#I actually checked and yeah he stayed about a week longer than he said he would
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Narrator: “And then he was not.”
#izombie#fandom#I actually checked and yeah he stayed about a week longer than he said he would#the episode ends with Saturday morning and Blaine 'not having his memory back' (clown face emoji)#and then Peyton and him are completely absent from the following episode#now it's not entirely clear what day it is at the beginning of Spank A Zombie/how much time has passed since the ending of the last one#but Ravi does point out that they couldn't yet inform Major that the memory system didn't work on Blaine because he's abroad#but it's very likely NOT Saturday because we got another section at the end of 3.3 of Clive and Liv investigating the gun range.#in 3.5 it's evening at the 14 minute mark. then daylight again in the next scene. night again at the 19 minute mark.#Then it's day again and the episode ends with the next evening with Major in bed.#next episode starts with Liv going home from Ravi's and Major's place and Blaine is STILL there and having breakfast with Peyton.#Liv goes off the solve the case during the day. It's night again at the 8 minute mark.#Liv goes off the solve the case during the day. It's night again at the 8 minute mark. Then Clive and Liv go to investigate an (empty) club#and when she returns to check on Major it's dark outside AGAIN.#then next morning Liv is back home and Blaine and Peyton having breakfast together AGAIN#so not accounting for the unclear number of days that passed been 3.4 and 3.5 that's at least 6 days he overstayed his welcome#and he only leaves because Peyton breaks up with him#I am a proud doer of the maths
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singmyaubade · 1 year
No Longer Yours
James Potter x Female!Reader
IB: In The Cold November Rain by @sweetsweetjellybean (Make sure to check it out, it’s incredible and one of the best I’ve ever read !)
A/N: First, I wanna say thank you to @sweetsweetjellybean for letting me be inspired by her story even though I am stupid, lol, but seriously (not kissing ass), check her series out; it is fantastic. Thank you to everyone for the kind comments, reblogs, and likes. I'm overwhelmed with love, and I'm so thankful that people actually want to read more of what I write but anyways, enjoy!
Summary: James had disregarded you for multiple years, but when you have an epiphany in your final year, how does it feel to taste his own medicine?
Warning: It may contain swearing and soon-to-be smut.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you all the way?" Your mother asked, squeezing your hand.
"I'll be fine," You caressed her hand, "I'm still your baby, though."
She laughed lightly, "Make sure to write always," She held your face with her hands, "Have fun; it's your last year."
You touched her hand on your cheek, "I will."
You hugged her one last time, taking in her scent. Every time you said bye to her, it was as sad as the first, without you crying and begging to stay.
"Okay," She smiled, taking her hands off your face, "Are you still sure you don't wanna wait for James here? I mean, you've done it all these years."
Little did she know, you had been ignoring James's letters, all 128 of them. He had been persistent, asking you what was wrong and begging for a reply to know you were safe.
You even received a letter from his mother, Euphemia Potter, asking how you were and everything was in Paris. You would never have it in your heart to ignore Ms. Potter, so you replied dutifully and happily.
And then you got a letter from him saying,
Dear Y/n,
Are you really going to reply to my mother and not me?
Your BEST FRIEND, James Potter.
You didn't reply, scoffing at the bolded best friend. The last letter you received was last week, him telling you he couldn't wait to see you and wanted to talk as soon as he got to you.
"Yeah," You gulped, "I'm just gonna meet him inside."
"Well, I'm sure he misses you," She started fixing your coat, "I mean, you have been in Paris all of this time, and I just think it would be good for you to-"
You cut her off, pecking her cheek, "Love you!" You yelled, going towards the train.
She shook her head, "Be safe!"
You smiled at her, going through the wall to the train. The feeling still felt the same, nostalgic. This was the last time boarding the train, and it felt sad.
You remembered the first time you ever boarded it. James was practically high on excitement on his first day at Hogwarts. You were scared out of your bloody mind, not wanting to leave your mum and dad.
When you had finally stopped crying and holding onto your mother's leg, James was the one to hold your hand and tell you that he would take care of you.
Maybe that was the first time you had realized James was more than a friend to you, or perhaps you were a naive child.
But either way, he was the one that you needed protecting from. You realized he hadn't been your friend since the fourth year.
But this year wasn't about James; it was about you having the best last year of Hogwarts that you could have ever had.
You boarded the train, moving through the compartments to where Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, and Lily usually were.
Compartment 222.
It was pretty lucky; it is where you guys first met.
You opened the compartment, "Did you guys miss me?"
They excitedly cheered, "Now tell me, Y/n, how many French boys did you end up shagging in France?" Marlene asked.
"I would say about thirty, oui oui." You joked in a French accent as they all started laughing.
You sat down next to Dorcas, giving her a side hug. You saw Lily and Mary whisper something to each other, to which Mary said, "Just say it!"
You could see Dorcas in the corner of your eye, shaking her head no aggressively. Apparently, Marlene was the only one not in the plan, continuing to look at her newsletter.
Your eyebrow raised, "Am I missing something?"
"It's really nothing," Lily nervously said.
"Okay, so what is it?" You laughed.
"Well," Lily fiddled with her fingers, "You know how you specifically requested that none of us tell James that you were replying to our letters and not purposely ignoring him."
You said, "Uhuh." Already knowing where this going.
"Well, I accidentally let it slip out over the letter you had spoken to Marlene and me." She admitted.
Your mouth agape, "Lily."
"I know, I know," She groaned, "It was a total accident."
"How do you accidentally slip something out over letter?" Marlene snorted, earning a glare from Lily, but she still looked at her newsletter.
"What did he say after?" You asked, kneading your forehead.
"Why is she ignoring me?" Lily answered, "I just said it was none of my business, nor was I involved."
The group stayed in silence, waiting for you to reply.
You sighed, thinking about how much James would bother you more now that he knew you ignored him.
"Are you mad at me?" Lily asked quietly.
"No, of course not," You smiled, looking at her, "I just don't want to talk to him and explain everything,"
"Who says you have to?" Mary asked.
You looked at her confused, "I just can't ignore him." You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"And why not?" Marlene asked, now looking at you.
You opened your mouth to reply, but nothing came out. You thought about it harder, and why wouldn't you be able to ignore James? Maybe it was hard because you have never done it before.
"So I just don't reply when he tries to talk to me?" You asked.
"Well, I don't support this, but," Lily started, "You could always just walk away when he says something to you."
"Wouldn't that be mean?" You asked.
"What did I tell you in person and in the letter?" Dorcas asked as you looked at her.
"Give him hell."
"So do it." She said.
They were right; you couldn't keep explaining to James what he did wrong; you just had to be done with him. You missed your friendship, but it took a turn years ago; you never said anything.
And you had to start not caring about him.
"So, how was your guy's summer?" You changed the subject, grinning as Marlene went on about how she perfected her Quidditch skills and would finally be the best chaser at Hogwarts.
Then Lily talked about her poetry that she started over the summer and how her sister had ripped a few of them, but she fixed them with a single swish of her wand and appreciated magic more.
Mary talked about how many soap operas she had seen and how she might even go into it after she graduates from Hogwarts.
Lastly, Dorcas talked about how this year was her year to be a seeker and how she got a whole book collection from her sister in New Zealand.
You began talking about how you tasted so many new foods and learned a bit of French, showing off your knowledge of the profound language.
You were interrupted by someone opening the compartment doors, "Hello," Remus greeted as you stood up to hug him immediately.
He caught you as you almost made him fall over by the movement, "Remmy, how much I have missed you," You said, kissing him on the cheek.
"And Y/n, how was France?" He asked, smiling.
"Quite a bore; every man was all over me; I was getting exhausted," You exhaled, sitting back in your seat.
"Well, if you ever want to get with a real man, I'm here, Y/n," Sirius said, nudging next to you as you looked disgusted.
"Did you have to bring him?" Dorcas asked Remus, rolling her eyes.
"He insisted," Remus shrugged.
"There needs to be some form of restraining order against him by all of us," Mary sighed.
"I thought his STDs were enough of a restraining order for us to keep away from him," Marlene teased.
Sirius interrupted before another insult could be made, "Ladies, this Sirius Black hate train is honestly starting to hurt," He pretended to be hurt.
"Aww, poor baby," You said in a baby voice, pinching his cheek as he swooshed your hand away.
"Now, Y/n, why are you ignoring poor Prongs?" Sirius asked as you wanted to throw him out of the train through the window.
"I thought he told you to dance around the question," Remus snorted.
Sirius disregarded, "What did my poor, stupid boy do this time?"
"I'm afraid it's none of your business, Black." You simply said.
"It is my business when my friend is sulking and bringing down my mood," He explained, "So why are you upset with him?" He asked.
Marlene abruptly laughed, "I'm sorry, but he really thought you would be the one Y/n would say something to,"
Sirius fake-laughed, "Oh McKinnon, I'll be laughing like that when you fall off of your arse on the field,"
Marlene mocked his facial expression as he did the same thing to her.
"May I please just arrive in peace without one word of James Potter? I'm begging." You reasoned.
"Well, at least I can tell him I tried and that Moony was no help." He glared at Remus.
"I told you I wasn't going to talk to her for him; it was all up to you," Remus said as Sirius went outside, and Remus waved everyone goodbye before closing the doors.
You could already tell it was going to be a long year.
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After finally sorting the first year, everyone was allowed to dine. One thing you always missed about Hogwarts was the fantastic food; it was always incredible.
You were sitting in between Remus and Dorcas when Remus abruptly got up.
"Where are you going?" You asked, mid-laugh from a joke Marlene had made about Dumbledore and McGonagall in their secret chamber.
"Don't kill me," Remus stated before leaving. You looked confused, and James took the spot in front of you. You rolled your eyes, turning back to your meal.
"Please talk to me, Y/n," James pleaded.
You continued to stay silent, not even giving him a look as you looked at Marlene. She shook her head, and you continued to eat.
"I just wanna know what I did," James begged.
When you still didn't respond, he grabbed ahold of your wrist in an attempt for you to look at him.
"Don't fucking touch me." You spat before getting up and leaving the dining hall, telling your friends you were just gonna meet them in the dorm.
You tried rushing to the common room, but James was behind you.
"Y/n!" He yelled, speed-walking after you.
You continued to ignore him, going to the common room until you were stuck with the singing lady at the door who would not give it a rest.
"You have to talk to me," James demanded while the lady continued to screech.
"I don't have to do a thing you say," You scoffed, "In fact, I would prefer if you screwed off and stopped talking to me."
You went to one of the corridors, trying to escape him, but he followed you.
"Can't you just explain to me what I could've done for you to treat me like this?" He said roughly.
You turned to him, "There is not a single, simple explanation of what you could've done; there is a book of things," You snapped, "And treat you like this? Ever since I fucking stepped foot into your life, you have continued to treat me like shit." You stepped closer, "I stuck with you despite Lily, despite what other people said, and despite what you have shown me."
He continued to stay silent, "And now that I finally stick up for myself, I've done you horribly? Bullshit." You spat, "You have continued to show me exactly why I will never ever love you again, and yeah, for a matter of fact, I did love you, but you don't deserve me and never will."
Your words shocked him, not being able to mutter a word.
"Now you have nothing to say?" You manically laughed, "The smooth-talking and fantastic golden boy that shocked the century has nothing to say? What a pathetic-"
He kissed you suddenly precipitously, his tongue entering your mouth, entangling with yours.
For a second, you were drunk on his mouth, engaging with his kiss with as much passion as he gave you. His hand pulls on your hair lightly, making you moan.
His lips went from your mouth to your neck, sucking hard, red marks into your skin, knowing it would bruise.
Then you remembered everything. You remembered James's bitter words, his voice mocking you, and the boys laughing in the locker room.
You pushed his hard chest off you, breathing hard from the whole interaction. He looked at you, breathing as hard as you; realizing what he had done, he tried to touch your hand, but you pushed him again.
Tears brimmed in your eyes, "You're such an asshole," You cried, going to the Gryffindor common room.
You rushed up the stairs, immediately going into your bed. You couldn't believe what had just happened.
A part of you wanted to be grateful, grateful that you pushed him off, and realized that he only wanted to be with you when he felt convenient.
Another part of you wanted to continue kissing him, laughing with him, hugging him. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you had never figured it would be painful.
What if you had loved James for so long that you didn't know anything but to love him?
It was stupid and pathetic.
You were tired of being stupid and pathetic, you just wanted to move on from James Potter and get away from him, and if that wasn't possible, you had to make him regret being friends with you in the first place.
So you did.
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You got up fresh and early in the morning when all of your roommates were sleeping, taking a shower immediately.
You looked in the mirror, your mascara smudged and dark red and purple hickies wearing your skin. You placed a shit-load of powder and concealer to cover up the parts you could.
You tried several spells to cover it up as best as possible, changing into your uniform.
You slipped into the most showing tights you could and wore your skirt from the fifth year that you so obviously outgrew, showing almost your ass cheeks.
You would be thankful not to get a write-up from McGonagall.
You unbuttoned two buttons off the top of your shirt, showing a tiny bit of your bra. It wasn't the most rebellious or seductive, but it could work.
The first challenge of that day was Potions; all of your friends were there, including all of the Marauders. But, thanks to Merlin was also Jacob Carrow's class, the Slytherin Captain that James hated with a burning passion.
They both could not be in the same room without spitting a hateful insult at the other. James once had a dream that you and Jacob had gone out, and he refused to talk to you for an entire day until you convinced him you would never do that.
You never considered yourself a liar.
The only problem was that Jacob was a dickhead, but so was James. You were surprised they didn't get along, maybe in another life.
You went inside Potions with your friend group, and you spotted Jacob Carrow in the back with an empty seat next to him as you told your friends you were gonna sit in the back.
You were thankful none of his friends were around him; it would be ten times more unbearable.
You sat next to him with a wide grin painted on your face, trying not to show your pain.
"Sitting next to me, Y/n?" He smirked, "I thought you were Potter's little puppy."
You tried to ignore your annoyance, "Pets tend to lean away from their owner at points; I guess that's my case." You shrugged.
"I am no Potter; I don't like having little girls follow me and do my shit for me." You could tell he was insulting you, but you stood tall.
"Good thing girls don't like to be in your presence." You snickered.
He smiled, "Love a kitty with claws," He leaned into his chair, "What do you want?"
"Do I have to want something?" You asked, popping your chest out to show your tits as he looked down at your face.
"You finally trying to make your boy toy jealous?" He asked.
You dropped the facade, "Are you gonna help me or not?"
"Control the temper, baby; I just wanna know what's in it for me." His body faced you.
"Isn't James being angry enough?" You asked.
"Nah, I can piss off Potter by just existing." He replied.
"What do you want?" You asked, half-annoyed.
"Meadows on a date with me."
You laughed, "Dorcas would never go on a date with you."
"Then no deal." He said with a fake smile.
"Ugh, fine, I'll talk to her if you just make James's life hell for a few minutes." You said.
"Okay, deal." He smiled, "Do you want me to touch you or,"
"Sure, but don't overdo it." You warned.
"I love when you flatter yourself." He said as James walked in, laughing with the Marauders.
Jacob immediately placed a hand on your thigh, slightly higher than preferred, but you continued smiling.
You started fake-laughing at Jacob's joke, which immediately caught James's attention. You looked behind you, and James's head looked like it would explode.
You looked back at Carrow, touching his shoulder and admiring how much muscle he had.
"What else do you want me to do?" He said through his teeth.
"I'll scoot closer to you, and you can put your hand on my waist." You suggested as he nodded.
You faced the front as Jacob touched your waist, tickling you with his fingers as you laughed.
"Mind keeping it down?" James scowled, "Not everyone wants to fucking hear that shit."
"How about you piss off, Potter?" Jacob mocked as he gripped your waist tighter, which pissed off James even more.
Before James could say another word, Slughorn started the class.
Throughout the class, Jacob would squeeze your thigh or tickle you, almost rising to touch your tits. Whenever he did those actions, you would giggle, earning daggers from James.
Once Slughorn instructed everyone to look inside their microscopes at the different ingredients used in Veritaserum, you took the opportunity to sit on Jacob's lap, looking in the microscope as he bounced you with his knee, causing you to laugh.
This really pissed James off, him storming up to you both. He grabbed your arm, practically flying you off of Jacob.
"Mr. Potter!" Slughorn yelled as the class watched the entire thing.
"Don't you dare fucking touch her," James said brusquely.
Jacob scoffed, "What will you do about it, Potter?" He stood, going closer to James.
You rolled your eyes due to the amount of testosterone in this conversation.
James got closer as you grabbed his hand, pushing him back, "Stop it." You said to him as he looked at you.
He grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the classroom to an abandoned bathroom.
