#Eddie so far teaches the maths
doeneb · 1 month
May j have your permission to put my oc(Miss Roslyn/Mary Roslyn) in the UniversityOfHome Au?
Of course! I don't have a lot of rules for it and you can be practically anything in the au!
Only rules so far:
• If you are a teacher please put a lanyard/ID on the character and have the school's "UH" logo somewhere on the outfit!
That's about it do far lol
But yeah go wild ❤️
(Remember to read the tags! I ramble in there so posts aren't too long and put information in there!)
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
Hot for Teacher(s)
Part 1/? Read on AO3
Omegaverse modern au where steddie are both teachers. Eddie is teaching single omega Steve's son.
Eddie let out a satisfied sigh as the latest parent left his classroom. Parent/teacher conferences were always a tad stressful, even if there was no tangible reason to be. Most of his kids were doing well in all their subjects. There were only a couple behavioral outliers but Eddie knew that those parents rarely showed up but from professional and personal experience.
The main reason he didn't look forward to these was how selective kids could be with the information they shared. More than once in his years, a parent would arrive with a bone to pick about a problem that was apparently happening in the classroom that Eddie had no idea was occurring. These kids came up to him ten times a day to tell him what their little sister had for lunch two days ago but god forbid they admit when they have a problem with another student.
Today's appointments had mostly been smooth, though. It typically wasn't the quote unquote problem children whose parents showed up anyway. He just had one more person to go and then he could run out the clock fixing up his room until he was allowed to go.
He double checked the name. Shawn Harrington. Good kid. Bright, active, and it sounded like their parent had arrived.
"Mr. Munson? Hi, I'm Shawn's dad."
Eddie looked up to see a total smoke show.
"Hi", he cleared his throat when it squeaked out. "Nice to meet you, come in, have a seat." Eddie had Shawn's folder ready, like the other kids to show any work that should be highlighted, as well as his grades up on his laptop. "So did you have any concerns or worries about Shawn?"
Eddie quickly went in autopilot. It was the only way he was going to get through this. He was going to keep his eyes from drifting to that smooth sweep of this man's hair. He wasn't going to hyperfocus on his pretty lips. He wasn't going to gaze deeply into those chocolate brown eyes. He wasn't going to flare his nostrils to take in more of his scent. And he definitely wasn't going to check his fingers for any rings.
Bare hands.
Very nice hands.
They had a nice, brief conversation about the student's progress, and Eddie couldn't help but give him a glowing review. Even if Mr. Harrington wasn't totally hot, his kid was a wonder at times.
"He listens and pays attention well, always raising his hand to answer questions. If you don't mind me saying so, he just seems really prepared for school."
Which was saying something when many of the other first graders were still asking things like 'do we have to do math?' or 'are we going home today?' Eddie remembered being little and having pretty much no control over his life, so he could relate to the tiny ones still getting the hang of school. But kids like Shawn were a breath of fresh air.
"He did pretty well in kindergarten and I put him in daycare pretty early", Mr. Harrington said. "He gets really excited for school and I can tell he really likes you so far."
His smile could have blinded Eddie. He wanted to gush on just to keep seeing that smile.
"That means a lot, thank you." It wasn't a strong stigma but sometimes people got iffy over an alpha teaching children so young. It was thought they needed the 'gentler' hand of an omega. His eyes drifted back down to Mr. Harrington's hands. Yep, there was no ring there.
Now Eddie would never ask out or even flirt with a parent. That was off limits. But you know, if he got a little creative with his fantasies... well, you can't go to jail for thought crimes.
They said their parting words and Eddie was definitely not watching that ass in those khaki slacks. God, was there anything more cliche than him being a teacher and having the hots for a parent? He tried to keep his mind off it as he fixed up his classroom. He wouldn't even be seeing the guy that much. Not unless something came up with Shawn. And that kid was kind of an angel.
It was Friday, so once he was done, he went home to enjoy his weekend. Come Monday, there was a cacophony of voices. Half talking to each other and the other half trying to both greet him good morning and get right into another conversation. Eddie took it all with a smile.
"Mr. Munson, did you tell my mom about my butterfly!?", Theresa exclaimed, pointing to their bulletin board where their work hung.
"Mr. Munson, I got cheez-its in my lunch today", Victoria said, opening up said lunch box.
"Did you really talk to our parents?", Walker asked, arms crossed.
"Most of them", Eddie answered once they gave him a breath to speak.
"He talked to my dad", Shawn said. "And he said you said I was good."
"That I did", Eddie nodded, watching them as they put their coats and bookbags away. Theresa and Walker were known to fight over hooks.
"Mr. Munson, did you know my dad is a teacher too?", Shawn asked.
"I did not know that. Explains why you're so ready for school."
"Yeah, we practiced", Shawn said as he sat down to get started on the warm up.
Eddie raised a brow, wanting to ask what he meant by that, but his attention was grabbed when there was a shriek and a cry from Yasmin. He steeled his nerves for the day. He would need the fortitude.
When Steve walked into the classroom to meet Mr. Munson, he didn't know what to expect. He regretted missing Back to School Night, but his had been on the same evening and as a teacher, he couldn't miss it. But Shawn had nothing but good things. So he went in with optimism.
And was met with a gorgeous, gorgeous man sitting at the teacher's desk. For a second, Steve was sure he had the wrong room.
"Mr. Munson? Hi, I'm Shawn's dad."
His hair was pulled back in a bun and Steve's first thought was how it must look when it was down. Honestly, Steve couldn't tell you exactly what he had said. His tongue felt twisted the whole time as did his stomach. But Mr. Munson was smiling through it all and hadn't brought up anything bad about Shawn, so Steve must really be selling it.
He wanted to say that Mr. Munson's praise meant the world to him. That it wasn't always easy to bring up a kid as a single omega parent. But that felt too personal for a first meeting. And mentioning he was single would probably be too forward. When it ended, they shook hands, allowing Steve to get just a little close. He caught a whiff of his scent and instantly wanted more. At least enough to pinpoint what it reminded him off.
But he had to let go just as quickly and then leave without lingering. He was NOT going to be the type of parent that made goo-goo eyes at his child's teacher. It wasn't like Shawn needed the leg up and Steve was done with his slut era. So even thought Mr. Munson could definitely get it, he was absolutely off limits.
And if Steve went home and immediately put the rest of the school year's events in his own calendar, that was simply because he was an amazing dad and for no other reason.
Part 2
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candyflossfairy · 1 year
𝑚𝑟. 𝑚𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑛 (𝑒.𝑚. 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: Dad!Eddie x Teacher!Reader. It's that time of year for parent-teacher conferences, and you finally meet Ronnie's father, Mr. Munson.
𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 18+ only, unprotected sex (p in v), slight choking, Jacobs Ladder piercings.
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3.7k
𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: Eddie manip by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple . My work for @newlips milestone of love!
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Your first year of teaching was going by pretty well. The students were sweet, fun, and for the most part, they listened. Of course, sitting in a classroom all day was tough work for second graders, they got a little restless after lunch. You didn’t mind it, though. There was a lot of gift giving that made it all better. Notes, drawings, coloring book pages, apples, even one gave you a glass apple with the words World’s Best Teacher! on it that you kept on your desk. It was sweet, really. All of them were, in their own ways.
Even the ones that acted out more than others.
Like Lucy Carver who had a knack for acting like a princess and bribing others with lunch money to do classwork for her. 
Or her step-brother, Ronnie Munson, who would pick on his sister relentlessly and talk loudly in class for attention. You knew it was for attention, because you saw who picked up Lucy every day and who picked up Ronnie. He was missing out on some motherly love. You hated Chrissy Carver for that. There were days when she did pick him up, but most of the time it was Mr. Munson, or Wayne Munson, Ronnie’s great uncle that would pick him up. 
You hugged Ronnie a little tighter than the other kids. You made sure he did his classwork and helped him when he needed it because of it. Not to say you had a favorite, you just knew which kids needed an extra push. It was sad that at such a young age he felt like he wasn’t getting enough love from his mother, even if he didn’t know that’s what he was feeling.
He was a cute kid, too. Looked like a carbon copy of his dad—dark curls and chocolate eyes. It was better that way, you thought. When he was older he wouldn’t look in the mirror and see his mom staring back at him.
It was parent-teacher conference day. You were nervous for your first one, but your colleagues assured you that there wasn’t much to be nervous about. Some parents were dicks when it came to their child’s grades, but for the most part it was manageable. Plus you got a better insight on what parents helped their kids at home, and which ones left them to their devices.
“Lucy is doing great as far as her social skills. She’s developing them very well. She also has a talent for math—on the days she decides to do it.” You explained to Mr. and Mrs. Carver, “I think a little more encouragement from the two of you and she will be on top of her schoolwork more.” 
“So you’re saying it’s our fault?” Mr. Carver spat.
“Jason—” Mrs. Carver chastised.
“I’m not saying that at all, Mr. Carver.” You said calmly, giving him a smile, “But I do think restricting the amount of money you give to your child will keep her from paying others to do her schoolwork for her. She’s a very smart girl when she applies herself.” You continued.
“Thank you very much for your time. We will keep that in mind.” Mrs. Carver said, as they stood up. She picked up the progress report and the two of them stepped outside.
You sighed, pressing a hand to your face.
“I feel that way after interacting with them too,”
You shot up straight, a soft flush to your cheeks. 
“No, really, they can be pretty awful.” Mr. Munson stepped inside, shutting the classroom door behind him. 
“Is… Mrs. Carver not joining us?” You asked, clearing your throat as you shuffled your papers before looking for Ronnie’s. 
“Chrissy? Nah, she tries to forget that we both exist as much as she can.” Mr. Munson told you with a playful grin, as he grabbed a chair on the other side of your desk. He turned it around before sitting in it backwards, his legs spread widely and his crotch on display from the wide hole in the back of it.
You kept your eyes on his face, even though it was in your peripheral. Mr. Munson was attractive, covered in tattoos, a labret piercing above his chin, one in his eyebrow. He also had muscles that strained against his shirt from many days working at the mechanic shop in town. You hadn’t been there since you’d moved to Hawkins, but you did know he worked there.
Single mom’s talked about him quite often. He had a little bit of a reputation for fixing problems that they’d had. 
Not to mention, he was a bit older than you — not by that much. He was in his late 20s, you were in your mid, it wasn’t bad. 
You didn’t know why you were thinking about this. You were having a parent-teacher conference about his son. It had nothing to do with the fact that you hadn’t had sex since you’d moved here. It didn’t have to do with the fact that Mr. Munson was too sexy for his own good.
You swallowed, and looked down at Ronnie’s progress report.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You responded. 
“Nah, no biggie. I’m more upset for Ronnie’s sake than my own. She’s been a bitch since she married Carver.” He shrugged.
You snorted a chuckle at that, trying to hide it. You’d seen how snooty she was, too. You couldn’t imagine her ever being any other way.
“It���s true. She used to be a sweet little thing. Loved me and our boy. Carver’s…persuasive. I’m just glad we split up before Ronnie could remember much. He doesn’t remember her like that. I think it makes it hurt less — sorry, didn’t mean to like — spill on you. Anyways, how’s Ronnie doing in class?” 
You swallowed back your thoughts. So, you’d been right. Mrs. Carver didn’t care for her son much. 
“He needs a little extra pushing from me from time to time. He does like to aggravate Lucy and awful lot and cause disruptions, but he’s been getting better since the school year first started.” You started off, looking over his progress report. You highlighted a few grades and slid the paper over to Mr. Munson.
“These zeros are homework assignments he never turned in. It’s not particularly hurting his overall grade, but if you can get him to do them, I’ll give him seventy-five percent credit for them. I know single parenting is much harder than it looks on the outside, so I’m willing to work with you, and him, to make sure he’s able to move up next year.” You smiled at him kindly.
“We appreciate that.” Mr. Munson nodded, looking at the report, “These aren’t hard assignments either, huh? I guess they just got lost in the fray of things.” He laughed, before his eyes flicked to you, “Though, it’ll be a shame that I don’t get to see your smiling face every morning after he moves up.” 
Your cheeks flared pink at that, and you brushed some hair behind your ear. You couldn’t tell if he was flirting or not, but… God, you hoped he was. 
“Well, I’ll still be here next year… so there’s no shame in dropping by to see me.” You smiled at him, folding your hands on your desk.
“No? Wouldn’t be weird if I… came by and saw you without my kid?” He asked, grinning back.
“Definitely not.” You hummed.
Mr. Munson looked at the time, before standing. “Our time slot is up.” He mused, turning the chair back around the right way. 
You bit your lip, before standing. “My last one ends at eight.” You said quickly.
“Oh? Did you…want me to come back?” His brows lifted.
You nodded.
“Alright, I’ll see you in an hour.”
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“Thank you, Mr. Harrington. Goodnight.” You shut your door after your final meeting and bellowed a sigh, closing your eyes for a moment as you leaned back against the door. It had been a long day, and for the most part people hadn’t been awful, but there had been a select few who had been awful.
There was a soft knock on your door, and you opened it back up.
“Oh, Mr. Munson —” You had forgotten, so wrapped up in everything, you had forgotten he was going to come back. Your cheeks flushed again and you stepped aside to let him into your classroom. 
He kicked the door shut behind him, his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket. “Did you not expect me to come back?” He asked, grinning a bit.
“No—it’s not that.” You laughed, “I just. You know.” You shrugged. “I’m glad you’re back.” You rubbed your arm nervously. 
“Yeah?” He chuckled, stepping closer to you, “And why’s that?” 
You were almost nose to nose with him. You could feel his breath fanning over your skin. You swallowed, thickly.
“Mr. Munson—” 
“You can call me Eddie.” He cut you off.
“Eddie—” You started, “Is Ronnie taken care of for the night?” You had to make sure.
“Took him to his great uncle Wayne’s. He loves it over there. He’s set.” He gently lifted a hand and brushed some of your hair back.
You wet your lips, and his eyes flicked down to them. 
“Why don’t we go back to my place?” He suggested, his hand gently resting on your jaw. He rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip and you couldn’t ignore the warmth that flooded between your legs at that. 
You nodded, numbly, and turned to gather your things. He watched you from afar as you placed all of your paperwork into a binder and shoved it, and your laptop, haphazardly into your school bag.
“Wanna meet me there, or ride with me?” He asked, winking at you.
“Either is fine.” You cleared your throat.
“You like motorcycles?” He chuckled. You raised your brows before nodding.
Fuck, that was hot. He had a motorcycle? He should just breed you now.
You let that thought wash over you as you followed him out of the school, stopping only to put your bag into your car before swallowing thickly as Eddie handed you a helmet.
“Safety first.” He winked at you, pulling his long hair up into a bun at the base of his neck. You tried to not think to hard about him putting his hair up to eat you out, but it wasn’t easy to ignore. 
You slipped the helmet on and clipped it into place. He straddled the motorcycle. 
“Alright, throw your leg over like I did and hold on tight.” He grinned at you.
“What happened to ‘safety first’?” You asked, raising a brow at the fact that he didn’t have a helmet on.
“For you, sweetheart. Not for me. I like to live dangerously.” He laughed loudly.
You shook your head in amusement as you took his hand, throwing your leg over the back of the bike. Surprisingly, you didn’t fall on your face or stumble, and settled into the seat behind him.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and held on tight.
He was warm, body toned. You couldn’t wait to see what it looked like naked.
He turned on the bike and kicked up the kickstand, revving the engine a few times before he took off out of the parking lot.
You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up in you as he raced down the street. It had been a while since you’d done anything fun. Moving to Hawkins had been a bit of a poison to your social life — sure, you had the other teachers at Hawkins Elementary, but most of them were much older than you and had lived there their entire lives.
He pulled up to the only apartment complex in Hawkins; a newer building you had been told. They looked fairly nice from the outside, and you couldn’t wait to see the inside. 
Eddie pulled into a parking spot and kicked the stand back down, shutting the bike off. 
He helped you off of the bike and tilted his head towards the stairs in front of you. “Just up those.” He told you.
You followed him up to the second floor and he unlocked the door first door you came to, letting you in.
