kquil · 1 year
request : ooh can i request a one-shot with sirius black doing the readers eyeliner please? <3 thank u so much baby xx —@corp0real
length : 0.5k
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“Need some help with that, darling?” Sirius asks from the doorway as he stares fondly at your figure perched at the vanity, trying to complete your makeup with some eyeliner. 
Instead of answering his question directly, you huff and puff out your cheeks as Sirius approaches with a chuckle, “I don’t want to ruin my makeup underneath…” 
He coos at your whining and gently takes your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, “my poor baby,” he pouts, jutting his bottom lip out prompting you to playfully mirror his mock expression, which he laughs at and leans down to press a kiss against your lips. 
“W-wait, Siri!” you stop him with a hand to his chest, “my lipstick is gonna smear,”
Undeterred, Sirius redirects his path and presses a kiss to your neck instead, “Well, good thing I still have other options,” he smirks against your skin and begins peppering kisses up and down the column of your neck as a stray hand creeps up your thigh, waiting for you to push him away. 
“Sirius, my eyeliner!” you refocus his attention after lightly slapping his hand away and bring your eyeliner to his line of sight him, “help me, please,”
“N'importe quoi pour mon amour,” he whispers, sitting down and bringing your face closer as he goes about helping you. 
“Hmm? What was that darling?”
“Anything for my love,” he translates and resists the urge to kiss your smiling lips. For several minutes Sirius takes absolute care in accentuating your eyes with the perfect shape, width and length of liner. He’s become somewhat of an expert seeing as he loves doing these small little gestures for you. He’ll gift you flowers; tie up your hair with the spare hair ties he carries around on his wrists for you, disguised as bracelets; tie your shoelaces; style your hair; paint your nails and more. All those little things have become second nature to him so that you feel his love for you as naturally as the sun breaks the horizon every morning. 
After some time the delicate strokes of the liner against your skin fades away. Sirius then blows some air onto your closed eyelids to tell you he’s finished and awaits the unveiling of your beautiful eyes. 
“Si beau,” he awes when you finally open your eyes and blink at him, the liner adding to your features and arming your stare with the most lethal weapon to his heart, “comment ai-je pu avoir autant de chance?” he whispers, leaning in and tilting his head as if to kiss you, only to stop at the last minute when he remembers your earlier comment. He’s about to lean back when you meet him halfway and kiss his lips sweetly. He doesn’t complain and kisses back. He’s smirking when you pull away but he also raises a brow to ask: why the change of heart?
“You know I love it when you speak French to me,” you sigh and his smirk grows all the more mischievous but there is mutual love in both your eyes. 
“Alors je ne m'arrêterai jamais,”
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translations : (forgive me for any errors but i used google translate for all of these)
N'importe quoi pour mon amour : Anything for my love
Si beau : So beautiful
comment ai-je pu avoir autant de chance? : how did I get so lucky?
Alors je ne m'arrêterai jamais : Then I will never stop
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a/n : im not doing these requests in order as some need more time than others but again, i hope i did this cute scenario justice and that you darlings enjoyed the read! also! im taking full advantage of the fact that sirius can speak french! ugh! he's so... AHHHHHH! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄&lt;;⁄ ⁄)
taglist : @melinajenkins @astonishment @until-i-found-you @tiensmamains @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @neeezza101 @rosaleenablack @samanddeansannoyingsis
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catnippackets · 6 months
Hello!! Do you have any tips on fully scripting ur comic before drawing it out? (Anything u kept in mind during the process or that stuck out to you!) Im thinking of doing it this way and i think u mentioned somewhere that u scripted the backmaker before starting to draw it?
I think I might! this might be more just general storytelling advice in general rather than specifically scripting, but I find it's a thousand times easier to do it this way, I do this for when I'm writing prose as well. to be perfectly honest I don't know how to plot stories any other way lol
so first of all: everything needs a thesis statement. or rather every scene needs to have a specific reason for existing.
When I wrote TBM I divided it into three acts, and then decided where I needed to be at the beginning and end of each one. So for example, act 1 had to begin with the girls at the creek making a discovery, and it had to end with one of their classmates dying and all of them being left with a feeling of dread and are unsure if they’re responsible for it or not.
Once that was decided, I had to figure out what other things needed to happen in order to carry us there. There’s nine sections in act 1, twelve in act 2, and fifteen in act 3, and each of them have their own little thesis statement as I like to call it. Sometimes they’re specific like “they go to the creek so they can find the body of the first victim and kick off the mystery”, but sometimes they’re simply “establish this dynamic between these characters”, or “set up that this character feels a certain way about this issue” or even “drop foreshadowing here for this other thing so it can pay off later”.
So for act one, the things that needed to happen were: establish that Alice has a reoccurring nightmare, set up all the girls' personalities and relationships with each other, establish that they hang out at the creek regularly, they go to a different part of the creek this time and find something kind of creepy, one of their classmates dies, all of them feel various degrees of fear and guilt over it, and life goes on and they all graduate highschool and aren't sure if they should move on or keep thinking about it.
Some of those things can be done in one single sequence, and others can be drawn out in between a few of them, but as long as those things happen, you’re golden. With certain sections, if the point is simply “these characters talk about this thing”, you aren’t even really locked in to a specific setting, you can put them wherever you want and have them doing whatever you want as long as it works.
And then there’s also the characters!! They each have their own beginning and end as well. I needed to make sure I knew exactly where each of them were, like, mindset-wise, at the beginning and end of each act, and then dedicate scenes within the story to track their progress on it. So characters and scenes and acts are basically all treated the same! Each start in one place and end in another, and I have to figure out how to merge all of them nicely.
I've locked in the full script at this point, it was locked in before I started drawing it really, but I'll occasionally reach a scene and have to rework dialogue a bit cuz ppl are talking too much or whatever and I hadn't realized in the writing stage that drawing it out that way would be tedious or tricky. but it's usually pretty minor, the general ideas are all still there
I hope that's somewhat helpful to you, I never know how to explain what my process is lol but that's basically what I do!
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okkalo · 1 year
Hey!!! Remember me from the 'love at first sight' drabble? Let me tell you, it was SOOO GOOD! Literally had me screaming and shouting. Anyways, can you do a part2 where the boys ask reader out and how their date went? Sorry if this is a bother but once again feel free to decline. Thank you and have a great day!
hi again anon! im glad u liked it omg 🤭🤭 and yes i can do a part two!! thank u again for the request <3 i hope u have a good day/night!!
i forgot i wrote this in drabble form last time and started writing so many headcanons 🙃 so i had to delete them all and rewrite it in actually sentences,, so sorry for the wait </3
first part here!
characters: sae, rin, nagi, chigiri
a mystery allure
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you both had agreed over facetime to finally go on a date with each other. he suggested you both to the cafe where you guys first met and then walk around town afterwards. and so, that’s what you guys did. you noticed he got the same order in between his talks of football. yes, he talked about football. it’s the only thing he really knows how to talk about. you’re going to need start a topic if you don’t want to talk about it, he’s pretty clueless otherwise.
afterwards, you both walked to the beach. at that point conversation started coming more naturally, no longer forced football talk. you both sat down, admiring the view and talking about whatever came to mind. he even goes as far as letting your legs touch. if you don’t retract at that, he goes even farther and let’s his hand touch yours.
it was a calm date and he would undoubtedly, though awkwardly, invite you to another one.
you both finally met a year after the blue lock project. it was a coincidental meeting, really. rin happened to bump into you and shidou during your hangout in town. shidou, of course, needed to tease him in front of you about how he reacted to your picture. feeling somewhat bad, you decided to give him your number.
he is incredibly bad at texting. and he knew. he decided the best way to get your attention was to invite you out to a date with him. and he’s not much better with date ideas.
you both go to a park at first, sitting and giving each other basic questions to get to know one another. it hadn’t been too bad. then, both tired of sitting, you walk around. at that point the conversation got awkward, rin never being one to talk to people in the first place.
it wasn’t until you both got hungry and decided to go eat some place of your choosing that the conversation got easy again. though, it is important to note that the conversation involved rin (jokingly) dissing your food taste. your food taste could literally be the same thing but he will want to diss it. he only does it to create a natural conversation for himself and make it more comfortable. from there on out, the conversation went well.
won’t initiate any touch with you. he’s also too scared to ask you out on another date, your lack of reactions making him doubt himself. if you ask him he would immediately say yes, however.
you guys had actually gotten really close before he had asked you to go on a date with him. so, it was no surprise to you when he wanted you to come to his place for the date. it was also no surprise when he struggled to stay awake during the movie.
i mean, how could he not? with you, someone he found immense comfort in, so close, the lights low. it didn’t help that you let him rest on your shoulder either. he still found it to be a good date, even if he was asleep for half of it. probably tried to kiss you after he woke up too, still in a hazy state.
you guys easily started talking thanks to the movie hangout with his sister. there was never a struggle with conversation and he enjoyed being around you. you had come over to hang out with sister again and he instantly joined you guys. he asked you out when she went to the bathroom, suggesting to go to his favorite cafe.
the date went well, there were no awkward points in the conversation as you both shared a treat of your choice. even after finishing, you both still stayed, conversation still going on. this lasted for half an hour until you both left the cafe and ventured through the city.
you guys had no destination, wondering wherever your feet carried you while continuing to talk. it was late when you both decided to go home. he, of course, walked you home. once you reached your place he asked you to go on another date, expressing how much he liked this one.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
want 2 see all the fics? find em: here!
What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie, Eddie?
Edward Nashton (The Riddler) x Ghostface!Trans!M!Reader
Last Edited: 06/04/2023
TW: gore, blood, murder, stalking, dead bodies, transphobia, foul language, body dysphoria, phone harassment
Requested: no
Word Count: 2,381
Notes: literally rewatching the batman 2022 as i make this lel. also, kinda think of the ghosftface from dead by daylight as i love that costume/look so the outfit that’s described. i finished this shit on 1 hour of sleep btw so hope u enjoy
He’s an odd man. His schedule used to remain constant until it didn’t. You’re unsure of what changed. He’s still a forensic account by all means. He forged those documents to get the job so of course he wouldn’t simply just quit. That part stayed the same. It’s after work when he deviates from his original schedule. Going out at night, spying on people, and getting odd information. There’s also his online presence getting stronger. You see him on his computer more and more. Sometimes he’s typing, other times he has some sort of outfit on to do live streams.
No matter what, he’s always busy with something. That something has gotten more and more odd these past few weeks. He’s obsessing over a vigilante. A man dressed in black who goes around beating people down until they cannot get up to fight anymore. A “Batman” is what they call him. For someone so many fear, little ol’ Eddie surely loves him. It makes your stomach twist in disgust. How can this man obsess over this random vigilante? Sure, he fights crime but he’s not going for the bigger people. He lets cops run around, nabbing the criminals only to let them go after a bit of bribing. Some saviour he is. Plus, to see this somewhat nerdy and dainty-looking man go for a man who appears to be jacked screws with your head.
You can’t help but want to maul your own skin at this observation. The mousey man wanting the dark, mysterious, and bulky body type makes you think of your own figure. You don’t have the exact body type so may want after all the struggles to so much as get the medicine you needed for your transition. It takes time, ranging from months to years. And the first man you see him obsess over is the usual “jacked” and “hot” man makes you angry. That original figure you had has changed over time, into something you’re more comfortable with. While some changes haven’t been made yet due to the lack of money, you feel better; like you can actually live in your own skin now after so long of feeling like your body was out to destroy you.
But that feeling does fade now and then, especially when you see someone you’ve been watching and pinning over for months wanting the one thing you feel like you can’t be at times. Sometimes it’s your mind, other times it's old words from people you knew. The majority is the people you see online spouting nasty things, all ranging from hatred to fetishizing; there are even times when it’s a mixture of the two. A “real” man is what they want. For some reason as well, a “real” man isn’t someone who takes hormones or changes their body. A “real” man isn’t someone who says they are a man, even if they don’t transition. If they don’t pass their assessments, they’re not a “real man”. But how can they be one? How do they know what a “real” man is? They call those bulky hunks in bars real men. They’ll call the men from the army real men. The men from the gym are real men. But the moment a man so much as acts, looks, sounds different or doesn’t have the “right” body, they’re fake. And to you, it’s all bullshit. No one has any right to tell someone they’re not a “real” man, especially when they themselves know nothing about you or others in the same boat.
So to suddenly see such people in his streams? You can feel yourself losing it. While you wouldn’t kill them for such a thing unless they preached or even tried to kill people for being different or “unreal”, it’s the fact that so many were actual shitbags added to it. From people who wanted to simply kill innocent people, to people wanting to do awful acts to those they hate, you can’t allow that. Spying from the rooftops and alleyways turns into watching him from his very own streams.
Your username on the streams is Gh0stFac3, read as GhostFace, is usually caught in the streams, never saying a word. You let yourself lurk while he’s online, letting out passionate rants about Gotham and some sort of “renewal plan”. You don’t necessarily watch him on these streams. You do listen though, taking down notes on his words. You do have other people to watch and kill later on, of course. Some from his streams, others from night outs. A few are even from your times at bars, hearing their nasty talking or genuine disgust about certain groups of people who’ve done nothing but live their lives.
Another name is jotted down in your notebook, a multitude of pictures clipped to the page with the target. You scratch at your neck from under the mask, sighing. It’s just another asshole really. This one is from one of Edward’s streams. From what you found out, the guy had been sending nasty messages to a coworker who rejected him. Pathetic in your case. But you can feel that itchy feeling creeping up under your skin. You’ll have to kill again soon. It’s like a drug and it makes you feel powerful in a way. From people seeing you as some dainty girl back in the day, nothing more than something to be used for bearing kids and eye candy to look at, to feeling like a man after treatment, meds, and eye-opening articles; along with blogs talking about their own experiences, you feel like you can actually feel and do the things you felt you deserved to do. The people who looked down on you or disowned you disappeared in just a blink. All you needed was time away to find yourself, who you truly are, before returning and dealing out the same amount of pain to them they forced you to go through for so many years.
You snap the notebook closed, rubbing at the face under your mask. All this thinking about how your body is, alongside was, is giving you a headache. It doesn’t help that you have more than just that man as the next victim either. You’re not sure who to choose just yet. Or, well, you do. However, all the constant thinking, together with your inner voice reminding you of all the transphobia you’ve faced thus far, is killing your mood. A snort leaves you. Killing your mood. You’re truly a riot with your own jokes.
You grab the flip phone closest to you, flicking it open. It’s a burner you picked up a bit ago. There were plenty of others but the satisfaction of snapping the phone shut after a call is enough for you to keep it around. You look at Edward’s stream; he’s still going. You give a sharp grin under your scream mask before dialling his number.
You can hear it ring from the stream. Seeing him go silent immediately is satisfying. He looks like a mouse again; a confused one at that. He starts up his rant again, seemingly going to ignore it. Narrowing your eyes, you end the call before texting him. The ding he gets is ignored. Another ding. Another. Another. His hands are shaking, eyes wide and crazed. Finally, you type in chat.
> Hello, Mouse.
The chat, usually fast, stops for a moment. They seem to notice something is off.
> Will you answer your phone?
> I’m calling.
> I’m texting you, Mouse.
People in the chat start to type, sending in a multitude of messages. Some are asking Edward if he knows you. Others are asking if you know him. You don’t answer them at all.
> Answer. I won’t stop calling.
He looks mad, grabbing his computer. “Who do you think you are? You know nothing! You’ve said nothing until now! You’re just someone trying to bring me down aren’t you?! You’re trying to destroy everything I’ve been working for to help Gotham!”
> Answer the phone, Eddie.
Everything stops. It’s like the entire chat froze as well as Edward. You know no one has any idea what his name is. The fact that you know it and suddenly type it with no hesitation only shows you know more than does. With shaking hands, he lets go of the computer and sits back in his chair. “I’m sorry everyone… But it looks like we have a leak. I’ll be making sure to get rid of the mole and that they are dealt with accordingly. I’ll host another stream next week after all of this is fixed.” His voice is eerily blank, almost like he’s bored or in shock. With those final words, the entire stream ends. You sit for a moment before calling him once more. Edwards finally picks up this time.
“Oh, Eddie… Did you really have to take that long?” The voice changer in your mask disguises your voice. From what you’ve been told by many victims before, you sound like a very attractive young man.
“Who are you?” His question, asked in a cold way, makes you hum.
“Ghostface. What about you, Eddie? Are you Edward Nashton? The Riddler? Who are you?” His breathing has changed; he’s panicked. You’ve heard that type of breathing so much that you don’t do much beside coo at him. “Don’t worry, Dear Eddie. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to destroy all that you’ve been working on. After all, you’ve changed your schedule to fit this odd thing now…” You sigh, leaning forwards in your chair. You prop your masked head on your gloved hand. “After all, you spent so much time and resources on it. It’s honestly been the most interesting thing I’ve seen in years.”