"James, let go of me!" You yelled as he pushed you inside the bathroom.
He was fuming, and you could tell which scared you. You hadn't seen him this angry since he lost a Quidditch match against the very man's lap you were on.
"You dragged me in here, so is there something you have to say?" You looked at him angrily, hands on your hips.
"Us not being friends anymore doesn't allow you to be a slut," He ridiculed.
You slapped him, "Don't you fucking dare call me a slut; I can do whatever the fuck I want,"
He wiped his mouth with a smile, "You think he gives a shit about you? He would fuck you and then dump you." He said as he moved closer, and you backed up.
"You don't know a thing," You replied nervously.
"He wouldn't even clean you up after," He continued, "He would let you rot there like a slut," Another step closer, which you took backward. You didn't understand if he purposely tried to intimidate or lecture you.
He didn't stop.
"He would tell all of his friends after," Another step, "He wouldn't dare spare you a minute after," Another step, "You would mean nothing," You were backed into the wall now, "But it's okay because you can do whatever the fuck you want."
"James." You kept eye contact with him, his eyes beaming into yours.
His mouth lowered to your ear, "But I think you want me to give a shit; you wanna see me mad." His hand snaked to your waist, "I guess you win." His body left yours, storming out of the bathroom.
Did you really win?
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A/N: Y/n: 2, James 0??? There is also an alternate chapter to this because I couldn't stop writing two plots LOL.
taglist: @feast0nmeee @queerqueenlynn @diasnohibng @somebodys-enola @kiwichixta @queerpanickingrn @strnqer @virgogaia @ddddawson @lxriearxella @losa12308 @soosheee @lokifriggason1 @kenqki @volturissideslut @lmfaograyc @melllinaa @iluvfetuszarry @lovelywebber @violetbossler @moonys0chocolate @ourloveisforthelovely @stormymind14 @abq654 @cr1stinx @4-everm-0-re @icantwaittoliveandlearn @aceofheartzzz @ashkuuuu @i-dont-know-me-either @slayingqueenchal @hero-ically @mikeikax @extrainsanity @roryctrlshift @helloitsmeeeeeee @@dittos-blog-dylanobrien @drstargirl @17luvr @eviesmith1810 @fluffycookies22 @valencia-rou @watersquirtpewpewboomm @kentucky-criedfricken @lokisbitch13 @evangelinejxy @youroutdoorbf @ok-boke @madison-rebel @sunshineangel-reads @feast0nmeee @rey26
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moonchildstyles · 4 months
whats this aster curious gazes im seeing ?🥸
wordcount: 2.7k+
Mikaela impatiently checked the time broadcasted on the clock above the auditorium's entrance, trailing after the molasses-slow minute hand. How had it only been three minutes since she last checked and not the twenty she had sworn it had been? She and her group had already finished peer reviewing each other's papers ten minutes ago, but they were all confined to their seats for fear of Professor Rian marking them down for leaving early—one of his favorite activities Mikaela had learned about the hard way during the second week of courses.
"How much longer?" Bria bemoaned from across the table, her own boredom showing in her dull gaze. (Y/N) perked up at Mikaela's side at the question, though she stayed just as quiet as she always was. 
"Another thirty," Mikaela murmured, a moment away from rolling her eyes, "I feel like we've been waiting for, like, an hour." 
Around them, the remaining groups were still chattering, some speaking about the essays while others seemed just as checked out as them. Running a hand through her long hair, Mikaela convinced herself to stay strong. 
"At least it'll be the weekend after this," she reminded the table, looking to Bria, "You're still set on getting your tattoo this weekend?" 
Bria plucked up at the question, her brown eyes sparkling in excitement. "Mhm! They called and confirmed yesterday with me, so I'll be in tomorrow morning, first thing!" 
"Are you going to be with the same guy that you had the consultation with?" Mikaela asked, picturing the long haired, heavily tattooed man she had seen when she went with Bria the first time to set up the initial appointment. She almost booked one for herself after seeing him; even the scowl and less than friendly demeanor couldn't detract from his... everything. 
Leaning across the table as if sharing a secret, Bria raised her eyebrows with a conspiratorial gleam in her eyes. "I hope. I might cancel, if not." 
Mikaela laughed along with her friend, knowing exactly where she was coming from. 
Piping up with a small smile on her features, (Y/N) asked, "Where are you going for your tattoo?" 
"It's not too far from here actually," Bria started, settling her chin in her hand as she spoke to (Y/N) at Mikaela's side. "It's called 17Black." 
(Y/N)'s expression brightened at the mention of the tattoo parlor in a way Mikaela had never seen before. Though she usually came to class fresh-faced and dewy, there was now a glimmer in her eyes that almost gave the illusion of glitter having fallen in her lashes.
"They're the best," she bubbled, her smile wide, "It's gonna turn out really, really good. You said you know who your artist is going to be?" 
"Yeah—um—hold on," Bria muttered, reaching into her bag, "I got his card last time I was in—I think he's the owner, or something." After a moment she pulled out a black and white business card, reading the name off: "Harry." 
Passing the card across the table, (Y/N) eagerly read over the stylized font and the glossy logo on the other side. "He's amazing—you're super lucky, Bria." 
(Y/N)'s smile wasn't one that could be shaken as she passed back the card. Mikaela thought she looked like she was proud, even. (Y/N) was always so reserved, seemingly more comfortable in the background and only chirping up when needed, Mikaela had never seen her so bright like this. 
"Have you been there before, (Y/N)?" she asked, trying to imagine someone like (Y/N) with any tattoos—especially done at a place like 17Black. 
Not that there was a specific kind of person that could have tattoos or that the parlor wasn't nice, but she had a hard time picturing (Y/N) with all her ribbons, pink sweaters, and shimmer flouncing into that building and getting a design inked into her skin. Especially by someone like Bria's artist; she was already shy enough, Mikaela doubted his scowls and curt tone would be anything of comfort.
That left her raising her brows in surprise when (Y/N) happily nodded her head. "Yeah! I only have one tattoo, but Harry did it and it's"—there was a moment something dreamy flashed over (Y/N)'s gaze then—"It's perfect." 
"I didn't know you had a tattoo," Bria interjected, her expression surely mirroring Mikaela's with her own perked brows and searching gaze as if they had both somehow missed an obvious marking. 
"It's really little," (Y/N) explained, settling some in her seat, "It's on my side, like, on my ribs, so people don't really see it." 
"I never pictured you with a tattoo," Mikaela added, "And especially on your ribs. You're brave." 
"Honestly," Bria started, bouncing full brows over her eyes "I don't know how you got through it, especially with him." 
A cinch appeared between (Y/N)'s brows. "What do you mean?" 
"You probably had to take your shirt off for the rib tattoo, right?" Bria prodded, watching as (Y/N) flustered some before ultimately nodding her head, "I don't know how to act around that guy—Harry—with my clothes on, I think I would combust if he asked me to take them off." 
It wasn't hard to see that (Y/N) was bubbling with embarrassment at Bria's remark—though Mikaela did hardily agree. She wondered if (Y/N) felt the same way; it was hard to picture her getting flustered over someone like Bria's artist. There could be that whole opposites attract thing going on for them, but Mikaela could only really see the scenario where Harry would crush the marshmallow that is (Y/N).
"Oh, I don't know," she muttered half-heartedly, trailing off without a real answer, "You know, he's just..." 
"It's okay, I get it," Bria finished for her with a bubbling laugh that had (Y/N) cracking her own polite smile. "He's pretty intimidating, honestly. Not for everyone, I guess." 
With her hands a bundle in her lap, (Y/N) tilted her head, "I wouldn't say that—" 
Not a moment too soon, Professor Rian made his way back to the forefront of the auditorium—something Mikaela wished he would have done a half an hour prior. "Class dismissed. Next Wednesday we'll do our final draft reviews and the finished essays will be due next Friday at midnight. Have a nice weekend." 
"Finally," Bria exasperated, immediately rushing to pack her things just as Mikaela had before Rian had even finished talking.
(Y/N) had done the smart thing and had her things ready to go once they had finished peer reviewing, only having to sling her bag over her shoulder while she quietly waited for the pair of them to get their own shit together. 
It was wild how much more awake Mikaela felt now that class had been dismissed, leaving behind the exhausted state she was lulling into at her desk. Shrugging into her jacket, the mental list of tasks she had to accomplish before her sister, Mira, and her boyfriend would be over for dinner didn't sound so bad now.
"What are you getting, Bria? For your tattoo, I mean," she chirped up, peering around Mikaela as they walked into the corridor, steps in sync with one another. 
"The moon and some stars and stuff on the top of my hand," she explained, "It's kind of hard to describe without a picture, but it's this whole thing." 
"That sounds really pretty," (Y/N) smiled, sincerity in her voice, "Hopefully it won't take too long—I hear the top of your hand can hurt sometimes with the bones and all." 
"It might not be so bad if it took a while, right?" Mikaela piped up, shooting Bria a look from the corner of her eye. Maybe, if Mira and her boyfriend didn't overstay their welcome tonight, she'd go with Bria in the morning and see if her artist had a girlfriend or something. 
(Or was at least open to hooking up on one of the tattoo chairs). 
Leading down the hall towards the main entrance of the building, Bria nudged Mikaela's shoulder. Ahead of them, (Y/N) reached forward and opened the door for the three of them to pass through. 
"Definitely wouldn't be bad," Bria laughed, the chill of the winter air seeping through the sleeves of Mikaela's jacket as they stepped outside. "I don't know, I might even—Wait, oh my god." 
"What?" Mikaela asked, brows furrowing at the abrupt change in her friend. 
Instead of the amused bubbly expression she wore just a moment prior, Bria now looked ahead with wide eyes and gaped lips, her steps slowing over the concrete. 
(Y/N) noticed the change in her demeanor as well, peering around Mikaela as her own features molded into something of worry. "What happened?"
"He's here," Bria muttered, looking straight ahead towards the student parking lot, "That's literally him right there, isn't it? Why is he here?" 
"Who? Who's her—" 
Following Bria's line of sight, Mikaela felt her own words get stuck in her throat when she saw just what had her friend going limp. 
As if summoned, Bria's tattoo artist—Harry—had somehow found a prime parking space in the student lot and was now waiting.
He was ever the intimidating figure with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the hulking frame of the black Range Rover behind him. (Because, of course, he would drive a Range Rover). Even with the chunky black cardigan draped over his form, he didn't look any less imposing than when he had stalked through the tattoo parlor. He perfectly matched his car, all black, tattoos tracing over his skin, including the heavy chest pieces on display from the low scoop of his top. A pair of sunglasses were holding his hair back on the top of his head, with his lips set in a firm line, lip ring and all.
"He doesn't go here, right?" Mikaela blanched. Why else would be here, if not to go to class, right?
(Y/N) looked just as bewildered as they were, a cant to her head as she took him in. "What is he doing here?" she muttered, voice quiet enough to be speaking to herself.
Their small trio stood off to the side, out of the way as the rest of their classmates trickled around them as well as other students meandering through campus. From where they stood, Mikaela could see the way the tattoo artist scanned over the student body, searching for something—or someone.
He didn't come to see Bria, right? That would be crazy, leaning on certifiable—even if he was hot.
Mikaela's eyes widened when she saw (Y/N) wave her hand above her head. What was she doing? Did she not think this was weird that he had showed up to campus when he really didn't have any reason to? 
She watched as he caught sight of (Y/N)'s waving arm and his features almost immediately softened. Even from where they were standing, it was clear to see the tension releasing from his body in a breath. He pushed off from where he was lent against his Range Rover and started towards the building—towards them.
Was (Y/N) insane or something, and they'd just missed all the signs until this moment? Why would she ask him to come over here?
"He's coming over here, what the fuck," Bria murmured, just as lost as Mikaela. 
It didn't take long for his spanning strides to cross the concrete and take him to where their small group had taken root. Seeing him this close again, Mikaela realized her memory didn't do him any justice—he was more than gorgeous. Unfortunately crazy, but still hot. 
Had he always had his nose pierced? Had his eyes always been that green? Had they always been pinned to (Y/N) like that? 
"(Y/N), do you—" Bria started, only to cut herself off when (Y/N) excitedly bounced up to her toes once the tattoo artist was close. 
"What are you doing here, H?" she chirped, familiarity in her voice as she looked up at him.
Mikaela figured she wore the same expression that Bria did, with her eyes wide and brows raised, a fraction away from her jaw dropping as they watched the tattoo artist—H—pull (Y/N) into his arms and drop a kiss on the top of her head.
"Came to pick you up for lunch, if that's okay," he murmured, not sparing a glance their way as he kept the pink marshmallow in his arms. "I also noticed there was an extra jacket lying around my room that I thought was supposed to be with you." 
Sheepishly looking down, (Y/N) shook her head. "I forgot, I'm sorry." 
Adoration was clear on the tattoo artist's—her boyfriend—features. "'S alright, lovebug. I brought it with me so y'can have it the rest of the day, jus' don't keep forgetting it. 'S only getting colder out, I don't want you to get sick." 
"I won't," (Y/N) sighed, looking entirely at home as she clutched his sweater in her hands and fluttered her lashes at him as if he were a king. "Thank you." 
Mikaela couldn't help the simmering of her blood beneath her skin, surely a flush painting her complexion as she thought back to just what she and Bria had been saying during class. They talked all about how hot (Y/N)'s boyfriend was to her face, implied he was intimidating and not her type, and she had even heard them freak out thinking he had come to see them. She was never going to pair with them for peer review again.
(Though Mikaela will give herself credit for not speaking about the lingering fantasy she'd had involving one of those tattoo chairs and Harry's hair pulled back so he could focus). 
"Um," Mikaela sounded, almost cringing at how stupid she sounded from just a single syllable, "I think we should probably go, but we'll see you next week, (Y/N)." 
(Y/N) turned with her expression going bashful. Her boyfriend's hands didn't move from where they were on her waist though he finally looked up from her to see the rest of the world around them. 
"I'm sorry," she apologized as if in reflex. Looking at the man behind her, she started with a shy smile on her lips, "Harry, this is Bria and Mikaela. They're the girls from one of my English classes I've told you about." 
Back was the expression she recognized from when she had dropped by the tattoo parlor. His features hardened some, going less open and easy to read than they had been just a moment ago. He took them in with a stilted smile on his lips. 
"Nice to meet you," he murmured, his gaze flicking to Bria for a split second longer, "Actually, we've met before, right? You're my nine a.m. tomorrow." 
"I am, yeah," Bria said, sounding just as lame as Mikaela felt. It was easy to see Bria was floundering for anything to say before she finally settled on, "(Y/N) didn't tell us she had a boyfriend." 
His smile turned lopsided at that, amusement flickering in his gaze as he looked down at the marshmallow in his arms. "She didn't?" 
(Y/N) looked to the pair of them, biting back a smile as if remembering what was said back in class but deciding it was their secret to keep. "It just didn't come up." 
"Right," he smiled, squeezing her waist just enough to get her bouncing at his side with a short huff of laughter pouring out, "Are you ready to go?" 
"I think so, yeah," (Y/N) agreed, craning her neck to smile up at him before returning her attention to Mikaela and Bria. "I'll see you guys next week."
The pair shared similar goodbyes, hoping they didn't sound as embarrassed as they felt. Walking away from them, Mikaela watched Harry tangle his fingers with (Y/N), slowing just long enough to press a kiss to her forehead before leading her towards his Range Rover.
"We are the most annoying people in the world," Mikaela said, breaking their silence, "We literally said all of that about him to his girlfriend." 
"She's never going to partner for peer review with us again." 
Despite the guilt and bits of humiliation floating through her system, Mikaela couldn't shake off just how sweet it was to see (Y/N) interact with someone like that—especially someone like her boyfriend. They were clearly in love, that much she could tell.
"Oh my god," Bria said, whipping her head around to look at Mikaela with horror stricken eyes. 
"What?" Mikaela asked, taken aback at the sudden urgency in Bria's voice. Was another person they had lusted over to their partner, about to round the corner? 
"I have to see him again tomorrow," Bria whined, "And, (Y/N)'s probably going to tell him what we said." 
At that thought, Mikaela really hoped her sister would overstay her welcome tonight—give her a reason to stay in bed and leave Bria to her appointment alone. 
this is the first time im trying out this kind of pov so I really hope everyone like it! thank you sm for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and please lmk if you have any ideas you want to share!
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rogueddie · 4 months
I'll Be Here T | 1,187 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is being willing to wait for them
Eddie has always known that, one day, Steve would move to the city with Robin so he can finally go to college. Eddie has grown too aware of Steve, his tells and how much he needs Robin.
When he first brought up college, he was venting about how horrible it would be to go so long without seeing Robin.