“Home sweet home. It’s not much, but it’s ours.” Eddie smiled, shrugging his jacket off. He hung it on a chair in the small dining area and stepped into the kitchen. 
“You like beer?” He asked.
“Yeah, a beer would be nice.” You nodded as you looked around.
The front area was a decent sized living room, connected to the small dining room that held a small round table with four chairs. The kitchen was connected to that. There was a short hallway right in front of you. You had to assume the bathroom and bedrooms were back that way.
“Here,” Eddie handed you the beer, popping his open before sitting on the couch. “Make yourself comfy.” He said, propping his boots on the edge of a beat up coffee table.
You followed his suit, sitting next to him on the couch. You crossed one leg over the other, popping your beer open.
You took a sip. It was cheap, but it would take the edge off of whatever nerves you were feeling.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just quietly sipping from your beers. It wasn’t awkward persae, it was just… different? You both knew what you were here for, so you weren’t sure why he was playing worlds best host.
You just wanted him to fuck you already.
You downed your beer in the next second, placing it on the coffee table.
“Woah, want another one?” Eddie asked.
“No,” You said, and feeling a spur of confidence, you uncrossed your legs and threw one over his lap, straddling his legs.
He smirked up at you, letting his legs fall from the coffee table. 
“Hi,” He said, learning around you to put his beer down.
“Hi,” You responded, smiling down at him.
His hands gently rested on your waist, pinkies on each side pushing up your shirt to feel your skin. 
You reached forward, and brushed his hair off of his shoulder. 
“Kissing, or no?” You asked, your voice a soft whisper.
“Why wouldn’t I want kissing?” He chuckled.
You shrugged. “Some guys think it’s too intimate.” 
His brow furrowed. “Sex is intimate.” He laughed.
You shared a smile with him before leaning in to kiss him. His lips were softer than you had expected, the stubble on his lip scratching your skin softly. You didn’t mind it, really. He was…so fucking hot.
He nipped your lip softly, and you parted them for him, allowing his tongue to invade your mouth. He tasted like beer, and cigarettes. You didn’t mind it as much as you thought. However, maybe it was because it was him. 
You brushed the thoughts from your mind, biting at his bottom lip, your teeth lightly clanking against the piercing there. 
Tattooed hands pushed up the sides of your shirt, fingers squeezing your sides, pinkies slipping beneath the waistband of your pants. You could feel them toying with the edge of your underwear, too. 
You broke the kiss for a breath, panting softly as his mouth made its way to your neck.
“No hickies.” You said quickly, “I don’t need the kids asking questions.”
Eddie chuckled against your skin. 
“Bedroom?” He asked, nipping softly at your pulsepoint.
You nodded; and up you went. He had lifted you like you were nothing and he carried you down the hallway. He dropped you on the bed and pulled his shirt off, displaying more tattooed skin. He climbed onto the bed, pressing a knee between your legs as his hand cupped the top of your head, his elbow resting near your shoulder as he kissed you, his entire body covering yours.
You moaned into his mouth as his knee rubbed against your mound. You reached between you to press your hand against his half-hard cock in his jeans. He responded with a soft groan.
You stayed like that for a long while, teasing each other, him with his knee and you with your hand, your lips never leaving one anothers. 
It had almost became a game. See who would last the longest before they asked to go further.
You were losing. Your hips were guiding themselves up against your will, rubbing your clothed pussy against his thigh. You weren’t getting much friction from this, but what you were getting was making you soaking wet.
You popped the button of his jeans open, and reached past his boxers as a concession. He had won.
You gasped at what you felt in his pants, breaking the kiss.
“What?” He asked, his voice deep and husky as he continued to rub his knee against you.
“Yeah, I know.” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss at your neck again. 
He hooked his fingers in your shirt and you lifted up to let him pull it off, still a little in shock at what you felt.
His hands were then working at your pants, unzipping them and dragging them, and your panties off in one fell swoop.
His pants were next to go, and you were both naked, but—
Your eyes met his cock. It was large, the tip red and wet with precum… Your fingers gently brushed across the bottom of the shaft. Nestled there in a row were five bars. He had his cock pierced.
You swallowed thickly, wondering what it felt like for those piercings to be inside you. Especially with how big he was.
“Doesn’t hurt — at least no one’s complained.” He chuckled, “And it’s been fully healed for a few years, so nothing to worry about on my end.” 
“You did them all at the same time?” You asked, a little shocked.
“Yeah, hurt like hell. But looks fuckin’ hot, don’t it?” He grinned.
You nodded.
He grasped himself in his hand and slapped it against your pussy, making your insides clench tightly. With his other hand he spread your lips and started tapping again, this time against your clit. Your legs jolted softly with each tap, your lips parted in a soft moan.
“Damn, you’re so fuckin’ wet.” He sighed, rubbing his cock against you. “You on the pill?” 
“Yeah,” You nodded.
Neither one of you needed for you to get pregnant right now. That was unsaid between you.
He tapped your pussy a few more times, before lining himself up and pushing in.
Your back arched, a low moan leaving you. Your eyes fluttered and your head tipped back.
“That’s it… that’a’girl…take it.” He sighed into the warm air between you. 
“Fuck, Mr. Munson..” You moaned.
He laughed softly. “You like callin’ me that? Alright, honey. We can pretend I’m a lot older than you. Bet you flick that pretty little clit of yours at home thinkin’ bout me and the other dads, hm?”
Your cheeks flushed, but you nodded. There was just something so fucking hot about fathers to you. You wanted to have someone like that in your life. Someone to raise kids with you. 
“Say it.” He grunted, as he pressed fully into you.
“Ah—! I touch myself thinking about you!” You gasped, your legs circling tightly around his waist.
That’s not how he wanted it, though. He grabbed you tightly by your thighs and wrenched your legs up until they were on his shoulders. He scooted closer to you so that your hips were angled up.
Now, now he was impossibly deeper.
You moaned helplessly, grasping at the sheets.
“You got a pretty little cunt here for me. Soaking wet and tight, mmm…” He sighed, pulling out and thrusting back in. 
He found a medium pace that you both seemed to like for now, his hand sliding up your thigh and squeezing. 
“You like being choked, baby?” He asked breathily, his free hand brushing up your chest.
You nodded, your lips parted. You couldn’t make words come out right now, you were fucking gone.
His fingers circled around your throat, fingers pressing into your pulse point. Your back arched higher, your head tipping back as you moaned out.
“Fuck, you’re a sweet little thing..” He groaned, speeding up his pace.
“Mr. Munson—!” You whined out, his cock pressing over and over into that spongey spot inside of you.
“Yeah, baby. Say it.” He chuckled.
There was something so inherently dirty about this, even though it was all legal. It was probably because you taught his son at school, really. You couldn’t think about it now, not with his cock pressing into your gspot, and his piercings rubbing up against your walls with every thrust.
“Mr. Munson!” You moaned out again, your hips lifting higher with every thrust. 
You could feel your orgasm growing, the heat in your belly getting hotter and hotter until the rubber band snapped, your cunt clamping down on his cock and spasming as you cried out helplessly. 
He released your throat, his thrusts never stopping. He groaned, and a few moments later he was pulling out and spilling his seed on your belly.
You were both panting heavily as he dropped onto the bed next to you. 
You laid there in silence for a long while, your insides burning from overuse. It had been a while since you’d been fucked, especially by such a thick cock.
Fuck if you didn’t feel good, though.
“Here,” Eddie said, leaning over to grab you a few tissues.
“Thanks.” You hummed, sitting up slightly to clean the cum off of your belly. You tossed them into the trashcan nearby as Eddie stepped across the hallway into what you now knew was the bathroom.
You waited for him to finish cleaning up before you went in yourself, relieving your bladder and cleaning up. 
When you came back into the room, Eddie had laid out a shirt for you on the bed.
“You can stay over. Wayne is supposed to take Ronnie to school, so he shouldn’t be here in the morning.” He said, smiling.
You nodded, pulling his shirt on before climbing into the bed.
Eddie flicked off the lights before climbing in after you, his arm wrapping around you waist. He pulled you close, your back flush against his chest.
You felt safe that night, and got the best rest you’d had since you moved to Hawkins.
The next morning you were awoken by the front door slamming loudly.
Oh, shit.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
" what's the Pascal's triangle? SOCAHTAH? what's that? "
" literally satan's children idk what to tell you "
and the reader becomes their lil teacher idk abt human things 🥰🥰🥰
thx lizard 🦎🦎
Omg this is so cool! Thank you so much I am so glad I could make you happy by doing something as small as writing fanfiction!
Just a quick heads up, I feel like my high school experience was probably a bit different than most people's, because I took a health/medical career center. Basically, I only had three core classes at the end of the day with the morning ones all being taken up by my health/medical class. So, because I am basing this off of my experience (due to it being all I know), it might be a bit strange to most who didn't take a career center!
Wally and the Gang with a High School Student Reader (Platonic fr fr)
📖 So, you somehow ended up getting the Welcome Home gang involved with your school work. Now they keep you up all night asking you what a "Bermuda Triangle", "War", and even what a "Demand Curve" is.
📖 You better hope that they don't find any of your anatomy or biology homework or textbooks. The thought of them asking absolutely ANYTHING involving those topics is humiliating on its own! You don't want to end up explaining the human body to a small little puppet. Or big dog puppet. Or ANY puppet!
📖 Once, Wally had asked you what "these" were while pointing to a picture in your medical book that showed the organ systems. When you explained, halfheartedly, about how they kept you alive and were inside of your body, his pupils just dilated. Right as you turned around to go back to your homework, you were horrified when his first question was "I wanna see them! How can I see them?"
📖 Frank will be interested in your science books, especially if they include stuff about ecosystems. He knows butterflies are in there, somewhere, because some of the pictures include them. Mostly very low on some big chain. When you explain about how that is a food chain, you are shocked to see him cry for the first time about how his butterflies are being eaten. Apparently the books in Welcome Home never told him that. Then again, the show never included any animals besides insects and the animal neighbors as far as you remember.
📖 Sally wants to know more about this "Shakespeare" guy your English class keeps talking about. He made plays, right? He must be a pretty swell guy! Can she meet him? Oh! And can you teach her more about the planets and solar system?
📖 Basically, every neighbor will have a specific subject they show interest in. Sally, Barnaby, and Eddie will love English. Howdy would like math, simply because he has no idea how this "money stuff" works or why it is so important. Poppy and Julie will like home economics, Poppy for the food science and Julie for the clothing. Home would also like home economics because they are literally a Home. Frank likes science, specifically for the animals and butterflies. Wally would love anatomy and any medical classes because he wants to learn more about YOU.
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sugarsfics · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if I could request a fluffy story of Eddie with a shy female!reader? basically something where she transferred to Hawkins in the middle of her senior year, and she’s having a hard time talking to people. Super closed off, nervous, horribly shy. But one metalhead notices her and thinks she’s as cute as a damn button…
also could you make her short?🤣 I just love a good short reader haha
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Summary: You are the new girl.....when things get ruff a certain metalhead find you quite the caught <3 
Trope: Eddie x shy!reader; friends to crush to maybe lovers?? 
A/N: HIII @laurenandloki I hope you enjoy this I love when Eddie basically adopts the shy girl, I promise you peeps aren’t done with them yet, I want to make them into a little series to have them ofc fall in love and it would have been wayyy to soon to have them date it this one sooooo enjoy <3 
Warning: Cussing, fluff, use of y/n, bullying, small hurt, but a lot of comfort 
Word count: 2.1k 
Alright you got this, you said to yourself it is just another school, no one knows who you are so you can have a new start, how bad can it be? So far it was going well you walked to the office and got your schedule you grimaced at your dad’s last name that cheating scum bag f you found out two months ago you dad had been living a secret life a double life. He said that he started a new position at work where for a week out the month he had to go out of the state to show the higher ups the quota from the month before, well that was a lie. Your mom one day went to the store but had to take the long way due to construction and had to pass by your dad’s work and his car was in the lot she was so confused maybe he forgot something she went to the store and grabbed him so thing for lunch. His car was still in the lot when she came around again. She walked up to his secretary and asked if he was in, she said yes and that his sister was in his office, mind you your dad is an only child, she then walked into the office and found him kissing his supposed sister who had a baby in her hands. His secretary had no idea about the affair and was generous enough to forward mom into a job in Hawkins. So now you are here in Hawkins going into your senior year and starting school in the MIDDLE of the school year, how bad could it be? 
Everything was going great, until “Move it freshman” you were pushed from the back sending you forward, speak up for yourself stop being shy for once in your life “I-I-I am n-not a f-freshman" “Oh” the jock said “You must be from the middle school” the hallway erupted with laughter then the bell rang and everyone went their own ways when trying to get up a ringed hand came into view “Here let me help you up” a voice said you quietly thank them while getting up but didn’t make any eye contact you were too embarrassed. They lower themselves to make the eye contact you were met when the warmest brown eyes ever “Hi” the person said “Sorry about Jason he is a hugeee dick and think being mean to hot people it cool hence why I am his main target” he joked “Oh ok” “Yea oh let me see your schedule” he grabbed it out of your hand “Oh nice we have a lot of classes together including lunch here let me walk you” the walk was very short just to the end of the hallway “Here we are first period math it sucks having it be the first class of the day but then you won’t have to worry about it anymore” you both walked in and all eyes were on you fuck “Hey teach-” “Sit Munson your late” “I was-” “Sit” the teacher didn’t look up from his book “Can I help you” “Um yes I am new here” you showed him your schedule he huffed “Take any open seat” the only open seat was in the back next to that Munson? Was that his name? “Glad to have company back here” he said you gave him a thumbs up and turn to the board “You don’t talk a lot do you” he asked you shook your head “You should you have a pretty voice” Was he flirting with me? I only said like two words to him and he kinda called me hot did he call me hot? I DON’T KNOW. You just nodded at went back to writing notes. “Oh, by the way my name is Eddie” finally his name “Y/n” “Pretty name for a pretty girl” How bad could it be. 
Eddie didn’t have second period with you, but he did walk you to the class. When exiting the classroom, you saw him running to you holding out his arm to take you to third period, which you did have with him. It was the same thing you went up to the teacher, they would tell you to sit in the open seat which was always next to Eddie, which you really did mind. Eddie noticed you didn’t really talk but he wanted to get to know you more, for the first time that day Eddie pulled out his notebook and tore out a page. A folded paper plopped on your desk you look at Eddie as he had a smirk you opened the folded paper in black writing was Hi you became to write looking for the teacher before throwing at his table in pink writing Hi. Your new form of communication, Eddie wrote so much that period, the teacher looked confused thinking he was writing notes, you learned he has his own club, he has a job, has sheep? And is in a band. Fourth period came rolling around but this time the only empty seat was in front, nowhere near Eddie, there was a pit in your stomach the same one you get when it is your turn to present. Was it weird that you grown attached to Eddie so fast? That class went by slow not sure if it was the lack of Eddie or that lunch was next, lunch!! where are you going to sit? The was a nice tree outside? Maybe the library? Your car? Maybe Eddie? No I am not going to get my hopes up he probably won’t want the short shy girl sitting with him and his friends. *ring* oh now the bell wants to go off. You slowly packed your things still trying to think of where you will be eating. You turn and ran into a chest “Woah slow down their short stuff” “Sorry” you mutter. He walked out you were walking toward the parking lot when you felt a tug on your backpack “Where are you going” he ask “My car” “Oh did you leave you lunch in there” “No” “Then why are you going” you can’t tell him that you are going to eat in your car like a loser “I-I-I" “You were going to eat in your car” he questioned “n-no” you mumbled “Yea you aren’t you are seating with me” “I am?” “Yep let’s get going” “With your friends” “Yea don’t worry they don’t bite, maybe Matt, but I will protect you” He will protect me? How bad could it be? 
