#Danny will bring all of his friends that he had to the afterlife himself
moonlight-stalker · 11 months
# 70 Dc x Dp
Danny has Memorials of people that he had been friends with before they die. When Dannys friend's time is up Danny will come to them and ask if they would like him to deliver them to the afterlife himself if they say yes than Danny will take there souls and leave there body wherever they were for the living to find.
So when Danny becomes friends with one of the bats and they find the memorials of Danny's friends and look them up on the bat computer they believe Danny is an immortal serial killer.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
The One Unaccounted For
Danny had never seen Skulker look so pleased.
Normally the ghost was always at least a little happy to duke it out with Danny, but this? The ghost was positively vibrating with excitement.
"Okay, okay, time out. What's going on, man?" Danny had to call out, launching himself above a shot and hovering there.
Skulker fucking giggled. Skulker. Giggled.
"I have been hired by the Observants to hunt down a formidable foe. Our battle-" "-Will be glorious." Danny finished, much to the confusion of the ghost who had not been around for such refined culture.
"Yes! They also insist I bring another ghost, just in case it is 'too much' for me. Walker will not leave the Zone, Ember is still angry with me, Johnny and Kitty told me to..." Skulker cleared his throat, glancing at Danny, "And the last ghost I can think of is you, and I know you'll come to at least watch."
Danny's curiosity was piqued, he wasn't going to lie to himself. He still had to act like he needed to think about it though.
"Uh-huh, and who are you going after?"
Skulker almost started vibrating as he began his description.
"It is a ghost who has continuously evaded Walker, and caused so much strife and mayhem that even the Observants seek to drag him to confinement. He hides in the mortal world, in the city that knows no day, and alters the memories of that entire city."
So Danny was actually a bit on board with hunting this dude, actually. Memory manipulation was not cool.
"This ghost loves to torture mortals and claims it is for fun. Once! Once, he altered the memory of a young boy hero, to make him think he'd been tortured, and then altered the memory of the boy's mentor to believe that the boy was dead, all so that the boy would be buried alive. For fun. Then he almost completely wiped the boys memories of his life prior to being buried."
Skulker was beginning to actually get angry just retelling the story, and Danny was right there with him. Graves were sacred, and any ghost knew that. There was a ghost that willingly desecrated them? No wonder Walker wanted him.
If anything, Danny had to think that Skulker had glossed over Walker because he was positive that the Warden was foaming at the mouth just thinking about this criminal.
There was just one thing.
"So why do the Observants want in on this?"
Unless this ghost was actively threatening the balance of Life and Death, there really was no need to go after him.
"Because he has interfered with and altered the denizens of that city so much that the majority of them, if not all of them, are becoming as your puny mortal friends. Can you imagine that? A Living, a Mortal, blessed with the powers of Death. There are reports that one twisted their own time so much, he is now forever alive."
"Okay, that's super concerning. How did he do that?"
Skulker floated closer, almost like this was a gossip session in a sleepover.
"We believe he may have hidden a portal or twelve in the city of Gotham. He wears the semblance of a deranged clown, and is obsessed with laughter."
Well. Shit. Danny knew who they were after, he just hadn't know that Joker was actually one of their own. Half of his own?
"Fuck it, let's go drag the dude into the afterlife." He swore he heard a quiet squeal from the giant robot, but elected to ignore it.
He had to figure out how to either outsmart or work with the Big Bat himself, and he wasn't sure which would be better.
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evilminji · 8 months
You know... >.>
My Dad always used to tell me, if I get a Genuine Genie(tm)? Get a lawyer first. Before I make my Wishes(tm), so they can help me word them correctly.
Obviously, a human lawyer would not be foolproof... BUT! What about a Ghost Lawyer?
Like? Obviously Desiree would be PISSED. How DARE you twist HER wish twisting! Her THING is "what you believe is your heart's desire always comes at a terrible cost" which is what she DIED to learn.
So obviously she would NEVER, willingly, bend her Obsession for ANYONE. And you'd have to make a DAMN good case to that Lawyer for why he ISNT breaking the law by helping you. Probably some "you can: save the life of an unconscious person against their will/shove an unobservant person OFF the train tracks, even if they get hurt, to save their life" clause.
Like? Using a ghosts Obsession against them? Bad. Illegal.
Using it against their will, to save OTHER ghosts, who are in immediate danger? Not illegal, but they will be PISSED. Still not great though, you will want to apologize and fast.
So like??? Reality Bending Power. Patrick Star Method of "what if we MOVED the city... somewhere else?" Considered at 1am. Team of Ghost Laywers, acquired.
Amity and all Limnals are REMOVED from the DP-verse.
Wish worded juuuuust so. Any ghost that forms there? Yoink! Instantly removed to the Zone. Natural Portals? Cut off. Let the whole Reality fade out at an accelerated rate, as no NEW energy is fed into the system. Entropy will do, what entropy does. Exactly as they wished it.
They hated Death so much, they speed up the heat death of their ENTIRE universe by Eons. Congratulations, you guys "Won". Enjoy the wildly more fragile flora, fauna, and general ecosystems. Now that none of you have that ambient Ectoplasm strengthening your bodies. Yeah, the things you used to shrug off? Those are gonna maim or kill you now.
Doesn't MATTER if you "learn your lesson" though! Cause this is WAY past that point! This is "cutting off the tumor before it kills us" territory, and buddy? Amity ISNT the tumor. Go forth a grow, just like you wanted.
They won't be here to fix your messes anymore.
Because Danny got himself a dictionary thick "I Wish..." contract. Which was worded, as it needs to be, in one loooooooong run on sentence. Shouted "I Wish what's written on THIS, as it is currently, and without any form of editing or negotiation!" As fast as he could. Yote the document in Desiree's direction. And Flew like an INCANDESCENTLY pissed off Genie was trying to set his everything of fire.
Which she was.
Thankfully, Paulina came in clutch with her History of all things Jewelry, world fashions, and Make-Up knowledge. That, coupled with the Power Of Rich Friends(tm)? (Sam. Her mother was THRILLED to take her Jewelry and clothing shopping for something other then blacks and dark purple. They went on a jet setting whurl-wind tour. Sam actually kinda liked a some of what she found.)
They have Apology Bribes.
They shamelessly HIDE behind the mountain of Apology Bribes, while they explain themselves. Is Desiree HAPPY? No. But those bracelets are magnificent and she DOES deserve nice things. Those silks will really bring out her eyes. And she... DOES... admit...
That things are not... SAFE. Any longer. Danny TRIES. Everyone else can see it. And he's made incredible strides! Even convinced his lunatic parents. Though they're still not quite POPULAR. (WAY too pushy and invasive with their questions, for most people.) But the fanatics in white?
They nearly killed Box Lunch. If her father hadn't BEEN there...
And the poor man will have that scar on his back for the rest of his afterlife. Desiree can see why Danny is pushing. Does she LIKE it? No. But...
She supposes she will content herself with the suffering of the Fanatics in White and all who support them. THEIR wishes, twisted. Their ugly heart's desires.
And? The ghost town of what WOULD of one day grown into Amity, had the witch's there not been found by those they had fled from, which sits in long rotted ruins, amongst the trees in nowhere Illinois? Poof! Two "Towns" are switched.
The roads out of town coming to a clean line stop, meeting not even goat paths. Just trees. Old growth.
But it's not ALL of Town, is it? Faces missing. New, confused, faces from every corner of the map, taking their place. No Limnal left behind. No supporter of the GIWs genocide, brought along. Family's kept together where they could be. But by the few, scared and upset, green flashing eyes of children in the crowd?
It seemed for some, it was easier to fear and hate, then love their children.
Already they were being gathered up by school teachers and PTA parents. As everyone tried to figure out what had happened. Concerned, quite muttering a dull roar as everyone tries to coordinate.
Red Huntress joins Danny and Dani in the Sky. She doesn't get a word in. Wanted to know what the HELL was going on. She was with her dad in Chicago! Dani was in Taiwan! Literally! As in, sitting in a SUBWAY station one second, the next? Outside!
But they don't get to demand those answers. Because there is a sonic boom on the horizon. And then? Floating... weird... not ghosts?
That much blue... sure is a Statement. Like the cape and... bloooomers? Shorts. Bikini bottoms? It.. it's a Cool Look, dude! No, really. They are being VERY supportive here! If YOU like it? That's the only thing that matters!
Red Huntress smacks the Danny/i's Repeated upside their heads and demans to know what the Not-Ghosts are doing in their airspace.
Oh YEAH. Good point! What she said! And can it WAIT? They're kinda going through A Thing right now...
Kon? Wants it on record he loves these guys. They're hilarious. The LOOK on Clark's FACE?? He wishes he could frame it. Preserve it for future generations. Thing is? There was NOT a town here a second ago.
Well, bout 30 minutes or so, but you get the idea. One moment? Tree noises. Bam! Thousands of people! Obviously the checked it out. Only to be met with two... three maybe? Heros who have NO IDEA who they are.
Clear Reality warping shenanigans. Might be time travel or multiverse. Question is... are they STAYING? And if SO? What now...
@hdgnj @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter
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I propose a mashup between Rejected! Soulmate AU and Evil!Clone Tim... instead of Danny going to the DC universe, clone Tim saved him and moves with him. Danny can be more morally evil or it can be a lot of angst for original!Tim.
Does clones have soulmates? I think it would interesting if they don't have.
What do you think it would be clone!Tim reaction? And original!Tim?
This ^^^ This is brilliant!!! Clones not having soulmarks can add onto the "clones aren't people" angst and Danny would love Evil Tim so much and he's in a prime mental state to be manipulated and brainwashed. Even without that Danny is practically falling over himself to make Evil Tim happy.
On the "can be morally evil or angst for Original! Tim" i ask: why not both? E. Tim is bringing Phantom into the world of villiany and O. Tim can do nothing to stop it as Phantom begins to show his true power. Justice League Dark eventually has to step in but by this time its too late. E. Tim has created hundreds of plans and countermeasures to defeat/kill them and for the most part succeeded.
O. Tim feels guilt, not only for the deaths of all those heros who probably wouldn't have died if his clone didn't have access to Phantom but for Phantom himself meeting such an "awful fate"
In the mean time Danny is having the time of his afterlife with E. Tim who treats him like a queen and often declares him as his "greatest treasure"
Bonus points if Evil Cone Tim is kind of a Yandere. Maybe Danny just doesn't care of Danny is a Yandere also. Two overprotective super powerful psychos in love who refuse to ever hurt eachother.
Anyway, E. Tim would definitely rub it in O. Tim's face. Someone at some point calls E. Tim "Mr. Steal your girl" and Danny laughs. He also rubs it in his face how many doors Phantom had opened for him.
