#Diego imagine
lizzielikeborden · 2 years
pretty please
i have an itchy to write a whole bunch
i promise i will do them all
i've also got some eddie coming out but am waiting until the day it all comes out to mass post
so in the mean time SEND IN REQUESTS
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itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
Five: If there is one thing I'm thankful for it's-
Diego: Your family?
Klaus: Bloodshed?
Luther: Alcohol?
Victor: Coffee?
Y/N: Guys...can we please exchange our vows without interruptions?
Ben *hands Five a gun* arent you glad I'm your best man?
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meazalykov · 7 days
the younger morgan
alex morgan x morgan!USWNT!reader
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six
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Growing up in the Morgan household, I was always known as my own individual person. Y/n Morgan. I am described by my peers as someone who’s kind, sensitive, and humble. However, to some of the public and people who barely know of me, I am known as  "Alex Morgan's little sister." 
It wasn't a title I despised while growing up. Being born 14 years after her, I was adopted by the Morgans at birth. My sister and parents have been my family for my entire life, even if we aren’t blood. They’ve surrounded me in a blanket of love while supporting my athletic, famous sister at the same time.
Alex won her first World Cup in 2015 when I was eleven. I remember sitting in the stadium, the air electric with cheers and chants, watching her lift that trophy high. Having my sister as my idol while growing up was a blessing that most girls would dream of.
The pride I felt was immense, but it was always mixed with a yearning.
I played as a striker while growing up, just like Alex. My feet scored goals in every match i’ve had minutes in. By the time I was old enough to transition into taking soccer seriously, it was clear I had inherited the Morgan soccer genes, even if I wasn’t blood-related. 
With the best coaches in the country guiding me, I quickly became one of the best U21 strikers in the world, just like Alex. Success in high school championships, the USYNT national team (before my senior team call up in November 2022), and in my first year of college landed me a spot on the San Diego Wave alongside my sister. I forfeited my college eligibility so I can jump into taking soccer seriously, which I did.
Yet, I hide the fact that the inevitable comparisons to Alex bothered me. Anytime I made a mistake, I had people on social media saying that “Alex at your age would’ve never made that mistake!” and more that were way harsher and mean. I felt a hollowness inside me because I had to accept that San Diego wasn’t the club for me. Something I didn’t realize until half-way into the season.
This wasn't about the love or support I received from my family or the fans. It was about forging my path, I wanted to be my own person away from Alex. I love her so much, but I wanted people to see me for who I really am. I needed a moment which would give me the reassurance that my career was truly mine.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling training session, I collapsed onto my soft beige colored couch for a nap. I knew I had plans with Jaedyn, Naomi, and Maria later— but I knew I could fit in a good three hour nap before I had to get ready for the night. However the ring of my phone jolted me awake after an hour into my nap. My eyebrows knitted at the sight of my agent's name, Maggie, flashing on the screen.
Usually, Maggie never calls unless we are discussing deals or contract negotiations. However, I asked her two weeks ago if she could contact SD Wave about putting me on the transfer market. Maggie said that wasn’t needed since there was something else that would excite me– but she didn’t explain what. 
"Y/n, I have some exciting news!!!" Maggie began without giving me the chance to say hi, her voice brimming with enthusiasm as I clicked on the speaker option. I rubbed my tired eyes trying to pay attention to what she’s gonna say.
“What happened?” I ask, sitting up from my laid down position and sitting criss-crossed on my couch.
"You know how you asked about a possible transfer? Well I already had a few offers coming in for you before you asked—'' Maggie started as I heard a few clicks on her side of the call, I’m assuming she's clicking stuff on her computer while on the phone with me. 
“So– *click*--- *click* — okay! There are a lot of NWSL clubs that have put in an offer for you. Houston, Gotham, Orlando, Kansas, and Washington have sent in their offers— but I understand that you wanted to go to Europe, is that correct?” Maggie says as I bite the skin around my nail beds. Growing up, I’ve always admired European clubs and the different cultures  Europe has. Playing in Europe would expose me to a better challenge that I’ve wanted in my career. A good chance to (hopefully) play in the Champion’s League too, another thing my sister won in 2017.
“Yes, that is correct.” I say, trying to sound as normal as possible. I am nervous, knowing that this call could change my life. 
“Okay- well that's amazing because several European clubs are interested in you. You have many clubs to choose from— Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham, Real Madrid, Madrid CFF, PSG, Wolfsburg— those clubs in particular all offered you a contract. Barcelona showed interest too but you’re not a free agent and due to their financial struggles, they cannot sign you unless you were free. However—- Bayern Munich in Germany offered you a very great deal– a four year contract with add ons—the salary they’re offering along with the add-ons is way better than all of the others. I feel like you would love this club." Maggie commented. Outside of work, Maggie and I had a somewhat good relationship for people who try to remain professional. Maggie had a good intuition and can read people, which means that she knows how I work and how my personality is in detail. 
Hearing about the clubs– my heart pounded in my chest at Bayern Munich. The name alone sent a feeling inside of my body that I couldn’t explain. I placed my hands on my forehead as I felt overwhelmed from the amount of clubs I could choose from. However, my curiosity and intuition wanted to look more into the Bayern Munich offer. 
“Maggie— I can’t lie—Bayern Munich is sticking to me right now.” I say, dragging out my last words as my voice breaks into a yawn. Training was intense today. 
“Okay! Okay! Here’s what we can do— I can come over now and drop off the documents to you— you can look over them and we can have an in-person meeting on your day off from training next Thursday at lunch, deal?” Maggie said. I can sense her smile through the phone call as I felt relieved from having to make such a quick decision. It's Friday so I have six days to make a final decision. 
"Deal," I said, barely able to handle the fact that my nervousness turned into small excitement. I couldn’t tell anybody about this but that was okay with me.
Thursday came and I chose to move to Munich in June. I can spend the season, before the olympics, with San Diego then i’ll move to play for Bayern on the four-year contract afterwards. I couldn’t tell anybody the news until I got the green-light to do so from Maggie. 
Keeping this news from Alex and my friends was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Alex was not just my sister but also my mentor and my rock. But I knew I had to wait until everything was finalized before telling her. She should understand that part. Meanwhile, rumors swirled online, speculating about my potential move to Europe in the month afterwards.
One evening as I played with Charlie, in Alex's living room, I could feel the weight of my secret growing heavier. I look at my niece with a light smile as she colored in a fairytale themed coloring book I got her last christmas. I am going to miss seeing her every-week when I move to Germany.
Eventually, Alex finished what she had to do in her kitchen and picked up Charlie. The little girl complained before her mother explained that it was late and it was time for bed. Its 8:30 which wasn’t late in my eyes but Charlie is a child so— 
After Alex put Charlie to bed, and after I cleaned up after Charlies crayon mess, she joined me in the living room and sat beside me on the couch, her expression serious.
"Y/n— we have to talk.” Alex said. My nerves were on fire hearing Alex say that. I knew she was going to mention Bayern— I can’t hide it anymore. The rumors on social media are increasing and everyone knows my move to Munich is inevitable, even if I haven’t addressed it yet. 
“I know.” I respond, my right leg is crossed over my left one as I cross my arms together.
“Are the rumors online true? You know I don’t like to search the media for answers, but the rumors are increasing and everyone is positive that they’re correct on their suspicions— Are you leaving here to play for Bayern?" Alex asked, her eyes searching mine for answers.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I couldn’t lie to her "Yes, Alex, they're true. I'm going to play Bayern Munich in June."
After saying this, I thought Alex would be happy for me right away. 
However, her concern was palpable. "But why, Y/n? Why are you moving so far away? We have everything here."
"That's why, Alex," I replied, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I need to do this for myself. I want a new challenge and seeking something new has been my goal for since the off-season. I need to know if I can make it—-- without always being compared to you." I struggled to say the last part.
The argument that followed was heated but subdued, mindful of Charlie sleeping nearby. Alex didn't understand my need to step away, to find my own path. 
“Everyone knows you’re a great player, you have a higher record than me this season!! You don’t need to leave the country.” Alex argued. 
“Well you played for Lyon and Spurs at one point, which is outside of America—- the NWSL isn’t the only league in the world and I need to grow. If your concern is about safety, I promise i’ll be able to take care of myself. I need this Alex— You know I am a responsible person!” I stood up from the couch. Alex followed and looked at me with concern.
“You are– I’m not saying you’re not responsible– but you’re going to leave everything behind!” 
“No I am not? I will always come back during International breaks!” I argue. 
“Okay– but you shouldn’t “need” to move to Germany. You’re going to leave your friends behind too Y/n!” Alex continued to argue. My blood boiled at her words. 
"You know, Why can’t you just be supportive!!?? I can’t do this anymore–” I say as I ran to put on my shoes by the door, grabbing my tote bag with all of my items inside. 
“I'm glad I'm moving away Alex. Maybe they'll respect me as a good player and my own person– and not just Alex Morgan's sister!" I stormed out of her apartment, the rift between us widening.
We didn't speak after that night. Even at training with the San Diego Wave, we maintained a professional distance, our conversations limited to the bare necessities or anything related to Charlie. The silence was deafening, but I was resolute. This was my decision to play for Bayern, she needs to respect it.
When the SheBelieves Cup came around, Alex and I both made the roster, as usual. This was my last international break as a San Diego player. Since i’ll be living in Germany by the time the Korea friendlies happen in June. 
On the national team, I found solace in my closest friends Jaedyn, Sophia, Trinity, and Mallory. Jaedyn plays at San Diego with me so she has a better understanding about the situation. I told her that I am moving to Munich and we had a bittersweet moment, at least she was supportive of my decision. All of the other girls sensed something was wrong but respected my need for space, assuming that they shouldn’t come in-between family business. Especially if one of their captains is involved. 
On the pitch against Japan for the first she-believes game, my performance was excellent on the pitch. In my mind, I knew I wanted to do good so Bayern fans would be excited about my transfer to their club. 
After scoring twice against Japan, we were now in a penalty shootout with Canada. This is the second-time we’ve gon into penalties this year together. Once in the gold-cup a few months back. 
Emily Fox made the penalty against the Canadian goalkeeper, and the next Canadian kicker’s shot was blocked by Alyssa (Secretary of Defense). Everyone looked in my direction as the ball was passed into my hands. If I make this shot, I win the shebelieves cup for the United States.
My hearts pounded like a drum in my cheat as I looked ahead at Kailen, my San Diego teammate and friend who plays for Canada. She knows how I kick, and I know how she blocks shots coming her way. 
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside of me. I had practiced penalty shots countless times throughout my time in soccer, but this was different. This was the final. This was for the win.
The referee blew the whistle, signaling it was time for me to shoot. My body stepped forward, and my mind was clear. As I closed in on the ball, I locked eyes with Kailen, who was poised and ready, her eyes fierce with determination.
My foot struck the ball cleanly, sending it soaring through the air. Time seemed to slow as the ball arced towards the goal, the world holding its breath. Kailen dove to her right, stretching out in a desperate bid to stop the shot.
But it was too late. The ball sailed past her outstretched fingers and hit the back of the net with a satisfying thud. The crowd erupted in a roar of triumph, the sound crashing over me like a wave. I scored the winning goal!