Eddie pulled you in front of him and started steering you using your shoulders he made little car noises and did a screech when stopping in front of three boys “Welcome to the table” he said bowing pulling a seat from the table next to them. “Here sit” “Thank you” Eddie’s friends stare at you, you started to shrink under their gaze “Quit staring” he told them “But she is a girl” said a one “Ok and” Eddie responded “Girls don’t sit or even associate with us” said another “Who even are you I have never seen you before” asked the last one “Ya’ll are acting like she is an alien your freaking her out” he turned to you “See this is exactly they are the reason why pretty girls like you don’t sit with us” he said patting your head “Oh this is y/n, y/n this is Jeff, Gareth, and Matt” he said point to each “By the way she is new which is why you haven’t seen her before she just moved her from...” he said looking at you “Oh um- New yor-” “NEW YORK why would anyone want to move from New York to sleepy town Hawkins” Jeff exclaimed “Long story” you said rolling your eyes. Eddie leaned on your shoulder and whispered, “You are going to tell me the story later right?” Are you ready to tell him the story? Is it too early in your friendship to talk about something deep? “Sure when we have time” How bad can it be? 
“No way man the outer path is more suitable” Three younger boys came to sit at the table “Are you an idiot this is Eddie’s campaign we are talking about he is going to make the happier light place have way more trouble we should take the “dark way” as you call it” said the one in a cap on “Ah my sheep still going on about last night campaign” “Yea you ended we thing were heating up” said another wearing a track suit “Well you will have to see tomorrow night I have a few tricks up my sleeves or maybe a giant or two” the table erupt with yelling making you jump “you ok” Eddie asked you nodded “Who is that” asked the one with hair similar to Eddie’s but shorter “Oh this is y/n, y/n these are the sheep Dustin, Mike, and Lucas, sheep, she is an honorary member of Hellfire” “I am?” “Yes you are” the boys went back to talking about the campaign when tapped Eddie’s shoulder “um- what is a campaign” when you asked the whole table feel silent “How is this girl a honorary member if she doesn’t even know what a campaign is?” asked Mike “I-” Eddie interrupted you “I am Master here so I call the shots you either be nice to the pretty girl or leave” this is like the 3rd pretty girl Mike sat down and mutter something under his breath “What was that” Eddie said “Nothing” “Good” he turn to you and you were pulling out your lunch bag “Ooo what are we having for lunch” he asked “Oh um I have a sandwich, chips, and some cookies I made” you notice that Eddie didn’t have a lunch in front of him, he has been nice to you all day so it was time to return the favor, you gave him a half of your sandwich and put the chips in the middle of you two “We can have the cookies later” you said smiling up at him he thanked you and overly exaggerated about how good the food was. You really liked Eddie, his friends too, mike you need to get used to but how bad could it be 
Lunch ended and Eddie kept you under his arm. You both had the last two classes together so it was really nice. You both still passed notes, it was really easy not getting caught the teachers didn’t look at Eddie’s direction that much. The final bell rang to go home. Eddie walked you to your locker, “So how was your first day” “surprisingly really good” “Yea” he smiled “Yes I had a cool master to show me around” you joke. He loved that you became more open with him. “So l/n what are you doing after school” you froze at the mention of your last name, “c-can you please not call me that” you said quietly “oh I am sorry I didn’t know.... is that a part of your long story?” “Yea I-I have to go” you said closing your locker, he saw you closing up again fuck Eddie you were so close “I am sorry” he said catching up to you “Please I didn’t know fuck I should have ask” who stopped at your car and took a breath “No I should be sorry for acting like that I am really sensitive to my last name and you obviously didn’t know because you don’t know me and you probably won’t want to due to my outburst-” “I would like to though” “Like to what?” “Get to know you, you seem really cool and pretty and you didn’t judge me over what people were saying or my friends and I being the freaks for the first time in a while I felt like myself at school with you” “I would really like to get to know you too” “Great ca-can I have your number” he said rubbing his neck. You pulled out your pink pen and wrote your number on his arm “Do you have like a curfew or can I call you whenever” he asked “Whenever” “Ok cool cool....can I call you when you get home” “Yes you can” “Great see you well actually hear you then” he replied “Bye y/n” “Bye master” you got inside your car waved at Eddie and drove away. Eddie watched you leave then pulled out all of the notes you have passed throughout the day and put it in his glove department, but he grabbed his favorite one, the first one, and put it on his dashboard he looked at his arm and smile, he got the pretty girl's number. You drove home quickly but safely you hurried to grab a snack and water ran to your room and waiting by your phone. Five minutes later the phone rang. “Hello” you spoked his voice boomed “Hey its Eddie” “Hi” “I hope you have nothing to do because I am planning to talk to you all night” How bad could it be.
tag list: @thefreak0fhawkinshigh 
Let me know if you want to be added<3
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
*another installment of Modern Elementary School Steddie AU* *TWs: Hospital visit, medical scare*
It’s a rainy Friday in March when everything goes to shit. They’re coming up on Steve and Eddie’s 6 month anniversary, and Eddie’s using his lunch break to browse some potential weekend getaway spots. They can’t go too expensive- they’re both living off of a teacher’s salary after all, they can barely afford their living expenses, plus Valentine’s day just happened and they went a little overboard with a nice dinner- but Eddie had picked up a couple extra shifts at his old shop over the last few weekends while Steve was busy grading papers and lesson planning, so he had a little money set aside to treat Steve to something special. 
Eddie’s just about to press the ‘reserve’ button on an AirBnB in Chicago for the weekend when Mike Wheeler and Will Byers walk into his library holding hands. 
And Mike looks like he’s been crying. 
Eddie stands from his chair and circles his desk, crouching in front of the two boys. “Hey guys. You should be doing…” Eddie searches his brain for a moment, trying to remember Steve’s schedule for the kids. “Math problems right now, right? Does Mr. Steve know that you’re here?”
“He told us to come here.” Will sniffs, and Eddie notes that he looks on the brink of tears. “He stopped teaching and then turned all the lights off and then sat down and then made us come an’ get you. ‘S he gonna be okay?” 
Eddie tries very, very hard to keep the panic off of his face. He honestly has no clue what’s going on, but he doesn’t waste time trying to figure it out. “Let’s go make sure. Good job being safe by coming here together, boys.” Eddie walks out of the library with them and down the hall- and goddamn why was Steve’s classroom so far from the library?!
Finally, after the longest three minutes of Eddie’s life, they make it to the classroom and Eddie finds a dark classroom of quiet kids sitting politely at their desks and Steve sitting at the front of the room, his forehead against the metal of his teacher’s table. Eddie clears his throat, smiling at all the kids. He needs to check on Steve, but if something is seriously wrong, he knows that Steve wouldn’t want the kids to see it. “Alright everyone, line up, we’re gonna visit Mr. Argyle’s 2nd grade class. C’mon, hop to it.” 
Argyle teaches across the hall, so Eddie figured it would be fastest to usher the kids across the hallway to him. He gets them all in a line within a minute (which is probably a world record for any elementary school anywhere, but he doesn’t exactly have the time to parade his accomplishment around at the moment). Argyle accepts the kids without question, having them all join him on the carpet at the front of the room for story time. He must see something in Eddie’s expression because Argyle waves him off the second the last kid steps into the classroom.
Eddie’s back across the hall in a heartbeat, kneeling next to Steve and brushing some hair out of his face. “Hey pretty boy. What’s goin’ on?” 
Steve lets out a low groan, shaking his head slightly against the table. Eddie sighs in response. “I need to know what’s wrong so I can fix it, babylove. Can you give me any direction? Is this a need-a-break-for-30-minutes thing or a need-to-call-the-paramedics thing?” Eddie sends a quick prayer to whatever being is listening that it’s not the second option. 
Then Steve unfurls his fist that was previously clenched in a fist and holds up two fingers, and Eddie’s stomach drops.
He uses Steve’s phone to dial Nancy’s extension, petrified of letting Steve out of his sight. He tells her it’s a code red and that she needs to come to Steve’s classroom pronto. Steve doesn’t complain about anything, like, ever. They were making dinner one night about a month ago and Steve cut his hand open on a potato peeler and laughed it off- then kept laughing it off as they went to urgent care to get him stitches. 
Eddie meets Nancy in the hall- reluctant to leave Steve, but also conscientious of not freaking Steve out as they go through the motions of getting him help. Nancy’s got her cell phone out and she dials for a paramedic first, then texts Johnathan to let him know that his afternoon library session had to be canceled. They both wait with Steve in the dark of his classroom until Nancy gets the call from the front office that the ambulance arrived. She stalks off, returning five minutes later with four paramedics and a stretcher. 
Eddie is pushed out of the way- and fuck, he hates having to stand by and watch, chewing at his fingernails as he sees the gaggle of paramedics speaking quietly between themselves and making Steve respond to questions and open his eyes for them to shine a light and check his pupils. Then they’re loading him on a stretcher, and everything starts to go by too quickly for Eddie to process.
Eddie blinks, and he’s in the back of an ambulance, his hand wrapped around Steve’s ankle- the only spot Eddie feels like he can touch without messing with wires, but he’s desperate to hold onto something. To show Steve that he’s here. 
He blinks again, and Eddie’s standing at the doors to the emergency room, staring at the doors through which they had just taken Steve, the doors through which he was not allowed to follow.
Another blink and he’s sitting at Steve’s bedside, head in his hands while Steve takes a medically-induced nap next to him. He’d been taken in for scans- MRI, CT, XRay- Eddie wasn’t sure, he got the letters mixed up in his panic, all he knew was that they scanned his head because his pupils weren’t dilating correctly, then took his blood to run some tests, then put him to sleep because he had thrown up from pain and had begged for them to turn the lights off.
Which, Eddie hated the image of Steve feeling that way. He could barely stand it. But he was glad that the nurse had told him- because seeing Steve wheeled back to the hospital room asleep had scared Eddie in an entirely different way. 
Steve woke up about two hours after he had been returned from his scans. He was groggy, but had reached for Eddie almost immediately and said that he was feeling a lot better, which made Eddie’s heart rate go down to a semi-normal bpm (in comparison to the previous extremely high heart rate- his anxiety was a bitch). A doctor joined them a few minutes later and Eddie held Steve’s hand as they got the update. 
Steve had a migraine, which the doctor explained could be chronic- Steve would need to speak with a neurologist about that. The emergency room doctor said he suspected it was due to head trauma and was latent until something knocked it into presenting itself. And that’s how Eddie found out that Jonathan Byers, 5th grade teacher, once beat up Steve when they were teenagers to protect Nancy Wheeler’s honor? Which... it was a very confusing timeline, not aided by Steve’s exhaustion, but Eddie made him promise that they would talk about it in detail when Steve was feeling better. 
Then Steve confessed to getting in a bar fight with a guy that happened to be Max Mayfield’s much older step-brother, where he had a beer bottle smashed over his head (a story which Eddie also couldn’t follow due to Steve’s current condition, and also made Steve promise to tell again when he was feeling better). 
Then there was a story about Steve getting punched by a Russian guy who was mugging him a year or so ago- which, how does that even happen? 
Then Steve finished off his recounting of his head trauma history by sharing that he’d slipped on some ice at the bottom of the stairs of his apartment complex about a month ago, and that the back of his head had hit the bottom step when he fell. He apparently didn’t think much of it at the time other than that it hurt like hell (which made Eddie have Steve promise to tell him anytime he got hurt- because things like this couldn’t keep happening). 
After recounting all his concussions, the doctor handed them a referral to a neurologist and had a nurse get them discharged. Eddie took Steve back to his place that night, unable to let Steve out of his sight. Steve was exhausted from the day, and in Eddie’s opinion, rightfully so. Eddie helped him get changed into sweats and then changed himself into more comfortable clothes. Finally, after they were both settled in Eddie’s bed, Eddie wrapped himself around Steve and kissed Steve’s forehead, watching his boy sleep the day’s stress away. Nancy gave them both the rest of the week off, knowing that Steve needed the rest and Eddie needed the peace of mind.
The two went to the neurologist that weekend and, after some more tests, Steve was diagnosed with chronic migraines due to multiple traumatic brain injuries. He was prescribed a daily medication, a preventative medication in case he began to feel a migraine coming on, and some high-strength pain medication to take if a migraine happened. He was also given strict orders to avoid any activities that could cause further brain injury, as that could lead to results that, for Eddie’s own health, were best not to talk at length about. 
Their anniversary money ended up getting used to offset the costs of the specialist visit and medication copay, and they ended up spending their 6 month anniversary curled up in Eddie’s bed while Eddie read Steve The Hobbit, but if the experience taught them both anything, it was that they didn’t need fancy trips out of state or five-star dinners to celebrate their love- the most important thing was just having time with each other, because they could have lost that completely, and they were never going to take that for granted again. 
Taglist: @goodolefashionedloverboi
Drop me an ask if you want to get added to the taglist or if you have any ideas/questions about this series!
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
@funsonmunson-again's Birthday Week Writing Challenge Oliver Soon-to-be-Munson and the Best Birthday Ever The Eddie: Janitor!Eddie The Prompt: #6: write me something domestic. use your eddie of choice, reader pregnant or not, just give me something for my ovaries to combust to. show me dad!eddie Words: 3.8k? It just kinda... happened. 😳 Contains: Oliver's first birthday with Janitor!Eddie and Teach. Notes: I did some bad math and figured they'd get Oliver in about 1994, so this is meant to take place that summer, while they're just fostering him. Then somebody dropped new Eddie Age info and I was too far into it to recalculate. Disregard if this conflicts with the official timeline. This contains no I Love You's - because I don't know if they're there yet at this point, and those firsts aren't mine to write anyway. (But I'd love to read them, hint hint.)
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"Ollie's got a birthday coming up. Any ideas?"
"Hmmm," Eddie hums, crawling into bed after a long day. He settles his head on your chest and wiggles the rest of his body so close, he's nearly on top of you. You smile and wrap your arms around him. You both lie there and think quietly for a moment.
"I don't think we should do anything too big," he says thoughtfully. "Just something normal. If his mom gets him back, we don't want his next birthday to be drastically different."
"Good idea," you agree, twirling a strand of his hair in your fingers. "What's considered normal these days?"
"You're asking me about normal?" he chuckles.
"Nevermind," you laugh. "What was your most memorable birthday?"
"The year it was just me and my mom," he answers quickly. "Dad was in jail. Mom made me a cake and gave me a little red matchbox car. It was all I played with for months."
"Aw," you coo, scratching his scalp gently.
"Then Dad got out and stomped it 'cause I left it in the floor." You kiss the top of his head and hold him a little tighter.
"What was yours?" he asks.
"We were never really big on birthdays. Just dinner and a present or two. Cards from relatives. Very low-key."
He hums and nuzzles into you. You let out a sigh.
"I kinda feel like we should just ask him, but I think it would put too much pressure on him. Poor baby's still afraid to ask for seconds at dinner. Even if he had something in mind, he probably wouldn't tell us."
A sad silence falls over the room. You want to give your sweet boy the world, but you don't know if he could handle it just yet.
"Wayne used to take me to the movies," Eddie says.
"Yeah. Dollar Days at The Hawk."
"The Hawk?"
"There used to be a theater on Main Street, before the mall moved in and turned it into a ghost town. When times were slow, and there was nothing good out, they'd show old movies. A double feature for a dollar. It was old black and white stuff, mostly. The first time Wayne took me, it was pirate movies. That's what kicked off my pirate era."
"Pirate Eddie, huh?"
"Oh yeah. Talked like a pirate for almost a year. Badly. Every stick was a sword. Surprised Wayne didn't make me walk the plank." You chuckle, and you can feel him grinning into your chest.
"I bet you were adorable."
He scoffs. "Pirates are not adorable! They're rough and tough!"
"If you say so, baby." You kiss the top of his head again with a grin.
"Anyway, that was our thing. My birthday's a movie dead zone, so there was usually a Dollar Days promotion going on. I don't think we ever saw pirates again, though. It was mostly westerns after that."
"Was there a Cowboy Eddie era?"
"You bet there was, little lady," he drawls. You cackle and quickly quiet yourself, hoping you hadn't woken up Ollie. "I was gonna move out west and live like the good ol' days. I wanted a ranch with horses and cows and a good dog and a pretty lady."