“Why are you calling, Ghostface?” He asks, wanting to get this call over with. You don’t want that though. You like how he sounds in your ear. You like how you can make his breathing change with just a few words.
“What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie, Eddie?” The teasing way you say it only adds character, or that’s what you tell yourself. You want Eddie to like you. You want him to obsess over you as he does Batman. You want him.
“I’m not playing your games!” He’s stressed, practically about to cry from the frustration. You’ve ruined his stream, teased him over the phone, and called him Eddie in front of people who don’t know his name. In his eyes, you’re out to destroy him.
“Eddie…” You feel slightly bad. You really do want him to like you and this is the only thing you had thought of. It’s clearly not working. “I like you, Eddie. You’re doing what others can’t or won’t… How about a deal?” The idea of a deal to possibly end this talk seems to get to him.
“What’s the deal, then? Or are you going to keep talking to me in circles and messing with me?”
“I wasn’t trying to mess with you. As I said before. I like you. You’re the only person who went from a possible victim to something else entirely… You should be proud! No one has ever gotten that far! Usually, I’d be in their home by now, hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike…” As you talk, it seems he’s intently listening to you with genuine intrigue. “The fighting is always hard but so, so fun. And the moment my knife meets their flesh and blood spills? It’s beautiful.” You let out a sigh, one could almost call it dreamy with how you talk about your deadly hobby. “The screams are a bit much, not going to lie there, Eddie. They’re so loud.. But the moment the life is gone from those shitbags, I can make them oh so pretty.” You’re out of your chair, pacing around your apartment. Your combat boots are heavy against the wooden floors of your home. One of your hands moves as you ramble, giving more passion despite the other man unable to see it. “A few more cuts, maybe some mutilation, a bit of stabbing.. Then I have to set them up how I want and take a few selfies. The selfies are always fun… I can send you a few if you’d like. They always turn out great, I make sure of it.”
The silence on the other end snaps you out of whatever state you had been in when talking about your hobby. You don’t hear anything, not even Edward’s breathing. Your hidden lips pull into a frown. Here you are, pouring your heart out and he’s said nothing! No congratulations. No good job. Nothing. The squeaking of your gloves is heard as you tighten your grip on the burner.
“How does this help me? How are you going to help me with some pictures of your pinned-up dead bodies?” You grit your teeth, hating this call more and more.
“I’m saying that I can be your blade, dammit! You can sit in your messy lil’ apartment, talking, coding, streaming! I’ll hunt down whoever you want! I’ll mutilate them! I’ll leave clues or riddles, I don’t care!” You’re yelling into the receiver, finally tired of listening to the man’s complaining. Taking a deep breath, you try to calm yourself. “I do all the killing and you continue doing whatever it is your doing.”
“But what are you looking for? What do you get out of it?” A hum leaves you, letting all that rage go. A nasty smirk crawls over your features.
“I get to watch you work… I love seeing you put your pretty lil’ head to use after all, Baby.” You practically purr, the distorted warmth filling you. It’s unhealthy how much you like him paired with how much you want him to like you. Unhealthy or not, you don’t care. If he can have unhealthy views and plans, so can you.
You hear the end of his line go dead, having hung up on you. You give a mocking put from behind the scream mask. Quickly, you let your thumb fly over the numbers. You snap the phone closed, happy to see that this is the start of something very exciting.
> Can’t wait to work with you, Sweetheart ;))
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mzladyd · 2 years
~ Extra Curricular Studies ~
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐱 fem! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[For our broody but sexy man. 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙻𝚊𝚠 ♡]
Summary A/U: Everything seems to be smooth sailing, until a grey eyed man shambles your world and turns it upside down.
Genre: smut (18+ minors and ageless blogs DNI)
Content Warning: alcohol consumption, bondage, ball gag/nipple clamps, cussing, unprotected sex, overstimulation, fingering/oral (fem receiving), orgasm (both parties).
A/N: This is my very first time ever writing a fan fic and what better way than for @lawscorazon 1k collab! I have enjoyed reading your work so so much! Thank you for letting me participate. If y’all like it annnd if you want more of this A/U I have a bit more brewing in my noggin. Feel free to like, comment, critique and reblog! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed writing It ♡
Word Count: 11k
I also have a suggestion! When the spicy scene goes to the bedroom please listen to Daddy-By Ramsey ♡
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Everything that happens in person’s life tends to bring them to certain circumstances that shapes their path. In more cases than none, we don’t understand the path we are on is of importance until the crossroad connects and we pick the one that changes everything in an instant.
It was the last class of the day and a content sigh escape from inside you. The happiness you felt that the day was almost over with radiated through your body as you were so ready to start your weekend. You could literally feel the comfortable clothes against your skin at the mere thought of it.
Feeling the sun bare down on your soft skin in a warm embrace, the gentle breeze that followed behind it made the unruly heat somewhat bearable.
A month has almost passed since you started school at the university, and everything seemed to fall back into place like it always did. The typical jitters of hoping you weren’t going through all of this for naught had finally subsided as well as finally knowing where your classes were so you could stop entering the wrong class every damn day.
You always enjoyed school, socializing with friends and learning as much as your knowledge hungry mind could consume. You decided years ago that you wanted to make a name for yourself as well as help people in their time of need.
To become a doctor was a big responsibility for you, and you understood that you had to sacrifice a huge part of your social life in order to be successful.
You weren't truly happy about that part but understood what it was going to cost and what the rewards were going to be once completing the Mount Everest of a task. You had always been fascinated how the body worked, from as early as a child you would beg your mom to buy medical books so that you could study and learn what made people operate and function.
The memory of your mom’s appalled expression when pointing out where her “wienus” was clearly knowing It wasn’t the true name would always be a core memory. Chuckling at the thought, you walked into your class and set your book bag down on the empty seat next to you and got comfy for the day’s lesson.
Watching the classroom slowly fill with people, the grunting sound of the sleepy face moss head known as Zoro caught your attention. Observing him aimlessly as he slumped down in his seat with a big yawn, the chair creaked loudly as it tried to hold his massive frame. He was a fine being to look at, but his cocky attitude and overall disinterest in anything but working out and being the best at his sports gave you little to no interests for as long as you known him.
Following close behind him, the familiar freckled face known as Ace greeted him with a punch to the arm in greeting before slumping into his seat next to him. Two fine ass men you only admired from afar.
"Oi!!! Y/N!!!"
Darting your attention away from the two and up to the classroom door, you smiled at the sight of Luffy, Sanji and Usopp waving at you as they walked past the class door. Making a silly face at them, you smiled and waved back before the sudden vibration of phone pulled your attention away from them. Picking up your phone, you saw that there were multiple messages back-to-back.
"Y/N! Y/N!! Y/N!!!" Perplexed at the urgency, you leaned back in your chair and began to type your best friend back.
"Yes Nami??" Not even a second later her message came through.
"There you are!! You won't believe who I just saw!"
Lightly biting your bottom lip, your brow rose slightly as you tried to think of whom she was referring to. Half of the people you went to high school with were scattered all around the campus, along with many new faces. Brows furrowing together, you began to type your reply but was interrupted by a sudden clearing of the throat.
Glancing up slowly, your eyes met with a familiar set of grey orbs. His expression was his regular unamused "why do I have to be here" bleak distaste in anything that always piqued your interest. Ever since you first witnessed the being known as Trafalgar D. Law, you instantly wanted to consume your thoughts with this man – who he was, what was his story, all the way down to thoughts that made your insides flutter like bats trapped in a cave ready to escape.
Looking him over, the energy that expelled from him had a sense of confidence with a low vibration of something even more mysterious. He towered over you as he looked down at you, a slight smirk forming his smooth pink lips. His stature was lean, but the defiant athletic muscles flexed lightly as he held onto his book bag. His black button up shirt was slightly unbuttoned at the top allowing you to see a bit of a tattoo design that tried to peak out. Taking in his Greek God appearance, your eyes finally made contact with his once more as his dark brows began to knit together in impatience.
"Are you going to just keep staring or can I sit?" He tossed his book bag on the floor next to the desk.
"Kinda need it, seeing how it's the only chair available." His voice was deep and smooth as he spoke to you, causing another flutter of bats to hit the inside of your stomach with even more of a vigorous force.
"Oh. Yeah. So-Sorry." you shyly mumbled as you grabbed your belongings and set them on the floor next to you.
You couldn't believe that Law was even here; you hadn't seen him in two years and assumed he was completely done with school. You thought you could end your schoolgirl crush once and for all that day you walked across the stage for graduation, but in a hilarious twist of fate, oh how wrong you were.
You had dreamed countless of times how you wanted to give yourself to the broody guy that shared classes with you throughout the years, but because of your lack of confidence, the idea of making such a bold move had been doused out quicker than a bucket of water to a campfire.
Leaning back in your chair, you brought your attention towards the front of the class as he sat next to you, leaning into you slightly as he shifted to get his note pad from his bag. The sudden earthy tone scent of his natural aroma hit your senses and made you melt into your seat. Your mind silently screaming at the nearness of him causing you to bite your lower lip to muffle any sounds that dared to escape.
As he rested his arms onto the desk, you noticed the new tattoos that splayed across his knuckles, hands and both forearms. You squinted your eyes slightly to try and read what he knuckles said. Sensing your eyes on his hands, he twirled his pen between his fingers playfully causing you to jerk your attention away from them and back up to his face.
Even though he was sitting down, he still towered over you. Gone were the boyish features and what replaced him was a smoldering man who radiated so much intellect, mystery and sex appeal it made you shift uneasily in your chair as you clenched your legs together. Feeling your constant gaze upon him, he looked down at you from the corner of his eye, a coy smirk formed across his pink lips yet again allowing his white teeth to gleam.
"Someone sure loves to gawk..." his voice rumbled deeply as he whispered to you.
Opening your mouth to justify your staring, the sudden clearing of your professor’s voice boomed into your mind releasing you from the infatuated grip that had its hold on you.
"I don't gawk." You mumbled under your breath in a weak attempt to defend your ego, but really could he honestly blame you?!
Shifting in your seat, you took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as you tried to concentrate on the assignment, but the constant arousing thoughts that ran through your mind had better plans for you today. This was going to be the longest year of your life, thanks to Trafalgar bursting through your cozy, introverted bubble.
The lessons went as smoothly as it could. Between trying to pay attention to the professor's topic and ignoring the heated tension you were creating all on your own by sitting next to Law, it amazed you that you were able to accomplish anything that period.
"Ok students, this project is going to be a partner assignment. It's an extra credit to your semester grade and will be a big plus to help you pass this semester. Seeing how the class is full, I am going to partner you guys with the person you are sitting next too."
Hearing the happy whispers of getting stuck with their friends and some groans, you couldn't help but instantly stiffen at the professor’s words.
"Get to know your study buddy next to you, because they will be a big part of getting you the grade you need to pass. Remember - team work, makes the dream work!" The teacher annoyingly outstretched his hands in a "you can do it!!" manner.
"I will leave you guys to it for the rest of this class, discuss what parts you will play in this project." Nodding his head to everyone, the professor walked to his desk and began to prep for tomorrow’s lessons, leaving the rest of us to "bond" with our new study buddy.
Leaning back in his chair, Law brought his attention to you. "So, your place or mine?" The bold statement made your eyes bulge out as you tried to respond but just end up looking like a fish gasping on air.
Seeing you completely lose the rest of the composure you had left; Law couldn't help but eat it up. He remembered you in high school and secretly enjoyed admiring you from afar. You weren't like the rest of the girls that would make him lose interest quick. You were different, but he never really wanted to be the weirdo that randomly approached you. He stuck to himself and had very few friends because he wanted it that way. In all reality, it was better that way. You usually hung out with a rowdy group of friends that made you stick out like a sore thumb due to the fact you were the quietest one in the group, but somehow you fit in perfectly.
Looking at you now after the few years of being out of high school, he noticed that you still were as beautiful as the day he saw you - Perfect lips, stunning "Y/C" eyes and soft skin that made him wonder what it would feel like to drag his teeth across it. Checking out your body now, his eyes took in the supple curves you had, your crossed legs, all the way down to the little pooch of your stomach as you sat in your chair. Tilting his head to the side, he looked back up at your wide-eyed expression and gave his best devilish grin.
"Ex-excuse me?” You squeaked out a small response. Sitting by Law was one thing but being ALONE with him was a completely different story all together.
Taking a deep breath, you squared your shoulders and sat up straight to give him the best confident smile you could muster up.
"I- I am not picky, I can go to your place." You gave him a nonchalant expression, hoping that your nerves weren't showing.
"Nami usually has the gang over throughout the week. With Luffy being on a whole different level of loud, Usopp always fixing stuff and Sanji pestering us with food, we won’t be able to concentrate." You shook your head slightly at the horde you had at home, but one you wouldn’t choose to be without.
Bringing your attention back up to him, the way he studied your face meticulously made you start to feel somewhat self-conscious. Seeing the flicker of curiosity in his eyes, you realized you just sealed your fate with that statement as a playful gleam began to shine in his eyes.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen." The professor's voice interrupting the two of you before Law could reply.
"Class is dismissed don't forget to stay on top of this assignment. I want to hear of what you two come up with by tomorrow and whether or not it's going to be acceptable."
Once dismissed, you stood up quickly, grabbed your belongings from the desk, and began to shove them in your bag. Your hair curtaining your face to hopefully shield your reddened cheeks from Law. As he got up from his spot, the earthy smell from him hit your senses again in an intoxicating hug, causing your hands to shake slightly as you struggled to zip up your damn bag. Reaching out towards you, Law placed his hand on yours and took the bag from you.
"I have to run into work after school for a little bit," His long slender fingers zipped up your bag with ease before holding it out towards you, his eyes still gleaming with a mischievous glow.
"Meet at my place around seven?" Taking your bag from him, you slid it onto your shoulder as he held out a ripped piece of paper towards you. Accepting it from him, you held it close to your chest as you finally brought your eyes up to him.
"See you tonight Y/N." He brought his hand up to your face and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before walking off.
Walking through the hallway, your mind buzzed with excited thoughts of what just happened and what will continue tonight. Pinching your bottom lip between your pointer finger and thumb, you stepped out of the building and made your way aimlessly throughout the courtyard.
Feeling the vibration of your phone ringing, it instantly snapped you back to reality as you dug It out of your pocket and placed it to your ear.
"Hi Nami, I am..."
"WHERE WERE YOU?!! Nami's loud voice cut you off before you could explain yourself.
“You ghosted me for over an hour! Did you get my messages? I saw Law!! I thought he moved away?" You appreciated your best friend’s nonstop chatter as you leaned up against a shady tree to gather your thoughts. Tilting your head back against the hard bark, you snorted out a small laugh at how completely wrong you both were at that assumption.
"I know. He's in my class." You bit your lip as you waited for her reply; your cheeks slowly growing pink at the confession.
Her end went eerily silent for a moment as she processed what you just said. “Where are you? I am sitting under the gazebo; hurry, I want to hear everything!" Before you could say another word, Nami hung up the phone which was your queue to hurry the hell up and get to her.
Making your way through the different crowds of students, you finally made your way up to where Nami was sitting. The golden rays of sunshine flowed through her hair, almost making her look ethereal. Her hair dancing around her like flames as the wind blew through it. The outfit for today was a green romper that held her supple curves in all the right places. Her long legs were crossed as she leaned into the table. Elbows resting on the hard wood, she lazily skimmed through her phone as she waited for you. Spotting you walking up to her, she set her phone down on the table and smacked her hands down.
"Tell. Me. EVERYTHING!" Her honey brown eyes sparkled with excitement as you sat down next to her.
Feeling the rosy tickle of your skin getting warm, you placed your cool hands on either side of your face and tried to think of how you were going to eliminate the billion questions she was about to ask. Taking in a deep breath, you instantly let out the pent-up emotions that you held in for the past hour.
"Yes, Law is in my class. When you were texting me, I didn’t notice him walking up, hence the reason why I didn’t text you back, so...” As the rushing waves of excitement flowed out of you, you told every last detail to Nami. From the class being full and Law having to sit next you, to your professor’s hilarious idea of everyone working with partners. It wasn’t to say you didn’t want to work with Law, you truly dreamed of this day. It was the fact that working with a man you’ve had a crush on secretly for so long was nerve-wracking.
“…Now Law is my "study buddy" for this semester due to the assignment and I have to meet him at his house tonight to go over it, because our house is loud.” You let out a gasp-like sigh as the last bit of air left you from your blur of words.