Before getting a chance to process what had happened, my teammates rushed towards me. All of their faces showed joy and relief. They enveloped me in a jubilant embrace, lifting me off her feet as we celebrated the victory together. I looked around, taking in the ecstatic faces of my friends, the adoring fans, and the sparkling lights of the stadium. I looked to my right and saw my sister’s bright smile looking towards me, this made my heart warm up a little bit. 
After everyone broke away from me, before the trophy celebration and the part where I’ll be rewarded as SheBelieves MVP, Alex approached me. Her expression was softer than the last time i’ve talked to her at her apartment. Her eyes reflected a mix of hope, sadness and understanding.
"Y/n, can we talk?"
I nodded, and we found a quiet spot away from the rest of the team on the pitch.
"I'm sorry," she began. "I was selfish. I was thinking about how much Charlie and I would miss you, not about what you need."
Her words broke the dam of emotions I'd been holding back. "I know. But Alex— I just want to be seen for who I am, Alex. Not just as your little sister."
She pulled me into a hug, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of peace. "You will be, Y/n. You'll be amazing, and I am so proud of you and that gorgeous penalty kick." Alex squeezed me and I laughed at her gesture. 
“Thank you, Thank you! I have the best sister who showed me what good penalty kicks are.” I smile. 
As the middle of June approached, after the Korea friendlies, I prepared for my move to Germany with a mix of excitement and nerves. Alex and I grew closer again, our bond strengthened by the fact that this new routine will give us a chance to miss eachother. 
The day I boarded the plane to Munich, with three suitcases and one carry on bag with everything I need for my apartment I found while spending a week in Munich last month—  Alex was there, cheering me on. 
“I’ll miss you sweetheart.” Alex hugged me. I hugged her back before hugging my smaller niece who stood beside us. "I will miss you both the most." I respond.
Later as the plane took off, I looked out the window, my heart full of hope. This was my chance to prove myself to the world and to the fans that I am more than just my sister. 
part two here
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totaly-obsessed · 3 months
Alex Morgan Appreciation
woso appreciation masterlist | with @alotofpockets
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asteriismos · 2 years
cherry waves - ben hargreeves
PAIRING ◆ sparrow!ben hargreeves x umbrella!reader
WARNING(S) ◆ SMUT, rough sex, choking, DIRTY TALK, unedited, piv sex, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (fem receiving), byeLOL
SUMMARY ◆ you come to terms with the new ben.
WORDS ◆ 4.6k
NOTE ◆ … lolllllll!!!!!!! there's no ben smut out there so (insert thanos meme) fine, i'll do it myself.
The Ben that you had fallen in love with when you were younger has been dead for almost fifteen years . . . you had to keep telling yourself that. Getting over his death was one of the hardest things that you had ever done, because his loss was the first one that you had ever experienced at the ripe age of seventeen years old. You weren’t even an adult and yet, you were faced with the tragedy of your first love being killed and you had to face that realization every day for the rest of your life. You remembered the day like it was yesterday, and although it had been over a decade since it happened, there were some times where you would wake up in the middle of the night, sweat covering your entire body and gasping for air because of the nightmares you endured. You weren’t there to witness his death, but the tragedy was all the same. In your nightmares he was ripped away from you without a goodbye. 
You finally started to forget about the trauma when you were in Dallas, as there seemed to be no way to get back to the future and for the life that you had back in 2019. You even met some other people, though nothing came to fruition like your relationship with Ben did. With him it felt so natural to be in love and with everyone else you felt like you were going through the motions. Instead you grew your relationships with your friends and that managed to take your mind off of him. 
And you thought that this mess was done once you made it back to 2019. Everything seemed fine until you and The Umbrella Academy came face to face with Reginald, who was explaining that your home wasn’t your home anymore . . . or it never was. You were confused as hell on what had happened due to time travel. Noises were heard from the top of the balcony and you and your family turned around, revealing a whole set of other people just like you and some weird floating cube. 
And just as you thought things couldn’t get any more weird, you heard footsteps to your left and saw none other than Ben Hargreeves, more alive than you could remember him being. 
Dad, who the hell are these assholes?
That voice was still ringing in your head as clear as day, because to be honest, you couldn’t remember much from the encounter. You took one look at your deceased past lover who was no longer dead and started to shake, the familiar feeling of being hopeless came back to you and you passed out. Five would later tell you that he caught you and was able to get you out of the house before people started to fight, and it wasn’t until five hours later that you woke up. In this timeline, he’s still alive, Y/N, He would say to you when you finally came to, in some hotel room that your family booked. He’s not the same Ben that you fell in love with. He’s different.
And for a few hours you believed that, you tried to join your family in getting on with their lives and planning for their future, but you couldn’t get your mind off of Ben. Because in a way, he was the same person that you fell in love with. Your curiosity got the best of you and like always, led you to do some questionable things – because why would life ever be simple for you?
Your curiosity led you to the doorstep of The Sparrow Academy, knocking on the door and waiting for someone to answer it, not entirely sure that what you were doing is what you should actually be doing. You heard that there was a fight here and although you didn’t get too much information from your siblings, you were sure that there was still bad blood between the two families. The person to answer the door was a brunette woman, who stood a little bit taller than you and gave you a soft smile, turning to look behind and closed the door behind herself, coming out onto the sidewalk with you. She looked a little nervous that you were here, but didn’t look like she had any ill will against you. 
“You’re the one that passed out. I’m Sloane.” 
Great. You’re glad that was the reputation they all had of you. How embarrassing. 
“I don’t normally do that,” You said. “There’s just someone here that reminds me of someone I used to know.”
Sloane looked confused for a second, her features scrunching up in thought before they softened, as if she realized who you were talking about. “Ben said something about your family giving him weird looks. And you passed out right after you saw him . . . How do you know him?” 
“Ben was . . . Well, Ben was in our timeline too. I knew him from then but he died almost fifteen years ago. It was . . .” You trailed off, not knowing the right words to use. You were notorious for never talking about it, which was not good for your healing as you’ve heard, but it was always too painful to think about. “It was traumatic for all of us.” 
“You loved him.” 
Was it that easy to see? Maybe what gave it away was your pained expression at the mere thought of his death, or that you could barely say his name above a whisper. The more you stood in front of her the more you wanted to run away, thinking that this was a bad decision and that you should’ve listened to your family and stayed the hell away from here. But you couldn’t just leave now, and soon enough Sloane was inviting you in and telling you which door led to Ben’s room, and soon enough you were knocking on the door. 
You heard a groan, and a small come in and for a moment you hesitated, thinking that you would be saddened by the fact that the new Ben wasn’t the same one. But you just needed to see him, even if it was just for a moment. You opened the door and closed it, coming face to face with someone who looked the same as your lover, smelled the same as your lover, and even stood the same as him too, but it wasn’t him. It was someone else. 
“Did you come in to discuss something about your family, or are you just trying to get your hands on one of us since you didn’t get a piece of the action earlier?” Ben asked, his tone condescending and nothing like how you remembered it being. “As I recall, your little twitchy brother zapped you out of the house before things got exciting.” You shook your head, taking a step back as he took a step forward. You were silent, still eyes wide at the sight of him. The only thing that was different about his appearance was the visible scar on his face and the slightly tight fitting shirts that Ben never wore before. 
You opened your mouth to say, “I just wanted to see if it was really you.” 
“What do you mean, really me?” He asked. 
“It’s a long story. But the Ben that I knew died so long ago, and I loved him so much. Seeing you down there earlier today just brought all of it back. I never thought that I would see you again . . . But it’s not you. Or at least the one that I knew from my timeline,” You explained. 
“You were in love with me?” He asked. It was a strange concept to him. No one had ever loved him, not enough to pass out due to the thought of him, not enough to risk their life to come to his doorstep after their whole family had engaged in a fight that almost killed them. You were gorgeous enough as it is, and now you were telling him that you loved him. In some ways that made him feel a twinge of emotion towards you, and it made him extend his hand out forward. You flinched for a moment at his touch, but allowed it once you felt his fingertips on your arm. Closing your eyes, for a moment it felt like you were seventeen again and Ben was still here. 
And you opened your eyes and Ben was there, those eyes that you remembered. 
“Did he feel like this?” Ben asked you, his hand not leaving your arm. You nodded, reaching and grabbing the hand with your own. Just like how it used to be. Ben didn’t know why he was doing this, but it felt as if something in the universe was telling him to do it, like it was right somehow. Like you and him were meant to get together. It was all happening so fast. 
In a moment of either pure hope or total idiocy, you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him. It was a short kiss, similar to the ones you two had shared before in your past. Clumsy even, noses brushing against one another as you pulled away a tiny bit to get a look at him. His eyes met yours and he leaned in again, not testing the waters like you had. He knew what he wanted and you were shamelessly going to give it to him, no questions asked. Ben’s hands reached down to the small of your back, pulling you into him and not letting go.
The kiss was greedy, taking all that you could of one another, you still standing on your tippy toes and steering out of balance when your chest hit his own. He kept you up though, your legs turning into jelly when he released his lips from your own and indulged in the crook of your neck. It was hot and sloppy, swollen lips trailing from your neck to your jaw and down the other side, a row of saliva glistening on your skin. Your body shuddered, he made you feel weak in his hands and all you wanted to do was fall down but he didn’t let you. Instead his hands kept you firmly, head dipping down further along your collarbone and squatting down, placing them on the backs of your thighs, nudging.
Realizing what he wanted, you were quick to obey, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. Ben’s strong arms held you with no problems, hoisting you up so your head was now level with his own. You took the opportunity to press your lips against his own again, hands finding their place on his jawline, kissing with a passion you had never used before with anyone else. His hands pulled you down and he grinded against you, making you moan into his mouth, Ben’s tongue sliding past your parted lips and exploring your mouth.
He began to walk backwards, steadily so as to not trip. And the moment his calves hit the bed, he sat down, taking you with him so you were now straddling his thighs. You were becoming aware of the heat between you two, every shuddering breath that left his lips egged you on further, wanting to make him writhe and moan your name over and over again. The need for him was deeper than you had ever felt before, and you didn’t want to hold back anymore, you wouldn’t let yourself run away from this. It was like he had never left. 
There was a small knock on the door and it threw you off your groove, head snapping to the large door. Ben placed a hand on your side to steady you. “Who is it?” He asked, voice wavering a tiny bit at the interruption, hoping the person wouldn’t come in.
“Did you want to train tonight or tomorrow morning?” It was his sister Fei.
A sigh left Ben’s lips. “Tomorrow morning.” There was a muted reply that neither of you could hear, and another moment passed and you knew that she was gone.
“That was close-”
“Ben,” You breathed, not in the mood for small talk. You were still sitting on his thighs and you needed him more than ever now. “Stop talking.” A sly smile came across his lips and you wiped it away with a kiss, going back to the fast pace that had been set before. Your hands came and went under his shirt, feeling the taut skin of his abs and thanking God for his training and conditioning. He was considerably larger and muscular than when you had known him. The thought of him above you with a body like that? It made you falter in your movements.
Using the break in your concentration to his advantage, Ben started mouthing along your skin again, hands pulling up your shirt above your head. His eyes scanned your body, raising an eyebrow. “No bra?” He asked, making you shy away and look anywhere but at his face. You didn’t reply, but he seemed to not like that. His hand came and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You gave a small smile, “Well I didn’t know that this was happening and I wanted to be comfy.” He hummed, somewhat disappointed in your answer but not disappointed at how compliant you seemed to be with him. Ben went back to kissing your neck, teeth grazing along your soft skin, making you jump whenever he bit down on a particular spot.
