#Classic Egg Sandwich
fullcravings · 10 months
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Vegan Classic Ice Cream Sandwiches
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mars-ipan · 2 years
i think if ur just learning how to cook the first thing you should learn to make is grilled cheese (overcome fear of stove) and the second thing you should learn to make is eggs
#pasta too but i wanna rave abt eggs#eggs are your BEST FRIEND with easy cooking#they are simple. they are versatile#they are relatively cheap to buy. they last a pretty long while#you can eat them like a week after the expiration date (just like. use ur common sense)#and you can learn to make ‘em in a million different ways infinitely#i made egg sandwiches with a sunny-side up egg ALL throughout quarantine#and i spiced it up. i used different cheeses. i added avocado when i could#if we had bagels i was Using Those Bagels (cheese bagels work best imo)#i once added this trader joe’s spread to a bagel and put an egg on it and Oh My God#when i couldn’t make a sandwich i scrambled my eggs#it felt easier#eventually i microwave scrambled them (bad for taste but i at least i was eating)#and omelettes!!! i’ve been getting into omelettes lately#you can put fuckin Anything in an omelette and there’s a 99% chance it’ll stull taste good#literal like perfect vessel for making something out of what you have left in the house#i made an omelette with TUNA SALAD yesterday. and that shit rules#and eggs are easy to spice too#you can go the classic ROB (rosemary oregano basil) if you want#i put cumin and paprika in my tuna omelette and it really tied it all together#salt and pepper ofc. although i usually skip the pepper#but like. i only named 3 egg styles and alreadh so much variety#you can scramble anything. you can make an egg sandwich with anything. you can put anything in an omelette#AND they’re good for you. good protein especially#and of course: egg yummy
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odysseys-blood · 10 months
dont get into fate actually it makes you want to cook more.
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totothewolff · 4 months
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The Lonely Hearts Party
Toto x reader fem!merc!employee, boss|Toto, Valentine's Day | Fluff, romance, and comedy.
Summary: For weeks now, you have been receiving the most gorgeous flowers every Wednesday morning at your desk at the Brackley Headquarters, as a mysterious admirer seems so in love with you. The entire factory, your besties at work, and you all wonder who he is. Could it be the one you truly wish for? Author's note: Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Send you lots of love. Masterlist: Here
The most beautiful flowers have been arriving at your desk every Wednesday morning for almost a month now. Every week, as you reach your office in the early hours, they are already in place to welcome you. 
You love smelling them; they are always fresh and sweet-scented, and you love to look at them even more.
You feel a rush of excitement to read the handwritten note that always comes attached, filled with a different poem paragraph each time, something along the lines of "She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that's best of dark and bright."
Every girl in your department finds it so romantic, the mysterious admirer, but you and your besties at work, Rose and Oliver, who work in the same station that you, joke about finding it a bit creepy. 
"The Creepy Flower Guy" is a nickname you came up with to refer to him as an inside joke, being the three of you true crime enthusiasts.
—Maybe it's one of those garden gnomes HR placed outside —Oliver jokes as he finishes eating his scrambled eggs after you told them about the new Lilacs you received that morning at the breakfast quick break. —Perhaps he fell in love with you by watching you walk past —he jokes.
The hilarious idea of a tiny plastic guy sneaking into the headquarters, wearing his little red hat and fast feet to get incognito to your office, and on his tiptoes, placing the flowers on your desk makes you giggle.
You have to give it to HR this time; those gnomes were a great addition to the garden's pond; every time you sit on the benches near it, you enjoy the new scene the mechanics or engineers put together every few days, having fun moving the gnomes around or placing them in the funniest scenes, even someone during winter knitted them Christmas sweaters.
—Or maybe one day we'll find you dead on the floor, poisoned in your desk after inhaling azaleas for too long —Rose adds with the most casual tone as she bites her sandwich.
—Or you go missing! Kidnapped at the parking lot by "The Creep" —Oliver adds. 
—GUYS! —Ava turns around after overhearing the conversation; she is sitting at the same long table in the cafeteria, not getting your usual dark humor, a bit concerned, and creeped out. —You three need to cool it down with those goddamn crime podcasts!
—NEVER! —all of you answer at the same time.
—You freaks!
As you all finish breakfast, in a rush because the "off-season" is always the busiest time at the factory, you ask out loud. —Who do you think it is? 
—It's evident! It's... —Grace from the control room team starts saying.
—Lewis Hamilton! —and she finishes along with the other five people on the table now. 
Oh, the classic joke.
The entire table burst into laughter. It's a common joke to do about Lewis since almost every family member or friend thinks that working in the Mercedes racing team instantly makes you Lewis's best friend and that you always hang out with the guy, which couldn't be further away from reality. 
Most of you only see him in corporate gatherings or pass by from building to building, usually on his way to the simulator or in the hallways on a lucky day. 
He is always sweet and polite with the team and staff but quite distant; he still is Lewis fucking Hamilton. Unless you are part of his immediate team or Toto's, you get that privilege reserved for the key players only. 
Even so, almost everyone has a Lewis or Bottas story, and ALL of you have Niki's anecdotes cause that man is bonkers and a LEGEND. 
Most of them go hilarious as all of you try to act human around them, like the one Oliver has where he bumped into Lewis one day as Oliver was getting out of the bathroom and Lewis was on his way in, offering him a completely wet hand to introduce himself, which Hamilton noticed and sweetly and quickly patted Oliver on the shoulder with a "nice meeting you, man" and quickly got in.
—REAL theories only, guys! —you address the table. —Is my life a joke to you all? —you mess around, getting on your feet and closing the lid of your topper. —Please don't answer that.
Another week goes by, and a new stunning bouquet arrives. 
—Oh, how exquisite! That man is so into you. Those blue mophead hydrangeas sure are expensive! —the receptionist points out to you because you are a total flower ignorant who only goes: "Oh, pretty, colorful, smell cute" without giving it much thought. 
Most of the time, you have no idea what you are looking at, but you have fun googling it and trying to decipher; in your defense, no one has pampered you like this before. 
You are brand new at the getting flowers game.
The following week, a couple of bets start happening at the building as the word spreads, and many wonder who the mysterious guy is. 
Some think it's not a guy but a girl, as one day after a meeting, as you all are leaving, one of the engineers approaches you and makes the clever remark that the attention to detail about the type of flowers, the color palettes, and the scented notes is too much for a simple guy. —Either he is getting advised, or it's not a guy! Maybe you could obtain a reference from the company that delivers it.
This entire thing feels surreal and truly takes you by surprise since you have always considered yourself the most average girl, especially in looks and more so in the sea of beautiful blondes working at Mercedes.
Which, for some weird reason, reminded you of when you dropped your resume after one of your buddies from college - who still works there at the machine shop - gave you the heads up there was a job opening that suited you perfectly; he even had to insist you a couple of times, because you were almost sure they wouldn't give you a callback. 
To your eyes, Mercedes was one of those companies that cared about looks or looked for a specific ethnic type; it turns out you judged too soon; they care about skills, productivity, and professionalism, too, and it ended up being a bit more diverse than you expected the place to be.
It still has many areas for improvement, but it's become your favorite job ever.
By the end of the day, you wait for Rose to come out of her meeting to leave together, standing in the perfectly lit hallway leaning on the impeccable white wall; it's "Cheap Thursday" at your favorite local pub, and you two desperately need fuel to finish the heavy week, so nachos and a couple of pints sound like heaven.
After what feels like an eternity, a group of people comes out of the double doors by the end of the corridor facing you, and you catch a glimpse of a very hurried-up Toto getting out, too, looking handsome and elegant as ever.
You feel his dark eyes looking you up for the briefest moment, making you shiver and blush like a teenager in front of her crush.
Thank god he doesn't stop his pace and gets out of your view within seconds but leaves you distracted enough not to notice Rose approaching you till she is by your side, looking almost pale as a ghost, whispering in your ear. 
—I swear it's Toto's handwriting! I just saw him writing on the board for over an hour, and his calligraphy looks exactly like the one of "Creepy Flower Guy"!
—Come on?! Toto? Shut up! —a crackle comes out of your mouth, thinking it's the most ridiculous idea. —The billionaire smocking-hot boss falls in love with the average employee; what do you think this is? An 80s telenovela? Fuck off...