Taking in a shaky breath, an anxious smile spread across your face as you waited for her reply. Nami simply sat there and stared at you. Her mouth hung slightly a jar as she stared at you stunned, the wheels obviously turning in her head as she tried to process what you just said. What seemed like an eternity really only lasted for a brief second, the sound of Nami’s excited cheer rang around the both of you. Grabbing onto you quickly, she pulled you into a big ass hug and began to rock you from side to side tightly.
"FINALLY!!" She yelled out ecstatically before pulling you away to look at you for a moment then bringing you back into her for an even bigger hug. Your cheek smushing into her shoulder as she did so.
Not hearing them over the commotion from Nami, Luffy, Sanji and Usopp walked up to the gazebo to join the two of you. Pushing yourself away from Nami’s shoulder, you rubbed your nose slightly in irritation before looking at the group that walked up to the two of you.
They were your little group of misfits who became more like an additional family- Watching Usopp tell one of his tall-tale stories, Luffy chomping down on a piece of jerky from his pocket, and Sanji making googly eyes at Nami. Glancing at all of them, your heart couldn't be happier to call this group yours.
"You guys won’t believe what happened to our little friend here." Nami nudged you from your happy thought and brought you back to reality. Looking at the group of guys, your face instantly turned red.
"Shut up Nami!" you hissed through clenched teeth.
Tucking his unlit cig behind his ear, Sanji slid in-between the two of you. Throwing one arm around Nami and the other around you, he began to look back and forth between you both.
"Ooo Gossip about our Y/N." He wiggled his curly brows before winking at you.
"Do tell, Nami dear." He purred happily in curiosity, the smell of cigarettes and cologne radiated from Sanji as he brought you both closer to him.
"Sanjil!" Nami groaned in annoyance.
"Hands!!!!" She smacked his hand off her shoulder before pulling away from his heavy arm. Standing up, Nami looked at the guys before bringing her attention back onto you.
"We don't have time to discuss it, we’ll meet you guys at the apartment; We have some much-needed shopping to do before tonight!" Nami's wide Cheshire cat smile went from ear to ear as she grabbed your hand and pulled you from your spot under Sanjis arm.
With a slight pout of his bottom lip, Sanji let out a defeated sigh and shrugged.
"I can hold off on cooking dinner then until you guys get back." Sanji's puppy dog eyes always made your heart smile at the over romantic man. One day he will make a woman extremely happy.
"But Saaaanjil!!" Luffy groaned in protest. "I am hungry now!!”
"Yeah, Sanj you said you were going to make your Seafood Risotto after class!!" Usopp chimed in and slumped his shoulders as he began to whine back.
“Yeah!! That’s why I didn’t get a third serving at lunch.” Luffy clutched at his stomach and laid back on the table of the gazebo as if he were dying.
"Will you two shut the hell up!!" Sanji spat out in frustration at the two men making fools of themselves. "You will eat when the ladies eat and like it!!" Glaring at the two, he brought his eyes back up to the two of you.
"No need to worry Sanj, we will pick up something on the go, not sure when we will get back to the house." Nami started to pull you away from the gazebo and began to head towards the parking lot.
 Grabbing your keys out of your pocket, you tossed them towards Sanji. Quicker than a rubber-band pop, Luffy's long arm caught the keys before Sanji had a chance to even pick up his hand.
"Take my car home would you Luff? And please don't do anything stupid with it..." You gave him a pleading look before turning your attention to Nami.
"Sweet! Don’t worry “Y/N” you can count on me!” Sticking his tongue out at the guys, Luffy began to dangle the keys in their faces.
“Race you to the house, last one there coughs up $100!!!" Luffy shouted with glee before running off to your car causing the other two to look at each other for a brief moment then followed him in a quick pursuit. Sighing out in defeat you followed Nami to her ride as your mind began to buzz with what was in store for you.
Hearing the soft raps of knuckles hitting the door as it slowly opened, the smell of Sanji’s cooking surrounded you in a mouth-watering touch as it began to waft through the room.
“My darlings din…” Sanji’s soft voice was cut short as his eyes landed on you.
The smokey eye Nami had created made “Y/E color” pop and gave you a sultry look compared to the tom boy style you were used too.
“Y/N…..” Sanji’s words got stuck in the middle of his throat as he took on your appearance.
From your head all the way down to your toes, the clothing fit your form and brought out the best of your figure. Bringing his attention to your face, his mouth hung slightly gapping as your hair flowed around you in a soft curtain, your eyes shimmering like deep pools of wonder as you looked at him.
Feeling his eyes roam all over your body, your brows furrowed together in a concerned expression as you began to look at your outfit wondering what the hell he was staring at.
“Sanji your nose is going to bleed if you don’t stop gawking…” Nami’s words cut through his thoughts making him stand up straight and clear his throat.
“Ehrmm..uhh..Din-Dinner is ready.” He shifted on his feet and leaned against the door frame, his toned muscular arms crossing over his chest. Nodding up at you, an odd smirk formed his now composed face.
“What is with the sudden dress up?” His blue eyes scanned between the two of you for a moment before landing on you permanently.
“Y/N has finally snagged herself a man!” Nami nudged you with her elbow before walking over to your vanity that nestled against the wall.  
“Do you remember her crush Law in high school? Well, our little quiet one here is meeting with him tonight at his house.” Nami wiggled her eyebrows at you while she fluffed out her long mane of hair in the mirror, her honey brown eyes looked down and noticed the now empty small black and pink bag she had handed to you earlier.
“Oh!? So, you DID retire the mismatch comfort for the evening.” Nami picked up the empty bag, which used to contain the new bra and underwear she gave you, and shimmied it in her hands, clearly thrilled that you decided to wear that instead of your usual sports bra and boxer underwear.
Looking over to Sanji you hoped he didn’t understand what Nami was talking about, but the glazed stary-eyed mess that contorted his face as he looked at the bag then quickly to your figure, answered your question.
“Sanji!” You threw the bag at him, hitting him square in the chest.
“Eyes!!” You snapped as you walked over to the bed and plopped down. Leaning over you tossed your hair over your shoulder as you bent down to grab your boots and began to put them on.
“It’s not a date; I didn’t “snag” him. It’s LITERALLY us studying so we don’t fail this stupid semester. Nothing more!” You narrowed your eyes at Nami’s smug smile.
“Trafalgar Law?” Sanji’s expression went back to normal as the distaste of the man’s name was undeniable in his tone. “I thought he moved? I don’t think it’s a good idea to go over there Y/N.”
An unfamiliar fixated expression formed across Sanji’s face that you didn’t usually see directed to you. Nami? Yes. Every other hot woman that passed by him? Most definitely! But you? Never!
He would rather throw a pillow at you to distract you from winning the video game or pat your head in an “atta boy” fashion for learning a new recipe then to ever see you in that way…Right?
Nibbling on your lower lip, the weird feeling and all this fuss was causing you to get a slight headache - no thanks to Nami.
Standing up from your bed, you walked over to your desk, grabbed your book bag and made your way to your door.
“Yes, Trafalgar Law. Obviously he didn’t move away and like I said for the hundredth time…It’s just a study night.”
Gazing up at him as he blocked you from exiting your room, you clenched your jaw in frustration and crossed your arms over your chest to match his brooding energy.
“Sanji, stop being an overbearing brut; she’s going to be fine! I want to know all the dirty deets when you get back though, Y/N.”
Snapping your attention to Nami, you shook your head in disbelief before pushing past Sanji and making your way to the living room where Usopp and Luffy were stuffing their faces.
Two set of eyes slowly looked away from the tv and brought their full attention on you.
“Oi, Y/N, why do you look like a girl?” Luffy said through a mouth full of food.
“Yeah, Y/N, you smell really good too!” Usopp closed his eyes and breathed in your perfume, his long nose wiggling a bit in appreciation.
“She has a date tonight.” Sanji said as Nami and him made their way into the living room, clearly unamused with the thought.
Shaking your head, you laughed as you looked at the group and shrugged. “I give up. I have to go it’s getting late.”
Walking up to Sanji as he stood in your way again of leaving the apartment; you looked up at him with a glare. Your hand coming up to poke him square in the chest with your finger.
“Save me a plate before these two eat it all.” You glanced over to the pair on the couch before bringing your attention back to Nami and him.
“I will be back later.” Walking around Sanji, you waved bye to everyone and made your way out of the apartment and to your car. This was not a date; you were just going to have a calm, chill night of studying and nothing more.
If that was the case, then why were your nerves slowly starting to get the best of you as you slid into the driver seat and made your way out of the complex.
Fifteen minutes later, you park your car at Law’s apartment and began to scan the grey buildings like a deer in headlights. Both hands holding onto the steering wheel, you sat there contemplating how all this came into fruition.
Everything that happened in your life leading up to today’s events brought you to this moment, right now. Leaning back into your seat the amusing thought came to you. If someone would have come to you a few years ago and told you that you were going to be outside Trafalgar Law’s apartment one day; You would have laughed out loud and told them to stop playing.
Taking in a deep breath, you let it out slowly before grabbing a hold of your book bag and headed towards his apartment.
The night air held a soft whisper within it as autumn made its presence known that it was near. Rubbing your hands over your arms, you weren’t sure if the bumps were due to the wind, or your excitement was getting the best of you.  Walking through the complex, you realized the vast three-story luxury buildings seemed to settle in a perfect circle around the complex pool. The light grey buildings shined like illuminating stars from the people that contently dwelled within them. Gawking at the luxurious apartments, you were glad you chose his place rather than yours.
Not that your place wasn’t comfy and cozy, but it was definitely more along the lines of the stereotypical college dorm apartments. These apartments though, where meant for doctors, lawyers and anyone who had a good chunk of change to afford them.
Reaching the final step of the third floor, you let out a heavy sigh as you momentarily try to gather your bearings and compose yourself by taking deep and steady breaths. You weren’t prepared for the mini cardio workout you just self-inflected.
Shifting the book bag back onto your shoulder, you began to head down the outside corridor to his apartment door. Breathless, shaky, and a complete nervous wreck, you finally made it up to his apartment and lift the small doorknocker. Holding onto the small metal ring, you square your shoulders, lift your chin in confidence, and threw caution to the wind as you knocked on the door.
Biting the inside of your cheek to ease your nerves, you listen intently as the footsteps from the other side of the door grew closer. Two quick clicks of locks and the door open, the bats in your stomach that had been dormant this whole-time woke in a vigor as you brought your eyes up to look at Law.
He wore the same loose button up shirt he had on earlier, only now itwas halfway button allowing you to see more of the tattoo design on his expose chest. Placing his hand on the doorframe, the sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to his elbows, teasing a glimpse of the muscles and veins that splayed underneath his tattoos.
Fuck this can’t be real, you thought to yourself as you stood there.
“Hello little miss gawker.” His warm voice had a playful tone to it as he looked at you. Grey eyes held a peculiar gleam that made your skin break out in goosebumps as he looked you over, clearly enjoying the view in front of him.
“I don’t gawk.” Your arms crossed over your chest, as your eyes darted to the apartment behind him. 
“Are you going to let me in or are we just going to study in the damn doorway?” You tried your best to channel Nami’s “no shit given” attitude and hope you weren’t failing miserably at it.
Surprised at your sudden boost of confidence, a sly smirk formed his stunning features. Watching you he licked his lips before nodding his head back.
“After you…” He pursed his lips as he placed his back against the door and pushed it open a little more to allow you to walk in, the action causing you to rub up against him as you made your way inside.
Laws apartment wasn’t anything like you had imagined - High vaulted ceilings gave a cathedral effect as the Oakwood beams connected to a point in the living room. Black tile floors flowed from the entranceway, throughout the hallway, kitchen and stopped before you got to the cream plush carpet in the living room.
Setting your bag down on one of the cozy bar stools, you made your way into the living room and looked out one of the large windows. The sunset was breathtaking as the fall trees started to shine its radiant colors; the rays of the sunshine that flowed through them gave an illusion as if they were glowing. The view from his third story apartment was peaceful, with dogs running around the little park and people sitting by the fire pits that nestled on opposite sides of the pool, you could easily see yourself sitting here all day long, laid out on the grey chase lounge and getting lost in a book.
Feeling eyes on you, you brought your attention over to Laws intense gaze. As if your eye contact beckoned him, he began to slowly walk up to you, his expression took on more of a mischievous gleam as his eyes locked on yours.
Eyes growing wide as he stopped in front of you. He brought his hand up to your face and brushed away a small lash that had fallen upon your cheek. Closing your eyes at his soft touch, you didn’t realize that your body went into autopilot as you began to lean forward into him.
“Hungry?” His gruff voice cut into your thoughts, making you finally let out the breath you were holding in.
“Wh-what?” You looked up at him not really computing the words that came from his mouth.
“Are…You…Hungry?” Law jokingly mimicked sign language signs with his hands as he spoke slower to you. Somewhat taken aback at his sense of humor, you instinctively pushed him softly and shook your head laughing. A playful smile formed his chiseled face as he touched his arm where you pushed him.
“I made onigiri and grilled blackened fish. We can eat and then get started on the assignment.”
Walking away from you, you brought your hand to your face and touch where his fingers had been. The tingle of his flesh still imbedded on your skin causing another chill to run down your spine. Your core that was inside you began to ignite with a feeling you only had when it was late at night and you were in bed touching yourself to thoughts of him.
“Y-yeah, Sounds good!” You smiled softly, making your way into the kitchen to join him.
As glorious as the living room was, the kitchen had to be the one of your dreams. Black night quartz marble counter tops, with grey and black backsplash that accented the counters perfectly. Walking up to the cozy bar stool, you set your bag on the floor and sat on the chair.
“What do you do for a living?” You ask as you look around the kitchen with it’s matching cathedral ceilings.
You cross one leg over the other and leaned into the cool marble top. Looking up at you slightly through thick lashes, Law shrugged nonchalantly as he turned around to get the plates.
“I decided to work at the local hospital for a bit, to get my experience in. A close friend of mine put a good word in for me there. They really enjoy my work ethics and want me to get my doctorate, so I went back to school.” His matter-of-fact tone made you smile as you shook your head in wonder.
“Rumor has it, you moved away because you were done with this place?” Frowning at that thought, you quickly replace it with a smile as he looked back up at you.
“Nah, you can’t get rid of me that quickly.” He winked at you before walking to his wine rack.
“Care for a glass? Figure it will help our creative flow with the assignment.” He jiggled the glass in his hand in a tempting manner. Biting your lower lip, you held up one finger.
“Only one, I have to drive home.” Giving you a small salute with his tattooed index and middle fingers, he poured you and him a glass before sliding yours to you. Taking a sip out of his glass, he brought his attention back to the food preparations.
Picking up the delicate wine glass, you took a slow sip from the red liquid and hum blissfully at the taste. The rich flavors dance upon your pallet before it slides down your throat, warming your chest and stomach as it went down.
Law’s attitude seemed to have changed from what you had always been used to seeing. Gone was the boy you only knew as antisocial and what replaced him was a man who was full of life, mystery and wonder. He was in his element, his happy place, where he could let everything that was bothering him go. This new view of him made you want to get to the core of who he was even more then before and you’ll be damned if you were going to bail on finding out now.
Full stomachs and two bottles of wine later, you lay upon the couch crying of laughter, your sides hurting from the lack of air that wasn’t going through them.
“It wasn’t like that!! I seriously had issues with any sport.”
Taking a long swig of his glass, he finishes the rest of the red liquid as a smile spread across his wine-stained lips. “Oh we all knew, the fact you hit the volley ball and it knocked that pink-haired kid clear out. What was his name? Corey? Ko…Koby!!”
Law leaned forward placing his glass on the table in front of the couch.
 “Him being put on a stretcher and rushed out of the gym room will forever be etched in my brain.” Law’s smile spreads across his chiseled face as another laugh escaped from him.
The deep husky sound of his laughter radiated around the two of you, making you hum softly as the wine took you into another mood.
“Poor Koby, heard he went into the Marines, so maybe I knocked some good sense into him?” You chuckle again before taking the last sip of your drink and putting the glass onto the table next to his.
Brining your attention from the table back to him, the moment your eyes met with his Law instantly leaned over and pulled you into a heated kiss. Startled by the sudden action, it took you a moment for your mind to register, but your body instantly knew what to do.
Grabbing onto the back of his head, you dug your nails into his soft raven black hair as you push yourself into him. Hearing a rumble of a groan come out from him, his tongue explored your mouth allowing you to taste every part of him. Pushing back into you more, a soft whimper escaped from you as his teeth dug into your bottom lip softly before he pulled away in a sucking motion. His cheeks were flushed with arousal, his eyes holding a deeper story of what he wanted.
Call it liquid courage or pent-up frustration from the years of wanting him; Once he was fully rested back into the couch, you straddled his lap and begin to take the very essence from his mouth as your lips moved with his in an intoxicating dance. Allowing you to be in charge for the moment, Law brought his massive hands down your back until they fell and cup your ass cheeks. Lifting them up he tightly squeezed them causing another moan to escape from your swollen lips.