You were beginning to grow impatient. Perhaps it was with the way that he was worshiping you, wanting to kiss every single inch of you and make you keel into his touch over and over again. Or maybe it was because no one had ever made you feel this way before. You had been with others before, men whose names you didn’t bother remembering, all men who resembled the one below you now. Men, with blue eyes that you pretended were his, strong arms that felt like the ones that Ben wrapped around you before you said goodbye to him for what you didn’t know would be the last time. They never made you satisfied, and you were left feeling more broken than put together after the deed was done, scrambling to leave in the middle of the night to avoid the awkward conversation that would follow in the morning. Ben, even though he was only kissing you, put those men to shame. You wondered if he was thinking the same, that no woman measured up to you.
He definitely was.
Ben’s hands found your breasts, squeezing them and kneading them together, fingers coming to pinch your nipples. Your back arched into him and you almost fell over on top of him, using your hands on his muscles to stop you. You reached and decided you wanted to please him, to show him how much you wanted him. You trailed your hands under his shirt and came to the band of his pants, pushing your fingers past it and making your way down. Before you could hit his obvious hard on, one of his own hands came and grasped your wrists, pulling your hand away. You looked up, thinking that you did something wrong. Tilting your head, you gave him a silent what?
“I’m not done with you yet,” Ben explained. In one movement he put his hands to your back and flipped you two over, him now on top of you. Your head hit the mattress with a small humph and wondered what he had in store for you.
You worked with him to shimmy your pants and panties off, throwing them to some side of the room. His hands splayed against your thighs and you watched with an open mouth to see what he was going to do. He gave you a look, a familiar one that reminded you that you were actually here with him, not someone who looked and acted like him. It was actually Ben. The one that you still loved, the one that you trusted more than anyone in the world.
You were also well aware of the slick that was beginning to coat your thighs, body betraying you and showing him how much you wanted him, how you ached for him. Ben seemed to like it though, bringing his flesh hand to your slit and scooping some of it up. When he brought his hand back up, you could see the way that it glistened on his skin, popping a finger into his mouth and humming sinfully at the taste. He did it again and again, humming every single time your arousal hit his tongue. You looked down with heated cheeks, feeling a little embarrassed that you were getting so worked up over something so small. “You taste …” He trailed off, bringing his tongue to your folds and swiping up from your hole to your clit. “Amazing.”
“It’s all for you,” You said, wiggling your hips and urging him to pleasure you again. Ben smirked, feeling a sense of pride wash over him at your words. He brought a finger to you and pushed it in, watching your mouth open into a wide ‘O’ at the feeling. He curled it up, making your muscles tighten around him. Ben built a steady pace and he came back up to your face, pressing a kiss to your cheek sweetly as if he couldn’t hear the lewd sounds that were being created when he added a second finger in.
“Did he make you feel like this,” He asked, towering over you. His thumb rubbed against your clit while his fingers fucked into you. “Were you ever under me like this?”
You moaned out at his words, thighs clenching around his hand to keep him there. You couldn’t respond, too busy thinking about the steady fire that was building in you. You reached to climb higher, hoping he would grant you some kind of release. He didn’t give it to you though. Instead, whenever you were getting to that tipping point, he would stop all of his movements altogether until you stopped shaking, then repeat the process over and over again.
It was making you go crazy, how he had the power to push you towards release but he just wouldn’t do it.
“Tell me, when you were with other guys to forget, did they make you feel this good?” Ben whispered into your ear, biting the skin below it. “Did they make you shake under their fingertips?”
So that’s what it was. Jealousy. Ben was jealous of all the men that had been with you before him. How someone else had heard your first moans, been inside you, made you cum before he ever had the chance to. He was determined to make sure that he was better than them, and make sure that you would never go to anyone else again.
“Answer me.”
You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn’t. As if to test you further, he pushed a third finger into you, making you moan out his name loud and roll your eyes to the back of your skull. His thumb kept rubbing languid circles on your clit. You thought if you stayed quiet you could sneak an orgasm, cut him off guard. But as if he heard your thoughts, his movements stalled and he put his other hand firmly on your hips so you couldn’t even move against his statue-like hand. His dark eyes bore into your own and you squeezed around his fingers. “No, they weren’t anything like you. You make me feel so good, Ben.” The praise fell from your lips with ease, lava pooling in your stomach as if threatening to burst at any moment. If only he would just rub a little bit more …
He pulled his hand away from you. Ben didn’t even respond to your statement and you wondered if you said something wrong, if he had enough. And he had enough all right, but not enough of you. He wanted to see you cum, just around his cock and not his fingers.
But you couldn’t hear what he was thinking, which made you whimper when he pulled himself away fully, standing at the edge of the bed. You opened your legs up to him, the farthest that you could go without hurting yourself and hoping that it would make him come back to you quickly. Your clit was aching from several denied orgasms, almost thinking about pulling your hand down to finish yourself off, though deciding against it when knowing Ben would never allow something like that. He liked seeing you writhing like this.
Ben’s hands shed all his clothing. He wasn’t exactly putting on a show for you but you marveled anyways, watching the way that his muscles flexed when his shirt came off and how you wanted to lick all around his abdominal region and make your way all down to his cock, which was pressed against his stomach and slightly glistening with precum. It was big, probably the biggest you’ve ever had and felt your insides clench just thinking about it sliding into you. Once he was satisfied with his clothing off, he came back down to the bed and kneeled between your spread legs.
“Ben,” You whispered. “Please.”
“Please what?” There was a hint of mischief in his eyes and it took all of your strength to not roll your eyes. “What do you want me to do to you?” Of course he wanted to hear you say it, to announce what he was inevitably going to do.
You couldn’t ignore the way you loved how controlling he was with you, how he ordered you to do some things. And as much as you hated that he didn’t let you cum, you also loved how he would make you cum when he wanted you to, not you.
He took his cock into his hands and rubbed the tip against your glistening folds, teasing you in the most sinful way possible.
“Please … Fuck me Ben. Make me cum, I can’t take it anymore.” You just wanted him inside of you so badly, you were going to scream if this went on for any longer. He was right there, denying you both the pleasure.
With a nod of his head, he pushed into you in one fluid motion. The feeling of him bottoming out inside of you made you grip onto his bicep, pulling him close so his warm chest was against your own again. He wasted no time moving, the sound of it deliciously sweet in your ears. Ben took your legs and pushed them upwards, your feet hanging off of his shoulders and pressing your thighs further up until they were almost hitting the mattress. The change in position had you crying out, feeling him hit deeper inside of you.
You could feel every single scrape of his cock against your walls, increasing that fire in your stomach until you were sure you were about to cum. His pace was unrelenting, moving quicker and quicker until you were sure he was using all his power. He kept at it with such loyalty and vigor, his motivation to make you feel the best you ever had fuelling him to a tenfold. He was such a devoted man to begin with, so you should’ve known that he would handle things the same way in bed.
You squeezed around him. “Please,” You whimpered.
“Go ahead.” Those two words were all you needed, allowing yourself to scream out as your orgasm ripped through you, built up again and again and now it was finally here and it was amazing. It rippled through you like shockwaves, and made you go limp under him, legs completely boneless. Ben didn’t let up as he rode through your orgasm, keeping the same pace with you. He was unforgiving, not giving you time to adjust and instantly making you feel the feeling of overstimulation. You were so sensitive to his cock ramming in and out of you that you could feel a second orgasm already building up.
The tip of him hit a particularly nice spot in you and you yelled, curling your toes and your hands came to tangle and grip in his hair. You almost stopped for a moment thinking that you were hurting him, but when you looked at his face, you saw only fucked out bliss, white incisors showing in a ravenous grin. His eyes opened and they were almost fully dark, making you shiver.
You opened your mouth to speak but was halted by two of his fingers shoving their way into your mouth. It was harsh, but in a good way, your insides burning up as your second orgasm washed over you, sucking on his two fingers as they made your moans muffled.
“You feel so good. You’re so fucking tight,” He mumbled, as though he was talking to himself. He was completely thrown into the pleasure that you were giving him, hot and warm and just perfect, like you were made for his cock to be rammed into over and over again. “Made for me, all for me.” He used your past words, them never losing their meaning no matter how many times he muttered under his breath.
Time seemed to slow and grow faster at the same time, the whole room disappearing as both of you focused on only each other. You weren’t sure how many times he had made you cum at this point, you took whatever he gave you and took it well. When you got enough strength to crane your neck down, you watched as your hole enveloped his cock, it coming back out slicked with the remnants of your past orgasms. Ben saw where your eyesight was and a sense of pride washed over him again. “Do you like watching that? Seeing how well you take me?” He asked, egging you on. His hand went to grab your own and placed it on your lower abdomen, and you could feel the skin slightly raising up every time he went into you. You could see it too, sliding in and out.
Though, even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, his movements were beginning to falter. He was becoming more sloppy with his hips and you knew he was about to cum. So, to give him what he had worked for, you wiggled your hips up, matching his hips. Your oversensitive clit rubbed against the base of his cock and you were clenching around him, and as if on cue, you were cumming again, feeling weak under him. Ben wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up, his cock splitting you open until he was spilling inside of you.
The moans that left his mouth were probably the hottest things you had ever felt in your life. You could feel his cum dripping down his cock, coating your thighs and dripping onto the soiled sheets. He put you down on the bed and followed you, eyes watching your own and kissing your sweaty forehead. He finally stopped moving and stilled inside, not wanting to leave you and go back to the way things had been before. He didn’t want to leave this moment and neither did you.
Because both of you knew when you were both cleaned up, you would have to come to terms with what was happening. 
So you stayed there with him, letting his cock stay inside of you and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, words of praise were exchanged. How good he had been, how good you made him feel … Anything that both of you could think of to keep the moment from ending. 
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Allison: We should have left you in the basement
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5K notes · View notes
faeirtopia · 6 months
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ʚɞ ; dating shohei ohtani!
pairing! boyfriend!shohei x fem!reader.
warnings! brief mentions of sex.
world’s best boyfriend mr. ohtani himself.
he’s warm and loves holding you tightly.
loves flicking your forehead in a loving way.
kisses the back of your hand and gets flustered.
wants you to wear his shirt with nothing underneath because that’s his weakness.
grabs your waist and brings you closer to him.
morning breakfast? not with shohei. his strong grip is so tight you won’t be able to escape.
plays with your hair and tells you how much he loves it or how good it smells.
lunch dates at the park with decoy.
likes when you sit on his lap.
baseball in the backyard!!! literally begs you to play with him.
“I missed you.” “I love you so much.” “hi baby.”
whines when you tease him and won’t return his kisses.
makes ‘grabby hands’ at you when he wants cuddles.
base hits? homeruns? all for you it’s so cute.
like when you rub his elbow and kiss it.
omelette time!!! shows you how good he is at making them.
he stares at you every time you take a bite.
just wants you to enjoy the food he made for you.
baker sho! asks you to make cupcakes with him.
the both of you making a mess but still having a great time.
likes taking walks with you and decoy, he’ll hold your hand while staring fondly at decoy.
lazy morning sex with shohei is a must and he needs it but always kindly asks you first.
neck kisses are his favorite, kiss him on the neck and he’ll get so excited.
you’re his world. his all. he treats you so well.
please just love him dearly.