—Well, his handwriting is the same cursive style, and the "r" and "t" are almost identical —Rose starts to overexplain, trying to justify herself, looking timid and embarrassed now, and you instantly feel awful at your reaction.
—I'm so sorry, Rose, I overreacted; I tend to be too blunt! —you quickly wrap her into a hug.
—It's just that I have been seeing that calligraphy for a while now, and I found it freaky similar.
—Now, how can we make sure, Rose? Any ideas?
She shakes her head. —I'm not friends with his assistants or anyone on Toto's team.
—No one is friends with his assistants. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be ex-MI5 agents or worked for the KGB —Rose starts to laugh hard, agreeing. —I think getting to the Prime Minister is easier than reaching Toto under their hands!
—You are screwed then. 
—Let's rule Toto out for the moment —you add.
That night at your flat, a crazy thought comes to your mind as you brush your teeth; the wackiest thoughts tend to happen to you when you brush your teeth; you need to make yourself with a piece of paper handwritten by Toto to compare it with one of your notes.
You know Toto places sticky notes on the far wall inside his office; you have noticed those on your many and regular trips to the CFO's office as your boss always sends you to deliver the reports in person by the end of every week, always passing in front of Toto's office on you way there, which most of the time it's empty since he spends the year traveling, but you try to do your best when he is in, slowing your steps a little bit more to enjoy the view and fixing your appearance a little bit too before crossing in front of him. 
Still, his assistants are always at their front desk near there, making it impossible to sneak in. 
If only you could make it inside Toto's office without raising questions and with a good excuse. You laugh at the idea; it's wild and ain't going to happen, and if it does, your ass is getting fired. 
As the Mission Impossible cord from the ceiling scene comes to your mind, it's time for you to go to sleep.
As you anxiously roll from side to side of the bed, struggling to shut your brain off, you remember that Niki's surprise birthday celebration is scheduled in two weeks; you could volunteer to help organize the event and usher the people around, including Toto.
There is the slightest chance to make it to his office and take a quick photo of the sticky notes on the wall; it's borderline mental, but you really want to find out because Rose sounded so sure!
This is fucking insane. 
Two weeks, two new bouquets later.
When you finally reach the upper floor, where the "top-tier people work," almost everyone has left to get to the party on time. 
Being on time in Mercedes is a must, so there are few people you need to usher there.
You got accepted to join the Niki's celebration committee as a helper minion. Weirdly, it will be hosted in the base race of all places instead of the Silver Arrow Lounge, where most celebrations are usually held.
The decor is ready, the cake is at the counter, and the many photo props and snacks inspired by Niki's red cap are in place; even the catering and most of the people invited have arrived.
But Allison and Toto are nowhere to be seen, and the head of HR is on her nerves about it, thinking it could ruin the surprise or that two of the most influential people there are going to miss such an important event.
As you approach the bosses' offices area, you quickly search in the surroundings for them; it helps you that all offices have glass panel walls.
You venture to wander more, but nada, they are not there, and at this point, no one is there. As you return to the stairs, you pass in front of Toto's office once more. 
You just need to snap a quick picture. What could go wrong? No one is near to see you, and there are no cameras around since Toto dislikes that.
"Okay, Y/N, listen, it's just a couple of steps; you have your phone in your hand; it won't take more than a few seconds..."
You feel your body acting on its own and your feet slowly moving ahead. 
You gradually enter the luxurious and immaculate office.
"Okay, like four steps more, and I'm close enough to zoom in the picture." 
When you almost reach his desk and the perfect distance to snap the photo, you sense movement outside, fuck, fuck, fuck. You feel someone standing behind you, right at the door. 
—Yes? Can I help you? —Toto's voice comes severe but calm.
You feel your heart in your throat as you slowly turn around. 
—Yes, you can! —you quickly reply, pretending to be looking at the cool helmets and steering wheels at the corner. Is it the best move your mind could come up with? Certainly not —...Sir... —you kind of finish saying, remembering he is the boss.
Toto stares at you, waiting for you to continue as you stand motionless in the middle of the room, looking straight at him. His eyebrows go up a little, and a tiny, amused smile forms on his lips as he moves his hand, gesturing you to continue.
—They are all waiting for you at the race base, sir... to start Niki's surprise reception. He is about to arrive. 
—And they sent you to get me?
—Yes —you feel the need to explain yourself more, feeling nervous. —Niki has no idea who I am, so I'm not blowing the surprise away if I bump into him on my way here! 
—Interesting... —he lets out gradually.
Oh god, Toto has no clue who I am either, right?
Fuck, I'm such an idiot!
—Oh, I, I'm Y/N —your brain starts working again as you quickly introduce yourself to him, offering him a hand to shake.
He looks even more perplexed at you but grabs it; it's awkward, and you want to crawl into a hole or hide beneath the expensive rug you are stepping on.
—We should get going; I have places to go, and I'm on a schedule today.
—Oh yes, of course, sir —you quickly exit his office as he closes its glass door behind you. Well, you literally pass below his muscular arm. 
Toto doesn't move much, so you squeeze in, almost brushing his body as you out, and he simultaneously closes the door, fuck, he is tall and smells so so so good.
It's a quiet walk downstairs; just the sound of your steps and breaths fills the room. You feel intimidated by Toto's presence, not used to having him that near you and being a shy-natured girl.
He seems to slow down his step, prolonging your agony. 
Should I say something? But what about? Work? Something casual? You assume he wonders the same since you feel his eyes on you every few steps, but he dares to break the ice before you can.
—So y..
—I'm To... Oh, sorry, go ahead —he says at the same time.
—Oh, no worries —you nervously place a strand of your hair behind your ear. He follows the movement of your hand with his eyes. —What were you saying? —you look straight at him, Jesus; he is way cuter up close; that's some strong jawline, you can't control your eyes going all over his features.
—That I didn't introduce myself upstairs. I'm Toto, by the way —he offers you a kind and unintentionally sexy smile.
You notice, a bit way too much, how all his traits soften and how relaxed and joyful he looks when he smiles.
It turns out that "The Creepy Employee Girl" should be your nickname now.
After perceiving him as less threatening, you joke around to make the air less awkward. —Really? I had no idea! I thought you were that Lewis guy everyone talks about! But nice to meet you Toto By The Way —you fool around.
He laughs a bit. —You never heard of me before? I guess I'm losing popularity around here nowadays!
—You must hang around more to be part of the "popular squad".
—Who holds the title right now?
—The gnomes.
—Oh, yes, they are quite popular.
—A bit too much, yeah.
As you two reach the entrance to the race base, he rushes his step to hold open the door for you, letting you go first; you feel his intense gaze follow you every step as you pass right across from him, making you feel things he shouldn't. 
Everyone who got invited is already there; the usually squeaky-clean and clear white counters now hold cups, party hats, bottles of champagne and sparkling water, delicacies, and a big red cap-shaped cake.
—Great! The boss is here! Please, bring Niki in —you hear the HR director speak through the intercom as she looks your way, sounding so relieved, and a minute later, all of you start cheering as Niki enters the room.
You expect Toto to instantly leave your side and go near the big names of the company and his precious stylish drivers, but no, he stays right next to you.
As Niki almost reaches you two, getting hugs all his way down, he comes closer to Toto first and says in a low voice, but you are still able to hear him. —Is the cake vegan?! —looking concerned before tightly and roughly hugging him, knowing they would call him to blow out the candles and bite the cake soon.
—No, sir, this time they brought Lewis his own cake —you inform him, getting in the conversation, as the two of them turn to look at you.
—Oh, thank god! I almost spit out last year's "fake" cake! Hi Y/N! I didn't notice you there! This mountain was on the way —he pats Toto's chest a bit too strongly. Niki makes a funny face, eyebrows going up, not sugarcoating around as usual but earnest and light-spirited.
You laugh, exhaling cute sounds; even you have to admit you have a lovely, infectious laugh.
—Hi sir, happy birthday!
How on earth does Niki know my name?! He knows who I am?! WHAT...
—...the fuck were you thinking?! —Oliver looks shocked and pale as you update him and Rose about your little adventure today. —You honestly thought it could be Toto?!
