#Hephaestus saving the day was so real
wonderlandcrown · 7 months
IM ALIVE (i did a uquiz and im gonna make it YOUR problem!!! <3)
the really fucking funny thing about this is I got this :
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savanaclaw, fucking savanaclaw.
i am absolutely not atheletic at ALL. im gonna die 2 seconds stepping into this dorm ToT
but this is also real funny bc i took a "which twst character are you?" quiz before and got vil lol leona and vil are really two sides of the same coin huh? source : me
also its funny bc i thought i would get ignihyde (*leona voice* radish sprout)
anyways- here r the tags : @prince-kallisto (i might have to start calling you radish sprout now bc im in leonas dorm beware 0^0) @jelsah27
also plz check the tags its funny hehe haha :]
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gotstabbedbyapen · 1 month
Here me out; the second gen Olympians using eachother as scary guard dog privileges but none of them are aware of it:
Ares getting back after a battle and being too tired to speak to anyone but suddenly everyone’s too scared to even look at him. He thinks it’s because he’s covered in others blood but it’s because his siblings look on the verge of slaughtering anyone that comes near him.
Hephaestus finally coming out of his forge to spend a day with them, only for someone to make a jab about his leg. Luckily enough that person just seems to magically disappear, he assumes they just had enough that he doesn’t notice blood stains covering his siblings hands
Someone dares to insinuate that Athena isn’t a ‘real war god’ because she’s a women. Athena just rolls her eyes because she’s heard that a million times before. You know who’s also heard it a million times? Her brothers and sister and they’re not about to take that disrespect to her.
Artemis venting about the amount of creeps she has to deal with on a daily bases to her siblings only for that number to mysteriously start to drop afterwards. And if you dare try that shit in front all of them at once? Especially if it’s one of those ‘dark humour’ kinda jokes? You’ll wish they killed you for that kinda thing, because they take her vow just as seriously as she does. It’s a disrespect to her and any disrespect to her is a disrespect to them.
Every single time that Apollo falls for someone that person will be getting a shovel talk at some point. You don’t know when or who but depending on how long they date every single one of his siblings will threaten your life at some point. And if you break his heart or god forbid cheat on him? No one can save you at that point.
Hermes coming back from a bad shift and being so exhausted from the workload that he can barely stand. And when Someone tries to approach him with another thing to send only to end up getting a very nice and calm discussion with his siblings about treating their brother as if he’s some kind of slave.
People not respecting Dionysus due to the fact his mother is a mortal and him being the last to join the Olympians. Them calling him a ‘lesser god’. Dionysus just flips them off and goes back to drinking. The person thinks they got away with it only to be met with the most pissed off older siblings ever because ‘the fuck did you just call our younger brother?’
They all are aware that they do it for their other siblings but none of them are aware that their siblings do it right back for them. They’re all equally protective over eachother and will take no one disrespecting their siblings
Well... I have nothing more to add 'cause this is already perfect 👍
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
A Helen of Troy-Esque Au where Soap is chosen by the gods to decide xyz thing and picks Ghost who promises to give him the most beautiful woman in the world and he ends up picking Reader. And now both of you are Ghost’s pets because he decides he likes you too much to let you go. :) or a Hephaestus/Aphrodite-esque au with horribly disfigured Soap who wants nothing more then the beautiful goddess who smiles at him from across the room. And one day he begs you to come to his forge, says he has a surprise for you, a beautiful golden throne he spent days making. Gold and iron and silver roses decorating it all around with the softest looking bear skin filled with cotton and wool to act as a cushion. Except when you sit on it and try to relax, suddenly cuffs come up from arms and keep you trapped. And they’re so strong threat no matter your kicking and squealing, you can’t get out. Can only cry as Soap licks up your tears, palming himself with one hand as the other gropes your tits. Guess Ares!Ghost will just have to come save you! (And end up joining in the fun) - 🕸
ok wait wait i see your aphrodite!reader idea but i think you've got it switched. i feel like ghost as hephaestus and soap as ares makes more sense
ghost, who's so ugly that he wears a fucking mask because he's tired of the pity he gets from the other gods. ghost, who's married to the goddamn goddess of beauty because of some sick cosmic joke (aka idk who hera would be)
consider: ghost who's never even met his wife. he has an image of her in his head already and he just can't imagine she's anything but a vapid, shallow bitch who wouldn't give him the time of day. giving incel vibes tbh
and reader, the goddess of love who's husband couldn't have less interest in her. hurts like hell, but eventually she decides Fuck That guy and finds her own love, with the charming-but-cocky god of war. #PowerCouple
and soap is like oh fuck yeah, a beautiful woman wants to be his and he gets to fuck with ghost at the same time? oh buddy things couldn't be going better for him. so he makes sure he's seen constantly with his pretty goddess, starts wars for her and fights in her honor, does absolutely everything in his power to make sure ghost sees that soap's the one with his wife on his arm
this could go a few ways but im thinkinggggg maybe ghost decided Oh Hell No. he may have always had a bit of a thing for that punk god of war, but he cannot let Johnny flaunt his wife all over olympus. so he starts a very slow (and frankly awkward) courting process with his own wife
and poor reader, she's so conflicted :( she's definitely in love with johnny, but the more her husband pursues her the more she feels for him, the more she really wishes their marriage was real
one day he lures her back to the forge with promises of gifts and, just like you said, locks her to his throne :(
hours, maybe even days later johnny storms into the forge, determined to drag his pretty pretty girl away from the asshole god of fire, only to find her naked and slick, tied to a stunning throne, with ghost knelt between her knees
and she cries out - in ecstasy or relief? - when she sees him, begs - for help or for more?
and she's truly convinced that johnny will help her, will tear her brute of a husband away so she can storm up to olympus and demand retribution
but instead he just moves forward and slowly sinks to his knees beside ghost, eyes locked on her cunt
(it can't be the worst thing to share, can it?)
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finalgirlmoment · 5 months
PJOTV Ep 4 + 5 (spoilers)
My brain is, and has been, rotted entirely! I feel like the TV show is such a treat because the new content adds layers to the story SO MUCH like the plot and character dynamics it makes me want to scream. Yes the differences are absolutely notable but the bottom line is that our main trio would find each other in any universe or storyline and would choose each other every time
-The opening scene of episode 4 broke me a bit: the lore that Percy actually did not take naturally to being in the water, he was actually afraid to be swimming! I feel like before we definitely characterized him as someone who felt at home in the water since he came out the womb but damn look how far he comes. How jarring it must be to later find out you're actually the son of the sea god :o
-Percy continually being angry about the system of the gods (not) interacting with their children, being so shocked that a parent wouldn't help or talk to their child. He's so sweet and I feel like his rage grows the more he gets to know Annabeth because he sees how amazing and loyal and cunning she is and wonders how her mother could ever ignore or abandon her
-Annabeth just in general, her badassery is so fucking perfect for this character, the way she draws her knife, her being so fucking in tune with Percy already....the way she knows exactly what Percy is going to do before he does it ((and the way he listens to her unconditionally i.e. cutting off Medusa's invisible head in episode 3 but I digress)), knowing he was alive and waiting for them somewhere at the beginning of episode 5. she is a LEGEND and she is LOCKED TF IN
-the hug <3 i won't make it weird if you won't <3 <3 we're like friends now <3<3<3 do u understand how i hurt
-trio walking down the side of the road like bums -_- i died lmfao. also them hiding when approached by some dude and just being like <3 we good ty tho!!
-Percy, again still acclimating to this fucking weird ass world where gods are real and can kill u easily, is shook when ares threatens to kill them. luckily, as a change of pace, grover is cool as a dang cucumber and saves the day af. this is what i mean like absolutely the characters are so different like yes grover has been nervous a lot but he also can turn it tf on and smooth talk when he needs to
-Annabeth has never seen a movie. Percy immediately insists that they watch one together. Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me that's not a date? Hello?
-The entirety of the tunnel scene/chair scene. Percy being the one to figure out the story illustrated Hephaestus' life. Percy ALREADY working to save Annabeth first and foremost! Percy continually sacrificing himself for her! Believing deep down she is capable of great, impossible things and being willing to set aside his life for her without question. Telling her she is better. "You just are. And you know it." Giving her Riptide, no second thoughts, no backing down.
-On that note, the ending. Percy is like a loose cannon full of a deep rage and a lot (A LOT) of unrealized power; his problem is that he is not locked TF in like Annabeth (as of right now) and the ending really made me excited because it feels like he is finally catching on to what a big deal he actually is. All this anger he has inside him, all this rage at what he has lost and the suffering he has seen, .... i'm honestly beside myself at what is to come because this is already SO JUICY and I feel like we've barely started!
-side notes: the score is so amazing, I'm really enjoying it and I understand all the videos of the actors promoting the soundtrack!!! also my sister has never read the books but she loves the movies and we watch it together; she is very very excited for the casino scene so there is definitely hope for her in the near future. ((my nico loving ass will also be holding binoculars and twitching))
so yes a lot was changed but i am really liking the new content a lot because it just feels like added lore and, again, these guys can best the odds in any universe and help each other in every timeline. the most important plot points are there and i feel like they have already set up a lot of info for later on down the line. I do wish there was a bit more banter/conversation (because Percy is actually so quirky and I feel like this could be explored more) but the time we do have is amazing and feels super fresh! even when i've read the books to pieces! and again the convos they're having right now are setting shit up for later and maybe then they can play and have fun wit it. as always, i will be loyally sat, lurking, reblogging. kiss
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chungledown-bimothy · 5 months
not to keep being negative about the new pjo ep, but the whole thrill ride of love scene was so disappointing.
they established at the entrance to the water park that annabeth sees and understands hephaestus' work. we could have gotten annabeth saving percy by being Clever and beating the trap. (more on this below the cut bc book spoilers)
all the pieces were there for a real annabeth moment, but instead it was still all about percy.
between that and percy explaining all of the lore, they took two opportunities for annabeth's intelligence to shine away from her, and that feels really bad.
the parallel of annabeth outsmarting hephaestus and percy beating ares in a fight?? delicious.
they are equal and complementary and it's why they kick what can only be construed as complete and total ass. but no, instead we got percy still saving the day.
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So I gave different Percy Jackson characters parts in the campfire song for a fanfiction I'm writing and I want to know what you guys think
Will Solace My dad is Apollo He raises the sun He has lots of kids ‘cause he has lots of … fun We wish he would stop Because our cabin is full Oh no He’s kind of a bro And bi as hell too And all of his kids of daddy issues
Beckendorf My dad’s Hephaestus, forger of flames At least my mom didn’t throw me away he’s busy with blueprints and work every day Oh no I know he’s real busy, but I try not to mind I just wish there were time off in his grand design
Leo Valdez So my dad Hephaestus, he’s the god of forges; Gotta admit, he’s not quite that gorgeous; And he gave me powers that make my hands blaze like torches, Oh no And these powers aren’t as great as you’d expect; Because after my mom, all I got was neglect
Pollux My dad’s Dionysus, God of the vine, He is kinda crazy but I do not mind Maybe he‘ll slip me a glass of wine- Mr.D from far away: Uh no! Pollux: Say what you want, I’m not even mad At least I get to see my dad *mic drop*
Mr. D Random camper: Hey Mr. D, who are your parents? Mr. D: No, I don’t sing. Chiron: It's for the kids. Mr. D: You owe me horse… My dad is Zeus … but he’s also my mother It’s really weird, don’t know why I bother See he killed my mom with his true form Oh no Ripped from my dead mom, sewn in a thigh, was born a demigo- Oh never mind!
Holly and Laurel Victor Holly sung: Our Mother is Nike Goddess of the Games Laurel sung: You'd think it'd be cool But turns out it’s lame Both: Oh no Holly: Cause she won't even look at me if I don't win, Laurel: So I keep training every single day, Both: Or she'll show up and take our talents away
Butch My mom is Iris, she sends Hera’s things You’ll know who’s her kids when we start to sprout wings So you can think of my mom the next time you mail things, Oh no! things can be rough When that’s your mom I mean yeah, she’s all right, but one messenger is enough
Nico di Angelo Will: Your turn Nico: No I don’t sing Will: Please Nico: … Fine Nico *sung flatly*: My father is hades, lord of the dead Shadows surround me ghost fill my head. The others all fear me alone I tread Oh no He sits in the underworld watching me weep Meanwhile, I haven’t slept or eaten in over a week Will *spoken*: Are you okay..? Nico *spoken*: …no (…)
Hazel Levesque So my mother decided to summon Pluto And he gave her a curse before going abroad the good of my jewels always being a fraud Oh no For it was too late when I realized And to save us for then I gave up my life
Piper McLean So my mom Aphrodite the goddess of beauty and grace Her powers let me steal things Like it is a race; All I want Is uninterrupted time with my dad Oh no I went from school to school to be reformed yet all I got was one hell*someone yells Hades* of a storm
Percy Jackson So my dad Poseidon is not really that bad I just wish he supported me as my mother had it wouldn’t kill you to pay your child support dad Oh no But I survived two wars now and that’s pretty cool But I wish the first thing said to me wasn’t that I drool
I got a lot of this from the internet and rewrote some of it so that may be why some of it may be similar.
Let me know if you guys have requests, some of my friends have made requests so there might be some more.
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jungkookschin · 2 months
the way you describe jungkook and oc’s relationships from both their perspectives is so cute 😞 just the way they talk about each other is so?? omg i don’t even have words. “future mother of my kids” OH HES REALLY IN LOVE. also when jungkook was like “she doesn’t need to be a superhero with me” STFU SO CUTE I CANT 😭 it’s really so crazy that they’re really just saving the world but so gentle and normal with eo.
fuck apollo, fuck ares, kinda don’t know how i feel about hephaestus but yeah fuck him too why not, just fuck all the gods tbh
oh? we’re learning more about jungkook’s past hookups? why is that so funny
i love the way you write oc tho. like her thinking is so real and realistic. she’s secure in their relationship but also has doubts about herself that are totally understandable.
jungkook being so protective lowkey had me blushing 🤭 he was thinking how oc should be more aware of her surroundings to protect herself from perverts and then was like wait no that’s why i’m here
smut was explicit but that was hot and sweet ngl. jungkook really just wants to please his girl
i’m curious about the dream tho like?? anticipating the next chapter already
thank you so much for taking the time to write this amazing chapter!! 🫶
AWWW THANK U SMMMMM <3333 again full transparency i use chatgpt to rewrite sentences bc my ass is soo lazy to think of pretty sentence structures.
im sooo happy that u commented on their dynamic just bc i put a lot of effort into making the little things matter. like i COULD just say some shit like "Jungkook is in love with her and wants to protect her blah blah blah" but i TRY to show it thru his actions.. which is superrr fun given that this is an action story and he can like kill monsters and shit hehe
NO FR FUCK THE GODS!! fuck hephaestus too. in greek mythology hes always been up to some STRANGE and WEIRD activities... but in this fic im trying to portray him as a good father bc he's yn's dad 😭✋
And as for oc , i think she's super relatable 😭 like i COULD make her crazy and insane (as we all r sometimes 😌) but i want to show her rational side . lowkey some fanfic readers are kinda women-hating, for lack of a better term. bc if i give my oc's any flaws, they'll go off in my inbox about how much they hate oc 😭 like damnn she's not actually dating jungkook chillll
i lovedd writing the protective aspect, and i love when guys r protective. not FORCEFULL but idk he was kinda forceful in the fic but it's always hot cause he's like "omg wait, im the strongest demigod in the history of the world, i can take care of her", and i can imagine that it gives oc an overwhelming sense of security cause shes gonna be safe foreverrr
AS FOR THE SMUT AHHHH, i recently started to add smut in my fics, but IM so scared of making it too explicit. Like I don't want to make it too obvious because i feel weird writing words like "dick" or "pussy" jkdfsfkldf
furthermore, i have a theory that a lot of my fics would be more popular if i added some delicious smut to it, but then sometimes i think that oh wait jungkook is a real person and if he saw this he might not like it. which is why i try to add the appropriate amount to make the story make sense and not sexualize him too much?? instead just try to convey the intensity of his love .
as for the dream, i think when i wrote it i wanted to portray y/n's paranoia , which is another reason jk wanted to keep her away from the quest
nonetheless, thank u for ur comments <33, i can tell that u really read the story which means so much to me. I hope u have the bestest day ever anon!!