E. Tim is now:
1. Immortal. Kinda?
2. Given access to all kids of magical artifacts and advanced tech
3. Completely stable thanks to Phantom and the magical yeti scientists hes friends with offers to make clone babies for the two of them in the very distant future
4. Has an amulet that let's him turn into a dragon at will
5. Has his originals soulmate thoroughly in love with him and willing to do anything he asks of him and its clean-no matter how hard E. Tim tries to hide it- he's in love with Phantom too.
E. Tim is living the good life and O. Tim is very jealous.
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phantomskeep · 1 year
For those who want an update on Putting the "Fun" Back in "Funeral" - chapter four is nearly done! Just writing the last POV now. Chapter 4 should be about as long as chapter 3 (maybe even longer? It's at 6.8k right now and Jason's pov is going to be pretty lengthy) :D
For now, have a WIP since I missed Wednesday! Some parts are beta'ed, some aren't. If you notice any mistakes please let me know! :)
(The "..." means scene break. I kinda just grabbed random parts from the doc and slapped 'em in here hehe)
Excerpts from Putting the "Fun" Back in "Funeral" Chapter Four: Welcome to Gotham's One-Stop Shop for Villainy
Danny gave an involuntary awed noise. “So you guys have heroes here, too?” A dark tendril of smog wrapped around the back of the couch, resting gently against Danny’s neck.
The idea of having other heroes around was something that greatly appealed to Danny. Being the lone super-powered protector of Amity Park for so long took its toll on the young man, even with his human companions. It just wasn’t the same, being the only one with advanced abilities. He had to take the bigger hits, he had to be the one to save his friends if they got into too great of a bind, he had to be the one to try and take on the burden of Amity Park alone when they all went off to find their place in the world. With great power comes great responsibility, after all. And being the Ghost King? Well, Danny had more than enough “great power” to spare.
The thought was just as sobering as it was exciting. Other heroes, super or not, meant that there was something to have caused those heroes to come into play. Some great villain, or a world-ending disaster, or even large crime rates. Lady Gotham only said criminals, though, so maybe there were no supervillains Danny needed to worry about.
“Yes. In fact, there is a large society of both heroes and villains.”
Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted.
“But many of the aliens you were so excited to hear about are among those heroes.” Gotham continued, not noticing Danny’s sudden mid-afterlife crisis. “There is the Batman, who is one of the founders of the Justice League. Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Arrow, and many others are all part of this superhero society - the Justice League.”
“Okay,” Danny was desperately trying to keep up with this sudden information. “So, Batman is a super-powered dude who helped to start an entire squad of superheroes?”
“He has no powers. The Dark Knight is just a man, same with Green Arrow and many others. They simply are able to keep up with the aliens, gods, and metas.”
Danny paused, taking in a breath. He touched his fingers together, pressing his palms flat. Another breath was taken, this one deeper than the last. With every ounce of teenage angst he still had within him, Danny lifted his hands up together to rest against his forehead before bringing them down in an arch that would have made Sam proud. “What the fuck.”
A laugh rolled from Gotham’s form, his guardian sneakily tightening her protective hold on him. “What the fuck indeed, Little One.”
“Okay, okay-” Danny’s voice cracked with indignation, “So regular everyday humans fight supervillains and are able to keep up with gods? And super-powered aliens?”
“And one of those humans - who named himself after a bat - is the sole protector of your lair? Besides yourself? And he doesn’t let any of his superhero friends help him?”
“I never said he worked alone. Though, for a long time he did not have any help.”
“Lady G,” Danny said again with exasperation. “I repeat: what the fuck.”
Gotham huffed, “Because, quite frankly, there are magic users who know about your coronation. Any being with ties to death - through magic or dying or any other way - heard the Song of Ancients as you took the crown. It will not take long for your influence over the Realms to reach here, and when that occurs they will know.”
“And then the jig is up?”
“Yes, then the ‘jig is up’.”
A loud groan left him, frustration causing Danny to get up and pace. “So, what? I just go around and snatch everything while invisible? Or in the Kingly gear? Wouldn’t that just give everything away from the get-go?”
When Gotham didn’t respond, the young man turned to face her. The City Spirit was staring at him, not saying anything.
“What?” He finally asked when he couldn’t stand it.
“You can change the outfit of your form.” She stated. “Did you not know this?”
Danny let his silence speak for him.
It took flipping through old news channels, trolling internet forums, random fan blogs, and even watching a few interviews of various heroes for Danny to get a vague grasp of this new reality. There were some heroes that he couldn’t get a full view of - the Batman being one of them. All he could find were grainy photos of the hero and hints that he wasn’t the only hero in the city.
Which would make Danny’s job a bit harder.
During his deep dive into this dimension’s cultures, Danny flipped through the little journal Clockwork had gifted him. His mentor’s steady handwriting listed out the various artifacts he was going to need to find as well as their general location. Many of those artifacts, after using his shiny new high-tech computer to look them up, were located in public places or stored in secret, secure facilities. Yoinking the public ones wouldn’t be too much of an issue for Danny - his abilities would make it rather easy to avoid detection, after all - but he had no idea what a “Fortress of Solitude” was. Or even something as vague as “The Watchtower”. Seriously, some of these places sounded weird.
But others had cities listed out. Star City was obviously a town, he knew where Gotham was (duh), and even places like Themyscira were easy enough to Google. It was with this brilliant deduction that led Danny to believe some of the weirder names weren’t attached to a city at all which was rather worrying.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who asked) Clockwork wasn’t one to steer Danny in a direction the old ghost knew wouldn’t work out. So with a healthy dose of blind faith, Danny chose to focus on whatever artifacts he could easily access for now. This meant Danny spent a decent amount of time casually scrolling through museum articles, even more blogs, and whatever else he could get his grubby little hands on. Honestly, it made the Ghost King feel like he was back in highschool trying to desperately write an entire research essay the day it was due.
The first item on Danny’s newly named “List of Shit I Need to Steal” was an item called the Hand of Greed. According to the Gotham Museum of Natural History’s website, the Hand of Greed was a statuette found in an Ancient Greek city. There were some general facts about when it was found, who discovered it, and how it came into the Museum’s care. The Wikipedia page elaborated more on the lore behind the dark statuette, though.
According to random people on the internet, the Hand of Greed had been found by Ancient Greek farmers after a lightning storm in a graveyard. Which then led Danny to a dead end on his brief dive into detective-ing, something his growling stomach was happy to see.
Jason landed hard on the roof across from the museum, rolling into a light jog as he shook off the pain racing through his knees. He could see the top of his targeted building, stopping at the edge of the rooftop he was occupying to try and get a better view.
He needed to figure out what caused the alarm to trip on the building in the first place. It didn’t seem like the type of area one of the usual Gotham Rogue Gallery would target for any occasion. Maybe Catwoman, but Jason didn’t know of any jewels in any exhibit that she would try to steal. “Oracle, this is Red Hood.”
“This is Oracle - go ahead, Hood.” Barbara's voice filled Jason’s ears as he kept a moving eye on the building across from him.
“Do you have any information on who might’ve broken in? I can’t think of anything Catwoman would try to get her hands on.”
A thoughtful hum came from the other side of the transmission. “I’m looking at the CCTV footage now. The person who broke in is still inside, and appears to be wearing a dark outfit along with a white hood. White accents as well - whoever it is, they’re not one of our usuals.” 
Jason cocked his head, body lighting up with adrenaline. “Roger, going in now. Might as well figure out who it is.” Aiming his grapple gun towards a secure part of the museum’s building, he triggered the mechanism with a satisfying pop and whirr. With a practice ease, he jumped off the rooftop, soaring above the late-night foot traffic with a small thrill. His shoulder protested the movement, still sore from the earlier tussle Jason had gotten into. 
Hope you all enjoyed the sneak peak! If everything works out in my favor, chapter four should be up by Monday or Tuesday :)
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After Death, After Life
Phic Phight 2022 here we go! I am one phic in and already have churned out more words than all of last phic phight, so that's something :D
Prompt from @going-dead: Ghostking!Danny meets one of his parents in the afterlife.
“Mom?” The word was out of the King’s mouth before he could even think to stop himself, strangled and pained. He hadn’t even said it all that loud, but it carried across the throne room of the Keep, twisting and coiling into the ears of every one of his subjects present today. The light muttering that always dominated the slower of the open court days disappeared in a moment, every ghost present turning in uncanny synchronicity to the throne at the one end of the hall, and half a beat later, to the grand doors thrown open to the courtyard.
The weather had been nice lately, and King Phantom much preferred natural light to the eerie glow of the ghostfire torches.
Of the two ghosts in the doorway, only one reacted as the King spoke. The taller of the two, not The Fright Knight but instead a younger fear knight in their own right, flinched slightly. Glancing between the smaller ghost slumping next to them and King Phantom at the far end of the hall, the knight steeled themself and began to float forward. They passed between the rows of ghosts from all across the zone with back straight and head held high. The smaller ghost followed close behind, light steps still managing to ring out through the hall. 
Not a single word was uttered as the two traversed the length of the room.
When the knight reached the bottom of the throne, they dropped to one knee, bowed their head, and finally broke the silence.
“My King.”
“Sir Ofn.” The knight, Sir Ofn, inclined their head at the acknowledgement, quiet as it may have been.
“I discovered this new ghost in the upper levels of the Realms.” Sir Ofn glanced at the ghost next to them. There was no indication she was processing anything happening around her; she was still slumping slightly, feet planted firmly on the floor of the courtroom, eyes dazed and unfocused. “I know it is not habit to greet every new citizen of the Realms, but this one was a hunter in life and it felt prudent to bring her-” Sir Ofn cut themself off with a light cough. They took a moment to collect, a moment that normally would have been filled with murmurs and whispers from the courtesans over whatever the latest gossip was, a moment that stayed as silent as the moment just before it.
Sir Ofn raised their face to look their King in his eyes, etiquette of the court be damned. Their voice suddenly soft, no longer ringing with the authority of the Knights of the Realm but instead with the care of one who does not wish to see a friend in pain, Sir Ofn said “My King, I’m so sorry. You needed to know as soon as possible.”
The King tore his eyes away from the doors at the end of the hall to finally look at Sir Ofn. He didn’t so much as glance at the smaller ghost, instead holding the knight’s gaze. Sir Ofn didn’t break the eye contact, not until their King seemed to collapse into his throne; his body went completely slack as a marionette doll cut loose from it’s strings. Any breath he might have had left his lips in a pained sigh and he closed his eyes.
Sir Ofn stood, fully aware of just how much they were breaking the rules of the court today, and as the temperature in the throne room began to drop, they turned to the waiting crowd.
“I need to speak with His Majesty alone. You may all take your leave.”
The assembled ghosts shuffled out without so much as a grumble.
