jfkisonthemoon · 9 months
you can make many matcha ice creams if you buy matcha powder and vanilla ice cream ingredients
genuinely considering it. ugh and i could make a pound cake or buy waffle bowls to go with it. oh and maybe i could look into getting real mochi...
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
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melodic-haze · 22 days
h-hey 👯‍♀️😕😜🎀
Since you said in your other post that you wanted to write for either Miko or Ei, I HAD AN IDEA!!
What if Miko and fellow kitsune!Reader who start their breeding months (in january obviously) and have Ei volunteering herself to them not knowing that they can’t obviously be sated in just one day 🙄 (r.i.p her cunny)
☆ — DEMO TRACK: switch!Miko x sub!Ei x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader and Miko can shift what they want (specifically their genitals 😄), knotting and breeding (not really)
☆ — NOTES: You. YOUUUUUU. Are such a genius ily anon ty for this 🙏🙏🙏
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Ohhhh this bitch REALLY fucked around and found out LOL I almost feel bad.......almost
Have to hand it to Ei though, she DID try to research before proposing the idea in the first place. Especially since this is set in the first year since she got out the PoE........but studying it obv won't be the same as the real thing LOL
You and Miko have fared relatively okay on your own—the two of you have ABSOLUTELY mated before to ease each other's heat but it always felt like something was missing. You both made sure to take procedures to make sure neither of you ever concieved a child after the process with the excuse of the two of you being way too busy to care for one but like. The actual main reason was that if you were to have a child, you both wanted to have the third piece of the puzzle there with you
Now that the third member of your polycule's back, your heats are STRONGER THAN EVER bc wtf she's acc here??? Ughfhghfhh neeeeeed......like do you get me I hope you do
It wasn't as if it was a normal discussion to have out in public (you both always talked about it indoors until neither of you needed to really talk ab it anymore from all the time spent w each other) but it was a nice picnic between the three of you; Ei's head was on Miko's thighs as she ate up yet ANOTHER skewer of tricolour dango while you were leaning on the latter's side when she brought it up
Ei cleared her throat with a slight tinge of nervousness, "Could I perhaps, ah.. assist the both of you in your mating period?"
You choked on the dango that you were about to swallow as you see Miko startle the slightest bit, nearly dropping her novel in the process.
When you managed to regain your composure (or at least a modicum of it), you could only rush out a simple "'scuse me?" as Miko placed her book down to the side with a raised brow.
Miko combed her fingers through Ei's hair as she questioned, "What brought this on, dear?"
"Well..." The Archon licked her lips as she slowly got her words out, "I've.. left you two for over five hundred years. And while I'm glad that you both had each other for company whenever the season hits, I cannot deny that.. well, I feel bad, I suppose."
"You feel bad," the shrine priestess mocked, which.. really, wasn't all that undeserved, despite the fact that she was mocking the nation's leader.
"For a lack of a better word, yes." She sits up and turns to the both of you, putting the now-empty skewer aside, "Now that I have returned from my admittedly self-imposed isolation, it would be remiss of me to.. avoid my duties as your lover."
"I don't mean to be rude, Your Excellency," you teased, "but do you even know what you're saying? You've been in the Plane of Euthymia for so long; I worry for your safety."
You hear the pink fox envoy let out a quiet snort of amusement for your slight condescension (all in good faith, of course) as Ei sighed, "I think you forget that I am not a fragile mortal who needs to be coddled—I can withstand brutal wars and come out victorious."
"Besides," she adds, "I have done a fair amount of research to refresh my knowledge. I assure you both that I can take whatever it is you give me."
Miko mused, "I thought you knew better than to rely on textbook information rather than actual experiment, Ei."
"You're trying much too hard to dissuade me from my offer."
"We both deserve to rib into you for at least a couple hundred years."
"Especially considering how we've been left to fend for ourselves..."
"I.. suppose I do deserve that. And I want to make amends for it all, starting with this. So.. will you let me help? Please?" She looked at the both of you with such sincerity despite the subject matter.
The fact that Raiden Ei herself was begging the two of you though...
The both of you jumped her sides with sharing grins, your ears flicking in sync as you let out your own laughs.
"You should hope that you don't regret that, Ei.."
"..Because we are rather.. insatiable."
Then comes the actual thing and ohhhhh girlie was NOT prepared
When I said your heats get worse bc of how Ei's back, I fucking MEAN IT. It's the fact that that familiar sweet smell isn't just a not-quite-forgotten memory for you two anymore that it's just driving you both abslutely NUTS
When she gets to you two she gets POUNCED ON and there is. Basically no break for her at all and foreplay is basically foreGONE atp tbh
Eat her cunt like a bitch STARVED it's like both you and Miko are competing and assisting each other at the same time like who can eat her out better, who can make her squirt, etc etc
SO MANY BITE MARKS ON HER HOLY SHIT like okay yes on you and Miko as well but both of you want to mark Ei EXTREMELY for all the time you've lost with her. The both of you wanna show both Ei and perhaps the entirety of Inazuma that archon is YOURS at the end of the day......at least, if the loud noises didn't give them enough of a hint 🤷‍♀️
You're so right anon rip Ei's cunny indeed bc both you and Miko ABUSE the living HELL out of it❗️❗️❗️ You do often have to personally pry Miko off when she's overstaying in the spot you're supposed to share 🫶🫶🫶🫶 just tell her she's being a VERY bad girl rn and she'll fold. Usually she wouldn't but the haze (lol) in her mind is sooo fucking thick she can't think straight and she can't think of the witty remarks she would've otherwise made :((( poor baby the only thing she wants to do is breed and get bred :(((((((
I need to spitroast her with Miko so very badly I'm ngl to you I neeeed I NEEEEED I need to see Ei being impaled on both ends, both sides basically slobbering
It'd be very messy and would 100% take so long before you finish but when you do, it's with your fellow kitsune's own pussy practically filled to the brim and Leaking as she's laid out and finally passed out as your hips are locked in on your Archon's own; you cumming inside of you for like the nth time and stuffing her full w a mix of both your and Miko's cum and essentially plugging it with an inflamed bulb :3
Whether Ei has a system that allows her to get pregnant or not, gen who knows.......but one thing's def for sure. Or like three things acc: one, you two are VERY clearly excited that your shared lover is finally back; two, turns out she absolutely LOVES being used and bred by her two partners; and three?
It was an unusually hard thing to do, waking up. Despite having an artifical body and being an archon that has faced true horrors and extreme exhaustion, she found herself absolutely spent from the marathon.. copulation.
Ei had hoped that her exhaustion meant that the two of you were much more tired than she was, even despite your inhumanity, and yet...
Her eyes couldn't help but flutter open as a sudden gasp left her lips—she sees you push into her roughly with a lust-addled look on your face. You were already inside her when she fell asleep, considering the animalistic knot that held the both of you together, but even when it had shrunk to a more.. manageable level, you still hadn't taken it out.
Then Ei looks slightly to the right and there she sees her pink-haired familiar, heavily breathing as she grinded her wet, hot pussy onto her thighs with such loud, obscene moans.
(If the Archon listened close enough, which she did, she would've noticed the slight growl to the sounds she made—such a sound was at its most clearest when she ducked down to press another bite mark on porcelain skin.)
She couldn't even utter a word to remark that she had just woken up, didn't even have the room to do anything to stop you before you started pounding away at her like your life depended on it.
..And she could. Really, she could. She wasn't the feared Raiden Shogun for nothing.
She could stop you if she wanted to.
If she wanted to.
But when she feels the residual fluids within her gush out as you essentially resculpt her insides over and over and over, when she feels the desperate whines that Miko lets out as she cums and covers her thigh in slick, well.
She finds that she doesn't really want to.
(And really, not only was it her fault for volunteering, but this is her responsibility as your lover.)
(She knew that, and she wasn't going to start shirking her responsibilities again.)
(Even if it costs her her mobility for a while. But it's fine, she can just do a lot of maintenance after.)
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honeymaki · 4 months
𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘢 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 .。.:*・
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Warnings: mentions of bodily harm, oral sex (f → receiving), penetrative sex, creampie, unneeded religious themes, mentions of body hair; reader has a hydro vision and is from Inazuma.
Words: 6k
Characters: Cyno; mentions of Tighnari as a reluctant tutor.
→ Notes: this is my first fic in honest to god years, proper thought out all consuming insane in the head fic; and I am proud of this.
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The heat of Sumeru was different to the heat of Inazuma, the sweet smelling summers and the cool touch of the vast ocean on your toes were now just memories wisping like the steam that rose from streams, and the breeze that picked up the morning dew drops from leaves larger and thicker than any you had ever seen.
Inazuma summers meant blue ice pops and sweet milk beverages, lounging in you underclothes on the veranda, fanning yourself and whoever was your companion for the day, sucking on juicy melon slices and watching the fishermen bring in their catch of the day down by the shore, the crystal waves just beckoning you in for a much needed swim. The heat there was bearable, almost, with the promise of a fiery red autumn to follow if the sun got high enough and always smelling oh so sweet in the evenings when restaurants and common folk would move their cooking outdoors, smoke from the barbeques dancing in the mellow breeze like rice plumes in their paddy fields, carrying drippings of fat and roasted lavender melons to your nose. If the night was just right, you could just catch the slow baking of Tomoki’s dango, sweet rice cakes lathed with caramel or a soy glaze, both welcomed after hours wandering the slopes beneath Narakumi. 
Sumeru summers, despite only experiencing a few in your recent years, were so stiflingly different and yet, a gentle reminder of what it was like back home. It was definitely - wetter with sweltering days that made it hard to breathe and made way for almost frigid nights, dew settling fat and heavy over the land, clouds gathering to tease a storm but only showering a gentle drizzle. The sprawling fields and jagged islands of Inazuma made way for the jungles and vast forests of Sumeru, sunlight dappled and sparkling no matter the time of day, shining through leaves and spider webs and flowers you had yet to name, catching in the estuaries and ponds snaking across the landscape. And the desert, dry and barren with the formidable beast in the sky baring down at all moments, was teaming with the same greenery as your new residence. You didn’t often venture past Caravan Ribat and the few times you did travel there, the sun was shielded behind great hanging cloths and rugs of immense beauty, some old and worn and some witnessing their first day protecting the residents and travellers of the threshold of the desert. Though the shade and protection of the trees was much more suited to you and your gentle memories of Inazuma, flitting from branch to branch the way you used to with the sea caves and shipwrecks of your home.
Sumeru summers meant ripe Zaytun peaches and crunchy radishes pickled with chilli and mint, sipping on lukewarm water from your pouch but wading through ice cold streams to document new outcrops of lotus’. It meant the constant shout of brightly coloured birds beyond your window, the low hum of traders passing through and offering their wares, the enticing aroma of curries and unleavened breads, both sitting heavy and comfortingly in your belly after every sweltering excursion. 
There were times you missed Inazuma, deeply and painfully, but as it was, fate had called you beyond the services to the Shogunate and beyond the great sea which had previously been barred. The lifting of the decree saw a mass migration of people, some back to their original homes and many off to new, including yourself in the form of a letter from the Akademiya offering to school you in the great city of Sumeru. 