"Well, one out of five's not bad, I guess." He looks up at you in confusion. "You got the lady, at least," you tease with a wink.
"That's all I need," he whispers. You give him a kiss on the forehead, and both return to your previous positions.
"So, making Oliver a cake and taking him to the movies?"
"Sounds good to me."
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"Good morning, birthday boy!" you smile from the stove, where you're keeping an eye on the bacon.
Oliver has finally wandered in, still in his pajamas. He's hugging his teddy bear with one arm and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. This child is the cutest little thing you've ever seen.
"Happy Birthday, bud," Eddie says, coming in from the living room.
"Thanks," Oliver says shyly, looking at the floor.
"What do you think: Breakfast first, or a present?" Eddie asks the boy with a mischievous grin.
Oliver's eyes light up, but he shrugs.
"What do you think, sweetheart?" Eddie asks you.
"I think I'm not quite done over here yet, so you should probably start with a present. That alright with you, Ollie?"
He nods, and you grin at him.
Eddie ducks back into the living room and returns with a neatly wrapped box, which he sets on the table with an exaggerated grunt. Oliver looks from the gift to Eddie to you, silently asking permission.
"It's okay," you encourage him with a smile and a nod.
He sits at the table and carefully unwraps it, almost like he's afraid of what's inside.
What's inside are ten Hardy Boys books.
The school library had a few random volumes left over from the 50s, and Ollie always had one checked out. They were his favorites; he would read the same four or five mysteries over and over again.
You'd never seen a child so happy about getting a book. His jaw dropped, and he reached out and ran his finger along the spines. You'd found a boxed set of the first ten books at a thrift store. They looked almost like new.
"They're really mine?"
"Of course, bud," Eddie assures him.
"For keeps?"
"Yup," you chirp.
First, he hugs his books. Then he hugs Eddie. Then he runs over and hugs you. (You step away from the stove when you see him coming, not wanting him to get too close to the hot pans.) And then he returns to his books, staring at them like he's afraid to take them out.
Eddie seems to sense this, and pulls his chair closer.
"Have you read any of these yet?" he asks.
"This one," Oliver points to a spine, "and this one. I think."
Eddie pulls out the first book Oliver pointed at and reads the summary on the back.
"Yeah, that's my favorite!" Oliver says in amazement when he sees the cover of the book Eddie holds, which is facing him. He excitedly pulls the rest out, one at a time, and carefully inspects each cover.
While he's busy poring over every detail of the cover art, Eddie gives you a smile that almost makes you forget the breakfast you're supposed to be cooking. The ding of the oven timer brings you back to reality.
Turning back to the stove, you hurriedly pull out a pan of biscuits and start turning off burners. Eddie gets up and pulls down a stack of plates for you.
"Alright bud, ready for breakfast now?"
Oliver nods, carefully putting his books back into their box, in the correct order. He tries to pick it up off the table, but struggles until Eddie swoops in. He's just a little guy, after all.
"Wanna put these in your room for now?" Eddie asks. Oliver nods and follows him to the bedroom; Eddie with an armful of books and Ollie with his teddy bear. By the time they get back - the books had to go on a shelf, obviously - breakfast is on the table. Bacon, and eggs, and biscuits made from scratch. The only person who was a bigger biscuit junkie than Ollie was Eddie, so you had two very happy and full boys that morning.
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"What time's the thing?" you asked inconspicuously, washing the last of the dishes.
Eddie, who's on drying duty, looks down at his hand. He'd written down the showtime when he double-checked the paper that morning. "11:20."
"You wanna get Ollie dressed while I hop in the shower? If I go out smelling like bacon grease, every dog in town's gonna be chasing us."
He laughs and kisses your forehead, hanging up the dish towel and heading for Ollie's room. You drain the sink and make your way to the bathroom, smiling when you overhear Eddie teasing a fun birthday adventure while trying not to spill the beans.
After you're all dressed (and de-baconed), you hop in the car. Ollie watches curiously from his booster seat in the back.
"Where are we going?"
"Do you really want to know, or do you want it to be a surprise?" You turn around and give him a smile while Eddie drives. "It's okay either way. It's your call, bud."
Oliver shrugs.
"Do you want a hint?"
He thinks about it, then nods his head. A nod instead of a shrug. Progress!
"We're going to the movies."
Confusion clouds his little face.
"Have you ever been to the movies before?" you ask with a smile, hoping that it's disguising the panic you suddenly felt. Had he really never been before? Is this going to be overwhelming for him? Why hadn't you thought of this?!
"Like when we rent tapes?"
"Not exactly. We're going to a theater."
His face is blank.
"It's a big room in the mall, with lots of seats and a huge screen."
"Muuuch bigger than our TV," Eddie adds.
"And we watch the movie there?"
"Yup, on the big screen."
You look at Eddie helplessly, and he chuckles at you.
"Because it's fun," he says. "My Uncle Wayne used to take me on my birthday when I was little. We'd get a bucket of popcorn, and a drink, and then go sit in a comfy chair and wait for the lights to go down. They show you previews of other movies coming out soon, just like on the tapes we rent. And then they turn the real movie on. You've never seen anything like it. It's so big! It doesn't even matter what the movie is. It's just a cool thing to see, and a cool place to be."
"Especially when you're there with your favorite people," you add, looking at Eddie with a smile. He reaches over and squeezes your hand.
"So, sound like fun?" you ask, turning your attention back to Ollie.
He nods. You'll take it.
Oliver is understandably nervous when you arrive at the theater. It's his very first time, after all. He clings to your side from the minute you help him out of the car. Eddie buys the tickets at the box office out front, and sticks them in his front pocket. You walk Oliver around the lobby to look at the posters while Eddie waits in line to buy a bucket of popcorn and a drink from the counter inside.
Ollie's eyes linger over the candy counter when you come to meet Eddie, but he doesn't say a word. That's alright. You'll hook him up later, you think with a smirk. Moms have their ways.
("Their ways" meaning you bought candy at the dollar store a few days ago and hid it in the bottom of your purse. You feel no shame about this. Movie theater candy is highway robbery. Just the facts.)
With a bucket of popcorn and a gallon of soda, Eddie leads the way into the theater. He picks a spot in the back, away from everyone else, and you all get settled in. You check your watch.
"Ten minutes to go. Probably a good time to hit the bathroom," you note. Eddie nods.
"Wanna hit the head before the movie starts, buddy?" Oliver shrugs. "C'mon," Eddie says with a smile and a tilt of his head. They leave together, and you guard the popcorn.
They come back just in time. Oliver sits between you, munching on popcorn and looking around. There's not a whole lot to see in here; it's a morning matinee, and the movie's been out for a while, so there's only a handful of other people. Then the lights go down, and Oliver tenses.
"It's alright, it just means the show's about to start," Eddie whispers to him. Oliver looks to you, and you nod in agreement. He sits back in his seat and pulls his knees up, resting his chin on them. You and Eddie share A Look over his head.
And then the screen comes to life. Oliver's eyes widen. You and Eddie are both trying to watch him without being obvious about it, and failing hilariously. You watch him all through the previews, completely transfixed by the clips on the giant screen in front of him.
When the theater chain's roller coaster intro came on, you thought Oliver was going to lose his mind. His eyes were the size of saucers, and his jaw was dangerously close to coming unhinged. You and Eddie grin at each other. This was the show you came to see.
And then the lights dim more, and the movie starts. Oliver perks up at the Disney logo, which he is very familiar with. You and Eddie's traditional Friday night plans of "dinner and a movie" looked a little different these days, but you loved them just the same. Maybe more.
A song blasts through the speakers scattered throughout the theater. Oliver leans forward, seemingly possessed by the music, inching closer and closer to the empty seat in front of him as each new animal appears. By the time the lions show up, he's standing, grasping the top edge of the chair in front of him with both hands, like it's all that's keeping him from falling into the movie.
You cover your mouth and look over at Eddie, who is grinning so hard, it looks like it might actually split his face.
After a few minutes of letting him soak it in, you reach forward and hook your finger through his belt loop, pulling him back to his seat gently. He lands on his chair with a light bounce, but doesn't seem to notice. You and Eddie share another grin, and start digging into the popcorn.
You've never seen any child pay such close attention to anything for so long in your life. And you've spent quite a lot of time around them. But Oliver remains focused throughout the entire movie, from the opening sunrise to the final scene where the good guy triumphs. He didn't even get scared during those freaky hyena scenes.
When the lights finally come back on, Oliver sits back in his seat and breathes for the first time in an hour and a half. He looks up at Eddie, then at you.
"Well, what'd you think?" you ask.
"This was the best birthday EVER."
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The cub's ruling may have come a little early, because the day was still young.
Oliver had been too captivated by the movie to eat anything, and you and Eddie had only eaten half the popcorn, so you brought the bucket home with you. You looked back at him, munching on a handful and staring thoughtfully out the window. You wished you knew what was going on in his head…
But you soon found out. After he'd eaten his fill of popcorn and had time to process the mind-blowing event of going to the movies for the first time, and he started talking. And he didn't stop.
He told you about his favorite scenes, and his favorite characters, and what his favorite song was, and that he knew all along that the good guy would win in the end. He'd memorized so many details from the movie, after only one viewing, you were extremely impressed. You and Eddie nodded along happily, laughing and gasping in the appropriate places of his passionate re-telling.
By the time you got close to home, Oliver had nearly talked himself out. His blinks were becoming longer, and he leaned his head back against the seat. Eddie, who'd been keeping an eye on him in the rearview mirror, took the long way around instead of his usual shortcut. Oliver was asleep when you pulled in the driveway.
Eddie handed you the keys and opened the back door to unbuckle Oliver and pull him out. You led the way up the front steps and unlocked the door, holding it for your beautiful boys. Eddie carried Oliver into his room and came back out with a grin.
"You think he liked it?" he asks, causing both of you to burst into a fit of hushed giggles.
"Wayne'll be here in an hour and a half. Wanna get stuff ready, or lay on the couch for a few?" Eddie asks. You look at each other for approximately three seconds before heading to the couch.
You doze for about an hour, then get up and start working on Oliver's birthday dinner. You've got a salad to make and a cake to ice. Eddie's got grilling to do. After all the vegetables are washed, Eddie goes to wake up Oliver. When they return to the kitchen, you send them both outside with a pan full of vegetables wrapped in foil. Eddie might not be great with the baking, but the man can grill anything.
A few minutes later, Wayne knocks twice, then lets himself in as you're starting to frost the cake you baked late last night.
"Hi, Wayne!"
"Hey, darlin'. You need help?"
"Nope, just finishing up. You need a drink?"
"Eddie's got the cooler outside. Uh…" You look up from the cake to see Wayne rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, just like Eddie does. "You got wrappin' paper?"
"Yeah, hall closet." You point, and he shuffles over and pulls out a roll of blue striped paper.
"Scissors and tape are in the top drawer closest to you," you point again. "You need help?"
"I can wrap a damn present, girl."
"Then why didn't you teach Eddie how?"
"Boy wouldn't sit still long enough." You both grin, and he pulls something out of his flannel pocket and drops it on the table, turning his back to you and getting to work.
You slather the last of the frosting on your cake as Wayne walks the roll of blue paper back to the closet.
"I, uh… I didn't have any."
"That's okay. I've always got plenty, appropriate for any gift-wrapping occasion. Help yourself, any time."
"Thanks. Uh... all I had was newspaper, and I didn't have time to make it to the store and back… I, uh, didn't want the boy to feel like he was an afterthought." Your heart swells, but you can already hear Wayne's "don't go gettin' all emotional on me, girl", so you take an alternate route.
"Wayne, you know it's what's inside the paper that counts," you say with a wink. He chuckles, and Oliver peeks his head inside the door.
"Eddie says to bring him some dang meat."
"Tell him to hold his dang horses," you laugh, reaching into the fridge for a plate of burgers and hot dogs. Oliver relays your reply out the door, and you can hear Eddie cackle from his place by the grill. Wayne stuffs the little package back into his pocket and reaches for the dang meat. You pick up your salad and follow him out the door, which Oliver holds for you like a gentleman.
While Eddie cooks his dang meat, Oliver tells Wayne about his day so far: breakfast, books, the coolest movie ever. Wayne grins, then pats his pocket with a questioning look at you. You nod. He pulls out his present, and hands it to Ollie.
"Another present?!"
"Yup. Happy Birthday, little man."
Oliver looks at you, and you nod, giving him the go-ahead. He tears off the paper to reveal two matchbox cars: a red one, and a blue one.
"What'd you get, buddy?" Eddie asks, leaning over to see. He freezes when he sees the two little cars.
"I figured you needed two so you could play with your-- with Eddie," Wayne corrects quickly.
"Thank you!" Ollie says with a grin, holding his cars closer to inspect the details. Eddie shares a look with Wayne, then looks to you. You give him a warm smile, knowing exactly what this reminds him of.
Dinner went great. You had burgers, hot dogs, roasted veggies and corn on the cob, salad, and potato chips. (Eddie insisted that having a cook-out without potato chips was against the laws of America. Wayne and Oliver backed him up on this. Who were you to argue with the laws of America, as decided by the people?)
You brought out the cake and stuck the candles in it. Eddie insisted that everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to Ollie, and proceeded to dramatically air-guitar his way through it. Oliver laughed so hard at Eddie, and at Wayne rolling his eyes at Eddie, he had to hold onto you for support. He finally caught his breath and blew out his candles. While Eddie was removing the candles and preparing to cut the cake, Ollie looked up at you with his big eyes. You leaned down closer, sensing that he wanted to tell you something.
"Do you want to know what I wished for?" he whispers.
"If you tell, it won't come true," you whisper back. He looks thoughtful for a moment, then grins.
"Cake?" he asks.
"Cake!" you repeat.
"Cake." Eddie says, placing a piece in front of Oliver, then handing you one across the table.
"Cake?" Wayne asks, not wanting to be left out.
"Cake!" Eddie says, giving Wayne a piece, then settling down with his own.
After everyone was properly caked, Wayne went home to get ready for work. You and Eddie performed a hasty clean-up (thank you, aluminum foil), and you put away leftovers while the boys played on the living room floor with their new cars. Ollie's favorite color is blue, so Eddie laid claim to the red car. (Even though you heard Ollie tell Eddie he could have the blue one if he wanted, like the sweetest boy in the whole world.)
You leaned on the counter and watched them play, racing and doing daring stunts and making hilarious sound effects as they recklessly 'drove' over any surface in reach. You could watch them for hours, but that would interfere with a certain birthday boy's bedtime.
Ollie never complained when you told him it was bedtime. Maybe because bedtime here meant he got to wear clean pajamas and crawl into his own bed with a full belly and his favorite teddy bear, and have a bedtime story read to him by people who loved him.
He was struggling to keep his eyes open when Eddie finished tonight's chapter of the fantasy book they'd picked out together. You tucked him in while Eddie turned on the nightlight.
"Good night, baby," you whisper with a kiss to the top of his head.
"Good night, buddy," Eddie said quietly on his way to the door.
"'Night," Oliver mumbles sleepily, "was best birthday ever."
It really was.
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Bonus: Oliver's wish was that he could stay with you and Eddie forever. I can tell you that now, because it already came true. 😉
Double Bonus:
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Steddie idea/ficlet???
Steve has know his was gay for a long time. Probably around middle school is when he put it together. With him and Tommy having those strange practice kissing and so forth. He knew he’d either be in a bread relationship or just miserable in a heterosexual relationship. However, getting outed was not on that list. He sighs as he looks at his locker. Faggot written in sharpie across his locker. Loud boots echo behind him. “Pardons m your highne- shit dude what happened to your locker?” Steve turns to see the other openly queer kid in school. Steve sighs “I got outed, someone found my journal at a house party and blabbed. Just- just leave me be Munson. I don’t wanna deal with more bullying today.” He turns back to his locker and starts to clean off his locker. “Harrington, dude that sucks, uhmm if you ever need anything call.” Eddie smiles and hands him a number. Steve smiles to himself, another thing he didn’t expect was to become friends with Eddie Munson. Maybe this year won’t suck as much as he thought.