It was common knowledge that the new Ghost King was not a full ghost. Not that anyone really cared: it had no bearing on his ability to lead the realm, and while he had been young and naive at the start, the past five years of ruling had sharpened his mind and spirit until he had earned the respect and trust of his subjects. There was not a single ghost who would say anything against him on the questionable status of his death, nor against those in the lands of the living who were just as much his allies as other leaders in the Infinite Realms were.
Even still, it was quite easy to forget just how much of his heart and mind the young King had among the living. His parents were never spoken of in polite company; being descended from hunters was about as shameful a heritage as any ghost could have. His sister was not an uncommon sight in the Keep, but few had ever spoken to her. His two closest friends traveled all across the Zone and were friendly with many of the leaders of the smaller realms and general populous alike, but everyone knew they didn’t entirely belong in the world of the living anymore either.
To see the King’s mother as a new ghost was a stark reminder of everything human about the King of the Dead.
And yet, now alone in the throne room with the King still slumped in his throne and the new ghost next to them just as unresponsive as ever, Sir Ofn couldn’t help but wish that their King would look just a little less like death.
“Your Majesty-”
“Just, drop the title.” His Majesty, King Phantom of the Infinite Realms, cut the knight off. “Please just, Phantom right now.”
“Of course, Phantom.” Both King and knight could hear how awkward Sir Ofn felt using the King’s personal name, but it was not the first time.
“Where did you-” Phantom let out a low exhale. “Where did you find her?”
“The upper levels of the realm, not far from your own portal. I didn’t recognize her, not at first, but,” Sir Ofn shrugged, unsure of how to explain.
“She’s strong. And distinct.” Phantom stood from the throne, unclasping the flowing cape of the King and setting the Crown of Fire on the seat.
“That she is, Phantom.” Sir Ofn snorted without humor. “She seemed… confused. Lost.”
“You could feel her fear.”
“Has she said anything?” Phantom stepped down off the throne dais, feet just as firmly on the ground as the new ghost’s. “Or, y’know, done anything at all?
“She was quite talkative when I found her. She asked me where she was, who I was, what was happening. When I explained that she was a ghost, she shut down. She hasn’t said anything since, merely followed me.”
“I should call Jazz. She needs to know.” Before Sir Ofn could respond, Phantom had turned away and pulled out a set of Fenton Phones. From where, Sir Ofn could only imagine.
“My King- Phantom. Should you not confirm that this is actually-”
“What, Maddie?” Phantom glanced at the ghost in question for perhaps the first time since she had fully entered the throne room. “I don’t need to. It’s her. I know it.”
He tensed then, body closing off as he spun away from Sir Ofn and brought his hand up to his ear. “Hmm, Jazz? What? No, it was open court today, you know I have everything on silent for that. Jazz, Jazz I need you to slow down. You want me to come back home?” A pause on Phantom’s end as he listened to what his sister was saying. “Yeah, I get that you say it’s urgent, but something came up here and I don’t think I can leave just yet- it’s about mom?”
Phantom froze, hand still raised to his ear. Whatever his sister was saying, it was hitting him hard.
“She’s- yeah, Jazz, I know.”
Sir Ofn could have sworn they heard the yelp on the other end of the Fenton Phones as Phantom’s sister reacted.
“That’s why- that’s what- Jazz I can’t leave. No, I get what you’re saying. That’s- ugh don’t you get it? That’s why I can’t go home! Not right now!”
There was a long pause in which Phantom didn’t speak but it didn’t appear he was listening to anything either.
After far too long for the knight’s liking, Phantom nodded. “Yes. She’s- well, she’s here.” Another pause. “I don't know what I’m gonna do! But I can’t just leave her, not like this. Jazz, I won’t ask you to cover for me, not through this. Just, I don’t know, deflect to Sam and Tucker. I’ll let them know what to expect.”
Phantom glanced back at the two other ghosts as his sister spoke again, but Sir Ofn had the distinct feeling he wasn’t really seeing either of them.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come yet. She’s- I don’t think she’s handling it well. What? No, she hasn’t actually said anything to me yet. No, one of my knights found her- yes, one of the Knights of Fear- no that’s not- just, don’t come yet. I’ll- I’ll let you know when. Please Jazz, I need you to trust me on this.” Phantom’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Thank you, Jazz. I’ll, well I guess I’ll let you know if anything changes.Stay safe. I love you.”
Phantom pressed a button on the side of the Fenton Phones and turned back to the other duo.
“That- I mean- I can-” Phantom stopped to draw in a shaky breath. “Jazz wanted to tell me that mom-” He cut himself off again, voice trembling.
“I understand. You don’t need to say it, not if you aren’t ready. Should you alert your friends?”
“Hmm? Yeah. Yeah no, I need to do that. I’ll just, uh,” Phantom began to turn away again, pulling another device out of another hidden pocket. “It won’t take long, I’ll just be right over-”
“You said Jazz.” The voice was quiet and unsure, but both Phantom and Sir Ofn froze. “Why did you say my daughter’s name?” Maddie Fenton’s ghost finally, finally looked up. She ignored the knight next to her whose hand had drifted to their sword, and instead locked eyes with Phantom. He didn’t say anything, one hand clenching the little communicator tightly. After a moment, Maddie continued. “Is she dead too?”
That was enough to shock Phantom into a response. “What? No, of course not. She’s- Jazz is fine. She just, she called to tell me that you were- that you’re-”
“That I’m dead?” Maddie’s voice was still quiet, but her surety punched Phantom in the gut. “Why was she calling you?”
“How do you know my daughter?”
“It’s- she’s my sister? Mom, it’s me. Danny.”
“Danny?” Maddie tilted her head a little, as if to size up the ghost in front of her. “You died too?”
“No- yes- sort of- ugh, kind of, but it’s been a few years now- Mom, I need you to look at me.” Danny took a step towards Maddie and held his hands out in front of him cautiously. Sir Ofn tensed, hand now resting firmly on the grip of their sword.
“Mom, can you tell me what you see?”
“I see you, Danny,” She paused, her brow crinkling slightly in thought. “Why do you look so different?”
“Mom, I’m Pha-” Before he could finish the word, Maddie’s eyes widened, her body tensed, and Danny felt himself flying across the room to crash into the base of the throne. Maddie was on top of him before he could get to his feet, pinning him to the floor.
“You’re not my Danny! You’re not- Who are you!” She screamed, less a question and more a desperate cry. “Where’s my son? Where is-”
Danny threw up a shield, hands held above his face as if they could protect him from his mother any better than the sheet of energy. Slowly, he pushed the shield up and away, forcing Maddie to back down as he stood up. He threw a glance to the rest of the hall; Sir Ofn resheathed their sword and backed away a few steps.
“Mom, I swear it’s me. Please can you- Mom I’m gonna let the shield go, but I need you to promise me you won’t do anything. Please, can you promise me that?” 
For a brief moment, there was no response. Then, after an eternity that lasted less than a second, Maddie nodded sharply. Danny dropped the shield and set his feet back on the ground.
“Mom, I promise you, it’s me, Danny. It’s always- It’s always just been me.” Maddie’s eyes ran up and down him in a frantic search. “Mom, can you see? It’s me. It’s me, and I can- I can help you, but I need you to stay calm, and then we can talk about this. Please, we can just sit and talk and I can explain everything.” Danny lowered himself to the edge of the dais. He set his feet to rest over the steps, and slowly, without looking away from his mom, tapped the spot next to him.
Maddie hesitated a moment, throwing looks around the hall now. Sir Ofn glanced back at the open door leading out to the courtyard, and when they felt Maddie’s eyes on them, looked at her with a slight shake of their head. They hoped it was comforting.
“Mom?” Danny asked one more time. Maddie sat next to him, her own feet mirroring his on the steps below them.
Sir Ofn bowed low to their King, and left the hall. Light whispers sounded behind them, and if they had listened any closer, they might have heard crying, but that was not for them to say.
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acesymmetricfool · 2 years
2021 Round Up~
Wow there were some really cool events and prompts this year. I tried to tag everything and everyone I could think of so credit can go where it's due. Let me know if I missed any because I'm low-key exhausted but I wanted to get it done quickly.
Under the cut is a list of everything I did in 2021 for the Danny Phandom. There are some Ao3 links that lead to cleaned up versions of my (favored) fics if you're into that so feel free to sub to Acesymmetricfool on Ao3 for more as I get them tidy or I'll just reblog them as I go anyway.
Here on tumblr, I have my main blog @another-shameless-fangirl and my writing sideblog or check the tags "#asf writes" or "#asf wrote a thing" for more.
Thanks for the support I've gotten from people here, it really does mean so much!
It's mostly angst and drama. How about I tag what isn't. Enjoy~
Trick (362) -Ectober @ectoberhaunt Danny's secret is out. This ghost has tricked everyone into thinking it's little Danny Fenton. Luckily his parents know better than to trust a monster.
Laugh- Ao3 link -Ectober
What do people actually think about Phantom? We'd like to think of him as a friend with a nice laugh.
Glitter - Ao3 link (731) -Ectober
Glittering snow appears wherever Phantom does. There was a beauty in the way Phantom felt pain.
Fairy Circle (1166) -Ectober -dramatic with classmates
Danny isn't interested in this nature hike, especially when his friends are back at camp with another group and he's stuck with Dash and some other people. When they find a fairy circle in a clearing, Danny knows the stories and to stay away. Dash doesn't believe him and maybe there is a price to pay.
Twilight (660) -Ectober -oh no what happened in Fairy Circle
Fenton better not be pulling a fast one about that fairy circle business. Dash rationalizes the events of Fairy Circle in what is basically chapter 2 and is awaiting a third chapter.
Swamp- Ao3 link (3225) -Ectober (Horror)
Fenton Works wasn't always a weapons manufacturer. The Fenton's were paranormal investigators. Field studies were done, measurements were taken, tests performed. It was a family business that searched for proof of ghosts. One night, they finally found it. If only their 6-year-old wasn't sleeping in the backseat.
Poison - Ao3 link (428) -Ectober
Danny Phantom was going to be the end of Amity Park as we knew it.
Mask- Ao3 link (640) -Ectober There wasn’t a time after the accident that Danny felt he could be himself. He had a loving family, friends who adored him, a public whose opinion varied on his performance, but he couldn’t bring himself to present all that he was to any of them. So Danny started to wear masks.
Condemned (420) -Ectober
Danny Phantom was a menace at best, at worst an upheaval of the natural order of things. Danny knew better than anyone this sentence was for the best.
Headstone (2434) -Ectober
Why did he have to be remembered? Why didn’t they want him anymore? Did they all wish him a safe passing to the afterlife? What did he do wrong to make all them want him gone?
He was a hero for them wasn’t he?
Insomnia- Ao3 link (1018) -Ectober
What was a little lost sleep if staying awake meant he could keep his city safe?
