phrases, obviously. But how does something like this sound for the first bit?"
It's a simple, repetitive melody. When you imagine it lined up to each of the lines, it's perfect. You tell him so, and his face lights up. "Let's try and figure it out then, yeah?"
Fort Lauderdale 
You never talk about what you do during the shows. 
No one in the band had questioned why Matty always buys your drinks, but you’ve caught Polly giving you an odd look once or twice. You don't pay it too much mind.
Matty gets bolder, and you get just as bold in return.
He moans into your mouth when he kisses you. You run your hands up his sides when he leaves his shirt untucked, which he has done every single show since you first did it. He lets your head loll limply before pulling your hair harder, puppeteering you how he wants to. Like you're a doll for him to play with. 
You scatter kisses along his jawline after All I Need to Hear. His stubble itches against your skin. When you're feeling particularly bold, you nip gently at his skin, eagerly welcoming his groans. When he kisses your hand, he places kisses on each of the knuckles before placing it on his cheek for you to hold. You touch your finger to his nose as he does this, and it makes him smile, brown eyes crinkling. He drags his thumb across your lips when you're knelt in front of him, and a cheshire cat smile dawns his face when you swipe your tongue across it. 
After the show, you'll talk about the crowd, about something funny that George said in the in-ears that made you almost break. But you never talk about the rest. It goes unsaid, unacknowledged. The blatantly obvious escalating passion that you pray is reciprocated due to  a feeling similar to yours.
You fear the bubble you've built for yourselves will break if you prod it. So you don't say a word, and you take what he gives you. 
Denver   "Do you wanna know the original reason I came up with the show?" 
You're lying on Matty's hotel room bed with your feet to the pillows, head dangling off the edge. He's lying on the floor beneath you, out of your sight. You see his hand reach up to pass you the joint, and you accept it gratefully, movements languid. 
"Hmm?" you ask, not hearing him completely.
"The uh, the original reason. Of the show, why I made the show."
"What, you wanted to make a meta reinvention of the stage show, filled with meta ideas and subvert the audiences ideas of meta-" you say in a voice, mocking his northern accent.
"Ha, ha. Very funny. Matty loves saying meta, real creative." He hiccups before continuing. 
"It was because, uh, George and I, uh..." he starts laughing, unable to finish the sentence.
You turn to face him, stealing the spliff out of his hands to take another hit. "You and George..." you gesture for him to finish with it in your hands.
He's laughing through the sentence, rubbing his forehead. "Venues only let you smoke if its part of a theatrical performance."
"Huh?" Your hazy mind doesn't put it together.
"They wouldn't let us smoke on stage unless it was a part of a theatrical performance. So voila, theatrical performance." He grins, proud, as he points at the two of you.
"You knob! You wrote this entire show solely because you couldn't go two hours without a smoke?" You reach with your free hand, hitting him as your roll over to face him on the floor.
"Well not solely that, Jesus! That was just what inspired me to write a show. And I think that worked out pretty well, did it not?" He's cheeky, smiling proud as he takes another hit.
"You're ridiculous," you sigh as you move your head up and nestle into the bed, ready to fall asleep as your intoxicated mind clouds your best judgement.
"I do try."
The smoke alarm starts buzzing. "Oh, shit!"
You can't help but laugh at him as he tries to fan smoke away from the small detector, beeping incessantly. "Fuck!" he yells, but you just laugh louder into the bed.
"So you'll be on the settee now, not the lounger. And Robbers is in At Their Very Best, not Being Funny. And when All I Need to Hear finishes, you'll freeze there instead."
"Every iteration of this show is just a test of my ability to stay still while you prance around the stage, then?"
You should have known based on everything about Matty that he wouldn't be satisfied keeping the show the same for long. He briefed you earlier in the day about the changes he wanted to try, and you did a quick run through with the crew to ensure they were prepared. Matty told you he was writing a follow-up show to the current one, and wanted to try incorporating some of the ideas into the current set-up.
You're sat comfortably on the settee, knees pulled up and feet tucked up to the side. You're still with a demure smile cast on your face, finishing your act in this position rather than looking up at him knelt in front of the table. There is a new classical piece playing over the sound system, one you don't recognize.
He goes through the panicked motions he usually does, attempting to wake you by shaking your shoulders and lightly hitting your cheek repeatedly. It's harder to stay still when directly focusing the audience as you are now, their motions and screams adding an extra challenge to keeping your gaze fixed at an invisible point.
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Matty near the mic stand lighting a cigarette. He begins to anxiously stumble across the stage, frequently turning to you. He's concerningly good at acting drunk, and you're reminded of the post wondering if he truly is that drunk. He takes a sip out of a bottle that is placed on the piano, and walks to sit on the couch beside you. 
He takes a few drags, and begins to cry with his head in his hands. You can't help but think of the fact that there are definitely several confused parents in the audience as a result of this scene: classical music overturing Matty as he sobs into his hand and chainsmokes while a woman they have never seen before sits frozen smiling beside him. At least after the first show, the parents might have been briefed on the oddities of this performance the two of you put on. Matty changing elements removes all that. The thought of these traumatized and perplexed parents so nearly makes you laugh that you have to take a deep breath to prevent it from escaping, forcing the smile down your throat.
Matty keeps turning his head to look at you, crying even further. He then proceeds to sit on the ground in front of you and embrace your legs, weeping into the hug. You can feel his warm breath against your shins, shaking with put-on sobs. He stays this way for a moment before calming his cries and looking up at you, taking a drag of the cigarette in the process. He then sits back up on the settee beside you, watching you all the while. He reaches out and plays with your hair, twirling locks and running his fingers through it. It's more comforting than the pulls earlier in the show, the ones that send warmth through your body and shivers down your spine. His hand travels to your neck and begins to prod it rather aggressively with his fingers, making weird movements as they travel up to your chin.