Eddie had struggled to hold back his laughter, painfully aware that he wasn't actually venting. He was trying to find an excuse to follow her. He was trying to convince himself that it would be worth putting the effort in to go to college too.
So, when Steve shuffled in one day, concerned but excited? Eddie wasn't surprised.
"I got in," he'd started. "To college, I mean. I applied with Robin and... I got in."
"That's amazing," Eddie said. "Baby, I'm so proud of you."
And he was. He was so extremely proud and excited.
But, when the day finally came for Steve to leave, he found it hard to bring those emotions back. He hated how clearly Steve could see through his forced grins.
"I'm fine," Eddie had insisted when Steve asked. "Really. I'm going to miss you, but this is so good for you. I'm so excited to hear about what you're going to do."
"I'll call," Steve promised, arms tight around him in a hug. He only pulled back to litter Eddie's face with kisses.
And, as promised, Steve called as soon as they arrived in their new dorm. Eddie could hear Robin babbling in the background, excited about their tiny little space, whilst Steve tried to hold in his laughter long enough to spew his usual romantics.
He'd called the next day too, to let Eddie know how they'd settled in and talk about all the different activities he was planning on checking out. There was even a D&D group that made him think of Eddie, that he didn't join simply because he wants his first game to be with him.
It wasn't until the next week that he called again. Steve spent the entire call gushing about a teacher who'd sat down with him and talked him through all his options.
"I'm going to be a teacher!" Steve had finished his speech off. "For, like, middle schoolers!"
"That's amazing!" Eddie replied. "That's- Stevie, that's perfect for you! You're gonna be amazing!"
"Yeah? You really think so?"
"I know so."
Steve had warned him that he would be busy, that he wouldn't be able to call as much.
It still made something deep in Eddies chest ache when another week would go by with no news from Steve.
Eddie wasn't worried though. Not really.
Especially when he came back with Robin for Christmas.
He hadn't been able to stay more than three days but, the entire time he was back in Hawkins, he was glued to Eddie. He grabbed and held on, as if he was finally able to breathe. As if he would die if he didn't get to touch Eddie for one second longer.
Robin constantly joked that she was going to need a crowbar to pry him off of Eddie.
She was almost right. It had taken him so long to say goodbye that they left more than an hour later than they had originally planned.
Eddie waved to them as they drove off. He was surprised at how excited he felt- it would only be a year until he got to see Steve again.
They'd been reluctant to admit their plans to stay in their dorms over summer break, but Eddie had encouraged them.
It was a good idea after all.
"But he could be doing anything," Mike had frowned, confused at how calm and content Eddie was. "With anyone. And he's not talking to you! Doesn't that make you... I don't know, worry?"
"No?" Eddie frowned back. He didn't understand why the kids were so confused. "Steve wouldn't do something like that. I know that, so what do I have to worry about?"
"You're just gonna wait around forever then?"
"Nope. He's just at college, kid. He's gonna come back and, when he does, I'll be right here."
When Steve went into his second year, he had settled enough that he started calling once a month.
It quickly became Eddies favorite time of the month and, if anyone tried to get him to do anything else on the day, he would blow them off. He couldn't be late home- not when Steve was going to call.
"I miss you," Steve would always say, in lieu of a greeting.
"I miss you too, baby," Eddie always mumbled back. He would cradle the phone close, with both hands, as he did.
"I keep thinking about you," Steve promised.
He would say it every call, repeating it as though worried that Eddie might forget. That Eddie might doubt that.
Eddie would always divert the conversation before Steve could spiral too much.
He always gave the same farewell when it came time for Steve to hang up so he could study or take part in whatever activity Robin has dragged him into that week.
"I'll be here," Eddie always said. "Don't worry about me. I could wait forever for you, big boy."
The third and fourth year went the same as the first.
Each Christmas was glorious. But, for the third Christmas, they'd managed to organise enough so they could spend a whole week in Hawkins.
Eddie insisted on taking polaroids of them. His favorite is the one he'd snapped of Steve, who was unaware, soft and sleepy in Eddie's kitchen.
"This is the last year," Steve told him, at the start of his fifth year. "Just this year, then I'm coming home."
One more year. It was the phrase that had been getting Eddie through the waiting, but it didn't help anymore. It only made it worse.
He couldn't stop thinking about how, when Steve does come back, he's staying.
Wayne helped him move out the trailer, and into his own. It wasn't any bigger than Wayne's, but it was enough for Eddie. He knew it would be enough for Steve.
The hideout didn't pay well, but Eddie was careful with his government hush money. He had plenty, more than enough to last a lifetime if budgeted right.
He made sure everything was ready for Steve. He made sure their home was ready.
And, when Steve does come home, all Eddie feels is love.
"Welcome home," Eddie says, leading him into their trailer.
"Oh, it's perfect," Steve whispers.
Eddie can hear the genuine awe in his voice. He grabs Steve, turning him around so he can finally see the expression too.
"You're so beautiful," Eddie says. "God, I missed you so much."
Steve practically throws himself at Eddie, their teeth clashing harshly with how hard Steve kisses him.
"Fuck," Steve groans, holding Eddie's face in both his hands. "You really waited for me all this time- Eds, God, I love you so much."
"I love you, too. I love you, more than anything, baby. You're worth the wait, you're so worth it."
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mastermindmiko · 7 months
pairing: Sirius Black + fem!reader
word count: 2207
Summary: After sirius moves in, you find it harder to keep your feelings hidden, but when you go back to hogwarts, you start to realise that maybe you're not the only one who has those feelings
Warnings: none, I think maybe some spelling mistakes
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
requests are open
an: In a few days, another Sirius + James' sister one shot will be posted. lmk which one you liked more.
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He was what every girl and almost every boy wanted. He had the most beautiful hair and the most charming smile. He was charismatic and chaotic in every good way. He fulfilled some people's fantasies by spending a week with them, but he never stayed for longer than that.
To most people, Sirius Black was a complete enigma, but not to me. He is best friends with my brother, and he'd always come spend a few days with us during the summer, but last summer, he came to stay with us permanently.
I, like most of the Hogwarts' population was in love with Sirius Black. What differentiated me from the rest of them was that I actually knew him. Or at least as much as I could with my brother around constantly.
"Honey! Come down for breakfast!" I heard my dad shout, and I hop off my bed. It was Dad's turn to make breakfast today which made me excited. I loved my mom with every fiber of my being, but I could not ever love her cooking.
I open the door, and I stumble into Sirius. He was coming out of his room just like me. He's room is right across from mine, and the only thing separating them was a narrow hallway. James' room was right beside mine, but he mostly bunked over at Sirius'.
"Hi." I say when he's face to face with me. He gives me a smile, and I nearly faint. He really did have the most charming smile to have ever existed. He asked, "So, Monty's cooking today?"
"Score!" He said, excitedly. Knowing Dad, what could be awaiting down stairs could range from bacon and eggs to his wonderful pancakes, I really hope he made the pancakes. Sirius steps closer to me and holds my hand. I also hope that he doesn't notice the way my cheeks turned red at the action. Sirius said, "Come on, let's go."
He started leading me down stairs, and I couldn't help but smile. this was the bright side of having Sirius over for the summer, getting to spend more time with him, and not having to worry about him every second while he's with his horrible family.
"Wait up!" James says from behind us, and I groan internally. James jogs up to us and puts his arm around my shoulder and around Sirius'. He separates us with his body, and I feel the need to smack him. I can't though because who knows what my brother will do if he finds out about how I feel about Sirius.
"Potters! How are you this fine day?" Dad says, and I grin. I look at the table that he has set, and I notices the pancakes. I celebrate my triumph and head to the table. I head to sit at my usual place, but Sirius beats me to it by pulling out my chair for me. I grin at him gratefully, though the behavior is odd. James sits opposite to me. Dad sits at the head of the table, and mom's seat is opposite to him.
I feel the chair next to me get pulled out from under the table, and I look up in surprise to find Sirius going to sit next to me. James notices to, so before Sirius can be fully seated James shouts, "Oi! What you doing over there?"
"I wanted a change for a bit. Besides now I can see you better without having to break my neck." Sirius teases James and gives him a flirty wink. James looks at Sirius suspiciously, but drops it when dad puts James' plate in front of him. I feel butterflies at the fact that Sirius decided to sit next to me.
James shoves a large piece of food in his mouth, and he moans at how delicious the food is. He gulps it down, and looks at dad to say, "I wish you could cook for us everyday."
"Why's that James?" Mom says, coming down the stairs. James pauses and looks at mom scared. She heads towards the table and Sirius greets, "Good morning, Mia."
"Good morning, Sirius." Mom greets back and pulls out her chair to sit. She sits down, straightens her clothes then looks back at James. She repeats, "Why's that, James?"
"Because uh because you work too hard everyday and deserve to rest." James stutters, and I hid my grin behind my hand. Sirius on my right is doing the same as me. Mom hums, satisfied by James' answer, but not believing it one bit. Mom turns to me to ask, "How are you feeling, Honey? This years a big year."
It is. I get to take my OWLs and that means studying all the time, except when there's Quidditch of course. OWLs are very very important, and if I want to be an Auror like mom and dad I need to ace them, which isn't an easy feat. I feel my stomach bubble in nervousness every time I think about the exams. I reply, "Fine."
"You don't have to worry dear, I'm sure you'll do great." Mom reassures me, but it quite frankly does very little. James says, "You're a huge nerd, you'll do well."
I'm not sure if what James said could be categorized as an insult or a compliment. Dad jumps on the supportive train and says, "Besides, if you ever need any help your two brothers can help you."
My face scrunches up at the idea that Sirius is my brother. It makes me feel icky, but I hide my displeasure by giving dad a thankful smile. I wondered if Sirius thought about me that way, too. He's known me ever since he's known James, and as James' younger sister, I wouldn't doubt that he feels some sort of sibling connection between us like the one he feels with James.
"We need to get going, the train will leave in thirty minutes." Sirius said, and I glance up at the clock to find out he was right. I quickly munch on my food and so does everyone else. I needed to check that I have everything I need before we get going.
It doesn't take us a long time before we're on the train. I say goodbye to my mom and dad, and they rush to get to work before they're late. We go to our usual compartment where Remus and Peter are already waiting. I squeak in excitement when I see Remus, and jump into his arms.
I laugh as he embraces me just as tightly. Remus was my closest friend out of all of the boys, and I would say my only friend. Being siblings with James meant that it was hard making friends because everyone wanted me to get to him.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around my middle and pull me away from Remus. I frown at the action, and turn around to tell James off, but instead I see Sirius. My frown depends. Remus sits back in his seat, and before I can sit next to him, Sirius beat me to it. Sirius seats me beside him, and James sits next to Peter, opposite to us.
They all chat about their summers before Remus has to go to the Prefect's compartment for a meeting. I try not to think about Sirius' odd behavior and I try not to think about the way his arm hasn't left my waist. My heart hasn't stopped racing ever since he put it there.
Remus leaves the compartment and leaves a few sad faces as he goes. I grin at my brother's childish antics, and Remus reassures them that he'll be back as soon as he can. Remus waves to me and gives me a smile. I do the same, and I once again, pretend that I don't notice the way Sirius' arm tightens around me. The action however brings James' attention to the situation.
"Um, Padfoot." James says, glaring at Sirius' hand that's around me. Sirius frowns and then notices his arm. He pulls it off me and I feel cold at the loss of contact. Sirius apologizes sheepishly, "Sorry Prongs."
"You better not be thinking about my sister like that." James says, half joking, half dead serious. Sirius chuckles, but there's a tinge of nervousness to it. He replies, "No way, you know that Glynnis is my only girl."
I couldn't believe that I felt jealous, especially jealous of a girl who's twenty years older than me and a famous seeker.
I may be an idiot and I wouldn't be surprised if I am because I'm thinking that maybe this year is the year that Sirius Black falls for me. He's been acting strange, but in a good way. It's only a few things that I've noticed, they're all subtle, but they mean the world to me.
My only problem with these new actions were that they would all be perceived as protective...in a brotherly way. The thought alone is enough to make me gag.
"Potter and Black."
I look up to see that Professor Slughorn has called out the names of the partners. I hate Professors and their need to force inter-house unity. I look to find Regulus not moving from his place but his previous partner packing up his things.
Regulus doesn't move an inch, and doesn't even look at me. I roll my eyes, and head over to his desk with my stuff. Merlin! I hope this is at least a bit bearable. I huff and place my stuff on his- our desk. He doesn't say anything when I sit. I purse my lips and let out a polite, "Hey."
He hums, but doesn't look at me. Professor Slughorn starts to talk about the lesson, and so he starts to jot down some notes. So this is how it's going to be for the rest of the semester? Great. I pull out my parchment paper and start writing down some notes myself, but much less vigorous than Regulus is.
Regulus takes the lead in the potions making, and I'm not complaining. Potters have always been great at potions, but the tradition ends with me and James. We're complete messes when it comes to potions. It broke our dad's heard, but our love for Quidditch mended it again.
"How is he?" Regulus randomly whispers, and I could barely hear it. I frown and look at him confused. I ask, "What?"
"Sirius, how is he?" Regulus says, and continues to chop up whatever ingredient he has and places it in the potion. He isn't looking at me and my heart breaks a little. He still cares about him. I reply, "He's good."
Regulus doesn't reply, but nods his head. Regulus is much like Sirius when he was younger. Up until third year, Sirius was quiet which seems impossible considering how he is now. Sirius lacked confidence due to the way his parents raised him. He always said that being sorted into Gryffindor saved him. I wonder if Regulus was the same, except he didn't have anyone to save him.
"If you um if you ever want to talk or something like that, I'm here." I whisper and for the first time. Regulus looks at me. He looks like a mix between surprised and confused. He clears his throat and looks away. He continues to do whatever he's been doing. He says, "We're going to talk anyway."
"We have to get the project done." Regulus says before I can inquire about his sentence. I notice that Slughorn's rambling on about some sort of project that each pair has to get done by a month. The bells ring and Regulus packs up his stuff quickly, leaving the cauldron for the professor to check. I say, "Bye?"
The Black brothers were definitely going to be making this year interesting.
"Where are you going?" Sirius asks me as I head out with several books huddled in my arms, heading to meet Regulus to get the project done. He's resting on the couch with his arms spread out just like his legs. I try not to stare.
"Since when are you interested in my whereabouts?" I tease him, and Sirius Black, Mr. Charmer, Sir flirting, blushes, and looks away. The action fuels my suspicions that my crush may not be unrequited anymore.
"Just in case James asks." Sirius answers, and I feel my heart plummet, but I still hold on to some hope. I nod and head out of the common room. I call out once I open the portrait, "If he really wants to know then he can check that map of his."
It's not that I don't want to tell sirius that I'm meeting Regulus. It's that I don't know where they stand. Regulus clearly still cares about his brother while Sirius hates his family, I don't know if that means Regulus included.
I'm already at the library, and I sit down next to Regulus, who already has some books open and writing something. I sit down, and Regulus quips, "Took you long enough."
"I'm two minutes late!" I chuckle, and Regulus wastes no time before saying, "I think we should recreate the polyjuice potion."
"But it's very complex." I say weary of the idea. Even the best potion masters have trouble making that one. Regulus says, "which will make it all that more impressive when we get it right."
"Alright, but you're the one who is trying it, not me." I say, raising both my hands as if I'm surrendering. Regulus smiles, a rare thing that I only get to see every so often. He says, "Only if I get to turn into you."
"I'll have a stack of hairs ready." I say with a grin. Regulus' smile falls, and I miss the presence of it. It made him look much less intimidating. His eyes fall to something behind me, and I look to see Sirius sitting between bookshelves, hiding behind a large book about women's problems in the wizarding world.
"We have a stalker." Regulus says, and I actually am surprised that we can so obviously see Sirius. He's always been the best hider out of all the boys, sans invisibility cloak, of course. I turn back to my work and huff, "He's protective."
"He's jealous." Regulus says, and I look at him bewildered. I scoff and chuckle in a weird way and say, "he's acting like that because he thinks I'm his little sister."
"Now, I know that incest runs in Black blood, but Sirius looks at you the way he looks at Glynnis Griffiths." Regulus says, growing more annoyed by Sirius' presence. I stand up. I sigh, "I'll get rid of him."
I walk towards him, and he fumbles on his book, dropping it to the ground. He picks it up quickly and steps deeper in between the bookshelves. I fold my arms in front of my chest and tap my foot against the ground. I purse my lips and then say, "I assume James put you up to this."
"Yes, definitely." Sirius replies in an instant, taking off the dark glasses that he's wearing. I narrow my eyes and him and fake ignorance, "Weird, considering that James has private practice with the beaters today."