That summer saw your first sea voyage, and your last taste of Inazuman sweetness for many years. The Akademiya was good to you, one of the first Inazumans in an age to study among their natives, bringing your knowledge of Inazuman biology and medicine to their foresight and introducing them to a world of eternity and strange new ways to ferment soybeans. It was difficult to grow accustomed to their culture, their ways and laws, and their itchy uniforms, preferring the loose garb that the forest rangers wore, their bows and their nimble knowledge. Studying under the Amurta discipline was a gentle reminder of home, reading about all sorts from around Teyvat, wishing so dearly to travel even beyond Sumeru to see it all for yourself; sitting at your desk in the early hours of the morning dreaming of the mountains of Liyue and the beauty of the Qingxin that you would find, wondering what it would be like to swim in the waters of Fontain and venture among the ancient forests of Mondstadt. Your love of the forest, of all things green and living and thriving sent you to Gandarva Villa, under the apparently famed and somewhat reluctant mentorage of Tighnari. Reluctant in that upon reading your thesis and realising that you had already submitted your first manuscript, and concluding that he had little idea of the basis of your study and that you had already nearly finished it entirely. 
Inazuma had been closed off, shut to any and all outsiders for a generation, prompting only theories and wild ideas about your archon and her dealings; which lead to a dramatic decline in knowledge flowing from her shores, not only technologically but also botanically. Growing your first successful lavender melon on a rickety trellis in your front garden was talked about for weeks, fuelled only by your multiple displays of how one could cook, eat and utilise it. Food from Inazuma was indeed traded in the cities, but many of the forest rangers rarely ventured into the winding, bustling streets so in between studying and writing up a new version of your manuscript; you took it upon yourself to grow as much as you could from home to share with your new and beloved friends. And the Sumeru summers were the perfect growing conditions to do this, spending your pink and orange evenings pruning the naku weed and spreading straw beneath the amakuno fruits, tending to the delicate blooms of your unsuccessful dendrobiums. 
Which is where you found yourself one calm and thankfully cool evening after feasting with your companions. Knelt on the grass, books and papers surround you and your distinct annoyance, chewing your lip and pondering on the answers you finally found regarding your one nemesis. A single sprout curls and threatens to wither before you, rejecting the sprinkle of water you summon from your palm, looking very sorry for itself; a sad reflection of its carer, 
“I didn’t think I’d have to resort to such sinful methods little one,” you grumble, theory confirmed by the pocketbook of your own writing completed some years ago, “But I promised Tighnari and he looks really silly when he pouts,” as if your words would suddenly spark the sprout into blooming, a crumb of soil instead shuddered and dropped from its crisped leaf in defeat. A creature called out in the distance, wind blew gently through the valley and rustled your papers, concealing the staggering breaths of a person advancing on your delicate little world, and concealing the unsheathing of a small pocket knife. It was clear your intention, fuelled by your field notes and the archived history of Nazuchi Beach, and in a dramatic display; you held your hand out over the sorrowful sprout with the blade kissing your skin. 
A hiss of breath and the nicking pain never came, pressure and a grunt revealed a hand holding your wrist far from the shining lick of the knife. 
“What exactly are you doing?” the familiarity of that gruff voice causes a chill to ripple down your spin, hanging your head with heat in your cheeks, “I didn’t know it was Inazuman custom to sacrifice oneself to plants, dead ones at that,”
“I wasn’t going to entirely sacrifice myself, these plants grow only where blood has been spilt and I'm not going to ask someone else to do it for me, or start a war like they did back home so I figured -,” turning to face him, something catches you off guard. It wasn’t unusual for the General Mahamtra to pass through the valley, even stay for a few nights with his fellows, but it was unusual that he seemed - not quite right, despite still gripping you and staring at you with unimpressed judgement. So much so that you abruptly ended your swotty explanation and tried to pull away from him, to no avail,
“Are you okay? You look kind of unwell?” voice gentle and curious, causing Cyno to tighten his grip on your wrist even more, “Ah ! - you’re hurting me,”
“Where is Tighnari? I need to see him, something has happened…I’ve done something regreful,” even though he seemed to have been speaking perfectly fine a few seconds ago, Cyno suddenly sounded a thousand miles away and almost intoxicated. Eyes glancing around furtively, searching for nothing and everything, specifically your reluctant mentor who currently -,
“He’s away right now, Liyue - ow ! - there was a cooking event he wanted to go to and so I asked if he could pick me up some Violetgrass and also some starconches,” you say through your teeth, struggling out of his grasp and rubbing your wrist, squinting at his figure in the doctor-ish way Tighnari taught you. All of a sudden, he didn’t look much like a General Mahamatra, or even a matra; trying desperately to hide the sways in his body and the shaking of this fists held tightly by his side, tongue dipping out of his mouth to lap at the beads of sweat rolling down his upper lip, eyes red and rimmed dark. Words seem to be a loss for him at the news, swallowing thickly and looking down at his feet, toes digging into the carefully curated moss of your garden,
“What did you eat?” your sharp question stuns him out of his stupor for a moment, scrambling to your feet to assess him properly, “Or drink, but I assume it was something edible that has you sweating like the grand sage in a brothel,”
“Don’t - ,” he spits, “Don’t mock me,” you step back, hands up in submission, face shining with the want to help, 
“I wasn’t Cyno, I promise, Tighnari isn’t here right now so I’m going to help you, but I need you to answer my questions so I can do that,” it occurred to you for a moment that as the General, Cyno probably knew about his friend’s little excursion and yet, came straight to you instead of the Akademiya. But a sharp exhale banished that thought from your mind, 
“In the North, near Vanarana, there were Fatui breaking protocol,” at the mention of the mysterious and mostly unmapped region, you usher Cyno into your humble hut, drawing the wicker shutters and lighting a candle in the dwindling dusk, “they had stolen goods - crests from all over Teyvat, mostly food from Inazuma, some kind of mushroom …,” 
“Oh Cyno, we have both told you never to -,”
“Yeah, yeah, never eat something I can’t name, I know; but it looked like a starshroom, it was glowing and I can obviously name that so, I ate it,” sinking into a chair, Cyno suddenly looked pale in the candlelight, wiping sweat from his brow and shifting his hips beneath your scrutinising gaze,
“Did you say it was glowing? You ate a glowing mushroom?” this was hardly the time for jesting but you couldn’t help but grin, vanishing in a second under Cyno’s scowl, “Tighnari is going to be so mad at you, I thought it was obvious not to go around tasting things that glowed! We teach that to children! And newcomers who have never seen anything like it before,” your berating is only half serious, rummaging around you various knapsacks and baskets for the ingredient you needed to ease his pain, handing him a strip of dried something or other with a kind look, “Chew on this, it should stop the pain in a few seconds but just hang tight okay? I’ll take care of you,”
As much of a mother you seemed around those who made mistakes, berating them sharply before showing them the right way or the solution; Cyno almost felt like a lover to you in the way you cupped his jaw to make sure he was indeed chewing on the bark, stroking the tops of his cheekbones and the round of his collar in search of a rash, fingers soft and methodical, loving in a way he was unsure of whether you used towards other patients. He watched you work, content with his stabilising condition and preparing some kind of drink, back facing him and sweetly busy at your workbench. You were so precise and aged in your movements, picking the right herb and concoction without having to think, mixing them perfectly into a hand thrown cup with an extra spoonful of something for good measure,
“Here,” you sat down in the chair next to him, pressing a cool palm to his forehead beneath his headpiece, “I put some sugar in it to make it a little easier to drink, m’fraid I didn’t have any lavender melon syrup left,” the cup is heavy when you push it towards him, eyes curious and ever watchful, “If you need to throw up then warn me first,”
That struck him as odd. “Why didn’t you make me do that as soon as I arrived here? Surely that’s the first protocol in eating something dangerous?” you jerked your head, an indicator for him to drink and truly, the sugar did nothing to hide the foul taste and Cyno couldn’t hold back the winces and the gags as he swallowed,
“You ate fluorescent fungus, probably a rarer sub-specie that is very similar to the starshroom and native to Inazuma, obviously. The spores would have touched your lips first and as it is a very delicate plant -,” you fiddle with a small pocket book left on the table, showing him a beautiful painted depiction of the yellow-ish fungus he ate, “your saliva would have dissolved it before it even hit your stomach so vomiting would not have done much,” he nods, somewhat in defeat, gulping the last of your concoction with a poorly hidden gag, “We can sit until you feel better if you’d like, I’m surprised you didn’t have worse symptoms. Usually people get hallucinations, fainting, loss of limb control; the usual when one eats a poisonous mushroom, but you’re strong I guess,” you steal a glance at his body reclined and tense in the chair, “or just resistant,” Cyno doesn’t reply, tilting his head back and taking a shallow breath, still uncomfortable and unwell, “Just relax, it’ll take effect in a little bit, I’ll take care of you while it does,”
There was that strange feeling that made Cyno want to suck in his cheeks and puff out his chest, but it was not all that unfamiliar. Moments like this were common, more so in the recent visits, the ones where he felt like you could be a little more than the Inazuman who knows surprisingly too much. Sat around the fire in the cool nights, palm held in yours, tracing the deep callouses and lines and pretending to be a mage from your home city, making up some jumbo about his future and him suddenly so wishing you were in it; waving at him from down in the valley, wading with the fishes and the fungi, trousers rolled up to your knees and looking just about the happiest he had ever seen you; listening from the shadows as you animatedly retold stories from travelling around Watatsumi and foraging the pearls hidden beneath the glowing waters, an eagerly fond look twinkling in his eye; slyly asking about you at the Akedamiya, wondering about your studies and pretending to be interested in your thesis when all he could see was your printed name at the top of the manuscript; times when you thought he couldn’t see you looking at him with his headpiece off, a cut on his brow or a set of cards on the table in front of him, noticing your longing gaze and keeping it safe for the lonely nights in the desert. 
You were looking at him now, thinking he was resting, allowing your eyes to trace the steady rise and fall of his chest, the soft skin of his stomach and the trunks of his thighs, spread and inviting. It takes all he has not to smirk, or flush, or even move. It’s strange, he thinks, he feels almost uncomfortable in that he desperately wants to do something about it, in an all the more wanton way. Makes him feel wound up, on edge almost, biting his tongue and scrunching his toes in case he might stand up and simply confess. 