- basically the idea is that Steve n Eddie are like rivals but become friends
- Steve is outed by Tommy which is revealed later
- Eddie teaches Steve dnd, Steve only says no to the kids bc he finds their campaigns boring
- Steve gets kicked out and lives out of his car for a couple of weeks til Hopper finds out n lives with Hopper, later moving in with Eddie
- Steve is actually rather gifted in math n science but struggles with English n history bc of his dyslexia.
- his style is veey different than the shiw, mind you this is historically inaccurate bc fashion trends n shiz, he wears a lot of pastel n soft sweaters, with jeans n boots.
-this takes place in the middle of S1 and go forth, everything is sort of the same except, Steve turns down Nancy, bc she doesn’t think Steve is gay. And Steve doesn’t wanna deal with that. So barb doesn’t die bc they’re away but bc Steve tried to save her and she just had too much water in her lungs. Her body got lost in the transferring at the hospital. S2 is the same except Nancy tries to start some drama, don’t worry she redeems herself later, gotta have some conflict, Steve finds out what Tommy did, billy is not great but not bad, has a redemption arc, Eddie n Steve start dating at the end of this season s3 is the same, except WLW n MLM solidarity happens in the bathroom scene n hopper lives Murray “dies” instead. S4 is very different, 1. Chrissy lives, 2. The hoppers stay in Hawkins, Murray comes back, Jason is convicted for the murders of Patrick n Fred. Steve comes out the the group.
That’s all I have so far for his fic idea.
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
the losers club as teachers
i just graduated yesterday (ah!) and i’m feeling weird and nostalgic so i’m gonna write this for the losers and picture some of my teachers in their places. hopefully someone in your life comes to mind when you read the descriptions, too!
bill: i think bill is an english teacher, but you could make the argument for him being an art teacher for sure. i think everyone likes bill as a teacher most of the time, he just unfortunately is a fan of homework and that’s the only way he really makes any enemies with his students. bill tries to stick to business and doesn’t get off topic much (unless it’s something else english-related). he also is not really a teacher you’d want to cross, but he’s for sure a teacher you’d want on your side to defend you. he always talks about slacking off in school himself, and he wants his students to do better and value their education more than he did. again, super great guy, his only enemies are because of the work he assigns them.
bev: bev could either be the eccentric art teacher or the eccentric science teacher. i’m not going to definitively pick one, but no matter the subject she’s teaching, she is absolutely the ms. frizzle of the school. bev is great with engaging her students, and i think she’d probably be more prone to wanting to teach middle schoolers rather than high schoolers. she comes up with a ton of fun projects and incentives for her students and loves getting involved in all the school activities she can. bev is 110% the emotional support teacher, and everyone always requests to follow her on instagram, even though they know they can’t until after they graduate.
ben: DEFINITELY the cool history teacher. ben is absolutely the laid back and super approachable and kind teacher that all the kids attach themselves to and can relate to, no matter what kind of social group they come from. he’s not the history teacher stereotype of the guy that doesn’t care and doesn’t teach, he just has cory matthews vibes and knows how to relate his lessons to kids’ lives and help them learn without it being a miserable experience. he will definitely always put his students first and is a friend and mentor to all.
stan: stan is mainly a math teacher but also teaches one or two business/computer classes. kids are definitely intimated of him before they have him, because there’s always rumors going around about how tough he is on students and how much work he assigns and everything. however, once kids actually have stan as a teacher, they LOVE him. he has high expectations for his students, but not necessarily in achievements, just in efforts. if stan seeing that a student is working hard, no matter how much trouble they’re having, they’ll do just fine in his class. he also is a REALLY great teacher one on one, and is there for any student that needs a little extra help. point being, he’s very intelligent, but genuinely wants the best for every kid and is willing to help to get them there.
mike: mike is a gym and health teacher in my opinion, but far from your stereotypical jacked and angry gym teacher that only likes the jocks and ignores everyone else. he is actually definitely more prone to connecting with the outcasts. mike is a HUGE advocate for mental health, and doesn’t put up with anyone’s bullshit. he will call out anyone and everyone when he sees any problems with bullying, and people know not to mess with him. he also has a whole unit in his health classes about mental health, and starts each class with short discussion just to ease everyone in. he does these conversations in his gym classes too. mike is a softie and wants everyone to feel comfortable. as long as a kid doesn’t mess with him or anyone else, they’ll do great.
eddie: he’s totally the drama teacher!! richie could absolutely do this too, but i think eddie just has such a knack for the fine arts that this is where he’d really shine. besides, he and richie are married, so richie helps out anyway. the school eddie works out has a reputation for the best drama program in the area because of how professional and hard-working eddie is. his students genuinely improve every single time they have a rehearsal with him, and it’s all enjoyable for them. he pushes them hard, but his students have no trouble cooperating because they know that, in the end, they’re going to get a fantastic show.
richie: richie is. a kindergarten teacher. i know that sounds like an absolute DISASTER because i’m sure we’re all picturing him riling up the kids, but he’s actually amazing with them. he knows how to have fun and be interactive and awesome with the kids, but he also knows how to get his lessons across. he’s able to draw out the best in every kid and connects with each of them on a personal level. his teaching is so much fun that half the time the kids don’t even realize they’ve learned something. in conclusion, richie is the best fucking kindergarten teacher in existence and every single one of his students comes and visits him again and again.
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matan4il · 1 year
Hi, Alice! This was another unhinged episode contrasting Buddie and Eddieana, right? What do you make of the math element in particular? We had it in the Buckley-Diaz family scene, but also in various Buck and Eddie moments. And in the past Eddie made fun of both Buck and Ana for their math skills, but turns out Buck loves math now? That's an interesting development :)
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
Oh, this was ABSOLUTELY contrasting Buddie with Eddieana, but honestly, the gap was just SO BIG (like... Buck wasn't even seeing Ana in his rear-view mirror, she was so far behind what he has with Eddie), and there was so much to scream about already (as I said in my 613 meta, stuff I would normally write paragraphs about, I had to cram into mere sentences), I ended up leaving this angle out.
But honestly, the most significant thing about Eddie's bizarre teacher date with Ana is that she's NOT a math teacher. WHY did he bring Christopher's homework to a date? Why to a date with a woman that does NOT have the needed qualifications? I think after we've seen Buck doing math "in his head" and Eddie being insanely happy thanks to (and turned on by) it, while the two of them were both such incredible dads to Chris... I think that math is a metaphor for fitting. For being the missing piece.
Because on paper, that's what Ana WAS SUPPOSED to be to Eddie and Christopher. Good with kids, knows how to teach, etc. But she doesn't actually know math, so as it turns out, she's terrible at what Eddie needed, someone to help him with the math he needs to know for his son. She only seems perfect, but she's not ACTUALLY what Eddie and Chris need. But then we discover Buck can do math. He has all the answers. He can give them to Chris (or to Eddie, to help with their son's homework), he can use them in order to get Eddie the winnings of poker night, and then Buck will go ahead and use those to cook the three of them a wonderful meal. HE is the missing piece. He fits right in. And it wasn't like that from the start, we didn't always see him being able to do math. No, whatever he can do now, it's earned. He got there after quite the journey, and he made it through long enough to get to this moment because Eddie saved him after the lightning strike. And Eddie was there to save him, because Buck did the same for him, after the shooting. In other words, they earned it by having each other's backs. Whatever Buck is and can be to Eddie and Chris now, the missing piece fitting in perfectly into this little family? They didn't find it, they made it, together.
Thank you again, hope you have a good day, lovely! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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once-upon-an-imagine · 11 months
There Are Worse Things I Could Do (Preview) - Eddie Munson
Number two; Eddie... this is what I have so far for Chapter 3 (which does not include Eddie 🤣) I am missing half of the chapter and have the main idea of what I want to write but yet again, the words are not coming out, hope you like this so far though! 😊
There Are Worse Things I Could Do
I could flirt with all the guys Smile at them and bat my eyes 
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“Seriously? We have been through this for like four hours now! Even Erica gets it and she’s ten years old!” Mike snapped at you. 
“First of all, she’s eleven, Michael! And secondly, you do not talk to me that way! Time out for you!”
“What? You can’t give me a time-out! I’m fourteen-!” he complained, standing up.
“Time out, Michael Wheeler” you said between clenched teeth as you stood up and looked up at him. You may be shorter than him, but you could still see the same fear in his eyes. “Now!”
Mike turned to look at Dustin, who simply shrugged, knowing they would not argue with you whenever you put one of the guys in time-out. He sighed and looked back at you. 
“Fine” he said, walking over to the kitchen. “But I’m leaving because I want to” he mumbled as he walked over to the kitchen to grab something to drink and then to the living room. You rolled your eyes, frustrated, sitting back down. Dustin and Mike had been trying to teach you how to play Dungeons & Dragons for the entire afternoon—trying being the keyword. 
“Don’t listen to Mike” Dustin said, placing his hand on your shoulder. “You know he has like zero patience and I think he’s fighting with El or something, I don’t know” he tried to cheer you up. “Why is this so important to you anyway? I mean, you told us Eddie said he’d teach you” he said, confused. 
“I know” you sighed. “I just… didn’t want him to think that I knew nothing about Dungeons and Dragons” you explained. 
“But… you know nothing about Dungeons and Dragons” he chuckled. “And that’s the whole point of him teaching you, isn’t it?” 
“I guess” you said. 
“You know how when we were little, you could always tell when one of us was lying?” “I still can” you informed him. “Well, so can we. We can tell when you’re lying” he told you. “And I know there’s something you’re not telling me” he said. 
“Really? You all can tell when I’m lying?” 
“Fine. Will and I can” he confessed, making you smile. “So, what’s going on?”
“I hate that you are growing up” you chuckled. “Fine, I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh at me” you said. 
“Pinky swear” he said, sticking out his pinky and you took it. 
“I don’t want Eddie to know that I don’t get this because… he’s the first person that hasn’t made me feel dumb” you muttered. 
“What?” Dustin asked, offended. “Including us?” 
“Dustin, I love you, but yes, you are ridiculously smart, and sometimes you need to get your ego checked. It’s funny when you do it to Steve but sometimes you have done it to me” you informed him. 
“Sorry” he muttered. 
“It’s fine. I know you don’t do it to be mean” you smiled. “Look, I know you guys have noticed I’m not really the most liked girl in school” you rolled your eyes. “And Eddie has been one of the few people to be nice to me. He always has been nice to me and he actually stood up for me in our math class so I just… I don’t know I don’t want him to think I’m dumb-”
“You’re not dumb!” Dustin argued. 
“I’m not… the brightest, okay? I’m not top of my class or anything and I really struggle with math which is like the main thing of this game!” 
“So… if you don’t like math, why do you want to play it? We have been trying to get you to play for years” he said confused and then he gasped. “Oh, my God! You like Eddie!”
“What? No, I don’t!” you scoffed. “He’s just my friend!”
“Are you sure?” he asked, smirking and resting his head on his hand. 
“Yes, I’m sure” you glared at him. 
“You don’t sound so sure” he laughed. 
“You know what, I’m gonna go grab something to drink” you said, getting up. 
“Sure, change the subject, that doesn’t prove my point at all!” you heard him all the way from the pantry as you walked over to the fridge. 
You grabbed a soda and tried to shake Dustin’s comment off your head. You didn’t like Eddie. Not like that. He was just nice. And sweet. And funny. And…
“Why is Mike sitting down on the couch grumbling about being in time-out?” Steve asked, closing the fridge door and snapping you out of your thoughts. He then grabbed your soda making you roll your eyes and get another one. 
“Because he is in time-out for yelling at me” you explained as Steve laughed. 
“Why did he yell at you?” 
“Because I can’t understand Dungeons and Dragons” you admitted. 
“Dungeons and Dragons? Why are you trying to play their nerdy game?” he laughed. 
“Yes, why are you trying to play our nerdy game?” Dustin said, appearing in the kitchen and looking extremely interested in this conversation. 
“N-no reason” you shrugged, widening your eyes at Dustin. “I’m just… thinkingaboutjoiningHellfire” you mumbled, looking away from Steve. 
“You’re what?” “I just may… be… joiningHellfire” you said. 
“Talk normally” Steve scowled at you. 
“Fine! Eddie asked me to join Hellfire” you said, avoiding Steve’s look. Steve froze for a moment before he turned to look at Dustin.
“Henderson. Time out. Go with Wheeler” he said, calmly. 
“What? You can’t give time-out-”
“Go!” Steve said, pointing at the door. Dustin rolled his eyes and left to the living room. 
“You know that they are just going to listen through the door-”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Steve asked, a little upset. “Why are you even hanging around with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson?”
“Don’t call him that!”  
“Oh, what? He’s your friend now?” 
“Yes, Steve” you glared at him. “He happens to be my friend-”
“Monkey” Steve said, getting serious. “What is going on with you?”
“Nothing” you insisted. 
“There’s nothing going on with me and there’s nothing wrong with Eddie being my friend-” 
“Yes, there is!” Steve argued. 
“Just because you don’t like him because Dustin suddenly has another role model, doesn’t mean he’s a bad person-!”
“That’s not what this is about! Munson is bad news, okay?”
“Why? Because he used to sell you weed?” you said, suddenly making Steve glare at you. “Oh, you think I didn’t know?”
“That’s not the point!”
“Then what is your point, Steve?”
“Is this about Jason?” “Oh, my God! This has nothing to do with Jason! Why do you have to bring him up every time I’m upset about something?”
“Because you won’t even tell me why the two of you broke up in the first place!”
“It’s none of your business!” “And now, what? You’re hanging out with people like Eddie Munson? What about your friends?”
“I DON’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS!” you yelled, making Dustin and Mike appear at the door, peeking their heads in. “Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?” you snapped, as Steve looked at you, confused. 
“W-what are you talking about?” he chuckled. “Of course, you have friends-”
“No, Steve, I don’t” you told him. “Jason made everyone stop talking to me” you explained. 
“What? Why?” 
“Because that’s the kind of person he is, okay? So, I have no friends. Except for Mike, Dustin, Max, sometimes Lucas, Robin because she’s your friend, Nancy because she’s too good of a human being to still talk to me after all the shit she has been through, and Eddie Munson” you said. 
“I’m not a ‘Harrington’ anymore, okay? And I like hanging out with Eddie and he’s nice to me so…” you sighed. 
“Don’t look at me like that” you chuckled sadly. “Please. Everyone looks at me like that” you said. “Except Eddie” you admitted. “So, I honestly don’t care if you like him or not. He’s my friend” you said before leaving the kitchen. 
Steve turned to look at Mike and Dustin and they entered the kitchen. 
“You two knew about this and you didn’t tell me?” 
“She made us pinky promise!” Dustin complained.
To Be Continued
[Ch.1] [Ch.2]
I hope you loves like it, so far! I’m just missing the second part here (which includes Eddie having a conversation with Gareth) again, any ideas, suggestions, headcanons, etc. are always more than welcome! 😁  
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turtleedovee · 2 years
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Chapter Two: Some with Traps
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: heyyyyy another update a day later SICK!! i have chapter 3 all locked and loaded too but i’ll update tomorrow or sunday we’ll see! hope you enjoyed the first chapter, short i know, but i’m trying to get to the good stuff. this chapter is also kinda short but bare with me. no warnings except cursing talks about drugs and bickering, lemme know what you think!
She clenched her jaw, he used this opportunity to continue, “Look I'll just tell O’Donnell that it’s not gonna work,” and that’s when it hit him, “I mean hey, don’t worry about it. Maybe you’re not as good of a tutor as you thought you were.” He quickly turned around to leave, he could feel the intense glare she was giving him.
And he relished it.
(F/N) quickly got up and made her way to him “Oh you think taunting me is gonna work?” Standing right infront of him, she was fuming, she couldn’t quite comprehend how he managed to figure out how to push her buttons but dammit was he good at it.
“I told you not to be late.” He stopped in his tracks, she never even looked up from whatever she was doing.
Geez did she have eyes in the back or her head?
He scoffed, “Sorry mom. I was busy.”