Sirius turns viably nervous, very nervous. He looks down to the ground and fidgets. Does Sirius actually have feelings for me? All the signs are there. I take a chance, "Sirius, do you like me?"
"What?!! Why would you say that- I- what I...yes." Sirius sighs at the end and looks down at the ground. I don't say anything and watch him frown. He rubs his face, frustrated, "James is going to kill me."
"He'll just maim you a little." I say and take a step closer to him. I shrug my shoulders and suggest, "Besides, we don't have to tell him right away. We can just put the idea in his head and make him open up to it little by little."
"Wait? You like me?" Sirius says, eyes wide and shocked. I roll my eyes. Some boys are really just idiots. I don't answer him, instead, I pull his tie and kiss him.
I furthermore realise why so many people that were with Sirius never wanted to leave him. He was an amazing kisser. He pulls away and grins at me. He looks at me in a way that makes me feel like my insides are doing cartwheels. I ask, "What?"
"Nothing, you're just so much better than Glynnis."
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izpira-se-zlato · 6 months
Bootleg Hojan Merch
I know Nace shared part of the story in an interview a couple days ago, but I was planning on doing a write-up before I knew that, so here you go 😂 Also contains the continuation of the saga in Finland :D
Putting this under a cut because it's gonna be a bit of a read (plus a few more pictures). Yeah, I hope no one here is surprised that I suck at keeping things short 😂
So I have done a fair bit of clownery this year, and the most recent bit (before the shirt project) was attending two of the Polish gigs, Wrocław and Poznań.
I was wearing my Cha Cha Cha shirt to the Poznań gig, and when taking pictures with Bojan and Nace after the show, I opened my jacket so the shirt was visible. When stepping back after the pic, Nace spied the shirt and was kinda excited about seeing Käärijä merch – though he prefers the Häärijä merch, as he told us, because he's a "big fan" (his words, not mine).
So back at the hotel, I told @braveheart1418, "God, I'm so tempted to try to procure an actual Häärijä shirt. Tell me that's a stupid idea." Of course she did no such thing and so we looked into how much it would cost (too much) and how long it would take (too long), and so I was like, "bummer. And I'm not comfortable making bootleg official merch. Although, omg – it would be hilarious of we did Hojan merch!"
And the longer I thought about it, the more I fell in love with the idea. Again, I told friends, "tell me that would be a stupid idea," and again, they were filthy enablers, and so I started looking into the matter semi-seriously once I was back home (that was Wednesday the 22nd, so almost exactly a week before I left on a business trip leading into a stay at my parents' place leading into the gig).
The first thought was to get a big HOJAN in the Häärijä lettering on foil to iron onto a black shirt, though @braveheart1418 had commented that the design with a picture Häärijä on is much more memorable. That was a very valid point, except that there were no Hojan pics in suitable resolution that were in the right pose.
Thus, things I needed to solve:
get a plotter to cut out "Hojan" for the chest -> my mom said my cousin had a friend with a plotter. Contact was established
get a picture similar to the official merch of Hojan -> I reached out to Dean, who was absolutely lovely and set me up with a picture I could use
clip Hojan from the picture -> I had @submariini as well as another dear friend help me there because they are both much better at photoshop than me and were kind enough to offer their help, and decided to add the yellow border because the best picture Dean had sent me was black & white
get transfer paper -> easy: amazon (loathe as I am to use it)
find a copy shop to print Hojan for me -> tricky bc I got Inkjet-Printer transfer paper and most copy shops have laserjets, if they allow using your own paper at all -> I got laserjet transfer paper and once again had my cousin come to the rescue and helped me print it :D
find t-shirts in the right sizes -> I solved this by eyeballing and taking pics of my dad in the various sizes to check with @submariini. While nerve-wrecking, I am astonished just how well the sizing worked out in the end!
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Despite the limited time (limited further by me getting sick Monday/Tuesday before my business trip), it all came together beautifully: I did a test-print Friday evening and picked up the foil cuts, went shirt shopping with my parents on Saturday (shout out to them for letting their adult kid drag them through three different clothes stores and especially to my dad for gamely trying on half a dozen shirts and waiting while I yelled at ed about which to take 😂), finished the test shirt (mine) that evening and adjusted the colours on the outline to be closer to the foil, printed three more copies of Hojan Sunday morning, and got them ready just in time for leaving for the gig!
Which was yet again nerve-wrecking because of the unprecedented amounts of snow happening in Bavaria, but it stood no chance against our determination!
Unfortunately, the snow situation meant that JO couldn't come out after the show, so I passed the shirt to Nace during it and received a pick in return, which made me bluescreen as I hadn't expected an exchange 😂 He put the shirt down without having looked at it, which was a bit unfortunate because I would have loved to have seen his reaction, but it was still a pretty cool moment.
They did get a lot of gifts this close to St. Nikolaus (which is also celebrated in Germany, or at least was in my youth), most of which they left on the stage for the crew to gather up, so I bluescreened even worse when Nace bee-lined over to me as they came back on stage for the SSOL-encore to thank me again for the shirt – others told me later he'd taken it backstage after Carpe Diem with him, which I'd missed 😅
After the show, I met @mogoce-nocoj and ended up talking to her for quite a while outside the venue because neither of us wanted to split off into different directions, and so it wasn't until we were on our way back to @braveheart1418's hotel room (finally accepting that we wouldn't manage to say goodbye quite so soon and might as well talk somewhere warm 😅) that I saw that Bojan had posted the story to his Instagram 😂. Let me just say that it was very fortunate we were still out-doors and not near normal flats, because I don't think I was quiet when I saw 😂
I actually ended up making four shirts including my trial one – one for Nace, one for Häärijä himself because it felt fitting, and one for @submariini because he's such a Häärijä fan :D
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The latter two, I took with me to Rovaniemi (which was ed's fault, because (and I quote), "come to Rollo! It'll be fun!"), where a bunch of friends and I met up for a birthday party slash Käärijä gig (over 20 clowns in one place, it was amazing, 10/10 would do again (genuinely)). The weather and means of transport tried to keep us apart (train strikes and ice rains on my end, though I still had better luck than Joker Out), but we actually all made it and by now all made it back again, too :D
As I mentioned in a different post, I actually managed to hand over the shirt to Häärijä before the gig, and he told me he would wear it on stage, which he did! I also got a picture with him, ed, and me all in our shirts, which was also pretty great :D
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So, yeah! The Process™ of project 1.
Thank you so so much to everyone who helped and encouraged me along the way -- my parents and my cousin, the gift to our fandom that is Dean Grainger (none of whom will hopefully ever read this specific post), @braveheart1418, @submariini, @alephai, my dearest friend K who's been an enabler for so so many shenanigans, and xia!bf for bearing with my insanity (both where the shirts are concerned and the general Käärijä/JO brainrot) and helping me make this project a reality 💛
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aphroditesmoon · 10 months
fall with me
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jacaerys velaryon x fem!reader
summary: when an earthquake hits the city of King's Landing, causing a giant flood, you end up trapped with your ex in a mountain cabin.
warnings: modern!au, post-apocalyptic fic, inspired by the show 'Class of 07', NSFW, smut. (minors dni!!), makeouts, mentions of ED & sex & suicide, death.
A/N: had this idea for a while now lol.
"You know what I call situations like these?" For someone who had almost died, pressing over 170 on his car to reach here, he sure sounded positive. "Do not say fate-"
"Fate." He had that stupid shit eating grin you can't tell if you wanted to punch or kiss off of his face. "I wished I'd never opened the door." You concluded.
Jacaerys lets out a tired sigh as he finally stops trying too see through the fog outside the window. He moves to sit crossed legged opposite of you, back againts the wall. "Someone's gonna find us. I can feel it."
You scrunched your face and looked at him with pity. "You thought you felt me orgasm the first time we-" he cuts you off with a groan and starts shushing you immediately. "This is like the worst time to remind me, I almost died out there." You snorted as he buries hus face on his knees. A minute passes and you finally decided to speak again. "Did you get an amber alert, or something? Before shit started cracking?" He shook his head, lifting it up to finally meet your eyes. "Me neither."
You wondered if he saw anything other than fog out there. The last thing you saw when you let him in was the grounds behind him cracking into pieces, bursting as water starts filling in. You don't want to look again. It has been 5 hours since then. The two of you had checked out every single item you could find in this cramped cabin and decided to do intermittent fasting so the food stock would last longer.
The way he looked at you as it was discussed made it obvious that the both of you had the same question. Does this count as encouragement for eating disorders if the world is ending?
But you pushed through for the idea, so he agrees.
"Do you think our families are okay?" He asks, barely a whisper in the quiet space. You stared down at your hands and let out an awkward laugh. "Is it bad that I haven't thought of them at all since this shit started?" He shakes his head with a small smile. "I just remembered them too actually." You hummed. "Times like these, selfishness prevails." He nods in agreement.
You notice how he opens his mouth sightly before closing it back and turning his head around, pretending to inspect it. "What?" He acts confused. "You were gonna say something just now, what was it?"
He stutters as he's confronted, trying to convince you it's nothing. "Just spit it out Jace, we're like, a thunder away into dying."
"No, I- its a stupid, stupid curiosity, I mean, when you said before, that you didn't orgasm when-" "Yes, Jace, you have made me orgasm before. That one time didn't count." "Oh." He lets out an awkward laugh, nodding in understanding as he moves to change the subject.
"Thats good-um, you know I heard a few weeks back that your cat just died?"
You stared at him in disbelief, not knowing if you wanted to laugh or cry. He was never good at hiding his embarrassment. "Yeah, he did." The strangeness stretches. "Sorry about that, I liked him."
"Yeah, he liked you too."
"I remember..." he begins. "The first time I came over, he was so scared that his tail spiked up." You laughed out weakly at the memory. Although, your smile was genuine. You missed your cat. And you missed those times where your biggest fear wasn't dying.
"Do you think any of them made it out there?" His eyes filled with so much hope and light, and you wondered how long you could hold on to them until eventually, he'd break too. "I don't know." He answers finally. Of course he didn't. "I wouldn't mind dying if they are." Neither of you teared off your gazes from eachother. "I'll stay alive if you do." You laugh at the way he says it. "Is that a threat?" He smiles. "It's a promise."
You felt your smile fade away slowly. The world is ending, you don't need to fake a smile to make other people less uncomfortable anymore.
"If you die on me, do you think I'll have any spark of hope left in me to go on?" He wasn't smiling either now. "I won't die." You assure him. He remains tense, the new fear of you dying begins to haunt him. "Maybe we could just sleep for a very long time, and it'll all be well when we wake up." You dreamt aloud, earning a raised brow from him. "Oh I wish so too."
"Do you want to hold my handas?" He asks suddenly.
If it was during anytime else, you'd tease him of it, you'd tell him; if you wanted to touch me, just say that. And you'd hold it before he could say anything else. If the world is ending you'd know the right things to say to him, the right response to his assurance and comfort.
But the world is ending, so you said what you wanted to, all the things you wished you've said before and never did. "If you wanted to touch me, just say so." He chuckles sincerely, showcasing his perfect teeth. "If I say yes, will you finally come sit closer to me." You tilt your head towards the ceiling, pretending to think. "So stubborn, up until the end." He mutters.in an annoyed tone.
"You come here, I'm not moving." You decided, making him roll his eyes but complied to your demands anyways
You give a good look at his face once he's next to you. "Better?" He whispers. "Better." You nod. Turning your head back to your front, you let your eyes shut close as your head leans into his shoulder. Seconds after, you feel him leaning into you too. It took less than an hour for the both of you to fall deep into a tiring dreamless sleep.
"What if we just started having sex until we both get cardiac arrest and die." Jace looks bewildered by your suicide ideas but laughs as easily as he usually does, a part of him always remaining unfazed by your mind. "Creative. I'll keep it in consideration."
He had woken from your 6 hour nap first and took the initiative to carry you towards the stiff queen bed further right from the kitchen. When you finally woke up, your head was againts his chest as his arms were wrapped around you like it was always meant to be there. You decided you were comfortable, and he had no complains. So the two of you defied the rules of exes and continued to stay like that.
He allows you to come up with as much suicide plans for emergencies as you wanted to. Not too realistic though, he warned. Im sensitive. You laughed when he sniffled. I know you are, baby. You were comfortable wasting the hours like this, but Jacaerys insisted on some food. You watched as he boiled up sone water and prepared the two of you some instant noodles and boiled eggs. "I can't believe there's still water." You think out loud. He pulls out a bowl for your noodles. "Me neither, this could be the last of it though, so we'll need to save it."
"No showers then?" He finishes up the noodles and carries yours to eat in bed. You thank hin as he places the warm bowl in your hands. "We take turns every 2 days, unless you want to showee together." You almost spit out your noodles, coughing slightly, you lightly shove him, ignoring his free and joyfilled laugh towards your reaction. "Athhowl." You mutter incoherently while slurping your noodles, ignoring him when he leaned in to kiss your cheek.
Insufferable. And yet you were grateful, that out of everyone, it was him that you were stuck with.
Evening came again, faster than you thought. Has it really been two days?
Jace is cutting up the last singular apple for the two of you to share. You're laying on your side, back towards him. The whole situation was finally making you feel disgusting and terrified. It's been two days and there was no one coming. You knew that because you opened the door that morningz and you slammed it close againbwhen you saw how the water has reached the last step of staircase leading onto the cabin. And how fron there, the rest of the world turned into an ocean. Not a singular city let alone person, seen. Just water.
You were singing quietly when he calls out your name. "And I will pretend..."
You heard him, but said nothing in return. "...That I don't know, of your sins." He calls out again, gentle but louder as he sits by the bedside. "Come on, let's eat." His voice was pleading. You make yourself turn towards him, for his own sake. And you let him feed slices of apples in your mouth whole your eyes remain closed.
And then you felt him press a cold kiss on iour forehead when he's finished. "Jacaerys." You call him out when you feel him walk away to put away the dishes.
He came back soon enough, squeezing himself into the bed. "Jacaerys." You repeated. He looks down at you, a trying smile accompanying him. "Yes?"
"I'm glad its you. I'm glad you're here." His forehead leaned againts yours and you feel his body relaxes. "I'm glad it's you too." When he kisses you. It wasn't shocking, or unexpected. It was waited for, It felt like completion.
His soft lips has begun to push harder againts yours, Jacaerys now sitting on top of your laying self. Letting him enter his tongue inside your mouth, your hands wrap themselves around his neck, gasping quietly as he sucks on your bottom lip. Jace. You whined as he moves his attack down your neck. Who is he marking you for? You wonder, as he bites the flesh tenderly and stroking over it with his tongue. His fingers were quick to unbotton your top, like he's had your body and accessories memorised.
The sight of your bare breasts instead of bra sent shoots of arousal straight to his cock. He groaned at your perk nipples before wrapping his lips around them. Your leg rises to wrap around his waist, groaning at the sensation of his touch.
You could've cried when you felt him grind againts your soaking cunt, pushing your hips back againts him, the barrier of his jeans and your panties in the way. "Take of your pants." You gasped out as he starts giving your other breast the same attention whole groping and squeezing the other.
His hands were quick at your permission, the sounds of his jeans falling to the floor, giving you relief and sanity as you rid yourself of your own underwear.
You groaned loudly once he pushed himself inside of you, feeling the fullness as he pulls out slightly to push back in, making you whine out his name again. Your hands are clenching the sheets beside your head as you let him fuck you deep. He rests his head in the crook of your neck, grunting in your ear when you tighten around him, your tight cunt suffocating his hardness, feeling yourself getting closer.
He came right after you, your cum mixing with eachother's and leaking down your thighs.
He slumps by your side, pulling you againts his chest as the two of you got off your high. Wiping on your sightly sweaty hair, he combs his fingees through them as the both of you relish eachother's company for as long as you could. He wishes that night as he watches you fall back asleep, that if the world would to kill one of you, let it take the other one too.
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rrenzwrld · 6 months
secreto de amor VII
chapter 7! read chapter 6 here
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“y/n~i need to talk to you.”
“you always need to talk to me. talk to your other friends.”
“don’t get smart with me. i just wanted to remind you about the business trip i’m going on. i leave next wednesday.” jean worked with a company that providing them with relaxing trips out of the country twice a year because they know how taxing the job can be.
“where you going this time?”
“it’s actually a cruise, going to the bahamas. i’ll be gone for two weeks tho, much longer than last time.”
“two weeks??” that caught your attention. you were used to jean and his trips but you’ve never been left alone for two weeks.
“i figured you don’t need a babysitter because you’re 18 but some people will swing by to check on you.”
“you tell—“
“yes i told mom and dad. they’ll come check on you and if you get scared just stay over there.”
“anything else i need to know?”