He rubs his face one final time, and abandons you on the couch to sit in front of the television stack. Only a few more minutes of being still. You're able to blink, but your eyes hurt from the focus. In the corner of your eye, you see Matty begin to do twenty press-ups, all-the-while watching the news footage interspersed with videos of the two of you from previous shows. He finally crawls into the television, and the lights go out. You exit quickly as regularly, steps echoing in the momentary silence.
"I feel like Ferris Bueller."
You turn your head to see Matty beside you. He's staring at the painting, the museum map folded in his hands.
"It's Cameron in front of this one, actually," you remark, cheeky.
"Oh, piss off." You chuckle.
You're stood in front of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, as you have been for nearly ten minutes. You've analyzed every speck of the painting, but you can't bring yourself to leave it just yet.
"You know, Nighthawks is just around the corner," his head turns in the direction as he speaks, "if you want to go see it."
"I'm alright here, but thank you," you smile warmly at him before continuing. "I saw Sunday in the Park with George on the West End as kid, and I've been wanting to this ever since. It feels so much larger in person, even having seen it in Ferris Bueller and all."
"Art always manages to surprise you."
"That's very wise."
"Indeed." You can hear the smile in his voice.
"I usually squeeze a few group museums trips on each tour, actually," he continues. "Nice peaceful day off with everyone."
"This one been good so far?" you ask him.
"Oh, the best." You hold his gaze for a moment before returning to the painting, the butterflies he always conjures in your stomach unable to bear it any longer. You stand in silence with him, staring at the painting. You sneak glances at him when he's not looking as if he’s another one of the works of art strung along the galleries walls.
You walk towards the green room, ready to tell Matty and George they are needed on stage before the sounds of an argument stops you in your tracks.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt, mate!"
"No one will be, I swear. I know what I'm doing, I promise."
"Well, good, then. You need to be careful about not hurting her-"
"George. It'll be alright. Okay? I'll figure it out."
There's a slight lull, and you take the time to knock and push the door open. Their heads turn to you, Matty's eyes wide before washing over with a still expression
"Hey, uh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything, we're needed on stage."
"Not interrupting anything, love. C'mon." He walks assuredly past you into the hallway and towards the stage. George flashes you a soft smile, but you can see there's something behind it.
You look at them nervously as they walk ahead of you, mind racing as you try to put an explanation to the conversation you walked into that clearly they did not want you to hear. You forget about it by the time the show is over, the moment washing away with the day.
"I won't lie, I'm not a huge fan of this." 
You're standing on the glass floor of the CN Tower. You haven't been up here since you visited your uni friend over the holidays a few years back, and when you realize the whole band had never visited you promptly commandeered the day off planning. 
You remove your eyes from gazing at the aquarium below to see Matty, standing at the edge of the glass. His toes barely touch it, refusing to step onto the clear portion of ground you are traversing.
"Somebody's scared," you childishly tease him, overjoyed at this exposed weakness. 
"I'm not scared, I just don't particularly enjoy being reminded that if there are any structural disintegrities in this massive pole that this is my route out."
"Nah, he's bloody terrified of heights," Ross tosses from nearby, staring out at Lake Ontario.
"It seems I have lost all of my kind, loving, friends, whatever has happened to them?" Matty asks theatrically, turning around as if to search. He's caught up enough by what he's saying that he doesn't see George approach from the side, who quickly grabs him and pulls him onto the glass floor.
"You fuckwit! What is your problem!" Matty yells to George as he hastily runs back to the covered floor. You and George are practically dying of laughter, and it's only egged on by Matty's unimpressed expression.
The text notification from Matty drops down from the top of your screen, pulling you away from mindlessly scrolling on Instagram. You roll over to your side in your bunk and open the message.
Last night I finally slept Next to somebody true She's worthy of your faith I felt you in her hands I saw you when she moved
God, it's a beautiful life To live for somebody gone One step out of the fight One dream into the storm
Your eyes scan over the words, and you type out a quick ? in response. He messages back instantaneously, rapid-fire.
A second verse
For I am in your hands. 
And then I think it could lead back into the chorus
What do you think
You pull the curtain back from your bunk to find his curtain already open, staring at you. You go back to typing, looking up at him when you finish.
It's perfect
I love how you modified some of the lines slightly in the second part
You look back up and he's got a grin on his face, clearly pleased with your approval. You look back down to type some more, thumbs flying across the screen.
I was also thinking maybe after each line in the chrous it's followed by a bv of I am in your hands
But I'm in my modern world (I am in your hands)
And so on
You look back up at him and he's nodding his head to an inaudible tune, clearly singing out your suggestions in his head. He returns to the screen to write you another message.
I love that
You're a proper songwriter now love
You look back up at him with a small smile, lips pursed. You hope the light of your phone doesn't illuminate the blush on your cheeks, always appearing so easily when it comes to him.
The rush of cold air stings your skin. You need to get away from the dance floor, the far-too-bright flashes of the club lights, the music pounding so loud it hurts to hear. Everything is too much. 
You're losing control of your breathing, gasping for air. The back door finally slams closed, the sound scaring you. You lean against the brick wall and it itches against your skin.
Your legs can't hold you up anymore, and you slid down to the asphalt, burning your exposed shoulders along the way. Tears spring from your eyes, and you loose further control of your breathing.
The alcohol is making you feel completely out of control of the situation, floating above your body as the streetlights smear together into a blur. You're losing grip on what's happening, and it only furthers the panic attack you've finally recognized is happening..
You throw your head against your knees that are tucked up to your face, crying and trying to breathe. You were worried this would happen eventually at one of these nights out. You're no stranger to having to tuck yourself into a corner while you name five things you can see, four things you can touch. The alcohol always makes them worse.
You only feel more overwhelmed and scared as your intoxicated mind continues to spin, unable to function the way you need it to in order to calm down. Your breaths are ragged, heaving sobs echoing through the back area outside of the club that you've found yourself in.