Sucking on your bottom lip one more time, he pushed the both of you from his resting position on the couch and grabbed the hem of your soft shirt. In one swift motion, he lifted the shirt up and over your head and quickly tossed it to the side allowing his hands to have free range across your soft skin.
With one hand on the middle of your back, the other went to the back of your head and grabbed a hand full of your hair. Lightly tugging your head back to expose your soft skin of your neck to him. Completely out of your control now, Law brought the soft flesh of your neck to his warm lips. His goatee tickling your jugular as he trailed kisses along your neck.
Grazing his teeth along your jaw line and up the sensitive spot right below your earlobe, He kissed it softly before bringing his warm lips to your ear.  
“I want to feel you more…” His voice vibrated the inside of your ear as he whispered, causing a small gasp to escape your lips as an excited shiver ran down your spine.
“Will you be my good girl and let me have you?” Biting into your earlobe, your body ignited as if electricity ran through it.
“Ye-Yes….” Letting go of your hair, you brought your attention back to his face as your half-lidded eyes began to scan his handsome face. The grey of his eyes held specks of gold that splayed around his dilating pupils. Hearing your statement, a devilish smirk formed his lips before he leaned into you and nipped at your neck again.
“That’s my girl…” Lifting you up in one swift motion he placed his strong hands back on your ass, giving you all the access to his lips and neck as he walked to the bedroom.
Laws room was just as extravagant as the rest of the apartment. The masculine aesthetic of the room was very stylish, extremely tidy but still had a comfortable vibe to it. Everything had a place where it belonged; from the clothes that hung in the closet, the clear sliding glass doors showed the outfits that were nestled in their perfect color-coded spot. The nightstand that held a few books and his glasses, to the bed that sat in the center of the room that was illuminated by lights that dwelled underneath the bed frame. It would be a bedroom Nami would kill to snoop through and see what goodies it held.
Hands digging into his soft black hair, you pushed your body into his as you kissed along his lips and jawline. The feel of his hands trailing down your body made your mind go crazy with desire as your bodies intertwined with one another.
Laying you on the bed, he pecked at your lips a few more times before standing up. The bed modeling around your form as you propped yourself up on your arms, your lustful gaze beaming with curiosity as you watched him.
“I want to try something with you.” He trailed off as he walked over to the dresser and began to rummage through the drawer. Finding what he was looking for he reached inside of it before looking over his shoulder to you.
“You trust me?”
The alluring smile that stayed on his face made you nod your head slowly in reply. Taking the object out of the drawer and closing it, he turned around and walked up back up to you. In his hands rested a bundle of crimson red rope.
“Its Shibari rope.” Law lightly grazed the rope with his thumb.
“Known to be the strongest rope to withstand any strength put against It.” Seeing the devious smile that formed on his face this time, your heart began to race with excitement.
Lifting his chin up, his eyes squinted slightly as he looked at you.  
“On your knees.” His voice became stern and direct as he commanded you to get into the position.
Swiftly getting up from your propped position, you sat down on your legs as you kneeled at the foot of the bed. Placing your hands on your lap, your breathing became shallow as he walked around the bed to get a few more things from his nightstand.
Rope in one hand, he pulled out a ball gag and nipple clamps before closing the drawer and walking back to stand in front of you. Setting the objects down on the bed he cupped your chin with his index finger and thumb and brought you in for kiss.
The kiss this time was soft and gentle, as if your lips were the most delicate thing he ever touched and tasted. You instantly melted at the feel of his warm lips and tongue that whirled against yours. As he pulled away your body went towards him, your lower lip forming into a pout as the cold air hit your face from his absence.
“Tch. Patience.” His tone became stern again causing your body to radiate with need. Fidgeting in your spot, your body began to buzz with excitement as the thought of what was about to happen settled in your mind. Closing your eyes, you silently thanked Nami for giving you the bra and panties.
Grey eyes intently focused on you, the light touches from his rough callused fingertips made your head tilt back as you enjoyed the feeling of his hands trailing along your body until they stopped at the clasp of the bra. In one swift motion, he unclasp your bra effortlessly with his skilled fingers.
Opening your eyes once more, they connected with his as he trailed both his long index fingers up to your shoulders and under your bra straps. Not taking his sultry gaze from you, he slowly brought the straps down your arms and pulled the dainty fabric off of you and tossed it to ground.
Blinking slowly, he brought his attention to your chest, his breathing began to go rugged as he took in the vulnerable sight that was in front of him. Cupping them both in his strong hands, he fell into a trance as he touched the soft tantalizing skin. His mouth going dry and cock growing hard as it began to press against the seam of his pants.
Shifting uncomfortably, he cleared his throat before letting go of your breast and grabbing a hold of the ball gag.
Completely out of your mind from the attention he was giving, you impulsively obliged and did as you were told. Opening your mouth, he took the ball and placed between your mouth.
Closing your mouth around the rubber ball, you lifted your chin up as he brushed your hair out of your face. Securing the strap at the base of your head, he stepped back a bit before squatting down at your eye level. His mesmerizing eyes trailed over your face and body as he admired the position that you were in.
“Perfect.” Reaching an arm out to you, he lightly touches the side of your neck before trailing his fingers softly down until they stopped in the middle of your chest. Lost in the moment, he closed his eyes for a moment as the feeling of your rapid heartbeat against his fingers sent an involuntary thrill through his body. Trying to gain his composure, he brought his intense gaze back onto you.
Lost in each other’s gaze, It was almost as if you could sense his thoughts and him yours. All the years of denying each other’s needs for fear of getting close or rejected. His guarded eyes grew soft as they peered into yours as they showed the starved man who craved for affection and acceptance.
Embracing this side of him, you let out a content sigh as your eyes smiled up at him. Taken a back at the change in your demeanor, he sucked in a quick breath and stepped closer to you. His dark brows furrowing together as his thoughts whirled frantically in his head.
Reaching out you touched his hand to calm his try and calm his thoughts. Looking down at your hand in his, he squeezed It reassuringly before looking back up with a playful sexy grin.  
“I need you to know this is all for you. You feel any discomfort, knock three times. Got it?” His dark brows furrowing together to show the seriousness of his request.
Quickly nodding at the dominant look that crossed his features, a little drool slipped from the side of your mouth due to the gag. Brining his hand to your face, he wiped it away before standing up from his crouched position.
“Good girl.”
Toying with you a bit more, he brought his hands down to your breast and slowly began to play with the sensitive skin again, his eyes fixated on your breast as he watched them with hunger.
Thumbs twirling over the sensitive nubs as he began to toy with you more, the ministrations of his action caused a slight moan to escape from around the gag as the pleasure overtook your body.
Bending down he placed his warm lips onto your breast and lightly kissed the skin before taking one your hard nipples into his mouth and twirling his tongue around it. The feel of It under his tongue made the bulge in his pants tighter as his cock grew more impatient in its restraint. Mind going feral, his body ached with anticipation of wanting to feel your tight pussy walls close firmly around his throbbing cock.
Groaning in frustration, he bit down on your areola causing you to moan out loudly against the gag as you pressed your breast into his mouth even more.
With a soft pop, he pulled his lips away from the swollen nub and went to the other, sucking on it hard and grazing his teeth around it. Lost in the sensation you run your hands through his hair as you push him into you more, your nails dig into his scalp with each twirl of his tongue.
Eyes rolling back at the sensation, it took everything for Law not to lose his self-control and take what he wanted. No, this isn’t about him right now, and such a forthright move would take out all the fun that was about to happen.
Withdrawing his face away from your breast, he narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue in a disapproving Tisk. “So quick to touch, I told you. It’s your time right now.” His eyes shimmered as he looked down at the clamps that rested in his hands.
Placing one nipple clamp on and tightening It, you tossed your head back and moaned through the gag once more, your whole body radiating in arousal as the last clamp was placed. Mind consumed with pleasure; you kept your eyes closed as you tried to calm your breathing.
Standing up from his crouched position, he crossed his arms over his sculpted chest and tilted his head to the side like an artist admiring his work. Your skin was hot and flushed where his lips and teeth had marked you. Taking the rope into his hands now, he looked at you and nodded his head up.
“Raise your arms above your head.” Doing as you were told; you held your arms above your head as he began to meticulously tie the soft rope around your wrist, down your arms and across your chest until they made an open diamond shape around your breast. The display completely making you at his mercy.
Guiding you down onto the bed, the cool sheets caressed your hot skin causing a tremble to radiate down your body. Making his way onto the bed, Law straddled your hips as leaned above you and tied the rope securely to his metal bed frame.
“Remember, Knock three times.”
His pupils now completely dilated with arousal from the image that was on display below him. Hovering over you, he smirked as he brought one of his hands to your breast and flicked at the nipple clamp. Eyes rolling at the sudden rush of pleasure, you whimpered against the gag as your breathing began to quicken with yearning for more.
Keeping his eyes locked on you as he sat up, Law let a rumble of a sigh escape from him as he slowly unbuttoned his top. Peeling the shirt off him, the sight of his bare chest made your eyes widen as you took on his physique. The tattoos that were etched on his skin decorated his whole torso; tribal heart design that splayed over his chest and shoulders rippled as he tossed his shirt to the floor.
As your eyes made their way down his chest and to the V of his hips, your eyes stared at the well-defined bulge that pressed against his pants; his cock begging to be released from its confinement.
“Such a good girl for me. Do you see what you do to me?”
His husky voice was like fuel to the fire, your mind, body and soul began to scream for any form of his touch. Right on cue to your thoughts, he cupped your face and tilted your chin up. Exposing your neck, he leaned in and began to suck and nip as he trailed down to your collarbone. His mouth leaving more glorious marks along the way. Moaning out from the intense feeling your whole body began to pulsate from the marks he left on your skin.
Bracing himself as he held his body over yours, his muscles twitched slightly as he bent down to flick at the nipple clamp with his tongue, the maneuver causing a sharp sensual pain to radiate through you. Whimpering out in pleasure through the gag, your eyes went wild with the need for him.
Brows rising in anguish, you groaned as you gave him a pleading look. Smiling at the pathetic sounds you were making, Law made his way down to your abdomen, his warm lips kissing the expose skin before resting his chin on your hip bone to look up at you teasingly.
“You want more my pet?” Pulling your arms against the restraint, you groaned in irritation.
“Tch. Now that isn’t a response that deserves rewards.” He brought his lips to the sensitive part of your hip and sank his teeth into your soft flesh. A bolt of both pain and pleasure radiated through you as he sucked the spot lightly. His tongue whirling around the teeth marks he left before pulling away.
“Let’s do that again shall we?” Law’s sinister gaze looked up at you as he brought his chin to rest above your hot mound.
“Should I give you more?” Eyes wide with need, you frantically nodded your head and tried to say please but all that was heard was gibberish.
Laws lustful expression formed a sly smile before he began to kiss the soft exposed skin above your underwear. Tilting his head, he kissed along the raised skin from the bite mark as he slowly made his way down to your inner thigh. Looking up at you between your legs, he nuzzled your covered sensitive bud as he watched your facial expression intently. The sudden acknowledgement of your sensitive bud made your back arch in pleasure before softly hitting the pillow top bed.
“Fuck you smell so good for me.” Law went in more onto your clothed hot pussy, the friction causing your heated core to build more and more with each ministration. Wanting to take his time with you, he slowly brought his face to your inner thigh again. His rough goatee began to tickle your inner thigh as he kissed light circles into your flesh. The warmth of his breath making your pussy tighten with how near he was. Legs desperately wanting to just close around his head and make him touch you. You began to move to get advantage on him but quickly realized that it was no use.
Head snapping up to look at you, he placed both of his strong hands on your legs and push them apart.
“Rushing won’t get you anywhere Y/N.” Law pursed his lips together and frowned at you.
Taking a hold of your underwear with his two index fingers, he hooked them through the top part of the lace underwear yanked them down with one swift motion. Looking down at your glistening arousal, he licked his lips eagerly before bending down and nipping at the top of your pussy.
Chest rising heavily at the feeling, your hips pushed into his mouth wanting to feel more from him. He let out a soft chuckle causing the hot air from his breath to caress your heated mound once more. Feeling helpless with need, your eyes began to well with tears as you mentally begged for him to release you from this agonizing grip.
Staying in tune with your thoughts, he gave one single flick of his tongue upon your clit, the feeling of his warm tongue playing with your hot and needy bud caused everything around you to disappear as your mind became foggy. Digging your nails into the palm of your hand, you thrusted yourself hips into his face as he enveloped your clit with his mouth and tongue.
Pleased with the way your body reacted under him, Law continued to taste your sweet juices, his tongue dipping in and out of your hot walls and over to your sensitive clit where he sucked forcefully around it. Your tied up arms began to shake at the feeling of It, your legs continue to push against him, but he pushed back. Moving his lips away from your sensitive mound, he bit down on your inner thigh once more to make you obey him.
Being at his complete mercy, your hot walls clutched on air in a pathetic attempt to get some release. Seeing this motion, Law shifted slightly and propped his body up on the right side of his body, the other side reaching out to stick his middle finger inside of you. Watching how your body reacted to the action, he let out a low grumble like moan as your hot pussy walls sucked his finger in hungerly. Looking up at you through hooded lids, his bedroom eyes never left yours as he pushed his ring finger inside of you and began to pulsate them together inside of you as he stretched out your hot walls.
Clawing at the wall behind you, your eyes began to roll into the back of your head from the glorious sensation that he finally thrusted inside of you. Long fingers hooking upwards in a “come here” motion as he stretched you out and hit that spot that caused your core to being to tighten with desire.
“Mmmyes….That’s my girl….Let me feel how much you want me.”  Feeling your walls sucking him in with each motion, Law bent down and began to suck at your little bud as his fingers began to pump faster inside of you. The vibration of his moan against your clit as he tasted you, caused your core to finally snap, your arousal gushed out of you and down his fingers and over lips.
Moaning into your arousal, Law began to lap up every single last drop of your juices. He continued this motion until your body couldn’t take any more as another orgasm hit you causing your vision to tunnel, your mascara running down your face as the tears flowed from the over stimulation.
Pulling his fingers out from inside of you, he licked every bit of you off them before reaching down and pulling the nipple clamps off your sensitive nubs.
Grunting out in pleasure, you lazily looked up at him as he crawled back to hover over you.
“I want to hear you.” He breathed into your ear before nipping at your earlobe. Sitting up, he gently picked up your head and unclasped the gag.
Moving your sore jaw, you didn’t have time to process anything before Laws lips were upon them. The sweet taste of your arousal lingered in his kiss as his tongue intertwined with yours.
Breaking the kiss, he sat up and began to unbutton his pants. Too lost in your mind from all the sensations that radiated through you, all your body could do was shiver under him. Seeing your fucked out demeanor, a smirk splayed across his lips.
“We aren’t done, your nice and ready for me now like a good little pet.”
Biting into your lip, your eyes began to widen at the sight of his long thick shaft popping out of his pants and hanging in all its glory. The pre-cum was slicked across the throbbing head of his cock.
“You want me?”
“Ye..yes..” your voice cracked as you pleaded for more.  
“Yes? Yes, what y/n? Use your words.” Law’s cocky smile as he began to tease the entrance of your pussy with the head of his cock.
“L-Law…” you pleaded to him as he rubbed over your sensitive pussy with his tip. The feeling making your bit into your lip hard.
Pursing his lips in a playful frustrated expression, he hovered over you and looked down.
“Yes?” He purred
“Law…Pleease… PLEASE FUCK ME!” You raised your head and glared at him in frustration as you pushed your hips into the throbbing tip of his shaft. Hissing out in pleasure, Laws eyes grew dark with lust and in one swift motion he pushed his hard cock into your tight walls and begging to push deeper and further inside you.
Head jerking back from the sweet fulfillment of pleasure that finally coursed through you, the feeling from your hot core grew once more as he fucked you. Feeling him drive deeper inside of you, Law sat up from his hovering position and pressed a hand down firmly on your pelvis as he pushed inside of you, causing you to feel every inch of his shaft as he glided deeper to hit that spot in perfect rhythm.
His breath became labored as his pace quickened, the feeling of both of your release near to a breaking point. Taking your legs over his shoulders, he left his one hand firmly pressed into your pelvis as he leaned forward and pressed his lips roughly onto yours sloppily.
Leaving your lips, he went down and began to suck and nip down your neck as he drove into you roughly.
“L…Law..I..I am going to….”
Making his way to the soft flesh just above your collarbone, Law sank his teeth into it causing your core to finally snap and your final release to explode from you and flow exhilarating down and his shaft.