“How do I know if I’m hallucinating?” Cyno knows he isn’t, but it fills the heady silence and he hears you readjust yourself, sitting up a little straighter, 
“Well, first of all, you shouldn’t be hallucinating now since the medicine should be working,” there’s concern in your voice, licking like a lover over his ears, feeling you press forward and he feels you caress his closed eyelid, “look at me? Why could you be hallucinating now?” he’s lazy in aiding your poking and prodding, allowing you to remove his headpiece and place it on the table, blinking blearily, “Describe what you are feeling please, and what you’re seeing,” 
“I’m not sure how to describe it,” he grumbles after a moment in gathering his thoughts, struggling in your close proximity, “You’re so close, it’s interfering with my concentration,” you furrow your brows, confused and more than concerned, that same soft scowl of a lover settling on your face at his words, “there, you’re doing things and saying things and making me feel things I’m not accustomed to, it feels wrong; like it and you and all this shouldn’t be here,”
“And so, you think that you’re experiencing a hallucination of what exactly?” you feel for a temperature, sitting back in your chair at his leaning forwards into the touch of your hand, “I’m not sure you’re hallucinating Cyno, your vitals are - ,” precise fingers dig into the doughy, giving skin under his chin to feel for a pulse, finding it strong and fluttering like a small bird, “Let me get you something to drink, water this time I promise,” you’re not angry with his feigning symptoms, or that concerned at his apparent anxiety, not berating him in that motherly way like you usually do and that only causes his pulse to rocket higher and the anxiety creep further into his gut. You’re acting in that way again, sweet eyes and a sweeter voice, like honey, fetching him a cool welcomed cup of water in the way such as after a night of -
You distinctly remember hearing absolute silence in the seconds between you standing to get your guest some water, and then feeling his imposing presence behind you, close enough to feel his breath on the back of your neck. Time stops at the sound of his fists clenching by his side, swallowing thickly at the sight of your inviting skin, physically shaking in his restraint,
“I feel like I’m dreaming, like none of this and none of what I am feeling is real,” you’re silent still, barely breathing in the confined space he’d boxed you into, a small corner of your hut with a sink that provided you some much needed physical support. Psychologically however, you were in turmoil. Cyno, the Great General Mahamtra, felt as if he was having a hallucination or some kind of dream in his apparent romantic or lustful pursuit of you, and the implication of what was standing behind you was suddenly too much to bear. 
“I could - pinch you if you’d like,” the voice that leaves you doesn’t sound like your own, shaky and shy, “Dreams aren’t real, you shouldn’t be able to feel or touch or taste in a dream, if you concentrate hard enough,”
A beat passes, filled with sharp, quiet breaths passing between you and it aches that you cannot see what he’s doing, or what he looks like or how he feels. Your heart flutters like a sakura petal in the spring breeze, mouth dropping open when you feel his hands rest on your hips, burning hot through your clothes. Cyno sucks in a breath, lips dry and cool as they part against your neck, tongue darting out to taste the damp saltiness of your skin, 
“I feel you,” he mumbles into your jugular, thick hair sticking to the side of your face and his nails dig into the cushiony flesh of your hips, “I feel you, and you feel - soft, so soft,” hips press into you, strong and hard and fluid, “And you taste like nectar, like honey and wine and - like a dream,”
“It’s been more than enough time for the medicine to take its full effect, you shouldn’t feel any more side effe…Cyno,” his name comes out a sigh at his attaching his mouth fully to your throat, wet and warm and causing your knees to buckle. He catches you, almost, slinging an around around your middle and hoisting you back against him, panting against the back of your neck, 
“I guess you’re right,” one hand grips your wrist, urging you to put down the cup and Cyno lifts it to his lips, nose running down the pulsing veins as it trying to absorb your scent and the effect he has on your pulse, throbbing beneath the delicate skin, “How could this be a dream, a hallucination if I can feel everything, taste you on my tongue, touch you like this?” 
He’s grinding against you, body writhing in tandem with his in response, mouth open with heady gasps and mewls that remind him over and over that not only did you save him from certain madness, but you also were eagerly reciprocating his equally eager advances. Long fingers unlace the ties of your trousers and dip beneath your waistband, instead dragging up into your shirt, loose and comfortable for your planned evening of study, now easily parting like clouds on a blustery day for him. The first touch against your chest sends you shivering into his grip, fingertips brushing the underside of your breast oh so softly and politely before gripping a little firmer, then altogether greedily. Flesh spilling between his fingers, nipple catching on a callous, rough and a little mean but eliciting such a submissive little reaction that Cyno nearly folds forward against you. 
“Please, please, please,” you’re muttering desperately, sacred like you’re saying a prayer, pushing your chest further into his touch and arching your back, “Touch me please,”
“You’re always so polite,” he isn’t much for words, let alone praises but you’re so dear and so sweet in his arms, shivering like a little lamb and even bleating at the slithering of his other hand into your trousers. With his face still nuzzling into your neck, Cyno is only just able to hide his distinct devastation at how wet you are, positively soaking your underwear and covering his fingers in honeyed slick. He grips your breast harder, plucking at your nipple at the same luxurious pace as his forefingers sliding through your cunt, slipping sloppily over your clit and you all but howl. You aren’t quite sure what to do with your hands, the one he was previously lathing kisses to was now somehow tangled in his hair, holding him in place and it’s grounding, it’s anchoring you to the intense, gooey pleasure coursing through your gut. Your other hand is gripping his forearm, the one deep between your thighs or the one greedily fisting your breasts, you aren’t sure but your nails hurt and you think it’s because you’re holding on too tight, but how can you not when too much is happening all at once? 
Cyno feels your arousal coating his hand, palm sticky and fingers pruning with his assault, languid circles over your clit, following the shivers and writhes of your body with grinds and jerks of his own. Gods, he’s so hard that it hurts, and he knows that you’re so close, so fucking close to cumming but he can’t help but still worry if he’s dreaming, if this is all an after effect of his incident, if you’d neglected to tell him how long something like a hallucination could last. He vaguely hears you howl in agonising dejection when he rips his hand from your trousers, strings of arousal glistening in between his fingers in the light and he’s struck with how you’d much prefer to cry over the loss than watch him lick up the mess you’d made. You only just manage to catch his eyes rolling back at the taste, dripping down his wrist, three fingers shoved into his mouth and positively devouring the essence of you. Tears leak down your cheeks, replacing his fingers with your lips in a whirlwind of need and hard, hot desperation, swallowing his surprised grunt with a whine of your own. Cyno doesn’t respond for a moment, shocked at your display of wantonness, tongue licking inside his mouth in a thinly veiled attempt at tasting your own arousal and his grip on you suddenly becomes all the more fierce. 
“I can’t - I can’t -,” your kisses grow sloppy with your begs, struggling to pull your trousers down, almost losing your balance and it pains Cyno to part from you for even a second to disrobe himself. Red eyes follow your every movement, toeing off your shoes and ungracefully kicking away your trousers, bending over for a moment and it takes everything in him not to cum on the spot. Nestled between your thighs, dripping and plump, the scent of it wounding him to his knees, crawling half dressed over to you,
“Gods - fuck,” eyes fluttering closed at your suprised gasp, tongue darting out to lick gently, lightly like he was licking honey from his finger, catching the leaking drops and feeling his stomach clench, and his cock kick against his thigh. You remain in place, frozen against his curious, pointed licks, flattening his tongue after having his fill and splitting your pussylips with a lewd noise. He could be content between your thighs for the rest of his life, Akademiya be damned, coming home from his duties to this lifeline of saccharine sin that he swallows down greedily and selfishly. The wings of your shirt sit bunched over your hips, sliding low over your ass until he frustratedly fists the cotton against your cheek and spreads you enough to put his whole mouth against you. 
“Cyno! Ah - !” you startle forwards, but he only follows like a worshipper, slurping and swallowing every flutter and every throb of you, fingers digging hard into your thigh and ass to keep himself in place. A tentative hand cards into his hair, a question and his answer was a long, slow moan directly into your cunt, vibrating between your hips and the result was your closeted strength almost shoving him over, nose hitting your clit and causing you to gyrate deliciously. 
That was all he wanted, this drawn out stupor only stabilised by your shuddering grinds against his tongue, palm slapping against the countertop. If you’d allow him, Cyno would do this every day, he’d gladly station himself in the city if he got to taste the heaven between your thighs even for a few seconds in the mornings before he was called in to deal with the country’s worst and the best. It would be a welcome reprieve, one he’d been craving without even knowing it; in the moments alone with you, sacred and secret, soft and sweet and warm. To feel you gushing down his chin, moans reaching their crescendo and legs shaking on your tiptoes, all but sobbing into the crook of your elbow as you cum; it would be worth the sacrifice. 
Cyno felt selfish, detaching himself from your cunt, resting his forehead against the back of your thigh and smoothing his hands over your shuddering calves, down to your ankles and then back up to your ass. 
“Are you okay?” his breath is hot on your skin, and through your gulping pants, you manage to answer with a cracked ‘mhm’. You feel him smile wide and smug, standing and hiccuping at the state of you, slumped against the sink and writhing as if in pain, whole body breathing with your dwindling orgasm, “Come here, I got you,”
Carefully and all too greedily, Cyno scoops your torso against his with his hand angling your jaw, tilting your face up to his. A kiss is pressed to your lips, languid and lazy, a stark contrast to the blunt head of his cock kissing the lips of your cunt. You shudder, unable to return his kisses but trying so desperately to keep his stare, eyes boring into yours as he angles his hips. 
“I got you,” he murmurs a promise, feeling your fingers lace with his over your throat, watching your lids flutter as he presses into you, “Stay with me, I got you I promise, just a little more,” 
Breathy and fleeting, Cyno recites his words like a prayer, thrusting gently and shallowly at your wobbling bottom lip, swallowing your discomforted hiccups. He doesn’t thrust to the hilt like he so dearly wishes to, filling you in one swipe and leaving you reeling - no, he’s slow, methodical, precise and doesn’t break eye contact for even a second. Keeping a firm grip on your jaw, chasing the breaking down of your resolve every inch he slides into you until there’s no more, snug and warm and so fucking wet. He feels you against his pelvis, against his thighs, sticky and warm, shuddering when he kisses you once more, almost like a praise for taking him all the way. 
You’re trying to speak, trying to make any sort of sound but the breath is stolen from your chest when he starts an agonisingly deep grind, up into you, hardly leaving the warmth of your cunt and digging hard into your belly. It feels as though he’s in your throat, eyes never leaving yours and sending you spiralling, gasps turning into whimpers turning into hiccuping sobs of his name with every defying push of his hips. Cyno sees your eyes flutter for a second, lips parted and brushing yours, swallowing every delicious sound you make, responding with grunts of his own in both encouragement and sin. 
“Eyes on me,” he purrs, a crack in his voice at the sudden way you choke him, cunt clenching at the drop in his tone. Cyno shudders, pace slipping and he slides his hand down over the swell of your belly, feeling for the slippery bud of your clit. When he decides to match the slow, heady pushes and pulls of his hips with heavy thrums over your clit, you’re quite unsure of how you manage to stay standing upright. 
“Ah - ! Cyno !” he never falters, not even when you grind back up against him, not even when you try to lick into his mouth for even a semblance of grounding, not even when you cum so hard that fat tears roll down your cheeks, not even when you finally catch your voice and reach back to grip hard at his hair, “Again, make me cum again please,” you beg, “Please Cyno, please - inside, cum inside, make it deep - please,”
Begging didn’t seem to be about your usual person, the one he knew that shared their meals and knowledge with anyone who asked, so to hear it fall from the heaven of your lips was surely his downfall. It was unexpected, it tore a deep and long snarl from his chest, grinds turning into thrusts turning into something damning and gut wrenching. The fingers on your clit were kinder, swift circles to keep you leaking down your thighs but the cock battering your sensitive walls was less so. 