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sherlkore · 2 years
DC OC list
Thomas Wayne Jr.
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Name: Thomas Wayne Jr.
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'2
Father: Bruce Wayne
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Mother: Katherine Wayne
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Bruce would never think he'd be a good husband, let alone a father, but after finding the love of his life, Katherine, who saved his life more than once, he promised himself that he would do anything to keep them safe. When Thomas was born, he made it his mission to protect him at all costs.
Yes, Thomas was named after his grandfather, though they couldn't be more different than eachother, Thomas believed that his grandfather wasn't that much of a saint everyone thought he was. He didn't try to prove it to anyone though, he didn't want his family to get hurt because of him, so he kept his thoughts and opinions to himself. He is quite confident in himself when it comes to certain things, but overall he doesn't like crowded places and usually avoids going to the parties that his family is invited (his mother says it's from his father)
Thomas was trained to fight by Alfred and his father. Also growing up he learned everything about the criminal world, since Bruce wanted for him to be able to protect himself when he wasn't around. He was homeschooled, of course, since Bruce did not trust the knowledge of the teachers in schools.
Delia Prince
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Name: Delia Prince
Age: 19
Height: 6'1
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: demigod
Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Flight, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Stamina, Accelerated Healing, Enhanced Senses (hearing, vision, smell and etc), Animal Empathy, Immortality, Reality Alteration, Precognition, Retrocognition.
Equipment: Bracelets of Submission, Atlantiades' Armor, Shield of Alcippe, Magical Sword (A sword forged by Hephaestus, said to be sharp enough to cut the electrons off an atom.), Bow & arrow specially made for her.
Mother: Diana Prince
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Father: David Michaels
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Delia was born with her mother's abilities but had her father's attitude, she's stubborn, hardworking, caring and a little bit cocky.
Even though she's immortal, she ages like humans, which gives her time to enjoy her life. Let's be real, she's not great at school, but she's not bad at it either, she's excellent at certain subjects, history being one of them. She's not that popular in school, but fortunately she doesn't get bullied.
Diana would teach her how to defend herself, how to wield a sword and a shield and also teaches her more about her abilities, her father would teach her archery and being a quick learner it didn't take long for Delia to learn all that stuff.
Elyse Kent
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Name: Elyse Kent
Age: 20
Height: 6'1
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powers: flight, superhuman strength, x-ray vision, heat vision, cold breath, super-speed, enhanced hearing, and nigh-invulnerability, telescopic and microscopic vision.
Father: Clark Kent
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Mother: Lois Lane
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As you may have guessed, Elyse was born with her father's abilities, that were quite hard to get used to. Clark of course helped her with them and was extremely careful so she wouldn't accidentally destroy half of the city. Which is why she was homeschooled till she was fully able to control them. Clark told her to not use her powers no matter what (basically telling her to not make the same mistakes as him when he was young) which she complied until she saw a kid almost falling out of the window, she had to use her super speed to make it there before he falls.
At first she was seen as a freak but after multiple moments of her saving students, she was basically a hero to the kids. Clark at first didn't really liked her showing her powers so often but then just accepted the fact that her daughter was a hero, either he wanted it or not.
Elyse, like her father, is kind but curious like her mother (even too curious sometimes), would always be there to save the day, but can be a little mean at times. Clark doesn't like the attitude and the sarcastic comments she gives to him when she's upset.
Who's your favourite?👀
@msrochelleromanofffelton @jackiequick @nyxphie @blueboirick
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katrinaprobrien · 2 years
Thoughts On: Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief
I decided I wanted to share my thoughts on books as I read them. I think it might be fun for me, and if someone finds their next read through my blog, that would be cool!
Spoiler warning
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
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This book followed 12-year-old Percy Jackson, a demi-god or Half-Blood, son of Poseidon, as he learned all the Greek gods, goddesses, and monsters were real, and they were all going to try to kill him. Percy met Grover, a satyr, and Annabeth, daughter of Athena. The three of them went on a quest to recover Zeus' stolen lightning bolt and return it to him, before the summer solstice. If they are not successful in returning the weapon to Zeus by the deadline, in ten days, he and Poseidon would go to war.
There was much left out of the movie, pretty much all of act two was changed. Everything with "Persephone's pearls" was changed. Which, Persephone would not have been in the Underworld because she would have been in Olympus with her mother because it was spring. Like I said, the summer solstice was the deadline. In the book, a Nereid gave Percy the pearls, who was sent by Poseidon.
The movie left out everything with Ares. I can't remember if the movie mentioned Kronus, and how Luke was working for him, but I don't think it did. How can you not mention the main antagonist in the first movie?
Also, Percy was given a prophecy! And went on a quest! With permission! In the movie, the three of them sneaked out of camp. The quest was the whole plot, and they take out the prophecy, what started the quest. Why? There was no mention of the prophecy at all, which was so important because Percy thinks back to it often.
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Another difference between the book and movie I wanted to touch on, Percy left his mom in the Underworld. Grover didn't stay behind so she could leave. Percy realized neither Annabeth or Grover would betray him, the prophecy told him one of his friends would betray him. Percy realized they were his true friends. The reason why Percy went on the quest was to save his mom. For a 12-year-old to do this, especially a 12-year -old that only had his mom, I thought this moment was beautiful and heroic.
My favourite moment was when Percy shipped the head of Medusa to the Olympians. He was angry at the gods, because he felt like he was being used, so he packed up the head and mailed it off. It was hilarious.
Percy being used by the gods was a recurrence he hated. The whole quest for the stolen lightning bolt. Then, Ares tried to get Percy to get a shield he forgot while he was on a date with Aphrodite, and there was a trap set by Hephaestus. Then we discover Hades' Helm of Darkness was also stolen, by the same person that stole the lightning bolt. All the gods Percy met, including Poseidon, were trying to use him for something.
This is something Percy is probably going to have to deal with throughout the series.
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was an easy read, and for someone with ADHD, it kept my attention throughout the whole book, not something that happens often. I'm excited to continue with the series, rant more about the terrible adaptations, and see where Percy and his friends go.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Thanks so much for reading! Give my blog a follow and my Instagram for updates on my debute. Stay tuned for more posts on books, writing, and whatever else I decide I want to post about!
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything is now ruined.
Chapter 22: Then It Ended
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As soon as we came, Annabeth ang Grover tackled me. We were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated us as if we'd won some reality-TV contest. According to camp tradition, we wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in our honor, then led a procession down to the bonfire, where we got to burn the burial shrouds our cabins had made for us in our absence.
Annabeth's shroud was so beautiful—gray silk with embroidered owls— Percy told her it seemed a shame not to bury her in it. She punched him and told him to shut up. Percy being the son of Poseidon, he didn't have any cabin mates, so the Ares cabin had volunteered to make his shroud. They'd taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X'ed-out eyes around the border, and the word LOSER painted really big in the middle.
As I was still unclaimed, Hermes cabin had made me one. (Just... IDK go crazy with your shroud IG) It was fun to burn. As Apollo's cabin led the sing-along and passed out s'mores, Percy and I was surrounded by my Hermes cabinmates, Annabeth's friends from Athena, and Grover's satyr buddies, who were admiring the brand-new searcher's license he'd received from the Council of Cloven Elders. The council had called Grover's performance on the quest "Brave to the point of indigestion. Horns-and-whiskers above anything we have seen in the past." The only ones not in a party mood were Clarisse and her cabinmates, whose poisonous looks told me they'd never forgive us for disgracing their dad. That was okay with me. Even Dionysus's welcome-home speech wasn't enough to dampen my spirits. "Yes, yes, so the little brats didn't get themselves killed and now they'll have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday...." Going back to the cabin I finally had time to talk to Luke. Who just expressed his relief of me being fine, and how he was scared when Annabeth told everyone about me. No wonder everyone was so shocked seeing me come back with Percy. On the Fourth of July, the whole camp gathered at the beach for a fireworks display by cabin nine. Being Hephaestus's kids, they weren't going to settle for a few lame red-white-and-blue explosions. They'd anchored a barge offshore and loaded it with rockets the size of Patriot missiles. According to Annabeth, who'd seen the show before, the blasts would be sequenced so tightly they'd look like frames of animation across the sky. The finale was supposed to be a couple of hundred-foot-tall Spartan warriors who would crackle to life above the ocean, fight a battle, then explode into a million colors. As Annabeth, Percy and I were spreading a picnic blanket, Grover showed up to tell us good-bye. He was dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt and sneakers, but in the last few weeks he'd started to look older, almost high-school age. His goatee had gotten thicker. He'd put on weight. His horns had grown at least an inch, so he now had to wear his rasta cap all the time to pass as human. "I'm off," he said. "I just came to say ... well, you know." I tried to feel happy for him. After all, it wasn't every day a satyr got permission to go look for the great god Pan. But it was hard saying good-bye. I'd only known Grover a year, yet he was my oldest friend. Annabeth and I gave him a hug. She told him to keep his fake feet on. I asked him where he was going to search first. "Kind of a secret," he said, looking embarrassed. "I wish you could come with me, guys, but humans and Pan ..." "We understand," Annabeth said. "You got enough tin cans for the trip?" "Yeah." "And you remembered your reed pipes?" "Jeez, Annabeth," he grumbled. "You're like an old mama goat." But he didn't really sound annoyed. He gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder. He looked like any hitchhiker you might see on an American highway. "Well," he said, "wish me luck." He gave Annabeth and I another hug. He clapped Percy on the shoulder, then headed back through the dunes. Fireworks exploded to life overhead: Hercules killing the Nemean lion, Artemis chasing the boar, George Washington (who, by the way, was a son of Athena) crossing the Delaware. "Hey, Grover," Percy called. He turned at the edge of the woods. "Wherever you're going—I hope they make good enchiladas." Grover grinned, and then he was gone, the trees closing around him. "We'll see him again," Annabeth said. July passed. I spent my daysplanning out strategies with Luke for capture-the-flag and making alliances with the other cabins to keep the banner out of Ares's hands. I got to the top of the climbing wall for the first time without getting scorched by lava. From time to time, Percy and I would walk past the Big House, he'd glance up at the attic windows, and think about the Oracle.
I tried to convince him that its prophecy had come to completion. "You shall go west, and face the god who has turned." "Been there, done that—even though the traitor god had turned out to be Ares rather than Hades." "You shall find what was stolen, and see it safe returned." "Check. One master bolt delivered. One helm of darkness back on Hades." "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend." Percy recited. "Ares had pretended to be our friend, then betrayed us. That must be what the Oracle meant.... Or maybe Nereid?"
"And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end." He sighed. "I had failed to save my mom and lost you..."
"So why are you still uneasy?" The last night of the summer session came all too quickly. The campers had one last meal together. We burned part of our dinner for the gods. At the bonfire, the senior counselors awarded the end-of-summer beads. Percy and I got our own leather necklace, and when I saw the bead for my first summer. The design was pitch black, with a sea-green trident shimmering in the center.
"This is so beautiful..." I smiled to Percy. "The choice was unanimous," Luke announced. "This bead commemorates the first Son of the Sea God at this camp, and the quest he undertook into the darkest part of the Underworld to stop a war!" The entire camp got to their feet and cheered. Even Ares's cabin felt obliged to stand. Athena's cabin steered Annabeth to the front so she could share in the applause. I'm not sure I'd ever felt as happy or sad as I did at that moment. I'd finally found a family, people who cared about me and thought I'd done something right. And in the morning, most of them would be leaving for the year. * * * The next morning, Luke called me. He gave me a paper, telling me to fill it out, and asked me to meet him as soon as I could. I knew Dionysus must've filled it out, because he stubbornly insisted on getting my name wrong: Dear (WRONG NAME) , If you intend to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, you must inform the Big House by noon today. If you do not announce your intentions, we will assume you have vacated your cabin or died a horrible death. Cleaning harpies will begin work at sundown. They will be authorized to eat any unregistered campers. All personal articles left behind will be incinerated in the lava pit. Have a nice day! Mr. D (Dionysus) Camp Director, Olympian Council #12 That's another thing about ADHD. Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face. Summer was over, and I still don't know what to do. I had no where to go to. The only option I had was Percy's or maybe Hades was not joking about inviting me back to the Underworld. Sighing I decided to just meet Luke before filling it for second opinions. The campgrounds were mostly deserted, shimmering in the August heat. All the campers were in their cabins packing up, or running around with brooms and mops, getting ready for final inspection. Argus was helping some of the Aphrodite kids haul their Gucci suitcases and makeup kits over the hill, where the camp's shuttle bus would be waiting to take them to the airport. I was walking around looking for Luke. I jumped when I felt someone tap me from behind. I instinctively unsheathed my knife and turned only to see Luke with his hands raised.
"Whoa! Calm down just me." He laughed.
"Kinda weird seeing someone laugh at a knife pointed at them." I smirked sheathing my knife.
"I only laugh since its you." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Are you done with everything?"
"Not really. I don't know whether to leave or not yet. That's why I came. Help me?" I asked him.
He turned to me and to the forest. "How about you hear me out about something... important and private... then decide?" He gestured towards the forest.
"Not planning on killing me are you?" I squinted at him.
He gasped. "Not you. Never. I would never hurt you."
I let him lead me to a shrouded area of the forest.
"How serious is this thing that you can't let anyone see? I am blindly trusting you here Luke." I laughed nervously. But when he didn't reply I felt something was off. "Luke, okay this isn't cool. How deep into the forest do we have to go?"
"Y/N remember when you said... You want to be the person I trust...? How you promised to help me?"
"Luke?" He took my hand and pulled me sharply. I winced at how hard he pulled me. "That hurts! Let me go!"
He snapped back and let go of my wrist. "I-I'm sorry... Y/N..."
As much as I knew I had to leave, I couldn't I was worried about him. I reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's happening?"
"I did it..." I said and sat on the ground. "I swear I didn't mean to get you hurt. But, I confess to everything. I  stole bolt and helm, I summoned the hound, I gave Percy the cursed shoes... And just now, I tried to kill Percy Jackson." He looked at me with empty eyes.