“Mmm fuck…Yes…That’s it…Your so tight…” Law breathed out into your ear as he trailed kisses down it and along your jawbone.
Your walls tightening against his throbbing shaft as he rode out your orgasm, his own finally coming in a gush of euphoric heat as he filled your hot walls with his seed.
“FUCK!!” he moaned out.
Sitting up he rode out his own orgasm, his hands tighten on your thighs as he held onto them. Pulling your legs off his shoulders, he collapsed on his arms above you while he rutted his last bit of his orgasm inside of you. Body tingling all over from the aftermath he buried his head into the crook of your neck as he slowly came down from his high.
Moments passed and breathing finally going back to normal for the both of you, he propped up on his arm and looked down at you to admire your fucked out expression.
Your hair a mess, drool along with mascara down your face and eyes-only mere slits as they looked back at him made a satisfied hum flow from out of him.
Caressing your face softly, he reached behind your head and picked it up gently as his soft lips met with your swollen ones in a tender kiss. Your body melting into his bed as he kissed you with a soft passion. Pulling his cock out from inside of you, you groaned against his lips from the empty sensation. Humming into your kiss, he sat back and looked down at you.
“Miss it already?” He nipped at your lips before lifting himself up from his resting position and untying the rope. Freeing you from your restraints, your body began to throb as the adrenaline that once coursed through began to die down causing everything to feel wobbly like jello.
Deliciously fuzzy in your sub space your mind began to shut everything out, too tired to comprehend anything that was going on around you. Realizing there was no hope in getting a good response from you now, Law laid down beside you and pulled your limp body into his strong embrace.
His strong hands began to rub your sore arms as you nestled into the nook of his body. Resting his chin on the top of your head he breathed in your honey floral scent as he continued to care for your over stimulated body.
“Now that’s what I call extracurricular studies.”
His lame ass joke made you snort of a laugh before looking up at him and rolling your eyes. Shaking your head you kissed his chest before nestling back into him and allowing the blissful wave of sleep to take over your exhausted bodies.
 As if given a gift from the universe, everything that happened in your life brought you to this point right here. Like a moth to the flame, Trafalger D Law removed your heart from your chest with ease and you became obedient to his every whim. The master and his puppet, you sighed contently as you pleaded for this to never end.
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iiiknowplaces · 1 month
ahhh hi love i just wanted to check in see how you're doing.
ttpd thoughts?? Who's Afraid of Little Old Me and Clara Bow are mine i claim them. 🤞
lol anyway I just had a random Katniss fic idea but I've been more focused on other characters recently so I was wondering if you'd be willing to write it?? all credit goes to u obv but I just liked the idea and think other's will to but I don't have time to write it and I think I would love it even more if it was written by you.
so mockingjay katniss meets scientist or doctor reader and is super stressed so she's mean and it causes reader to feel a bit sad cuz she's heard amazing things about katniss so she kinda grows like not fond of her? idk how to word it lol. but then katniss learns reader actually makes cool weapons and shit for others soldiers so she goes to them for a cool bow and they end up bonding over time while reader makes it?? like nerdy x fighter yk?
sorry if that was confusing i talk to much lol.
anyway if u don't have time or just don't wanna write it (or if ur requests aren't open) that's fine I totally understand I just love your writing style and think it would be pretty cute.
love you darling <3
hiii! i'm doing really good!! i absolutely love ttpd and my favs are whos afraid of little old me and florida!!! i totally love this prompt and will try my absolute best to write it! ahhh i hope you like it!!
katniss everdeen x reader.
in the heart of district 13, katniss everdeen was having a crisis. she was stressed, rightfully so. so when she was trying to calm herself down, and someone bumped into her, she just lost it.
"could you watch where you're walking?!" she shouted, and looked over to see a girl staring back at her. the hurt look on the girl's face struck something in her heart, but she didn't say anything.
"sorry." the girl muttered, before quickly walking away. she noticed the girl wasn't in the normal district 13 jumpsuit, but in a coat that looked more like something a doctor or scientist would wear. interesting. she decided to ask someone who the girl was, and they told her that it was you, one of the head scientists for weapon making. she found out that you make specialized weapons and equipment for other soldiers, and she thought: "hey, maybe she could make me a bow." so, she went to ask you. she found out where your lab was, and only an hour later, she knocked on the door.
"come in!" she heard you say. she slowly opened the door, seeing you, working on a gun. you looked up, your cheery expression fading to a more sour one. she wanted to wipe that expression right off your face, and make it up to you.
"what can i help you with?" you asked, but your voice sounded uninterested.
"uhh, i heard that you make special weapons, and i was wondering if you could make me a bow? i also wanted to apologize for earlier... i'm just really stressed right now." she asked, looking somewhat sheepish.
"alright, fine. what do you want on your bow?" you asked, and this is where it all started. over the span of a few weeks, she helped guide you with what she wanted on her bow, and you quickly grew fond of her. she ended up liking you as well, a lot more then she expected. she was extremely happy with her new bow, and now the new friend (?) she made.
i tried my best to fit it to your prompt, lmk if you wanted something different!! alsoooo sorry it's kind of short i didn't wanna yap too much and make it like 80 paragraphs.
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harukapologist · 5 months
(deep breath) do you hqve more 0105 plato headcanons (said while feverishly girpping a pen and paper and shaking)
YESYESYES I certainly do!! (pat pat) this will be a little messy I'm afraid but I will try to make it as coherent as possible I just love rambling about headcanons eheh (ALSO, I'm so sorry for the late reply my exams aren't letting me catch a break AAAAAA)
-Shidou notices the signs of extreme neglect & emotional abuse in haruka's behavior IMMEDIATELY (cause Yaknow. being a doctor he must have at least some understanding of psychology ) and he gets so so protective of him, especially because haruka somewhat resembles one of shidou's kids. He tries his best to soothe Haruka's anxious behavior
Like Haruka would accidentally drop something and it breaks, a glass maybe that he was getting for Shidou, and absolutely freaks out like "OH MYGOD IM SO SORRY ILL DO BETTER I SWEAR IM SORRY" and gets super scared that he'll get yelled at or hurt and Shidou is so patient with him, putting a hand on his shoulder and reassuring him that he's not upset, that it's ok to make a mistake and he can help Haruka clean up the shattered glass, no problem.
-Similarly when Haruka is trying to talk to Shidou about something but keeps stuttering, and eventually he gets so anxious about bothering Shidou with his speech struggles that he just goes "uh actually nevermind I'm sorry-" but Shidou quickly stops him from leaving and hes like "No no it's okay, keep going. I'm listening :)"
-Generally he encourages Haruka a lot when he wants to talk but is struggling, feeling anxious, feeling self-conscious. He reassures Haruka that 1. he's not mad at him or bothered by him, in fact he is very happy to listen! and 2. he's very proud of Haruka for trying!!
-He helps Haruka with his anxiety too, he teaches Haruka breathing exercises, he gives safer alternatives to the gripping his palms thing. At first Haruka is too shy to tell Shidou that some of the methods he gave him aren't working, but at one point Shidou tells him that it's ok if he hasn't found the right alternatives yet, it'll take time and not everything works for everyone ,,,.....
-I hc that Haruka has a weak immunity because his mom probably neglected him that much, to the point he didn't have regular doctor visits or checkups. Whenever Haruka gets sick, Shidou stays by his side not just to treat him, but to help him feel less lonely... He asks Haruka about his special interest(s) and listens to him ramble :D (IN FACT I DREW THIS... just a doodle Im not sure if youd like to see it but well here it is... , hehe)
Tumblr media
-In my half-joke post milgram AU where all the prisoners kidnap Haruka and Amane from their households and Mikoto quits his job, Shidou drives Haruka (+ Amane, Yuno, Muu depending if any of the four don't want to walk) home from school!!! He asks him how his day went and helps Haruka with homework if he needs to!!
-speaking of homework. Shidou can get a little scary/strict when grading and helping with homework...,,.. but he makes sure to be patient with Haruka and explains anything he didn't understand as gently and clearly as he could. Haruka is still a little intimidated everytime Shidou helps but he appreciates him ehehhe
-when Shidou is reading a book in his free time Haruka approaches him like "what are u readimg... :o" and sits next to him and they read together. and they start to have a little "reading time" from this point onwards (I THINK I SAW ANOTHER HC OF HARUKA AND SHIDOU READING. . If it was yours THANK YOU FOR IT ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE HCS EVER. Shidou helps Haruka get better at reading cause he gets overwhelmed with like. big blocks of text. and getting into things that aren't related to his special interest. :3c
I'm sorry this was longer than expected uuu I actually wanted to put more but I'm sorry for rambling so much,... I hope u like these!!!
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munamania · 5 months
not to sit here and weave a story out of nothing like a little protagonist via my quirky online storytelling but i rekindled my friendship with sam who is such an interesting person there are just a lot of stories of all sorts and this is funny timing but truly we just fell into such an easy banter this past class so we were like omg lets hang right so. his roommate really is just like stupid hot right. i could get corny with it but i wont. a face sculpted by the hands of god though. all this prefaced i will now tell u an absolutely nothing story and i really mean that read at your own discretion ((A/N: trust and believe i yapped. putting under keep reading to be somewhat forgivable) (i am not in my best of states rn. okay.)
anyway so we're chillin in sams room im getting caught up on the latest construction projects and shit.. one thing abt sam hes always up to something. they've got an entire work desk #butchrealness. then i hear some singing out in the hallway but from where im sitting cant actually see anyone so convo just goes sam and roommate 'hey' 'hey' and then i peeked my little head out and waved and said hey and they stopped and set down their basket and said 'Hey' and then i did not introduce myself (flop) (combo of cramped room and sam talking and me being wildly awkward) (also keep in mind i dont know if this person has swiped left on me or not been on tinder or if theyd even recognize me anyway and hating that that's even a situation bc i hate that stupid app but just hoping worst case scenario i dont come off as an insane stalker but rather a victim of circumstance) but they just chatted for a sec abt whatever shelf sam needs to fix and that was that. and then they went back to humming which was cute or whatever
to set the next scene we're down in the kitchen and sams cooking and this is a while after we took his homemade gummies so im not rlly high per se but chillin and something about the noise and setup in their kitchen is so overstimulating for me lol when shes cooking im just like frozen. i always offer to help but he always just gets in a groove it's best i dont intervene. one time he had to tell me to go sit down in the other room bc i was freakin out a little lol
so im perched on this single high chair they have in the kitchen right next to their washer and dryer as sams whipping up some food and im kind of obnoxiously saying Unfortch in response to a story he was telling me and he gives me a look so im like UnfortunateLy. and then hes like 'psh i know unfortch i live with this guy' cue roommate strollin in with laundry and theyre just like Whaat and sam explains and theyre like Oh ofc you gotta know unfortch or whatever. forgot to mention that earlier in sams room they said three similar abbreviated words in a row just during a normal sentence and it caught me so off guard i wanted to giggle. so naturally my brain is going through Immediate social response of a semi awk laugh or quippy remark about that but also theyre literally like a foot away from me and im largely nonverbal atm lmfaoo so i just mumble smth to try and go along w the bit but then trailed off cause i was like wtf am i even saying. brain was overloaded
and then i was like um. i literally was just staring around doing fuck all like a perched bird or something but i was fighting a war in my mind of like ok do i introduce myself or look to sam to do so or do we not do that or is that rude idk but also they have headphones on one ear and are doing all their laundry shit and i once again dont want to be like overbearing but also well come on now we gotta feel out the vibe (and i do a great job here.) idk so im like Ok dont just look at them but dont Not look at them just behave like a normal person. you know. the usual. sam comes over to give me a bit of bread with balsamic vinegar and oil and i spilled it on my sweater fuck this stupid baka life (didnt really show. but still they were right there..)
and so after a min of this they were kinda like awkward laugh 'dont mind me' and i once again was very self conscious and had several things that wanted to come out 'not at all' 'dont mind me' 'it's your house' 'these all sound awful abby' then i got anxious that i was in the way the whole time but they were almost done and if i got into a weird apology thing well i would have had to kill myself so i just once again kind of uttered something that would have sounded like 'youresogoodicanmovetoo' and also 'sorry if i just keep like looking over at you' WTF IS THAT SHIT. FUMBLE BOOOOO and my follow up was essentially nothing cause i couldnt decide if i should say 'im just a bit out of it/high' 'im easily distracted (kys)' 'idk what to do w myself haha' 'im useless in the kitchen' (not entirely true) i mean just a few minutes before sam and i had talked about how ill just wander around peoples rooms and observe things to avoid feeling awkward and it's just how i am and so i was kinda just doing that due to the nerves of the sitch but there was only so much to look at. and i just sat there. offputting realness. whatever. so. straight face emoji. and that was mostly the extent of that i dont remember what they said in response just like a lil laugh or w/e. probably couldnt hear my stupid ass mumbling. so im thinking my chances of charming them at all are really stellar
if you read all this i want you to just take note that the events depicted here could not have been more than 3-4 minutes collectively. and yet the yap goes on..
for future reference, what did we learn? probably best to just continue convo with sam, excuse urself to br, or perhaps even attempt a conversation w them if ever in a similar situation again and they talk to you first again. also stop inventing complicated situations in ur head chill the hell out. idiot. says the bitch with the anxiety disorder. feel free to egg me on or tell me to fuck off ok xoxoxoxxo love u
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buggysimp · 11 months
hi can u PLS give me some jyle headcanons 😭😭
-while I hc Kyle is taller than most of the others, Jimmy is the tallest by 4 inches and while that pisses Kyle off at first, it starts making his heart flutter having to look up at Jimmy, something he hasn't experienced with most people
-at some point Kyle asks Jimmy about his workout routine (he can't stop noticing how muscular Jimmy's arms are 🙄) and Jimmy takes him to the gym. Kyle INSISTS on doing Jimmy's usual workout and he's like ermmm I'm not sure about that it's a bit intense but Kyle keeps assuring he can keep up.
An hour later Jimmy is half supporting Kyle and half dragging him back to the car.
-after that though, Kyle does start regularly going to the gym with him, doing much easier workouts
-while Kyle laughs at a lot of things, stand up comedy is not one. He gets somewhat high and mighty about the jokes and complains about how crude most are. However, in middle school he goes to one of Jimmy's routines, dragged on by Cartman who is genuinely a fan of Jimmy's, and is so surprised by how intelligent Jimmy's jokes are. While some are still crude, the smut and such isn't the punchline and that makes the jokes so much funnier to Kyle.
He starts going to every show after that
-in stick of truth Jimmy is Kyle's second in command, Kyle trusts him completely to take care of the elf army and kingdom while he fights with the grand wizard. It gets to the point where the elves see Jimmy as the other king and assume that a political marriage took place. When Kyle hears about this he gets completely flustered while Jimmy is quite alright with the people thinking that
-also sot, when things get intense in the kingdom and Kyle has to make tough choices, he always goes to the bard for advice and comfort. Jimmy helps Kyle see things with a more clear head, playing a soothing song for him after, happy to help his king
-in post covid, Kyle is always in the audience of Jimmy's show. He has the option to watch from bsckstage, but he prefers seeing his husband up on stage from the point of the audience. It reminds him of going to his routines every weekend
-also pc, Kyle has his kids from a past marriage but the second he brings home his boyfriend Jimmy his kids demand that Kyle marries him. They latch onto him instantly and he's perfectly fine with it, he loves the kids as much as they love him
-going with pc dating, Kyle and Jimmy dated well into highschool and everyone always just assumed they'd always be together. But in the last year of highschool Jimmy moved away and Kyle broke up with him, worried he'd hold him back. When they met again years later they realized even after seeing other people over the years, they still loved each other just as much as when they were 10 and playing a silly fantasy game where they were kings together
Thank you so much for this ask, I hope these weren't too ooc 😿 I love talking about them and WILL write more if you ask
Might draw one or two of these also if anyone's interested ?
Otherwise, have a great day/night 😸
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murmurmurl · 4 months
i need u to tell me everything about your unit so when ill be writing once i have time, i can put them in it too
hohoheheoehehehoheoe,,,,,,, I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to shove all of the most important info into one place. Everything is a little all over the place tho, but it's always like that wjkhkskh
Helianthus is the genus which includes sunflowers. Fumi and Seina suggested this part of the name, since Fumi loves flowers and the flower language/symbolism behind them, and Seina knows the more,, biological/scientific stuffs. The "Light" part is both because it also has to do with sunflowers, and Toshiro suggested that they're "reaching for light", because they chose the name at the end of their main story and they were feeling very hopeful,, it's not like they're not hopeful now, idk why I phrased it like that ANYWAYS.
I'm kind of not sure what type of music they play (mainly because I don't know ANYTHING about music genres lol), but it's definitely something warm, nostalgic, maybe a bit echo-y, somewhat soft, and their cover arts definitely include a lot of nature stuff,,,,, I haven't designed their virtual singers yet, but they're probably gonna be Rin and Luka (and Miku obv)
Unit members!