—Can a girl have a dream?! —you shrug as you keep typing violently on your computer, wanting to finish that notice as soon as possible to move on to the next task, starting to feel stressed.
—You could have got into serious trouble, like big trouble, like getting fired trouble —Rose says, dead serious. —I feel terrible for enabling you!
—I know it was reckless and stupid, really stupid! —you admit, feeling dumb now about your actions.
God knows what got into you!
The next day, on your way to the cafeteria for lunch, you sense something is going on; everyone is acting weird.
Until you enter the room to find Toto having his meal in there, alone at a table, aware of the looks he is getting.
What is he doing here? He usually goes out for lunch or eats inside his office.
The fuck.
He waves a hand at you; you look around to see if he is addressing someone else till he arches an eyebrow, slightly annoyed, so you hurry up to reach him.
—Well, you weren't wrong! By all the looks I received on my way here, and fairly now, it appears I don't hang around much —he invites you to sit, stretching his arm, pointing to the chair in front of his, before continuing. —It wasn't unusual to see me everywhere before; of course, it was the early days, and we were a smaller team back then —he almost looked sad and nostalgic about it.
—Look at you, man of the people!
—Eat your salad —he rolls his eyes at you as you get your lunch out.
—Is that like a boss order, or?
—Maybe, if I'm feeling moody. 
—So, I guess most of the old guard is gone?
—Are you low-hand calling me old?
—Well, how ancient are you?
—I'm almost 70 —he makes you smile and looks all pleased with himself and his dumb humor. —I know, I look good for 70!
—Who would have thought you had a sense of humor? You always look severe and bossy.
—Can you stop low-key insulting me?
After two weeks of having lunch with Toto and getting to know each other more every day, you two become friends; some days, a different person joins you; at some point, you can't believe you are sharing quinoa recipes with Lewis and comparing drinking pub stories with Niki.
—Is it me, or have you abandoned us, the peasants? —Oliver says to you when you return to the office.
—Oh, come on! You can join, you know that! He knows who you two are; we talk about you guys a lot, and he greets you daily!
—Now that you are part of the "big farts" table, hanging with the famous, why would you care about two random coworkers? —Rose overdramatizes.
—Apparently, you don't care about the old and wise saying "Bros before hoes," —Oliver adds.
—Of course, I care about you two hoes. Please join us tomorrow. PLEASE?! —you beg them with the biggest smile and puppy eyes ever seen.
—Eating with the boss and talking to him? I'm not risking it! —Oliver says, dead honest, not trusting himself.
—He is trying to reconnect with the team; he isn't going to judge you! Besides, Toto knows you are my besties.
Two long "aw" come your way.
—That's so cute, but NO! —Rose ends the conversation.
As you admire the new bouquet of tulips you get delivered the next day, your phone suddenly buzzes on your desk, distracting you from finishing updating the chart with the latest data.
—Lunchtime already? 😩🥙
—Who this? 👀
—Luke, I'm your father.
—He dead 🙏🌫️
—Oh, shit, sorry! Bad joke!
—There's no need to be that explicit.
—It means dying of laughter!
—Oh, shit, I'm old, it's Toto By The Way.
—I'm saving you with that name! How did you get my number?
—By boss privilege.
—YES! LET'S LUNCH PLEASE! I'm Hungarian.
—Typo sorry, hungry!
—HA! See you in five! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
—Could going to lunch with someone at the cafeteria be considered a date? —you turn around in your office chair to address Oliver.
—Dreaming is free, bestie!
On your way to meet Toto, you bump into the most annoying senior engineer, Mr. Schäfer, in the corridor. 
OH GOD! Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, you think as you two cross paths, but sadly, you notice him stop his step after making eye contact with you.
—Miss, Y/LN. A minute?
—Sorry I'm late! "Gwen Stefani" got me on my way here!
—Who? —Toto looks at you, amused and confused.
Shit! You burped out.
—Ahem, Mr. Schäfer —you quickly correct, taking your water bottle out of your bag and drinking it after rushing there. Toto stares at the couple of drops that escape your lips and slide down your chin and neck, and he swallows hard.
—What did you call him? —Toto asks, clearing his throat.
—Oh, don't mind me!
—Yes, mind you! It's a pretty accurate nickname, I must admit it, even if I shouldn't, but it fits —Toto shrugs nonchalantly, with a chuckle on his face. 
Schäfer is really pretty, lean, blond, pale, has big bambi's brown eyes, and his voice is so annoying.
And now you feel embarrassed.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, as you two eat, Toto says: —Do I have a nickname?
—Oh, no, no one dares.
—Why? Do people fear me? —his expression changes to one of concern. —Maybe that would explain why people always seem to slow down their pace in the main corridor as soon as they see me inside the elevator. I always try to press the hold button to wait for them.
—This leaves me with a question: How do you fit in there? Your hair sure is touching the ceiling —he looks at you with an "Are you kidding me?" face. —No, for real!
—Don't avoid the actual question!
—Okay, okay, it's more like you intimidate. You look a bit, ahem, stern.
—Really? So, that was your first impression of me?
—Well, not really —you feel your cheeks turning red, fuck. —The first time I saw you, IRL.
—In real life! You were being interviewed at the reception on that pearl/grey, awful porn movie-esque rug, which is inappropriate to say because the interviewer was a kid; anyway, It was something adorable to see. So that was my first impression of you, sweet and kind —his eyes soften at your answer, and you feel your knees touching beneath the table. —And also well lit —you joke. 
As you do your best at not being honest and admitting to Toto, you fell in love with him the first time you saw him. It was instant.
Another week goes by, February starts, and the most stunning bouquet to this moment arrives. Okay, this one is a lot. 
—Good lord, "Creepy Flower Guy" went full force with this one; what did you do to him?! —Rose asks, jaw on the floor as she stares at that humongous thing.
—I have no fucking clue.
—You think he is about to reveal himself? —Oliver points out. —Maybe this is a "going out with a BANG!".
—Honestly, I don't care much about it anymore —you admit. You feel several heads turning your way, shocked.
"It's not who I would like it to be," you think. You don't need to say more to know that Oliver and Rose get it.
That working day was cut short since it was the Monster-sponsored "Spartan Race," a cross-fit competition. 
Many coworkers listed at the contest held outside on the garden grounds where a fancy circuit got built, but not you. You volunteered to help deliver the medals to the participants at the finish line.
In the meantime, you take a good spot with Oliver to watch the competition unfold and cheer for Rose.
—You go, Rambo! —you scream at her as she completes another obstacle course.
You watch Toto pass in those goddamn shorts, looking so hot, all sweaty. Toto's shirt's tight fabric on the skin leaves little to the imagination.
You meet him at the finish line an hour later, as you are now doing your duty. As soon as he notices you, he starts to jog in your direction with the most mischievous smile.
—Oh no, no, no! Don't you even...! —you receive the biggest and tightest hug from a sweaty, wet, and full of dirt and mud Toto.
—OH GOD! Get off! —you pull him away, making yucky faces.
—I was hoping to bump into you at the circuit! —he tells you, still with a lot of energy, as you place his gold medal on his neck, he is bending to your height.
—I'm not that sporty; you would have to drag me to the finish line.
—I would have gladly carried you around in these powerful arms! —he jokes while flexing.
You roll your eyes at him.
The next day, at your desk.
As you blast the newest episode of your favorite crime podcast, Rose and Oliver start making eye contact with you, trying to grab your attention, moving their eyes several times to the left as you take out your AirPods.
—Sure, those things cancel noise! I have spent about an hour trying to talk to you!
Oh shit, you jump a little at the sound of Toto's voice near your ear.
—Were you listening to a murder podcast? At work?! You are going to hurt your ears; I was able to hear it from here —Toto is leaning on the left side of your desk.
—Maybe... I was... —you look at him with squinted eyes, and he looks back at you the same way.
—What is that thing?! —Toto says, a bit disgusted at the exuberance, pointing to the enormous bouquet beside your computer.
—It's a long story —you try to avoid the subject.
—I want to hear it when I return. I will not join you at lunch today or the rest of the week.
—Bummer, where are you going then? —you turn in your chair to face him.
Everyone looks at you with a "Did you really ask the boss that?" face.
—Austria, It's my mom's birthday.
—Aw, sweet, wish her a happy birthday for me!