I shot up and looked at him in emotions I couldn't put in words. "W-Wh---" I wanted to leave and check on Percy. But once again, seeing him right now... I need to stay with him. "Why are you telling me this...?"
"Join me... please?" his voice was weak. He sounded vulnerable. "Let's serve my Lord together..."
"L-Luke... no. I-I can't do that!" I took his shoulder, "Y-You should stay with me instead. How about that, huh? L-Let's explain to Chiron and the others... come on please. I could help you!"
Nothing was working.
"Come with me..." He muttered.
"Luke, I won't join you. You have to change your mind. You can't do this."
"I can't change my mind."
"I can help you with that? How about you go with me huh? I could spend all my time doing this and that. Please, just change your mind."
He didn't reply for a while until he whispered, "Promise me."
"Promise you what?"
"You'll stay with me."
"What? Luke I wo--"
"You won't join... Just...don't stay here for the year... and stay with me."
"I-If I stay with you... what would that mean?"
"Yo-You... might change my mind."
"I'll go." I replied with no hesitation. "I'll leave camp for the year. And I'll find my parent to prove to you that Gods and Goddess aren't all bad. We'll find my parent together."
"I do my lord's bidding--"
"You can still do it. If you want to. But whatever happens... stays only between us. I'll stay with you until I change your mind. And I'll bring you back to camp."
"I would never do anything to ruin your trust in me." He knelt down. It was kinda awkward but hey... "I need you."
Worry not hero. We shall stay.
We'll meet again. Wait for us, we shall join you soon. Now leave.
I had no idea what happened since when I came to Luke was gone and there was no sign of him anywhere. How were we going to st---
We will meet him once we leave. Now go as our hero needs us.
I suddenly remembered Percy's state that Luke had told me about. So I ran. I ran to the Big House
Percy finally opened his eyes. He was propped up in bed in the sickroom of the Big House, his right hand bandaged like a club. Argus stood guard in the corner. Annabeth and I sat next to Percy, I was holding his nectar glass and she was dabbing a washcloth on his forehead.
"Here we are again," Percy said. "You idiot," Annabeth said, "You were green and turning gray when we found you. If it weren't for Chiron's healing..." "Now, now," Chiron's voice said. "Percy's constitution deserves some of the credit." He was sitting near the foot of the bed in human form. His lower half was magically compacted into the wheelchair, his upper half dressed in a coat and tie. He smiled, but his face looked weary and pale, the way it did when he'd been up all night grading Latin papers. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Like my insides have been frozen, then microwaved." "Apt, considering that was pit scorpion venom. Now you must tell me, if you can, exactly what happened." Between sips of nectar, he told them the story.
I bit my lip trying to keep what happened between Luke and I private. It was a risky move that would not be approved by anyone after all. The room was quiet for a long time. "I can't believe that Luke..." Annabeth's voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad. "Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him.... He was never the same after his quest."
Percy was looking at me as if checking what was my reaction to his story. "This must be reported to Olympus," Chiron murmured. "I will go at once." "Luke is out there right now," Percy said. "I have to go after him." Chiron shook his head. "No, Percy. The gods—" "Won't even talk about Kronos," Percy snapped. "Zeus declared the matter closed!" "Percy, I know this is hard. But you must not rush out for vengeance. You aren't ready." "Chiron... your prophecy from the Oracle... it was about Kronos, wasn't it? Was I in it? Y/N? And Annabeth?" Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. "Percy, it isn't my place—" "You've been ordered not to talk to me about it, haven't you?" His eyes were sympathetic, but sad. "You will be a great hero, child. I will do my best to prepare you. But if I'm right about the path ahead of you..." Thunder boomed overhead, rattling the windows. "All right!" Chiron shouted. "Fine!" He sighed in frustration. "The gods have their reasons, Percy. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing." "We can't just sit back and do nothing," He said. "We will not sit back," Chiron promised. "But you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come." "Assuming I live that long." Chiron put his hand on Percy's ankle. "You'll have to trust me, Percy. You will live. But first you must decide your path for the coming year. I cannot tell you the right choice...." I got the feeling that he had a very definite opinion, and it was taking all his willpower not to advise me. "But you must decide whether to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, or return to the mortal world for seventh grade and be a summer camper. Think on that. When I get back from Olympus, you must tell me your decision." "I'll be back as soon as I can," Chiron promised. "Argus will watch over you." He glanced at Annabeth. "Oh, and, my dear... whenever you're ready, they're here." "Who's here?" Percy asked. Nobody answered. Chiron rolled himself out of the room. I heard the wheels of his chair clunk carefully down the front steps, two at a time. Annabeth studied the floor. "What's wrong?" Percy asked her. "Nothing. I ... just took your advice about something. You ... um ... need anything?" "Yeah. Help me up. I want to go outside." "Percy, that isn't a good idea." Percy slid his legs out of bed. Annabeth and I caught him before he could crumple to the floor.
I said, "I told you ..." "I'm fine," He insisted.
He managed a step forward. Then another, still leaning heavily on me. Argus followed us outside, but he kept his distance. By the time we reached the porch, his face was beaded with sweat. But we had managed to make it all the way to the railing. It was dusk. The camp looked completely deserted. The cabins were dark and the volleyball pit silent. No canoes cut the surface of the lake. Beyond the woods and the strawberry fields, the Long Island Sound glittered in the last light of the sun. "What are you going to do?" Annabeth asked us. "I don't know." Percy replied. "I got the feeling Chiron wanted me to stay year-round, to put in more individual training time, but I'm not sure that's what I want. I also don't want to leave you both with Clarisse only." Annabeth pursed her lips, then said quietly, "I'm going home for the year, Percy." He stared at her. "You mean, to your dad's?" She pointed toward the crest of Half-Blood Hill. Next to Thalia's pine tree, at the very edge of the camp's magical boundaries, a family stood silhouetted—two little children, a woman, and a tall man with blond hair. They seemed to be waiting. The man was holding a backpack that looked like the one Annabeth had gotten from Waterland in Denver. "I wrote him a letter when we got back," Annabeth said. "Just like you suggested. I told him... I was sorry. I'd come home for the school year if he still wanted me. He wrote back immediately. We decided... we'd give it another try." "That took guts." She pursed her lips. "You won't try anything stupid during the school year, will you? At least ... not without sending me an Iris-message? Both of you?" Percy managed a smile. "I won't go looking for trouble. I usually don't have to."
"You already know my plans."
"When I get back next summer," she said, "we'll hunt down Luke. We'll ask for a quest, but if we don't get approval, we'll sneak off and do it anyway. Agreed?" "Sounds like a plan worthy of Athena."
She held out her hand. Percy shook it. She gave me a hug. "Take care, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth told Percy. "Keep your eyes open."
"You too, Wise Girl."
Then turned to me, "Good luck on your own quest Droopy."
"Of course Peabody." We watched her walk up the hill and join her family. She gave her father an awkward hug and looked back at the valley one last time. She touched Thalia's pine tree, then allowed herself to be lead over the crest and into the mortal world. "I made my decision." Percy said. "What's yours?"
"I'll be leaving camp... I'm going to look for my parent..." He looked at me in shock. "I'll be back next summer," I promised him. "I'll survive until then."
I smiled at him.
"Don't you want to stay with us? Mom said---"
"I want to find my parent. I need to. I'll be fine Percy."
I helped Percy to his cabin so he could pack and went to mine. To my surprise I see a middle-aged man with an athletic figure slim and fit with salt-and-pepper hair, and a very familiar sly grin. He had bags at his foot.
"Delivery for Y/N L/N."
"Hermes." He said.
I froze and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Personally packed. As a thank you for what you're about to do." He smiled softly and handed me the bags.
"For helping Luke."
Don't forget her mail!
Ooh! And tell her to bring us snacks next time we meet since it'll be often now!
No it wouldn't be often! She'll be with Luke!
"Both of you keep quiet." Pulling out a mail he handed it to me. "Luke... prayed to me telling me about your plan. He asked me to help you. I don't know what or why he did it. But I know he'll change thanks to you. So do guide him."
"Sorry you lost me at the talking air..." I blinked.
Hermes laughed and showed a caduceus. "It's just George and Martha."
"I just wanted to let you know. No god or goddess could see you. No matter how hard they tried. So your secrets.. are really secrets. Good luck on your travel."
Next time we meet you should have snacks.
Then he vanished.
Staring at the letter on my hand, I was stunned seeing it was from... my mom and dad.
You've made quite a friend here.
-Mom and Dad.
I immediately knew where to look. I hurriedly took my bags not bothering to check the contents. I ran to Percy's cabin and helped him out so we could leave.
Percy got a cab and looked at me worriedly.
"I'll write you. Stay safe Arthur Curry." I ruffled his hair and watched him go.
I didn't know where to go so I just went to the first secluded area I saw.
"You have more stuffs than when you arrived." I heard someone behind me.
"You prayed to your dad. I hope he knows how to pack." I sighed turning to him. Turning around I barely made out Luke from the few days I last saw him. "You okay?"
"Do you know where to look first?"
Call upon our hound.
I whistled, I don't know why. But when I did, D/N came out of the blue. Luke looked at me and my dear dog, who was probably bigger than the hound he'd summon back then. "How do feel about L.A?" I said riding on D/N and making space behind me for Luke.
~~~END OF BOOK 1~~~
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros": Rat Tail
*Every god has their secrets....this is the tale of Ares's secret*
Dionysus, Apollo and Hermes: *chatting away about stuff*
Ares: *comes in sort of dancing after a long day of WAAAARRRHHHHH* do do do, de do *takes his helmet off, revealing a slightly long but thin braided rat tail just gently unravel down his shoulder*
Dionysus, Apollo and Hermes: *stop everything and just stare at the literal war crime against humanity that was hiding under Ares's helmet this whole time* (̲̅ ͡ಠ_ಠ)̲̅.......
Ares: *goes over to a fountain to wash up like some homeless dude.*
Dionysus: *raises arm and over dramatically points at Ares*......OH SHIT. A RAT!....tail.
Ares: *turns around nonchalantly* ugh....yeah....yeh guys didn't know?
Apollo: Oh really? Did you HONESTLY think we would even suspect the existence of that........THING?!?
Hermes: Yeah man, I mean... really? A rat tail????
Ares: Ugh...yeah...I mean, it's convenient.
Ares: ok I'll bite, why do you guys have such a problem with my hair style?
Apollo: *deeply offended and disgusted by it* oh how do I put it.......ITS FUCKING HORRID.
Dionysus: *personally feeling like Ares could do better with a mullet or something* yeah ugh....looks a little out dated
Hermes: *actually having the insatiable craving to just pluck it right off* ugh...*sweats profusely* .......*does the grabby hand thing and just kinda is mesmerized at the possibility of just easily ripping that tantalizingly thin braided strand like an satisfying ASMR video* ....hhhhnnnnggggg.
Ares: .... First off, fuck off. I ain't getting rid of my "Leonidas's rope". Second, you guys don't understand how hard it is to maintain this look and third off Aphrodite braided it herself so ain't losing that too.
Apollo: Oh there's your accomplice.
Dionysus: I always knew she was an enabler how toxic of her to do so.
Hermes: ....*slowly sneaks closer*
Ares: *slowly backs away.* Screw you guys, I'm going to get a snack. *Covers his rat tail with his hand while he runs off*
Hermes: *like a predator who has been triggered by the running of his prey* must. yank. *
Apollo: *grabs Hermes's collar* no no. I have a plan.
Hermes: *whines* ....but...it would have been so....゚.*・。゚satisfying ☆゚.*・。゚
Ares: *eats his 3rd gryo*
Dionysus: *tries to lasso the rat tail*
Ares: *moves like 3 inches*
Dionysus: *lassos an amphora, pulls the lasso without realizing he has pulled the wrong thing and gets the whole bottle to the face*
Ares: *reaches for the amphora but he notices it's gone.*..........*shrugs and goes get another*
Dionysus: ow.
*later again, in Hephaestus's secret lab*
Apollo: So...do you have any suggestions?
Hermes: *playing with what looks like a stim toy because he got bored* c:
Hephaestus: hmm...yes.... Ares's unfortunate choice of hairstyle is a challenge...but...I do have an idea. *Pulls a rope and a overly complicated Rube Goldberg-esk guillotine the cuts a pumpkin in half* .....
Apollo and Hermes: *both feeling that was WAY too much* ....
Hephaestus: .....
Apollo: ...um... don't you have something a little less..... drastic?
Hephaestus: *lying through his teeth knowing the plan was to at least save his marriage by just killing Ares* ....I apologized dear half-brother...but I'm afraid that is beyond my capabilities.
Apollo and Hermes: *look at each other*
Ares: *standing in the middle of a platform with ropes and such tied to different places on his body and only the one tied to his rat tail actually does anything*.....are you sure this isn't going to emancipate me for my 'rope'
Hermes: Wut? Oh no of course not, me and Heracles just wanted to do...ugh...an experiment. *Holding on to one rope on a pulley system*
Heracles: *has been brought from his room to harass Ares, holding on to the other*
*later after that failed spectacularly*
Dionysus: *puts a raw steak on his face from earlier* ....so....no plan?
Hermes: no....and I've already satisfied my craving to yank that thing off. Honestly it probably wouldn't have been interesting anyway.
Apollo: *massages his temples* that disgusting, trashy and absolutely repulsive little yarn weff is getting to me.
Dionysus: guys let's be real here ....are we all really going to let Ares's braid really bother us?
Apollo: I REFUSE to relate to another god who wears THAT behind his occipital region of his head.
Ares: *comes in* alright that's it, I'm sick of you guys being so fucking weird about my 'rope' and honestly it's not like you guys have something to hate either! Apollo you and your stupid bowtie on your head makes you look like a poodle! Dionysus I don't know what the shit is going on with your hair so for fuck's sake get a haircut and Hermes.....ugh....YOUR HAT WINGS PISS ME OFF....sort of.
Apollo: *not actually bothered by that comment considering its removable*
Dionysus: *scoff* I see you're jealous of my mane dude.
Hermes: *wings droop* :c
Ares: See? Doesn't fucking suck for someone else t-*hears a snip* .....
Apollo, Dionysus and Hermes: 👁️👄👁️
Artemis: *with a pair of scissors, has just cut the rat tail*...wut?
Ares: *absolutely speechless*......
Apollo: *surprisingly thankful* ARTEMIS! What on earth was that act of mercy for? :D
Artemis: wut? You guys don't have the urge to cut the tails off of rats or anything? Just me? Ok.
Dionysus and Hermes: *wanting to laugh like crazy but slightly feels like Ares is going lose his shit so their just quite*
Ares: *turns around in disbelief* ..........you... little....
Artemis: *unloving gives Ares his rat tail back* whatever Ares, fucking gross looking thing anyways. *Walks away*
Ares: *kneels down in defeat*..........
Apollo: well well well it seems everything is back to normal.
Ares: *sees that Artemis left the scissors, sees only red* .....well....looks like we got to go *picks up the scissors, looks at the trio* BALD.
Apollo, Dionysus and Hermes: *suddenly happy feelings gone.
Zeus and Hera: *waiting for the Olympians to arrive at the meeting*
Ares: *walks in a fresh buzz cut sits down*
Apollo: *expressionless and with his hair sloppily chopped in various places, looking like it was a home job*....