Toshiro Hasegawa (they/he)
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178 cm tall, unit leader, probably main vocalist?, class 2-B (post-3rd anni), class 1-C (pre-3rd anni). Pretty energetic and outgoing, straight-A student, very afraid of failure and tends to try to earn love and affection through exceeding at everything because family problems, yay. Has an older brother (Hiroto Hasegawa, he/him), who is a part of ANOTHER unit,, The two are pretty distant. The whole family actually is, woops. Toshiro is also VERY into crystals and spirituality. It gives a sense of certainty. Also has an orange cat named Surfer. They're a big MMJ fan, specifically Airi fan. Friends with Ichika and An. Always braids/does everyone's hair.
Matsu Kimura (he/him)
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162 cm, probably also vocals, but mainly deals with the uhm technical musical stuff that I know nothing about?? class 3-C (post-3rd anni), class 2-B (pre-3rd anni). Very bubbly, energetic, affectionate, super-uber-extra autism (sea-flavoured), very average grades because he only really does what he's interested in, but he does it rlly good. Used to get bullied in middle school, struggles with people's expectations and trying to fit in. Very-very silly. Only child. Keeps pet fish. Friends with Emu. Very tactile, loves tackling people.
Fumi Hatanaka (she/they)
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169 cm, loves musical instruments and plays guitar, class 2-A (post-3rd anni), class 1-B (pre-3rd anni). A surprisingly bad student, doesn't care about school. She's pretty reserved and a bit grumpy most of the time but tends to easily get angry and even a little aggressive. Cares a lot about her friends, even though she doesn't really know how to show it. Also doesn't want to show "weakness". Blames herself for being too soft in middle school and not being able to help Matsu. Her family owns and runs a small flower shop. Friends with Shiho, dislikes Tsukasa and Rui (thinks they're too obnoxious and chaotic lmao). Also an only child. Doesn't have pets, but feeds strays that often hang out around the shop. Friends with Shiho and pretty much all of leo/need, as well as Toya. Can be pretty distant physically, but likes subtle physical gestures of affection.
Seina Amari (she/her)
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175 cm, writes lyrics for their songs, loves writing in general, the only one in the group who goes to Miya girls', class 3-B (post-3rd anni), class 2-B (pre-3rd anni). Does VERY good at school, super responsible, helps everyone, though isn't actually all that interested in most subjects except literature. She's very calm and caring, always tries to help everyone, has a very gentle energy about her. This mostly comes from the fact that she had hurt a dear friend in the past, which was actually genuinly her fault, but also some shit happened, and she ended up dealing with this by being overly-caring and not letting her loved ones see when she's struggling. Doesn't mean she doesn't ACTUALLY care though. She very much does. Has a younger sibling (Taru Amari, they/them), who's also part of the same unit Hiroto is! Also has a pet bunny named Puddle, who's very similar to her, which I think is funny,, not exactly friends with Mafuyu, but just a little bit closer than regular acquaintances. Close friends with Shizuku and pretty much the rest of MMJ too (Toshiro nearly fainted when they found out). Has a part-time job at a local coffee shop, where she met and became friends with Ena. Often shows affection/compassion by something like placing a hand on someone's shoulder.
I decided that they all should have emojis because,, idk,,,, it's fun,,,,,, so:
Toshiro – 🍑
Matsu – 🦈 (or jellyfish, but I don't have this one and don't want to have to copy-paste it every time,,)
Fumi – 🍊
Seina – 🍃 or ✒️ (but here I mostly use ✒️)
How all of them know each other!
(Because I wanted ALL of them to have some kind of connection to each other before the unit was formed. I think it's fun.)
🦈🍊 Matsu and Fumi are childhood friends and went to the same middle school. It was very awkward and tense at first when they met again in high-school, because back then Fumi felt extremely guilty and ended up distancing herself, eventually kind of abandoning Matsu when he needed support most.
🍑🍊 (fucking fruits /j) Toshiro's brother visits Fumi's family's flower shop very frequently, that's how Toshiro and Fumi met, since she often helps out with the shop in the evenings. Though they didn't become close until the main story started and the unit was firmed.
🍑✒️ Toshiro and Seina know each other because their siblings, Hiroto and Taru, are friends! So they kinda met through Seina accompanying Taru whenever they wanted to visit Hiroto.
🍊✒️ Fumi loves coffee and met Seina when going to the coffee shop Seina works part-time at. Because Fumi ended up being a regular customer there, even with their tough personality the two became acquaintances, but also didn't become very close until the events of the main story.
🍑🦈 Toshiro and Matsu just kinda bumped into each other at school. They became friends before the events of the main story.
🦈✒️ I think Matsu and Seina are the only exception though. They've only met when the main story started.
[also, side note – none of them canonically have labels, but the pronouns are canon]
🍑🍊 They bicker and argue a lot, but not, like, SERIOUSLY. They're both aware they're joking and most of the time it's affectionate. Fumi isn't as big of a fan of physical affection as it seems the rest of the unit is, so Toshiro doesn't get the chance to braid her hair that often. But when he does, it's very nice and relaxing for both. Surprisingly, Toshiro might be the closest to Fumi, after Matsu, that is.
🍑✒️ Toshiro loves braiding/doing everyone's hair, as I've mentioned already, and his favorite to do this to is Seina. They especially like braiding these tail-like longer parts of her hair. Overall, they're pretty close because of their siblings, and Toshiro might be one of the first people Seina eventually opens up to. Also, I keep forgetting that Toshiro is actually taller. Most of the time, Seina just. FEELS taller, idk.
🍑🦈 These two are very close. They both kinda admire Rui and Tsukasa, which worsens their already chaotic behavior. They're actually two menaces together and no one is safe. Matsu loves tackling Toshiro more than everyone else and Toshiro might sometimes jokingly complain, but loves the attention. Matsu's hair is also his second favorite to braid. Also they drag Matsu to MMJ concerts and keep trying to convert him into being an MMJ fan,,,,,,
🍊✒️ Seina has a surprising way of calming Fumi down better than anyone else. Sometimes, maybe if they're waiting for something or riding a train somewhere, Fumi even allows herself to rest on Seina's shoulder. She's less harsh with Seina (even if her harshness isn't malicious with her friends). Seina sometimes has to stop Fumi from getting into fights. Even if she struggles to show it, Fumi tries her best and appreciates Seina a lot.
🍊🦈 As I mentioned before, Matsu and Fumi are childhood friends. At the beginning of the unit story things are still pretty awkward and Fumi is very tense around Matsu, as she still feels guilty, but isn't sure how to properly express any of it, while Matsu still feels a little hiet over her abandoning him. Though as the story goes on, this conflict pretty much gets resolved, even though it will still take a lot of time for any awkwardness to disappear completely. After the unit is formed, they're pretty close again, despite, uh, all of what I just said. They need some time to get used to each other again, but ARGHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, they care about each other A LOT, even if Fumi isn't the best at expressing it. The whole reason she became so mean and harsh is to be able to protect Matsu.
✒️🦈 Seina kinda feels like an older sister figure to Matsu, I think? At least, for me,, She worries about him a lot, maybe even more than with the others, helps in overwhelming situations, all that. He's still very affectionate, but it's kinda like his affection is more calm with her (basically, he doesn't tackle her as hard as everyone else /hj)
SEKAI description!!!
(I just copy-pasted this from the post where I first described it. I'm NOT typing all that ever again)
I mentioned that I call it the overgrown sekai. Because it's, well, overgrown. As you could hopefully guess. The main part of it is an old stone structure, with some intricate carvings still remaining visible and even discernable, although everything does look like it's at least.. a few centuries old, no less. However, taking into account that it's a sekai, it probably isn't that ancient. Almost everything is pretty much overrun by plants – ivy spreading across the grey stone walls, grass (and most importantly flowers) breaking their way through the floor that seems to be made of marble, but it's too old, overgrown and at times dirty to be completely sure. The said flowers are a strange mix of forget-me-nots and sunflowers that may not quite make sense, but it *is* a whole ass other dimension, after all. There's plenty of light, despite practically no windows in sight, save for a few small ones. The reason for that being the roof, shaped like a dome, with holes in it that clearly weren't here by the first design, having appeared because of the stone collapsing over time. Unsurprisingly, the flowers are concentrated in the areas where the most light seeps through those holes. And speaking of light, the time here is always the same – late afternoon, with the season always remaining a comfortable sunny summer.
There's some furniture in the building, mostly along the walls, with the center looking almost like a flowerbed. That furniture seems to represent each of the owners of the sekai – an old desk made of dark wood with a quil and some paper thrown around it, almost giving it an impression that the owner left in a hurry. The paper has become a light yellow color over what may or may not be a rather long amount of time. Next to it – a somewhat fancy wooden chair. There are mirrors hung around this part of the space – some broken, some have the glass taken out entirely. Just a little further – a shelf and an armchair. Both items' materials and overall look fit that of nearly very other piece of furniture here. The shelf is filled with items that seem to have some spiritualistic significance – amulets, crystals and stones, all of them hand-made and hand-carved, yet seeming to lack in accuracy and having been made in a hurry. The armchair strangely has a few long chains hanging on its back. One of the more noticeable pieces of furniture is... a fish tank. It has no fish. In fact, it doesn't even have water, though it's probably not intended to be that way – the tank is spacious and has pretty much almost everything a fish would need to be happy and content in captivity. But it's old and worn out – the driftwood rotting away, whatever plants used to be inside have withered and everything is covered in a thin layer of... dust..? The tank itself stands on top of something of a dresser. If you care to open its doors, you will see rows upon rows of books – as many as could fit in the little space there is inside. Most of them have to do with marine life, but there are also some journals full of incomprehensible messy writing, as if whoever was filling them either didn't have much time, or was feeling too much emotion to care. Perhaps the strangest item in the building is a cage. It's designed just like one of those small restricting bird cages, glistening with gold in the light from above, but for some reason, the cage could easily fit a human. If you decide to step in, you might notice an unexpected aroma. It's vague and subtle, but... it almost seems like fresh black coffee mixed with something citrusy. Outside, the building is surrounded by a dense forest. The light can't penetrate the abundance of trees, but somehow, it doesn't feel eerie or threatening. It feels familiar in an unexplainable way. Have you already seen these woods somewhere..?
I think that's pretty much all the important stuff..? I ramble A LOT about small details pretty often, but uhm. Explodes.
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tonycries · 2 months
Tips to write the way u write pllssss
Omgosh I'm so flattered you thought to ask me, lovely. I'm not sure how helpful these will be since I've been writing for like less than two months but these are what work for me~!
Listen to that inner voice - now this is somewhat giving oOoooOOO LiStEn tO tHAt InNeR vOIcE BUT I'm serious. Instead of just writing try to have your inner thoughts take on the voice of the narrator. This is what I find super useful to keep the reader more engaged and make the narration a bit more lively! And also since everyone's thoughts are different then I think it adds a bit more of a unique element as well.
Keep jotting down ideas - sometimes the best ideas come down when you're in the shower or sum - JOT THEM DOWN! Okay, maybe not exactly when you're in the shower, but when I find little bits of dialogue or plot ideas coming to me randomly, then I always make sure to pull out the Notes app before I forget.
Write what you love! - this goes without saying, but it's important to write something you're passionate about. If you're forcing yourself to write then it's almost torture - start off with something you're excited about!
Read read read - READ A LOT. Now not to sound like the rest of my brown family but reading up on things can really solve a lotta problems. It's how you can really grow your vocabulary and ability to connect ideas.
I hope these help in some way nonnie <3
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laawlesss · 2 years
;; Childish Nature ..
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— ;; minific monday! a oneshot every monday, usually under 5k words.. (..usually..)
>> in which you accompany a certain strawhat to sabaody park.
; words ? ; 3k.
; warnings ? ; mention of creepy guys.
; genre ? ; fluff.
; request ? ; yes.
; pairing ? ; monkey d. luffy x reader.
; notes ; no pronouns used for reader ! also i hc luffy as somewhat aro, definitely ace, but i tried to make it work <3 hope u like !!! this fic also has a playlist ! crossposted on ao3.
Bright lights and sounds blared from every angle, the cheery people of the Sabaody Park lifting your own mood. Sparkling displays and banners of every color drew your eye as you paced down one of the walkways, a giddy smile on your face as you took it all in. You’d always wanted to visit the famous amusement park on the Sabaody Archipelago, and now, you were here, all thanks to your beloved crew and your captain’s short attention span. 
    Speaking of your captain, you turned your head to Luffy, who was strolling alongside you, mouth stuffed full of some festival snack. His eyes were wide, eagerly taking in everything the park had to offer. Everything was bordering on overwhelming for you, but Luffy was entirely enraptured in the sights. You’d only ever seen your captain so amazed when Sanji had presented him with an eight-course meal aboard the Sunny, so seeing him with an expression of such childlike glee over an amusement park was extremely endearing. 
    “Hey look! That one is huuuuge!” Luffy grinned, pointing to a rollercoaster that rose well into the tall heights of the mangrove trees. It looked absolutely terrifying, the way it twisted and spun and inverted, and you could feel your stomach drop just thinking about it. You had begun to protest, suggesting maybe one of the smaller rides to start off with since you had really just gotten there, but Luffy just grabbed ahold of your wrist and began tugging you along. 
    You stumbled at first, but quickly adapted to match his pace, an infectious smile spreading across your face as Luffy whooped and hollered. The two of you dodged and ducked through the various stalls, narrowly avoiding tackling a few innocent folks by accident. The sight of your captain ahead of you, fluffy black hair ruffled by the soft breeze as his hat sat tied securely around his neck. He kept glancing back over his shoulder to make sure you were still easily keeping up, sending you a boyish grin that left your heart fluttering. 
    The two of you soon arrived at the entrance to the massive ride, and nervousness was beginning to pool in your stomach. You loved the adrenaline rush of adventure as much as the next person, but you definitely weren’t as much of a junkie for it as some of your crewmates, namely the ravenette in front of you. He was nothing but giddy, excitedly hopping and shifting his weight from foot to foot. It was impossible to calm him down as he raved about the ride. 
    “Do you think it goes backwards? Underwater?” His eyes sparkled, his energy never ending. “Upside down? There’s gotta be some loops!” By now he was nearly shaking with excitement, and you put a harm on his arm to try and get him to still. You reached to make sure the strings of his hat were tied tightly, so that there was no way that it would come flying off during the ride. 
    “Let’s hope there’s a tube if it does go underwater, you probably wouldn’t feel very good if the sea drenched you during the ride.” You giggled, pushing down your anxiety as best you could. The ride was completely safe, it wouldn’t be in operation if it wasn’t. Besides, you had Luffy with you! If something went wrong, he’d catch you! Although, he’d probably think you were just having fun and throw himself from the seats too, which didn’t really help calm your nerves. 
    “I hope the wheels light on fire!” He still had yet to let go of his wild imagination, stretching to see as much of the ride as he could. You gave his head a slight affectionate pat, smiling to yourself. If the coaster was built like the one in Luffy’s imagination, you were sure it would end in some kind of crazy disaster. 
    Soon the two of you were loading onto the ride, Luffy having urged that the two of you sit in the very front. Your heart was threatening to pound out of your chest as Luffy cheered, excitedly urging the ride to start sooner. You gulped, biting your lip as your grip on the overheard restraints became white-knuckled. Your stomach was twisting and turning in endless knots, and you felt like you were going to be sick. The tracks of the coaster loomed in front of you, seeming like a massive obstacle that you couldn’t conquer. Doubts flooded your mind, and you were seriously debating asking the ride attendant to let you off. 
    That was until the cart rocked into motion, and you were solidified into the decision. There was no going back, the cart clacking along the tracks as it began its steady incline. Luffy was laughing wildly, swinging his feet as he threw his hands in the air. A quiet whimper left you, and you shut your eyes tightly, your brow furrowed and your nose scrunched up. You felt as though you were going to be sick. A warm hand covered yours, and you looked up to see Luffy’s signature grin. 
    “Hey, c’mon! Don’t worry, it’s gonna be fun!” You were taken aback, a flood of warmth washing through you. He kept his hand over yours, laughing happily. It was easy for him to say, he had devil fruit powers that could easily get him out of a situation in case the ride malfunctioned! You were just a regular person, without any devil fruit enhancements. All the same, you did feel a bit better, pressing your head against the safety restraints as the cart neared the first drop, prepping to kick off the ride. 
    For a moment you were breathless, staring down at the massive expanse of Sabaody Park, at the sun filtering through the large canopies of the mangroves, the people milling around and enjoying themselves hundreds of feet below. You felt on top of the world, pure exhilaration filling you from head to toe. And then it vanished as the ride suddenly dropped, shooting off with a start. 