He never stops watching you though, even when you reach a second completion, all the more messier and sloppier than the first, red heavy eyes boring into yours without faltering for even a second. Cyno presses his forehead to yours, the angle causing your neck to ache but it goes unnoticed through the life giving pleasure he brings you, with every greedy slam of his pelvis against your ass. Lips touch yours in the moment he cums, eyes finally snapping shut and you think he looks beautiful through the fog of your orgasm; illuminated by the candle light, sweat flecking his brow, hair mussed and tangled in your fingers. Jaw ticking with every twitch of his cock deep inside of you, warmth spreading through your hips and thighs, feeling his hand flatten over your stomach as a kind of worship, caressing the space he fills so deliciously. 
“I - ,” he swallows heavily, 
“It’s okay,” is the first thing you can think of, “I wanted it too,” Cyno’s eyes open and he searches your face, “For… a while,”
It feels like eternity before he answers, nudging his nose against yours affectionately,
“Would it surprise you to admit I felt the same? That I waited far too long, and chose a rather idiotic time to do it?” the corner of his lips lift in a smirk,
“Honestly and with your track record? Not really, you have a bad habit of keeping things to yourself,” with bated breath you lean to kiss him softly, “But so do I, I guess,”
Cyno clenches his jaw as he pulls away from you, surveying the mess of your coupling before surveying the mess between your thighs. He flushes dark, lust threatening red again at the white threatening to spill to the floor, 
“Here, let me - help you,” he aids in removing your soiled shirt, using that as a rag between your thighs and he hisses along with your protests at the sensitivity, “I’m sorry, I’ll be gentler next time, I promise,” you aren’t shy in your nudity, how could you really? And you turn to Cyno with heated cheeks, 
“Next time? When - urm - when do you plan on having a next time?” Goosebumps flurry over your arms, nipples perking in the coolness of the night and Cyno can’t help but reach out, cupping the weight of your breast and sighing at the feeling, “I can’t, not right now - that’s too soon Cyno! You gotta let me rest! Don’t be so - !”
And he laughs. Full and loud and hearty, gripping you and embracing you and kissing you with laughter wrinkling his face, craning you backwards and swaying you to and fro. You squeal, thighs tacky and sticky but following his movements, allowing him to swing you over to your cot on the far wall. 
“I would never defile you without asking, and not before tasting you thoroughly too,” Cyno kneels before you, a covenant and their disciple, hands tucked together in prayer, “And besides, I’m still questioning whether this is a dream,”
“I could pinch you, again, if you like?” You draw your blanket up around your shoulders, sliding backwards further on to the bed, noticing for the first time that Cyno still had a majority of his upper clothing on and there was something about the exposure of his abdomen, the ripples of his muscles, the thatch of white hair trailing down from his belly button to his cock resting between his thighs that gets you all tingly and warm again. He folds himself into the small space with you, catlike and flexible, kissing your forehead with a hum, 
“Maybe in a few hours, I’ll probably wake up and need a splash of something on my face to remind me I’m not hallucinating,” it takes you a second to catch on, hiding your face in your hands with a mortified groan and Cyno laughs again, gathering you close, keeping your quaint reaction to his terrible joke a secret, a safe little slice of heaven only for him to enjoy. In the back of his mind, he remembers suddenly that out of everyone; you’re the only one who entertained his jokes and silly puns, and the first time you genuinely laughed at one was also probably the first time he decided that he loves you. The word chases tails in his mind as he succumbs to sleep, tucked up against you and keeping his lips firmly pressed to your forehead, an imprint of himself for you to feel even when he wasn’t there.
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Copyright of honeymaki. Please do not repost, translate or upload to any other media sites or ai engines.
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ashxketchum · 4 months
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Let's break this down one by one ~
This is such a good Sora fit I don't even know how to explain how very much OG Sora this is, the pink tones of the overall sporty outfit perfectly capture all levels of her personality. To top it off she's sharing flower themed cream sandwiches with Piyomon AAAHHH the subtle reference okay merch team you can take a w. Not to mention Sora is perfectly matching with Taichi and the fruit in her sandwich is orange stoooopppp itttt!!!!!
TAICHI OMG who is dressing this boy because that's the most he's ever jocked as a 11 year old. The sweatshirt, cargo pants, matching wristband and the sense to put his goggles down, he is winning the sporty casual fashion show for sure. And of course him and Agumon are enjoying some chicken popcorn, love how they weren't even subtle with the packaging art we all know Japan's favourite fried chicken brand anyway 🤣
Yamato. YAMATO. Y A M A T O. You're 11 can you tone down the cool guy heartthrob behaviour for a minute because I am losing my mind THE DOGTAG CHAIN IM GONNA SCREEAAAMMM ACTUALLY I AM SCREAAAMING AAAAHHHHHHH. He looks so good, there is absolutely no wrong element in his entire outfit, everything is perfectly paired up, a fashionista is among us. The little thumbs up over the onigiri that Gabumon is offering him?? Is he telling Gabumon that he's okay with having one and Gabumon can have the rest because that's the sweet, protective, kind, caring baby he is at heart???🥹🥹🥹The blue and green gradient in the background tho?? Mimato math is mathing bestiesss 🤣
Takeru is just a lil guy, but such a perfect lil guy!!! I like how his outfit has the similar green shade as his anime outfit but they still chose to gave him a new beanie instead which doesn't really match the colour tone of the rest of the fit but it's Takeru so we know that he can pull any hat off and that's what he does!!! Him and Patamon sharing burgers, okay mood, but why is he looking so surprised? I need to know what happened, did he spill some sauce on his overalls? Was the burger too hot to bite? WHAT HAPPENED TAKERU????? 😢
Jou, I see you paired up the plaid pants with a nice long, muted, warm toned jacket BUT I SEE THAT PURPLE SHIRT POKING IN FROM INSIDE and excuse me sir but why that purple with the plaid 😭 I need to see a version where Jou isn't wearing the jacket so I can make an informed rating on this outfit but may I add that in the full merch pic he has paired this look with green and white sneakers...I cannot defend you I am sorry Jou, please try brown loafers next time 😭 But outfit aside, Jou eating a taiyaki with Gomamon is lowkey funny I just know that Gomamon cracked a Marching Fishes joke at least once.
Koushiro...I will not go into detail but I will say it's cute that you have a sweater with a little K on it, it's also very cute that there is a splash of orange in your outfit, who's attention are you vying for it isn't subtle at all bby boy and I am grateful you matched your shoes to your sweater even if the socks are definitely a choice and that blue with orange is also definitely another choice. Good to see your are making choices. I like that him and Tentomon are sharing dango, it's always nice to see Koushiro's fondness towards Japanese traditional snacks hinted at in some way.
MIMI. QUEEN. SLAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! YOU NEVER EVER MISS MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL. The pastel tones matched with the grey stockings for contrast, that beret and the fuzzy hem boots, you just know she shops at Takashimaya and Isetan and anything below it will just not do 👏🏻 Plus Sora and Mimi are wearing the same tones, which probably means that they pre-planned the outfits together, cuties!!! Also Crepe is such a Mimi™️ choice of dessert but I always get teary eyes when I see Palmon mimic Mimi's gestures, there is just so much love and admiration between them for each other, pure childish wonder 💚 And the crepe even has a cutesy character face on it, which kinda looks like Monzaemon, though I can't be sure but if it is then another win for a subtle reference. Not to mention both Yamato and Mimi look like they've dressed in a more cool and elegant style than the rest like they might be on their way to a date THE MIMAT MATH IS MATHING YALLL!!!
Hikari looks super cute, I think there isn't much official art of her in casual clothing for OG stuff so it's nice to see her in a more cutesy fit suited to her age. The hairband matching the cardigan is such a nice touch!! I can't recall any other casual outfit for OG design Hikari except the War Game and Memorial Party dress, so I think this would be the first time we see Hikari with a hairband and it just looks adorable. Of course she is sharing an ice cream with Tailmon, it's kinda their brand now but like Takeru she's making a surprised expression, perhaps she wasn't expecting Tailmon to offer her a bite of her ice cream?
To conclude, this is probably the best OG artwork we've gotten since Idk maybe the Rainy Day stationery series. This will be sold in advance at the Kamio Store booth at Anime Japan 2024. No other details were mentioned, but the event booth sale feels like a pre-sale before the goods become available more widely at other outlets, hopefully, at some stores that international fans have access too as well.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
Ayushi out.
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kakushino · 6 months
Would you love me if I were a worm?
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Rengoku Kyojuro x GN! Reader
He survived but at what cost?
Tags: fluff, slight angst, Kyojuro survives Mugen train AU
Word count: 0,6k
Masterlist | Rebuilding the ruins of castle Me masterlist
AN: Written as a Christmas gift for dear @glitchtricks94 - Merry Christmas!
I contemplated renaming it Kintsugi (hence the header) but I like this title more.
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“Uma- ouch-” Kyojuro forgot, for the nth time, that he was still recovering from having a hole in his abdomen; shouting was a long way away from happening for him yet. Instead of ‘admitting defeat’, he whispered a strained “Umai…” before taking another dango into his mouth, chewing and enjoying the taste as he tried to focus on the sweetness of the treat rather than the bitterness of his wound.
It was a peaceful afternoon, the sun shone brightly, and the boys were training in his backyard while he enjoyed tea and a snack you had made for him.
You, his love…
All throughout your relationship, you had asked him, half joking, if he would love you were you to become a worm. The question greatly confused him every time, even stunned him speechless the first, but he had always answered a resolute yes. 
What he failed to do was ask you the same.
Even so, each day he woke up now, feeling like a worm, a useless bug, and each day you took care of him - you built your home to suit his needs, helped him bathe, cooked for him, entertained him - when he had nothing to give you back. He had become someone you didn’t ask for, someone you didn’t ‘sign up’ to love.
Kyojuro had never asked the question, but your response was an infallible yes - all the more, you showed it, your actions proved it.
He had never fallen so deep for someone in his life, being near you made him happy, though there was always a lingering inner torment fraying him at the edges…
Underneath his carefully crafted facade, you knew he wasn’t fine. Kyojuro survived, at a great cost - an eye, and his career, his youth, his strength. 
He used to smile even in his sleep; the usually peaceful expression had been replaced by a frown or a frighteningly borderline angry expression. He also couldn’t spoon you, not yet, which agonized him more than he could admit. He missed cuddling you, you could see that every time you went to bed.
You were aware he was always in pain, though he said nothing, so you quietly placed painkillers alongside his tea and dango today. Kyojuro couldn’t be more grateful you were in his life.
“The dango is delicious, my love,” he whispered to you as you finally sat down beside him. Tanjiro’s soft laughter echoed in the yard, Zenitsu’s crying and Inosuke’s howling a complementary melody adding to the usual chaos of your home. Something like peace settled in his chest.
“I’m glad. Don’t forget to drink the tea, it’s already cold.” You smiled at him as he reached for his cup. Kyojuro seemed to do so absent-mindedly, it was kind of endearing to see him trust you so much he gave no thought to your instructions.
Wooden clack clack became a distant rhythm while you both soaked in the warmth of the sun - the very same one which signaled the end of his last dance with the devil. 
Become a demon, Kyojuro.