She hummed, finally looking at him, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her look of disapproval, but in all honesty?
He couldn’t care less of what she thought of him.
“Yeah, busy selling drugs huh?” She mumbled under her breath.
He sat right next to her, the smell of weed evident, “You gotta problem with that sweetheart?”
She finally tore her eyes away from her work, noting how he infiltrated her personal space, “Not at all. But if you’re gonna be stoned while I try to tutor your ass then let me know so I don’t have to waste my time.”
He scoffed, “Who says I’m high? You can’t run a business if you’re using your own supply.”
“Well I can see you’re not failing Econ.” She taunted.
Rolling his eyes he noted what she was working on, “Well as far as I know O’Donnell teaches English Lit, not Math.”
Hastily she closed her notebook, “Well I was trying to pass the time while you were off dicking around.”
This seemed to be the last straw for Eddie, he grabbed his back and got up, “Alright well if we’re just gonna sit here and trade insults there seems to be no real reason for me to be here is there?”
She clenched her jaw, he used this opportunity to continue, “Look I'll just tell O’Donnell that it’s not gonna work,” and that’s when it hit him, “I mean hey, don’t worry about it. Maybe you’re not as good of a tutor as you thought you were.” He quickly turned around to leave, he could feel the intense glare she was giving him.
And he relished it.
(F/N) quickly got up and made her way to him “Oh you think taunting me is gonna work?” Standing right infront of him, she was fuming, she couldn’t quite comprehend how he managed to figure out how to push her buttons but dammit was he good at it.
He smirked, “I don’t know sweetheart, I think it is. Do I have an effect on the Miss. (L/N)?”
“Oh please Munson, don’t think for one second you have any affect on me.”
“Then how come it’s so easy to get you all riled up.” He shot back.
“Maybe because I’ve never met a person whose head is so far up their ass, that they’d rather repeat their senior year for the third time instead of taking the help that they’ve been graciously offered.” She tilted her head and glared at him, noticing the slight shift in his attitude, he crossed his arms over his chest. “So why don’t you just shut up, sit down and get to work.”
She caught her breath, waiting for a snarky remark, but it never came, instead he scoffed and made his way to the table her stuff was at.
He gestured to the empty seat she once occupied and waited for her to join him at the table.
She sighed, walking to the table. They sat in silence for a second.
“You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“You’re killing me (L/N).” A blunt voice came from in front of her.
She sighed, “Eddie c’mon it’s not that difficult.”
“Uh, it is if it’s boring!” Eddie countered.
They’d been at this for about an hour.
To say it’s been hell would’ve been an understatement.
Trying to get Eddie Munson to focus on his English assignments without taking a ten minute break every second he could was like Sisyphus’ never ending task.
“Very funny Munson, Shakespeare is anything but boring.”
“Yeah but can you at least admit these poems of his suck?” He threw down the assignment.
“Sonnets.” She corrected.
He let out a dramatic sigh, “Oh even worse!”
She rolled her eyes, “C’mon you’re almost done, just push through, please?”
He whined, knocking his head on the table making now effort to lift it.
Before she could tell him to get back to work she noted her watch
“Shit,” She mumbled, this seemed to call Eddie’s attention as he slightly lifted his head, “I’m gonna be late, we’ll finish this later.” She quickly shoved all of her notes and supplies in her bag and rushed out of the library.
She was out like shot before Eddie could even say his goodbyes.
A groan escaped her lips.
“What's the matter now?” Robin asked listlessly.
“Do you think someone can die from their own stupidity?” She threw herself on the chair.
“Hm, good question, ask Steve.” Robin nodded to Steve who just came back from storage with the new releases, who gave a puzzled look but before he could respond, the bell cracked through their conversation, the air in the store becoming tense.
“Sup,” Eddie had entered the video store, he stood as if he didn’t have a care in the world carrying his leather jacket and hung it over his shoulder, wearing a white muscle tee that showed off his several tattoos, “so are we doing this now or…”
She sighed, “Yeah yeah, give me a sec, let me grab my stuff.”
(F/N) left, leaving her friends with her charity case.
“So…” Robin started,
“So…” Eddie continued, his eyes landing on Steve, he cracked a smirk, “No way Steve Harrington is working at Family Video. Was he hired out of pity?” Turning his attention to Robin.
“Something like that!”
“Hey–” Steve began to retaliate, but before he could continue (F/N)’s head popped out from the staff room.
“Please, we all know Steve was hired to attract all the ladies.” She joked.
Steve could do nothing but shrug, “Yeah, I mean have you seen this hair.”
“No of course Harrington, I mean where would you be without the hair?” Eddie joked back, he watched as (F/N) made her way back to the front “I mean if The Hair could get hired here who's to say I can’t? All the ladies love me.” He smiled to himself
“Oh is that so?” (F/N) rolled her eyes.
Eddie leaned over the counter and had his eyes trained on her, “Yes it is, actually! But sadly I can’t be tied down.” He put his hands up in defeat.
“Well aren’t those women lucky then.”
“Ah, c’mon, I know you love me and my carefree attitude.” He joked back.
Finally making eye contact with him she looked him up and down, shooting back, “Love is a strong word. How about we start with ‘put up with’?”
He sighed, hanging his head low in defeat, “Fair enough.”
She chuckled, “Alright goodbye people!” She waved goodbye to her friends, who just stared at each other in disbelief, letting the conversation they just witnessed sink in, they watched as she hopped into Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson’s van, and drove off.
Did that really just happen?
here’s chapter one, i’ll fix the link when i get home lol
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cha0ticspacebi · 1 year
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You've Got Desire, So Let It Out: Chapter 5
You love your job. Being a teacher is what you've always wanted to do. But being in charge all day can be draining. You are looking for someone to take that control away for a while. When Robin and Steve set you up with Eddie, an old friend from high school, sparks fly! One day you ask Eddie to come volunteer in your classroom and he's more than happy to oblige. But what happens when the inevitable discipline issue arises and you have to use your teacher voice in front of him for the first time? Let's just say Eddie enjoys it a bit too much.
☆Tags: 21+ MDNI, switch Eddie Munson, switch reader, BDSM, kinky sex, choking, dirty talk, dom/sub, impact play, bratting, degradation, praise, humiliation, restraints, mean dom Eddie, overstimulation, orgasm control
Chapter 5/12 ☆ Previous chapter → Next chapter
☆ You can find me over on A03 as Cha0ticBi ☆ Master list link! ☆
Eddie had been right. Things did get better. Slowly. But better nonetheless. 
September came and went in a flurry of fall testing cycles, meetings, so many assessments, and before you could blink it was October already. 
Part of the reason second grade was your preferred grade was because of the topics you got to teach. The school had just updated the reading curriculum to include some new books that you quickly fell in love with. Math had been an adjustment at first because when everyone talks about that “new math” they are usually experiencing it for the first time in second grade. Science had a unit all about rocks which was your absolute favorite and social studies is all about the community. Helping students start to navigate this big world by finding their place in their local community. That starts with learning about the various jobs and services that help a community function on a daily basis so your class was starting to plan their annual Career Day! 
A note went home to all the families inviting grown ups to come in and talk about their jobs with the class. Every year was a little different considering the participants were the parents or relatives of the students in your class. This year so far you had a mechanic, a grocery store manager, a firefighter, and a chef from one of the local restaurants sign up. Not a bad variety, definitely going to be different from last year with Pastor Jason Carver coming in. 
You knew you might get a few more forms turned in before the day of. Which would give the students lots of variety to choose from when they write about which presentation they found the most interesting. But no matter how many interested people you got signing up, they all fell into the same category. Pictures of all of them could be found in your school’s textbook under the page of community helpers. You wanted your students to know that there is so much more out there. They don’t have to fall into the generic bubble to contribute to society. 
You always ended up needing a follow up discussion after the presentations about how these are just a few of the professions that help a community. Your curriculum teaches that communities are places where people live, work, and play. That last part always gets neglected. There are so many careers where people can make a living from sharing joy with people. Authors write books to share with people, directors create films or TV shows that entertain people, athletes play sports that we love to watch, artists paint pictures, and musicians– they share their music with the world. 
“Hey Eddie?” you fiddled with your bit of pancake where you and Eddie sat in his trailer happily enjoying breakfast for dinner, “Can I ask you something?”
He crunched a piece of bacon, “Sure sweetheart anything, you know that.”
“So every year with my classes, I plan a career day for social studies. We have some of the parents come in to talk to the kids about their jobs and well I was wondering if you’d come talk to the kids about being a musician.”
You weren’t exactly sure what kind of reaction you expected from him but the reaction you got was incredibly difficult to read. He didn’t say anything right away and you were worried that he might be upset but the look on his face was different than anger. He sort of looked like a deer in headlights. To be honest there was almost a nervousness behind his blank stare.
You hurried to try and reassure him, “It’s no big deal really! It’s just we always get the same kinds of people, you know doctors and lawyers, police and firefighters kind of thing. I wanted the kids to see that there’s so much more out there ya’ know?”
He toys with his lips between his teeth for a second before speaking finally, “Do you really think they’d want to hear about what it’s like being me?” You started to answer but he wasn’t finished, “I mean they’ve probably already heard all about Eddie the freak from their parents.”
“That’s exactly why they need to hear from you Eddie! Let them see that there’s nothing wrong with being different. That being different doesn't make you a bad person and that you can indeed make a living doing something that you love!” You grabbed his hand from across the table, “Eddie the Banished? Will you use your bardic inspiration to inspire the next generation of nerds and freaks?”
He stared at you again but this time with a smile, “Fuck sweetheart I love it when you talk nerdy to me. I’d love to come talk to your class but I have some questions.”
“As you should before any quest, what information do you require?”
You gave him the basics, day and time, but the questions he had beyond that were very different and continued throughout the rest of the evening. 
“What do I need to bring? Are they really going to let me play music in the school?” You nodded and informed him that he couldn’t play it as loud as when he performs but yes. You could already see how excited your students would be hearing the electric guitar. 
“Ok, what should I play? I don’t really know any kid friendly songs,” he laughed, “I mean I can’t exactly go in there singing Van Halen about how I think their teacher is hot.”
The way he made you laugh was the best feeling in the world. It was a hearty laugh, right from the stomach, “Nope. No, please don’t do that. I might get fired. You mean you don’t know wheels on the school bus? Or twinkle twinkle little star? Jeez I thought I was dating a famous rockstar who obviously knew the classics.”
“For you, I’d learn wheels on the bus and twinkle twinkle little star!”
“What a gentleman. In all seriousness I think they’d like to hear a song you wrote. Even if you just play it without singing the words.”
The conversation resurfaced a few days later when you were enjoying the weekend on Eddie’s couch, career day only five days away. Eddie spoke up out of the blue, “What do I do if one of them throws up while I’m playing? If some drunk throws up I usually laugh and keep playing.”
You snorted, “Let me worry about that. Not to brag but I’m usually pretty good at predicting when they are about to throw up.”
“What kinds of questions do you think they’ll ask me?”
You shrugged, “Honestly anything. Kids can be pretty unpredictable, especially at this age. You might be expecting a question like When did you start playing music? But then in reality you get asked what your favorite dinosaur is.”
“What’s your favorite dinosaur?” he asks without hesitation, reaffirming what you already knew in your heart. Eddie is going to be just fine. 
“Hm, well I guess I’d have to say a pterodactyl because it’s always fun to try and tell them it begins with the letter P. Plus I was always partial to Petrie in Land Before Time. What’s yours?”
He grinned and lifted your chin to his face, “You’ll just have to wait and find out.”
“Did you ever decide what you’re going to play?” He nodded, “Let me guess, I have to wait for that one too?”
He smiled and kissed you, “Such a smart girl.”
Eddie got more and more excited as the day approached. The nerves when you initially approached him about participating had not completely disappeared but he seemed more relaxed as his bombardment of questions continued.
“What should I wear?” It was now the night before career day and he was staring at his closet while you were laying on his bed reading.
You replaced your bookmark and leaned forward on your elbows, “Hm, definitely the leather jacket. No battle vest unless you want to spend your whole time talking about who W.A.S.P and Motorhead are. Jeans are fine, I know you have that one pair without any holes. For a shirt, wear the Corroded Coffin shirt! Tell them it’s your band and one way you make money is by selling shirts.”
“What if they ask to buy one?”
“Damn you’re getting good at this already. We can just tell them you didn’t bring any.”
Eddie looked like a kid again, excited for the first day as he laid out the outfit you helped him pick out, “I promise to shower so I don’t smell too much like smoke and sweat. Don’t want to check every box on the broke musician stereotype.”
You pulled him onto the bed with you, “I love that you smell like smoke.”
“Oh I know it sweetheart, I know exactly what you like,” he hovered over you and took your lips in his mouth. Tasting the cigarette he’d smoked earlier. Your fingers found his hair as you pulled him closer. The growing hardness in his pants pressing against you as he kept kissing you.
As much as you wanted him to keep going you pulled away, “We both need a good night's sleep before tomorrow. If I’m going to have five parents and one rowdy rockstar in my room all afternoon I need sleep, and you need to be well rested before your big show, got it? Time for bed.”
He chuckled and stole one more kiss, “Yes ma'am”
“Ugh don’t call me ma’am, that’s for grandmas and old people.”
He didn’t listen and kept kissing down your neck, “How about princess then?”
“That’s better,” you pushed against his chest, removing him from your path, “Now. Go to sleep mister. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon,” you pointed a finger at him, keeping your tone soft and playful as you added one last thing, “Don’t you even think about staying up all night and playing, do you understand?”
“Of course princess,” he bowed. His hair flips every which way before kissing you goodnight.
Career day used to just be another day, a stressful one even, considering you had parents and family members coming into your room for the whole afternoon. But this year was special. You felt the same anticipation as the students. They kept asking questions about who this mystery guest was that you had invited. You told them about all the others and you made a list on the board of which presentations they’d be seeing and in what order. Some were most excited to hear from Melanie’s mom, the firefighter. Others were looking forward to Cameron’s uncle who was a mechanic. But they were all naturally curious about the person you had kept a secret.
After lunch you sat the students down just in time for parents to start arriving. You greeted each one at the classroom door, ensuring all of them had checked in with the office and received a visitor’s pass. As they arrived, they took a seat near their respective children. Finally all but one had arrived.
“Ok, thank you so much families for coming to our annual Career day. We will get started in just a few minutes. We are still waiting for one other presenter.”
You went to the door once more and your heart skipped a beat when you saw Eddie’s large frame absolutely dwarfing the small lockers that lined the hallway. He smiled at you as he carried his guitar bag on his back and the smallest amp he owned in his hand. He gave you a hug when he reached the door, “Sorry I’m late sweetheart.” He flashed his yellow sticker to you, “Did you know that Mrs. K up in the office was the secretary way back when I was here? Man, this place hasn’t changed at all.”
When he stepped into the room he was greeted with a variety pack of emotions. The kids were all yelling Is he your mystery guest! Is he going to play music? Can he go first instead?
All the grownups would have otherwise been impressed with your ability to quiet the class down without a word, simply holding your hand up and lowering one finger at a time until they were silent had they not all been turned around staring at this latest arrival. 
You weren’t exactly sure if Eddie already knew any of them but one of them seemed to know him. 
“You haven’t changed at all have you, Munson,” Andy Johnson, the last minute police officer added to the list for his daughter Alexis.     
Eddie offered him a curt nod and polite smile. You stepped in and continued the program, “As I was saying. Thank you all for coming to our annual Career Day. As you know from my newsletters, the students are learning about communities and all the important jobs that people rely on everyday for living, working, and playing. Let’s go ahead and get started.”
Eddie sat contentedly in the back of the room listening to the presenters before him. Up first was Mr. McKinney, who spoke to the students about being a chef and making people smile with the food he cooked. The students asked him a few questions, mostly related to what kinds of foods he liked. They gave him a polite applause and he took his seat.
“Ok up next we have Mr. Stoffer talking to us about his job as a mechanic.”