“nope, think that’s all. love you!” jean closed the door behind him. although it was only tuesday and he had about a week to prepare, it shouldn’t worry him about leaving you. he knew that you were a good kid, you don’t cause trouble , and you’re practically already independent apart from you living with him. so he didn’t know why he was feeling weird about all of this.
later on that day, you called tia to have your daily conversation and some interesting things were brought up.
“you said he said what now?”
“just reposting tweets n shit and relationships, talkin bout some ‘i’ll take my old bitch over a new bitch any day’” the dude in question was your ex you dated for two years until he cheated. he was your first and last boyfriend and luckily you hadn’t lost your virginity to him or else you’d be going mad even now.
“a weirdo for real. remind me why you follow him again?”
she shrugged. “to be nosy. give us something to talk about.”
“your brother still going on the trip thingy?”
“yeah, why?”
“just asking. don’t he always go around the same time?”
“yeah but i didn’t think you were paying attention. he’s gonna be gone for two weeks this time.”
“two weeks?? oh you’ll be dead before he gets back.”
“don’t say that! i can handle myself fine for two weeks.”
“you don’t even sound like you believe yourself. but look at the bright side,” you rolled your eyes as you already knew what would come next. “connie can come over without any interruptions and he’ll stay and keep you company, and then~” tia started clapping her hands and moaning.
you laughed. “i fucking hate you. i don’t even think about him like that, he 22.”
“so? older dick be the best dick.”
“i’m gonna hang up on you.”
“it’s okay if you wanna hang up on me to call your man.”
“i don’t have a man.”
next wednesday rolled around quicker than you thought and it didn’t seem real to you up until you saw your brother all packed up in suit and tie.
“why you dressed up? i thought you were going on the trip to relax.”
“there’s a meeting right before we board the plane.” you nodded as you watched your brother put on his dress shoes. “are you sure you’ll be okay? you’ll call or text if you need anything right?”
“yes, i’ll be okay. just have fun.”
“i already called everyone to let them know so some one would be there everyday to check on you. and don’t throw any parties or anything while i’m gone.”
“i’ll try not to.” you joked. but he knew you weren’t like that. the most you’d probably do is have tia sleep over or something and just the two of you do stupid shit in the comfort of your own home.
“well,” he started as you helped him load the last of his things in his car. “i love you, i’ll be back in two weeks. i’ll call and text everyday, just don’t die on me.” he laughed while he pulled you into a tight embrace
“i won’t die, promise.”
after the both of you struggled to let go, you bid him a formal farewell as you watched him back out the parking lot, “love you too, be safe!”
after all that, it was weird having the place to yourself but you’d just operate how you would normally do. the only difference was that jean wasn’t present and you had to get used to that. but as he said, over the two weeks, people came to check on you every day.
you had visits from your older stepbrother elliot snd his girlfriend, your mom, your stepdad, and even your biological dad who really just started speaking to you after your mom remarried. but family wasn’t the only people who were there for you. you had visits from sasha who you’d hang out with from time to time, and sleepovers with your friend tia. but one person you really should’ve saw coming was connie. but you didn’t know how you felt just yet.
“y/n~” you heard connie call out to you from your room but he stopped in the doorway when he made it. “your brother told me to—“
“check up on me?”
“yeah, but.. a little more than that.”
“he gave me a key, see?” he held it up proudly but you were shocked and maybe a bit upset.
“when did he give you a key? and why?” connie walked into your room and sat at the chair by your desk.
“he wants me to check on you
“people do that already.”
“yeah but he wants me to check on you everyday.. for multiple times a day.”
“so i don’t have a choice.. but to see you everyday?”
“multiple times a day, yes.” he smiles. “but that makes it easier for us to get to know each other.”
“don’t you have things to do? like work or..?”
“yeah but i’ll just come here after.” you rolled your eyes. although jean suspected that connie was trying something with you, he still trusted connie to keep you safe if anything else.
“whatever.” you went back to whatever you were doing.
“right,” connie stood up to walk out the room. “and imma need your number or something.”
“to track me?”
“no, just to keep in contact with you. weirdo.” he laughed. you were the weirdo? you ended up putting your number in his phone and he put his number in yours. “i turned locations on by the way. i’ll be back, bye!” he left before you could even get on him about it.
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whomstress · 7 months
What it Takes to Feel Real (Part 1)
(Part 2)
Just wanted to explore Jax's more vulnerable side. Gooseworx here on tumblr said in an ask that everyone in the circus including Jax has a reason for why he turned out the way they are when asked if he was just an asshole or was it the circus that made him worse.
And though that's pretty vague I wanted to explore that! So here's a little bit of angst. Don't worry next chapters wholesome break!
‘This isn’t real,’ Jax tries to remind himself every day. It’s one of the things that keeps him sane. He could do anything he wanted here, and none of it would matter when he got out. All the bad behavior, pranks, and things he did just crossed the line. All of them really didn’t matter because, in the end, even if they could feel simulated pain, he literally could not do any real damage to anyone in here.
Wherever their real bodies were, they were much more in danger there than any loony toon charade he could do here. Caine tries to convince them that everything is constantly changing. But nothing ever changes. The same tent, the same sky, the same 90s digtial hell hole every damn day for years. Characters come and go, which is the only exception, except it’s also not. After all this time, he can tell who has it in them and who is going to crack. Only a matter of time is the real surprise before they’re tossed and forgotten with the rest of the cast. Heh “cast”, “characters”, he hated when he realized that’s all he sees them as now.
Knowing he can just do anything and everything he wants to when he wants to without any real-world consequences was something that somehow kept him sane. He probably says something about his psyche, but he doesn’t care to dwell on it. Sure, he was never a nice guy. For whatever reason he was here, he secretly knew he was the one who deserved to be here the most. Whether or not he’d admit it to anyone or himself was another story.
Still, the thought made him bitter. Why him? Yeah, he was a jerk and only got worse in here, but he knew he wasn’t a monster. Well, at least before. He's done some seriously questionable things since he’s been here. Some in private, some in public, and, to be honest, he didn’t care anymore. He knew what everyone thought about him. They think he’s a pest; oh, then he’d be a pest. Everyone here has gotten worse in their own way. Just cause he copes differently to stay alive, they had no right to judge him. None of them were better than him.
Except, one. Ragatha. The light in this tent. She stayed bright when others crumbled to the dark around her. She doesn’t even remember how many years she’s been here anymore, but he knows Kinger and her have been stuck here longer than anyone else. There had been several times he almost broke like everyone, but unlike everyone, Ragatha came to check on him. No matter what kind of asshole he’d been that week to her, trust him, sometimes it got bad. If she saw he was struggling, she’d put everything aside not to lose another “friend.”
He didn’t want to be her friend. For the longest time, they didn’t even like each other. She saw him as an annoyance, and he saw her as just another cog in the machine he got to mess with. He did have to admit that she was the most attractive one there. Probably because she actually had a human body, sort of at least, and so what? Kill him; he had a thing for redheads! However, again, that’s the furthest it went.
Out of everyone in this dump, she was the least annoying and funniest to mess with. Unlike Gangle, who’d cry like a baby, and Zooble, who’d try to beat his ass, she had a range of responses. From completely blowing it off to the cutest, least-threatening little pout to jumping in his arms to get away from a centipede, her reactions were always the best.
He found out the hard way. Things do change here. They got closer; it was the stupidest moment for her, but she saved him from falling straight into the basement when Caine wasn’t looking. The scene was straight from that movie for 5-year-olds, where she held out her hand for him and asked him if she trusted him. He looked at her and then at the pit of hell below him and said, “Yes.”
She grabbed him, nearly falling in herself, and when they were safe on the ground, she cried her eyes out into his fur, holding on to him like she was the one that was almost killed. Maybe it was from the shock, or maybe he was just too damn tired at that moment to push her away, but he let her cry in his arms. Shedding the tears for him, he vowed to stop letting him feel himself years ago. After that, things were different. It didn't matter anyway, he reminded himself; it wasn’t real.
He hated it, but he soon realized that whenever she called them friends, it annoyed him again, but in a different way. He didn’t want to be her friend, and he knew why. He tried to keep his feelings under wraps, still pranking and trying to play it cool, but of course she saw right through him. She knew something was "wrong,” and she wouldn’t leave him alone, no matter how much he pushed her away. Finally, he snapped; he’d purposely been avoiding her for days. Ignoring her and running the second he saw her face. He knew it was lame, but she was driving him nuts. It worked, or at least he thought it did.
He finally came home hours after everyone was asleep, only to find her literally on his doorstep. Rolling his eyes, he kicked her awake and told her to leave, but she didn’t blow it off like most times; she blew up instead. She started yelling, but he really wasn’t in the mood to make a scene and tried to leave her to go into his room. To his surprise, she pushed his door open and slammed it behind them. He joked about how she finally grew some before she came up and got in his face, chewing him out. She was telling him she cared about him, and it wasn't right; he was just ignoring her after all the progress between them. Although he did kind of deserve it, it still pissed him off, and with a wicked smile, he moved closer and closer into her space, making her back into the door and teasing, "Oh, you wanna kiss me so bad right now."
It was a joke. He wasn’t serious. None of this was. Another one of his games to get her to back off. But she didn’t. She didn’t back down, even though he could see how her face was red as he had cornered her against the wall. She still had fire in her. The one that kept her sane His eyes dilated into small squares while watching her expression. They’re practically chest to chest, and he can practically feel her heartbeat every time he takes another large breath to keep his cool.
With her this close, he catches her eyes dart to his lips, and he follows her lead. ‘This isn’t real,’ he reminds himself, and it almost works, almost. Well, at least that’s what he’d tell himself later. But when he looks up at her face, it’s flushed as red as her hair, and she cracks his final resolve with the most alluring and sensual, hushed, “Jax.”
He breaks. Not just a little bit but into a million pieces as his lips crash into hers. The only thought he can process is why he hadn't done this sooner. For the first time since he’s been here, it all felt real. Her lips, his heart that Caine swore he didn’t have roaring in his ears, his lungs gasping for air when they parted for a moment only to crash back together. He was a fucking knock-off bugs bunny kissing a life-size ragdoll in bad 3D animation, and he felt as existent as the memories he had of the life he didn’t mean to leave behind.
Her little gasps and whines, whimpering the only name he ever remembers against his mouth while wrapped in each other's arms, make him feel the most alive he’s ever felt. This damn circus will take it away from him again. He knows this; it’s hell for a reason, but he’ll savor all of it he can. All of her. Even if it’s just for a moment, even if it doesn’t happen again, he can pretend. This isn’t real, but God, for once, he wishes it was.
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galactic-magick · 1 year
Never Be Her: Peter Quill x Reader
Summary: You go with Peter to visit Earth, trying to navigate your seemingly one-sided love for him.
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: SPOILERS!!
Author’s Note: First fic after graduating college! I’m VERY obsessed with GOTG3 rn so I will be writing a lot for those characters to start out now that I have more time!
You’ve accepted that this will always be a one-sided love.
In your mind, it’s not even a real option, just a fantasy that you daydream about more often that you’ll ever admit. Even sitting next to him right now, he feels so far away.
As a fellow human from Earth, you agreed to accompany Peter for his visit to your home planet, as you probably had some family and old friends there as well. You’ve been apart for a couple weeks since you first landed, but now you’re seeing him again.
You sit beside him on a bench in a lovely park, eating some lunch from a food truck nearby. You tell each other all about how your visits with your respective families have gone so far, both of you nearly crying from happiness. You’ve both found the piece of home that was missing from your lives and connected to the past you tried to forget for so long.
But there’s still a sadness in his eyes, a sadness that you wish you didn’t understand. You can see the longing in his expression, and you know he still misses her.
You knew her too, although not nearly as deeply as he did. You understand why he loved her so much, and you can’t blame him for not moving on. She was an extraordinary woman—and she still is—despite not technically being the same person anymore.
After lunch you go your separate ways, but you agree to keep meeting up every so often to check in. It becomes something you look forward to just as much as you look forward to going back to your relatives. It even begins to happen more frequently, from every two weeks to once a week, then almost every day.
Several months go by, and you’ve tried just about every restaurant and coffee shop in both of your hometowns. Today you’re at an ice cream shop, just for something different.
“You know,” Peter starts. “We’re always telling each other about the people we found, but maybe it’s about time we actually meet each other’s families,”
“Yeah, I mean you could come meet my grandpa tonight if you want,”
“Wow,” you never even considered he’d want you to meet his family, but you welcome the opportunity. “I’d love to.”
He takes you home with him, opening the door with a huge smile on his face.
“Hey Grandpa! I’m back!”
“I’m in here!” he yells from the living room, and the two of you follow his voice.
You give a friendly wave and introduce yourself, and his Grandpa’s face lights up.
He shakes your hand and looks back at his grandson, “Is this the one I’ve heard so much about?”
“What?” he looks back at you, “I’m not joking, he doesn’t shut up-”
“We’re going to check for leftovers in the fridge, okay?”
His Grandpa puts his hands up in surrender and you laugh, following Peter into the kitchen.
“Don’t mind him,” he shakes his head. “But he’s not wrong, I really do talk about you a lot,”
“Do you now?”
“Yeah, I mean, you’re my best friend. Don’t tell Rocket or Drax I said that, though,” he winks.
You grin, taking the food he hands you. You’re glad he feels as close to you as you do to him, even if it’s not the way you wish it was sometimes.
Peter’s Grandpa joins you at the table after a few minutes, contributing to the conversation. He tells you how happy he’s been since Peter came back, and how he’s happy Peter found a family out in space too. He asks you about your story and your own family you’ve been visiting, and of course he keeps joking about how Peter loves to talk about you.
For a few moments, you have a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, Peter feels something more for you than he’s letting on. It feels so natural being with him and the last of his family, and his Grandpa seems to like you and enjoy your company.
You stay much longer than you thought you would, late enough that his Grandpa goes to bed while you and Peter stay downstairs and put on a movie. You can sense him looking at you more than he is the TV screen, but you refuse to meet his gaze, terrified of the consequences. You’ve long accepted that this could never happen, and the reality that it could is still hard to believe.
You finally give up and catch his eyes, and honestly they’re too soft for you to be scared. The sadness you used to see is gone, but there’s still something else there.
“What are you looking at?” you chuckle, attempting to brush off the anxiety.
“I’m just glad you’re here,”
“Me too,” you nod. “I really should head back soon though, don’t want anyone to worry,”
“No-” his fingers brush against your hand, although not quite grabbing them. “Not yet. Please,”
There’s almost a desperation in his expression, one that hurts your soul.
“Peter,” you sigh. “You know how much I care about you. So what is it you want from me?”
There’s a silence, his lips moving like he wants to say something, but can’t quite get it out.
You cut him off before he can respond, “I can be here for you wherever you go, Earth or anywhere else. We’ve found what remains of our lives here. But you still seem like you’re always yearning for something else, or someone else, and I don’t know how to help you with that,”
“But Y/N, you do help me. What are you talking about? Earth is so much better when you’re here with me too,”
“It doesn’t seem like enough, though. I know neither this planet or me can heal the things you’ve lost, Peter,” you look down, “I know I’ll never be Gamora,”
Peter tilts up you chin with his hand and presses his lips to yours, so quickly that you barley register it happening. He cradles your cheek gently and wraps his other arm around you, pulling you close to his warmth. A few of his curls fall onto your face, and you giggle when they tickle your skin.
He pulls away to look at you and your stunned expression, smirking at how flustered you are.
“You’re right. You’re not Gamora. You’re you, and that’s who I want,”
“Hell yes. I’ve wanted to tell you for months but I didn’t know how. I didn’t think you felt the same,”
“Of course I do! I thought you didn’t feel the same!”
“Well, communication isn’t our strong suit, then,”
You laugh, running your hands up his arms and resting around his neck, “I think more kissing would suffice as good communication,”
“Oh yeah?”
You nod, your body tingling as he leans closer again.
Read this to make a Guardians request!
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chiharuuu22 · 3 months
Part 1: I Want to Go Home
Part 2: Take Me Home
Part 3: Welcome Home!
Part 4: I'm Home
The Team Leader gave Whumpee and three other members a special task, namely to rest until they recovered. This task actually sounds funny because up to now, Whumpee and the other three members are not allowed to know the progress of their case with Whumper.
Whumpee didn't think too much about it; he believed the Team Leader and Caretaker who said Whumper wouldn't be able to bother them anymore. After all, they are always honest.
It took time for Whumpee's condition to improve. Even though it's slow, at least Whumpee is showing improvement day by day. Of course, this made Whumpee stay in the hospital longer than the other three members.
Until finally, Whumpee was released from the hospital today.