Dionysus: *slightly similar but he's feeling like a sheered lamb* .....
Hermes: *has a slightly messy version of a buzz cut but there's a really sloppy fade*
Zeus and Hera: *honestly have no idea what happened and look at Ares*
Ares: *has the look of satisfaction on his face*
Apollo: *sits down and slumps over*
Ares: *doesn't even have to turn his head*
Apollo: I hope you choke on those brass balls of yours because I hope you enjoy retaliation.
Ares: Name a place and time and we'll trade hands you pansy.
Apollo: man slut.
Zeus: BOYS!
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algumaideia · 3 years
The ableism in the Acotar series
I was thinking about all the problematic aspects of the Acotar books, and I realized that they are pretty ableist. I don’t know if someone have already talked about it, but just in case I’ll do it. But before I start, I need to say some things:
1. I haven’t read the series for a while, and I don’t remember some stuff. So, I might write something that is wrong.
2. I’m not disabled myself. This post is based on my research about disabilities and how disabled people are represented in the media. I have a lot of interest in the subject, and I also researched about it because I’m writing a story with several disabled characters. I also did a school project about assistive technologies.
3. English is not my mother language and I’m still learning it. There are gonna be spelling and grammar mistakes. I’m sorry about it, but it is life.
4. I haven’t read the acosf book, so maybe SJM changed the story or some character in this book and therefore my post will be incorrect.
5. Besides the fact that I consider Emerie to be disabled, I won’t talk about her in the post. Because as I said I didn’t read acosf and I think that her appearance in the acofas has the same purpose that the other female Illyrians (since Idk how to write Illyrians this will be write wrong in the entire post, I’m sorry).
6. I forget the name of some characters and I don’t want to search it, so I’ll just give them new names.
Now let’s begin.
I’ll analyze the following characters in this post: Papa Acheron, Lucien, Cassian and Ianthe, the woman from the library and the female Illyrians, the female creature from the forest, the Illyrian soldiers that came back from the war and the girl who couldn’t fly. I think I forgot someone, but patience. In the end of the post I’ll talk about disabilities, ableism and worldbuilding.
I also would like to say that almost all her characters got their disability as a punishment, and the problem with this is that it always links disability with something bad.
Papa Acheron:
As I said Papa Acheron got his disability as a punishment, since he didn’t pay his debts, some people went in this house and broke his leg. I might be wrong, but I think that it didn’t healed well and because of that he has chronic pain. So, to better analyze him I’ll compare him to two other characters with chronic pain, Kaz Brekker and Melissa, one of my main characters.
Papa Acheron became useless after he became disabled. He thought he was useless and by extension Feyre thought it too. I’m not saying that internalized ableism doesn’t exist, but the narrative never calls it out. Feyre accepts this excuse, it is kind of implied that if he weren’t disabled, he would be able to help his family and get money. Now let’s look to Kaz (I haven’t read the second book of the duology, please no spoilers). He accepts his disability, not only that but he uses his cane as one of his symbols. He goes against the idea that a disabled person is stuck with a cane or a wheelchair or whatever. He feels free with his cane. Now, this doesn’t mean that every disabled character needs to feel okay with his disability. My character, Melissa, feels a lot of anger because of her chronic pain. It hurts her, it disrupts her plans, it makes her suffer. However, it didn’t stop her to live her life and she also is not seeking anyone’s pity, which is very different from the Papa Acheron situation. Mel has friends, a social life, she studies, she will have a job, she will date, get married and have children. She doesn’t feel mad because she is disabled, she is also autistic, and she loves that part of herself. What bothers her is that her disability makes her feels a lot of pain. Papa Acheron is just someone to you feel bad and angry about. He doesn’t do anything because he is disabled and believes that this makes his useless and the narrative kind of agrees with him.
Lucien doesn’t have one eye, and that’s what makes him disabled. He became disabled as a punishment for falling in love with a lesser fae and not only that, but he is only without his mechanic/magic eye when he is on his worse. He was without his eye when his family was torturing and banishing him. And then when he was UTM. Again, disability being connected with bad things. Now about his mechanic eye. The first time that Feyre describes his eye she says it is creepy. Which is bad. But also, why it had to be magic and give him the ability to see spells or something like that (this was never brought back btw)? Why can’t he have a normal mechanical eye? Why he needs a mechanical eye? Why does his mechanical eye need to compensate the fact he is disabled? He is as much complete with and without his eye.
Cassin and Ianthe:
I put this two together for one reason, their disabilities were cured. I’ll talk about Cassian first. When they invaded Hybrein (I also don’t know how to write the name of the country) they hurt his wings badly. And considering that to Illyrians the wings are as much a limb as an arm or a leg, he was disabled for a while. (I’m aware that to something be considered a disability it needs to be long lasting. But I think that the fact that it was cured is ableist, if I’m not wrong the text said it was a miracle he was healed.)Then we had Cassian in the floor with his wings all damaged, suffering a lot, what a horrible scene. But don’t worry! The next time he’ll appear completely cured, because being disabled is such a horrible thing and SJM never used deus ex machina to save her characters. So, this injured made him disabled for a while, and it could be interesting. The wings are the Illyrian symbol, the symbol of their toxic masculinity and their sexism. Cassian being disabled because of his wings would make him revalue his culture and his own idea of masculinity and it would be so amazing. But he was cured. I think that this makes Cassian falls in the disabled for one day trope. Just like Ianthe. First the way she became disabled was disgusting. Feyre invading her mind was such a horrible thing to do. I’m not denying that Ianthe is a terrible person/fae but that doesn’t change the fact that it was a horrible scene. I really dislike characters with telepathic powers, because for me their powers are crossing a line. They invade and control someone’s mind. They take off the person free will. They basically turn the person in a robot. If I remember correctly when Feyre made Ianthe broke her hand it was with the purpose to make it useless. And when she appeared again in all her glory she was, surprise, surprise, cured.
The woman from the library and the female Illyrians:
I put they together because their disabilities are used for the same two purposes. The first is that they became disabled as a punishment for being female, and the second it to show how FEMINIST Rhysand is. He isn’t feminist, so all these women suffered for nothing. Again, disability being linked with bad things. The symbol of the female Illyrians suffering is they becoming disabled. NOT GOOD AT ALL. About the woman from the library, she was there to also show how good Feyre is. She is there so we can feel pity of her. She didn’t deserve it.
The female creature who couldn’t see:
My problem with her is that it is implied/said that she has better senses because she is blind. And that’s not how it works?? People just pay more attention in what they hear, touch or smell when they are blind/visually impaired.
The girl who couldn’t fly:
I'm gonna call her Anna. First Anna is like the only character who just have a disability. No trauma, no war, no punishment. She just has. Then she is a great disabled character, right? Wrong. She has inspirational porn written all over her story. She is there to make Feyre feel better about herself and make other abled people/fae feel inspired. She is there so we can say: ohhh poor thing, but at least she overcame her disability and now can fly. So ableist. Anna is also only valued after proving herself useful. That is wrong. Disabled people should be valued because they are people. They don’t need to be amazing in anything to be treated with respect.
The Illyrian soldiers:
My problem with them is how their disability is used to reinforce sexism and make Cassian and Rhysand feel bad. But what about the Illyrian soldiers? How are they feeling? It seems this is not important. They also bother me because of worldbuilding questions.
Disabilities, ableism and worldbuilding:
First, why humans and fae feel the same about disabled people? Feyre has the same opinion the IC have. And the humans and fae were separated for 500 years. This doesn’t make sense. Every court think the same thing about disabled fae? Does something change if the disabled fae is a lesser or a higher fae? It should make a difference. A real world example of how social class affects the way disabled people are treated: the first school for deaf people created only taught children of the nobles.
And why the way people look to disabled fae didn’t change after the war? What about the assistive technology? You know what, it is unrealistic the fact that we don’t have any assistive technology in this world. But this happen in the antient times, how could there be any assistive technology? First, assistive technology is everything that helps a disabled person, a cane, a screen reader, a scooter. Everything can be an assistive technology. Second, assistive technologies exist since the antiente times. One of the oldest prothesis were found in a mummy. There is a painting of Hephaestus using a wheelchair. And considering that this series happens in what was supposed to be the Middle ages, it was supposed to have assistive technologies. Wheelchairs during this time were heavy and the user couldn’t use it by himself, but they existed. There are records of a king using a wheelchair during the middle ages. And I mean with the war something was supposed to change. The first place to blind people in the France was created because 300 soldiers came back from the crusades without their eyes. It was in the century 20 that disabled people started to be more included in the society. And one of the reasons were the soldiers that came back from WW1 and WW2 disabled. Not only that but in war times the technology improves, so a lot of new assistive technologies and materials were created during this time. The first record of guide dogs comes from 1819 in school in Vienna, but it didn’t work. Only after WW1 that guide dogs appeared again. And you know with what purpose? Help veterans that were blind due to the war. Braille was a system used for the French army during battles. Louis Braille only made it simpler. The war should change something.
Why is the world ableist?  The excuse that this is an antient society doesn’t work my friend. The Egypt was a very including country. Blind people could be part of any social class. Dwarfs were part of the society since they had a dwarf god. In antient Japan blind people were expected to be independent. They could work with music, religion, telling stories etc. And the work of telling stories was very important since it made the Japanese tradition to continue. The excuse that this is an antient society is just this, an excuse. Now she could have used to say something. Leigh Bardugo used the ableism of her world to criticize the ableism of our world. I’m doing the same thing with my story. SJM made an ableist world just because.
That was my analysis. I’m sorry this was very long. I know this was a little confusing, but it was very difficult to put all the stuff that was in my mind in text. In my mind everythig made sense, but when I was writing it I realized I wasn’t following a logical argument. If that makes sense. Anyway, thank you for reading it.
If you read the books and realized I wrote something wrong, please tell me. If you are disabled and think I said something offensive, I’d love to hear you. If you are non-disabled and want to comment and give your opinion, feel free. And if you don’t want to comment, don’t do it. You can do whatever you want.
Best regards,
Ps. This is my first post in Tumblr, so I don’t know if I tagged it right, if you want to help, I would be really grateful.
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halothenthehorns · 2 years
"Huh, that's a real mystery head scratcher of a title going on there," Alex rolled her eyes when she read the newest one.
"I think, and it's just a wild guess here, but this might be about our capture the flag game," Will offered with sincere sarcasm.
"You're a miracle Will," Jason agreed, mostly for chancing such a thing when Alex rolled her eyes harder and looked longingly at her garrote for a moment before deciding to read.
'We don't even get the mystery of who wins the game,' Hearth mock sighed as Magnus chuckled.
The next few days I settled into a routine that felt almost normal, if you don't count the fact that I was getting lessons from satyrs, nymphs, and a centaur.
"I take ASL from an elf, so what is normal?" Magnus grinned.
Each morning I took Ancient Greek from Annabeth, and we talked about the gods and goddesses in the present tense, which was kind of weird. I discovered Annabeth was right about my dyslexia: Ancient Greek wasn't that hard for me to read. At least, no harder than English. After a couple of mornings, I could stumble through a few lines of Homer without too much headache.
"Still feels like a punishment worthy of Mrs. Dodds," Nico grimaced.
  The rest of the day, I'd rotate through outdoor activities, looking for something I was good at. Chiron tried to teach me archery, but we found out pretty quick I wasn't any good with a bow and arrow. He didn't complain, even when he had to desnag a stray arrow out of his tail.
"So that's why he finally approved Lee to start teaching the class," Will grinned. "He'd been asking for months, thanks Percy."
"You're welcome? Any time," he snorted.
Foot racing? No good either. The wood-nymph instructors left me in the dust. They told me not to worry about it. They'd had centuries of practice running away from lovesick gods. But still, it was a little humiliating to be slower than a tree.
"So are the satyrs, and you've seen how fast they can move," Thalia grinned.
And wrestling? Forget it. Every time I got on the mat, Clarisse would pulverize me.
"I'm trying to imagine wrestling a monster to the ground and wet myself a little," Magnus admitted, neither the fury or minotaur seemed easy to put in a headlock.
"I bet Ares would claim you on the spot if you tried though, child of his or not," Alex laughed.
"There's more where that came from, punk," she'd mumble in my ear.
The only thing I really excelled at was canoeing, and that wasn't the kind of heroic skill people expected to see from the kid who had beaten the Minotaur.
"Hey, that's no pushover skill though," Will rubbed his shoulder, "I was impressed."
It still sounded a bit demeaning coming from him too though, so Percy said nothing.
I knew the senior campers and counselors were watching me, trying to decide who my dad was, but they weren't having an easy time of it.
"Actually I think most of them suspected and just wanted to be wrong," Thalia disagreed. Children of the Big Three always meant bigger problems on the horizon.
I wasn't as strong as the Ares kids, or as good at archery as the Apollo kids. I didn't have Hephaestus's skill with metalwork or-gods forbid- Dionysus's way with vine plants. Luke told me I might be a child of Hermes, a kind of jack-of-all-trades, master of none. But I got the feeling he was just trying to make me feel better. He really didn't know what to make of me either.
Despite all that, I liked camp. I got used to the morning fog over the beach, the smell of hot strawberry fields in the afternoon, even the weird noises of monsters in the woods at night. I would eat dinner with cabin eleven, scrape part of my meal into the fire, and try to feel some connection to my real dad.
Nothing came. Just that warm feeling I'd always had, like the memory of his smile. I tried not to think too much about my mom, but I kept wondering: if gods and monsters were real, if all this magical stuff was possible, surely there was some way to save her, to bring her back...
Magnus tried not to feel too bitter towards him if this turned out to be true, but it made him resentful of whatever his own heritage was. Did the Greek's have an easier time of getting their dead back, could he have saved his mom, possibly still get her back if he'd just had a different dad?
I started to understand Luke's bitterness and how he seemed to resent his father, Hermes. So okay, maybe gods had important things to do. But couldn't they call once in a while, or thunder, or something? Dionysus could make Diet Coke appear out of thin air. Why couldn't my dad, who-ever he was, make a phone appear?
"I don't think they see it that way," Will spoke with the air of someone who'd had to explain this one to many times. "After their 900th kid dying to young, maybe they think it's for the best to put a little distance there rather than living through the heartbreak every time."
"You're assuming they feel the loss of their kids, and it's not just uncaring," Jason said with a quiet resolve.
Thalia opened her mouth, but then quickly closed it as she had no answer for him. Her father had allowed her baby brother to be taken from her to preserve his precious marriage to Hera which he still never wished to be faithful to. He'd turned her into a tree, rather than saving her life, just her essence. How much caring had gone into that act, and how much was just defiance in the face of Hades for setting her death in motion?
Thursday afternoon, three days after I'd arrived at Camp Half-Blood, I had my first sword-fighting lesson.
Magnus made an uneasy face and signed, 'wish they had book club instead.'
'I'm sure the Athena cabin does,' he nodded.
Everybody from cabin eleven gathered in the big circular arena, where Luke would be our instructor.
Will swallowed bile and fought back the urge to caution Percy about getting stabbed in the back. Thalia cleared her throat for a moment and still managed to pretend this wasn't bothering her one bit. She'd known Luke the longest as her best friend..maybe even more. Her time after the tree had left her with too much time, and not enough to dwell on all the ins and outs of his betrayal.