As he gets up and explains that he fixes cars for people you watch Eddie, noticing that he looks a little sad. Before Mr. Stoffer sits down, you find out why. He addresses Eddie to the surprise of everyone, “I worked with your Uncle Wayne for years, kid. He’d be proud of you. I can’t wait to hear about all the trouble you’ve been getting into.” He smiled.
Eddie laughed, “I swear I’ve been on my best behavior.”
The firefighter was a crowd favorite. Someone from the fire department had come last year as well. The kids loved it because she brought coloring books about fire safety for them to keep. 
Up next was Tony’s mom, a store manager at the local grocery store. She held their interest by comparing it to their classroom, how her job was to make sure everyone in the store worked hard and cooperated together to make sure shoppers could buy the things they needed. You’d have to thank her later for unknowingly doing a quick mini lesson on wants versus needs. 
“Up next is Alexis’s father, who is a police officer here in Hawkins. Let’s welcome Mr. Johnson.”
The students clapped as they had done for the previous presentations. Like the others, Andy had shown up in full uniform. He stood up at the front of the room and watched Eddie the entire time he was speaking.
“Hi kids, My name is Mr. Johnson and I’m a police officer. It’s my job to catch bad guys who break the law,” You had to stifle your giggle when you saw Eddie roll his eyes. The students asked him fairly predictable questions, Have you ever shot anyone? Can I see your handcuffs? The usual. This was not the first police officer you had in your classroom. Back in Indianapolis you had a regular neighborhood patrol officer who would come talk to the students every year. He was nicer than Andy here.
When he finally sat down, the students knew what was coming. Their excitement blossomed when they heard Eddie getting up from his seat in the back and making his way to the front. While he plugged in his amp and took out his guitar you introduced him.
“Grown ups just to catch you up, I told the students I had a special guest that I invited to come and talk to them but they had no idea until today who it was or what his job was. So boys and girls, I’m very excited to introduce to you Mr. Eddie,” Eddie insisted upon it. Mr. Munson just wasn’t him, “And he’s here to talk to you about being a musician.”
They clapped but quickly started talking over one another, their focus beginning to wane after a long afternoon.  You waited to see if they would quiet down but they got louder. Before Eddie could start the little speech he had prepared, you stepped in.
“Second graders,” your voice was firm and loud. Not yelling, but the students knew you meant business. You kept your voice level and stern, “Now I know it’s been a long day but I expect that you show all our guests the same respect. You will wait until the end for questions, is that clear?” They pouted but a chorus of yes filled the room. 
“Now apologize to Mr. Eddie.”
“Sorry Mr. Eddie,” Then silence.
“That’s better,” You looked back to Eddie and found him staring intently at you. His eyes were wide. He wasn’t looking at the class anymore, he was staring at you as though it was just the two of you in the room. You weren’t sure why but you tried to bring his attention back, “You can go ahead Mr. Eddie.”
He stumbled over his words at first, “Oh, um— right. Hi kids! I’m here to talk to you about what it’s like to be a musician. Well, my job is a little different than all the other ones you’ve heard about today. I spend a lot of time writing songs and practicing with my band. We make our own schedule which is nice. But if I don’t work then I don’t make money, who likes money?”
Listening to him talk to the kids warmed your teacher heart so much. He laughed when they all raised their hands to ask him questions after he finished. He looked panicked for a second unsure of who to choose first. He called on Cameron, Mr. Stoffer’s nephew.
“How long have you been playing guitar?” Cameron asked.
Eddie scratched his head, “I started when I wasn’t much older than you. I think I got my first one when I was in fifth grade. My band and I have been playing together since we were in middle school,” he addressed a different student, “What’s your question?”
“How many people are in your band?”
“We have four. There’s me, my buddy Jeff who plays guitar like me, Gareth plays the drums and Grant plays bass.”
The next question came from a student right in the front, “Are you famous?”
Eddie laughed, “Not quite, but just like your teacher tells you if you keep trying and don’t give up it’ll all be worth it. Let’s do one more.”  
He called on one of the girls next, “Are you going to play something for us?”
“I sure am, little lady, I wrote this song especially for your teacher.” 
He pulled the black strap over his head and plugged in the guitar to the amp. He smiled as the kids ooh-ed and ahh-ed while he was strumming and adjusting a few of the strings. 
“Are you ready Hawkins Elementary?”
The kids all shouted yeah!
“I can’t hear you! Are you ready?”
They shouted louder! You looked over at the faces of the parents. Most of them had a smile on their face as Eddie played, all except Andy of course. You couldn’t bring yourself to care because watching Eddie perform whether to a large crowd or to your rambunctious group of kiddos, it didn’t matter. He gave 110%. The song he wrote for you was the perfect mix of romance and metal, and completely kid approved. During his playing some of the students got up out of their seats and looked to you for approval.
You nodded and whispered, “You can dance just stay by your desk.”
As per usual, once one got up, all the others followed. Eddie loved it! He kept singing and put his foot up on the amp for the final chorus. He ran his fingers down the strings and the last note faded. The audience cheered!
“Thank you! You’ve been a great audience,” he flipped the guitar on his back and turned to you, “Let’s give your teacher a round of applause for working so hard to plan this awesome lesson for you.” You blushed and quickly thanked everyone for coming. 
After wrapping up, the parents who came took their students home early. You were about to resume your normal routine of getting the students ready to go by cleaning up the room and having them complete their afternoon jobs. To your surprise though, Eddie didn’t want to leave.
He unplugged his amp and replaced his guitar into the travel bag. You went to wave goodbye but he came up to you and whispered in your ear, “Can I stay?”
To be honest you were surprised. You thought once he was able to fulfill his obligations to you that he’d leave, “If you want to sure. To be honest, the end of the day isn’t very exciting. They are just doing their jobs right now and then sometimes we have time for a story before I walk them outside.”
He talked a little louder so the students could hear him, “Well they heard all about my job so I think it’s only fair that I learn about theirs.” 
As soon as the students realized Eddie was staying, they all wanted to tell him about their various responsibilities. They pulled him in various directions and while you could tolerate a certain level of excitement due to the usual nature of the day, they still had things to do.
“Show me good listening second graders,” You looked at Eddie while saying the next part. “Mr. Eddie is going to read you a story. But only if you clean up and get ready to go quickly, quietly, and safely.” 
They got a little more excited than before but managed to finish cleaning up. Once all their book bags were packed and placed neatly on the backs of their chairs you called them to the carpet area where Eddie was sitting, not in your chair as you would, but on the floor waiting for them. The class formed a circle around him and you listened from your desk. Eddie sounded just as he did during your dungeons and dragons sessions. He got into character, bringing life to the book he’d chosen from your library shelf. As Eddie was reading you sat back and enjoyed the rare break. Using this time to begin getting ready for the next day. 
Eventually the school day came to an end. All the students had gone home, then you and Eddie made your way back to his place. 
“Thank you again for coming today Eddie.” 
“That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be sweetheart, you’re a really great teacher.”
Your face flushed as you looked up into his eyes, “Well you’re a really great singer. My song was perfect. I absolutely loved it.”
“You’re welcome,” his hands wrapped around his waist and up under your shirt, “Allow me to share with you all the x rated things I love about you that I had to cut out.” His mouth was on your neck, kissing and sucking.
Moans and whimpers fell from your mouth, Eddie’s breathy voice hit your ears, “I can see now why you need me to take over for you like this. You did such a good job today sweetheart, let me take care of you now. That’s it pretty girl, let your mind just float away.” He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, “I’ve got you.”
After the long day you couldn’t even argue, you fell hard and fast tonight. Eddie was right there to catch you, taking care of you just like he said he would.
Two weeks later, Eddie and the band had just gotten back from a quick show they managed to score at the last minute a few towns over. You came over to have dinner with him the night they got back. It wasn’t hard to miss his obvious nervousness as you ate. Finally he managed to speak up.
You smiled up at him, “Yes sir?”
“I was wondering, like if you ever needed any more help, I wouldn’t mind coming back– I know you don’t need my help, you’re perfectly capable. But if you ever ya know, just wanted a second pair of hands or something, I could come in and give you my hands, I know you’ve said sometimes you have to hunt down a helper just to go to the bathroom,” he was speaking so fast the words all sort of ran together.
As your relationship with Eddie had developed, he started to show you his softer side more often and you were loving it. You had learned that underneath all that dominance and confidence he showed on stage and in the bedroom, he had a marshmallow center. He was sweet, thoughtful, caring, and wanted nothing more than to put a smile on your face, while he was while fucking you face first into his mattress. 
“You are welcome in our classroom anytime Eddie. I’d love to have you back and I know the kids have missed you. They have actually been asking when Mr. Eddie is coming back.”
“They have?” his eyes lit up, “Well you know me. I never disappoint my fans. I’ll be there tomorrow!”
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Breaking the Rules
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Eddie runs towards his death to try and save you. You aren’t about to let that happen
tags: eddie x reader, gn!reader, volume 2 spoilers, everybody lives/nobody dies, reader has powers, first kiss
a/n: this is one of MANY fix-it’s i have plotted because the ending of volume 2 was garbage. is it a little implausible and out-there? yes. but eddie lives and i think we can all agree that’s what’s important here
also i might write a sequel to this at some point, either the story from eddie’s pov or what happens when the reader meets hopper again
You were number Five, and when you were eleven years old, you ran away from home.
You didn’t do it alone – an orderly helped you, leading you to a drainage pipe in the back of a boiler room. You crawled through, leaving him behind, an odd (and maybe angry) look on his face. When you broke through to freedom on the other side – the first fresh air you’d ever breathed, the first time you’d felt the sun on your skin – you ran as far and as fast as you could.
When you were finally found, after what you’d later come to believe were weeks spent living wild in the woods, it was by a grumpy police officer. He took one look at you, at the tattered and dirt-stained hospital gown you wore, the number tattooed on your wrist, and took you in. You weren’t able to live a normal life, but it was still a good one. Hopper bought textbooks, and taught you how to read and write. He helped you learn math, and he helped you create tricks to control your powers. By the time you were sixteen, you had enough control to go out in public without worrying that you would accidentally reveal your powers. On top of that, your hair had grown out enough that when you wore a watch nothing could visibly give you away as an experiment. There were only two rules your father had for you – be safe, and under no circumstances use your powers.
Of course, right as you thought you were safe, one of your siblings broke out of the lab. With the hunt for Eleven in full swing, it wasn’t safe for you to go into town, and so you were relegated to house arrest again. It was different this time, though – instead of you having to entertain yourself all day while Hopper was at work, you had a little sister to keep you company. El was definitely in a worse state than you were when you ran; she could barely speak in full sentences, which confused you to no end because you remembered her being able to talk fluently. But whatever had caused her to regress like this, it was blocked from her memory and you decided not to push it for now.
Instead, you devoted yourself to teaching her, reading and writing and math, trying to get her caught up with where a girl her age should be. You also worked with her on her powers – she wasn’t as strong as you, but she was stronger than most of the other children you’d grown up with. She just needed help refining her skills, learning to focus on details rather than just the big picture.
A year passed, and then El ran off. She closed a gate to another world, and Hawkins Lab was shut down once and for all. A doctor who worked there, Dr. Owens, crafted new identities for you and your sister as Hopper’s children, and just like that you were free.
The official story that the town was being told was that you were the children of Hopper’s estranged sister, adopted by him after your parents passed away. El was described as shy, allowing her to continue hiding for the next few months as recommended by Dr. Owens. You, on the other hand, were allowed to do as you pleased, and you barely had to think about it before you were convincing Hopper to sign you up for school next year. You were a year older than all of the other seniors would be, but you wanted the experience more than anything. You wanted to prove to yourself that you could live a normal life. Hopper encouraged you, but with one stipulation: don’t let anyone know about your powers. It was the one rule he’d drilled into your head daily after it became clear that you were going to get your own identity. You promised him that you would never break the rule, and El also promised never to mention your powers. The end result was that the Party thought you were actually related to Hopper, and that your arrival made for a convenient cover for El.
Unfortunately, Hopper passed away before you could truly start school. It broke you, to lose him. He was the first real family you had, and you didn’t know what you were going to do without him. Joyce offered to take you to California with El and the others, but since you were a year older than Jonathan you were technically a legal adult. You opted to stay in Hawkins, living with Steve who had generously offered you a room in his otherwise empty house. You and El called each other often, and wrote letters every week, and occasionally you exercised your powers to speak to each other in your minds. She was the only one left who knew of your powers, although you were pretty sure Owens suspected.
Without your father’s reassuring presence, and with your sister so far away, entering your first year of real school was nerve-wracking. Robin tried to be there for you, but the band was a very insular community and didn’t exactly welcome you. Nancy also did her best, but she was so busy all the time that it was hard. You ended up spending a lot of your time with Mike and Lucas and Dustin, which was fine. You liked the kids, but you were also quite a few years older than them and sometimes you missed eating lunch with people who weren’t children.
Enter Eddie Munson.
When he took the younger boys under his wing, you trailed along behind them. The rest of his group was hesitant to let you in at first, especially when you admitted that you’d never played a game of D&D, but Eddie was warm and friendly, and eventually everyone else came to accept you.
Eddie was like a breath of fresh air; you loved all your friends, the little family that you all made, but none of them were able to make you laugh as easily as Eddie could. Hopper had always worked with you on that, on not being afraid to express your emotions, but it was hard sometimes, to remember that you could be human. Eddie was able to draw a laugh from you like no one else; he was able to scare you, and sadden you, and amaze you. You were fascinated with him, constantly drawn to know more.
You weren’t sure if he was aware how much you cared about him, but he certainly seemed to reciprocate some of your affection. Sitting with him at lunch, turned into him moving seats to sit next to you in your shared classes, turned into a standing invitation to come watch Hellfire play, turned into spending the weekend at his trailer studying and watching him get high and introducing each other to music that neither of you would have ever listened to otherwise. By the time spring break rolled around, he was your best friend, and you thought that he considered you his in turn.
When Dustin called you, frantically looking for Eddie, you rushed to Family Video to help with the search. When you found him at the boathouse, you pulled him into a hug, an uncharacteristic display of physical affection from you. That, more than anything, seemed to impress on him how serious you all were when Dustin began to explain the Upside Down.
You tried to stay with him, so he wouldn’t be alone, but he refused to let you, pushing you out the door. “Babe,” he said, a genuine, if shaky, smile on his face. “Go help them do research and shit. I’ll be fine here, okay? No one is going to find me as long as I’m careful.”
Of course, someone did find him, and then there was a third body and suddenly his name was all over the news as a murder suspect.
From there, everything fell apart. You were elected to stay on babysitting duty while everyone , meaning you were stuck in your world while your friends fought their way through the Upside Down. Luckily, the cops bought your story that you were just with the kids to keep them safe, and that you had no idea what they were up to; it helped that they truly believed you were related to Hopper, and felt sympathy for you because of that.
Eddie fell out of the Upside Down, only for Nancy to immediately begin planning for everyone to go back in. You were nervous about it, worried that Vecna would sense you when he so far seemed unaware of your existence. But Nancy had also told you about this man being 001, being an orderly from the Lab, and you were smart enough to put two and two together. He’d failed with you, and so he tried again with El. It was partly because of you that he was here, and so you had to do your bit to stop him.
You were put on the decoy team, acting as an extra fighter in the event that the bats manage to break through the boarded up windows and doors. Looking back, much later on after everything was done, you’d know that even back then you were aware something would go wrong. You just didn’t know how wrong.
The bats came, and they got into the trailer, and you sent Dustin scrambling up the bed sheet rope back to the real world. You followed close behind him, falling to the mattress and turning back to look up at Eddie. “Come on!” you yelled, holding out your hand. “Eddie, hurry!”
For what seemed like the longest moment of your life, Eddie stared at the door where the bats were threatening to break through. Then he looked back up at you, sorrow and resolve painted clearly on his face, and even before he cut the sheets, you knew.
He ran out the door, leaving you and Dustin behind as you screamed his name. Abandoning the careful, strategic way of thinking that you had used all your life, you made a decision right there to break both your father’s rules in one fell swoop.
You turned to Dustin. “Stay here. I’ll go after him, but please stay here. I can’t be worrying about both of you.”