—I will —you look at each other tenderly, both wanting to say more. You suddenly feel the desperate need to hug Toto, but a simple: —See you next week, then! —comes out of your mouth, ending the interaction.
It's almost Valentine's Day, and Toto has returned from his little adventure in the mountains; he laughs when you text him that. You two talked even more than usual every day during his absence.
So you text him if you could go up to his office.
—Knock, knock —you say as you pop your head in at his door.
He brightens as he sees you, fully smiling at you, making your stomach feel butterflies. 
—Please, come in!
You approach his desk, holding something in your hands; it's an envelope with an invitation in the old-fashioned way. —Hi! —you smile big at him. —I have the obligation to invite you to the traditional "Lonely Hearts Party" on Valentine's Day!
—No one wants the boss at an outside-the-office party —he looks at you a bit taken out.
—Yeah, I know, we know. But still, you are invited. It's for singles only, assuming that you are single, which no one thinks you are, so here —you feel Toto's hand touching yours as you deliver him the envelope, leaving you with a lingering sensation on your fingers, a very Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy moment in your delulu mind.
—I'm going to be in Brazil, but thank you anyway, and yes, I'm single —he pays attention to your reaction to his words, and you pray for him not to notice the little happy smile forming on your lips. —Are you... are you like... seeing someone? —he asks you.
—I'm going to attend the Lonely Hearts Party, you think?! Listen, my neighbor, Miss Tailor, is 80 and has a boyfriend; even that old rag has seen more action than me this year!
Toto's palm goes onto his face, bursting with laughter; he is laughing so hard at your comment that no sound comes out of his throat, just hallows of air, and he goes all red, not believing your words. —You are quite something! —He lets you know and looks at you with adoration, his face resting on his hand and his elbow on the desk. 
—I know —you nod, kidding. —Anyway, have a nice day, and see you later!
During that day's lunch break, Toto demands you to explain to him in detail all about that "Creepy Flower Guy," he even ventures to guess who he is after listening to the whole story.
—Milo, Ben, and Ansel all have stared you down when you walk past in front of them, with lust obviously, and I heard Finn once complimenting your good looks to say it nicely —he informs you.
Is that jealousy you detect?
Toto does pay attention.
It's Wednesday, and your car is out in maintenance, so you make it extra early on that day at the office; you wanted to avoid risking it being late since you aren't used to using public transport to get there.
You make it just in time to witness Mike walking away from your desk inside your desert office through the glass panel wall from afar. As you walk to your chair, you notice new flowers are already in place. You feel your heartbeat going full speed and a wave of disappointment washing you over; what were you expecting, for it to really be Toto?
That entire day, you remain all moody and quiet, and your friends notice it, but you say nothing about it.
You even ask your boss to leave early, being unable to handle being near Toto today, which leaves him worried, judging by the four texts and two missed phone calls you received from him, wondering where you are and if everything is okay.
Four days later, you are like nothing has happened. As you walk your way to enter the building where you work, you notice Toto sitting alone in the distance, having a call; you slowly start to walk toward him, switching paths.
He finally has returned from his trip to Stuggart.
—Well, the "Creepy Flower Guy" saga has come to an end, my friend; I found out who he is —you inform him, unenthusiastic, as you sit on the bench in the pond's garden right next to him.
—You don't seem so excited —Toto's eyes look slightly concerned as he tells you.
—Well, no, to be honest.
—Drumrolls —Toto says, trying to lift your spirits, slapping his thighs, making the sound. —And the creep is?!
—Mike, from financial.
—Magic Mike?! —Toto lets out a bit too loud.
—Are you sure? Like 100%? But how?!
You nod. —I saw Mike near my desk in the early hours a couple of days ago, and the flowers were there as he was walking away from the crime scene! Also, by the drawer full of flower receipts at his office desk. They all match the types of bouquets I received and have the exact dates.
—Are you creeping around in people's offices again?
—WAIT A MINUTE! I wasn't creeping into your office! 
—Oh no? What were you doing near my desk? Looking for Niki's cake?
—Shut up! I was looking for you. 
—Yes, I love to hide myself in there —Toto playfully and softly pushes you. 
—And NO! I wasn't creeping around in Mike's office; Anita sent me to get the notice she needed, and I went there; it turns out Mike was on holiday, but he left the instruction to collect it from the drawer on his desk, and then I opened the wrong drawer and BAMB! It was full of receipts and bills from the flower company that delivered my flowers. Not to be nosy, but Magic Mike is doing pretty well; I had no idea how expensive they were!
—Wait! But you aren't telling me! Are you into Magic Mike? Do you fancy him?
—No, not him, anyway.
Toto stares intensely at you and wants to say more. If you weren't so in the zone, you would have noticed it and given him a chance, but no, you continue blurting out words.
—But I will go and thank him, I guess. I don't want to hurt him; he is lovely. Everyone told me to go out on a date with him. I don't feel like it right now, but it's not always love at first sight, right? Maybe that doesn't even exist; I was expecting to fall in love, you know, movie style, but that may not be real, or at least not for girls like me. Besides, Valentine's Day is approaching, and I don't feel like spending it alone again —you let out a sigh after talking forever.
—Weren't you going to that Lonely Hearts Party? It sounds fun. It's better than going on a date with someone you don't like just to feel better —Toto tells you a bit moody.
—Oh god, I love you; you are always right; you are so annoying —you add while hugging and kissing him on the cheek. —Is there any chance I can fit in your suitcase for Brazil? I wouldn't mind spending Valentine's Day with a hot Brazilian or at the beach.
Toto laughs while shaking his head.
—I have to go! —you complain, checking the hour on your smartwatch. —Unfortunately, I have work to pretend to do! 
—Sometimes I feel you forget I'm the boss here —he jokes with you as he crosses his arms and watches you walk backward, still facing him, getting further away.
It's the Wednesday before Valentine's Day, and to everyone's surprise, the flowers stop arriving.
"Did Toto tell Mike I don't like him and to stop sending me flowers?" You take out your phone to text him.
—Apparently, even "Creepy Flower Guy" gave up on me.
—Really?! —Toto replies.
—Yes. No flowers today.
He gives you no further information, no replying text comes your way.
It's Valentine's Day, and you are wearing a shiny red mini dress with matching bow heels to the Lonely Hearts Party.
You took your time doing your makeup, which you feel you nailed, and your hair looks sleek. 
As you check yourself in the mirror, you feel confident and hot!
After several drinks and enjoying the music and the vibe, you relish the party, but your mind keeps wandering to the anticlimactic ending of the flower guy mystery.
The only crime and murder here was the one of your feelings and heart.
Two hours later, you start to feel bummed out enough after witnessing many hookups and new couples forming, slightly envious of them and feeling lonelier than ever, aching that Toto was here with you instead of Brazil. You decide you've had enough and are about to leave when you feel a soft finger tap on your right shoulder. You turn around to see who it is.
Definitely, you aren't ready for the scene that greets you.
Toto is standing right before you, holding a bouquet in his hands, looking extremely handsome, with a shy smile on his lips.
—What are you doing here?! —you look astonished at him. Am I that drunk?! Thinking you are seeing things now.
—I felt like delivering them to you in person from now on —he offers you the roses.
Your brain takes its time to process his words and what's happening. This is really happening.
—You are? —you try to say and instinctively grab the bouquet.
—The Creepy Flower Guy, yes.
You laugh at the sound of the nickname on his lips.
—Let's call him "flower guy" from now on.
—Yeah, let's call him Toto better, or my love, if you prefer. I hope you aren't as disappointed this time.
—But Mike? —you ask, confused.
—Have you ever heard of the terms invoice and tax returns? He does my accounting, too. Mike helped me deliver the flowers till I felt ready to show myself. He is a long friend of mine.
—That's why he had all the receipts; that makes sense. Wait!
You close the distance between Toto and you and place a kiss on his lips; getting on your tiptoes, he slowly and hungrily starts kissing you more, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer, not letting you move an inch away from him.
—Thank you for the flowers, my love but weren't you supposed to be in Brazil by now? —you ask him as you both catch your breaths.
His lips are so soft and warm.
—Oh, I'm going to be in Brazil soon, but I forgot to mention to you that you would also be there. Happy Valentine's Day, my love! —he gives you another long and delicious kiss.