A Wish List for Danny- Ao3 link (763) -12 Days of Ficmas (Fluff) @12daysficmas
Danny's been so busy fighting ghosts, he forgot to make himself a Wish List before the holidays started and he just doesn't have it in him anymore. Good thing he has two best friends who love him.
With a Little Help- Ao3 Link (645)- 12 Days of Ficmas (Fluff)
Star Thunder has her life together school-wise. It isn't really her problem if Fenton's is falling apart. Lucky for him, Foley comes to plead mercy.
Call me Grandma Ida- Ao3 link (1541) 12 Days of Ficmas (Fluff)
“I don’t eat. I’m a ghost.” Ida Manson could have believed him if it weren’t for his voice or his face or the way his hands moved. She smiled at the ghost boy. “You’ve got a mouth, don't ya?”
She Knew Those Eyes- Ao3 link (2788)- Truce gift for @faedemon / @moipale
Jazz didn’t know as much about ghosts. She didn’t have powers or experience but she was willing to learn and help any way she could. Danny might not want to tell her about every rough time, but the important thing was that he trusted her to be there on the really bad days.
When her brother's skittish clone introduced herself, Jazz braced herself for what could be a very bad night indeed.
A Real Connection- Ao3 link (822)(Cracky fluff) @floralflowerpower
When Danny Fenton is spotted being carried home by the friendly Phantom, the Citizens of Amity Park can't help but wonder what their connection is. The consensus, despite any objections from Fenton, is that it is so very real.
Electric Duet (669) A duet with @floralflowerpower, prompt by @coolclaytony
Maddie experiments with Phantom's aversion to electricity and makes a dire mistake.
This is Only the Beginning- Ao3 link (1581) @danphanwritingprompts
Danny learns the hard way what Vlad already knew. They were both immortal and every human they cared about would die.
You Were Supposed to Be Our Uncle Vlad (1348) @danphanwritingprompts
Clockwork has his reasons when he shows Danny another alternate future. A single second could have made all the difference. Uncle Vlad would have been family.
My Eyes Were Blue (1021)- prompt by @dannyphantompromptgenerator and @all-out-disney
Danny finds out what happened to Sidney Poindexter.
Checking up on the boy (311) Kinda related to My Eyes Were Blue Prompt by @danphanwritingprompts
“Ma’am, you don’t understand. There’s nobody named Sidney Poindexter currently attending this school.”
Conviction (2083)- prompt by @amabsis
This time, instead of making a weapon to hurt ghosts, the Fenton's make a weapon that allows them to “get their feelings back”. Problem is they already have them, so what happens when you take an already emotional ghost teen and amplify it by 10?
Team Work Makes the Dream Work- (1424)- Cracky fun- prompt by @reallydumbdannyphantomaus
kwan: don't look now but we've shifted to another reality again
dash: fuck!!!!! shit!!!!! no!!!!!
kwan: i mean i know it sucks but it's happened before it'll be fine
dash: no idiot we've got an away game tonight how are we supposed to get to brantford from another reality??
kwan: 😱
kwan: we're gonna have to forfeit!
dash: not on my watch
Thanks so much!
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Interior designer Danny Fenton!  If you enjoy this please hit that reblog button!
Danny had been on somewhat of a hyper fixation spiral since Sydney had explained how Sanctuaries work in the Infinite Realms.  You make one from the surrounding ectoplasm and it’s your place.  Only assholes will invade your sanctuary without permission and you have every right to fight them over it.   Danny acknowledged that ghosts were people, and like people, he didn’t want them just waltzing into his house because the only nearby door to Earth was in it.
So, Danny had taken a blank sketchbook, let some of that ghostly energy flow into his mind, and considered how he wanted his sanctuary to look.    It took weeks of drawing, of looking up pictures of the ISS, going to that abandoned observatory at that one hill, going with Sam on a trip to a jungle (he’d learned that bugs were discouraged from being near him if he let out little pulses of energy) and his own hike through Amity’s woods.   He found himself tugged and drawn toward so many places for inspiration it shocked him.  He drew server rooms, a room for nothing but videogames, a movie theater, a bowling alley.   The library, the arcade, that coffee shop Sam liked that sold weird books, the park, Danny filled his sketchbook up and up and up (it shouldn’t have this many pages in it but his life was so strange he didn’t even notice that).
A month after Danny had come up with this plan, he was in a pottery class, learning how the process of molding clay at your fingertips felt and worked.   He had to leave to fight ghosts, yes, but he was learning and the art of turning a pile of mush into something new made something in Danny sing.   
Walking through the portal always brought back the most awful memories, but he soldiered on because this?  It was important.   Danny sat in front of the portal on the other side, surrounded by dark void and glowing green, blue, indigo, and violet mist (it was those colors and more, it was all the colors human eyes could not see).   He lay one hand on his sketchbook, closed his eyes, breathed in, and let his energy flow outward.   Immediately the mists pulsed and ebbed and flowed and danced to the tune of his core and Danny imagined himself drawing and molding at the same time.   His aura shone brighter and brighter, and around the portal formed steel and stone, which extended upward, downward, outward.  For an age, Danny let himself get lost in the sheer art of creation and the world around him hummed and thrummed as it was pulled closer together and twisted and stretched and aligned just so.
As a favor to a boy they would not know personally for some time, she twisted the dilation of Time around the Fenton Portal relative to Earth.  Thanks to him, an hour would pass in that material Realm while Danny was lost in an obsession he didn’t even know he had - creating.   Ectoplasm and the Soul both were infinite and as such Danny wove together the most beautiful tapestry he could without pause.
When Danny finally opened his eyes and the burning power ebbed back into his still ringing core, he was inside of a room.  It was his workshop back home, or a replica of it, instead of his parents’ lab, though the portal was right where it was in the lab of course.  He let his feet rest on the smooth linoleum or at least what he thought might be linoleum, and hummed.  He walked over to the stairs and ascended, noting that artifact storage and weapon storage were both there.  The kitchen, however, was very different.  It was like something out a professional restaurant, every surface looking beautifully clean with knives and spoons and measuring tools and bowls and everything one could wish for to cook a five-star meal with littering the place.  Meals he cooked with his dad, disasters he’d helped his mom and sister either make or destroy, Tucker and his mom’s home cooking, Agatha’s wonders all came to mind and Danny grinned.  There was enough room for all of them to work together on something here.
The living room had couches, beanbag chairs, and very well cushioned chairs everywhere, the carpet feeling like a soft moss under his toes when he took off his boots and the walls and ceiling covered in murals of a forest under a starry night sky.  When Danny flicked his fingers, a holographic screen appeared in the air and he beamed.  Scrolling around quickly showed that signals were caught rather easily through the portal and he could connect to the internet or to any version of a cable package on Earth.  “Tucker will love this.”  That thought, of course, led Danny deeper into the house, to the stairs and up them toward a room.  Crisscrossing the room were lines like circuits, gold, green, and red the theme of the room.  It appeared a cross between a lab and a living room.
The largest feature was a sunken area in the middle of the floor that housed a circular bank of computers, as well as a bolted and padded chair that spun in a circle to reach every screen.  Over to one side was a table with a sewing machine, countless pieces of fabric off on a shelf nearby.  To the other side was a table with an entire DnD map on it, miniatures laid out waiting to take form.  To one side as well there was a cabinet next to a refrigerator and a freezer, all labeled ‘chemicals’, and wow, Danny should probably check what those were.  He knew Tucker was starting to dabble in chemistry but anything made from ectoplasm was probably dangerous to go experimenting with.  The dartboard in the visage of a computerized eye was, in Danny’s humble opinion, a nice touch on his part.
“Well, there’s only one other door here besides the entrance and I’m gonna bet that’s like, an extra bedroom.  So, let’s see what else we’ve got here.”  Danny floated down the halls and hummed when he found a door made of polished obsidian with streaks of thread woven around it.  He pulled open the door and chuckled.  “Wow.  plants everywhere, spider silk all over the place, black and purple with rebellion posters.  I wonder who this room is for.”  Danny floated up to the ceiling when he caught an odd glint and raised a brow at the cameras hovering in a strange formation.  But then he pulled back down and snorted when he realized they were arranged like the eyes of a spider.  There was a door labeled dark room where only a red light could be seen and when Danny touched the floor with his hand he found that it absolutely was some kind of moss.  “I wonder how alive anything I like, willed into existence around here, can be.  Is this real moss feeding on the ambient energy in Realms or does it just look and feel like that cause I thought it was thematically appropriate?”
Deciding that was best left for later, Danny flew off down the hall and up the winding stairs once more, finding himself suddenly in a library that seemed to go on and on in all directions.  Shelves upon shelves that towered twice his height littered this floor so far like a maze that Danny couldn’t tell if there was an end made of true walls or if that second floor ringed with a brass balcony was supported by yet more bookshelves.  Couches and chairs and tables were scattered all around, and the carpet was a soft lilac with orange and blue eye patterns repeating all over it.  “This doesn’t feel like Sam or Tuck… it feels like Jazz.  Wow, the rooms really feel like them.  Ok, Fenton, don’t get too wrapped up in that.  Ghost stuff is weird and you’ve felt and seen what your friends’ aurae are like before.  This is just a whole nother level of it, in your own personal afterlife home.”
Spinning around the spiral staircase once he found it up to the very top of the building found Danny in an observatory, to understate.  There was a telescope that looked out and up into the void toward the dots and pinpricks of light that hinted at the spirits of stars shining in the distance.  The walls were all made of glass - likely one-way glass - and each was a different color, each reflecting a different view of somewhere on Earth.  Most of them showed Amity, the places he went to most frequently, and the places he had to protect most often, but there was also a view of the whole of NASA’s facilities, the night sky, the biggest planetarium in the world, etcetera.  Danny felt tears rising to his eyes, blurring his vision.  “This is beautiful…”
On one table was a map, shifting and changing like waves on the ocean, which showed all the places that Danny had been in the Infinite Realms.  There was a door that led to a room filled with easels, canvas, paint, brushes, pencils, paper, everything he could ever crave for drawing and molding art from clay and ink and paper.  A flick of his fingers brought up a hologram when he got close to some speakers and every song he’d ever listened to was there, somehow in full even when his memories had faded of the lyrics and names.
“Alright.  Ok, I can’t- I can’t stay here or I’ll never leave.  I have to bring Tucker and Sam to see this.”  Danny looked out a window, this one opening up onto a balcony, and he gasped.  Stretching out for at least a mile or three was violet stone under several buildings.  It looked for all the world like a town surrounding his house, with a forest and wood surrounding that town.  “Holy shit.  Yeah, I gotta show Tucker and Sam.”
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mightydragoon · 4 years
Danny Phantom Humourous Fics: Part 1
For when you had a good cry recently and you want to laugh at the world. I got you covered
mixture of FF and Ao3 fics, many of which are one shots.  Well for the first part mostly if not all FF fics. 