200 notes · View notes
book-place · 1 year
Warnings: tua season 1 spoilers, mentions of killing and death, cursing, mentions of drugs, mentions of heart attacks, drinking, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hargreeves siblings x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: When you left, all of your siblings hated you, and now you were facing them once more
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
You let loose a long breath and glanced hesitantly up to the tall, menacing building before you. The building of your childhood, if you could even call it that.
To be completely honest, you didn’t even know why you had come back. You hated your father and your siblings hated you, so why would you show up to the man’s funeral, when they would all be there?
As much as you wanted to turn back around and hail another cab to get you as far away from this place as possible, you put on a brave face and pushed the door open, stepping into the vast entryway.
Barely three small steps had been taken inside by you when you froze at the sound of your name being called.
“Y/n,” Allison had her lips parted slightly in shock from where she and Vanya stood at the end of the hall.
You swallowed thickly, “Hey, guys,” You greeted in a voice that was barely even audible to yourself. You toyed with the ends of your gloves nervously.
“Oh, um,” Allison cleared her throat and strode across the room to see you, stopping a healthy three feet away, “It’s so good to see you, Y/n.”
The words were forced, and you knew it, but you gave her a tight lipped smile and a nod anyway.
“Yeah, same here, Y/n!” Vanya called, and you knew in that moment that after everything, she must have been almost as uncomfortable with being here as you were.
If your original gut instinct wasn’t any indication before, then this interaction told you everything about how this visit would go.
The sight of Diego crossing to the staircase caught all of your attention and he snapped something about Vanya not being welcome back before his eyes snapped over to you.
“Y/n,” He spoke in an awkward greeting before skirting past the three of you and clambering up the stairs.
Not only did your siblings hate you, but you just got confirmation that they were also still scared of you. After all these years, when they had grown up beside you and learned how to deal with your ‘gift’, and yet, they were still wary of what you could and possibly would do.
Midnights become my afternoons
You sat on the windowsill in the attic, legs dangling out the window as you looked up at the moon and stars.
“I figured that I would find you up here, Miss. Y/n.” You heard a voice sound behind you.
Unconsciously, you smiled and turned around, “Pogo,” You greeted kindly.
His smile was something that hadn’t changed a bit over the years, “It is so good to see you.” He said genuinely, walking over until he could grasp your gloved hand and squeeze it gently.
He had always been the only one who wasn’t afraid of you. Of what touching you could do to them. Of how painful their deaths would be if they laid a single finger on your bare skin. How without meaning to, you would slowly and excruciatingly kill them.
That’s why you wore gloves and long sleeves at all times, so that no one would unintentionally be hurt by you.
“It’s late,” You hummed when you pulled away, “What are you doing up?”
“Why, I came up here to ask you the same question.” He mused.
You shrugged nonchalantly, leaning your back against the wall, “I don’t usually go to sleep until really early in the morning.” You informed him.
“Well, that can’t be healthy.”
You laughed loudly, the first time you’d done so in what felt like many months, “It’s probably not.” You agreed once you sobered up.
Too busy looking back out the window, you failed to notice Pogo glance behind him and give a hidden figure a single nod of reassurance.
The only thing that brought your attention back to him was once he gave you a slight pat on your clothed knee, “I am always available if you wish to speak about anything.”
You smiled genuinely, “Thank you, Pogo.”
“Hey, n/n.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a new voice that spoke as soon as Pogo had left.
“Diego,” You breathed out.
“Listen,” He cleared his throat awkwardly as he shuffled into view, coming to a stop right in front of you- less than a healthy distance away, “I’m sorry about earlier. I just didn’t think you were actually gonna show.”
You smiled tightly, pulling your knees up to your chest, “Yeah, that makes two of us.”
He sighed, dropping down into a crouch before you and looking up into your eyes, “I know none of us left off on a good foot- especially with you- but I want you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.”
Your chest tightened at his words. After all these years of thinking every last one of your siblings despised you for who you were- what you could do- you never thought one of your brothers would be telling you that he didn’t actually hate you at all.
“T-thank you, Diego.” You choked out, eyes filling with tears, “That means a lot.”
When my depression works the graveyard shift
Your eyebrows furrowed as you took tentative steps towards your fathers old office, the one that was supposed to be vacant now that he was dead.
The clattering of objects only got louder the closer you got, and it was making you nervous. Perhaps someone had broken in when they heard that the billionaire was dead? The last thing you wanted was to have to resort to using your powers, because you doubted any of your other siblings would come to your aid. Expect of course, maybe Diego.
“Hello?” You called out slowly when you stepped into the room. At the sound of your voice, a head popped up from behind your fathers old desk with a wide grin, and you couldn’t help but relax slightly, “Klaus.” You breathed out.
“N/n!” Your brother squealed, jumping up the rest of the way and scrambling over to you with outstretched arms.
Alarmed, you took a sudden step back, and he stopped short when he noticed.
“Oh!” He giggled, placing a hand near his mouth, “I forgot about the whole no touchie thing!”
“What are you doing in here?” Your eyes shone in curiosity, pushing down the thoughts that threatened to swarm your mind about Klaus’s first instinct being to hug you.
“You know,” He waved a dismissive hand, “Just getting ahead on my inheritance.”
Despite yourself, your lips twitched upward slightly at the words, “Really?” You asked in slight amusement.
The man’s jaw dropped open and he stared at you with wide eyes, “Was-was that a smile I just saw? Gosh, my memories from when we were kids consisted of you being completely stone-face.” He let out a shrill giggle again, “Though, I suppose I’m now the one that’s stoned!”
Whatever form of a smile had adorned your face immediately fell and you crossed your arms tightly over your stomach.
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
This was terrible.
The silence was painful to sit through. You must have looked like you had an itch with the way you were shifting back and forth on the couch you stiffly sat on beside Vanya.
Nobody was making eye contact with one another, it was just all of you- once siblings, now complete strangers- sitting in a tense circle in your childhood living room.
Finally, Luther cleared his throat and pushed himself off of the couch that was directly across from you, “So, I guess we should get started.” Everyone’s eyes snapped over to the man that had grown more than a little bit over time, “So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot.” He spoke awkwardly.
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Allison’s eyebrows had shot up alongside yours in surprise.
Luther’s own eyebrows furrowed, “You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time.” He looked around for anyone to agree with him, only to be met with bewildered looks, “None of you ever did that?”
You shook your head softly, looking down at your hands that fiddled with one another from where they rested in your lap.
Klaus strolled over and began talking loudly, and you sat back and watched silently as everyone went back and forth a little bit.
“Listen up,” Luther tried to reign the family in once more when they got off track, “Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?”
“Like what?” Diego asked with a roll of his eyes from where he was leaning against a pillar near the fireplace.
“Like the way he died.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open a little as you looked at him, everyone else adorning similar looks.
“I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack.” Vanya piped up in confusion.
“Yeah, according to the coroner.”
“Well, wouldn't they know?”
“Theoretically.” It was clear that Luther was beginning to realize that he had made a mistake by bringing this all up.
“Theoretically?” It was the first time you had spoken up, and you felt a couple of the others glance at you as you did so.
Yet again, your siblings began to bicker back and forth, and you sank lower into the couch cushions, not at all liking the way their voices raised more and more by the minute.
“Oh, isn't it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad.” Diego’s voice snapped you harshly back to the present and a dangerous silence overcame the entire room again.
You looked up at Luther in disturbance, only to find him already staring down at you. And all at once, you felt your mouth go dry and your throat begin to close up slightly, “You don’t actually think-“
All around you, your siblings caught onto what Luther was really indicating and they adopted looks of shock. Diego let out a low whistle, “That’s messed up, man.”
“Look,” Number one stressed, “I’m just saying, according to the corner, there was nothing wrong with him. With your powers- you could painfully kill a person without showing a mark.”
You hadn’t even realized when you had stood up, but flinched back violently, as if struck, “You think I would kill him?” You whispered with tears forming in your eyes against your will.
Allison pursed her lips and averted her gaze when you desperately looked around for help, making you realize that she was uncertain as well.
“Wow,” You breathed out tearfully, shaking your head back and forth softly before shuffling out of the room.
“Y/n, wait-“
“Good job, Luther.” Diego scoffed and hit his shoulder against his brothers as he trailed after you, “Way to lead.”
I should not be left to my own devices
Somehow, not too long after leaving the living room, you ended up in the courtyard surrounded by your sibling, gazing up with wide eyes at something floating in the sky.
“What is it?”
“Don’t get too close!” Allison called, moving to place her arm in front of you and Vanya, who had your mouths dropped open and took unconscious steps forward.
“Yeah, no shit!” Diego yelled back over the wind, eyes glared against the harsh wind whipping straight at all of you.
Per usual, everyone kept shouting back and forth at one another about what to do, and in doing so, Allison dropped her arm and you were able to slowly creep forward.
Just then, someone fell out of the thing in the sky, landing in a heap right in front of your feet, but everyone was too busy glaring at each other to notice.
“Guys…” You called back cautiously, “Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?”
They come with prices and vices
You sat on the stairs with your head in your hands, still trying to wrap your mind around everything.
At the beginning of the day, you had come back home expecting to say your goodbyes and possibly even make peace with your father. But now, your long lost brother is back, and not only that, but he claims to have been way older than any of you, whilst being stuck in the body of his thirteen year old self.
“Hey, n/n,” Said brother greeted, strolling over to where you sat with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a sandwich.
You linked your fingers behind your head and tried to smile at him, but you had no doubt that it came out as a grimace, “Five.” You greeted.
Before his disappearance, Five had been the only one who truly was never afraid of you. Even if Diego claimed not to be now, you knew he was still slightly wary, and with good reason too.
“I take it things didn’t go well after I left?” He asked, plopping down onto the stairs beside you.
A small chuckle left your lips at his bluntness. Same old Five.
“No,” You agreed, “They never stopped being scared of me. And I never stopped being scared of myself.” You admitted.
He had always been the only one you could tell everything to about yourself without the fear of judgment.
The two of you fell into a silence that consisted of him munching on his sandwich thoughtfully, “You know,” Five spoke up once he had polished it off, “I think the others have always been more intimidated by you than anything.”
Your eyebrows went up, “How so?” You never really saw yourself as an intimidating individual.
“Because you’re so much more powerful than we all are… and the old man knew that.” He stood up and gave you a tight lipped smile, patting you once on your clothed shoulder and disappearing up the stairs, leaving you to dwell in your thoughts.
I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)
Allison placed a finger over her mouth to signal for you and Vanya to stay silent from where your backs were pressed up against a wall opposite of her.
A large figure in a mask came creeping through the door that you stood on either side of with a large gun resting in his grip, making your heart tighten.
Right on cue, your sister lunged out, kneeing him in the stomach and punching him in the face the second he doubled over in pain.
Quickly, you ushered Vanya out of the room and made sure she was a safe distance away before spinning on your heel to face Allison and the man, the two now throwing punches at one another with the gun discarded to the side.
Without hesitation, you dove at the man and jumped onto his back, throwing him off balance and sending him to the ground.
