t0omuch4you · 8 months
tolerate it | Nico Hischier
Warnings: Angst with no happy ending.
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"I know my love Should be celebrated, but you tolerate it" inspired by Taylor Swift's song tolerate it
As Isabel sat beside Nico on their couch, she couldn't help but steal glances at him. His eyes were fixed on the television screen, focused on the game tapes he was reviewing. She noticed every little detail about how his brows furrowed in concentration and his lips curled into a faint frown when he saw a play that had gone wrong. She admired how he absorbed information, how his mind worked in sync with the images flashing before him.
As the soft glow of the TV illuminated his features, Isabel felt a warm swell of affection for him, grateful for the simple pleasure of sharing this moment with him. Still, the feeling was soon replaced by a growing sense of discomfort since he had been distant the past few days.
As days turned into weeks, Isabel started to notice subtle shifts in her emotions towards Nico. She gave everything of her for their relationship, hoping for reciprocation, for the kind of love that she felt at the start of their relationship years ago. She had tolerated the moments of indifference, the casual neglect, and the times when her efforts seemed to go unnoticed; even defending him when her friends told her that she deserved a relationship where her love was reciprocated.
Making one last effort to mend things with Nico, she decided to cook something for the two of them. Isabel stood in the kitchen, surrounded by the delicious aroma of herbs and spices. The room was bathed in warm, golden light. She had poured her heart into this meal, hoping it would help rescue her relationship with Nico.
The clock on the wall ticked away the minutes, each one echoing in the silence of the apartment. She checked her phone for the hundredth time, but there were no new messages or missed calls from Nico. As the food cooled and the candles burned lower. Isabel's anticipation turned to worry, then to disappointment. She paced the living room, unable to shake the feeling of abandonment.
Finally, as the night grew late, Isabel resigned herself to the fact that Nico wasn't coming. She couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She sat at the table, the once inviting dishes now a cruel reminder of her efforts.
When the morning came, Isabel decided it was time to end things with Nico, she knew she could have done a lot more to save their relationship, but she felt too weak to keep trying for something that she felt was one-sided.
“You’re taking me for granted. I’m not longer your priority, I understand that hockey is your life but where do I stand?” she said with hurt laced in her voice “Where's the man that I fell in love with? Where’s the man who took care of me?” she said as her trembling voice grew louder.
The affectionate gestures that once brought her comfort now left her feeling distant. It was a gradual process, a slow realization that sometimes hearts grow apart. Isabel had never experienced a love like this, therefore, she had never felt a pain that was too strong to even tolerate.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Nico said shocked, he didn’t know that Isabel had been feeling like this for a long time now.
“When would I say something? You’re never here and all you do is practice all the time. When you’re home I feel like I’m getting in the way and taking your time” 
“Please don’t do that, you’ve always been my love and always will be,” Nico said with a shaky breath, still not knowing how to react.
 “Love shouldn’t feel like this, I’m tearing myself apart just for you to not see me” she argued “Love, true love, isn’t about tolerating, but about embracing, cherishing, and reciprocating. It is about being seen and seeing in return,” she said weakly as he had no breath left to continue arguing. “I’m sorry but you can’t change my mind, Nico” 
As he sat in the living room, watching the love of his life slip from his grip, his eyes met hers, carrying a depth of emotion she had longed to see.
In the days that followed, Nico tried to reach out to Isabel, but she remained distant and unresponsive. He felt adrift, like a ship lost at sea. His heart ached with the weight of unanswered questions. He learned that sometimes, not only losing the love of your life was the greatest tragedy, but also realizing that you held the power to keep them and let them slip away.
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ineffablyendless · 2 months
Two Graves.
Rated: G
Relationships: Nuala of the Faerie/Dream of the Endless|Morpheus
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, haunted surrealism, non-graphic mentions of blood, implied character death, post-TKO, so there's the acknowledgement of what happens to Morpheus, be warned.
Summary: Nuala dreams, and dances, and the Dreaming cries a dying melody. Then she wakes
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BUNNY, and to one of my absolute best friends on earth @nualaofthefaerie thank you for letting me participate in her birthday event even though I don't draw or anything and also have not participated in the Sandman fandom for the last couple of months. If anyone else is interested in reading about Nuala's birthday event and wants to try your luck writing her, you can peek at Li's post here .
Nuala is, at her core, a very tragic character in the comics, and this more than anything carved her spot in my heart. She is principled, strong, and kind, but what makes her appeal to me more than others is that unrequited, heartbreaking devotion. A girl that has so much to give so willingly, discarded and forgotten, and it makes me so angry. She kept trying, and it wasn't enough. This is a recurring theme in the Sandman. But the love was there, and it deserves to be told. In this fic I wanted to capture that fruitless yearning and her desperation and how she fights. So I hope it comes across well. This fic is less about Sandflower more so it is about Nuala.
Granted, Li had planned sweet things for a sweet girl, but I really wanted to write a ballroom dance scene straight out of The Labyrinth, and the angsty vibes from that particular scene spread through the entire fic and it turned out a lot more melancholic than I originally planned. And, uh, a lot longer too. So...win-win?
You can also read it on Ao3 :)
At the end, he comes for her.
(Just as he'd promised)
It stretches on endlessly. Infinity on the head on a needle.
She remembered being told once, that on their last breath, mortals would recall their life in flashes. Dominoes falling into place. Cluracan had laughed as he told her so, joking to her of their feeble and short lifespans. Should a Fae be allowed similar opportunities, recollection could stretch on long enough to fill another mortal lifetime, and the Fae in question would have tricked and swindled another breath, not unlike Sisyphus.
Alas, it was not meant to be. Fae were without souls, and the last of their breath returns them to nothingness. There is no great Beyond; only a change in form. A loss in consciousness. Not true death.
It sounded like plenty death to her.
At the end, her lover came to her in bits and pieces.
She would begin in empty, wandering halls, hearing his voice in the horizon. She was sure he would be in the library, she thought, if only she could find him. Sometimes she would be carrying some sort of burden; a basket of papyrus scrolls, or a simple stick of dustfeathers. Most times it is only her, and the silent patter of her cold feet on stone floors as she wanders and searches of a faint voice in the wind.
Outside, a storm brews, but it was not yet time for her to leave.
She finds the library eventually, and she chases his cape on the edges of her periphery. The maze of towering bookshelves consumes her, and she twists and loops through it's oaken pathways, up and down and side to side intertwined, like how they used to dance. She would hear his giggles, that taunting melody, and when she trails her fingers longingly down the spine of ancient times they shiver, and she yearns to come home.
Find me, little fairy, she hears him say on the wind, just as he had when she was young, and in love, and light with hope. You be my fox, and I your hare.
The panes creak and rattle from winds that whistle down oculus dome of the Endless Library, and often she must shield herself from the hail of rotten leaves and debris. Not once does she find Lucien. It escapes her mind. When she falters, she hears him chuckle, and she gets back up on her feet.
At the entrance of the ballroom, her aching feet pause.
Much like the rest of the Dreaming Palace, it is empty and silent, save for the storm brewing outside. Yet when she closes her eyes, it is a bustling cotillion, and she is dressed as a lavish queen; the empress of shadow and nightmares, and her King stands in the very middle of the crowd. Waiting for her.
Closer, my diamond. Step down, my jewel.
At times she would stumble on non-existant petticoats, and when she opens her eyes she is once more on the top of the stairwell, and her king bids her to come closer.
Her feet bleeds. Her skin dries. By the banquet, she sees a beautiful woman with haunted eyes full of woe. In the next second, her ghosts and her ankh is forgotten, and Nuala tries stepping down the stairs once more, eyes fully closed. It is not about her. For once, it is about Nuala, and her lover, and she still has time, that wretched all-father. For once, it is about Nuala.
The ballroom is empty, but she feels the crowd pushing and pulling and shoving and laughing, just as they do back in the Faerie, from whence she had been plucked and moved and gifted to a veritable stranger in a land of mysteries and fear. A place that used to be home, but wasn't truly.
Her King awaits, and she reaches for him, grasping desperately. He would hold her, she knows, and he will tell her that everything is alright, and for a moment everything would be. For a moment she would have a home, and her love was not grief. Nuala tries again, and they push her away, like spiteful tides. Again, again, again.
He touches her, and Nuala imagines her tears like glass and quartz. He touches her, but not quite; a phantom sensation, and she knows he is once more out of reach. This is a memory.
But her eyes are closed and storm howls and sings. The window panes drums her a beat. So Nuala cries, and bleeds and dances.
The crowd sways with her, and she falls against them. His phantom touches leads, and he twirls her, and spins her, and dips her. Her arms reach towards the Heavens, and when the music of the storm fails her, her lungs constricts and Nuala screams.
It is agony. Liberty. Longing. Love. Her feet step on the broken glass of smashed window panes and tears, and she can no longer tell between the empty ballroom and her ghosts. Their gazes become suffocating, and she escapes through the side door, into her garden, into the Dreaming.
Everything is dying. She is not so special.
Fiddler's Green is a torn up wasteland, and the watering holes are dried and destitute. The storm cackles, and she looks into the Faces of the Three Who Are One. They rip him apart with their teeth, the Love of her life, and Nuala sobs and begs and falls to her knees.
This time, it is he who reaches for her.
She looks up to see Morpheus-not-Morpheus, the blank fresh nothingness of the eyes she had loved since she had laid her own upon him, what felt like centuries ago.
Nuala clenches her eyes shut, hoping to see the man she loves and for everything to go away and leave her alone, yet still the Furies cackle and the Dreaming trembles in their wake, and her King is bleak and pale as snow.
When he touches her, he is the wrong sort of cold.
"Sweet Nuala," he pleads, and she turns her head from him. If her lover was to change in force and agony, she wants to be right there with him. "Gentle Nuala. Loving Nuala. Please, let me take you home."
She shakes her head, burying her hands desperately in her hair, streaked with debris and dishevelled from the winds. Her feet crack and bleed, and her cheeks stain with tears. Her breath shortens. There is no great Beyond, for a Thing like her. Her home was her Lover, and her Lover was dead.
"My Nuala," the new King whispers. "Won't you look at me, one last time?"
There were many things she could've said. They choke her and burns the back of her throat like nightshade and Ivy, yet still her heart blooms. She is angry. She is helpless. She asks him, "Why?"
"You were loved. I had loved you. My King, I had everything on offer, and had you simply reached out and tried we could have-I could-,"
Her voice breaks and fails her. His eyes, white as bone, soften like crushed velvet.
"My King," she asked. Around them, her dreams fall apart. "Why did you fall?"
He hums. "Would you have loved me if I couldn't?"
"I would have loved you. Nevertheless."
He looks away. "I am sorry." He says, and Nuala believes him.
She had given him everything, and it was buried alongside him. All that was left of her was her Dream of him.
"I'm ready." She finally says. "To wake."
The King steps forward, and he plants on her a sweet kiss. When she reaches for the pendant, when she had made her last wish -one last Dream- she could almost pretend it was everything she ever wanted.
"Thank you," she says. "For coming."
Daniel smiles sadly. "He had promised. You called."
She had.
"This dream is over."
And Nuala wakes.
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Hi! :) I posted my first oneshot on Wattpad and chose to also upload my stories on here as well. I hope you enjoy my first Jake x MC oneshot!
Duskwood felt like a foreign land after being away for so long. He had always dreamt of moving back and settling in after running his entire life, but it was nothing more than a distant dream... one he could never have; one he thought was unrealistic. Perhaps in another life, Duskwood would’ve been home. After some time, the boy accepted the fact that his life would consist of poor takeout food, hiding in motels and moving around frequently. Perhaps it was the life he thought he deserved… but everything changed when he met her.
A small café in the heart of the town by the name of Midnight Bloom was bustling with life. It had recently opened, explaining the crowd in such a quiet town. Jake sat across the square hidden behind a computer screen as his fingers glided effortlessly across the keyboard due to years of experience.
A distant laugh made his ears perk up a bit, the familiar sound breaking his concentration long enough to tear his gaze from the brightness of the screen, fingers frozen over the keys.
There she was, approaching a table with a smile on her face, strands of hair coiled around her fingers as she finished braiding the tip of her hair. The boy sat there, no words capable of explaining her beauty in person. Captivated by the girl across the street, it took everything in him to not walk over and take her into his arms and leave this town behind.
Their relationship flashed across his memory, recalling the late night phone calls and the future they planned together after all the madness came to an end. Jake was determined to see that come to fruition – willing to fight with his last breath and draw blood for it if it came down to that.
The distant chatter brought him back to reality, gaze fixated on his girl. The black haired boy found himself smiling.
Would she recognize him? Maybe he’d be able to catch her on her break. Or maybe –
The boy bit down on the very tip of his tongue, silencing any thoughts that dared to evade his mind. He couldn’t risk the safety of the girl he loved; he swore to protect her. He couldn’t do that to her. He had already done enough to flip her life upside down in the few short months they’ve known one another.
With furrowed brows, Jake cleared his throat before turning his gaze back to keyboard, brewing silently. Perhaps it was selfish to hold her back from pursuing other relationships, but he just couldn't bring himself to let her go. He wanted her more than he could possibly fathom, unable to deny their connection as soon as they began talking. She was the first one to break through his walls and care enough to learn who he truly was.
The fool… 
In all these years, he avoided growing close to anyone after what happened between himself and Hannah. He couldn't afford to put anyone else in harm's way, but this was different.
He was in love with her.
Hours felt like days as the cafe served its final customer; the hostess walking a young couple towards the entrance. The girl flipped the sign in the window while glancing across the square out to the darkness, a deep breath of relief escaping her mouth.
“Another day in Duskwood…” The girl mumbled quietly to herself, a small frown forming on her lips as her eyes skimmed the tree lining in the distance. “I wonder where you are right now.” Exhaling, the brunette spun on her heel and began collecting her belongings, slinging her purse across her body.
Before she could turn the knob on the front door, a kind voice caught her attention from the kitchen. “Hey, kiddo. I hate to bother you after a long day, but do you think you could take the trash out before you go?”
It was hard to say no to Grant, the older gentleman showing her nothing but kindness since the day she started the job.
“Of course, Grant. I’m happy to help.” With that, she made her way to the back door, a black garbage bag in tow. Walking into the alley, she tossed the bag into the dumpster before heading back in, using the nearest sink to wash up one last time.
With a wave, the girl wished her co-workers a good night and stepped outside, the cool air washing over her immediately. Had she not been running late for work, she would’ve packed a coat, crossing her arms over her chest as she began walking down the alley. It’s been a few months since they found Hannah, finally able to rest after all that has happened.
Fortunately, her relationship with Jake remained intact, throwing herself at her phone whenever he called or simply messaged. The butterflies still fluttered within her stomach as she recalled the first time Jake told her that he loved her. The euphoric feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced, never admitting that she cried that night – mostly due to fear for his personal safety. It has been a few days since she’s heard from him, praying desperately that the boy was okay.
Distracted by her own thoughts, the girl collided with a wall of flesh when turning the corner, stopping instantaneously in her steps. Without glancing up, the brunette sputtered out an alarmed response, “Oh! I’m so sorry! I –” The words disappeared in her throat as her gaze flickered up to meet the person who she bumped into, only to be met by familiar blue eyes that she’s only seen through a computer monitor.
“Jake..?” She mumbled, voice breaking softly as her voice pitched an octave, vision blurring with tears. Before she could react, his arms wrapped around her form, pulling the girl into him as his warmth consumed her. Perching her chin on his shoulder, she held him close as she whispered. “I can’t believe it. You’re really here? In Duskwood?” She pulled away enough to gaze up at him, tiny hands clutching his forearms gently. “Wait, for how long? Holy crap… I have so many questions!” She raised her voice a bit, Jake’s eyes twinkling with amusement at the change in her demeanor.
She was simply exquisite, feeling his heart flutter in delight at their reunion. “I missed you. I couldn't help myself. Seeing you tonight, it reminded me of what I’m fighting for.” Leaning down to press his forehead against hers, Jake let out a soft sigh, shoulders easing as he felt her hands cup his face. Her fingers felt like icicles against his warmth, breaking away once he realized she had no jacket. “You’re freezing... Here.” Shrugging the coat off, he ignored her quiet protest as the fabric wrapped around her shoulders, smiling proudly to himself. “There you go.”
“Jake. You’re all I’ve been thinking about. I didn’t hear from you for a bit. I thought –” The crack in her voice was enough to alarm him, brows knitted in anguish. “I thought they found you and I lost you forever.” The street lamps overhead illuminated the tears in her eyes, Jake taking a step closer.
“Nothing is taking me away from you, okay? I had to go dark for a bit so I could come to Duskwood without them knowing. I don’t have long, but I’d rather spend whatever time I have with you.” His blue orbs softened as he kissed her knuckles, smiling against her skin as the girl chuckled happily.
“I’m just happy that you’re safe. After everything we’ve been through, I’m certain of one thing.” She stepped closer to the boy, chin tilted up confidently to meet his gaze. “I love you, Jake Donfort. With everything that I am. I love you.”
Jake felt his heart slam rhythmically against his rib cage. Every concern – every fear he had – disappeared in that moment. For the first time in his life, Jake felt wanted by someone, a concept that was far-fetched to him. He couldn’t place his finger on what he did to deserve her. He sure as hell wouldn’t dare question it either.
With no hesitation, Jake brought his hand up to cup one side of her face, lowering his head to press a gentle kiss to her lips, savoring the faint taste of cherry gloss. The girl's hands dropped down to wrap around his waist, pulling him close enough to align their bodies. Breaking the kiss with a soft smack of their lips, he found himself leaning into her with their foreheads pressed together. “I love you too. So, so much. Don’t ever forget that. I swore to protect you, didn’t I?”
Feeling nothing but pure bliss, the pair shared a quiet chuckle, unable to wipe the grins off their faces, exchanging a few more kisses under the night sky.
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blondrichclosetwitch · 7 months
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I ain't gonna live anymore.
Looking at you, I can read your mind, and I don't need to see anymore to know.
“Can’t see through the spell across my heart.”
Me and my Baby in 69 (that plays on your number *alot*).
What other town has the Empire State & a mayor five foot two?
“To think that I've lived here all of my life and never seen these things.”
N.Y.C I give you fair warning: Up there in lights I'll be.
People never care 'til it's R.I.P.
We should sit down since you said things about me.
And y'all still with 'em.
When it's done? Nobody left to bury here.
There’s nothing left to pretend.
Remember, you promised me.
“I grabbed a rag doll and stuck some little pins in it.”
We don't know you and we don't owe you.
But if you see us around I got something else to show you.
“I got a backyard with nothing in it… except a stick, some cats and a box with something in it.”
“You wrecked my hair.”
(yeah apparently there’s no low too low for some)
I'm in a rage up from my head down to my toes.
I just pull the brake.
But just have one thing clear: I can't get enough.
We Don’t Need No Thought Control.
No dark sarcasm. Leave them kids alone.
“All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.”
Thought she deserved no less than she'd give.
“Well happy birthday…her blood's on my hands.”
Doll reference.
Someone's perfect daughter.
But you are unfixable. You’re crumbling, sadly.
But there’s still time to change the road you’re on.
You hurt still you must carry on.
The best parts of you are here, but you’re still gone.
Dear women with the red faces…
Oh godYou'd better leave town before you get caught in the Shakedown.
Is still big news round these parts - - can you imagine it?
The film now cuts to reveal who is watching this docu-drama.
“And I will do everything, *everything* in my power to get away from you.”
When you've been up for five days, come down here mama…cause you're afraid of sleeping.
How do you think it feels?
And when do you think it stops?
I'm dying, to see how this one ends.
The Dolls are back, but they never are really away, tbh.
With the riot van still hidden plainly in view. *
Oh, I've written down the memories.
“But don’t look back in anger.” I heard you say. “At least not today.”
'Cause we were like the mall before the internet. And when I got into the accident the sight that flashed before me was your face.
Hope my tears don't freak you out.
I'm just sitting here thinkin 'bout the time that's slipping, and missing my mother.
Chchch changes.
“I still don’t understand. This would never happen in seattle.”
Welcome to New York, it's been waitin' for you.
It is a dream you bring to life.
“I think I’m in trouble.”
Each of these my three babies I was not willing to leave.
Casting spells with my cousins, I'm a shapeshifting bitch, you don't know who you loving.
Who’s in a bunker, who’s in a bunker? We're not scaremongering. This is really happening.
(Mobiles skwerking, mobiles chirping.)
“During the final sabbath, Susie is at her full power, having decided that she will fulfill her destiny, and that it will be beautiful. The destruction of the cult provides catharsis for her, signalling an end to everything that she thought she knew. The power being abused in her vicinity had to be taken down for this to be achieved, just as capitalist corruption, exclusionary feminism and fascism must be dismantled for true women’s liberation. She aligns herself with the victimised women of the cult and grants them the merciful death they crave.”
No future.
“Just ring 3-6, 2-4, 3-6, I live a life of crime.”
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worksinprogress1 · 2 years
Susie’s cage spun as it hung from the ceiling, and the cold, basement air was almost painful on her skin. At very least, she’d pushed Alice down for now. She wondered how long she would be there, in this dark, empty, awful place.
The door swung open, and Susie was surprised to see not Joey, but Sammy and Allison coming through it.
“Hey. We’re going to get you down. It’s just for the evening. We’ll have to put you back before he notices you’re gone. But Allison has set up a little... magical venting session for employees who hate Joey Drew.”
“We think it might even change his mind about treating everyone so poorly. Maybe he’d even release you!”
Sammy rolled his eyes. “Don’t get your hopes up for that. But let’s get you down. You deserve a nice evening, even if that’s all this is.”
The two lowered Susie’s cage down and unlocked it, and then the three took the bus to Allison’s house. There was food and drink already laid out, along with a caudron and what looked like carefully measured cooking ingredients. Not too much later, Wally Franks, Grant Cohen, and a teenager Susie had never seen before showed up. Susie tried to ignore their stares.
There was a loud bang as Allison dropped a cauldron on the table, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Glad everyone could make it! So, here’s what’s going to happen. Sammy and I have made up a little spell that will let us construct a little fantasy for Joey lasting an hour each. Sammy and I were thinking of sticking to a ‘walk a mile in your worker’s shoes’ theme, but if you just want to straight-up torture him, your choice-"
“No,” Sammy cut in. “Stick to teaching Joey what an awful person he is. We want him to change and we need to take this seriously.
“Okay,” Allison added, “But just so you know, there’s no lasting consequences and no way for Joey to prove this actually happened. Also, we’ll all get to watch everything from the cauldron. If you’re feeling skeptical, just you all wait a moment. Sammy?”
Sammy brought over a tray of strange-looking liquids and dried plants, which he added to the cauldron as Allison stirred. At the end of it, Sammy drew a pentagram around the cauldron, which flashed to life.
“Now. Who’s our biggest skeptic here?” Allison asked, “You,” she grabbed Grant’s hand and plunged it into the cauldron.
Joey woke up face-down on a desk, feeling like he’d been hit with a truck. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was in Grant’s office.
Did I doze off here? Where’s Grant?
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was Sammy Lawrence, only... taller... it seemed. Sammy stomped past Joey and took a seat across from him, staring him in the eyes with fury and disbelief.
“What the Hell are you doing with the studio’s finances? Do have any idea how expensive instruments are, or how empty media feels without music? Of course you don’t. Why the Hell did you slash our budget again?”
Joey just sat there, stunned. “I’m not responsible for that!” he finally spat out.
“Yeah, yeah, Joey overspends. Joey makes all of our jobs difficult. Find a better excuse. Just give me my fucking paycheck.”
Thoroughly confused, Joey froze for a second before asking, “who do you think I am?”
Sammy gave him a weird look before getting up and opening the desk drawer. He shuffled through some checks until he found the one with his name on it. “There. I’m only taking mine, see? If any of the others go missing, get me arrested for all I care.” With that, Sammy left.
“What the Hell is going on?” Joey wondered. And then he left the office and saw his name on the door.
Oh. Oh my.
Either this was a dream, or Grant had gotten his hands on magic. The latter was a laughable idea. Joey was a vibrant dreamer, this was far from the zaniest dream he’d ever had.
As time went on, Joey began to doubt that little hypothesis. The dream sequence was just so unimaginative, repetitive, and just not that torturous: a few people snapping at him over late pay checks and a meeting with the boss. It was on brand for Grant’s lack of creativity, and Joey could quite literally come up with better in his sleep. So this had to be a dream.
And then there was the meeting itself. Joey Drew, perhaps Grant in his body, had quoted their previous meetings word-for-word. He’d done things Joey had done just to intimidate him. He’d even called him “Drew.” It might not have been intimidating had it not been evidence that this was real, and that Grant Cohen had somehow gotten his hands on magic and was using it on him.