We started with basic stabbing and slashing, using some straw-stuffed dummies in Greek armor. I guess I did okay. At least, I understood what I was supposed to do and my reflexes were good.
The problem was, I couldn't find a blade that felt right in my hands. Either they were too heavy, or too light, or too long. Luke tried his best to fix me up, but he agreed that none of the practice blades seemed to work for me.
"How come you didn't get that one back, the pen sword Chiron gave you?" Alex asked in surprise. "Seemed to be your weapon."
"Maybe it was just on loan in the face of a Kindly One?" But Percy looked confused as well as he grasped it in his pocket.
We moved on to dueling in pairs. Luke announced he would be my partner, since this was my first time.
"Good luck," one of the campers told me. "Luke's the best swordsman in the last three hundred years."
"Maybe he'll go easy on me," I said.
The camper snorted.
Luke showed me thrusts and parries and shield blocks the hard way. With every swipe, I got a little more battered and bruised. "Keep your guard up, Percy," he'd say, then whap me in the ribs with the flat of his blade. "No, not that far up!" Whap! "Lunge!" Whap! "Now, back!" Whap!
"Sounds like a very hands on teacher," Magnus said with distaste, imagining his friends slapping him every time he got a sign wrong.
"Fastest way to learn," Jason was smiling, like he'd enjoy having a chat with Luke.
By the time he called a break, I was soaked in sweat. Everybody swarmed the drinks cooler. Luke poured ice water on his head, which looked like such a good idea, I did the same.
Instantly, I felt better. Strength surged back into my arms. The sword didn't feel so awkward.
"If only you'd articulated those thoughts, the toilets wouldn't have been the anomaly," Nico scoffed.
"I still don't think we would have believed it until the sign," Will shook his head.
"Okay, everybody circle up!" Luke ordered. "If Percy doesn't mind, I want to give you a little demo."
Great, I thought. Let's all watch Percy get pounded.
The Hermes guys gathered around. They were suppressing smiles. I figured they'd been in my shoes before and couldn't wait to see how Luke used me for a punching bag. He told everybody he was going to demonstrate a disarming technique: how to twist the enemy's blade with the flat of your own sword so that he had no choice but to drop his weapon.
"This is difficult," he stressed. "I've had it used against me. No laughing at Percy, now. Most swordsmen have to work years to master this technique."
He demonstrated the move on me in slow motion. Sure enough, the sword clattered out of my hand.
"Now in real time," he said, after I'd retrieved my weapon. "We keep sparring until one of us pulls it off. Ready, Percy?"
I nodded, and Luke came after me. Somehow, I kept him from getting a shot at the hilt of my sword. My senses opened up. I saw his attacks coming. I countered. I stepped forward and tried a thrust of my own.
Luke deflected it easily, but I saw a change in his face. His eyes narrowed, and he started to press me with more force.
The sword grew heavy in my hand. The balance wasn't right. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before Luke took me down, so I figured, What the heck?
I tried the disarming maneuver.
My blade hit the base of Luke's and I twisted, putting my whole weight into a downward thrust.
Luke's sword rattled against the stones. The tip of my blade was an inch from his undefended chest.
"And that was a splash of fresh water and your first practice," Thalia congratulated. "You're a menace now a days."
Percy smiled at the compliment, he'd never imagined himself that good at anything before.
The other campers were silent.
I lowered my sword. "Um, sorry."
For a moment, Luke was too stunned to speak.
"Sorry?" His scarred face broke into a grin. "By the gods, Percy, why are you sorry? Show me that again!"
"Is there a god of sword fighting?" Alex continued to faux play they had no clue what was coming.
"God of weaponry, Hephaestus," Will admitted, "but building and using the tools isn't the same thing, so it's not a sure bet."
I didn't want to. The short burst of manic energy had completely abandoned me. But Luke insisted.
This time, there was no contest. The moment our swords connected, Luke hit my hilt and sent my weapon skidding across the floor.
After a long pause, somebody in the audience said, "Beginner's luck?"
Luke wiped the sweat off his brow. He appraised at me with an entirely new interest. "Maybe," he said. "But I wonder what Percy could do with a balanced sword... ."
"Take over the world," Magnus grandly announced.
"Don't tempt me," Percy put on a posh voice, "you've all agreed I'm already lord of the bathrooms."
"Oh we're doomed," Thalia laughed.
Friday afternoon, I was sitting with Grover at the lake, resting from a near-death experience on the climbing wall. Grover had scampered to the top like a mountain goat, but the lava had almost gotten me. My shirt had smoking holes in it. The hairs had been singed off my forearms.
"At least you still had your eyebrows," Alex said.
We sat on the pier, watching the naiads do underwater basket-weaving, until I got up the nerve to ask Grover how his conversation had gone with Mr. D.
His face turned a sickly shade of yellow.
"Fine," he said. "Just great."
"So believable, like snow in July," Jason frowned.
"So your career's still on track?"
He glanced at me nervously. "Chiron t-told you I want a searcher's license?"
"Is that like, a hunting license?" Jason asked in surprise. 
"What's he searching for?" Magnus added.
"No, and no," Thalia answered, and then reminded why she wouldn't keep answering.
"Well... no." I had no idea what a searcher's license was, but it didn't seem like the right time to ask. "He just said you had big plans, you know ... and that you needed credit for completing a keeper's assignment. So did you get it?"
Grover looked down at the naiads. "Mr. D suspended judgment. He said I hadn't failed or succeeded with you yet, so our fates were still tied together. If you got a quest and I went along to protect you, and we both came back alive, then maybe he'd consider the job complete."
"That's at least more fair than I was imagining," Magnus said, "I was beginning to wonder if Mr. D. was going to make him vanish in the night."
'He didn't strike me as the serial killer god,' Hearthstone said, 'more like eternal suffering being trapped there.' Luke had just said there were no quests on the horizon after all.
My spirits lifted. "Well, that's not so bad, right?"
"Blaa-ha-ha! He might as well have transferred me to stable-cleaning duty. The chances of you getting a quest... and even if you did, why would you want me along?"
"Of course I'd want you along!"
Grover stared glumly into the water. "Basket-weaving ... Must be nice to have a useful skill."
"Depends how you define useful," Alex's tone was one of threatening anyone to disagree with her, but she also had this defensive edge like she was trying to stand up for the craft. She was a mystery like that. Magnus kept finding the ability less and less to look away from her. She was holding the book, so obviously she should have all attention.
I tried to reassure him that he had lots of talents, but that just made him look more miserable. We talked about canoeing and swordplay for a while, then debated the pros and cons of the different gods.
Finally, I asked him about the four empty cabins.
"Number eight, the silver one, belongs to Artemis," he said. "She vowed to be a maiden forever. So of course, no kids. The cabin is, you know, honorary. If she didn't have one, she'd be mad."
"I'm told it was a nightmare trying to construct her's and Apollo's at the exact same time," Will chuckled.
"Yeah, okay. But the other three, the ones at the end. Are those the Big Three?"
Grover tensed. We were getting close to a touchy subject. "No. One of them, number two, is Hera's," he said. "That's another honorary thing. She's the goddess of marriage, so of course she wouldn't go around having affairs with mortals. That's her husband's job. When we say the Big Three, we mean the three powerful brothers, the sons of Kronos."
"Zeus, Poseidon, Hades."
"Right. You know. After the great battle with the Titans, they took over the world from their dad and drew lots to decide who got what."
"Zeus got the sky," I remembered. "Poseidon the sea, Hades the Underworld."
"But Hades doesn't have a cabin here."
"No. He doesn't have a throne on Olympus, either. He sort of does his own thing down in the Underworld. If he did have a cabin here ..." Grover shuddered. "Well, it wouldn't be pleasant. Let's leave it at that."
Nico arched a very distasteful brow at the only culprit in here, and Percy was both glad Grover wasn't here to share that look, and envious of it. "What, it's not like I said it."
"Why would it be so bad?" Magnus asked.
"I honestly have no idea," Will frowned. "The Gods have made a pretty big deal about mirroring our camp with Olympus, the layout and position of the cabins, but that's the only reason I can imagine. The place hasn't exactly been swarmed by the undead since we put one up."
"Not getting on Zeus's bad side seemed like a good enough reason I suppose," Nico looked away from Percy with a careless shrug as if the whole thing fell right back off his back, that he wasn't still fighting off the urge to yell at the heavens and earth for starting him as the opposite of everything he could ever wish to be.
"But Zeus and Poseidon-they both had, like, a bazillion kids in the myths. Why are their cabins empty?"
Grover shifted his hooves uncomfortably. "About sixty years ago, after World War II, the Big Three agreed they wouldn't sire any more heroes. Their children were just too powerful. They were affecting the course of human events too much, causing too much carnage. World War II, you know, that was basically a fight between the sons of Zeus and Poseidon on one side, and the sons of Hades on the other. The winning side, Zeus and Poseidon, made Hades swear an oath with them: no more affairs with mortal women. They all swore on the River Styx."
Thunder boomed.
I said, "That's the most serious oath you can make."
Grover nodded.
"And the brothers kept their word-no kids?"
Thalia gave a very sardonic laugh while Nico's face turned darker than stygian iron. His father had not broken that vow, the only one to have done so, and yet still he was treated as the pariah.
Grover's face darkened. "Seventeen years ago, Zeus fell off the wagon. There was this TV starlet with a big fluffy eighties hairdo-he just couldn't help himself. When their child was born, a little girl named Thalia .. .
Alex paused and looked up at said girl, who simply stared right back without blinking. She hadn't expected her past to be shown like this, especially so early, but she did not let it phase her and simply shooed the girl to keep going.
well, the River Styx is serious about promises. Zeus himself got off easy because he's immortal, but he brought a terrible fate on his daughter."
'One that she had to get herself out of,' Thalia did not consider her tale a tragic one, but she didn't wish it on any other children of Zeus either. Perhaps her baby brother had been the lucky one.
"But that isn't fair. It wasn't the little girl's fault."
"Fair," Alex laughed without humor. "Since when does the universe ever care who's at fault?"
No one disagreed, none of them would exactly stroll around calling their lives fair.
Grover hesitated. "Percy, children of the Big Three have powers greater than other half-bloods. They have a strong aura, a scent that attracts monsters. When Hades found out about the girl, he wasn't too happy about Zeus breaking his oath. Hades let the worst monsters out of Tartarus to torment Thalia. A satyr was assigned to be her keeper when she was twelve,
Thalia made the gesture for warding off evil once more, wishing it would be a powerful enough symbol just to spare Grover these memories, though they would never fade for her no matter how much time passed.
but there was nothing he could do. He tried to escort her here with a couple of other half-bloods she'd befriended. They almost made it. They got all the way to the top of that hill."
He pointed across the valley, to the pine tree where I'd fought the minotaur. "All three Kindly Ones were after them, along with a horde of hellhounds. They were about to be overrun when Thalia told her satyr to take the other two half-bloods to safety while she held off the monsters. She was wounded and tired, and she didn't want to live like a hunted animal. The satyr didn't want to leave her, but he couldn't change her mind, and he had to protect the others.
Percy alternately studied the book and Thalia, a thought right on the edge of his mind there was some detail he was missing of this story, but it wouldn't solidify to him as he looked at Thalia's grim face, the exact same expression Grover had held while telling him this. That Grover had messed up once before... he hissed in pain and frustration while Thalia met his eyes in understanding. He knew she wasn't answering because it would only make his head hurt worse, but she didn't deny the rising understanding simmering in him.
So Thalia made her final stand alone, at the top of that hill.
Alex looked up from the book right at Thalia with pure respect, something she hadn't felt for another person in a very long time.
Hearth wondered if a Valkyrie had been there to witness such an event if a Greek child would make it into Valhalla, and how she'd come back to life. She'd mentioned being a hunter for her goddess, he very much hoped to hear how that story had interlaced with this sacrifice.
As she died, Zeus took pity on her. He turned her into that pine tree. Her spirit still helps protect the borders of the valley. That's why the hill is called Half-Blood Hill."
Magnus opened his mouth with extreme curiosity upon the girl sitting before them, before glancing at Hearth and closing it. He wasn't sure if it was rude or not to ask someone how they'd gotten out of a tree, but she didn't look in the talkative mood regardless.
I stared at the pine in the distance.
The story made me feel hollow, and guilty too. A girl my age had sacrificed herself to save her friends. She had faced a whole army of monsters. Next to that, my victory over the Minotaur didn't seem like much.
"No need to compare us Perce," Thalia grinned wickedly, already causing Percy to roll his eyes before she even finished, "we all know who'd win one v one."
"You really want to go air head?" He laughed. "Down here?"
"Just you wait," she chuckled. Their only fight had been interrupted, but she was still confident she could have shocked him unconscious if not.
I wondered, if I'd acted differently, could I have saved my mother?
Percy sighed, his shoulders slumped, all the fight and joshing drained out of him like someone had found his plug. Thalia looked quickly away to stop herself bursting into speech his mother was safe at home. She'd never wanted to hug Percy before, but he looked like he needed one now.
"Grover," I said, "have heroes really gone on quests to the Underworld?"
"Sometimes," he said. "Orpheus. Hercules. Houdini."
"Houdini was a demigod!" Magnus demanded, more just to break the tension in the room.
"You have no idea," Will grinned.
"And have they ever returned somebody from the dead?"
"No. Never. Orpheus came close... . Percy, you're not seriously thinking-"
"No," I lied.
"Oh, good, I was worried for a second," Nico sighed, wishing he could throw in Percy's face about stopping him from trying to bring back Bianca when he'd been trying to do the same thing at his age!
"I was just wondering. So ... a satyr is always assigned to guard a demigod?"
Grover studied me warily. I hadn't persuaded him that I'd really dropped the Underworld idea.
"I doubt anyone needs to know you well to guess that, let alone your thoughts," Jason nodded, Percy had it written all over his face now.
"Not always. We go undercover to a lot of schools. We try to sniff out the half-bloods who have the makings of great heroes. If we find one with a very strong aura, like a child of the Big Three, we alert Chiron. He tries to keep an eye on them, since they could cause really huge problems."
"And you found me. Chiron said you thought I might be something special."
Grover looked as if I'd just led him into a trap.
'Because technically you did,' Hearth nodded his approval of how casually Percy had managed that.
"I didn't... Oh, listen, don't think like that. If you were-you know-you'd never ever be allowed a quest, and I'd never get my license. You're probably a child of Hermes. Or maybe even one of the minor gods, like Nemesis, the god of revenge. Don't worry, okay?"
I got the idea he was reassuring himself more than me.
Even if the proof of it hadn't already been confirmed, none of them would have really believed that either. Things just lined up too well.
That night after dinner, there was a lot more excitement than usual.
At last, it was time for capture the flag.
When the plates were cleared away, the conch horn sounded and we all stood at our tables.
Campers yelled and cheered as Annabeth and two of her siblings ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was about ten feet long, glistening gray, with a painting of a barn owl above an olive tree.
From the opposite side of the pavilion, Clarisse and her buddies ran in with another banner, of identical size, but gaudy red, painted with a bloody spear and a boar's head.