His scars throbbed in dull pain, his teeth clenched, an irrational panic set in, and he could not help but seek out everyone around him with his eye to make sure-
The boys were at it again, a goofy ball of energy rolling all over the training space, sweat making dirt stick to their skin. Tanjiro, alive. Zenitsu, alive. Inosuke, alive.
And you-
You were looking at him calmly; his feelings wild, all over the place but then Kyojuro looked in your eyes. He saw everything he thought he had lost, he felt as if you two were the only ones in your home.
Would you love him if he were a worm?
Yes. Yes, you do.
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear
network: @enchantedforest-network
Probably will become a 3-parter, 2nd part coming on 24th December
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yaekiss · 9 months
Congratulations on the 400! If I'm not too late, may I send a #mailroom open letter to a yan!Albedo? Any gender neutral or feminine nickname would work and, if it so pleases you, a nsfw reply would be lovely.
To my lovely Albedo,
How are you, love? Are you taking care of yourself while I'm away? As I sit here, working away in Inazuma City while I enjoy a sweet dessert, I cannot help but think of you... and your tendency to get swallowed up by your research when I'm not there to reel you back.
I was hoping that my business here would be done far faster than this. I suppose it isn't all bad, though. I can't say that I've ever been a social person, but people have been nothing but kind to me thus far. I may have even made a friend. But still, my heart belongs to you- and as such, no matter how I may enjoy my time, I can only eagerly await the moment I am able to return home.
I miss you dearly, my prince. I'll make sure to work even harder so that our time apart may be shortened by even a little bit. I can't to have you in my arms again, to feel the warmth of your embrace and know that everything is right with the world.
We both know that I could go on with the sweet words for pages and pages, so it's probably best that I stop here. Stay safe and take care of yourself, alright? I love you so, so much.
May my affections cross what feels like an eternity apart,
Your Wistful Lover
(Alongside the letter are various, shockingly well-preserved Inazuman sweets including Sakura Mochi and Dango milk, as well as a small pouch containing a handful of carefully-chosen Sakura Blooms. Lastly is an intricately designed silken blindfold, with its own little note attached that reads, "I had this custom made for you. I wanted to make one myself, but I couldn't find the time. Hopefully you like it anyway!")
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Albedo, no gendered terms for reader, Albedo calls you "my constant", mentions of blindfolds and a vibrator used on Albedo, unhealthy and obsessive relationship from Albedo, lmk if I missed anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Albedo sure is a busy man to track down... I had to look for him all over Mondstadt since he was gathering quite a collection of alchemy ingredients. It was quite the staggering assortment too... I never understand what he's planning. ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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Placed at your hotel doorstep is an innocuous package. It's decently sized, the box a lovely shade of pale indigo and shifting it slightly under the light shows an underlying iridescence hidden in the pigment.
Undoing the sturdy rope securing the lid down, you gain access to the contents within the box. You first retrieve a wondrous blooming bouquet of cecilias, wrapped in a sheer gauzy yellow fabric and tied with a teal satin ribbon. The petals are soft under your caress and for a moment, you reminisce about the first cecilia Albedo gifted to you after showcasing his alchemy.
Next, you fish out a cloth drawstring pouch. Peering into it, there's an assortment of all your favourite Mondstadt candies, enough to last you weeks. A little tag is attached to one of the strings, it reads: “In case you miss your usual sweet treats and need a boost of energy. ♡”
Unwrapping one, you pop it into your mouth before you pull out an envelope. The paper is smooth under your fingers and an impressive sketch of Dragonspine decorates the front. Flipping the envelope over, there's a wax seal, a cursive letter “A”, with flecks of gold dotted in it.
Carefully, you open it and obtain the parchment inside. His handwriting is a sight you've missed, from days spent watching him jot down his hypothesis and findings in his laboratory. Albedo's response to you reads:
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“Replying to: My beloved constant.
Thank you for writing to me, my constant, I was growing somewhat nervous with your prolonged silence and I feared something unsavoury might have happened to you. As such, I am writing back to you to assure you that I've been doing alright as well. Though, I'm sure I would do a lot better with you by my side.
Next, I must thank you for the gifts you sent me. I shared the sweets with Klee and she has been pleading nonstop with me for more. Also, the sakura blooms were of high quality and proved immensely useful in my research. If you're willing, I can share my findings with you when you return, my constant.
Now, I can't help but ask what went through your mind, gifting me such a sly gift as a blindfold. What scene did you picture in your head? Was I blindfolded and tied up on your bed while begging for you to please touch me? Or perhaps I'm laid on my laboratory table, my sight obscured with the silk, pliant and willing as you drag a vibrator across my skin in an attempt to find my erogenous zones? Did you fantasise about muffling my moans with a kiss as you toyed with me? You should reenact it with me as soon as you get back, my constant, I feel as if I'm about to burst with how much I long for your embrace.
Ahem, getting back on track, I too have been working hard. (Fret not, I have not been overworking myself. I do not wish to worry you after all.) And I've made discoveries of my own and uncovered intriguing new possibilities whilst ruminating alone in my laboratory. I heard of the Inazuman archon's dedication to eternity.
Eternity... goes against natural orders, but lately, I have been finding myself relating to her obsession with such a concept. You might think it strange, my constant. However, I can understand how fearing the loss of someone close to you can affect your decisions, despite the morality of said actions.
You are golden in my eyes, unforgettable, and the time I spend with you feels like I'm the closest to unravelling the truth and meaning of this world. Is it my greed talking when I say that I want more time to uncover all of you, to understand the very fibre of your being, to see what has irreversibly drawn me to you and what makes you stay by my side? Maybe it is, but that is a question best saved for another day, my constant.
I shall end my letter here. I sincerely hope that the rest of your stay in Inazuma goes smoothly and safely, and that your return will be swift. I cannot wait to have you by my side once more, my constant. I love you so, so much as well.
Ever and eternally yours,
- Albedo -”
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You fold the parchment and place it back into the envelope. One last item rests in the box. It's a handpainted painting of you, framed in an intricate wooden frame. Albedo captures your smile in the sunlight, the background featuring one of the picnics the both of you went on recently before you left for Inazuma.
However, you notice that one of the corners is a little wrinkled. Removing the backing of the frame to fix it, you discover another layer of canvas material behind that first painting. Gingerly, you peel it back to reveal a haunting portrait of the both of you. 
In dim lighting, you're seated on his laboratory table whilst he's knelt at your feet, his head resting on your lap. You almost don't recognise yourself. You're familiar with his art style but in this, you're ethereal to an eldritch degree... almost devoid of humanity. It's unnerving, to say the least. 
Perhaps Albedo's research has veered into more forbidden territories, challenging the principals of nature, all in the name of love. You muster one more look at the portrait.
A matching star rests delicately on your neck. In the bottom corner, he titles it “New birth.”
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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lusciniiax · 1 year
since you dont have any ideas, how about I give you one, cheeky kitsune heizou x bunny reader, just thinking about the times kitsune heizou will tease bunny reader, bunny reader whos so afraid him and doesnt like his teasings one bit <333
☾ . . poor bunny.
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dom!heizou x sub!reader. 1.6k words. warnings include everything included in the ask, gn afab reader, a little mean/teasing heizou, ig dubcon if you squint, pet names (bunny), dacryphilia, fingering, creampie - also was written at 1 in the morning, there may be typos or grammar mistakes
notes: hello mocha ~ thank you so much for the idea , i've had vague thoughts but nothing good enough to really build on recently , so it's much appreciated <3 i just love heizou
written by a minor [15]. dni if uncomfortable.
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you were out on the streets of inazuma, hastily doing your shopping. right now, your only goal was to get home without encountering that terrible heizou and his cruel antics.
for the past few months, you and him had had this ongoing . . game of sorts. it wasn't very funny to you, but no matter what you did, he seemed to adore your every reaction. you couldn't deny that you did care for him to some extent, and almost missed him when he wasn't around on some days. but for the most part he caused more trouble than help.
the shopkeeper handed you a package containing some bottles of dango milk. you dipped your head in gratitude with a small 'thank you' and rushed off back to your home.
when your house came into sight, you let out a soft sigh of relief, having seen no signs of heizou.
it was as you were unlocking and opening the door that you suddenly felt a tug on your cotton-ball tail and hot breath on your ear as an all too familiar voice whispered 'boo!'
the appearance was entirely unexpected - the kitsune's attacks usually came while you were in town, so you'd let your guard down. with a shriek, you jumped and dropped the package, a loud crack coming from it as it hit the ground.
trembling, you whipped around to face heizou, who was now laughing meanly. as usual, you felt hot tears start to pool in your eyes, trying your best to stand your ground and hold them back.
"i-i paid for those . ." you sniffled, meekly fidgeting with your hands.
"awhh. poor bunny." he mocked, smirking down at you. "perhaps i could accompany you into town to get some more?"
"no way!" you retorted, scared out of your wits but determined not to let him push you around.
he only gave a light-hearted shrug, and you felt somewhat dejected that he hadn't acknowledged your efforts. "suit yourself. i'll make myself at home, then, while i'm here.
before you could protest, heizou had pushed past you, already inside your house and inspecting anything he could get his hands on. "stop that!! those aren't yours!"
"hm? i'm only taking a look. it's only natural i'm curious what my little bunny keeps around." he complained as you snatched a decorative figure out of his hands.
"stop calling me that, i have a name - and for archon's sake, get out!" you grumbled, giving him a quick whack on the head with the back of your hand.
without missing a beat, he'd shapeshifted into you. "for archon's sake, get out!" he repeated, grinning as your face grew a bright red out of frustration.
"you're not funny!" you retorted, feeling more powerless against his non-stop teasing by the second. as expected, he echoed you again. "whatever. i'm going to my room - at least let me have that to myself." you said with a defeating sigh and a crushed look on your face.
he shapeshifted back into his usual form as you brushed past him to the bedroom and continued practically ransacking your house.
you buried your head in your pillow with a groan, praying he'd get bored soon and go - you hadn't heard him quietly slipping into your room.
"hey, bunny." you heard as he grabbed your rabbit ears and pulled your head up by them. a sudden, sharp pain shot through the sensitive parts and you let out a choked squeal or sob.
the tears finally started to fall. you got more stressed every minute he was nearby, and this was the final straw. you cried and cried, exhausted from the constant worrying. heizou had managed to slip into every aspect of your life, always somewhere in your thoughts.
after a few seconds, he released you, standing by your bed and silently watching you with an intent gaze.
when your crying had finally reduced to a quiet whimpering, you sat up shakily, looking down at the floor with puffy eyes.
"please g- go away . ." you whispered, pleading to the archons he'd oblige. they must've not heard, for heizou ignored you, instead taking your chin between his thumb and fingers and raising your head to look him in the eye. you could almost feel him scrutinizing your expression.
"hm . . poor thing." he cooed lowly. you swallowed, throat feeling dry. you hated the man, truly - he was childish, rude and just a bully - but in this moment he was almost . . attractive?