Joey woke up, this time in an iron cage, feeling as cold as if he’d been left outside on a winter’s night without a coat. This time, the physical change to his body was incredibly obvious. His arms were thin and black. Plastic-like strands of hair fell over his shoulders. It was obvious what this was now: he was Alice Angel, once known as Susie Campbell.
His torture was simple. He had to stay there an hour and freeze in a body that provided no warmth, cramped in an oversized bird cage. He could hear ink creatures howling around him. He could feel a separate consciousness controlling his body.
It hurt. But it also gave Joey time to think. This spell, colloquially named “mile-in-my-shoes” for its most obvious use, only allowed each person involved to control the narrative for a single hour. The first hour had been Grant- that was obvious. The second hour had to be from someone who knew about Alice’s fate. Had Alice escaped? Or was this someone who knew about her? Sammy would make sense. It would require Sammy to have more magical abilities than he’d thought, but it was still a better thought than having Susie on the loose, and unlike Susie or Grant, Sammy did at least know some magic.
Joey woke up again, this time in a closet from somewhere within the music room. He could see that he was in a woman’s body this time. He emerged and entered the recording hall, and from there, he could tell that something was very off.
Everyone was whispering, sending Joey the occasional glance. It occurred to Joey that he didn’t know what his job was, and since this was a fantasy, he could leave at any time. But for whatever reason, he stayed to listen to them. Something about a Alice Angel.
Sammy Lawrence- Joey noted that he was the same height as him this time around- strode towards him, a sympathetic look on his face.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
Joey smiled. “Why wouldn’t it be? Just show me what we’ll be doing today and I’ll get started!”
“Wow. You’re taking the loss of your role awfully well.”
“My... what?” Other members of the music department turned towards him, making Joey feel overwhelmed.
“You didn’t know...?”
“Uh... gimme a second...”
Joey ran off the women’s bathroom. Even though he didn’t have any attachment to a role he didn’t have, the embarrassment alone had stung. He shouldn’t have forced Susie through that... it was wholly unnecessary not to tell her directly.
But there was little time to think about that. What this meant for immediate matters was hardly ideal. Susie had to be in on this now, unless it was two people who were especially sympathetic towards her. Joey looked in the mirror to see who exactly he was, and he was faced with long brown hair, a diamond-shaped face and light grey eyes.
It made perfect sense, of course. Allison would be just the type to bring people over for a party where everyone participated in a spell. And since she and Tom were an item, it made sense that she’d known about Susie.
A terrible thought struck Joey: Allison was in his body right now, able to access any secret of his that she could want. She could even figure out how to release his ink creatures if she got to the basement.
Joey ran out into the hall, only to trip on Allison’s heels. He threw them off and ran barefoot to his office. The woman in his body was leaving it, ink machine keys dangling from her fingers.
“Hey!” he yelled.
Allison didn’t even look back at him.
Joey ran over and tried to snatch the keys from Allison’s hand, but Joey pushed her against a wall.
She’s stronger than me, he realized. He’d have to rely on strategy and agility. And since this was an illusion, he didn’t have to worry about the integrity of the world, or of injuring their bodies.
Joey ran. He was faster in this body, he realized. There was no reason that Allison would waste time chasing after him, so he had to find a solution before Allison made her way to the basement. He found his solution in a cigarette lighter he’d found laying out on someone’s desk, which he snatched before running to the elevator, at which Allison was waiting.
The two locked eyes. “I know what you’re doing, Allison. You won’t get away with it!” Joey said.
Allison made her best confused face. Joey wasn’t sure whether it looked strange because she was faking it poorly or if it was just strange looking at someone else wearing his own face. “This is just a dream, Joey. Don’t worry about a thing.”
Joey growled and tensed up, almost ready to strike her.
A ding indicated that the elevator had arrived, and Joey rushed to light it on fire, feeling Allison pull him back only after he’d set a pile of ink in it ablaze. He looked back to Allison with a childlike, triumphant smile.
Allison was unphased and started for the stairs. Joey ran ahead of her, unsure what his plan was. What followed was several minutes of the two wrestling in the stairwell, at one point tumbling down them, breaking bones, and continuing to fight.
“Allison!” Sammy snapped. “This was supposed to be about making Joey walk a mile in our shoes. Now he’s going to make the whole thing about protecting his secrets!”
Allison nodded and lowered her eyes. “Yeah. I got carried away. But to be fair, I don’t think any of us has taught him anything yet. He’s just been focused on trying to figure out what’s been going on.”
“Well, I guess it’s up to the last three to teach him a lesson. Who’s left?” Sammy eyed the room and realized that it was just Wally, a timid-looking teenager whose name he didn’t know, and himself. He sighed heavily- it wasn’t exactly a dream team. “Alright. Let’s make a game plan and hope this goes right.”
0 notes
redrobin-detective · 2 years
I realized I’ve talked big game about Billy and Jason coexisting as a young Captain Marvel and Robin Jason but never really explained it. I swear it’s not just because I think Jay and Bill would be the absolute best friends ever and deserve each other. So! Captain Marvel started off with Fawcett Comics in 1939 and was eventually absorbed by DC comics sometime in the mid 70s before becoming more prevalent in the 80-90s. Jason was introduced in 1983 so Jason and Billy’s introductions to the DCU are much closer together than the other Robins. So on that front I like the continuity but it’s also deeper than that.
Despite being created alongside the Golden heroes like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, I really like the idea of Captain Marvel coming into play after that first wave and with the second. It’s kind of mentioned in First Thunder that the Wizard saw that a great era of heroes was dawning and wanted his champion to be there to help with any threats, magical or otherwise, that may result. By the time Billy is granted his powers, the Justice League is well established and its main heroes considered to be the shining example of heroics. Hell, in this timeline Billy was probably born around the time these heroes first became active. 
The JLA is in many ways considered and run like a business, especially as it expanded beyond the original seven and required more care and coordination. The League is in this weird time where it’s starting to expand but doesn’t quite have all the kinks worked out like they will later and thus it’s the perfect time for Cap to be able to keep his identity under wraps. But also the idea of people looking up to the original heroes who paved the way, there’s some metaphors there not only of Billy growing and coming into himself through their example but in many ways exemplifying the ideal they may stray from. I really like the idea of initial tension between Supes and Marvel because, for all his kindness and goodness, Clark can be flawed. I can see him being nervous around a magical version of himself with seemingly no weaknesses. As the League gets bigger, gets involved more on social/political issues, having Billy/Marvel to serve as a reminder of what they stand for, it’s something I like. 
This period of transition extends also to Robin Jay. We had the first wave of superheroes and their sidekicks but now those sidekicks are growing up. Nightwing is with the Titans and then his own solo, Wally has assumed the mantle of the Flash from Barry, Speedy was struggling with addiction. Jason (to my mind don’t jump down my throat) was one of the first times a legacy character was properly replaced by a new character (Dick Robin -> Jason Robin). There’s a realization there that there will be heroes beyond the originals and their first set of sidekicks, that time is moving on and change in inevitable. To me and their respective origins and places in the larger DCU, Jason and Billy are symbols of change. 
This rant is getting away from me so I’ll wrap it up. Basically I think the second wave of heroes is the perfect era to slot in Billy Batson with him eventually becoming friends with newly inducted Robin Jason Todd. This, of course, later leads to tragedy with Jason’s death which poor Bill doesn’t deserve but also opens avenues on how Bill would interact with the League as it, and himself, grew up. I like most have trouble imagining Billy past 13 but imagine him giving advice and reminiscing with Tim Drake about Jay when they’re about the same age. Imagine Bill as an older teen on the cusp of adulthood when he learns his best friend has come back from the dead as a criminal. Imagine young adult Billy, trying to make his way in the world now as a proper adult having to deal with Damian’s attitude and arrogance. 
We all love perpetually baby Billy but there is a certain poetry in slotting him in a young, still getting itself together, Justice League. A Justice League that is, in itself, in its awkward preteens and trying to find it’s footing and place in the world. It puts him elbow to elbow with Superman who is struggling to find himself in his new role as the Man of Steel and is now confronted with a godlike being who absolutely could kill him and also with Jason, a street rat like him working to make a difference for the little people. I will always feel its the best place for Billy to find himself alongside a heroics organization which is looking to do the same.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Our Lonely Hearts 3
Steven Grant x f reader /nickname Cat | ft. Marc Spector
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Words: 2,811
⚠️warnings: moments of confusion, no outward mentions of it, but DID, mentions of injury 
An: Aside from past lives being one of my fav tropes ever, there is this super fascinating thing called simultaneous past lives, where a soul can be in many bodies at once/ more than one body. So it is completely possible to have a dual past life that may line up timeline wise or be connected to the same location or time in history. This has always fascinated me and is part of this story. 
AN: Two for one this week! We are back to the weekly schedule next week. Watch out for the ETA for chapter 4 mid week.
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You must have checked the recipe a dozen times, making sure everything you got from the market was vegan. You were nervous.
Officially, you've never made a meal for someone but you wanted to do something special for Steven. Besides, there are only so many wraps and sandwiches a person could eat, you were happy to attempt feeding him a decent homemade meal.
You've noticed before he didn't have a full fridge and after talking on the phone yesterday, this idea came to you. If anyone deserved it, it was him and Steven happily accepted the invite.
After scrolling through what felt like dozens of recipes, you settled on Vegan Ravioli, thankfully you were able to find everything at the market, trying to make this from scratch would surely have been a disaster. You make a large salad and bake some vegan cookies for dessert, completing the night's menu.
In the back of your mind, you kept wondering if this could be considered a date, or if such a thought was too forward of you. You didn’t exactly say ‘date’ on the phone, just invited him over but you were holding regularly now, and having movie nights so maybe...just maybe...
One thing was for sure, you had first date jitters and changed your outfit 5 times. Nothing you owned seemed right or felt too much like a date outfit. You finally settled on something casual, your favorite jeans and shirt combo.
Just as everything is done and you set the table, Steven arrives. You buzz him in and a short while later he knocks on your door. When you open it, he’s wearing a smile and holding flowers.
He greets you and draws you into a hug. Steven gave the best hugs, the kind you never wanted to leave. It was so easy to melt into him and hold him tight. After greeting each other, you welcome him inside.
As you close and lock the door, he looks around, “it smells great in here.”
“Thank you.”
He notices your outfit and then glances down at himself, “I feel like a knob. I’m overdressed.”
He looked so handsome, dressed in a nice black shirt, slacks and shoes. You were certainly underdressed; maybe this was a date.
“Oh sorry, I wasn't sure what to wear," you say quickly, " please sit, make yourself comfortable. I’m going to change.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that.”
“I want to. It will only take a moment.”
You flash a smile and head back to your room. Once inside, you close the door and rummage through the pile on the bed. You pull out the simple dress you did try on previously. It was in your favorite color and would be the perfect complement to what Steven is wearing.
When you come back out, he’s sitting on the couch still holding the flowers. He looks nervous, it’s the cutest thing. When he sees you, his eyes light up,
“Wow. You look very nice.“
“Aww, “ you shrug, “ thank you, you look handsome. Come, let’s eat.”
Steven stands, you take the flowers from him and put them in a vase.
The nervous jitters still have a hold on you as well, but once you sit and start to eat both of you relax. You fall into a natural conversation about both your days, Steven compliments the food, much to your relief.
Steven helps you clear the table after dinner as you put the cookies there with some tea. You notice he’s doing that thing, where he wants to say something but doesn't. You try to make it easier and help him out.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask softly, placing the plate of cookies on the table.
“I was just wondering - is this a date?” He has the most innocent look in his eyes. You want to kiss him on the spot.
Grinning, you walk over to him and take one of his hands in yours, “it would be really cool if this was a date. I’d like that.”
He raises his brow. This almost feels too good to be true.
“Yes. Really.” You confirm, excitement stirring in the pit of your stomach.
Overjoyed, Steven laughs and moves closer to you. “Oh, that's great! It’s a date then!"  
You nod and plant a kiss on his left cheek. Steven watches you with soft eyes. If there was any doubt left in you that the feeling wasn't mutual, you knew for sure now he was smitten with you as you were him.
Over dessert, the two of you continue to talk. Steven brings up the phone and storage locker key he found in his flat. You offer to go with him when he feels ready to check it out. He has museum shifts the next two days but considers going on his day off.
Soon the conversation shifts to all the questions he has. The missing time, Marc, Arthur, Khoshu. Though you didn't have the answers, you can tell it's comforting for him to speak to you, to have support as he tries to figure this all out.
You haven’t told him about the tall bird-like figure in your dream yet, you didn’t want to add any more stress on his plate. But once he describes what he saw that night in his building, it clicks, you saw the same thing in your dream.
The news does worry him, but you continue to talk it out and try to piece it together. If you were dreaming of what he was seeing, it had to mean something, it was connected somehow. Why would Khoshu appear in your dream? Was it a warning?
After a while, Steven asks you about your favorite show and the two of you move into the living room. Getting comfortable on the couch, you settle in, excited to share this with him. Since you both love Mythology, you hoped Steven would love this show too.
Midway through the second episode, you feel a little cold and Steven quickly notices. He unfolds the blanket on the side table and places it delicately over your shoulders, the two of you gazing into each other's eyes as he does.
“There, nice and warm.”
Steven caresses your shoulder before settling back in place. You lean into him, and he rests his arm across your shoulders. Blissfully content, you continue to watch the show together.
Soon, tiredness strikes. You struggle to keep your eyes open. You didn’t want this night to end, and tried to stay awake as long as you could. But somewhere between episodes 3 and 4, as the two of you cuddle on the couch, you slip into the land of dreams.
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The air in the room is alive, electric. You walk closer to the statue, continuing to rhythmically shake the sistrums in your hands as you approach. You feel her presence, you feel her love, you feel her power.
“To Sekhmet who is great of power, I offer my praise, O fierce-hearted lioness, great Eye of Ra, beloved of Ptah…” You continue your prayer, feeling yourself elevate to higher and higher levels of spiritual elevation...
After the ritual, you make your way up the steps. Feeling pulled by a force, you find your way to a balcony. It’s night now, the sky illuminated by a crescent moon.
As you look down at yourself, your appearance is different than before, though you were on the same lands. Your fingers, your adornments, your dress; this form is unfamiliar.
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Called to the moon, you look up, gazing at it. The footsteps behind you come closer until someone stands beside you. When you look over at him, you can’t see his face. It’s hidden, blurred.
His hair is covered with the traditional headdress of the Pharaoh's warriors. In his left hand, he holds a spear, a shield in his right. His skin is brown, tan, with golden hues just like the man before.
As you observe him closer, you realize it’s not the same man, but a different one. Around his neck, he wore a special symbol, an amulet given to only the greatest of the Pharaoh's defenders.
He sets the shield aside and reaches for your hand, taking it into his own. A feeling of relief mixed with sadness fills you, this touch igniting a storm of emotions as they swell up from your gut and reach your chest. You feel a sense of relief…he’s returned, he’s come home…
As you and the man start to speak, your surroundings suddenly change. You find yourself inside of a great hall, just ahead is a pool accented with trees. You notice a figure seated and writing on papyrus. You glance down at your body, this form is familiar, it's the one you've always known in your dreams.
A feeling of happiness, of love blossoms through you as you watch the seated figure, you know him, you know this place; it’s the man from the first dream, the one who walked by your side and protected you.
You pass others as they enjoy the pool and make your way to him. As you approach, he stops what he’s doing and looks up at you. You can’t see his face, not clearly, it's blinded by the sun. Though you can't see it, it feels like he’s smiling…
A sudden sense of urgency fills you, taking hold and pulling you out of the dream. When you open your eyes, you find yourself alone on the couch, and a few steps away Steven is heading for the door.
Rubbing your eyes, you jump off the couch and walk over to him, “I’m sorry, I didn't realize I was tired - “ you stop cold. Something is off.
He slowly turns to look at you and something about him is…different. Adjusting your eyes, you take one more step closer, studying him.
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Despite the stone expression on his face, you see a flicker of recognition in his eyes, something familiar, something old. But it doesn't last long, it vanishes and is replaced by a cold stare. His brown eyes, Steven’s eyes, are completely different,
He clenches his jaw, his eyes still burning into yours, “you should have stayed asleep.”
Even his tone is off. He didn’t sound like Steven and the accent was completely gone. He starts to turn away again until his eyes catch the pendant around your neck. He stops and stares at it.
“Steven what’s-” he takes a step closer to you, a warning look in his eyes,
“Cat, go back to sleep. Forget about this.”
Just as you start to ask another question it hits you like a ton of bricks, you take in a sharp breath, “oh god. You’re not Steven!”
The way he slowly shakes his head in response is chilling, his eyes now scanning your face.
“....M-Marc?” You can feel a lump forming in your throat.
He narrows his eyes at you, his brows tense. For a fleeting second, it seems like he’s going to say something else. Instead, he turns his back to you and heads for the door.
Trying to calm the panic rising in you, you think of Steven and quickly run past Marc and cover the door with your body, blocking the lock and handle.
Marc grunts in frustration, “get out of my way.”
You maintain eye contact, standing your ground, “No. I can’t let you leave!”
Marc scoffs and looks away from you. He rests his hand on his hips, and you notice how different his posture is from Stevens.
A weird silence falls between the both of you. Your mind feels like it's working overtime trying to make sense of this and adjust to the fact that you were now dealing with Marc.
“This is what you’re going to do,” Marc’s dark eyes land on yours again, he raises his hand to point at you, then the couch, “you’re going to lay down and go back to sleep. I will not repeat myself.”
His warning and tone sent a chill down your spine but you had to protect Steven. Who knows what Marc had planned for him tonight, you couldn’t let him walk out that door without making an effort.
When you don’t move, Marc shifts his weight and firmly plants his hands on his hips. He closes his eyes, “Get out of my way.”
Before you could blink or take another breath, Marc took hold of you, grabbing you by the waist. He picks you up, moving you away from the door. The moment his hands touch you, the energy in the room shifts, and memories flash before your eyes...
The crescent moon
The balcony
The warrior
The warrior's eyes
Marc lets you go with a jolt, his eyes wide. He shakes his head like he’s trying to release what he saw. Your pulse is racing even faster now, and you search his eyes for answers. Something’s changed in the way he’s looking at you.
Marc takes another step back, closer to the door. His face is still tense, you can feel words lingering on his lips, words he’s not sure if wants to say.
You feel frozen in place, unable to move closer or block the door again. Marc opens the door, pauses in the doorway, and glares back at you.
“You… you shouldn't be here.”
He closes the door behind him with those words, and it's like all the air in the room leaves with him.
When you finally feel able to move again, you rush into the hallway and down the stairs. When you reach the outside, it's a ghost town, not a person in sight, including Marc.
You couldn’t sleep that night, not after everything that happened. Any attempts to get a hold of Marc, or Steven, fell short.
With each passing hour, the guilt builds up inside of you, maybe you could have done more? But Marc was strong and had no issue moving you out of the way while being strangely gentle about it at the same time.
It’s not until later that morning that you reach him. Running on a second cup of coffee and anxiety, you show up at his apartment.
Steven opens the door looking exhausted but happy to see you, he wastes no time pulling you into a warm hug. “Cat!” He beams.
As you step inside, you try to find your words. It seemed silly asking if he remembered, you know he didn’t.
“I had another one of those dreams, it was mad…” He heads to the kitchen, “ would you like some tea? I’ll make you some. Last night was great, lovely-”
“Steven,” your somber tone causes him to stop and focus his attention on you, “I know you were wondering if…M-marc, is real…”
He walks over to you and grabs your hand, rubbing the back of it. You can see the concern in his soft puppy dog eyes.
“Last night…we both fell asleep and - ” you know what you want to say but the words are having a hard time meeting your lips, “I saw him. Marc is real.”
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Stevens' expression changes, his lips slightly parted as he processes your words. He’d been questioning his sanity over and over again, wondering if he made Marc up.
“I’m so sorry. I should have stayed awake. I tried to keep him inside, I did - ”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Steven holds your face, gazing into your eyes, “ it’s not your fault. Come here.” He holds you against him, and you lock your arms tight around his body.  
As you hold each other, the events of last night replay in your mind, the dreams playing in the background like a second screen. What did it all mean? Why did Marc look at you like that? What happened when he touched you? What did he mean by ‘you’ shouldn’t be here?
You try to calm your thoughts and focus on holding Steven. Just as you’re about to close your eyes, a Thoth figurine on the closest bookshelf catches your attention. Another series of images flashes in your mind's eye,
The pool
The seated scribe
The sunlight on his face
His hand in yours as you walked on the sand
You find yourself on the sand again, like before and this time he’s standing in front of you, your hands still interlaced. The bright sun starts to set, revealing more and more of his face as the golden rays pass. His dark curly hair, his forehead, his eyebrows, his eyes -
“Oh my god - “ you breathe as the vision becomes perfectly clear. Feeling back in your body, you tear your eyes away from the statue and lean back enough to look Steven in the face, his arms are still around you.
“Hey, what’s going on?” He frees one of his hands to caress your cheek,” he didn’t…h-hurt you, did he?” You see a flash of worry and anger behind his gentle eyes at the thought.
“No, he didn’t. I um,” you look down, sorting your thoughts, “I’ll tell you all about it, it happened so fast he was just, out of the door in minutes but…” you re-establish eye contact, Steven’s hanging on your every word, “I think we knew each other before, Steven. And, I don’t know how it’s possible, but I think I knew him too.”
❤️ next
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alphabet boy II
SYNOPSIS: college AU. Armin, your brilliant tutor, invites you over to his house for some studying. Naturally, you're nervous and he seems to be giving you a reason to be.
PAIRING: SCUMBAG!Tutor Armin x FEM!Reader
WARNINGS: half edited, noncon/dubcon, fingering, non-penetrative sexual content. gaslighting, manipulating,
A/N: really need the motivation to write again and I've been slacking on my multi-parters so here's a somewhat highly anticipated one. Armin fuckers, this is for you. non-Armin fuckers, I hope this converts you
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II. I.
“You’re not paying attention.”
You feel his voice right by the shell of your ear, and the proximity nearly makes you reel back in surprise but you manage to catch yourself.
“S-sorry” You apologize, wishing you didn’t stutter.
The thing is you’re just really out of your element. This is the first time you’ve been to Armin’s house for personal tutoring, and it was hard to focus on the material when his presence was so distracting.
It wasn’t like you were fantasizing about him or anything [well…]-you always tried to banish those thoughts as soon as it came. But still, being alone with an attractive boy with a disarming charm was causing some jitters. You felt like a shy middle schooler, on edge and jittery.
The last tutoring session in the library when he [basically] called you stupid plagued your mind. The memory of him feeling up your thighs lived in your head rent-free.
“Let’s take a break.” He sighs. Your heart drops at the noise of disappointment but you suppose it’s what you deserve.
You push your laptop lightly aside on the table, the bleak light straining your eyes, and ask for the bathroom. You just wanted to freshen up and be alone for a few seconds. The bathroom is meticulously clean, something even you knew was unexpected for a boy. You looked at yourself through the spotless mirror, scrutinizing every flaw.
You sigh, fiddling with your dress collar. Why you had tried dressing pretty for a boy so out of your league, he may as well be in Mars--you didn’t know.
When you return, there is a tall glass of lemonade waiting for you.
“Thought you might be thirsty.”
It’s a simple gesture that makes you blush so you thank him earnestly. Like the gentleman he is, he assures you it’s no problem. Not wanting to prolong the awkward silence, you compliment his apartment, “This is a really nice place. So much light and space.”
You’re babbling but he engages you regardless, and you two are mindlessly discussing the benefits of living at off-campus housing over dorming. His words are pleasant but there’s a sinking feeling within you as you notice he’s bored. Or maybe distracted was a better word.
“So, do you have a boyfriend? Or anyone you’re seeing?”
You nearly choke at the question uttered through a buttery voice.
“Oh um, not really.”
“Not really?”
You made a mental note to answer in definitives. Armin seemed the type to snuff out anything he reasoned as half-truths.
“No. I uh, don’t have a boyfriend.” And then you clarified a pin-drop later, “And I’m not seeing anyone either.”
The blond hums a playful tune that’s vaguely nostalgic.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”
You don’t understand the point of this line of incessant questioning, and can’t calm your heart rate.
“I-um, I don’t-“
Taking one look at your serious face, eyes rimmed with worry and cheeks pink, he laughs. It’s a startling sound like bell chimes.
“Relax. I just wanted to know if you had any experience.”
The sentence flies out of your mouth before you can even ponder it: “What do you mean by experience?”
It’s not his fault if he can’t hide the feral grin that crosses his mouth right at that moment. You can’t discern his expression as you’re staring at anywhere but him, so you don’t notice the uncontained excitement that glimmers in cerulean eyes.