The pounding slam of the door swinging open hardly registers in your mind, and you only realize someone else is out there with you when you feel a warm hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, hey, come here, look at me." It's Matty.
You slowly look up, raising your head a herculean feat. He's crouched in front of you, eyes alight with concern. His mouth is parted, and both his hands are now gripped on your shoulders. Your breaths begin to increase rapidly, so far out of your control.
"Matty, I-I-I can't, I-" you're gasping for air, unable to get any sentence out. You're so overwhelmed you can't help but cry more, heaving and shaking. Worry stains across his face.
"Shh, shh, don't worry about talking, just sit with me. Here." he maneuvers to be sat beside you, and pulls your head against his shoulder. He takes your hand from the pavement and weaves his hand into it. You immediately begin to squeeze his hand, and he hums in encouragement. 
You don't know how long you sit there, squeezing his hand and matching his breaths until yours calm, your grip on the world returns. The booming of the club music is audible against your back, but all you can hear is Matty's breaths, deep and steady.
You're knelt on the ground, sat back and knees digging against the carpet. He's above you, painstakingly recreating the Robbers video as you do each night. Matty doesn't stray from the script in this song, so you're careful to follow his lead.
He sticks his hands out sideways in the air, and leans down as scripted to kiss you. But this time, he weaves his hand into your hair just as he does earlier in the show. His deviation spurs you on, and you reach up to place one hand against his cheek.
He smashes his lips against yours, violent and wanting. The passion is practically tangible, dancing through your body, sparkling from your fingertips until the carpet lights aflame. It's never like this in this song. It's never like this with anyone else.
His hand is still in your hair, a feeling nowhere near foreign this far into the tour. When he begins to tug, you're not exactly unused to the sensation. But he's never done it now. Not in the song he's so stringent with, timing each action to the video by the syllable. The surprise mixing with the pleasure racing through you concentrates itself into a moan, gasping into his mouth uncontrollably.
You can't help yourself. You've never been more glad to not be mic'd up, the sound a secret between only you and him. You've never done that, lost control to the extent you are now. He pulls back from the kiss, slightly late for his cue. His mouth is slightly open, eyes predatorily down on you. His lips curl into an open-mouthed smile, tongue pressed against his teeth. 
He sings the rest of the verse with the hand still in your hair, unscripted and unfathomable. It occasionally pulls, moving your head slightly. He's never been this brazen. Maybe the audience, unfamiliar with the show, is wondering why the choreography looks the same as one of the last songs. You can't begin to care about their possible confusion. All you want is him, breaking the last piece of the show that remained untouched by the desire coursing through the two of you. You have to assume it's in him as well as yourself. Any other explanation would break you. So you connect the dots, create the picture in your mind, matching the enormity of his desire to yours. You pray you aren't imagining any of it, creating a full painting out of just a few pigments of colour. All you can do is paint and paint, a blood-stained, half-finished image of passion. 
a/n: new song is i am in your hands by bleachers! let me know what yall thinkkkkk
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rimmir9 · 3 days
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Snippet 2 - Hands
Pairing - Yoongi x reader
Short story - fluff with a little bit of smut
You knew you had a thing for Yoongi's hands since you first noticed them. At first, you just looked, then you wondered what it would be like to hold his hand. It felt nice—so strong and careful at the same time. He usually grabbed your hand shyly, holding it quite loosely, but as time went on, his grip got tighter and tighter. Your hand felt smaller and smaller in his. You enjoyed it, and his habit of rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb gave you a special kind of comfort.
Then you wondered how his hand would feel on your head. He knew you didn't like people touching you, so he was a bit restrained with that kind of affection, limiting it to hugs when you met and holding hands after you got closer. You knew he didn't like to get touchy with others either. It was a slow dance between you two. Holding hands in conflict, then holding hands because you liked the comfort. One day, out of the blue, you just asked him to pat your head. You said you needed praise for doing good work that day. Of course, he stumbled a bit at your random request but didn't think too much of it, already used to Taehyung or Jungkook's ways of asking for affection. Since that day, you became addicted to him patting your head and playing with your hair. He found a certain type of comfort in running his fingers through your long hair.
Maybe that was the moment he started to develop feelings for you, or maybe not. Certainly, something changed after that. He would try to sit next to you, close enough that your shoulders would support each other at every movement.
Then you started to wonder how his hands would feel on your legs, on your knees, and your thighs. One evening after your schedule, you waited for him to finish some tasks so you could get dinner together at the new restaurant near your place.
As you left the office, you noticed your untied shoelace on one of your sneakers. Your hands were full, and as you struggled to solve your issue, Yoongi stopped in front of you: "Just let me do it." He worked on it really slowly, and you wondered what was taking so long, until you felt his hand slowly moving from your shoe to the back of your lower leg, then behind your knee. Your breath paused right there, but as slowly as he had moved before, he quickly rose up, making a lame excuse: "Sorry, I felt like slipping and I had to get my balance by holding onto your leg." Being too disturbed by what had just happened, you said nothing. You made your way to the restaurant, with Yoongi following a step behind you. You were definitely glad because you knew you were red in the cheeks. You hoped that maybe he wanted to touch you as much as you wanted him to.
After that evening, you were sure you wanted even more of his hands and made it your personal goal to hold his hand as much as possible and touch him as often as you could without making it too obvious. He surely noticed your eagerness and complied each time. Lately, he had developed the habit of grabbing your waist to bring you closer to him, and that was your next wish: Yoongi's hands touching your waist.
The greatest moment was on a walk. Passing by the river, you stopped to look at the little spring ducks. You told Yoongi to come with you just so you could see them. As cute as they were, it seemed like his mind was set on something else. As you rambled about the adorableness of the ducks, he closed the distance between you two, looking at your lips and bringing one hand to touch your chin, then your cheek. All this happened so quickly, and his thumb was already on your bottom lip. "Yes, ducks are the most adorable. They are so cute," said Yoongi, looking at you with his dark eyes. His hand went to the back of your head, guiding you towards his lips.