When he fell, Allison reeled her foot back and sent it straight into his head, effectively knocking him out cold.
For a moment, the two of you just stood there, panting and trying to catch your breaths.
“You know, Y/n,” She spoke up, surprising you, “I don’t actually think you killed dad. I would never think that of you. I was just in shock that Luther would say such a thing that I didn’t know how to react. A-and I’m sorry for not saying anything when he accused you and I know I should have-“
“Allison.” You cut her off gently, “It’s okay.”
She visibly relaxed as if a weight had been taken off of her shoulders, “And listen, I know you think we all hate you,” She took a step forward and slowly placed a hand on your shoulder, eyes searching yours for any sign that you were uncomfortable with the close proximity. “But we don’t, I promise you we don’t. You were just always isolated from us by dad- and I’m not saying it isn’t partially our fault- because it is, but we’re not kids anymore so there’s no excuse for how we acted. I’m sorry.”
First Diego with the apologies, Klaus acting like everything was normal, and then Allison. You couldn’t believe that your siblings were actually trying to make up with you.
Similarly to how when your brother first talked to you like this, tears began to form in your eyes and you smiled up at her, “T-thank you, Allison. That- that means a lot.”
She shook her head gently, “I’m just sorry that it took so long for me to be able to say it.”
I wake up screaming from dreaming
You gasped, shooting upright with heavy pants as you tried to regain your breathing and keep it under control.
You have been through this routine enough times to know what to do so well that it’s almost like second nature to you at this point.
Your head snapped up at the sound of Vanya's voice. She stood in the slightly opened doorway of your childhood room, where you had just been sleeping.
“Vanya,” You breathed out, leaning your back against your headboard, “What’s up?” You swallowed thickly and tried to seem as normal as possible.
The woman hesitated, “I… I left something here so I came back for it but I heard a scream…”
You let a breath loose and allowed your head to fall back, “Sorry,” You apologized in a whisper.
She shook her head back and forth vigorously, “No, no, it’s not your fault. I get it… I get nightmares too…”
You lulled your head to the side and looked at her, “Yeah?”
She nodded, hesitantly shuffling into the room before slowly sitting down on the end of your bed when you moved your feet for her.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked gently.
It was then your turn to shake your head, “No, no, it’s nothing I can’t handle- nothing I’m not used to.” You reassured.
“Well… I’m here if you ever need anything.”
You smiled softly, “Thank you, Vanya.”
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
“Five?” You looked up from your plate filled to the brim with breakfast foods your mother had cooked for you as you watched your brother swiftly walk by, “What’s going on?”
“I need to run an errand.” He answered curtly, “I’ll be back soon.”
Anxiety began to set in the pit of your stomach, “O-oh, do you want me to come with you?”
He quickly shook his head back and forth, “There’s no need, it could be dangerous.”
That made the fear double inside of you, “Are you sure you have to go?” You saw him freeze in his steps when he heard the worry seeping through your tone.
He sighed softly and turned around to face you, “It’ll be fine, I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
You gnawed on your bottom lip, “It’s just… you didn’t come back once. What’s to say it won’t happen again?”
“Me.” He reassured you, “I say that it won’t happen again. I won’t let it. I promise.”
With that, he gave you one last of his rare smiles and continued out of the kitchen.
'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time)
“Oh, sorry,” You mumbled, eyes immediately turning downwards the second you entered the living room, “I didn’t realize anyone was in here-“
“Y/n.” Luther immediately shot up from where he had been sitting on the couch, “No, I’m glad you’re here.” Your quick steps to exit the room paused, “We should talk.” He cleared his throat.
You eyed him hesitantly, “About what?”
“I’m sorry for saying that you killed dad!” He blurted out, cheeks turning red as he spoke, “It’s- it’s just that I was so upset and I didn’t know what really happened so I was creating scenarios that I didn’t even want to come true and-“ He stopped himself and took a deep breath to calm down, “And I know that it’s not an excuse, but I’m still very sorry for saying that you would ever be capable of something like that.”
You stayed silent for a moment before slowly nodding your head, “It’s okay,” You said softly, “I forgive you.”
“Really?” He sighed in relief, “Good, because I was scared for a moment there because I was acting like such an ass and-“
“Luther.” You tried to push away the small smile that threatened to grace your face, “I already said it’s fine, just leave it.”
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
“We’re like outcast buddies!”
You looked over at Klaus with a raised eyebrow at his words.
The two of you sat on the stools near the bar in your living room, sipping on some concoction of alcohol that was no doubt older than both of you combined and would have given your father a heart attack at seeing if he was still alive.
“I’m pretty sure all of our siblings are outcasts.” You reminded him.
He sat there, pondering your words for a moment before signing and swirling his straw in his drink, “No, no, I suppose you’re right.” He frowned a little bit and slumped his shoulders slightly.
“Do you… want to be outcast buddies?” You asked hesitantly, eyeing your brother.
Immediately, he perked up with a large grin, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He shrieked, “We can start a club! We can print t-shirts! We can invite new members-“
You chuckled, sitting back and watching in amusement as your brother got excited over seemingly nothing.
At tea time, everybody agrees
“Thanks for the food, mom, it looks delicious.” You said sincerely.
The woman smiled softly and reached over to cup your cheek, and you immediately leaned further into the touch. Because she wasn’t actually human, she could touch you without consequence. And though you knew it wasn’t the same as if another person touched you, you still took what you could get because it was all that you would get, even if it wasn’t real.
“Of course, sweetie.” She answered with that wide, kind smile of hers gently removing her hand after a moment and leaning down to place a ghost kiss on your forehead, making your eyelids flutter shut.
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
“It’s really weird to look at, isn’t it?” Five asked, walking up and standing beside you, gazing up at the wall.
It was a portrait of you and all your siblings, before Fives disappearance and Ben’s death, hanging in some random of the many hallways of the home.
“It is.” You agreed with a sigh, eyes taking it all in.
The way Five was the only one standing even remotely close to you in the painting didn’t escape your attention. Nor did the way everyone but him seemed to have their bodies angled away from you just slightly.
You forced yourself to tear your eyes away and you cleared your throat, “Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never had these powers?” You asked suddenly.
It had been a thought that had been eating away at you since you were at least seven, never having been voiced out loud by you.
“I try not to dwell on it,” Your brother admitted, “‘Cause there’s nothing we can do to change it.”
Despite his words, you allowed yourself, just for a moment, to picture what it would be like. To be able to hug people and shake hands without them having to worry for their life. To not be the scariest, most deadly person in any room you stood in.
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
All around you, walls were crumbling down and falling every which way. Each small piece of flying debris threatening to hit you.
Not so gracefully, you stumbled through the shaking building, blindly grasping onto the walls for support as you watched in horror as the house came apart all around you for reasons unknown to you.
“Y/n!” You whipped around at the sound of Luther, Allison, and Diego each calling your name and you began sprinting in their direction at the opposite end of the hall.
They each took a large step back when you neared though, causing you to pause, despite the fact that you needed to push on so that you didn’t get hit.
“What is it? What’s happening to-“ You began asking anxiously
“What did you do?” Luther’s words and tone of horror made the rest of your sentence die in your throat.
“How could you do something like this?” Allison whispered, and despite all the chaos, you somehow were still able to hear her. Her eyes shone with betrayal.
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “What are you talking about?”
“Dad always said that you only reached the tip of the iceberg with your powers.” Diego was glaring at you coldly in a way that made even your heart freeze, “But I never thought you could be capable of something like this.”
“Your powers are to destroy.” Luther hissed venomously, “You can kill everything around you, so why can’t you demolish everything in your path as well with just the touch of your bare fingers?”
Your lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves, much like the walls around you, “I would never- I can’t even-“
“I can't believe we trusted you.” Allison shook her head and slowly began backing away once more, “We’ll never make that mistake again.”
The other two trailed after her once they threw more harsh glares your way, not even caring as you sank down to your knees in shock, oblivious to the house that was still caving in on itself all around you.
You had nothing to do with this, you had no idea what was happening. How could they think that you did? After everything, all the progress you all made?
Your suspicions that you had first stepped into this house what felt like years ago- when it had only, in reality, been days- were true.
Your siblings truly did hate you.
The Hargreeves 🦹- @lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things @kiyomi-uchiha777
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lewisvinga · 3 months
football masterlist
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jude bellingham
vinicius jr
rodrygo goes
aurelien tchouameni
federico valverde
kylian mbappé
trent alexander arnold
neymar jr
richarlison de andrade
lucas paquetá
pablo gavi
alejandro balde
joão felix
sergio ramos
diego lainez
kevin alvarez
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frost-queen · 11 months
Under the Sparrow's umbrella (Umbrella!Reader x Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
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Loud footsteps made you all slowly turn. Still half confused about the sudden change in interior. Your eyes widened at the sight of him at the upper level. – “Ben!” – you exclaimed happily. The Ben at the top grabbed the railing, jumping over it as he landed firm on his feet. He slowly rose while you were gaping in awe at him. – “Ben!” – Klaus said loudly, opening his arms to go and hug him. Ben pulled his nose up, slapping his arms away. – “You are trespassing hobo.” – he commented in detest.
Klaus pressed his hand to his heart, shocked. – “You hurt my feelings Ben.”  - Klaus said making Ben scoff. – “A matter of fact… you all are.” – Ben continued, tugging his hand in his pocket. – “What’s with the uniform?” – Five questioned. It was only now that you all noticed it. The change of color and emblem on his uniform. – “You wouldn’t get it schoolboy.” – Ben responded. Five clenched his jaw, ready to jump at him if Luther hadn’t held him back.
Your eyes widened seeing more people appear on the upper level. – “Need any help brother?” – a girl spoke. Ben held his hand up. – “I can handle these…” – his gaze went obviously up and down cocky over your posture. – “Children.” – he addressed glancing at Five. Five gritted his teeth as you held him back by his shoulder.
“We aren’t trespassing this is our home!” – Luther called out. – “We are the Umbrella academy.” – he said looking at his siblings to back him up. – “You are dead.” – he added pointing at Ben. Ben scoffed loud. – “Clearly I’m not!” – he said. – “And this is the Sparrow academy.” – he explained as his siblings came downstairs. – “Sparrow?” – Diego whispered out, looking at Victor. Victor shrugged his shoulders. You stepped forwards making Ben glance intrigued at what you might say.
“Maybe this is all kind of messed up. I mean we did just time-jump back here.” – you concluded. – “But that man…” – you pointed at the portrait of Reginald. – “Is our father.” – you finished. Ben chuckled, eying you up and down. – “Oh right! Time-jump well maybe father saw how useless you all are and decided he needed to adopt other children. Children who wouldn’t be so worthless.” – he pushed you back by your forehead.
You stumbled back as Diego caught you before you could trip. – “Sparrow Ben is a dick!” – you told him seeing him nod. Clearly this Ben wasn’t like the Ben you knew. The Ben you grew up with. Ben glanced over his shoulder to his siblings by his side. – “Let’s show them out.” – he smirked, expression hardening on you. – “That one’s mine.” – he grunted out. You swallowed nervously slowly backing up.
Ben moved his body as his tentacle arms shot out. You screamed loud when they lurched towards you. You quickly dove under the coffee table as a tentacle missed you. Eyes widened when the table got lifted up. Ben tilting his head murderously enjoyable at you. – “Gotcha!” – he laughed out. You shrieked moving your hands up to block his next attack. Ben smiled greedily when he forced his tentacles down to you. You gasped hard when your brother Five popped up near you, knelt down.