Jason sat up straiter with interest, his mind spinning already on strategic ways of winning this game and wishing he had a layout of the camp and the list of rules at hand now.
I turned to Luke and yelled over the noise, "Those are the flags?"
"Ares and Athena always lead the teams?"
"Not always," he said. "But often."
"So, if another cabin captures one, what do you do- repaint the flag?"
He grinned. "You'll see. First we have to get one."
"Whose side are we on?"
He gave me a sly look, as if he knew something I didn't.
'Of course Annabeth had let him in on the plan,' Thalia realized without surprise the part of the story her friend had left out.
The scar on his face made him look almost evil in the torchlight.
Her insides flared like a poker had just twisted her guts into spaghetti. If only they'd all known, right then, how much could have been spared...
"Diabolically evil!" Jason chuckled. "How do the alliances work? Does it have to be split even?"
"No," Will answered casually enough like an old friend hadn't just reared up and kicked him, "we've done it multiple different ways, each cabin brings a unique bit to each side, the campers have even been known to sabotage from within, it all depends."
"Sounds awesome," Jason was clearly delighted at the idea of war games. This was the first thing about this camp that truly felt familiar to him!
"We've made a temporary alliance with Athena. Tonight, we get the flag from Ares. And you are going to help."
The teams were announced. Athena had made an alliance with Apollo and Hermes, the two biggest cabins. Apparently, privileges had been traded-shower times, chore schedules, the best slots for activities-in order to win support.
Ares had allied themselves with everybody else: Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus. From what I'd seen, Dionysus's kids were actually good athletes, but there were only two of them. Demeter's kids had the edge with nature skills and outdoor stuff but they weren't very aggressive. Aphrodite's sons and daughters I wasn't too worried about. They mostly sat out every activity and checked their reflections in the lake and did their hair and gossiped.
"Don't underestimate them," Jason disagreed while Alex grumbled about stereotypes. "Venus is very good at manipulation, that can play well in both offense and defense if done right."
Thalia caught his eye and to his surprise, grinned. She seemed to have decided that wherever he was from, she'd enjoy picking his brains and not killing him, for now. He felt guilty all of a sudden, like he was exposing something far greater than just how his mind worked, which in itself should have felt dangerous in such a no man's land to him.
Yet he just smiled back and turned for more with no fear.
Hephaestus's kids weren't pretty, and there were only four of them, but they were big and burly from working in the metal shop all day. They might be a problem. That, of course, left Ares's cabin: a dozen of the biggest, ugliest, meanest kids on Long Island, or anywhere else on the planet.
Chiron hammered his hoof on the marble.
"Heroes!" he announced. "You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more than two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"
"You know the rules, let me tell you the rules anyways," Alex mocked.
"Are those the only rules," Jason confirmed, his own strategy tightening up nicely.
"That, ah, prisoner thing may or may not get abused now and again, but yes," Will shrugged.
"Was I the only one concerned the no killing and maiming had to be specified?" Magnus asked, and was ignored.
He spread his hands, and the tables were suddenly covered with equipment: helmets, bronze swords, spears, oxhide shields coated in metal.
"Whoa," I said. "We're really supposed to use these?"
Luke looked at me as if I were crazy. "Unless you want to get skewered by your friends in cabin five. Here-Chiron thought these would fit. You'll be on border patrol."
My shield was the size of an NBA backboard, with a big caduceus in the middle. It weighed about a million pounds. I could have snowboarded on it fine, but I hoped nobody seriously expected me to run fast. My helmet, like all the helmets on Athena's side, had a blue horsehair plume on top. Ares and their allies had red plumes.
Annabeth yelled, "Blue team, forward!"
We cheered and shook our swords and followed her down the path to the south woods. The red team yelled taunts at us as they headed off toward the north.
I managed to catch up with Annabeth without tripping over my equipment. "Hey."
She kept marching.
"So what's the plan?" I asked. "Got any magic items you can loan me?"
Her hand drifted toward her pocket, as if she were afraid I'd stolen something.
"Maybe she does think you're a child of Hermes," Nico laughed.
"Or just been hanging out with them too much," Will groaned, one to many kids left that cabin from being unclaimed to long still thinking that was the norm.
"Just watch Clarisse's spear," she said. "You don't want that thing touching you. Otherwise, don't worry. We'll take the banner from Ares. Has Luke given you your job?"
"Border patrol, whatever that means."
"It's easy. Stand by the creek, keep the reds away. Leave the rest to me. Athena always has a plan."
She pushed ahead, leaving me in the dust.
"Okay," I mumbled. "Glad you wanted me on your team."
'Next to the creek,' Hearth repeated without surprise.
'She's definitely trying to prove a point' Magnus agreed, hoping it worked out for her, though he worried what would happen to Percy when it did. What would the camp do exactly to a child that shouldn't exist? Thalia seemed testy because of her status, and there was definitely more to that story.
It was a warm, sticky night. The woods were dark, with fireflies popping in and out of view. Annabeth stationed me next to a little creek that gurgled over some rocks, then she and the rest of the team scattered into the trees.
Standing there alone, with my big blue-feathered helmet and my huge shield, I felt like an idiot. The bronze sword, like all the swords I'd tried so far, seemed balanced wrong. The leather grip pulled on my hand like a bowling ball.
There was no way anybody would actually attack me, would they? I mean, Olympus had to have liability issues, right?
Will gave a very awkward laugh that would have been funnier if he'd been trying to actually laugh that off.
Far away, the conch horn blew. I heard whoops and yells in the woods, the clanking of metal, kids fighting. A blue-plumed ally from Apollo raced past me like a deer, leaped through the creek, and disappeared into enemy territory.
Great, I thought. I'll miss all the fun, as usual.
Then I heard a sound that sent a chill up my spine, a low canine growl, somewhere close by.
I raised my shield instinctively; I had the feeling some-thing was stalking me.
Then the growling stopped. I felt the presence retreating.
'Because it had been told to,' Thalia couldn't help but wonder what Luke had been out here doing at the time. He'd tried to kill Percy once before alone in these woods, perhaps he'd been about to try once more even earlier at such an opportune moment if he hadn't been interrupted.
She was the only one who remained fixated on such a minor detail, the others were all instantly riveted when the other threat came onto the scene. Alex read the battle with glorious enthusiasm for the fight, clearly not fearing any of those maimings were coming from a group already bested by toilets since the monster had never made an appearance, perhaps the others even guessed Clarisse herself had made the growling noise. She twisted her bracelet and scolded herself for lingering on him again, whatever Luke had or hadn't been planning was long in the past now.
On the other side of the creek, the underbrush exploded. Five Ares warriors came yelling and screaming out of the dark.
"Cream the punk!" Clarisse screamed.
Her ugly pig eyes glared through the slits of her helmet. She brandished a five-foot-long spear, its barbed metal tip flickering with red light. Her siblings had only the standard-issue bronze swords-not that that made me feel any better.
They charged across the stream. There was no help in sight. I could run. Or I could defend myself against half the Ares cabin.
I managed to sidestep the first kid's swing, but these guys were not as stupid the Minotaur. They surrounded me, and Clarisse thrust at me with her spear. My shield deflected the point, but I felt a painful tingling all over my body. My hair stood on end. My shield arm went numb, and the air burned.
Percy clenched the muscles in his arm in disgust, grateful the feeling didn't actually come back even if he did remember the sensation with great unpleasantness.
Electricity. Her stupid spear was electric. I fell back.
"Looks like we are going to see Percy versus your powers," Nico looked a bit too ecstatic for this.
"Those idiots have nothing on me," she scoffed. Even before she'd been made the Lieutenant with an ethereal grace, she could have disarmed them without so much as a scratch. "Anyone can throw around electricity, I can summoning lightning," she leered with such absolute assurance they all glanced nervously to the ceiling for a moment to make sure it wasn't going to arc down on them now.
Another Ares guy slammed me in the chest with the butt of his sword and I hit the dirt.
They could've kicked me into jelly, but they were too busy laughing.
"Give him a haircut," Clarisse said. "Grab his hair."
I managed to get to my feet. I raised my sword, but Clarisse slammed it aside with her spear as sparks flew. Now both my arms felt numb.
"Oh, wow," Clarisse said. "I'm scared of this guy. Really scared."
"The flag is that way," I told her. I wanted to sound angry, but I was afraid it didn't come out that way.
"Yeah," one of her siblings said. "But see, we don't care about the flag. We care about a guy who made our cabin look stupid."
"Didn't sound like they needed Percy's assistance with that," Alex rolled her eyes.
"You do that without my help," I told them. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to say.
"Nobody ever said the smart thing and the right thing to do is the same," Magnus grinned.
Two of them came at me. I backed up toward the creek, tried to raise my shield, but Clarisse was too fast. Her spear stuck me straight in the ribs. If I hadn't been wearing an armored breastplate, I would've been shish-ke-babbed. As it was, the electric point just about shocked my teeth out of my mouth.
'Nobody call the Greek god of teeth,' Hearth cringed and ran his tongue over his own at the idea.
One of her cabinmates slashed his sword across my arm, leaving a good-size cut.
Seeing my own blood made me dizzy-warm and cold at the same time.
"No maiming," I managed to say.
"Oops," the guy said. "Guess I lost my dessert privilege."
"Is that really the punishment?" Alex couldn't seem to decide if she wanted to laugh at that or not.
"What's Chiron supposed to do, send them to time-out?" Will looked more resigned than anything, and no one could really tell if he was joking.
He pushed me into the creek and I landed with a splash. They all laughed. I figured as soon as they were through being amused, I would die. But then something happened. The water seemed to wake up my senses, as if I'd just had a bag of my mom's double-espresso jelly beans.
Clarisse and her cabinmates came into the creek to get me, but I stood to meet them. I knew what to do. I swung the flat of my sword against the first guy's head and knocked his helmet clean off. I hit him so hard I could see his eyes vibrating as he crumpled into the water.
Ugly Number Two and Ugly Number Three came at me. I slammed one in the face with my shield and used my sword to shear off the other guy's horsehair plume. Both of them backed up quick. Ugly Number Four didn't look really anxious to attack, but Clarisse kept coming, the point of her spear crackling with energy. As soon as she thrust, I caught the shaft between the edge of my shield and my sword, and I snapped it like a twig.
"Ah!" she screamed. "You idiot! You corpse-breath worm!"
"I give her credit for original insults," Nico was just glad she'd never directed those at him.
"You haven't heard the half of it," Will agreed, she could be quite liberal with them.
She probably would've said worse, but I smacked her between the eyes with my sword-butt and sent her stumbling backward out of the creek.
Then I heard yelling, elated screams, and I saw Luke racing toward the boundary line with the red team's banner lifted high. He was flanked by a couple of Hermes guys covering his retreat, and a few Apollos behind them, fighting off the Hephaestus kids. The Ares folks got up, and Clarisse muttered a dazed curse.
"A trick!" she shouted. "It was a trick."
They staggered after Luke, but it was too late. Everybody converged on the creek as Luke ran across into friendly territory. Our side exploded into cheers. The red banner shimmered and turned to silver. The boar and spear were replaced with a huge caduceus, the symbol of cabin eleven. Everybody on the blue team picked up Luke and started carrying him around on their shoulders. Chiron cantered out from the woods and blew the conch horn.
The game was over. We'd won.
I was about to join the celebration when Annabeth's voice, right next to me in the creek, said, "Not bad, hero."
I looked, but she wasn't there.
"Where the heck did you learn to fight like that?" she asked. The air shimmered, and she materialized, holding a Yankees baseball cap as if she'd just taken it off her head.
Nobody seemed truly surprised Annabeth had stuck around to observe her own plan, though all four of the non-greek kids were fascinated at the hat!
I felt myself getting angry. I wasn't even fazed by the fact that she'd just been invisible. "You set me up," I said. "You put me here because you knew Clarisse would come after me, while you sent Luke around the flank. You had it all figured out."
Annabeth shrugged. "I told you. Athena always, always has a plan."
"A plan to get me pulverized."
"I came as fast as I could. I was about to jump in, but ..." She shrugged. "You didn't need help."
"How far back was she hanging exactly," Alex didn't seem to think much of the double-cross even if Percy had never been in real danger from those idiots once he'd gotten in the water.
"Close enough," Thalia said with complete confidence. "Just because she wields a knife doesn't mean you should underestimate her range."
Then she noticed my wounded arm. "How did you do that?"
"Sword cut," I said. "What do you think?"
"No. It was a sword cut. Look at it."
The blood was gone. Where the huge cut had been, there was a long white scratch, and even that was fading. As I watched, it turned into a small scar, and disappeared.
Magnus whistled at the idea of being able to heal like that. "Now there's something I'd trade a pen-sword for."
"I have a bad idea about the limits of it," Percy rubbed his arm where the cut had once been, not at all enjoying the notion his brain offered this was the least of his injuries he'd be remembering.
"I-I don't get it," I said.
Annabeth was thinking hard. I could almost see the gears turning. She looked down at my feet, then at Clarisse's broken spear, and said, "Step out of the water, Percy."
"Just do it."
I came out of the creek and immediately felt bone tired. My arms started to go numb again. My adrenaline rush left me. I almost fell over, but Annabeth steadied me.
"Oh, Styx," she cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want ... I assumed it would be Zeus... ."
"The sky may be more vast, but the ocean has more unknown," Jason murmured.
Before I could ask what she meant, I heard that canine growl again, but much closer than before. A howl ripped through the forest.
The campers' cheering died instantly. Chiron shouted something in Ancient Greek, which I would realize, only later, I had understood perfectly: "Stand ready! My bow!"
Annabeth drew her sword.
There on the rocks just above us was a black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers.
It was looking straight at me.
Nobody moved except Annabeth, who yelled, "Percy, run!"
His heart sure was, creating a new rhythm all its own as he longed to grab her hand and pull her away with him, to throw up a wall of water, whatever annoyance had been there kindled and burst into the shield of his arms he wished he could throw around her, yet she wasn't the one in danger.
She tried to step in front of me, but the hound was too fast. It leaped over her-an enormous shadow with teeth-and just as it hit me, as I stumbled backward and felt its razor-sharp claws ripping through my armor, there was a cascade of thwacking sounds, like forty pieces of paper being ripped one after the other. From the hounds neck sprouted a cluster of arrows. The monster fell dead at my feet.
By some miracle, I was still alive. I didn't want to look underneath the ruins of my shredded armor. My chest felt warm and wet, and I knew I was badly cut. Another second, and the monster would've turned me into a hundred pounds of delicatessen meat.
Chiron trotted up next to us, a bow in his hand, his face grim.
"Di immortales!" Annabeth said. "That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment. They don't ... they're not supposed to ..."
"Someone summoned it," Chiron said. "Someone inside the camp."
Luke came over, the banner in his hand forgotten, his moment of glory gone.
Will scowled at himself for it feeling so obvious in hindsight, it couldn't have been more in their face- there was just the smallest pressure in his side that drew his attention to Nico. He didn't seem to have moved at all, but the sharp jab of his elbow was still felt in a lingering way. Lee and Michale had both been head counselors and worked with Luke even before him and had never suspected a thing, he refused to blame himself for something even Chiron had never figured out.
Clarisse yelled, "It's all Percy's fault! Percy summoned it!"