    Your eyes had shut immediately, and you had clasped so tightly onto Luffy’s hand that your fingers were beginning to cramp. You could hear your captain's cheers and hoots of glee, but you were too busy trying to keep your roiling stomach in check. Every drop and loop had your heart pounding even harder in your chest, butterflies slamming against your gut. You didn’t know if you would be able to make it off the ride. 
    Luffy, however, was having the time of his life, arms thrown skyward as the wind tousled his hair, cackling as the pressure buffeted his face. The rush was addictive for him, he didn’t really understand how you weren’t having fun! Each descent made his tummy drop, a feeling that made him giggle and kick his feet, sweet adrenaline coursing through his veins. It was like the feeling he got when fighting a strong opponent, except this time he wasn’t throwing any punches!
    He let you hold one of his hands, giving you a small amount of comfort as the ride plummeted and swung around, cheers reaching your ears from the various other occupants of the ride. You had only just gotten used to the flip-flopping of your stomach when the coaster came to an end, sliding to a stop back at the beginning. Your head spun as the restraints lifted, and you pushed yourself up slowly, regaining your balance. 
    “Again! Let’s go again!” Luffy laughed, tugging on the overhead restraints in an attempt to pull them back down. He looked so excited, you really didn’t want to tell him no, but you didn’t think you could handle going again. Your legs were already weak as you stumbled to pull yourself up. 
    “You can go again if you want, Lu, I’m gonna go look for a snack.” You smiled warmly, stepping over to the side to let other people filter onto the ride. At your mention of getting a snack, Luffy shot out of his seat at a record speed, landing at your side as he grabbed onto your hand. It nearly gave you whiplash, the speed at which he moved and changed his mind. 
    You laughed as Luffy scrambled out of the ride’s exit, head swiveling back and forth in the search for some good-smelling food. In an instant, his eyes had widened and he had nearly begun to drool, dropping your hand and racing off to a stall out of your sight. “Luffy!” You had called after him, warning him not to go too far, and you jogged ahead to look for where he’d gone off to. 
    He did have a habit of acting impulsively, leaping before looking a vast majority of the time. You let out a sigh, dropping your shoulders with an amused shrug. It couldn’t be helped, and you found it more endearing than anything, at least he managed to have a sense of direction unlike the swordsman of your crew. You looked around as you strolled, figuring that you’d eventually be brought back to your captain if you continued to move. Sure, the park was huge, but your crew had an uncanny ability to run into each other when docked on an island. 
    Your eyes caught on a stall dedicated to throwing a ball and knocking over a few pins to win a prize. Scanning the options, you locked onto a large plushie of a silly-looking sea king, and you were determined to win it. You steeled yourself, paid the fee, and began launching the ball, silently wishing you had Usopp with you because your aim was proving to be terrible. A defeated sigh left you as you only won a few stickers, shoving them into your pocket. At least Luffy would like those. 
    As you spun, you were met with a few tall patrons, who seemed to be wholly interested in you. They stood a few stalls down, but their wicked gazes never left you, and you felt entirely uncomfortable and put off. Why were they staring at you? Did you drop something on your clothes? You brushed yourself off and tried to scurry away, the hair on the back of your neck rising. Whoever they were, they didn’t exactly radiate perfect hospitality, so you figured putting distance between them and you was the best idea. 
    However, as you rounded through a more secluded alley between two tents, you found that the men had you surrounded, odd smirks on their faces. They seemed almost like pirates, and you curled your hand into a fist. Did they know your captain? You didn’t have a bounty poster just yet, as you’d only recently joined the crew, but if you were in a fight you could probably take one of them. Your mind was racing, trying to think over why they would approach you, when one of them roughly grabbed your arm. 
    “Well, aren’t you just a pretty little thing?” His tone was lecherous, and his break caused your nose to wrinkle in disgust. You tried to yank your arm away, but his grip was firm, and he wouldn’t be letting go of you any time soon. 
    “Get off me, creep.” You spat, still trying to tug your arm away. Newfound adrenaline was pumping through you, similar albeit different from what you had felt on the rollercoaster. These men had you cornered, and you could tell they definitely didn't have the most innocent intentions. You needed to get out of there as soon as you could. 
    “Aw, look, the lil’ darlin’ is gettin’ all worked up.” Another sneered, hand latching onto your hip. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll fetch us a nice price.” He purred in a disgusting voice, leaving you to shiver. You felt dirty, grimy, the wretched company around you making you feel as though you needed to take several showers. All three of them had you situated where you couldn’t escape, their hands pinching at your sides and threatening to roam. 
    Tears sprung to your eyes and you began to panic, struggling to get them to let go, head spinning and latching onto the figure of someone who happened to be walking by. Your heart leaped into your throat, and you did your best to cry out, but your voice only came out as a mere whisper. It didn’t matter, however, because the person heard you, and he spun to face you. 
    Luffy, standing with two large ice cream cones, one in each curled fist. His eyes fell on you, and he grinned, excited to see you again. He’d finally found you! He hadn’t meant to run off, but he did bring ice cream as an apology, so surely you’d be happy with him, right?
    His grin fell as he saw the tears running down your face, his brow immediately furrowing as you choked out his name. The ravenette seemed frozen as one of the men noticed him, waving him off with a bony hand. “Oi, get lost pal, ain’t nothin’ to see here.” His voice was gravelly and grated against your ears like nails dragging down a chalkboard. In a split second the ice cream was dropped, and Luffy was launching a sharp punch at the man who’d spoken. 
    His eyes were menacing, blazing with rage that would terrify you if it wasn’t coming from your captain. Steam was practically rolling off his shoulders, and his face was contorted with such a horrendous anger that it had your breath catching in your throat. The man was sent flying, earning a shout as the other two assailants were getting ready to retaliate. Luffy’s stretchy arms shot out and encircled your waist, and with a rush of wind, you were pulled to his side, almost collapsing against him. 
    He tugged off his hat and set it on your head, not saying a word to you as you were filled to the brim with butterflies. His action had you screaming internally, the gesture one of unbridled affection. Luffy pushed up one of his sleeves, and pushed himself forward, leaving you standing nervously. He launched attack after attack on the men, only satisfied when they were dazed and beaten to a pulp. He looked like a wild animal, the glint in his eyes absolutely dangerous. 
    Luffy stomped back over to you, and pulled you into a tight hug, your face smushing into his chest. You struggled to breath, wriggling around in Luffy’s grip until he let go enough for you to position yourself better. You thanked him for coming to save you, and he just nodded, sending a searing glare over his shoulder at the collapsed bodies of the men he’d defeated without even breaking a sweat. “Stupid jerks, making you cry.” He huffed, only letting go when you pulled back. 
    You wiped your face off with one of your arms, moving to give Luffy his hat back, but he used a firm hand to keep it on your head. “I dropped the ice cream, so we gotta go get so’more!” He smiled, lifting your heart as he reached to hold your hand, marching you out of the alleyway and back over to the stall where he’d gotten the ice cream in the first place, making sure to load up your cone with all sorts of flavors. He was determined to make you feel better and force the recent experience out of your mind, never straying further than an arm’s length after what happened. 
    Bringing Luffy back over to the stall with the plushie that you had become obsessed with, he won it with ease, throwing the ball with such force that it toppled the pins and tore through the back of the tent, whooping and hollering as he won the plushie. It was almost as big as you, and you insisted on carrying it, snuggling into it as you walked. One arm was clutched around the plush (which Luffy so affectionately nicknamed “Stupid” because of the dopey look it wore), and your other hand was clasped tightly in your captain’s grip. 
    He had helped you forget the events of earlier, dragging you from game to game, even pulling you on a few more rides that had your stomach begging for mercy. You had managed to give him his hat back, much to his protest, but eventually it sat snugly back atop his wild black hair. The day was perfect, full of excitement. You were eternally grateful to Luffy for so many things, for him insisting that you join his crew, for making you truly feel wanted, for saving you, and now for making your day endlessly enjoyable. 
    The two of you had eventually decided to begin the trek back to the Thousand Sunny, giddy with flushed faces after a long day. You were entirely worn out, you had no idea how Luffy still managed to be overflowing with energy. Climbing onto the grass deck, you sat down, craning your head back as you stared at the meager portions of the night sky that you could manage to see through the mangrove canopy. Your captain plunked down beside you, and you were immediately reminded of the stickers you had shoved into your pocket for him. 
    He looked as though you had nearly handed him the one piece, his boyish grin returning tenfold. He managed to get them stuck all over his face, laughing with glee. It warmed your heart how carefree he looked, cutesy stickers adorning his face. You couldn’t help but to giggle along with him, leaning your head on his shoulder as he recounted the day's events. Your heart leapt as he slung an arm over your shoulder, hugging you with his cheek pressed to yours. 
    Soon the deck was filled with the crewmates you had come to love, each telling about their own adventures. You were surrounded by such a loving atmosphere that you felt completely relaxed, a complacent smile on your face as you leaned against Luffy while your crewmates goofed around. 
    This was your home, he was your home, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
[ 𝟏𝟓 : 𝟒𝟏 ] 𝐎𝐌𝐆, 𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐄! ─── 𝐡𝐪 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬.
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author's note. this is a repost of one of the works from my old acc (@/baeloves-you.) here u will find some short, cute scenarios with the male characters from haikyuu!!
with. aone takanobu, tadashi yamaguchi, kenma kozume, bokuto koutaro and ushijima wakatoshi.
blog links. masterlist | asks/requests | general
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ʚ 𝐀𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐔 ɞ i swear this boy here is the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life. he makes my heart go 💞💗yk? well, this time the thing that's causing me to swooning over him is this: imagine nobu growing an entire little garden with the prettiest flowers just for you. and, when all the flowers have blossomed, he would do one of these (or maybe both, aone's heart is filled with just that level of kindness ☹️): 1. he goes and picks up your favorite flowies and makes a handmade bouquet for u or 2. takes you on a date on that garden and spends the evening making flower crowns with his sweetheart while having a warm smile on his face. kiss him for me, please.
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ʚ 𝐁𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 ɞ he's the one that brightens my day 💋 he arrived home shouting a "i got plushies!! are u excited?!🥺" you really had to gently shush him bcs he was loud and didn't want to see him sad by the neighbors' complaints. he hurried to be by your side and repeated this time whispering: "are u excited?" while showing the stuffed animals. one of them looked exactly like him, black and white feathers & golden luminous eyes; and yes, before asking, the other one was like you. giving bo a kiss on his cheek, you softly replied "yes, darling. they are amazing 💗"
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ʚ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐙𝐔𝐌𝐄 ɞ this was something usual for both if you; after some gaming & chill dates, you shared a minecraft world so u could play together 😌. well, the thing it's that for these past hour he asked you to not enter in the world yet while he was clicking his mouse in a somewhat aggressive way. after some (long) minutes, kenma gave you green light to turn on your computer. when the world has fully loaded you were amazed; it looked like a little and vibrating paradise full of life, your houses were decorated with new aesthetic items and he built a personal zoo beside them. his skin was wearing a white suit and beside him was a sign asking "will you marry me?" 💞🤧.
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ʚ 𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 ɞ it was weekend, so toshi and you were free that day. ushijima may be someone people would describe add dense, but in that moment he noticed you being a little stressed. he thought that if you both had nothing to do ans his angel was feeling down, he should do something to help u ☹️ so he planned a spa at home night. toshi prepared a bath for you two and helped u dry your hair. after that he applied oils ans creams all over you while massaging you're back, shoulders and legs (baby was so gentle 😭). when you both got to bed he hoped you were feeling better, kissing your lips lightly and holding u on his big and warm arms 💗✨.
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ʚ 𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈 ɞ another shy baby 🥺✨ i'm crying. he ended all his summer homework and the volleyball team duties he was entrusted with, and tada has been missing you sooo much! ge texted you last night asking if you would like to have a simple, calm date with him in the park. also added for you to wear light and, if it's possible, old clothes that you wouldn't care if they get a lil' dirty; at this point you already had a vague idea of what he wanted to do. when morning arrived, yamaguchi and u sat on the blanket he put in the grass. there were a pair of plain canvas waiting to be colored. after some hours, tadashi finished and showed you a surprisingly well done portrait of u with the sunset in the background 😩❤️.
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© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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i'm so happy you liked it!!! wow, you're just as insane as I am. life is good. our thoughts are in sync. the tragedy that speaks to the core. thank YOU. it's refreshing to let your slightly crazy thoughts out there and be welcomed. im absolutely insane for their dynamic (im dying to live this). you have no idea (im losing it). i personally think gojo would be relieved once he's king, he's in control now, it's natural to him. there are more possibilities and he's so prepared. but you know what? becoming king has its duties and one of them is that prince!gojo's hand has been promised before he was born. i wonder how he'd cope with that knowing he belongs to someone else. i like to think he'd rebel and refuse the marriage completely (for personal, selfish reasons), but again he isn't childish in the sense of ignoring politics completely, yes? behind playful comments he is indeed a smart man. after all, he was raised to become this. he knows how to navigate the world and understands that his decisions can have massive political impact (and that this can also be negative for his knight, right? he cannot risk losing the power and privileges he owns, how would he be able to protect them? he must play the game as is). i think this might be one of the moments in his life where he'll be the most conflicted. but he'd play nice and polite when his fiance comes to visit him (i think due to gojo's natural disdain for his fiance, casual visits would be encouraged a few weeks before marriage). the first sting of jealousy knight!reader feels and oh. that's when they realize the nature of their feelings for prince!gojo. that it goes a little beyond what they thought. their dynamic might shift a little, things become uncertain and confused. knight!reader might dissociate between it all, not allowing selfish feelings to get in the way. and gojo's so annoyed and he wishes the whole building would just collapse and burn with everyone in it. and there knight!reader is, not so far away, shining only for his eyes. prince!gojo looks at them like begging for forgiveness, help, love and sadness all together while the lady by his side tries to get his attention. it's pathetic, he thinks. but his heart is somewhere else, it belongs to someone else for fucking sake!!! can't anyone see that? their first kiss would probably happen during this time I think. i can see him finding knight!reader at night, carrying the weight of the kingdom on his shoulders. and when his eyes land on them relief washes over him. soft moonlight shyly on knight's confused face asking 'satoru, are you okay?' vulnerability! comfort! home! because they belong to each other deeply, a mere look on each others face is enough to understand something is wrong. the kiss!! his little act of rebellion. he's so proud of it after, it's cute af. can you see? the blushing and all!! difficult times, ah the hurt!! at the end,,, i think ruling by himself is much gojo like, right? it would be somewhat controversial and there would be implications but to him it wouldn't be fair to fill a promise he didn't make, plus he's committed to his knight!reader already. ye? he'd learn so much and mature during this period as well. he'd find strength in his love and his love alone. it fills him with a supernatural sense of responsibility that he finally understands that knight!reader went through (though only a little, as he doesn't get his hands dirty nor commit acts of violence (i hope he does, sincerely)). and yess,,, sorry, it was too much again. or if it doesnt resonate with you, haha. omg. i am simply happy in my element talking to you. yes, uhm. you can call me momo/crazymomo if thats ok? it was supposed to be 'crazymomo' but i guess it kind got f'ed up in the way and i just didnt care about fixing it. im bringing you cake ok!!!!!
HI MOMOOO u r feeding us yet again!!!!! and same same same, its so fun to be insane together i appreciate u sm <333 mickey rlly is a genius bc ive never seen a character/reader dynamic thats caused as much insanity as knight!reader & prince!gojo they had me in a chokehold from the get-go
and OHHH these thoughts momo!!!! so tasty and interesting, i lovelovelove hearing more abt how u interpret them!! when it comes to dynamics like these i feel like everyone has their own take on them at least to some degree and i think its SOSO fun to compare!!!!
BUT OKOK let me get thru this!!! i had so much fun reading this and thinking abt it, u brought up so many things i hadnt considered yet!!
OK SO. king!gojo…… after some contemplation i think i definitely agree w u momo. i feel like satoru relaxes once he has the throne. its tough and a huge responsibility, a weight on his shoulders, but its no longer hanging over him as a burden he’ll one day have to bear, its something he’s gained and grown used to and i think he earnestly loves making a change in the society he lives in. and!! i think he is soso loved. i see him as the type to visit poorer villages all the time, financially support struggling mothers, speak to their babies and hold them all gently HES JUST SO… hes such a good man im gonna be sick. ABSOLUTELY helps all orphans he comes across they may or may not remind him of a certain knight so he cant bear to look away from them
(i do think he still longs to run away w knight!reader tho…. its just a nice daydream to him atp bc its impossible in so many ways but i think he hates the fact that being king means hes moved even further above them on the social ladder)
BUT ANYHOW ANYHOW lets get to the juicy bits. the engagement bits. i have my own take on this that differs from urs a little bit momo but i think urs is soso good and nice and romantic… and i agree on a lot too!! specifically this ohhh u get him soso well!!
behind playful comments he is indeed a smart man. after all, he was raised to become this. 