In a split second he had his arms around you, teleporting with you. Ben’s tentacles went down, grabbing thin air as it made him glare. You re-appeared in the hallway, gasping loud. – “Definitely not our Ben.” – you breathed out. Five held his finger up telling you to wait while he teleported again. – “Umbrella girl.” – you heard Ben call out tauntingly. – “Come out and play.” – he went on making you tense your jaw. So not your Ben.
You left your hiding place, spotting Diego throwing knives coming into the hallway backwards. He nearly bumped into you, ready to throw knives at you. – “Watch me sis, I got knives!” – he scolded you. Diego and you backed up when Ben came in the hallway. – “There you are!” – he said as you were standing behind your brother, hand on his shoulder.
Your eyes falling on the knife he was holding. – “I’ll take that.” – you told Diego, plucking the knife from him. – “Wha…?” – before he could be more visibly confused, you threw the knife at Ben. It scraped his arm, sliding his vest a bit open. The knife clattered to the ground as you smiled embarrassed at him. Ben grunted looking at his torn vest. Diego gave you a brotherly slap against the back of your head. – “Don’t touch my knives.” – he called out. – “Diego not the right time.” – you told him between a held up smile. – “No Y/n I already told you; you don’t touch my knives.” – he continued holding his finger up.
Meanwhile Ben cracked his knuckles readying himself to attack you with his tentacles again. – “Diego Run!” – you shouted, pulling him with you by his vest. His eyes widened seeing the tentacles speeding his way. Diego quickened his pace, taking the front as he was dragging you along now. You made it outside just in time. Out of breath you encountered Klaus sitting on the porch. – “Oh there you are I was starting to wonder if any of you were going to show up.” – he casually said making Diego nudge his legs to get up.
Not a moment later busted Allison, Luther, and Victor out. Five teleported a second later, adjusting his vest. – “Now this is a major issue.” – he said stroking his hand over the back of his head. – “You think!” – Allison blurted out. She scoffed loud taking a walk. Luther going after her which led to Victor following to Diego and Klaus following. You motioned to Five with your head to come along. He nodded giving you a weary smile.
Ben clicked his tongue hatefully at you. You rolled your eyes at him. – “Is Luther here? I know you have him so don’t even try to lie to me.” – you called out, letting yourself in the Sparrow Academy without approval of him. Ben scoffed, grabbing you by your wrist to a stop. – “Listen princess, what if we have him?” – Ben said as you pulled your hand out of his grip. – “Maybe he finally has seen how much more potential this family has considered against yours.” – he mocked, knowing it would taunt you.
You tensed your jaw, glaring at him. You turned away from him, shouting loud in the hallway. – “Luther! Luther come down!” – your voice booming loud in the hallway. Ben grabbed your hand to stop you as he immediately flinched his hand back after coming in contact with yours. He rubbed his hand. – “So you do have abilities. For a while I thought you were their mascot.” – he replied with a sneer. You smiled sarcastically at him, showing him your hand as electricity moved around your fingers.
You had given him a small electric shock the moment he grabbed your hand. – “Luther! Come out we are going home!” – you yelled loud. Ben grabbed for your shoulder as you flung your arm back to release his touch on you. – “Listen squid, you touch me one more time and I’ll fry you!” – you threatened. Ben chuckled. – “I’d like to see you try.”
He didn’t have to say that twice. You let electricity surround your hands, extending your hands out to him as the electricity hit him flat in the chest. Ben got flung against the wall, dropping coughingly down. He pressed his hand against his chest watching you walk off. – “Luther! Luther where the hell are you?” – you shouted for his attention. As you were about to step on the stairs, your path was blocked by Christopher. He changed color while bleeping something.
“You want to have a go cube?” – you taunted having enough of being held back. Christopher turned a bright red as you acted faster than him. You electrocuted him. His entire cube shivering till he dropped to the ground. – “Luther!” – you screamed out stepping over the cube. You came upstairs, hearing Luther’s voice come from out of a room. You went in, trying not to be amazed by the gym set up in the house. – “Y/n?” – Luther said confused jumping up.
Sloane sitting beside him as she stopped smiling. You pointed at him. – “We are going home!” – you made clear. Luther looked briefly down at Sloane, hesitating. – “Luther I said we are going home!” – you repeated not wanting to stay one minute longer with the Sparrows. Out of breath appeared Ben behind you. – “Luther you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” – he said rather warmly and caring.
It made you frown, staring stunned at his sudden friendliness. – “Shut up!” – you told him, having enough of his ego. – “Luther. Let’s go home.” – you said in a friendlier tone. Luther was still hesitant as you could practically hear Ben snicker in your ear. – “Luther I am your family. I’m your sister… please come home…I need you.” – you begged as Ben snorted loud at your confession.
You let your hand be surrounded by electricity as you touched Ben’s side. He jumped aside at the sudden sting in his side. Luther sighed deep, apologizing to Sloane. He walked over to you as you hugged him. Or rather he hugged you, lifting you up and squashing you in his tight embrace. – “Let’s go home sis.” – he said patting you on the head. You stuck your tongue out to Ben to rub it just that little bit more in his face.
Ben gave you a smile full of mockery back. God how much you hated him. How you also hated that he was exactly like the Ben you knew only raised more messed up. Ben stepped aside allowing you to leave with Luther. – “Are we just going to let them leave?” – Jayme questioned loudly. – “Let’s just kill them now!” – She insisted on. Ben held his hand up to silence her. Looking back to you for as long as he could.
Jayme was running after you. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw her approaching. Her expression hard and tense. Puffing loudly, you tried to keep in front of her, outrunning her. – “Hey Umbrella!” – she called out tauntingly speeding up. You felt her grip to you closer, her hand moving over your back to put you to a stop. You came to a halt as she had grabbed a hold of your hair. – “I wasn’t done talking.” – she said teasingly pulling you back by your hair.
You inhaled sharp through your nose, at the brink of giving her a piece of your own mind. You stepped back as she kept moving backwards. Feeling a sudden tug on your hair, made you turn your head to look. Ben’s hand firm around her wrist as he had pulled it off you. – “What are you doing?” – he said coldly, pushing her wrist to her it made her stumble backwards. Jayme puffed some hair out of her face. – “Getting revenge on the umbrella.” – she called out, glaring at you.
Ben glared right back at her. You observed their interaction with curiosity. Ben glanced your way, softening his expression. With a touch of his hand on your lower back, you felt your heart flutter for him. – “Ben let me just…” – Jayme started launching her hand at you. Ben caught her by the wrist again. Her hand clawed out inches away from your face. It made you widen your eyes brief, taking a subtle step back to have her hand out of your face. He swayed his finger to the side, shaking his head.
Jayme gritted her teeth, slapping her hand out of his grip, accidently hitting him in the face. Ben touched his cheek from the impact. Your eyes widened and hardened with anger. – “You hit him!” – you called out. – “How dare you hit him!” – you added while Ben waved his hand at you that it was alright. You called out a war cry, jumping at Jayme. You wrapped your legs around her while slapping her on top of her head. Jayme was receiving the impact trying to get you off. – “Get her off!” – Jayme screamed irritated.
Ben simply crossed his arms, smiling teasingly at you. You jumped off her, puffing loud. Jayme glared, readying her teeth to spit at you. Before she could spit at you, you electrocuted her. Her body spasmed till she dropped unconscious to he ground. – “I knew you could handle yourself.” – Ben said teasingly. You smiled sweetly at him. – “I just electrocuted your sister to the ground.” – you told him getting closer.
“Aren’t you getting revenge?” – you whispered standing as close as possible to him. Ben smirked. – “Would you like me to?” – he spoke back. You shrugged your shoulders. – “Try me Sparrow.” – you teased with a flirty smile. Ben’s gaze lowered to your lips as he briefly licked his. You moved your hand forwards as he grabbed it, quickly spinning you around till you were held against his chest.
He took in a deep breath, moving his head down to your shoulder. – “I could just use my abilities on you.” – he pondered with a chuckle. You cleared your throat drawing his attention to the hand he was still holding upwards of yours. A few sparkles of electricity moving around your fingers. He moved his hand over yours, clearly not bothered by the faint electricity running around it. He stretched your arm out, squinting his eye.
He then removed his hand from on top of yours, whispering shoot in your ear. You released a shot of electricity as it flung across the room, hitting a lightbulb hanging on the wall of the hotel. The lightbulb exploded making Ben smile. You turned your head to the side, glancing up to him. Turning your posture more, you were facing him again. Your heart pounding loudly. It has always beaten for Ben. Whether it be Umbrella Ben or Sparrow Ben.
Ben slowly parted his lips. – “I know you loved this other Ben.” – he whispered to you, moving his palm against your cheek. Hardening his grip as he moved his hand further back to your neck, grabbing you there. – “I think I’m gonna steal you from him.” – his last words ended as he forced his lips onto yours. You completely melted under his kiss, Sparrow Ben all you could think about. How much you hoped Umbrella Ben would forgive you for. Even though he was already long gone.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
“She’s my daughter too!” - Alex Morgan x reader
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“That’s the problem, I don’t think Charlie has ever seen me play for my national team” You take a breath as you fight back tears and loosen you hand around your phone.
“You know I want her with me and the girls” You faintly hear the room door open and close due to being on the balcony. You turn around and see your roommate Steph and best friends Mackenzie (Macca), Caitlin and Alanna.
“She’s my daughter too! My name is on the birth certificate just as much as yours. Hell, she has my last name. I think you forget that sometimes she’s mine too”
Too angry to hear your wife, you hang up and sit on one of the plastic chairs. You don’t see it but your friends give each other a look and Steph decides to go out and comfort you. You breakdown in her arms and the rest come out for support.
“Why d-doesn’t she trust me w-with Charlie?” You ask your friends with bloodshot eyes.
“We aren’t sure what’s going on y/n/n but we all know one thing, you are an amazing mum. Nothing is going to change that” Alanna mentions, putting a hand on your knee.
“Thanks Lanz”
Macca offers to join the four of your friends for a walk and maybe some ice-cream on the way back from the place downstairs. You respectfully decline and the girls leave, giving you a tight hug each. You decide to have a long, hot shower before cuddling up in bed for a quick nap before dinner.
On the other side of the globe, Charlie had woken up hearing your voice on the call. She then proceeded to start crying because she couldn’t see you in the room. Charlie looked everywhere and in all the drawers and cupboards she could open and still nothing. While this was happening, Alex slipped on one of your Matilda’s hoodies and moved to scoop Charlie into her arms.
“Smell like mama” Charlie mumbles into Alex’s neck.
“We can call her later if you want baby” Charlie’s eyes light up and a wide smile spreads across her face.
The pair get ready before going downstairs for breakfast with the team. Alex walks into the meal room with Charlie on her hip, scrunching the yellow, green and grey material tightly in her small hands. Kelley catches sight of the mixed matched outfit and is about to say something before Alex gives her a stern glare. Alex grabs her vegan breakfast and some pancakes for Charlie before sitting with Kelley, Sonnett, Lindsey and Kristie.
“You ditching us for the girls down under Al?” Kelley teases.