"you're so pretty when you cry, y'know?" you blinked, more tears falling as you did. your vision was somewhat blurry, and all your senses felt hazy - was the room getting warmer? "i want to see you cry more." he breathed, moving his hand away from your chin to cup your cheek in it. such a gentle gesture for such cruel words. instinctively, you found yourself leaning into his hand.
he moved forward, and you allowed him to, ending up with your back on the sheets and him above you, both of you breathing heavily. heizou pushed up your shirt and grabbed your waist with a grin, running his hands up and down and gradually going up to your tits, taking the shirt off all the way and keeping his eyes on your face the whole time.
you squeezed your eyes shut as he groped them, twisting the nipple of one between his fingers and licking at the other. he took it in his mouth, skillfully swirling his tongue around it and sucking gently. you startled with a small yip when he bit it lightly and he snickered.
he moved up again, pressing kisses to your collarbone and the side of your neck. you shivered under his touch, pressing your legs together as some strange feeling surged through your stomach. having him so close was both terrifying and arousing.
you tentatively opened your eyes as he stopped, now unbuckling his pants and taking off his shirt. he sat back and gestured for you to come over. after a brief hesitation, you complied, crawling over. he pulled you into his lap when you were close enough and earned a squeal from you. you could certainly feel his dick poking you through your skirt, but he didn't appear embarrassed or ashamed in the slightest.
the kitsune rested his head on your shoulder, arms around you and holding you tightly to his bare chest. "take your skirt off, will you, bunny?" he asked tauntingly, a hand snaking up to brush fingers over the base of one of your ears.
you nodded, everything tense as you clumsily maneuvered it off. he brought his remaining hand down to your pussy, slipping a finger inside. your breathing quickened, already feeling overstimulated from one hand stroking your ear and the other fingering you.
he added another finger inside you, stretching you out with the two. you let out a small contented sigh and relaxed a little, beginning to feel more comfortable with it all. he noticed and gave your cheek a quick kiss, a triumphant smirk on his lips. "you have no idea how long i've wanted to do these things to you." he said, and you gave him a soft, distracted hum in response.
heizou pulled his slick-coated fingers out of you and brought them to his mouth, giving one a quick lick before moving them to yours. "open." he commanded, and you reluctantly complied, knowing he'd get his way no matter what you did.
he placed his fingers on your tongue, lightly pressing down, and you licked the fluids off of them, face flushing red in embarrassment.
"an indirect kiss." he purred, removing his fingers from your mouth with a quiet pop.
". . gross." you muttered, wiping your mouth. heizou only laughed, squeezing you tighter for a moment and pulling you up further onto his lap.
"may i put it in now?" he asked. you glanced down to his dick, the tip swollen and pink with precum glistening on it.
"mhm. please be gentle, heizou . ." you murmured, absentmindedly running one of your fingers along it, collecting the fluid that stuck to your fingers. he let out a breathy grunt as you did and carefully picked your hips up.
you inhaled sharply as he slowly eased you down onto his cock, trying to take deep breathes. "f-fuck. you're so tight - feels so good, my dear bunny . ." he groaned once he'd completely filled your hole.
heizou gave you a minute before starting to rut into you, starting out slow but quickly speeding up. it wasn't long until he had you bouncing on his lap, crying out his name.
he grabbed your ears roughly this time, carelessly yanking you towards him and giving you a long kiss on the mouth this time. tears were streaming down your cheeks rapidly now, and after pulling away he peppered smaller pecks onto them.
you hated how his mistreatment of your sensitive ears got you so riled up, hated how you absolutely ate up his little grunts - and yet it was perfect. the moment was entirely perfect.
"oh- oh, heizou, i-i'm cumming!" you cried, and he moved his hands down to your hips, slamming them up and back onto his cock. "go on, cum for me, bunny." he cooed as you rode out your orgasm, creaming around him while he thrusted.
he hardly slowed after you came, incoherent babbling and pleas spilling out of your mouth from the extreme sensitivity.
"sh-shit, i'm cumming-" he warned, his speed faltering as his sticky cum filled your womb, a white ring appearing where his dick was inside your now ravaged pussy.
he laid back against the bed frame, huffing out a sigh. you didn't hesitate to fall onto his chest, ears twitching and panting. heizou reached down a hand to play with your hair, soothingly running his fingers along your scalp.
"so, bunny," he asked after a minute of the comfortable silence.
"are you ready for round two?"
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littlelambscandyland · 2 months
A New Perspective
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Yandere Platonic Sakamaki Brothers x Reader
Warnings- (Forced) Age Regression, Drugging, Yui Kimori slander (sorta), Opened ending
Why else would they stare like that? You thought you knew. They hated you, right? It’d been months and all they ever do is stare. Unlike Yui, they never touched you. Not a single finger, but they glared, stared right into your soul. 
You tried your best to protect your foster sister. It never worked well. The two of you had never been close, and the recent situation only strained your relationship more. Yui partially blamed you for her injuries caused by the brothers. She would get angry they only attacked her. You were tired. Despite being a few months younger than her you were always left being responsible. You were always made to be the “bigger person”. This didn’t change when the two of you arrived at the mansion. With Yui being the one drained, you often did any and all the chores that she needed to take care of in order to lessen her burden.
Today the eight of you sat in the limo on the way back to school. Your notebook laid on your lap as you wrote down the list of chores you had to complete today. As usual there were several sets of eyes on you. Despite Laito’s and Ayato’s harassment of Yui they too stole looks at you as you worked. Noticing that you had several tasks in the kitchen you added making today's dessert to your list. Knowing it’s supposed to be Yui’s job today and that she would most likely be unable to do it. You were certain that the household knew you were the one performing her chores; you felt no shame in inquiring out loud.
“Kasutera, mitarashi dangos, strawberry shortcake, or all three? I have extra time so I can make it all but what do you all think? Or is there something else you’d prefer?” You look up and around the limo innocently.
You look over as Subaru scoffs. Reiji however is the one who answers you with a simple statement. “It isn’t your turn to cook today.”
You furrow your brows in confusion and laugh. “I know,” You say, smiling kindly. “I normally cook on Yui’s days… I thought you knew that, heh.” Embarrassment causing you to look down.
You were met with more stares.
“Are you kidding?” Ayato asks, looking angrily over to Yui.
“I really don’t mind like I said I have plenty of extra time. Heh heh…” You say, once again trying to save her from any wrath. Your anxiety leaking through your tone.
Once again scoffing, Subaru curses under his breath. Shu shakes his head with an annoyed look. Kanato holds his bear tighter and stares at you. Laito’s smile looks strained and his eyes hold a darker look. Reiji fixes his glasses with a sigh. The car stops soon after a while with the awkward unloading of the car. 
You got started on all your chores. Spending your evening working. Letting your mind wander as you cleaned and cooked.
Everyday wore you down a bit more. You were by no means built for this. When you weren’t having to care for Yui, your friends would describe you as a childish character with a much too kind heart. You were always so stressed and the few times you weren’t the real you shined like a star. All of this responsibility of a girl older than you had you missing your childhood. A childhood you never really got when you had to act like an adult for so long.
You were surprised seeing all the drinks and sides set neatly on the table. Reiji unsurprisingly sitting waiting at the table as well, clearly the one who set the table. Putting food on the table you thanked Reiji for his help, but focused on bringing in the food. He watched you closely yet quietly while you finished your task.
Dinner and dessert passed without incident. Despite this you noticed the men looking over at you more often. You also noticed as you stood at the sink that the world around you seemed to move without you. Your stomach churned from the unpredictable motion. You leaned on the counter, stopping your final chore, to catch your breath. Your hold being too weak you end up on the floor along with a few plates. 
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xanaxspritz · 3 months
hi🥰🥰 i just saw your post about requests being open so here i am, brain filled with suguru worms🧎 i’ve been daydreaming sm about living a slow, romantic cottage-core life with this man. would you consider doing headcanons for that?🥹
an: wrote this in an aiport lol. set after suguru declares war on jujutsu high but doesn't die. escapes in exile with sorcerer!reader. this got a little dark sorry!
cw: a bit of tradwifery (sorry), possessiveness, vomiting, impregnation
you're still getting used to the country life. it's nice and tranquil. there's a few yuzu trees surrounding the cottage you and suguru inhabit and a strawberry field by the lake that's less than a mile away from the house. suguru moved you two to the japanese countryside after narrowly escaping death after the war against jujutsu high to lay low for a while, but his grip on you has only gotten stronger after leaving tokyo.
you made do with what you had. fleeing so quickly meant no time to pack. a part of you missed the temple, the people, the friends you made, and the huge master bedroom you and suguru shared (the cottage bedroom wasn't half the size). but suguru insisted that this tiny cottage would be the best chance from gojo or anyone from jujutsu high to find him, so here you were, bright and early fixing suguru breakfast.
"smells great darling," he says smiling as you pour the hot green tea into his teacup. "will you not have any yourself?"
"no, im not hungry," you shrug.
you sit in comfortable silence for a bit, looking out the window next to the table while he goes back to reading the paper. you knew you should feel lucky to be here, the village was so pretty and picturesque, and the villagers were so welcoming. you knew you should feel even luckier that surguru chose you, yes you, to run away with him. he fucks you harder now, rougher and more impulsively than the carefully calculated man that he was before. he cums inside you now, every single time as if he was trying to get you pregnant. maybe he's taking his frustrations out on you, or maybe he's just showing you how much he really loves you, and it would be a lie to say you didn't like it.
you feel his big hands rub your knee under the table, taking you out of your thoughts.
"you look like you're thinking about something," he raises an eyebrow.
"oh! it's nothing. just thinking about tokyo I guess," you say.
"I believe there's a festival in the village today. would my pretty girl like to get some sweets? we'll walk there together."
your ears perk up. "really?" you ask. maybe they'll have matcha dango you loved getting from the stand nearby the temple. maybe they'll even have candy apples. "I would love to go."
walking hand in hand, you stroll to the village center for the festival. suguru holds your hand tight, squeezing it, giving you a small, sweet, smile.
"I know it hasn't been easy for you," he begins "but you're doing a wonderful job. always so obedient, so caring of me. one day, I would like you make you my wife."
you're heart beats faster after the mention of "wife". this was the first time he's ever said the word. could this really be happening?
"I would be honored to," you grin unable to hide your excitement. for the rest of the day, you're elated and bubbly at the possible idea that one day you'll be suguru's permanently.
xxx xxx xxx xxx
he fucks you fast and hard that night, you take every inch of his dick a the good girl you are, leaving his dick inside of you overnight while you sleep in his embrace. the next morning you feel a wave of nausea, throwing up until you puke clear liquid from the depths of your stomach. it could be forming eating too many deserts, but you pull a pregnancy test form behind the mirror cabinet in the bathroom just to be safe, and wait the five longest minutes of your life to find the stick displaying two bright blue lines. your heart sinks.
"suguru...i think.. i might.." you say coming out of the bathroom finding him at the dining table, tears begin welling in your eyes. "I'm pregnant!" you blurt out, shoving the pregnancy test towards him.
he gingerly grabs the stick, taking a few minutes to process the news and then sinks down to his knees at your feet, peppering thousands of kisses at your navel.
"i've been waiting for this moment," he says rubbing your belly. "i cant want to see youre body grow with my child, youre gonna make such a good mama, i promise."
suguru stands up to wipe your tears away, giving you a big hug. you were finally bound to him forever. with his essence inside you and a baby on the way, you could never leave him even if you tried. he rubs your back, letting you sob on his shoulder. you are his for the rest of time.