Soft... was all you could think of. He was so caring, but so sure in his movements. You felt completely cared for in that moment.
As your relationship with Yoongi grew, so did your expectations of him. And of course, Yoongi had layers, lots and lots of layers, so much to uncover. Hence, you weren't that surprised when he didn't deny your request to put his hands on your neck. He actually seemed thrilled, which made your stomach drop when you saw the change in his eyes. Lust loomed through his gaze. He worked his way with his hands softly from your sides to your neck, wrapping his fingers around it. His lips never left yours until his hand was fully comfortable on your neck. Breaking the kiss to look at you—your red lips, flushed cheeks, and loving eyes—he felt shivers run through his whole body, especially where his hand was placed, being sure of your belonging to him in that moment.
He squeezed his hand for a second, looking with a question in his eyes: "Do you enjoy this, dear?" You gasped for air while trying to answer, but he did it for you, squeezing again for longer this time: "I see you do. So naughty, Y/N! I enjoy discovering this side of you." And he brought you in for another deep kiss that left you breathless.
The next step you know it has to be sucking on his fingers.
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jovieinramshackle · 3 days
Happy pride from Ramshackle!!
🦐 Jess (they/them), 🎀 Jovie (she/they) and, of course, 🐱 Grim!
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I find it funny they're both non-binary and bi, hmm I wonder why (I'm projecting)
Some rambling about myself and my identity undercut if you're interested lmao
So this year I found out I’m both bisexual and non-binary, gotta admit that wasn’t in my 2024 bingo list but sure!!!
Okay but for real, it’s weird to realise these things about myself. For years I struggled with my sexuality thinking I wasn’t “bisexual enough” since I tend to be more into guys, but recently realising in reality it was me suppressing my feelings towards women has put a lot of things in my life into perspective. Simply, I was in denial. 
I wish I could say I was simply in denial about my gender too, but unfortunately, that goes much deeper. In simple words, I have dealt with internalised transphobia since I was 13 to 15, I used to carry very harmful beliefs about both binary trans people and non-binary folk. 
Looking back on my life, the signs were there. I always had the feeling that the role of a “girl” didn’t fit me, and the mere idea of growing into a “woman” terrified me. When I found out about non-binary, a part of me connected with it, but my internalised transphobia rejected it and I forced myself into being a “girl. 
I can now say I have grown out of that hate, I’m still working on unlearning my biases and being as accepting as possible, and I’m proud to say I’m far better than how I was 2 years ago. Not everyone in my life knows about my identity, but I'm grateful to those who have been very accepting and supportive. The idea of coming out to my family sounds scary, but I know they love me and want the best for me, I’m certain they’ll be confused once I tell them but I’ll be prepared to help them understand, to understand me.
Happy pride montn, ya’ll are valid. 🌈
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tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk
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nanamiscocksleeve · 3 days
Too Sweet
Ok, so here's my hot take (or maybe not, who knows) about the Hozier song Too Sweet being Nanami-coded. When the song first came out, everyone was screaming that it's Nanami-coded so obviously I gave it a listen and when it was done...I was a bit confused.
There is nothing about this song that makes me think of Nanami. Save for the chorus:
"I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three"
With the exception of those lines I fail to see how any of the rest of the song relates to Nanami. The song talks about a man who (apparently) is in a relationship with someone who lives a contrasting life to his own. His s/o seems to be someone who likes structure and a more stable life with a plan, whereas he prefers spontaneity and some of the darker aspects of life.
Now, I can't help but picture Nanami as someone who craves this kind of structured lifestyle as well. We know he's tired and I think he would love it if he could find someone that could bring a touch of domesticity into his life. The song narrator sounds like the person Nanami is right now, like making the best decisions he can with whatever he has but I just don't feel like he'd reject someone trying to provide him with comforts like making sure he gets enough sleep, or that he's living life to the fullest.
As for the "you're too sweet for me" I can imagine Nanami saying this when he finds his s/o doing things that he doesn't necessarily expect of them, like staying up waiting for him when he gets home late, or bringing him his lunch if he forgets it. The song though, almost makes it sound like the narrator is patronizing the s/o because they're "too sweet" for the rough and almost bitter lifestyle he prefers.
"sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait"
This almost makes it sound like the narrator is asking s/o to wait on him and see if they'll change their mind about the type of lifestyle they want vs the one he's leading. That almost feels like he's not making promises to the s/o but rather, he's waiting for them to accept his lifestyle and maybe ease up on their own expectations as to how they want to live ("You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate, The rest of you like you're the TSA"). I can't imagine Nanami leading someone on like that, or asking them to change their mind on something that they clearly have worked hard to attain.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is Nanami isn't someone running away from wanting a structured life and stability. He very much wants it, but he's stuck with the current lifestyle of working long hours and sleeping whenever he can. He doesn't want it, but it's what he has and he's doing his best to make it work.
Anyway, I fail to find the connection between Nanami and this song. This is just my opinion and thoughts, of course, everyone is free to feel how they feel. No shade to Hozier though, it's a nice song on it's own, just not Nanami-coded.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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justcallmesakira · 1 day
Sypnosis: You lover bought a new wine today but he prefers tasting something else, afterall it is his birthday.
Genre: suggestive *very*, romance
Warnings: sfw! lovebites, hickeys, reader buys cake from drug dealer ^^
Chuuya x fem! reader (no prns mentioned tho)
A/N: this was actually a gift for @rusmii who is literally DOWN BAD for him. i dont get why you all simp for chuuya! But like it is his birthday sooo!
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You adjusted the table to the right size and heaved a sigh of accomplishment. Chuuya was coming home early yonight and whats better than surprising him with a yummy dinner with his favorite wine.
Ding ding!
"Oh! Must be chuuya!" you put out your thoughts as you rush to open the door.