Alex's hand twitched on instinct, to reach out and punch this idiot in the face. She didn't even like Percy that much, but this petty move riled her up enough she wished she could hit something.
"Be quiet, child," Chiron told her.
We watched the body of the hellhound melt into shadow, soaking into the ground until it disappeared.
"You're wounded," Annabeth told me. "Quick, Percy, get in the water."
"I'm okay."
"No, you're not," she said. "Chiron, watch this."
I was too tired to argue. I stepped back into the creek, the whole camp gathering around me.
Instantly, I felt better. I could feel the cuts on my chest closing up. Some of the campers gasped.
"Look, I-I don't know why," I said, trying to apologize. "I'm sorry..."
But they weren't watching my wounds heal. They were staring at something above my head.
"Percy," Annabeth said, pointing. "Um ..."
By the time I looked up, the sign was already fading, but I could still make out the hologram of green light, spinning and gleaming. A three-tipped spear: a trident.
"Your father," Annabeth murmured. "This is really not good."
"It is determined," Chiron announced.
All around me, campers started kneeling, even the Ares cabin, though they didn't look happy about it.
"My father?" I asked, completely bewildered.
"Poseidon," said Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."
"I'm guessing all campers don't get such a grand introduction like that," Alex frowned as she looked up at the end.
"Guess I'm just lucky that way," Percy said as he got up to take the book. He didn't feel grand, or important, or very godly in that moment. He just felt determined to come full circle, and find out what else he always should have known.
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radiantmists · 3 years
pjo + rqg?
(send me two+ fandoms and I’ll give you some thoughts about a crossover!)
Okay, juicy! I ended up spending way longer on this than 10 minutes but I had fun...
The obvious point of meeting is the greek gods being real in both settings, but the challenge with using that approach is that the gods in PJO function as actual characters, albeit powerful ones, whereas in RQG they're very removed forces of nature. They don't have specific interests for which they give quests; they have a sort of general value set and as long as you live by that, you have their favor. And compare the glimpse of Hades we get in RQG Rome with the portrayal of him in PJO-- very different, yeah?
(at this point i got distracted by something and when i came back i didn’t remember where the above was going, so i’m just gonna leave it there to contemplate)
But! I’m now thinking about the rqg cast as demigods, and specifically the fact that Zolf is like, older, which is established in PJO as an unusual thing for demigods and especially kids of the big three. And like, his brother died in a mining accident, so maybe that was Hades or some other god trying to kill him and getting Feryn instead. And so Zolf goes to sea where he’s not constantly harassed by Hades like he would be in a mine, and miraculously survives a shipwreck (or two?), probably thanks to his powers, and maybe one of those wrecks is partially caused by a monster that’s attracted to his demigod-ness so he’s got some more self-blame attached to that, but he’s also  got this weird relationship with Poseidon where he doesn’t want to be ungrateful for his own life being saved and his powers, but he also resents him for all the suffering that’s happened  around him because of his heritage, and that Poseidon hadn’t shielded his family and friends at all.
So he comes on shore after his last shipwreck, having lost the leg to whatever monster there is, and he decides that now that he’s got no one he’s really attached to, he’s going to just fight some monsters. And one day he comes upon some girl getting attacked, and wades in.
Sasha  in this scenario would be a child of Hermes, which I especially like because iirc children of Hermes get basically no powers, they just tend to be sneaky and have the base demigod build. She never knew her mortal parent, and instead got picked up by Barrett, who’s most likely a mortal who can see through the Mist and keeps some monsters on the payroll as well as some demigods to keep them in line. he doesn’t tell her a lot about the grander system, just makes use of her abilities. At some point she’d encountered Eldarion, who’s some kind of minor immortal, maybe a dryad or something, who plays the role of Chiron but... worse. 
Sasha gets away, but out of Eldarion’s protection the monsters who work for Barrett track her down, and this is when she meets Zolf. She’s a bit leery of him at first because the other fully-adult demigods she’s met have all worked for Barret and made questionable compromises of morality in  order to stay alive, but she’s  starting to realize that she genuinely can’t make it on her own, so she agrees to travel with him when he asks. For his part, Zolf is like gdi I can’t believe I’m getting attached to someone again, this always ends badly, but he can hardly leave her to fend for herself either, right?
Within a fairly short window of meeting each other, maybe the same encounter actually, they come across Hamid, who has no idea about any of this myth stuff. Neither of them can figure out who his godly parent is bc he manifests some accidental fire powers, but he really doesn’t seem like any child of Hephaestus they’ve met. Zolf also really can’t leave this one to fend for himself because he has no freaking clue what’s going on and is horrified by killing monsters. He’s not sure how Hamid survived this long by himself.
So they go off together and eventually encounter Wilde, who’s mortal but the Oracle of Apollo. The idea of prophecies and fate has always vaguely infuriated Zolf, plus Wilde is still Wilde, so they don’t get off on a good note, but you also can’t ignore prophecies, so when he says he’s been  guided to them and then goes all funny and vomits a poem that, when recited back to him, he scoffs at the quality of, they don’t much have a choice.
The prophecy probably involves them foiling some plot by a child of Hades, which is maybe why Hades has been so aggressive toward Zolf in the past; along the way they discover that Hamid is actually the child of a monster, specifically a dragon, which iirc is a thing in actual greek myth even if i can’t remember it coming up in PJO. (this is how he’s survived so long; monsters aren’t drawn to him bc he’s not a demigod). 
hamid, i think, figures this out a bit before the rest of the group, and is very freaked out by how his friends will react to it so he keeps it secret. the secret gets blown wide open soon after they meet grizzop, who joined the hunters of artemis bc she’s cool and because immortality and is now off away from the others, tracking some monster involved in the main plot. i think when they reconvene with the hunters, one of them recognizes what hamid is, and then there’s a whole drama where the others have to deal with the revelation while also preventing him from being killed.
wilde manages to be pretty useful despite being mortal and they all get attached to their squishy poet friend, especially when the fact that he never quite asked to be an Oracle and the way it messes with him becomes clear to them.
azu is a child of aphrodite and probably comes from a place where there is a more camp half-blood claiming, group training structure, but she’s definitely the black sheep of the aphrodite group because while love is important to her, she’s really interested in fighting. when whatever oracle they have tells them an aphrodite person has to go on a quest she’s pretty universally nominated, not that she has a problem with that.
cel is a sorceror person along the lines of medea or circe but less evil; i’m not sure where exactly they fit into the plot though. ed is also definitely a child of Apollo in this, and the things with dyslexia and adhd from PJO canon definitely come into play in his backstory as the black sheep of his own family.
zolf and,  to a lesser extent, sasha, tend to come into conflict with grizzop and azu who buy into the whole ‘greatness of gods’ and ‘fate’ stuff a lot more. azu starts to get somewhat disillusioned of all this as the quest goes on and she sees what being a hero actually means. zolf gets into a lot of shouting matches with poseidon, though i think in this universe it would be reparable bc poseidon is a bit more like PJO poseidon who isn’t perfect but is less of a remote dickhead.
i don’t exactly know how things resolve immediately, but an epilogue would definitely be sasha establishing a sort of school/home/camp for demigods that doesn’t push them into roles the way the ones azu and she knew tended to do, and focuses more on giving them a safe place and enough fighting skill to survive, as well as a community who understand, the way zolf helped her. 
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everamazingfe · 3 years
A Close Shave
Fic Summary: After being picked up by the Urania and brought back to the Hephaestus station, Communications Officer Doug Eiffel tries to come to terms with his new look. It doesn’t go well. Luckily, Jacobi comes along to save the day. 
Words in this fic: 2082 Pairings: Doug Eiffel/Daniel Jacobi Warnings for this fic: Brief mentions of abuse
Notes: I got into Wolf 359 at the start of this year, and after relistening to it recently I decided to start writing some fics. I was pretty nervous about posting this, but I couldn't keep it in my drafts forever, so here it is! There’s also a link to this fic over on A O 3 as the source of this post! Click it to go read it over there, or you can search up the title or ‘everamazingfe’ on the site.
There was something about him, Eiffel had decided within the first few seconds of seeing him for the first time. His face was mostly blank unless he had some sly comment to say, some sarcastic remark, and then that stony expression was replaced by something cockier, more smug. Sometimes there was a flash of softness to it, usually when Maxwell was speaking. But even when his face was at its blankest, there was a mischievous gleam in those bright green eyes of his.
Eiffel had never really noticed anyone’s eyes before. He didn’t know Minkowski’s eye color, or Lovelace’s for that matter. Hell, Eiffel didn’t even know if he knew his own eye color at this point, he avoided looking in mirrors at all costs. But for some reason, he’d noticed Jacobi’s. Not only had he noticed it, but he had committed it to memory as well. 
For a moment, he was convinced he could picture them clearly as he stared out the window above his comms panel, making eye contact with them in the reflection of the glass. Somehow, he was able to picture his face with perfect clarity too, despite only seeing it a handful of times while he was in sound mind. 
“Feel good to be home?” The Jacobi that Eiffel thought he was picturing in his mind so clearly spoke, startling him out of his trance and making him jump because it wasn’t his imagination, it was the real deal. It made sense, he’d never had a very visual imagination anyway, but there was always hope for a change of mind. “Wow, I didn’t think I was all that scary, Officer Eiffel.”
“You’re not,” he grumbled with a huff of indignation, grabbing the edge of his station and pulling himself back to it, hooking his knees beneath it to keep himself there. “I just… Got lost in thought.”
“You? Capable of thought? Now that’s something that wasn’t included in your file.” There it was, that stupid sly grin that Jacobi always had when he thought he was being oh-so-clever. Usually, he was. But that joke had become played out within the first month on the station.
Eiffel responded with mock laughter, trying to ignore the way that comment made an invisible knife twist in his chest. After all he’d done, no one thought he was good at anything. What a surprise. But he didn’t have time to unpack all of that right then. “Get some new material, I’ve heard it all before,” he drawled, hoping he looked as bored as he sounded. “I’m a slacker, I’m an idiot, I’m a motormouth. Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Your shoe’s untied.” 
Maybe there was some truth to one of those three things, because like the idiot he was, Eiffel had that brief moment of panic everyone had when someone told them that their shoe was untied, or their fly was down, or there was something on their shirt. And because of that panic, he looked down. It had completely slipped his mind that he hadn’t even worn shoes in the two (Three? Did those hundred days hurtling through space count? He didn’t know.) years he had been on the Hephaestus. “Oh, goddammit!” He groaned as he stared down at his socked feet in dismay, trying to tune out the cackling laughter Jacobi let out behind him that sent him halfway across the room. 
“You’re also gullible, apparently!” He let himself continue his path across the room so he could push off the back wall, still in a fit of giggles as he sailed back to the console. “You actually fell for it! I can’t believe it! I’ve never gotten anyone with that before.” Jacobi’s grin was bigger than it had ever been, and he wiped the tears from his eyes before they wreaked havoc on the station’s internal systems. Maxwell was too smart to fall for a simple trick like that, and Kepler… Well, Kepler didn’t like being pranked. 
Eiffel grumbled something incoherently, waiting patiently for Jacobi to get over himself before he spoke again. “Was there a real reason you came down here?”
“No, not really. Kepler’s giving Minkowski an orientation for her new role and then he needed to discuss… something with Hilbert, I don’t even wanna know. And Ala- Maxwell’s busy with Hera. So, I was bored.”
“What about Lovelace?”
“Dunno. Didn’t ask. Didn’t care.”
“Right… So you came to interrupt my very important work?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Lucky me.”
“Lucky you.” Jacobi made himself comfortable, lounging in the free-floating bliss that was zero-g as Eiffel pretended to look busy, though his eyes were fixed on the reflection of the man in the glass. The bright light of Wolf 359 backlit him beautifully, and the color in the star seemed to desaturate everything else in the reflection, except for those damn eyes. 
Eiffel let out a sigh, bringing a hand up to run it through his hair, his fingers brushing through the empty space where his long curls used to be. He let out a frustrated growl, moving his hand up to his scalp. The little hair that was left was scraggly and damaged as hell. It was coarse and patchy, and it scratched his hand uncomfortably when he ran his hand over it. “Actually. I have an idea of something we can do.” He turned around to look at the real Jacobi, who arched an eyebrow in silent encouragement for him to go on. “Come with me.”
He’d had his head shaved a handful of times, and it was usually under duress. The first time was as a punishment for getting gum stuck in it, even though he hadn’t been the one to put gum there, and it would’ve been much easier to just cut the chunk out rather than shave his whole head. The second time had been when he’d joined the military. This would make number three, but this time it was necessary, despite the fact that his goal had really been to never cut his hair again. All that length had meant a lot to him, it meant that he had control over something in his life, finally, but the cryofreeze had, apparently, had other plans for it.
Additionally, most of the shaving kits, particularly their razors, had been dismantled for Minkowski’s crusade against Blessie. God only knew where all of those had ended up, or if they were still even on the station, but he knew there was one that was still safely tucked away. 
“Wow, Eiffel. I thought you would’ve liked to wine and dine your dates before bringing them home. You always struck me as more of a gentleman than that.”
“Shut up.” He rooted around in his locker, letting various pieces of uniform and whatever else had been shoved in there float freely around them as he did so. Most of it was contraband that he should’ve been more careful about getting seen, but he was too focused. Once he found the kit, he let out a soft, ‘a ha!’ And underhand tossed it to Jacobi. “You’re shaving my head.”
For once, Jacobi didn’t have some sort of sarcastic remark to make in response. He was just confused. “Sorry?”
“I can’t… I can’t stand it being like this. I can’t. And it’ll never grow back right with the ends this damaged, and I don’t really feel like cutting myself a thousand times in the process. So you’re doing it for me.” He tried to make his voice sound commanding, authoritative, but instead he just sounded desperate, irritated, upset. His hair meant so much to him, but he could stand to be without it for a little bit. He’d done it before, he could do it again. What he couldn’t stand was the sorry excuse for hair that he’d been left with. 
“You don’t think I’d use the razor to kill you? It’d be the perfect opportunity.”
“If you wanted to kill me, you could’ve done it back on the Urania when I was half dead.” 
“You hadn’t annoyed me as much back then.”
“I mean, if you really want to, I guess you can, but… I’d really just like my head shaved, please.”
A dramatic sigh filled the silence, and then: “Ugh, fine. But you owe me.”
That was good enough for Eiffel, and he trailed along behind Jacobi to the Hephaestus’ bathroom. Gravity was a little different in there, as in it was actually present in order to make showering and other general acts of hygiene (that Eiffel didn’t really partake in) a little easier. So he was able to sit on the counter and stare their reflections down as Jacobi stood behind him, setting the kit beside him on the counter. 
Jacobi wasn’t a friend, not by a longshot. In Minkowski’s book, he was part of ‘the enemy.’ But they’d spent a decent amount of time together after he’d been picked up by the Urania, and even a little bit of time before that over the comms. Someone had to keep in touch with him and keep up-to-date on his coordinates so the ship could get a lock on his location, and Kepler had felt like that work was beneath the highly intellectual minds of himself and Maxwell, so it had fallen to Jacobi. And Eiffel hadn’t minded, because beneath all the smart remarks, the guy was alright to talk to. A little stilted, maybe, but that wasn’t anything he couldn’t work with. It was better on the Urania. Easier, at least, because Jacobi’s body language did a lot of the talking for him. Once again, helping Eiffel was deemed grunt work, so Jacobi had been the one stuck tending to his wounds, helping him get around when he was too weak to even keep his eyes open, and adjust to eating again after not doing it for a hundred days (though with all of the substitutes for rations Hilbert dared to call food, one could argue it had been even longer since he’d really eaten). 