“Let’s move to the couch. You’ll be more comfortable there.”
You think about saying that you’re fine wherever you are and didn’t really feel like changing positions, but he’s already striding towards the couch. So you start packing up the materials, before a clear voice calls out to you, “It’s okay. You don’t have to bring all that. Just bring your flashcards.”
You hoped that wouldn’t mean he’d quiz you, but that’s exactly what he meant to do.
“Law of diminishing returns.”
“Wait! I know that one!” You brightly exclaimed, “ Uhh..it gives way to the catch-up effect which means poor countries tend to grow more rapidly and they’ll one day essentially catch up with wealthier economies.”
The blond ran his hand through his hair before sighing. You could feel your heart drop. You were sure you were right. Was your answer wrong enough to cause exasperation?
“Stick with the formal definition next time. I didn’t ask for the theory based on the law.”
You pouted, and Armin couldn’t help but relish in how eagerly you sought his approval, like a puppy performing tricks to appease their master.
“You should sit closer. Can you even see the word?”
You moved closer to him, knees knocking into each other. He looks down at the completed set.
“Well, you didn’t do as bad as I expected.” Ouch. But maybe he meant it as a compliment?
“But,” the corners of his mouth curled, “I’d say you’re still struggling.” Never mind.
“T-this is a new chapter though. I don’t think we’ve even gone over it in class.”
Blue eyes narrow, and you wonder if he’s going to give the well-meaning spiel about how staying ahead was the only way to keep up. That mantra may work for someone with high ambitions and an extremely good work ethic but you were no well-oiled machine. You had other classes too!
“Why are you so defensive?”
Your eyes widen in surprise at the question, spoken so softly and casually, you almost miss the disdained lilt.
“Oh uh-“
“Listen to me. I quizzed you so I’m able to assert your skill level. And your response to my assertion is that it’s something you haven’t gone over in class yet. Do those things relate to each other at all?”
Meekly, you shift your attention to the rug.
“Answer me.”
“N-no”, you squeaked.
“And what have I always told you? The only way to keep up is to-“
“Stay ahead.” You finished, “I’m sorry, I just-“
“Did I say you could interrupt me?”
You could feel the blood rushing to your ears, unsure when the atmosphere had shifted. Your heartbeat was beating rapidly and you could feel your body go warm.
He sighed, and placed a hand over over your folded ones, squeezing your palms.
“You know I’m just looking out for you right? It almost feels like you don’t care-“
“No!” You exclaim, “I-I do.” Heat pools into your cheeks once you realize your grave mistake, “I-I’m sorry for interrupting you.”
The blond smiles radiantly and it nearly melts away all of your worries…until he opens his mouth to deliver another damning remark.
“You know, with your looks…you don’t really even have to graduate. Maybe choose an easy major and then get some rich husband to take care of you.” There’s a distinct lack of humor in his tone as if he wholeheartedly believed every word he was saying.
Your eyebrows furrow in blatant confusion, and in the back of your mind, danger signs are flashing at the back of your head. Your thighs are growing warmer. Oh no, this could not be happening right now.
“That’s what most girls’ dreams are anyways.” He inspects his spotless nails, “You chose this class because Ackerman’s attractive right? That’s why his class has such a high drop rate…silly girls join, not understanding how harsh of a grader he is.”
You open your mouth to defend yourself but the next inflammatory remark he spews almost sends you to shock, “Though I bet, if you got on your knees for him, you’d be getting an A on those finals.” He laughs as if he was saying something particularly amusing, an undercurrent of spite coloring his words, “You wouldn’t even need me as your tutor.”
There are a million things on the tip of your tongue but no voice to speak them out. You want to ask him why he’s been so weirdly invasive, what his weird hang-up with professor Ackerman was, and of course, the casual sexism was really throwing you in a loop. Still, you have no doubt Armin could beat you to a bloody pulp several times over in a verbal lashing, and your mind was too fragile to deal with this.
You’ll sign up for a new tutor or better yet no tutor. You’ll get over your social anxiety and join a study group. You’ll go to all of Professor Ackerman’s office hours. Anything had to be better than this. You’re giving yourself this pep talk in your head but there’s no denying that your legs feel warm, and the self-improvement speech is withering away in your mind as it seeks to instead process how Armin fucking Arltert is touching you right now.
He pins you against the cushions, one hand locking both of your wrists. You’re shaking but your pupils are blown out wide.
He smirks, “There’s an excellent stress reliever for studying you know.”
You limp in his hold but the cocky attitude behind his words brings you back. You thrash under him, earning an annoyed growl from the blond.
“I’ve been so fucking patient with you, you know? Planning out your study guides, sharing my notes with you, proofreading homework, going over the mock exams—don’t you think I deserve a little compensation?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
He's right. He's right. Armin actually has done so much for you. Maybe it was too easy to take for granted because of how efficient he was, and how he acted like it was nothing. But right now, nothing really was everything.
He smiles. Yeah, this is who you were. Add just a little bit of pressure and you crumble. That flash of bravery from before was nothing but a petulant outburst from a child who didn’t know any better.
Armin coos, “Isn’t it a little embarrassing to be a virgin at your age?”
With unbridled precision, while he’s still holding your lower body down with the weight of his legs, he unbuckles his belt and ties it around your strained wrists. Red fills your face, and like always, you’re struggling to find the right words to respond. To say anything at all. Most of all, you can feel a wetness building at your core.
“I know the way you look at me, you know.” He kisses the dip of your neck, slender fingers splayed from under your shirt, “I know you’re into this.”
And because he is a scientist who must have evidence to back up his hypothesis, his hands find themselves under the waistband of your floral skirt that you foolishly wore, pushing the cure pastel underwear aside. You’re writhing in his grasp but maybe not as much as you should be, but it’s not your fault your movements are sluggish right?
“You have such a funny habit of not deleting your windows and keeping your bookmarks open.”
You freeze.
“This entire time I thought you were some prudish virgin even though you dress like a whore. Someone with who I had to be gentle. But all that fucking porn you read? Nasty. Is that why you need help in this class?” He punctuates slowly, "Because you're wasting your brain for something else?"
Immediately, you remember how you left your laptop on the table. You remember how many times he used your computer to double-check the notes, and you trustingly let him, forgetting that despite deleting your tabs, the hidden windows of steamy erotica were not yet erased out of their existence. Embarrassment violently paints your body.
He doesn’t wait or care for your response as he starts a vigorous assault on your clit with his slender finger, rubbing up and down in a vicious manner. The second finger prods at your entrance, feeling a tight cavern despite the amount of slick collected. Your eyes roll back in pleasure-is this what being with someone is like?
Stop. Get a hold of yourself. Why are you so fucking horny right now? It doesn’t matter what Armin said about you or how he called you out for the fiction you’ve read, because this is real life. But Christ, it’s Armin, the boy you’ve had a crush on since the moment he explained to you what a marginal abasement curve was. Stupidly handsome Armin with a gentle voice and too-blue oceanic eyes. Stupidly handsome Armin who coerced you into being under him.
You’re so fucking warm and tight, and Armin can’t wait to sink himself inside of you, can’t wait to humiliate you further. With nimble fingers he untied the ribbons of your dress like you were a Christmas present, groping your soft mounds and marking up your collarbone with teeth and tongue. Crystalline tears roll down the side of your face. You really shouldn’t be crying when you’re this wet.
“So fucking funny how you can’t look at me in the eye when we have a conversation but you read the filthiest fucking smut I’ve ever seen.”
taglist: @candy-hime
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Straw Hats With A Suicidal! Shipmate
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message @pixelkittycomet » Hi, I love your stories/scenarios. I has an idea for my one piece fan character, (this is a bit touchy so idk) but I was curious how do you think luffy and the straw hats would react if their y/n crew mate tried to take their own life? Like they caught them just in time or something? Sorry if it's too serious.
Hello! First of all, thank you. And second, I wasn’t sure if this was a request, I don’t think it is- and I also took a look at your character and I think it’s really good. Also, wasn’t sure if you wanted together or separate.
I won’t dwell too much into this topic, since it’s very sensitive. I also changed it up a little bit. I did do something similar to this before though.
WARNING : mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, methods of suicide, self-harm, etc.
LUFFY wouldn’t quite understand. He’s never had to lose a loved one like this before..
“[Name]?.. what are you doing?”
The loud gasp that escapes your lips is heard as you snap up with wide eyes and turn around to face your Captain, who’s staring at you with eyes just as wide as yours.
“Why are your hands bleeding? Did you get hurt?” His clueless tone and the tilt of his head makes your heart pound against your chest, quickly shifting to hide your hands from his sight.
“Luffy!- blood? I, I don’t see any blood. I’m fine, really. Why are you here again?”
“I.. came to see what the noise of crying was coming from.” He mutters out almost inaudibly, his eyes widening by the second at the slow realization.
You, hiding your hands with teary, puffy red eyes and the bloody water filled sink.
The first thing Luffy felt was rage.
You, of all people, were thinking of doing something like this? What could be so horrible to take it this far and deliberately hurting yourself?
And why didn’t he see this sooner, so he could stop it?
But instead of lashing out at you, he lowers his head to hide his face, and slowly walks towards you, before eventually jumping at you, and lunging to wrap his arms around your body, forcing the two of you onto the floor.
With his tight embrace around you, Luffy leans into your ear and you were able to hear his weak voice to you.
“I’m sorry..for not noticing sooner.. so please..” his voice cracks and you sensed he was crying with his frail, trembling voice.
“Please don’t hurt yourself anymore..”
Nami wouldn’t even know how to react, she’s just stunned but once realization hits, genuine fear and panic flashes in her eyes and she’s yelling at you desperately.
The navigator was simply hoping to rest and relax in the aquarium lounge.
So when she walks through the door, she’s not expecting the sight of you trying to take your own life.
“W-What are you doing...?!”
Quick to react, Nami pulls out her Clima-Tact and fires a lightning bolt towards the suspended tied rope before you could even stick your head through the loop, successfully burning the rope.
“Nami! What are you doing here? Why’d you do that?!”
Hearing you made her scoff in disbelief, glaring at you through her quick teary eyes.
“You’re asking me why I did that?! Are you listening to yourself?!”
If you still didn’t listen and insisted on arguing, Nami doesn’t hesitate to slap some sense into you.
It would be silent as soon as she slapped you.
“I can’t believe you’d even think about this!”
Her voice is weak and she’s trembling, yet her cries and glares didn’t falter for a second.
Tears continue to stream down her face as she wipes them away, before she lunges herself at you.
“Are you trying to make us suffer by doing this?! Did you even care to think how we feel? How I’d feel?..”
Her lectures didn’t stop, even through her sobs.
“Don’t you.. EVER, think about doing this again! Okay?!.. just.. just come talk to me.. you idiot..”
Zoro tends to yell because he doesn’t know how else to comfort or cope, and it’s just the stress he’s feeling from almost losing you.
The swordsman let out a heavy sigh as he climbs up to the crows nest after taking a quick break for a drink.
As soon as his head pops up through the little door to enter, he’s startled to find you, playing with one of his swords.
Specifically, the Wado Ichimonji.
Though, perhaps “playing” wasn’t the correct term. Either way, the sight of you angling it towards your neck to slice was something that instilled pure paralyzation and shock into him.
“What..-“ Zoro sprung into action, immediately jumping to push the sword away from you, shoving you away and onto the couch of the crows nest.
The impact forced into you from the shove made you grunt, knocking the air out of your lungs as you peer up at your assailant.
“Zoro? What are you doing?!”
“That’s my line, dumbass! What the hell was that just now?! Huh?! Were you really planning on taking your own damn life here?!”
“Shut it! You have no idea what I was planning!” You retort and Zoro scoffs. “I think I had a pretty good idea.”
“Tch. Even then, it’s not your problem!-”
“Of course it’s my fucking problem, [Name]!” That shut you up.
Zoro let out a deep breath and stared at you with his piercing eyes.
“Did you even think about how the people on this ship would feel? If they saw you doing something like this?.. what about Luffy? Did you give a damn about how our dear captain would react if his precious crew member, that he took the time to know and recruit to his crew, took their own life without an explanation?”
You didn’t say anything. You felt the tears brimming your eyes at him but you couldn’t say anything.
“Damn it, [Name]..” The swordsman looks down, shadow casted over his eyes and the clenched fists he had made his nails dig into his skin, veins forming.
Eventually, he slowly relaxes and walks to you, seeing your teary eyes and knelt down in front of you.
“Don’t fucking do this again, okay?.. please.. please don’t leave me alone like this...”
Sanji would burst into tears the instant he realized it, all the regret and pain burying itself into him for not noticing your pain. He’ll beg you to stop. But he’ll definitely be yelling / comforting too.
The chef who wakes early to get started on breakfast for the day, whistles a quiet tune while brushing away the morning drowsiness.
And due to his exhaustion, when he opens the kitchen door, he doesn’t believe his eyes at first, but a quick second glance lets him know it’s real.
Seeing you, standing over the sink with a common kitchen knife ready to cut. Definitely not vegetables.
“[N-Name]-chan... what..”
The panicked expression you held while you snapped your head up towards him made his heart break.
“Sanji! You’re up early..” Sanji watches as you frantically move to hide the knife and rinse your hands, as if you were merely washing up.
“I just thought I’d help you out a little bit is all! Since you’re here, let’s get started, yeah?” You let out a awkward, nervous laugh and turn off the water.
Sanji felt tears brimming his eyes when he realized just what you were about to do. “[Name]-chan.. were you.. just..”
He’s in utter shock and disbelief, the pained look his eyes held made your heart sink to your stomach at the sight.
“How can you do this? What happened? What made you even think of doing this?”
Sanji didn’t hesitate to rush to you, grabbing you by your shoulders and tightening his grip. “Tell me, [Name]! How can you go so far as to attempt to do this?!”
Tears are cascading down his cheeks rapidly, before he pulls you into his chest in a tight embrace.
“Please don’t lose value in your life like this, [Name]-chan.. you deserve to live.. don’t take this for granted..”
Sanji can feel his shirt start to get wet but he didn’t care, rubbing your back and hiding his teary face. “Whatever it is you’re suffering from, i will help you through it. I promise.”
Usopp would be frozen and panicking in the spot, before shouting at you with pleas and blabbers, before forcing you by tackling you to the ground.
Seeing you standing on the edge of the railing catches the sniper off guard. He was simply leaving his room to go to the bathroom when he sees you.
The moonlight is shining down on your form, and if Usopp wasn’t so concerned and didn’t have a sinking feeling at the sight of you, he might’ve thought you were a goddess.
“[Name]? What are you doing up? Get down before you fall!”
Upon being deeply lost in thought, you barely heard Usopp’s voice but managed to catch it.
You turn around to face the sniper and you offer a weak, teary smile which startles the poor guy. “..Usopp.. I should ask you that.”
Instead of responding, he widens his eyes and runs over. “Hey, were you crying?.. why? What’s wrong, [Name]? Should I go wake the others? Or chopper?” He was internally panicking.
“I’m fine.” You cut him off and turn back to the sea, shifting your weight as your smile fades and you stare at the water below you solemnly.
“Can I ask you a question?”
Usopp, surprised, nonetheless nods and leans against the railing beside you, still hoping you’d come down.
“Usopp... will you.. let me die?.. will you kill me?”
His body froze. His mind blanked. His blood stopped circulating. Nothing could be heard but the ocean waves washing around the sea.
Immediately, Usopp did the first thing that came to mind and ran at you, wrapping his arms tightly around your legs to prevent you from what he assumed was jumping.
Loud sobs were quick to escape the sniper’s mouth as snot and tears cascades down his face, roughly pulling you and tackling you down to the ship’s deck so you weren’t on the railing anymore.
“Agh- Usopp—“
“PLEASE DON’T EVER THINK THIS WAY AGAIN! I...” Usopp stares down at you before shutting his eyes tightly, tears flowing nonstops, his grip around you unmoving, as if he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you..”
Chopper would be screaming and sobbing endlessly, hugging your leg as his desperate pleas reach your ears.
Humming a sweet tune, with a carton of milk in his hoofs, the little doctor steps into his medical office and instantly, his once bright smile drops into a look of horror.
Milk tossed aside, Chopper is quick to come bouncing by you slouched over, a half-empty flask of a green liquid in hand and your shallow breathing behind heard.
“Ch..Chopper.. hi..”
The little reindeer has pure fear lit in his eyes as he takes the flask from your hands and looks to see what’s in it.
“Why did you touch this?! This is a dangerous chemical, [Name]!” Chopper panics, fumbling through his book to find a quick antidote, ignoring your weak protests.
How could you go through his things and drink the deadly chemical?!
“Chopper, stop..”
The little doctor wasn’t listening, tears blocking his vision as he tried to read the words and began mixing some of his liquids together to begin working.
“This,.. and this.. no, this isn’t right-! Where’s Traffy when I need him!?” Chopper cries as he frantically mixes the liquid, eyes flashing towards you in worry.
You didn’t say anything, closing your eyes and felt sweat forming on your forehead and felt your temperature raising.
Weakly, you manage to wrap your arms around Chopper’s little body and hugged him like a stuffed animal.
“Thank you, Chopper... I appreciate it.. but.. I’m fine.”
Choked sobs slipped from his mouth as he grips the flask tightly, persistent in finding the cure for you.
The chemical you took wasn’t completely unknown but it was still foreign enough to Chopper that he didn’t know how long you had or how deadly it even was.
“I’m not giving up. I don’t want you to die! I don’t know or care what brought you to do something as drastic as this. But YOU’RE MY FRIEND! and I don’t want you to leave me alone!”
“So please... don’t die, [Name]..”
The silence Franky has is painful, he’s feeling mixed emotions at the thought of losing someone dear to him again. He’s angry, clearly but he doesn’t yell at you. Instead, he shares his thoughts.
The cyborg stare solemnly, his sharp eyes boring right into your slouched, teary, and sobbing figure.
The blade that was once in your hands was now discarded, unused and forgotten. Franky made sure of that last second.
He walks up to you, looming over you from behind as he pulls out a tissue with his mini hand and holds it out for you to take, still keeping silent since he came in.
You eased your sobs a bit and muttered a quiet gratitude before taking the tissue. You weren’t sure what Franky was thinking and honestly, you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
“..feeling better?”
A startled pause came from you as you froze for a second before relaxing and nodding. “..yeah.”
“Franky.. I-“
“I don’t need to know.”
Interrupting you, Franky continues to look at you before going around and sitting on the ground in front of your form so you would face him.
“I don’t know why you did this. I don’t need to know either, but if you want to tell me, I’ll listen. However, I won’t apologize for what I did just now, I won’t ever let you hurt yourself like that when I’m here.”
You stay quiet, letting Franky continue but his words are enough to make you start tearing up again.
“A life is not a choice. You should value it and keep living for the ones you love and for the ones that love you. Everyone on this ship is a loved one that cares about you and I’m sure you’re aware of that, but you must’ve forgotten. It’s okay to forget that though, because I’ll be here to remind you. Understand? No one on this ship wants you to do this ever. We love you more than you know.”
Wiping the shedding tears that continue to escape, you peer up at Franky and see him offering a genuine, assuring smile.
“So don’t do this again and live. You got an amazingly crafted and you are part of this SUPER~ pirate crew, the Straw Hats!”
Even if this has nothing to do with her whatsoever, Robin will never forget nor live down the guilt and regret of letting you even thinking about doing something like this.
Unable to sleep, the archaeologists was simply resting on her lawn chair on the upper deck, where her beautiful flowers laid.
Robin, resting her eyes as the sunset settles in the bay of the ocean, slowly disappearing. However, the quiet patter of footsteps creaking onto the upper deck made her open her eyes.
With one glance, Robin was able to see your figure quietly heading to a particular area of the garden, which was Usopp’s large plants, and also a view blocker.
Robin furrows her brows and quietly sat up, crossing her arms and shut her eyes, quickly forming a pair of eyes near you.
The sight of you hunched over, plucking at one of Usopp’s plants makes her eyes widen as she quickly sprouts arms.
“Cinco Fleur!”
Instantly, two pairs of arms formed and forcefully grabbed your wrists apart, a third pulling Usopp’s plant away from you and two more forcing you to back up.
“What the hell?!” You curse and struggled in the movement. “Robin?!”
“[Name]! What are you doing messing with Usopp’s poisonous plants?”
The historian shows herself to you as she continues to hold you in a bind, so you wouldn’t move. The pained and confused expression on her face almost makes you feel guilty, for you withheld.
“Poisonous? O-Oh, I had no idea. I thought they were vegetables!— Anyways why are you awake at this time??”
“I should be asking you that, picking vegetables at this hour?..” Robin mutters skeptically, tilting her head as her expression saddens.
“Don’t tell me you were...”
The turn of your head and avoidance of her gaze let her know your true intentions and she can almost hear her heart breaking.
You didn’t say anything and clenched your fists tightly, shutting your eyes and ignored the fact that she had released you.
“I’m sorry, Robin.. I can’t do this anymore..”
“To go this far? I didn’t think..” she continues to trail off, her eyes quickly becoming glassy and lost, painful memories of her own suicidal thoughts arising.
Robin sinks down to her knees and brings her hands to her face, tears brimming her eyes. “I don’t want you to do this, [Name].. you deserve so much and.. I want to keep seeing you on this ship.. I’m sorry.. I want you to keep living but I caused you to..”
Guilt became overbearing and you ran to her aside, engulfing her in a tight embrace, sniffling your own tears.
“Don’t, I’m sorry. For doing something so stupid with my life...”
Robin exhales gently and wipes her tears, looking up at you. “Say it.. please?”
You offer a small, genuine smile and nod.
“I want to live... I mean it.”
Brook feels great pain and sorrowful memories run through his mind, the thought of losing more precious people to him breaks his nonexistent heart.
The undead musician exits the bath, a towel wrapped around his hip bone to cover his lower regions and a towel tied around his hair at the top.
“Ah~ another refreshing wash from the bath.. I wonder how it’ll feel to bathe in a tub of milk.”
Brook’s walk was cut short as he notices you, attempting something quite dangerous that not even Luffy would try. Yet, something about it was familiar.
His eye sockets widen as he runs over. “[Name]-san!” Hearing the familiar voice, your startled self drops the object and it shatters instantly.
“Brook! You scared me!”
“Apologies... may I ask you what you were doing with that?..” Brook carefully asks, taking note of every action you made. He could feel how serious this seemed.
You bit your lip and turn away, kneeling down to pick up the pieces. “Nothing.. I just...”
‘Ah... I see.’
Distracted, you nearly jump when a few phalanges grab a hold of your wrist.
Brook’s tight grip forced your hold on the shattered pieces to release as he pulls it away and pulled you away from the mess.
“...” Even if you didn’t tell him, Brook already had a pretty good idea. He wasn’t stupid after all, his own crewmates often did similar things and it costed them their lives.
However, he could tell yours was intentional.
“Your life means more than you think.”
The skeleton spoke this as he begins to lead you to Chopper’s office, noticing you had cut your hand a bit.
“I don’t understand why anyone would take their own life deliberately like so.. no matter what the possible reason could be.. nothing is worth the attempt to take a life so precious, that you only have one of..”
Silence overtook you as you take in his words, feeling a swarm of emotions filling you inside.
“I won’t ask what’s going on but know that I and everyone else is always willing to listen...”
Outside Chopper’s office, Brook stops and turns to look down at you.
“[Name]-san. I’m sure you remember my backstory, right?”
You weakly nod, avoiding his gaze which he didn’t mind.
“Then you know that I am actually dead. However, I didn’t choose to die. Life chose for me.. and even with this devil fruit, I am given another chance at life, but at a cost.”
Tears were finally escaping you, silent sniffles being heard here and there as you continue to listen to him.
“Lives are not something to be taken lightly, and even if I am actually dead, I don’t regret this chance and am taking this opportunity to do better and I’m happier too. I’m with a new crew and family who I will protect and take care of, even if I die again to do so. You are one of them I will die for, if I have to.”
By then, you were a teary mess but that didn’t stop you from looking up at the tall musician as he offers his teethy smile.
“Remember. Your life means so much more than you think, hold more value for it. If you want to talk, I’m always here to listen and if you want a little song, I’m always happy to oblige.”
You muster up a weak smile through your tears as you nod and wrapped your arms around him tightly and gratefully.
“Thank you, Brook..”
His arms wrap around your smaller figure as he leans down more, smile softening as he chuckles.
“Yohohoho~! of course, any time.”
A/N : sorry this took so long, hun. Hope you still can see this when it posted it. I’m also sorry if it’s not great or what you expected.
I think the best one is Brook or Zoro.