You welcome chuuya's smiling figure inside, looks like he already knew. "Tough day at work, sweetheart"
"i see, well I got the perfect solution to that!" you cheerfully voiced before presenting a wonderful dinner and a cake in the middle of it.
Chuuyas eyes widened with literal sparkles, it was like he saw his friends back again, it felt like it was his first time seeing his favourite movie, it felt like he saw his favourite brand of wine presented infront of him..
No it was better when you were rambling about how hard you worked and burnt the water, your cheerful and ecstatic was way better than any gifts he could receive.
Chuuyas lips met yours which shocked you for a while but you instantly shook your head and sat infront of him.
"Happy birthday chuuya, i am so glad you survived to live this day. I am more then glad to have you sit infront of me with that beautiful smile of yours." you softly smile.
The ginger sits infront of you with a satisfied face.
"Babe did you just read out a Facebook quote which was posted 5 years ago?" he asks blinking to which you only smile.
"shush chuuya, sometimes some things should stay silent like the drug dealer i blackmailed into giving me this cake "
"[name] what"
You two talk over the delightful course of dinner. As time passes but with you two rambling about your day.
The ginger cuts the cake with a swift motion of time. "blackforest? wasnt it expensive, love.
"Your mpre expensive then any cake flavour, chuuya all of the sweetcakes in the world wouldnt be enough for you" you tilt your head at him, a soft smile presented on your lips as a small flash of blush appears in his cheeks.
"goddammit [name], you make me so damn flustered" chuuya sputtered. "good" "GOOD? I am supposed to be the one making you tipsy not the other way around?"
"Too. Bad!" you ended both of yours silly argument before walking to the sink with the dishes.
"Ah that's right I bought some wine today. Could you bring the glasses, love?" he has to give up arguing with you as much as he's a top master at arguments and creative insults, he really doesn't wnat to waste his energy on fighting with his girlfriend.
"Yeah sure" you pick up the two glasses from the cabinet at the top and almost stumble on your feet before chuuya comes behind you holding you in place,hand on waist.
"Calm down (name) I dint want you breaking your back on my birthday" you felt his calm voice hush the adrenaline in your body down as your process whatever in the name of shoujo manga just happened.
His gloved hands pour the content of the wine onto the glass. "only one cup?.."
"We can share" he picks up the glass and gently places you on the counter, taking an elegant sip from the it before pushing it towards your lips.
You hesitate before using your fingers to slightly hold on to the glass before swallowing the red wine.
"But you know (name).." he smirks, a snarky type smirk
"I would prefer to swallow you rather than some cheap wine..." chuuyas breathe smoothes down your neck before you could react, his lips almost attaching itself onto the skin like a leech
You could feel his teeth deepening on your collarbone, as he slowly slips the sweater off your shoulder.
"chuuya.." you softly moan out his name, your shirt only covering your mind breast
His mouth was everywhere on your collarbone, and so was his hand exploring your waist soothingly. Hickeys and lovebites could be seen in your neck, red as wine.
"Let's take this to the bedroom shall we, dear? I need to finish my birthday present properly don't it?"
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A/N: sorry this was late guys! Examss
tags: @little-miss-chaoss @inojuuy @terururuko @biscuits-tragic-diner
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villainbun · 2 days
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Money or sleep?
Mammon x Gn!reader
Tw: None
ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
Imagine Mammon staying up in the middle of the night trying to figure out new merch ideas to expand his own wealth. You could hear him scrunching papers and being frustrated. Too busy in his work, he failed to see your sleepy body sneaking into his office.
“Why don’t you go to sleep Mammon? You’re overworking yourself again.”
“Oh fuck, who the bloody fuc-?”
The bewildered look in his eyes was all you needed to realize that you accidentally spooked him with your presence.
“Ya might wanna attach an alarm to yourself or something because ya almost scared the shit outta me sweetie.”
You chuckled at his stupid comment and brushed it off.
“Why don’t we get you to sleep big boy?”
“Nah, can’t. I gotta figure out some things. Besides dreaming doesn’t make ya money, ya know?”
“There he goes again talking about money, but I need time with him too” you thought a bit disappointed while he rambled on.
“…Had to exploit… I mean had to work hard for all the money we’ve got.”
“Come on, a few hours won’t do no harm, besides I need my fluffy pillow with meee”
“Bloody genius! Who wouldn’t wanna get their hands on a gigantic Mammon pillow.”
“Really? Mammon, just get to bed. Or else…”
You weren’t sure what excuse would get him to finally go to bed with you. You were just exhausted of hearing him talk to himself in the middle of the night.
“You know, if you get a goodnight sleep, tomorrow you would be able to be more productive and make even more money.”
He stared at you with skepticism not totally convinced yet until…
“How about I let you put white noise of money getting printed?”
“Sold! Ya sure know what I like to hear babe! Alright, let’s hurry and go sleep slowpoke!”
Before you could even take a step, he came up to you, grabbed you up and threw you over his shoulder like a rag doll. At least you were lucky that he wasn’t too fussy tonight and that you got your greedy cuddly spider back.
ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
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nosferatu-png · 1 day
Hello! You ship Zephrit right?? I’m genuinely curious as to how this ship came to be, I’ve been digging around and seeing some great art (including yours omg I love your art) is there like concert footage of Ifrit and Zephyr? (Bc Terzomega there is lots of on stage footage and stuff) Anyways, I would love if you could tell me more about zephrit!!
EEE I would love to talk about it!! I'm not sure the exact origins of it so I'm definitely gonna ramble a little (a lot) - but they did have a lot of fun things on stage together!