He frowned. “How are you going to go after him? We can’t get up there, he cut the sheets!”
“Promise me you’ll stay here!” you snapped, refusing to acknowledge his question. He’d find out the answer soon enough.
Without waiting to hear anything else Dustin had to say, you turned back to the portal. You thrust your hands down by your sides, and then tapped into the powers that had lain mostly dormant for so long. With a firm grasp on your control, you pushed and suddenly you were in the air, floating up through the portal.
You flipped yourself once you came out the other side, falling onto your feet easily. Not bothering to look back at Dustin, who was spluttering and stammering in shock, you took off out of the trailer.
Halfway across the trailer park, Eddie was standing in the middle of a swarm of bats. His shield and spear were raised, but it was clear that any fight he could put up would be pointless, in the end. You ran towards him as fast as you could, not sure what you would do when you reached him, but knowing that you had to.
You were almost there when a bat swooped down, tail wrapping around his neck, and Eddie dropped his weapons as he fell to the ground, wrestling with the tail choking him. More bats held down his arms and legs, and then you saw one dive for his chest.
“No!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, flinging your hands out. Instantly, all of the bats were blasted back, wailing as they were propelled through the air before disintegrating, except for the ones holding him down. Those your power tore to shreds where they were, until all that was left was dust and a red line on Eddie’s throat. The whole thing was over in a flash, occurring so quickly that within a few seconds the only remaining evidence of what had happened was the trickle of blood falling from your nose. You wiped it away with your sleeve, the gesture almost absentminded as all your attention focused on the man in front of you.
Eddie sat up, eyes wide, and turned to look at you. “Babe?”
A sob escaped your throat and you ran forward, closing the remaining distance between the two of you, falling to your knees beside him. “Jesus fucking Christ,” you said as you pulled him into your arms. “What the hell were you thinking? Idiot!”
He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. “You… Did you do that? Was that you?”
You nodded, head buried in his shoulder. “You were going to die. I couldn’t just not do anything.”
“So you… used superpowers? Have you always had those?”
With a sigh, you pulled away from him, although you didn’t go too far. “I have,” you admitted. “Remember what Steve and Dustin said about Hawkins Lab? I broke out of there when I was a kid.”
“Why didn’t you tell any of us that you had superpowers?” A scowl started to creep over his face. “Did everyone else know and you just didn’t tell me?”
“Only El knows,” you admitted. “Hopper has been taking care of me since I was eleven, and he always told me not to tell anyone. So I didn’t. I didn’t plan to tell anyone ever. It’s… His rules are all I have left of him.”
Eddie heard the pain in your voice and his eyes softened. Gently, he reached out to cup your cheek. “But you saved me.”
Your answering smile felt fragile and brittle on your face. “I couldn’t let you die.”
He didn’t give you any warning before suddenly you were pulled into a searing kiss. There was a hand on your waist, and another snaking from your face to tangle in your hair, and you kissed him back with just as much fire. Your arms locked around his neck as you pressed into him, into his touch and his warmth. In all your wildest dreams you’d never thought that he would like you back, but it was clear from the way he kissed you that he returned your feelings with equal fervor.
It was messy and wet, but both of you were too overwhelmed by the fact that you were both alive and together to care. Others might not have classified it as a good kiss, but as far as you were concerned there could never be a better one.
When the two of you broke apart, you kept your eyes closed and rested your forehead against his. “Hi,” you whispered.
He giggled, and it was the prettiest sound you had ever heard. “Hi.”
The world you were in was still wrong, and your friends were probably still in danger. Dustin was stuck alone on the other side of the portal, probably wondering where you were and if you were okay. You had no idea where your sister was, and your father was dead. But despite all of that, despite the otherworldly ash that fell from the sky, landing gently on your shoulders, you didn’t think that any moment of your life had ever been more perfect.
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
i’m omnivorous, mostly out of obligation because i’ve had anorexia nervosa which has scarred my digestive system out of sporadic deprivation. if i never had it, i would have gone vegetarian, no question about it.
i’m a fucking artist and writer with extensive background in earth science, nuclear science, and mechanics. my dad’s dad (my grandpa) had two doctorates, one in nuclear science and the other in mathematics—he and i were really close when i was a kid so naturally i picked all that shit up. in terms of math, though, i got as far as vector calculus and i tanked it.
i was an engineering student before i became an artist. hated it hated it hated it, such that it quite literally almost killed me. (it was a combination of being hastily whisked away to school so soon after my parents split, almost dying in a fire, being almost homeless and surrounded by resentful family who would’ve let me starve to death if they had their way, my high school doing fuck all to prepare me, just not being respected, and gen ed classes constantly getting in the way).
i’m a chick who can weld. and solder. and play with wood—as in timber.
i built a formula car from the ground up.
i got on tv when i was 9–my dad and i built a trebuchet for the science fair one year but we didn’t win because we couldn’t showcase what it actually did. the night of, we did, though, and we lit up the whole gym. after… 15 or so minutes, this young woman and a boy with a tv camera came over to me for an interview for a children’s science show on pbs kids (back when they had that).
i’m a singer: got my start singing to myself out in the yard, and then i took choir when i was in elementary school. i started again when i was a teenager and i was in drama club but i was singing to more rock n roll and metal than show tunes, though, because i’m a contralto (not a lot of those in theatre—everyone is either a soprano or a mezzo) and i literally hate my voice, like… who would want to hear me singing? i feel like i can’t carry a tune and i’m not cut out to be on stage. anyway, my biggest influences for singing are chris cornell, billie joe armstrong, trent reznor, eddie vedder, and amy winehouse.
i was born during the waco crisis—i remember that, the oklahoma city bombing, and columbine like how anyone born from 1997 - 2000 remembers 9/11.
i wrote my first short story when i was 6 years old, my first novella when i was 13, my first comic at 14, my first novel at 23, my first novel trilogy (with illustrations) at 26, my first full-length comic at 27, and a million word work at 28.
been reading since i was a toddler.
i can speak nine languages (english, french, german, italian, spanish, latin, danish, russian, and some japanese—i’m teaching myself portuguese right now).
i started making my stupid, butchered-manga, who-would-want-these-in-their-house cartoons when i was 13 while i was bored in class during finals week, the wednesday before christmas break.
i’m into fashion but i’m also a minimalist: jeans and a t-shirt is sometimes all you need.
i’m the first woman in my family to have a background in stem, and the first person to have that plus a background in art as well as having written a book (my grandpa came close to this: i don’t think he’s written a book, at least not from what i remember).
i’m a hockey player, and a baseball player. never broke a bone in my life, though.
i’ve fired a gun—even a shotgun.
i don’t drive, though. at least not legally. i can drive, and probably could in a pinch, but i would run the risk of getting pulled over.
i like watching formula one, cycling, baseball, football, tennis, and swimming.
i’m 41% french and belgian, 32% scottish (you would never guess it, though: i grew up thinking i was native american), 16% irish, 10% scandinavian, 2% portuguese, and 1% baltic.
i’m a blood donor—became a member of the gallon club before i turned 21.
i met and partied with tool when i was 5 years old. i met tony stewart when i was 6. i was mutuals with chris cornell the last three years of his life—he followed me on my now-defunct twitter account before my 22nd birthday. joey belladonna talked about me a couple of days before my 27th birthday. alex skolnick told me he loved me a couple of weeks before my 28th birthday (and the week before my stepdad passed; the night before is when i called alex handsome and it made him blush—for valentines day last year, i made him the cartoon that started it all wouldn’t you know). the trouble twins- i, i mean, eric peterson and steve di giorgio shared art from me this past winter when this whole house literally felt like a freezer.
i don’t have a “real” job, and, on one hand, i do not get the fascination with it—especially since i associate said fascination with apathy of the worst kind—but i also do because you aren’t seen as some freaky, freeloading, panhandling, incompetent dolt, a bump on a log, and a complete waste of space, and you’re taken 1000x more seriously when you do have one.
someone please explain to me what “being proud of your differences” means because i don’t. i’ve never had a popular fic (or popular anything). i’ve never had a “tribe” (pretty sure that’s just a bullshit myth). i’ve entered my art in contests and have gotten more rubbernecking and wide-eyed “are you sure you wanna do this???!!” from assholes in the art world than actually winning or even being acknowledged. i’ve talked about my hopes and dreams, things i want to do, only to have someone chime in with “well, honey, you need money first” or talking me out of it in some way. i’m just really uncomfortable thinking about all of this, too, like why do i have to gravitate towards all of this. and i don’t feel special or interesting for any of it, either, like it’s all just… things that have happened to me. nothing to write home about, like i don’t understand how being unique is a good thing in my eye. i genuinely want someone to explain to me what “being proud of your differences” means because i just find it completely baffling.  i’m supposed to be proud and confident? how?
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Hidden~ Eddie Diaz x Nash! Reader
A/N: Not edited because I'm in school, but I will edit later. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I plan to go by episode when I get to season 3 plots.
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Flashback to 2003
Narrator's POV
'The fifth game. This was the fifth game he has missed this year. He wasn't even there to comfort me in the ambulance.'  Y/N sat angrily on the hospital bed, with a cast on her foot. She was so mad at her father. For the second year in a row, Her father has missed all her activities.
She knows why he isn't there, but she thought that when her father told her that he was getting married and having another child, he would at least make time for her. Now, she is in the hospital with only her mother by her side.
The doctor walks into the room with a smile. "Well young lady, you are free to go. Your mother can sign you out at the front desk, and then you may go," The doctor said.
As I'm getting ready to go, Bobby runs in. "I'm so sorry. Marcy had a doctor's appointment, and I lost track of time," he says.
Y/N hops away, using her crutch, and rolls her eyes. "Y/N,"  Bobby calls out defeated. "She scored the winning goal before breaking her leg. When she saw your team come to her rescue, she thought that maybe, just maybe, her father would still see all her hard work. It seems like you care about your new family more, but get this through your head, Robert. She... Is... Your family," Y/M/N says with an angry tone.
Bobby stood in the hospital room looking at the bed where his daughter laid, injured. He knew he messed up. He knew he was losing his daughter. She is almost a teenager. He had to make it up to her.
Bobby's POV
I know the best way to make it up to Y/N. Ever since she was little, she loved riding with me and the crew as we saved people's lives. I told Marcy that even though I had to work I was also going to spend time with my daughter. She was okay with that.
Y/N's Pov
When my dad picked me up, I didn't know what to expect. I was still injured and mad, so what could we possibly be doing. I got into the car when I noticed his work bag.
My face lit up when I figured out what was happening. "Am I going to work with you," I questioned my father? "Yeah, and I have a surprise for you," my dad said while watching the road. He tried to hide his smile but I knew it was there.
When we got to the Firestation, everyone greeted me. I saw some old faces and some new ones. We walked to the changing room. When we entered, my dad opened his bag and handed me some clothes. "You got me one of your uniforms," I said while jumping up and down. He nodded his head and we headed out.
The ride was so cool. Even though I still had my cast on, the fire crew let me put out a small fire with the hose. It was so cool. We then had to help out a gruesome fight. The gory calls were always the best. We ended the day with the team going out for burgers and milkshakes.
I had so much fun with my dad. The next day, I went to school still wearing my dad's fire department shirt he gave me.
Present Day
Narrator's POV
When Bobby saw the woman he once called his baby girl, he knew he had to see her. He sat in the hospital lobby along with Eddie remembering the conversation he had with Athena.
2 hours ago
Bobby's POV
"What's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost," Athena asks with a chuckle. I keep a very serious look and say, "I did. That was my daughter." Athena looks at me with a serious/confused face and asks, "What?!"
"When I was young, I was also reckless," I said with a sigh. "So is every man in the world, but go on," Athena said jokingly.
I gave Athena the summary of my life before LA, "Y/N was a drunken mistake, but I still loved her. When I got with Marcy, I didn't hang out with her as much. Then I had the kids. When the fire happened, I knew I couldn't be around Y/N, so I did what I thought any father would do to protect their child. I ran. Now she's here in LA, with a son, and teaching Eddie's kid."
"Well, it seems like Y/N being back is a sign. Maybe you could get a second chance with her. You are great with May and Harry, why can't you use what you learned to better your relationship with your daughter?"
Narrator's POV
Y/N woke as the Nurse was checking her vitals. Y/N groaned and said, "What happened, and where is my son?" The nurse jumped and said, "Oh, Miss Nash you're awake. Well, you were in a car accident. Your son is fine. He is in the children's ward with minor injuries."
Y/N let out a breath, with the knowledge that her son was fine. "You have some visitors. I'm gonna let them in now."
'Visitors? What visitors? I just moved here. Did my mom find out somehow?' Y/n's thoughts took a pause as her door opened. It was two firefighters. One I knew for a fact was Eddie, and the other was someone who looked familiar, but I had no clue who they were.
"Eddie? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked smiling. He tried to give me a hug without hurting me. "Well, Chris has school on Monday, so I had to check on his new favorite teacher," he joked. Y/N laughed and smiled. Bobby watched his daughter with his co-worker. Y/N looked toward the familiar stranger.
"Hi, I'm Bobby Nash. I'm the LAFD's 118 fire captain." When Y/N heard the name, she instantly remembered the name. "Dad?" she said with tears in her eyes. Bobby wiped the tears from his eyes and walked over to his daughter. Eddie moved out of the way so that his fire captain could reunite with his daughter.
"Yeah baby, it's me." Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. Eddie decided to let the family talk and went to have a nurse bring Y/N's son to her room. "You left me," Y/N said now fully crying. "Let me explain. I was having a hard time at work, and it set me off. I did some things that I regret to this very day. I couldn't protect some of my family, but I knew I could protect you from the darkness inside of me. I didn't know what the best thing to do was, so I ran. I am so sorry," Bobby explained wholeheartedly.
Y/N instantly went in for a hug. She still had tears in her eyes, but she was happy. Still sad, but happy she gets another chance with her father. "I saw you today. You may not have been there to save me when I broke my, but you were there to save me today." Bobby smiled when a little boy walked into the room with Eddie.
The boy ran in. "Mommy," the boy yelled to the top of his lungs. Eddie helped him onto the bed. "Hi, baby. Zach, this is Bobby and Eddie. Eddie is Chris' dad an-" Y/N was cut off by her son, "The Eddie you said looked hot." "Shhh," Y/N said with a finger to lips. Eddie and Bobby watched the two and chuckled.
Y/N explained to Zachary that Bobby was his grandfather, and Zach was so happy. The 4-year-old almost ran Bobby down with the hug he gave. Y/N and Bobby were so happy to have their family back.
Eddie's Pov
After the visit to the hospital, I think it is safe to say that I like Y/N. The hard part was telling Shannon. She is Christopher's mother. I walked into the house to see Shannon and Chris making pizza.
"Daddy!" "Hey buddy," I say picking him up, "How was school?" "School was awesome. Y/N taught me math using M&M's, and then we got to eat them. During recess, Y/N and her son Zach played with me." The way Chris talked about Y/N made me like her even more. "When mommy picked me up we went to the store for ice cream and pizza. She said we're gonna watch a movie," Christopher said with a huge grin. Just when I think I want something, I remember that sometimes what I want isn't all about me.
The food finished cooking, and we sat down as a family and ate. We watched 'A Bug's Life' before Shannon left. I went to put Christopher to bed, but before he went to bed I wanted to have a talk. "Buddy, if I wasn't with mommy, but you could still hang out with her, you would be fine with that right." He looked at me and said, "We just got her back. Do you not love her anymore."
"No, I will forever love your mommy, but she's been gone for so long that I think it is time for me to move on." "Are you talking about with Miss.Nash, because I saw the way you looked at her, and it was the same way I look at my dessert," I laughed at his joke.
"I like Miss. Nash and I love mommy. I don't want to lose them." What he said gave me a lot to think about. "Ok, bud. Go to sleep," I said standing by the door. I turned off the light and headed to my room. I got ready for bed and slept on my thoughts.
Taglist: @notanordinaryprincess95 @jjpogueprincess @wiypt-writes
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