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btssaysstudy · 3 years
Cheer || jjk.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader Genre: fluff, cheerleader!yn x athlete!jk (requested by anon) Warning(s): minor swearing, alcohol, drinking games mentioned, college after game parties, reader is a cheer athlete, jungkook plays rugby, stress from expectations WC: ~9.9k (this is the longest I've ever written I hope it doesn't flop!!) Summary: You felt that your cheer team was under-appreciated by certain people — specifically the rugby team that your cheer team supports during their matches. How is it that their star player, Jeon Jungkook, manages to find his way into your life despite having a bad impression of the rugby players? Update (6/8): Made an edit
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You always loved being in a team. That would explain why you were where you were. Standing on the mat in the indoor gym with your cheer team on a Friday night. Cheer was beyond exhausting, but you still loved doing it, especially with the team that you got in college. Your coach - a perfectionist - always drilled you guys over the minute details. That would also explain why you were still practicing for something so ‘trivial’ - your opinion, not your coach’s.
Your team was practicing the routine for the rugby team’s qualifying match on Monday. It was a simple routine - as always. Your team didn’t do championship level routines during such events, you were all just there as moral support and being the hype people for the team. All you had to do was cheer with your pom poms, throw in a couple of stunts and the crowd would go wild.
But every event was a chance to get better, to get closer to perfect, according to your coach. And you did not disagree. You just never looked forward to cheering for the rugby team even after all the events. Despite your team always cheering for the football club, you could say you disliked most of them. It always felt as though they didn’t appreciate the moral support and took you guys for granted.
“Might want to look happy, yn.” You heard a playful remark from behind. Jimin, your most trusted base.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Just don’t drop me.”
There was no way you could pull off your stunts if you didn’t have trust in your teammates. And you could say you trusted Jimin with your life - literally. Accidents and mistakes were bound to happen but there was no doubt that you’d be down to try for anything if Jimin was your base.
Not only was Jimin a trustworthy base, but he was also an amazing stunter. His physique was perfect to be an in between, he could pull off both roles. That almost guaranteed him a spot on the mat every time. He was extremely hardworking as well and you’ll always be proud of your best friend making mat. Of course, you wanted to make mat just as badly as the next person.
Last season, you did not make mat and it crushed you. Jimin was there to get you out of your rut and encouraged you to bounce back stronger. Thanks to him, you managed to pick yourself up and train harder for the upcoming nationals. You had never been more determined to make mat.
“Point your toes, I want my flyers looking really perfect.” Your coach yelled over the music. Your coach was a beast, but an effective one, nonetheless. Your team won nationals last season and ready to bag this season as well.
“Alright, that’s all for today. Clean the place up and you guys can go home. Thanks everybody!” Your coach clapped their hands and the team followed suit as everyone got up from the mat and started tidying the place.
“Need a lift?”
“Yes please, you’re the best!” You pulled Jimin in for a tight hug, “Okay, you do this then!” Jimin handed you the empty bottles that he picked up from the ground as he headed off the change first.
You grumbled but took his place in defeat.
Big smiles were plastered on your faces as you congratulated the winning team - your college. You best friend nudged you while you waved the team goodbye as they passed by. “Coming to the after party?”
“Wouldn’t miss the free drinks and snacks.”
Jimin snorted, “Obviously.”
Though you did say that it felt like the cheer team was under appreciated, you were always invited to the after parties. Most of you went, mainly for the free drinks and snacks.
You flashed two thumbs up with Jimin as Yoongi passed by. A small smile on his face as he slightly bowed his heads in your direction, acknowledging your cheers.
Through all the after parties, you have been acquainted with one of their star players - Min Yoongi. He was one of the few who hung out in the kitchen to avoid all the party games and the crowd in the general. He disliked the unnecessary glamour and attention that came along with joining the rugby club. You admired his passion for rugby and along with Jimin, the three of you became the trio who hid away from the crowd during the parties.
After the debrief with our coach, your team dispersed to your own places to freshen up for the after party. It was a Friday night, and a good night of drinking was warranted after a tiring week.
You were all lucky your coach was not strict regarding such parties, as long as everyone turned up ready for the following practice.
“Glad to see faces I actually like.” Yoongi commented, handing you two drinks he had already prepared. “You make it sound like you hate everyone on your team.”
“I would say a good majority. I’m actually jealous that your cheer team is so close knit.”
Jimin nudged you after you downed your shot, “Without trust, our stunts won’t fly.”
You nodded your head in agreement, “Probably should get my team to watch your practices to learn a thing about team spirit.” Yoongi scoffed, mostly to himself, knowing that realistically, it would never happen.
The three of you turned your attention to the living room, watching Yoongi’s teammates either play beer pong or trying to find their fling for the night.
“They’re skilled, no doubt. But most of them are here for the popularity. It’s rare to find someone who genuinely likes football too.” Yoongi ranted as you poured himself another shot.
“Is there not a single soul?” Jimin asked, feeling a tinge of pity for his friend who was not experiencing the same level of love for his team as Jimin did for the cheer team.
Yoongi’s eyes scanned across the room, slowly shaking his head before his eyes landed on someone. “Actually, there is— Jungkook!” He raised his hand, shouting over the loud music as he tried to get someone’s attention.
You turned your head to see Jungkook approaching your group. “Jungkook? Really?” You questioned Yoongi. Jungkook was one of the star players as well. It was impossible not to know Jungkook. You could walk down any corridor in campus, and you would hear someone mention his name at least once.
“Hey,” Jungkook greeted Yoongi before his eyes shifted to yours and Jimin’s. “What’s going on?”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, “Just wanted to introduce you to some of the members from cheer.”
“From cheer, huh?” The corner of his lips tugged upwards as his eyes went back to you.
“I figured you won’t recognise us, even though we’ve been at your parties since, well… Basically here every party.” You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but it just came out from you. You heard Jimin chuckle from beside you as he draped his arms over you.
“Sorry bud, yn here doesn’t have a good impression of you guys.”
“It’s not like you have a better one.” You bit back at Jimin who just stuck out his tongue at you. “That is true,” He pulled away as he took a drink, “We were actually just bitching about you guys with Yoongi.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened in bewilderment, yet he felt amused enough to stay and find out more. “Is that so, Yoongi?”
His teammate nodded his head nonchalantly, “Just sharing the truth. About how most of them are here to be popular. I called you because I know you’re one of the few who actually joined for rugby.”
Jungkook huffed out an amused hum, “Interesting. What are your names again?”
“Yn and Jimin.” Jimin instantly replied, knowing you were probably going to reply with a snarky comment. “Part of the cheer team, like Yoongi said. She’s mainly a flyer and I’m a base and tumbler.”
You watched as his eyes furrowed in confusion, “S-Sorry I don’t know cheer terms.”
“Not surprised.” You let the words slip as you took a sip from your cup. Jungkook’s eyes looked at you, a hint of challenge and interest on his expression.
“If you have something against me, let’s hear it.”
“Don’t take it personally, Jungkook.” You reached out to give a light pat on his right chest. “I had a bad impression on Yoongi as well.”
With that, Yoongi sighed, nodding his head in the back. “It’s a miracle she likes me now.”
“Well, why don’t you give me a chance to change that impression then?” The left corner of his lip rose a playful look on his face as he challenged you.
It could be the alcohol or could be the loud music that made you disoriented. Nonetheless, you reached out your hand for a handshake, “You’ve got one chance.”
Jimin and Yoongi left the kitchen to enjoy their own time together. You had an inkling that something was stirring between them, but you decided to let them be as you were left alone with Jungkook in the kitchen.
“So, yn,” Jungkook shifted in the high stool, leaning on his right elbow, his attention focused on you. “Care to explain why you seem to hate my team so badly?”
“Buckle your seatbelts, Jeon.” You teased as you reached out for your drink. You watched his attention eyes fixated on yours as he waited for your answer. “I dislike your team because it feels we don’t get the appreciation I feel we rightfully deserve. We’re always there for your plays, even for your friendlies. The support just feels one sided and to me it sucks when we put in a lot for our routines as well.”
You watched him slowly nod his head in understanding, his body leaning backwards as he internalised your words. “I have to admit. I never really paused to think about your cheer team. I mean your outfits and pom poms are cute and all— “
Pointing your finger at him, you interrupted, “Exactly, we’re not just cute outfits and pom poms. We only use the cheesy pom poms for your matches to make the crowd all hyped up. Do you even know we have our own competition as well?”
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, “Of course I do. Just never watched one.”
You let out a short, dry laugh, “It’s okay. Can’t say I’m surprised.”
Jungkook frowned, noting the dejected tone laced in your laugh and words as you tried to dismiss it. As an athlete himself, he knew how dejecting it must feel that support was one sided or lacking.
“Hey,” He placed the cup on the counter, “Why don’t you educate me? I’d like to know more.”
You smiled, “You’re pretty good at changing your first impression. You’re working really hard.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “No no, I mean it. It’s not just about changing your opinion of me. Tell me about cheer.”
You paused momentarily, recognising the sincerity in his voice as his gaze stayed on you. You knew he was serious about wanting to know more. It was as though the wall you placed between the two seemed to falter, a very minuscule crack forming on the wall.
“Jungkook!” A random college student hollered for his attention, “Come play beer pong with us!” You watched in amusement as you read their body language. They were clearly flirting with Jungkook and calling for his attention.
“Duty calls?”
Jungkook shook his head, “I’ll pass!”
“We can save this talk for another time, you can go— “
“Just to clear things up,” Jungkook turned back to you, “I’m not a fuckboy.”
You choked on air from his sudden defence statement, “I-I didn’t s-say you were— “
“Didn’t have to,” He said with a light smile on his face, “But I expected it too. Comes with the popularity I guess.” “So, you don’t…?” You trailed off and he shook his head, as if he was completely appalled by the sheer thought of being a fuckboy. “No, no. I don’t see the point in flings. Like Yoongi said, I’m here for rugby. Not to find dates.”
It felt as if another crack in the wall was formed after learning that fact. Like how Yoongi managed to break down the wall between you and him a few games ago.
Maybe not all jocks were bad.
“Anyway,” Jungkook pulled you back from your thoughts, “Educate me.”
You began sharing how was practice like, the different roles people were and how strict your coach was. You explained how you were always at the gym on the days you didn’t have training. You always got passionate when you talked about cheer and Jungkook experienced it first-hand. He watched how your face immediately lit up when he asked you to share about the sport. He was sure that even a person with zero interest with cheer would be completely drawn to hear you share about it with how enthusiastic you were.
“We currently have training three times a week since nationals are coming. We practice from late afternoon to almost midnight sometimes.” You paused, a sheepish grin creeping on your face as you realised you had been rambling on about your sport. “I-I’m sorry, I must’ve bored you to death.”
“No, no!” He immediately shook his head, hands out in front shaking as well in protest, “I wasn’t bored. I was really interested. I can tell how much you love cheer though.”
“Y-Yea I really do. Always good to find something to distract you especially during college.”
He nodded his head, “Can’t argue with that.” He raised his plastic cup in his hand, “Cheers to distractions.”
“Cheers,” You laughed, raising your cup towards his.
You could say you clicked well with Jungkook that night. In fact, you guys shared a lot about each other’s sport that you didn’t exchange numbers or any form of communication afterwards. It didn’t bug you so much since you figured it was a one-off conversation with him.
To be frank, you almost forgot that you talked with Jungkook that party. Jimin was the one who reminded you, asking about how he was and if you still hated jocks.
“He’s not bad, actually.”
“Of course, that’s why Yoongi actually likes him.” You raised an eyebrow suspiciously, leaning towards Jimin, “Speaking of Yoongi, how are things between you two?”
Your friend snorted, dismissing you with his hand, “What are you talking about? There’s nothing going on. We’re just friendly.”
“For now?”
Jimin shrugged, “We’ll see how it goes.” He gives you a wink before getting up, extending his hand out as an offer to pull you up. “Back on the mat.”
Training went on until 11pm, it was full of drills as soon your coach would be picking who will make mat for nationals. Everyone had to give it their all during practice as you were all constantly being scrutinised by your coach, your attitude, skills, and stamina. You had been training your stunts with Jimin after he managed to pull you back up from your sulking phase. Everything was important.
You separated from Jimin after practice as you made your way to the bus stop to head home. “Yn? Is that you?”
A very familiar honey-like voice.
Jungkook slowly made his way to the bus stop, “What are you doing here at campus so late?” You asked.
“I was studying. Just ended practice?”
Jungkook glanced at his watch, “Wanna grab a midnight snack?”
You smiled, “Sure.”
“How does ice cream sound?”
“I’m down.”
There was a small ice cream store near campus and luckily, you managed to catch the last order. The both of you enjoyed your slow late night stroll back to the bus stop as you strikes up a conversation with him.
“I realised I was the only one talking about my sport that night. How about you share about rugby? I actually don’t know much about it.”
“You sure?” Jungkook asked, slightly shocked that you had brought up his sport. “Because I can get carried away when I talk about it—“
You laughed, “I’m sure Jungkook. Fire away.”
Jungkook started sharing the rules and positions of rugby - “I’m number 11, one of the wings” You looked at him, already confused with the terms. With a short chuckle, he explained, “I’m one of the backs. We do the running and scoring. Sometimes, we have to knock people down in our way.”
He continued sharing his training schedule as well - how his team similarly had gym sessions on non-training days just like cheer. The only difference was that the rugby team had a gym off campus.
“Sounds fancy.”
“It’s pretty fancy.” He nodded his head letting out an airy laugh.
“Rubgy doesn’t sound too bad now that I know how it works.”
“You could watch one of our matches or practices when you guys aren’t cheering for us.”
“Why not.”
“Guess who I see?” Jimin whispered, nudging you out of your focus. You looked up, placing your dumbbells down, “Where are you looking at?”
“6 o’clock.” He muttered as he sneakily stole your dumbbells to do his set while you turned around to spot Jungkook who had just entered the gym.
You were surprised to see Jungkook and his teammates at the gym. Yoongi was the first one who spotted you. He sent a small smile, raising his hand for a short wave in your direction.
“Hey thief,” You nudged Jimin back, “Yoongi is here too.”
“I know, that’s why I stole your dumbbells.” You chuckled, smacking his toned arms upon learning his tactic.
You watched Yoongi talk to Jungkook, seemingly informing him that you were there as Jungkook turned his body around, his eyes meeting yours. You smiled, sending a hello with your hand to which he returned.
Seeing that you were unoccupied, since Jimin stole your dumbbells, Jungkook made his way to you. “What happened to your almighty external gym?”
He shrugged with a bright smile, “After hearing you hype up the campus gym so much the other night, I thought, why not give it a shot?”
You shook your head with a chuckle, clearly not believing his words. “If that’s the case, enjoy the campus gym!” You reached out to pat his broad shoulders before turning back to resume your gym session.
“Are you done with your set yet?” You questioned Jimin who stood right back up with a grin, “Was he watching me?”
Taking the dumbbells from his hands, you shrugged, “Doubt it.”
“Yea right.” Jimin scoffed, stepping aside to give you more space.
Your gym session lasted an hour as usual, ensuring that you don’t over-work your body as well since your coach was going to be choosing the final 20 soon.
Whenever you weren’t studying or training, you were stressing over whether you’ll make mat. And it was evident on your face. You heard a sigh coming from Jimin, “Don’t stress over it too much. You’ve been working extra hard this season, I’m confident you’ll make it.”
You responded with a weak smile, “Thanks Jimin, I really hope so.”
“Me too, but what you need is to stop thinking about it right now. Go get a distraction for tonight. Tomorrow’s training is going to be torturous.”
“When isn’t it?” You joked, “Touché.”
You packed your gym bag with Jimin, ready to leave and wind down for the day. Jimin was right, you needed a distraction - maybe a Netflix movie, or do some yoga to de-stress, or do a sheet mask —
“Jimin, yn!” You heard Yoongi holler out your names as you walked away from the campus gym.
“Yoongi, what’s up?”
Yoongi walked up to the both of you, accompanied by Jungkook.
“We just ended our session, was thinking if you wanted to grab dinner together?”
“Sure! Yn here,” Jimin laces his arm around yours as he pulled you closer to him, “needs a distraction ASAP.”
“A distraction?” Jungkook asked, looking at you for a response.
“From worrying about making mat.”
Yoongi chuckled, “Jungkook doesn’t know cheer lingo— “
“Oh no,” He shook his head, “I know what that means.”
“You do?!” Yoongi and Jimin asked incredulously.
“I gave him a lecture about cheer during that after party.” You answered and Jimin laughed, “Right! I forgot about your granny lecture.”
You scoffed defensively, “I-I mean he could’ve stopped be any time he was bored— “
“Because I wasn’t. It’s refreshing seeing people be so passionate about something, especially during college.” You returned the smile, the more you interacted with Jungkook, the more you could see why Yoongi kept Jungkook in his small circle of friends.
If there was anything the four of you had in common, it was your passion for your sport.
“I know a great place we can eat at.” Yoongi suggested. The four of you headed over to Yoongi’s go-to restaurants after his workout sessions. As the food started to come to your table, Yoongi and Jimin were caught up with some music competition show that you did not keep up with.
“So how has cheer been?” Jungkook’s voice pulled your attention towards him. “Fun but tiring as usual. Our coach is selecting who will make it to the final 20 for the nationals.” You sighed, anxiousness clearly evident in your tone and on your face.
“Hey, from an athlete to another, I know you’ve trained very hard, and I’ll be rooting for you to make it to the final 20.”
You weren’t sure why, but it felt comforting to hear those words from Jungkook. It felt different than when Jimin would cheer you up. You quickly decided that it was because you were praised by one of the star players of the rugby team. It felt great being acknowledged by someone out of the cheer world.
So, you decided to go with that explanation.
“Thanks, Jungkook, I hope I do. But you technically don’t know whether I’ve trained hard since you’ve never seen me practice.”
“That is true.” He simply grinned at you, “But I just know.”
“You have so much faith in me, Jungkook.” You teased.
He placed his forearms on the table, leaning on them to bring himself slightly close to you, “I have lots of faith in you.”
You weren’t stupid and you weren’t blind either. You and Jimin have been spotting Jungkook and Yoongi loitering around the indoor gym lately.
“Did you see them?” Jimin tossed you your newly refilled bottle, “I haven’t left the gym. They’re here again? It’s like 10pm.”
Jimin shrugged his shoulders, “Yoongi was napping on the table though. Looks like Jungkook was the only one actually studying.”
Jungkook never mentioned to you that he stayed back in campus to revise. Though, you barely talked to him since you never exchanged numbers. Every time you had a conversation with him, you both would get too swept up in the conversation that it never occurred to either of you that it was the 21st century and you could talk with your phones.
Training ended an hour later, and you did not expect them to still be outside ‘studying’.
“You guys are still studying?” Jimin called out as you both approached them, Jungkook’s head shot up almost instantly, his eyes finding yours, a bright smile on his face despite his tired eyes from revision. “What a coincidence seeing you here.”
You raised your eyebrows questioningly, “Here,” You looked around with your hands gesturing to the area, “Right outside the indoor gym, with no fan or AC.”
“Yes, here.” He insisted.
Yoongi sighed, finally waking up from his nap. “What’s with the commotion— Oh, you guys are finally done with practice.” He got up and grabbed his bags, “Jimin, need a lift?”
“Yes please!” Jimin nodded his head, giving you a quick goodbye hug before heading off with Yoongi, leaving you alone with Jungkook.
“Guess I can’t judge your preference for a study location.” You made your way to him as he packed up his belongings. “I kinda feel bad for you that Yoongi ditched you.”
Jungkook shook his head with a smile, “He was meant to ditch me anyway. I was waiting to see you.”
You felt yourself momentarily pause; an inhale stuck halfway as you processed his words. He waited to see me. You thought, your brain trying to find an explanation for that.
“I realised we haven’t exchanged numbers even after all this time.” He continued when he didn’t get a response.
“O-Oh right, here,” You reached for your phone in your bag, handing it to Jungkook. “I’ll drop you message.”
Jungkook didn’t take your phone immediately, his eyes locked on your face, as if he was shocked that you didn’t mind exchanging numbers, his hand reached for your phone, gently brushing against your fingers, sending a fluttery feeling in your way.
Once he added his contact, he returned your phone, “It’s 11pm, do you have a ride home?”
“I usually just take the bus.”
“I have a car. Let me take you home.”
“Oh no,” You shook your head, “You don’t have to really, I’m used to taking the bus— “
“But I’m already here anyway, come on, do you not trust my driving skills?” He joked and you let out an airy laugh, “Alright fine. I owe you one.”
“Nah, you already gave me your number.” He winked at you, throwing his bag over his shoulder, leading the way to the carpark with you slightly stunned from his flirtatious remarks.
The care ride with Jungkook was comfortable, slightly tense on your end at the start. Jungkook gave you the cable to play whatever music you wanted which made you slightly more comfortable. “I don’t know if we have the same music taste— “
“It’s alright, just play whatever you want.”
Surprisingly, you and Jungkook didn’t have that much of a difference in differing taste, there were some songs that he didn’t know but found himself liking it. He himself was shocked to learn that you had similar taste in music.
Jungkook didn’t know why he felt so nervous having you in his car and driving you home. It was not like you were getting married. But why did he feel so nervous? Jungkook rarely flirted or showed interest in someone. His love was rugby - his sport - his life. He poured his heart and soul into the sport. But with you, he found that he couldn’t help flirting with you. It felt natural - It felt right.
Ironically, or maybe not, as he drove you home that night, Jungkook knew deep down, he was in it for the long ride.
Jimin held your hands tightly as you kept your eyelids shut. You could feel that your heart was about to jump out of your chest as you sat on the mat with Jimin, waiting for your coach to call out all the 20 names. It almost felt like you could feel your heartbeat in your head, the suspense and dragging was killing you.
Your hands clammy in Jimin’s but you did not have a single care as all you wanted in that moment was to make it to nationals.
You gasped, pulling Jimin in for a tight hug as he yelled in excitement. You were proud of your best friend; you knew that he would make mat and he deserved it.
Names were called and there were only 5 names left to be called, you grip on Jimin’s hands slackened as you started to accept that you won’t make it—
You ears rang and you thought you were about to go deaf. Jimin’s loud but happy scream stunned you as you were pulled in for a suffocating hug this time.
The last 4 names were called and the final 20 had been made (subject to change).
Tears welled up in your eyes as memories of your gruelling training flashed through your mind. All the tiring practices and extra trainings with Jimin, the hardships and discipline all paid off.
Training went swimmingly, your coach running through sections of the choreography until it was time to wrap up. “Didn’t have the time to properly congratulate you.” Jimin said with a bright proud grin on his face as you left the gym.
“Thanks, Jimin! Hopefully we can stay on the 20 and compete together.”
“I’m confident we will.”
His eyes shifted away from you, and you followed his gaze to see Jungkook outside, once again, studying, alone this time. “Where’s Yoongi?” You asked as you both approached him.
“He gave up studying with me. Probably went home to crash after our practice today.”
Jimin eyed Jungkook’s facial expression suspiciously, eyes darting between you and Jungkook before he spoke, “I’m going book a ride and head home first yea? Text me when you’re home.” Jimin gives your shoulder a good squeeze before saying bye to you and Jungkook.
“What’s with the big smile on your face?” Jungkook questioned as he started packing his belongings. Your smile was contagious and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile as well as soon as he saw your bright expression.
“I got into the top 20!”
You squared like a little girl, once again excited from the thought of making it this season.
Jungkook abruptly stopped gathering his stuff, stepping away from the table, “Really? Congrats, yn!” He pulled you in for a hug which made your muscles stiffen but your arms automatically wrapped around him.
“I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks, Jungkook.” You chuckled as you pulled away from the embrace. Your mind was clouded, filled with a mixture of thoughts of making it to the Top 20 and how warm that hug felt. How it felt so ‘right’.
Over the past few weeks, it had become a routine, to have Jungkook studying outside the indoor gym and drive you home after practice. You always told him he didn’t need to send you home, but he never listened.
“Our qualifying match is next Friday, if we win, there’ll be an after party, are you free to come?”
“For the after party?”
“Yea, I mean, technically your whole cheer team usually come but since your nationals are coming, I’m assuming you would be too busy to come.”
“No no, I’ll come.”
“You will?” Jungkook’s face lit up and a bubbling feeling grew in your chest as you tried to ignore it. “Yea I will.”
Since Jungkook had his qualifying match around the corner, you stopped seeing him late at night outside the gym. You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but you missed seeing him after your practice.
Nonetheless, you would still spend the night texting him right before bed. It felt so easy to converse with him and you always looked forward to hear stories about his rugby practice and it felt nice to share about your cheer practice to him.
Friday quickly arrived and you decided to watch his match since the game was on your campus grounds. You took a seat somewhere in the middle of the bleachers and your eyes scanned the field to find Jungkook.