Long story short, Eiffel liked Jacobi to some degree. The guy was alright in his book, and he was sure the feeling was mutual, because he could’ve easily said no, or done a hackjob of it, or killed him. But instead, he took his time and made sure that he didn’t miss any spots, his other hand resting gently on Eiffel’s head to keep it steady despite all the fidgeting. 
After the first pass, Eiffel moved to get off the counter, to turn around and thank Jacobi, but a firm hand on his shoulder pushed him back down. 
“I gotta go again, make sure I didn’t miss a spot. It looked awful before, but it’ll look even worse if there’s just a tiny patch with a few hairs left.”
Eiffel furrowed his eyebrows together, but nodded and got comfortable again. As comfortable as he could, at least. His ass was already numb and the feeling was starting to spread down to his legs, but hopefully the second pass would go quicker. 
And it did, kind of. Jacobi didn’t need to clean the hair from the razor as often because there was barely any left, but he still took that same slow and gentle care as he had the first time. When he was done, he wiped off the leftover shaving cream with a nearby towel, smiling genuinely as Eiffel lifted a hand to feel over his scalp. “Well? How does it feel?”
“It feels great,” he answered earnestly, laughing in relief. He didn’t hate the way his reflection looked anymore, and now he could actually believe everyone when they told him to pull it together because it would grow back eventually. Hopefully this made the process easier. His eyes drifted to Jacobi’s in the mirror, mirroring that same smile. “Thank you... I really do owe you.”
“Yeah, you do.” The genuine smile faded to his usual cocky grin, and Eiffel threw the towel at him. It hit him square in the face, but it didn’t wipe away that look. “But… You’re welcome.” He offered him a hand to help him off the counter, steadying him with a chuckle when he nearly lost his balance. “Gravity that hard on you, Doug?”
“No! It’s just… That counter was not very comfortable to sit for that long on. And yeah, I guess gravity’s pretty hard to adjust to too.” 
“Well then we’d better get you back to the lazy embrace of zero-g.”
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deithe · 3 years
the bones (2,847 words) (1/1)
(an introspective on jason grace. kind of?)
read here on ao3 or read below the cut!
jason falls in love with the human equivalent of a forest fire
(his mother fell in love with the sky itself)
jason grace grew up being told that his destiny was very, very simple.
his first and most important mission, handed down to him from lady juno and mother lupa, was that jason was destined to save rome. that his destiny lay with new rome and camp jupiter, a new romulus to lead the pack to greatness. he would spill so much blood in new rome’s name that the little tiber would overflow and the gods would crown him with a golden laurel made from monster ichor.
he would be everything everyone else needed.
a spear for the senate, a shield for new rome, a standard to replace the one that had been lost, a sword for the gods to wield, and another pack member for lupa. he would be the perfect soldier, a demigod fashioned by two god-mothers for the simple act of being a weapon.
his second duty was that jason was to be nothing like his father.
his father, evil, unpredictable, selfish and cruel, was to be jason’s antithesis. lady juno stressed this, as did the senate, as did his praetors (though praetor saville jason eventually killed in battle, so jason doesn’t take her words to heart anymore). jason was never, ever to be like his father. all sons of jupiter before him were either driven insane or were killed, and jason’s great destiny could not afford for him to do either of those things.
‘hubris’ lady juno once told him, while going through his latin lessons in the damp cold of the den (or wolf house, as she called it), ‘is the thing that kills sons of jupiter’.
so jason was to never be prideful, but at the same time, never to believe he was inferior. he was to be subservient but never meek, he was to be a capable fighter but never violent. he was to be kind but not a pushover. open but not flirtatious.
he was to be perfect. he could not afford anything else.
then he, in the span of a few months, murdered his prateor after finding out she was a traitor, watched his friend be assaulted by a family legacy of prophetic visions which turned him into a paranoid asshole, watched his other friend assume a leadership role, one which he tried to refuse, and fought an army, killed a titan and toppled kronos’ black throne.
he also became praetor and then was promptly kidnapped by lady juno, leaving said other friend with all the responsibility.
then any and all plans the gods had for him were ruined by a daughter of aphrodite with eyes like the earth and a son of hephaestus with a smile like war.
how could jason be the perfect soldier when his loyalties no longer lay with new rome? he loved his home, he loved his siblings-in-arms, he loved the legion-
he loved leo and piper more than the breath in his lungs, than the sky and earth and more than his destiny. he loved them enough to try and find whatever scraps of himself he had. to create something they could love too.
(heracles killed himself after accidentally killing his family. love killed him in the end)
and so, jason failed in his first mission. he could no longer put new rome above them, above camp half-blood.
jason doesn’t think becoming his father is an option for him, however. his father is prideful and arrogant and his father's likeness, he will eventually learn, belongs only to his prodigal sister.
and so, jason grace finds his last name, a family he never knew, friends he could die for and an empty cabin that seemed less lonely with leo or piper in it.
then they went on a quest, leo built a ship and they all set sail to stop gaia from rising.
then jason lost leo, then jason lost everything, then jason lost himself and then lost piper-
and, in the middle of winter, leo valdez came crashing down on a metal dragon with eyes like a nuclear explosion and teeth made for tearing meat from bone, or tearing jason’s heart from his chest.
and then jason found himself again in the space between the junction between leo valdez's fourth and fifth ribs.
leo valdez is a lot of things. he’s a son of hephaestus and a complete asshole. he’s the first child of hephaestus to be born with the ability to create and control fire in over 400 years. he’s a 5’4ft guy who wears platformed boots to make himself seem taller. he’s so powerful that he obliterated gaia. he’s a genius. he thinks spraying axe bodyspray on himself is the same as a shower. he overworks himself even when he doesn’t have to. he can fight gods and go toe-to-toe with any big three kid and hold his own. he likes to survive on a diet of mango monster energy and takis. he's obnoxious. he's thoughtful. he makes mean-spirited jokes at other people's expense. he's the best person jason's ever met
currently late for their date.
It’s not that jason minds, per se, but leo has a nasty habit of getting so completely lost in his work that he can plan a date for the next day, and jason won’t see him for at least three days. it’s one of the downsides of being the trophy boyfriend of a genius.
jason sighs and rocks back on his heels, eyes darting up to the grey, overcast sky. he can almost hear leo in his head, asking if he could pretty please make it less goddamn cold? and his pout when jason refuses to change the weather for him.
it's not that jason won't. it's just that he can't. it makes aeolus snappy.
sometimes he still does it. manipulates the air currents just enough to warm the air around them and leo smiles, a real one, small and soft. like it wasn't meant to be seen. a secret thing, just for jason.
jason doesn't see leo smile like that often.
it's mid-february in new york and jason is kicking around central park in the grey mid-day light. it's quiet, this part of the park, with barely anyone passing jason as he leans against a tree, wet dew dripping into his unstyled hair. it's cold, but not cold enough for a freeze or snow. just the right amount of cold to turn your hands numb and purple from cold
which. if you've never seen leo 'was raised in texas and has fire powers' valdez in new york snow, jason fully believes you've never lived.
he spends another 30 minutes splitting his time from staring into space and wandering around the meeting spot they've arranged. it's peaceful here. jason can even hear some birds twittering and chirping in the trees above. the cold even stops bothering him. jason likes being alone sometimes.
it reminds him of the lupercal and lupa. long days and nights in the loneliness of the redwood forest. just him and the wolves and the stars.
though now jason has sturdy boots and a wool jacket, so not exactly the same.
he's in the middle of trying to coax a timid sparrow onto the hand, crouched on the balls of his feet when he feels a presence beside him. he goes stiff when he realises and then, like all the tension has been zapped out of him, goes relaxed again.
"that," leo whispers, also crouched beside jason, "is one fat fucking bird"
jason represses a grin, "don't say that. he's probably barely eaten all winter," and leo snorts, moving closer to jason so their shoulders brush. the bird regards leo with some caution but his black, beady eyes seem to acknowledge that jason would keep him safe.
"he looks better fed than me, jace. do you care more about this bird than your own poor boyfriend?" leo says, faux-sadness in his voice, "how cruel, jason grace. how cruel".
jason turns in time to see leo shake his head, black curls wild around his face as they shudder like leaves in the wind. his eyes are dark brown, watching the bird watch leo. a staring contest.
leo says his name like no one else does. like it's a name. like it's good. like it's something familiar and warm. he does not say 'jason' and imagine a great hero or a wolf-boy with no past. he does not say 'grace' like a joke, like grasp for power, like it carries too much weight for his tongue to bare.
he says it like it belongs to jason. he says it like it's important. not too fast, but not too slow.
leo turns his head to find jason staring at him.
"jason" he calls, lips quirking up at the edge, pulling out the 'o' like toffee, "i know i'm pretty irresistible but please, keep your longing stares for the bedroom"
jason shoves up against leo's shoulder, blush bursting across his already red-cold face.
he pushes just slightly too hard and leo goes spilling across the wet grass, yelping in surprise.
"jason!" he yells, looking up at jason half shocked and half in amusement. "what the fuck, dude!"
jason can't help himself.
leo is wearing jason's hoodie, the black one mrs.blofis picked out for jason which leo claimed as his own even before they started dating. his new denim, fur-lined jacket (from the hide of the nemean lion they killed last year) is just slightly too big and he's wearing black jeans. he looks like the college freshman he is. he looks mortal.
he looks human. he has leaves in his hair and his cheeks are flushed from the cold, teeth showing through the toothy smile he's giving and-
it's uncanny, sometimes, how well they can pass for normal. you almost can't tell leo's died and come back to life. you almost can't tell he's more powerful than any living mortal.
jason falls on top of leo in the wet grass, which causes leo to yelp, again, and knee jason in the stomach.
jason groans "dude, what the hades was that for?" and he rolls of leo, onto the wet grass beside him, arms protectively covering his bruised stomach.
"you fell directly on top of me, you big lug," and leo sits up, picking a leaf out of his curls absentmindedly, "if you haven't noticed, you're like a bean-pole with muscle mass. that shit hurts!"
jason pouts up at leo, who manages to look both unimpressed and fond. he rolls his eyes and offers his hand to jason, who accepts and leo hauls him into a sitting position in front of him
"hi, leo" jason says finally, "you're late"
"i'm not late, loser, you're just a nerd and get places earlier than normal people. its super weird," leo tells him, matter-of-factly, scooting closer to him as they sit on the ground. "you should really get it checked. might be terminal nerdiness. the glasses are just the first sign"
jason raises an eyebrow, curviving over said glasses. "i didn't know it could be terminal. oh well, guess i'll just wither away and die from being punctual. what an injust life i lead. how the sorrows never end"
leo pouts, eyes sparking with enough warmth to keep out the cold for decades to come, "don't be so down about it, I hear being a nerd has perks,"
jason moves closer, so his knees are half-pulled up to his chest and he's balancing his weight on his hand. leo fits perfectly in the bracket of his arms.
"oh? do tell?" he asks, and leo is close enough that jason can see the faint freckles on his cheeks. they're fading from how far away leo has been from the sun, but jason loves them anyways.
"yup," leo says, popping the p and smiling like the cat who got the cream. "do you know that all nerds get super hot and funny and sexy boyfriends? as compensation for being such nerds, of course"
jason pulls back his head a bit, just as leo laces his arms around his shoulders, "really?" and his voice is soft, but the smile won't disappear from his lips, "wow, didn't know that. guess I'm lucky that you're such a huge nerd or-"
leo kisses him like coming home. and in a way it is.
jason has known many homes. he's known the small apartment with his mother that smelt like spilt wine and smoke and mold. he's known the lupercal and the redwood forests around it. he's known the barracks at camp jupiter and the feeling of purpose in his chest. he's known cabin 1 and cabin 9 and bunker 9 and on the back of festus and on the argo. he's known the feeling of reyna laughing as he tells her wild stories and of the fifth cohort raising him on their shields. he's known lying in leo's private room with piper and leo, listening to low music and feeling safe with just them.
but the one person who jason has felt like home since they met was leo. his high ground through the tsunami. his parachute during a plane crash. the one point of home. like the north-star.
jason smiles into the kiss, his free hand tangling itself in the rough fabric of leo's dark blue denim jacket. it's soft and chaste, more a press of warm lips than anything. it's comforting. it's familiar. it's everything he wants.
leo pulls back a bit, just far enough to speak but still close enough that his breath brushes up against jason's cold face. "hi," he says, brushing his nose against his, "missed you, bro".
jason snorts, "i missed you too, leo, how's MIT treating you?"
"like i'm it's bitch is how it's treating me," leo tells him, slumping slightly into jason, forehead against jason's. "can we not talk about college? i think if we talk about college I might start crying and then our date will be ruined"
jason pulls back a bit to look at leo. he does look more tired than usual, eye-bags darker and lips bitten from nervousness. he frowns, using his free hand to cup his face. "are you okay? we can just go back to your dorm if you're too tired-"
"ugh, no way" leo groans, "fuck that. i just wanna spend time with you, okay? i wanna be mushy and all that gay shit. i want bad food and to kiss you again and again and do more than kissing-"
jason rolls his eyes.
"-and then go back to mrs.blofis apartment and watch really bad movies you like for some reason and then i'll go to sleep beside you and it'll be gay and shit"
"gay and shit?"
"gay and shit, you better believe it grace. but first-"
and leo untangles himself from jason and stands up, brushing the dirt from his knees leaving jason frowning on the floor.
he offers out his hand, brown skin calloused from work, long, thin fingers curled slightly as the palm faced upwards.
"c'mon, super, treat your louis lane to some greasy new york food before he decides batman has better pay"
jason is so, so lucky he got leo valdez. that the fates decides to make sure that his destiny crosses leo's. that he convinced leo valdez to let down his walls, to stay, that jason wouldn't leave him like the others, or hurt him or betray him.
that jason was in it for as long as leo wanted him to be. that jason only wanted leo to say his name, wanted to give it to leo because leo's the only one who's mouth jason trusts with it. that jason wanted to give leo his past. wanted to show him and tell him where he got each scar.
he trusts leo with this. he trusts leo's hands to not burn it all to ash. because he knows that if leo wanted to, he could. he could burn jason alive with a thought. turn him to ash and glass with a flick of his hand.
jason has fallen in love with a nuclear bomb, with a supernova of a boy and jason doesn't care if it kills him, because he has spent so long pretending to be what everyone else needed, that now he was going to be who he wanted to be. even if it got him killed. even if it burned him alive.
jason grace has fallen in love with the human version of a forest fire. he should be afraid of it, of leo. he is not. he never will be.
beryl grace fell in love with the sky itself. wanted all the stars in heaven and didn't care what happened to her. as long as she knew she had the stars attention. as long as she knew the sky loved her back.
as long as he knew the fire loved him back.
he takes his hand.
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