—Shouldn't I have packed? —you ask against his lips, already overthinking.
Toto shakes his head.
—We aren't going to need much clothes, anyway. -
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arvandus · 16 hours
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Hello everyone, I've decided to join the @ficsforgaza fundraiser. I've had a couple people express interest, and I think that every little bit helps. I will be offering WIP donations as well as drabble requests.
Donations are to be submitted to a vetted fundraiser. Do NOT send donations directly to me or to @ficsforgaza. Once you have completed the donation, send me a private screenshot of proof of the donation. Once I receive proof, I will update my WIP and request list and begin writing!
If you have any questions about the donation process, please view the pinned post for @ficsforgaza. If you have questions about the WIPs or requests, please reach out to me.
Total funds raised: $16
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$2 donation = 100 words
1k word maximum ($20 donation)
Send me a character/characters and a dialogue prompt, trope, or just an overall idea that's been plaguing your brain lately and I'll write a short drabble/ficlet for you!
Fandoms I will write for: BNHA, Obey Me!, Wind Breaker, JJK, Haikyuu, Blue Lock, Black Butler, AOT, Bleach, Tokyo Revengers, Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters I will write for: Any! Bring it on, I love a challenge.
Will write: x reader (any gender), character ships, OCs, aged-up characters; SFW/NSFW, dark content (noncon/dubcon, yandere, etc). NSFW & dark content requests must provide proof of being 18 or older (request made off anon with age indicator in your tumblr bio). Note: If you want to make a NSFW/dark content request but remain publicly anonymous, send me a private message OR the same request off anon so I can verify. I will respond to your request using only the anon submission once you're verified.
Will not write: pedophilia; NSFW minors (even if no adult character is involved); anything involving bodily fluids that aren't saliva, tears, or blood; eggs, oviposition; a/b/o. If you're unsure about your request, you can message me privately and I'll be happy to answer, no judgment. :)
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This list is extensive but by no means complete (I have many more ideas but they haven't been started yet). Here's to hoping your support will help me to clear some of these out of my drafts. :)
$1 donation = 100 words
No donation limit!
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The Confessions of Flowers (Barbatos x GN!Reader) - oneshot; SFW; fluff; friends to lovers
Synopsis: You and Barbatos exchange gifts of flowers and herbs as a way to communicate your feelings to each other.
Current WC: 971
Estimated Completed WC: 1,500
Sponsored WC: 0
Love and Duty - Chapter 2 (Barbatos x f!Reader) - multichapter; SFW (for now); one-sided fake dating; Barb catches feelings (eventually)
Continuation of my multichapter Barb fic. Chapter 1 can be found here.
Current WC: 3,796
Estimated Completed WC: 7,000
Sponsored WC: 0
Just A Game (Barbatos x f!Reader) - oneshot; NSFW; predator/prey; consensual non-con.
Synopsis: It was your idea. You were the one who asked Barbatos to play this game, to hunt you throughout the empty castle while the prince is away. But you didn't expect him to be this good at it.
Current WC: 347
Estimated Completed WC: 4,000
Sponsored WC: 0
Untitled oneshot (Mammon x f!Reader) - oneshot; NSFW; hurt/comfort; car sex
Synopsis: Mammon has had it with the teasing and bullying at his expense. But at least he has one person in his corner - you. You, who tells off his brothers. You who seeks him out. And you who finds him sitting alone by himself in his car.
Current WC: 1883
Estimated Completed WC: 3,000-4,000
Sponsored WC: 0
A Formal Affair (Barbatos x f!Reader x Diavolo) - oneshot; NSFW; public sex but away from prying eyes and ears; casual sexual arrangement; threesome with focus on Reader (reader sandwich!); size kink; anal; oral; questionable uses for a tail... who knows what else, I just go where the hormones tell me.
Synopsis: A formal date with Diavolo to a classical performance, with Barbatos in tow as his loyal shadow, devolves into a night of pleasure and sin that you never expected.
Current WC: 2,892
Estimated Completed WC: 8,000
Sponsored WC: 0
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Blood-bound (Sebastian Michaelis x f!Reader) - oneshot; NSFW; toxic/dark themes; enemies to lovers (but still enemies); blood feeding/drinking, bandages, injuries, rough handling.
Synopsis: The was no one you hated more than Sebastian Michaelis. He was arrogant, sinister, manipulative... and, the most obvious reason, a fucking demon. Which made it all the more infuriating when you woke up to your fatal wounds sealed shut and a hot, raging fire of desire coursing through your veins. A desire that only burned for one arrogant, sinister, manipulative demon.
Current WC: 9,139
Estimated Completed WC: 13,000
Sponsored WC: 0
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Dabi Christmas Special (Dabi x GN!Reader) - oneshot; SFW; fluff.
Synopsis: You've been repairing Dabi's clothes for him, strengthening their fire resistance with your quirk, for months now. But you never expected him to show up on Christmas Eve, of all nights.
Current WC: 680
Estimated WC: 1,500 - 2,000
Sponsored WC: 0
Tethered (Dabi x f!Reader) - oneshot; NSFW; weed & alcohol consumption; Dabi's an asshole but he's hot.
Synopsis: Insomnia is nothing new for you. It's nothing new for Dabi, either. It's why he's already sitting at the hideout's bar drinking his memories away when you show up for your own night cap. You think nothing of it... just another night of bantering and sarcasm. That is, until he makes you an offer you didn't expect.
Current WC: 6,288
Estimated WC: 8,000
Sponsored WC: 0
The Fall (Overhaul x f!Reader) - oneshot (two parter that will be posted simultaneously); childhood friends to lovers; angst; violence; eventual NSFW in later parts; yandere undertones as things progress.
Synopsis: You'd known Kai Chisaki since that fateful day you saw him, young and filthy, enter the Shie Hassaikai grounds on the heels of the Boss. Over time, a tentative bond between the two of you formed, growing stronger as you got older. But it wasn't enough to keep the young man from spiraling, losing himself in his obsession of purging the world of quirks. After all, he was doing it for you. He was doing it all for you.
Current WC: 9,355
Estimated Completed WC: 20,000
Sponsored WC: 0
Cat and Mouse (Bakugou x f!Reader) - oneshot; NSFW; enemies to lovers; hero vs. villain.
Synopsis: Bakugou prides himself on his ability to stop any villain in their tracks. His record is impeccable, his reputation flawless. That is, until he crosses paths with you, a cat burglar with a quirk that always leaves him three steps behind. Oh, it also doesn't help that you drive him absolutely, utterly wild.
Current WC: 2,603
Estimated Completed WC: 6,000 (hopefully?)
Sponsored WC: 0
Protector (title is tentative) (Bakugou x f!Reader) - oneshot; angst, hurt/comfort; love confession; NSFW
Synopsis: Bakugou's one job was to protect you. You weren't supposed to get hurt. But you did, and now he had to deal with the fallout. It calls into question everything he thought and felt about you. He thought he hated you. He thought you were a pain in the ass. And he thought he couldn't wait for this fucking assignment to be over. But the threat of loss, he realized, hurt more than the threat of failure. And coming so close to losing you has him rethinking every assumption he'd ever made. If only he could figure out what you were thinking. If only he could understand why you jumped in a protected him.
Current WC: 120
Estimated Completed WC: 5,000
Sponsored WC: 0
Untitled oneshot (Aizawa x f!Reader) - oneshot; established relationship; NSFW; somnophilia (consensual)
Synopsis: A heavy work day leaves you exhausted and drained. Luckily for you, you have Aizawa waiting for you at home with the promise of a much-needed massage. Unfortunately, it's impossible for you to stay awake once you're in the comfort of your bed and you have his warm, rough hands on you... but that doesn't stop him from loving every inch of you.
Current WC: 2,053
Estimated completed WC: 4,000
Sponsored WC: 0
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The Ties That Bind - Chapter 1 (Inumaki x f!Reader) - multichapter; arranged marriage; canon adjacent future AU; slowburn; pining; hurt/comfort; mild enemies to lovers.