I do think part of it is just the overall closeness of the Popestar lineup, at least in my opinion. It definitely feels like a lot of other ships along the lines of "these two interacted and have a good energy together and I think they should kiss about it" HAHAHA
But honestly, Ifrit played around so much with everyone and did NOT let Zephyr fade into the background and I really do love that, especially when it's so hard to find good clips of keyboardists.. and Zeph was so lively, it helped that Ifrit was Right There for them to goof around with
Another factor might be that Ifrit and Zephyr were the only two ghouls who didn't move on in the lineup (aside from Ivy, who of course is nor mentioned enough because of how briefly he was there). We got to see Aether, Dew, and Mountain's relationships all evolve together while Zephyr and Ifrit are a little seperate from that, only being there for the year.
And bonus chronic pain/fatigue ghoul X excited heat pack ghoul
Digging in my Zeph Stash but I'm sure I have more and better stage moments hidden somewhere ^^ I am always willing to talk about anything Popestar ghouls, especially Zephyr related!! They're just a bit more difficult to find because there's really only so much recordings online from the era, especially ones that focus on anyone else *but* Terzo
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zerokurokawa · 2 days
Daughter From Another Lifetime, Part Two (Bonten!Rindou x Reader)
(part one)
After the conversation with his you, the mother of his child, Rindou did everything he could to make up seventeen years worth of lost time with his daughter. He picked her up from school in his nice car, took her out to eat, took her shopping, and even taught her how to drive like a father should. Other than spending time with d/n, he had other things on his agenda was well. 
He couldn't help but to notice how great you looked to be in your early thirties. Both of you looked amazing. You, with your e/c, h/c and h/l, and overall beautiful physique, were as stunning as the day he had met you. Truth be told, he had never fallen out of love with you and thought of you often. He craved you, needed, and wanted you. Hell, he even thought to himself about having a second child with you if it wasn't too late. He enjoyed being a father after all. 
One night, after taking d/n out to eat, he brought her home on time as promised. You and Rindou had a set schedule when it came to your daughter. He would pick her up from school, take her out on certain days, and drop her back off at home before or at nine. Only this time, Rindou had invited himself inside to talk more. 
As d/n went to her room, he sat himself at the counter once more, making himself at home in your humble apartment. 
"I think I should buy you a house." He stated, out of the blue. 
"I don't need your help with that, I've got plenty in savings and we're doing just fine here." You sounded cold. 
"It would be my gift to you, y/n... I want you to live comfortably and never have to work again." He said, taking a sip of the wine you had poured him. He was still wearing his suit, which was neatly pressed, from work. His lilac and purple hair cascaded down his shoulders as he watched you intently. 
"You would really go that far, huh?" You were leaning against the counter now, cleavage out. He was obviously trying not to stare, but what could a man do? He wanted you, badly. He wanted you back so bad that he even told his brother about your return and the fact that he was a father. Needless to say, Ran was surprised that he was an uncle and couldn't wait to meet his niece. 
"Yeah, I would. I would do anything for you both." He said, leaning in across the counter and propping his arms on the edge. He wanted to get closer to you, but the damn counter was in the way as you were standing opposite of him. You stayed silent while he spoke up again. 
"I want you both to live happily, without worry. I've kept my promise by putting her first. I've been leaving work early and picking her up. I've spent time with her. I've gotten to know her likes and dislikes and she's just like me!" He rambled, a wide grin creeping upon his face. He was trying to win you back. 
"I'm glad, Rindou." You smiled at the thought of your daughter finally having her father in her life. You had seen how happy it made d/n to be around her dad. She even came home one day and told you all about the awesome shopping trip he took her on and how she got everything she ever dreamed of, including the newest iPhone. 
"So why don't you give me a chance to prove myself even further?" He smiled, taking his hand and placing on top of yours. He got up from the counter and walked around to where you were standing. He towered over you, his eyes gazing into yours. 
"What do you mean?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. You wanted him, but not all that he came with. You knew he was in a very illegal, dangerous line of work and you didn't want that to affect your relationship any further than it already has. You caught yourself thinking about the Tenjiku days and how often Rindou would come home with wads of money from seemingly nowhere. That's when you knew he was up to no good. 
"I mean... me and you. Let's give us another chance." He started to wrap his arm around your waist. You let him, for a split moment, as you were lost in his gaze. The next thing you knew, you two were inches apart and he was leaning in further. Right when he was about to kiss you, or so you thought, he tilted his head while brushing back a piece of hair behind your ear. 
"I think... we can make it work this time." He whispered gently into your ear, his breath grazing your skin, causing you to shiver. You stayed silent; lost in a daze of confusion and thoughts as he leaned back, arm still wrapped around your waist. 
"I need time to think about this, Rin..." You trailed off. You wanted him, badly. You were scared though. You were terrified of numerous things. What if he brings work home and someone comes after you and your daughter? What if he gets caught and gets sentenced to prison? What if... he gets killed? 
He backed away, trying not to upset you. He could see the look on your face. As he turned to leave, he asked one more question. 
"Promise me, you'll think about it?" 
You nodded your head in response, still in a daze of thinking. He left without a single word. 
(Tagging: @rukiasluver @merrymerrykiss @burndownyourparade) <333 <333 <333
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beebsbea · 2 days
“Intertwined and sewn together” with Ace Trappola
After his confession, he’s unsure what to expect. And somehow your reaction manages to surprise him
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With the bouquet clutched in his hand tighter, you both stood in silence. To you, with the news brought to your attention that your bestfriend had feelings for you was a shock. From the way he always rambled about his partners, you weren’t sure he’d ever snap out of it.
“. . .”
“. . .”
His grip on the flowers, the closest to your favorites that they held in stock, loosened. How you even noticed such a tiny detail was beyond your comprehension.
“Ace—,” you started, but you couldn’t finish your thought.
He took note of this. And despite himself, he felt the need to play it off. Grasping at straws, he did the only thing he could think of.
“It was a joke, don’t worry. Deucey dared me to, so I really had no choice.”
You knew better. And you were sure he did too. But he kept going. He felt a need to appear to be keeping his composure.
“I mean, come on! You didn’t actually think I’d be that lame, right? That would be so stupid.”