Caretaker hummed happily as she brushed the hair of Whumpee who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Caretaker even jumped up and down a little when she took the moisturizing cream from her makeup pouch which she then rubbed onto Whumpee's face. Whumpee was happy to see Caretaker happy, so he just let Caretaker do it.
"Okay, everything is in the bag. Just put on a jacket, then we'll go home!" Caretaker shouted, putting on Whumpee's thick jacket.
Whumpee smiled and nodded. Finally, after so long, he could return home too. He missed the house he had left for a long time.
"Well, hold on to me," Caretaker said. Whumpee put his arm around Caretaker's neck and Caretaker carefully carried him into the wheelchair.
Just as Caretaker draped the blanket over Whumpee's thigh, the doctor treating Whumpee came into the ward. "Oh, are you ready? Okay, I'll take you to the lobby. Let me bring your bags."
"Thank you very much, doctor!" said Caretaker while bowing her body.
They walked towards the lobby and feeling happy. Three other team members had already gone home a few days ago and are now recovering at home. Team Leader and the remaining team members are now continuing their inspection regarding Whumper. So, currently the only person accompanying Whumpee is Caretaker, definitely and always.
After completing some paperwork for leaving the hospital and saying goodbye to several nurses who treated Whumpee, Caretaker pushed Whumpee's wheelchair towards the exit. The winter wind greeted Whumpee's body. It was cold, but Whumpee enjoyed it.
"You are okay?" Caretaker asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little cold."
The caretaker sighed and turned to the doctor. "Doctor, I don't know how much I can repay you. Thank you so much for all the care you gave Whumpee and the others."
"Thank you, Doctor. Because of you, I can still live today," said Whumpee while trying to bow.
The doctor smiled and said, "Raise your heads; there's no need to do that. That's my job. Besides, you all always help me. I also owe you a debt."
They smiled at each other.
"Okay, come back next week for a check-up at the same time as the other three team members. I'll arrange the time. Don't miss medication and don't push yourself, understand?"
"Okay, we understand, Doctor," said the Caretaker.
Not long after, the taxi that Caretaker ordered arrived. With the Doctor's help, they load Whumpee and his luggage into a taxi. After bowing again and saying goodbye, Caretaker got into the taxi.
On the way, Whumpee is seen enjoying the winter view from the window. Whumpee leaned against Caretaker's body. Just as Whumpee looked happy, Caretaker also felt happy and grateful that Whumpee could be released from the hospital.
Caretaker's memory flashed back to some time ago, as if everything were like a dream. It's been a long nightmare and Caretaker always hopes to wake up.
"Caretaker, are you crying?" Whumpee asked his hand wiping the tears that fell down the Caretaker's cheeks.
"Ah? What? Oh, no. Sorry, I just slipped," Caretaker lied.
"You know, you're not very good at lying," said Whumpee. "Tell me, what's wrong with you?"
Caretaker smiled and shook her head. "No. Really. I'm fine. I actually feel very happy now because you can finally come back."
Whumpee smiled, drawing himself closer to Caretaker. "I'm also happy to be coming home with you."
A moment of silence.
"Can I go to the graves of Members A and B?" Whumpee asked suddenly.
"Yes, but not now. It's still too cold outside and you only got out of the hospital today," Caretaker answered. "Don't worry, we all planned to go there with the four of you. But we are still waiting for the right time. You know, Member C's condition is in serious shock, right? We don't want to evoke bad memories for now. Your recovery is our main priority right now."
Whumpee just nodded and didn't argue anything. After all, he was still not ready for now.
Whumpee was sure he had fallen asleep because, when he opened his eyes, they had arrived.
No, that's not their headquarters, but the Caretaker's house. A simple house that Whumpee used to frequent before they had to mess with Whumper.
Whumpee threw a confused look at Caretaker who returned it with a smile.
"You will stay with me here temporarily. Team Leader also suggested it. It's too noisy at headquarters to recover. The other three members were also given different locations. A comfortable place to recuperate."
The taxi driver kindly helped carry the luggage to the terrace. Caretaker opened the door and pushed Whumpee's wheelchair in. Whumpee's familiar and longed-for home.
Caretaker smiled, kissed Whumpee on the cheek, and whispered, "Welcome home, Whumpee."
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Reader pt.6
A/N Oh my goodness! I didn't expect the story to get this much attention! Im going to do some sort of second story where Alastor and the reader are in hell. If theres no objections I'll also feature some helluva boss characters (just to advance the plot!)
I am very sorry for not updating! I went out of town, nearly broke my hip, got sick, and started a new job all in the last 2 weeks. I should be able to post once every three days now :)
Thank you to everyone reading the story! I love sharing my ideas and feel free to reach out if there are any stories you want to see!
TW-Animal Blood(?)
Chapter 7
You woke up in Alastor's arms. It wasn't on purpose! You both had agreed to split the bed, pride getting in the others way. Apparently, somewhere in the night you each reached for the other. Not minding the extra warmth, you fell back asleep. There was no point in moving away; you liked him, he was comfy, and kept you warm. The second time you woke up, the sun was bright and the bed was empty. Worried you checked the clock to make sure you hadn't overslept to open the shop. You had forty five minutes to get the store open. Not as much time as you would have liked, but also not anything too out of your range.
"Ah! My sleeping beauty, glad you're now awake!" a voice said from the doorway. Alastor? You thought he had left. "Come now! I have made us breakfast."
Alastor could cook. Breakfast tasted like it was picked up from a five star restaurant on the more expensive side of town. Over breakfast he told you that he was unable to leave such a beautiful person alone and you needed the rest from the previous night. He actually didn't leave you at all that day.
He sat talking with you in your shop keeping well mannered company. Alastor would never admit it, but he absolutely loved listening to you talk. He spent so much time talking on the radio it was nice to finally be listening to others. He never really cared for sewing but asked you questions about how you did certain things and complimenting your stitch work. He also would assist you while you worked; measuring, flipping things right side outing grabbing fabric as needed. He liked feeling useful to you and watching you work on something you were passionate about.
:Thank you so much for your help today Allie."
"Allie?" He tilted his head like a puppy hearing 'no' for the first time.
"Yeah! Like a nickname," you beamed at him. Alastor mulled the name over in his head before deciding it was okay when it rolled off your tongue and into his ears. No one else could ever be allowed to call him Allie aside from you.
"Hmmmm. Alright" He was at a loss for a nickname truly just wanting to call you his. "Why don't we go and fetch ourselves dinner. I know the most exquisite place!"
"that would be lovely!" Your demeanor was much calmer than your racing thoughts. First, Alastor had stayed the night and made breakfast. Secondly he spent the entire day with you. And now he wanted to take you to dinner! You felt like a romance character from the books you had read and heard stories of.
He had helped you close the shop, took your arm in his (it was the only way you two ever walked together) and he led the way to the restaurant.
It was a nice place with candles and flowers on the table. There was a live band playing softly to entertain guests as they dined.
Alastor was sweet and kind with you, he made excellent recommendations about what drinks to try and meals to order. You both split a cake together for dessert. The night was wonderful, absolutely perfect! The only thing that there you off was the way in which Alastor ordered his steak.
"Alastor!" you had whisper-yelled "that cow is so undercooked I can still hear it moo-ing in the fields. Do we need to have the waiter take it back for just a moment longer?"
"Haha oh no darling! I just enjoy my cut of meat like this. It holds so much more flavor!" You gave him a quizzical look swearing you had just seen blood dark as your wine pool on the plate.
When your night had come to an end, Alastor had walked you home and kissed your cheek. It had left you red and blushing thinking about it as you slept.
The next morning you had awoken ready to start your chores. You folded the blanket and pajamas that Alastor had borrowed and cleared a drawer for the items to reside in. Today you had a new activity you hadn't done in years.
You walked down the stairs leading to your shop and to the circular display table at the center of your shop. Grabbing the wilted flowers and vase you got to work and put them in your oven to dry them out. You loved keeping gifts, flowers were beautiful but difficult to keep but you made it work.
The entire day you were all that was on Alastor mind. He simply could not get enough of you despite spending the entire day together before. He was talking to his mother about the feeling and how he had never experienced it, unsure of what to do he was searching for advice. His mother was not helping the situation, she merely laughed at him. "Oh Al, why don't'cha go onna date together and court the poor thing!" What if you didn't like him back? What if he made a total fool of himself. His mother could sense his worries, "well whoever can put up with ya for a full day definelty doesn't not like you." She pinched his cheeks and went back to cooking for the both of them
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massivedrickhead · 10 months
Bechloe Week Day 3: Lost/Stranded
Words: 1771
Notes: Again, I probably went a little heavier than I initially intended because apparently that's all I can do, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
Read on AO3
“Hey, it’s Chloe, I’m sorry to call so late,” Chloe said, as soon as she heard Beca’s mumbled greeting upon answering the phone. 
“S’okay,” Beca said, stifling a yawn as she rubbed a hand over her face. “What’s up? Are you okay?”
“I, um, I’m kinda stuck,” Chloe said, and Beca could hear the cringe of embarrassment in her voice. “I’m, like, stranded.”
“What do you mean?” Beca asked, briefly holding the phone away from her ear so she could check the time. It was a little after 1 am. “Where are you?” 
“That gas station on 35 I think.”
“Is that the one with the all-night diner that does those hash browns we like?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said. “Chicago was driving me home from our date and we had a fight and I made him pull over.”
“Are you okay?” Beca asked, suddenly feeling much more awake. “Is he still there?”
“No, he left,” Chloe said. “My phone is dead, the waitress in the diner let me use their phone, and yours is the only number I know by heart. Could you call me a cab or an Uber or something? I’ll pay you back.”
“Are you kidding? Look, just stay in the diner, I’m coming to get you,” Beca said. She pulled a coat over her pyjamas and shoved on her shoes, the phone held in the crook of her neck. She hesitated for a second and grabbed a second coat from the hooks hanging by her apartment door. 
“Bec, you don’t need to do that,” Chloe said. “It’s late.”
“It is late. And you’re a woman alone at a gas station in the middle of the night. I’m coming to get you.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said, the relief in her voice palpable. “You’re a lifesaver.” 
Beca thought murderer might have been a more apt title for when she was done with Chicago, but she didn’t think saying that would help the situation.
“I won’t be long, okay?”
“Okay,” Chloe said. She hung up the phone and gave a grateful smile to the waitress. “Thank you,” she said. “I promise, next time I’m passing this way I’ll stop in and give you guys the biggest tip I can afford.”
The waitress waved her off with a smile. “Don’t mention it,” she said, before moving down to the other end of the counter to pour coffee for some truckers.
Chloe spun in a slow circle in her chair until she was facing the entrance of the diner. She wished her phone was charged so she could at least distract herself. She was cold and tired, and she felt the beginnings of a headache forming behind her eyes. She already regretted the third glass of wine with dinner.
She rubbed her fingers into her tired eyes - no longer caring about smudging her mascara - and prepared herself to defend Chicago to Beca.
She knew he didn’t actually deserve defending - not this time - but she prepared the arguments in her head anyway.
He had a long day. Work has been really stressful for him. Money is tight. I insisted we go to this particular restaurant. I was too friendly to our server and it gave him the wrong idea.
Her shoulders sagged as she thought about all the excuses she was going to offer for him and, not for the first time since she’d put it on, her eyes fell to the engagement ring on her finger and she felt a ripple of doubt.
Was this really the way she wanted the rest of her life to be? 
Chloe was broken out of her thoughts by the squeak of the diner door being pushed open. 
She saw Beca scan the diner until her eyes fell on Chloe, and she seemed to deflate with relief.
Chloe climbed down from the chair and walked quickly towards her best friend.
“Thank you so much for this Bec,” she said. She saw Beca had shoved her coat and shoes on over her pyjamas, and in her hand she held a second coat.
“Here,” Beca said. “You never bring a jacket with you.”
“You’re the best,” Chloe said, gratefully pulling the coat on over her dress. She turned to the waitress who had looked up from her conversation. “Thank you again for letting me use the phone.”
“No problem, get home safe,” she said.
“Thank you for keeping an eye on her,” Beca said, and the pair left the diner and were soon climbing into Beca’s car. “Are you okay?” She asked, turning on the engine and cranking the heat.
“Yeah,” Chloe said. I am now you’re here, she thought. “Thank you for coming to get me.”
“You don’t need to keep thanking me,” Beca said. “I couldn’t have just left you there. I’m glad you called.”
“Yeah, me too,” she said. She absentmindedly twisted the engagement ring around her finger as she let her head come to rest on the window. 
“Do you want me to take you home, or do you want to crash at mine?” Beca asked. 
Chloe swallowed. She didn’t want to go home. Not tonight. She was too tired for another fight. “I… I don’t really want to see him right now.”
“Okay,” Beca said. “I have a charger in my glovebox if you want to plug your phone in. You can text him to let him know, in case he’s worried about you.”
“Thanks,” Chloe said, taking the wire and plugging it in. It took a few minutes before her phone came back to life. She wasn’t surprised when she saw there was nothing new from Chicago. She knew she should expect radio silence from now until she apologised.
She fired off a quick text to him saying she was staying at Beca’s, and then she put her phone away. She knew if anything this would make him more pissed, but she also knew if she stayed silent she’d be blamed for making him worry. 
“So,” Beca said, trying not to sound angry when she spoke, “he left you alone at the gas station? With no money, and no phone?”
“He, um, he didn’t know my phone was dead,” Chloe said, realising it was a pathetic defence as she said it.
“Oh, I guess he’s off the hook then,” Beca said. “Fiance of the year.” 
“Please don’t make me have to defend him,” Chloe said. “I don’t have the energy for it.”
“Why on Earth would you defend him right now? Anything could have happened to you,” Beca said. 
Chloe had expected Beca to sound angry, but when she spoke Chloe realised that she was scared. Beca was right, anything could have happened to her. 
Why wasn’t Chicago scared about that? 
Why hadn’t he tried to call or text? Why didn’t he care if she was okay?
“I’m not going to go on about it,” Beca said. “I just… Whatever you might have done, whatever argument you guys were having, it doesn’t justify this. He put your safety at risk and… I dunno. I dunno how you come back from that.”
They were silent for a little while longer until Chloe spoke again.
“I laughed at our server’s joke,” Chloe said. “That’s what I did.”
Beca pulled into her parking spot at her apartment building, but neither made a move to get out of the car. It had started raining, and the only sounds were the low white noise of the car heater, and the wipers moving against the windshield.
Beca didn’t speak, but when she looked across at Chloe she saw tears in her eyes.
“I had all these excuses ready for him, but all I did was laugh at this stranger’s joke. That was enough to make him feel threatened enough to start screaming at me on the highway. I made him pull into the gas station because I was scared. He wasn’t paying attention to the road and I was scared he was going to crash,” Chloe said, wiping her eyes with her hand. “I got out of the car as soon as he stopped and he just drove off. He hasn’t called or anything. This isn’t… He was so… He was the perfect gentleman when we got together. So sweet and attentive and kind and now… It’s like I don’t even recognise him anymore. This wasn’t what our life together was meant to look like, and I feel so… Lost. I feel like I made a mistake”
Beca reached across the car and took Chloe’s hand. “Whatever you decide to do, I’m here for you, okay? No matter what. If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me for as long as you want.”
Leave him, Beca wanted to scream. Leave him before he really hurts you.
But she knew she couldn’t push Chloe into this.
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “Can we go inside? I’m really tired.”
“Of course,” Beca said. 
They rode the elevator up to Beca’s apartment in silence, and when they got inside Beca got her some water, makeup wipes, and a pair of pyjamas. She even insisted that Chloe take her bed.
Chloe couldn’t remember the last time someone had taken care of her like this.
“For what it’s worth,” Beca said, hovering in the doorway before she went to go lie down on the sofa, “you deserve to be treated better than this. You deserve something infinitely better than this. Get some sleep, okay?”
Chloe sniffed again and wiped her eyes. “Bec? Can you please stay?”
“Yeah,” Beca said, smiling as she climbed into the other side of the bed. “I can stay.”
Chloe was still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the ring on her finger. With a shuddering breath, she pulled it off and set it on Beca’s nightstand. She settled back down onto the bed, feeling like a weight was being lifted off her shoulders.
“Can you drive me home tomorrow?” She asked, her back to Beca as she stared at the ring.
“Of course,” Beca said, her heart sinking. It’s her choice, if she wants to go back to him, she told herself. All you can do is be there for her.
“I need to give Chicago his ring back,” Chloe said. “Could I… Do you think I could stay with you for a little while?”
Beca swallowed and tried not to cry through sheer relief. “Of course,” she said.
Chloe turned away from the ring and pulled Beca into a hug.
“You might have saved my life tonight, Beca,” she said. 
“You saved it,” Beca said. “I just provided the getaway car.”