1. Dead, Really By: The Green Pilgrim 
It's hard getting through the funeral of a loved one... especially when he's whispering rude comments in your ear.
2.  Trick!  By: Firefury Amahira 
An unlikely alliance is formed on Halloween... against Mr. Lancer!
3.  Sweet Revenge: Friday, October 13th By: Chaos Dragon
Who would have guessed that Friday the thirteenth was a holiday in the Ghost Zone? And that the favorite past time on said holiday was pranking the local halfa? Or that the day from hell would have such a sweet ending? 1 of 12 HftH Arc DxS
4.  Terrible Twos By: angelofsuspense 
Danny gets turned into a 2-year-old and his enemies start attacking thinking he's weak. Over time though they start to wonder: what's worse? The new annoying and hyper Danny Phantom, or the fact that they still can't beat him?
(note this one is a classic and I highly reccomend) 
5. Clock's day By: Preemtive Karma 
Every 1461 days the ghosts have a chance to pay homage to the master of time. Danny learns of this tradition, and decides to pay a visit himself.
6.  15 Things To Do At WalMart By: VampireApple 
Danny, Sam and Tucker decide to have some fun at WalMart. Slight DS fluff. COMPLETE! At long last.
7.  How to Piss Off Danny Fenton By: libraluvr
"I don't have to know you well to know how to piss you off."- Dash is trying to piss Danny off. Can Danny take it? Or will he snap?
(note sequel below)
8  How to Avoid Getting Suspended By: libraluvr 
Dash has decided he can't possibly let Danny get away with beating him up? Will he manage to get Danny kicked out of school? -Sequel to How to Piss Off Danny Fenton
9. Ghost Zone Experience By: Dream Trance 
"I'm a weatherman, not a—Good afternoon, Amity Park! This is Lance Thunder bringing you live to what looks like a ghostly tug-a-war with our own town hero, Danny Phantom, as both the rope and opposition. Anything you'd like to add, Mr. Phantom?"
(another gem, sadly incomplete, still so much fun) 
10. Apples Keep the Ghosts Away By: Dream Trance 
Collection of light-hearted one-shots in response to Arietta Fenton-Phantom's challenge. Read and have fun! Disappearing Act: A field trip gone wrong leads to an unplanned journey through the Ghost Zone for Casper High students and teachers.
11.  Ethos, Pathos, and Logos By: PhantomInvader 
Sometimes even a relatively normal day in Danny Fenton's life can be amusing and eventful by itself. Yes, even during Mr. Lancer's class. Oneshot collection. Now: Lancer assigns partners for a project: learn 10 things about each other, and present them.
12. 83 Ways to Get Detention 
 Casper High is getting dull. Luckily Tucker has an idea to change that. What will happen when our favorite trio schemes up 83 plots to get in detention? Hilarity will ensue.
(Note* been a while since I read this one, I have no idea how it holds up now)
13.  School?  By: Lady Rae of Ravenclaw  
When a social serves's nutjob yanks Danny and Danielle PHANTOM of the streets, telling them they have no choice but to attend school, only chaos will ensue. SEQUEL IS UP AND IS CALLED 'Living Life Because I'm Alive!
14.  Living Life Because I'm Alive By: Lady Rae of Ravenclaw 
Danielle's lair has been ruined, and after a nerve-wrecking attempt at getting her a home to stay in, her life takes a winding path of friends, family, adventure and love. - Sequel to story 'School' not needed to enjoy story. Contains twp OC's important to the plot and two stories take place during it that will be written separate. DanixOC minor DxS, TxJ and ValxOC.
(Note* Similar to this one and sequel to the one above)
15.  Where The Body Lays  By: Clockwork's Apprentice 
AU- Phantom is literally Danny's disembodied spirit and when he 'goes ghost', his body just falls limp- not even breathing. As a result, he not only has a reputation for 'sleeping' in class but Tucker and Sam have to hide his body from everyone when he's ghost fighting but what happens when they're gone and Lancer tries to wake up Danny only to find that he's not breathing.
(words can’t describe my love  for this one shot) 
16. Karma has a Sense of Humor By: Vitaliciouscreations
Danny comforts Mikey, Nathan, and Lester after a group beating because of the football team, and later, proves that his words weren't just to cheer them up.
17.  Bayard  By: sapphireswimming 
The ghost just didn't know who he was messing with when he floated into Lancer's classroom.
18.  Mister Popular By: ploThief 
To say Danny knows people is an understatement. To say that would come back to bite him is an understatement as well. Featuring the Secret Trio and a surprise group
19.  Phantom Radio By: Clockwork's Apprentice 
AU- The Phantom siblings, Danny and Dani, were the ones that started their own Radio Show. The other residents of the Ghost Zone quickly made their radio show the most popular and well-known throughout the Zone.
( Note* another fantastic fic by  Clockwork's Apprentice)
20.  Reaping Roads By: Clockwork's Apprentice 
AU. When Sam died, she didn't expect the reaper escorting her to the afterlife to be so cute. Good thing the road to the afterlife is so long.
21.  Not True, Yes it is! By: QueenofHearts7378 
"So what are they trying to prove?", "With them? Who knows.", "Well whatever they're doing, someone will probably have to go get the nurse." [One-Shot]
(note*  QueenofHearts7378 is also a very prominent Secret Quartet writer so if you’re interested in that give her a try) 
22.  Suit Yourself! By: mabel-but-slytherin 
Grunkle Stan has to get his suits from somewhere! Upon discovering that Stan steals all of his suits from the same poor rich guy, Mabel swears she'll make the latest stolen suit his own. Phantomfalls ensues.
(Note* this is so dumb but I love it to bits
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mind-music-musical · 5 years
General plot structure of my musical
Right so this is basically the plot outline i’ve come up with but ofc it’s subject to change as with most things related to this project. 
So the plot is generally structured around the events of Dante’s Purgatorio but will be adapted to explore the themes I’ve laid out in previous posts (mental health, music, etc.). I’m planning for this to be a one act musical at about 70-80 mins because it’s meant to be a song cycle-type show, where the story is based around a list of songs meant to be listened in a specific order (think SiX and 35mm). Plus, I think 2 act musicals can be a little much for some people and shorter, minimalistic shows could resonate more with people who aren’t huge musical nerds/want to get into musicals more. Also, 2 act musicals tend to have a problem with pacing and fetter out near the end once there’s already a climax in the middle IMO.
I’ve planned for about 10 scenes with a song at the end of each scene. 7 of the 10 scenes would be structured around the 7 levels of purgatory and how they relate / can be adapted to Danny’s own personal issues.
scene 1- intro/ ante-purgatory
Here, Danny wakes up confused, meets Virginia who tells him that his soul is trapped and they must journey through his mind in order to resolve his psychological baggage in order for him to escape. Here he also meets the chorus which resembles his school’s choir that he’s part of as well as Beau, who manages to convince him to take on the journey.
(Beau re-appears at the end of each of the next 6 scenes to give Danny words of encouragement as a sort of Guardian angel figure before progressing with the story)
scene 2- pride
Virginia tells Danny to confront his constant need for validation from other people in order to affirm his confidence in all the parts of himself he’s secretly proud of and how this effects his inability to accept his flaws. 
scene 3 - envy
Virginia probes Danny further about his insecurities and concludes that he has an inferiority complex, causing him to double down on his self-doubt when someone else out-performs him in something he thought he was good at.
scene 4 - wrath
Virginia tries to get to the bottom of Danny’s source of insecurity, trying to figure out why he craves external validation and constantly compares himself to other people. Danny starts talking about his relationship to his parents and we find out that they are a major source of why Danny is the way he is now. We learn that he could’ve gone to therapy ages ago and was suggested to get a diagnosis for depression and anxiety, but his parents wouldn’t allow this. Danny admits that he resents his parents and is angry at himself for even thinking that.
scene 5 - sloth
Throughout the previous scenes, it’s revealed that Danny cares a lot about music and singing and that not only is his singing ability one of his biggest insecurities, it’s something he’s been discouraged from doing by his parents. As a result of feeling defeated as well as his depression, he tells Virginia that he’s considering quitting the choir and giving up on his dreams entirely, stating that he’s lost motivation to do any of the things he loves. Virginia attempts to tell him to not accept defeat and that by giving up hope, he’s letting his problems win.
scene 6 - greed
Danny tells Virginia that ever since he lost motivation to pursue his love for music, he’s been obsessing over other interests that could not only bring him happiness and fulfilment but please his parents. It is revealed that he’s been investing an unhealthy amount of time into his schoolwork to the point of stress, causing him to break down every time he fails to meet his own standards of perfection. Virginia tries to tell him that he’s only setting himself up for failure and that success would not bring him happiness if he has to sacrifice all that he loves.
scene 7 - gluttonny 
Here we learn that in order to cope with his stress, Danny has been drinking, smoking, and taking drugs. Virginia asks if he goes to parties and does that stuff there but he reveals that he has his sources. Danny says that socialising stresses him out even more so he does all of this in the comfort of his privacy. We learn that at one point Beau found out and tried to intervene, which eventually drove a wedge between the two of them (Beau is Danny’s best and only friend, idk if I mentioned that). Virginia tells Danny that not only is this stuff hurting himself, but the people who care about him, and that he should consider that.
scene 8 - lust
After Beau shows up at the end of the previous scene, he tells Danny that the next problem he must face is him. So a wall of fire appears in the Divine Comedy which I want to try and emulate here but that really depends on design and production whooomp. Virginia suggests to Danny that Beau’s significance in his journey could be the fact that he is a sort of focal point of Danny’s unresolved issues, which has ultimately led to Danny’s fear of intimacy. Danny craves Beau’s validation, but is envious of him. Danny is angry at himself for liking Beau because of how much it hurts and is slowly putting less energy into maintaining his friendship. He tries to distract himself with schoolwork and drinks + does drugs to try and numb his feelings. Ultimately, he’s trying to distance himself from Beau because he’s scared of hurting him and getting hurt in return. Virginia urges Danny to talk to Beau, who comforts him after Danny finishes his song for the scene. 
scene 9 - paradise
Here, Virginia tells Danny that his soul is finally free and can move on. Danny asks what she means by ‘move on’ thinking that it means he can wake up from this whole ordeal. It is then revealed that Virginia was referring to the afterlife and that Danny had attempted suicide, which is why they’re here in the first place. Danny starts to remember the events leading up to him even being in purgatory in the first place and is now conflicted about moving on. Suddenly, Beau starts frantically calling out for Danny. We learn that this Beau isn’t the one who’s been following Danny throughout his journey, but the real world Beau, who’s trying to get Danny to wake up and stay with him. He sings a song to Danny, thinking that he’s finally dying.
scene 10 - the final choice
After listening to Beau’s song, Danny decides that he doesn’t want to die. Virginia tells him he doesn’t have to pass onto the afterlife if he doesn’t want to. He sings one final song and wakes up in the real world, alive.