He shifted his weight from one foot to another. He was getting more nervous. Why haven’t you said anything yet? Did you really feel nothing? Or were you just toying with him? Either way, he despised being kept in suspense.
“I do like you, Ace,” he looked away, “but I don’t understand. Is this a joke or not?”
“It— what do you want it to be?”
His tone was unusually calm. His eyes returned to meet yours, even despite himself and his nervousness.
“That’s not what I asked, Ace.”
He knew that. Of course he did, but it felt impossible. To be honest with his feelings and face vulnerability. Still, he needed to.
“I want to be with you, okay? You already know that.”
“And I’d like to be with you too, so now you know that.”
“Wait a minute, really?”
“Yes, Ace. I do.”
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glorious-spoon · 3 days
9-1-1 Season 7 Post-Mortem
Mostly because I want to put my thoughts in order. Full disclosure: I'm really not thrilled with a lot of the choices this season made, but I'm also not at the 'fuck this show I hate it now' level either. The primary, overarching issue, IMO, is that they tried to stuff a full season's worth of plot into ten episodes, and the pacing and emotional continuity suffered badly. And also there were some writing choices that were simply deranged (and hopefully would have been reworked had they not been laying down the tracks in front of the speeding train, so to speak).
(Cut for me rambling at length)
So: Bobby and Athena were largely really solidly written. The cruise ship disaster was great: campy and OTT, but in a fun way. Their marital issues and the eventual resolution felt like a natural continuation of issues they've had in the past. Bobby Begins 3.0 was a great episode other than the cartel element, which was some ill-considered racial stereotyping (I've said it before and I'll say it again: you could have had the antagonists in that episode be a bunch of angry locals threatening people for tresspassing on their property, and the whole thing would have been 100% less gross without actually changing much of the plot. Really felt like Tim was cribbing from the similar Lone Star arc, which was also lazy and racist). Amir was a fantastic character, and while I could have done without that last scene of him offering Bobby absolution, I feel like he was generally allowed to be both gracious and rightfully angry. The cop Athena stuff in the finale was... less great, but also to be expected. I would have liked much less of that and much more time spent at Bobby's bedside.
(I'm really sad about the house fire mostly because that was one of my favorite sets, but I do appreciate the poetry of the parallel, with Bobby actually managing to get his wife out this time. Though I do wonder where Harry was that night, lmao.)
Hen was similarly wonderful. I really liked getting to see her wrestle with the responsibility of being captain, and the fallout of the car accident scene. In a vacuum, I actually like Ortiz as a villain - a complicated one, with sympathetic motivations, but still ostentatiously cruel. Were it not for the fact that there are basically NO latine characters other than Eddie who aren't villains this season, it would have been great. ALAS.
Did not love the rescue dog/foster child parallel with Mara. Otherwise really loved getting to see her settle in with the Wilsons, and I'm really glad that we got to see Chim and Maddie take her in instead of leaving her at the group home by the end of the season. Really leaned into the found family element, and Chim taking care of his best friend's child in the same way that Mrs. Lee did for him.
CHIM! Chim my beloved. 'There Goes The Groom' is the one episode that I have basically no issues with at all. The hallucinatory trip through Los Angeles, wrestling with Doug's ghost, was gorgeous. Bringing back Kevin - also gorgeous. I loved that we see the Lees explicitly framed as his real family (and am spitefully glad that his bio dad was nowhere to be found. Fuck that guy.) Kenny continues to be, IMO, the best actor on this show. He killed it. We need so many more Chim-centric episodes, because they're always SO good. He can make both humor and pathos feel so natural and human. Give us more Chim!
And of course on to Buck's bisexual arc, which was... so painfully Buck, lmao. Full disclosure: I have a lot of trouble rewatching 7x04 and 7x05 because the secondhand embarrassment is just too much for me, but objectively it feels very right and in character for him. LOVED the first kiss scene, with his dawning realization of what's about to happen and his softly stunned joy afterward. His coming out scenes with both Maddie and Eddie were lovely and perfectly appropriate to both relationships. I really liked him taking the initiative to reach out to Tommy to apologize and ask for a second chance after he fucked up their first date. Loved Tommy showing up at the hospital after what was clearly a long, miserable shift.
Their date in the finale didn't really land for me mostly because of where it was placed in the episode; if they did something with the two of them after Buck spent the entire day at Bobby's bedside waiting to see if he was going to live, it would have felt a lot more natural to me to have them exhaustedly eating takeout on the couch or something instead of having a formal sit-down date with wine and place settings. Intentionally or not, that made it feel like they're still on Date Behavior with each other and despite some gestures toward emotional vulnerability, they're not quite there yet - as seen by Buck steering the conversation back to flirting and innuendo. My overall feeling on the relationship at this point is that it's cute, but I'm not seeing any real depth of feeling between them yet.
Buck and Eddie on the other hand - look, despite my many MANY issues with Eddie's plot this season, I loved how his relationship with Buck was written. I love the intimacy and familiarity of how they are together, I loved the way Eddie let himself lean on Buck, I loved how Buck is clearly positioned as an integral part of the Diaz family.
Unfortunately, that's really the only thing I loved about Eddie's plot this season. His relationship with Marisol was ultimately pointless; she was never fleshed out enough to feel like a real character, and we never even see the fallout of Eddie's cheating with regard to her; it's all Chris. The Kim stuff strained credulity, and also I never felt like he got any kind of emotional catharsis or resolution through it; he still hasn't really confronted any of his issues about Shannon, about their marriage and how it ended. That whole arc felt really wobbly in terms of tone, as well: using plot elements of a very famous psychological thriller without actually acknowledging any of the creepiness of it. I would have liked it to lean into that more especially with the scene where Kim dresses up as Shannon, an objectively creepy and unhinged thing to do.