You recalled him explaining the positions of the backs and you found his number - 11. A smile crept unto your face as your eyes fixated on Jungkook. Your facial expression always scrunched up into a wince whenever you see them tackle each other during the game. You would let out a hiss as if you were the one sliding against the grass as Jungkook scored a point.
Nonetheless, it was fascinating to actually watch the game. Not surprisingly, after you understood the rules of the game, it was exciting to root for your college’s team. Maybe it was because you were rooting for a particular player, but you wouldn’t admit that to yourself just yet.
During half-time, your college’s team made their way back to the benches which was in front of where you sat. You didn’t bother shouting for his attention since you knew it was important to stay in the zone.
You sat at your spot, watching him, and you almost felt like a stalker. He was drenched in sweat, definitely going to have bruises or scratches from the game, you could see his chest move up and down as he took deep breaths to relax.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat when he had looked up and found your eyes amongst the crowd. Jungkook had been casually looking around the crowd to see if you really did come to watch his game.
He had texted you the night before about how he hoped you could come see his game now that you know how it actually worked. You told him no promises but had made sure you were free the afternoon to attend his game. Of course, you didn’t tell him that.
In an instant, his serious gaze broke into an inviting smile as he mouthed the words “hey” at your direction. You smiled back, returning the greeting while you hoped no one caught that moment between the two of you.
His coach called for their attention to remind them of their game plan but Jungkook was having a battle in his mind. The image of you smiling at the bleachers stayed as he tried to listen to his coach’s words. He knew the game plan, he was always on top the game. But seeing you watching him from the bleachers made him feel giddy but at least he also motivated him to do extra well. He wanted to look good in front of you.
And that’s exactly what he did.
He sent you text to wait for him to freshen up and you sat at your spot, enjoying the breeze as you waited for him to come back from his shower.
“You actually came.”
You looked up from your phone to see a wet-haired Jungkook approaching you with a lopsided grin. “Wanted to give support especially after all the times you sent me home after practice.”
Your phone vibrated as Jimin spammed you with messages when you stopped replying. Jimin had been asking about your whereabouts and you told him you were at the rugby game. He was upset since he would have tagged along to watch Yoongi if he knew you were going.
“Where’s Yoongi?”
Jungkook gestured with his thumb behind him, “Still showering. Is Jimin here?”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “He didn’t know I was coming to watch. I think he’ll attack me later at the party.”
“Sounds like a fun match to see.” He joked and you scoffed, “I’ll beat Jimin easily.”
“I’m sure, I’ll always be rooting for you.”
It sounded like another tease but his words caused nervous knots in your stomach. You deliberately ignored the feeling as you walked down the bleachers to his side, “Shall we get Yoongi and Jimin?”
“Yep, text me his address. We’ll pick him up once Yoongi is ready to go.”
Get ready, Jungkook’s picking you up - yn
I already look good, always ready - Jimin
Yoongi didn’t take long to come out of the showers and the three of you made your way in Jungkook’s car to pick Jimin up, all ready for the after party.
“I haven’t had dinner so I am ready for all the food.” Jimin groaned, clutching his stomach as he hopped off the car.
The four of you made your way up the driveway to see that the after party had started even earlier. “Looks like everyone couldn’t wait to party.” Yoongi commented as you entered through the main door, the loud typical party music blasting through the house.
It wasn’t a very packed party, lesser than the usual after parties but still plenty of people nonetheless.
There were already different groups engaging in different activities - gossiping, flirting, beer pong, truth or dare, Mario Kart and many more.
“Yn, you hungry? I heard Woohyun baked pasta for tonight.” Yoongi gestured to the kitchen. Before you could reply, Jungkook added on, “Someone’s barbecuing in the backyard though.”
“Barbecue?” You repeated, “Sounds delicious.” You turned your head back to Yoongi, “I’ll follow you guys after!”
Yoongi and Jimin made their way to the kitchen while you and Jungkook headed over to start your night with barbecue.
At the backyard, there was a swimming pool with a small lawn where the barbecue was. The two of you made your way to the table with the cooked food, helping yourself to dinner.
“This tastes amazing.” You moaned in delight after the first bite.
Jungkook laughed, “Come on,” He took an empty plate and grabbed a handful of barbecue sticks and kebabs, leading the way to the other side of the pool with one empty lounge chair.
You shared the plastic lounge chair, sitting beside Jungkook as you shared the plate. “So, how was my game?”
“To be honest,” You cleared your throat, “More interesting now that I know the game.”
He grinned like a happy high school boy, “That’s great to hear! Maybe you can watch more of my games or practices when you have the time.”
“We’ll see about that.” You teased, grabbing another stick to feed yourself.
“So, how’s your prep for nationals?”
“Tiring, one of our flyers got a concussion after a bad fall last night so she’s temporarily replaced. Our pyramid’s a mess.”
Jungkook lightly nudged your shoulders, “I’m sure it’ll turn out well. You guys are the defending champions.”
“I hope we can defend it this season.”
“Gotta think positively.” He winked at you and you returned a small smile. Silence fell upon you two as you noticed the lack of personal space between the both of you. It felt comfortable yet nerve-racking to be so close to him.
Was he uncomfortable with the closeness? Should you move away?
Just as you were about to scoot away, he spoke. “I’m really glad you came to my match tonight. It felt different.” He admitted rather shyly as his gaze dropped to the half empty plate.
Jungkook nodded his head, “Felt nice knowing there’s someone out there rooting for me.”
“There were lots of people rooting out for you.”
“Yea but, someone out there that I really want to impress.”
You didn’t have a reply, you weren’t sure how to reply. You decided to opt for a small encouraging pat on his shoulder before retracting your hand.
It didn’t seem much from an outsider’s perspective, but his words held a lot of weight. For the both of you. Almost as if you were about to cross a line - some line that you weren’t sure if you’re both ready to cross.
“Well,” He cleared his throat, standing up, “Shall we go find the two?”
The two of you entered through the back door and was immediately blocked by his fellow team player, handing both of you a bottle of soju. “Gotta help us finish these, Jeon. Someone,” his eyes darted to another team player, “Accidentally ordered twice our usual order.”
“Damn.” Jungkook laughed in disbelief, “I’ll pull my weight then.”
“Great! You know what’s a perfect game for that? Spin the Bottle! You guys wanna play?”
Jungkook’s gaze darted to yours as you hesitated to reply.
“Come on Jeon, you always reject our games. Just this once, yea?”
He sighed, “A-Alright sure. Yn?”
You shook your head, “I’ll pass. Go have fun.” You patted his back as you excused yourself to the kitchen. There was a sour feeling knowing that Jungkook agreed to play Spin the Bottle, you avoided looking at the circle at the living area as you went to find Yoongi and Jimin guarding the snacks.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
“Spin the Bottle.” You plopped yourself down beside Jimin, chugging the soju bottle in your hand.
“Someone sounds affected.” Jimin teased, handing you a plate of pasta.
“No one’s affected.” You defended yourself as you grabbed a fork to eat the pasta, ignoring the feeling in your chest.
You had almost completely forgotten about Spin the Bottle as the three of you went on to talk about other things. You were laughing and enjoying your night with the two until you heard the familiar voice that made your muscles freeze.
“Any pasta left for me?”
You turned to look at Jungkook, “Enjoyed the game?”
“Pretty interesting,” He started and you immediately wanted to shut his voice out, “But would’ve been fun if you were in the game.” He winked at you before he took a plate for himself, acting as if he hadn’t said those words. You saw the empty soju bottle that he placed on the counter top and figured it was the alcohol talking so you decided to brush it off. It was probably the alcohol making him say such a brave statement in front of your friends.
Would something have happened if you agreed to play the game?
You realised that maybe he did decide to be more brave.
He started sitting in the gymnasium to watch your practices. Jimin would always inform you when he spotted Jungkook, insisting that he was here to watch you. Though you constantly denied, because you knew he knew a few of you guys from all the parties.
Somehow, you always felt his eyes were locked on you - his attention never leaving you no matter how chaotic the mat got. Every fall, every success, every break. You just knew he was looking at you.
The first practice you realised he was there, you approached him after practice ended.
“Hey Jungkook!”
“Why are you here?”
“Am I that unwanted? Looks like only Jimin is glad to see me here.”
“N-No,” You were caught off-guard, “I was just wondering—“
“I know, I’m kidding.” Jungkook chuckled, getting up from the bench, hopping down to stand right in front of you. “You came to my game, and I want to come see your practices. I haven’t actually seen how serious cheer can be.”
You hummed, “Alright then.” You tossed your damp towel over your shoulder. Jungkook reached out, “Let me take your bag. I saw how tiring practice was.”
“Jungkook it’s fine—“
“And you fell from that pyramid a couple of times. You better ice that bruise.” He pointed to the bruise on your shin. You had gotten the bruise when you knocked it against one of your teammate’s foot when you had fallen off the pyramid.
He had successfully snatched your duffel bag when you were distracted by the bruise on your shin. “Jungkook—“
“Come on, let the guy be a gentleman.” Jimin nudged your sides and you shot a light glare his way. “I already booked a ride and it’s here so I’ll head home first. Text me when you’re home, yea?” Jimin patted your shoulder before jogging off.
During the ride home, Jungkook shared how in awe he was during your practice. “I felt that same way watching your game too.” You admitted.
“I’m definitely watching nationals with Yoongi.”
“You don’t have to—“
“But I want to! I’m coming.”
Over the weeks, you learned even more about Jungkook.
Firstly, Jungkook was a really thoughtful individual.
He also loved going the extra mile. You knew his rugby training schedule since he shared it before. So you knew he was watching your late night sessions after his tiring ones on some days, yet still sat through all the way.
He didn’t attend all practices, but he didn’t have to. You always appreciated the times he came to watch and you made it a point to watch his trainings as well when you had nothing on.
Secondly, Jungkook was one of the most hardworking and disciplined individuals that you have met.
Every footwork drill, punishment or endurance runs, he took it seriously. He always gave it his 110%. Even when you knew he was near his limit, he never slacked.
Thirdly, Jungkook was cute when he was in the zone.
His eyebrows always scrunched together, sometimes he would bite his lip for extra concentration. He would whisper to himself after his attempts or runs, possibly correcting himself or encouraging himself.
You knew he was his harshest critic. You could see it in his training etiquette.
From an athlete to another, Jungkook was a very respectable athlete - in both fitness and character.
Eventually, this became routine between the both of you. You would watch each other’s practices whenever you had the time. Jimin and Yoongi had gotten used to the scene as well.
Both would tease the both of you separately, “Look who’s here.”
“Shut up.” You both would say to them, trying to fight the smile that wanted to break through.
“You know, people will start thinking that we’re dating.”
“That wouldn’t be a bad thing, now would it?” Jungkook tilted his head, a cheeky grin on his face as he tossed you a cold unopened bottle of water. His reply sent your heart fluttering. He knew his way with words.
“It’ll kill your popularity with the public. Everyone will lose hope and stop pining after you.” You said dramatically after taking a big gulp of the refreshing water.
“Still don’t see how that’s a bad thing.”
“You know, you’re a real flirt Jeon Jungkook.”
He grinned cheekily, “Only when I want to.”
He definitely knew his way with words, and possibly, his way to your heart.
Jungkook started asking you out for lunch and dinner over the weeks, including the weekends. It was refreshing seeing you two not dripping in sweat from training. And he cleaned up well.
Although the rugby finals and cheer nationals were just around the corner, you both tried to find spare time to hang out. It felt like a stress-reliever. You both needed it. Jungkook knew he needed and wanted it. He always wanted to see you.
You were both at an open field, lying next to each other, bodies facing up as you enjoyed the night sky. Silence engulfed the both of you as you relished the tranquility of the night.
With hectic schedules, you appreciated times like this when you didn’t have to think about something so serious like competitions and expectations.
You were grateful that you made it to the Final 20 but it was still stressful knowing that there are high expectations for your team to defend your title.
It was the same for Jungkook.
“This feels great, doesn’t it?” He was the first to break the silence.
You turned just your head to admire his side profile as his eyes remained glue to the starry night.
“It does.”
Jungkook paused before continuing the conversation, “You know, I didn’t actually play Spin the Bottle that night. I just drank every time it was me, just wanted to please Woohyun.”
Confused, you weren’t sure why Jungkook had brought that up out of the blue. “Why are you—”
“I just wanted you to know. Felt like you had to know.” He shrugged his shoulders, pressing his lips into a tight line. “Didn’t want to send mix signals.”
“Mix signals?” You turned around, lying on top of your stomach as you got up on your forearms. You had a hunch of where this conversation was heading, but you didn’t like to be one making assumptions. Jungkook turned his head to face you, “I’m into you. I always like being with you and I hope you feel the same way.”
Nothing came out of your mouth. You were stunned by his sudden confession. Your eyes remained on his face as he kept a soft smile, with not a single ounce of regret on his face.
“I… I like being with you too.” You replied shyly, shuffling back down to lie down on your back next to him, not daring to make eye contact.
Next to you, Jungkook let out a short chuckle. He decided not to push it for that night. But it was enough to know that things were going right between the two of you.
“I never shared this with anyone but, sometimes, I do feel like quitting rugby.”
You were taken aback by his sudden change in topic but didn't to roll with it
He took a while to respond, formulating his thoughts into sentences. “The expectations get too much sometimes, especially as one of the labelled star players.” He scoffed, as if he was laughing at the term, or himself.
“I’m sure as the Final 20 in cheer you feel that expectation as well.”
You didn’t give a verbal reply, only nodding your head as you turned your head back to face up to the sky.
Jungkook didn’t need a verbal reply, he knew you felt the same.
“It’s suffocating. But right now, I feel like I can take a deep long breath, and not worry about making a mistake or slowing down.”
Just as he said that, he took a deep inhale, letting out his breath through is mouth.
“That felt good to let out. I never wanted to share this with others because I’m afraid they’ll think that I’m taking my position and skills for granted.”
“Yea I get what you’re saying.” You assured him and he smiled, turning his head to face you. You heard the shuffling sounds and you decided to face him as well, momentarily freezing when your eyes finally met his.
“But it feels like I can talk to you about anything. It feels nice to talk to you, yn.”
You were once again lost for words, feeling your cheeks grow hot as your eyes remained locked in his gaze.
“I feel safe with you.”
It was the final championship match for rugby. Your cheer team was once again there, to root for your college - you and Jimin were specifically rooting for Yoongi and Jungkook.
The whole venue was excruciatingly loud and tense. Both colleges with great support backing them. The match was very close and you could tell how they seemed more tired than other games. The nerves and the physical demand was getting to them.
Your coach yelled, calling their hands to get your attention. “Come on guys, time to boost their morale”
With your pom poms in your hands, your cheer team gathered, facing your side of the bleachers, enthusiastically cheering the campus cheers and getting the crowd to join in.
It was followed by simply stunts and routines to get the atmosphere more lively and ready for the game to resume.
As the players passed by your team, you all wished them good luck.
“Good luck, Yoongi!”
“Good luck, Jungkook!” You exclaimed encouragingly, shaking both your pom poms his way as he turned around to see you. He winked at you, mouthing the words ‘thank you’ before they made their way to the field.
“You’re drooling.”
Jimin’s voice taunted you from the side, You elbowed his side, “You’re doing the same.”
As the timer reaches the end, your side erupted in the loudest of cheers, you happily screaming along with the crowd. This win felt different from all the different times your cheer team supported them. Your college managed to defend their title, winning the championship for the season.
When the players returned to the benches and huddled for a group photo together, Jimin whispered, “Why don’t you go up and congratulate him?”
“Hush, Jimin, not in front of everyone.”
“Come on, don’t be shy. I know you like him.”
“We’re just close friends.”
Jimin scoffed, his index finger pointing to you and himself, “You and I are close friends. You and Jungkook however, are idiots who don’t want to admit that you guys like each other.”
“Shut it!” You sighed, lightly hitting him with your pom poms. When you turned around, Jungkook had already made his way to you. “You were cheering really hard back there.”
“Just for you.”
Just for me?” He raised his eyebrows, a smug look on his face as he stepped closer, “Yoongi’s gonna be devastated knowing that—“
“Actually my cheers were for Yoongi but I didn’t want you to feel upset or forgotten.”
Jungkook frowned and you really wished you had the guts to just kiss him right there, your eyes flickering to his pink soft lips.
“I’m kidding, don’t cry, not when you just became a champion.”
Jungkook laughed heartily before leaning towards your ear, “I’m already a champion having you on my side to cheer me on.”
Attention immediately shifted to your team for the upcoming nationals which was just a week after Jungkook’s finals.
You guys had constant past few runs leading up to the final day and everything felt like it would go well. The biggest obstacle was controlling your mental state during the day itself.
The night before, Jungkook had sent you a lengthy good luck message as he reminded you that he would be there.
You slept peacefully that night and woke up to read his message in the morning once again. You had your own cheerleader this time.
Everything seemed to go by quickly, the warm ups and runs backstage while waiting for your team’s turn. You had not met Jungkook or Yoongi since you were preparing backstage with your team, focused on getting into the right mental state.
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest when it was finally your team’s turn to perform.
The sun was scorching hot and there were many spectators. You stood in formation with your teammates as you waited for the song to play.
It felt way different than last season. Even though you were there last season to support the performing team, it truly felt different to be the one about to perform on the mat. With all eyes on you, carefully watching for any mistakes or mishaps. The heat already making you sweat when you stepped onto the stage.
But once the music played, that was all you could focus on.
Bright smiles plastered on all your faces as you went through the routine. A silent celebration in your head every time your team successfully pulled off a stunt.
Quick gazes made on the mat as you constantly changed formation. Encouraging looks and the sounds of the encouragement on the mat from your teammates to get you through the routine.
And just like that - it was your ending pose. Heavy pants surrounding you as your gaze locked on the audience. You all broke character afterwards, squealing and hugging each other for not screwing up the pyramid and the routine.
It felt good.
In fact, it felt amazing.
Jimin yelled your name, pulling you in for a tight hug, “We did it!”
“I know!”
Once all the teams had finished, the top 2 teams were announced and your college name was called out.
In front of the entire crowd, you hold intertwined your hands, head hung low and eyes shut right as you awaited for the results. The cheerleader holding the 2nd prize trophy walked back and forth between the two college teams as the announcer evilly drags on the result.
Your heartbeat was pounding loudly and you could feel it in your head, all your hands clasped together were clammy from nervous sweat.
Jungkook’s hopefully eyes stayed locked on your figure as he waited for announcements from the crowd.
The other college was called and your entre team’s knees went weak, buckling as some immediately fell to the ground.
Deafening screams erupted as you were pulled into a big group hug, you guys had just defended your title.
Your team was the reigning national champion once again.
Tears were falling as everyone congratuler each other. Your coach and assistant coach ran up to mat to join the group hug as your team proudly accepted the winning trophy.
You had made your way off the stag to reunite with the other cheer members as the public slowly started to approach you for a team photo.
With tears all over your faces, you posed for the group photos as thanked all your teammates with a big hug.
You heard his voice amongst the chaos.
You felt yourself immediately searching for the familiar pair of eyes in the crowd. The moment your eyes landed on him, you rushed up towards him, his arms wide open ready to accept you.
Jungkook pulled you in for tight embrace, repeatedly saying “congrats, you did it, I know you guys would win”. Tears flowed down your face once again still not believing what had just happened.
It felt so surreal and yet being in Jungkook’s embrace felt even more surreal. It was as if you were in a dream.
“Congrats yn!” You heard Yoongi’s voice from behind Jungkook.
You pulled away to see not only Yoongi but the entire rugby team with him. They were cheering proudly, chanting your college’s name with pride. Your eyes immediately farted back to Jungkook who had kept his arms around you.
“Did you…?”
“Yes, I convinced everyone to come. They’d be missing on such a stellar performance.”
As if your grin couldn’t get any bigger, your broke into a euphoric laugh, “You’re amazing.”
“You’re calling me amazing? After what your team had just displayed back there? You must be blind—“
Maybe it was the adrenaline rush, the high influx of dopamine from winning the competition and from being in his embrace. It didn’t matter, when your lips met his, you knew that was all that mattered at that moment.
You felt Jungkook lean into the kiss, his arms pulling you closer to his body. Both of you could hear your cheer team behind you and Jungkook’s rugby team behind him, both cheering your names.
You guys laughed into the kiss when you heard Yoongi and Jimin loudly expressed their thoughts. “It’s about time.”
“I swear I thought they’ll never get to this stage.”
His bright and welcoming smile never failed to make your day, no matter how tired you were. You never thought that you’d love going for rugby practices and matches. It was the complete opposite scenario from the beginning of the year.
But now, it never got boring to watch your boyfriend get into his sport. You would always tell him that he looked attractive when he was serious. You enjoyed doing that because it always made him fluster and fumble over his words.
“I-I don’t… Nah… I don’t look cute when I’m serious.” He would adjust the neckline of his shirt, trying to maintain a nonchalant expression on his face.
“You’re finally done.” You made your way down the bleachers, “I’ve been thinking about dessert the past 30 minutes.”
Jungkook nodded his head, extending his arms out to pull you into a sweaty hug. He placed a light kiss on your forehead, pulling back slightly to get a better view of your face.
“Ice cream?”
Deja Vu.
You remembered the first night you hung out with Jungkook after meeting him at the after party. When you were at the bus stop ready to go home.
WIth a grin, you leaned in to kiss his soft lips lightly, “I’m down.”
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dollslayer · 3 years
Fight or Flight
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve comes clean, in the aftermath and shock you turn to the one person who you know you can trust.
W/C: 2,369
Warnings: Implied cheating, angst, swearing
A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @sweetlyscared 's 1k celebration (congrats, it's well deserved!), prompt is in bold. I'm still pretty new to writing and this is my first true Angst fic so any and all reblogs/comments are super appreciated! Please check out my other stuff if you liked this fic!! Cheers!
PART TWO I Masterlist
The feeling of everything crashing around you was slow. Like your world was moving in slow motion as you processed the words. Everything else he was saying became distorted, going to waste as he tried desperately to explain himself to you. All you could hear clearly was your own breathing while you tried to will yourself to do something, anything.
Fight or flight is a funny thing, you were always so feisty and eager to fight back, A Bulldog, Steve had affectionately called you. But when he told you he was in love with someone else, that he has been in love with someone else for months, your body couldn’t find anything in it but to walk away.
Your breathing picked up and your eyes searched the ground, refusing to meet his. You felt your legs raise you up to stand and start walking away, unsure of your destination. When you pivoted to leave the room your eyes met his briefly, staring emotionlessly as his desperately searched for anything at all in yours.
“Where are you going? Doll, please, can we talk about this? I’m, I’m so sorry I-”
Whatever else he was saying wasn’t heard over the noise of opening the door and shutting it behind you. You didn’t know where you were going or what you were feeling other than the obvious. You were in a state of shock, it’s one thing to hear awful news and another to understand that it’s true but you were fastly approaching that truth head-on.
You paused for a moment in the hall and heard no movement come after you. You almost let yourself be surprised but he’d admitted he gave up on you a long time ago, so it only makes sense he wouldn’t fight your exit. You kept walking and tried to hold the floodgates of your heart closed for a bit longer.
Flashes of what was said come back to you slowly as reality sets in. “I can’t put this off any longer. I want you to know that I will always love you, but there’s someone else.”
Your head hurt like it would as if you were already crying, the blood pumping in your ears and pressure building in your temples that would no doubt evoke a long-standing headache. Your face felt hot as you stepped into the elevator, maybe you’d go for a walk in an attempt to fend off your tears. Or maybe you’d walk to a safer place to have an emotional breakdown. Whichever is easier.
Brisk gusts of air greet you as you exit the building, making you realize you left your jacket on the arm of the couch. You took a second to evaluate yourself and noticed you’d also walked out in your house slippers and a thin pair of leggings. Trying to evade the cold you tucked yourself in the doorway of a bodega down the street and dialed Bucky.
Two rings and he picked up.
“Did you know?”
The silence on the line only reminds you of the blood pumping in your ears. The silence tells you everything you needed to know.
You hang up.
You’re breathing even harder now. Who else knew? For how long? How long was I the joke? You need to find somewhere else to be soon or all these strangers are going to get an eyeful of a grown woman sobbing. You dial the last number you’d expect to at a time like this.
“What’s happening, shortstack?”
You can hear Tony’s grin through the phone and his easy greeting gives you momentary comfort.
“Can I come over? Something happened.”
“I’ll let Jarvis know to let you in” Tony’s tone is understanding, not needing you to explain further, just letting you know you can come to him.
Tony’s only seven blocks from yours and Steve’s shared apartment, a fact you’re grateful for when you feel your feet aching every time they hit the pavement. The conversation replays in your head, you try to word what happened in your head and your anger starts overtaking the heartbreak. It’s almost a welcome reprieve from the settling heartbreak but you’re not sure if you’d rather be numb to it completely.