Synopsis: Inumaki didn't want this. He didn't want any of this. But his loyalty to his clan, and the potential fallout if he refused, forced his hand. Now he's bound for marriage to a total stranger all in an attempt to preserve the Gojo clan bloodline and keep the Six Eyes technique from extinction. The only problem is, you don't want to be here either. And neither of you want to have children.
Current WC: 4,584
Estimated completed WC (for chapter 1): 7,000
Sponsored WC: 0
A Promise To The Dead - Chapter 1 (Gojo x f!Reader) - multichapter fic; Nanami's widow!Reader; pregnant!Reader; canon divergence; childbirth and child-rearing; angst; drama; JJK politics; slowburn; pining; friends to lovers; violence & NSFW in future chapters
Synopsis: Nanami was never supposed to marry, but he did anyway. He was never supposed to have children, but here you were, belly round and filled with life. And Nanami was never ever supposed to die. Now it was Gojo who was left to pick up the pieces, trying to force them together into something believable, something you would accept. Because Nanami never told you what he really was. He never told you about the world of curses and sorcerers. He did it to protect you, of course... to keep you and his unborn child far away from violence and death. But Gojo knew better. He knew that there was no way to keep it from you forever. And when your child's sorcerer abilities manifest at the age of five, he's forced to take you and your child in. It doesn't matter that you hate him. It doesn't matter that you blame him for your late husband's death. And it doesn't matter that a deep, secret part of him has wanted you since the very beginning. Because he made a promise a long time ago that if anything were to happen to Nanami, that Gojo would make sure you were protected and provided for. And Gojo cannot not bring himself to break a promise with the dead.
Current WC: 396
Estimated Completed WC: 8,000
Sponsored WC: 0
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annahnana · 9 days
fast food under 500 - wendy's (w/ protein)
breakfast ~ * small seasoned potatoes (230 cal, 3g protein) * honey butter biscuit (310 cal, 3g protein) * medium seasoned potatoes (330 cal, 4g protein) * bacon, egg and cheese muffin (390 cal, 17g protein) * sausage gravy & biscuit (400 cal, 6g protein) * large seasoned potatoes (410 cal, 6g protein) * bacon egg & cheese biscuit (420 cal, 16g protein) * bacon, egg and cheese croissant (430 cal, 13g protein) * sausage biscuit (450 cal, 11g protein) * 4 piece french toast sticks (450 cal, 11g protein) * chicken biscuit (500 cal, 14g protein)
burgers ~ * jr. hamburger (250 cal, 13g protein) * jr. cheeseburger (290 cal, 14g protein) * jr. cheeseburger deluxe (340 cal, 15g protein) * jr. bacon cheeseburger (370 cal, 18g protein) * double stack (410 cal, 23g protein) * bacon double stack (440 cal, 26g protein)
chicken sandwiches ~ * crispy chicken sandwich (330 cal, 13g protein) * grilled chicken ranch wrap (420 cal, 27g protein) * crispy chicken blt (420 cal, 18g protein) * spicy/classic chicken sandwich (490 cal, 28g protein)
nuggets ~ * 4 pc chicken nuggets (180 cal, 10g protein) * 4 pc spicy chicken nuggets (190 cal, 10g protein) * 6 pc chicken nuggets (270 cal, 15g protein) * 6 pc spicy chicken nuggets (280 cal, 15g protein) * 10 pc chicken nuggets (450 cal, 25g protein) * 10 pc spicy chicken nuggets (470 cal, 26g protein)
sides ~ * apple bites (35 cal, no protein) * jr fries (210 cal, 3g protein) * chili (240 cal, 16g protein) * small fries (260 cal, 4g protein) * plain baked potato (270 cal, 7g protein) * sour cream and chive baked potato (310 cal, 8g protein) * large chili (340 cal, 22g protein) * medium fries (350 cal, 5g protein) * cheese baked potato (450 cal, 15g protein) * bacon cheese baked potato (440 cal, 17g protein) * baconator fries (460 cal, 14g protein) * cheese fries (470 cal, 9g protein) * large fries (470 cal, 7g protein)
beverages ~ * hot coffee, all sizes (all 5 cal, no protein) * iced tea (5-10-10 cal, no protein) * cold brew, all sizes (15-15-25 cal, all 1g protein) * strawberry sweet tea (140-240-270 cal, no protein) * caramel frosty cream cold brew, all sizes (160-220-300 cal, 4-5-7g protein) * vanilla frosty cream cold brew, all sizes (170-220-300 cal, 4-5-7g protein) * chocolate frosty cream cold brew, all sizes (170-220-310 cal, 4-5-7g protein) * sweetened iced tea (190-270-320 cal, no protein) * all natural lemonade (190-280-330 cal, no protein) * strawberry lemonade (230-330-420 cal, no protein) * pineapple mango lemonade, all sizes (260-330-420 cal, no protein) * blueberry pomegranate lemonade, all sizes (240-350-450 cal, no protein)
desserts ~ * chocolate frosty, jr-medium (190-310-390 cal, 6-10-12g protein) * orange dreamsicle frosty, jr-medium (200-320-410 cal, 5-9-11g protein) * oatmeal bar (280 cal, 3g protein) * chocolate chunk cookie (330 cal, 3g protein) * sugar cookie (330 cal, 3g protein)
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foodffs · 8 months
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This classic Croque Madame is a highly sophisticated grilled cheese sandwich filled with ham and creamy Mornay sauce and topped with a sunny-side-up egg. This is a must-try for all egg sandwich lovers and is the ultimate comfort food breakfast. 
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twsted-kinks · 2 months
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Djsjdjjd the monster fuckers are hungry 👀 👀 👀Love to see so many people like the ideas and git some if there own! Gonna number each of these and give me thoughts for each one.
I can't believe I didn't think about Rollo but yes definitely a human trying to "save" Yuu from monsters. Your ask got me thinking and now my priest kink came to mind cause just imagine Rollo is the priest for a church in a small village with Yuu being maybe like the black sheep of the village. Rollo wants to "save" because Yuu 1) is a witch (with Grim as their familiar) or potion maker 2) they often go to the neighboring village filled with monsters 3) if Rollo saves them then Yuu would be indebted and would have to marry him 👀. I'm just imaging him is a cassock and it's making me feel things. I could do the classic seducing a priest during confessional fic but there's a lot of depends. I really love the idea of Yuu taking Rollo's virginity but an idea I love more is Yuu and Malleus both fucking Rollo like a Rollo sandwich of him fucking Yuu and Malleus fuckijg both Yuu and Rollo because double decker dick.
I love slimes for all the sexual shenanigans you can do with them that I think work well for Cater. As a slime, he can make copies of himself like his unique magic so multiple Cater's to fuck. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Cater, as a slime, can squeeze into a lot of places fully or leave small parts of himself behind. For the voyeur side, he can leave a little bit of his slime in your home that watches you undress, bathe, pleasure yourself, or pleasure others even. He could also make himself a pseudo ovipositior and leave little eggs, which are just a part of him, inside you. He has complete control of the little slimes so his "eggs" can move around while inside you. You could also be inside of him. Like his body can almost act like a blanket or restraint that was around you as he fills your holes. He can also kinda shape-shift and have whatever and any number of parts he wants. What I'm debating about Cater is if he's translucent or not or both. I'm probably gonna go with him being a translucent pink color naturally but can change colors and opacity so he can turn into other people at least look wise.
I love Riddle centaur! Show horse having to be all proper and formal but he turns to mush around Yuu. One if my favorite centaur tropes I think works very well for Riddle, has a boner but can't reach. Whenever he gets horny he can't do anything about it! He's never been able to touch himself :( I don't have an order of who Yuu will fuck but I do know for Riddle that his first time with Yuu is gonna be because they take pity of the poor centaur, cock dripping and balls heavy with no release.
Bunny Deuce I think is so cute and works so well for him, and, yes, he fucks like a rabbit. He totally hooks his arms around your torso and apologizes as he ruts into you. He's sorry he can't stop you just feel too good! Or maybe he's ridding you reverse cowgirl and you see his little tail wiggling as he cums 🤤. The thing I'm not sure about with Deuce or with a number of the monster au guys is if I want to go the hybrid route (basically human with animal ears and limbs) or or full fantasy furry kinda deal (kinda like a classic minotaur but different animal heads and other traits)
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cutestkilla · 10 months
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Tea for (more than) Two
So, in a delightful turn of events, I recently got together with some pals who are also TOTALLY NORMAL about Carry On. And we did our best to replicate afternoon tea at Lady Ruth’s house. And I thought it would be kinda fun to share the results (and some recipes, which are at the end under the cut). So, here they are, featuring:
Scones! (Sour cherry, ofc.)