Right so that twist in the end???? Not really much of a twist though cuz you’d assume that with purgatory and all death must be involved somehow. Anyway, I didn’t want the story to be just a different problem to face at each stage of purgatory but instead something that has continuity with what was previously explored...so let me explain this a little further
In the divine comedy we learn that the 7 levels of purgatory are split into three parts: corrupted love (pride, envy, wrath) a lack of love (sloth) and excessive love (greed, gluttony, lust). This is structured similarly in the story with Danny’s twisted perspective of himself explored in scenes 2-4, the effects this has on dreams and interests being explored in scene 5, and the way his lack of self-acceptance manifest as harmful obsessions in scenes 6-8.
Overall i’m quite happy with how i’ve structured the story. I know it seems extremely sad, especially near the end, but it’s also meant to be a comedy, but that is also dependant on how i write the characters. I want the story to be funny and heart-wrenching...but I don’t want it to be tragic. I want it to be hopeful, which is why Danny decides he’s going to live. It’s meant to symbolise a message of hope, that things will get better with help and self-care.
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phanboyo · 5 years
Y'know what was always super weird to me? In the episode Danny became Dan because his loved ones died, why was that even a big deal like so what they'll just turn into ghosts they're still around
You know, I think that not every dead person becomes a ghost. I'm not sure about the specifics, but I think that only people with unfinished work/passions or intense emotions become ghosts. Or maybe people whose deaths were Weird and had ectoplasm involved.
I mean, it's true we saw Poindexter's schoolmates but... I'm sure there are plenty of other explanations for that and I don't want to think about the ghost zone being the afterlife!
Even so, I'd imagine turning into a ghost changes people. They're supposed to be echoes of who they were, or focused more entirely on their obsession, or completely different in personality.
Even if they did turn into ghosts that happened to be more or less the same as they were in life, things would never be the same. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz couldn't attend Casper High, Jack and Maddie would certainly have some setbacks in their ghost experiments, Lancer...
Well we all saw how Professor Binns turned out, nobody wants a ghost teaching them about the civil war.
Still, death is traumatic. Even people who believe in the afterlife are distraught and depressed after the death of close family or friends, and Danny lost all of his close family and friends. I mean we joke about Lancer, but he was one of the few people in Danny's life who gave him advice and cared about his well being. He literally doesn't have any humans left. Maybe that's part of it too, after this, his ties with the human realm dwindle significantly. We all know Danny struggles with his identity as a human (Spectra's popularly quoted "ghost blending in with humans or some freaky little boy with freaky little powers" being a great example, considering her whole power is chipping away at people's biggest worries and insecurities), and I'd imagine that having no humans to support you would make that even worse.
Then of course there's the whole "it's my fault they're dead" thing. Danny's hero complex certainly wouldn't help the guilt of inadvertently (or directly, depending on your viewpoint) causing the deaths of the very people he's tried the hardest to protect.
Basically, almost his entire support system has been ripped up and it's his fault. Not too great.
Although, the idea of his friends/family coming back as ghosts is an interesting one... Would they remember everything? Would they form in the far recesses of the GZ, away from the portal? Would they hate what they've become (especially Jack and Maddie), question their humanity, their thoughts, their emotions? Would they wonder if anything they experienced was actually real? Would they resent Danny?
Gosh, and then there's the collateral. The Foleys and Mansons losing their only children? Do you think they'd resent Danny for being the one to survive instead of their kid? I mean, of course they wouldn't say it, no one wants to be responsible for thinking such a selfish thought, but do you think they'd even be able to look at Danny without thinking of their children, now gone?
And of course, this story would surely be in the news. Imagine millions of people pittying him. Do you think Dash would be able to bring himself to spare Danny more than guilty glance? Do you think Paulina would feel bad about the scathing remarks she made about Sam every time she saw Danny wandering the halls alone? Do you think there'd be a hole in the student body at the loss of their vice principal? Do you think they'd realize that he was much better than they gave him credit for?
Imagine Danny calling for Jazz or his parents just after a nightmare and then remembering that they're gone. Imagine him seeing a poster for a new game, exited to tell Sam and Tucker but he feels a pit in his stomach.
Do you think he'd be off his game while fighting ghosts? Do you think Amity Park would notice? Without backup, without anyone to fight for, so distracted, do you think he'd finally be killed?
Do you think Danny does begin to scour the ghost zone, hoping against hope that he'll find one of them? Missing school, putting himself in harm's way, disregarding food or rest, just desperately hoping to find something, to find someone?
Idk, anon. With all the uncertainty of how ghosts are formed, I think their sudden death would still have it's effects. Even if they somehow did become ghosts and by some fluke formed near Amity, and still kept all their memories and personality, there's still a pretty big loss. I think, probably, people just aren't that logical, and probably, ghosts aren't that simple.
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ironbloodaika · 6 years
If there was a show you really wanted to reboot so you could go back and fix all the problems you had with it, which show would it be and what changes would you make?
Sorry for the delay in answering this Charlie. My memory’s been wonky lately. XD First off thanks for asking this, I love these sorta asks. I used to get these all the time from Jenn, but the less said about that the better.
I’ve thought about this and the one I REALLY think could use a reboot/fresh coat of paint is definitely Danny Phantom. It had a lot of strong points, but was also lacking quite a bit. Some I saw when it first aired and others only after re-watching and the gift of hindsight. So here’s a list of things I’d change/improve to the series if I could in no particular order.
*Have some solid continuity/character growth for the characters. A sad trend I’ve noticed with a lot of Butch shows is that they don’t tend to really have the characters under go arcs that span longer than an episode or even make reference or learn from past events. Occasionally they DO pop up, but they’re very rare and fleeting. It helps when you’re airing episodes without any regard to order, but it really hamstrings your ability to tell engaging stories or have the characters grow when there’s no guarantee that anything that happened is gonna carry over into future episodes.
*Give Danny a spine. Danny’s kinda stuck with one of the most annoying problems I see in a lot of cartoons, especially Butch shows I’ve noticed. The hero, despite having all these amazing gifts and powers, still doesn’t stick up for himself in even the most basic of circumstances. Look, I understand Danny can’t just go using his powers to push back against bullies or anyone who makes him mad. It’d be taking advantage of his powers and run the risk of abuse. But for the love of God, Danny, grow an f’ing spine! Despite facing Eldrich Abominations on a semi-daily basis, this guy still has to kowtow to the likes of Dash and the jocks for no real reason. For fuck’s sake kid, Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider and gained enough strength to bench-press a Buick. Yeah, he didn’t advertise he had powers and still acted meek around others, but he actually started standing up for himself. He didn’t fucking sitdown and take it. Instead the show seems to pain ANY attempts of him using his abilities for any sort of personal gain is wrong. And if we wanna play by that logic, fine, but have Danny at LEAST stand up to Dash. I’ve learned through my own experience that ignoring or running from a bully solves NOTHING. If Danny isn’t gonna tell a teacher or something of the blonde sociopath making his life hell, then fucking stand up for yourself. Teach kids to not take that shit.
*Okay that last one went on a bit. Sorry, that just really bothered me. Second thing I’d do is give Tucker some development. Of the main 3, he’s one who really never went through and arc and often times felt like a 3rd Wheel at best and an annoyance at worse. They keep playing up how his love of tech makes him unpopular, but it really comes off more he’s unpopular for just how grating he is. I’m not sure what school Butch went to, but in my days EVERYONE knew SOMETHING about technology. They weren’t fucking Luddites. Give Tucker SOMETHING to add to the story besides just being there and cracking wise.
*SAM. Sam needs a real overhaul. At first I didn’t mind her, but she’s really grated on me with the passage of time. I’ve shared my thoughts and feelings on her a LOT on this account, so I invite anyone who wants to check those pieces out to checked the Sam Manson tags for more on that. But to keep it short, give her SOME kind of depth. Sam really comes off as more shallow than the people she derides, constantly complaining about stuff by the mere fact it’s popular, propping herself and her interests up on a pedestal because they’re not “mainstream”, forces her friends and others to alter their life-styles to fit HER choices, and comes off as more of a contrarian lashing out at Mommy and Daddy than someone who legit BELIEVES any of the crap she’s spouting.
*Give the secondary characters some love. With how much we have episodes that focus on characters like Jazz, Valerie, Paulina, or Dash, they don’t really change all that much or have much going for them to begin with. Valerie has the strongest arc of the bunch, but it’s sadly dropped near the end of the series and doesn’t really get the resolution it deserved. Jazz played a roll as a secret keeper to Danny, but didn’t really do much before or after those episodes. It would have been cool to see the sort of relationship she had with her brother before knowing he had super powers and how their dynamic worked before then. Even get a glimpse to how she is at school. Maybe like how despite all the things Danny thinks about her being smart and perfect, it’s because of those things that’s she’s really not all that popular at school. We never DO see her really hang with anyone outside of Danny and his friends. And Dash and Paulina just serve to as foil to Danny or Sam respectively. Dash only serves to remind me how much the Casper High is dropping the ball on preventing very clear and public bullying and Paulina and Sam get into arguments that, let’s face it, are instigated 9/10 times by Sam for no other reason than she can. Have these characters GROW. There are a lot of parallels made between the cast of Danny Phantom and Spider-Man and here’s a bit some people tend to forget, the kids who bullied Peter Parker before he got his powers? They grew up. They stopped being bullies, made up for their short comings, and became actual adults. But everyone seems to wanna keep them as these static bullies who only serve to cause tension and nothing else. I’m not saying upgrade them to Sixth Ranger status, but if you’re gonna have them be in so many episodes and in such a chaotic series, have them add SOMETHING.
*Dig deeper into the Ghost Mythos. One thing they REALLY need to take advantage of is the fact that ghosts EXIST in this universe. There IS an afterlife or at the very least an alternate dimension we SUDDENLY have access too. I feel that this should be a much bigger deal to their world than it is, but everyone seems to just accept it and move on. Unless Danny really DOES live in the Marvel universe, I don’t think the fact his parents literally created a portal to the afterlife should be treated as an after thought. You have so many chances to explore with this concept, especially with the ghosts Danny fights themselves. So many different types of spirits and apparitions in folklore to take inspiration from. Hell, the series flat out tells us that a lot of these ghosts WERE people at some point. They had lives. Families. But they never really touch upon this fact and just treat them like a Monster of the Week. You’d think Danny would get tired of fighting and try to do something a bit more long-term with some of the ghosts who’d like to just be left alone. Instead we get a really weak ‘retcon’ that ghosts are just extra-dimensional creatures who THINK they’re the spirits of the dead. That seems like stupidly complicating the matter. Why even call them ghosts if they’re not? 