The Diaz parents handled the Chris thing in a selfish and opportunistic way that felt both disappointing and inevitable. Hopefully that's going to be a hook for the next season and Eddie actually confronting them, but overall Eddie's plot this season really felt like they just tossed a bunch of balls up in the air and mostly failed to catch them.
Gerrard - look, I'm not that worried about Gerrard. I could have done without him, but ultimately he's going to stick around just long enough to make his inevitable defeat satisfying. At least, that's my hope.
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flowanon · 3 days
WC Fandom Callout/Hot Take Time!
(I would like to preface this by saying that I am a member of the Warrior Cats community myself; I love it here and there are so many amazing and talented people. This post is by no means saying that everybody here is guilty of this, nor is it meant to be an attack or show of ill will on those who are. <:])
Okay, so I have a small grievance to air:
Never, in all my years on the internet, have I ever seen a community that matches the sheer amount of negativity and petty spite the WC fandom has, especially towards its own creators.
Exhibit A:
WC fandom:
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The Erins: *actually give us the most pretty, fun, and unique canon design we’ve ever gotten, which CLEARLY IS A CHIMERA AS THEY INTENDED DUE TO HOW HER BLACK FUR IS LONGER THAN HER ORANGE FUR (LOOK AT HER CHEEK FLUFF)*
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WC Fandom:
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(I would also like to mention that while yes, the inbreeding is gross and warrants criticism, when you have such isolated populations interbreeding, it was always bound to happen, especially with such complex and forgettable lineages (of feral cats, no less (y’know, animals that form family trees like that naturally?)). Honestly? It’s been an issue for so long that I really think we should just stop pointlessly whining about it, accept it (as long as they aren’t too closely related/it isn’t immediate family incest), and move on.)
I get constructive criticism and civil discourse is healthy in a fandom, but there’s no need to be so blatantly and endlessly petty and spiteful, especially towards the people who try so hard to give you the thing you enjoy in a consistent and timely manner and live up to its legacy. I agree that there are definitely things they’ve messed up on or could do much better with and that they should prioritize quality over quantity more, but c’mon. Honestly, y’all will just find anything to bitch about. 😭 Besides, enough with the pessimism and belittlement! Fandoms are supposed to be fun, and trust me, you will have much more fun if you just let yourself be excited and see what happens. Even if it does feel somewhat like toxic positivity to say so, there's no joy in just being a critic all the time. :]
Anyway, sorry for the exasperated ramble, and thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. 🙏
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voxisdaddy · 13 hours
after hours of punishing vox and edging him and stuff he’s so deep in subspace he just begs you to praise him 😕😕 i just love the idea of his bratty walls coming down and just wanting the readers approval, like being all weepy about it!! he puts up with so much shit (and gives out the same energy) for so long all day that he just wants his mommy to be nice to him 😔 mmfph subby vox just 😍😍
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THANK YOU ANON I just wanna care for this lil needy brat so badly I swear <3 also I like how my name is VoxisDaddy and yet every time I write him in a sexual context, he's a subby bottom and occasional pervert lol
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Vox x Reader
Type: Headcanons + kinda rambly | Fluff
C/TW: Suggestive content, marking this 18+ because of it, needy Vox, tears, mommy kink, fluffy aftercare, sub!Vox x Dom!Reader, reader implied as fem im sorry :c
In which after hours of endless (pleasurable) torture, all Vox wants is his mommy's sweetest affections <3
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Whatever the fuck it is he did to deserve this overwhelming pleasure he's already long forgotten about. Poor baby's too fucked dumb :c
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Once you finally detached yourself from him, his legs fall limp against the bed, quivering. You could poke or accidentally graze his thigh and his legs would twitch rather suddenly. "Mommy" falling from his lips in short mumbles
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He would so panic when you get up to leave, reaching a clawed hand out to grasp at your arm desperately. He'd softly tug on your arm as he babbles almost incoherently
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You swear you can hear something about "mommy" in there somewhere—which is new. He normally used that term during or leading up to it, never after
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Though perhaps by now you already understand what he wants since this is likely not your first rodeo like this. Gently you'd pry his hand off of you and he wouldn't put up much of a fight sine he doesn't wanna accidentally scratch you. He'd look up at you pleadingly though; don't leave him :c
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You'd have to reassure him and kiss his knuckles softly. Saying something like—"I'm just gonna go get something to clean you up baby, I'll be right back." No longer than a few moments do you come back with a damp rag and carefully run it over his quivering thighs and the surrounding area. He lets you do this, his gaze never leaving you
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Once he's all cleaned up and not feeling so sticky anymore this man will absolutely not let you leave
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He's actually so fucking clingy, muttering into your skin about how good you made him feel and if he did a good job—asking if he's forgiven for being such a brat
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Maybe you'd contemplate this just to be a bit mean cuz he's really been unnecessarily rude lately, today being the final straw, but looking at him all clingy, teary eyed, and desperate for your love you can only sigh; "You did so good for me baby. So much self control."
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ The lights in the city didn't shut off too early this time :D
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ I feel like in his fucked dumb foggy brain, he'd silently beg to suck on your tit. Being the good boy he is, he waits for permission and goes for it—whimpers softly at your quiet praises
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Ngl I kinda see the clinging seeping over to the next day
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Like you'd be sitting on the couch sipping on your morning drink and Vox would walk over in more comfortable clothing. You'd raise a brow—he usually heads to work as soon as possible, what the hell is he still doing here? He'd wave you off, giving some kind of excuse then sitting on the floor in between your legs, resting against you as you watch tv. his arms resting on your thighs as he sits back and relaxes his sore af body
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Either takes the rest of the day off and follows you around like a lost puppy or practically clings to you as he sits in his office chair working-or maybe on your lap while you hug him from behind
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This last one is just a personal funny thing I'm picturing and it's Vox being in a noticeably good mood that day and just giving his assistant a random ass pay bonus. Side eyeing you to see if you noticed his generosity lmao
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