Cake! (Chocolate with Chocolate-Orange Buttercream featuring a super respectful remembrance, Lemon Drizzle, and Classic Victoria Sandwich.)
Lavender Earl Grey shortbread cookies!
Finger sandwiches! (Egg & cress, Lemon and prawn, Caprese on focaccia, and Coronation chicken - all on freshly baked bread.)
A selection of teas! (Including Simon's Sour Cherry looseleaf blend, Simon Snow Tea, some proper English Breakfast, and of course Earl Grey.)
A giant slab of butter! (Fancy butter.)
A basil plant!
A crucible!
A sword through the table!
Special cameos by a Watford goat (wings hidden) and Prof. Minos (tiny fluffy edition)!
Sadly, no tea trolley, but we did our best to provide glamorous staging anyway.
It was pretty much the best, guys! Highly recommend. Recipes (including dairy-free versions for many treats) below the cut.
Chocolate cake with chocolate-orange buttercream (dairy-free)
Using this recipe for the cake, and this one for the frosting (instructions at the end for a chocolate variant). A hot tip is to use egg whites instead of aquafaba (they whip up much faster) and of course to add orange zest, per AWTWB ch 89.
Lemon Drizzle Cake (dairy-free)
Using this recipe, using vegan butter and replacing the self-raising flour with some flour/baking powder/salt ratio from the internet. Garnish with Kellogg's ICEE Cereal or any other weird cereal you saw at the store and couldn't resist trying, for a little visual flair.
Classic Victoria Sandwich (dairy-free)
Using this recipe, substituting butter with vegan butter, milk with a non-dairy milk alternative (ideally soy but in this case oat milk was used), and replacing the self-raising flour with the same flour/baking powder/salt ratio from the internet as above. Regular old granulated sugar can be used in place of caster sugar. Garnished this with some black raspberries, but any attractive fruit (or weird cereal) could be used.
Sour Cherry Scones
This recipe from the Joy of Cooking does the trick! Use the GOOD butter.
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Lavender Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies
You can find the recipe here
Overnight Focaccia Bread
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Lemon and Prawn Sandwiches
This recipe came from @cookingmywaythroughcarryon and there are tons more there for tea party inspiration, including alternate versions of some of the above, so definitely check it out!
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fullcravings · 11 months
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Vegan Classic Ice Cream Sandwiches
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evildadstims · 15 days
Puppy snacks!
-Scooby-Doo cookies (a classic)
-Peanut butter (also a classic- varieties include sun butter, almond butter, etc if you can't have peanuts)
-Any sort of cookies. Shortbread and sugar cookies can be made in the shape of bones!
-Any sort of dried meat or fruits/vegetables
-Cereal, with or without milk
-Small chocolate pieces (not for real doggies but to celebrate our newfound ability to eat it!)
-M&Ms (same as above)
-Scrambled eggs
-Tuna salad (like wet dog food! I like just tuna n mayo for simplicity)
-Graham crackers
-Crackers/sandwich crackers
-Meat and cheese slices, cheese cubes/sticks
-Ice cubes
-Ice cream
-Whipped cream/cool whip (make yourself a pup cup)
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(ID in alt text)
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greenthena · 6 months
The Eldritch Ball or Aziraphale's Macabre Danse
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I'm a huge sucker for dark classical music (I'm using the term "classical" broadly, not referring to the specific period. Music-y folks, please forgive.) As such, Saint-Saëns's "Danse Macabre" is one of my all time favorite pieces. It's spooky. It's intentionally dissonant. It's even got a jump scare! Like, literally, the perfect piece of music.
The story behind "Danse Macabre" goes like this: Each Halloween at midnight, Death enters the graveyard with a fiddle. As he plays, the skeletons rise from the ground and dance through the cemetery, resurrected by Death's power and possessed by his instrument.
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In S2 E3, the Bentley plays "Danse Macabre" as Aziraphale drives up to Edinburgh. "What do we do? We play classical music that stays classical music." (And the Bentley listens to him! Because the Bentley is an expression of Crowley's subconscious and wants to please him and make him happy...and I'm sure you can find lots of excellent metas to that end. Or maybe you have another theory about why the Bentley is so pliant toward the angel? I'd love to hear it. But that's not what I'm talking about right now. I'm just getting distracted.)
Why is this song so perfect for a bit of subtle foreshadowing and repeated metaphor? So glad you asked. I have reasons. And evidence. Please, peruse my wares.
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In the A Plot of this episode, Aziraphale travels to Scotland to visit a pub called The Resurrectionist. (Ya know, like Death? Like how Death resurrects people in the song? Okay, just wanted to really hit that nail into the coffin.) The pub is, of course, named for a certain Mr. (not Dr., he's a surgeon) Dalrymple, whom Crowley and Aziraphale meet in the accompanying flashback minisode entitled (you'll never guess) "The Resurrectionist." The minisode plot involves Crowley and his the angel encountering young Elspeth, a grave robber who, like Death, releases the bodies of the deceased from their earthly bonds of soil and stone. My interpretation is that Elspeth becomes Death incarnate, first in the process of using her instrument (her shovel) to resurrect the dead, and later when she inadvertently brings about the literal death of her partner, Wee Morag. Rather than allow Wee Morag's body to turn to dust in the ground, Elspeth "resurrects" her, selling her body to Dr. Dalrymple (sorry, Mr. Dalrymple, he's a surgeon, not a doctor), who will use Wee Morag's body for research, which will in turn save the lives of countless others by furthering the field of medicine. A form of resurrection, indeed. There's also the plot thread of Crowley and Aziraphale providing Elspeth with a nest egg to escape the cycle of poverty into which she has been born. This, too, is another form of re-birth. Or, say it with me, resurrection. Alright, you're getting it now.
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Okay, now I get to delve into the fun stuff. Let's talk about that cotillion ball, shall we? You know, that danse party where Aziraphale persuades all the shopkeepers on Whickber street to attend a Jane Austen-style ball?
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I personally refer to this whole fiasco experience as the Eldritch Ball. On the surface, it seems fairly innocent. The shopkeepers need a little bit of encouragement to attend the Whickber Street monthly meeting, but the angel manages to convince everyone to join with the help of some coercion-via-bribery. When they show up, they're transmuted into Austen-esque characters, from their clothes, to their speech patterns, even to some extent, their perception of reality. This is where it starts to get a little uncomfortable if you peel back the layers. Mrs. Sandwich can't talk about what she does for a living, which is a great comedy bit, but also demonstrates that her speech is being significantly censored and altered by an outside force. With the exception of Mr. Brown (hidden agendas here, Neil? I honestly don't know), all the shopkeepers find themselves in new, slightly-period-appropriate garments. What's really weird, though, is that no one notices the changes. When the dancing begins, to the music of Mr. Anderson's piano and an accompanying string quartet (strings...as in violins...as in fiddles. Remember Death's fiddle?), Nina appears to be the only one who realizes that something is off.
Maggie: This is something new.
Nina: This is something completely bonkers. Are we...? Why is everyone talking like they've escaped from Pride and Prejudice?
Maggie: Just getting into the spirit of things, I suppose.
Nina: The spirit of what things? This is meant to be the shopkeeper association monthly meeting.
Maggie: Hmm. Yes. Now that you put it like that...
Nina: Are we dancing?
Maggie: Yes.
Nina: Did you ever learn the steps to this dance?
Maggie: It's just what we do, isn't it?
Nina: No. No, it isn't. This is something mad. This is their [Crowley & Azirapahle's] fault. They're doing this.
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Something is definitely mad. One might even say it's macabre. Aziraphale has become Death the Resurrectionist. He has lured the shopkeepers of Whickber Street through a portal (as Death leads his flock from the world of the dead to the world of the living.) Aziraphale's instrument is his clipboard and pen, held almost as one might hold a fiddle and bow, as he invites the various shopkeepers to the monthly meeting. Once they all arrive, he miraculously gives them new clothes (as Death knits together the bones of the dead), and then proceeds to control their bodies and minds, as though they are merely marionettes. They dance and speak in the way Aziraphale imagines, fulfilling his fantasy of a perfect Jane Austen-style ball (quite literally, the Danse Macabre.)