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Soft fragile reader + Dottore thoughts are the only thing that occupies my brain sometimes. Currently, I'm brainrotting over Dottore introducing you to dozens of modern things. We've talked about the Kamera but that's only one thing... mechanics! I don't know how much Teyvat has changed over literally hundreds of years but I assume it has to be a lot! And fragile reader would be disappointed they missed out on so many years worth of evolution from their coma... and also be very lost on how to navigate the world whenever they would be allowed to leave the lab. Like, everything is different. Your clothes from that era aren't fashionable anymore, reader (sorry ily.) Therefore the clones literally buy you a bunch of different things and you're just like... 😨 It's like a mini fashion show as these mass murderers are arguing over which color compliments you the best... (Zandik gives you a little spin and twirl as he compliments your style) Like... i know it sounds very simple but i like soft domestic Dottore + reader things 😔 Reader would definitely tailor their outfit similarly to their husband's to feel closer to him after so many years apart.
Ei was so happy by something like Dango Milk, I imagine fragile reader would be jumping for joy at the most simplest of things. You would overhear the Fatui soldiers/agents talking about things you've never ever heard about and then ask them for information, to which they obviously give you in the most respectful, monotone voice because of your husband's authority... but they're kind of confused by your practically sparkling expression. Every time you learn something new you immediately run to Zandik or a clone and start asking them for all the details! And I like to imagine you sitting on Zandik's lap as you try new delicious foods from the modern era... he really doesn't care much for food but how can he decline when you're feeding him a bite of everything? I bet reader would go bonkers if they found out that perhaps their favorite candy still exists, somehow even having new flavors! Or if their favorite book series survived, and then they'd be able to compare how writing styles and genres have changed... you rant to Zandik about them of course.
There are probably dozens of things that have changed over time, but I can't exactly think of any more that would be fluffy and cute right now. Will write more brainrot if I do 😭 Basically crazy mad scientist still making time for his darling fragile lover >> He grows to expect you sitting on his lap going on about a new thing you discovered existed now and then falling asleep frequently now.
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starshinesama · 10 months
✦ In such a lonely world, how I wished to see you again. ✦
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Your pleas were heard.
Authors note: this takes place after any regular sagau fic, (probably imposter au). Reader is Gender-Neutral but B/N is an implied she/her :]
༄ CW: loneliness, cultish themes, angst (with comfort)
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Part 1 | Part 2
- POV: after being so lonely in Tervat, - you meet someone from your world, - stranded, like you.
Another meaningless day.
You walked on the streets of inazuma
If you hadn't been in this world for as long as you've been, you probably would have been more excited
To see the Sakura tree's blooming, the petals falling and flowing with the wind.
To taste the local cuisine (your mouth watering specifically for the Dango and Unagi Chazuke).
And you probably would have fell to the floor in laughter, seeing the Oni Arataki Itto lose an onikabuto match to a (literal) child
It's been so long since you held that excitement in your eyes
At least it seemed so ever since that happened.
Don't get you wrong!! You still loved genshin impact, you loved the elements, the way everything seemed so alive!
But it was just so lonely
Especially with everyone around you treating you like they were below you
Your blood was gold sure, You had the power to heal living beings with your sacred blood And you just so happened to be a genshin addict that spent almost all their free time playing the game back home.
But even so..
. ⁺ . ✦ 
"-your grace?" you were brought back to reality with an unpleasant jolt
"YIKES!! You scared me half to death geez.." "ah- my apologies, your grace" ...
You sigh, you insisted that they call you by your name, but they persist on calling you by your "proper title" it just never felt right
"... are you perhaps feeling unwell- [name]?" "No, it's nothing, im fine Zhongli"
(You came to Inazuma to try and clear your mind but your acolytes insisted that you brought atleast one of them with you)
The Geo archon still seemed concerned but eventually stopped trying to nag you after a while
And you were brought back to that pit of loneliness
Well you were
Until an ear splitting screech coming from Ritou Harbor nearly makes you deaf.
Wait...t-that voice! You'd recognize that annoying screech anywhere. Against your better judgment you start sprinting towards the harbor!
You hear Zhongli panicking, trying to say something but you can't hear him, maybe that scream DID make you deaf, it's like the whole world was being muted out, the only thing you can hear being the thumping of your heart as you run.
It couldn't be.. right?
You were sure you got isekaid here all alone..
That is until
"HEY! Ugh get off me!! I WILL meet my husbando-!!"
You stop dead in your tracks
"Uagh- stop thrashing will you! your causing a ruckus!!" The Kanjou Commission guard exclaimed, trying to wrestle down the girl.
You feel tears prickling your eyes
"H-hey- [Name]?! Is that you?!"
Your eyes widen and your jaw drops
No way..
"B-B/N?! What?!?-" but your cut off with the sound of B/N falling to the ground
"Uhm a little help here?" The guard finally managed to tackle down your best friend, huffing with pride somehow still not noticing you..
"Hey you."
You can imagine the guards shock when he saw the creator, THE creator stand before him, seething with malice
Infact, He was so shocked that he fainted.
"Uhm.. do you think he's gonna be ok?" You both kinda just stand there for a moment, not knowing what to say, before you suddenly run towards B/N, knocking you both down in a hug
ah, your starting to cry again
"I- I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" you choke back a sob
B/N just looks at you confused, before eventually hugging you back, sighing
"I missed you too.. dumbass"
You both laugh, crying, ignoring the stares your getting from the people around you (their not judging though, I mean who would dare judge the almighty creator?)
Eventually you both calm down enough to have a proper conversation
"So.. how did you get here? "
looks like you'll have a lot of explaining to do.. ␥✮
Helloo! This is my first sagau fic so i hope yall like it, i might write a prequel to how Reader got here or a one shot about B/N if this goes well, comment to be tagged in the next chapter!
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blue-aurora-nora · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I could request for a Muzan x child reader. I’ve seen a lot on that and they’re just so cute. I’m not sure what to make up with the details so I’ll leave the rest to you.
Alright, there will be OOCness in this since I don’t think that Muzan could truly love/care a child (he’s too selfish).
Muzan x Child!Reader
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You were a peculiar child, Muzan came to believe.
He wasn’t a child-friendly demon. Hell, he wasn’t even human-friendly despite the numerous roles he’d played in his long life.
You both met in an unusual way.
He’d eaten and stolen the life of a lord in a town, hearing rumor of a blue flower that grew there in the spring.
He’d been reading numerous books, gathering more useless information when a bell jingling made him look up.
Just past the open doors, peering around the corner was a worn out, stuffed rabbit. It was missing an eye and had a red string around it’s neck which held the bell like a necklace.
“Hi.” A small voice spoke through the rabbit.
Muzan was given no chance to respond before the rabbit began to dance in the air.
It was awkwardly silent as Muzan watched the rabbit get jossled in the air, the bell jingling with the movements.
The performance was halted, however, when a fussy yelp rang through the air and the bunny disappeared out of view.
Out of sight, Muzan heard one of his guards scolding you.
"(Y/N), what did I tell you about coming around here? Go back to the village, right now!" Before you began to argue with him, Muzan stopped you both.
"Bring the child to me." He commanded.
The guard stiffened at that, looking down at you, "Now, you're really in trouble, kid." He'd whispered to you and you paled at the thought of what could happen to you.
Would you be spanked?
No more sweets forever?
Cold baths?
The guard guided you to Muzan and you kept your head bowed low in shame, stuffed rabbit hidden behind your back.
"What is your name, child?" The young lord asked you.
"Well, (Y/N), do you like dango?"
You lifted your head at that and nodded your head vigorously.
Soon enough, you were sitting in front of Muzan, happily munching on enough dango to make you pop.
Muzan had grown to appreciate how your eyes shined with so much naïve happiness. It was something he hadn't experienced in so long and you brought him piece with your presence.
You became a familiar face, frequently welcoming yourself into Muzan's home and eating the snacks that he had readily supplied for you.
You would always force him to watch your stuffed rabbit dance and run around on the engawa.
Sometimes you'd ask Muzan to come and play with you outside and he hated how sad you'd get when he told you he couldn't.
So you started coming around sun down instead to fix that problem. But another problem arose unfortunately.
"Muzan," You stifled a yawn unsuccessfully, body sprawled across the ground, "Bunny has another dance for you to watch."
Muzan watched as you attempted to make your bunny dance and sighed when you kept stopping to yawn or rub your eyes. “(Y/N), there’s no need to fight sleep. I’ll still be here in the morning.”
“You promise?” Those eyes were looking up at him again and he nodded softly.
“Of course.”
You crawled your way over to him and laid down near him while he read an endless amount of books.
“Hold my hand?” You asked.
“Yes, I will.” He held your small hand in his, continuing to read as you lulled yourself to sleep, bunny in hand.
If there was no blue lily here, he definitely wasn’t leaving without you. There was no way he could now that he’d fallen in love.
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vulpisnocturna · 10 months
what I'd itachi got drunk and y/n was horny?
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NSFW - afab reader, oral Sex (f receiving), mentions of vaginal sex, pussy drunk Itachi
-Drunk Itachi would be such a tease. He would come home and drag you to the bedroom, hugging and kissing you, saying he missed you and wants to show you how much. He says he also wants dango because he has munchies 🍡
-you can’t really say no to Itachi when he’s kissing your neck and sucking on it, his hands fumbling around with your clothes to get them off, but at the same time, you think he should rest. After all, he doesn’t get drunk often, and he has a massive migraine the morning after
-you push him away lightly, telling him you can cuddle and he should go to bed. When you start taking off his shirt and his trousers, he gives you a sly smirk, thinking he’s won, but when you push him towards the bed and pull the covers on him he’s very disappointed
-‘come back here’ he says, almost trying to sound authoritative, ‘where do you think you’re going?’
‘to get you some water, Itachi. I’ll be back in a minute. And we can cuddle’ you say, and he smiles, content, though his eyes are slightly amused, as though he thinks “cuddle” is now code for something else. You can’t help but laugh, even though you feel the tightness in your lower stomach at the idea of letting him have what he clearly craves. And you do too.
-When you crawl into bed with him, Itachi hugs you tightly, nuzzling his face in your chest, softly humming, saying how soft and comfortable you are. You start playing with his long dark hair, and he falls asleep in the span of five minutes, forgetting what he wanted altogether.
However, you can’t deny that you are now aroused and the pressure is unbearable. No matter, you think. You’ll sort it out yourself, seeing as Itachi is probably completely out of it. He’s now turned on his side away from you, and his breathing is steady and soft. You slowly slide your hand underneath your underwear, gasping softly as you feel how wet you already are. You bite your lip and turn around so you’re not facing him, slowly moving your fingers like he always does. Slowly at first, almost lazily, drawing circles around your clit and flicking it from time to time. It feels good, but not as good as it does when it’s his hands, his strong, elegant fingers curling inside you…
A hand crawls to yours and pries it away from between your legs, and you startle, soon moaning softly when his fingers replace yours.