When the elevator doors open Tony’s waiting for you with two tumblers of scotch in hand. You shake your head and move past him to the couch. He joins you on the opposite armchair and sets both his elbows down on his spread knees, resting his face in his hands.
“Would you like to talk about it or not talk about it?” He asks with a sigh.
You don’t make eye contact with him so you don’t cry, choosing to focus on the Iron Man coffee table book you’d gotten as a gag gift for Tony all those Christmases ago. It almost distracts you enough to laugh, the fact that he just has it out. But you need to tell someone what happened and get it all out before you can let yourself feel it all.
“Steveisinlovewithsomeoneelse,” You rushed it all out in one breath afraid if you didn’t get it out fast enough that you’d break. “He has been for months. He said he doesn’t know when it all changed but when he was with her things just clicked,” you paused to collect yourself, “But don’t worry, I’ll always hold a special place in his heart and he hopes this won’t affect the future of the team or our friendship.”
“Oh, and he’s really sorry.” you added.
You laughed bitterly and shook your head in disbelief. His delivery had been so cold but so sincere, very to the point but pained in its delivery. “I just, whatever we had, it’s just gone. Things are just different now, with her, this kills me though, please believe me. You’re still really special to me.” Bullshit. Special enough to act as a placeholder until someone better comes, special enough to cast aside.
You’re broken momentarily from your spiral into anger by the sound of a glass hitting a coaster a little too hard. Looking up, you find Tony quietly seething. He and Steve aren’t close by any means so you figured that he wouldn’t have known, it’s why you called him over anyone else.
He moves slowly to your side on the couch and pulls you into his side. You can smell his aftershave and what you think might be burned grease from one of the many things he’s been tinkering with in the lab, it smells like him, like comfort.
“That fucking asshole. Unbelievable, I don’t even…” He leaves the thought unfinished.
His hands move up and down your arms in a soothing motion and you finally let yourself have it. You don’t even realize you’re crying until you feel the tears wet his shirt when you bury your face in. You sniffle up tears and snot when your face heats up.
There’s no way to know how long Tony lets you sob into him, no doubt ruining his vintage Depeche Mode shirt. Somewhere in the back of your mind you make a mental note to buy him a new one later. But for now you’ll just allow yourself to cry and you can deal with the world in the morning.
Tony lets you fall asleep on his chest, feeling somewhere between furious and heartbroken by proxy. He thinks about letting you sleep and giving Steve a piece of his mind but figures that’s not what you need right now. Your phone sits on the table and he touches the screen to check the time. No notifications on your homescreen except for a missed call from Bucky and an old photo of Steve making a funny face as your background.
Had Steve not even tried to call you? Had he not even tried to go after you? Why was Bucky of all people the only one to be trying to get a hold of you? Prick.
Selfishly Tony is glad that he has a good reason to be rude to Steve now, he has to admit. You two had always been close but when you and Steve started dating he saw less and less of you. He couldn’t fault you for it though, you were so in love with Steve and you knew that the relationship between the two of them was strained so you kept your distance a bit.
He thought of all the sacrifices you’d made for Steve. You gave up your childhood home in the Bronx that your parents had willed to you to move in with him because he wanted you to be closer to the tower. You gave up a promotion and transfer to DC when you were still just an agent, granted you were an avenger now but it doesn’t matter, he’d made a very big deal out of you turning it down. You gave up the friendship the two of you had.
It was incredible, really. How much you had done for him only for him to turn around and love someone else behind your back. Brave enough to fight aliens and terrorists but too cowardly to break up with you and leave you with some dignity. Did anyone else know about this?
Tony had to stop himself from getting too angry, afraid he’d wake you up. So instead he went back to plotting up schematics for the half-finished suit mod he’d been in the middle of when you called.
It’s been a week and you still haven’t properly talked to Steve. After two days on Tony’s couch you need to look at things from a logical stance. Where am I going to stay? It’s not like you had your parent’s place anymore and you didn’t want to sign a new lease on an apartment. You could always move into the tower but that meant a higher chance of running into Steve.
You were thinking about all of this out loud to Tony when he offered you the guest bedroom in his penthouse. You were shocked, he’s always been a generous man but after you drifted apart from him you were surprised he even let you stay these past few days. Maybe now was a good time to rebuild your friendship with him and have some space from work.
What’s work going to be like? You agree and go on a temporary leave from the team, just a month to collect yourself. If you really wanted to you could go back but the thought of seeing everyone that knew about Steve’s affair was humiliating and enraging in one go.
It turns out Sam had been playing therapist to Steve in all of this, Nat figured it out through some sleuthing, and Wanda had inadvertently heard his thoughts about her. And none of them thought to tell you? To save you from the anguish but to let it fester? Steve wasn’t the only one that betrayed you. They all had.
What will I say to him? Should I say anything to him? Turns out the answer was ‘nothing’. You texted him to let him know you were moving out and you’d be by to get your things as a courtesy. You walked into an empty apartment and you were almost relieved.
He’d chosen to not be here but he’d left you a letter on the kitchen counter next to a framed photo of the two of you on vacation last year. You scoff but don’t touch the letter. Every ounce of restraint you have is being used as you leave it untouched. But you don’t need to know what excuses or apologies he has on deck, nothing he could say would exonerate him of his wrong-doings. You had no intentions of speaking to him but secretly you hoped he suffered as he stewed in his guilt and inner-turmoil. He deserves to.
When you pack you leave every gift he ever gave you, taking only what you’d brought with you in the first place. You take one look at the unmade bed and almost go to make it out of habit but then you think of the two of them there together. All the long missions you went on without him, all the times you stayed late at work or went out with your friends. How many times had he been here with her while you were there?
You end up only leaving with two suitcases and a backpack full of things. Tony waits for you in the lobby, understanding you wanted your space when you went to get your things in case Steve was there.
The elevator doors open to him taking a selfie with a couple of fans and shaking hands. He’s all too happy to be recognized but when he sees you his eyes soften. Not out of pity, but fondness, like he’s proud of you for getting out.
He sends you a questioning look with a silent question. Are you okay?
You smile at him and for the first time in days it’s a genuine, non-placating, happy-to-see-you smile. It’s okay, I’ll be okay.
He takes one of your suitcases from you and helps you load them into the back of the car before opening the door for you. The drive back to Tony’s is silent but comfortable. The trust you have in each other is strong and unspoken. Something you’ve always been grateful for between the two of you.
He doesn’t ask you about Steve or what happened, always letting you come to him first, which you appreciate. And when you talk he just listens. No bullshit unsolicited advice about moving on or how everything happens for a reason or getting back out there, just listens.
You know the road ahead is long and it will be difficult, but you have someone in your corner and the knowledge that what happened isn’t your fault and that you’re a badass and fuck Steve Rogers and fuck anyone else that did you wrong in all of this. Maybe you’ll forgive them someday but for now you’re gonna focus on you and work on building yourself back up. You’re ready for the ups and downs, you’re ready to fight.
730 notes · View notes
lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Blood for the Blood God
Tumblr media
(Technoblade x Reader)
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
A young hybrid stood at the edge of the world, his pink hair tied up in a bun, face free of scars he’d acquired in his later years, and he looked decades younger. A diamond-encrusted dagger rested against his hip in its holder, his feet nervously tapped on the dirt. Silence surrounded him, maybe he should’ve told Phil where he was going, what he was going to do, the deal he was about to make. There were no trees on the cliffside, no signs of life anywhere for miles, in fact, he wasn’t sure if he stepped into another realm altogether. It was just him, the cliff, and of course the ancient scrolls in his bag. Technoblade frowned slightly thinking back on his old friend once more, would Phil’s family and his old friend be disappointed in his choices. Did he even care? He swallowed thickly holding out his hand, he pulled out a dagger from its holder, and drug it across his palm. Blood spilled from the wound, Technoblade let out a hiss of pain watching the blood pool in his palm. He held his hand out over the void and let a few drops of blood seep into space. He had long since memorized the words on the scrolls in his bag, Technoblade chanted the words written in Greek and he felt the wind begin to pick up around him. Goosebumps appeared on his arms, He was grateful his hair was wrapped up in a bun or else it would be tangled and blowing all over the place. At this time in his life, his hair was down to his ankles, getting it calm in any sense of the word was a struggle.
Dust picked up and he covered his eyes, by the time Technoblade opened them a beautiful figure stood in the void, the goddess was giant, towering far above the treelines below the cliff. A crown rested on top of the Goddess’s head, it was golden and formed a halo above her head, stars littered across her face as her eyes opened. Her gaze bore straight into Techno’s soul, her gown was a deep black with red lacing across the neckline, and it flared out at her feet. A corset tight around her waist, intricate gold was embedded into the fabric, her (h/c) hair floating around her head.
“Technoblade,” Her voice sounded like silk in his ears, and he loved the way her voice said his name. Pink blossomed in his cheeks as his eyes widened, he didn’t even comprehend that she knew his name without even asking. “Why have you summoned me here today?” The Goddess hummed softly leaning downwards her giant face in front of Technoblades, he was in awe at her majesty. He gaped like a fish for a few moments and she lightly giggles pulling away from his body, Technoblade swallowed thickly recovering from his shock.
“You’re the Blood God?” He questioned not expecting you to be so womanly, you hummed softly tapping your nails on the ground causing it to rumble under his feet.
“I go by many names young one, but yes that is one of them.” She hummed the clouds began to swirl around her head, “I’m known as the Blood God, Blood Goddess, but if we strike a deal you may refer to me as (Y/n).”
“The scrolls said you’d be a man.”
“No, not at all.” Technoblade hurriedly corrected himself, “Just startled.”
“Men always like to change history,” She clicked her tongue in distaste brow furrowing in frustration. “Changing the great things women do, the fear of powerful women is only felt by weaker and pitiful men.” He watched the Goddess’s eyes turn blood red a smile came across her lips, “They deserve to bleed. Pitiful men don’t deserve to walk the same earth of those worthy.” Technoblade felt himself nodding alongside the Goddess’s words, she had a point. Any man who disrespects or underestimates women deserves the fate she mentioned. “Now Technoblade tell me what you need from me?”
“I wish to never die.” The words hung in the air, he watched the goddess lean back in contemplation.
“I cannot make you immortal, I’m afraid you’ve contacted the wrong God.”
Technoblade shook his head, he knew he contacted the proper God, if he tried to contact the God of Death, Phil would know immediately.
“It’s not necessarily immortality I am after,” You titled your head curiously urging the young man to continue his point. “I just want something to make me never die, whether it’s power or unaging, I need something.”
“Why? Are you aware of the consequences of becoming immoral or like an immortal,” The Goddess gently reached her hand out nudging her giant finger against his cheek, “To see those who love you die around you while you never age? Anyone, you fall in love with won’t grow old with you.”
“I don’t plan on falling in love.” He interrupted the goddess, standing up straighter. He watched her purse her lips, in a blinding flash of light a woman was standing in front of him. Technoblade felt his face heat up, in her mortal form she was much smaller, but her outfit remained the same, the crown still on her head, showing off her power.
“You cannot comprehend the ideas of the goddess of love Technoblade. She has many interesting ideas on who should fall in love.” Technoblade straightened as she leaned in closer to his face,
“I’ll fight them.”
The Goddess blinked a few times as Technoblade looked away awkwardly at what he blurted out, and you burst into hysterical laughter. You covered your hand with your mouth trying to stifle said laughter, he made a small ‘heh?’ like sound as you clutched your abdomen.
“Sorry- Sorry! I just never heard someone so willingly eager to fight the God of Love so they don’t fall in love.” Your eyes lit up with delight as Technoblade visibly relaxed, for the self-proclaimed Blood God you sure were child-like, much like Wilbur, “You’re so cute yet so naive.” He tensed again his teeth grinding together,
“I’m not naive.” He huffed narrowing his eyes not even processing that she had called him cute. You hummed a few more giggles spilling past your lips, before collecting yourself and straightening your dress.
“Technoblade, before we continue forward with our potential deal there are some stipulations.” You hummed softly holding out your hand, “If you wish for my power to never die this is what I can grant you.” You pressed your glowing red finger to his forehead, his pupils shrunk in and he saw himself in the future. Scars littered his face, arms, and back, his hair was tied into a tight braid, gold jewelry coated his ears and fingers. He had a scruff of a beard on his chin, and he overall radiated power. By his side in some form of a Tundra, was Phil, looking a little older, his right-wing shredded beyond repair. On Technoblade’s back were three Wither Skull tattoo’s one in the middle of his back and the other two on his opposite shoulder blades. A netherite sword hung on his hip and it seemed to be coated in dried blood, his arms were crossed in distaste, he caught a glimpse of three lines on his arm.
He never lost a single life. Suddenly he heard thousands of voices echoing in his head, he clutched his ears falling to his knees, all of them were screaming, pleading for blood.
Technoblade breathed heavily snapping back to the current reality, “what was that?” He panted eyes a bit frantic, “the future?”
“One version of it,” You hummed pulling your hand down to your side. “The future can change on such a whim there never may be a true future I can show you, but it was one.” His brow furrowed watching you reach out and trace over the lifelines on his wrist, a pleasant tingle was sent up his spine. “I can assure you the power I can give will not make you immortal, but it will give you the power to slaughter all your enemies on a whim. Reach your goals and make it nearly impossible to die, that is the power I can grant you.” He watched his lives glow a soft gold and he choked on his spit, another tingle shot up his body, “but there are consequences as there is with every deal one makes.”
Technoblade nodded in understanding willing to risk anything to be that powerful, keeping his life and living with Phil. So the older man won’t have to lose anyone else in his life due to his immortality.
“While you’ll be powerful and practically impossible to kill you will still be mortal. You will be able to die and will still be bound to the three life systems my brother has set up. However, you will live forever so long as that does not happen.” He felt your hand move up his arm and he involuntary flexed his muscles. “But, you’ll have to bear the curse of the Blood God,” You whispered eyes flashing in regret, “The voices.”
“Voices?” He questioned with an eyebrow raise watching you nod almost sadly.
“They will be hard to ignore and occur almost instantly once the deal is in place. There will be thousands of them, always talking or screaming begging you to kill and slaughter. Begging you to kill and supply me with the blood I so desperately crave be spilled on the land. They will say other things too, commenting on your thoughts and your life, you’ll eventually learn to live with them. Especially with my help, but they’re hard to deal with, hard to ignore their yearn for the slaughter of anything with a pulse. You’ll have to learn to get along with them, that is your only hope to not lose yourself to them.” He felt your hand up to his cheek, thumb brushing against the apples of them, “It will be painful and you’ll still need to train to gain more muscle and strength, but it will be easier for you to reach that goal. So with that in mind Technoblade, do we have a deal?”
Technoblade locked eyes with the Goddess in front of him, he could deal with a few voices screaming in his ear, after all, you’d be by his side, helping him learn and grow.
“Deal,” Technoblade spoke gruffly, “how do we go about this?” He tensed swallowing thickly watching you cup his cheeks in your hands. “You’re touching my face, that’s fine this is fine, not intimate at all.” He watched you raise an eyebrow,
“It’s about to get a lot more intimate I’m afraid,” You purred as Technoblade flushed red, he felt your one hand remove itself from his cheek. She trailed her hand down his neck and his body, he was a shivering, red mess, she found the dagger at his side. He watched in awe as it floated in front of her, slicing open her palm, blood bubbled from the wound it was laced with golden flecks of ambrosia. Technoblade looked at her nervously, “Drink.”
“Eh?” He made a disgusted face eyeing the blood smearing on your palm, he watched it drip intimately down your wrist. Technoblade swallowed thickly, “why?”
“You have to take a piece of me to grant my power, you’ll grow fond of the taste of blood eventually.” You smiled pityingly, another hand gently squeezing his neck and Technoblade let out a shaky breath. He placed a hand on your wrist looking up into your eyes, you hummed sweetly urging him to continue, “I don’t bite. Hard.” You mused, eyes sparkling, dangerously, the look was verging on flirty, the young man flushed. He leaned forward, hesitantly licking the dripping blood that spilled down your arm up to the cut you made with his dagger. The ambrosia in your blood tingled his tongue tasting sweeter than honey, his pupils blew wide dragging his tongue across your palm. He barely registered your hand in his hair, curling around the loose stands tenderly, and much like a kitten, he began to lap at your palm. Technoblade felt like his entire body was on fire, but the blood you possessed tasted so sweet, he felt as though he’s never tasted anything better. He drank until your body healed and he couldn’t taste any more blood, he felt a whine bubble in his throat desperately trying to get more blood from your healed cut. You shushed him softly poking his nose, which seemingly snapped him back to reality, ears turning red as a small amount of blood stained the corner of his mouth. You leaned forward standing on your tiptoes, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the corner of his mouth, tongue lapping at the left-over blood. He let out another whine as you pulled away licking your teeth, humming fondly at the taste. “Such a good boy, listening to your god,” he felt himself pant his vision blurring the praise from you swimming in his head, doing things to him he didn’t quite understand.
Technoblade’s eyes snapped open as the world around him filled with screaming voices, he yelled out in agony as a fire shot through his skull, burning his brain and licking at the top of his spine. Voice pleading and screaming for more blood, to paint the entirety of the cliffside with sweet blood, to grab the nearest thing with a pulse and tear it to pieces. His pupils shrank and his mouth began to water helplessly,
‘Blood for the Blood God! Serve her! We live to serve her, get her blood. Feed us, Feed her. Blood. Blood. Blood. Kill anything that tries to stop us. Blood. Blood. Blood.’
These millions of voices pounded heavily in his ears, he felt like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. Suddenly the voices quieted and he was vaguely aware of your hand on his forehead,
‘Goddess, our goddess.’
“Shhhh,” You whispered fondly and Technoblade leaned into your cool touch. “Be kind to this one, he’s special.” He didn’t understand what you meant but heard the voices calm down as you spoke to them. “Play nice,” Techno realized that you weren’t talking to him but the voices in his head.
‘Yes ma’am. We’ll be good. But I want to break this one. Don’t be rude to our goddess! Bark, bark, bark. Don’t bark at her! She’s gorgeous though! Truly a work of art. We just want to provide you with blood! Let us play with him a little!’
“I know my darlings and I appreciate it.” You cooed fondly and Technoblade felt warmth flow through his entire being. “But try to get along with this one, he’s special,” Technoblade watched the goddess wink at him. He found himself asking her if he would see her again and she snickered softly,
“Of course you will. We’re interconnected now,” you took his hand, allowing his bigger one to encompass your own. “I’ll see you again soon, try not to die.” In another flash of light, the goddess was gone, he was left alone with the roaring voices and deep-seated loneliness that he was not accustomed to feeling.
It only took a few weeks for Phil to find out about his meeting with the Blood God herself he was immediately worried for his friend. Scolding him for doing something so stupid and reckless, even if what he was preaching was largely hypocritical. The newly acquired voices seemed to have a different interpretation of his nagging, instead, they urged Technoblade to call the man Dadza. Behind Phil his crows cawed and flocked around the both of them, Phil’s brow furrowed and squeezed Technoblade’s shoulder.
“I hope you know what you’re doing mate. Dealing with gods is a dangerous game,” Phil sighed “I know that better than anybody. You need anything, contact me immediately.”
“I will,” The young man nodded in response to his old friend, “Trust me.”
“You know I do.” Phil responded his wings fluttering anxiously, “Just know how dangerous the Blood God can be, the voices granted to you will be hard to resist.”
“She gave me the spiel Phil, I can handle a few voices.” Technoblade scoffed crossing his arms over his chest, “Have a little faith.” Phil only grew more concerned watching Techno’s hand twitch, he could only hope he knew what he got himself into.
“Oh, Technoblade what have you done?” Your voice echoed in his head as he snarled loudly, red eyes blazing fire. Corpses littered his feet, blood staining the floor and walls, he was older than the last time she had visited. Hair was tied in a braid, scars littered his face and arms that seemed to only accentuate the blood staining his face. His ax was in the corner of the room blood stained the weapon as well, “You poor man.” He turned towards you and snarled the voices in his head roared needily, his head and heart were pounding, “Use your words.” You commanded hardly red mist swirling around your fingers, it hit him square in the chest sending him flying backward into a wall. Behind you stood a taller figure, in his state Technoblade could only make out a mask with a large ‘X’ carved into it.
“Your little plaything seems to be struggling with your curse dear sister,” XD mused from behind you, “Your supposed prodigy seems to have lost control.” You clicked your tongue in distaste sending your brother a look.
“Technoblade come back to your God.” You commanded your voice harshly seeping into his ears, he only roared in response, steam coming out of his nostrils. “I’m disappointed in you all,” the voices all at once stopped their screaming and Technoblade fell to his knees the sudden shift to silence throwing him off. You walked over to his crumpled body, bare feet stepping on the wooden planks marking the floorboards with your bloodied footprints. You knelt in front of him, the hybrid breathing heavily, his tusks tried to cut your skin and succeeded in pricking your fingers. You grabbed onto his tusks, those were also bigger than the last time you saw them, you tugged them harshly. He grunted in pain, “No.” You snarled looking deep into his eyes, “You slaughtered an entire village of innocent lives! That is not in my plan or my wishes you stupid mortal!” You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, his clarity was slowly coming back to him. “There were children here! Children you tore apart, I trusted you to have some semblance of control, and you!” She pressed a manicured nail to the top of his head speaking directly to the voices, “I asked for one thing from you and you make him do this!”
“Get ‘em, girl. You tell them.” XD mused from behind you, snapping his fingers almost sassily. His robes flowing around his arms, you turned over your shoulder to glare at him.
“Oh, go fuck George Lore.”
“Fuck you.” Lighting cackled from behind the God of the SMP his long nails digging into the flesh on his arms. You huffed glaring at your older brother, from behind you Technoblade tried to lunge at God for disrespecting his Goddess. “Watch your dog,” He scoffed another growl bubbling in Technoblade’s throat.
“Techno.” Your voice filled his ears again and he fell against your shoulder, “I haven’t been a good Goddess to you have I?” You spoke softly, his entire body relaxing into you as he listened to you. “You cannot handle the voices on your own that was my mistake, I will train you so this doesn’t happen again that I can promise you.” Your fingers gently played with the hair on the back of his neck,
“(Y/n)?” He mumbled groggily,
“There he is, welcome back to the real world.” The goddess pulled away from his beaten body, he looked around seeing the blood and the bodies. His ears twitched something akin to guilt curled in his stomach.
Had he done this? To a village of innocent traders?
“Did I..?”
“You lost control I’m afraid.”
“I- that’s impossible, I was doing so well I had control-”
“Technoblade!” A voice called out pushing past XD, an older gentleman with messy blonde hair a bucket hat. “You’re alright!- Who the hell are all of you?” The man seemed to realize they weren’t alone and his eyes locked onto yours. “(Y/n)?”
“Philza Minecraft. Long time no see,” You hummed a smile spreading across your lips, “Kristin says hello.”
Phil’s entire face flushed to the tips of his ears and he coughed nervously, “Er...tell her the same and that I miss her.”
“I will,” You gave a little bow of your head, “Is Technoblade your son?”
“More like an old friend, but I see him as such.”
“Shut up old man,” Technoblade grumbled sitting up on his knees without you to support him.
“I didn’t realize you were the Blood God,” Phil continued dropping by Technoblade’s side the old man was missing a few of his flight feathers. A large cut was gouged into his shoulder, that was it that was the trigger, something must’ve hurt Phil and caused the halfling to snap.
“That seems to be a common theme,” You frowned a little with a gentle sigh, you tried to glance at your brother, but XD had long since disappeared from the doorway. Most likely because he was bored and wanting to go bother Foolish, “Philza.” You declared as Technoblade glanced over at you through hooded eyes, “Will you allow me to train and help your son."
“He’s not my dad-”
“Of course Goddess, whatever will help him stay in control.” You nodded your head at the consent, in a flash of light your entire appearance changed. You looked much more human, with a simple yet sophisticated outfit that fit the period
“Then let’s begin.”
The sun began to rise above the cliff where Technoblade had first summoned his Goddess. He took in a deep breath inward and then let the breath outwards after a few minutes of holding it. He sat criss-cross on the cliffside letting air into his lungs as he remembered the meditation techniques you had taught him many years ago. The voices were particularly antsy today but he had learned from the best how to control them, to quiet them down, talk, and reason with them.
‘The sun is rising. It’s very pretty, can we please just spill a little bit of blood?’
“No.” He murmured under his breath, “We get to see (Y/n) today. Don’t ruin this for me. We need her help.”
“They bothering you?” Your voice flowed through his head like butter, and warmth engulfed his entire being,
‘We are not! Come on, we love you! E!!!! Don’t be mean to us!’
“They said you’re being mean.”