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The shopkeepers have become the dead and Aziraphale controls them until the spell is broken--or rather until the window is broken.
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To be honest, I don't think Aziraphale is really aware of how much he is able to transfigure his environment, including the humans who happen to be close by. Or, at least, I don't believe he does any of this with ill intent. He's just a bit blind to anything outside his fixation of wooing Crowley, at the moment. As a result, he creates a situation that is profoundly problematic and unnatural. Just like the dead in the graveyard have no agency when Death plays his fiddle, the Whickber Street shopkeepers are possessed by Aziraphale's intricate romantic fantasy and must dance as long as the music plays.
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It is, in fact, only when the music stops, that the shopkeepers begin to realize that something is most certainly weird. The diagetic music (Mr. Anderson & Co.) abruptly cuts off when an approaching demon horde tosses a brick through the bookshop window. Now the spell, or in this case, miracle, begins to break down. While the shopkeepers still appear to be somewhat under the influence of Aziraphale's persuasive aura, a few of them glance down at their clothes in confusion and look around the bookshop, as though waking from a dream. And at this point, after a little finagling, Crowley escorts the humans out of the bookshop and out of Aziraphale's Danse Macabre.
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Once the demons attack the bookshop Aziraphale's influence on his surroundings really starts to deteriorate. Throughout the season, he's been able to structure and manipulate reality (sometimes with Crowley's help) to suit his needs: protecting Gabriel, altering the Bentley, organizing the Ball, etc. But once the bookshop, his safe space, has been breached, he loses control of the situation. From this point in the narrative, nothing goes according to Aziraphale's plan. Aziraphale wants to protect Jimbriel, but the former archangel insists on giving himself over to the demons. Crowley leaves and Aziraphale has to defend the bookshop on his own, when he'd expected Crowley to come right back and save him. While defending the bookshop, Aziraphale reaches his "last" resort not once, but twice: first allowing Nina and Maggie to use his books (!!!) as weapons and then blowing up his halo in a last ditch effort to fend off the invaders. This was not on the agenda for today!
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Things just continue to go downhill from there, Aziraphale losing all control of the situation. And by the time the Final Fifteen wraps up, the angel has lost his bookshop and possibly his most important relationship. By the end of the season, Aziraphale is no longer Death the Resurrectionist, the manipulator and puppeteer. Now the angel has become the puppet, dancing to Heaven's music.
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jenntastic10 · 10 months
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🌸 Indulge in a Delightful Afternoon Tea Experience! 🌸
Join us for a truly enchanting afternoon tea that will transport you to a world of elegance and indulgence. Our full afternoon tea menu offers a delightful three-course experience that is sure to satisfy your cravings.
✨ First Course:
Indulge in a selection of delectable sandwiches, including the classic egg sandwich, mouthwatering smoked salmon and dill sandwich, refreshing cucumber sandwich, and the ever-delicious egg and cress sandwich. These perfectly crafted bites will tantalize your taste buds and leave you longing for more.
✨ Second Course:
Savor the timeless tradition of freshly baked scones served with clotted cream and jam. These warm, flaky delights are accompanied by a heavenly Battenberg cake, adding a touch of sweetness to your afternoon tea experience. And don't forget to relish our delightful fruit scone, bursting with juicy flavors.
✨ Third Course:
Treat yourself to a heavenly assortment of petit fours. Dive into the delicate and irresistible madeleines, indulge in the classic Victoria sponge with its light and airy layers, and savor the delicate and colorful macarons that will leave you in awe.
Embark on this journey of culinary bliss and make unforgettable memories with friends or loved ones. Immerse yourself in the ambiance, sip on a cup of perfectly brewed tea, and let the flavors take you on a sensational adventure.
🌺 Join us for an afternoon tea experience that will leave you craving for more! 🌺
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dogwoodbite · 5 months
The Classic:
- ciabatta + mayonnaise + dijon + fried egg
- everything bagel + cream cheese OR goat cheese + fried egg + sriracha
The Frenchboy:
- ciabatta + brie + salami + honey + fried egg
- ciabatta + brie + honey OR fig preserves + fried egg
- ciabatta + brie OR sharp cheddar + dijon OR honey + apple + fried egg
The Provincial Lady:
- ciabatta + goat cheese + honey + fried egg
- ciabatta + goat cheese + arugula + lemon juice / vinagrette + fried egg
Fancy Restaurant Burger:
- ciabatta + sauteed mushroom + sliced / sauteed / carmelized onion + fried egg
Poor Man's Lox Bagel:
- whatever bagel + cream cheese + red onion + tomato if you want + i never have capers around but use those probably + fried egg + smoked paprika
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pjackk · 2 years
Tummy roaring? Hunting for some grub? Come on down to Pjacks WorldWide Subfari to bag real trophey of a sandwich!
Check out our NEW and impoved menu!!!
The Mafioso Mexicano
Buttery garlic bread bun with a specialty New York Italiano Style Meat Ball & Pjacks "Spicy Abuelita" Ghost Peppuh Sauce. Generously seasoend with a secret Cumin & Powdered Parmasan mix!!!
Da Salty Dawg
A classic Pjacks Megadawg Hot Dog doused in Pjacks Old Fisherman Chum Sauwce (Old bay, oysters, imitation crab, mayo & tartar sauce puree) on a buttery buttery white bread bun!!!
Perfect Prototype Pimento
North carolina style pimento cheese mixed with Prototype Sauce (Ketshup, mayo, & a special secret...) on a yummy buttery white bread bun with 3 patty sausages
The Serpents Toungue
Congo anaconda steak, Pjacks Spicy "Venom" Dressing, sliced jalepenos, romaine lettuce, & cherry tomatoez on an artisanally buttery white bread bun!!
The Patriot Fist
Classic american style sandwich with lettuce, ham, swiss cheese, & ketchup on a big fat buttery white bread bun!
The Alpino Wino
Sourkraut & Red beet pickled quail eggs fried in beer batter with a red vinegar sauce on an authentically german or french or smthn buttery white bread bun!!
The Serpents Toungue
Congo jungle anaconda steak, Pjacks Spicy "Venom" Dressing, sliced jalepenos, romaine lettuce, & cherry tomatoez on an artisanally buttery white bread bun!!
The Kuma Wrap
A delicious & healthy wrap with plenty of avocado, diced tomato, red onion, shredded cheddar cheese, ground chinese bear sausage, blue cheese crumbles, romaine lettuce, Pjacks Tangy Buffalo Sawce, & a dash of ranch dressing all on a delicious buttery flour tortilla!
Da Steam Boat
Homestyle meat loaf with tons of juicy meaty creamy gravy & mini hush puppys on a buttery white bread bun worthy of a steam boat captain
Rejuvinator Cucumber Health Water
We are proud of our cucumber water which is known to cure disease we also have sodas if u want
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t4tozier · 3 months
some more richie and food hcs bc i want to:
he unironically loves spam
eddie thinks it’s disgusting but richie’s insistent that it doesn’t taste like cat food, eds, especially if you actually cook it
he’s a pretty adventurous eater in general and is always willing to try new stuff
he doesn’t like everything he tries but that doesn’t deter him from continuing to try stuff
he does love classic comfort food, though
mac and cheese, meatloaf, chili
pretty much anything with cheese meat or carbs he’s guaranteed to like
he is of the firm belief that bacon makes everything better
eddie will often find him making some wack ass midnight meal
sometimes it is a result of the munchies but not always and they are equally terrible and delicious either way
he used to hate vegetables but then he realized that he can literally prepare them however he wants and putting butter or cheese on them doesn’t negate the health benefits of the veggies
he loves a good chicken caesar too
his go to breakfast sandwich is egg hashbrown bacon arugula and hot honey on cinnamon raisin toast
he will make it every morning without fail
he has won multiple food challenges at restaurants and has a drawer for all of the dumb t shirts he gets as a result
eddie will never admit it and he gets away with it because he always looks disgusted in the moment but he thinks it’s hot as fuck
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