“Never. Charlie’s missing y/n and she stopped crying when she had this so” Alex shrugs.
“I think Sam was saying she hasn’t seen Charlie since she could just walk” Kristie mentions earning a slight nudge, as to tell her to shut up.
Alex begins to think how long ago that was and it was at least a year ago, if not more. Alex realises what she’s don’t and she feels sick to her stomach. She pulls Charlie off her lap before taking the hoodie off and giving it to her. Alex grabbed her phone and moved to the side of the room before making a call.
You finish dinner when you see your phone ring from beside your plate. The photo of you and Alex on the beach pops up and you know she’s FaceTiming you. You decide to ignore it for now and call Alex back later. After a quick talk from the manager, you were all allowed a free night. Steph informs you she’s having a movie night with Caitlin and a few others if you wanted to join. You decline as you have to call Alex back.
You eventually get back to your room and you flop on the bed. You press the FaceTime button and put your arm behind you, slightly flexing your tattoo sleeve and muscles.
“Hey ba- oh my god” You laugh and take a screenshot of Alex’s face.
“What’s up Al?”
“I’m sorry for everything. I don’t mean to keep Charlie with me all the time. I’m just so used to you being here with the Wave. I didn’t give it a second thought. I’m really sorry baby”
“Hmm, it might take a little more than that” Alex rolls her eyes and calls Charlie over. She flips the camera and Charlie races over to Alex, as fast as her little legs can take her. You see something in Charlie’s hands and notice it’s your Matildas hoodie.
“She wouldn’t stop crying until I wore it” Alex mentions.
You talk with Charlie and Alex for a few hours until Steph came back in the room. You all talk for a little while longer until you and Steph both yawned.
“Mama and Aunt Steffy go to sleep now?” You looked at the time and realised you all talked for the last 2 hours or so.
“I have to go bubs so I can be ready for my game tomorrow”
“Okay mama. You call before play?”
“Of course I will. Te amo mucho princesa” Alex smiles at the interaction out of cameras sight.
“Te amo Mamá. Bye Aunt Steffy! Love you”
“See you soon baby girl, I love you too” Steph gets up from you bed and mentions she’s having a shower.
“I love you baby. I’m going to make it up to you both when you get home” Alex promises.
“Can’t wait my love”
You end the call and look up at the ceiling with a smile on your face. When Steph comes out of the bathroom, you two wind down before eventually going to sleep.
You finish the Cup of Nations on a high. You not only win the entire cup but get Player of the Tournament and the golden boot after scoring 7 goals in 3 games. You pack your suitcase and put your trophies plus your winners medal safely between clothes. You go down to the lobby and see most of the team there as some as staying behind to see family. Since it’s late at night, the bus to the airport is quite and most people are exhausted from the last 10 days.
After check in, customs and security lines, you and Emily arrive at your gate with 10 minutes to spare. You put your bag in the overhead and get comfortable in the seat. You pull out your phone to send Alex a quick text.
Hola mi amor, I’m finally on my way home. See you and princesa very soon. I love you Ale xoxo
See you soon baby x We can’t wait to see you
A short 18 hours later, you land and feel more tired than before the plane ride. After leaving the plane and getting your suitcase from the carousel, you text Alex to see where she is since Emily already left with her girlfriend.
Hey babe, I’m in the arrivals part. Where are you two?
Turn around x
You follow Alex’s instruction and you see Charlie running towards you. You meet her half way and lift her up in the air before you give her the tightest hug. You don’t realise you’re crying until you feel someone wipe your tears from your cheeks. You open your eyes and see Alex looking at you with sad eyes and a pout sporting her lips.
“No cuddles for me?”
“There’s always cuddles for you my love” You move Charlie to your hip and kiss Alex softly before giving her a hug.
“Let’s get you home”
Alex takes your luggage from beside you and you carry Charlie out to the car. You buckle Charlie in when she immediately grabs your hand tightly.
“Sit with me Mama” You nod and move around to the other side to put your seatbelt on.
The whole journey home consists of you holding Charlie’s hands and you both falling asleep. Alex stops at a red light and asks you a questions and when she doesn’t get a response, she turns around and sees you two cuddled up together. She takes a quick photo before driving the rest of the way home. Alex parks the car in the garage and goes to unbuckle Charlie when you tighten your arm around Charlie protectively.
“Hey, babe it’s just me” Alex reassures you.
“I’ll get her Al”
Alex gets your bag and starts going inside the house. You walk around to Charlie’s side and lift the toddler out of the car seat.
“We home Mama?”
“Yeah baby, we’re home”
You walk into the house with a half asleep Charlie resting on your shoulder, when you feel your shirt getting wet. You calm Charlie down before asking what’s wrong.
“What’s wrong bubs?”
“Missed you Mama” You pout and kiss her temple.
“I’m not going anywhere for a long time baby. I’m staying right here”
y/ninstagram story
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604 notes · View notes
*At Luther's wedding*
Y/N: Bet you three shots he'll cry.
Five: I bet you four he'll throw up.
Y/N: I bet you two shots we'll pull through this too.
Five: seven that we'll all die, love.
Lila: Do they realise this is called alcoholism?
Diego: Shhh...just watch
Y/N: Two shots say you'll be kissing me tonight.
*Five takes two shots, smirks at her blushing face*
Lila: wtf?
Diego: It's giving love.
2K notes · View notes
lokalblackie · 6 months
am i the only one thinking about an Umbrella Academy x Bat-family cross over? no cause i think it could work, like imagine, either each family member from the Bat-fam filling out a role from the Hargreeves family OR the Bat-fam get thrown into the-end-of-the-world-apocalypse type shit just like the Umbrella academy...
theres one sure fire thing abt this whole crossover universe, Jason would be the Diego of the universe. Deigo would be our Jason.
like, it just makes sense bruhh
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incorrectsourwolf · 1 year
No one:
Umbrella kids: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by an spontaneous musical number.
693 notes · View notes
we-stan-fiction · 11 months
If I was in a tv show:
Evil guy: you can run but you can't hide.
Me: *trips and falls almost immediately*
Evil guy: apparently, you can't do that either.
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asteriismos · 2 years
closer - ben hargreeves
PAIRING ◆ sparrow!ben hargreeves x umbrella!reader
WARNING(S) ◆ SMUT, rough sex, choking, me losing my sanity, unedited, piv sex, unprotected sex, fingering,
SUMMARY ◆ instead of luther getting held hostage by the sparrows, it’s you, and you and ben do not get along. hate sex basically.
WORDS ◆ 3.9k
NOTE ◆ . . . i have nothing to say tbh. this is justified in every way. 
»»————- ✼ ————-««
It was unlike you to get yourself into these types of situations. 
If anything, you thought that you were one of the more responsible members of The Umbrella Academy. You didn’t get yourself into harm's way like your other siblings did and you were notorious for being the one with your head on your shoulders, even throughout the mess of the apocalypse – or both of them, for that matter, as your family seemed to be stuck in the sticky situation of constantly saving the world. 
You thought that you were finally done with all of this. Five had finally figured out a way to get you all back into the future, away from Dallas, and back to the way that things were supposed to be without the apocalypse. You could finally go back to your normal life and maybe make something of yourself. But things were never that easy and when your family made their way back to the future and back to your childhood home, you were met with the same house, the same absent father, but a different group of superheroes. As if you thought your father couldn’t get any worse, he hated you so much in Dallas that he adopted a whole other group of children, and renamed them The Sparrow Academy. And to make matters even worse, they were a bunch of assholes. 
Your siblings and you had gotten beaten to a pulp by them less than a day ago, and no one seemed to be doing anything productive. Allison wanted to get back to her family, Diego wanted to start a new life, and Five seemed like he was ready to leave and start his so-called ‘retirement.’ And to be honest, that didn’t sound half bad. You thought that maybe it was time you did the same thing, since there seemed to be nothing wrong anymore. 
And that’s exactly what you tried to do, you really tried. You were minding your own business, walking through Central Park when you were taken by The Sparrow Academy. You couldn’t put up much of a fight either, since that floating cube of whatever (who they called Christopher, but you were still confused as to how it was an actual person) was able to lift you up and the one who looked like Ben but wasn’t actually Ben put his foot straight to your face, knocking you unconscious. That had been three days ago, and since then, you weren’t really being treated like a hostage – but you were one, in your own home. Well . . . was it your own home if you technically don’t exist in this timeline? Seemed like a question you should ask Five, if he was here with you. 
The Sparrows weren’t actually half bad. In some ways, they reminded you of your own family. They grew up the same way as you, technically, but they didn’t rebel against your father like you had. They liked being the center of attention of the city and they liked being a part of a team. You could respect that, if only all of them were nice like Sloane or Alphonso and not the raging cunt that Ben was. 
It was hard for you to believe that Ben in this timeline was such an ass, because the Ben that you knew was nothing like that. He was kind, always there for everyone, and the glue that really held the whole family together. There was always the notion that if Ben hadn’t died, there was a chance that the Umbrella Academy would still be together and things wouldn’t have gotten so messed up. But the Ben in this timeline wanted nothing to do with you, and he was an overzealous ass that only cared about himself, it seemed like sometimes he didn't really even care about his own family. And he wanted nothing to do with you, but always made it a point to give you a hard time, no matter what you did, he always found a way to be a bitch to you. 
He had yet to show up to dinner, where you're at the table despite being a hostage. Oh well, it was better than being locked in some type of cellar handcuffed. And then you heard the door open and it took everything in you not to groan out, and instead you rolled your eyes to yourself and waited for him to sit down next to you, which he always did. Ben found every way to get on your nerves. 
Ben walked over in his usual fashion, which you deemed as strutting, but others didn’t see the humor in it. Maybe it was just because every time he was even in the same room as you, you felt the need to insult something about him, you had to keep him grounded, right?
“Good evening, Y/N.”
“Oh, it was,” you said to him, glancing in his direction and then instantly going back to your food. from the corner of your eye you could see as his face feigned hurt, then he immediately went to talk with Fei about some mission that Reginald had assigned them on a while ago. It was something that they had been working on before you and your family had shown up and ‘ruined everything’ as Ben liked to say. You wanted to quip that you found it funny that he still listened to the orders of his father, being old enough to go on his own and take lead if he wanted to, but you didn’t want to get into a fight at the moment. Your position here was complicated anyways. 
Dinner was, for the most part, uneventful. The only thing that happened was Ben threatening to throw his chicken at you because you rolled your eyes at one of his comments, which didn’t end up happening because Sloane gave him that look and a stern ‘Ben.’ 
For the rest of the night you retired to your rooms, telling your captors that you would meet them in the morning, as if you had a choice on that matter. 
You sat at the edge of your bed, kicking off your shoes and stretching your arms up. You set your phone (that seemed to not work no matter how many times you called your family to come and get you) down on the small nightstand you had and got dressed in something more comfortable for sleeping. The sun was fully down now, and the only thing that lit up your room was the tall lamp in the corner of your room and the distant lights of other buildings through your windows. 
As you slipped into bed under the covers, you allowed your mind to wander. First, to your family, where you silently went over the details in your head to make sure you had them all memorized for when you came back to them and could tell them all you learned from being in the same home as your newfound enemies. Or were they frenemies? And the more you pondered, the more they landed on Ben.