“Am not,” You snorted wrapping your hands around the back of his neck and fell across his broad shoulders. Surprisingly the goddess’s touch comforted him, while others’ touches felt like fire, yours was pleasant. “Just want to make sure my prodigy is safe and in control,”
“I am thanks to your lessons.”
“Good, now. You said you wanted to talk to me about something important. Do tell, I’m very curious. It’s not like you to keep secrets from me.” A feather-light kiss was placed on his cheek as you moved from behind him to the front, he adored you. The sunlit up your cheeks and framed your head like a halo, it was like everything on earth was made to make you look perfect.
“I have a predicament,” He tapped his nails on his knees as you hummed thoughtfully, “There’s a war brewing between the government of ‘New L’manburg’ and myself. The government killed Wilbur, drove him so mad that Phil had to kill him to stop his nonsense.”
“I remember that,” You said with a stern nod, “there was a lot of blood spilled that day.” The people who fought in the war lost a lot of lives and you remembered it vividly, XD watched the battle with you from above, you wanted to keep an eye on Technoblade. When the battle was over and his allies betrayed him it took all of your willpower to not go down there and kill them all where they stood.
No one touches your prodigy.
XD had to physically hold your powers away from you, it was the closest you’ve come to losing control of since you were a young Goddess.
When Technoblade escaped to the Tundra that’s when you appeared in front of him, giving him a bone-crushing hug. He grunted at the unfamiliar body but there was only one person that he knew of who could appear out of nowhere and that was his Goddess. You remembered him apologizing to you, fearing you’d be mad at him for failing to kill all those who opposed you and him. You shut him up with a searing kiss, he was dizzy as you pulled away,
“Don’t scare me like that again.”
“I won’t,” he murmured still recovering from the shock of the kiss, recovering from how much he enjoyed feeling your lips press against his own. “I won’t disappoint you again,”
“You better not.” You cupped his cold cheek with your hand, he nuzzled into it, “You have so much more to give.” Technoblade gave a stern nod as the voices urge him to kiss your forehead, and he listened. “My strong prodigy,” you recalled how he shivered at your words “Are you mine?”
“Only if you’re mine in return.”
“I can live with that.”
His big hand cupped your cheek and you snapped your attention back to the mortal in front of you, you smiled and kissed one of the scars on his palm. Techno brushed his thumb across your cheek, the stars on your face left his fingers tingling. “I need your help, they tried to execute me and hurt Phil they need to be taught a permanent lesson. Please fight by my side,”
“Love, you know I’m not allowed to interfere with wars of mortals. My brother will demote me.”
“I know that,” Technoblade assured reaching out to squeeze your hand, “that’s not what I mean or what I want for you Goddess.” You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head,
“Explain,” consider your curiosity peaked.
“Grant me more of your power, fight through me, my dear.” Your eyes widened as his eyes flashed red,
“That’ll tear you apart, you will not be able to handle that.”
“I will.”
“I trust you.”
Your lips dipped into a tight frown, “I don’t trust myself.” You admitted closing your eyes, “I’m called the Blood God for a reason Technoblade.”
“You’ve taught me how to keep control, I know you can as well darling. Please.”
“Fine,” You agreed after a while looking at the ground, “I’ll let my power flow through you on one condition. You only use it once when it’s life or death.”
“I promise you,” he leaned forward and kissed your lips causing you to purr happily. “I’ll only use it once just keep an ear out for when I call for you.”
“I will.”
The battle came much faster than Technoblade would’ve liked, he had Dream, Phil, and the dogs by his side. They would blow the government to smithereens and won’t stop until they hit bedrock. Above the clouds, he knew his Goddess was watching over them, there was no way they wouldn’t succeed. He felt the voices yearn for blood, yearn to serve and please their god, to wreck the entire governmental system. Dream told Technoblade and Phil their duties, which consisted of distracting the government with as many Withers as possible, so Dream could set up the canons. Technoblade could feel the buzzing in his skull knowing the voices were itching to set off the Withers and conquer. They gathered the wolves from underneath L’manburg and Technoblade ruffled their fur and gave them each some last-minute treats, he hated to think of that as a last meal for some of them, but that’s essentially what they were. As he made his way into the country Phil had squeezed his shoulder, a gesture meant to be affectionate in nature.
“Try not to die.”
“You too old man. You still have the totem I gave you?”
“Of course I do.”
“Good. Now let’s kick their asses,” Technoblade grinned viciously. He looked up into the swirling clouds in the sky, crows screaming overhead, “Watch over me, my goddess.” His head filled with warmth and he knew you were by his side like you promised you would be, Phil smiled over at Technoblade and looked to the sky as well.
‘Watch over him (y/n), Kristin,’ He thought getting into a position to release his Withers onto the world.
Technoblade followed suit, the citizens caught onto his presence almost immediately, ready to battle him with weapons drawn. Luckily the dogs took care of anyone who dared try to get a hit in, ripping apart any exposed flesh and spilling their blood on the ground. The dogs allowed him to set up two Withers and send them into the battle, exploding and targeting individuals in their line of sight. Technoblade escaped into a small area by a river and was suddenly attacked by Sapnap. The fire demon spawn’s eyes were alight with bloodlust, seemingly from slaughtering half of his pet wolves singlehandedly.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” Sapnap grinned swinging the sword in his hand, fire sparking from the horns on his head. Technoblade had no time for the cocky man’s small talk as he charged at him, he blocked the blow with ease, golden ring glinting in the fleeting light. “Not much of a talker huh? No matter,” Sapnap snickered, “I’ll be the one to take your first life.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Technoblade snorted pulling away to kick Sapnap in the chest, he stumbled back but he was known for his quick recovery time. He grunted a little and sent a trail of fire-spitting towards Technoblade’s feet. Technoblade was distracted by the fire and it allowed the demon to slice a deep cut into Technoblade’s chest, the man didn’t have time to block. He grits his teeth and felt blood seep across his chest, pain ricocheting through his body. The voices roared to kill the idiot, to get up and give him a severe wound back, but before he could he was kicked in the chest by Sapnap and fell to his back. The sword was pointed at his neck and it dug in just deep enough for a droplet of blood to bubble under the sword.
He was fucked.
‘Call her. Call (Y/n). Call the Blood God. Call our Blood God. Blood for the Blood God.’
“Any last words?”
“(Y/n) I need you.”
“Who the fuck-” A blaring light blinded Sapnap as he stumbled back, squinting his eyes he could barely make out Technoblade in front of him. Technoblade’s eyes blazed a scarlet red, the wound on his chest healing over rapidly like he just ate two god apples. That wasn’t the worst of it though, Sapnap stumbled back some more, above Technoblade’s head was a stunningly gorgeous woman. Her hands were cupping his head, red seeping from her fingers and licking at Techno’s head like flames. The Goddess’s eyes were closed as her hair floated around her head, framing her face beautiful, she was terrifying calm,
“What the fuck. Who the fuck?” His voice cracked watching the being open her sharp eyes, a bloodthirsty grin appeared on her lips. “Fuck, fuck!”
“Technoblade. Kill the idiot man, who dared to try and kill you. That is my command. Give Blood to your Blood God.”
Technoblade’s lips curled over his tusks, he was salivating, the voices were roaring. “Blood for the Blood God,”
He spoke and the last thing Sapnap saw was the shine off Technoblade’s blade, and the glowing eyes of the Goddess herself before the world around him went dark.
Technoblade was breathing heavily, the voices wanted more blood, he felt the pull from you as well, you wanted more blood spilled. Steam curled around his nose and he shook his head, ‘no. no more. Thank you.’ He licked the blood off his sword and the voices quieted, satisfied with the taste on his tongue.
“Stay safe,” Your voice echoed around the battlefield, some chose to ignore the booming voice of the female but others turned to look. Staring in awe at the sight of the goddess, many not knowing her origin or what she was but felt her power over the battlefield. “Don’t disappoint me,”
“You know I won’t.” He grinned blood staining his teeth, behind him an explosion rang out, Dream was ready with the TNT cannons. He heard a familiar cry from who he assumed Tommy and when he turned back to face you, you were gone.
They will forever know that Technoblade serves and is dating the Blood God.
Tag list: @iamsuchasimp, @victory-is-here, @pastelmoonwitche, @ignat1usaquar1us, @boiled-onionrings, @alovestruck-fool, @mack4676
689 notes · View notes
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Word count: no idea
A/N: This is my first fanfiction that I’m posting out in the world! This takes place an hour or two after the end of Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 7: Wings of the Master. I found a fanart when surfing the internet for Kanera content (as one does) a few months ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since! I don’t know whose work the art is but I’ll paste it on here! If anyone knows who it’s by, please let me know :) the art isn’t mine, but all of the writing is! Obviously, Kanan isn’t blind yet in this fic like he is in the fanart. I hope anyone who reads this likes it!! I’m hoping to post more fanfiction in the future—I have three others in the works already! I’m open to any and all feedback!
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Hera rubs her temple as she steps out of the promotion briefing. Her head buzzes with new intel, and plans zip through her mind like starships. She is honored and ecstatic about her promotion to Phoenix Leader. At the same time, though, she can already feel the new responsibility settling onto her shoulders, all of the lives that will soon be placed under her supervision weighing on her. Hera can and will take on all of the privileges and authority her new position grants her, and she fully intends to own it, too. Still, her heart is heavy.
Truthfully, she’s still struggling with the losses they suffered on the first attempt to deliver supplies to Ibaar. Hera had been so determined to complete that mission, to find the right ship to make it possible, that the grief and sensation of failure hadn’t caught up with her. She had made sure of that. There wasn’t time to be crippled by guilt and loss when there was a mission to complete. Now that the mission was over, however, she can feel the effects of the losses setting in.
Thoughts swirl through her mind as she continues to head down the hallway towards the bay where the Ghost is docked.
If I had just let us turn back—if I hadn’t told everyone to keep going—maybe Phoenix Leader and the people on the transport would have survived.
She’d made the wrong call. Hera can still hear the panic-filled voice crying out, “Captain Syndulla!” as the transport—and the people inside—were blasted into a thousand pieces. She’d let her determination blind her, and lives had been lost because of it.
Guilt pours into her, paralyzing her. She stops walking in the middle of the empty hallway and steps into a nearby alcove to process it all. If I make a mistake like that again, the consequences will be worse now that I have more responsibility. What if I let everyone down?
Her churning vortex of thoughts and feelings is interrupted by a pair of strong, green-clad arms embracing her from behind, and a deep, warm voice comes from above her. “How’s it going, Captain?”
Pleasure surges through her lekku. His timing is perfect.
The pleasant surprise washes all of the guilt, fear, and sadness away, at least for now. Hera lets out a little “hey” of protest as Kanan Jarrus pulls her nearly off her feet, but an irrepressible smile spreads over her face. She closes her eyes and turns her face towards his, relishing the warmth emanating from him and the way his presence soothes her. Hera places her hands on the arms that envelop her, returning the embrace through a gentle squeeze.
“Better now, love,” she tells him. He releases her slightly so that her feet are fully on the ground and places his chin on her shoulder, still holding her close.
“And you usually hate PDAs.”
“If I’m not mistaken, there’s no one in this hallway.”
“What would you have done if there were?”
Hera is silent for a moment, eyes still closed. “Nothing differently.”
She can feel him grin. “Great,” he replies. “Because there’s someone walking by now.”
Hera’s eyes fly open and search the hallway—which is still empty. She elbows him. “Kanan!”
A deep laugh vibrates out of his chest. She rolls her eyes, but allows herself to settle back into his embrace.
“Really, though,” Kanan says gently, all traces of mirth disappearing. The care in his voice sends another ripple of affection through her lekku. “How are you? I could tell you needed this.”
“And you were right,” Hera admits as he guides them down onto the alcove’s bench, arms still entwined around her. Normally, she’d break away now to explain what she was feeling, the thought of fellow rebels walking by and being made uncomfortable by their display of affection present in her mind. This time, however, she isn’t ready to move away from him. Besides, this isn’t a heavily trafficked hallway anyway. She does move to the side rather than sitting on his lap, though, her shoulder overlapping his. “It’s those people we lost the first time we went to Ibaar to deliver the supplies,” she begins, her voice heavy with returning guilt. “They died because of me.”
Kanan lifts his head from her shoulder, his aquamarine eyes staring seriously into hers. “Hera, no.”
“They told me they were taking heavy fire,” she continues, her voice growing more and more agitated. “They lost their forward deflectors, and I still told them to keep going. I should’ve told them to turn back.” A sound of frustration escapes her throat. “Why am I so stubborn? Why are they putting more people under my leadership after my decision led to several deaths?”
“Hera,” Kanan’s voice cuts through her hysteria, rich and deep and sure. “Everyone here knows that any mission could be their last.”
“I know that,” she responds, voice still thrumming with anguish. “But that doesn’t mean lives should be thrown away just because of one person’s inability to retreat!” She breaks her gaze from his, shaking her head and staring down at the floor. “I don’t deserve that promotion.”
Kanan gently lifts her head so that her eyes meet his again. “No one trusting someone with authority expects them to be perfect,” Kanan reminds her. “Everyone here has made a wrong call, has failed to complete a mission—which you didn’t, by the way—but that doesn’t mean they’re a failure. You weren’t treating anyone like they were expendable—your optimism led you not to give up. You were determined to get those supplies to those in need and refused to give up hope.” Tones similar to those he uses when teaching Ezra a lesson color his voice, though with considerably less frustration. “The only way to rise above your mistakes is to accept the lessons they teach and apply them in the future. Letting your mistakes destroy your faith in yourself isn’t going to help anyone.”
Hera listens intently, his sincerity like a bacta patch on a wound.
“Sato could hear all of the comms between you and Phoenix Squadron, and he didn’t demote you or chastise you. Clearly, he doesn’t blame you for the lives that were lost.” Kanan squeezes her tighter reassuringly. “No one does.”
His voice becomes harder, more insistent. “And of course you deserve the promotion.” He sounds offended at the thought of anyone suggesting otherwise. “You didn’t volunteer to leave the mission—you were committed to seeing it through. But when I volunteered you for the mission to Shantipole, you dove in—literally—and headed straight into a world that no ship is supposed to be able to escape from—but you did. You’d only flown that B-wing once before joining the battle, but you flew it like it was built for you. You’re the reason those supplies did get to those people. When I recommended your promotion, Sato didn’t waste a second before agreeing with me.”
Kanan’s words replace her guilt and grief with a swelling of gratitude and comfort. Hera won’t forget those who had died today. She’ll be more careful to see when a situation requires a retreat, but she won’t let her confidence in herself die. “Thank you, Kanan,” she tells him, her heart full. He places his forehead against hers, and they share a rare moment of contentment and peace, enjoying each other’s presence.
Hera reluctantly breaks the silence after a minute or so, lifting her forehead from his.“We should probably get back home,” she tells the Jedi. “I liked that B-wing, but that doesn’t mean I’m letting the kids wreck the Ghost.” Kanan’s flash of disappointment is so endearing. She lifts his chin reassuringly.
“It’ll be all right, fearless leader.”
Kanan unravels his arms from around her, replying indignantly, “Hey, no, you’re officially the leader now.” They’d had the argument many times, each insisting that the other is the leader of their crew. Hera always tells him that “captain of the ship” and “leader” are two different things.
Now she rolls her eyes, smiling, but doesn’t correct him this time.
“I guess it’s about time we get back, anyway,” Kanan continues before she changes her mind and decides to refute him. “How long has it been since you’ve eaten something?”
Hera’s brows knit as she attempts to remember. “Yeah, too long,” Kanan’s suspicions seem to have been confirmed. “Come on.” He takes her hand and pulls her up, out of the alcove, and into the hallway. They share a comfortable silence all the way back to the Ghost, which Hera now realizes Kanan must have left to come find her. Even more affection for him to rises in her at the realization.
When the cockpit opens, the two release each others’ hands and are greeted by a rush of cheers and pumping fists. Even Chopper waves his grasping arms and spins around in celebration.
“Go Hera!” Ezra yells.
“About time you got promoted,” Zeb grins.
“Congratulations, Hera,” Sabine tells her earnestly.
“Mom got promoted! Mom got promoted!” Chopper chants triumphantly.
Hera chuckles, heart overflowing with fondness for her crew. “All right, all right,” she tells them. “You’re going to make the rest of the ship think that something’s wrong.”
“Who cares?” Ezra says as he pulls everyone into a group hug. “Hera cares,” Kanan replies, but he puts one arm around her and another around Sabine. The hug is a little awkward, with Zeb being so much taller than Ezra and Sabine and Chopper standing in the middle of the circle, but in that moment, the crew feels truly united.
“Okay, I can’t stand Zeb’s smell anymore,” Ezra quips, stepping out of the circle. Chopper rolls over and smacks him with a grasping arm.
“Ow! You always do that!” The blue-haired boy zips into the cargo hold, trying to get away from Chopper, who continues whacking him as he pursues.
The rest of the family shares exasperated smiles.
Kanan nudges Hera forward, dropping his arms from hers and Sabine’s shoulders.
“Lead the way, Captain Hera,” he tells her, that crooked smile of his setting the inside of Hera aglow. “We’re all behind you.”
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
First Time for Everything
Remus Lupin x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex.
Word Count: 1,079
“Take it easy, darling.”
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Over the years, you had refused it several times. The thought of it caused a nervous flurry in your belly. No one had ever done it to you before, so you weren’t really sure what to expect. It meant you would have to be very personal, and very vulnerable. What if it wasn’t as enjoyable for him as it would be for you? There were a lot of unknowns in your head.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to, it was just that no one had ever done it before. It just made you nervous.
Time and time again Remus would ask you to just let him try it. He adored every square inch of you. Your body was like a temple that he positively worshipped. You had a heart of gold and his world revolved around you. You deserved to be pleasured this way. 
He knew you were apprehensive about it. He saw the way your pupils dilated in panic and the way you would shrink away when he suggested it. You would quickly change the conversation or turn the tables by sucking him off to make him forget about it, but it would always come back up at some point or another. 
You had been snuggled up in bed with him one night, you were reading a book and he was watching over your features as you did so. He lazily had been stroking his hand against your leg, his gentle fingertips tickling you. His gaze raked over your eyes, facial structure, and beautiful hair. He occasionally left a kiss on your head or shoulder, but was careful not to interrupt you.
He began trailing further upwards the longer you sat comfortably in each other’s presence. He had wrapped his fingers around the sides of your shorts before he asked you once more. 
He noticed the way your muscles tensed up in response, your cheeks flushing, and you shook your head in refusal. Normally, he would respectfully drop it, but he was a little more determined than usual. 
“Please, love. I just want to make you feel good,” He said, sucking on your neck; “Like how you make me feel good.”
Your mind was beginning to cloud with pleasure, but you were still hesitant.
“I...uh, I don’t...” You stuttered, feeling a sense of nervousness.
His hand was paused on your shorts, his other was rubbing lightly through your clothes. It was becoming harder and harder to turn him down. He pulled his lips from your neck.
“I just want to do it just this once. Tell me to stop if you don’t like it. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” He gave another soft kiss. “I’ll never ask again if you don’t like it.”
Suddenly, his touch rubbed your clit and you whimpered out in satisfaction. He tried his hardest to hold back a smirk, knowing he had you reeled in. 
“Okay...” You breathed out, granting him consent. 
Without hesitation, he whipped your shorts and underwear off and pushed the covers of the bed away. He could sense your fear, so he wanted to be sure to make you as comfortable as possible. He didn’t want you to feel bombarded with all the times he had asked, but he wanted you to receive the same feelings of ecstasy. 
He shimmied down to the end of the bed so he was at your knees. He laid on his stomach, persuading your legs apart gently with his hands. You panicked for a moment, flinching away from him and pushing yourself back into the headboard. His head snapped up in concern.
“Are you okay?” He asked, suddenly wondering if you weren’t ready for this.
“Yeah. I just don’t...know what to do.” You admitted.
He grinned at that, placing one of his hands on each of your thighs, pulling you back to him. 
“You don’t have to do anything, baby. Just talk to me, yeah?” He said; “Put your legs on my shoulders.”
You obliged, putting a leg on each shoulder. His nose was just mere inches away from your slick, heated sex. He left a few soft kisses on your inner thighs, smiling up at you. 
“I don’t get you off, or you don’t like it, tell me.” He repeated again.
You nodded in understanding. He inhaled and he licked a straight and slow line bottom to top. You twitched in response, shocked at the wave of delight that it sent through you. You rolled your hips into him, involuntarily begging him for more.
“Oh, Remus...” You gasped out.
You could feel a smile of pride appear on his face. He gripped your legs a little tighter, keeping you from straying too far. 
“Take it easy, darling.” His voice vibrated through you, sucking on your folds.
He sucked and kissed as one of your hands was tangled in his hair, while the other was pressed against the headboard behind you. It felt like electricity was crackling all through your body as he mercilessly pleasured you. 
Remus smirked as he felt your muscles contract against his hold. It was a damn hot sight to see. His face buried between your legs, his tongue and lips working wonders on the woman he adored so much. Normally, he’d hold off on letting you come undone. He’d slow his movements to tantalize you and make you beg. But you deserved what you wanted. 
He sucked on your clit, your moans were so desperate and breathy that they were enough to make him combust. 
“You’re beautiful, [Y/N]. You taste so good.” He purred.
“Remus, please.” You whined out, moving his head to your more sensitive spot.
“I know. I’ve got you,” He said, feeling your legs tighten around you. He knew you were close; “Go ahead, sweetheart. Cum for me.”
Remus nearly came himself when he heard your moan of release. He had never heard you like that before. Your head fell back onto the pillow as a flash of white covered your vision. He continued to suck you and work you through it. His name fell from your lips once more as you felt yourself settling back to normal. He grinned once your breathing attempted to slow, he returned to your side. He kissed you gently, you could taste yourself on his lips. 
“How was that? Be honest.” He said lightly.
You looked at him, pupils dilated and chest heaving. You were ecstatic.
“We will definitely do that again.”
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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Hello mam can I request a lawyer jeno scenario where reader (gender neutral so everyone can read) is a prosecutor and they are in the same court together
Lawyer Boyfriend jeno , gender neutral lawyer reader
Genre : fluff with nonsense bickering
Words: 1.5k
a/n: jeno is a big boi now! Happy jeno-ing!! Also the terms used are local to my country. It may vary in your state.
your butt was itching to dance out in the centre of the courtroom. Clicking your forefinger on the watch, you observed the lovely minute hand completing another circle, indicating the approaching end of the waiting time. The opposing party being a minute more late would mean nothing but good news for your client, resulting in another victory for you.
But when had you ever won anything without a little struggle! As the clock on the wall hit 11, the door of the room opened and across the room stood Jeno, breathing heavily like he had been running since hours. You rolled your eyes at his awful timing. He handed over his briefcase to his client and wore his blazer hurriedly while simultaneously bowing to the judge in deference and apology. The judge, disregarding his gesture with his hand called him to the front. You got up as well, in annoyance of course. You had very much hoped for his car to have punctured on its way but it seemed like he needed to get on your nerves even in the court as well. standing beside him, you couldn’t help but notice the wrinkles on the right side of his blazer. The oddity puzzled you at first but suddenly, with a subtle glare from his side, you were made aware of the reason behind his change of clothes. Not wearing the ones that you steam ironed last night was a show of anger towards you, even if it made him look like a fool in front of the whole chamber.
“a minute late and I’d have passed an interlocutory order against your client Mr.lee” breaking your trance, the judge warned him. He bowed again and mumbled a mannerly apology, the like of which you deserved too.
“today the hearing would start with the counter evidence of the defendant side, that is,” he sifted through the list of the evidence provided beforehand, “the bank records of both the parties. Please proceed advocate lee”
“yes, your honour. As I explained in a previous hearing, my client, mrs. Shin has been working as a manager of the Kwon industries since 14 years. On the other hand, mr. shin started a poker business with the money she used to save up for their only son’s future. All the transactions from her personal accounts to mr. shin’s were innocently carried out by her as she was kept under a false impression regarding the use of her money, which she never would have allowed in her right mind. The proof of these transfers is the evidence I’m going to present that is the receipts and annual reports.”
The urge to smack his tongue for the lies it told was uncontrollable but you breathed in. you inhaled all the bitterness back to your throat and stood there like an obedient child with a face ridden of any expressions.
After what felt like minutes, you snapped your head in his direction to notice the browsing he was doing in his briefcase. The questionable look on his face drew a smirk into your own as you understood the sensitiveness of the matter in hand. He forgot. The papers!
Throwing your charitable side out of the door, you turned towards the judge,
“it seems like the opposing counsel has nothing to produce, your honour.”
You felt his clenching jaw and irritated eyes.
“mr. lee, if you are unable to proceed then i’ll have to pass a maintenance order against your client.”