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dutchvanwinkle · 1 year
Mr Van der Linde Pt. 9 - Dutch x Reader
This chapter is on ao3, too!
Summary: Your time at university has come to an end, and you and Dutch talk about the future.
Word count: 4,390
Content warnings: None
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9 | PART 10
Finally. Exams were over, and you were finished with university.  
That feeling you had upon leaving your final exam was akin to that of an out-of-body experience. You'd floated more than walked out of the hall until you reached the pub, and couldn't shake the looming feeling that you shouldn't be having fun, you should be at home studying. Everything you’d worked for throughout school, and specifically during the last three years, had all led up to this moment.  
Most of your group of friends had returned home after you were all partied out (poor Abigail being unable to drink but being a great sport nonetheless) to wait for the results to come through.  
You’d squealed when you saw yours, a top mark that was so overwhelming you'd immediately burst into tears. After you’d informed your family, you checked your phone to see two things: your group chat with thirty unread messages and a single one from Dutch, asking how you’d done.  
Unable to formulate coherent sentences, you opted for a screenshot.  
By some miracle, all your friends had passed too, even John. Abigail had done especially well, and you couldn’t have been prouder of her. You were beaming down at your phone, happy not only for yourself but for your friends too, when Dutch responded.   
Congratulations my girl. I knew you could do it. Can’t wait to celebrate with you ;)  
As always, Dutch’s timing was impeccable, a message from John coming through saying that he was hosting celebratory drinks at his house the following weekend. There were no prizes for guessing who put that idea in his head. Not that you weren't excited about the prospect; you truly were on cloud nine.  
John had been the one to pick you up, and you’d unfortunately been running late after having an interview for a graduate job the same day you were meant to travel down.   
There were more people than you’d expected at the Van der Linde residence aside from your group of friends when you arrived, some of Javier’s family, Abigail’s parents, and of course Tilly.   
“I can’t believe your parents are meeting Dutch,” you mused to Abigail who’d joined John for the ride and was walking you through the house and to the garden, where you could already see the small group chatting with drinks in hand.   
“I know,” she widened her eyes at you, “we’ve had to rush through a good number of things thanks to this little one.”  
Abigail gestured at her tummy, which was now impossible to hide in her clothes. She’d carried well, and the bump had been tiny for a great deal of her pregnancy, which was now a month and a half away from completion. She was having a hard time finding a dress for graduation and was unfortunately going to have to get one on the week of the event thanks to her ever-changing body. But still, she seemed to be glowing and the thought of her as a mother suited her greatly.
You paused in the kitchen to get a drink, John carrying on ahead while Abigail stayed with you.  
“How are you feeling?” you asked, pouring her a cup of juice. “Still going okay?”  
“Yeah, actually. I’ve been lucky. Thought that knowing my luck I’d be sick for the entire time and aching for nine full months. But touch wood,” she grazed her fingertips over the cabinet door, “it stays that way for a while longer. Can’t imagine I’ll be very comfortable during the last month either way.”  
“Please let me know if there’s anything I can do,” you said ernestly. “At least it sounds like baby will be less trouble than John.”  
“I hope so,” she chuckled. “I couldn’t bear the thought of minding two of them.”  
You snorted a laugh. “Yeah, rather you than me. Is John still staying at your house for the birth?”  
“He is,” she confirmed. While the two would be spending most of the time at the Van der Linde residence, Abigail wanted her parents to be there for the birth and the two had planned to make the journey to John’s after a couple of weeks. You’d been briefly concerned whether she’d be okay travelling so soon, but her place wasn’t too far away that it would be unmanageable, at least. “Surprised he even wants to be there for the birth.”  
“I can’t imagine he’ll be much use,” you took a sip of your drink, “but it’s good that he’s shown willing.”  
You placed a hand on her arm. Despite her façade, you knew deep down she must be scared. This was a big deal, bigger than anything any of you had ever dealt with. “You’re gonna do great.”  
Abigail pressed her lips together and blinked her eyes at the floor. “Don’t make me cry,” she half-laughed, “I’m too hormonal for you to get all soft on me.”  
“Alright,” you held up your hands with a grin. “Shall we head out?”  
“Yeah, let's do that.”  
The pair of you stepped out into the garden, Karen jumping to her feet to skip over and throw her arms around you. “I can finally spend time with you again!” She pulled away, her hands holding your upper arms. “You have finally been having time to yourself, right?”  
“I have,” you nodded fondly. “I plan to do so for at least a couple of months.”  
“Here’s the genius amongst us,” Javier proclaimed, and you rolled your eyes at him. “Congrats,” he knocked his drink against yours once you'd walked over, “I’d say you’ve definitely earnt it.”  
“Thanks Javi. You did great too.”  
Javier was one of those irritating people who could put in minimal effort, yet still come out with a decent performance. It was truly aggravating.  
You sat beside him, opposite Dutch, who was smiling proudly at you. Lest you blush like a teenager, you took your gaze away from him.  
Thankfully, he was chatting with Abigail’s dad about something or other while you and your friends caught up. Of course, Abigail and John were postponing their job hunt, something Dutch had been quite insistent on; after coming around to the idea of them having the child, he’d been very hands-on and was more than willing to support the pair while they got to grips with parenthood.  
Sean and Karen had made travel plans, the two of them deciding on doing some interrailing around Europe together. You’d poked fun at Karen, asking how she was going to survive months on end sharing an enclosed space with Sean. For all that she hid her affection towards him, she was incredibly fond of him and the two were truthfully a good match; seemingly comfortable in their created chaotic environment.  
Javier had been interviewing like you had, planning on going into software too since it allowed him to work from home – he had no interest in hauling himself to an office every day.  
The music and drinks had been flowing for a few hours when Abigail and Javier’s parents left, Arthur and Charles arriving soon after and updating everyone on how married life had been treating them. They’d recently bought a beat-up house with a decent amount of land and most of their time was spent renovating it while deciding what to do with the space. They hadn’t yet come to an agreement, but they were set on it having something to do with animals and or nature conservation. Once it was finished, Arthur had said you all had an open invitation to come and see it.  
All the talk of the future was wonderful, seeing your friends so happy and bright-eyed as they prepared to take on the world. You couldn’t help but feel a little melancholy, having such an uncertain aspect of your future that none of them knew a thing about.  
You quietly escaped the chatty group, opting to dawdle in the kitchen for a moment while you took your time pouring out another drink.  
“I believe a proper congratulations is in order.”  
That lovely deep voice was carried in by none other than Dutch, who’d taken your brief departure as a chance to have some alone time. You smiled at him bittersweetly, and his face fell a little.  
“What’s wrong?” he stepped closer, not knowing what to do with his hand that he wanted to wrap around you, instead flexing it at his side.
With a sip of your drink, you shrugged. “I think I’m just a little overwhelmed.”  
Dutch tilted his head, and you looked at the ground, the urge to cry coming on strong for a reason unbeknownst to you. “Sweetheart,” he said softly. “Let’s go to the study for a moment.”  
You nodded, and he led you to his office, which you hadn’t seen for some time.  
Once inside, he perched himself against the desk and gingerly pulled you into his chest. You lay your head there as he rubbed your back soothingly, the scent and feel of him causing your worries to begin to dissipate.   
“I don’t even know why I’m getting emotional,” you mumbled into him, then took your head from his chest to instead look at him directly, his hands moving to rest on your hips.  
“Now darlin’,” he soothed, looking at you with all the adoration in the world, “it’s an emotional time. This is all different, it’s a whole new beginning.”  
“I know, but...”  
His eyes were warm, projecting all the comfort he could muster onto you by gaze alone. “But what?”  
“Everyone’s out there,” you gestured away from yourself, “talking about their futures. I’ve got nothing to say. It’s all so uncertain.” It felt silly to get up in your feelings, considering your great grades and even greater prospects, but it wasn't something you could help.
“Trust you to be instantly thinking about the next thing,” he shook his head as he appraised you, swiping his thumbs under your eyes to dry your tears. “You even had your interview today, right? How did that go?”  
“Good, I think. The office isn’t far, but I’d only have to go in once a fortnight. Might be a good fit if I get it, but I have others lined up if not.”  
“Exactly. You have an incredible future. With your career,” he took your hands in his, “with me...”  
“Do I?”  
“Yes,” he assured, “we said we’d wait to talk about it once all this is over, that doesn’t mean I haven’t already been thinking about some things.”  
“Like what?” you asked quietly, hoping he could paint a pretty picture to soothe your worried heart.  
Dutch brushed a hand over your hair, a fond smirk on his face. “About how we’re gonna settle the score so we don’t have to hide this. If that’s still what you want?”  
“Yeah. Yes. I’m just apprehensive about how we’ll get to that point.”  
“Understandable,” he placed a hand on his chest genuinely, “as am I. But we’ll plan it together, do it together. Okay? We’ll have each other, throughout and at the end of it all.”  
You nodded, a little unconvinced. It suddenly seemed much less manageable now that you'd reached the proverbial bridge and were preparing to cross. “I don’t want to lose anyone.”  
“We will do everything to make sure that doesn’t happen. Like I said, I’ve been thinking.”  
“Go on?”  
“It’d be wise to tackle the most difficult one first. Once John’s out the way, the rest won’t seem so bad.”  
That was true. You nodded.  
“We need to let John and Abigail settle first. Once they have, we’ll take them out and tell them. Be good to have Abigail there for moral support, her presence will hopefully keep John calm, too.” He brought your hands up to kiss them. “By Christmas, it’ll be out there, and we can deal with it however we see fit.”  
“You really think John’ll be okay with it?”  
Dutch shrugged. “I won’t lie to you; I don’t think he will be. Eventually, he’ll come around. He has to.”  
“Does he?”  
“Darlin’, I know my son. You leave the planning to me, focus on that job of yours. It’ll all work out. I promise.”  
You brought your intertwined hands towards you, resting your chin on his knuckles, feeling guilty that Dutch would take the extra weight on his shoulders in order to lessen what was on yours. “Okay, I will.”  
“And in the meantime,” he broke your hands apart and tugged on your hips to bring you between his legs. “I say you and I get away for a week at least, go somewhere hot where we can walk along the beach and drink cocktails together.”  
A smile grew on your face, a holiday abroad with Dutch sounded like the perfect way to pass the time until then. “We should get a place with another hot tub.”  
“Now that,” Dutch edged his face towards yours, “is a fantastic idea.”
He kissed you, and your troubles began to melt away. His lips were so soft, so warm, and he smelled so good. He was Dutch. Your Dutch. The man always had a plan, was always two steps ahead of you and knew how to fix problems before they’d even arose.  
“My sweet girl. We’ll figure it out,” he nuzzled his nose against yours, “I’ll do everything I can to make this work. You just have to trust me.”  
“Okay. I trust you.” You brought your hands to his jaw, keeping his face on yours as the two of you deepened the kiss, his arms wrapping around the small of your back and pulling you even further in.  
The faint thrumming of alcohol underneath your skin made itself known, and you shifted in your spot as you placed your hands on the base of Dutch’s neck, the two of you lost in the exchange as it solidified the promise of a future, whatever that was going to look like.  
“What the fuck?”  
You gasped as you pulled your lips from Dutch’s, his hands stilling at your waist at the sound of the all too familiar voice. Turning, you were met with John’s horrified expression as he stood in the doorway.  
“Son -” Dutch began, being cut off as John slammed the door open the rest of the way, making you jolt and pacing towards the two of you.  
You brushed Dutch’s hands away that were still on your hips, for some unknown reason, and turned fully, your heart rising up into your mouth and you felt as though you’d puke it out before he reached you.  
His gaze was fixed just behind you, on Dutch, and you stepped forward to get his attention. “John, John - it isn’t what it looks like.”  
Menacingly he stopped, his gaze shifting to you. “What the fuck is this,” he gritted.  
“I - I -” you stuttered, not a single excuse to explain any of it.   
“You,” he pointed at his father, “you’re a fucking pervert. And you,” he turned his gaze to you, “I didn’t have you down for a whore, but here we are.”  
“Johnathon,” Dutch snapped, standing, and you felt the heat radiating off both of them in waves.  
“What?!” John yelled. “You gonna make this my fault, somehow? Turn it around on me? Like you always do?!”  
“No, son – but you will not speak to her that way,” he snarled, and you looked back at him, willing him not to get riled up.  
Jogging footsteps preluded Arthur making his way through the door. “What the hell is all this yellin’ for?”  
John threw him a hateful look, and Arthur frowned, looking between you and Dutch. His expression then became one of anger mixed with disappointment as his eyes settled on Dutch. “Tell me you haven’t.”  
“Arthur, son, it is not how it seems -”  
“I goddamn knew I shouldn’t have believed you -”  
“Please, Arthur,” you interjected, placing a hand on his forearm to stop him from advancing further, “it really isn’t what it looks like.”  
“No?” John scoffed. “How about you enlighten us?”  
Your voice got stuck in your throat, and you cleared it a couple of times.  
“I’m waiting,” he lamented, and you noticed there was now an audience of Abigail and Karen at the door. “Please explain what earthly reason you have for putting your tongue in my father’s mouth. What’s the play here?” he waved his arms between the two of you angrily, “were you just gonna fuck on the desk if I hadn’t of come in?”  
You put a hand to your mouth, willing yourself not to hyperventilate; your worst fear was coming true, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. It was as though you were a third party, simply observing the situation as it played out with no way to intervene.
Realisation set in Arthur’s face first, and he muttered his brother’s name while glancing between you and Dutch.  
“No,” John scoffed, almost laughing, “ain’t no way. Don’t you dare,” he pointed a finger towards the two of you. “Don’t you fucking dare tell me that’s true.”  
You heard Dutch move from the desk behind you, and he walked past you with his hands out. “John. I need you to calm down.”  
“Calm down?! Calm down?!” John glared at Dutch, a face full of venomous anger, “you’ve been fucking my best friend and you want me to calm down?!”  
“John,” you choked, tears brimming at your eyes once again, and the look he gave you was enough to tell you that you were his best friend no more.   
“You should go upstairs,” Arthur said to you gently, keeping his gaze fixed on Dutch.  
“No, Arthur, I -”  
“Abigail, take up her upstairs.”  
“No -”  
“It’s alright,” Dutch tipped his chin at you, that same promise you’d seen earlier in his eyes still held there, “you go. It’s alright.”  
You shook your head, and he nodded his in response.   
“Abigail,” he beckoned her in, and she took slow steps in with poorly-concealed shock plastered over her face as though she didn’t even want to step into the tense atmosphere of the room. “Will you and Karen take her upstairs?”  
“Sure,” she said uncertainly, reaching an unsteady hand out to tug at your forearm.   
“Dutch -” you began.  
“Just go,” he stepped towards you, Arthur bristling as he did and causing him to stop in his tracks.  
Unable to think of any other option you hand, you shook your head and allowed Abigail to lead you out, she and Karen proceeding to walk you up the stairs in silence until you reached the spare room, where you sat on the end of the bed and they shut the door after you were all inside.  
There was nothing else to do except drop your head into your hands and sob.  
The girls approached, Abigail still uncertain but she sat beside you, Karen kneeling in front of you with a hand on your knee.  
They allowed you to cry, as you’d allowed them to do many times about their respective partners. Over the years, you’d been the one they’d go to when they had to let it all out, and over a hot drink, you’d chatted and taken their mind off it or talk it out until there were no more words or tears left.  
It appeared that you were crying your share of tears all in one sitting.  
“Sweetie,” Karen began tentatively once your sobs had turned to sniffles, “what on earth is going on?”  
You blinked up to see her concerned face swimming thanks to the wetness of your eyes, and Abigail stood to find tissues which she handed to you when she sat back down. After dabbing at your under eyes, you took a steadying breath.  
“John walked in on me kissing Dutch,” you said, your voice hoarse. “It isn’t exactly the first time we’ve done it.”  
“Did you really sleep with him?” Karen asked, and even in her serious tone, you could pick out a glint of admiration.  
You nodded.  
“Holy shit. How long has this been going on?” she asked hesitantly, and you only just met her gaze.  
“Since Easter...”  
“Well that’s not so -”  
“Of first year.”  
“Oh, you idiot.”  
At least you could rely on her to be honest. “I know. It’s terrible. I’m terrible.”  
Nobody argued against that, not that you'd expected them to. “I -” Abigail shifted beside you, “why didn’t you tell us?”  
“How could I? It all just happened... and then continued to happen,” you looked down at your hands, wringing them between each other. “We were gonna tell him, tell everyone,” you gave them both a desperate look, “just after the baby. We didn’t want all this stress...”  
“Wait,” Karen squeezed your thigh, “tell everyone what, exactly?”  
“About us,” you shrugged.  
“It’s... more than just a fling?”  