*Speaking of ghosts, how about they finally explain why the fuck they can’t shut that damn portal down. Seriously. It’s the SOLE means the ghosts have of getting out as often as they do. Danny KNOWS this. But the fact he never ones tries to shut-down or disable the thing is astounding. If they just gave us a reason like it was too big to shut and the machine was there to keep it from getting BIGGER, that I’d buy. It’d at LEAST be an explanation. To me this is one of those elements that if you just removed, the series would literally end at that point.
*This is sorta looping back, but Danny seems to be very split in personality depending on the episode. He’s either cocky and brimming with confidence to the point of arrogance or a moppy sad-sack who is all to willing to quit and ditch his powers despite the levels of stupid such an act would bring. Look, I’m not saying a hero shouldn’t be confident or have low-points, but they feel very random and often time serve no other purpose than to force a scenario where he’s either humbled or turned into such a Butt Monkey by the narrative it starts getting sad. Even Spider-Man in the 90′s cartoon didn’t have it that bad. And he felt about quitting every other story arc.
*Give Sam and Danny better chemistry. IF you’re gonna have these two together, give us SOMETHING to work with. These two don’t have a lot of chemistry, all they do is blush and avert eyes. It’s really not that impressive. It’d be cute if they’re grade-schoolers and this was a story of young love, but they don’t really click in any kind of romantic sense with what we’re given. I know Valerie was given as a Romantic False Lead, but you wanna know something? They actually WORKED. There was some goddamed communication there. Some really adorable flirting, compliments, and sweet moments. They didn’t bicker every five minutes and made each other happy. Hell, if they had pulled an American Dragon and had Valerie find out about Danny and ultimately be okay with it after finding out she’d been played, I’d have completely been okay with it. Instead we have to accept him getting with a girl who can’t even bare the sight of him showing interest in another girl while STILL denying she has feelings for him. Look, I grew tired of that bullshit in Total Drama, Sam, don’t push me.
Well that’s all I’ve got to say on this end. Most of it springs down to character and story elements since I feel that’s where the show really frays out. Hopefully this answers your question, Charlie, and it was a good read. Thanks again for the question! :D
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
Dance Competition by @melimegreenleaf
Avengers Academy (Video Game) || Loki/Janet Van Dyne || General || No major warnings apply || 422 words
Summary: Loki challenges Janet to a dance competition.
Other Tags: Lady Loki, Humor, Dancing
Trellis by @enoliel​
Captain America - MCU || Bucky/Nat || Mature || No major warnings apply || 2,408 words
Summary: Life in Haven was pure. Judith was devoted, but following the Light required perfection, and discipline and punishment were the tools to achieve that state. It was known and understood, as fundamental as breathing air. Until the fire and the late summer rain stole her away.
Other Tags: Outsider POV, OFC, Kidnapping, Anxiety attack, Mentions of past abuse, domestic fluff, food as a metaphor for love, smut, voyeurism, dub-con voyeurism, worldview shifts
Meeting in the E.R. by @melimegreenleaf
Stargate SG-1 || Samantha "Sam" Carter/Janet Fraiser || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 2,175 words
Summary: Janet is working in the E.R. when someone comes in having been hurt while rescuing a cat.
Other Tags: Alternate Universe - Medical, First Meetings, First Dates
Cas’ Gift by @braezenkitty
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 100 words
Summary: Thanks to a suggestion from Sam, Cas gets Dean exactly what he doesn't realize he wants for his birthday.
Other Tags: birthday, drabble
20 Minutes Late by @treefrogie84​
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester/Crowley || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 500 words
Summary: Crowley's not even late, that's the stupid thing. They just got started early.
Other Tags: recreational drug use (pot), stoner!cas, stoner!dean, stoner!crowley, established relationship
Everywhere by @50shadesofsubtext​
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester || Mature || No major warnings apply || 563 words
Summary: Dean meets Cas at the airport after a summer apart.
Other Tags: Meeting at the airport, Fluff, College
Feelings by @50shadesofsubtext​
Supernatural, Wayward Sisters || Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves || General || No major warnings apply || 758 words
Summary: Claire drags Kaia to the coffee shop to look at cute girls, but she didn't know Kaia only went to spend time with her.
Other Tags: Fluff, Coffee shop au, Friends to lovers
Danny’s Song by @50shadesofsubtext
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester || General || No major warnings apply || 913 words
Summary: Dean and Cas find out they are going to be parents.
Other Tags: Adoption, Kid Fic, Parenthood, Domestic Fluff
Simple Man by @50shadesofsubtext
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester || General || No major warnings apply || 1,256 words
Summary: Thanks to a suggestion from Sam, Cas gets Dean exactly what he doesn't realize he wants for his birthday.
Other Tags: birthday, drabble
Darlings of the Night... by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cas/Jimmy || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 1,266 words
Summary: Dean is a possessive little bastard sometimes, especially when the twins go out of their way to fuck with him.
Other Tags: Jealous Dean, Dean is Not Amused, Castiel and Jimmy Novak Are Twins, Dancing
...all broken in the morning by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cas/Jimmy || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,943 words
Summary: Jimmy has to be punished for what he did. Prompt: “Wrap your hands around my throat.” (Part of the "Darlings of the Night" series)
Other Tags: Castiel and Jimmy Novak Are Twins, erotic asphyxiation, BDSM, Needy Bottom Jimmy Novak, Castiel is a brat, Jimmy is a Brat, Sub Jimmy Novak, Sub Castiel, Dom Dean, I think I tagged it all
(No) Vacancy by @skybound2
Supernatural || Crowley/Dean Winchester || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 5,800 words
Summary: When Crowley imagined his own afterlife, it was bleak. Empty. He assumed there was nothing that would be awaiting him when he met his final death. He was wrong.
Other Tags: Afterlife AU, Crowley Lives, Post-S12E23,
A Secret Gate by @treefrogie84
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Charlie/Jess || Mature || No major warnings apply || 36,746 words
Summary: Dean has already had a long day and just wants a cup of coffee. Getting pulled across universes was not in his plans for the evening, neither was bringing someone home from that universe. And then his new companion sends everything thing spinning out of control.
Other Tags: Witch Castiel, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester Fight, Lonely Castiel, Lonely Dean, loss of agency due to outside forces
The TiME Between by @worldlyshuku
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 47,572 words
Summary: Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester have been matched as soulmates by their TiMERs. Dean isn't ready to commit a lifetime to a man – cause, well, he's not gay, dammit; doesn't matter that he'd already had a drunken one-night stand with the guy six months ago. Castiel is determined to let Dean come to him on his own terms, something that takes time and a ridiculous amount of patience. Or, the moments in Dean's life that finally finally draw him closer to his soulmate, Castiel.
Other Tags: Soulmate AU, All Human AU, Pre-Relationship, Slow Build, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Other Ships Not Mentioned, POV Third Person
Today 4 U by @shiphitsthefan​
The Big C (TV), Charlie Countryman (2013), Hannibal (TV), Rent - Larson || Lee Fallon/Nigel (Charlie Countryman) || Mature || No major warnings apply || 8,148 words
Summary: Lee knows Nigel, his solemn downstairs neighbor, from their HIV support group. He didn't expect to come home from his shift at the Cat Scratch Club to a distraught Nigel at his door, candle in hand, ready to relapse. There's no way Lee's leaving him alone, not tonight. It's December 25th, two AM, Eastern Standard Time. From here on in, they live without a script.
Other Tags: Alternate Universe - RENT Fusion, Alternate Universe - 1980s, HIV/AIDS, Stripper Lee, Sex Worker Positivity, Recovering Addict Nigel, Past Heroin Abuse, Intervention, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Lapdance, Happy Ending
no easy way to say goodbye by @tryslora​
Welcome to PHU || None || Teen & up || Major Character Death || 3,681 words
Summary: This week, I have a short story for you which is a snippet from Mac’s history. Be warned, this is the story that explains why Mac understands anger, why she understands grief, why she’s cried on Chris’s shoulder, and why she’s lashed out in the past. This is the story of how and why Mac left the military. So yes, it’s 3,681 words of anger and angst. But remember, this is in the past, and our Mac is happier now. More centered. Recovering. This is not her forever.
Other Tags: Grief, Anger, Magic, Canon Backstory
so he won’t fly away by @tryslora​
Welcome to PHU || Alaric Herne/Christopher Stone || Explicit || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 7,761 words
Summary: Alaric’s first Clan Conclave as heir is complicated. Alaric has to navigate the path of Clan politics, and find others who might think like himself. Chris might be the only human in attendance, but he’s also the only one who can anchor Alaric in the midst of his anxiety.
Other Tags: Canon Compliant, Held Down, Shapeshifting, Full Shift Shapeshifters, Light Dom/sub, Politics, Political Alliances, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Aftercare, Semi-Public Bathing, Dragon, Anxiety, Wrists, Anchors
Have you posted a fic written at least partially during a WWM event? Submit your fic here by midnight EST Monday and it will be included on next Wednesday’s WWM Fic Roundup post.
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evilminji · 3 months
I recently read your DPxDC post comparing the Ghost Zone to Yggdrasil.
Ans I've been playing Elden Ring again lately, mostly because the Lore in it keeps dragging me back.
And I think you'd like the concept of Erdtree Burial. It even matches up with your post.
Imma try my best to explain the concept so Spoiler starts here:
Anyways, so Erdtree Burial means to take a recently dead body of someone who committed grand feats and/or is worthy of honor, and place them to rest amidst the roots of the Erdtree (which is basically Yggdrasil vut legally distinct).
The Tree itself will then take the soul and memory of the deceased and etch them upon itself, preserve their soul and remember them.
What if the Erdtree is that world's link to the World Between Worlds?
So, can you imagine all these Elden Ring Demigods, Honourable Dead and Great Fighters occasionally taking a leisurely stroll out of their Afterlife Home amidst the branches of the Erdtree to go visit the Ghosts that live in the Zone?
Random giant dude passes by, twin Greatswords at his back, and goes to grab a whole 20 barrels of ecto-ale to bring back to his friends.
Danny, coming back from visiting Clockwork, has to do a double take, and ask the bartender some questions.
"While was that guy? He looked a little too golden to be a Ghost"
"Ah, that's just Radahn. He says he's a General or something. That he once held back the stars all by himself. Apparently fought some wars, and they still needed like 20 great warriors fighting together to put him down after he went senile. Hogwash, if you ask me."
Danny hears that the guy used to throw hands with celestial bodies regularly, and knows exactly where he'll be for summer vacation.
If the Tarnished player character is already Elden Lord by then, I can definitely see Danny coming back wearing the Twinned Armor set.