“no!” he interrupted, “that would be unfair to this poor lady sir. don’t penalise her for my negligence. The evidence can turn the course of this whole case. if you may, I’d request another date-
“he’s going to forget again. He forgets everything these days” before you could control, you spit out.
The judge didn’t seem to be impressed by your uncalled interruption so he warned you to speak only when allowed. But with a mouth as big as his, jeno never knew what resistance meant so he remarked,
“and my dear friend here forgets the ethics of a courtroom, disrespecting seniors like this! There is not much difference between us then I must say.”
Your lip twitched at the not so subtle mention of the fight you had in the morning, right before the breakfast. Now you were adamant on proving that no matter the place and circumstances, you were definitely not similar to him in any way.
“disrespecting and raising matters of importance are two varied things and my dear counsel should be reading those ethic rules for himself as he’s the one jeopardising the position of his client in the court due to his own manners. I request the court to grant mr. shin all the rights to his properties that mrs. Shin had seized years ago. He’s a disabled man and he cannot work by himself and the lack of evidence is a clear indication that the defendants are just trying to waste the time of the court. Along with the rights of the properties, a lawful possession of the house and maintenance charges are also requested. All the claims can be found on the page 15 of the-
“I object, your honour. I am accepting my mistake. This woman deserves a second chance. My junior was sick and since he has no near and dear in this town, I had to go and care for him. in the hurry, I forgot the papers at home. It was not delibra-
“what if you don’t remember this next time either? Until then my client is going to suffer in a small and stinky apartment and all because of your carelessness.”
“I’m not careless,” He whispered yelled.
“yes,” now facing him, you said, arms crossed in front of you torso, “a man who can’t even hold a mug properly shouldn’t be the one talking about-
“you started it by smashing the music box. It was a gift by jaemin. I bet you did it deliberately too!”
“I was sleep walking! I apologised already! There was no need to break my favourite mug you bit-
The sound of gavel reverberated in the small family courtroom, snapping both of you in the reality.
You gulped slightly, eyes boring into jeno’s but with unknown fear. In an instant, the worst consequences of blunder you both had knowingly-unknowingly committed flashed across your eyes and you both whirled around, backs bent like you both never knew what a straight spine ever looked like!
“keep your personal and professional life separate or choose the one most suitable. The court is adjourned for two days. You both shall be heavily fined for your inappropriate behaviour. Next time, I won’t be lenient. Collect your slips from the clerk.”
Apologising verbally, you took your leave.
Standing outside, you waited for the lunch time to pass so you could pay the fine. you were mad at jeno but more than him, you were furious with yourself for losing your direction. You had done exactly what you were trying to accuse jeno of in the court.
Your eyes were closed in regret when you felt soft lips on your forehead.
Smiling widely, jeno stood there as if he hadn’t been scolded for the unprofessionalism just a few hours ago.
“don’t talk to me.” You uttered, lowering your gaze.
“awww! Look how easy it is to rile you up. Thank you though”
unsure of what he said, you asked,
“for what?”
“for fighting with me! Your bickering saved my ass. The old man was going to decide the case but your cute brain worked at the wrong time! Now I have two days to turn all my lies into a living truth. All because of you my darling.”
“what the fuck I’m gonna ki-
“yeah yeah. kiss me all you want when we are home. Be professional here!” he breathed out. “how about I treat you to a nice meal to return the favour.”
Chest heaving up and down, you looked him dead in the eye, his revelations not sounding too amusing to your ears. Raising your hand up and waving the fine slip in front of him, you challenged,
“I dare you to repeat this again and I promise you wont get enough time to regret it!”
Not that you actually expected him to cry in front of you in intimidation, a hearty laugh from his body wasn’t anticipated either.
“what the fuck je-
You were once again cut off by his lips that met your cheek in a wet kiss, lasting too long for a public setting.
You hated the way he loved testing your patience.
Moving his soft lips from your cheek to your ear, he sighed before murmuring in an indecently low voice,
“you better get a new music box before jaemin visits me or I know how to make you regret your actions.”
Unmoved, you stared at him with doe eyes. He walked away before returning back only to snatch the paper slip from your hands.
“I’ll pay and sign. Go have lunch. Try to finish early today, I’ll be waiting for you.”
Innocently smiling, he left as if everything that had happened was nothing but delusion. And you hated the way he knew you like the back of his hand. But you were going to make sure he lost this one to you. Once and forever.
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alj4890 · 3 years
I got an ask we know Riley gets kidnapped by Anton but what if Anton was in love with her and he didn’t wanna kill her but makes her his. What if Olivia killed Claudus for shooting drake.
I love the way you think, Nonny! I actually would have eaten this up with a spoon if that had happened in canon. To be honest, I really liked Justin in book 2. If he had been a new love interest, I would have done a play through just to see what happens if Riley chose him 🤦🏻 Of course then we find out he is behind all the bombings and such so...oops, LOL. When I first saw your request, I made an aesthetic with just Justin/Anton and Riley in mind. I completely forgot to add a definite OTP of mine, Drake and Olivia, to it. Smh. The story though will definitely include them along with Riley and Justin. I am so tempted to turn this into a series 🙊
@gkittylove99 @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @iufilms
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True Intentions
It had happened when he had not been paying attention. It shouldn't have happened at all. He had one goal. One mission. Nothing had ever come to mean more to him than that. Nothing. No one.
Until Riley.
He knew he shouldn't have spent so much time with her. He shouldn't have helped Maxwell in picking the right dresses for her. He shouldn't have stuck around to see her come out of dressing rooms, an excited smile upon her face, as she twirled around for them to give their opinions.
It had taken all his will power to keep from telling her what he truly thought. Riley's beauty was simply stunning, not because of her outer loveliness, but more that he saw her inner beauty shining through each trial she faced. Her strength amazed him. Her wit brought a smile to his face. Her kindness touched his heart.
It made him begin to long for things he shouldn't. They shouldn't be a part of any dream or plan he had.
And yet...she was beginning to crop up in his thoughts. In his dreams.
In his plans.
He winced as he tried to get comfortable.
His plans hadn't exactly gone as he had hoped. In fact, he should have talked to his men and explained that Riley was not to be a target.
Thank God for Drake. If he hadn't jumped in front of her, she would have been taken from me.
His lips twisted in another painful grimace.
"Are you in pain?"
Justin looked up and tried to smile. "Just a little."
His nurse shook her head. "I told you to buzz before it got too bad." She gently checked his wound.
"I don't want to be a bother." He mumbled.
"You aren't." She patted his hand. "You aren't any trouble at all." Her nose wrinkled. "We had a few nobles cause unnecessary problems when the attack happened."
She rolled her eyes. "Some were knocked down during the chaos and demanded they be admitted."
He chuckled softly. "Sounds like something they would do."
"It's a shame that good people like you were seriously hurt while those spoiled nobles try and take all the attention." She readjusted his covers after administering some more pain medication in his IV. "I don't know why King Liam is so hellbent on bringing them back to court."
"What do you mean?" Justin tried to fight the effects of the pain medicine. "What's he doing?"
"He and Lady Riley are going on some type of tour to some of the major houses to personally invite them to their wedding."
His brow furrowed.
A unity tour. That would work on these small minded individuals. It was a smart move. The public were already Team Riam. Once the royal couple convinced the most powerful houses to come to their wedding, all the other minor lords and ladies would follow suit.
"Well played, Liam." Justin's eyes drooped closed. "Well played."
He couldn't believe that they not only convinced Madeleine's entire family, but also somehow got all of Portavira on their side.
"What's the plan?" Claudius asked.
"We need something big to remind everyone that we aren't a one trick pony." Justin told him.
He looked out the window. Leaves were beginning to change with the first hints of autumn in the air.
A hint of a smile appeared as a plan began to form.
"It would be a shame if Cordonia's apple orchard had a bad year, wouldn't it?" He eyed his second in command.
Claudius chuckled. "It really would."
Justin watched as every channel showed the devastation of the orchard near Applewood. He couldn't help but smile over Riley making the people love her even more for her righteous anger. Her promises to bring those responsible to justice along with making the orchard bigger than before made him nearly burst with pride.
She had grown into her role more so than he had ever imagined. Gone was the timid young waitress from New York who uttered no comment when reporters surrounded her. She was a confident woman now who could think on her feet.
Justin thought she was more attractive than the first time he had seen her floundering in front of the cameras, in desperate need of a hero. It hadn't been a bother to rush to her side then and put his arm around her. Her wide eyes had lifted to his and he had nearly melted from her beauty.
He still couldn't believe that she forgave Liam for choosing another over her. Granted Madeleine impressed him with how she could manipulate reporters into spinning a story to her advantage, but Riley was so many things that the cold countess was not. She deserved better than what she got.
And he planned on giving it to her.
A week after the orchard burning, he turned to see the one rarely far from his thoughts.
"Justin!" Riley rushed over to engulf him in a hug.
"How's my favorite media darling?" He asked.
She leaned back and gave him that smile that was brighter than flash bulbs. "Much better now that I know you're recovering." She playfully glanced about before whispering, "Save me from Madeleine!"
He laughed as he hugged her once more. "I don't know. I've seen her work and can't find fault with it."
Riley pouted. She linked her arm with his as they walked down the hospital hallway. "I prefer your guidance to hers." Her nose wrinkled. "It's weird being told how to act by Liam's former fiancée. I know there wasn't anything between them, but still."
Justin patted her hand. "Tell you what. If Madeleine is unable to do her job or you decide to fire her, then I will gladly step back into my old position." He dug around in his pocket for the earpiece she had used during Liam's engagement tour.
Her smile reappeared. "Old faithful."
"I'm always Just-in-time." He teased.
It had been too close. He hadn't expected Riley to go anywhere near Constantine. And there she was, by Liam's side, graciously accepting some necklace from the old man who had destroyed her initial happily ever after.
His heart had nearly stopped as he watched rubble fall around them. Riley had frozen in fear over Liam's safety. It was a nightmare come to life as pieces of the wall and ceiling began to collapse.
At least one good thing had come from this: one king was dead.
It sadly wasn't the king he needed to die.
Justin began to plan how he would comfort Riley once Liam was gone. He wouldn't have to tell her it was he, himself, who orchestrated his death. But he would make certain to enjoy the benefits of it.
His eyes narrowed over another slight problem he had.
He was going to have to kill his own wife too.
It had been almost too easy. Madeleine was already in need of a distraction after hearing Liam gush over how excited he was to marry Riley in a few weeks. Once she requested a fruity cocktail, he knew then that the poison could go undetected taste wise.
The bartender left to go replenish the champagne. Madeleine's irritation over having to wait on a refill was drawing attention.
"Here." He grinned at her. "Allow me to make you another."
Her eyes widened. "Aren't you that press secretary that helped Riley?"
"I am." He began to mix a strong cocktail for her while adding the poison, all right under her nose. "And I must say you are the best I've ever seen."
Madeleine's irritation disappeared over the compliment. "I am, aren't I?"
"Riley's lucky to have someone so knowledgeable in ways of both the court and public like you." He added.
"Yes, she is." Madeleine muttered. "I'll do anything for my country, even if it is a thankless job."
"You should be recognized for your sacrifice." Justin handed her the deadly drink.
"Yes, I should." She took a gulp.
"How is it?" He asked.
"It's the only good thing here." A tipsy grin appeared on her face when she saw Riley. She grasped Justin's hand and pulled him in her wake. "Let's go say, hi."
"Boooooo!" Madeleine giggled when Riley turned around. "It's the ghosts of press secretary past and present."
"The what now?" Riley lips trembled with suppressed laughter as she looked up at Justin for clarification.
"I'm the ghost of press secretary past." He winked at her.
"OoooOooo!" Madeleine swayed where she stood.
"Whoa, there." Riley tried to steady her. "You okay?"
"She's had a little too much." Justin mimed drinking.
"It's a party!" Madeleine slurred. "It's in the worst place ever but it's a party and I'm going to...going to..."
"Enjoy it?" Riley offered.
"Extractly!" Madeleine's brow wrinkled over that not being the right word. "Expactly?"
"Exactly." Justin corrected.
The crowd quieted around them when Olivia took the stage to offer a final toast of the evening to Liam and Riley's wedding.
"Woo!" Madeleine cheered.
Riley and Justin tried to shush her.
Her giddy smile fell as her rosy cheeks drained of color. "Somefing's not..."
"Madeleine?" Riley lost her grip on her when she swayed violently to the right. "What's--"
Madeleine hit a table, causing the plates to clatter and the vase of blood red roses to fall over.
"I hate this place." She collapsed on the floor.
"Madeleine!" Riley dropped to her knees and tried to bring her to. "Liam! Mara! Come quick!"
Justin stepped back as the two came to see what was wrong. He watched as Olivia made her way through the crowd to find out what the all the fuss was about.
"What's wrong with her?" Riley asked.
"She's been poisoned." Mara whispered.
Justin loved seeing the delighted surprise once more on Riley's face when he said he would take over Madeleine's duties for the rest of the tour. It would have been a perfect moment if Liam had not been standing there. He was ashamed to think of his nearly giving himself away when he panicked at the sight of Olivia walking in behind him.
He wished Lucretia would quit trying to push Olivia into going into the family vault. She had a sick sense of humor in wanting her niece to discover she was already married. For some reason, she did not approve of the way her niece depended on her friends for support.
Justin knew the power friends could have. Had he not been trained by his own parents' friends, he wouldn't be the worthy man next in line to the throne. His comradery with his own men inspired their loyalty and willingness to die to make him king.
He needed to distance himself from Lucretia the moment they got out of Lythikos.
She was supposed to come alone! Why did she bring Riley? I can't kill her. I need her. I deserve to have a choice in the one I want ruling by my side. The people already adore her, much more so than they admire Olivia. I was supposed to become free of this marriage. Once she and Liam are dead, I'll be able to be king and have--
"Justin?" Riley's eyes were clouded with confusion as she looked first at a picture of him dressed in a royal uniform. "What is this?"
"I'm sorry, Riley." His voice cracked on her name.
Justin reached in his pocket and pulled out a revolver.
Lucretia cackled with glee as she told her niece the truth about her marriage.
Justin stood there silently as the woman he loved shook her head in denial.
She's so incredibly sweet to doubt a friend could be the bad guy. I hate that I can't pull her away from all this and simply explain why I should be the ruler of Cordonia. I deserve it. I worked for it. My entire life was made for me to take the crown. She would be able to understand that. Look how far she's come in her own life. Who could imagine a waitress from some dive bar in America would come to be the next queen of a small European nation?
"Do it already!" Lucretia hissed. "Shoot her!"
He couldn't do it. Even as he held the gun steady, pointed directly at the woman he loved's heart, he couldn't shoot Riley.
"Get away from her!" Liam ordered.
Justin spun around to see the king and guards filling up the narrow passageway.
"I thought you said this was secure." Justin snapped at Lucretia.
"It was." She held her hands up in surrender.
Justin watched as she stepped forward, pretending to stumble.
His eyes widened as once again his love was trapped within a collapsing room.
He managed to see her safely end up in Liam's arms before escaping through a hidden passage.
He left Lucretia to the guards. She had served her purpose and was sadly of no use to him any longer. Now he could plan what he truly wanted to happen.
Liam and Riley's wedding day...
"I don't care who you kill. Olivia and Riley are to be taken alive." Justin told the small team of men he was sending in. "If you have to wound them to get them here, make certain Riley's is non life threatening.
He ignored the questioning look Claudius sent his way.
"Bring them both to our stronghold." His eyes narrowed. "Do not fail me."
Later that night...
"Good work." Justin straightened his jacket. He wanted to look his best when he saw Riley again.
Claudius smirked at him. "Just think of all the men we would still have if you had let me go alone."
Justin chuckled. "True, but at least we are free of our weakest links." He smoothed his hair back. "Now take me to our guests."
"I know the real Justin is somewhere in there." Riley leaned as far forward as her bindings allowed. "You helped me gain the love of the people. You know that if you kill me, the people will not readily accept you as king."
He couldn't help but smile. "I know and that is why I don't intend to hurt you."
"Then why kidnap us?" Olivia demanded.
He turned toward her. "If I'm to be king, then I have to take the necessary steps to claim the throne." He motioned for Claudius to come in.
"You're the one who shot Drake!" Olivia shouted, struggling against the ropes biting into her tender skin. "You'll regret that."
"And you tried to kill me!" Riley added, narrowing her eyes.
"That was a mistake." Justin quickly said. "You were never to be harmed."
"Then why all the attempts?" She asked. "Why do you persist in--"
"You weren't supposed to be here, Riley." He knelt down in front of her. "You should have stayed in New York until the time was right"
Her eyebrows drew together. "What are you talking about.
Justin asked Claudius to remain with Olivia while he took Riley somewhere private.
"If you think for one second that I will remain with this man while you take her away go do only God knows what," Olivia's chair creaked at her straining to break free, "then you don't know what a Nevarkis is truly made of!"
Justine rolled his eyes over her rant as he untied Riley from her chair. He kept her ankles and wrists bound together. He swept her into his arms and carried her out.
Olivia's shouts were silenced by the sound of a hard slap.
Riley struggled in Justin's arms. "What did he do to her? OLIVIA?!" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Justin, please don't--"
"Nothing's happened to her." He took her into a surprisingly clean, yet drab, sitting room.
Riley was dropped on a chaise lounge. She eyed the door then Justin.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He repeated. He gently cupped her cheek, fingers brushing along her jaw line. "I love you too much to ever harm you."
Riley stilled. She looked up at him. "You what?"
He knelt before her. "I'm in love with you. It didn't hit me until you told me you had accepted Liam's proposal on the train. I didn't plan it, but I refuse to hide my feelings any longer." He smiled at her. "You've proven yourself as the rightful Queen of Cordonia. Once Liam and Olivia are dead, you and I can rule this country as we see fit. We'll--"
Riley shook her head. "Justin," she believed he was deranged and knew she had to handle this carefully, "I'm flattered. Really I am. I mean, we both know I would never have gotten this far without you."
His smile grew at her realizing she owed him for her meteoric rise within the court.
"But if you kill Liam and Olivia, the people will not feel any love or loyalty for you." She tilted her head as she studied him. "Surely you see the problem with this plan."
"People respect power." He explained. "They respect someone who fights for what is rightfully his. Since my birth, I have been meant for something greater. My parents, Olivia's family, even my soldiers realized that I alone am worthy to rule over this country." He focused once more upon her. "And I've seen that you are the one to do so by my side."
Riley shook her head. "Justin, I am honored," her voice cracked on that lie, "to have your love but I can't accept it." Her eyes filled with tears. "I'm in love with Liam."
"Riley, he didn't choose you." Justin argued. "He left you on your own to fight against nobles, the press, even his own father. You deserve so much more than being an afterthought."
Tears slipped down her cheeks once more. "That wasn't what he did. He was trying to protect me. And I--"
He leaned down and kissed her.
She froze at the touch, refusing to participate.
"Once Liam's gone, you will see the truth." Justin promised.
"I won't." Her eyes narrowed. "As long as I live, I'll hate you with everything within me for taking him from me."
"You don't have it in you." He shook his head in amusement. "You've forgiven everyone. Olivia, Penelope, Madeleine, even Constantine. You never hold a grudge."
"You'll be my first." Riley vowed. "Liam is the love of my life. If you ruin my chance to finally be with him, I will never forgive you. As long as there is breath in my body, I will find a way to destroy you."
"You are amazing." He murmured, knowing she was speaking from her heart. He couldn't wait for that devotion to be for himself.
The two turned to see Claudius in the doorway. "Liam should be here any moment."
Justin nodded and told him he would meet him and the rest of the men downstairs.
He lifted Riley in his arms and placed her back in the cell with Olivia.
His wife had the bruised imprint of Claudius's hand on her alabaster cheek. Blood had dried on her bottom lip. No tears had fallen from the force of the hit. Her left eye was bloodshot as she glared up at him.
"Liv?" Riley choked out. "Are you--"
"I'm fine." Her harsh answer echoed in the chamber. "It will take more than some two bit thug to hurt me." Her eyes did a quick scan to make certain Riley wasn't hurt.
"If you will excuse me, I have to go prepare for Liam's last night on earth." He retied Riley to her chair.
She threw her head back with all her might to connect with his face.
His glasses broke from the force of her strike. Blood poured out his nose as he stumbled away from her.
"Don't ever," his voice dropped to a hiss, "do that again, my love." He gripped her chin and jerked her face up toward his. "You will learn how to behave soon enough."
He slammed the cell door and left them alone.
"Did he hurt you?" Olivia whispered.
"No." Riley bit her bottom lip. "Not yet."
"Where is my wife?" Liam demanded.
Justin couldn't help but be impressed. The young king was standing before him, completely outnumbered, yet didn't show the slightest flicker of fear.
He asked the one question that he himself would have asked if Riley was taken from him.
"She is well." Justin replied. "Which is something I can't promise about your own well being."
"I want to see her." Liam bit out. "Now!"
Justin's chuckle was interrupted by a hastily whispered message from Claudius. His head jerked around to search the dim hallway as if doing so would reveal the missing prisoners.
How had they escaped?
"You don't get to make demands here." He snapped at Liam.
"Let Riley and Olivia go." Liam ordered. "And I will take their place." His eyes narrowed. "I know it is a temporary one."
Justin couldn't help but smile. The man was indeed brave to trade his life for Riley and Olivia's.
"No!" Riley screamed out from the stairs.
Chaos broke out as she led the charge to attack the Sons of the Earth. Justin watched as she ran over to protect Liam's back.
The couple were doing their utmost to protect the other from harm.
Their friends were taking his well trained soldiers out one by one. It was embarrassing to see how pitiful his men fought.
Olivia moved into his line of sight. Fury blazed across her delicate features.
"I'm impressed." He told her, unsheathing his sword. "I should have searched you myself."
"Trust me." Olivia circled him. "It will be the last mistake you'll ever make!"
She lunged at him. He easily parried her attack. "I think you've forgotten that it was your parents who gave me the same training you had."
"I think you talk too much!" She twirled about, bringing her daggers up to stop his sword from meeting her shoulder. He grunted from her heel piercing his leg as she pushed off to break his hold.
They continued to try and deliver punishing blows to the other. She was desperate to kill the man who was after her friends and country. He was anxious to be free of their marriage.
He noticed from the corner of his eye Claudius and Drake fighting. His second in command stunned the commoner with an uppercut to his jaw, causing Drake to stumble back into a wall.
Olivia heard the scuffle and followed Justin's line of sight. Her face paled at Claudius moving towards Drake to end him once and for all.
With a flick of her wrists she not only slashed Justin but threw her other dagger at Claudius. It struck true along the side of his neck, cutting into his jugular. He let out a garbled scream as he fell to the floor.
Justin hissed at the deep gash she had made along his ribcage.
Seeing that it was a lost battle, he hopped the banister and began to rush upstairs. He would have to go into hiding once more before orchestrating another attack.
"This ends now!" Riley yelled out at him.
He spun around to see both her and Liam rushing toward him. He raised his sword, determined to put an end to the man who stood between him and the throne. He hesitated when Riley jumped in front of her husband.
"You're not taking him from me!" She raised her battle ax. "Every time you try, I will stop you."
Does Liam know how lucky he is? She waited on him to choose her. Twice! And now she stands here, ready to defend him to the death. How could any man not fall in love with Riley?
His refusal to fight her was his downfall. He was pushed over the banister by the royal couple. While his breath was knocked out, Maxwell and Hana bound his hands together behind his back.
He looked about at his fallen and captured comrades. His attention was drawn toward Olivia and Drake. The pair were covered in blood and bruises, yet they were leaning against each other. Drake had his arm around her while softly speaking. Whatever was said caused Olivia to press even closer to his side. Her arms slipped around his waist. Her eyes were closed tight as she allowed him to hold her.
Justin had suspected something more between the pair. It looked like his coup for the throne had accomplished something for them.
Bastien and the rest of the King's Guards rushed in. After talking to the king and new queen, he collected Justin and hauled him outside.
On the way, Justin met Riley's eyes.
There were so many things he wanted to explain to her. He believed she would have been on board with his plans for the kingdom. Once he had killed Liam and Olivia, he would be the benevolent king the country needed. Gone would be the purpose for pompous nobles. He would have established a council of Cordonia's citizens from all walks of life to advise him. People would be rewarded and honored for their service instead of simply being born to the right parents.
And she would have been his queen, guiding and protecting all she deemed worthy.
"Riley, I..."
"You will never ever hurt those I love again." She hissed.
"Take him away." Liam ordered, keeping his arms locked around his wife. "He will be dealt with in the morning."
Justin knew then that it was pointless to try and explain. She would never give him a chance after all that had occurred.
For the first time in his life, he realized that his intentions didn't matter to the one he loved most.
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