With a solemn nod, you cleared your throat. “It’s... much more.”  
“Oh Jesus,” Abigail rubbed disparagingly at her brow, “how could you let this happen?”  
“You’ve seen the man, right?” Karen asked.  
“What?” she laughed. “I can hardly blame ya for it.”  
“Sure,” Abigail snipped. “But what about John?”  
You were saved from answering that by a knock at the door, and Arthur’s voice behind it.  “It’s just me. Ya’ll mind if I come in?”  
Karen looked to you and you nodded. “Sure, come on in.”  
He did so, visibly radiating frustration but also trying to keep himself calm while in your company. “Ladies, would you give us a minute?”  
Karen checked in with you again, she and Abigail standing at your go-ahead. Once they'd left, Arthur took Karen’s place and kneeled in front of you. Your gaze remained firmly on the floor.  
“I’m gonna need you to look at me.”  
Your brow creased, but you did as he asked. You weren’t sure whether you should’ve been thankful for the pity on his face.  
“Arthur, I’m so sorry -”  
“Ain’t me you should be apologising to,” he began, “but I understand this ain’t entirely your fault. Dutch is... well I don’t like to be the one to tell you, but he’s done this before.”  
“I already know about Molly,” you said immediately, and Arthur’s face fell in surprise.  
“You do?”  
“Dutch told me.”  
“Oh,” he hummed. “Well, it don’t matter either way. Dutch shouldn’t have done what he did -”  
“Arthur,” you sighed his name. “Please listen to me. He hasn’t done anything. This was both of us.”  
“No, he has a responsibility -”  
“And he kept it! I came onto him. He refused! At least at the start.”  
Arthur shook his head. “That don’t mean much, he’s got a way about him -”  
“Christ, Arthur,” you huffed. “I’m an adult. In spite of that, I know how it looks, you don’t have to tell me. But it’s not the way it seems. It just isn’t like that. I -”  
“Don’t you dare say you love him,” Arthur’s face hardened.  
“I do. I’m sorry, but I do. Have done for a long time,” you said, full of regret. “It sounds crazy, I know that. But it’s the truth. We had a plan, a plan to tell John, and to -” you gestured vaguely, trailing off.  
“A plan to what?”  
You shrugged reluctantly. “Make it work.”  
“How? What kinda future do the two of you have?” he said pleadingly. “And is it worth it? Jeopardising your friendship with John, hell maybe even the others, so you can date him?”  
“I -” you sighed a defeated sigh.   
“Look, maybe it ain’t too late. But you can’t be serious about carrying this on, it... it ain’t right.”  
Arthur’s words stung almost as hard as the look on John’s face that would be imprinted on your mind for the foreseeable. Even if Arthur was wrong about the circumstances, he was right about one thing. There was only one way you could have a chance at salvaging your relationship with John.  
The way everyone had looked at you had you feeling insane. Like this was the worst thing in the world and only you couldn’t see it. It had never felt that way. It’d never felt wrong, or sick, even if you had been regretful and concerned about John at times. You and Dutch had always been right. He’d always been your sanctuary.  
But maybe, just maybe, Arthur was right. After all, was it true that everyone else was wrong? What was the likelihood that you weren’t being naïve and silly? You’d been in your own world with Dutch since the whole thing had begun, with no room or option for any outside opinions to make themselves known. Every disagreement the two of you had was worked out amongst yourselves, and not once had you had anyone in your ear to give you advice.  
And John. God, poor fucking John.  
You adored him, well and truly. He’d been your first proper friend at university, he’d driven you home for the breaks, introduced you to his flatmates who then became your closest friends, he’d gone out for food or drink when you needed to get away from the stress of university life. He wasn’t perfect, but who was? Certainly not you.  
Not once had you truly taken the time to think about what you were doing. Every time you came close, the thought was pushed to the back of your mind in the pursuit of self-indulgence. You’d erased his face far from your head while you kissed his father, fucked his father, all behind his back for two years.  
In truth, you weren’t convinced you even deserved him as a friend.  
Arthur was right. How could you and Dutch have a future? You’d believed it to be possible upon Dutch’s promise that John would come around, but how could you ever have believed that would happen? What a stupid dream that was. He’d never forgive you, rightfully so, yours and Dutch’s relationship would ultimately end, and you’d be left with nothing.  
For John, for once, you had to do the right thing. You had to make it up to him. You had to try, at least.  
“I want to go home.”   
Arthur nodded, standing, relieved to get you out of the picture for the time being. “I’ll drive ya to the station.”  
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jackharlou · 2 years
Impatiently waiting
Concept: all the negative results lead you to realize you want a baby with jack so bad, but things get rough on the road. luckily, you have a partner that does love you and wants to take care of you.
Trigger warning: mentions of pregnancy and not being able to conceive.
Part II
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"i'm late" - you told dev, your best friend, after checking the app you have in your phone that helps you keep track of your period.
"to where? i thought we were staying in" - she said unaware of the panic on your face.
"you idiot. my period. i was supposed to have my period two weeks ago"
"oh... OH" - she stood and walked closer to you - "you want me to get you a test?"
"please. people never recognize me but with my luck i know that if i go and get one it'll be all over TMZ"
"don't move. I'll be back in fifteen minutes" - she said before grabbing her car keys and ran through your front door.
in less than ten minutes you had the bag in your hands, containing five boxes - "ok, i think this is to much" - you said laughing.
"just wanted to be sure. go, go" - she pushed you to make you walk to the bathroom.
when you finished your business in the bathroom you sat with your friend in silence, anxious and impatient silence. after the time indicated on the box went by, you looked at the two tests you took. they were negative.
"is this a good or a bad thing?" - dev asked, not sure if she had to celebrate or encourage you to keep trying.
"well, i don't know. i do know we want kids but i don't know if we're ready" - you said with a look on your face that she, your best friend, couldn't read.
"you'll never be ready, honey" - she said, not helping at all.
three days later you period came and you couldn't help but feel a little sad about it.
three months passed and the same thing happened, being now almost a month you went without your period, which meant your expectations were dragged for a little longer. you got a test from the ones dev bought, the ones you hide from jack somewhere in your closet.
again; negative.
this time the result did make you realize your disappointment, which led you to understand you could actually be happy with a positive outcome, but you tried to just let it rest and kept going with your life like nothing happened.
for the next five months you took three more tests, and now you were scared and confused because you weren't on the pill and you two gave up on condoms a long time ago, so something wasn't right.
the thoughts spread through your head like a wild fire. "what if i can never get pregnant? jack wants a family, what if can't give him that? would he be ok with adoption or trying those treatments i've always heard about but actually don't know anything about? would he leave me if i can't give him a baby...?" those thoughts haunted you for days, and you faced them on your own because you were afraid to talk to jack.
but the moment it actually hit you was while being at a show in atlanta.
jack was doing his usual meet and greet and a fan took her baby with her. you didn't pay attention to how old the baby was, you could only see jack holding him. the way his smile grew big, the way his arms surrounded the baby, probably making him feel protected and warm... it was to much, the pressure you put on your own shoulders was to much, because you wanted to see him like that with your own baby, a baby apparently you weren't meant to have. so, you went to a place where you could be alone and just sat there with your hurtful thoughts.
"are you ok?" - jack entered the room probably fifteen minutes later.
"yeah. is it over?" - you tried to clean your tears without him noticing, but it was you. he could notice everything.
"yes, it is. can you please tell me what's going on? because i'm worried" - he said while kneeling in front of you, placing his elbows on your knees and hands on your waist.
"it's nothing, just a headache and some stress over work. nothing to worry about" - you gave him a fake smile and caressed his face.
"does this headache has to do with you seeing me with a baby and with the bunch of pregnancy tests you have been hiding from me?"
you froze. you felt sad and guilty and overwhelmed and just disappointed.
without realizing, tears started rolling down your face, and when he held you, you started sobbing.
"baby, talk to me, please" - he murmured on your ear, hoping he could understand the situation so he could help you in some way.
"it's been months and it doesn't happen"
"what doesn't?"
"i want a baby, jack. i want to give you a baby and we have been doing it for months without proteccion and nothing happens. what if i can never get pregnant?"
"baby, why am i hearing all this concern you have been feeling just now?"
"because i'm scared" - you whispered.
"we need to go with a doctor first, before getting ahead and thinking things that won't help us. and before we find out about anything i want to make one thing clear; it doesn't matter if you can't give me biological kids. there are many other ways we can go through to expand our family, and choosing either one of them won't make you less of a woman, less of a mom and definitely won't make me love you any less"
he stayed there, holding you for as long as he could, until someone looked for him to remind him he needed to start getting ready for the show.
"i don't want to leave you" - he murmured on your ear.
"go, I'll be fine" - you assured him - "i'm gonna go with the guys and get distracted for a few"
he left because he had to, but he truly didn't want to leave your side. yes, he found the tests a while ago, but he just thought it was you getting some scares and just making sure you weren't actually pregnant, but when he saw the look on your face while holding that baby at the meet and greet, he put the pieces together.
his heart was now broken because he knows you, he knows you better than anyone. he knows how much you can get into your own head, so he was sure you were beating yourself over this.
the following days you spent them looking for a doctor, since jack wanted to go with the best one in the country because "we can afford it". luckily, the one you found was close to your home.
at the appointment, you talked to the doctor about the whole situation and what you were scared of, which led to the two of you having to get analysis done to figure out the issue.
days later you were called back to the doctor's office.
"you guys have pretty hectic lives, which means stress. stress is like any other disease, it affects your mental and physical health, so i do think this may be the biggest factor right here because your analysis show that both of you are healthy, there's nothing that calls my attention in those results. so, if in a year from now you can't conceive, then we could start talking about all the methods that exist for you to be able to become parents. and y/n, i can only imagine how bad you're overthinking the entire situation, doubting about you and your body. i know it's easier said than done but you need to calm down those thoughts and relieve the stress you're putting on yourself. it usually happens exactly when couples stop trying so hard..." - the doctor explained, next to a few other things.
you left feeling more relieved, knowing nothing was wrong with any of you. the doctor prescribed you some vitamins that could help you prepare your body for a baby, so the next place you visited was the pharmacy.
after that appointment you did the best you could to stop overthinking, to stop stressing out. you focused on your job, on jack, on your day to day life.
months went by. jack was touring europe at the moment and you were back home, waiting for a chance to be able to visit him.
of course jack made sure to talk to you at any chance you two had. he wanted to show you you weren't alone, that he was as involved as you in your relationship. in all honesty, you have never felt that loved before. every time he did or said something having you in mind, you could only think "our baby is going to be so lucky"
one random day, walking through the supermarket aisle, you bumped into a lady.
"sweet girl, could you help me reach those cereals?" - she politely asked. she was much shorter than you, so you didn't doubt on helping her get her Reese's cereal.
"there you go" - you said handing the box to her.
"thank you, honey" - she said with a smile, the one you mirrored. you walked past her a few steps when she called you again.
"yes?" - you asked while turning around to face her.
"i know you have been waiting for a miracle for a long time, and it's finally here. that baby inside of you is going to achieve great things in this world"
you remained in silence for a few seconds, waiting for her to reveal it was a prank for some comedy show, but she just stayed there looking at you with the sweetest look - "i'm not pregnant"
"you are, and that baby already has a designated soul. probably the strongest soul i've ever felt" - you just stood there looking at her, not knowing what to do or say - "you two are destinated to meet in every lifetime. you have been impatiently waiting, but she just couldn't find you. now that she did, she won't let go, and your best life will start now because you two need each other to have it all"
"i'm not pregnant" - you murmured again, now with tears filling your eyes, still thinking this was just some sick joke.
she got closer to your shopping cart and took the pregnancy test for some reason you decided to get - "go find out" - she said with a smile and a wink and started walking away.
your shock and confusion didn't let you answer, and when you were finally able to talk or walk again, she was gone.
the shopping list was dismissed and you quickly went home with the only few things you grabbed before encountering the lady.
you ran to your bathroom and after taking the test, you waited sitting on the floor, praying that weird lady was right... and she was. the positive word plastered on the plastic stick proved it.
368 notes · View notes
anattemptatmeaning · 14 days
Meredith: First Time Caller, Long Time Listener - Chapter Two: Out the Dark
Author Notes: I'll beautify the post later - I'm exhausted and pumped up from a date with my partner and hanging with my homie that I haven't seen in-person close to a year. Crazy, huh? But we kissed! And I've never kissed before! History in the making! Anyways, I figured I'd drop this before life gets in the way again. Not much happens. Apologies. I've literally had all of this chapter written except for the last two paragraphs for weeks if not months now, but best to get it out of the way. I'm so excited for what's to come...the story of Meredith is near and dear to my heart and so help me, I will fight for her. Of course, if you're just seeing this, do read Chapter One: Fire Starting first! It's even shorter and pinned on my blog! ------ Tags: @nocturnest @brittklein18 @silver-spoon-paper-plate @luluartpop @pretty-little-mind33 Yes, I do keep track of y'all and really appreciate that you're giving me a chance. Seriously. Thank you. Please don't think I'm stalking you. Pretty please.
------ Chapter Summary: Without Lemon, Tangerine gets a job of his own. Word Count: 632 -------
Chapter Two: Out the Dark
One week.  One fucking week. 
More than long enough to take a solo job.  Extra income was always a plus. 
Against his better judgement of being fucking proactive like a professional, he couldn’t get the possibility of the whole situation suddenly going tits up off his mind, keeping Tangerine pathetically glued to his seat with the occasional fidget aside, eyes darting from anything akin to a pin drop.  
After hours and still on edge, he’s checked every nook and cranny of the house. 
Nothing bugged. Nothing hiding to ambush. Nothing out of the fucking ordinary.  
He’s unable to stay focused on his novel, the swashbuckling antics of the Three Musketeers only fuelling his panic. He isn’t D’Artagnan at the Bastion de La Rochelle; he’s Milady on trial.
He thought about going to a pub, but he preferred to drink only after a job, and he hadn’t done shit that day.  
“These the Twins?” Deep. Feminine. Mature.
“One of them.”
“I see. Still able to take on new clients?” 
Why the fuck else would you call? “Yeah.” Sarcasm slipped in. He had gotten his fill of impertinent phone calls for the day.
“Perfect.” A tad higher-pitched. Pleasant. Mocking? “In the States, Saint Paul, Minnesota…” 
Saint Paul.
It had been seven years since the Twins had taken their only job there.
It paid 10 million American dollars and he leaped at the chance.
The job was right fucked up. He’d done his share of shit, but Saint Paul made Bolivia child’s play.
That being said, Saint Paul was a big part of why he and his brother were so feared and successful nowadays. And he figured he’d at least spare the decency of never showing up there again.
Until the right business opportunity arose, of course.
“...Central District, there’s a cop, Justin Geoffrey.” 
Justin Geoffrey.
The name was familiar. 
He hadn’t recalled meeting or killing the guy, but it rattled in the back of his head.
“Sparing details, he’s crooked.” Attempting aloofness. Actually aggrieved. “It’s. Personal. I want him dead. I’m willing to pay three million–”
Well, shit. 
“Consider it done. I’ll book a flight to Minneapolis.”
“Good. May I text this number?” More relaxed.
The line hung up. Within seconds, he receives a message from a contact identified only by a black-and-white square emoji.
🔲: Save this number and send a photo of Geoffrey’s body here. I’ll complete the wire transfer once you’re done.
The adrenaline coursing from the assignment of a mission pushed him to finally get off his ass and text Lemon.
🍊: Got a job. 
🍋: See? doing something with your time already
🍊: In Saint Paul.
Tangerine knew Lemon would take longer to respond after mentioning that. His foot tapped even quicker.
🍋: Are you okay?
🍊: What kind of question is that? I do the job and come right fucking back. Simple.
🍋: You’re amped up again bruv you’d never go back there
🍊: Until now. Client’s offering three mil
🍋: three mil is fucking insane but maybe this is a trap?
🍊: Wouldn’t they want both of us? And what was that about you not bleeding? Same thing, I’ll handle shit
🍋: I don’t trust this. Seven years and now you get a call from that place?
🍊: We deliberately avoided Minnesota for years, wasn’t fucking blindness
🍋: This is Diesel shit bruv
🍊: Fucking again?
🍋: Just be on the lookout, I don’t like this at all
Tangerine lowered his phone with a huff. He routinely obtained what he needed for the job: ammunition, bulletproof vest, first-aid, holsters, weapons. All-in-all while slamming clothes into his suitcase, he was just relieved to do something of the ordinary in spite of the White Death bullshit.
Justin Geoffrey.
Tangerine clarified he had stolen the right ticket and left the house. ------
"Anger, which, far sweeter than trickling drops of honey, rises in the bosom of a man like smoke." - Homer
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