It was strange, thinking of him. Typically you would be cringing at anything that included anything to do with Ben Hargreeves, but this time you allowed your mind to expand instead of bringing up the protective barriers like you always did. The calming effect of finally not clouding all your judgment with anger was almost enough to lull you to sleep. 
That was until you heard a whisper, just the faintest, tiniest little sound that you were almost uncertain that you had even heard anything at all. 
Your eyes stayed closed. There was a presence there, just on the outer barriers of your mind. There was silence, complete and utter silence and you were about to call it a night when-
You’re thinking about Ben? 
You jolted up to sit, eyes snapping open and your head getting dizzy from the sudden shift in position. It was Fei’s voice, clear as day in your mind, that was what you were hearing. You heard the noise of a crow cawing from the corner of your room and your head turned, seeing that you were face to face with one of Fei’s crows, a bright, glowy aura presenting off of it. You knew that she was powerful, and she definitely could sense that you were thinking of Ben. The crow cocked its head to the side and you scowled. 
And the worst thing was that she was still there. You could feel it. you put your hands on either side of your head and closed your eyes, opening your mouth and saying, “I was not.”
It was the weakest lie you had ever made in your life. 
You’re such a liar, Fei chided. you could practically feel her smirk. Just admit it. 
You groaned to yourself, feeling a bead of sweat drop down your face from the focus. “Goodnight, Fei,” you said to the crow and then reached to the bedside table and threw a book at the crow, which made it squawk and disappear into thin air. 
Now you were wide awake, you were sure that there was no way you could get any sleep after that. You weren’t even angry at yourself for doing that, but more embarrassed that your thoughts had been exposed to Fei and there was no way that Ben wouldn’t find out - because you were thinking about him and he would take the opportunity to use it against you. You knew there was no way you were getting out of this tomorrow. 
You busied yourself by looking through the room that they had given you, seeing if you could find any lore or information that would be of use, trying your best to basically bore yourself to the brink of sleep. And just as you thought it was beginning to work, you heard a knock on your door. Glancing at the clock, you saw that it was a little bit past midnight. Who the hell was at your door at this hour?
For a moment you stilled, thinking that perhaps it was a mistake and they would leave then you could finally try and sleep, but there was again another knock a few moments later. You finally stood up and made your way to the door, opening it and being greeted by none other than Ben. He was dressed in his comfort clothes and his hair was messy, like he had been awake for way too long. 
He didn’t give you any time to say anything, instead pushing his way past you into your room. Your eyes widened and you took a peek outside into the halls to make sure that no one saw that. Luckily, the halls were dead. Closing your door and turning the lock, you faced him and stood there deadpanned, waiting for some kind of explanation. 
“Well, don’t act all happy to see me,” he said sarcastically. 
You laughed. “I'm not. What are you doing here? Do you understand what could happen if someone sees you and me in my bedroom alone?” There would be rumors spreading like wildfire, something that you definitely didn’t need to be confronted by the Sparrows or your own family. You hated to admit that you knew the exact reason he was here - because Fei seemed to spare no time in telling her brother what she had witnessed. But that still begged the question as to why he cared so much about it in the first place. 
Ben rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair. You took a second to look him over, seeing that the black shirt he was wearing was sheer enough for you to know what he was hiding under it. You shuddered, coming to your senses again and frowning. “You were thinking about me, and I think I deserve an explanation,” Ben told you, shrugging his large shoulders and cocking an eyebrow up. “You were thinking so loud. At least, that’s what my sister tells me. You know you should learn to know when crows are in the room. She’s always watching” 
“I wasn’t trying to, I was trying to go to sleep.” you countered. 
“You think of me while trying to sleep?”
Damn. Wrong thing to say. and now he was giving you a look, one that you’ve never seen before from him. His eyes were almost dark, filled with lust. You felt like your fucking legs were going to give out at the look that he was giving you. it was enough to make your face heat up and clear your throat, not having anything else to say, there really wasn’t anything to defend yourself with. 
And it all happened so fast. One second you were both standing there, staring into each other’s eyes, and the next you both were walking towards each other and colliding your lips onto each other. The kiss was hot and searing, instantly making your head go dizzy at the feeling. His lips were soft, albeit a little harsh as his tongue forced its way into your mouth and prodded against your own. Ben’s hand came to grip your jaw, the other on the small of your back. 
You attempted to grab onto him, get your hands on him as much as his were on you, but he didn’t let you, using the hand on your back to pull you closer to your bed. You were still kissing, lips starting to swell with the aggressiveness of the kiss. 
You still hated him, you had to keep telling yourself that, even though just by kissing he was making you feel so good. No attachments were to be made, this was purely just acting on normal human instincts, right? 
Soon enough the backs of your legs were hitting the edge of your bed, Ben pushed you down onto the bed like it was nothing and you were silly putty molding in his hands. He fell on top of you, instead of kissing you on the lips, he went for your neck, one of his hands came and grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked it down, exposing your neck for him. 
And he made sure that you would have to somehow cover all the marks he was making, because his teeth seemed to graze over every inch of your skin and lightly nip anywhere he wanted. And you felt dirty because you let him. You would let him do whatever he wanted to do to you. 
Ben pulled away from you for a moment to pull his shirt off, discarding it to the floor and helping you to do the same with your shirt. You took a moment to look him over, seeing that his body was practically sculpted and personally handcrafted by the gods themselves, basically knocking the breath out of you. He noticed and you didn’t even care, instead of cringing at his smirk, you found it incredibly hot. 
Your hands came to his torso, wrapping your legs around his waist as his mouth began kissing along your chest. You pressed your hips up against him, trying to get friction against your already wet core. Sadly, it wasn’t enough and you were left with whatever he decided to give you. 
“Ben, please,” you whispered out towards him, looking down to watch him slip one of your nipples into his mouth, your mouth hung wide open. He came off of it with a ‘pop’ and tilted his head, waiting for you to finish whatever you were going to say. 
“Please what?” Ben asked, going back to kissing your chest until he landed on your stomach and started painting masterpieces on your skin. 
You made the tiniest sound, feeling sparks send right down below. “Just touch me already,” you stated, putting your hands in his hair and giving the locks of hair he had a good tug. He groaned against him, the vibrations going through your entire body. Ben came up face to face with you, pressing yet another kiss against your lips and pushing down your pants and underwear to the ground. You were now all exposed to him, while he still wore half of his outfit. You pouted at the unfairness but you knew it would get you nowhere now. 
He held his hand out in front of you and for a moment you looked at him confused. He sensed this and said blankly, “spit.” You did what he asked and spit into his hand, watching as he took that same hand and touched your clit, feeling the wetness of your spit and your own mixing together. Your mouth hung open as he rubbed his fingers around, experimentally pushing the tip of his finger into you then immediately pulled it out. 
You felt yourself almost whine, needing him to give you more or you felt like you would simply die on the spot. Right as you were about to say something, Ben’s other hand came and grasped onto your neck, his fingers digging into your skin and putting pressure on your throat. 
Holy fuck. 
Typically, you would be angry with how much control Ben had over you right now, but now you were just giving into it, liking that he was being rough with you. It was like a form of argument without the words and you were becoming addicted to it. He was able to make you feel so good and you were completely in his power. 
Finally, as if he was putting some pity on you, one finger slipped into you, curling up and hitting a spot inside you that made you moan loudly. The hand choking you became stronger against your neck, his mouth coming to your ear and whispering, “Be quiet, you don’t want anyone to hear us and have this be over too soon, do you?” He was looking for an answer. 
You shook your head, understanding that this would not be the best time to get caught by anyone else. You tried your best to keep yourself quiet as one finger pumped in you, the thumb of that same hand pressing against your clit and making your toes curl in pleasure. You could feel how hard he was against you and that made the fire in your stomach ablaze, nearing that edge desperately wanting some kind of release. 
As soon as you felt yourself getting higher to that point, his hand came off your throat and his hand stopped moving, your eyes opened up and looked at him, who was busy pulling down his pants and grabbing his cock with his hand. 
It didn’t take long for him to position himself at your entrance, his tip teasing you by rubbing it up and down against your slit. “Is this what you want?” Ben asked you, his other hand tracing down your body and coming to grip the side of your hip. 
You nodded your head fervently. “Yes, Ben, please just fuck me already,” you said to him. 
And that was all he needed before he was ramming himself into you, giving you no time to adjust, which was expected. You took the pain that came with his harsh motions, both of his hands gripping your hips with such force that you were sure that you were going to have bruises there in the morning in the shape of his hands. 
Ben pounded into you, your voice was already hoarse from his choking and you made as quiet sounds as you could. All that anger you had for each other had bubbled up onto the surface and there was only the desire left, the sickly sweet feeling that you had only dreamed about with Ben in your deepest and darkest fantasies. You could never get tired of this, perhaps you should’ve initiated this sooner, or pushed his buttons so he would take it out on you this way. 
“God, you’re so fucking tight,” Ben said in that deep, gravelly voice that basically sent you into orbit the second that it came past your lips. You were so far gone, head empty of any incoherent thought other than Ben Hargreeves. And he continued to move into you shamelessly, neither of you caring about anything in the world except this feeling both of you were chasing. 
You were close, you could practically feel the tidal wave starting to form inside your stomach. His pace would not let up, practically tearing into you with all the energy and stamina that he had from years of training. and Ben looked so good like this, his mouth hung open and sweat forming on that tanned brow of his. His muscles worked overtime and flexed with every single movement he made. And his eyes, which were so dark and intense, were staring right into your own, almost like they were telling you to give everything to him. 
You were so worked up, that it only took his hand to come down and rub down against your clit, the pressure enough to push you over the edge. It was like a firework went off inside and the scream you wanted to make died in your throat, wishing that you could be as loud as you wanted. Your back arched up and your hips faltered against his own, cumming around him and squeezing, earning a moan from his lips as well. You looked so good coming undone that Ben basically was just sent into fucking orbit with no trace of coming back down. 
The second you regained your composure and came down from your own orgasm, you watched as Ben hit his own, hips shifting and releasing right inside of you. You felt him fill you up to the brim, Ben falling down with his chest pressed against your own. The room smelled of sex and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
The only thing was the sounds of your pants throughout the room, and soon enough Ben was pulling out of you. You frowned at the sudden loss of not being filled up anymore by him. Just a second ago you felt like you were on fucking cloud nine and now you were crashing right down to reality at what you had done, and whom you had just done it with. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as Ben pulled his pants back up and started gathering the rest of his clothes in his hand. He was still shirtless, about to go towards the door when you said, “Are you seriously going out there half naked?” 
“No one is up this late, trust me,” he said back. 
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Well I don’t know about that after all the noises coming from here.” 
“That wasn’t me making all the moans,” Ben says in such a casual way you stare daggers back at him. He stifles out a laugh and then turns, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. you can hear his footsteps recede from the door and you are left here alone, thinking about what the hell you had just done. 
Once you regained your composure and felt like you could walk, you stood up on your wobbly feet and made your way to your small mirror. the second you got there, you gasped at your appearance in the mirror. Hair all messed up, marks all along your neck along with bruises from his hands, and the bruises on your hips. And to top it all off, you could feel what he left in you trickling down your thigh. 
That may have just been the best sex of your life. But you still hated the new Ben Hargreeves… 
… right?
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