‘Why would you not want me to do this? I want you- let me take care of you’ he murmurs, tipping your head to kiss you and starting to use his fingers so much better than you were doing with yours. You almost cum when he stops, slowing down his movements. He lowers himself under the covers, getting them off himself and spreading your legs
‘You don’t need-‘
‘Shush. I want to, my love. There’s nothing I want more right now’ he says, his hands oddly steady as they settle on your ass and he starts licking. He’s sloppy and messy, his enthusiasm clearly showing in how greedy he is as he moans along with you and sucks your clit, fucking you with his fingers too.
‘You’re so perfect’ he groans in the midst of getting you over the edge with his tongue and fingers, and you think you might combust if he doesn’t fuck you soon.
But Itachi doesn’t stop. He continues licking, sucking and lapping at you, and you’re so sensitive you feel on fire.
‘Itachi! Too much, come up-‘ you moan, even though you’re practically riding his face. He only curls his fingers and twirls his tongue around your clit in response, making you whine for him.
‘I want more’ he says, needy and full of lust as he makes his voice reverberate around your clit. The second orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave.
‘Perfect. Beautiful. Let me make love to you now’ he says when he’s done, lining himself between your legs, his expression slightly glazed over. Drunk on pleasure, you think.
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a-forbidden-detective · 6 months
Curious add-ons: additions and deletions, Episode 11 (Part 7)
A bit of a warning: photo-heavy post
Eleven episodes in, and it is safe to say that I love these versions of Ron and Toto. Don’t get me wrong Akira Amano hasn’t done anything wrong, it is just these RonToto are kinder and more codependent from each other that I am 110 per cent sure they’d compete with that kind of codependency from the manga RonToto, and anime RonToto would win.
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They diminished Toto’s comedic childlike expressions on this episode removing the giggle on Toto’s part, for example, when he asked Ron if the latter had a friend. Junya Enoki, for his part, admitted that because Toto is a grown man and a police officer, he doesn’t need to act cute all the time. The reason this scene is much more tender than in the manga. The “what’s so funny?” question from Ron was omitted and instead the anime writers made Toto stammer with his “N-not even… one?” After hearing Ron’s answer that he considers Toto to be his friend, he replies with a much more humbled “I am glad to hear it” and not “Gee, thanks.” And then the blush on Toto’s face as if he is darn proud and happy because after all they have been through, Ron treats him more special than the others, that is being allowed to be closer to him by becoming his friend.
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Truth be told, these instances of blushing from the main characters would turn me into mush.
Another passage omitted from the manga and the new dialogue has become a Sherlock BBC reference in the anime.
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Kawasemi san: “If you want to hide a tree, hide it in a forest.” (Episode 11)
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SH from Sherlock BBC: “If you wanted to hide a tree then the best place to do it is a forest, wouldn’t you say? People would just walk past it, not knowing - not able to decipher the message.” (Episode 2, Season 1, The Blind Banker)
Surely, one of these days I’d write a list of all these Sherlock BBC references: from the manga to anime, because they are so many. Of course, it could have been the translator’s choice in the end.
Continuity problems in the manga are explained in the anime.
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a) the reason Ron eats dangos 🍡 on the train;
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b) Constable Kimyou, whose surname doesn’t mean “strange”
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c) Ron accompanying Toto was not a chance where he got an email from the neurology institute, but it was a planned or let’s just say a convenient way to ride with Toto on the train at the same time going to Aichi with a purpose.
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The anime crew adding this scene. Toto’s joyful reaction upon seeing his friend again after witnessing Kawasemi’s slump in person. Probably Toto was relieved and had missed his friend so much after their abrupt and odd parting at the Nagoya train station, in which he had so many questions that were partly answered at the end of the episode.
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Can you see the puppets and the No. 96 (Ron’s scar which has become part of him) from the shop? Not only they increased the price from ¥900 (in 2021) to ¥960 (2023) but Ron’s puppets Kamo-kyun (platypus) and Eli Pyon (frill-necked lizard) are on sale.
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This ending that fuels a few questions. Ron was sort of refusing to look at Toto as he explained his meeting with Dr. Mofu and her subsequent referrals to the other medical professionals concerning his pathological condition to pressure the criminals to suicide. Instead he looked at his reflection on the glass train window, Toto’s delightful enthusiastic voice had become white noise. This Ron is more pessimistic and not so much looking forward to the therapy and its possible outcome. I wonder if the anime writers (Jackson Ou wrote the episode with a storyboard from Shingo Tamaki who were also responsible to previous Kawasemi episode) would deviate a bit from the manga.
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Two more episodes and I don’t want it to end. There are so many materials available and it seems we haven’t scratched the surface yet. The tension is getting bigger. It would be nicer if they are given the second cour and end the first season with the Plateau Aubege arc. A perfect ending to establish a canon RonToto.
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gojoscloset · 6 months
“Hey! Are your requests still open? If not , feel free to ignore this one!I read your last geto angst , and I just loved it .Could you do a Geto X reader where reader killed herself because she couldn't bear being a sorcerer? And maybe the effect this has on Geto?
Again , feel free to ignore this, but if you end up doing it , then thank you!
- JuJu”
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Requested Geto Suguru x reader angst!
Warnings: pure angst no fluff ! Mentions/implications of reader suicide! Grieving, nothing but sad stuff man! Also not proof read, literally did this at work
Ily thank you for requesting bby! Also readers! Please read notes at the end because I have questions on how tumblr works LOL please send help
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“We’re thinking about going out for dango and maybe karaoke afterwards, wanna come?”
“Nah, I think I’m going to sit this one out”
“….you shouldn’t just lock yourself away in your room All the time. It’s not good for you, you know !!” Shoko waved a finger in a stern yet playful manner. Geto let out a breathy chuckle, a small smile following after, however the smile didn’t reach his eyes. Shoko noticed the unauthentic smile but said nothing as she didn’t want to pry, there was no need to. She already knew the reasons why Suguru would hide away in his room, they all knew.
“Yeah I know I know. But I've been really tired lately, you know I don’t do well in the heat.” He tugged at his collar in attempts to cool himself off.
“Well you’re more than welcome to join us if you change your mind!” Shoko playfully slapped him on his shoulder as she walked by “and respond to the group chat from time to time dummy, we miss you!” She gave him a knowing smile and was out the door in a flash seeming to be in a rush, Suguru simply waved and watched her figure flash out the entrance.
A warm breeze blew through the open window and into the now empty classroom. Geto stared out the window and listened as the cicadas' song rang around him, filling in the silence of the vacant room.
It was his first summer without you.
The first summer since your suicide.
Everyone took your death pretty hard, but it hit Suguru the hardest. It was evident to everyone that the dynamic the two of you had was a strong one, a special one, nearly as attached to the hip like Satoru. Whenever it wasn’t Satoru and Suguru it was Suguru and y/n. Whatever free time he had away from his best friend he would gladly give to you, no questions asked.
You brought out a softness in him that he thought he lost long ago, you were the sun that made him glow like the moon.Your kind demeanor and attitude was refreshing not only for him but for everyone you graced with your presence. You, unlike many others, still had life in your eyes and had faith in humanity. Despite the things life threw at you, including hurling you into the sorcerer lifestyle, you believed that things would change for the better eventually. Many called it Naivety. But you called it hope.
You could only imagine how much of a shock it was to everyone once they found out about your fate. It was very hard to believe that someone like you would do that to yourself, so much so Suguru refused to believe it was suicide and wanted to further investigate the situation. In his mind there was no way someone like you, the literal sun, would have suicidal ideologies.
But everything lined up, letters you left behind for certain friends and family members spoke of things only you would know.
Suguru experienced many deaths and losses but he was absolutely blindsided and crushed by yours.
Another gust of wind snapped him out of his trance. He walked to the window, closing it gently and locking it up before moving back to where he was seated. He looked around the classroom, bright orange rays of light seeped in and adorned the room.
“Golden hour” he whispered to himself
“Hell yeah it’s golden hour! Take a selfie with me!”
You flipped open your phone, going straight for the camera. You fixed your hair in the reflection of the screen before flipping it around and huddling closer to Suguru.
“What the hell is golden hour?” He looked into the camera as you took the photo, trying his best to comply with your wishes. The camera snapped and you flipped the phone around, immediately a face of disappointment replaced your happier one.
“ this would’ve been a cute picture if you didn’t look like that! Tch…men” You pointed at the photo, his face looked uninterested and confused. He leaned in to take a better look at the photo. You playfully glared at him the whole time he examined the selfie.
“What do you mean? that’s just my face”
You burst into laughter and shove him away.
“Shut up! You’re much cuter than.. that!” You flashed him the photo again and pointed at his side of the photo
“And golden hour dummy! You know, when the sun sets and everything is orangey and golden, hence the name golden hour. It makes your photos look really good…well… sometimes” You both laugh at the playful jab.
Suguru chuckled quietly to himself and looked at your old desk, tucked away in the corner of the classroom, still embellished with beautiful bows and wilted flowers that no one dared to throw away. Paper cranes from your best friends with lipstick stains scattered on the seat, blessings and goodbyes scribbled on the desk itself. No one believed in vandalizing school property but for you there was an exception.
He grabbed his items and quietly left the vicinity, which was something he dreaded the most because everything in the outside world brought him back to you, but nothing was the same. Golden hour wasn’t as bright and warm, the songs the birds sang seemed out of tune, ice cream didn’t taste sweet anymore even if it came in your favorite flavor.
Suguru wondered a lot about how things could have been different. Naturally as one of your best friends he took part of the blame, beating himself up for not being able to read the signs ahead of time. He wished he could have been more attentive when you complained about the lifestyle, or when you would go quiet after missions. The little things he didn’t pick up until after it was too late weighed him down like a pile of bricks were attached to his back. He stayed up night after night, losing sleep and even losing weight over the guilt and stress of not having you there with him.
On his worst nights he thought about meeting you sooner than expected. He always told himself it was in theory because he ‘would never actually do it’ but the thought was enticing on the harder days.
Today being one of them. But Suguru couldn’t do it, because that’s not what you would want. He knew you would want him to go out and live life happily like you once did, seeing the world through a colorful Lens, so he attempted to from time to time.
“What dango place are you guys at again?”
He texted the group chat and almost immediately was bombarded with responses from his companions who have not heard from him in what seemed like months.
Suguru placed a hand on your desk, careful not to smear or smudge any of the writing your loved ones left for you. “Remember when you said time heals all wounds?” He began speaking to you in hopes you could feel him and his energy wherever you were. I sadly don’t think that’s true. I miss you and golden hour isn’t the same nor as pretty without you. But I’m sure I’ll see you again soon” he smiled and gently tapped the desk with his knuckle as if to say goodbye
He made his way to the door and he swears sometimes before he leaves he could feel you in the room with him, even if it’s just for a few seconds.
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Hope you liked it love thank you for requesting! Sorry it’s short, stuff like this makes me v v v sad LOL ❤️
Requests are currently closed because I want to push out a bunch of drabbles my brain has been thinking about lmaooo
Also question:
Was looking through my ooooold tumblr, terrible idea by the way and I noticed I got shadow banned really early into that account, what the heck did I do? Lol
Are there tips not to get SB ? What to avoid? Certain tags? Idk but please lmk if you know I’m still new to this technically LOL
Thanks in advance 🫶🏼
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