(Especially if it's my Strength/Faith/Arcane character. She used the Butcher's Knife greataxe, with the Stormcaller Ash of War and a Bleed enchantment, plus Rot Dragon and Black Flame spells)
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Hello yes! I DO enjoy this thought! You were ABSOLUTELY correct!
Haven't played the game? But? Now? I CAN NOT get the idea of the Zone itself being The Erdtree out of my head?
Great and endless. With roots and manifestations, that may or may not reach into the world it cradles, that will imprint upon itself souls of those buried close. That it may cherish them FOREVER.
Are we within in it? Held by it? Consumed? It is not for our mortal minds to know. Perhaps not even for gods to know.
But, oh. OH! What made Danny so DIFFERENT? No answer found in his world. No answer found anywhere near it. Yet? Here they know it. A simple answer, given freely. It feels almost unfair. Like he has been cheated of catharsis. As though he should have had to fight and scrape and FORCE them to speak.
They can not even begin to understand, what it is like. Being so alone.
Or maybe... maybe they can.
He's not sure which he wants more. Which he fears is true.
For what was the portal? If not sharp blade cut into the celestial earth? Plunging into starlight soil and primordial soup, to the tangled roots of something greater. A tree. THE tree. Dragging back that soil and nicking those tightly woven, buried things. A welling of ichor, golden and green and DIVINE.
A plunging of that blade into his heart.
His lifeblood with the tree's.
A pathway where none could ever have been.
Oh, what rituals we blindly perform. Our ignorance of their meaning does not give them less power, only leaves us unguarded. It does not have to be on ancient stages and with ancient things, to be a ritual. It can be a laboratory. A machine instead of a ritual blade.
Still a thing forged by Father's and Mother's hand, that killed the Son.
And then Again, through the twist of Time, by dear friends hand, first in ignorance now twice in knowing, killed again.
Twice Half Dead, Is A Corpse. And Thus, With The Tree.
Cradled and loved. Etched forever into itself. Perhaps even a bit more so, for the difficulties of his birth. For how rarely does the Erdtree bleed. How rarely the Zone spill its Divine blood. A little starlit snowflake, flitting along its many paths. Cradled in its heart. So clever and bright.
The problem, I imagine? Is that such a Divinity? Has a very distinct nature. You give unto them. They take. They cherish. They do not return.
And Danny is being a Trouble Child. Sneaking off into Worlds, mostly his own, and NOT staying in the Zone. The Tree's domain. Other Gods have power in those places! Child, cease! That is dangerous! It is like a mermaid deciding to go climb the alps. Even if she CAN make legs for herself, that is WAY to far from the safety of her God's domain! Are you mad, child!? Have you heard of acceptable Risk?!
Danny has. It made a whooshing noise as he tossed it out the window.
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phantomskeep · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!!
Omg I didn't forget!! Holy shit!!!
Anyways, this week's WIP Wednesday includes some bits from Putting the "Fun" Back in "Funeral"! Enjoy :)
Putting the "Fun" Back in "Funeral":
The piercing neon green of his eyes bled back into their usual icy blue, though the curious look did not leave. “Why’s that? And who names their kid Batman?”
Part of the City Spirit’s dark cloud tried to nudge him back towards his couch. “The Batman,” she began, “is a hero who operates to protect my city. He was born here and donned his cape in order to help those in need from the many criminals who call my territory home.”
Danny gave an involuntary awed noise. “So you guys have heroes here, too?” A dark tendril of smog wrapped around the back of the couch, resting gently against Danny’s neck.
The idea of having other heroes around was something that greatly appealed to Danny. Being the lone super-powered protector of Amity Park for so long took its toll on the young man, even with his human companions. It just wasn’t the same, being the only one with advanced abilities. He had to take the bigger hits, he had to be the one to save his friends if they got into too great of a bind, he had to be the one to try and take on the burden of Amity Park alone when they all went off to find their place in the world. With great power comes great responsibility, after all. And being the Ghost King? Well, Danny had more than enough "great power" to spare.
The thought was just as sobering as it was exciting. Other heroes, super or not, meant that there was something to have caused those heroes to come into play. Some great villain, or a world-ending disaster, or even large crime rates. Lady Gotham only said criminals, though, so maybe there were no supervillains Danny needed to worry about.
“Yes, in fact there is a large society of both heroes and villains.”
Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted.
“But many of the aliens you were so excited to hear about are among those heroes.” Gotham continued, not noticing Danny’s sudden mid-afterlife crisis. “There is the Batman, who is one of the founders of the Justice League. Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Arrow, and many others are all part of this superhero society - the Justice League.”
“Okay,” Danny was desperately trying to keep up with this sudden information. “So, Batman is a super-powered dude who helped to start an entire squad of superheroes?”
“He has no powers. The Dark Knight is just a man, same with Green Arrow and many others. They simply are able to keep up with the aliens, gods, and metas.”
Danny paused, taking in a breath. He touched his fingers together, pressing his palms flat. Another breath was taken, this one deeper than the last. With every ounce of teenage angst he still had within him, Danny lifted his hands up together to rest against his forehead before bringing them down in an arch that would have made Sam proud. “What the fuck.”
A laugh rolled from Gotham’s form, his guardian sneakily tightening her protective hold on him. “What the fuck indeed, Little One.”
“Okay, okay-” Danny’s voice cracked with indignation, “So regular every-day humans fight supervillains and are able to keep up with gods? And super-powered aliens?”
“And one of those humans - who named himself after a bat - is the sole protector of your lair? Besides yourself? And he doesn’t let any of his superhero friends help him?”
“I never said he worked alone. Though, for a long time he did not have any help.”
“Lady G,” Danny said again with exasperation. “I repeat: what the fuck.”
Her only response was to laugh at his expense as he continued to moan about how he couldn’t seem to escape crazy people, no matter what dimension he runs to. The space shared by two multi-dimensional beings filled with an easy warmth.
“So,” Danny started after a couple minutes of his grumbling. “Superpowered people aren’t allowed in your city because one of your protectors is just a man in a… What, fursuit? A crime-fighting fursuit?” He paused, considering, before rapidly moving on. “But there are super-powered people in this dimension who are also heroes.”
“Yes, that is all true.”
The young man took a second, silently thinking, before speaking again. “Okay, okay,” He started. “And the chances that I’m going to have to just… steal all of these ghostly artifacts is pretty high, right?”
“Again, you are correct.”
“So,” Danny said, stretching out the word. “Chances are they’re going to think I’m some sort of villain.”
Gotham made a noise akin to two cars scraping against each other as she hesitated to answer. “There is a chance of that, yes.”
“Great,” he bemoaned, bonelessly flopping around his couch. “Guess it’s time to pull out the ol’ acting shoes. Welcome to Danny’s One-Stop Shop for Villainy.”
Mmmm Dead on Main my beloved :) Putting the "Fun" Back in "Funeral" chapter 4 should be posted sometime this week! I just need to actually finish writing a couple of POVs ^-^
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Steven Grant Rogers had never been one to believe in ghost. When he came back, the only ghost he knew was Bucky, and he was alive and running from the government of several countries. But walking through walls and disappearing ghosts, well, those he never concerned himself with. They were all just a myth. After all, if ghosts existed he would see more of them.
He would have seen the Commandos.
But looking around in this green sky and purple ground, he might have been having second thoughts. He had been sent here by Loki and his dumb portal, and then captured by a knight who claimed he was a ghost. The walking through walls, disappearing type. 
He was led by the silent knight to a large, medieval castle that was mostly white with a green trim. Strange.
The large (green) double doors opened, showing Steve the long red carpet and neat stonework of the interior walls. At the end of the carpet sat an empty throne, a staff leaning against it.
The knight pushed Steve forward harshly, and he was pretty sure he was going to have a bruise there. He probably would have fallen if he hadn’t been Captain freaking America. Unfortunately, the knight had taken his shield and wore it himself. The color scheme looked awful against the purple armor.
“Listen, I’ll take care of Fright Knight, darling. You go and have the housemaid give you a back rub. I’ll be there soon.”
It was only a few moments later that the voice came out. It belonged to a white haired man who had glowing green eyes. On his head was a crown with green and purple jewels, and on his shoulders was a long, dark cape.
“Fright Knight, let him go. I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding,” he said, waving the knight off. What kind of a name was Fright Knight? It didn’t matter though. The knight stepped away and the obvious king stepped forward.
“Hello, Captain,” he said politely, sticking out his hand for Steve to shake. It didn’t want to piss off royalty, so he shook the white glove that was outstretched. The king gave him a warm smile despite his touch being colder than ice.
“Where am I?” Steve asked. He didn’t want to come off as rude, but he needed to get back tot he fight. His friends were probably in trouble.
“You, sir, are in the Ghost Zone. Home of all ectoplasmic beings. Now, what brings you to the afterlife? You’re obviously not dead.”
Steve glanced behind the king at a portrait hanging above the wall. It was a photo of him and the Commandos and Peggy, all smiling at the camera and having a good time. So he was a fan.
“I’m in trouble. I was sent here by Thor’s brother, Loki. We were fighting him in South Africa,” he stated simply. He had no time for small talk. But the kng seemed to perk up at that.
“Loki? The Asgardian? Father of Hela?” He asked, bewildered. Steve nodded, sneaking another glance at the picture above the throne.
“Nice picture you have there,” he said.
“Yes, thank you. You can;t tell, but I’m in between Dugan and Barnes. Just invisible. You guys were an inspiration. Anyway, I can take you back to your friends and take care of your little Loki problem. He’s disturbed my realm and Hela’s for long enough now.”
He put his hand on Steve’s shoulder and squeezed. Steve blinked, and somewhere in that split second they had gone from the throne room to a charred city where Iron Man was being blasted into a building. Steve’s shield was back on his arm where it never should have left.
“How did you do that?” He asked. The king scoffed.
“Please, I’m the king of the Ghost Zone, man. And call me Danny. King sounds to formal if you’re not Fright Knight.” With that, he winked and then flew straight up and towards wherever Loki was. Steve followed him on foot.
“Loki! How are you doing?” Danny called, his cape billowing in the wind. Loki actually looked intimidated.
“It’s been a while, Dragaur,” he said snidely.
“Yes but I’ve become much more powerful since I took thr throne. Now, we could do this the easy way, where I send you back to Odin, or I can beat you within an inch of your life and send you back to Odin.” His hands errupted into green energy, making him look all the more powerful. “It’s your choice.”
Loki rolled his eyes and stood up. He pointed his staff at Danny, thought for a moment, and lowered it again before placing it on the ground and holding out his wrists.
“As I thought. Now, Captain, I believe he is all yours. And if you guys ever need anything just stop by. There are natural portals to the Zone everywhere. Buh-bye now.”
He gave a little wave and disappeared, leaving them to take care of Loki on their own. Clint sighed in awe.
“Man, do you have a story to tell us.”
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