(and that this can also be negative for his knight, right? he cannot risk losing the power and privileges he owns, how would he be able to protect them? he must play the game as is.)
^ i agree soso much!!!! i think prince!gojo is very very clever, he enjoys acting goofy and has a very genuinely silly side but i do think hes both intelligent and mature. especially when it comes to politics, both for the sake of his own sense of duty AND what you said — for the sake of knight!reader!! they’re his motivation to become king in the first place, so i don’t see him doing anything that’ll cause too much of a stir; but at the same time… he gets away with a lot.
i do think rejecting his fiancee completely as a prince might be too much (his parents let him do as he pleases for the most part, but theyre not fun to deal with when they start to feel threatened lol), but once hes become king… well.
i think you’re right, momo!! he chooses to lead the nation on his own, with no queen by his side — only one very loyal knight. 
(on the topic of heirs though since thats kind of connected to this… obviously his decision causes quite a stir. who will lead the kingdom when hes gone? a king with no firstborn — how scandalous. and so on.
but satoru doesn’t care. he continues to live his life, do his duty. visiting villages, dealing with neighouring countries… and, well. maybe one day he happens to run into a particularly clever assassin, with a scar on his bottom lip, escaping by the skin of his teeth and thanks to his knight — and, who knows? maybe said assassin, bleeding out, murmurs something about a child, a run-down building, a young life soon to be lost… and maybe satoru finds said child. maybe he even feels compelled to look after him, just for a while, because that unruly hair and those guarded eyes remind him a bit too much of a certain someone.
and if satoru grows fond of said boy, if he raises him as a candidate for the throne, but with an understanding and sympathy that he never received himself — then that’s no one’s business but his own.)
my bad i got carried away PHDKFJFJ back to the topic at hand. (i just needed to bring gumi into this narrative hes my special little boy ALSO maybe just maybe suguru finds an orphaned boy in the woods w pink hair who he takes in and raises as a knight hmmmm.. wonder what that’s all about…..) SORRY IM SORRY theres. so much to think abt when it comes to this au…………..
but anyways. i think satoru abolishes the marriage the moment he becomes king — but until then hes polite, well-mannered, maybe even a tad friendly w his fiancee. just to make it easier for the both of them. he does however make it very, very clear that this is a business partnership in his mind — its not a marriage of love, it never will be. and he’s firm about it. he has no intention of leading her on.
i think he might even go as far as to say his heart belongs to someone else (hes giggling on the inside bro gets butterflies at the thought of belonging to his knight in any way shape or form), with no specifics since he doesnt want to get knight!reader into any kind of trouble with the royal court.
but yes!! this is where i think our takes differ a bit (not at ALL a bad thing i just need to make that clear!!) bc i dont rlly see knight!reader being jealous!! i see their relationship with satoru as very comfortable, w a strong sense of understanding between them. it isnt entirely romantic or entirely platonic — if i had to put it in simple terms i’d just call them soulmates. they were born to save each other. and i think both of them understand that! knight!reader is well aware that satoru doesnt feel a single thing for his fiancee, because he makes it so clear that no one has a place at his side except for knight!reader themselves. so in that sense i dont see that uncertainty appearing!! i think the only one between them who feels frustrated is satoru.
and gojo's so annoyed and he wishes the whole building would just collapse and burn with everyone in it. <- THIS IS SOOOO CANON TO ME BTW i think that when ppl are being annoying around the castle a tiny voice in his head is like ”i hope this building fucking explodes” PHDNDBD HES SO DRAMATIC…. but in this case i think hes just so frustrated, especially if his fiancee/parents make the whole engagement more troublesome than it has to be.
on that note i just gotta mention;
and there knight!reader is, not so far away, shining only for his eyes. prince!gojo looks at them like begging for forgiveness, help, love and sadness all together while the lady by his side tries to get his attention. it's pathetic, he thinks. <- GOD THIS ONE GOT ME THIS ONE GOT ME GOOD momo pls stop im in agony </3 ohhh the way his eyes reflect his soul those sad sad puppydog eyes ☹️☹️ i would fold instantly
so in simple terms!! i think knight!reader and toru feel very at home in their dynamic. i dont think knight!reader would mind at all if satoru got a fiancee — if she made him happy i think they’d even grow fond of her. theyre just very kind and accepting, and dedicated to their prince’s happiness above all else. (but, of course, satoru’s happiness only ever lies with them 😔 stupid silly dense knight.) 
BUT THE KISSSS OHHH THE KISS MOMO…. i see your vision so SO clearly. i picture their kiss by the riverbank like this too — satoru does it w/o thinking overcome by fondness and hes all giggly and giddy after. hes just happy to be alive PDJJDFJ 100% goes for a forehead kiss right after bc his heart is just bursting at the seams and his favorite person ever is right there in front of him!! all blushy and unsure!!! ohhh hes OBSESSED momo u get it ofc u do… ur version of events is so lovely and sweet!! i can really picture is so vividly!!
ANYWAY that was so fun pls never apologize, i lovelovelove long asks like this!! it was such a treat to read!! <33 IM BRINGING U A BIG CAKE TOO tysm for blessing us w this 🎂 (lets share it hehe 🍰🍰) (+ extra piece for mickey in case they see this here u go mickey 🍰)
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essentialsugar · 2 years
" Your Smile is My Life's Work "
Summary: Your goal is to make Idia smile! And seeing that smile makes you feel at ease . . . Well, somewhat.
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warnings : gn!reader [they/them], reader is mostly using [you/you’re/your], grammar errors, OOC
Note : Yall, I’m so sorry for not posting so much 😭 Anyways, my backs been hurtin’ and like 🥰..yah. Plus I was originally gonna do Idia, EPEL, and Ruggie but I gave up on that..I’ll write them later for sure.
character(s) : Idia Shroud
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Idia Shroud :
Both you and Idia had become very close to each other after bonding through watching anime and having debates about them. After all this time, you’ve never seen Idia have a genuine smile before (he probably did but you just never saw it ☠️). So, because of this, your goal has been making Idia smile! Of course with the help of Othro.
After asking Othro to help you get Idia to smile and hang out with him (outside of his room), he agreed and both of you started planning and brainstorming ideas for it! One plan suddenly came to mind and Operation 1 : make Idia go out with you and MAKE HIM SMILE began.
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As both you and Idia we’re bickering over an anime, Othro decided to step into the conversation speaking logical sense as always (although being biased a bit just to make his brother happy). Idia gave you his signature smile while you sulk over your defeat saying how “this isn’t fair..” or “these brothers are something else..”, etc.,. “Fuhehe, I told you that Mrs. Helena is more stronger than Mr. Hampeter!” You glared at Idia, “Oh shut it. Mr. Hampeter would’ve won if he didn’t make that person flying across the damn arena!”
You sighed as you watched Idia do his little cheering. Othro floated towards you while giggling a bit; tapping your shoulder to gain your attention and whisper to you, “Are you sure this is going to work Y/N?” “Have trust in me Othro! This plan will work if everything goes accordingly.” You whisper-shouted to Othro as Idia was still engross by his little victory and the anime.
Even though you thought it would go accordingly. . .it didn’t. “Idia come on! It won’t be that bad I promise!” You begged as you tugged on the sleeves of a certain fiery-haired person. “No way, IRL is too scary for me! Just imagining myself going outside my comfort zone just to talk to normies is enough for me to pass out!” Idia screeched while (surprisingly) holding onto the base of his bed. You gave out a little cry of defeat and let go of his sleeve. In relief Idia hurried up and scurried over to his gaming chair just to hide from you. “E-even if you tried, I won’t go out.” Idia said as he peered at you behind his gaming chair.
This was a lost cause; you shook your head. But an idea came to mind. “Okay then..fine. I was hoping to give you a surprise at the end of the day if you were to go outside with me. Guess like that was a waste of madols.” Idia perked at this and slowly peeked out of his chair interested with wide-eyes. “Looks like I could just give this to someone else if they even want it.” Idia leaped at this and gave out a terrified cry. “W-WHAT? NNONONONONO-“ his hands were waving in the air, “I’ll go! I’ll go! Sheesh..”
Moments passed by as you two walked along the halls of Night Raven College. With Idia clinging to you like he’s on death row, you both got weird stares and Idia seemed to be affected by it. “I should’ve declined your request..this mission is impossible” Idia mumbled while holding tightly onto your arm, "Also, why do you have a bag? D-DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE GOING TO CHOP ME UP SOMEWHERE!" he cried. You smiled and stifled a laugh "Idia, I would never chop you up. No need to worry!" Idia gave out a small whimper while following you closely from behind.
Passing through the countless classrooms, you hurriedly dragged Idia outside. The sudden movement surprised Idia but he kept up with your pace, slightly panicking of course. "U-uhm..Y/N? Where are we going..? This walk is tiring me out and you know I'm not good with these type of stuff." He became jittery. Even though Idia couldn't see it, you had a mischievous smile on your face. "Once again, I said not to worry about it Idia!" He sighed and continued to follow you, just a bit on edge though.
"We're here!" You exclaimed happily. Idia shifted slightly just to see what it was that made you drag him for at least an hour or so, (it was actually just 15 mins, but ya'll know how Idia is sometimes) though, it did make his eye twitch and...disappointed? "...What is this suppose to be?" You gave out a little laugh and gestured him to come o where you're standing. Idia was confused and hesitant, but he complied anyways. "You remember how I said I had a surprise for you? I didn't lie about that by the way hehe." Idia turned his head to look at you, well, probably a little too quick. His eyes looked like it was going to bulge out at any second. But, you noticed that his lips has seemingly curled up-wards a bit after you said that. You shook your head and reflected a smile back at him. "Anyways, I remembered that you've been wanting this figurine for a while now, so here."
Idia looked at you expectantly as you shuffled around your little bag carrier and pulled out a neatly wrapped gift. He gasped and snatched it out of your grasp. "H-hey! I didn't even-" "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!" You were surprised about his outburst, it even looked like he was crying. He carefully unwrapped the gift with one of the biggest grin you've ever seen him with. A sweat came rolling down as you scratched your cheek and nervously smiled at him while he was rambling about the figurine.
I mean...anything to make him smile right? Even if it costed you your whole life savings. Broke people unite!
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Hello! I came across your blog and read ur vin jin one shot and fell in love TT. If you dont mind could you write another vin jin one shot with reader on a study date? Thank you!!
studying, kind of (vin jin x reader)
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and vin jin are dating
summary: you do your best to help your troublesome boyfriend study.
a/n: hi!! and no worries, thank u for requesting, anon <33 im really glad u liked my other vin jin oneshot ;_; its always fun writing him !! 💖
erm,, i kind of expanded on the study date thing but i hope this still works for u T_T
"Mary, S-O-fucking-S. My partner lied to me. They said we were gonna hang out!!!!!!"
"They're forcing me to study instead!!!!"
"Lol deserved."
"NO!!! I NEED HELP!!!!!"
Vin Jin's phone nearly flew out of his hands when he heard you re-enter the room--your bedroom to be specific. He fumbled with it and then turned to you, totally not looking like he was up to no good. The second you smiled he melted and started to feel a tiny bit guilty for trying to escape. He pocketed his phone as you sat down next to him.
There was a plate of cut up apples with a fork and a glass of water in your hands that you set down on the low table between you two. He looked at them and then back at you with mild confusion.
"They're for you," you clarified, and he said a, "Oh, thanks!" before eating a piece of fruit. You took a moment to adore him before clearing your throat. He immediately paused his chewing as you began to speak, "Look. I know you don't want to do this, but if you fail the upcoming test, your grade is in serious trouble."
The bluntness in his one-word response somehow caught you by surprise, despite how unsurprising it was. You just sighed a little. "That means you could be held back. Mary and I are going to move on without you."
"If you guys really cared, y'all would fail with me--ow!"
You left your hand on his arm where you had lightly whacked him, to give him a little shake. "I'm serious, Vin. Just once you have to get yourself together."
Vin Jin shrugged your hand off. "Okay, listen. I'm trying to become a rapper, right?" He stayed silently still until you eventually nodded and he went back to animatedly talking. "Right! So what the fuck has math got to do with rapping?!"
Internally, you groaned. "Nothing!! But you still need to graduate from this school!!"
"So you can have a high school degree!!"
"I don't need that to be a rapper!!"
"Well, I want you to have one anyways!!" Before he could yell out another, "Why!!" (because you knew he would), you grabbed ahold of his face and had him look at you directly in the face. "Please, Vin."
He goes quiet and for probably half a minute, there's nothing but somewhat tense silence. Soon, he gave in, though. His hands clasped over yours and he replied, "Alright. Fine. Only because you're my lover."
You thinned your lips. At least he was agreeing now. "Just keep in mind this is also for your own sake."
While he pouted, you grabbed your bag nearby and took out a bunch of materials, sorting through them and placing them on the table. "Grab your stuff, too, hun."
His tone had you thinning your lips again, except out of sympathy this time. You poked his thigh to get his attention and said, "Before we start, I should let you know the plan. We're going to study for a little over an hour." You held your index finger up to stop him from interrupting. "But, we're going to take 5 minute breaks every 25 minutes. In other words, that's studying for 25 minutes 3 times, with 2 breaks totaling up to 10 minutes of break time. That doesn't sound too bad, right?"
A flurry of emotions went through Vin Jin's expression until it settled on indifference. He gave you a nod and you smiled.
"Good! You'll be okay, Vin." You leaned in to kiss his cheek and then set up a timer on your phone. You slid over your notebook next to begin going over the notes you took to prepare for the test.
He still seemed kind of grumpy as he listened, but your kiss definitely lightened him up. He also seemed to feel better after finishing up the apples and water you brought for him.
When your alarm rang, Vin Jin yelled, "Finally!" as he yawned and leaned into you. "I'm gonna nap."
"That's fine," you hummed.
He turned his head a bit to look at you. "Oh shit, for real?"
"Yes." You continued flipping through the textbook in front of you. "Short naps are a way to still be productive during your breaks for this method of studying. It's backed up by science or something."
"Damn, that's crazy." Vin Jin turned back. "Well, good night."
You chuckled. "Good night."
And that was how he chose to spend the next break as well. Looking forward to the nap actually somewhat motivated him, and so did your kisses. He occasionally asked for them as rewards whenever he was right when you quizzed him or whatever "I can't remember the answer... if you kiss me, I might though," was.
It seemed like the first kiss you gave him on the cheek earlier worked better than you thought.
After the third 25 minute session ended, you genuinely felt pride in your non-studious boyfriend for sitting through this with you. Of course, the only proper thing to do was give him a kiss on the lips.
"Good job, Vin, you made it!" You beamed at him after pulling away. "We'll do this throughout the week and then hopefully you should be prepared for the test by then!" Your smile faltered a bit when you noticed your boyfriend looking off to the side. A look of curiosity replaced your current look as you stared at him, not saying anything because it seemed like he had something to say.
His cheeks were a little flushed as he cleared his throat and muttered, "Geez, am I a kid or something...?"
Lighthearted laughter spilled from your lips. "I'm just proud of you! It looked like you were putting in effort, so I'm happy."
"Good, because I kinda was." He crossed his arms, still looking embarrassed. "A-anyways, did you say we're doing this for the rest of the week?" You nodded. "Alright. I guess it's not so bad if it's with you..." In an attempt to change the focus on him, he forced a laugh and finally turned to look at you, saying, "You're a lot better than Mary at teaching, y'know?"
You couldn't help but grin. "I'm sure she did her best."
"Well, her best sucks."
"Uh-huh." You shook your head, softly laughing before stretching a little. "So, what do you want to do now? We can get takeout or something as a reward for all your hard work."
"Really?!" This time he pulled you in to kiss your cheek. "I don't know why you're being so nice to me, but hell, I ain't complaining."
You playfully rolled your eyes. "The work-hard-and-recieve-a-reward system seems to be the only thing keeping you motivated to study so that's what I'm doing."
"Hey, now that sounds like you're treating me like a dog!"
"It's working though~"
"I change my mind, you're as awful as Mary."
The bickering continued even after you both left the house to get takeout of Vin Jin's choice. Things cooled by the time you two began eating though, and before the both of you knew it, nighttime had fallen.
Of course, Vin Jin spent the night at your place. To him, spending time with you was the biggest reward of all in this whole new studying schedule thing.
"Can you believe it, Mary?! They actually made me like studying. Fucked up."
"That's them, for ya~ I don't actually think you like studying, though. It's just hanging out with them, hehe."
"Ugh... whatever."
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